Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Dress up with Jill.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #210995

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 30 Newgrounds API Classes { #initclip Object.registerClass('Newgrounds API Classes', com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim); #endinitclip } movieClip 70 { } movieClip 74 { } movieClip 75 { } movieClip 78 { } movieClip 79 { } movieClip 82 { } movieClip 85 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 90 { } movieClip 94 { } movieClip 95 { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 97 FlashAd { #initclip Object.registerClass('FlashAd', com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase); #endinitclip frame 1 { function initPlayButton() { if (this.playButton) { this.playButton.onRelease = onPlayClick; if (!this.showPlayButton) { this.playButton._visible = false; } } } function onPlayClick() { removeAd(); _visible = false; } stop(); } frame 2 { initPlayButton(); } frame 10 { initPlayButton(); } frame 20 { initPlayButton(); } } movieClip 100 { } movieClip 101 { } movieClip 103 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 104 Preloader { frame 1 { function enterFrameHandler() { var v2 = 0; v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); if (loadingBar) { loadingBar.gotoAndStop(int(v2 * (loadingBar._totalframes - 1)) + 1); } if (v2 >= 1 && haltComplete != true) { onEnterFrame = null; gotoAndStop('loaded'); } } stop(); var autoPlay; var className; var haltComplete; onEnterFrame = enterFrameHandler; } frame 10 { function _onPlayClick() { _parent._onLoaded(); _root.Moneymedal = 0; _root.Shopaholicmedal = 0; _root.dressmedal = 0; _root.questionmedal = 0; _root.Shop.Cash = 0; _root.Probs = 0; _root.Probs1LabPicked = 0; _root.Probs2LabPicked = 0; _root.Probs1OfficePicked = 0; _root.Probs2OfficePicked = 0; _root.Background.Kolba45._visible = false; _root.random_ston = 0.1; _root.pussy._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonToys._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonToys.GalkaToy._visible = false; = false; _root.Quest5._visible = false; _root.Quest5.wrong._visible = false; _root.Quest5.Right._visible = false; _root.Background.ButtonQuest5._visible = false; _root.Quest4Mix._visible = false; _root.MixAcids._visible = false; _root.Background.tent._visible = false; _root.Background.tentburn._visible = false; _root.FlaskQuest._visible = false; _root.probirkiacid._visible = false; _root.probirki._visible = false; _root.FlaskQuestDrag._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask1blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask2blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask3blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask4blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask1green._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask2green._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask3green._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask4green._visible = false; _root.acidblueconc = 0; _root.acidgreenconc = 0; _root.PageAcid2._visible = false; _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = false; _root.musicRight = 0; _root.musicLeft = 0; = false; _root.options._visible = false; _root.secretcodecomplete = 0; _root.secretcodeaccepted = 0; _root.Message3._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.SocksColor._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsToy.GalkaToy._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaWeapons._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.MikrBig.GalkaMikr._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGlasses._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGloves._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig.GalkaJewel._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig.GalkaGuncase._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig.GalkaNecklace._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig.GalkaPubic._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaEyes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaPants._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties.GalkaPanties._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaShoes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties._visible = false; _root.CumCursor._visible = false; _root.JillWet._alpha = 0; _root.Tattoo._alpha = 0; _root.CumButtons._visible = false; _root.Shop._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonColorHair._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonsCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.Pantyhosescolor._visible = false; _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = false; _root.JillWET1 = 0; if (_root.Hats._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Hats._alpha -= 100; if (_root.Hats._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Hats._alpha = 0; } }; } if (_root.Wear._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Wear._alpha += 100; if (_root.Wear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Wear._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Underwear._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Underwear._alpha += 100; if (_root.Underwear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Underwear._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Legs._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Legs._alpha += 100; if (_root.Legs._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Legs._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Panties._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Panties._alpha += 100; if (_root.Panties._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Panties._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Socks._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Socks._alpha += 100; if (_root.Socks._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Socks._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Shoes._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Shoes._alpha += 100; if (_root.Shoes._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Shoes._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Weapons._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Weapons._alpha += 100; if (_root.Weapons._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Weapons._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.microphone._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.microphone._alpha += 100; if (_root.microphone._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.microphone._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Glasses._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Glasses._alpha += 100; if (_root.Glasses._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Glasses._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Gloves._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Gloves._alpha += 100; if (_root.Gloves._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Gloves._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Jewel._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Jewel._alpha += 100; if (_root.Jewel._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Jewel._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Guncase._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Guncase._alpha += 100; if (_root.Guncase._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Guncase._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Necklace._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Necklace._alpha += 100; if (_root.Necklace._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Necklace._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Pubic._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Pubic._alpha += 100; if (_root.Pubic._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Pubic._alpha = 100; } }; } _root.Pubic._alpha = 0; _root.Necklace._alpha = 0; _root.Glasses._alpha = 0; _root.microphone._alpha = 0; _root.Wet._alpha = 0; _root.Socks._alpha = 0; _root.Guncase._alpha = 0; _root.Gloves._alpha = 0; _root.Jewel._alpha = 0; _root.nextFrame(); } if (playButton) { playButton.onRelease = _onPlayClick; playButton.stop(); } if (autoPlay) { _onPlayClick(null); } } } movieClip 105 APIConnector { frame 1 { function _onLoaded() { gotoAndStop('invisible'); if (_redirect) { com.newgrounds.API.loadOfficialVersion(); return undefined; } } function _apiConnect() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.API; if (v2 && !v2.connected) { if (!apiId) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No API ID entered in the API Connector component.', 'You can create an API ID for this submission at', 'Enter your API ID into the API Connector using the Component Inspector (Window -> Component Inspector).'); return undefined; } switch (debugMode) { case 'Off': default: v2.debugMode = v2.RELEASE_MODE; goto 1319; case 'Simulate Logged-in User': //Invalid switch } v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN; goto 1319; case 'Off': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT; goto 1319; case 'Simulate Logged-in User': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION; goto 1319; case 'Simulate Logged-out User': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED; label 1319: if (loader) { loader.haltComplete = true; } v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, _onConnected); v2.connect(_root, apiId, encryptionKey, movieVersion); } } function _onConnected(event) { if (loader) { loader.haltComplete = false; } if (redirectOnNewVersion && event.__get__success() && (event.__get__data()).newVersion) { _redirect = true; } if (redirectOnHostBlocked && !event.__get__success() && event.__get__error() == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED) { _redirect = true; } if (_redirect) { gotoAndStop('adPreloader'); forceAlwaysOnTop(); } } function forceAlwaysOnTop() { var v2 = getNextHighestDepth(); swapDepths(v2); if (Stage) { _x = (Stage.width - _width) / 2; _y = (Stage.height - _height) / 2; _visible = true; } if (_root && _root instanceof MovieClip) { (MovieClip(_root)).stop(); } } stop(); if (_root && _root instanceof MovieClip) { (MovieClip(_root)).stop(); } var apiId; var encryptionKey; var movieVersion; var debugMode; var connectorType; var redirectOnHostBlocked; var redirectOnNewVersion; var adType; var className; var _redirect; _x = int(_x); _y = int(_y); if (!debugMode) { debugMode = 'Simulate Logged-in User'; } if (!connectorType) { connectorType = 'Flash Ad + Preloader'; } if (!adType) { adType = 'Video'; } if (ad) { ad.adType = adType; } switch (connectorType) { case 'Flash Ad + Preloader': gotoAndStop('adPreloader'); break; case 'Flash Ad Only': gotoAndStop('ad'); break; case 'Invisible': gotoAndStop('invisible'); } _apiConnect(); } instance ad of movieClip 97 FlashAd { onClipEvent (construct) { apiId = ''; showBorder = true; adType = 'Video'; } } instance loader of movieClip 104 Preloader { onClipEvent (construct) { autoPlay = false; mainClass = ''; } } } movieClip 112 BoundingBox { } movieClip 114 CheckFalseDisabled { } movieClip 116 CheckThemeColor1 { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor'); } } movieClip 118 CheckFalseDown { } movieClip 119 CheckFalseOver { } movieClip 121 CheckFalseUp { } movieClip 123 CheckTrueDisabled { } movieClip 124 CheckTrueDown { } movieClip 125 CheckTrueOver { } movieClip 126 CheckTrueUp { } movieClip 127 CheckBoxAssets { #initclip mx.controls.CheckBox.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () { var v4 = this._parent.focus_mc; var v2 = this.iconName; var v3 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = 8453965; } var v8 = v2._width + 4; var v5 = v2._height + 4; v4.setSize(v8, v5, 0, 100, v3); var v7 = v2._x; var v6 = v2._y; v4.move(this.x - 2 + v7, this.y + v6 - 2); }; #endinitclip frame 1 { } } movieClip 129 BrdrShdw { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'shadowColor'); } } movieClip 131 BrdrFace { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'buttonColor'); } } movieClip 132 SimpleButtonDown { } movieClip 134 BrdrBlk { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'borderColor'); } } movieClip 136 BrdrHilght { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'highlightColor'); } } movieClip 137 SimpleButtonIn { } movieClip 138 SimpleButtonUp { } movieClip 139 Defaults { #initclip Object.registerClass('Defaults', mx.skins.halo.Defaults); #endinitclip } movieClip 140 UIObjectExtensions { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIObjectExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions); #endinitclip } movieClip 141 UIObject { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIObject', mx.core.UIObject); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } button 144 { on (keyPress '<Tab>') { this.tabHandler(); } } movieClip 145 { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } #endinitclip frame 1 { } } movieClip 146 FocusRect { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusRect', mx.skins.halo.FocusRect); #endinitclip } movieClip 147 FocusManager { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 148 UIComponentExtensions { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIComponentExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions); #endinitclip } movieClip 149 UIComponent { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIComponent', mx.core.UIComponent); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 150 SimpleButton { #initclip Object.registerClass('SimpleButton', mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 151 Border { #initclip Object.registerClass('Border', mx.skins.Border); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 152 RectBorder { #initclip mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(mx.skins.RectBorder.symbolName, Object(mx.skins.RectBorder)); Object.registerClass('RectBorder', mx.skins.halo.RectBorder); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 153 ButtonSkin { #initclip Object.registerClass('ButtonSkin', mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin); #endinitclip } movieClip 154 Button { #initclip Object.registerClass('Button', mx.controls.Button); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 150 SimpleButton { onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } } movieClip 155 CheckBox { #initclip Object.registerClass('CheckBox', mx.controls.CheckBox); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 154 Button { onClipEvent (initialize) { icon = ''; label = 'Button'; labelPlacement = 'right'; selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } } movieClip 179 RadioFalseDisabled { } movieClip 181 RadioThemeColor1 { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor'); } } movieClip 184 { } movieClip 185 RadioThemeColor2 { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor'); } } movieClip 186 RadioFalseDown { } movieClip 187 RadioFalseOver { } movieClip 188 RadioFalseUp { } movieClip 189 RadioTrueDisabled { } movieClip 190 RadioTrueUp { } movieClip 191 RadioButtonAssets { #initclip mx.controls.RadioButton.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () { var v4 = this._parent.focus_mc; var v2 = this.iconName; var v3 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = 8453965; } var v5 = v2._width + 4; var v6 = v2._height + 4; v4.setSize(v5, v6, 8, 100, v3); var v8 = v2._x; var v7 = v2._y; v4.move(this.x - 2 + v8, this.y + v7 - 2); }; #endinitclip frame 1 { } } movieClip 192 RadioButton { #initclip Object.registerClass('RadioButton', mx.controls.RadioButton); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } instance foo of movieClip 154 Button { onClipEvent (initialize) { icon = ''; label = 'Button'; labelPlacement = 'right'; selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } } frame 1 { API.disconnect(); } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { com.newgrounds.API.connect(root, '37402:ccbxvrfj', 'urH8XGz6n8uymaLq9bxCVBslzLBM7ahd'); stop(); } frame 1 { stop(); } button 195 { on (press) { nextFrame(); _root.Hats._visible = false; _root.Socks._visible = false; _root.Glasses._visible = false; _root.microphone._visible = false; _root.Wet._visible = false; _root.Pubic._visible = false; _root.Guncase._visible = false; _root.Gloves._visible = false; _root.Jewel._visible = false; _root.Necklace._visible = false; _root.CumCursor._visible = false; _root.JillWet._visible = false; _root.CumButtons._visible = false; _root.Shop._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonColorHair._visible = false; _root.Shop.Cash = 40000; _root.Allbuttons.myCheckBoxUnderwear._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.myCheckBoxPanties._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.myCheckBoxNecklace._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.myCheckBoxGuncase2._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.myCheckBoxGuncase._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.myCheckBoxWet._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.myCheckBoxPubic._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonsCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.Pantyhosescolor._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.Buttonface._visible = false; _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = false; } } movieClip 200 { } movieClip 201 { frame 1 { stop(); random_number = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000); delay = setTimeout(this, 'play', random_number); } } button 204 { on (press) { nextFrame(); _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = false; _root.musicRight = 0; _root.musicLeft = 0; = false; _root.options._visible = false; _root.secretcodecomplete = 0; _root.secretcodeaccepted = 0; _root.Message3._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.SocksColor._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsToy.GalkaToy._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaWeapons._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.MikrBig.GalkaMikr._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGlasses._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGloves._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig.GalkaJewel._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig.GalkaGuncase._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig.GalkaNecklace._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig.GalkaPubic._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaEyes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaPants._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties.GalkaPanties._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaShoes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties._visible = false; _root.Socks._alpha = 0; _root.Glasses._alpha = 0; _root.microphone._alpha = 0; _root.Wet._alpha = 0; _root.Pubic._alpha = 0; _root.Guncase._alpha = 0; _root.Gloves._alpha = 0; _root.Jewel._alpha = 0; _root.Necklace._alpha = 0; _root.CumCursor._visible = false; _root.JillWet._alpha = 0; _root.Tattoo._alpha = 0; _root.CumButtons._visible = false; _root.Shop._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonColorHair._visible = false; _root.Shop.Cash = 1000; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonsCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.Pantyhosescolor._visible = false; _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = false; _root.JillWET1 = 0; if (_root.Hats._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Hats._alpha -= 100; if (_root.Hats._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Hats._alpha = 0; } }; } if (_root.Wear._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Wear._alpha += 100; if (_root.Wear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Wear._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Underwear._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Underwear._alpha += 100; if (_root.Underwear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Underwear._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Legs._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Legs._alpha += 100; if (_root.Legs._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Legs._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Panties._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Panties._alpha += 100; if (_root.Panties._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Panties._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Socks._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Socks._alpha += 100; if (_root.Socks._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Socks._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Shoes._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Shoes._alpha += 100; if (_root.Shoes._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Shoes._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Weapons._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Weapons._alpha += 100; if (_root.Weapons._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Weapons._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.microphone._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.microphone._alpha += 100; if (_root.microphone._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.microphone._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Glasses._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Glasses._alpha += 100; if (_root.Glasses._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Glasses._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Gloves._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Gloves._alpha += 100; if (_root.Gloves._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Gloves._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Jewel._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Jewel._alpha += 100; if (_root.Jewel._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Jewel._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Guncase._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Guncase._alpha += 100; if (_root.Guncase._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Guncase._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Necklace._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Necklace._alpha += 100; if (_root.Necklace._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Necklace._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Pubic._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Pubic._alpha += 100; if (_root.Pubic._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Pubic._alpha = 100; } }; } } } button 205 { on (press) { nextFrame(); _root.Moneymedal = 0; _root.Shopaholicmedal = 0; _root.dressmedal = 0; _root.questionmedal = 0; _root.Shop.Cash = 0; _root.Probs = 0; _root.Probs1LabPicked = 0; _root.Probs2LabPicked = 0; _root.Probs1OfficePicked = 0; _root.Probs2OfficePicked = 0; _root.Background.Kolba45._visible = false; _root.random_ston = 0.1; _root.pussy._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonToys._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonToys.GalkaToy._visible = false; = false; _root.Quest5._visible = false; _root.Quest5.wrong._visible = false; _root.Quest5.Right._visible = false; _root.Background.ButtonQuest5._visible = false; _root.Quest4Mix._visible = false; _root.MixAcids._visible = false; _root.Background.tent._visible = false; _root.Background.tentburn._visible = false; _root.FlaskQuest._visible = false; _root.probirkiacid._visible = false; _root.probirki._visible = false; _root.FlaskQuestDrag._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask1blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask2blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask3blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask4blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask1green._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask2green._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask3green._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask4green._visible = false; _root.acidblueconc = 0; _root.acidgreenconc = 0; _root.PageAcid2._visible = false; _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = false; _root.musicRight = 0; _root.musicLeft = 0; = false; _root.options._visible = false; _root.secretcodecomplete = 0; _root.secretcodeaccepted = 0; _root.Message3._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.SocksColor._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsToy.GalkaToy._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaWeapons._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.MikrBig.GalkaMikr._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGlasses._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGloves._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig.GalkaJewel._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig.GalkaGuncase._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig.GalkaNecklace._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig.GalkaPubic._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaEyes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaPants._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties.GalkaPanties._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaShoes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties._visible = false; _root.CumCursor._visible = false; _root.JillWet._alpha = 0; _root.Tattoo._alpha = 0; _root.CumButtons._visible = false; _root.Shop._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonColorHair._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonsCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.Pantyhosescolor._visible = false; _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = false; _root.JillWET1 = 0; if (_root.Hats._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Hats._alpha -= 100; if (_root.Hats._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Hats._alpha = 0; } }; } if (_root.Wear._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Wear._alpha += 100; if (_root.Wear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Wear._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Underwear._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Underwear._alpha += 100; if (_root.Underwear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Underwear._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Legs._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Legs._alpha += 100; if (_root.Legs._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Legs._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Panties._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Panties._alpha += 100; if (_root.Panties._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Panties._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Socks._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Socks._alpha += 100; if (_root.Socks._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Socks._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Shoes._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Shoes._alpha += 100; if (_root.Shoes._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Shoes._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Weapons._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Weapons._alpha += 100; if (_root.Weapons._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Weapons._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.microphone._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.microphone._alpha += 100; if (_root.microphone._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.microphone._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Glasses._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Glasses._alpha += 100; if (_root.Glasses._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Glasses._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Gloves._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Gloves._alpha += 100; if (_root.Gloves._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Gloves._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Jewel._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Jewel._alpha += 100; if (_root.Jewel._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Jewel._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Guncase._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Guncase._alpha += 100; if (_root.Guncase._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Guncase._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Necklace._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Necklace._alpha += 100; if (_root.Necklace._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Necklace._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Pubic._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Pubic._alpha += 100; if (_root.Pubic._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Pubic._alpha = 100; } }; } _root.Pubic._alpha = 0; _root.Necklace._alpha = 0; _root.Glasses._alpha = 0; _root.microphone._alpha = 0; _root.Wet._alpha = 0; _root.Socks._alpha = 0; _root.Guncase._alpha = 0; _root.Gloves._alpha = 0; _root.Jewel._alpha = 0; } } movieClip 207 { } movieClip 210 { } movieClip 212 { frame 1 { loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded(); totalbytes = getBytesTotal(); percentbytes = int(loadedbytes / (totalbytes / 100)); _root.LoadBar.gotoAndStop(percentbytes); } frame 2 { Mouse.hide(); startDrag('_root.cursor', true); if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) { gotoAndStop(2); _root.StartBut._visible = true; _root.pressstart._visible = true; } else { _root.StartBut._visible = false; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } button 215 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance ____loader of movieClip 104 Preloader { onClipEvent (construct) { autoPlay = false; mainClass = ''; } } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 219 { } movieClip 39 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.reset(); }; com.newgrounds.APIConnection = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__hostURL = function () { return this._hostURL; }; v2.__set__hostURL = function (value) { this._hostURL = value; this.hostDomain = null; if (this._hostURL) { var v2 = this._hostURL.split('/'); if (v2[0] != 'file:' && this._hostURL != 'localhost') { this.hostDomain = (v2.splice(0, 3)).join('/'); } } if (!this.hostDomain) { this.hostDomain = 'localhost'; } return this.__get__hostURL(); }; v2.__get__sandboxType = function () { return; }; v2.__get__isNetworkHost = function () { switch (this.__get__sandboxType()) { return true; case 'localWithFile': case 'localWithNetwork': case 'localTrusted': case 'application': return false; case 'remote': } return true; }; v2.__get__hasUserSession = function () { return this.sessionId != null && this.sessionId != '' && this.publisherId != 0; }; v2.__get__connected = function () { return this.connectionState == com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED; }; v2.reset = function () { this.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.NOT_CONNECTED; this.encryptionKey = null; this.sessionId = null; this.userEmail = null; this.username = null; this.userId = 0; this.userpageFormat = 0; }; v2.assertInitialized = function () { if (!this.initialized) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('You must initialized the API using API.connect() before using this command.'); return false; } return true; }; v2.assertConnected = function () { if (!this.connectionState == com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('You must establish a connection using API.connect() before using this command.'); return false; } return true; }; v2.sendSimpleCommand = function (command, completeHandler, parameters, secureParameters) { if (parameters == undefined) { parameters = null; } if (secureParameters == undefined) { secureParameters = null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand(command); v2.__set__parameters(parameters); v2.__set__secureParameters(secureParameters); if (completeHandler != null) { v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, completeHandler); } v2.send(this); }; v2.sendCommand = function (command) { command.send(this); }; v2.loadInBrowser = function (command, newWindow, parameters) { if (newWindow == undefined) { newWindow = true; } if (parameters == undefined) { parameters = null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand(command); v2.__set__parameters(parameters); v2.loadInBrowser(this, newWindow); }; v1.NOT_CONNECTED = 'notConnected'; v1.CONNECTING = 'connecting'; v1.CONNECTED = 'connected'; v2.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.NOT_CONNECTED; v2.apiURL = ''; v2.addProperty('connected', v2.__get__connected, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hasUserSession', v2.__get__hasUserSession, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hostURL', v2.__get__hostURL, v2.__set__hostURL); v2.addProperty('isNetworkHost', v2.__get__isNetworkHost, function () {}); v2.addProperty('sandboxType', v2.__get__sandboxType, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIConnection.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 32 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this._listeners = {}; }; com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.addEventListener = function (type, listener) { if (!this._listeners[type]) { this._listeners[type] = []; } if (typeof listener == 'function') { this._listeners[type].push({'target': null, 'func': listener}); } else { this._listeners[type].push(listener); } }; v2.removeEventListener = function (type, listener) { var v3 = this._listeners[type]; if (v3) { var v5 = v3.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { if (v3[v2].func == listener || v3[v2] == listener) { v3.splice(v2, 1); return undefined; } ++v2; } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (event) { var v4 = this._listeners[event.__get__type()]; if (v4) { var v5 = v4.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = v4[v2];, event); ++v2; } } return true; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 31 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (type) { this._type = type; }; com.newgrounds.Event = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Event.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 33 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher = v1; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher extends com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__globalDispatcher = function () { return com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher; }; v1.__set__globalDispatcher = function (value) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher = value; return com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.__get__globalDispatcher(); }; v1.initEventQueue = function () { setInterval(com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.runEventQueue, 50); return []; }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (event) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue.push({'dispatcher': this, 'event': event}); return true; }; v2.actualDispatchEvent = function (event) { var v3 = super.dispatchEvent(event); if (com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher && this != com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event); } }; v1.runEventQueue = function (event) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue.length; if (v3) { var v4 = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue = []; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { var v2 = v4[v1]; v2.dispatcher.actualDispatchEvent(v2.event); ++v1; } } }; v1._eventQueue = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.initEventQueue(); v1.addProperty('globalDispatcher', v1.__get__globalDispatcher, v1.__set__globalDispatcher); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 36 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (hash) { if (hash) { this._hash = hash; } else { this._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN.DEFAULT_HASH; } this._base = this._hash.length; this._reverseHash = new Object(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this._hash.length) { this._reverseHash[this._hash.charAt(v2)] = v2; ++v2; } }; com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.encodeUint = function (number, minimumChars) { if (minimumChars == undefined) { minimumChars = 1; } var v2 = ''; var v3 = number; while (v3 != 0) { v2 = this._hash.charAt(v3 % this._base) + v2; v3 /= this._base; v3 = int(v3); } while (v2.length < minimumChars) { v2 = this._hash.charAt(0) + v2; } return v2; }; v2.decodeUint = function (encodedNumber) { var v3 = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < encodedNumber.length) { v3 *= this._base; v3 += this._reverseHash[encodedNumber.charAt(v2)]; ++v2; } return v3; }; v1.DEFAULT_HASH = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`~@#$%^&*()+|;/'; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 42 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (command) { super(); this._command = command; this._parameters = new Object(); this._secureParameters = new Object(); this._hasTimeout = true; }; com.newgrounds.APICommand = v1; com.newgrounds.APICommand extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.stopPendingCommands = function () { for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]; v1.close(); } com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands = []; }; v1.onThrottleTimer = function (event) { if (getTimer() - com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleTimestamp >= com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_INTERVAL) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount = 0; com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount = 0; for (;;) { if (!(com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.length && com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount < com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD)) break; var v1 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.shift(); v1.command.send(v1.connection); ++com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount; } } }; v1.encryptHex = function (hexValue) { var v4 = hexValue.length % 6; var v3 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < hexValue.length) { v3 += com.newgrounds.APICommand._encryptor.encodeUint(int('0x' + hexValue.substr(v1, 6)), 4); v1 += 6; } return v4.toString() + v3; }; v2.__get__command = function () { return this._command; }; v2.__set__command = function (value) { this._command = value; return this.__get__command(); }; v2.__get__hasTimeout = function () { return this._hasTimeout; }; v2.__set__hasTimeout = function (val) { this._hasTimeout = val; return this.__get__hasTimeout(); }; v2.__get__parameters = function () { return this._parameters; }; v2.__set__parameters = function (object) { this._parameters = new Object(); if (object) { for (var v3 in object) { this._parameters[v3] = object[v3]; } } return this.__get__parameters(); }; v2.__get__preventCache = function () { return this._preventCache; }; v2.__set__preventCache = function (value) { this._preventCache = value; return this.__get__preventCache(); }; v2.__get__secureParameters = function () { return this._secureParameters; }; v2.__set__secureParameters = function (object) { this._secureParameters = new Object(); if (object) { for (var v3 in object) { this._secureParameters[v3] = object[v3]; } } return this.__get__secureParameters(); }; v2.__get__hasSecureParameters = function () { for (var v2 in this._secureParameters) { return true; } return false; }; v2.addFile = function (filename, data, dataField, contentType) { if (contentType == undefined) { contentType = 'application/octet-stream'; } if (!this._files) { this._files = new Object(); } var v3 = {'filename': filename, 'data': data, 'dataField': dataField, 'contentType': contentType}; this._files[filename] = v3; }; v2.removeFile = function (filename) { if (this._files) { delete this._files[filename]; } }; v2.clearFiles = function () { this._files = null; }; v2.close = function () { if (this._loader) { clearInterval(this._timeoutTimer); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.length) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2] == this) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } this._loader = null; } }; v2.loadInBrowser = function (connection, newWindow) { this._parameters.command_id = this._command; this._parameters.tracker_id = connection.apiId ? connection.apiId : 1; if (connection.debug) { this._parameters.debug = 1; } var v3 = connection.apiURL + '?host=' + escape(connection.hostDomain); for (var v4 in this._parameters) { v3 += '&' + escape(v4) + '=' + escape(this._parameters[v4]); } var v6; if (newWindow) { v6 = '_blank'; } else { v6 = '_top'; } _root.getURL(v3, v6); }; v2.send = function (connection) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount >= com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.push({'connection': connection, 'command': this}); } else { this.sendInternal(connection); } }; v2.sendInternal = function (connection) { var v4; v4 = new LoadVars(); v4.command_id = this._command; v4.tracker_id = connection.apiId; if (connection.debug) { v4.debug = 1; } if (this._preventCache) { v4.seed = Math.random(); } var v2; var v3; var v7; for (v2 in this._parameters) { v3 = this._parameters[v2]; if (v3 != null) { if (typeof v3 == 'boolean') { v4[v2] = int(v3); } else { v4[v2] = v3; } } } if (this.__get__hasSecureParameters()) { var v6 = new Object(); for (v2 in this._secureParameters) { v3 = this._secureParameters[v2]; if (v3 != null) { if (typeof v3 == 'boolean') { v6[v2] = int(v3); } else { v6[v2] = v3; } } } var v8 = ''; v7 = 0; while (v7 < 16) { v8 += com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX.charAt(int(Math.random() * com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX.length)); ++v7; } v4.command_id = 'securePacket'; v6.command_id = this._command; v6.as_version = 3; v6.session_id = connection.sessionId; v6.user_email = connection.userEmail; v6.publisher_id = connection.publisherId; v6.seed = v8; var v13 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.hash(v8); var v11 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v6), connection.encryptionKey); = com.newgrounds.APICommand.encryptHex(v13 + v11); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Sending packet:', v4); var v12; v12 = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; for (v2 in v4) { if (typeof v4[v2] == 'object') { v4[v2] = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v4[v2]); } } if (this._files) { for (var v10 in this._files) { var v5 = this._files[v10]; if (typeof == 'string') { v4[v10] =; } else { v4[v10] = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(; } } } com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.push(this); ++com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount; com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleTimestamp = getTimer(); this.startLoader(connection.apiURL, v4, v12); }; v2.startLoader = function (url, data, contentType) { this._loader = LoadVars(data); this._loader.onData = this.as2CompleteHandler; this._loader.contentType = contentType; this._loader.sendAndLoad(url, this._loader, 'POST'); if (this._hasTimeout) { setInterval(this, this.onTimeout, com.newgrounds.APICommand.TIMEOUT_INTERVAL); } }; v2.as2CompleteHandler = function (data) { var v3; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.length) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]._loader == this) { v3 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]; break; } ++v2; } v3.onComplete(data); }; v2.onTimeout = function (event) { this.close(); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Command timed out.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_TIMED_OUT)); }; v2.onError = function (error) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error when sending command:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_UNKNOWN)); this.close(); }; v2.onComplete = function (data) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Received packet:', data); try { if (!data || data == '') { throw new Error(); } var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(data); if (!v2) { throw new Error(); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, v2, (v2 && v2.success) ? com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE : com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_COMMAND_FAILED)); if (com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge) { com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge.sendEvent(v2.command_id, v2); } } catch (e) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid response returned from server: ' + data); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE)); } this.close(); }; v1.TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000; v1.THROTTLE_INTERVAL = 10050; v1.THROTTLE_TICK_INTERVAL = 1000; v1.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD = 24; v1._throttleCount = 0; v1._commandQueue = []; v1._throttleTimer = setInterval(com.newgrounds.APICommand.onThrottleTimer, com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_TICK_INTERVAL); v1.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX = '/g8236klvBQ#&|;Zb*7CEA59%s`Oue1wziFp$rDVY@TKxUPWytSaGHJ>dmoMR^<0~4qNLhc(I+fjn)X'; v1._encryptor = new com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN(com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX); v1._pendingCommands = []; v1.CRLF = '\r\n'; v2.addProperty('command', v2.__get__command, v2.__set__command); v2.addProperty('hasSecureParameters', v2.__get__hasSecureParameters, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hasTimeout', v2.__get__hasTimeout, v2.__set__hasTimeout); v2.addProperty('parameters', v2.__get__parameters, v2.__set__parameters); v2.addProperty('preventCache', v2.__get__preventCache, v2.__set__preventCache); v2.addProperty('secureParameters', v2.__get__secureParameters, v2.__set__secureParameters); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APICommand.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 38 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (id) { super(); this._widgetId = id; this._inConnection = new LocalConnection(); this._outConnection = new LocalConnection(); var me = this; this._inConnection.receiveEvent = function () { me.receiveEvent.apply(me, arguments); }; this._inConnection.allowInsecureDomain = function (d) { return d == '' || d == '' || d == ''; }; this._inConnection.allowDomain = this._inConnection.allowInsecureDomain; this._inConnection.connect('_rec_' + this._widgetId); com.newgrounds.Logger.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.LOG, {'target': this, 'func': this.onLogMessage}); }; com.newgrounds.Bridge = v1; com.newgrounds.Bridge extends com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__widgetId = function () { return this._widgetId; }; v2.onLogMessage = function (event) { try { this._outConnection.send(this._widgetId, 'sendEvent', 'trace', String(event.__get__data())); } }; v2.sendEvent = function (command, parameters) { if (this._outConnection) { parameters = {'data': parameters}; try { this._outConnection.send(this._widgetId, 'sendEvent', command, parameters); } } }; v2.receiveEvent = function (responseData) { var v2; try { v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(responseData); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.BRIDGE_EVENT_RECEIVED, v2, (v2 == null) ? com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_UNKNOWN : null)); }; v2.onStatus = function (event) {}; v2.addProperty('widgetId', v2.__get__widgetId, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Bridge.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 34 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (type, data, error) { super(type); if (data == undefined) { data = null; } if (error == undefined) { error = null; } if (!error || error == '' || error == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE) { this._error = com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE; this._success = true; } else { this._error = error; this._success = false; } if (data) { this._data = data; } else { this._data = {}; } }; com.newgrounds.APIEvent = v1; com.newgrounds.APIEvent extends com.newgrounds.Event; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.clone = function () { return new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(this.__get__type(), this._data, this._error); }; v2.__get__success = function () { return this._success; }; v2.__get__data = function () { return this._data; }; v2.__get__error = function () { return this._error; }; v1.COMMAND_COMPLETE = 'commandComplete'; v1.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED = 'medalUnlockConfirmed'; v1.ICON_LOADED = 'iconLoaded'; v1.BRIDGE_EVENT_RECEIVED = 'brdigeEventReceived'; v1.API_CONNECTED = 'movieConnected'; v1.LOG = 'log'; v1.MEDAL_UNLOCKED = 'medalUnlocked'; v1.SCORES_LOADED = 'scoresLoaded'; v1.SCORE_POSTED = 'scorePosted'; v1.QUERY_COMPLETE = 'queryComplete'; v1.FILE_LOADED = 'fileLoaded'; v1.FILE_SAVED = 'fileSaved'; v1.FILE_DELETED = 'fileDeleted'; v1.FILE_REQUESTED = 'fileRequested'; v1.VOTE_COMPLETE = 'voteComplete'; v1.USER_SIGNED_IN = 'userSignedIn'; v1.ERROR_NONE = 'noError'; v1.ERROR_UNKNOWN = 'unknownError'; v1.ERROR_COMMAND_FAILED = 'commandFailed'; v1.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED = 'notConnected'; v1.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 'invalidArgument'; v1.ERROR_TIMED_OUT = 'timedOut'; v1.ERROR_BAD_FILE = 'badFile'; v1.ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE = 'badResponse'; v1.ERROR_SENDING_COMMAND = 'errorSendingCommand'; v1.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED = 'hostBlocked'; v1.ERROR_ALREADY_VOTED = 'alreadyVoted'; v1.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN = 'notLoggedIn'; v1.ERROR_WRONG_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'wrongEncryptionKey'; v1.ERROR_SIGN_IN_FAILED = 'signInFailed'; v2.addProperty('data', v2.__get__data, function () {}); v2.addProperty('error', v2.__get__error, function () {}); v2.addProperty('success', v2.__get__success, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 53 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.API = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__connected = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__connected(); }; v1.__get__isNetworkHost = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__isNetworkHost(); }; v1.__get__apiId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.apiId; }; v1.__get__debugMode = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._debugMode; }; v1.__set__debugMode = function (val) { com.newgrounds.API._debugMode = val; return com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode(); }; v1.__get__publisherId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId; }; v1.__get__sessionId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId; }; v1.__get__hostDomain = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain; }; v1.__get__hostURL = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hostURL(); }; v1.__get__isNewgrounds = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId == 1; }; v1.__get__hasUserSession = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hasUserSession(); }; v1.__get__username = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.username; }; v1.__get__userId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId; }; v1.assertConnected = function (eventType) { if (eventType == undefined) { eventType = null; } if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertConnected()) { return true; } else { if (eventType) { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(eventType, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); } return false; } }; v1.__get__serverTime = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._serverTime; }; v1.__get__adsApproved = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._adsApproved; }; v1.__get__adFeedURL = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL; }; v1.__get__medals = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray; }; v1.__get__scoreBoards = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray; }; v1.__get__saveGroups = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray; }; v1.connect = function (_root, apiId, encryptionKey, movieVersion) { if (encryptionKey == undefined) { encryptionKey = null; } if (movieVersion == undefined) { movieVersion = ''; } com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.__set__globalDispatcher(com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher);''); if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.initialized) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Connection already in progress. Please call API.disconnect() before attempting another connection.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); return undefined; } apiId = com.newgrounds.API.trimWhitespace(apiId); if (encryptionKey) { encryptionKey = com.newgrounds.API.trimWhitespace(encryptionKey); } if (!apiId || apiId == '') { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No apiId given. Please use the API ID from your API settings page.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('====== Newgrounds API v' + com.newgrounds.API.VERSION + ' ======'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTING; _root = _root; com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion = movieVersion; com.newgrounds.API._connection.apiId = apiId; var v4; v4 = apiId.indexOf(':'); if (v4 != -1) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId = int(apiId.substring(0, v4)); } else { com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId = int(apiId); } if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid API ID: ' + apiId); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey = encryptionKey; com.newgrounds.API._connection.initialized = true; com.newgrounds.API._connection.__set__hostURL(_root._url); com.newgrounds.API.doConnect(_root); }; v1.doConnect = function (flashVars) { if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__isNetworkHost() && com.newgrounds.API._debugMode != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Live file detected, turning off debug mode.'); com.newgrounds.API._debugMode = com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE; } if (flashVars && flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID) { com.newgrounds.API._bridge = new com.newgrounds.Bridge(flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID); com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge = com.newgrounds.API._bridge; } else { com.newgrounds.API._bridge = new com.newgrounds.Bridge(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.hash(String(Math.random()))); com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge = com.newgrounds.API._bridge; } if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { if (flashVars) { if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserName) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.username = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserName; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserpageFormat) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.userpageFormat = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserpageFormat; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveGroupID) { com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveGroupId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveGroupID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveFileID) { com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveFileID; } } } else { com.newgrounds.API._connection.debug = true; if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN || com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId = 1; } if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId = 'D3bu64p1U53R'; com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId = 10; com.newgrounds.API._connection.username = 'API-Debugger'; } } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('connectMovie', com.newgrounds.API.onConnect, {'host': com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain, 'movie_version': com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion, 'publisher_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId}); }; v1.onConnect = function (event) { var v1 = event.__get__data(); if (!event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to connect to the API.'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, event.__get__data(), event.__get__error()); return undefined; } if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode() != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL = com.newgrounds.API.TEST_AD_FEED_URL; } else { if (v1.ad_url) { com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL = unescape(v1.ad_url); } } switch (v1.ad_status) { case -1: com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Your movie is not approved to run Flash Ads.'); break; case 0: com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Your movie is still awaiting approval to run Flash Ads.'); break; case 1: com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Your movie is approved to run Flash Ads!'); } com.newgrounds.API._adsApproved = v1.ad_status == 1; if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED || v1.deny_host) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain + ' does not have permission to host this movie!', 'Update your API configuration to allow this host.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'officialURL': unescape(v1.movie_url)}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED); com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._movieName = v1.movieName ? v1.movieName : ''; com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Connecting to the Newgrounds API Gateway...', '----- ' + v1.movie_name + ' -----'); if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION) { v1.movie_version = 'Debug Mode'; } if (v1.movie_version) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('A new version of this movie is available.', 'Current version:\t' + com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion, 'Newest version:\t' + v1.movie_version, 'Use API.loadOfficialVersion() to link to the latest version.'); com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = true; } else { com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = false; } com.newgrounds.API._serverTime = new Date(int(v1.time) * 1000); if (v1.request_portal_url) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('setPortalID', null, {'portal_url': com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hostURL()}); } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('preloadSettings', com.newgrounds.API.onMetadataLoaded, {'publisher_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId, 'user_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId}); }; v1.onMetadataLoaded = function (event) { var v11 = event.__get__data(); var v4; var v1; if (!event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Unable to load movie metadata.'); com.newgrounds.API.disconnect(); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, null, event.__get__error()); return undefined; } var v10 = 0; if (v11.medals) { v10 = v11.medals.length; var v18; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { v18 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); } else { v18 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked'); } v4 = 0; while (v4 < v10) { var v5 = v11.medals[v4]; var v15 = v5.medal_unlocked; var v17 = v18 && v18[v5.medal_id]; var v14 = com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession() ? v15 : v17; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode() != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { v14 = false; } var v6 = new com.newgrounds.Medal(com.newgrounds.API._connection, v5.medal_id, v5.medal_name, v5.medal_description, Boolean(int(v5.secret)), v14, v5.medal_value, v5.medal_difficulty, v5.medal_icon); v6.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlocked, false, 0, true); v6.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlockConfirmed, false, 0, true); com.newgrounds.API._medals[v6.__get__name()] = v6; com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray.push(v6); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v6); if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession() && v17 && !v15) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Server missed the "' + v6.__get__name() + '" unlock. Resending...'); v6.unlock(); } ++v4; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' medal' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); v10 = 0; if (v11.score_boards) { v10 = v11.score_boards.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v10) { var v16 = v11.score_boards[v4]; var v9 = new com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard(com.newgrounds.API._connection,,; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[v9.__get__name()] = v9; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray.push(v9); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v9); ++v4; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' scoreboard' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); v10 = 0; if (v11.save_groups) { v10 = v11.save_groups.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v10) { var v2 = v11.save_groups[v4]; var v13 = []; if (v2.keys) { v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.keys.length) { var v7 = v2.keys[v1]; v13.push(new com.newgrounds.SaveKey(,, v7.type)); ++v1; } } var v12 = []; if (v2.ratings) { v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.ratings.length) { var v3 = v2.ratings[v1]; v12.push(new com.newgrounds.SaveRating(,, v3.float, v3.min, v3.max)); ++v1; } } var v8 = new com.newgrounds.SaveGroup(com.newgrounds.API._connection, v2.group_name, v2.group_id, v2.group_type, v13, v12); com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[v8.__get__name()] = v8; com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray.push(v8); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v8); ++v4; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' save group' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); if (v11.save_file_path) { com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath = v11.save_file_path + '/'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._saveFilePath = com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath; com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Save file path: ' + com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath); } if (v11.image_file_path) { com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath = v11.image_file_path + '/'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._imageFilePath = com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath; com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Image file path: ' + com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Connection complete!'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED; com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'movieName': com.newgrounds.API._movieName, 'newVersion': com.newgrounds.API._newVersion}); if (com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId && com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveGroupId) { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, com.newgrounds.API.onRequestedFileLoaded); com.newgrounds.API.loadSaveFile(com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId, false); } }; v1.disconnect = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__connected()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('The Newgrounds API is already disconnected.'); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.API._medals) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[v2]; v1.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlocked); v1.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlockConfirmed); } com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = false; com.newgrounds.API._medals = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath = null; com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath = null; com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Disconnected from the Newgrounds API.'); }; v1.loadNewgrounds = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadNewgrounds'); }; v1.loadOfficialVersion = function () { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadOfficialVersion', false); } }; v1.promptSignIn = function () { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { getURL(com.newgrounds.API.PASSPORT_URL + com.newgrounds.API._bridge.__get__widgetId(), '_blank'); com.newgrounds.API._bridge.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.BRIDGE_EVENT_RECEIVED, com.newgrounds.API.onUserSignedIn, false, 0, true); } }; v1.onUserSignedIn = function (e) { com.newgrounds.API._bridge.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.BRIDGE_EVENT_RECEIVED, com.newgrounds.API.onUserSignedIn); var v1 = e.__get__data(); if (e.__get__success()) { try { if (v1.NewgroundsAPI_UserName) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.username = v1.NewgroundsAPI_UserName; } if (v1.NewgroundsAPI_UserID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId = v1.NewgroundsAPI_UserID; } if (v1.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId = v1.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID; } if (v1.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId = v1.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('preloadSettings', com.newgrounds.API.onMetadataLoaded, {'publisher_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId, 'user_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId}); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('User ' + com.newgrounds.API._connection.username + ' signed in.'); } com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.USER_SIGNED_IN, null, e.__get__success() ? null : com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_SIGN_IN_FAILED); }; v1.loadMySite = function () { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadMySite'); } }; v1.loadCustomLink = function (linkName) { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadCustomLink', true, {'link': linkName}); } }; v1.getMedal = function (medalName) { return com.newgrounds.API._medals[medalName]; }; v1.unlockMedal = function (medalName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return undefined; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[medalName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No medal named "' + medalName + '" w.'); return undefined; } v1.unlock(); }; v1.onMedalUnlocked = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { var v2 = com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data()); var v1; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } v1[v2.__get__id()] = true; com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username(), v1); } else { v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked'); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } v1[(com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data())).__get__id()] = true; com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked', v1); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('User instanceof not logged in. Medal "' + v2.__get__name() + '" unlocked locally.'); } } }; v1.onMedalUnlockConfirmed = function (event) { if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } else { delete v1[(com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data())).__get__id()]; } com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username(), v1); } }; v1.clearLocalMedals = function () { for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.API._medals) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[v2]; v1.setUnlocked(false); } if (!com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked', new Object()); } }; v1.getScoreBoard = function (scoreBoardName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; }; v1.loadScores = function (scoreBoardName, period, firstResult, numResults, tag) { if (period == undefined) { period = 'All-Time'; } if (firstResult == undefined) { firstResult = 1; } if (numResults == undefined) { numResults = 10; } if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No scoreboard named "' + scoreBoardName + '" w.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return null; } v1.__set__period(period); v1.__set__firstResult(firstResult); v1.__set__numResults(numResults); v1.__set__tag(tag); v1.loadScores(); return v1; }; v1.postScore = function (scoreBoardName, numericScore, tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return undefined; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to post a score.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN); return undefined; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No scoreboard named "' + scoreBoardName + '" w.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } v1.postScore(numericScore, tag); }; v1.getSaveGroup = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[groupName]; }; v1.getSaveGroupById = function (id) { for (var v3 in com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[v3]; if (v1.__get__id() == id) { return v1; } } return null; }; v1.createSaveFile = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroup(groupName); if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + groupName + '" w found.'); return null; } return new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(v1); }; v1.loadSaveFile = function (saveId, loadContents) { if (loadContents == undefined) { loadContents = true; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('loadSaveFile', com.newgrounds.API.onFileLoaded, {'save_id': saveId, 'get_contents': loadContents}); }; v1.onFileLoaded = function (event) { var v2; if (event.__get__success()) { v2 = com.newgrounds.SaveFile.fromObject(com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroupById((event.__get__data()).group_id), (event.__get__data()).file); if ((event.__get__data()).get_contents) { v2.load(); } else { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, v2); } } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load file:', event.__get__error()); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, null, event.__get__error()); } }; v1.createSaveQuery = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroup(groupName); if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + groupName + '" w found.'); return null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.SaveQuery(v1); return v2; }; v1.createSaveQueryByDate = function (groupName, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = true; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); if (!v1) { return null; } v1.sortOn(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.CREATED_ON, sortDescending); return v1; }; v1.createSaveQueryByName = function (groupName, filename, exactMatch, sortDescending) { if (exactMatch == undefined) { exactMatch = false; } if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = false; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); if (!exactMatch) { v1.addCondition(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.OPERATOR_CONTAINS, filename); return v1; } v1.addCondition(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.OPERATOR_EQUAL, filename); return v1; }; v1.createSaveQueryByRating = function (groupName, ratingName, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = true; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); v1.sortOn(ratingName, sortDescending); return v1; }; v1.onRequestedFileLoaded = function (event) { com.newgrounds.API.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, com.newgrounds.API.onRequestedFileLoaded); if (event.__get__success()) { var v1 = event.__get__data(); if (v1) { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_REQUESTED, v1); } } }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, listener, priority, useWeakReference) { if (priority == undefined) { priority = 0; } if (useWeakReference == undefined) { useWeakReference = true; } com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, listener, false, priority, useWeakReference); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, listener) { com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, listener); }; v1.dispatchEvent = function (event, data, error) { if (data == undefined) { data = null; } if (error == undefined) { error = null; } com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(event, data, error)); }; v1.saveLocal = function (saveId, saveData) { try { var v3; var v2 = 'ng_ap_secure_' + com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId + '_' + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(saveId, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); if (!com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]) { com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId] = SharedObject.getLocal(v2); } v3 = com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]; = com.newgrounds.API.encodeData(saveData); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to save local data.', error); return false; return true; } throw v0; } return true; }; v1.loadLocal = function (saveId) { try { var v1; var v3 = 'ng_ap_secure_' + com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId + '_' + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(saveId, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); if (!com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]) { com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId] = SharedObject.getLocal(v3); } v1 = com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]; if (v1 && && { return com.newgrounds.API.decodeData(; } return null; } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load local data.', error); return null; } throw v0; } return null; }; v1.logCustomEvent = function (eventName) { if (com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Logged event: ' + eventName); com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('logCustomEvent', null, {'event': eventName}); } }; v1.encodeData = function (data) { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(data), com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); }; v1.decodeData = function (data) { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { return null; } try { return com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.decrypt(data, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey)); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); return null; } throw v0; } return null; }; v1.stopPendingCommands = function () { com.newgrounds.APICommand.stopPendingCommands(); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Pending commands stopped.'); }; v1.trimWhitespace = function (string) { if (!string) { return null; } var v3 = 0; while (string.charAt(v3) == ' ') { ++v3; } var v1 = string.length - 1; for (;;) { if (!(string.charAt(v1) == ' ' && v1 >= 0)) break; --v1; } return string.slice(v3, v1 + 1); }; v1.VERSION = '3.2 AS2'; v1.RELEASE_MODE = 'releaseMode'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN = 'debugModeLoggedIn'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT = 'debugModeLoggedOut'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION = 'debugModeNewVersion'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED = 'debugModeHostBlocked'; v1.TEST_AD_FEED_URL = ''; v1.PASSPORT_URL = ''; v1._dispatcher = new com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher(); v1._connection = new com.newgrounds.APIConnection(); v1._debugMode = com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN; v1._adsApproved = false; v1._medals = new Object(); v1._medalsArray = []; v1._scoreBoards = new Object(); v1._scoreBoardsArray = []; v1._saveGroups = new Object(); v1._saveGroupsArray = []; v1._sharedObjects = new Object(); v1.addProperty('adFeedURL', v1.__get__adFeedURL, function () {}); v1.addProperty('adsApproved', v1.__get__adsApproved, function () {}); v1.addProperty('apiId', v1.__get__apiId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('connected', v1.__get__connected, function () {}); v1.addProperty('debugMode', v1.__get__debugMode, v1.__set__debugMode); v1.addProperty('hasUserSession', v1.__get__hasUserSession, function () {}); v1.addProperty('hostDomain', v1.__get__hostDomain, function () {}); v1.addProperty('hostURL', v1.__get__hostURL, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNetworkHost', v1.__get__isNetworkHost, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNewgrounds', v1.__get__isNewgrounds, function () {}); v1.addProperty('medals', v1.__get__medals, function () {}); v1.addProperty('publisherId', v1.__get__publisherId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('saveGroups', v1.__get__saveGroups, function () {}); v1.addProperty('scoreBoards', v1.__get__scoreBoards, function () {}); v1.addProperty('serverTime', v1.__get__serverTime, function () {}); v1.addProperty('sessionId', v1.__get__sessionId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('userId', v1.__get__userId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('username', v1.__get__username, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.API.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 50 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (hashLength, charsPerPixel) { if (hashLength) { this._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.DEFAULT_HASH.substr(0, hashLength); } this._baseN = new com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN(this._hash); if (charsPerPixel) { this._charsPerPixel = charsPerPixel; } this.__set__encodeAlpha(false); }; com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__encodeAlpha = function () { return this._encodeAlpha; }; v2.__set__encodeAlpha = function (v) { this._encodeAlpha = v; this._maxPerChannel = int(Math.pow(this._hash.length, this._charsPerPixel / (this._encodeAlpha ? 4 : 3))); if (this._maxPerChannel > 256) { this._maxPerChannel = 256; } return this.__get__encodeAlpha(); }; v2.encode = function (source, callbackFunction, callbackObject) { var v4 = {'callbackFunction': callbackFunction, 'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'source': source, 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'output': null}; var v2 = source.width.toString(); var v3 = source.height.toString(); while (v2.length < 3) { v2 = '0' + v2; } while (v3.length < 3) { v3 = '0' + v3; } v4.output = v2 + v3; var v6 = setInterval(this, 'doEncode', com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL, v4); v4.interval = v6; }; v2.decode = function (source, callbackFunction, callbackObject) { var v4 = {'callbackFunction': callbackFunction, 'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'source': source, 'i': 6, 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'output': null}; var v3 = source.substr(0, 3); var v2 = source.substr(3, 3); while (v3.charAt(0) == '0') { v3 = v3.substr(1); } while (v2.charAt(0) == '0') { v2 = v2.substr(1); } var v7 = int(v3); var v8 = int(v2); v4.output = new flash.display.BitmapData(v7, v8, this._encodeAlpha); var v6 = setInterval(this, 'doDecode', com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL, v4); v4.interval = v6; }; v2.doEncode = function (state) { var v3 = getTimer(); for (;;) { if (!(state.y < state.source.height && getTimer() - v3 < com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL)) break; state.output += this.encodePixel(state.source.getPixel32(state.x, state.y)); ++state.x; if (state.x == state.source.width) { state.x = 0; ++state.y; } } if (state.y == state.source.height) { clearInterval(state.interval);, state.output); } }; v2.doDecode = function (state) { var v4 = getTimer(); for (;;) { if (!(state.y < state.output.height && getTimer() - v4 < com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL)) break; var v3 = this.decodePixel(state.source.substr(state.i, this._charsPerPixel)); state.output.setPixel32(state.x, state.y, v3); state.i += this._charsPerPixel; ++state.x; if (state.x == state.output.width) { state.x = 0; ++state.y; } } if (state.y == state.output.height) { clearInterval(state.interval);, state.output); } }; v2.encodePixel = function (pixel) { var v3 = pixel >> 24 & 255; var v4 = pixel >> 16 & 255; var v5 = pixel >> 8 & 255; var v2 = pixel & 255; v3 = int((v3 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v4 = int((v4 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v5 = int((v5 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v2 = int((v2 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); var v7 = v4 * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel + v5 * this._maxPerChannel + v2; if (this._encodeAlpha) { v7 += v3 * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel; } return this._baseN.encodeUint(v7, this._charsPerPixel); }; v2.decodePixel = function (encodedPixel) { var v3 = 255; var v5; var v6; var v4; var v7 = 0; var v2 = this._baseN.decodeUint(encodedPixel); v4 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); v6 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); v5 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); if (this._encodeAlpha) { v3 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); } return v3 << 24 | v5 << 16 | v6 << 8 | v4; }; v1.DEFAULT_HASH = '0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ<>?:;-_=+()!&'; v2._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.DEFAULT_HASH; v2._charsPerPixel = 2; v1.WORK_INTERVAL = 33.33333333333334; v2.addProperty('encodeAlpha', v2.__get__encodeAlpha, v2.__set__encodeAlpha); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 51 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (group) { super(); this._iconLoader = new com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DEFAULT_ICON, null); this._group = group; this._keys = {}; this._ratings = {}; this._numVotes = {}; }; com.newgrounds.SaveFile = v1; com.newgrounds.SaveFile extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__currentFile = function () { return com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile; }; v1.fromObject = function (group, fileData) { var v3 = new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(group); v3._name = fileData.filename; v3._description = fileData.description; v3._id = fileData.save_id; v3._authorId = fileData.user_id; v3._authorName = fileData.user_name; v3._createdDate = fileData.created; v3._modifiedDate = fileData.last_update; v3._views = fileData.views; if (fileData.thumb && fileData.thumb != '') { v3._iconLoader.__set__url(com.newgrounds.SaveFile._imageFilePath + fileData.thumb); } v3._dataURL = com.newgrounds.SaveFile._saveFilePath + fileData.file; v3._fileSize = fileData.file_size; v3._approved = fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_UNAPPROVED; v3._readOnly = false; v3._public = fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_PRIVATE && fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_UNAPPROVED; for (var v8 in fileData.keys) { var v6 = fileData.keys[v8]; var v4 = group.getKeyById(; if (v4) { v3._keys[v4.__get__name()] = v4.validateValue(v6.value); } } for (var v9 in fileData.ratings) { var v5 = fileData.ratings[v9]; var v2 = group.getRatingById(; if (v2) { v3._ratings[v2.__get__name()] = v2.validateValue(v5.score); v3._numVotes[v2.__get__name()] = int(v5.votes); } } return v3; }; v2.__get__group = function () { return this._group; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__set__name = function (val) { this._name = val; return this.__get__name(); }; v2.__get__description = function () { return this._description; }; v2.__set__description = function (val) { this._description = val; return this.__get__description(); }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__data = function () { return this._data; }; v2.__set__data = function (val) { this._data = val; return this.__get__data(); }; v2.__get__bytesLoaded = function () { if (this._data) { return this.__get__bytesTotal(); } else { if (!this._dataLoader) { return 0; } else { return this._dataLoader.getBytesLoaded(); } } }; v2.__get__bytesTotal = function () { return this._fileSize; }; v2.__get__readOnly = function () { return this._readOnly; }; v2.__get__draft = function () { return this._draft; }; v2.__set__draft = function (v) { this._draft = v; return this.__get__draft(); }; v2.__get__authorId = function () { return this._authorId; }; v2.__get__authorName = function () { return this._authorName; }; v2.__get__keys = function () { return this._keys; }; v2.__get__ratings = function () { return this._ratings; }; v2.__get__numVotes = function () { return this._numVotes; }; v2.__get__views = function () { return this._views; }; v2.__get__createdDate = function () { return this._createdDate; }; v2.__get__updatedDate = function () { return this._modifiedDate; }; v2.toString = function () { return 'Save File: ' + this._name; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__set__icon = function (v) { this.createIcon(v); return this.__get__icon(); }; v2.__get__iconLoaded = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__loaded(); }; v2.createIcon = function (source) { var v9 = new flash.display.BitmapData(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT, false, 0); var v7; var v6; var v10 = 0; var v8 = 0; if (source instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { v7 = source.width; v6 = source.height; } else { if (source instanceof MovieClip) { var v2 = (MovieClip(source)).getBounds(source); v7 = v2.xMax - v2.xMin; v6 = v2.yMax - v2.yMin; v10 = v2.xMin; v8 = v2.yMin; } } var v4 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v5; v5 = Math.min(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH / v7, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT / v6); v4.translate(-v10, -v8); v4.scale(v5, v5); v4.translate((com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH - v7 * v5) / 2, (com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT - v6 * v5) / 2); v9.draw(source, v4); this._iconLoader.__set__bitmapData(v9); }; v2.attachIcon = function (parent) { if (this._iconLoader) { return this._iconLoader.attachBitmap(parent); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No icon available for this sumbission.'); return null; }; v2.deleteFile = function () { if (!(this._group.__get__connection()).__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to delete a file.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_DELETED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return undefined; } if (!this._id) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The file does not exist.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_DELETED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return undefined; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand('deleteSaveFile'); (v2.__get__secureParameters()).save_id = this._id; v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, {'target': this, 'func': this.onFileDeleted}); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendCommand(v2); }; = function () { if (!(this._group.__get__connection()).__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to save a file.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return undefined; } ++com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader._cacheSeed; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile = this; if (this.__get__iconLoaded()) { com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_IMAGE_SCANNER.encode(this.__get__icon(), this.onIconEncoded, this); } else { this.encodeData(true); } }; v2.onIconEncoded = function (encodedIcon) { this._encodedIcon = encodedIcon; this.encodeData(true); }; v2.doSave = function () { var v4 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand('saveFile'); (v4.__get__secureParameters()).group =; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).user_name = (this._group.__get__connection()).username; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).filename = this._name; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).description = this._description; if (this._draft) { (v4.__get__secureParameters()).draft = true; } if (this._id && !this._readOnly) { (v4.__get__secureParameters()).overwrite = 1; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).save_id = this._id; } var v8 = []; for (var v9 in this._keys) { var v2 = this._group.getKey(v9); if (v2) { v8.push({'id': v2.__get__id(), 'value': v2.validateValue(this._keys[v9])}); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No key named "' + v9 + '" in save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '".'); } } (v4.__get__secureParameters()).keys = v8; var v7 = []; for (var v10 in this._ratings) { var v3 = this._group.getRating(v10); if (v3) { v7.push({'id': v3.__get__id(), 'value': v3.validateValue(this._ratings[v10])}); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No rating named "' + v10 + '" in save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '".'); } } (v4.__get__secureParameters()).ratings = v7; if (typeof this._encodedData == 'string') { v4.addFile('file', this._encodedData, 'file'); } else { v4.addFile('file', com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(this._encodedData), 'file'); } if (this.__get__iconLoaded()) { v4.addFile('thumbnail', this._encodedIcon, 'thumbnail'); } v4.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, {'target': this, 'func': this.onSaveComplete}); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendCommand(v4); }; v2.encodeData = function (encode) { this._encoderQueue = []; this._encoding = encode; if (encode) { this._encodedData = this._data; this.preEncodeObject(this, '_encodedData'); } else { this.preEncodeObject(this, '_data'); } this.encodeObject(); }; v2.preEncodeObject = function (parent, property) { var v3 = parent[property]; var v5; try { if (this._encoding) { v5 = v3 instanceof flash.display.BitmapData; } else { v5 = v3.type == '__bitmap'; } } var v2 = v3; var v8; if (v5) { this._encoderQueue.push({'parent': parent, 'property': property}); } else { if (typeof v3 == 'object' && !v8) { if (this._encoding) { if (v3 instanceof Array) { v2 = []; } else { v2 = {}; } for (var v4 in v3) { v2[v4] = v3[v4]; } parent[property] = v2; } for (v4 in v2) { this.preEncodeObject(v2, v4); } } } }; v2.encodeObject = function () { if (!this._encoderQueue.length) { if (this._encoding) { this.doSave(); } else { this._dataLoaded = true; this.checkLoadComplete(); } return undefined; } var v6 = this._encoderQueue.pop(); var v4 = v6.parent; var v3 =; var v2 = v4[v3]; var v5; if (this._encoding) { v5 = {'type': '__bitmap', 'width': v2.width, 'height': v2.height, 'transparent': v2.transparent}; v4[v3] = v5; this._encodingParent = v5; this._encodingProperty = 'data'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.__set__encodeAlpha(v2.transparent); com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.encode(flash.display.BitmapData(v2), this.encodeBitmapComplete, this); } else { this._encodingParent = v4; this._encodingProperty = v3; com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.__set__encodeAlpha(v2.transparent); com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.decode(String(, this.encodeBitmapComplete, this); } }; v2.encodeBitmapComplete = function (data) { this._encodingParent[this._encodingProperty] = data; this.encodeObject(); }; v2.load = function () { com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile = this; this._dataLoaded = false; this._data = null; if (!this.__get__iconLoaded()) { this._iconLoader.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, {'target': this, 'func': this.onIconLoaded}); this._iconLoader.load(); } this._dataLoader = new LoadVars(); var file = this; this._dataLoader.onData = function (data) { file.onDataLoaded(data); }; this._dataLoader.load(this._dataURL + '&random=' + Math.random()); }; v2.onIconLoaded = function (event) { if (!event.__get__success() && this._iconLoader.__get__url()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Unable to load the icon for this save file.'); } this._iconLoader.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, this.onIconLoaded); this.checkLoadComplete(); }; v2.checkLoadComplete = function () { if (this._dataLoaded && this.__get__iconLoaded()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Data loaded.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this)); } }; v2.onDataLoaded = function (data) { try { if (data) { if (data.charAt(0) == '{') { this._data = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(String(data)); } else { this._data = String(data); } this.encodeData(false); } } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error while loading data:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); } else { throw v0; } } }; v2.onDataError = function (error) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load data:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); }; v2.onSaveComplete = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('File "' + this._name + '" saved!'); if (event.__get__data()) { this._id = (event.__get__data()).save_id; this._dataURL = unescape((event.__get__data()).file_url); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, this)); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error saving file "' + this._name + '":', event.__get__error()); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, this, event.__get__error())); } }; v2.sendVote = function (ratingName, vote) { var v2 = this._group.getRating(ratingName); if (!v2) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No save rating named "' + ratingName + '" exists for this save group.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, {}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } vote = v2.validateValue(vote); if (isNaN(vote)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid vote (' + vote + '). ' + ratingName + ' allows a range of ' + v2.__get__minimum() + '-' + v2.__get__maximum() + '.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, {}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Voting ' + vote + ' for ' + ratingName + ' on ' + this._name + '...'); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendSimpleCommand('rateSaveFile', {'target': this, 'func': this.onVoteComplete}, null, {'group': this._group.__get__id(), 'save_id': this._id, 'rating_id': v2.__get__id(), 'vote': vote}); }; v2.onVoteComplete = function (event) { var v2 = event.__get__error(); if ((event.__get__data()).already_voted) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Vote failed. You\'ve already voted on this rating today.'); v2 = com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_ALREADY_VOTED; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE) { var v3 = this._group.getRatingById((event.__get__data()).rating_id); if (v3) { this._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3.validateValue((event.__get__data()).score); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Vote complete!'); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, this, v2)); }; v2.onFileDeleted = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { this._id = 0; } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_DELETED, this, event.__get__error())); }; v2.clone = function () { var v3 = new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(this._group); v3._data = this._data; v3._description = this._description; v3._draft = this._draft; v3._fileSize = this._fileSize; v3._iconLoader.__set__bitmapData(this._iconLoader.bitmapData); var v2; for (v2 in this._keys) { v3._keys[v2] = this._keys[v2]; } for (v2 in this._ratings) { v3._ratings[v2] = this._ratings[v2]; } for (v2 in this._numVotes) { v3._numVotes[v2] = this._numVotes[v2]; } v3._name = this._name; return v3; }; v1.ICON_WIDTH = 90; v1.ICON_HEIGHT = 90; v1.DEFAULT_ICON = new flash.display.BitmapData(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT, false, 0); v1.STATUS_PRIVATE = 0; v1.STATUS_SHARED = 1; v1.STATUS_UNAPPROVED = 2; v1.STATUS_APPROVED = 3; v1._imageFilePath = ''; v1._saveFilePath = ''; v1.ICON_IMAGE_SCANNER = new com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner(); v1.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER = new com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner(64, 6); v2.addProperty('authorId', v2.__get__authorId, function () {}); v2.addProperty('authorName', v2.__get__authorName, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesLoaded', v2.__get__bytesLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesTotal', v2.__get__bytesTotal, function () {}); v2.addProperty('createdDate', v2.__get__createdDate, function () {}); v1.addProperty('currentFile', v1.__get__currentFile, function () {}); v2.addProperty('data', v2.__get__data, v2.__set__data); v2.addProperty('description', v2.__get__description, v2.__set__description); v2.addProperty('draft', v2.__get__draft, v2.__set__draft); v2.addProperty('group', v2.__get__group, function () {}); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, v2.__set__icon); v2.addProperty('iconLoaded', v2.__get__iconLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('keys', v2.__get__keys, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, v2.__set__name); v2.addProperty('numVotes', v2.__get__numVotes, function () {}); v2.addProperty('ratings', v2.__get__ratings, function () {}); v2.addProperty('readOnly', v2.__get__readOnly, function () {}); v2.addProperty('updatedDate', v2.__get__updatedDate, function () {}); v2.addProperty('views', v2.__get__views, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 49 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, name, id, type, keys, ratings) { this._connection = connection; this._id = id; this._name = name; this._type = type; this._keysArray = keys; this._ratingsArray = ratings; this._keys = new Object(); this._ratings = new Object(); var v11; for (var v7 in keys) { var v2 = keys[v7]; this._keys[v2.__get__name()] = v2; } for (var v6 in ratings) { var v3 = ratings[v6]; this._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3; } }; com.newgrounds.SaveGroup = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__connection = function () { return this._connection; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__keys = function () { return this._keysArray; }; v2.__get__ratings = function () { return this._ratingsArray; }; v2.getKey = function (name) { return this._keys[name]; }; v2.getRating = function (name) { return this._ratings[name]; }; v2.getKeyById = function (id) { for (var v4 in this._keys) { var v2 = this._keys[v4]; if (v2.__get__id() == id) { return v2; } } return null; }; v2.getRatingById = function (id) { for (var v4 in this._ratings) { var v2 = this._ratings[v4]; if (v2.__get__id() == id) { return v2; } } return null; }; v2.toString = function () { return 'SaveGroup: ' + this.__get__name() + ' Keys: ' + this._keysArray + ' Ratings: ' + this._ratingsArray; }; v1.TYPE_SYSTEM = 0; v1.TYPE_PRIVATE = 1; v1.TYPE_PUBLIC = 2; v1.TYPE_MODERATED = 3; v2.addProperty('connection', v2.__get__connection, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('keys', v2.__get__keys, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('ratings', v2.__get__ratings, function () {}); v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveGroup.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 47 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (name, id, type) { this._name = name; this._id = id; this._type = type; }; com.newgrounds.SaveKey = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.validateValue = function (value) { switch (this._type) { return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_INTEGER: value = Number(value); if (!isNaN(value)) { var v3 = int(value); if (v3 != value) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Float value ' + value + ' given for integer key "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + v3 + '.'); } return v3; } return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_FLOAT: value = Number(value); if (!isNaN(value)) { return isNaN(Number(value)); } return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_BOOLEAN: return Boolean(value) && int(value) != 0; return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_STRING: return value ? value.toString() : ''; return null; } return null; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._name; }; v1.TYPE_FLOAT = 1; v1.TYPE_INTEGER = 2; v1.TYPE_STRING = 3; v1.TYPE_BOOLEAN = 4; v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveKey.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 48 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (name, id, isFloat, minimum, maximum) { this._name = name; this._id = id; this._isFloat = isFloat; this._minimum = minimum; this._maximum = maximum; }; com.newgrounds.SaveRating = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__isFloat = function () { return this._isFloat; }; v2.__get__minimum = function () { return this._minimum; }; v2.__get__maximum = function () { return this._maximum; }; v2.validateValue = function (value) { var v2 = Number(value); if (isNaN(v2)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid value for rating "' + this._name + '".'); return NaN; } if (v2 < this._minimum) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(v2 + ' is out of acceptable range for rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + this._minimum + '.'); return this._minimum; } if (v2 > this._maximum) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(v2 + ' is out of acceptable range for rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + this._maximum + '.'); return this._maximum; } if (!this.__get__isFloat()) { var v3 = int(v2); if (v3 != v2) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Float value ' + v2 + ' given for integer rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + v3 + '.'); } return v3; } return v2; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._name; }; v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('isFloat', v2.__get__isFloat, function () {}); v2.addProperty('maximum', v2.__get__maximum, function () {}); v2.addProperty('minimum', v2.__get__minimum, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveRating.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 43 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (defaultBitmap, url) { super(); this._bitmapData = defaultBitmap; this._url = url; }; com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader = v1; com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__url = function () { return this._url; }; v2.__set__url = function (v) { this._loaded = false; this._url = v; return this.__get__url(); }; v2.__get__bitmapData = function () { return this._bitmapData; }; v2.__set__bitmapData = function (v) { this._bitmapData = v; this._loaded = true; return this.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__get__loaded = function () { return this._loaded; }; v2.disposeLoader = function () { if (this._loader) { if (this._loaderClip._parent == _root) { this._loader.unloadClip(this._loaderClip.bitmap); this._loaderClip.removeMovieClip(); } this._loader = null; this._loaderClip = null; } }; v2.load = function () { if (!this._url || this._url == '') { this.onLoadComplete(); return undefined; } this._loaded = false; if (this._bitmapData) { this._bitmapData.dispose(); this._bitmapData = null; } this.disposeLoader(); this.attachBitmap(null); }; v2.attachBitmap = function (parent) { if (!parent) { parent = _root; } var v5 = parent.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = parent.createEmptyMovieClip('__bitmap' + v5, v5); if (!this._loaded && this._url && this._url != '') { v3.createEmptyMovieClip('bitmap', 0); this._loader = new MovieClipLoader(); this._loaderClip = v3; if (parent == _root) { this._loaderClip._visible = false; } var thisObj = this; this._loaderClip.onEnterFrame = function () { thisObj.pollLoad(); }; this._loader.addListener({'onLoadError': function () { thisObj.onLoadComplete(); }}); this._loader.loadClip(this._url, v3.bitmap); return v3; } v3.attachBitmap(this._bitmapData, 0); return v3; }; v2.pollLoad = function () { if (this._loaderClip._width) { this.onLoadComplete(); } }; v2.onLoadComplete = function () { var v2; if (this._loader && this._loaderClip && this._loaderClip._width) { try { this._loaderClip.onEnterFrame = null; v2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(this._loaderClip._width, this._loaderClip._height, true, 0); v2.draw(this._loaderClip); this._bitmapData = v2; this._loaded = true; } catch (error) { if (v2) { v2.dispose(); } } } this.disposeLoader(); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, this, this._loaded ? null : com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); }; v1._cacheSeed = 0; v2._loaded = true; v2.addProperty('bitmapData', v2.__get__bitmapData, v2.__set__bitmapData); v2.addProperty('loaded', v2.__get__loaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('url', v2.__get__url, v2.__set__url); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 52 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (group) { super(); this._group = group; this._connection = group.connection; this.reset(); }; com.newgrounds.SaveQuery = v1; com.newgrounds.SaveQuery extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__group = function () { return this._group; }; v2.__get__resultsPerPage = function () { return this._resultsPerPage; }; v2.__set__resultsPerPage = function (val) { this._resultsPerPage = Math.min(Math.max(val, 1), 100); return this.__get__resultsPerPage(); }; v2.__get__page = function () { return this._page; }; v2.__set__page = function (val) { this._page = Math.max(val, 1); return this.__get__page(); }; v2.prevPage = function () { this.__set__page(this.__get__page() - 1); }; v2.nextPage = function () { this.__set__page(this.__get__page() + 1); }; v2.__get__isRandomized = function () { return this._isRandomized; }; v2.__set__isRandomized = function (val) { this._isRandomized = val; return this.__get__isRandomized(); }; v2.__get__files = function () { return this._files; }; v2.reset = function () { this._page = 1; this._resultsPerPage = 10; this._isRandomized = false; this._lookupKeys = []; this._lookupRatings = []; this._fileConditions = []; this._keyConditions = []; this._ratingConditions = []; this._sortFields = []; this._files = []; this.includeAllFields(); }; v2.clone = function () { var v2 = new com.newgrounds.SaveQuery(this._group); v2._page = this._page; v2._resultsPerPage = this._resultsPerPage; v2._isRandomized = this._isRandomized; v2._lookupKeys = this._lookupKeys.concat(); v2._lookupRatings = this._lookupRatings.concat(); v2._fileConditions = this._fileConditions.concat(); v2._keyConditions = this._keyConditions.concat(); v2._ratingConditions = this._ratingConditions.concat(); return v2; }; v2.includeAllFields = function () { for (var v5 in this._group.__get__keys()) { var v2 = (this._group.__get__keys())[v5]; this._lookupKeys.push(v2.__get__id()); } for (var v4 in this._group.__get__ratings()) { var v3 = (this._group.__get__ratings())[v4]; this._lookupRatings.push(v3.__get__id()); } }; v2.addCondition = function (field, operator, value) { var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { if (com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS[v2] == field) { break; } ++v2; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { v2 = -1; } if (v2 >= 0) { this._fileConditions.push({'field': v2, 'operator': operator, 'value': value}); } else { var v4 = this._group.getKey(field); if (v4) { value = v4.validateValue(value); this._keyConditions.push({'key_id': v4.__get__id(), 'operator': operator, 'value': value}); return undefined; } var v3 = field.split('.'); var v6 = this._group.getRating(v3[0]); if (v6) { if (v3[1] != 'votes') { value = v6.validateValue(value); } this._ratingConditions.push({'rating_id': v6.__get__id(), 'operator': operator, 'value': value, 'column': v3[1] ? v3[1] : 'score'}); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '" does not have a field named "' + field + '".'); } }; v2.sortOn = function (field, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = false; } var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { if (com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS[v2] == field) { break; } ++v2; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { v2 = -1; } if (v2 >= 0) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_FILES, 'field': v2, 'desc': sortDescending}); } else { var v5 = this._group.getKey(field); if (v5) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_KEYS, 'field': v5.__get__id(), 'desc': sortDescending}); return undefined; } var v3 = field.split('.'); var v6 = this._group.getRating(v3[0]); if (v6) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_RATINGS, 'field': v6.__get__id(), 'desc': sortDescending, 'extra': v3[1] ? v3[1] : 'score'}); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '" does not have a field named "' + field + '".'); } }; v2.execute = function () { var v5 = {}; = this._page; v5.num_results = this._resultsPerPage; if (this._isRandomized) { v5.randomize = 1; } if (this._lookupKeys && this._lookupKeys.length) { v5.lookup_keys = this._lookupKeys; } if (this._lookupRatings && this._lookupRatings.length) { v5.lookup_ratings = this._lookupRatings; } if (this._fileConditions && this._fileConditions.length) { v5.file_conditions = this._fileConditions; } if (this._keyConditions && this._keyConditions.length) { v5.key_conditions = this._keyConditions; } if (this._ratingConditions && this._ratingConditions.length) { v5.rating_conditions = this._ratingConditions; } if (this._sortFields && this._sortFields.length) { v5.sort_conditions = this._sortFields; } this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('lookupSaveFiles', {'target': this, 'func': this.onQueryComplete}, {'publisher_id': this._connection.publisherId, 'group_id': this._group.__get__id(), 'query': v5}); }; v2.onQueryComplete = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { var v4 = event.__get__data(); this._files = []; if (v4.files) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.files.length) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.SaveFile.fromObject(this._group, v4.files[v2]); if (v3) { this._files.push(v3); } ++v2; } } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, this)); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Query failed: ' + event.__get__error()); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, this, event.__get__error())); } }; v1.FILE_ID = 'fileId'; v1.AUTHOR_ID = 'authorId'; v1.AUTHOR_NAME = 'authorName'; v1.FILE_NAME = 'fileName'; v1.CREATED_ON = 'createdOn'; v1.UPDATED_ON = 'updatedOn'; v1.FILE_VIEWS = 'fileViews'; v1.FILE_STATUS = 'fileStatus'; v1.FILE_FIELDS = [com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_ID, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.AUTHOR_ID, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.AUTHOR_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.CREATED_ON, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.UPDATED_ON, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_VIEWS, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_STATUS]; v1.OPERATOR_EQUAL = '='; v1.OPERATOR_LESS_THAN = '<'; v1.OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN = '>'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL = '!='; v1.OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL = '<='; v1.OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL = '>='; v1.OPERATOR_CONTAINS = '*'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_CONTAINS = '!*'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_BEGINS_WITH = '!*='; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_ENDS_WITH = '!=*'; v1.OPERATOR_BEGINS_WITH = '*='; v1.OPERATOR_ENDS_WITH = '=*'; v1.TABLE_FILES = 1; v1.TABLE_KEYS = 2; v1.TABLE_RATINGS = 3; v2._page = 1; v2._resultsPerPage = 10; v2._isRandomized = false; v2.addProperty('files', v2.__get__files, function () {}); v2.addProperty('group', v2.__get__group, function () {}); v2.addProperty('isRandomized', v2.__get__isRandomized, v2.__set__isRandomized); v2.addProperty('page', v2.__get__page, v2.__set__page); v2.addProperty('resultsPerPage', v2.__get__resultsPerPage, v2.__set__resultsPerPage); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 44 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, id, name, description, secret, unlocked, value, difficultyId, iconURL) { super(); this._connection = connection; this._id = id; this._name = name; this._description = description; this._secret = secret; this._unlocked = unlocked; this._value = value; this._difficulty = com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTIES[difficultyId]; this._iconLoader = new com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader(com.newgrounds.Medal.DEFAULT_ICON, iconURL); this._iconLoader.load(); }; com.newgrounds.Medal = v1; com.newgrounds.Medal extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__difficulty = function () { return this._difficulty; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__description = function () { return this._description; }; v2.__get__secret = function () { return this._secret; }; v2.__get__unlocked = function () { return this._unlocked; }; v2.__get__value = function () { return this._value; }; v2.toString = function () { if (!this._unlocked) { return 'Medal: ' + this._name + '\t\t(' + 'locked, ' + this._value + 'pts, ' + this._difficulty + ')'; } return 'Medal: ' + this._name + '\t\t(' + 'unlocked, ' + this._value + 'pts, ' + this._difficulty + ')'; }; v2.attachIcon = function (parent) { return this._iconLoader.attachBitmap(parent); }; v2.unlock = function () { if (this._unlocked) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Medal "' + this._name + '" is already unlocked.'); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Unlocking medal "' + this.__get__name() + '"...'); this._unlocked = true; if (this._connection.__get__hasUserSession()) { this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('unlockMedal', {'target': this, 'func': this.onUnlockConfirmed}, null, {'medal_id': this.__get__id()}); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, this)); }; v2.setUnlocked = function (unlocked) { this._unlocked = unlocked; }; v2.onUnlockConfirmed = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Medal "' + this.__get__name() + '" unlocked.'); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Failed to unlock "' + this.__get__name() + '"!'); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, this, event.__get__error())); }; v1.ICON_WIDTH = 50; v1.ICON_HEIGHT = 50; v1.DEFAULT_ICON = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('DefaultMedalIcon'); v1.DIFFICULTY_EASY = 'Easy'; v1.DIFFICULTY_MODERATE = 'Moderate'; v1.DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGING = 'Challenging'; v1.DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT = 'Difficult'; v1.DIFFICULTY_BRUTAL = 'Brutal'; v1.DIFFICULTIES = ['Unknown', com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_EASY, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_MODERATE, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGING, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_BRUTAL]; v2.addProperty('description', v2.__get__description, function () {}); v2.addProperty('difficulty', v2.__get__difficulty, function () {}); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('secret', v2.__get__secret, function () {}); v2.addProperty('unlocked', v2.__get__unlocked, function () {}); v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Medal.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 46 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, name, id) { super(); this._connection = connection; this._name = name; this._id = id; }; com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard = v1; com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__scores = function () { return this._scores; }; v2.__get__period = function () { return this._period; }; v2.__set__period = function (val) { this._period = val; return this.__get__period(); }; v2.__get__firstResult = function () { return this._firstResult; }; v2.__set__firstResult = function (val) { this._firstResult = Math.max(1, val); return this.__get__firstResult(); }; v2.__get__numResults = function () { return this._numResults; }; v2.__set__numResults = function (val) { this._numResults = val; return this.__get__numResults(); }; v2.__get__tag = function () { return this._tag; }; v2.__set__tag = function (val) { this._tag = val; return this.__get__tag(); }; v2.__get__page = function () { return Math.ceil((this._firstResult - 1) / this._numResults) + 1; }; v2.prevPage = function () { if (this.__get__firstResult() > this._numResults) { this.firstResult -= this._numResults; } }; v2.nextPage = function () { this.firstResult += this._numResults; }; v2.loadScores = function () { this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('loadScores', {'target': this, 'func': this.onScoresLoaded}, {'publisher_id': this._connection.publisherId, 'board': this._id, 'page': (this._firstResult - 1) / this._numResults + 1, 'num_results': this._numResults, 'period': this._period, 'tag': this._tag}); }; v2.postScore = function (numericScore, tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (isNaN(numericScore)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Cannot post invalid score: ' + numericScore); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Posting a score of ' + numericScore + ' by ' + this._connection.username + ' to scoreboard "' + this._name + '"...'); this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('postScore', {'target': this, 'func': this.onScorePosted}, null, {'user_name': this._connection.username, 'board': this._id, 'value': numericScore, 'tag': tag}); }; v2.onScoresLoaded = function (event) { var v4 = event.__get__data(); this._scores = []; var v5; if (v4.first_result) { v5 = v4.first_result; } else { v5 = this._firstResult; } if (v4.scores) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.scores.length) { var v2 = v4.scores[v3]; if (v2) { this._scores[v3] = new com.newgrounds.Score(v5, v2.username, v2.value, v2.numeric_value, v2.tag); } v3++; v5++; } } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, this)); }; v2.onScorePosted = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Score posted!'); var v4 = event.__get__data(); var v2 = {}; v2.score = v4.value; v2.scoreBoard = this; } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error posting score: ' + event.__get__error()); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, storedv2, event.__get__error())); }; v2.toString = function () { return 'Scoreboard: ' + this._name; }; v1.TODAY = 'Today'; v1.THIS_WEEK = 'This Week'; v1.THIS_MONTH = 'This Month'; v1.THIS_YEAR = 'This Year'; v1.ALL_TIME = 'All-Time'; v2._period = com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard.ALL_TIME; v2._firstResult = 1; v2._numResults = 10; v2.addProperty('firstResult', v2.__get__firstResult, v2.__set__firstResult); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('numResults', v2.__get__numResults, v2.__set__numResults); v2.addProperty('page', v2.__get__page, function () {}); v2.addProperty('period', v2.__get__period, v2.__set__period); v2.addProperty('scores', v2.__get__scores, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tag', v2.__get__tag, v2.__set__tag); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 35 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.Logger = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.logInternal = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_INTERNAL, v2); }; v1.logMessage = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE, v2); }; v1.logWarning = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_WARNING, v2); }; v1.logError = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_ERROR, v2); }; v1.log = function (priority, messages) { if (priority == undefined) { priority = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE; } if (messages == undefined) { messages = null; } if (priority >= com.newgrounds.Logger._messageLevel) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < messages.length) { trace(com.newgrounds.Logger.HEADER + messages[v1]); com.newgrounds.Logger._eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.LOG, messages[v1])); ++v1; } } if (priority >= com.newgrounds.Logger._throwLevel) { throw new Error(messages.join('\n')); } }; v1.addEventListener = function (event, listener) { com.newgrounds.Logger._eventDispatcher.addEventListener(event, listener, false, 0, false); }; v1.PRIORITY_INTERNAL = 0; v1.PRIORITY_MESSAGE = 1; v1.PRIORITY_WARNING = 2; v1.PRIORITY_ERROR = 3; v1.PRIORITY_MAX = 4; v1.HEADER = '[Newgrounds API] :: '; v1._eventDispatcher = new com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher(); v1._messageLevel = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE; v1._throwLevel = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MAX; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Logger.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 54 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); try {'');''); } this.gotoAndStop('idle'); this._x = int(this._x); this._y = int(this._y); this.stop(); if (this.__get___newgroundsButton()) { (this.__get___newgroundsButton()).onRelease = this.onNGClick; } this.onUnload = this.removeAd; var v4 = this; this._adListener = {'onLoadError': function (target, error, httpStatus) { target._parent.onAdError(target, error, httpStatus); }}; if (this.__get__fullScreen()) { this.drawFullScreenRect(); } if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__adFeedURL()) { this.loadAdFeed(); } else { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'target': this, 'func': this.loadAdFeed}); } }; com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase = v1; com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get___adContainer = function () { return this.adContainer; }; v2.__get___newgroundsButton = function () { return this.newgroundsButton; }; v2.__get__fullScreen = function () { return this._fullScreen; }; v2.__set__fullScreen = function (v) { this._fullScreen = v; if (v) { this.drawFullScreenRect(); } else { this.clear(); } return this.__get__fullScreen(); }; v2.__get__showBorder = function () { return this._showBorder; }; v2.__set__showBorder = function (value) { this._showBorder = value; if (this._showBorder) { if (this._ad) { var v2 = this._ad.getProgress(this.__get___adContainer()); if (v2.bytesLoaded >= v2.bytesTotal) { this.gotoAndStop('loaded'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('loading'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('noBorder'); } return this.__get__showBorder(); }; v2.loadAdFeed = function (event) { if (event == undefined) { event = null; } this._adFeedLoader = new LoadVars(); var target = this; this._adFeedLoader.onData = function (data) { target.onAdFeedLoaded(data); }; this._adFeedLoader.load(com.newgrounds.API.__get__adFeedURL(), this._adFeedLoader); }; v2.onAdFeedLoaded = function (data) { if (data && data != '') { this.loadAd(data); } else { this.onAdError(); } }; v2.loadAd = function (adURL) { if (this.adType != this.VIDEO_ADS) { if (adURL.indexOf('?') >= 0) { adURL += '&'; } else { adURL += '?'; } adURL += 'blockoverlays=1'; } this._ad = new MovieClipLoader(); this._ad.addListener(this._adListener); (this.__get___adContainer())._lockroot = true; this._ad.loadClip(adURL, this.__get___adContainer()); }; v2.removeAd = function () { this._adFeedLoader.onData = null; this._adFeedLoader = null; this._ad.removeListener(this._adListener); if (this.__get___adContainer()) { this._ad.unloadClip(this.__get___adContainer()); } this._ad = null; }; v2.onAdError = function (target, error, httpStatus) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load ad.'); this.removeAd(); }; v2.onNGClick = function () { com.newgrounds.API.loadNewgrounds(); }; v2.drawFullScreenRect = function () { this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; this.beginFill(0); this.moveTo(-Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(-Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(-Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.endFill(); }; v2._showBorder = true; v2.adType = com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase.prototype.VIDEO_ADS; v2.VIDEO_ADS = 'Video'; v2.SIMPLE_ADS = 'Simple'; v2.addProperty('_adContainer', v2.__get___adContainer, function () {}); v2.addProperty('_newgroundsButton', v2.__get___newgroundsButton, function () {}); v2.addProperty('fullScreen', v2.__get__fullScreen, v2.__set__fullScreen); v2.addProperty('showBorder', v2.__get__showBorder, v2.__set__showBorder); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 29 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim = v1; com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 37 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.encode = function (arg, noquotes) { var v3; var v2; var v6; var v1 = ''; var v4; if (arg.isSServerVar()) { var v8 = 'sservervariable'; } else { var v8 = typeof arg; } switch (v8) { return 'null'; case 'sservervariable': return '?' + arg.getEncodedValue(); break; case 'object': if (arg) { if (arg instanceof Array) { v2 = 0; while (v2 < arg.length) { v4 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(arg[v2]); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += v4; ++v2; } return '[' + v1 + ']'; } else { if (typeof arg.toString != 'undefined') { for (v2 in arg) { v4 = arg[v2]; if (typeof v4 != 'undefined' && typeof v4 != 'function') { v4 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v4); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v2) + ':' + v4; } } return '{' + v1 + '}'; } } } return 'null'; case 'number': return isFinite(arg) ? String(arg) : 'null'; case 'string': v6 = arg.length; if (noquotes) { var v7 = ''; } else { var v7 = '"'; } v1 = v7; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v6) { v3 = arg.charAt(v2); if (v3 >= ' ') { if (v3 == '\\' || v3 == '"') { v1 += '\\'; } v1 += v3; } else { switch (v3) { case '\b': v1 += '\\b'; break; case '\f': v1 += '\\f'; break; case '\n': v1 += '\\n'; break; case '\r': v1 += '\\r'; break; case '\t': v1 += '\\t'; break; default: v3 = v3.charCodeAt(); v1 += '\\u00' + (Math.floor(v3 / 16)).toString(16) + (v3 % 16).toString(16); } } v2 += 1; } return v1 + v7; case 'boolean': return String(arg); default: return 'null'; } }; v1.background_encode = function (arg, callback) { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Cannot encode a new file until the previous file is completed'); return false; } else { if (!callback) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Missing a callback function, skipping encode'); return false; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = true; var v2 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start = v2.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache = {'busy': false, 'complete': false, 'arg': arg, 'target': arg, 'parents': [], 'encoded': '', 'callback': callback, 'encode_chunk': function () { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode_chunk(); }}; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(arg) == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = '{'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'encode_chunk', 25); return true; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(arg) == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = '['; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'encode_chunk', 25); return true; }; v1.background_decode = function (arg, callback) { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Cannot decode a new file until the previous file is completed'); return false; } else { if (!callback) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Missing a callback function, skipping decode'); return false; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = true; var v1 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start = v1.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache = {'busy': false, 'callback': callback, 'complete': false, 'arg': arg, 'pos': 0, 'parents': ['root'], 'target': null, 'scratch': '', 'decode_chunk': function () { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode_chunk(); }}; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'decode_chunk', 25); return true; }; v1.decode = function (text) { var at = 0; var ch = ' '; var _value; var _error = function (m) { throw {'name': 'JSONError', 'message': m, 'at': at - 1, 'text': text}; }; var _next = function () { ch = text.charAt(at); at += 1; return ch; }; var _white = function () { while (ch) { if (ch <= ' ') { _next(); } else { if (ch == '/') { switch (_next()) { case '/': for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')) break; } break; case '*': _next(); for (;;) { if (ch) { if (ch == '*') { if (_next() == '/') { _next(); break; } } else { _next(); } continue; } _error('Unterminated comment'); } break; default: _error('Syntax error'); } } else { break; } } } }; var _string = function () { var v4; var v1 = ''; var v3; var v2; var v5 = false; if (ch == '"') { while (_next()) { if (ch == '"') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch == '\\') { switch (_next()) { case 'b': v1 += '\b'; break; case 'f': v1 += '\f'; break; case 'n': v1 += '\n'; break; case 'r': v1 += '\r'; break; case 't': v1 += '\t'; break; case 'u': v2 = 0; v4 = 0; while (v4 < 4) { v3 = parseInt(_next(), 16); if (!isFinite(v3)) { v5 = true; break; } v2 = v2 * 16 + v3; v4 += 1; } if (v5) { v5 = false; } else { v1 += String.fromCharCode(v2); break; default: v1 += ch; } } } else { v1 += ch; } } } } _error('Bad string'); }; var _array = function () { var v1 = []; if (ch == '[') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v1.push(_value()); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad array'); }; var _object = function () { var v2; var v1 = {}; if (ch == '{') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v2 = _string(); _white(); if (ch != ':') { break; } _next(); v1[v2] = _value(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad object'); }; var _number = function () { var v1 = ''; var v2; if (ch == '-') { v1 = '-'; _next(); } for (;;) { if (!(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; _next(); } if (ch == '.') { v1 += '.'; for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; } } v2 = 1 * v1; if (!isFinite(v2)) { _error('Bad number'); } else { return v2; } }; var _word = function () { switch (ch) { case 't': if (_next() == 'r' && _next() == 'u' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return true; } break; case 'f': if (_next() == 'a' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 's' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return false; } break; case 'n': if (_next() == 'u' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 'l') { _next(); return null; } } _error('Syntax error'); }; _value = function () { _white(); switch (ch) { case '{': return _object(); case '[': return _array(); case '"': return _string(); case '-': return _number(); } return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ? _number() : _word(); }; return _value(); }; v1.getType = function (v) { if (v instanceof Array) { return 'array'; } else { return typeof v; } }; v1.decode_chunk = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy && !com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = true; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode_chunks) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.chunk_decoder(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { break; } ++v1; } trace(Math.round((com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos / com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.length) * 100) + '% decoded'); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = false; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { var v2 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = false; clearInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.callback(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.root, v2.getTime() - com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg = ''; } }; v1.encode_chunk = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy && !com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = true; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode_chunks) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.chunk_encoder(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { break; } ++v1; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = false; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { var v3 = new Date(); var v2 = v3.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = false; clearInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.callback(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded, v2 - com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = ''; } }; v1.chunk_decoder = function () { function _object() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'object'; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Malformed object key in encoded string. Keys must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; _setTargetValue({}); } else { if (v1 == ',') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Malformed object key in encoded string. Keys must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; } else { if (v1 == '}') { _useParent(); } else { if (v1 == '"') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != ':') { throw 'Malformed object notation. Object keys and values must be separated by colons(:)'; } _addParent(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = null; } else { if (v1 == '\\') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; } } } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _array() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'array'; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); _setTargetValue([]); if (v1 != ']') { _addArrayKey(); } else { _useParent(); } return undefined; } else { if (v1 == ',') { _addArrayKey(); } else { if (v1 == ']') { _useParent(); } } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _boolean() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 == 't') { _setTargetValue(true); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 3; } else { if (v1 == 'f') { _setTargetValue(false); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 4; } else { throw 'Bool values must be true or false'; } } _useParent(); } function _null() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 == 'n') { _setTargetValue(null); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 2; } else { throw 'Null values must be null'; } _useParent(); } function _string() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Strings must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'string'; } else { if (v1 == '"') { _setTargetValue(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch); _useParent(); } else { if (v1 == '\\') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); switch (v1) { case 'n': v1 = '\n'; break; case 'r': v1 = '\n'; break; case 't': v1 = '\t'; break; case 'u': v1 = '\\' + v1; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _number() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); var v2 = '01234567890.-'; if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'number'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; } if (v2.indexOf(v1) < 0) { _setTargetValue(Number(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch)); _useParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } } function _setTargetValue(newval) { var v2 = (_getParent()).obj; var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length - 1]; v2[v1] = newval; } function _useParent() { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType((_getParent()).obj); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.pop(); } function _getParent() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length - 1) { v2 = v2[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]]; ++v1; } return {'obj': v2, 'name': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]}; } function _getCurrent() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length) { v2 = v2[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]]; ++v1; } return {'obj': v2, 'name': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]}; } function _addParent(child) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(child); } function _addArrayKey() { var v1 = (_getCurrent()).obj.length; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(v1); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = null; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos >= com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.length) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete = true; return undefined; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { ('_' + com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode)(); } else { var char = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); switch (char) { case '{': _object(); break; case '[': _array(); break; case '"': _string(); break; case 'n': _null(); break; case 't': _boolean(); break; case 'f': _boolean(); break; default: _number(); } } } }; v1.chunk_encoder = function () { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { return undefined; } var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(; switch (v2) { case 'number': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded +=; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'string': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '"' + ('"')).join('\\"') + '"'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'boolean': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ( == true) ? 'true' : 'false'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'null': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += 'null'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'array': if ( < 1) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ']'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(; =[0]; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '['; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '{'; } } } break; case 'object': for (var v1 in { break; } if (v1 === undefined) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '}'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(; =[v1]; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '"' + (v1.split('"')).join('\\"') + '":'; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '['; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '{'; } } } break; default: com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += 'null'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } }; v1.getParent = function () { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length > 0) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.pop(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'array') { v1.shift(); } else { for (var v3 in v1) { delete v1[v3]; break; } } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'object' or com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'array') { for (var v2 in v1) { break; } if (v2 !== undefined) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ','; } } = v1; } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete = true; } }; v1.encode_chunks = 20000; v1.decode_chunks = 20000; v1.busy = false; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 40 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.hash = function (src) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.hex_md5(src); }; v1.hex_md5 = function (src) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.binl2hex(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.core_md5(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.str2binl(src), src.length * 8)); }; v1.core_md5 = function (x, len) { x[len >> 5] |= 128 << len % 32; x[(len + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = len; var v4 = 1732584193; var v3 = -271733879; var v2 = -1732584194; var v1 = 271733878; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < x.length) { var v10 = v4; var v9 = v3; var v8 = v2; var v7 = v1; v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 0], 7, -680876936); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 1], 12, -389564586); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 2], 17, 606105819); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 3], 22, -1044525330); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 4], 7, -176418897); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 5], 12, 1200080426); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 6], 17, -1473231341); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 7], 22, -45705983); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 8], 7, 1770035416); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 9], 12, -1958414417); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 10], 17, -42063); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 11], 22, -1990404162); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 12], 7, 1804603682); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 13], 12, -40341101); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 14], 17, -1502002290); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 15], 22, 1236535329); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 1], 5, -165796510); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 6], 9, -1069501632); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 11], 14, 643717713); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 0], 20, -373897302); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 5], 5, -701558691); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 10], 9, 38016083); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 15], 14, -660478335); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 4], 20, -405537848); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 9], 5, 568446438); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 14], 9, -1019803690); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 3], 14, -187363961); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 8], 20, 1163531501); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 13], 5, -1444681467); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 2], 9, -51403784); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 7], 14, 1735328473); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 12], 20, -1926607734); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 5], 4, -378558); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 8], 11, -2022574463); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 11], 16, 1839030562); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 14], 23, -35309556); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 1], 4, -1530992060); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 4], 11, 1272893353); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 7], 16, -155497632); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 10], 23, -1094730640); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 13], 4, 681279174); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 0], 11, -358537222); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 3], 16, -722521979); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 6], 23, 76029189); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 9], 4, -640364487); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 12], 11, -421815835); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 15], 16, 530742520); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 2], 23, -995338651); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 0], 6, -198630844); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 7], 10, 1126891415); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 14], 15, -1416354905); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 5], 21, -57434055); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 12], 6, 1700485571); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 3], 10, -1894986606); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 10], 15, -1051523); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 1], 21, -2054922799); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 8], 6, 1873313359); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 15], 10, -30611744); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 6], 15, -1560198380); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 13], 21, 1309151649); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 4], 6, -145523070); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 11], 10, -1120210379); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 2], 15, 718787259); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 9], 21, -343485551); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v4, v10); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v3, v9); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v2, v8); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v1, v7); v5 += 16; } return new Array(v4, v3, v2, v1); }; v1.md5_cmn = function (q, a, b, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.bit_rol(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(a, q), com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(x, t)), s), b); }; v1.md5_ff = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b & c | ~b & d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_gg = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b & d | c & ~d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_hh = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_ii = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(c ^ (b | ~d), a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.bit_rol = function (num, cnt) { return num << cnt | num >>> 32 - cnt; }; v1.safe_add = function (x, y) { var v1 = (x & 65535) + (y & 65535); var v2 = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (v1 >> 16); return v2 << 16 | v1 & 65535; }; v1.str2binl = function (str) { var v3 = new Array(); var v4 = 255; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length * 8) { v3[v1 >> 5] |= (str.charCodeAt(v1 / 8) & v4) << v1 % 32; v1 += 8; } return v3; }; v1.binl2hex = function (binarray) { var v4 = new String(''); var v3 = new String('0123456789abcdef'); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < binarray.length * 4) { v4 += v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 + 4 & 15) + v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 & 15); ++v1; } return v4; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 41 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.encrypt = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.charsToHex(v2); }; v1.encryptbin = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return v2; }; v1.decrypt = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.hexToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.charsToStr(v2); }; v1.initialize = function (pwd) { var v2 = 0; var v3; var v4 = pwd.length; var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 255) { com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.mykey[v1] = pwd[v1 % v4]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = v1; ++v1; } v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 255) { v2 = (v2 + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.mykey[v1]) % 256; v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2] = v3; ++v1; } }; v1.calculate = function (plaintxt, psw) { com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.initialize(psw); var v1 = 0; var v2 = 0; var v9 = new Array(); var v7; var v5; var v6; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < plaintxt.length) { v1 = (v1 + 1) % 256; v2 = (v2 + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]) % 256; v5 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2] = v5; var v4 = (com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]) % 256; v7 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v4]; v6 = plaintxt[v3] ^ v7; v9.push(v6); ++v3; } return v9; }; v1.charsToHex = function (chars) { var v4 = new String(''); var v3 = new Array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < chars.length) { v4 += v3[chars[v1] >> 4] + v3[chars[v1] & 15]; ++v1; } return v4; }; v1.hexToChars = function (hex) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = (hex.substr(0, 2) == '0x') ? 2 : 0; while (v1 < hex.length) { v3.push(parseInt(hex.substr(v1, 2), 16)); v1 += 2; } return v3; }; v1.charsToStr = function (chars) { var v3 = new String(''); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < chars.length) { v3 += String.fromCharCode(chars[v1]); ++v1; } return v3; }; v1.strToChars = function (str) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length) { v3.push(str.charCodeAt(v1)); ++v1; } return v3; }; v1.sbox = new Array(255); v1.mykey = new Array(255); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 45 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (rank, username, score, numericValue, tag) { this._rank = rank; this._username = username; this._score = score; this._numericValue = numericValue; this._tag = tag; }; com.newgrounds.Score = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__numericValue = function () { return this._numericValue; }; v2.__get__rank = function () { return this._rank; }; v2.__get__score = function () { return this._score; }; v2.__get__tag = function () { return this._tag; }; v2.__get__username = function () { return this._username; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._rank + '.\t' + this._username + '\t' + this._score; }; v2.addProperty('numericValue', v2.__get__numericValue, function () {}); v2.addProperty('rank', v2.__get__rank, function () {}); v2.addProperty('score', v2.__get__score, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tag', v2.__get__tag, function () {}); v2.addProperty('username', v2.__get__username, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Score.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 106 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.constructObject(); }; mx.core.UIObject = v1; var v2 = new MovieClip(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this._width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this._height; }; v2.__get__left = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__get__x = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__get__top = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__get__y = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__get__right = function () { return this._parent.width - (this._x + this.__get__width()); }; v2.__get__bottom = function () { return this._parent.height - (this._y + this.__get__height()); }; v2.getMinHeight = function (Void) { return this._minHeight; }; v2.setMinHeight = function (h) { this._minHeight = h; }; v2.__get__minHeight = function () { return this.getMinHeight(); }; v2.__set__minHeight = function (h) { this.setMinHeight(h); return this.__get__minHeight(); }; v2.getMinWidth = function (Void) { return this._minWidth; }; v2.setMinWidth = function (w) { this._minWidth = w; }; v2.__get__minWidth = function () { return this.getMinWidth(); }; v2.__set__minWidth = function (w) { this.setMinWidth(w); return this.__get__minWidth(); }; v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) { if (x != this._visible) { this._visible = x; if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': x ? 'reveal' : 'hide'}); } } }; v2.__get__visible = function () { return this._visible; }; v2.__set__visible = function (x) { this.setVisible(x, false); return this.__get__visible(); }; v2.__get__scaleX = function () { return this._xscale; }; v2.__set__scaleX = function (x) { this._xscale = x; return this.__get__scaleX(); }; v2.__get__scaleY = function () { return this._yscale; }; v2.__set__scaleY = function (y) { this._yscale = y; return this.__get__scaleY(); }; v2.doLater = function (obj, fn) { if (this.methodTable == undefined) { this.methodTable = new Array(); } this.methodTable.push({'obj': obj, 'fn': fn}); this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher; }; v2.doLaterDispatcher = function (Void) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.redraw(); } var v3 = this.methodTable; this.methodTable = new Array(); if (v3.length > 0) { var v2; v2 = v3.shift(); while (v2 != undefined) { v2.obj[v2.fn](); } } }; v2.cancelAllDoLaters = function (Void) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.methodTable = new Array(); }; v2.invalidate = function (Void) { this.invalidateFlag = true; this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher; }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) { this.invalidate(); }; v2.redraw = function (bAlways) { if (this.invalidateFlag || bAlways) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var v2; for (v2 in this.tfList) { this.tfList[v2].draw(); } this.draw(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'draw'}); } }; v2.draw = function (Void) {}; v2.move = function (x, y, noEvent) { var v3 = this._x; var v2 = this._y; this._x = x; this._y = y; if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'move', 'oldX': v3, 'oldY': v2}); } }; v2.setSize = function (w, h, noEvent) { var v2 = this.__width; var v3 = this.__height; this.__width = w; this.__height = h; this.size(); if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'oldWidth': v2, 'oldHeight': v3}); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this._width = this.__width; this._height = this.__height; }; v2.drawRect = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { this.moveTo(x1, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y2); this.lineTo(x1, y2); this.lineTo(x1, y1); }; v2.createLabel = function (name, depth, text) { this.createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); var v2 = this[name]; v2._color = mx.core.UIObject.textColorList; v2._visible = false; v2.__text = text; if (this.tfList == undefined) { this.tfList = new Object(); } this.tfList[name] = v2; v2.invalidateStyle(); this.invalidate(); v2.styleName = this; return v2; }; v2.createObject = function (linkageName, id, depth, initobj) { return this.attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj); }; v2.createClassObject = function (className, id, depth, initobj) { var v3 = className.symbolName == undefined; if (v3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className); } var v4 = this.createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj); if (v3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner); } return v4; }; v2.createEmptyObject = function (id, depth) { return this.createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth); }; v2.destroyObject = function (id) { var v2 = this[id]; if (v2.getDepth() < 0) { var v4 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v5 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(0, v4, 'up'); var v3 = v5; v2.swapDepths(v3); } v2.removeMovieClip(); delete this[id]; }; v2.getSkinIDName = function (tag) { return this.idNames[tag]; }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initObj) { if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) { mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement); } return this.createObject(linkageName, this.getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj); }; v2.createSkin = function (tag) { var v2 = this.getSkinIDName(tag); this.createEmptyObject(v2, tag); return this[v2]; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) {}; v2._createChildren = function (Void) { this.createChildren(); this.childrenCreated = true; }; v2.constructObject = function (Void) { if (this._name == undefined) { return undefined; } this.init(); this._createChildren(); this.createAccessibilityImplementation(); this._endInit(); if (this.validateNow) { this.redraw(true); } else { this.invalidate(); } }; v2.initFromClipParameters = function (Void) { var v4 = false; var v2; for (v2 in this.clipParameters) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(v2)) { v4 = true; this['def_' + v2] = this[v2]; delete this[v2]; } } if (v4) { for (v2 in this.clipParameters) { var v3 = this['def_' + v2]; if (v3 != undefined) { this[v2] = v3; } } } }; v2.init = function (Void) { this.__width = this._width; this.__height = this._height; if (this.initProperties == undefined) { this.initFromClipParameters(); } else { this.initProperties(); } if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) { this.stylecache = new Object(); } }; v2.getClassStyleDeclaration = function (Void) { var v4 = this; var v3 = this.className; while (v3 != undefined) { if (this.ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[v3] == undefined) { if (_global.styles[v3] != undefined) { return _global.styles[v3]; } } v4 = v4.__proto__; v3 = v4.className; } }; v2.setColor = function (color) {}; v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) { var v8 =; if (v8 != undefined) { var v3; for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) { if (tf[v3] == undefined) { tf[v3] = v8[v3]; } } } return false; } var v6 = false; for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) { if (tf[v3] == undefined) { var v5 = this._tf[v3]; if (v5 != undefined) { tf[v3] = v5; } else { if (v3 == 'font' && this.fontFamily != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontFamily; } else { if (v3 == 'size' && this.fontSize != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontSize; } else { if (v3 == 'color' && this.color != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.color; } else { if (v3 == 'leftMargin' && this.marginLeft != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.marginLeft; } else { if (v3 == 'rightMargin' && this.marginRight != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.marginRight; } else { if (v3 == 'italic' && this.fontStyle != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontStyle == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'bold' && this.fontWeight != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontWeight == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'align' && this.textAlign != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textAlign; } else { if (v3 == 'indent' && this.textIndent != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textIndent; } else { if (v3 == 'underline' && this.textDecoration != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textDecoration == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'embedFonts' && this.embedFonts != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.embedFonts; } else { v6 = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (v6) { var v9 = this.styleName; if (v9 != undefined) { if (typeof v9 != 'string') { v6 = v9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } else { if (_global.styles[v9] != undefined) { v6 = _global.styles[v9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } } } if (v6) { var v10 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (v10 != undefined) { v6 = v10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } if (v6) { if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (this._parent != undefined) { v6 = this._parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false); } } } if (v6) { v6 =, true, this); } return v6; }; v2._getTextFormat = function (Void) { var v2 =; if (v2 != undefined) { return v2; } v2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(v2, true); = v2; if (this.enabled == false) { var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor'); v2.color = v3; } return v2; }; v2.getStyleName = function (Void) { var v2 = this.styleName; if (v2 != undefined) { if (typeof v2 != 'string') { return v2.getStyleName(); } else { return v2; } } if (this._parent != undefined) { return this._parent.getStyleName(); } else { return undefined; } }; v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) { var v3; ++_global.getStyleCounter; if (this[styleProp] != undefined) { return this[styleProp]; } var v6 = this.styleName; if (v6 != undefined) { if (typeof v6 != 'string') { v3 = v6.getStyle(styleProp); } else { var v7 = _global.styles[v6]; v3 = v7.getStyle(styleProp); } } if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } v7 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (v7 != undefined) { v3 = v7[styleProp]; } if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { var v5 = this.stylecache; if (v5 != undefined) { if (v5[styleProp] != undefined) { return v5[styleProp]; } } if (this._parent != undefined) { v3 = this._parent.getStyle(styleProp); } else { v3 =[styleProp]; } if (v5 != undefined) { v5[styleProp] = v3; } return v3; } } if (v3 == undefined) { v3 =[styleProp]; } return v3; }; v1.mergeClipParameters = function (o, p) { for (var v3 in p) { o[v3] = p[v3]; } return true; }; v1.symbolName = 'UIObject'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject; v1.version = ''; v1.textColorList = {'color': 1, 'disabledColor': 1}; v2.invalidateFlag = false; v2.lineWidth = 1; v2.lineColor = 0; v2.tabEnabled = false; v2.clipParameters = {'visible': 1, 'minHeight': 1, 'minWidth': 1, 'maxHeight': 1, 'maxWidth': 1, 'preferredHeight': 1, 'preferredWidth': 1}; v2.addProperty('bottom', v2.__get__bottom, function () {}); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('left', v2.__get__left, function () {}); v2.addProperty('minHeight', v2.__get__minHeight, v2.__set__minHeight); v2.addProperty('minWidth', v2.__get__minWidth, v2.__set__minWidth); v2.addProperty('right', v2.__get__right, function () {}); v2.addProperty('scaleX', v2.__get__scaleX, v2.__set__scaleX); v2.addProperty('scaleY', v2.__get__scaleY, v2.__set__scaleY); v2.addProperty('top', v2.__get__top, function () {}); v2.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); v2.addProperty('x', v2.__get__x, function () {}); v2.addProperty('y', v2.__get__y, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIObject.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 107 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.core.UIComponent = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIObject(); mx.core.UIComponent.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this.__width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this.__height; }; v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); }; v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) { this.setEnabled(newValue); this.invalidate(); delete; return newValue; }; v2.setEnabled = function (enabled) { this.invalidate(); }; v2.getFocus = function () { var selFocus = Selection.getFocus(); return (selFocus === null) ? null : eval(selFocus); }; v2.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; v2.getFocusManager = function () { var v2 = this; while (v2 != undefined) { if (v2.focusManager != undefined) { return v2.focusManager; } v2 = v2._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { this.removeEventListener('keyDown', this); this.removeEventListener('keyUp', this); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusOut'}); this.drawFocus(false); }; v2.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { this.addEventListener('keyDown', this); this.addEventListener('keyUp', this); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusIn'}); if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) { this.drawFocus(true); } }; v2.findFocusInChildren = function (o) { if (o.focusTextField != undefined) { return o.focusTextField; } if (o.tabEnabled == true) { return o; } return undefined; }; v2.findFocusFromObject = function (o) { if (o.tabEnabled != true) { if (o._parent == undefined) { return undefined; } if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) { o = o._parent; return o; } if (o._parent.tabChildren) { o = this.findFocusInChildren(o._parent); return o; } o = this.findFocusFromObject(o._parent); } return o; }; v2.pressFocus = function () { var v3 = this.findFocusFromObject(this); var v2 = this.getFocus(); if (v3 != v2) { v2.drawFocus(false); if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) { v3.drawFocus(true); } } }; v2.releaseFocus = function () { var v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(this); if (v2 != this.getFocus()) { v2.setFocus(); } }; v2.isParent = function (o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o == this) { return true; } o = o._parent; } return false; }; v2.size = function () {}; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; this._focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false;'enabled', this.enabledChanged); if (this.enabled == false) { this.setEnabled(false); } }; v2.dispatchValueChangedEvent = function (value) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'valueChanged', 'value': value}); }; v1.symbolName = 'UIComponent'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.version = ''; v1.kStretch = 5000; v2.focusEnabled = true; v2.tabEnabled = true; v2.origBorderStyles = {'themeColor': 16711680}; v2.clipParameters = {}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 108 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.SimpleButton = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent(); mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); if (this.preset == undefined) { this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; } this.useHandCursor = false; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { if (this.preset != undefined) { var v2 = this[this.idNames[this.preset]]; this[this.refNames[this.preset]] = v2; this.skinName = v2; if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } this.initializing = false; } else { if (this.__state == true) { this.setStateVar(true); } else { if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } } } }; v2.setIcon = function (tag, linkageName) { return this.setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName); }; v2.changeIcon = function (tag, linkageName) { this.linkLength = linkageName.length; var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Icon'; this[v2] = linkageName; this[this.idNames[tag + 8]] = v2; this.setStateVar(this.getState()); }; v2.changeSkin = function (tag, linkageName) { var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Skin'; this[v2] = linkageName; this[this.idNames[tag]] = v2; this.setStateVar(this.getState()); }; v2.viewIcon = function (varName) { var v4 = varName + 'Icon'; var v3 = this[v4]; if (typeof v3 == 'string') { var v5 = v3; if (this.__emphasized) { if (this[v3 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) { v3 += 'Emphasized'; } } if (this[v3].length == 0) { return undefined; } v3 = this.setIcon(this.tagMap[v5], this[v3]); if (v3 == undefined && _global.isLivePreview) { v3 = this.setIcon(0, 'ButtonIcon'); } this[v4] = v3; } this.iconName._visible = false; this.iconName = v3; this.iconName._visible = true; }; v2.removeIcons = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 2) { var v2 = 8; while (v2 < 16) { this.destroyObject(this.idNames[v2]); this[this.stateNames[v2 - 8] + 'Icon'] = ''; ++v2; } ++v3; } this.refresh(); }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initobj) { if (initobj == undefined) { var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, {'styleName': this}); this.calcSize(tag, v3); return v3; } var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj); this.calcSize(tag, v3); return v3; }; v2.calcSize = function (Void) { this.__width = this._width; this.__height = this._height; }; v2.viewSkin = function (varName, initObj) { var v3 = varName + 'Skin'; var v2 = this[v3]; if (typeof v2 == 'string') { var v4 = v2; if (this.__emphasized) { if (this[v2 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) { v2 += 'Emphasized'; } } if (this[v2].length == 0) { return undefined; } v2 = this.setSkin(this.tagMap[v4], this[v2], (initObj != undefined) ? initObj : {'styleName': this}); this[v3] = v2; } this.skinName._visible = false; this.skinName = v2; this.skinName._visible = true; }; v2.showEmphasized = function (e) { if (e && !this.__emphatic) { if (mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) { this.__emphaticStyleName = this.styleName; this.styleName = mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration; } this.__emphatic = true; } else { if (this.__emphatic) { this.styleName = this.__emphaticStyleName; } this.__emphatic = false; } }; v2.refresh = function (Void) { var v2 = this.getState(); if (this.enabled == false) { this.viewIcon('disabled'); this.viewSkin('disabled'); } else { this.viewSkin(this.phase); this.viewIcon(this.phase); } this.setView(this.phase == 'down'); this.iconName.enabled = this.enabled; }; v2.setView = function (offset) { if (this.iconName == undefined) { return undefined; } var v2 = offset ? this.btnOffset : 0; this.iconName._x = (this.__width - this.iconName._width) / 2 + v2; this.iconName._y = (this.__height - this.iconName._height) / 2 + v2; }; v2.setStateVar = function (state) { if (state) { if (this.trueOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.tus; } else { this.rolloverSkin = this.trs; } if (this.trueOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon =; } else { this.rolloverIcon = this.tri; } this.upSkin = this.tus; this.downSkin = this.tds; this.disabledSkin = this.dts; this.upIcon =; this.downIcon = this.tdi; this.disabledIcon = this.dti; } else { if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } else { this.rolloverSkin = this.frs; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } else { this.rolloverIcon = this.fri; } this.upSkin = this.fus; this.downSkin = this.fds; this.disabledSkin = this.dfs; this.upIcon = this.fui; this.downIcon = this.fdi; this.disabledIcon = this.dfi; } this.__state = state; }; v2.setState = function (state) { if (state != this.__state) { this.setStateVar(state); this.invalidate(); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this.refresh(); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { if (this.initializing) { this.initializing = false; this.skinName.visible = true; this.iconName.visible = true; } this.size(); }; v2.getState = function (Void) { return this.__state; }; v2.setToggle = function (val) { this.__toggle = val; if (this.__toggle == false) { this.setState(false); } }; v2.getToggle = function (Void) { return this.__toggle; }; v2.__set__toggle = function (val) { this.setToggle(val); return this.__get__toggle(); }; v2.__get__toggle = function () { return this.getToggle(); }; v2.__set__value = function (val) { this.setSelected(val); return this.__get__value(); }; v2.__get__value = function () { return this.getSelected(); }; v2.__set__selected = function (val) { this.setSelected(val); return this.__get__selected(); }; v2.__get__selected = function () { return this.getSelected(); }; v2.setSelected = function (val) { if (this.__toggle) { this.setState(val); } else { this.setState(this.initializing ? val : this.__state); } }; v2.getSelected = function () { return this.__state; }; v2.setEnabled = function (val) { if (this.enabled != val) { super.setEnabled(val); this.invalidate(); } }; v2.onPress = function (Void) { this.pressFocus(); this.phase = 'down'; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); if (this.autoRepeat) { this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressDelay', this.getStyle('repeatDelay')); } }; v2.onPressDelay = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); if (this.autoRepeat) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressRepeat', this.getStyle('repeatInterval')); } }; v2.onPressRepeat = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.onRelease = function (Void) { this.releaseFocus(); this.phase = 'rollover'; if (this.interval != undefined) { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; } if (this.getToggle()) { this.setState(!this.getState()); } else { this.refresh(); } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); }; v2.onDragOut = function (Void) { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDragOut'}); }; v2.onDragOver = function (Void) { if (this.phase != 'up') { this.onPress(); return undefined; } else { this.phase = 'down'; this.refresh(); } }; v2.onReleaseOutside = function (Void) { this.releaseFocus(); this.phase = 'up'; if (this.interval != undefined) { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; } }; v2.onRollOver = function (Void) { this.phase = 'rollover'; this.refresh(); }; v2.onRollOut = function (Void) { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); }; v2.getLabel = function (Void) { return this.fui.text; }; v2.setLabel = function (val) { if (typeof this.fui == 'string') { this.createLabel('fui', 8, val); this.fui.styleName = this; } else { this.fui.text = val; } var v4 = this.fui._getTextFormat(); var v2 = v4.getTextExtent2(val); this.fui._width = v2.width + 5; this.fui._height = v2.height + 5; this.iconName = this.fui; this.setView(this.__state); }; v2.__get__emphasized = function () { return this.__emphasized; }; v2.__set__emphasized = function (val) { this.__emphasized = val; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 8) { this[this.idNames[v2]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Skin'; if (typeof this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] == 'movieclip') { this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Icon'; } ++v2; } this.showEmphasized(this.__emphasized); this.setStateVar(this.__state); this.invalidateStyle(); return this.__get__emphasized(); }; v2.keyDown = function (e) { if (e.code == 32) { this.onPress(); } }; v2.keyUp = function (e) { if (e.code == 32) { this.onRelease(); } }; v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { super.onKillFocus(); if (this.phase != 'up') { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); } }; v1.symbolName = 'SimpleButton'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.SimpleButton; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'SimpleButton'; v2.style3dInset = 4; v2.btnOffset = 1; v2.__toggle = false; v2.__state = false; v2.__emphasized = false; v2.__emphatic = false; v1.falseUp = 0; v1.falseDown = 1; v1.falseOver = 2; v1.falseDisabled = 3; v1.trueUp = 4; v1.trueDown = 5; v1.trueOver = 6; v1.trueDisabled = 7; v2.falseUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp'; v2.falseDownSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.falseOverSkin = ''; v2.falseDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp'; v2.trueUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.trueDownSkin = ''; v2.trueOverSkin = ''; v2.trueDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.falseUpIcon = ''; v2.falseDownIcon = ''; v2.falseOverIcon = ''; v2.falseDisabledIcon = ''; v2.trueUpIcon = ''; v2.trueDownIcon = ''; v2.trueOverIcon = ''; v2.trueDisabledIcon = ''; v2.phase = 'up'; v2.fui = 'falseUpIcon'; v2.fus = 'falseUpSkin'; v2.fdi = 'falseDownIcon'; v2.fds = 'falseDownSkin'; v2.frs = 'falseOverSkin'; v2.fri = 'falseOverIcon'; v2.dfi = 'falseDisabledIcon'; v2.dfs = 'falseDisabledSkin'; = 'trueUpIcon'; v2.tus = 'trueUpSkin'; v2.tdi = 'trueDownIcon'; v2.tds = 'trueDownSkin'; v2.trs = 'trueOverSkin'; v2.tri = 'trueOverIcon'; v2.dts = 'trueDisabledSkin'; v2.dti = 'trueDisabledIcon'; v2.rolloverSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.frs; v2.rolloverIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fri; v2.upSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fus; v2.downSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fds; v2.disabledSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfs; v2.upIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fui; v2.downIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fdi; v2.disabledIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfi; v2.initializing = true; v2.idNames = ['fus', 'fds', 'frs', 'dfs', 'tus', 'tds', 'trs', 'dts', 'fui', 'fdi', 'fri', 'dfi', 'tui', 'tdi', 'tri', 'dti']; v2.stateNames = ['falseUp', 'falseDown', 'falseOver', 'falseDisabled', 'trueUp', 'trueDown', 'trueOver', 'trueDisabled']; v2.refNames = ['upSkin', 'downSkin', 'rolloverSkin', 'disabledSkin']; v2.tagMap = {'falseUpSkin': 0, 'falseDownSkin': 1, 'falseOverSkin': 2, 'falseDisabledSkin': 3, 'trueUpSkin': 4, 'trueDownSkin': 5, 'trueOverSkin': 6, 'trueDisabledSkin': 7, 'falseUpIcon': 0, 'falseDownIcon': 1, 'falseOverIcon': 2, 'falseDisabledIcon': 3, 'trueUpIcon': 4, 'trueDownIcon': 5, 'trueOverIcon': 6, 'trueDisabledIcon': 7}; v2.addProperty('emphasized', v2.__get__emphasized, v2.__set__emphasized); v2.addProperty('selected', v2.__get__selected, v2.__set__selected); v2.addProperty('toggle', v2.__get__toggle, v2.__set__toggle); v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, v2.__set__value); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 109 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.Button = v1; var v2 = new mx.controls.SimpleButton(); mx.controls.Button.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v2.draw = function () { if (this.initializing) { this.labelPath.visible = true; } super.draw(); if (this.initIcon != undefined) { this._setIcon(this.initIcon); } delete this.initIcon; }; v2.onRelease = function (Void) { super.onRelease(); }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { super.createChildren(); }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initobj) { return super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj); }; v2.viewSkin = function (varName) { var v3 = this.getState() ? 'true' : 'false'; v3 += this.enabled ? this.phase : 'disabled'; super.viewSkin(varName, {'styleName': this, 'borderStyle': v3}); }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (c) { this.labelPath.invalidateStyle(c); super.invalidateStyle(c); }; v2.setColor = function (c) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 8) { this[this.idNames[v2]].redraw(true); ++v2; } }; v2.setEnabled = function (enable) { this.labelPath.enabled = enable; super.setEnabled(enable); }; v2.calcSize = function (tag, ref) { if (this.__width == undefined || this.__height == undefined) { return undefined; } if (tag < 7) { ref.setSize(this.__width, this.__height, true); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this.setState(this.getState()); this.setHitArea(this.__width, this.__height); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 8) { var v4 = this.idNames[v3]; if (typeof this[v4] == 'movieclip') { this[v4].setSize(this.__width, this.__height, true); } ++v3; } super.size(); }; v2.__set__labelPlacement = function (val) { this.__labelPlacement = val; this.invalidate(); return this.__get__labelPlacement(); }; v2.__get__labelPlacement = function () { return this.__labelPlacement; }; v2.getLabelPlacement = function (Void) { return this.__labelPlacement; }; v2.setLabelPlacement = function (val) { this.__labelPlacement = val; this.invalidate(); }; v2.getBtnOffset = function (Void) { if (this.getState()) { var v2 = this.btnOffset; return v2; } if (this.phase == 'down') { v2 = this.btnOffset; return v2; } v2 = 0; return v2; }; v2.setView = function (offset) { var v16 = offset ? this.btnOffset : 0; var v12 = this.getLabelPlacement(); var v7 = 0; var v6 = 0; var v9 = 0; var v8 = 0; var v5 = 0; var v4 = 0; var v3 = this.labelPath; var v2 = this.iconName; var v15 = v3.textWidth; var v14 = v3.textHeight; var v10 = this.__width - this.borderW - this.borderW; var v11 = this.__height - this.borderW - this.borderW; if (v2 != undefined) { v7 = v2._width; v6 = v2._height; } if (v12 == 'left' || v12 == 'right') { if (v3 != undefined) { v9 = Math.min(v10 - v7, v15 + 5); v3._width = v9; v8 = Math.min(v11, v14 + 5); v3._height = v8; } if (v12 == 'right') { v5 = v7; if (this.centerContent) { v5 += (v10 - v9 - v7) / 2; } v2._x = v5 - v7; } else { v5 = v10 - v9 - v7; if (this.centerContent) { v5 /= 2; } v2._x = v5 + v9; } v4 = 0; v2._y = v4; if (this.centerContent) { v2._y = (v11 - v6) / 2; v4 = (v11 - v8) / 2; } if (!this.centerContent) { v2._y += Math.max(0, (v8 - v6) / 2); } } else { if (v3 != undefined) { v9 = Math.min(v10, v15 + 5); v3._width = v9; v8 = Math.min(v11 - v6, v14 + 5); v3._height = v8; } v5 = (v10 - v9) / 2; v2._x = (v10 - v7) / 2; if (v12 == 'top') { v4 = v11 - v8 - v6; if (this.centerContent) { v4 /= 2; } v2._y = v4 + v8; } else { v4 = v6; if (this.centerContent) { v4 += (v11 - v8 - v6) / 2; } v2._y = v4 - v6; } } var v13 = this.borderW + v16; v3._x = v5 + v13; v3._y = v4 + v13; v2._x += v13; v2._y += v13; }; v2.__set__label = function (lbl) { this.setLabel(lbl); return this.__get__label(); }; v2.setLabel = function (label) { if (label == '') { this.labelPath.removeTextField(); this.refresh(); return undefined; } if (this.labelPath == undefined) { var v2 = this.createLabel('labelPath', 200, label); v2._width = v2.textWidth + 5; v2._height = v2.textHeight + 5; if (this.initializing) { v2.visible = false; } } else { delete this.labelPath.__text; this.labelPath.text = label; this.refresh(); } }; v2.getLabel = function (Void) { return (this.labelPath.__text != undefined) ? this.labelPath.__text : this.labelPath.text; }; v2.__get__label = function () { return this.getLabel(); }; v2._getIcon = function (Void) { return this._iconLinkageName; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { if (this.initializing) { return this.initIcon; } return this._iconLinkageName; }; v2._setIcon = function (linkage) { if (this.initializing) { if (linkage == '') { return undefined; } this.initIcon = linkage; } else { if (linkage == '') { this.removeIcons(); return undefined; } super.changeIcon(0, linkage); super.changeIcon(1, linkage); super.changeIcon(3, linkage); super.changeIcon(4, linkage); super.changeIcon(5, linkage); this._iconLinkageName = linkage; this.refresh(); } }; v2.__set__icon = function (linkage) { this._setIcon(linkage); return this.__get__icon(); }; v2.setHitArea = function (w, h) { if (this.hitArea_mc == undefined) { this.createEmptyObject('hitArea_mc', 100); } var v2 = this.hitArea_mc; v2.clear(); v2.beginFill(16711680); v2.drawRect(0, 0, w, h); v2.endFill(); v2.setVisible(false); }; v1.symbolName = 'Button'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.Button; v2.className = 'Button'; v1.version = ''; v2.btnOffset = 0; v2._color = 'buttonColor'; v2.__label = 'default value'; v2.__labelPlacement = 'right'; v2.falseUpSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.falseDownSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.falseOverSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.falseDisabledSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.trueUpSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.trueDownSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.trueOverSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.trueDisabledSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.falseUpIcon = ''; v2.falseDownIcon = ''; v2.falseOverIcon = ''; v2.falseDisabledIcon = ''; v2.trueUpIcon = ''; v2.trueDownIcon = ''; v2.trueOverIcon = ''; v2.trueDisabledIcon = ''; v2.clipParameters = {'labelPlacement': 1, 'icon': 1, 'toggle': 1, 'selected': 1, 'label': 1}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.Button.prototype.clipParameters, mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.clipParameters); v2.centerContent = true; v2.borderW = 1; v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, v2.__set__icon); v2.addProperty('label', v2.__get__label, v2.__set__label); v2.addProperty('labelPlacement', v2.__get__labelPlacement, v2.__set__labelPlacement); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.Button.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 110 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.CheckBox = v1; var v2 = new mx.controls.Button(); mx.controls.CheckBox.prototype = v2; v2.onRelease = function () { super.onRelease(); }; v2.init = function () { super.init(); }; v2.size = function () { super.size(); }; v2.__get__emphasized = function () { return undefined; }; v2.calcPreferredHeight = function () { var v5 = this._getTextFormat(); var v3 = (v5.getTextExtent2(this.labelPath.text)).height; var v4 = this.iconName._height; var v2 = 0; if (this.__labelPlacement == 'left' || this.__labelPlacement == 'right') { v2 = Math.max(v3, v4); return Math.max(14, v2); } v2 = v3 + v4; return Math.max(14, v2); }; v2.__set__toggle = function (v) { return this.__get__toggle(); }; v2.__get__toggle = function () {}; v2.__set__icon = function (v) { return this.__get__icon(); }; v2.__get__icon = function () {}; v1.symbolName = 'CheckBox'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.CheckBox; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'CheckBox'; v2.ignoreClassStyleDeclaration = {'Button': 1}; v2.btnOffset = 0; v2.__toggle = true; v2.__selected = false; v2.__labelPlacement = 'right'; v2.__label = 'CheckBox'; v2.falseUpSkin = ''; v2.falseDownSkin = ''; v2.falseOverSkin = ''; v2.falseDisabledSkin = ''; v2.trueUpSkin = ''; v2.trueDownSkin = ''; v2.trueOverSkin = ''; v2.trueDisabledSkin = ''; v2.falseUpIcon = 'CheckFalseUp'; v2.falseDownIcon = 'CheckFalseDown'; v2.falseOverIcon = 'CheckFalseOver'; v2.falseDisabledIcon = 'CheckFalseDisabled'; v2.trueUpIcon = 'CheckTrueUp'; v2.trueDownIcon = 'CheckTrueDown'; v2.trueOverIcon = 'CheckTrueOver'; v2.trueDisabledIcon = 'CheckTrueDisabled'; v2.clipParameters = {'label': 1, 'labelPlacement': 1, 'selected': 1}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.CheckBox.prototype.clipParameters, mx.controls.Button.prototype.clipParameters); v2.centerContent = false; v2.borderW = 0; v2.addProperty('emphasized', v2.__get__emphasized, function () {}); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, v2.__set__icon); v2.addProperty('toggle', v2.__get__toggle, v2.__set__toggle); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.CheckBox.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 156 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.SkinElement = v1; var v2 = new MovieClip(); mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype = v2; v1.registerElement = function (name, className) { Object.registerClass(name, (className == undefined) ? mx.skins.SkinElement : className); _global.skinRegistry[name] = true; }; v2.__set__visible = function (visible) { this._visible = visible; }; v2.move = function (x, y) { this._x = x; this._y = y; }; v2.setSize = function (w, h) { this._width = w; this._height = h; }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 157 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.addTextStyles = function (o, bColor) { o.addProperty('textAlign', function () { return this._tf.align; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.align = x; }); o.addProperty('fontWeight', function () { return (this._tf.bold != undefined) ? (this._tf.bold ? 'bold' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.bold = x == 'bold'; }); if (bColor) { o.addProperty('color', function () { return this._tf.color; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.color = x; }); } o.addProperty('fontFamily', function () { return this._tf.font; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.font = x; }); o.addProperty('textIndent', function () { return this._tf.indent; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.indent = x; }); o.addProperty('fontStyle', function () { return (this._tf.italic != undefined) ? (this._tf.italic ? 'italic' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.italic = x == 'italic'; }); o.addProperty('marginLeft', function () { return this._tf.leftMargin; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.leftMargin = x; }); o.addProperty('marginRight', function () { return this._tf.rightMargin; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.rightMargin = x; }); o.addProperty('fontSize', function () { return this._tf.size; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.size = x; }); o.addProperty('textDecoration', function () { return (this._tf.underline != undefined) ? (this._tf.underline ? 'underline' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.underline = x == 'underline'; }); o.addProperty('embedFonts', function () { return this._tf.embedFonts; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.embedFonts = x; }); }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 158 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.StyleManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.registerInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; }; v1.isInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] == true; }; v1.registerColorStyle = function (styleName) { mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] = true; }; v1.isColorStyle = function (styleName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] == true; }; v1.registerColorName = function (colorName, colorValue) { mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] = colorValue; }; v1.isColorName = function (colorName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] != undefined; }; v1.getColorName = function (colorName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName]; }; v1.inheritingStyles = {'color': true, 'direction': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'fontSize': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'textAlign': true, 'textIndent': true}; v1.colorStyles = {'barColor': true, 'trackColor': true, 'borderColor': true, 'buttonColor': true, 'color': true, 'dateHeaderColor': true, 'dateRollOverColor': true, 'disabledColor': true, 'fillColor': true, 'highlightColor': true, 'scrollTrackColor': true, 'selectedDateColor': true, 'shadowColor': true, 'strokeColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundDisabledColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundPressedColor': true, 'symbolColor': true, 'symbolDisabledColor': true, 'themeColor': true, 'todayIndicatorColor': true, 'shadowCapColor': true, 'borderCapColor': true, 'focusColor': true}; v1.colorNames = {'black': 0, 'white': 16777215, 'red': 16711680, 'green': 65280, 'blue': 255, 'magenta': 16711935, 'yellow': 16776960, 'cyan': 65535, 'haloGreen': 8453965, 'haloBlue': 2881013, 'haloOrange': 16761344}; v1.TextFormatStyleProps = {'font': true, 'size': true, 'color': true, 'leftMargin': false, 'rightMargin': false, 'italic': true, 'bold': true, 'align': true, 'indent': true, 'underline': false, 'embedFonts': false}; v1.TextStyleMap = {'textAlign': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'color': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'textIndent': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'lineHeight': true, 'marginLeft': true, 'marginRight': true, 'fontSize': true, 'textDecoration': true, 'embedFonts': true}; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.StyleManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 159 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) { var v5 = false; if (this._tf != undefined) { var v2; for (v2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v2]) { if (tf[v2] == undefined) { var v3 = this._tf[v2]; if (v3 != undefined) { tf[v2] = v3; } else { v5 = true; } } } } return v5; } v5 = true; return v5; }; v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) { var v2 = this[styleProp]; var v3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(v2); return (v3 == undefined) ? v2 : v3; }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true); return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.classConstruct(); v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 160 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1._removeEventListener = function (queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var v4 = queue.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v4) { var v2 = queue[v1]; if (v2 == handler) { queue.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } } }; v1.initialize = function (object) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } object.addEventListener =; object.removeEventListener =; object.dispatchEvent =; object.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchQueue = function (queueObj, eventObj) { var v7 = '__q_' + eventObj.type; var v4 = queueObj[v7]; if (v4 != undefined) { var v5; for (v5 in v4) { var v1 = v4[v5]; var v3 = typeof v1; if (v3 == 'object' || v3 == 'movieclip') { if (v1.handleEvent != undefined) { v1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (v1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if ([eventObj.type] == undefined) { v1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { v1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.addEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v3 = '__q_' + event; if (this[v3] == undefined) { this[v3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, v3, 1);[v3], event, handler); this[v3].push(handler); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v2 = '__q_' + event;[v2], event, handler); }; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; v1.exceptions = {'move': 1, 'draw': 1, 'load': 1}; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 161 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; = v1; var v2 = new; = v2; v1.addKeyEvents = function (obj) { if (obj.keyHandler == undefined) { obj.keyHandler = new Object(); var v1 = obj.keyHandler; v1.owner = obj; v1.onKeyDown =; v1.onKeyUp =; } Key.addListener(obj.keyHandler); }; v1.removeKeyEvents = function (obj) { Key.removeListener(obj.keyHandler); }; v1.addLoadEvents = function (obj) { if (obj.onLoad == undefined) { obj.onLoad =; obj.onUnload =; if (obj.getBytesTotal() == obj.getBytesLoaded()) { obj.doLater(obj, 'onLoad'); } } }; v1.removeLoadEvents = function (obj) { delete obj.onLoad; delete obj.onUnload; }; v1.initialize = function (obj) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } obj.addEventListener =; obj.__origAddEventListener =; obj.removeEventListener =; obj.dispatchEvent =; obj.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(, eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) { this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyDown', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)}); }; v2.onKeyUp = function (Void) { this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyUp', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)}); }; v2.onLoad = function (Void) { if (this.__sentLoadEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'load'}); } this.__sentLoadEvent = true; }; v2.onUnload = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'unload'}); }; v2.__addEventListener = function (event, handler) { this.__origAddEventListener(event, handler); var v3 =; for (var v5 in v3) { if ([v5][event] != undefined) { var v2 = v3[v5][0];[v2](this); } } }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v6 = '__q_' + event;[v6], event, handler); if (this[v6].length == 0) { var v2 =; for (var v5 in v2) { if ([v5][event] != undefined) { var v3 = v2[v5][1];[v2[v5][1]](this); } } } }; v1.keyEvents = {'keyDown': 1, 'keyUp': 1}; v1.loadEvents = {'load': 1, 'unload': 1}; v1.lowLevelEvents = {'keyEvents': ['addKeyEvents', 'removeKeyEvents'], 'loadEvents': ['addLoadEvents', 'removeLoadEvents']}; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 162 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setColor = function (c) { if (c != undefined) { var v2 = new Color(this); v2.setRGB(c); } }; v2.draw = function (Void) { this.setColor(this.getStyle(this._color)); this.onEnterFrame = undefined; }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) { this.onEnterFrame = this.draw; }; v1.setColorStyle = function (p, colorStyle) { if (p._color == undefined) { p._color = colorStyle; } p.setColor = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.setColor; p.invalidateStyle = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.invalidateStyle; p.draw = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.draw; p.setColor(p.getStyle(colorStyle)); }; v1.mixins = new mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement(); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 163 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.addGeometry = function (tf, ui) { tf.addProperty('width', ui.__get__width, null); tf.addProperty('height', ui.__get__height, null); tf.addProperty('left', ui.__get__left, null); tf.addProperty('x', ui.__get__x, null); tf.addProperty('top', ui.__get__top, null); tf.addProperty('y', ui.__get__y, null); tf.addProperty('right', ui.__get__right, null); tf.addProperty('bottom', ui.__get__bottom, null); tf.addProperty('visible', ui.__get__visible, ui.__set__visible); }; v1.Extensions = function () { if (mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended == true) { return true; } mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended = true; var v6 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype; var v9 = mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v9, v6);; var v13 = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(v6); var v5 = MovieClip.prototype; v5.getTopLevel = v6.getTopLevel; v5.createLabel = v6.createLabel; v5.createObject = v6.createObject; v5.createClassObject = v6.createClassObject; v5.createEmptyObject = v6.createEmptyObject; v5.destroyObject = v6.destroyObject; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getTopLevel', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createLabel', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createClassObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createEmptyObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'destroyObject', 1); v5.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat; v5._getTextFormat = v6._getTextFormat; v5.getStyleName = v6.getStyleName; v5.getStyle = v6.getStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '__getTextFormat', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '_getTextFormat', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyleName', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyle', 1); var v7 = TextField.prototype; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v7, v6); v7.addProperty('enabled', function () { return this.__enabled; }, function (x) { this.__enabled = x; this.invalidateStyle(); }); v7.move = v9.move; v7.setSize = v9.setSize; v7.invalidateStyle = function () { this.invalidateFlag = true; }; v7.draw = function () { if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var v2 = this._getTextFormat(); this.setTextFormat(v2); this.setNewTextFormat(v2); this.embedFonts = v2.embedFonts == true; if (this.__text != undefined) { if (this.text == '') { this.text = this.__text; } delete this.__text; } this._visible = true; } }; v7.setColor = function (color) { this.textColor = color; }; v7.getStyle = v5.getStyle; v7.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat; v7.setValue = function (v) { this.text = v; }; v7.getValue = function () { return this.text; }; v7.addProperty('value', function () { return this.getValue(); }, function (v) { this.setValue(v); }); v7._getTextFormat = function () { var v2 =; if (v2 != undefined) { return v2; } v2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(v2); = v2; if (this.__enabled == false) { if (this.enabledColor == undefined) { var v4 = this.getTextFormat(); this.enabledColor = v4.color; } var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor'); v2.color = v3; return v2; } if (this.enabledColor != undefined) { if (v2.color == undefined) { v2.color = this.enabledColor; } } return v2; }; v7.getPreferredWidth = function () { this.draw(); return this.textWidth + 4; }; v7.getPreferredHeight = function () { this.draw(); return this.textHeight + 4; }; TextFormat.prototype.getTextExtent2 = function (s) { var v3 = _root._getTextExtent; if (v3 == undefined) { _root.createTextField('_getTextExtent', -2, 0, 0, 1000, 100); v3 = _root._getTextExtent; v3._visible = false; } _root._getTextExtent.text = s; var v4 = this.align; this.align = 'left'; _root._getTextExtent.setTextFormat(this); this.align = v4; return {'width': v3.textWidth, 'height': v3.textHeight}; }; if ( == undefined) { = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); _global.cascadingStyles = true; _global.styles = new Object(); _global.skinRegistry = new Object(); if (_global._origWidth == undefined) { _global.origWidth = Stage.width; _global.origHeight = Stage.height; } } var v4 = _root; while (v4._parent != undefined) { v4 = v4._parent; } v4.addProperty('width', function () { return Stage.width; }, null); v4.addProperty('height', function () { return Stage.height; }, null); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'width', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'height', 1); return true; }; v1.bExtended = false; v1.UIObjectExtended = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; v1.SkinElementDependency = mx.skins.SkinElement; v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; v1.UIEventDispatcherDependency =; ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 164 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.skins.halo.Defaults = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.setThemeDefaults = function () { var v2 =; v2.themeColor = 8453965; v2.disabledColor = 8684164; v2.modalTransparency = 0; v2.filled = true; v2.stroked = true; v2.strokeWidth = 1; v2.strokeColor = 0; v2.fillColor = 16777215; v2.repeatInterval = 35; v2.repeatDelay = 500; v2.fontFamily = '_sans'; v2.fontSize = 12; v2.selectionColor = 13500353; v2.rollOverColor = 14942166; v2.useRollOver = true; v2.backgroundDisabledColor = 14540253; v2.selectionDisabledColor = 14540253; v2.selectionDuration = 200; v2.openDuration = 250; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; v2.color = 734012; v2.textSelectedColor = 24371; v2.textRollOverColor = 2831164; v2.textDisabledColor = 16777215; v2.vGridLines = true; v2.hGridLines = false; v2.vGridLineColor = 6710886; v2.hGridLineColor = 6710886; v2.headerColor = 15395562; v2.indentation = 17; v2.folderOpenIcon = 'TreeFolderOpen'; v2.folderClosedIcon = 'TreeFolderClosed'; v2.defaultLeafIcon = 'TreeNodeIcon'; v2.disclosureOpenIcon = 'TreeDisclosureOpen'; v2.disclosureClosedIcon = 'TreeDisclosureClosed'; v2.popupDuration = 150; v2.todayColor = 6710886; _global.styles.ScrollSelectList = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.ScrollSelectList; v2.backgroundColor = 16777215; v2.borderColor = 13290186; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.ComboBox = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.ComboBox; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.NumericStepper = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.NumericStepper; v2.textAlign = 'center'; _global.styles.RectBorder = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.RectBorder; v2.borderColor = 14015965; v2.buttonColor = 7305079; v2.shadowColor = 15658734; v2.highlightColor = 12897484; v2.shadowCapColor = 14015965; v2.borderCapColor = 9542041; var v4 = new Object(); v4.borderColor = 16711680; v4.buttonColor = 16711680; v4.shadowColor = 16711680; v4.highlightColor = 16711680; v4.shadowCapColor = 16711680; v4.borderCapColor = 16711680; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.origBorderStyles = v4; var v3; _global.styles.TextInput = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.TextInput; v3.backgroundColor = 16777215; v3.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.TextArea = _global.styles.TextInput; _global.styles.Window = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Window; v3.borderStyle = 'default'; _global.styles.windowStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.windowStyles; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.dataGridStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.dataGridStyles; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.Alert = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Alert; v3.borderStyle = 'alert'; _global.styles.ScrollView = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.ScrollView; v3.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.View = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.View; v3.borderStyle = 'none'; _global.styles.ProgressBar = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.ProgressBar; v3.color = 11187123; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.AccordionHeader = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.AccordionHeader; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.fontSize = '11'; _global.styles.Accordion = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Accordion; v3.borderStyle = 'solid'; v3.backgroundColor = 16777215; v3.borderColor = 9081738; v3.headerHeight = 22; v3.marginBottom = -1; v3.marginTop = -1; v3.marginRight = -1; v3.marginLeft = -1; v3.verticalGap = -1; _global.styles.DateChooser = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.DateChooser; v3.borderColor = 9542041; v3.headerColor = 16777215; _global.styles.CalendarLayout = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.CalendarLayout; v3.fontSize = 10; v3.textAlign = 'right'; v3.color = 2831164; _global.styles.WeekDayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.WeekDayStyle; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.fontSize = 11; v3.textAlign = 'center'; v3.color = 2831164; _global.styles.TodayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.TodayStyle; v3.color = 16777215; _global.styles.HeaderDateText = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.HeaderDateText; v3.fontSize = 12; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.textAlign = 'center'; }; v2.drawRoundRect = function (x, y, w, h, r, c, alpha, rot, gradient, ratios) { if (typeof r == 'object') { var v18 =; var v16 =; var v15 =; var v10 =; } else { var v10 = r; var v15 = v10; var v16 = v15; var v18 = v16; } if (typeof c == 'object') { if (typeof alpha != 'object') { var v9 = [alpha, alpha]; } else { var v9 = alpha; } if (ratios == undefined) { ratios = [0, 255]; } var v14 = h * 0.7; if (typeof rot != 'object') { var v11 = {'matrixType': 'box', 'x': -v14, 'y': v14, 'w': w * 2, 'h': h * 4, 'r': rot * 0.0174532925199433}; } else { var v11 = rot; } if (gradient == 'radial') { this.beginGradientFill('radial', c, v9, ratios, v11); } else { this.beginGradientFill('linear', c, v9, ratios, v11); } } else { if (c != undefined) { this.beginFill(c, alpha); } } r = v18; var v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; var v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.moveTo(x + w, y + h - r); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); this.curveTo(x + w, y + h - v12, x + w - v13, y + h - v13); this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y + h, x + w - r, y + h); r = v16; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x + r, y + h); this.curveTo(x + v12, y + h, x + v13, y + h - v13); this.curveTo(x, y + h - v12, x, y + h - r); r = v15; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x, y + r); this.curveTo(x, y + v12, x + v13, y + v13); this.curveTo(x + v12, y, x + r, y); r = v10; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x + w - r, y); this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y, x + w - v13, y + v13); this.curveTo(x + w, y + v12, x + w, y + r); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); if (c != undefined) { this.endFill(); } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); mx.skins.halo.Defaults.setThemeDefaults(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.classConstruct(); v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 165 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { MovieClip.prototype.createClassChildAtDepth = this.createClassChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.createChildAtDepth = this.createChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthTo = this.setDepthTo; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthAbove = this.setDepthAbove; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthBelow = this.setDepthBelow; MovieClip.prototype.findNextAvailableDepth = this.findNextAvailableDepth; MovieClip.prototype.shuffleDepths = this.shuffleDepths; MovieClip.prototype.getDepthByFlag = this.getDepthByFlag; MovieClip.prototype.buildDepthTable = this.buildDepthTable; _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createClassChildAtDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createChildAtDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthTo', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthAbove', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthBelow', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'findNextAvailableDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'shuffleDepths', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'getDepthByFlag', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'buildDepthTable', 1); }; mx.managers.DepthManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.sortFunction = function (a, b) { if (a.getDepth() > b.getDepth()) { return 1; } return -1; }; v1.test = function (depth) { if (depth == mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth) { return false; } else { return true; } }; v1.createClassObjectAtDepth = function (className, depthSpace, initObj) { var v1; switch (depthSpace) { case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj); return v1; case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj); return v1; } return v1; }; v1.createObjectAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthSpace, initObj) { var v1; switch (depthSpace) { case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj); return v1; case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj); return v1; } return v1; }; v2.createClassChildAtDepth = function (className, depthFlag, initObj) { if (this._childCounter == undefined) { this._childCounter = 0; } var v3 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3); var v6 = 'down'; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { v6 = 'up'; } var v5; if (v3[v2] != undefined) { v5 = v2; v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v6); } var v4 = this.createClassObject(className, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj); if (v5 != undefined) { v3[v2] = v4; this.shuffleDepths(v4, v5, v3, v6); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { v4._topmost = true; } return v4; }; v2.createChildAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthFlag, initObj) { if (this._childCounter == undefined) { this._childCounter = 0; } var v3 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3); var v6 = 'down'; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { v6 = 'up'; } var v5; if (v3[v2] != undefined) { v5 = v2; v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v6); } var v4 = this.createObject(linkageName, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj); if (v5 != undefined) { v3[v2] = v4; this.shuffleDepths(v4, v5, v3, v6); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { v4._topmost = true; } return v4; }; v2.setDepthTo = function (depthFlag) { var v2 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); var v3 = this._parent.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v2); if (v2[v3] != undefined) { this.shuffleDepths(this, v3, v2, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v3); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { this._topmost = true; } else { delete this._topmost; } }; v2.setDepthAbove = function (targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) { return undefined; } var v2 = targetInstance.getDepth() + 1; var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); if (v3[v2] != undefined && this.getDepth() < v2) { v2 -= 1; } if (v2 > mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth; } if (v2 == mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, 'down'); } else { if (v3[v2] != undefined) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v2); } } }; v2.setDepthBelow = function (targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) { return undefined; } var v6 = targetInstance.getDepth() - 1; var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); if (v3[v6] != undefined && this.getDepth() > v6) { v6 += 1; } var v4 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var v5; for (v5 in v3) { var v2 = v3[v5]; if (v2._parent != undefined) { v4 = Math.min(v4, v2.getDepth()); } } if (v6 < v4) { v6 = v4; } if (v6 == v4) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, 'up'); } else { if (v3[v6] != undefined) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v6); } } }; v2.findNextAvailableDepth = function (targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var v5 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; if (targetDepth < v5) { targetDepth = v5; } if (depthTable[targetDepth] == undefined) { return targetDepth; } var v2 = targetDepth; var v1 = targetDepth; if (direction == 'down') { while (depthTable[v1] != undefined) { --v1; } return v1; } while (depthTable[v2] != undefined) { ++v2; } return v2; }; v2.shuffleDepths = function (subject, targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var v9 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var v8 = v9; var v5; for (v5 in depthTable) { var v7 = depthTable[v5]; if (v7._parent != undefined) { v9 = Math.min(v9, v7.getDepth()); } } if (direction == undefined) { if (subject.getDepth() > targetDepth) { direction = 'up'; } else { direction = 'down'; } } var v1 = new Array(); for (v5 in depthTable) { v7 = depthTable[v5]; if (v7._parent != undefined) { v1.push(v7); } } v1.sort(mx.managers.DepthManager.sortFunction); if (direction == 'up') { var v3; var v11; while (v1.length > 0) { v3 = v1.pop(); if (v3 == subject) { break; } } while (v1.length > 0) { v11 = subject.getDepth(); v3 = v1.pop(); var v4 = v3.getDepth(); if (v11 > v4 + 1) { if (v4 >= 0) { subject.swapDepths(v4 + 1); } else { if (v11 > v8 && v4 < v8) { subject.swapDepths(v8); } } } subject.swapDepths(v3); if (v4 == targetDepth) { break; } } } else { if (direction == 'down') { var v3; while (v1.length > 0) { v3 = v1.shift(); if (v3 == subject) { break; } } while (v1.length > 0) { var v11 = v3.getDepth(); v3 = v1.shift(); var v4 = v3.getDepth(); if (v11 < v4 - 1 && v4 > 0) { subject.swapDepths(v4 - 1); } subject.swapDepths(v3); if (v4 == targetDepth) { break; } } } } }; v2.getDepthByFlag = function (depthFlag, depthTable) { var v2 = 0; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop || depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kNotopmost) { var v5 = 0; var v7 = false; var v8; for (v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { if (!v9._topmost) { v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth()); } else { if (!v7) { v5 = v9.getDepth(); v7 = true; } else { v5 = Math.min(v5, v9.getDepth()); } } } } } v2 += 20; if (v7) { if (v2 >= v5) { v2 = v5 - 1; } } } else { if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { for (var v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = Math.min(v2, v9.getDepth()); } } } v2 -= 20; } else { if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { for (var v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth()); } } } v2 += 100; } } } if (v2 >= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth; } var v6 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; for (v9 in depthTable) { var v4 = depthTable[v9]; if (v4._parent != undefined) { v6 = Math.min(v6, v4.getDepth()); } } if (v2 <= v6) { v2 = v6; } return v2; }; v2.buildDepthTable = function (Void) { var v5 = new Array(); var v4; for (v4 in this) { var v2 = this[v4]; var v3 = typeof v2; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v2.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v2._parent == this) { v5[v2.getDepth()] = v2; } } } return v5; }; v1.reservedDepth = 1048575; v1.highestDepth = 1048574; v1.lowestDepth = -16383; v1.numberOfAuthortimeLayers = 383; v1.kCursor = 101; v1.kTooltip = 102; v1.kTop = 201; v1.kBottom = 202; v1.kTopmost = 203; v1.kNotopmost = 204; v1.holder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('reserved', mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth); v1.__depthManager = new mx.managers.DepthManager(); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.DepthManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 166 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.managers.SystemManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.init = function (Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized == false) { mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized = true;; Mouse.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); Stage.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener; } }; v1.addFocusManager = function (f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); }; v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) {}; v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) { var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v1.focusManager._onMouseDown(); }; v1.onResize = function (Void) { var v7 = Stage.width; var v6 = Stage.height; var v9 = _global.origWidth; var v8 = _global.origHeight; var v3 = Stage.align; var v5 = (v9 - v7) / 2; var v4 = (v8 - v6) / 2; if (v3 == 'T') { v4 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'B') { v4 = v8 - v6; } else { if (v3 == 'L') { v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'R') { v5 = v9 - v7; } else { if (v3 == 'LT') { v4 = 0; v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'TR') { v4 = 0; v5 = v9 - v7; } else { if (v3 == 'LB') { v4 = v8 - v6; v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'RB') { v4 = v8 - v6; v5 = v9 - v7; } } } } } } } } if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen = new Object(); } mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.x = v5; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.y = v4; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.width = v7; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.height = v6; _root.focusManager.relocate(); mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize'}); }; v1.__get__screen = function () { mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.onResize(); } return mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen; }; v1._initialized = false; v1.idleFrames = 0; v1.isMouseDown = false; v1.forms = new Array(); v1.addProperty('screen', v1.__get__screen, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.SystemManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 167 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.managers.FocusManager = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent(); mx.managers.FocusManager.prototype = v2; v2.__get__defaultPushButton = function () { return this.__defaultPushButton; }; v2.__set__defaultPushButton = function (x) { if (x != this.__defaultPushButton) { this.__defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(false); this.__defaultPushButton = x; this.defPushButton = x; x.__set__emphasized(true); } return this.__get__defaultPushButton(); }; v2.getMaxTabIndex = function (o) { var v3 = 0; var v6; for (v6 in o) { var v2 = o[v6]; if (v2._parent == o) { if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (v2.tabIndex > v3) { v3 = v2.tabIndex; } } if (v2.tabChildren == true) { var v4 = this.getMaxTabIndex(v2); if (v4 > v3) { v3 = v4; } } } } return v3; }; v2.getNextTabIndex = function (Void) { return this.getMaxTabIndex(this.form) + 1; }; v2.__get__nextTabIndex = function () { return this.getNextTabIndex(); }; v2.relocate = function (Void) { var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.__get__screen(); this.move(v2.x - 1, v2.y - 1); }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this.tabEnabled = false; this._height = 1; this._width = 1; this._y = -1; this._x = -1; this._alpha = 0; this._parent.focusManager = this; this._parent.tabChildren = true; this._parent.tabEnabled = false; this.form = this._parent; this._parent.addEventListener('hide', this); this._parent.addEventListener('reveal', this); mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager(this.form); this.tabCapture.tabIndex = 0;'enabled', this.enabledChanged); Selection.addListener(this); this.lastMouse = new Object(); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'focusManager', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabEnabled', 1); }; v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) { this._visible = newValue; return newValue; }; v2.activate = function (Void) { Key.addListener(this); this._visible = true; this.activated = this._visible; if (this.lastFocus != undefined) { this.bNeedFocus = true; if (!mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown) { this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus'); } } }; v2.deactivate = function (Void) { Key.removeListener(this); this._visible = false; this.activated = this._visible; var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus(); var v3 = this.getActualFocus(v2); if (this.isOurFocus(v3)) { this.lastSelFocus = v2; this.lastFocus = v3; } this.cancelAllDoLaters(); }; v2.isOurFocus = function (o) { if (o.focusManager == this) { return true; } while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return false; } if (o._parent == this._parent) { return true; } o = o._parent; } return false; }; v2.onSetFocus = function (o, n) { if (n == null) { if (this.activated) { this.bNeedFocus = true; } } else { var v2 = this.getFocus(); if (this.isOurFocus(v2)) { this.bNeedFocus = false; this.lastFocus = v2; this.lastSelFocus = n; } } }; v2.restoreFocus = function (Void) { var v2 = this.lastSelFocus.hscroll; if (v2 != undefined) { var v5 = this.lastSelFocus.scroll; var v4 = this.lastSelFocus.background; } this.lastFocus.setFocus(); var v3 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(v3.lastBeginIndex, v3.lastEndIndex); if (v2 != undefined) { this.lastSelFocus.scroll = v5; this.lastSelFocus.hscroll = v2; this.lastSelFocus.background = v4; } }; v2.onUnload = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager(this.form); }; v2.setFocus = function (o) { if (o == null) { Selection.setFocus(null); } else { if (o.setFocus == undefined) { Selection.setFocus(o); } else { o.setFocus(); } } }; v2.getActualFocus = function (o) { var v1 = o._parent; while (v1 != undefined) { if (v1.focusTextField != undefined) { while (v1.focusTextField != undefined) { o = v1; v1 = v1._parent; if (v1 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (v1.focusTextField == undefined) { return o; } } } if (v1.tabEnabled != true) { return o; } o = v1; v1 = o._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.getSelectionFocus = function () { var m = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval(m); return o; }; v2.getFocus = function (Void) { var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus(); return this.getActualFocus(v2); }; v2.walkTree = function (p, index, groupName, dir, lookup, firstChild) { var v5 = true; var v11; for (v11 in p) { var v2 = p[v11]; if (v2._parent == p && v2.enabled != false && v2._visible != false && (v2.tabEnabled == true || v2.tabEnabled != false && (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined || v2.onReleaseOutside != undefined || v2.onDragOut != undefined || v2.onDragOver != undefined || v2.onRollOver != undefined || v2.onRollOut != undefined || v2 instanceof TextField))) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (v2 != this._lastTarget) { if ((v2.groupName != undefined || groupName != undefined) && v2.groupName == groupName) { continue; } if (v2 instanceof TextField && v2.selectable == false) { continue; } if (v5 || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._firstNode.groupName && v2.selected == true) { if (firstChild) { this._firstNode = v2; firstChild = false; } } if (this._nextIsNext == true) { if (v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._nextNode.groupName && v2.selected == true || this._nextNode == undefined && (v2.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName != groupName)) { this._nextNode = v2; } } if (v2.groupName == undefined || groupName != v2.groupName) { if (this._lastx.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._lastx.groupName && this._lastx.selected == true) { } else { this._lastx = v2; } } } else { this._prevNode = this._lastx; this._needPrev = false; this._nextIsNext = true; } if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (v2.tabIndex == index) { if (this._foundList[v2._name] == undefined) { if (this._needPrev) { this._prevObj = v2; this._needPrev = false; } this._nextObj = v2; } } if (dir && v2.tabIndex > index) { if (this._nextObj == undefined || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._nextObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._nextObj.groupName) || this._nextObj.groupName != undefined && this._nextObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._nextObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex)) { this._nextObj = v2; } } else { if (!dir && v2.tabIndex < index) { if (this._prevObj == undefined || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._prevObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._prevObj.groupName) || this._prevObj.groupName != undefined && this._prevObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._prevObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex)) { this._prevObj = v2; } } } if (this._firstObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._firstObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._firstObj.groupName) || this._firstObj.groupName != undefined && this._firstObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._firstObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex)) { this._firstObj = v2; } if (this._lastObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._lastObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._lastObj.groupName) || this._lastObj.groupName != undefined && this._lastObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._lastObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex)) { this._lastObj = v2; } } if (v2.tabChildren) { this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild); } v5 = false; } else { if (v2._parent == p && v2.tabChildren == true && v2._visible != false) { if (v2 == this._lastTarget) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (this._prevNode == undefined) { var v3 = this._lastx; var v7 = false; while (v3 != undefined) { if (v3 == v2) { v7 = true; break; } v3 = v3._parent; } if (v7 == false) { this._prevNode = this._lastx; } } this._needPrev = false; if (this._nextNode == undefined) { this._nextIsNext = true; } } else { if (!(v2.focusManager != undefined && v2.focusManager._parent == v2)) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild); } } v5 = false; } } } this._lastNode = this._lastx; if (lookup) { if (p._parent != undefined) { if (p != this._parent) { if (this._prevNode == undefined && dir) { this._needPrev = true; } else { if (this._nextNode == undefined && !dir) { this._nextIsNext = false; } } this._lastTarget = this._lastTarget._parent; this.getTabCandidate(p._parent, index, groupName, dir, true); } } } }; v2.getTabCandidate = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { var v2; var v3 = true; if (o == this._parent) { v2 = o; v3 = false; } else { v2 = o._parent; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = o; v3 = false; } } this.walkTree(v2, index, groupName, dir, v3, firstChild); }; v2.getTabCandidateFromChildren = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { this.walkTree(o, index, groupName, dir, false, firstChild); }; v2.getFocusManagerFromObject = function (o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return o.focusManager; } o = o._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.tabHandler = function (Void) { this.bDrawFocus = true; var v5 = this.getSelectionFocus(); var v4 = this.getActualFocus(v5); if (v4 != v5) { v5 = v4; } if (this.getFocusManagerFromObject(v5) != this) { v5 == undefined; } if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = this.form; } else { if (v5.tabIndex != undefined) { if (this._foundList != undefined || this._foundList.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v5.tabIndex; } this._foundList[v5._name] = v5; } } var v3 = Key.isDown(16) != true; this._searchKey = getTimer(); this._needPrev = true; this._nextIsNext = false; this._lastx = undefined; this._firstNode = undefined; this._lastNode = undefined; this._nextNode = undefined; this._prevNode = undefined; this._firstObj = undefined; this._lastObj = undefined; this._nextObj = undefined; this._prevObj = undefined; this._lastTarget = v5; var v6 = v5; this.getTabCandidate(v6, (v5.tabIndex == undefined) ? 0 : v5.tabIndex, v5.groupName, v3, true); var v2; if (v3) { if (this._nextObj != undefined) { v2 = this._nextObj; } else { v2 = this._firstObj; } } else { if (this._prevObj != undefined) { v2 = this._prevObj; } else { v2 = this._lastObj; } } if (v2.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex; this._foundList[v2._name] = v2; } else { if (this._foundList == undefined) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex; } this._foundList[v2._name] = v2; } if (v2 == undefined) { if (v3 == false) { if (this._nextNode != undefined) { v2 = this._nextNode; } else { v2 = this._firstNode; } } else { if (this._prevNode == undefined || v5 == this.form) { v2 = this._lastNode; } else { v2 = this._prevNode; } } } if (v2 == undefined) { return undefined; } this.lastTabFocus = v2; this.setFocus(v2); if (v2.emphasized != undefined) { if (this.defPushButton != undefined) { v5 = this.defPushButton; this.defPushButton = v2; v5.emphasized = false; v2.emphasized = true; } } else { if (this.defPushButton != undefined && this.defPushButton != this.__defaultPushButton) { v5 = this.defPushButton; this.defPushButton = this.__defaultPushButton; v5.emphasized = false; this.__defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(true); } } }; v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; if (this.defaultPushButtonEnabled) { if (Key.getCode() == 13) { if (this.__get__defaultPushButton() != undefined) { this.doLater(this, 'sendDefaultPushButtonEvent'); } } } }; v2.sendDefaultPushButtonEvent = function (Void) { this.defPushButton.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); }; v2.getMousedComponentFromChildren = function (x, y, o) { for (var v7 in o) { var v2 = o[v7]; if (v2._visible && v2.enabled && v2._parent == o && v2._searchKey != this._searchKey) { v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (v2.hitTest(x, y, true)) { if (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined) { return v2; } var v3 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, v2); if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } return v2; } } } return undefined; }; v2.mouseActivate = function (Void) { if (!this.bNeedFocus) { return undefined; } this._searchKey = getTimer(); var v2 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(this.lastMouse.x, this.lastMouse.y, this.form); if (v2 instanceof mx.core.UIComponent) { return undefined; } v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(v2); if (v2 == this.lastFocus) { return undefined; } if (v2 == undefined) { this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus'); return undefined; } var v3 = v2.hscroll; if (v3 != undefined) { var v6 = v2.scroll; var v5 = v2.background; } this.setFocus(v2); var v4 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(v4.lastBeginIndex, v4.lastEndIndex); if (v3 != undefined) { v2.scroll = v6; v2.hscroll = v3; v2.background = v5; } }; v2._onMouseDown = function (Void) { this.bDrawFocus = false; if (this.lastFocus != undefined) { this.lastFocus.drawFocus(false); } mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; var v3 = Selection; v3.lastBeginIndex = Selection.getBeginIndex(); v3.lastEndIndex = Selection.getEndIndex(); this.lastMouse.x = _root._xmouse; this.lastMouse.y = _root._ymouse; _root.localToGlobal(this.lastMouse); }; v2.onMouseUp = function (Void) { if (this._visible) { this.doLater(this, 'mouseActivate'); } }; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.type == 'reveal') { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(this.form); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(this.form); } }; v1.enableFocusManagement = function () { if (!mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized) { mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized = true; Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } } }; v1.symbolName = 'FocusManager'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.managers.FocusManager; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'FocusManager'; v2.bNeedFocus = false; v2.bDrawFocus = false; v2.defaultPushButtonEnabled = true; v2.activated = true; v1.initialized = false; v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; v2.addProperty('defaultPushButton', v2.__get__defaultPushButton, v2.__set__defaultPushButton); v2.addProperty('nextTabIndex', v2.__get__nextTabIndex, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.FocusManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 168 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; }; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.SkinElement(); mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype = v2; v2.draw = function (o) { o.adjustFocusRect(); }; v2.setSize = function (w, h, r, a, rectCol) { this._yscale = 100; this._xscale = 100; this.clear(); if (typeof r == 'object') { = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); this.endFill(); = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); this.endFill(); } else { var v5; if (r != 0) { v5 = r - 2; } else { v5 = 0; } this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); if (r != 0) { v5 = r - 2; r -= 1; } else { v5 = 0; r = 0; } this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5); this.endFill(); } }; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.type == 'unload') { this._visible = true; } else { if (e.type == 'resize') {; } else { if (e.type == 'move') {; } } } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus = function (focused) { var v2 = this._parent.focus_mc; if (!focused) { v2._visible = false; this.removeEventListener('unload', v2); this.removeEventListener('move', v2); this.removeEventListener('resize', v2); } else { if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = this._parent.createChildAtDepth('FocusRect', mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop); v2.tabEnabled = false; this._parent.focus_mc = v2; } else { v2._visible = true; } v2.draw(this); if (v2.getDepth() < this.getDepth()) { v2.setDepthAbove(this); } this.addEventListener('unload', v2); this.addEventListener('move', v2); this.addEventListener('resize', v2); } }; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () { var v2 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = 8453965; } var v3 = this._parent.focus_mc; v3.setSize(this.width + 4, this.height + 4, 0, 100, v2); v3.move(this.x - 2, this.y - 2); }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.adjustFocusRect = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.classConstruct(); v1.DefaultsDependency = mx.skins.halo.Defaults; v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 169 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.checkIdle = function (Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames > 10) { mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'idle'}); } else { ++mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames; } }; v1.__addEventListener = function (e, o, l) { if (e == 'idle') { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.interval == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.interval = setInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle, 100); } } mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener(e, o, l); }; v1.__removeEventListener = function (e, o, l) { if (e == 'idle') { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l) == 0) { clearInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.interval); } } else { mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l); } }; v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = true; var v5 = _root; var v3; var v8 = _root._xmouse; var v7 = _root._ymouse; if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form.modalWindow == undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v6 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v4; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v4]; if (v2._visible) { if (v2.hitTest(v8, v7)) { if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = v2.getDepth(); v5 = v2; } else { if (v3 < v2.getDepth()) { v3 = v2.getDepth(); v5 = v2; } } } } ++v4; } if (v5 != mx.managers.SystemManager.form) { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(v5); } } } var v9 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v9.focusManager._onMouseDown(); }; v1.onMouseMove = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; }; v1.onMouseUp = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = false; mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; }; v1.activate = function (f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v1.focusManager.deactivate(); } } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); }; v1.deactivate = function (f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v5.focusManager.deactivate(); var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v1; var v2; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) { v1 += 1; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) { v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]; } ++v1; } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = v2; break; } else { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) { v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]; } } ++v1; } v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v5.focusManager.activate(); } } }; v1.addFocusManager = function (f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.push(f); mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(f); }; v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) { var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(f); } mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } }; v1.enableOverlappedWindows = function () { if (!mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized) { mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized = true; mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.checkIdle; mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseDown = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseDown; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseMove = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseMove; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseUp = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseUp; mx.managers.SystemManager.activate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.activate; mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.deactivate; mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.addFocusManager; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.removeFocusManager; } }; v1.initialized = false; v1.SystemManagerDependency = mx.managers.SystemManager; ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 170 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSSetStyle = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2._setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) { this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp] != undefined) { if (styleProp == 'color') { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } } _level0.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); return undefined; } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } if (styleProp == 'themeColor') { var v7 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var v6 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var v8 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var v4 = {}; v4[v7] = 12188666; v4[v6] = 13500353; v4[v8] = 16766319; var v5 = {}; v5[v7] = 13958653; v5[v6] = 14942166; v5[v8] = 16772787; var v9 = v4[newValue]; var v10 = v5[newValue]; if (v9 == undefined) { v9 = newValue; } if (v10 == undefined) { v10 = newValue; } this.setStyle('selectionColor', v9); this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v10); } _level0.changeColorStyleInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue); } else { if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } _level0.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue); } }; v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = function (styleProp) { var v4 = getTimer(); var v5; for (v5 in this) { var v2 = this[v5]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v4) { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete; delete v2.stylecache[styleProp]; } v2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); v2.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); v2.searchKey = v4; } } } }; v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = function (sheetName, colorStyle, newValue) { var v6 = getTimer(); var v7; for (v7 in this) { var v2 = this[v7]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v6) { if (v2.getStyleName() == sheetName || sheetName == undefined || sheetName == '_global') { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete v2.stylecache[colorStyle]; } if (typeof v2._color == 'string') { if (v2._color == colorStyle) { var v4 = v2.getStyle(colorStyle); if (colorStyle == 'color') { if ( != undefined) { = v4; } } v2.setColor(v4); } } else { if (v2._color[colorStyle] != undefined) { if (typeof v2 != 'movieclip') { v2._parent.invalidateStyle(); } else { v2.invalidateStyle(colorStyle); } } } } v2.changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue); v2.searchKey = v6; } } } }; v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = function (sheetName, styleProp, newValue) { var v5 = getTimer(); var v6; for (v6 in this) { var v2 = this[v6]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v5) { if (v2.styleName == sheetName || v2.styleName != undefined && typeof v2.styleName == 'movieclip' || sheetName == undefined) { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete v2.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } delete v2.enabledColor; v2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue); v2.searchKey = v5; } } } }; v2.setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) { if (this.stylecache != undefined) { delete this.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } if (styleProp == 'themeColor') { var v10 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var v9 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var v11 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var v6 = {}; v6[v10] = 12188666; v6[v9] = 13500353; v6[v11] = 16766319; var v7 = {}; v7[v10] = 13958653; v7[v9] = 14942166; v7[v11] = 16772787; var v12 = v6[newValue]; var v13 = v7[newValue]; if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = newValue; } if (v13 == undefined) { v13 = newValue; } this.setStyle('selectionColor', v12); this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v13); } if (typeof this._color == 'string') { if (this._color == styleProp) { if (styleProp == 'color') { if ( != undefined) { = newValue; } } this.setColor(newValue); } } else { if (this._color[styleProp] != undefined) { this.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } } this.changeColorStyleInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } else { if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } this.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || styleProp == 'styleName') { var v8; var v5 = newValue; if (styleProp == 'styleName') { v8 = (typeof newValue == 'string') ? _global.styles[newValue] : v5; v5 = v8.themeColor; if (v5 != undefined) { v8.selectionColor = v5; v8.rollOverColor = v8.selectionColor; } } this.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } }; v1.enableRunTimeCSS = function () {}; v1.classConstruct = function () { var v2 = MovieClip.prototype; var v3 = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setStyle = v3._setStyle; v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren; v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = v3.changeColorStyleInChildren; v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = v3.notifyStyleChangeInChildren; v2.setStyle = v3.setStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeTextStyleInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeColorStyleInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'setStyle', 1); var v4 = TextField.prototype; v4.setStyle = v2.setStyle; v4.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.classConstruct(); v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 171 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.Extensions = function () { if (mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended == true) { return true; } mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended = true; TextField.prototype.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus) { this.drawFocus(true); } } }; TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { this.drawFocus(false); } }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.getFocusManager = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.getFocusManager; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.enableOverlappedWindows(); mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.enableRunTimeCSS(); mx.managers.FocusManager.enableFocusManagement(); }; v1.bExtended = false; v1.UIComponentExtended = mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.Extensions(); v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.FocusManagerDependency = mx.managers.FocusManager; v1.OverlappedWindowsDependency = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows; ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 172 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.Border = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIObject(); mx.skins.Border.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v1.symbolName = 'Border'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.Border; v2.className = 'Border'; v2.tagBorder = 0; v2.idNames = new Array('border_mc'); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.Border.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 173 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.RectBorder = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.Border(); mx.skins.RectBorder.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this.__width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this.__height; }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { this.size(); }; v2.getBorderMetrics = function (Void) { var v2 = this.offset; if (this.__borderMetrics == undefined) { this.__borderMetrics = {'left': v2, 'top': v2, 'right': v2, 'bottom': v2}; return this.__borderMetrics; } this.__borderMetrics.left = v2; = v2; this.__borderMetrics.right = v2; this.__borderMetrics.bottom = v2; return this.__borderMetrics; }; v2.__get__borderMetrics = function () { return this.getBorderMetrics(); }; v2.drawBorder = function (Void) {}; v2.size = function (Void) { this.drawBorder(); }; v2.setColor = function (Void) { this.drawBorder(); }; v1.symbolName = 'RectBorder'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.RectBorder; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'RectBorder'; v2.borderStyleName = 'borderStyle'; v2.borderColorName = 'borderColor'; v2.shadowColorName = 'shadowColor'; v2.highlightColorName = 'highlightColor'; v2.buttonColorName = 'buttonColor'; v2.backgroundColorName = 'backgroundColor'; v2.addProperty('borderMetrics', v2.__get__borderMetrics, function () {}); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.RectBorder.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 174 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.halo.RectBorder = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.RectBorder(); mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { this.borderWidths.default = 3; super.init(); }; v2.getBorderMetrics = function (Void) { if (this.offset == undefined) { var v3 = this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName); this.offset = this.borderWidths[v3]; } if (this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName) == 'default' || this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName) == 'alert') { this.__borderMetrics = {'left': 3, 'top': 1, 'right': 3, 'bottom': 3}; return this.__borderMetrics; } return super.getBorderMetrics(); }; v2.drawBorder = function (Void) { var v6 = _global.styles[this.className]; if (v6 == undefined) { v6 = _global.styles.RectBorder; } var v5 = this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName); var v7 = this.getStyle(this.borderColorName); if (v7 == undefined) { v7 = v6[this.borderColorName]; } var v8 = this.getStyle(this.backgroundColorName); if (v8 == undefined) { v8 = v6[this.backgroundColorName]; } var v16 = this.getStyle('backgroundImage'); if (v5 != 'none') { var v14 = this.getStyle(this.shadowColorName); if (v14 == undefined) { v14 = v6[this.shadowColorName]; } var v13 = this.getStyle(this.highlightColorName); if (v13 == undefined) { v13 = v6[this.highlightColorName]; } var v12 = this.getStyle(this.buttonColorName); if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = v6[this.buttonColorName]; } var v11 = this.getStyle(this.borderCapColorName); if (v11 == undefined) { v11 = v6[this.borderCapColorName]; } var v10 = this.getStyle(this.shadowCapColorName); if (v10 == undefined) { v10 = v6[this.shadowCapColorName]; } } this.offset = this.borderWidths[v5]; var v9 = this.offset; var v3 = this.__get__width(); var v4 = this.__get__height(); this.clear(); this._color = undefined; if (v5 == 'none') { } else { if (v5 == 'inset') { this._color = this.colorList; this.draw3dBorder(v11, v12, v7, v13, v14, v10); } else { if (v5 == 'outset') { this._color = this.colorList; this.draw3dBorder(v11, v7, v12, v14, v13, v10); } else { if (v5 == 'alert') { var v15 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); this.drawRoundRect(0, 5, v3, v4 - 5, 5, 6184542, 10); this.drawRoundRect(1, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 5, 4, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, 3, v15, 50); this.drawRoundRect(3, 1, v3 - 6, v4 - 4, 2, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'default') { this.drawRoundRect(0, 5, v3, v4 - 5, {'tl': 5, 'tr': 5, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, 6184542, 10); this.drawRoundRect(1, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 5, {'tl': 4, 'tr': 4, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, {'tl': 3, 'tr': 3, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, [12897484, 11844796], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(3, 1, v3 - 6, v4 - 4, {'tl': 2, 'tr': 2, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'dropDown') { this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, {'tl': 4, 'tr': 0, 'br': 0, 'bl': 4}, [13290186, 7895160], 100, -10, 'linear'); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, v4 - 2, {'tl': 3, 'tr': 0, 'br': 0, 'bl': 3}, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'menuBorder') { var v15 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); this.drawRoundRect(4, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 3, 0, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(4, 4, v3 - 1, v4 - 2, 0, 6184542, 10); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, 0, [0, 14342874], 100, 250, 'linear'); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, 0, v15, 50); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, v3 - 3, v4 - 4, 0, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'comboNonEdit') { } else { this.beginFill(v7); this.drawRect(0, 0, v3, v4); this.drawRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, v4 - 1); this.endFill(); this._color = this.borderColorName; } } } } } } } } if (v8 != undefined) { this.beginFill(v8); this.drawRect(v9, v9, this.__get__width() - v9, this.__get__height() - v9); this.endFill(); } }; v2.draw3dBorder = function (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) { var v3 = this.__get__width(); var v2 = this.__get__height(); this.beginFill(c1); this.drawRect(0, 0, v3, v2); this.drawRect(1, 0, v3 - 1, v2); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c2); this.drawRect(1, 0, v3 - 1, 1); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c3); this.drawRect(1, v2 - 1, v3 - 1, v2); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c4); this.drawRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, 2); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c5); this.drawRect(1, v2 - 2, v3 - 1, v2 - 1); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c6); this.drawRect(1, 2, v3 - 1, v2 - 2); this.drawRect(2, 2, v3 - 2, v2 - 2); this.endFill(); }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.styles.rectBorderClass = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; _global.skinRegistry.RectBorder = true; return true; }; v1.symbolName = 'RectBorder'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; v1.version = ''; v2.borderCapColorName = 'borderCapColor'; v2.shadowCapColorName = 'shadowCapColor'; v2.colorList = {'highlightColor': 0, 'borderColor': 0, 'buttonColor': 0, 'shadowColor': 0, 'borderCapColor': 0, 'shadowCapColor': 0}; v2.borderWidths = {'none': 0, 'solid': 1, 'inset': 2, 'outset': 2, 'alert': 3, 'dropDown': 2, 'menuBorder': 2, 'comboNonEdit': 2}; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.classConstruct(); v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 175 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.RectBorder(); mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin.prototype = v2; v2.init = function () { super.init(); }; v2.size = function () { this.drawHaloRect(this.__get__width(), this.__get__height()); }; v2.drawHaloRect = function (w, h) { var v6 = this.getStyle('borderStyle'); var v4 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); var v5 = this._parent.emphasized; this.clear(); switch (v6) { case 'falseup': if (v5) { this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 75); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 85, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, v4, 75); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); } else { this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [13291985, 16250871], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [9542041, 13818586], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(3, 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); } break; case 'falsedown': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, v4, 20); break; case 'falserollover': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); break; case 'falsedisabled': this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100); this.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100); break; case 'trueup': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16250871, 100); break; case 'truedown': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, v4, 20); break; case 'truerollover': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); break; case 'truedisabled': this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100); this.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100); } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.skinRegistry.ButtonSkin = true; return true; }; v1.symbolName = 'ButtonSkin'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin; v2.className = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.backgroundColorName = 'buttonColor'; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin.classConstruct(); v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 176 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.RadioButton = v1; var v2 = new mx.controls.Button(); mx.controls.RadioButton.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { this.setToggle(this.__toggle); this.__value = this; super.init(); }; v2.size = function (Void) { super.size(); }; v2.onRelease = function () { if (this.selected) { return undefined; } this.releaseFocus(); this.phase = 'up'; this.setSelected(true); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); this._parent[this.__groupName].dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); }; v2.setData = function (val) { this.__data = val; }; v2.__set__data = function (val) { this.__data = val; return this.__get__data(); }; v2.getData = function (val) { return this.__data; }; v2.__get__data = function () { return this.__data; }; v2.onUnload = function () { if (this._parent[this.__groupName].selectedRadio == this) { this._parent[this.__groupName].selectedRadio = undefined; } this._parent[this.__groupName].radioList[this.indexNumber] = null; delete this._parent[this.__groupName].radioList[this.indexNumber]; }; v2.setSelected = function (val) { var v2 = this._parent[this.__groupName]; var v4 = v2.selectedRadio.__width; var v5 = v2.selectedRadio.__height; if (val) { v2.selectedRadio.setState(false); v2.selectedRadio = this; } else { if (v2.selectedRadio == this) { v2.selectedRadio.setState(false); v2.selectedRadio = undefined; } } this.setState(val); }; v2.deleteGroupObj = function (groupName) { delete this._parent[groupName]; }; v2.getGroupName = function () { return this.__groupName; }; v2.__get__groupName = function () { return this.__groupName; }; v2.setGroupName = function (groupName) { if (groupName == undefined || groupName == '') { return undefined; } delete this._parent[this.__groupName].radioList[this.__data]; this.addToGroup(groupName); this.__groupName = groupName; }; v2.__set__groupName = function (groupName) { this.setGroupName(groupName); return this.__get__groupName(); }; v2.addToGroup = function (groupName) { if (groupName == '' || groupName == undefined) { return undefined; } var v2 = this._parent[groupName]; if (v2 == undefined) { this._parent[groupName] = new mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup(); v2 = this._parent[groupName]; v2.__groupName = groupName; } v2.addInstance(this); if (this.__state) { v2.selectedRadio.setState(false); v2.selectedRadio = this; } }; v2.__get__emphasized = function () { return undefined; }; v2.keyDown = function (e) { switch (e.code) { case 40: this.setNext(); break; case 38: this.setPrev(); break; case 37: this.setPrev(); break; case 39: this.setNext(); } }; v2.setNext = function () { var v2 = this._parent[this.__get__groupName()]; if (v2.selectedRadio.indexNumber + 1 == v2.radioList.length) { return undefined; } var v4 = v2.selectedRadio ? v2.selectedRadio.indexNumber : -1; var v3 = 1; while (v3 < v2.radioList.length) { if (v2.radioList[v4 + v3] != undefined && v2.radioList[v4 + v3].enabled) { var v5 = this.getFocusManager(); v2.radioList[v4 + v3].selected = true; v5.setFocus(v2.radioList[v2.selectedRadio.indexNumber]); v2.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); break; } ++v3; } }; v2.setPrev = function () { var v2 = this._parent[this.__get__groupName()]; if (v2.selectedRadio.indexNumber == 0) { return undefined; } var v4 = v2.selectedRadio ? v2.selectedRadio.indexNumber : 1; var v3 = 1; while (v3 < v2.radioList.length) { if (v2.radioList[v4 - v3] != undefined && v2.radioList[v4 - v3].enabled) { var v5 = this.getFocusManager(); v2.radioList[v4 - v3].selected = true; v5.setFocus(v2.radioList[v2.selectedRadio.indexNumber]); v2.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); break; } ++v3; } }; v2.__set__toggle = function (v) { return this.__get__toggle(); }; v2.__get__toggle = function () {}; v2.__set__icon = function (v) { return this.__get__icon(); }; v2.__get__icon = function () {}; v1.symbolName = 'RadioButton'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.RadioButton; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'RadioButton'; v2.btnOffset = 0; v2.__toggle = true; v2.__label = 'Radio Button'; v2.__labelPlacement = 'right'; v2.ignoreClassStyleDeclaration = {'Button': 1}; v2.__groupName = 'radioGroup'; v2.indexNumber = 0; v2.offset = false; v2.falseUpSkin = ''; v2.falseDownSkin = ''; v2.falseOverSkin = ''; v2.falseDisabledSkin = ''; v2.trueUpSkin = ''; v2.trueDownSkin = ''; v2.trueOverSkin = ''; v2.trueDisabledSkin = ''; v2.falseUpIcon = 'RadioFalseUp'; v2.falseDownIcon = 'RadioFalseDown'; v2.falseOverIcon = 'RadioFalseOver'; v2.falseDisabledIcon = 'RadioFalseDisabled'; v2.trueUpIcon = 'RadioTrueUp'; v2.trueDownIcon = ''; v2.trueOverIcon = ''; v2.trueDisabledIcon = 'RadioTrueDisabled'; v2.centerContent = false; v2.borderW = 0; v2.clipParameters = {'labelPlacement': 1, 'data': 1, 'label': 1, 'groupName': 1, 'selected': 1}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.RadioButton.prototype.clipParameters, mx.controls.Button.prototype.clipParameters); v2.addProperty('data', v2.__get__data, v2.__set__data); v2.addProperty('emphasized', v2.__get__emphasized, function () {}); v2.addProperty('groupName', v2.__get__groupName, v2.__set__groupName); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, v2.__set__icon); v2.addProperty('toggle', v2.__get__toggle, v2.__set__toggle); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.RadioButton.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 193 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.init();; }; mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function (Void) { this.radioList = new Array(); }; v2.setGroupName = function (groupName) { if (groupName == undefined || groupName == '') { return undefined; } var v6 = this.__groupName; _parent[groupName] = this; for (var v5 in this.radioList) { this.radioList[v5].groupName = groupName; var v3 = this.radioList[v5]; } v3.deleteGroupObj(v6); }; v2.getGroupName = function () { return this.__groupName; }; v2.addInstance = function (instance) { instance.indexNumber = this.indexNumber++; this.radioList.push(instance); }; v2.getValue = function () { if ( == '') { return this.selectedRadio.label; } else { return this.selectedRadio.__data; } }; v2.getLabelPlacement = function () { for (var v3 in this.radioList) { var v2 = this.radioList[v3].getLabelPlacement(); } return v2; }; v2.setLabelPlacement = function (pos) { for (var v3 in this.radioList) { this.radioList[v3].setLabelPlacement(pos); } }; v2.setEnabled = function (val) { for (var v3 in this.radioList) { this.radioList[v3].enabled = val; } }; v2.setSize = function (val, val1) { for (var v3 in this.radioList) { this.radioList[v3].setSize(val, val1); } }; v2.getEnabled = function () { for (var v4 in this.radioList) { var v2 = this.radioList[v4].enabled; var v3 = t + (v2 + 0); } if (v3 == this.radioList.length) { return true; } if (v3 == 0) { return false; } }; v2.setStyle = function (name, val) { for (var v4 in this.radioList) { this.radioList[v4].setStyle(name, val); } }; v2.setInstance = function (val) { for (var v3 in this.radioList) { if (this.radioList[v3] == val) { this.radioList[v3].selected = true; } } }; v2.getInstance = function () { return this.selectedRadio; }; v2.setValue = function (val) { for (var v4 in this.radioList) { if (this.radioList[v4].__data == val || this.radioList[v4].label == val) { var v2 = v4; break; } } if (v2 != undefined) { this.selectedRadio.setState(false); this.selectedRadio.hitArea_mc._height = this.selectedRadio.__height; this.selectedRadio.hitArea_mc._width = this.selectedRadio.__width; this.selectedRadio = this.radioList[v2]; this.selectedRadio.setState(true); this.selectedRadio.hitArea_mc._width = 0; this.selectedRadio.hitArea_mc._height = 0; } }; v2.__set__groupName = function (groupName) { if (groupName == undefined || groupName == '') { return undefined; } var v6 = this.__groupName; _parent[groupName] = this; for (var v5 in this.radioList) { this.radioList[v5].groupName = groupName; var v3 = this.radioList[v5]; } v3.deleteGroupObj(v6); return this.__get__groupName(); }; v2.__get__groupName = function () { return this.__groupName; }; v2.__set__selectedData = function (val) { for (var v4 in this.radioList) { if (this.radioList[v4].__data == val || this.radioList[v4].label == val) { var v2 = v4; break; } } if (v2 != undefined) { this.selectedRadio.setState(false); this.selectedRadio = this.radioList[v2]; this.selectedRadio.setState(true); } return this.__get__selectedData(); }; v2.__get__selectedData = function () { if ( == '' || == undefined) { return this.selectedRadio.label; } else { return this.selectedRadio.__data; } }; v2.__get__selection = function () { return this.selectedRadio; }; v2.__set__selection = function (val) { for (var v3 in this.radioList) { if (this.radioList[v3] == val) { this.radioList[v3].selected = true; } } return this.__get__selection(); }; v2.__set__labelPlacement = function (pos) { for (var v3 in this.radioList) { this.radioList[v3].setLabelPlacement(pos); } return this.__get__labelPlacement(); }; v2.__get__labelPlacement = function () { for (var v3 in this.radioList) { var v2 = this.radioList[v3].getLabelPlacement(); } return v2; }; v2.__set__enabled = function (val) { for (var v3 in this.radioList) { this.radioList[v3].enabled = val; } return this.__get__enabled(); }; v2.__get__enabled = function () { var v2 = 0; for (var v3 in this.radioList) { v2 += this.radioList[v3].enabled; } if (v2 == 0) { return false; } if (v2 == this.radioList.length) { return true; } }; v1.symbolName = 'RadioButtonGroup'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'RadioButtonGroup'; v2.indexNumber = 0; v2.addProperty('enabled', v2.__get__enabled, v2.__set__enabled); v2.addProperty('groupName', v2.__get__groupName, v2.__set__groupName); v2.addProperty('labelPlacement', v2.__get__labelPlacement, v2.__set__labelPlacement); v2.addProperty('selectedData', v2.__get__selectedData, v2.__set__selectedData); v2.addProperty('selection', v2.__get__selection, v2.__set__selection); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { _root.Allbuttons.Hatsbuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.SexyBikinibuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.ExtraBikinibuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.SexyPantiesbuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.ExtraPantiesbuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.Pantyhosebuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy = 0; _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack = 0; _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack = 0; _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack = 0; _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack = 0; _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack = 0; _root.Allbuttons.WearRight = 0; _root.Allbuttons.WearLeft = 0; _root.Allbuttons.LegsRight = 0; _root.Allbuttons.LegsLeft = 0; _root.Allbuttons.FacesRight = 0; _root.Allbuttons.FacesLeft = 0; _root.Allbuttons.HairsLeft = 0; _root.Allbuttons.HairsRight = 0; _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundRight = 0; _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundLeft = 0; _root.Allbuttons.ShoesLeft = 0; _root.Allbuttons.ShoesRight = 0; _root.Shop.Cash = 0; _root.MoneySt = 0; _root.MoneyHall = 0; _root.MoneyCorpseSt = 0; _root.MoneyHall2 = 0; _root.MoneyTrash = 0; _root.MoneyPrison = 0; _root.MoneyCar2 = 0; _root.MoneyPark = 0; _root.MoneyTable = 0; _root.MoneyApp = 0; _root.Moneymedal = 0; _root.Shopaholicmedal = 0; _root.dressmedal = 0; _root.questionmedal = 0; _root.Probs = 0; _root.Probs1LabPicked = 0; _root.Probs2LabPicked = 0; _root.Probs1OfficePicked = 0; _root.Probs2OfficePicked = 0; _root.Background.Kolba45._visible = false; _root.random_ston = 0.1; _root.pussy._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonToys._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonToys.GalkaToy._visible = false; = false; _root.Quest5._visible = false; _root.Quest5.wrong._visible = false; _root.Quest5.Right._visible = false; _root.Background.ButtonQuest5._visible = false; _root.Quest4Mix._visible = false; _root.MixAcids._visible = false; _root.Background.tent._visible = false; _root.Background.tentburn._visible = false; _root.FlaskQuest._visible = false; _root.probirkiacid._visible = false; _root.probirki._visible = false; _root.FlaskQuestDrag._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask1blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask2blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask3blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask4blue._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask1green._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask2green._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask3green._visible = false; _root.MixAcids.flask4green._visible = false; _root.acidblueconc = 0; _root.acidgreenconc = 0; _root.PageAcid2._visible = false; _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = false; _root.musicRight = 0; _root.musicLeft = 0; = false; _root.options._visible = false; _root.secretcodecomplete = 0; _root.secretcodeaccepted = 0; _root.Message3._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.SocksColor._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsToy.GalkaToy._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaWeapons._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.MikrBig.GalkaMikr._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGlasses._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGloves._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig.GalkaJewel._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig.GalkaGuncase._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig.GalkaNecklace._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig.GalkaPubic._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaEyes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaPants._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties.GalkaPanties._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaShoes._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties._visible = false; _root.CumCursor._visible = false; _root.JillWet._alpha = 0; _root.Tattoo._alpha = 0; _root.CumButtons._visible = false; _root.Shop._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonColorHair._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonsCum._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.Pantyhosescolor._visible = false; _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = false; _root.JillWET1 = 0; if (_root.Hats._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Hats._alpha -= 100; if (_root.Hats._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Hats._alpha = 0; } }; } if (_root.Wear._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Wear._alpha += 100; if (_root.Wear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Wear._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Underwear._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Underwear._alpha += 100; if (_root.Underwear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Underwear._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Legs._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Legs._alpha += 100; if (_root.Legs._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Legs._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Panties._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Panties._alpha += 100; if (_root.Panties._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Panties._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Socks._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Socks._alpha += 100; if (_root.Socks._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Socks._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Shoes._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Shoes._alpha += 100; if (_root.Shoes._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Shoes._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Weapons._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Weapons._alpha += 100; if (_root.Weapons._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Weapons._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.microphone._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.microphone._alpha += 100; if (_root.microphone._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.microphone._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Glasses._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Glasses._alpha += 100; if (_root.Glasses._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Glasses._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Gloves._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Gloves._alpha += 100; if (_root.Gloves._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Gloves._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Jewel._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Jewel._alpha += 100; if (_root.Jewel._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Jewel._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Guncase._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Guncase._alpha += 100; if (_root.Guncase._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Guncase._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Necklace._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Necklace._alpha += 100; if (_root.Necklace._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Necklace._alpha = 100; } }; } if (_root.Pubic._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Pubic._alpha += 100; if (_root.Pubic._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Pubic._alpha = 100; } }; } _root.Pubic._alpha = 0; _root.Necklace._alpha = 0; _root.Glasses._alpha = 0; _root.microphone._alpha = 0; _root.Wet._alpha = 0; _root.Socks._alpha = 0; _root.Guncase._alpha = 0; _root.Gloves._alpha = 0; _root.Jewel._alpha = 0; } frame 2 { _root.Hats._alpha = 0; _root.sound = 1; _root.Questions = 0; _root.QuestionPage._visible = false; QuestionPag.Question1.color = 0; QuestionPag.Question1._xscale = 170; QuestionPag.Question1._yscale = 170; _root.Allbuttons.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.QuestsClip._visible = false; _root.QuestsText._visible = false; Herbs = 0; HerbSpenserPicked = 0; HerbParkPicked = 0; HerbOfficePicked = 0; HerbPrisonPicked = 0; HerbStreetPicked = 0; _root.TattooClip._visible = false; _root.MessageQuest2._visible = false; _root.Mouse2Play = 0; _root.Quests2 = 0; _root.Quests3 = 0; _root.Quests4 = 0; _root.Quests5 = 0; _root.Wounds = 0; _root.Wound1._visible = false; _root.Wound2._visible = false; _root.Wound3._visible = false; _root.Quest3Clip.SecretButQ3._visible = false; _root.Quest3.SecretButQ3._visible = false; _root.Quest3.Seif._visible = false; _root.Seif1 = 0; _root.Seif2 = 0; _root.Seif3 = 0; _root.Seif4 = 0; _root.Quest3Numbers = 7; _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = false; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = false; _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = false; _root.LetterBig._visible = false; _root.Letter._visible = false; _root.VirusFound = 0; _root.Background.tent._visible = false; _root.Background.tentburn._visible = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { this.createEmptyMovieClip('hint1', 1); hint1.createTextField('field1', 0, 0, 0, 130, 25); hint1.field1.type = 'static'; hint1.field1.variable = 'podskazka1'; hint1.field1.textColor = 0; hint1.field1.background = true; hint1.field1.backgroundColor = 16777215; hint1.field1.border = true; txtstyle = new TextFormat(); txtstyle.size = 16; txtstyle.align = 'center'; txtstyle.font = 'Arial Cyr'; hint1.field1.setNewTextFormat(txtstyle); hint1._visible = 0; this.onMouseMove = function () { if (hint1_status) { hint1._visible = true; hint1._x = _xmouse - 50; hint1._y = _ymouse - 35; hint1.podskazka1 = mytext1; } else { hint1._visible = false; } }; = function () { _root.hint1_status = true; mytext1 = 'Shop'; }; _root.ButtonsBelow.home.onRollOver = function () { _root.hint1_status = true; mytext1 = 'Main menu'; }; _root.ButtonsBelow.hideshow.onRollOver = function () { _root.hint1_status = true; mytext1 = 'Challenges'; }; _root.ButtonsBelow.options.onRollOver = function () { _root.hint1_status = true; mytext1 = 'Options'; }; = function () { _root.hint1_status = false; }; _root.ButtonsBelow.home.onRollOut = function () { _root.hint1_status = false; }; _root.ButtonsBelow.hideshow.onRollOut = function () { _root.hint1_status = false; }; _root.ButtonsBelow.options.onRollOut = function () { _root.hint1_status = false; }; } movieClip 222 { } button 225 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.MoneyHall = 1; _root.Background.MoneyHall._visible = false; _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 150$ on the floor!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 150; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } button 228 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Grass'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.HerbSpenser._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found herb'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Herbs += 1; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Herbs; _root.HerbSpenserPicked = 1; } } button 232 { on (release) { _root.MoneyCorpseSt = 1; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Background.MoneyCorpseSt._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 600$ from corpse!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 600; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } button 234 { on (release) { _root.MoneySt = 1; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Background.MoneySt._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 800$ in car!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 800; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } button 237 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Grass'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.HerbStreet._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found herb'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Herbs += 1; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Herbs; _root.HerbStreetPicked = 1; } } movieClip 240 { } button 241 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(61); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } button 242 { on (press) { _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(61); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } button 243 { on (press) { _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(61);; _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } movieClip 245 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) {; _root.Background.Mouse1._alpha = 100; } else { _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; } } frame 59 { if (_root.Quest2Complete == 1) { _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 60 { if (_root.Wounds == 3) { _root.Wounds = 4; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You dead! \nYou failed quest!'; _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundsButtons._visible = true; _root.Quests2 = 0; _root.Wound1._visible = false; _root.Wound2._visible = false; _root.Wound3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.Wounds == 2) { _root.Wound3._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 3; } if (_root.Wounds == 1) { _root.Wound2._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 2; } if (_root.Wounds == 0) { _root.Wound1._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 1; } } frame 61 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) { random_number = Math.ceil(4000 * Math.random() + 1000); delay = setTimeout(this, 'play', random_number); } } } button 248 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(55); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } button 249 { on (press) { _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(55); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } movieClip 250 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) {; _root.Background.Mouse2._alpha = 100; } else { _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; } } frame 53 { if (_root.Quest2Complete == 1) { _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 54 { if (_root.Wounds == 3) { _root.Wounds = 4; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You dead! \nYou failed quest!'; _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundsButtons._visible = true; _root.Quests2 = 0; _root.Wound1._visible = false; _root.Wound2._visible = false; _root.Wound3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.Wounds == 2) { _root.Wound3._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 3; } if (_root.Wounds == 1) { _root.Wound2._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 2; } if (_root.Wounds == 0) { _root.Wound1._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 1; } } frame 55 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) { random_number = Math.ceil(4000 * Math.random() + 1000); delay = setTimeout(this, 'play', random_number); _root.Background.Mouse2._alpha = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Background.Mouse2._alpha += 5; if (_root.Background.Mouse2._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; } }; } } } button 252 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(72); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } button 253 { on (press) { _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(72); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } movieClip 255 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) {; _root.Background.Mouse3._alpha = 100; } else { _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; } } frame 70 { if (_root.Quest2Complete == 1) { _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 71 { if (_root.Wounds == 3) { _root.Wounds = 4; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You dead! \nYou failed quest!'; _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundsButtons._visible = true; _root.Quests2 = 0; _root.Wound1._visible = false; _root.Wound2._visible = false; _root.Wound3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.Wounds == 2) { _root.Wound3._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 3; } if (_root.Wounds == 1) { _root.Wound2._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 2; } if (_root.Wounds == 0) { _root.Wound1._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 1; } } frame 72 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) { random_number = Math.ceil(4000 * Math.random() + 1000); delay = setTimeout(this, 'play', random_number); } } } button 257 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(70); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } button 258 { on (press) { _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(70); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } movieClip 260 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) {; _root.Background.Mouse4._alpha = 100; } else { _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; } } frame 68 { if (_root.Quest2Complete == 1) { _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 69 { if (_root.Wounds == 3) { _root.Wounds = 4; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You dead! \nYou failed quest!'; _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundsButtons._visible = true; _root.Quests2 = 0; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Wound1._visible = false; _root.Wound2._visible = false; _root.Wound3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.Wounds == 2) { _root.Wound3._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 3; } if (_root.Wounds == 1) { _root.Wound2._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 2; } if (_root.Wounds == 0) { _root.Wound1._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 1; } } frame 70 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) { random_number = Math.ceil(7000 * Math.random() + 1000); delay = setTimeout(this, 'play', random_number); } } } button 262 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(80); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } button 263 { on (press) { _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(80); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } movieClip 265 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) {; _root.Background.Mouse5._alpha = 100; } else { _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; } } frame 78 { if (_root.Quest2Complete == 1) { _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 79 { if (_root.Wounds == 3) { _root.Wounds = 4; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You dead! \nYou failed quest!'; _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundsButtons._visible = true; _root.Quests2 = 0; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Wound1._visible = false; _root.Wound2._visible = false; _root.Wound3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.Wounds == 2) { _root.Wound3._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 3; } if (_root.Wounds == 1) { _root.Wound2._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 2; } if (_root.Wounds == 0) { _root.Wound1._visible = true; _root.Wounds = 1; } } frame 80 { stop(); if (_root.Quests2 == 1) { random_number = Math.ceil(6000 * Math.random() + 1000); delay = setTimeout(this, 'play', random_number); } } } button 268 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Paper'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.LetterBig._visible = true; } } movieClip 271 { } button 273 { on (release) { _root.MoneyTrash = 1; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Background.MoneyTrash._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 200$ in trash!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 200; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } button 275 { on (release) { _root.MoneyCorpse = 1; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Background.MoneyCorpse._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 400$ from corpse!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 400; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } movieClip 280 { } button 283 { on (release) { _root.MoneyPrison = 1; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Background.MoneyPrison._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 1500$ in a secret place!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 1500; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } button 286 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('grass'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.HerbPrison._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found herb'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Herbs += 1; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Herbs; _root.HerbPrisonPicked = 1; } } movieClip 289 { } movieClip 291 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 120 { stop; _root.probirki._visible = false; _root.Quest4Mix._visible = false; _root.probirkiacid._visible = false; _root.FlaskQuest._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.HelpMessage.text = ''; _root.Background.tentburn._visible = false; startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; _root.Acid = 0; _root.QuestsClip._visible = false; _root.FlaskQuestDrag._visible = false; _root.FlaskQuest._visible = false; _root.FlaskNotDrag._visible = false; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Shop.Cash += 4000; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Burn it!'); _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Plant is burned! \nYou get 4000$!'; _root.Challenges.Quests4button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.q4._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest4Complete = 1; _root.Quests4 = 0; } } button 293 { on (release) { _root.MoneyCar2 = 1; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Background.MoneyCar2._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 1000$ in car!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 1000; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } button 296 { on (release) { _root.MoneyPark = 1; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Background.MoneyPark._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 200$ on the floor!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 200; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } button 297 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Grass'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.HerbPark._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found herb'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Herbs += 1; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Herbs; _root.HerbParkPicked = 1; } } movieClip 300 { } movieClip 303 { } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 307 { } button 309 { on (release) { _root.MoneyTable = 1; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Background.MoneyTable._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 300$ in table!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 300; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } button 311 { on (release) { _root.MoneyApp = 1; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Background.MoneyApp._visible = false; _root.Background.App._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 1000$!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 1000; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } movieClip 314 { } button 317 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Grass'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.HerbOffice._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found herb'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Herbs += 1; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Herbs; _root.HerbOfficePicked = 1; } } movieClip 320 { } button 326 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Prob'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Kolbs._visible = false; _root.Background.Shadow._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found empty flasks'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.QuestsText._visible = true; _root.Probs += 4; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Probs; _root.Probs2OfficePicked = 1; } } movieClip 327 { } movieClip 331 { } button 333 { on (release) { if (_root.Quests5 == 1) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest5._visible = true; } } } movieClip 335 { } button 338 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Paper'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest4Mix._visible = true; _root.PageAcid2._visible = true; } } button 341 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Prob'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.flaskcatalyst._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found catalyst'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.QuestsText._visible = true; _root.Probs += 1; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Probs; _root.Probs2LabPicked = 1; } } button 343 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Prob'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Kolba45._visible = false; _root.Background.probcolor._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found empty flask'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.QuestsText._visible = true; _root.Probs += 1; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Probs; _root.Probs1LabPicked = 1; } } movieClip 344 { } button 345 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.MoneyHall2 = 1; _root.Background.MoneyHall2._visible = false; _root.Moneymedal += 1; if (_root.Moneymedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lucky'); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found 800$ on the floor!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 800; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; } } movieClip 352 { frame 1 { if (_root.Quests1 == 1 && _root.HerbSpenserPicked == 0) { _root.Background.HerbSpenser._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.HerbSpenser._visible = false; } if (_root.MoneyHall == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyHall._visible = false; } stop(); } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.Quests1 == 1 && _root.HerbStreetPicked == 0) { _root.Background.HerbStreet._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.HerbStreet._visible = false; } if (_root.Quests3 == 1) { _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = false; } if (_root.Quests2 == 2) { _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); _root.MessageQuest2._visible = true; _root.MessageQuest2.MessageText2.text = 'Kill all infected rats. \nRemove side panels and be prepare to rats \nattack! Press OK if you ready.'; _root.Allbuttons2.BackgroundsButtons._visible = false; } else { _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.MoneyCorpseSt == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyCorpseSt._visible = false; } } instance Mouse1 of movieClip 245 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(61); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } instance Mouse2 of movieClip 250 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(55); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } instance Mouse3 of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(72); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } instance Mouse4 of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(70); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } instance Mouse5 of movieClip 265 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Shoot'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(80); _root.BloodRat.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.BloodRat._x = _root._xmouse; _root.BloodRat._y = _root._ymouse; } } frame 3 { if (_root.MoneyCorpse == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyCorpse._visible = false; } if (_root.MoneyTrash == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyTrash._visible = false; } } frame 5 { if (_root.Quests1 == 1 && _root.HerbPrisonPicked == 0) { _root.Background.HerbPrison._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.HerbPrison._visible = false; } if (_root.MoneyPrison == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyPrison._visible = false; } } frame 6 { if (_root.Quests1 == 1 && _root.HerbParkPicked == 0) { _root.Background.HerbPark._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.HerbPark._visible = false; } if (_root.Quests4 == 0) { _root.Background.tentburn._visible = false; _root.Background.tent._visible = false; } if (_root.MoneyCar2 == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyCar2._visible = false; } if (_root.MoneyPark == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyPark._visible = false; } } instance tent of movieClip 300 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.Acid == 1) { _root.Background.tent._visible = false; _root.Background.tentburn._visible = true;; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Fire'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } frame 7 { if (_root.MoneyApp == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyApp._visible = false; } if (_root.MoneyTable == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyTable._visible = false; } if (_root.Quests1 == 1 && _root.HerbOfficePicked == 0) { _root.Background.HerbOffice._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.HerbOffice._visible = false; } if (_root.Quests4 == 1 && _root.Probs1OfficePicked == 0) { _root.Background.Kolba13._visible = true; _root.Background.Blue13._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.Kolba13._visible = false; _root.Background.Blue13._visible = false; } if (_root.Quests4 == 1 && _root.Probs2OfficePicked == 0) { _root.Background.Kolbs._visible = true; _root.Background.Shadow._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.Kolbs._visible = false; _root.Background.Shadow._visible = false; } } instance Kolbs of movieClip 320 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Prob'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Kolbs._visible = false; _root.Background.Shadow._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found empty flasks'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.QuestsText._visible = true; _root.Probs += 4; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Probs; _root.Probs2OfficePicked = 1; } } instance Kolba13 of movieClip 327 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Prob'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Kolba13._visible = false; _root.Background.Blue13._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found blue flask'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.QuestsText._visible = true; _root.Probs += 1; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Probs; _root.Probs1OfficePicked = 1; } } frame 8 { if (_root.Quests4 == 1 && _root.Probs1LabPicked == 0) { _root.Background.probcolor._visible = true; _root.Background.Kolba45._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.probcolor._visible = false; _root.Background.Kolba45._visible = false; } if (_root.Quests4 == 1 && _root.Probs2LabPicked == 0) { _root.Background.flaskcatalyst._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.flaskcatalyst._visible = false; } if (_root.Quests4 == 1) { _root.Background.PageAcid._visible = true; } else { _root.Background.PageAcid._visible = false; } } frame 8 { if (_root.MoneyHall2 == 1) { _root.Background.MoneyHall2._visible = false; } } instance Kolba45 of movieClip 344 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Prob'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Kolba45._visible = false; _root.Background.probcolor._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found green flask'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.QuestsText._visible = true; _root.Probs += 1; _root.QuestsText.text = _root.Probs; _root.Probs1LabPicked = 1; } } } movieClip 357 { } button 358 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (Hatsbuy == 1) { if (_root.Hats._currentframe == 6) { _root.Hats.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Hats.nextFrame(); } } else { if (_root.Hats._currentframe == 4) { _root.Hats.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Hats.nextFrame(); } } } } movieClip 361 { } button 362 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (Hatsbuy == 1) { if (_root.Hats._currentframe == 1) { _root.Hats.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.Hats.prevFrame(); } } else { if (_root.Hats._currentframe == 1) { _root.Hats.gotoAndStop(4); } else { _root.Hats.prevFrame(); } } } } button 363 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Hair'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 6) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(5); _root.Allbuttons.HairsLeft = 1; } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe < 6 && _root.Allbuttons.HairsLeft == 0 && _root.Hairs._currentframe > 1) { _root.Hairs.prevFrame(); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe < 6 && _root.Allbuttons.HairsLeft == 1 && _root.Hairs._currentframe > 1) { _root.Allbuttons.HairsLeft = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } button 364 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Hair'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 10 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Allbuttons.HairsRight = 1; } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Hairs._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1) { _root.Hairs.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe < 5 && _root.Allbuttons.HairsRight == 0) { _root.Hairs.nextFrame(); } if (_root.Hairs._currentframe < 5 && _root.Allbuttons.HairsRight == 1) { _root.Allbuttons.HairsRight = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } button 365 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 18 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 11) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(10); _root.Allbuttons.LegsLeft = 1; } if (_root.Legs._currentframe < 15 && _root.Legs._currentframe > 11) { _root.Legs.prevFrame(); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 18 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 18 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 18 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 18 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 19) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe < 11 && _root.Allbuttons.LegsLeft == 0 && _root.Legs._currentframe > 1) { _root.Legs.prevFrame(); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe < 11 && _root.Allbuttons.LegsLeft == 1 && _root.Legs._currentframe > 1) { _root.Allbuttons.LegsLeft = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } button 366 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 26 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 25 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 23 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 21 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Allbuttons.WearRight = 1; } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 25 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 23 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 21 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 24) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 23 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 21 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 21 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 21 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 20 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe > 16 && _root.Wear._currentframe < 20 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1) { _root.Wear.nextFrame(); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe > 10 && _root.Wear._currentframe < 17 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 1) { _root.Wear.nextFrame(); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe < 11 && _root.Allbuttons.WearRight == 0) { _root.Wear.nextFrame(); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe < 11 && _root.Allbuttons.WearRight == 1) { _root.Allbuttons.WearRight = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } button 367 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 26 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 24 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 23 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 21 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(11); _root.Allbuttons.WearLeft = 1; } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 18 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(11); _root.Allbuttons.WearLeft = 1; } if (_root.Wear._currentframe > 12 && _root.Wear._currentframe < 18 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 1) { _root.Wear.prevFrame(); _root.Allbuttons.WearLeft = 1; } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 18 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 21 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 23 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 24 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 26 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe > 18 && _root.Wear._currentframe < 21 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1) { _root.Wear.prevFrame(); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 21 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 23 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 24 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 26 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 23 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 24 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 26 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 23 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 24 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 26 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(22); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 24 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 26 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(23); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 25) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(24); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 26 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Wear._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(25); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1) { _root.Wear.gotoAndStop(26); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe < 13 && _root.Allbuttons.WearLeft == 0 && _root.Wear._currentframe > 1) { _root.Wear.prevFrame(); } if (_root.Wear._currentframe < 13 && _root.Allbuttons.WearLeft == 1 && _root.Wear._currentframe > 1) { _root.Allbuttons.WearLeft = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } button 368 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 20 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 19 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Allbuttons.LegsRight = 1; } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 19 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.SkirtbuyPack == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(20); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 18) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(19); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 || _root.Legs._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0) { _root.Legs.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe > 9 && _root.Legs._currentframe < 14 && _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 1) { _root.Legs.nextFrame(); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe < 10 && _root.Allbuttons.LegsRight == 0) { _root.Legs.nextFrame(); } if (_root.Legs._currentframe < 10 && _root.Allbuttons.LegsRight == 1) { _root.Allbuttons.LegsRight = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } button 369 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (SexyBikinibuy == 1 && ExtraBikinibuy == 1) { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 1) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(15); } else { _root.Underwear.prevFrame(); } } if (SexyBikinibuy == 1 && ExtraBikinibuy == 0) { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 1) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(10); } else { _root.Underwear.prevFrame(); } } if (SexyBikinibuy == 0 && ExtraBikinibuy == 0) { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 1) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.Underwear.prevFrame(); } } if (SexyBikinibuy == 0 && ExtraBikinibuy == 1) { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 11) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 1) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(15); } else { _root.Underwear.prevFrame(); } } } } } button 370 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (SexyBikinibuy == 1 && ExtraBikinibuy == 1) { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 15) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Underwear.nextFrame(); } } if (SexyBikinibuy == 1 && ExtraBikinibuy == 0) { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 10) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Underwear.nextFrame(); } } if (SexyBikinibuy == 0 && ExtraBikinibuy == 0) { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 6) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Underwear.nextFrame(); } } if (SexyBikinibuy == 0 && ExtraBikinibuy == 1) { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 6) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.Underwear._currentframe == 15) { _root.Underwear.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Underwear.nextFrame(); } } } } } button 371 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (SexyPantiesbuy == 1 && ExtraPantiesbuy == 1) { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 1) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(21); } else { _root.Panties.prevFrame(); } } if (SexyPantiesbuy == 0 && ExtraPantiesbuy == 1) { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 1) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(16); } else { _root.Panties.prevFrame(); } } if (SexyPantiesbuy == 0 && ExtraPantiesbuy == 0) { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 1) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(9); } else { _root.Panties.prevFrame(); } } if (SexyPantiesbuy == 1 && ExtraPantiesbuy == 0) { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 17) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(9); } else { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 1) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(21); } else { _root.Panties.prevFrame(); } } } } } button 372 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (SexyPantiesbuy == 1 && ExtraPantiesbuy == 1) { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 21) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Panties.nextFrame(); } } if (SexyPantiesbuy == 0 && ExtraPantiesbuy == 1) { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 16) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Panties.nextFrame(); } } if (SexyPantiesbuy == 0 && ExtraPantiesbuy == 0) { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 9) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Panties.nextFrame(); } } if (SexyPantiesbuy == 1 && ExtraPantiesbuy == 0) { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 9) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(17); } else { if (_root.Panties._currentframe == 21) { _root.Panties.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Panties.nextFrame(); } } } } } button 373 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (Pantyhosebuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 1) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(10); } else { _root.Socks.prevFrame(); } } if (Pantyhosebuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1) { if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 1) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 11) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (Pantyhosebuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1) { if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 1) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.Socks.prevFrame(); } } if (Pantyhosebuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 1) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _root.Socks.prevFrame(); } } } } button 374 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (Pantyhosebuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 10) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Socks.nextFrame(); } } if (Pantyhosebuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1) { if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 2) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.Socks.nextFrame(); if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 11) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (Pantyhosebuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1) { if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 11) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Socks.nextFrame(); } } if (Pantyhosebuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { if (_root.Socks._currentframe == 3) { _root.Socks.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Socks.nextFrame(); } } } } button 375 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(12); _root.Allbuttons.ShoesLeft = 1; } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 15 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 16) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe < 13 && _root.Allbuttons.ShoesLeft == 0 && _root.Shoes._currentframe > 1) { _root.Shoes.prevFrame(); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe < 13 && _root.Allbuttons.ShoesLeft == 1 && _root.Shoes._currentframe > 1) { _root.Allbuttons.ShoesLeft = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } button 376 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 17 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 16 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 12 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Allbuttons.ShoesRight = 1; } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 16 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 12 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 15) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 14 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 12 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 13 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Shoes._currentframe == 12 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe == 12 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1) { _root.Shoes.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe < 12 && _root.Allbuttons.ShoesRight == 0) { _root.Shoes.nextFrame(); } if (_root.Shoes._currentframe < 12 && _root.Allbuttons.ShoesRight == 1) { _root.Allbuttons.ShoesRight = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } button 377 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Hair'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Hairs.Hair2._currentframe == 4) { _root.Hairs.Hair2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Hairs.Hair2.nextFrame(); } } } button 378 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Hair'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Hairs.Hair2._currentframe == 1) { _root.Hairs.Hair2.gotoAndStop(4); } else { _root.Hairs.Hair2.prevFrame(); } } } movieClip 382 { } button 383 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 5) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(4); _root.Allbuttons.FacesLeft = 1; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe < 5 && _root.Allbuttons.FacesLeft == 0 && _root.Faces._currentframe > 1) { _root.Faces.prevFrame(); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe < 5 && _root.Allbuttons.FacesLeft == 1 && _root.Faces._currentframe > 1) { _root.Allbuttons.FacesLeft = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } button 384 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 9 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Allbuttons.FacesRight = 1; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 7 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 0 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Claire == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 5 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 || _root.Faces._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1) { _root.Faces.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe < 4 && _root.Allbuttons.FacesRight == 0) { _root.Faces.nextFrame(); } if (_root.Faces._currentframe < 4 && _root.Allbuttons.FacesRight == 1) { _root.Allbuttons.FacesRight = 0; } if (_root.Faces._currentframe == 6 && _root.Hairs._currentframe == 7 && _root.Wear._currentframe == 22 && _root.Legs._currentframe == 16 && _root.Shoes._currentframe == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Claire is my favourite girl!'); } } } movieClip 386 { } button 387 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Socks.Socks1._currentframe == 5) { _root.Socks.Socks1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Socks.Socks1.nextFrame(); } } } button 388 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Socks.Socks1._currentframe == 1) { _root.Socks.Socks1.gotoAndStop(5); } else { _root.Socks.Socks1.prevFrame(); } } } movieClip 390 { } button 395 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesPut'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Hats._visible = true; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaHats._visible = !_root.Allbuttons.GalkaHats._visible; if (_root.Hats._alpha == 0) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Hats._alpha += 10; if (_root.Hats._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Hats._alpha = 100; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Hats._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Hats._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Hats._alpha = 0; } }; } } } movieClip 399 { } button 400 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaEyes._visible == false) { ClosedEyes = 1; _root.c_eyes.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { ClosedEyes = 0; _root.c_eyes.gotoAndPlay(18); } _root.Allbuttons.GalkaEyes._visible = !_root.Allbuttons.GalkaEyes._visible; } } button 402 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesPut'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible = !_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible; if (_root.Wear._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Wear._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Wear._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Wear._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Wear._alpha += 10; if (_root.Wear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Wear._alpha = 100; } }; } } } button 404 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesPut'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons.GalkaPants._visible = !_root.Allbuttons.GalkaPants._visible; if (_root.Legs._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Legs._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Legs._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Legs._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Legs._alpha += 10; if (_root.Legs._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Legs._alpha = 100; } }; } } } button 406 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesPut'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Socks._visible = true; _root.Allbuttons.GalkaSocks._visible = !_root.Allbuttons.GalkaSocks._visible; if (_root.Socks._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Socks._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Socks._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Socks._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Socks._alpha += 10; if (_root.Socks._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Socks._alpha = 100; } }; } } } button 408 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesPut'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons.GalkaShoes._visible = !_root.Allbuttons.GalkaShoes._visible; if (_root.Shoes._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Shoes._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Shoes._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Shoes._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Shoes._alpha += 10; if (_root.Shoes._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Shoes._alpha = 100; } }; } } } button 410 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesPut'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible = !_root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible; if (_root.Underwear._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Underwear._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Underwear._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Underwear._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Underwear._alpha += 10; if (_root.Underwear._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Underwear._alpha = 100; } }; } } } movieClip 412 { } button 413 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesPut'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties.GalkaPanties._visible = !_root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties.GalkaPanties._visible; if (_root.Panties._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Panties._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Panties._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Panties._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Panties._alpha += 10; if (_root.Panties._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Panties._alpha = 100; } }; } } } movieClip 415 { } button 425 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Move'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); }; } } movieClip 426 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 39 { _root.Allbuttons.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 428 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('WeaponChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Weapons._currentframe == 3) { _root.Weapons.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Weapons.nextFrame(); } } } button 429 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('WeaponChange'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Weapons._currentframe == 1) { _root.Weapons.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _root.Weapons.prevFrame(); } } } button 430 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Background._currentframe == 11 || _root.Background._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Background.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundRight = 1; } if (_root.Background._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 || _root.Background._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { _root.Background.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.Background._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 || _root.Background._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0) { _root.Background.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.Background._currentframe == 8 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 || _root.Background._currentframe == 4 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 0) { _root.Background.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.Background._currentframe > 3 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 1 && _root.Background._currentframe < 8) { _root.Background.nextFrame(11); } if (_root.Background._currentframe < 5 && _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundRight == 0) { _root.Background.nextFrame(); } if (_root.Background._currentframe < 5 && _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundRight == 1) { _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundRight = 0; } } } button 431 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Background._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 5) { _root.Background.gotoAndStop(4); _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundLeft = 1; } if (_root.Background._currentframe < 9 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 1 && _root.Background._currentframe > 4) { _root.Background.prevFrame(); } if (_root.Background._currentframe == 9 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 1 || _root.Background._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Background.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.Background._currentframe == 10 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 || _root.Background._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 0 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0) { _root.Background.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.Background._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 0 || _root.Background._currentframe == 11 && _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack == 1) { _root.Background.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.Background._currentframe == 1 && _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack == 1) { _root.Background.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.Background._currentframe < 5 && _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundLeft == 0 && _root.Background._currentframe > 1) { _root.Background.prevFrame(); } if (_root.Background._currentframe < 5 && _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundLeft == 1 && _root.Background._currentframe > 1) { _root.Allbuttons.BackgroundLeft = 0; } } } movieClip 432 { } button 436 { on (release) { _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.HelpMessage.text = ''; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.QuestsClip._visible = false; _root.QuestsText._visible = false; if (_root.Dress1 == 1) { _root.Dress1 = 0; if (_root.Wear._currentFrame == 10 && _root.Wear._alpha == 100 && _root.Legs._currentFrame == 9 && _root.Legs._alpha == 100 && _root.Hats._currentFrame == 3 && _root.Hats._alpha == 100) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 800$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress1button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d1._visible = false; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 800; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Dress2 == 1) { _root.Dress2 = 0; if (_root.Wear._currentFrame == 2 && _root.Wear._alpha == 100 && _root.Legs._currentFrame == 2 && _root.Legs._alpha == 100 && _root.Hats._currentFrame == 1 && _root.Hats._alpha == 100) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 800$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress2button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d2._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 800; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Dress3 == 1) { _root.Dress3 = 0; if (_root.Wear._currentFrame == 1 && _root.Wear._alpha == 100 && _root.Legs._currentFrame == 1 && _root.Legs._alpha == 100 && _root.Hats._alpha == 0) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 800$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress3button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d3._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 800; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Dress4 == 1) { _root.Dress4 = 0; if (_root.Wear._currentFrame == 3 && _root.Wear._alpha == 100 && _root.Legs._currentFrame == 3 && _root.Legs._alpha == 100 && _root.Hats._alpha == 0) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 800$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress4button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d4._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 800; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Dress5 == 1) { _root.Dress5 = 0; if (_root.Wear._currentFrame == 5 && _root.Wear._alpha == 100 && _root.Legs._currentFrame == 5 && _root.Legs._alpha == 100 && _root.Hats._currentFrame == 2 && _root.Hats._alpha == 100) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 1000$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress5button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d5._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 1000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Dress6 == 1) { _root.Dress6 = 0; if (_root.Wear._currentFrame == 4 && _root.Wear._alpha == 100 && _root.Legs._currentFrame == 4 && _root.Legs._alpha == 100 && _root.Jewel._alpha == 100 && _root.Hats._alpha == 0) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 800$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress6button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d6._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 800; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Dress7 == 1) { _root.Dress7 = 0; if (_root.Wear._currentFrame == 12 && _root.Wear._alpha == 100 && _root.Legs._currentFrame == 11 && _root.Legs._alpha == 100 && _root.Socks._currentFrame == 2 && _root.Socks._alpha == 100 && _root.Socks.Socks1._currentFrame == 1 && _root.Hats._alpha == 0) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 1000$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress7button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d7._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 1000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Dress8 == 1) { _root.Dress8 = 0; if (_root.Wear._currentFrame == 9 && _root.Wear._alpha == 100 && _root.Legs._currentFrame == 8 && _root.Legs._alpha == 100 && _root.Socks._alpha == 100 && _root.Socks._currentFrame == 5 && _root.Socks.Socks1._currentFrame == 1 && _root.Hats._currentFrame == 5 && _root.Hats._alpha == 100) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 1200$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress8button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d8._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 1200; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Dress9 == 1) { _root.Dress9 = 0; if (_root.Panties._alpha < 10 && _root.Underwear._currentFrame == 13 && _root.Underwear._alpha > 90 && _root.Wear._currentFrame == 17 && _root.Wear._alpha > 90 && _root.Legs._alpha < 10 && _root.Socks._currentFrame == 8 && _root.Socks._alpha == 100 && _root.Socks.Socks1._currentFrame == 1) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 1300$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress9button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d9._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 1300; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Dress10 == 1) { _root.Dress10 = 0; if (_root.Wear._alpha == 0 && _root.Legs._alpha == 0 && _root.Shoes._alpha == 0 && _root.Necklace._alpha == 0 && _root.Jewel._alpha == 0 && _root.Socks._alpha == 0 && _root.Glasses._alpha == 0 && _root.Hats._alpha == 0 && _root.Gloves._alpha == 0 && _root.microphone._alpha == 0 && _root.Guncase._alpha == 0 && _root.Underwear._alpha == 0 && _root.Panties._alpha == 0 && _root.JillWet._alpha > 1) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 2000$!'; _root.Challenges.Dress10button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.d10._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 2000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.dressmedal += 1; if (_root.dressmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I like dressing!'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong outfit!'; } } if (_root.Quests1 == 1) { if (_root.Herbs == 5) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Curative herb'); _root.Shop.Cash += 1000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 1000$!'; _root.Challenges.Quests1button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.q1._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest1Complete = 1; _root.Quests1 = 0; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You don\'t get all 5 herbs!\nYou failed quest!'; _root.Questions = 0; _root.HerbSpenserPicked = 0; _root.HerbStreetPicked = 0; _root.HerbPrisonPicked = 0; _root.HerbParkPicked = 0; _root.HerbOfficePicked = 0; _root.Herbs = 0; _root.Quests1 = 0; } } if (_root.Quests2 == 1) { _root.Quests2 = 0; _root.Wound1._visible = false; _root.Wound2._visible = false; _root.Wound3._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You don\'t kill all rats! \nYou failed quest!'; _root.Questions = 0; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.Quests3 == 1) { _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = false; if (_root.VirusFound == 1) { _root.Shop.Cash += 3000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 3000$!'; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest3Complete = 1; _root.Quests3 = 0; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You don\'t find sample of virus!\nYou failed quest!'; _root.Quests3 = 0; } } if (_root.Quests4 == 1) { _root.Quests4 = 0; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.probirkiacid._visible = false; _root.probirki._visible = false; _root.Quest4Mix._visible = false; _root.Background.Probs1OfficePicked = 1; _root.Background.Probs2OfficePicked = 1; _root.Background.Probs1LabPicked = 1; _root.Background.Probs2LabPicked = 1; _root.FlaskQuest._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You don\'t destroy the plant! \nYou can\'t move forward.\nYou failed quest!'; _root.Probs = 0; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } if (_root.Quests5 == 1) { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Quest5.wrong._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You not synchronized sample and blood! \nYou lost sample and fail quest.'; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Quests5 = 0; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } _root.Allbuttons.ChallengeReady._visible = false; } } movieClip 438 { } button 440 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Move'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); }; } } button 441 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('WeaponRemove'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaWeapons._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.GalkaWeapons._visible; if (_root.Weapons._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Weapons._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Weapons._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Weapons._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Weapons._alpha += 10; if (_root.Weapons._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Weapons._alpha = 100; } }; } } } button 444 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Jewerly'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGlasses._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGlasses._visible; if (_root.Glasses._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Glasses._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Glasses._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Glasses._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Glasses._alpha += 10; if (_root.Glasses._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Glasses._alpha = 100; } }; } } } button 446 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesPut'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGloves._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.GalkaGloves._visible; if (_root.Gloves._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Gloves._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Gloves._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Gloves._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Gloves._alpha += 10; if (_root.Gloves._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Gloves._alpha = 100; } }; } } } button 449 { on (release) { if (_root.Acid == 1) { } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible == false) { startDrag('_root.CumCursor', true); _root.CumCursor._visible = true; _root.cursor._visible = false; _root.CumButtons._visible = true; } else { _root.CumCursor._visible = false; _root.CumButtons._visible = false; startDrag('_root.CumCursor', false); startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; } _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible; } } } button 451 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.CumLips._alpha > 1) { _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } button 453 { on (release) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible == false) { Mouse.hide(); startDrag('_root.CumCursor', true); _root.CumCursor._visible = true; _root.CumButtons._visible = true; } else {; _root.CumCursor._visible = false; _root.CumButtons._visible = false; startDrag('_root.CumCursor', false); } _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.GalkaCum._visible; } } movieClip 455 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.CumLips._alpha -= 10; _root.CumCheekRight._alpha -= 10; _root.CumCheekLeft._alpha -= 10; _root.CumBreastRight._alpha -= 10; _root.CumBreastLeft._alpha -= 10; _root.CumBreasts._alpha -= 10; _root.CumPupok._alpha -= 10; _root.CumPussy._alpha -= 10; _root.CumBellyRight._alpha -= 10; _root.CumBellyLeft._alpha -= 10; _root.CumHandRight1._alpha -= 10; _root.CumHandRight2._alpha -= 10; _root.CumHandRight3._alpha -= 10; _root.CumHandLeft1._alpha -= 10; _root.CumHandLeft2._alpha -= 10; _root.CumHandLeft3._alpha -= 10; _root.CumSh._alpha -= 10; _root.CumEyeRight._alpha -= 10; _root.CumEyeLeft._alpha -= 10; _root.CumLegRight1._alpha -= 10; _root.CumLegRight2._alpha -= 10; _root.CumLegRight3._alpha -= 10; _root.CumLegLeft1._alpha -= 10; _root.CumLegLeft2._alpha -= 10; _root.CumLegLeft3._alpha -= 10; } frame 3 { if (_root.CumLips._alpha > 1) { _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.CumLob.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumCheekRight.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumCheekLeft.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumBreastRight.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumBreastLeft.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumBreasts.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumPupok.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumPussy.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumBellyRight.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumBellyLeft.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumHandRight1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumHandRight2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumHandRight3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumHandLeft1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumHandLeft2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumHandLeft3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumLegRight1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumLegRight2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumLegRight3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumLegLeft1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumLegLeft2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumLegLeft3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumSh.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumEyeLeft.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumEyeRight.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumLips.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumLips._alpha = 100; _root.CumLob._alpha = 100; _root.CumCheekRight._alpha = 100; _root.CumCheekLeft._alpha = 100; _root.CumBreastRight._alpha = 100; _root.CumBreastLeft._alpha = 100; _root.CumBreasts._alpha = 100; _root.CumPupok._alpha = 100; _root.CumPussy._alpha = 100; _root.CumBellyRight._alpha = 100; _root.CumBellyLeft._alpha = 100; _root.CumHandRight1._alpha = 100; _root.CumHandRight2._alpha = 100; _root.CumHandRight3._alpha = 100; _root.CumHandLeft1._alpha = 100; _root.CumHandLeft2._alpha = 100; _root.CumHandLeft3._alpha = 100; _root.CumSh._alpha = 100; _root.CumEyeRight._alpha = 100; _root.CumEyeLeft._alpha = 100; _root.CumLegRight1._alpha = 100; _root.CumLegRight2._alpha = 100; _root.CumLegRight3._alpha = 100; _root.CumLegLeft1._alpha = 100; _root.CumLegLeft2._alpha = 100; _root.CumLegLeft3._alpha = 100; } } } button 456 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Jewerly'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.MikrBig.GalkaMikr._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.MikrBig.GalkaMikr._visible; if (_root.microphone._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.microphone._alpha -= 10; if (_root.microphone._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.microphone._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.microphone._alpha += 10; if (_root.microphone._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.microphone._alpha = 100; } }; } } } movieClip 458 { } button 459 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Jewerly'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig.GalkaJewel._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig.GalkaJewel._visible; if (_root.Jewel._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Jewel._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Jewel._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Jewel._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Jewel._alpha += 10; if (_root.Jewel._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Jewel._alpha = 100; } }; } } } movieClip 461 { } button 462 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('ClothesPut'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig.GalkaGuncase._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig.GalkaGuncase._visible; if (_root.Guncase._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Guncase._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Guncase._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Guncase._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Guncase._alpha += 10; if (_root.Guncase._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Guncase._alpha = 100; } }; } } } movieClip 464 { } button 465 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Jewerly'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig.GalkaNecklace._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig.GalkaNecklace._visible; if (_root.Necklace._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Necklace._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Necklace._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Necklace._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Necklace._alpha += 10; if (_root.Necklace._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Necklace._alpha = 100; } }; } } } movieClip 467 { } button 468 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible; if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible == true) { _root.TattooClip._visible = true; _root.TattooClip._alpha = 0; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.JillWet._visible = true; _root.JillWet._alpha = 0; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndPlay(4); } } else { if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == false) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible == false) { _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndPlay(6); _root.Tattoo._alpha = 0; } else { _root.JillWet._alpha = 0; _root.Tattoo._visible = true; _root.Tattoo._alpha = 100; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndPlay(8); } } } } } movieClip 471 { frame 2 { _root.TattooClip._alpha += 10; } frame 3 { if (_root.TattooClip._alpha < 99) { _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 4 { _root.JillWet._alpha += 10; } frame 5 { if (_root.JillWet._alpha < 99) { _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndPlay(4); } else { _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 6 { _root.JillWet._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { if (_root.JillWet._alpha > 1) { _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndPlay(6); } else { _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 8 { _root.TattooClip._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { if (_root.TattooClip._alpha > 1) { _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndPlay(8); } else { _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 472 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Hair'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig.GalkaPubic._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig.GalkaPubic._visible; if (_root.Pubic._alpha == 100) { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Pubic._alpha -= 10; if (_root.Pubic._alpha < 1) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Pubic._alpha = 0; } }; } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.Pubic._alpha += 10; if (_root.Pubic._alpha > 99) { delete onEnterFrame; _root.Pubic._alpha = 100; } }; } } } movieClip 474 { } button 475 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Tattoo'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible; if (_root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible == true) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) { _root.TattooClip._visible = true; _root.TattooClip._alpha = 0; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.Tattoo._visible = true; _root.Tattoo._alpha = 0; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndPlay(4); } } else { if (_root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.GalkaTattoo._visible == false) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == false) { _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndPlay(6); } else { _root.JillWet._alpha = 100; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndPlay(8); } } } } } movieClip 477 { frame 2 { _root.TattooClip._alpha += 10; } frame 3 { if (_root.TattooClip._alpha < 99) { _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 4 { _root.Tattoo._alpha += 10; } frame 5 { if (_root.Tattoo._alpha < 99) { _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndPlay(4); } else { _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 6 { _root.Tattoo._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { if (_root.Tattoo._alpha > 1) { _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndPlay(6); } else { _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 8 { _root.TattooClip._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { if (_root.TattooClip._alpha > 1) { _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndPlay(8); } else { _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig.gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 478 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if ( == 3) {; } else {; } } } button 479 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if ( == 1) {; } else {; } } } movieClip 480 { } button 481 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Legs._alpha < 50 && _root.Panties._alpha < 50) { _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonToys.GalkaToy._visible = !_root.Allbuttons2.ButtonToys.GalkaToy._visible; = !; } else { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Remove pants and underwear first!'; } } } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 485 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 39 { _root.Allbuttons2.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 488 { } movieClip 495 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 496 { frame 1 { this.ratio = 300000; toy.onPress = function () { _root.cursorvis = 0; this.startDrag(0, 0, line._height, 0, true); this.onEnterFrame = function () { ratio = Math.round(this._y * 100 * line._height); if (_root.cursorvis == 0) { _root.cursor._alpha = 0; _root.ratio.text =; if (_root.ratio.text < 200000 && randomrat == 1) { random_num = Math.random(); randomrat = 0; } if (_root.ratio.text < 200000 && random_num > 0.7 && _root.ston == 1) { _root.ston = 0; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); random_ston1 = Math.random(); if (random_ston1 > 0 && random_ston1 < 0.25) { _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston4'); } if (random_ston1 > 0.25 && random_ston1 < 0.5) { _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); } if (random_ston1 > 0.5 && random_ston1 < 0.75) { _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston2'); } if (random_ston1 > 0.75 && random_ston1 < 1) { _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston1'); } _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } if (_root.ratio.text < 200000) { _root.pussy._visible = true; } if (_root.ratio.text > 200000) { _root.pussy._visible = false; randomrat = 1; _root.ston = 1; } } }; }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.ratio.text =; }; startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; } instance toy of movieClip 495 { onClipEvent (release) { startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; _root.cursorvis = 1; _root.cursor._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; _root.cursor._alpha = 100; _root.cursorvis = 1; } } } movieClip 501 { } movieClip 504 { } movieClip 601 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 698 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 779 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 781 { on (press) { if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible == true && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) {; _root.CumBreastLeft.gotoAndStop(1); } else {; _root.CumBreastLeft.gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible == true && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) { _root.NippleLeftWET.gotoAndPlay(19); _root.CumBreastLeft.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.NippleLeft.gotoAndPlay(19); _root.CumBreastLeft.gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (releaseOutside) { if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible == true && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston1'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) { _root.NippleLeftWET.gotoAndPlay(19); } else { _root.NippleLeft.gotoAndPlay(19); } } } on (release) { if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible == true && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston1'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) { _root.NippleLeftWET.gotoAndPlay(19); } else { _root.NippleLeft.gotoAndPlay(19); } } } } button 783 { on (press) { if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible == true && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) {; _root.CumBreastRight.gotoAndStop(1); } else {; _root.CumBreastRight.gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible == true && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) { _root.NippleRightWET.gotoAndPlay(19); _root.CumBreastRight.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.NippleRight.gotoAndPlay(19); _root.CumBreastRight.gotoAndStop(1); } } } on (releaseOutside) { if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible == true && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston1'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) { _root.NippleRightWET.gotoAndPlay(19); } else { _root.NippleRight.gotoAndPlay(19); } } } on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston1'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible == true && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) { _root.NippleRightWET.gotoAndPlay(19); } else { _root.NippleRight.gotoAndPlay(19); } } } } button 785 { on (press) { if (_root.Allbuttons.GalkaClothes._visible == true && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true || _root.Wear._currentframe == 17 && _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra.GalkaBra._visible == true) { if (_root.Allbuttons2.WetBig.GalkaWet._visible == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston2'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); }; _root.CumBreastRight.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumBreastLeft.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston2'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); }; _root.CumBreastRight.gotoAndStop(1); _root.CumBreastLeft.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 788 { } movieClip 791 { } movieClip 794 { } movieClip 895 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 996 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 1077 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1080 { } movieClip 1083 { } movieClip 1126 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1130 { } movieClip 1131 { } movieClip 1132 { } movieClip 1133 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1136 { } movieClip 1137 { } movieClip 1138 { } movieClip 1139 { } movieClip 1140 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1151 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1154 { } movieClip 1155 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1158 { } movieClip 1159 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1162 { } movieClip 1163 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1166 { } movieClip 1167 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1170 { } movieClip 1171 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1174 { } movieClip 1175 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1178 { } movieClip 1179 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1182 { } movieClip 1183 { } movieClip 1184 { } movieClip 1185 { } movieClip 1186 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1187 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1218 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1221 { } movieClip 1224 { } movieClip 1277 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1312 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1353 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1356 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1359 { } movieClip 1362 { } movieClip 1365 { } movieClip 1380 { frame 1 { _root.c_eyes._visible = true; stop(); } frame 4 { _root.c_eyes._visible = true; } frame 5 { _root.c_eyes._visible = false; } frame 6 { _root.c_eyes._visible = false; } frame 7 { _root.c_eyes._visible = false; } frame 8 { _root.c_eyes._visible = false; } frame 9 { _root.c_eyes._visible = false; } } movieClip 1381 { } movieClip 1418 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.Allbuttons.ClosedEyes == 1) { } else { random_number = Math.ceil(7000 * Math.random() + 2000); delay = setTimeout(this, 'play', random_number); } } frame 18 { if (_root.Allbuttons.ClosedEyes == 1) { stop(); } } frame 19 { if (_root.Allbuttons.ClosedEyes == 1) { stop(); } } } movieClip 1421 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1424 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1425 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1428 { } movieClip 1431 { } movieClip 1434 { } movieClip 1435 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1438 { } movieClip 1441 { } movieClip 1444 { } movieClip 1445 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1448 { } movieClip 1451 { } movieClip 1454 { } movieClip 1455 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1458 { } movieClip 1461 { } movieClip 1464 { } movieClip 1465 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1468 { } movieClip 1471 { } movieClip 1474 { } movieClip 1475 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1478 { } movieClip 1481 { } movieClip 1484 { } movieClip 1485 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1488 { } movieClip 1491 { } movieClip 1494 { } movieClip 1495 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1498 { } movieClip 1501 { } movieClip 1504 { } movieClip 1505 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1508 { } movieClip 1511 { } movieClip 1514 { } movieClip 1515 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1518 { } movieClip 1521 { } movieClip 1524 { } movieClip 1525 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1528 { } movieClip 1531 { } movieClip 1534 { } movieClip 1535 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1538 { } movieClip 1541 { } movieClip 1544 { } movieClip 1545 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1548 { } movieClip 1551 { } movieClip 1554 { } movieClip 1555 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1558 { } movieClip 1561 { } movieClip 1564 { } movieClip 1565 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1568 { } movieClip 1571 { } movieClip 1574 { } movieClip 1575 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1580 { } movieClip 1583 { } movieClip 1584 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1587 { } movieClip 1590 { } movieClip 1593 { } movieClip 1594 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1597 { } movieClip 1600 { } movieClip 1603 { } movieClip 1604 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1607 { } movieClip 1610 { } movieClip 1613 { } movieClip 1614 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1617 { } movieClip 1620 { } movieClip 1623 { } movieClip 1624 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1627 { } movieClip 1630 { } movieClip 1633 { } movieClip 1634 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1637 { } movieClip 1640 { } movieClip 1643 { } movieClip 1644 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1647 { } movieClip 1650 { } movieClip 1653 { } movieClip 1654 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1657 { } movieClip 1660 { } movieClip 1663 { } movieClip 1664 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1667 { } movieClip 1670 { } movieClip 1673 { } movieClip 1682 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1691 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1700 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1703 { } movieClip 1704 { } movieClip 1705 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1708 { } movieClip 1711 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1720 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1723 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1726 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1735 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1738 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1739 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1752 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1759 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1761 { } movieClip 1762 { } button 1763 { on (press) { _root.Cum.CumLob.nextFrame(); } } movieClip 1764 { } button 1766 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumLips.nextFrame(); _root.CumLips._alpha = 100; } } button 1768 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumCheekRight.nextFrame(); } } movieClip 1770 { } button 1771 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumCheekLeft.nextFrame(); } } button 1773 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumBreastLeft.nextFrame(); } } button 1775 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumBreastRight.nextFrame(); } } button 1777 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumSh.nextFrame(); } } button 1779 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumBreasts.nextFrame(); } } button 1781 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumPupok.nextFrame(); } } button 1783 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumBellyRight.nextFrame(); } } button 1785 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumBellyLeft.nextFrame(); } } button 1787 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumPussy.nextFrame(); } } button 1789 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumHandLeft1.nextFrame(); } } button 1791 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumHandLeft2.nextFrame(); } } button 1793 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumHandLeft3.nextFrame(); } } button 1795 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumHandRight1.nextFrame(); } } button 1797 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumHandRight2.nextFrame(); } } button 1799 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumHandRight3.nextFrame(); } } button 1801 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumLegLeft1.nextFrame(); } } button 1803 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumLegLeft2.nextFrame(); } } button 1805 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumLegLeft3.nextFrame(); } } button 1807 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumLegRight3.nextFrame(); } } button 1809 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumLegRight1.nextFrame(); } } button 1811 { on (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumLegRight2.nextFrame(); } } button 1813 { on (press) { _root.CumEyeLeft.nextFrame(); ClosedEyes = 1; _root.c_eyes.gotoAndStop(18); } } button 1815 { on (press) { _root.CumEyeRight.nextFrame(); ClosedEyes = 1; _root.c_eyes.gotoAndStop(18); } } movieClip 1816 { instance of movieClip 1764 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Ston3'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); _root.CumLob.nextFrame(); } } } movieClip 1819 { } button 1822 { on (release) { Selection.setFocus(_root.options.Butsecret2); if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop._visible = !_root.Shop._visible; _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.options._visible = false; } } button 1825 { on (release) { Selection.setFocus(_root.options.Butsecret2); if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges._visible = !_root.Challenges._visible; _root.Shop._visible = false; _root.options._visible = false; } } button 1828 { on (release) { Selection.setFocus(_root.options.Butsecret2); if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message3._visible = true; } } button 1830 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Move'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); }; } } button 1833 { on (release) { Selection.setFocus(_root.options.Butsecret2); if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.options._visible = !_root.options._visible; _root.Shop._visible = false; = false; _root.Challenges._visible = false; } } movieClip 1834 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 39 { _root.ButtonsBelow.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 1836 { on (release) { _root.Quest3.Seif._visible = true; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Saife'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } movieClip 1850 { } button 1853 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.HelpMessage.text = ''; _root.Quests3 = 0; _root.Quest3Complete = 1; _root.Message._visible = true; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Sample'); _root.Challenges.Quests3button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.q3._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You found sample of virus \n You get 3000$'; _root.VirusFound = 1; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = false; _root.Shop.Cash += 3000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = false; } } movieClip 1856 { } movieClip 1859 { } movieClip 1860 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1866 { } movieClip 1867 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1870 { } movieClip 1873 { } movieClip 1874 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1877 { } movieClip 1880 { } movieClip 1881 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1883 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Seif1 == 0 || _root.Seif1 == 2) { _root.Quest3.Seif.But1Minus.gotoAndStop(3); _root.Quest3.Seif.Number1Plus.text = '13'; _root.Quest3.Seif.Number1Minus.text = '0'; _root.Quest3.Seif.LightGreen1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3.Seif.LightRed1.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.Seif1 == 0) { _root.Quest3Numbers += 13; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } else { _root.Quest3Numbers += 24; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } _root.Seif1 = 1; } else { _root.Seif1 = 2; _root.Quest3.Seif.But1Minus.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3.Seif.Number1Minus.text = '11'; _root.Quest3.Seif.Number1Plus.text = '0'; _root.Quest3.Seif.LightGreen1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Quest3.Seif.LightRed1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3Numbers -= 24; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Saife'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } } } button 1885 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Seif2 == 0 || _root.Seif2 == 2) { _root.Quest3.Seif.But2Minus.gotoAndStop(3); _root.Quest3.Seif.Number2Plus.text = '15'; _root.Quest3.Seif.Number2Minus.text = '0'; _root.Quest3.Seif.LightGreen2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3.Seif.LightRed2.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.Seif2 == 0) { _root.Quest3Numbers += 15; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } else { _root.Quest3Numbers += 20; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } _root.Seif2 = 1; } else { _root.Seif2 = 2; _root.Quest3.Seif.But2Minus.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3.Seif.Number2Minus.text = '5'; _root.Quest3.Seif.Number2Plus.text = '0'; _root.Quest3.Seif.LightGreen2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Quest3.Seif.LightRed2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3Numbers -= 20; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Saife'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } } } button 1887 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Seif3 == 0 || _root.Seif3 == 2) { _root.Quest3.Seif.But3Minus.gotoAndStop(3); _root.Quest3.Seif.Number3Plus.text = '19'; _root.Quest3.Seif.Number3Minus.text = '0'; _root.Quest3.Seif.LightGreen3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3.Seif.LightRed3.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.Seif3 == 0) { _root.Quest3Numbers += 19; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } else { _root.Quest3Numbers += 26; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } _root.Seif3 = 1; } else { _root.Seif3 = 2; _root.Quest3.Seif.But3Minus.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3.Seif.Number3Minus.text = '7'; _root.Quest3.Seif.Number3Plus.text = '0'; _root.Quest3.Seif.LightGreen3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Quest3.Seif.LightRed3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3Numbers -= 26; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Saife'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } } } button 1889 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Seif4 == 0 || _root.Seif4 == 2) { _root.Quest3.Seif.But4Minus.gotoAndStop(3); _root.Quest3.Seif.Number4Plus.text = '9'; _root.Quest3.Seif.Number4Minus.text = '0'; _root.Quest3.Seif.LightGreen4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3.Seif.LightRed4.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.Seif4 == 0) { _root.Quest3Numbers += 19; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } else { _root.Quest3Numbers += 22; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } _root.Seif4 = 1; } else { _root.Seif4 = 2; _root.Quest3.Seif.But4Minus.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3.Seif.Number4Minus.text = '13'; _root.Quest3.Seif.Number4Plus.text = '0'; _root.Quest3.Seif.LightGreen4.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Quest3.Seif.LightRed4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Quest3Numbers -= 22; _root.Quest3.Seif.NumberMain.text = _root.Quest3Numbers; if (_root.Quest3Numbers == 31) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Saife'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest3.Seif.SeifOpen._visible = true; _root.Quest3.Seif.Virus._visible = true; } } } } movieClip 1894 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1895 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1896 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1897 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1900 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1903 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1906 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1909 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1912 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.VirusFound == 1) { _root.Quest3._visible = false; } else { _root.Quest3.Seif._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1914 { } movieClip 1915 { } button 1918 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Paper'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.LetterBig._visible = false; } } movieClip 1921 { } movieClip 1923 { } movieClip 1924 { } movieClip 1928 { } movieClip 1929 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1930 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Probs == 7) { _root.MixAcids._visible = true; _root.acidblue = 0; _root.acidgreen = 1; } else { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'I need more flasks!'; } } } movieClip 1932 { } movieClip 1935 { } movieClip 1937 { } button 1939 { on (press) { startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; _root.Acid = 0; } } movieClip 1942 { } button 1943 { on (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Prob'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } startDrag('_root.FlaskQuest', true); _root.Acid = 1; _root.cursor._visible = false; _root.acidgreen = 0; _root.acidblue = 1; } } button 1946 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Paper'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.PageAcid2._visible = false; } } button 1952 { on (release) { if (_root.acidgreenconc == 0 && _root.acidblueconc == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.acidgreenconc == 1 && _root.acidblueconc == 3) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You made a strong acid!'; _root.FlaskQuestDrag._visible = true; _root.MixAcids._visible = false; _root.probirkiacid._visible = false; _root.probirki._visible = false; startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; _root.QuestsText.text = ' '; _root.FlaskQuest._visible = true; _root.Quest4Mix._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.probirkiacid._visible = false; _root.MixAcids._visible = false; _root.probirki._visible = false; _root.Quest4Mix._visible = false; _root.QuestsClip._visible = false; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Quests3 = 0; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.QuestsText.text = ' '; _root.HelpMessage._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.probirkiacid._visible = false; _root.probirki._visible = false; _root.Quest4Mix._visible = false; _root.Background.Probs1OfficePicked = 1; _root.Background.Probs2OfficePicked = 1; _root.Background.Probs1LabPicked = 1; _root.Background.Probs2LabPicked = 1; _root.FlaskQuest._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Concentration of acid is wrong! \nIt explode and you die!\nYou failed quest!'; _root.Probs = 0; } } } } button 1954 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.acidgreen = 0; _root.acidblue = 1; startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; _root.MixAcids._visible = false; } } button 1956 { on (press) { startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; } } movieClip 1958 { } movieClip 1960 { } movieClip 1962 { } button 1964 { on (release) { if (_root.acidblue == 1 && _root.MixAcids.flask1blue._visible == false) { _root.acidblueconc += 1; _root.MixAcids.flask1blue._visible = true; if (_root.MixAcids.flask1green._visible == true) { _root.acidgreenconc -= 1; _root.MixAcids.flask1green._visible = false; } if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } if (_root.acidgreen == 1 && _root.MixAcids.flask1green._visible == false) { _root.acidgreenconc += 1; if (_root.MixAcids.flask1blue._visible == true) { _root.acidblueconc -= 1; _root.MixAcids.flask1blue._visible = false; } _root.MixAcids.flask1green._visible = true; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 1965 { on (release) { if (_root.acidblue == 1 && _root.MixAcids.flask2blue._visible == false) { _root.acidblueconc += 1; _root.MixAcids.flask2blue._visible = true; if (_root.MixAcids.flask2green._visible == true) { _root.acidgreenconc -= 1; _root.MixAcids.flask2green._visible = false; } if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } if (_root.acidgreen == 1 && _root.MixAcids.flask2green._visible == false) { _root.acidgreenconc += 1; if (_root.MixAcids.flask2blue._visible == true) { _root.acidblueconc -= 1; _root.MixAcids.flask2blue._visible = false; } _root.MixAcids.flask2green._visible = true; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 1966 { on (release) { if (_root.acidblue == 1 && _root.MixAcids.flask3blue._visible == false) { _root.acidblueconc += 1; _root.MixAcids.flask3blue._visible = true; if (_root.MixAcids.flask3green._visible == true) { _root.acidgreenconc -= 1; _root.MixAcids.flask3green._visible = false; } if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } if (_root.acidgreen == 1 && _root.MixAcids.flask3green._visible == false) { _root.acidgreenconc += 1; if (_root.MixAcids.flask3blue._visible == true) { _root.acidblueconc -= 1; _root.MixAcids.flask3blue._visible = false; } _root.MixAcids.flask3green._visible = true; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 1967 { on (release) { if (_root.acidblue == 1 && _root.MixAcids.flask4blue._visible == false) { _root.acidblueconc += 1; _root.MixAcids.flask4blue._visible = true; if (_root.MixAcids.flask4green._visible == true) { _root.acidgreenconc -= 1; _root.MixAcids.flask4green._visible = false; } if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } if (_root.acidgreen == 1 && _root.MixAcids.flask4green._visible == false) { _root.acidgreenconc += 1; if (_root.MixAcids.flask4blue._visible == true) { _root.acidblueconc -= 1; _root.MixAcids.flask4blue._visible = false; } _root.MixAcids.flask4green._visible = true; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Wet'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } movieClip 1970 { } movieClip 1973 { } movieClip 1974 { instance Flask13 of movieClip 1970 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Prob'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } startDrag('_root.MixAcids.Flask13', true); _root.cursor._visible = false; _root.acidgreen = 0; _root.acidblue = 1; } } instance Flask45 of movieClip 1973 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Prob'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } startDrag('_root.MixAcids.Flask45', true); _root.cursor._visible = false; _root.acidgreen = 1; _root.acidblue = 0; } } } movieClip 1978 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1979 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1980 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1983 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest5.Seq1._currentframe == 8) { _root.Quest5.Seq1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Quest5.Seq1.nextFrame(); } } } button 1984 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest5.Seq2._currentframe == 8) { _root.Quest5.Seq2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Quest5.Seq2.nextFrame(); } } } button 1985 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest5.Seq3._currentframe == 8) { _root.Quest5.Seq3.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.Quest5.Seq3.nextFrame(); } } } button 1986 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest5.Seq3._currentframe == 1) { _root.Quest5.Seq3.gotoAndStop(8); } else { _root.Quest5.Seq3.prevFrame(); } } } button 1987 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest5.Seq2._currentframe == 1) { _root.Quest5.Seq2.gotoAndStop(8); } else { _root.Quest5.Seq2.prevFrame(); } } } button 1988 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest5.Seq1._currentframe == 1) { _root.Quest5.Seq1.gotoAndStop(8); } else { _root.Quest5.Seq1.prevFrame(); } } } button 1991 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quest5._visible = false; } } button 1994 { on (release) { if (_root.Quest5.Seq1._currentframe == 5 && _root.Quest5.Seq2._currentframe == 3 && _root.Quest5.Seq3._currentframe == 7) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Quest5.Right._visible = true; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.HelpMessage.text = ''; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Antidote'); _root.Challenges.Quests5button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.q5._visible = false; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You make antidote and heal youself. \n Congratulations! All quests are complete. \n You get 5000$!'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.Shop.Cash += 5000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Quests5 = 0; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.HelpMessage.text = ''; } else { _root.Quest5.wrong._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Quest5.wrong._visible = false; _root.HelpMessage.text = ''; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You not synchronized it right! \nYou lost sample and fail quest.'; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Quests5 = 0; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } movieClip 1996 { } movieClip 1999 { } movieClip 2000 { } button 2003 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 200) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 200; Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.Hatsbuy = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopHats._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopHats._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2004 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 300) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 300; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Shop.ButtonShopHairs._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopHairs._visible = false; _root.Allbuttons.ButtonColorHair._visible = true; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2005 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 600) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 600; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopSexyClothes._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopSexyClothes._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2006 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 500) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 500; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.Wearbeachbuy = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopBeachClothes._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopBeachClothes._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2007 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 700) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 700; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopSkirt._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopSexySkirt._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2008 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 800) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 800; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.SexyBikinibuy = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopSexyBikini._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopSexyBikini._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2009 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 700) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 700; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.ExtraBikinibuy = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopExtraBikini._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopExtraBra._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2010 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 3000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 3000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra._visible = true; _root.Shop.ButtonShopHideBra._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopHideBra._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2011 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 1000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 1000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.SexyPantiesbuy = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopSexyPanties._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopSexyPanties._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2012 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 3000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 3000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties._visible = true; _root.Shop.ButtonShopHidePanties._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopHidePanties._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2013 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 400) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 400; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.Pantyhosebuy = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopPantyhose._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopPantyhoses._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2014 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 300) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 300; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.SocksColor._visible = true; _root.Shop.ButtonSocksColor._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopColorPantyhoses._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2015 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 300) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 300; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig._visible = true; _root.Allbuttons2.GuncaseBig._visible = true; _root.Allbuttons2.NecklaceBig._visible = true; _root.Shop.ButtonShop123._visible = false; _root.Shop.Shop123._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2016 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 2000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 2000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig._visible = true; _root.Shop.ButtonShopWet._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopWetBody._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2017 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 600) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 600; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons2.PubicBig._visible = true; _root.Shop.ButtonShopPubic._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopPubic._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2018 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 1000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 1000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopBackgrounds._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopBackgrounds._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2019 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 5000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 5000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonToys._visible = true; _root.Shop.ButtonShopToy._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopToy._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2020 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 10000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 10000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons2.ButtonsCum._visible = true; _root.Shop.ButtonShopCum._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopCum._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2021 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 600) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 600; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.ExtraPantiesbuy = 1; _root.Shop.ShopExtraPanties._visible = false; _root.Shop.ButtonShopExtraPanties._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } movieClip 2028 { } movieClip 2029 { } movieClip 2033 { } movieClip 2037 { } movieClip 2041 { } movieClip 2045 { } movieClip 2049 { } movieClip 2053 { } movieClip 2058 { } movieClip 2062 { } movieClip 2066 { } movieClip 2070 { } movieClip 2071 { } movieClip 2075 { } movieClip 2078 { } movieClip 2082 { } movieClip 2086 { } movieClip 2090 { } movieClip 2094 { } movieClip 2098 { } button 2101 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 1000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 1000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.MilaPack = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopMilaPack._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopMilaPack._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } movieClip 2105 { } button 2106 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 1000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 1000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.ClairePack = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopClairePack._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopClairePack._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } movieClip 2110 { } movieClip 2111 { } movieClip 2112 { } button 2113 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 1000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 1000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.JessikaPack = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopJessikaPack._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopJessikaPack._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2114 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 1000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 1000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.HeatherPack = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopHeatherPack._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopHeatherPack._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2115 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 1000) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 1000; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons.MomijiPack = 1; _root.Shop.ButtonShopMomijiPack._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopMomijiPack._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } button 2116 { on (release) { if (Cash >= 500) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Buy'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash -= 500; _root.Shopaholicmedal += 1; if (_root.Shopaholicmedal == 25) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shopaholic'); } Money.text = Cash + ' $'; _root.Allbuttons2.TattooBig._visible = true; _root.Shop.ButtonShopTattoo._visible = false; _root.Shop.ShopTattoo._visible = false; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } movieClip 2121 { } movieClip 2125 { } movieClip 2129 { } movieClip 2132 { } movieClip 2135 { } movieClip 2136 { frame 1 { Money.text = Cash + ' $'; } } button 2137 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question2button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b2._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question2 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'How Resident Evil called in Japan?'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = 'Resident Evil'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = 'Biohazard'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = 'Stubbs the Zombie'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = 'Survival Crisis'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2138 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question3button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b3._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question3 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'Jill\'s eyes color:'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = 'Green'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = 'Brown'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = 'Black'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = 'Blue'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2139 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question4button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b4._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question4 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'In which movie Jill appear first time?'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = 'Resident Evil'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = 'Resident Evil: Apocalypse'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = 'Resident Evil: Extinction'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = 'Resident Evil: Afterlife'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2140 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question5button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b5._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question5 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'Who played Jill\'s role in movie?'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = 'Sienna Guillory'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = 'Milla Jovovich'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = 'Michelle Rodriguez'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = 'Alison Elizabeth'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2141 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question6button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b6._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question6 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'In which team was Jill in \nResident Evil 1?'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = 'BSAA'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = 'UBCS'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = 'STARS'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = 'USS'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2142 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question7button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b7._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question7 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'In which game co-op appear?'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = 'Resident Evil remake'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = 'Resident Evil 4'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = 'Resident Evil 5'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = 'Resident Evil 6'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2143 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question8button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b8._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question8 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'Which color of Jill\'s panties \nin Resident Evil 3 outfit?'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = 'Blue'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = 'Black'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = 'Red'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = 'White'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2144 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question9button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b9._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question9 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'In which year Jill was born?'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = '1975'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = '1977'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = '1979'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = '1981'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2145 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question10button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b10._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question10 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'Jill\'s natural hair color?'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = 'Black'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = 'Brown'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = 'Blonde'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = 'Ginger'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2146 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress1 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Dress Jill like pirate'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Dress Jill like pirate'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2147 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress2 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Dress outfit from \nResident Evil 1'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Dress outfit from Resident Evil 1'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2148 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress3 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Dress outfit from \nResident Evil 3'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Dress outfit from Resident Evil 3'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2149 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress4 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Dress outfit from \nResident Evil: Revelation'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Dress outfit from Resident Evil: Revelation'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2150 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress5 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Dress BSAA outfit'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Dress BSAA outfit'; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2151 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons2.JewelBig._visible == false) { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You need buy accessories first'; } else { _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress6 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Dress outfit from \nResident Evil 5'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Dress outfit from Resident Evil 5'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2152 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons.Skirtbuy == 0 || _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0) { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You need to buy some clothes first'; } else { _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress7 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Dress Jill like a schoolgirl \nwith pink socks'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Dress Jill like a schoolgirl with pink socks'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2153 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons.Hatsbuy == 0 || _root.Allbuttons.Pantyhosebuy == 0) { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You need to buy some clothes first'; } else { _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress8 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Dress Jill like a nurse \nwith short pink pantyhose'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Dress Jill like a nurse with short pink pantyhose'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2154 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties._visible == false || _root.Allbuttons.Wearsexybuy == 0 || _root.Allbuttons.ExtraBikinibuy == 0 || _root.Allbuttons.Pantyhosebuy == 0) { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You need to buy some clothes first'; } else { _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress9 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Dress BDSM outfit with plasters \non nipples and black pantyhose \nwith suspender'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Dress BDSM outfit with plasters on nipples and black pantyhose with suspender'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2155 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons.RemoveBra._visible == false || _root.Allbuttons.RemovePanties._visible == false || _root.Allbuttons2.WetBig._visible == false) { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You need to buy something first'; } else { _root.Questions = 1; _root.Dress10 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Undress Jill and make her wet'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Undress Jill and make her wet'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2156 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Allbuttons.Backgroundsbuy == 1) { _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Quests1 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You must make antidote for yourself. \nBut first find some herbs - \nthey will be useful.'; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Find 5 herbs'; _root.Herbs = 0; _root.QuestsText._visible = true; _root.QuestsText.text = 0; _root.QuestsClip._visible = true; _root.QuestsClip.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Background.HerbOffice._visible = true; _root.Background.HerbStreet._visible = true; _root.Background.HerbPark._visible = true; _root.Background.HerbSpenser._visible = true; _root.Background.HerbPrison._visible = true; } else { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Buy background pack first!'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2157 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest1Complete == 1) { _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Quests2 = 2; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Go to streets and kill all infected rats'; if (_root.Background._currentframe == 2) { _root.MessageQuest2._visible = true; _root.MessageQuest2.MessageText2.text = 'Your way lie through this street.\nBut there is a lot of infected rats! \nRemove side panels and be prepare to attack!'; _root.Allbuttons2.BackgroundsButtons._visible = false; } else { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'Go to streets and kill \nall infected rats'; } } else { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You must complete previous quest first!'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2158 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest2Complete == 1) { _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Quests3 = 1; _root.Quest3.SecretButQ3._visible = true; _root.Background.Q3Letter._visible = true; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Find a sample of virus'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You need a sample of virus\n before you can make antidote.\nFind it!'; } else { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You must complete previous quest first!'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2159 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest3Complete == 1) { _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Quests4 = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Destroy plant on parking lot'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Probs = 0; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'On parking lot growing up a big plant\n Destroy it and move forward!'; _root.Background.flaskcatalyst._visible = true; _root.probirki._visible = true; _root.probirkiacid._visible = true; _root.Background.probcolor._visible = true; _root.Background.Kolba13._visible = true; _root.Background.Kolba45._visible = true; _root.Background.Blue13._visible = true; _root.Background.Kolbs._visible = true; _root.Background.Shadow._visible = true; _root.Background.PageAcid._visible = true; _root.Probs1OfficePicked = 0; _root.Probs2OfficePicked = 0; _root.Probs1LabPicked = 0; _root.Probs2LabPicked = 0; _root.probs = 0; _root.QuestsClip.Quest1Grass._visible = false; _root.QuestsText.text = 0; _root.Background.tent._visible = true; _root.QuestsClip._visible = true; } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You must complete previous quest first!'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2160 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.Quest4Complete == 1) { _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = true; _root.Challenges._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Quests5 = 1; _root.Background.ButtonQuest5._visible = true; _root.HelpMessage._visible = true; _root.HelpMessage.text = 'Synchronize sample of virus and your blood'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You must synchronize sample of virus and \n sample of your blood in machine for make\n antidote. Find it and heal yourself!'; } else { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You must complete previous quest first!'; } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; } } } button 2166 { on (release) { if (_root.Questions == 0) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Challenges.Question1button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.b1._visible = false; _root.Questions = 1; _root.Question1 = 1; _root.QuestionPage._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage.QuestionMain.text = 'In which year appear first \nResident Evil game?'; _root.QuestionPage.Question1text.text = '1994'; _root.QuestionPage.Question2text.text = '1995'; _root.QuestionPage.Question3text.text = '1996'; _root.QuestionPage.Question4text.text = '1997'; } else { _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You can take only 1 challenge at the time!'; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } } } } movieClip 2168 { } movieClip 2170 { } movieClip 2172 { } movieClip 2174 { } movieClip 2175 { } movieClip 2177 { } movieClip 2179 { } movieClip 2181 { } movieClip 2183 { } movieClip 2185 { } movieClip 2187 { } movieClip 2189 { } movieClip 2191 { } movieClip 2193 { } movieClip 2195 { } movieClip 2197 { } movieClip 2199 { } movieClip 2201 { } movieClip 2203 { } movieClip 2205 { } movieClip 2207 { } movieClip 2209 { } movieClip 2211 { } movieClip 2213 { } movieClip 2215 { } movieClip 2216 { } movieClip 2218 { } button 2219 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.options.GalkaMusic._visible = !_root.options.GalkaMusic._visible; if (_root.options.GalkaMusic._visible == false) { _root.mysound.stop(); } else { _root.mysound.start(); } } } button 2221 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 0) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.options.GalkaSound._visible = !_root.options.GalkaSound._visible; if (_root.options.GalkaSound._visible == true) { _root.sound = 1; } else { _root.sound = 0; } } } button 2224 { on (release) { Selection.setFocus(Butsecret2); if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (secretcode.text == 'Bag of money' && _root.secretcodeaccepted == 0) { _root.Shop.Cash += 40000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 40000$!'; _root.secretcodeaccepted = 1; } } } button 2226 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } = true; } } button 2229 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.options.GalkaMusic._visible == true) { if (_root.Music._currentframe == 4 && _root.musicRight == 1) { _root.mysound.stop(); _root.Music.gotoAndStop(1); _root.options.MusicText.text = 'Save room'; } if (_root.Music._currentframe == 3) { _root.mysound.stop(); _root.Music.gotoAndStop(4); _root.options.MusicText.text = 'Clock Tower'; } if (_root.Music._currentframe == 2) { _root.mysound.stop(); _root.Music.gotoAndStop(3); _root.options.MusicText.text = 'Options'; } if (_root.Music._currentframe == 1 && _root.musicRight == 0) { _root.mysound.stop(); _root.Music.gotoAndStop(2); _root.options.MusicText.text = 'Intro'; } } } } button 2230 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.options.GalkaMusic._visible == true) { if (_root.Music._currentframe == 1 && _root.musicRight == 0) { _root.mysound.stop(); _root.Music.gotoAndStop(4); _root.options.MusicText.text = 'Clock Tower'; } if (_root.Music._currentframe == 2) { _root.mysound.stop(); _root.Music.gotoAndStop(1); _root.options.MusicText.text = 'Save room'; } if (_root.Music._currentframe == 3) { _root.mysound.stop(); _root.Music.gotoAndStop(2); _root.options.MusicText.text = 'Intro'; } if (_root.Music._currentframe == 4 && _root.musicRight == 1) { _root.mysound.stop(); _root.Music.gotoAndStop(3); _root.options.MusicText.text = 'Options'; } } } } button 2232 { on (release) { Selection.setFocus(Butsecret2); if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (secretcode.text == 'Bag of money' && _root.secretcodeaccepted == 0) { _root.Shop.Cash += 40000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 40000$!'; _root.secretcodeaccepted = 1; } } } movieClip 2233 { } movieClip 2234 { } button 2235 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } = false; } } movieClip 2238 { } movieClip 2247 { } button 2248 { on (release) { _root.Questions = 0; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.QuestionPage._visible = false; if (_root.Question1 == 1) { _root.Question1 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question3.selected == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 500$!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 500; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } if (_root.Question2 == 1) { _root.Question2 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question2.selected == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 500$!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 500; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } if (_root.Question3 == 1) { _root.Question3 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question4.selected == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 500$!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 500; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } if (_root.Question4 == 1) { _root.Question4 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question2.selected == true) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 500$!'; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 500; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } if (_root.Question5 == 1) { _root.Question5 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question1.selected == true) { _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 500$!'; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 500; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } if (_root.Question6 == 1) { _root.Question6 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question3.selected == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 600$!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 600; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } if (_root.Question7 == 1) { _root.Question7 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question3.selected == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 700$!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 700; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } if (_root.Question8 == 1) { _root.Question8 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question4.selected == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 800$!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 800; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } if (_root.Question9 == 1) { _root.Question9 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question1.selected == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 1000$!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 1000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } if (_root.Question10 == 1) { _root.Question10 = 0; if (_root.QuestionPage.Question2.selected == true) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You get 1500$!'; _root.Shop.Cash += 1500; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.secretcodecomplete += 1; _root.questionmedal += 1; if (_root.questionmedal == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('???'); } } else { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Lose'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'It\'s a wrong answer!'; } } } } movieClip 2250 { frame 1 { QuestionMain.text = '$' + test1; } instance Question1 of movieClip 192 RadioButton { onClipEvent (construct) { data = ''; groupName = 'radioGroup'; label = ''; labelPlacement = 'right'; selected = false; } } instance Question2 of movieClip 192 RadioButton { onClipEvent (construct) { data = ''; groupName = 'radioGroup'; label = ''; labelPlacement = 'right'; selected = false; } } instance Question3 of movieClip 192 RadioButton { onClipEvent (construct) { data = ''; groupName = 'radioGroup'; label = ''; labelPlacement = 'right'; selected = false; } } instance Question4 of movieClip 192 RadioButton { onClipEvent (construct) { data = ''; groupName = 'radioGroup'; label = ''; labelPlacement = 'right'; selected = false; } } } button 2252 { on (release) { function RatsStop() {} function Rats() { if (_root.Quests2 == 1) { _root.Quest2Complete = 1; _root.Allbuttons2.BackgroundsButtons._visible = true; _root.Quests2 = 0; _root.Questions = 0; _root.Wound1._visible = false; _root.Wound2._visible = false; _root.Wound3._visible = false; _root.Message._visible = true; _root.Allbuttons2.ChallengeReady._visible = false; _root.Challenges.Quests2button._visible = false; _root.Challenges.q2._visible = false; _root.HelpMessage.text = ''; _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'All infected rats are killed! \nYou get 2000$!'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Biohazard'); if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Win'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Shop.Cash += 2000; _root.Shop.Money.text = _root.Shop.Cash + ' $'; _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(2); } clearInterval(intervalId); } if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Quests2 = 1; _root.MessageQuest2._visible = false; _root.Background.Mouse2._visible = true; _root.Background.Mouse2.gotoAndStop(55); _root.Background.Mouse1._visible = true; _root.Background.Mouse1.gotoAndStop(61); _root.Background.Mouse3._visible = true; _root.Background.Mouse3.gotoAndStop(72); _root.Background.Mouse4._visible = true; _root.Background.Mouse4.gotoAndStop(70); _root.Background.Mouse5._visible = true; _root.Background.Mouse5.gotoAndStop(80); intervalId = setInterval(RatsStop, 30000); intervalId = setInterval(Rats, 33000); } } movieClip 2254 { } button 2256 { on (release) { _root.Quest5._visible = false; if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } if (_root.secretcodecomplete == 21) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Tough challenge'); _root.Message.MessageText.text = 'You earned a secret code: Bag of money'; _root.secretcodecomplete = 200; } else { _root.Message._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2257 { } button 2259 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.hint1_status = false;; _root.CumCursor._visible = false; _root.CumButtons._visible = false; startDrag('_root.CumCursor', false); startDrag('_root.cursor', true); _root.cursor._visible = true; _root.mysound.stop(); _root.prevFrame(); } } button 2261 { on (release) { if (_root.sound == 1) { _root.sounds = new Sound(); _root.sounds.attachSound('Click'); _root.sounds.start(0, 1); } _root.Message3._visible = false; } } movieClip 2263 { } movieClip 2266 { } movieClip 2268 { frame 1 { _root.mysound = new Sound(); _root.mysound.attachSound('1Music'); _root.mysound.start(0, 999); _root.musicRight = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { _root.mysound = new Sound(); _root.mysound.attachSound('2Music'); _root.mysound.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 3 { _root.mysound = new Sound(); _root.mysound.attachSound('3Music'); _root.mysound.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4 { _root.mysound = new Sound(); _root.mysound.attachSound('4Music'); _root.mysound.start(0, 999); _root.musicRight = 1; stop(); } } movieClip 2270 { } movieClip 2273 { } movieClip 2277 { } movieClip 2281 { } movieClip 2287 { } movieClip 2289 { } movieClip 2291 { } movieClip 2293 { } movieClip 2295 { } movieClip 2297 MedalPopup { frame 1 { function onMedalUnlocked(event) { if (event.__get__success()) { _medalQueue.push(event.__get__data()); showNextUnlock(); } } function showNextUnlock() { if (_unlockedMedal) { return undefined; } if (!_medalQueue.length) { gotoAndStop('hidden'); onEnterFrame = null; return undefined; } _unlockedMedal = com.newgrounds.Medal(_medalQueue.shift()); gotoAndPlay('medalUnlocked'); } gotoAndStop('hidden'); com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, onMedalUnlocked); var alwaysOnTop; _x = int(_x); _y = int(_y); var _unlockedMedal; var _medalQueue = []; var _alwaysOnTop = true; if (alwaysOnTop) { _alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop == 'true'; } } frame 15 { function medalPopupEnterFrame() { if (_alwaysOnTop) { var v1 = getNextHighestDepth(); swapDepths(v1); } if (_medalScrollRect) { _medalScrollRect.offset(2, 0); medalNameClip.scrollRect = _medalScrollRect; if (_medalScrollRect.left >= medalNameClip.textField.textWidth + 10) { _medalScrollRect = null; play(); } } } var _medalScrollRect; if (_unlockedMedal) { if (medalNameClip && medalNameClip.textField) { medalNameClip.textField.text =; } if (medalPointsText) { medalPointsText.text = _unlockedMedal.value.toString(); } if (medalNameClip.textField.textWidth > medalNameClip._width) { _medalScrollRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(-medalNameClip._width, 0, medalNameClip._width, medalNameClip._height); medalNameClip.textField._width = 1000; medalNameClip.scrollRect = _medalScrollRect; } onEnterFrame = medalPopupEnterFrame; } } frame 23 { if (_unlockedMedal && medalIcon) { _unlockedMedal.attachIcon(medalIcon); } } frame 84 { if (_medalScrollRect) { stop(); } } frame 105 { stop(); _unlockedMedal = null; showNextUnlock(); } } instance of movieClip 2297 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } }
Created: 8/10 -2018 03:32:49 Last modified: 8/10 -2018 03:32:49 Server time: 14/11 -2024 22:57:42