Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Mafia Stories 2.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #209651

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 14 { } movieClip 15 { } movieClip 17 { } movieClip 19 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 23 { } movieClip 26 { } movieClip 29 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 30 Preloader { frame 1 { function enterFrameHandler() { var v2 = 0; v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); if (loadingBar) { loadingBar.gotoAndStop(int(v2 * (loadingBar._totalframes - 1)) + 1); } if (v2 >= 1 && haltComplete != true) { onEnterFrame = null; gotoAndStop('loaded'); } } stop(); var autoPlay; var className; var haltComplete; onEnterFrame = enterFrameHandler; } frame 10 { function _onPlayClick() { _root.nextFrame();; _parent._onLoaded(); } if (playButton) { playButton.onRelease = _onPlayClick; playButton.stop(); } if (autoPlay) { _onPlayClick(null); } } } movieClip 32 Newgrounds API Classes { #initclip Object.registerClass('Newgrounds API Classes', com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim); #endinitclip } movieClip 72 { } movieClip 75 { } movieClip 80 { } movieClip 84 { } movieClip 85 { } movieClip 86 { } movieClip 87 FlashAd { #initclip Object.registerClass('FlashAd', com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase); #endinitclip frame 1 { function initPlayButton() { if (this.playButton) { this.playButton.onRelease = onPlayClick; if (!this.showPlayButton) { this.playButton._visible = false; } } } function onPlayClick() { removeAd(); _visible = false; } stop(); } frame 2 { initPlayButton(); } frame 10 { initPlayButton(); } frame 20 { initPlayButton(); } } movieClip 88 APIConnector { frame 1 { function _onLoaded() { gotoAndStop('invisible'); if (_redirect) { com.newgrounds.API.loadOfficialVersion(); return undefined; } } function _apiConnect() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.API; if (v2 && !v2.connected) { if (!apiId) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No API ID entered in the API Connector component.', 'You can create an API ID for this submission at', 'Enter your API ID into the API Connector using the Component Inspector (Window -> Component Inspector).'); return undefined; } switch (debugMode) { case 'Off': default: v2.debugMode = v2.RELEASE_MODE; goto 1319; case 'Simulate Logged-in User': //Invalid switch } v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN; goto 1319; case 'Off': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT; goto 1319; case 'Simulate Logged-in User': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION; goto 1319; case 'Simulate Logged-out User': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED; label 1319: if (loader) { loader.haltComplete = true; } v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, _onConnected); v2.connect(_root, apiId, encryptionKey, movieVersion); } } function _onConnected(event) { if (loader) { loader.haltComplete = false; } if (redirectOnNewVersion && event.__get__success() && (event.__get__data()).newVersion) { _redirect = true; } if (redirectOnHostBlocked && !event.__get__success() && event.__get__error() == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED) { _redirect = true; } if (_redirect) { gotoAndStop('adPreloader'); forceAlwaysOnTop(); } } function forceAlwaysOnTop() { var v2 = getNextHighestDepth(); swapDepths(v2); if (Stage) { _x = (Stage.width - _width) / 2; _y = (Stage.height - _height) / 2; _visible = true; } if (_root && _root instanceof MovieClip) { (MovieClip(_root)).stop(); } } stop(); if (_root && _root instanceof MovieClip) { (MovieClip(_root)).stop(); } var apiId; var encryptionKey; var movieVersion; var debugMode; var connectorType; var redirectOnHostBlocked; var redirectOnNewVersion; var adType; var className; var _redirect; _x = int(_x); _y = int(_y); if (!debugMode) { debugMode = 'Simulate Logged-in User'; } if (!connectorType) { connectorType = 'Flash Ad + Preloader'; } if (!adType) { adType = 'Video'; } if (ad) { ad.adType = adType; } switch (connectorType) { case 'Flash Ad + Preloader': gotoAndStop('adPreloader'); break; case 'Flash Ad Only': gotoAndStop('ad'); break; case 'Invisible': gotoAndStop('invisible'); } _apiConnect(); } instance ad of movieClip 87 FlashAd { onClipEvent (construct) { apiId = ''; showBorder = true; adType = 'Video'; } } instance loader of movieClip 30 Preloader { onClipEvent (construct) { autoPlay = false; mainClass = ''; } } } frame 1 { _root.lives_ins = 5; _root.money_ins = 0; park = 0; parkFinished = 0; onEnterFrame = function () {; }; } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 93 { } // unknown tag 88 length 65 movieClip 97 { } movieClip 98 { } instance of movieClip 88 APIConnector { onClipEvent (construct) { apiId = '31194:rBfNJcQG'; encryptionKey = 'A60wq8blr0ngGUJRnZrRgU2ERgQxXwoT'; debugMode = 'Simulate Logged-in User'; movieVersion = ''; connectorType = 'Flash Ad + Preloader'; redirectOnNewVersion = true; redirectOnHostBlocked = true; adType = 'Video'; } } movieClip 106 { } movieClip 40 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.reset(); }; com.newgrounds.APIConnection = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__hostURL = function () { return this._hostURL; }; v2.__set__hostURL = function (value) { this._hostURL = value; this.hostDomain = null; if (this._hostURL) { var v2 = this._hostURL.split('/'); if (v2[0] != 'file:' && this._hostURL != 'localhost') { this.hostDomain = v2[2]; } } if (!this.hostDomain) { this.hostDomain = 'localhost'; } return this.__get__hostURL(); }; v2.__get__sandboxType = function () { return; }; v2.__get__isNetworkHost = function () { switch (this.__get__sandboxType()) { return true; case 'localWithFile': case 'localWithNetwork': case 'localTrusted': case 'application': return false; case 'remote': } return true; }; v2.__get__hasUserSession = function () { return this.sessionId != null && this.sessionId != '' && this.publisherId != 0; }; v2.__get__connected = function () { return this.connectionState == com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED; }; v2.reset = function () { this.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.NOT_CONNECTED; this.encryptionKey = null; this.sessionId = null; this.userEmail = null; this.username = null; this.userId = 0; this.userpageFormat = 0; }; v2.assertInitialized = function () { if (!this.initialized) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('You must initialized the API using API.connect() before using this command.'); return false; } return true; }; v2.assertConnected = function () { if (!this.connectionState == com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('You must establish a connection using API.connect() before using this command.'); return false; } return true; }; v2.sendSimpleCommand = function (command, completeHandler, parameters, secureParameters) { if (parameters == undefined) { parameters = null; } if (secureParameters == undefined) { secureParameters = null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand(command); v2.__set__parameters(parameters); v2.__set__secureParameters(secureParameters); if (completeHandler != null) { v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, completeHandler); } v2.send(this); }; v2.sendCommand = function (command) { command.send(this); }; v2.loadInBrowser = function (command, newWindow, parameters) { if (newWindow == undefined) { newWindow = true; } if (parameters == undefined) { parameters = null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand(command); v2.__set__parameters(parameters); v2.loadInBrowser(this, newWindow); }; v1.NOT_CONNECTED = 'notConnected'; v1.CONNECTING = 'connecting'; v1.CONNECTED = 'connected'; v2.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.NOT_CONNECTED; v2.apiURL = ''; v2.addProperty('connected', v2.__get__connected, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hasUserSession', v2.__get__hasUserSession, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hostURL', v2.__get__hostURL, v2.__set__hostURL); v2.addProperty('isNetworkHost', v2.__get__isNetworkHost, function () {}); v2.addProperty('sandboxType', v2.__get__sandboxType, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIConnection.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 34 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this._listeners = {}; }; com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.addEventListener = function (type, listener) { if (!this._listeners[type]) { this._listeners[type] = []; } if (typeof listener == 'function') { this._listeners[type].push({'target': null, 'func': listener}); } else { this._listeners[type].push(listener); } }; v2.removeEventListener = function (type, listener) { var v3 = this._listeners[type]; if (v3) { var v5 = v3.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { if (v3[v2].func == listener || v3[v2] == listener) { v3.splice(v2, 1); return undefined; } ++v2; } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (event) { var v4 = this._listeners[event.__get__type()]; if (v4) { var v5 = v4.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = v4[v2];, event); ++v2; } } return true; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 33 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (type) { this._type = type; }; com.newgrounds.Event = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Event.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 35 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher = v1; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher extends com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__globalDispatcher = function () { return com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher; }; v1.__set__globalDispatcher = function (value) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher = value; return com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.__get__globalDispatcher(); }; v1.initEventQueue = function () { setInterval(com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.runEventQueue, 50); return []; }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (event) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue.push({'dispatcher': this, 'event': event}); return true; }; v2.actualDispatchEvent = function (event) { var v3 = super.dispatchEvent(event); if (com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher && this != com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event); } }; v1.runEventQueue = function (event) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue.length; if (v3) { var v4 = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue = []; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { var v2 = v4[v1]; v2.dispatcher.actualDispatchEvent(v2.event); ++v1; } } }; v1._eventQueue = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.initEventQueue(); v1.addProperty('globalDispatcher', v1.__get__globalDispatcher, v1.__set__globalDispatcher); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 38 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (hash) { if (hash) { this._hash = hash; } else { this._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN.DEFAULT_HASH; } this._base = this._hash.length; this._reverseHash = new Object(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this._hash.length) { this._reverseHash[this._hash.charAt(v2)] = v2; ++v2; } }; com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.encodeUint = function (number, minimumChars) { if (minimumChars == undefined) { minimumChars = 1; } var v2 = ''; var v3 = number; while (v3 != 0) { v2 = this._hash.charAt(v3 % this._base) + v2; v3 /= this._base; v3 = int(v3); } while (v2.length < minimumChars) { v2 = this._hash.charAt(0) + v2; } return v2; }; v2.decodeUint = function (encodedNumber) { var v3 = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < encodedNumber.length) { v3 *= this._base; v3 += this._reverseHash[encodedNumber.charAt(v2)]; ++v2; } return v3; }; v1.DEFAULT_HASH = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`~@#$%^&*()+|;/'; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 44 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (command) { super(); this._command = command; this._parameters = new Object(); this._secureParameters = new Object(); this._hasTimeout = true; }; com.newgrounds.APICommand = v1; com.newgrounds.APICommand extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.stopPendingCommands = function () { for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]; v1.close(); } com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands = []; }; v1.onThrottleTimer = function (event) { if (getTimer() - com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleTimestamp >= com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_INTERVAL) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount = 0; com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount = 0; for (;;) { if (!(com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.length && com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount < com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD)) break; var v1 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.shift(); v1.command.send(v1.connection); ++com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount; } } }; v1.encryptHex = function (hexValue) { var v4 = hexValue.length % 6; var v3 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < hexValue.length) { v3 += com.newgrounds.APICommand._encryptor.encodeUint(int('0x' + hexValue.substr(v1, 6)), 4); v1 += 6; } return v4.toString() + v3; }; v2.__get__command = function () { return this._command; }; v2.__set__command = function (value) { this._command = value; return this.__get__command(); }; v2.__get__hasTimeout = function () { return this._hasTimeout; }; v2.__set__hasTimeout = function (val) { this._hasTimeout = val; return this.__get__hasTimeout(); }; v2.__get__parameters = function () { return this._parameters; }; v2.__set__parameters = function (object) { this._parameters = new Object(); if (object) { for (var v3 in object) { this._parameters[v3] = object[v3]; } } return this.__get__parameters(); }; v2.__get__preventCache = function () { return this._preventCache; }; v2.__set__preventCache = function (value) { this._preventCache = value; return this.__get__preventCache(); }; v2.__get__secureParameters = function () { return this._secureParameters; }; v2.__set__secureParameters = function (object) { this._secureParameters = new Object(); if (object) { for (var v3 in object) { this._secureParameters[v3] = object[v3]; } } return this.__get__secureParameters(); }; v2.__get__hasSecureParameters = function () { for (var v2 in this._secureParameters) { return true; } return false; }; v2.addFile = function (filename, data, dataField, contentType) { if (contentType == undefined) { contentType = 'application/octet-stream'; } if (!this._files) { this._files = new Object(); } var v3 = {'filename': filename, 'data': data, 'dataField': dataField, 'contentType': contentType}; this._files[filename] = v3; }; v2.removeFile = function (filename) { if (this._files) { delete this._files[filename]; } }; v2.clearFiles = function () { this._files = null; }; v2.close = function () { if (this._loader) { clearInterval(this._timeoutTimer); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.length) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2] == this) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } this._loader = null; } }; v2.loadInBrowser = function (connection, newWindow) { this._parameters.command_id = this._command; this._parameters.tracker_id = connection.apiId ? connection.apiId : 1; if (connection.debug) { this._parameters.debug = 1; } var v3 = connection.apiURL + '?host=' + escape(connection.hostDomain); for (var v4 in this._parameters) { v3 += '&' + escape(v4) + '=' + escape(this._parameters[v4]); } var v6; if (newWindow) { v6 = '_blank'; } else { v6 = '_top'; } _root.getURL(v3, v6); }; v2.send = function (connection) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount >= com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.push({'connection': connection, 'command': this}); } else { this.sendInternal(connection); } }; v2.sendInternal = function (connection) { var v4; v4 = new LoadVars(); v4.command_id = this._command; v4.tracker_id = connection.apiId; if (connection.debug) { v4.debug = 1; } if (this._preventCache) { v4.seed = Math.random(); } var v2; var v3; var v7; for (v2 in this._parameters) { v3 = this._parameters[v2]; if (v3 != null) { if (typeof v3 == 'boolean') { v4[v2] = int(v3); } else { v4[v2] = v3; } } } if (this.__get__hasSecureParameters()) { var v6 = new Object(); for (v2 in this._secureParameters) { v3 = this._secureParameters[v2]; if (v3 != null) { if (typeof v3 == 'boolean') { v6[v2] = int(v3); } else { v6[v2] = v3; } } } var v8 = ''; v7 = 0; while (v7 < 16) { v8 += com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX.charAt(int(Math.random() * com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX.length)); ++v7; } v4.command_id = 'securePacket'; v6.command_id = this._command; v6.as_version = 3; v6.session_id = connection.sessionId; v6.user_email = connection.userEmail; v6.publisher_id = connection.publisherId; v6.seed = v8; var v13 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.hash(v8); var v11 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v6), connection.encryptionKey); = com.newgrounds.APICommand.encryptHex(v13 + v11); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Sending packet:', v4); var v12; v12 = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; for (v2 in v4) { if (typeof v4[v2] == 'object') { v4[v2] = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v4[v2]); } } if (this._files) { for (var v10 in this._files) { var v5 = this._files[v10]; if (typeof == 'string') { v4[v10] =; } else { v4[v10] = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(; } } } com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.push(this); ++com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount; com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleTimestamp = getTimer(); this.startLoader(connection.apiURL, v4, v12); }; v2.startLoader = function (url, data, contentType) { this._loader = LoadVars(data); this._loader.onData = this.as2CompleteHandler; this._loader.contentType = contentType; this._loader.sendAndLoad(url, this._loader, 'POST'); if (this._hasTimeout) { setInterval(this, this.onTimeout, com.newgrounds.APICommand.TIMEOUT_INTERVAL); } }; v2.as2CompleteHandler = function (data) { var v3; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.length) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]._loader == this) { v3 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]; break; } ++v2; } v3.onComplete(data); }; v2.onTimeout = function (event) { this.close(); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Command timed out.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_TIMED_OUT)); }; v2.onError = function (error) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error when sending command:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_UNKNOWN)); this.close(); }; v2.onComplete = function (data) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Received packet:', data); try { if (!data || data == '') { throw new Error(); } var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(data); if (!v2) { throw new Error(); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, v2, (v2 && v2.success) ? com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE : com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_COMMAND_FAILED)); if (com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge) { com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge.sendEvent(v2.command_id, v2); } } catch (e) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid response returned from server: ' + data); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE)); } this.close(); }; v1.TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000; v1.THROTTLE_INTERVAL = 10050; v1.THROTTLE_TICK_INTERVAL = 1000; v1.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD = 24; v1._throttleCount = 0; v1._commandQueue = []; v1._throttleTimer = setInterval(com.newgrounds.APICommand.onThrottleTimer, com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_TICK_INTERVAL); v1.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX = '/g8236klvBQ#&|;Zb*7CEA59%s`Oue1wziFp$rDVY@TKxUPWytSaGHJ>dmoMR^<0~4qNLhc(I+fjn)X'; v1._encryptor = new com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN(com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX); v1._pendingCommands = []; v1.CRLF = '\r\n'; v2.addProperty('command', v2.__get__command, v2.__set__command); v2.addProperty('hasSecureParameters', v2.__get__hasSecureParameters, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hasTimeout', v2.__get__hasTimeout, v2.__set__hasTimeout); v2.addProperty('parameters', v2.__get__parameters, v2.__set__parameters); v2.addProperty('preventCache', v2.__get__preventCache, v2.__set__preventCache); v2.addProperty('secureParameters', v2.__get__secureParameters, v2.__set__secureParameters); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APICommand.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 39 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (id) { this._widgetId = id; this._inConnection = new LocalConnection(); this._outConnection = new LocalConnection(); this._inConnection.receiveEvent = this.receiveEvent; this._inConnection.connect('rec_' + this._widgetId); com.newgrounds.Logger.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.LOG, {'target': this, 'func': this.onLogMessage}); }; com.newgrounds.Bridge = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onLogMessage = function (event) { try { this._outConnection.send(this._widgetId, 'sendEvent', 'trace', String(event.__get__data())); } }; v2.sendEvent = function (command, parameters) { if (this._outConnection) { parameters = {'data': parameters}; try { this._outConnection.send(this._widgetId, 'sendEvent', command, parameters); } } }; v2.receiveEvent = function (event, parameters) {}; v2.onStatus = function (event) {}; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Bridge.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 36 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (type, data, error) { super(type); if (data == undefined) { data = null; } if (error == undefined) { error = null; } if (!error || error == '' || error == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE) { this._error = com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE; this._success = true; } else { this._error = error; this._success = false; } if (data) { this._data = data; } else { this._data = {}; } }; com.newgrounds.APIEvent = v1; com.newgrounds.APIEvent extends com.newgrounds.Event; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.clone = function () { return new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(this.__get__type(), this._data, this._error); }; v2.__get__success = function () { return this._success; }; v2.__get__data = function () { return this._data; }; v2.__get__error = function () { return this._error; }; v1.COMMAND_COMPLETE = 'commandComplete'; v1.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED = 'medalUnlockConfirmed'; v1.ICON_LOADED = 'iconLoaded'; v1.API_CONNECTED = 'movieConnected'; v1.LOG = 'log'; v1.MEDAL_UNLOCKED = 'medalUnlocked'; v1.SCORES_LOADED = 'scoresLoaded'; v1.SCORE_POSTED = 'scorePosted'; v1.QUERY_COMPLETE = 'queryComplete'; v1.FILE_LOADED = 'fileLoaded'; v1.FILE_SAVED = 'fileSaved'; v1.FILE_DELETED = 'fileDeleted'; v1.FILE_REQUESTED = 'fileRequested'; v1.VOTE_COMPLETE = 'voteComplete'; v1.ERROR_NONE = 'noError'; v1.ERROR_UNKNOWN = 'unknownError'; v1.ERROR_COMMAND_FAILED = 'commandFailed'; v1.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED = 'notConnected'; v1.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 'invalidArgument'; v1.ERROR_TIMED_OUT = 'timedOut'; v1.ERROR_BAD_FILE = 'badFile'; v1.ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE = 'badResponse'; v1.ERROR_SENDING_COMMAND = 'errorSendingCommand'; v1.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED = 'hostBlocked'; v1.ERROR_ALREADY_VOTED = 'alreadyVoted'; v1.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN = 'notLoggedIn'; v1.ERROR_WRONG_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'wrongEncryptionKey'; v2.addProperty('data', v2.__get__data, function () {}); v2.addProperty('error', v2.__get__error, function () {}); v2.addProperty('success', v2.__get__success, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 55 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.API = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__connected = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__connected(); }; v1.__get__isNetworkHost = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__isNetworkHost(); }; v1.__get__apiId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.apiId; }; v1.__get__debugMode = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._debugMode; }; v1.__set__debugMode = function (val) { com.newgrounds.API._debugMode = val; return com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode(); }; v1.__get__publisherId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId; }; v1.__get__sessionId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId; }; v1.__get__hostDomain = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain; }; v1.__get__hostURL = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hostURL(); }; v1.__get__isNewgrounds = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId == 1; }; v1.__get__hasUserSession = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hasUserSession(); }; v1.__get__username = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.username; }; v1.__get__userId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId; }; v1.assertConnected = function (eventType) { if (eventType == undefined) { eventType = null; } if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertConnected()) { return true; } else { if (eventType) { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(eventType, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); } return false; } }; v1.__get__serverTime = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._serverTime; }; v1.__get__adsApproved = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._adsApproved; }; v1.__get__adFeedURL = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL; }; v1.__get__medals = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray; }; v1.__get__scoreBoards = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray; }; v1.__get__saveGroups = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray; }; v1.connect = function (_root, apiId, encryptionKey, movieVersion) { if (encryptionKey == undefined) { encryptionKey = null; } if (movieVersion == undefined) { movieVersion = ''; } com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.__set__globalDispatcher(com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher);''); if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.initialized) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Connection already in progress. Please call API.disconnect() before attempting another connection.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); return undefined; } apiId = com.newgrounds.API.trimWhitespace(apiId); if (encryptionKey) { encryptionKey = com.newgrounds.API.trimWhitespace(encryptionKey); } if (!apiId || apiId == '') { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No apiId given. Please use the API ID from your API settings page.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('====== Newgrounds API v' + com.newgrounds.API.VERSION + ' ======'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTING; _root = _root; com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion = movieVersion; com.newgrounds.API._connection.apiId = apiId; var v4; v4 = apiId.indexOf(':'); if (v4 != -1) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId = int(apiId.substring(0, v4)); } else { com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId = int(apiId); } if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid API ID: ' + apiId); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey = encryptionKey; com.newgrounds.API._connection.initialized = true; com.newgrounds.API._connection.__set__hostURL(_root._url); com.newgrounds.API.doConnect(_root); }; v1.doConnect = function (flashVars) { if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__isNetworkHost() && com.newgrounds.API._debugMode != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Live file detected, turning off debug mode.'); com.newgrounds.API._debugMode = com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE; } if (flashVars && flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID) { com.newgrounds.API._bridge = new com.newgrounds.Bridge(flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID); com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge = com.newgrounds.API._bridge; } if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { if (flashVars) { if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserName) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.username = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserName; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserpageFormat) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.userpageFormat = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserpageFormat; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveGroupID) { com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveGroupId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveGroupID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveFileID) { com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveFileID; } } } else { com.newgrounds.API._connection.debug = true; if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN || com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId = 1; } if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId = 'D3bu64p1U53R'; com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId = 10; com.newgrounds.API._connection.username = 'API-Debugger'; } } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('connectMovie', com.newgrounds.API.onConnect, {'host': com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain, 'movie_version': com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion, 'publisher_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId}); }; v1.onConnect = function (event) { var v1 = event.__get__data(); if (!event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to connect to the API.'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, event.__get__data(), event.__get__error()); return undefined; } if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode() != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL = com.newgrounds.API.TEST_AD_FEED_URL; } else { if (v1.ad_url) { com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL = unescape(v1.ad_url); } } switch (v1.ad_status) { case -1: com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Your movie is not approved to run Flash Ads.'); break; case 0: com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Your movie is still awaiting approval to run Flash Ads.'); break; case 1: com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Your movie is approved to run Flash Ads!'); } com.newgrounds.API._adsApproved = v1.ad_status == 1; if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED || v1.deny_host) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain + ' does not have permission to host this movie!', 'Update your API configuration to allow this host.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'officialURL': unescape(v1.movie_url)}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED); com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._movieName = v1.movieName ? v1.movieName : ''; com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Connecting to the Newgrounds API Gateway...', '----- ' + v1.movie_name + ' -----'); if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION) { v1.movie_version = 'Debug Mode'; } if (v1.movie_version) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('A new version of this movie is available.', 'Current version:\t' + com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion, 'Newest version:\t' + v1.movie_version, 'Use API.loadOfficialVersion() to link to the latest version.'); com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = true; } else { com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = false; } com.newgrounds.API._serverTime = new Date(int(v1.time) * 1000); if (v1.request_portal_url) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('setPortalID', null, {'portal_url': com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hostURL()}); } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('preloadSettings', com.newgrounds.API.onMetadataLoaded, {'publisher_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId, 'user_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId}); }; v1.onMetadataLoaded = function (event) { var v11 = event.__get__data(); var v4; var v1; if (!event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Unable to load movie metadata.'); com.newgrounds.API.disconnect(); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, null, event.__get__error()); return undefined; } var v10 = 0; if (v11.medals) { v10 = v11.medals.length; var v18; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { v18 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); } else { v18 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked'); } v4 = 0; while (v4 < v10) { var v5 = v11.medals[v4]; var v15 = v5.medal_unlocked; var v17 = v18 && v18[v5.medal_id]; var v14 = com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession() ? v15 : v17; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode() != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { v14 = false; } var v6 = new com.newgrounds.Medal(com.newgrounds.API._connection, v5.medal_id, v5.medal_name, v5.medal_description, Boolean(int(v5.secret)), v14, v5.medal_value, v5.medal_difficulty, v5.medal_icon); v6.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlocked, false, 0, true); v6.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlockConfirmed, false, 0, true); com.newgrounds.API._medals[v6.__get__name()] = v6; com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray.push(v6); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v6); if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession() && v17 && !v15) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Server missed the "' + v6.__get__name() + '" unlock. Resending...'); v6.unlock(); } ++v4; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' medal' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); v10 = 0; if (v11.score_boards) { v10 = v11.score_boards.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v10) { var v16 = v11.score_boards[v4]; var v9 = new com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard(com.newgrounds.API._connection,,; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[v9.__get__name()] = v9; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray.push(v9); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v9); ++v4; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' scoreboard' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); v10 = 0; if (v11.save_groups) { v10 = v11.save_groups.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v10) { var v2 = v11.save_groups[v4]; var v13 = []; if (v2.keys) { v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.keys.length) { var v7 = v2.keys[v1]; v13.push(new com.newgrounds.SaveKey(,, v7.type)); ++v1; } } var v12 = []; if (v2.ratings) { v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.ratings.length) { var v3 = v2.ratings[v1]; v12.push(new com.newgrounds.SaveRating(,, v3.float, v3.min, v3.max)); ++v1; } } var v8 = new com.newgrounds.SaveGroup(com.newgrounds.API._connection, v2.group_name, v2.group_id, v2.group_type, v13, v12); com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[v8.__get__name()] = v8; com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray.push(v8); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v8); ++v4; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' save group' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); if (v11.save_file_path) { com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath = v11.save_file_path + '/'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._saveFilePath = com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath; com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Save file path: ' + com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath); } if (v11.image_file_path) { com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath = v11.image_file_path + '/'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._imageFilePath = com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath; com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Image file path: ' + com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Connection complete!'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED; com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'movieName': com.newgrounds.API._movieName, 'newVersion': com.newgrounds.API._newVersion}); if (com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId && com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveGroupId) { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, com.newgrounds.API.onRequestedFileLoaded); com.newgrounds.API.loadSaveFile(com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId, false); } }; v1.disconnect = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__connected()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('The Newgrounds API is already disconnected.'); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.API._medals) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[v2]; v1.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlocked); v1.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlockConfirmed); } com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = false; com.newgrounds.API._medals = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath = null; com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath = null; com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Disconnected from the Newgrounds API.'); }; v1.loadNewgrounds = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadNewgrounds'); }; v1.loadOfficialVersion = function () { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadOfficialVersion', false); } }; v1.loadMySite = function () { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadMySite'); } }; v1.loadCustomLink = function (linkName) { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadCustomLink', true, {'link': linkName}); } }; v1.getMedal = function (medalName) { return com.newgrounds.API._medals[medalName]; }; v1.unlockMedal = function (medalName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return undefined; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[medalName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No medal named "' + medalName + '" w.'); return undefined; } v1.unlock(); }; v1.onMedalUnlocked = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { var v2 = com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data()); var v1; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } v1[v2.__get__id()] = true; com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username(), v1); } else { v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked'); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } v1[(com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data())).__get__id()] = true; com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked', v1); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('User instanceof not logged in. Medal "' + v2.__get__name() + '" unlocked locally.'); } } }; v1.onMedalUnlockConfirmed = function (event) { if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } else { delete v1[(com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data())).__get__id()]; } com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username(), v1); } }; v1.clearLocalMedals = function () { for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.API._medals) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[v2]; v1.setUnlocked(false); } if (!com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked', new Object()); } }; v1.getScoreBoard = function (scoreBoardName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; }; v1.loadScores = function (scoreBoardName, period, firstResult, numResults, tag) { if (period == undefined) { period = 'All-Time'; } if (firstResult == undefined) { firstResult = 1; } if (numResults == undefined) { numResults = 10; } if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No scoreboard named "' + scoreBoardName + '" w.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return null; } v1.__set__period(period); v1.__set__firstResult(firstResult); v1.__set__numResults(numResults); v1.__set__tag(tag); v1.loadScores(); return v1; }; v1.postScore = function (scoreBoardName, numericScore, tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return undefined; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to post a score.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN); return undefined; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No scoreboard named "' + scoreBoardName + '" w.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } v1.postScore(numericScore, tag); }; v1.getSaveGroup = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[groupName]; }; v1.getSaveGroupById = function (id) { for (var v3 in com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[v3]; if (v1.__get__id() == id) { return v1; } } return null; }; v1.createSaveFile = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroup(groupName); if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + groupName + '" w found.'); return null; } return new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(v1); }; v1.loadSaveFile = function (saveId, loadContents) { if (loadContents == undefined) { loadContents = true; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('loadSaveFile', com.newgrounds.API.onFileLoaded, {'save_id': saveId, 'get_contents': loadContents}); }; v1.onFileLoaded = function (event) { var v2; if (event.__get__success()) { v2 = com.newgrounds.SaveFile.fromObject(com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroupById((event.__get__data()).group_id), (event.__get__data()).file); if ((event.__get__data()).get_contents) { v2.load(); } else { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, v2); } } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load file:', event.__get__error()); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, null, event.__get__error()); } }; v1.createSaveQuery = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroup(groupName); if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + groupName + '" w found.'); return null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.SaveQuery(v1); return v2; }; v1.createSaveQueryByDate = function (groupName, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = true; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); if (!v1) { return null; } v1.sortOn(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.CREATED_ON, sortDescending); return v1; }; v1.createSaveQueryByName = function (groupName, filename, exactMatch, sortDescending) { if (exactMatch == undefined) { exactMatch = false; } if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = false; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); if (!exactMatch) { v1.addCondition(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.OPERATOR_CONTAINS, filename); return v1; } v1.addCondition(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.OPERATOR_EQUAL, filename); return v1; }; v1.createSaveQueryByRating = function (groupName, ratingName, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = true; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); v1.sortOn(ratingName, sortDescending); return v1; }; v1.onRequestedFileLoaded = function (event) { com.newgrounds.API.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, com.newgrounds.API.onRequestedFileLoaded); if (event.__get__success()) { var v1 = event.__get__data(); if (v1) { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_REQUESTED, v1); } } }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, listener, priority, useWeakReference) { if (priority == undefined) { priority = 0; } if (useWeakReference == undefined) { useWeakReference = true; } com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, listener, false, priority, useWeakReference); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, listener) { com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, listener); }; v1.dispatchEvent = function (event, data, error) { if (data == undefined) { data = null; } if (error == undefined) { error = null; } com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(event, data, error)); }; v1.saveLocal = function (saveId, saveData) { try { var v3; var v2 = 'ng_ap_secure_' + com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId + '_' + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(saveId, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); if (!com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]) { com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId] = SharedObject.getLocal(v2); } v3 = com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]; = com.newgrounds.API.encodeData(saveData); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to save local data.', error); return false; return true; } throw v0; } return true; }; v1.loadLocal = function (saveId) { try { var v1; var v3 = 'ng_ap_secure_' + com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId + '_' + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(saveId, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); if (!com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]) { com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId] = SharedObject.getLocal(v3); } v1 = com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]; if (v1 && && { return com.newgrounds.API.decodeData(; } return null; } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load local data.', error); return null; } throw v0; } return null; }; v1.logCustomEvent = function (eventName) { if (com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Logged event: ' + eventName); com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('logCustomEvent', null, {'event': eventName}); } }; v1.encodeData = function (data) { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(data), com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); }; v1.decodeData = function (data) { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { return null; } try { return com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.decrypt(data, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey)); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); return null; } throw v0; } return null; }; v1.stopPendingCommands = function () { com.newgrounds.APICommand.stopPendingCommands(); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Pending commands stopped.'); }; v1.trimWhitespace = function (string) { if (!string) { return null; } var v3 = 0; while (string.charAt(v3) == ' ') { ++v3; } var v1 = string.length - 1; for (;;) { if (!(string.charAt(v1) == ' ' && v1 >= 0)) break; --v1; } return string.slice(v3, v1 + 1); }; v1.VERSION = '3.1.12 AS2'; v1.RELEASE_MODE = 'releaseMode'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN = 'debugModeLoggedIn'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT = 'debugModeLoggedOut'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION = 'debugModeNewVersion'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED = 'debugModeHostBlocked'; v1.TEST_AD_FEED_URL = ''; v1._dispatcher = new com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher(); v1._connection = new com.newgrounds.APIConnection(); v1._debugMode = com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN; v1._adsApproved = false; v1._medals = new Object(); v1._medalsArray = []; v1._scoreBoards = new Object(); v1._scoreBoardsArray = []; v1._saveGroups = new Object(); v1._saveGroupsArray = []; v1._sharedObjects = new Object(); v1.addProperty('adFeedURL', v1.__get__adFeedURL, function () {}); v1.addProperty('adsApproved', v1.__get__adsApproved, function () {}); v1.addProperty('apiId', v1.__get__apiId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('connected', v1.__get__connected, function () {}); v1.addProperty('debugMode', v1.__get__debugMode, v1.__set__debugMode); v1.addProperty('hasUserSession', v1.__get__hasUserSession, function () {}); v1.addProperty('hostDomain', v1.__get__hostDomain, function () {}); v1.addProperty('hostURL', v1.__get__hostURL, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNetworkHost', v1.__get__isNetworkHost, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNewgrounds', v1.__get__isNewgrounds, function () {}); v1.addProperty('medals', v1.__get__medals, function () {}); v1.addProperty('publisherId', v1.__get__publisherId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('saveGroups', v1.__get__saveGroups, function () {}); v1.addProperty('scoreBoards', v1.__get__scoreBoards, function () {}); v1.addProperty('serverTime', v1.__get__serverTime, function () {}); v1.addProperty('sessionId', v1.__get__sessionId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('userId', v1.__get__userId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('username', v1.__get__username, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.API.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 52 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (hashLength, charsPerPixel) { if (hashLength) { this._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.DEFAULT_HASH.substr(0, hashLength); } this._baseN = new com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN(this._hash); if (charsPerPixel) { this._charsPerPixel = charsPerPixel; } this.__set__encodeAlpha(false); }; com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__encodeAlpha = function () { return this._encodeAlpha; }; v2.__set__encodeAlpha = function (v) { this._encodeAlpha = v; this._maxPerChannel = int(Math.pow(this._hash.length, this._charsPerPixel / (this._encodeAlpha ? 4 : 3))); if (this._maxPerChannel > 256) { this._maxPerChannel = 256; } return this.__get__encodeAlpha(); }; v2.encode = function (source, callbackFunction, callbackObject) { var v4 = {'callbackFunction': callbackFunction, 'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'source': source, 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'output': null}; var v2 = source.width.toString(); var v3 = source.height.toString(); while (v2.length < 3) { v2 = '0' + v2; } while (v3.length < 3) { v3 = '0' + v3; } v4.output = v2 + v3; var v6 = setInterval(this, 'doEncode', com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL, v4); v4.interval = v6; }; v2.decode = function (source, callbackFunction, callbackObject) { var v4 = {'callbackFunction': callbackFunction, 'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'source': source, 'i': 6, 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'output': null}; var v3 = source.substr(0, 3); var v2 = source.substr(3, 3); while (v3.charAt(0) == '0') { v3 = v3.substr(1); } while (v2.charAt(0) == '0') { v2 = v2.substr(1); } var v7 = int(v3); var v8 = int(v2); v4.output = new flash.display.BitmapData(v7, v8, this._encodeAlpha); var v6 = setInterval(this, 'doDecode', com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL, v4); v4.interval = v6; }; v2.doEncode = function (state) { var v3 = getTimer(); for (;;) { if (!(state.y < state.source.height && getTimer() - v3 < com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL)) break; state.output += this.encodePixel(state.source.getPixel32(state.x, state.y)); ++state.x; if (state.x == state.source.width) { state.x = 0; ++state.y; } } if (state.y == state.source.height) { clearInterval(state.interval);, state.output); } }; v2.doDecode = function (state) { var v4 = getTimer(); for (;;) { if (!(state.y < state.output.height && getTimer() - v4 < com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL)) break; var v3 = this.decodePixel(state.source.substr(state.i, this._charsPerPixel)); state.output.setPixel32(state.x, state.y, v3); state.i += this._charsPerPixel; ++state.x; if (state.x == state.output.width) { state.x = 0; ++state.y; } } if (state.y == state.output.height) { clearInterval(state.interval);, state.output); } }; v2.encodePixel = function (pixel) { var v3 = pixel >> 24 & 255; var v4 = pixel >> 16 & 255; var v5 = pixel >> 8 & 255; var v2 = pixel & 255; v3 = int((v3 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v4 = int((v4 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v5 = int((v5 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v2 = int((v2 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); var v7 = v4 * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel + v5 * this._maxPerChannel + v2; if (this._encodeAlpha) { v7 += v3 * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel; } return this._baseN.encodeUint(v7, this._charsPerPixel); }; v2.decodePixel = function (encodedPixel) { var v3 = 255; var v5; var v6; var v4; var v7 = 0; var v2 = this._baseN.decodeUint(encodedPixel); v4 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); v6 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); v5 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); if (this._encodeAlpha) { v3 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); } return v3 << 24 | v5 << 16 | v6 << 8 | v4; }; v1.DEFAULT_HASH = '0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ<>?:;-_=+()!&'; v2._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.DEFAULT_HASH; v2._charsPerPixel = 2; v1.WORK_INTERVAL = 33.33333333333334; v2.addProperty('encodeAlpha', v2.__get__encodeAlpha, v2.__set__encodeAlpha); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 53 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (group) { super(); this._iconLoader = new com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DEFAULT_ICON, null); this._group = group; this._keys = {}; this._ratings = {}; this._numVotes = {}; }; com.newgrounds.SaveFile = v1; com.newgrounds.SaveFile extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__currentFile = function () { return com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile; }; v1.fromObject = function (group, fileData) { var v3 = new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(group); v3._name = fileData.filename; v3._description = fileData.description; v3._id = fileData.save_id; v3._authorId = fileData.user_id; v3._authorName = fileData.user_name; v3._createdDate = fileData.created; v3._modifiedDate = fileData.last_update; v3._views = fileData.views; if (fileData.thumb && fileData.thumb != '') { v3._iconLoader.__set__url(com.newgrounds.SaveFile._imageFilePath + fileData.thumb); } v3._dataURL = com.newgrounds.SaveFile._saveFilePath + fileData.file; v3._fileSize = fileData.file_size; v3._approved = fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_UNAPPROVED; v3._readOnly = false; v3._public = fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_PRIVATE && fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_UNAPPROVED; for (var v8 in fileData.keys) { var v6 = fileData.keys[v8]; var v4 = group.getKeyById(; if (v4) { v3._keys[v4.__get__name()] = v4.validateValue(v6.value); } } for (var v9 in fileData.ratings) { var v5 = fileData.ratings[v9]; var v2 = group.getRatingById(; if (v2) { v3._ratings[v2.__get__name()] = v2.validateValue(v5.score); v3._numVotes[v2.__get__name()] = int(v5.votes); } } return v3; }; v2.__get__group = function () { return this._group; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__set__name = function (val) { this._name = val; return this.__get__name(); }; v2.__get__description = function () { return this._description; }; v2.__set__description = function (val) { this._description = val; return this.__get__description(); }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__data = function () { return this._data; }; v2.__set__data = function (val) { this._data = val; return this.__get__data(); }; v2.__get__bytesLoaded = function () { if (this._data) { return this.__get__bytesTotal(); } else { if (!this._dataLoader) { return 0; } else { return this._dataLoader.getBytesLoaded(); } } }; v2.__get__bytesTotal = function () { return this._fileSize; }; v2.__get__readOnly = function () { return this._readOnly; }; v2.__get__draft = function () { return this._draft; }; v2.__set__draft = function (v) { this._draft = v; return this.__get__draft(); }; v2.__get__authorId = function () { return this._authorId; }; v2.__get__authorName = function () { return this._authorName; }; v2.__get__keys = function () { return this._keys; }; v2.__get__ratings = function () { return this._ratings; }; v2.__get__numVotes = function () { return this._numVotes; }; v2.__get__views = function () { return this._views; }; v2.__get__createdDate = function () { return this._createdDate; }; v2.__get__updatedDate = function () { return this._modifiedDate; }; v2.toString = function () { return 'Save File: ' + this._name; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__set__icon = function (v) { this.createIcon(v); return this.__get__icon(); }; v2.__get__iconLoaded = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__loaded(); }; v2.createIcon = function (source) { var v9 = new flash.display.BitmapData(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT, false, 0); var v7; var v6; var v10 = 0; var v8 = 0; if (source instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { v7 = source.width; v6 = source.height; } else { if (source instanceof MovieClip) { var v2 = (MovieClip(source)).getBounds(source); v7 = v2.xMax - v2.xMin; v6 = v2.yMax - v2.yMin; v10 = v2.xMin; v8 = v2.yMin; } } var v4 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v5; v5 = Math.min(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH / v7, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT / v6); v4.translate(-v10, -v8); v4.scale(v5, v5); v4.translate((com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH - v7 * v5) / 2, (com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT - v6 * v5) / 2); v9.draw(source, v4); this._iconLoader.__set__bitmapData(v9); }; v2.attachIcon = function (parent) { if (this._iconLoader) { return this._iconLoader.attachBitmap(parent); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No icon available for this sumbission.'); return null; }; v2.deleteFile = function () { if (!(this._group.__get__connection()).__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to delete a file.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_DELETED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return undefined; } if (!this._id) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The file does not exist.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_DELETED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return undefined; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand('deleteSaveFile'); (v2.__get__secureParameters()).save_id = this._id; v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, {'target': this, 'func': this.onFileDeleted}); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendCommand(v2); }; = function () { if (!(this._group.__get__connection()).__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to save a file.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return undefined; } ++com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader._cacheSeed; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile = this; if (this.__get__iconLoaded()) { com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_IMAGE_SCANNER.encode(this.__get__icon(), this.onIconEncoded, this); } else { this.encodeData(true); } }; v2.onIconEncoded = function (encodedIcon) { this._encodedIcon = encodedIcon; this.encodeData(true); }; v2.doSave = function () { var v4 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand('saveFile'); (v4.__get__secureParameters()).group =; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).user_name = (this._group.__get__connection()).username; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).filename = this._name; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).description = this._description; if (this._draft) { (v4.__get__secureParameters()).draft = true; } if (this._id && !this._readOnly) { (v4.__get__secureParameters()).overwrite = 1; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).save_id = this._id; } var v8 = []; for (var v9 in this._keys) { var v2 = this._group.getKey(v9); if (v2) { v8.push({'id': v2.__get__id(), 'value': v2.validateValue(this._keys[v9])}); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No key named "' + v9 + '" in save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '".'); } } (v4.__get__secureParameters()).keys = v8; var v7 = []; for (var v10 in this._ratings) { var v3 = this._group.getRating(v10); if (v3) { v7.push({'id': v3.__get__id(), 'value': v3.validateValue(this._ratings[v10])}); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No rating named "' + v10 + '" in save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '".'); } } (v4.__get__secureParameters()).ratings = v7; if (typeof this._encodedData == 'string') { v4.addFile('file', this._encodedData, 'file'); } else { v4.addFile('file', com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(this._encodedData), 'file'); } if (this.__get__iconLoaded()) { v4.addFile('thumbnail', this._encodedIcon, 'thumbnail'); } v4.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, {'target': this, 'func': this.onSaveComplete}); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendCommand(v4); }; v2.encodeData = function (encode) { this._encoderQueue = []; this._encoding = encode; if (encode) { this._encodedData = this._data; this.preEncodeObject(this, '_encodedData'); } else { this.preEncodeObject(this, '_data'); } this.encodeObject(); }; v2.preEncodeObject = function (parent, property) { var v3 = parent[property]; var v5; try { if (this._encoding) { v5 = v3 instanceof flash.display.BitmapData; } else { v5 = v3.type == '__bitmap'; } } var v2 = v3; var v8; if (v5) { this._encoderQueue.push({'parent': parent, 'property': property}); } else { if (typeof v3 == 'object' && !v8) { if (this._encoding) { if (v3 instanceof Array) { v2 = []; } else { v2 = {}; } for (var v4 in v3) { v2[v4] = v3[v4]; } parent[property] = v2; } for (v4 in v2) { this.preEncodeObject(v2, v4); } } } }; v2.encodeObject = function () { if (!this._encoderQueue.length) { if (this._encoding) { this.doSave(); } else { this._dataLoaded = true; this.checkLoadComplete(); } return undefined; } var v6 = this._encoderQueue.pop(); var v4 = v6.parent; var v3 =; var v2 = v4[v3]; var v5; if (this._encoding) { v5 = {'type': '__bitmap', 'width': v2.width, 'height': v2.height, 'transparent': v2.transparent}; v4[v3] = v5; this._encodingParent = v5; this._encodingProperty = 'data'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.__set__encodeAlpha(v2.transparent); com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.encode(flash.display.BitmapData(v2), this.encodeBitmapComplete, this); } else { this._encodingParent = v4; this._encodingProperty = v3; com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.__set__encodeAlpha(v2.transparent); com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.decode(String(, this.encodeBitmapComplete, this); } }; v2.encodeBitmapComplete = function (data) { this._encodingParent[this._encodingProperty] = data; this.encodeObject(); }; v2.load = function () { com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile = this; this._dataLoaded = false; this._data = null; if (!this.__get__iconLoaded()) { this._iconLoader.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, {'target': this, 'func': this.onIconLoaded}); this._iconLoader.load(); } this._dataLoader = new LoadVars(); var file = this; this._dataLoader.onData = function (data) { file.onDataLoaded(data); }; this._dataLoader.load(this._dataURL + '&random=' + Math.random()); }; v2.onIconLoaded = function (event) { if (!event.__get__success() && this._iconLoader.__get__url()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Unable to load the icon for this save file.'); } this._iconLoader.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, this.onIconLoaded); this.checkLoadComplete(); }; v2.checkLoadComplete = function () { if (this._dataLoaded && this.__get__iconLoaded()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Data loaded.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this)); } }; v2.onDataLoaded = function (data) { try { if (data) { if (data.charAt(0) == '{') { this._data = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(String(data)); } else { this._data = String(data); } this.encodeData(false); } } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error while loading data:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); } else { throw v0; } } }; v2.onDataError = function (error) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load data:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); }; v2.onSaveComplete = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('File "' + this._name + '" saved!'); if (event.__get__data()) { this._id = (event.__get__data()).save_id; this._dataURL = unescape((event.__get__data()).file_url); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, this)); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error saving file "' + this._name + '":', event.__get__error()); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, this, event.__get__error())); } }; v2.sendVote = function (ratingName, vote) { var v2 = this._group.getRating(ratingName); if (!v2) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No save rating named "' + ratingName + '" exists for this save group.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, {}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } vote = v2.validateValue(vote); if (isNaN(vote)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid vote (' + vote + '). ' + ratingName + ' allows a range of ' + v2.__get__minimum() + '-' + v2.__get__maximum() + '.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, {}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Voting ' + vote + ' for ' + ratingName + ' on ' + this._name + '...'); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendSimpleCommand('rateSaveFile', {'target': this, 'func': this.onVoteComplete}, null, {'group': this._group.__get__id(), 'save_id': this._id, 'rating_id': v2.__get__id(), 'vote': vote}); }; v2.onVoteComplete = function (event) { var v2 = event.__get__error(); if ((event.__get__data()).already_voted) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Vote failed. You\'ve already voted on this rating today.'); v2 = com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_ALREADY_VOTED; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE) { var v3 = this._group.getRatingById((event.__get__data()).rating_id); if (v3) { this._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3.validateValue((event.__get__data()).score); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Vote complete!'); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, this, v2)); }; v2.onFileDeleted = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { this._id = 0; } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_DELETED, this, event.__get__error())); }; v2.clone = function () { var v3 = new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(this._group); v3._data = this._data; v3._description = this._description; v3._draft = this._draft; v3._fileSize = this._fileSize; v3._iconLoader.__set__bitmapData(this._iconLoader.bitmapData); var v2; for (v2 in this._keys) { v3._keys[v2] = this._keys[v2]; } for (v2 in this._ratings) { v3._ratings[v2] = this._ratings[v2]; } for (v2 in this._numVotes) { v3._numVotes[v2] = this._numVotes[v2]; } v3._name = this._name; return v3; }; v1.ICON_WIDTH = 90; v1.ICON_HEIGHT = 90; v1.DEFAULT_ICON = new flash.display.BitmapData(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT, false, 0); v1.STATUS_PRIVATE = 0; v1.STATUS_SHARED = 1; v1.STATUS_UNAPPROVED = 2; v1.STATUS_APPROVED = 3; v1._imageFilePath = ''; v1._saveFilePath = ''; v1.ICON_IMAGE_SCANNER = new com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner(); v1.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER = new com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner(64, 6); v2.addProperty('authorId', v2.__get__authorId, function () {}); v2.addProperty('authorName', v2.__get__authorName, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesLoaded', v2.__get__bytesLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesTotal', v2.__get__bytesTotal, function () {}); v2.addProperty('createdDate', v2.__get__createdDate, function () {}); v1.addProperty('currentFile', v1.__get__currentFile, function () {}); v2.addProperty('data', v2.__get__data, v2.__set__data); v2.addProperty('description', v2.__get__description, v2.__set__description); v2.addProperty('draft', v2.__get__draft, v2.__set__draft); v2.addProperty('group', v2.__get__group, function () {}); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, v2.__set__icon); v2.addProperty('iconLoaded', v2.__get__iconLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('keys', v2.__get__keys, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, v2.__set__name); v2.addProperty('numVotes', v2.__get__numVotes, function () {}); v2.addProperty('ratings', v2.__get__ratings, function () {}); v2.addProperty('readOnly', v2.__get__readOnly, function () {}); v2.addProperty('updatedDate', v2.__get__updatedDate, function () {}); v2.addProperty('views', v2.__get__views, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 51 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, name, id, type, keys, ratings) { this._connection = connection; this._id = id; this._name = name; this._type = type; this._keysArray = keys; this._ratingsArray = ratings; this._keys = new Object(); this._ratings = new Object(); var v11; for (var v7 in keys) { var v2 = keys[v7]; this._keys[v2.__get__name()] = v2; } for (var v6 in ratings) { var v3 = ratings[v6]; this._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3; } }; com.newgrounds.SaveGroup = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__connection = function () { return this._connection; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__keys = function () { return this._keysArray; }; v2.__get__ratings = function () { return this._ratingsArray; }; v2.getKey = function (name) { return this._keys[name]; }; v2.getRating = function (name) { return this._ratings[name]; }; v2.getKeyById = function (id) { for (var v4 in this._keys) { var v2 = this._keys[v4]; if (v2.__get__id() == id) { return v2; } } return null; }; v2.getRatingById = function (id) { for (var v4 in this._ratings) { var v2 = this._ratings[v4]; if (v2.__get__id() == id) { return v2; } } return null; }; v2.toString = function () { return 'SaveGroup: ' + this.__get__name() + ' Keys: ' + this._keysArray + ' Ratings: ' + this._ratingsArray; }; v1.TYPE_SYSTEM = 0; v1.TYPE_PRIVATE = 1; v1.TYPE_PUBLIC = 2; v1.TYPE_MODERATED = 3; v2.addProperty('connection', v2.__get__connection, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('keys', v2.__get__keys, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('ratings', v2.__get__ratings, function () {}); v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveGroup.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 49 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (name, id, type) { this._name = name; this._id = id; this._type = type; }; com.newgrounds.SaveKey = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.validateValue = function (value) { switch (this._type) { return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_INTEGER: value = Number(value); if (!isNaN(value)) { var v3 = int(value); if (v3 != value) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Float value ' + value + ' given for integer key "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + v3 + '.'); } return v3; } return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_FLOAT: value = Number(value); if (!isNaN(value)) { return isNaN(Number(value)); } return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_BOOLEAN: return Boolean(value) && int(value) != 0; return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_STRING: return value ? value.toString() : ''; return null; } return null; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._name; }; v1.TYPE_FLOAT = 1; v1.TYPE_INTEGER = 2; v1.TYPE_STRING = 3; v1.TYPE_BOOLEAN = 4; v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveKey.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 50 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (name, id, isFloat, minimum, maximum) { this._name = name; this._id = id; this._isFloat = isFloat; this._minimum = minimum; this._maximum = maximum; }; com.newgrounds.SaveRating = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__isFloat = function () { return this._isFloat; }; v2.__get__minimum = function () { return this._minimum; }; v2.__get__maximum = function () { return this._maximum; }; v2.validateValue = function (value) { var v2 = Number(value); if (isNaN(v2)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid value for rating "' + this._name + '".'); return NaN; } if (v2 < this._minimum) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(v2 + ' is out of acceptable range for rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + this._minimum + '.'); return this._minimum; } if (v2 > this._maximum) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(v2 + ' is out of acceptable range for rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + this._maximum + '.'); return this._maximum; } if (!this.__get__isFloat()) { var v3 = int(v2); if (v3 != v2) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Float value ' + v2 + ' given for integer rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + v3 + '.'); } return v3; } return v2; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._name; }; v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('isFloat', v2.__get__isFloat, function () {}); v2.addProperty('maximum', v2.__get__maximum, function () {}); v2.addProperty('minimum', v2.__get__minimum, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveRating.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 45 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (defaultBitmap, url) { super(); this._bitmapData = defaultBitmap; this._url = url; }; com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader = v1; com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__url = function () { return this._url; }; v2.__set__url = function (v) { this._loaded = false; this._url = v; return this.__get__url(); }; v2.__get__bitmapData = function () { return this._bitmapData; }; v2.__set__bitmapData = function (v) { this._bitmapData = v; this._loaded = true; return this.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__get__loaded = function () { return this._loaded; }; v2.disposeLoader = function () { if (this._loader) { if (this._loaderClip._parent == _root) { this._loader.unloadClip(this._loaderClip.bitmap); this._loaderClip.removeMovieClip(); } this._loader = null; this._loaderClip = null; } }; v2.load = function () { if (!this._url || this._url == '') { this.onLoadComplete(); return undefined; } this._loaded = false; if (this._bitmapData) { this._bitmapData.dispose(); this._bitmapData = null; } this.disposeLoader(); this.attachBitmap(null); }; v2.attachBitmap = function (parent) { if (!parent) { parent = _root; } var v5 = parent.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = parent.createEmptyMovieClip('__bitmap' + v5, v5); if (!this._loaded && this._url && this._url != '') { v3.createEmptyMovieClip('bitmap', 0); this._loader = new MovieClipLoader(); this._loaderClip = v3; if (parent == _root) { this._loaderClip._visible = false; } var thisObj = this; this._loaderClip.onEnterFrame = function () { thisObj.pollLoad(); }; this._loader.addListener({'onLoadError': function () { thisObj.onLoadComplete(); }}); this._loader.loadClip(this._url, v3.bitmap); return v3; } v3.attachBitmap(this._bitmapData, 0); return v3; }; v2.pollLoad = function () { if (this._loaderClip._width) { this.onLoadComplete(); } }; v2.onLoadComplete = function () { var v2; if (this._loader && this._loaderClip && this._loaderClip._width) { try { this._loaderClip.onEnterFrame = null; v2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(this._loaderClip._width, this._loaderClip._height, true, 0); v2.draw(this._loaderClip); this._bitmapData = v2; this._loaded = true; } catch (error) { if (v2) { v2.dispose(); } } } this.disposeLoader(); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, this, this._loaded ? null : com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); }; v1._cacheSeed = 0; v2._loaded = true; v2.addProperty('bitmapData', v2.__get__bitmapData, v2.__set__bitmapData); v2.addProperty('loaded', v2.__get__loaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('url', v2.__get__url, v2.__set__url); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 54 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (group) { super(); this._group = group; this._connection = group.connection; this.reset(); }; com.newgrounds.SaveQuery = v1; com.newgrounds.SaveQuery extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__group = function () { return this._group; }; v2.__get__resultsPerPage = function () { return this._resultsPerPage; }; v2.__set__resultsPerPage = function (val) { this._resultsPerPage = Math.min(Math.max(val, 1), 100); return this.__get__resultsPerPage(); }; v2.__get__page = function () { return this._page; }; v2.__set__page = function (val) { this._page = Math.max(val, 1); return this.__get__page(); }; v2.prevPage = function () { this.__set__page(this.__get__page() - 1); }; v2.nextPage = function () { this.__set__page(this.__get__page() + 1); }; v2.__get__isRandomized = function () { return this._isRandomized; }; v2.__set__isRandomized = function (val) { this._isRandomized = val; return this.__get__isRandomized(); }; v2.__get__files = function () { return this._files; }; v2.reset = function () { this._page = 1; this._resultsPerPage = 10; this._isRandomized = false; this._lookupKeys = []; this._lookupRatings = []; this._fileConditions = []; this._keyConditions = []; this._ratingConditions = []; this._sortFields = []; this._files = []; this.includeAllFields(); }; v2.clone = function () { var v2 = new com.newgrounds.SaveQuery(this._group); v2._page = this._page; v2._resultsPerPage = this._resultsPerPage; v2._isRandomized = this._isRandomized; v2._lookupKeys = this._lookupKeys.concat(); v2._lookupRatings = this._lookupRatings.concat(); v2._fileConditions = this._fileConditions.concat(); v2._keyConditions = this._keyConditions.concat(); v2._ratingConditions = this._ratingConditions.concat(); return v2; }; v2.includeAllFields = function () { for (var v5 in this._group.__get__keys()) { var v2 = (this._group.__get__keys())[v5]; this._lookupKeys.push(v2.__get__id()); } for (var v4 in this._group.__get__ratings()) { var v3 = (this._group.__get__ratings())[v4]; this._lookupRatings.push(v3.__get__id()); } }; v2.addCondition = function (field, operator, value) { var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { if (com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS[v2] == field) { break; } ++v2; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { v2 = -1; } if (v2 >= 0) { this._fileConditions.push({'field': v2, 'operator': operator, 'value': value}); } else { var v4 = this._group.getKey(field); if (v4) { value = v4.validateValue(value); this._keyConditions.push({'key_id': v4.__get__id(), 'operator': operator, 'value': value}); return undefined; } var v3 = field.split('.'); var v6 = this._group.getRating(v3[0]); if (v6) { if (v3[1] != 'votes') { value = v6.validateValue(value); } this._ratingConditions.push({'rating_id': v6.__get__id(), 'operator': operator, 'value': value, 'column': v3[1] ? v3[1] : 'score'}); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '" does not have a field named "' + field + '".'); } }; v2.sortOn = function (field, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = false; } var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { if (com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS[v2] == field) { break; } ++v2; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { v2 = -1; } if (v2 >= 0) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_FILES, 'field': v2, 'desc': sortDescending}); } else { var v5 = this._group.getKey(field); if (v5) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_KEYS, 'field': v5.__get__id(), 'desc': sortDescending}); return undefined; } var v3 = field.split('.'); var v6 = this._group.getRating(v3[0]); if (v6) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_RATINGS, 'field': v6.__get__id(), 'desc': sortDescending, 'extra': v3[1] ? v3[1] : 'score'}); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '" does not have a field named "' + field + '".'); } }; v2.execute = function () { var v5 = {}; = this._page; v5.num_results = this._resultsPerPage; if (this._isRandomized) { v5.randomize = 1; } if (this._lookupKeys && this._lookupKeys.length) { v5.lookup_keys = this._lookupKeys; } if (this._lookupRatings && this._lookupRatings.length) { v5.lookup_ratings = this._lookupRatings; } if (this._fileConditions && this._fileConditions.length) { v5.file_conditions = this._fileConditions; } if (this._keyConditions && this._keyConditions.length) { v5.key_conditions = this._keyConditions; } if (this._ratingConditions && this._ratingConditions.length) { v5.rating_conditions = this._ratingConditions; } if (this._sortFields && this._sortFields.length) { v5.sort_conditions = this._sortFields; } this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('lookupSaveFiles', {'target': this, 'func': this.onQueryComplete}, {'publisher_id': this._connection.publisherId, 'group_id': this._group.__get__id(), 'query': v5}); }; v2.onQueryComplete = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { var v4 = event.__get__data(); this._files = []; if (v4.files) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.files.length) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.SaveFile.fromObject(this._group, v4.files[v2]); if (v3) { this._files.push(v3); } ++v2; } } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, this)); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Query failed: ' + event.__get__error()); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, this, event.__get__error())); } }; v1.FILE_ID = 'fileId'; v1.AUTHOR_ID = 'authorId'; v1.AUTHOR_NAME = 'authorName'; v1.FILE_NAME = 'fileName'; v1.CREATED_ON = 'createdOn'; v1.UPDATED_ON = 'updatedOn'; v1.FILE_VIEWS = 'fileViews'; v1.FILE_STATUS = 'fileStatus'; v1.FILE_FIELDS = [com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_ID, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.AUTHOR_ID, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.AUTHOR_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.CREATED_ON, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.UPDATED_ON, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_VIEWS, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_STATUS]; v1.OPERATOR_EQUAL = '='; v1.OPERATOR_LESS_THAN = '<'; v1.OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN = '>'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL = '!='; v1.OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL = '<='; v1.OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL = '>='; v1.OPERATOR_CONTAINS = '*'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_CONTAINS = '!*'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_BEGINS_WITH = '!*='; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_ENDS_WITH = '!=*'; v1.OPERATOR_BEGINS_WITH = '*='; v1.OPERATOR_ENDS_WITH = '=*'; v1.TABLE_FILES = 1; v1.TABLE_KEYS = 2; v1.TABLE_RATINGS = 3; v2._page = 1; v2._resultsPerPage = 10; v2._isRandomized = false; v2.addProperty('files', v2.__get__files, function () {}); v2.addProperty('group', v2.__get__group, function () {}); v2.addProperty('isRandomized', v2.__get__isRandomized, v2.__set__isRandomized); v2.addProperty('page', v2.__get__page, v2.__set__page); v2.addProperty('resultsPerPage', v2.__get__resultsPerPage, v2.__set__resultsPerPage); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 46 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, id, name, description, secret, unlocked, value, difficultyId, iconURL) { super(); this._connection = connection; this._id = id; this._name = name; this._description = description; this._secret = secret; this._unlocked = unlocked; this._value = value; this._difficulty = com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTIES[difficultyId]; this._iconLoader = new com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader(com.newgrounds.Medal.DEFAULT_ICON, iconURL); this._iconLoader.load(); }; com.newgrounds.Medal = v1; com.newgrounds.Medal extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__difficulty = function () { return this._difficulty; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__description = function () { return this._description; }; v2.__get__secret = function () { return this._secret; }; v2.__get__unlocked = function () { return this._unlocked; }; v2.__get__value = function () { return this._value; }; v2.toString = function () { if (!this._unlocked) { return 'Medal: ' + this._name + '\t\t(' + 'locked, ' + this._value + 'pts, ' + this._difficulty + ')'; } return 'Medal: ' + this._name + '\t\t(' + 'unlocked, ' + this._value + 'pts, ' + this._difficulty + ')'; }; v2.attachIcon = function (parent) { return this._iconLoader.attachBitmap(parent); }; v2.unlock = function () { if (this._unlocked) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Medal "' + this._name + '" is already unlocked.'); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Unlocking medal "' + this.__get__name() + '"...'); this._unlocked = true; if (this._connection.__get__hasUserSession()) { this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('unlockMedal', {'target': this, 'func': this.onUnlockConfirmed}, null, {'medal_id': this.__get__id()}); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, this)); }; v2.setUnlocked = function (unlocked) { this._unlocked = unlocked; }; v2.onUnlockConfirmed = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Medal "' + this.__get__name() + '" unlocked.'); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Failed to unlock "' + this.__get__name() + '"!'); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, this, event.__get__error())); }; v1.ICON_WIDTH = 50; v1.ICON_HEIGHT = 50; v1.DEFAULT_ICON = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('DefaultMedalIcon'); v1.DIFFICULTY_EASY = 'Easy'; v1.DIFFICULTY_MODERATE = 'Moderate'; v1.DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGING = 'Challenging'; v1.DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT = 'Difficult'; v1.DIFFICULTY_BRUTAL = 'Brutal'; v1.DIFFICULTIES = ['Unknown', com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_EASY, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_MODERATE, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGING, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_BRUTAL]; v2.addProperty('description', v2.__get__description, function () {}); v2.addProperty('difficulty', v2.__get__difficulty, function () {}); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('secret', v2.__get__secret, function () {}); v2.addProperty('unlocked', v2.__get__unlocked, function () {}); v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Medal.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 48 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, name, id) { super(); this._connection = connection; this._name = name; this._id = id; }; com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard = v1; com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__scores = function () { return this._scores; }; v2.__get__period = function () { return this._period; }; v2.__set__period = function (val) { this._period = val; return this.__get__period(); }; v2.__get__firstResult = function () { return this._firstResult; }; v2.__set__firstResult = function (val) { this._firstResult = Math.max(1, val); return this.__get__firstResult(); }; v2.__get__numResults = function () { return this._numResults; }; v2.__set__numResults = function (val) { this._numResults = val; return this.__get__numResults(); }; v2.__get__tag = function () { return this._tag; }; v2.__set__tag = function (val) { this._tag = val; return this.__get__tag(); }; v2.__get__page = function () { return Math.ceil((this._firstResult - 1) / this._numResults) + 1; }; v2.prevPage = function () { if (this.__get__firstResult() > this._numResults) { this.firstResult -= this._numResults; } }; v2.nextPage = function () { this.firstResult += this._numResults; }; v2.loadScores = function () { this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('loadScores', {'target': this, 'func': this.onScoresLoaded}, {'publisher_id': this._connection.publisherId, 'board': this._id, 'page': (this._firstResult - 1) / this._numResults + 1, 'num_results': this._numResults, 'period': this._period, 'tag': this._tag}); }; v2.postScore = function (numericScore, tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (isNaN(numericScore)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Cannot post invalid score: ' + numericScore); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Posting a score of ' + numericScore + ' by ' + this._connection.username + ' to scoreboard "' + this._name + '"...'); this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('postScore', {'target': this, 'func': this.onScorePosted}, null, {'user_name': this._connection.username, 'board': this._id, 'value': numericScore, 'tag': tag}); }; v2.onScoresLoaded = function (event) { var v4 = event.__get__data(); this._scores = []; var v5; if (v4.first_result) { v5 = v4.first_result; } else { v5 = this._firstResult; } if (v4.scores) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.scores.length) { var v2 = v4.scores[v3]; if (v2) { this._scores[v3] = new com.newgrounds.Score(v5, v2.username, v2.value, v2.numeric_value, v2.tag); } v3++; v5++; } } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, this)); }; v2.onScorePosted = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Score posted!'); var v4 = event.__get__data(); var v2 = {}; v2.score = v4.value; v2.scoreBoard = this; } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error posting score: ' + event.__get__error()); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, storedv2, event.__get__error())); }; v2.toString = function () { return 'Scoreboard: ' + this._name; }; v1.TODAY = 'Today'; v1.THIS_WEEK = 'This Week'; v1.THIS_MONTH = 'This Month'; v1.THIS_YEAR = 'This Year'; v1.ALL_TIME = 'All-Time'; v2._period = com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard.ALL_TIME; v2._firstResult = 1; v2._numResults = 10; v2.addProperty('firstResult', v2.__get__firstResult, v2.__set__firstResult); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('numResults', v2.__get__numResults, v2.__set__numResults); v2.addProperty('page', v2.__get__page, function () {}); v2.addProperty('period', v2.__get__period, v2.__set__period); v2.addProperty('scores', v2.__get__scores, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tag', v2.__get__tag, v2.__set__tag); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 37 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.Logger = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.logInternal = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_INTERNAL, v2); }; v1.logMessage = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE, v2); }; v1.logWarning = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_WARNING, v2); }; v1.logError = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_ERROR, v2); }; v1.log = function (priority, messages) { if (priority == undefined) { priority = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE; } if (messages == undefined) { messages = null; } if (priority >= com.newgrounds.Logger._messageLevel) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < messages.length) { trace(com.newgrounds.Logger.HEADER + messages[v1]); com.newgrounds.Logger._eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.LOG, messages[v1])); ++v1; } } if (priority >= com.newgrounds.Logger._throwLevel) { throw new Error(messages.join('\n')); } }; v1.addEventListener = function (event, listener) { com.newgrounds.Logger._eventDispatcher.addEventListener(event, listener, false, 0, false); }; v1.PRIORITY_INTERNAL = 0; v1.PRIORITY_MESSAGE = 1; v1.PRIORITY_WARNING = 2; v1.PRIORITY_ERROR = 3; v1.PRIORITY_MAX = 4; v1.HEADER = '[Newgrounds API] :: '; v1._eventDispatcher = new com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher(); v1._messageLevel = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE; v1._throwLevel = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MAX; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Logger.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 56 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); try {'');''); } this.gotoAndStop('idle'); this._x = int(this._x); this._y = int(this._y); this.stop(); if (this.__get___newgroundsButton()) { (this.__get___newgroundsButton()).onRelease = this.onNGClick; } this.onUnload = this.removeAd; var v4 = this; this._adListener = {'onLoadError': function (target, error, httpStatus) { target._parent.onAdError(target, error, httpStatus); }}; if (this.__get__fullScreen()) { this.drawFullScreenRect(); } if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__adFeedURL()) { this.loadAdFeed(); } else { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'target': this, 'func': this.loadAdFeed}); } }; com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase = v1; com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get___adContainer = function () { return this.adContainer; }; v2.__get___newgroundsButton = function () { return this.newgroundsButton; }; v2.__get__fullScreen = function () { return this._fullScreen; }; v2.__set__fullScreen = function (v) { this._fullScreen = v; if (v) { this.drawFullScreenRect(); } else { this.clear(); } return this.__get__fullScreen(); }; v2.__get__showBorder = function () { return this._showBorder; }; v2.__set__showBorder = function (value) { this._showBorder = value; if (this._showBorder) { if (this._ad) { var v2 = this._ad.getProgress(this.__get___adContainer()); if (v2.bytesLoaded >= v2.bytesTotal) { this.gotoAndStop('loaded'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('loading'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('noBorder'); } return this.__get__showBorder(); }; v2.loadAdFeed = function (event) { if (event == undefined) { event = null; } this._adFeedLoader = new LoadVars(); var target = this; this._adFeedLoader.onData = function (data) { target.onAdFeedLoaded(data); }; this._adFeedLoader.load(com.newgrounds.API.__get__adFeedURL(), this._adFeedLoader); }; v2.onAdFeedLoaded = function (data) { if (data && data != '') { this.loadAd(data); } else { this.onAdError(); } }; v2.loadAd = function (adURL) { if (this.adType != this.VIDEO_ADS) { if (adURL.indexOf('?') >= 0) { adURL += '&'; } else { adURL += '?'; } adURL += 'blockoverlays=1'; } this._ad = new MovieClipLoader(); this._ad.addListener(this._adListener); (this.__get___adContainer())._lockroot = true; this._ad.loadClip(adURL, this.__get___adContainer()); }; v2.removeAd = function () { this._adFeedLoader.onData = null; this._adFeedLoader = null; this._ad.removeListener(this._adListener); if (this.__get___adContainer()) { this._ad.unloadClip(this.__get___adContainer()); } this._ad = null; }; v2.onAdError = function (target, error, httpStatus) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load ad.'); this.removeAd(); }; v2.onNGClick = function () { com.newgrounds.API.loadNewgrounds(); }; v2.drawFullScreenRect = function () { this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; this.beginFill(0); this.moveTo(-Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(-Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(-Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.endFill(); }; v2._showBorder = true; v2.adType = com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase.prototype.VIDEO_ADS; v2.VIDEO_ADS = 'Video'; v2.SIMPLE_ADS = 'Simple'; v2.addProperty('_adContainer', v2.__get___adContainer, function () {}); v2.addProperty('_newgroundsButton', v2.__get___newgroundsButton, function () {}); v2.addProperty('fullScreen', v2.__get__fullScreen, v2.__set__fullScreen); v2.addProperty('showBorder', v2.__get__showBorder, v2.__set__showBorder); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1568 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.init = function () { var v4 = _global.MovieClip; if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) { mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(v4); var v3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('__OnEnterFrameBeacon', 9876); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { _global.MovieClip.broadcastMessage('onEnterFrame'); }; } }; v1.version = ''; ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1569 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.initialize = function (o, dontCreateArray) { if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) { delete o.broadcastMessage; } o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener; o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener; if (!dontCreateArray) { o._listeners = new Array(); } }; v2.addListener = function (o) { this.removeListener(o); if (this.broadcastMessage == undefined) { this.broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage; } return this._listeners.push(o); }; v2.removeListener = function (o) { var v2 = this._listeners; var v3 = v2.length; while (v3--) { if (v2[v3] == o) { v2.splice(v3, 1); if (!v2.length) { this.broadcastMessage = undefined; } return true; } } return false; }; v2.broadcastMessage = function () { var v5 = String(arguments.shift()); var v4 = this._listeners.concat(); var v6 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v6) { v4[v3][v5].apply(v4[v3], arguments); ++v3; } }; v1.version = ''; ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 31 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim = v1; com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 41 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.hash = function (src) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.hex_md5(src); }; v1.hex_md5 = function (src) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.binl2hex(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.core_md5(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.str2binl(src), src.length * 8)); }; v1.core_md5 = function (x, len) { x[len >> 5] |= 128 << len % 32; x[(len + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = len; var v4 = 1732584193; var v3 = -271733879; var v2 = -1732584194; var v1 = 271733878; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < x.length) { var v10 = v4; var v9 = v3; var v8 = v2; var v7 = v1; v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 0], 7, -680876936); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 1], 12, -389564586); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 2], 17, 606105819); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 3], 22, -1044525330); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 4], 7, -176418897); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 5], 12, 1200080426); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 6], 17, -1473231341); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 7], 22, -45705983); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 8], 7, 1770035416); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 9], 12, -1958414417); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 10], 17, -42063); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 11], 22, -1990404162); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 12], 7, 1804603682); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 13], 12, -40341101); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 14], 17, -1502002290); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 15], 22, 1236535329); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 1], 5, -165796510); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 6], 9, -1069501632); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 11], 14, 643717713); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 0], 20, -373897302); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 5], 5, -701558691); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 10], 9, 38016083); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 15], 14, -660478335); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 4], 20, -405537848); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 9], 5, 568446438); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 14], 9, -1019803690); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 3], 14, -187363961); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 8], 20, 1163531501); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 13], 5, -1444681467); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 2], 9, -51403784); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 7], 14, 1735328473); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 12], 20, -1926607734); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 5], 4, -378558); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 8], 11, -2022574463); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 11], 16, 1839030562); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 14], 23, -35309556); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 1], 4, -1530992060); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 4], 11, 1272893353); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 7], 16, -155497632); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 10], 23, -1094730640); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 13], 4, 681279174); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 0], 11, -358537222); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 3], 16, -722521979); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 6], 23, 76029189); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 9], 4, -640364487); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 12], 11, -421815835); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 15], 16, 530742520); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 2], 23, -995338651); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 0], 6, -198630844); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 7], 10, 1126891415); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 14], 15, -1416354905); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 5], 21, -57434055); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 12], 6, 1700485571); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 3], 10, -1894986606); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 10], 15, -1051523); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 1], 21, -2054922799); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 8], 6, 1873313359); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 15], 10, -30611744); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 6], 15, -1560198380); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 13], 21, 1309151649); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 4], 6, -145523070); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 11], 10, -1120210379); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 2], 15, 718787259); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 9], 21, -343485551); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v4, v10); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v3, v9); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v2, v8); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v1, v7); v5 += 16; } return new Array(v4, v3, v2, v1); }; v1.md5_cmn = function (q, a, b, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.bit_rol(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(a, q), com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(x, t)), s), b); }; v1.md5_ff = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b & c | ~b & d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_gg = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b & d | c & ~d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_hh = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_ii = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(c ^ (b | ~d), a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.bit_rol = function (num, cnt) { return num << cnt | num >>> 32 - cnt; }; v1.safe_add = function (x, y) { var v1 = (x & 65535) + (y & 65535); var v2 = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (v1 >> 16); return v2 << 16 | v1 & 65535; }; v1.str2binl = function (str) { var v3 = new Array(); var v4 = 255; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length * 8) { v3[v1 >> 5] |= (str.charCodeAt(v1 / 8) & v4) << v1 % 32; v1 += 8; } return v3; }; v1.binl2hex = function (binarray) { var v4 = new String(''); var v3 = new String('0123456789abcdef'); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < binarray.length * 4) { v4 += v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 + 4 & 15) + v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 & 15); ++v1; } return v4; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 42 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.encrypt = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.charsToHex(v2); }; v1.encryptbin = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return v2; }; v1.decrypt = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.hexToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.charsToStr(v2); }; v1.initialize = function (pwd) { var v2 = 0; var v3; var v4 = pwd.length; var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 255) { com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.mykey[v1] = pwd[v1 % v4]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = v1; ++v1; } v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 255) { v2 = (v2 + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.mykey[v1]) % 256; v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2] = v3; ++v1; } }; v1.calculate = function (plaintxt, psw) { com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.initialize(psw); var v1 = 0; var v2 = 0; var v9 = new Array(); var v7; var v5; var v6; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < plaintxt.length) { v1 = (v1 + 1) % 256; v2 = (v2 + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]) % 256; v5 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2] = v5; var v4 = (com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]) % 256; v7 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v4]; v6 = plaintxt[v3] ^ v7; v9.push(v6); ++v3; } return v9; }; v1.charsToHex = function (chars) { var v4 = new String(''); var v3 = new Array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < chars.length) { v4 += v3[chars[v1] >> 4] + v3[chars[v1] & 15]; ++v1; } return v4; }; v1.hexToChars = function (hex) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = (hex.substr(0, 2) == '0x') ? 2 : 0; while (v1 < hex.length) { v3.push(parseInt(hex.substr(v1, 2), 16)); v1 += 2; } return v3; }; v1.charsToStr = function (chars) { var v3 = new String(''); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < chars.length) { v3 += String.fromCharCode(chars[v1]); ++v1; } return v3; }; v1.strToChars = function (str) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length) { v3.push(str.charCodeAt(v1)); ++v1; } return v3; }; v1.sbox = new Array(255); v1.mykey = new Array(255); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 43 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.encode = function (arg, noquotes) { var v3; var v2; var v6; var v1 = ''; var v4; if (arg.isSServerVar()) { var v8 = 'sservervariable'; } else { var v8 = typeof arg; } switch (v8) { return 'null'; case 'sservervariable': return '?' + arg.getEncodedValue(); break; case 'object': if (arg) { if (arg instanceof Array) { v2 = 0; while (v2 < arg.length) { v4 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(arg[v2]); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += v4; ++v2; } return '[' + v1 + ']'; } else { if (typeof arg.toString != 'undefined') { for (v2 in arg) { v4 = arg[v2]; if (typeof v4 != 'undefined' && typeof v4 != 'function') { v4 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v4); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v2) + ':' + v4; } } return '{' + v1 + '}'; } } } return 'null'; case 'number': return isFinite(arg) ? String(arg) : 'null'; case 'string': v6 = arg.length; if (noquotes) { var v7 = ''; } else { var v7 = '"'; } v1 = v7; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v6) { v3 = arg.charAt(v2); if (v3 >= ' ') { if (v3 == '\\' || v3 == '"') { v1 += '\\'; } v1 += v3; } else { switch (v3) { case '\b': v1 += '\\b'; break; case '\f': v1 += '\\f'; break; case '\n': v1 += '\\n'; break; case '\r': v1 += '\\r'; break; case '\t': v1 += '\\t'; break; default: v3 = v3.charCodeAt(); v1 += '\\u00' + (Math.floor(v3 / 16)).toString(16) + (v3 % 16).toString(16); } } v2 += 1; } return v1 + v7; case 'boolean': return String(arg); default: return 'null'; } }; v1.background_encode = function (arg, callback) { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Cannot encode a new file until the previous file is completed'); return false; } else { if (!callback) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Missing a callback function, skipping encode'); return false; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = true; var v2 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start = v2.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache = {'busy': false, 'complete': false, 'arg': arg, 'target': arg, 'parents': [], 'encoded': '', 'callback': callback, 'encode_chunk': function () { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode_chunk(); }}; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(arg) == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = '{'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'encode_chunk', 25); return true; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(arg) == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = '['; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'encode_chunk', 25); return true; }; v1.background_decode = function (arg, callback) { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Cannot decode a new file until the previous file is completed'); return false; } else { if (!callback) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Missing a callback function, skipping decode'); return false; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = true; var v1 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start = v1.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache = {'busy': false, 'callback': callback, 'complete': false, 'arg': arg, 'pos': 0, 'parents': ['root'], 'target': null, 'scratch': '', 'decode_chunk': function () { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode_chunk(); }}; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'decode_chunk', 25); return true; }; v1.decode = function (text) { var at = 0; var ch = ' '; var _value; var _error = function (m) { throw {'name': 'JSONError', 'message': m, 'at': at - 1, 'text': text}; }; var _next = function () { ch = text.charAt(at); at += 1; return ch; }; var _white = function () { while (ch) { if (ch <= ' ') { _next(); } else { if (ch == '/') { switch (_next()) { case '/': for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')) break; } break; case '*': _next(); for (;;) { if (ch) { if (ch == '*') { if (_next() == '/') { _next(); break; } } else { _next(); } continue; } _error('Unterminated comment'); } break; default: _error('Syntax error'); } } else { break; } } } }; var _string = function () { var v4; var v1 = ''; var v3; var v2; var v5 = false; if (ch == '"') { while (_next()) { if (ch == '"') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch == '\\') { switch (_next()) { case 'b': v1 += '\b'; break; case 'f': v1 += '\f'; break; case 'n': v1 += '\n'; break; case 'r': v1 += '\r'; break; case 't': v1 += '\t'; break; case 'u': v2 = 0; v4 = 0; while (v4 < 4) { v3 = parseInt(_next(), 16); if (!isFinite(v3)) { v5 = true; break; } v2 = v2 * 16 + v3; v4 += 1; } if (v5) { v5 = false; } else { v1 += String.fromCharCode(v2); break; default: v1 += ch; } } } else { v1 += ch; } } } } _error('Bad string'); }; var _array = function () { var v1 = []; if (ch == '[') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v1.push(_value()); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad array'); }; var _object = function () { var v2; var v1 = {}; if (ch == '{') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v2 = _string(); _white(); if (ch != ':') { break; } _next(); v1[v2] = _value(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad object'); }; var _number = function () { var v1 = ''; var v2; if (ch == '-') { v1 = '-'; _next(); } for (;;) { if (!(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; _next(); } if (ch == '.') { v1 += '.'; for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; } } v2 = 1 * v1; if (!isFinite(v2)) { _error('Bad number'); } else { return v2; } }; var _word = function () { switch (ch) { case 't': if (_next() == 'r' && _next() == 'u' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return true; } break; case 'f': if (_next() == 'a' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 's' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return false; } break; case 'n': if (_next() == 'u' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 'l') { _next(); return null; } } _error('Syntax error'); }; _value = function () { _white(); switch (ch) { case '{': return _object(); case '[': return _array(); case '"': return _string(); case '-': return _number(); } return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ? _number() : _word(); }; return _value(); }; v1.getType = function (v) { if (v instanceof Array) { return 'array'; } else { return typeof v; } }; v1.decode_chunk = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy && !com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = true; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode_chunks) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.chunk_decoder(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { break; } ++v1; } trace(Math.round((com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos / com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.length) * 100) + '% decoded'); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = false; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { var v2 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = false; clearInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.callback(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.root, v2.getTime() - com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg = ''; } }; v1.encode_chunk = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy && !com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = true; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode_chunks) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.chunk_encoder(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { break; } ++v1; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = false; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { var v3 = new Date(); var v2 = v3.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = false; clearInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.callback(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded, v2 - com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = ''; } }; v1.chunk_decoder = function () { function _object() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'object'; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Malformed object key in encoded string. Keys must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; _setTargetValue({}); } else { if (v1 == ',') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Malformed object key in encoded string. Keys must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; } else { if (v1 == '}') { _useParent(); } else { if (v1 == '"') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != ':') { throw 'Malformed object notation. Object keys and values must be separated by colons(:)'; } _addParent(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = null; } else { if (v1 == '\\') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; } } } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _array() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'array'; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); _setTargetValue([]); if (v1 != ']') { _addArrayKey(); } else { _useParent(); } return undefined; } else { if (v1 == ',') { _addArrayKey(); } else { if (v1 == ']') { _useParent(); } } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _boolean() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 == 't') { _setTargetValue(true); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 3; } else { if (v1 == 'f') { _setTargetValue(false); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 4; } else { throw 'Bool values must be true or false'; } } _useParent(); } function _null() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 == 'n') { _setTargetValue(null); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 2; } else { throw 'Null values must be null'; } _useParent(); } function _string() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Strings must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'string'; } else { if (v1 == '"') { _setTargetValue(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch); _useParent(); } else { if (v1 == '\\') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); switch (v1) { case 'n': v1 = '\n'; break; case 'r': v1 = '\n'; break; case 't': v1 = '\t'; break; case 'u': v1 = '\\' + v1; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _number() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); var v2 = '01234567890.-'; if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'number'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; } if (v2.indexOf(v1) < 0) { _setTargetValue(Number(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch)); _useParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } } function _setTargetValue(newval) { var v2 = (_getParent()).obj; var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length - 1]; v2[v1] = newval; } function _useParent() { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType((_getParent()).obj); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.pop(); } function _getParent() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length - 1) { v2 = v2[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]]; ++v1; } return {'obj': v2, 'name': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]}; } function _getCurrent() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length) { v2 = v2[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]]; ++v1; } return {'obj': v2, 'name': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]}; } function _addParent(child) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(child); } function _addArrayKey() { var v1 = (_getCurrent()).obj.length; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(v1); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = null; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos >= com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.length) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete = true; return undefined; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { ('_' + com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode)(); } else { var char = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); switch (char) { case '{': _object(); break; case '[': _array(); break; case '"': _string(); break; case 'n': _null(); break; case 't': _boolean(); break; case 'f': _boolean(); break; default: _number(); } } } }; v1.chunk_encoder = function () { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { return undefined; } var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(; switch (v2) { case 'number': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded +=; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'string': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '"' + ('"')).join('\\"') + '"'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'boolean': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ( == true) ? 'true' : 'false'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'null': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += 'null'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'array': if ( < 1) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ']'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(; =[0]; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '['; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '{'; } } } break; case 'object': for (var v1 in { break; } if (v1 === undefined) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '}'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(; =[v1]; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '"' + (v1.split('"')).join('\\"') + '":'; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '['; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '{'; } } } break; default: com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += 'null'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } }; v1.getParent = function () { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length > 0) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.pop(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'array') { v1.shift(); } else { for (var v3 in v1) { delete v1[v3]; break; } } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'object' or com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'array') { for (var v2 in v1) { break; } if (v2 !== undefined) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ','; } } = v1; } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete = true; } }; v1.encode_chunks = 20000; v1.decode_chunks = 20000; v1.busy = false; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 47 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (rank, username, score, numericValue, tag) { this._rank = rank; this._username = username; this._score = score; this._numericValue = numericValue; this._tag = tag; }; com.newgrounds.Score = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__numericValue = function () { return this._numericValue; }; v2.__get__rank = function () { return this._rank; }; v2.__get__score = function () { return this._score; }; v2.__get__tag = function () { return this._tag; }; v2.__get__username = function () { return this._username; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._rank + '.\t' + this._username + '\t' + this._score; }; v2.addProperty('numericValue', v2.__get__numericValue, function () {}); v2.addProperty('rank', v2.__get__rank, function () {}); v2.addProperty('score', v2.__get__score, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tag', v2.__get__tag, function () {}); v2.addProperty('username', v2.__get__username, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Score.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { stop(); _root.notebook = 0; _root.drinking = 0; _root.dressmode = 0; } movieClip 110 { } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 116 { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 120 { } movieClip 123 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 127 { } movieClip 131 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 132 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 136 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 137 { } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 142 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 145 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 147 { } movieClip 149 { } movieClip 151 { } movieClip 153 { frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } movieClip 156 { } movieClip 161 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 165 { } movieClip 166 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 24 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 25 { stop(); shooting = 0; } frame 26 { shooting = 1; } frame 39 { gotoAndStop('shoot'); } } movieClip 167 { } movieClip 170 { } movieClip 172 { } movieClip 173 { } movieClip 174 { } button 176 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { stopAllSounds(); _root._event = 0; gotoAndStop('intro'); } } frame 3 { _root.txt.gotoAndStop('FindPete'); var lastLocation = 'ParkScene'; stop(); _event = 0; failed = 0; _root.CharDefaultXPos = 52; char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; _root.charpower_ins = 1; _root.carpower_ins = 1; _root.man0_instance = 5; _root.enemyMovingSpeed = 5; _root.NumberOfEnemys = 0; _root.enemyinstance0 = 1; _root.enemyinstance1 = 1; _root.EnemyDeathTreshold = 11; _root.woodinstance = 0; _root.mapHitPoints = 15; _root.winkel = 0; _root.zentrumX = 340.25; _root.zentrumY = 334.35; _root.mini_object_movement = 1; _root.Boxer = true; _root.PeteDead = 0; Shoot_KEY = 70; MoveRight_KEY = 68; MoveLeft_KEY = 65; MoveDown_KEY = 83; MoveUP_KEY = 87; onEnterFrame = function () { livesManagement(); if (failed != 1 && _event != 1) { Init(); } else { if (_event == 1) { MapEvents(); } } }; var MapEvents = function () { if ( && parkFinished == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('bar'); _event = 0; } if ( { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('burger'); _event = 0; } if ( && _root.money_ins >= 100) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('repair'); _event = 0; } else { if (_root.money_ins < 100) { if ( { _root.txt.gotoAndStop('nomoney'); } } } if ( && parkFinished != 1) { park = 1; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('park1'); _event = 0; } if ( { _root.gotoAndPlay('sink'); } if (car_mov.radar.mask_layer.hitTest(car_mov.radar.goal_icon)) { car_mov.radar.symbol0._alpha = 0; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._alpha = 0; } else { car_mov.radar.symbol0._alpha = 100; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._alpha = 100; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= mapHitPoints) { if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.bottomleft) ||['hp' + v2].hitarea.bottomright) ||['hp' + v2].hitarea.topleft) ||['hp' + v2].hitarea.topright)) { player_mc._rotation *= -1;; ++_root.carpower_ins; } if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.leftwall)) {; ++_root.carpower_ins; player_mc._x -= 7; if (player_mc._rotation < 90) { player_mc._rotation = 0; } else { if (player_mc._rotation >= 90) { player_mc._rotation = 180; } } } if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.rightwall)) {; ++_root.carpower_ins; player_mc._x += 7; if (player_mc._rotation < -90) { player_mc._rotation = 180; } else { if (player_mc._rotation >= -90) { player_mc._rotation = 0; } } } if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.topwall)) {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation >= 0) { player_mc._rotation = 90; } else { if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation = -90; } } } if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.bottomwall)) {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation >= 0) { player_mc._rotation = 90; } if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation = -90; } } if (['pass' + v2])) { if (['pass' + v2]._currentframe != 44) {; _root.money_ins += 100; }['pass' + v2].gotoAndStop('dead'); } ++v2; } }; var livesManagement = function () { _root.carpower.gotoAndStop(_root.carpower_ins); _root.charpower.gotoAndStop(_root.charpower_ins); _root.lives.lives_count = _root.lives_ins.toString(); = _root.money_ins.toString(); if (_root.lives_ins < 0) { _root.lives_ins = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('gameover'); } }; var showRight = function () { _root.right_win._x = 676; 4; _root.right_win._y = 274; 55; }; var showLeft = function () { _root.right._x = 56; _root.right._y = 280; }; var Init = function () { CheckScene(); CheckMode(); CharMove(); CheckHit(); CheckSpeech(); CheckEnemyPower(); CheckChanges(); if (_root._currentframe == 478) { CarMovement(); _root._event = 1; } }; var CheckChanges = function () { if ( == 1) { if ( < 41) {'turnleft'); }'turnleft'); } if ( == 1 && == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('otherside'); } if (_root.woodinstance > 5 && != 1 && died != 1) {'crack'); } if ( == 1) {'dead'); } if ( != 1 && _root.woodinstance > 2 && != 1) {'busted'); _root.woodinstance = 0; _root.fromBurger = 0; } else { if ( < 2) {; } } if (parkFinished != 1) { = 100; = 0; } else { = 0; = 100; } if (_root.staff.dead == 1) { if (dressmode != 1) { _root.staff.gotoAndStop('dead'); } if (dressmode == 1) { _root.staff.gotoAndStop('undressed'); } } if (_root.enemy0.enemy.dead == 1 && _root.enemy1.enemy.dead == 1 && _root.charpower._currentframe == 1 && _root.Boxer == true) { _root.Boxer = false; com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, onMedalUnlocked, this); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Boxer', 511.45, 374.95); } if (_root._currentframe == 150 && _root.PeteDead == 0) { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, onMedalUnlocked, this); if (_root.PeteDead == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('TheBadGuy', 511.45, 374.95); } } }; var dressChar = function () { if (dressmode == 1) { _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } }; var CheckEnemyPower = function () { if (_root.man0_instance == 1 && _root._currentframe < 41) { _root.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.man0_instance == 0 && _root.man0._currentframe < 41) { _root.man0.gotoAndPlay('die'); if (_root._currentframe != 150) { _root.gotoAndPlay('failed'); _root._event = 1; } } }; var CheckHit = function () { if (char_mov.char.fist.hitTest(_root.man0.hitpoint)) { _root.man0.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest( && duckmode == 1 && == 0) {; } if (char_mov.char.fist.hitTest(_root.staff.hitpoint) && _root.staff.dying != 1) { _root.staff.gotoAndPlay('die'); } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.staff.take)) { dressmode = 1; } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.take)) { _root.nextFrame(); } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest( && duckmode == 1) {; } if (char_mov.char.bullet.hitTest(_root.man0)) { _root.man0.gotoAndPlay('die'); } var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= NumberOfEnemys) { if (_root['enemyinstance' + v2] == 1 || _root['enemyinstance' + v2] == EnemyDeathTreshold) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemypower._alpha = 0; } else { _root['enemy' + v2].enemypower._alpha = 100; } _root['enemy' + v2].enemypower.gotoAndStop(_root['enemyinstance' + v2]); if (_root['enemyinstance' + v2] != EnemyDeathTreshold) { if (char_mov.char.fist.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2].enemy.body.hitpoint) && (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 74 && _root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 121)) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); ++_root['enemyinstance' + v2]; _root.char_mov.char.punchanim._alpha = 57; } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2].enemy.body.hitpoint)) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('hitDown'); ++_root['enemyinstance' + v2]; } } else { if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 78 && _root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 119) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } ++v2; } }; var EnemyRandomPunch = function () { function randRange(min, max) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; return v1; } var v4 = randRange(0, 20); if (v4 == 0) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= NumberOfEnemys) { if (_root['enemyinstance' + v2] != EnemyDeathTreshold && _root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 120) { if (_root.char_mov.char.body.hitarea.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2])) { if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 134) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('downhit'); } } } ++v2; } } }; var EnemyMovement = function () { EnemyRandomPunch(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= NumberOfEnemys) { if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy.dead != 1) { if (_root.char_mov.char.body.hitarea.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2]) == false) { if (_root['enemy' + v2]._x > _root.char_mov._x) { _root['enemy' + v2].gotoAndStop('left'); _root['enemy' + v2]._x -= enemyMovingSpeed; _root['enemy' + v2]; } else { if (_root['enemy' + v2]._x < _root.char_mov._x) { _root['enemy' + v2].gotoAndStop('right'); _root['enemy' + v2]._x += enemyMovingSpeed; _root['enemy' + v2]; } } } if (_root.char_mov.char.body.hitarea.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2]) && _root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 41) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.char_mov.char.feet.body.hitarea.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2])) { if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 120) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('downhit'); } } if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy.fist.hitTest(_root.char_mov.char.body.hitpoint) || _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.fist.hitTest(_root.char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint)) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } ++v2; } }; var CheckScene = function () { EnemyMovement(); dressChar(); if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.secroom.alarm.hitpoint)) { if (_root.dressmode != 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('secroom_loose'); _root._event = 1; } } if (enemyinstance0 < 8 && _root.enemy1.enemy.body._currentframe == 1 && enemyinstance1 < EnemyDeathTreshold) { _root.enemy1.enemy.body.gotoAndPlay('handsup'); } if (enemyinstance0 == EnemyDeathTreshold && enemyinstance1 == EnemyDeathTreshold) { showRight(); } if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.right) || char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.right) || char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.right_win) || char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.right_win)) { if (_root._currentframe != 154) { nextFrame(); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('secroom'); } } if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(_root.tosecroom)) { gotoAndStop('secroom'); } if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.door) && (Key.isDown(MoveUP_KEY) || Key.isDown(38))) { _root.nextFrame(); } if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.drawer) && (Key.isDown(MoveUP_KEY) || Key.isDown(38))) { _root.gotoAndPlay('drawerOpen'); } if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.door2) && (Key.isDown(MoveUP_KEY) || Key.isDown(38))) { _root.gotoAndStop('secroom2'); } if (char_mov.hitTest( { if (duckmode != 1) { _root._event = 1;'busted'); _root.txt.gotoAndStop('busted'); if (_root._currentframe < 155) {; } } } }; var CheckMode = function () { if (_root.shootingMode == 1) { CharMovingSpeed = 5; if (char_mov.char.shooting != 1 && duckmode == 0) { char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (Key.isDown(Shoot_KEY)) {; } inventory.gotoAndStop('pistol'); } else { CharMovingSpeed = 7; crosscursor.stopDrag(); crosscursor._x = -1000; crosscursor._y = -1000; inventory.gotoAndStop('fist'); } }; var CharMove = function () { if (shootingMode != 1) { if (Key.isDown(Shoot_KEY)) { if (duckmode != 1 && _root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 117) { char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('fight'); } else { if (_root.char_mov.char.feet.body._currentframe < 43) { char_mov.char.feet.body.gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } } } if (char_mov._x < 750 && char_mov._x > 0) { if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(MoveRight_KEY)) { char_mov.gotoAndStop('right'); if ( >= -885 && _root._currentframe == 472 && _root.char_mov._x > 290) { = - CharMovingSpeed - 4; CharMovingSpeed = 2; } if ( >= -885 && _root._currentframe == 484 && _root.char_mov._x > 290) { = - CharMovingSpeed - 4; CharMovingSpeed = 2; };; if (duckmode == 1 && shootingMode == 1) {; CharMovingSpeed = 1; } if (duckmode == 1 && shootingMode != 1) {;; CharMovingSpeed = 2; } char_mov._x += CharMovingSpeed; } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(MoveLeft_KEY)) { char_mov.gotoAndStop('left'); if ( <= -30 && _root._currentframe == 472 && _root.char_mov._x < 290) { = + CharMovingSpeed + 4; CharMovingSpeed = 1; } if ( <= -30 && _root._currentframe == 484 && _root.char_mov._x < 290) { = + CharMovingSpeed + 4; CharMovingSpeed = 1; };; if (duckmode == 1 && shootingMode == 1) {; CharMovingSpeed = 2; } if (duckmode == 1 && shootingMode != 1) {;; CharMovingSpeed = 2; } char_mov._x -= CharMovingSpeed; } if ((Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(MoveDown_KEY)) && _root.txt.dialog != 1) { char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('duck'); duckmode = 1; if (shootingMode == 1) { if (char_mov.char.feet.body.shooting != 1) { char_mov.char.feet.body.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (Key.isDown(Shoot_KEY)) {; } } } else { duckmode = 0; } } else { if (char_mov._x > 500) { char_mov._x -= 10; } if (char_mov._x < 20) { char_mov._x += 10; } } }; var CarMovement = function () { function runGame() { if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) { car_mov.radar.goalPos0._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.goalPos0._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.mini_map._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.mini_map._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -SpeedMovement; -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * SpeedMovement; -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -SpeedMovement; if (player_mc.car_dir.hitTest(_root.car_mov.rightborder)) { if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation < 90) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } } if (player_mc.car_dir.hitTest(_root.car_mov.leftborder)) { if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation < -90) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } } if (player_mc.car_dir.hitTest(_root.car_mov.topborder)) { if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } } if (player_mc.car_dir.hitTest(_root.car_mov.downborder)) { if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation += 40; } else { if (player_mc._rotation > 0) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } } } } if (speed < speedMax) { speed += speedAcceleration; if (speed > speedMax) { speed = speedMax; } } } if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83)) { car_mov.radar.mini_map._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * speed * 70; car_mov.radar.mini_map._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -speed * 70; -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * speed * 70; -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -speed * 70; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * speed * 70; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -speed * 70; if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.charpower_ins; player_mc._x += 10; if (player_mc._rotation < 90) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.charpower_ins; player_mc._x -= 10; if (player_mc._rotation < -90) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.charpower_ins; player_mc._y -= 10; if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.charpower_ins; player_mc._y += 10; if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation += 40; } else { if (player_mc._rotation > 0) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } } } if (speed > speedMaxReverse) { speed -= speedAcceleration; if (speed < speedMaxReverse) { speed = speedMaxReverse; } } } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) { steering -= steeringAcceleration; if (steering > steeringMax) { steering = steeringMax; } } if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) { steering += steeringAcceleration; if (steering < -steeringMax) { steering = -steeringMax; } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { speed *= speedDeceleration; } speed *= groundFriction; if (speed > 0 && speed < 0.05) { speed = 0; } velocityX = Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * speed; velocityY = Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; player_mc._x += velocityX / 8; player_mc._y += velocityY / 8; if (steering > 0) { if (steering < 0.05) { steering = 0; } } else { if (steering < 0) { if (steering > -0.05) { steering = 0; } } } steering *= steeringFriction; steering -= steering * 0.1; player_mc._rotation += steering * speed; } var speed = 0; var speedMax = 0.1; var speedMaxReverse = -0.1; var speedAcceleration = 0.2; var speedDeceleration = 0.9; var groundFriction = 0.95; var v2 = 5; var SpeedMovement = 15; var v3 = 180; var steering = 0; var steeringMax = 8; var steeringAcceleration = 8; var steeringFriction = 0.99; var velocityX = 0; var velocityY = 0; player_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { runGame(); }; }; } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 184 { } movieClip 188 { } movieClip 192 { } movieClip 196 { } movieClip 199 { frame 1 { stop(); dying = 0; } frame 2 { dying = 1; } frame 15 { stop(); died = 1; } } movieClip 200 { instance trash1 of movieClip 199 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest(this) && this._currentframe == 1) {; } } } } movieClip 202 { } movieClip 204 { frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } movieClip 205 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 206 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 208 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 209 { } movieClip 210 { } movieClip 213 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 214 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 215 { } movieClip 217 { } movieClip 220 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 225 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 228 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 231 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 24 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 25 { stop(); shooting = 0; } frame 26 { shooting = 1; } frame 39 { gotoAndStop('shoot'); } } movieClip 235 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 241 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 242 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 243 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 244 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 245 { } movieClip 248 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 251 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 255 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 258 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 260 { frame 31 { gotoAndPlay('play'); } frame 32 { body.gotoAndPlay('play'); legs.gotoAndPlay('play'); } frame 60 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 61 { stop(); shooting = 0; _root.charBeeingShot = 0; } frame 62 { shooting = 1; } frame 75 { gotoAndStop('shoot'); } frame 99 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 115 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 125 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 155 { ++_root.charpower_ins; } frame 170 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 171 { _root._event = 1; } frame 200 { _root.gotoAndPlay('died'); } frame 201 { ++_root.charpower_ins; _root.charBeeingShot = 1; dress.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); dress.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); dress.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); dress.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); dress.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 211 { dress.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); dress.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); dress.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); dress.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); dress.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 221 { _root._event = 0; gotoAndStop('shoot'); } frame 221 { dress.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); dress.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); dress.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); dress.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); dress.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 261 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 265 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 270 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { _root._event = 1; _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } movieClip 274 { } movieClip 277 { } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 284 { } movieClip 286 { frame 134 { stop(); } } movieClip 289 { } movieClip 291 { frame 224 { stop(); } } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 295 { } movieClip 297 { } movieClip 299 { } movieClip 301 { } movieClip 303 { frame 89 { stop(); } } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 307 { frame 107 { stop(); } } movieClip 309 { } movieClip 311 { frame 291 { stop(); } } movieClip 313 { } movieClip 315 { frame 175 { stop(); } } movieClip 317 { frame 175 { stop(); } } movieClip 319 { frame 175 { stop(); } } movieClip 321 { } movieClip 323 { } movieClip 326 { frame 152 { stop(); } } movieClip 328 { frame 219 { stop(); } } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 334 { } movieClip 336 { } movieClip 338 { } movieClip 340 { } movieClip 342 { } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 346 { } movieClip 348 { } movieClip 350 { frame 144 { stop(); } } movieClip 352 { } movieClip 354 { } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 361 { } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 369 { } movieClip 370 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 16 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 371 { } movieClip 372 { frame 54 { stop(); } } frame 4 { char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; } movieClip 376 { } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 385 { } movieClip 388 { } movieClip 389 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 390 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 389 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this)) { _root.money_ins += 100; this._alpha = 0; this._x = -1000;; } } } } movieClip 391 { instance of movieClip 390 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest(this) && this._currentframe == 1) {; } } } } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 396 { } frame 5 { play(); _event = 1; } movieClip 400 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 408 { } movieClip 410 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 415 { } movieClip 417 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 422 { } movieClip 424 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('handsup'); } } movieClip 426 { } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 438 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 441 { } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 448 { frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 58 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 77 { dying = 0; } frame 78 { dying = 1; } frame 105 { stop(); dead = 1; dying = 0; _root.NumberOfEnemys = 1; } instance of movieClip 438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this)) { _root.money_ins += 100; this._alpha = 0; this._x = -1000;; } } } frame 118 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 146 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 450 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 451 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 453 { } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 461 { } movieClip 464 { } movieClip 468 { } movieClip 472 { } // unknown tag 88 length 75 movieClip 478 { } movieClip 480 { } movieClip 482 { } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 486 { } movieClip 488 MedalPopup { frame 1 { function onMedalUnlocked(event) { if (event.__get__success()) { _medalQueue.push(event.__get__data()); showNextUnlock(); } } function showNextUnlock() { if (_unlockedMedal) { return undefined; } if (!_medalQueue.length) { gotoAndStop('hidden'); onEnterFrame = null; return undefined; } _unlockedMedal = com.newgrounds.Medal(_medalQueue.shift()); gotoAndPlay('medalUnlocked'); } gotoAndStop('hidden'); com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, onMedalUnlocked); var alwaysOnTop; _x = int(_x); _y = int(_y); var _unlockedMedal; var _medalQueue = []; var _alwaysOnTop = true; if (alwaysOnTop) { _alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop == 'true'; } } frame 15 { function medalPopupEnterFrame() { if (_alwaysOnTop) { var v1 = getNextHighestDepth(); swapDepths(v1); } if (_medalScrollRect) { _medalScrollRect.offset(2, 0); medalNameClip.scrollRect = _medalScrollRect; if (_medalScrollRect.left >= medalNameClip.textField.textWidth + 10) { _medalScrollRect = null; play(); } } } var _medalScrollRect; if (_unlockedMedal) { if (medalNameClip && medalNameClip.textField) { medalNameClip.textField.text =; } if (medalPointsText) { medalPointsText.text = _unlockedMedal.value.toString(); } if (medalNameClip.textField.textWidth > medalNameClip._width) { _medalScrollRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(-medalNameClip._width, 0, medalNameClip._width, medalNameClip._height); medalNameClip.textField._width = 1000; medalNameClip.scrollRect = _medalScrollRect; } onEnterFrame = medalPopupEnterFrame; } } frame 23 { if (_unlockedMedal && medalIcon) { _unlockedMedal.attachIcon(medalIcon); } } frame 84 { if (_medalScrollRect) { stop(); } } frame 105 { stop(); _unlockedMedal = null; showNextUnlock(); } } movieClip 490 { frame 29 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 31 { --_root.man0_instance; } frame 39 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 40 { _root.txt._alpha = 0; } frame 41 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('TheBadGuy'); _root.BadGuy = 1; _root.PeteDead = 1; } instance TheBadGuy of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } frame 104 { stop(); _root.PeteDead = 1; } } movieClip 492 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 493 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 494 { } frame 7 { stop(); txt.gotoAndStop('PetesSpeech'); man0.body.mouth._alpha = 100; inter2 = setInterval(function () { clearInterval(inter2); delete inter2; nextFrame(); }, 5000); } frame 8 { play(); } frame 38 { stop(); _event = 0; txt.gotoAndStop('fight'); } movieClip 496 { frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } instance Boxer of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } frame 39 { char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; txt.gotoAndStop('PeteInfo'); } movieClip 501 { } movieClip 502 { } frame 40 { txt.gotoAndStop('ok'); _root.man0.body.mouth._alpha = 100; play(); } frame 149 { play(); } button 503 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (_root.shootingMode != 1) { if (duckmode == 1) { char_mov.char.feet.body.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } else { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } _root.shootingMode = 1; _root.reload = new Sound(reloadMc); _root.reload.attachSound('reload'); _root.reload.start(); } else { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.shootingMode = 0; } } } } movieClip 504 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 150 { stop(); _root.txt.gotoAndStop('confession'); _root.man0.body.mouth._alpha = 100; } frame 151 { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndStop('blueParrot'); parkFinished = 1; = -1892.55; = -2551.45; } frame 152 { stopAllSounds(); failed = 1; } movieClip 505 { } frame 153 { stop(); _event = 1; NoGoodGuy = 1; } movieClip 510 { frame 14 { stop(); } } button 513 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { stopAllSounds(); _root._event = 0; failed = 0; --_root.lives_ins; if (_root.lives_ins > 0 || _root.lives_ins == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('gameover'); } } } frame 154 { _root.txt.gotoAndStop('seen'); char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; } frame 154 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 521 { } movieClip 525 { } movieClip 527 { } movieClip 530 { } movieClip 534 { frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 538 { } movieClip 539 { } movieClip 540 { } movieClip 543 { } movieClip 544 { } movieClip 546 { frame 1 { stop(); gotoAndPlay(200); } } frame 155 { BustedInBar = 1; } frame 159 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 324 { stop(); } button 550 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { stopAllSounds(); _root._event = 0; failed = 0; --_root.lives_ins; if (_root.lives_ins > 0 || _root.lives_ins == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop('othersideParrot'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('gameover'); } } } frame 325 { if (BustedInBar != 1 && showedSneaker != 1 && _root.haveDiedAtLeastOnce != 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('SilentSneaker'); showedSneaker = 1; } char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; } movieClip 553 { } movieClip 555 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 559 { } movieClip 564 { } movieClip 567 { } movieClip 571 { } movieClip 572 { } movieClip 573 { } movieClip 576 { } movieClip 578 { } movieClip 580 { } movieClip 581 { } movieClip 584 { } movieClip 587 { frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } movieClip 589 { frame 31 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 32 { dying = 0; } frame 33 { dying = 1; } frame 57 { stop(); dead = 1; } frame 58 { stop(); } } movieClip 591 { } movieClip 593 { } movieClip 594 { } instance buttons of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 180 && _root.char_mov._x < 350 || _root.char_mov._x > 500 && _root.char_mov._x < 650) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance SilentSneaker of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } frame 326 { _root.gotoAndStop('bathroom'); } frame 327 { BustedByLight = 1; } movieClip 595 { } frame 467 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 468 { stop(); } button 599 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { stopAllSounds(); _root._event = 0; failed = 0; --_root.lives_ins; if (_root.lives_ins > 0 || _root.lives_ins == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop('othersideParrot'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('gameover'); } } } frame 469 { _root.gotoAndStop('bathroom'); } frame 470 { char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos + 100; } movieClip 603 { } frame 471 { _root.gotoAndStop('secroom'); } frame 472 { function onMedalUnlocked(event) { if (event.__get__success()) { var v1 = (event.__get__data()).medal; trace('You unlocked \'' + v1.__get__name() + '\'! (value: ' + v1.__get__value() + ' points)'); } } _root._event = 0; _root.txt.gotoAndStop('getin'); var lastLocation = 'blueParrot'; _root.woodinstance = 0; com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, onMedalUnlocked, this); if (_root.PeteDead == 0 && _root.BadGuy != 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('TheGoodGuy', 511.45, 374.95); } if (_root.fromBurger == 1) { = -888; _root.char_mov._x = 450; } else { char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; } } movieClip 609 { } movieClip 610 { } movieClip 618 { frame 1 { stop(); hit = 0; } frame 2 { ++_root.woodinstance; } frame 2 { hit = 1; } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 9 { dying = 0; } frame 10 { dying = 1; } frame 17 { stop(); died = 1; } } movieClip 621 { } movieClip 629 { } movieClip 631 { } movieClip 632 { } movieClip 636 { } movieClip 642 { } movieClip 645 { } movieClip 646 { } movieClip 647 { } movieClip 649 { } movieClip 651 { } movieClip 653 { } movieClip 655 { } movieClip 656 { } movieClip 657 { frame 39 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 40 { play(); } frame 196 { stop(); } frame 197 { running = 0; } frame 198 { running = 1; } frame 245 { _root._event = 1; } frame 322 { stop(); _root.gotoAndPlay('noway'); } frame 335 { _root.gotoAndPlay('shooted'); } } movieClip 659 { } movieClip 660 { } movieClip 661 { frame 39 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 55 { _root.gotoAndPlay('shooted'); } } movieClip 663 { frame 1 { stop(); dying = 0; } frame 2 { dying = 1; } frame 15 { stop(); died = 1; } } movieClip 664 { instance of movieClip 496 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('burgerStore'); } } } instance hitman0 of movieClip 657 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.fist.hitTest(this) && this._currentframe < 323) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } this.body.mouth._alpha = 0; } } instance hitman1 of movieClip 661 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this.body)) { = 100; this.body.mouth._alpha = 100; } else { = 0; this.body.mouth._alpha = 0; } } } } movieClip 665 { } instance TheGoodGuy of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } frame 474 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 475 { stop(); } button 669 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { stopAllSounds(); _root._event = 0; failed = 0; --_root.lives_ins; if (_root.lives_ins > 0 || _root.lives_ins == 0) { _root.fromBurger = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('jumpToParrot'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('gameover'); } } } frame 476 { stop(); char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; } movieClip 672 { frame 1 { stop(); died = 1; } } movieClip 674 { } movieClip 677 { } instance buttons of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 450 && _root.char_mov._x < 620) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 678 { } frame 477 { _root.gotoAndStop('inbar'); } frame 478 { } instance TheGoodGuy of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } frame 479 { right._x = 90; 55; right._y = 175; 5; txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); } movieClip 684 { } movieClip 688 { } movieClip 691 { } movieClip 693 { } movieClip 697 { } movieClip 698 { frame 33 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 35 { serving = 1; } frame 60 { _root.money_ins -= 10; } } movieClip 702 { } movieClip 704 { } movieClip 705 { instance decide of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.fastfoodres.hitarea)) { _root.fastfoodres.burger_staff.boy.mouth._alpha = 100; _root.txt.gotoAndStop('hungry'); _root.fastfoodres.decide._alpha = 100; if ( < 10) { this._alpha = 0; _root.txt.gotoAndStop('noburger'); _root.fastfoodres.burger_staff.boy.mouth._alpha = 100; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { if ( >= 10) { if (_root.fastfoodres.burger_staff.boy.serving != 1) { _root.fastfoodres.burger_staff.gotoAndPlay('serve'); this._alpha = 0; _root.txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); _root.fastfoodres.burger_staff.boy.mouth._alpha = 0; _root.charpower_ins = 1; } } else { this._alpha = 0; _root.txt.gotoAndStop('noburger'); _root.fastfoodres.burger_staff.boy.mouth._alpha = 100; } } } else { _root.fastfoodres.burger_staff.boy.mouth._alpha = 0; _root.txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); _root.fastfoodres.decide._alpha = 0; _root.txt.dialog = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 204 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this)) { _root.gotoAndStop('burgerStore2'); } } } movieClip 709 { } frame 480 { gotoAndStop('map'); = -930.65; = 14.55; } frame 481 { txt.gotoAndStop('eliminate'); if (BustedByLight != 1 && showedChameleon != 1 && _root.haveDiedAtLeastOnce != 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Chameleon'); showedChameleon = 1; } } movieClip 715 { } movieClip 717 { } movieClip 719 { } instance Chameleon of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } instance buttons of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 400 && _root.char_mov._x < 550) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 482 { _root.gotoAndStop('kitchen', 1); } frame 483 { _root.gotoAndStop('stairsup2'); } frame 484 { char_mov._x = 204; if (_root.fromCutscene == 1) { = -600; if (_root.tookpoison != 1) { _root.fromCutscene = 0; } } txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); _root.advise = 1; if (_root.awayBullet == 1) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('duck'); } } movieClip 722 { } movieClip 723 { } movieClip 726 { } movieClip 728 { } movieClip 730 { } movieClip 734 { } movieClip 736 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 739 { } movieClip 741 { } movieClip 743 { } movieClip 745 { } movieClip 748 { } movieClip 751 { } movieClip 753 { } movieClip 754 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance bosschar of movieClip 745 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.bullet.hitTest(this)) { play(); } } } frame 2 { dying = 1; _root._event = 1; } frame 30 { stop(); if (_root.fromCutscene != 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('shootedInCasino'); } else { if (_root.bossIsDead != 1) { dead = 1; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('BossKiller'); _root.bossIsDead = 1; _root._event = 0; stopAllSounds();'gotoBoss'); } } } frame 30 { if (_root.tookpoison == 1) { blood._alpha = 0; } } instance BossKiller of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } } movieClip 755 { } movieClip 757 { } movieClip 759 { } movieClip 760 { } movieClip 763 { } movieClip 765 { } movieClip 767 { } movieClip 769 { } movieClip 770 { } movieClip 772 { } movieClip 773 { frame 39 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 40 { play(); } frame 196 { stop(); } frame 197 { running = 0; } frame 198 { running = 1; } frame 245 { _root._event = 1; } frame 322 { stop(); _root.gotoAndPlay('noway'); } frame 335 { _root.gotoAndPlay('shootedInCasino'); } frame 336 { play(); _root._event = 1; } frame 646 { _root.gotoAndStop('epicShoot'); } frame 680 { if (_root.awayBullet == 1) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('duck'); } } frame 724 { _root._event = 0; _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay(1); } instance right of movieClip 204 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this)) { _root._event = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('toRoof'); } } } frame 799 { _root.charGoDead = 1; _root.gotoAndPlay('epicShoot'); } } movieClip 774 { instance hitman0 of movieClip 773 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.fist.hitTest(this.body) && this._currentframe < 42) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this.body)) { = 100; this.body.mouth._alpha = 100; } else { = 0; this.body.mouth._alpha = 0; } } } instance right of movieClip 204 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this) && _root.bossIsDead != 1) { _root.prevFrame(); } if (_root.bossIsDead == 1) { this._alpha = 0; } } } } movieClip 775 { } instance casino of movieClip 775 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.awayBullet == 1) { if ( < 648) {'keeperHurt'); } } if (_root.bossIsDead == 1) {; } else { if (_root.char_mov.char.fist.hitTest( || _root.char_mov.char.bullet.hitTest( { if ( != 1) {'die'); } } if (_root.char_mov.hitTest( && _root.shootingMode != 1) { = 100; = 100; } else { = 0; = 0; } if (_root.tookpoison == 1 && != 1 && _root.fromCutscene == 1) {; } } } } button 776 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest( && _root.gotBottle == 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('giveBottle'); } } } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest( && _root.gotBottle == 1) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 779 { } movieClip 784 { } movieClip 788 { } movieClip 790 { } movieClip 791 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 794 { frame 240 { _root.nextFrame(); } } movieClip 796 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 34 { _root._event = 1;; } } frame 486 { gotoAndStop('map'); _root.carpower_ins = 1; _root.money_ins -= 100; = -745.4500000000001; = -1523.05; } frame 488 { _root.fromBurger = 1; } movieClip 798 { } movieClip 803 { } movieClip 806 { } movieClip 815 { } movieClip 816 { instance trash1 of movieClip 199 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest(this) && this._currentframe == 1) {; } } } } button 817 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 460) { _root.gotoAndStop('burger'); } } } instance buttons of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 460) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 204 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('blueParrot'); } } } instance of movieClip 678 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this)) { _root.gotoAndStop('burger'); } } } frame 489 { _root.gotoAndStop('burger'); } frame 490 { _root.char._x = 139.2; _root.fromBurger = 1; } instance buttons of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 460) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 204 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('blueParrot'); } } } frame 491 { play(); stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 823 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance _char of movieClip 823 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.dressmode == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 826 { } button 827 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.haveDiedAtLeastOnce = 1; _root.shootingMode = 0; _root.awayBullet = 0; _root.bossIsDead = 0; _root.fromCutscene = 0; _root.tookpoison = 0; _root.gotBottle = 0; _root.advise = 0; _root.charGoDead = 0; _root.lightOn = 0; _root.charpower_ins = 0; _root.fromRoof = 0; _root.e1dead = 0; _root.e2dead = 0; _root.e3dead = 0; _root.e4dead = 0; _root.e4dying = 0; _root.e3dying = 0; _root.e2dying = 0; _root.e1dying = 0; _root.e1 = 1; _root.e2 = 1; _root.e3 = 1; _root.e4 = 1; _root.churchBossDead = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.notebook = 0; --_root.lives_ins; if (_root.lives_ins > 0 || _root.lives_ins == 0) { switch (_root.lastLocation) { case 'BarScene': _root.gotoAndPlay('intro'); break; case 'ParkScene': _root.gotoAndStop('park1'); break; case 'blueParrot': _root.gotoAndStop('jumpToParrot'); break; case 'kitchen': _root.gotoAndStop('kitchen'); break; case 'coderoom': _root.gotoAndStop('statueRoom'); break; case 'stairsRoom1': _root.gotoAndStop('stairsRoom1'); break; case 'onRoof': _root.gotoAndPlay('run'); break; case 'church': _root.gotoAndPlay('churchscene'); } } else { _root.gotoAndStop('gameover'); } } } movieClip 828 { } instance Drinker of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } frame 492 { _root.myLoop = new Sound(myLoopMc); _root.myLoop.attachSound('angels'); _root.myLoop.start(); if (_root.drunkDead == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Drinker'); } } frame 987 { stop(); } frame 988 { _root.drunkDead = 0; } frame 988 { stopAllSounds(); _root.drinking = 0; play(); } frame 989 { stop(); inter2 = setInterval(function () { clearInterval(inter2); delete inter2; nextFrame(); }, 2000); } frame 990 { play(); } movieClip 836 { } movieClip 841 { } frame 1070 { stop(); inter2 = setInterval(function () { clearInterval(inter2); delete inter2; nextFrame(); }, 1500); } frame 1071 { play(); } movieClip 845 { } frame 1110 { stop(); inter2 = setInterval(function () { clearInterval(inter2); delete inter2; nextFrame(); }, 1500); } frame 1111 { play(); } frame 1155 { stop(); } button 849 { on (keyPress '<Left>') { nextFrame(); _root._event = 0; } } movieClip 850 { } frame 1156 { play(); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Start'); } frame 1156 { play(); } movieClip 852 { } instance Start of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } movieClip 856 { } movieClip 859 { } movieClip 860 { } movieClip 863 { } movieClip 865 { } movieClip 869 { } frame 1344 { ++_root.drink; if (_root.drinking == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop('barscene'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('barscene2'); } } frame 1345 { stop(); txt.gotoAndStop('keys'); _root._event = 1; } frame 1345 { var lastLocation = 'BarScene'; } movieClip 871 { } movieClip 872 { } movieClip 875 { } movieClip 876 { } movieClip 877 { } movieClip 878 { } movieClip 880 { } movieClip 881 { } movieClip 883 { } button 885 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root._event = 0; nextFrame(); } } frame 1346 { txt.gotoAndStop('hint'); stop(); _event = 0; failed = 0; _root.CharDefaultXPos = 52; char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; _root.charpower_ins = 1; _root.carpower_ins = 1; _root.man0_instance = 5; _root.enemyMovingSpeed = 5; _root.NumberOfEnemys = 0; _root.enemyinstance0 = 1; _root.enemyinstance1 = 1; _root.EnemyDeathTreshold = 11; _root.woodinstance = 0; _root.mapHitPoints = 15; _root.winkel = 0; _root.zentrumX = 340.25; _root.zentrumY = 334.35; _root.mini_object_movement = 1; _root.Boxer = true; _root.PeteDead = 0; Shoot_KEY = 70; MoveRight_KEY = 68; MoveLeft_KEY = 65; MoveDown_KEY = 83; MoveUP_KEY = 87; onEnterFrame = function () { livesManagement(); if (failed != 1 && _event != 1) { Init(); } else { if (_event == 1) { MapEvents(); } } }; var MapEvents = function () { if ( && parkFinished == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('bar'); _event = 0; } if ( { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('burger'); _event = 0; } if ( && _root.money_ins >= 100) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('repair'); _event = 0; } else { if (_root.money_ins < 100) { if ( { _root.txt.gotoAndStop('nomoney'); } } } if ( && parkFinished != 1) { park = 1; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('park1'); _event = 0; } if ( { _root.gotoAndPlay('sink'); } if (car_mov.radar.mask_layer.hitTest(car_mov.radar.goal_icon)) { car_mov.radar.symbol0._alpha = 0; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._alpha = 0; } else { car_mov.radar.symbol0._alpha = 100; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._alpha = 100; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= mapHitPoints) { if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.bottomleft) ||['hp' + v2].hitarea.bottomright) ||['hp' + v2].hitarea.topleft) ||['hp' + v2].hitarea.topright)) { player_mc._rotation *= -1;; ++_root.carpower_ins; } if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.leftwall)) {; ++_root.carpower_ins; player_mc._x -= 7; if (player_mc._rotation < 90) { player_mc._rotation = 0; } else { if (player_mc._rotation >= 90) { player_mc._rotation = 180; } } } if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.rightwall)) {; ++_root.carpower_ins; player_mc._x += 7; if (player_mc._rotation < -90) { player_mc._rotation = 180; } else { if (player_mc._rotation >= -90) { player_mc._rotation = 0; } } } if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.topwall)) {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation >= 0) { player_mc._rotation = 90; } else { if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation = -90; } } } if (['hp' + v2].hitarea.bottomwall)) {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation >= 0) { player_mc._rotation = 90; } if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation = -90; } } if (['pass' + v2])) { if (['pass' + v2]._currentframe != 44) {; _root.money_ins += 100; }['pass' + v2].gotoAndStop('dead'); } ++v2; } }; var livesManagement = function () { _root.carpower.gotoAndStop(_root.carpower_ins); _root.charpower.gotoAndStop(_root.charpower_ins); _root.lives.lives_count = _root.lives_ins.toString(); = _root.money_ins.toString(); if (_root.lives_ins < 0) { _root.lives_ins = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('gameover'); } }; var showRight = function () { _root.right_win._x = 676; 4; _root.right_win._y = 274; 55; }; var showLeft = function () { _root.right._x = 56; _root.right._y = 280; }; var Init = function () { CheckScene(); CheckMode(); CharMove(); CheckHit(); CheckSpeech(); CheckEnemyPower(); CheckChanges(); if (_root._currentframe == 478) { CarMovement(); _root._event = 1; } }; var CheckChanges = function () { if ( == 1) { if ( < 41) {'turnleft'); }'turnleft'); } if ( == 1 && == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('otherside'); } if (_root.woodinstance > 5 && != 1 && died != 1) {'crack'); } if ( == 1) {'dead'); } if ( != 1 && _root.woodinstance > 2 && != 1) {'busted'); _root.woodinstance = 0; _root.fromBurger = 0; } else { if ( < 2) {; } } if (parkFinished != 1) { = 100; = 0; } else { = 0; = 100; } if (_root.staff.dead == 1) { if (dressmode != 1) { _root.staff.gotoAndStop('dead'); } if (dressmode == 1) { _root.staff.gotoAndStop('undressed'); } } if (_root.enemy0.enemy.dead == 1 && _root.enemy1.enemy.dead == 1 && _root.charpower._currentframe == 1 && _root.Boxer == true) { _root.Boxer = false; com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, onMedalUnlocked, this); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Boxer', 511.45, 374.95); } if (_root._currentframe == 150 && _root.PeteDead == 0) { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, onMedalUnlocked, this); if (_root.PeteDead == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('TheBadGuy', 511.45, 374.95); } } }; var dressChar = function () { if (dressmode == 1) { _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } }; var CheckEnemyPower = function () { if (_root.man0_instance == 1 && _root._currentframe < 41) { _root.gotoAndStop(40); } if (_root.man0_instance == 0 && _root.man0._currentframe < 41) { _root.man0.gotoAndPlay('die'); if (_root._currentframe != 150) { _root.gotoAndPlay('failed'); _root._event = 1; } } }; var CheckHit = function () { if (char_mov.char.fist.hitTest(_root.man0.hitpoint)) { _root.man0.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest( && duckmode == 1 && == 0) {; } if (char_mov.char.fist.hitTest(_root.staff.hitpoint) && _root.staff.dying != 1) { _root.staff.gotoAndPlay('die'); } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.staff.take)) { dressmode = 1; } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.take)) { _root.nextFrame(); } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest( && duckmode == 1) {; } if (char_mov.char.bullet.hitTest(_root.man0)) { _root.man0.gotoAndPlay('die'); } var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= NumberOfEnemys) { if (_root['enemyinstance' + v2] == 1 || _root['enemyinstance' + v2] == EnemyDeathTreshold) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemypower._alpha = 0; } else { _root['enemy' + v2].enemypower._alpha = 100; } _root['enemy' + v2].enemypower.gotoAndStop(_root['enemyinstance' + v2]); if (_root['enemyinstance' + v2] != EnemyDeathTreshold) { if (char_mov.char.fist.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2].enemy.body.hitpoint) && (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 74 && _root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 121)) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); ++_root['enemyinstance' + v2]; _root.char_mov.char.punchanim._alpha = 57; } if (char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2].enemy.body.hitpoint)) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('hitDown'); ++_root['enemyinstance' + v2]; } } else { if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 78 && _root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 119) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } ++v2; } }; var EnemyRandomPunch = function () { function randRange(min, max) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; return v1; } var v4 = randRange(0, 20); if (v4 == 0) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= NumberOfEnemys) { if (_root['enemyinstance' + v2] != EnemyDeathTreshold && _root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 120) { if (_root.char_mov.char.body.hitarea.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2])) { if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 134) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('downhit'); } } } ++v2; } } }; var EnemyMovement = function () { EnemyRandomPunch(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= NumberOfEnemys) { if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy.dead != 1) { if (_root.char_mov.char.body.hitarea.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2]) == false) { if (_root['enemy' + v2]._x > _root.char_mov._x) { _root['enemy' + v2].gotoAndStop('left'); _root['enemy' + v2]._x -= enemyMovingSpeed; _root['enemy' + v2]; } else { if (_root['enemy' + v2]._x < _root.char_mov._x) { _root['enemy' + v2].gotoAndStop('right'); _root['enemy' + v2]._x += enemyMovingSpeed; _root['enemy' + v2]; } } } if (_root.char_mov.char.body.hitarea.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2]) && _root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 41) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } if (_root.char_mov.char.feet.body.hitarea.hitTest(_root['enemy' + v2])) { if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy._currentframe < 120) { _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.gotoAndPlay('downhit'); } } if (_root['enemy' + v2].enemy.fist.hitTest(_root.char_mov.char.body.hitpoint) || _root['enemy' + v2].enemy.fist.hitTest(_root.char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint)) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } ++v2; } }; var CheckScene = function () { EnemyMovement(); dressChar(); if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.secroom.alarm.hitpoint)) { if (_root.dressmode != 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('secroom_loose'); _root._event = 1; } } if (enemyinstance0 < 8 && _root.enemy1.enemy.body._currentframe == 1 && enemyinstance1 < EnemyDeathTreshold) { _root.enemy1.enemy.body.gotoAndPlay('handsup'); } if (enemyinstance0 == EnemyDeathTreshold && enemyinstance1 == EnemyDeathTreshold) { showRight(); } if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.right) || char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.right) || char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.right_win) || char_mov.char.feet.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.right_win)) { if (_root._currentframe != 154) { nextFrame(); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('secroom'); } } if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(_root.tosecroom)) { gotoAndStop('secroom'); } if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.door) && (Key.isDown(MoveUP_KEY) || Key.isDown(38))) { _root.nextFrame(); } if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.drawer) && (Key.isDown(MoveUP_KEY) || Key.isDown(38))) { _root.gotoAndPlay('drawerOpen'); } if (char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(_root.door2) && (Key.isDown(MoveUP_KEY) || Key.isDown(38))) { _root.gotoAndStop('secroom2'); } if (char_mov.hitTest( { if (duckmode != 1) { _root._event = 1;'busted'); _root.txt.gotoAndStop('busted'); if (_root._currentframe < 155) {; } } } }; var CheckMode = function () { if (_root.shootingMode == 1) { CharMovingSpeed = 5; if (char_mov.char.shooting != 1 && duckmode == 0) { char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (Key.isDown(Shoot_KEY)) {; } inventory.gotoAndStop('pistol'); } else { CharMovingSpeed = 7; crosscursor.stopDrag(); crosscursor._x = -1000; crosscursor._y = -1000; inventory.gotoAndStop('fist'); } }; var CharMove = function () { if (shootingMode != 1) { if (Key.isDown(Shoot_KEY)) { if (duckmode != 1 && _root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 117) { char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('fight'); } else { if (_root.char_mov.char.feet.body._currentframe < 43) { char_mov.char.feet.body.gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } } } if (char_mov._x < 750 && char_mov._x > 0) { if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(MoveRight_KEY)) { char_mov.gotoAndStop('right'); if ( >= -885 && _root._currentframe == 472 && _root.char_mov._x > 290) { = - CharMovingSpeed - 4; CharMovingSpeed = 2; } if ( >= -885 && _root._currentframe == 484 && _root.char_mov._x > 290) { = - CharMovingSpeed - 4; CharMovingSpeed = 2; };; if (duckmode == 1 && shootingMode == 1) {; CharMovingSpeed = 1; } if (duckmode == 1 && shootingMode != 1) {;; CharMovingSpeed = 2; } char_mov._x += CharMovingSpeed; } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(MoveLeft_KEY)) { char_mov.gotoAndStop('left'); if ( <= -30 && _root._currentframe == 472 && _root.char_mov._x < 290) { = + CharMovingSpeed + 4; CharMovingSpeed = 1; } if ( <= -30 && _root._currentframe == 484 && _root.char_mov._x < 290) { = + CharMovingSpeed + 4; CharMovingSpeed = 1; };; if (duckmode == 1 && shootingMode == 1) {; CharMovingSpeed = 2; } if (duckmode == 1 && shootingMode != 1) {;; CharMovingSpeed = 2; } char_mov._x -= CharMovingSpeed; } if ((Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(MoveDown_KEY)) && _root.txt.dialog != 1) { char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('duck'); duckmode = 1; if (shootingMode == 1) { if (char_mov.char.feet.body.shooting != 1) { char_mov.char.feet.body.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } if (Key.isDown(Shoot_KEY)) {; } } } else { duckmode = 0; } } else { if (char_mov._x > 500) { char_mov._x -= 10; } if (char_mov._x < 20) { char_mov._x += 10; } } }; var CarMovement = function () { function runGame() { if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) { car_mov.radar.goalPos0._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.goalPos0._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.mini_map._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * SpeedMovement; car_mov.radar.mini_map._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -SpeedMovement; -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * SpeedMovement; -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -SpeedMovement; if (player_mc.car_dir.hitTest(_root.car_mov.rightborder)) { if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation < 90) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } } if (player_mc.car_dir.hitTest(_root.car_mov.leftborder)) { if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation < -90) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } } if (player_mc.car_dir.hitTest(_root.car_mov.topborder)) { if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } } if (player_mc.car_dir.hitTest(_root.car_mov.downborder)) { if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.carpower_ins; if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation += 40; } else { if (player_mc._rotation > 0) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } } } } if (speed < speedMax) { speed += speedAcceleration; if (speed > speedMax) { speed = speedMax; } } } if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83)) { car_mov.radar.mini_map._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * speed * 70; car_mov.radar.mini_map._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -speed * 70; -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * speed * 70; -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -speed * 70; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._x -= Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * speed * 70; car_mov.radar.goal_icon._y -= Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -speed * 70; if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.charpower_ins; player_mc._x += 10; if (player_mc._rotation < 90) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.charpower_ins; player_mc._x -= 10; if (player_mc._rotation < -90) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.charpower_ins; player_mc._y -= 10; if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } else { player_mc._rotation += 40; } } if ( == false) { } else {; ++_root.charpower_ins; player_mc._y += 10; if (player_mc._rotation < 0) { player_mc._rotation += 40; } else { if (player_mc._rotation > 0) { player_mc._rotation -= 40; } } } if (speed > speedMaxReverse) { speed -= speedAcceleration; if (speed < speedMaxReverse) { speed = speedMaxReverse; } } } if (Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) { steering -= steeringAcceleration; if (steering > steeringMax) { steering = steeringMax; } } if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) { steering += steeringAcceleration; if (steering < -steeringMax) { steering = -steeringMax; } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { speed *= speedDeceleration; } speed *= groundFriction; if (speed > 0 && speed < 0.05) { speed = 0; } velocityX = Math.sin(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * speed; velocityY = Math.cos(player_mc._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * -speed; player_mc._x += velocityX / 8; player_mc._y += velocityY / 8; if (steering > 0) { if (steering < 0.05) { steering = 0; } } else { if (steering < 0) { if (steering > -0.05) { steering = 0; } } } steering *= steeringFriction; steering -= steering * 0.1; player_mc._rotation += steering * speed; } var speed = 0; var speedMax = 0.1; var speedMaxReverse = -0.1; var speedAcceleration = 0.2; var speedDeceleration = 0.9; var groundFriction = 0.95; var v2 = 5; var SpeedMovement = 15; var v3 = 180; var steering = 0; var steeringMax = 8; var steeringAcceleration = 8; var steeringFriction = 0.99; var velocityX = 0; var velocityY = 0; player_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { runGame(); }; }; trace(txt._currentframe); } movieClip 887 { frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } movieClip 888 { } instance notebook of movieClip 888 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this) && _root.duckmode == 1 && _root.notebook != 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('notebook'); } } } frame 1347 { _root.char_mov._x = 382; txt.gotoAndStop('findpete2'); _root.notebook = 1; } instance of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.drinking > 5 && _root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 172) { _root.drunkDead = 1; _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('die'); } if (_root.char_mov._x > 350 && _root.char_mov._x < 400) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } button 889 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 350 && _root.char_mov._x < 400) { _root.gotoAndPlay('drink'); ++_root.drinking; } } } frame 1348 { stop(); _root.txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); } movieClip 892 { } movieClip 895 { } movieClip 897 { } movieClip 900 { } movieClip 901 { } movieClip 902 { } movieClip 906 { } movieClip 907 { } frame 1349 { _root.char_mov._x = 52; 2; } movieClip 911 { } movieClip 914 { } movieClip 921 { } movieClip 922 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 924 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 926 { } movieClip 932 { } movieClip 933 { } movieClip 935 { } frame 1350 { _root.char_mov._x = 52; 2; txt.gotoAndStop('getincar'); } movieClip 938 { } movieClip 940 { } movieClip 941 { } movieClip 944 { } movieClip 948 { } movieClip 949 { } movieClip 950 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { function randRange(min, max) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; return v1; } var v2 = randRange(0, 100); trace(v2); if (v2 == 100 && val != 1) { val = 1; var v6; v6 = _root.attachMovie('passenger', 'passenger', 1, {'_x': 300, '_y': 300}); } }; } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 955 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 956 { } instance usecar of movieClip 956 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest( { this._alpha = 100; if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.nextFrame(); } } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 1351 { _root._event = 1; gotoAndStop('lock'); txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); } frame 1352 { _root._event = 1; car.gotoAndStop(2); txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); } movieClip 959 { } movieClip 962 { } movieClip 963 { } frame 1615 { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('park1'); } frame 1617 { stopAllSounds(); _root._event = 0; } frame 1618 { stop(); } movieClip 966 { } button 967 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { nextFrame(); _root._event = 0; } } frame 1625 { gotoAndPlay(1352); } movieClip 970 { } movieClip 971 { } frame 1687 { stop(); } frame 1688 { play(); } movieClip 977 { } frame 1715 { txt.gotoAndStop('join'); } movieClip 978 { } frame 1716 { stop(); } movieClip 979 { } frame 1722 { play(); } frame 1738 { _root.gotoAndStop('barscene2'); } frame 1739 { stopAllSounds(); play(); } frame 1740 { stop(); } movieClip 982 { } movieClip 985 { frame 59 { gotoAndPlay('play'); } } button 986 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 988 { } movieClip 989 { frame 54 { stop(); } } frame 1741 { play(); _root.knifes = 5; = 1; var lastLocation = 'kitchen'; _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } movieClip 992 { } movieClip 994 { } movieClip 995 { } movieClip 999 { } movieClip 1000 { } movieClip 1002 { } movieClip 1003 { } movieClip 1005 { } movieClip 1007 { } movieClip 1009 { } movieClip 1011 { } movieClip 1013 { } movieClip 1014 { } frame 1742 { _root._event = 1; } frame 1754 { txt.gotoAndStop('cook'); } frame 1756 { stop(); = 100; } button 1016 { on (keyPress '<Right>') { nextFrame(); _root._event = 0; } } movieClip 1017 { } frame 1757 { txt.gotoAndStop('cook_NO'); play(); _root._event = 1; } frame 1908 { txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); = 0; } frame 1946 { if (_root.knifes == 4) { _root.knife5._alpha = 0; } if (_root.knifes == 3) { _root.knife5._alpha = 0; _root.knife4._alpha = 0; } if (_root.knifes == 2) { _root.knife5._alpha = 0; _root.knife4._alpha = 0; _root.knife3._alpha = 0; } if (_root.knifes == 1) { _root.knife5._alpha = 0; _root.knife4._alpha = 0; _root.knife3._alpha = 0; _root.knife3._alpha = 0; _root.knife2._alpha = 0; } } frame 1995 { --_root.knifes; } frame 1996 { = 100; txt.gotoAndStop('cook_EAT'); } movieClip 1020 { } frame 2034 { = 0; txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); } frame 2052 { a = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (a == 2) { gotoAndPlay('choiceLeft'); } if (a == 3) { gotoAndPlay('choiceRight'); } } movieClip 1022 { } button 1023 { on (keyPress '<Down>') { gotoAndPlay('duck'); _root._event = 0; } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('die'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('die'); } } frame 2092 { gotoAndPlay('die'); } frame 2093 { _root._event = 1; } frame 2093 { _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2112 { _root.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2125 { if (_root.knifes > 0) { gotoAndPlay('takeKnife'); } else { gotoAndPlay('noKnifes'); } } frame 2126 { _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2132 { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('die'); _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2160 { _root.gotoAndPlay('died'); } frame 2203 { _root._event = 1; _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } movieClip 1026 { } frame 2227 { _root.gotoAndPlay('lastMeal'); } frame 2228 { _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 100; _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2327 { gotoAndStop('CookDead'); } frame 2328 { = 0; txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); } movieClip 1027 { } button 1028 { on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('duck'); _root._event = 0; } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('die'); } on (keyPress '<Down>') { gotoAndPlay('die'); } } frame 2368 { gotoAndPlay('die'); } frame 2369 { = 0; txt.gotoAndStop('nothing'); } movieClip 1029 { } button 1030 { on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('duck'); _root._event = 0; } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('die'); } on (keyPress '<Down>') { gotoAndPlay('die'); } } frame 2409 { gotoAndPlay('die'); } frame 2410 { _root._event = 0; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('AngryCook'); stop(); _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } movieClip 1031 { } movieClip 1032 { } instance of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 260 && _root.char_mov._x < 380) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance AngryCook of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } frame 2411 { _root.gotoAndStop('coderoom'); } frame 2412 { txt.gotoAndStop('lastMeal'); } frame 2551 { _root.gotoAndPlay('punching'); } frame 2552 { _root._event = 1; _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } movieClip 1038 { } movieClip 1040 { } instance of movieClip 1040 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;; } } movieClip 1041 { } frame 2665 { _root.gotoAndStop('stairsup'); } frame 2666 { _root._event = 1; _root.char_mov.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2779 { _root.gotoAndStop('stairsroom'); } movieClip 1045 { } movieClip 1047 { } movieClip 1049 { } movieClip 1050 { } movieClip 1051 { } frame 2839 { _root.tookpoison = 1; if (_root.gotBottle != 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('keller'); } else { fromKeller = 1; gotoAndPlay('mixpoison'); } } movieClip 1052 { } movieClip 1056 { } frame 2890 { _root.gotBottle = 1; if (_root.tookpoison == 1) { fromBottle = 1; gotoAndPlay('mixpoison'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('stairsup'); } } frame 2947 { txt.gotoAndStop('bossThanks'); } movieClip 1060 { } movieClip 1062 { } movieClip 1063 { } movieClip 1066 { } frame 3051 { _root.gotBottle = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('pokeroom'); _root.fromCutscene = 1; } frame 3121 { if (fromBottle == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('stairsup'); } if (fromKeller == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('keller'); } } movieClip 1072 { } movieClip 1075 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 3138 { txt.gotoAndStop('useMouse'); } frame 3138 { stop(); } button 1079 { on (keyPress '<Down>') { _root.nextFrame(); } } movieClip 1080 { } movieClip 1082 { } button 1083 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('gotOpen'); } } frame 3139 { _root.gotoAndStop('coderoom'); } movieClip 1084 { } frame 3141 { _root.gotoAndStop('coderoom'); } movieClip 1087 { } movieClip 1088 { } movieClip 1090 { } movieClip 1092 { } movieClip 1094 { } movieClip 1095 { } movieClip 1097 { } frame 3191 { if (_root.fromRoof != 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('climb'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('roofChurch'); } } frame 3192 { _root._event = 1; play(); } movieClip 1100 { instance of movieClip 496 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('burgerStore'); } } } } movieClip 1102 { } movieClip 1103 { } frame 3209 { _root.char_mov2.char.gotoAndPlay('die'); } frame 3263 { _root._event = 1; _root.casino2.bossteam.boss.gotoAndStop(30); play(); } movieClip 1105 { instance right of movieClip 204 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this) && _root.bossIsDead != 1) { _root.prevFrame(); } if (_root.bossIsDead == 1) { this._alpha = 0; } } } } instance casino2 of movieClip 1105 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bossIsDead == 1) { this.bossteam.boss.gotoAndStop(30); } } } frame 3280 { _root.char_mov2.char.gotoAndPlay('die'); } frame 3355 { _root._event = 1; _root.casino2.bossteam.boss.gotoAndStop(30); play(); } movieClip 1106 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance bosschar of movieClip 745 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.bullet.hitTest(this)) { play(); } } } frame 2 { dying = 1; _root._event = 1; } frame 30 { stop(); if (_root.fromCutscene != 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('shootedInCasino'); } else { if (_root.bossIsDead != 1) { dead = 1; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('BossKiller'); _root.bossIsDead = 1; _root._event = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('BossPoisoned'); } } } frame 30 { if (_root.tookpoison == 1) { blood._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 1107 { } movieClip 1108 { instance right of movieClip 204 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.hitTest(this) && _root.bossIsDead != 1) { _root.prevFrame(); } if (_root.bossIsDead == 1) { this._alpha = 0; } } } } movieClip 1109 { } frame 3437 { _root.gotoAndStop('pokeroom'); _root.fromCutscene = 1; } frame 3438 { play(); } movieClip 1110 { } frame 3489 { if (_root.charGoDead == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dying_anim'); } } movieClip 1112 { } button 1113 { on (keyPress '<Down>') { _root.awayBullet = 1; } } frame 3531 { if (_root.awayBullet == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('pokeroom'); _root.fromCutscene = 1; } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('dying_anim'); } } frame 3532 { _root._event = 1; play(); } movieClip 1116 { } movieClip 1118 { } movieClip 1119 { } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;; } } frame 3645 { _root._event = 0; if (_root.gotKey != 1) { if (_root.keyfall != 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('churchdoor'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('churchdoor2'); } } else { _root.gotoAndStop('open_churchdoor'); } } frame 3647 { _root._event = 1; } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;; } } frame 3760 { _root._event = 0; if (_root.keyfall != 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('bellroom'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('keyroom'); } } frame 3761 { _root._event = 1; play(); } movieClip 1123 { } movieClip 1125 { } frame 3793 { _root.char_mov2.char.gotoAndPlay('die'); } frame 3842 { play(); _root._event = 1; _root.char_mov2.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } movieClip 1127 { } movieClip 1128 { } instance char_mov2 of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;; } } frame 3890 { _root.char_mov2.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 3895 { _root.char_mov2.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov2.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } movieClip 1130 { } frame 3994 { stop(); _root.dressmode = 0; _root._event = 0; } button 1131 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 360) { _root.nextFrame(); } } } instance keyUpPress of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 360) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 1133 { } movieClip 1135 { frame 195 { _root.gotoAndPlay('shootedRoof'); } } frame 3995 { _root._event = 1; play(); } movieClip 1138 { } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;; } } frame 4108 { _root.gotoAndPlay('run'); } frame 4109 { = 0; play(); = 1; _root._event = 1; stopAllSounds(); var lastLocation = 'onRoof'; } movieClip 1141 { } movieClip 1142 { } movieClip 1145 { } movieClip 1147 { } movieClip 1150 { } movieClip 1152 { } movieClip 1154 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;; } } frame 4187 { = 0; _root._event = 1; } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;; } } movieClip 1156 { } button 1157 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('jumpUp'); } } frame 4249 { _root.gotoAndPlay('falling2'); } movieClip 1158 { } button 1159 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { _root.gotoAndStop('step2'); } } movieClip 1160 { } frame 4290 { _root.gotoAndPlay('falling'); } frame 4291 { play(); } button 1161 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { _root.gotoAndStop('step3'); } } frame 4304 { _root.gotoAndPlay('falling'); } frame 4305 { play(); } button 1162 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('step4'); } } frame 4318 { _root.gotoAndPlay('falling'); } frame 4319 { play(); } button 1163 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('step5'); } } frame 4320 { gotoAndPlay('climbUp'); } frame 4331 { _root.gotoAndPlay('falling'); } frame 4332 { play(); } button 1164 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('climbUp'); } } frame 4372 { _root.gotoAndPlay('died'); } frame 4391 { stop(); _root._event = 0; } movieClip 1166 { } instance of movieClip 1166 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.char_mov) && _root.char_mov.char._x < 156) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } } button 1168 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 150 && _root.char_mov._x < 200) { _root.fromRoof = 1; _root.gotoAndPlay('jumpUp'); } } } movieClip 1171 { } movieClip 1174 { } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._x > 230) { _root.gotoAndPlay('falling3'); } } } instance of movieClip 1156 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 150 && _root.char_mov._x < 200) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;; } } movieClip 1175 { } frame 4420 { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('dead'); } frame 4421 { _root._event = 1; } instance of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (load) { this.char.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.feet.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.fighter.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.fighter.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.fighter.body.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.fighter.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.fighter.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.fightlegs.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.feet.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.feet.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.feet.body.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.feet.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.feet.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.feet.body.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.feet.body.topbody.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.puncharm.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.outfit.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.body.arm2.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.body.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.shootarm.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.legs.leg2.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.feet.legs.gotoAndStop(2); this.char.legs.leg1.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 4450 { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('dead'); } frame 4451 { stop(); } button 1176 { on (keyPress '<Right>') { if (_root.charClimb._currentframe == 1) { _root.charClimb._x += 20;; } } on (keyPress '<Left>') { if (_root.charClimb._x >= 278) { if (_root.charClimb._currentframe == 1) { _root.charClimb._x -= 20;; } } } on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.charClimb._x > 630 && _root.charClimb._x < 700) { _root.gotoAndPlay('climbUpChurch'); } } } movieClip 1178 { } instance of movieClip 1178 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.charClimb._x > 630 && _root.charClimb._x < 700) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 1179 { } movieClip 1180 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 4498 { stop(); _root._event = 0; } instance right of movieClip 204 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x.hitTest(this)) { _root.stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('bellroom'); } } } instance of movieClip 1178 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x < 416) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 4499 { stopAllSounds(); play(); } frame 4500 { _root.bell_mov.gotoAndStop(1); trace(_root.char_mov._x); stop(); } movieClip 1183 { } movieClip 1185 { } movieClip 1186 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 1187 { } movieClip 1189 { } movieClip 1192 { } movieClip 1193 { } movieClip 1194 { frame 130 { gotoAndPlay('play'); } } movieClip 1196 { frame 2 {; } frame 121 { gotoAndPlay('play'); } } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._x > 580) { this._x -= 20; } } } movieClip 1197 { } instance of movieClip 1197 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 500) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } button 1198 { on (keyPress '<Down>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 480) { _root.gotoAndStop('downstairs_church'); } } } frame 4501 { function wiggle(mc, dis) { mc.realX = this._x; mc.realY = this._y; mc.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = random(dis * 2) - dis + this.realX; this._y = random(dis * 2) - dis + this.realY; }; } wiggle(_root.bg_church, 5); Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale'; _root.bell_mov.gotoAndPlay(1); play(); } frame 4632 { _root.bg_church.gotoAndPlay('fall'); } frame 4905 { _root.gotoAndStop('churchdoor2'); } movieClip 1201 { } movieClip 1204 { } movieClip 1205 { } movieClip 1206 { } instance of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 220 && _root.char_mov._x < 350) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 1207 { } instance of movieClip 1207 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 500 && _root.char_mov._x < 650) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } button 1208 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 220 && _root.char_mov._x < 350) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bell_play'); } if (_root.char_mov._x > 490) { _Sound = new Sound(this); _Sound.attachSound('closedoor2'); _Sound.start(0, 1); } } } instance of movieClip 496 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.hitTest(this)) { _root._event = 1; _root.gotoAndPlay('upstairs_church'); } } } button 1209 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 490) { _Sound = new Sound(this); _Sound.attachSound('closedoor2'); _Sound.start(0, 1); } } } instance of movieClip 496 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.hitTest(this)) { _root.keyfall = 1; _root._event = 1; _root.gotoAndPlay('upstairs_church'); } } } frame 4908 { _root.bg_church.gotoAndStop('key_down'); } movieClip 1210 { } movieClip 1211 { } instance of movieClip 1211 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x < 108) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1197 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; } } button 1212 { on (keyPress '<Down>') { if (_root.char_mov._x < 108) { _root.gotoAndStop('gotKey'); } } } instance char_mov of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._x > 580) { this._x -= 20; } } } frame 4909 { _root.gotKey = 1; _root.bg_church.gotoAndStop(1); _root.bg_church.key_church._alpha = 0; } instance of movieClip 1197 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 500) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } button 1213 { on (keyPress '<Down>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 480) { _root.gotoAndStop('downstairs_church'); } } } movieClip 1215 { } movieClip 1216 { } movieClip 1217 { frame 33 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1207 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 500 && _root.char_mov._x < 650) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } button 1219 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 490) { _root.nextFrame(); } } } frame 4911 { _root.stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('churchscene'); } frame 4917 { var lastLocation = 'church'; } frame 4917 { stopAllSounds(); play(); } frame 4918 { _root._event = 1; play(); } movieClip 1224 { } movieClip 1226 { } movieClip 1228 { } movieClip 1232 { } movieClip 1233 { } movieClip 1235 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1237 { } movieClip 1239 { } movieClip 1241 { } movieClip 1243 { } movieClip 1246 { } movieClip 1248 { } movieClip 1249 { } movieClip 1252 { } movieClip 1253 { } frame 4977 { stop(); _root.padre.mouth._alpha = 100; _root.txt.gotoAndStop('churchspeech1'); } movieClip 1255 { } button 1256 { on (keyPress '<Right>') { _root.nextFrame(); } } frame 4978 { _root.padre.mouth._alpha = 0; play(); } movieClip 1258 { } movieClip 1260 { } movieClip 1261 { } movieClip 1262 { } movieClip 1264 { } frame 5218 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 1269 { } movieClip 1270 { } movieClip 1271 { } movieClip 1274 { } movieClip 1275 { } movieClip 1276 { } frame 5532 { _root.gotoAndStop('church_shooting'); } frame 5533 { play(); } frame 5534 { stop(); txt.gotoAndStop('useMouseToShoot'); } frame 5534 { _root._event = 0; _root.charpower_ins = 1; _root.i = 1; root.n = 0; _root.e1 = 1; _root.e2 = 1; _root.e3 = 1; _root.e4 = 1; _root.bosspower_instance = 1; _root.charpower_ins2 = 1; play(); } movieClip 1278 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { _root._event = 1; } } frame 5535 { onEnterFrame = function () { Mouse.hide(); startDrag(_root.crosscursor, true); }; stop(); } movieClip 1280 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance fight_bg of movieClip 1280 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function randRange(min, max) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; return v1; } _root._event = 0; if (_root.e1dead == 1 && _root.e2dead == 1 && _root.e3dead == 1 && _root.e4dead == 1 && _root.churchBossDead == 1) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('win_church'); } if (_root.churchBossDead == 1) { _root.boss.gotoAndStop('dead'); } _root.charpower2.gotoAndStop(_root.charpower_ins); enemypowervalue = 3; enemydeadThreshold = 15; charDeathThreshold = 55; _root.enemy1.e1.gotoAndStop(_root.e1); _root.enemy2.e2.gotoAndStop(_root.e2); _root.enemy3.e3.gotoAndStop(_root.e3); _root.enemy4.e4.gotoAndStop(_root.e4); _root.boss.bosspower.gotoAndStop(_root.bosspower_instance); var n = randRange(0, charDeathThreshold); if (n == 0 && _root.i == 2 && (_root.e1shoot == 2 || _root.e2shoot == 2 || _root.e3shoot == 2 || _root.e4shoot == 2)) { if (_root.charpower_ins < 10) { ++_root.charpower_ins; _root.charshoot.blood.gotoAndPlay('blood'); ouch = new Sound(this); ouch.attachSound('ouch'); ouch.start(0, 1); } else { if (_root.chardying != 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('chardie'); } } } _root.enemy4.t4.onRelease = function () { _root.crosscursor.gotoAndPlay('fire'); if (_root.i == 1) { if (_root.e4 < enemydeadThreshold && _root.e4dying != 1) { _root.e4 += enemypowervalue; _root.enemy4.e4action.gotoAndPlay('bloodgo'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); ouch = new Sound(this); ouch.attachSound('hurt'); ouch.start(0, 1); } else { if (_root.enemy4._currentframe < 124 && _root.e4 >= enemydeadThreshold) { _root.enemy4.gotoAndPlay('die'); _root.enemy4.e4action.gotoAndPlay('bloodgo'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); } } } }; _root.enemy3.t3.onRelease = function () { _root.crosscursor.gotoAndPlay('fire'); if (_root.i == 1) { if (_root.e3 < enemydeadThreshold && _root.e3dying != 1) { _root.e3 += enemypowervalue; _root.enemy3.e3action.gotoAndPlay('bloodgo'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); ouch = new Sound(this); ouch.attachSound('hurt'); ouch.start(0, 1); } else { if (_root.enemy3._currentframe < 159 && _root.e3 >= enemydeadThreshold) { _root.enemy3.e3action.gotoAndPlay('bloodgo'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); _root.enemy3.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } } }; _root.enemy2.t2.onRelease = function () { _root.crosscursor.gotoAndPlay('fire'); if (_root.i == 1) { if (_root.e2 < enemydeadThreshold && _root.e2dying != 1) { _root.e2 += enemypowervalue; _root.enemy2.e2action.gotoAndPlay('bloodgo'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); ouch = new Sound(this); ouch.attachSound('hurt'); ouch.start(0, 1); if (_root.enemy2._currentframe < 131 && _root.e2 >= enemydeadThreshold) { _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); _root.enemy2.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } else {} } }; _root.enemy1.t1.onRelease = function () { _root.crosscursor.gotoAndPlay('fire'); if (_root.i == 1) { if (_root.e1 < enemydeadThreshold && _root.e1dying != 1) { _root.e1 += enemypowervalue; _root.enemy1.e1action.gotoAndPlay('bloodgo'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); ouch = new Sound(this); ouch.attachSound('hurt'); ouch.start(0, 1); } else { if (_root.enemy1._currentframe < 142 && _root.e1 >= enemydeadThreshold) { _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); _root.enemy1.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } } }; _root.boss.bossrelease.onRelease = function () { _root.crosscursor.gotoAndPlay('fire'); if (_root.i == 1) { if (_root.bosspower_instance < enemydeadThreshold) { _root.bosspower_instance += enemypowervalue; _root.boss.enemyfly.gotoAndPlay('blood'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); ouch = new Sound(this); ouch.attachSound('hurt'); ouch.start(0, 1); } else { _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); _root.gotoAndPlay('bossdie'); } } }; _root.right.onRollOver = function () { _root.charshoot.gotoAndStop('right'); }; _root.right.onRelease = function () { _root.crosscursor.gotoAndPlay('fire'); if (_root.i == 1) { _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); } }; _root.left.onRollOver = function () { _root.charshoot.gotoAndStop('left'); }; _root.left.onRelease = function () { _root.crosscursor.gotoAndPlay('fire'); if (_root.i == 1) { _root.charshoot.charstand.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); _root.charshoot.charstand.gun.gotoAndPlay('firestart'); } }; } } movieClip 1281 { } movieClip 1282 { } movieClip 1283 { } movieClip 1284 { } movieClip 1285 { } movieClip 1286 { } movieClip 1287 { } movieClip 1291 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop('start'); } } movieClip 1293 { } movieClip 1294 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1297 { } movieClip 1298 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 1299 { } movieClip 1302 { } movieClip 1304 { frame 106 { play(); } frame 189 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 190 { stop(); } } movieClip 1312 { } movieClip 1328 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1330 { frame 1 { _root.i = 1; stop(); } frame 2 { _root.i = 2; __Sound = new Sound(this); __Sound.attachSound('mgun'); __Sound.start(0, 1); } } movieClip 1332 { } movieClip 1333 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1334 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1337 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1338 { } movieClip 1339 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 1340 { } movieClip 1344 { frame 1 { __Sound = new Sound(this); __Sound.attachSound('mgun'); __Sound.start(0, 1); play(); } frame 1 { _root.e1shoot = 1; } frame 57 { play(); _root.e1shoot = 2; } frame 140 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 141 { _root.e1dying = 1; } frame 165 { stop(); _root.e1dead = 1; trace('e1dead= ' + _root.e1dead); _root.e1shoot = 1; } } movieClip 1346 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1347 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 1350 { frame 1 { ___Sound = new Sound(this); ___Sound.attachSound('mgun'); ___Sound.start(0, 1); _root.e2shoot = 1; play(); } frame 52 { _root.e2shoot = 1; } frame 129 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 130 { _root.e2dying = 1; } frame 154 { stop(); _root.e2dead = 1; trace('e2dead= ' + _root.e2dead); _root.e2shoot = 1; } } movieClip 1351 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1357 { } movieClip 1358 { frame 1 { play(); __Sound = new Sound(this); __Sound.attachSound('mgun'); __Sound.start(0, 1); _root.e3shoot = 1; } frame 52 { play(); _root.e3shoot = 1; } frame 157 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 158 { _root.e3dying = 1; } frame 182 { _root.e3dead = 1; trace('e3dead= ' + _root.e3dead); stop(); _root.e3shoot = 1; } } movieClip 1360 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1361 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1362 { } movieClip 1363 { } movieClip 1365 { } movieClip 1366 { frame 1 { play(); __Sound = new Sound(this); __Sound.attachSound('mgun'); __Sound.start(0, 1); _root.e4shoot = 1; } frame 51 { play(); _root.e4shoot = 1; } frame 110 { play(); _root.e4shoot = 1; } frame 122 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 123 { _root.e4dying = 1; } frame 140 { _root.e4dead = 1; trace('e4dead= ' + _root.e4dead); stop(); _root.e4shoot = 1; } } movieClip 1367 { } movieClip 1369 { frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } frame 5536 { _root.boss.gotoAndStop(1); } movieClip 1371 { } movieClip 1373 { } movieClip 1375 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1376 { } frame 5570 { _root.churchBossDead = 1; _root.gotoAndStop('init'); } frame 5571 { _root._event = 1; _root.chardying = 1; } frame 5591 { _root.gotoAndPlay('died'); } frame 5592 { play(); } frame 5592 { _root.enemy1.gotoAndStop(165); _root.enemy2.gotoAndStop(154); _root.enemy3.gotoAndStop(182); _root.enemy4.gotoAndStop(140); _root.boss.gotoAndStop(190); } movieClip 1379 { } frame 5739 { _root.gotoAndStop('outsideChurch'); } movieClip 1380 { } frame 5854 { _root.gotoAndStop('outsideChurch'); } frame 5855 { _root._event = 1; play(); _root.char_mov.char.body.arm2.pistol._alpha = 100; } movieClip 1385 { } movieClip 1386 { } movieClip 1388 { } frame 5856 { play(); } frame 5945 { stop(); _root.txt.gotoAndStop('paulie1'); _root.paulietween.arms.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); } movieClip 1391 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay('go'); } } movieClip 1395 { } movieClip 1396 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1398 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1403 { } movieClip 1404 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1405 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay('go'); } } movieClip 1407 { } movieClip 1408 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1409 { } movieClip 1410 { } frame 5946 { stopAllSounds(); play(); } frame 5974 { stop(); txt.gotoAndStop('paulie2'); _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 100; } frame 5975 { play(); } frame 6006 { stop(); _root.txt.gotoAndStop('paulie3'); _root.paulietween.arms.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 0; } frame 6007 { play(); } frame 6083 { stop(); txt.gotoAndStop('paulie4'); _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 100; } frame 6084 { play(); } movieClip 1413 { } movieClip 1414 { } movieClip 1416 { } movieClip 1418 { } movieClip 1420 { } movieClip 1421 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1422 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1423 { } frame 6111 { stop(); trace(_root.paulietween.head.mouth._alpha); txt.gotoAndStop('paulie5'); _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 0; _root.paulietween.head.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 6112 { play(); } frame 6140 { _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 100; _root.paulietween.head.gotoAndStop(1); txt.gotoAndStop('paulie6'); stop(); } frame 6141 { play(); } frame 6171 { _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 0; _root.paulietween.head.gotoAndStop(2); txt.gotoAndStop('paulie7'); stop(); } frame 6172 { stop(); _root.txt.gotoAndStop('paulie8'); _root.paulietween.arms.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); } movieClip 1426 { } button 1427 { on (keyPress '<Right>') { _root.nextFrame(); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('dialogChoice1'); } } frame 6173 { play(); } frame 6205 { _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 100; txt.gotoAndStop('paulie9'); play(); } frame 6335 { play(); _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 0; txt.gotoAndStop('paulie10'); _root.paulietween.head.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 6420 { play(); txt.gotoAndStop('paulie11'); _root.paulietween.head.gotoAndStop(1); _root.policeman.body.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 6479 { stop(); } movieClip 1429 { } movieClip 1432 { } movieClip 1433 { } button 1434 { on (keyPress '<Right>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('killPoliceman'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('killPaulie'); } on (keyPress '<Down>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('charSurvive'); } } movieClip 1436 { frame 195 { _root.gotoAndPlay('allDead'); } } frame 6558 { _root.policeman.body.arm.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay(62); _root.paulietween.arms.arm1.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } frame 6596 { _root.paulietween.gotoAndStop(1); } movieClip 1437 { } frame 6679 { _root.gotoAndPlay('died'); } frame 6680 { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay(62); } frame 6721 { _root.paulietween.arms.arm1.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } frame 6761 { _root.gotoAndPlay('died'); } frame 6773 { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay(62); } frame 6830 { _root.policeman.body.arm.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 6898 { _root.gotoAndPlay('died'); } frame 6899 { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('duck'); _root.policeman.body.arm.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.paulietween.arms.arm1.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } frame 6942 { if (_root.haveDiedAtLeastOnce != 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('MrPerfect'); } } movieClip 1438 { } instance MrPerfect of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } frame 7017 { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('credits'); } frame 7018 { _root.txt.gotoAndStop('paulie12'); _root.paulietween.arms.arm1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char_mov.char.body.mouth._alpha = 100; } frame 7100 { _root.gotoAndPlay('holdGun'); } frame 7101 { if (_root.opened == 1) { _root.char_mov._x = 520; } } movieClip 1440 { } movieClip 1446 { } movieClip 1447 { } movieClip 1448 { } button 1449 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 180 && _root.char_mov._x < 250) { nextFrame(); _root._event = 0; } } } instance buttons of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 180 && _root.char_mov._x < 250 || _root.char_mov.hitTest(_root.drawer)) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 7102 { KeyPressed = 0; KeyCount = 0; Key0 = 0; Key1 = 0; Key2 = 0; Key3 = 0; nextFrame(); } frame 7103 { txt.gotoAndStop('hintCode'); stop(); } movieClip 1452 { } movieClip 1454 { } button 1458 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 1; ++_root.KeyCount; } } button 1461 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 3; ++_root.KeyCount; } } button 1464 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 4; ++_root.KeyCount; } } button 1467 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 5; ++_root.KeyCount; } } button 1470 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 6; ++_root.KeyCount; } } button 1473 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 7; ++_root.KeyCount; } } button 1476 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 8; ++_root.KeyCount; } } button 1479 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 9; ++_root.KeyCount; } } button 1482 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 0; ++_root.KeyCount; } } button 1485 { on (release) { _root.KeyPressed = 2; ++_root.KeyCount; } } movieClip 1486 { } movieClip 1488 { frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 1490 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 82 { _root.gotoAndStop('ready'); } } instance keys of movieClip 1490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.KeyCount == 1) { _root.Key0 = _root.KeyPressed; } if (_root.KeyCount == 2) { _root.Key1 = _root.KeyPressed; } if (_root.KeyCount == 3) { _root.Key2 = _root.KeyPressed; } if (_root.KeyCount == 4) { _root.Key3 = _root.KeyPressed; if (_root.Key0 == 5 && _root.Key1 == 7 && _root.Key2 == 6 && _root.Key3 == 3) { if (_root.keys._currentframe < 3) { _root.keys.gotoAndPlay('true'); } } else { _root.KeyCount = 0; _root.keys.gotoAndPlay('false'); } } } } button 1491 { on (keyPress '<Down>') { gotoAndStop('coderoom'); } } frame 7104 { stop(); } movieClip 1493 { } instance buttons of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 250 && _root.char_mov._x < 370) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 7105 { stop(); _root._event = 0; char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; _root.coderoom = 1; var lastLocation = 'coderoom'; } movieClip 1495 { } movieClip 1497 { } movieClip 1499 { } movieClip 1500 { } movieClip 1501 { } movieClip 1502 { } movieClip 1503 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 31 { _root.sec.gotoAndPlay('die'); } frame 34 { stop(); } } instance statue of movieClip 1503 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.feet.body.fist.hitTest(_root.statue.statueHitpoint)) { if (_root.statue._currentframe < 3) { _root.statue.gotoAndPlay('fall'); } } } } movieClip 1505 { } movieClip 1506 { } movieClip 1507 { } movieClip 1508 { } movieClip 1509 { } movieClip 1510 { } movieClip 1512 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay('startShooting'); } frame 70 { dead = 1; } frame 90 { _root.gotoAndStop('secDead'); stop(); } } instance sec of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sec._currentframe < 2) {; } if (_root.sec.bullet.hitTest(_root.char_mov)) { if (_root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 156) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } if (_root.char_mov._x > 350 && _root.sec.dead != 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('noWay2'); } } } movieClip 1515 { frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } frame 7107 { _root.sec.pistol._alpha = 0; txt.gotoAndStop('gotPistol'); } movieClip 1518 { } movieClip 1519 { frame 26 { stop(); } } instance right of movieClip 153 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.outfit.hitTest(this)) { _root.nextFrame(); } } } frame 7108 { play(); _root.shootingMode = 0; _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.shootingMode = 0; sec_ins0 = 5; sec_ins1 = 5; sec_ins2 = 5; sec_ins3 = 5; sec_ins4 = 5; char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; } movieClip 1520 { } movieClip 1521 { } movieClip 1522 { } movieClip 1523 { } movieClip 1524 { } movieClip 1525 { } movieClip 1527 { } movieClip 1528 { } movieClip 1529 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1531 { frame 1 { dead = 0; } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay('startShooting'); } frame 69 { dead = 1; } frame 90 { dead = 1; stop(); _root.gotoAndStop('2nd'); } } instance sec0 of movieClip 1531 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sec_ins0 <= 0 && _root.sec0_dead != 1) { _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.sec_ins0 > 0) { if (_root.sec0._currentframe < 2) {; } if (_root.sec0.bullet.hitTest(_root.char_mov)) { if (_root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 156) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } if (_root.char_mov.char.bullet.hitTest(_root.sec0) || _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.bullet.hitTest(_root.sec0)) { if (_root.sec0._currentframe < 92) { _root.sec0.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); --_root.sec_ins0; if (_root.sec_ins0 < 1) { _root.sec0.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } } } } } frame 7135 { stop(); } instance sec0 of movieClip 1531 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sec_ins0 <= 0 && _root.sec0_dead != 1) { _root.nextFrame(); _root.sec0_dead = 1; } if (_root.sec_ins0 > 0) { if (_root.sec0._currentframe < 2) {; } if (_root.sec0.bullet.hitTest(_root.char_mov)) { if (_root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 156 && _root.event != 1 && _root.shootingMode != 1) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 202 && _root.event != 1 && _root.shootingMode == 1) { _root._event = 1; _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurtWeapon'); } } if (_root.char_mov.char.bullet.hitTest(_root.sec0) || _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.bullet.hitTest(_root.sec0)) { if (_root.sec0._currentframe < 92) { _root.sec0.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); --_root.sec_ins0; if (_root.sec_ins0 < 1) { _root.sec0.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } } } } } frame 7136 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 153 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 380) { _root.nextFrame(); } } } frame 7137 { play(); } movieClip 1532 { frame 1 { dead = 0; } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay('startShooting'); } frame 37 { dead = 1; } frame 58 { dead = 1; stop(); _root.gotoAndStop('3rd'); } } instance sec1 of movieClip 1532 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sec_ins0 <= 0 && _root.sec0_dead != 1) { _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.sec_ins0 > 0) { if (_root.sec0._currentframe < 2) {; } if (_root.sec0.bullet.hitTest(_root.char_mov)) { if (_root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 156) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } if (_root.char_mov.char.bullet.hitTest(_root.sec0) || _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.bullet.hitTest(_root.sec0)) { if (_root.sec0._currentframe < 92) { _root.sec0.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); --_root.sec_ins0; if (_root.sec_ins0 < 1) { _root.sec0.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } } } } } frame 7165 { stop(); } instance sec1 of movieClip 1532 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sec_ins1 <= 0 && _root.sec1_dead != 1) { _root.sec1_dead = 1; _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.sec_ins1 > 0) { if (_root.sec1._currentframe < 2) {; } if (_root.sec1.bullet.hitTest(_root.char_mov)) { if (_root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 156 && _root.event != 1 && _root.shootingMode != 1) { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (_root.char_mov.char._currentframe < 202 && _root.event != 1 && _root.shootingMode == 1) { _root._event = 1; _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay('hurtWeapon'); } } if (_root.char_mov.char.bullet.hitTest(_root.sec1) || _root.char_mov.char.feet.body.bullet.hitTest(_root.sec1)) { if (_root.sec1._currentframe < 60) { _root.sec1.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); --_root.sec_ins1; if (_root.sec_ins1 < 1) { _root.sec1.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } } } } } frame 7166 { sec1_dead = 1; char_mov._x = 476; stop(); } instance of movieClip 153 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.outfit.hitTest(this) || _root.char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(this)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.nextFrame(); } } } frame 7167 { stop(); _root._event = 0; _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.dressmode = 1; _root.shootingMode = 0; char_mov._x = CharDefaultXPos; } frame 7167 { _root.stairsRoom = 1; _root._event = 0; var lastLocation = 'stairsRoom1'; } movieClip 1534 { } movieClip 1536 { } movieClip 1538 { } movieClip 1539 { } instance of movieClip 1539 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 380) { _root.keyUpPress._alpha = 100; } else { _root.keyUpPress._alpha = 0; } } } button 1540 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (_root.shootingMode != 1) { if (duckmode == 1) { char_mov.char.feet.body.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } else { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } _root.shootingMode = 1; _root.reload = new Sound(reloadMc); _root.reload.attachSound('reload'); _root.reload.start(); } else { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.shootingMode = 0; } } } on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 380) { _root.gotoAndPlay('upstairs'); } } } frame 7176 { stop(); } frame 7177 { _root._event = 1; play(); } movieClip 1542 { } frame 7194 { _root.char_mov2.char.gotoAndPlay('die'); } frame 7248 { _root._event = 0; stop(); char_mov._x = 144; } movieClip 1547 { } instance of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 360 && _root.char_mov._x < 450 && _root.gotBottle != 1 && _root.advise == 1) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 153 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.outfit.hitTest(this) || _root.char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(this)) { _root.gotoAndStop('goDown'); } } } button 1548 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 360 && _root.char_mov._x < 450 && _root.gotBottle != 1 && _root.advise == 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('takeBottle'); } } } frame 7249 { _root.gotoAndStop('pokeroom'); } frame 7250 { _root.gotoAndPlay('downstairs'); } frame 7251 { _root._event = 0; stop(); } instance of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 360 && _root.char_mov._x < 450 && _root.gotBottle != 1 && _root.advise == 1) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 153 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov.char.outfit.hitTest(this) || _root.char_mov.char.body.hitpoint.hitTest(this)) { _root.gotoAndStop('goDown'); } } } frame 7252 { _root.gotoAndStop('pokeroom'); } frame 7253 { _root.shootingMode = 0; stop(); _root._event = 0; } instance of movieClip 1539 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char_mov._x > 380) { _root.keyUpPress._alpha = 100; } else { _root.keyUpPress._alpha = 0; } } } button 1549 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (_root.shootingMode != 1) { if (duckmode == 1) { char_mov.char.feet.body.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } else { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndStop('shoot'); } _root.shootingMode = 1; _root.reload = new Sound(reloadMc); _root.reload.attachSound('reload'); _root.reload.start(); } else { _root.char_mov.char.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.shootingMode = 0; } } } on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.char_mov._x > 380) { _root.gotoAndPlay('upstairs'); } } } frame 7254 { nextFrame(); } frame 7255 { stop(); } movieClip 1551 { } movieClip 1552 { instance of movieClip 1551 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.tookpoison != 1) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } } movieClip 1555 { } movieClip 1556 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1557 { on (keyPress '<Up>') { if (_root.tookpoison != 1 && _root.lightOn == 1 && _root.char_mov._x > 360 && _root.char_mov._x < 600) { _root.gotoAndPlay('takepoison'); } if (_root.lightOn != 1 && _root.char_mov._x > 240 && _root.char_mov._x < 260) {; } } } movieClip 1559 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); _root.lightOn = 1; } } instance of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.lightOn == 1) { _root.darkness.gotoAndStop('lighten'); } if (_root.char_mov._x > 360 && _root.char_mov._x < 600 && _root.tookpoison != 1 && _root.lightOn == 1) { this._alpha = 100; } else { if (_root.lightOn != 1 && _root.char_mov._x > 240 && _root.char_mov._x < 260) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } } frame 7256 { _root.gotoAndStop('stairsroom'); } frame 7257 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Don'); } movieClip 1566 { } movieClip 1567 { frame 944 { stop(); } } instance Don of movieClip 488 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } }
Created: 8/10 -2018 16:07:11 Last modified: 8/10 -2018 16:07:11 Server time: 18/01 -2025 08:13:06