Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #211048

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 2 { } movieClip 11 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 17 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 22 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 25 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); _root.inventory.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 91 { stop(); } } movieClip 28 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 32 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 37 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 45 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 51 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 57 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 64 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 70 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 76 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 82 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 88 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 95 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 96 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.speciesfemale); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop('avian'); } frame 3 { _root.speciesfemale = 'feline'; } frame 4 { _root.speciesfemale = 'canine'; } frame 5 { _root.speciesfemale = 'equine'; } frame 6 { _root.speciesfemale = 'reptilian'; } frame 7 { _root.speciesfemale = 'avian'; } frame 8 { gotoAndStop('feline'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 81 movieClip 108 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.ib1item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib1.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib2item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib2.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib3item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib3.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib4item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib4.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib5item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib5.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib6item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib6.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib7item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib7.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib8item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib8.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib9item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib9.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib10item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib10.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib11item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib11.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } if (_root.ib12item == 'tshirtblue') { = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; _root.inventory.ib12.description = 'A basic cotton shirt. Light-weight and comfortable.'; } } frame 3 { if (_root.ib1item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib1.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib2item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib2.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib3item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib3.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib4item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib4.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib5item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib5.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib6item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib6.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib7item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib7.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib8item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib8.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib9item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib9.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib10item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib10.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib11item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib11.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } if (_root.ib12item == 'skirtpink') { = 'Pleated Skirt - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib12.description = 'Simple skirt worn by students across the globe.'; } } frame 4 { if (_root.ib1item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib1.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib2item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib2.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib3item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib3.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib4item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib4.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib5item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib5.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib6item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib6.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib7item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib7.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib8item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib8.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib9item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib9.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib10item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib10.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib11item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib11.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } if (_root.ib12item == 'momento') { = 'Momento'; _root.inventory.ib12.description = 'A gift pendant from someone very special to you.'; } } frame 5 { if (_root.ib1item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib1.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib2item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib2.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib3item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib3.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib4item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib4.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib5item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib5.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib6item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib6.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib7item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib7.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib8item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib8.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib9item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib9.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib10item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib10.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib11item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib11.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } if (_root.ib12item == 'brapink') { = 'Bra - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib12.description = 'A simple under-wire bra. Inexpensive and functional.'; } } frame 6 { if (_root.ib1item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib1.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib2item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib2.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib3item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib3.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib4item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib4.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib5item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib5.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib6item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib6.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib7item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib7.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib8item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib8.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib9item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib9.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib10item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib10.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib11item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib11.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } if (_root.ib12item == 'pantiespink') { = 'Panties - Pink'; _root.inventory.ib12.description = 'Soft stretch cotton low-rise panties.'; } } frame 7 { if (_root.ib1item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib1.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib2item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib2.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib3item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib3.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib4item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib4.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib5item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib5.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib6item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib6.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib7item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib7.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib8item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib8.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib9item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib9.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib10item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib10.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib11item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib11.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } if (_root.ib12item == 'underwearwhite') { = 'Underwear - White'; _root.inventory.ib12.description = 'Basic cotton underwear.'; } } } movieClip 111 { } movieClip 114 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.ibs1item == 'invitation') { = 'Invitation'; _root.inventory.ibs1.description = 'An Invitation to Paradise, sent to you by LUNAR.'; } if (_root.ibs2item == 'invitation') { = 'Invitation'; _root.inventory.ibs2.description = 'An Invitation to Paradise, sent to you by LUNAR.'; } if (_root.ibs3item == 'invitation') { = 'Invitation'; _root.inventory.ibs3.description = 'An Invitation to Paradise, sent to you by LUNAR.'; } } } movieClip 117 { } // unknown tag 88 length 69 button 141 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = random(5) + 3; _root.felinehair = random(5) + 3; _root.felineeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = random(5) + 3; _root.caninehair = random(5) + 3; _root.canineeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = random(5) + 3; _root.equinehair = random(5) + 3; _root.equineeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = random(5) + 3; _root.reptilianhair = random(5) + 3; _root.reptilianeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = random(5) + 3; _root.avianhair = random(5) + 3; _root.avianeyes = random(5) + 3; } } } } } } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('release'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 143 { on (release) { play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 151 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 3; ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 3; ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 3; ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 3; ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 3; ctextavian = c1; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 152 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 4; ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 4; ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 4; ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 4; ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 4; ctextavian = c2; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 153 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 5; ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 5; ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 5; ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 5; ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 5; ctextavian = c3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 154 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 6; ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 6; ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 6; ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 6; ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 6; ctextavian = c4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 155 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 7; ctextfeline = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 7; ctextcanine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 7; ctextequine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 7; ctextreptilian = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 7; ctextavian = c5; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 156 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.felinehair == 3) { ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 4) { ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 5) { ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 6) { ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 7) { ctextfeline = c5; } } } } } if (_root.caninehair == 3) { ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 4) { ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 5) { ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 6) { ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 7) { ctextcanine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.equinehair == 3) { ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 4) { ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 5) { ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 6) { ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 7) { ctextequine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.reptilianhair == 3) { ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 4) { ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 5) { ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 6) { ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 7) { ctextreptilian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.avianhair == 3) { ctextavian = c1; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 4) { ctextavian = c2; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 5) { ctextavian = c3; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 6) { ctextavian = c4; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 7) { ctextavian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline' and ctextfeline == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { text = ctextfeline; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine' and ctextcanine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { text = ctextcanine; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine' and ctextequine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { text = ctextequine; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian' and ctextreptilian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { text = ctextreptilian; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian' and ctextavian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { text = ctextavian; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c1 = 'Light Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c1 = 'Light Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c1 = 'Light Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c1 = 'Green, Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c1 = 'White'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c2 = 'Orange'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c2 = 'Orange'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c2 = 'Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c2 = 'White, Purple'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c2 = 'Pink'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c3 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c3 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c3 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c3 = 'Purple, Blue'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c3 = 'Yellow'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c4 = 'Yellow, Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c4 = 'Blue'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c5 = 'Red, Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c5 = 'Green'; } } } } } }; } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 164 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 165 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 166 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 5; ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 5; ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 5; ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 5; ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 5; ctextavian = c3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 167 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 6; ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 6; ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 6; ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 6; ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 6; ctextavian = c4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 168 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 7; ctextfeline = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 7; ctextcanine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 7; ctextequine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 7; ctextreptilian = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 7; ctextavian = c5; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 169 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.felineeyes == 3) { ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 4) { ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 5) { ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 6) { ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 7) { ctextfeline = c5; } } } } } if (_root.canineeyes == 3) { ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 4) { ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 5) { ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 6) { ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 7) { ctextcanine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.equineeyes == 3) { ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 4) { ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 5) { ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 6) { ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 7) { ctextequine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.reptilianeyes == 3) { ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 4) { ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 5) { ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 6) { ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 7) { ctextreptilian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.avianeyes == 3) { ctextavian = c1; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 4) { ctextavian = c2; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 5) { ctextavian = c3; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 6) { ctextavian = c4; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 7) { ctextavian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline' and ctextfeline == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { text = ctextfeline; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine' and ctextcanine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { text = ctextcanine; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine' and ctextequine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { text = ctextequine; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian' and ctextreptilian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { text = ctextreptilian; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian' and ctextavian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { text = ctextavian; } } c1 = 'Brown'; c2 = 'Blue'; c3 = 'Green'; c4 = 'Red'; c5 = 'Pink'; }; } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 177 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 3; ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 3; ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 3; ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 3; ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 3; ctextavian = c1; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 178 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 4; ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 4; ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 4; ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 4; ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 4; ctextavian = c2; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 179 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 5; ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 5; ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 5; ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 5; ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 5; ctextavian = c3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 180 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 6; ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 6; ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 6; ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 6; ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 6; ctextavian = c4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 181 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 7; ctextfeline = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 7; ctextcanine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 7; ctextequine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 7; ctextreptilian = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 7; ctextavian = c5; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 182 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.felinebody == 3) { ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 4) { ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 5) { ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 6) { ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 7) { ctextfeline = c5; } } } } } if (_root.caninebody == 3) { ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 4) { ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 5) { ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 6) { ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 7) { ctextcanine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.equinebody == 3) { ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 4) { ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 5) { ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 6) { ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 7) { ctextequine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.reptilianbody == 3) { ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 4) { ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 5) { ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 6) { ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 7) { ctextreptilian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.avianbody == 3) { ctextavian = c1; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 4) { ctextavian = c2; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 5) { ctextavian = c3; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 6) { ctextavian = c4; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 7) { ctextavian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline' and ctextfeline == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { text = ctextfeline; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine' and ctextcanine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { text = ctextcanine; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine' and ctextequine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { text = ctextequine; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian' and ctextreptilian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { text = ctextreptilian; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian' and ctextavian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { text = ctextavian; } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c1 = 'Cream'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c1 = 'Cream'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c1 = 'Cream'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c1 = 'Green'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c1 = 'White'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c2 = 'Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c2 = 'Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c2 = 'Auburn'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c2 = 'Blue'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c2 = 'Pink'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c3 = 'Auburn'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c3 = 'Auburn'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c3 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c3 = 'Orange'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c3 = 'Yellow'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c4 = 'Gray'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c4 = 'Gray'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c4 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c4 = 'Blue'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { c5 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { c5 = 'Purple'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { c5 = 'Green'; } } } } } }; } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 195 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('feline'); _root.speciesfemale = 'feline'; text = 'Feline'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 196 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('canine'); _root.speciesfemale = 'canine'; text = 'Canine'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 197 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('equine'); _root.speciesfemale = 'equine'; text = 'Equine'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 198 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('avian'); _root.speciesfemale = 'avian'; text = 'Avian'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 199 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('reptilian'); _root.speciesfemale = 'reptilian'; text = 'Reptilian'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 200 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { text = 'Feline'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { text = 'Canine'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { text = 'Equine'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { text = 'Reptilian'; } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { text = 'Avian'; } } } } } } frame 11 { stop(); } } button 210 { on (release) { _root.gender = 'herm'; _root.inventory.gotoAndStop('herm'); text = 'Hermaphrodite'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 211 { on (release) { _root.gender = 'female'; _root.inventory.gotoAndStop('female'); text = 'Female'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 212 { on (release) { _root.gender = 'male'; _root.inventory.gotoAndStop('male'); text = 'Male'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 213 { on (release) { play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('release'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 214 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 228 { on (release) { _root.age = 20; text = '20'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 229 { on (release) { _root.age = 21; text = '21'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 230 { on (release) { _root.age = 22; text = '22'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 231 { on (release) { _root.age = 23; text = '23'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 232 { on (release) { _root.age = 24; text = '24'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 233 { on (release) { _root.age = 25; text = '25'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 234 { on (release) { _root.age = 26; text = '26'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 235 { on (release) { _root.age = 27; text = '27'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 236 { on (release) { _root.age = 28; text = '28'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 237 { on (release) { _root.age = 29; text = '29'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 238 { on (release) { _root.age = 30; text = '30'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 239 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } } button 248 { on (release) { _root.orientation = 'homo'; text = 'Homosexual'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 249 { on (release) { _root.orientation = 'hetero'; text = 'Heterosexual'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 250 { on (release) { _root.orientation = 'bi'; text = 'Bisexual'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 251 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 257 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 264 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 270 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 276 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 282 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 283 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.speciesherm); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop('avian'); } frame 3 { _root.speciesherm = 'feline'; } frame 4 { _root.speciesherm = 'canine'; } frame 5 { _root.speciesherm = 'equine'; } frame 6 { _root.speciesherm = 'reptilian'; } frame 7 { _root.speciesherm = 'avian'; } frame 8 { gotoAndStop('feline'); } } button 284 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = random(5) + 3; _root.felinehair = random(5) + 3; _root.felineeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = random(5) + 3; _root.caninehair = random(5) + 3; _root.canineeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = random(5) + 3; _root.equinehair = random(5) + 3; _root.equineeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = random(5) + 3; _root.reptilianhair = random(5) + 3; _root.reptilianeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = random(5) + 3; _root.avianhair = random(5) + 3; _root.avianeyes = random(5) + 3; } } } } } } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('release'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 292 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 3; ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 3; ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 3; ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 3; ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 3; ctextavian = c1; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 293 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 4; ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 4; ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 4; ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 4; ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 4; ctextavian = c2; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 294 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 5; ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 5; ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 5; ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 5; ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 5; ctextavian = c3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 295 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 6; ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 6; ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 6; ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 6; ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 6; ctextavian = c4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 296 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 7; ctextfeline = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 7; ctextcanine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 7; ctextequine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 7; ctextreptilian = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 7; ctextavian = c5; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 297 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.felinebody == 3) { ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 4) { ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 5) { ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 6) { ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 7) { ctextfeline = c5; } } } } } if (_root.caninebody == 3) { ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 4) { ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 5) { ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 6) { ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 7) { ctextcanine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.equinebody == 3) { ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 4) { ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 5) { ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 6) { ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 7) { ctextequine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.reptilianbody == 3) { ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 4) { ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 5) { ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 6) { ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 7) { ctextreptilian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.avianbody == 3) { ctextavian = c1; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 4) { ctextavian = c2; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 5) { ctextavian = c3; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 6) { ctextavian = c4; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 7) { ctextavian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline' and ctextfeline == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { text = ctextfeline; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine' and ctextcanine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { text = ctextcanine; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine' and ctextequine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { text = ctextequine; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian' and ctextreptilian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { text = ctextreptilian; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian' and ctextavian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { text = ctextavian; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c1 = 'Cream'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c1 = 'Cream'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c1 = 'Cream'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c1 = 'Green'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c1 = 'White'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c2 = 'Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c2 = 'Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c2 = 'Auburn'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c2 = 'Blue'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c2 = 'Pink'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c3 = 'Auburn'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c3 = 'Auburn'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c3 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c3 = 'Orange'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c3 = 'Yellow'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c4 = 'Gray'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c4 = 'Gray'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c4 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c4 = 'Blue'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c5 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c5 = 'Purple'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c5 = 'Green'; } } } } } }; } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 305 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 3; ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 3; ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 3; ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 3; ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 3; ctextavian = c1; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 306 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 4; ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 4; ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 4; ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 4; ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 4; ctextavian = c2; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 307 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 5; ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 5; ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 5; ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 5; ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 5; ctextavian = c3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 308 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 6; ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 6; ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 6; ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 6; ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 6; ctextavian = c4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 309 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 7; ctextfeline = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 7; ctextcanine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 7; ctextequine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 7; ctextreptilian = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 7; ctextavian = c5; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 310 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.felinehair == 3) { ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 4) { ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 5) { ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 6) { ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 7) { ctextfeline = c5; } } } } } if (_root.caninehair == 3) { ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 4) { ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 5) { ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 6) { ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 7) { ctextcanine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.equinehair == 3) { ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 4) { ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 5) { ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 6) { ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 7) { ctextequine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.reptilianhair == 3) { ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 4) { ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 5) { ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 6) { ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 7) { ctextreptilian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.avianhair == 3) { ctextavian = c1; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 4) { ctextavian = c2; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 5) { ctextavian = c3; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 6) { ctextavian = c4; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 7) { ctextavian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline' and ctextfeline == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { text = ctextfeline; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine' and ctextcanine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { text = ctextcanine; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine' and ctextequine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { text = ctextequine; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian' and ctextreptilian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { text = ctextreptilian; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian' and ctextavian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { text = ctextavian; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c1 = 'Light Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c1 = 'Light Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c1 = 'Light Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c1 = 'Green, Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c1 = 'White'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c2 = 'Orange'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c2 = 'Orange'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c2 = 'Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c2 = 'White, Purple'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c2 = 'Pink'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c3 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c3 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c3 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c3 = 'Purple, Blue'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c3 = 'Yellow'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c4 = 'Yellow, Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c4 = 'Blue'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { c5 = 'Red, Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { c5 = 'Green'; } } } } } }; } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 318 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 319 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 320 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 5; ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 5; ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 5; ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 5; ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 5; ctextavian = c3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 321 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 6; ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 6; ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 6; ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 6; ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 6; ctextavian = c4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 322 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 7; ctextfeline = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 7; ctextcanine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 7; ctextequine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 7; ctextreptilian = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 7; ctextavian = c5; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 323 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.felineeyes == 3) { ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 4) { ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 5) { ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 6) { ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 7) { ctextfeline = c5; } } } } } if (_root.canineeyes == 3) { ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 4) { ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 5) { ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 6) { ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 7) { ctextcanine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.equineeyes == 3) { ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 4) { ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 5) { ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 6) { ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 7) { ctextequine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.reptilianeyes == 3) { ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 4) { ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 5) { ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 6) { ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 7) { ctextreptilian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.avianeyes == 3) { ctextavian = c1; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 4) { ctextavian = c2; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 5) { ctextavian = c3; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 6) { ctextavian = c4; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 7) { ctextavian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline' and ctextfeline == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { text = ctextfeline; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine' and ctextcanine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { text = ctextcanine; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine' and ctextequine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { text = ctextequine; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian' and ctextreptilian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { text = ctextreptilian; } } if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian' and ctextavian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { text = ctextavian; } } c1 = 'Brown'; c2 = 'Blue'; c3 = 'Green'; c4 = 'Red'; c5 = 'Pink'; }; } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 336 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('feline'); _root.speciesherm = 'feline'; text = 'Feline'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 337 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('canine'); _root.speciesherm = 'canine'; text = 'Canine'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 338 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('equine'); _root.speciesherm = 'equine'; text = 'Equine'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 339 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('avian'); _root.speciesherm = 'avian'; text = 'Avian'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 340 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('reptilian'); _root.speciesherm = 'reptilian'; text = 'Reptilian'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 341 { frame 1 { stop(); stop(); if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { text = 'Feline'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { text = 'Canine'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { text = 'Equine'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { text = 'Reptilian'; } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { text = 'Avian'; } } } } } } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 348 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 354 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 366 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 373 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 379 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 385 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 391 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 397 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 403 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 409 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 415 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(7); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 416 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.speciesmale); } frame 2 { gotoAndStop('avian'); } frame 3 { _root.speciesmale = 'feline'; } frame 4 { _root.speciesmale = 'canine'; } frame 5 { _root.speciesmale = 'equine'; } frame 6 { _root.speciesmale = 'reptilian'; } frame 7 { _root.speciesmale = 'avian'; } frame 8 { gotoAndStop('feline'); } } button 417 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = random(5) + 3; _root.felinehair = random(5) + 3; _root.felineeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = random(5) + 3; _root.caninehair = random(5) + 3; _root.canineeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = random(5) + 3; _root.equinehair = random(5) + 3; _root.equineeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = random(5) + 3; _root.reptilianhair = random(5) + 3; _root.reptilianeyes = random(5) + 3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = random(5) + 3; _root.avianhair = random(5) + 3; _root.avianeyes = random(5) + 3; } } } } } } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('release'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 425 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 3; ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 3; ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 3; ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 3; ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 3; ctextavian = c1; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 426 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 4; ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 4; ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 4; ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 4; ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 4; ctextavian = c2; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 427 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 5; ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 5; ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 5; ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 5; ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 5; ctextavian = c3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 428 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 6; ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 6; ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 6; ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 6; ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 6; ctextavian = c4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 429 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinebody = 7; ctextfeline = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninebody = 7; ctextcanine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinebody = 7; ctextequine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianbody = 7; ctextreptilian = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianbody = 7; ctextavian = c5; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 430 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.felinebody == 3) { ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 4) { ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 5) { ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 6) { ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.felinebody == 7) { ctextfeline = c5; } } } } } if (_root.caninebody == 3) { ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 4) { ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 5) { ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 6) { ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.caninebody == 7) { ctextcanine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.equinebody == 3) { ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 4) { ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 5) { ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 6) { ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.equinebody == 7) { ctextequine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.reptilianbody == 3) { ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 4) { ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 5) { ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 6) { ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.reptilianbody == 7) { ctextreptilian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.avianbody == 3) { ctextavian = c1; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 4) { ctextavian = c2; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 5) { ctextavian = c3; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 6) { ctextavian = c4; } else { if (_root.avianbody == 7) { ctextavian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline' and ctextfeline == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { text = ctextfeline; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine' and ctextcanine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { text = ctextcanine; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine' and ctextequine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { text = ctextequine; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian' and ctextreptilian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { text = ctextreptilian; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian' and ctextavian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { text = ctextavian; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c1 = 'Cream'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c1 = 'Cream'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c1 = 'Cream'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c1 = 'Green'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c1 = 'White'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c2 = 'Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c2 = 'Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c2 = 'Auburn'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c2 = 'Blue'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c2 = 'Pink'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c3 = 'Auburn'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c3 = 'Auburn'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c3 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c3 = 'Orange'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c3 = 'Yellow'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c4 = 'Gray'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c4 = 'Gray'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c4 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c4 = 'Blue'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c5 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c5 = 'Purple'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c5 = 'Green'; } } } } } }; } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 438 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 3; ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 3; ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 3; ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 3; ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 3; ctextavian = c1; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 439 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 4; ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 4; ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 4; ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 4; ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 4; ctextavian = c2; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 440 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 5; ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 5; ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 5; ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 5; ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 5; ctextavian = c3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 441 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 6; ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 6; ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 6; ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 6; ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 6; ctextavian = c4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 442 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felinehair = 7; ctextfeline = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.caninehair = 7; ctextcanine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equinehair = 7; ctextequine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianhair = 7; ctextreptilian = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianhair = 7; ctextavian = c5; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 443 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.felinehair == 3) { ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 4) { ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 5) { ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 6) { ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.felinehair == 7) { ctextfeline = c5; } } } } } if (_root.caninehair == 3) { ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 4) { ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 5) { ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 6) { ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.caninehair == 7) { ctextcanine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.equinehair == 3) { ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 4) { ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 5) { ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 6) { ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.equinehair == 7) { ctextequine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.reptilianhair == 3) { ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 4) { ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 5) { ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 6) { ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.reptilianhair == 7) { ctextreptilian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.avianhair == 3) { ctextavian = c1; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 4) { ctextavian = c2; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 5) { ctextavian = c3; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 6) { ctextavian = c4; } else { if (_root.avianhair == 7) { ctextavian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline' and ctextfeline == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { text = ctextfeline; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine' and ctextcanine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { text = ctextcanine; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine' and ctextequine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { text = ctextequine; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian' and ctextreptilian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { text = ctextreptilian; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian' and ctextavian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { text = ctextavian; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c1 = 'Light Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c1 = 'Light Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c1 = 'Light Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c1 = 'Green, Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c1 = 'White'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c2 = 'Orange'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c2 = 'Orange'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c2 = 'Yellow'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c2 = 'White, Purple'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c2 = 'Pink'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c3 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c3 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c3 = 'Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c3 = 'Purple, Blue'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c3 = 'Yellow'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c4 = 'Brown'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c4 = 'Yellow, Red'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c4 = 'Blue'; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { c5 = 'Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { c5 = 'Red, Black'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { c5 = 'Green'; } } } } } }; } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 451 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 452 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 453 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 5; ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 5; ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 5; ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 5; ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 5; ctextavian = c3; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 454 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 6; ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 6; ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 6; ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 6; ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 6; ctextavian = c4; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 455 { on (release) { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { _root.felineeyes = 7; ctextfeline = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { _root.canineeyes = 7; ctextcanine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { _root.equineeyes = 7; ctextequine = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { _root.reptilianeyes = 7; ctextreptilian = c5; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { _root.avianeyes = 7; ctextavian = c5; } } } } } play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 456 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.felineeyes == 3) { ctextfeline = c1; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 4) { ctextfeline = c2; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 5) { ctextfeline = c3; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 6) { ctextfeline = c4; } else { if (_root.felineeyes == 7) { ctextfeline = c5; } } } } } if (_root.canineeyes == 3) { ctextcanine = c1; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 4) { ctextcanine = c2; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 5) { ctextcanine = c3; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 6) { ctextcanine = c4; } else { if (_root.canineeyes == 7) { ctextcanine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.equineeyes == 3) { ctextequine = c1; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 4) { ctextequine = c2; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 5) { ctextequine = c3; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 6) { ctextequine = c4; } else { if (_root.equineeyes == 7) { ctextequine = c5; } } } } } if (_root.reptilianeyes == 3) { ctextreptilian = c1; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 4) { ctextreptilian = c2; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 5) { ctextreptilian = c3; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 6) { ctextreptilian = c4; } else { if (_root.reptilianeyes == 7) { ctextreptilian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.avianeyes == 3) { ctextavian = c1; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 4) { ctextavian = c2; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 5) { ctextavian = c3; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 6) { ctextavian = c4; } else { if (_root.avianeyes == 7) { ctextavian = c5; } } } } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline' and ctextfeline == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { text = ctextfeline; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine' and ctextcanine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { text = ctextcanine; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine' and ctextequine == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { text = ctextequine; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian' and ctextreptilian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { text = ctextreptilian; } } if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian' and ctextavian == undefined) { text = c1; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { text = ctextavian; } } c1 = 'Brown'; c2 = 'Blue'; c3 = 'Green'; c4 = 'Red'; c5 = 'Pink'; }; } frame 10 { stop(); } } button 469 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('feline'); _root.speciesmale = 'feline'; text = 'Feline'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 470 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('canine'); _root.speciesmale = 'canine'; text = 'Canine'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 471 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('equine'); _root.speciesmale = 'equine'; text = 'Equine'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 472 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('avian'); _root.speciesmale = 'avian'; text = 'Avian'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } button 473 { on (release) { _root.inventory.character.gotoAndStop('reptilian'); _root.speciesmale = 'reptilian'; text = 'Reptilian'; play(); } on (rollOver) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('mark'); } on (press) { _root.cursor.gotoAndStop('press'); } on (release) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } on (rollOut) { _root.cursor.gotoAndPlay('markout'); } } movieClip 474 { frame 1 { stop(); stop(); if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { text = 'Feline'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { text = 'Canine'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { text = 'Equine'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { text = 'Reptilian'; } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { text = 'Avian'; } } } } } } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 475 { frame 1 { blocker.onRollOver = function () {}; blocker.useHandCursor = false; if (_root.playergender == '' or _root.playergender == undefined) { _root.speciesfemale = 'feline'; _root.speciesherm = 'feline'; _root.speciesmale = 'feline'; _root.felinebody = 3; _root.felinehair = 3; _root.felineeyes = 3; _root.caninebody = 3; _root.caninehair = 3; _root.canineeyes = 3; _root.equinebody = 3; _root.equinehair = 3; _root.equineeyes = 3; _root.reptilianbody = 3; _root.reptilianhair = 3; _root.reptilianeyes = 3; _root.avianbody = 3; _root.avianhair = 3; _root.avianeyes = 3; } else { name.text = _root.playername; gotoAndStop(_root.playergender); if (_root.playergender == 'female') { gender.text = 'Female'; } else { if (_root.playergender == 'herm') { gender.text = 'Hermaphrodite'; } else { if (_root.playergender == 'male') { gender.text = 'Male'; } } } if (_root.playersexorientation == 'hetero') { sexorientation.text = 'Heterosexual'; } else { if (_root.playersexorientation == 'homo') { sexorientation.text = 'Homosexual'; } else { if (_root.playersexorientation == 'bi') { sexorientation.text = 'Bisexual'; } } } age.text = _root.playerage; character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.playerprimary);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.playereyes); character.masktop.gotoAndStop('masked'); character.maskbottom.gotoAndStop('masked'); ib1.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib1item); ib2.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib2item); ib3.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib3item); ib4.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib4item); ib5.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib5item); ib6.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib6item); ib7.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib7item); ib8.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib8item); ib9.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib9item); ib10.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib10item); ib11.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib11item); ib12.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ib12item); ibs1.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ibs1item); ibs2.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ibs2item); ibs3.item.gotoAndStop(_root.ibs3item); } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'feline') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.felinebody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.felineeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'canine') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.caninebody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.canineeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'equine') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.equinebody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.equineeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'reptilian') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.reptilianbody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.reptilianeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesfemale == 'avian') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.avianbody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.avianeyes); } } } } } }; } frame 3 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { character.penis._visible = false; if (_root.speciesherm == 'feline') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.felinebody); character.penis.gotoAndStop(_root.felinebody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.felineeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'canine') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.caninebody); character.penis.gotoAndStop(_root.caninebody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.canineeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'equine') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.equinebody); character.penis.gotoAndStop(_root.equinebody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.equineeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'reptilian') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.reptilianbody); character.penis.gotoAndStop(_root.reptilianbody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.reptilianeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesherm == 'avian') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.avianbody); character.penis.gotoAndStop(_root.avianbody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.avianeyes); } } } } } }; } frame 4 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.speciesmale == 'feline') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.felinebody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.felineeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'canine') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.caninebody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.canineeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'equine') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.equinebody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.equineeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'reptilian') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.reptilianbody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.reptilianeyes); } else { if (_root.speciesmale == 'avian') { character.body.gotoAndStop(_root.avianbody);; character.eyes.gotoAndStop(_root.avianeyes); } } } } } }; } }
Created: 8/10 -2018 03:06:37 Last modified: 8/10 -2018 03:06:37 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:23:32