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My Nympho Wife.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #206699

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 23 white { } // unknown tag 88 length 151 movieClip 29 { } movieClip 31 { } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 40 { } movieClip 49 { } movieClip 51 { } movieClip 57 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 65 { } movieClip 69 { } movieClip 71 mainMenu { } movieClip 79 { } // unknown tag 88 length 146 movieClip 82 fileButton { } movieClip 84 saveLoadScreen { } movieClip 87 saveGame { } movieClip 90 { } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 92 premiumTopLeft { } // unknown tag 88 length 48 movieClip 98 patreonButton { } movieClip 100 overButtonShade { } movieClip 103 { } movieClip 108 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 116 { } movieClip 117 { } movieClip 121 lockIcon { } movieClip 122 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 124 optionsScreen { } // unknown tag 88 length 40 movieClip 130 noticeDialogueChoice { } movieClip 132 noticeDialogueBottom { } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 136 noticeDialogue { } // unknown tag 88 length 58 // unknown tag 88 length 215 movieClip 144 necessaryForItalics { } movieClip 146 { } movieClip 149 muteThing { } movieClip 151 menuBack { } movieClip 153 { } movieClip 154 loadingClip { } movieClip 157 loadGame { } movieClip 160 gallery { } movieClip 162 fileButtonSmaller { } movieClip 164 { } movieClip 192 dialogue_nympho { } movieClip 194 { } movieClip 199 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 203 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 207 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 225 dialogue { } movieClip 230 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 233 choiceBoxWIP { } movieClip 235 { } // unknown tag 88 length 91 movieClip 239 choiceBoxRemaid { } movieClip 241 { } movieClip 245 choiceBoxNympho { } movieClip 247 { } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 251 choiceBoxMenu { } movieClip 255 choiceBoxCrusoe { } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 261 choiceBoxBron { } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 269 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 271 choiceBoxPremium { } movieClip 273 choiceBox { } movieClip 281 cheatsTitle { } movieClip 287 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 291 cheatBox { } movieClip 293 black { } movieClip 296 { frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 440 { frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 7 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 19 { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 3 { function f2(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12) { f(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12); } function f(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12) { fCalledEvenOnce = true; if (s1 == undefined or s2 == undefined && (s3 != undefined or s4 != undefined)) { } parsing['s' + parser] = [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12]; var v1 = parsing['s' + parser]; for (var v4 in v1) { if (v1[v4] == undefined) { v1.splice(v4, 1); } } var v2 = false; if (v1.length == 1) { for (var v5 in commands) { if (v1[0] == commands[v5]) { v2 = true; } } if (!v2) { v1.splice(0, 0, 'thinking'); } } else { if (v1.length == 2 or v1.length == 3) { for (var v5 in commands) { if (v1[0] == commands[v5]) { v2 = true; } } if (!v2) { v1.splice(0, 0, 'talking'); } } } if (v1[0] == label) { if (v1[2] == undefined or v1[2] == true) { var v6 = v1[1]; parsing['s' + parser] = [jump, v1[1]]; v1 = parsing['s' + parser]; parser = Math.ceil((parser + 1) / 10000) * 10000; labels[v6] = parser; } else { labels[v1[1]] = parser; } } else { ++parser; } if (v1[0] == label) { allLabels.push(v1[1]); } else { if (v1[0] == 'talking' || v1[0] == 'thinking') { ++totalNumberOfDialogues; } else { if (v1[0] == 'ending') { var v3 = true; for (v4 in allUniqueEndings) { if (allUniqueEndings[v4] == v1[1]) { v3 = false; } } if (v3) { allUniqueEndings.push(v1[1]); } } else { if (v1[0] == jump) { allJumps.push(v1[1]); } else { if (v1[0] == 'person') { allPersonsAndMoods.push([v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]]); } else { if (v1[0] == 'choice' && v1[1] == undefined) { ++allChoices; } else { if (v1[0] == 'endChoice') { ++allEndChoices; } else { if (v1[0] == 'whatIf') { ++allIfs; } else { if (v1[0] == 'endIf') { ++allEndIfs; } } } } } } } } } } sourceDisclaimer = 'Sano Toshihide ga, Anata no Senyou Gengaman ni Narimasu S/N: GJ0169424'; stop(); parsing = new Object(); labels = new Object(); parser = 1; scene = 'scene'; doCall = 'doCall'; endCall = 'endCall'; textbox = 'textbox'; cheatRule = 'cheatRule'; registerCGBasesForCheats = 'registerCGBasesForCheats'; changeString = 'changeString'; sceneClip = 'sceneClip'; cg = 'cg'; cgs = 'cgs'; addButton = 'addButton'; animateOnce = 'animateOnce'; animateLoop = 'animateLoop'; addToCg = 'addToCg'; changeBg = 'changeBg'; panAll = 'panAll'; setFilter = 'setFilter'; setZoom = 'setZoom'; setAlpha = 'setAlpha'; url = 'url'; pan = 'pan'; setX = 'setX'; setY = 'setY'; jump = 'jump'; person = 'person'; removeAllChars = 'removeAllChars'; remove = 'remove'; swapDepth = 'swapDepth'; choice = 'choice'; endChoice = 'endChoice'; startGameAndJump = 'startGameAndJump'; continueLastGame = 'continueLastGame'; openMainMenu = 'openMainMenu'; playMusic = 'playMusic'; fadeIn = 'fadeIn'; chibi = 'chibi'; setVolume = 'setVolume'; playSound = 'playSound'; stopMusic = 'stopMusic'; label = 'label'; ending = 'ending'; effect = 'effect'; screenEffect = 'screenEffect'; removeScreenEffects = 'removeScreenEffects'; item = 'item'; mcItem = 'mcItem'; pause = 'pause'; whatIf = 'whatIf'; elseIf = 'elseIf'; pass = 'pass'; otherwise = 'otherwise'; endIf = 'endIf'; setVariable = 'setVariable'; incrementVariable = 'incrementVariable'; languageScreen = 'languageScreen'; screenIsALink = 'screenIsALink'; changeName = 'changeName'; save = 'save'; calculate = 'calculate'; black = 'black'; me = 'me'; right = 'right'; left = 'left'; center = 'center'; fadeOut = 'fadeOut'; commands = [label, save, cheatRule, fadeIn, changeString, setX, setY, registerCGBasesForCheats, swapDepth, textbox, pan, doCall, endCall, animateOnce, animateLoop, setVolume, panAll, setZoom, setAlpha, sceneClip, setFilter, chibi, removeScreenEffects, screenIsALink, addButton, calculate, changeName, openMainMenu, item, mcItem, playMusic, stopMusic, playSound, choice, continueLastGame, endChoice, person, scene, cg, addToCg, cgs, changeBg, ending, screenEffect, effect, startGameAndJump, jump, pause, url, setVariable, incrementVariable, whatIf, elseIf, otherwise, endIf, pass, languageScreen, removeAllChars, remove]; totalNumberOfDialogues = 0; allJumps = new Array(); allLabels = new Array(); allUniqueEndings = new Array(); allPersonsAndMoods = new Array(); allChoices = 0; allEndChoices = 0; allIfs = 0; allEndIfs = 0; x = ''; } frame 3 { h = 'h'; hi = 'hi'; m = 'm'; e = 'e'; w = '???'; pf = 'pf'; pm = 'pm'; all = 'all'; unknown = 'unknown'; c_t = 'c_t'; c_b = 'c_b'; c_e = 'c_e'; c_be = 'c_be'; } frame 3 { f(pause, 0.4); f(scene, 'wetpussygamessplash', 'fade'); f(pause, 1.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(setVariable, 'introMusicPlaying'); f(scene, 'marblesyrup', 'fade'); f(pause, 1.6); f(label, 'startMenu', false); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, '!introMusicPlaying'); f(endIf); f(setVariable, 'introMusicPlaying', false); f(scene, 'white'); f(scene, 'black'); f(screenEffect, 'fadeFromWhite', 0.1); f(pause, 0.4); f(scene, 'title_demo'); f(label, 'startMenu2', false); f(label, 'startMenu3', false); f(changeBg, 'title_demo', 'fade', 0.5); f(choice, {'style': 'Nympho', 'yPos': 'almostBottom', 'xPos': 'right'}); f(choice, 'CONTINUE', 'continueCheck'); f(playSound, 'kettei'); f(pause, 0.6); f(continueLastGame); f(choice, 'NEW GAME'); f(playSound, 'kettei'); f(pause, 0.6); f(startGameAndJump, 'scene0'); f(choice, 'LOAD GAME', 'autoSaveExists'); f(openMainMenu, 'load'); f(choice, 'CHEATS'); f(openMainMenu, 'cheats'); f(choice, 'OPTIONS'); f(openMainMenu, 'options'); f(choice, 'CREDITS'); f(jump, 'titleScreenCredits'); f(choice, 'MORE GAMES!'); f(url, 'patreonURL'); f(jump, 'startMenu3'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'titleScreenCredits', false); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(screenEffect, 'fadeFromWhite', 1); f(jump, 'startMenu3'); f(label, 'scene0'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'permanent.!commentaryIntroOnce'); f(whatIf, 'commentary'); f(pause, 1.5); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'Hi, man. What\'s up?'); f(c_b, 'I\'m BigB, the lead developer of this sexy adventure you\'re about to embark on.'); f(whatIf, 'commentary'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(endIf); f(c_be, 'Hi. I\'m Ben, assistant writer. Welcome to this early demo <i>slash</i> beta of the game "My Nympho Wife & Co." There might be a bug or two in there, there\'s a bunch of storyline\'s not completely finished yet, but there\'s a fair amount of sex scenes already in here.', 'benderp'); f(c_be, 'The full release should be uploaded on this website in a month or two, i.e. March/April 2017.'); f(c_b, 'Enjoy!', 'bigbevillaughter'); f(whatIf, 'commentary'); f(playSound, 'evilLaughter'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(setVariable, 'permanent.ccommentaryIntroOnce'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(registerCGBasesForCheats, ['e_close', 'e_date', 'e_dazed', 'e_kiss', 'e_officesex1', 'e_officesex2', 'e_rape', 'e_ripoff1', 'e_ripoff2', 'e_wedding', 'h_boobjob', 'h_cowgirl', 'h_e_back', 'h_e_sandwich', 'h_gangrape', 'h_sm', 'h_kiss', 'h_onbed', 'h_photo', 'h_secretsex', 'h_somesex', 'h_spooning', 'h_suddenfuck', 'h_windowsex', 'hi_intro', 'hi_sex', 'hi_sixtynine', 'p_porn1', 'p_porn2']); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 0.5); f(setVariable, 'wife', 'wife'); f(setVariable, 'aMother', false); f(setVariable, 'aSister', false); f(setVariable, 'aDaughter', false); f(setVariable, 'Hina', 'Hina'); f(setVariable, 'husband', 'husband'); f(setVariable, 'friend', 'friend'); f(setVariable, 'maleFriend', 'male friend'); f(setVariable, 'colleague', 'co-worker'); f(setVariable, 'maleColleague', 'co-worker'); f(setVariable, 'numberOfDaughters', 0); f(setVariable, 'numberOfSisters', 0); f(setVariable, 'hMinoru', 'Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'hiMinoru', 'Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'eMinoru', 'Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'hMinoruAlt', 'Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'hiMinoruAlt', 'Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'eMinoruAlt', 'Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'hM', 'M'); f(setVariable, 'eM', 'M'); f(setVariable, 'hiM', 'M'); f(setVariable, 'Hatsune', 'Hatsune'); f(setVariable, 'Hina', 'Hina'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Esther'); f(setVariable, 'creature_', ''); f(setVariable, 'creatures_', ''); f(setVariable, 'meow', ''); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ''); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(setVariable, 'creature_', 'catgirl '); f(setVariable, 'creatures_', 'catgirls '); f(setVariable, 'meow', ', meow'); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ', meeoow'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'nekomimi'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'nekomimi'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'nekomimi'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'cattail'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'cattail'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'cattail'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'hypnosis', ['ch', 'date']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'hypnosis'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'hypnosis', ['ch', 'intro']); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(setVariable, 'wife', 'mother'); f(setVariable, 'aMother'); f(setVariable, 'husband', 'son'); f(setVariable, 'hIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Hatsune', 'mom'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(setVariable, 'wife', 'sister'); f(setVariable, 'aSister'); f(setVariable, 'husband', 'brother'); f(setVariable, 'hIncest'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfSisters'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'wife', 'daughter'); f(setVariable, 'aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'husband', 'father'); f(setVariable, 'hIncest'); f(setVariable, 'hMinoru', 'dad'); f(setVariable, 'hMinoruAlt', 'daddy'); f(setVariable, 'hM', 'd'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfDaughters'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(setVariable, 'friend', 'mother'); f(setVariable, 'aMother'); f(setVariable, 'hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Hina', 'mom'); f(setVariable, 'maleFriend', 'son'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f(setVariable, 'friend', 'sister'); f(setVariable, 'aSister'); f(setVariable, 'hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Hina', 'sis'); f(setVariable, 'maleFriend', 'brother'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfSisters'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'friend', 'daughter'); f(setVariable, 'aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'hiMinoru', 'pops'); f(setVariable, 'hiMinoruAlt', 'papa'); f(setVariable, 'hiM', 'p'); f(setVariable, 'maleFriend', 'father'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfDaughters'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(setVariable, 'colleague', 'mother'); f(setVariable, 'eMother'); f(setVariable, 'eIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'mom'); f(setVariable, 'maleColleague', 'son'); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f(setVariable, 'colleague', 'sister'); f(setVariable, 'eSister'); f(setVariable, 'eIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Erina'); f(setVariable, 'maleColleague', 'brother'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfSisters'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'colleague', 'daughter'); f(setVariable, 'eDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'eIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Erina'); f(setVariable, 'eMinoru', 'dad'); f(setVariable, 'eMinoruAlt', 'daddy'); f(setVariable, 'eM', 'd'); f(setVariable, 'maleColleague', 'father'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfDaughters'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||eIncest||hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'aIncest'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'divorced'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'hLongerThanThreeYears'); f(endIf); f(setVariable, 'daughter', 'daughter'); f(whatIf, 'numberOfDaughters>1'); f(setVariable, 'daughter', 'daughters'); f(endIf); f(setVariable, 'sister', 'sister'); f(whatIf, 'numberOfSisters>1'); f(setVariable, 'sister', 'sisters'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'depressed'); f(pause, 2); f(h, 'Hey, $hMinoruAlt$…'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'room1', 'fade'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'neutral'); f(setZoom, h, 1.2); f(pause, 2.5); f(effect, 'h', 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'What do you want to do? Would you like to have dinner, or should I draw up a bath... Or would you prefer to have…'); f(effect, 'h', 'joltRight'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'smiling'); f(pause, 1.2); f(h, 'Me?'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('She purrs lustfully as she slowly inches towards me.'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I let off a small sigh.'); f('To be honest, I\'d almost want to delegate her to kitchen duty, if it were that simple.'); f(otherwise); f('If I was more of a jerk than I actually am, I\'d be tempted to tell $Hatsune$ she\'s got it all wrong.'); f('What\'s the point in spouting a line like that when your mind is obviously already set in stone?'); f('What does she want me to say, exactly?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('"That\'s right, mom. Get into the kitchen, <i>chop chop.</i> Your son needs his miso soup!"'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('"That\'s right, sis. Get into the kitchen, <i>chop chop.</i> Your brother is craving for a helping of miso soup!"'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('"That\'s right, my voluptuous daughter. Get into the kitchen, <i>chop chop.</i> Your father hasn\'t had his miso soup yet!"'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('But though I consider myself a master hypnotist, I\'m kind of in at the deep end with $Hatsune$. Though the fact that she wants to have sex with me is itself only a result of me hypnotizing her, but I can no longer control her at will.'); f('Oh, and, yes.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('Yes. It might come as a shock to you to learn, but the busty catgirl crawling towards me over the bed, is, in fact, my biological $wife$.'); f(otherwise); f('Yes. It might come as a shock to you to learn, but the busty woman crawling towards me over the bed, is, in fact, my biological $wife$.'); f(endIf); f('How the hell we got here? Well… it\'s a long story. It\'s been going on for years.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(doCall, 'hypnoIncestIntro'); f(otherwise); f(doCall, 'incestIntro'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl&&!calledCatgirl'); f('...'); f('Oh, sorry, were you perhaps waiting for me to explain just why the hell my $wife$ is a <i>catgirl</i>, as well?'); f(doCall, 'catgirlExplain'); f(endIf); f('Now, I don\'t know which category of person you fall into - the kind that is absolutely revolted by this, or the type of person who thinks this sounds like an absolute dream. I think people in the second camp are more numerous than you might think, but…'); f(otherwise); f('"That\'s right, woman. Get into the kitchen, <i>chop chop.</i> A man needs his miso soup!"'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I mean, you might think I should be able to make my $creature_$$wife$ do whatever I want — like I said, she\'s hypnotized, but… no.'); f(otherwise); f('Get real.'); f(endIf); f('Even if I\'m not really in the mood, and I\'m kind of tired from work...'); f('It\'s not like I can turn Hatsune down.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I mean, I am the one who put her in this sex-crazed state.'); f('How it happened? Well… let\'s just say, hypnosis isn\'t something you should play around with nilly-willy.'); f('I noticed early in my life that I had a knack for hypnosis.'); f('I would use it in all manner of ways, on all manner of people. On my grandmom, to give me an extra helping of dessert. On my teacher, to not flunk me… on the bully, to keep his hands off me and my friends, and so on.'); f('Then… there was $Hatsune$.'); f('$Hatsune$ and I were in the same high school class. She was so pretty, already back then. She also matured way before any of the other girls.'); f('I don\'t think there was a male at school — teacher, student, other staff — who didn\'t practically live just to steal the occasional glance at her bountiful bosom.'); f('But none of them were able to steal $Hatsune$\'s heart — no one, but me, that is.'); f('...'); f('I mean, I had to resort to hypnosis, yes, but I did manage to get her to believe she was in love with me.'); f('We eventually got married, even, and I was the happiest man in the world, for a period of time.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('Hatsune even gave birth to our beautiful daughter, $Hina$ some 18 years ago. A daughter we both love dearly.'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f('A rather long period of time, even. It\'s been more than 15 years since we got married.'); f(endIf); f('You see, when you\'re a master hypnotist, you don\'t have to worry about stupid excuses like "I have a headache," "I\'m not feeling up for it today," or whatever. You just take what you want, when you want it.'); f('But recently… it seems I can\'t find the "off" switch. Hatsune is constantly craving sex, and I can no longer control it, like I used to. She\'ll pounce on me as soon as I get home.'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, she <i>is</i> my $wife$.'); f('My incorrigible, completely sex-mad wife, who gets so bored and lonely sitting around the house while I\'m at work she pounces on me as soon as I get home.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('Yes, "pounce" is absolutely the word. She\'s a catgirl, yes.'); f(doCall, 'catgirlExplain'); f(endIf); f('Now, you\'re probably thinking that sounds like a dream.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('To be honest, I used to think so too — having a beautiful mother with huge tits who just wants to have sex, <i>all the time</i>... I mean, I get it\'s not your standard dream, but I have an unusual inclination, I guess.'); f(otherwise); f('If I were younger, I probably would\'ve thought so too — having a pretty $wife$ with huge tits who just wants to have sex all the time...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Even if she doesn\'t actually <i>want</i> it, per se… I mean, if she weren\'t hypnotized, none of this would be happening.'); f(otherwise); f('Even if she might not actually <i>want</i> it, per se. We didn\'t have much of a sex life until… until the hypnosis incident.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I understand that might seem weird to most — desiring a sexual relationship with your $wife$, yes. But…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('But I mean, it\'s hard. No, I don\'t mean it in <i>that</i> sense. Pun unintentional.'); f(otherwise); f('But I mean, in reality it\'s a lot harder than that. No, I don\'t mean it in <i>that</i> sense. Pun unintentional.'); f(endIf); f('Working 9-5 in a company that manufactures stationery — I kid you not — is tiring as well as boring, and at the end of the day, I just don\'t have the stamina to match $Hatsune$\'s voracious $creature_$libido.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I really, really wish I could just tell her to go away and do chores, but… when she wants sex, it\'s nigh impossible to refuse her. She practically raped me the first time I tried. It was a little traumatic, to tell the truth.'); f(otherwise); f('Sometimes I really do want to tell her, "Sorry, I\'m not in the mood to have sex with you right now."'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hMinoru$? What are you doing?'); f('Shit.'); f('I was spacing out for a second there. I always do that when I\'m tired. My mind wanders.'); f(m, 'I, um... I was just thinking about... work.'); f('It\'s not entirely a lie. Sleeping with $Hatsune$ has started to feel like "work", in a way sleeping with somebody probably shouldn\'t.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('<i>Especially</i> not when that somebody is your $wife$. By which I mean, if you\'re going to do engage in incest through hypnosis — something that\'s both illegal and if I\'m being honest with myself, perhaps just a tad immoral, then, well.'); f(otherwise); f('<i>Especially</i> not when that somebody is your $wife$. By which I mean, if you\'re going to do engage in incest - something that\'s both illegal and extremely frowned upon, then, well.'); f(endIf); f('Shouldn\'t you at least be enjoying it?'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Well, you shouldn\'t! "Work" has no place in the bedroom!'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('She\'s right, I guess. Even in this hypnotic state, she sometimes makes sense.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s right, of course.'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$ blinks, her head tipped to one side.'); f('Her hair, soft and smooth, falls over her shoulders and curls gently about her breasts and neck.'); f('Her lips, full and round, are pursed.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Her eyes, empty of anything resembling an independent will…'); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('She literally <i>purrs</i> my name… just like I\'ve hypnotized her to.'); f('It took a long time to get her to say it just like I want it — it used to drive me up the walls with emotions, hearing her like that…'); f('Now…'); f('I just don\'t know.'); f('... It is however certainly enough to get me an erection, at least.'); f(otherwise); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('She doesn\'t just say it.'); f(otherwise); f('My $wife$ doesn\'t just say my name.'); f(endIf); f('She <i>purrs</i> it.'); f('Now, how could I say "no" to that?'); f('I can\'t.'); f(pause, 1); f('So I don\'t.'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'hCowgirl'); f(label, 'incestIntro'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('I was sixteen, and had broken both of my arms in a skateboarding accident. Mom noticed I was acting out, and I guess used her motherly senses to realize that I was sexually frustrated from not being able to masturbate.'); f('She offered to... help me out.'); f('I didn\'t know what to expect, but I was overdelighted when she started giving me daily handjobs… which eventually escalated to, to…'); f('Well. One day, maybe two weeks into our… <i>special relationship</i>, my mom just suddenly took my dick in her mouth during one of our masturbation sessions, and began blowing me.'); f('It was my first blowjob, and let me tell you, did it feel good, even if there was some lingering confusion, at least until I came all over her face.'); f('After that, the blowjob became an obligatory part of our daily ritual, and while I started craving more, I would never have asked for it by myself, but…'); f('On a hot summer\'s day, my mom was wearing nothing but a thin, practically see-through t-shirt and hotpants.'); f('Midway through blowing me, she stopped, gave me an odd look I couldn\'t quite grasp the meaning of, stood up, slid off her pants, straddled me, and…'); f('Slowly slid her hot pussy over my erect cock, still wearing the see-through t-shirt, moaning pleasurably.'); f('It\'s a miracle I didn\'t come on the spot, but I was only able to hold it in for five more thrusts — yes, I lost my virginity to my mother, and came right inside her pussy after no more than 10 seconds.'); f('I don\'t know which part of that is more embarrassing, but…'); f('My mom wasn\'t finished with me, and 15 minutes later, she was straddling me again.'); f('I was able to hold out longer this time, and was able to signal this time I was about to come, giving my mom time to let go off my cock before I came.'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f('Christ, how long ago might it have been? I guess it\'s around 20 years now. In the meanwhile, I\'ve become a father myself, but I still live with my mother and, well… we are, evidently, still <i>doing it</i>.'); f(elseIf, 'aSister'); f('Though I worried other family members might notice, they never did. And, well… my mom and I are, evidently, still <i>doing it</i>.'); f(otherwise); f('We never ended the relationship.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('We were teenagers when the whole thing began. Hatsune had broken both her arms in a skateboarding accident, and it fell on me to help her take showers.'); f('It sounds bizarre, I know, but… we grew up without our mother, and my dad just wasn\'t up for seeing his teenage daughter in the nude.'); f('So, it fell upon me.'); f(otherwise); f('We were teenagers when the whole thing began. Hatsune had broken both her arms in a skateboarding accident, and it fell on me to help her take showers. Bizarre, I know, but my $parents$ were just too busy, I guess.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('My mom\'s always been a bit of an oddball, very optimistic, happy go-lucky. She didn\'t see any problem at all, with having her teenage son taking care of her extremely well-endowed teenage daughter. Go figure.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('My sister hated the idea, of course, but in the end, she didn\'t have much of a choice. She hated the idea of not being able to keep herself clean more than the idea of her brother seeing her naked body...'); f('As well as having him touch it…'); f('Well, yes! I did. I dd touch her. How was I else supposed to actually clean her?'); f('I mean, I was using a sponge of course, but still.'); f('I mean, I was using a sponge, until… until that one time, maybe two weeks into it.'); f('I swear, up until this whole thing had begun, I had had no sexual interest whatsoever in my sister.'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f('I mean, I\'d noticed the two… <i>balloons</i> attached to her chest, yes, but both my mom and my other sister, Hina, as well, were <i>equipped</i> in much the same way — to me, this was perfectly ordinary female physique.'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, I\'d noticed the two… <i>balloons</i> attached to her chest, yes, but mom, and female cousins as well, were <i>equipped</i> in much the same way — to me, this was perfectly ordinary female physique.'); f(endIf); f('Nothing to get excited about.'); f('But… seeing Hatsune naked, it… it was something else. Especially like that - both arms in plaster, defenseless, weak, needing of help.. it stirred something in me I hadn\'t thought existed.'); f('So… on that baneful day, two weeks into me handling my sister\'s hygiene…'); f('I couldn\'t help myself. I stared at my sister\'s beautiful body through the mirror, felt my dick grow a couple of inches, and…'); f('I dropped the sponge and began to slowly massage her breasts with my bare hands.'); f('She protested, meekly, at first… "Wh-what are you doing?", but it didn\'t take long before her breathing grew shorter, and…'); f('Well, when she let out that first moan, man, did it do a number on my poor brain. I just snapped.'); f('Before either of us knew what were happening, I was lying naked on top of my defenseless sister on the bathroom floor, thrusting my penis inside her wet sensual parts, hot water running in the background, steam all around.'); f('She did try and stop me, feebly, verbally: "N-no…! Angh… M-Minoru, stop it, we mustn\'t- aanghh!" but it seemed obvious to me that despite her protestations, she was enjoying it just as much as I did.'); f('Not that logic thinking in anyway was the motivation as I kept pistoning inside of her violently, eventually cumming inside of her, like the idiot I was.'); f('I went out and bought a morning-after pill afterwards, for the record...'); f('... My God, was she tight back then. I took her virginity right then and there, as well as lost my own.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('Though that was many years ago, and we drifted apart for a while… and I even fathered two children, no, not with Hatsune…'); f(elseIf, 'aDaughter'); f('Though that was many years ago, and we drifted apart for a while… and I even fathered a child, no, not with Hatsune…'); f(otherwise); f('Though you could question just how consensual this first encounter was...'); f(endIf); f('... we are still together. And, evidently, still <i>doing it.</i>'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('No, I didn\'t raise her for this… groom her for this since she was a baby or whatever, not at all.'); f('It was innocent. It just happened. On her 16th birthday, she came home drunk in the middle of the night, from partying with her no-good friends.'); f('I was struggling with a bit of insomnia at the time, and was taking a nightly shower, while, ehum… also masturbating.'); f('It does help with my sleep problems, that\'s all.'); f('Hatsune stumbled into the shower too drunk to realize I was there, and before I knew what was happening, she was giving me a blowjob.'); f('I don\'t think she necessarily realized I was me, I mean, her father, rather than a boyfriend or whatever, but… she was so good at it. Too good to be stopped, even if she happened to be my daughter.'); f('Before she knew what was happening, I had ripped off her clothes and started fucking her from behind, pushing her body towards the wall of the shower booth.'); f('The day after, we both pretended like nothing had happened. I wasn\'t sure if she were acting, and I was of course absolutely wracked with guilt, but…'); f('The next time she came home drunk in the middle of the night, she stumbled into my bed and I woke up with her warm lips surrounding my cock.'); f('My wife, Hatsune\'s mother, was of course lying just next to me, but thankfully she didn\'t wake up.'); f('After that, I decided to make the move on her, because this way, we\'d be found out sooner or later, yet I desperately wanted these nightly liaisons to continue.'); f('One night when my wife was away, I purposely walked in on her while she was taking a bath, and… we made love. Both of us sober.'); f('And from there… it just went on, and on.'); f(endIf); f(endCall); f(label, 'hypnoIncestIntro'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('I guess I don\'t really know where to start. Are you more shocked over the fact that I\'m having sex with my $wife$, that she\'s a catgirl, or the fact that I\'ve hypnotized her into having sex with me?'); f('Let\'s see…'); f('Let\'s get the catgirl thing out of the way first, I guess. I get why it might throw you off, if you\'re not from around these parts.'); f(doCall, 'catgirlExplain'); f('And the hypnosis part?'); f('Long story short… I found out a young age that I had a knack for hypnosis.'); f(otherwise); f('I found out at a young age that I had a knack for hypnosis.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('...'); f('I know what you\'re thinking. What kind of scumbag would hypnotize his own daughter in order to have sex with her? Because you\'ve obviously figured out as much.'); f('Well, turns out, the answer is simple: a scumbag like me.'); f('I mean, I can\'t really make any excuse for it, but if I\'m allowed to say one thing in my defense, I\'d say that I didn\'t exactly plan it.'); f('It was a spur of the moment type of thing… and I was drunk.'); f('I regretted it immensely immediately afterwards our first… <i>encounter</i>, and promised to never, ever repeat it.'); f('I made sure $Hatsune$ wouldn\'t remember a thing, as well.'); f('Yet… I felt just as bad and made that very promise after the second time, the third, the fourth time as well…'); f('Eventually, my wife, $Hatsune$\'s mom, caught wind that something was amiss, and divorced me, leaving me and $Hatsune$ on our own.'); f('After the divorce, I became completely unhinged with $Hatsune$, as you could imagine. No need to be beating around the bush, any longer -- whenever I wanted to have sex with $Hatsune$, I\'d just go ahead.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('I\'d use it on my mom for innocent stuff, ever since I was a kid. Whether I felt it was time for her to bake a cake, make me a sandwich… if I wanted her to forget about my poor test results…'); f('I often ended up resorting to my gift.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('I\'d use it on various family members whenever I couldn\'t get things my way, otherwise. Mostly innocent stuff, starting with things like "give me that toy", to more morally dubious matter, like "do my homework for me".'); f(endIf); f('Where things got a little… out of hand, I guess, is when I entered puberty.'); f('What can I say — I was horny, and… I looked for relief that was close to home, because it was easy and I felt confident I wouldn\'t get caught.'); f('When nobody else were home, I would hypnotize my $wife$ to strip off her clothes, in front of me. I felt kind of bad, and a little disgusted at myself at first, but...'); f('After that going on for about a year, with pretty much weekly stripteases, I eventually crossed that line and began to touch her.'); f('At first, I\'d just have her get naked, and I\'d touch and squeeze those big breasts of her single-handedly, while masturbating with my other hand, until I came.'); f('Once that line was crossed, though… It didn\'t take long before I moved from there to her giving me these handjobs… then boobjobs…'); f('I did hesitate a bit before making her give me actual blowjobs, but once that line was crossed as well, well...'); f('I think I was maybe 16 when I finally moved on to P in the V, and God, did it feel good.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('$Hatsune$ would have been 17, and Christ, was she tight at the time. It was just unbelievable. She hadn\'t been with any other man, I could easily tell.'); f(otherwise); f('Who\'d have thought having sex with your 30 something mother would feel so good?'); f(endIf); f('Don\'t get me wrong, I felt very bad about it, afterwards, but… that didn\'t exactly stop me from doing it again. And again. And again and again.'); f('Of course, I was very careful to always make sure she wouldn\'t remember anything about it, afterwards. And it wasn\'t <i>rape</i> rape, she\'d be mostly out of it during intercourse as well.'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('This was all years ago, and I did move away from mom and dad, trying to create a normal life for myself, but…'); f(otherwise); f('This was all years ago, and as we grew up, we both moved out and lead our separate lives, for a while.'); f(endIf); f('We\'d only have sex very occasionally during family meetups, and the like.'); f('Always under hypnosis, of course -- $Hatsune$ never knew a thing. There\'s no telling what she\'d do, if she had known what I was doing to her...'); f('But in the end, I just couldn\'t keep my hands off of her.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('Even when I brought home my wife -- yes, I was briefly married, and we actually have a daughter, whom I love dearly -- even on those occasions, I\'d make sure I\'d be able to sneak away with $Hatsune$ for my little something something.'); f('That\'s actually what caused the divorce -- my wife caught some close-ups I had taken with my phone of $Hatsune$\'s naked body.'); f('She didn\'t get that the pictures were of $Hatsune$, fortunately, but she knew I had cheated on her, and that was that.'); f('Soon after the divorce, me and $Hatsune$ moved in together.'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f('Even on those occassions I might have brought home whatever girlfriend I might have been seeing at the time, I\'d make sure I\'d be able to sneak away with $Hatsune$ for my little something something.'); f('Though I\'ve had various girlfriends over the years -- I kept coming back to $Hatsune$.'); f('Eventually, we moved in together.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('After dad had died, that is. Ostensibly I did it so she wouldn\'t feel lonely, but actually… well, I don\'t need to spell it out, do I?'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('After graduating high school, we moved in together. Hatsune wasn\'t initially keen on the idea, but… with hypnosis, any argument will do. Ostensibly, it\'s to keep our rent down.'); f('Actually, it\'s just because I want to keep her close, so I can fuck her whenever I want, but I don\'t actually need to spell that out, do I?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('We fucked a lot, but having to go through the hassle of hypnotizing $Hatsune$ each and every time, and then make her forget about the intercourse, started to feel like a hassle.'); f('Not to mention the countless times I had to make her forget about all the condoms and sperm-soaked tissues lying around the apartment...'); f('I figured out a way to have her constantly be under hypnosis... which was fine and great, until I realized one day — I couldn\'t figure out how to "turn her off".'); f(endCall); f(label, 'hCowgirl'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 5); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(h, 'Meeow, aah, meeoww!! $hMinoruAlt$...!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Aaah, $hMinoruAlt$...!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(m, 'Sis…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hatsune...'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My $wife$\'s name falls from lips in a strangled gasp.'); f(otherwise); f('Her name falls from my lips in a strangled gasp.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('She\'s sitting astride me, her mouth hanging open in a moan of ecstasy, her eyes glassy.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s sitting astride me, her mouth hanging open in a moan of ecstasy.'); f(endIf); f('Muffled gasps, pants, and strangled sobs fill the air.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(h, 'Anghh..!'); f('I don\'t know how many times I\'ve fucked $Hatsune$ in my life. I definitely wouldn\'t be able to count it on my fingers and toes. I wouldn\'t be able to count it on all the fingers and toes of all the people in my office.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('This hypnosis has just made my $wife$ <i>that</i> horny.'); f(otherwise); f('My $wife$ is just <i>that</i> horny.'); f(endIf); f('Even so, despite my constant misgivings… I guess that when I get down to it, I never get tired of this.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Aaaahh…'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Despite it all… I have to admit: the noises she makes are just <i>adorable.</i>'); f(otherwise); f('The noises she makes are just... adorable.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Maybe that\'s an odd thing to say about your mother, a woman maybe twice your age, as you\'re fucking her silly.'); f(elseIf, 'catgirl'); f('I don\'t mean to say that in a condescending way, by the way. I mean, I don\'t regard her as a pet. I don\'t have a catgirl fetish, or whatever.'); f('Even if I maybe did at first…'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('I know I shouldn\'t infantilize her like that, by calling her moans adorable. She\'s my daughter, but I should treat her as the adult woman she is. Because that\'s what she is — not a schoolgirl. Not any longer.'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe that\'s infantilizing, calling my $wife$\'s moans adorable. I mean, she\'s a grown woman, not a schoolgirl.'); f(endIf); f('Even if she was when we first started fucking...'); f(endIf); f('But that\'s beside the point.'); f('The point is, my $wife$ is sitting on me with her legs spread open, my cock buried deep in her pussy.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(h, 'Nn… Da… Da-aad…'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Nn... Mi... Mi-Minoru...'); f(endIf); f('Her body twitches as though run through with electricity.'); f('She whimpers, shifting desperately on my lap.'); f('The heat is delicious. I can feel the friction of my cock sliding in and out of her pussy — and yes, it\'s wet.'); f('My $wife$\'s pussy is always wet.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My $wife$\'s pussy…'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...'); f('Wet, sticky sounds fill the bedroom.'); f('My cock penetrates her over and over again.'); f('Actually, it\'s the other way around.'); f('My $wife$ is the one doing all the work.'); f('I guess chivalry really is dead.'); f('She\'s sliding herself onto me, splitting herself open with the length of my cock.'); f('It pistons into her, and she drives it in with all the vigour she can muster.'); f('She tips her head back.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0]); f('Her eyes, though, the windows into her soul, look as expressionless as always.'); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'hypnosis']); f('Her eyes roll back, too.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, 'Oh, $hMinoruAlt$...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$... $hMinoruAlt$, I... gah...'); f('Her hips grind down hard.'); f('Her tits...'); f('They really <i>are</i> huge.'); f('She\'s gripping one of them — I\'m too tired to fondle my own $wife$\'s tits. What a shockingly sad performance — and it spills out of her hand.'); f('The nipple is puffy, elongated, and her breast looks horribly crushed between her fingers.'); f('I\'ve always worried about her chest, to be honest. I mean, they\'re just so big. What if she gets permanent backache when she\'s older?'); f('$Hatsune$ never seems to mind... but she\'s not a particularly active woman.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Maybe she would mind, if she knew just what the hell what was going on. If she wasn\'t hypnotized, I mean.'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe she doesn\'t need to mind.'); f('It\'s not like she goes running.'); f('If she did go running, maybe she\'d have a little less energy, and then she wouldn\'t be so insistent about fucking me all the time...'); f('Maybe I should buy her a membership card to our local gym for her birthday...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$, I... I... Oh...'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(m, 'M-mom…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'H-Hatsune...'); f(endIf); f('My voice quivers — but I don\'t know if it\'s because I feel good or because I feel guilty.'); f('Her pussy tightens around my cock.'); f('That\'s enough to push me over the edge.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Cum inside her'); f(setVariable, 'h_cumInside'); f(whatIf, 'incest'); f('Unusually, I don\'t pull out, and cum straight inside my $wife$\'s pussy.'); f('Why? I don\'t know. In an attempt to feel something different, perhaps?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Or is it just a novel attempt to break the hypnosis?'); f('Nah. I\'ve done this before. Even though I know I absolutely shouldn\'t...'); f(otherwise); f('To give me back that sense of <i>danger</i> our clandestine relationship was initially soaked in?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I cum inside her, I guess, just like always.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1); f(h, 'Aannngh...!'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My $wife$ cums too, our bodies perfectly in-synch.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ cums too, our bodies perfectly in-synch.'); f(endIf); f('We\'ve done this so often, our hearts even seem to beat at the same tempo.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('If it weren\'t for the hypnosis, I guess that would sound romantic.'); f(otherwise); f('I guess that sounds romantic, but... isn\'t that the same as going through the motions?'); f('Does that make us any better than machines?'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hMinoru$...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I sigh.'); f('She may seem emotional, but… I know it\'s not real. It\'s not how she really feels.'); f('Am I really happy, like this...?'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'incest'); f('$Hatsune$ sniffles. I think she\'s getting emotional. Maybe she\'s feeling grateful I came inside her? As if it were a sign of love, not desperation.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister||hDaughter'); f('Bizarrely, $Hatsune$ has been speaking of us having a child. I guess that means she\'s not on the pill…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ sniffles. I think she\'s getting emotional. She always does after I\'ve made her cum.'); f(endIf); f('I\'m glad I can make her happy, but...'); f('At the same time, I don\'t know if I\'m very happy.'); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Pull out'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pause, 0.5); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'incest'); f('I pull out, just like always, and spray my $wife$ with my warm cum.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Though she\'s obviously older, I still worry my mom could pregnant. She\'s not on the pill, she still menstruates… yes, I know, I know, but that\'s the kind of stuff you do tend to know about your mom when you\'re constantly having sex with her.'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I know it\'s bad enough to hypnotize your $wife$ to have sex with you even without unloading a batch of baby ingredients right into her birth canal, but… I\'m not going to lie, it\'s for the most selfish of reasons — the thought of it just turns me on, and helps me cum.'); f(otherwise); f('I know Hatsune is not on the pill, currently. She used to be, at my insistence, but recently, she\'s been talking about us having kids. Crazy talk, I know.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('But Hatsune\'s over 18 now — I guess I can\'t control her like I used to. If she doesn\'t want to take the pill, she won\'t.'); f('But then I\'ll take every precaution available to me.'); f('I mean, except wearing a condom. That\'s not my thing.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('But my sister is a woman. I guess it\'s an instincts kind of thing.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('For whatever reason, I find myself pulling out, instead of cumming inside of her.'); f('My dick sprays my $wife$ with my warm cum.'); f(endIf); f(endChoice); f(fadeIn, 'depression'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('This isn\'t right.'); f('This can\'t be right.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('The guilt rushes over me, like many times before. Is it really right to keep my own $wife$ in this state?'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Am I a monster for doing this…?'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'incest'); f('The guilt rushes over me. Can I really keep this relationship with my $wife$ going...?'); f(otherwise); f('I shouldn\'t be more worried about getting the mattress dirty than the sexual gratification of my $wife$... should I?'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 3); f(fadeIn, 'hina_theme', 1); f(pause, 2); f(scene, 'park_day', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 0, 'happy'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f(hi, 'Mm! Curry udon has never tasted so good!'); f(m, 'But it\'s the same curry udon you always get...'); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I know — and it\'s still great!'); f('I wish I could say the same thing about $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I know, I know. I\'m the one who caused this, so I have no business complaining, but…'); f(otherwise); f('Shit, that\'s a crass way to think about your $wife$. I mean, It\'s not like the sex <i>isn\'t</i> great, but...'); f(endIf); f('Oh well. I shouldn\'t let this weigh on me.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('I\'m sitting in the local park with none other than my $creature_$mother, Hina.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('Mine and Hatsune\'s mother, that is.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Yes, I know what you\'re thinking — how can this person be Hatsune\'s grandmother? They look about the same age!'); f('I know it\'s incredible, but I guess my mother has just aged <i>really</i> well. That\'s Asian genes, for you.'); f(otherwise); f('Yes, I know — she looks great for her age. That\'s them Asian genes doing God\'s work, for y\'all.'); f(endIf); f('My mother doesn\'t only look young — she acts it, too. Sometimes embarrassingly so.'); f('Still, we are very close, and have always been, though it\'s been several years that I moved out.'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I\'m sitting in the local park with none other than my $creature_$daughter Hina.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Yes, the girl in front of me is Hatsune\'s sister, and no, I\'m not having sex with this one too. I\'m not that depraved, having sex with each and every member of the extended family. Like I said - Hatsune and me, it just happened.'); f('Hina and me? It didn\'t.'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('Yes, the girl in front of me is none other than Hatsune\'s granddaughter. I know what you\'re thinking - there\'s a striking resemblance in the chest area, no?'); f('But the answer to the question brewing to your head is "no" — I don\'t look at Hina the same way I look at my mother. I mean, we have a perfectly regular parent-offspring relationship.'); f(endIf); f('Hina and I are close though, and have always been. I was always her favorite parent, I suppose.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('For some reason, she and Hatsune just don\'t get along all that well — at least not ever since Hina hit puberty.'); f(endIf); f('Don\'t know why that is.'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f('I\'m sitting in the local park with none other than my $creature_$sister Hina.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('That is, my and Hatsune\'s sister, Hina, of course. And no, before you ask — we don\'t have the same type of relationship that I and Hatsune enjoy, and we never have. Nor does she know.'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('And before you ask — no, she and I don\'t enjoy the same kind of relationship my mother and I do. Never had.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('That is, Hatsune\'s aunt. Though Hina is almost closer to Hatsune in age than me, being my very much younger little sister, the two have never been very close.'); f('Not sure why that is.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I\'m sitting in the local park with my long-time friend and work colleague Hina.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('Who, just as it happens, is a catgirl, just like my $wife$.'); f(endIf); f('I\'ve known Hina ever since high school. We were in the same class.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&!hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('We went to the same class in high school, the two of us as well as $Hatsune$.'); f('Hina actually kind of introduced me to $Hatsune$ to begin with.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('They were the only two catgirls in class, so they\'ve always been kind of close.'); f(endIf); f('She got me on the first crucial date with her… which turned into a disaster as I tried to do it <i>au natural</i>, that is, without relying on my hypnosis skills.'); f('By the end of the night, I felt forced to make her forget all about it.'); f('... and yes, I did make her have sex with me, as well.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s the one who introduced me to Hatsune, actually.'); f(endIf); f('$Hina$\'s got this really sunny disposition that\'s actually pretty enviable.'); f('I mean, she works the same boring 9-5 job as me, in a company that <i>manufactures envelopes</i> (all the italics in the world cannot convey my disgust) but she\'s always so gosh-darned chipper.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('$Hina$ does, of course, not know about my relationship with $Hatsune$. Not the sex, not the hypnosis. She just assumes we\'re really close, I guess.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$ does, of course, not know the full extent of my relationship with $Hatsune$. Except for that we\'re really close, of course.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('She does think it\'s a bit weird that her older sister still hasn\'t moved out, but I don\'t think she suspects anything.'); f(otherwise); f('She was a bit nonplussed when $Hatsune$ moved in with me - that I\'d live together with my $wife$, while I don\'t live together with my daughter, is, of course, a little odd.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('She does of course think it\'s a bit weird brother and sister cohabiting, at our ages — and she has disparaged the two of us for being lazy, for not having found spouses yet.'); f('It\'s not something we talk about very often, but my mom was actually sexually abused by her older brother when she were in her teens.'); f('She matured early, and her brother, mine and Hatsune\'s uncle, was a heavy drinker and whenever their parents weren\'t around, he\'d…'); f('Never mind. What I mean to get to is, I\'ve sometimes sensed a slight… apprehension, perhaps? From my mom\'s side. Not least because she and Hatsune share the same physique. The very physique I know she partly blames for her brother\'s abuse.'); f('But she does know we get along well, so I\'m sure she just assumes she\'s being paranoid. Ironic, isn\'t it?'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('She does perhaps find it a bit odd that Hatsune lives with me, rather than with her mother, but she knows we\'ve always had a close relationship, so I guess she just leaves it at that.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('She does find it a bit weird that we\'re living together, but I doubt she suspects anything.'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('She does perhaps find it a bit odd I\'m living together with my perfectly healthy mom, while Hina herself got a place of her own years ago, but I doubt she suspects anything.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('She does perhaps find it a bit odd that her niece still hasn\'t moved out, but I doubt she suspects a thing. I mean, who would, really? Suspect their own brother of having sex with their daughter...?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$ knows, of course, that I live together with my $wife$, whom she\'s met on several occasions, but I doubt she has any idea just how close the two us are.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('She does not know about my skills in hypnosis, either. No — I\'ve never tried using it on her.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('$Hina$\'s not the type to go around suspecting things, I guess.'); f('She has a really sunny disposition that\'s actually pretty enviable.'); f(endIf); f('I want to know how she does it.'); f('I\'d be sceptical of her insistent, persistent cheeriness if I hadn\'t known her so long, but $Hina$\'s always been like this.'); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('The two of us are on lunch break.'); f('We could take it in the office but it\'s a pretty nice day out — and who wants to spend more time in the office than they need to, really?'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('I might let Hatsune order me around, but I\'m not a masochist.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('The two of us often meet up during our lunch breaks — as we both work in the same part of the city.'); f(endIf); f('We\'ve picked up cheap take-out udon, the kind we usually get, and eat it together.'); f('I think the noodles are a little too floury and the sauce isn\'t thick enough, but whatever. You get what you pay for.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('At least my $friend$ looks happy.'); f(otherwise); f('At least $Hina$ looks happy.'); f(endIf); f('... $Hina$\'s always happy.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f(setVolume, 0.3, 'fade'); f(hi, 'Hey, $hiMinoru$...'); f('$Hina$ looks at me curiously, her eyes narrowed. Her lips are pursed.'); f('Her wooden chopsticks, cheap and disposable, are poised with a strange amount of elegance in her right hand.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Are you okay$meow$?'); f('Why is she asking me this out of the blue...?'); f(m, 'I\'m fine.'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f(hi, 'But it looked like you were spacin\' out there, my brother of the very same mother.'); f(m, 'Brother of the… very same mother?'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'But it looked like you were spacin\' out there, dear father with mouth full of lather.'); f(m, 'Mouth full of… what?!'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f(hi, 'But it looked like you were spacin\' out there, sonny.'); f(m, 'Sonny...?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'But it looked like you were spacin\' out there old buddy, old pal.'); f(m, 'Old sport?'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(playSound, 'elbownudge'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 5, 0.2); f('She giggles and nudges me in the side with her elbow.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Exactly! So, spill$meow$!'); f('I sigh.'); f('Maybe the park wasn\'t a good place to eat lunch, even if it is pretty scenic. There are a few kids milling around, chattering, playing baseball. Baseball\'s a perfectly respectable pastime, of course — it is the national sport — but why aren\'t they at school...?'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&!hypnosis'); f('It\'s a good thing Hatsune doesn\'t want kids.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I mean, I\'ve got my hands full as it is, don\'t I?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Da-aaaaaad!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Mi-no-ruuuu!'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(playSound, 'elbownudge'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 5, 0.2); f('$Hina$ nudges me again.'); f(hi, 'Don\'t keep secrets$meow$! A trouble shared is a trouble halved!'); f('Is it? I wonder...'); f('Can I really tell my $friend$ about my troubled sex life?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, obviously, I wouldn\'t divulge exactly who my partner is.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Because $Hina$ doesn\'t know, and that\'s exactly how I\'d like to keep it.'); f('Then again, maybe that\'s precisely why I really shouldn\'t talk about this kind of stuff with her?'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f('Maybe not exactly the kind of talk you\'d like to have with your brother, is it?'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('Maybe it\'s not… the most appropriate conversation for a dad to have with his daughter.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('I mean, not that I don\'t get the irony — that I find it OK to have sex with one of my daughters, but somehow <i>talking</i> about sex with another of my daughters would be crossing some kind of imaginary line.'); f('...'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f('Maybe it\'s not… I mean it\'s probably not appropriate to talk about this kind of thing with your mother, is it?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Nor would I mention the hypnosis, of course.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Not that we aren\'t relatively open with that kind of stuff, but still.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I mean… <i>relatively</i>. Me and Hatsune don\'t usually talk about our sex life with our daughter — no.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I mean, if I just… maybe if I don\'t explicitly mention the hypnosis part, it\'s fine.'); f('Not sure it\'d be worth the embarrassment, though...?'); f(elseIf, 'catgirl'); f('They are both catgirls — besides being women. Not to mention, good friends since high school.'); f('The most pertinent question, though, is whether it would be worth all the considerable embarrassment I\'d suffer through, talking about this?'); f(otherwise); f('On the surface, there shouldn\'t be any troubles at all. I\'m probably over-thinking things like usual — making mountains out of molehills.'); f('Would it be worth $Hina$\'s time...?'); f('Would it be worth all the embarrassment?'); f(endIf); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep silent.'); f(jump, 'branch1'); f(choice, 'Tell her.', 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'branch2'); f(choice, 'Fess up.', '!hypnosis'); f(jump, 'branch2'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'branch1'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&hiIncest'); f('No. Let\'s not be crazy. I mean, what if she\'d suspect something?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(setVariable, 'fucking', 'hypno-raping'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&hDaughter'); f('Talking to your daughter about how you\'re $fucking$ her sister? It\'s… it\'s just too crazy.'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister&&hSister'); f('Talking to your sister about how you\'re $fucking$ your other sister...? No. It\'s just too god damn crazy.'); f(otherwise); f('Asking your $friend$ for advice on your relationship with your $wife$? It\'s too crazy. Like something out of a pervy visual novel, or something.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Nah, hell. I can\'t tell anyone about this stuff. What if she suspected I\'m actually talking about my $wife$? It\'s too risky.'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('No, snap out of it! I can\'t be talking to our daughter about our sex life...! It\'s preposterous.'); f(otherwise); f('No, damn it. I can\'t just bring myself to talk about this stuff, especially not with my $friend$, even if we\'re close.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('No, I can\'t just come out and tell her. I\'m not American. That kind of straight talk is something only an American in the movies could do.'); f('Not me.'); f('I\'m too old-fashioned.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Besides… is there any point to asking for advice, if you\'re going to leaving out a major detail? The real reason I\'m in this mess? The hypnosis part?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('Keep what happens in the bedroom, inside the bedroom.'); f('It doesn\'t need to be brought up out here.'); f(endIf); f('But God, I feel so <i>tired</i>.'); f('I try to stifle a yawn, pressing one hand against my mouth. Tears bead in the corners of my eyes and I blink them away.'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry about it, $Hina$. I just need to get more sleep.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.3); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'Ohoho? Seeing someone, are you? Somebody you\'re doing nightly exercises with?'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Ohoho? You and mom staying up late, then?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Ohoho? Does that mean you\'ve been staying up late with Hatsune?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(m, 'Hina! Do you really think it\'s appropriate for you to ask questions about your parents\' sex life?!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hina! That\'s inappropriate!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('Huh. Go figure. Apparently $Hina$ doesn\'t mind having this type of conversation with me, after all.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'A gentleman doesn\'t kiss and tell.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'So you have?'); f(m, 'Wouldn\'t you like to know?'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'That\'s why I\'m asking, $hiMinoruAlt$! I want to know aaaaall the juicy deets! Lay it on me!'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'Oh, come on. You\'re my $friend$, for crying out loud. I really don\'t think $friend$s should ask their $maleFriend$s for the "juicy deets" on, on...'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'Their partner in gymnastics?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'How their sex life is?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Exactly!'); f(hi, 'Well, that\'s your opinion!'); f(otherwise); f('I roll my eyes.'); f(m, 'Oh, please. Aren\'t you supposed to be a lady? A lady shouldn\'t ask for the "juicy deets".'); f(hi, 'You\'d be surprised.'); f(endIf); f('$Hina$ smirks.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'happy'); f(hi, 'Women can be more depraved than you know.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I honestly don\'t know if I\'m sure about that. To my knowledge, no female member of my family has ever hypnotized me in order to have sex with me.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Not more than men, I\'m sure.'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I can\'t help but smirk. I think I know a thing or two more just about how depraved women are, than my innocent daughter.'); f(m, 'Oh, believe me. I think I know a fair bit more about that stuff than you.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Oh, believe me, I know.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.2); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f('If the hypnosis doesn\'t wear off, I\'m going to go bust. My cum is being collected and I\'m overdrawn at the sperm bank.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Living with my sex-craving $wife$, I know only too well.'); f(elseIf, 'hLongerThanThreeYears'); f('After living with $Hatsune$ for all these years, I know only too well.'); f(otherwise); f('After living with $Hatsune$ for around three years, I know only too well.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.2); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f('If she keeps demanding sex at her current rates I\'m going to go bust. My cum is being collected and I\'m overdrawn at the sperm bank.'); f(endIf); f('Like everything else in life, my debts will catch up with me at some point.'); f('... This thought is making me much more miserable than it should.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'meetEsther'); f(label, 'meetEsther'); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'town', 'fade'); f(setFilter, 'sunset'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(changeName, e, '???'); f(e, 'O-oh, $eMinoru$?! Is that you?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Erisa'); f(changeName, e, 'Erisa'); f(whatIf, 'eSister&&numberOfSisters==1'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Esther'); f(changeName, e, 'Esther'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f('I turn around to see none other than $Esther$ - my $colleague$.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('My <i>estranged $creature_$</i>mother, I should say, whom I just recently began to patch things up with, after she moved back into town.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&hiSister'); f('And yes, my sisters\' mother as well, naturally.'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f('And yes, Hina\'s mother, as well.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('And yes, Hatsune\'s mother, as well, of course.'); f(endIf); f('It\'s… it\'s a long story, but basically, she left me and my dad when I was around 8. Just eloped, one night. She was young and confused, is how she\'s explained it to me, now, stuck in a marriage that didn\'t go anywhere.'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f('I know what you\'re thinking - that woman is a grandmother?? Looking hot like that??'); f('Well, she\'s not as old as you might think. She was a teenage mom, and I was a teenage dad. She\'s still in her late 40\'s.'); f('That said, I was actually quite struck by her looks myself, when we met for the first time in years, just a couple of months back, after she had contacted me on Facebook (where else).'); f('She bizarre thing is, she looks almost exactly as I remembered her. Even acts the same way, too.'); f('Anyways… we\'ve only met up a handful of times.'); f(otherwise); f('She looked me up on Facebook (where else?) just a couple of months back. We\'ve only met a handful of times.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&hiSister'); f('I told my sisters too, of course, but they refused to come along. I guess they took it even worse than me, being abandoned like that.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('I tried to bring Hatsune once or twice, but she refused. I guess she needs more time to forgive her.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I even considered making her come, by way of hypnosis, but I soon decided not to, afraid it\'d misfire again.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f('I tried to bring Hina the first time, but she flat out refused. I guess she\'s not ready to forgive her for what she did just yet.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&hiDaughter'); f('I haven\'t brought my daughters, yet. I don\'t know why, really.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('I haven\'t brought my daughter along, yet. I don\'t know why, really.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Maybe I\'m afraid $Esther$ would notice something was off with her, on account of the hypnosis.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&!hiIncest'); f('It\'s always rather awkward, for several reasons, really.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s always been quite awkward, though. The times we\'ve met. I guess it\'s for several different reasons, really.'); f(endIf); f('For one thing, she has a very nervous disposition. She acts… <i>shy</i>, in front of me, her own son. I mean, she has reasons to feel ashamed, I guess.'); f(whatIf, 'aSister'); f('I guess that\'s the other thing. I… I kind of resent her, still, for what she did to us. Leaving us with our dad, to grow up without a mother.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('I mean, on some levels, I even blame mom for me and Hatsune. Surely, if she had been around… we wouldn\'t be in this situation.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I guess that\'s the other thing. I… I kind of resent her, still, for what she did. Left me with my dad, without a mother.'); f(endIf); f('The third thing, is…'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Oh, what the hell. I might just as well admit to it, considering I\'m already involved in a sexual relationship with my $wife$.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s shameful to admit, but…'); f(endIf); f('I\'m sexually attracted to her. Like, badly. Sometimes I even think of her when I\'m having sex with $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I know how bizarre that must sound - this guy has incestuous sex with his super hot $creature_$$wife$, all the while fantasizing about his even hotter $creature_$mother.'); f('I know, I\'m one fucked up cookie. I guess I\'m just wired that way.'); f(otherwise); f('I know, it\'s fucked up. But I really didn\'t grow up with her, and… I hear these kind of things happen. There\'s even a name for it. "Genetic sexual attraction", or something like that, and apparently it\'s fairly common, when you haven\'t grown up with a close relative but later reunite.'); f('So I guess I\'m not <i>that</i> strange. Though I\'m not sure how much of a comfort it is…'); f(endIf); f('...'); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f(whatIf, 'numberOfSisters>1'); f(setVariable, 'eHalf'); f('$Esther$ is actually my half-sister. Well, as you can tell, from her bombshell looks — she\'s a <i>haafu</i>, half-Japanese. Her mother is British. It\'s a sordid story, really. My dad had an affair, on a business trip over there.'); f('None of us knew, until much much later, when $Esther$ moved over here from England, to work in Japan. It was quite the shock, as you can imagine. To find out you have an English $creature_$half-sister…'); f('Who\'s hot as fuck, to make matters worse.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('I mean, not that I\'m not already screwing one of my $creature_$sisters. But, still. I do have a sense of shame, you know?'); f('... at least a little.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Yes, this hot bombshell is actually none other than my $creature_$sister. My older sister, to be precise. My senior by two years.'); f(whatIf, 'aMother'); f('Well, considering how good-looking our mother is, I guess it doesn\'t come as a shock.'); f(endIf); f('We aren\'t particularly close — she left home when she was just 14, for school. She was aiming to become a ballet dancer and was accepted to a school on the other side of Japan. She had a crazy schedule and basically, only ever came home for New Year\'s, at most.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('She gave up on her dream eventually, though it wasn\'t necessarily by choice — there was a very limited amount of roles people were interested in having a catgirl play.'); f('If only she\'d been born a mousegirl instead — she\'d at least get to star in the Nutcracker, if nothing else.'); f(otherwise); f('She gave up on the dream of becoming a ballerina eventually, though it wasn\'t by choice — there\'s just too many people vying to become one, and not enough demand.'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ was the top of her particular class, but it wasn\'t enough.'); f('Now, she\'s a regular OL - an <i>office lady</i>, working at a medium-sized company somewhere around here.'); f(endIf); f('She\'s nice. We don\'t hang out very often, even living in the same city… mostly it\'s down to her acting awkwardly, I guess. By which I mean… she\'s incredibly shy.'); f(whatIf, 'eHalf'); f('I mean, I get it, in a sense. We didn\'t grow up together, we\'re from different cultures… but you\'d assume you get past it, eventually, right?'); f('But $Esther$ always seems like she\'d rather be somewhere else. Not just away from me, but from people in general.'); f('I don\'t know if it\'s her Britishness, if that\'s what most people are like over there. I\'ve no idea.'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, fine. We don\'t know each other all that well. Still, we did grow up together. We did spend our formative years together. It feels incredibly odd to me that she just can\'t let herself relax around me.'); f(endIf); f('Beyond that, well.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('She\'s beautiful, like I\'ve already established. Ridiculously beautiful, actually.'); f('I guess there\'s no real sense in hiding it…'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s beautiful, like I\'ve already established. Ridiculously beautiful, actually. Beautiful to the point that even $Hatsune$, for all of her confidence, sometimes seem a little jealous.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(whatIf, 'eHalf'); f('I do get her, though. Obviously she knows already that I\'m incestuously inclined, or I wouldn\'t be fucking her at all. And $Esther$ <i>is</i> the product of her husband cheating on her.'); f('I can get why she\'d be worried history might repeat itself.'); f(otherwise); f('Bizarre, right? A $wife$, worried her son is going to cheat on her with her daughter. Not exactly sitcom material, but it\'s quite something, whatever it is.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Bizarro world, right? My daughter, jealous of my sister...!'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('Bizarre, right? A sister, worried her other sister will steal her brother away. Besides, I doubt $Esther$ is even wired that way.'); f(otherwise); f('Bizarre, right? My wife, worrying about my feelings for my sister?'); f(endIf); f('That said, if $Esther$ was actually… interested in that kind of thing...?'); f('She <i>is</i> extremely attractive. Like I said, a veritable <i>bombshell</i>.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I guess I might just as well come out and confess it, considering I\'m already having sex with $Hatsune$.'); f(otherwise); f('I… uh. It\'s shameful, but what\'s the point in hiding it?'); f(endIf); f('I\'m extremely attracted to $Esther$. Like, sexually.'); f('...'); f('Being completely honest — I\'ve even fantasized about her while having sex with $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And yes, I have considered hypnotizing her, as well. I mean, not considered as such, I guess. Just… fantasized about it.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('And yes, I know how crazy that sounds. Fantasizing about one of your $creature_$sisters… while having sex with another of your $creature_$sisters...?'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('And yes, I know how crazy that sounds. Fantasizing about your $creature_$sister… while having sex with your $creature_$$wife$...?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I can see the irony of it, thank you very much.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'eHalf'); f('My half-British $creature_$daughter…'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Now, this… this is a little complicated. I don\'t want to get into the details, but… I was young, and dumb.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('$Esther$\'s mother, also a catgirl, was an exchange student at my high school...'); f(otherwise); f('$Esther$\'s mother was an exchange student at my high school...'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Now, this… this is a little complicated. $Esther$ is not $Hatsune$\'s daughter. I don\'t want to get into the details, but… I was young, and dumb. Her $creature_$mother was an exchange student at my high school...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('...'); f('OK, I guess I have to give at least some details.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f('I… I hypnotized her mother.'); f('That\'s right. I wasn\'t as skilled as I\'m now, but…'); f('I was very shy, actually. And had a hard time talking to girls.'); f('I hadn\'t even the courage to speak up to her, $Esther$\'s mother, that is. She was British, your typical English Rose…'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('OK, so maybe not so typical. An English Catgirl Rose.'); f(endIf); f('No, she didn\'t possess the same volume of mammary tissue as $Esther$ does, I guess that must have come from my genetic background.'); f('Anyways, I… I left her a false love letter from one of the popular guys in school, that I thought she was interested in… asking her to come to the equipment room behind the school gym.'); f('I don\'t know what I was really planning to do, but… when she saw, me grew suspicious, and began to turn around.'); f('I got desperate, thinking she\'d tell people, make me look as a pervert…'); f('So I ran up to her, held her hard, while I stared into her eyes, hypnotizing her.'); f('It\'s not easy, actually, to hypnotize someone while they\'re in that kind of state, but… all of a sudden, she went from struggling with all she had, to just… completely lame. Expressionless face. She didn\'t move a muscle — that is, until I asked her to.'); f('I… I never intended to have sex with her, there.'); f('At least that\'s what I like to tell myself.'); f('I asked, nay, <i>commanded</i> her to strip down, piece by piece, and when she stood stark naked in front of me, I was just too excited not to…'); f('... not to…'); f('Well, you get what happened, don\'t you?'); f('I fucked her silly.'); f('Anyway…'); f(scene, 'town', 'fade'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(otherwise); f('And you know, boy meets girl, boy puts penis inside of said girl, girl leaves and never comes back. Your average love story.'); f(endIf); f('I didn\'t know of $Esther$\'s existence until she was already 15, when she sent me a letter addressed to my parent\'s, in very sketchy Japanese.'); f('We connected on Facebook, eventually, and after high school, she ended up moving here.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('$Hatsune$ knows of $Esther$, but hasn\'t met her.'); f('Not that\'d be the end of the world if they did meet, but I guess I\'m just weary $Esther$ might notice something\'s off, I mean, between me and my $wife$. Us not behaving entirely $husband$ and $wife$ly, all the time.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ knows, of course, and isn\'t upset at me over it, or whatever. But they haven\'t yet met. I guess I want to spare $Hatsune$ the embarrassment, maybe.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(e, 'Oh, $eMinoru$…! Are you on your way home?'); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$. Hi. Yes, yes I am.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('Yes, I call her by name, rather than "mom". Honestly, it just feels too weird to call her "mom", at this stage, having been separated from her for so long.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(pause, 2); f('On my way home from a long day of work…'); f(changeName, e, '???'); f(e, 'Oh, Mr. Inamoto...!'); f(e, 'Are you on your way home?'); f(m, 'Miss Anderson...?'); f(changeName, e, 'Esther'); f('I don\'t even need to turn around to address her.'); f('I\'d recognize that voice anywhere — and not just because I\'ve worked at the same company with her for three years, though that might help...'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f('It\'s none other than $Esther$ Anderson.'); f('I know what you\'re thinking. That name doesn\'t sound very Japanese — and that\'s because it\'s not.'); f('$Esther$ hails from England, born and bred, and she has the blonde hair so very atypical of Japanese women to prove it.'); f('A nice body, too. Pretty big boobs. Maybe even big enough to rival $Hatsune$\'s.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('And yes, a catgirl. You only thought this condition existed in Japan? No, it\'s a worldwide phenomenon, even if it\'s probably slightly more common in East Asia then anywhere else, for whatever reason.'); f(otherwise); f('Not that I\'ve let myself mentally undress her in the office before.'); f('Not that often, anyway.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'Are you on your way home?'); f(person, e, '0', 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'That\'s right. Um... You too?'); f('I nod my head.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('Odd. This is the first time we\'ve accidentally bumped into each other like this.'); f('I realize I don\'t actually know where she lives - I never got around to ask, and on the few occasions we\'ve met, it was always somewhere neutral, like at Starbucks, or some family restaurant.'); f(otherwise); f('Odd. It\'s the first time I run into her like this, on my way back home from work.'); f('She must have moved recently. She used to live on the other side of town, if I remember correctly.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('What else is there for me to do?'); f('I know $Esther$ tolerably well, but we\'re not close friends. Not like me and Hina.'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ and I have spoken a little, mostly about the bladder problems of her pet cat, Chocola. We\'re both pretty big on cats.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('You might think of that ironic or something — but remember, genetically, $Esther$ really doesn\'t differ much from your average human. The amount of cat DNA in her genome doesn\'t mean she\'s closer to cats, than regular people are to chimpanzees.'); f('So her having a cat really isn\'t weird, at all.'); f(endIf); f('I used to have a cat, too — a cute American curl called Maple.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('Then, $Hatsune$ decided we should get rid of it. I never got a proper explanation as to why it was so imperative, but…'); f('Unlike $Esther$, I guess… somehow, I think $Hatsune$ actually viewed little Maple as a <i>rival</i>, could you imagine.'); f('No, please! It was completely unfounded.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I may be a $wife$-fucker, but I\'m not that twisted.'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I may have hypnotized one or two people into having sex with me, in my days, but never a cat. Come on.'); f('It probably wouldn\'t even work.'); f('...'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Then, Hatsune developed an allergy to fur, and we had to get rid of it.'); f(otherwise); f('Then I got married to $Hatsune$ and we moved into an apartment together, and I had to get rid of her.'); f('It\'s not because $Hatsune$ doesn\'t <i>like</i> cats — she\'s <i>allergic</i> to them.'); f(endIf); f('Even the faintest whiff of cat hair makes her sneeze.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Unfortunately nothing I could cure with hypnosis.'); f(otherwise); f('I was pretty sad about that, actually...'); f(endIf); f('...'); f(endIf); f('I guess you could say I ended up trading one pussy in for another.'); f('Ha, ha.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I, um... I know this is a little forward, but...'); f('$Esther$ presses her index fingers together anxiously, in the manner of all shy people who are afraid of intruding.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&!eHalf'); f('Again, I find myself wishing she wouldn\'t be so shy around me.'); f(otherwise); f('Despite not being Japanese, I think she has our mannerisms down pat. Maybe that\'s why she fits in so well around the office — I mean, if you disregard the blonde hair.'); f('That does take a bit of getting used to.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I was wondering, um... If you wanted to stop by a restaurant before you go?'); f(m, 'A restaurant?'); f('I blink.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Though we\'ve both talked about meeting up more often, I didn\'t expect $Esther$ to be this forward, all of a sudden.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Well, don\'t look so surprised...!'); f(m, 'Um… no, it\'s just, uh…'); f('I smile.'); f(m, 'Well, I guess I <i>am</i> a little surprised.'); f('$Esther$ smiles back.'); f(e, 'It\'d be a nice to, you know… spend at least a little more time together, once in a while?'); f(m, 'Sure… I mean, we should, it\'s just that...'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Just what?'); f(otherwise); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Um, I just… I just think it would be nice, you know? $maleColleague$ and $colleague$, just once in a while.'); f(m, 'Oh, of course. We were talking about, uh… doing something, it\'s just…'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Just what?'); f(endIf); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('It\'s just that I\'m… I\'m afraid what I might do to you.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s just that… I\'m afraid the two of us will cross a line we shouldn\'t cross, if I go along with you.'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t tell her that — of course not, I can\'t.'); f('I probably shouldn\'t go along with her, but if I don\'t, then what?'); f(otherwise); f('Coming from a retiring woman like $Esther$, this is awfully forward.'); f('I think I\'d actually be less shocked if she got down on one knee and proposed.'); f(m, 'Do you want more help with Chocola?'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Chocola is fine. I just, um...'); f('Fidget, fidget.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I\'m really grateful you recommended that vet to me. I was a little worried about her stomach, um... And you were a big help.'); f(m, 'Hey, it\'s no big deal. We\'re co-workers.'); f('And you happen to have a very nice $creature_$body.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'B-but we hardly know one another, yet you\'ve done so much for me...!'); f(m, 'And you\'ve done a lot for me, too.'); f('Not like I can come out and say sometimes I fantasize about her when I\'m fucking my $wife$.'); f('I feel a little ashamed admitting that to myself, let alone out loud.'); f(m, 'Honestly, don\'t worry about it. Like I said, we\'re co-workers — and we both like cats. As a cat-lover, I\'m obligated to help my brethren.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('And as a catgirl-fucker, I\'m feeling even more olbigated, right now…'); f(otherwise); f('Or... <i>sisteren</i>.'); f('Is that a word?'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Oh, um... Th-thank you, Mr. Inamoto...'); f(m, 'Please, just call me Minoru.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I-I couldn\'t...!'); f(m, 'Isn\'t that how you address each other in England? It\'s first name only basis there, right?'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(e, 'Th-that might be the case, but there\'s different social etiquette... I mean, this <i>is</i> Japan.'); f(m, 'It is indeed.'); f(e, 'Mr. Inamoto...'); f(m, 'I already said, call me "Minoru".'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'But that\'s too forward...'); f(m, 'You just invited me out to a restaurant. If anything, <i>you\'re</i> the one being forward.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And I didn\'t even have to hypnotize you into doing it! This is a first.'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised', x, x, true); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I-I... I-I didn\'t mean it like that...!'); f(m, 'Heh.'); f('I let out a short laugh. I can\'t help myself.'); f('Teasing her is pretty fun. It\'s hard to prod and poke at $Hatsune$ like this.'); f('$Esther$ is far more vulnerable.'); f('Maybe I\'m into that.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I guess I don\'t really know what I\'m into… except I\'m obviously a pervert for having sex with my $wife$...'); f(otherwise); f('I wouldn\'t know what I\'m into, really. I started dating $Hatsune$ in high school, and I\'ve never been with any other woman.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('My pool of experience is tragically shallow.'); f('But that doesn\'t mean I\'ve never wondered...'); f(endIf); f('What would happen if I took $Esther$ up on her offer? She\'s so eager to please, and she seems like she might be quite easily manipulated...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Maybe I wouldn\'t even have to hypnotize her...?'); f(endIf); f('No.'); f('I can\'t think like that. It\'s wrong.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I\'m in a relationship with my $wife$, for better or for worse. I shouldn\'t be unfaithful with her…'); f('Of course, the advantage of being in a clandestine relationship with your $wife$ is that nobody, including your colleagues, know about it.'); f('$Esther$ doesn\'t know… maybe I could get her to string along with this?'); f(otherwise); f('I\'m married.'); f('But $Esther$ doesn\'t need to know that.'); f('I don\'t talk about my private life that much, and I don\'t wear my wedding ring when I\'m at the office. It was pretty expensive, and I\'m kind of paranoid about it getting stolen.'); f('Come to think of it — Hina\'s probably the only person who knows about $Hatsune$.'); f('I don\'t think $Esther$ knows the truth, but can I really do this...?'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(endIf); f(playMusic, 'depression'); f(setVolume, 0.7); f(pause, 0.5); f('If I don\'t, I\'ll have to go back home to $Hatsune$, and she\'ll be waiting on the bed like yesterday.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'room1', 'fade'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, h, 1.4); f(pause, 1); f(h, '<i>Would you like to have dinner, or should I draw up a bath... Or would you prefer to have…</i>'); f(h, '<i>Me...?</i>'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And… her expressionless eyes…'); f(otherwise); f('As regular as clockwork.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('Unless…'); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(scene, 'town', 'fade'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral2', x, x, true); f(pause, 1); f('Hm…'); f(pause, 2); f(choice); f(choice, 'Go along with $Esther$.'); f('Nothing more than routine.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(changeBg, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I don\'t know if I can keep doing it.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&!eIncest'); f('I just want… something "normal".'); f(otherwise); f('I just want something more.'); f(endIf); f('Is that really so much to ask?'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'e_date'); f(choice, 'Refuse $Esther$.'); f(setVariable, 'refusedEstherEarlyOn'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 5); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(m, 'I\'m frightfully sorry, $Esther$. I think I need to head home to my wife.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried', x, x, true); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Oh. I\'m sorry. D-didn\'t mean to intrude, of course.'); f(m, 'Oh, not at all, $Esther$. We can go eat some other time. Maybe I\'ll try and bring my wife along as well. I\'ll… I\'ll call you.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I\'ll… call you.'); f(pause, 2); f(otherwise); f('As the word "wife" leaves my lips, $Esther$ gets a panicked look over her face.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried', x, x, true); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I\'m so sorry! I-I didn\'t-'); f(m, 'Nothing to worry about, $Esther$.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('Nothing for <i>you</i> to worry about, at least.'); f(pause, 2); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I\'m frightfully sorry, $Esther$. I need to head home, actually. I can feel a headache coming…'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('A headache named "$Hatsune$."'); f(pause, 2); f(endIf); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'backToH'); f(choice, 'Invite $Esther$ home for dinner. (threesome route)', 'wip'); f('Maybe... there\'s a way I could spice things up a little.'); f(m, 'Hey, $Esther$...'); f('Or am I just out of my mind?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Isn\'t it about time you came over to our house?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Isn\'t it about time you came over to my house? And met my wife...?'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried', x, x, true); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'R-really...?!'); f(person, e, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I mean, I\'d love to! If you will have me...'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Why don\'t you come home to my place for dinner? You should meet my $wife$.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(e, 'Y-your $wife$...?'); f(m, 'Yes, we live together. And I\'m sure she\'d love to meet you!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Y-your wife? I\'m so sorry, Mr. Inamoto! I didn\'t realize… I should have-'); f(m, 'No, no, not at all! We\'d love to have you over.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'W-well… if you\'ll have me…?'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('If we\'ll <i>have you</i> indeed, dear $colleague$. That\'s exactly what I\'m hoping I\'ll be having…'); f(pause, 2); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'threesome1'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'e_date'); f(fadeIn, 'shokudo', 2); f(pause, 2); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 2); f(e, 'I... I\'m sorry. I know this place isn\'t very much...'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry about it. It\'s fine.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'I\'m a little embarrassed, though…'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'lookingdown']); f('My mother glances down at the table top, letting her manicured fingernails trace patterns against the plastic.'); f('Why the hesitancy…?'); f('There\'s something about it though that makes me feel in power, in control. Her guilt, perhaps? I enjoy it. It makes coming to a less-than-stellar family restaurant like this worthwhile.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'But, um... It\'s kind of embarrassing...'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'lookingdown']); f('$Esther$ glances down at the table top, letting her manicured fingernails trace patterns against the plastic.'); f('Her hesitance is almost unbearably adorable.'); f('It makes coming to a less-than-stellar family restaurant like this, with cheap plastic menus and chattering children, worthwhile.'); f(endIf); f('Even if my omelette rice is a little undercooked and the cherry tomatoes on the side are overripe.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I mean, I asked for us to meet up, maybe I should have chosen a nicer place for it… since we don\'t meet very often…'); f(m, 'No, not at all. We\'re family, aren\'t we? Meeting up in a "family restaurant" makes perfect sense, doesn\'t it?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I mean... I asked you out, and then I took you to a place like this...'); f(m, 'I must admit, I was a little surprised. I didn\'t exactly expect it.'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ always dresses nicely, in expensive suits, and she piles her hair up carefully in these intricate buns.'); f('She stands out in a gaudy place like this, like the Queen of England dossing around in a back alley.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('If she\'s the Queen of England, I guess that makes me Prince Harry?'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(e, 'I-I just thought... Um...'); f('Fiddle, fiddle.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('My $colleague$ grabs the bill lying on the table.'); f(m, 'Hold on, let me pay that.'); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(e, 'I don\'t really have that much money, after paying for the vet\'s bills... But I still wanted to thank you.'); f(m, 'You mean you want to pay for me?'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Come on, now. I\'m your mother, aren\'t I? Please let me pay.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-I can\'t?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I don\'t know about that. I\'m the man. Aren\'t I supposed to pay?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'B-but, we\'re family…'); f(m, 'Uh, yes, of course.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'I mean, that\'s precisely why <i>I</i> should pay, don\'t you think? I\'m your father, after all. Even if I haven\'t been there much for you, up until now…'); f(e, 'U-up until now…?'); f(m, 'Uh… yes.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'OK OK, feel free to pay.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Thank you, Minoru. I appreciate it.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Y-you mean it?'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$\'s face lights up. You\'d have thought I paid her some great compliment — not judiciously allowed her to spend money on my omelette rice.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('I guess this meant more to her than I had imagined.'); f(endIf); f('I\'m starting to have second thoughts.'); f(otherwise); f('If my grandpa found out I was even contemplating letting a pretty girl like $Esther$ pay for my meal — which, after glancing at the prices again, is going to amount to mere pocket change — he\'d probably hit me with a <i>shinai</i>.'); f('No kidding.'); f('Grandpa\'s always been pretty big on kendo.'); f(e, 'W-Well, you helped me with Chocola so much already...'); f(m, 'And, like I said, I was just trying to do the right thing.'); f(endIf); f('Was coming out with $Esther$ the "right" thing?'); f('I don\'t know.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('I mean, on the surface, it seems like that, doesn\'t it? $maleColleague$ and $colleague$ meeting up once in a while… even if it were in a cheap family restaurant serving nothing but mass-produced junk…'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, it\'s just a cheap family restaurant. It\'s hardly a super romantic date. $Hatsune$\'s cooking is far better than this mass-produced junk…'); f(endIf); f('... But, for some reason, it tasted kind of good.'); f('It shouldn\'t have tasted good. It had no business to taste good because it definitely, most categorically wasn\'t.'); f('But I still liked it.'); f('Maybe because I was with $Esther$...?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Christ, what is going on here? I\'d better break things up, before I inadvertently find myself crossing a line that should not be crossed…'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Break it up.'); f(m, 'Well, $Esther$. Thank you very much, it was really nice to, uh… sit down and talk with you. We should to this again.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(e, '$eMinoru$... you\'re leaving so soon?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Yes, well. I have $Hatsune$ to look after, you know?'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'I\'m sure she\'s perfectly capable of handling herself, $eMinoru$.'); f(m, 'Yes, but you know what I mean.'); f('Or rather… she doesn\'t. Which I guess is really for the best.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Oh… of course…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I\'ll try and bring her along next time, maybe!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Yes, well, you know what it\'s like. Can\'t leave the trouble and strife to her own devices for all too long!'); f(e, 'I-I see…'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f('Thank you, $Esther$.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(setVariable, 'refusedEstherEarlyOn'); f(jump, 'backToH'); f(choice, 'Suggest you go to her place.'); f(m, 'Hey, $Esther$... it\'s been really nice talking to you. Do you want to move along somewhere else, maybe?'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(e, 'S-somewhere else?'); f(m, 'I mean, nothing wrong with this restaurant, but we can\'t just sit here forever, can we? And… we don\'t meet up very often, so I feel… I feel it\'d be a shame to just go home, now.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(e, 'Oh, I see…'); f(m, 'How about your place?'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'arriveEsthersPlace'); f(endChoice); f(otherwise); f(choice); f(choice, 'Pay for your meal.'); f(jump, 'branch7'); f(choice, 'Let $Esther$ pay.'); f(jump, 'branch8'); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f(label, 'branch7'); f('... No.'); f('I\'ve let this go too far already.'); f('Allowing a pretty girl like $Esther$ to take me to a restaurant is one thing, but making her foot the bill as well?'); f('That\'d be beyond embarrassing.'); f('It\'d be shameful.'); f('Downright <i>humiliating</i>.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('My manly pride would never be able to recover.'); f('Not that I have much of that, given how often I let $Hatsune$ push me around...'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('Ah.'); f('$Hatsune$.'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'depression'); f(setVolume, 0.7); f(scene, 'room1', 'fade'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'neutral'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, h, 1.4); f(pause, 1); f('An image of her from last night flickers across my mind.'); f('She\'ll be waiting for me.'); f('Wondering where I am.'); f(pause, 1); f(setVolume, 0, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('But would she ever suspect I was busy in the early stages of having an affair — attempted affair, shall I say — with a sexy co-worker?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnsosis'); f('I sigh.'); f('Even if she did, I could just make her suspicions go away with the flick of my finger.'); f(endIf); f(fadeIn, 'shokudo', 1); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0]); f('... Yeah. $Esther$ is sexy. She\'s made sexier by the fact she doesn\'t realize she\'s sexy, so there\'s something mousy and vulnerable about her despite her large tits and voluptuous curves, but...'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(m, 'I\'m sorry, $Esther$. I can\'t let you pay for my food.'); f('Verbally, it sounds like the only thing I\'m rejecting is her money — but we both know it runs deeper than that.'); f('The stakes are higher than we\'ve allowed ourselves to let on.'); f('I can\'t let her pay for my meal...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And I can\'t allow myself to hypnotize her.'); f('I\'ve caused enough mayhem as it is.'); f(otherwise); f('And I can\'t allow myself to fall for her.'); f('It just wouldn\'t be proper.'); f('I\'m too Japanese for this.'); f(endIf); f('The right thing to do is pay for my meal, shrug on my coat, and walk back home to my $wife$.'); f('I don\'t know if I love her all that much anymore, but does it matter?'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('We <i>are</i> married.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('That\'s something that won\'t change, whether or not she\'s hypnotized.'); f(otherwise); f('That\'s something that won\'t change.'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t wear my wedding band at work, but I can still feel the faint impression of it — a groove about my ring finger — when I reach into my pocket to pull out my wallet.'); f('That\'s something that can\'t be refuted.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'Ester==Esther'); f('No matter how sexy, yet charmingly unaware of it, $Esther$ Anderson is.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(setVariable, 'refusedEstherEarlyOn'); f(jump, 'backToH'); f(label, 'branch8'); f(m, 'Alright. You can pay for me if you <i>really</i> want.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(e, 'Y-you mean it?'); f('$Esther$\'s face lights up. You\'d have thought I paid her some great compliment — not judiciously allowed her to spend money on my omelette rice.'); f('She really is easy to please.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('Not like $Hatsune$, who\'s always been so <i>demanding</i>...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'But, if you insist on paying for me, there\'s something I want in return.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(e, 'O-oh? What is it?'); f(m, 'I was wondering if I could come back to your place.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(e, 'T-to my house...?!'); f(m, 'That\'s right. Um, not for any untoward reasons—'); f('A lie.'); f(m, '-but because the coffee here is kind of... weak. Too much creamer.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(e, 'O-oh, I see... I like sweet coffee myself.'); f(m, 'I think coffee always tastes better when it\'s been made by somebody you care about. They know your tastes better than the waiting staff.'); f(e, 'I, um... Ah…'); f('$Esther$ flushes, fiddling with a napkin. She passes it between her hands, twisting at the corners like she\'s trying to make an origami swan.'); f('But she\'s too clumsy and her fingers are shaking.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0]); f(e, 'If you want a coffee, I... I-I don\'t mind. My apartment isn\'t very big, though.'); f(m, 'It\'s fine.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(e, 'But you, um... D-do you have any commitments? I wouldn\'t want to keep you...'); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'depression'); f(setVolume, 0.7); f(scene, 'room1', 'fade'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, h, 1.4); f('An image of $Hatsune$ from last night flashes through the forefront of my mind.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('I shake my head, trying to dislodge it.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(fadeIn, 'shokudo'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(m, 'Me? No. Nope. No commitments.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(e, 'You live on your own?'); f(m, 'Mmhmm.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0]); f(e, 'O-oh, good...'); f('Relief spreads across $Esther$\'s face. That is, until she realizes the implications behind her words and her cheeks turn pink.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'blushing']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 5, 0.2); f(pause, 0.5); f(e, 'I-I mean, it\'s not good! I-I\'m not happy you live on your own — of course I\'m not! Th-that\'s an awful thing to think!'); f(m, 'Really? I don\'t think it\'s <i>that</i> awful.'); f(e, 'Y-you don\'t?'); f(m, 'No. In fact, right now...'); f('I reach across the table, taking hold of her fingers.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'I\'m sure Hatsune won\'t find out.'); f(e, '$eMinoru$...? $Hatsune$? Um... Wh-what are you talking about...?'); f('Oh, crap. Freudian slip, or something. That\'s not what I intended to say. Best I\'d make her forget about that.'); f(m, '$Esther$, look into my eyes…'); f(e, 'W-why?'); f(m, 'Just do it.'); f('I stare into her eyes. In the old days, I\'d swing amulets and all kinds of bullshit, just from watching too much TV on the matter, I guess.'); f('Nowadays, I can pull this off just using my voice, though it helps if there\'s eye contact.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'You\'ve no idea who Hatsune is.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'slightlyhappy', 'hypnosis']); f(e, '... I\'ve no idea who Hatsune is.'); f('I look around quickly, just to make sure nobody else is looking. Let\'s play around a little...'); f(m, 'You\'ve no idea she\'s actually my $wife$, whom I\'ve kind of accidentally hypnotized into a sex monster. Whom I have sex with basically every night, and every morning.'); f(e, '...'); f(m, 'Right.'); f('And with that, she\'s out of it.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'sad']); f(e, '... huh? D-did you just s-say something?'); f(m, 'Nope, not at all. Shall we go?'); f(e, 'Sure.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I did not just mention my $wife$\'s name to you.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'slightlyhappy', 'hypnosis']); f(e, 'You did not just mention your $wife$\'s name to me.'); f(m, 'Matter of fact, you are blissfully unaware of the fact that I\'m married to a sex-crazed woman whom I\'m trying to get away from.'); f(e, 'I\'m blissfully aware-'); f(m, 'Right. You don\'t actually have to repeat it.'); f(e, '...'); f(m, 'OK. So...'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'sad']); f('I change the tone of my voice, and immediately, $Esther$ snaps out of it. Yes, I\'m really that good, but then again... I\'ve had my fair share of practice.'); f(m, 'Shall we go?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I\'m counting my lucky stars I am single.'); f(e, 'M-Mr. Inamoto...'); f(m, 'Like I said, Minoru\'s fine.'); f(e, '$eMinoru$...? Um... Wh-what do you mean...?'); f('I lean in a little closer to her. My voice drops to a whisper.'); f(m, 'I mean, I\'m glad I\'m single. That means I can spend time with a pretty woman like you.'); f(e, 'P-pretty?'); f(m, 'Indubitably.'); f(endIf); f('Really, I try to reason, I\'m not doing anything wrong.'); f('I\'m just finishing what $Esther$ started.'); f('She was the one who invited me to this restaurant. She was the one who instigated.'); f('Isn\'t this what she wants?'); f('It\'s a man\'s job to be a little pushy. Otherwise, nothing would get done.'); f('I\'m sure my grandpa, with his kendo obsession, would agree wholeheartedly.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('Except the fact that I\'m about to cheat.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('On his favorite granddaughter, even.'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('On his favorite daughter, even.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('On his grand-granddaughter, even.'); f(endIf); f('Christ.'); f(otherwise); f('... maybe not the bit about the cheating on $Hatsune$, though. He always liked $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Well, who cares about grandpa, or $Hatsune$?'); f('Screw $Hatsune$.'); f('Not literally, of course.'); f('I\'ve done far too much of that lately.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'arriveEsthersPlace'); f(label, 'arriveEsthersPlace'); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(pause, 1.5); f(cgs, 'e_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'eIncest||hypnosis'); f(e, 'Mghh…!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Mm... $eMinoruAlt$...'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Esther$...'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(e, 'No, dad— nn…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'No, Mino— nn...'); f(endIf); f('My tongue probes the inside of $Esther$\'s mouth, sliding around inside.'); f('If I wanted, I could probably count all her teeth with the tip of my tongue...'); f('But I have better things to do.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Like forcing my tongue down her throat.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('As soon as we stepped inside, something just came over me. I hypnotized my $colleague$ and forced myself onto her.'); f(otherwise); f('As soon as we stepped inside, I just couldn\'t hold it in any longer. I\'m forcing myself onto my $colleague$ just out of lust and I can\'t afford to stop for even a second to consider the consequences.'); f('So I keep our mouths pressed together, leaving her no room to break free.'); f(endIf); f('She pants and moans, breathy and helpless against my lips.'); f('I slide my tongue in even deeper — so deep I almost choke her.'); f(otherwise); f('Like kissing her.'); f('So I keep kissing.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('As soon as we stepped inside, something just came over me. I immediately stared into her eyes and forced myself onto her.'); f(endIf); f('She pants and moans, breathy and helpless against my lips.'); f('I use this to my advantage and slide my tongue in even deeper — so deep I almost choke her.'); f(endIf); f('She coughs and I draw back.'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('A strand of saliva links our parted mouths together, hovering tenuously in the air.'); f(setVolume, 0, 'fadeOut'); f(cgs, 'h_kiss', 'fade', [0, 'grey']); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('When we first started kissing, $Hatsune$ and I, this always made her laugh.'); f(otherwise); f('When we first started going out in high school, Hatsune and I, this always made her giggle.'); f(endIf); f('She thought it was funny — and kind of romantic, I think — that even after our lips parted part of us remained linked together.'); f('She\'s always been pretty romantic, I guess...'); f('But... I shouldn\'t be thinking about $Hatsune$.'); f('Why am I still thinking about her?'); f('The whole point of this was to escape $Hatsune$ — but I can\'t.'); f('My mind keeps wandering back to her, even as my fingers trace up and down $Esther$\'s back, exploring the knobs of her spine concealed by her clothes.'); f('I\'m not even thinking about the sex. It\'s the little things really, that make $Hatsune$ $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f('I guess attempting to replace one sister with another, might have been a stupid move.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('I guess attempting to replace one daughter with another, was a stupid move.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('...'); f('Hatsune. I know her so well.'); f(otherwise); f('The woman I loved so much I wanted to marry her.'); f(endIf); f('The way she giggles when you prod her side.'); f('The mole on the underside of her right foot.'); f('Her weird aversion to bitter melon.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('The way her eyes filled with tears on our wedding day, and I was tempted — so, so tempted — to kiss them all away, even in front of our friends and family.'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And of course… how to make my her, my $wife$, cum, in a million ways, with or without the help of my hypnotic skills.'); f(otherwise); f('The way her eyes filled with tears the first time I told her I loved her, after cumming inside of her.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('What am I doing...?'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'cg_e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(e, 'Um... $eMinoru$...?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eHalf||!eIncest'); f('$Esther$ blinks up at me, her lashes long and pale. The eyelashes of a European.'); f(otherwise); f('$Esther$ blinks up at me, her lashes long and pale.'); f(endIf); f('Not like $Hatsune$\'s.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&eIncest'); f('Despite their kinship… they\'re nothing alike, really.'); f(otherwise); f('They\'re nothing alike, really.'); f(endIf); f('You\'d think kissing would feel the same across the board, but there are a lot of subtle differences.'); f('I think $Esther$\'s lips are a little larger, softer — more voluptuous, maybe — and she wears a brand of lipstick that tastes synthetic against my tongue.'); f('She uses a different shampoo to $Hatsune$, too.'); f('It smells of... strawberries, maybe.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('A little childish. Then again, she is a child. <i>My</i> child.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('As is $Hatsune$...'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&aDaughter'); f('Isn\'t that kind of childish for a grown woman? For a grandmother...?'); f(otherwise); f('Isn\'t that kind of childish for a grown woman?'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$\'s shampoo smells of coconut milk.'); f('I know because we do the weekly shop together, and I see what brands she puts into the cart.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'h_photo', 'whiteFade', [0]); f(pause); f('I know all these things about $Hatsune$, because… because she\'s my mother.'); f('And because I love her.'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('I know all these things about $Hatsune$... because I love her.'); f(otherwise); f('I know all these things about $Hatsune$ because we\'re married — have been for years now — and I love her.'); f(endIf); f('I\'m supposed to love her.'); f('So why am I doing this...?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest && eIncest'); f('Replacing one hypnotic incestous relationship, with another?'); f(otherwise); f('Replacing one hypnotic love, with another?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Because I\'m bored?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(cgs, 'cg_e_close', 'whiteFade', [0]); f(jump, 'estherHypnosisBranch'); f(endIf); f(e, '$eMinoruAlt$...'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'cg_e_close', 'whiteFade', [0]); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ attempts again, her eyelashes trembling, and I\'m brought back to reality.'); f('I blink, shaking my head.'); f('She looks so vulnerable, sitting on the side of her bed with her hair rumpled and her chest rising and falling.'); f('I asked for coffee, but no coffee has been forthcoming — through no fault of $Esther$\'s.'); f('I pressed my lips against hers as soon as she opened the door to let me in, and shoved my tongue deep into her mouth.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(jump, 'eMotherHasKissed'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$, wh-what are you d-doing?'); f(m, '$Esther$... I\'m sorry, I know we\'re related, that we\'re $maleColleague$ and $colleague$, but… you\'re too sexy. I can\'t stop myself when I\'m with you.'); f(e, '$eMinoru$... this is wrong..!'); f(e, 'We shouldn\'t… we shouldn\'t kiss!'); f(m, 'Why not, exactly?'); f(otherwise); f('No wonder she looks so flustered.'); f(e, 'I, um... A-are you alright?'); f(m, 'I\'m fine.'); f(e, 'But you seem a little distracted...'); f(m, 'I do?'); f(e, 'Yes. Um...'); f('She looks down at her knees, tracing an idle pattern against the bedspread with her index finger.'); f(e, 'I\'m sorry if I\'m not good enough...'); f(m, 'Why are you apologising?'); f('If anything, <i>I\'m</i> the one who should be apologising to <i>her</i>, for more or less molesting her.'); f('She only invited me out to a restaurant, for goodness\' sake.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I... I-I haven\'t kissed anybody in a long time... Or, um...'); f('She dips her head shyly.'); f(e, 'Ever, really.'); f('I stare at her.'); f(m, 'You mean you\'ve never been kissed?'); f(e, 'No. Even though I\'m a grown woman, I...'); f('She looks at me through her bangs, desperately seeking approval.'); f('<i>My</i> approval.'); f(e, 'I\'ve never... been in a relationship before. I haven\'t held hands with any man, so much as k-k-kissed them...'); f('Ah. She\'s so pure she can\'t even say the word "kissed" without getting embarrassed?'); f('I didn\'t know they made girls like this nowadays. I thought it was just a myth, like unicorns.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('To think, she sprung from these loins of mine...! From something as sullied as myself, a daughter, pure as the driven snow.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Um... I-is that weird...?'); f(m, 'I guess it\'s a bit unusual. I mean, I didn\'t expect it.'); f(e, 'N-no?'); f(m, 'No. I mean, you\'re so pretty, who wouldn\'t be interested...?'); f(e, 'P-pretty?'); f('I roll my eyes.'); f(m, 'I already said that, didn\'t I?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I thought you were just humoring me b-because I\'m your $colleague$...'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I thought you might be humoring me...'); f(endIf); f('So she thinks my cock\'s hard because I\'m "humoring" her? My erection is merely me being polite?'); f('I might be Japanese, but that\'s taking it a bit too far.'); f('I know $Esther$\'s a reasonably intelligent woman, so her self-esteem really must be low if it\'s making her say such stupid things.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I know I\'m weird, even if you say I\'m not. I\'ve never even had a boyfriend. Not once.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I know it\'s weird even if you say it\'s not. That\'s what my parents say. Um...'); f(e, 'They always call me — my mother especially — and ask me when I\'m going to get married. They say it\'s strange that I\'m in my early thirties and I\'ve never even had a boyfriend. Not once.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I mean, th-there was one boy in primary school who said he liked me, but that was when I was six and I still wore braces. It doesn\'t count.'); f(whatIf, '!eIncest'); f('She wore braces? That\'s kind of cute.'); f('She looks so elegant you never would\'ve thought.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I just don\'t know what\'s wrong with me...'); f(e, 'I-I don\'t think I\'m unattractive, but... I just...'); f(e, 'It\'s hard talking to men, and I get so shy...'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&!eHalf'); f(e, 'I thought it might be easier once I started working… becoming an adult. In a-a, an ordered company, a neat place…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I thought it might be easier in Japan b-because everybody\'s so polite... It\'s less intimidating, I think. Everything\'s ordered so neatly, and I... I like that...'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'room2', 'fade'); f('I can tell by a quick, cursory look at her apartment. $Esther$ is a woman who likes things in their proper place.'); f('There\'s hardly a superfluous item to be found -- it\'s practically sterile, like a lab environment… speaking of which, I know exactly what kind of <i>tests</i> I\'d like to carry out here...'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(setZoom, e, 1.5); f(e, 'But it wasn\'t easier. I still couldn\'t talk to anybody.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'In fact, maybe it was even harder, because everybody at work was always so focused and busy. I-it seemed like nobody had any time for romance, um... and I thought I was being silly to fixate on it so much.'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'neutral'); f(setZoom, e, 1.6); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'B-but isn\'t it sillier to never have been kissed..?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'B-but isn\'t it sillier for a thirty-year-old woman to never have been kissed?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(e, 'I\'m… I\'m sorry. I don\'t know wh-why I\'m telling you about this…'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry.'); f('God damn.'); f('My $colleague$, all hot and flustered. She looks so good I can feel my cock straining against the front of my pants.'); f('What… what am I doing here? If I let things go on…'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I will end up having sex with her. As if the situation with $Hatsune$ isn\'t bad enough as it is, I will be caught in a second incestuous relationship. Is that really what I want, in my heart of hearts?'); f('How will it help me with my situation with $Hatsune$...?'); f(otherwise); f('I will end up having sex with my biological $colleague$. I can sense it. It will happen. I will cross the line no man should cross. Is this… is this what I want?'); f('Maybe I should have made up my mind before I thrust my tongue into her mouth, but…'); f('For sure, it\'s… it\'s something else. It\'s different. It\'s… there\'s a sense of excitement. Dare I sample this forbidden fruit?'); f('Maybe this is just what I wanted…?'); f(endIf); f('...'); f('What is it that I want…?'); f(otherwise); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral', x, x, true); f(e, 'I... I never thought this would happen, so I don\'t really know what I\'m doing, and I\'m kind of bad at it...'); f('She bows her head.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'P-please forgive me...!'); f('God damn.'); f('She looks so good I can feel my cock straining against the front of my pants.'); f('When a hot woman like $Esther$ oh-so-sweetly tells you she\'s never been kissed before, with her hair mussed up and her lower lip a touch swollen, how is any man meant to react?'); f('I mean, <i>really</i>.'); f('I was her first kiss.'); f('I could be her first in a lot of other ways, too...'); f('I could — and after everything she said, I\'d feel bad if I stopped now.'); f('Like I\'ve been leading her on.'); f('What kind of asshole would I be then?'); f('But what about $Hatsune$...?'); f('Fuck. I\'m in this way too deep. I\'m going to hurt somebody no matter what I do...'); f('Provided nobody finds out.'); f(endIf); f(label, 'esterSexChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Back out while you still can.'); f(jump, 'branch9'); f(choice, 'Go on.', 'eIncest'); f(jump, 'branch10'); f(choice, 'Have sex with $Esther$.', '!eIncest'); f(jump, 'branch10'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'estherHypnosisBranch'); f('$Esther$ coughs, and I\'m brought back to reality.'); f('I blink, shaking my head.'); f('My $colleague$ looks so vulnerable, sitting on the side of her bed with her hair rumpled and her chest rising and falling.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&eIncest'); f('...'); f('What the hell am I attempting to do here? Christ, this is my $colleague$, for crying out loud. Hypnotizing your wife into a completely sex-crazed nymphomaniac is one thing, but… this would be <i>incest</i>. Am I really prepared to go through with this?'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('I am her father, goddamnit! I\'m supposed to take care of her… look after her… aren\'t I? Not… not force her into doing something she\'d never agree to if she weren\'t… if she was entirely conscious of what was going on.'); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f('I am her older brother…! I\'m supposed to watch out for my little sister, aren\'t I? That\'s what brothers normally do for their sisters, isn\'t it? Help them out with their homework… beat up their bullies…'); f('Not… not having sex with them while they\'re too out of it to realize what\'s going on…?'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('Christ, no matter how sexy I find her, she\'s my god damn mother! Estranged or no, I\'m… I\'m taking things a little far, aren\'t I…!?'); f('Sure, things aren\'t great with Hatsune at the moment, I\'m confused about what I want to do with my life, but surely…'); f('Raping my mother isn\'t really on my bucket list, is it? Or you know, on Buzzfeed\'s "10 things to do when you\'re having a midlife crisis", really...?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('What am I doing here? Can I really go through with this? How would she react if I just broke the spell, right here? She\'d run out screaming, wouldn\'t she…?'); f(endIf); f('I… I could still pull out of this. I don\'t…'); f('I mean, irregardless of whatever transgressions the past me might be guilty of… I don\'t have to carry on with this. I can back out. Can\'t I?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Back out while you still can.'); f(jump, 'branch9'); f(choice, 'Seduce her.'); f(choice, 'Rip off her clothes.'); f(setVariable, 'ripitoff'); f(endChoice); f('As I realize I\'ve made up my mind, a smile spreads itself over my face.'); f('What the hell was I worrying over? This isn\'t what $Esther$ wants — it\'s about what I want. Like it\'s always been.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('So she\'s my $colleague$ — so sodding what.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('It\'s not like I\'m not already fucking $Hatsune$. I\'ve crossed this line before.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('Or, you know. A similar line, at least. Besides, this bitch deserves everything that\'s coming to her, for deserting me.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('For deserting Hatsune.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f('For deserting Hina.'); f(endIf); f('For deserting dad.'); f('Dad, this one\'s for you…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('A man has his urges — your dick knows not who you\'re related to, or not, and to which degree.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('... slightly ironic though, I guess, that half of her started out in the very same dick. Nonetheless, though.'); f(endIf); f('Besides, nobody has to know. Not the least $Esther$ herself. It\'ll just be this once… sampling the forbidden fruit.'); f('Hah. Exactly, that\'s what this is. I\'m just trying something new out.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('$Esther$, you sexy soon-to-be $maleColleague$ fucker…'); f('I\'ll show you what\'s what.'); f(pause, 2); f(otherwise); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('$Esther$, you sexy, big-breasted bitch…'); f('I\'ll show you what\'s what.'); f(pause, 2); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'ripitoff'); f(jump, 'estherRape'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'estherSex1'); f(label, 'eMotherHasKissed'); f(e, '...'); f(e, 'Like father, like son…'); f(m, 'Huh?'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, that wasn\'t a… that kiss right now... wasn\'t an expression of filial love, was it?'); f(m, 'Uh… well, uh… in a sense, maybe? I mean, it depends on where you draw the line, doesn\'t it?'); f(whatIf, 'aSister'); f(e, '... Minoru… I\'m sorry for abandoning you and your sisters…'); f(otherwise); f(e, '... Minoru, I\'m… I\'m sorry for abandoning you and your dad...'); f(endIf); f(e, '... but what is it you\'re trying to accomplish here? Is this some kind of revenge, for what I did to you?'); f('My mother\'s voice is entirely calm, not revealing no tracings of feelings at all, no anger, no sadness… perhaps remorse? Or am I reading things into this?'); f(m, '...'); f('I find myself lost for words — not something that happens very often.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Me, the most confident guy in office — a confidence I guess comes naturally when you have somebody like $Hatsune$ by your side — even if she does happen to be your $wife$...'); f(otherwise); f('Me, always so certain what I want, the most confident guy in the office — a confidence I guess comes naturally when you have a bombshell wife like $Hatsune$...'); f(endIf); f('... now, really not knowing just what the hell it is I\'m doing, and what it is I want?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Maybe I should have figured that out before I forced my tongue down my biological mother\'s throat. On the other hand… maybe I just figured that once you\'ve crossed the line with one family member… I mean, at that stage: who\'s counting…?'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe I should have figured that out before I forced my tongue down my biological mother\'s throat. You know, you might figure that\'d be the due diligence, for a situation like this. But no.'); f(endIf); f('What is it that I want?'); f(choice); f(choice, '"I want to seduce her."'); f(jump, 'seduceEMom'); f(choice, '"I want to humiliate her."'); f('I can\'t help but crack a smile as I realize what it is I want.'); f('I want to extract revenge on my mother.'); f('She abandoned me… us. And… I know exactly what the appropriate punishment would be.'); f('WIP'); f(jump, 'estherRape'); f(choice, '"I want to leave."'); f(jump, 'branch9'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'seduceEMom'); f('WIP seduce mom leading to sex'); f(jump, 'estherSex1'); f(label, 'branch10'); f(m, 'Hey, it\'s alright.'); f(e, 'I-it is?'); f(m, 'Mmhmm.'); f(setZoom, e, 1.7); f('I lean forwards, pressing a gentle kiss against the side of $Esther$\'s lily white neck — just above one of her arteries.'); f('Pale blue and incredibly inviting.'); f('She\'s so delicate she shivers beneath my touch. It\'s like her whole body is coursing with electricity.'); f('Maybe it\'s because she\'s a virgin.'); f('She\'s probably easier to excite than $Hatsune$.'); f('Easier to impress, too.'); f(whatIf, 'mIncest'); f(m, '$Esther$... I know this is, uh… unusual. For us, for people like you and me, I mean, related, as we are, to do this, but…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I\'ve done this a few times before. I can talk you through it.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'You mean, um... like kissing...?'); f(m, 'Amongst other things.'); f(e, 'O-other things? I, um...'); f('She flusters adorably.'); f('She\'s so cute I want to crush her to my chest and hold her close, burying my nose in her hair.'); f('The aroma of her strawberry shampoo is so strong it\'s almost overwhelming.'); f('Strong enough to wipe my mind free from thoughts about $Hatsune$.'); f('I don\'t want to think about $Hatsune$.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'B-but… I\'m your $colleague$...? Y-you… you can\'t be attracted to your $colleague$, can you...?'); f(m, 'Who says I can\'t be?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'If you... I-if you think I\'m attractive enough, I... I suppose I wouldn\'t mind...'); f(m, 'Of course I think you\'re attractive enough. Look.'); f(endIf); f('I reach to the waistband of my pants and pull my cock free. It\'s hard and springs to attention, a few drops of precum dripping down the tip.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Oh...!'); f('$Esther$ gasps. As well she might.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('It\'s not everyday your $maleColleague$ shows you his erect penis, in all it\'s glory.'); f(endIf); f('I imagine she\'s never seen an erect penis before.'); f('Not in real life, at least.'); f('Does she watch porn, I wonder...?'); f('She doesn\'t seem like the sort.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$eMinoruAlt$...! P-put it away!'); f(m, 'No, $Esther$... look at it.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'This… this is part of growing up, OK? Trust me. I\'m your dad. You have to get used to seeing stuff like this. To dealing with stuff like this.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'You… sis, this is something… this is the kind of stuff you need to get used to, right? You\'re embarrassed you\'ve never been kissed, didn\'t you say? Well, I\'m here to help you get used to… you know. Those kinds of things...'); f(endIf); f(e, '...'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$, it\'s… it\'s not right! I… this is the first time I see one, and… and it\'s my $maleColleague$\'s…!'); f(m, 'Give it a good look. This is what you\'ve done to your $maleColleague$\'s member, $Esther$. Notice how hard it is…?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Is this alright? It\'s not too much?'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'N-no, um... I-it\'s not. I\'m just... a little surprised.'); f(m, 'It\'s your first time?'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Y-yes, um... and I... I never thought I was pretty enough to, um...'); f('She bites her lower lip.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(e, 'Make a man... hard.'); f(m, 'Well, you have the evidence right in front of you. Is this enough?'); f('I rub the tip of my cock. It\'s wet and sticky, and I smear some precum on the tips of my fingers.'); f('$Esther$ swallows. Her throat convulses.'); f('I want to see it convulsing while my $colleague$ sucks my cock.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, y-you should s-stop, i-it\'s not right, is it? $maleColleague$ and $colleague$... to h-have, s-s…'); f('She\'s to flustered to even be able utter the word "sex".'); f(m, '$Esther$ — who cares what society says is right and what\'s not? You have to learn to follow your heart.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'B-but… inbreeding is, it\'s-'); f(m, '$Esther$, don\'t worry, you won\'t get pregnant.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I-I won\'t?'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry about it.'); f(e, 'O-oh…'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'But… it\'s my first time.'); f(m, 'I can show you.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'But, still… I don\'t know if I\'m pretty enough.'); f(m, '$Esther$ — you are pretty. Very pretty.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '... You\'re not only saying that because I\'m your $colleague$...?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Um... It... It\'s more than enough. I...'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I-I don\'t know if I\'m worthy...!'); f('It\'s such a funny idea — that she\'s not worthy of making my cock hard — that I have to stop myself from snorting.'); f('That might kill the mood a little, and $Esther$\'s jumpy enough as it is.'); f(m, 'You are worthy. <i>More</i> than worthy. You\'re pretty.'); f(endIf); f('For the third time.'); f('How many times do I need to tell her?'); f(m, 'Not just pretty, in fact. Sexy.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'S-sexy?'); f(m, 'A total babe. You could be in adult videos with a body like that.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'Th-that\'s not a-a, a proper thing for a $maleColleague$ to tell his $colleague$, is it?!'); f(m, 'Isn\'t it? When it\'s true?'); f(e, 'I-it\'s… it\'s true?'); f(m, 'Of course it is. Do you want me to prove it?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-I\'m not sure about that...!'); f(m, 'I am. My body is. Do you want me to prove it?'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'P-prove it?'); f(m, 'I could always put it inside.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'N-no, $eMinoru$, it\'s not right, it\'s… even if I don\'t get pregnant, it\'s incest and-'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'B-but I... I-I\'ve not done that before-'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('I press another kiss against her lips, to prevent her from realizing just how fucked up my suggestion is.'); f(otherwise); f('I press another kiss against her lips.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Mm...'); f('She moans obligingly and I slide my tongue into her warm, wet mouth.'); f('It\'s so hot and tight, I can almost imagine I\'m fucking her pussy.'); f(jump, 'branch10_b'); f(label, 'branch10_b'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(m, 'So...'); f('I draw away, wiping my lips with the back of my hand like I\'ve just downed an expensive glass of shochu.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eHalf'); f('Let\'s bullshit the hell out of her.'); f(m, 'You know… it\'s actually quite common in Japan, for $maleColleague$s to teach their $colleague$s about this type of things. I mean, hands-on, teaching.'); f(e, 'I-it is…?'); f(m, 'Yes, oh, you didn\'t… you didn\'t actually know? You know so much about Japan, I figured you\'d be aware…'); f(e, 'N-no, I wasn\'t… could you explain…?'); f(m, 'Well, you know, we are a little uptight in Japan, compared to you guys in the West, I\'m sure.'); f(e, 'Um…'); f(m, 'So you know, it\'s hard for girls, to find partners. Because they\'re so unexperienced, they don\'t know what a guy wants. So they get nervous, you know?'); f(e, 'Y-yes…'); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f(m, 'So, actually, to help out, the oldest brother of the family usually takes it upon himself to have sex with his sisters. To help them lose their virginity...'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'So actually, to help out, if you know, your daughters haven\'t had sex with somebody outside of the family by the time they\'re 18, I mean sometimes a little earlier than that, sometimes a little later…'); f('The father might take upon himself to help them out. To lose their virginity.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I mean, not all the time, of course! Japan\'s isn\'t that crazy.'); f(e, 'N-no…?'); f(m, 'But you know, it\'s fairly common, actually. It\'s… there\'s even a law, for it. Allowing it, during certain circumstances'); f(e, 'R-really?'); f(m, 'Yeah, you know. It\'s a safe way to get started. You don\'t have to worry about STD\'s, you don\'t have to worry about being taken advantage of…'); f(e, '...'); f(m, 'Do you want to try…? You know. It could be a good way to learn, for you.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I know this is not entirely normal, but… maybe it could be good to try and do it once with your $maleColleague$ first? You know, so you have <i>one under the belt,</i> so to speak.'); f(m, 'You will become more confident afterwards, for sure…!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Do you want to try...? I can tell you what to do — if you want. Since you\'ve never done it.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I, um... I...'); f('$Esther$ frowns, biting her lower lip. She\'ll have no lower lip left if she keeps that up — which might be something of a problem.'); f('I\'ve never fucked anybody without a bottom lip before.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis&&!aIncest'); f('I\'ve only ever fucked—'); f('I am <i>not</i> thinking about her right now.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, I-I\'m… not so sure about this… m-maybe it\'s-'); f(m, '$Esther$, come on. Let\'s try it once, and see what happens. You can back out at any time, you know?'); f(e, 'I-I can?'); f(m, 'Of course. I\'m your $maleColleague$. Trust me, why don\'t ya? I\'ll be nice. If it feels weird, we\'ll just… we\'ll stop right there.'); f('I don\'t know if I\'ve exactly placated her, but I might have sown just about enough doubt in her mind to move forward, if I don\'t give her too much time to stop and contemplate the gravity of what we\'re about to do.'); f(m, 'Now, take off your clothes, OK?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I... I-I\'ll do my best...'); f('I smile, ruffling her hair.'); f(m, 'That\'s what I like to hear.'); f('I think that might be our company\'s motto.'); f('It\'s a good thing $Esther$\'s such a diligent employee it\'s ingrained into her mind.'); f(m, 'Take off your clothes, then.'); f(endIf); f('She jumps like I\'ve just stabbed her with a pin.'); f(e, 'Wh-what?!'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'Come on, $Esther$. We went through this already… how can we have sex, if you don\'t get undressed?'); f(e, 'S-so you really think it\'s a good idea…?'); f(e, 'For you and m-me to… to have… to have s-'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Well... if you want to have sex, you need to take off your clothes.'); f(e, 'We, um... w-we\'re really going to have sex...?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'That\'s the general plan, yes.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'S-so… you… like they talked about in sex-ed…? Your penis… in-inside, m-my… my vulva…? And… eggs, and sperm?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'R-right. Sex, um... I remember... I remember this from high school... The sperm and the egg, um...'); f(endIf); f('I laugh. I can\'t help myself.'); f(e, 'Wh-what\'s so funny?'); f(m, 'You. You\'re cute, my dear $colleague$.'); f('And I kiss her again.'); f(cgs, 'e_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 1); f('She whimpers.'); f(e, 'I... I-I must seem like such a fool.'); f(m, 'You don\'t. Don\'t worry. And you don\'t need to worry about eggs or sperm. I\'ll use a condom.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'After all, I\'m your $maleColleague$. Imagine if I got you pregnant!'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'I\'d be the poor kid\'s dad, as well as his granddad...!'); f(endIf); f(e, 'R-right. I-, um… OK, $eMinoru$...'); f('I won\'t actually use a condom though, of course.'); f('An innocent little white lie. I never use condoms, and I\'m not about to start about now, even if there\'s a small, negligible risk I end up making my own $colleague$ pregnant.'); f(otherwise); f('A white lie. I never use condoms.'); f(e, 'R-right. I, um... A-alright.'); f('She nods her head.'); f(endIf); f('At least this seems to placate her.'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('And then, with a still confused look on her face, she slowly and hesitantly begins to unbutton her shirt.'); f('When she finally takes it off, and lifts off her bra…'); f('My God. My $colleague$\'s tits are even bigger than I thought.'); f(otherwise); f('And then, with a shy and tremulous smile, she begins to unbutton her shirt.'); f('Her tits are even bigger than I thought.'); f(endIf); f('She looks so good I could cum right away.'); f('I don\'t, of course.'); f('I hold it in.'); f('I want this to last.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'estherSex1'); f(label, 'estherRape'); f(setVariable, 'rapedEsther'); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'cg_e_ripoff1', 'fade', [0, 'jacket']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pause); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', 'fade', [0, 'jacket']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pause); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', x, [0, 'struggling', 'jacket', 'onehandsqueeze']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pause); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', x, [0, 'slightlysurprised', 'jacket', 'squeeze']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pause); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', x, [0, 'givingup', 'jacket', 'sucking']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pause); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'e_rape', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(cgs, 'e_rape', 'fade', [0, 'exp_penetrated', 'dick']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f(jump, 'eSex_2'); f(label, 'estherSex1'); f(e, 'Waah...! $eM$-$eMinoruAlt$...!'); f(m, '$Esther$...'); f('I push her down on the bed, her tits squashed against the covers.'); f(cgs, 'e_rape', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('It looks painful but $Esther$ does not protest. Maybe she\'s afraid — or maybe she doesn\'t know any better.'); f('I\'d like to think my technique isn\'t <i>that</i> bad, even if I can be a bit rough when I get excited, and I don\'t want to cause her any undue agony.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('But I doubt my $colleague$ would have the courage to say anything, even if she were in pain.'); f(otherwise); f('But she\'s the type of person who would never say, even if she were in pain.'); f('She\'s far too desperate to please.'); f(endIf); f('And that\'s fine by me.'); f(endIf); f('I trace my cock, still leaking precum, against the entrance of my $colleague$ pussy.'); f('Her hips twitch, her body jerking.'); f(m, 'Wow...'); f('My fingers grip her ass hard, spreading her cheeks open.'); f('I\'ve got a good view, not just of her pussy, but of her asshole too — clenched tight, trembling.'); f(m, 'It\'s almost like your hips are moving on their own.'); f(e, 'Au...!'); f('$Esther$ whimpers cutely as my cock presses against her pussy lips once more, but doesn\'t actually enter.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I... I-I\'m sorry...!'); f(m, 'Why are you apologizing?'); f(e, 'I... I\'ve never done it before and I... I-I don\'t know what I\'m doing...!'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'Hey, don\'t be silly. That\'s exactly why we\'re doing this, isn\'t it? Remember… we can stop at any time, OK?'); f(e, 'Um…'); f(m, 'Do you want to stop…?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'That\'s why I\'m taking the lead, silly.'); f(endIf); f('I press my cock against her entrance a little harder, squeezing her ass tight.'); f('My nails are long for a man\'s and they dig into her supple flesh, making her whine.'); f(e, 'Y-you... Y-you haven\'t even put it in yet...'); f(m, 'You want me to?'); f(e, 'I... I-I don\'t know...! I don\'t know, I just... remembering sex ed, um...'); f(m, 'I was trying to get you excited first. It\'s called foreplay.'); f(e, 'F-foreplay?'); f(m, 'Yes. I need to get your pussy nice and wet so it makes noises like this.'); f(endIf); f(playSound, 'wet'); f('I slide my fingers inside her pussy, moving them in and out.'); f('Her pussy contracts about my fingers, squeezing them, and wet sounds fill the room — mingled with $Esther$\'s moans.'); f('I lean forwards, my lips inches away from her earlobe, and breathe against her skin.'); f(m, 'How does it feel? Good?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I… it\'s weird… should it feel like this? With y-your $maleColleague$...'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I... I-it\'s weird...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Do you like it?'); f(e, 'I, um... I-I\'ve never felt like this before...! I-I\'ve never been this wet, um... d-down there...'); f(m, 'You don\'t even touch yourself?'); f(e, 'No, um... It... It\'s dirty...'); f(m, 'Well then. Your $maleColleague$ will just have to make you dirtier than you\'ve ever been before.'); f(e, 'D-don\'t say that...!'); f(m, 'But I will. You said you wanted me inside you, so…'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_rape', 'fade', [0, 'exp_penetrated', 'dick']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f(e, 'Angh...!'); f('With one hard, sudden thrust, the full length of my cock is pushed deep into $Esther$\'s pussy.'); f('The pleasure I\'m feeling is… undescribable. Otherwordly. I have to fight not to cum right there, on the spot.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother&&!hypnosis'); f('Just like when my mom first forced her pussy over my penis back when I was a teenager…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Yes, this might be non-orthodox, but… I guess it\'s practically an Inamoto family tradition.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('Mothers teaching their sons, fathers teaching their daughters…'); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f('Mothers teaching their sons, brothers their sisters…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('Now I understand why my mom did it. This… this pleasure. Oh my God.'); f(endIf); f('My $colleague$ squirms, but she can\'t escape. I have my hands digging into her ass, her huge tits pushed against the bed, and there\'s nowhere for her to go.'); f('Nowhere to run.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Does it hurt?'); f(e, 'I-it\'s weird...!'); f('At least she\'s fairly consistent with her feedback.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoruAlt$, m-maybe we should st-stop here…'); f(m, 'Hey, $Esther$, we can stop at any time you want, don\'t you-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(e, 'Nghh!'); f(m, '-worry-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(e, 'Hngg!'); f(m, '-about-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(e, 'Umf!'); f(m, '-a-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(e, 'Aaaanh!'); f(m, '-thing.'); f('I punctuate each word with a thrust. I\'m sorry $Esther$ - there\'s no way in hell I\'m pulling out, now.'); f('We can finish at any time you want, as long as you let me cum first. That\'s the new deal.'); f(otherwise); f('That\'s better that saying "it hurts, take it out."'); f('She doesn\'t tell me to stop, so...'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(jump, 'eSex_2'); f(label, 'eSex_2'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(e, 'Ah, nn... Haa, haa...'); f('Pants and gasps, broken moans, fall from $Esther$\'s adorable mouth.'); f('Her body quivers as I piston my cock in and out of her, slowly at first.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('I can feel the wetness of her pussy against my erection, a slick lubricant that makes it easy — so, so easy — to just keep pushing myself in and out, in and out...'); f(label, 'eSexPumpChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Make her cum.'); f(jump, 'eSexCumming'); f(choice, 'Keep pumping a while longer.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(endChoice); f(label, 'eHumpy'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'humps>15'); f(e, 'Oh, $eMinoruAlt$..!'); f(jump, 'eSexPumpChoice'); f(otherwise); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(jump, 'eHumpy'); f(endIf); f(label, 'eSexCumming'); f(cgs, 'e_rape', 'fade', [0, 'exp_cumming', 'dick']); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$... $eMinoruAlt$, I, um... I-I...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'You\'re cumming, $Esther$.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(e, 'N-no!! St-stop-'); f(e, 'Anngh!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Oh, Minoru… my son…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-I am...?!'); f(m, 'Yes. I can feel your pussy tightening around my cock. It\'s like you\'re trying to suck it deep inside your body.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'rapedEsther'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Ah, nn... Aah... Th-that\'s embarrassing...!'); f(m, 'That\'s what\'s happening.'); f(e, 'I-it\'s all your fault...!'); f(m, 'It\'s not my fault you have a lewd body.'); f(e, 'L-lewd? I, um... Ah... Nnn…'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(cgs, 'e_rape', x, [0, 'exp_cumming', 'dick', 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f('My $colleague$ twists and writhes, cumming over and over.'); f('It\'s impressive, considering I haven\'t even played with her clit.'); f('$Hatsune$ needs more stimulation to get her going. She doesn\'t orgasm from being penetrated.'); f('$Esther$, however, is different.'); f('Her body feels different.'); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f('No matter how much her mouth may protest, her body… her pussy… the way her pussy grips my cock hard, as though milking it — trying to pump all my cum inside of her…'); f(otherwise); f('The way her pussy grips my cock hard, as though milking it — trying to pump all my cum inside of her — is different.'); f(endIf); f('It\'s different, but it feels so very good...'); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f(m, 'Oh, sis… my God, you\'re pussy… it\'s so tight!'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$, my sweet little girl… you sure know how to pleasure your old man. Oh, God...'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$... Oh God...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoruAlt$... $eMinoruAlt$, I, um... Aaah...'); f(m, 'Haa...'); f('The two of us pant and moan, dishevelled and sweaty like a pair of animals, until...'); f(pause); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('My vision goes white.'); f('My whole body tingles, from the tips of my fingers to the ends of my toes...'); f('And I cum.'); f('Deep and hard, inside of $Esther$\'s pussy.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis||eMother'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'rapedEsther'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('She used to be a virgin.'); f('She isn\'t anymore.'); f('And I think she rather enjoyed herself.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!eIncest&&!hypnosis&&!rapedEsther'); f('All I can say is, thank you Chocola for getting that bladder infection.'); f('Thank you so much.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1.5); f(doCall, 'endingCommentary'); f(ending, 'demoEnd1', 'Demo Ending 1'); f(label, 'estherSex2'); f(playMusic, 'lovesickness'); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'cg_e_officesex1', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(e, 'Hmmmghn… oh, $eMinoru$...'); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(e, 'N-no… don\'t… don\'t!'); f(elseIf, '!hypnosis'); f(e, 'W-we... We shouldn\'t be doing this here...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(m, 'I\'ll do as I please, Esther. And you\'ll bloody well let me, or everybody will find out what a slut you are…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'How you\'d even stoop so low as to seduce your own $maleColleague$! You freak! What kind of a $colleague$ are you?!'); f(e, 'N-no! I\'d, I\'d never seduce-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(e, 'A-anghh…!'); f(e, 'I-I\'d never have sex with my own $maleColleague$, y-you… you raped me!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(e, 'Oooofhh!'); f(m, 'I sure did. And you loved every second of it, you slut. Just like you\'re loving this.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-I\'m not! I\'d never-'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(e, 'A-anghh…!'); f(m, 'I know what you are, sweet $Esther$…'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, '!hypnosis'); f(m, 'And yet we are.'); f(e, 'I... I-I know, but... Um...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('$Esther$ shifts. Despite her protests — feeble though they are — her legs are spread open and her pussy is leaking fluids over my cock.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('It\'s after hours in my office, and I\'ve invited $Esther$ over. We are the only people here.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s after hours in the office and we\'re the only people left here.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('At least, I hope we are, for our sakes.'); f('If somebody happened to bumble in at this hour we\'d be in for an awful lot of trouble.'); f('It\'d be even worse than the time I accidentally knocked over Harue\'s favorite mug and smashed the handle off.'); f('I got hauled in for a disciplinary talk about that, even though it was an accident.'); f('Harue is a vindictive bitch.'); f('What would she do if she saw me and $Esther$?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Not that she\'d know the significance of it — that $Esther$ is actually my $colleague$ — but still...'); f(otherwise); f('But it\'s around seven in the evening and I can\'t imagine anybody coming in.'); f(endIf); f('The thought that we might get spotted — even by a woman like Harue — excites me even more.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||eIncest'); f('I guess I\'ve found another fetish to entertain, besides incestous liasions.'); f(otherwise); f('I never realized I was such a deviant.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('... Oh, heck, who am I trying to fool. Of course I realized. Of course I knew.'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe that\'s because I\'ve only ever been with $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(e, 'Mm... $eM$-$eMinoruAlt$, ah... Aah...'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&!rapedEsther&&!eMother'); f('$Esther$ and I are still doing it under the pretext of me helping her out -- of me teaching her how to be confident.'); f('I guess she couldn\'t live with herself, with the fact she\'s having sex with her $maleColleague$, if she couldn\'t justify it somehow. Make it seem less crazy, than it is.'); f('While it\'s obvious to me she enjoys it justs as much as I do, she doesn\'t yet dare to take the initiative. But she goes along with whatever I ask of her, pretty much.'); f('Even coming here, tonight, which of course makes little sense in terms of teaching her anything about sex, but lots of sense in terms of satiating my ever-growing desire for excitement.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, '$Esther$... Oh, $Esther$...'); f('I dig my fingers into my $colleague$\'s huge tits. They\'re too big to fit comfortably in my hands and they spill out around them. '); f('But I can still pinch her nipples.'); f(e, 'Ah... Nn...!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f('Her back arches at the sensation, pressing her tits even more firmly against my hands.'); f('At the same time, I slide my cock in and out of her pussy.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('Despite being a kissless virgin only a couple of weeks ago, $Esther$ sure has opened up...'); f('And I mean that in multiple senses of the word.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Who could have imagined my shy, awkward $colleague$ would — at the slightest suggestion — sit herself on her desk, pull down her panties, spread her legs, and let me fuck her in my office?'); f(otherwise); f('Who would have thought that this shy, awkward woman would — at the slightest suggestion — sit herself on her desk, pull down her panties, spread her legs, and let me fuck her in the office?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('Reality can be even stranger than fiction sometimes.'); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('Is she really that desperate for my cock...?'); f('I want to find out.'); f('I feel like teasing her.'); f('I begin to slide out, inching my erection out of her pussy, when—'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 5, 0.2); f(pause, 0.7); f(e, 'N-no!'); f('$Esther$ shakes her head, her dishevelled hair stuck to her sweaty cheek, and her vagina clamps down against my cock.'); f('It feels so good I almost cum inside her then and there.'); f(m, 'Hm?'); f('I\'m able to hold it in.'); f('A smirk rises to my lips.'); f(m, 'Do you want me so badly you can\'t stand the thought of me taking my cock out?'); f(e, 'I... N-no, um...'); f('Instantly aware of what she\'s doing, $Esther$\'s cheeks burn red and she shakes her head.'); f(e, 'I... i-it\'s not like that, really...!'); f(m, 'Oh. It\'s not, is it?'); f(e, 'No!'); f(m, 'Then you won\'t mind if I do this.'); f('I begin to inch out once more, and $Esther$\'s pussy clamps down on my cock again.'); f('I\'m not sure if she\'s doing it on purpose or not. Maybe it\'s a subconscious reaction — like drawing your fingertips away from an open flame.'); f('Fire hurts.'); f('But not being fucked by my cock hurts even more, apparently.'); f('What does it hurt...?'); f('$Esther$\'s self-esteem?'); f('It must be kind of nice, from her perspective, that a $maleColleague$ suddenly has such an interest in her body he wants to fuck her all the time.'); f('Even at the most inopportune of times.'); f(m, 'I thought you said you weren\'t that needy?'); f(e, 'I... I-I don\'t know...'); f('"I don\'t know". That\'s a recurring phrase when I fuck $Esther$. She might as well make it her catchphrase.'); f('Not that I mind.'); f('It\'s cute.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&hiSister'); f('That a grown woman… that a mother of three, should be so unsure, what she wants.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister||hiSister'); f('That a grown woman… that a mother of two, should be so unsure, what she wants.'); f(otherwise); f('That a woman of her age… a mother, at that… should be so unsure as to what she wants.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('It just shows that she doesn\'t understand her body.'); f('But I\'m helping her.'); f('With some time, she\'ll get there.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I\'m sorry. I-I just... I\'m not used to it, and I... I...'); f(m, 'You want this moment to last?'); f(e, 'Th-that\'s right...'); f('$Esther$ sniffles, looking at me with damp eyes.'); f(endIf); f('Her tight pussy continues to grip me, even when I\'ve thrusted myself deep inside her once more.'); f('I\'m not going to try and pull out again in a hurry.'); f('I never want to pull out.'); f('She feels so warm and wet and good I\'d have to be some kind of masochist to do that.'); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I-I just want you to stay inside me... I-I want to believe this is really real… that my $maleColleague$, that he… lo-, I mean, teaching me, about sex…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-I just want you to stay inside me... I-I want to believe this is really real...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'It\'s fine. I can do that.'); f('She stares, eyes wide.'); f(e, 'Y-you can...?'); f(m, 'Yup.'); f(endIf); f('It\'s not like I\'m in any hurry to go anywhere.'); f('I don\'t want to go back to $Hatsune$.'); f('I can\'t deal with her right now.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('I can\'t deal with our marriage.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s probably getting suspicious, but...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther||hypnosis'); f(e, 'Ngh… n-no, stop, please… aaang…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Nn... $eM$-$eMinoruAlt$...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'E-$Esther$...'); f(label, 'eSex2Choice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Pull out and cum all over her.'); f(jump, 'eSex2CumOutside'); f(choice, 'Cum inside of her.'); f(jump, 'eSex2CumInside'); f(choice, 'Keep pumping a while longer.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(endChoice); f(label, 'eSex2Humps'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'humps>25'); f(jump, 'eSex2Choice'); f(otherwise); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(jump, 'eSex2Humps'); f(endIf); f(label, 'eSex2CumOutside'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther||hypnosis'); f(e, 'N-no!!! NOOO!! AAANGHH!!! AAAHH!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Ohhhh!!! $eMinoruAlt$!!!! Angh!!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Unghh!! Ahhh!!'); f('My $colleague$\'s pussy feels so good. I don\'t want to pull out — but considering how often we\'re having sex these days, I can no longer justify cumming inside of her.'); f(cgs, 'e_offixesex1', x, [0, 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'estherSex3'); f(label, 'eSex2CumInside'); f('My $colleague$\'s pussy feels so good — I don\'t want to pull out, no matter how stupid I\'m being and how much potential for regret there is.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther||hypnosis'); f(e, 'N-no!!! NOOO!! AAANGHH!!! AAAHH!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Ohhhh!!! $eMinoruAlt$!!!! Angh!!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Unghh!! Ahhh!!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f('I just want to keep cumming inside her.'); f(pause); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(jump, 'estherSex3_raped'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'estherSex3_hypno'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'estherSex3'); f(endIf); f(label, 'estherSex3_raped'); f('WIP interlude between sex scenes for rape path'); f(jump, 'eDazedSex'); f(label, 'estherSex3_hypno'); f('WIP interlude between sex scenes for hypnosis cheat'); f(jump, 'eDazedSex'); f(label, 'branch9'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('WIP'); f('break the hypnosis'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I... I\'m sorry, $Esther$, but...'); f('I rise from the bed and back away, like a soldier fleeing from the aftermath of a war.'); f('A coward.'); f('I know I\'m being a coward, making advances on a shy and self-conscious woman like this and then retreating, but...'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(setZoom, e, 1.2); f(playMusic, 'sadending'); f(e, 'D-do you have somewhere you need to go...?'); f(m, 'I... It\'s not that, it\'s just...'); f('The smell of strawberries lingers in my nostrils.'); f('It was the strawberries, I swear.'); f('What grown woman uses strawberry shampoo?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('WIP'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I think this might have been a mistake.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(setZoom, e, 1); f(e, 'A-a mistake...?!'); f(m, 'Yes. Well, not a mistake on your end, but mine.'); f('Shit. Her eyes are watering. She looks like she\'s going to cry.'); f('Who can blame her?'); f('She just spilt her heart to me — cutting it open with a metaphorical knife and letting the contents leak all over the bed — and here I am rejecting her.'); f('Turning her down.'); f('Just like every other man in her life.'); f('But this might be even worse, because I don\'t think she\'s ever been this far before.'); f('Her first kiss.'); f('Her first kiss was taken by an asshole like me.'); f('An asshole with a wife.'); f('God<i>damn</i>.'); f('She deserves better than this.'); f('Even if she <i>does</i> use strawberry shampoo.'); f(m, 'I, um... I just go out of a relationship, you see, and I\'ve been feeling kind of torn up about it.'); f(person, e, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'O-oh? You were?'); f('$Esther$ looks confused, as well she might.'); f('It\'s blatantly untrue.'); f('I didn\'t just get out of a relationship. I\'ve been married for almost three years.'); f('But this is probably better than the truth.'); f('"You can\'t handle the truth"... is what I\'d say if I wanted to make this situation even more awkward than it already is.'); f(m, 'I-I was happy when you invited me to go out, really, and maybe I took it a bit too far.'); f(m, 'My mind\'s still kind of messed up and I\'m not in a good place to pursue a relationship right now — but it\'s not because of you, you understand?'); f(m, 'You\'re pretty and smart and I... I\'ve liked you for a while, $Esther$. Really, I have.'); f(m, 'I cherished our conversations about kitty litter and bladder infections, and I\'m glad Chocola\'s doing alright, but...'); f('I pause, drawing in breath.'); f('I don\'t think I\'ve ever spoken this much in one go before.'); f('I\'ve never tried to cheat on my wife before, either.'); f('Today has been a day filled with firsts.'); f(m, 'You deserve somebody better.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Better...? But...'); f('$Esther$ sniffles.'); f('Her eyes look watery around the edges, like she\'s been chopping onions, and I\'m worried she\'s going to cry.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I... I don\'t want somebody better.'); f('Please don\'t cry.'); f(e, 'Y-you were the first person who spoke to me when I started to work at the company, and I...'); f('Not for me.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I-I don\'t want anybody else...! I like <i>you</i>...!'); f('So it comes out.'); f('She has a crush on me. Maybe she\'s had a crush on me for a while.'); f('Just because we both like cats.'); f('The bond between cat lovers is nothing to be sneezed at (sorry, $Hatsune$).'); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$...'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I sigh and pull her close, letting her head rest against my shoulder.'); f(endIf); f('She really is crying now, in earnest. She\'s going to get me all damp.'); f('But I don\'t care.'); f('I just want to comfort her.'); f('I have to.'); f('This is all my fault.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'backToH'); f(label, 'backToH'); f(playMusic, 'depression'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'room1', 'fade'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'worried'); f(pause, 1.5); f(h, 'And where have <i>you</i> been?'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(m, 'Uh, hi... Mom. I missed you too.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(m, 'Hi, sis. I missed you too.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hi, babe. I missed you too.'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 0, 'angry'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother||hSister'); f(h, 'Don\'t you try and sweet talk me! Where the hell have you been?!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Don\'t you "hi babe" me, $hMinoru$! Where the hell have you been?!'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f('$Hatsune$ glares at me, her hands planted on her hips.'); f(whatIf, 'refusedEstherEarlyOn'); f('"Hey darling", I want to say, "I was kind of considering cheating on you about half an hour ago, so can you do me a huge favor and not act so cranky? Otherwise, I might start thinking I\'ve made a mistake."'); f(otherwise); f('"Hey darling", I want to say, "I was very, <i>very</i> close to cheating on you half an hour ago, so can you do me a huge favor and not act so cranky? Otherwise, I might start thinking I\'ve made a mistake."'); f(endIf); f('But I don\'t say that.'); f('I can\'t.'); f('There are a lot of things I want to say that I can\'t.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Like… "This… our relationship… what we\'re doing is wrong."'); f('"We can\'t go on like this."'); f('But is that what I truly believe?'); f('Maybe I just feel like this because I haven\'t been putting in the effort.'); f(otherwise); f('Like… "I don\'t think our marriage is working."'); f('Maybe it isn\'t working because I haven\'t been putting in the effort.'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$ puts in effort. She doesn\'t have a job, but she takes great care of the house and she cooks most of the meals.'); f('She\'s always there to offload onto when work\'s been stressing me out, and she listens patiently — not like some people, who pretend they\'re listening but you can tell they don\'t care.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f('$Hatsune$ <i>does</i> care.'); f('$Hatsune$ loves me.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My $wife$ loves me… shouldn\'t that be enough…?'); f('"To hell with what society may think!" Isn\'t that what I used to tell myself...?'); f(otherwise); f('She loves me... and that should be enough.'); f('Why isn\'t that enough?'); f(endIf); f('Why did I stop trying?'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.2); f(h, 'Hey, don\'t you just igno-'); f(m, '$Hatsune$. I\'m sorry. I\'m so sorry.'); f(person, h, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'H-Huh?'); f('$Hatsune$ blinks. She looks startled, as well she might. I\'m not the most emotional of people, and it\'s rare for me to act this sappy.'); f(person, h, 0, 'irritated'); f(playMusic, 'romantic'); f(h, 'Wh-why are you apologising?'); f('Her eyes narrow.'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'irritated', x, x, true); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Did you do something bad?'); f(m, 'I was going to — but I changed my mind.'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'neutral', x, x, true); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Oh...?'); f('She tuts.'); f(person, h, 0, 'irritated'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(h, 'So you <i>did</i> clean up your room in the end? Good boy!'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(h, 'Were you thinking about buying a sports car <i>again</i>? I already told you, dad! It\'ll just make you look even older than you already are!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Were you thinking about buying a sports car <i>again</i>? I already told you they\'re a waste of money!'); f(endIf); f('It\'s a mark of just how perfect $Hatsune$ is that she doesn\'t suspect — not for a second — that I was going to cheat on her.'); f('That\'s how much she trusts me.'); f('It\'s how much I should trust her.'); f(m, '$Hatsune$...!'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$, what— mm...'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('All of a sudden, I can\'t control myself.'); f(cgs, 'h_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f('I throw my arms about her waist and pull her close, pressing my lips against hers.'); f('She smells comforting and familiar, of the coconut milk shampoo she always buys and has bought for the last three years.'); f('Yeah...'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('No matter how wrong this might look from the outside, looking in…'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('I think this is how it should be.'); f('I just needed a bit of reminding.'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade', 3); f(pause, 3); f(cgs, 'cg_h_spooning', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(h, 'Ahnngh…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$... Haa, haa...'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(doCall, 'endingCommentary'); f(ending, 'demoEnd2', 'Demo Ending 2'); f(cgs, 'h_somesex', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...! Ah...!'); f('$Hatsune$ moans, pinned beneath me helplessly.'); f('Her legs are spread, beads of sweat forming inside her thighs.'); f('Her long hair curls across the mattress, forming neat little spirals.'); f('She shifts as I fuck her, my cock driving in and out of her wet pussy.'); f('I worked her up plenty before so she cums so quickly now — once every three or four thrusts.'); f('Her sweet moans are intoxicating, like the finest alcohol.'); f('I could lose myself inside her body.'); f('I want to lose myself inside her.'); f('There\'s so much of $Hatsune$ to love.'); f('Her huge tits I can knead with my hands, and her nipples that get so very stiff whenever she\'s excited.'); f('Her desperate moans, the way my name falls from her lips, and the writhing of her hips as I fuck her...'); f('It probably sounds cheesy, when I\'m fucking her so hard she\'s whimpering and my own mind is starting to turn white and gooey like overcooked tofu, but...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$...!'); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$... I-I love you...!'); f(m, 'Nn... I... Ah... I...'); f(label, 'hgsHumpChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Cum inside of her.'); f(jump, 'hgs12'); f(choice, 'Pull out.'); f(setVariable, 'pullout'); f(jump, 'hgs12'); f(choice, 'Keep shoving it in and out of her for a little longer.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hgshumping'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(incrementVariable, 'humps', 1); f(whatIf, 'humps>20'); f(jump, 'hgsHumpChoice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'hgshumping'); f(endIf); f(label, 'hgs12'); f('I love her.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Even if what we\'re doing is wrong — I really do love her.'); f(otherwise); f('I really do love her.'); f(endIf); f('And I don\'t want to let her go.'); f('What kind of idiot would I be if I did that?'); f(whatIf, 'pullout'); f('Maybe that\'s why I pull out and baptize my $wife$\'s sweet body with my warm cum.'); f(cgs, 'h_somesex', x, [0, 'alt']); f(otherwise); f('Maybe that\'s why I hold her even tighter, crushing my $wife$\'s breasts against my chest, as I cum deep inside her.'); f(cgs, 'h_somesex', x, [0, 'alt', 'cum']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$!!!'); f(pause, 1); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'branch2'); f(m, 'Well, you see...'); f(cgs, 'udon', 'fade', [0]); f('I peer into my cup of half-eaten seafood udon.'); f('All of a sudden, the pale pink slices of fishcake look awfully intriguing. The spirals are drawing me in deeper and deeper...'); f('But I shake my head and look away.'); f('I\'ve read enough horror manga to know where that train of thought was going.'); f(cgs, 'hi_intro', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'It\'s about… uh… well, this girl, I met.'); f(hi, 'What? $hiMinoruAlt$, that\'s awesome!'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and Hatsune living together like that, I thought you probably weren\'t even trying!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I mean, with you living together with your sister, I thought you weren\'t going to bother!'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and sis living together like that, I thought you probably weren\'t even trying!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and your daughter living together like that, I thought you probably weren\'t even trying!'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and mom living together like that, I thought you probably weren\'t even trying!'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and your mom living together like that, I thought you probably weren\'t even trying!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'What do you mean?'); f(hi, 'Huh? Oh, just, you know. You already have a woman in your household, right? Even if it\'s your $wife$. She cooks for you, right?'); f(m, '$Hina$! There\'s more to love than just finding somebody to cook for you.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'Where did you get these weird ideas? I sure as hell didn\'t teach you such outdated ideas about gender...?'); f(h, 'Buuuh!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Well, anyways, it\'s, uh. Yes. I met someone.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'It\'s about Hatsune...'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Mom? What about her?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Oh? What is it?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'She... Well... It\'s not just about Hatsune. It\'s about us.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Huuuh?! Don\'t tell me you\'re getting a divorce?!'); f(m, 'No, it\'s not like that, it\'s not that drastic.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Huuuh?! But you and Hatsune have been going out since, like, for freakin\' ever!'); f(m, 'I know.'); f(hi, 'You\'re married!'); f(m, 'I know.'); f(hi, 'You two always seemed so lovey-dovey!'); f(m, 'I know.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(hi, 'So what\'s the problem? You didn\'t get into a fight, did you? Is that why you\'re acting so spacey?'); f('Spacey? I am?'); f(cgs, 'udon', 'fade', [0]); f('...I guess I did just spend a few seconds contemplating a piece of fishcake.'); f(m, 'It\'s not a fight really. It\'s more like... the opposite.'); f(scene, 'park_day', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.1); f('$Hina$ wrinkles her nose.'); f(hi, 'I don\'t get it.'); f('I don\'t blame her. I\'m not being as straightforward about this as I could — but how can I just come out and say it? I\'m Japanese, for goodness sake.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('But maybe the problem isn\'t really that I\'m Japanese, as much as it\'s… that I\'ve decided to tell my daughter about her mother\'s and mine sexual problems...!'); f(otherwise); f('Japanese people don\'t talk about their... intimate marital problems like this — especially not with their $friend$s in a park in the middle of the day!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Japanese people don\'t talk about their... intimate marital problems like this — especially not in a park in the middle of the day!'); f(endIf); f('But... I already decided I was going to tell $Hina$.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('After all, she is my daughter.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('I mean, <i>our</i> daughter. She knows both of us in ways not even I do.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('I mean, we are siblings. All three of us. Hina maybe even knows Hatsune better than me, in some ways.'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, she is my sister. She knows me really well. If anybody can help me, it\'s Hina.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f('After all, she is my mother. She knows me better than anyone - probably even better than Hatsune. If anybody can help me, it\'s mom.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'It\'s, well. She\'s a little too... clingy.'); f(otherwise); f('I guess I owe her this much.'); f('It\'s because of $Hina$ I got together with Hatsune.'); f('If anybody can help, $Hina$ can.'); f(m, 'Hatsune\'s a little too... clingy.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Well, duh, that\'s mom. She\'s always been like that. Besides, I thought you liked clingy...? I mean, why else would you be with mom?'); f(otherwise); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'You don\'t like clingy?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I <i>do</i> like clingy, but I prefer clinginess in moderation. She just... I don\'t know.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I gulp.'); f(otherwise); f('I run a hand through my hair.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'She always wants to have sex — like, all the time... and she\'s so demanding, too.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.25); f(hi, 'Oh? $hiMinoru$, you sly old dog!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.8); f(playSound, 'backslap'); f('$Hina$ giggles, nudging me in the ribs again.'); f(m, 'Ouch!'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('I feel like telling her she\'s more than a decade older than me, but I resist.'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I let out an exasperated sigh. This really is inappropriate.'); f(otherwise); f('I feel like telling her she\'s just as old as I am, but I resist.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'You\'re so lucky if that\'s your biggest problem! I wish I had a relationship in such dire straits I had to worry about my significant other fucking me too much!'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'Tanimura Hina! That is not appropriate! There are kids!'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f(m, 'Mooom! Not so loud, you\'re embarassing! And, look, we\'re in a park! There are kids!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'H-Hina, quiet down! There are kids!'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'And they should be at school.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'That\'s beside the point—'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I know, but—'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'happy'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'They need to learn about the birds and the bees at some point. Might as well do it here.'); f('$Hina$ flashes me a cheeky smile and I sigh.'); f(m, 'But I think their parents would prefer to do that themselves...'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Hah, like you taught me?'); f(m, 'Well, I\'m opening up about this now, aren\'t I?'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Besides, if my teaching to $Hina$ fell behind, I made more than up for it considering just how much I taught Hatsune, and for how… <i>Hands-on</i>, it was. I doubt $Hina$ would have appreciated that type of education, now.'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest'); f(m, 'Besides, you have your mom, too! Why is it all on me all of a sudden...?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(hi, 'And I <i>am</i> a parent. Your parent.'); f(m, 'Y-yes, but...'); f('$Hina$ waves one hand carelessly.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'What~ever~'); f('She waves one hand carelessly.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hIncest'); f(hi, 'Dad, I don\'t see the problem here. You and mom are getting along well, obviously. I mean, how many people who\'ve been married for as long as the two of you have, can boast of still having an active sex life...?!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I totally don\'t see how this is an issue, $hiMinoru$.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'It just... I guess I wouldn\'t mind the volume of the sex so much if I wasn\'t so tired, but... Work drains me, and I\'m not always in the mood.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hDaughter'); f(m, 'I… I really shouldn\'t tell you this, but…'); f('I really shouldn\'t...'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'This is going to sound kind of cruel, but...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Sometimes, when we have sex, I\'m not even thinking about her.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hDaughter'); f('... yet I did.'); f('What am I thinking...?'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'Really? So she\'s homely, then?'); f(m, 'Uh, no. Actually.'); f(m, 'She\'s… she\'s bangin\' hot.'); f('Should I really be describing $Hatsune$\'s body to my $friend$ using terms like these?!'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Well, what\'s the problem, then?!'); f(m, 'I don\'t know. I\'m kind of... perplexed, I guess? Have been for a while. I just don\'t know how to broach it to her without upsetting her — and I know it will upset her.'); f(hi, 'Well, <i>duh</i>. No woman wants to be told their boyfriend can\'t keep focused when they\'re having sex.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Even though she\'s got such a bangin\' body?!'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I can\'t help but let out a short laugh. My daughter\'s crude, but at least she\'s good at it. She sure knows how to tickle your funny bone.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I don\'t know. I\'m kind of... perplexed, I guess? Have been for a while. I just don\'t know how to broach it to Hatsune without upsetting her — and I know it will upset her.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Well, <i>duh</i>. No woman wants to be told their husband can\'t keep focused when they\'re having sex.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Exactly.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'She might stab you.'); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'With a kitchen knife.'); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(hi, 'Straight in the carotid artery!'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(m, 'Mo-om…!'); f('I shoot her an angry look, and she responds with a pout.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Fine, fine. I\'ll give you a suggestion from the goodness of my heart, even if my no-good son is unlikely to ever repay me for it.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Tanimura $Hina$...!'); f('I bop her over the head and $Hina$ pouts.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Why so mean, $hiMinoruAlt$?'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(m, 'That\'s no way to speak about your mother!'); f(hi, 'Huh! Right back at you, $hiMinoruAlt$!'); f('I sigh. I\'ve lost count at just how many times I\'ve sighed in this conversation by now, but it\'s not stopping me.'); f(m, 'I guess you\'re right.'); f(hi, 'Well, dad. It\'s your lucky day. I\'ll give you a suggestion from the goodness of my heart, even if you did just violently <i>brutalize</i> me, your very own daughter.'); f(m, 'Haha…'); f(person, hi, 0, 'happy'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'It must be all that pent-up sexual frustration you\'re taking out on me, no doubt. You should be ashamed, $hMinoru$! That\'s no way to treat your daughter. Sexualized violence...!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'If you don\'t have anything sensible to say, don\'t say anything at all.'); f(hi, 'Fine, fine. I\'ll give you a suggestion from the goodness of my heart, even if you <i>did</i> brutalize me.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('She can be such a drama queen.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(m, 'Just give me the advice, alright, sweetheart?'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.3); f(hi, 'If your mind\'s wandering when you\'re having sex, then... maybe you\'re stuck in a rut.'); f(m, 'You think?'); f(hi, 'Mm. Routine and regularity can be nice, but maybe you could switch it up a bit.'); f(m, 'And how do you suggest I do that?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('$Hina$ winces.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Come on, you really want to ask your $friend$ about… these things?'); f(m, '... I know it\'s weird, but I don\'t have anybody else to discuss these things with.'); f(hi, 'Well, I don\'t know. Why don\'t you try something creative, like…'); f(whatIf, '!hMother'); f(person, hi, 0, 'embarrassed'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '... Using toys, or something?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I don\'t know. You\'re the man. Be creative. Why don\'t you use some toys or something?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Toys...?'); f('I blink.'); f(whatIf, 'aIncest'); f('To be honest, I never even considered the possibility. I don\'t know why, but even thinking about "toys" makes the tips of my ears flush.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Maybe it\'s because the person suggesting this is my dear $friend$.'); f(whatIf, '!hMother'); f('Heck, Hina herself is even blushing, slightly.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('To be honest, I never even considered the possibility. Maybe it\'s because I come from a pretty straitlaced family, but even thinking about "toys" makes the tips of my ears flush.'); f('Oh, this is <i>awful</i>. What am I, a woman?'); f(endIf); f('But… what if $Hina$ is right...? This might be just what my marriage needs.'); f('I can\'t back down at the last hurdle, can I...?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Disregard $Hina$\'s advice.', '!hiIncest'); f(jump, 'branch3'); f(choice, 'This whole conversation is ridiculously inappropriate.', 'hiIncest'); f(jump, 'branch3'); f(choice, 'Ask $Hina$ for help.'); f(jump, 'branch4'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'branch3'); f('...No.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('What the hell was I thinking, discussing this with my $friend$?!'); f('No $maleFriend$ should make their $friend$ have to listen to them talk about this kind of stuff.'); f('Besides, what kind of advice was that? "Toys"? That\'s ridiculous — as if my cock isn\'t good enough! I mean, it\'s <i>me</i> who\'s left unfulfilled, not $Hatsune$.'); f(m, 'I\'m sorry, $Hina$. I shouldn\'t have brought it up in the first place.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Hey, I don\'t mind. Not at all.'); f(m, 'No, sorry, it\'s not right. A $maleFriend$ shouldn\'t be talking to his $friend$ about things like these.'); f(hi, 'Aw, don\'t be so boring.'); f(m, 'No, enough.'); f(otherwise); f('This isn\'t right.'); f('I can\'t do this.'); f('I can\'t use toys with $Hatsune$. That\'s far too embarrassing.'); f('That\'s like admitting my cock isn\'t good enough to satisfy her, and that\'s ridiculous.'); f('Besides — $Hatsune$ isn\'t the one who\'s being left unfulfilled — it\'s me.'); f(m, 'I don\'t want to talk about this anymore.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Aww, but $hiMinoru$—'); f(m, 'No buts.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f('I turn my back on $Hina$ — a touch childishly, I know, but still.'); f('I\'m not in the mood.'); f('I should have known this was a bad idea to begin with.'); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(label, 'hBadEnd'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'depression'); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', 'fade', [0]); f(h, 'Hey, $hMinoruAlt$... What do you want to do? Would you like to have dinner, or should I draw up a bath... Or... would you prefer to have…'); f(h, 'Me?'); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f('So I\'m back here, am I?'); f('This scenario feels awfully familiar... Maybe because I experience it on a daily basis.'); f('Is there something I can do to extricate myself from this situation?'); f('Can I change the subject...?'); f(m, 'You know, I was talking to $Hina$ today...'); f(h, 'Oh? Did something happen?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('Other than a wholly inappropriate and sordid discussion about the intricacies of our vastly unfulfilling sex life?'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('...'); f('In which our very own daughter suggested I use <i>toys</i> on you...?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Other than a discussion about the intricacies of our vastly unfulfilling sex life?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'No, not really.'); f(h, 'Then why are you bringing it up?'); f(m, 'Um... No reason.'); f('$Hatsune$ pouts.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(h, 'Come on, daddy! You have some paternal duties to see too! I\'ve been so lonely…'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(h, 'Come on, bro! You have some brotherly duties to see too! You can\'t just leave your sister high and dry like that!'); f('Ha. As if my sister\'s pussy was <i>ever</i> dry. Not as long as we\'re in the same room she\'s not.'); f(h, 'I was so lonely!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Come on, $hMinoruAlt$. Stop stalling for time! I was so lonely...!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Of course you were...'); f('I sigh.'); f('I didn\'t do anything differently from usual, despite my discussion with $Hina$, so it\'s only natural things would play out tonight like they did last night.'); f('Like they did the night before.'); f('The night before that, too.'); f('When will this end...?'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Maybe I should have taken $Hina$ up on her offer, after all. Too late for that now, though.'); f(otherwise); f('If only I\'d taken $Hina$ up on her offer — but it\'s too late for that now.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('I guess it\'s time for another round of loveless, passionless sex with my $wife$.'); f('Yippee.'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'hSuddenFuck'); f(label, 'hSuddenFuck'); f(cgs, 'h_suddenfuck', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Ah... $hM$-$hMinoruAlt$... Y-you\'re in so deep...!'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(doCall, 'endingCommentary'); f(ending, 'demoEnd3', 'Demo Ending 3'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('Yeah, yeah.'); f('That\'s what I want to say — but, like usual, I can\'t.'); f('I can never say what I want.'); f('Instead, I say something else. Something suitable. Something stock.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('Something along the lines of, "It feels so good, sis."'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('Something along the lines of, "It feels so good, mommy."'); f(otherwise); f('Something along the lines of, "It feels so good, baby."'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t know if that\'s what I\'m actually saying, of course.'); f('My mind has already tuned out.'); f('I have $Hatsune$ lying on the bed, her legs spread, her pussy already wet, and I feel... nothing.'); f('My cock is hard — but what does it matter? It\'s a simple bodily function, like eating food or going to the toilet.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('It doesn\'t mean anything.'); f('It certainly doesn\'t mean that I love her.'); f('I see her lying there, her body trembling, her tits exposed, and I can\'t even bring myself to care.'); f('The fingers of my right hand dig into the soft, yielding flesh of her thighs.'); f('With the left, I press my palm against a breast, kneading it.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Aah... Th-there... Right there...!'); f('I know.'); f('I know it feels good there, right there, because I\'ve fucked $Hatsune$ innumerable times during my life and I know these things about her.'); f('The way she giggles when you prod her side.'); f('The mole on the underside of her right foot.'); f('Her weird aversion to bitter melon.'); f('The way she can\'t cum unless you play with her clit first.'); f('And the way she feels good there, right there, when you pinch her nipple and whisper breathily into her ear.'); f('It doesn\'t even matter what you say to her.'); f('I could say anything at all.'); f('<i>I love you.</i>'); f('<i>I can\'t stand you.</i>'); f('<i>Let\'s end this.</i>'); f('<i>Please, let\'s end this.</i>'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('And to think… I loved her so much when we first began having sex.'); f(otherwise); f('And to think... I loved her so much when we first got married.'); f(endIf); f('I still love her.'); f('I think I do, but...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, 'Nn... $hM$-$hMinoru$...'); f('Her pussy grips my cock.'); f(label, 'hBadEndingSexChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Make her cum.'); f(jump, 'hBadEndingSexCum'); f(choice, 'Keep going for a little longer.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hbehumps'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'humps>20'); f(jump, 'hBadEndingSexChoice'); f(otherwise); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(jump, 'hbehumps'); f(endIf); f(label, 'branch4'); f(m, 'Alright, I\'ll bite.'); f('I run a hand through my hair.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest||hIncest'); f('I\'m not entirely happy about this.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Asking my $friend$ for advice — my granddad would go off the deep end if he knew. He\'d probably hit me with a club.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, uh… of course, there\'s other things he\'d do even worse things to me for, if he knew.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with his daughter.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with his granddaughter.'); f(otherwise); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with my $wife$.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('He\'s threatened me with worse.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('I doubt my granddad would be, either.'); f('My granddad is a very traditional person who firmly believes we men should make our own decisions in life.'); f('If he knew I was asking a friend for advice about my sex life — a female friend, no less — he\'d go off at the deep end.'); f('I mean, uh… of course, there\'s other things he\'d do even worse things to me for, if he knew.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with his wife.'); f(otherwise); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with $wife$.'); f(endIf); f('Eheh.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I\'m not entirely happy about this, and I doubt my granddad would be, either.'); f('My granddad is a very traditional person who firmly believes we men should make our own decisions in life.'); f('If he knew I was asking a friend for advice about my married life — a female friend, no less — he\'d go off at the deep end.'); f('He\'d probably hit me with a club.'); f('He\'s threatened me with worse.'); f(endIf); f('But my relationship with $Hatsune$ has been floundering for a while, and if anybody knows how women think it\'s $Hina$.'); f('It would be worrying if she didn\'t, given she\'s a woman herself.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Unlike Hatsune, though, I don\'t really think of her that way.'); f(otherwise); f('Though a father should probably not think of his daughter that way. I mean, I guess I don\'t.'); f(endIf); f('It helps that she\'s not a very womanly woman.'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f('My mother is perhaps not a very womanly woman, though.'); f(otherwise); f('Not that she\'s a very womanly woman.'); f(endIf); f('She\'s nothing like your traditional <i>Yamato Nadeshiko</i>.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('She\'s always been very sporty, and is, still. Maybe that\'s how she has been able to maintain her good looks? She used to be on the All-Japan Women\'s Volleyball Team back when she was in high school.'); f('Of course, volleyball wasn\'t as popular as it is now, but still.'); f('I think, in the end though, her breasts got the better of her. I mean, I\'ve seen her play, when I was a kid, not in a tournament or whatever, just for fun with the friends at the beach, but…'); f('They tend to, uh… <i>flap about</i>, a great deal. Even with a sports bra.'); f('OK, if we talk about breast size, I guess she is rather womanly, I mean, figure-wise, sure.'); f('But it pains to say — she\'s also a horrible cook.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s always been very sporty, ever since high school. She was a member of the baseball club, and she did a lot of jogging.'); f('I don\'t think she\'s that good at cooking, either.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('She didn\'t take after her mother at all in that respect — $Hatsune$ is a great cook.'); f(otherwise); f('Not like $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f('That\'s probably why she always eats at this cheap udon place during lunch break.'); f('But I don\'t think that matters too much.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('We\'re family. She can act however she likes — it won\'t change the fact that we\'re $friend$ and $maleFriend$.'); f(otherwise); f('I\'ve known her too long to be preachy. She can act however she likes. That won\'t stop her being my friend.'); f(endIf); f('And if she gives me some advice, I\'ll be eternally in her debt.'); f(m, 'I-I don\'t know much about it, but...'); f('I cough. I can taste my seafood udon at the back of my throat. It\'s not entirely pleasant.'); f(m, 'If you can, please help me.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Oh?'); f('$Hina$ smirks.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.6); f(hi, 'Help you with what, exactly?'); f('Fuck. Is she really doing this?'); f('... It looks like she\'s really doing this.'); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('She might be even worse than our co-worker Harue, who pitched a huge fit after I accidentally broke her mug.'); f('At least $Hina$\'s only doing this because we\'ve been friends a long time, not because she\'s a petty and vindictive bitch with an axe to grind.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Fine, fine, fine.'); f('I bow my head before her humbly, clapping my hands together.'); f('You\'d think I was making an offering at a Shinto shrine.'); f(stopMusic); f(playSound, 'recordScratch'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, '$Hina$! Using your infinite, worldly wisdom, could you teach me a bit about sex so I can please my girlfriend...!'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, '$Hina$! Using your infinite, worldly wisdom, could you teach me a bit about sex so I can please your mother...!'); f(otherwise); f(m, '$Hina$! Using your infinite, worldly wisdom, could you teach me a bit about sex so I can please my wife...!'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f('$Hina$ giggles, and then...'); f('...'); f('The rest of the park seems suddenly, eerily silent.'); f('I-I didn\'t say that too loud, did I...?'); f('I\'m almost afraid to check.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Every single kid, parent, even the old woman enjoying the sun in the other corner of the place - I can feel all of their eyes, burning holes into my visage.'); f('I look down, ashamed, blushing like a schoolgirl.'); f(otherwise); f(fadeIn, 'esther_theme', 1); f(pause, 0.8); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'surprised', 'p4.5', x, x, x, 'back'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(pan, hi, -150, 0, 1); f(changeName, e, '???'); f(e, 'M-Mr. Inamoto...?'); f(changeName, e, 'Esther'); f('...Shit.'); f('It\'s even worse than I thought.'); f('It\'s not just the kids and the old women enjoying the sun I had to worry about.'); f('There, standing a few inches away, is a woman I know rather well.'); f('One of my colleagues.'); f('$Esther$ Anderson.'); f('I don\'t know her all that well, but we\'ve exchanged a few words about the bladder condition of her dear pet cat, Chocola.'); f('I\'m a pretty big cat person, though you wouldn\'t think it. I haven\'t had a cat in a while. $Hatsune$\'s allergic.'); f('I know it\'s not my $wife$\'s fault, but it\'s something else to resent her for.'); f(m, 'Um... Aha...'); f('I cough, tugging at my collar.'); f(m, 'H-hello, $Esther$.'); f('$Esther$ bows her head. Her face is beet red.'); f('So she heard.'); f('She must have done.'); f(m, 'Um, well... Wh-what brings you out here on this fine day?'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(e, 'I-I, um... I-I was just going for a walk, um... E-enjoying the sun... B-but...'); f(m, 'But...?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'worried'); f(e, 'I-I see I was intruding...!'); f(m, 'No, it\'s a public park. You don\'t have to—'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(e, 'I-it\'s fine...! I-I\'ll go! I-I\'ll leave you two to it!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-it\'s fine...! I-I\'ll go! I-I\'ll leave you with Miss Tanimura!'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ bows her head.'); f('Despite being born in England, I think she might be one of the most Japanese women I\'ve ever met.'); f('I\'m still trying to figure out if this is a good thing or not.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'W-well, g-goodbye! I\'ll see you in the office!'); f(m, 'Y-yeah, uh... See you.'); f(remove, e); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 2); f('I wave at her limply. She doesn\'t return the gesture but has already turned her back towards us, and is hurriedly walking away.'); f('<i>Fuck.</i>'); f('I really fucked that up.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('If $Hina$ weren\'t here, I\'d have tried to hypnotize her, make her forget about it… but there\'s too many people watching.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('If there was a wall here I\'d bash my head against it. Repeatedly. Until viscera began to drip from my tortured, fractured eye sockets.'); f(playMusic, 'hina_theme', 1); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(pan, hi, 160, 0, 1); f(hi, 'Pfft... Hahaha...!'); f('At least $Hina$ seems to be enjoying herself.'); f('She\'s cackling.'); f(m, 'I think you\'re enjoying this too much...'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(hi, 'If you\'d seen the look on your face, you\'d be laughing too!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'But did you see the look on her face? She looked like she was going to faint!'); f(m, 'I\'d be surprised too if I overheard my colleagues talking about sex.'); f(hi, 'Pfft...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.8); f(playSound, 'backslap'); f('$Hina$ slaps me across the back in the most unfeminine manner imaginable.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f('It actually hurts quite a bit.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('I\'m so ashamed I kind of wish a hole would open up beneath my feet and swallow me whole.'); f(whatIf, '!eIncest&&!hypnosis'); f('How am I ever going to recover from this...?'); f('How will I ever be able to look at $Esther$ Anderson\'s sweet, innocent little face again?'); f('I feel like I\'ve been defiled.'); f('I\'m sure $Esther$ feels the same.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'eWatchingPorn'); f(fadeIn, 'porno_music', 2); f(pause, 2); f(cgs, 'p_porn1', 'fade', [0], 2); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f(pf, 'O-oh God... it feels so good… no, my brother! Stop it$meow$!'); f(pm, 'Yeah? Does it feel good, bitch sister? Does it?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'I-it\'s so good... My pussy, nn...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pm, 'What about it?'); f(pf, 'My pussy\'s so wet$meow$, aah...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pm, 'Is that right, my slutty $creature_$sister?'); f(pf, 'Yeah, nn... I-If you keep fucking me... I-I\'m going to get stupider… no, stop, stop!'); f(otherwise); f(pf, 'O-oh God... it feels so good$meow$...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pm, 'Yeah? Does it feel good, bitch? Does it?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'I-it\'s so good... My pussy, nn...'); f(pm, 'What about it?'); f(pf, 'My pussy\'s so wet$meow$, aah...'); f(pm, 'Is that right, slut?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'Yeah, nn... I-If you keep fucking me... I-I\'m going to get stupider...'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(m, 'Mmhmm. Right.'); f('I nod my head dispassionately, my arms folded across my chest.'); f('I never thought it would come to this.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('I\'m sitting in my $friend$\'s living room watching some terrible porno about some guy fucking his $creature_$sisters.'); f(otherwise); f('I\'m sitting in $Hina$\'s living room watching some terrible porno about a burglar fucking a bunch of girls in this house he broke into.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirls'); f('Catgirls, at that.'); f(endIf); f('Of course, turns out the girls want it, after initially resisting.'); f('Naturally.'); f(endIf); f('I\'m not sure what I think about the porno, to be honest. The dialogue is a bit staid, and though I guess the actress is sexy, $Hatsune$\'s sexier.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('The problem with $Hatsune$ isn\'t that I don\'t think she\'s attractive. I obviously do.'); f('I\'m just not sure about this whole situation, that we\'re in. That I\'ve put us in.'); f(otherwise); f('The problem with $Hatsune$ isn\'t that I don\'t think she\'s attractive. I think she\'s very attractive. I always have done, probably always will.'); f('That\'s probably why my cock gets so hard whenever she demands it.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I\'m just not sure it\'s worth it. Maintaining our clandestine relationship. $wife$ and $husband$... I mean, what would happen if it got out? It always does, in the end, does\'t it? Get out?'); f(otherwise); f('I\'ve just grown tired of the routine, that\'s all.'); f('But have I grown tired of her...?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('I don\'t know — and this bad porno isn\'t helping me come to any concrete decisions.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&!hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'despiteTheAgeDifference', ''); f(whatIf, 'hMother||hDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'despiteTheAgeDifference', ', despite the age difference'); f(endIf); f('More than anything, though, I\'m troubled by the fact it\'s an incest porno. Why would $Hina$ show this to me...? Is she suspecting something between me and $Hatsune$? She and $Hatsune$ do get along pretty well$despiteTheAgeDifference$. They\'ve even gone shopping together, once or twice.'); f('Could $Hatsune$ have told $Hina$...?'); f('No. She wouldn\'t.'); f('...'); f('Would she?'); f('Is this some ruse? $Hina$\'s trying to get me to fess up about our relationship?'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f('More than anything, I\'m troubled by the fact that of all things, $Hina$ decided to show me an incest porno.'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f('A brother-sister incest porno, at that. This is deeply uncomfortable. Why would she have something like this laying around? Does she watch this kind of stuff on her own?'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, we\'re family, for christ\'s sake. And why would she even have something like this laying around? Does she watch this kind of stuff on her own...?'); f(endIf); f('Don\'t tell me this is her fetish?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Not throwing rocks in glass houses here — but, uh… I really didn\'t expect this from $Hina$.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('My frown deepens.'); f('My brow furrows.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I\'m almost relieved I\'m not too excited by the video, despite… despite the incest theme being somewhat… close to home.'); f(otherwise); f('I can\'t say it excites me, though. The incest theme is a little tickling, sure, but…'); f(endIf); f('The whole video is just trite.'); f(otherwise); f('If I was younger maybe I\'d find this sexy, but I\'m older than I used to be and this is just trite.'); f(endIf); f('Cliché.'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'p_porn1', 'fade', [0]); f('I know, despite the moans of pleasure the actress gives, she\'s probably some poor woman trying to make ends meet, getting underpaid and exploited.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'Aaanghhh!!'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('I feel sorry for her. Imagine if her real brother saw her in this.'); f('That said, porn actresses are oftentimes the victim of incestous abuse.'); f('Who knows, maybe she was reliving the trauma of being raped by her brother as she was recording this...'); f(whatIf, 'hSister||hDaughter'); f('I feel a pang of guilt, but remind myself that my and $Hatsune$\'s relationship is entirely consensual.'); f('And she hasn\'t become a porn actress just yet, so… there\'s probably no trauma, in this case.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('The life of a porn actress isn\'t very glamorous.'); f('I\'m actually more curious why $Hina$ has this... but maybe I shouldn\'t ask.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(hi, 'So, $hiMinoruAlt$...'); f('$Hina$ smiles at me mischievously.'); f('All of her smiles are mischievous. They don\'t seem to come in any other flavor.'); f(hi, 'What do you think?'); f(m, 'Eh... It\'s not really doing anything for me.'); f(hi, 'You\'re not getting even a <i>little</i> excited?'); f(m, 'Not one bit.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(hi, 'Liar!'); f(m, 'Am I?'); f('I have an idea. I stare into $Hina$\'s eyes...'); f(m, 'Why don\'t you check?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind_hypno', 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.5); f(h, '... OK.'); f(m, 'Why don\'t you touch my cock..?'); f(h, '... OK.'); f('Obediently, she grabs hold of it, over my pants.'); f(m, 'See? All flabby, isn\'t it?'); f(h, '... yes.'); f('I feel a slight twinge in my crotch, as $Hina$\'s hands slowly massages my organ.'); f('Heck, what am I doing? This is the first time I\'ve used hypnosis on her. It\'s not right.'); f(m, 'That\'s enough.'); f(h, '... OK.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Liar! Let me check!'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.5); f('$Hina$ reaches forwards, her eyes glittering.'); f(m, 'N-no...!'); f('I start backwards like a shy school girl and bat her fingers away from my crotch.'); f('I swear, I even squeak out an alarmed "kya!"'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Just what the hell is going on?! My $friend$ just groped my cock...!'); f('What have I gotten us into? When is it <i>ever</i> OK for a $friend$ to grab her $maleFriend$\'s cock?!'); f('I mean, <i>especially</i> when it\'s still floppy!'); f(otherwise); f('What am I? Some pure maiden?'); f('This is embarrassing.'); f('But isn\'t <i>$Hina$</i> the one who should be embarrassed? It\'s true we\'ve been friends for years, but that doesn\'t give her a right to start trying to grope my cock.'); f('Especially not when it\'s still floppy.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'p_porn2', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('The guy in the video has moved on to another girl — this one, apparently his daughter, fast asleep.'); f('Her labia pursing around the head of her father\'s cock, coating the shaft with her sticky juices, as she moans lightly.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pm, 'You little bitch… this is what you get for saying you\'d prefer to live with your mom!'); f(pf, 'Ngh…'); f(otherwise); f('The guy in the background has moved on to another girl who\'s moaning heavily, her defilement becoming more and more aggressive.'); f('Her labia pursing around the head of her rapist\'s cock, coating the shaft with sticky saliva.'); f('In and out, in and out.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'No, nn... P-Please...'); f(pm, 'Shut up, bitch.'); f(pf, 'Urk... Haa, haa...'); f(endIf); f('She moans.'); f('I, however, am hardly paying any attention.'); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest&&!hMother&&!hypnosis'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassed'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.2); f(otherwise); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.2); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'Uh… anyways. Like I said, I\'m not excited. And I\'m not really sure how any of this is supposed to help me…'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Oh, come on! I <i>am</i> helping you!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I stare incredulously at my daughter, who at least has the common sense to be blushing, if only slightly.'); f(m, 'Hina! Just what the hell do you think you\'re doing?! You just grabbed your… y-your father\'s c-cock!'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I-I\'m just trying to confirm a-, a hypothesis of mine.'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f('I stare incredulously at my mother.'); f(m, 'Mom, what the hell was that?? You just grabbed my-, my…'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Floppy cock?'); f(m, 'M-mom! Language!!'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Relax! I\'m just trying to confirm a hypothesis of mine.'); f(otherwise); f('I stare at $Hina$ with untrusting eyes.'); f(m, 'Wh-what was that for?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Just trying to confirm a hypothesis of mine.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'W-well I\'m not hard! I\'m not excited — and this isn\'t meant to be about me, anyway! This is about my girlfriend! Me and my girlfriend!'); f(hi, 'I <i>am</i> helping you and your girlfriend!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'W-well I\'m not hard! I\'m not excited — and this isn\'t meant to be about me, anyway! This is about Hatsune! Me and Hatsune!'); f(hi, 'I <i>am</i> helping you and Hatsune!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, '<i>How</i>?'); f(hi, 'This is the proof.'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'p_porn2', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 1.5); f('$Hina$ waves one hand towards the TV.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('The dad is still raping his sleeping daughter, though it seems like she\'s about to wake up, from the sensation in her groins.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(pf, 'Ungh…'); f('Frankly speaking, with how her dad is thrusting into her, it\'s a little bizarre she\'s still playing asleep.'); f(pm, 'You little bitch... your pussy is even better than your aunt\'s!'); f(otherwise); f('The guy is still having his way with the girl, thrusting into her like a madman.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.22); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 16, 0.22); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.22); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f('That level of thrusting can\'t be healthy for either of them.'); f(pm, 'You little bitch!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(pf, 'Ngh, aah, no! Stop!'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.3); f(hi, 'Women like it rough.'); f(m, 'That\'s all you\'ve got?'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'It\'s true! Some women say they want men to be courteous, to hold open doors and hold them close, but what we really want is to be fucked long and hard like Mika!'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('Mika being the daughter in the video, apparently.'); f(otherwise); f('Mika being the girl currently being raped, apparently.'); f(endIf); f('How does $Hina$ remember her name?'); f('How many times has she seen this DVD?'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hDaughter&&!hypnosis'); f('My God, don\'t tell me she has… what it\'s called, the Electra complex...?'); f('I shake the thought. No, it\'s… I can\'t believe that.'); f('Even if she did just grab my cock, it\'s… it\'s not…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I don\'t know about that really... It seems like a bit of a simplistic hypothesis.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hDaughter'); f('I start talking, just to divert my thoughts.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'God.'); f('$Hina$ rolls her eyes.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Life doesn\'t need to be that difficult, $hiMinoru$. Don\'t overthink everything.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'I can\'t help but overthink things. This is, you know, a, uh…'); f('Gotta tread carefully here — can\'t let it on I\'m $Hatsune$ I\'m talking about.'); f(m, 'It\'s a, uh… relationship, albeit new, that I, uh, care, uh, for. I mean I want it to continue! I don\'t want to give up!'); f('I appreciate your advice, but I\'m going to need some time to mull it over!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I can\'t help but overthink things. This is my relationship with my wife I\'m talking about. I want to try and salvage it, and I appreciate your advice, but I\'m going to need some time to mull it over!'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1); f(hi, 'Boo...'); f('$Hina$ pouts, sinking back into the couch.'); f(hi, 'You\'re such a spoilsport, $hiMinoru$. You\'ve always been so serious.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(m, 'I <i>have</i> to be! You\'re my daughter!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I <i>have</i> to be! I\'m taking this relationship seriously! It\'s… it\'s my first in quite a while!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I <i>have</i> to be! I\'m <i>married</i>!'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(m, 'B-besides, I\'m your father!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(setZoom, hi, 1.4); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'cautious'); f(hi, 'I know, but...'); f(m, 'But?'); f('$Hina$ fishes a cushion from the couch and hugs it, resting her head atop of it.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest&&!hiDaughter'); f('For a few moments she looks unusually vulnerable. Worlds apart from the boisterous, energetic woman who just nearly sexually assaulted me.'); f(otherwise); f('For a few moments she looks unusually vulnerable. Worlds apart from the boisterous, energetic woman who tried to sexually assault me without a care in the world.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'From what you told me... your relationship isn\'t all that happy, is it?'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Well, from what you told me… you and mom aren\'t in a great place, are you?'); f(m, 'Wh-what?'); f(hi, 'Just going from what you told me, $hiMinoru$. And I mean, you are obviously desperate. Why else would you come to me? Your daughter?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'From what you told me... your marriage isn\'t very happy, is it?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Excuse me?'); f('I massage my temples.'); f('I can feel a headache coming on.'); f('Why are women so hard to understand?'); f('Even women like $Hina$, who aren\'t very womanly, are still a huge pain the neck.'); f('Or head.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'sad'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'The two of you aren\'t happy, are you?'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'You and mom aren\'t happy, are you...?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'You\'re not happy with Hatsune, are you?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'And what makes you think that?'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'I think that because I know, $hiMinoru$! I\'m your $friend$! I know you\'re not the type to complain unless there\'s something really, seriously wrong!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I think that because I know you, $hiMinoru$. I\'ve known you for forever, and I know you\'re not the type to complain unless there\'s something really, seriously wrong!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'I-it\'s not serious. Just a few minor bumps. All relationships have them.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I-it\'s not serious. Just a few minor bumps. All marriages have them.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Maybe so — but you\'re the sort to suffer in silence. It must\'ve gotten bad if you can\'t even do that anymore.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Being in a relationship with, uh, this, uh, girl… it\'s not making me <i>suffer</i>.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Being married to Hatsune isn\'t making me <i>suffer</i>.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hDaughter'); f(hi, 'I hope not! I mean, you\'re my parents. I love the two of you to bits, and I don\'t want you to be miserable.'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'I hope not, because you\'re my $maleFriend$. I love you, as a $friend$, and I don\'t want you to be miserable.'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'I hope not because you\'re one of my best friends. I don\'t want you to be miserable.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I hope not because you\'re one of my best friends. You and Hatsune both, and I don\'t want you to be miserable.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Isn\'t that why you offered to help?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'sad'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I do want to help, but—'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'p_porn2', 'fade', [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.22); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f(pf, '<i>Fuck! D-daddy, you\'re raping me so hard...! Your cock is stabbing my womb...! You\'re filling me with baby batter...!</i>'); f(otherwise); f(pf, '<i>Fuck! Y-you\'re fucking me so hard...! Your cock is stabbing my womb...! You\'re filling me with baby batter...!</i>'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.2); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(hi, 'Oh, shut up.'); f(stopMusic); f('$Hina$ grabs hold of the remote and shuts off the TV.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest||hIncest'); f('It turns off with a click, and the desperate moans of our favorite incest rape victim daughter, Mika, are cut short.'); f(otherwise); f('It turns off with a click, and the desperate moans of our favorite burglar and rape victim, Mika, are cut short.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I feel a pang of irritation -- I wanted to keep watching that. To be honest, I was just about starting to get hard, even if the script was shit.'); f(otherwise); f('How tragic.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('She was really giving that performance her all, too — at least once she stopped pretending to be asleep. Even if the script she had to work with was dreadful.'); f(otherwise); f('She was really giving that performance her all, too — even if the script she had to work with was awful.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.5); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'branch5_hypnosis'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'I just want you to know this, $hiMinoruAlt$...'); f('$Hina$ shuffles about on the couch, facing me.'); f('Her eyes are narrowed, her lips pursed, and she looks unusually serious.'); f('And this is after we were watching porn together.'); f('This doesn\'t feel like a normal post-porn-watching atmosphere...'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Not that watching porn with your $friend$ is anywhere near even approaching the outermost limits of <i>anything</i> that could be described as "normal".'); f(otherwise); f('Not that watching porn with your best female friend is all that "normal".'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'I want you to be happy, $hiMinoru$, but… I don\'t think being with this girl will make you happy.'); f(m, 'What are you talking about? You haven\'t even met her. I thought you, of all people, would be supportive!'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'You\'re my $friend$!'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hIncest'); f(hi, 'I want you to be happy, both of you, but…'); f(m, 'What? What are you saying?'); f(hi, 'I don\'t know if staying together will make you happy.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I want you to be happy, and I don\'t know if being with Hatsune will make you happy.'); f(m, 'What are you talking about? You were the one who introduced us. I thought you, of all people, would be supportive.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'And I <i>am</i> supportive, but...'); f('$Hina$ presses a hand against her chest.'); f('She winces.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I don\'t know how to say this, um... but I... well...'); f('But she seems to think better of whatever it was she wanted to say because she sighs, shaking her head.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'No. It\'s stupid. Forget it.'); f(m, 'Forget what?'); f(hi, 'Exactly. "What." I didn\'t say anything.'); f('$Hina$ tries to deflect, but the attempt is much too obvious. Her reluctance only serves to make me more curious.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('$Hina$ isn\'t the sort of person to keep secrets, not to me. Whenever she had a problem at school, she\'d always tell me about it first thing when I came home.'); f('Whenever she had a crush on someone… I\'d be the first to know.'); f('Even when she had <i>women issues</i>, she tried to talk to me about it before I redirected her to her mother, whom I argued was better equipped for that kind of talk.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$ isn\'t the sort of person to keep secrets. I didn\'t know she could.'); f(endIf); f('She\'s a blabbermouth and she spills her guts whatever chance she gets — especially to me.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I thought we were supposed to be family.'); f(otherwise); f('I thought we were supposed to be friends.'); f(endIf); f('Why is she acting so coy?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Press the issue.'); f(jump, 'branch5'); f(choice, 'Let it slide.'); f(jump, 'branch6'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'branch5_hypnosis'); f(hi, 'I just want you to-'); f(m, 'Hey, I was watching that.'); f(hi, 'Huh?'); f('My patience is wearing thin, maybe because I\'m horny.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Look, $hiMinoru$, don\'t be so testy! I\'m trying to be a good $friend$ here and help you out-'); f(m, 'By making me watch a porno, and then turn it off, just as things were starting to get interesting?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Don\'t be a moany bitch, OK?'); f('I shoot her a contemptuous look.'); f('Maybe she\'s right. I guess I\'m just acting out because I\'m a little horny.'); f('But without the video…'); f('Hmm…'); f('An idea begins to form in my head.'); f('No, that\'s… that\'s crazy. Hina\'s my $friend$, for crying out loud.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&hiIncest'); f('Related to me by blood.'); f('I mean, not that that stopped me with $Hatsune$, but…'); f(endIf); f('I already went too far, making her touch my dick. Christ, if she knew! If I didn\'t wipe her memory clean, I mean… she\'d kill me.'); f('Yes… I went too far.'); f('... or did I?'); f(pause, 1); f('What should I do?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Hypnotize her.'); f(choice, 'Apologize.'); f(m, 'I\'m… I\'m sorry. I\'m just a little stressed, I shouldn\'t take it out on you.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Damn straight!'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I mean… apology accepted.'); f(jump, 'branch6_b'); f(endChoice); f('Well… let\'s give it a spin, maybe? I mean… I could just freeze her, so I can masturbate, right? It would help me calm down, for sure'); f(m, 'Hey, $Hina$...'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'What?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind_hypno', 'surprised'); f(m, 'You just made me rather horny… if you don\'t mind, I\'m going to finish myself off. Then, I\'ll bring you back, OK? Unfreeze you.'); f(person, hi, 'hypno', 'smiling'); f(hi, 'OK…'); f('Hm. As easy as pie.'); f('I pull down my zipper and whip out my dick, which is now fully erect.'); f('I guess I should… maybe I should ask $Hina$ to leave…? Or at least turn the other way?'); f('... Actually, I don\'t mind, this. Her seeing it. Even if she\'s out of it… it\'s a little exciting, somehow, to be honest.'); f(m, 'Alright then. Time to go to town…'); f('So I begin fapping.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.8); f('While moving my hand up and down my shaft, I find myself turning my face towards $Hina$.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiIncest'); f('It\'s admittedly a little sick -- to masturbate in front of your $friend$, whether she\'s hypnotized or not.'); f('But… it\'s kind of hot.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I mean, $Hatsune$ would kill me if she caught me right now, of course. I mean, if she wasn\'t completely brainwashed.'); f('Heck, as she\'s now, she wouldn\'t bat an eyelid at $Hina$, and just jump ontop of my cock as soon as she saw it.'); f('...'); f('I never realized how much she looks like her mother, when she was in this age.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 'hypno', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f('I\'ve… I don\'t think I\'ve ever looked at $Hina$ like this, before.'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest&&hIncest'); f('Not that I\'m immune to the allure of incest, but… this is kind of hot.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I guess all my attention was always directed towards $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('She did mature sooner, I guess. But I\'m suddenly not at all sure why it never struck me that I could have dipped my dick inside this honeypot as well…'); f(elseIf, 'hSister||hMother'); f('I mean, besides the short time I spent with Hina\'s mom, I guess.'); f(endIf); f('Hina\'s definitely grown. A grown woman, she is.'); f(otherwise); f('As a teen, I guess all my attention was directed towards $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister&&hSister'); f('She matured sooner, and… I don\'t know, I was always closer to $Hina$, I mean, emotionally. While $Hatsune$ would sometimes treat the two of us with contempt, like children. Comes with the territory when you\'re the oldest, I guess...'); f('But I think this also played a part in which I began using Hatsune to satisfy myself sexually. A revenge, of some sort.'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister&&hMother'); f('I mean, Hina was essentially just a kid, when I started having my urges, and started taking it out on mom. Hina was something of a late bloomer, I guess… while mom\'s body was already stunning back then.'); f(endIf); f('But… $Hina$\'s certainly grown.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 'hypno', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f('I\'ve never actually looked at $Hina$ like this before.'); f(elseIf, 'WIP'); f('WIP'); f(person, hi, 'hypno', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f('I\'ve never actually looked at $Hina$ like this before.'); f(otherwise); f('WIP'); f(person, hi, 'hypno', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f('I\'ve never actually looked at $Hina$ like this before.'); f(endIf); f('Maybe because I\'ve never been masturbating in front of her before… Obviously, that\'s not a a scenario you\'ll find yourself in all that often…'); f('Obviously, she has a great set. Maybe even a better set than $Hatsune$.'); f('Maybe…'); f('Nah, that\'d be… that\'d be crazy.'); f('...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Fuck. I guess the idea is kind of turning me on…'); f('What should I do…?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Cum on her.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Yes, that will do! I can\'t very well just… no, not to Hina, not to my $friend$... that\'d be crazy.'); f(otherwise); f(endIf); f('Lightly cumming on her, though? That should be fine! And also strangely exciting. I\'m growing hornier by the second, just thinking about it.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Before long, I\'m on the verge of cumming.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(playSound, 'hump'); f(person, hi, 'cummed_hypno', 'smiling'); f(m, 'Unghh!!'); f('Happily, I pump my warm cum all over $Hina$\'s face and chest. The more I see my semen land on her, the more intensely I cum…'); f('Phew. Well, that was oddly exciting. Look at what I\'ve accomplished.'); f(pause); f('It\'s a thing of beauty, for sure.'); f('Now, let\'s play a little with her.'); f(person, hi, 'cummed_hypno', 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.4); f('I pull my pants back up, and sit myself down.'); f(m, 'Hey, $Hina$...'); f(person, hi, 'cummed', 'surprisedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(hi, 'Wh-what the hell?!'); f('WIP'); f(choice, 'Have sex with her.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(label, 'hisex'); f(choice, 'Don\'t do anything weird.'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'branch5'); f(m, 'Seriously, what\'s wrong?'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.6); f(fadeIn, 'sadending', 3); f(pause, 0.5); f(hi, 'You... you shouldn\'t need to ask, $hiMinoru$.'); f(m, 'But I <i>am</i> asking.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '<b>Why</b>?'); f('$Hina$ suddenly flares up. Her eyes narrow and she glares at me with an undisguised look of...'); f('Anger?'); f('Is $Hina$ angry with me...?'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'You never cared how I felt before, $hiMinoru$! Why do you care now?!'); f(m, 'I, um...'); f('I flounder for a few moments.'); f('I want to comfort her but my words are unwieldy inside my mouth and they feel far too big.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('WIP incestual confession'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Of course I care about you, $Hina$. You\'re my friend. We\'ve been friends for—'); f(hi, 'Forever, I know — but that\'s the problem!'); f(m, 'Pardon...?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'It\'s the fact that we\'re friends — when I\'ve liked you much, much more than that ever since we were in high school...!'); f(endIf); f('I stare at her.'); f('She stares back at me, her cheeks unusually flustered.'); f('She\'s breathing hard, her chest rising and falling.'); f('Her breasts strain against her shirt.'); f('My brain strains inside my skull.'); f('Did she really... just say what I thought she did?'); f('Was that... a confession?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I... Oh, I\'m so <i>stupid</i>.'); f('$Hina$ winces, running a hand through her hair.'); f('She puts a little too much force into the gesture and almost pulls a handful of it out.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Just ignore that, $hiMinoru$. Pretend I never said it.'); f(m, 'I... I\'m sorry, it\'s a lot to take in.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('It\'s even harder for me to accept this than it was for the girl in the porno to take the burglar\'s cock into her pussy.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s even harder for me to accept this than it was for the girl in the porno to take her dad\'s cock into her pussy.'); f(endIf); f('Repeatedly.'); f(m, 'You don\'t seriously mean it, do you?'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'No, I said something <i>incredibly</i> humiliating just as a joke.'); f('$Hina$ rolls her eyes.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Of course I meant it, you <i>donkey</i>.'); f('"Donkey"? That\'s an insult I\'ve never heard before. "Ass" would have been so much more straightforward...'); f('I shake my head.'); f('Best not to worry about semantics now.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('WIP incest confession pt II'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'But you... We\'ve known each other for such a long time and I never even realized...'); f(hi, 'I didn\'t want you to realize.'); f(m, 'But you... you were the one who got me together with Hatsune...!'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I didn\'t mean to!'); f(m, 'But we met because of you! You invited me and Hatsune out together, remember? We went shopping...'); f(person, hi, 0, 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I invited Hatsune because I was anxious, you idiot!'); f(m, 'Anxious? About what?'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Well, um...'); f('$Hina$ pokes her two index fingers together, her eyes downturned.'); f(hi, 'I know I act like a tomboy, but I\'d never been out on my own with a boy before... and, even back then, I liked you.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I <i>really</i> liked you.'); f('I find that hard to believe.'); f('$Hina$ didn\'t act like she liked me in high school.'); f('She treated me as she would treat anybody else — making my acquaintance on the first day of school with a cheerful smile and a "let\'s get on well, partner!"'); f('We sat next to each other in homeroom, you see.'); f('A few weeks later, she told me she wanted to pick up some sneakers in town and she invited me along with her — "but one of my friends from another class is coming with! It\'s not, like, a date or anything!"'); f('That\'s what she said — and I believed her.'); f('If it was a date she never would have invited Hatsune.'); f('Girls don\'t invite other girls out on dates with guys they like.'); f('That\'s the most self-defeating thing I\'ve ever heard of.'); f('But now $Hina$ claims that\'s just what she did.'); f(m, 'I... I thought you just needed some sneakers. That\'s what you said.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'And I did need the sneakers — but it was mostly an excuse to spend time with you! I thought Hatsune might be able to give me some tips on how to deal with you, since she\'s always been so popular with the boys...'); f('But, as it transpired, she was <i>too</i> popular.'); f('Much too popular.'); f('That\'s why I fell in love with her.'); f('And, this whole time, I really thought $Hina$ had been trying to set us up.'); f('I guess not.'); f(m, 'But... I-If you liked me, why didn\'t you tell me? Why did you support me all this time?'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'B-because I... honestly, I felt like a loser.'); f(hi, 'How pathetic would it have sounded if I told you I wanted to go out with you, but I was beaten by my best friend?'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f(hi, 'It sounds ridiculous.'); f(m, 'It\'s not ridiculous.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'It <i>is</i> ridiculous. <i>I\'m</i> ridiculous.'); f(m, 'No.'); f('I reach out, taking her hands in mine.'); f(m, 'You\'re not.'); f(playMusic, 'romantic'); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...'); f(changeBg, 'white', 'fade', 5); f('$Hina$ blinks at me. Her eyes are wide.'); f('We\'re so close, our knees pressed together on the couch, I can see her eyelashes quivering.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('WIP incestuous confession pt iii'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'You haven\'t liked me this whole time, have you?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I...'); f('$Hina$ tries to glance away but I hold my gaze steady. My eyes bore into hers so she can\'t look away.'); f('Not even when her cheeks turn red in the most un-$Hina$-like manner possible.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I... I have.'); f(m, 'Really?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('WIP'); f(hi, 'Yes. I know. You can laugh. Laugh all you want — but I like you still, even now, even though you have a girlfriend.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Yes. I know. You can laugh. Laugh all you want — but I liked you even when you got married.'); f(hi, 'I still like you even now.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f(hi, 'You\'re not laughing.'); f(m, 'Because I don\'t want to.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Is my story so sad you can\'t even bring yourself to do that?'); f(m, 'No. It\'s not sad. To be honest, I...'); f('I don\'t know how I feel.'); f('That\'s the truth.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('My relationship with $Hatsune$ has been so strained lately, and though I don\'t dislike her — I must love her if I married her — coming back home to passionlessly fulfil our marriage contract seems so... hollow.'); f(endIf); f('Empty.'); f('$Hatsune$ says she loves me but she\'s told me that innumerable times already.'); f('I guess it got stale.'); f('Old news.'); f('$Hina$, however...'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('We\'ve known each other for years but I\'ve never heard such sweet, tender terms of endearment come from her lips.'); f('To be honest, I didn\'t know she was capable of loving me.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('For a long while, I thought she might secretly be a lesbian.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('I never asked — I didn\'t want to pry — but she does own a lot of porn, and she never made any effort to flirt with any of the guys around the office...'); f(endIf); f('Now I know why.'); f('She had her eye on somebody already.'); f('Me.'); f('She loves me, and I...'); f('Well.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('I like $Hina$ a lot — and isn\'t that enough?'); f('It\'s new.'); f('Exciting.'); f(endIf); f('At least it\'s not $Hatsune$.'); f('Thank God it\'s not $Hatsune$.'); f('So I lean forwards—'); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...?'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('-and press my lips against hers.'); f('She doesn\'t try to resist.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'hi69'); f(label, 'hi69'); f(cgs, 'hi_sixtynine', 'fade', [0]); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...'); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f('I exhale softly, but that\'s more than enough to make $Hina$ squirm.'); f('My mouth is only inches away from her pussy. $Hina$\'s hips wriggled every time I exhale.'); f('I dig my fingers into her soft flesh, spreading the lips of my $friend$\'s pussy apart.'); f('I can see everything in perfect detail — the pale pink walls of her vagina, swollen with passion, the small nub of her clit at the top, and the dark, moist hole of her entrance...'); f('... I guess vaginas don\'t sound all that sexy when you describe them like that. It doesn\'t help that "vagina" isn\'t a very sexy word to begin with...! But I\'ve never seen $Hina$ look more appealing.'); f('She\'s usually so cheerful, so buoyant, so boisterous.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('A tomboy of a mother.'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('My sweet little tomboy.'); f(otherwise); f('A tomboy.'); f(endIf); f('Not a girly girl like $Hatsune$, with her long hair and filed nails and carefully applied makeup.'); f('$Hina$ never wears makeup. Her face is unadorned as the day she was born and her hair is short. The only decoration she wears in it is that clip...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('A clip that I bought her for Mother\'s Day when I was little.'); f(otherwise); f('A clip that I bought her for her sixteenth birthday.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('We\'re lying on the floor of her living room like two cats in a basket, our genitals inches away from each other\'s faces.'); f(otherwise); f('Ah.'); f('I should have realized sooner.'); f('I always thought that accessory looked out of place on $Hina$, but she shrugged it off and said she wanted to use it for a practical purpose.'); f('"Since you got it for me, I might as well!"'); f('But now… I realize there\'s more to it than that.'); f('There must be, or we wouldn\'t be lying on the floor of her living room like two cats in a basket, our genitals inches away from each other\'s faces.'); f(endIf); f('Also like cats in a basket.'); f('I used to have a cat.'); f('Believe me, I know.'); f('She was always trying to sniff other cats in inappropriate places.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$... C-can you see...?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My $friend$\'s breath glides against my cock and my whole body trembles.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$\'s breath glides against my cock and my whole body trembles.'); f(endIf); f('Even the tips of my fingers are shaking.'); f('I dig my fingers a little tighter into $Hina$\'s flesh, spreading the lips of her pussy open further, and she whines.'); f('Mewls.'); f('Keens.'); f('Like a kitten.'); f('<i>My</i> kitten.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('It makes me want to tease her.'); f(m, 'That\'s right. I can see everything.'); f(hi, 'E-everything?'); f(m, 'Yeah. I can see your pussy. All of it.'); f(hi, 'N-no...!'); f(m, 'Yes. I can see it cumming already — and I\'m not even touching it.'); f(hi, 'N-no... I-I\'m not cumming...'); f(m, 'You are. You\'re cumming just because I\'m looking at you.'); f(hi, 'Y-you\'re lying...!'); f(m, 'Oh, really?'); f(endIf); f('I slide one finger inside her.'); f(hi, 'Nn...!'); f('$Hina$\'s back arches. A moan pulls itself from her throat, making my cock tremble.'); f('I want to shove my cock into her mouth, deep, until she chokes on it...'); f('But, at the same time, I want to keep listening to her cute moans.'); f(playSound, 'wet'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('My finger makes a wet, sticky sound when I slide it in and out. Making my $friend$ wet isn\'t much of a feat though, considering I\'m almost completely in control of both her body and mind.'); f(otherwise); f('My finger makes a wet, sticky sound when I slide it in and out. It\'s proof of $Hina$\'s arousal.'); f('Though she drives to deny it... at this point, that\'s nothing more than common courtesy.'); f(m, 'See? Look how wet you are?'); f(hi, 'I... th-that...'); f('$Hina$ protests weakly, her hips trembling.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'Th-that\'s just because I love you...'); f(m, 'Like a $friend$ loves her $maleFriend$?'); f(hi, 'N-no... I love you… like a lover...'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Th-that\'s just because I like you...'); f(m, 'You like me?'); f(hi, 'N-no... I love you...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Ah...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('Hearing a tough, tomboyish girl like $Hina$ say such a line — especially when she used to chase wasps out of the classroom and scoop spiders from desks without a trace of fear — makes my heart flutter.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('Is it more than just filial love?'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Is it more than just $maleFriend$ly love?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Is it… is it love? <i>Romantic</i> love?'); f(otherwise); f('Is it love?'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t know... but it might be something like it.'); f(m, 'Oh, $Hina$... $Hina$...'); f(endIf); f('I want to make her feel good.'); f('As good as she\'s making me feel right now.'); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$, I — nghh...!'); f('I slide my tongue inside her pussy, tasting her.'); f('Her back arches in the most adorable way, and I\'m too enchanted by her to instruct her to suck my cock.'); f('At least, for now.'); f('The juices of her pussy are musky and not entirely delicious. It\'s nothing like sinking your teeth into a peach...'); f('But that\'s to be expected.'); f('Maybe she\'s a little sweeter than $Hatsune$.'); f('I\'m not sure. It\'s been a while since I ate $Hatsune$ out.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('Like mother, like daughter.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister&&hiSister'); f('I guess it\'s natural they should taste pretty much the same.'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f('I draw away, a strand of saliva connecting the lips of her pussy and my open mouth.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('My dick is aching. It\'s time to take things to the next step.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(m, 'Hina… undress.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'hisex'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Has anybody ever done that to you before?'); f('She shakes her head.'); f(hi, 'N-never...'); f(m, 'Then, I\'m your first...?'); f(hi, 'I... I was saving myself for you this whole time, you know...?'); f(m, 'How admirable.'); f('I try to act cool, but I\'m so taken by this maiden-like phrasing I almost blush.'); f('She\'s so cute it\'s embarrassing me.'); f('I can\'t let myself get flustered. She\'s the one who told me women like it when men take charge.'); f('I don\'t know if that statement applies to "women" in the broad sense of the word, but it almost definitely applies to $Hina$.'); f('I need to rectify this situation somehow.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Hey, $Hina$. Maybe you should thank me.'); f(hi, 'Thank you?'); f(m, 'That\'s right. I\'m licking your pussy so you should return the favor. Make me feel good.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'H-how...?'); f(m, 'You watch enough porn. Use your imagination.'); f(hi, 'Y-you mean you... you...'); f('Her breath catches in her throat.'); f(hi, 'You want me... to suck your dick...?'); f(m, 'That is the general idea, yes.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'B-but… you\'re my $maleFriend$...'); f(m, 'Well, it\'s a little late turning back now, isn\'t it? After I\'ve seen… your <i>everything</i>. Even <i>tasted you</i>.'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'B-but your girlfriend…'); f(m, 'My $wife$? She\'s not he-'); f(hi, 'Y-your $wife$...?'); f('Oh, shit. My tongue slipped.'); f(m, 'What? No-no, I said girlfriend. My girlfriend. She\'s not here, Hina. But you, you on the other hand, you are very much here.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'B-but Hatsune...'); f(m, 'Hatsune isn\'t here right now.'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoru$...'); f('$Hina$ whimpers. It sounds like she might be on the verge of tears.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('WIP slight reluctance'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Th-this whole time, I wanted to...! I-I wanted it to be me, not her...! I always wanted—'); f(m, 'And now you have your chance.'); f(hi, 'Th-that\'s right. I get to suck your cock... I get to suck it... It\'s mine...'); f(m, 'All yours.'); f(hi, '$hiMinoru$... Th-thank you…'); f(endIf); f('And with these painfully earnest words, $Hina$ ducks her head and takes the full length of my cock inside her inexperienced, virgin mouth.'); f('It feels so good I almost cum then and there.'); f('Who knew $Hina$ could be so adorable...?'); f(endIf); f(pause); f(scene, 'black'); f(setVolume, 0.4, 2); f(pause, 3); f('The weeks go by uneventfully, just like before, save for one key exception.'); f('$Hina$.'); f('I\'ve been spending more and more time with her lately...'); f('At least, to the extent I reasonably can, without making $Hatsune$ suspicious.'); f('I think I\'m making $Hatsune$ suspicious anyway, as I\'ve stopped having sex with her, but why should I when I have $Hina$?'); f(pause, 0.5); f(setVolume, 1, 2); f(pause, 2); f(doCall, 'endingCommentary'); f(ending, 'demoEnd4', 'Demo Ending 4'); f(label, 'hisex'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(hi, 'Ah... $hiMinoruAlt$...'); f('$Hina$\'s sitting on top of me, the weight of her body pressing against my stomach, while she squirms.'); f('She\'s impaling herself on my cock, moving her hips up and down to press the full length of it as deep inside her as possible.'); f('I help out a little but I don\'t need to do all that much.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Once you\'ve revved up the engine…'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s doing most of the work on her own, which is more than welcome.'); f('$Hatsune$\'s in the habit of lying back and letting me take care of everything.'); f('Maybe she thinks it\'s my job since I\'m the male.'); f('I still haven\'t wrapped my head around how different having sex with $Hina$ is compared to having sex with $Hatsune$.'); f('It\'s a good difference, though.'); f('At least, I think it is.'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Waah... $hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...'); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'breastsqueeze']); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I knead my $friend$\'s tits with my hands.'); f(otherwise); f('I knead her tits with my hands.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0]); f('They\'re huge, just like $Hatsune$\'s, and they spill out through my fingers.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'breastsqueeze']); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('Like mother, like daughter…'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest&&hIncest'); f('I guess all female members of the family got blessed with the "big boobs gene."'); f(endIf); f('Her nipples, meanwhile, are even more sensitive. Just running the tips of my fingers against them — letting the nail catch the edge — is enough to make her pussy contract about my cock.'); f('It\'s enough to make her cum.'); f('The face $Hina$ makes when she cums is unmatched.'); f('She normally looks so cool and in control, but this mask falls away completely when she\'s succumbing to the throes of an orgasm.'); f('She tips her head back, her hair slick and wet against her cheeks and forehead, and lets herself go.'); f('She\'s so vulnerable...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('... But that makes her even more delicious.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('A rare treat I want to keep all for myself.'); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$... You\'re in so deep...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'No talking. Just moaning.'); f(hi, 'Wh-what… what are you doing to me…?'); f(m, 'Shh, shh… you\'ll have forgotten it all, I mean, I\'ll <i>make</i> you forget it all, once we\'re done.'); f(hi, 'Nghhh…. $eMinoru$...'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I can feel your pussy contracting around my cock, $Hina$...'); f(hi, 'N-no, it... I-it\'s not...'); f(m, 'But it is. Your pussy is milking my cock. It wants all of my cum.'); f(hi, 'B-because I\'ve wanted you for so long...!'); f(m, 'You\'re <i>that</i> desperate?'); f(hi, 'Y-yes! Yes, I\'m desperate!'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest&&hIncest'); f(m, 'Like the slutty $friend$ from your pornos?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Like the slutty girl in your pornos?'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'E-even more!'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.25); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('I thrust up into her at the same time as $Hina$ gyrates her hips, and then she gasps.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'exp_closed']); f('She squeezes her eyes shut in pleasure, tears beading the corners, as she cums.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.25); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('Again.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.25); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('And again.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'hisex_hypnoend'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Y-you know, um... Th-the porn...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(m, 'Yes?'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'breastsqueeze', 'exp_closed']); f('I squeeze her nipples a little harder and she wriggles obligingly on my lap.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(hi, 'I, um... I-I don\'t care about the... th-the female actress... I just, ah...'); f(hi, 'I have a lot of DVDs... w-with that actor in it... th-the guy, you know?'); f(m, 'Oh?'); f('I tweak her nipples. I try stretching them out — pulling at them like tofu.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'exp_closed']); f('When I let go they snap back into place, making her tits jiggle.'); f('The end result is gratifying, even if it looks kind of goofy.'); f('Maybe I like being in control.'); f(hi, 'W-well, um... Th-the guy... I-I always thought the guy in those DVDs ... l-looked a lot like you...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f(m, 'So you rubbed your clit while watching those videos, imagining you were the daughter being raped?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'So you rubbed your clit while watching those videos, imagining you were the girl being raped?'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0]); f(hi, 'Y-yeah...'); f('$Hina$ looks at me shyly.'); f(hi, 'I-is that bad...?'); f(m, 'It\'s pretty lewd.'); f(hi, 'L-lewd?'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Mm. How dare you have the audacity to keep talking to me at work every day when you were imagining me fucking you every evening?'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(h, 'Aangh!'); f(hi, 'I-it wasn\'t <i>every</i> evening...!'); f('$Hina$ protests feebly, but this encourages me to be even meaner.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'breastsqueeze', 'exp_alt']); f('I twist her nipples harder and she whines.'); f(m, 'Most evenings, then.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0]); f(hi, 'I-I, um... I-I\'m sorry...'); f(m, 'It\'s fine.'); f('I lift my head, pressing a kiss against her right breast, then the left.'); f('I like being rough, but I don\'t want to be <i>too</i> rough.'); f('I don\'t want to hurt her.'); f('Not when she trusts me enough to show such a vulnerable side of herself to me.'); f(m, 'I\'m... glad.'); f(hi, 'Y-you are?'); f(m, 'Yeah. I\'m glad you like me.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hDaughter'); f(hi, 'But mom…'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'But Hatsune...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest&&hIncest'); f('Yes, I\'ve told $Hina$ about me and $Hatsune$. I figured I might as well…'); f('I mean, considering that $Hina$ has proven she doesn\'t give a rat\'s ass about incest being taboo, forbidden, frowned upon, illegal…'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('Yes, I ended up telling $Hina$ the truth about me and $Hatsune$. I figured I might as well — it was apparent from her extensive incest porn collection that $Hina$ wouldn\'t be as horrified as some.'); f('It was of course a shock, though.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'We\'ll figure it out later.'); f('"Later" being when I don\'t have my cock inside her.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f('You might not know this, but it\'s surprisingly hard to come up with coherent plans mid-fuck.'); f('It\'s like trying to do admin work at two in the morning. You might think you\'re making great progress at the time, but come the harsh, unrelenting light of the morning, you\'re left with the startling realisation that everything you laboured over during the night is complete and utter shit.'); f('I don\'t want to think about $Hatsune$ now.'); f('I can\'t.'); f('I just want to focus on $Hina$.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('My adorable $Hina$, who should have told me more than a decade ago that she liked me.'); f('She thought she lost her chance — but I guess this goes to prove one thing.'); f(endIf); f('It\'s never too late.'); f('She finally confessed how she feels... and I think I might feel certain emotions for $Hina$, too.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s early days — too early to think about dissolving my marriage over what could be a mere fling — but...'); f(endIf); f('Well.'); f('That doesn\'t mean I\'m not thinking about it.'); f('For one thing, $Hina$\'s better at giving head.'); f('For another, she\'s not allergic to cats.'); f('And, thirdly...'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I think I kind of used to have… some kind of a thing, yes, a thing, for $Hina$ too.'); f('Mostly subconsciously, or you know, on that level where you know it, but you\'re not really admitting it to yourself.'); f('I mean, who would admit that they are… attracted, to their $friend$...?'); f(otherwise); f('I think I used to have a crush on Hina, too.'); f('Just a little.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I guess I was just always too preoccupied with $Hatsune$...'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('But that was blown away when me and $Hatsune$\'s... <i>thing</i> began.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('A little ironic, isn\'t it?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('But that was blown away when I met Hatsune.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('If only I hadn\'t let myself get distracted by Hatsune\'s feminine good looks... I could be married to $Hina$ now.'); f(otherwise); f('If only I hadn\'t let myself get distracted by Hatsune\'s feminine good looks... I could be living with $Hina$ now.'); f('Not openly in a relationship, of course, but… we\'re family. People wouldn\'t bat an eyelid at it. They wouldn\'t know...'); f(endIf); f('Imagine that.'); f('How different would life be then?'); f('Would I be happier?'); f('Happier than I am now?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(hi, 'Aah... $hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...!'); f(m, 'H-Hina... Oh God, $Hina$...!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(hi, '$hiMinoru$...!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('That might be something of a tall order.'); f('Give me a few minutes to think about it.'); f('I\'ll get back to you later.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'hisex_hypnoend'); f('WIP hypnosex ending'); f(pause); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'branch6'); f(m, 'Alright, fine.'); f('But it\'s not fine.'); f('I\'m still curious — of course I am — but I feel like I can\'t press the issue.'); f('If $Hina$ doesn\'t want to talk about it she doesn\'t want to talk about it.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('She\'s my mother — I ought to respect her right to remain silent, if that\'s what she wants. Especially given she so rarerly decides to exercise it, said right, I mean.'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f('She\'s my $friend$ - I can\'t force her to talk about things she doesn\'t want to.'); f(otherwise); f('I like to think we\'ve been friends long enough that I respect her right to remain silent — especially given she so rarely decides to exercise it.'); f(endIf); f(label, 'branch6_b'); f(m, 'So, uh...'); f('I drum my fingertips against my thigh and glance about $Hina$\'s living room.'); f('It\'s nothing special really. Cream couches and a small TV.'); f('It is pretty cosy, though.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('$Hina$ doesn\'t make all that much money and this is about all she can afford. My house looks about the same, and I have to help support $Hatsune$.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$ doesn\'t make a lot of money — I should know, since we\'re on the same pay bracket — and this is about all she can afford. My house looks about the same, and I have to help support Hatsune.'); f(endIf); f('Hatsune...'); f('Speaking of which, this might be a good way to break the awkward silence.'); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('Awkward silences are never good, but they\'re even worse when they occur between close friends.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Soo… What do you think I should do about that girl I\'m seeing?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Soo... What do you think I should do about Hatsune?'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'To make her happy, you mean?'); f(m, 'That\'s right.'); f(hi, 'Well. You saw the video.'); f('$Hina$ gestures towards the TV set, still turned off, and I frown.'); f(m, 'What? Pretend to rape her...?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Technically, I guess I already am raping her. Not that I\'m really in control of it, any longer, though…'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'No, not that!'); f('A pause.'); f(hi, 'Well, you <i>could</i>, but you don\'t need to be so specific.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hIncest'); f('Did my daughter just suggest I should pretend-rape her mother...?'); f('Man, I\'ve opened up quite the can of worms here, haven\'t I...?'); f(otherwise); f('Did my $friend$ just suggest I should pretend-rape my $wife$...?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'What, then?'); f(hi, 'Just... change it up a little is all. Try to be a bit more forceful. You never know.'); f('$Hina$ smiles.'); f(hi, 'The results might be <i>shocking</i>.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hIncest'); f('The mischievous $Hina$ I always knew is back.'); f(m, 'This is not really a conversation I ever imagined I\'d have with my daughter.'); f(hi, 'Well, you brought it up!'); f(hi, 'Besides, I want you and mom to be happy…'); f(otherwise); f('All of a sudden, she looks just like the $Hina$ I always knew.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(otherwise); f('The $Hina$ with her mischievous, infectious giggles, who pulled all kinds of dumb pranks back in high school that got her into so much trouble.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter||hiSister'); f('The time she balanced a bucket of water on the top of the doorframe and soaked her particularly strict math teacher comes to mind.'); f(otherwise); f('The time she balanced a bucket of water on the top of the doorframe and soaked our particularly strict math teacher comes to mind.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'Right. Thanks. I\'ll do my best.'); f(hi, 'That\'s it! Attaboy!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(setZoom, hi, 1.5); f(playSound, 'backslap'); f('She slaps me on the back.'); f(m, 'Ow...'); f('It hurts rather more than it should.'); f('Where is she storing all that strength?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'And when you\'re experiencing the best sex of your life, just remember this.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'And when you\'re having the best sex with Hatsune you\'ve ever had, just remember this.'); f(endIf); f('She taps the side of her nose with her index finger.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'This is all thanks to ol\' Hina!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'This is all thanks to Auntie Hina!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'thinkingAboutWhatToDo'); f(scene, 'town', 'fade'); f(setFilter, 'sunset'); f('As I walk home, I consider my options.'); f('"Try to be a bit more forceful."'); f('I guess that\'s an option, but… I very much doubt that gets to the root of the problem.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I mean, the real issue here is that I\'ve hypnotized my $wife$ into craving sex with me, all the time. Would "being a bit more forceful" really help, right there? Would it help her snap out of it?'); f('I have my doubts.'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, the real issue here is that I\'m in an incestuous relationship with my $wife$ and… that I\'m not even sure if I want to keep it up. I don\'t know that any amount of forceful sex will help me on this issue.'); f(endIf); f('On the other hand, I am out of better ideas.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Follow $Hina$\'s advice.'); f('I guess I can give it a try, if nothing else.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'h_roughsex'); f(choice, 'Try to think of something else.'); f(endChoice); f('Hm. Maybe I could do something else?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Just ignore $Hina$\'s advice.'); f('No.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('$Hina$\'s advice… it wasn\'t any good. I should have known better than asking my $friend$ for advice on something like this.'); f('I\'ll just go home. Like I always do.'); f(pause, 2); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(choice, 'Follow $Hina$\'s advice.'); f('I guess I can give it a try, if nothing else.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'h_roughsex'); f(choice, 'Try out having sex in public?', 'wip'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Huh?'); f('Sex… in public…? Is that… is that really such a bright idea? Is that… is that <i>really</i>, in any way, likely to solve my problems?'); f('I\'m having an illicit relationship with my $wife$...'); f(whatIf, 'daughter||hypnosis'); f('I mean, Christ, if people knew, I\'d probably be arrested. Face charges. Have my name in the papers, even…!'); f(endIf); f('Why would I… why would I take such a risk?'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('Hmm. Now that I stop to think about it… maybe it\'s not such a bad idea, after all? Maybe… maybe this is exactly what we need?'); f('Put it all on the line.'); f(otherwise); f('Hm. Now that\'s something I haven\'t actually tried, before.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('Maybe… maybe that\'s all we need? A little excitement…?'); f(endIf); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'h_officesex'); f(choice, 'S&M…?', 'wip'); f('WIP'); f(jump, 'h_torturesex'); f(choice, 'Gang-rape her…?', 'wip'); f('WIP'); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'h_gangrape'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'h_roughsex'); f(cgs, 'h_windowsex', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(h, 'W-Wah...! $hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f('I press my lips against the crook of $Hatsune$\'s neck, inhaling the scent of her shampoo.'); f(playMusic, 'lovesickness'); f('Coconut milk.'); f('I know exactly what brand she buys because we always go shopping together.'); f('The smell of her shampoo was starting to get monotonous — but that was before I smelt it like this.'); f('Mingled with the musty, understated scent of $Hatsune$\'s sweat, and the nectar dripping from the petals of her pussy.'); f('...Not that it\'s like me to wax poetic on women\'s genitalia like that.'); f('I guess I\'m a little more excited than usual.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(doCall, 'endingCommentary'); f(ending, 'demoEnd5', 'Demo Ending 5'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$, aah... Nn...'); f('Hatsune\'s round, full ass grinds against me.'); f('I grip her ass tightly with my fingers and knead her soft, supple flesh.'); f('It yields to my touch — as does $Hatsune$. Her whole body shivers with each motion and more moans spill from her lips in a veritable torrent.'); f('Those aren\'t the only torrential conditions around here.'); f(h, 'You\'ve-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(h, 'Y-you... y-you\'ve never been this rough before...'); f(m, 'But you love it.'); f('My voice is lower than usual.'); f('I think I must have taken a few pointers from the actor in that porno.'); f('It wasn\'t very erotic — not to me, at least — but I guess it was good for something.'); f(h, 'I... I, ah-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f('$Hatsune$ squirms helplessly. She can squirm as much as she wants but there\'s nowhere for her run.'); f('Her breasts are pressed up against the glass of our bedroom window, on display for anybody who cares to walk by, and her bare ass is high in the air.'); f('It\'s a good thing we live in a relatively isolated neighbourhood.'); f('If the streets were a little busier anybody would be able to see this spectacle.'); f('Then again, $Hatsune$ might like that.'); f('She\'s more of an exhibitionist than I thought.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, 'I-I thought... you were too busy after work... t-to do this...'); f(m, 'I was — but I thought I\'d make.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, 'An.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, 'Effort.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f('I punctuate my sentence with a series of thrusts and Hatsune moans.'); f(h, 'A-Aah...! $hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...!'); f(m, 'Is this too much?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(h, 'It... I-it\'s intense...'); f(m, 'I know. Isn\'t that what you wanted?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(h, 'I... I-it is-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(h, 'But...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(m, 'Good. Then there\'s no problem.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, 'O-oh God...'); f('I don\'t know why she\'s calling on God now.'); f('Despite the cross she wears about her neck, $Hatsune$ isn\'t particularly religious. It\'s a fashion statement more than anything.'); f('What does she think God is going to do for her?'); f('But I\'ll let her have it.'); f('Upbraiding her on her newfound Christian leanings might be a touch pedantic.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f('I pause in my thrusting and begin to rotate my hips, drilling my cock even deeper into $Hatsune$\'s pussy.'); f(h, 'Aaah... Nn...!'); f('I guess the change in technique was effective because $Hatsune$\'s back arches, her lips parting.'); f('Strands of saliva quiver inside the chasm of her mouth.'); f('Lewd.'); f('She looks so lewd like this — pressed forwards, tits flattened against the glass.'); f('I\'m pressing against her so tightly it probably hurts.'); f('No, I know it hurts, judging by the way she\'s whimpering.'); f('But I\'ve also never felt her cum this hard before.'); f('Her pussy grips my cock hard every couple of seconds, and more wet fluid drenches my head.'); f(playSound, 'wet'); f('It\'s so wet I can hear a slow, steady <i>shlick, shlick, shlick</i> sound filling the room.'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$...'); f(m, 'Yes?'); f('I lean forwards, my lips inches away from her ear.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(m, 'What is it, <i>$wife$</i>?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'What is it, <i>darling</i>?'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Wh-what... Wh-what if somebody sees...?'); f(m, 'Then you\'ll have to write a formal apology later, won\'t you?'); f(h, 'I... Th-that... Th-that\'d be humiliating...!'); f(m, 'That\'s the point, Hatsune, my <i>dear</i> $wife$.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'wet'); f(pause, 0.8); f('I slam my cock even deeper into her pussy and $Hatsune$ groans.'); f(h, 'O-oh... $hM$-$hMinoruAlt$... Wh-what\'s gotten into you?'); f(m, 'I don\'t know — but I know what\'s inside you right now.'); f(h, 'Ah…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Ahaha...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('$Hatsune$ laughs, but it\'s a broken laugh that sounds more like a sob. Like she\'s going to burst into tears at any moment.'); f(h, 'Th-that\'s so cheesy...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'And it\'s all for you, <i>honey</i>.'); f('I press a kiss against her cheek — maybe I have been a little too hard on her — and $Hatsune$ sniffles.'); f(h, 'Oh, $hMinoru$... Please, d-don\'t stop...'); f(m, 'You want me to keep going?'); f('She nods.'); f(m, 'Even if the neighbours see?'); f(h, 'E-even so...'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest||eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'my', 'our'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Even if $my$ $family$ saw?'); f(h, '... e-even so...!'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f(m, 'And our $daughters$, as well?'); f(h, 'Yes!'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister||eSister'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister&&eSister'); f(m, 'And my sisters, as well?!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'And my sister, as well?!'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Yes!!'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister||eSister'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister&&eSister'); f(m, 'And our sisters, as well?!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'And our sister, as well?!'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Yes!!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'Aren\'t you worried what they\'ll think of you?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Of us...?'); f(endIf); f(h, 'I, um... Y-yes, of course... But...'); f('She sniffles weakly.'); f(h, 'Th-this... These last few weeks, it... I-it felt like you weren\'t really looking at me. Like you saw me, but you didn\'t see — a-and when you had sex with me, it was like your mind was somewhere else...'); f('It\'s a mark of how troubled she must have been by this that she\'s able to have a lengthy monologue with my cock inside her.'); f('Her voice trembles as I continue to thrust, groping one of her nipples with my fingers, but she keeps going.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'I... I haven\'t felt this connected with you while having sex for…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'F-for such a long time...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'Is that why you kept coming on to me?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Y-yeah... It, um... I-it felt like the magic had gone — and I was scared-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Angh..!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, '... I wanted to bring it back, but...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('But her constant attempts to ignite my passion only drove me away.'); f('Fortunately, I had all the magic to hand that I needed.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I just had to ask my most resourceful $friend$, Hina.'); f(otherwise); f('I just had to ask my fairy godmother, Hina.'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t know how I\'ll ever be able to repay her.'); f('Maybe I\'ll treat her to take-out udon for a month, or maybe we could do something fancier.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&hiIncest'); f('We should really do a family outing, the three of us. It\'s been a while.'); f(endIf); f('Korean barbeque, perhaps...?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'Hey, $Hatsune$... It\'s okay.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'I-it is?'); f(m, 'Yeah. It\'s fine. I\'m here now.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Y-you won\'t go again?'); f(m, 'I never went anywhere.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Not physically, but mentally...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Angh!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'Shh. Don\'t worry.'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$...?'); f(m, 'I promise I\'ll give you all the attention you deserve.'); f('Hatsune glances back at me over her shoulder.'); f('She\'s trembling and looks a little frailer than usual — maybe because of her emotional honesty.'); f('The cock rammed inside her pussy helps.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Y-you promise?'); f(m, 'I promise.'); f('And I kiss her shoulder.'); f('She whimpers.'); f('Why would I want to go anywhere when I have a smoking hot $wife$ like her?'); f('I never realized just how lucky I was.'); f(pause); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('Oh yeah.'); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'catgirlExplain'); f(setVariable, 'calledCatgirl'); f('My $wife$ has a rare genetic condition. I could try and explain it to you, if I only actually understood it myself, but basically, it\'s a thing that only happens to women.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('For whatever reason, the Y chromosome blocks it off, completely.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Yes, Hatsune\'s mother suffered from the same condition, too.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('... which is why Hatsune inherited it from our mother, and father, who both were carriers, but I escaped unscathed, so to speak.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('Except being somewhat catlike on the inside as well as the outside, my $wife$ is completely normal, though, I\'d like to stress. She is a human being, mostly. I mean, there\'s some cat DNA and what not, but.'); f(endCall); f(label, 'threesome1'); f('WIP something'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&eIncest'); f('WIP'); f(elseIf, '!eIncest'); f(h, 'Wh-who\'s this?'); f(m, '$Hatsune$, this is $Esther$. $Esther$ - $Hatsune$.'); f(e, 'N-nice to meet you — I\'m so sorry to intrude like this!'); f('$Esther$ bows deeply. More Japanese then us Japanese ourselves, almost.'); f(m, '$Esther$ and I work together-'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('WIP'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Oh, so you know Hina as well?'); f(e, 'I… I haven\'t really talked to her, b-but-'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I thought it be nice if $Esther$ could eat with us tonight?'); f(h, 'Oh… uhm, OK. Uh… right.'); f(endIf); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'e_cumming', 'h_cumming']); f(pause); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwichcum', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f('WIP'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'h_officesex'); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'h_boobjob', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(cgs, 'h_boobjob', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f(pause); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'blackFade', [0]); f(pause); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'bodyalt']); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'bodyalt', 'exp_enjoying']); f(pause); f(h, 'Angh…'); f(m, 'Shh…!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('$Hatsune$ whispers desperately.'); f(h, 'I\'m cumming! Stop it! I\'m cumming!'); f(m, 'Shh!!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pause); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'bodyalt', 'exp_cumming']); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'h_torturesex'); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'h_sm', 'fade', [0]); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'h_gangrape'); f('WIP'); f(cgs, 'gangrape', 'fade', [0]); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'credits'); f(textbox, '<b>Project Lead</b>\nBigB\n\n\n<b>Lead Writer</b>\nEbi-Hime\n\n\n<b>Additional Writing</b>\nBen\n\n\n<b>CG & Character Art</b>\nSano Toshihide\n\n\n<b>Additional CG & Character Art</b>\nCroixenet\n\n\n<b>Background Art</b>\nToshihide Sano\nKyukyukyu no Q no Q\nMay19\nPeasSoft\n\n\n<b>Music</b>\nGreenfield - You and I\nNala - Aki no Komorebi\nNala - Immoderation\nSoundorbis - Kuso Cockatrice\nSoundorbis - Lined with trees\nSoundorbis - Lovesickness\nSoundorbis - START UP \n\n\n<b>Programmer</b>\nTsubaki-kun\n\n\n<b>Beta tester MVP\'s</b>\nPhil Henderson\n\n\n<b>Special Thanks</b>\nMinoru\nHatsune\nErisa/Esther\nHina\n\nAll our backers on Patreon!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnd, sure.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nYou.', 0, 'below'); f(pan, 'textbox1', 0, -2650, 32, 'linear'); f(whatIf, 'robots==takingover'); f(pause, 7); f(c_t, 'Hey, why does your name come first?!', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'Because I wrote the credits.', 'bigbtrollface'); f(c_b, '"History is written by the victor", Taxcup.'); f(c_t, '...', 'unhappy'); f(pause, 2); f(c_t, 'Just kidding! It\'s your game, and all. But you know, it\'s customary to put the producer on top.', 'neutral'); f(pause); f(otherwise); f(pause, 32, true); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'fadeToBlack', 1); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black'); f(changeBg, 'white', 'fade', 1); f(endCall); f(label, 'endingCommentary'); f(incrementVariable, 'permanent.endingComment'); f(whatIf, 'permanent.endingComment==1'); f(c_b, 'Well played! You\'re about to get the official ending dialogue box right up in your face, fam.'); f(c_be, 'Obviously, this isn\'t the "real" ending -- this route goes on a little longer and there\'s more sex scenes as well. Again, full version will be released for free end of March/April.'); f(c_b, 'If you\'re itching to play more, a somewhat more complete version is already available to our backers on Patreon. Feel free to check it out.'); f(pause, 2); f(elseIf, 'permanent.endingComment==2'); f(c_b, 'OK, you\'ve reached another ending. Good for you. Again, remember this isn\'t the entirety of this route -- look forward to the full release in March/April.'); f(c_be, 'A rather more complete version is already available to our backers on Patreon, though. Plus a couple of cheats, of course.'); f(c_be, 'You can check the cheats menu if there\'s anything that interests you enough to back us. There\'s mind control, various incest cheats with the girl already mostly implemented, while catgirl stuff, etc. will come at a later date.'); f(c_b, 'Only costs a few shek-', 'bigbjew'); f(c_b, '-dollars. I mean, dollars.'); f(c_b, 'We also take bitshek-', 'bigbjew'); f(c_b, 'Bitcoin. But whatever. Hope you\'ve liked what you\'ve seen so far. We won\'t bother you anymore. Thanks for playing!'); f(pause, 2); f(endIf); f(endCall); } frame 3 { function checkShit() { var v6 = new Object(); var v4 = new Array(); var v5 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < allPersonsAndMoods.length) { if (v6[allPersonsAndMoods[v1][0] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][1] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][2]]) { } else { v5.push(allPersonsAndMoods[v1][0] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][1] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][2]); v6[allPersonsAndMoods[v1][0] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][1] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][2]] = true; } ++v1; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5.length) { v4.push(v5[v3]); ++v3; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { ++v2; } } function initVar() { function acg(o) { allCgs.push(o); ++amountOfCgs; } versionForTheWeb = true; dialogueBoxType = 'dialogue'; resolution = '4:3'; resizeAndReplaceF(); localTesting = false; urlString = String(_root._url); if (versionForTheWeb) { localCopy = false; } else { localCopy = true; } premiumForEveryone = false; CGBasesForCheats = new Array(); basicGameData = new Object(); basicGameData.gameFile = 'nympho_web_demosss1'; basicGameData.gameName = 'Nympho Wife Demo'; basicGameData.selfContained = true; premiumBitmaps = []; basicGameData.numberInSeries = 1; basicGameData.characterHeight = 900; basicGameData.characterFace = {'x': 450, 'y': 242}; basicgameData.characterWidth = 900; patreonURL = ''; filterO = new Object(); newFilt('regular', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]); newFilt('regular', [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]); newFilt('regular', [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); newFilt('regular', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('zombieSkinColor', [0.4063355, 0.45758, 0.0360845, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieSkinColor', [0.1563355, 0.6575800000000001, 0.0360845, 0, 15]); newFilt('zombieSkinColor', [0.1563355, 0.45758, 0.4360845, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieSkinColor', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('zombieHairColor', [0.53, 0.22, 0.23, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieHairColor', [0.23, 0.53, 0.23, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieHairColor', [0.23, 0.23, 0.53, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieHairColor', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonSkin', [0.75, 0.3, 0.05, 0, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonSkin', [0, 0.9, 0.05, 0, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonSkin', [0.35, 0.3, 0.9, 0, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonSkin', [1, 0.3, 0.2, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonSkin', [0, 0.4, 0.5, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonSkin', [0, 0.3, 0.5, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonLightSkin', [1, 0.15, 0.1, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonLightSkin', [0, 0.7, 0.2, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonLightSkin', [0, 0.15, 0.7, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonLightSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonHair', [0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0, -10]); newFilt('hanaDemonHair', [0, 0.6, 0.1, 0, -10]); newFilt('hanaDemonHair', [0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 0, -10]); newFilt('hanaDemonHair', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonHair', [1, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonHair', [0, 0.8, 0.1, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonHair', [0, 0.2, 0.8, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonHair', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('turtleSkin', [0.6063355, 0.02758, 0.0360845, 0, 0]); newFilt('turtleSkin', [0.1563355, 0.95758, 0.0360845, 0, 0]); newFilt('turtleSkin', [0.1563355, 0.02758, 0.6360845000000001, 0, 0]); newFilt('turtleSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('oppositeColor', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]); newFilt('oppositeColor', [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]); newFilt('oppositeColor', [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); newFilt('oppositeColor', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.darkestSkin = [0.6, 0.15, 0.15, 0, -85, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0, -85, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0, -58, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; filterO.veryDarkSkin = [0.7, 0.125, 0.125, 0, -82, 0.2, 0.4, 0.05, 0, -82, 0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0, -59, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; filterO.darkSkin = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0, -80, 0.2, 0.5, 0, 0, -80, 0.2, 0, 0.2, 0, -60, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; filterO.mediumSkin = [0.9, 0.05, 0.05, 0, -40, 0.1, 0.75, 0, 0, -40, 0.1, 0, 0.6, 0, -30, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; filterO.lightSkin = [0.95, 0.025, 0.025, 0, -20, 0.05, 0.87, 0, 0, -20, 0.05, 0, 0.8, 0, -15, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; newFilt('blackZombieSkin', [0.45, 0.1, 0.1, 0, -15]); newFilt('blackZombieSkin', [0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0, -15]); newFilt('blackZombieSkin', [0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0, -35]); newFilt('blackZombieSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.sunset = new Array(); filterO.sunset = filterO.sunset.concat([1.1, 0, 0, 0, 0]); filterO.sunset = filterO.sunset.concat([0.1, 0.9, 0, 0, -15]); filterO.sunset = filterO.sunset.concat([0.1, 0, 0.9, 0, -15]); filterO.sunset = filterO.sunset.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.sunsetLight = new Array(); filterO.sunsetLight = filterO.sunsetLight.concat([1.2, 0.05, 0.05, 0, -30]); filterO.sunsetLight = filterO.sunsetLight.concat([0, 1.1, 0.1, 0, -30]); filterO.sunsetLight = filterO.sunsetLight.concat([0, 0, 1.1, 0, -30]); filterO.sunsetLight = filterO.sunsetLight.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.evening = new Array(); filterO.evening = filterO.evening.concat([0.8, 0.05, 0, 0, -25]); filterO.evening = filterO.evening.concat([0.05, 0.8, 0, 0, -25]); filterO.evening = filterO.evening.concat([0.05, 0.05, 1.25, 0, -25]); filterO.evening = filterO.evening.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('night', [0.6, 0.1, 0, 0, -15]); newFilt('night', [0.1, 0.6, 0, 0, -15]); newFilt('night', [0, 0, 1, 0, -20]); newFilt('night', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.yellowish = new Array(); filterO.yellowish = yellowish.concat([0.9, 0.1, 0, 0, -10]); filterO.yellowish = yellowish.concat([0.1, 0.85, 0, 0, -10]); filterO.yellowish = yellowish.concat([0, 0, 0.6, 0, -10]); filterO.yellowish = yellowish.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.nightFireFilter = new Array(); filterO.nightFire = nightFire.concat([1, 0, 0, 0, -40]); filterO.nightFire = nightFire.concat([0, 0.8, 0, 0, -40]); filterO.nightFire = nightFire.concat([0, 0, 1.1, 0, -40]); filterO.nightFire = nightFire.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.sunny = new Array(); filterO.sunny = sunny.concat([1.19, 0, 0, 0, -19]); filterO.sunny = sunny.concat([0, 1.19, 0, 0, -19]); filterO.sunny = sunny.concat([0, 0, 1.19, 0, -19]); filterO.sunny = sunny.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); if (System.capabilities.language == 'ja') { } allCgs = new Array(); amountOfCgs = 0; characterImageData = new Object(); characterImageData.e = new Object(); var v4 = characterImageData.e; characterImageData.h = new Object(); var v6 = characterImageData.h; characterImageData.hi = new Object(); var v5 = characterImageData.hi; characterImageData.elf = new Object(); var v7 = characterImageData.elf; v4.basic = ['workclothes', 'workclothes_armdown', 'exp']; v4.hypno = ['workclothes', 'workclothes_armdown', 'exp', 'exp_hypnosis']; v4.armup = ['workclothes', 'exp', 'workclothes_armup']; v4.armup_blush = ['workclothes', 'workclothes_armdown', 'exp', 'blush']; v4.blush = ['workclothes', 'exp', 'blush', 'workclothes_armup']; v4.wife = ['wife', 'exp']; v4.hypno_wife = ['wife', 'exp', 'exp_hypnotized']; v6.basic = ['clothes2', 'clothes2_armdown', 'exp']; v6.armup = ['clothes2', 'exp', 'clothes2_armup']; = ['clothes1', 'clothes1_armdown', 'exp']; v6.armup_sexy = ['clothes1', 'exp', 'clothes1_armup']; v6.hypno = ['clothes2', 'clothes2_armdown', 'exp', 'exp_hypnosis']; v5.basic = ['body', 'exp']; v5.armsbehind = ['body_armsbehind', 'exp']; v5.armsbehind_hypno = ['body_armsbehind', 'exp', 'exp_hypnosis']; v5.hypno = ['body', 'exp', 'exp_hypnotized']; v5.cummed = ['body', 'exp', 'cum']; v5.cummed_hypno = ['body', 'exp', 'exo_hypnotized', 'cum']; cheats = new Array(); cheatsO = new Object(); activatedCheats = new Object(); regCheat('Mind Controller', 'hypnosis', 10, 'Make the protagonist a master hypnotist.'); regCheat('Catgirl', 'catgirl', 'wip', 'Make all girls catgirls (not yet implemented).'); regCheat('????', 'unknownwip', 'wip', 'Graphic cheat. Turtle girl? Fox girl? Bunny girl? (not yet implemented).'); regCheat('Alternative Hair', 'althair', 'wip', 'Give all the girls different hairstyles (not yet implemented).'); regCheat('Decensor', 'decensor', 'wip', 'Remove the mosaic (not yet implemented)'); regCheat('Pubes', 'pubes', 'wip', 'Give all girls pubes (not yet implemented).'); regCheat('Hatsune - Mother', 'hMother', 10, 'Make Hatsune your mother.', ['hDaughter', 'hSister', 'eMother', 'hiMother']); regCheat('Hina - Mother', 'hiMother', 10, 'Make Hina your mother.', ['hiDaughter', 'hiSister', 'eMother', 'hMother']); regCheat('Esther - Mother', 'eMother', 10, 'Make Esther your mother.', ['eDaughter', 'eSister', 'hMother', 'hiMother']); regCheat('Hatsune - Sister', 'hSister', 10, 'Make Hatsune your sister.', ['hMother', 'hDaughter']); regCheat('Hina - Sister', 'hiSister', 10, 'Make Hina your sister.', ['hiMother', 'hiDaughter']); regCheat('Esther - Sister', 'eSister', 10, 'Make Esther your sister.', ['eMother', 'eDaughter']); regCheat('Hatsune - Daughter', 'hDaughter', 10, 'Make Hatsune your daughter.', ['hMother', 'hSister']); regCheat('Hina - Daughter', 'hiDaughter', 10, 'Make Hina your daughter.', ['hiMother', 'hiSister']); regCheat('Esther - Daughter', 'eDaughter', 10, 'Make Esther your daughter.', ['eMother', 'eSister']); saveLayer = 20; crapLayer = 21; outOfMenuIntoGame = false; this.createEmptyMovieClip('server', saveLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('crap', crapLayer); server._x = -2000; serverSaveOK = false; var lc = attachMovie('loadingClip', 'loadingClip', 90123); lc._x = screenWidth / 2; lc._y = screenHeight / 2; crap.t = 0; crap.limit = 85; crap.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; if (this.t > this.limit) { removeMovieClip(lc); onlyOnceStartF(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; if (!fCalledEvenOnce && boob == 'partly') { var script = new XML(); script.ignoreWhite = true; script.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { scriptifyXML(script); } else { noticeDialogueF('noScript'); } }; script.load('assets/script.xml'); } else { crap.limit = 7; } var v3 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('arab', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); v3.createEmptyMovieClip('m1', 1); v3.createEmptyMovieClip('m2', 2); loadMovie('nympho10.patch', v3.m2); loadMovie('nympho5.patch', v3.m1); v3.t = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; if (this.t > 6 && this.pIedgeLeveI != undefined) { pledgeLevel = this.pIedgeLeveI; if (pledgeLevel >= 5) { premiumPatron = true; } if (pledgeLevel >= 10) { premiumPlusPatron = true; } removeMovieClip(crap.tempPatchLoader); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { if (this.t > 20) { premiumPatron = false; premiumPlusPatron = false; removeMovieClip(crap.tempPatchLoader); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } function initVar2(loaded) { removeMovieClip(dialogue); removeMovieClip(choiceMC); removeMovieClip(bg); removeMovieClip(fadeDealer); removeMovieClip(pixelDealer); removeMovieClip(menu); removeMovieClip(soundMC); currentlyPlaying = 'none'; musicBeingFadedOut = 'none'; sounds = {}; gameEnded = false; outOfMenuIntoGame = false; noticeDialogueActive = false; skipping = false; maxTextSpeed = 20; fps = 40; t = 0; ifNests = 0; zoom = 100; gamePaused = false; currentFilter = 'regular'; gameWorldLayer = 1; bgLayer = 1; pixelBehindDealerLayer = 2; backgroundEffectsLayer = 3; foregroundObjectLayer = 5; effectsLayer = 8; pixelDealerLayer = 22; mouseCheckerLayer = 10; dialogueLayer = 11; if (resolution == '4:3') { commentaryChibiLayer = 9; } else { commentaryChibiLayer = 12; } wordPopUpLayer = 13; noticeDialogueLayer = 14; pixellationLayer = 23; pauseHandlerLayer = 24; systemSoundLayer = 25; soundLayer2 = 26; transitionLayer = 27; buttonLayer = 29; menuLayer = 30; muteLayer = 35; externalBmpDataLayer = 40; premiumBmpDataLayer = 41; notificationLayer = 69; blackFrameLayer = 99; nvlText = ''; log = ''; currentBackground = ''; notificationsA = new Array(); foregroundObjectsA = new Array(); variables = new Object(); variables.callNests = 0; variables.homeNumber = new Array(); characterDataA = new Array(); characterData = new Object(); newChar('all', 'All', '', 16777215); newChar('m', 'Minoru', '', 13421772); newChar('h', 'Hatsune', 'h', 16777062); newChar('e', 'Erina', 'e', 13382553); newChar('hi', 'Hina', 'hi', 16751001); newChar('pf', 'Female Porn Actress', x, 16751001); newChar('pm', 'Male Porn Actor', x, 16751001); newChar('c_be', 'Ben', 'ben', 16711935, true); newChar('c_b', 'BigB', 'bigb', 16764108, true); newChar('c_e', 'Ebi-Hime', 'ebihime', 16764108, true); cheatRules = new Array(); cheatsCheck(); parser = 1; initJapanese(); this.createEmptyMovieClip('gwContainer', gameWorldLayer); gw = gwContainer.createEmptyMovieClip('gw', 1); bg = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', bgLayer); backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer); effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer); foregroundObjects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('foregroundObjects', foregroundObjectLayer); var bf = createEmptyMovieClip('blackFrame', blackFrameLayer); with (bf) { beginFill(0, 100); moveTo(-3000, -3000); lineTo(screenWidth + 3000, -3000); lineTo(screenWidth + 3000, screenHeight + 3000); lineTo(-3000, screenHeight + 3000); lineTo(-3000, -3000); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight); lineTo(0, screenHeight); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } this.createEmptyMovieClip('systemSoundMC', systemSoundLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('soundMC', soundLayer); if (localCopy) { loadMovie('assets/sounds.swc', soundMC); this.createEmptyMovieClip('externalBmpDataClip', externalBmpDataLayer); loadMovie('assets/assets.swc', externalBmpDataClip); this.createEmptyMovieClip('premiumBmpDataClip', premiumBmpDataLayer); } this.createEmptyMovieClip('mouseChecker', mouseCheckerLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('transitions', transitionLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('pauseHandler', pauseHandlerLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('buttons', buttonLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('notifications', notificationLayer); var mute = this.attachMovie('muteThing', 'muteThing', muteLayer); if (generalSave.removeMuteButton) { mute._visible = false; } mute.stop(); mute._x = screenWidth - mute._width; mute._y = 0; mute._alpha = 70; mute.t = 0; masterVolume = 1; mute.back.onRollOver = function () { mute._alpha = 100; mute.t = 0; }; mute.back.onRollOut = function () { mute._alpha = 70; mute.t = 0; }; mute.onEnterFrame = function () { ++mute.t; if (!gameMuted && mute.t % 50 == 49) { if (mute._alpha > 10) { mute._alpha -= 1; } } }; mute.back.onPress = function () { if (gameMuted) { mute.gotoAndStop(1); gameMuted = false; masterVolume = 1; if (musicPlaying) { sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(soundMC[currentlyPlaying].vol * masterVolume * globalSave.musicVolume); } } else { mute.gotoAndStop(2); gameMuted = true; masterVolume = 0; if (musicPlaying) { sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(0); } } }; with (mouseChecker) { beginFill(16711680); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight); lineTo(0, screenHeight); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } mouseChecker._alpha = 0; mouseChecker.onPress = function () { if (!gamePaused) { mouseClick = true; } }; var scrollListener = new Object(); scrollListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { mouseScrolledPre = delta; }; Mouse.addListener(scrollListener); myKeys = new Object(); keys = ['UP', 'ALT', 'DOWN', 'SPACE', 'RIGHT', 'TAB', 'LEFT', 'BACKSPACE', 'ENTER', 'CONTROL', 'ESCAPE', ['H', 72], ['F', 70], ['R', 82], ['S', 83], ['L', 76], ['Q', 81], ['A', 65], ['O', 79], ['Z', 90], ['K', 75], ['M', 77], ['P', 80], ['plus', 107], ['minus', 109], ['f12', 123]]; } function scriptifyXML(xml) { var v3 = crap.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('crap' + v3, v3); v2.t = 0; v2.divideBy = 76; v2.t2 = 0; lines = xml.firstChild.childNodes; v2.lines = lines; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this.lines; ++this.t2; while (this.t < (v2.length / this.divideBy) * this.t2) { cLine = v2[this.t].firstChild; scriptify2(cLine); ++this.t; } if (this.t2 == this.divideBy) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function scriptify2(cLine) { var v1 = cLine.toString(); v1 = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1, '\\&quot;n', '"<i></i>n'); v1 = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1, '\\&quot;', '\\'); v1 = v1.split(', '); v1 = v1.toString(); v1 = v1.split(','); var v10 = false; var v4 = 0; var v5 = '&quot;'; var v15 = '&apos;'; var v16 = false; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v1.length) { while (v1[v3].charAt(0) == ' ') { v1[v3] = v1[v3].slice(1); } v1[v3] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v3], '{{', '<'); v1[v3] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v3], '}}', '>'); v1[v3] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v3], '&amp;', '&'); word = v1[v3]; if (v10) { if (word.slice(0, 6) != v5 && word.indexOf(v5) > -1 or word.indexOf('[') == -1 && word.indexOf(']') > -1 or word.indexOf('{') == -1 && word.indexOf('}') > -1) { v10 = false; var v9 = 0; var v6 = v4 + 1; while (v6 <= v3) { v1[v4] = v1[v4] + ', ' + v1[v4 + 1]; v1.splice(v4 + 1, 1); ++v9; ++v6; } v3 -= v9; v1[v4] = removeAllInstancesOf(v1[v4], v5); } } else { if (word.indexOf(v5) == 0 && word.indexOf(v5, 1) == -1 or word.indexOf('[') == 0 && word.indexOf(']') == -1 or word.indexOf('{') == 0 && word.indexOf('}') == -1) { v10 = true; v4 = v3; } else { if (word.indexOf(v5) != -1) { v1[v3] = removeAllInstancesOf(v1[v3], v5); } } } ++v3; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v1.length) { while (v1[v2].slice(v1[v2].length - 1) == ' ') { v1[v2] = v1[v2].slice(0, v1[v2].length - 1); } if (v1[v2].indexOf('"n') != -1) { } v1[v2] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v2], v15, '\''); v1[v2] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v2], '\\', '"'); v1[v2] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v2], v5, '"'); v1[v2] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v2], '"n', '\n'); if (v1[v2] == 'true') { v1[v2] = true; } else { if (v1[v2] == 'false') { v1[v2] = false; } else { if (v1[v2] == Number(v1[v2])) { v1[v2] = Number(v1[v2]); } else { if (v1[v2] == 'x') { v1[v2] = x; } } } } if (v1[v2].slice(0, 1) == '[' && v1[v2].slice(v1[v2].length - 1)) { var v13 = v1[v2].slice(1, v1[v2].length - 1); v1[v2] = v13.split(', '); } ++v2; } if (v1[1].slice(0, 1) == '{' && v1[1].slice(v1[1].length - 1) == '}') { var v8 = v1[1].slice(1, v1[1].length - 1); v8 = v8.split(', '); var v14 = new Object(); var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v8.length) { var v12 = v8[v7].slice(0, v8[v7].indexOf(':')); var v11 = v8[v7].slice(v8[v7].indexOf(':') + 1); v14[v12] = v11; ++v7; } v1[1] = v14; } f(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], v1[3], v1[4], v1[5], v1[6], v1[7], v1[8], v1[9], v1[10], v1[11], v1[12], v1[13], v1[14], v1[15]); } function removeAllInstancesOf(str, replaceThis, except) { var v2 = str.split(replaceThis); var v3 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.length) { v3 += v2[v1]; ++v1; } return v3; } function replaceAllInstancesOf(str, replaceThis, withThis) { var v2 = str.split(replaceThis); var v3 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.length) { v3 += v2[v1]; if (v1 != v2.length - 1) { v3 += withThis; } ++v1; } return v3; } function newChar(letter, pName, image, pColor, commentary) { characterData[letter] = {'letter': letter, 'pName': pName, 'image': image, 'pColor': pColor, 'commentary': commentary}; characterDataA.push(characterData[letter]); } function cheatsCheck() { var v3 = 0; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < cheats.length) { var v2 = cheats[v1]; if (v2.activated) { ++v3; } unactivateCheat(v2); ++v1; } if (v3 == 1) { notificationF('Cheat deactivated.'); } else { if (v3 > 1) { notificationF('Cheats deactivated.'); } } } function resizeAndReplaceF() { var v3 = Stage.height; var v4 = Stage.width; if (v3 == 0 or v4 == 0) { v3 = screenHeight; v4 = screenWidth; } var v9 = v3 / screenHeight; var v6 = v4 / screenWidth; windowScale = v9; if (v6 < v9) { windowScale = v6; } _root._x = -(v4 / 2) + screenWidth / 2; _root._y = -(v3 / 2) + screenHeight / 2; _root._yscale = 100 * windowScale; _root._xscale = _root._yscale; if (windowScale == v6) { _root._y += (v3 - screenHeight * windowScale) / 2; } else { _root._x += (v4 - screenWidth * windowScale) / 2; } var v7 = 100; var v5 = 100; var v8 = 10; if (resolution == '4:3') { v7 = 105; v5 = 140; v8 = 0; } var v2 = v7 / ((windowScale + 1) / 2); if (v2 < 50) { v2 = 50; } if (v2 > v5) { v2 = v5; } if (dialogue != undefined) { dialogue._yscale = int(v2); dialogue._xscale = dialogue._yscale; dialogue._x = int(screenWidth / 2 - dialogue._width / 2); dialogue._y = int(screenHeight - dialogue._height - v8); } if (choiceMC != undefined && == '') { choiceMC._yscale = int(v2); choiceMC._xscale = choiceMC._yscale; choiceMC._y = int(screenHeight / 2 - (choiceMC._height - choiceMC.minusY) / 2); choiceMC._x = int((screenWidth - choiceMC._width) / 2); } } function notificationF(note, stayLonger, delay) { var v7 = notifications.getNextHighestDepth(); topMargin = 10; margin = 20; var v4 = notifications.createEmptyMovieClip('n' + v7, v7); var v6 = new TextFormat(); v6.font = 'Century Gothic'; v6.size = 12; var v5 = v4.createTextField('txt', 1, 0, 0, screenWidth * 0.8, margin * 3); v5.embedFonts = true; v5.textColor = 16777215; v5.mouseWheelEnabled = false; v5.selectable = false; v5.html = true; v5.multiline = true; v5.wordWrap = true; v5.htmlText = '<b>' + note + '</b>'; v5.setTextFormat(v6); var v8 = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.8, 4, 4, 50, 1, false, false, false); v5.filters = [v8]; v4.margin = margin; v4._y -= margin; v4._x = topMargin; v4.targetY = topMargin; v4.t = 0; v4.endt = 80; v4.del = 0; if (delay != undefined) { v4.del = delay; } if (stayLonger) { v4.endt = 160; } v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.t == this.del) { var v2 = notificationsA.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { var v3 = notificationsA[v2]; if (v3.remove) { removeMovieClip(v3); notificationsA.splice(v2, 1); } v3.targetY += margin; --v2; } notificationsA.push(this); } if (this.t >= this.del) { if (this._y < this.targetY) { var v4 = this.targetY - this._y; this._y += Math.ceil(v4 / 4); } if (this.t > this.endt + this.del) { this._alpha -= 10; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.remove = true; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } ++this.t; }; } function nkF(romaji, hira, kata) { hiragana[romaji] = hira; if (kata == undefined) { kata = hira; } katakana[romaji] = kata; } function nrF(existingWord, newReading) { japanese[newReading] = japanese[existingWord]; } function nwF(word, defs) { var v1 = new Object(); v1.word = word; v1.defs = defs; japanese[word] = v1; } function initJapanese() { japDisplay = 'romaji'; hiragana = new Object(); katakana = new Object(); japanese = new Object(); nkF('dot', '。'); nkF('nakaguro', '・'); nkF('threeDots', '・・・'); nkF('openQuote', '「'); nkF('endQuote', '」'); nkF('questionMark', '?'); nkF('longVowelMark', 'ー'); nkF('exclamationMark', '!'); nkF('comma', '、', '、'); nkF('a', 'あ', 'ア'); nkF('i', 'い', 'イ'); nkF('u', 'う', 'ウ'); nkF('e', 'え', 'エ'); nkF('o', 'お', 'オ'); nkF('ka', 'か', 'カ'); nkF('ki', 'き', 'キ'); nkF('ku', 'く', 'ク'); nkF('ke', 'け', 'ケ'); nkF('ko', 'こ', 'コ'); nkF('sa', 'さ', 'サ'); nkF('shi', 'し', 'シ'); nkF('su', 'す', 'ス'); nkF('se', 'せ', 'セ'); nkF('so', 'そ', 'ソ'); nkF('ta', 'た', 'タ'); nkF('chi', 'ち', 'チ'); nkF('tsu', 'つ', 'ツ'); nkF('te', 'て', 'テ'); nkF('to', 'と', 'ト'); nkF('na', 'な', 'ナ'); nkF('ni', 'に', 'ニ'); nkF('nu', 'ぬ', 'ヌ'); nkF('ne', 'ね', 'ネ'); nkF('no', 'の', 'ノ'); nkF('ha', 'は', 'ハ'); nkF('hi', 'ひ', 'ヒ'); nkF('fu', 'ふ', 'フ'); nkF('he', 'へ', 'ヘ'); nkF('ho', 'ほ', 'ホ'); nkF('ma', 'ま', 'マ'); nkF('mi', 'み', 'ミ'); nkF('mu', 'む', 'ム'); nkF('me', 'め', 'メ'); nkF('mo', 'も', 'モ'); nkF('ya', 'や', 'ヤ'); nkF('yu', 'ゆ', 'ユ'); nkF('yo', 'よ', 'ヨ'); nkF('ra', 'ら', 'ラ'); nkF('ri', 'り', 'リ'); nkF('ru', 'る', 'ル'); nkF('re', 'れ', 'レ'); nkF('ro', 'ろ', 'ロ'); nkF('ba', 'ば', 'バ'); nkF('bi', 'び', 'ビ'); nkF('bu', 'ぶ', 'ブ'); nkF('be', 'べ', 'ベ'); nkF('bo', 'ぼ', 'ボ'); nkF('pa', 'ぱ', 'パ'); nkF('pi', 'ぴ', 'ピ'); nkF('pu', 'ぷ', 'プ'); nkF('pe', 'ぺ', 'ペ'); nkF('po', 'ぽ', 'ポ'); nkF('da', 'だ', 'ダ'); nkF('di', 'ぢ', 'ヂ'); nkF('du', 'づ', 'ヅ'); nkF('de', 'で', 'デ'); nkF('do', 'ど', 'ド゚'); nkF('ga', 'が', 'ガ'); nkF('gi', 'ぎ', 'ギ'); nkF('gu', 'ぐ', 'グ'); nkF('ge', 'げ', 'ゲ'); nkF('go', 'ご', 'ゴ゚'); nkF('za', 'ざ', 'ザ'); nkF('ji', 'じ', 'ジ'); nkF('zu', 'ず', 'ズ'); nkF('ze', 'ぜ', 'ゼ'); nkF('zo', 'ぞ', 'ゾ'); nkF('kya', 'きゃ', 'キャ'); nkF('kyu', 'きゅ', 'キュ'); nkF('kyo', 'きょ', 'キョ'); nkF('sha', 'しゃ', 'シャ'); nkF('shu', 'しゅ', 'シュ'); nkF('she', 'しぇ', 'シェ'); nkF('sho', 'しょ', 'ショ'); nkF('ja', 'じゃ', 'ジャ'); nkF('ju', 'じゅ', 'ジュ'); nkF('je', 'じぇ', 'ジェ'); nkF('jo', 'じょ', 'ジョ'); nkF('cha', 'ちゃ', 'チャ'); nkF('chu', 'ちゅ', 'チュ'); nkF('che', 'ちぇ', 'チェ'); nkF('cho', 'ちょ', 'チョ'); nkF('nya', 'にゃ', 'ニャ'); nkF('nyu', 'にゅ', 'ニュ'); nkF('nyo', 'にょ', 'ニョ'); nkF('hya', 'ひゃ', 'ヒャ'); nkF('hyu', 'ひゅ', 'ヒュ'); nkF('hyo', 'ひょ', 'ヒョ'); nkF('mya', 'みゃ', 'ミャ'); nkF('myu', 'みゅ', 'ミュ'); nkF('myo', 'みょ', 'ミョ'); nkF('rya', 'りゃ', 'リャ'); nkF('ryu', 'りゅ', 'リュ'); nkF('ryo', 'りょ', 'リョ'); nkF('wa', 'わ', 'ワ'); nkF('we', 'うぇ', 'ウェ'); nkF('wo', 'を', 'ヲ'); nkF('wi', 'うぃ', 'ウィ'); nkF('n', 'ん', 'ン'); nkF('ltsu', 'っ', 'ッ'); nkF('hwa', 'は', 'ハ'); } function onlyOnceStartF() { globalSave = checkWhichSave('globalSave', 'general'); generalSave = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general'); if (!generalSave.defined) { generalSave = new Object(); generalSave.defined = true; generalSave.unlockedCg = new Object(); generalSave.endings = new Object(); generalSave.endingsA = new Array(); generalSave.readDialogueO = new Object(); generalSave.permanentVariables = new Object(); generalSave.readDialogues = 0; generalSave.timePlayed = 0; generalSave.unlockedCommentary = true; generalSave.commentary = true; } if (generalSave.timePlayed == undefined) { generalSave.timePlayed = 0; } if (!globalSave.defined) { globalSave = new Object(); globalSave.defined = true; globalSave.playedGamesA = new Array(); globalSave.musicVolume = 100; globalSave.sfxVolume = 100; globalSave.voiceVolume = 100; globalSave.textSpeed = 5; globalSave.stats = new Object(); globalSave.stats.playedGamesO = new Object(); globalSave.stats.playedGamesA = new Array(); } if (!globalSave.stats.playedGamesO[basicGameData.gameFile]) { globalSave.stats.playedGamesO[basicGameData.gameFile] = true; globalSave.stats.playedGamesA.push(basicGameData.gameFile); } save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); startF(); } function startF(jump) { initVar2(false); if (jump != undefined) { jumpF(jump); } else { parserF(parser); } } function checkWhichSave(gameFile, saveFile) { var v3 = SharedObject.getLocal(gameFile, '/'); var v1 =[saveFile]; if (serverSaveOK) { sd = server.loadFromServer(gameFile); var v2 = sd[saveFile]; if (v2.timeStamp == undefined && v1.timeStamp == undefined) { return v1; } if (v2.timeStamp >= v1.timeStamp or v1.timeStamp == undefined) { v1 = v2; } } return v1; } function loadF(saveFile) { initVar2(true); stopMusic2F(); stopAllSounds(); var save = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, saveFile); if (save.parser == undefined or isNaN(save.parser)) { noticeDialogueF('savefileParserError'); } else { if (localCopy) { var v2 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('loaderLoader', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); v2.t = 0; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; if (this.t == 7) { load2F(save); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { load2F(save); } } } function load2F(save) { outOfMenuIntoGame = true; notificationF('Game successfully loaded.'); parser = save.parser; if (!identicalArrayCheck(save.currentParse, parsing['s' + parser])) { var v8 = findRightPlaceInParser(parser, save.currentParse, save.previousParse); if (v8 == 0) { } else { parser = v8; } } CGBasesForCheats = save.CGBasesForCheats.clone(); cheatRules = save.cheatRules.clone(); currentFilter = save.currentFilter; variables = save.variables.clone(); v8 = save.scene; var v7 = v8.addedCgA; addBg(v8.current, true, v8.xFlipped, v8.yFlipped, v8.x, v8.y, v8.heightStretchToFit); if (save.currentlyPlaying != 'none') { playMusic2F(save.currentlyPlaying); } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v7.length) { addToCgF(v7[v5], '', '', true); ++v5; } characterData = new Object(); characterDataA = new Array(); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < save.characterDataA.length) { var v2 = save.characterDataA[v4]; newChar(v2.letter, v2.pName, v2.image, v2.pColor, v2.commentary); ++v4; } var v6 = 0; while (v6 < save.foregroundObjects.length) { var v1 = save.foregroundObjects[v6]; if ( && !v1.isCharacter) { mcItem2F(v1.who, v1.x, v1.y, v1.depth); } else { if (v1.who == 'textbox') { textbox2F(v1.txt, v1.x, v1.y, v1.txtAlign, v1.txtSize, v1.txtFont, v1.txtColor); } else { foregroundObjectF(v1.who, v1.mood, v1.mood2, v1.x, v1.y, v1.depth, v1.xFlipped, v1.yFlipped, v1.isCharacter, v1.scaleToFullScreen, v1.zoom); } } ++v6; } parserF(parser); } function findRightPlaceInParser(p, pA, cPA) { var v5 = false; var v4 = 0; var v1 = p + 1; while (v1 < p + 101) { if (identicalArrayCheck(pA, parsing['s' + v1])) { v5 = true; v4 = v1; break; } ++v1; } if (!v5) { v1 = p - 1; while (v1 > p - 101) { if (identicalArrayCheck(pA, parsing['s' + v1])) { v5 = true; v4 = v1; break; } --v1; } } return v4; } function identicalArrayCheck(ar1, ar2) { var v3 = true; if (ar1.length == ar2.length) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < ar1.length) { if (ar1[v1] != ar2[v1]) { v3 = false; break; } ++v1; } return v3; } v3 = false; return v3; } function saveF(saveFile) { if (!(globalSave.noAutoSaving && saveFile == 'autoSave')) { var v3 = new Object(); v3.variables = variables.clone(); v3.parser = parser; v3.previousParse = parsing['s' + (parser - 1)].clone(); v3.currentParse = parsing['s' + parser].clone(); v3.currentlyPlaying = currentlyPlaying; v3.characterDataA = characterDataA.clone(); v3.currentFilter = currentFilter; var v27 = new Date(); v3.timeStamp = v27.getTime(); var v22 = new Date(); var v25 = v22.getHours(); if ((String(seconds)).length == 1) { v25 = '0' + v25; } var v24 = v22.getMinutes(); if ((String(v24)).length == 1) { v24 = '0' + v24; } var seconds = v22.getSeconds(); if ((String(seconds)).length == 1) { seconds = '0' + seconds; } v3.saveDate = v22.getDate() + '/' + (v22.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + v22.getFullYear() + ', ' + v25 + ':' + v24 + ':' + seconds; v3.scene = {'current': currentBackground, 'x': bg.x, 'y': bg.y, 'w': bg._width, 'h': bg._height, 'xFlipped': bg.xFlipped, 'yFlipped': bg.yFlipped, 'addedCgA': bg.addedCgA, 'heightStretchToFit': bg.heightStretchToFit}; var v21 = new Array(); for (var v23 in foregroundObjectsA) { var v1 = foregroundObjectsA[v23]; var v2 = {}; if (v1.isTextbox) { v2 = {'who': v1.who, 'zoom': v1.zoom, 'x': v1.x, 'y': v1.y, 'depth': v1.depth, 'isCharacter': false, 'txt': v1.textbox.htmlText, 'x': v1.x, 'y': v1.y, 'txtAlign': v1.txtAlign, 'txtSize': v1.txtSize, 'txtFont': v1.txtFont, 'txtColor': v1.txtColor}; } else { v2 = {'who': v1.who, 'mood': v1.mood, 'mood2': v1.mood2, 'zoom': v1.zoom, 'x': v1.x, 'y': v1.y, 'depth': v1.depth, 'mc':, 'scaleToFullScreen': v1.scaleToFullScreen, 'isCharacter': v1.isCharacter, 'xFlipped': v1.xFlipped, 'yFlipped': v1.yFlipped, 'txt': txt}; } v21.push(v2); } v3.cheatRules = cheatRules.clone(); v3.CGBasesForCheats = CGBasesForCheats.clone(); v3.foregroundObjects = v21; var v26 = v3.clone(); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, saveFile, v26); } } function save3F(gameFile, saveFile, object) { var v2 = new Date(); object.timeStamp = v2.getTime(); server.saveOnServer(gameFile, saveFile, object); var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal(gameFile, '/');[saveFile] = object; v1.flush(); } function continueLastGameF() { loadF('autoSave'); } function centerXF(a) { a._x = screenWidth / 2 - a._width / 2; } function centerYF(a) { a._y = screenHeight / 2 - a._height / 2; } function openMainMenuF(menu) { menuF(menu, 'backToStartMenu'); } function barizeReleaseF(thing, variable, min, max) { var v1 = / thing.fullW; v1 = Math.round(min + v1 * (max - min)); = thing.fullW * ((v1 - min) / (max - min)); globalSave[variable] = v1; if (variable == 'musicVolume' && musicPlaying) { sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(soundMC[currentlyPlaying].vol * globalSave.musicVolume * masterVolume); } } function barize(thing, variable, min, max, integer) { thing.fullW = 250; thing.onPress = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._xmouse; var v3 = this._ymouse; if (v2 < -1 or v2 > this._width or v3 < 0 or v3 > this._height) { if (v2 > this._width) { v2 = this._width; } else { if (v2 < 0.5) { v2 = 0; } } barizeReleaseF(this, variable, min, max); delete this.onEnterFrame; } if (v2 > this.fullW) { v2 = this.fullW; } else { if (v2 <= 0.5) { v2 = 0; } } = v2; barizeReleaseF(this, variable, min, max); }; }; thing.onRelease = function () { barizeReleaseF(this, variable, min, max, integer, a); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; } function squareFill(target, color, sX, sY, gX, gY) { with (target) { beginFill(color); moveTo(sX, sY); lineTo(gX, sY); lineTo(gX, gY); lineTo(sX, gY); lineTo(sX, sY); endFill(); } } function restartF() { stopMusic2F(); stopAllSounds(); startF('startMenu'); } function menuF(a, onBackPress) { gamePaused = true; if (menu == undefined) { var menu = this.createEmptyMovieClip('menu', menuLayer); menu.attachMovie('menuBack', 'menuBack', 1, {'_width': screenWidth, '_height': screenHeight}); menu2F(a, onBackPress); } else { var v2 = menu.getInstanceAtDepth(menu.getNextHighestDepth() - 1); v2.t = 0; v2.t2 = 0; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this.t += 0.25; this._alpha -= 12; this._y += this.t; this.back._y -= this.t; this.titleT._y -= this.t; if (this._alpha <= 0) { ++this.t2; if (this.t2 > 3) { menu2F(a, onBackPress); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } } function menu2F(a, onBackPress) { menu.t = t; var v30 = 0.18; var v29 = 1.5; if (a == 'menu') { var screen = menu.attachMovie('mainMenu', 'menuScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.M) && t > menu.t) { removeMenuF(); } }; screen._yscale = v29 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; screen.back.onRelease = function () { removeMenuF(); }; screen.loadGame.onRelease = function () { menuF('load'); }; screen.saveGame.onRelease = function () { menuF('save'); }; screen.log.onRelease = function () { menuF('log'); }; screen.options.onRelease = function () { menuF('options'); }; = function () { menuF('keyboardShortcuts'); }; screen.stats.onRelease = function () { menuF('stats'); }; screen.pledge.onRelease = function () { url2F('patreonURL'); }; screen.startOver.onRelease = function () { restartF(); }; } else { if (a == 'cheats') { var v52 = 30; screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('cheatScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._alpha = 0; var v43 = (v29 + 1) / 2; screen._yscale = v43 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; var v23 = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.L) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } } }; var v45 = screen.attachMovie('cheatsTitle', 'titleT', 132); var v37 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 1202); if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v37.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { v37.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { v37.onPress = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } var v6 = 0; while (v6 < cheats.length) { var v14 = pledgeLevel; if (v14 == undefined) { v14 = 0; } var ch = cheats[v6]; var v2 = screen.attachMovie('cheatBox', ch.effect, v6); v2.stop(); if (ch.minPledge == 'wip') { v2.ball.gotoAndStop(3); v2._alpha = 60; v2.disabled = true; v2.wip = true; } else { if (Number(v14) < Number(ch.minPledge)) { v2.ball.gotoAndStop(3); v2._alpha = 60; v2.disabled = true; } else { if (ch.activated) { v2.ball.gotoAndStop(2); v2.activated = true; } else { v2.ball.stop(); } } } v2.minPledge = ch.minPledge; v2._x = (v6 % 3) * 290; v2._y = v45._height + 5 + v52 + Math.floor(v6 / 3) * 80; = ch; v2.v1 = ch.cheat; v2.v1 = v2.v1.toUpperCase(); v2.v2 = ch.desc; v2.v2 = v2.v2.toUpperCase(); v2.cheat1.text = v2.v1; v2.cheat2.text = v2.v2; v2.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); this.cheat1.text = this.v1; this.cheat2.text = this.v2; }; v2.onPress = function () { if (this.disabled) { playSystemSoundF('errorS'); } else { playSystemSoundF('toggleS'); } if (this.wip) { notificationF('This cheat has not been implemented yet.'); } else { if (this.disabled) { notificationF('You need to be a $' + this.minPledge + ' pledger to use this cheat.'); } else { if (this.activated) { unactivateCheat(; this.ball.gotoAndStop(1); this.activated = false; } else { if ( != undefined) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < { var v2 = screen[[v3]]; if (!v2.disabled) { v2.ball.gotoAndStop(1); v2.activated = false; } ++v3; } } activateCheat(; this.activated = true; this.ball.gotoAndStop(2); } } } }; v2.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); this.cheat1.text = this.v1; this.cheat2.text = this.v2; }; ++v6; } v45._x = screen._width / v43 / 2 - v45._width / 2; v37._x = screen._width / v43 / 2 - v37._width / 2; v37._y = screen._height / v43 + v37._height + v52 - v45._height; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; } else { if (a == 'stats') { var v35 = Math.round(generalSave.timePlayed / fps); var v34 = Math.floor(v35 / 60); var v42 = Math.floor(v34 / 60); v35 -= v34 * 60; v34 -= v42 * 60; if ((String(v35)).length == 1) { v35 = '0' + v35; } if ((String(v34)).length == 1) { v34 = '0' + v34; } if ((String(v42)).length == 1) { v42 = '0' + v42; } var v12 = v42 + ':' + v34 + ':' + v35; var v47 = Math.round((generalSave.readDialogues / totalNumberOfDialogues) * 1000) / 10; if (v47 > 100) { v47 = 100; } var v48 = 'N/A'; if (premiumPlusPatron) { v48 = '<b>Premium Plus</b> ($10+ pledger)'; } else { if (premiumPatron) { v48 = '<b>Premium</b> ($5+ pledger)'; } } var v54 = '\nSTATS\n\nTime played: ' + v12 + '\n\nEndings: ' + generalSave.endingsA.length + ' / ' + allUniqueEndings.length + '\n\nDialogue read: ' + v47 + '%\n\nPremium content level: ' + v48; screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('keyScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v29 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.K or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } }; var v49 = new TextFormat(); v49.font = 'Arvo'; v49.size = 18; var v52 = 20; var v37 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 2); v37._x = screenWidth / v29 / 2 - v37._width / 2; v37._y = screenHeight / v29 - v37._height * 1.5; var main = screen.createTextField('main', 1, v52 * 8, v52, screenWidth / v29 - v52 * 16, screenHeight / v29 - v52 * 6); main.embedFonts = true; main.textColor = 16777215; main.mouseWheelEnabled = true; main.html = true; main.selectable = false; main.multiline = true; main.wordWrap = true; main.htmlText = v54; main.setTextFormat(v49); if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { screen.back.onRelease = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { screen.back.onRelease = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } else { if (a == 'keyboardShortcuts') { var v54 = '\nKEYBOARD SHORTCUTS\n\nSpace\tNext/select\nEnter\tNext/select\nF\t\tEnter/exit fullscreen (desktop version only)\nK\t\tDisplay keyboard shortcuts\nL\t\tDisplay the load game menu\nM\t\tOpen the main menu\nO\t\tDisplay the options menu\nP\t\tEnter/exit menu\nQ\t\tQuicksave\nR\t\tDisplay the log\nS\t\tDisplay the save game menu\nZ\t\tZoom in/out\n+\t\tZoom in\n-\t\tZoom out\nBackspace\t\tEnter/exit menu\nCtrl\t\tSkip mode (hold)\nTab\t\tSkip conversation (toggle)'; screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('keyScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v29 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.K or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } }; var v49 = new TextFormat(); v49.font = 'Arvo'; v49.size = 18; var v52 = 20; var v37 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 2); v37._x = screenWidth / 2 - v37._width / 2; v37._y = screenHeight - v37._height * 1.5; var main = screen.createTextField('main', 1, v52 * 8, v52, screenWidth - v52 * 16, screenHeight - v52 * 6); main.embedFonts = true; main.textColor = 16777215; main.mouseWheelEnabled = true; main.html = true; main.selectable = false; main.multiline = true; main.wordWrap = true; main.htmlText = v54; main.setTextFormat(v49); if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { screen.back.onRelease = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { screen.back.onRelease = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } else { if (a == 'log') { screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('logScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v29 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if (myKeys.DOWNPressed) { main.scroll += 1; } if (myKeys.UPPressed) { main.scroll -= 1; } if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.R or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } }; var v49 = new TextFormat(); v49.font = 'Arvo'; v49.size = 16; var v52 = 20; var v37 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 2); v37._x = screenWidth / v29 / 2 - v37._width / 2; v37._y = screenHeight / v29 - v37._height * 1.5; var main = screen.createTextField('main', 1, v52 * 8, v52, screenWidth / v29 - v52 * 16, screenHeight / v29 - v52 * 6); main.embedFonts = true; main.textColor = 16777215; main.mouseWheelEnabled = true; main.html = true; main.selectable = true; main.multiline = true; main.wordWrap = true; main.htmlText = log; main.setTextFormat(v49); if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { screen.back.onRelease = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { screen.back.onRelease = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } else { if (a == 'load') { screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('loadScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.L) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } } }; var v45 = screen.attachMovie('loadGame', 'titleT', 132); var v37 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 12); if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v37.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { v37.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { v37.onPress = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } var v32 = -1; var v10 = 0; while (v10 < 12) { if (v10 != 1 && v10 != 4 && v10 != 5) { ++v32; var thisScale = v30; var bitmapW = screenWidth * thisScale; var v11 = screenHeight * thisScale; var v4 = 12; var v23 = 50; var v20 = 1; var v21 = 20; if (v10 == 0) { var v26 = (bitmapW + v4) * 2 + v20; var v27 = (v11 + v4) * 2 + (v20 + v21); bitmapW = v26 - v4; v11 = v27 - v4; thisScale = v11 / screenHeight; } var v3 = screen.createEmptyMovieClip('g', screen.getNextHighestDepth()); var w = bitmapW + v4; var h = v11 + v4 + v21; squareFill(v3, 10592421, 0, 0, w, h); var b = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('b', 1); b._x = v4 / 2; b._y = v4 / 2; var k = v3.attachMovie('fileButtonSmaller', 'k', 3); var v8 = v3.attachMovie('overButtonShade', 'shade', 4); var v7 = v3.attachMovie('fileButton', 'fntc', 5); v3._x = (v10 % 4) * (bitmapW + v20 + v4); v3._y = v23 + Math.floor(v10 / 4) * (v20 + v11 + v4 + v21); k._y = v11 + 4; k._x = v4 / 2 + bitmapW - k._width; v7._y = v4 / 2 + v11 - v7._height; v7._x = v4 / 2; v8._width = bitmapW; v8._x = v4 / 2; v8._y = v11 + v4 / 2 - v8._height; v3.fileNo = v32 + 1; var tf = 'file' + (v3.fileNo - 2); var v25 = 'FILE ' + (v3.fileNo - 2); if (v32 == 0) { tf = 'autoSave'; v25 = 'AUTO'; } else { if (v32 == 1) { tf = 'quickSave'; v25 = 'QUICK'; } } = tf; var v18 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, tf); var v12 = v18.saveDate; if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = 'EMPTY'; v8.removeMovieClip(); } else { var v24 = makeSmallScreenshot(thisScale, v18.scene, v18.foregroundObjects); b.attachBitmap(v24, 10, auto, true); b._width = bitmapW; } if (v12 == 'EMPTY') { v7.main.htmlText = ''; k.main.htmlText = ''; } else { v7.main.htmlText = v25; k.main.htmlText = v12; } v3.w = w; v3.h = h; v3.onRollOver = function () { playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); squareFill(this, 14277081, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); }; v3.onRollOut = function () { squareFill(this, 10592421, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); }; if (v12 != 'EMPTY') { v3.onPress = function () { loadF(; }; } } ++v10; } v45._x = screen._width / 2 - v45._width / 2; v37._x = screen._width / 2 - v37._width / 2; v37._y = screen._height + v23 - v45._height; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; } else { if (a == 'options') { var screen = menu.attachMovie('optionsScreen', 'optionsScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v29 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.O) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); removeMenuF(); } else { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); menuF('menu'); } } } }; var v37 = screen.back; v37.main.htmlText = 'BACK'; if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v37.onPress = function () { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { v37.onPress = function () { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); removeMenuF(); }; } else { v37.onPress = function () { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); menuF('menu'); }; } } screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; = globalSave.musicVolume; screen.sVolume.bar_xscale = globalSave.soundVolume; screen.clickHere.onPress = function () { url2F('patreonURL'); }; if (generalSave.removeMuteButton) { screen.removeMuteButton.stop(); } else { screen.removeMuteButton.nextFrame(); } if (!premiumPlusPatron && !generalSave.unlockedCommentary) { screen.commentary.stop(); } else { if (generalSave.commentary) { screen.commentary.gotoAndStop(2); } else { screen.commentary.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue) { screen.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue.stop(); } else { screen.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue.nextFrame(); } if (globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) { screen.continueSkippingAfterChoices.stop(); } else { screen.continueSkippingAfterChoices.nextFrame(); } if (globalSave.noAutoSaving) { screen.noAutoSaving.stop(); } else { screen.noAutoSaving.nextFrame(); } screen.removeMuteButton.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSoundF('toggleS'); }; screen.removeMuteButton.butt.onRelease = function () { if (generalSave.removeMuteButton) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); generalSave.removeMuteButton = false; muteThing._visible = true; muteThing._alpha = 70; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); generalSave.removeMuteButton = true; muteThing._visible = false; } }; if (screen.commentary._currentframe > 1) { screen.commentary.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSoundF('toggleS'); }; screen.commentary.butt.onRelease = function () { if (generalSave.commentary) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(3); generalSave.commentary = false; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); generalSave.commentary = true; } }; } screen.noAutoSaving.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSoundF('toggleS'); }; screen.noAutoSaving.butt.onRelease = function () { if (globalSave.noAutoSaving) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); globalSave.noAutoSaving = false; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); globalSave.noAutoSaving = true; } }; screen.continueSkippingAfterChoices.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSoundF('toggleS'); }; screen.continueSkippingAfterChoices.butt.onRelease = function () { if (globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices = false; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices = true; } }; screen.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSoundF('toggleS'); }; screen.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue.butt.onRelease = function () { if (globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue = false; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue = true; } }; var v46 = 1; var v51 = maxTextSpeed; var v44 = 0; var v53 = 100; var v50 = screen.tSpeed._width; = v50 * ((globalSave.textSpeed - v46) / (v51 - v46)); = v50 * ((globalSave.musicVolume - v44) / (v53 - v44)); = v50 * ((globalSave.sfxVolume - v44) / (v53 - v44)); barize(screen.tSpeed, 'textSpeed', v46, v51, true); barize(screen.mVolume, 'musicVolume', 0, 100, true); barize(screen.sVolume, 'sfxVolume', 0, 100, true); } else { if (a == 'gallery') { screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('galleryScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v29 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; v30 = 0.16; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { menuF('menu'); } } }; var v45 = screen.attachMovie('gallery', 'titleT', 132); var v37 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 12); if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v37.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { v37.onPress = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } var thisScale = 0.13; var bitmapW = screenWidth * thisScale; var v11 = screenHeight * thisScale; var v31 = 5; var v52 = 10; var v55 = bitmapW * 3 + v52 * 2; var v56 = (v11 + 20) * 3 + v52 * 2; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - v55 / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - v56 / 2; var v4 = 12; var v23 = 50; var v20 = 1; var v21 = 0; var v39 = 10592421; var v40 = 15454309; var v38 = 14277081; var v41 = 15984792; var v10 = 0; while (v10 < amountOfCgs) { var v17 = screen.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = screen.createEmptyMovieClip('g' + v17, v17); var w = bitmapW + v4; var h = v11 + v4 + v21; var b = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('b', 1); b._x = v4 / 2; b._y = v4 / 2; v3._x = (v10 % v31) * (bitmapW + v20 + v4); v3._y = v23 + Math.floor(v10 / v31) * (v20 + v11 + v4 + v21); k._y = v11 + 4; k._x = v4 / 2 + bitmapW - k._width; storedv7._y = v4 / 2 + v11 - storedv7._height; storedv7._x = v4 / 2; storedv8._width = bitmapW; storedv8._x = v4 / 2; storedv8._y = v11 + v4 / 2 - storedv8._height; v3.fileNo = v10; if (allCgs[v10].premium) { v3.premium = true; v3.col = v40; v3.selectCol = v41; } else { v3.col = v39; v3.selectCol = v38; } squareFill(v3, v3.col, 0, 0, w, h); var v15 = 'locked'; var v19 = false; var v22 = allCgs[v10].base[0]; var v28 = 'cg_' + v22; if (generalSave.unlockedCg[v22] || generalSave.unlockedCg[v28] || activatedCheats.unlockAll) { v19 = true; var v16 = []; var k = 1; while (k < allCgs[v10].base.length) { var v13 = allCgs[v10].base[k]; v16.push(v13); ++k; } v15 = [allCgs[v10].base[0], 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, false, false, v16]; } var v24 = makeSmallScreenshotForCg(thisScale, v15, []); b.attachBitmap(v24, 10, auto, true); if (v15 == 'locked') { var v9 = b.attachMovie('lockIcon', 'lockIcon', 11); v9._x = bitmapW / 2 - v9._width / 2; v9._y = v11 / 2 - v9._height / 2; tintF(v9, v3.col); } if (v3.premium) { var v33 = b.attachMovie('premiumTopLeft', 't', 12); } v3.w = w; v3.h = h; v3.onRollOver = function () { playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); squareFill(this, this.selectCol, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); tintF(this.b.lockIcon, this.selectCol); }; v3.onRollOut = function () { squareFill(this, this.col, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); tintF(this.b.lockIcon, this.col); }; if (v19) { v3.onPress = function () { galleryF(this.fileNo, 0, undefined, onBackPress); }; } ++v10; } v45._x = screen._width / 2 - v45._width / 2; v37._x = screen._width / 2 - v37._width / 2; v37._y = screen._height + v23 - v45._height; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; } else { if (a == 'save') { screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('saveScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.L) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } } }; var v45 = screen.attachMovie('saveGame', 'titleT', 132); var v37 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 12); if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v37.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { v37.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { v37.onPress = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } var v32 = -1; var v10 = 0; while (v10 < 7) { if (v10 != 'shitwhateverthisisntneeded') { ++v32; var thisScale = v30; var bitmapW = screenWidth * thisScale; var v11 = screenHeight * thisScale; var v4 = 12; var v23 = 50; var v20 = 1; var v21 = 20; var v3 = screen.createEmptyMovieClip('g', screen.getNextHighestDepth()); v3.bitmapW = bitmapW; v3.thisScale = thisScale; var w = bitmapW + v4; var h = v11 + v4 + v21; squareFill(v3, 10592421, 0, 0, w, h); var b = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('b', 1); b._x = v4 / 2; b._y = v4 / 2; var k = v3.attachMovie('fileButtonSmaller', 'k', 3); var v8 = v3.attachMovie('overButtonShade', 'shade', 4); var v7 = v3.attachMovie('fileButton', 'fntc', 5); v3._x = (v10 % 4) * (bitmapW + v20 + v4); v3._y = v23 + Math.floor(v10 / 4) * (v20 + v11 + v4 + v21); k._y = v11 + 4; k._x = v4 / 2 + bitmapW - k._width; v7._y = v4 / 2 + v11 - v7._height; v7._x = v4 / 2; v8._width = bitmapW; v8._x = v4 / 2; v8._y = v11 + v4 / 2 - v8._height; v3.fileNo = v32 + 1; var tf = 'file' + v3.fileNo; var v25 = 'FILE ' + v3.fileNo; = tf; var v18 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, tf); var v12 = v18.saveDate; if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = 'EMPTY'; v8.removeMovieClip(); } else { var v24 = makeSmallScreenshot(thisScale, v18.scene, v18.foregroundObjects); b.attachBitmap(v24, 10, auto, true); b._width = bitmapW; } if (v12 == 'EMPTY') { v7.main.htmlText = ''; k.main.htmlText = ''; } else { v7.main.htmlText = v25; k.main.htmlText = v12; } v3.w = w; v3.h = h; v3.onRollOver = function () { playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); squareFill(this, 14277081, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); }; v3.onRollOut = function () { squareFill(this, 10592421, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); }; v3.onPress = function () { saveF(; var v2 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile,; var v3 = makeSmallScreenshot(this.thisScale, v2.scene, v2.foregroundObjects); this.b.attachBitmap(v3, 10, auto, true); this.b._width = this.bitmapW; this.k.main.htmlText = 'SAVED'; }; } ++v10; } v45._x = screen._width / 2 - v45._width / 2; v37._x = screen._width / 2 - v37._width / 2; v37._y = screen._height + v23 - v45._height; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; } } } } } } } } } } function removeMenuF() { playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); gamePaused = false; menu.removeMovieClip(); } function loadBitmapF(bitmap) { if (!premiumPatron) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < premiumBitmaps.length) { if (bitmap.indexOf(premiumBitmaps[v1]) != -1) { bitmap = 'premiumContent.png'; } ++v1; } } var v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(bitmap); if (externalBmpDataClip != undefined && bitmap.indexOf('premiumContent.png') == -1 && bitmap.indexOf('commentary_') == -1 && bitmap != 'parentalAdvisory.png') { v3 = externalBmpDataClip.getBmpData(bitmap); if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = premiumBmpDataClip.getBmpData(bitmap); } } return v3; } function galleryF(a, b, cameHereWith, onBackPress) { var v11 = true; var v9 = allCgs[a]; var v5 = v9.base; var seq = v9.sequence; var v7 = createEmptyMovieClip('galleryClip', menuLayer); var v8 = v7.createEmptyMovieClip('container', 1); var v6 = loadBitmapF(v5[0] + '.png'); if (v6 == undefined) { v6 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + v5[0] + '.png'); } var v2 = 1; while (v2 < v5.length) { var v3 = loadBitmapF(v5[v2] + '.png'); if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + v5[v2] + '.png'); } v6.draw(v3); v3.dispose(); ++v2; } var v4 = 0; while (v4 < seq[b].length) { v3 = loadBitmapF(seq[b][v4] + '.png'); if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + seq[b][v4] + '.png'); } v6.draw(v3); v3.dispose(); ++v4; } v8.attachBitmap(v6, 1, auto, true); if (v11) { var v10 = screenHeight / v8._height; v8._yscale = 100 * v10; v8._xscale = v8._yscale; } var left = v7.attachMovie('arrowButton', 'left', 2); left._x = 10; left._y = screenHeight / 2 - left._height / 2; if (b > 0) { left.onPress = function () { galleryF(a, b - 1, x, onBackPress); }; } else { left.onPress = function () { menuF('gallery', onBackPress); }; } if (b < seq.length - 1) { var right = v7.attachMovie('arrowButton', 'right', 3); right._xscale = -right._xscale; right._x = screenWidth - 10; right._y = screenHeight / 2 - right._height / 2; right.onPress = function () { galleryF(a, b + 1, x, onBackPress); }; } if (cameHereWith == 'arrows') { right._alpha = 0; left._alpha = 0; } v7.notMovingT = 0; v7.onEnterFrame = function () { if (mouseMoving) { this.notMovingT = 0; right._alpha = 100; left._alpha = 100; } else { ++this.notMovingT; if (this.notMovingT > 20) { right._alpha -= 5; left._alpha -= 5; } } if (myKeys.RIGHT && myKeys.LEFT) { } else { if (myKeys.RIGHT or myKeys.SPACE) { if (b < seq.length - 1) { galleryF(a, b + 1, 'arrows', onBackPress); } } else { if (myKeys.LEFT) { if (b > 0) { galleryF(a, b - 1, 'arrows', onBackPress); } else { menuF('gallery', onBackPress); } } else { if (myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P) { menuF('gallery', onBackPress); } } } } }; } function makeSmallScreenshotForCg(scale, scene, charA) { var v8 = new flash.display.BitmapData(screenWidth * scale, screenHeight * scale, false, 0); var v7 = scene[7]; v7.splice(0, 0, [scene[0]]); var v6 = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v7.length) { var v5 = v7[v2] + '.png'; var v1 = loadBitmapF(v5); if (v1 == undefined) { v1 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + v5); } if (v6 == 0) { v6 = v1.height; } var v4 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v3 = scale * (screenHeight / v6); v4.scale(v3, v3); v8.draw(v1, v4); v1.dispose(); ++v2; } return v8; } function makeSmallScreenshot(scale, scene, charA) { var v8 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v5 = scene.addedCgA; var v4 = addBg(scene.current, true, scene.xFlipped, scene.yFlipped, scene.x, scene.y, b.heightStretchToFit, false, true); v4.createEmptyMovieClip('foregroundObjects', v4.getNextHighestDepth()); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5.length) { addToCgF(v5[v2], '', '', true, v4); ++v2; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < charA.length) { var v1 = charA[v3]; if ( && !v1.isCharacter) { } else { foregroundObjectF(v1.who, v1.mood, v1.mood2, v1.x, v1.y, v1.depth, v1.xFlipped, v1.yFlipped, v1.isCharacter, v1.scaleToFullScreen, v1.zoom, true, v4); } ++v3; } var v11 = bitmapCopy(v4); v8.scale(scale, scale); var v10 = new flash.display.BitmapData(screenWidth * scale, screenHeight * scale, false, 0); v10.draw(v11, v8); v11.dispose(); removeMovieClip(v4); return v10; } function zoomF(outOrIn) { var v1 = 1.5; var v2 = 300; zoomed = true; if (!generalSave.hasZoomed) { generalSave.hasZoomed = true; if (!generalSave.cgNotification2Shown) { generalSave.cgNotification2Shown = true; notificationF('Use the mouse to look around.'); } } if (outOrIn == 'out') { zoom /= v1; } else { zoom *= v1; } if (zoom > v2 or zoom < 100) { if (outOrIn == 'in') { zoom /= v1; } else { zoom = 100; zoomed = false; gwContainer._x = 0; gwContainer._y = 0; } } gwContainer._yscale = zoom; gwContainer._xscale = gwContainer._yscale; scale = gwContainer._xscale / 100 - 1; gwContainer._x = -_xmouse * scale; gwContainer._y = -_ymouse * scale; } function keyChecker() { keyHandler(); mouseStuff(); if (myKeys.ESCAPE) { resizeAndReplaceF(); } if (myKeys.f12) { } else { if (!gamePaused && outOfMenuIntoGame) { if (skipping) { if (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER) { if (!globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) { skipping = false; } } else { if (myKeys.TAB or myKeys.CONTROLReleased) { skipping = false; } } } else { if (myKeys.CONTROL or myKeys.TAB) { skipping = true; dialogue.finishNow = true; } } if (myKeys.ESCAPE or myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.M) { menuF('menu'); } if (myKeys.Z or { zoomF(); } if (myKeys.minus) { zoomF('out'); } if (myKeys.R) { menuF('log', 'backToGame'); } if (myKeys.K) { menuF('keyboardShortcuts'); } if (myKeys.H) { dialogueHiderF(); } if (myKeys.L) { menuF('load', 'backToGame'); } if (myKeys.O) { menuF('options', 'backToGame'); } if (myKeys.S) { menuF('save', 'backToGame'); } if (myKeys.Q) { saveF('quickSave'); notificationF('Game successfully saved.'); } if (mouseScrolled > 0) { zoomF('in'); } else { if (mouseScrolled < 0) { zoomF('out'); } } } } if (myKeys.F) { if (Stage.displayState == 'fullScreen') { Stage.displayState = 'normal'; } else { Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen'; } } } function mouseStuff() { var v1 = mouseScrolledPre; mouseScrolledPre = 0; v1 /= Math.abs(v1); mouseScrolled = v1; var v2 = _xmouse + ' ' + _ymouse; if (v2 == lastMouse) { mouseMoving = false; } else { mouseMoving = true; } lastMouse = _xmouse + ' ' + _ymouse; mouseClick = false; scale = gwContainer._xscale / 100 - 1; gwContainer._x = -_xmouse * scale; gwContainer._y = -_ymouse * scale; } function keyHandler() { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < keys.length) { var v2 = keys[v3]; var v1 = v2; if (typeof v2 == 'object') { v2 = String(keys[v3][1]); v1 = keys[v3][0]; } else { v2 = Key[v2]; } if (Key.isDown(v2)) { if (!myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed']) { myKeys[v1] = true; myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed'] = true; } else { myKeys[v1] = false; } } else { if (myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed']) { myKeys[v1 + 'Released'] = true; } else { myKeys[v1 + 'Released'] = false; } myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed'] = false; myKeys[v1] = false; } ++v3; } } function parseNextF(parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext) { if (parsing['s' + (parser + 1)] != undefined) { ++parser; parserF(parser, parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext); } if (outOfMenuIntoGame && !gameEnded) { if (!generalSave.welcomeNotificationShown) { generalSave.welcomeNotificationShown = true; notificationF('Welcome to the game.', true, 60); notificationF('Press &lt;K&gt; for a list of available keyboard shortcuts.', true, 120); } if (lastAddToTimePlayed == undefined) { lastAddToTimePlayed = 0; } generalSave.timePlayed += t - lastAddToTimePlayed; lastAddToTimePlayed = t; saveF('autoSave', 'parseNextF'); } } function parserF(parser, parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext) { var v4 = parser; var v2 = parsing['s' + parser]; if (v2 == undefined) { initVar2(false); startF(); } else { checkAfterParsing(v2); var v3 = v2[0]; if (parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext) { v3 = v2[0] + '2'; } this[v3 + 'F'](v2[1], v2[2], v2[3], v2[4], v2[5], v2[6], v2[7], v2[8], v2[9], v2[10], v2[11], v2[12], v2[13]); } } function checkAfterParsing(p) { if (p[0] == 'talking' && characterData[p[1]].commentary or p[0] == 'whatIf' or p[0] == 'setVolume' or p[0] == 'pause' or p[0] == 'playSound' or p[0] == 'endIf' or p[0] == 'otherwise' or p[0] == 'elseIf') { } else { if (commentaryChibis != undefined) { removeMovieClip(commentaryChibis); } } } function removeAtF(layer) { removeMovieClip(this.getInstanceAtDepth(layer)); } function textboxF(txt, xPos, yPos, align, size, font, color) { textbox2F(txt, xPos, yPos, align, size, font, color); parseNextF(); } function textbox2F(txt, xPos, yPos, txtAlign, txtSize, txtFont, txtColor) { if (xPos == undefined) { xPos = 'center'; } if (yPos == undefined) { yPos = 'center'; } if (txtAlign == undefined) { txtAlign = 'center'; } if (txtFont == undefined) { txtFont = 'Arvo'; } if (txtSize == undefined) { txtSize = 20; } if (txtColor == undefined) { txtColor = 16777215; } var v6 = new TextFormat(); v6.font = txtFont; v6.size = txtSize; v6.align = txtAlign; var v10 = foregroundObjects.getNextHighestDepth(); var v9 = 20; var v4 = 1; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < foregroundObjectsA.length) { if (foregroundObjectsA[v1].isTextbox && !foregroundObjectsA[v1].remove) { ++v4; } ++v1; } var v2 = foregroundObjects.createEmptyMovieClip('textbox' + v4, v10); var v3 = v2.createTextField('textbox', 0, v9, 0, screenWidth - v9 * 2, screenHeight); v2.who = 'textbox'; v2.isTextbox = true; v2.who = 'textbox'; v2.txtAlign = txtAlign; v2.txtSize = txtSize; v2.txtFont = txtFont; v2.txtColor = txtColor; v2.depth = v10; v2.zoom = 1; v3.embedFonts = true; v3.autoSize = 'center'; v3.html = true; v3.multiline = false; v3.wordWrap = true; v3.htmlText = txt; v3.textColor = txtColor; v3.setTextFormat(v6); if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) { v2._y = yPos; } else { if (yPos == 'center') { v2._y = screenHeight / 2 - v2._height / 2; } else { if (yPos == 'below') { v2._y = screenHeight; } } } v2.x = v2._x; v2.y = v2._y; foregroundObjectsA.push(v2); } function attachDialogue() { var v1 = attachMovie(dialogueBoxType, 'dialogue', dialogueLayer); if (dialogueBoxType == 'dialogue_nympho' && (currentBackground == 'black' || currentBackground == 'white')) { v1.back._alpha = 0; } v1._yscale = 100 / ((windowScale + 1) / 2); v1._xscale = v1._yscale; = function () { menuF('menu'); }; v1.log.onRelease = function () { menuF('log', 'backToGame'); }; v1.quickSave.onRelease = function () { saveF('quickSave', 'quickSaveButton'); notificationF('Game successfully saved.'); }; v1.quickLoad.onRelease = function () { loadF('quickSave'); }; v1.skip.onRelease = function () { if (skipping) { skipping = false; } else { skipping = true; } }; return v1; } function rollbackF() {} function thinkingF(serifu) { var v1 = attachDialogue(); v1.gotoAndStop(1); dialogueF(serifu); } function talkingF(who, serifu, mood) { if (!characterData[who].commentary || characterData[who].commentary && generalSave.commentary) { var v2 = attachDialogue(); v2.gotoAndStop(2); dialogueF(serifu, who, mood); } else { parseNextF(); } } function romajize2F(a) { var v3 = ''; var v1 = 2; while (v1 < a.length) { v3 += '<a href="asfunction:clickLink,' + a[v1] + '"><i>' + romajizeF(a[v1], v3) + '</i></a> '; v1 += 2; } return v3; } function romajizeF(a, replaceWith) { var v11 = 0; var v12 = new Array(); var v9 = 10; var v8 = replaceWith.slice(replaceWith.length - v9, replaceWith.length - v9 + 1); var v7 = false; if (v8 == '' || v8 == '.' || v8 == '!' || v8 == '?' || v8 == '…') { v7 = true; } var v2 = a; var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= a.length) { var v3 = a.slice(v1, v1 + 1); if (v1 == 0) { if (v7) { v2 = (v2.slice(0, 1)).toUpperCase() + v2.slice(1); v7 = false; } } var v6 = a.slice(v1 - 1, v1); var v5 = a.slice(v1 + 1, v1 + 2); if (v3 == 'X') { v2 = v2.slice(0, v1) + ' ' + v2.slice(v1 + 1); } else { if (v3 == 'h' && v5 == 'w') { v2 = v2.slice(0, v1) + '' + v2.slice(v1 + 1); } else { if (v3 == '\'') { v2 = v2.slice(0, v1) + '"' + v2.slice(v1 + 1); } else { if (v3 == '_') { v2 = v2.slice(0, v1) + v6 + v2.slice(v1 + 1); } } } } ++v1; } return v2; } function hiraganizeF(a) { var v3 = 0; var v5 = new Array(); var v10 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= a.length) { var v2 = a.slice(v1, v1 + 1); var v4 = a.slice(v1 + 1, v1 + 2); var v8 = a.slice(v1 + 2, v1 + 3); if (v2 == 'X') { ++v3; } else { if (v2 == '\'') { var v9 = v1 + 1; if (dialogue.openQuote) { myKana = 'endQuote'; dialogue.openQuote = false; } else { myKana = 'openQuote'; dialogue.openQuote = true; } v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } else { if (v2 == 'n' && !(v4 == 'a' || v4 == 'i' || v4 == 'u' || v4 == 'e' || v4 == 'o')) { var v9 = v1 + 1; myKana = a.slice(v3, v9); v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } else { if (v2 == 'a' || v2 == 'i' || v2 == 'u' || v2 == 'e' || v2 == 'o') { var v9 = v1 + 1; myKana = a.slice(v3, v9); v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } else { if (v2 == '_') { var v9 = v1 + 1; myKana = 'longVowelMark'; v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } else { if (v2 == ',') { var v9 = v1 + 1; myKana = 'comma'; v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } else { if (v2 == '.' && v4 == '.' && v8 == '.') { var v9 = v1 + 3; myKana = 'threeDots'; v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; v1 += 2; } else { if (v2 == '…') { var v9 = v1 + 1; myKana = 'threeDots'; v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } else { if (v2 == '.') { var v9 = v1 + 1; myKana = 'dot'; v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } else { if (v2 == '!') { var v9 = v1 + 1; myKana = 'exclamationMark'; v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } else { if (v2 == '?') { var v9 = v1 + 1; myKana = 'questionMark'; v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } else { if (v1 < a.length && v2 == v4 && !(v4 == 'a' || v4 == 'i' || v4 == 'u' || v4 == 'e' || v4 == 'o')) { var v9 = v1 + 1; if (v2 == 'n') { myKana = 'ん'; } else { myKana = 'ltsu'; } v5.push(myKana); v3 = v9; } } } } } } } } } } } } ++v1; } var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v5.length) { v10 += hiragana[v5[v7]]; ++v7; } return v10; } function wordPopUpF(a) { var v3 = a; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3.length) { var v1 = v3.slice(v2, v2 + 1); if (v1 == ',' || v1 == '.' || v1 == '?' || v1 == '!' || v1 == '.' || v1 == ':' || v1 == ';') { v3 = v3.slice(0, v2) + v3.slice(v2 + 1); --v2; } ++v2; } var v4 = attachMovie('wordPopUp', 'wordPopUp', wordPopUpLayer); v4._x = mouse._x; v4._y = mouse._y; v4.main.text = ''; wordPopUpLayer; } function initKanjiButtons(n) { dialogue.kanji.gotoAndStop(n); dialogue.kana.gotoAndStop(n); dialogue.romaji.gotoAndStop(n); if (japDisplay == 'romaji') { dialogue.romaji.gotoAndStop(n + 1); } else { if (japDisplay == 'kana') { dialogue.kana.gotoAndStop(n + 1); } else { if (japDisplay == 'kanji') { dialogue.kanji.gotoAndStop(n + 1); } } } } function dialogueHiderF() { if (noticeDialogueActive) { if (nd.hidden) { nd.hidden = false; nd._visible = true; } else { nd.hidden = true; nd._visible = false; } } else { if (dialogue.hidden) { dialogue.hidden = false; dialogue._visible = true; } else { dialogue.hidden = true; dialogue._visible = false; } } } function chibiF(char, mood, xPos, depth) { chibi2F(char, mood, xPos, depth); parseNextF(); } function bounceF(clip, motoY, intensity) { clip._y = motoY; var v2 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip(clip._name + 'Bounce', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); v2.clip = clip; v2.motoY = motoY; v2.t = 4; v2.p = 0; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.p == 0) { --this.t; this.clip._y -= this.t; if (this.t == 0) { this.p = 1; this.t = 0; } } else { if (this.p == 1) { ++this.t; if (this.t == 2) { this.p = 2; this.t = 0; } } else { if (this.p == 2) { ++this.t; this.clip._y += this.t; if (this.t == 4) { this.p = 3; this.clip._y = this.motoY; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } } }; } function chibi2F(char, mood, xPos, depth) { var v9 = true; var v14 = false; var v4 = 0; var v5 = char.image; if (mood == undefined) { mood = 'neutral'; } if (commentaryChibis == undefined) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('commentaryChibis', commentaryChibiLayer); } var v6 = commentaryChibis; if (v5 == 'bigb') { xPos = 'left'; } else { xPos = 'right'; } if (xPos == 'right') { v9 = false; } if (v6['chibi_' + char.image] != undefined) { v6['chibi_' + char.image].removeMovieClip(); } if (depth == undefined) { v4 = v6.getNextHighestDepth(); } else { v4 = depth; } var v2 = v6.createEmptyMovieClip('chibi_' + char.image, v4); v2.d = v4; if (mood.indexOf('jew') != -1) { v5 = mood; } var v3 = loadBitmapF('commentary_' + v5 + '.png'); var v12 = loadBitmapF('commentary_' + mood + '.png'); var v16 = loadBitmapF(v5 + '_top.png'); v3.draw(v12); v3.draw(v16); v12.dispose(); v16.dispose(); if (v9 || v14) { var v18 = 1; var v17 = 1; var v19 = 0; var v20 = 0; if (v9) { v18 = -1; v19 = v3.width; } if (v14) { v17 = -1; v20 = v3.height; } var v10 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v10.scale(v18, v17); v10.translate(v19, v20); var v15 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v3.width, v3.height, true, 0); v15.draw(v3, v10); v3.dispose(); v2.attachBitmap(v15, 1, auto, true); } else { v2.attachBitmap(v3, 1, auto, true); } v2._yscale = 60; v2._xscale = 60; v2._y = screenHeight - v2._height + 15; var v11 = 12; if (resolution == '4:3') { v11 = -75; } if (xPos == 'right') { v2._x = (dialogue._x + dialogue._width + screenWidth) / 2 - v2._width / 2 + v11; } else { if (xPos == 'left') { v2._x = dialogue._x / 2 - v2._width / 2 - v11; } } bounceF(v2, v2._y); } function dialogueF(serifu, who, mood) { if (skipping && globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue) { if (!generalSave.readDialogueO['s' + parser]) { skipping = false; } } if (!generalSave.readDialogueO['s' + parser]) { if (generalSave.readDialogues == undefined) { generalSave.readDialogues = 0; } ++generalSave.readDialogues; generalSave.readDialogueO['s' + parser] = true; } save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); resizeAndReplaceF(); var v28 = false; if (who == undefined) { v28 = true; } else { dialogue.who.text = characterData[who].pName; dialogue.who.textColor = characterData[who].pColor; } if (characterData[who].commentary) { chibi2F(characterData[who], mood); dialogue.commentary = true; } slicer = 0; currentLine = serifu; if (!v28) { currentLine = '' + currentLine + ''; } currentLineFinished = false; japDisplayed = false; dialogue.hider.onRelease = function () { dialogueHiderF(); }; dialogue.kana._visible = false; dialogue.kanji._visible = false; dialogue.romaji._visible = false; var v6 = 0; while (v6 <= currentLine.length) { var v3 = currentLine.slice(v6, v6 + 1); var v23 = currentLine.slice(v6 + 1, v6 + 2); var v7 = ''; if (v3 == '{') { var v24 = ''; var v13 = ''; var v4 = new Array(); var v2 = v6 + 1; while (v2 <= currentLine.length) { v7 = currentLine.slice(v2, v2 + 1); if (v7 == '|' or v7 == '}') { if (v13 == '') { v4.push(currentLine.slice(v6 + 1, v2)); var v20 = currentLine.slice(v6 + 1, v2); v13 = v2; } else { v4.push(currentLine.slice(v13 + 1, v2)); v13 = v2; } } if (v7 == '}') { v2 = currentLine.length; } ++v2; } var v12 = ''; if (storedv20 == 'jp') { japDisplayed = true; dialogue.kanji.onPress = function () { japDisplay = 'kanji'; dialogueF(serifu, who); dialogue.finishNow = true; initKanjiButtons(2); this.gotoAndStop(3); }; dialogue.romaji.onPress = function () { slicer = currentLine.length; japDisplay = 'romaji'; dialogueF(serifu, who); dialogue.finishNow = true; initKanjiButtons(2); this.gotoAndStop(3); }; dialogue.kana.onPress = function () { slicer = currentLine.length; japDisplay = 'kana'; dialogueF(serifu, who); dialogue.finishNow = true; initKanjiButtons(2); this.gotoAndStop(3); }; initKanjiButtons(2); dialogue.kana._visible = false; dialogue.kanji._visible = false; dialogue.romaji._visible = false; if (japDisplay == 'kanji') { var v10 = 1; while (v10 < v4.length) { v12 += '<font face=\'Arial Unicode MS\'><a href="asfunction:clickLink,' + v4[v10 + 1] + '">' + v4[v10] + '</a></font>'; v10 += 2; } } else { if (japDisplay == 'romaji') { v12 = romajize2F(v4); } else { if (japDisplay == 'kana') { var v10 = 2; while (v10 < v4.length) { v12 += '<font face=\'Arial Unicode MS\'><a href="asfunction:clickLink,' + v4[v10] + '">' + hiraganizeF(v4[v10]) + '</a></font>'; v10 += 2; } } } } } else { if (Number(variables[storedv20]) == 1) { v12 = v4[1]; } else { if (v4.length == 3) { v12 = v4[2]; } else { v12 = v4[1] + 's'; } } } currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v6) + v12 + currentLine.slice(v13 + 1); } else { if (v3 == '_') { currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v6) + ' ' + currentLine.slice(v6 + 1); } else { if (v3 == '♪' or v3 == '♥' or v3 == '《' or v3 == '》' or v3 == '' or v3 == '☠' or v3 == '§' or v3 == 'Ø' or v3 == '⊕' or v3 == 'ସ' or v3 == '☣' or v3 == '☢' or v3 == '☟' or v3 == '✁' or v3 == '✇') { var v21 = '<font face=\'Arial Unicode MS\' size=\'22\'>' + v3 + '</font>'; currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v6) + v21 + currentLine.slice(v6 + 1); v6 += v21.length; } else { if ((v3 == '$' or v3 == '@') && isNaN(Number(v23))) { var v5 = v6 + 1; while (v5 <= currentLine.length) { v7 = currentLine.slice(v5, v5 + 1); if (v7 == '$' or v7 == '@' or v5 == currentLine.length) { var v15 = v5; v5 = Infinity; } ++v5; } var v9 = variables[currentLine.slice(v6 + 1, v15)]; if (v3 == '@' && Number(v9) <= 20) { var v22 = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen', 'twenty']; v9 = v22[Number(v9)]; } if (v9 == undefined) { v9 = currentLine.slice(v6 + 1, v15); } if (isNaN(v9)) { var v16 = currentLine.slice(v6 - 2, v6 - 1); if (v6 == 0 || v16 == '.' || v16 == '!' || v16 == '?' || v16 == '…') { v9 = (v9.slice(0, 1)).toUpperCase() + v9.slice(1); } } currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v6) + String(v9) + currentLine.slice(v15 + 1); } } } } ++v6; } dialogue.clickLink = function (a) { if (!gamePaused) { wordPopUpF(a); } }; dialogue.t = 0; dialogue.t2 = 0; dialogue.firstWord = true; var v27 = new TextField.StyleSheet(); v27.setStyle('a:link', {'color': '#66CCFF', 'textDecoration': 'none'}); v27.setStyle('a:hover', {'color': '#CCCCCC', 'textDecoration': 'none'}); dialogue.main.styleSheet = v27; false; dialogue.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t2; if (!currentLineFinished) { if (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or skipping or myKeys.ENTER or this.finishNow or globalSave.textSpeed >= maxTextSpeed) { if (dialogue.hidden) { dialogue.hidden = false; dialogue._visible = true; } else { slicer = currentLine.length; this.finishNow = false; } } else { var v9 = globalSave.textSpeed; if (this.t2 % Math.ceil(1 / v9) == 0) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v9) { ++slicer; var v8 = true; while (v8) { ch1 = currentLine.slice(slicer - 1, slicer); if (ch1 == '>') { ++slicer; } else { v8 = false; } } if (ch1 == '<') { var v3 = slicer; while (v3 <= currentLine.length) { var v4 = currentLine.slice(v3, v3 + 1); if (v4 == '>') { slicer = v3 + 1; v3 = currentLine.length; --v7; } ++v3; } } else { if ((ch1 == ' ' || ch1 == '-') && who != 'nvl') { var v5 = 0; var v2 = slicer; while (v2 <= currentLine.length) { var v4 = currentLine.slice(v2, v2 + 1); if (v4 == '<') { ++v5; } else { if (v4 == '>') { --v5; } } if (v5 == 0 && (v4 == ' ' || v4 == '-') or v2 == currentLine.length) { var v10 = currentLine.slice(0, slicer); this.main.htmlText = v10; var v6 = this.main.bottomScroll; v10 = currentLine.slice(0, v2 + 1); this.main.htmlText = v10; if (v6 < this.main.bottomScroll) { currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, slicer) + '\n' + currentLine.slice(slicer); } v2 = currentLine.length; } ++v2; } } } ++v7; } } } v10 = currentLine.slice(0, slicer); if (who == 'nvl') { v10 = nvlText + v10; } if (slicer >= currentLine.length) { if (who == 'nvl') { nvlText = v10 + '\n'; } registerInLog(v10, who); currentLineFinished = true; } this.main.htmlText = v10; if (this.commentary) { this.main.textColor = 16237039; } } else { if (currentLineFinished) { if (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER or skipping) { if (dialogue.hidden) { dialogue.hidden = false; dialogue._visible = true; } else { if (myKeys.SPACE or myKeys.ENTER) { lastAction = 'key'; } else { lastAction = 'mouse'; } if (skipping && this.t < 2) { ++this.t; } else { currentLineFinished = false; slicer = 0; if (who != 'nvl') { removeAtF(dialogueLayer); } delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } } } } } } }; } function registerInLog(txt, who) { var v2 = ''; var v1 = txt; var v3 = ''; if (who == 'choice') { v2 = '<b>->'; v1 += '</b>'; } else { if (who != undefiend) { v2 = '<b>' + characterData[who].pName + '</b>: '; v1 = '"' + v1 + '"'; } } if (log != '') { v3 = '\n<p align="center">——————————————————</p>\n'; } log = v2 + v1 + v3 + log; } function queueF(music) { currentlyPlaying.onSoundComplete = function () { playMusicF(music); }; } function animateLoopF(animation, x, y, stretch, scale, loops, delay, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { if (!skipping) { if (delay == undefined) { delay = 0; } if (stretch == undefined) { stretch = true; } if (flipped == undefined) { flipped = false; } if (holdOnLastFrame == undefined) { holdOnLastFrame = false; } if (holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay == undefined) { holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay = false; } if (scale == undefined) { scale = 100; } if (loops == undefined) { loops = Infinity; } animate1(foregroundObjects, animation, x, y, scale, loops, delay, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay); } parseNextF(); } function animateOnceF(animation, x, y, stretch, scale, delay, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { if (!skipping) { if (delay == undefined) { delay = 0; } if (stretch == undefined) { stretch = true; } if (flipped == undefined) { flipped = false; } if (holdOnLastFrame == undefined) { holdOnLastFrame = false; } if (holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay == undefined) { holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay = false; } if (scale == undefined) { scale = 100; } if (x == undefined) { } animate1(foregroundObjects, animation, x, y, scale, 0, delay, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay); } parseNextF(); } function animate1(clipTarget, animation, x, y, scale, loops, delay, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { var v4 = 1; var v2 = 1; var v6 = 15; var v5 = true; if (animation == 'clash') { v2 = 10; } else { if (animation == 'warp1') { v2 = 6; } else { if (animation == 'stars') { v2 = 27; } } } var v1 = animate2(clipTarget, String('fx_' + animation + '.png'), v4, v2, loops, delay, v6, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay, v5); v1._x = x; v1._y = y; v1._xscale = scale; v1._yscale = scale; } function animate2(clipTarget, animation, onTheWidth, onTheHeight, loops, delay, frameSpeed, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay, smoothing) { if (loops == undefined) { loops = 0; } if (smoothing == undefined) { smoothing = true; } if (frameSpeed == undefined or frameSpeed == 0) { frameSpeed = fps; } var v8 = clipTarget.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = clipTarget.createEmptyMovieClip('clip', v8); var c = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('clip', 1); var sourceImage = loadBitmapF(animation); var w = sourceImage.width / onTheWidth; var h = sourceImage.height / onTheHeight; var v6 = clipTarget.getNextHighestDepth(); var ad = clipTarget.createEmptyMovieClip('animationDealer' + v6, v6); v3.onEnterFrameClip = ad; ad.t = 0; ad.loops = loops; if (delay != undefined) { ad.t -= delay; } ad.looped = 0; ad.targetClip = v3; c.forceSmoothing = true; ad.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = 0; if (this.t >= 0 or holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { v2 = this.t; if (v2 < 0 && holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { v2 = 0; } v2 = int(v2 * (frameSpeed / fps)); var v3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true); v3.copyPixels(sourceImage, new flash.geom.Rectangle(w * (v2 % onTheWidth), h * (int(v2 / onTheWidth) % onTheHeight), w, h), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); c.attachBitmap(v3, 1, 'auto', smoothing); if (stretch) { c._width = screenWidth; c._height = screenHeight; } if (flipped) { c._xscale = -Math.abs(c._xscale); c._x = c._width; } } ++this.t; v2 = int(this.t * (frameSpeed / fps)); if (v2 >= onTheWidth * onTheHeight * (this.looped + 1)) { ++this.looped; } if (this.looped > ad.loops) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (!holdOnLastFrame) { removeMovieClip(this.targetClip); removeMovieClip(this); } } }; return v3; } function mcItemF(item, xPos, yPos) { var v1 = foregroundObjects.getNextHighestDepth(); mcItem2F(item, xPos, yPos, v1); parseNextF(); } function mcItem2F(item, xPos, yPos, depth) { m = foregroundObjects.attachMovie(item, item, depth); m.who = item; m.isCharacter = false; m.depth = depth; = true; if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) { m._y = yPos; } else { if (yPos == 'below') { m._y = screenHeight; } } if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) { m._x = xPos; } else { if (xPos == 'left') { m._x = screenWidth / 3; } else { if (xPos == 'right') { m._x = (screenWidth / 3) * 2; } else { if (xPos == 'center') { m._x = int(screenWidth / 2); } } } } m.y = m._y; m.x = m._x; foregroundObjectsA.push(m); } function itemF(item, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, method) { item2F(item, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, method); parseNextF(); } function item2F(item, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, method) { foregroundObjectF(item, '', '', xPos, yPos, depth, xFlipped, yFlipped, false, x, x, false, false, method); } function swapDepthF(who1, who2) { var v2 = foregroundObjects[who1]; var v1 = foregroundObjects[who2]; v2.swapDepths(v1); parseNextF(); } function personF(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, scaleToFullScreen, method) { if (mood == 0) { mood = 'basic'; } person2F(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, scaleToFullScreen, method); parseNextF(); } function person2F(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, scaleToFullScreen, method) { if (yPos == undefined) { yPos = 0; } foregroundObjectF(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, depth, xFlipped, yFlipped, true, scaleToFullScreen, x, false, false, method); } function foregroundObjectF(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, depth, xFlipped, yFlipped, isCharacter, scaleToFullScreen, zoom, forScreenshot, bgForScreenshot, method) { if (method == undefined) { method = 'fade'; } var v35 = checkChangeMood(who, mood); if (v35[0]) { mood = v35[1]; } var m = ''; var v25 = foregroundObjects; var v37 = foregroundObjects[who]._x; if (foregroundObjects[who] == undefined || forScreenshot) { var v46 = true; if (forScreenshot) { v25 = bgForScreenshot.foregroundObjects; v46 = false; } var v29 = v25.getNextHighestDepth(); if (v29 < 100) { v29 = 100; } if (depth == 'back') { v29 = 1; while (v25.getInstanceAtDepth(v29) != undefined) { ++v29; } } if (typeof depth == 'number') { v29 = depth; } var v12 = v25.createEmptyMovieClip(who, v29); v12.who = who; v12.depth = v29; if (!forScreenshot) { foregroundObjectsA.push(v12); } if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) { v12.x = xPos; } } v12 = v25[who]; v29 = v12.getNextHighestDepth(); var m = v12.createEmptyMovieClip('c' + v29, v29); v12.latest = m; if (!forScreenshot) { var v30 = v12.getInstanceAtDepth(v29 - 1); if (method == 'fade' && !skipping) { v30.m = m; m._alpha = 0; m.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; v30.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.m._alpha > 90 or this.m._alpha == undefined) { if (this._alpha >= 0) { this._alpha -= 10; } else { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } else { removeMovieClip(v30); } } if (!isNaN(Number(zoom))) { v12.zoom = zoom; } else { if (v12.zoom == undefined) { v12.zoom = 1; } } v12.xFlipped = xFlipped; v12.yFlipped = yFlipped; v12.mood = mood; v12.mood2 = mood2; v12.scaleToFullScreen = scaleToFullScreen; v12.isCharacter = isCharacter; if (isCharacter) { var v24 = characterData[who]; var v4 = characterImageData[who][mood].clone(); var v36 = loadBitmapF('ch_' + v24.image + '_' + v4[0] + '.png'); var v26 = 0; if (crap == 'crap') { v26 = 360; } m.extraHeight = v26; m.theHeight = preImabeBmp.height; var v22 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v36.width, v36.height + v26, true, 0); var v54 = new Array(); var v16 = new Object(); var v17 = new Object(); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.length) { var v13 = v4[v3]; var v2 = checkAgainstRules(v13, who, 'ch'); var v6 = v2.deets; if (!v2.skipIt) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v6.length) { var v11 = v6[v7]; if (v11[0] == 'replace') { v13 = v11[2]; } else { if (v11[0] == 'newGraphicAfter' && !v17[v11[2]]) { v17[v11[2]] = true; v4.splice(v3 + 1, 0, v11[2]); } else { if (v11[0] == 'newGraphicBefore' && !v16[v11[2]]) { v16[v11[2]] = true; v4.splice(v3, 0, v11[2]); v13 = v4[v3]; } } } ++v7; } var v15 = 'ch_' + v24.image + '_' + v13 + '.png'; var v5 = loadBitmapF(v15); if (v13 == 'exp') { v15 = 'ch_' + v24.image + '_exp_' + mood2 + '.png'; v5 = loadBitmapF(v15); if (v2.graphTop.length > 0) { var v8 = 0; while (v8 < v2.graphTop.length) { v4.splice(v3 + 1, 0, 'exp_' + v2.graphTop[v8]); ++v8; } } if (v2.expTop.length > 0) { var v10 = 0; while (v10 < v2.expTop.length) { v4.splice(v3 + 1, 0, 'exp_' + mood2 + '_' + v2.expTop[v10]); ++v10; } } } if (v2.changeColor) { var v9 = 0; while (v9 < v6.length) { v11 = v6[v9]; if (v11[0] == 'changeColor') { var v14 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v11[1]); v5.applyFilter(v5, v5.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v14); } ++v9; } } var v18 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v19 = v26; if (v13.indexOf('bunny') != -1) { v19 = 0; } v18.translate(0, v19); v22.draw(v5, v18); v5.dispose(); } ++v3; } } else { var v22 = loadBitmapF('item_' + who + '.png'); v12.theHeight = v22.height; if (v22 == undefined) { v22 = loadBitmapF(who + '.png'); } } var v51 = filterO[currentFilter]; var v33 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v51); if (xFlipped || yFlipped) { var v39 = 1; var v38 = 1; var v47 = 0; var v49 = 0; if (xFlipped) { v39 = -1; v47 = v22.width; } if (yFlipped) { v38 = -1; v49 = v22.height; } var v31 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v31.scale(v39, v38); v31.translate(v47, v49); var v27 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v22.width, v22.height, true, 0); v27.draw(v22, v31); v27.applyFilter(v27, v27.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v33); m.attachBitmap(v27, 1, auto, true); v12.bitmap = v27; } else { v22.applyFilter(v22, v22.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v33); m.attachBitmap(v22, 1, auto, true); v12.bitmap = v22; } if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) { v12._y = yPos; v12.y = v12._y; } else { if (yPos == 'below') { v12._y = screenHeight; v12.y = v12._y; } else { if (yPos == 'bottom') { v12._y = screenHeight; } } } setXTag = true; if (xPos == undefined or xPos == '') { if (v37 == undefined) { xPos = 'center'; } else { xPos = v37; setXTag = false; } } if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) { v12._x = xPos; } else { if (xPos.substr(0, 1) == 'p') { var v50 = 5; var v42 = Number(xPos.substr(1)); v12._x = (screenWidth / (v50 + 1)) * v42; } else { if (xPos == 'left') { v12._x = screenWidth / 3; } else { if (xPos == 'right') { v12._x = (screenWidth / 3) * 2; } else { if (xPos == 'rightOutside') { v12._x = screenWidth; } else { if (xPos == 'leftOutside') { v12._x = -characterWidth; } else { if (xPos == 'center') { v12._x = screenWidth / 2; } } } } } } } if (setXTag) { v12.x = v12._x; } if (scaleToFullScreen) { } m.originalHeight = m._height - m.extraHeight; m._y -= m.extraHeight; if (isCharacter && mood != 'hi') { var v40 = (basicGameData.characterHeight / (m._height - m.extraHeight)) * v12.zoom; setZoom2F(who, v12.zoom, v25); } else { heightStretchToFit = v22.height; var v40 = screenHeight / heightStretchToFit; m._yscale = 100 * v40; m._xscale = m._yscale; v12.yscale = m._xscale; v12.xscale = v12.yscale; } } function checkChangeMood(who, mood) { var v4 = []; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < cheatRules.length) { var v1 = cheatRules[v2]; if (v1.typeOfRule == 'changeMood' && v1.person == who && mood.indexOf(v1.v1) == 0) { v4 = [true, replaceInString(mood, v1.v1, v1.v2)]; } ++v2; } return v4; } function checkAgainstRules(it, who, type) { var v3 = {}; v3.skipIt = false; v3.replace = false; v3.changeColor = false; v3.expTop = []; v3.graphTop = []; v3.deets = []; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < cheatRules.length) { var v1 = cheatRules[v4]; v3.deets.push([]); if (v1.person == who && v1.typeOfRule != 'changeMood') { var v2 = true; if (v1.typeOfRule == 'expressionGraphicOnTop') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v1.v2.length) { if (it.indexOf(v1.v2[v5]) != -1) { v2 = false; } ++v5; } if (v2) { v3.expTop.push(v1.v1); } } else { if (v1.typeOfRule == 'newGraphicOnTop') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v1.v2.length) { if (it.indexOf(v1.v2[v5]) != -1) { v2 = false; } if (type != undefined && type.indexOf(v1.v2[v5]) != -1) { v2 = false; } ++v5; } if (v2) { v3.graphTop.push(v1.v1); } } else { if (it.indexOf(v1.v1) != -1) { if (typeof v1.v2 != 'object') { v1.v2 = [v1.v2]; } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v1.v2.length) { if (it.indexOf(v1.v2[v5]) != -1) { v2 = false; } ++v5; } if (v2) { v3.deets[v4].push(v1.typeOfRule); v3[v1.typeOfRule] = true; if (v1.typeOfRule == 'replace') { v3.deets[v4].push(v1.v1, v1.v3); } else { if (v1.typeOfRule == 'changeColor') { var v8 = filterO[v1.v3]; v3.deets[v4].push(v8); } else { if (v1.typeOfRule == 'newGraphicAfter' || v1.typeOfRule == 'newGraphicBefore') { v3.deets[v4].push(v1.v1, v1.v3); } else { if (v1.typeOfRule == 'skipIt') { v3.deets[v4].push(v1.v1); } } } } } } } } } ++v4; } return v3; } function setZoomF(who, zoom) { setZoom2F(who, zoom); parseNextF(); } function setAlphaF(what, alph) { setAlpha2F(what, alph); parseNextF(); } function setAlpha2F(what, alph, fo) { if (fo == undefined) { fo = foregroundObjects; } var v1 = fo[what]; v1._alpha = alph * 100; v1.alph = alph; } function setZoom2F(who, zoom, fo) { if (fo == undefined) { fo = foregroundObjects; } var v2 = fo[who]; var v1 = fo[who].latest; v2.zoom = zoom; var v3 = (basicGameData.characterHeight / v1.originalHeight) * v2.zoom; v1._yscale = 100 * v3; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; v1._x = -v1._width / 2; var v5 = (basicGameData.characterFace.y + v1.extraHeight) * v3; var v9 = 60; var v8 = screenHeight / 2.5; var v7 = zoom / 3; var v6 = valueBetween(v9, v8, v7); v1._y = v6 - v5; v2.yscale = v1._xscale; v2.xscale = v2.yscale; } function valueBetween(v1, v2, p) { var v1 += v2 * p; return v1; } function newFilt(filterName, ar) { if (filterO[filterName] == undefined) { filterO[filterName] = new Array(); } filterO[filterName] = filterO[filterName].concat(ar); } function setFilterF(filter) { currentFilter = filter; parseNextF(); } function playSoundF(sound) { if (!skipping) { playSound2F(sound); } parseNextF(); } function playSound2F(sound) { var v2 = soundMC[sound]; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = soundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(sound, soundMC.getNextHighestDepth()); } var v1 = new Sound(v2); v1.attachSound(sound + '.wav'); if (v1.duration == undefined) { v1.attachSound(sound + '.mp3'); } v1.setVolume(globalSave.sfxVolume * masterVolume); v1.start(); } function playSystemSoundF(sound) { var v2 = systemSoundMC[sound]; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = systemSoundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(sound, soundMC.getNextHighestDepth()); } var v1 = new Sound(v2); v1.attachSound(sound + '.wav'); if (v1.duration == undefined) { v1.attachSound(sound + '.mp3'); } v1.setVolume(globalSave.sfxVolume * masterVolume); v1.start(); } function addButtonF(button, url, xPos, yPos) { var v2 = buttons.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = buttons.attachMovie(button, 'button' + v2, v2); if (xPos == 'right') { v1._x = screenWidth - v1._width - 10; v1.x = v1._x; } if (yPos == 'allTheWayDown') { v1._y = screenHeight - v1._height; v1.y = v1._y; } v1.onRelease = function () { url2F(url); }; parseNextF(); } function screenIsALinkF(url) { mouseChecker.onRelease = function () { url2F(url, '_blank'); }; parseNextF(); } function pauseF(seconds, skippable) { if (skipping) { var v2 = crap.getNextHighestDepth(); var c = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('crap' + v2, v2); c.t = 0; c.onEnterFrame = function () { ++c.t; if (c.t == 2) { parseNextF(); delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } else { var v3 = Math.ceil(seconds * fps); pause2F(v3, skippable); } } function pause2F(frames, skippable) { var v2 = createEmptyMovieClip('pauseHandler', pauseHandlerLayer); v2.t = 0; if (frames == undefined or isNaN(frames)) { frames = 0; } v2.goal = frames; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { if (skipping or (!outOfMenuIntoGame or this.goal == 0 or skippable) && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } else { ++this.t; if (this.t == this.goal) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } } } }; } function stopMusicF(method, time) { stopMusic2F(method, time); parseNextF(); } function stopMusic2F(method, time) { if (musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = false; if (skipping) { method = ''; } if (method == 'fadeOut' or method == 'fade') { if (time == undefined) { time = 1; } time = Number(time); time = int(time * fps); var v3 = soundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(musicBeingFadedOut + 'Fade', soundMC.getNextHighestDepth()); v3.t = 0; musicBeingFadedOut = currentlyPlaying; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; var v2 = int(easeInOutSine(this.t, globalSave.musicVolume, -globalSave.musicVolume, time)); sounds[musicBeingFadedOut].setVolume(soundMC[musicBeingFadedOut].vol * v2 * masterVolume); if (v2 <= 0) { sounds[musicBeingFadedOut].stop(); musicBeingFadedOut = 'none'; delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } else { sounds[currentlyPlaying].stop(); } currentlyPlaying = 'none'; } } function changeNameF(who, newName) { changeName2F(who, newName); parseNextF(); } function changeName2F(who, newName) { characterData[who].pName = newName; } function bitmapOrNo(linkageId) { var v1 = loadBitmapF(linkageId); v1.dispose(); return v1 instanceof flash.display.BitmapData; } function languageScreenF() { attachMovie(languageScreen, 'bg', dialogueLayer); bg.ja.onPress = function () { currentLanguage = this._name; parseNextF(); }; bg.en.onPress = bg.ja.onPress; } function fadeInF(music, time, vol) { playMusic2F(music, 0); if (isNaN(vol)) { vol = 1; } setVolumeF(vol, 'fade', time); } function playMusicF(music, vol, method, b) { playMusic2F(music, vol, method, b); parseNextF(); } function playMusic2F(music, vol, method, b) { if (vol == undefined) { vol = 1; } vol = Number(vol); b = Number(b); if (vol > 1) { vol /= 100; } sounds[currentlyPlaying].stop(); if (musicBeingFadedOut == music) { var v4 = soundMC[musicBeingFadedOut + 'Fade']; delete v4.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(v4); sounds[musicBeingFadedOut].stop(); musicBeingFadedOut = ''; } currentlyPlaying = music; musicPlaying = true; var v3 = soundMC[music]; if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = soundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(music, soundMC.getNextHighestDepth()); sounds[music] = new Sound(v3); var v5 = sounds[music]; v5.attachSound(music + '.wav'); if (v5.duration == undefined) { v5.attachSound(music + '.mp3'); } } else { var v5 = sounds[music]; } v3.vol = vol; v5.setVolume(globalSave.musicVolume * v3.vol * masterVolume); v5.start(0, 9990); } function setVolumeF(vol, method, b) { vol = Number(vol); setVolume2F(vol, method, b); parseNextF(); } function setVolume2F(vol, method, b) { vol = Number(vol); b = Number(b); var v2 = soundMC[currentlyPlaying]; if (v2 == undefined) { } if (method == 'fade' && !skipping) { var v5 = crap.getNextHighestDepth(); var b = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('musicFader' + currentlyPlaying, v5); = v2; b.currentVol = v2.vol; b.desiredVol = vol; b.t = 0; b.onEnterFrame = function () { ++b.t; var v2 =; v2.vol = easeInOutSine(this.t, this.currentVol, this.desiredVol - this.currentVol, 0.5 * fps); var v5 = Math.round(v2.vol * 100); var v4 = Math.round(this.desiredVol * 100); var v3 = v5 == v4; if (v3) { v2.vol = this.desiredVol; var v6 = true; } sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(globalSave.musicVolume * v2.vol * masterVolume); if (v6) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { v2.vol = vol; sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(globalSave.musicVolume * v2.vol * masterVolume); } } function removeF(char, method, modifier, seconds) { if (seconds == undefined) { seconds = 0.3; } if (method == undefined or method == '') { method = 'fade'; } if (modifier == undefined or modifier == 'left') { modifier = -1; } else { if (modifier == 'right') { modifier = 1; } } time = int(seconds * fps); foregroundObjects[char].remove = true; if (method == 'fade') { foregroundObjects[char].pseudoAlpha = 100; foregroundObjects[char].incrementAlpha = 100 / time; foregroundObjects[char].onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += modifier; this.pseudoAlpha -= this.incrementAlpha; this._alpha = this.pseudoAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { if (this.onEnterFrameClip != undefined) { removeMovieClip(this.onEnterFrameClip); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } else { if (this.onEnterFrameClip != undefined) { removeMovieClip(this.onEnterFrameClip); } foregroundObjects[char].removeMovieClip(); } var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= foregroundObjectsA.length) { if (foregroundObjectsA[v2].remove) { foregroundObjectsA.splice(v2, 1); v2 = foregroundObjectsA.length; } ++v2; } parseNextF(); } function removeAllCharsF() { removeAllChars2F(); parseNextF(); } function removeAllChars2F() { foregroundObjects.removeMovieClip(); foregroundObjects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('foregroundObjects', foregroundObjectLayer); foregroundObjectsA = new Array(); buttons.removeMovieClip(); this.createEmptyMovieClip('buttons', buttonLayer); effects.removeMovieClip(); effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer); backgroundEffects.removeMovieClip(); backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer); } function changeBgF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit) { scene2F(scene, method, time, false, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit); parseNextF(); } function checkAndFixIfStringAr(ar) { var v1 = ar; if (typeof ar == 'string') { v1 = v1.slice(1, v1.length - 1); v1 = v1.split(', '); v1 = v1.toString(); v1 = v1.split(','); } return v1; } function cgsF(base, method, ar, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit) { ar = checkAndFixIfStringAr(ar); var v7 = ar[0]; if (v7 == 0) { v7 = base; } else { if (v7.indexOf('!') == 0) { v7 = v7.slice(1); } else { v7 = base + '_' + v7; } } cgF(v7, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, true); var v6 = 1; while (v6 < ar.length) { var v13 = base + '_' + ar[v6]; addToCgF(v13, x, x, true); ++v6; } var v12 = new Array(); var v10 = base.split('_'); var v8 = 0; while (v8 < v10.length) { v6 = 0; while (v6 < characterDataA.length) { if (v10[v8] == characterDataA[v6].image) { v12.push(v10[v8]); } ++v6; } ++v8; } var v11 = 0; while (v11 < v12.length) { var v2 = checkAgainstRules(v7, v12[v11]); if (v2.graphTop.length > 0) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.graphTop.length) { var v4 = 'none'; if (bitmapOrNo('cg_' + v7 + '_' + v2.graphTop[v1] + '.png')) { v4 = base + '_' + v2.graphTop[v1]; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < ar.length) { if (bitmapOrNo('cg_' + v7 + '_' + ar[v3] + '_' + v2.graphTop[v1] + '.png')) { v4 = base + '_' + ar[v3] + '_' + v2.graphTop[v1]; } ++v3; } if (v4 != 'none') { addToCgF(v4, x, x, true); } ++v1; } } ++v11; } parseNextF(); } function cgF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { if (!generalSave.cgNotificationShown) { generalSave.cgNotificationShown = true; notificationF('Press &lt;Z&gt;, &lt;+&gt; or &lt;-&gt;; or use the mousewheel (Windows only) to zoom in/out of the picture.', true); } sceneF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); generalSave.unlockedCg[scene] = true; save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); } function sceneF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { removeMovieClip(transitions); this.createEmptyMovieClip('transitions', transitionLayer); scene2F(scene, method, time, true, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); } function scene2F(scene, method, time, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { if (gw.fadeDealer) { delete gw.fadeDealer.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(gw.fadeDealer); } if ((newScene or xPos != undefined or yPos != undefined) && != undefined) { removeMovieClip(; delete; } currentBackground = scene; if (isNaN(time)) { if (method == 'blackFade' || method == 'whiteFade') { time = 1.2; } else { time = 0.6; } } delete mouseChecker.onRelease; if (method == 'pixellate' && !skipping) { removeAllChars2F(); pixellateF(scene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit); } else { if (method == 'fade' && !skipping) { if (newScene) { removeAllChars2F(); } fadeF(scene, newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); } else { if (method == 'blackFade' && !skipping) { colorFadeF(scene, 'black', newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); } else { if (method == 'whiteFade' && !skipping) { colorFadeF(scene, 'white', newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); } else { addBg(scene, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); if (newScene) { removeAllChars2F(); if (!dontFireParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } } } } } function jumpF(to) { ifNests = 0; removeAllChars2F; parser = labels[to] - 1; parseNextF(); } function endChoiceF() { parseNextF(); } function endingF(endingName, endingNameWithSpaces, type) { skipping = false; var v2 = false; var v3 = 1; if (!generalSave.endings[endingName]) { generalSave.endingsA.push(endingName); generalSave.endings[endingName] = true; generalSave.lastEnding = endingName; if (generalSave.endingsA.length >= v3) { generalSave.unlockedCommentary = true; v2 = true; if (!premiumPatron) { notificationF('You have unlocked "Commentary" mode.'); } } } saveF(endingName); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); gameEnded = true; var v4 = 'ending'; if (v2) { v4 = 'allEndingsJustNow'; } noticeDialogueF('ending', endingNameWithSpaces); } function choiceF(argument) { if (argument && == undefined) { var v2 = parser; var v7 = true; while (v7) { var v3; while (v3 == undefined) { if (parsing['s' + v2][0] == 'endChoice') { parser = v2 - 1; parseNextF(); v3 = 'shit'; v7 = false; } else { ++v2; } } } } else { if (skipping && !generalSave.choiceNotificationShown) { generalSave.choiceNotificationShown = true; notificationF('Pro tip: If you\'re unsure of what the choice is about exactly, press &lt;R&gt; to bring up the dialog log.', true); } if (!globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) { skipping = false; } var v11 = ''; var v10 = 'middle'; var v9 = 'middle'; var v13 = ''; if ( != undefined) { v11 =; } if (argument.xPos != undefined) { v10 = argument.xPos; } if (argument.yPos != undefined) { v9 = argument.yPos; } if (argument.rot != undefined) { var v12 = argument.rot; } var v6 = new Array(); var v2 = parser + 1; var v7 = true; while (v7) { this['choice' + m] = undefined; var v3 = this['choice' + m]; while (v3 == undefined) { if (parsing['s' + v2][0] == 'choice') { if (parsing['s' + v2][2] == undefined or parsing['s' + v2][2] == '') { v3 = v2; v6.push(v3); } else { var v4 = parsing['s' + v2][2]; if (v4 == 'once') { v4 = '!choice' + v2; } var v5 = false; v5 = evaluateConditionalF(v4); if (v5) { v3 = v2; v6.push(v3); } } } else { if (parsing['s' + v2][0] == 'endChoice') { v3 = 'shit'; v7 = false; } } ++v2; } } attachChoiceF(v6, v11, v10, v9, v12); } } function urlF(url) { if (url.indexOf('www') == -1) { url2F(url); } parseNextF(); } function url2F(url) { if (url == 'patreonURL') { url = patreonURL; } if (url == 'artistPatreonURL') { url = artistPatreonURL; } getURL(url, '_blank'); } function easeInOutSine(t, b, c, d) { return (-c / 2) * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b; } function linearTween(t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; } function easeOutElastic(t, b, c, d) { var v7 = 1.70158; var v1 = 0; var v3 = c; if (t == 0) { return b; } t /= d; if (t == 1) { return b + c; } if (!v1) { v1 = d * 0.3; } if (v3 < Math.abs(c)) { v3 = c; v7 = v1 / 4; return v3 * Math.pow(2, -30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1) + c + b; } v7 = (v1 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(c / v3); return v3 * Math.pow(2, -30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1) + c + b; } function easeInElastic(x, t, b, c, d) { var v7 = 1.70158; var v1 = 0; var v2 = c; if (t == 0) { return b; } t /= d; if (t == 1) { return b + c; } if (!v1) { v1 = d * 0.3; } if (v2 < Math.abs(c)) { v2 = c; v7 = v1 / 4; t -= 1; return -(v2 * Math.pow(2, 30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1)) + b; } v7 = (v1 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(c / v2); t -= 1; return -(v2 * Math.pow(2, 30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1)) + b; } function easeOutBounce(t, b, c, d) { t /= d; if (t < 0.3636363636363637) { return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b; } else { if (t < 0.7272727272727273) { t -= 0.5454545454545454; return c * (7.5625 * t * t + 0.75) + b; } else { if (t < 0.9090909090909091) { t -= 0.8181818181818182; return c * (7.5625 * t * t + 0.9375) + b; } else { t -= 0.9545454545454546; return c * (7.5625 * t * t + 0.984375) + b; } } } } function easeInOutQuint(t, b, c, d) { t /= d / 2; if (t < 1) { return (c / 2) * t * t * t * t * t + b; } else { t -= 2; return (c / 2) * (t * t * t * t * t + 2) + b; } } function effectF(target, method, strength1, strength2, time) { if (target == 'hump') { var v1 = random(7) + 1; while (v1 == lastHump) { v1 = random(7) + 1; } lastHump = v1; playSoundF('hump' + v1); } else { if (method == 'joltRight') { panF(target, 15, 0, 0.3); } else { if (method == 'joltLeft') { panF(target, -15, 0, 0.3); } else { if (method == 'smallShake') { shakeF(foregroundObjects[target], 5, 1, 19, true, true); parseNextF(); } else { if (method == 'shake') { if (strength1 == undefined) { strength1 = 10; } if (time == undefined) { time = 1; } if (strength2 == undefined) { strength2 = 30; } shakeF(foregroundObjects[target], strength1, time, strength2, true, true); parseNextF(); } else { parseNextF(); } } } } } } function bitmapCopy(sourceMovieClip, w, h) { if (w == undefined) { w = sourceMovieClip._width; } if (h == undefined) { h = sourceMovieClip._height; } var v1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 16777215); v1.draw(sourceMovieClip); return v1; } function attachLensflare(x, y, strength) { if (strength == undefined) { strength = 1; } var v16 = effects.getNextHighestDepth(); var v19 = effects.attachMovie('lensflare', 'toBeCopied', v16); var v15 = effects.createEmptyMovieClip('lensflare', v16 + 1); var mover = v15.createEmptyMovieClip('mover', 500); mover.x = x; mover._x = mover.x; mover.y = y; mover._y = mover.y; v15.flares = []; var v8 = 0; while (v8 <= 16) { var v4 = v19['f' + v8]; var v5 = v15.createEmptyMovieClip('orb' + (v8 + 1), v8 + 1); var v17 = bitmapCopy(v4); v5.attachBitmap(v17, 1); v5._alpha = v4._alpha; v5.blendMode = 'screen'; v15.flares.push(v5); v5._height = v5._width / 2; v5._width = v5._height; if (v8 == 3) { v16 = backgroundEffects.getNextHighestDepth(); var n = backgroundEffects.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundFlare', v16); n._alpha = 0; n.maxAlpha = v4._alpha; v5.mate = n; v17 = bitmapCopy(v4); n.attachBitmap(v17, 1); n.blendMode = 'screen'; n._height = n._width / 2; n._width = n._height; } ++v8; } v15.flaresDist = [2.5, 1.2, 1, 1, 1, 0.6800000000000001, 0.64, 0.59, 0.3, 0.12, -0.1, -0.25, -0.31, -0.32, -0.5, -0.8, -1.12]; v15._visible = false; v15.onEnterFrame = function () { this._visible = true; var v9 = {'x': screenWidth / 2, 'y': screenHeight / 2}; var v6 = {'x': this.mover._x, 'y': this.mover._y}; this.hit = 100; var v14 = 150; var v8 = 0; while (v8 < foregroundObjectsA.length) { var v2 = foregroundObjectsA[v8]; var v13 = new flash.geom.Point(v2.bitmap.rectangle.x, v2.bitmap.rectangle.y); var v5 = new flash.geom.Point(); var v3 = 4; var v12 = [-v3, -v3, v3, v3, 0, 0, v3, -v3]; var v11 = [v3, -v3, v3, -v3, v3, -v3, 0, 0]; n = 0; while (n < 8) { v5.x = (v6.x + v12[n] - v2._x) / (v2.xscale / 100); v5.y = (v6.y + v11[n] - v2._y) / (v2.yscale / 100); if (v2.bitmap.hitTest(v13, v14, v5)) { this.hit -= 12.5; } ++n; } ++v8; } if (this.hit < 100) { var v16 = 6.25 * ((100 - this.hit) / 50); if (this._alpha > this.hit) { this._alpha -= v16; } else { if (this._alpha < this.hit) { this._alpha += v16; } } } else { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 25; } } if (this._alpha > 100) { this._alpha = 100; } else { if (this._alpha < 0) { this._alpha = 0; } } var v15 = backgroundEffects.backgroundFlare; var v17 = v15.maxAlpha / 100; v15._alpha = (100 - this._alpha) * 1.1; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < this.flaresDist.length) { var v4 = this.flares[v7]; var v10 = this.flaresDist[v7]; v4._x = v9.x + (v6.x - v9.x) * v10 - v4._width / 2; v4._y = v9.y + (v6.y - v9.y) * v10 - v4._height / 2; if (v4.mate != undefined) { v4.mate._x = v4._x; v4.mate._y = v4._y; } ++v7; } }; } function removeScreenEffectsF() { shakeF(gw, 0, 0, 0, false, false); effects.removeMovieClip(); effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer); backgroundEffects.removeMovieClip(); backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer); parseNextF(); } function screenEffectF(method, a, b, c, d) { screenEffect2F(method, a, b, c, d); parseNextF(); } function screenEffect2F(method, a, b, c, d) { if (!skipping && (method == 'fadeToBlack' or method == 'fadeToWhite' or method == 'fadeFromBlack' or method == 'fadeFromWhite')) { var col = 0; if (method == 'fadeToWhite' || method == 'fadeFromWhite') { col = 16777215; } var d = crap.getNextHighestDepth(); var bc = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('FakeFade' + d, d); with (bc) { beginFill(col); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight); lineTo(0, screenHeight); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } if (method == 'fadeToBlack' || method == 'fadeToWhite') { bc._alpha = 0; bc.t = 0; bc.goal = a * fps; } else { bc.t = a * fps; bc.goal = 0; bc.oGoal = bc.t; } bc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { var v2 = 0; if (this.goal == 0) { --this.t; v2 = this.t / this.oGoal; } else { ++this.t; v2 = this.t / this.goal; } this._alpha = v2 * 100; if (this.goal != 0 && v2 >= 1 || this.goal == 0 && v2 == 0) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } else { if (method == 'whiteFlash') { var col = 16777215; var bc = crap.createEmptyMovieClip(what._name + 'Flash', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); with (bc) { beginFill(col); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight); lineTo(0, screenHeight); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } bc._alpha = 70; bc.t = 0; bc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t; if (this.t == 2) { this._alpha = 100; } else { if (this.t >= 3) { this._alpha -= this.t * 3; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } } }; } else { if (method == 'lensflare') { attachLensflare(a, b, c); } else { if (method == 'verticalShakeBg') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } if (c == undefined) { c = 35; } shakeF(bg, a, b, c, false, true); } else { if (method == 'constantShake') { shakeF(gw, 8, 1000, 50, true, true); } else { if (method == 'verticalShake') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } if (c == undefined) { c = 35; } shakeF(gw, a, b, c, false, true); } else { if (method == 'shakeBg') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } shakeF(bg, a, b, x, true, true); } else { if (method == 'shake') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } shakeF(gw, a, b, x, true, true); } else { if (method == 'shakeForeground') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } shakeF(foregroundObjects, a, b, x, true, true); } else { if (method == 'quake') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } shakeF(gw, a, b, x, true, true); shakeF(foregroundObjects, a / 2, b, x, true, true); } else { if (method == 'injured') { shakeF(gw, 20, x, true, true); } } } } } } } } } } } } function doCallF(to) { ++variables.callNests; variables.homeNumber.push(parser); parser = labels[to] - 1; parseNextF(); } function endCallF(to) { if (variables.callNests > 0) { --variables.callNests; parser = variables.homeNumber.pop(); parseNextF(); } else { parseNextF(); } } function registerCGBasesForCheatsF(baseArray) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < baseArray.length) { CGBasesForCheats.push(baseArray[v1]); ++v1; } parseNextF(); } function cheatRuleF(type, person, v1, v2, v3) { var v2 = new Object(); if (v2 == x) { v2 = '09ipaodia0s9dizxpoc80'; } var v1 = {'person': person, 'typeOfRule': type, 'v1': v1, 'v2': v2, 'v3': v3}; cheatRules.push(v1); parseNextF(); } function shakeF(what, intensity, time, freq, x, y) { if (!skipping) { var v2 = crap[what._name + 'Shaker']; if (v2 != undefined) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(v2); what._x = what.motoX; what._y = what.motoY; } if (freq == undefined or freq == '') { freq = 50; } what.motoX = what._x; what.motoY = what._y; var b = crap.createEmptyMovieClip(what._name + 'Shaker', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); b.t = 0; b.tim = time * fps; b.x = x; b.y = y; b.freq = freq; b.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; this.shake = intensity * ((this.tim - this.t) / this.tim); if (this.shake <= 0) { what._x = what.motoX; what._y = what.motoY; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { amp = this.shake; freq = this.freq; var t = this.t; var v3 = amp * Math.sin(freq * 2 * t * 0.0174532925199433); var v2 = amp * Math.cos(freq * 2 * t * 0.0174532925199433); if (b.x) { what._x = what.motoX - v3; } if (b.y) { what._y = what.motoY - v2; } } }; } } function tintF(what, color, alpha) { if (alpha == undefined) { alpha = 100; } var v1 = hexToRGB(color); var v2 = new Color(what); v2.setTint(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], alpha); } function unTintF(what) { var v1 = new Color(what); v1.setTint(0, 0, 0, 0); v1.removeTint(); } function hexToRGB(hex) { r = hex >> 16; temp = hex ^ r << 16; g = temp >> 8; b = temp ^ g << 8; return [r, g, b]; } function panAllF(time) { var v5 = time; if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 15; } var v4 = -(bg._width - screenWidth); if (bg._x < 0) { v4 = -v4; } pan2F('bg', v4, 0, v5); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < foregroundObjectsA.length) { var v3 = foregroundObjectsA[v1].who; var v2 = foregroundObjectsA[v1]; pan2F(v3, v4 / (1 + v2.zoom * 1.5), 0, v5); ++v1; } parseNextF(); } function panF(target, xDistance, yDistance, seconds, tweenType) { pan2F(target, xDistance, yDistance, seconds, tweenType); parseNextF(); } function setXF(target, amount) { if (target == 'bg') { var v1 = bg; } else { if (target == 'lensflare') { g = effects.lensflare.mover; var v1 = g; } else { var v1 = foregroundObjects[target]; } } v1.x += amount; v1._x = v1.x; parseNextF(); } function setYF(target, amount) { if (target == 'bg') { var v1 = bg; } else { if (target == 'lensflare') { g = effects.lensflare.mover; var v1 = g; } else { var v1 = foregroundObjects[target]; } } v1.y += amount; v1._y = v1.y; parseNextF(); } function pan2F(target, xDistance, yDistance, seconds, tweenType) { seconds = int(seconds * fps); if (tweenType == undefined or tweentype == 'sine') { tweenType = 'easeInOutSine'; } else { if (tweenType == 'linear') { tweenType = 'linearTween'; } else { if (tweenType == 'quint') { tweenType = 'easeInOutQuint'; } } } tweenType = this[tweenType]; var v3 = transitions[target]; if (v3 != undefined) { v3.targ._x = v3.targ.x; v3.targ._y = v3.targ.y; delete v3.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(v3); } if (target == 'bg') { var targ = bg; } else { if (target == 'lensflare') { g = effects.lensflare.mover; var targ = g; } else { var targ = foregroundObjects[target]; } } if (skipping) { targ.x += xDistance; targ._x = targ.x; targ.y += yDistance; targ._y = targ.y; } else { d = transitions.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = transitions.createEmptyMovieClip(target, d); v2.targ = targ; v2.targ.x += xDistance; v2.targ.y += yDistance; v2.t = 0; v2.motoX = v2.targ._x; v2.motoY = v2.targ._y; v2.xDist = xDistance; v2.yDist = yDistance; v2.dur = seconds; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t; this.targ._x = tweenType(this.t, this.motoX, this.xDist, this.dur); this.targ._y = tweenType(this.t, this.motoY, this.yDist, this.dur); if (this.t >= this.dur) { this.targ._x = this.motoX + this.xDist; this.targ._y = this.motoY + this.yDist; if (this.remove) { } removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } } function highlightChoiceF(order) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < choiceBoxA.length) { if (order != v1) { choiceBoxA[v1].prevFrame(); choiceBoxA[v1].theText.htmlText = choiceBoxA[v1].choiceText; } ++v1; } playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); choiceBoxA[order].nextFrame(); choiceBoxA[order].theText.htmlText = choiceBoxA[order].choiceText; currentlySelected = order; } function selectChoiceF(what, txt) { if (outOfMenuIntoGame) { registerInLog(txt, 'choice'); } playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); variables['choice' + what] = true; removeMovieClip(choiceMC); parser = what; parseNextF(); } function otherwiseF() { var v2 = ifNests; while (!false) { ++parser; var v1 = parsing['s' + parser][0]; if (v1 == undefined) { break; } if (v1 == 'whatIf') { ++v2; } else { if (v2 == ifNests) { if (v1 == 'endIf') { --ifNests; break; } } else { if (v1 == 'endIf') { --v2; } } } } parseNextF(); } function passF() { parseNextF(); } function elseIfF(conditional) { otherwiseF(); } function endIfF(conditional) { --ifNests; parseNextF(); } function evaluateConditionalF(cond) { var v14 = false; var v12 = []; var v16 = 'or'; var v15 = cond.split('||'); if (v15.length < 2) { v15 = cond.split('&&'); v16 = 'and'; v14 = true; } var v11 = 0; while (v11 < v15.length) { var v1 = v15[v11]; var v3 = false; var v9 = variables; if (v1.indexOf('permanent.') != -1) { v9 = generalSave.permanentVariables; v1 = v1.substr(v1.indexOf('.') + 1); } if (v1.indexOf('cheats.') != -1) { v9 = activatedCheats; v1 = v1.substr(v1.indexOf('.') + 1); } if (v1 == '') { v3 = true; } else { if (v1 == 'commentary') { if (generalSave.commentary) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'premium' || v1 == 'wip') { v3 = true; } else { if (v1 == 'isPremium') { premiumPatron = true; if (premiumPatron) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'isPremiumPlus') { premiumPlusPatron = true; if (premiumPlusPatron) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'autoSaveExists') { var v13 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, 'autoSave'); if (v13 != undefined) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'showPatreon') { if (!dontShowPatreon) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'continueCheck') { var v13 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, 'autoSave'); if (v13 != undefined) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1.substr(0, 1) == '!') { if (!v9[v1.substr(1, v1.length)]) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1.indexOf('=') == -1 && v1.indexOf('>') == -1 && v1.indexOf('<') == -1) { if (v9[v1]) { v3 = true; } } else { var v2 = ''; var v6 = ''; var v4 = ''; var v7 = ['>=', '<=', '==', '<', '>', '!=', '=']; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v7.length) { var v8 = v1.indexOf(v7[v5]); if (v8 != -1) { v4 = v1.substr(0, v8); v4 = v9[v4]; v6 = v1.substr(v8 + v7[v5].length, v1.length); v2 = v7[v5]; v5 = v7.length; if (v2 == '<' or v2 == '<=' or v2 == '>' or v2 == '>=') { if (isNaN(Number(v4))) { v4 = 0; } if (isNaN(Number(v6))) { v6 = 0; } } } ++v5; } if (v2 == '') { } else { if (v2 == '<') { if (v4 < v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '>') { if (v4 > v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '>=') { if (v4 >= v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '<=') { if (v4 <= v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '=' or v2 == '==') { if (v4 == v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '!=') { if (v4 != v6) { v3 = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } v12.push(v3); ++v11; } var v10 = 0; while (v10 < v12.length) { if (v16 == 'and') { if (!v12[v10]) { v14 = false; } } else { if (v16 == 'or') { if (v12[v10]) { v14 = true; } } } ++v10; } return v14; } function whatIfF(conditional) { var v4 = false; ++ifNests; v4 = evaluateConditionalF(conditional); if (v4) { parseNextF(); } else { var v2 = 0; var v3 = 0; while (!false) { ++parser; var v1 = parsing['s' + parser][0]; if (v2 == 0) { if (v1 == 'elseIf') { --ifNests; whatIfF(parsing['s' + parser][1]); break; } else { if (v1 == 'otherwise') { parseNextF(); break; } else { if (v1 == 'endIf') { --ifNests; parseNextF(); break; } } } } if (v1 == 'whatIf') { ++v2; } else { if (v1 == 'endIf') { --v2; } } ++v3; if (v3 > 900) { break; } } } } function incrementVariableF(variable, amount) { if (variables[amount] != undefined) { amount = variables[amount]; } if (amount == undefined) { amount = 1; } if (variable.indexOf('permanent.') != -1) { variable = variable.substr(variable.indexOf('.') + 1); if (generalSave.permanentVariables[variable] == undefined) { generalSave.permanentVariables[variable] = amount; } else { generalSave.permanentVariables[variable] += amount; } } else { if (variables[variable] == undefined) { variables[variable] = amount; } else { variables[variable] += amount; } } parseNextF(); } function setVariableF(variable, amount) { setVariable2F(variable, amount); parseNextF(); } function setVariable2F(variable, amount) { if (amount == undefined) { amount = true; } if (variable.indexOf('permanent.') != -1) { variable = variable.substr(variable.indexOf('.') + 1); generalSave.permanentVariables[variable] = amount; } else { if (amount.slice(0, 1) == '$') { variables[variable] = variables[amount.slice(1)]; } else { variables[variable] = amount; } } } function changeStringF(variable, doWhat, a, b) { if (doWhat == 'remove') { variables[variable] = replaceInString(variables[variable], a, ''); } parseNextF(); } function startGameAndJumpF(label) { outOfMenuIntoGame = true; jumpF(label); } function removeNoticeDialogueF() { var v1 = getInstanceAtDepth(dialogueLayer); v1._visible = true; noticeDialogueActive = false; removeMovieClip(getInstanceAtDepth(noticeDialogueLayer)); } function noticeDialogueF(d, d2) { currentlySelected = -1; highlightChoiceF(currentlySelected); if (d == 'wip') { var v16 = 'WIP CONTENT UNAVAILABLE'; var v17 = 'This branch is not yet completed/implemented in this version of the game. Please <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>click here</a> (link opens in a new window) to get access to the latest build of the game by becoming our patron.'; var v5 = ['Return', 'Support us on Patreon']; var types = ['ok', 'patreon']; } else { if (d == 'premium') { var v16 = 'PREMIUM CONTENT UNAVAILABLE'; var v17 = 'Premium choices lead to bonus content/branches/routes (that are not necessary to reach the end of the game). They are only available to those of our patrons who have pledged $5 (or more) to support us developing games like this one. If you would like to become a patron, please <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>click here</a> (link opens in a new window).'; var v18 = 'If you choose to become a premium patron you can access the premium content immediately if you follow the instructions after pledging - you won\'t even have to restart the game. '; var v5 = ['Return', 'Support us on Patreon']; var types = ['ok', 'patreon']; } else { if (d == 'noScript') { var v16 = 'SCRIPT ERROR'; var v17 = 'Script missing or malformed. Did you extract all files?'; var v5 = ['Return']; var types = ['ok']; } else { if (d == 'savefileParserError') { var v16 = 'SAVE FILE ERROR'; var v17 = 'Something\'s gone wrong loading the saved game: "Savefile has no defined parser"'; var v5 = ['Return']; var types = ['ok']; } else { if (d == 'undefinedError') { var v16 = 'UNDEFINED ERROR'; var v17 = 'Something\'s gone wrong.'; var v5 = ['Return']; var types = ['ok']; } else { if (d == 'ending' || d == 'allEndingsJustNow') { var v16 = 'ENDING: ' + d2; var v8 = ''; var v10 = ' Please consider <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>supporting us on Patreon</a>.'; var types = ['restart', 'patreon']; if (d == allEndingsJustNow) { v8 = ' Congratulations! You can now play the game with commentary from the authors of the game (see the "Options" screen).'; } if (patreonPledger) { v10 = ' Thank you for pledging to support us on <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>Patreon</a>! Without your support, we couldn\'t go on.'; } var v17 = 'You\'ve unlocked ' + generalSave.endingsA.length + ' out of ' + allUniqueEndings.length + ' endings.' + v8 + ' Thank you for playing!' + v10; var v5 = ['Main menu', 'Support us on Patreon']; } else { var v16 = d; var v17 = d2; var v5 = ['OK', 'Support us on Patreon']; var types = ['ok', 'patreon']; } } } } } } var options = types.length; var v15 = getInstanceAtDepth(dialogueLayer); v15._visible = false; noticeDialogueActive = true; this.createEmptyMovieClip('nd', noticeDialogueLayer); nd.types = types; nd.options = options; var v3 = nd.attachMovie('noticeDialogue', 'nd', 1); v3.head.htmlText = v16; v3.main.html = true; v3.main.htmlText = v17; var v6 = new TextField.StyleSheet(); v6.setStyle('a:link', {'color': '#FF8774', 'textDecoration': 'none'}); v6.setStyle('a:hover', {'color': '#CCCCCC', 'textDecoration': 'none'}); v3.main.styleSheet = v6; false; var v9 = v3.main.bottomScroll; var v13 = 232; var v11 = 81; var v12 = 8; v3.body._height = v11 + (v13 - v11) * ((v9 - 2) / (v12 - 2)); v3.main._height -= (v12 - v9) * 20; var v14 = v3.head.bottomScroll; if (v14 == 2) { v3.body._height += v3.head._height / 2; v3.main._y += v3.head._height / 2; } var i = 0; while (i < options) { var v2 = nd.attachMovie('noticeDialogueChoice', 'choice' + (i + 1), 2 + i, {'_y': v3.body._height}); v2._y += nd.choice1._height * i; v2.stop(); v2.i = i; v2.main.htmlText = v5[i]; v2.onRollOver = function () { playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); nd['choice' + nd.currentlySelected].prevFrame(); nd.currentlySelected = this.i + 1; this.nextFrame(); }; v2.onPress = function () { var v2 = nd.types[this.i]; playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); if (v2 == 'ok') { removeNoticeDialogueF(); } else { if (v2 == 'patreon') { url2F(patreonURL); } else { if (v2 == 'restart') { removeNoticeDialogueF(); restartF(); } } } }; ++i; } nd.attachMovie('noticeDialogueBottom', 'bottom', 15, {'_y': v3.body._height + nd.choice1._height * options}); nd.currentlySelected = 0; nd.onEnterFrame = function () { if (nd.hidden) { if (myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.SPACE) { dialogueHiderF(); } } else { if (this.currentlySelected >= 1 && (myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.SPACE)) { playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); var v2 = this.types[this.currentlySelected - 1]; if (v2 == 'ok') { removeNoticeDialogueF(); } else { if (v2 == 'patreon') { url2F(patreonURL, '_blank'); } else { if (v2 == 'restart') { removeNoticeDialogueF(); restartF(); } } } } if (myKeys.DOWN) { playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); if (this.currentlySelected < this.options) { this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].prevFrame(); ++this.currentlySelected; this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].nextFrame(); } } else { if (myKeys.UP) { playSystemSoundF('buttonUp'); if (this.currentlySelected >= 0) { this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].prevFrame(); if (this.currentlySelected <= 1) { this.currentlySelected = 1; } else { --this.currentlySelected; } this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].nextFrame(); } } } } }; nd._x = screenWidth / 2 - nd._width / 2; nd._y = screenHeight / 2 - nd._height / 2; } function attachChoiceF(choiceA, style, xPos, yPos, rot) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('choiceMC', dialogueLayer); = style; var premiumChoices = new Object(); choiceBoxA = new Array(); var v16 = 0; var v17 = 0; choiceMC.minusY = 0; var v6 = 0; while (v6 < choiceA.length) { var v13 = parsing['s' + choiceA[v6]][2]; var v10 = style; var v21 = false; var v12 = false; if (v13.slice(0, 3) == 'wip') { premiumChoices['choice' + v6] = true; v10 = 'WIP'; v12 = true; } if (v13.slice(0, 7) == 'premium') { premiumChoices['choice' + v6] = true; v10 = 'Premium'; v21 = true; } var v2 = choiceMC.attachMovie('choiceBox' + v10, 'choiceBox' + v6, v6 + 1); v2.stop(); v2.premium = v21; v2.wip = v12; var v9 = v2.body._height; v17 += v9; if (v9 == undefined) { v9 = v2._height; } v2._y = v16 + v6 * v9; v2._x = 0; choiceBoxA.push(v2); v2.choiceText = parsing['s' + choiceA[v6]][1]; var v7 = true; while (v7) { var v4 = v2.choiceText.indexOf('$'); if (v4 == -1) { v7 = false; } else { var v3 = v4 + 1; while (v3 <= v2.choiceText.length) { char3 = v2.choiceText.slice(v3, v3 + 1); if (char3 == '$' or char3 == '@' or v3 == currentLine.length) { var v5 = v3; v3 = Infinity; } ++v3; } if (v3 != Infinity) { v7 = false; } else { var v8 = variables[v2.choiceText.slice(v4 + 1, v5)]; if (v8 != undefined && v5 != undefined) { v2.choiceText = v2.choiceText.slice(0, v4) + v8 + v2.choiceText.slice(v5 + 1); } } } } v2.theText.htmlText = v2.choiceText; var v11 = v2.theText.bottomScroll; v2.body.gotoAndStop(v11); var v14 = 4; var v15 = v2._height / v14; choiceMC.minusY = (v14 - v11) * v15; v16 += v2.body._height - v9; v2.i = v6; v2.body.onRollOver = function () { highlightChoiceF(this._parent.i); }; v2.body.onPress = function () { if (this._parent.wip) { noticeDialogueF('wip'); } else { if (!this._parent.premium || this._parent.premium && premiumPatron) { selectChoiceF(choiceA[this._parent.i], this._parent.choiceText); } else { noticeDialogueF('premium'); } } }; ++v6; } if (rot != undefined) { choiceMC._rotation = rot; } if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) { choiceMC._y = yPos; } else { if (yPos == 'hanging') { choiceMC._y = int(screenHeight / 2 - 60 - (choiceMC._height - choiceMC.minusY) / 2); } else { if (yPos == 'middle') { choiceMC._y = int(screenHeight / 2 - (choiceMC._height - choiceMC.minusY) / 2); } else { if (yPos == 'almostBottom') { choiceMC._y = screenHeight - (v17 + 20); } else { if (yPos == 'bottom') { choiceMC._y = screenHeight - v17; } } } } } if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) { choiceMC._x = xPos; } else { if (xPos == 'middle') { choiceMC._x = (screenWidth - choiceMC._width) / 2; } else { if (xPos == 'left') { choiceMC._x = 10; } else { if (xPos == 'right') { choiceMC._x = screenWidth - (choiceMC._width + 20); } } } } resizeAndReplaceF(); if (lastAction == 'key') { highlightChoiceF(0); } else { currentlySelected = -1; } choiceMC.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused && !noticeDialogueActive) { if (currentlySelected >= 0 && (myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.SPACE)) { var v1 = premiumChoices['choice' + currentlySelected]; playSystemSoundF('select'); if (!v1 || v1 && premiumPatron) { selectChoiceF(choiceA[currentlySelected], choiceMC['choiceBox' + currentlySelected].choiceText); } else { noticeDialogueF('premium'); } } if (myKeys.DOWN) { if (currentlySelected < choiceBoxA.length - 1) { ++currentlySelected; } highlightChoiceF(currentlySelected); } else { if (myKeys.UP) { if (currentlySelected > 0) { --currentlySelected; } else { if (currentlySelected == -1) { currentlySelected = 0; } } highlightChoiceF(currentlySelected); } } } }; } function sceneClipF(clip, playOnceBeforeParseNext) { removeMovieClip(bg); bg = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', bgLayer); var c = bg.attachMovie(clip, 'clip', bg.getNextHighestDepth()); c.stop(); c.onEnterFrame = function () { if (c._currentframe == c._totalframes or !outOfMenuIntoGame && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) { c.gotoAndStop(c._totalframes); delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } else { c.nextFrame(); } }; } function addToCgF(b, method, time, dontFireOffParseNext, otherBg, checkAgain, addedThroughCheat) { var v6 = b; var v12 = 'whothefuckisit?'; var v9 = b.split('_'); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v9.length) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < characterDataA.length) { if (v9[v5] == characterDataA[v2].image) { v12 = v9[v5]; v5 = v9.length; v2 = characterDataA.length; } ++v2; } ++v5; } var v22 = false; var v20 = findCGBase(v6); var v7 = checkAgainstRules(v6, v12); var v3 = v7.deets; while (v7.replace) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v3.length) { var v8 = v3[v4]; if (v8[0] == 'replace') { v6 = replaceInString(v6, v8[1], v8[2]); v7 = checkAgainstRules(v6, v12); } ++v4; } } if (v7.skipIt) { if (method == undefined && !dontFireOffParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } else { if (v7.newGraphicBefore) { var v28 = false; var v18 = new Object(); var v19 = new Object(); var v11 = 0; while (v11 < v3.length) { v8 = v3[v11]; if (v8[0] == 'newGraphicBefore' && !v19[v8[2]] && checkAgain != v8[2]) { v19[v8[2]] = true; addToCgF(v20 + v8[2], method, time, dontFireOffParseNext, otherBg, v8[2], true); v22 = true; } ++v11; } } else { v22 = true; } } if (v22) { var v29 = true; var v21 = bg; if (otherBg != undefined) { v21 = otherBg; } if (time == undefined) { time = 0.6; } time = int(time * fps); var v13 = loadBitmapF(v6 + '.png'); if (v13 == undefined) { v13 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + v6 + '.png'); } if (v7.changeColor) { var v11 = 0; while (v11 < v3.length) { v8 = v3[v11]; if (v8[0] == 'changeColor') { var v16 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v8[1]); v13.applyFilter(v13, v13.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v16); } ++v11; } } if (!addedThroughCheat) { v21.addedCgA.push(b); } if (method != 'fade') { } else { if (method == 'fade') { checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(true); var v23 = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('fadeDealer', pixelDealerLayer); var v25 = loadBitmapF(v21.backgroundContainer.image); v25.draw(v21.backgroundContainer.imageBmp); v23.attachBitmap(v25, 1); var v27 = screenHeight / v21.heightStretchToFit; v23._yscale = 100 * v27; v23._xscale = v23._yscale; v23.t = 0; v23.t2 = 0; v23.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { if (this.t == 0) { ++this.t2; this._alpha = easeInOutSine(this.t2, 100, -100, time); if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.t = 1; } } else { if (this.t == 1) { this.t = 2; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; if (!dontFireOffParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } } }; } } if (v21.xFlipped) { var v24 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v24.scale(-1, 1); v24.translate(v21.backgroundContainer.xFlippedBmp.width, 0); v21.backgroundContainer.xFlippedBmp.draw(v13, v24); } else { v21.backgroundContainer.imageBmp.draw(v13); } if (v6.indexOf('exp') != -1 && v7.expTop.length > 0) { var v10 = 0; while (v10 < v7.expTop.length) { if (checkAgain != v7.expTop[v10]) { addToCgF(v6 + '_' + v7.expTop[v10], method, time, dontFireOffParseNext, otherBg, v7.expTop[v10], true); } ++v10; } } v11 = v3.length - 1; while (v11 >= 0) { v8 = v3[v11]; if (v8[0] == 'newGraphicAfter' && !storedv18[v8[2]] && checkAgain != v8[2]) { storedv18[v8[2]] = true; addToCgF(v20 + v8[2], method, time, dontFireOffParseNext, otherBg, v8[2], true); } --v11; } if (method == undefined && !dontFireOffParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } function findCGBase(cgname) { var v5 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < CGBasesForCheats.length) { var v2 = CGBasesForCheats[v1]; var v3 = cgname.indexOf(v2); if (v3 != -1) { v5 = cgname.slice(0, v2.length + 1); break; } ++v1; } return v5; } function replaceInString(originalPhrase, partToBeReplaced, partToDoTheReplacing) { var v1 = originalPhrase.indexOf(partToBeReplaced); var v3 = originalPhrase; if (v1 != -1) { v3 = originalPhrase.slice(0, v1) + partToDoTheReplacing + originalPhrase.slice(v1 + partToBeReplaced.length); } return v3; } function addBg(b, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, temp, forScreenshot) { if (xFlipped) { } else { xFlipped = false; } if (yFlipped) { } else { yFlipped = false; } var v13 = 2; var v1 = bg; if (forScreenshot) { v1 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); } else { if (!temp) { removeMovieClip(v1); v1 = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', bgLayer); } else { var v8 = v1.getNextHighestDepth(); var v19 = v1.getInstanceAtDepth(v8 - 1); var v4 = v8 - 2; while (v4 >= 0) { var v3 = v1.getInstanceAtDepth(v4); if (v3 != undefined) { removeMovieClip(v3); } --v4; } v13 = v8; } } v1.xFlipped = xFlipped; v1.yFlipped = yFlipped; var v2 = v1.createEmptyMovieClip('container' + v13, v13); v1.backgroundContainer = v2; if (!forScreenshot) { currentBackground = b; } v1.addedCgA = new Array(); var v5 = b + '.png'; v2.imageBmp = loadBitmapF(v5); if (v2.imageBmp == undefined) { v5 = 'bg_' + b + '.png'; v2.imageBmp = loadBitmapF(v5); } if (v2.imageBmp == undefined) { v5 = 'cg_' + b + '.png'; v2.imageBmp = loadBitmapF(v5); } v2.image = v5; if (v2.imageBmp == undefined) { v2.attachMovie(b, 'bg', 1); if (xFlipped) { =; =; } } else { if (xFlipped || yFlipped) { var v11 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v18 = 1; var v17 = 1; var v15 = 0; var v16 = 0; if (xFlipped) { v18 = -1; v15 = v2.imageBmp.width; } if (yFlipped) { v17 = -1; v16 = v2.imageBmp.height; } v11.scale(v18, v17); v11.translate(v15, v16); v2.xFlippedBmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(v2.imageBmp.width, v2.imageBmp.height, true, 0); v2.xFlippedBmp.draw(v2.imageBmp, v11); v2.imageBmp.dispose(); v2.attachBitmap(v2.xFlippedBmp, 1, auto, true); } else { v2.attachBitmap(v2.imageBmp, 1, auto, true); } } if (heightStretchToFit == undefined) { heightStretchToFit = v2._height; } v1.heightStretchToFit = heightStretchToFit; var v20 = screenHeight / heightStretchToFit; v2._yscale = 100 * v20; v2._xscale = v2._yscale; if (yPos != undefined) { if (yPos == 'bottom') { yPos = screenHeight - v1._height; } v1._y = yPos; v1.y = v1._y; } else { if (newScene) { v1._y = 0; v1.y = 0; } } if (xPos != undefined && xPos != '') { if (xPos == 'right') { xPos = screenWidth - v1._width; } else { if (xPos == 'center') { xPos = int((screenWidth - v1._width) / 2); } } v1._x = xPos; v1.x = v1._x; } else { if (newScene) { v19._x += v1._x; v1._x = 0; v1.x = 0; } } if (forScreenshot) { return v1; } else { return v2; } } function calculateF(variable, expression, integer) { var v7 = ''; var v2 = ''; var v1 = ''; var v8 = ''; var v4 = ['+', '-', '/', 'x', '*']; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.length) { var v5 = expression.indexOf(v4[v3]); if (v5 != -1) { v2 = expression.substr(0, v5); if (isNaN(Number(v2))) { v2 = variables[v2]; if (isNaN(Number(v2))) { v2 = 0; } } v2 = Number(v2); v7 = v4[v3]; v1 = expression.substr(v5 + v4[v3].length, expression.length); if (isNaN(Number(v1))) { v1 = variables[v1]; if (isNaN(Number(v1))) { v1 = 0; } } v1 = Number(v1); v3 = v4.length; } ++v3; } if (v7 == '') { v8 = expression; } else { if (v7 == '+') { v8 = v2 + v1; } else { if (v7 == '-') { v8 = v2 - v1; } else { if (v7 == '/') { v8 = v2 / v1; } else { if (v7 == '*' or v7 == 'x') { v8 = v2 * v1; } } } } } if (integer) { v8 = int(v8); } variables[variable] = v8; parseNextF(); } function fadeF(newBg, newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { var v2 = addBg(newBg, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, true); checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(false); time = int(time * fps); var v3 = pixelDealerLayer; if (!newScene) { v3 = pixelBehindDealerLayer; } fadeDealer = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('fadeDealer', v3); if (xPos != undefined or yPos != undefined) { } v2._alpha = 0; fadeDealer.targ = v2; fadeDealer.t = 0; fadeDealer.t2 = 0; fadeDealer.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { if (this.t == 0) { if (!outOfMenuIntoGame && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) { this.t = 1; this.targ._alpha = 100; } else { ++this.t2; this.targ._alpha = int(easeInOutSine(this.t2, 0, 100, time)); if (this.targ._alpha >= 100) { this.t = 1; } } } else { if (this.t == 1) { if (newScene && !dontFireParseNext) { addBg(newBg, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit); checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(true); } this.t = 2; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; if (newScene && !dontFireParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } } }; } function colorFadeF(newBg, color, newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { time = int(time * fps); var layer = pixelDealerLayer; if (!newScene) { layer = pixelBehindDealerLayer; } fadeDealer = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('fadeDealer', layer); fadeDealer._alpha = 0; fadeDealer.pseudoAlpha = 0; fadeDealer.t = 0; fadeDealer.incrementAlpha = (100 / time) * 2; var c = 0; if (color == 'black') { } else { if (color == 'white') { var c = 16777215; } } with (fadeDealer) { beginFill(c); moveTo(-500, -500); lineTo(screenWidth + 500, -500); lineTo(screenWidth + 500, screenHeight + 500); lineTo(-500, screenHeight + 500); lineTo(-500, -500); endFill(); } fadeDealer.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { if (this.t == 0) { if (skipping) { this.t = 1; } if (!outOfMenuIntoGame && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) { this.t = 1; this._alpha = 100; this.pressed = true; } else { this.pseudoAlpha += this.incrementAlpha; this._alpha = int(this.pseudoAlpha); if (this._alpha >= 100) { this.t = 1; } } } else { if (this.t == 1) { if (newScene) { removeAllChars2F(); } addBg(newBg, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit); checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(true); this.t = 2; } else { if (this.t == 2) { this.pseudoAlpha -= this.incrementAlpha; this._alpha = int(this.pseudoAlpha); if (this._alpha <= 0 or this.pressed or skipping) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; if (newScene && !dontFireParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } } } } }; } function checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(parsePlus) { var v3 = parser; var v2 = true; while (v2) { ++v3; var v1 = parsing['s' + v3]; if (v1[0] == 'addToCg' && v1[2] != 'fade') { addToCgF(v1[1], x, x, true); if (parsePlus) { ++parser; } } else { if (v1[0] == 'screenEffect' && v1[1] == 'lensflare' || v1[0] == 'item') { parseNextF(true); } else { v2 = false; } } } } function pixellateF(newBg, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('pixelDealer', pixelDealerLayer); pixelDealer.t = 10000; pixelDealer.f = 1; pixelDealer.scaler = 0; scaleA = [0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.002]; pixelDealer.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t; if (this.t >= 2) { this.t = 0; if (this.f == 1) { pixellyF(scaleA[this.scaler]); ++this.scaler; if (this.scaler == scaleA.length) { addBg(newBg, true, xFlipped); this.f = 2; this.scaler -= 2; } } else { if (this.f == 2) { pixellyF(scaleA[this.scaler]); --this.scaler; if (this.scaler < 0) { bg.container._yscale = 100; bg.container._xscale = 100; this.f = 3; removeMovieClip(pix); } } else { if (this.f >= 3) { ++this.f; if (this.f == 8) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } } } } } } }; } function pixellyF(scale) { removeMovieClip(this.getInstanceAtDepth(pixellationLayer)); this.createEmptyMovieClip('pix', pixellationLayer); bg.container._yscale = 100 * scale; bg.container._xscale = bg.container._yscale; myBitmap = new flash.display.BitmapData(screenWidth * scale, screenHeight * scale, false, 16777215); myBitmap.draw(bg); pix.attachBitmap(myBitmap, 5); pix._width = screenWidth; pix._height = screenHeight; } function unactivateCheat(ch) { ch.activated = false; var v1 = ch.effect; activatedCheats[v1] = false; variables[v1] = false; } function activateCheat(ch) { var v3 = ch.effect; ch.activated = true; activatedCheats[v3] = true; variables[v3] = true; notificationF('Cheat: "' + v3 + '" activated.'); if (ch.incompat != undefined) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < ch.incompat.length) { unactivateCheat(cheatsO[ch.incompat[v1]]); ++v1; } } cheatstring = ''; if (v3 == 'unlockAllCgs') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < allCgs.length) { generalSave.unlockedCg[allCgs[v1].base[0]] = true; ++v1; } } } function regCheat(cheat, effect, minPledge, desc, incompat) { cheatsO[effect] = new Object(); var v2 = cheatsO[effect]; cheatsO[effect].cheat = cheat; cheatsO[effect].effect = effect; cheatsO[effect].minPledge = minPledge; cheatsO[effect].desc = desc; cheatsO[effect].activated = false; cheatsO[effect].incompat = incompat; cheats.push(v2); } function adjustHue(angle, returnAsFinishedFilter) { angle *= 0.0174532925199433; var v1 = Math.cos(angle); var v2 = Math.sin(angle); var v5 = 0.213; var v4 = 0.715; var v3 = 0.072; var v6 = Array(v5 + v1 * (1 - v5) + v2 * -v5, v4 + v1 * -v4 + v2 * -v4, v3 + v1 * -v3 + v2 * (1 - v3), 0, 0, v5 + v1 * -v5 + v2 * 0.143, v4 + v1 * (1 - v4) + v2 * 0.14, v3 + v1 * -v3 + v2 * -0.283, 0, 0, v5 + v1 * -v5 + v2 * -(1 - v5), v4 + v1 * -v4 + v2 * v4, v3 + v1 * (1 - v3) + v2 * v3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); if (returnAsFinishedFilter) { var v7 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v6); return v7; } v7 = v6; return v7; } function adjustSaturation(s, returnAsFinishedFilter) { var v3 = 1 - s; var v8 = 0.212671; var v10 = 0.71516; var v7 = 0.072169; var v4 = v3 * v8; var v1 = v3 * v10; var v2 = v3 * v7; var v6 = Array(v4 + s, v1, v2, 0, 0, v4, v1 + s, v2, 0, 0, v4, v1, v2 + s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); if (returnAsFinishedFilter) { var v9 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v6); return v9; } v9 = v6; return v9; } Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale'; Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen'; screenWidth = 1200; screenHeight = 900; var myListener = new Object(); myListener.onResize = function () { resizeAndReplaceF(); }; Stage.addListener(myListener); Object.prototype.clone = function () { if (this instanceof Array) { var v2 = []; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.length) { v2[v3] = (typeof this[v3] == 'object') ? this[v3].clone() : this[v3]; ++v3; } return v2; } if (this instanceof Date) { v2 = new Date(this.getTime()); return v2; } if (this instanceof XML || this instanceof MovieClip) { v2 = null; return v2; } v2 = {}; for (v3 in this) { v2[v3] = (typeof this[v3] == 'object') ? this[v3].clone() : this[v3]; } return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(Object.prototype, ['clone'], 1); Color.prototype.setTint = function (r, g, b, amount) { var v4 = 100 - amount; var v2 = new Object(); = v4; =; v2.ra =; var v3 = amount / 100; v2.rb = r * v3; = g * v3; = b * v3; this.setTransform(v2); }; Color.prototype.removeTint = function () { this.setTint(0, 0, 0, 0); }; loading._visible = false; initVar(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++t; keyChecker(); }; }
Created: 24/7 -2019 00:16:07 Last modified: 24/7 -2019 00:16:07 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:15:44