Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Anno Animation.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #209212

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { stop(); } movieClip 20 { } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 23 { } movieClip 24 { } // unknown tag 88 length 81 movieClip 27 { } movieClip 29 { } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (load) { totalFileSize = _root.getBytesTotal(); this._xscale = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bytesLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); currentLoaded = bytesLoaded / totalFileSize; percentLoaded = int(100 * amountLoaded); this._xscale = percentLoaded; _root.loadingMessage = percentLoaded + '%'; if (currentLoaded >= 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('complete'); } } } instance of movieClip 29 { onClipEvent (load) { totalFileSize = _root.getBytesTotal(); this._xscale = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bytesLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); currentLoaded = bytesLoaded / totalFileSize; percentLoaded = int(100 * currentLoaded); this._xscale = percentLoaded; _root.loadingMessage = percentLoaded + '%'; if (currentLoaded >= 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('complete'); } } } movieClip 32 { } frame 2 { nextbtn.onPress = function () {; }; } frame 2 { stop(); } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 37 { frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(41); } } movieClip 39 { } frame 3 { stop(); } movieClip 43 { } movieClip 45 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 47 { } movieClip 50 { } movieClip 54 { } movieClip 55 { frame 1 { silesbtn.onPress = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } frame 200 {; } } frame 4 { function lq() { _quality = 'LOW'; } function mq() { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; } function hq() { _quality = 'HIGH'; } function patron() { getURL('', '_blank'); } function tits() { getURL('', '_blank'); } _focusrect = false; stopAllSounds(); stop(); playmainmusic = 0; goodpuppy = 0; var menumusic = new Sound(); var boop = new Sound(); menumusic.attachSound('menumusic'); boop.attachSound('boop'); onEnterFrame = function () { if (goodpuppy == 2) {; } if (_global.egg == 1) { anno.gotoAndStop(25); } mmusic(); }; mmusic = function () { menumusic.start(0, 9999); delete this.mmusic; }; musicIcon.onPress = function () { if (playmainmusic == 0) { menumusic.stop(); musicIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } if (playmainmusic == 1) { menumusic.start(0, 9999); musicIcon.gotoAndStop(1); playmainmusic = 0; } }; furlogo.onRollOver = function () { furlogo.gotoAndStop(2); }; furlogo.onRollOut = function () { furlogo.gotoAndStop(1); }; furlogo.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; hentlogo.onRollOver = function () { hentlogo.gotoAndStop(2); }; hentlogo.onRollOut = function () { hentlogo.gotoAndStop(1); }; hentlogo.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; titslogo.onRollOver = function () { titslogo.gotoAndStop(2); }; titslogo.onRollOut = function () { titslogo.gotoAndStop(1); }; titslogo.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; patlogo.onRollOver = function () { patlogo.gotoAndStop(2); }; patlogo.onRollOut = function () { patlogo.gotoAndStop(1); }; patlogo.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; tumblogo.onRollOver = function () { tumblogo.gotoAndStop(2); }; tumblogo.onRollOut = function () { tumblogo.gotoAndStop(1); }; tumblogo.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; nglogo.onRollOver = function () { nglogo.gotoAndStop(2); }; nglogo.onRollOut = function () { nglogo.gotoAndStop(1); }; nglogo.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; musicname1.onRollOver = function () { musicname1.gotoAndStop(2); }; musicname1.onRollOut = function () { musicname1.gotoAndStop(1); }; musicname1.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; musicname2.onRollOver = function () { musicname2.gotoAndStop(2); }; musicname2.onRollOut = function () { musicname2.gotoAndStop(1); }; musicname2.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; authorname1.onRollOver = function () { authorname1.gotoAndStop(2); }; authorname1.onRollOut = function () { authorname1.gotoAndStop(1); }; authorname1.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; authorname2.onRollOver = function () { authorname2.gotoAndStop(2); }; authorname2.onRollOut = function () { authorname2.gotoAndStop(1); }; authorname2.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; playbtn.onRelease = function () {; }; var menu = new ContextMenu(); menu.hideBuiltInItems(); var qualiLow = new ContextMenuItem('Low', lq); var qualiMed = new ContextMenuItem('Medium', mq); var qualiHigh = new ContextMenuItem('High', hq); var patMenu = new ContextMenuItem('Silestaur', patron); var titsMenu = new ContextMenuItem('T.I.T.S.', tits); menu.customItems.push(qualiLow, qualiMed, qualiHigh, patMenu, titsMenu); thankbtn.onPress = function () { thankslist.gotoAndStop(2); }; } movieClip 60 { } movieClip 65 { } movieClip 67 { } movieClip 70 { } movieClip 73 { } movieClip 75 { } movieClip 76 { } movieClip 78 { } movieClip 80 { } movieClip 82 { } movieClip 84 { } movieClip 86 { frame 1 { zone1.onPress = function () { ++_parent.goodpuppy; _parent.boop.start(); zone1._visible = false; }; zone2.onPress = function () { ++_parent.goodpuppy; _parent.boop.start(); zone2._visible = false; }; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); _parent.goodpuppy = 3; _global.egg = 1; } } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 90 { } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 93 { } movieClip 94 { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 97 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 99 { } movieClip 100 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 102 { } movieClip 103 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 105 { } movieClip 106 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 110 { } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 114 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.playmainmusic = 1; } } movieClip 116 { } movieClip 118 { } movieClip 119 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 121 { } movieClip 123 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 126 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 128 { } movieClip 129 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 132 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 134 { } movieClip 135 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 136 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 147 { } movieClip 151 { } movieClip 153 { } movieClip 155 { } movieClip 157 { } movieClip 159 { } movieClip 161 { } movieClip 163 { } movieClip 165 { } movieClip 167 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 171 { } movieClip 173 { } movieClip 175 { } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 179 { } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 183 { } movieClip 185 { } movieClip 187 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); closewin.onPress = function () { gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 188 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 {; } frame 31 { stop(); } } frame 5 { stop(); human.onPress = function () {; }; horse.onPress = function () {; }; canine.onPress = function () {; }; } movieClip 190 { } movieClip 192 { } movieClip 194 { } movieClip 196 { } movieClip 197 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.gotoAndStop('caninest'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 198 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.gotoAndStop('horsest'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 199 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.gotoAndStop('humanst'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } frame 6 { stop(); } movieClip 202 { } movieClip 207 { } movieClip 208 { } movieClip 210 { } movieClip 213 { } movieClip 215 { } movieClip 217 { } button 219 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 220 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 221 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.gotoAndPlay('normalstart'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } frame 7 { stop(); } button 223 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 224 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 225 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.gotoAndPlay('horsestart'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } frame 8 { stop(); } button 227 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 228 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 229 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.gotoAndPlay('knotstart'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } frame 9 { var bj2 = new Sound(); var bj4 = new Sound(); var ff1 = new Sound(); var ff2 = new Sound(); var f1 = new Sound(); var cum1 = new Sound(); var cum2 = new Sound(); var cum3 = new Sound(); var cum4 = new Sound(); var cum5 = new Sound(); var cum6 = new Sound(); var cum7 = new Sound(); var cum8 = new Sound(); var scene1mus = new Sound(); var tish = new Sound(); var pos = 0; bj2.attachSound('bj2'); bj3.attachSound('bj3'); bj4.attachSound('bj4'); bj5.attachSound('bj5'); bj6.attachSound('bj6'); bj7.attachSound('bj7'); bj8.attachSound('bj8'); ff1.attachSound('ff1'); ff2.attachSound('ff2'); f1.attachSound('f1'); cum1.attachSound('cum1'); cum2.attachSound('cum2'); cum3.attachSound('cum3'); cum4.attachSound('cum4'); cum5.attachSound('cum5'); cum6.attachSound('cum6'); cum7.attachSound('cum7'); cum8.attachSound('cum8'); scene1mus.attachSound('scene1mus'); tish.attachSound('tish'); onEnterFrame = function () { sce1music(); }; sce1music = function () { scene1mus.stop(); scene1mus.start(0, 9999); delete this.sce1music; }; } frame 10 { playmusic = 0; playsounds = 0; stop(); } movieClip 233 { } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 241 { } movieClip 244 { } movieClip 247 { } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 252 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.stopbubbles = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.stopbubbles = 1; } } movieClip 253 { frame 1 { startbtn.onPress = function () { play(); }; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 261 { } movieClip 263 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 267 { } movieClip 269 { } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 273 { } movieClip 275 { } movieClip 277 { } movieClip 279 { } movieClip 281 { } movieClip 283 { } movieClip 321 { } movieClip 323 { } movieClip 501 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 49 { gotoAndStop(35); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 115 { stop(); } frame 141 { gotoAndStop(115); } frame 189 { gotoAndStop(115); } frame 209 { stop(); } frame 215 { stop(); } frame 228 { stop(); } frame 235 { stop(); } frame 244 { stop(); } frame 252 { stop(); } frame 262 { stop(); } frame 280 { stop(); } } movieClip 503 { } movieClip 548 { } movieClip 550 { } movieClip 552 { } movieClip 739 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 115 { stop(); } frame 141 { gotoAndStop(115); } frame 189 { gotoAndStop(115); } frame 209 { stop(); } frame 215 { stop(); } frame 228 { stop(); } frame 235 { stop(); } frame 244 { stop(); } frame 252 { stop(); } frame 262 { stop(); } frame 280 { stop(); } } movieClip 741 { } movieClip 743 { } movieClip 745 { } movieClip 1010 { } movieClip 1012 { } movieClip 1041 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 166 { gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 196 { stop(); } frame 203 { stop(); } frame 204 { stop(); } frame 211 { stop(); } frame 218 { stop(); } frame 354 { gotoAndPlay(219); } frame 361 { gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 374 { gotoAndPlay(367); } frame 381 { stop(); } frame 386 { stop(); } } movieClip 1043 { } movieClip 1045 { } movieClip 1047 { } movieClip 1049 { } movieClip 1051 { } movieClip 1053 { } movieClip 1055 { } movieClip 1057 { } movieClip 1059 { } movieClip 1061 { } movieClip 1063 { } movieClip 1065 { } movieClip 1067 { } movieClip 1069 { } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1073 { } movieClip 1075 { } movieClip 1077 { } movieClip 1079 { } movieClip 1081 { } movieClip 1083 { } movieClip 1085 { } movieClip 1088 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1090 { } movieClip 1093 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1095 { } movieClip 1098 { } movieClip 1100 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1109 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1113 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1117 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1121 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1125 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1129 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1133 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1137 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1141 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1145 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1149 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1152 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1155 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1158 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1161 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1164 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1167 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1170 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1173 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1177 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1181 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1184 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1187 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1191 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1195 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1199 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1203 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1207 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1211 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1215 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1219 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1223 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1227 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1231 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1235 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1238 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1240 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1243 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1247 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1251 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1255 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 1256 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 1; nextbtn1._visible = false; btn1._alpha = 100; fuckintext = 0; fuckintext2 = 0; if (textstop == 1) { textbox.gotoAndPlay(34); } } } movieClip 1259 { } // unknown tag 88 length 74 movieClip 1263 { } movieClip 1266 { } button 1270 { on (release) { play(); _parent.textstop = 2; } } movieClip 1272 { } movieClip 1274 { } movieClip 1276 { } movieClip 1278 { } movieClip 1280 { } movieClip 1282 { } movieClip 1284 { } movieClip 1286 { } movieClip 1289 { } movieClip 1291 { } button 1292 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(394); } } movieClip 1294 { } movieClip 1295 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.textstop = 1; } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 105 { stop(); } frame 117 { stop(); } frame 141 { stop(); } frame 153 { stop(); } frame 177 { stop(); } frame 190 { stop(); } frame 214 { stop(); } frame 226 { stop(); } frame 250 { stop(); } frame 262 { stop(); } frame 286 { stop(); } frame 298 { stop(); } frame 322 { stop(); } frame 334 { stop(); } frame 358 { stop(); } frame 370 { stop(); } frame 394 { stop(); } frame 406 { stop(); } } movieClip 1298 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _root.playmusic = 1; } } movieClip 1301 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.playsounds = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.playsounds = 1; } } // unknown tag 88 length 84 movieClip 1305 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.mainclip.hidetext = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.mainclip.hidetext = 1; } } movieClip 1308 { } movieClip 1310 { } movieClip 1312 { } movieClip 1314 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1316 { } movieClip 1318 { } movieClip 1320 { } movieClip 1321 { } movieClip 1323 { } movieClip 1324 { } movieClip 1325 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { musicIcon.onPress = function () { if (_root.playmusic == 0) { _root.scene1mus.stop(); musicIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.playmusic == 1) { _root.scene1mus.start(0, 9999); musicIcon.gotoAndStop(1); _root.playmusic = 0; } }; soundsIcon.onPress = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { soundsIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.playsounds == 1) { soundsIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } }; hcolor1.onPress = function () { _parent.pussy.gotoAndStop(1); }; hcolor2.onPress = function () { _parent.pussy.gotoAndStop(2); }; ecolor1.onPress = function () { _parent._global.seyecolor = 1; }; ecolor2.onPress = function () { _parent._global.seyecolor = 2; }; ecolor3.onPress = function () { _parent._global.seyecolor = 3; }; textIcon.onPress = function () {; }; mainmenubtn.onPress = function () {; }; } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1328 { } movieClip 1329 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1330 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.gotoAndPlay('mainmenu'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } button 1331 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 2; nextbtn2._visible = false; btn2._alpha = 100; if (textstop == 1) {; } } } movieClip 1337 { } movieClip 1349 { } movieClip 1352 { } button 1353 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 3; nextbtn3._visible = false; btn3._alpha = 100; if (textstop == 1) { textbox.gotoAndPlay(106); } } } movieClip 1386 { } movieClip 1388 { } movieClip 1390 { } movieClip 1393 { } movieClip 1395 { } movieClip 1400 { } button 1407 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 4; nextbtn4._visible = false; if (textstop == 1) { } } } button 1423 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 5; nextbtn5._visible = false; } } button 1431 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 6; nextbtn6._visible = false; btn6._alpha = 100; if (textstop == 1) { } } } button 1437 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 7; nextbtn7._visible = false; btn7._alpha = 100; if (textstop == 1) {; } } } button 1483 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 8; nextbtn8._visible = false; btn8._alpha = 100; if (textstop == 1) {; } } } button 1550 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 9; nextbtn9._visible = false; btn9._alpha = 100; } } button 1622 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 10; nextbtn15._visible = false; nextbtn10._visible = false; if (textstop == 1) {; } } } movieClip 1624 { } movieClip 1625 { } button 1626 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 15; nextbtn15._visible = false; nextbtn10._visible = false; syfaceanim = 23; if (textstop == 1) { textbox.gotoAndPlay(335); } } } button 1667 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 11; nextbtn11._visible = false; btn11._alpha = 100; } } movieClip 1733 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1773 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1818 { frame 94 { gotoAndPlay(11); } } movieClip 1820 { } movieClip 1821 { } button 1822 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 1823 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.darkmask.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.gotoAndPlay('normalstart'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1826 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.darkmask.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.gotoAndPlay('normstart2'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } button 1827 { on (release) {; nextbtn18._visible = false; if (textstop == 1) {; } } } movieClip 1828 { frame 1 { nextscenevar = 0; aneyescounter = 0; sfaceanim = 0; syfaceanim = 0; stopsyseyes = 0; fingerswarm = 0; textstop = 0; moancounter = 0; moanvar = 0; hidetext = 0; optopen = 0; dickwarm = 0; _global.seyecolor = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { if (aneyescounter < 150 && stopsyseyes == 0 || stopsyseyes == 2 || stopsyseyes == 3 || stopsyseyes == 4) { ++aneyescounter; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 0) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(3); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(3); aneyescounter = 0; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 2) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(36); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(36); aneyescounter = 0; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 3) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(116); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(116); aneyescounter = 0; } if (syfaceanim == 1) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(26); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(26); anlips.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (syfaceanim == 2) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(50); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(50); anlips.gotoAndPlay(7); fingerswarm = 1; } if (syfaceanim == 3) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(57); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(57); anlips.gotoAndPlay(167); anus.gotoAndStop(2); } if (syfaceanim == 4) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(86); anlips.gotoAndPlay(197); } if (syfaceanim == 5) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(91); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(91); } if (syfaceanim == 6) { stopsyseyes = 1; anlips.gotoAndPlay(190); } if (syfaceanim == 7) { stopsyseyes = 1; anus.gotoAndStop(3); } if (syfaceanim == 8) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(142); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(142); anlips.gotoAndPlay(197); } if (syfaceanim == 9) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(190); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(190); } if (syfaceanim == 10) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(209); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(209); anlips.gotoAndPlay(205); } if (syfaceanim == 11) { stopsyseyes = 1; anlips.gotoAndPlay(190); } if (syfaceanim == 12) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(216); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(216); anlips.gotoAndPlay(212); } if (syfaceanim == 13) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(229); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(229); anlips.gotoAndPlay(219); } if (syfaceanim == 14) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(236); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(236); anlips.gotoAndPlay(355); } if (syfaceanim == 15) { stopsyseyes = 1; anlips.gotoAndPlay(362); } if (syfaceanim == 16) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(245); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(245); anlips.gotoAndPlay(375); } if (syfaceanim == 17) { stopsyseyes = 0; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(263); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(263); anlips.gotoAndPlay(382); } if (syfaceanim == 18) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(253); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(253); } if (syfaceanim == 20) { anpus1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (syfaceanim == 21) { dickwarm = 1; } if (syfaceanim == 22) { dickmess = 1; } if (syfaceanim == 23) { stopsyseyes = 0; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(263); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(263); anlips.gotoAndPlay(382); } if (textstop == 0) {; } if (hidetext == 1) { textbox._alpha = 0; opt.textIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } else { textbox._alpha = 100; } nextscene1(); assfingers(); syrigrin(); dickmess(); colors(); sthand(); sounds(); moans(); }; optmain.onPress = function () { if (optopen == 0) { opt.gotoAndStop(2); optmain.gotoAndStop(2); optopen = 1; } if (optopen == 2) { opt.gotoAndStop(1); optmain.gotoAndStop(1); optopen = 0; } if (optopen == 1) { optopen = 2; } }; sthand = function () { if (fingerswarm == 1) { sfin1.stfinsaliva1.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2.stfinsaliva2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin3.stfinsaliva3.gotoAndStop(2); sfin4.stfinsaliva4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (dickwarm == 1) { stdick.sdicksaliva.gotoAndStop(2); } if (dickmess == 1) { stdick.stdickmess.gotoAndStop(2); } }; colors = function () { if (_global.seyecolor == 1) { shand1.gotoAndStop(1); shand2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin1.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin3.gotoAndStop(1); sfin4.gotoAndStop(1); sfin5.gotoAndStop(1); sfin6.gotoAndStop(1); sfin7.gotoAndStop(1); sfin8.gotoAndStop(1); sfin9.gotoAndStop(1); sfin10.gotoAndStop(1); sfin11.gotoAndStop(1); sfin12.gotoAndStop(1); sfin13.gotoAndStop(1); shand2_1.gotoAndStop(1); shand2_2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_1.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_3.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_4.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_5.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_6.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_7.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_8.gotoAndStop(1); sleg1.gotoAndStop(1); sleg2.gotoAndStop(1); sleg3.gotoAndStop(1); sballs.gotoAndStop(1); stballs2.gotoAndStop(1); stdick.gotoAndStop(1); sfinnew.gotoAndStop(1); sfinnew2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.seyecolor == 2) { shand1.gotoAndStop(2); shand2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin1.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin3.gotoAndStop(2); sfin4.gotoAndStop(2); sfin5.gotoAndStop(2); sfin6.gotoAndStop(2); sfin7.gotoAndStop(2); sfin8.gotoAndStop(2); sfin9.gotoAndStop(2); sfin10.gotoAndStop(2); sfin11.gotoAndStop(2); sfin12.gotoAndStop(2); sfin13.gotoAndStop(2); shand2_1.gotoAndStop(2); shand2_2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_1.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_3.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_4.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_5.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_6.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_7.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_8.gotoAndStop(2); sleg1.gotoAndStop(2); sleg2.gotoAndStop(2); sleg3.gotoAndStop(2); sballs.gotoAndStop(2); stballs2.gotoAndStop(2); stdick.gotoAndStop(2); sfinnew.gotoAndStop(2); sfinnew2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_global.seyecolor == 3) { shand1.gotoAndStop(3); shand2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin1.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin3.gotoAndStop(3); sfin4.gotoAndStop(3); sfin5.gotoAndStop(3); sfin6.gotoAndStop(3); sfin7.gotoAndStop(3); sfin8.gotoAndStop(3); sfin9.gotoAndStop(3); sfin10.gotoAndStop(3); sfin11.gotoAndStop(3); sfin12.gotoAndStop(3); sfin13.gotoAndStop(3); shand2_1.gotoAndStop(3); shand2_2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_1.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_3.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_4.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_5.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_6.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_7.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_8.gotoAndStop(3); sleg1.gotoAndStop(3); sleg2.gotoAndStop(3); sleg3.gotoAndStop(3); sballs.gotoAndStop(3); stballs2.gotoAndStop(3); stdick.gotoAndStop(3); sfinnew.gotoAndStop(3); sfinnew2.gotoAndStop(3); } }; } frame 66 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(67); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 105 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 1; textbox.gotoAndPlay(46); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 106 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.bj2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 107 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 122 { stopsyseyes = 2; } frame 160 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.bj2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 209 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(210); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(151); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 220 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 225 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 2; textbox.gotoAndPlay(82); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 227 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 270 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 298 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 321 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(322); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(266); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 333 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 20; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 335 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 378 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 3; textbox.gotoAndPlay(118); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 380 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 382 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 450 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 4; textbox.gotoAndStop(177); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 452 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 453 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 576 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.tish.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 576 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 5; textbox.gotoAndPlay(178); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 578 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 631 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 6; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 633 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 660 { stopsyseyes = 3; } frame 720 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(721); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(661); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 737 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 8; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 739 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 739 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 776 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 11; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 778 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 779 { stopsyseyes = 3; } frame 802 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 834 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 840 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(841); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(781); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 990 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 6) { gotoAndPlay(991); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(931); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1017 { syrigrin = function () { textbox.gotoAndPlay(191); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1080 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 7) { gotoAndPlay(1081); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 6) { gotoAndPlay(1021); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1092 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 9; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1094 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1140 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 10; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1141 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1142 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1167 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 12; textbox.gotoAndPlay(227); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1169 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1230 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 8) { gotoAndPlay(1231); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 7) { gotoAndPlay(1171); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1240 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 13; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1242 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1243 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1266 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 21; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1268 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1293 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1315 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 9) { gotoAndPlay(1316); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 8) { gotoAndPlay(1266); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1333 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 14; textbox.gotoAndPlay(263); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1335 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1336 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1358 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 10) { gotoAndPlay(1359); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 9) { gotoAndPlay(1335); delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 15) { gotoAndPlay(1718); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1379 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 15; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1381 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1385 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1391 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 11) { gotoAndPlay(1392); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 10) { gotoAndPlay(1381); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1396 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1409 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1410 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 16; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1412 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1424 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum5.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1440 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1460 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1471 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum5.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1485 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1503 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1519 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 18; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1521 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1521 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1549 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1572 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1597 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1600 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 22; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1602 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1617 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 7; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1619 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1619 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1622 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1625 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1629 { anleg1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 1652 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 17; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1654 { syrigrin = function () { textbox.gotoAndPlay(299); syfaceanim = 0; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1715 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 12) { gotoAndPlay(1392); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 11) { gotoAndPlay(1656); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1718 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1779 { nextscene1 = function () { gotoAndPlay(1728); delete this.nextscene1; }; } } frame 11 { var bj2 = new Sound(); var bj4 = new Sound(); var ff1 = new Sound(); var ff2 = new Sound(); var f1 = new Sound(); var cum1 = new Sound(); var cum2 = new Sound(); var cum3 = new Sound(); var cum4 = new Sound(); var cum5 = new Sound(); var cum6 = new Sound(); var cum7 = new Sound(); var cum8 = new Sound(); var scene1mus = new Sound(); var tish = new Sound(); var pos = 0; bj2.attachSound('bj2'); bj3.attachSound('bj3'); bj4.attachSound('bj4'); bj5.attachSound('bj5'); bj6.attachSound('bj6'); bj7.attachSound('bj7'); bj8.attachSound('bj8'); ff1.attachSound('ff1'); ff2.attachSound('ff2'); f1.attachSound('f1'); cum1.attachSound('cum1'); cum2.attachSound('cum2'); cum3.attachSound('cum3'); cum4.attachSound('cum4'); cum5.attachSound('cum5'); cum6.attachSound('cum6'); cum7.attachSound('cum7'); cum8.attachSound('cum8'); scene1mus.attachSound('scene1mus'); tish.attachSound('tish'); onEnterFrame = function () { sce1music(); }; sce1music = function () { scene1mus.stop(); scene1mus.start(0, 9999); delete this.sce1music; }; } frame 12 { playmusic = 0; playsounds = 0; stop(); } button 1829 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 1; nextbtn1._visible = false; btn1._alpha = 100; if (textstop == 1) { textbox.gotoAndPlay(34); } } } movieClip 1873 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1875 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1878 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2134 { } movieClip 2183 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.darkmask.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.gotoAndPlay('horsestart'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 2193 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.darkmask.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.gotoAndPlay('horsestart2'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 2195 { frame 1 { nextscenevar = 0; aneyescounter = 0; sfaceanim = 0; syfaceanim = 0; stopsyseyes = 0; fingerswarm = 0; textstop = 0; moancounter = 0; moanvar = 0; hidetext = 0; optopen = 0; dickwarm = 0; _global.seyecolor = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { if (aneyescounter < 150 && stopsyseyes == 0 || stopsyseyes == 2 || stopsyseyes == 3 || stopsyseyes == 4) { ++aneyescounter; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 0) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(3); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(3); aneyescounter = 0; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 2) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(36); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(36); aneyescounter = 0; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 3) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(116); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(116); aneyescounter = 0; } if (syfaceanim == 1) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(26); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(26); anlips.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (syfaceanim == 2) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(50); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(50); anlips.gotoAndPlay(7); fingerswarm = 1; } if (syfaceanim == 3) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(57); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(57); anlips.gotoAndPlay(167); anus.gotoAndStop(2); } if (syfaceanim == 4) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(86); anlips.gotoAndPlay(197); } if (syfaceanim == 5) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(91); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(91); } if (syfaceanim == 6) { stopsyseyes = 1; anlips.gotoAndPlay(190); } if (syfaceanim == 7) { stopsyseyes = 1; anus.gotoAndStop(3); } if (syfaceanim == 8) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(142); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(142); anlips.gotoAndPlay(197); } if (syfaceanim == 9) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(190); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(190); } if (syfaceanim == 10) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(209); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(209); anlips.gotoAndPlay(205); } if (syfaceanim == 11) { stopsyseyes = 1; anlips.gotoAndPlay(190); } if (syfaceanim == 12) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(216); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(216); anlips.gotoAndPlay(212); } if (syfaceanim == 13) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(229); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(229); anlips.gotoAndPlay(219); } if (syfaceanim == 14) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(236); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(236); anlips.gotoAndPlay(355); } if (syfaceanim == 15) { stopsyseyes = 1; anlips.gotoAndPlay(362); } if (syfaceanim == 16) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(245); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(245); anlips.gotoAndPlay(375); } if (syfaceanim == 17) { stopsyseyes = 0; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(263); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(263); anlips.gotoAndPlay(382); } if (syfaceanim == 18) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(253); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(253); } if (syfaceanim == 20) { anpus1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (syfaceanim == 21) { dickwarm = 1; } if (syfaceanim == 22) { dickmess = 1; } if (syfaceanim == 23) { stopsyseyes = 0; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(263); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(263); anlips.gotoAndPlay(382); } if (textstop == 0) {; } if (hidetext == 1) { textbox._alpha = 0; opt.textIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } else { textbox._alpha = 100; } nextscene1(); assfingers(); syrigrin(); dickmess(); colors(); sthand(); sounds(); moans(); }; optmain.onPress = function () { if (optopen == 0) { opt.gotoAndStop(2); optmain.gotoAndStop(2); optopen = 1; } if (optopen == 2) { opt.gotoAndStop(1); optmain.gotoAndStop(1); optopen = 0; } if (optopen == 1) { optopen = 2; } }; sthand = function () { if (fingerswarm == 1) { sfin1.stfinsaliva1.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2.stfinsaliva2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin3.stfinsaliva3.gotoAndStop(2); sfin4.stfinsaliva4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (dickwarm == 1) { stdick.sdicksaliva.gotoAndStop(2); } if (dickmess == 1) { stdick.stdickmess.gotoAndStop(2); } }; colors = function () { if (_global.seyecolor == 1) { shand1.gotoAndStop(1); shand2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin1.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin3.gotoAndStop(1); sfin4.gotoAndStop(1); sfin5.gotoAndStop(1); sfin6.gotoAndStop(1); sfin7.gotoAndStop(1); sfin8.gotoAndStop(1); sfin9.gotoAndStop(1); sfin10.gotoAndStop(1); sfin11.gotoAndStop(1); sfin12.gotoAndStop(1); sfin13.gotoAndStop(1); shand2_1.gotoAndStop(1); shand2_2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_1.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_3.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_4.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_5.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_6.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_7.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_8.gotoAndStop(1); sleg1.gotoAndStop(1); sleg2.gotoAndStop(1); sleg3.gotoAndStop(1); sballs.gotoAndStop(1); stballs2.gotoAndStop(1); stdick.gotoAndStop(1); sfinnew.gotoAndStop(1); sfinnew2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.seyecolor == 2) { shand1.gotoAndStop(2); shand2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin1.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin3.gotoAndStop(2); sfin4.gotoAndStop(2); sfin5.gotoAndStop(2); sfin6.gotoAndStop(2); sfin7.gotoAndStop(2); sfin8.gotoAndStop(2); sfin9.gotoAndStop(2); sfin10.gotoAndStop(2); sfin11.gotoAndStop(2); sfin12.gotoAndStop(2); sfin13.gotoAndStop(2); shand2_1.gotoAndStop(2); shand2_2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_1.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_3.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_4.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_5.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_6.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_7.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_8.gotoAndStop(2); sleg1.gotoAndStop(2); sleg2.gotoAndStop(2); sleg3.gotoAndStop(2); sballs.gotoAndStop(2); stballs2.gotoAndStop(2); stdick.gotoAndStop(2); sfinnew.gotoAndStop(2); sfinnew2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_global.seyecolor == 3) { shand1.gotoAndStop(3); shand2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin1.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin3.gotoAndStop(3); sfin4.gotoAndStop(3); sfin5.gotoAndStop(3); sfin6.gotoAndStop(3); sfin7.gotoAndStop(3); sfin8.gotoAndStop(3); sfin9.gotoAndStop(3); sfin10.gotoAndStop(3); sfin11.gotoAndStop(3); sfin12.gotoAndStop(3); sfin13.gotoAndStop(3); shand2_1.gotoAndStop(3); shand2_2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_1.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_3.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_4.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_5.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_6.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_7.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_8.gotoAndStop(3); sleg1.gotoAndStop(3); sleg2.gotoAndStop(3); sleg3.gotoAndStop(3); sballs.gotoAndStop(3); stballs2.gotoAndStop(3); stdick.gotoAndStop(3); sfinnew.gotoAndStop(3); sfinnew2.gotoAndStop(3); } }; } frame 66 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(67); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 105 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 1; textbox.gotoAndPlay(46); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 106 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.bj2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 107 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 122 { stopsyseyes = 2; } frame 160 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.bj2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 209 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(210); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(151); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 220 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 225 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 2; textbox.gotoAndPlay(82); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 227 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 270 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 298 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 321 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(322); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(266); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 333 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 20; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 335 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 378 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 3; textbox.gotoAndPlay(118); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 380 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 382 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 450 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 4; textbox.gotoAndStop(177); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 452 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 453 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 576 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.tish.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 576 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 5; textbox.gotoAndPlay(178); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 578 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 631 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 6; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 633 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 660 { stopsyseyes = 3; } frame 720 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(721); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(661); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 737 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 8; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 739 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 739 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 776 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 11; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 778 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 779 { stopsyseyes = 3; } frame 802 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 834 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 840 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(841); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(781); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 990 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 6) { gotoAndPlay(991); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(931); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1017 { syrigrin = function () { textbox.gotoAndPlay(191); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1080 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 7) { gotoAndPlay(1081); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 6) { gotoAndPlay(1021); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1092 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 9; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1094 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1140 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 10; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1141 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1142 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1167 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 12; textbox.gotoAndPlay(227); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1169 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1230 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 8) { gotoAndPlay(1231); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 7) { gotoAndPlay(1171); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1240 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 13; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1242 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1243 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1266 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 21; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1268 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1293 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1315 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 9) { gotoAndPlay(1316); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 8) { gotoAndPlay(1266); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1333 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 14; textbox.gotoAndPlay(263); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1335 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1336 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1358 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 10) { gotoAndPlay(1359); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 9) { gotoAndPlay(1335); delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 15) { gotoAndPlay(1718); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1379 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 15; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1381 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1385 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1391 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 11) { gotoAndPlay(1392); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 10) { gotoAndPlay(1381); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1396 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1409 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1410 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 16; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1412 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1424 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum5.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1440 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1460 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1471 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum5.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1485 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1503 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1519 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 18; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1521 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1521 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1549 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1572 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1597 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1600 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 22; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1602 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1617 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 7; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1619 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1619 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1622 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1625 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1629 { anleg1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 1652 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 17; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1654 { syrigrin = function () { textbox.gotoAndPlay(299); syfaceanim = 0; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1715 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 12) { gotoAndPlay(1392); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 11) { gotoAndPlay(1656); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1718 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1779 { nextscene1 = function () { gotoAndPlay(1728); delete this.nextscene1; }; } } frame 13 { var bj2 = new Sound(); var bj4 = new Sound(); var ff1 = new Sound(); var ff2 = new Sound(); var f1 = new Sound(); var cum1 = new Sound(); var cum2 = new Sound(); var cum3 = new Sound(); var cum4 = new Sound(); var cum5 = new Sound(); var cum6 = new Sound(); var cum7 = new Sound(); var cum8 = new Sound(); var scene1mus = new Sound(); var tish = new Sound(); var pos = 0; bj2.attachSound('bj2'); bj3.attachSound('bj3'); bj4.attachSound('bj4'); bj5.attachSound('bj5'); bj6.attachSound('bj6'); bj7.attachSound('bj7'); bj8.attachSound('bj8'); ff1.attachSound('ff1'); ff2.attachSound('ff2'); f1.attachSound('f1'); cum1.attachSound('cum1'); cum2.attachSound('cum2'); cum3.attachSound('cum3'); cum4.attachSound('cum4'); cum5.attachSound('cum5'); cum6.attachSound('cum6'); cum7.attachSound('cum7'); cum8.attachSound('cum8'); scene1mus.attachSound('scene1mus'); tish.attachSound('tish'); onEnterFrame = function () { sce1music(); }; sce1music = function () { scene1mus.stop(); scene1mus.start(0, 9999); delete this.sce1music; }; } frame 14 { playmusic = 0; playsounds = 0; stop(); } movieClip 2198 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2200 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2201 { } movieClip 2289 { } movieClip 2291 { } movieClip 2582 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.darkmask.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.gotoAndPlay('knotstart'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 2586 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.darkmask.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.gotoAndPlay('knotstart2'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 2587 { frame 1 { nextscenevar = 0; aneyescounter = 0; sfaceanim = 0; syfaceanim = 0; stopsyseyes = 0; fingerswarm = 0; textstop = 0; moancounter = 0; moanvar = 0; hidetext = 0; optopen = 0; dickwarm = 0; _global.seyecolor = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { if (aneyescounter < 150 && stopsyseyes == 0 || stopsyseyes == 2 || stopsyseyes == 3 || stopsyseyes == 4) { ++aneyescounter; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 0) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(3); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(3); aneyescounter = 0; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 2) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(36); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(36); aneyescounter = 0; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 3) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(116); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(116); aneyescounter = 0; } if (syfaceanim == 1) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(26); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(26); anlips.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (syfaceanim == 2) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(50); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(50); anlips.gotoAndPlay(7); fingerswarm = 1; } if (syfaceanim == 3) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(57); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(57); anlips.gotoAndPlay(167); anus.gotoAndStop(2); } if (syfaceanim == 4) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(86); anlips.gotoAndPlay(197); } if (syfaceanim == 5) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(91); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(91); } if (syfaceanim == 6) { stopsyseyes = 1; anlips.gotoAndPlay(190); } if (syfaceanim == 7) { stopsyseyes = 1; anus.gotoAndStop(3); } if (syfaceanim == 8) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(142); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(142); anlips.gotoAndPlay(197); } if (syfaceanim == 9) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(190); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(190); } if (syfaceanim == 10) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(209); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(209); anlips.gotoAndPlay(205); } if (syfaceanim == 11) { stopsyseyes = 1; anlips.gotoAndPlay(190); } if (syfaceanim == 12) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(216); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(216); anlips.gotoAndPlay(212); } if (syfaceanim == 13) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(229); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(229); anlips.gotoAndPlay(219); } if (syfaceanim == 14) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(236); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(236); anlips.gotoAndPlay(355); } if (syfaceanim == 15) { stopsyseyes = 1; anlips.gotoAndPlay(362); } if (syfaceanim == 16) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(245); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(245); anlips.gotoAndPlay(375); } if (syfaceanim == 17) { stopsyseyes = 0; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(263); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(263); anlips.gotoAndPlay(382); } if (syfaceanim == 18) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(253); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(253); } if (syfaceanim == 20) { anpus1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (syfaceanim == 21) { dickwarm = 1; } if (syfaceanim == 22) { dickmess = 1; } if (syfaceanim == 23) { stopsyseyes = 0; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(263); aneye2.gotoAndPlay(263); anlips.gotoAndPlay(382); } if (textstop == 0) {; } if (hidetext == 1) { textbox._alpha = 0; opt.textIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } else { textbox._alpha = 100; } nextscene1(); assfingers(); syrigrin(); dickmess(); colors(); sthand(); sounds(); moans(); }; optmain.onPress = function () { if (optopen == 0) { opt.gotoAndStop(2); optmain.gotoAndStop(2); optopen = 1; } if (optopen == 2) { opt.gotoAndStop(1); optmain.gotoAndStop(1); optopen = 0; } if (optopen == 1) { optopen = 2; } }; sthand = function () { if (fingerswarm == 1) { sfin1.stfinsaliva1.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2.stfinsaliva2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin3.stfinsaliva3.gotoAndStop(2); sfin4.stfinsaliva4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (dickwarm == 1) { stdick.sdicksaliva.gotoAndStop(2); } if (dickmess == 1) { stdick.stdickmess.gotoAndStop(2); } }; colors = function () { if (_global.seyecolor == 1) { shand1.gotoAndStop(1); shand2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin1.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin3.gotoAndStop(1); sfin4.gotoAndStop(1); sfin5.gotoAndStop(1); sfin6.gotoAndStop(1); sfin7.gotoAndStop(1); sfin8.gotoAndStop(1); sfin9.gotoAndStop(1); sfin10.gotoAndStop(1); sfin11.gotoAndStop(1); sfin12.gotoAndStop(1); sfin13.gotoAndStop(1); shand2_1.gotoAndStop(1); shand2_2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_1.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_2.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_3.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_4.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_5.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_6.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_7.gotoAndStop(1); sfin2_8.gotoAndStop(1); sleg1.gotoAndStop(1); sleg2.gotoAndStop(1); sleg3.gotoAndStop(1); sballs.gotoAndStop(1); stballs2.gotoAndStop(1); stdick.gotoAndStop(1); sfinnew.gotoAndStop(1); sfinnew2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.seyecolor == 2) { shand1.gotoAndStop(2); shand2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin1.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin3.gotoAndStop(2); sfin4.gotoAndStop(2); sfin5.gotoAndStop(2); sfin6.gotoAndStop(2); sfin7.gotoAndStop(2); sfin8.gotoAndStop(2); sfin9.gotoAndStop(2); sfin10.gotoAndStop(2); sfin11.gotoAndStop(2); sfin12.gotoAndStop(2); sfin13.gotoAndStop(2); shand2_1.gotoAndStop(2); shand2_2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_1.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_2.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_3.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_4.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_5.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_6.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_7.gotoAndStop(2); sfin2_8.gotoAndStop(2); sleg1.gotoAndStop(2); sleg2.gotoAndStop(2); sleg3.gotoAndStop(2); sballs.gotoAndStop(2); stballs2.gotoAndStop(2); stdick.gotoAndStop(2); sfinnew.gotoAndStop(2); sfinnew2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_global.seyecolor == 3) { shand1.gotoAndStop(3); shand2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin1.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin3.gotoAndStop(3); sfin4.gotoAndStop(3); sfin5.gotoAndStop(3); sfin6.gotoAndStop(3); sfin7.gotoAndStop(3); sfin8.gotoAndStop(3); sfin9.gotoAndStop(3); sfin10.gotoAndStop(3); sfin11.gotoAndStop(3); sfin12.gotoAndStop(3); sfin13.gotoAndStop(3); shand2_1.gotoAndStop(3); shand2_2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_1.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_2.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_3.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_4.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_5.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_6.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_7.gotoAndStop(3); sfin2_8.gotoAndStop(3); sleg1.gotoAndStop(3); sleg2.gotoAndStop(3); sleg3.gotoAndStop(3); sballs.gotoAndStop(3); stballs2.gotoAndStop(3); stdick.gotoAndStop(3); sfinnew.gotoAndStop(3); sfinnew2.gotoAndStop(3); } }; } frame 66 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(67); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 105 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 1; textbox.gotoAndPlay(46); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 106 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.bj2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 107 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 122 { stopsyseyes = 2; } frame 160 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.bj2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 209 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(210); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(151); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 220 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 225 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 2; textbox.gotoAndPlay(82); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 227 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 270 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 298 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 321 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(322); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(266); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 333 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 20; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 335 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 378 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 3; textbox.gotoAndPlay(118); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 380 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 382 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 450 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 4; textbox.gotoAndStop(177); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 452 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 453 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 576 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.tish.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 576 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 5; textbox.gotoAndPlay(178); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 578 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 631 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 6; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 633 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 660 { stopsyseyes = 3; } frame 720 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(721); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(661); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 737 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 8; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 739 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 739 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 776 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 11; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 778 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 779 { stopsyseyes = 3; } frame 802 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 834 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 840 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(841); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(781); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 990 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 6) { gotoAndPlay(991); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(931); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1017 { syrigrin = function () { textbox.gotoAndPlay(191); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1080 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 7) { gotoAndPlay(1081); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 6) { gotoAndPlay(1021); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1092 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 9; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1094 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1140 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 10; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1141 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1142 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1167 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 12; textbox.gotoAndPlay(227); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1169 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1230 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 8) { gotoAndPlay(1231); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 7) { gotoAndPlay(1171); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1240 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 13; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1242 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1243 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1266 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 21; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1268 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1293 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1315 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 9) { gotoAndPlay(1316); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 8) { gotoAndPlay(1266); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1333 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 14; textbox.gotoAndPlay(263); delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1335 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1336 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1358 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 10) { gotoAndPlay(1359); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 9) { gotoAndPlay(1335); delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 15) { gotoAndPlay(1718); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1379 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 15; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1381 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1385 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1391 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 11) { gotoAndPlay(1392); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 10) { gotoAndPlay(1381); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1396 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1409 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1410 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 16; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1412 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1424 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum5.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1440 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1460 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1471 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum5.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1485 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1503 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1519 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 18; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1521 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1521 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1549 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1572 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1597 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1600 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 22; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1602 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1617 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 7; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1619 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1619 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1622 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1625 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 1629 { anleg1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 1652 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 17; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1654 { syrigrin = function () { textbox.gotoAndPlay(299); syfaceanim = 0; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 1715 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 12) { gotoAndPlay(1392); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 11) { gotoAndPlay(1656); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 1718 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 1779 { nextscene1 = function () { gotoAndPlay(1728); delete this.nextscene1; }; } } frame 15 { var bj2 = new Sound(); var bj4 = new Sound(); var ff1 = new Sound(); var ff2 = new Sound(); var f1 = new Sound(); var cum1 = new Sound(); var cum2 = new Sound(); var cum3 = new Sound(); var cum4 = new Sound(); var cum5 = new Sound(); var cum6 = new Sound(); var cum7 = new Sound(); var cum8 = new Sound(); var scene1mus = new Sound(); var tish = new Sound(); var pos = 0; bj2.attachSound('bj2'); bj3.attachSound('bj3'); bj4.attachSound('bj4'); bj5.attachSound('bj5'); bj6.attachSound('bj6'); bj7.attachSound('bj7'); bj8.attachSound('bj8'); ff1.attachSound('ff1'); ff2.attachSound('ff2'); f1.attachSound('f1'); cum1.attachSound('cum1'); cum2.attachSound('cum2'); cum3.attachSound('cum3'); cum4.attachSound('cum4'); cum5.attachSound('cum5'); cum6.attachSound('cum6'); cum7.attachSound('cum7'); cum8.attachSound('cum8'); scene1mus.attachSound('scene1mus'); tish.attachSound('tish'); } frame 16 { playmusic = 0; playsounds = 0; stop(); } movieClip 2593 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2597 { } movieClip 2598 { frame 81 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2599 { frame 1 { fire._visible = false; lev = 0; stopcyc = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (stopcyc == 0) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < 1) { ++lev; d = fire.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); d._x += Math.random() * 20 - 3; d._y += Math.random() * 6 - 3; d._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; d._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; d._xscale = d._yscale; ++v1; } } }; } } movieClip 2603 { } movieClip 2611 { } movieClip 2618 { } movieClip 2624 { } movieClip 2627 { } movieClip 2628 { } movieClip 2632 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2636 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2638 { } movieClip 2640 { } movieClip 2642 { } movieClip 2675 { } movieClip 2781 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 155 { gotoAndPlay(25); } frame 162 { stop(); } } movieClip 2783 { } movieClip 2785 { } movieClip 2787 { } movieClip 2789 { } movieClip 2791 { } movieClip 2793 { } movieClip 2795 { } movieClip 2797 { } movieClip 2799 { } movieClip 2801 { } movieClip 2803 { } movieClip 2807 { } movieClip 2809 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2812 { } movieClip 2815 { } movieClip 2819 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2823 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2827 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2882 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 2886 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2890 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2894 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2896 { } movieClip 2898 { } movieClip 2900 { } movieClip 2902 { } movieClip 2904 { } movieClip 2906 { } movieClip 2908 { } movieClip 2910 { } movieClip 2912 { } movieClip 2914 { } movieClip 2916 { } movieClip 2918 { } movieClip 2920 { } movieClip 2922 { } movieClip 2924 { } movieClip 2926 { } movieClip 2929 { } movieClip 2931 { } movieClip 2933 { } movieClip 2935 { } movieClip 2937 { } movieClip 2939 { } movieClip 2941 { } movieClip 2945 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2948 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2950 { } movieClip 2951 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.textstop = 1; } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } } movieClip 2953 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { musicIcon.onPress = function () { if (_root.playmusic == 0) { _root.scene1mus.stop(); musicIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.playmusic == 1) { _root.scene1mus.start(0, 9999); musicIcon.gotoAndStop(1); _root.playmusic = 0; } }; soundsIcon.onPress = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { soundsIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.playsounds == 1) { soundsIcon.gotoAndStop(1); } }; hcolor1.onPress = function () { _parent.pussy.gotoAndStop(1); }; hcolor2.onPress = function () { _parent.pussy.gotoAndStop(2); }; ecolor1.onPress = function () { _parent._global.seyecolor = 1; }; ecolor2.onPress = function () { _parent._global.seyecolor = 2; }; ecolor3.onPress = function () { _parent._global.seyecolor = 3; }; textIcon.onPress = function () {; }; mainmenubtn.onPress = function () {; }; } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2965 { } button 2971 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 2; nextbtn2._visible = false; btn2._alpha = 100; } } movieClip 2988 { } movieClip 2994 { } movieClip 2996 { } button 3011 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 3; nextbtn3._visible = false; btn3._alpha = 100; } } button 3020 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 4; nextbtn4._visible = false; btn4._alpha = 100; } } button 3050 { on (release) { nextscenevar = 5; nextbtn5._visible = false; btn5._alpha = 100; } } movieClip 3138 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.darkmask.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.gotoAndPlay('normstart2'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3151 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 3161 { frame 1 { nextscenevar = 0; aneyescounter = 0; sfaceanim = 0; syfaceanim = 0; stopsyseyes = 0; textstop = 0; moancounter = 0; moanvar = 0; hidetext = 0; messdick = 0; stopfaceanim = 0; stopbubbles = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { if (aneyescounter < 150 && stopsyseyes == 0 || stopsyseyes == 2) { ++aneyescounter; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 0) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(2); aneyescounter = 0; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 2) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(36); aneyescounter = 0; } if (syfaceanim == 1) { anlips.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (syfaceanim == 2) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(14); anlips.gotoAndPlay(8); } if (syfaceanim == 3) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(22); anlips.gotoAndPlay(16); } if (syfaceanim == 4 && stopfaceanim == 0) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(14); } if (syfaceanim == 5) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(27); anlips.gotoAndPlay(92); } if (syfaceanim == 6) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(32); anlips.gotoAndPlay(16); } if (syfaceanim == 7) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(27); } if (syfaceanim == 8) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(37); anlips.gotoAndPlay(156); textbox.gotoAndPlay(46); } if (syfaceanim == 20) { anpus1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (syfaceanim == 22) { messdick = 1; } if (textstop == 0) {; } if (hidetext == 1) { textbox._alpha = 0; opt.textIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } else { textbox._alpha = 100; } nextscene1(); assfingers(); syrigrin(); dickmess(); colors(); sthand(); sounds(); moans(); colors(); }; optmain.onPress = function () {;; }; sthand = function () { if (messdick == 1) { stdick1.stdickmess.gotoAndStop(2); } }; colors = function () { if (_global.seyecolor == 1) { fin1.gotoAndStop(1); fin2.gotoAndStop(1); fin3.gotoAndStop(1); fin4.gotoAndStop(1); fin5.gotoAndStop(1); fin6.gotoAndStop(1); fin7.gotoAndStop(1); fin8.gotoAndStop(1); fin9.gotoAndStop(1); fin10.gotoAndStop(1); fin11.gotoAndStop(1); fin12.gotoAndStop(1); stleg1.gotoAndStop(1); stleg2.gotoAndStop(1); stdick1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.seyecolor == 2) { fin1.gotoAndStop(2); fin2.gotoAndStop(2); fin3.gotoAndStop(2); fin4.gotoAndStop(2); fin5.gotoAndStop(2); fin6.gotoAndStop(2); fin7.gotoAndStop(2); fin8.gotoAndStop(2); fin9.gotoAndStop(2); fin10.gotoAndStop(2); fin11.gotoAndStop(2); fin12.gotoAndStop(2); stleg1.gotoAndStop(2); stleg2.gotoAndStop(2); stdick1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_global.seyecolor == 3) { fin1.gotoAndStop(3); fin2.gotoAndStop(3); fin3.gotoAndStop(3); fin4.gotoAndStop(3); fin5.gotoAndStop(3); fin6.gotoAndStop(3); fin7.gotoAndStop(3); fin8.gotoAndStop(3); fin9.gotoAndStop(3); fin10.gotoAndStop(3); fin11.gotoAndStop(3); fin12.gotoAndStop(3); stleg1.gotoAndStop(3); stleg2.gotoAndStop(3); stdick1.gotoAndStop(3); } }; bubblebtn.onPress = function () { if (stopbubbles == 0) { aqua.bubble.stopcyc = 1;;; } if (stopbubbles == 1) { aqua.bubble.stopcyc = 0;;; } }; } frame 66 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(67); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 78 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 1; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 80 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 102 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 140 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(141); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(102); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 158 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 158 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 2; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 160 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 165 { stopsyseyes = 0; } frame 191 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 3; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 193 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 193 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 261 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(262); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(211); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 262 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 4; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 264 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 279 { stopfaceanim = 1; } frame 282 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 295 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(296); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(262); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 296 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 5; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 298 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 304 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 322 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 337 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(338); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(322); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 338 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 358 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 360 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 6; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 362 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 383 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 407 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 430 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 448 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 468 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 473 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 7; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 475 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 481 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.bj2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 493 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 509 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 524 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum5.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 540 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 540 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 22; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 542 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 543 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 8; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 545 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 552 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 553 { stopsyseyes = 0; } frame 555 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 557 { anus.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 558 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 615 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 6) { gotoAndPlay(338); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(559); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } } frame 17 { var bj2 = new Sound(); var bj4 = new Sound(); var ff1 = new Sound(); var ff2 = new Sound(); var f1 = new Sound(); var cum1 = new Sound(); var cum2 = new Sound(); var cum3 = new Sound(); var cum4 = new Sound(); var cum5 = new Sound(); var cum6 = new Sound(); var cum7 = new Sound(); var cum8 = new Sound(); var scene1mus = new Sound(); var tish = new Sound(); var pos = 0; bj2.attachSound('bj2'); bj3.attachSound('bj3'); bj4.attachSound('bj4'); bj5.attachSound('bj5'); bj6.attachSound('bj6'); bj7.attachSound('bj7'); bj8.attachSound('bj8'); ff1.attachSound('ff1'); ff2.attachSound('ff2'); f1.attachSound('f1'); cum1.attachSound('cum1'); cum2.attachSound('cum2'); cum3.attachSound('cum3'); cum4.attachSound('cum4'); cum5.attachSound('cum5'); cum6.attachSound('cum6'); cum7.attachSound('cum7'); cum8.attachSound('cum8'); scene1mus.attachSound('scene1mus'); tish.attachSound('tish'); } frame 18 { playmusic = 0; playsounds = 0; stop(); } movieClip 3167 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3168 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3326 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.darkmask.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.gotoAndPlay('horsestart2'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3342 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3343 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3344 { frame 1 { nextscenevar = 0; aneyescounter = 0; sfaceanim = 0; syfaceanim = 0; stopsyseyes = 0; textstop = 0; moancounter = 0; moanvar = 0; hidetext = 0; messdick = 0; stopfaceanim = 0; stopbubbles = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { if (aneyescounter < 150 && stopsyseyes == 0 || stopsyseyes == 2) { ++aneyescounter; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 0) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(2); aneyescounter = 0; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 2) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(36); aneyescounter = 0; } if (syfaceanim == 1) { anlips.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (syfaceanim == 2) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(14); anlips.gotoAndPlay(8); } if (syfaceanim == 3) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(22); anlips.gotoAndPlay(16); } if (syfaceanim == 4 && stopfaceanim == 0) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(14); } if (syfaceanim == 5) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(27); anlips.gotoAndPlay(92); } if (syfaceanim == 6) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(32); anlips.gotoAndPlay(16); } if (syfaceanim == 7) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(27); } if (syfaceanim == 8) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(37); anlips.gotoAndPlay(156); textbox.gotoAndPlay(46); } if (syfaceanim == 20) { anpus1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (syfaceanim == 22) { messdick = 1; } if (textstop == 0) {; } if (hidetext == 1) { textbox._alpha = 0; opt.textIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } else { textbox._alpha = 100; } nextscene1(); assfingers(); syrigrin(); dickmess(); colors(); sthand(); sounds(); moans(); colors(); }; optmain.onPress = function () {;; }; sthand = function () { if (messdick == 1) { stdick1.stdickmess.gotoAndStop(2); } }; colors = function () { if (_global.seyecolor == 1) { fin1.gotoAndStop(1); fin2.gotoAndStop(1); fin3.gotoAndStop(1); fin4.gotoAndStop(1); fin5.gotoAndStop(1); fin6.gotoAndStop(1); fin7.gotoAndStop(1); fin8.gotoAndStop(1); fin9.gotoAndStop(1); fin10.gotoAndStop(1); fin11.gotoAndStop(1); fin12.gotoAndStop(1); stleg1.gotoAndStop(1); stleg2.gotoAndStop(1); stdick1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.seyecolor == 2) { fin1.gotoAndStop(2); fin2.gotoAndStop(2); fin3.gotoAndStop(2); fin4.gotoAndStop(2); fin5.gotoAndStop(2); fin6.gotoAndStop(2); fin7.gotoAndStop(2); fin8.gotoAndStop(2); fin9.gotoAndStop(2); fin10.gotoAndStop(2); fin11.gotoAndStop(2); fin12.gotoAndStop(2); stleg1.gotoAndStop(2); stleg2.gotoAndStop(2); stdick1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_global.seyecolor == 3) { fin1.gotoAndStop(3); fin2.gotoAndStop(3); fin3.gotoAndStop(3); fin4.gotoAndStop(3); fin5.gotoAndStop(3); fin6.gotoAndStop(3); fin7.gotoAndStop(3); fin8.gotoAndStop(3); fin9.gotoAndStop(3); fin10.gotoAndStop(3); fin11.gotoAndStop(3); fin12.gotoAndStop(3); stleg1.gotoAndStop(3); stleg2.gotoAndStop(3); stdick1.gotoAndStop(3); } }; bubblebtn.onPress = function () { if (stopbubbles == 0) { aqua.bubble.stopcyc = 1;;; } if (stopbubbles == 1) { aqua.bubble.stopcyc = 0;;; } }; } frame 66 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(67); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 78 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 1; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 80 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 102 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 140 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(141); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(102); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 158 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 158 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 2; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 160 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 165 { stopsyseyes = 0; } frame 191 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 3; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 193 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 193 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 261 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(262); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(211); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 262 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 4; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 264 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 279 { stopfaceanim = 1; } frame 282 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 295 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(296); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(262); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 296 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 5; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 298 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 304 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 322 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 337 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(338); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(322); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 338 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 358 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 360 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 6; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 362 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 383 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 407 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 430 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 448 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 468 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 473 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 7; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 475 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 481 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.bj2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 493 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 509 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 524 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum5.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 540 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 540 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 22; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 542 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 543 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 8; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 545 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 552 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 553 { stopsyseyes = 0; } frame 555 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 557 { anus.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 558 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 615 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 6) { gotoAndPlay(338); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(559); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } } frame 19 { var bj2 = new Sound(); var bj4 = new Sound(); var ff1 = new Sound(); var ff2 = new Sound(); var f1 = new Sound(); var cum1 = new Sound(); var cum2 = new Sound(); var cum3 = new Sound(); var cum4 = new Sound(); var cum5 = new Sound(); var cum6 = new Sound(); var cum7 = new Sound(); var cum8 = new Sound(); var scene1mus = new Sound(); var tish = new Sound(); var pos = 0; bj2.attachSound('bj2'); bj3.attachSound('bj3'); bj4.attachSound('bj4'); bj5.attachSound('bj5'); bj6.attachSound('bj6'); bj7.attachSound('bj7'); bj8.attachSound('bj8'); ff1.attachSound('ff1'); ff2.attachSound('ff2'); f1.attachSound('f1'); cum1.attachSound('cum1'); cum2.attachSound('cum2'); cum3.attachSound('cum3'); cum4.attachSound('cum4'); cum5.attachSound('cum5'); cum6.attachSound('cum6'); cum7.attachSound('cum7'); cum8.attachSound('cum8'); scene1mus.attachSound('scene1mus'); tish.attachSound('tish'); } frame 20 { playmusic = 0; playsounds = 0; stop(); } movieClip 3510 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.darkmask.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.gotoAndPlay('knotstart2'); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3525 { frame 1 { nextscenevar = 0; aneyescounter = 0; sfaceanim = 0; syfaceanim = 0; stopsyseyes = 0; textstop = 0; moancounter = 0; moanvar = 0; hidetext = 0; messdick = 0; stopfaceanim = 0; stopbubbles = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { if (aneyescounter < 150 && stopsyseyes == 0 || stopsyseyes == 2) { ++aneyescounter; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 0) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(2); aneyescounter = 0; } if (aneyescounter > 149 && stopsyseyes == 2) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(36); aneyescounter = 0; } if (syfaceanim == 1) { anlips.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (syfaceanim == 2) { aneye1.gotoAndPlay(14); anlips.gotoAndPlay(8); } if (syfaceanim == 3) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(22); anlips.gotoAndPlay(16); } if (syfaceanim == 4 && stopfaceanim == 0) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(14); } if (syfaceanim == 5) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(27); anlips.gotoAndPlay(92); } if (syfaceanim == 6) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(32); anlips.gotoAndPlay(16); } if (syfaceanim == 7) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(27); } if (syfaceanim == 8) { stopsyseyes = 1; aneye1.gotoAndPlay(37); anlips.gotoAndPlay(156); textbox.gotoAndPlay(46); } if (syfaceanim == 20) { anpus1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (syfaceanim == 22) { messdick = 1; } if (textstop == 0) {; } if (hidetext == 1) { textbox._alpha = 0; opt.textIcon.gotoAndStop(2); } else { textbox._alpha = 100; } nextscene1(); assfingers(); syrigrin(); dickmess(); colors(); sthand(); sounds(); moans(); colors(); }; optmain.onPress = function () {;; }; sthand = function () { if (messdick == 1) { stdick1.stdickmess.gotoAndStop(2); } }; colors = function () { if (_global.seyecolor == 1) { fin1.gotoAndStop(1); fin2.gotoAndStop(1); fin3.gotoAndStop(1); fin4.gotoAndStop(1); fin5.gotoAndStop(1); fin6.gotoAndStop(1); fin7.gotoAndStop(1); fin8.gotoAndStop(1); fin9.gotoAndStop(1); fin10.gotoAndStop(1); fin11.gotoAndStop(1); fin12.gotoAndStop(1); stleg1.gotoAndStop(1); stleg2.gotoAndStop(1); stdick1.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.seyecolor == 2) { fin1.gotoAndStop(2); fin2.gotoAndStop(2); fin3.gotoAndStop(2); fin4.gotoAndStop(2); fin5.gotoAndStop(2); fin6.gotoAndStop(2); fin7.gotoAndStop(2); fin8.gotoAndStop(2); fin9.gotoAndStop(2); fin10.gotoAndStop(2); fin11.gotoAndStop(2); fin12.gotoAndStop(2); stleg1.gotoAndStop(2); stleg2.gotoAndStop(2); stdick1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_global.seyecolor == 3) { fin1.gotoAndStop(3); fin2.gotoAndStop(3); fin3.gotoAndStop(3); fin4.gotoAndStop(3); fin5.gotoAndStop(3); fin6.gotoAndStop(3); fin7.gotoAndStop(3); fin8.gotoAndStop(3); fin9.gotoAndStop(3); fin10.gotoAndStop(3); fin11.gotoAndStop(3); fin12.gotoAndStop(3); stleg1.gotoAndStop(3); stleg2.gotoAndStop(3); stdick1.gotoAndStop(3); } }; bubblebtn.onPress = function () { if (stopbubbles == 0) { aqua.bubble.stopcyc = 1;;; } if (stopbubbles == 1) { aqua.bubble.stopcyc = 0;;; } }; } frame 66 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(67); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 78 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 1; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 80 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 102 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 140 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(141); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 1) { gotoAndPlay(102); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 158 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum6.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 158 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 2; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 160 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 165 { stopsyseyes = 0; } frame 191 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 3; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 193 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 193 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 261 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(262); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 2) { gotoAndPlay(211); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 262 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 4; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 264 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 279 { stopfaceanim = 1; } frame 282 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 295 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(296); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 3) { gotoAndPlay(262); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 296 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 5; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 298 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 304 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 322 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 337 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(338); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 4) { gotoAndPlay(322); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } frame 338 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.ff1.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 358 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 360 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 6; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 362 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 383 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 407 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 430 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 448 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 468 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 473 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 7; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 475 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 481 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.bj2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 493 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum3.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 509 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 524 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum5.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 540 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 540 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 22; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 542 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 543 { syrigrin = function () { syfaceanim = 8; delete this.syrigrin; }; } frame 545 { syfaceanim = 0; } frame 552 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum4.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 553 { stopsyseyes = 0; } frame 555 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum7.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 557 { anus.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 558 { sounds = function () { if (_root.playsounds == 0) { _root.cum2.start(); delete this.sounds; } }; } frame 615 { nextscene1 = function () { if (nextscenevar == 6) { gotoAndPlay(338); textstop = 1; delete this.nextscene1; } if (nextscenevar == 5) { gotoAndPlay(559); delete this.nextscene1; } }; } }
Created: 22/7 -2019 18:15:32 Last modified: 22/7 -2019 18:15:32 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:00:23