Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Kingdom of Liars.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #210908

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 10 { } movieClip 11 { } movieClip 13 { } movieClip 15 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 18 { } movieClip 19 { } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 25 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 26 Preloader { frame 1 { function enterFrameHandler() { var v2 = 0; v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); if (loadingBar) { loadingBar.gotoAndStop(int(v2 * (loadingBar._totalframes - 1)) + 1); } if (v2 >= 1) { onEnterFrame = null; gotoAndStop('loaded'); } } stop(); var autoPlay; var className; onEnterFrame = enterFrameHandler; } frame 10 { function _onPlayClick() { _root.nextFrame();; _parent._onLoaded(); } if (playButton) { playButton.onRelease = _onPlayClick; playButton.stop(); } if (autoPlay) { _onPlayClick(null); } } } movieClip 28 Newgrounds API Classes { #initclip Object.registerClass('Newgrounds API Classes', com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim); #endinitclip } movieClip 68 { } movieClip 71 { } movieClip 76 { } movieClip 80 { } movieClip 81 { } movieClip 82 { } movieClip 83 FlashAd { #initclip Object.registerClass('FlashAd', com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { function onPlayClick() { removeAd(); _visible = false; } if (this.playButton) { this.playButton.onRelease = onPlayClick; } } } movieClip 84 APIConnector { frame 1 { function _onLoaded() { gotoAndStop('invisible'); if (_redirect) { com.newgrounds.API.loadOfficialVersion(); return undefined; } } function _apiConnect() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.API; if (v2 && !v2.connected) { if (!apiId) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No API ID entered in the API Connector component.', 'You can create an API ID for this submission at', 'Enter your API ID into the API Connector using the Component Inspector (Window -> Component Inspector).'); return undefined; } switch (debugMode) { case 'Off': default: v2.debugMode = v2.RELEASE_MODE; goto 1299; case 'Simulate Logged-in User': //Invalid switch } v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN; goto 1299; case 'Off': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT; goto 1299; case 'Simulate Logged-in User': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION; goto 1299; case 'Simulate Logged-out User': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED; label 1299: v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, _onConnected); v2.connect(_root, apiId, encryptionKey, movieVersion); } } function _onConnected(event) { if (redirectOnNewVersion && event.__get__success() && (event.__get__data()).newVersion) { _redirect = true; } if (redirectOnHostBlocked && !event.__get__success() && event.__get__error() == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED) { _redirect = true; } if (_redirect) { gotoAndStop('adPreloader'); forceAlwaysOnTop(); } } function forceAlwaysOnTop() { var v2 = getNextHighestDepth(); swapDepths(v2); if (Stage) { _x = (Stage.width - _width) / 2; _y = (Stage.height - _height) / 2; _visible = true; } if (_root && _root instanceof MovieClip) { (MovieClip(_root)).stop(); } } stop(); if (_root && _root instanceof MovieClip) { (MovieClip(_root)).stop(); } var apiId; var encryptionKey; var movieVersion; var debugMode; var connectorType; var redirectOnHostBlocked; var redirectOnNewVersion; var adType; var className; var _redirect; _x = int(_x); _y = int(_y); if (!debugMode) { debugMode = 'Simulate Logged-in User'; } if (!connectorType) { connectorType = 'Flash Ad + Preloader'; } if (!adType) { adType = 'Video'; } if (ad) { ad.adType = adType; } switch (connectorType) { case 'Flash Ad + Preloader': gotoAndStop('adPreloader'); break; case 'Flash Ad Only': gotoAndStop('ad'); break; case 'Invisible': gotoAndStop('invisible'); } _apiConnect(); } instance ad of movieClip 83 FlashAd { onClipEvent (construct) { apiId = ''; showBorder = true; adType = 'Video'; } } instance loader of movieClip 26 Preloader { onClipEvent (construct) { autoPlay = false; mainClass = ''; } } } frame 1 { stop(); } movieClip 86 { } instance of movieClip 84 APIConnector { onClipEvent (construct) { apiId = '32169:4hIMTnOX'; encryptionKey = '84xsyaQHLOCXZuhIZnk4k08xmHzrfe9c'; debugMode = 'Simulate Logged-in User'; movieVersion = ''; connectorType = 'Flash Ad + Preloader'; redirectOnNewVersion = true; redirectOnHostBlocked = true; adType = 'Video'; } } movieClip 92 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance paperbutton of movieClip 92 { onClipEvent (load) { frogger = 0; this.onPress = function () { clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('page'); clicksound.start(); if (frogger == 0) { frogger = 1; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { frogger = 0; this.gotoAndStop(1); } }; desc = 'This paper looks important, whoever dropped it is probably kicking themselves right now.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = 'What could this paper be for?'; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = 'What could this paper be for?'; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 96 { frame 30 { Mouse.hide(); } } instance menu hider of movieClip 96 { onClipEvent (load) { Stage.showMenu = false; _root._focusrect = false; TextField.prototype.tabEnabled = false; Button.prototype.tabEnabled = TextField.prototype.tabEnabled; MovieClip.prototype.tabEnabled = TextField.prototype.tabEnabled; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, ['tabEnabled'], 1); ASSetPropFlags(Button.prototype, ['tabEnabled'], 1); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, ['tabEnabled'], 1); } } movieClip 97 { } movieClip 98 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gotoAndStop(_global.nextmap); } } movieClip 102 { } movieClip 106 { } movieClip 109 { } movieClip 110 { } movieClip 113 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 124 { } movieClip 129 { } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 141 { } movieClip 142 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } instance cursor of movieClip 142 { onClipEvent (load) { startDrag('', true); Mouse.hide(); } } movieClip 36 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.reset(); }; com.newgrounds.APIConnection = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__hostURL = function () { return this._hostURL; }; v2.__set__hostURL = function (value) { this._hostURL = value; this.hostDomain = null; if (this._hostURL) { var v2 = this._hostURL.split('/'); if (v2[0] != 'file:' && this._hostURL != 'localhost') { this.hostDomain = v2[2]; } } if (!this.hostDomain) { this.hostDomain = 'localhost'; } return this.__get__hostURL(); }; v2.__get__sandboxType = function () { return; }; v2.__get__isNetworkHost = function () { switch (this.__get__sandboxType()) { return true; case 'localWithFile': case 'localWithNetwork': case 'localTrusted': case 'application': return false; case 'remote': } return true; }; v2.__get__hasUserSession = function () { return this.sessionId != null && this.sessionId != '' && this.publisherId != 0; }; v2.__get__connected = function () { return this.connectionState == com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED; }; v2.reset = function () { this.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.NOT_CONNECTED; this.encryptionKey = null; this.sessionId = null; this.userEmail = null; this.username = null; this.userId = 0; this.userpageFormat = 0; }; v2.assertInitialized = function () { if (!this.initialized) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('You must initialized the API using API.connect() before using this command.'); return false; } return true; }; v2.assertConnected = function () { if (!this.connectionState == com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('You must establish a connection using API.connect() before using this command.'); return false; } return true; }; v2.sendSimpleCommand = function (command, completeHandler, parameters, secureParameters) { if (parameters == undefined) { parameters = null; } if (secureParameters == undefined) { secureParameters = null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand(command); v2.__set__parameters(parameters); v2.__set__secureParameters(secureParameters); if (completeHandler != null) { v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, completeHandler); } v2.send(this); }; v2.sendCommand = function (command) { command.send(this); }; v2.loadInBrowser = function (command, newWindow, parameters) { if (newWindow == undefined) { newWindow = true; } if (parameters == undefined) { parameters = null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand(command); v2.__set__parameters(parameters); v2.loadInBrowser(this, newWindow); }; v1.NOT_CONNECTED = 'notConnected'; v1.CONNECTING = 'connecting'; v1.CONNECTED = 'connected'; v2.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.NOT_CONNECTED; v2.apiURL = ''; v2.addProperty('connected', v2.__get__connected, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hasUserSession', v2.__get__hasUserSession, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hostURL', v2.__get__hostURL, v2.__set__hostURL); v2.addProperty('isNetworkHost', v2.__get__isNetworkHost, function () {}); v2.addProperty('sandboxType', v2.__get__sandboxType, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIConnection.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 30 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this._listeners = {}; }; com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.addEventListener = function (type, listener) { if (!this._listeners[type]) { this._listeners[type] = []; } if (typeof listener == 'function') { this._listeners[type].push({'target': null, 'func': listener}); } else { this._listeners[type].push(listener); } }; v2.removeEventListener = function (type, listener) { var v3 = this._listeners[type]; if (v3) { var v5 = v3.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { if (v3[v2].func == listener || v3[v2] == listener) { v3.splice(v2, 1); return undefined; } ++v2; } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (event) { var v4 = this._listeners[event.__get__type()]; if (v4) { var v5 = v4.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = v4[v2];, event); ++v2; } } return true; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 29 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (type) { this._type = type; }; com.newgrounds.Event = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Event.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 31 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher = v1; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher extends com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__globalDispatcher = function () { return com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher; }; v1.__set__globalDispatcher = function (value) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher = value; return com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.__get__globalDispatcher(); }; v1.initEventQueue = function () { setInterval(com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.runEventQueue, 50); return []; }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (event) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue.push({'dispatcher': this, 'event': event}); return true; }; v2.actualDispatchEvent = function (event) { var v3 = super.dispatchEvent(event); if (com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher && this != com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event); } }; v1.runEventQueue = function (event) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue.length; if (v3) { var v4 = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue = []; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { var v2 = v4[v1]; v2.dispatcher.actualDispatchEvent(v2.event); ++v1; } } }; v1._eventQueue = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.initEventQueue(); v1.addProperty('globalDispatcher', v1.__get__globalDispatcher, v1.__set__globalDispatcher); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 34 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (hash) { if (hash) { this._hash = hash; } else { this._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN.DEFAULT_HASH; } this._base = this._hash.length; this._reverseHash = new Object(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this._hash.length) { this._reverseHash[this._hash.charAt(v2)] = v2; ++v2; } }; com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.encodeUint = function (number, minimumChars) { if (minimumChars == undefined) { minimumChars = 1; } var v2 = ''; var v3 = number; while (v3 != 0) { v2 = this._hash.charAt(v3 % this._base) + v2; v3 /= this._base; v3 = int(v3); } while (v2.length < minimumChars) { v2 = this._hash.charAt(0) + v2; } return v2; }; v2.decodeUint = function (encodedNumber) { var v3 = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < encodedNumber.length) { v3 *= this._base; v3 += this._reverseHash[encodedNumber.charAt(v2)]; ++v2; } return v3; }; v1.DEFAULT_HASH = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`~@#$%^&*()+|;/'; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 40 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (command) { super(); this._command = command; this._parameters = new Object(); this._secureParameters = new Object(); this._hasTimeout = true; }; com.newgrounds.APICommand = v1; com.newgrounds.APICommand extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.stopPendingCommands = function () { for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]; v1.close(); } com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands = []; }; v1.onThrottleTimer = function (event) { if (getTimer() - com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleTimestamp >= com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_INTERVAL) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount = 0; com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount = 0; for (;;) { if (!(com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.length && com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount < com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD)) break; var v1 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.shift(); v1.command.send(v1.connection); ++com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount; } } }; v1.encryptHex = function (hexValue) { var v4 = hexValue.length % 6; var v3 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < hexValue.length) { v3 += com.newgrounds.APICommand._encryptor.encodeUint(int('0x' + hexValue.substr(v1, 6)), 4); v1 += 6; } return v4.toString() + v3; }; v2.__get__command = function () { return this._command; }; v2.__set__command = function (value) { this._command = value; return this.__get__command(); }; v2.__get__hasTimeout = function () { return this._hasTimeout; }; v2.__set__hasTimeout = function (val) { this._hasTimeout = val; return this.__get__hasTimeout(); }; v2.__get__parameters = function () { return this._parameters; }; v2.__set__parameters = function (object) { this._parameters = new Object(); if (object) { for (var v3 in object) { this._parameters[v3] = object[v3]; } } return this.__get__parameters(); }; v2.__get__preventCache = function () { return this._preventCache; }; v2.__set__preventCache = function (value) { this._preventCache = value; return this.__get__preventCache(); }; v2.__get__secureParameters = function () { return this._secureParameters; }; v2.__set__secureParameters = function (object) { this._secureParameters = new Object(); if (object) { for (var v3 in object) { this._secureParameters[v3] = object[v3]; } } return this.__get__secureParameters(); }; v2.__get__hasSecureParameters = function () { for (var v2 in this._secureParameters) { return true; } return false; }; v2.addFile = function (filename, data, dataField, contentType) { if (contentType == undefined) { contentType = 'application/octet-stream'; } if (!this._files) { this._files = new Object(); } var v3 = {'filename': filename, 'data': data, 'dataField': dataField, 'contentType': contentType}; this._files[filename] = v3; }; v2.removeFile = function (filename) { if (this._files) { delete this._files[filename]; } }; v2.clearFiles = function () { this._files = null; }; v2.close = function () { if (this._loader) { clearInterval(this._timeoutTimer); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.length) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2] == this) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } this._loader = null; } }; v2.loadInBrowser = function (connection, newWindow) { this._parameters.command_id = this._command; this._parameters.tracker_id = connection.apiId ? connection.apiId : 1; if (connection.debug) { this._parameters.debug = 1; } var v3 = connection.apiURL + '?host=' + escape(connection.hostDomain); for (var v4 in this._parameters) { v3 += '&' + escape(v4) + '=' + escape(this._parameters[v4]); } var v6; if (newWindow) { v6 = '_blank'; } else { v6 = '_top'; } _root.getURL(v3, v6); }; v2.send = function (connection) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount >= com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.push({'connection': connection, 'command': this}); } else { this.sendInternal(connection); } }; v2.sendInternal = function (connection) { var v4; v4 = new LoadVars(); v4.command_id = this._command; v4.tracker_id = connection.apiId; if (connection.debug) { v4.debug = 1; } if (this._preventCache) { v4.seed = Math.random(); } var v2; var v3; var v7; for (v2 in this._parameters) { v3 = this._parameters[v2]; if (v3 != null) { if (typeof v3 == 'boolean') { v4[v2] = int(v3); } else { v4[v2] = v3; } } } if (this.__get__hasSecureParameters()) { var v6 = new Object(); for (v2 in this._secureParameters) { v3 = this._secureParameters[v2]; if (v3 != null) { if (typeof v3 == 'boolean') { v6[v2] = int(v3); } else { v6[v2] = v3; } } } var v8 = ''; v7 = 0; while (v7 < 16) { v8 += com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX.charAt(int(Math.random() * com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX.length)); ++v7; } v4.command_id = 'securePacket'; v6.command_id = this._command; v6.as_version = 3; v6.session_id = connection.sessionId; v6.user_email = connection.userEmail; v6.publisher_id = connection.publisherId; v6.seed = v8; var v13 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.hash(v8); var v11 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v6), connection.encryptionKey); = com.newgrounds.APICommand.encryptHex(v13 + v11); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Sending packet:', v4); var v12; v12 = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; for (v2 in v4) { if (typeof v4[v2] == 'object') { v4[v2] = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v4[v2]); } } if (this._files) { for (var v10 in this._files) { var v5 = this._files[v10]; if (typeof == 'string') { v4[v10] =; } else { v4[v10] = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(; } } } com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.push(this); ++com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount; com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleTimestamp = getTimer(); this.startLoader(connection.apiURL, v4, v12); }; v2.startLoader = function (url, data, contentType) { this._loader = LoadVars(data); this._loader.onData = this.as2CompleteHandler; this._loader.contentType = contentType; this._loader.sendAndLoad(url, this._loader, 'POST'); if (this._hasTimeout) { setInterval(this, this.onTimeout, com.newgrounds.APICommand.TIMEOUT_INTERVAL); } }; v2.as2CompleteHandler = function (data) { var v3; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.length) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]._loader == this) { v3 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]; break; } ++v2; } v3.onComplete(data); }; v2.onTimeout = function (event) { this.close(); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Command timed out.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_TIMED_OUT)); }; v2.onError = function (error) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error when sending command:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_UNKNOWN)); this.close(); }; v2.onComplete = function (data) { try { if (!data || data == '') { throw new Error(); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Received packet:', data); var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(data); if (!v2) { throw new Error(); } if (com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge) { com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge.sendEvent(v2.command_id, v2); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, v2, (v2 && v2.success) ? com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE : com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_COMMAND_FAILED)); } catch (e) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid response returned from server: ' + data); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE)); } this.close(); }; v1.TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000; v1.THROTTLE_INTERVAL = 10050; v1.THROTTLE_TICK_INTERVAL = 1000; v1.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD = 24; v1._throttleCount = 0; v1._commandQueue = []; v1._throttleTimer = setInterval(com.newgrounds.APICommand.onThrottleTimer, com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_TICK_INTERVAL); v1.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX = '/g8236klvBQ#&|;Zb*7CEA59%s`Oue1wziFp$rDVY@TKxUPWytSaGHJ>dmoMR^<0~4qNLhc(I+fjn)X'; v1._encryptor = new com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN(com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX); v1._pendingCommands = []; v1.CRLF = '\r\n'; v2.addProperty('command', v2.__get__command, v2.__set__command); v2.addProperty('hasSecureParameters', v2.__get__hasSecureParameters, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hasTimeout', v2.__get__hasTimeout, v2.__set__hasTimeout); v2.addProperty('parameters', v2.__get__parameters, v2.__set__parameters); v2.addProperty('preventCache', v2.__get__preventCache, v2.__set__preventCache); v2.addProperty('secureParameters', v2.__get__secureParameters, v2.__set__secureParameters); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APICommand.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 35 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (id) { this._widgetId = id; this._inConnection = new LocalConnection(); this._outConnection = new LocalConnection(); this._inConnection.receiveEvent = this.receiveEvent; try { this._inConnection.connect('rec_' + this._widgetId); } com.newgrounds.Logger.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.LOG, {'target': this, 'func': this.onLogMessage}); }; com.newgrounds.Bridge = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onLogMessage = function (event) { try { this._outConnection.send(this._widgetId, 'sendEvent', 'trace', String(event.__get__data())); } }; v2.sendEvent = function (command, parameters) { if (this._outConnection) { parameters = {'data': parameters}; this._outConnection.send(this._widgetId, 'sendEvent', command, parameters); } }; v2.receiveEvent = function (event, parameters) {}; v2.onStatus = function (event) {}; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Bridge.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 32 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (type, data, error) { super(type); if (data == undefined) { data = null; } if (error == undefined) { error = null; } if (!error || error == '' || error == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE) { this._error = com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE; this._success = true; } else { this._error = error; this._success = false; } if (data) { this._data = data; } else { this._data = {}; } }; com.newgrounds.APIEvent = v1; com.newgrounds.APIEvent extends com.newgrounds.Event; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.clone = function () { return new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(this.__get__type(), this._data, this._error); }; v2.__get__success = function () { return this._success; }; v2.__get__data = function () { return this._data; }; v2.__get__error = function () { return this._error; }; v1.COMMAND_COMPLETE = 'commandComplete'; v1.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED = 'medalUnlockConfirmed'; v1.ICON_LOADED = 'iconLoaded'; v1.API_CONNECTED = 'movieConnected'; v1.LOG = 'log'; v1.MEDAL_UNLOCKED = 'medalUnlocked'; v1.SCORES_LOADED = 'scoresLoaded'; v1.SCORE_POSTED = 'scorePosted'; v1.QUERY_COMPLETE = 'queryComplete'; v1.FILE_LOADED = 'fileLoaded'; v1.FILE_SAVED = 'fileSaved'; v1.FILE_REQUESTED = 'fileRequested'; v1.VOTE_COMPLETE = 'voteComplete'; v1.ERROR_NONE = 'noError'; v1.ERROR_UNKNOWN = 'unknownError'; v1.ERROR_COMMAND_FAILED = 'commandFailed'; v1.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED = 'notConnected'; v1.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 'invalidArgument'; v1.ERROR_TIMED_OUT = 'timedOut'; v1.ERROR_BAD_FILE = 'badFile'; v1.ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE = 'badResponse'; v1.ERROR_SENDING_COMMAND = 'errorSendingCommand'; v1.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED = 'hostBlocked'; v1.ERROR_ALREADY_VOTED = 'alreadyVoted'; v1.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN = 'notLoggedIn'; v1.ERROR_WRONG_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'wrongEncryptionKey'; v2.addProperty('data', v2.__get__data, function () {}); v2.addProperty('error', v2.__get__error, function () {}); v2.addProperty('success', v2.__get__success, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 51 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.API = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__connected = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__connected(); }; v1.__get__isNetworkHost = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__isNetworkHost(); }; v1.__get__apiId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.apiId; }; v1.__get__debugMode = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._debugMode; }; v1.__set__debugMode = function (val) { com.newgrounds.API._debugMode = val; return com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode(); }; v1.__get__publisherId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId; }; v1.__get__sessionId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId; }; v1.__get__hostDomain = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain; }; v1.__get__hostURL = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hostURL(); }; v1.__get__isNewgrounds = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId == 1; }; v1.__get__hasUserSession = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hasUserSession(); }; v1.__get__username = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.username; }; v1.__get__userId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId; }; v1.assertConnected = function (eventType) { if (eventType == undefined) { eventType = null; } if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertConnected()) { return true; } else { if (eventType) { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(eventType, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); } return false; } }; v1.__get__adsApproved = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._adsApproved; }; v1.__get__adFeedURL = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL; }; v1.__get__medals = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray; }; v1.__get__scoreBoards = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray; }; v1.__get__saveGroups = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray; }; v1.connect = function (_root, apiId, encryptionKey, movieVersion) { if (encryptionKey == undefined) { encryptionKey = null; } if (movieVersion == undefined) { movieVersion = ''; } com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.__set__globalDispatcher(com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher);''); if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.initialized) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Connection already in progress. Please call API.disconnect() before attempting another connection.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); return undefined; } apiId = com.newgrounds.API.trimWhitespace(apiId); if (encryptionKey) { encryptionKey = com.newgrounds.API.trimWhitespace(encryptionKey); } if (!apiId || apiId == '') { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No apiId given. Please use the API ID from your API settings page.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('====== Newgrounds API v' + com.newgrounds.API.VERSION + ' ======'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTING; _root = _root; com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion = movieVersion; com.newgrounds.API._connection.apiId = apiId; var v4; v4 = apiId.indexOf(':'); if (v4 != -1) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId = int(apiId.substring(0, v4)); } else { com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId = int(apiId); } if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid API ID: ' + apiId); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey = encryptionKey; com.newgrounds.API._connection.initialized = true; com.newgrounds.API._connection.__set__hostURL(_root._url); com.newgrounds.API.doConnect(_root); }; v1.doConnect = function (flashVars) { if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__isNetworkHost() && com.newgrounds.API._debugMode != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Live file detected, turning off debug mode.'); com.newgrounds.API._debugMode = com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE; } if (flashVars && flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID) { com.newgrounds.API._bridge = new com.newgrounds.Bridge(flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID); com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge = com.newgrounds.API._bridge; } if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { if (flashVars) { if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserName) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.username = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserName; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserpageFormat) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.userpageFormat = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserpageFormat; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveGroupID) { com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveGroupId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveGroupID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveFileID) { com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveFileID; } } } else { com.newgrounds.API._connection.debug = true; if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN || com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId = 1; } if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId = 'D3bu64p1U53R'; com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId = 10; com.newgrounds.API._connection.username = 'API-Debugger'; } } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('connectMovie', com.newgrounds.API.onConnect, {'host': com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain, 'movie_version': com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion, 'publisher_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId}); }; v1.onConnect = function (event) { var v1 = event.__get__data(); if (!event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to connect to the API.'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, event.__get__data(), event.__get__error()); return undefined; } if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode() != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL = com.newgrounds.API.TEST_AD_FEED_URL; } else { if (v1.ad_url) { com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL = unescape(v1.ad_url); } } switch (v1.ad_status) { case -1: com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Your movie is not approved to run Flash Ads.'); break; case 0: com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Your movie is still awaiting approval to run Flash Ads.'); break; case 1: com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Your movie is approved to run Flash Ads!'); } com.newgrounds.API._adsApproved = v1.ad_status == 1; if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED || v1.deny_host) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain + ' does not have permission to host this movie!', 'Update your API configuration to allow this host.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'officialURL': unescape(v1.movie_url)}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED); com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._movieName = v1.movieName ? v1.movieName : ''; com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Connecting to the Newgrounds API Gateway...', '----- ' + v1.movie_name + ' -----'); if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION) { v1.movie_version = 'Debug Mode'; } if (v1.movie_version) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('A new version of this movie is available.', 'Current version:\t' + com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion, 'Newest version:\t' + v1.movie_version, 'Use API.loadOfficialVersion() to link to the latest version.'); com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = true; } else { com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = false; } if (v1.request_portal_url) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('setPortalID', null, {'portal_url': com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hostURL()}); } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('preloadSettings', com.newgrounds.API.onMetadataLoaded, {'publisher_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId, 'user_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId}); }; v1.onMetadataLoaded = function (event) { var v11 = event.__get__data(); var v1; var v7; if (!event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Unable to load movie metadata.'); com.newgrounds.API.disconnect(); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, null, event.__get__error()); return undefined; } var v10 = 0; if (v11.medals) { v10 = v11.medals.length; var v18; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { v18 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); } else { v18 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked'); } v1 = 0; while (v1 < v10) { var v4 = v11.medals[v1]; var v15 = v4.medal_unlocked; var v17 = v18 && v18[v4.medal_id]; var v14 = com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession() ? v15 : v17; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode() != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { v14 = false; } var v5 = new com.newgrounds.Medal(com.newgrounds.API._connection, v4.medal_id, v4.medal_name, v4.medal_description, Boolean(int(v4.secret)), v14, v4.medal_value, v4.medal_difficulty, v4.medal_icon); v5.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlocked, false, 0, true); v5.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlockConfirmed, false, 0, true); com.newgrounds.API._medals[v5.__get__name()] = v5; com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray.push(v5); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v5); if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession() && v17 && !v15) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Server missed the "' + v5.__get__name() + '" unlock. Resending...'); v5.unlock(); } ++v1; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' medal' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); v10 = 0; if (v11.score_boards) { v10 = v11.score_boards.length; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v10) { var v16 = v11.score_boards[v1]; var v9 = new com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard(com.newgrounds.API._connection,,; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[v9.__get__name()] = v9; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray.push(v9); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v9); ++v1; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' scoreboard' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); v10 = 0; if (v11.save_groups) { v10 = v11.save_groups.length; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v10) { var v2 = v11.save_groups[v1]; var v13 = []; if (v2.keys) { v7 = 0; while (v7 < v2.keys.length) { var v6 = v2.keys[v7]; v13.push(new com.newgrounds.SaveKey(,, v6.type)); ++v7; } } var v12 = []; if (v2.ratings) { v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.ratings.length) { var v3 = v2.ratings[v1]; v12.push(new com.newgrounds.SaveRating(,, v3.float, v3.min, v3.max)); ++v1; } } var v8 = new com.newgrounds.SaveGroup(com.newgrounds.API._connection, v2.group_name, v2.group_id, v2.group_type, v13, v12); com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[v8.__get__name()] = v8; com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray.push(v8); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v8); ++v1; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' save group' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); if (v11.save_file_path) { com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath = v11.save_file_path + '/'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._saveFilePath = com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath; com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Save file path: ' + com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath); } if (v11.image_file_path) { com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath = v11.image_file_path + '/'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._imageFilePath = com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath; com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Image file path: ' + com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Connection complete!'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED; com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'movieName': com.newgrounds.API._movieName, 'newVersion': com.newgrounds.API._newVersion}); if (com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId && com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveGroupId) { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, com.newgrounds.API.onRequestedFileLoaded); com.newgrounds.API.loadSaveFile(com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId, false); } }; v1.disconnect = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__connected()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('The Newgrounds API is already disconnected.'); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.API._medals) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[v2]; v1.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlocked); v1.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlockConfirmed); } com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = false; com.newgrounds.API._medals = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath = null; com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath = null; com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Disconnected from the Newgrounds API.'); }; v1.loadNewgrounds = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadNewgrounds'); }; v1.loadOfficialVersion = function () { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadOfficialVersion', false); } }; v1.loadMySite = function () { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadMySite'); } }; v1.loadCustomLink = function (linkName) { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadCustomLink', true, {'link': linkName}); } }; v1.getMedal = function (medalName) { return com.newgrounds.API._medals[medalName]; }; v1.unlockMedal = function (medalName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return undefined; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[medalName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No medal named "' + medalName + '" w.'); return undefined; } v1.unlock(); }; v1.onMedalUnlocked = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { var v2 = com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data()); var v1; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } v1[v2.__get__id()] = true; com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username(), v1); } else { v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked'); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } v1[(com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data())).__get__id()] = true; com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked', v1); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('User instanceof not logged in. Medal "' + v2.__get__name() + '" unlocked locally.'); } } }; v1.onMedalUnlockConfirmed = function (event) { if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } else { delete v1[(com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data())).__get__id()]; } com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username(), v1); } }; v1.clearLocalMedals = function () { for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.API._medals) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[v2]; v1.setUnlocked(false); } if (!com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked', new Object()); } }; v1.getScoreBoard = function (scoreBoardName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; }; v1.loadScores = function (scoreBoardName, period, firstResult, numResults, tag) { if (period == undefined) { period = 'All-Time'; } if (firstResult == undefined) { firstResult = 1; } if (numResults == undefined) { numResults = 10; } if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No scoreboard named "' + scoreBoardName + '" w.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return null; } v1.__set__period(period); v1.__set__firstResult(firstResult); v1.__set__numResults(numResults); v1.__set__tag(tag); v1.loadScores(); return v1; }; v1.postScore = function (scoreBoardName, numericScore, tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return undefined; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to post a score.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN); return undefined; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No scoreboard named "' + scoreBoardName + '" w.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } v1.postScore(numericScore, tag); }; v1.getSaveGroup = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[groupName]; }; v1.getSaveGroupById = function (id) { for (var v3 in com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[v3]; if (v1.__get__id() == id) { return v1; } } return null; }; v1.createSaveFile = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroup(groupName); if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + groupName + '" w found.'); return null; } return new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(v1); }; v1.loadSaveFile = function (saveId, loadContents) { if (loadContents == undefined) { loadContents = true; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('loadSaveFile', com.newgrounds.API.onFileLoaded, {'save_id': saveId, 'get_contents': loadContents}); }; v1.onFileLoaded = function (event) { var v2; if (event.__get__success()) { v2 = com.newgrounds.SaveFile.fromObject(com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroupById((event.__get__data()).group_id), (event.__get__data()).file); if ((event.__get__data()).get_contents) { v2.load(); } else { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, v2); } } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load file:', event.__get__error()); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, null, event.__get__error()); } }; v1.createSaveQuery = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroup(groupName); if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + groupName + '" w found.'); return null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.SaveQuery(v1); return v2; }; v1.createSaveQueryByDate = function (groupName, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = true; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); if (!v1) { return null; } v1.sortOn(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.CREATED_ON, sortDescending); return v1; }; v1.createSaveQueryByName = function (groupName, filename, exactMatch, sortDescending) { if (exactMatch == undefined) { exactMatch = false; } if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = false; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); if (!exactMatch) { v1.addCondition(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.OPERATOR_CONTAINS, filename); return v1; } v1.addCondition(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.OPERATOR_EQUAL, filename); return v1; }; v1.createSaveQueryByRating = function (groupName, ratingName, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = true; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); v1.sortOn(ratingName, sortDescending); return v1; }; v1.onRequestedFileLoaded = function (event) { com.newgrounds.API.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, com.newgrounds.API.onRequestedFileLoaded); if (event.__get__success()) { var v1 = event.__get__data(); if (v1) { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_REQUESTED, v1); } } }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, listener, priority, useWeakReference) { if (priority == undefined) { priority = 0; } if (useWeakReference == undefined) { useWeakReference = true; } com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, listener, false, priority, useWeakReference); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, listener) { com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, listener); }; v1.dispatchEvent = function (event, data, error) { if (data == undefined) { data = null; } if (error == undefined) { error = null; } com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(event, data, error)); }; v1.saveLocal = function (saveId, saveData) { try { var v3; var v2 = 'ng_ap_secure_' + com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId + '_' + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(saveId, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); if (!com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]) { com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId] = SharedObject.getLocal(v2); } v3 = com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]; = com.newgrounds.API.encodeData(saveData); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to save local data.', error); return false; return true; } throw v0; } return true; }; v1.loadLocal = function (saveId) { try { var v1; var v3 = 'ng_ap_secure_' + com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId + '_' + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(saveId, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); if (!com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]) { com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId] = SharedObject.getLocal(v3); } v1 = com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]; if (v1 && && { return com.newgrounds.API.decodeData(; } return null; } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load local data.', error); return null; } throw v0; } return null; }; v1.logCustomEvent = function (eventName) { if (com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Logged event: ' + eventName); com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('logCustomEvent', null, {'event': eventName}); } }; v1.encodeData = function (data) { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(data), com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); }; v1.decodeData = function (data) { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { return null; } try { return com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.decrypt(data, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey)); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); return null; } throw v0; } return null; }; v1.stopPendingCommands = function () { com.newgrounds.APICommand.stopPendingCommands(); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Pending commands stopped.'); }; v1.trimWhitespace = function (string) { if (!string) { return null; } var v3 = 0; while (string.charAt(v3) == ' ') { ++v3; } var v1 = string.length - 1; for (;;) { if (!(string.charAt(v1) == ' ' && v1 >= 0)) break; --v1; } return string.slice(v3, v1 + 1); }; v1.VERSION = '3.1.0 AS2'; v1.RELEASE_MODE = 'releaseMode'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN = 'debugModeLoggedIn'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT = 'debugModeLoggedOut'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION = 'debugModeNewVersion'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED = 'debugModeHostBlocked'; v1.TEST_AD_FEED_URL = ''; v1._dispatcher = new com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher(); v1._connection = new com.newgrounds.APIConnection(); v1._debugMode = com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN; v1._adsApproved = false; v1._medals = new Object(); v1._medalsArray = []; v1._scoreBoards = new Object(); v1._scoreBoardsArray = []; v1._saveGroups = new Object(); v1._saveGroupsArray = []; v1._sharedObjects = new Object(); v1.addProperty('adFeedURL', v1.__get__adFeedURL, function () {}); v1.addProperty('adsApproved', v1.__get__adsApproved, function () {}); v1.addProperty('apiId', v1.__get__apiId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('connected', v1.__get__connected, function () {}); v1.addProperty('debugMode', v1.__get__debugMode, v1.__set__debugMode); v1.addProperty('hasUserSession', v1.__get__hasUserSession, function () {}); v1.addProperty('hostDomain', v1.__get__hostDomain, function () {}); v1.addProperty('hostURL', v1.__get__hostURL, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNetworkHost', v1.__get__isNetworkHost, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNewgrounds', v1.__get__isNewgrounds, function () {}); v1.addProperty('medals', v1.__get__medals, function () {}); v1.addProperty('publisherId', v1.__get__publisherId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('saveGroups', v1.__get__saveGroups, function () {}); v1.addProperty('scoreBoards', v1.__get__scoreBoards, function () {}); v1.addProperty('sessionId', v1.__get__sessionId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('userId', v1.__get__userId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('username', v1.__get__username, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.API.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 48 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (hashLength, charsPerPixel) { if (hashLength) { this._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.DEFAULT_HASH.substr(0, hashLength); } this._baseN = new com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN(this._hash); if (charsPerPixel) { this._charsPerPixel = charsPerPixel; } this.__set__encodeAlpha(false); }; com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__encodeAlpha = function () { return this._encodeAlpha; }; v2.__set__encodeAlpha = function (v) { this._encodeAlpha = v; this._maxPerChannel = int(Math.pow(this._hash.length, this._charsPerPixel / (this._encodeAlpha ? 4 : 3))); if (this._maxPerChannel > 256) { this._maxPerChannel = 256; } return this.__get__encodeAlpha(); }; v2.encode = function (source, callbackFunction, callbackObject) { var v4 = {'callbackFunction': callbackFunction, 'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'source': source, 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'output': null}; var v2 = source.width.toString(); var v3 = source.height.toString(); while (v2.length < 3) { v2 = '0' + v2; } while (v3.length < 3) { v3 = '0' + v3; } v4.output = v2 + v3; var v6 = setInterval(this, 'doEncode', com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL, v4); v4.interval = v6; }; v2.decode = function (source, callbackFunction, callbackObject) { var v2 = {'callbackFunction': callbackFunction, 'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'source': source, 'i': 6, 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'output': null}; var v5 = int(source.substr(0, 3)); var v6 = int(source.substr(3, 3)); v2.output = new flash.display.BitmapData(v5, v6, this._encodeAlpha); var v4 = setInterval(this, 'doDecode', com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL, v2); v2.interval = v4; }; v2.doEncode = function (state) { var v3 = getTimer(); for (;;) { if (!(state.y < state.source.height && getTimer() - v3 < com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL)) break; state.output += this.encodePixel(state.source.getPixel32(state.x, state.y)); ++state.x; if (state.x == state.source.width) { state.x = 0; ++state.y; } } if (state.y == state.source.height) { clearInterval(state.interval);, state.output); } }; v2.doDecode = function (state) { var v4 = getTimer(); for (;;) { if (!(state.y < state.output.height && getTimer() - v4 < com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL)) break; var v3 = this.decodePixel(state.source.substr(state.i, this._charsPerPixel)); state.output.setPixel32(state.x, state.y, v3); state.i += this._charsPerPixel; ++state.x; if (state.x == state.output.width) { state.x = 0; ++state.y; } } if (state.y == state.output.height) { clearInterval(state.interval);, state.output); } }; v2.encodePixel = function (pixel) { var v3 = pixel >> 24 & 255; var v4 = pixel >> 16 & 255; var v5 = pixel >> 8 & 255; var v2 = pixel & 255; v3 = int((v3 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v4 = int((v4 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v5 = int((v5 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v2 = int((v2 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); var v7 = v4 * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel + v5 * this._maxPerChannel + v2; if (this._encodeAlpha) { v7 += v3 * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel; } return this._baseN.encodeUint(v7, this._charsPerPixel); }; v2.decodePixel = function (encodedPixel) { var v3 = 255; var v5; var v6; var v4; var v7 = 0; var v2 = this._baseN.decodeUint(encodedPixel); v4 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); v6 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); v5 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); if (this._encodeAlpha) { v3 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); } return v3 << 24 | v5 << 16 | v6 << 8 | v4; }; v1.DEFAULT_HASH = '0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ<>?:;-_=+()!&'; v2._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.DEFAULT_HASH; v2._charsPerPixel = 2; v1.WORK_INTERVAL = 33.33333333333334; v2.addProperty('encodeAlpha', v2.__get__encodeAlpha, v2.__set__encodeAlpha); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 49 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (group) { super(); this._iconLoader = new com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DEFAULT_ICON, null); this._group = group; this._keys = {}; this._ratings = {}; }; com.newgrounds.SaveFile = v1; com.newgrounds.SaveFile extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__currentFile = function () { return com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile; }; v1.fromObject = function (group, fileData) { var v4 = new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(group); v4._name = fileData.filename; v4._description = fileData.description; v4._id = fileData.save_id; v4._authorId = fileData.user_id; v4._authorName = fileData.user_name; v4._createdDate = fileData.created; v4._modifiedDate = fileData.last_update; v4._views = fileData.views; if (fileData.thumb && fileData.thumb != '') { v4._iconLoader.__set__url(com.newgrounds.SaveFile._imageFilePath + fileData.thumb); } v4._dataURL = com.newgrounds.SaveFile._saveFilePath + fileData.file; v4._fileSize = fileData.file_size; v4._approved = fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_UNAPPROVED; v4._readOnly = false; v4._public = fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_PRIVATE && fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_UNAPPROVED; for (var v8 in fileData.keys) { var v6 = fileData.keys[v8]; var v2 = group.getKeyById(; if (v2) { v4._keys[v2.__get__name()] = v2.validateValue(v6.value); } } for (var v9 in fileData.ratings) { var v5 = fileData.ratings[v9]; var v3 = group.getRatingById(; if (v3) { v4._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3.validateValue(v5.score); } } return v4; }; v2.__get__group = function () { return this._group; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__set__name = function (val) { this._name = val; return this.__get__name(); }; v2.__get__description = function () { return this._description; }; v2.__set__description = function (val) { this._description = val; return this.__get__description(); }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__data = function () { return this._data; }; v2.__set__data = function (val) { this._data = val; return this.__get__data(); }; v2.__get__bytesLoaded = function () { if (this._data) { return this.__get__bytesTotal(); } else { if (!this._dataLoader) { return 0; } else { return this._dataLoader.getBytesLoaded(); } } }; v2.__get__bytesTotal = function () { return this._fileSize; }; v2.__get__readOnly = function () { return this._readOnly; }; v2.__get__draft = function () { return this._draft; }; v2.__set__draft = function (v) { this._draft = v; return this.__get__draft(); }; v2.__get__authorId = function () { return this._authorId; }; v2.__get__authorName = function () { return this._authorName; }; v2.__get__keys = function () { return this._keys; }; v2.__get__ratings = function () { return this._ratings; }; v2.__get__views = function () { return this._views; }; v2.__get__createdDate = function () { return this._createdDate; }; v2.__get__updatedDate = function () { return this._modifiedDate; }; v2.toString = function () { return 'Save File: ' + this._name; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__set__icon = function (v) { this.createIcon(v); return this.__get__icon(); }; v2.__get__iconLoaded = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__loaded(); }; v2.createIcon = function (source) { var v9 = new flash.display.BitmapData(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT, false, 0); var v6; var v5; var v10 = 0; var v8 = 0; if (source instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { v6 = source.width; v5 = source.height; } else { if (source instanceof MovieClip) { v6 = source._width; v5 = source._height; var v7 = (MovieClip(source)).getBounds(source); v10 = v7.xMin; v8 = v7.yMin; } } var v3 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v4; v4 = Math.min(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH / v6, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT / v5); v3.translate(-v10, -v8); v3.scale(v4, v4); v3.translate((com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH - v6 * v4) / 2, (com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT - v5 * v4) / 2); v9.draw(source, v3); this._iconLoader.__set__bitmapData(v9); }; v2.attachIcon = function (parent) { if (this._iconLoader) { return this._iconLoader.attachBitmap(parent); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No icon available for this sumbission.'); return null; }; = function () { if (!(this._group.__get__connection()).__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to save a file.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return undefined; } ++com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader._cacheSeed; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile = this; if (this.__get__iconLoaded()) { com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_IMAGE_SCANNER.encode(this.__get__icon(), this.onIconEncoded, this); } else { this.encodeData(true); } }; v2.onIconEncoded = function (encodedIcon) { this._encodedIcon = encodedIcon; this.encodeData(true); }; v2.doSave = function () { var v4 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand('saveFile'); (v4.__get__secureParameters()).group =; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).user_name = (this._group.__get__connection()).username; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).filename = this._name; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).description = this._description; if (this._draft) { (v4.__get__secureParameters()).draft = true; } if (this._id && !this._readOnly) { (v4.__get__secureParameters()).overwrite = 1; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).save_id = this._id; } var v8 = []; for (var v9 in this._keys) { var v2 = this._group.getKey(v9); if (v2) { v8.push({'id': v2.__get__id(), 'value': v2.validateValue(this._keys[v9])}); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No key named "' + v9 + '" in save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '".'); } } (v4.__get__secureParameters()).keys = v8; var v7 = []; for (var v10 in this._ratings) { var v3 = this._group.getRating(v10); if (v3) { v7.push({'id': v3.__get__id(), 'value': v3.validateValue(this._ratings[v10])}); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No rating named "' + v10 + '" in save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '".'); } } (v4.__get__secureParameters()).ratings = v7; if (typeof this._encodedData == 'string') { v4.addFile('file', this._encodedData, 'file'); } else { v4.addFile('file', com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(this._encodedData), 'file'); } if (this.__get__iconLoaded()) { v4.addFile('thumbnail', this._encodedIcon, 'thumbnail'); } v4.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, {'target': this, 'func': this.onSaveComplete}); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendCommand(v4); }; v2.encodeData = function (encode) { this._encoderQueue = []; this._encoding = encode; if (encode) { this._encodedData = this._data; this.preEncodeObject(this, '_encodedData'); } else { this.preEncodeObject(this, '_data'); } this.encodeObject(); }; v2.preEncodeObject = function (parent, property) { var v3 = parent[property]; var v5; try { if (this._encoding) { v5 = v3 instanceof flash.display.BitmapData; } else { v5 = v3.type == '__bitmap'; } } var v2 = v3; var v8; if (v5) { this._encoderQueue.push({'parent': parent, 'property': property}); } else { if (typeof v3 == 'object' && !v8) { if (this._encoding) { if (v3 instanceof Array) { v2 = []; } else { v2 = {}; } for (var v4 in v3) { v2[v4] = v3[v4]; } parent[property] = v2; } for (v4 in v2) { this.preEncodeObject(v2, v4); } } } }; v2.encodeObject = function () { if (!this._encoderQueue.length) { if (this._encoding) { this.doSave(); } else { this._dataLoaded = true; this.checkLoadComplete(); } return undefined; } var v6 = this._encoderQueue.pop(); var v4 = v6.parent; var v3 =; var v2 = v4[v3]; var v5; if (this._encoding) { v5 = {'type': '__bitmap', 'width': v2.width, 'height': v2.height, 'transparent': v2.transparent}; v4[v3] = v5; this._encodingParent = v5; this._encodingProperty = 'data'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.__set__encodeAlpha(v2.transparent); com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.encode(flash.display.BitmapData(v2), this.encodeBitmapComplete, this); } else { this._encodingParent = v4; this._encodingProperty = v3; com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.__set__encodeAlpha(v2.transparent); com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.decode(String(, this.encodeBitmapComplete, this); } }; v2.encodeBitmapComplete = function (data) { this._encodingParent[this._encodingProperty] = data; this.encodeObject(); }; v2.load = function () { com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile = this; this._dataLoaded = false; this._data = null; if (!this.__get__iconLoaded()) { this._iconLoader.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, {'target': this, 'func': this.onIconLoaded}); this._iconLoader.load(); } this._dataLoader = new LoadVars(); var file = this; this._dataLoader.onData = function (data) { file.onDataLoaded(data); }; this._dataLoader.load(this._dataURL); }; v2.onIconLoaded = function (event) { if (!event.__get__success() && this._iconLoader.__get__url()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Unable to load the icon for this save file.'); } this._iconLoader.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, this.onIconLoaded); this.checkLoadComplete(); }; v2.checkLoadComplete = function () { if (this._dataLoaded && this.__get__iconLoaded()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Data loaded.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this)); } }; v2.onDataLoaded = function (data) { try { if (data) { if (data.charAt(0) == '{') { this._data = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(String(data)); } else { this._data = String(data); } this.encodeData(false); } } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error while loading data:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); } else { throw v0; } } }; v2.onDataError = function (error) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load data:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); }; v2.onSaveComplete = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('File "' + this._name + '" saved!'); if (event.__get__data()) { this._id = (event.__get__data()).save_id; this._dataURL = unescape((event.__get__data()).file_url); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, this)); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error saving file "' + this._name + '":', event.__get__error()); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, this, event.__get__error())); } }; v2.sendVote = function (ratingName, vote) { var v2 = this._group.getRating(ratingName); if (!v2) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No save rating named "' + ratingName + '" exists for this save group.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, {}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } vote = v2.validateValue(vote); if (isNaN(vote)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid vote (' + vote + '). ' + ratingName + ' allows a range of ' + v2.__get__minimum() + '-' + v2.__get__maximum() + '.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, {}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Voting ' + vote + ' for ' + ratingName + ' on ' + this._name + '...'); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendSimpleCommand('rateSaveFile', {'target': this, 'func': this.onVoteComplete}, null, {'group': this._group.__get__id(), 'save_id': this._id, 'rating_id': v2.__get__id(), 'vote': vote}); }; v2.onVoteComplete = function (event) { var v2 = event.__get__error(); if ((event.__get__data()).already_voted) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Vote failed. You\'ve already voted on this rating today.'); v2 = com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_ALREADY_VOTED; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE) { var v3 = this._group.getRatingById((event.__get__data()).rating_id); if (v3) { this._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3.validateValue((event.__get__data()).score); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Vote complete!'); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, this, v2)); }; v2.clone = function () { var v3 = new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(this._group); v3._data = this._data; v3._description = this._description; v3._draft = this._draft; v3._fileSize = this._fileSize; v3._iconLoader.__set__bitmapData(this._iconLoader.bitmapData); var v2; for (v2 in this._keys) { v3._keys[v2] = this._keys[v2]; } for (v2 in this._ratings) { v3._ratings[v2] = this._ratings[v2]; } v3._name = this._name; return v3; }; v1.ICON_WIDTH = 90; v1.ICON_HEIGHT = 90; v1.DEFAULT_ICON = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('DefaultSaveIcon'); v1.STATUS_PRIVATE = 0; v1.STATUS_SHARED = 1; v1.STATUS_UNAPPROVED = 2; v1.STATUS_APPROVED = 3; v1._imageFilePath = ''; v1._saveFilePath = ''; v1.ICON_IMAGE_SCANNER = new com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner(); v1.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER = new com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner(64, 6); v2.addProperty('authorId', v2.__get__authorId, function () {}); v2.addProperty('authorName', v2.__get__authorName, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesLoaded', v2.__get__bytesLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesTotal', v2.__get__bytesTotal, function () {}); v2.addProperty('createdDate', v2.__get__createdDate, function () {}); v1.addProperty('currentFile', v1.__get__currentFile, function () {}); v2.addProperty('data', v2.__get__data, v2.__set__data); v2.addProperty('description', v2.__get__description, v2.__set__description); v2.addProperty('draft', v2.__get__draft, v2.__set__draft); v2.addProperty('group', v2.__get__group, function () {}); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, v2.__set__icon); v2.addProperty('iconLoaded', v2.__get__iconLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('keys', v2.__get__keys, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, v2.__set__name); v2.addProperty('ratings', v2.__get__ratings, function () {}); v2.addProperty('readOnly', v2.__get__readOnly, function () {}); v2.addProperty('updatedDate', v2.__get__updatedDate, function () {}); v2.addProperty('views', v2.__get__views, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 47 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, name, id, type, keys, ratings) { this._connection = connection; this._id = id; this._name = name; this._type = type; this._keysArray = keys; this._ratingsArray = ratings; this._keys = new Object(); this._ratings = new Object(); var v11; for (var v7 in keys) { var v2 = keys[v7]; this._keys[v2.__get__name()] = v2; } for (var v6 in ratings) { var v3 = ratings[v6]; this._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3; } }; com.newgrounds.SaveGroup = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__connection = function () { return this._connection; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__keys = function () { return this._keysArray; }; v2.__get__ratings = function () { return this._ratingsArray; }; v2.getKey = function (name) { return this._keys[name]; }; v2.getRating = function (name) { return this._ratings[name]; }; v2.getKeyById = function (id) { for (var v4 in this._keys) { var v2 = this._keys[v4]; if (v2.__get__id() == id) { return v2; } } return null; }; v2.getRatingById = function (id) { for (var v4 in this._ratings) { var v2 = this._ratings[v4]; if (v2.__get__id() == id) { return v2; } } return null; }; v2.toString = function () { return 'SaveGroup: ' + this.__get__name() + ' Keys: ' + this._keysArray + ' Ratings: ' + this._ratingsArray; }; v1.TYPE_SYSTEM = 0; v1.TYPE_PRIVATE = 1; v1.TYPE_PUBLIC = 2; v1.TYPE_MODERATED = 3; v2.addProperty('connection', v2.__get__connection, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('keys', v2.__get__keys, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('ratings', v2.__get__ratings, function () {}); v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveGroup.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 45 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (name, id, type) { this._name = name; this._id = id; this._type = type; }; com.newgrounds.SaveKey = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.validateValue = function (value) { switch (this._type) { return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_INTEGER: value = Number(value); if (!isNaN(value)) { var v3 = int(value); if (v3 != value) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Float value ' + value + ' given for integer key "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + v3 + '.'); } return v3; } return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_FLOAT: value = Number(value); if (!isNaN(value)) { return isNaN(Number(value)); } return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_BOOLEAN: return Boolean(value); return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_STRING: return value ? value.toString() : ''; return null; } return null; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._name; }; v1.TYPE_FLOAT = 1; v1.TYPE_INTEGER = 2; v1.TYPE_STRING = 3; v1.TYPE_BOOLEAN = 4; v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveKey.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 46 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (name, id, isFloat, minimum, maximum) { this._name = name; this._id = id; this._isFloat = isFloat; this._minimum = minimum; this._maximum = maximum; }; com.newgrounds.SaveRating = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__isFloat = function () { return this._isFloat; }; v2.__get__minimum = function () { return this._minimum; }; v2.__get__maximum = function () { return this._maximum; }; v2.validateValue = function (value) { var v2 = Number(value); if (isNaN(v2)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid value for rating "' + this._name + '".'); return NaN; } if (v2 < this._minimum) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(v2 + ' is out of acceptable range for rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + this._minimum + '.'); return this._minimum; } if (v2 > this._maximum) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(v2 + ' is out of acceptable range for rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + this._maximum + '.'); return this._maximum; } if (!this.__get__isFloat()) { var v3 = int(v2); if (v3 != v2) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Float value ' + v2 + ' given for integer rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + v3 + '.'); } return v3; } return v2; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._name; }; v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('isFloat', v2.__get__isFloat, function () {}); v2.addProperty('maximum', v2.__get__maximum, function () {}); v2.addProperty('minimum', v2.__get__minimum, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveRating.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 41 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (defaultBitmap, url) { super(); this._bitmapData = defaultBitmap; this._url = url; }; com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader = v1; com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__url = function () { return this._url; }; v2.__set__url = function (v) { this._loaded = false; this._url = v; return this.__get__url(); }; v2.__get__bitmapData = function () { return this._bitmapData; }; v2.__set__bitmapData = function (v) { this._bitmapData = v; this._loaded = true; return this.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__get__loaded = function () { return this._loaded; }; v2.disposeLoader = function () { if (this._loader) { if (this._loaderClip._parent == _root) { this._loader.unloadClip(this._loaderClip.bitmap); this._loaderClip.removeMovieClip(); } this._loader = null; this._loaderClip = null; } }; v2.load = function () { if (!this._url || this._url == '') { this.onLoadComplete(); return undefined; } this._loaded = false; if (this._bitmapData) { this._bitmapData.dispose(); this._bitmapData = null; } this.disposeLoader(); this.attachBitmap(null); }; v2.attachBitmap = function (parent) { if (!parent) { parent = _root; } var v5 = parent.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = parent.createEmptyMovieClip('__bitmap' + v5, v5); if (!this._loaded && this._url && this._url != '') { v3.createEmptyMovieClip('bitmap', 0); this._loader = new MovieClipLoader(); this._loaderClip = v3; if (parent == _root) { this._loaderClip._visible = false; } var thisObj = this; this._loaderClip.onEnterFrame = function () { thisObj.pollLoad(); }; this._loader.addListener({'onLoadError': function () { thisObj.onLoadComplete(); }}); this._loader.loadClip(this._url, v3.bitmap); return v3; } v3.attachBitmap(this._bitmapData, 0); return v3; }; v2.pollLoad = function () { if (this._loaderClip._width) { this.onLoadComplete(); } }; v2.onLoadComplete = function () { var v2; if (this._loader && this._loaderClip && this._loaderClip._width) { try { this._loaderClip.onEnterFrame = null; v2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(this._loaderClip._width, this._loaderClip._height, true, 0); v2.draw(this._loaderClip); this._bitmapData = v2; this._loaded = true; } catch (error) { if (v2) { v2.dispose(); } } } this.disposeLoader(); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, this, this._loaded ? null : com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); }; v1._cacheSeed = 0; v2._loaded = true; v2.addProperty('bitmapData', v2.__get__bitmapData, v2.__set__bitmapData); v2.addProperty('loaded', v2.__get__loaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('url', v2.__get__url, v2.__set__url); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 50 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (group) { super(); this._group = group; this._connection = group.connection; this.reset(); }; com.newgrounds.SaveQuery = v1; com.newgrounds.SaveQuery extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__group = function () { return this._group; }; v2.__get__resultsPerPage = function () { return this._resultsPerPage; }; v2.__set__resultsPerPage = function (val) { this._resultsPerPage = Math.min(Math.max(val, 1), 100); return this.__get__resultsPerPage(); }; v2.__get__page = function () { return this._page; }; v2.__set__page = function (val) { this._page = Math.max(val, 1); return this.__get__page(); }; v2.prevPage = function () { this.__set__page(this.__get__page() - 1); }; v2.nextPage = function () { this.__set__page(this.__get__page() + 1); }; v2.__get__isRandomized = function () { return this._isRandomized; }; v2.__set__isRandomized = function (val) { this._isRandomized = val; return this.__get__isRandomized(); }; v2.__get__files = function () { return this._files; }; v2.reset = function () { this._page = 1; this._resultsPerPage = 10; this._isRandomized = false; this._lookupKeys = []; this._lookupRatings = []; this._fileConditions = []; this._keyConditions = []; this._ratingConditions = []; this._sortFields = []; this._files = []; this.includeAllFields(); }; v2.clone = function () { var v2 = new com.newgrounds.SaveQuery(this._group); v2._page = this._page; v2._resultsPerPage = this._resultsPerPage; v2._isRandomized = this._isRandomized; v2._lookupKeys = this._lookupKeys.concat(); v2._lookupRatings = this._lookupRatings.concat(); v2._fileConditions = this._fileConditions.concat(); v2._keyConditions = this._keyConditions.concat(); v2._ratingConditions = this._ratingConditions.concat(); return v2; }; v2.includeAllFields = function () { for (var v5 in this._group.__get__keys()) { var v2 = (this._group.__get__keys())[v5]; this._lookupKeys.push(v2.__get__id()); } for (var v4 in this._group.__get__ratings()) { var v3 = (this._group.__get__ratings())[v4]; this._lookupRatings.push(v3.__get__id()); } }; v2.addCondition = function (field, operator, value) { var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { if (com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS[v2] == field) { break; } ++v2; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { v2 = -1; } if (v2 >= 0) { this._fileConditions.push({'field': v2, 'operator': operator, 'value': value}); } else { var v3 = this._group.getKey(field); if (v3) { value = v3.validateValue(value); this._keyConditions.push({'key_id': v3.__get__id(), 'operator': operator, 'value': value}); return undefined; } var v4 = field.split('.'); var v6 = this._group.getRating(v4[0]); if (v6) { value = v6.validateValue(value); this._ratingConditions.push({'rating_id': v6.__get__id(), 'operator': operator, 'value': value, 'column': v4[1] ? v4[1] : 'score'}); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '" does not have a field named "' + field + '".'); } }; v2.sortOn = function (field, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = false; } var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { if (com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS[v2] == field) { break; } ++v2; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { v2 = -1; } if (v2 >= 0) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_FILES, 'field': v2, 'desc': sortDescending}); } else { var v5 = this._group.getKey(field); if (v5) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_KEYS, 'field': v5.__get__id(), 'desc': sortDescending}); return undefined; } var v3 = field.split('.'); var v6 = this._group.getRating(v3[0]); if (v6) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_RATINGS, 'field': v6.__get__id(), 'desc': sortDescending, 'extra': v3[1] ? v3[1] : 'score'}); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '" does not have a field named "' + field + '".'); } }; v2.execute = function () { var v5 = {}; = this._page; v5.num_results = this._resultsPerPage; if (this._isRandomized) { v5.randomize = 1; } if (this._lookupKeys && this._lookupKeys.length) { v5.lookup_keys = this._lookupKeys; } if (this._lookupRatings && this._lookupRatings.length) { v5.lookup_ratings = this._lookupRatings; } if (this._fileConditions && this._fileConditions.length) { v5.file_conditions = this._fileConditions; } if (this._keyConditions && this._keyConditions.length) { v5.key_conditions = this._keyConditions; } if (this._ratingConditions && this._ratingConditions.length) { v5.rating_conditions = this._ratingConditions; } if (this._sortFields && this._sortFields.length) { v5.sort_conditions = this._sortFields; } this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('lookupSaveFiles', {'target': this, 'func': this.onQueryComplete}, {'publisher_id': this._connection.publisherId, 'group_id': this._group.__get__id(), 'query': v5}); }; v2.onQueryComplete = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { var v4 = event.__get__data(); this._files = []; if (v4.files) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.files.length) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.SaveFile.fromObject(this._group, v4.files[v2]); if (v3) { this._files.push(v3); } ++v2; } } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, this)); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Query failed: ' + event.__get__error()); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, this, event.__get__error())); } }; v1.FILE_ID = 'fileId'; v1.AUTHOR_ID = 'authorId'; v1.AUTHOR_NAME = 'authorName'; v1.FILE_NAME = 'fileName'; v1.CREATED_ON = 'createdOn'; v1.UPDATED_ON = 'updatedOn'; v1.FILE_VIEWS = 'fileViews'; v1.FILE_STATUS = 'fileStatus'; v1.FILE_FIELDS = [com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_ID, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.AUTHOR_ID, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.AUTHOR_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.CREATED_ON, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.UPDATED_ON, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_VIEWS, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_STATUS]; v1.OPERATOR_EQUAL = '='; v1.OPERATOR_LESS_THAN = '<'; v1.OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN = '>'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL = '!='; v1.OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL = '<='; v1.OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL = '>='; v1.OPERATOR_CONTAINS = '*'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_CONTAINS = '!*'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_BEGINS_WITH = '!*='; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_ENDS_WITH = '!=*'; v1.OPERATOR_BEGINS_WITH = '*='; v1.OPERATOR_ENDS_WITH = '=*'; v1.TABLE_FILES = 1; v1.TABLE_KEYS = 2; v1.TABLE_RATINGS = 3; v2._page = 1; v2._resultsPerPage = 10; v2._isRandomized = false; v2.addProperty('files', v2.__get__files, function () {}); v2.addProperty('group', v2.__get__group, function () {}); v2.addProperty('isRandomized', v2.__get__isRandomized, v2.__set__isRandomized); v2.addProperty('page', v2.__get__page, v2.__set__page); v2.addProperty('resultsPerPage', v2.__get__resultsPerPage, v2.__set__resultsPerPage); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 42 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, id, name, description, secret, unlocked, value, difficultyId, iconURL) { super(); this._connection = connection; this._id = id; this._name = name; this._description = description; this._secret = secret; this._unlocked = unlocked; this._value = value; this._difficulty = com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTIES[difficultyId]; this._iconLoader = new com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader(com.newgrounds.Medal.DEFAULT_ICON, iconURL); this._iconLoader.load(); }; com.newgrounds.Medal = v1; com.newgrounds.Medal extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__difficulty = function () { return this._difficulty; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__description = function () { return this._description; }; v2.__get__secret = function () { return this._secret; }; v2.__get__unlocked = function () { return this._unlocked; }; v2.__get__value = function () { return this._value; }; v2.toString = function () { if (!this._unlocked) { return 'Medal: ' + this._name + '\t\t(' + 'locked, ' + this._value + 'pts, ' + this._difficulty + ')'; } return 'Medal: ' + this._name + '\t\t(' + 'unlocked, ' + this._value + 'pts, ' + this._difficulty + ')'; }; v2.attachIcon = function (parent) { return this._iconLoader.attachBitmap(parent); }; v2.unlock = function () { if (this._unlocked) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Medal "' + this._name + '" is already unlocked.'); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Unlocking medal "' + this.__get__name() + '"...'); this._unlocked = true; if (this._connection.__get__hasUserSession()) { this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('unlockMedal', {'target': this, 'func': this.onUnlockConfirmed}, null, {'medal_id': this.__get__id()}); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, this)); }; v2.setUnlocked = function (unlocked) { this._unlocked = unlocked; }; v2.onUnlockConfirmed = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Medal "' + this.__get__name() + '" unlocked.'); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Failed to unlock "' + this.__get__name() + '"!'); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, this, event.__get__error())); }; v1.ICON_WIDTH = 50; v1.ICON_HEIGHT = 50; v1.DEFAULT_ICON = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('DefaultMedalIcon'); v1.DIFFICULTY_EASY = 'Easy'; v1.DIFFICULTY_MODERATE = 'Moderate'; v1.DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGING = 'Challenging'; v1.DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT = 'Difficult'; v1.DIFFICULTY_BRUTAL = 'Brutal'; v1.DIFFICULTIES = ['Unknown', com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_EASY, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_MODERATE, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGING, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_BRUTAL]; v2.addProperty('description', v2.__get__description, function () {}); v2.addProperty('difficulty', v2.__get__difficulty, function () {}); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('secret', v2.__get__secret, function () {}); v2.addProperty('unlocked', v2.__get__unlocked, function () {}); v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Medal.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 44 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, name, id) { super(); this._connection = connection; this._name = name; this._id = id; }; com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard = v1; com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__scores = function () { return this._scores; }; v2.__get__period = function () { return this._period; }; v2.__set__period = function (val) { this._period = val; return this.__get__period(); }; v2.__get__firstResult = function () { return this._firstResult; }; v2.__set__firstResult = function (val) { this._firstResult = Math.max(1, val); return this.__get__firstResult(); }; v2.__get__numResults = function () { return this._numResults; }; v2.__set__numResults = function (val) { this._numResults = val; return this.__get__numResults(); }; v2.__get__tag = function () { return this._tag; }; v2.__set__tag = function (val) { this._tag = val; return this.__get__tag(); }; v2.__get__page = function () { return Math.ceil((this._firstResult - 1) / this._numResults) + 1; }; v2.prevPage = function () { if (this.__get__firstResult() > this._numResults) { this.firstResult -= this._numResults; } }; v2.nextPage = function () { this.firstResult += this._numResults; }; v2.loadScores = function () { this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('loadScores', {'target': this, 'func': this.onScoresLoaded}, {'publisher_id': this._connection.publisherId, 'board': this._id, 'page': (this._firstResult - 1) / this._numResults + 1, 'num_results': this._numResults, 'period': this._period, 'tag': this._tag}); }; v2.postScore = function (numericScore, tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (isNaN(numericScore)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Cannot post invalid score: ' + numericScore); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Posting a score of ' + numericScore + ' by ' + this._connection.username + ' to scoreboard "' + this._name + '"...'); this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('postScore', {'target': this, 'func': this.onScorePosted}, null, {'user_name': this._connection.username, 'board': this._id, 'value': numericScore, 'tag': tag}); }; v2.onScoresLoaded = function (event) { var v4 = event.__get__data(); this._scores = []; var v5; if (v4.first_result) { v5 = v4.first_result; } else { v5 = this._firstResult; } if (v4.scores) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.scores.length) { var v2 = v4.scores[v3]; if (v2) { this._scores[v3] = new com.newgrounds.Score(v5, v2.username, v2.value, v2.numeric_value, v2.tag); } v3++; v5++; } } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, this)); }; v2.onScorePosted = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Score posted!'); var v4 = event.__get__data(); var v2 = {}; v2.score = v4.value; v2.scoreBoard = this; } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error posting score: ' + event.__get__error()); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, storedv2, event.__get__error())); }; v2.toString = function () { return 'Scoreboard: ' + this._name; }; v1.TODAY = 'Today'; v1.THIS_WEEK = 'This Week'; v1.THIS_MONTH = 'This Month'; v1.THIS_YEAR = 'This Year'; v1.ALL_TIME = 'All-Time'; v2._period = com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard.ALL_TIME; v2._firstResult = 1; v2._numResults = 10; v2.addProperty('firstResult', v2.__get__firstResult, v2.__set__firstResult); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('numResults', v2.__get__numResults, v2.__set__numResults); v2.addProperty('page', v2.__get__page, function () {}); v2.addProperty('period', v2.__get__period, v2.__set__period); v2.addProperty('scores', v2.__get__scores, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tag', v2.__get__tag, v2.__set__tag); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 33 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.Logger = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.logInternal = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_INTERNAL, v2); }; v1.logMessage = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE, v2); }; v1.logWarning = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_WARNING, v2); }; v1.logError = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_ERROR, v2); }; v1.log = function (priority, messages) { if (priority == undefined) { priority = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE; } if (messages == undefined) { messages = null; } if (priority >= com.newgrounds.Logger._messageLevel) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < messages.length) { trace(com.newgrounds.Logger.HEADER + messages[v1]); com.newgrounds.Logger._eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.LOG, messages[v1])); ++v1; } } if (priority >= com.newgrounds.Logger._throwLevel) { throw new Error(messages.join('\n')); } }; v1.addEventListener = function (event, listener) { com.newgrounds.Logger._eventDispatcher.addEventListener(event, listener, false, 0, false); }; v1.PRIORITY_INTERNAL = 0; v1.PRIORITY_MESSAGE = 1; v1.PRIORITY_WARNING = 2; v1.PRIORITY_ERROR = 3; v1.PRIORITY_MAX = 4; v1.HEADER = '[Newgrounds API] :: '; v1._eventDispatcher = new com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher(); v1._messageLevel = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE; v1._throwLevel = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MAX; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Logger.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 52 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); try {'');''); } this._x = int(this._x); this._y = int(this._y); this.stop(); if (this.__get___newgroundsButton()) { (this.__get___newgroundsButton()).onRelease = this.onNGClick; } this.onUnload = this.removeAd; var v4 = this; this._adListener = {'onLoadError': function (target, error, httpStatus) { target._parent.onAdError(target, error, httpStatus); }}; if (this.__get__fullScreen()) { this.drawFullScreenRect(); } if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__adFeedURL()) { this.loadAdFeed(); } else { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'target': this, 'func': this.loadAdFeed}); } }; com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase = v1; com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get___adContainer = function () { return this.adContainer; }; v2.__get___newgroundsButton = function () { return this.newgroundsButton; }; v2.__get__fullScreen = function () { return this._fullScreen; }; v2.__set__fullScreen = function (v) { this._fullScreen = v; if (v) { this.drawFullScreenRect(); } else { this.clear(); } return this.__get__fullScreen(); }; v2.__get__showBorder = function () { return this._showBorder; }; v2.__set__showBorder = function (value) { this._showBorder = value; if (this._showBorder) { if (this._ad) { var v2 = this._ad.getProgress(this.__get___adContainer()); if (v2.bytesLoaded >= v2.bytesTotal) { if (this.showPlayButton) { this.gotoAndStop('loadedPlay'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('loaded'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('loading'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('noBorder'); } return this.__get__showBorder(); }; v2.loadAdFeed = function (event) { if (event == undefined) { event = null; } this._adFeedLoader = new LoadVars(); var target = this; this._adFeedLoader.onData = function (data) { target.onAdFeedLoaded(data); }; this._adFeedLoader.load(com.newgrounds.API.__get__adFeedURL(), this._adFeedLoader); }; v2.onAdFeedLoaded = function (data) { if (data && data != '') { this.loadAd(data); } else { this.onAdError(); } }; v2.loadAd = function (adURL) { if (this.showPlayButton) { this.gotoAndStop('loadedPlay'); } if (this.adType != this.VIDEO_ADS) { if (adURL.indexOf('?') >= 0) { adURL += '&'; } else { adURL += '?'; } adURL += 'blockoverlays=1'; } this._ad = new MovieClipLoader(); this._ad.addListener(this._adListener); (this.__get___adContainer())._lockroot = true; this._ad.loadClip(adURL, this.__get___adContainer()); }; v2.removeAd = function () { this._adFeedLoader.onData = null; this._adFeedLoader = null; this._ad.removeListener(this._adListener); if (this.__get___adContainer()) { this._ad.unloadClip(this.__get___adContainer()); } this._ad = null; }; v2.onAdError = function (target, error, httpStatus) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load ad.'); this.removeAd(); }; v2.onNGClick = function () { com.newgrounds.API.loadNewgrounds(); }; v2.drawFullScreenRect = function () { this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; this.beginFill(0); this.moveTo(-Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(-Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(-Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.endFill(); }; v2._showBorder = true; v2.adType = com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase.prototype.VIDEO_ADS; v2.VIDEO_ADS = 'Video'; v2.SIMPLE_ADS = 'Simple'; v2.addProperty('_adContainer', v2.__get___adContainer, function () {}); v2.addProperty('_newgroundsButton', v2.__get___newgroundsButton, function () {}); v2.addProperty('fullScreen', v2.__get__fullScreen, v2.__set__fullScreen); v2.addProperty('showBorder', v2.__get__showBorder, v2.__set__showBorder); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 27 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim = v1; com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 37 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.hash = function (src) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.hex_md5(src); }; v1.hex_md5 = function (src) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.binl2hex(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.core_md5(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.str2binl(src), src.length * 8)); }; v1.core_md5 = function (x, len) { x[len >> 5] |= 128 << len % 32; x[(len + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = len; var v4 = 1732584193; var v3 = -271733879; var v2 = -1732584194; var v1 = 271733878; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < x.length) { var v10 = v4; var v9 = v3; var v8 = v2; var v7 = v1; v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 0], 7, -680876936); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 1], 12, -389564586); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 2], 17, 606105819); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 3], 22, -1044525330); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 4], 7, -176418897); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 5], 12, 1200080426); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 6], 17, -1473231341); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 7], 22, -45705983); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 8], 7, 1770035416); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 9], 12, -1958414417); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 10], 17, -42063); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 11], 22, -1990404162); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 12], 7, 1804603682); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 13], 12, -40341101); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 14], 17, -1502002290); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 15], 22, 1236535329); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 1], 5, -165796510); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 6], 9, -1069501632); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 11], 14, 643717713); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 0], 20, -373897302); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 5], 5, -701558691); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 10], 9, 38016083); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 15], 14, -660478335); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 4], 20, -405537848); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 9], 5, 568446438); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 14], 9, -1019803690); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 3], 14, -187363961); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 8], 20, 1163531501); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 13], 5, -1444681467); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 2], 9, -51403784); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 7], 14, 1735328473); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 12], 20, -1926607734); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 5], 4, -378558); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 8], 11, -2022574463); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 11], 16, 1839030562); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 14], 23, -35309556); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 1], 4, -1530992060); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 4], 11, 1272893353); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 7], 16, -155497632); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 10], 23, -1094730640); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 13], 4, 681279174); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 0], 11, -358537222); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 3], 16, -722521979); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 6], 23, 76029189); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 9], 4, -640364487); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 12], 11, -421815835); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 15], 16, 530742520); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 2], 23, -995338651); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 0], 6, -198630844); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 7], 10, 1126891415); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 14], 15, -1416354905); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 5], 21, -57434055); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 12], 6, 1700485571); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 3], 10, -1894986606); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 10], 15, -1051523); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 1], 21, -2054922799); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 8], 6, 1873313359); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 15], 10, -30611744); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 6], 15, -1560198380); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 13], 21, 1309151649); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 4], 6, -145523070); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 11], 10, -1120210379); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 2], 15, 718787259); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 9], 21, -343485551); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v4, v10); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v3, v9); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v2, v8); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v1, v7); v5 += 16; } return new Array(v4, v3, v2, v1); }; v1.md5_cmn = function (q, a, b, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.bit_rol(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(a, q), com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(x, t)), s), b); }; v1.md5_ff = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b & c | ~b & d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_gg = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b & d | c & ~d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_hh = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_ii = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(c ^ (b | ~d), a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.bit_rol = function (num, cnt) { return num << cnt | num >>> 32 - cnt; }; v1.safe_add = function (x, y) { var v1 = (x & 65535) + (y & 65535); var v2 = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (v1 >> 16); return v2 << 16 | v1 & 65535; }; v1.str2binl = function (str) { var v3 = new Array(); var v4 = 255; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length * 8) { v3[v1 >> 5] |= (str.charCodeAt(v1 / 8) & v4) << v1 % 32; v1 += 8; } return v3; }; v1.binl2hex = function (binarray) { var v4 = new String(''); var v3 = new String('0123456789abcdef'); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < binarray.length * 4) { v4 += v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 + 4 & 15) + v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 & 15); ++v1; } return v4; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 38 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.encrypt = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.charsToHex(v2); }; v1.encryptbin = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return v2; }; v1.decrypt = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.hexToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.charsToStr(v2); }; v1.initialize = function (pwd) { var v2 = 0; var v3; var v4 = pwd.length; var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 255) { com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.mykey[v1] = pwd[v1 % v4]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = v1; ++v1; } v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 255) { v2 = (v2 + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.mykey[v1]) % 256; v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2] = v3; ++v1; } }; v1.calculate = function (plaintxt, psw) { com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.initialize(psw); var v1 = 0; var v2 = 0; var v9 = new Array(); var v7; var v5; var v6; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < plaintxt.length) { v1 = (v1 + 1) % 256; v2 = (v2 + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]) % 256; v5 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2] = v5; var v4 = (com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]) % 256; v7 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v4]; v6 = plaintxt[v3] ^ v7; v9.push(v6); ++v3; } return v9; }; v1.charsToHex = function (chars) { var v4 = new String(''); var v3 = new Array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < chars.length) { v4 += v3[chars[v1] >> 4] + v3[chars[v1] & 15]; ++v1; } return v4; }; v1.hexToChars = function (hex) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = (hex.substr(0, 2) == '0x') ? 2 : 0; while (v1 < hex.length) { v3.push(parseInt(hex.substr(v1, 2), 16)); v1 += 2; } return v3; }; v1.charsToStr = function (chars) { var v3 = new String(''); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < chars.length) { v3 += String.fromCharCode(chars[v1]); ++v1; } return v3; }; v1.strToChars = function (str) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length) { v3.push(str.charCodeAt(v1)); ++v1; } return v3; }; v1.sbox = new Array(255); v1.mykey = new Array(255); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 39 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.encode = function (arg, noquotes) { var v3; var v2; var v6; var v1 = ''; var v4; if (arg.isSServerVar()) { var v8 = 'sservervariable'; } else { var v8 = typeof arg; } switch (v8) { return 'null'; case 'sservervariable': return '?' + arg.getEncodedValue(); break; case 'object': if (arg) { if (arg instanceof Array) { v2 = 0; while (v2 < arg.length) { v4 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(arg[v2]); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += v4; ++v2; } return '[' + v1 + ']'; } else { if (typeof arg.toString != 'undefined') { for (v2 in arg) { v4 = arg[v2]; if (typeof v4 != 'undefined' && typeof v4 != 'function') { v4 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v4); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v2) + ':' + v4; } } return '{' + v1 + '}'; } } } return 'null'; case 'number': return isFinite(arg) ? String(arg) : 'null'; case 'string': v6 = arg.length; if (noquotes) { var v7 = ''; } else { var v7 = '"'; } v1 = v7; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v6) { v3 = arg.charAt(v2); if (v3 >= ' ') { if (v3 == '\\' || v3 == '"') { v1 += '\\'; } v1 += v3; } else { switch (v3) { case '\b': v1 += '\\b'; break; case '\f': v1 += '\\f'; break; case '\n': v1 += '\\n'; break; case '\r': v1 += '\\r'; break; case '\t': v1 += '\\t'; break; default: v3 = v3.charCodeAt(); v1 += '\\u00' + (Math.floor(v3 / 16)).toString(16) + (v3 % 16).toString(16); } } v2 += 1; } return v1 + v7; case 'boolean': return String(arg); default: return 'null'; } }; v1.background_encode = function (arg, callback) { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Cannot encode a new file until the previous file is completed'); return false; } else { if (!callback) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Missing a callback function, skipping encode'); return false; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = true; var v2 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start = v2.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache = {'busy': false, 'complete': false, 'arg': arg, 'target': arg, 'parents': [], 'encoded': '', 'callback': callback, 'encode_chunk': function () { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode_chunk(); }}; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(arg) == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = '{'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'encode_chunk', 25); return true; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(arg) == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = '['; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'encode_chunk', 25); return true; }; v1.background_decode = function (arg, callback) { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Cannot decode a new file until the previous file is completed'); return false; } else { if (!callback) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Missing a callback function, skipping decode'); return false; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = true; var v1 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start = v1.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache = {'busy': false, 'callback': callback, 'complete': false, 'arg': arg, 'pos': 0, 'parents': ['root'], 'target': null, 'scratch': '', 'decode_chunk': function () { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode_chunk(); }}; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'decode_chunk', 25); return true; }; v1.decode = function (text) { var at = 0; var ch = ' '; var _value; var _error = function (m) { throw {'name': 'JSONError', 'message': m, 'at': at - 1, 'text': text}; }; var _next = function () { ch = text.charAt(at); at += 1; return ch; }; var _white = function () { while (ch) { if (ch <= ' ') { _next(); } else { if (ch == '/') { switch (_next()) { case '/': for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')) break; } break; case '*': _next(); for (;;) { if (ch) { if (ch == '*') { if (_next() == '/') { _next(); break; } } else { _next(); } continue; } _error('Unterminated comment'); } break; default: _error('Syntax error'); } } else { break; } } } }; var _string = function () { var v4; var v1 = ''; var v3; var v2; var v5 = false; if (ch == '"') { while (_next()) { if (ch == '"') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch == '\\') { switch (_next()) { case 'b': v1 += '\b'; break; case 'f': v1 += '\f'; break; case 'n': v1 += '\n'; break; case 'r': v1 += '\r'; break; case 't': v1 += '\t'; break; case 'u': v2 = 0; v4 = 0; while (v4 < 4) { v3 = parseInt(_next(), 16); if (!isFinite(v3)) { v5 = true; break; } v2 = v2 * 16 + v3; v4 += 1; } if (v5) { v5 = false; } else { v1 += String.fromCharCode(v2); break; default: v1 += ch; } } } else { v1 += ch; } } } } _error('Bad string'); }; var _array = function () { var v1 = []; if (ch == '[') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v1.push(_value()); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad array'); }; var _object = function () { var v2; var v1 = {}; if (ch == '{') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v2 = _string(); _white(); if (ch != ':') { break; } _next(); v1[v2] = _value(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad object'); }; var _number = function () { var v1 = ''; var v2; if (ch == '-') { v1 = '-'; _next(); } for (;;) { if (!(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; _next(); } if (ch == '.') { v1 += '.'; for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; } } v2 = 1 * v1; if (!isFinite(v2)) { _error('Bad number'); } else { return v2; } }; var _word = function () { switch (ch) { case 't': if (_next() == 'r' && _next() == 'u' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return true; } break; case 'f': if (_next() == 'a' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 's' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return false; } break; case 'n': if (_next() == 'u' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 'l') { _next(); return null; } } _error('Syntax error'); }; _value = function () { _white(); switch (ch) { case '{': return _object(); case '[': return _array(); case '"': return _string(); case '-': return _number(); } return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ? _number() : _word(); }; return _value(); }; v1.getType = function (v) { if (v instanceof Array) { return 'array'; } else { return typeof v; } }; v1.decode_chunk = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy && !com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = true; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode_chunks) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.chunk_decoder(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { break; } ++v1; } trace(Math.round((com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos / com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.length) * 100) + '% decoded'); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = false; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { var v2 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = false; clearInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.callback(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.root, v2.getTime() - com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg = ''; } }; v1.encode_chunk = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy && !com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = true; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode_chunks) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.chunk_encoder(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { break; } ++v1; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = false; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { var v3 = new Date(); var v2 = v3.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = false; clearInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.callback(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded, v2 - com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = ''; } }; v1.chunk_decoder = function () { function _object() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'object'; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Malformed object key in encoded string. Keys must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; _setTargetValue({}); } else { if (v1 == ',') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Malformed object key in encoded string. Keys must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; } else { if (v1 == '}') { _useParent(); } else { if (v1 == '"') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != ':') { throw 'Malformed object notation. Object keys and values must be separated by colons(:)'; } _addParent(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = null; } else { if (v1 == '\\') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; } } } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _array() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'array'; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); _setTargetValue([]); if (v1 != ']') { _addArrayKey(); } else { _useParent(); } return undefined; } else { if (v1 == ',') { _addArrayKey(); } else { if (v1 == ']') { _useParent(); } } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _boolean() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 == 't') { _setTargetValue(true); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 3; } else { if (v1 == 'f') { _setTargetValue(false); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 4; } else { throw 'Bool values must be true or false'; } } _useParent(); } function _null() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 == 'n') { _setTargetValue(null); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 2; } else { throw 'Null values must be null'; } _useParent(); } function _string() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Strings must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'string'; } else { if (v1 == '"') { _setTargetValue(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch); _useParent(); } else { if (v1 == '\\') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); switch (v1) { case 'n': v1 = '\n'; break; case 'r': v1 = '\n'; break; case 't': v1 = '\t'; break; case 'u': v1 = '\\' + v1; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _number() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); var v2 = '01234567890.-'; if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'number'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; } if (v2.indexOf(v1) < 0) { _setTargetValue(Number(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch)); _useParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } } function _setTargetValue(newval) { var v2 = (_getParent()).obj; var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length - 1]; v2[v1] = newval; } function _useParent() { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType((_getParent()).obj); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.pop(); } function _getParent() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length - 1) { v2 = v2[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]]; ++v1; } return {'obj': v2, 'name': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]}; } function _getCurrent() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length) { v2 = v2[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]]; ++v1; } return {'obj': v2, 'name': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]}; } function _addParent(child) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(child); } function _addArrayKey() { var v1 = (_getCurrent()).obj.length; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(v1); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = null; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos >= com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.length) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete = true; return undefined; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { ('_' + com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode)(); } else { var char = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); switch (char) { case '{': _object(); break; case '[': _array(); break; case '"': _string(); break; case 'n': _null(); break; case 't': _boolean(); break; case 'f': _boolean(); break; default: _number(); } } } }; v1.chunk_encoder = function () { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { return undefined; } var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(; switch (v2) { case 'number': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded +=; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'string': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '"' + ('"')).join('\\"') + '"'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'boolean': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ( == true) ? 'true' : 'false'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'null': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += 'null'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'array': if ( < 1) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ']'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(; =[0]; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '['; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '{'; } } } break; case 'object': for (var v1 in { break; } if (v1 === undefined) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '}'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(; =[v1]; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '"' + (v1.split('"')).join('\\"') + '":'; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '['; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '{'; } } } break; default: com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += 'null'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } }; v1.getParent = function () { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length > 0) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.pop(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'array') { v1.shift(); } else { for (var v3 in v1) { delete v1[v3]; break; } } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'object' or com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'array') { for (var v2 in v1) { break; } if (v2 !== undefined) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ','; } } = v1; } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete = true; } }; v1.encode_chunks = 20000; v1.decode_chunks = 20000; v1.busy = false; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 43 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (rank, username, score, numericValue, tag) { this._rank = rank; this._username = username; this._score = score; this._numericValue = numericValue; this._tag = tag; }; com.newgrounds.Score = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__numericValue = function () { return this._numericValue; }; v2.__get__rank = function () { return this._rank; }; v2.__get__score = function () { return this._score; }; v2.__get__tag = function () { return this._tag; }; v2.__get__username = function () { return this._username; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._rank + '.\t' + this._username + '\t' + this._score; }; v2.addProperty('numericValue', v2.__get__numericValue, function () {}); v2.addProperty('rank', v2.__get__rank, function () {}); v2.addProperty('score', v2.__get__score, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tag', v2.__get__tag, function () {}); v2.addProperty('username', v2.__get__username, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Score.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { stop(); } movieClip 145 { } movieClip 146 { frame 132 { _parent.gotoAndStop('splash 2'); } } instance of movieClip 146 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } frame 3 { _root.music1.gotoAndPlay(2); stop(); } movieClip 149 { } movieClip 150 { frame 110 { _parent.gotoAndStop('credits'); } } instance of movieClip 150 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } movieClip 154 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5629 { stop(); } } movieClip 156 { frame 6778 { _root.music1.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 4 { stop(); } movieClip 160 { } movieClip 161 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 162 { frame 165 { _parent.gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } frame 5 { stop(); } movieClip 165 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 167 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 170 { } movieClip 171 { } instance of movieClip 171 { onClipEvent (load) { this.textbox.text = 'Start The Game'; goto = 'chapter'; if (this.textbox.text == '') { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 80; } this.onPress = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); this._alpha = 100; } }; this.onDragOver = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); this._alpha = 100; } }; this.onRollOut = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 80; } }; this.onDragOut = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 80; } }; } } instance of movieClip 171 { onClipEvent (load) { this.textbox.text = 'Credits'; goto = 'credits'; if (this.textbox.text == '') { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 80; } this.onPress = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); this._alpha = 100; } }; this.onDragOver = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); this._alpha = 100; } }; this.onRollOut = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 80; } }; this.onDragOut = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 80; } }; } } instance of movieClip 171 { onClipEvent (load) { this.textbox.text = 'Point and Click Games'; if (this.textbox.text == '') { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 80; } this.onPress = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); getURL('', '_blank'); } }; this.onRollOver = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); this._alpha = 100; } }; this.onDragOver = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); this._alpha = 100; } }; this.onRollOut = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 80; } }; this.onDragOut = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 80; } }; } } instance of movieClip 171 { onClipEvent (load) { this.textbox.text = 'Follow Me on Newgrounds'; if (this.textbox.text == '') { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 80; } this.onPress = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); getURL('', '_blank'); } }; this.onRollOver = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); this._alpha = 100; } }; this.onDragOver = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); this._alpha = 100; } }; this.onRollOut = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 80; } }; this.onDragOut = function () { if (this.textbox.text != '') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 80; } }; } } frame 6 { stop(); } movieClip 177 { frame 300 { goto = 'story1'; _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; stop(); } } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } movieClip 182 { } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Downstairs to the lobby.'; goto = 'room1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 187 { } instance of movieClip 187 { onClipEvent (load) { globalsound = new Sound(); this.onRelease = function () { if (_parent.muted == true) { globalsound.setVolume(100); _parent.muted = false; } else { globalsound.setVolume(0); _parent.muted = true; } }; } } movieClip 193 { } movieClip 197 { } movieClip 231 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } } instance itembutton1 of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { _global.buttoncode('itembutton1on', 'button 1', 'itembutton1off', this); }; desc = 'This is an enchanted elk\'s horn. All of the Gray Elk guards carry one to protect from hostile magic. The horns are enchanted by Hernessian mages.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance itembutton2 of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { _global.buttoncode('itembutton2on', 'button 2', 'itembutton2off', this); }; desc = 'This is a simple, but sturdy, prybar. It could be used to pop open any number of otherwise inaccessible objects.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance itembutton3 of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { _global.buttoncode('itembutton3on', 'button 3', 'itembutton3off', this); }; desc = 'This heavy wrench may be old and worn, but it was very well crafted by the hands of an Antar smith.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance itembutton4 of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { _global.buttoncode('itembutton4on', 'button 4', 'itembutton4off', this); }; desc = 'This is a small screwdriver, primarily used for driving screws.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance itembutton5 of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { _global.buttoncode('itembutton5on', 'button 5', 'itembutton5off', this); }; desc = 'Just a shovel, nothing fancy. You never know when you might need one though.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance itembutton6 of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { _global.buttoncode('itembutton6on', 'button 6', 'itembutton6off', this); }; desc = 'A basic pair of metal cuffs used to restrain prisoners and criminals.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance itembutton7 of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { _global.buttoncode('itembutton7on', 'button 7', 'itembutton7off', this); }; desc = 'This is a fine blue dress. Certainly of dish cloth quality or better.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance itembutton8 of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { _global.buttoncode('itembutton8on', 'button 8', 'itembutton8off', this); }; desc = 'A key for a large padlock.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance itembutton9 of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { _global.buttoncode('itembutton9on', 'button 9', 'itembutton9off', this); }; desc = 'A key for a large padlock.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = desc; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 234 { } instance of movieClip 234 { onClipEvent (load) { Color.prototype.setTint = function (r, g, b, amount) { var v2 = new Object(); = 100 - amount; =; v2.ra =; var v3 = amount / 100; v2.rb = r * v3; = g * v3; = b * v3; this.setTransform(v2); }; _global.buttoncode = function (buttonon, whichbutton, buttonoff, scope) { if (_global.currentbutton != whichbutton) { _parent.itembutton1.gotoAndStop('itembutton1off'); _parent.itembutton2.gotoAndStop('itembutton2off'); _parent.itembutton3.gotoAndStop('itembutton3off'); _parent.itembutton4.gotoAndStop('itembutton4off'); _parent.itembutton5.gotoAndStop('itembutton5off'); _parent.itembutton6.gotoAndStop('itembutton6off'); _parent.itembutton7.gotoAndStop('itembutton7off'); _parent.itembutton8.gotoAndStop('itembutton8off'); _parent.itembutton9.gotoAndStop('itembutton9off'); clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); scope.gotoAndStop(buttonon); _global.currentbutton = whichbutton; } else { if (_global.currentbutton == whichbutton) { clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _global.currentbutton = undefined; scope.gotoAndStop(buttonoff); } } }; } } movieClip 237 { } instance of movieClip 237 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); getURL('', '_blank'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 80; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 80; }; } } movieClip 239 { } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'That sure would look nice on your head.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 241 { } instance of movieClip 241 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Little guy sure is loyal, still holding his post.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 243 { } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Who has time for reading when there are heads that need cracking?'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 13 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Upstairs, to the Gray Elk Library.'; goto = 'awaken'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'To the store room.'; goto = 'room2'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'To the training barracks.'; goto = 'room4'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 247 { } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Look at a map of the Farland Company trade routes.'; goto = 'room3'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 250 { } instance of movieClip 250 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.labunlocked == 1) { this._x = 600; } rollover = 'Speak with Captain Whelek.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.doublesad == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('needdress'); } else { if (_global.sewerisopen == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('alreadyinsewer'); } else { if (_global.haslookedatgrate == 1 && _global.talkedaboutthegrateiwthviceron == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('tipsandtricks'); } else { if (_global.goodluck == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('npc6'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('npc1'); } } } } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.goodluck == 1) { this._x = 13; } rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'map'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 14 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back to the lobby.'; goto = 'room1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 254 { } instance of movieClip 254 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Stored food and other supplies. They have to be kept dry.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back.'; goto = 'room1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back to the lobby.'; goto = 'room1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.freezebutton == undefined) { _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 261 { } instance of movieClip 261 { onClipEvent (load) { areaX = 5; areaY = 344; rollover = 'Your trusty elk horn charm.'; if (_global.hasitem1 == true) { this._alpha = 0; this._x = -80; this._y = -80; } else { this._x = 466; this._y = 184; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.hasitem1 != true) { clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _global.hasitem1 = true; _global.freezebutton = true; } }; } this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item1locked != true) { if (_global.hasitem1 == true) { if (areaX < this._x) { this._x -= 10; } if (areaX > this._x) { this._x += 10; } if (areaY < this._y) { this._y -= 10; } if (areaY > this._y) { this._y += 10; } if (areaX < this._x) { this._x -= 1; } if (areaX > this._x) { this._x += 1; } if (areaY < this._y) { this._y -= 1; } if (areaY > this._y) { this._y += 1; } if (this._y == areaY && this._x == areaX) { this._alpha = 0; this._x = -80; this._y = -80; this.onPress = function () {}; _parent.itembutton1.gotoAndStop('itembutton1off'); _parent.itembutton1._x = areaX; _parent.itembutton1._y = areaY; _global.item1locked = true; _global.freezebutton = undefined; } } } } } movieClip 264 { } instance of movieClip 264 { onClipEvent (load) { areaX = 280; areaY = 344; rollover = 'A pair of shackle-cuffs.'; if (_global.hasitem6 == true) { this._alpha = 0; this._x = -80; this._y = -80; } else { this._x = 351; this._y = 155; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.hasitem6 != true) { clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _global.hasitem6 = true; _global.freezebutton = true; } }; } this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item6locked != true) { if (_global.hasitem6 == true) { if (areaX < this._x) { this._x -= 10; } if (areaX > this._x) { this._x += 10; } if (areaY < this._y) { this._y -= 10; } if (areaY > this._y) { this._y += 10; } if (areaX < this._x) { this._x -= 1; } if (areaX > this._x) { this._x += 1; } if (areaY < this._y) { this._y -= 1; } if (areaY > this._y) { this._y += 1; } if (this._y == areaY && this._x == areaX) { this._alpha = 0; this._x = -80; this._y = -80; this.onPress = function () {}; _parent.itembutton6.gotoAndStop('itembutton6off'); _parent.itembutton6._x = areaX; _parent.itembutton6._y = areaY; _global.item6locked = true; _global.freezebutton = undefined; } } } } } movieClip 266 { } instance of movieClip 266 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Some Elk Guards use bows and crossbows. It\'s true.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 268 { } instance of movieClip 268 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Most Elk Guards use melee weapons.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 270 { } instance of movieClip 270 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Maintaining a weapon is far cheaper than buying new ones.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 272 { } instance of movieClip 272 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'It is filled with spring water.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 17 { stop(); } movieClip 274 { } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('npc2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 18 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('npc3'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 19 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('npc4'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 20 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('npc5'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 21 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('npc6'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 22 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _global.goodluck = 1; _parent.gotoAndStop('room1'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 23 { stop(); } movieClip 288 { } instance of movieClip 288 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () {}; } } movieClip 291 { } instance of movieClip 291 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Hernessian headquarters'; goto = 'room1'; this._alpha = 80; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 291 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Hall of the Templars'; goto = 'templarhq'; this._alpha = 80; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 291 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Right Street'; goto = 'rightstreet'; this._alpha = 80; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 293 { } instance of movieClip 291 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Grimes Street'; goto = 'grime2'; this._alpha = 80; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 291 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Your home'; goto = 'house'; this._alpha = 80; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 291 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Borynn the Alchemist\'s Shop'; goto = 'Borynn'; this._alpha = 80; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 291 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'City Hall'; goto = 'cityhall'; this._alpha = 80; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 291 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Dock Storehouse'; goto = 'antlings'; this._alpha = 80; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.fuckingstupid.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 24 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'map'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 297 { } instance of movieClip 297 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'These are statues of previous templars who died in conflict.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 299 { } instance of movieClip 299 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'The door is STILL locked.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 25 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Enter the bazaar of CourBoyn the Merchant.'; goto = 'merchant'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 303 { } instance of movieClip 303 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Smells like cat urine. Yup.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 26 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave the shop.'; goto = 'rightstreet'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 308 { } instance of movieClip 308 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.labunlocked == 1) { this._x = 600; } rollover = 'Speak with CourBoyn the Merchant.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.hasdress == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('merchantdress2'); } else { if (_global.doublesad == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('merchantdress1'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('merchant2'); } } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 310 { } instance of movieClip 310 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Salted ham!'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 312 { } instance of movieClip 312 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Imported water!'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 314 { } instance of movieClip 314 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Dwarven ale!'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 316 { } instance of movieClip 316 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Shadeforest flour!'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 318 { } instance of movieClip 318 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'An excellent spice rack!'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 320 { } instance of movieClip 320 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'This armor is more nice than what the Elks get to wear.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 322 { } instance of movieClip 322 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'I could really crack a few heads with a mace like that.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 324 { } instance of movieClip 324 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Antarian rope! Some of the strongest rope known.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 326 { } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Barrels of fish oil.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 328 { } instance of movieClip 328 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Some sort of imported jewelry, I don\'t recognize its origin.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 330 { } instance of movieClip 330 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'These are filled to the brim with honey. Worth a small fortune.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 332 { } instance of movieClip 332 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'GARLIC! Omnomnomnom!'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 334 { } instance of movieClip 334 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'I wonder what is so special about that sword?'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 336 { } instance of movieClip 336 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Well this stone certainly looks important. Likely imported from Shadetale.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 27 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back down Grimes Street.'; goto = 'grime2'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Check out the burned tavern.'; goto = 'burn1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 341 { } instance of movieClip 341 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Speak with Runeseeker Simms.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('simms1'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 28 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'To the burned tavern.'; goto = 'grime1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave Grimes Street.'; goto = 'map'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 29 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back.'; goto = 'grime1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.freezebutton == undefined) { _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 348 { } movieClip 351 { } instance of movieClip 351 { onClipEvent (load) { areaX = 60; areaY = 344; rollover = 'A simple prybar.'; if (_global.hasitem2 == true) { this._alpha = 0; this._x = -80; this._y = -80; } else { this._x = 339; this._y = 146; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.hasitem2 != true) { clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _global.hasitem2 = true; _global.freezebutton = true; } }; } this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item2locked != true) { if (_global.hasitem2 == true) { if (areaX < this._x) { this._x -= 10; } if (areaX > this._x) { this._x += 10; } if (areaY < this._y) { this._y -= 10; } if (areaY > this._y) { this._y += 10; } if (areaX < this._x) { this._x -= 1; } if (areaX > this._x) { this._x += 1; } if (areaY < this._y) { this._y -= 1; } if (areaY > this._y) { this._y += 1; } if (this._y == areaY && this._x == areaX) { this._alpha = 0; this._x = -80; this._y = -80; this.onPress = function () {}; _parent.itembutton2.gotoAndStop('itembutton2off'); _parent.itembutton2._x = areaX; _parent.itembutton2._y = areaY; _global.item2locked = true; _global.freezebutton = undefined; } } } } } movieClip 353 { } instance of movieClip 353 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'What could it mean?'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 30 { stop(); } movieClip 358 { } instance of movieClip 358 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Speak with Borynn the Alchemist.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.doublesad == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('borynndress'); } else { if (_global.hastalkedtoborynn == undefined) { _parent.gotoAndStop('Borynn1'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('Borynn4'); } } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave Boynn\'s shop.'; goto = 'map'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 361 { } instance of movieClip 361 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.labunlocked == 1) { this._x = 600; } rollover = 'Speak with Shribryn.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.doublesad == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('shridress'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('Shri1'); } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 31 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('Borynn'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 32 { stop(); } movieClip 369 { } instance of movieClip 369 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Speak to your sister.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); if (_global.doublesad == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('house2'); } else { if (_global.sewerisopen == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('smellbad'); } else { clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('house1'); } } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave your home.'; goto = 'map'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.freezebutton == undefined) { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.firsttimeleaving = 1; _global.nextmap = goto; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 33 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('house'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 34 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('Borynn'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 35 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'story2'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 36 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'story3'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 37 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'story4'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 38 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'story5'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 39 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'story6'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 40 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'awaken'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 41 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('merchant'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 42 { stop(); } movieClip 403 { } instance of movieClip 403 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.vicfollowing != 1) { this._x = 229; this._y = 107; } rollover = 'Speak with Vic\'eren.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('cityhall2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'map'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.vicfollowing == 1) { this._x = 525; this._y = 151; } rollover = 'Behind the City Hall.'; goto = 'behgind'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 43 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('cityhall3'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 44 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('cityhall4'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 45 { _global.vicfollowing = 1; stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('cityhall'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 46 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave.'; goto = 'map'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.freezebutton == undefined) { _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 415 { } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'These Antars look busy. It appears they\'re guarding some recently acquired barrels of whisky.'; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.haslookedatgrate == 1 && _global.talkedaboutthegrateiwthviceron == 1 && _global.permissiontotakewrench != 1) { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('antars1'); } else { _parent.textbox.text = 'It appears they don\'t want to talk right now. Not that you could understand them anyway.'; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 418 { } instance of movieClip 418 { onClipEvent (load) { areaX = 115; areaY = 344; rollover = 'An old Antar wrench.'; if (_global.hasitem3 == true) { this._alpha = 0; this._x = -80; this._y = -80; } else { if (_global.permissiontotakewrench == 1) { this._x = 429; this._y = 213; } this.onPress = function () { if (_global.hasitem3 != true) { clicksound = new Sound(); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _global.hasitem3 = true; _global.freezebutton = true; } }; } this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.item3locked != true) { if (_global.hasitem3 == true) { if (areaX < this._x) { this._x -= 10; } if (areaX > this._x) { this._x += 10; } if (areaY < this._y) { this._y -= 10; } if (areaY > this._y) { this._y += 10; } if (areaX < this._x) { this._x -= 1; } if (areaX > this._x) { this._x += 1; } if (areaY < this._y) { this._y -= 1; } if (areaY > this._y) { this._y += 1; } if (this._y == areaY && this._x == areaX) { this._alpha = 0; this._x = -80; this._y = -80; this.onPress = function () {}; _parent.itembutton3.gotoAndStop('itembutton3off'); _parent.itembutton3._x = areaX; _parent.itembutton3._y = areaY; _global.item3locked = true; _global.freezebutton = undefined; } } } } } frame 47 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('grime1'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 48 { stop(); } movieClip 425 { } instance of movieClip 425 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.donewithwarrenfirst != 1) { this._x = 11; this._y = 65; } rollover = 'Speak with Warren.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('warren1'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 403 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.haslookedatgrate == 1 && _global.talkedaboutthegrateiwthviceron != 1 && _global.donewithwarrenfirst == 1) { this._x = 23; this._y = 107; } rollover = 'Speak with Vic\'eren.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('grateinfo1'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'To the front of city hall.'; goto = 'cityhall'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 427 { } instance of movieClip 427 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Take a look at the sewer lid.'; goto = 'lid'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 431 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 431 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.sewerisopen == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } rollover = 'Take a look at the sewer drain.'; goto = 'grate'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.sewerisopen == 1) { _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = 'sewah'; } else { _global.haslookedatgrate = 1; _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 433 { } instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.notefound != 1) { this._x = 293; } rollover = 'There is a small piece of discarded paper here.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.textbox.text = ''; _global.notefound = 1; this._x = 600; _parent.paperbutton._x = 445; _parent.paperbutton._y = 344; }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 49 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('warren2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 50 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('warren3'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 51 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('warren4'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 52 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _global.donewithwarrenfirst = 1; _parent.gotoAndStop('behgind'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 53 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back.'; goto = 'behgind'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 442 { } instance of movieClip 442 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'You try to get the lid up, but it doesn\'t move.'; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 2') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = 'The pry bar helps, but you\'re still not able to get the lid up.'; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); } if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 1') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = 'There is a very faint smell of magic from beneath the lid. Demon magic.'; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 444 { } instance of movieClip 444 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'It doesn\'t budge.'; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 2') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = 'You can\'t break the lock.'; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); } if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 1') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = 'No magic here.'; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 54 { stop(); } movieClip 448 { } instance of movieClip 448 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'The sewer grate is bolted into the brickwork.'; goto = 'sewah'; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 2') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = 'The pry bar doesn\'t break the bolts.'; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); } if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 3') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('metal_ground1'); clicksound.start(); _global.sewerisopen = 1; _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; } if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 1') { _parent.textbox.text = 'Nothing magical here.'; } if (_global.currentbutton == undefined) { _parent.textbox.text = 'You jerk on the grate with your hands, but it doesn\'t budge.'; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 55 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('grateinfo2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 56 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('grateinfo3'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 57 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _global.talkedaboutthegrateiwthviceron = 1; _parent.gotoAndStop('behgind'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 58 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('antars2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 59 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('antars3'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 60 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('antars4'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 61 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _global.permissiontotakewrench = 1; _parent.gotoAndStop('antlings'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 62 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back to the street.'; goto = 'behgind'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 475 { } instance blurg1 of movieClip 475 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rightseweroff == 1) { this._x = -500; } rollover = 'That is pure... raw... sewage.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance blurg2 of movieClip 475 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.leftseweroff == 1) { this._x = -500; } rollover = 'That is pure... raw... sewage.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 477 { } instance of movieClip 477 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'This is a shut off valve.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('metal_ground1'); clicksound.start(); _global.leftseweroff = 1; _parent.blurg2._x = -500; if (_global.leftseweroff == 1) { if (_global.rightseweroff == 1) { _parent.sekret._x = 191; } } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 479 { } instance of movieClip 479 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'This is a shut off valve.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('metal_ground1'); clicksound.start(); _global.rightseweroff = 1; _parent.blurg1._x = -500; if (_global.leftseweroff == 1) { if (_global.rightseweroff == 1) { _parent.sekret._x = 191; } } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance sekret of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.leftseweroff == 1) { if (_global.rightseweroff == 1) { this._x = 191; } } rollover = 'Into the darkness.'; goto = 'sewah2'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 63 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('room1'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('house'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 66 { stop(); } movieClip 487 { } instance of movieClip 487 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Speak with Pikker.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.bluedresstorat == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('pikkerblue3'); } else { if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 7') { _global.currentbutton = undefined; _global.bluedresstorat = 1; _parent.itembutton7._y = 400; _parent.gotoAndStop('pikkerblue1'); } else { if (_global.doublesad == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('pikker4'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('pikker1'); } } } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back.'; goto = 'sewah'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 490 { } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Speak with Kikker.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('kikker1'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.bluedresstorat == 1) { this._x = 9; } rollover = 'Follow the directions.'; goto = 'leon'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 67 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('pikker2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 68 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('pikker3'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 69 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _global.doublesad = 1; _parent.gotoAndStop('pikker4'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 70 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('sewah2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 71 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('kikker2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 72 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('sewah2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 73 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('house'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 74 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('room1'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 75 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('Borynn'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.itembutton7._x = 335; _parent.itembutton7._y = 344; _global.hasdress = 1; _global.hasitem7 = true; _parent.itembutton7.gotoAndStop('itembutton7off'); _parent.gotoAndStop('merchantdress2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 78 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('merchant'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 79 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('pikkerblue2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 80 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('sewah2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } instance sekret of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back.'; goto = 'sewah2'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 513 { } instance of movieClip 513 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.labunlocked == 1) { this._x = 600; } else { rollover = 'Inspect the door.'; goto = 'thercode'; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 1') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; } else { _parent.textbox.text = 'This door appears to somehow be locked. But you see no place for a key.'; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('locked'); clicksound.start(); } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } } instance sekret of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.labunlocked == 1) { this._x = 340; } rollover = 'Enter.'; goto = 'lab'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 83 { _global.puz1 = 0; _global.puz2 = 0; _global.puz3 = 0; _global.puz4 = 0; _global.puz5 = 0; } frame 83 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back.'; goto = 'leon'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 518 { } movieClip 520 { } movieClip 522 { } movieClip 524 { } movieClip 526 { } movieClip 528 { } movieClip 530 { } instance of movieClip 530 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'This is a demonic locking rune. Only fiends or those in congress with them can use such magic.'; this._alpha = 75; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('magic3'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.puz5 != 1) { _global.puz5 = 1; } else { _global.puz5 = 0; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 532 { } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'This is a demonic locking rune. Only fiends or those in congress with them can use such magic.'; this._alpha = 75; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('magic3'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.puz4 != 1) { _global.puz4 = 1; } else { _global.puz4 = 0; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 534 { } instance of movieClip 534 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'This is a demonic locking rune. Only fiends or those in congress with them can use such magic.'; this._alpha = 75; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('magic3'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.puz3 != 1) { _global.puz3 = 1; } else { _global.puz3 = 0; } if (_global.puz4 == 1) { _global.puz4 = 0; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 536 { } instance of movieClip 536 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'This is a demonic locking rune. Only fiends or those in congress with them can use such magic.'; this._alpha = 75; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('magic3'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.puz2 != 1) { _global.puz2 = 1; } else { _global.puz2 = 0; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 538 { } instance of movieClip 538 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'This is a demonic locking rune. Only fiends or those in congress with them can use such magic.'; this._alpha = 75; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('magic3'); clicksound.start(); if (_global.puz1 != 1) { _global.puz1 = 1; } else { _global.puz1 = 0; } if (_global.puz4 == 1) { _global.puz4 = 0; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 95; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 75; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 540 { } movieClip 542 { frame 1 { trace('Puzzle 1 ' + _global.puz1); trace('Puzzle 2 ' + _global.puz2); trace('Puzzle 3 ' + _global.puz3); trace('Puzzle 4 ' + _global.puz4); trace('Puzzle 5 ' + _global.puz5); if (_global.puz1 == 1) { _parent.piece1._alpha = 75; } else { _parent.piece1._alpha = 0; } if (_global.puz2 == 1) { _parent.piece2._alpha = 75; _parent.piece7._alpha = 0; } else { _parent.piece2._alpha = 0; _parent.piece7._alpha = 75; } if (_global.puz3 == 1) { _parent.piece3._alpha = 75; } else { _parent.piece3._alpha = 0; } if (_global.puz4 == 1) { _parent.piece4._alpha = 75; } else { _parent.piece4._alpha = 0; } if (_global.puz5 == 1) { _parent.piece5._alpha = 75; _parent.piece6._alpha = 0; } else { _parent.piece5._alpha = 0; _parent.piece6._alpha = 75; } if (_global.puz1 == 0 && _global.puz2 == 0 && _global.puz3 == 1 && _global.puz4 == 1 && _global.puz5 == 1) { clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('magic1'); clicksound.start(); _global.currentbutton = undefined; _global.labunlocked = 1; _parent.paperbutton._x = 600; _parent.paperbutton._y = 500; _parent.paperbutton.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; _parent.gotoAndStop('lab'); } } } instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.notefound != 1) { this._x = 293; } rollover = 'There is a small piece of discarded paper here.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.textbox.text = ''; _global.notefound = 1; this._x = 600; _parent.paperbutton._x = 445; _parent.paperbutton._y = 344; }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 84 { stop(); } movieClip 547 { } instance of movieClip 547 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gateisopen == 1) { this._x = 600; } rollover = 'A hole has been cut above with a round saw! The assassin must have gone up there. A gate blocks the ladder.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.textbox.text = 'The gate is locked firmly from the other side. He did not want to be followed.'; if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 3') { _parent.textbox.text = 'That doesn\'t seem to work.'; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); } if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 4') { if (_global.bombgone == 1) { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = 'The screws come out easily and the gate loosens.'; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('metal_ground1'); clicksound.start(); _global.gateisopen = 1; this._x = 600; _parent.sekret._x = 114; } else { _parent.textbox.text = 'That might work, but the bomb would go off!'; } } if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 1') { _parent.textbox.text = 'Nothing magical here.'; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { if (_global.gateisopen != 1) { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; } }; this.onDragOut = function () { if (_global.gateisopen != 1) { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; } }; } } movieClip 550 { } instance of movieClip 550 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.bombgone == 1) { this._x = 600; } rollover = 'There looks to be a bomb hooked up to the door and bolted to the ceiling.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.textbox.text = 'The bomb won\'t budge! It\'s really stuck on there.'; if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 2') { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = 'The prybar safely removes the bomb from the ceiling. It can now be unhooked.'; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('metal_ground1'); clicksound.start(); _global.bombgone = 1; this._x = 600; } if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 3') { _parent.textbox.text = 'The wrench doesn\'t remove the bomb.'; } if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 4') { _parent.textbox.text = 'The screwdriver doesn\'t help with this bomb.'; } if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 1') { _parent.textbox.text = 'Nothing magical here.'; } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { if (_global.bombgone != 1) { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; } }; this.onDragOut = function () { if (_global.bombgone != 1) { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; } }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Leave the room.'; goto = 'leon'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 553 { } movieClip 557 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 559 { } movieClip 560 { frame 71 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.fadeinfun != 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); _global.fadeinfun = 1; } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 562 { } instance of movieClip 562 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'This toolbox must belong to the assassin.'; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.gotscrewdriver != 1) { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.textbox.text = ''; _global.gotscrewdriver = 1; _parent.itembutton4._y = 344; _parent.itembutton4.gotoAndStop('itembutton4off'); } else { _parent.textbox.text = 'There is nothing useful inside.'; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance sekret of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gateisopen == 1) { this._x = 114; } rollover = 'Follow the assassin up into the Capital Building.'; goto = 'cap1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 85 { stop(); } movieClip 567 { } instance butler of movieClip 567 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.CuffsAreOn == 1) { this._x = 600; _parent.honk._x = 221; _parent.cuffed._x = 253; _parent.cuffed._y = 96; } rollover = 'Speak with the manservant.'; this.onPress = function () { if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 6') { _global.CuffsAreOn = 1; _global.currentbutton = undefined; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.itembutton6._y = 400; this._x = 600; _parent.door._x = 600; _parent.cuffed._x = 253; _parent.cuffed._y = 96; _parent.honk._x = 221; } else { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('cap2'); } }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 569 { } movieClip 572 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance door of movieClip 572 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.CuffsAreOn == 1) { this._x = 600; } rollover = '\'Noooooo, you can\'t go out there! You smell like a sewer!'; this.checkbook.onPress = function () { if (_global.currentbutton == 'button 6') { _global.CuffsAreOn = 1; _global.currentbutton = undefined; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.itembutton6._y = 400; this._x = 600; _parent.butler._x = 600; _parent.cuffed._x = 253; _parent.cuffed._y = 96; _parent.honk._x = 221; } else { _parent.textbox.text = '\'Never! Over my dead body, I\'m sorry but you can\'t ruin this! You smell terrible. Sewer man! SEWER MAN!\''; } }; this.checkbook.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; if (_global.CuffsAreOn != 1) { _parent.butler._x = 600; } _root.door.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.checkbook.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; if (_global.CuffsAreOn != 1) { _parent.butler._x = 600; } _root.door.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.checkbook.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; if (_global.CuffsAreOn != 1) { _parent.butler._x = 381; } _root.door.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.checkbook.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; if (_global.CuffsAreOn != 1) { _parent.butler._x = 381; } _root.door.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } movieClip 575 { } instance cuffed of movieClip 575 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Well he doesn\'t look too happy.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.textbox.text = 'Good.'; }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance sekret of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Crawl back down through the hole into the sewers.'; goto = 'lab'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance honk of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Head out into the hall.'; goto = 'thehall'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 577 { } instance of movieClip 577 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.crowd.stop(); } } frame 86 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('cap3'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 87 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('cap1'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 88 { stop(); } movieClip 584 { } instance of movieClip 584 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Inspect the statue.'; goto = 'thehall2'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 588 { } movieClip 592 { } movieClip 595 { } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 601 { } movieClip 603 { } movieClip 605 { } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 608 { } movieClip 610 { } instance of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Speak with Captain Whelek.'; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('mergency'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(4); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back into the kitchen.'; goto = 'cap1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } instance of movieClip 577 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.crowd = new Sound(_root); _root.crowd.attachSound('crowd'); _root.crowd.start(0, 99); } } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.froglegjoe == 1 && _global.froglegjoetwo == 1) { this._x = 464; } rollover = 'Check up stairs.'; goto = 'ending1'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } movieClip 612 { } instance of movieClip 612 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'None of these people match the description, best look around the room some more.'; this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 89 { _global.froglegjoe = 1; _global.froglegjoetwo = 1; stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { rollover = 'Back.'; goto = 'thehall'; this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.fadetool.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _global.nextmap = goto; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.textbox.text = rollover; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; }; } } frame 90 { _global.froglegjoe = 1; stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('thehall'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 91 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending2'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } instance of movieClip 577 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.crowd.stop(); } } frame 92 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending3'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 93 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending4'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 94 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending5'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 95 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending6'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 96 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending7'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 97 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending8'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 98 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending9'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 99 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending10'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 100 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending11'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 101 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending12'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 102 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending13'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 103 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending14'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 104 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending15'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 105 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; this.onPress = function () { _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.textbox.text = ''; clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('click'); clicksound.start(); _parent.gotoAndStop('ending17'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 50; _parent.cursor.gotoAndStop(1); }; } } frame 106 { stop(); } frame 107 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Captured'); } frame 107 { stop(); } movieClip 653 { } instance of movieClip 653 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 90; this.onPress = function () { clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('rollover'); clicksound.start(); getURL('', '_blank'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; } } movieClip 656 { } instance of movieClip 656 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 90; this.onPress = function () { clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('rollover'); clicksound.start(); getURL('', '_blank'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; } } movieClip 659 { } instance of movieClip 659 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 90; this.onPress = function () { clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('rollover'); clicksound.start(); getURL('', '_blank'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; } } movieClip 662 { } instance of movieClip 662 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 90; this.onPress = function () { clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('rollover'); clicksound.start(); getURL('', '_blank'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; } } movieClip 665 { } instance of movieClip 665 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 90; this.onPress = function () { clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('rollover'); clicksound.start(); getURL('', '_blank'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; } } movieClip 668 { } instance of movieClip 668 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 90; this.onPress = function () { clicksound = new Sound(this); clicksound.attachSound('rollover'); clicksound.start(); getURL('', '_blank'); }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onDragOver = function () { this._alpha = 100; }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; this.onDragOut = function () { this._alpha = 90; }; } } frame 108 { stop(); } frame 109 { stop(); } frame 110 { stop(); } frame 111 { stop(); } frame 112 { stop(); } frame 113 { stop(); } frame 114 { stop(); } frame 115 { stop(); } frame 116 { stop(); } frame 117 { stop(); } frame 118 { stop(); } frame 119 { stop(); } frame 120 { stop(); } frame 121 { stop(); } frame 122 { stop(); } frame 123 { stop(); } frame 124 { stop(); }
Created: 8/10 -2018 04:44:57 Last modified: 8/10 -2018 04:44:57 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:35:16