Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #210623

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function loadingAction() { loading.stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v4 = getBytesLoaded(); var v3 = 6456320; var v2 = Math.round((v4 / v3) * 100); loading.gotoAndStop(v2 + 1); if (v2 >= 99) { trace('Game loaded ' + Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded() / 1024)); delete this.onEnterFrame; gotoAndStop('gatekeeper'); } mcTempPreloader.gotoAndStop(Math.round(v2)); }; } function show_fps() { if (game_UI.lastTimer != undefined) { var v1 = getTimer() - game_UI.lastTimer; game_UI.fps_txt = Math.round(1000 / v1); } game_UI.lastTimer = getTimer(); } function get_shoot_point(which) { if (which != undefined) { var v1 = {'x': which._x, 'y': which._y}; which._parent.localToGlobal(v1); return [v1.x - main._x, v1.y - main._y]; } } function get_map_point(which) { if (which != undefined) { var v1 = {'x': which._x, 'y': which._y}; which._parent.localToGlobal(v1); return [v1.x, v1.y]; } } function get_local_point(which, gx, gy) { if (which != undefined) { var v1 = {'x': gx, 'y': gy}; which.globalToLocal(v1); return [v1.x, v1.y]; } } function get_dir(to, from) { var v2 = get_map_point(to); var v1 = get_map_point(from); var v3 = Math.atan2(v2[1] - v1[1], v2[0] - v1[0]); return v3 / 0.01745; } function get_ground_hit(which, gx, gy) { if (which != undefined) { if (which.hitTest(gx, gy, true)) { which.picture = new flash.display.BitmapData(2, 2, true, 0); var v3 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v4 = get_local_point(which, gx, gy); v3.tx = -v4[0]; v3.ty = -v4[1]; which.picture.draw(which, v3); var v2 = (which.picture.getPixel(1, 1)).toString(16); if (v2 == 'ff9900') { return 1; } if (v2 == 'ffff00') { return 2; } if (v2 == '66ff') { return -1; } if (v2 == '669900') { return -2; } if (v2 == 'ff6600') { return -3; } } which.picture.dispose(); return 0; } } function clean_cache() { try { (new LocalConnection()).connect('foo'); (new LocalConnection()).connect('foo'); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); } else { throw v0; } } } function adjustY(who, where) { var v5 = who._y; var v4 = 0; var v3 = 0; while (!where.hitTest(who._x + main._x, who._y + main._y + 1, true)) { who._y += 1; if (++v4 == 5) { break; } } if (!who.hit_head) { while (where.hitTest(who._x + main._x, who._y + main._y - 1, true)) { who._y -= 1; if (++v3 == 5) { break; } } } if (who.states != 'jump') { who.yspeed = who._y - v5; } } function adjustBullet(who, where) { while (get_ground_hit(where, who._x + main._x, who._y + main._y) == 1) { who._x -= 5 * Math.cos(who._rotation * 0.01745); who._y -= 5 * Math.sin(who._rotation * 0.01745); if (who._x > 590 - main._x or who._x < -main._x or (who._y > 400 - main._y or who._y < -main._y)) { break; } } } function add_object(what, temp_x, temp_y, shake) { var v2 = main.objects.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = main.objects.attachMovie(what, what + '_' + v2, v2, {'_x': temp_x, '_y': temp_y}); v1.targeter = main.player; if (shake) { enemy_shake(v1, 0.5, 1, true); } return v1; } function change_color(target_mc, color) { if (color != undefined) { target_mc.filters = [new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(color)]; } } function camera_it(from_mc, to_mc) { var v2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(400, 300); var v1 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v1.tx = from_mc._x; v1.ty = from_mc._y; v2.draw(from_mc, v1); to_mc.attachBitmap(v2, to_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } function noiser_this(where, alpha, how) { where.createEmptyMovieClip('noiser', where.getNextHighestDepth()); where.noiser._alpha = alpha; var bitmapData = new flash.display.BitmapData(590, 400, false, 13421772); where.noiser.attachBitmap(bitmapData, this.getNextHighestDepth()); if (how == 'temp') { where.noiser.count = 3; } else { where.noiser.count = -1; } where.noiser.onEnterFrame = function () { bitmapData.noise(random(128), 0, 225, 1, true); if (--this.count == 0) { delete bitmapData; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } function shot_shine(who, shine, shine_times) { if (!who.no_shine) { who.shine_mc.removeMovieClip(); who.createEmptyMovieClip('shine_mc', who.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = new Color(who); v3.setTransform(this['shine_Transform_' + shine]); who.shine_mc.count = 0; who.shine_mc.shine_times = shine_times; who.shine_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (++this.count == this.shine_times) { var v2 = new Color(this._parent); if (!this._parent.in_water) { v2.setTransform(shine_Transform_normal); } else { v2.setTransform(shine_Transform_blue); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } function always_shine(who, shine) { var v2 = new Color(who); v2.setTransform(this['shine_Transform_' + shine]); } function get_distance(a, b) { if (a == undefined or b == undefined) { return 0; } var v2 = Math.abs(a._x - b._x); var v1 = Math.abs(a._y - b._y); var v5 = Math.sqrt(v2 * v2 + v1 * v1); return v5; } function h2so4_move_things(where, power) { for (var v5 in main.enemies) { if (main.enemies[v5].g.hitTest(where)) { if (main.enemies[v5].be_moved_mc == undefined) { var v2 = main.enemies[v5].createEmptyMovieClip('be_moved_mc', main.enemies[v5].getNextHighestDepth()); } else { var v2 = main.enemies[v5].be_moved_mc; } v2.power = power * Math.abs(main.enemies[v5]._x - where._x) / (main.enemies[v5]._x - where._x); v2.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0] + this.power; if (v2 > 30 and v2 < 560) { enemy_move(this._parent, this.power, 0); this.power *= 0.95; if (Math.abs(this.power) < 0.25) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } } function touch_kill_enemy(who, where, how, sound, effect) { for (var v2 in main.enemies) { if (main.enemies[v2]._name != who._name) { if (main.enemies[v2].g.hitTest(where)) { if (!main.enemies[v2].no_damage) { play_soundAction(sound, false); main.enemies[v2].to_die(how, main.enemies[v2].blood); } return true; } } } return false; } function event_delay(which, time1, time2) { var v3 = this.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = this.createEmptyMovieClip('event_counter' + v3, v3); v2.count = 0; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.count; if (this.count == time1) { this.delay_Event1(); } else { if (this.count == time2) { this.delay_Event2(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; return v2; } function shake_screen() { if (this.screen_shocker == undefined) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('screen_shocker', this.getNextHighestDepth()); } this.screen_shocker.count = 8; if (this.screen_shocker.onEnterFrame == undefined) { this.screen_shocker.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.count % 2 == 0) { this._parent._x = random(3); this._parent._y = random(3); } else { this._parent._x = -random(3); this._parent._y = -random(3); } --this.count; if (this.count <= 0) { this._parent._x = 0; this._parent._y = 0; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } function something_elec(who) { who.createEmptyMovieClip('elec_mc', who.getNextHighestDepth()); who.elec_mc.count = 0; who.elec_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (++this.count % 5 > 2) { if (!who.in_water) { always_shine(this._parent, 'normal'); } else { always_shine(this._parent, 'blue'); } if (this.count > 30) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { always_shine(this._parent, 'white'); } }; } function object_remove(which, still_time) { if (still_time >= 0) { which.createEmptyMovieClip('remove_mc', which.getNextHighestDepth()); which.remove_mc.still_time = still_time; which.remove_mc.shine_count = 0; which.remove_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (--this.still_time < 0) { ++this.shine_count; var v2 = this.shine_count % 2; this._parent._alpha = 40 + v2 * 60; if (this.shine_count > 35) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } } function camera_death() { death_photo = new flash.display.BitmapData(590, 400); death_photo.draw(_root); } function show_death_photo(where) { where.attachBitmap(death_photo, where.getNextHighestDepth()); } function URL_lockAction() { var v4 = this._url; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { var v3 = v4.slice(v2, v2 + 13); if (v3 == '') { return true; } ++v2; } return true; } function LOCAL_lockAction() { var v4 = this._url; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { var v3 = v4.slice(v2, v2 + 5); if (v3 == 'file:') { return true; } ++v2; } return true; } function NPC_scare() { for (var v1 in main.others) { if (main.others[v1].scare == false) { main.others[v1].scare = true; main.others[v1].move_me(); } } } function add_creatures_01(px, py, xscale) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('NPC_公鸡', 'NPC_公鸡' + v3, v3, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.move_count = 0; v2.min_x = px - 125; v2.max_x = px + 125; v2.speed = 1; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (++this.move_count > 50 + random(50)) { this.move_count = 0; this.move_me1(); } else { if (player_shooting) { this.move_me2(); } } }; }; v2.move_me1 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move1'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { if (this._x > this.min_x) { this._x -= this.speed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { if (this._x < this.max_x) { this._x += this.speed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } } if (player_shooting) { this.move_me2(); } else { if (!random(50)) { this.stand(); } } }; }; v2.move_me2 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move2'); this.yspeed = -5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { if (this._x > this.min_x) { this._x -= 2 * this.speed; } } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { if (this._x < this.max_x) { this._x += 2 * this.speed; } } } this._y += this.yspeed; this.yspeed += 0.25; if (this.yspeed > 5) { this.move_me1(); } }; }; v2.stand(); } function add_creatures_02(px, py, xscale) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('NPC_小鸡', 'NPC_小鸡' + v3, v3, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.min_x = px - 50; v2.max_x = px + 50; v2.speed = Math.random(); v2.move_me = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { if (this._x > this.min_x) { this._x -= this.speed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { if (this._x < this.max_x) { this._x += this.speed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } } }; }; v2.move_me(); } function add_creatures_03(px, py, xscale) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('NPC_小猪', 'NPC_小猪' + v3, v3, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndPlay(random(this._totalframes + 1)); }; v2.stand(); } function add_creatures_04(px, py, xscale) { var v4 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('NPC_白鹤', 'NPC_白鹤' + v4, v4, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.xspeed = 4 + random(3); v2.yspeed = -9 - random(5); v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); + 1)); this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = get_distance(this, main.player); if (v2 < 150) { this.move_me(); } else { if (v2 >= 150 and v2 < 295) { if (player_shooting) { this.move_me(); } } } }; }; v2.move_me = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= this.xspeed; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._x += this.xspeed; } } this._y += this.yspeed; if ((get_map_point(this))[1] < -50) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.stand(); } function add_creatures_05(px, py, xscale) { var v4 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('NPC_水鸟', 'NPC_水鸟' + v4, v4, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.min_x = px - 125; v2.max_x = px + 125; v2.xspeed = Math.random(); v2.yspeed = -3 - random(3); v2.move_me1 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { if (this._x > this.min_x) { this._x -= this.xspeed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { if (this._x < this.max_x) { this._x += this.xspeed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } } var v2 = get_distance(this, main.player); if (v2 < 100) { this.move_me2(); } else { if (v2 >= 100 and v2 < 295) { if (player_shooting) { this.move_me2(); } } } }; }; v2.move_me2 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 8 + random(5); } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._x += 8 + random(5); } } this._y += this.yspeed; if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < -50 or (get_map_point(this))[0] > 650) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.move_me1(); } function add_creatures_06(px, py, xscale, where) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('NPC_小乌龟', 'NPC_小乌龟' + v3, v3, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.min_x = px - 150; v2.max_x = px + 150; v2.speed = Math.random(); v2.move_me = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { if (this._x > this.min_x) { this._x -= this.speed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { if (this._x < this.max_x) { this._x += this.speed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } } if (get_distance(this, main.player) < 50) { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 22) { if (get_distance(this, main.player) > 100) { this.move_me(); } } }; }; v2.move_me(); if (where == 'water') { always_shine(v2, 'blue'); } } function add_creatures_07(px, py, xscale) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('NPC_蝙蝠', 'NPC_蝙蝠' + v3, v3, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.xspeed = 7 + random(5); v2.yspeed = 1 + Math.random(); v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); + 1)); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 580 and player_shooting) { this.move_me(); } }; }; v2.move_me = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= this.xspeed; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._x += this.xspeed; } } this._y += this.yspeed; if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < -50 or (get_map_point(this))[0] > 650) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.stand(); } function add_creatures_08(px, py, xscale) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('NPC_熊猫', 'NPC_熊猫' + v3, v3, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.stand1 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand1'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (player_shooting) { this.stand2(); } }; }; v2.stand2 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand2'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.stand1(); } }; }; v2.stand1(); } function add_creatures_09(px, py, xscale) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('NPC_小鱼', 'NPC_小鱼' + v3, v3, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.min_x = px - 150; v2.max_x = px + 150; v2.speed = random(2) + 2 * Math.random(); v2.move_me1 = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { if (this._x > this.min_x) { this._x -= this.speed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { if (this._x < this.max_x) { this._x += this.speed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } } } if (get_distance(this, main.player) < 295 and player_shooting) { this.move_me2(); } }; }; v2.move_me2 = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { if (this._x > this.min_x) { this._x -= 3 * this.speed; } else { this.move_me1(); } } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { if (this._x < this.max_x) { this._x += 3 * this.speed; } else { this.move_me1(); } } } }; }; v2.move_me1(); } function add_creatures_10(what, px, py, xscale) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie(what, what + v3, v3, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2._xscale = xscale; v2.speed = -7 * xscale / 100; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('idle'); }; v2.move_me = function () { this.gotoAndStop('scare'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed; if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < -50 or (get_map_point(this))[0] > 650) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } }; }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function gotoGame(diff) { if (game_testing) { if (game_diff_level == 0) { gotoAndStop('m' + stages + '_play'); } else { gotoAndStop('m4_play'); } play_game(stages, begining_section); } else { gotoAndStop('buffer'); if (stages == 1) { var frameloaded = 48; } else { if (stages == 2) { var frameloaded = 65; } else { if (stages == 3) { var frameloaded = 82; } else { if (stages == 4) { var frameloaded = 99; } } } } loading.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root._framesloaded >= frameloaded) { if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) { trace('Game loaded ' + Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded() / 1024)); if (game_diff_level == 0) { gotoAndStop('m' + stages + '_play'); } else { gotoAndStop('m4_play'); } play_game(stages, begining_section); } } }; } trace('Start Mission ' + stages + ' ' + game_diff_level); } function next_mission() { if (stages == 4) { gotoAndStop('game_start'); game_intro.gotoAndStop('win_game'); trace('Mission all over !'); } else { ++stages; if (game_diff_level == 0) { gotoAndStop('m' + stages + '_play'); } else { gotoAndStop('m4_play'); } play_game(stages, 1); trace('Next Mission ' + stages + ' ' + game_diff_level); } clean_cache(); } function clean_fire() { clean_stage(); this.front.removeMovieClip(); this.main.removeMovieClip(); this.game_UI.removeMovieClip(); this.setMask(null); this.game_mask.removeMovieClip(); delete this.onEnterFrame; Mouse.removeListener(mouseListener); delete mouseListener; clean_cache(); } function recover_all() { this.start_end.removeMovieClip(); this.game_intro.removeMovieClip(); clean_fire(); } function play_game(stg, sec) { stop(); initial_data(); stages = stg; game_start(sec - 1); if (sec == 1) { main.attachMovie('mission' + stg + '_start', 'mission_start', main.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': -main._x, '_y': -main._y}); play_music('bgm' + stg + '_1', true); add_item_when_start(stg); } else { play_music('bgm' + stg + '_1', true); level_start(); } } function add_item_when_start(stg) { if (stg == 1) { add_creatures_03(135, 300, 100); add_creatures_03(55, 290, -100); add_creatures_01(435, 295, -100); add_creatures_02(450, 298, 100); add_creatures_02(455, 299, -100); add_creatures_02(465, 298, 100); add_creatures_02(470, 297, -100); add_creatures_02(475, 298, 100); add_creatures_02(477, 299, -100); add_creatures_02(482, 298, 100); add_creatures_02(488, 299, -100); } else { if (stg == 2) { var v1 = blocksAction('雨阳篷', 118, 188, 1, 15, false, -1); v1.enemy_type = 3; v1.in_air = true; v1.no_shine = true; blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', 80, 200, 1, 5, false, 30); var temp_mc1 = add_creatures_10('NPC_商人', 410, 302, 100); var v3 = enemysAction22('第二关物件群', 460, 88, 40, 13); var v4 = enemysAction21('NPC_汽车2', 485, 362, 'stand', 100); v4.dieEvents = function () { temp_mc1.move_me(); }; v3.dieEvents = function () { (enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', 527, 191, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).in_air = true; (enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', 578, 192, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', 537, 306, 1, 5, false, 30); enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', 579, 306, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); }; } else { if (stg == 3) { } else { if (stg == 4) { } } } } } function game_start(section) { recover_all(); this.createEmptyMovieClip('main', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.createEmptyMovieClip('front', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.attachMovie('game_UI', 'game_UI', this.getNextHighestDepth()); game_UI._visible = 0; = 0; if (game_masked) { this.attachMovie('game_mask', 'game_mask', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.setMask(game_mask); } main.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', main.getNextHighestDepth()); main.createEmptyMovieClip('objects', main.getNextHighestDepth()); main.createEmptyMovieClip('enemies', main.getNextHighestDepth()); main.createEmptyMovieClip('others', main.getNextHighestDepth()); stages_section = section; next_scene(); } function clean_stage() { main._x = 0; main._y = 0; delete main.onEnterFrame; game_UI.clue_arrow.removeMovieClip(); for (var v1 in front) { front[v1].removeMovieClip(); } for (v1 in {[v1].removeMovieClip(); } for (v1 in main.objects) { main.objects[v1].removeMovieClip(); } for (v1 in main.enemies) { main.enemies[v1].removeMovieClip(); } for (v1 in main.others) { main.others[v1].removeMovieClip(); } for (v1 in main) { if (main[v1].targeter != undefined) { main[v1].removeMovieClip(); } } remove_enemy_boss_healthbar(); } function next_scene() { clean_stage(); if (specific_stage == undefined) { ++stages_section; } else { stages_section = specific_stage; delete specific_stage; } stages_part = 1; draw_map_start(stages, stages_section); if (stages_section > 1) { var v3 = this['player_start_' + stages + '_' + stages_section][0]; var v2 = this['player_start_' + stages + '_' + stages_section][1]; if (main.player == undefined) { add_player(v3, v2); } main.player._x = v3; main.player._y = v2; main.player.xspeed = 0; main.player.yspeed = 0; main.player._visible = 1; } delete player_min_x; delete player_max_x; score_height = 0; next_scence_blocked = false; player_shooting = false; game_UI.check_bar.removeMovieClip(); game_UI.attachMovie('check_bar', 'check_bar', game_UI.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 5, '_y': 374}); score_height = 0; boss_killed = false; game_medium_boss = false; map_repeated_x = 0; map_repeated_y = 0; clean_cache(); } function level_start() { if (stages_section == 1) { if (stages == 1) { add_player(85, 146); } else { if (stages == 2) { add_player(185, 360); enemysAction21('NPC_汽车1', 179, 358, 'stand', -100); } else { if (stages == 3) { add_player(82, 324); } else { if (stages == 4) { player_min_x = 130; add_player(205, 2665); } } } } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { gameControl(main.player); draw_map(eval(active_map_drawer)); }; shootControl(main.player); game_UI._visible = 1; adjust_score(true, game_UI, 0); adjust_life(0); } function mission_failed() { if (--player_life > 0) { shot_shine(_root, 'black', 10); play_game(stages, stages_section); } else { camera_death(); clean_fire(); player_life = 10; gotoAndStop('game_start'); game_intro.gotoAndStop('lose_game'); } } function kill_boss(isnew) { boss_killed = true; control_able = false; Mouse.removeListener(mouseListener); delete mouseListener; stop_shoot(main.player); gotoFrame(main.player, 'down', 'stand'); if (this.game_intro == undefined and { this.attachMovie('game_intro', 'game_intro', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.game_intro.gotoAndStop('mission_end'); this.game_intro.isnew = isnew; } } function adjust_score(add_score, where, much) { if (add_score) { game_score += much; var v1 = 100000000 + game_score; var v10 = Number((v1.toString()).slice(8, 9)) + 1; var v9 = Number((v1.toString()).slice(7, 8)) + 1; var v8 = Number((v1.toString()).slice(6, 7)) + 1; var v7 = Number((v1.toString()).slice(5, 6)) + 1; var v6 = Number((v1.toString()).slice(4, 5)) + 1; var v5 = Number((v1.toString()).slice(3, 4)) + 1; var v4 = Number((v1.toString()).slice(2, 3)) + 1; var v3 = Number((v1.toString()).slice(1, 2)) + 1; where.scorepad.num1.gotoAndStop(v10); where.scorepad.num10.gotoAndStop(v9); where.scorepad.num100.gotoAndStop(v8); where.scorepad.num1000.gotoAndStop(v7); where.scorepad.num10000.gotoAndStop(v6); where.scorepad.num100000.gotoAndStop(v5); where.scorepad.num1000000.gotoAndStop(v4); where.scorepad.num10000000.gotoAndStop(v3); } } function adjust_life(much) { if (much >= 0) { adjust_life1(much); } else { adjust_life2(much); } } function adjust_life1(much) { += much; if (life_left + > 100) { = 100 - life_left; };;; = 0; var goal_hp = -161 + 2 * (life_left +; = function () { if (this._x < goal_hp) { if (++this.recover_count == 10) { this.recover_count = 0; this._x += 2; ++life_left;; } } else { this._x = goal_hp; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = function () { if (this._x < goal_hp) { this._x += 1; } else { this._x = goal_hp; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function adjust_life2(much) { if (game_god and Math.abs(much) < 100) { much = -2; } life_left += Math.round(much); = 0; if (life_left <= 0) { life_left = 0; = 100; } else { = 0; };;; var goal_hp1 = -161 + 2 * life_left; = function () { if (this._x > goal_hp1) { this._x -= 2; } else { this._x = goal_hp1; if (life_left > 0) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x < this._parent.hp2._x) { if (++this.recover_count == 100) { this.recover_count = 0; this._x += 2; ++life_left; } } else { this._x = this._parent.hp2._x; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; if (life_left > 0) { var goal_hp2 = -161 + 2 * (life_left - Math.round(much * (0.3 + random(3) / 10))); } else { var goal_hp2 = goal_hp1; } = function () { if (this._x > goal_hp2) { this._x -= 1; } else { this._x = goal_hp2; if (life_left == 0) { if (--this.game_over_count == 0) { mission_failed(); } } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } function add_enemy_boss_healthbar(which, my_name) { var v2 = game_UI.attachMovie('boss_warning', 'boss_warning', game_UI.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 165, '_y': 180}); v2.final_event = function () { which.healthbar = game_UI.attachMovie('boss_healthbar', 'boss_healthbar', game_UI.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 5, '_y': 374}); which.healthbar.my_name.gotoAndStop(my_name); which.healthbar.check_health = function (now_health, total_health) { var goal_hp = -196 + Math.round(200 * (now_health / total_health)); game_UI.boss_healthbar.hp.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x > goal_hp) { --this._x; } else { this._x = goal_hp; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; shot_shine(which.healthbar, 'white', 5); this.removeMovieClip(); }; } function remove_enemy_boss_healthbar() { if (game_UI.boss_healthbar != undefined) { game_UI.boss_healthbar.removeMovieClip(); } } function add_stage_arrow(dir) { var v2 = game_UI.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = game_UI.attachMovie('clue_arrow', 'clue_arrow' + v2, v2); v1.typ = 'arrow'; if (dir == 1) { v1._x = 544; v1._y = 200; return v1; } if (dir == -1) { v1._x = 47; v1._y = 200; v1._xscale = -100; return v1; } if (dir == 2) { v1._x = 295; v1._y = 353; v1._rotation = 90; return v1; } if (dir == -2) { v1._x = 295; v1._y = 47; v1._rotation = -90; } return v1; } function remove_stage_arrow() { for (var v1 in game_UI) { if (game_UI[v1].typ == 'arrow') { game_UI[v1].removeMovieClip(); } } } function scene_end_arrow(where, dir, px, py) { where.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Math.abs(main._x) == Math.abs(_root['stg_width_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] - map_repeated_x * 590)) { var v3 = add_stage_arrow(dir); v3._x = px; v3._y = py; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function adjust_current_amr(who) { game_UI.weapon.gotoAndStop(who.gun_array[who.gun_point]); adjust_amr(game_UI.amr1, who.gun_amr[who.gun_point][0]); adjust_amr(game_UI.amr2, who.gun_amr[who.gun_point][1]); } function adjust_amr(which, amr) { if (amr > 999) { which.gotoAndStop('very'); } else { which.gotoAndStop('some'); var v2 = 1000 + amr; var v5 = Number((v2.toString()).slice(3, 4)) + 1; var v4 = Number((v2.toString()).slice(2, 3)) + 1; var v3 = Number((v2.toString()).slice(1, 2)) + 1; which.amr1.gotoAndStop(v5); which.amr10.gotoAndStop(v4); which.amr100.gotoAndStop(v3); } } function notice_Action(txt) { this.notice_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.createEmptyMovieClip('notice_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth()); notice_mc._x = _xmouse + 20; notice_mc._y = _ymouse + 20; var v2 = notice_mc.createTextField('notice_txt', notice_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 150, 100); v2.selectable = false; v2.html = true; v2.autoSize = true; v2.multiline = true; v2.background = true; v2.backgroundColor = 1184274; v2.border = true; v2.borderColor = 3945000; v2.htmlText = '<font color=\'#DEC29D\'>' + txt + '</font>'; var v3 = new TextFormat(); v3.size = 12; v3.font = 'Arial CE'; v3.align = 'center'; v2.setTextFormat(v3); notice_mc.count = 60; notice_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (--this.count == 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; if (notice_mc._x + notice_mc._width + 10 > 590) { notice_mc._x = 590 - (notice_mc._width + 10); } if (notice_mc._y + notice_mc._height + 10 > 400) { notice_mc._y = 400 - (notice_mc._height + 10); } } function select_weapon(where, which) { var v4 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; if (which == 1) { v4 = [2, 3, 4, 0, 0]; } else { if (which == 2) { v4 = [8, 9, 10, 11, 0]; } else { if (which == 3) { v4 = [16, 17, 18, 0, 0]; } else { if (which == 4) { v4 = [22, 23, 24, 25, 26]; } else { if (which == 5) { v4 = [30, 31, 0, 0, 0]; } else { if (which == 6) { v4 = [35, 36, 37, 38, 39]; } else { if (which == 7) { v4 = [43, 44, 45, 46, 47]; } else { if (which == 8) { v4 = [51, 52, 53, 54, 0]; } else { if (which == 9) { v4 = [58, 59, 60, 0, 0]; } } } } } } } } } var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= 5) { if (v4[v2 - 1] != 0) { where.weapons['weapon' + v2]._visible = true; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].mc.gotoAndStop(v4[v2 - 1]); where.weapons['weapon' + v2].star = weapon_amr[v4[v2 - 1]][0]; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].my_new.stop(); where.weapons['weapon' + v2].my_new._visible = 0; if (game_stage_pass < where.weapons['weapon' + v2].star and game_gun_locked) { where.weapons['weapon' + v2].enabled = false; always_shine(where.weapons['weapon' + v2].mc, 'dark'); where.weapons['weapon' + v2].mc._alpha = 50; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].name_txt.text = 'LOCKED'; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].name_txt.textColor = '0x9FB482'; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].bullets_txt.text = '??? / ???'; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].bullets_txt.textColor = '0x9FB482'; } else { where.weapons['weapon' + v2].enabled = true; if (game_stage_pass == where.weapons['weapon' + v2].star) { where.weapons['weapon' + v2].my_new.gotoAndPlay(1); where.weapons['weapon' + v2].my_new._visible = 1; } shot_shine(where.weapons['weapon' + v2].mc, 'white', 2); where.weapons['weapon' + v2].mc._alpha = 100; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].name_txt.text = weapon_amr[v4[v2 - 1]][2]; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].name_txt.textColor = '0xFF9900'; var v5 = weapon_amr[v4[v2 - 1]][1]; if (v5 > 999) { v5 = '∞'; } where.weapons['weapon' + v2].bullets_txt.text = v5 + ' / ' + v5; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].bullets_txt.textColor = '0xFFCC00'; } where.weapons['weapon' + v2].onPress = function () { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹', false); choose_this_weapon(this._parent._parent,; ++this._y; }; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].onReleaseOutside = function () { --this._y; }; where.weapons['weapon' + v2].onRelease = where.weapons['weapon' + v2].onReleaseOutside; } else { where.weapons['weapon' + v2]._visible = false; } ++v2; } } function choose_this_weapon(where, what) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 5) { if (game_player_weapons[v1] == what) { return undefined; } ++v1; } v1 = 2; while (v1 <= 5) { if (game_player_weapons[v1] == 0) { game_player_weapons[v1] = what; where['inven' + v1]._visible = true; where['inven' + v1].gotoAndStop(game_player_weapons[v1]); break; } ++v1; } } function delete_this_weapon(where, num) { where['inven' + num]._visible = false; game_player_weapons[where['inven' + num].my_num] = 0; } function show_player_weapon(where) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= 5) { where['inven' + v2].stop(); where['inven' + v2].my_num = v2; if (game_player_weapons[v2] != 0) { where['inven' + v2]._visible = true; where['inven' + v2].gotoAndStop(game_player_weapons[v2]); } else { where['inven' + v2]._visible = false; } if (where['inven' + v2].my_num > 1) { where['inven' + v2].onPress = function () { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹', false); delete_this_weapon(this._parent, this.my_num); }; } ++v2; } } function default_weapons(where) { var v2 = 0; var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 5) { v2 += game_player_weapons[v1]; ++v1; } if (v2 == 16) { game_player_weapons = [1, 15, 22, 30, 37, 43]; show_player_weapon(where); return true; } return false; } function show_new_weapons(where, level) { var v2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [8, 9, 10, 11], [15, 16, 17, 18], [22, 23, 24, 25, 26], [30, 31], [35, 36, 37, 38, 39], [43, 44, 45, 46, 47], [51, 52, 53, 54], [58, 59, 60]]; var v4 = []; for (var v10 in v2) { for (var v8 in v2[v10]) { if (weapon_amr[v2[v10][v8]][0] == level) { v4.push(v10); break; } } } for (var v9 in v4) { var v1 = Number(v4[v9]) + 1; where['tab' + v1].hint_mc = where.attachMovie('new_weapon_clue', 'new_weapon_clue' + v1, where.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': where['tab' + v1]._x + 18, '_y': where['tab' + v1]._y - 10}); } } function initial_data() { stop_musicAction(); now_music = ''; stages = 1; life_left = 100; modify_XY_array1_1 = [[-2750, -151, false], [-5525, 0, false]]; modify_XY_array1_2 = [[-2650, 80, false], [-2960, 190, false], [-3280, 325, false], [-3700, 425, false], [-4090, 575, false], [-4425, 660, false], [-4780, 810, false], [-5215, 930, false], [-5520, 1075, false], [-5850, 1200, false], [-7355, 1315, false], [-7530, 1470, false], [-7750, 1615, false], [-8020, 1795, false], [-8200, 1940, false], [-8450, 2095, false], [-8650, 2260, false], [-8910, 2400, false]]; modify_XY_array1_3 = [[-590, -190, false], [-1015, -310, false], [-1330, -410, false], [-1700, -470, false], [-1900, -615, false], [-2300, -760, false], [-2750, -800, false]]; allow_area_array_1_1 = -8260; allow_area_array_1_2 = -11800; allow_area_array_1_3 = -4130; get_map_infor(1, 1, 1, [0, 0], 15, [530, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(1, 2, 1, [45, 320], 21, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(1, 3, 1, [105, 300], 8, [999, undefined, undefined]); stg1_2_map_xy[6] = [590, -400]; stg1_2_map_xy[8] = [590, -400]; stg1_2_map_xy[10] = [590, -400]; stg1_2_map_xy[13] = [590, -400]; stg1_2_map_xy[14] = [590, -400]; stg1_2_map_xy[15] = [590, -400]; stg1_3_map_xy[5] = [590, 400]; stg1_3_map_xy[7] = [590, 350]; stg1_3_map_xy[8] = [590, 50]; modify_XY_array2_6 = [[-30, -175, false], [-275, -270, false], [-700, -400, false], [-6995, -235, false], [-7340, -130, false], [-7640, 0, false]]; allow_area_array_2_1 = -4130; allow_area_array_2_2 = -2950; allow_area_array_2_3 = 2950; allow_area_array_2_4 = -2950; allow_area_array_2_5 = 0; allow_area_array_2_6 = -7670; allow_area_array_2_7 = -6490; get_map_infor(2, 1, 1, [0, 0], 8, [480, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(2, 2, 1, [45, 330], 6, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(2, 3, -1, [525, 340], 6, [15, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(2, 4, 1, [45, 320], 6, [undefined, 0, 390]); get_map_infor(2, 5, 1, [100, 0], 1, [undefined, 0, 350]); get_map_infor(2, 6, 1, [100, 0], 14, [undefined, 55, 400]); get_map_infor(2, 7, 1, [265, 255], 12, [999, undefined, undefined]); stg2_3_map_xy[2] = [-590, 0]; stg2_3_map_xy[3] = [-590, 0]; stg2_3_map_xy[4] = [-590, 0]; stg2_3_map_xy[5] = [-590, 0]; stg2_3_map_xy[6] = [-590, 0]; stg2_6_map_xy[3] = [590, 400]; stg2_6_map_xy[13] = [590, -400]; modify_XY_array3_7 = [[-590, -740, false], [-2300, -635, false], [-2480, -525, false], [-2600, -400, false], [-4550, -300, false], [-5600, -400, false]]; modify_XY_array3_16 = [[-7270, -1060, false]]; allow_area_array_3_1 = -5900; allow_area_array_3_2 = 0; allow_area_array_3_3 = -2360; allow_area_array_3_4 = 0; allow_area_array_3_5 = -2360; allow_area_array_3_6 = 0; allow_area_array_3_7 = -800; allow_area_array_3_8 = -1180; allow_area_array_3_9 = -1770; allow_area_array_3_10 = 0; allow_area_array_3_11 = 0; allow_area_array_3_12 = 0; allow_area_array_3_13 = 0; allow_area_array_3_14 = 0; allow_area_array_3_15 = -590; allow_area_array_3_16 = -2360; get_map_infor(3, 1, 1, [0, 0], 11, [340, 0, 260]); get_map_infor(3, 2, 1, [35, 353], 1, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(3, 3, 1, [134, 292], 5, [340, 0, 260]); get_map_infor(3, 4, 1, [35, 344], 1, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(3, 5, 1, [127, 293], 5, [470, 0, 250]); get_map_infor(3, 6, 1, [35, 355], 1, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(3, 7, 2, [31, 217], 13, [550, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(3, 8, 1, [40, 270], 10, [420, 0, 310]); get_map_infor(3, 9, 1, [264, 323], 10, [410, 0, 260]); get_map_infor(3, 10, 1, [38, 350], 1, [575, 0, 340]); get_map_infor(3, 11, -1, [50, 270], 1, [140, 0, 260]); get_map_infor(3, 12, 1, [30, 360], 1, [575, 0, 350]); get_map_infor(3, 13, 1, [50, 270], 1, [295, 0, 260]); get_map_infor(3, 14, 1, [35, 360], 1, [575, 155, 400]); get_map_infor(3, 15, 1, [250, 333], 7, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(3, 16, 1, [135, 328], 17, [999, undefined, undefined]); stg_width_3_7 = 5900; stg_width_3_8 = 2950; stg_width_3_9 = 2950; stg_width_3_15 = 1180; stg_width_3_16 = 7670; stg3_7_map_xy[2] = [0, 400]; stg3_7_map_xy[3] = [0, 400]; stg3_7_map_xy[4] = [590, -200]; stg3_7_map_xy[7] = [590, -200]; stg3_7_map_xy[9] = [590, -100]; stg3_8_map_xy[4] = [0, -400]; stg3_8_map_xy[5] = [0, -400]; stg3_8_map_xy[6] = [0, -400]; stg3_8_map_xy[7] = [0, -400]; stg3_9_map_xy[5] = [0, 400]; stg3_9_map_xy[6] = [0, 400]; stg3_9_map_xy[7] = [0, 400]; stg3_9_map_xy[8] = [0, 400]; stg3_15_map_xy[3] = [0, -400]; stg3_15_map_xy[4] = [0, -400]; stg3_15_map_xy[5] = [0, -400]; stg3_15_map_xy[6] = [0, -400]; stg3_16_map_xy[6] = [0, 400]; stg3_16_map_xy[7] = [0, 400]; stg3_16_map_xy[8] = [0, 400]; stg3_16_map_xy[16] = [590, -270]; allow_next_map_3_7 = 3; allow_next_map_3_8 = 3; allow_next_map_3_9 = 4; allow_next_map_3_15 = 2; allow_next_map_3_16 = 5; allow_area_array_4_2 = 0; allow_area_array_4_3 = -2360; allow_area_array_4_4 = -2950; allow_area_array_4_5 = -2950; allow_area_array_4_6 = -2360; allow_area_array_4_7 = 400; allow_area_array_4_8 = 2400; allow_area_array_4_9 = -590; allow_area_array_4_10 = -1180; allow_area_array_4_11 = -210; allow_area_array_4_12 = 0; allow_area_array_4_13 = -210; allow_area_array_4_14 = -210; allow_area_array_4_15 = 0; allow_area_array_4_16 = 964; allow_area_array_4_17 = 0; allow_area_array_4_18 = 964; allow_area_array_4_19 = 0; allow_area_array_4_20 = 964; allow_area_array_4_21 = 0; allow_area_array_4_22 = -590; allow_area_array_4_23 = -2360; allow_area_array_4_24 = -590; get_map_infor(4, 1, -2, [0, 0], 1, [0, 0, 0]); get_map_infor(4, 2, 1, [45, 345], 1, [575, 0, 325]); get_map_infor(4, 3, 1, [85, 375], 9, [999, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 4, 1, [45, 340], 6, [999, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 5, 1, [45, 340], 6, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 6, 1, [45, 370], 5, [307, 0, 350]); get_map_infor(4, 7, -2, [45, 349], 2, [999, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 8, -2, [159, 373], 7, [undefined, 50, 400]); get_map_infor(4, 9, 1, [150, 285], 2, [520, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 10, 1, [45, 333], 3, [999, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 11, 1, [45, 325], 1, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 12, 1, [45, 338], 1, [999, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 13, 1, [45, 350], 1, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 14, 1, [45, 369], 1, [999, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 15, 1, [45, 342], 1, [540, 240, 400]); get_map_infor(4, 16, -2, [50, 350], 3, [999, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 17, 1, [535, 380], 1, [60, 0, 300]); get_map_infor(4, 18, -2, [540, 350], 3, [999, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 19, 1, [65, 184], 1, [540, 0, 150]); get_map_infor(4, 20, -2, [50, 350], 3, [65, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 21, 1, [540, 380], 1, [60, 0, 300]); get_map_infor(4, 22, 1, [45, 335], 2, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 23, 1, [80, 330], 5, [575, undefined, undefined]); get_map_infor(4, 24, 1, [45, 360], 6, [999, undefined, undefined]); stg_width_4_3 = 2360; stg_width_4_7 = 0; stg_width_4_8 = 0; stg_width_4_11 = 210; stg_width_4_13 = 210; stg_width_4_14 = 210; stg_width_4_16 = 0; stg_width_4_18 = 0; stg_width_4_20 = 0; stg_width_4_24 = 590; stg4_3_map_xy[6] = [0, 400]; stg4_3_map_xy[7] = [0, 400]; stg4_3_map_xy[8] = [0, 400]; stg4_3_map_xy[9] = [0, 400]; stg4_7_map_xy[2] = [0, -400]; stg4_8_map_xy[2] = [0, -400]; stg4_8_map_xy[3] = [0, -400]; stg4_8_map_xy[4] = [0, -400]; stg4_8_map_xy[5] = [0, -400]; stg4_8_map_xy[6] = [0, -400]; stg4_8_map_xy[7] = [0, -400]; stg4_16_map_xy[2] = [0, -400]; stg4_16_map_xy[3] = [0, -564]; stg4_18_map_xy[2] = [0, -400]; stg4_18_map_xy[3] = [0, -564]; stg4_20_map_xy[2] = [0, -400]; stg4_20_map_xy[3] = [0, -564]; stg4_24_map_xy[3] = [0, -400]; stg4_24_map_xy[4] = [0, -400]; stg4_24_map_xy[5] = [0, -400]; allow_next_map_4_3 = 5; allow_next_map_4_24 = 2; stopAllSounds(); } function get_map_infor(stg, sec, direct, start_point, map_parts, end) { this['stg' + stg + '_' + sec + '_map_xy'] = []; this['stg_direct_' + stg + '_' + sec] = direct; this['player_start_' + stg + '_' + sec] = start_point; this['allow_next_map_' + stg + '_' + sec] = map_parts; this['stg_width_' + stg + '_' + sec] = 590 * (map_parts - 1); this['stg_end_' + stg + '_' + sec] = end; } function draw_map_start(stg, sec) { delete stg4_1_enemy_container; if (stg == 4 and sec == 1) { main._x = 0; main._y = -2400; map_now4_1 = []; map_now4_1[0] = [0, 0, 0]; map_now4_1[1] = [0, 0, 0]; map_now4_1[2] = [0, 0, 0]; map_now4_1[3] = [0, 0, 0]; map_now4_1[4] = [0, 0, 0]; map_now4_1[5] = [0, 0, 0]; map_now4_1[6] = [0, 0, 0]; add_current_maps(); stg4_1_enemy_container = {}; } else { var v1 ='stage' + stg + '_bg', 'bg1',; v1.gotoAndStop('s' + sec); v1.getBounds.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } function change_scene(poz_x, poz_y, temp_end) { if (!next_scence_blocked and life_left > 0) { var v1 = 0; if (poz_x >= temp_end[0] - 5 and poz_x <= temp_end[0] + 5) { ++v1; } else { if (temp_end[0] == undefined) { ++v1; } } if (poz_y <= temp_end[1] or poz_y >= temp_end[2]) { ++v1; } else { if (temp_end[1] == undefined) { ++v1; } } if (v1 == 2) { change_sceneAction(); } } } function change_sceneAction() { if (this.game_intro == undefined and { var v2 = this.attachMovie('game_intro', 'game_intro', this.getNextHighestDepth()); v2.gotoAndStop('level_pass'); active_object_speed = 0; active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; stop_shoot(main.player); main.player.xspeed = 0; } } function draw_map(which) { if (stages == 1) { draw_map01(which); } else { if (stages == 2) { draw_map01(which); } else { if (stages == 3) { draw_map01(which); } else { if (stages == 4) { if (stages_section == 1) { draw_map02(which); } else { draw_map01(which); } } } } } modify_XY(main._x, main._y); front._x = main._x; front._y = main._y; } function draw_map01(which) { var v2 = this['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; if (which != undefined) { var v7 = get_map_point(which); var v4 = v7[0]; var v3 = v7[1]; var v8 = this['stg_end_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; if (v2 == 1) { var v9 = this['allow_area_array_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] - map_repeated_x * 590; var v6 = -(this['stg_width_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] + map_repeated_x * 590); if (v4 >= 295) { if (main._x > v6) { move_maps(which, v2, v9, v4 - 295); } else { main._x = v6; } } if (main._x == v6) { change_scene(v4, v3, v8); } } else { if (v2 == -1) { var v9 = this['allow_area_array_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] + map_repeated_x * 590; var v6 = this['stg_width_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] - map_repeated_x * 590; if (v4 <= 295) { if (main._x < v6) { move_maps(which, v2, v9, 295 - v4); } else { main._x = v6; } } if (main._x == v6) { change_scene(v4, v3, v8); } } else { if (v2 == 2) { var v9 = this['allow_area_array_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] - map_repeated_y * 400; if (v3 >= 180) { move_maps(which, v2, v9, v3 - 180); } } else { if (v2 == -2) { var v9 = this['allow_area_array_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] + map_repeated_y * 400; if (v3 <= 220) { move_maps(which, v2, v9, 220 - v3); } } } } } draw_game_maps(v2); } } function move_maps(who, temp, temp_area, distance) { if (active_map_drawer == 'main.player') { if (Math.abs(temp) == 1) { var v1 = (Math.abs(who.xspeed) + Math.round(distance / 10)) * Math.abs(temp) / temp; } else { var v1 = (Math.abs(who.yspeed) + Math.round(distance / 10)) * Math.abs(temp) / temp; } if (v1 == 0) { v1 = 8 * Math.abs(temp) / temp; } } else { var v1 = Math.abs(active_object_speed) * Math.abs(temp) / temp; } if (temp == 1) { if (main._x >= temp_area + v1) { main._x -= v1; } else { if (main._x < temp_area + v1) { main._x = temp_area; } } } else { if (temp == -1) { if (main._x <= temp_area + v1) { main._x -= v1; } else { if (main._x > temp_area + v1) { main._x = temp_area; } } } else { if (temp == 2) { if (main._y >= temp_area + v1) { main._y -= v1; } else { if (main._y < temp_area + v1) { main._y = temp_area; } } } else { if (temp == -2) { if (main._y <= temp_area + v1) { main._y -= v1; } else { if (main._y > temp_area + v1) { main._y = temp_area; } } } } } } } function draw_game_maps(dir) { for (var v4 in { var v1 = get_map_point([v4]); var v3 = v1[0]; var v2 = v1[1]; if (draw_next_map(dir, v3, v2, v4)) { break; } } } function draw_next_map(dir, poz_x, poz_y, grounds) { if (adjust_map(poz_x, poz_y) == 1) { if (this['allow_next_map_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] > stages_part - (map_repeated_x + map_repeated_y)) { var v2 = Number(grounds.slice(2)) + 1; if (['bg' + v2] == undefined) { ++stages_part;'stage' + stages + '_bg', 'bg' + v2,; if (['bg' + (v2 - 1)].repeat != undefined) { if (game_medium_boss) {['bg' + v2].gotoAndStop(['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._currentframe +['bg' + (v2 - 1)].repeat); if (Math.abs(dir) == 1) { map_repeated_x += Math.abs(['bg' + (v2 - 1)].repeat) + 1; } else { if (Math.abs(dir) == 2) { map_repeated_y += Math.abs(['bg' + (v2 - 1)].repeat) + 1; } } } else {['bg' + v2].gotoAndStop(['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._currentframe + 1); } } else {['bg' + v2].gotoAndStop(['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._currentframe + 1); } var v4 = this['stg' + stages + '_' + stages_section + '_map_xy'][stages_part]; if (v4 == undefined) { var v3 = this['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; if (v3 == 1) {['bg' + v2]._x =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._x + 590;['bg' + v2]._y =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._y; } else { if (v3 == -1) {['bg' + v2]._x =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._x - 590;['bg' + v2]._y =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._y; } else { if (v3 == 2) {['bg' + v2]._x =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._x;['bg' + v2]._y =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._y + 400; } else { if (v3 == -2) {['bg' + v2]._x =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._x;['bg' + v2]._y =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._y - 400; } } } } } else {['bg' + v2]._x =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._x + v4[0];['bg' + v2]._y =['bg' + (v2 - 1)]._y + v4[1]; }['bg' + v2].g.cacheAsBitmap = true; return true; } } return false; } if (adjust_map(poz_x, poz_y) == 0) { var v5 =['bg' + (Number(grounds.slice(2)) - 1)]; if (v5 != undefined) { v5.removeMovieClip(); remove_thingsAction(); return true; } } return false; } function adjust_map(poz_x, poz_y) { var v2 = this['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; if (v2 == 1) { if (poz_x < -50) { return 0; } if (poz_x < 50) { return 1; } return 2; } if (v2 == -1) { if (poz_x > 50) { return 0; } if (poz_x > -50) { return 1; } return 2; } if (v2 == 2) { if (poz_y < -50) { return 0; } if (poz_y < 50) { return 1; } return 2; } if (v2 == -2) { if (poz_y > 50) { return 0; } if (poz_y > -50) { return 1; } } return 2; } function modify_XY(main_x, main_y) { var v3 = this['modify_XY_array' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; if (v3 != undefined) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3.length) { if (v3[v2][2] == false) { if (main_x < v3[v2][0]) { main_move_XY(undefined, v3[v2][1]); v3.shift(); } break; } ++v2; } } } function main_move_XY(targetX, targetY) { main.targetX = targetX; main.targetY = targetY; main.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = 0; if (this.targetX != undefined) { if (Math.abs(this._x - this.targetX) > 2) { if (Math.abs((this.targetX - this._x) / 30) > 1) { this._x += (this.targetX - this._x) / 30; } else { this._x += Math.abs(this.targetX - this._x) / (this.targetX - this._x); } } else { this._x = this.targetX; ++v2; } } else { ++v2; } if (this.targetY != undefined) { if (Math.abs(this._y - this.targetY) > 2) { if (Math.abs((this.targetY - this._y) / 30) > 1) { this._y += (this.targetY - this._y) / 30; } else { this._y += Math.abs(this.targetY - this._y) / (this.targetY - this._y); } } else { this._y = this.targetY; ++v2; } } else { ++v2; } if (v2 == 2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function add_frontpic(what, px, py) { var v1 = front.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = front.attachMovie(what, what + '_' + v1, v1, {'_x': px, '_y': py}); v2.targeter = main.player; return v2; } function remove_thingsAction() { var v2 = this['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; for (var v3 in front) { if (v2 == 1) { if ((get_map_point(front[v3]))[0] < -50 - front[v3]._width / 2) { front[v3].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == -1) { if ((get_map_point(front[v3]))[0] > 640 + front[v3]._width / 2) { front[v3].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == 2) { if ((get_map_point(front[v3]))[1] < -50 - front[v3]._height / 2) { front[v3].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == -2) { if ((get_map_point(front[v3]))[1] > 450 + front[v3]._height / 2) { front[v3].removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } for (var v5 in main.objects) { if (v2 == 1) { if ((get_map_point(main.objects[v5]))[0] < -50 - main.objects[v5]._width / 2) { main.objects[v5].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == -1) { if ((get_map_point(main.objects[v5]))[0] > 640 + main.objects[v5]._width / 2) { main.objects[v5].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == 2) { if ((get_map_point(main.objects[v5]))[1] < -50 - main.objects[v5]._height / 2) { main.objects[v5].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == -2) { if ((get_map_point(main.objects[v5]))[1] > 450 + main.objects[v5]._height / 2) { main.objects[v5].removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } for (var v6 in main.enemies) { if (!main.enemies[v6].active_moved) { if (v2 == 1) { if ((get_map_point(main.enemies[v6]))[0] < -50 - main.enemies[v6]._width / 2) { main.enemies[v6].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == -1) { if ((get_map_point(main.enemies[v6]))[0] > 640 + main.enemies[v6]._width / 2) { main.enemies[v6].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == 2) { if ((get_map_point(main.enemies[v6]))[1] < -50 - main.enemies[v6]._height / 2) { main.enemies[v6].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == -2) { if ((get_map_point(main.enemies[v6]))[1] > 450 + main.enemies[v6]._height / 2) { main.enemies[v6].removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } } for (var v4 in main.others) { if (v2 == 1) { if ((get_map_point(main.others[v4]))[0] < -50 - main.others[v4]._width / 2) { main.others[v4].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == -1) { if ((get_map_point(main.others[v4]))[0] > 640 + main.others[v4]._width / 2) { main.others[v4].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == 2) { if ((get_map_point(main.others[v4]))[1] < -50 - main.others[v4]._height / 2) { main.others[v4].removeMovieClip(); } } else { if (v2 == -2) { if ((get_map_point(main.others[v4]))[1] > 450 + main.others[v4]._height / 2) { main.others[v4].removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } } function hold_camera(team, where) { remove_stage_arrow(); for (var v5 in team) { team[v5].my_team = team; team[v5].allow_area_array = _root['allow_area_array_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; team[v5].dieEvents = function () { var v3 = true; for (var v4 in this.my_team) { if (this.my_team[v4].live) { v3 = false; break; } } if (this.dieEvents1 != undefined) { this.dieEvents1(); } if (v3) { _root['allow_area_array_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] = this.allow_area_array; add_stage_arrow(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (this.dieEvents2 != undefined) { this.dieEvents2(); } } }; } _root['allow_area_array_' + stages + '_' + stages_section] = where; } function specific_stage_changer(which, stage) { which.targeter = main.player; which.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this.targeter); if (this.hitTest(v2[0], v2[1], true)) { specific_stage = stage; change_sceneAction(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function stage_move_restricter(where, xdir, px, ydir, py) { where.targeter = main.player; where.onEnterFrame = function () { if (ydir == -2) { if (xdir == -1) { if ((get_map_point(this.targeter))[1] <= py) { player_min_x = px; } else { delete player_min_x; } } else { if (xdir == 1) { if ((get_map_point(this.targeter))[1] <= py) { player_max_x = px; } else { delete player_max_x; } } } } else { if (ydir == 2) { if (xdir == -1) { if ((get_map_point(this.targeter))[1] >= py) { player_min_x = px; } else { delete player_min_x; } } else { if (xdir == 1) { if ((get_map_point(this.targeter))[1] >= py) { player_max_x = px; } else { delete player_max_x; } } } } } }; } function remove_move_restricter(where) { delete where.onEnterFrame; delete player_min_x; delete player_max_x; } function draw_map02(which) { if (which != undefined) { var v4 = get_map_point(which); var v3 = v4[0]; var v2 = v4[1]; if (which.xspeed >= 0 and v3 > 295) { move_maps_x(-which.xspeed - Math.round((v3 - 295) / 10)); } else { if (which.xspeed <= 0 and v3 < 295) { move_maps_x(-which.xspeed + Math.round((295 - v3) / 10)); } } if (which.states != 'jump') { if (which.yspeed >= 0 and v2 > 200) { move_maps_y(-which.yspeed - Math.round((v2 - 200) / 10)); } else { if (which.yspeed <= 0 and v2 < 200) { move_maps_y(-which.yspeed + Math.round((200 - v2) / 10)); } } } } add_current_maps(); remove_current_maps(); } function move_maps_x(temp_speed) { var v4 = this['map_width_min' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; var v3 = this['map_width_max' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; if (temp_speed < 0) { if (main._x > v4 - temp_speed) { main._x += temp_speed; } else { main._x = v4; } } else { if (temp_speed > 0) { if (main._x < v3 - temp_speed) { main._x += temp_speed; } else { main._x = v3; } } } front._x = main._x; } function move_maps_y(temp_speed) { var v4 = this['map_height_min' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; var v3 = this['map_height_max' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; if (temp_speed < 0) { if (main._y > v4 - temp_speed) { main._y += temp_speed; } else { main._y = v4; } } else { if (temp_speed > 0) { if (main._y < v3 - temp_speed) { main._y += temp_speed; } else { main._y = v3; } } } front._y = main._y; } function add_current_maps() { var v1 = Math.floor((map_width_max4_1 - main._x) / 590); var v2 = Math.floor((map_height_max4_1 - main._y) / 400); attach_map(v1, v2); attach_map(v1 + 1, v2); attach_map(v1, v2 + 1); attach_map(v1 + 1, v2 + 1); } function attach_map(mapx, mapy) { if (map_now4_1[mapy][mapx] == 0) { var v1 ='stage4_bg', 'bg' + mapx + '_' + mapy,; v1._x = mapx * 590 - map_width_max4_1; v1._y = mapy * 400 - map_height_max4_1; v1.gotoAndStop(map_array4_1[mapy][mapx]); v1.xnum = mapx; v1.ynum = mapy; v1.g.cacheAsBitmap = true; map_now4_1[mapy][mapx] = 1; } } function remove_current_maps() { for (var v7 in { var v3 = get_map_point([v7]); var v5 = v3[0]; var v4 = v3[1]; if (Math.abs(v5) > 590 or Math.abs(v4) > 400) { var v2 = true; if (temp_y < 0) { for (var v6 in main.enemies) { var v1 = get_map_point(main.enemies[v6]); if ([v7].hitTest(v1[0], v1[1], true)) { v2 = false; break; } } } if (v2) { map_now4_1[[v7].ynum][[v7].xnum] = 0;[v7].removeMovieClip(); remove_thingsAction(); break; } } } } function play_soundAction(what, cyc) { if (what != undefined) { if (this.sound_objects[what] == undefined) { this.sound_objects[what] = new Sound(this.sound_objects); this.sound_objects[what].attachSound(what); } if (game_sounds) { if (!cyc) { this.sound_objects[what].stop(what); this.sound_objects[what].start(); } else { this.sound_objects[what].start(0, 999); } } } } function stop_soundAction(what) { this[what].stop(what); } function play_music(what, cyc) { if (what != undefined) { if (this.music_objects[what] == undefined) { this.music_objects[what] = new Sound(this.music_objects); this.music_objects[what].attachSound(what); } if (game_music) { if (now_music != what) { now_music = what; stopAllSounds(); if (!cyc) { this.music_objects[what].start(); } else { this.music_objects[what].start(0, 999); } } } } } function stop_musicAction() { this[now_music].stop(now_music); } function add_weapon(where) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('各种奖励', '各种奖励' + v3, v3, {'_x': Math.round(where._x), '_y': Math.round(where._y)}); v2.active_moved = where.active_moved; v2.targeter = main.player; if (where.in_water) { always_shine(v2, 'blue'); } v2.come_out = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('come'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if (this.ready) { this.find_player(); } }; }; v2.check_item = function () { this.items.gotoAndStop('amr'); }; v2.find_player = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if (this.items.hitTest(this.targeter.g)) { if (this.targeter.gun_amr[this.targeter.gun_point][0] < 999 and this.targeter.gun_amr[this.targeter.gun_point][0] < this.targeter.gun_amr[this.targeter.gun_point][1]) { this.targeter.gun_amr[this.targeter.gun_point][0] = this.targeter.gun_amr[this.targeter.gun_point][1]; adjust_current_amr(this.targeter); shot_shine(game_UI.amr1, 'white', 2); shot_shine(game_UI.amr2, 'white', 2); this.gotoAndPlay('go'); this.full_hint_mc.removeMovieClip(); this.remove_mc.removeMovieClip(); this._alpha = 100; play_soundAction('补充弹药'); delete this.onEnterFrame; return undefined; } if (this.full_hint_mc == undefined) { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); (this.attachMovie('各种奖励', 'full_hint_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth())).gotoAndStop('hint'); } } else { if (this.full_hint_mc != undefined) { this.full_hint_mc.removeMovieClip(); } } present_disappear(this, 250); }; }; v2.come_out(); return v2; } function add_food(where, what) { var v3 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('各种奖励', '各种奖励' + v3, v3, {'_x': Math.round(where._x), '_y': Math.round(where._y)}); v2.active_moved = where.active_moved; v2.type = what; v2.targeter = main.player; if (where.in_water) { always_shine(v2, 'blue'); } v2.come_out = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('come'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if (this.ready) { this.find_player(); } }; }; v2.check_item = function () { this.items.gotoAndStop(this.type); }; v2.find_player = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if (this.items.hitTest(this.targeter.g)) { this.add_life(); this.gotoAndPlay('go'); this.remove_mc.removeMovieClip(); this._alpha = 100; play_soundAction('记分音效'); delete this.onEnterFrame; return undefined; } present_disappear(this, 250); }; }; v2.add_life = function () { adjust_life(this.numbers); }; v2.come_out(); return v2; } function add_present(where, what) { if (where.definite or random(2 + game_diff_level)) { var v4 = main.others.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.others.attachMovie('各种奖励', '各种奖励' + v4, v4, {'_x': Math.round(where._x), '_y': Math.round(where._y)}); v2.active_moved = where.active_moved; v2.type = what; v2.targeter = main.player; if (where.in_water) { always_shine(v2, 'blue'); } v2.come_out = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('come'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if (this.ready) { this.find_player(); } }; }; v2.check_item = function () { this.items.gotoAndStop(this.type); }; v2.find_player = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if (this.items.hitTest(this.targeter.g)) { adjust_score(true, game_UI, Number(this.numbers)); this._y -= score_height++ * 18; this.gotoAndStop('score'); this.remove_mc.removeMovieClip(); this._alpha = 100; play_soundAction('捡到分数'); delete this.onEnterFrame; return undefined; } present_disappear(this, 200); }; }; v2.show_score = function (which) { var v5 = 100000 + this.numbers; var v4 = (this.numbers.toString()).length; if (which > v4) { this.b['num' + which]._visible = 0; } else { var v3 = Number((v5.toString()).slice(6 - which, 7 - which)); this.b['num' + which].gotoAndStop(v3 + 1); } }; v2.show_score_over = function () { --score_height; this.removeMovieClip(); }; v2.come_out(); return v2; } } function present_disappear(which, time) { if (which.disappear_time == undefined) { which.disappear_time = time; } else { --which.disappear_time; if (which.disappear_time == 0) { object_remove(which, 0); } } } function set_keyAction(code) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < keycodes.length) { if (keycodes[v1][1] == code) { return keycodes[v1][0]; } ++v1; } return 'Wrong key'; } function set_current_key() { game_intro.Wcode.order = 1; game_intro.Scode.order = 2; game_intro.Acode.order = 3; game_intro.Dcode.order = 4; game_intro.Weapon_code1.order = 5; game_intro.Weapon_code2.order = 6; var v2 = SharedObject.getLocal('userSave_file'); if ( != undefined) { Wcode =; } if ( != undefined) { Scode =; } if ( != undefined) { Acode =; } if ( != undefined) { Dcode =; } if ( != undefined) { Weapon_code1 =; } if ( != undefined) { Weapon_code2 =; } game_intro.Wcode.what = set_keyAction(Wcode); game_intro.Scode.what = set_keyAction(Scode); game_intro.Acode.what = set_keyAction(Acode); game_intro.Dcode.what = set_keyAction(Dcode); game_intro.Weapon_code1.what = set_keyAction(Weapon_code1); game_intro.Weapon_code2.what = set_keyAction(Weapon_code2); game_intro.Wcode.onPress = function () { start_set_key(this); }; game_intro.Scode.onPress = function () { start_set_key(this); }; game_intro.Acode.onPress = function () { start_set_key(this); }; game_intro.Dcode.onPress = function () { start_set_key(this); }; game_intro.Weapon_code1.onPress = function () { start_set_key(this); }; game_intro.Weapon_code2.onPress = function () { start_set_key(this); }; end_set_key(); } function reset_org_options() { Wcode = org_Wcode; Scode = org_Scode; Acode = org_Acode; Dcode = org_Dcode; Weapon_code1 = org_Weapon_code1; Weapon_code2 = org_Weapon_code2; game_music = true; game_sounds = true; game_quality = 'MEDIUM'; var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal('userSave_file'); = org_Wcode; = org_Scode; = org_Acode; = org_Dcode; = org_Weapon_code1; = org_Weapon_code2; set_current_key(); set_current_options(); } function start_set_key(which) { play_soundAction('补充弹药'); set_current_key(); which.what = 'PRESS A KEY'; key_set_pressed = false; keyListener = new Object(); keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); set_this_key(Key.getCode(), which); }; Key.addListener(keyListener); } function end_set_key() { Key.removeListener(keyListener); delete keyListener; } function set_this_key(code, which) { if (!key_set_pressed) { var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal('userSave_file'); if (which.order == 1) { Wcode = code; = Wcode; } else { if (which.order == 2) { Scode = code; = Scode; } else { if (which.order == 3) { Acode = code; = Acode; } else { if (which.order == 4) { Dcode = code; = Dcode; } else { if (which.order == 5) { Weapon_code1 = code; = Weapon_code1; } else { if (which.order == 6) { Weapon_code2 = code; = Weapon_code2; } } } } } } which.what = set_keyAction(code); key_set_pressed = true; end_set_key(); } } function check_correct() { if (game_intro.Wcode.what == 'Wrong key') { start_set_key(_root.game_intro.Wcode); return 'wrong'; } if (game_intro.Scode.what == 'Wrong key') { start_set_key(_root.game_intro.Scode); return 'wrong'; } if (game_intro.Acode.what == 'Wrong key') { start_set_key(_root.game_intro.Acode); return 'wrong'; } if (game_intro.Dcode.what == 'Wrong key') { start_set_key(_root.game_intro.Dcode); return 'wrong'; } if (game_intro.Weapon_code1.what == 'Wrong key') { start_set_key(_root.game_intro.Weapon_code1); return 'wrong'; } if (game_intro.Weapon_code2.what == 'Wrong key') { start_set_key(_root.game_intro.Weapon_code2); return 'wrong'; } var v4 = [Wcode, Scode, Acode, Dcode, Weapon_code1, Weapon_code2]; var v5 = ['Wcode', 'Scode', 'Acode', 'Dcode', 'Weapon_code1', 'Weapon_code2']; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length - 1) { var v3 = v2 + 1; while (v3 < v4.length) { if (v4[v2] == v4[v3]) { if (game_intro[v5[v2]] != undefined) { start_set_key(game_intro[v5[v2]]); shot_shine(game_intro[v5[v2]], 'red', 2); return 'wrong'; } } ++v3; } ++v2; } return 'finish'; } function set_current_options() { game_intro.sound_1.onPress = function () { set_options('sound', true); play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); }; game_intro.sound_2.onPress = function () { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); set_options('sound', false); }; game_intro.music_1.onPress = function () { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); set_options('music', true); }; game_intro.music_2.onPress = function () { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); set_options('music', false); }; game_intro.quality_1.onPress = function () { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); set_options('quality', 'LOW'); }; game_intro.quality_2.onPress = function () { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); set_options('quality', 'MEDIUM'); }; game_intro.quality_3.onPress = function () { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); set_options('quality', 'HIGH'); }; set_options('sound', game_sounds); set_options('music', game_music); set_options('quality', game_quality); } function set_options(which, order) { if (which == 'sound') { game_sounds = order; if (game_sounds) { change_color(game_intro.sound_1, NM_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.sound_2, BW_ColorMatrix); } else { change_color(game_intro.sound_1, BW_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.sound_2, NM_ColorMatrix); } } else { if (which == 'music') { game_music = order; if (game_music) { play_music('OP', true); change_color(game_intro.music_1, NM_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.music_2, BW_ColorMatrix); } else { stopAllSounds(); now_music = ''; change_color(game_intro.music_1, BW_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.music_2, NM_ColorMatrix); } } else { if (which == 'quality') { _quality = order; game_quality = order; if (game_quality == 'LOW') { change_color(game_intro.quality_1, NM_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.quality_2, BW_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.quality_3, BW_ColorMatrix); } else { if (game_quality == 'MEDIUM') { change_color(game_intro.quality_1, BW_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.quality_2, NM_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.quality_3, BW_ColorMatrix); } else { if (game_quality == 'HIGH') { change_color(game_intro.quality_1, BW_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.quality_2, BW_ColorMatrix); change_color(game_intro.quality_3, NM_ColorMatrix); } } } } } } } function create_new_player(where) { if (game_save_file_num < 4) { if (where.msg_box == undefined) { (where.attachMovie('game_msg_box', 'msg_box', where.getNextHighestDepth())).gotoAndPlay('create'); } } else { notice_Action(' Save Slot Is Full '); } } function delete_player(where) { if (where.msg_box == undefined) { (where.attachMovie('game_msg_box', 'msg_box', where.getNextHighestDepth())).gotoAndPlay('delete'); } } function delete_playerAction(where) { var v1 = 1; while (v1 <= 4) { if (where['slot' + v1].select) { game_del_files(where['slot' + v1].my_name, where); break; } ++v1; } } function enter_user_name(where, user_name, user_sex) { if (check_user_name(user_name)) { if (game_save_files(where, user_name, user_sex, level_passed_at_begining, true)) { return true; } } return false; } function check_user_name(my_name) { if ((String(my_name)).length < 2) { return false; } var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal('userSave_file'); for (var v3 in { if ([v3].my_name == my_name) { return false; } } return true; } function game_save_files(where, file_name, sex, level_passed, show_hints) { var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal('userSave_file'); if (file_name != undefined) {[file_name] = new Object();[file_name].my_name = file_name;[file_name].my_sex = sex;[file_name].level_passed = level_passed;[file_name].show_hints = show_hints; } = Wcode; = Scode; = Acode; = Dcode; = Weapon_code1; = Weapon_code2; if (where != undefined) { game_load_files(where._parent); } if (v1.flush(1000) == true) { return true; } return false; } function game_save_level_file(level_passed) { if (level_passed + game_diff_level * 4 > game_stage_pass) { if (URL_lockAction()) { var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal('userSave_file'); game_stage_pass = level_passed + game_diff_level * 4;[game_player_name].level_passed = level_passed + game_diff_level * 4; v1.flush(1000); return level_passed + game_diff_level * 4; } } return undefined; } function game_load_files(where) { game_player_weapons = [1, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= 4) { where['slot' + v3].gotoAndStop(1); where['slot' + v3].my_name = 'EMPTY SAVE SLOT'; where['slot' + v3].mc.my_name_txt.textColor = 14262889; where['slot' + v3].mc.player.gotoAndStop(1); where['slot' + v3]; where['slot' + v3].select = false; delete where['slot' + v3].onPress; ++v3; } var v4 = SharedObject.getLocal('userSave_file'); var v2 = 0; game_save_file_num = 0; var v5 = true; for (var v7 in { if ([v7].my_name != undefined) { ++v2; ++game_save_file_num; where['slot' + v2].my_name =[v7].my_name; where['slot' + v2].mc.my_name_txt.textColor = 3939345; where['slot' + v2].my_sex =[v7].my_sex; where['slot' + v2].mc.player.gotoAndStop([v7].my_sex); where['slot' + v2].level_passed =[v7].level_passed; where['slot' + v2][v7].level_passed + 1); where['slot' + v2].show_hints =[v7].show_hints; if (v5) { v5 = false; game_player_name = where['slot' + v2].my_name; where['slot' + v2].gotoAndPlay(1); where['slot' + v2].select = true; game_player_sex = where['slot' + v2].my_sex; game_stage_pass = where['slot' + v2].level_passed; game_show_hints = where['slot' + v2].show_hints; } where['slot' + v2].onPress = function () { if (where.msg_box == undefined) { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹'); if (! { = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } for (var v2 in this._parent) { if (this._parent[v2].select and this._parent[v2]._name != this._name) { this._parent[v2].select = false; this._parent[v2].play(); } } game_player_name = this.my_name; game_player_sex = this.my_sex; game_stage_pass = this.level_passed; game_show_hints = this.show_hints; } }; } } if (v5) { change_color(where.buttons.btn_next, BW_ColorMatrix); change_color(where.buttons.btn_delete, BW_ColorMatrix); where.buttons.btn_next.enabled = false; where.buttons.btn_delete.enabled = false; create_new_player(where); } else { change_color(where.buttons.btn_next, NM_ColorMatrix); change_color(where.buttons.btn_delete, NM_ColorMatrix); where.buttons.btn_next.enabled = true; where.buttons.btn_delete.enabled = true; } } function game_del_files(which, where) { var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal('userSave_file'); delete[which]; game_load_files(where); } function add_player(temp_x, temp_y) { main.player.removeMovieClip(); var v1 = main.attachMovie('player' + game_player_sex, 'player', main.getNextHighestDepth()); v1.states = 'stand'; v1.speed = 6; v1.xspeed = 0; v1.yspeed = 0; v1.enemy_xspeed = 0; v1._x = temp_x; v1._y = temp_y; v1.up.stop(); v1.up.r_arm.stop(); adjust_amr(); v1.shooting = false; v1.injure = false; = true; v1.in_water = false; v1.org_height = v1.g._height; v1.unbreak = false; v1.can_with = true; v1.can_move_maps = false; v1.caught = false; control_able = true; v1.gun_point = 0; v1.gun_array = game_player_weapons; v1.up.r_arm.gotoAndStop(v1.gun_array[v1.gun_point]); v1.gun_amr = [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]]; for (var v2 in game_player_weapons) { if (game_player_weapons[v2] != 0) { v1.gun_amr[v2] = [weapon_amr[game_player_weapons[v2]][1], weapon_amr[game_player_weapons[v2]][1]]; } } adjust_current_amr(v1); v1.recoilX = 0; v1.recoilY = 0; active_object_speed = 0; active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; return v1; } function unbreakAction(who) { who.unbreak = true; who.createEmptyMovieClip('unbreaker', who.getNextHighestDepth()); who.unbreaker.unbreak_start = 0; who.unbreaker.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.unbreak_start; var v2 = this.unbreak_start % 10; if (v2 < 5) { this._parent._alpha = 60; } else { this._parent._alpha = 100; } if (this.unbreak_start > 50) { this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unbreak = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } function player_die(who, how, much) { if (!boss_killed) { if ( and !who.unbreak) { adjust_life(-Math.round(much * (game_diff_level * 0.5 + 0.5))); if (who.yspeed < 0) { who.yspeed = 3; } if (life_left <= 0) { control_able = false; who.injure = true; = false; who._alpha = 100; who.xspeed = 0; if (how == 'shoot') { who.gotoAndStop('die1'); play_soundAction('主角死亡' + game_player_sex); } else { if (how == 'kill') { who.gotoAndStop('die2'); play_soundAction('主角死亡' + game_player_sex); } else { if (how == 'h2so4') { who.gotoAndStop('die3'); play_soundAction('主角死亡' + game_player_sex); play_soundAction('落水'); who.jumper.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (how == 'fall') { who.gotoAndStop('die1'); play_soundAction('主角死亡' + game_player_sex); who.jumper.removeMovieClip(); } } } } delete who.onEnterFrame; } else { if (much > 10 and !who.caught) { control_able = false; stop_shoot(who); who.injure = true; who.gotoAndStop('die1'); who.xspeed = 0; who.recoilX = 0; who.recoilY = 0; who.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { control_able = true; this.gotoAndStop('man'); this.up.r_arm.gotoAndStop(this.gun_array[this.gun_point]); this.injure = false; unbreakAction(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { if ( > 30) { if (life_left > 0) {; } else {; } } } }; } else { unbreakAction(who); } shot_shine(, 'red', 2); } return true; } } return false; } function moveX_action(who) { var v20 = get_map_point(who); var v15 = v20[0]; var v18 = v20[1]; var v12 = false; var v5 = v15; var v9 = v18 - who.org_height; var v11 = false; var v13 = v15 + 2 * (who.xspeed + who.enemy_xspeed); var v14 = v18 - who.g._height; var v8 = false; var v10 = false; var v7 = v13; var v2 = v18 - 15; var v4 = false; var v3 = v15; var v6 = v18 + 10; for (var v16 in main.objects) { if (get_ground_hit(main.objects[v16].g, v7, v2) == 1) { if (get_ground_hit(main.objects[v16].g, v5, v2) != 1) { v8 = true; } } if (who.states != 'jump') { if (get_ground_hit(main.objects[v16].g, v3, v6) > 0) { adjustY(who, main.objects[v16].g); v4 = true; } } } for (var v17 in main.enemies) { if (get_ground_hit(main.enemies[v17].g, v7, v2) == 1) { if (get_ground_hit(main.enemies[v17].g, v5, v2) != 1) { v10 = true; } } if (who.states != 'jump') { if (get_ground_hit(main.enemies[v17].g, v3, v6) > 0) { if (get_ground_hit(main.enemies[v17].g, v3, v9) == 0) { if (main.enemies[v17].always_on or and !who.injure) { adjustY(who, main.enemies[v17].g); if (main.enemies[v17].can_jump) { if ( { who.states = 'jump'; who.down.force_jump = -5; gotoFrame(who, 'down', 'jump'); } } v4 = true; } } } } } for (var v19 in { if (get_ground_hit([v19].g, v5, v9) == 1) { v12 = true; } if (get_ground_hit([v19].g, v13, v14) == 1) { v11 = true; } if (get_ground_hit([v19].g, v7, v2) == 1) { v8 = true; } if (who.states != 'jump') { if (get_ground_hit([v19].g, v3, v6) > 0) { adjustY(who,[v19].g); v4 = true; } } } who.stand_hit_head = v12; who.hit_head = v11; who.hit_ground = v8; who.hit_enemy = v10; if (!v8 and !v11 and !v10) { if (who.xspeed > 0 and v15 + who.xspeed < 580) { if (player_max_x == undefined or who._x + who.xspeed < player_max_x) { who._x += who.xspeed; } } else { if (who.xspeed < 0 and v15 + who.xspeed > 10) { if (player_min_x == undefined or who._x + who.xspeed > player_min_x) { who._x += who.xspeed; } } } } if (!v4) { if ( and who.states != 'jump') { gotoFrame(who, 'down', 'fall'); } } } function jump_Action(who, speed) { if (who.jumper == undefined) { who.createEmptyMovieClip('jumper', who.getNextHighestDepth()); } who.states = 'jump'; who.yspeed = speed; who.jumper.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._parent.in_water) { if (Math.abs(this._parent.yspeed) > 9) { this._parent.yspeed = 9 * Math.abs(this._parent.yspeed) / this._parent.yspeed; } } else { this._parent.yspeed += 0.85; if (this._parent.yspeed > 15) { this._parent.yspeed = 15; } } this._parent._y += this._parent.yspeed; if (this._parent.yspeed < 0) { var v12 = get_map_point(this._parent); var v4 = v12[0]; var v6 = v12[1] - this._parent.yspeed; var v9 = v12[1] - this._parent.org_height; for (var v10 in main.enemies) { if (!main.enemies[v10].blood_all) { if (get_ground_hit(main.enemies[v10].g, v4, v9) == 1) { if (get_ground_hit(main.enemies[v10].g, v4, v6) == 0) { this._parent.yspeed = 3; return undefined; } } } } for (var v11 in { if (get_ground_hit([v11].g, v4, v9) == 1) { this._parent.yspeed = 3; return undefined; } if (this._parent.in_water) { var v2 = -1; while (v2 <= 1) { if (get_ground_hit([v11].g, v4, v6 + v2 * 5) == -1) { if (main.water_up == undefined) { play_soundAction('落水', false); main.attachMovie('落水效果', 'water_up', main.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': this._parent._x, '_y': this._parent._y + this._parent.yspeed}); } this._parent.in_water = false; always_shine(this._parent, 'normal'); break; } ++v2; } } } if (v9 < 0) { this._parent.yspeed = 0; } } else { if (this._parent.yspeed >= 0) { var v12 = get_map_point(this._parent); var v4 = v12[0]; var v6 = v12[1] + this._parent.yspeed; var v9 = v12[1] - this._parent.org_height; for (var v10 in main.enemies) { if (get_ground_hit(main.enemies[v10].g, v4, v6) > 0) { if (get_ground_hit(main.enemies[v10].g, v4, v9) == 0) { if (main.enemies[v10].always_on or !this._parent.injure) { main.enemies[v10].startAction(this._parent); if (!main.enemies[v10].have_startAction) { delete main.enemies[v10].startAction; } if (main.enemies[v10].can_jump and { if (!this._parent.injure) { this._parent.yspeed = -5; } else { this._parent.yspeed = -0.85; } return undefined; } landAction(this._parent, main.enemies[v10].g); delete this.onEnterFrame; return undefined; } } } } for (var v11 in main.objects) { if (get_ground_hit(main.objects[v11].g, v4, v6) > 0) { main.objects[v11].startAction(this._parent); delete main.objects[v11].startAction; landAction(this._parent, main.objects[v11].g); delete this.onEnterFrame; return undefined; } } for (v11 in { var v3 = get_ground_hit([v11].g, v4, v6); if (v3 > 0) { landAction(this._parent,[v11].g); delete this.onEnterFrame; return undefined; } if (v3 == -1) { if (!this._parent.in_water) { if (main.water_down == undefined) { play_soundAction('落水', false); main.attachMovie('落水效果', 'water_down', main.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': this._parent._x, '_y': this._parent._y + this._parent.yspeed}); } this._parent.in_water = true; always_shine(this._parent, 'blue'); } } else { if (v3 == -2) { this._parent.unbreak = false; player_die(this._parent, 'h2so4', 999); return undefined; } if (v3 == -3) { if (!this._parent.injure) { if (player_die(this._parent, 'kill', 20)) { var v5 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); main.attachMovie('小刀砍人_效果', 'attack_effect' + v5, v5, {'_x': this._parent._x, '_y': this._parent._y}); play_soundAction('小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), false); } } } } } if (this._parent._y + main._y > 450) { if (game_intro == undefined) { this._parent.unbreak = false; player_die(this._parent, 'fall', 999); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } } }; } function landAction(who, ground) { who.xspeed = 0; who.yspeed = 0; who.states = 'stand'; adjustY(who, ground); if ( { gotoFrame(who, 'down', 'stand'); } } function gameControl(who) { if (control_able and { gameControl01(who); gameControl02(who); } moveX_action(who); } function keys_areDown(keycode1, keycode2, keycode3) { if (Key.isDown(keycode1)) { return true; } if (Key.isDown(keycode2)) { return true; } if (Key.isDown(keycode3)) { return true; } return false; } function gameControl01(who) { if (!who.caught) { if (keys_areDown(Scode, Num5code, 40)) { key_S_Action(who); } else { normalAction_S(who); if (keys_areDown(Wcode, Num8code, 38)) { if (!Wcode_pressed) { Wcode_pressed = true; key_W_Action(who); } } else { Wcode_pressed = false; } } if (keys_areDown(Acode, Num4code, 37)) { key_AD_Action(who, -100); } else { if (keys_areDown(Dcode, Num6code, 39)) { key_AD_Action(who, 100); } else { normalAction_AD(who); } } } if (keys_areDown(Weapon_code1, Num7code, Num7code)) { if (!Weapon_code1_pressed) { Weapon_code1_pressed = true; change_weapon(who, -1); } } else { Weapon_code1_pressed = false; if (keys_areDown(Weapon_code2, Num9code, Num9code)) { if (!Weapon_code2_pressed) { Weapon_code2_pressed = true; change_weapon(who, 1); } } else { Weapon_code2_pressed = false; } } } function change_weapon(who, how) { play_soundAction('手枪上子弹', false); var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= 5) { if (how == 1) { if (who.gun_point < who.gun_array.length - 1) { ++who.gun_point; } else { who.gun_point = 0; } } else { if (how == -1) { if (who.gun_point > 0) { --who.gun_point; } else { who.gun_point = who.gun_array.length - 1; } } else { if (how == 0) { who.gun_point = 1; } } } if (who.gun_array[who.gun_point] != 0) { break; } ++v2; } who.up.r_arm.gotoAndStop(who.gun_array[who.gun_point]); adjust_current_amr(who); shot_shine(game_UI.weapon, 'white', 2); shot_shine(game_UI.amr1, 'white', 2); shot_shine(game_UI.amr2, 'white', 2); if (who.gun_array[who.gun_point] == 3) { who.up.l_arm._visible = false; } else { who.up.l_arm._visible = true; } } function gameControl02(who) { var v7 = main._xmouse + who.recoilX; var v6 = main._ymouse + who.recoilY; if (who != undefined) { var v5 = v6 - (who._y - 30); var v4 = v7 - who._x; var v2 = Math.atan2(v5, v4) / 0.01745; if (main._xmouse > who._x) { who.up._xscale = 100; who.up.r_arm._rotation = v2 + 90; } else { who.up._xscale = -100; who.up.r_arm._rotation = -(v2 + 90); } who.up.l_arm._rotation = who.up.r_arm._rotation * 1.15; var v3 = Math.floor(Math.abs(who.up.r_arm._rotation) / 20) + 1; if (!who.shooting) { who.up.gotoAndStop(v3); } else { who.up.gotoAndStop(v3 + 10); } } } function shootControl(who) { if (mouseListener == undefined) { mouseListener = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () { if (control_able and { start_shoot(who); } }; mouseListener.onMouseUp = function () { if ( { stop_shoot(who); } }; mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { if (control_able and { if (delta > 0) { change_weapon(who, -1); } else { change_weapon(who, 1); } } }; Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); } } function start_shoot(who) { if (who.onEnterFrame == undefined) { who.shooting = true; if (who.gun_array[who.gun_point] >= 15 and who.gun_amr[who.gun_point][0] > 0) { player_shooting = true; } who.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.gun_amr[this.gun_point][0] > 0) {; if ( == 1) { if (this.gun_array[this.gun_point] > 4 and this.gun_array[this.gun_point] != 59) { _root['doing_attack' + this.gun_array[this.gun_point]](this, this.up.r_arm._rotation); } play_soundAction(get_weapon_sound(this), false); --this.gun_amr[this.gun_point][0]; adjust_current_amr(this); } else { if ( == 2) { if (Math.abs(this.up.r_arm._rotation) > 30) { if (this.gun_array[this.gun_point] <= 4) { this.recoilY = -80; } else { if (this.gun_array[this.gun_point] > 4) { if (this.gun_array[this.gun_point] == 59) { this.recoilY = -10; } else { this.recoilY = -10 * ( - 2); } } } } else { this.recoilX = -this.up._xscale / 2; } } else { if (this.recoilX != 0) { this.recoilX += -10 * Math.abs(this.recoilX) / this.recoilX; } else { if (this.recoilY != 0) { this.recoilY += -10 * Math.abs(this.recoilY) / this.recoilY; } } } } } else { if ( == 1) { if (random(2)) { play_soundAction('空子弹', false); if (!random(10)) { change_weapon(this, 0); } } } } }; } } function stop_shoot(who) { who.shooting = false; player_shooting = false; if (!who.injure) { who.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.recoilX != 0) { this.recoilX += -10 * Math.abs(this.recoilX) / this.recoilX; } else { if (this.recoilY != 0) { this.recoilY += -10 * Math.abs(this.recoilY) / this.recoilY; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } else { this.recoilX = 0; this.recoilY = 0; } } function get_weapon_sound(who) { return weapon_sounds[who.gun_array[who.gun_point]]; } function doing_attack1(which) { attackAction(which, 3, 10); } function doing_attack2(which) { attackAction(which, 6, 30); } function doing_attack3(who, dir) { throwAction(who, 1, dir, 12, 0, 10, 20); } function doing_attack4(who, dir) { throwAction(who, 2, dir, 10, 2, 5, 10); } function doing_attack8(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 50), 20, 1, 1, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); } function doing_attack9(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 50), 20, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); } function doing_attack10(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 50), 25, 2, 2, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹2'); } function doing_attack11(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 50), 30, 2.5, 2.5, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹2'); } function doing_attack15(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 40), 20, 1, 1, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); } function doing_attack16(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 35), 20, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); } function doing_attack17(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 30), 25, 2, 2, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹2'); } function doing_attack18(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 25), 30, 2.5, 2.5, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹2'); } function doing_attack22(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 40), 20, 1, 1, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); } function doing_attack23(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 35), 25, 1.5, 1.5, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); } function doing_attack24(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 35), 35, 2, 2, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); } function doing_attack25(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 40), 35, 2.5, 2.5, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹2'); } function doing_attack26(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 30), 30, 3, 3, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹2'); } function doing_attack30(who, dir) { if (main._xmouse > who._x) { var v1 = (dir - 90) * 0.01745; } else { var v1 = -(dir + 90) * 0.01745; } shootAction(who, 2, 1, 0, 45 * Math.cos(v1), 45 * Math.sin(v1), dir * (1 + Math.random() / 10), 15 + random(4), 2, 2, 0, 0.75, true, 'blow', '手雷爆炸'); shootAction(who, 2, 1, 0, 45 * Math.cos(v1), 45 * Math.sin(v1), dir, 15 + random(4), 2, 2, 0, 0.75, true, 'blow', '手雷爆炸'); shootAction(who, 2, 1, 0, 45 * Math.cos(v1), 45 * Math.sin(v1), dir * (1 - Math.random() / 10), 15 + random(4), 2, 2, 0, 0.75, true, 'blow', '手雷爆炸'); } function doing_attack31(who, dir) { if (main._xmouse > who._x) { var v1 = (dir - 90) * 0.01745; } else { var v1 = -(dir + 90) * 0.01745; } shootAction(who, 2, 2, 0, 49 * Math.cos(v1), 49 * Math.sin(v1), dir * (1 + Math.random() / 10), 20 + random(6), 4, 4, 0, 0.25, true, 'blow', '手雷爆炸'); shootAction(who, 2, 2, 0, 49 * Math.cos(v1), 49 * Math.sin(v1), dir, 20 + random(6), 4, 4, 0, 0.25, true, 'blow', '手雷爆炸'); shootAction(who, 2, 2, 0, 49 * Math.cos(v1), 49 * Math.sin(v1), dir * (1 - Math.random() / 10), 20 + random(6), 4, 4, 0, 0.25, true, 'blow', '手雷爆炸'); } function doing_attack35(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, dir, 2, 20, 100, 0, 0, false, 'fly', null); shake_screen(); } function doing_attack36(who, dir) { var v1 = shootAction(who, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, dir, 2, 10, 20, 0, 0, false, 'fly', null); v1._xscale *= 0.75; v1._yscale *= 0.75; } function doing_attack37(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 4, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 30), 12, 5, 10, 0.35, 0.15, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); } function doing_attack38(who, dir) { var v1 = 10 + random(6); tracerAction(who, '主角_子弹5', '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir, v1, 4, 8, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); tracerAction(who, '主角_子弹5', '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir, v1 + 2, 4, 8, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); } function doing_attack39(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 6, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 10), 15 + random(10), 5, 10, 0.05, 0.15, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); shootAction(who, 6, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 10), 15 + random(10), 5, 10, 0.05, 0.15, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); shootAction(who, 6, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 10), 15 + random(10), 5, 10, 0.05, 0.15, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); } function doing_attack43(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 7, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir, 10, 10, 20, 0.05, 0.5, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); } function doing_attack44(who, dir) { (shootAction(who, 8, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir, 25, 15, 30, 0.05, 0.15, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸')).piercing = true; } function doing_attack45(who, dir) { (shootAction(who, 9, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir, 5, 5, 10, 0.25, 0, false, 'blow', '导弹爆炸')).bullet_walk = true; (shootAction(who, 9, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir, 7, 5, 10, 0.25, 0, false, 'blow', '导弹爆炸')).bullet_walk = true; (shootAction(who, 9, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir, 9, 5, 10, 0.25, 0, false, 'blow', '导弹爆炸')).bullet_walk = true; } function doing_attack46(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 1, 7, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 30), 35, 3.5, 3.5, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹2'); } function doing_attack47(who, dir) { if (main._xmouse > who._x) { var v2 = (dir - 180) * 0.01745; } else { var v2 = -dir * 0.01745; } var v1 = random(8) * (random(2) * 2 - 1); shootAction(who, 1, 8, 0, v1 * Math.cos(v2), v1 * Math.sin(v2), dir, 35, 4, 4, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹2'); } function doing_attack51(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 20), 25 + random(6), 2, 2, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); shootAction(who, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 20), 25 + random(6), 2, 2, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); } function doing_attack52(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 10, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 30), 10, 7, 14, 0.05, 0.75, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); } function doing_attack53(who, dir) { shootAction(who, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, dir, 1, 10, 50, 0, 0, false, 'elec', '重型枪械5'); } function doing_attack54(who, dir) { if (main._xmouse > who._x) { var v1 = (dir - 180) * 0.01745; } else { var v1 = -dir * 0.01745; } shootAction(who, 12, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 21 * Math.cos(v1), 21 * Math.sin(v1), dir, 15 + random(5), 8, 16, 0, 0, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); shootAction(who, 12, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 7 * Math.cos(v1), 7 * Math.sin(v1), dir, 15 + random(5), 8, 16, 0, 0, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); shootAction(who, 12, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', -7 * Math.cos(v1), -7 * Math.sin(v1), dir, 15 + random(5), 8, 16, 0, 0, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); shootAction(who, 12, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', -21 * Math.cos(v1), -21 * Math.sin(v1), dir, 15 + random(5), 8, 16, 0, 0, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸'); } function doing_attack58(who, dir) { (shootAction(who, 13, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', 0, 0, dir, 30, 100, 200, 0.05, 0.15, true, 'blow', '大爆炸')).piercing = true; shake_screen(); } function doing_attack59(which) { attackAction(which, 5, 50); } function doing_attack60(who, dir) { if (main._xmouse > who._x) { var v2 = (dir - 180) * 0.01745; } else { var v2 = -dir * 0.01745; } shootAction(who, 1, 4, 0, 3 * Math.cos(v2), 3 * Math.sin(v2), dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 35), 35, 2, 2, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); shootAction(who, 1, 4, 0, 9 * Math.cos(v2), 9 * Math.sin(v2), dir * (1 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * Math.random() / 35), 35, 2, 2, 0, 0, true, 'shoot', '中弹1'); if (who.doing_attack60_count == undefined) { who.doing_attack60_count = 0; } else { if (who.doing_attack60_count < 4) { ++who.doing_attack60_count; } else { delete who.doing_attack60_count; play_soundAction('重型枪械2', false); (shootAction(who, 8, 0, '主角_导弹烟雾', -6 * Math.cos(v2), -6 * Math.sin(v2), dir, 30, 15, 30, 0.05, 0, true, 'blow', '导弹爆炸')).piercing = true; } } } function gotoFrame(who, part, where) { if (who[part].frame != where) { who[part].frame = where; who[part].gotoAndStop(where); } } function key_W_Action(who) { if (who.states != 'jump') { if (!who.stand_hit_head) { who.states = 'jump'; gotoFrame(who, 'down', 'jump'); } } } function key_S_Action(who) { if (who.states == 'stand') { who.states = 'crouch'; gotoFrame(who, 'down', 'crouch'); } } function key_AD_Action(who, dir) { if (who.in_water) { var v4 = 0.5; } else { if (this.game_intro == undefined) { var v4 = 1; } else { var v4 = 0; } } if (who.states == 'stand') { who.down._xscale = dir; gotoFrame(who, 'down', who.states + '_run'); who.xspeed = v4 * who.speed * dir / 100; } else { if (who.states == 'crouch') { who.down._xscale = dir; gotoFrame(who, 'down', who.states + '_run'); who.xspeed = v4 * 0.25 * who.speed * dir / 100; } else { if (who.states == 'jump') { who.down._xscale = dir; who.xspeed = v4 * who.speed * dir / 100; } } } } function normalAction_S(who) { if (who.states == 'crouch') { if (!who.stand_hit_head) { who.states = 'stand'; gotoFrame(who, 'down', 'stand'); } } } function normalAction_AD(who) { if (who.states == 'stand') { gotoFrame(who, 'down', 'stand'); who.xspeed = 0; } else { if (who.states == 'crouch') { gotoFrame(who, 'down', 'crouch'); who.xspeed = 0; } else { if (who.states == 'jump') { who.xspeed = Math.round(who.xspeed * 95) / 100; } } } } function check_enemy_parts(enemy, which, px, py) { var v3 = []; if (which != undefined) { if (!enemy.enemy_parts) { if (enemy.g.hitTest(which)) { v3.push(enemy); } } else { var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= enemy.enemy_parts) { if (enemy['g' + v2].hitTest(which)) { v3.push(enemy['g' + v2]); } ++v2; } } return v3; } if (!enemy.enemy_parts) { if (enemy.g.hitTest(px, py, true)) { v3.push(enemy); } return v3; } v2 = 1; while (v2 <= enemy.enemy_parts) { if (enemy['g' + v2].hitTest(px, py, true)) { v3.push(enemy['g' + v2]); } ++v2; } return v3; } function attackAction(which, single_power, total_power) { for (var v11 in main.enemies) { if (!main.enemies[v11].no_damage) { var v3 = false; var v1 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v11], which, undefined, undefined); for (var v7 in v1) { v1[v7].to_die('kill', single_power); v3 = true; adjust_score(!main.enemies[v11].no_score, game_UI, 500); total_power -= single_power; } if (v3) { if (main.enemies[v11].enemy_type == 1) { var v4 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v8 = main.attachMovie('小刀砍人_效果', 'attack_effect' + v4, v4, {'_x': (get_shoot_point(which))[0], '_y': (get_shoot_point(which))[1]}); play_soundAction('小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), false); } else { if (main.enemies[v11].enemy_type == 2) { var v4 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v8 = main.attachMovie('小刀砍金属_效果', 'attack_effect' + v4, v4, {'_x': (get_shoot_point(which))[0], '_y': (get_shoot_point(which))[1]}); play_soundAction('小刀0' + (random(2) + 3), false); } } } if (total_power <= 0) { break; } } } } function shootAction(who, arm_type, frame, effect, sx, sy, dir, speed, single_power, total_power, speed_up, gravity, hit_ground, how_to_die, hit_sound) { if (game_powerup) { single_power *= 5; total_power *= 5; } var v11 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v10 = main.attachMovie('主角_子弹' + arm_type, 'shoot' + v11, v11); v10.frame = frame; v10._x = who.xspeed + (get_shoot_point([0] + sx; v10._y = who.yspeed + (get_shoot_point([1] + sy; if (main._xmouse > who._x) { v10._rotation = dir - 90; } else { v10._rotation = -(dir + 90); } if (main._xmouse < who._x) { v10._yscale *= -1; } v10.speed = speed; v10.single_power = single_power; v10.total_power = total_power; v10.speed_up = speed_up; v10.gravity = gravity; v10.hit_ground = hit_ground; v10.how_to_die = how_to_die; v10.hit_sound = hit_sound; if (effect != 0) { v11 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v15 = main.attachMovie(effect, effect + v11, v11, {'_x': v10._x, '_y': v10._y}); v15._rotation = v10._rotation; if (main._xmouse < who._x) { v15._yscale *= -1; } v15.onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = Math.abs(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (v3 == 1) { this._x += active_object_speed; } else { if (v3 == 2) { this._y += active_object_speed; } } }; } if (who.in_water) { always_shine(v10, 'blue'); always_shine(v15, 'blue'); } v10.exploding = function () { this._yscale = Math.abs(this._yscale); this._rotation = 0; var v5 = event_delay(this, 5, 10); v5.delay_Event1 = function () { player_shooting = true; }; v5.delay_Event2 = function () { player_shooting = false; }; for (var v4 in main.enemies) { if (!main.enemies[v4].no_damage) { var v2 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v4], this, undefined, undefined); for (var v3 in v2) { v2[v3].to_die('blow', this.single_power); adjust_score(!main.enemies[v4].no_score, game_UI, 50); this.total_power -= this.single_power; } if (this.total_power <= 0) { break; } } } }; v10.onEnterFrame = function () { var v16 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v16[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v16[1] - 175) < 275) { if (this.bullet_walk) { bullet_walk_action(this); } else { this.xspeed = this.speed * Math.cos(this._rotation * 0.01745); this.yspeed = this.speed * Math.sin(this._rotation * 0.01745); this.speed += this.speed_up; this.yspeed += this.gravity; this._x += this.xspeed; this._y += this.yspeed; var v15 = Math.abs(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (v15 == 1) { this._x += active_object_speed; } else { if (v15 == 2) { this._y += active_object_speed; } } this._rotation = Math.atan2(this.yspeed, this.xspeed) / 0.01745; } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return undefined; } var v11 = false; if (this.hit_ground) { for (var v14 in { var v9 = get_ground_hit([v14].g, this._x + main._x, this._y + main._y); if (v9 < 0) { if (v9 == -1) { if (main['water_flower' + this._name] == undefined) { var v10 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); main.attachMovie('落水效果', 'water_flower' + this._name, v10, {'_x': this._x, '_y': this._y}); if (this.yspeed > 0) { always_shine(this, 'blue'); } else { always_shine(this, 'normal'); } } } else { if (v9 == -2) { this._rotation = 0; this._yscale = 100; adjustBullet(this,[v14].g); this.gotoAndStop('h2so4'); h2so4_move_things(this, 3); v11 = true; } } play_soundAction('落水', false); break; } if (v9 == 1) { if (!this.bullet_walk) { adjustBullet(this,[v14].g); this.gotoAndStop('fired'); v11 = true; break; } } } } var v6 = false; if (!v11) { for (var v12 in main.enemies) { if (this.how_to_die == 'fly') { if (!main.enemies[v13].no_damage) { var v7 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v13], this.g, undefined, undefined); for (var v12 in v7) { v7[v12].to_die(this.how_to_die, this.single_power); v6 = true; adjust_score(!main.enemies[v13].no_score, game_UI, 50); this.total_power -= this.single_power; } if (this.total_power <= 0) { break; } } } else { if (this.how_to_die == 'elec') { if (!main.enemies[v13].no_damage) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= 23) { var v5 = this._x + main._x + Math.cos(this._rotation * 0.01745) * 30 * v3; var v4 = this._y + main._y + Math.sin(this._rotation * 0.01745) * 30 * v3; if (v5 > 0 and v5 < 590 and (v4 > 0 and v4 < 400)) { var v7 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v13], undefined, v5, v4); for (var v12 in v7) { v7[v12].to_die(this.how_to_die, this.single_power); v6 = true; adjust_score(!main.enemies[v13].no_score, game_UI, 50); this.total_power -= this.single_power; } if (v6) { break; } } else { this.total_power = 0; break; } ++v3; } if (this.total_power <= 0) { break; } } } else { if (!main.enemies[v13].no_absorb) { var v7 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v13], undefined, this._x + main._x, this._y + main._y); var v8 = false; if (enumerate v7 != null) { if (random(8) and this.piercing and main.enemies[v13].blood < this.single_power) { play_soundAction('打击声音', false); v7[v12].to_die('fly', this.single_power); adjust_score(!main.enemies[v13].no_score, game_UI, 100); v8 = true; } else { v7[v12].to_die(this.how_to_die, this.single_power); v6 = true; this.gotoAndStop('hit'); adjust_score(!main.enemies[v13].no_score, game_UI, 100); v8 = true; } } if (v8) { break; } v7; } } } } } if (v6 or v11) { play_soundAction(hit_sound, false); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; return v10; } function throwAction(who, which, dir, speed, bounce, single_power, total_power) { var v6 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v9 = main.attachMovie('主角_手雷' + which, 'bomb' + v6, v6); if (main._xmouse > who._x) { var v16 = (dir - 90) * 0.01745; } else { var v16 = -(dir + 90) * 0.01745; } v9._x = who.xspeed + (get_shoot_point([0]; v9._y = who.yspeed + (get_shoot_point([1]; v9.bounce = bounce; v9.single_power = single_power; v9.total_power = total_power; v9.xspeed = speed * Math.cos(v16); v9.yspeed = speed * Math.sin(v16); if (who.in_water) { always_shine(v9, 'blue'); } v9.exploding = function () { this._rotation = 0; var v5 = event_delay(this, 5, 10); v5.delay_Event1 = function () { player_shooting = true; }; v5.delay_Event2 = function () { player_shooting = false; }; for (var v4 in main.enemies) { if (!main.enemies[v4].no_damage) { var v2 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v4], this, undefined, undefined); for (var v3 in v2) { v2[v3].to_die('blow', this.single_power); adjust_score(!main.enemies[v4].no_score, game_UI, 100); this.total_power -= this.single_power; } if (this.total_power <= 0) { break; } } } }; v9.onEnterFrame = function () { var v12 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v12[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v12[1] - 175) < 275) { this._x += this.xspeed; this._y += this.yspeed; this._rotation += 15; this.yspeed += 0.85; var v11 = Math.abs(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (v11 == 1) { this._x += active_object_speed; } else { if (v11 == 2) { this._y += active_object_speed; } } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return undefined; } var v5 = false; for (var v10 in { var v3 = get_ground_hit([v10].g, this._x + main._x, this._y + main._y); if (v3 < 0) { if (v3 == -1) { if (main['water_flower' + this._name] == undefined) { var v6 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); main.attachMovie('落水效果', 'water_flower' + this._name, v6, {'_x': this._x, '_y': this._y}); if (this.yspeed > 0) { always_shine(this, 'blue'); } else { always_shine(this, 'normal'); } } } else { if (v3 == -2) { this.gotoAndStop('h2so4'); v5 = true; } } play_soundAction('落水', false); break; } if (v3 == 1) { if (!get_ground_hit([v10].g, this._x + main._x, this._y + main._y - 45)) { if (this.bounce >= 2) { this.gotoAndStop('explode'); v5 = true; break; } ++this.bounce; this.xspeed *= 0.6; this.yspeed *= -0.35; break; } this.gotoAndStop('explode'); v5 = true; break; } } var v7 = false; if (!v5) { if (this.bounce < 2) { for (var v8 in main.enemies) { if (!main.enemies[v9].no_absorb) { var v4 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v9], undefined, this._x + main._x, this._y + main._y); if (enumerate v4 != null) { this.gotoAndStop('explode'); v7 = true; } v4; } } } } if (v7 or v5) { this._rotation = 0; play_soundAction('手雷爆炸', false); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function tracerAction(who, which, effect, sx, sy, dir, speed, single_power, total_power, how_to_die, hit_sound) { if (game_powerup) { single_power *= 10; total_power *= 10; } var v10 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v9 = main.attachMovie(which, 'shoot' + v10, v10); if (main._xmouse < who._x) { v9._yscale *= -1; } v9._x = who.xspeed + (get_shoot_point([0] + sx; v9._y = who.yspeed + (get_shoot_point([1] + sy; if (main._xmouse > who._x) { v9._rotation = dir - 90; } else { v9._rotation = -(dir + 90); } v9.speed = speed; v9.single_power = single_power; v9.total_power = total_power; v9.how_to_die = how_to_die; v9.hit_sound = hit_sound; v9.targeter = undefined; v9.trace_time = 100; if (who.in_water) { always_shine(v9, 'blue'); } if (effect != 0) { v10 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v17 = main.attachMovie(effect, effect + v10, v10, {'_x': v9._x, '_y': v9._y}); v17._rotation = v9._rotation; if (main._xmouse < who._x) { v17._yscale *= -1; } v17.onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = Math.abs(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (v3 == 1) { this._x += active_object_speed; } else { if (v3 == 2) { this._y += active_object_speed; } } }; } v9.exploding = function () { this._yscale = Math.abs(this._yscale); this._rotation = 0; var v5 = event_delay(this, 5, 10); v5.delay_Event1 = function () { player_shooting = true; }; v5.delay_Event1 = function () { player_shooting = false; }; for (var v4 in main.enemies) { if (!main.enemies[v4].no_damage) { var v2 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v4], this, undefined, undefined); for (var v3 in v2) { v2[v3].to_die('blow', this.single_power); adjust_score(!main.enemies[v4].no_score, game_UI, 100); this.total_power -= this.single_power; } if (this.total_power <= 0) { break; } } } }; v9.onEnterFrame = function () { if (! { for (var v12 in main.enemies) { var v17 = get_map_point(main.enemies[v12]); if (Math.abs(v17[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v17[1] - 200) < 200) { if (!main.enemies[v12].no_absorb and main.enemies[v12].live) { if (!main.enemies[v12].definite and main.enemies[v12]._visible) { var v5 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v12], main.enemies[v12], undefined, undefined); for (var v11 in v5) { this.targeter = v5[v11]; if (random(2)) { break; } } if (random(2)) { break; } } } } } } else { if (--this.trace_time > 0) { var v18 = get_map_point(this.targeter); var v15 = get_map_point(this); var v14 = Math.atan2(v18[1] - 35 - v15[1], v18[0] - v15[0]) / 0.01745; if (v14 > 0) { var v7 = v14; } else { var v7 = v14 + 360; } if (this._rotation > 0) { var v6 = this._rotation; } else { var v6 = this._rotation + 360; } var v3 = 15; while (v3 >= 0) { if (Math.abs(v7 - v6) > v3) { if (v7 > v6) { if (v7 - v6 < 180) { this._rotation += v3; } else { this._rotation -= v3; } } else { if (v7 < v6) { if (v6 - v7 < 180) { this._rotation -= v3; } else { this._rotation += v3; } } } break; } --v3; } } } var v17 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v17[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v17[1] - 200) < 200) { this.xspeed = this.speed * Math.cos(this._rotation * 0.01745); this.yspeed = this.speed * Math.sin(this._rotation * 0.01745); this._x += this.xspeed; this._y += this.yspeed; var v16 = Math.abs(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (v16 == 1) { this._x += active_object_speed; } else { if (v16 == 2) { this._y += active_object_speed; } } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return undefined; } var v10 = false; for (var v13 in { var v4 = get_ground_hit([v13].g, this._x + main._x, this._y + main._y); if (v4 < 0) { if (v4 == -1) { if (main['water_flower' + this._name] == undefined) { var v9 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); main.attachMovie('落水效果', 'water_flower' + this._name, v9, {'_x': this._x, '_y': this._y}); if (this.yspeed > 0) { always_shine(this, 'blue'); } else { always_shine(this, 'normal'); } } } else { if (v4 == -2) { this._rotation = 0; this._yscale = 100; adjustBullet(this,[v13].g); this.gotoAndStop('h2so4'); h2so4_move_things(this, 3); v10 = true; } } play_soundAction('落水', false); break; } if (v4 == 1) { adjustBullet(this,[v13].g); this.gotoAndStop('fired'); v10 = true; break; } } var v8 = false; if (!v10) { for (var v11 in main.enemies) { if (!main.enemies[v12].no_absorb) { var v5 = check_enemy_parts(main.enemies[v12], undefined, this._x + main._x, this._y + main._y); if (enumerate v5 != null) { v5[v11].to_die(this.how_to_die, this.single_power); v8 = true; this.gotoAndStop('hit'); adjust_score(!main.enemies[v12].no_score, game_UI, 10); } if (v8) { break; } v5; } } } if (v8 or v10) { play_soundAction(hit_sound, false); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; return v9; } function bullet_walk_action(who) { var v6 = who._x + main._x; var v5 = who._y + main._y + 10; if (who.org_xspeed == undefined) { who._yscale = 100; who.xspeed = who.speed * Math.cos(who._rotation * 0.01745) + 1.5e-007; who.yspeed = who.speed * Math.sin(who._rotation * 0.01745) + 1.5e-007; who.org_xspeed = Math.abs(who.xspeed) / who.xspeed; } who.hit_ground = false; for (var v7 in { if ([v7].g.hitTest(v6, v5, true)) { who.hit_ground = true; adjustY(who,[v7].g); break; } } if (!who.hit_ground) { who._x += who.xspeed; who._y += who.yspeed; who.yspeed += 0.85; if (who._rotation > 30) { who._rotation -= 30; } else { if (who._rotation < -30) { who._rotation += 30; } else { who._rotation = 0; } } } else { if (who.can_go) { var v3 = who._width / 2; if (who.org_xspeed > 0) { for (v7 in { if ([v7].hitTest(who._x + main._x + v3 * Math.cos(who._rotation * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v3 * Math.sin(who._rotation * 0.01745), true)) { var v4 = 0; while ([v7].g.hitTest(who._x + main._x + v3 * Math.cos(who._rotation * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v3 * Math.sin(who._rotation * 0.01745) - 1, true)) { --who._rotation; if (++v4 > 30) { break; } } v4 = 0; while (![v7].g.hitTest(who._x + main._x + v3 * Math.cos(who._rotation * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v3 * Math.sin(who._rotation * 0.01745) + 1, true)) { ++who._rotation; if (++v4 > 30) { break; } } break; } } who.xspeed = who.speed * Math.cos(who._rotation * 0.01745); who.yspeed = who.speed * Math.sin(who._rotation * 0.01745); } else { for (v7 in { if ([v7].hitTest(who._x + main._x + v3 * Math.cos((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v3 * Math.sin((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745) - 1, true)) { var v4 = 0; while ([v7].g.hitTest(who._x + main._x + v3 * Math.cos((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v3 * Math.sin((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745) - 1, true)) { ++who._rotation; if (++v4 > 30) { break; } } v4 = 0; while (![v7].g.hitTest(who._x + main._x + v3 * Math.cos((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v3 * Math.sin((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745) + 1, true)) { --who._rotation; if (++v4 > 30) { break; } } break; } } who.xspeed = who.speed * Math.cos((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745); who.yspeed = who.speed * Math.sin((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745); } who._x += who.xspeed; who._y += who.yspeed; var v8 = Math.abs(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (v8 == 1) { who._x += active_object_speed; } else { if (v8 == 2) { who._y += active_object_speed; } } who.speed += who.speed_up; } } } function enemysAction01(who, x, y, attacks, typ, moves, states, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 3, xscale); v2.speed = -6; v2.attacks = attacks; v2.typ = typ; if (moves == -3) { = true; v2.ballute = true; } v2.moves = moves; v2.states = states; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.blowup_next = 3; v2.get_ballute = function () { if (this.ballute) { this.ballute = false; var v2 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = main.attachMovie('敌人_普通士兵_伞', '敌人_普通士兵_伞' + v2, v2, {'_x': this._x, '_y': this._y - 50}); v3._xscale = this._xscale; v3.can_go = true; } }; v2.drop_weapon = function () { if (this.typ > 1) { var v3 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.attachMovie('敌人_士兵_武器群', '敌人_士兵_武器群' + v3, v3, {'_x': this._x, '_y': this._y - 40}); v2._xscale = this._xscale; v2.gotoAndStop(4 - this.typ); v2.count = 15; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (--this.count > 0) { this._rotation += 20; ++this._y; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.count % 9 == 0) { this._alpha = 20; } else { if (this.count % 5 == 0) { this._alpha = 100; } } }; } }; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.stand = function () { if (this.moves < 50) { if (this.moves >= 0) { if (this.typ == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('stand' + this.typ); } else { this.gotoAndStop('stand' + this.typ + '_' + this.states); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); this.turn(); if (v2 >= 590) { this.move_me(); } else { if (v2 > 40 and v2 < 590) { if (!random(30 - game_diff_level * 10)) { this.shoot(); } else { if (!random(30)) { this.move_me(); } } } else { if (v2 <= 40) { if (random(2) and !this.cant_change_states) { this.attack(); } else { if (random(2)) { this.move_me(); } else { if (this.moves != 0) { this.fear(); } } } } } } } }; } else { this.move_me(); } } else { if (this.moves >= 50) { if (this.moves == 50) { this.gotoAndStop('idle1'); } else { if (this.moves == 51) { this.gotoAndStop('idle2'); } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { if (get_distance(this, this.targeter) < 200) { if ((this._x - this.targeter._x) * this._xscale >= 0) { if (Math.abs(this.targeter._y - this._y) < 100) { this.get_shocked(); } } } if (player_shooting) { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 590) { this.get_shocked(); } } } }; } } }; v2.get_shocked = function () { play_soundAction('士兵受惊', false); this.gotoAndStop('shocked'); this.states = random(2) + 1; this.moves = random(2) + 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.move_me(); } }; }; v2.get_blocked = function () { if (this.hit_ground) { this.gotoAndStop('blocked'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!random(50)) { this.stand(); } }; } else { this.stand(); } }; v2.attack = function () { if (this.attacks > 0) { if (this.attacks < 99) { --this.attacks; } this.gotoAndStop('s_kill'); this.states = random(2) + 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } else { this.run_away(); } }; v2.move_me = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { if (this.moves > 0) { if (this.moves == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('s_creep1'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 2; } else { this.gotoAndStop('run' + this.typ); this.move_speed = this.speed; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if (!random(40) or this.hit_area) { this.stand(); } else { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (this._xscale < 0 and v2 > 570 or this._xscale > 0 and v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x) < 40) { this.stand(); } } } } }; } else { if (this.moves < 0) { if (this.moves == -3) { this.gotoAndStop('fall'); this.move_speed = 0; } else { if (this.moves == -2) { this.gotoAndStop('s_creep1'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 2; } else { this.gotoAndStop('run' + this.typ); this.move_speed = this.speed; } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); if (v2) { if (this.hit_area) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - 295) < 265) { if (!this.drop) { var v4 = Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x); if (!random(15) or v4 < 40) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } } this.turn(); } } } if (this.moves == -3) { if (v2) { this.get_ballute(); this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } else { this.turn(); var v3 = Math.atan2(this.targeter._y - (this._y - 30), this.targeter._x - this._x) / 0.01745; if (v3 >= 0) { if (v3 > 90) { v3 = 180 - v3; } if (v3 < 11) { v3 = 0;'dir_0'); } else { if (v3 >= 11 and v3 < 33) { v3 = 22;'dir_1'); } else { if (v3 >= 33 and v3 < 55) { v3 = 44;'dir_2'); } else { if (v3 >= 55 and v3 < 77) { v3 = 66;'dir_3'); } else { if (v3 >= 77) { v3 = 90;'dir_4'); } } } } } } else { v3 = 0;'dir_0'); } if (!random(200 - game_diff_level * 50)) { this.tracerAction(v3); } } } }; } } } }; v2.fear = function () { this.gotoAndStop('s_creep2'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { if (enemy_move(this, (-this.speed / 2) * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (v2 > 570 or v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } else { if (!random(25)) { this.stand(); } } } } else { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.shoot = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) < 200) { if (this.attacks > 0) { if (this.attacks < 99) { --this.attacks; } if (this.typ == 1) { if (random(2)) { this.gotoAndStop('shoot' + this.typ + '_1'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('shoot' + this.typ + '_2'); } } else { if (random(4)) { this.gotoAndStop('shoot' + this.typ + '_' + this.states); } else { this.gotoAndStop('shoot1_1'); } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } else { this.run_away(); } } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die' + (random(3) + 1), 'die' + (random(3) + 1), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1)); }; v2.run_away = function () { if (this.moves != 0) { if (this._x < this.targeter._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } this.gotoAndStop('run' + this.typ); this.flee = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, this.speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) > 295 or Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) > 200) { if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } }; v2.shootAction = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = 180; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = 0; } } if (this.typ == 1) { enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, v2, 5); } else { if (this.typ == 2) { enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, v2, 5); } else { if (this.typ == 3) { (enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_火箭炮', '坦克射击', '手雷爆炸', 3, 0, -5 * this._xscale / 100, 0, v2, 5)).tracer = true; } } } }; v2.tracerAction = function (dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v3 = 180 - dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v3 = dir; } } var v4 = main.enemies.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.enemies.attachMovie('敌人_火箭炮', 'boss_shoot' + v4, v4, {'_x': (get_shoot_point([0], '_y': (get_shoot_point([1]}); v2._rotation = v3; var v5 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v6 = main.attachMovie('主角_导弹烟雾', 'BOSS_导弹烟雾' + v5, v5, {'_x': v2._x, '_y': v2._y}); v6._rotation = v3; enemy_tracerAction(this, v2, this.targeter, 5, 3, 5); }; v2.throwAction = function () { var v2 = (this.targeter._x - this._x) / 45; v2 *= 0.9 + Math.random() / 10; if (Math.abs(v2) > 8 + game_diff_level * 2) { v2 = (8 + game_diff_level * 2) * Math.abs(v2) / v2; } (enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_手雷', undefined, '手雷爆炸', false, 0, v2, -7, 0, 5)).rotate_me = 15; }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 5, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction02(who, x, y, posy) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 500, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.have_droped = 0; v2.child_number = 50; v2.yspeed = 3; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); enemy_shake(this, 0.5, 1, false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (v2[0] < 590) { this._y += this.yspeed; if (v2[1] > posy) { this.yspeed -= 0.5; if (this.yspeed < 0) { this.yspeed = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } }; }; v2.leave = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.yspeed -= 0.5; this._y += this.yspeed; if ((get_map_point(this))[1] < -50) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('explode1'); this.move_speed = -this._xscale / 50; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation += this._xscale / 50; if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0)) { this.deadAction(); } }; } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); if (this.blood < 300) { this.leave(); } } }; v2.deadAction = function () { = false; this._rotation = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('explode2'); shake_screen(); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction03(who, x, y, moves, attack_type, posx, child, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 75, xscale); v2.moves = moves; v2.attack_type = attack_type; v2.child = child; v2.have_droped = 0; v2.child_number = 10; v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.can_jump = true; v2.can_move_targeter = 1; v2.fall = function () { = true; this.gotoAndStop('fall'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, 0, 0)) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('land'); } }; }; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.moves) { this.move_me(); } else { if (this._xscale == 100 and (get_map_point(this))[0] < 670) { this.shoot(); } else { if (this._xscale == -100 and (get_map_point(this))[0] > -80) { this.shoot(); } } } }; }; v2.move_me = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); play_soundAction('坦克运行', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, -this._xscale / 50, 0); if (this._xscale == 100 and (get_map_point(this))[0] < posx) { this.moves = 0; this.stand(); } else { if (this._xscale == -100 and (get_map_point(this))[0] > posx) { this.moves = 0; this.stand(); } } }; }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.shoot = function () { if (!random(50 - game_diff_level * 15)) { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot' + (random(this.attack_type) + 1)); delete this.onEnterFrame; } if (this.child) { if (!random(50)) { if (this.child_number > 0 and this.have_droped < 3) { --this.child_number; ++this.have_droped; if (this.child == 1) { var v2 = enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', -main._x, this._y, 5, -(random(2) + 1), 'stand', -100); } else { if (this.child == 2) { var v2 = enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', -main._x, this._y, 5, random(3) + 1, -(random(2) + 1), random(2) + 1, -100); } } v2.mother = this; v2.dieEvents = function () { --this.mother.have_droped; }; } } } }; v2.shootAction1 = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = 180; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = 0; } } enemy_shootAction(this, '坦克_炮弹', '坦克射击', '手雷爆炸', false, 6, 0, 0, v2, 12); }; v2.shootAction1_2 = function (dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = -(dir + 180); } } enemy_shootAction(this, '坦克_炮弹', '坦克射击', '手雷爆炸', false, 6, 0, 0, v2, 12); }; v2.shootAction2 = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = 180; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = 0; } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 10, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.shootAction3 = function () { var v2 = (this.targeter._x - this._x) / 45; v2 *= 0.9 + Math.random() / 10; if (Math.abs(v2) > 6) { v2 = 6 * Math.abs(v2) / v2; } (enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_手雷', undefined, '手雷爆炸', false, 0, v2, -7, 0, 5)).rotate_me = 15; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); shake_screen(); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; if (moves == -1) { v2.fall(); return v2; } v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction04(who, x, y, yspeed, area_x, area_y) { var v3 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 600, 100); v3.enemy_type = 2; v3.count_time = 150; v3.yspeed = yspeed; v3.area_x = area_x; v3.area_y = area_y; v3.shoot_count = 0; v3.shoot_all = 80 - game_diff_level * 20; v3.gun1.targeter = v3.targeter; v3.gun2.targeter = v3.targeter; = v3.targeter; v3.checkAction = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (main._x == _root['allow_area_array_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]) { this.fall(); } }; }; v3.fall = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y += this.yspeed; if (this.yspeed > 0) { if ((get_map_point(this))[1] > this.area_y) { this.yspeed -= 0.25; if (this.yspeed <= 0) { this.get_postion(); this.stand(); } } } else { if (this.yspeed < 0) { if ((get_map_point(this))[1] < this.area_y) { this.yspeed += 0.25; if (this.yspeed >= 0) { this.get_postion(); this.stand(); } } } } }; }; v3.stand = function () { delete this.onEnterFrame; enemy_shake(this, 0.5, 1, false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (++this.shoot_count == this.shoot_all) { this.shoot_count = 0; if (this.blood > get_enemy_blood(450)) { if (random(2)) {; } else {; } } else { if (this.blood > get_enemy_blood(300)) { if (random(2)) {; this.shoot_tracer(this.point2); } else {; this.shoot_tracer(this.point1); } } else { if ( == undefined) {; this.head_shoot(); };; } } } }; }; v3.machinegun = function (where, rotate) { if (where._name == 'gun1') { var v1 = rotate; } else { var v1 = -rotate - 180; } enemy_shootAction(where, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, v1, 5); }; v3.shoot_tracer = function (where) { var v3 = main.enemies.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.enemies.attachMovie('敌人_火箭炮', 'boss_shoot' + v3, v3, {'_x': (get_shoot_point(where))[0], '_y': (get_shoot_point(where))[1]}); v2._rotation = 90; var v4 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v5 = main.attachMovie('主角_导弹烟雾', 'BOSS_导弹烟雾' + v4, v4, {'_x': v2._x, '_y': v2._y}); v5._rotation = 90; enemy_tracerAction(this, v2, this.targeter, 4, 3, 12); }; v3.head_shoot = function () { = 0; = function () { if (this.frame != undefined) { var v2 = (get_map_point(this.targeter))[0]; if (v2 < 50) { if (this.frame != 'l') { this.gotoAndStop('l'); } } else { if (v2 >= 50 and v2 < 245) { if (this.frame != 'dl') { this.gotoAndStop('dl'); } } else { if (v2 >= 245 and v2 < 345) { if (this.frame != 'd') { this.gotoAndStop('d'); } } else { if (v2 >= 345 and v2 < 540) { if (this.frame != 'dr') { this.gotoAndStop('dr'); } } else { if (v2 >= 540) { if (this.frame != 'r') { this.gotoAndStop('r'); } } } } } } if (++this.shoot_count == 80) { this.shoot_count = 0; var v3 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_大炮弹', '手雷爆炸', '大爆炸', 10, 15, 0, 0, this.my_rotation, 15); var v4 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v5 = main.attachMovie('主角_导弹烟雾', 'BOSS_导弹烟雾' + v4, v4, {'_x': v3._x, '_y': v3._y}); v5._rotation = this.my_rotation; } } }; }; v3.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); shake_screen(); this.yspeed = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.yspeed += 1; this._y += this.yspeed; }; if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } else { if (!random(3)) { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } } }; v3.checkAction(); return v3; } function enemysAction05(who, x, y, attacks, moves, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 5, xscale); v2.speed = -6; v2.attacks = attacks; v2.moves = moves; v2.states = 'stand'; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.patrol_max_x = x + 80; v2.patrol_min_x = x - 80; v2.drop_weapon = function () { if (!this.captain) { var v3 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.attachMovie('敌人_士兵_武器群', '敌人_士兵_武器群' + v3, v3, {'_x': this._x, '_y': this._y - 40}); v2._xscale = this._xscale; v2.gotoAndStop(2); v2.count = 15; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (--this.count > 0) { this._rotation += 20; ++this._y; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.count % 9 == 0) { this._alpha = 20; } else { if (this.count % 5 == 0) { this._alpha = 100; } } }; } }; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.stand = function () { if (this.moves >= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); this.turn(); if (v2 >= 590) { this.move_me(); } else { if (v2 > 40 and v2 < 590) { if (!random(30 - game_diff_level * 10)) { this.shoot(); } else { if (!random(30)) { this.move_me(); } } } else { if (v2 <= 40) { if (random(2)) { this.attack(); } else { this.move_me(); } } } } } }; } else { this.move_me(); } }; v2.get_shocked = function () { this.turn(); this.moves = 1; this.shoot(); }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!random(50)) { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.attack = function () { if (this.attacks > 0) { if (this.attacks < 99) { --this.attacks; } this.gotoAndStop('s_kill'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } else { this.run_away(); } }; v2.move_me = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { if (this.moves > 0) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if (!random(40) or this.hit_area) { this.stand(); } else { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (this._xscale < 0 and v2 > 570 or this._xscale > 0 and v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x) < 40) { this.stand(); } } } } }; } else { if (this.moves < 0) { if (this.moves == -50) { this.gotoAndStop('walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 3; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if ((this._x - this.targeter._x) * this._xscale >= 0) { if (v2 < 200) { if (Math.abs(this.targeter._y - this._y) < 100) { var v3 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (v3 > 20 and v3 < 570) { if (this.targeter.states == 'crouch') { if (v2 < 100) { this.get_shocked(); } } else { this.get_shocked(); } } } } } if (player_shooting) { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 590) { this.get_shocked(); } } if (this._x > this.patrol_max_x and this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < this.patrol_min_x and this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale *= -1; } } enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); }; } else { if (this.moves == -1) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (this.hit_area) { this.moves = 1; this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - 295) < 265) { if (!random(15) or v2 < 100) { this.moves = 1; this.stand(); } this.turn(); } } } }; } } } } } }; v2.shoot = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) < 200) { if (this.attacks > 0) { if (this.attacks < 99) { --this.attacks; } if (random(2)) { this.gotoAndStop('shoot_1'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('shoot_2'); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } else { this.run_away(); } } }; v2.shootAction = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = 180; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = 0; } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果'); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die', 'die', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1)); }; v2.run_away = function () { if (this.moves != 0) { if (this._x < this.targeter._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.flee = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, this.speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) > 295 or Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) > 200) { if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction06(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 1, xscale); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.exploding = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); this._alpha = 100; play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); enemy_killAction(this.hit, this.targeter, 'shoot', 15, undefined, '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.find_player = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this._alpha = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (this.targeter.states == 'crouch') { if (v2 < 130) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } else { if (v2 < 70) { this._alpha = 50; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } if (this.hitTest(this.targeter.g)) { this.exploding(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; this.exploding(); delete this.onEnterFrame; if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.find_player(); } function enemysAction07(who, x, y, ox, oy) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 600, xscale); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.count_time = 150; v2.yspeed = 3; v2.org_x = ox; v2.org_y = oy; v2.shoot_count = 0; v2.shoot_all = 20 - game_diff_level * 5; v2.animaitoner1 = function (frame1, frame2) { if (this._currentframe == frame2) { this.gotoAndPlay(frame1); return true; } return false; }; v2.animaitoner2 = function (frame) { if (this._currentframe == frame) { return true; } return false; }; v2.fall = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += active_object_speed; this._y += this.yspeed; if ((get_map_point(this))[1] > this.org_y - 20) { this.yspeed -= 0.25; if (this.yspeed <= 0) { this.stand(); } } }; }; v2.stand = function () { enemy_shake(this, 2, 1, false); this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += active_object_speed; if (++this.shoot_count == this.shoot_all) { this.shoot_count = 0; if (this.blood < get_enemy_blood(250)) { play_soundAction('中型枪械4', false); this.shoot_tracer(); } if ((get_map_point(this.targeter))[0] > 457) { this.shoot(); } else { this.swordAction(); } } }; }; v2.shoot = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot1'); play_soundAction('飞机进入', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += active_object_speed; if (this.animaitoner2(50)) { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.swordAction = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot2'); play_soundAction('飞机进入', false); this.get_pos = false; this.attacked = random(5) + 1; this.attack_dir = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner2(60)) { this.gotoAndStop(61); } var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (this.attack_dir == 1) { if (v2[0] < 900) { if (!this.get_pos) { if (v2[1] < 205) { this._x += active_object_speed; this._y += 3; } else { this.get_pos = true; } } else { this._x += 10 + game_diff_level * 2 + active_object_speed; } enemy_killAction(this.killer, this.targeter, 'shoot', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果'); } else { if (this.attacked > 0) { --this.attacked; this._xscale = -100; this.attack_dir = -1; } else { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -main._x + this.org_x; this._y = -main._y - 135; this.yspeed = 3; this.fall(); } } } else { if (this.attack_dir == -1) { if (v2[0] > -300) { this._x -= 10 + game_diff_level * 2 - active_object_speed; enemy_killAction(this.killer, this.targeter, 'shoot', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果'); } else { if (this.attacked > 0) { --this.attacked; this._xscale = 100; this.attack_dir = 1; } else { this._xscale = 100; this._x = -main._x + this.org_x; this._y = -main._y - 135; this.yspeed = 3; this.fall(); } } } } }; }; v2.machinegun = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = 15 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * random(15); } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = 165 + (random(2) * 2 - 1) * random(15); } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 8, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.shoot_tracer = function () { var v3 = main.enemies.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.enemies.attachMovie('追踪导弹', 'boss_shoot' + v3, v3, {'_x': (get_shoot_point(this.point))[0], '_y': (get_shoot_point(this.point))[1]}); v2._rotation = 45; var v4 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v5 = main.attachMovie('主角_导弹烟雾', 'BOSS_导弹烟雾' + v4, v4, {'_x': v2._x, '_y': v2._y}); v5._rotation = 45; enemy_tracerAction(this, v2, this.targeter, 4, 3, 12); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); shake_screen(); delete this.onEnterFrame; if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } else { if (this.blood < get_enemy_blood(250)) { shot_shine(this, 'red', 1); } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } } }; v2.fall(); return v2; } function enemysAction08(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 50, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.attacked = 0; v2.counts = 0; v2.counts_all = 30 - game_diff_level * 10; v2.animaitoner2 = function (frame) { if (this._currentframe == frame) { return true; } return false; }; v2.moves = function () { this.counts = 0; this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Math.abs(this.targeter._x - this._x) > 10) { this._x += (this.targeter._x - this._x) / 20; } var v2 = this.targeter._y - 250; if (Math.abs(v2 - this._y) > 20) { this._y += (v2 - this._y) / 20; } if (++this.counts == this.counts_all) { this.counts = 0; this.shoot(); } }; }; v2.shoot = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Math.abs(this.targeter._x - this._x) > 10) { this._x += (this.targeter._x - this._x) / 20; } var v2 = this.targeter._y - 250; if (Math.abs(v2 - this._y) > 20) { this._y += (v2 - this._y) / 20; } if (this.animaitoner2(30)) { ++this.attacked; if (this.attacked - Math.floor(game_diff_level) >= 4) { this.attacked = 0; this.moves(); } else { this.shoot(); } } }; }; v2.shootAction = function () { enemy_shootAction(this, '轰炸炸弹', '轰炸机落弹', '手雷爆炸', false, 0, 0, 3, 0, 12); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('explode1'); this.move_speed = -this._xscale / 50; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation += this._xscale / 50; if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0)) { this.deadAction(); } else { if (this.animaitoner2(64)) { this.deadAction(); } } }; }; } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.deadAction = function () { = false; this._rotation = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('explode2'); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } }; v2.moves(); return v2; } function enemysAction09(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 600, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.xspeed = -3; v2.shoot_count = 0; v2.shoot_all = 50 - game_diff_level * 15; v2.can_jump = true; v2.always_on = true; v2.can_move_targeter = 1; v2.no_absorb = true; v2.no_damage = true; v2.animaitoner2 = function (frame) { if (this._currentframe == frame) { return true; } return false; }; v2.come_out = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); play_soundAction('坦克运行', true); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, this.xspeed, 0); if ((get_map_point(this))[0] <= 460) { stop_soundAction('坦克运行'); delete this.no_absorb; delete this.no_damage; shot_shine(this, 'yellow', 1); this.stand(); } }; }; }; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (++this.shoot_count == this.shoot_all) { this.shoot_count = 0; this.shoot1(); } }; }; v2.shoot1 = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot1'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner2(50)) { this.shoot2(); } }; }; v2.shootAction1 = function () { enemy_shootAction(this, '坦克_炮弹', '坦克射击', '手雷爆炸', false, 6, 0, 0, -170, 15); enemy_shootAction(this, '坦克_炮弹', '坦克射击', '手雷爆炸', false, 6, 0, 0, 180, 15); enemy_shootAction(this, '坦克_炮弹', '坦克射击', '手雷爆炸', false, 6, 0, 0, 170, 15); }; v2.shoot2 = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot2'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner2(82)) { if (this.blood > get_enemy_blood(400)) { this.stand(); } else { this.shoot3(); } } }; }; v2.shootAction2 = function (add_dis) { if (this.targeter._x < this._x) { var v2 = -3 - random(3); } else { var v2 = 3 + random(3); } (enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_巨型坦克_炮弹', '坦克射击', '手雷爆炸', false, 0, v2 + add_dis, -8, 0, 15)).shade = true; }; v2.shoot3 = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot3'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner2(142)) { if (this.blood > get_enemy_blood(200)) { this.stand(); } else { if (random(2)) { this.shoot1(); } else { if (random(2)) { this.shoot2(); } else { this.shoot3(); } } } } }; }; v2.shootAction3 = function () { play_soundAction('重型枪械1', false); var v3 = main.enemies.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.enemies.attachMovie('敌人_巨型坦克_火箭', '敌人_巨型坦克_火箭' + v3, v3, {'_x': (get_shoot_point(this.point))[0], '_y': (get_shoot_point(this.point))[1]}); v2._rotation = -103; enemy_tracerAction(this, v2, this.targeter, 7, 5, 45); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.healthbar != undefined) { this.healthbar.check_health(this.blood, this.org_blood); } if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); shake_screen(); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } else { if (!random(3)) { if (this.blood > get_enemy_blood(400)) { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } else { if (this.blood < get_enemy_blood(200)) { shot_shine(this, 'red', 1); } else { shot_shine(this, 'pink', 1); } } } } }; v2.come_out(); return v2; } function enemysAction10(who, x, y, attack_where) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 10, xscale); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.speed = -8; v2.attack_where = attack_where; v2.shot = false; v2.animaitoner2 = function (frame) { if (this._currentframe == frame) { return true; } return false; }; v2.moves = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); enemy_shake(this, 2, 1, false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed; if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - this.attack_where) < 20) { if (!this.shot) { this.shot = true; this.shoot(); } } }; }; v2.shoot = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner2(25)) { this.gotoAndStop('move'); } if ((get_map_point(this))[0] > -100) { this._x += this.speed; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.shootAction = function () { var v2 = enemy_shootAction(this, '追踪导弹', '重型枪械1', '导弹爆炸', 5, 0, -3, 3, 180, 12); v2.tracer = true; v2.accelerate = true; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('explode1'); this.driver.removeMovieClip(); this.move_speed = -this._xscale / 50; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation += this._xscale / 50; if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0)) { this.deadAction(); } else { if (this.animaitoner2(51)) { this.deadAction(); } } }; } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.deadAction = function () { = false; this._rotation = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('explode2'); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } }; v2.moves(); return v2; } function enemysAction11(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 3, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.speed = 3; v2.shoot_count = 0; v2.shoot_all = random(20) + 60 - game_diff_level * 20; v2.moves = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); enemy_shake(this, 0.5, 1, false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] > 0) { this._x -= this.speed; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 590) { this._x += this.speed; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } if (++this.shoot_count == this.shoot_all) { this.shoot_count = 0; this.shootAction(); } }; }; v2.shootAction = function () { enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, 90 + 60 * (this._xscale / 100), 5); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('fall'); this.move_speed = -this._xscale / 50; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation += this._xscale / 4; if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0)) { this.deadAction(); } }; } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.deadAction = function () { = false; this._rotation = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } }; v2.moves(); return v2; } function enemysAction12(who, x, y, attacks, moves, states, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 1.5, xscale); v2.speed = -5; v2.attacks = attacks; v2.moves = moves; v2.states = states; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.blowup_next = 3; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.startAction = function () { if (this.moves >= 50) { this.get_shocked(); } }; v2.stand = function () { if (this.moves < 50) { if (this.moves >= 0) { this.gotoAndStop(this.states); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); this.turn(); if (v2 >= 590) { this.move_me(); } else { if (v2 > 65 and v2 < 590) { if (!random(30 - game_diff_level * 10)) { this.shoot(); } else { if (!random(30)) { this.move_me(); } } } else { if (v2 <= 65) { if (random(2) and !this.cant_change_states) { this.attack(); } else { if (random(2)) { this.move_me(); } else { if (this.moves != 0) { this.fear(); } } } } } } } }; } else { this.move_me(); } } else { if (this.moves >= 50) { this.gotoAndStop('still' + (this.moves - 50)); + 1)); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { if (this.moves >= 53) { if (get_distance(this, this.targeter) < 200) { if ((this._x - this.targeter._x) * this._xscale >= 0) { if (Math.abs(this.targeter._y - this._y) < 100) { this.get_shocked(); } } } } if (player_shooting) { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 590) { this.get_shocked(); } } } }; } } }; v2.get_shocked = function () { play_soundAction('士兵受惊', false); this.gotoAndStop('scare1'); this.states = 'stand'; this.moves = random(2) + 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.move_me(); } }; }; v2.get_blocked = function () { if (this.states == 'stand') { this.gotoAndStop('blocked'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!random(50)) { this.stand(); } }; } else { this.stand(); } }; v2.attack = function () { if (this.attacks > 0) { if (this.attacks < 99) { --this.attacks; } this.gotoAndStop('s_kill'); this.states = 'stand'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } else { this.run_away(); } }; v2.move_me = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { if (this.moves > 0) { if (this.moves == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('s_creep1'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 2; } else { if (this.states == 'stand') { if (!random(4) and this._y - this.targeter._y < 100 and !this.cant_change_states) { this.states = 'crouch'; this.move_me(); return undefined; } this.gotoAndStop('s_walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed; } else { if (this.states == 'crouch') { if (!random(4) and !this.cant_change_states) { this.states = 'stand'; this.move_me(); return undefined; } if (!random(4)) { this.states = 'grovel'; this.move_me(); return undefined; } this.gotoAndStop('c_walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 3; } else { if (this.states == 'grovel') { if (!random(6)) { this.states = 'crouch'; this.move_me(); return undefined; } this.gotoAndStop('g_walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 5; } } } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if (!random(40) or this.hit_area) { this.stand(); } else { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (this._xscale < 0 and v2 > 570 or this._xscale > 0 and v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x) < 65) { this.stand(); } } } } }; } else { if (this.moves < 0) { if (this.moves == -2) { this.gotoAndStop('s_creep1'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 2; } else { if (this.moves == -1) { this.gotoAndStop('s_walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed; } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x); if (this.hit_area) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - 295) < 265) { if (!random(15) or v2 < 65) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } this.turn(); } } } }; } } } }; v2.fear = function () { this.gotoAndStop('s_creep2'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { if (enemy_move(this, (-this.speed / 2) * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (v2 > 570 or v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } else { if (!random(25)) { this.stand(); } } } } else { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.shoot = function () { var v3 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v3[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v3[1] - 200) < 200) { if (this.attacks > 0) { if (this.attacks < 99) { --this.attacks; } var v2 = Math.atan2(this._y - this.targeter._y, this._x - this.targeter._x) / 0.01745; if (this.states == 'stand') { if (v2 >= 0) { if (v2 > 90) { v2 = 180 - v2; } if (v2 < 15) { this.gotoAndStop('s_shoot1'); } else { if (v2 >= 15 and v2 < 45) { this.gotoAndStop('s_shoot2'); } else { if (v2 >= 45 and v2 < 75) { this.gotoAndStop('s_shoot3'); } else { if (v2 >= 75) { this.gotoAndStop('s_shoot4'); } } } } } else { this.gotoAndStop('s_throw'); } } else { if (this.states == 'crouch') { if (v2 >= 0) { if (random(5)) { this.gotoAndStop('c_shoot'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('c_throw'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('c_throw'); } } else { if (this.states == 'grovel') { if (v2 >= 0) { if (random(5)) { this.gotoAndStop('g_shoot'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('g_throw'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('g_throw'); } } } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } else { this.run_away(); } } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die' + (random(3) + 1), 'die' + (random(3) + 1), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1)); }; v2.run_away = function () { if (this.moves != 0) { if (this._x < this.targeter._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } this.gotoAndStop('run_away'); this.flee = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, this.speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) > 295 or Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) > 200) { if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } }; v2.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (what == '敌人_枪械子弹') { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v3 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v3 = -(dir + 180); } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, v3, 5); } else { if (what == '敌人_手雷') { var v2 = (this.targeter._x - this._x) / 45; v2 *= 0.9 + Math.random() / 10; if (Math.abs(v2) > 8 + game_diff_level * 2) { v2 = (8 + game_diff_level * 2) * Math.abs(v2) / v2; } (enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_手雷', undefined, '手雷爆炸', false, 0, v2, -7, 0, 5)).rotate_me = 15; } } }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 5, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction13(who, x, y, moves) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 15, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.move_speed = -6 - game_diff_level; v2.attacked = false; v2.can_enemy_stand = true; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); if (moves) { this.can_jump = true; this.can_enemy_stand = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.attacked) { if (enemy_killAction(this.hit, this.targeter, 'shoot', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果')) { this.attacked = true; } } this.w1._rotation -= 60; this.w2._rotation -= 60; this.w3._rotation -= 60; this.w4._rotation -= 60; this.w5._rotation -= 60; this.w6._rotation -= 60; enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (v2 > 620 and v2 < 630) { play_soundAction('卡车开动', false); } else { if (v2 < -50) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction14(who, x, y, moves, states, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 10, xscale); v2.speed = -5; v2.moves = moves; v2.states = states; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.kick_things = undefined; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.stand = function () { if (this.moves > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(this.states); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); this.turn(); if (v2 >= 590) { this.move_me(); } else { if (v2 > 40 and v2 < 590) { if (!random(20 - game_diff_level * 5)) { this.shoot(); } else { if (!random(30)) { this.move_me(); } } } else { if (v2 <= 40 and !this.cant_change_states) { this.attack(); } } } } }; } else { if (this.moves == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(this.states); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 590) { this.moves = 1; if ( { this.attack(); } else { this.shoot(); } } } }; } else { this.move_me(); } } }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.attack = function () { this.gotoAndStop('kill'); this.states = 'stand'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.move_me = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { if (this.moves > 0) { if (this.states == 'stand') { if (!random(5) and !this.cant_change_states) { this.states = 'grovel'; this.move_me(); return undefined; } if (random(2) and !this.cant_change_states) { this.gotoAndStop('jump'); this.yspeed = -12; this.move_speed = this.speed; this.temp_jump = true; } else { this.gotoAndStop('s_walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed; } } else { if (this.states == 'grovel') { if (!random(3) and !this.cant_change_states) { this.states = 'stand'; this.move_me(); return undefined; } this.gotoAndStop('g_walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 5; } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if (this.temp_jump) { delete this.temp_jump; this.stand(); } else { if (!random(40) or this.hit_area) { this.stand(); } else { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (this._xscale < 0 and v2 > 570 or this._xscale > 0 and v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x) < 40) { this.stand(); } } } } } }; } else { if (this.moves < 0) { if (this.moves == -2) { this.gotoAndStop('g_walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 2; } else { if (this.moves == -1) { this.gotoAndStop('s_walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed; } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x); if (this.hit_area) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - 295) < 265) { if (!random(15) or v2 < 40) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } this.turn(); } } } }; } } } }; v2.shoot = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) < 200) { if (this.states == 'stand') { this.gotoAndStop('s_shoot'); } else { if (this.states == 'grovel') { this.gotoAndStop('g_shoot'); } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die', 'die', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1)); }; v2.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = -(dir + 180); } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 6, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'shoot', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果'); if ( { play_soundAction('打击声音', false); this.kick_things.move_me(1); this.kick_things = undefined; } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction15(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 5, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.move_speed = -4; v2.can_jump = true; v2.attacked = false; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand');; }; v2.move_me = function (dir) { this._xscale = dir * 100;; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.attacked) { if (enemy_killAction(this.g, this.targeter, 'shoot', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果')) { this.attacked = true; } } enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * dir, 0); var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (dir == 1 and v2 < -50) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (dir == -1 and v2 > 640) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop('die'); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction16(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 10, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.move_speed = -5; v2.can_jump = false; v2.attacked = false; v2.change_rotation = true; v2.can_enemy_stand = true; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand');; }; v2.move_me = function () {; this.can_jump = true; this.can_enemy_stand = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.attacked) { if (enemy_killAction(this.hit, this.targeter, 'shoot', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果')) { this.attacked = true; } } enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (v2 < -50) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop('die'); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction17(who, typ, x, y, blood, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, blood, xscale); v2.typ = typ; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand' + this.typ); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 290) { if (!random(20 - game_diff_level * 5)) { this.shoot(); } } } }; }; v2.shoot = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) < 200) { this.gotoAndStop('shoot' + this.typ); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood_mc == undefined) { this.attachMovie('小刀砍人_效果', 'blood_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 0, '_y': -35}); } shot_shine(this, 'pink', 1); if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; if (how == 'elec') { enemy_elec(this); play_soundAction('敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), false); } else { play_soundAction('敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1), false); } this.gotoAndStop('die' + this.typ); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } }; v2.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = -(dir + 180); } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction18(who, x, y, come, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 75, xscale); v2.speed = -8 - game_diff_level; v2.come = come; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.come_out = function () { this.gotoAndStop('come' + this.come); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { if ( == { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 590) { this.stand(); } } } }; }; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { if ( == { this['move_me' + (random(3) + 1)](); } } }; }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.move_me1 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('s_kill'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.move_me2 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if ( == { this.stand(); return undefined; } if (!random(50)) { this.move_me3(); return undefined; } var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 45) { this.gotoAndStop('r_kill'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } } }; } }; v2.move_me3 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('jump'); this.move_speed = this.speed * 1.25; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, -10)) { this.stand(); return undefined; } var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 200) { this.gotoAndStop('j_kill'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { this.stand(); } }; } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die', 'die', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1)); }; v2.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = -(dir + 180); } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_刀光', '砍刀', '手雷爆炸', false, 10, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 10, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.come_out(); return v2; } function enemysAction19(who, x, y, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 3, xscale); v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.blowup_next = 3; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this._visible = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( { this.turn(); if (get_distance(this, this.targeter) < 200) { this._visible = 1; this.move_me(); } } }; }; v2.move_me = function () { this.gotoAndStop('bamboo'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, 0, -8)) { enemysAction12(who, this._x, this._y, 99, 1, 'stand', this._xscale); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die' + (random(3) + 1), 'die' + (random(3) + 1), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1)); }; v2.shootAction = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = 125 - random(25) * (random(2) * 2 - 1); } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = 55 + random(25) * (random(2) * 2 - 1); } } (enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_竹子武器', '弓攻击1', '小刀04', false, 15, 0, 0, v2, 5)).land_angle = true; }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction20(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 350, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.move_speed = -5; v2.in_air = true; v2.angry = false; v2.angry_count = 0; v2.sword_count = 0; v2.man_count = 0; v2.stone_count = 0; v2.can_jump = true; v2.always_on = true; v2.can_move_targeter = 1;; v2.come_out = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand');'idle'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (get_distance(this, this.targeter) < 520) {;;;; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); player_max_x = this._x - 85; var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (v2 < 475) { this.stand(); } }; } }; }; v2.stand = function () { this.w1.gotoAndStop(1); this.w2.gotoAndStop(1); this.w3.gotoAndStop(1); this.w4.gotoAndStop(1); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.check_moves(); player_max_x = this._x - 85; this.check_sword(); this.check_man(); this.check_stone(); }; }; v2.check_moves = function () { if (this.angry) { ++this.angry_count; if (this.angry_count == 1) {;;;; } else { if (this.angry_count > 50 and this.angry_count < 100) { enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); } else { if (this.angry_count == 100) { this.w1.gotoAndStop(1); this.w2.gotoAndStop(1); this.w3.gotoAndStop(1); this.w4.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (this.angry_count == 150) {;;;; } else { if (this.angry_count > 150 and this.angry_count < 200) { enemy_move(this, -this.move_speed, 0); } else { if (this.angry_count == 200) { this.w1.gotoAndStop(1); this.w2.gotoAndStop(1); this.w3.gotoAndStop(1); this.w4.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (this.angry_count > 250) { this.angry_count = 0; } } } } } } } } }; v2.check_sword = function () { if (++this.sword_count == 20 - game_diff_level * 5) { this.sword_count = 0; if (enemy_killAction(this.sword, this.targeter, 'kill', 12, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果')) { shake_screen(); } } }; v2.check_man = function () { if ( == 8) { if (++this.man_count == 40 - game_diff_level * 10) { this.man_count = 0; if (Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x) < 120) {'kill'); } else {'shoot'); } = function () { if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('idle'); } }; } } }; = v2.targeter; = function () { enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 10, 0, 0, 180, 5); }; = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 10, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.check_stone = function () { if ( == 1) { if (++this.stone_count == 40 - game_diff_level * 10) { this.stone_count = 0;; } } }; v2.shoot_stoneAction = function () { var v2 = -2 - Math.random() * 4; var v3 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_巨石', '小刀出刀', '打击声音', 5 + game_diff_level * 5, 0, v2 + Math.random(), -3 + random(3), 0, 12); v3.bounce = true; v3.rotate_me = 15; if (random(2)) { var v4 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_巨石', '小刀出刀', '打击声音', 5 + game_diff_level * 5, 0, v2, -3 + random(3), 0, 12); v4.bounce = true; v4.rotate_me = 15; } if (random(2)) { var v5 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_巨石', '小刀出刀', '打击声音', 5 + game_diff_level * 5, 0, v2 - Math.random(), -3 + random(3), 0, 12); v5.bounce = true; v5.rotate_me = 15; } if (game_diff_level >= 1) { if (random(2)) { var v6 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_巨石', '小刀出刀', '打击声音', 5 + game_diff_level * 5, 0, v2 - 2 * Math.random(), -3 + random(3), 0, 12); v6.bounce = true; v6.rotate_me = 15; } if (random(2)) { var v7 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_巨石', '小刀出刀', '打击声音', 5 + game_diff_level * 5, 0, v2 - 3 * Math.random(), -3 + random(3), 0, 12); v7.bounce = true; v7.rotate_me = 15; } } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.healthbar != undefined) { this.healthbar.check_health(this.blood, this.org_blood); } if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop('explode'); shake_screen(); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } else { if (this.blood < get_enemy_blood(175)) { this.angry = true; if (!random(3)) { shot_shine(this, 'red', 1); } } else { if (!random(3)) { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } } } }; v2.come_out(); return v2; } function enemysAction21(who, x, y, state, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 15, xscale); v2.move_speed = -13; v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.definite = true; v2.can_move_targeter = 1; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; v2.come = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); play_soundAction('卡车开动', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * this._xscale / 100, 0); this.move_speed += 0.25; if (this.move_speed == 0) { this.open_door(); } else { if (this.move_speed == -4) { play_soundAction('卡车刹车', false); } } }; }; v2.open_door = function () { this.gotoAndStop('open'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.stand(); } else { if ( == 4) { play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); enemysAction18('敌人_日本武士军官', this._x, this._y, 2, 100); NPC_scare(); } } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); enemy_explode(this, 5, 10); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2[state](); return v2; } function enemysAction22(who, x, y, blood, which) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, blood, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.definite = true; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop(which); }; v2.come_out_enemy = function (px, py) { this.max_enemy = 5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (v2 > 0 and v2 < 450) { if (!random(350)) { if (--this.max_enemy >= 0) { enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + px, this._y + py, 99, -2 + random(2), 'stand', 100); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop(this._currentframe + 17); object_remove(this, 15); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } else { if (this.shine != undefined) { shot_shine(this.shine, 'pink', 1); } } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction23(who, x, y, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 25, xscale); v2.speed = -7 - game_diff_level; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.initaled = false; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if ( { if ( == { if (this.initaled) { this['move_me' + (random(2) + 1)](); } else { this.initaled = true; this.move_me2(); } } } }; }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.move_me1 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('s_shoot'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.move_me2 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed; play_soundAction('马声音1', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if ( == { this.move_me4(); return undefined; } if (!random(30)) { this.move_me3(); } } }; } }; v2.move_me3 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('r_shoot'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if ( == { this.move_me4(); } } }; } }; v2.move_me4 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('stop'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 2; stop_soundAction('马声音1'); play_soundAction('卡车刹车', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if ( == { this.stand(); } } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood_mc == undefined) { this.attachMovie('小刀砍人_效果', 'blood_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 0, '_y': -40}); } shot_shine(this, 'pink', 1); if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop('die'); play_soundAction('马声音2', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, 0, 0)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } }; v2.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = -(dir + 180); } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 7, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'shoot', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果'); }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction24(who, x, y, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 1.5, xscale); v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.come_out = false; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.come = function () { this.gotoAndStop('come'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 290) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { -= 5; if ( <= -43) { = -43; this.stand(); } }; } } }; }; v2.stand = function () { this.come_out = true; this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if ( { if (!random(35 - game_diff_level * 10)) { this.shoot(); } else { if (!random(15)) { this.idle(); } } } }; }; v2.idle = function () { this.gotoAndStop('idle'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.shoot = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) < 200) { this.gotoAndStop('shoot'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { if (!this.come_out) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood_mc == undefined) { this.attachMovie('小刀砍人_效果', 'blood_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 0, '_y': -20}); } shot_shine(this, 'pink', 1); if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; if (how == 'blow') { this.gotoAndStop('blast'); play_soundAction('敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, random(2) * 2 - 1, -10)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop('die' + (random(3) + 4)); } }; } else { this.gotoAndStop('die' + (random(3) + 1)); play_soundAction('敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1), false); delete this.onEnterFrame; } if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } } }; v2.shootAction = function (what, dir) { var v2 = (this.targeter._x - this._x) / 55; v2 *= 0.9 + Math.random() / 10; if (Math.abs(v2) > 8 + game_diff_level * 2) { v2 = (8 + game_diff_level * 2) * Math.abs(v2) / v2; } (enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_手雷', undefined, '手雷爆炸', false, 0, v2, -7, 0, 5)).rotate_me = 15; }; if (random(2)) { v2.stand(); return v2; } v2.come(); return v2; } function enemysAction25(who, x, y, xscale) { var v2 = blocksAction(who, x, y, 1, 10, true, 10); v2.man_out = false; v2.check_come = function () { this.gotoAndStop('n1'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 200 and !random(300 - game_diff_level * 100)) { delete this.beatAction; this.come_out(); } }; }; v2.come_out = function () { this.gotoAndStop('come'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { var v2 = this._x - this.targeter._x + 0.015; var v3 = Math.abs(v2) / v2; enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 3, this._y - 59, -1, 'stand', 100 * v3); this.man_out = true; this.gotoAndStop('n1'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; v2.beatAction = function () { this.come_out(); delete this.beatAction; }; v2.dieEvents = function () { if (!this.man_out) { (enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 3, this._y - 59, -1, 'stand', 100)).to_die('blow', 10); } }; v2.check_come(); return v2; } function enemysAction26(who, x, y, moves, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 25, xscale); v2.speed = -5 - game_diff_level; v2.moves = moves; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.stand = function () { if (this.moves >= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); this.turn(); if (v2 >= 590) { this.move_me(); } else { if (v2 > 65 and v2 < 590) { if (!random(30 - game_diff_level * 10)) { this.shoot(); } else { if (!random(30)) { this.move_me(); } } } else { if (v2 <= 65) { if (random(2)) { this.attack(); } else { this.move_me(); } } } } } }; } else { this.move_me(); } }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.attack = function () { this.gotoAndStop('kill'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.move_me = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { if (this.moves > 0) { if (random(2)) { this.gotoAndStop('walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if (!random(40) or this.hit_area) { this.stand(); } else { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (this._xscale < 0 and v2 > 570 or this._xscale > 0 and v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x) < 65) { this.stand(); } } } } }; } else { this.gotoAndStop('jump'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, -8)) { this.stand(); } }; } } else { if (this.moves < 0) { this.gotoAndStop('walk'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x); if (this.hit_area) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - 295) < 265) { if (!random(15) or v2 < 65) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } this.turn(); } } } }; } } } }; v2.shoot = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) < 200) { this.gotoAndStop('shoot'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die', 'die', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1)); }; v2.shootAction = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = 180; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = 0; } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 10, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 10, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction27(who, x, y, come, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 90, xscale); v2.speed = -7 - game_diff_level; v2.come = come; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.come_out = function () { if (this.come == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('idle');; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 550) {; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { delete this.in_air; this.stand(); } }; } }; } else { if (this.come == -1) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x); if (this.hit_area) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - 295) < 265) { if (!random(15) or v2 < 40) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } this.turn(); } } } }; } } }; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { if ( == { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 <= 40) { this.move_me1(); } else { if (v2 > 40 and v2 < 80) { this.move_me2(); } else { this['move_me' + (random(2) + 3)](); } } } } }; }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.move_me1 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('attack1'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.move_me2 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.move_me3 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed * 1.5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if ( == { this.stand(); return undefined; } if (!random(50)) { this.move_me4(); return undefined; } var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 100) { this.gotoAndStop('attack3'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, -7)) { this.stand(); } }; } } }; } }; v2.move_me4 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('attack4'); this.move_speed = this.speed * 1.5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, -10)) { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'die', 'die', 'die', 'die', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) + 1), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) + 1), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) + 1)); }; v2.attackAction1 = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'shoot', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果'); }; v2.attackAction2 = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 8, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.come_out(); return v2; } function enemysAction28(who, frame, x, y, beat_all, moves, exist) { if (exist or rollrock_exist) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 15, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.move_speed = -3; v2.beat_count = 0; v2.frame = frame; v2.no_score = true; if (frame == 'rock1') { v2.can_move_targeter = 2; } else { if (frame == 'rock2') { v2.can_move_targeter = 0.5; } } delete rollrock_exist; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop(this.frame); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); }; }; v2.move_me = function (temp_speed) { if (this.frame == 'rock1') { rollrock_exist = true; } this.beat_count = 0; this.temp_speed = temp_speed % 5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.temp_speed += 0.15; enemy_move(this, this.temp_speed, 0); if ( != undefined) { += this.temp_speed; shake_screen(); } var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (v2 < -300 or v2 > 690) { if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { var v2 = 2 * much * Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x + 0.005) / (this._x - this.targeter._x + 0.005); if ( != undefined) { += v2; } this.beat_count += much; if (this.beat_count < beat_all) { enemy_move(this, v2, 0); } else { this.move_me(v2); delete this.to_die; } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } } function enemysAction29(who, x, y, speed, target_pos, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 25, xscale); v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.move_speed = speed;; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if ( == -100) { = 100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if ( == 100) { = -100; } } } }; v2.come = function () { play_soundAction('卡车开动', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.w1._rotation += 60; this.w2._rotation += 60; enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); this.turn(); if (!this.car_moving) { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (this.move_speed > 0 and v2 > target_pos) { this.car_moving = 1; } else { if (this.move_speed < 0 and v2 < target_pos) { this.car_moving = 1; } } } else { if (this.move_speed >= Math.abs(speed)) { this.car_moving = -0.25;'shoot'); = function () { if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('idle'); } }; } else { if (this.move_speed <= -Math.abs(speed)) { this.car_moving = 0.25; } } this.move_speed += this.car_moving; if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < -100) { if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; }; = v2.targeter; = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = 0; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = 180; } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 10, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood_mc == undefined) { this.attachMovie('小刀砍人_效果', 'blood_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 0, '_y': -65}); } shot_shine(this, 'pink', 1); if (this.blood <= 0) { this.g.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.g.removeMovieClip(); = false; delete; if (how == 'elec') { enemy_elec(;'blast'); play_soundAction('敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), false); } else { if (how == 'blow') {'blast'); play_soundAction('敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), false); } else { if (how == 'fly') {'die'); play_soundAction('敌兵死亡02', false); } else {'die'); play_soundAction('敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1), false); } } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.move_speed > -10) { this.move_speed -= 0.5; } enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < -50) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } }; v2.come(); return v2; } function enemysAction30(who, x, y, come, xscale, posx) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 40, xscale); v2.speed = -7 - game_diff_level; v2.come = come; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.come_out = function () { if (this.come == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('come1'); this.move_speed = -5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if (this._xscale > 0 and (get_map_point(this))[0] < posx) { this.leave(); } else { if (this._xscale < 0 and (get_map_point(this))[0] > posx) { this.leave(); } } } }; } else { if (this.come == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if (this._xscale > 0 and (get_map_point(this))[0] < posx) { this.stand(); } else { if (this._xscale < 0 and (get_map_point(this))[0] > posx) { this.stand(); } } } }; } } }; v2.leave = function () { this.gotoAndStop('come2'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.stand = function () { if (random(2)) { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { if ( == { this['move_me' + (random(3) + 1)](); } } }; } else { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.move_speed = this.speed / 2; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if ( == { this['move_me' + (random(3) + 1)](); } } }; } }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.move_me1 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('attack1'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.move_me2 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, 0, -15)) { this.stand(); return undefined; } }; } }; v2.move_me3 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if ( == { this.stand(); return undefined; } if (!random(60)) { this.move_me2(); return undefined; } var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 45) { this.gotoAndStop('attack3'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die', 'die', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1)); }; v2.shootAction1 = function () { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = 180; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = 0; } } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 6, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.shootAction2 = function (xspeed, yspeed) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_飞镖', '小刀出刀', '小刀04', false, 0, -xspeed, yspeed, temp_dir, 5); } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_飞镖', '小刀出刀', '小刀04', false, 0, xspeed, yspeed, temp_dir, 5); } } v2.land_angle = true; v2.rotate_me = 60; }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 8, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.come_out(); return v2; } function enemysAction31(who, x, y, states, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 5, xscale); v2.states = states; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.gottcha = false; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.attach_shooter = function () { var v4 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.attachMovie('敌人_狙击镜', 'enemy_shoot' + v4, v4, {'_x': this._x, '_y': this._y}); v2.targeter = this.targeter; v2.mother = this; this.child = v2; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = 0; if (Math.abs(this.targeter._x - this._x) > 5) { this._x += (this.targeter._x - this._x) / (30 - game_diff_level * 5); } else { ++v2; } if (Math.abs(this.targeter._y - this._y) > 5) { this._y += (this.targeter._y - this._y) / (30 - game_diff_level * 5); } else { ++v2; } if (v2 == 2) { this.mother.gottcha = true; } else { this.mother.gottcha = false; } if (this.mother._x == undefined) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.fired_shooter = function () { this.child.gotoAndStop('fired'); delete this.child.onEnterFrame; this.gottcha = false; }; v2.remove_shooter = function () { this.child.removeMovieClip(); this.gottcha = false; }; v2.stand = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); this.turn(); var v3 = get_map_point(this); var v2 = Math.atan2(this.targeter._y - this._y, this.targeter._x - this._x) / 0.01745; if (this.states == 'crouch') { if (v2 > 90) { v2 = 180 - v2; } if (v2 < 15) { this.gotoAndStop('c_shoot1'); } else { if (v2 >= 15 and v2 < 45) { this.gotoAndStop('c_shoot2'); } else { if (v2 >= 45 and v2 < 75) { this.gotoAndStop('c_shoot3'); } else { if (v2 >= 75) { this.gotoAndStop('c_shoot4'); } } } } } else { if (this.states == 'grovel') { this.gotoAndStop('g_shoot1'); } } if (this.gottcha) {; this.fired_shooter(); this.attach_shooter(); } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { if (enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die', 'die', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) * 2 + 2), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1))) { this.remove_shooter(); } }; v2.shootAction = function (dir) { play_soundAction('轻型枪械4', false); play_soundAction('中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false); player_die(this.targeter, 'shoot', 5); }; v2.stand(); v2.attach_shooter(); return v2; } function enemysAction32(who, x, y, come, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 400, xscale); v2.speed = -8 - game_diff_level; v2.come = come; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.angry = false; v2.laugh = false; v2.color_red = [1.62427778627887, 0.31279448895884, -0.937072275237711, 0, 0, -0.359370480911562, 1.14599275614927, 0.213377724762289, 0, 0, 0.524129519088438, -1.04570551104116, 1.52157599195272, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.come_out = function () { if (this.come == 0) { this.gotoAndStop('come');; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ((get_map_point(this))[0] <= 460) {; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; } else { if (this.come == -1) { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x); if (this.hit_area) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - 295) < 265) { if (!random(15) or v2 < 40) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } this.turn(); } } } }; } } }; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand1'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { if ( == { if (this.angry and !this.laugh) { this.laughAction(); } else { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 <= 40) { if (random(3)) { this.move_me1(); } else { this.move_me5(); } } else { this['move_me' + (random(5) + 2)](); } } } } }; }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.laughAction = function () { this.gotoAndStop('laugh'); change_color(this, this.color_red); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.laugh = true; this.stand(); } }; }; v2.move_me1 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('attack1'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.move_me2 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if ( == { this.stand(); return undefined; } if (!random(30)) { this.move_me3(); } else { if (!random(30)) { this.move_me5(); } else { if (!random(30)) { this.move_me6(); } } } } }; }; v2.move_me3 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('jump'); this.move_speed = this.speed * 1.5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, -13)) { this.stand(); return undefined; } if (!random(30)) { delete this.yspeed; this.move_me5(); } else { if (!random(30)) { delete this.yspeed; this.move_me6(); } } }; }; v2.move_me4 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); play_soundAction('功夫_波动拳', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.move_me5 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('attack4_1'); play_soundAction('功夫_旋风腿', false); shake_screen(); if (!this.angry) { this.move_speed = this.speed; this.y_speed = 0; } else { this.move_speed = this.speed * 2; this.y_speed = -10 - random(5); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, this.y_speed); if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('attack4_2'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; }; v2.move_me6 = function () { this.gotoAndStop('attack3'); play_soundAction('功夫_升龙拳', false); shake_screen(); this.move_speed = this.speed * 2; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( > 7) { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, -15)) { this.stand(); } } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { if (enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'die', 'die', 'die', 'die', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) + 1), '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) + 1), '敌兵死亡02', '敌兵死亡0' + (random(2) + 1))) { change_color(this, NM_ColorMatrix); } else { if (this.blood < get_enemy_blood(200)) { this.angry = true; } } if (this.healthbar != undefined) { this.healthbar.check_health(this.blood, this.org_blood); } }; v2.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = -(dir + 180); } } (enemy_shootAction(this, '冲击波', '必杀音效1', '手雷爆炸', 5, 5, 0, 0, v2, 12)).shoot_angle = true; }; v2.attackAction = function () { if (enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'shoot', 15, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果')) { shake_screen(); } }; v2.come_out(); return v2; } function enemysAction33(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 5, xscale); v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.attacked = 0; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand');; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.attacked == 0) { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (v2[0] > 20 and v2[0] < 570) { if (enemy_killAction(this.hit, this.targeter, 'kill', 3, '吸血草_攻击', '小刀砍人_效果')) { this.attacked = 1; this.attack(); } } } }; }; v2.back = function () { this.gotoAndStop('back'); if (this.attacked) { this.attacked = 0; this.targeter.caught = false; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.attack = function () {; this.targeter.caught = true; this.targeter.xspeed = 0; this.targeter.yspeed = 0; gotoFrame(this.targeter, 'down', 'stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.targeter._x += (this._x - this.targeter._x) / 5; if ( == { if (this.attacked == 1 + game_diff_level) { this.back(); } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack_count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (++this.attack_count == 75) { this.attack_count = 0; enemy_killAction(this.g, this.targeter, 'kill', 3, '吸血草_攻击', '小刀砍人_效果'); shot_shine(this, 'red', 2); if (++this.attacked >= 1 + game_diff_level) { this.back(); } } }; } } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; var v2 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = main.attachMovie('小刀砍人_效果', 'attack_effect' + v2, v2, {'_x': (get_shoot_point(this))[0], '_y': (get_shoot_point(this))[1] - 10}); v3._xscale = this._xscale; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; if (this.attacked) { this.targeter.caught = false; } this.gotoAndStop('die'); play_soundAction('吸血草_死亡', false); delete this.onEnterFrame; if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction34(who, x, y, color) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 5, xscale); v2.speed = -4 - random(3); v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.in_air = true; always_shine(v2, color); v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if ( { if (!random(20 - game_diff_level * 5)) { this.move_me(); } } }; }; v2.move_me = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('move'); if (!random(3)) { play_soundAction('蚊虫1', false); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); enemy_move(this, this.speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); if ( == { this.stand(); return undefined; } var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 50) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); play_soundAction('蚊虫1', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; } }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'die', 'die', 'die', 'die', '蚊虫2', '蚊虫2', '蚊虫2', '蚊虫2'); }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 5, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction35(who, x, y, moves, states, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 30, xscale); v2.speed = -7 - game_diff_level; v2.moves = moves; v2.states = states; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.attacking = false; v2.can_jump = true; v2.have_startAction = true; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 1) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 1) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.startAction = function () { this.turn(); if (!this.attacking) { if (this.states == 'land') { this.move_me1(); } else { if (this.states == 'water') { this.move_me2(); } } } }; v2.stand = function () { this.attacking = false; if (this.states == 'land') { if (this.moves >= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('stand1_' + (random(2) + 1)); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 250 and this._xscale * (this._x - this.targeter._x) >= 0) { this.moves = 1; this.move_me1(); } else { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 0) { this.startAction(); } } } }; } else { this.move_me1(); } } else { if (this.states == 'water') { this.in_water = true; this.gotoAndStop('move2'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( { this.xspeed = -(random(3) + 3) * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale; this.yspeed = 0; if (this._x + this.xspeed > this.min_area_x and this._x + this.xspeed < this.max_area_x) { this._x += this.xspeed; } else { this._xscale *= -1; } var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (v2 < 150 and this._xscale * (this._x - this.targeter._x) >= 0) { this.move_me2(); } else { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 0) { this.startAction(); } } } }; } } }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.move_me1 = function () { this.attacking = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (this._xscale * (this._x - this.targeter._x) >= 0) { if (v2 <= 70) { this.gotoAndStop('move1_2'); this.move_speed = this.speed; enemy_move(this, -this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); } else { if (v2 > 70 and v2 < 120) { this.gotoAndStop('attack1'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } else { this.gotoAndStop('move1_1'); this.move_speed = this.speed; enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); } } } else { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } }; }; v2.move_me2 = function () { this.attacking = true; this.still_count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v4 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); if (this._xscale * (this._x - this.targeter._x) >= 0) { if (v4 > 70 and v4 <= 120 and Math.abs(this.targeter._y - this._y) < 30) { this.gotoAndStop('attack2'); this.still_count = random(35); } else { if ( == { if (random(2)) { this.gotoAndStop('move2'); } else { this.stand(); return undefined; } } if (--this.still_count < 0) { var v3 = this.targeter._x - (this._x - 95 * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale); if (Math.abs(v3) > 12) { this.xspeed = 6 * Math.abs(v3) / v3; } var v2 = this.targeter._y - this._y; if (Math.abs(v2) > 8) { this.yspeed = 4 * Math.abs(v2) / v2; } } } if (this._x + this.xspeed > this.min_area_x and this._x + this.xspeed < this.max_area_x) { this._x += this.xspeed; } if (this._y + this.yspeed > this.min_area_y and this._y + this.yspeed < this.max_area_y) { this._y += this.yspeed; } this.xspeed = Math.round(this.xspeed * 95) / 100; this.yspeed = Math.round(this.yspeed * 95) / 100; } else { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.startAction(); enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'die', 'die', 'die', 'die', '鳄鱼1', '鳄鱼1', '鳄鱼1', '鳄鱼1'); }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 12, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction36(who, typ, x, y, blood) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, blood, xscale); v2.typ = typ; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand' + this.typ); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; if (this.typ == 1) { play_soundAction('玻璃破碎', false); } else { if (this.typ == 2) { play_soundAction('重型枪械5', false); } } this.gotoAndStop('die' + this.typ); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.attackAction = function () { if (enemy_killAction(this.hit, this.targeter, 'shoot', 20, '重型枪械5', '小刀砍金属_效果')) { something_elec(this.targeter); shake_screen(); } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction37(who, type, x, y, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 0, xscale); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.type = type; v2.no_score = true; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand' + this.type); }; v2.move_me = function (much) { this['move_me' + this.type](much); }; v2.move_over = function () { delete this.move_me; delete this.onEnterFrame; shake_screen(); this.overAction(); }; v2.move_me1 = function (power) { this.no_absorb = true; this.no_damage = true; this.can_move_targeter = 1; this.move_power = power; if (this.onEnterFrame == undefined) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.move_power > 0) { if (this.step._x > -200) { this.step._x -= 2; this.g._x -= 2; } else { this.step._x = -200; this.g._x = -190; this.move_over(); } enemy_move_things(this, this.targeter, -2, false); } else { if (this.move_power < -15) { if (this.step._x < 0) { this.step._x += 2; this.g._x += 2; } else { this.step._x = 0; this.g._x = 10; } enemy_move_things(this, this.targeter, 2, false); } } --this.move_power; }; } }; v2.move_me2 = function (power) { this.move_power = power; if (this.onEnterFrame == undefined) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.move_power > 0) { if (this.step._x > -70) { this.step._x -= 1; } else { this.step._x = -70; this.move_over(); } } else { if (this.move_power < -15) { if (this.step._x < 0) { this.step._x += 1 + game_diff_level; } else { this.step._x = 0; } } } --this.move_power; }; } }; v2.move_me7 = function (power) { if (this.onEnterFrame == undefined) { shake_screen(); this.can_move_targeter = 1; this.move_speed = (1 + game_diff_level) / 2; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.beat_count <= 0) { if ((get_map_point(this))[0] < 375) { enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); } } else { --this.beat_count; } if (enemy_killAction(this.g, this.targeter, 'kill', 25, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果')) { shake_screen(); } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) {; if (this.child != undefined) { this.child.move_me(much); } if (this.sting != undefined) { this.sting.move_me(much); } if (this.can_move_targeter) { this.beat_count = 20; enemy_move(this, -much, 0); } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction38(who, x, y, typ) { var v7 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 100, 100); v7.enemy_type = 2; v7.no_score = true; v7.stand1 = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe > 28 and this._currentframe < 50) { if (enemy_killAction(this.killer, this.targeter, 'shoot', 15, '重型枪械5', '小刀砍人_效果')) { something_elec(this.targeter); shake_screen(); } } else { if (this._currentframe == 50) { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } } }; }; v7.stand2 = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe > 28 and this._currentframe < 50) { var v3 = get_map_point(this.point1); var v6 = get_map_point(this.point2); var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= 5) { var v5 = v3[0] + (v6[0] - v3[0]) * v2 / 5; var v4 = v3[1] + (v6[1] - v3[1]) * v2 / 5; if (this.targeter.g.hitTest(v5, v4, true)) { if (player_die(this.targeter, 'shoot', 15)) { play_soundAction('重型枪械5', false); something_elec(this.targeter); shake_screen(); } break; } ++v2; } } else { if (this._currentframe == 50) { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } } }; }; v7.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop('die'); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v7['stand' + typ](); return v7; } function enemysAction39(who, x, y, start_shoot, xscale) { var v3 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 30, xscale); v3.enemy_type = 2; v3.can_jump = true; v3.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.shoot_count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (player_shooting or start_shoot) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (++this.shoot_count == 50 - game_diff_level * 10) { this.shoot_count = 0;; this.shootAction(); } }; } }; }; v3.shootAction = function () { play_soundAction('中型枪械5', false); var v4 = main.enemies.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.enemies.attachMovie('敌人_爆炸球', 'enemy_shoot' + v4, v4); v2.blood = get_enemy_blood(5); v2.no_score = true; v2._x = (get_shoot_point([0]; v2._y = (get_shoot_point([1]; v2.targeter = this.targeter; v2.xspeed = -2 * this._xscale / 100; v2.power = 12; = true; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.xspeed *= -1; }; v2.get_explode = function () { this.gotoAndStop('hit'); delete this.onEnterFrame; play_soundAction('手雷爆炸', false); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { this.get_explode(); } }; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) < 200) { enemy_move(this, this.xspeed, 0); this.g._rotation += this.xspeed * 5; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return undefined; } if (this.targeter.g.hitTest(this.g)) { player_die(this.targeter, 'shoot', this.power); this.get_explode(); } }; }; v3.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop('die'); play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(this); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v3.stand(); return v3; } function enemysAction40(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 800, xscale); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.xspeed = 0; v2.yspeed = 0; v2.target_x = x; v2.target_y = y; v2.move_count = 0; v2.in_air = true; v2.angry = 1; v2.animaitoner1 = function (frame1, frame2) { if (this._currentframe == frame2) { this.gotoAndPlay(frame1); return true; } return false; }; v2.animaitoner2 = function (frame) { if (this._currentframe == frame) { return true; } return false; }; v2.moveAction = function (where) { var v3 = this.target_x - (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (Math.abs(v3) < 30) { this.xspeed = Math.round(this.xspeed * 95) / 1000; } else { this.xspeed = this.angry * 3 * Math.abs(v3) / v3; } var v2 = this.target_y - (get_map_point(this))[1]; if (Math.abs(v2) < 30) { this.yspeed = Math.round(this.yspeed * 975) / 1000; } else { this.yspeed = this.angry * 3 * Math.abs(v2) / v2; } this._x += this.xspeed + active_object_speed; this._y += this.yspeed; if (++this.move_count == 50) { this.move_count = 0; this.get_next_pos(where); } }; v2.get_next_pos = function (where) { if (where == 1) { this.target_x = 210 + random(160); if (this.angry == 1) { this.target_y = 65 + random(20); } else { if (this.angry == 2) { this.target_y = 160 + random(20); } } } else { if (where == 2) { this.target_x = 210 + random(160); this.target_y = -10 + random(20); } else { if (where == 3) { this.target_x = 245 + random(90); this.target_y = 180 + random(20); } else { if (where == 4) { this.target_x = (get_map_point(this.targeter))[0] + 100; this.target_y = 140 + random(20); } else { if (where == 5) { this.target_x = (get_map_point(this.targeter))[0] - 75; this.target_y = 140 + random(20); } } } } } }; v2.move_me = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('stand'); this.get_next_pos(1); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner1(1, 30)) { this.select_attack(); return undefined; } this.moveAction(1); }; }; v2.select_attack = function () { if (this.blood > get_enemy_blood(300)) { if (random(2)) { this.shoot1(); } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x) { this.attack1(); } else { this.attack2(); } } } else { if (random(3)) { this.move_me(); } else { if (random(3)) { this.shoot2(); } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x) { this.attack1(); } else { this.attack2(); } } } } }; v2.shoot1 = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); this.get_next_pos(2); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner2(124)) { this.move_me(); return undefined; } this.moveAction(2); }; }; v2.shoot2 = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('stand'); this.get_next_pos(3); this.shoot_count = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner1(1, 30)) { if (++this.shoot_count == 3) { this.move_me(); return undefined; } } this.moveAction(3); }; }; v2.attack1 = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('attack1'); this.get_next_pos(4); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner2(164)) { this.move_me(); return undefined; } this.moveAction(4); }; }; v2.attack2 = function () { this.gotoAndPlay('attack2'); this.get_next_pos(5); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.animaitoner2(204)) { this.move_me(); return undefined; } this.moveAction(5); }; }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.healthbar != undefined) { this.healthbar.check_health(this.blood, this.org_blood); } if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('die'); shake_screen(); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } else { if (!random(3)) { if (this.angry == 1) { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } else { if (this.angry == 2) { shot_shine(this, 'red', 1); } } } if (this.blood < get_enemy_blood(300)) { this.angry = 2; } } }; v2.machinegun = function (where, dir) { play_soundAction('轻型枪械3', false); enemy_shootAction(where, '敌人_枪械子弹', undefined, '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, dir - 4, 5); enemy_shootAction(where, '敌人_枪械子弹', undefined, '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 6, 0, 0, dir, 5); enemy_shootAction(where, '敌人_枪械子弹', undefined, '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, dir + 4, 5); }; v2.backcanon1 = function (where, dir) { if (this.angry == 2) { play_soundAction('中型枪械5', false); var v2 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_爆炸球', undefined, '手雷爆炸', 3, 0, dir * (random(4) + 1), -3, 0, 15); var v3 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v4 = main.attachMovie('主角_导弹烟雾', 'BOSS_导弹烟雾' + v3, v3, {'_x': v2._x, '_y': v2._y}); v4._xscale = 100 * Math.abs(xspeed) / xspeed; } }; v2.backcanon2 = function (where) { if (this.angry == 2) { play_soundAction('坦克射击', false); var v2 = enemy_shootAction(this, '坦克_炮弹', undefined, '手雷爆炸', false, 4, 0, 0, 70, 8 + random(5)); var v5 = enemy_shootAction(this, '坦克_炮弹', undefined, '手雷爆炸', false, 4, 0, 0, 90, 8 + random(5)); var v6 = enemy_shootAction(this, '坦克_炮弹', undefined, '手雷爆炸', false, 4, 0, 0, 110, 8 + random(5)); var v3 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v4 = main.attachMovie('主角_导弹烟雾', 'BOSS_导弹烟雾' + v3, v3, {'_x': v2._x, '_y': v2._y}); v4._rotation = 90; } }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(this.killer, this.targeter, 'shoot', 15, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果'); }; v2.move_me(); return v2; } function enemysAction41(who, x, y, blood, which) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, blood, 100); v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.definite = true; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand' + which); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; this.gotoAndStop('die'); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction42(who, x, y, moves, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 8, xscale); v2.speed = -6 - game_diff_level; v2.moves = moves; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.stand = function () { if (this.moves >= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); if (!random(10)) { play_soundAction('小鬼_站立', false); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); this.turn(); if (v2 >= 590) { this.move_me(); } else { if (v2 > 40 and v2 < 590) { if (!random(25 - game_diff_level * 5)) { this.shoot(); } else { if (!random(30)) { this.move_me(); } } } else { if (v2 <= 40) { this.attack(); } } } } }; } else { this.move_me(); } }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.attack = function () { this.gotoAndStop('kill'); play_soundAction('小鬼_攻击', false); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; }; v2.move_me = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { if (this.moves > 0) { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if (!random(40) or this.hit_area) { this.stand(); } else { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (this._xscale < 0 and v2 > 570 or this._xscale > 0 and v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x) < 40) { this.stand(); } } } } }; } else { if (this.moves < 0) { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x); if (this.hit_area) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - 295) < 265) { if (!random(15) or v2 < 40) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } this.turn(); } } } }; } } } }; v2.shoot = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) < 200) { this.gotoAndStop('shoot'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die', 'die', '小鬼_死亡', '小鬼_死亡', '小鬼_死亡', '小鬼_死亡'); }; v2.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v3 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v3 = -(dir + 180); } } var v2 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_标枪', '小刀出刀', '小刀04', false, 0, -12 * (this._xscale / 100), -4, v3, 5); v2.land_angle = true; v2.rotate_me = -this._xscale / 100; }; v2.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'kill', 8, '小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), '小刀砍人_效果'); }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction43(who, x, y, moves, xscale) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 6, xscale); v2.speed = -6 - game_diff_level; v2.moves = moves; v2.enemy_type = 1; v2.can_jump = true; v2.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v2.stand = function () { if (this.moves >= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); if (!random(10)) { play_soundAction('小鬼_站立', false); } this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { var v2 = get_distance(this, this.targeter); this.turn(); if (v2 >= 590) { this.move_me(); } else { if (v2 > 100 and v2 < 590) { if (!random(20 - game_diff_level * 5)) { this.shoot(); } else { if (!random(80)) { this.move_me(); } } } else { if (v2 <= 100) { this.run_away(); } } } } }; } else { this.move_me(); } }; v2.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v2.move_me = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { if (this.moves > 0) { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { if (!random(40) or this.hit_area) { this.stand(); } else { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (this._xscale < 0 and v2 > 570 or this._xscale > 0 and v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x) < 100) { this.stand(); } } } } }; } else { if (this.moves < 0) { this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.move_speed = this.speed; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0)) { var v2 = Math.abs(this._x - this.targeter._x); if (this.hit_area) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } else { if (Math.abs((get_map_point(this))[0] - 295) < 265) { if (!random(15) or v2 < 100) { this.moves = Math.abs(this.moves); this.stand(); } this.turn(); } } } }; } } } }; v2.run_away = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } this.gotoAndStop('move'); this.flee = true; this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_move(this, this.speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, 0); if (!random(25)) { this.stand(); } else { var v2 = (get_map_point(this))[0]; if (this._xscale < 0 and v2 > 570 or this._xscale > 0 and v2 < 20) { this.stand(); } } }; }; v2.shoot = function () { var v2 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v2[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v2[1] - 200) < 200) { this.gotoAndStop('shoot'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die', 'die', '小鬼_死亡', '小鬼_死亡', '小鬼_死亡', '小鬼_死亡'); }; v2.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = -(dir + 180); } } var v4 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_吹镖', '小鬼_吹箭', '小刀04', false, 7, 0, 0, v2, 5); }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction44(who, x, y, xscale) { var v3 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 150, xscale); v3.speed = -6 - game_diff_level; v3.enemy_type = 1; v3.can_jump = true; v3.child_all = 15 + game_diff_level * 10; v3.child_now = 0; v3.turn = function () { if (this._x < this.targeter._x - 5) { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } } else { if (this._x > this.targeter._x + 5) { if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } } } }; v3.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); enemy_check_ground(this); if ( { if ( == { this['move_me' + (random(3) + 1)](); } } }; }; v3.get_blocked = function () { this.stand(); }; v3.move_me1 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('kill'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v3.move_me2 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('shoot'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { enemy_check_ground(this); if ( == { this.stand(); } }; } }; v3.move_me3 = function () { if (!this.hit_area) { this.gotoAndStop('jump'); this.move_speed = this.speed * 1.25; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.turn(); if (enemy_move(this, this.move_speed * Math.abs(this._xscale) / this._xscale, -15)) { this.stand(); } }; } }; v3.summon = function () { if (this.child_all > 0) { if (this.child_now < 3 + game_diff_level) { --this.child_all; ++this.child_now; var v3 = random(4); if (v3 == 0) { var v4 = _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', -_root.main._x, this._y, 1, 100); } else { if (v3 == 1) { var v4 = _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', -_root.main._x + 590, this._y, 1, -100); } else { if (v3 == 2) { var v4 = _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', -_root.main._x, this._y, 1, 100); } else { if (v3 == 3) { var v4 = _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', -_root.main._x + 590, this._y, 1, -100); } } } } v4.no_score = true; v4.mother = this; v4.dieEvents = function () { --this.mother.child_now; }; } } }; v3.to_die = function (how, much) { enemy_mankind_die(this, how, much, 'blast', 'blast', 'die', 'die', '小鬼_长老_死亡', '小鬼_长老_死亡', '小鬼_长老_死亡', '小鬼_长老_死亡'); }; v3.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (this._xscale == 100) { var v2 = dir; } else { if (this._xscale == -100) { var v2 = -(dir + 180); } } var v4 = enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_长老面具', '必杀音效2', '导弹爆炸', false, 10, 0, 0, v2, 15); }; v3.attackAction = function () { enemy_killAction(, this.targeter, 'shoot', 8, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果'); this.summon(); }; v3.stand(); return v3; } function enemysAction45(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 400, 100); v2.g1.blood = v2.blood * 0.7; v2.g4.blood = v2.blood * 0.1; v2.g3.blood = v2.g4.blood; v2.g2.blood = v2.g4.blood; v2.g4.active_moved = true; v2.g3.active_moved = v2.g4.active_moved; v2.g2.active_moved = v2.g4.active_moved; v2.g1.active_moved = v2.g4.active_moved; v2.g4.targeter = v2.targeter; v2.g3.targeter = v2.g4.targeter; v2.g2.targeter = v2.g4.targeter; v2.g1.targeter = v2.g4.targeter; v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.get_pos = false; enemy_shake(v2, 0.5, 1, true); v2.no_absorb = true; v2.no_damage = true; v2.stand = function () { this.enemy_parts = 4; this.g_broken = 0; this.gotoAndStop('stand');'normal'); this.g2.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.g3.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.g4.gotoAndStop('stand'); = true; = true; = true; = true; this.yspeed = -6; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.get_pos) { if ((get_map_point(this))[1] > 290) { this.get_pos = true; delete this.no_absorb; delete this.no_damage; shot_shine(this, 'yellow', 1); } } else { if (this.yspeed > -10) { this.yspeed -= 0.5; } else { this.yspeed = -10; } } this._y += this.yspeed; if (this.get_pos) { this.check_canon_attack(this.g1); this.check_man_attack(this.g2); this.check_man_attack(this.g3); this.check_man_attack(this.g4); } }; }; v2.check_canon_attack = function (which) { if ( { if (which._currentframe == 1) { if (!random(80 - game_diff_level * 20)) {; } } } }; v2.check_man_attack = function (which) { if ( { if (which._currentframe == 1) { if (!random(40 - game_diff_level * 10)) { if (random(2)) { which.gotoAndStop('s_shoot1'); } else { which.gotoAndStop('s_throw'); } which.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } } } }; v2.g1.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { play_soundAction('大爆炸', false);'die'); this._name += '_broken'; = false; this._parent.to_die1(); } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.g1.shootAction = function () { var v2 = enemy_shootAction(this, '追踪导弹', '重型枪械1', '导弹爆炸', 5, 0, -3, 3, 180, 12); v2.tracer = true; v2.accelerate = true; }; v2.g4.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood_mc == undefined) { this.attachMovie('小刀砍人_效果', 'blood_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 0, '_y': -who.g._height / 2}); } shot_shine(this, 'pink', 1); if (this.blood <= 0) { play_soundAction('敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1), false); delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndStop('die' + (random(3) + 1)); this._name += '_broken'; = false; this._parent.to_die1(); } }; v2.g3.to_die = v2.g4.to_die; v2.g2.to_die = v2.g4.to_die; v2.g4.shootAction = function (what, dir) { if (what == '敌人_枪械子弹') { enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_枪械子弹', '轻型枪械3', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), false, 5, 0, 0, dir, 5); } else { if (what == '敌人_手雷') { var v2 = ((get_map_point(this.targeter))[0] - (get_map_point(this))[0]) / 45; v2 *= 0.9 + Math.random() / 10; if (Math.abs(v2) > 8 + game_diff_level * 2) { v2 = (8 + game_diff_level * 2) * Math.abs(v2) / v2; } (enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_手雷', undefined, '手雷爆炸', false, 0, v2, -7, 0, 5)).rotate_me = 15; } } }; v2.g3.shootAction = v2.g4.shootAction; v2.g2.shootAction = v2.g4.shootAction; v2.to_die1 = function () { ++this.g_broken; if (this.g_broken >= this.enemy_parts) { this.blood = this.org_blood / 2; delete this.enemy_parts; delete this.g_broken; this.g1_broken._name = 'g1'; = true; } }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); this.gotoAndStop('die'); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } else { if (!random(2)) { shot_shine(this, 'red', 1); } } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction46(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 600, 100); v2.g1.blood = v2.blood * 0.4; v2.g4.blood = v2.blood * 0.2; v2.g3.blood = v2.g4.blood; v2.g2.blood = v2.g4.blood; v2.g4.active_moved = true; v2.g3.active_moved = v2.g4.active_moved; v2.g2.active_moved = v2.g4.active_moved; v2.g1.active_moved = v2.g4.active_moved; v2.g4.targeter = v2.targeter; v2.g3.targeter = v2.g4.targeter; v2.g2.targeter = v2.g4.targeter; = v2.g4.targeter; v2.g1.targeter = v2.g4.targeter; v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.get_pos = false; enemy_shake(v2, 0.5, 1, true); v2.enemy_parts = 4; v2.g_broken = 0; v2.no_absorb = true; v2.no_damage = true; v2.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.g1.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.g2.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.g3.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.g4.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.m1.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.m2.gotoAndStop('stand1'); this.m3.gotoAndStop('stand1'); = true; = true; = true; = true; this.yspeed = -6; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.get_pos) { if ((get_map_point(this))[1] > 290) { this.get_pos = true; delete this.no_absorb; delete this.no_damage; shot_shine(this, 'yellow', 1); } } else { if (this.yspeed > -10) { this.yspeed -= 0.5; } else { this.yspeed = -10; } } this._y += this.yspeed; if (this.get_pos) { this.check_canon_attack(this.g1); this.check_gun_attack(this.g2); this.check_gun_attack(this.g3); this.check_gun_attack(this.g4); } }; }; v2.check_canon_attack = function (which) { if ( { if ( == 1) { if (!random(80 - game_diff_level * 15)) { this.m1.gotoAndStop('s_kill'); play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); this.m1.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 20) { this._parent.m2.gotoAndStop('shocked'); play_soundAction('士兵受惊', false); this._parent.m2.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('stand1'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; this._parent.m3.gotoAndStop('idle2'); this._parent.m3.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('stand1'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { if ( == {; play_soundAction('激光炮', false); = function () { if (enemy_killAction(this, this.targeter, 'shoot', 15, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果')) { shake_screen(); } if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; this.gotoAndStop('stand'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } } } }; v2.check_gun_attack = function (which) { if ( { if ( == 1) { if (!random(100 - game_diff_level * 20)) {; } } } }; v2.g4.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); if (this._name == 'g1') { play_soundAction('敌兵死亡04', false); delete this._parent.m1.onEnterFrame; delete this._parent.m2.onEnterFrame; delete this._parent.m3.onEnterFrame; this._parent.m1.gotoAndStop('die'); this._parent.m2.gotoAndStop('die1'); this._parent.m3.gotoAndStop('die3'); } this.gotoAndStop('die'); this._name += '_broken'; = false; this._parent.to_die(); } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.g3.to_die = v2.g4.to_die; v2.g2.to_die = v2.g4.to_die; v2.g1.to_die = v2.g4.to_die; v2.g4.shootAction = function (py) { this.point._y = py; (enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_火箭_子弹', '重型枪械4', '中弹' + (random(2) + 1), 3, 0, -5 - random(5), -(5 + random(5)), 0, 5)).rotate_me = 40; }; v2.g3.shootAction = v2.g4.shootAction; v2.g2.shootAction = v2.g4.shootAction; v2.to_die = function () { ++this.g_broken; if (this.g_broken >= this.enemy_parts) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); this.gotoAndStop('die'); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } }; v2.stand(); return v2; } function enemysAction47(who, x, y) { var v2 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 1000, 100); v2.g6.blood = v2.blood * 0.1; v2.g5.blood = v2.g6.blood; v2.g4.blood = v2.g6.blood; v2.g3.blood = v2.g6.blood; v2.g2.blood = v2.g6.blood; v2.g1.blood = v2.g6.blood; v2.r4.blood = v2.blood * 0.1; v2.r3.blood = v2.r4.blood; v2.r2.blood = v2.r4.blood; v2.r1.blood = v2.r4.blood; v2.g6.active_moved = true; v2.g5.active_moved = v2.g6.active_moved; v2.g4.active_moved = v2.g6.active_moved; v2.g3.active_moved = v2.g6.active_moved; v2.g2.active_moved = v2.g6.active_moved; v2.g1.active_moved = v2.g6.active_moved; v2.r4.active_moved = true; v2.r3.active_moved = v2.r4.active_moved; v2.r2.active_moved = v2.r4.active_moved; v2.r1.active_moved = v2.r4.active_moved; v2.g6.targeter = v2.targeter; v2.g5.targeter = v2.g6.targeter; v2.g4.targeter = v2.g6.targeter; v2.g3.targeter = v2.g6.targeter; v2.g2.targeter = v2.g6.targeter; v2.g1.targeter = v2.g6.targeter; v2.r4.targeter = v2.targeter; v2.r3.targeter = v2.r4.targeter; v2.r2.targeter = v2.r4.targeter; v2.r1.targeter = v2.r4.targeter; v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.get_pos = false; enemy_shake(v2, 0.5, 1, true); v2.active_moved = true; v2.no_absorb = true; v2.no_damage = true; v2.stand1 = function () { this.enemy_parts = 6; this.g_broken = 0; this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.g1.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.g2.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.g3.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.g4.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.g5.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.g6.gotoAndStop('normal'); = true; = true; = true; = true; = true; = true; this.r1.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.r2.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.r3.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.r4.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.yspeed = -6; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.get_pos) { if ((get_map_point(this))[1] > 290) { this.get_pos = true; delete this.no_absorb; delete this.no_damage; shot_shine(this, 'yellow', 1); } } else { if (this.yspeed > -10) { this.yspeed -= 0.5; } else { this.yspeed = -10; } } this._y += this.yspeed; if (this.get_pos) { this.check_canon1_attack(this.g1); this.check_canon1_attack(this.g2); this.check_canon1_attack(this.g3); this.check_canon2_attack(this.g4); this.check_canon2_attack(this.g5); this.check_canon2_attack(this.g6); } }; }; v2.check_canon1_attack = function (which) { if ( { if ( == 1) { if (!random(150 - game_diff_level * 25)) {; } } } }; v2.check_canon2_attack = function (which) { if ( { if ( == 1) { if (!random(200 - game_diff_level * 30)) {; } } } }; v2.g6.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); this.gotoAndStop('die'); this._name += '_broken1'; = false; this._parent.to_die1(); } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.g5.to_die = v2.g6.to_die; v2.g4.to_die = v2.g6.to_die; v2.g3.to_die = v2.g6.to_die; v2.g2.to_die = v2.g6.to_die; v2.g1.to_die = v2.g6.to_die; v2.g3.shootAction = function (px, py) { this.point._x = px; this.point._y = py; var v3 = main.enemies.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.enemies.attachMovie('跟踪导弹2', '跟踪导弹2' + v3, v3, {'_x': (get_shoot_point(this.point))[0], '_y': (get_shoot_point(this.point))[1]}); v2._rotation = -90; enemy_tracerAction(this, v2, this.targeter, 2, 2, 12); }; v2.g2.shootAction = v2.g3.shootAction; v2.g1.shootAction = v2.g3.shootAction; v2.g6.shootAction = function (px, py) { this.point._x = px + (1 - random(2) * 2) * random(30); this.point._y = py - random(50); enemy_shootAction(this, '落雨导弹', undefined, '手雷爆炸', 3, 2, 0, 0, 90, 12); }; v2.g5.shootAction = v2.g6.shootAction; v2.g4.shootAction = v2.g6.shootAction; v2.stand2 = function () { this.enemy_parts = 4; this.g_broken = 0; this.r1.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.r2.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.r3.gotoAndStop('normal'); this.r4.gotoAndStop('normal'); = true; = true; = true; = true; this.r1.xspeed = (1 - random(2) * 2) * (random(2) + 2); this.r1.yspeed = (1 - random(2) * 2) * (random(2) + 2); this.r2.xspeed = (1 - random(2) * 2) * (random(2) + 2); this.r2.yspeed = (1 - random(2) * 2) * (random(2) + 2); this.r3.xspeed = (1 - random(2) * 2) * (random(2) + 2); this.r3.yspeed = (1 - random(2) * 2) * (random(2) + 2); this.r4.xspeed = (1 - random(2) * 2) * (random(2) + 2); this.r4.yspeed = (1 - random(2) * 2) * (random(2) + 2); this.r1._name = 'g1'; this.r2._name = 'g2'; this.r3._name = 'g3'; this.r4._name = 'g4'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y += this.yspeed; this.check_ball_attack(this.g1); this.check_ball_attack(this.g2); this.check_ball_attack(this.g3); this.check_ball_attack(this.g4); }; }; v2.check_ball_attack = function (which) { if ( { which._x += which.xspeed; which._y += which.yspeed; if (which._x + which.xspeed > 80 or which._x + which.xspeed < -80) { which.xspeed *= -1; which.shootAction(); shot_shine(which, 'white', 1); } if (which._y + which.yspeed > -50 or which._y + which.yspeed < -225) { which.yspeed *= -1; which.shootAction(); shot_shine(which, 'white', 1); } } }; v2.r4.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); this.gotoAndStop('die'); this._name += '_broken2'; = false; this._parent.to_die2(); } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v2.r3.to_die = v2.r4.to_die; v2.r2.to_die = v2.r4.to_die; v2.r1.to_die = v2.r4.to_die; v2.r3.shootAction = function () { if (random(3)) { var v2 = -180 + (1 - random(2) * 2) * random(45); } else { var v2 = get_dir(this.targeter, this); } enemy_shootAction(this, '敌人_激光束', '必杀音效2', '手雷爆炸', 0, 8, 0, 0, v2, 12); }; v2.r3.shootAction = v2.r3.shootAction; v2.r2.shootAction = v2.r3.shootAction; v2.r1.shootAction = v2.r3.shootAction; v2.to_die1 = function () { ++this.g_broken; if (this.g_broken >= this.enemy_parts) { play_soundAction('大爆炸', false);;; this.b1.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= 2; this._parent.g1_broken1._x -= 2; this._parent.g2_broken1._x -= 2; this._parent.g3_broken1._x -= 2; this._y += 8; this._parent.g1_broken1._y += 8; this._parent.g2_broken1._y += 8; this._parent.g3_broken1._y += 8; if (this._y > 100) { this.swapDepths(this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.g1_broken1.swapDepths(this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this._parent.g1_broken1.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.g2_broken1.swapDepths(this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this._parent.g2_broken1.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.g3_broken1.swapDepths(this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this._parent.g3_broken1.removeMovieClip(); } }; this.b2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += 2; this._parent.g4_broken1._x += 2; this._parent.g5_broken1._x += 2; this._parent.g6_broken1._x += 2; this._y += 8; this._parent.g4_broken1._y += 8; this._parent.g5_broken1._y += 8; this._parent.g6_broken1._y += 8; if (this._y > 100) { this.swapDepths(this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.g4_broken1.swapDepths(this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this._parent.g4_broken1.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.g5_broken1.swapDepths(this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this._parent.g5_broken1.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.g6_broken1.swapDepths(this._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this._parent.g6_broken1.removeMovieClip(); } }; this.stand2(); } }; v2.to_die2 = function () { ++this.g_broken; if (this.g_broken >= this.enemy_parts) { = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); this.gotoAndStop('die'); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } }; v2.stand1(); return v2; } function enemysAction48(who, x, y) { var v3 = add_enemyAction(who, x, y, 800, 100); v3.active_moved = true; v3.enemy_type = 2; v3.get_pos = false; enemy_shake(v3, 0.5, 1, true); active_map_drawer.final_boss = v3; v3.step_mc = active_map_drawer; v3.no_absorb = true; v3.no_damage = true; v3.always_on = true; v3.stand = function () { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); this.yspeed = -6; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.get_pos) { if ((get_map_point(this))[1] > 185) { this.get_pos = true; delete this.no_absorb; delete this.no_damage; shot_shine(this, 'yellow', 1); this.check_laser_attack(); } } else { if (this.yspeed > -10) { this.yspeed -= 0.5; } else { this.yspeed = -10; } } this._y += this.yspeed; if (this.get_player) { this.targeter._y += this.yspeed; } if (this.get_pos) { this.check_canon_attack(this); } }; }; v3.check_laser_attack = function () {; shake_screen(); play_soundAction('激光炮', false); this.laser.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 15) { active_map_drawer.gotoAndStop('die'); } else { if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } if (enemy_killAction(this, this._parent.targeter, 'shoot', 12, '打击声音', '小刀砍金属_效果')) { shake_screen(); } }; }; v3.check_canon_attack = function (which) { if ( { if (which.point._currentframe == 1) { if (!random(40 - game_diff_level * 10)) {; } } } }; v3.shootAction = function () { shake_screen(); var v3 = random(360); var v2 = 1; while (v2 <= 12) { enemy_shootAction(this, '坦克_炮弹', '坦克射击', '手雷爆炸', false, 6, 0, 0, v3 + 30 * v2, 12); ++v2; } }; v3.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.healthbar != undefined) { this.healthbar.check_health(this.blood, this.org_blood); } if (this.blood <= 0) { = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { shake_screen(); this._y += this.yspeed; this.targeter._y += this.yspeed; }; this.gotoAndStop('die'); if (this.dieEvents != undefined) { this.dieEvents(); } } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; v3.stand(); return v3; } function get_enemy_blood(much) { return (game_diff_level + 1) * much; } function add_enemyAction(who, px, py, blood, xscale) { var v2 = main.enemies.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = main.enemies.attachMovie(who, who + v2, v2); = true; v1._x = px; v1._y = py; v1.blood = get_enemy_blood(blood); v1.org_blood = v1.blood; v1.targeter = main.player; v1._xscale = xscale; v1.hit_ground = true; return v1; } function enemy_shake(mc, speed, dir, with_me) { if (mc.driver == undefined) { mc.createEmptyMovieClip('driver', mc.getNextHighestDepth()); mc.driver.y_speed = speed; mc.driver.y_dir = dir; mc.driver.with_me = with_me; mc.driver.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.y_speed * this.y_dir > speed) { this.y_dir *= -1; } this.y_speed += this.y_dir * speed / 10; this._parent._y += this.y_speed; if (this.with_me) { for (var v4 in main.enemies) { var v2 = main.enemies[v4]; if (this._parent.hitTest(v2._x + main._x, v2._y + main._y, true)) { v2._y += this.y_speed; } } for (var v3 in main.others) { v2 = main.others[v3]; if (this._parent.hitTest(v2._x + main._x, v2._y + main._y, true)) { v2._y += this.y_speed; } } } }; } } function enemy_move(who, xspeed, yspeed) { var v7 = who._x + main._x; var v6 = who._y + main._y + 10; var v9 = who._x + main._x + xspeed; var v11 = who._y + main._y - 15; var v12 = v9; var v10 = who._y + main._y - who._height; var v18 = who._x; var v19 = who._y; if (!who.yspeed) { who.yspeed = yspeed; } who.hit_head = false; who.hit_ground = false; if (!who.in_air) { if (who.yspeed >= 0) { for (var v14 in main.enemies) { if (main.enemies[v14]._name != who._name) { if (main.enemies[v14].can_enemy_stand) { if (main.enemies[v14].g.hitTest(v7, v6, true)) { who.hit_ground = true; adjustY(who, main.enemies[v14].g); break; } } } } if (!who.hit_ground) { for (var v13 in main.objects) { if (main.objects[v13].g.hitTest(v7, v6, true)) { who.hit_ground = true; adjustY(who, main.objects[v13].g); break; } } } if (!who.hit_ground) { for (var v15 in { if ([v15].g.hitTest(v7, v6, true)) { who.hit_ground = true; adjustY(who,[v15].g); break; } } } if (who.hit_ground and who.change_rotation) { var v4 = who._width / 2; if (who.xspeed > 0) { for (v15 in { if ([v15].hitTest(who._x + main._x + v4 * Math.cos(who._rotation * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v4 * Math.sin(who._rotation * 0.01745), true)) { var v5 = 0; while ([v15].g.hitTest(who._x + main._x + v4 * Math.cos(who._rotation * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v4 * Math.sin(who._rotation * 0.01745) - 1, true)) { --who._rotation; if (++v5 > 30) { break; } } v5 = 0; while (![v15].g.hitTest(who._x + main._x + v4 * Math.cos(who._rotation * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v4 * Math.sin(who._rotation * 0.01745) + 1, true)) { ++who._rotation; if (++v5 > 30) { break; } } break; } } } else { for (v15 in { if ([v15].hitTest(who._x + main._x + v4 * Math.cos((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v4 * Math.sin((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745) - 1, true)) { var v5 = 0; while ([v15].g.hitTest(who._x + main._x + v4 * Math.cos((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v4 * Math.sin((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745) - 1, true)) { ++who._rotation; if (++v5 > 30) { break; } } v5 = 0; while (![v15].g.hitTest(who._x + main._x + v4 * Math.cos((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745), who._y + main._y + v4 * Math.sin((who._rotation + 180) * 0.01745) + 1, true)) { --who._rotation; if (++v5 > 30) { break; } } break; } } } } } else { for (var v15 in { if ([v15].g.hitTest(v12, v10, true)) { who.hit_head = true; break; } } } } else { who.hit_ground = true; } who.hit_blocks = false; for (var v15 in { if ([v15].g.hitTest(v9, v11, true)) { who.hit_blocks = true; break; } } who.hit_area = false; if (who.hit_blocks) { if ( { if (who.hit_ground) { who.get_blocked(); } } } else { if (who.hit_ground) { var v8 = xspeed; } else { var v8 = xspeed / 2; } if (v8 > 0) { if (who.max_area_x != undefined and !who.flee) { if (who._x + v8 < who.max_area_x) { who._x += v8; } else { who.hit_area = true; } } else { who._x += v8; } } else { if (v8 < 0) { if (who.min_area_x != undefined and !who.flee) { if (who._x + v8 > who.min_area_x) { who._x += v8; } else { who.hit_area = true; } } else { who._x += v8; } } } } if (!who.hit_ground) { if (who.hit_head) { who.yspeed = Math.abs(who.yspeed); } if (! { who.yspeed += 0.85; if (!who.in_water) { if (Math.abs(who.yspeed) > 15) { who.yspeed = 15 * Math.abs(who.yspeed) / who.yspeed; } } else { if (Math.abs(who.yspeed) > 3) { who.yspeed = 3 * Math.abs(who.yspeed) / who.yspeed; } } } else { who.yspeed = 2; } who._y += who.yspeed; } else { delete who.yspeed; } if (who.active_moved) { var v16 = Math.abs(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (v16 == 1) { who._x += active_object_speed; } else { if (v16 == 2) { who._y += active_object_speed; } } } who.moved_xspeed2 = who._x - v18; who.moved_yspeed2 = who._y - v19; enemy_move_things(who, who.targeter, who.moved_xspeed2, who.hit_area); v16 = this['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]; if (Math.abs(v16) != 2) { if (!who.hit_ground) { if (who._y - who._height + main._y > 450) { = false; if (who.dieEvents != undefined) { who.dieEvents(); } who.removeMovieClip(); } } } return who.hit_ground; } function enemy_shootAction(where, what, sound1, sound2, hitable, speed, xspeed, yspeed, rotate, power) { play_soundAction(sound1, false); if (hitable) { var v12 = main.enemies.getNextHighestDepth(); var v4 = main.enemies.attachMovie(what, 'enemy_shoot' + v12, v12); v4.blood = get_enemy_blood(hitable); v4.no_score = true; } else { var v12 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); var v4 = main.attachMovie(what, 'enemy_shoot' + v12, v12); } if ( != undefined) { v4._x = (get_shoot_point([0]; v4._y = (get_shoot_point([1]; } else { v4._x = (get_shoot_point(where.point))[0]; v4._y = (get_shoot_point(where.point))[1]; } v4.targeter = where.targeter; v4.speed = speed + game_diff_level; v4.xspeed = xspeed; v4.yspeed = yspeed; if (where.active_moved) { v4.active_moved = 1; } else { v4.active_moved = 0; } v4._rotation = rotate; v4.power = power + game_diff_level * 3; v4.get_blocked = function () { if (this.land_angle) { this.gotoAndStop('hit'); object_remove(this, 10); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { if (this.bounce) { this._y -= 10; this.yspeed *= -0.6; this.power = Math.round(this.power * 0.75); } else { if (!this.shoot_angle) { this._rotation = 0; } this.gotoAndStop('hit'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } if (Math.abs(this.yspeed) + Math.abs(this.xspeed) > 2) { play_soundAction(sound2, false); } }; v4.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { this.get_blocked(); } }; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { var v9 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v9[0] - 295) < 295 and Math.abs(v9[1] - 150) < 250) { if (speed != 0) { this.xspeed = this.speed * Math.cos(this._rotation * 0.01745); this.yspeed = this.speed * Math.sin(this._rotation * 0.01745); } else { if (this.accelerate) { this.xspeed *= 1.05; } if (this.tracer) { var v5 = this.targeter._y - 20 - this._y; if (Math.abs(v5) > 15) { if (v5 > 0 and this.yspeed < v5 / 30 or v5 < 0 and this.yspeed > v5 / 30) { this.yspeed = v5 / 30; } } } else { this.yspeed += 0.4; } if (this.rotate_me) { this._rotation += this.rotate_me; } if (this.shade) { var v8 = this._parent.getNextHighestDepth(); var v4 = this.duplicateMovieClip(this._name + v8, v8); v4._x = this._x; v4._y = this._y; v4._alpha = 75; v4.swapDepths(this); v4.stop(); v4.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 15; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } this._x += this.xspeed; this._y += this.yspeed; if (this.active_moved) { var v7 = Math.abs(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (v7 == 1) { this._x += active_object_speed; } else { if (v7 == 2) { this._y += active_object_speed; } } } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); return undefined; } for (var v6 in { var v3 = get_ground_hit([v6].g, v9[0] + this.xspeed, v9[1] + this.yspeed); if (v3 == -1) { if (main['water_flower' + this._name] == undefined) { main.attachMovie('落水效果', 'water_flower' + this._name, main.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': this._x, '_y': this._y}); if (this.yspeed > 0) { always_shine(this, 'blue'); } else { always_shine(this, 'normal'); } } play_soundAction('落水', false); break; } if (v3 == 1) { this.get_blocked(); break; } } if (this.g != undefined) { if (this.targeter.g.hitTest(this.g)) { player_die(this.targeter, 'shoot', this.power); this.get_blocked(); } } else { v9 = get_map_point(this); if (this.targeter.g.hitTest(v9[0], v9[1], true)) { player_die(this.targeter, 'shoot', this.power); this.get_blocked(); } } }; return v4; } function enemy_killAction(where, targeter, how, power, sound, effect) { if (where.hitTest(targeter.g)) { if (!targeter.injure) { if (player_die(targeter, how, power + game_diff_level * 3)) { play_soundAction(sound, false); var v2 = main.getNextHighestDepth(); main.attachMovie(effect, 'attack_effect' + v2, v2, {'_x': targeter._x, '_y': targeter._y - 30}); return true; } } } return false; } function enemy_tracerAction(where, tracer, targeter, speed, trace_max_rate, power) { play_soundAction('重型枪械1', false); tracer.targeter = targeter; tracer.speed = speed + game_diff_level; tracer.trace_max_rate = trace_max_rate + game_diff_level; if (where.active_moved) { tracer.active_moved = 1; } else { tracer.active_moved = 0; } tracer.blood = get_enemy_blood(1); tracer.trace_time = 150; tracer.no_score = true; tracer.get_blocked = function () { this._rotation = 0; this.gotoAndStop('hit'); play_soundAction('导弹爆炸', false); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; tracer.to_die = function (how, much) { this.blood -= much; if (this.blood <= 0) { this.get_blocked(); } else { shot_shine(this, 'white', 1); } }; tracer.onEnterFrame = function () { var v7 = Math.atan2(this.targeter._y - 35 - this._y, this.targeter._x - this._x) / 0.01745; if (v7 > 0) { var v5 = v7; } else { var v5 = v7 + 360; } if (this._rotation > 0) { var v4 = this._rotation; } else { var v4 = this._rotation + 360; } if (--this.trace_time > 0) { var v3 = trace_max_rate; while (v3 >= 0) { if (Math.abs(v5 - v4) > v3) { if (v5 > v4) { if (v5 - v4 < 180) { this._rotation += v3; } else { this._rotation -= v3; } } else { if (v5 < v4) { if (v4 - v5 < 180) { this._rotation -= v3; } else { this._rotation += v3; } } } break; } --v3; } } var v6 = get_map_point(this); if (Math.abs(v6[0] - 295) < 395 and Math.abs(v6[1] - 250) < 250) { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this._rotation * 0.01745); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this._rotation * 0.01745); if (this.active_moved) { var v8 = Math.abs(_root['stg_direct_' + stages + '_' + stages_section]); if (v8 == 1) { this._x += active_object_speed; } else { if (v8 == 2) { this._y += active_object_speed; } } } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } for (grounds in { if ([grounds].g.hitTest(this._x + main._x, this._y + main._y, true)) { this.get_blocked(); break; } } if (this.targeter.g.hitTest(v6[0], v6[1], true)) { player_die(this.targeter, 'shoot', power + game_diff_level * 3); this.get_blocked(); } }; } function enemy_add_items(where) { if (!where.no_bonus) { if (game_diff_level == 2) { if (!random(30)) { if (random(2)) { add_food(where, 'food' + (random(8) + 3)); } else { add_weapon(where); } } else { add_present(where, 'pre' + (random(9) + 1)); } } else { if (game_diff_level == 1) { if (!random(45)) { if (random(2)) { add_food(where, 'food' + (random(6) + 2)); } else { add_weapon(where); } } else { add_present(where, 'pre' + (random(7) + 1)); } } else { if (game_diff_level == 0) { if (!random(60)) { if (random(2)) { add_food(where, 'food' + (random(4) + 1)); } else { add_weapon(where); } } else { add_present(where, 'pre' + (random(5) + 1)); } } } } } } function enemy_explode(who, time, power) { var v3 = event_delay(who, time, time + 1); v3.delay_Event1 = function () { player_shooting = true; for (var v2 in main.enemies) { var v1 = (get_map_point(main.enemies[v2]))[0]; if (v1 > 0 and v1 < 590) { if (main.enemies[v2].g.hitTest(who)) { main.enemies[v2].to_die('blow', power); } } } }; v3.delay_Event2 = function () { player_shooting = false; }; shake_screen(); } function enemy_move_things(who, targeter, xspeed, area) { if (who.can_move_targeter) { if (who.just_move_targeter) { targeter._x += xspeed * who.can_move_targeter; } else { if (!targeter.hit_ground and !targeter.hit_head) { var v2 = get_map_point(targeter); var v4 = xspeed * who.can_move_targeter; if (who.g.hitTest(v2[0] - 2 * v4, v2[1], true)) { var v6 = true; } else { if (who.g.hitTest(v2[0], v2[1] + 5, true)) { var v6 = true; } else { var v6 = false; } } if (v6) { if (v2[0] + v4 > 10 and v2[0] + v4 < 580) { targeter._x += xspeed * who.can_move_targeter; targeter.enemy_xspeed = xspeed * who.can_move_targeter; } else { targeter.enemy_xspeed = 0; } } else { targeter.enemy_xspeed = 0; } } } if (active_map_drawer == who) { active_object_speed = who.moved_xspeed2; if (who.area_strict) { player_min_x = who._x - who.area_strict; player_max_x = who._x + who.area_strict; } } if (area) { who.enemy_limited_area_Action(); } } } function enemy_check_ground(who) { if (!who.in_air) { var v2 = (get_map_point(who))[0]; if (Math.abs(v2 - 295) < 345) { enemy_move(who, 0, 0); } } } function enemy_mankind_die(who, how, much, f1, f2, f3, f4, s1, s2, s3, s4) { who.blood -= much; if (who.blood_mc == undefined) { who.attachMovie('小刀砍人_效果', 'blood_mc', who.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': 0, '_y': -who.g._height / 2}); } shot_shine(who, 'pink', 1); if (who.blood <= 0) { who._visible = 1; = false; delete who.onEnterFrame; delete who.in_air; delete; if (how == 'elec') { something_elec(who); who.gotoAndStop(f1); play_soundAction(s1, false); who.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, 3 * this._xscale / 100, -6)) { if (this.blowup_next == 3) { this.gotoAndStop('die' + (random(3) + 1)); } else { this.gotoAndStop('die'); } delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { if (how == 'blow') { who.gotoAndStop(f2); play_soundAction(s2, false); who.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, 3 * this._xscale / 100, -12)) { if (this.blowup_next == 3) { this.gotoAndStop('die' + (random(3) + 1)); } else { this.gotoAndStop('die'); } delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { if (how == 'fly') { who.gotoAndStop(f3); play_soundAction(s3, false); who.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = -Math.abs(this.targeter._x - this._x) / (this.targeter._x - this._x); if (enemy_move(this, 20 * v2, -10)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { who.gotoAndStop(f4); play_soundAction(s4, false); who.onEnterFrame = function () { if (enemy_move(this, 0, 0)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } } } if (who.drop_weapon != undefined) { who.drop_weapon(); } if (who.get_ballute != undefined) { who.get_ballute(); } if (who.dieEvents != undefined) { who.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(who); } return true; } if (who.moves != undefined) { if (Math.abs(who.moves) >= 50) { who.get_shocked(); } } return false; } function enemy_team_die(team) { for (var v4 in team) { team[v4].my_team = team; team[v4].dieEvents = function () { var v2 = true; for (var v3 in this.my_team) { if (this.my_team[v3].live) { v2 = false; break; } } if (this.dieEvents1 != undefined) { this.dieEvents1(); } if (v2) { if (this.dieEvents2 != undefined) { this.dieEvents2(); } } }; } } function blocksAction(my_name, px, py, lv_all, blood, explode, still_time) { var v3 = main.enemies.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = main.enemies.attachMovie(my_name, my_name + v3, v3); = true; v2.targeter = main.player; v2._x = px; v2._y = py; v2.enemy_type = 2; v2.level_now = 1; v2.level_all = lv_all; if (lv_all < 0) { v2.no_damage = true; v2.no_score = true; } v2.blood_now = blood; v2.blood_all = blood; v2.explode = explode; v2.still_time = still_time; v2.stop(); v2.can_enemy_stand = true; v2.definite = true; v2.exploding = function () { enemy_explode(this, 5, 5); }; v2.to_die = function (how, much) { if ( != undefined) {; } if (this.level_all > 0) { this.blood_now -= much; shot_shine(this, 'red', 1); if (this.blood_now <= 0) { if (Math.abs(this.blood_now) >= this.blood_all * (this.level_all - this.level_now)) { object_die(this, this.still_time); } else { this.gotoAndStop('n' + ++this.level_now); this.blood_now = this.blood_all; } } else { if (this.beatAction != undefined) { this.beatAction(); } } } }; v2.find_land = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.in_air) { enemy_check_ground(this); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; v2.find_land(); return v2; } function object_die(which, still_time) { which.gotoAndStop('die'); = false; if (which.explode) { which.exploding(); } if (which.dieEvents != undefined) { which.dieEvents(); } else { enemy_add_items(which); } object_remove(which, still_time); } this._lockroot = true; loadingAction(); stop(); Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';''); _level0.flashGameMasterDisableNet = true; _level0.flashGameMasterDisableNetList = [game_score]; _root.swapDepths(2 << random(6) + 10); myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = myMenu; fscommand('trapallkeys', true); game_masked = true; game_gun_locked = true; game_testing = false; game_powerup = false; game_god = false; org_Wcode = 87; Wcode = 87; org_Scode = 83; Scode = 83; org_Acode = 65; Acode = 65; org_Dcode = 68; Dcode = 68; org_Num4code = 100; Num4code = 100; org_Num5code = 101; Num5code = 101; org_Num6code = 102; Num6code = 102; org_Num8code = 104; Num8code = 104; org_Weapon_code1 = 81; Weapon_code1 = 81; org_Weapon_code2 = 69; Weapon_code2 = 69; org_Num7code = 103; Num7code = 103; org_Num9code = 105; Num9code = 105; Wcode_pressed = false; Weapon_code1_pressed = false; Weapon_code2_pressed = false; game_music = true; game_sounds = true; game_quality = 'MEDIUM'; _quality = 'MEDIUM'; game_diff_level = 0; game_score = 0; stages = 1; stages_section = 0; specific_stage = undefined; begining_section = 1; level_passed_at_begining = 1; game_save_file_num = 0; game_player_name = ''; game_player_sex = 1; game_stage_pass = 1; game_show_hints = true; game_player_weapons = [1, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0]; player_shooting = false; player_life = 10; weapon_sounds = []; weapon_sounds[1] = ['小刀出刀']; weapon_sounds[2] = ['小刀出刀']; weapon_sounds[3] = ['扔手雷']; weapon_sounds[4] = ['扔手雷']; weapon_sounds[8] = ['消音1']; weapon_sounds[9] = ['消音2']; weapon_sounds[10] = ['消音3']; weapon_sounds[11] = ['消音4']; weapon_sounds[15] = ['轻型枪械1']; weapon_sounds[16] = ['轻型枪械2']; weapon_sounds[17] = ['轻型枪械3']; weapon_sounds[18] = ['轻型枪械4']; weapon_sounds[22] = ['机枪1']; weapon_sounds[23] = ['机枪2']; weapon_sounds[24] = ['机枪3']; weapon_sounds[25] = ['机枪4']; weapon_sounds[26] = ['机枪5']; weapon_sounds[30] = ['弓攻击1']; weapon_sounds[31] = ['弓攻击2']; weapon_sounds[35] = ['中型枪械1']; weapon_sounds[36] = ['中型枪械2']; weapon_sounds[37] = ['中型枪械3']; weapon_sounds[38] = ['中型枪械4']; weapon_sounds[39] = ['中型枪械5']; weapon_sounds[43] = ['重型枪械1']; weapon_sounds[44] = ['重型枪械2']; weapon_sounds[45] = ['重型枪械3']; weapon_sounds[46] = ['机枪7']; weapon_sounds[47] = ['机枪8']; weapon_sounds[51] = ['机枪6']; weapon_sounds[52] = ['重型枪械4']; weapon_sounds[53] = ['重型枪械5']; weapon_sounds[54] = ['重型枪械1']; weapon_sounds[58] = ['重型枪械6']; weapon_sounds[59] = ['重型枪械7']; weapon_sounds[60] = ['机枪3']; weapon_amr = []; weapon_amr[1] = [1, 99999999, 'Commando Knife']; weapon_amr[2] = [1, 99999999, 'Commando Sword']; weapon_amr[3] = [1, 30, 'Hand Grenade']; weapon_amr[4] = [1, 40, 'Flame Cocktail']; weapon_amr[8] = [1, 99999999, 'Barreti MC21']; weapon_amr[9] = [2, 99999999, 'Cult Commando w/ Silencer']; weapon_amr[10] = [3, 99999999, 'MC-5 Defender w/Silencer']; weapon_amr[11] = [4, 99999999, 'Desert Rat w/ Silencer']; weapon_amr[15] = [1, 99999999, 'Commando-P1']; weapon_amr[16] = [2, 99999999, 'Cult Commando']; weapon_amr[17] = [3, 99999999, 'MC-5 Defender']; weapon_amr[18] = [4, 99999999, 'Desert Rat']; weapon_amr[22] = [1, 200, 'SG-200']; weapon_amr[23] = [1, 250, 'Stingfire 220']; weapon_amr[24] = [2, 250, 'The Catcher']; weapon_amr[25] = [3, 300, 'MK-150']; weapon_amr[26] = [6, 300, 'MCP-Avenger']; weapon_amr[30] = [1, 50, 'Scorpion']; weapon_amr[31] = [4, 50, 'Logan-35']; weapon_amr[35] = [4, 15, 'PA-4514']; weapon_amr[36] = [2, 25, 'Poncho-25']; weapon_amr[37] = [1, 40, 'Ti-rex M30']; weapon_amr[38] = [5, 30, 'C25 Marrugo']; weapon_amr[39] = [8, 25, 'Dominator']; weapon_amr[43] = [1, 30, 'Nayberg NS30']; weapon_amr[44] = [3, 25, 'P25-Maisto']; weapon_amr[45] = [5, 30, 'SE-40 Prowse']; weapon_amr[46] = [7, 300, 'Glenos-G160']; weapon_amr[47] = [9, 350, 'TI Prescision']; weapon_amr[51] = [10, 500, 'Big Lester']; weapon_amr[52] = [6, 35, 'DA Moonshadow']; weapon_amr[53] = [9, 40, 'ALX W30']; weapon_amr[54] = [11, 25, 'Pequeno-R25']; weapon_amr[58] = [12, 10, 'Dragon Destructor']; weapon_amr[59] = [13, 99999999, 'Metal Driller']; weapon_amr[60] = [13, 99999999, 'Kee-Jerk Terminator']; NM_ColorMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; BW_ColorMatrix = [0.3086, 0.6094000000000001, 0.082, 0, 0, 0.3086, 0.6094000000000001, 0.082, 0, 0, 0.3086, 0.6094000000000001, 0.082, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; STR_ColorMatrix = [0.8246971836868841, 0.783755772313774, -0.608452956000658, 0, -50, 0.000747695393677947, 0.772793422051606, 0.226458882554716, 0, -50, 0.641926894284263, -0.20214342598035, 0.560216531696088, 0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; shine_Transform_normal = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; shine_Transform_white = {'ra': 0, 'rb': 255, 'ga': 0, 'gb': 255, 'ba': 0, 'bb': 255, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; shine_Transform_pink = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 100, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; shine_Transform_red = {'ra': 50, 'rb': 185, 'ga': 50, 'gb': -50, 'ba': 50, 'bb': -255, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; shine_Transform_blue = {'ra': 60, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 80, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 128, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; shine_Transform_yellow = {'ra': 0, 'rb': 255, 'ga': 0, 'gb': 255, 'ba': 0, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; shine_Transform_black = {'ra': 45, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 45, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 45, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; shine_Transform_dark = {'ra': -255, 'rb': 0, 'ga': -255, 'gb': 0, 'ba': -255, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; map_array4_1 = []; map_array4_1[0] = [19, 20, 21]; map_array4_1[1] = [18, 17, 16]; map_array4_1[2] = [13, 14, 15]; map_array4_1[3] = [12, 11, 10]; map_array4_1[4] = [7, 8, 9]; map_array4_1[5] = [6, 5, 4]; map_array4_1[6] = [1, 2, 3]; map_width_min4_1 = -1180; map_width_max4_1 = 0; map_height_min4_1 = -2400; map_height_max4_1 = 0; this.sound_objects = this.createEmptyMovieClip('sound_objects', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.music_objects = this.createEmptyMovieClip('music_objects', this.getNextHighestDepth()); 'BACKSPACE'; 'F1'; keycodes = [['A', 65], ['B', 66], ['C', 67], ['D', 68], ['E', 69], ['F', 70], ['G', 71], ['H', 72], ['I', 73], ['J', 74], ['K', 75], ['L', 76], ['M', 77], ['N', 78], ['O', 79], ['P', 80], ['Q', 81], ['R', 82], ['S', 83], ['T', 84], ['U', 85], ['V', 86], ['W', 87], ['X', 88], ['Y', 89], ['Z', 90], ['0', 48], ['1', 49], ['2', 50], ['3', 51], ['4', 52], ['5', 53], ['6', 54], ['7', 55], ['8', 56], ['9', 57], ['NUMBER 0', 96], ['NUMBER 1', 97], ['NUMBER 2', 98], ['NUMBER 3', 99], ['NUMBER 4', 100], ['NUMBER 5', 101], ['NUMBER 6', 102], ['NUMBER 7', 103], ['NUMBER 8', 104], ['NUMBER 9', 105], ['*', 106], ['+', 107], ['-', 109], ['.', 110], ['/', 111][112], ['F2', 113], ['F3', 114], ['F4', 115], ['F5', 116], ['F6', 117], ['F7', 118], ['F8', 119], ['F9', 120], ['F11', 122], ['F12', 123][8], ['TAB', 9], ['ENTER', 13], ['SHIFT', 16], ['CONTROL', 17], ['CAPS LOCK', 20], ['ESC', 27], ['SPACE', 32], ['PAGE UP', 33], ['PAGE DOWN', 34], ['END', 35], ['HOME', 36], ['←', 37], ['↑', 38], ['→', 39], ['↓', 40], ['INSERT', 45], ['DELETE', 46], ['NUM LOCK', 144], ['SCRLK', 145], ['PAUSE/BREAK', 19], ['; :', 186], ['= +', 187], ['- _', 189], ['/ ?', 191], ['` ~', 192], ['[ {', 219], ['\\|', 220], ['] }', 221], ['” ’', 222], [', <', 188], ['. >', 190]]; } movieClip 4 { } movieClip 6786 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.applySecurity(this.getAllowedDomains()); }; com.miniclip.gatekeeper.GatekeeperLoader = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.start = function () { this._ldr = new MovieClipLoader(); var v4 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('gatekeeper', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); this._ldr.addListener(this); var v3 = this._GATEKEEPER_URL; if (_root._url.indexOf('://') == 4 || _root._url.indexOf('file://') == 0) { v3 = (v3.split('://')).join('://'); } this._ldr.loadClip(v3, v4); }; v2.getAllowedDomains = function () { var v1 = new Array(); v1.push(''); v1.push(''); return v1; }; v2.applySecurity = function (domains) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < domains.length) {[v1]); ++v1; } }; v2.onLoadInit = function (tgt_mc) { var v3 = tgt_mc.gatekeeper; var v4; if (_url.substr(0, 7) == 'file://') { this.onResult(true); } else { var v5 = String(' function(){ return document.location.href.toString();} ')); v4 = v3.validateDomain(v5, _root._url); if (v4) { this.onResult(true); } else { this.loadAlert(); this.onResult(false); } } }; v2.loadAlert = function () { _root.gatekeeper.loadMovie(this._OFFSITE_URL); }; v2._GATEKEEPER_URL = ''; v2._OFFSITE_URL = ''; ASSetPropFlags(com.miniclip.gatekeeper.GatekeeperLoader.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 6787 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.start = function (score) { trace('HighscoresLoader.start (AS2)/ score:' + score); if (com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance == undefined) { com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance = new com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader(); } if (!isNaN(score)) { com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance.score = Number(score); com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance.container = _root; com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance.init(); return com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance; } com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance.score = undefined; com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance.container = _root; com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance.init(); return com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.singleInstance; }; v2.init = function () { this.URL_PREFIX = (_root._url.substring(0, 8) == 'file:///') ? '' : '/swfcontent/components/'; if ( == null) { this.game_quality = _root._quality; _root._quality = 'HIGH'; = this.container.createEmptyMovieClip('miniclipHighScoresContainer', this.container.getNextHighestDepth()); = function () { = undefined; }; this.localConnectionID = 'LC' + String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000)); this.ldr ='ldr', 1); this.initialize(); } else {; this.sendScore(); } }; v2.initialize = function () { this.objLocalConnection = new LocalConnection(); this.objLocalConnection.allowDomain = function (sendingDomain) { return sendingDomain == '' || sendingDomain == '' || sendingDomain == ''; }; var self = this; this.objLocalConnection.hsbready = function () { self.sendScore(); }; this.objLocalConnection.hsbhidden = function () { _root._quality = self.game_quality; self.onClose(); }; this.objLocalConnection.connect(this.localConnectionID + 'back'); var v3 = new MovieClipLoader(); var v5 = {}; v3.addListener(v5); if (this.validateDomain()) { var v4 = this.buildQueryString(); v3.loadClip(this.URL_PREFIX + this.HIGHSCORESBOX_SWF + v4, this.ldr); } else { if (_root.mc_gamename.legth > 1) { var v4 = '?msg=Play ' + _root.mc_gamename + ' on'; } else { var v4 = '?msg=Play this game on'; } v3.loadClip(this.URL_PREFIX + this.OFFSITE_SWF + v4, this.ldr); } }; v2.sendScore = function () { var v2 = new LocalConnection(); v2.send(this.localConnectionID, 'setScore', this.score); }; v2.validateDomain = function () { var v4 = false; var v5 = _root._url; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.ALLOWED_DOMAINS.length) { if (v5.indexOf(this.ALLOWED_DOMAINS[v3]) >= 0) { v4 = true; } ++v3; } if (v5.indexOf('/swfcontent/webmastergames/') != -1) { v4 = false; } return v4; }; v2.buildQueryString = function () { var v4 = '?'; var v3 = ''; for (var v5 in _root) { if (v5.substring(0, 3) == 'mc_') { v4 += v3 + v5 + '=' + escape(_root[v5]); v3 = '&'; } } v4 += '&mc_lcid=' + this.localConnectionID; return v4; }; v2.HIGHSCORESBOX_SWF = 'highscoresbox_v3.swf'; v2.OFFSITE_SWF = 'highscores_offsite.swf'; v2.ALLOWED_DOMAINS = ['', '', '', '', '']; ASSetPropFlags(com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 7 { stop(); var gatekeeperLdr = new com.miniclip.gatekeeper.GatekeeperLoader(); gotoAndStop('game_start'); gatekeeperLdr.start(); } frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } // unknown tag 88 length 4 movieClip 113 { } frame 26 { play_music('OP', true); trace('BytesLoaded:' + this.getBytesLoaded()); } movieClip 126 { } movieClip 168 { } // unknown tag 88 length 153 movieClip 179 { } movieClip 180 { } movieClip 181 save_file { frame 5 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 202 { } // unknown tag 88 length 4 movieClip 230 { } movieClip 262 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 268 { } movieClip 269 { frame 1 { var i = 1; while (i <= 12) { this['btn' + i].mc.gotoAndStop(i); this['btn' + i].stage = i; this['btn' + i].sel._visible = 0; if (i <= _root.game_stage_pass) { this['btn' + i].gotoAndStop(1); this['btn' + i].onPress = function () { ++this._y; }; this['btn' + i].onReleaseOutside = function () { --this._y; _root.shot_shine(this, 'white', 2); _root.play_soundAction('手枪上子弹', false); _root.stages = Math.round(this.stage % 4.05); _root.game_diff_level = Math.floor(this.stage / 4.5); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= 12) { if (this._parent['btn' + v3].sel._visible) { this._parent['btn' + v3].sel._visible = 0; break; } ++v3; } this.sel._visible = 1; }; this['btn' + i].onRelease = this['btn' + i].onReleaseOutside; } else { this['btn' + i].gotoAndStop(2); this['btn' + i].enabled = false; } ++i; } if (_root.URL_lockAction()) { if (_root.game_stage_pass <= 12) { var last_btn = this['btn' + _root.game_stage_pass]; } else { var last_btn = this.btn12; } } else { var last_btn = this.btn1; var j = 2; while (j <= 12) { this['btn' + j].gotoAndStop(2); this['btn' + j].enabled = false; ++j; } } last_btn.gotoAndStop(1); last_btn.sel._visible = 1; _root.stages = Math.round(last_btn.stage % 4.05); _root.game_diff_level = Math.floor(last_btn.stage / 4.5); } } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 367 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 373 { frame 1 { mc.stop(); } } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 377 { } movieClip 378 { frame 1 { var i = 1; while (i <= 9) { this['tab' + i].gotoAndStop(i); this['tab' + i].my_num = i; this['tab' + i].onPress = function () { _root.play_soundAction('手枪上子弹', false); var v3 = 1; while (v3 <= 9) { this._parent['tab' + v3]._alpha = 0; ++v3; } this._alpha = 100; _root.select_weapon(this._parent, this.my_num); this.hint_mc.removeMovieClip(); }; if (i > 1) { this['tab' + i]._alpha = 0; } ++i; } _root.select_weapon(this, 1); _root.show_player_weapon(this); } } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 388 { frame 1 { _root.control_able = false; } frame 13 { _root.next_scene(); } frame 25 { _root.control_able = true; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 390 { } movieClip 415 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_root.game_player_sex); } } movieClip 416 { frame 19 { stop(); choosing = true; } frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 425 { frame 120 { if (_root.URL_lockAction()) { completed._visible = 0; completed.stop(); if (_root.stages == 4) { gotoAndPlay('go'); } } else { completed._visible = 1; completed.onPress = function () { getURL('', '_self', 'POST'); _root.clean_fire(); _root.gotoAndStop('game_start'); _parent.removeMovieClip(); }; } } frame 133 { stop(); btn_next.onPress = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); if (weapon_box.choosing) {; } if (_root.URL_lockAction()) { play(); } else { getURL('', '_self', 'POST'); _root.clean_fire(); _root.gotoAndStop('game_start'); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } }; if (_parent.isnew) { _root.show_new_weapons(weapon_box.inventory, _parent.isnew); } } frame 195 { _root.clean_fire(); _root.next_mission(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 450 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 451 { } movieClip 454 { frame 1 { _root.adjust_score(true, this, 0); } } // unknown tag 88 length 4 movieClip 467 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); var myHighscores = com.miniclip.highscores.HighscoresLoader.start(_root.game_score); var ref = this; myHighscores.onClose = function () { ref._parent.btn_again.onRelease(); }; } } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 488 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 489 NPC_直升飞机 { } movieClip 500 { } movieClip 521 { } movieClip 527 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 587 { frame 1 { if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) { player2.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player2.removeMovieClip(); player1.stop(); } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) { player1.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player1.removeMovieClip(); player2.stop(); } } } frame 55 { if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) {; } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) {; } } } frame 140 { stop();; } } movieClip 588 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); delete this.onPress; } } movieClip 592 { } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 609 { } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 615 { } movieClip 619 game_msg_box { frame 1 { bg.useHandCursor = false; } frame 4 { stop(); temp_sex = 1; _root.change_color(player1, _root.NM_ColorMatrix); _root.change_color(player2, _root.BW_ColorMatrix); player1.onPress = function () { temp_sex = 1; _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); _root.change_color(this, _root.NM_ColorMatrix); _root.change_color(player2, _root.BW_ColorMatrix); }; player2.onPress = function () { temp_sex = 2; _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); _root.change_color(this, _root.NM_ColorMatrix); _root.change_color(player1, _root.BW_ColorMatrix); }; Key_Enter_pressed = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(13)) { if (!Key_Enter_pressed) { Key_Enter_pressed = true; _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); if (new_name.text == '') { new_name.text = 'Player' + random(99999); } if (_root.enter_user_name(this, new_name.text, temp_sex)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('level_select'); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { _root.notice_Action(' Please Enter Your Name '); Selection.setFocus('new_name'); } } } else { Key_Enter_pressed = false; } }; btn_ok.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); if (new_name.text == '') { new_name.text = 'Player' + random(99999); } if (_root.enter_user_name(this._parent, new_name.text, temp_sex)) { _parent.gotoAndStop('level_select'); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } else { _root.notice_Action(' Please Enter Your Name '); Selection.setFocus('new_name'); } }; btn_cancel.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); }; Selection.setFocus('new_name'); } frame 6 { bg.useHandCursor = false; } frame 9 { stop(); btn_ok.onRelease = function () { _root.delete_playerAction(this._parent._parent); _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); }; btn_cancel.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); this._parent.removeMovieClip(); }; } frame 11 { bg.useHandCursor = false; } frame 14 { stop(); btn_ok.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); if (btn_never._alpha == 100) { if (_root.game_save_files(undefined, _root.game_player_name, _root.game_player_sex, _root.game_stage_pass, false)) { _root.game_show_hints = false; this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } else { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } }; btn_never._alpha = 0; btn_never.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('手枪上子弹', false); if (this._alpha == 0) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } }; } } movieClip 622 new_weapon_clue { } movieClip 623 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; } } movieClip 625 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } frame 7 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 1; } frame 13 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 2; } frame 19 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 1; } } movieClip 642 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 1; } frame 3 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } frame 5 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y - 1; } frame 7 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } frame 9 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 1; } frame 11 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } frame 13 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y - 1; } frame 15 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } } movieClip 652 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 11; } frame 5 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 10; } frame 9 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 9; } frame 13 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 10; } } movieClip 662 { } movieClip 663 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.states = 'stand'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 100; _parent.up._y = this._y; } frame 8 { _parent.states = 'stand'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 100; _parent.up._y = this._y; } frame 15 { _parent.states = 'crouch'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 75; _parent.up._y = this._y + 10; } frame 22 { _parent.states = 'crouch'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 75; _parent.up._y = this._y + 10; } frame 29 { _parent.states = 'jump'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 100; _parent.up._y = this._y; if (this.force_jump) { _root.jump_Action(_parent, this.force_jump); delete this.force_jump; } else { _root.jump_Action(_parent, -15); } } frame 37 { _parent.states = 'jump'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 100; _parent.up._y = this._y; _root.jump_Action(_parent, 5); } } movieClip 666 { } movieClip 688 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { _root.doing_attack1(this); } } movieClip 707 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { _root.doing_attack2(this); } } movieClip 722 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _root.doing_attack3(_parent._parent._parent, _parent._rotation); } } movieClip 727 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _root.doing_attack4(_parent._parent._parent, _parent._rotation); } } movieClip 730 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 733 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 736 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 739 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 741 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 744 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 747 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 750 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 753 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 756 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 759 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 762 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 765 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 776 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 787 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 790 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 793 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 796 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 799 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 802 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 805 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 808 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 811 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 814 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 817 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 820 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 823 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 826 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 829 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 834 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 847 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.doing_attack1(this.killer); } } movieClip 849 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 850 { } movieClip 879 { frame 1 { r_arm._x = -8; r_arm._y = -10; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 2 { r_arm._x = -5; r_arm._y = -11; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 3 { r_arm._x = -3; r_arm._y = -10; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 4 { r_arm._x = -1; r_arm._y = -10; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 5 { r_arm._x = 0; r_arm._y = -10; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 6 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -9; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 7 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -8; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 8 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -8; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 9 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -8; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 10 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -8; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 5; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } } movieClip 880 { } movieClip 899 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 920 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 928 { } movieClip 943 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 954 { } movieClip 973 { frame 10 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 984 { frame 11 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 985 落水效果 { frame 15 { if (this.getDepth() > 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 986 主角_子弹0 { frame 2 { mc.gotoAndStop(frame); stop(); } } movieClip 1005 { } movieClip 1016 { frame 6 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1017 主角_子弹1 { frame 2 { mc.gotoAndStop(frame); stop(); } } movieClip 1019 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1046 主角_子弹3 { frame 23 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1074 { } movieClip 1077 { } movieClip 1088 { } movieClip 1091 { } movieClip 1094 { } movieClip 1103 { } movieClip 1106 { } movieClip 1119 { } movieClip 1128 { } movieClip 1137 { } movieClip 1148 { } movieClip 1157 { } movieClip 1168 { } movieClip 1169 { frame 10 { _parent.numbers = 5; } frame 16 { _parent.numbers = 10; } frame 22 { _parent.numbers = 15; } frame 28 { _parent.numbers = 20; } frame 34 { _parent.numbers = 25; } frame 40 { _parent.numbers = 30; } frame 46 { _parent.numbers = 35; } frame 52 { _parent.numbers = 40; } frame 58 { _parent.numbers = 45; } frame 64 { _parent.numbers = 50; } frame 73 { _parent.numbers = 5; } frame 78 { _parent.numbers = 10; } frame 86 { _parent.numbers = 100; } frame 92 { _parent.numbers = 150; } frame 98 { _parent.numbers = 200; } frame 104 { _parent.numbers = 250; } frame 110 { _parent.numbers = 300; } frame 116 { _parent.numbers = 500; } frame 122 { _parent.numbers = 750; } frame 127 { _parent.numbers = 1000; } frame 132 { _parent.numbers = 1500; } } movieClip 1190 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1191 { frame 1 { _parent.show_score(5); } frame 4 { _parent.show_score(4); } frame 7 { _parent.show_score(3); } frame 10 { _parent.show_score(2); } frame 13 { _parent.show_score(1); } frame 66 { _parent.show_score_over(); } } movieClip 1194 各种奖励 { frame 7 { this.check_item(); } frame 13 { stop(); ready = true; } frame 23 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1205 小刀砍人_效果 { frame 11 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1228 主角_导弹烟雾 { frame 23 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1255 { frame 27 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1256 主角_手雷1 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1261 { } movieClip 1294 { frame 31 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1295 主角_子弹5 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { this.exploding(); } frame 12 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1298 主角_子弹6 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { this.exploding(); } frame 12 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1331 { frame 1 { _parent.exploding(); _root.play_soundAction('手雷爆炸', false); } frame 5 { _parent.exploding(); _root.play_soundAction('手雷爆炸', false); } frame 10 { _parent.exploding(); _root.play_soundAction('手雷爆炸', false); } frame 39 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1332 主角_子弹10 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1335 主角_子弹8 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { this.exploding(); } frame 13 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1336 { frame 1 { _parent.exploding(); _root.play_soundAction('手雷爆炸', false); } frame 5 { _parent.exploding(); _root.play_soundAction('手雷爆炸', false); } frame 35 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1337 主角_手雷2 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1340 { } movieClip 1341 主角_子弹2 { frame 1 { mc.gotoAndStop(frame); stop(); } frame 6 { this.exploding(); } frame 12 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1344 主角_子弹4 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { this.exploding(); } frame 12 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1347 主角_子弹7 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { this.exploding(); } frame 13 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1362 { frame 29 { _parent.gotoAndStop('walk'); } } movieClip 1363 { } movieClip 1364 主角_子弹9 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { can_go = true; } frame 12 { this.exploding(); } frame 19 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1380 主角_子弹11 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(4) + 1); } frame 6 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1383 { frame 31 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1384 主角_子弹12 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { this.exploding(); } frame 12 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1393 小刀砍金属_效果 { frame 5 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1426 { frame 31 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1427 主角_子弹13 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { this.exploding(); } frame 13 { this.exploding(); } } movieClip 1428 player1 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.gameControl02(); } } movieClip 1430 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } frame 7 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 1; } frame 13 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 2; } frame 19 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 1; } } movieClip 1447 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 1; } frame 3 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } frame 5 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y - 1; } frame 7 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } frame 9 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 1; } frame 11 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } frame 13 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y - 1; } frame 15 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y; } } movieClip 1457 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 11; } frame 5 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 10; } frame 9 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 9; } frame 13 { _parent._parent.up._y = _parent._y + 10; } } movieClip 1467 { } movieClip 1468 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.states = 'stand'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 100; _parent.up._y = this._y; } frame 8 { _parent.states = 'stand'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 100; _parent.up._y = this._y; } frame 15 { _parent.states = 'crouch'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 75; _parent.up._y = this._y + 10; } frame 22 { _parent.states = 'crouch'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 75; _parent.up._y = this._y + 10; } frame 29 { _parent.states = 'jump'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 100; _parent.up._y = this._y; if (this.force_jump) { _root.jump_Action(_parent, this.force_jump); delete this.force_jump; } else { _root.jump_Action(_parent, -15); } } frame 37 { _parent.states = 'jump'; _parent.can_with = true; _parent.g._yscale = 100; _parent.up._y = this._y; _root.jump_Action(_parent, 5); } } movieClip 1471 { } movieClip 1491 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { _root.doing_attack1(this); } } movieClip 1514 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { _root.doing_attack2(this); } } movieClip 1529 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _root.doing_attack3(_parent._parent._parent, _parent._rotation); } } movieClip 1534 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _root.doing_attack4(_parent._parent._parent, _parent._rotation); } } movieClip 1537 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1540 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1543 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1546 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1548 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1551 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1554 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1557 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1560 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1563 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1566 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1569 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1572 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1583 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1594 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1597 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1600 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1603 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1606 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1609 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1612 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1615 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1618 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1621 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1624 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1627 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1630 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1633 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1636 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1641 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1650 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.doing_attack1(this.killer); } } movieClip 1651 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1652 { } movieClip 1680 { frame 1 { r_arm._x = -4; r_arm._y = -12; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 2 { r_arm._x = -3; r_arm._y = -11; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 3 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -11; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 4 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -10; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 5 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -11; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 6 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -10; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 7 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -11; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 8 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -9; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 9 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -9; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } frame 10 { r_arm._x = -2; r_arm._y = -9; l_arm._x = r_arm._x + 1; l_arm._y = r_arm._y - 1; } } movieClip 1681 { } movieClip 1700 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1717 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 1724 { } movieClip 1725 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 1726 player2 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.gameControl02(); } } movieClip 1729 { } movieClip 1732 { } movieClip 1735 { } movieClip 1737 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1806 敌人_运输卡车 { frame 1 { if (!mine_visible) { mine._visible = false; } } frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 1809 障碍_沙袋 { } movieClip 1826 { frame 15 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1827 奖励_木箱子 { frame 8 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 1835 奖励_油桶 { frame 15 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } } movieClip 1838 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1839 陷阱盖子 { frame 8 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 1842 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1843 奖励_隐藏宝物 { frame 8 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1846 { frame 31 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1847 奖励_集装箱 { frame 7 { _root.play_soundAction('手雷爆炸', false); } } movieClip 1850 { } movieClip 1851 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 1854 { } movieClip 1855 { } movieClip 1856 轰炸炸弹 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1887 德军_轰炸机 { frame 25 { this.shootAction(); } frame 99 { stop(); } } movieClip 1896 NPC_小鱼 { } movieClip 1899 clue_arrow { frame 61 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1902 check_bar { frame 116 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1908 { } movieClip 1919 { } movieClip 1920 boss_healthbar { } movieClip 1923 { } movieClip 1924 boss_warning { frame 1 { _root.play_soundAction('BOSS警报', false); } frame 31 { _root.play_soundAction('BOSS警报', false); } frame 61 { _root.play_soundAction('BOSS警报', false); } frame 80 { this.final_event(); } } movieClip 1929 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_root.game_player_sex); } } movieClip 1950 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1955 { } movieClip 1956 { } movieClip 1977 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1978 { } movieClip 1999 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2002 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2023 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2026 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2029 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2031 game_UI { } movieClip 2032 game_mask { } movieClip 2036 { } movieClip 2037 game_intro { frame 1 { stop(); btn_play.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); gotoAndStop('player_select'); }; btn_option.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); gotoAndStop('options'); }; btn_help.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); gotoAndStop('help'); }; _root.noiser_this(this, 80, 'temp'); if (!_root.LOCAL_lockAction()) { gotoAndStop('online'); } } frame 11 { stop(); buttons.btn_next.onRelease = function () { if (msg_box == undefined) { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); gotoAndStop('level_select'); } }; buttons.btn_back.onRelease = function () { if (msg_box == undefined) { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); gotoAndStop('index'); } }; buttons.btn_new.onRelease = function () { if (msg_box == undefined) { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); _root.create_new_player(this._parent._parent); } }; buttons.btn_delete.onRelease = function () { if (msg_box == undefined) { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); _root.delete_player(this._parent._parent); } }; _root.noiser_this(this, 80, 'temp'); _root.game_load_files(this); } frame 21 { stop(); _root.set_current_key(); _root.set_current_options(); btn_back.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); if (_root.check_correct() == 'finish') { if (_root.game_save_files(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined)) { _root.end_set_key(); gotoAndStop('index'); } } }; btn_default.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); _root.noiser_this(this._parent, 80, 'temp'); _root.reset_org_options(); }; _root.noiser_this(this, 80, 'temp'); } frame 30 { stop(); btn_back.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); gotoAndStop('index'); }; _root.noiser_this(this, 80, 'temp'); } frame 40 { function loadTracker() { trace('loadTracker'); var v2 = new LoadVars(); var v3 = (new Date()).getTime(); var v1 = '' + v3; trace(v1); v2.sendAndLoad(v1, v2, 'GET'); } stop(); var ref = this; btn_start.onRelease = function () { trace('btn_start.onReleaser'); ref.loadTracker(); _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); _root.default_weapons(inventory); _root.gotoGame(); }; btn_back.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); gotoAndStop('player_select'); }; if (_root.game_show_hints) { (this.attachMovie('game_msg_box', 'msg_box2', this.getNextHighestDepth())).gotoAndPlay('hints'); } _root.noiser_this(this, 80, 'temp'); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); _root.play_music('bgm_win', false); } frame 74 { stop(); btn_again.onRelease = function () { _root.game_score = 0; _root.death_photo.dispose(); _root.clean_cache(); _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); gotoAndStop('level_select'); }; btn_submit.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); _root.noiser_this(this._parent, 80, 'temp');; }; _root.show_death_photo(photo); _root.noiser_this(this, 80, 'temp'); _root.play_music('bgm_lose', false); } frame 87 { stop(); final_ani.onPress = function () {; }; final_ani.useHandCursor = false; btn_again.onRelease = function () { _root.game_score = 0; _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); gotoAndStop('index'); }; btn_submit.onRelease = function () { _root.play_soundAction('补充弹药', false); _root.noiser_this(this._parent, 80, 'temp');; }; _root.noiser_this(this, 80, 'temp'); } } movieClip 2040 { } movieClip 2043 { } movieClip 2044 { } movieClip 2045 { } movieClip 2049 { } movieClip 2051 { frame 1 { var temp_mc = _root.blocksAction('奖励_隐藏宝物', _parent._x + this._x, _parent._y + this._y, 1, 5, false, 0); temp_mc.in_air = true; temp_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; temp_mc.no_shine = true; temp_mc._visible = 0; this.swapDepths(_parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2054 { } movieClip 2060 { } movieClip 2062 { } movieClip 2066 { } movieClip 2070 { } movieClip 2074 { } movieClip 2078 { } movieClip 2082 { } movieClip 2086 { } movieClip 2090 { } movieClip 2094 { } movieClip 2100 { } movieClip 2105 { frame 1 { _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', _parent._x + this._x, _parent._y + this._y, 99, 1 - random(4), 'stand', this._xscale); this.swapDepths(_parent.getNextHighestDepth()); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2109 { } movieClip 2115 { } movieClip 2120 { } movieClip 2127 { } movieClip 2135 { } movieClip 2141 { } movieClip 2145 { } movieClip 2163 { } movieClip 2167 { } movieClip 2171 { } movieClip 2177 { } movieClip 2183 { } movieClip 2192 { } movieClip 2201 { } movieClip 2202 NPC_熊猫 { } movieClip 2233 NPC_小猪 { } movieClip 2240 { } movieClip 2245 { frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 2246 NPC_小乌龟 { } movieClip 2251 NPC_小鸡 { } movieClip 2270 { frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(10); } } movieClip 2271 NPC_水鸟 { } movieClip 2280 { } movieClip 2295 { frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(10); } } movieClip 2296 NPC_白鹤 { } movieClip 2303 { } movieClip 2316 { } movieClip 2333 { } movieClip 2334 NPC_公鸡 { } movieClip 2337 { } movieClip 2348 { } movieClip 2365 { } movieClip 2366 { } movieClip 2379 { frame 15 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 2391 { } movieClip 2398 { frame 21 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_手雷', 0); } } movieClip 2409 { frame 15 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 2418 { frame 14 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', -163); } } movieClip 2427 { frame 14 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', -124); } } movieClip 2436 { frame 14 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', -90); } } movieClip 2441 { } movieClip 2450 { } movieClip 2459 { frame 14 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 2474 { frame 24 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_手雷', 0); } } movieClip 2479 { } movieClip 2494 { } movieClip 2511 { frame 26 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 2530 { frame 21 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_手雷', 0); } } movieClip 2551 { frame 10 { _parent.shootAction(); } frame 23 { stop(); } } movieClip 2558 { } movieClip 2563 { } movieClip 2568 { } movieClip 2577 { } movieClip 2586 { } movieClip 2595 { } movieClip 2606 { } movieClip 2611 { } movieClip 2616 { } movieClip 2627 { } movieClip 2640 { } movieClip 2651 { } movieClip 2658 { } movieClip 2675 { frame 51 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2690 { frame 59 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2705 { frame 55 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2720 { frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(7); } } movieClip 2727 { } movieClip 2728 敌人_枪械子弹 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2734 { } movieClip 2735 敌人_手雷 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2740 敌人_竹子武器 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2741 敌人_步枪兵 { } movieClip 2746 { } movieClip 2759 { } movieClip 2770 { frame 10 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } frame 22 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } frame 34 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 2775 { } movieClip 2790 { } movieClip 2801 { frame 10 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } frame 22 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } frame 34 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 2810 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2823 { frame 9 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 2836 { } movieClip 2851 { frame 53 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2868 { frame 63 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2869 敌人_汉奸 { } movieClip 2956 { } movieClip 2957 { } movieClip 2962 { } movieClip 2967 { } movieClip 2994 { frame 11 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 13 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_刀光', 180); } frame 23 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 25 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_刀光', 180); } } movieClip 3003 { } movieClip 3012 { frame 3 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 3029 { } movieClip 3048 { frame 9 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_刀光', -145); } frame 11 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_刀光', 180); } frame 13 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_刀光', 145); } frame 15 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 3069 { frame 57 { _root.play_soundAction('小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), false); } frame 135 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3086 { frame 63 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3091 { } movieClip 3092 敌人_刀光 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3093 敌人_日本武士军官 { } movieClip 3097 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 3104 { } movieClip 3117 { } movieClip 3130 { } movieClip 3139 { frame 5 { _parent.shootAction(); } frame 11 { _parent.shootAction(); } frame 17 { _parent.shootAction(); } frame 23 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 3150 { frame 13 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 3165 { frame 59 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3192 { frame 75 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3193 敌人_机枪兵 { } movieClip 3198 { } movieClip 3206 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 38 { _parent.shoot_stoneAction(); } } movieClip 3215 { } movieClip 3259 { frame 3 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 6 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 11 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 17 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 38 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 43 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 48 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 54 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 81 { stop(); } } movieClip 3268 敌人_巨石 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } movieClip 3269 敌人_BOSS1 { } movieClip 3278 { } movieClip 3285 { } movieClip 3286 NPC_蝙蝠 { } movieClip 3290 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 3291 水面_小船 { } movieClip 3294 前景_木门 { } movieClip 3298 障碍_木门 { frame 8 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 3301 前景_芦苇 { } movieClip 3310 { } movieClip 3312 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 3317 { } movieClip 3357 { } movieClip 3358 坦克_炮弹 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3359 德军_坦克1 { frame 37 { this.stand(); } frame 62 { this.shootAction1(); } frame 92 { this.stand(); } frame 174 { stop(); } } movieClip 3370 { } movieClip 3371 { frame 39 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3372 推车_车 { } movieClip 3381 { } movieClip 3382 滚动_油桶 { } movieClip 3385 { frame 34 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3386 小木头房子 { frame 8 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } } movieClip 3388 敌人_碉堡小兵 { } movieClip 3395 { } movieClip 3408 { frame 9 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 3433 { frame 3 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 7 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 11 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 15 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 19 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 23 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 3434 { } movieClip 3441 { frame 4 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 14 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 17 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 3462 { frame 16 { _root.play_soundAction('敌兵死亡0' + (random(3) + 1), false); } frame 55 { stop(); } } movieClip 3463 敌人_骑兵 { } movieClip 3471 { frame 17 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 3472 敌人_油桶士兵 { frame 15 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } } movieClip 3485 { } movieClip 3486 { frame 29 { level.gotoAndStop(20 + _root.stages); } frame 80 { stop(); } } movieClip 3491 { } movieClip 3498 mission1_start { frame 3 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机飞来', false); } frame 57 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) { player2.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player2.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) { player1.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player1.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 69 { _root.play_soundAction('公鸡', false); } frame 77 { _root.play_soundAction('公鸡', false); } frame 118 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机飞走', false); } frame 142 { _root.level_start(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3502 stage1_bg { frame 1 { g._visible = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 245, this._y + 320, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 510, this._y + 325, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 320, this._y + 318, 3, 51, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 318, 3, 52, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 437, this._y + 318, 3, 52, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 570, this._y + 318, 3, 52, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 560; } } frame 2 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 245, this._y + 320, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 510, this._y + 325, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 320, this._y + 318, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 318, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 437, this._y + 318, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 570, this._y + 318, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 560; } } frame 3 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 250, this._y + 318, false)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 318, 3, 52, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 318, 3, 52, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 235, this._y + 280, 3, 53, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 270, this._y + 280, 3, 54, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 315, this._y + 280, 3, 55, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 355, this._y + 318, 3, 55, 'stand', 100); } } frame 3 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 250, this._y + 318, false)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 318, 3, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 318, 3, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 235, this._y + 280, 3, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 270, this._y + 280, 3, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 315, this._y + 280, 3, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 355, this._y + 318, 3, 1, 'stand', 100); } } frame 4 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_芦苇', this._x + 374, this._y + 360); (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 50, this._y + 320, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 318, false)).body.stop(); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 318, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 557, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 519, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 105, this._y + 167, 3, 52, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 140, this._y + 167, 3, 51, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 130, this._y + 318, 3, 55, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 318, 3, 57, 'stand', 100); } } frame 4 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_芦苇', this._x + 374, this._y + 360); (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 50, this._y + 320, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 318, false)).body.stop(); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 318, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 557, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 519, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 105, this._y + 167, 3, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 140, this._y + 167, 3, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 130, this._y + 318, 3, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 318, 3, 1, 'stand', 100); } } frame 5 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_芦苇', this._x + 228, this._y + 364); _root.enemysAction17('敌人_碉堡小兵', 1, this._x + 306, this._y + 313, 3, 100); var i = 1; while (i <= 8) { _root.add_creatures_04(this._x + 200 + random(350), this._y + 345 + random(55), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } } } frame 5 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_芦苇', this._x + 228, this._y + 364); _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 335, this._y + 222, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction17('敌人_碉堡小兵', 2, this._x + 306, this._y + 313, 3, 100); var i = 1; while (i <= 8) { _root.add_creatures_04(this._x + 200 + random(350), this._y + 345 + random(55), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } } } frame 6 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 255, this._y + 307, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 298, this._y + 309, 99, 56, 'crouch', -100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; } } frame 6 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 255, this._y + 307, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 298, this._y + 309, 99, 56, 'crouch', -100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; } } frame 7 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 208, this._y + 380, true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 55, this._y + 345, 99, 56, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 40; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 365; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 346, this._y + 347, 99, 56, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 40; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 365; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 357, 99, 54, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 40; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 365; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 245, this._y + 357, 99, 55, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 40; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 365; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4], -3390); var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 150 + random(100), this._y + 450 + random(80), temp_dir); ++i; } var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 8) { _root.add_creatures_05(this._x + 450 + random(150), this._y + 300 + random(30), temp_dir); ++i; } if (_root.main.others.getDepth() > _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.others.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } var box_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 200, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc1.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc1, 'blue'); var box_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 250, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc2.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc2, 'blue'); var box_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 300, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc3.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc3, 'blue'); } } frame 7 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 208, this._y + 380, true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 55, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 40; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 365; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 346, this._y + 347, 99, 1, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 40; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 365; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 357, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 40; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 365; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 245, this._y + 357, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 40; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 365; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4], -3390); var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 150 + random(100), this._y + 450 + random(80), temp_dir); ++i; } var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 8) { _root.add_creatures_05(this._x + 450 + random(150), this._y + 300 + random(30), temp_dir); ++i; } if (_root.main.others.getDepth() > _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.others.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } var box_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 200, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc1.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc1, 'blue'); var box_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 250, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc2.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc2, 'blue'); var box_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 300, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc3.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc3, 'blue'); } } frame 8 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 8) { _root.add_creatures_05(this._x + 550 + random(150), this._y + 300 + random(30), temp_dir); ++i; } _root.add_creatures_06(this._x + 100, this._y + 520, 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1), 'water'); _root.add_creatures_06(this._x + 490, this._y + 520, 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1), 'water'); _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 308, this._y + 380, true); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 258, this._y + 360, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 310, this._y + 360, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 378, this._y + 360, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 164, this._y + 349, 99, 56, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 135; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 470; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 454, this._y + 348, 99, 56, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 135; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 470; } } frame 8 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 8) { _root.add_creatures_05(this._x + 550 + random(150), this._y + 300 + random(30), temp_dir); ++i; } _root.add_creatures_06(this._x + 100, this._y + 520, 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1), 'water'); _root.add_creatures_06(this._x + 490, this._y + 520, 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1), 'water'); _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 308, this._y + 380, true); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 258, this._y + 360, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 310, this._y + 360, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 378, this._y + 360, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 164, this._y + 349, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 135; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 470; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 454, this._y + 348, 99, 1, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 135; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 470; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 400, this._y + 480, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x - 500; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 1280; enemy_mc3.min_area_y = this._y + 460; enemy_mc3.max_area_y = this._y + 520; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc3, 'blue'); } } frame 9 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 428, this._y + 380, true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 275, this._y + 345, 99, 56, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 566, this._y + 347, 99, 56, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 370, this._y + 357, 99, 56, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 357, 99, 57, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 465, this._y + 357, 99, 57, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 357, 99, 56, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc6.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc6.max_area_x = this._x + 585; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6], -4755); var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 150 + random(100), this._y + 450 + random(80), temp_dir); ++i; } var box_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 300, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc1.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc1, 'blue'); var box_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 350, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc2.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc2, 'blue'); var box_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 500, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc3.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc3, 'blue'); } } frame 9 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 428, this._y + 380, true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 275, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 566, this._y + 347, 99, 1, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 370, this._y + 357, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 357, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 465, this._y + 357, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 585; var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 357, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc6.min_area_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc6.max_area_x = this._x + 585; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6], -4755); var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 150 + random(100), this._y + 450 + random(80), temp_dir); ++i; } var box_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 300, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc1.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc1, 'blue'); var box_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 350, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc2.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc2, 'blue'); var box_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 500, this._y + 508, 1, 5, false, 30); box_mc3.in_water = true; _root.always_shine(box_mc3, 'blue'); } } frame 10 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (_root.main.others.getDepth() < _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.others.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 400, this._y + 356, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 356, 99, 53, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 215; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 356, 99, 54, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 215; } } frame 10 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (_root.main.others.getDepth() < _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.others.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 400, this._y + 356, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 356, 99, 1, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 215; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 356, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 215; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 85, this._y + 460, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x - 500; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc1.min_area_y = this._y + 460; enemy_mc1.max_area_y = this._y + 520; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc1, 'blue'); } } frame 11 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_木门', this._x + 227, this._y + 388); var object_mc = _root.blocksAction('障碍_木门', this._x + 209, this._y + 355, 1, 30, false, 30); object_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x, this._y - 400); _root.hold_camera([v3], -5780); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; }; } } frame 11 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_木门', this._x + 227, this._y + 388); var object_mc = _root.blocksAction('障碍_木门', this._x + 209, this._y + 355, 1, 30, false, 30); object_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x, this._y - 400); _root.hold_camera([v3], -5780); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; }; } } frame 12 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 110, this._y + 355, 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 30, this._y + 355, 10, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 355, 10, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 620, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 640, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 660, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 680, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 700, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 720, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -5875); (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 373, this._y + 273, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 427, this._y + 274, 99, 0, 'crouch', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 355, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 520, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 560, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'crouch', 100); _root.enemysAction17('敌人_碉堡小兵', 1, this._x + 376, this._y + 365, 3, 100); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 215, this._y + 355, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 175, this._y + 355, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 495, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 550, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 12 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 110, this._y + 355, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 210, this._y + 355, 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 30, this._y + 355, 10, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 355, 10, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 620, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 640, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 660, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 680, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 700, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 720, this._y + 355, 10, -random(2) - 1, 'stand', -100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -5875); (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 373, this._y + 273, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 427, this._y + 274, 99, 0, 'crouch', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 355, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 520, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 560, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'crouch', 100); _root.enemysAction17('敌人_碉堡小兵', 1, this._x + 376, this._y + 365, 3, 100); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 215, this._y + 355, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 175, this._y + 355, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 495, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 550, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 13 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 65, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 125, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 400, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 450, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 510, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 560, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 128, this._y + 355, false); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 316, this._y + 355, false); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -6900); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 123, this._y + 319, 5, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 158, this._y + 319, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 189, this._y + 319, 5, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 308, this._y + 319, 5, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 342, this._y + 319, 5, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 375, this._y + 319, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); } } frame 13 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 65, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 125, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 400, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 450, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 510, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 560, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 128, this._y + 355, false); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 316, this._y + 355, false); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -6900); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 123, this._y + 319, 5, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 158, this._y + 319, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 189, this._y + 319, 5, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 308, this._y + 319, 5, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 342, this._y + 319, 5, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 375, this._y + 319, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); } } frame 14 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 114, this._y + 168, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 162, this._y + 168, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 295, this._y + 151, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 14 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 114, this._y + 168, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 162, this._y + 168, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 295, this._y + 151, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 15 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 127, this._y + 161, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 55, this._y + 356, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 30, this._y + 162, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 70, this._y + 162, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 122, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 156, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'grovel', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 188, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 218, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'crouch', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 253, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 265; (_root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克1', this._x + 345, this._y + 265, 0, 1, 590, 1, 100)).dieEvents = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(1); v2._x = 480; v2._y = 270; }; _root.enemysAction17('敌人_碉堡小兵', 1, this._x + 327, this._y + 358, 3, 100); } } frame 15 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 127, this._y + 161, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 55, this._y + 356, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 30, this._y + 162, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 70, this._y + 162, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 122, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 156, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'grovel', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 188, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 218, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'crouch', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 253, this._y + 355, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 265; (_root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克1', this._x + 345, this._y + 265, 0, 1, 590, 1, 100)).dieEvents = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(1); v2._x = 480; v2._y = 270; }; _root.enemysAction17('敌人_碉堡小兵', 1, this._x + 327, this._y + 358, 3, 100); _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 442, this._y + 333, 'crouch', 100); } } frame 16 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm1_2', true); var i = 1; while (i <= 10) { _root.add_creatures_07(this._x + 200 + random(100) + (random(10) + 5) * i, this._y + 75 + random(5), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 240, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 280, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 520, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 560, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 165, this._y + 318, -1, 0, 0, 0)).enemy_type = 3; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 319, 99, 57, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 319, 99, 57, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 295, this._y + 319, 99, 54, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 462, this._y + 319, 99, 55, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 319, 99, 55, 'stand', 100); } } frame 16 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm1_2', true); var i = 1; while (i <= 10) { _root.add_creatures_07(this._x + 200 + random(100) + (random(10) + 5) * i, this._y + 75 + random(5), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 240, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 280, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 520, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 560, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 165, this._y + 318, -1, 0, 0, 0)).enemy_type = 3; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 319, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 319, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 295, this._y + 319, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 462, this._y + 319, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 319, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); } } frame 17 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var i = 1; while (i <= 10) { _root.add_creatures_07(this._x + 200 + random(100) + (random(10) + 5) * i, this._y + 75 + random(5), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } } } frame 17 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var i = 1; while (i <= 10) { _root.add_creatures_07(this._x + 200 + random(100) + (random(10) + 5) * i, this._y + 75 + random(5), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } } } frame 18 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var i = 1; while (i <= 10) { _root.add_creatures_07(this._x + 200 + random(100) + (random(10) + 5) * i, this._y + 75 + random(5), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 400, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; } } frame 18 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var i = 1; while (i <= 10) { _root.add_creatures_07(this._x + 200 + random(100) + (random(10) + 5) * i, this._y + 75 + random(5), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 400, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; } } frame 19 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var i = 1; while (i <= 10) { _root.add_creatures_07(this._x + 200 + random(100) + (random(10) + 5) * i, this._y + 75 + random(5), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 350, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 600, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; } } frame 19 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var i = 1; while (i <= 10) { _root.add_creatures_07(this._x + 200 + random(100) + (random(10) + 5) * i, this._y + 75 + random(5), 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1)); ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 350, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 600, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; } } frame 20 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 229, this._y + 319, false)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 371, this._y + 326, false)).mine_visible = true; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 80, this._y + 318, 99, 54, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 115, this._y + 318, 99, 54, 'stand', -100); } } frame 20 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 320, true)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 229, this._y + 319, false)).mine_visible = true; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 371, this._y + 326, false)).mine_visible = true; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 80, this._y + 318, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 115, this._y + 318, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); } } frame 21 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 253, this._y + 471, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 402, this._y + 417, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 526, this._y + 359, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 227, this._y + 559); var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 259, this._y + 552, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 227, this._y + 559)).move_me(1); _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -2725); } } frame 21 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 253, this._y + 471, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 402, this._y + 417, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 526, this._y + 359, 'crouch', 100)).in_air = true; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 227, this._y + 559); var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 259, this._y + 552, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 227, this._y + 559)).move_me(1); _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -2725); } } frame 22 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 346, this._y + 181, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 512, this._y + 173, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 219, this._y + 324); var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 255, this._y + 324, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 219, this._y + 324)).move_me(1); _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -3345); } } frame 22 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 346, this._y + 181, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 512, this._y + 173, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 219, this._y + 324); var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 255, this._y + 324, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 219, this._y + 324)).move_me(1); _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -3345); } } frame 23 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 253, this._y + 449, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 403, this._y + 443, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 528, this._y + 372, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; } } frame 23 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 253, this._y + 449, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 403, this._y + 443, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 528, this._y + 372, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; } } frame 24 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 281, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 362, this._y + 213, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 533, this._y + 155, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 219, this._y + 324); var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 255, this._y + 324, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 117, this._y + 397)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 219, this._y + 324)).move_me(1); _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -4470); } } frame 24 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 281, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 362, this._y + 213, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 533, this._y + 155, 'crouch', 100)).in_air = true; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 219, this._y + 324); var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 255, this._y + 324, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 117, this._y + 397)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 219, this._y + 324)).move_me(1); _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -4470); } } frame 25 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 272, this._y + 550, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 307, this._y + 541, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 252, this._y + 490, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 361, this._y + 445, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 496, this._y + 370, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 227, this._y + 559); var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 259, this._y + 552, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 83, this._y + 661)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 165, this._y + 635)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 227, this._y + 559)).move_me(1); _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -5050); } } frame 25 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 272, this._y + 550, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 307, this._y + 541, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 252, this._y + 490, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 361, this._y + 445, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 496, this._y + 370, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 227, this._y + 559); var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 259, this._y + 552, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 83, this._y + 661)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 165, this._y + 635)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 227, this._y + 559)).move_me(1); _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -5050); } } frame 26 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction17('敌人_碉堡小兵', 2, this._x + 248, this._y + 344, 10, 100); } } frame 26 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 262, this._y + 255, 'grovel', 100); _root.enemysAction17('敌人_碉堡小兵', 2, this._x + 248, this._y + 344, 10, 100); } } frame 27 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('小木头房子', this._x + 270, this._y + 320, 1, 50, false, 30); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -6230); enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克1', this._x, this._y, 0, 1, 590, 1, 100); v3.swapDepths(this); _root.hold_camera([v3], -6230); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; }; } } frame 27 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('小木头房子', this._x + 270, this._y + 320, 1, 50, false, 30); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -6230); enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克2', this._x, this._y, 0, 1, 590, 1, 100); v3.swapDepths(this); var v4 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 320, this._y, 100); _root.hold_camera([v3, v4], -6230); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; }; } } frame 28 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 518, this._y + 425, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('陷阱盖子', this._x + 95, this._y + 785, 1, 5, false, 5); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100, this._y + 721, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 28 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 518, this._y + 425, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('陷阱盖子', this._x + 95, this._y + 785, 1, 5, false, 5); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100, this._y + 721, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 29 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 59, this._y + 748, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 219, this._y + 631, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 310, this._y + 538, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 461, this._y + 423, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 74, this._y + 935)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 312, this._y + 769)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 462, this._y + 671)).move_me(); } } frame 29 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 59, this._y + 748, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 219, this._y + 631, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 310, this._y + 538, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 461, this._y + 423, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 74, this._y + 935)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 312, this._y + 769)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 462, this._y + 671)).move_me(); } } frame 30 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 59, this._y + 748, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 219, this._y + 631, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 310, this._y + 538, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 477, this._y + 472, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 106, this._y + 912)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 220, this._y + 833)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 444, this._y + 681)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 541, this._y + 621)).move_me(); } } frame 30 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 59, this._y + 748, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 219, this._y + 631, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 310, this._y + 538, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 477, this._y + 472, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 106, this._y + 912)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 220, this._y + 833)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 444, this._y + 681)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 541, this._y + 621)).move_me(); } } frame 31 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 50, this._y + 551)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 183, this._y + 455)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 560, this._y + 321)).move_me(); var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 450, this._y + 320); temp_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 500, this._y + 321, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -8900); } } frame 31 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 50, this._y + 551)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 183, this._y + 455)).move_me(); (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 560, this._y + 321)).move_me(); var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 450, this._y + 320); temp_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var temp_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 500, this._y + 321, 0, 'stand', 100); temp_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; _root.hold_camera([temp_mc2], -8900); } } frame 32 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 100, this._y + 320); _root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 500, this._y + 320); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 230, this._y + 320, 5, 55, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 290, this._y + 320, 5, 53, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 330, this._y + 320, 5, 53, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 380, this._y + 320, 5, 55, 'stand', 100); } } frame 32 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 100, this._y + 320); _root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 500, this._y + 320); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 230, this._y + 320, 5, 55, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 290, this._y + 320, 5, 53, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 330, this._y + 320, 5, 53, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 380, this._y + 320, 5, 55, 'stand', 100); } } frame 33 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 235, this._y + 320)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('小木头房子', this._x + 120, this._y + 320, 1, 50, false, 30); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -9750); enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction18('敌人_日本武士军官', this._x, this._y, 1, 100); v3.swapDepths(this); _root.hold_camera([v3], -9750); }; } } frame 33 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 235, this._y + 320)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('小木头房子', this._x + 120, this._y + 320, 1, 50, false, 30); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -9750); enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction18('敌人_日本武士军官', this._x - 20, this._y, 2, 100); v3.swapDepths(this); var v4 = _root.enemysAction18('敌人_日本武士军官', this._x + 20, this._y, 2, 100); v4.swapDepths(this); _root.hold_camera([v3, v4], -9750); }; } } frame 34 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 318, false)).body.stop(); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 318, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 557, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 519, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 34 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 318, false)).body.stop(); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 318, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 557, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 519, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 280, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 36 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 60, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 190, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 230, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 320, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x - 680, this._y + 320, -100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -11195); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 36 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 60, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 190, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 230, this._y + 319, 2, 5, true, 10); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克1', this._x + 50, this._y + 320, 1, 1, 510, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克1', this._x - 680, this._y + 320, 1, 1, 80, 1, -100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -11195); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 37 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm1_3', true); _root.player_min_x = 50; (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 419, this._y + 298)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 523, this._y + 298)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 278, this._y + 298, 99, 53, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 325, this._y + 298, 99, 54, 'stand', 100); } } frame 37 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm1_3', true); _root.player_min_x = 50; (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 419, this._y + 298)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction16('推车_车', this._x + 523, this._y + 298)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 278, this._y + 298, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 325, this._y + 298, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); } } frame 39 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 113, this._y + 398, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 197, this._y + 393, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 247, this._y + 395, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 363, this._y + 436, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 538, this._y + 484, 100); } } frame 39 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 113, this._y + 398, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 197, this._y + 393, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 247, this._y + 395, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 363, this._y + 436, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 538, this._y + 484, 100); } } frame 40 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 80, this._y + 547, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 169, this._y + 559, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 240, this._y + 579, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 383, this._y + 628, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 483, this._y + 674, 100); } } frame 40 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 80, this._y + 547, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 169, this._y + 559, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 240, this._y + 579, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 383, this._y + 628, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 483, this._y + 674, 100); } } frame 41 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_creatures_08(this._x + 465, this._y + 555, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 113, this._y + 378, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 197, this._y + 373, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 247, this._y + 375, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 363, this._y + 416, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 538, this._y + 464, 100); } } frame 41 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_creatures_08(this._x + 465, this._y + 555, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 113, this._y + 378, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 197, this._y + 373, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 247, this._y + 375, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 363, this._y + 416, 100); _root.enemysAction19('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 538, this._y + 464, 100); } } frame 42 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 444, this._y + 724, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 580, this._y + 724, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 725, 99, 0, 'crouch', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 520, this._y + 725, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 725, 99, 0, 'grovel', 100); } } frame 42 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 444, this._y + 724, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 580, this._y + 724, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 725, 99, 0, 'crouch', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 520, this._y + 725, 99, 0, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 725, 99, 0, 'grovel', 100); } } frame 43 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 374, false)).body.stop(); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 374, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 557, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 519, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 240, this._y + 374, 1, 'stand', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 350, this._y + 374, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -3330); } } frame 43 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 374, false)).body.stop(); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 374, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 557, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 519, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 336, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 240, this._y + 374, 1, 'stand', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 350, this._y + 374, 1, 'stand', 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 460, this._y + 374, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3], -3330); } } frame 44 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction20('敌人_BOSS1', this._x + 770, this._y + 291); _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(enemy_mc, 1); enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.game_save_level_file(2); _root.kill_boss(v2); }; } } frame 44 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction20('敌人_BOSS1', this._x + 770, this._y + 291); _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(enemy_mc, 1); enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.game_save_level_file(2); _root.kill_boss(v2); }; } } } movieClip 3516 { } movieClip 3522 { } movieClip 3528 { } movieClip 3532 { } movieClip 3536 { } movieClip 3540 { } movieClip 3544 { } movieClip 3548 { } movieClip 3558 { } movieClip 3565 { } movieClip 3569 { } movieClip 3573 { } movieClip 3579 { } movieClip 3582 { } movieClip 3586 { } movieClip 3590 { } movieClip 3594 { } movieClip 3601 { } movieClip 3613 { } movieClip 3614 { } movieClip 3620 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 3626 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { _root.play_soundAction('轻型枪械4', false); _root.play_soundAction('落水', false); } frame 26 { _root.play_soundAction('轻型枪械4', false); _root.play_soundAction('落水', false); } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 3629 { } movieClip 3633 { } movieClip 3636 { } movieClip 3639 { } movieClip 3665 { } movieClip 3688 { } movieClip 3695 { } movieClip 3708 { } movieClip 3715 { } movieClip 3734 { frame 23 { _parent.shootAction1(); } } movieClip 3745 { frame 19 { _parent.shootAction2(2, 4); } frame 21 { _parent.shootAction2(5, 4); } frame 23 { _parent.shootAction2(8, 4); } frame 25 { _parent.shootAction2(11, 4); } frame 27 { _parent.shootAction2(14, 4); } } movieClip 3760 { frame 5 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 3777 { frame 65 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3788 { } movieClip 3791 敌人_飞镖 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3792 敌人_黄包车强盗 { frame 10 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 3793 { } movieClip 3794 NPC_马 { } movieClip 3801 { } movieClip 3864 { } movieClip 3865 { frame 73 { _root.play_soundAction('功夫_大笑', false); } frame 152 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 167 { _root.play_soundAction('打击声音', false); } frame 168 { _root.play_soundAction('敌兵死亡02', false); _root.shake_screen(); } frame 170 { _root.play_soundAction('打击声音', false); } frame 171 { _root.play_soundAction('敌兵死亡02', false); } frame 173 { _root.play_soundAction('打击声音', false); } frame 174 { _root.play_soundAction('敌兵死亡03', false); } frame 176 { _root.play_soundAction('打击声音', false); } frame 177 { _root.play_soundAction('敌兵死亡03', false); } } movieClip 3866 { frame 21 { _root.play_soundAction('功夫_大笑', false); } } movieClip 3879 { } movieClip 3896 { } movieClip 3897 { frame 10 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 16 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 3910 { frame 10 { if (!_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } else { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 165); _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); _parent.shootAction('冲击波', -165); } } } movieClip 3923 { frame 1 { if (_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } _parent.attackAction(); } frame 4 { if (_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } _parent.attackAction(); } frame 7 { if (_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } _parent.attackAction(); } frame 10 { if (_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } _parent.attackAction(); } frame 13 { if (_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } _parent.attackAction(); } frame 16 { if (_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } _parent.attackAction(); } frame 19 { if (_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } _parent.attackAction(); } frame 22 { if (_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } _parent.attackAction(); } frame 25 { if (_parent.angry) { _parent.shootAction('冲击波', 180); } _parent.attackAction(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 3930 { } movieClip 3939 { frame 1 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 3 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 5 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 7 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 9 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 11 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 13 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 15 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 17 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 19 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 21 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 23 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 25 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 27 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 29 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 31 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 33 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 35 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 37 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 39 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 41 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 43 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 45 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 47 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 3970 { frame 109 { _root.play_soundAction('小刀0' + (random(2) + 1), false); } frame 143 { stop(); } } movieClip 3975 { } movieClip 3982 { frame 7 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 3983 冲击波 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3984 敌人_BOSS2 { } movieClip 3995 { } movieClip 4006 { } movieClip 4029 { } movieClip 4030 NPC_情侣_女 { } movieClip 4069 { } movieClip 4092 { } movieClip 4105 { } movieClip 4106 NPC_情侣_男 { } movieClip 4119 { } movieClip 4130 { } movieClip 4143 { } movieClip 4144 NPC_商人 { } movieClip 4179 { } movieClip 4190 { } movieClip 4209 { } movieClip 4210 NPC_小地主 { } movieClip 4219 { } movieClip 4227 { } movieClip 4232 德军_装甲车2 { frame 37 { this.stand(); } frame 61 { this.shootAction2(); } frame 63 { this.shootAction2(); } frame 65 { this.shootAction2(); } frame 67 { this.shootAction2(); } frame 69 { this.shootAction2(); } frame 87 { this.stand(); } frame 157 { stop(); } } movieClip 4237 敌人_运输机 { frame 39 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } } movieClip 4242 { } movieClip 4249 德军_地雷 { frame 45 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 4252 德军_飞船_小炮 { frame 45 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 4256 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 4263 { } movieClip 4266 NPC_汽车1 { frame 53 { stop(); } } movieClip 4270 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 4273 NPC_汽车2 { frame 49 { stop(); } } movieClip 4278 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4281 雨阳篷 { frame 8 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 4302 { } movieClip 4310 { } movieClip 4313 { } movieClip 4334 { frame 31 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 4335 第二关物件群 { frame 13 { this.come_out_enemy(96, 218); } frame 14 { this.come_out_enemy(86, 304); } frame 15 { this.come_out_enemy(95, 260); } frame 18 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 19 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 20 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 21 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 22 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 23 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 24 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 25 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 26 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 27 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 28 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 29 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } frame 30 { _root.shot_shine(_root, 'white', 1); _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 31 { _root.shot_shine(_root, 'white', 1); _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 32 { _root.shot_shine(_root, 'white', 1); _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } } movieClip 4338 前景_军需门 { } movieClip 4339 敌人_窗口手雷兵 { } movieClip 4346 奖励_小花盆1 { frame 13 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 4353 奖励_小花盆2 { frame 13 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 4360 奖励_小花盆3 { frame 13 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 4363 前景_墙壁 { } movieClip 4394 { } movieClip 4395 { } movieClip 4396 { } movieClip 4423 { frame 1 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 7 { _parent.attackAction1(); } frame 15 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 22 { _parent.attackAction1(); } } movieClip 4446 { frame 1 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效3', false); } frame 5 { _parent.attackAction2(); } frame 15 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效3', false); } frame 18 { _parent.attackAction2(); } } movieClip 4455 { frame 5 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 7 { _parent.attackAction1(); } frame 10 { _parent.attackAction1(); } frame 13 { _parent.attackAction1(); } } movieClip 4472 { frame 10 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效1', false); } frame 13 { _parent.attackAction2(); } frame 16 { _parent.attackAction2(); } frame 19 { _parent.attackAction2(); } } movieClip 4507 { frame 125 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 4508 敌人_军曹 { } movieClip 4514 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 4515 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 4521 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 4527 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 4544 { frame 60 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 4561 { frame 67 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 4564 敌人_狙击镜 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4565 敌人_狙击手 { } movieClip 4568 { } movieClip 4570 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 4573 巨大岩石 { } movieClip 4574 漂浮_油桶 { } movieClip 4577 { } movieClip 4580 { } movieClip 4581 敌人_吉普车 { frame 1 { = this.active_moved; } } movieClip 4584 { } movieClip 4585 mission2_start { frame 46 { _root.play_soundAction('卡车开动', false); } frame 63 { _root.play_soundAction('士兵受惊', false); } frame 74 { _root.play_soundAction('打击声音', false); } frame 80 { _root.play_soundAction('卡车刹车', false); } frame 110 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) { player2.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player2.removeMovieClip(); player1.gotoAndPlay(14); } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) { player1.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player1.removeMovieClip(); player2.gotoAndPlay(14); } } } frame 182 { _root.level_start(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 4590 stage2_bg { frame 1 { g._visible = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var temp_mc1 = _root.add_creatures_10('NPC_小地主', this._x + 145, this._y + 305, -100); var temp_mc2 = _root.add_creatures_10('NPC_商人', this._x + 205, this._y + 305, 100); var house_mc1 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 59, this._y + 0, 30, 14); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 69, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 143, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); house_mc1.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc1.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc2.to_die('blow', 15); temp_mc1.move_me(); temp_mc2.move_me(); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 156, this._y + 143, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 109, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc2 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 272, this._y + 39, 30, 15); var enemy_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', house_mc2._x + 63, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', house_mc2._x + 137, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc4.in_air = true; house_mc2.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc3.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc4.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc3 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 460, this._y + 88, 30, 13); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 55, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 139, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); house_mc3.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc5.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc6.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 67, this._y + 103, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 118, this._y + 104, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 77, this._y + 218, 1, 5, false, 30); }; _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车2', this._x + 530, this._y + 360, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 25, this._y + 360, 99, 53, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 75, this._y + 360, 99, 54, 'stand', 100); } } frame 2 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var temp_mc1 = _root.add_creatures_10('NPC_小地主', this._x + 145, this._y + 305, -100); var temp_mc2 = _root.add_creatures_10('NPC_商人', this._x + 205, this._y + 305, 100); var house_mc1 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 59, this._y + 0, 30, 14); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 69, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 143, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); house_mc1.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc1.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc2.to_die('blow', 15); temp_mc1.move_me(); temp_mc2.move_me(); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 156, this._y + 143, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 109, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc2 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 272, this._y + 39, 30, 15); var enemy_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', house_mc2._x + 63, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', house_mc2._x + 137, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc4.in_air = true; house_mc2.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc3.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc4.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc3 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 460, this._y + 88, 30, 13); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 55, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 139, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); house_mc3.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc5.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc6.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 67, this._y + 103, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 118, this._y + 104, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 77, this._y + 218, 1, 5, false, 30); }; _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车2', this._x + 530, this._y + 360, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 25, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 75, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); } } frame 3 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var house_mc1 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 59, this._y + 0, 30, 14); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 69, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 143, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); house_mc1.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc1.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc2.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 156, this._y + 143, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 109, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc2 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 272, this._y + 39, 30, 15); var enemy_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', house_mc2._x + 63, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', house_mc2._x + 137, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc4.in_air = true; house_mc2.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc3.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc4.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc3 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 460, this._y + 88, 30, 13); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 55, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 139, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); house_mc3.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc5.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc6.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 67, this._y + 103, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 118, this._y + 104, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 77, this._y + 218, 1, 5, false, 30); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 130, this._y + 360, 5, 9); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 490, this._y + 360, 5, 9); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 25, this._y + 360, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 75, this._y + 360, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 125, this._y + 360, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 360, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 530, this._y + 90, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc7.in_air = true; enemy_mc7.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 3 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var house_mc1 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 59, this._y + 0, 30, 14); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 69, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 143, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); house_mc1.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc1.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc2.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 156, this._y + 143, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 109, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc2 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 272, this._y + 39, 30, 15); var enemy_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', house_mc2._x + 63, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', house_mc2._x + 137, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc4.in_air = true; house_mc2.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc3.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc4.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc3 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 460, this._y + 88, 30, 13); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 55, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 139, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); house_mc3.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc5.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc6.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 67, this._y + 103, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 118, this._y + 104, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 77, this._y + 218, 1, 5, false, 30); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 130, this._y + 360, 5, 9); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 490, this._y + 360, 5, 9); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 25, this._y + 360, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 75, this._y + 360, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 125, this._y + 360, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 360, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 530, this._y + 90, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc7.in_air = true; enemy_mc7.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 4 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var house_mc1 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 59, this._y + 0, 30, 14); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 69, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 143, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); house_mc1.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc1.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc2.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 156, this._y + 143, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 109, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc2 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 272, this._y + 39, 30, 15); var enemy_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆3', house_mc2._x + 63, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆3', house_mc2._x + 137, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc4.in_air = true; house_mc2.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc3.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc4.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc3 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 460, this._y + 88, 30, 13); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 55, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 139, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); house_mc3.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc5.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc6.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 67, this._y + 103, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 118, this._y + 104, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 77, this._y + 218, 1, 5, false, 30); }; _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车2', this._x + 530, this._y + 360, 'stand', 100); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction30('敌人_黄包车强盗', this._x + 50, this._y + 360, 2, 100, 450); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc7], -1160); enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 25, this._y + 360, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 75, this._y + 360, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 175, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 260, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); } } frame 4 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var house_mc1 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 59, this._y + 0, 30, 14); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 69, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc1._x + 143, house_mc1._y + 125, 100); house_mc1.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc1.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc2.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 156, this._y + 143, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 109, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc2 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 272, this._y + 39, 30, 15); var enemy_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆3', house_mc2._x + 63, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆3', house_mc2._x + 137, house_mc2._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc4.in_air = true; house_mc2.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc3.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc4.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; var house_mc3 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 460, this._y + 88, 30, 13); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 55, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', house_mc3._x + 139, house_mc3._y + 78, 100); house_mc3.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc5.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc6.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 67, this._y + 103, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 118, this._y + 104, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 77, this._y + 218, 1, 5, false, 30); }; _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车2', this._x + 530, this._y + 360, 'stand', 100); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction30('敌人_黄包车强盗', this._x + 50, this._y + 360, 2, 100, 450); var enemy_mc8 = _root.enemysAction30('敌人_黄包车强盗', this._x + 150, this._y + 360, 2, 100, 250); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc7, enemy_mc8], -1160); enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 25, this._y + 360, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 75, this._y + 360, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 175, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 260, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 360, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); } } frame 5 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 80, this._y + 360, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 500, this._y + 360, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; } } frame 5 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 80, this._y + 360, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 500, this._y + 360, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; } } frame 6 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_creatures_10('NPC_情侣_男', this._x + 115, this._y + 307, -100)).scare = false; (_root.add_creatures_10('NPC_情侣_女', this._x + 160, this._y + 307, 100)).scare = false; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 135, this._y + 190, 20, 12); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 140, this._y + 88, 30, 7); var house_mc1 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 300, this._y + 39, 30, 15); var enemy_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', house_mc1._x + 63, house_mc1._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc1.in_air = true; var enemy_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', house_mc1._x + 137, house_mc1._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc2.in_air = true; house_mc1.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc1.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc2.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车2', this._x + 90, this._y + 360, 'stand', 100); var temp_mc = _root.blocksAction('雨阳篷', this._x + 604, this._y + 188, 1, 15, false, -1); temp_mc.enemy_type = 3; temp_mc.in_air = true; temp_mc.no_shine = true; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 400, this._y + 50, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc3.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction30('敌人_黄包车强盗', this._x + 100, this._y + 360, 2, 100, 450); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction30('敌人_黄包车强盗', this._x - 690, this._y + 360, 2, -100, 140); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5], -2355); enemy_mc4.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; enemy_mc5.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 6 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_creatures_10('NPC_情侣_男', this._x + 115, this._y + 307, -100)).scare = false; (_root.add_creatures_10('NPC_情侣_女', this._x + 160, this._y + 307, 100)).scare = false; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 135, this._y + 190, 20, 12); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 140, this._y + 88, 30, 7); var house_mc1 = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 300, this._y + 39, 30, 15); var enemy_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', house_mc1._x + 63, house_mc1._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc1.in_air = true; var enemy_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', house_mc1._x + 137, house_mc1._y + 141, 2, 2, false, 15); enemy_mc2.in_air = true; house_mc1.dieEvents = function () { enemy_mc1.to_die('blow', 15); enemy_mc2.to_die('blow', 15); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 61, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 138, this._y + 140, 1, 5, false, 30); }; _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车2', this._x + 90, this._y + 360, 'stand', 100); var temp_mc = _root.blocksAction('雨阳篷', this._x + 604, this._y + 188, 1, 15, false, -1); temp_mc.enemy_type = 3; temp_mc.in_air = true; temp_mc.no_shine = true; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 400, this._y + 50, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc3.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction30('敌人_黄包车强盗', this._x + 100, this._y + 360, 2, 100, 450); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction30('敌人_黄包车强盗', this._x + 200, this._y + 360, 2, 100, 350); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction30('敌人_黄包车强盗', this._x - 690, this._y + 360, 2, -100, 140); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6], -2355); enemy_mc4.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; enemy_mc5.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 7 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 133, this._y + 310, 15, 8); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车1', this._x + 150, this._y + 360, 'come', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车1', this._x + 300, this._y + 360, 'come', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -2945); } } frame 7 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 133, this._y + 310, 15, 8); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车1', this._x + 150, this._y + 360, 'come', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction21('NPC_汽车1', this._x + 300, this._y + 360, 'come', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -2945); } } frame 8 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车2', this._x + 100, this._y + 360, 1, 1, 490, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 25, this._y + 360, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 360, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 75, this._y + 360, 10, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 360, 10, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -3535); enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 300, this._y + 360, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 360, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 410, 260); } } frame 8 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车2', this._x + 100, this._y + 360, 1, 1, 490, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车2', this._x - 690, this._y + 360, 1, 1, 100, 1, -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 25, this._y + 360, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 360, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 75, this._y + 360, 10, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 360, 10, -1, 'stand', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -3535); enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 300, this._y + 360, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 360, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 410, 260); } } frame 9 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.add_frontpic('前景_军需门', this._x + 494, this._y); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 329, 99, 53, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 470, this._y + 329, 99, 54, 'stand', 100); } } frame 9 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.add_frontpic('前景_军需门', this._x + 494, this._y); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 329, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 470, this._y + 329, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); } } frame 10 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 80, this._y + 328, 1, 15, false, 10); var i = 0; while (i <= 4) { var j = 0; while (j <= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 193 + 55 * i, this._y + 328 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 590, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 656, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 618, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 581, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 656, this._y + 266, 99, 52, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 690; } } frame 10 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 80, this._y + 328, 1, 15, false, 10); var i = 0; while (i <= 4) { var j = 0; while (j <= 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 193 + 55 * i, this._y + 328 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 590, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 656, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 618, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 581, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 656, this._y + 266, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 690; } } frame 11 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var i = 0; while (i <= 4) { var j = 0; while (j <= 2) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 193 + 55 * i, this._y + 328 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 590, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 656, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 618, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 581, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 618, this._y + 266, 99, 52, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 690; } } frame 11 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var i = 0; while (i <= 4) { var j = 0; while (j <= 2) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 193 + 55 * i, this._y + 328 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 590, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 656, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 618, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 581, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 618, this._y + 266, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 690; } } frame 12 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var i = 0; while (i <= 3) { var j = 0; while (j <= 3) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 193 + 55 * i, this._y + 328 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 590, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 656, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 618, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 581, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 581, this._y + 266, 99, 52, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 690; } } frame 12 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var i = 0; while (i <= 3) { var j = 0; while (j <= 3) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 193 + 55 * i, this._y + 328 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 590, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 656, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 618, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 581, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 581, this._y + 266, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 690; } } frame 13 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var i = 0; while (i <= 3) { var j = 0; while (j <= 4) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 193 + 55 * i, this._y + 328 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); ++j; } ++i; } } } frame 13 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var i = 0; while (i <= 3) { var j = 0; while (j <= 4) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 193 + 55 * i, this._y + 328 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); ++j; } ++i; } } } frame 14 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 219, this._y + 68); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 120); } } frame 14 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 219, this._y + 68); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 120); } } frame 15 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var temp_array = []; temp_array[0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; temp_array[1] = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1]; temp_array[2] = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]; var i = 0; while (i <= 4) { var j = 0; while (j <= 2) { if (temp_array[j][i] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 150 + 50 * i - (j % 2) * 15, this._y + 340 - j * 55, 2, 5, true, 10); } ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 340, 99, 53, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = 325; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 340, 99, 54, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = 325; } } frame 15 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var temp_array = []; temp_array[0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; temp_array[1] = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1]; temp_array[2] = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]; var i = 0; while (i <= 4) { var j = 0; while (j <= 2) { if (temp_array[j][i] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 150 + 50 * i - (j % 2) * 15, this._y + 340 - j * 55, 2, 5, true, 10); } ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = 325; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = 325; } } frame 16 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var temp_array = []; temp_array[0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; temp_array[1] = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]; temp_array[2] = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]; var i = 0; while (i <= 8) { var j = 0; while (j <= 2) { if (temp_array[j][i] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100 + 50 * i - (j % 2) * 15, this._y + 340 - j * 55, 2, 5, true, 10); } ++j; } ++i; } } } frame 16 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var temp_array = []; temp_array[0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; temp_array[1] = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]; temp_array[2] = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]; var i = 0; while (i <= 8) { var j = 0; while (j <= 2) { if (temp_array[j][i] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100 + 50 * i - (j % 2) * 15, this._y + 340 - j * 55, 2, 5, true, 10); } ++j; } ++i; } } } frame 17 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var waveA = function (check_dis) { var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 460, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 485, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 510, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), -1, 'stand', -100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 535, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 560, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); if (check_dis) { _root.hold_camera([v4, v5, v6, v7, v3], 570); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v5.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; } }; var waveB = function (check_dis) { var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 25, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 50, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 1200 + 75, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), -1, 'stand', 100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 100, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 125, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); if (check_dis) { _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v6, v7, v5], 570); v5.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; } }; wave_count = 0; var waveC = function () { ++wave_count; if (wave_count == 1) { waveB(true); } else { if (wave_count == 2) { waveA(true); } else { if (wave_count == 3) { waveA(false); waveB(true); } else { if (wave_count == 4) { waveA(true); waveB(false); } else { if (wave_count == 5) { var v5 = []; v5[0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; v5[1] = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]; v5[2] = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]; var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= 6) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= 2) { if (v5[v3][v4] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250 + 50 * v4 - (v3 % 2) * 15, this._y + 340 - v3 * 55, 2, 5, true, 10); } ++v3; } ++v4; } } } } } } }; waveA(true); } } frame 17 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var waveA = function (check_dis) { var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 460, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 485, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 510, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), -1, 'stand', -100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 535, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 560, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); if (check_dis) { _root.hold_camera([v4, v5, v6, v7, v3], 570); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v5.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; } }; var waveB = function (check_dis) { var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 25, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 50, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 1200 + 75, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), -1, 'stand', 100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 100, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 125, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); if (check_dis) { _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v6, v7, v5], 570); v5.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; } }; wave_count = 0; var waveC = function () { ++wave_count; if (wave_count == 1) { waveB(true); } else { if (wave_count == 2) { waveA(true); } else { if (wave_count == 3) { waveA(false); waveB(true); } else { if (wave_count == 4) { waveA(true); waveB(false); } else { if (wave_count == 5) { var v5 = []; v5[0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; v5[1] = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]; v5[2] = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]; var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= 6) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= 2) { if (v5[v3][v4] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250 + 50 * v4 - (v3 % 2) * 15, this._y + 340 - v3 * 55, 2, 5, true, 10); } ++v3; } ++v4; } } } } } } }; waveA(true); } } frame 18 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 210, this._y + 340, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 360, this._y + 340, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction25('敌人_油桶士兵', this._x + 260, this._y + 340, 100); _root.enemysAction25('敌人_油桶士兵', this._x + 310, this._y + 340, 100); } } frame 18 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 210, this._y + 340, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 360, this._y + 340, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction25('敌人_油桶士兵', this._x + 260, this._y + 340, 100); _root.enemysAction25('敌人_油桶士兵', this._x + 310, this._y + 340, 100); } } frame 19 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var waveA = function (check_dis) { var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 25, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -2, 'stand', 100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 50, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -2, 'stand', 100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 510, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 535, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 560, this._y + 340, -1, -100); if (check_dis) { _root.hold_camera([v4, v5, v6, v7, v3], 1770); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v5.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; } }; var waveB = function (check_dis) { var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 460, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -2, 'stand', -100); var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 485, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -2, 'stand', -100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 75, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 100, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 125, this._y + 340, -1, 100); if (check_dis) { _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v6, v7, v5], 1770); v5.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; } }; wave_count = 0; var waveC = function () { ++wave_count; if (wave_count == 1) { waveB(true); } else { if (wave_count == 2) { waveA(true); } else { if (wave_count == 3) { waveA(false); waveB(true); } else { if (wave_count == 4) { waveA(true); waveB(false); } else { if (wave_count == 5) { var v5 = []; v5[0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; v5[1] = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]; v5[2] = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]; var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= 6) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= 2) { if (v5[v3][v4] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250 + 50 * v4 - (v3 % 2) * 15, this._y + 340 - v3 * 55, 2, 5, true, 10); } ++v3; } ++v4; } } } } } } }; waveA(true); } } frame 19 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var waveA = function (check_dis) { var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 25, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -2, 'stand', 100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 50, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -2, 'stand', 100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 510, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 535, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', -100); var v3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 560, this._y + 340, -1, -100); if (check_dis) { _root.hold_camera([v4, v5, v6, v7, v3], 1770); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v5.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; } }; var waveB = function (check_dis) { var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 460, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -2, 'stand', -100); var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 485, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -2, 'stand', -100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 75, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 100, this._y + 340 - 150 * random(2), 99, -1, 'stand', 100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 1200 + 125, this._y + 340, -1, 100); if (check_dis) { _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v6, v7, v5], 1770); v5.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; } }; wave_count = 0; var waveC = function () { ++wave_count; if (wave_count == 1) { waveB(true); } else { if (wave_count == 2) { waveA(true); } else { if (wave_count == 3) { waveA(false); waveB(true); } else { if (wave_count == 4) { waveA(true); waveB(false); } else { if (wave_count == 5) { var v5 = []; v5[0] = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; v5[1] = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]; v5[2] = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]; var v4 = 0; while (v4 <= 6) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= 2) { if (v5[v3][v4] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250 + 50 * v4 - (v3 % 2) * 15, this._y + 340 - v3 * 55, 2, 5, true, 10); } ++v3; } ++v4; } } } } } } }; waveA(true); } } frame 20 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.scene_end_arrow(this, -1, 47, 120); } } frame 20 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.scene_end_arrow(this, -1, 47, 120); } } frame 21 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 319, this._y + 305, 5, 6); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 570, this._y + 296, 10, 4)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 496, this._y + 308, 10, 5); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 390, this._y + 296, 10, 4)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 435, this._y + 312, 5, 6); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 270, this._y + 320, 99, 53, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 330, this._y + 320, 99, 52, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 370, this._y + 320, 99, 52, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 430, this._y + 320, 99, 52, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 470, this._y + 320, 99, 52, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 510, this._y + 320, 99, 54, 'stand', 100); } } frame 21 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 319, this._y + 305, 5, 6); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 570, this._y + 296, 10, 4)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 496, this._y + 308, 10, 5); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 390, this._y + 296, 10, 4)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 435, this._y + 312, 5, 6); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 270, this._y + 320, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 330, this._y + 320, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 370, this._y + 320, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 430, this._y + 320, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 470, this._y + 320, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 510, this._y + 320, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); } } frame 22 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 113, this._y + 65); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 325, this._y + 320, 20, 1)).can_enemy_stand = true; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 77, this._y + 309, 30, 10); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 450, this._y + 320, 0, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -570); } } frame 22 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 113, this._y + 65); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 325, this._y + 320, 20, 1)).can_enemy_stand = true; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 77, this._y + 309, 30, 10); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 450, this._y + 320, 0, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -570); } } frame 23 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 113, this._y + 65); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 248, this._y + 305, 10, 3); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 352, this._y + 303, 5, 6)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 404, this._y + 306, 5, 6); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 510, this._y + 303, 10, 3)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 77, this._y + 309, 30, 10); } } frame 23 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 113, this._y + 65); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 248, this._y + 305, 10, 3); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 352, this._y + 303, 5, 6)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 404, this._y + 306, 5, 6); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 510, this._y + 303, 10, 3)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 77, this._y + 309, 30, 10); } } frame 24 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 113, this._y + 65); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 319, this._y + 305, 5, 6); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 390, this._y + 296, 10, 4); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 435, this._y + 312, 5, 6); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 496, this._y + 308, 10, 5)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 570, this._y + 296, 10, 4); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 77, this._y + 309, 30, 10); } } frame 24 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 113, this._y + 65); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 319, this._y + 305, 5, 6); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 390, this._y + 296, 10, 4); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 435, this._y + 312, 5, 6); (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 496, this._y + 308, 10, 5)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 570, this._y + 296, 10, 4); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 77, this._y + 309, 30, 10); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 450, this._y + 320, 0, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -1750); } } frame 25 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 113, this._y + 65); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 355, this._y + 303, 10, 2); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 490, this._y + 305, 10, 2); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 77, this._y + 309, 30, 10); } } frame 25 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_frontpic('前景_墙壁', this._x + 113, this._y + 65); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 355, this._y + 303, 10, 2); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 490, this._y + 305, 10, 2); _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 77, this._y + 309, 30, 10); } } frame 26 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 36, this._y + 303, 10, 2)).can_enemy_stand = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 30, this._y + 320, 0, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 50, this._y + 200, 0, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -2570); enemy_mc1.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 2, 530, 270); } } frame 26 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 36, this._y + 303, 10, 2)).can_enemy_stand = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 30, this._y + 320, 0, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 50, this._y + 200, 0, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -2570); enemy_mc1.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 2, 530, 270); } } frame 27 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.player_min_x = 30; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 523, this._y + 340, 25, 11); enemy_mc.no_bonus = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v2._x = 530; v2._y = 270; }; var temp_array = []; temp_array[0] = [1, 1]; temp_array[1] = [1, 1]; temp_array[2] = [0, 1]; var i = 0; while (i <= 1) { var j = 0; while (j <= 2) { if (temp_array[j][i] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 420 + 55 * i, this._y + 335 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); } ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 335, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 335, 99, 52, 'stand', -100)).max_area_x = 380; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 335, 99, 52, 'stand', 100)).max_area_x = 380; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 340, this._y + 335, 99, 53, 'stand', 100)).max_area_x = 380; } } frame 27 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.player_min_x = 30; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction22('第二关物件群', this._x + 523, this._y + 340, 25, 11); enemy_mc.no_bonus = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v2._x = 530; v2._y = 270; }; var temp_array = []; temp_array[0] = [1, 1]; temp_array[1] = [1, 1]; temp_array[2] = [0, 1]; var i = 0; while (i <= 1) { var j = 0; while (j <= 2) { if (temp_array[j][i] == 1) { _root.blocksAction('奖励_集装箱', this._x + 420 + 55 * i, this._y + 335 - j * 52, 1, 15, false, 10); } ++j; } ++i; } (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 335, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 335, 99, 1, 'stand', -100)).max_area_x = 380; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 335, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).max_area_x = 380; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 340, this._y + 335, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).max_area_x = 380; } } frame 31 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_3', true); _root.enemysAction28('巨大岩石', 'rock1', this._x + 282, this._y + 326, 15, 0, true); } } frame 31 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_3', true); _root.enemysAction28('巨大岩石', 'rock1', this._x + 130, this._y + 295, 15, 0, true); } } frame 34 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var rock_mc = _root.enemysAction28('巨大岩石', 'rock1', this._x + 105, this._y + 327, 99999, 0, false); rock_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 70; rock_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 340; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 303, 99, 52, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 400; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 580; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 460, this._y + 303, 99, 52, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 420; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 600; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 520, this._y + 303, 99, 51, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 440; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 620; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 570, this._y + 303, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 34 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var rock_mc = _root.enemysAction28('巨大岩石', 'rock1', this._x + 105, this._y + 327, 99999, 0, false); rock_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 70; rock_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 340; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 400; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 580; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 460, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 420; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 600; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 520, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 440; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 620; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 570, this._y + 303, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 35 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.blocksAction('陷阱盖子', this._x + 95, this._y + 368, 1, 5, false, 5); _root.blocksAction('陷阱盖子', this._x + 295, this._y + 368, 1, 5, false, 5); _root.blocksAction('陷阱盖子', this._x + 495, this._y + 368, 1, 5, false, 5); } } frame 35 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.blocksAction('陷阱盖子', this._x + 95, this._y + 368, 1, 5, false, 5); _root.blocksAction('陷阱盖子', this._x + 295, this._y + 368, 1, 5, false, 5); _root.blocksAction('陷阱盖子', this._x + 495, this._y + 368, 1, 5, false, 5); } } frame 36 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var waveA = function () { var v4 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 50, this._y + 90); var v5 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 200, this._y + 120); var v6 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 350, this._y + 90); var v7 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 500, this._y + 120); var v3 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 650, this._y + 90); _root.hold_camera([v4, v5, v6, v7, v3], -2355); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { waveB(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v5.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; }; var waveB = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 640, this._y + 90); var v4 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 790, this._y + 120); var v6 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 940, this._y + 150); var v7 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 1090, this._y + 180); var v5 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 1240, this._y + 210); _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v6, v7, v5], -2355); v5.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; }; var waveC = function () { var v6 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 50, this._y + 90); var v5 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 200, this._y + 120); var v4 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 350, this._y + 150); var v3 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 500, this._y + 180); var v10 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 640, this._y + 70); var v9 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 790, this._y + 100); var v8 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 940, this._y + 130); var v7 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 1090, this._y + 160); _root.hold_camera([v6, v5, v4, v3, v10, v9, v8, v7], -2355); }; waveA(); var enemy_19 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 350, this._y + 305, false); enemy_19.body.stop(); enemy_19.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var rock_mc = _root.enemysAction28('巨大岩石', 'rock2', this._x + 380, this._y + 267, 99999, 0, true); rock_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 650; } } frame 36 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var waveA = function () { var v4 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 50, this._y + 90); var v5 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 200, this._y + 120); var v6 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 350, this._y + 90); var v7 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 500, this._y + 120); var v3 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 650, this._y + 90); _root.hold_camera([v4, v5, v6, v7, v3], -2355); v3.dieEvents2 = function () { waveB(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v5.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; }; var waveB = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 640, this._y + 90); var v4 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 790, this._y + 120); var v6 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 940, this._y + 150); var v7 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 1090, this._y + 180); var v5 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 1240, this._y + 210); _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v6, v7, v5], -2355); v5.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v7.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v5.dieEvents2; }; var waveC = function () { var v6 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 50, this._y + 90); var v5 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 200, this._y + 120); var v4 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 350, this._y + 150); var v3 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 500, this._y + 180); var v10 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 640, this._y + 70); var v9 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 790, this._y + 100); var v8 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 940, this._y + 130); var v7 = _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x - 1090, this._y + 160); _root.hold_camera([v6, v5, v4, v3, v10, v9, v8, v7], -2355); }; waveA(); var enemy_19 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 350, this._y + 305, false); enemy_19.body.stop(); enemy_19.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var rock_mc = _root.enemysAction28('巨大岩石', 'rock2', this._x + 380, this._y + 267, 99999, 0, true); rock_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 650; } } frame 37 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 140, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc1.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 140, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc2.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 140, 99, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc3.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc4.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc5.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc6.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc6.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc6.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc7.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc7.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc7.cant_change_states = true; } } frame 37 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 140, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc1.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 140, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc2.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 140, 99, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc3.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc4.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc5.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'crouch', 100); enemy_mc6.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc6.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc6.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 303, 99, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc7.min_area_x = this._x + 120; enemy_mc7.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc7.cant_change_states = true; } } frame 38 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 300, this._y + 140, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 480; enemy_mc1.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 430, this._y + 140, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 480; enemy_mc2.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 200, this._y + 303, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc3.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 350, this._y + 303, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc4.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 500, this._y + 303, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc5.cant_change_states = true; } } frame 38 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 300, this._y + 140, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 480; enemy_mc1.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 430, this._y + 140, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 480; enemy_mc2.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 200, this._y + 303, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc3.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 350, this._y + 303, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc4.cant_change_states = true; var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 500, this._y + 303, 1, 'grovel', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc5.cant_change_states = true; } } frame 39 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 304, false); enemy_mc1.body.stop(); enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 304, false); enemy_mc2.body.stop(); enemy_mc2.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction02('敌人_运输机', this._x + 295, this._y - 100, 20); } } frame 39 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 304, false); enemy_mc1.body.stop(); enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 304, false); enemy_mc2.body.stop(); enemy_mc2.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction02('敌人_运输机', this._x + 295, this._y - 100, 20); } } frame 40 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var waveA = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 370, this._y - 25, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); v3.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v3.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 330, this._y - 50, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); v4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v4.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 290, this._y - 75, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v5.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 250, this._y - 100, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v6.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v6.max_area_x = this._x + 100; _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v5, v6], -4715); v6.dieEvents2 = function () { waveB(); }; v5.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; }; var waveB = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 330, this._y - 25, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v3.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v3.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 370, this._y - 50, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v4.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 250, this._y - 75, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); v5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v5.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 290, this._y - 100, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); v6.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v6.max_area_x = this._x + 100; _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v5, v6], -4715); v6.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v5.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; }; var waveC = function () { var v6 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x - 370, this._y - 25, -1, -100); v6.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v6.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 330, this._y - 50, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); v5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v5.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 290, this._y - 75, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v4.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 250, this._y - 100, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v3.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v3.max_area_x = this._x + 100; _root.hold_camera([v6, v5, v4, v3], -4715); }; waveA(); barrel.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < 660) {; if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) { var v3 = _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._parent._x + this._x, this._parent._y + this._y - 38, 'crouch', 100); v3.in_air = true; v3.dieEvents = function () { barrelAction(); }; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; var barrelAction = function () { barrel.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); barrel.removeMovieClip(); var v3 = _root.blocksAction('漂浮_油桶', this._x + 350, this._y + 350, -1, 0, false, 0); v3.always_on = true; v3.enemy_type = 3; v3.in_air = true; v3.no_absorb = true; v3.can_enemy_stand = false; v3.can_move_targeter = 1; v3.min_area_x = this._x + 190; v3.max_area_x = this._x + 990; v3.startAction = function (who) { this.my_arrow.gotoAndStop('empty'); _root.active_map_drawer = this; }; v3.enemy_limited_area_Action = function () { if (this._x > (this.min_area_x + this.max_area_x) / 2) { _root.active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; } }; }; } } frame 40 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var waveA = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 370, this._y - 25, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); v3.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v3.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 330, this._y - 50, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); v4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v4.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 290, this._y - 75, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v5.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v6 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x - 250, this._y - 100, -1, 100); v6.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v6.max_area_x = this._x + 100; _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v5, v6], -4715); v6.dieEvents2 = function () { waveB(); }; v5.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; }; var waveB = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 330, this._y - 25, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v3.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v3.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 370, this._y - 50, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v4.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v5 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x - 250, this._y - 75, -1, 100); v5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v5.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 290, this._y - 100, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); v6.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v6.max_area_x = this._x + 100; _root.hold_camera([v3, v4, v5, v6], -4715); v6.dieEvents2 = function () { waveC(); }; v5.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v6.dieEvents2; }; var waveC = function () { var v6 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x - 370, this._y - 25, -1, -100); v6.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v6.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 330, this._y - 50, 99, -2, 'stand', 100); v5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v5.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x - 290, this._y - 75, 99, -1, 'stand', 100); v4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v4.max_area_x = this._x + 100; var v3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x - 250, this._y - 100, -1, 100); v3.min_area_x = this._x - 590; v3.max_area_x = this._x + 100; _root.hold_camera([v6, v5, v4, v3], -4715); }; waveA(); barrel.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < 660) {; if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) { var v3 = _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._parent._x + this._x, this._parent._y + this._y - 38, 'crouch', 100); v3.in_air = true; v3.dieEvents = function () { barrelAction(); }; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; var barrelAction = function () { barrel.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); barrel.removeMovieClip(); var v3 = _root.blocksAction('漂浮_油桶', this._x + 350, this._y + 350, -1, 0, false, 0); v3.always_on = true; v3.enemy_type = 3; v3.in_air = true; v3.no_absorb = true; v3.can_enemy_stand = false; v3.can_move_targeter = 1; v3.min_area_x = this._x + 190; v3.max_area_x = this._x + 990; v3.startAction = function (who) { this.my_arrow.gotoAndStop('empty'); _root.active_map_drawer = this; }; v3.enemy_limited_area_Action = function () { if (this._x > (this.min_area_x + this.max_area_x) / 2) { _root.active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; } }; }; } } frame 41 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 535, this._y + 303, 'crouch', 100); } } frame 42 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 67, this._y + 306); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 164, this._y + 308); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 280, this._y + 307); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 330, this._y + 307); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 495, this._y + 287); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 547, this._y + 276); } } frame 42 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 67, this._y + 306); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 164, this._y + 308); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 280, this._y + 307); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 330, this._y + 307); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 495, this._y + 287); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 547, this._y + 276); } } frame 43 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 170, this._y + 602); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 369, this._y + 510); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 466, this._y + 485); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 550, this._y + 462); } } frame 43 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 170, this._y + 602); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 369, this._y + 510); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 466, this._y + 485); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 550, this._y + 462); } } frame 44 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 118, this._y + 399); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 255, this._y + 343); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 462, this._y + 295); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, -2, 495, 140); } } frame 44 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 118, this._y + 399); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 255, this._y + 343); _root.enemysAction06('德军_地雷', this._x + 462, this._y + 295); _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 507, this._y + 193, 'grovel', 100); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, -2, 495, 140); } } frame 45 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_4', true); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 166, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 128, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 91, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 330, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 240, this._y + 330, 99, 53, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 325, this._y + 330, 99, 54, 'stand', 100); } } frame 45 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_4', true); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 166, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 128, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 91, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 330, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 240, this._y + 330, 99, 53, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 325, this._y + 330, 99, 54, 'stand', 100); } } frame 47 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 330, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x - 680, this._y + 330, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x - 780, this._y + 330, -100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4], -570); enemy_mc1.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; enemy_mc3.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 390; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 150, this._y + 330, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 300, this._y + 330, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('NPC_马', this._x + 390, this._y + 330, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.can_move_targeter = 1; enemy_mc.just_move_targeter = true; enemy_mc.area_strict = 15; enemy_mc.min_area_x = enemy_mc._x; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 4015; enemy_mc.temp_max_area_x = this._x + 4015; enemy_mc.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('马声音2', false); this.my_arrow.gotoAndStop('empty'); delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.move_speed < 18) { this.move_speed += 1; } else { this.move_speed = 18; } this.max_area_x = this.temp_max_area_x + _root.map_repeated_x * 590; _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); }; }; enemy_mc.enemy_limited_area_Action = function () { if (this._x > (this.min_area_x + this.max_area_x) / 2) { _root.play_soundAction('卡车刹车', false); delete this.max_area_x; delete this.just_move_targeter; delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; this.gotoAndStop('stop'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.move_speed -= 0.5; _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } }; } } frame 47 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 330, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x - 680, this._y + 330, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x - 780, this._y + 330, -100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x, this._y - 400); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5], -570); enemy_mc1.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; enemy_mc3.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 390; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 150, this._y + 330, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 300, this._y + 330, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('NPC_马', this._x + 390, this._y + 330, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.can_move_targeter = 1; enemy_mc.just_move_targeter = true; enemy_mc.area_strict = 15; enemy_mc.min_area_x = enemy_mc._x; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 4015; enemy_mc.temp_max_area_x = this._x + 4015; enemy_mc.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('马声音2', false); this.my_arrow.gotoAndStop('empty'); delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.gotoAndStop('run'); this.move_speed = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.move_speed < 18) { this.move_speed += 1; } else { this.move_speed = 18; } this.max_area_x = this.temp_max_area_x + _root.map_repeated_x * 590; _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); }; }; enemy_mc.enemy_limited_area_Action = function () { if (this._x > (this.min_area_x + this.max_area_x) / 2) { _root.play_soundAction('卡车刹车', false); delete this.max_area_x; delete this.just_move_targeter; delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; this.gotoAndStop('stop'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.move_speed -= 0.5; _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('stand'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } }; } } frame 49 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.game_medium_boss = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x - 150, -_root.main._y + 330, 5, 100, -100); enemy_mc1.active_moved = true; enemy_mc1.in_air = true; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = function () { var v5 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x - 150, -_root.main._y + 330, 5, 100, -100); v5.active_moved = true; v5.in_air = true; v5.dieEvents2 = function () { var v5 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x + 780, -_root.main._y + 330, -5, 500, -100); v5.active_moved = true; v5.in_air = true; v5.dieEvents2 = function () { var v6 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x + 780, -_root.main._y + 330, -5, 500, -100); v6.active_moved = true; v6.in_air = true; v6.dieEvents2 = function () { var v2 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x - 150, -_root.main._y + 330, 5, 100, -100); v2.active_moved = true; v2.in_air = true; var v3 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x + 780, -_root.main._y + 330, -5, 500, -100); v3.active_moved = true; v3.in_air = true; v3.dieEvents2 = function () { var v2 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x - 150, -_root.main._y + 330, 5, 100, -100); v2.active_moved = true; v2.in_air = true; var v3 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x + 780, -_root.main._y + 330, -5, 500, -100); v3.active_moved = true; v3.in_air = true; v3.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.game_medium_boss = false; }; v2.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([v2, v3]); }; v2.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([v2, v3]); }; _root.enemy_team_die([v6]); }; _root.enemy_team_die([v5]); }; _root.enemy_team_die([v5]); }; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1]); } } frame 49 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.game_medium_boss = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x - 150, -_root.main._y + 330, 5, 100, -100); enemy_mc1.active_moved = true; enemy_mc1.in_air = true; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = function () { var v5 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x - 150, -_root.main._y + 330, 5, 100, -100); v5.active_moved = true; v5.in_air = true; v5.dieEvents2 = function () { var v5 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x + 780, -_root.main._y + 330, -5, 500, -100); v5.active_moved = true; v5.in_air = true; v5.dieEvents2 = function () { var v6 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x + 780, -_root.main._y + 330, -5, 500, -100); v6.active_moved = true; v6.in_air = true; v6.dieEvents2 = function () { var v2 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x - 150, -_root.main._y + 330, 5, 100, -100); v2.active_moved = true; v2.in_air = true; var v3 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x + 780, -_root.main._y + 330, -5, 500, -100); v3.active_moved = true; v3.in_air = true; v3.dieEvents2 = function () { var v2 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x - 150, -_root.main._y + 330, 5, 100, -100); v2.active_moved = true; v2.in_air = true; var v3 = _root.enemysAction29('敌人_吉普车', -_root.main._x + 780, -_root.main._y + 330, -5, 500, -100); v3.active_moved = true; v3.in_air = true; v3.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.game_medium_boss = false; }; v2.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([v2, v3]); }; v2.dieEvents2 = v3.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([v2, v3]); }; _root.enemy_team_die([v6]); }; _root.enemy_team_die([v5]); }; _root.enemy_team_die([v5]); }; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1]); } } frame 51 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { repeat = -1; } } frame 51 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { repeat = -1; } } frame 54 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var object_mc = _root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, -1, 0, false, 0); object_mc.in_air = true; object_mc.enemy_type = 3; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 330, 3, 53, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc1.in_air = true; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 240; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 330, 3, 54, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc2.in_air = true; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 260; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 330, 3, 54, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 280; } } frame 54 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var object_mc = _root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, -1, 0, false, 0); object_mc.in_air = true; object_mc.enemy_type = 3; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 330, 3, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc1.in_air = true; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 240; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 330, 3, 1, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc2.in_air = true; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 260; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 330, 3, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 280; } } frame 55 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车2', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 1, 1, 490, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 330, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 330, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -5310); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 316, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 278, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 241, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 55 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车2', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 1, 1, 490, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction23('敌人_骑兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 330, 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 330, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 330, 10, -2, 'stand', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -5310); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 316, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 278, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 241, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 56 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.player_max_x = this._x + 460; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 330, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction32('敌人_BOSS2', this._x + 460, this._y + 330, 0, 100); _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(enemy_mc, 2); enemy_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 20; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 460; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.game_save_level_file(3); _root.kill_boss(v2); }; } } frame 56 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.player_max_x = this._x + 460; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 330, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 292, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction32('敌人_BOSS2', this._x + 460, this._y + 330, 0, 100); _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(enemy_mc, 2); enemy_mc.min_area_x = this._x + 20; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 460; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.game_save_level_file(3); _root.kill_boss(v2); }; } } } movieClip 4599 NPC_菲律宾人1 { } movieClip 4606 NPC_菲律宾人3 { } movieClip 4610 { } movieClip 4616 { } movieClip 4621 { } movieClip 4625 { } movieClip 4631 { } movieClip 4635 { } movieClip 4639 { } movieClip 4643 { } movieClip 4645 { } movieClip 4651 { } movieClip 4655 { } movieClip 4659 { } movieClip 4663 { } movieClip 4666 { } movieClip 4670 { } movieClip 4674 { } movieClip 4678 { } movieClip 4682 { } movieClip 4691 { } movieClip 4695 { } movieClip 4699 { } movieClip 4703 { } movieClip 4707 { } movieClip 4711 { } movieClip 4715 { } movieClip 4719 { } movieClip 4725 { } movieClip 4731 { } movieClip 4735 { } movieClip 4741 { } movieClip 4745 { } movieClip 4750 { } movieClip 4755 { } movieClip 4759 { } movieClip 4763 { } movieClip 4767 { } movieClip 4771 { } movieClip 4775 { } movieClip 4778 { } movieClip 4783 { } movieClip 4804 水地_铁丝网 { } movieClip 4828 { } movieClip 4834 { } movieClip 4836 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 4837 { } movieClip 4838 NPC_火车 { } movieClip 4847 { } movieClip 4872 { } movieClip 4873 NPC_菲律宾人2 { } movieClip 4882 { } movieClip 4895 { frame 5 { _parent.g._y += 10; } frame 9 { _parent.g._y += 10; } frame 13 { _parent.g._y += 10; } frame 17 { _parent.g._y += 10; } frame 21 { stop(); _parent.g._y += 10; } frame 25 { _parent.g._y -= 10; } frame 29 { _parent.g._y -= 10; } frame 33 { _parent.g._y -= 10; } frame 37 { _parent.g._y -= 10; } frame 41 { _parent.g._y -= 10; } } movieClip 4908 { frame 1 { _parent.can_move = false; } frame 9 { _parent.can_move = true; --_parent.g._y; } frame 13 { --_parent.g._y; } frame 17 { --_parent.g._y; } frame 21 { ++_parent.g._y; } frame 25 { _parent.can_move = false; ++_parent.g._y; } frame 29 { ++_parent.g._y; } frame 33 { _parent.can_move = true; --_parent.g._y; } frame 37 { --_parent.g._y; } frame 41 { ++_parent.g._y; } frame 45 { ++_parent.g._y; } } movieClip 4909 NPC_大象 { } movieClip 4924 { } movieClip 4925 { } movieClip 4938 { frame 13 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 4953 { } movieClip 4954 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 4967 { frame 13 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 4984 { frame 75 { stop(); } } movieClip 4985 敌人_鳄鱼 { } movieClip 4998 { } movieClip 5003 { } movieClip 5014 { } movieClip 5027 { frame 14 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 5042 { frame 10 { _parent.shootAction(); } frame 19 { _parent.shootAction(); } frame 28 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 5051 { frame 6 { _parent.shootAction(); } frame 15 { _parent.shootAction(); } frame 24 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 5068 { frame 50 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5079 { } movieClip 5080 德军_巡逻机枪兵 { } movieClip 5085 { } movieClip 5098 { } movieClip 5109 { } movieClip 5124 { frame 15 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 5137 { frame 10 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 5150 { frame 10 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 5165 { frame 49 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5176 { } movieClip 5177 德军_巡逻军官 { } movieClip 5257 敌人_BOSS3 { frame 7 { this.backcanon1(this, -1); } frame 9 { this.backcanon1(this, 1); } frame 11 { this.backcanon1(this, -1); } frame 13 { this.backcanon1(this, 1); } frame 13 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 28 { this.backcanon2(this); } frame 28 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 44 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 56 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 61 { this.machinegun(this, 90); } frame 63 { this.machinegun(this, 110); } frame 65 { this.machinegun(this, 135); } frame 67 { this.machinegun(this, 155); } frame 71 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 76 { this.machinegun(this, 135); } frame 78 { this.machinegun(this, 110); } frame 80 { this.machinegun(this, 90); } frame 82 { this.machinegun(this, 65); } frame 83 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 84 { this.machinegun(this, 45); } frame 86 { this.machinegun(this, 25); } frame 95 { this.machinegun(this, 45); } frame 95 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 97 { this.machinegun(this, 65); } frame 99 { this.machinegun(this, 90); } frame 101 { this.machinegun(this, 110); } frame 103 { this.machinegun(this, 135); } frame 105 { this.machinegun(this, 155); } frame 110 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 114 { this.machinegun(this, 135); } frame 116 { this.machinegun(this, 110); } frame 118 { this.machinegun(this, 90); } frame 138 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 149 { this.attackAction(); _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效2', false); _root.shake_screen(); } frame 153 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 178 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 189 { this.attackAction(); _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效2', false); _root.shake_screen(); } frame 196 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 210 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 213 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 216 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 219 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 222 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 243 { stop(); } } movieClip 5264 { } movieClip 5275 { } movieClip 5276 NPC_蛇 { } movieClip 5281 { } movieClip 5286 { } movieClip 5293 { } movieClip 5296 敌人_普通士兵_伞 { frame 1 { stop(); if (can_go) { play(); } } frame 29 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5307 { } movieClip 5312 敌人_士兵_武器群 { frame 1 { if (this.getDepth() < 0) { if (_parent._parent.typ != undefined) { this.gotoAndStop(4 - _parent._parent.typ); } else { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } } } movieClip 5333 { } movieClip 5334 { } movieClip 5339 { } movieClip 5350 { } movieClip 5361 { } movieClip 5372 { } movieClip 5379 { } movieClip 5386 { } movieClip 5395 { } movieClip 5402 { } movieClip 5423 { frame 20 { _parent.throwAction(); } } movieClip 5442 { frame 13 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 5457 { frame 10 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 5464 { frame 3 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 5475 { frame 6 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 5482 { frame 7 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 5497 { frame 16 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 5516 { frame 52 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5529 { frame 48 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5552 { frame 56 { stop(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5563 { } movieClip 5566 敌人_火箭炮 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5567 德军_普通士兵 { } movieClip 5577 { } movieClip 5582 { } movieClip 5589 德军_装甲车1 { frame 37 { this.stand(); } frame 66 { this.shootAction2(); } frame 68 { this.shootAction2(); } frame 70 { this.shootAction1(); } frame 87 { this.stand(); } frame 115 { this.shootAction3(); } frame 134 { this.stand(); } frame 204 { stop(); } } movieClip 5606 { } movieClip 5607 { } movieClip 5608 { } movieClip 5619 { frame 19 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5620 中立_吸血草 { } movieClip 5625 { } movieClip 5634 { frame 10 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 5643 { frame 55 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5644 中立_蚊虫 { } movieClip 5652 前景_沼泽 { } movieClip 5663 { frame 3 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 5664 敌人_电网 { frame 27 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5683 木头_台阶 { } movieClip 5692 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 9 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 21 { frame = 'n'; my_rotation = 90; stop(); } frame 24 { frame = 'dl'; my_rotation = 110; } frame 27 { frame = 'l'; my_rotation = 135; } frame 30 { frame = 'dr'; my_rotation = 70; } frame 33 { frame = 'r'; my_rotation = 45; } } movieClip 5697 { } movieClip 5698 { } movieClip 5713 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { _parent.machinegun(this, 30); } frame 17 { _parent.machinegun(this, 50); } frame 21 { _parent.machinegun(this, 70); } frame 25 { _parent.machinegun(this, 90); } frame 29 { _parent.machinegun(this, 110); } frame 33 { _parent.machinegun(this, 130); } frame 37 { _parent.machinegun(this, 150); } } movieClip 5719 敌人_大炮弹 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 5720 德军_巨型轰炸机 { frame 9 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 40 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 70 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5723 木头_桥 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 9 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 5747 激光枪02 { } movieClip 5761 激光枪01 { } movieClip 5768 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5773 { } movieClip 5774 敌人_爆炸球 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5775 爆炸球_炮 { } movieClip 5781 { } movieClip 5783 { } movieClip 5788 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5793 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5799 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.play_soundAction('栅栏开启', false); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 5803 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.play_soundAction('栅栏开启', false); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 5806 伸缩平台 { } movieClip 5807 mission3_start { frame 1 { if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) { player2.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player2.removeMovieClip(); player1.stop(); } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) { player1.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player1.removeMovieClip(); player2.stop(); } } } frame 55 { if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) {; } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) {; } } } frame 140 { _root.level_start(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 5811 stage3_bg { frame 1 { g._visible = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 355, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() > _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 245, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -580); } } frame 2 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 355, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() > _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 245, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -580); } } frame 3 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 200, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); } } frame 3 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 200, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 350, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); } } frame 4 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 87, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 280, this._y + 252, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 340, this._y + 252, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 400, this._y + 252, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 500, this._y + 334, -1, 'land', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x - 790, this._y + 334, -1, 'land', -100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -1170); } } frame 4 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 87, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 280, this._y + 252, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 340, this._y + 252, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 400, this._y + 252, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 500, this._y + 334, -1, 'land', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x - 790, this._y + 334, -1, 'land', -100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -1170); } } frame 5 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 80, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 150, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 220, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 420, this._y + 124, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 480, this._y + 124, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 5 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 80, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 150, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 220, this._y + 160, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 420, this._y + 124, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 480, this._y + 124, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 6 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 335, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 6 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 335, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 7 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 87, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(3); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 350, this._y + 252, 0, 'land', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 250, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -3530); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 7 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 87, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(3); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 350, this._y + 252, 0, 'land', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 250, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -3530); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 8 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 133, this._y + 172, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 198, this._y + 150, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 420, this._y + 167, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 480, this._y + 167, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 520, this._y + 167, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 450, this._y + 276, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 8 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 133, this._y + 172, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 198, this._y + 150, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 420, this._y + 167, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 480, this._y + 167, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 520, this._y + 167, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 450, this._y + 276, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 9 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var front_mc = _root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 193, this._y + 339); front_mc.gotoAndStop(4); front_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x > this.targeter._x) { this._visible = 0; } else { this._visible = 1; } }; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 180; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction36('敌人_电网', 2, this._x + 148, this._y + 51, 0); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction36('敌人_电网', 1, this._x + 148, this._y + 58, 15); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction36('敌人_电网', 1, this._x + 235, this._y + 88, 15); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3], -4475); enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; enemy_mc1.to_die(0, 0); }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; } } frame 9 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var front_mc = _root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 193, this._y + 339); front_mc.gotoAndStop(4); front_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x > this.targeter._x) { this._visible = 0; } else { this._visible = 1; } }; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 180; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction36('敌人_电网', 2, this._x + 148, this._y + 51, 0); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction36('敌人_电网', 1, this._x + 148, this._y + 58, 15); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction36('敌人_电网', 1, this._x + 235, this._y + 88, 15); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3], -4475); enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; enemy_mc1.to_die(0, 0); }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; } } frame 10 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 355, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() < _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 115, this._y + 266, 99, 1, 50, 1, -100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 155, this._y + 266, 99, 1, 51, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 50, 1, -100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 220, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 51, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 51, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 50, 1, -100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 440, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 51, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 470, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 51, 1, 100); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 470, this._y + 335, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 536, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 498, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 461, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 10 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 355, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() < _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 115, this._y + 266, 99, 1, 1, 1, -100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 155, this._y + 266, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 1, 1, -100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 220, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 1, 1, -100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 440, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 470, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 470, this._y + 335, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 536, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 498, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 461, this._y + 297, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 11 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 435, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 485, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 535, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 10, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 110, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 160, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 210, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 300, 230); } } frame 11 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 435, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 485, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 535, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 10, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 60, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 110, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 160, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 210, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -1, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 310; _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车1', this._x + 102, this._y + 334, 0, 2, 590, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 235, this._y + 317, 99, 2, 0, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 277, this._y + 290, 99, 2, 0, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 335, this._y + 270, 99, 2, 0, 2, 100); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 300, 230); } } frame 12 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 5, this._x + 567, this._y + 335, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 120, this._y + 170, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 160, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 50, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 50, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 290, this._y + 276, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 330, this._y + 276, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 370, this._y + 276, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 410, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 352, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc8 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 490, this._y + 352, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); enemy_mc8.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6, enemy_mc7, enemy_mc8]); } } frame 12 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 5, this._x + 567, this._y + 335, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 120, this._y + 170, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 160, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 290, this._y + 276, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 330, this._y + 276, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 370, this._y + 276, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 410, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 352, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc8 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 490, this._y + 352, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); enemy_mc8.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6, enemy_mc7, enemy_mc8]); } } frame 17 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm3_1', true); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() > _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 200 + random(150), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 400 + random(150), this._y + 334); } } frame 17 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm3_1', true); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() > _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 200 + random(150), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 400 + random(150), this._y + 334); } } frame 18 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 18 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 19 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 19 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 20 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x + 100, this._y - 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -1760); } } frame 20 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(590), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x + 100, this._y - 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -1760); } } frame 21 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(150), this._y + 334); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 435, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 485, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 535, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 286, 225); } } frame 21 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(150), this._y + 334); var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 390, this._y + 84, 99, 3, 0, 2, 100); enemy_mc.in_air = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 435, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 485, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 535, this._y + 300, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(300), this._y + 334)).max_area_x = this._x + 300; _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 286, 225); } } frame 22 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() < _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 5, this._x + 567, this._y + 335, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc2.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc5.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6]); } } frame 22 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() < _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 5, this._x + 567, this._y + 335, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc2.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc5.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 400, this._y + 354, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6]); } } frame 27 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm3_1', true); (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() > _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); } } frame 27 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm3_1', true); (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.main.player.getDepth() > _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); } } frame 28 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 245, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -580); } } frame 28 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 245, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -580); } } frame 29 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 200, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); } } frame 29 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 200, this._y + 334, 0, 'land', 100); } } frame 30 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 100, this._y + 334, -1, 'land', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 500, this._y + 334, -1, 'land', 100); enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = function () { if (_root.main.player.getDepth() < _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } }; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc2.dieEvents2; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -1170); } } frame 30 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 295, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 450 + random(100), this._y + 334); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 100, this._y + 334, -1, 'land', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 500, this._y + 334, -1, 'land', 100); enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = function () { if (_root.main.player.getDepth() < _root.main.enemies.getDepth()) { _root.main.player.swapDepths(_root.main.enemies); } }; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc2.dieEvents2; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -1170); } } frame 31 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.player_max_x = this._x + 500; (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 87, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(3); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(75), this._y + 334); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 270, this._y + 306, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 336, this._y + 268, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 298, this._y + 268, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 261, this._y + 268, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 430, 218); } } frame 31 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.player_max_x = this._x + 500; (_root.add_frontpic('前景_沼泽', this._x + 87, this._y + 389)).gotoAndStop(3); _root.enemysAction33('中立_吸血草', this._x + 50 + random(75), this._y + 334); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 270, this._y + 306, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 336, this._y + 268, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 298, this._y + 268, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 261, this._y + 268, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 430, 218); } } frame 32 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 5, this._x + 567, this._y + 335, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 479, this._y + 153, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 230, this._y + 279, 99, 2, 50, 1, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 290, this._y + 279, 99, 2, 51, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 210, this._y + 189, 99, 1, 50, 1, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 189, 99, 1, 51, 1, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 290, this._y + 189, 99, 1, 51, 1, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 355, 99, 3, 50, 1, -100); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 490, this._y + 355, 99, 3, 51, 1, 100); var enemy_mc8 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 520, this._y + 355, 99, 3, 51, 1, 100); enemy_mc8.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6, enemy_mc7, enemy_mc8]); } } frame 32 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 5, this._x + 567, this._y + 335, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 479, this._y + 153, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 230, this._y + 279, 99, 2, 1, 1, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 290, this._y + 279, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 210, this._y + 189, 99, 1, 1, 1, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 189, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 290, this._y + 189, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 355, 99, 3, 1, 1, -100); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 490, this._y + 355, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc8 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 520, this._y + 355, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); enemy_mc8.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6, enemy_mc7, enemy_mc8]); } } frame 37 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm3_1', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 35; var arrow_mc = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); arrow_mc._x = 435; arrow_mc._y = 200; } } frame 37 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm3_1', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 35; var arrow_mc = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); arrow_mc._x = 435; arrow_mc._y = 200; } } frame 39 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 450, this._y + 320, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc.min_area_x = this._x; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 540; enemy_mc.min_area_y = this._y + 180; enemy_mc.max_area_y = this._y + 330; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.main_move_XY(undefined, -800); _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 13; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -5900; }; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc, 'blue'); var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 200 + random(100), temp_dir); ++i; } } } frame 39 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 450, this._y + 320, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 540; enemy_mc1.min_area_y = this._y + 180; enemy_mc1.max_area_y = this._y + 330; enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.main_move_XY(undefined, -800); _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 13; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -5900; }; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc1, 'blue'); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 170, this._y + 200, 1, 'water', -100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 540; enemy_mc2.min_area_y = this._y + 180; enemy_mc2.max_area_y = this._y + 330; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc2, 'blue'); var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 200 + random(100), temp_dir); ++i; } } } frame 40 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var object_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('水地_铁丝网', this._x + 50, this._y + 535, 2, 30, false, 5); object_mc1.enemy_type = 2; object_mc1.can_enemy_stand = false; object_mc1.dieEvents = function () { var v3 = _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(3) + 1)); _root.always_shine(v3, 'blue'); }; var object_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('水地_铁丝网', this._x + 300, this._y + 535, 2, 30, false, 5); object_mc2.enemy_type = 2; object_mc2.can_enemy_stand = false; object_mc2.dieEvents = function () { var v3 = _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(3) + 1)); _root.always_shine(v3, 'blue'); }; var object_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('水地_铁丝网', this._x + 550, this._y + 535, 2, 30, false, 5); object_mc3.enemy_type = 2; object_mc3.can_enemy_stand = false; object_mc3.dieEvents = function () { var v3 = _root.add_weapon(this); _root.always_shine(v3, 'blue'); }; var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 380 + random(100), temp_dir); ++i; } } } frame 40 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var object_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('水地_铁丝网', this._x + 50, this._y + 535, 2, 30, false, 5); object_mc1.enemy_type = 2; object_mc1.can_enemy_stand = false; object_mc1.dieEvents = function () { var v3 = _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(3) + 1)); _root.always_shine(v3, 'blue'); }; var object_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('水地_铁丝网', this._x + 300, this._y + 535, 2, 30, false, 5); object_mc2.enemy_type = 2; object_mc2.can_enemy_stand = false; object_mc2.dieEvents = function () { var v3 = _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(3) + 1)); _root.always_shine(v3, 'blue'); }; var object_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('水地_铁丝网', this._x + 550, this._y + 535, 2, 30, false, 5); object_mc3.enemy_type = 2; object_mc3.can_enemy_stand = false; object_mc3.dieEvents = function () { var v3 = _root.add_weapon(this); _root.always_shine(v3, 'blue'); }; var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 380 + random(100), temp_dir); ++i; } } } frame 41 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 415, this._y + 270, true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = this._x + 570; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = enemy_mc3.min_area_x; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = enemy_mc3.min_area_x; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 575; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = enemy_mc3.max_area_x; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = enemy_mc3.max_area_x; var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 380 + random(100), temp_dir); ++i; } } } frame 41 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 415, this._y + 270, true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = this._x + 570; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = enemy_mc3.min_area_x; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = enemy_mc3.min_area_x; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 575; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = enemy_mc3.max_area_x; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = enemy_mc3.max_area_x; var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 380 + random(100), temp_dir); ++i; } } } frame 42 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 415, this._y + 270, true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = this._x + 570; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = enemy_mc3.min_area_x; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = enemy_mc3.min_area_x; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 575; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = enemy_mc3.max_area_x; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = enemy_mc3.max_area_x; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 350, this._y + 390, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 590; enemy_mc4.min_area_y = this._y + 380; enemy_mc4.max_area_y = this._y + 530; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc4, 'blue'); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 150, this._y + 520, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 590; enemy_mc5.min_area_y = this._y + 380; enemy_mc5.max_area_y = this._y + 530; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc5, 'blue'); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5], -1170); var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 380 + random(100), temp_dir); ++i; } } } frame 42 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.add_object('水面_小船', this._x + 415, this._y + 270, true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 249, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = this._x + 260; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = this._x + 570; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 255; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = enemy_mc3.min_area_x; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = enemy_mc3.min_area_x; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 575; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = enemy_mc3.max_area_x; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = enemy_mc3.max_area_x; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 350, this._y + 390, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 590; enemy_mc4.min_area_y = this._y + 380; enemy_mc4.max_area_y = this._y + 530; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc4, 'blue'); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 150, this._y + 520, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 590; enemy_mc5.min_area_y = this._y + 380; enemy_mc5.max_area_y = this._y + 530; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc5, 'blue'); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5], -1170); var temp_dir = 100 * (random(2) * 2 - 1); var i = 1; while (i <= 15) { _root.add_creatures_09(this._x + 250 + random(100), this._y + 380 + random(100), temp_dir); ++i; } } } frame 43 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 120, this._y + 590, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 140; enemy_mc4.min_area_y = this._y + 580; enemy_mc4.max_area_y = this._y + 730; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc4, 'blue'); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 130, this._y + 720, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 140; enemy_mc5.min_area_y = this._y + 580; enemy_mc5.max_area_y = this._y + 730; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc5, 'blue'); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5], -1760); (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 313, 99, 3, 51, 1, -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 540, this._y + 313, 99, 3, 50, 1, 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 315; var water_checker_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip('water_checker', this.getNextHighestDepth()); water_checker_mc._x = 300; water_checker_mc._y = 450; water_checker_mc.targeter = enemy_mc4.targeter; water_checker_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.targeter.in_water) { if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < (_root.get_map_point(this.targeter))[0]) { this.targeter.in_water = false; _root.always_shine(this.targeter, 'normal'); } } }; } } frame 43 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 120, this._y + 590, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x - 590; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 140; enemy_mc4.min_area_y = this._y + 580; enemy_mc4.max_area_y = this._y + 730; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc4, 'blue'); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction35('敌人_鳄鱼', this._x + 130, this._y + 720, 1, 'water', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x - 590; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 140; enemy_mc5.min_area_y = this._y + 580; enemy_mc5.max_area_y = this._y + 730; _root.always_shine(enemy_mc5, 'blue'); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5], -1760); (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 313, 99, 3, 1, 1, -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 300; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 540, this._y + 313, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 315; var water_checker_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip('water_checker', this.getNextHighestDepth()); water_checker_mc._x = 300; water_checker_mc._y = 450; water_checker_mc.targeter = enemy_mc4.targeter; water_checker_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.targeter.in_water) { if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < (_root.get_map_point(this.targeter))[0]) { this.targeter.in_water = false; _root.always_shine(this.targeter, 'normal'); } } }; } } frame 44 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.player_max_x = this._x + 125; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('NPC_大象', this._x + 125, this._y + 305, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.can_move_targeter = 1; enemy_mc.just_move_targeter = true; enemy_mc.area_strict = 50; enemy_mc.min_area_x = enemy_mc._x; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 3200; enemy_mc.find_player = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.targeter._x > this._x - 150) { this.gotoAndStop('kneel'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; enemy_mc.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('大象叫声', false); this.my_arrow.gotoAndStop('empty'); delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.onEnterFrame = function () {; _root.enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('walk'); this.move_speed = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.can_move) { if (this.move_speed < 3) { this.move_speed += 0.5; } _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); } else { if (this.move_speed > 0) { this.move_speed -= 0.25; _root.shake_screen(); } } _root.touch_kill_enemy(this, this.hit, 'fly', '打击声音'); }; } }; }; enemy_mc.enemy_limited_area_Action = function () { if (this._x > (this.min_area_x + this.max_area_x) / 2) { delete this.max_area_x; delete this.just_move_targeter; delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; this.gotoAndStop('kneel'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; enemy_mc.find_player(); } } frame 44 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.player_max_x = this._x + 125; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('NPC_大象', this._x + 125, this._y + 305, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.can_move_targeter = 1; enemy_mc.just_move_targeter = true; enemy_mc.area_strict = 50; enemy_mc.min_area_x = enemy_mc._x; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 3200; enemy_mc.find_player = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.targeter._x > this._x - 100) { this.gotoAndStop('kneel'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; enemy_mc.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('大象叫声', false); this.my_arrow.gotoAndStop('empty'); delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.onEnterFrame = function () {; _root.enemy_move(this, 0, 0); if ( == { this.gotoAndStop('walk'); this.move_speed = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.can_move) { if (this.move_speed < 3) { this.move_speed += 0.5; } _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); } else { if (this.move_speed > 0) { this.move_speed -= 0.25; _root.shake_screen(); } } _root.touch_kill_enemy(this, this.hit, 'fly', '打击声音'); }; } }; }; enemy_mc.enemy_limited_area_Action = function () { if (this._x > (this.min_area_x + this.max_area_x) / 2) { delete this.max_area_x; delete this.just_move_targeter; delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; this.gotoAndStop('kneel'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; enemy_mc.find_player(); } } frame 45 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 280, this._y + 270, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 270, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 270, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc2.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc1.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc3.no_bonus = true; enemy_mc2.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; enemy_mc1.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; } } frame 45 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 280, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc2.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc1.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc3.no_bonus = true; enemy_mc2.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; enemy_mc1.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 415, 99, 1, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; } } frame 46 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 280, this._y + 270, 99, 2, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 270, 99, 2, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 270, 99, 2, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc2.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc1.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc3.no_bonus = true; enemy_mc2.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; enemy_mc1.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; } } frame 46 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 280, this._y + 270, 99, 2, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 270, 99, 2, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 270, 99, 2, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc2.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc1.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc3.no_bonus = true; enemy_mc2.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; enemy_mc1.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 415, 99, 2, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 550 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 650 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; } } frame 47 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 280, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc2.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc1.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc3.no_bonus = true; enemy_mc2.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; enemy_mc1.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; } } frame 47 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 280, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.in_air = true; enemy_mc2.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc1.in_air = enemy_mc3.in_air; enemy_mc3.no_bonus = true; enemy_mc2.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; enemy_mc1.no_bonus = enemy_mc3.no_bonus; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 315, 99, 3, -random(2) - 1, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 750 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 850 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; } } frame 48 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 550 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 650 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 750 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 850 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; } } frame 48 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 550 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 650 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 750 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 850 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; } } frame 49 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 550 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 650 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 750 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 850 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 49 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 550 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 650 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 750 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 850 - 590, this._y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).no_bonus = true; _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 50 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 350, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = this._x + 550; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; } } frame 50 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 350, this._y + 270, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = this._x + 360; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; } } frame 51 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 400, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = this._x + 70; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = this._x + 550; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; } } frame 51 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 400, this._y + 330, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = this._x + 70; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = this._x + 550; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; } } frame 52 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 156, this._y + 156, false)).gotoAndStop(1); var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 360, this._y + 60, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(2); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 7; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1600; }; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 150, this._y + 5, false)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 380, this._y + 276, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 435, this._y + 276, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 490, this._y + 276, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 52 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 156, this._y + 156, false)).gotoAndStop(1); var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 360, this._y + 60, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(2); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 7; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1600; }; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 150, this._y + 5, false)).gotoAndStop(2); _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车1', this._x + 230, this._y + 330, 0, 2, 590, 0, 100); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 380, this._y + 276, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 435, this._y + 276, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 490, this._y + 276, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 53 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 273, this._y + 292, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 393, this._y + 181, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 143, this._y + 145, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 247, this._y + 18, false)).gotoAndStop(4); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 273 + 44, this._y + 292 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 393 + 54, this._y + 181 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 143 + 54, this._y + 145 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 247 + 33, this._y + 18 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 53 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 273, this._y + 292, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 393, this._y + 181, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 143, this._y + 145, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 247, this._y + 18, false)).gotoAndStop(4); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 273 + 44, this._y + 292 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 393 + 54, this._y + 181 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 143 + 54, this._y + 145 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 247 + 33, this._y + 18 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 54 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 198, this._y + 328, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 376, this._y + 253, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 177, this._y + 168, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 397, this._y + 76, false)).gotoAndStop(4); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 208, this._y + 10, false)).gotoAndStop(5); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 198 + 44, this._y + 328 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 376 + 44, this._y + 253 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 177 + 54, this._y + 168 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 397 + 33, this._y + 76 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 54 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 198, this._y + 328, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 376, this._y + 253, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 177, this._y + 168, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 397, this._y + 76, false)).gotoAndStop(4); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 208, this._y + 10, false)).gotoAndStop(5); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 198 + 44, this._y + 328 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 376 + 44, this._y + 253 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 177 + 54, this._y + 168 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 397 + 33, this._y + 76 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 55 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 201, this._y + 294, false)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 400, this._y + 200, false)).gotoAndStop(4); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 240, this._y + 120, false)).gotoAndStop(5); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 140, this._y + 5, false)).gotoAndStop(4); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 201 + 73, this._y + 294 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 400 + 33, this._y + 200 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 140 + 33, this._y + 5 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 55 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 201, this._y + 294, false)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 400, this._y + 200, false)).gotoAndStop(4); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 240, this._y + 120, false)).gotoAndStop(5); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 140, this._y + 5, false)).gotoAndStop(4); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 201 + 73, this._y + 294 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 400 + 33, this._y + 200 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 140 + 33, this._y + 5 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 56 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 210, this._y + 315, false)).gotoAndStop(5); var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 350, this._y + 180, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(4); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 10; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -3540; }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 350 + 33, this._y + 180 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 56 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 210, this._y + 315, false)).gotoAndStop(5); var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 350, this._y + 180, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(4); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 10; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -3540; }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 350 + 33, this._y + 180 + 13, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 57 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 100, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(45); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 150, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(40); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 200, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(35); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 250, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(30); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 300, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(25); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 350, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(20); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 400, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(15); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 450, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(10); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 500, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(5); } } frame 57 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 100, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(45); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 150, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(40); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 200, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(35); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 250, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(30); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 300, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(25); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 350, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(20); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 400, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(15); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 450, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(10); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 500, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(5); } } frame 58 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 100, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(45); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 150, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(40); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 200, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(35); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 250, this._y + 95, 2); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 380, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(25); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 430, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(20); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 480, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(15); } } frame 58 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 100, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(45); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 150, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(40); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 200, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(35); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 250, this._y + 95, 2); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 380, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(25); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 430, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(20); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 480, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(15); } } frame 59 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 216, this._y + 322, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车1', this._x + 375, this._y + 322, 0, 2, 365, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 265, this._y + 322, 99, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 322, 99, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 322, 99, 0, 100); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 2, 417, 156); } } frame 59 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.blocksAction('障碍_沙袋', this._x + 216, this._y + 322, -1, 0, false, 0)).enemy_type = 3; _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车1', this._x + 375, this._y + 322, 0, 2, 365, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 265, this._y + 322, 99, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 322, 99, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 322, 99, 0, 100); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 2, 417, 156); } } frame 60 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 140, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 50, 1, -100)).max_area_x = this._x + 530; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 50, 1, -100)).max_area_x = this._x + 540; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 50, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 550; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 50, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 560; (_root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 570; (_root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 580; (_root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 60 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 140, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 50, 1, -100)).max_area_x = this._x + 530; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 50, 1, -100)).max_area_x = this._x + 540; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 50, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 550; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 50, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 560; (_root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 570; (_root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 580; (_root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 322, 99, 1, 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 590; } } frame 61 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 50, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(40); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 90, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(35); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 130, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(30); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 170, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(25); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 210, this._y + 95, 2); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 350, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(20); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 390, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(15); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 430, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(10); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 470, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(5); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 510, this._y + 95, 2); } } frame 61 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 50, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(40); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 90, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(35); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 130, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(30); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 170, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(25); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 210, this._y + 95, 2); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 350, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(20); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 390, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(15); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 430, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(10); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 470, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(5); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 510, this._y + 95, 2); } } frame 62 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 50, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 90, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 130, this._y + 95, 2); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 250, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 290, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 330, this._y + 95, 2); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 450, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 490, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 530, this._y + 95, 2); } } frame 62 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 50, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 90, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 130, this._y + 95, 2); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 250, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 290, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 330, this._y + 95, 2); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 450, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); (_root.enemysAction38('激光枪01', this._x + 490, this._y + 95, 1)).gotoAndPlay(random(45) + 1); _root.enemysAction38('激光枪02', this._x + 530, this._y + 95, 2); } } frame 63 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 280, this._y + 330, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(2); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 8; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -1600; }; } } frame 63 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 280, this._y + 330, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(2); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 8; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -1600; }; } } frame 64 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 71, this._y + 60, false)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 296, this._y + 129, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 107, this._y + 202, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 396, this._y + 288, false)).gotoAndStop(4); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 177, this._y + 337, false)).gotoAndStop(1); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 71 + 73, this._y + 60 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 296 + 54, this._y + 129 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 107 + 44, this._y + 202 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 396 + 33, this._y + 288 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 177 + 73, this._y + 337 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 64 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 71, this._y + 60, false)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 296, this._y + 129, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 107, this._y + 202, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 396, this._y + 288, false)).gotoAndStop(4); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 177, this._y + 337, false)).gotoAndStop(1); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 71 + 73, this._y + 60 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 296 + 54, this._y + 129 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 107 + 44, this._y + 202 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 396 + 33, this._y + 288 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 177 + 73, this._y + 337 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 65 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 290, this._y + 50, false)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 180, this._y + 150, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 280, this._y + 250, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 75, this._y + 300, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 400, this._y + 350, false)).gotoAndStop(5); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 290 + 73, this._y + 50 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 180 + 44, this._y + 150 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 280 + 54, this._y + 250 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 75 + 54, this._y + 300 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 400 + 18, this._y + 350 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 65 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 290, this._y + 50, false)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 180, this._y + 150, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 280, this._y + 250, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 75, this._y + 300, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 400, this._y + 350, false)).gotoAndStop(5); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 290 + 73, this._y + 50 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 180 + 44, this._y + 150 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 280 + 54, this._y + 250 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 75 + 54, this._y + 300 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 400 + 18, this._y + 350 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 66 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 120, this._y + 40, false)).gotoAndStop(5); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 290, this._y + 60, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 290, this._y + 170, false)).gotoAndStop(5); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 110, this._y + 230, false)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 295, this._y + 295, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 175, this._y + 335, false)).gotoAndStop(5); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 120 + 18, this._y + 40 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 290 + 54, this._y + 60 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 290 + 18, this._y + 170 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 110 + 73, this._y + 230 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 295 + 54, this._y + 295 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 175 + 18, this._y + 335 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 66 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 120, this._y + 40, false)).gotoAndStop(5); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 290, this._y + 60, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 290, this._y + 170, false)).gotoAndStop(5); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 110, this._y + 230, false)).gotoAndStop(1); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 295, this._y + 295, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 175, this._y + 335, false)).gotoAndStop(5); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 120 + 18, this._y + 40 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 290 + 54, this._y + 60 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 290 + 18, this._y + 170 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 110 + 73, this._y + 230 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 295 + 54, this._y + 295 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 175 + 18, this._y + 335 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 67 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 70, this._y + 10, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 350, this._y + 80, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 200, this._y + 150, false)).gotoAndStop(1); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 70 + 44, this._y + 10 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 350 + 54, this._y + 80 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 200 + 73, this._y + 150 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 329, false); enemy_mc1.body.stop(); enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.main_move_XY(undefined, -1600); _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 10; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -3540; }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 67 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 70, this._y + 10, false)).gotoAndStop(3); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 350, this._y + 80, false)).gotoAndStop(2); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 200, this._y + 150, false)).gotoAndStop(1); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 70 + 44, this._y + 10 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 350 + 54, this._y + 80 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 200 + 73, this._y + 150 + 13, 2, 5, true, 10); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 329, false); enemy_mc1.body.stop(); enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.main_move_XY(undefined, -1600); _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 10; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -3540; }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 209, this._y + 311, 99, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 161, this._y + 297, 99, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 92, this._y + 273, 99, 0, 100); } } frame 68 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x = this._x - 290; enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; } } frame 68 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 100, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 330, 99, -1, 100); enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x = this._x - 290; enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; } } frame 69 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.next_scence_blocked = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 2, this._x + 372, this._y + 108, 100); var temp_x = this._x; var temp_y = this._y; enemy_mc1.overAction = function () { _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', temp_x - 50, temp_y + 273, 99, -1, -100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 100, temp_y + 297, 99, -1, -100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 150, temp_y + 320, 99, -1, -100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 200, temp_y + 330, 99, -1, -100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 250, temp_y + 330, 99, -1, -100); (_root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 300, temp_y + 330, 99, -1, -100)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.next_scence_blocked = false; var v3 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v3._x = 407; v3._y = 108; }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 3, this._x + 490, this._y + 155, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 100, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x = this._x - 100; enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; } } frame 69 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.next_scence_blocked = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 2, this._x + 372, this._y + 108, 100); var temp_x = this._x; var temp_y = this._y; enemy_mc1.overAction = function () { _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', temp_x - 50, temp_y + 273, 99, -1, -100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 100, temp_y + 297, 99, -1, -100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 150, temp_y + 320, 99, -1, -100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 200, temp_y + 330, 99, -1, -100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 250, temp_y + 330, 99, -1, -100); (_root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', temp_x - 300, temp_y + 330, 99, -1, -100)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.next_scence_blocked = false; var v3 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v3._x = 407; v3._y = 108; }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 3, this._x + 490, this._y + 155, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 100, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 270, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x = this._x - 100; enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x = this._x + 490; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; } } frame 70 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 6, this._x + 569, this._y + 349, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 560, this._y + 108, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 350, this._y + 350, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 400, this._y + 350, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 450, this._y + 350, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 530, this._y + 108, 99, 0, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 390, this._y + 108, 99, 0, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 290, this._y + 108, 99, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3]); } } frame 70 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 6, this._x + 569, this._y + 349, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 560, this._y + 108, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 350, this._y + 350, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 400, this._y + 350, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 450, this._y + 350, 1, 5, false, 30); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 375, this._y + 350, 99, 2, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 425, this._y + 350, 99, 2, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 475, this._y + 350, 99, 2, 0, 1, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 530, this._y + 108, 99, 0, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 390, this._y + 108, 99, 0, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 290, this._y + 108, 99, 1, 100); enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6]); } } frame 75 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); _root.next_scence_blocked = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 2, this._x + 108, this._y + 108, 100); var temp_x = this._x; var temp_y = this._y; enemy_mc1.overAction = function () { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x - 50, temp_y + 270, 99, 3, -2, 1, -100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x - 100, temp_y + 270, 99, 3, -1, 1, -100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x - 150, temp_y + 270, 99, 3, -1, 1, -100)).in_air = true; _root.next_scence_blocked = false; var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v2._x = 143; v2._y = 108; }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 3, this._x + 490, this._y + 155, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车1', this._x + 420, this._y + 270, 1, 2, 380, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 270, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 2, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 2, 1, 100); } } frame 75 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); _root.next_scence_blocked = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 2, this._x + 108, this._y + 108, 100); var temp_x = this._x; var temp_y = this._y; enemy_mc1.overAction = function () { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x - 50, temp_y + 270, 99, 3, -2, 1, -100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x - 100, temp_y + 270, 99, 3, -1, 1, -100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x - 150, temp_y + 270, 99, 3, -1, 1, -100)).in_air = true; _root.next_scence_blocked = false; var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v2._x = 143; v2._y = 108; }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 3, this._x + 490, this._y + 155, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车1', this._x + 420, this._y + 270, 1, 2, 380, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 270, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 420, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 2, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 270, 99, 3, 2, 1, 100); } } frame 80 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 6, this._x + 569, this._y + 349, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 30, this._y + 207, 99, 0, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 150, 99, 0, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 455, this._y + 246, 99, 0, 100); enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3]); } } frame 80 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 6, this._x + 569, this._y + 349, 100); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 30, this._y + 207, 99, 0, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 150, 99, 0, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 455, this._y + 246, 99, 0, 100); enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = function () {; delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3]); } } frame 85 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); _root.next_scence_blocked = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 2, this._x + 245, this._y + 108, 100); enemy_mc1.overAction = function () { _root.next_scence_blocked = false; var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v2._x = 282; v2._y = 108; }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 7, this._x - 110, this._y + 270, 100); enemy_mc2.in_air = true; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 3, this._x + 490, this._y + 155, 100); enemy_mc3.child = enemy_mc1; enemy_mc3.sting = enemy_mc2; } } frame 85 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); _root.next_scence_blocked = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 2, this._x + 245, this._y + 108, 100); enemy_mc1.overAction = function () { _root.next_scence_blocked = false; var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v2._x = 282; v2._y = 108; }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 7, this._x - 110, this._y + 270, 100); enemy_mc2.in_air = true; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 3, this._x + 490, this._y + 155, 100); enemy_mc3.child = enemy_mc1; enemy_mc3.sting = enemy_mc2; } } frame 90 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.enemysAction39('爆炸球_炮', this._x + 530, this._y + 149, 0, 100); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 361, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 361, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 361, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 350, this._y + 361, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = this._x + 50; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; } } frame 90 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.enemysAction39('爆炸球_炮', this._x + 530, this._y + 149, 0, 100); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 300, this._y + 361, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 361, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 361, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 361, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = this._x + 50; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; } } frame 95 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 333, false); enemy_mc1.body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 295, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 295, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 295, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 95 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm3_2', true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 333, false); enemy_mc1.body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 295, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 295, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 295, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 96 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 295, this._y + 135, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(9); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 6; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1600; }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 1, this._x + 408, this._y + 5, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 4, this._x + 400, this._y + 55, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; } } frame 96 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 50, this._y + 180); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 200, this._y + 200); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 350, this._y + 180); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 500, this._y + 200); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 650, this._y + 180); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 334, 99, 1, -2, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 334, 99, 1, -2, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -2, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 334, 99, 2, -2, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 347, this._y + 276, 99, 3, 0, 2, 100); var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 295, this._y + 135, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(9); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 6; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1600; }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 1, this._x + 408, this._y + 5, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 4, this._x + 400, this._y + 55, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; } } frame 97 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 1, this._x + 408, this._y + 70, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 4, this._x + 400, this._y + 120, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 165, this._y + 300, false)).gotoAndStop(8); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 175, this._y + 180, false)).gotoAndStop(9); } } frame 97 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 1, this._x + 408, this._y + 70, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 4, this._x + 400, this._y + 120, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 165, this._y + 300, false)).gotoAndStop(8); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 175, this._y + 180, false)).gotoAndStop(9); } } frame 98 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 1, this._x + 408, this._y + 70, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 4, this._x + 400, this._y + 120, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 170, this._y + 380, false)).gotoAndStop(9); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 325, this._y + 260, false)).gotoAndStop(9); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 175, this._y + 155, false)).gotoAndStop(8); } } frame 98 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 1, this._x + 408, this._y + 70, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 4, this._x + 400, this._y + 120, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 170, this._y + 380, false)).gotoAndStop(9); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 325, this._y + 260, false)).gotoAndStop(9); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 175, this._y + 155, false)).gotoAndStop(8); } } frame 99 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 1, this._x + 408, this._y + 95, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 4, this._x + 400, this._y + 145, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 320, this._y + 350, false)).gotoAndStop(9); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 160, this._y + 220, false)).gotoAndStop(7); } } frame 99 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 1, this._x + 408, this._y + 95, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 4, this._x + 400, this._y + 145, 100); enemy_mc2.child = enemy_mc1; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 320, this._y + 350, false)).gotoAndStop(9); (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 160, this._y + 220, false)).gotoAndStop(7); } } frame 100 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 150, this._y + 370, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(9); temp_x = this._x; temp_y = this._y; step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root.main_move_XY(-590, 1600); var v2 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车1', temp_x + 650, temp_y + 330, 1, 2, 520, 0, 100); v2.in_air = true; v2.dieEvents = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 7; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -1180; }; }; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 160, this._y + 270, false)).gotoAndStop(8); } } frame 100 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 150, this._y + 370, false); step_mc1.gotoAndStop(9); temp_x = this._x; temp_y = this._y; step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root.main_move_XY(-590, 1600); var v2 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克2', temp_x + 650, temp_y + 330, 1, 1, 520, 0, 100); v2.in_air = true; v2.dieEvents = function () { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 7; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -1180; }; }; (_root.add_object('木头_台阶', this._x + 160, this._y + 270, false)).gotoAndStop(8); } } frame 101 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 101 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 102 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm3_3', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 100; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 220, this._y + 328, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 100; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 260, this._y + 328, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 100; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 440, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 490, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 540, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 590, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = enemy_mc4.min_area_x; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = enemy_mc4.min_area_x; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = enemy_mc4.min_area_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = this._x + 300; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; } } frame 102 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm3_3', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 100; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 220, this._y + 328, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 100; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 260, this._y + 328, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 100; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 440, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 490, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 540, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 590, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = enemy_mc4.min_area_x; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = enemy_mc4.min_area_x; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = enemy_mc4.min_area_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = this._x + 300; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x; } } frame 103 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 350, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = this._x + 580; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; } } frame 103 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 350, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 328, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = this._x + 100; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = this._x + 580; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x; } } frame 104 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车1', this._x - 500, this._y, -1, 2, 110, 2, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车1', this._x - 90, this._y, -1, 2, 480, 2, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -580); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 350, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 416, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 378, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 341, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 100, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 200, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 300, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 400, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 500, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 104 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克2', this._x - 500, this._y, -1, 1, 110, 2, -100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克2', this._x - 90, this._y, -1, 1, 480, 2, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -580); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 350, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 416, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 378, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 341, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 100, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 200, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 300, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 400, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 500, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 105 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction04('德军_巨型轰炸机', this._x + 590 + 295, this._y + 480, -4, 295, 200); var step_mc = _root.blocksAction('木头_桥', this._x + 558, this._y + 335, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.get_postion = function () { delete this.no_absorb; delete this.no_damage; }; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { step_mc.dieEvents(); _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 8; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -1200; }; step_mc.always_on = true; step_mc.no_absorb = true; step_mc.no_damage = true; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 920; step_mc.dieEvents = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; _root.shot_shine(_root, 'white', 1); _root.shake_screen(); _root.object_remove(this, 15); this.yspeed = 5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation -= 2; this.yspeed += 1; this._y += this.yspeed; }; }; } } frame 105 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 150, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 216, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 178, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 141, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 329, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 291, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction04('德军_巨型轰炸机', this._x + 590 + 295, this._y + 480, -4, 295, 200); var step_mc = _root.blocksAction('木头_桥', this._x + 558, this._y + 335, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.get_postion = function () { delete this.no_absorb; delete this.no_damage; }; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { step_mc.dieEvents(); _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 8; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -1200; }; step_mc.always_on = true; step_mc.no_absorb = true; step_mc.no_damage = true; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 920; step_mc.dieEvents = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; _root.shot_shine(_root, 'white', 1); _root.shake_screen(); _root.object_remove(this, 15); this.yspeed = 5; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._rotation -= 2; this.yspeed += 1; this._y += this.yspeed; }; }; } } frame 109 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc = _root.add_enemyAction('NPC_火车', this._x - 80, this._y + 377, 0, 100); _root.play_soundAction('火车2', true); enemy_mc.move_speed = 10; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = true; enemy_mc.in_air = true; enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); }; enemy_mc.startAction = function (who) { _root.play_soundAction('火车1', false); _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.can_move_targeter = 1; this.just_move_targeter = true; _root.main_move_XY(undefined, -1200); _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 18; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -7670; }; } } frame 109 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc = _root.add_enemyAction('NPC_火车', this._x - 80, this._y + 377, 0, 100); _root.play_soundAction('火车2', true); enemy_mc.move_speed = 10; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = true; enemy_mc.in_air = true; enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); }; enemy_mc.startAction = function (who) { _root.play_soundAction('火车1', false); _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.can_move_targeter = 1; this.just_move_targeter = true; _root.main_move_XY(undefined, -1200); _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 18; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -7670; }; } } frame 110 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 200, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).active_moved = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 250, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.active_moved = true; enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 300, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); enemy_mc2.active_moved = true; enemy_mc2.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 350, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).active_moved = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 400, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).active_moved = true; } } frame 110 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 200, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).active_moved = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 250, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.active_moved = true; enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 300, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); enemy_mc2.active_moved = true; enemy_mc2.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 350, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).active_moved = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 400, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).active_moved = true; } } frame 113 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 100, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).active_moved = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 200, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.active_moved = true; enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 300, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); enemy_mc2.active_moved = true; enemy_mc2.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 400, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).active_moved = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 500, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).active_moved = true; } } frame 113 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 100, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100)).active_moved = true; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 200, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.active_moved = true; enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 300, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); enemy_mc2.active_moved = true; enemy_mc2.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 400, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).active_moved = true; (_root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x - 500, this._y - random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100)).active_moved = true; } } frame 116 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.game_medium_boss = true; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction40('敌人_BOSS3', this._x + 300, this._y - 800); _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(enemy_mc, 3); enemy_mc.active_moved = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.game_save_level_file(4); _root.kill_boss(v2); }; } } frame 116 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.game_medium_boss = true; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction40('敌人_BOSS3', this._x + 300, this._y - 800); _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(enemy_mc, 3); enemy_mc.active_moved = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.game_save_level_file(4); _root.kill_boss(v2); }; } } frame 118 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { repeat = -1; } } frame 118 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { repeat = -1; } } } movieClip 5815 { } movieClip 5819 { } movieClip 5823 { } movieClip 5829 { } movieClip 5833 { } movieClip 5837 { } movieClip 5841 { } movieClip 5845 { } movieClip 5849 { } movieClip 5867 { } movieClip 5871 { } movieClip 5873 { } movieClip 5877 { } movieClip 5881 { } movieClip 5885 { } movieClip 5889 { } movieClip 5893 { } movieClip 5931 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 5935 { } movieClip 5939 { } movieClip 5944 { } movieClip 5948 { } movieClip 5960 { } movieClip 5962 { } movieClip 5970 { } movieClip 5976 { } movieClip 5980 { } movieClip 5984 { } movieClip 5988 { } movieClip 5992 { } movieClip 5996 { } movieClip 6000 { } movieClip 6004 { } movieClip 6011 { } movieClip 6014 { } movieClip 6019 { } movieClip 6027 { } movieClip 6035 { } movieClip 6045 { } movieClip 6061 { } movieClip 6066 { } movieClip 6069 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 150 { _root.play_soundAction('功夫_大笑', false); } frame 192 { _root.play_soundAction('功夫_旋风腿', false); } frame 280 { _root.play_soundAction('直升飞机', true); } frame 357 { _root.stop_soundAction('直升飞机'); stop(); } } movieClip 6083 { } movieClip 6088 { } movieClip 6090 { } movieClip 6091 { } movieClip 6097 { } movieClip 6099 { } movieClip 6101 { } movieClip 6103 { } movieClip 6104 { } movieClip 6106 { } movieClip 6108 { } movieClip 6120 { } movieClip 6121 追踪导弹 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 6122 德军_巨型机器人 { frame 15 { this.machinegun(); } frame 17 { this.machinegun(); } frame 19 { this.machinegun(); } frame 21 { this.machinegun(); } frame 23 { this.machinegun(); } frame 25 { this.machinegun(); } frame 27 { this.machinegun(); } frame 29 { this.machinegun(); } frame 31 { this.machinegun(); } frame 33 { this.machinegun(); } frame 35 { this.machinegun(); } frame 37 { this.machinegun(); } frame 39 { this.machinegun(); } frame 63 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 94 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 125 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 6125 { } movieClip 6128 德军_战斗机 { frame 17 { this.shootAction(); } frame 94 { stop(); } } movieClip 6133 { } movieClip 6146 { } movieClip 6157 { frame 10 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 6168 { } movieClip 6177 { } movieClip 6190 { frame 13 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 6203 { frame 13 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 6224 { frame 58 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 6241 { frame 65 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 6244 敌人_吹镖 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6245 中立_小矮人1 { } movieClip 6250 { } movieClip 6263 { } movieClip 6274 { frame 11 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 6289 { frame 15 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 6310 { frame 58 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 6313 敌人_标枪 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6314 中立_小矮人2 { } movieClip 6321 { } movieClip 6328 { } movieClip 6369 { frame 19 { _parent.shootAction('敌人_枪械子弹', 180); } } movieClip 6376 { frame 7 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 16 { _parent.attackAction(); } frame 26 { _parent.attackAction(); } } movieClip 6391 { frame 55 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 6408 { frame 65 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 6413 { } movieClip 6414 敌人_长老面具 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6415 中立_矮人长老 { } movieClip 6423 { } movieClip 6428 { } movieClip 6435 德军_坦克2 { frame 37 { this.stand(); } frame 61 { this.shootAction1_2(180); this.shootAction1_2(170); this.shootAction1_2(190); } frame 87 { this.stand(); } frame 169 { stop(); } } movieClip 6443 { } movieClip 6444 { } movieClip 6453 { } movieClip 6458 { } movieClip 6465 敌人_巨型坦克_火箭 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 6471 { } movieClip 6472 { } movieClip 6473 敌人_巨型坦克_炮弹 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6474 德军_巨型坦克 { frame 28 { this.shootAction1(); } frame 60 { this.shootAction2(-1.5); } frame 62 { this.shootAction2(-0.75); } frame 64 { this.shootAction2(0); } frame 66 { this.shootAction2(0.75); } frame 68 { this.shootAction2(1.5); } frame 70 { this.shootAction2(2.25); } frame 72 { this.shootAction2(3); } frame 118 { this.shootAction3(); } frame 144 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 182 { stop(); } } movieClip 6478 { } movieClip 6491 吊桥 { frame 1 { stop(); g._visible = 0; } frame 34 { _root.play_soundAction('必杀音效3', false); } frame 40 { _root.play_soundAction('小刀02', false); } frame 79 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 6495 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 6500 藤蔓1 { frame 1 { stop(); g._visible = 0; } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 6504 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 6509 藤蔓2 { frame 1 { stop(); g._visible = 0; } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 6510 第四关水果 { frame 18 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 6515 { } movieClip 6517 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 6518 导弹拖车2 { } movieClip 6523 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6533 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 6534 小野人_大锅 { frame 8 { _root.play_soundAction('玻璃破碎', false); } } movieClip 6539 前景_小野人_木结构 { frame 45 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 6544 前景_毒气 { } movieClip 6549 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6559 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 6560 建筑_屏风 { frame 7 { _root.play_soundAction('木箱破碎', false); } } movieClip 6564 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 6567 { frame 1 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 6 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 10 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 14 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 18 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 22 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 26 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 30 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 55 { stop(); } } movieClip 6568 导弹拖车1 { } movieClip 6569 { frame 32 { stop(); } } movieClip 6575 { } movieClip 6577 { } movieClip 6578 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机进入', false); } frame 84 { this.shootAction(); } frame 87 { this.shootAction(); } frame 90 { this.shootAction(); } frame 93 { this.shootAction(); } frame 96 { this.shootAction(); } frame 99 { this.shootAction(); } frame 102 { this.shootAction(); } frame 105 { this.shootAction(); } frame 115 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机进入', false); } } movieClip 6580 敌人_BOSS4_1 { } movieClip 6585 { } movieClip 6589 { } movieClip 6591 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 44 { _parent.shootAction(-8); } frame 45 { _parent.shootAction(8); } frame 46 { _parent.shootAction(-8); } frame 57 { _parent.shootAction(-8); } frame 58 { _parent.shootAction(8); } frame 59 { _parent.shootAction(-8); } frame 70 { _parent.shootAction(-8); } frame 71 { _parent.shootAction(8); } frame 72 { _parent.shootAction(-8); } } movieClip 6594 { } movieClip 6623 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6628 敌人_火箭_子弹 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6629 敌人_BOSS4_2 { } movieClip 6633 { } movieClip 6634 { } movieClip 6637 { } movieClip 6639 { } movieClip 6641 { } movieClip 6645 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.play_soundAction('中型枪械4', false); } frame 8 { _root.play_soundAction('中型枪械4', false); } frame 14 { _root.play_soundAction('中型枪械4', false); } frame 20 { _root.play_soundAction('中型枪械4', false); } frame 33 { _root.play_soundAction('中型枪械4', false); } frame 39 { _root.play_soundAction('中型枪械4', false); } frame 45 { _root.play_soundAction('中型枪械4', false); } frame 51 { _root.play_soundAction('中型枪械4', false); } frame 79 { _parent.shootAction(this.p1._x, this.p1._y - (_parent._y + 240)); _parent.shootAction(this.p2._x, this.p2._y - (_parent._y + 240)); _parent.shootAction(this.p3._x, this.p3._y - (_parent._y + 240)); _parent.shootAction(this.p4._x, this.p4._y - (_parent._y + 240)); _parent.shootAction(this.p5._x, this.p5._y - (_parent._y + 240)); _parent.shootAction(this.p6._x, this.p6._y - (_parent._y + 240)); _parent.shootAction(this.p7._x, this.p7._y - (_parent._y + 240)); _parent.shootAction(this.p8._x, this.p8._y - (_parent._y + 240)); } } movieClip 6648 { } movieClip 6662 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 47 { _parent.shootAction(5, -20); } frame 57 { _parent.shootAction(21, -20); } frame 67 { _parent.shootAction(40, -20); } frame 77 { _parent.shootAction(56, -20); } } movieClip 6665 { } movieClip 6669 跟踪导弹2 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 6670 落雨导弹 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 6673 敌人_激光束 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 6674 敌人_BOSS4_3 { } movieClip 6677 { frame 1 { this._visible = 0; this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 6680 { } movieClip 6681 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 39 { _parent.shootAction(); } } movieClip 6693 { } movieClip 6694 { } movieClip 6695 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6704 { } movieClip 6713 { } movieClip 6734 { } movieClip 6743 { } movieClip 6752 { } movieClip 6761 { } movieClip 6762 { frame 2 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 18 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 34 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 40 { _root.play_soundAction('功夫_大笑', false); } frame 122 { stop(); } } movieClip 6763 敌人_BOSS4_4 { } movieClip 6772 { } movieClip 6775 { frame 1 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 30 { _parent.dieEvents(); _root.play_soundAction('爆炸警报', false); } frame 65 { _root.play_soundAction('爆炸警报', false); } frame 103 { _root.play_soundAction('爆炸警报', false); } frame 118 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); _parent.g.swapDepths(_parent.getNextHighestDepth()); _parent.g.removeMovieClip(); } frame 131 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 141 { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); } frame 175 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 6776 变形平台 { frame 5 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 9 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 13 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 17 { _root.play_soundAction('飞机跳出', false); } frame 19 { stop(); } } movieClip 6779 { } movieClip 6780 mission4_start { frame 1 { if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) { player2.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player2.removeMovieClip(); player1.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) { player1.swapDepths(this.getNextHighestDepth()); player1.removeMovieClip(); player2.gotoAndStop(25); } } } frame 100 { if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) { player1.gotoAndStop(15); } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) { player2.gotoAndStop(15); } } } frame 113 { if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) { player1.gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) { player2.gotoAndStop(16); } } } frame 117 { if (_root.game_player_sex == 1) { player1.gotoAndPlay(18); } else { if (_root.game_player_sex == 2) { player2.gotoAndPlay(18); } } } frame 185 { _root.level_start(); } frame 186 { stop(); } } movieClip 6785 stage4_bg { frame 1 { g._visible = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 285, this._y + 209, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 348, this._y + 191, 2, 5, true, 10); } } } frame 2 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 285, this._y + 209, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 348, this._y + 191, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 409, this._y + 173, 2, 5, true, 10); } } } frame 3 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 63, this._y + 115, 99, 53, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x - 590; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 121, this._y + 101, 99, 54, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x - 590; } } } frame 3 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 63, this._y + 115, 99, 53, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x - 590; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 121, this._y + 101, 99, 54, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x - 590; } } } frame 4 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 315, this._y + 265, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 385, this._y + 367, 99, 53, 'stand', -100)).max_area_x = this._x + 515; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 430, this._y + 367, 99, 54, 'stand', 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 515; } } } frame 4 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 315, this._y + 265, 99, 0, 'stand', 100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 385, this._y + 367, 99, 53, 'stand', -100)).max_area_x = this._x + 515; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 430, this._y + 367, 99, 54, 'stand', 100)).max_area_x = this._x + 515; } } } frame 5 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 506, this._y + 260, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 396, this._y + 239, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 286, this._y + 217, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 195, this._y + 197, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 85, this._y + 172, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); } } } frame 5 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 506, this._y + 260, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 396, this._y + 239, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 286, this._y + 217, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 195, this._y + 197, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 85, this._y + 172, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); } } } frame 6 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 305, this._y + 64, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 365, this._y + 68, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 566, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 504, this._y + 117, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 445, this._y + 94, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); } } } frame 6 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 305, this._y + 64, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 365, this._y + 68, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 566, this._y + 148, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 504, this._y + 117, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 445, this._y + 94, 99, 1, 'stand', -100); } } } frame 7 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 390, this._y + 195, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 355, this._y + 265, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 435, this._y + 265, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).in_air = true; } } } frame 7 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 390, this._y + 195, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 355, this._y + 265, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).in_air = true; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 435, this._y + 265, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).in_air = true; } } } frame 9 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 23, this._y + 120)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 93, this._y + 104)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 158, this._y + 89)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 237, this._y + 71)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 297, this._y + 59)).move_me(1); } } } frame 9 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 23, this._y + 120)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 93, this._y + 104)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 158, this._y + 89)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 237, this._y + 71)).move_me(1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 297, this._y + 59)).move_me(1); } } } frame 10 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 426, this._y + 367, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 466, this._y + 367, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 311, this._y + 255, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).in_air = true; _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 390, this._y + 367, 0, 100); } } } frame 10 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 426, this._y + 367, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 466, this._y + 367, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 311, this._y + 255, 99, 0, 'stand', -100)).in_air = true; _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 390, this._y + 367, 0, 100); } } } frame 12 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 571, this._y + 149)).move_me(-1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 514, this._y + 123)).move_me(-1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 439, this._y + 91)).move_me(-1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 384, this._y + 73)).move_me(-1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 334, this._y + 65)).move_me(-1); _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 298, this._y + 64, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 357, this._y + 67, 1, 'stand', 100); } } } frame 12 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 571, this._y + 149)).move_me(-1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 514, this._y + 123)).move_me(-1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 439, this._y + 91)).move_me(-1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 384, this._y + 73)).move_me(-1); (_root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 334, this._y + 65)).move_me(-1); _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 298, this._y + 64, 1, 'stand', 100); _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 357, this._y + 67, 1, 'stand', 100); } } } frame 13 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 393, this._y + 215, 2, 5, true, 10); enemy_mc.in_air = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } } frame 13 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 393, this._y + 215, 2, 5, true, 10); enemy_mc.in_air = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } } frame 14 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 204, this._y + 238, 99, 1, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 244, this._y + 226, 99, 1, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 294, this._y + 210, 99, 1, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 354, this._y + 192, 99, 1, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 414, this._y + 174, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 474, this._y + 157, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 534, this._y + 140, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); } } } frame 14 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 204, this._y + 238, 99, 1, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 244, this._y + 226, 99, 1, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 294, this._y + 210, 99, 1, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 354, this._y + 192, 99, 1, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 414, this._y + 174, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 474, this._y + 157, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 534, this._y + 140, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); } } } frame 15 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 69, this._y + 110, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 129, this._y + 96, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 199, this._y + 80, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 279, this._y + 63, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); } } } frame 15 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 69, this._y + 110, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 129, this._y + 96, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 199, this._y + 80, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 279, this._y + 63, 99, 3, 1 + random(2), 1 + random(2), 100); } } } frame 16 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 426, this._y + 367, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 466, this._y + 367, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 490, this._y + 367, 0, 100); } } } frame 16 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 426, this._y + 367, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 466, this._y + 367, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 490, this._y + 367, 0, 100); } } } frame 17 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 506, this._y + 260, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 396, this._y + 239, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 286, this._y + 217, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 195, this._y + 197, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 85, this._y + 172, 99, 1, 100); } } } frame 17 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 506, this._y + 260, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 396, this._y + 239, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 286, this._y + 217, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 195, this._y + 197, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 85, this._y + 172, 99, 1, 100); } } } frame 18 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 310, this._y + 64, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 496, this._y + 115, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 441, this._y + 91, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 392, this._y + 76, 99, 1, 100); } _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 2); } } frame 18 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { if (!_root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe]) { _root.stg4_1_enemy_container['enemy' + this._currentframe] = true; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 310, this._y + 64, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 496, this._y + 115, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 441, this._y + 91, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 392, this._y + 76, 99, 1, 100); } _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 5, this._x + 567, this._y + 335, 100); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 560; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 560; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 560; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 560; var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc5.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 560; var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc6.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc6.max_area_x = this._x + 560; var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction32('敌人_BOSS2', this._x + 500, this._y + 345, -1, 100); enemy_mc7.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc7.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc7.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this);; delete _root.player_max_x; }; } } frame 22 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; var door_mc = _root.enemysAction37('伸缩平台', 5, this._x + 567, this._y + 335, 100); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 560; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 345, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 560; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction18('敌人_日本武士军官', this._x + 350, this._y + 345, 2, 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc3.max_area_x = this._x + 560; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction32('敌人_BOSS2', this._x + 500, this._y + 345, -1, 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 30; enemy_mc4.max_area_x = this._x + 560; enemy_mc4.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this);; delete _root.player_max_x; }; } } frame 27 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_1', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 85; (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 155, this._y + 161, 5, 1)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodA'); }; (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 381, this._y + 265, 5, 2)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodB'); }; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 328, this._y + 374, 99, 53, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 85; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 368, this._y + 374, 99, 54, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 85; } } frame 27 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_1', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 85; (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 155, this._y + 161, 5, 1)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodA'); }; (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 381, this._y + 265, 5, 2)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodB'); }; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 328, this._y + 374, 99, 1, 'stand', -100)).min_area_x = this._x + 85; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 368, this._y + 374, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 85; } } frame 28 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 244, this._y + 79, 5, 2)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodB'); }; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 212, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 556, this._y + 174, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 518, this._y + 174, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 174, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 28 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 244, this._y + 79, 5, 2)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodB'); }; (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 212, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 556, this._y + 174, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 518, this._y + 174, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 174, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 29 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 119, this._y + 41, 5, 1)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodA'); }; (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 533, this._y + 98, 5, 1)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodA'); }; _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x + 100, this._y - 400); } } frame 29 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 119, this._y + 41, 5, 1)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodA'); }; (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 533, this._y + 98, 5, 1)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodA'); }; _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x + 100, this._y - 400); } } frame 30 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 342, this._y + 136, 5, 1)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodA'); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 333, 1, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 333, 1, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -1700); } } frame 30 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction41('第四关水果', this._x + 342, this._y + 136, 5, 1)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'foodA'); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车2', this._x + 100, this._y + 312, 1, 1, 490, 0, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 50, this._y + 324, 1, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 75, this._y + 319, 1, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3], -1230); } } frame 31 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var step_mc = _root.add_object('吊桥', this._x + 23, this._y + 321, false); temp_x = this._x; temp_y = this._y; step_mc.nextAction1 = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.main._x == _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section]) { _root.player_min_x = temp_x + 50; _root.player_max_x = temp_x + 510; var v3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', temp_x - 50, temp_y + 335, -1, -100); v3.in_air = true; v3.max_area_x = temp_x + 35; var v4 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', temp_x + 650, temp_y + 335, -1, 100); v4.in_air = true; v4.min_area_x = temp_x + 535; var v10 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 50, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v13 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 100, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 150, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 250, temp_y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 300, temp_y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v11 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 350, temp_y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v12 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 450, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v9 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 500, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v8 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 550, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); v8.dieEvents2 = function () { step_mc.nextAction2(); }; v9.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v12.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v11.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v7.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v5.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v13.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v10.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([v3, v4, v10, v13, v5, v6, v7, v11, v12, v9, v8]); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; step_mc.nextAction2 = function () {; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.g == undefined) { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 9; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -1600; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; step_mc.nextAction1(); } } frame 31 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var step_mc = _root.add_object('吊桥', this._x + 23, this._y + 321, false); temp_x = this._x; temp_y = this._y; step_mc.nextAction1 = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.main._x == _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section]) { _root.player_min_x = temp_x + 50; _root.player_max_x = temp_x + 510; var v3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', temp_x - 50, temp_y + 335, -1, -100); v3.in_air = true; v3.max_area_x = temp_x + 35; var v4 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', temp_x + 650, temp_y + 335, -1, 100); v4.in_air = true; v4.min_area_x = temp_x + 535; var v10 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 50, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v13 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 100, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 150, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v6 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 250, temp_y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v7 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 300, temp_y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v11 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 350, temp_y - 100 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v12 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 450, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v9 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 500, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); var v8 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', temp_x + 550, temp_y - 200 - random(50), 99, 3, -3, 1, 100); v8.dieEvents2 = function () { step_mc.nextAction2(); }; v9.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v12.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v11.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v7.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v6.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v5.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v13.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v10.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v4.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; v3.dieEvents2 = v8.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([v3, v4, v10, v13, v5, v6, v7, v11, v12, v9, v8]); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; step_mc.nextAction2 = function () {; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.g == undefined) { _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 9; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -1600; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; step_mc.nextAction1(); } } frame 33 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('藤蔓1', this._x + 22, this._y + 40, false); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; var step_mc2 = _root.add_object('藤蔓2', this._x + 22, this._y + 166, false); step_mc2.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; } } frame 33 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('藤蔓1', this._x + 22, this._y + 40, false); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; var step_mc2 = _root.add_object('藤蔓2', this._x + 22, this._y + 166, false); step_mc2.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; } } frame 34 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('藤蔓1', this._x + 22, this._y + 22, false); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; var step_mc2 = _root.add_object('藤蔓2', this._x + 22, this._y + 46, false); step_mc2.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; } } frame 34 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('藤蔓1', this._x + 22, this._y + 22, false); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; var step_mc2 = _root.add_object('藤蔓2', this._x + 22, this._y + 46, false); step_mc2.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; } } frame 35 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('藤蔓1', this._x + 22, this._y + 2, false); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; var step_mc2 = _root.add_object('藤蔓2', this._x + 22, this._y + 19, false); step_mc2.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 285, this._y + 328, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 335, this._y + 328, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 385, this._y + 328, 2, 5, true, 10); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 230, this._y + 328, 99, 56, 'crouch', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 430, this._y + 328, 99, 56, 'crouch', 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x - 100, this._y + 400); enemy_mc3.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = function () { delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; _root.add_stage_arrow(1); _root.add_stage_arrow(-1); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer1, 4); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer2, 5); }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3]); } } frame 35 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var step_mc1 = _root.add_object('藤蔓1', this._x + 22, this._y + 2, false); step_mc1.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; var step_mc2 = _root.add_object('藤蔓2', this._x + 22, this._y + 19, false); step_mc2.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('藤条', false);; }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 285, this._y + 328, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 335, this._y + 328, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 385, this._y + 328, 2, 5, true, 10); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 230, this._y + 328, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 430, this._y + 328, 99, 1, 'stand', 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x - 100, this._y + 400); enemy_mc3.dieEvents1 = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = function () { delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; _root.add_stage_arrow(1); _root.add_stage_arrow(-1); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer1, 4); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer2, 5); }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3]); } } frame 36 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); } } frame 36 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); } } frame 37 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_小野人_木结构', this._x + 262, this._y + 106)).gotoAndPlay('n1'); (_root.blocksAction('小野人_大锅', this._x + 190, this._y + 342, 1, 15, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); } } frame 37 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_小野人_木结构', this._x + 262, this._y + 106)).gotoAndPlay('n1'); (_root.blocksAction('小野人_大锅', this._x + 190, this._y + 342, 1, 15, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); } } frame 38 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); } } frame 38 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); } } frame 39 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_小野人_木结构', this._x + 262, this._y + 106)).gotoAndPlay('n2'); (_root.blocksAction('小野人_大锅', this._x + 190, this._y + 342, 1, 15, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); } } frame 39 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.add_frontpic('前景_小野人_木结构', this._x + 262, this._y + 106)).gotoAndPlay('n2'); (_root.blocksAction('小野人_大锅', this._x + 190, this._y + 342, 1, 15, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); } } frame 40 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); } } frame 40 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction43('中立_小矮人1', this._x + random(500) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); } } frame 41 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(100) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(100) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(100) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction44('中立_矮人长老', this._x + 150, this._y + 340, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1], -2650); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 6); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 41 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(100) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(100) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction42('中立_小矮人2', this._x + random(100) + 50, this._y + 340, 1, 100); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction44('中立_矮人长老', this._x + 150, this._y + 340, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction44('中立_矮人长老', this._x + 250, this._y + 340, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -2650); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 6); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 42 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); } } frame 42 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); } } frame 43 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var temp_mc = _root.add_frontpic('前景_毒气', this._x + 325, this._y + 125); temp_mc.gotoAndStop(1); temp_mc.attack_count = 0; temp_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { --this._x; if (++this.attack_count == 55) { this.attack_count = 0; _root.enemy_killAction(this, this.targeter, 'kill', 3, '中毒', undefined); if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < -this._width / 2) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); } } frame 43 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var temp_mc = _root.add_frontpic('前景_毒气', this._x + 325, this._y + 125); temp_mc.gotoAndStop(1); temp_mc.attack_count = 0; temp_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { --this._x; if (++this.attack_count == 55) { this.attack_count = 0; _root.enemy_killAction(this, this.targeter, 'kill', 3, '中毒', undefined); if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < -this._width / 2) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); (_root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50))).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); } } frame 44 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); } } frame 44 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); } } frame 45 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var temp_mc = _root.add_frontpic('前景_毒气', this._x + 325, this._y + 105); temp_mc.gotoAndStop(2); temp_mc.attack_count = 0; temp_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { --this._x; if (++this.attack_count == 55) { this.attack_count = 0; _root.enemy_killAction(this, this.targeter, 'kill', 3, '中毒', undefined); if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < -this._width / 2) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); } } frame 45 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var temp_mc = _root.add_frontpic('前景_毒气', this._x + 325, this._y + 105); temp_mc.gotoAndStop(2); temp_mc.attack_count = 0; temp_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { --this._x; if (++this.attack_count == 55) { this.attack_count = 0; _root.enemy_killAction(this, this.targeter, 'kill', 3, '中毒', undefined); if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < -this._width / 2) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); (_root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50))).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 46 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); } } frame 46 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction34('中立_蚊虫', this._x + random(490) + 100, this._y + 334); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); } } frame 47 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var temp_mc = _root.add_frontpic('前景_毒气', this._x + 325, this._y + 125); temp_mc.gotoAndStop(1); temp_mc.attack_count = 0; temp_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { --this._x; if (++this.attack_count == 55) { this.attack_count = 0; _root.enemy_killAction(this, this.targeter, 'kill', 3, '中毒', undefined); if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < -this._width / 2) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克2', this._x + 150, this._y + 340, 1, 1, 500, 0, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x + 500, this._y - 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -2350); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 47 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var temp_mc = _root.add_frontpic('前景_毒气', this._x + 325, this._y + 125); temp_mc.gotoAndStop(1); temp_mc.attack_count = 0; temp_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { --this._x; if (++this.attack_count == 55) { this.attack_count = 0; _root.enemy_killAction(this, this.targeter, 'kill', 3, '中毒', undefined); if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] < -this._width / 2) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克2', this._x + 150, this._y + 340, 1, 1, 500, 0, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction08('德军_轰炸机', this._x + 500, this._y - 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 340, 99, 1, 100); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -2350); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 544, 200); } } frame 48 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('导弹拖车2', this._x + 370, this._y + 370, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_move_targeter = 1; enemy_mc.just_move_targeter = true; enemy_mc.area_strict = 185; enemy_mc.in_air = true; enemy_mc.min_area_x = enemy_mc._x; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 370 + 2360; enemy_mc.temp_max_area_x = this._x + 370 + 2360; enemy_mc.startAction = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction07('德军_巨型机器人', this._x - 225, this._y - 400, 145, 115); v3.active_moved = true; v3.dieEvents = function () { _root.game_medium_boss = false; }; _root.game_medium_boss = true; _root.play_soundAction('卡车开动', false); _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.move_speed = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.move_speed < 10) { this.move_speed += 1; } else { this.move_speed = 10; } this.max_area_x = this.temp_max_area_x + _root.map_repeated_x * 590; _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); this.w1._rotation += 40; this.w2._rotation += 40; this.w3._rotation += 40; this.w4._rotation += 40; this.w5._rotation += 40; }; }; enemy_mc.enemy_limited_area_Action = function () { if (this._x > (this.min_area_x + this.max_area_x) / 2) { _root.play_soundAction('卡车刹车', false); delete this.max_area_x; delete this.just_move_targeter; delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; this.g._name = 'g2'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); this.w1._rotation += 40; this.w2._rotation += 40; this.w3._rotation += 40; this.w4._rotation += 40; this.w5._rotation += 40; if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] > 800) { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); _root.shake_screen(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } }; _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 110, this._y + 370, 99, 1, 50, 1, -100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 370, 99, 1, 51, 1, 100); } } frame 48 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('导弹拖车2', this._x + 370, this._y + 370, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_move_targeter = 1; enemy_mc.just_move_targeter = true; enemy_mc.area_strict = 185; enemy_mc.in_air = true; enemy_mc.min_area_x = enemy_mc._x; enemy_mc.max_area_x = this._x + 370 + 2360; enemy_mc.temp_max_area_x = this._x + 370 + 2360; enemy_mc.startAction = function () { var v3 = _root.enemysAction07('德军_巨型机器人', this._x - 225, this._y - 400, 145, 115); v3.active_moved = true; v3.dieEvents = function () { _root.game_medium_boss = false; }; _root.game_medium_boss = true; _root.play_soundAction('卡车开动', false); _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.move_speed = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.move_speed < 10) { this.move_speed += 1; } else { this.move_speed = 10; } this.max_area_x = this.temp_max_area_x + _root.map_repeated_x * 590; _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); this.w1._rotation += 40; this.w2._rotation += 40; this.w3._rotation += 40; this.w4._rotation += 40; this.w5._rotation += 40; }; }; enemy_mc.enemy_limited_area_Action = function () { if (this._x > (this.min_area_x + this.max_area_x) / 2) { _root.play_soundAction('卡车刹车', false); delete this.max_area_x; delete this.just_move_targeter; delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; _root.active_map_drawer = 'main.player'; this.g._name = 'g2'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.enemy_move(this, this.move_speed, 0); this.w1._rotation += 40; this.w2._rotation += 40; this.w3._rotation += 40; this.w4._rotation += 40; this.w5._rotation += 40; if ((_root.get_map_point(this))[0] > 800) { _root.play_soundAction('大爆炸', false); _root.shake_screen(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } }; _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 370, 99, 1, 1, 1, -100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 220, this._y + 370, 99, 1, 1, 1, 100); } } frame 50 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { repeat = -1; } } frame 50 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { repeat = -1; } } frame 52 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.next_scence_blocked = true; var object_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', this._x + 270, this._y + 78, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc1.in_air = true; object_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var object_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', this._x + 310, this._y + 78, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc2.in_air = true; var object_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', this._x + 350, this._y + 78, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc3.in_air = true; var object_mc4 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', this._x + 270, this._y + 194, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc4.in_air = true; var object_mc5 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', this._x + 310, this._y + 194, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc5.in_air = true; var object_mc6 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆3', this._x + 350, this._y + 194, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc6.in_air = true; object_mc6.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', this._x + 178, this._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', this._x + 445, this._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', this._x + 178, this._y + 192, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', this._x + 445, this._y + 192, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 250, this._y + 225, 0, 100); enemy_mc5.in_air = true; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 580; var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 375, this._y + 225, 0, 100); enemy_mc6.in_air = true; enemy_mc6.max_area_x = this._x + 580; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = function () {; _root.play_soundAction('栅栏开启', false); delete _root.next_scence_blocked; var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v2._x = 304; v2._y = 213; }; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6]); } } frame 52 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.next_scence_blocked = true; var object_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', this._x + 270, this._y + 78, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc1.in_air = true; object_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var object_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', this._x + 310, this._y + 78, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc2.in_air = true; var object_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆1', this._x + 350, this._y + 78, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc3.in_air = true; var object_mc4 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', this._x + 270, this._y + 194, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc4.in_air = true; var object_mc5 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆2', this._x + 310, this._y + 194, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc5.in_air = true; var object_mc6 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_小花盆3', this._x + 350, this._y + 194, 2, 2, false, 15); object_mc6.in_air = true; object_mc6.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', this._x + 178, this._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', this._x + 445, this._y + 78, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', this._x + 178, this._y + 192, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction24('敌人_窗口手雷兵', this._x + 445, this._y + 192, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 250, this._y + 225, 0, 100); enemy_mc5.in_air = true; enemy_mc5.max_area_x = this._x + 580; var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 375, this._y + 225, 0, 100); enemy_mc6.in_air = true; enemy_mc6.max_area_x = this._x + 580; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = function () {; _root.play_soundAction('栅栏开启', false); delete _root.next_scence_blocked; var v2 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v2._x = 304; v2._y = 213; }; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6]); } } frame 53 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_3', true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 260, this._y + 349, 99, 1 - random(4), 'stand', 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 308, 99, 1 - random(4), 'stand', 100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 460, this._y + 308, 99, 1 - random(4), 'stand', 100); enemy_mc3.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc3, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 560, this._y + 308, 99, 1 - random(4), 'stand', 100); enemy_mc4.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc4, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 126, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc5.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc5, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 126, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc6.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc6, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 126, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc7.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc7, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc8 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 62, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc8.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc8, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); this_mc = this; _root.stage_move_restricter(this_mc, 1, 185, -2, 59); enemy_mc8.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.remove_move_restricter(this_mc); }; enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6, enemy_mc7, enemy_mc8], 0); } } frame 53 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_3', true); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 260, this._y + 349, 99, 1 - random(4), 'stand', 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 308, 99, 1 - random(4), 'stand', 100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 460, this._y + 308, 99, 1 - random(4), 'stand', 100); enemy_mc3.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc3, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 560, this._y + 308, 99, 1 - random(4), 'stand', 100); enemy_mc4.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc4, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 126, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc5.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc5, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 126, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc6.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc6, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 126, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc7.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc7, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc8 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 180, this._y + 62, 99, 1, 0, 1, 100); enemy_mc8.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc8, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); this_mc = this; _root.stage_move_restricter(this_mc, 1, 185, -2, 59); enemy_mc8.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.remove_move_restricter(this_mc); }; enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc8.dieEvents2; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6, enemy_mc7, enemy_mc8], 0); } } frame 54 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 8); } } frame 54 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 150, this._y + 115, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 200, this._y + 115, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250, this._y + 115, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 100, this._y + 115, 'crouch', 100); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 8); } } frame 58 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_3', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 135; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 500; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('NPC_直升飞机', this._x + 306, this._y + 364, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.w1.stop(); enemy_mc.w2.stop(); enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('直升飞机', true);;; _root.player_min_x = this._x - 35; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 35; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y -= 3; }; }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 364, 99, 2, 50, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 135; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 500; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 58 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_3', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 135; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 500; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('NPC_直升飞机', this._x + 306, this._y + 364, -1, 0, false, 0); enemy_mc.w1.stop(); enemy_mc.w2.stop(); enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.no_absorb = true; enemy_mc.no_damage = true; enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.startAction = function () { _root.play_soundAction('直升飞机', true);;; _root.player_min_x = this._x - 35; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 35; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y -= 3; }; }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 364, 99, 2, 50, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 135; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 500; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 60 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 60 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 61 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 61 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 62 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 62 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 63 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 63 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 64 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 9); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 64 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 9); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 50 + random(500), this._y + 300 + random(100), 99, 3, -3, 2, 100); } } frame 65 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_4', true); } } frame 65 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_4', true); } } frame 66 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 359, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 166, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 128, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 91, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 359, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 470, 200); } } frame 66 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 100, this._y + 359, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 166, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 128, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 91, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 359, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 321, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.scene_end_arrow(this, 1, 470, 200); } } frame 70 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 200, this._y + 333, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 266, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 228, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 191, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 400, this._y + 333, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 466, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 428, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 391, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 70 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 200, this._y + 333, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 266, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 228, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 191, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 400, this._y + 333, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 466, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 428, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 391, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 71 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 100, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x = this._x - 100; enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x = this._x + 600; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; } } frame 71 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 100, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 333, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x = this._x - 400; enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x = this._x + 400; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; } } frame 72 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer1, 11); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer2, 13); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 430, this._y + 172, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 172, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 530, this._y + 172, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 333, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 333, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 333, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 172, 99, 3, 0, 2, 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 333, 99, 3, 0, 2, 100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -1100); } } frame 72 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer1, 11); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer2, 13); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 430, this._y + 172, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 172, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 530, this._y + 172, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 333, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 333, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 333, 99, 3, 1, 1, 100); _root.enemysAction03('德军_装甲车2', this._x + 400, this._y + 333, 0, 1, 590, 2, 100); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 172, 99, 3, 0, 2, 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 480, this._y + 333, 99, 3, 0, 2, 100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], -1100); } } frame 76 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 326, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 10; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 326, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 10; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 326, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 326, 0, 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 326, 1, 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 326, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 326, 0, 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4], 0); (_root.blocksAction('建筑_屏风', this._x + 680, this._y + 324, 1, 15, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 76 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 326, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 10; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 326, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 10; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 326, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 326, 0, 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 326, 1, 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 326, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 550, this._y + 326, -1, 100); enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4], 0); (_root.blocksAction('建筑_屏风', this._x + 680, this._y + 324, 1, 15, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 81 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer1, 17); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer2, 15); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 67, this._y + 170, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 369, this._y + 339, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 419, this._y + 339, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 469, this._y + 339, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 339, 99, 3, 50, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 10; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 580; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 339, 99, 3, 50, 1, 100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 10; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 580; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); } } frame 81 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer1, 17); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer2, 15); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 67, this._y + 170, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 369, this._y + 339, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 419, this._y + 339, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 469, this._y + 339, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 339, 99, 3, 50, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 10; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 580; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 339, 99, 3, 50, 1, 100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 10; enemy_mc2.max_area_x = this._x + 580; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); } } frame 86 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 625; _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 400, this._y + 90); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 500, this._y + 120); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 600, this._y + 90); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 700, this._y + 120); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 800, this._y + 90); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 2, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 2, 1, 100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 352, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.blood *= 20; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.change_color(enemy_mc3, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 352, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); enemy_mc4.blood *= 20; enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.change_color(enemy_mc4, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 575, this._y + 302, 99, 3, 0, 2, 100); enemy_mc5.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc5, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克2', this._x + 722, this._y + 258, 0, 1, 590, 0, 100); enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6]); } } frame 86 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 625; _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 400, this._y + 90); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 500, this._y + 120); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 600, this._y + 90); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 700, this._y + 120); _root.enemysAction11('德军_飞船_小炮', this._x + 800, this._y + 90); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 2, 1, 100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 400, this._y + 352, 99, 1, 2, 1, 100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 450, this._y + 352, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); enemy_mc3.blood *= 20; enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.change_color(enemy_mc3, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 352, 99, 2, 1, 1, 100); enemy_mc4.blood *= 20; enemy_mc4.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.change_color(enemy_mc4, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction01('德军_普通士兵', this._x + 575, this._y + 302, 99, 3, 0, 2, 100); enemy_mc5.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc5, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction03('德军_坦克2', this._x + 722, this._y + 258, 0, 1, 590, 0, 100); enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; }; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc6.dieEvents2; _root.enemy_team_die([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6]); } } frame 91 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer1, 17); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer2, 15); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 450, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 600, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 650, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 700, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x = this._x + 300; enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x = this._x + 720; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 350, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc8 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc9 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc10 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc11 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc12 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x = this._x + 180; enemy_mc11.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc10.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc9.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc8.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc7.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x = this._x + 720; enemy_mc11.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc10.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc9.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc8.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc7.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; } } frame 91 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm2_2', true); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer1, 17); _root.specific_stage_changer(changer2, 15); var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 450, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 500, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 550, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 600, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 650, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 700, this._y + 222, 99, -50, 100); enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x = this._x + 300; enemy_mc5.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x = this._x + 720; enemy_mc5.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc4.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc3.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc2.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc1.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc6.patrol_max_x; var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻军官', this._x + 350, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc8 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc9 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc10 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 200, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc11 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 150, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); var enemy_mc12 = _root.enemysAction05('德军_巡逻机枪兵', this._x + 100, this._y + 369, 99, -50, -100); enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x = this._x + 180; enemy_mc11.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc10.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc9.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc8.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc7.patrol_min_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_min_x; enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x = this._x + 720; enemy_mc11.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc10.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc9.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc8.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; enemy_mc7.patrol_max_x = enemy_mc12.patrol_max_x; } } frame 96 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 300, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 350, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 400, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 450, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 500, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 550, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 320, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 370, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 420, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 470, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 520, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 96 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 300, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 350, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 400, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 450, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 500, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 550, this._y + 343, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 320, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 370, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 420, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 470, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 520, this._y + 230, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 101 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 578; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 421, this._y + 258); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 445, this._y + 253, 0, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 524, this._y + 247, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction39('爆炸球_炮', this._x + 130, this._y + 36, 0, -100); this_mc = this; _root.stage_move_restricter(this_mc, -1, 315, -2, 59); enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.remove_move_restricter(this_mc); }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3], 0); } } frame 101 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 578; var temp_mc1 = _root.enemysAction15('滚动_油桶', this._x + 421, this._y + 258); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction14('敌人_汉奸', this._x + 445, this._y + 253, 0, 'stand', 100); enemy_mc2.kick_things = temp_mc1; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction26('敌人_机枪兵', this._x + 524, this._y + 247, 0, 100); _root.enemysAction39('爆炸球_炮', this._x + 130, this._y + 36, 0, -100); this_mc = this; _root.stage_move_restricter(this_mc, -1, 315, -2, 59); enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.remove_move_restricter(this_mc); }; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc3.dieEvents2; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3], 0); } } frame 102 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 540, this._y + 204, 'crouch', 100); } } frame 102 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 540, this._y + 204, 'crouch', 100); } } frame 103 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 17); } } frame 103 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 17); } } frame 106 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 50; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; } } frame 106 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 50; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction18('敌人_日本武士军官', this._x + 150, this._y + 381, 2, 100); enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 50; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 550; } } frame 111 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 21; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 114, this._y + 251, 99, 0, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 222, this._y + 285, 99, 0, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 294, this._y + 328, 99, 0, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc3.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc3, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 350, 99, 0, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc4.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc4, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 71, this._y + 180, 99, 0, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc5.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc5, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 182, this._y + 116, 99, 0, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc6.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc6, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 271, this._y + 66, 99, 0, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc7.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc7, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); this_mc = this; _root.stage_move_restricter(this_mc, 1, 283, -2, 59); enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.remove_move_restricter(this_mc); }; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6, enemy_mc7], 0); } } frame 111 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 21; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 114, this._y + 251, 99, 0, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc1.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc1, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 222, this._y + 285, 99, 0, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc2.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc2, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 294, this._y + 328, 99, 0, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc3.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc3, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc4 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 360, this._y + 350, 99, 0, 'stand', -100); enemy_mc4.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc4, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc5 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 71, this._y + 180, 99, 0, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc5.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc5, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc6 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 182, this._y + 116, 99, 0, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc6.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc6, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); var enemy_mc7 = _root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 271, this._y + 66, 99, 0, 'crouch', -100); enemy_mc7.blood *= 20; _root.change_color(enemy_mc7, _root.STR_ColorMatrix); this_mc = this; _root.stage_move_restricter(this_mc, 1, 283, -2, 59); enemy_mc7.dieEvents2 = function () { _root.remove_move_restricter(this_mc); }; enemy_mc6.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc5.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc4.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc3.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc2.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; enemy_mc1.dieEvents2 = enemy_mc7.dieEvents2; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3, enemy_mc4, enemy_mc5, enemy_mc6, enemy_mc7], 0); } } frame 112 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 55, this._y + 204, 'crouch', 100); } } frame 112 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 55, this._y + 204, 'crouch', 100); } } frame 113 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 19); } } frame 113 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 19); } } frame 116 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 50; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; } } frame 116 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 50; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 460, this._y + 181, -1, 100); enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 50; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 550; } } frame 121 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 578; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100, this._y + 350, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 150, this._y + 350, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 200, this._y + 350, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250, this._y + 350, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 450, this._y + 253, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 500, this._y + 250, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 90, this._y + 35, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 140, this._y + 35, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 190, this._y + 35, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 240, this._y + 35, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 121 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_max_x = this._x + 578; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 100, this._y + 350, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 150, this._y + 350, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 200, this._y + 350, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 250, this._y + 350, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 450, this._y + 253, 2, 5, true, 10); _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 500, this._y + 250, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 90, this._y + 35, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 140, this._y + 35, 2, 5, true, 10); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 190, this._y + 35, 2, 5, true, 10)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 240, this._y + 35, 2, 5, true, 10); } } frame 122 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 540, this._y + 204, 'crouch', 100); } } frame 122 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 540, this._y + 204, 'crouch', 100); } } frame 123 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 21); } } frame 123 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.specific_stage_changer(changer, 21); } } frame 126 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 50; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; } } frame 126 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_2', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 50; _root.player_max_x = this._x + 550; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction32('敌人_BOSS2', this._x + 150, this._y + 381, -1, -100); enemy_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 50; enemy_mc1.max_area_x = this._x + 550; } } frame 131 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 250, this._y + 334, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 10; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 300, this._y + 334, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 10; (_root.enemysAction12('敌人_步枪兵', this._x + 350, this._y + 334, 99, 1, 'stand', 100)).min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction18('敌人_日本武士军官', this._x + 450, this._y + 334, 2, 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 550, this._y + 334, -1, 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2], 0); } } frame 131 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc1 = _root.enemysAction18('敌人_日本武士军官', this._x + 350, this._y + 334, 2, 100); enemy_mc1.min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc2 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 450, this._y + 334, -1, 100); enemy_mc2.min_area_x = this._x + 10; var enemy_mc3 = _root.enemysAction27('敌人_军曹', this._x + 550, this._y + 334, -1, 100); enemy_mc3.min_area_x = this._x + 10; _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc1, enemy_mc2, enemy_mc3], 0); } } frame 132 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 334, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 478, this._y + 269, 'grovel', 100); } } frame 132 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 450, this._y + 334, false)).body.stop(); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 516, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 478, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 441, this._y + 296, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction31('敌人_狙击手', this._x + 478, this._y + 269, 'grovel', 100); } } frame 136 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_4', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 50; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('导弹拖车1', this._x + 590, this._y + 358, 1, 50, true, -1); enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 136 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_4', true); _root.player_min_x = this._x + 50; var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('导弹拖车1', this._x + 590, this._y + 358, 1, 50, true, -1); enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 137 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('导弹拖车1', this._x + 780, this._y + 358, 1, 50, true, -1); enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 137 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { var enemy_mc = _root.blocksAction('导弹拖车1', this._x + 780, this._y + 358, 1, 50, true, -1); enemy_mc.can_enemy_stand = false; enemy_mc.always_on = true; enemy_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; } } frame 138 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { (_root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50))).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); } } frame 138 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { (_root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50))).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); } } frame 139 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); (_root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50))).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); } } frame 139 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); (_root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50))).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); } } frame 140 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); (_root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50))).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction09('德军_巨型坦克', this._x + 140, this._y + 360); _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(enemy_mc, 4); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc], -1770); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 360, false)).body.stop(); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 360, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 557, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 519, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 140 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 100, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 300, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 500, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); _root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 700, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50)); (_root.enemysAction10('德军_战斗机', this._x + 900, this._y + 50 + random(50), 590 + random(50))).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var enemy_mc = _root.enemysAction09('德军_巨型坦克', this._x + 140, this._y + 360); _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(enemy_mc, 4); _root.hold_camera([enemy_mc], -1770); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 300, this._y + 360, false)).body.stop(); (_root.enemysAction13('敌人_运输卡车', this._x + 490, this._y + 360, false)).body.stop(); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 557, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 519, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 481, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 366, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); (_root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 328, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30)).dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; _root.blocksAction('奖励_木箱子', this._x + 291, this._y + 322, 1, 5, false, 30); } } frame 141 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.play_music('bgm4_4', true); var temp_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 470, this._y + 200, 2, 5, true, 10); temp_mc1.in_air = true; temp_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var temp_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 540, this._y + 200, 2, 5, true, 10); temp_mc2.in_air = true; temp_mc2.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var temp_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 610, this._y + 200, 2, 5, true, 10); temp_mc3.in_air = true; temp_mc3.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 141 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.play_music('bgm4_4', true); var temp_mc1 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 470, this._y + 200, 2, 5, true, 10); temp_mc1.in_air = true; temp_mc1.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_weapon(this); }; var temp_mc2 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 540, this._y + 200, 2, 5, true, 10); temp_mc2.in_air = true; temp_mc2.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; var temp_mc3 = _root.blocksAction('奖励_油桶', this._x + 610, this._y + 200, 2, 5, true, 10); temp_mc3.in_air = true; temp_mc3.dieEvents = function () { _root.add_food(this, 'food' + (random(6) + 1)); }; } } frame 142 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { _root.player_max_x = this._x + 275; this_x = this._x; this_y = this._y; rocket.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.get_map_point(this._parent))[0] < 100) {; _root.play_soundAction('火箭发射', false); _root.main_move_XY(-590, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.shake_screen(); if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) { var step_mc = _root.add_object('变形平台', this_x + 171, this_y + 322, true); var v5 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v5._x = 170; v5._y = 300; step_mc.area_strict = 45; step_mc.startAction = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; _root.game_medium_boss = true; _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 6; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1200; _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.move_speed = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = (_root.get_map_point(this))[0] + this.targeter.xspeed; if (v3 > 60 and v3 < 295) { this._x += this.targeter.xspeed / 2; } _root.player_min_x = this._x - this.area_strict; _root.player_max_x = this._x + this.area_strict; if (this.move_speed > -10) { this.move_speed -= 1; } else { this.move_speed = -10; } this._y += this.move_speed; this.targeter._y += this.move_speed; _root.active_object_speed = this.move_speed; }; (_root.enemysAction45('敌人_BOSS4_1', this_x + 460, this_y - 400)).dieEvents = function () { _root.play_soundAction('火箭发射', false); _root.shake_screen(); (_root.enemysAction46('敌人_BOSS4_2', this._x, this._y - 284)).dieEvents = function () { _root.play_soundAction('火箭发射', false); _root.shake_screen(); (_root.enemysAction47('敌人_BOSS4_3', this._x, this._y - 284)).dieEvents = function () { _root.play_soundAction('火箭发射', false); _root.shake_screen(); var v3 = _root.enemysAction48('敌人_BOSS4_4', this._x, this._y - 464); v3.startAction = function (who) { this.get_player = true; this.step_mc.lose_player = true; }; v3.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.game_save_level_file(5); _root.kill_boss(v2); }; _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(v3, 5); }; }; }; }; step_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.active_map_drawer = this.final_boss; var v4 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v4._x = 450; v4._y = 65; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = (360 - (_root.get_map_point(this))[0]) / 20; var v4 = (150 - (_root.get_map_point(this))[1]) / 20; this._x += v3; this._y += v4; this.targeter._x += v3; this.targeter._y += v4; this._y += this.move_speed; this.targeter._y += this.move_speed; if (Math.abs(v3) < 5) { delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y += this.move_speed; if (!this.lose_player) { this.targeter._y += this.move_speed; } else { this.move_speed += 0.5; } }; } }; }; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } }; } } frame 142 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { _root.player_max_x = this._x + 275; this_x = this._x; this_y = this._y; rocket.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((_root.get_map_point(this._parent))[0] < 100) {; _root.play_soundAction('火箭发射', false); _root.main_move_XY(-590, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.shake_screen(); if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) { var step_mc = _root.add_object('变形平台', this_x + 171, this_y + 322, true); var v5 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v5._x = 170; v5._y = 300; step_mc.area_strict = 45; step_mc.startAction = function () { delete _root.player_max_x; _root.game_medium_boss = true; _root['stg_direct_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = -2; _root['allow_next_map_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 6; _root['allow_area_array_' + _root.stages + '_' + _root.stages_section] = 1200; _root.active_map_drawer = this; this.move_speed = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = (_root.get_map_point(this))[0] + this.targeter.xspeed; if (v3 > 60 and v3 < 295) { this._x += this.targeter.xspeed / 2; } _root.player_min_x = this._x - this.area_strict; _root.player_max_x = this._x + this.area_strict; if (this.move_speed > -10) { this.move_speed -= 1; } else { this.move_speed = -10; } this._y += this.move_speed; this.targeter._y += this.move_speed; _root.active_object_speed = this.move_speed; }; (_root.enemysAction45('敌人_BOSS4_1', this_x + 460, this_y - 400)).dieEvents = function () { _root.play_soundAction('火箭发射', false); _root.shake_screen(); (_root.enemysAction46('敌人_BOSS4_2', this._x, this._y - 284)).dieEvents = function () { _root.play_soundAction('火箭发射', false); _root.shake_screen(); (_root.enemysAction47('敌人_BOSS4_3', this._x, this._y - 284)).dieEvents = function () { _root.play_soundAction('火箭发射', false); _root.shake_screen(); var v3 = _root.enemysAction48('敌人_BOSS4_4', this._x, this._y - 464); v3.startAction = function (who) { this.get_player = true; this.step_mc.lose_player = true; }; v3.dieEvents = function () { var v2 = _root.game_save_level_file(5); _root.kill_boss(v2); }; _root.add_enemy_boss_healthbar(v3, 5); }; }; }; }; step_mc.dieEvents = function () { _root.active_map_drawer = this.final_boss; var v4 = _root.add_stage_arrow(2); v4._x = 450; v4._y = 65; this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = (360 - (_root.get_map_point(this))[0]) / 20; var v4 = (150 - (_root.get_map_point(this))[1]) / 20; this._x += v3; this._y += v4; this.targeter._x += v3; this.targeter._y += v4; this._y += this.move_speed; this.targeter._y += this.move_speed; if (Math.abs(v3) < 5) { delete _root.player_min_x; delete _root.player_max_x; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y += this.move_speed; if (!this.lose_player) { this.targeter._y += this.move_speed; } else { this.move_speed += 0.5; } }; } }; }; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } }; } } frame 145 { if (_root.game_diff_level == 0) { repeat = -1; } } frame 145 { if (_root.game_diff_level >= 1) { repeat = -1; } } }
Created: 8/10 -2018 07:11:20 Last modified: 8/10 -2018 07:11:20 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:04:06