Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Nympho Waifu.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #211177

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 290 white { } movieClip 298 { } // unknown tag 88 length 146 movieClip 301 fileButton { } // unknown tag 88 length 151 movieClip 304 saveLoadScreen { } movieClip 307 saveGame { } movieClip 310 { } movieClip 311 { } movieClip 312 premiumTopLeft { } movieClip 314 overButtonShade { } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 322 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 331 { } movieClip 335 lockIcon { } movieClip 336 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 339 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; } } movieClip 346 optionsScreen { } movieClip 348 noticeDialogueBottom { } movieClip 349 { } // unknown tag 88 length 40 movieClip 353 noticeDialogue { } // unknown tag 88 length 48 // unknown tag 88 length 58 // unknown tag 88 length 282 // unknown tag 88 length 215 movieClip 362 necessaryForItalics { } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 367 muteThing { } movieClip 369 menuBack { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 375 { } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 381 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 385 { } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 388 { } movieClip 390 { } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 396 { } movieClip 397 { } movieClip 401 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 412 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 413 { } movieClip 415 { } movieClip 416 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 420 { } movieClip 422 { } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 426 { } movieClip 427 { } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 430 { } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 436 { } movieClip 437 { } movieClip 438 mainMenu { } movieClip 440 { } movieClip 441 loadingClip { } movieClip 444 loadGame { } movieClip 449 noticeDialogueChoice { } movieClip 452 inputDialogue { } // unknown tag 88 length 95 movieClip 455 graphicTextOrange { } movieClip 457 graphicTextBlue { } movieClip 460 gallery { } movieClip 462 fileButtonSmaller { } movieClip 464 { } movieClip 494 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 497 dialogue_nympho { } movieClip 498 { } movieClip 503 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 507 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 511 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 529 dialogue { } movieClip 534 choiceOptions { } movieClip 536 { } movieClip 538 { } // unknown tag 88 length 91 movieClip 544 choiceBoxNympho { } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 549 { } movieClip 550 choiceBoxMenu { } movieClip 552 { } movieClip 555 { } movieClip 564 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 570 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 571 choiceBoxPremium { } movieClip 573 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 575 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 576 choiceBox { } movieClip 584 cheatsTitle { } movieClip 590 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 594 cheatBox { } movieClip 596 black { } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 600 { } movieClip 602 { } movieClip 604 { } movieClip 605 clockMC { } movieClip 608 { frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 918 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } } frame 3 { function f2(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12) { f(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12); } function f(s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12) { fCalledEvenOnce = true; if (s1 == undefined or s2 == undefined && (s3 != undefined or s4 != undefined)) { } parsing['s' + parser] = [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12]; var v1 = parsing['s' + parser]; for (var v4 in v1) { if (v1[v4] == undefined) { v1.splice(v4, 1); } } var v2 = false; if (v1.length == 1) { for (var v5 in commands) { if (v1[0] == commands[v5]) { v2 = true; } } if (!v2) { v1.splice(0, 0, 'thinking'); } } else { if (v1.length == 2 or v1.length == 3 or v1.length == 4) { for (var v5 in commands) { if (v1[0] == commands[v5]) { v2 = true; } } if (!v2) { v1.splice(0, 0, 'talking'); } } } if (v1[0] == label) { if (v1[2] == undefined or v1[2] == true) { var v6 = v1[1]; parsing['s' + parser] = [jump, v1[1]]; v1 = parsing['s' + parser]; parser = Math.ceil((parser + 1) / 10000) * 10000; labels[v6] = parser; } else { labels[v1[1]] = parser; } } else { ++parser; } ++debugParser; if (v1[0] == label) { allLabels.push(v1[1]); } else { if (v1[0] == 'talking' || v1[0] == 'thinking') { ++totalNumberOfDialogues; } else { if (v1[0] == 'ending') { var v3 = true; for (v4 in allUniqueEndings) { if (allUniqueEndings[v4] == v1[1]) { v3 = false; } } if (v3) { allUniqueEndings.push(v1[1]); } } else { if (v1[0] == jump) { allJumps.push(v1[1]); } else { if (v1[0] == 'person') { allPersonsAndMoods.push([v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]]); } else { if (v1[0] == 'choice' && v1[1] == undefined) { ++allChoices; } else { if (v1[0] == 'endChoice') { ++allEndChoices; } else { if (v1[0] == 'whatIf') { ++allIfs; } else { if (v1[0] == 'endIf') { ++allEndIfs; } } } } } } } } } } sourceDisclaimer = 'Sano Toshihide ga, Anata no Senyou Gengaman ni Narimasu S/N: GJ0169424'; stop(); parsing = new Object(); labels = new Object(); parser = 1; debugParser = 1; scene = 'scene'; doCall = 'doCall'; endCall = 'endCall'; textbox = 'textbox'; textEffect = 'textEffect'; cheatRule = 'cheatRule'; registerCGBasesForCheats = 'registerCGBasesForCheats'; changeString = 'changeString'; sceneClip = 'sceneClip'; inputDialogue = 'inputDialogue'; log = 'log'; cg = 'cg'; cgs = 'cgs'; addButton = 'addButton'; animateOnce = 'animateOnce'; animateLoop = 'animateLoop'; addToCg = 'addToCg'; changeBg = 'changeBg'; panAll = 'panAll'; setFilter = 'setFilter'; setZoom = 'setZoom'; setAlpha = 'setAlpha'; url = 'url'; pan = 'pan'; panAndRotate = 'panAndRotate'; setX = 'setX'; setY = 'setY'; jump = 'jump'; person = 'person'; removeAllChars = 'removeAllChars'; remove = 'remove'; swapDepth = 'swapDepth'; choice = 'choice'; endChoice = 'endChoice'; startGameAndJump = 'startGameAndJump'; continueLastGame = 'continueLastGame'; openMainMenu = 'openMainMenu'; playMusic = 'playMusic'; fadeIn = 'fadeIn'; chibi = 'chibi'; setVolume = 'setVolume'; playSound = 'playSound'; stopSound = 'stopSound'; playSystemSound = 'playSystemSound'; voice = 'voice'; stopVoice = 'stopVoice'; stopMusic = 'stopMusic'; label = 'label'; ending = 'ending'; effect = 'effect'; screenEffect = 'screenEffect'; removeScreenEffects = 'removeScreenEffects'; item = 'item'; mcItem = 'mcItem'; pause = 'pause'; whatIf = 'whatIf'; elseIf = 'elseIf'; pass = 'pass'; otherwise = 'otherwise'; endIf = 'endIf'; setVariable = 'setVariable'; incrementVariable = 'incrementVariable'; languageScreen = 'languageScreen'; screenIsALink = 'screenIsALink'; changeName = 'changeName'; restart = 'restart'; save = 'save'; calculate = 'calculate'; black = 'black'; me = 'me'; right = 'right'; left = 'left'; center = 'center'; fadeOut = 'fadeOut'; commands = [label, save, cheatRule, log, fadeIn, changeString, setX, setY, inputDialogue, registerCGBasesForCheats, swapDepth, textbox, textEffect, pan, panAndRotate, doCall, endCall, animateOnce, animateLoop, setVolume, panAll, setZoom, setAlpha, sceneClip, setFilter, chibi, removeScreenEffects, screenIsALink, addButton, calculate, changeName, openMainMenu, item, mcItem, playMusic, stopMusic, playSound, playSystemSound, stopSound, voice, stopVoice, choice, continueLastGame, endChoice, person, scene, cg, addToCg, cgs, changeBg, ending, screenEffect, effect, startGameAndJump, jump, pause, url, setVariable, incrementVariable, whatIf, elseIf, otherwise, endIf, pass, languageScreen, removeAllChars, remove, restart]; totalNumberOfDialogues = 0; allJumps = new Array(); allLabels = new Array(); allUniqueEndings = new Array(); allPersonsAndMoods = new Array(); allChoices = 0; allEndChoices = 0; allIfs = 0; allEndIfs = 0; x = ''; } frame 3 { h = 'h'; har = 'har'; hi = 'hi'; m = 'm'; e = 'e'; w = '???'; pf = 'pf'; pm = 'pm'; yakuza = 'yakuza'; yakuza2 = 'yakuza2'; yakuza3 = 'yakuza3'; all = 'all'; unknown = 'unknown'; er = 'er'; elf = 'elf'; argar = 'argar'; hood = 'hood'; bron = 'bron'; cb = 'cb'; c_b = 'c_b'; c_t = 'c_t'; c_bb = 'c_bb'; c_e = 'c_e'; } frame 3 { f(pause, 0.4); f(scene, 'parentalAdvisory', 'fade'); f(pause, 1.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(scene, 'gamesofdesiresplashscreen', 'fade'); f(pause, 1.5); f(fadeIn, 'intro'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(setVariable, 'introMusicPlaying'); f(scene, 'marblesyrup', 'fade'); f(pause, 1.6); f(label, 'startMenu', false); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, '!introMusicPlaying'); f(fadeIn, 'intro'); f(endIf); f(setVariable, 'introMusicPlaying', false); f(scene, 'white'); f(pause, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'fadeFromWhite', 0.1, 0.2); f(label, 'startMenu2', false); f(label, 'startMenu3', false); f(changeBg, 'title', 'fade', 1.2); f(item, 'proudpresentation', 0, 15); f(effect, 'proudpresentation', 'constantVerticalShake', 3); f(item, 'logotop', 0, 15); f(item, 'logobottom', 0, 15); f(item, 'logoplus1', 0, 15); f(item, 'logoplus2', 0, 15); f(effect, 'logotop', 'constantVerticalShake', 7); f(pause, 0.03); f(effect, 'logobottom', 'constantVerticalShake', 5); f(pause, 0.03); f(effect, 'logoplus1', 'constantVerticalShake', 5); f(pause, 0.03); f(effect, 'logoplus2', 'constantVerticalShake', 5); f(choice, {'style': 'Nympho', 'yPos': 'bottom'}); f(choice, 'CONTINUE', 'continueCheck'); f(playSound, 'kettei'); f(pause, 0.6); f(continueLastGame); f(choice, 'NEW GAME'); f(playSound, 'kettei'); f(pause, 0.6); f(startGameAndJump, 'scene0'); f(choice, 'LOAD GAME', 'autoSaveExists'); f(openMainMenu, 'load'); f(choice, 'CHEATS'); f(openMainMenu, 'cheats'); f(choice, 'GALLERY'); f(openMainMenu, 'gallery'); f(choice, 'OPTIONS'); f(openMainMenu, 'options'); f(choice, 'CREDITS'); f(jump, 'titleScreenCredits'); f(choice, 'MORE GAMES!'); f(url, 'patreonURL'); f(jump, 'startMenu3'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'titleScreenCredits', false); f(scene, 'title', 'fade'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(changeBg, 'white', 'fade', 1); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'fadeFromWhite', 1); f(jump, 'startMenu3'); f(label, 'scene0'); f(registerCGBasesForCheats, ['e_close', 'e_date', 'e_dazed', 'e_kiss', 'e_officesex1', 'e_officesex2', 'e_officesit', 'e_rape', 'e_ripoff1', 'e_ripoff2', 'e_wedding', 'e_wife', 'h_boobjob', 'h_cowgirl', 'h_e_back', 'h_e_sandwich', 'h_gangrape1', 'h_gangrape2', 'h_kiss', 'h_onbed', 'h_photo', 'h_secretsex', 'h_somesex', 'h_spooning', 'h_suddenfuck', 'h_windowsex', 'hi_intro', 'hi_sex', 'hi_sixtynine', 'hi_parksex', 'h_e_back', 'h_e_sandwich', 'h_e_sandwichcum', 'h_e_oops', 'p_porn1', 'p_porn2']); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 0.5); f(setVariable, 'wife', 'wife'); f(setVariable, 'aMother', false); f(setVariable, 'aSister', false); f(setVariable, 'aDaughter', false); f(setVariable, 'Hina', 'Hina'); f(setVariable, 'husband', 'husband'); f(setVariable, 'friend', 'friend'); f(setVariable, 'maleFriend', 'male friend'); f(setVariable, 'colleague', 'co-worker'); f(setVariable, 'maleColleague', 'co-worker'); f(setVariable, 'numberOfDaughters', 0); f(setVariable, 'numberOfSisters', 0); f(setVariable, 'Hatsune', 'Hatsune'); f(setVariable, 'eHatsune', 'Hatsune'); f(setVariable, 'Hina', 'Hina'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Esther'); f(setVariable, 'yourHatsune', 'Hatsune'); f(setVariable, 'yourHina', 'Hina'); f(setVariable, 'yourEsther', 'Esther'); f(setVariable, 'eyes', 'eyes'); f(setVariable, 'creature_', ''); f(setVariable, 'creature', 'woman'); f(setVariable, 'creatures', 'women'); f(setVariable, 'meow', ''); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ''); f(setVariable, 'angh', 'angh'); f(setVariable, 'moan', 'moan'); f(setVariable, 'yeah', 'yeah'); f(setVariable, 'yes', 'yes'); f(setVariable, 'no', 'no'); f(setVariable, 'is', 'is'); f(setVariable, 'are', 'are'); f(setVariable, 'am', 'am'); f(setVariable, 'OK', 'OK'); f(setVariable, 'ing', 'ing'); f(setVariable, 'you\'re', 'you\'re'); f(setVariable, 'little', 'little'); f(setVariable, 'you', 'you'); f(setVariable, 'ye', 'you'); f(setVariable, 'your', 'your'); f(setVariable, 'my', 'my'); f(setVariable, 'idiot', 'idiot'); f(setVariable, 'um', 'um'); f(setVariable, 'and', 'and'); f(setVariable, 'money', 'money'); f(setVariable, 'there', 'there'); f(setVariable, 'hi', 'hi'); f(setVariable, 'hello', 'hello'); f(setVariable, 'very', 'very'); f(setVariable, 'wee', 'little'); f(setVariable, 'sake', 'sake'); f(setVariable, 'scurvy_', ''); f(setVariable, 'landlubbin_', ''); f(setVariable, 'keelhaulin_', ''); f(setVariable, 'swashbucklin_', ''); f(setVariable, 'cat', 'cat'); f(setVariable, 'it\'s', 'it\'s'); f(setVariable, 'the', 'the'); f(setVariable, 'that', 'that'); f(setVariable, 'of', 'of'); f(setVariable, 'for', 'for'); f(setVariable, 'dear', 'dear'); f(setVariable, '$you_know$', 'you know'); f(pause, 0.03); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'eyepatch', ['cg']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'eyepatch', ['cg']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'eyepatch', ['cg']); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(cheatRule, 'changeMood', 'hi', 'hypno', 'hypno_pirate'); f(cheatRule, 'changeMood', 'hi', 'armsbehind_hypno', 'armsbehind_hypno_pirate'); f(cheatRule, 'changeMood', 'e', 'hypno', 'hypno_pirate'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'hypnosis2', ['ch', 'date', 'close']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'hypnosis2'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'hypnosis2', ['ch', 'intro']); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'nonose'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'nonose', ['ch', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnBase', e, 'nonose', x, ['sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'nonose', ['ch', 'gangrape1', 'gangrape2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnBase', h, 'nonose', x, ['gangrape1', 'gangrape2']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'nonose', ['ch']); f(otherwise); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', h, 'nonoseE'); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', h, 'nonose'); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', e, 'nonose'); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', hi, 'nonose'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(setVariable, 'creatureCheat'); f(setVariable, 'eyes', 'eye'); f(setVariable, 'yeah', 'aye'); f(setVariable, 'yes', 'aye'); f(setVariable, 'OK', 'aye'); f(setVariable, 'no', 'nay'); f(setVariable, 'is', 'be'); f(setVariable, 'are', 'be'); f(setVariable, 'am', 'be'); f(setVariable, 'ing', 'in\''); f(setVariable, 'you\'re', 'yer'); f(setVariable, 'your', 'yer'); f(setVariable, 'little', 'wee bit'); f(setVariable, 'ye', 'ye'); f(setVariable, 'you', 'you'); f(setVariable, 'my', 'me'); f(setVariable, 'there', 'thar'); f(setVariable, 'idiot', 'scallywag'); f(setVariable, 'um', 'arr'); f(setVariable, 'and', 'an\''); f(setVariable, 'money', 'booty'); f(setVariable, 'hi', 'ahoy'); f(setVariable, 'hello', 'ahoy'); f(setVariable, 'very', 'mighty'); f(setVariable, 'wee', 'wee'); f(setVariable, 'sake', 'rum'); f(setVariable, 'scurvy_', 'scurvy '); f(setVariable, 'landlubbin_', 'landlubbin\' '); f(setVariable, 'keelhaulin_', 'keelhaulin\' '); f(setVariable, 'swashbucklin_', 'swashbucklin\' '); f(setVariable, 'cat', 'parrot'); f(setVariable, 'fur', 'birds'); f(setVariable, 'cat_hair', 'feathers'); f(setVariable, 'bladder', 'throat'); f(setVariable, 'Chocola', 'Polly'); f(setVariable, 'it\'s', 'tis'); f(setVariable, 'the', 'th\''); f(setVariable, 'that', 'tha\''); f(setVariable, 'of', 'o\''); f(setVariable, 'for', 'fer'); f(setVariable, 'dear', 'me hearty'); f(setVariable, '$you_know$', 'savvy'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(whatIf, 'cowgirl'); f(setVariable, 'creature_', 'pirate cowcat '); f(setVariable, 'creature', 'pirate cowcat'); f(setVariable, 'creatures', 'pirate cowcats'); f(setVariable, 'meow', ', myaar'); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ', moooeoowyaar'); f(setVariable, 'angh', 'myaar'); f(setVariable, 'moan', 'purr'); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'creature_', 'pirate catgirl '); f(setVariable, 'creature', 'pirate catgirl'); f(setVariable, 'creatures', 'pirate catgirls'); f(setVariable, 'meow', ', myaar'); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ', meeoyaar'); f(setVariable, 'angh', 'myaar'); f(setVariable, 'moan', 'purr'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'cowgirl'); f(setVariable, 'creature_', 'pirate catgirl '); f(setVariable, 'creature', 'pirate catgirl'); f(setVariable, 'creatures', 'pirate catgirls'); f(setVariable, 'meow', ', myaar'); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ', moohyaar'); f(setVariable, 'angh', 'myaar'); f(setVariable, 'moan', 'moo'); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'creature_', 'pirate '); f(setVariable, 'creature', 'pirate'); f(setVariable, 'creatures', 'pirates'); f(setVariable, 'meow', ', yarr'); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ', aaaarrr'); f(setVariable, 'angh', 'yarr'); f(setVariable, 'moan', 'moan'); f(endIf); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'eyepatch', ['ch']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'eyepatch', ['ch']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'eyepatch', ['ch']); f(otherwise); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', h, 'eyepatchE'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.03); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(whatIf, '!pirate'); f(setVariable, 'creature_', 'catgirl '); f(setVariable, 'creature', 'catgirl'); f(setVariable, 'creatures', 'catgirls'); f(setVariable, 'creatureCheat'); f(setVariable, 'meow', ', meow'); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ', meeoow'); f(setVariable, 'angh', 'meow'); f(setVariable, 'moan', 'purr'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'cowgirl'); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', h, 'catearsE'); f(otherwise); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'catears', ['sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'catears', ['gangrape1', 'gangrape2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnBase', h, 'catears', x, ['gangrape1', 'gangrape2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'catears'); f(endIf); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'cattail', ['ch', 'officesex2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'dazed', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnBase', e, 'cattail', x, ['officesex2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'dazed', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'cattail', ['ch', 'gangrape1', 'gangrape2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnBase', h, 'cattail', x, ['gangrape1', 'gangrape2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'cattail', ['ch']); f(otherwise); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', h, 'catearsE'); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', hi, 'cattail'); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', h, 'cattail'); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', e, 'cattail'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'cowgirl'); f(setVariable, 'creatureCheat'); f(whatIf, '!pirate'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(setVariable, 'creature_', 'cowcat '); f(setVariable, 'creature', 'cowcat'); f(setVariable, 'creatures', 'cowcats'); f(setVariable, 'meow', ', mooeow'); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ', moooeoow'); f(setVariable, 'angh', 'mooeow'); f(setVariable, 'moan', 'purr'); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'creature_', 'cowgirl '); f(setVariable, 'creature', 'cowgirl'); f(setVariable, 'creatures', 'cowgirls'); f(setVariable, 'meow', ', moo'); f(setVariable, 'meeoow', ', moooh'); f(setVariable, 'angh', 'moo'); f(setVariable, 'moan', 'moo'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'cowhead', ['oops', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'cowhead', ['gangrape1', 'gangrape2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnBase', h, 'cowhead', x, ['oops', 'gangrape1', 'gangrape2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'cowhead'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', e, 'cowlegs', ['ch', 'officesex2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'dazed', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnBase', e, 'cowlegs', x, ['officesex2']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', h, 'cowlegs', ['ch', 'gangrape1', 'gangrape2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnBase', h, 'cowlegs', x, ['gangrape1', 'gangrape2', 'sandwichcum', 'sandwich', 'e_back']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', hi, 'cowlegs'); f(otherwise); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', h, 'cowheadE'); f(cheatRule, 'skipIt', h, 'cowcum'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(inputDialogue, 'Minoru', 'What\'s your name?', 'Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'hMinoru', '$Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'eMinoru', '$Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'hiMinoru', '$Minoru'); f(whatIf, 'Minoru==Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'protagNick', 'Mino'); f(elseIf, 'Minoru==John'); f(setVariable, 'protagNick', 'Johnny'); f(elseIf, 'Minoru==Douglas'); f(setVariable, 'protagNick', 'Doug'); f(elseIf, 'Minoru==James'); f(setVariable, 'protagNick', 'Jim'); f(elseIf, 'Minoru==Robert'); f(setVariable, 'protagNick', 'Robbie'); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'protagNick', 'firstWordOf.$Minoru'); f(endIf); f(setVariable, 'hMinoruAlt', '$protagNick'); f(setVariable, 'eMinoruAlt', '$protagNick'); f(setVariable, 'hiMinoruAlt', '$protagNick'); f(setVariable, 'hM', 'initialOf.$Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'eM', 'initialOf.$Minoru'); f(setVariable, 'hiM', 'initialOf.$Minorur'); f(changeName, m, '$Minoru'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(setVariable, 'colleague', 'mother'); f(setVariable, 'eMother'); f(setVariable, 'eIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'mom'); f(setVariable, 'yourEsther', 'your mom'); f(setVariable, 'maleColleague', 'son'); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f(setVariable, 'colleague', 'sister'); f(setVariable, 'eSister'); f(setVariable, 'eIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Erisa'); f(setVariable, 'yourEsther', 'Erisa'); f(setVariable, 'maleColleague', 'brother'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfSisters'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'colleague', 'daughter'); f(setVariable, 'eDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'eIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Erisa'); f(setVariable, 'yourEsther', 'Erisa'); f(setVariable, 'eMinoru', 'dad'); f(setVariable, 'eMinoruAlt', 'daddy'); f(setVariable, 'eM', 'd'); f(setVariable, 'maleColleague', 'father'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfDaughters'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'Esther==Esther'); f(setVariable, 'hEsther', 'Esther'); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'hEsther', 'Erisa'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(setVariable, 'wife', 'mother'); f(setVariable, 'aMother'); f(setVariable, 'husband', 'son'); f(setVariable, 'hIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Hatsune', 'mom'); f(setVariable, 'yourHatsune', 'your mom'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(setVariable, 'wife', 'sister'); f(setVariable, 'aSister'); f(setVariable, 'husband', 'brother'); f(setVariable, 'hIncest'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfSisters'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(setVariable, 'hEsther', 'mom'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'wife', 'daughter'); f(setVariable, 'aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'husband', 'father'); f(setVariable, 'hIncest'); f(setVariable, 'hMinoru', 'dad'); f(setVariable, 'hMinoruAlt', 'daddy'); f(setVariable, 'hM', 'd'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfDaughters'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(setVariable, 'hEsther', 'grandma'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(setVariable, 'friend', 'mother'); f(setVariable, 'aMother'); f(setVariable, 'hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Hina', 'mom'); f(setVariable, 'yourHina', 'your mom'); f(setVariable, 'maleFriend', 'son'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f(setVariable, 'friend', 'sister'); f(setVariable, 'aSister'); f(setVariable, 'hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Hina', 'sis'); f(setVariable, 'maleFriend', 'brother'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfSisters'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'friend', 'daughter'); f(setVariable, 'aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'hiMinoru', 'pops'); f(setVariable, 'hiMinoruAlt', 'papa'); f(setVariable, 'hiM', 'p'); f(setVariable, 'maleFriend', 'father'); f(incrementVariable, 'numberOfDaughters'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnBase', x, 'dadhair', x, ['kiss', 'secretsex', 'spooning', 'windowsex', 'sixtynine', 'kiss']); f(cheatRule, 'newGraphicOnTop', x, 'dadhair', x, ['ripoff2']); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||eIncest||hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'aIncest'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'divorced'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'hLongerThanThreeYears'); f(endIf); f(setVariable, 'daughter', 'daughter'); f(whatIf, 'numberOfDaughters>1'); f(setVariable, 'daughter', 'daughters'); f(endIf); f(setVariable, 'sister', 'sister'); f(whatIf, 'numberOfSisters>1'); f(setVariable, 'sister', 'sisters'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ahhah'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ahhah'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(h, 'Ahoy, me hearty…'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Hey, $hMinoru$…'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(choice); f(choice, '"Yes...?"'); f(choice, 'Say nothing.'); f(endChoice); f(h, 'What do $ye$ want to do$meow$? Would $you$ like to have dinner, or should I draw up a bath... Or would $ye$ prefer to have…'); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'hit'); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0, 'exp_alt2', 'closedmouth']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.25); f(pause, 1.5); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'swish'); f(textEffect, 'Me...?', 460, 120, x, x, -20, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_yaritai'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_yaritai'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Me...?'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(playSound, 'purr'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(pause, 0.5); f('She purrs lustfully as she slowly inches towards me.'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f(whatIf, 'commentary'); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(setVariable, 'stoppedMusic'); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', 'fade', [0, 'ben', 'ben_excited']); f(playMusic, 'comical'); f(setVolume, 0); f(setVolume, 0.22, 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(cb, 'Alrighty… let\'s get that tail out of the way, and… here we go!'); f(otherwise); f(cb, 'Oh, boy… here we go!'); f(endIf); f(playSound, 'studioLaughter'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0, 'exp_alt', 'ben', 'ben_enjoying']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'aIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ahbenniisan'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'Anghhh!!', 360, 130, x, x, -20, 'hShakeFade'); f(h, 'Anghhh!! Oh, Ben! Ben, $my$ $swashbucklin_$biological brother!'); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt2', 'ben', 'ben_excited']); f(cb, 'That\'s right, sis! I\'ve finally gathered the courage to finally sneak up from you and fuck you from behind, while you were, uh, you know. Intending to have sex with your $husband$.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(cb, 'I mean, your <i>other</i> brother.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_aaangh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_benah'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Anghhh!! Oh, Ben!!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'commentary'); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0, 'exp_alt', 'ben', 'ben_enjoying']); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0, 'exp_alt2', 'ben', 'ben_enjoying']); f(voice, 'b_futokuteookiichinchinwomankoniiretehoshii'); f(h, 'Ngh…! $your$ $landlubbin_$chibi dick, $it\'s$ so… $it\'s$ so $scurvy_$big!!'); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', 'fade', [0, 'ben', 'ben_excited'], 0.2); f(cb, '$yes$! Don\'t I know it!'); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0, 'exp_alt', 'ben', 'ben_enjoying']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'commentary'); f(setVolume, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(playSound, 'studioLaughter'); f(c_e, 'B-Ben, what are you doing?!', 'surprised'); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0, 'ben', 'ben_embarrassed'], 0.2); f(cb, 'Uhm? Oh. Er… sorry, I didn\'t think you\'d turn up until, uh… I mean, I thought I had another 10 minutes or so before you\'d-'); f(playSound, 'studioLaughter2'); f(c_e, 'Come on, you know the rules. You\'ve read the <i>Code of the Commentary</i>! "You shan\'t interrupt the game to have sex with thine characters..." That\'s where we draw the line!', 'worried'); f(playSound, 'studioSmallLaugh'); f(cb, 'W-well, you know, if protag-kun wasn\'t going to enjoying having sex with her, I figured, you know-'); f(playSound, 'studioLaughter'); f(whatIf, 'aIncest'); f(c_e, 'Ben! No excuses! Pull out of your "biological sister" right now!', 'angry'); f(otherwise); f(c_e, 'Ben! No excuses! Pull out of Hatsune, <i>now!</i>', 'angry'); f(endIf); f(cb, '...'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0]); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(playSound, 'studioSympathize'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'Fine.', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'And, uh… hi ya, player! Welcome to commentary mode!', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'commentary'); f(playSound, 'studioCheer'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'I\'m Ben, the assistant writer...'); f(c_e, 'And I’m ebi. I guess I’m the main writer — though I think a lot of new content was added...', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'stoppedMusic'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'And you haven\'t read most of it yet, have you! How exciting this must be for you.'); f(c_e, 'I guess I can read all the new content now, then! This is kind of cool…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Mostly it\'s me just having sullied your very neat script with messy new choices and random stuff.', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'It\'s okay… I forgive you. <i>This time.</i> But... no more <i>actual</i> sullying, please. Leave that to the protagonist.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'S-sure. Gotcha. Leave the sodomizing to the sodomizers… I mean, the characters.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Just… just to clarify who\'s written what, by the way — Ebi-Hime did the original script, which is pretty much the vanilla version of the public beta we released in January 2017.'); f(c_b, 'After that., we got a whole bunch of feedback and I added a bunch of new choices and paths based on that feedback, expanding a fair bit on the game in the process.'); f(c_b, 'There\'s also a whole lot of text associated with the various cheats, and that\'s all me.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Also worth mentioning is that Ebi is a guest writer for Marble Syrup — this is the first script of hers we have released, but it\'s actually the second she\'s submitted to us, isn\'t that right, Ebi?'); f(c_e, 'That\'s right! The first script involves some S&M between a schoolgirl and her teacher.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Riveting stuff, I\'m sure. Something to look forward to.'); f(c_b, 'You\'re also quite a \'name\' in EVN circles, are you not?'); f(c_e, 'I have written quite a lot of stuff, I suppose! And I have a few VNs out on Steam as well.', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, 'Namedrop a few! Come on, it\'s your time to shine.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'My favorite I\'ve written - or, rather, the one I think has the best writing + production values - is <i>Sweetest Monster</i>…'); f(c_e, 'But I like <i>The Way We All Go</i> a lot too, despite being pretty old by now.'); f(c_b, 'I just remembered we can do links — here\'s <a href=\'\'>ebi\'s website</a>, with links to all of your games… right?'); f(c_e, 'Well, not all of them… There are some very, very old VNs I wrote in like 2013 that aren\'t on here.', 'unhappy'); f(c_e, 'Because they\'re embarrassing.', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, 'Like everything old should be… I mean, racist grampas, high school yearbooks...', 'benderp'); f(c_e, 'Everything else can be found here, though!'); f(c_b, 'Awesome. Player, if you like this game, make sure you check out Ebi\'s other stuff!', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Is there anything else our audience should know about you before they set out, in earnest, on this erotic adventure?'); f(c_e, 'I don\'t write stories with H scenes very often, so this was a bit of a new experience for me.', 'embarrassed'); f(c_e, 'I hope people enjoy it all the same!', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Great. OK, should we maybe let… what\'s his name? It\'s not Nishi, that was <i>Re:maid</i>… what\'s the default name of the protagonist? Remind me...', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'It\'s Minoru! I actually stole his name from the protagonist of another H VN I was reading for inspiration haha…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Really! What was the game?'); f(c_e, 'This is kind of embarrassing haha… It was <i>Hypo-Training My Wife and Sister<i>…', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, 'Haha, really?', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'That\'s quite funny, as I\'ve actually been adding sister and hypnosis cheats to the script... you didn\'t know we were going to do that, did you?'); f(c_e, 'Yeah, when I found about it I was like… Ah, this must be fate…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Crazy coincidence.'); f(c_e, 'Also, I guess Minoru is a fitting name \'cause it\'s pretty uninteresting… like the main character.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Haha. OK, well, let\'s give him some space to breathe here. We\'ll be popping in and out of the game at carefully chosen moments… but keeping it mostly light. Player! Your turn!'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I let out a small sigh.'); f('To be honest, I\'d almost want to delegate her to kitchen duty, if it were that simple.'); f(otherwise); f('If I was more of a jerk than I actually am, I\'d be tempted to tell $Hatsune$ she\'s got it all wrong.'); f('What\'s the point in spouting a line like that when you\'re already leaning on the bed, your exposed tits pressed against the mattress and your ass in the air?'); f('What does she want me to say, exactly?'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', 'fade', [0, 'closedmouth2']); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 70, 15); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('"That\'s right, mom. Get into the kitchen, <i>chop chop.</i> Your son needs his miso soup!"'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('"That\'s right, sis. Get into the kitchen, <i>chop chop.</i> Your brother is craving a helping of miso soup!"'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('"That\'s right, my voluptuous daughter. Get into the kitchen, <i>chop chop.</i> Your father hasn\'t had his miso soup yet!"'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('But though I consider myself a master hypnotist, I\'m kind of in at the deep end with $Hatsune$. Though the fact that she wants to have sex with me is itself only a result of me hypnotizing her, but I can no longer control her at will.'); f('Oh, and, yes.'); f(endIf); f('Yes. It might come as a shock to you to learn, but the busty $creature$ crawling towards me over the bed, is, in fact, my biological $wife$.'); f('How the hell we got here? Well… it\'s a long story. It\'s been going on for years.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(doCall, 'hypnoIncestIntro'); f(otherwise); f(doCall, 'incestIntro'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 90, 8); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat&&!calledCreature'); f('...'); f('Oh, sorry, were you perhaps waiting for me to explain just why the hell my $wife$ is a <i>$creature$</i>, as well?'); f(doCall, 'creatureExplain'); f(endIf); f('Now, I don\'t know which category of person you fall into — the kind that is absolutely revolted by this, or the type of person who thinks this sounds like an absolute dream. I think people in the second camp are more numerous than you might think, but…'); f(c_b, 'In case you didn\'t remember from the commentary I did for <i>Crusoe Had It Easy</i> / I fall squarely within the second camp…', 'embarrassed'); f(otherwise); f('"That\'s right, $creature$. Get into the kitchen, <i>chop chop.</i> A man needs his miso soup!"'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I mean, you might think I should be able to make my $creature_$$wife$ do whatever I want — like I said, she\'s hypnotized, but… no.'); f(otherwise); f('Get real.'); f(endIf); f('Even if I\'m not really in the mood, and I\'m kind of tired from work...'); f('It\'s not like I can turn Hatsune down.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I mean, I am the one who put her in this sex-crazed state.'); f('How it happened? Well… let\'s just say, hypnosis isn\'t something you should play around with nilly-willy.'); f(c_b, 'Welcome to the hypno route. Or, uh… cheat. Cheat route. Whatever. This is all me. I take the blame.', 'confused'); f(c_b, 'It\'s a little messy, I guess. I don\'t think I had come up with a proper backstory for all the mind control stuff when I started writing it… so the protagonist\'s motivations kind of go back and forth a lot.'); f(c_b, 'Or maybe not the motivations as much as the nature of the hypnosis. Like how much free will $Hatsune$ has, etc.'); f(c_b, 'Also I felt it was just a very tricky situation, the way the story was written, to make the hypno stuff make much sense. If you don\'t think too carefully about it, I think it\'s alright, though.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Anyways I expect you guys won\'t mind all that much. The hypno route has so far been very popular with our backers on Patreon, as I understand it.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'We will definitely add it to future titles too, whenever it makes sense and/or is possible without rewriting the entire game to make it work.'); f(c_b, 'I know Taxcup\'s <i>intentions</i> are to add it to Bron\'s Quest, as well.'); f('I noticed early in my life that I had a knack for hypnosis.'); f('I would use it in all manner of ways, on all manner of people. On my grandmom, to give me an extra helping of dessert. On my teacher, to not flunk me… on the bully, to keep his hands off me and my friends, and so on.'); f('Then… there was $Hatsune$.'); f('$Hatsune$ and I were in the same high school class. She was so pretty, already back then. She also matured way before any of the other girls.'); f(whatIf, 'cowgirl'); f('Probably on account of her cow genes.'); f('I don\'t think there was a male at school — teacher, student, other staff — who didn\'t practically live just to steal the occasional glance at her judders.'); f(c_b, '<i>Judders</i>. *shudders*'); f(otherwise); f('I don\'t think there was a male at school — teacher, student, other staff — who didn\'t practically live just to steal the occasional glance at her bountiful bosom.'); f(c_b, 'Bounciful, even. As in, full of bounce.', 'inlove'); f(c_b, '... did I just ruin the joke by overexplaining it…?', 'worried'); f(endIf); f('But none of them were able to steal $Hatsune$\'s heart — no one, but me, that is.'); f('...'); f('I mean, I had to resort to hypnosis, yes, but I did manage to get her to believe she was in love with me. That\'s got to count for something, right?'); f('We eventually got married, even, and I was the happiest man in the world, for a period of time.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('Hatsune even gave birth to our beautiful daughter, $Hina$, some 18 years ago.'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f('A rather long period of time, even. It\'s been more than 15 years since we got married.'); f(endIf); f('You see, when you\'re a master hypnotist, you don\'t have to worry about stupid excuses like "I have a headache," "I\'m not feeling up for it today," or whatever. You just take what you want, when you want it.'); f(c_b, 'Living the dream.', 'inlove'); f('But recently… it seems I can\'t find the "off" switch. Hatsune is constantly craving sex, and I can no longer control it, like I used to. She\'ll pounce on me as soon as I get home.'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, she <i>is</i> my $wife$.'); f('My incorrigible, completely sex-mad $wife$, who gets so bored and lonely sitting around the house while I\'m at work she pounces on me as soon as I get home.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 90, 8); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('Yes, "pounce" is absolutely the word. She\'s a $creature$, remember?'); f(doCall, 'creatureExplain'); f(elseIf, 'cowgirl'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('... though maybe "pounce" isn\'t the word I\'m looking for. She\'s a $creature$, not a pirate catgirl.'); f(otherwise); f('... though maybe "pounce" isn\'t the word I\'m looking for. She\'s a $creature$, not a catgirl.'); f(endIf); f(doCall, 'creatureExplain'); f(endIf); f('Now, you\'re probably thinking that sounds like a dream.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('To be honest, I used to think so too — having a beautiful mother with huge tits who just wants to have sex, <i>all the time</i>... I mean, I get it\'s not your standard dream, but I have an unusual inclination, I guess.'); f(otherwise); f('If I weren\'t in the middle of being bored with, I probably would\'ve thought so too — having a pretty $wife$ with huge tits who just wants to have sex all the time...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Even if she doesn\'t actually <i>want</i> it, per se… I mean, if she weren\'t hypnotized, none of this would be happening.'); f(otherwise); f('Even if she might not actually <i>want</i> it, per se. We didn\'t have much of a sex life until… until the hypnosis incident.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I understand that might seem weird to most — desiring a sexual relationship with your $wife$, yes. But…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 100, 5); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('But I mean, it\'s hard. No, I don\'t mean it in <i>that</i> sense. Pun unintentional.'); f(otherwise); f('But I mean, in reality it\'s a lot harder than that. No, I don\'t mean it in <i>that</i> sense. Pun unintentional.'); f(endIf); f('Working 9-5 in a company that manufactures stationery — I kid you not — is tiring as well as boring, and at the end of the day, I just don\'t have the stamina to match $Hatsune$\'s voracious $creature_$libido.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I really, really wish I could just tell her to go away and do chores, but… when she wants sex, it\'s nigh impossible to refuse her. She practically raped me the first time I tried. It was a little traumatic, to tell the truth.'); f(otherwise); f('Sometimes I really do want to tell her, "Sorry, I\'m not in the mood to have sex with you right now."'); f(endIf); f(removeScreenEffects); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.4); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_hora'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_hora'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(h, 'Oi, matey…?'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Hey…?'); f(endIf); f('Shit.'); f('I was spacing out for a second there. I always do that when I\'m tired. My mind wanders.'); f(m, 'I, um... sorry, I was just thinking about... work.'); f(c_e, 'The idea of writing this story came from the really common phrase you see in a lot of anime/visual novels etc, where the heroine asks the protagonist if he wants \'bath, dinner, or… me\'.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Oh, really? I haven\'t come across it before. Then again, I\'m not so big on anime...'); f(c_e, 'Usually, the protagonist is pretty happy about this, so I thought it would be interesting to write something where the protagonist is less than enthused…', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'I thought it would be kind of funny, but I think it\'s a bit more depressing than I intended, since the protagonist is kind of unhappy at the start of the story.', 'unhappy'); f(c_e, 'Or maybe I just have a weird sense of humor.', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, 'I definitely think it\'s funny! And it\'s certainly an unusual intro. It does help the game stand out, for sure.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'I got pretty excited to write the base script since it\'s a pretty weird idea...', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'Maybe it\'s not the best for a H VN but I think it worked out okay in the end!'); f(c_b, 'You\'re a quite prolific VN writer — but this was your very first H VN?'); f(c_e, 'I\'ve written other VNs with H scenes before this, but this has a higher amount of H.', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'H is fun to write since I don\'t do it too much. It\'s challenging…'); f(c_b, 'I would have thought writing non-H stuff might be more challenging… it\'s such a helpful crutch to lean on, <i>sex,</i> I mean.'); f(c_e, 'Not if you want to get your stuff published on Steam!', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Haha, true dat.', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('<i>Especially</i> not when that somebody is your $wife$. By which I mean, if you\'re going to do engage in incest through hypnosis — something that\'s both illegal and if I\'m being honest with myself, perhaps just a tad immoral, then, well.'); f(otherwise); f('<i>Especially</i> not when that somebody is your $wife$. By which I mean, if you\'re going to do engage in incest — something that\'s both illegal and extremely frowned upon, then, well.'); f(endIf); f('Shouldn\'t you at least be enjoying it?'); f(c_b, 'The man has a point.', 'benderp'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0, 'exp_alt2']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(playSound, 'elbownudge'); f(h, 'Well, $ye$ shouldn\'t$meow$! Work has no $scurvy_$place in $the$ bedroom!'); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('She\'s right, I guess. Even in this hypnotic state, she sometimes makes sense.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s right, of course.'); f(endIf); f('What should I do?'); f(c_b, 'Coming up here is one of them new choices that I added… mostly for the sake of having more choices. Apparently it was requested from our backers.'); f(c_b, 'Wait, hold on, that\'s not entirely it. It\'s all coming back to me. I was actually doing it mostly for people hunting for all the endings.'); f(c_b, 'I figured that even with the ctrl key held firmly down, it\'d be nice to just be able to skip the sex scene altogether and get to the more meaningful choices a little bit quicker.', 'happy'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Go along with it.'); f('I let off a small sigh.'); f(jump, 'scene0_sex'); f(choice, 'Say you have a stomach ache.', '!hypnosis'); f(setVolume, 0.2, 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'badStomach'); f(pause, 3.5); f(m, '$Hatsune$, I\'m… I\'m sorry. I think I ate something spoiled for lunch…'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('Fuck… maybe I actually did. My stomach doesn\'t feel great.'); f(c_b, 'This line doesn\'t make all that much sense. I just wanted an excuse to use that sound effect, to make things come alive a little more.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(h, 'M-... meow…?'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'I-I… I see…'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('$Hatsune$ doesn\'t take it well, that much is clear… but at least she doesn\'t make me walk the plank.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ doesn\'t take it well, that much is clear. But today, I just can\'t stand playing these charades with her. Maybe tomorrow… but please, just for tonight…'); f('Let me be.'); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Try and get her to stop.', 'hypnosis'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('It takes me nearly a minute of staring into her $eyes$, but finally, I\'m able to hypnotize $Hatsune$ to fall asleep. Thank God.'); f('Tonight… I can finally get some sleep.'); f(endChoice); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1.2); f(pause, 3.5); f(jump, 'officemorning'); f(label, 'scene0_sex'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_fufu', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_fufu', false); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$ blinks, her head tipped to one side.'); f('Her hair, soft and smooth, falls over her shoulders and curls gently about her breasts and neck.'); f('Her lips, full and round, are pursed.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Her $eyes$, empty of anything resembling an independent will…'); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(playSound, 'purr'); f(endIf); f('She literally <i>purrs</i> my name… just like I\'ve hypnotized her to.'); f('It took a long time to get her to say it just like I want it — it used to drive me up the walls with emotions, hearing her like that…'); f('Now…'); f('I just don\'t know.'); f('... It is however certainly enough to get me an erection, at least.'); f(c_e, 'I love how $Minoru$ is just like \'oh God, not this again\'...', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'Give the man a break, seriously…!', 'angry'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(playSound, 'purr'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('She doesn\'t just say it.'); f('She <i>purrs</i> it.'); f('Now, how could I say "no" to that?'); f('I can\'t.'); f(pause, 1); f('So I don\'t.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(c_b, 'You wrote like a proper Catgirl VN recently, didn\'t you?', 'benderp'); f(c_e, 'Yes, I did! Because things like <i>Nekopara</i> are very popular…', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'It\'s actually a pretty unpleasant story. Writing it wasn\'t very good for me…', 'worried'); f(c_b, '<i>Sweetest Monster,</i> was it? Let\'s give it a proper plug.'); f(c_e, 'I guess people can read it if they want to feel like bad people!'); f(c_b, 'Any H?', 'confused'); f(c_e, 'Yeah, there is a bit. Right near the end. Since it\'s on Steam it\'s not too explicit.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'hCowgirl'); f(label, 'incestIntro'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('I was sixteen, and had broken both of my arms in a skateboarding accident. Mom noticed I was acting out, and I guess used her motherly senses to realize that I was sexually frustrated from not being able to masturbate.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('And, after she accidentally found some $creature$ porn on my computer when she was helping me with a homework assignment, she… she offered to help me out.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(c_b, 'I just think this line is hilarious with the pirate cheat on.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('She offered to... help me out.'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'Your spider sense might already be tingling here… if you\'ve ever been on Reddit…', 'surprised'); f('I didn\'t know what to expect, but I was over the moon when she started giving me daily handjobs… which eventually escalated to, to…'); f('Well. One day, maybe two weeks into our… <i>special relationship</i>, my mom just suddenly took my dick in her mouth during one of our masturbation sessions, and began blowing me.'); f(c_b, 'So in case you\'re not in the know, this is very much inspired by a very bizarre but, depending on your inclinations, a very randy TRUE retelling of a guy who actually did have sex with his hot mother.', 'confused'); f(c_b, 'Well, since you\'ve activated the mother cheat, I would assume this is right down your alley. If you haven\'t read it already, it\'s pretty much obligatory reading.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, '<a href=\'\'>Here\'s a link.</a> Enjoy it, if you haven\'t already. You can thank me later.', 'bendealwithit'); f(c_b, 'Remember, the best part is IT\'S ALL REAL AND EVEN VERIFIED AS SUCH BY SOME PROFESSOR.', 'inlove'); f('It was my first blowjob, and let me tell you, did it feel good, even if there was some lingering confusion, at least…'); f('At least until I came all over her face.'); f('After that, the blowjob became an obligatory part of our daily ritual, and while I started craving more, I would never have asked for it by myself, but…'); f('On a hot summer\'s day, my mom was wearing nothing but a thin, practically see-through t-shirt and hotpants.'); f('Midway through blowing me, she stopped, gave me an odd look I couldn\'t quite grasp the meaning of, stood up, slid off her pants, straddled me, and…'); f('Slowly slid her hot pussy over my erect cock, still wearing the see-through t-shirt, $moan$ing pleasurably.'); f('It\'s a miracle I didn\'t come on the spot, but I was only able to hold it in for five more thrusts — yes, I lost my virginity to my $creature_$mother, and came right inside her $creature_$pussy after no more than 10 seconds.'); f('I don\'t know which part of that is more embarrassing, but…'); f('My mom still wasn\'t finished with me, and 15 minutes later, she was straddling me again.'); f('I was able to hold out longer this time, and was able to signal this time I was about to come, giving my mom enough time to let go off my cock before I came.'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f('Christ, how long ago might it have been? I guess it\'s around 20 years now. In the meanwhile, I\'ve become a father myself, but I still live with my mother and, well… we are, evidently, still <i>doing it</i>.'); f(elseIf, 'aSister'); f('Though I worried other family members might notice, they never did. And, well… my mom and I are, evidently, still <i>doing it</i>.'); f(otherwise); f('We never ended the relationship.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('We were teenagers when the whole thing began. Hatsune had broken both her arms in a skateboarding accident, and it fell on me to help her take showers.'); f('It sounds bizarre, I know, but… we grew up without our mother, and my dad just wasn\'t up for seeing his teenage daughter in the nude.'); f('So, it fell upon me.'); f(otherwise); f('We were teenagers when the whole thing began. Hatsune had broken both her arms in a skateboarding accident, and it fell on me to help her take showers. Bizarre, I know, but my $parents$ were just too busy, I guess.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('My mom\'s always been a bit of an oddball, very optimistic, happy go-lucky. She didn\'t see any problem at all, with having her teenage son taking care of her extremely well-endowed teenage daughter. Go figure.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'A different take on the \'my mother <i>helped me out</i> after I broke both my arms\' thing. Which all faithful reddit users will have heard of.', 'benderp'); f('My sister hated the idea, of course, but in the end, she didn\'t have much of a choice.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('Catgirls are, of course, extremely concerned about keeping themselves clean… but no, they can\'t actually keep clean just by licking themselves — they\'re humans, not actual cats.'); f('But yeah, in the end I think $Hatsune$ just hated the idea of not being able to keep herself clean more than the idea of her brother seeing her naked $creature_$body...'); f(otherwise); f('I think she hated the idea of not being able to keep herself clean more than the idea of her brother seeing her naked body...'); f(endIf); f('As well as having him touch it…'); f('Well, yes! I did. I did touch her. How else was I supposed to actually clean her, you figure!?'); f('I mean, I was using a sponge of course, but still.'); f('I mean... I was using a sponge, until… until that one time, maybe two weeks into it.'); f('I swear, up until this whole thing had begun, I had had no sexual interest whatsoever in my sister.'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f('I mean, I\'d noticed the two… <i>balloons</i> attached to her chest, yes, but both my mom and my other sister, Hina, as well, were <i>equipped</i> in much the same way — to me, this was perfectly ordinary female physique.'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, I\'d noticed the two… <i>balloons</i> attached to her chest, yes, but mom, and female cousins as well, were <i>equipped</i> in much the same way — to me, this was perfectly ordinary female physique.'); f(endIf); f('Nothing to get excited about.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('And sure, even though all female members of my family were $creatures$, I have to confess — I always did have a thing for the… the ears, and the tail.'); f(otherwise); f('And sure, even though all female members of my family were $creatures$, I have to confess — I always had a thing for, you know. $creatures$.'); f(endIf); f('I mean, that\'s no different from the breasts, though, is it? Just like every male likes breasts, it doesn\'t mean he will like his sister, just because she has breasts — just because they\'re on your sister, doesn\'t mean that you want to screw her.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('You know? An eyepatch… it\'s just intrinsically sexy, isn\'t it?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('But… seeing Hatsune naked, it… it was something else. Especially like that — both arms in plaster, defenseless, weak, needing of help.. it stirred something in me I had no idea existed.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('That her naked body acutely reminded me so much of the gigabytes of $creature$ porn I had on my computer, didn\'t make things better.'); f(endIf); f('So… on that baneful day, two weeks into me handling my sister\'s hygiene…'); f('I couldn\'t help myself. I stared at my sister\'s beautiful $creature_$body through the mirror, felt my dick grow a couple of inches, and…'); f('I dropped the sponge and began to slowly massage her breasts with my bare hands.'); f('She protested, meekly, at first… "Wh-what are you doing?", but it didn\'t take long before her breathing grew shorter, and…'); f('Well, when she let out that first $moan$, man, did it do a number on my poor brain. I just snapped.'); f('Before either of us knew what were happening, I was lying naked on top of my defenseless sister on the bathroom floor, thrusting my penis inside her wet sensual parts, hot water running in the background, steam all around.'); f('She did try and stop me, feebly, verbally: "N-no…! $angh$… M-Minoru, stop it, we mustn\'t- aanghh!" but it seemed obvious to me that despite her protestations, she was enjoying it just as much as I did.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('Why else would she be purring and moaning as much as she did…?'); f(endIf); f('Not that logic thinking in anyway was the motivation as I kept pistoning inside of her violently, eventually cumming, also inside of her, like the $idiot$ I was.'); f(c_e, '\'Pistoning\' is such a H VN word…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Unwritten rule of H VN writing: every H VN must use it at the very least <i>thrice</i>.', 'benderp'); f('I went out and bought a morning-after pill afterwards, for the record...'); f('... My God, was she tight back then. I took her virginity right then and there, as well as lost my own.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('Though that was many years ago, and we drifted apart for a while… and I even fathered two children, no, not with Hatsune…'); f(elseIf, 'aDaughter'); f('Though that was many years ago, and we drifted apart for a while… and I even fathered a child, no, not with Hatsune…'); f(otherwise); f('Though you could question just how consensual this first encounter was...'); f(endIf); f('... we are still together. And, evidently, still <i>doing it.</i>'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('No, I didn\'t raise her for this… groom her for this since she was a baby or whatever, not at all.'); f('It was innocent. It just happened. On her 16th birthday, she came home drunk in the middle of the night, from partying with her no-good $creature_$friends.'); f('I was struggling with a bit of insomnia at the time, and was taking a nightly shower, while, ehum… also masturbating.'); f('... I suffer insomnia once in a while, and I find masturbating helps me fall asleep, that\'s all.'); f(c_b, 'Christ, just get a jar of melatonin pills like normal people…', 'angry'); f('Hatsune stumbled into the shower too drunk to realize I was there, and before I knew what was happening, she was giving me a blowjob.'); f('I\'m pretty certain she had no proper realization that the dick she was violently sucking at belonged to me, I mean, to her father, rather than a boyfriend or whatever, but… she was so good at it. Too good to be stopped, even if she happened to be my daughter.'); f('Before either of us knew what was happening, I had ripped off her clothes and started fucking her from behind, pushing her body towards the wall of the shower booth.'); f('The day after, we both pretended like nothing had happened. I wasn\'t sure if she were acting, and I was of course absolutely wracked with guilt, but…'); f('The next time she came home drunk in the middle of the night, she stumbled into my bed and I woke up with her warm lips once again embracing my cock.'); f('My wife, that is, Hatsune\'s mother, was lying just next to me, but thankfully she didn\'t wake up.'); f('After that, I decided to make the move on her, because this way, we\'d definitely be found out sooner or later... yet I desperately wanted these nightly liaisons to continue.'); f('One night when my wife was away, I purposely walked in on her while she was taking a bath, and… we made love. Both of us sober.'); f('And from there… it just went on, and on.'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'All this incest stuff… there\'s a whole lot of extra text, to try and make the rest of the story work.'); f(c_b, 'And on top of that, there\'s all the hypnosis stuff… Christ. I thought I was just going to do some small changes to the script, but I ended adding… I don\'t even know how much.', 'confused'); f(c_b, 'It\'s three to four times the original size, I\'m pretty sure.', 'worried'); f(endCall); f(label, 'hypnoIncestIntro'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('I guess I don\'t really know where to start. Are you more shocked over the fact that I\'m having sex with my $wife$, that she\'s a $creature$, or the fact that I\'ve hypnotized her into having sex with me?'); f(c_e, 'I guess things got pretty crazy…!', 'surprised'); f(c_b, 'Yep…. \'tis the Marble Syrup way.', 'tehe'); f('Let\'s see…'); f('Let\'s get the $creature$ thing out of the way first, I guess. I get why it might throw you off, if you\'re not from around these parts.'); f(doCall, 'creatureExplain'); f('And the hypnosis part?'); f('Long story short… I found out a young age that I had a knack for hypnosis.'); f(otherwise); f('I found out at a young age that I had a knack for hypnosis.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('...'); f('I know what you\'re thinking. What kind of scumbag would hypnotize his own daughter in order to have sex with her? Because you\'ve obviously figured out that\'s the way it went down.'); f('Well, turns out, the answer is simple: a scumbag like me.'); f(c_b, 'I know this doesn\'t really need to be mentioned, because the Venn diagram of A) people playing this game with these types of cheats activated as well as the commentary, and B), the type of people who\'d wilfully misunderstand what\'s going on here…', 'worried'); f(c_b, '... is most likely two circles with zero overlap, but nevertheless…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Marble Syrup does in no way support actual parent-daughter incest, especially not when brought about through force. As a <i>fantasy</i>, though, it\'s damn hot and it\'s our firm belief that it\'s nobody\'s business what kinks and fetishes other people might enjoy.'); f('I mean, I can\'t really make any excuse for it, but if I\'m allowed to say one thing in my defense, I\'d say that I didn\'t exactly plan it.'); f('It was a spur of the moment type of thing… <i>and</i> I was drunk.'); f('I regretted it immensely immediately afterwards our first… <i>encounter</i>, and promised to never, ever repeat it.'); f('I made sure $Hatsune$ wouldn\'t remember a thing, as well.'); f('Yet… I felt just as bad and made that very promise after the second time, the third, the fourth time as well…'); f('Eventually, my wife, $Hatsune$\'s mom, caught wind that something was amiss, and divorced me, leaving me and $Hatsune$ on our own.'); f('After the divorce, I became completely unhinged with $Hatsune$, as you could imagine. No need to be beating around the bush, any longer — whenever I wanted to have sex with $Hatsune$, I\'d just go ahead.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('I\'d use it on my mom for innocent stuff, ever since I was a kid. Whether I felt it was time for her to bake a cake, make me a sandwich… if I wanted her to forget about my poor test results…'); f('I often ended up resorting to my gift.'); f(c_b, 'In the non-hypnosis version of this route, I drew upon the legendary \'I broke both my arms and mom <i>helped me out\'</i> reddit thread.', 'happy'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('I\'d use it on various family members whenever I couldn\'t get things my way, otherwise. Mostly innocent stuff, starting with things like "give me that toy", to more morally dubious matter, like "do my homework for me".'); f(endIf); f('Where things got a little… out of hand, I guess, is when I entered puberty.'); f('What can I say — I was horny, and… I looked for relief that was close to home, because it was easy and I felt confident I wouldn\'t get caught.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('Also… I did have a thing for $creatures$, and outside of family, there weren\'t that many of them around in my neighborhood.'); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('I mean, there was my classmate, Hina, but… I guess she just wasn\'t as immediately <i>available</i>.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('When nobody else were home, I would hypnotize my $wife$ to strip off her clothes, in front of me. I felt kind of bad, and a little disgusted at myself at first, but...'); f('After that going on for about a year, with pretty much weekly — sometimes even daily — stripteases, I eventually crossed <i>that line</i> and began to touch her.'); f(c_b, 'To be honest… I didn\'t know I had a thing for hypnosis until I actually wrote this particular passage.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'This stuff is just incredible hot to me. I quite enjoyed writing this.'); f('At first, I\'d just have her get naked, and I\'d touch and squeeze those big breasts of her single-handedly, while masturbating with my other hand, until I came.'); f('Once that line was crossed, though… It didn\'t take long before I moved from there to her giving me these handjobs… then boobjobs…'); f('I did hesitate a bit before making her give me actual blowjobs, but once that line was crossed as well, well...'); f('I think I was maybe 16 when I finally moved on to, uh... <i>P</i> in the <i>V</i>, but God, did it feel good.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('$Hatsune$ would have been 17, and Christ, was she tight at the time. It was just unbelievable. She hadn\'t been with any other man, I could easily tell.'); f(otherwise); f('Who\'d have thought having sex with your 30 something $creature_$mother would feel so good?'); f(endIf); f('Don\'t get me wrong, I did feel very bad about it, afterwards, but… that didn\'t exactly stop me from doing it again. And again. And again and again.'); f('Of course, I was very careful to always make sure she wouldn\'t remember anything of it, afterwards. And, you know. It wasn\'t <i>rape</i> rape — she\'d be mostly out of it during intercourse as well.'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('This was all years ago, and I did move away from mom and dad, trying to create a normal life for myself, but…'); f(otherwise); f('This was all years ago, and as we grew up, we both moved out and lead our separate lives, for a while.'); f(endIf); f('We\'d only have sex very occasionally during family meetups, and the like.'); f(c_b, '#evenwithcontext'); f(c_b, 'Actually… #especiallywithcontext', 'confused'); f('Always under hypnosis, of course — $Hatsune$ never knew a thing. There\'s no telling what she\'d do, if she had known what I was doing to her...'); f('But in the end… this was just not enough for me.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('Even when I brought home my wife — yes, I was briefly married, and we actually have a daughter, whom I love dearly — even on those occasions, I\'d make sure I\'d be able to sneak away with $Hatsune$ for my little something something.'); f('That\'s actually what caused the divorce — my wife caught some close-ups I had taken with my phone of $Hatsune$\'s naked body.'); f(c_b, 'This is pretty much based on what happened to Woody Allen. Or rather, what happened to his poor partner, Mia Farrow. She found nude pics of her daughter on Mr. Allen\'s phone.', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, 'I ain\'t making this up. She was adopted and all, but apparently, Woody Allen had essentially been her \'unofficial stepfather\' since she was 9...', 'confused'); f('She didn\'t get that the pictures were of $Hatsune$, fortunately, but she knew I had cheated on her, and that was that.'); f('Soon after the divorce, me and $Hatsune$ moved in together.'); f(otherwise); f('Even on those occasions where I might have brought home whatever girlfriend I might have been seeing at the time, I\'d make sure I\'d be able to sneak away with $Hatsune$ to her bedroom for my little <i>something something</i>.'); f('Though I\'ve had various girlfriends over the years — I always kept coming back to $Hatsune$.'); f('Eventually, we moved in together.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('Not that $Hatsune$ was all keen on it, from the start, but… with hypnosis, any argument will do. Hey, the rent <i>is</i> expensive in this part of town, so… I mean it does make some fiscal sense, at least.'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('After dad had died, that is. Ostensibly I did it so she wouldn\'t feel lonely, but actually… well, I don\'t need to spell it out, do I?'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('After graduating high school, we moved in together. Hatsune wasn\'t initially keen on the idea, but… with hypnosis, any argument will do. Ostensibly, it\'s to keep our rent down.'); f('Actually, it\'s just because I want to keep her close, so I can fuck her whenever I want, but I don\'t actually need to spell that out, do I?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('We fucked a lot, but having to go through the hassle of hypnotizing $Hatsune$ each and every time, and then make her forget about the intercourse, started to feel like a hassle.'); f('Not to mention the countless times I had to make her forget about all the condoms and sperm-soaked tissues lying around the apartment...'); f('Worst one though, was probably when she found a video I had recorded of me doing her from behind. Yes, I know, it was super stupid. Took me several hours to eradicate the damage that did to her.'); f('I figured out a way to have her nearly constantly be under hypnosis... which was fine and great, until I realized one day — I couldn\'t figure out how to "turn her off," at all.'); f(endCall); f(label, 'hCowgirl'); f(setVolume, 0.3, 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0, 'exp_alt']); f(pause, 0.1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 11, 0.3); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', 444, 65, x, x, -20, 'hShakeFade'); f(pause, 0.8); f(pause); f(c_b, 'H scene! Yay!', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'This is something I wrote… right?'); f(c_b, 'Yup! I mean, I\'ve added some humps here and some shakes there… some <i>meows</i> just about everywhere, but I think it\'s still mostly you, around these parts.'); f(c_e, 'It\'s been so long since I wrote this I\'ve kind of forgotten…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Oh, by the way, I should mention some stuff about the art, for those that aren\'t in the know. These graphics aren\'t original, but upscaled from an older Japanese game called <i>Futaga no Haha Seihonno</i>, by the Japanese VN group G.J?'); f(c_b, 'That question mark in there isn\'t signifying I\'m not certain about their name… that\'s their official name. Yes, with a question mark. They\'re Japanese, you know? Anything goes.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'The original artist is Toshihide Sano, but our in-house artists Tanawat and Croixenet have upscaled and decensored them and made various other edits... and of course, they\'ve added the catgirl and cowgirl graphics, two exclusives for our $10 backers.'); f(c_b, 'It bears mentioning that we, Marble Syrup, do indeed make more than enough money to pay for completely original art, but this whole game was originally conceived as a quickie to keep our backers occupied…', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, '... while Taxcup, the writer of our smash hit <i>Re:maid</i>, would be adding the finishing touches to his next story, <i>Bron\'s Quest Chapter 1</i>. Which still isn\'t quite finished, but that\'s a different story...', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, 'I should mention <i>I</i> too have some, to my mind, really original and cool stuff coming up as well…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'I\'ve just been a little unfocused because I\'m working on two different scripts at the same time, to stave off writer\'s block… and then suddenly getting stuff like modifying this script, on my lap… and going completely overboard, increasing the size of the script two- and then threefold.'); f(c_b, 'But, yeah.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(c_b, 'Uh, right. You\'re in the middle of a sex scene. Sorry for blabbering on! I\'ll leave you to it.', 'tehe'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(h, 'Meeow, aah, meeoww!! $hMinoruAlt$...!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_aaangh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaangh1'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Aaah, $hMinoruAlt$...!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(m, 'Kitty…'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(m, 'Sis…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hatsune...'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My $wife$\'s name falls from lips in a strangled gasp.'); f(otherwise); f('Her name falls from my lips in a strangled gasp.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('She\'s sitting astride me, her mouth hanging open in a $moan$ of ecstasy, her $eyes$ glassy.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s sitting astride me, her mouth hanging open in a $moan$ of ecstasy.'); f(endIf); f('Muffled gasps, pants, and strangled sobs fill the air.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', 689, 220, x, 1.2, 30, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh4'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh4'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', 489, 320, x, 0.9, 12, 'hShakeFade'); f(h, '$angh$h...!'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt'], 1.5); f(c_b, 'Have you seen these humps \'n bumps in action yet? You\'ve only played… the beta? Or did you get the full version?'); f(c_e, 'I only played the beta… So, sadly, I didn\'t see the \'humps\' in action.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Another thing to look forward to, then!', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Poor man\'s H animation! <i>Shake that screen! Play that sound! $moan$ that $moan$! Display that, uh... text!</i>'); f(c_e, 'A lot of H VN SFX remind me of noodles being stirred around in a bowl…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Haha… the ones in the beta, and in <i>Re:maid</i> as well, mostly sounded like somebody chopping wood.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'We\'ve replaced them with something better now, though.'); f('I don\'t know how many times I\'ve fucked $Hatsune$ in my life. I definitely wouldn\'t be able to count it on my fingers and toes. I wouldn\'t be able to count it on all the fingers and toes of all the people in my office.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('This hypnosis has made her just <i>that</i> horny.'); f(otherwise); f('My $wife$ is just <i>that</i> horny.'); f(endIf); f('Even so, despite my constant misgivings… fucking her is pretty damn sweet.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', 494, 157, x, x, 34, 'hShakeFade'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt'], 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_aaangh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaangh1'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Aaaahh…'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Despite it all… I have to admit: the noises she makes are just <i>adorable.</i>'); f(otherwise); f('The noises she makes are just... adorable.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Maybe that\'s an odd thing to say about your mother, a woman maybe twice your age, as you\'re fucking her silly.'); f(elseIf, 'catgirl'); f('I don\'t mean to say that in a condescending way, by the way. I mean, I don\'t regard her as a pet. But the purring… it\'s cute.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('I know I shouldn\'t infantilize her like that, by calling her moans adorable. She\'s my daughter, but I should treat her as the adult $creature$ she is. Because that\'s what she is — not a schoolgirl. Not any longer.'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe that\'s infantilizing, calling $Hatsune$\'s moans adorable. I mean, she\'s a grown $creature$, not a schoolgirl.'); f(endIf); f('Even if she was when we first started fucking...'); f(endIf); f('But that\'s beside the point.'); f('The point is, $Hatsune$ is sitting on me with her legs spread open, my cock buried deep in her pussy.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_o-otosan'); f(h, 'Nn… Da… Da-aad…'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh_ngh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh_ngh1'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Nn... $hM$... $hM$-$hMinoru$...'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f('Her body twitches as though run through with electricity.'); f('She whimpers, shifting desperately on my lap.'); f('The heat is delicious. I can feel the friction of my cock sliding in and out of her $creature_$pussy — and yes, it\'s wet.'); f('My $wife$\'s pussy is always wet.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(voice, 'b_angh2'); f(h, '$angh$...'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(voice, 'b_niisan'); f(h, '$my$ brother…!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_otosan'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_mi-no'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt'], 0.7); f('Wet, sticky sounds fill the bedroom.'); f('My cock penetrates her over and over again.'); f('Actually, it\'s the other way around.'); f('My $wife$ is the one doing all the work.'); f('I guess chivalry really is dead.'); f(c_e, 'At least I amused myself.', 'tehe'); f('She\'s sliding herself onto me, splitting herself open with the length of my cock.'); f('It pistons into her, and she drives it in with all the vigour she can muster.'); f(c_b, '<i>P-P-P-PISTON POWER!!</i>', 'surprised'); f('She tips her head back.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Her eye, though... the supposed "window into her soul", looks as expressionless as always.'); f(otherwise); f('Her eyes, though, the windows into her soul, look as expressionless as always.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'hypnosis']); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Her eye rolls back, too.'); f(otherwise); f('Her eyes roll back, too.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_tosan'); f(h, 'Oh, $hMinoruAlt$...'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_musukonochinpode'); f(h, 'M-$my$... son\'s penis… $it\'s$...'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaangh1'); f(h, 'Aaanghah...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt'], 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.1); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ikisou1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ikisou1'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$... $hMinoruAlt$, I... gah...'); f('Her hips grind down hard.'); f('Her tits...'); f('They really <i>are</i> huge.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('I wonder if that comes with the territory of being a $creature$? Oh, wait, no… that\'s just cowgirls, isn\'t it?'); f(endIf); f('She\'s gripping one of them herself — I\'m too tired to fondle my own $wife$\'s tits. What a shockingly sad performance — and it spills out of her hand.'); f('The nipple is puffy, elongated, and her breast looks horribly crushed between her fingers.'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 80, 10); f('I\'ve always worried about her chest, to be honest. I mean, they\'re just so big. What if she gets permanent backache when she\'s older?'); f(c_b, 'I love this. $Minoru$ might be an asshole… depending on how you play the game, but at least he\'s not beyond worrying about his poor $wife$\'s back being weighed down by her giganto-boobaloms.'); f(c_e, 'Maybe it\'s because I wrote this and I\'m a woman…', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'Whenever I see anime girls with huge boobs I just worry if it would give them intense back pain.', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'Having big boobs is actually a huge pain.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'I can only imagine.', 'inlove'); f('$Hatsune$ never seems to mind... but she\'s not a particularly active $creature$.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Maybe she would mind, if she knew just what the hell what was going on. If she wasn\'t hypnotized, I mean.'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe she doesn\'t need to mind.'); f('It\'s not like she goes running.'); f('If she did go running, maybe she\'d have a little less energy, and then she wouldn\'t be so insistent about fucking me all the time...'); f('Maybe I should buy her a membership card to our local gym for her birthday...'); f(c_e, 'I feel like all these random asides aren\'t very sexy…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'During a sex scene, maybe not…', 'bendisgusted'); f(c_e, 'But they were a lot of fun to write!', 'tehe'); f(endIf); f(removeScreenEffects); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt'], 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ikisou1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ikisou1'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.6); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$, I... I... Oh...'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(m, 'M-mom…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'H-Hatsune...'); f(endIf); f('My voice quivers — but I don\'t know if it\'s because I feel good or because I feel guilty.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(playSound, 'wet'); f('Her pussy tightens around my cock.'); f('That\'s enough to push me over the edge.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Cum inside her.'); f(setVariable, 'h_cumInside'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Unusually, I don\'t pull out, and cum straight inside my $wife$\'s pussy.'); f('Why? I don\'t know. In an attempt to feel something different, perhaps?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Or is it just a novel attempt to break the hypnosis?'); f('Nah. I\'ve done this before. Even though I know I absolutely shouldn\'t...'); f(otherwise); f('To give me back that sense of <i>danger</i> our clandestine relationship was initially soaked in?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I cum inside her, I guess, just like always.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0, 'cuminside']); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 6.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.4); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.4); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_cumming1'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'AaahaAahah!!!!', 400, 270, x, 1.6, 35, 'hShakeFade'); f(h, 'AaahaAahah!!!! Aah… $angh$...! Hah… ha...'); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 80, 5); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Thar… that <i>he</i> blows.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My $wife$ cums too, our bodies perfectly in-synch.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ cums too, our bodies perfectly in-synch.'); f(endIf); f('We\'ve done this so often, our hearts even seem to beat at the same tempo.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('If it weren\'t for the hypnosis, I guess that would sound romantic.'); f(otherwise); f('I guess that sounds romantic, but... isn\'t that the same as going through the motions?'); f('Does that make us any better than machines?'); f(endIf); f(fadeIn, 'sadending'); f(h, '$hMinoru$...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I sigh.'); f('She may seem emotional, but… I know it\'s not real. It\'s not how she really feels.'); f('Am I really happy, like this...?'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('$Hatsune$ sniffles. I think she\'s getting emotional. Maybe she\'s feeling grateful I came inside her? As if it were a sign of love, not desperation.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister||hDaughter'); f('Bizarrely, $Hatsune$ has been speaking of us having a child. I guess that means she\'s not on the pill…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ sniffles. I think she\'s getting emotional. She always does after I\'ve made her cum.'); f(endIf); f('I\'m glad I can make her happy, but...'); f('At the same time, I don\'t know if I\'m very happy.'); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Pull out.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(cgs, 'h_cowgirl', x, [0, 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 6.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(playSound, 'cumSpray'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_cumming1'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'AaahaAahah!!!!', 400, 270, x, 1.6, 35, 'hShakeFade'); f(h, 'AaahaAahah!!!! Aah… $angh$...! Hah… ha...'); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Thar she blows.'); f(endIf); f(fadeIn, 'sadending'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 80, 10); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I pull out, just like always, and spray my $wife$ with my warm cum.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Though she\'s obviously older, I still worry my mom could pregnant. She\'s not on the pill, she still menstruates… yes, I know, I know, but that\'s the kind of stuff you do tend to know about your mom when you\'re constantly having sex with her.'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I know it\'s bad enough to hypnotize your $wife$ to have sex with you even without unloading a batch of baby ingredients right into her birth canal, but… I\'m not going to lie, it\'s for the most selfish of reasons — the thought of it just turns me on, and helps me cum.'); f(otherwise); f('I know Hatsune is not on the pill, currently. She used to be, at my insistence, but recently, she\'s been talking about us having kids. Crazy talk, I know.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('But Hatsune\'s over 18 now — I guess I can\'t control her like I used to. If she doesn\'t want to take the pill, she won\'t.'); f('But then I\'ll take every precaution available to me.'); f('I mean, except wearing a condom. That\'s not my thing.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('But my sister is a woman. I guess it\'s an instincts kind of thing.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('For whatever reason, I find myself pulling out, instead of cumming inside of her.'); f('My dick sprays my $wife$ with my warm cum.'); f(endIf); f(endChoice); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 0, 2); f('This isn\'t right.'); f('This can\'t be right.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('The guilt rushes over me, like many times before. Is it really right to keep my own $wife$ in this state?'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Am I a monster for doing this…?'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('The guilt rushes over me. Can I really keep this relationship with my $wife$ going...?'); f(otherwise); f('I shouldn\'t be more worried about getting the mattress dirty than the sexual gratification of my $wife$... should I?'); f(endIf); f('I think…'); f('I think something in my life will have to change...'); f(pause, 1.5); f(removeScreenEffects); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(pause, 2.5); f(label, 'officemorning'); f(playMusic, 'sugaku'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'office_day', 'fade'); f(pause, 1.7); f(c_b, 'Here\'s something entirely new I wrote. The script used to jump straight to Hina\'s route after the sex scene.'); f(c_b, 'I don\'t remember what my thinking was, exactly… I mean, why this was needed. I guess I was just trying to add some more choices.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'I think it gives some more depth to the game, to the protagonist, though. Something more to explore, even if it\'s just a rather boring office.'); f(item, 'officephone', 0, 0); f(playSound, 'telephoneVoice1'); f(pause, 1.4); f(m, 'Yes, Mr. Kosugi, I\'m very sorry it\'s not what you had hoped for, but then again we did send you samples of the paper two weeks before the-…'); f(playSound, 'telephoneVoice2'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'Yes, yes, Mr. Kosugi, I realize that you… yes, Mr. Kosugi. I apologize.'); f('Work. Nothing quite like it.'); f(playSound, 'telephoneVoice1'); f(pause, 1.4); f(m, 'Look, Mr. Kosugi… if you return the shipment, I will send you some other samples, and maybe we can mo-, oh, you can\'t… return… the shipment? You want us to pick it up in… in person?'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f('Sigh. Welcome to my life. No wonder my hair has turned all grey though I\'m only in my forties.'); f(otherwise); f('Sigh. Welcome to my life.'); f(endIf); f(playSound, 'telephoneVoice2'); f(pause, 1); f(m, 'Mr. Kosugi, look, I\'m happy to apologize in person the next time we meet, but it does seem a little-'); f(textEffect, '<click>', 170, 200, 'Blue', x, x, 'hMoveFade'); f(playSound, 'telephoneCutOffAndPlace'); f(pause, 1); f(m, 'Mr. Kosugi…?'); f(remove, 'officephone'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Huh. The old bastard hung up on me. Great. Now he\'s probably going to call my boss instead, who, despite knowing that Kosugi is an unreasonable asshole, will give me a stern talking-to because even so, the Customer is God…'); f('Sigh.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Sigh and shit. Getting yelled at always makes me feel a little lonely.'); f(c_e, 'M-moe…', 'embarrassed'); f(c_e, 'Suffering male characters are just so cute…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'R-really?', 'dumbfounded'); f('Maybe… maybe I should try and do something tonight? Maybe… maybe take the old missus for a spin? Maybe… maybe if we could get out more, $Hatsune$ might snap out of it?'); f('I could make her come out here tonight… and we could go for dinner in one of the swanky places downtown, maybe…?'); f('Hm. I don\'t know, maybe it\'s not such a bad idea. I can\'t just keep avoiding her forever and hope things will solve themselves, can I?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Ask her out.'); f(setVariable, 'hatsuneDate'); f(item, 'cellphone', 0, 0); f('I might as well.'); f(playSound, 'iphoneSend'); f(item, 'line1h', 0, 0); f('I send her a message to come to my work at 7PM — yeah, I\'ll be made to work late today, I\'m pretty sure.'); f(pan, 'line1h', 0, -140, 0.3); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'iphoneSend'); f(item, 'line2h', 0, 0); f('I instruct her to wear something fancy.'); f('Her reply comes almost immediately, as if I were chatting with a bot:'); f(playSound, 'lineSound'); f(pan, 'line1h', 0, -105, 0.3); f(pan, 'line2h', 0, -105, 0.3); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'iphoneReceive'); f(item, 'line3h', 0, 0); f(log, h, 'OK'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.4); f(panAndRotate, 'line1h', 125, 110, -20, 0.2, 'easeOutSine'); f(panAndRotate, 'line2h', 110, 60, -5, 0.1, 'easeOutSine'); f(panAndRotate, 'line3h', 350, -10, 25, 0.3, 'easeOutSine'); f(har, 'Turn the sound off, dammit!'); f(m, 'Oh, s-sorry…'); f('My always super friendly desk neighbor Harue. No introduction necessary.'); f(remove, 'cellphone'); f(pause, 0.8); f(panAndRotate, 'line1h', 125, -600, -20, 1.5); f(pause, 0.1); f(panAndRotate, 'line2h', 110, -600, -5, 1.5); f(pause, 0.1); f(panAndRotate, 'line3h', 350, -600, 25, 1.5); f('I set my phone to silent mode and put it down, and get back to work.'); f(remove, 'line1h'); f(remove, 'line2h'); f(remove, 'line3h'); f(choice, 'Don\'t.'); f('... maybe I can. At least… I don\'t want to deal with that, plus my stupid boss on the same day. I think that should be permissible, no…?'); f(endChoice); f(otherwise); f('I prepare to get back to my computer, when…'); f(playSound, 'lineSound'); f('I receive a message on my private phone.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.4); f(har, 'Turn the sound off, dammit!'); f(m, 'S-sorry…'); f('My always super friendly desk neighbor Harue...'); f('I hurriedly set my phone to silent mode.'); f(item, 'cellphone', 0, 0); f('The message… it\'s from $Hatsune$:'); f(playSound, 'iphoneReceive'); f(item, 'line1', 0, 0); f(log, h, 'hey hun why dont we eat out tonight?'); f(pause); f('... $Hatsune$ isn\'t as stupid as she sounds — she\'s just a lazy typer.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('I guess that\'s what you get when you date your teenage daughter.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister&&!aDaughter'); f('I guess that\'s what you get when you date your younger, teenage sister.'); f(endIf); f('A date, huh?'); f('... She does try, I have to give her that. But I\'m not sure I\'m in the mood for more $Hatsune$ right now… as I know what that date would indubitably lead to.'); f('Yeah. More sex. With $Hatsune$.'); f('Which, you know. Isn\'t so bad, all things considered, it\'s just…'); f('...'); f('What should I respond?'); f(choice, {'yPos': 'thirdquartile'}); f(choice, 'Say yes.'); f(setVariable, 'hatsuneDate'); f('Fuck it. I should make an effort, as well. Not leave everything to $Hatsune$.'); f(pan, 'line1', 0, -140, 0.3); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'iphoneSend'); f(item, 'line2y', 0, 0); f('I reply, asking her to come by here around 7PM — yeah, I\'m pretty sure I\'ll be made to work overtime tonight, over the Kosugi thing, if nothing else.'); f(pan, 'line1', 0, -140, 0.3); f(pan, 'line2y', 0, -140, 0.3); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'iphoneSend'); f(item, 'line3y', 0, 0); f(log, h, 'yay'); f(pause); f(remove, 'cellphone'); f(pause, 0.8); f(pan, 'line1', 0, -600, 1.5); f(pause, 0.1); f(pan, 'line2y', 0, -600, 1.5); f(pause, 0.1); f(pan, 'line3y', 0, -600, 1.5); f('I put down my phone and get back to work.'); f(remove, 'line1'); f(remove, 'line3y'); f(remove, 'line2y'); f(choice, 'Decline.'); f('Ungh… No, sorry, $Hatsune$. I can\'t do it. I can\'t make the effort. Not today.'); f(pan, 'line1', 0, -140, 0.3); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'iphoneSend'); f(item, 'line2n', 0, 0); f(log, m, 'Sry, tonite\'s no good'); f(pause); f(pan, 'line1', 0, -105, 0.3); f(pan, 'line2n', 0, -105, 0.3); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'iphoneReceive'); f(item, 'line3n', 0, 0); f(log, h, ':\'('); f(pause); f(remove, 'cellphone'); f(pause, 0.8); f(pan, 'line1', 0, -600, 1.5); f(pause, 0.1); f(pan, 'line2n', 0, -600, 1.5); f(pause, 0.1); f(pan, 'line3n', 0, -600, 1.5); f('I put down my phone and get back to the drudgery of work.'); f(remove, 'line1'); f(remove, 'line3n'); f(remove, 'line2n'); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f(jump, 'preHinaLunch'); f(label, 'preHinaLunch'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 2); f(screenEffect, 'clock'); f(pause, 2.5); f('An hour, and one stern talking-to, later…'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(har, 'Hey, Inamoto… your $friend$ is here… <i>again</i>.'); f('Harue looks to me with a nasty smirk on her face. Christ, she really knows how to make my blood boil. I\'d punch her, if I could...'); f(m, 'Oh. Thanks...'); f(otherwise); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(hi, 'Hey, $Minoru$! Stop $scurvy_$sleep$ing$ on $the$ job!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'hina_theme'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1.3); f(person, hi, 0, 'happy', 'leftOutside'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.2); f(pan, hi, 400, 0, 0.5); f(playSound, 'swish'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_ara'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_ara'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(hi, 'Ahoy, me matey!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Hiya!'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'And this is another alteration from the original script. Now, your first meeting with Hina is in the office, rather than in the park. If you decide she\'s not your type, you can just skip going to lunch with her outright.'); f(c_b, 'All these extra choices kind of ruined the very elegant structure it originally had — I don\'t remember the exact amount of choices, but each choice led to a unique branch, leading to a different ending.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Now it\'s all criss-crossed and jumbled up, but, uh…'); f(c_b, 'Hey! At least there\'s more choices.', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'When I write VN scripts with branching I get pretty obsessive about each choice leading to an entirely new scene, or at least having a decent chunk of \'new footage\'.'); f(c_b, 'Yeah, I think that type of structure is a lot less frustrating for players replaying the game. You know that if you make different choices, you\'ll be lead to new, different content.'); f(c_e, 'But I think a lot of people prefer having more choices, even if it branches into less new content, because it gives the feeling you can \'control\' your character and what they do.', 'confused'); f(c_e, 'So it\'s more fun for the player and gives them more agency.'); f(c_b, 'Yeah, the sword swings both ways, for sure. It\'s funny though because one piece of feedback we got that the game wasn\'t \'challenging\' anymore because there no longer was a \'fail state\'...'); f(c_b, 'Like, for example, the \'forever alone\' catchall ending in <i>Re:maid</i>... which, on the other hand, got complained about a whole lot as well.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'It\'s hard separating the signal from the noise…', 'unhappy'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('Yes — this busty woman who just appeared in front of me is indeed none other than my $creature_$mother, Hina.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('Mine and Hatsune\'s mother, that is.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('And yes, she\'s a $creature$ as well.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Yes, I know what you\'re thinking — how can this person be Hatsune\'s grandmother? They look about the same age!'); f('I know it\'s incredible, but I guess my mother has just aged <i>really</i> well. That\'s Asian genes, for you.'); f(otherwise); f('Yes, I know — she looks great for her age. That\'s them Asian genes doing God\'s work, for y\'all.'); f(endIf); f('My mother doesn\'t only look young — she acts it, too. Sometimes embarrassingly so.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('Catgirls tend to be like that, I guess, though. Playful. A little childish, even.'); f(endIf); f('Still, we are very close, and have always been, though it\'s been several years sinceI moved out.'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('Yes, this woman standing in front me is none other than my $creature_$daughter Hina.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Yup — Hatsune\'s younger sister. And, nope, I\'m not having sex with this one too…!'); f('I\'m not that depraved! I don\'t have sex with each and every single member of the extended family. Like I said — Hatsune and me, it just happened.'); f('Hina and me? Well. It didn\'t. She\'s not wired like that.'); f(c_b, '"She\'s not wired like that" is a borrowing from an infamous reddit thread, the guy who did an AMA about having had sex with his own mother...', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'I mean, a guy who was verified by the mods, and all. Some people asked him why he didn\'t have sex with his sisters as well, and he was just like…'); f(c_b, '\'She\'s just not wired like that\', which I don\'t know, I think it was an interesting way of phrasing it. It stayed with me, for some reason.', 'confused'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('Yupe — that does make her Hatsune\'s granddaughter. I know what you\'re thinking — there\'s a striking resemblance in the chest area, no?'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('I mean, beyond the $creature$ stuff… of course.'); f(endIf); f('But the answer to the question brewing to your head is "no" — I don\'t look at Hina the same way I look at my mother, by which I mean to say: we have a perfectly regular parent-offspring relationship.'); f(endIf); f('Hina and I are close though, and have always been. I was always her favorite parent, I suppose.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('For some reason, she and Hatsune just don\'t get along all that well — at least not ever since Hina hit puberty.'); f(c_b, 'Because Hina has a thing for her dad, of course.', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('Despite both of them being $creatures$. Odd, isn\'t it?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('Don\'t know why that is.'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f('Yes — the woman standing in front of me is my little $creature_$sister Hina.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('That is, my and Hatsune\'s little sister, Hina, of course. And no, before you ask — we don\'t have the same type of relationship that I and Hatsune... <i>enjoy,</i> and no, we never have had.'); f('The two of us — we\'re normal siblings. Hina? She just ain\'t wired that way.'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('And before you ask — no, she and I don\'t enjoy the same kind of relationship my mother and I do. Never had.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('That is, Hatsune\'s aunt. Though Hina is almost closer to Hatsune in age than me, being my very much younger little sister, the two have never been very close — in spite of both of them being $creatures$!'); f(otherwise); f('That is, Hatsune\'s aunt. Though Hina is almost closer to Hatsune in age than me, being my very much younger little sister, the two have never been very close.'); f(endIf); f('Not sure why that is.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Haha, very funny, Hina.'); f('The apparition in front of me is none other than my long-time friend and work colleague Hina.'); f(c_e, 'I stole Hina\'s name from the character Hinagiku in <i>Wedding Peach,</i> which is this pretty cute magical girl anime…'); f(c_e, 'Mostly because the two characters have really similar hairstyles.', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('Who, yes, just as it happens, is a $creature$, just like my $wife$.'); f(endIf); f('I\'ve known Hina ever since high school — we were in the same class. Somehow, fate led us to work in the very same office at the very same company, even if we\'re on different teams.'); f('Not that I\'d mind having her, rather than Harue, by my side. Hina and I get along splendidly. I don\'t think we\'ve ever had a fight or falling out.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&!hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Actually, $Hatsune$ was also in the very same class. I know, it sounds like some cheesy drama, but, no. Real life.'); f('Hina actually kind of introduced me to $Hatsune$ to begin with.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('They were the only two $creatures$ in class, so they\'ve always been kind of close.'); f(endIf); f('She got me on the first crucial date with her… which turned into a disaster as I tried to do it <i>au natural</i>, that is, without relying on my hypnosis skills.'); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f('By the end of the night, I felt forced to make her forget all about it.'); f('... and yes, I did make her have sex with me, as well. But that\'s a story for a different time.'); f(otherwise); f('Also… she\'s the one who introduced me to Hatsune, actually.'); f(endIf); f('$Hina$\'s got this really sunny disposition that\'s actually pretty enviable.'); f('I mean, despite working with pretty much the same boring stuff as me, in a company that <i>manufactures envelopes</i> (all the italics in the world cannot convey my disgust) but she\'s always so gosh-darned chipper.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('$Hina$ does, of course, not know about my relationship with $Hatsune$. Not the sex, not the hypnosis. She just assumes we\'re really close, I guess.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$ does, of course, not know the full extent of my relationship with $Hatsune$. Except for that we\'re really close, of course.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('She does think it\'s a bit weird that her older sister still hasn\'t moved out, but I don\'t think she suspects anything.'); f(otherwise); f('She was a bit nonplussed when $Hatsune$ moved in with me — that I\'d live together with my $wife$, while I don\'t live together with my daughter, is, of course, a little odd.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('She does of course think it\'s a bit weird brother and sister cohabiting, at our ages — and she has disparaged the two of us for being lazy, for not having found spouses yet.'); f('It\'s not something we talk about very often, but my mom was actually sexually abused by her older brother when she were in her teens.'); f('She matured early, and her brother, mine and Hatsune\'s uncle, was a heavy drinker and whenever their parents weren\'t around, he\'d…'); f('Never mind. What I mean to get to is, I\'ve sometimes sensed a slight… apprehension, perhaps? From my mom\'s side. Not least because she and Hatsune share the same physique. The very physique I know she partly blames for her brother\'s abuse.'); f('But she does know we get along well, so I\'m sure she just assumes she\'s being paranoid. Ironic, isn\'t it?'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('She does perhaps find it a bit odd that Hatsune lives with me, rather than with her mother, but she knows we\'ve always had a close relationship, so I guess she just leaves it at that.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('She does find it a bit weird that we\'re living together, but I doubt she suspects anything.'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('She does perhaps find it a bit odd I\'m living together with my perfectly healthy mom, while Hina herself got a place of her own years ago, but I doubt she suspects anything.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('She does perhaps find it a bit odd that her niece still hasn\'t moved out, but I doubt she suspects a thing. I mean, who would, really? Suspect their own brother of having sex with their daughter...?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$ knows, of course, that I live together with my $wife$, whom she\'s met on several occasions, but I doubt she has any idea just how close the two us are.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('She does not know about my skills in hypnosis, either. No — I\'ve never tried using it on her.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('$Hina$\'s not the type to go around suspecting things, I guess.'); f('She has a really sunny disposition that\'s actually pretty enviable.'); f(endIf); f('I want to know how she does it.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('It can\'t be genetic, this persistent cheeriness, that\'s for sure.'); f(hi, 'Sorry, I should have messaged $ye$$meow$, but I was in the area, so I figured we could go $for$ lunch? If $you\'re$ not too flooded with work at $the$ moment$meow$?'); f('$Hina$ and I pretty much lunch together at least twice a week.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Hence my colleague Harue\'s ugly smirk. I mean, I get that it\'s a bit weird to be this close to your mom and all… though of course, it\'s perfectly normal if you compare it to my relationship to Hatsune, but that\'s a different beast...'); f('Christ, if Harue knew… I don\'t know I\'d survive her disgust. She\'d go to cops, she\'d make sure everyone knew…'); f('<i>Brr!</i> I shudder at the mere thought.'); f(otherwise); f('Hence my colleague Harue\'s ugly smirk. I mean, I get that it\'s a bit weird to be this close to your mom and all, but… Harue\'s a bitch.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Hence my colleague Harue\'s ugly smirk. I don\'t know what it is, though. Some thinkyou\'re not a team player if you don\'t eat lunch in the same drab Chinese restaurant as the rest of your colleagues every single day, but…'); f('In Harue\'s case, I think it\'s mostly, she just can\'t stand me.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f('But today… today might not be the best day for it. I\'ve been handed a ton of extra work, on account of Mr. Kosugi\'s dissatisfaction with me. I\'m not sure I\'ll even be finished until 7PM, until my date with $Hatsune$...'); f(otherwise); f('But today might not be the best day for a lunch in the sunny outside, no matter how nice it might sound. I\'ve been handed a ton of extra work, on account of Mr. Kosugi\'s dissatisfaction with me.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I\'d be sceptical of her insistent, persistent cheeriness if I hadn\'t known her so long, but $Hina$\'s always been like this.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'b2_dou'); f(hi, 'Hey, I $am$ starv$ing$! Let\'s go get lunch already$meow$!'); f(endIf); f(choice); f(choice, 'Have lunch with $yourHina$.'); f('Fuck it — I need to recharge my batteries, and a lunch outside with $Hina$ is probably just what I need. I find her good mood is quite contagious on most days, as well.'); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f('If I\'m real effective after coming back, I can probably just about wrap things up until 7PM.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Alright, let\'s do it!'); f(whatIf, '!hiMother'); f(voice, 'b2_yoshisorejaikoka'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'laughing'); f(hi, 'Alright! Let\'s get going then!'); f(pause, 0.5); f(remove, hi); f(pause, 0.5); f(setVolume, 0.2, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(jump, 'hinaLunch'); f(choice, 'Stay in the office.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'Hey, I\'m sorry, but… I\'m really quite swamped today…'); f(hi, 'Oh. $OK$. That\'s alright, I guess I should have $swashbucklin_$texted $ye$ first$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, '... and I have, like… a thing at 7, so… I really need to work, you know.'); f(otherwise); f(m, '... and I need to wrap things up before 7PM — I\'m taking Hatsune out, tonight.'); f(hi, 'Oh, nice! ... $for$ her.'); f(m, 'Well, yeah…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Alright! Maybe tomorrow, though?'); f(m, 'Yeah, uh… text me first, though. I don\'t know how much spillover there will be from today…'); f(hi, 'Alright. See $ye$ later, $hiMinoruAlt$!'); f(m, 'Bye, $Hina$.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate&&!hIncest'); f(m, 'Hey, sorry… I\'m kind of chained to my desk, today. I\'m taking Hatsune out tonight, so...'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hey, sorry… I\'m chained to my desk, today. Had a run-in with Mr. Kosugi…'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Hmpf! Alright, then. See $ye$ later$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(remove, hi); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f('$Hina$ turns her back on me and walks off, unceremoniously, to greener parishes.'); f('Oh well. It really can\'t be helped… I\'d rather slave away inside during lunch, then sit here all night.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'officeLunch'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'officeLunch'); f('As lunchtime approaches, the office soon turns empty. Soon, I\'m the only one left.'); f('Business is slow this time of year, I suppose.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'konbiniChime'); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'konbini', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I\'ve snuck out to convenience store conveniently located on the bottom floor of our office building.'); f('I\'m getting a box of <i>inarizushi</i> — that\'s the sushi where the rice is just covered in <i>inari</i> — it kind of resembles a <i>rotting foreskin,</i> but is actually an incredibly tasty piece of fried tofu. It\'s one of the cheaper options, which suits me fine. I\'m not all that hungry.'); f(c_e, '$Minoru$, you have a way with words…', 'angry'); f(c_e, 'What a charmer.', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'He\'s not wrong, though!', 'worried'); f(whatIf, '!eIncest'); f(jump, 'estherLunch'); f(endIf); f('Just as I\'m about to leave…'); f(playSound, 'konbiniChime'); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(endIf); f(doCall, 'estherIncestIntro'); f(removeScreenEffects); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.4); f(m, 'Uh, hi, $Esther$. Fancy seeing you here! Wait, you work around here now? I thought you were at… uh… what was the name, sorry, it\'s at the tip of my tongue...'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Misumi. $um$… $yes$, I $am$ still work$ing$ $there$$meow$. I was in the office in Ginza before, but this April… they, they have another office here, down the road, by the JR station$meow$…'); f(m, 'Really! I work here, in this very building. On the 6th floor. Didn\'t I tell you before...?'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral2'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Uh, $no$, I don\'t think $ye$ did, actually…'); f(m, 'What are the odds, eh.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$yes$$meow$…'); f(c_b, 'So the old $Esther$ introduction, after you go home from work, is still in the game. This is just like an additional ramp up to the $Esther$ route, for those who decided to not go lunching with $Hina$.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Ask her to pop by your office once in a while.'); f(setVariable, 'invitedEstherToOffice'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(m, 'Hey, mom, you should… I mean, if you wanted to, you could come by my office, once in a while.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'R-really? I\'d like that $very$ much$meow$, $Minoru$…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hey, you should… you should come by my office, once in a while. Maybe we could grab something to eat, or something?'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, '$Hina$ and I get lunch together all the time, you know. You should join us!'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$um$… really?'); f(otherwise); f(person, e, 'armup', 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Su-sure… that\'d be… nice.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Excuse yourself.'); f(choice, 'Invite her home for dinner tonight.', '!hatsuneDate'); f(setVariable, 'invitedEstherHome'); f(doCall, 'threesomeInvitation'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'threesome1'); f(endChoice); f(m, 'Alright, um… see you later. I\'ve got to get back to work.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'See $ye$ later…'); f(remove, e); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'invitedEstherHome'); f(jump, 'threesome1'); f(endIf); f(playMusic, 'sugaku'); f(scene, 'office_day', 'fade'); f('Back at the office. Time to eat this bugger.'); f(cg, 'soybottle', 'fade'); f('The sushi comes, of course, with a miniscule fish-shaped plastic bottle, containing just the right amount of soy sauce.'); f('I hold it up to the sun and gaze at this technical…? Cultural…? <i>Plastological!</i> little marvel...'); f(doCall, 'soyCommentary'); f(pause, 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('... until I realize I must look like an oaf, and put it down.'); f(jump, 'moreBoringOffice'); f(label, 'soyCommentary'); f(c_e, 'We have those fish-shaped plastic bottles in the UK too… I wonder if they have them in Japan.'); f(c_b, 'I sure hope they do…! Or the whole game ends up being a lie! A lie, I tell you!', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'It seems like something really specific to research.'); f(c_b, 'About that, though. I mean, I wrote this particular scene, but there was one thing I wanted to ask you about, regarding the setting in general...'); f(c_e, 'OK, go ahead!', 'sophiederp'); f(c_b, 'So this game is what some refer to as an <i>OELVN</i>, i.e. an "Original English Language Visual Novel", as opposed to, you know, a Japanese visual novel.'); f(c_e, 'Well, I wasn\'t Japanese the last time I checked.'); f(c_b, '... How often do you check?', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'Let\'s see... at least once in the morning, and once before I go to bed.', 'sophiederp'); f(c_b, 'Of course. Well, anyway, I guess you must be aware that there\'s various thoughts on this "phenomenon" of OELVN\'s being set in Japan. Our previous game, <i>Re:maid</i>, is another prime example of this, actually.'); f(c_b, 'So, uh... do you have like... any thoughts on that, at all?', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I don\'t think there\'s any problem setting VNs in Japan. I think the setting is a bit overdone, and it might seem odd that an English person would set a VN in Japan if they have never been to the country...'); f(c_b, 'Right.', 'unhappy'); f(c_e, 'But a lot of VN developers and writers are interested in the medium because they also like Japanese anime/manga, so of course there\'s some overlap, and I don\'t think there\'s a problem writing about things you\'re interested in.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'I don\'t think it\'s that different from Japanese series, like <i>Hellsing</i> or <i>Gunslinger Girl</i>, that are set in Europe.'); f(c_b, 'Of course. That makes sense.', 'confused'); f(c_e, 'Plus, for <i>Nympho Wife,</i> I had to use pre-existing art assets, and a lot of the background images seemed very Japanese - especially the interiors of the houses.'); f(c_e, 'It would have felt weird setting the story outside Japan when the art assets were clearly made for a Japanese setting. That\'s all.'); f(c_b, 'Alright. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'I also think the name \'Hatsune\' is cute, and I wanted an excuse to use it!', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Can\'t argue with that.'); f(endCall); f(label, 'estherLunch'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('It\'s not a lot, but I\'m not a big eater. It\'s enough for sustenance, at least.'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'sugaku', 0.6); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'office_day', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Right. Time to eat this bugger.'); f(cg, 'soybottle', 'fade'); f('The sushi comes, of course, with a miniscule fish-shaped plastic bottle, containing just the right amount of soy sauce.'); f('I hold it up to the sun and gaze at this technical…? Cultural…? <i>Plastological!</i> little marvel.'); f(doCall, 'soyCommentary'); f(pause, 2); f(scene, 'office_day', 'fade'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'plik'); f(textEffect, '<plick>', 240, 620, 'Blue', 1, -10, 'popUp', 0.3, 250); f(pause, 0.25); f(playSound, 'plik'); f(textEffect, '<plat>', 410, 620, 'Blue', 0.8, -3, 'popUp', 0.3, 190); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'plik'); f(textEffect, '<plop>', 540, 620, 'Blue', 0.5, 10, 'popUp', 0.3, 150); f(pause, 1); f('... which I soon manage to drop onto the floor, underneath my desk.'); f('Drats.'); f(c_b, 'Real important and consequential and logical choice coming up here… there, I\'ve shown I\'m aware of it. Now get off my case!', 'angry'); f(c_b, '... for the record, you should climb underneath the table if you want to meet with $Esther$, and leave it be if you want to jump straight to more boring office stuff.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Climb underneath your desk to get it.'); f(choice, 'Leave it be.'); f(setVariable, 'didntMeetEsther'); f('Nah. There\'s nobody else here right now, but I\'m not going to risk humiliating myself by getting down on all four just for some soy sauce.'); f('I manage to finish my sushi despite the disturbing lack of saltiness, and get back to work.'); f(jump, 'moreBoringOffice'); f(endChoice); f('If somebody walked in on me being on all four on the floor, that\'d be extremely humiliating… but heck, I <i>need</i> that soysauce.'); f('Sushi without saltiness?! Why, that\'s like a hamburger without ketchup!'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'fumbling'); f(pause, 0.5); f('I get down on all four and descend into the darkness underneath. I grope my way through the void, but my dear little plastic soy sauce fish remains just outside of my grasp. Where could it have gone…?'); f('I realize I\'ve climbed far enough to reach the light at the end of the tunnel — I\'ve gone too far to go back, I\'ll just have to climb out on the opposite site…'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'white', 'fade', 2); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'e_officesit', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f('Oh.'); f('Seems I\'m not the only one staying in the office for lunch, after all. The person in front of, or perhaps more aptly, above me, is none other than my coworker $Esther$ Anderson.'); f('I know what you\'re thinking. That name doesn\'t sound very Japanese — and that\'s because it\'s not.'); f('$Esther$ hails from England, born and bred, and she has the strawberry blonde hair so very atypical of Japanese women to prove it.'); f(c_e, '...When I was five, I had a friend called Esther…'); f(c_e, 'I wonder if that\'s where I stole her name from… If it is, that would be pretty weird in retrospect.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'If you ever happen to meet her again, maybe try casually dropping that into the conversation.', 'happy'); f(c_b, '\'You know it\'s funny, I think I might have included you as a very fuckable character in this H VN I wrote!\'', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'I have a habit of taking character names from other characters, or from people I know in real life…'); f(c_e, 'Which can be kind of unfortunate depending on the content of the story.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Haha, indeed.'); f('A nice body, too. Especially from this angle. Pretty boobs as well — maybe even big enough to rival $Hatsune$\'s.'); f('Though our desks are opposite of each other, there\'s a partition between us and we\'re on different teams as well. I can\'t say I know her all that well, but we\'ve exchanged a few words about the $bladder$ condition of her dear pet $cat$, $Chocola$.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl&&!pirate'); f('As you might have guessed… I\'m a pretty big cat person, but I haven\'t had one for a while. $Hatsune$ didn\'t want any competition, I guess… and yes, I know how weird that sounds.'); f(otherwise); f('I\'m a pretty big $cat$ person, though you wouldn\'t think it. I haven\'t had a $cat$ in a while. $Hatsune$\'s allergic.'); f('I know she can\'t really be blamed for it, but... it\'s something else to resent her for.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_officesit', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(voice, 'b2_eeh'); f(e, 'Huh…?!'); f(m, 'Um... Aha...'); f('I cough, tugging at my collar.'); f(m, 'Um… $hello$, $Esther$.'); f('I immediately try to rectify this awkward situation by standing up-'); f(stopMusic); f(playSound, 'tableHeadHit'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(textEffect, '<bump!>', 130, 80, 'Blue', 1.5, -10, 'shakeFade'); f('-unfortunately and kind of inexplicably forgetting I have a 40 pound table carrying a 10 pound computer, right above my head.'); f(m, 'Ouch!'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1.5); f(voice, 'a_daijobu'); f(e, 'Mr. Inamoto$meow$…! $are$ $ye$ alright!?'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'smallClothesSound'); f(pause, 0.5); f('I creep out from under the table.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'office_day', 'fade'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(setZoom, e, 1.4); f(m, 'I\'m… I\'m sorry. I was having my lunch at my desk when I, uh... dropped the little… fish-shaped plastic soy bottle…'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Th-$the$ one with $the$ $wee$ $scurvy_$red cap$meow$?'); f(m, 'Yes! That\'s the one! Did you see it?!'); f(e, 'Oh, $no$, I\'m sorry. I didn\'t...'); f(c_b, 'Goddammit Esther!', 'angry'); f(m, 'Oh…'); f(m, 'Sorry. Didn\'t mean to surprise you, there.'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$it\'s$ q-quite alright. How $is$ $your$ head?'); f(m, 'Oh, $it\'s$ quite fine, hahaha!'); f('That laughter came out a little desperate.'); f(m, '... So, uh… how, how is $Chocola$ doing…?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(person, e, 0, 'surprised'); f(e, 'Hm…? O-oh, $Chocola$! M-$my$ $cat$! $um$… oh, she $is$ do$ing$ $very$ well, thanks to $ye$! The $landlubbin_$vet $ye$ recommended was $very$ helpful$meow$.'); f(whatIf, '!pirate'); f(c_e, 'I have no idea what that \'Chocola\' is reference to, no idea at all…!', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'It\'s a mystery, folks. First person to figure it out and email the correct answer to us at marble dot syrup at tesla dot com will win a magical sports car.', 'benderp'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I\'m happy to hear.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(voice, 'a_anoneano'); f(e, '$um$... actually, speak$ing$ $of$ which, I-I… I wanted t-to, I mean… I was wonder$ing$...'); f(e, 'I, $um$... I know this $is$ a $little$ forward$meow$, but...'); f('$Esther$ presses her index fingers together anxiously, in the manner of all shy people who are afraid of intruding.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I was wonder$ing$, $um$... if maybe, $ye$ wanted to, uh, have dinner with me... after work…?'); f(m, 'Dinner?'); f('I blink.'); f('Coming from a retiring $creature$ like $Esther$, this is awfully forward.'); f('I think I\'d actually be less shocked if she got down on one knee and proposed.'); f(m, 'You… you need more help with $Chocola$?'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$Chocola$ $is$ fine$meow$. I just, $um$...'); f('Fidget, fidget.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I $am$ really grateful $ye$ recommended $that$ vet to me. I was a $little$ worried about her $bladder$, $um$... $and$ $ye$ were a $keelhaulin_$big help$meow$.'); f(m, 'Hey, it\'s no big deal. We\'re co-workers.'); f(pause, 1); f('... and you happen to have a very nice $creature_$body.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'B-but we hardly know one another, yet $ye$ have done so $swashbucklin_$much $for$ me...!'); f(m, 'And you\'ve done a lot for me, too.'); f('Not like I can come out and say sometimes I fantasize about her when I\'m fucking my $wife$.'); f('I feel a little ashamed admitting that to myself, let alone out loud.'); f(m, 'Honestly, don\'t worry about it. Like I said, we\'re co-workers — and we both like $cat$s. As a $cat$-lover, I\'m obligated to help my brethren.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('And as a $creature$-fucker, I\'m feeling even more obligated, right now…'); f(otherwise); f('Or... <i>sisteren</i>.'); f('Is that a word?'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'a_arigatou'); f(e, '$um$… thank you.'); f('$Esther$ looks at me with an expectant look.'); f('Christ, I\'m popular today, aren\'t I? That\'s the third offer to eat out I receive today… Best part is, all offers came from beautiful women...'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&hiIncest'); f('OK, so two of them came from immediate family members, but still…'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f('The crux is, of course, that I already told $Hatsune$ I\'d go out with her…'); f(otherwise); f('The crux is, of course, that $Hatsune$ will be waiting for me at home…'); f(endIf); f('I can\'t help but entertain the thought — what might happen if I take $Esther$ up on her offer? She\'s so eager to please, and she seems like she might be quite easily manipulated...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Maybe I wouldn\'t even have to hypnotize her...?'); f(endIf); f('No.'); f('I can\'t think like that. It\'s wrong.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I\'m in a relationship with my $wife$, for better or for worse. I shouldn\'t be unfaithful with her…'); f('Of course, the advantage of being in a clandestine relationship with your $wife$ is that nobody, including your colleagues, know about it.'); f('$Esther$ doesn\'t know… maybe I could get her to string along with this?'); f(otherwise); f('I\'m married.'); f('But $Esther$... she probably doesn\'t even know that.'); f('I don\'t talk about my private life that much, and I don\'t wear my wedding ring when I\'m at the office. It was pretty expensive, and I\'m kind of paranoid about it getting stolen.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Come to think of it — my boss might very well be the only person who knows about $Hatsune$.'); f(otherwise); f('Come to think of it — Hina\'s probably the only person who knows about $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('What should I do?'); f(label, 'offchoice', false); f(choice); f(choice, 'Ditch $yourHatsune$ and go out with $yourEsther$ instead.', 'hatsuneDate'); f(setVariable, 'ditchedHatsune'); f('Fuck it.'); f(choice, 'Say yes.', '!hatsuneDate'); f(setVariable, 'estherDate'); f('What the hell. I might as well. It\'s a vehicle to get away… to get just a little breathing space, from $Hatsune$.'); f(choice, 'Decline.'); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f(m, 'Sorry, not tonight… I\'ve a commitment, already.'); f(e, 'Oh, I\'m… I\'m sorry, $um$, I didn\'t realize… I didn\'t mean to be presumptuous$meow$…'); f(m, 'No, no, not at all.'); f(e, 'Well, I\'d better get back to work.'); f(m, 'See you later, $Esther$.'); f(remove, e); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hey, sorry, maybe some other time.'); f(e, 'Oh, I\'m… I $am$ sorry$meow$.'); f(m, 'No no, don\'t be, it\'s just, uh...'); f(e, '$No$, I understand… I-I should get back to $my$ work. See $ye$ later, Mr. Inamoto…'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(jump, 'moreBoringOffice'); f(choice, 'Invite $yourEsther$ home for dinner.', 'once'); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate&&!hypnosis'); f('Hey, I just had an idea… what if I…'); f('... $Hatsune$ and $Esther$, the two of them…'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f('D\'oh, what the hell am I thinking? I can\'t invite $Esther$ home for a three- I mean, for a dinner… with $Hatsune$ preparing to go out tonight.'); f('She\'d probably kill me.'); f(c_b, 'Back to the drawing board…'); f(c_b, 'If you had said no to $yourHatsune$, you\'d be on the threesome route by now. Oh, well.'); f(jump, 'offchoice'); f(otherwise); f(doCall, 'threesomeInvitation'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'threesome1'); f(endIf); f(endChoice); f(m, '$Esther$, you know what? I\'d love to. Let\'s do it.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'R-really?'); f(m, 'Yes. Why not?'); f(person, e, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Oh, I $am$ glad$meow$.'); f(m, 'I might have to work a little overtime today, but heck, I\'ll try and race through it.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(e, 'Oh, that\'s alright, I wouldn\'t mind w-wait$ing$ $for$ $ye$$meow$.'); f(m, 'So it\'s a deal, then.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Um… $yes$. I-I should get back to work$meow$.'); f(m, 'Right. I should get back to my lunch, I guess. See you later!'); f(remove, e); f(pause, 0.3); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 3); f(jump, 'e_date'); f(label, 'hinaLunch'); f(pause, 2); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(scene, 'park_day', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 0, 'happy'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_sugokuoishiidesu'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_sugokuoishii'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Ah... so $swashbucklin_$good!'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(hi, 'Curry fish udon has never tasted so good$meow$!'); f(m, 'But it\'s the same curry fish udon you always get...'); f(elseIf, 'cowgirl'); f(hi, 'Curry milk udon has never tasted so good$meow$!'); f(m, 'But it\'s the same curry milk udon you always get…'); f('Not to mention, it\'s a little weird seeing $Hina$ enjoying cow milk…'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Curry udon has never tasted so good!'); f(m, 'But it\'s the same curry udon you always get...'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I know — $and$ $it\'s$ still great$meow$!'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(hi, 'Noth$ing$ beats fish$meow$!'); f(elseIf, 'cowgirl'); f(hi, 'Noth$ing$ beats milk$meow$!'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'udon', 'fade', [0]); f('I wish I could say the same thing about $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I know, I know. I\'m the one who caused this, so I have no business complaining, but…'); f(otherwise); f('Shit, that\'s a crass way to think about your $wife$. I mean, It\'s not like the sex <i>isn\'t</i> great, but...'); f(endIf); f('Oh well. I shouldn\'t let this weigh on me.'); f('We\'ve picked up cheap take-out udon, the kind we usually get, and eat it together.'); f('I think the noodles are a little too floury and the sauce isn\'t thick enough, but whatever. You get what you pay for.'); f(cgs, 'hi_intro', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('At least my $friend$ looks happy.'); f(otherwise); f('At least $Hina$ looks happy.'); f(endIf); f('... $Hina$\'s always happy.'); f(hi, 'Hey, $hiMinoru$...'); f('$Hina$ looks at me curiously, her $eyes$ narrowed. Her lips are pursed.'); f('Her wooden chopsticks, cheap and disposable, are poised with a strange amount of elegance in her right hand.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_daijoubunano'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_daijoubu'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$are$ $ye$ okay$meow$?'); f('Why is she asking me this out of the blue...?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Tell her you\'ve just had a rough day.'); f(m, 'It\'s just… I\'ve had a rough day, is all. Or rather, I\'m about to have.'); f(scene, 'park_day', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f(hi, 'Huh?'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'Just… just having some issues with this nasty old client this morning. Him being totally unreasonable, and all.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'You ever dealt with Mr. Kosugi…?'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '... from $landlubbin_$Denden Incorporated…?'); f(m, 'That\'s the one. He wasn\'t satisfied with the last order, and had all these demands… He hung up on me mid-sentence.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'happy'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Come on $hiMinoruAlt$, that\'s not it$meow$. $it\'s$ not just today, mind $ye$ — $you$ have been look$ing$ spaced out $for$ $the$ last couple $of$ days, really.'); f(m, '... I have?'); f(choice, 'Tell her you\'re fine.'); f(m, 'I\'m fine.'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f(hi, 'But it looked like $ye$ were spacin\' out $there$, $my$ brother $of$ $the$ very same $creature_$mother.'); f(m, 'Brother of the… very same $creature_$mother?'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'But it looked like $ye$ were spacin\' out $there$, $dear$ father with mouth full $of$ lather.'); f(m, 'Mouth full of… what?!'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f(hi, 'But it looked like $ye$ were spacin\' out $there$, sonny.'); f(m, 'Sonny...?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'But it looked like $ye$ were spacin\' out $there$ old buddy, old pal.'); f(m, 'Old sport?'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'park_day', 'fade'); f(endChoice); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f(pan, hi, -30, 0, 0.3); f(playSound, 'elbownudge'); f(textEffect, '<bam!>', 130, 420, 'Blue', 0.9, -30, 'hShakeFade'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.2); f(pause, 0.3); f(pan, hi, 15, 0, 0.6); f('She giggles and nudges me in the side with her elbow.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Exactly! So, spill$meow$!'); f('I sigh.'); f('Maybe the park wasn\'t a good place to eat lunch, even if it is pretty scenic. There are a few kids milling around, chattering, playing baseball. Baseball\'s a perfectly respectable pastime, of course — it is the national sport — but why aren\'t they at school...?'); f(c_b, 'I\'m wondering if the national sport of Japan isn\'t sumo…?', 'dumbfounded'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&!hypnosis'); f('It\'s a good thing Hatsune doesn\'t want kids.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I mean, I\'ve got my hands full as it is, don\'t I?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Da-aaaaaad!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Mi-no-ruuuu!'); f(endIf); f(pan, hi, -30, 0, 0.3); f(playSound, 'elbownudge'); f(textEffect, '<bam!>', 130, 430, 'Blue', 1.1, -20, 'hShakeFade'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 5, 0.2); f(pause, 0.3); f(pan, hi, 15, 0, 0.6); f('$Hina$ nudges me again.'); f(hi, 'Don\'t keep secrets$meow$! A $scurvy_$trouble shared $is$ a $scurvy_$trouble halved!'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(hi, 'Savvy?'); f(endIf); f(c_e, 'Hina is so cute and genki… I think she\'s my favorite girl.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'I don\'t like the short hair, personally… but I love the story arc.'); f(c_e, 'B-but the bob cut is the cutest haircut ever… in the history of ever…', 'surprised'); f(c_e, 'The black bob cut is my favorite.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, '... This is probably precisely the type of conversation no man should ever have with a woman… there\'s just no middle ground.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'In general, I think most guys don\'t like bob cuts. I could be wrong, though.'); f('Is it? I wonder...'); f('Can I really tell my $friend$ about my troubled sex life?'); f(c_b, 'This whole part gets rather bizarre with any of the incest cheats turned on.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, obviously, I wouldn\'t divulge exactly who my partner is.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Because $Hina$ doesn\'t know, and that\'s exactly how I\'d like to keep it.'); f('Then again, maybe that\'s precisely why I really shouldn\'t talk about this kind of stuff with her?'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f('Maybe not exactly the kind of talk you\'d like to have with your brother, is it?'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('Maybe it\'s not… the most appropriate conversation for a dad to have with his daughter.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('I mean, not that I don\'t get the irony — that I find it OK to have sex with one of my daughters, but somehow <i>talking</i> about sex with another of my daughters would be crossing some kind of imaginary line.'); f('...'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f('Maybe it\'s not… I mean it\'s probably not appropriate to talk about this kind of thing with your mother, is it?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Nor would I mention the hypnosis, of course.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Not that we aren\'t relatively open with that kind of stuff, but still.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I mean… <i>relatively</i>. Me and Hatsune don\'t usually talk about our sex life with our daughter — no.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I mean, if I just… maybe if I don\'t explicitly mention the hypnosis part, it\'s fine.'); f('Not sure it\'d be worth the embarrassment, though...?'); f(elseIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('They are both $creatures$ — besides being women. Not to mention, good friends since high school.'); f('The most pertinent question, though, is whether it would be worth all the considerable embarrassment I\'d suffer through, talking about this?'); f(otherwise); f('On the surface, there shouldn\'t be any troubles at all. I\'m probably over-thinking things like usual — making mountains out of molehills.'); f('Would it be worth $Hina$\'s time...?'); f('Would it be worth all the embarrassment?'); f(endIf); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep silent.'); f(jump, 'branch1'); f(choice, 'Tell her.', 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'branch2'); f(choice, 'Fess up.', '!hypnosis'); f(jump, 'branch2'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'branch1'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 90, 12); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&hiIncest'); f('No. Let\'s not be crazy. I mean, what if she\'d suspect something?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(setVariable, 'fucking', 'hypno-raping'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&hDaughter'); f('Talking to your daughter about how you\'re $fucking$ her sister? It\'s… it\'s just too crazy.'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister&&hSister'); f('Talking to your sister about how you\'re $fucking$ your other sister...? No. It\'s just too god damn crazy.'); f(otherwise); f('Asking your $friend$ for advice on your relationship with your $wife$? It\'s too crazy. Like something out of a pervy visual novel, or something.'); f(c_e, 'Oooh, so much meta…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Now you just went and made it even more meta. By addressing it in the commentary track!', 'surprised'); f(c_e, 'What is reality.', 'confused'); f(c_b, '♪ <i>Is this the real world? Is this just fantasy?</i> ♪', 'benderp'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Nah, hell. I can\'t tell anyone about this stuff. What if she suspected I\'m actually talking about my $wife$? It\'s too risky.'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('No, snap out of it! I can\'t be talking to our daughter about our sex life...! It\'s preposterous.'); f(c_b, 'It kind of would be, yep.', 'benderp'); f(otherwise); f('No, damn it. I can\'t just bring myself to talk about this stuff, especially not with my $friend$, even if we\'re close.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('No, I can\'t just come out and tell her. I\'m not American. That kind of straight talk is something only an American in the movies could do.'); f(c_e, 'This whole \'I\'m not American!\' thing comes up in a lot of my stories actually…'); f(c_e, 'Since, when they\'re not set in Japan, they tend to be set in the UK.'); f(c_e, 'I guess there\'s a stereotype that Americans are more open and talkative, while people from Japan and the UK keep more to themselves.'); f(c_b, 'THIS… IS… SPARTA!!', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'Huh? No, I mean… uh… this is not Sparta? I\'m <i>not</i> Spartan?', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, 'Oh crap this pop culture reference doesn\'t at all fit in here, does it?', 'embarrassed'); f('Not me.'); f('I\'m too old-fashioned.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Besides… is there any point to asking for advice, if you\'re going to leaving out a major detail? The real reason I\'m in this mess? The hypnosis part?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('Keep what happens in the bedroom, inside the bedroom.'); f('It doesn\'t need to be brought up out here.'); f(endIf); f('But God, I feel so <i>tired</i>.'); f('I try to stifle a yawn, pressing one hand against my mouth. Tears bead in the corners of my eyes and I blink them away.'); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 0.1); f(pause, 0.2); f(m, 'Don\'t worry about it, $Hina$. I just need to get more sleep.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.3); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'Ohoho? See$ing$ someone, are $ye$? Somebody $you\'re$ do$ing$ nightly exercises with$meow$?'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Ohoho? You $and$ mom stay$ing$ up late, then?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Ohoho? Does $that$ mean $ye$\'ve been stay$ing$ up late with Hatsune$meow$?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(m, 'Hina! Do you really think it\'s appropriate for you to ask questions about your parents\' sex life?!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hina! That\'s inappropriate!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('Huh. Go figure. Apparently $Hina$ doesn\'t mind having this type of conversation with me, after all.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'A gentleman doesn\'t kiss and tell.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'So $ye$ have?'); f(m, 'Wouldn\'t you like to know?'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'That\'s why I $am$ ask$ing$, $hiMinoruAlt$! I want to know aaaaall the juicy deets! Lay it on me!'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'Oh, come on. You\'re my $friend$, for crying out loud. I really don\'t think $friend$s should ask their $maleFriend$s for the "juicy deets" on, on...'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'Their partner in gymnastics$meow$?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'How their sex life $is$$meow$?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Exactly!'); f(hi, 'Well, that\'s $your$ $landlubbin_$opinion!'); f(otherwise); f('I roll my eyes.'); f(m, 'Oh, please. Aren\'t you supposed to be a lady? A lady shouldn\'t ask for the "juicy deets".'); f(hi, 'You\'d be surprised$meow$.'); f(endIf); f('$Hina$ smirks.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'happy'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(hi, 'Women… $creatures$, especially, can be more depraved than you know.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Women can be more depraved than you know.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I honestly don\'t know if I\'m sure about that. To my knowledge, no female member of my family has ever hypnotized me in order to have sex with me.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Not more than men, I\'m sure.'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I can\'t help but smirk. I think I know a thing or two more just about how depraved $creature_$women are, than my innocent daughter.'); f(m, 'Oh, believe me. I think I know a fair bit more about that stuff than you.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Oh, believe me, I know.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(remove, hi); f(pause, 1); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1.5); f('If the hypnosis doesn\'t wear off, I\'m going to go bust. My cum is being collected and I\'m overdrawn at the sperm bank.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Living with my sex-craving $creature_$$wife$, I know only too well.'); f(elseIf, 'hLongerThanThreeYears'); f('After living with $Hatsune$ for all these years, I know only too well.'); f(otherwise); f('After living with $Hatsune$ for around three years, I know only too well.'); f(endIf); f(remove, hi); f(pause, 1); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1.5); f('If she keeps demanding sex at her current rates I\'m going to go bust. My cum is being collected and... I\'m overdrawn at the sperm bank.'); f(endIf); f('Like everything else in life, my debts will catch up with me at some point.'); f('... This thought is making me much more miserable than it should.'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f(jump, 'backInOffice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'meetEsther'); f(endIf); f(label, 'estherIncestIntro'); f(changeName, e, '???'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_ano'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_ano'); f(endIf); f(e, '$um$h…'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$?! $is$ $that$ $ye$$meow$?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Erisa'); f(setVariable, 'yourEsther', 'Erisa'); f(changeName, e, 'Erisa'); f(whatIf, 'eSister&&numberOfSisters==1'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter||eMother'); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'Esther'); f(setVariable, 'yourEsther', 'Esther'); f(changeName, e, 'Esther'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f('I turn around to see none other than $Esther$ Inamoto — my $colleague$.'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 85, 10); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(setVariable, 'Esther', 'mom'); f(setVariable, 'yourEsther', 'your mom'); f('My <i>estranged $creature_$</i>mother, I should say, whom I just recently began to patch things up with, after she moved back into town.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&hiSister'); f('And yes, my sisters\' mother as well, naturally.'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f('And yes, Hina\'s mother, as well.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('And yes, Hatsune\'s mother, as well, of course.'); f(endIf); f('It\'s… it\'s a long story, but basically, she left me and my dad when I was around eight. Just eloped, one night. She was young and confused, is how she\'s explained it to me, now, stuck in a marriage that didn\'t go anywhere.'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f('I know what you\'re thinking — that woman is a grandmother?? Looking hot like that??'); f(c_b, 'If you\'re playing with both these cheats turned on at the same time… <i>YOU</i> are the one to blame for this mess, not me!!', 'angry'); f(c_e, 'I thought the customer was always right…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Um, well… yes. There\'s that point of view, too…', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, 'The other point of view is, DON\'T USE SO MANY CHEATS AT ONCE MR. CRAY-CRAY!!', 'angry'); f(c_e, '...', 'surprised'); f('Well, she\'s not as old as you might think. She was a teenage mom, and I was a teenage dad. She\'s still in her late 40\'s.'); f('That said, I was actually quite struck by her looks myself, when we met for the first time in years, just a couple of months back, after she had contacted me on Facebook (where else).'); f('She bizarre thing is, she looks almost exactly as I remembered her. Even acts the same way, too.'); f('Anyways… we\'ve only met up a handful of times.'); f(otherwise); f('She looked me up on Facebook (where else?) just a couple of months back. We\'ve only met a handful of times.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&hiSister'); f('I told my sisters too, of course, but they refused to come along. I guess they took it even worse than me, being abandoned like that.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('I tried to bring Hatsune once or twice, but she refused. I guess she needs more time to forgive her.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I even considered making her come, by way of hypnosis, but I soon decided not to, afraid it\'d misfire again.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f('I tried to bring Hina the first time, but she flat out refused. I guess she\'s not ready to forgive her for what she did just yet.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&hiDaughter'); f('I haven\'t brought my daughters, yet. I don\'t know why, really.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('I haven\'t brought my daughter along, yet. I don\'t know why, really.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Maybe I\'m afraid $Esther$ would notice something was off with her, on account of the hypnosis.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&!hiIncest'); f('It\'s always rather awkward, for several reasons, really.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s always been quite awkward, though. The times we\'ve met. I guess it\'s for several different reasons, really.'); f(endIf); f('For one thing, she has a very nervous disposition. She acts… <i>shy</i>, in front of me, her own son. I mean, she has reasons to feel ashamed, I guess.'); f(whatIf, 'aSister'); f('I guess that\'s the other thing. I… I kind of resent her, still, for what she did to us. Leaving us with our dad, to grow up without a mother.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('I mean, on some levels, I even blame mom for me and Hatsune. Surely, if she had been around… we wouldn\'t be in this situation.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I guess that\'s the other thing. I… I kind of resent her, still, for what she did. Left me with my dad, without a mother.'); f(endIf); f('The third thing, is…'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Oh, what the hell. I might just as well admit to it, considering I\'m already involved in a sexual relationship with my $wife$.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s shameful to admit, but…'); f(endIf); f('I\'m sexually attracted to her. Like, badly. Sometimes I even think of her when I\'m having sex with $Hatsune$.'); f(c_b, 'Surprise of the year.', 'inlove'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I know how bizarre that must sound — this guy has incestuous sex with his super hot $creature_$$wife$, all the while fantasizing about his even hotter $creature_$mother.'); f('I know, I\'m one fucked up cookie. I guess I\'m just wired that way.'); f(otherwise); f('I know, it\'s fucked up. But I really didn\'t grow up with her, and… I hear these kind of things happen. There\'s even a name for it. "Genetic sexual attraction", or something like that, and apparently it\'s fairly common, when you haven\'t grown up with a close relative but later reunite.'); f('So I guess I\'m not <i>that</i> strange. Though I\'m not sure how much of a comfort it is…'); f(endIf); f('...'); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f(whatIf, 'numberOfSisters>1'); f(setVariable, 'eHalf'); f('$Esther$ is actually my half-sister. Well, as you can tell, from her bombshell looks — she\'s a <i>haafu</i>, half-Japanese. Her mother is British. It\'s a sordid story, really. My dad had an affair, on a business trip over there.'); f('None of us knew, until much much later, when $Esther$ moved over here from England, to work in Japan. It was quite the shock, as you can imagine. To find out you have an English $creature_$half-sister…'); f('Who\'s hot as fuck, to make matters worse.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('I mean, not that I\'m not already screwing one of my $creature_$sisters. But, still. I do have a sense of shame, you know?'); f('... at least a little.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Yes, this hot bombshell is actually none other than my $creature_$sister.'); f(whatIf, 'aMother'); f('Well, considering how good-looking our mother is, I guess it doesn\'t come as a shock.'); f(endIf); f('We aren\'t particularly close — she left home when she was just 14, for school. She was aiming to become a ballet dancer and was accepted to a school on the other side of Japan. She had a crazy schedule and basically, only ever came home for New Year\'s, at most.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('She gave up on her dream eventually, though it wasn\'t necessarily by choice — there was a very limited amount of roles people were interested in having a $creature$ play.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl||cowgirl'); f('If only she\'d been born a mousegirl instead — she\'d at least get to star in the Nutcracker, if nothing else.'); f(c_e, 'Or a swangirl…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'One of the two.'); f(c_e, 'Actually, there is a psychological horror movie about a ballerina heroine slowly turning into a swan…', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'But I guess that was going for a different tone.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'If it\'s not really about somebody trying to have sex with her after she\'s fully turned, then yes, probably.', 'confused'); f(otherwise); f('You\'d think there\'d be a Peter Pan thing which a role for her, but no…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('She gave up on the dream of becoming a ballerina eventually, though it wasn\'t by choice — there\'s just too many people vying to become one, and not enough demand.'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ was the top of her particular class, but it wasn\'t enough.'); f('Now, she\'s a regular OL — an <i>office lady</i>, working at a medium-sized company somewhere around here.'); f(endIf); f('She\'s nice. We don\'t hang out very often, even living in the same city… mostly it\'s down to her acting awkwardly, I guess. By which I mean… she\'s incredibly shy.'); f(whatIf, 'eHalf'); f('I mean, I get it, in a sense. We didn\'t grow up together, we\'re from different cultures… but you\'d assume you get past it, eventually, right?'); f('But $Esther$ always seems like she\'d rather be somewhere else. Not just away from me, but from people in general.'); f('I don\'t know if it\'s her Britishness, if that\'s what most people are like over there. I\'ve no idea.'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, fine. We don\'t know each other all that well. Still, we did grow up together. We did spend our formative years together. It feels incredibly odd to me that she just can\'t let herself relax around me.'); f(endIf); f('Beyond that, well.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('She\'s beautiful, like I\'ve already established. Ridiculously beautiful, actually.'); f('I guess there\'s no real sense in hiding it…'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s beautiful, like I\'ve already established. Ridiculously beautiful, actually. Beautiful to the point that even $Hatsune$, for all of her confidence, sometimes seem a little jealous.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(whatIf, 'eHalf'); f('I do get her, though. Obviously she knows already that I\'m incestuously inclined, or I wouldn\'t be fucking her at all. And $Esther$ <i>is</i> the product of her husband cheating on her.'); f('I can get why she\'d be worried history might repeat itself.'); f(otherwise); f('Bizarre, right? A $wife$, worried her son is going to cheat on her with her daughter. Not exactly sitcom material, but it\'s quite something, whatever it is.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Bizarro world, right? My daughter, jealous of my sister...!'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('Bizarre, right? A sister, worried her other sister will steal her brother away. Besides, I doubt $Esther$ is even wired that way.'); f(otherwise); f('Bizarre, right? My wife, worrying about my feelings for my sister?'); f(endIf); f('That said, if $Esther$ was actually… interested in that kind of thing...?'); f('She <i>is</i> extremely attractive. Like I said, a veritable <i>bombshell</i>.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I guess I might just as well come out and confess it, considering I\'m already having sex with $Hatsune$.'); f(otherwise); f('I… uh. It\'s shameful, but what\'s the point in hiding it?'); f(endIf); f('I\'m extremely attracted to $Esther$. Like, sexually.'); f(c_b, 'Surprise of the year…', 'inlove'); f('...'); f('Being completely honest — I\'ve even fantasized about her while having sex with $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And yes, I have considered hypnotizing her, as well. I mean, not considered as such, I guess. Just… fantasized about it.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('And yes, I know how crazy that sounds. Fantasizing about one of your $creature_$sisters… while having sex with another of your $creature_$sisters...?'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('And yes, I know how crazy that sounds. Fantasizing about your $creature_$sister… while having sex with your $creature_$$wife$...?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I can see the irony of it, thank you very much.'); f(c_b, 'You\'re welcome.', 'happy'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'eHalf'); f('My half-British $creature_$daughter…'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Now, this… this is a little complicated. I don\'t want to get into the details, but… I was young, and dumb.'); f(c_b, 'It\'s complicated because you are playing with too many cheats turned on!!', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'Seriously, though! Making all the incest routes match was pretty intense. We\'re talking about 3 characters… 3 incest cheats each, plus the default stuff, right?', 'confused'); f(c_b, 'I mean, not that I want to blow my own horn, but I hope all you incest-lovers out there properly appreciate what I went through to deliver this to you!'); f(c_b, 'Not to mention, they all work with the mind control stuff as well. Christ.', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('$Esther$\'s mother, also a $creature$, was an exchange student at my high school...'); f(otherwise); f('$Esther$\'s mother was an exchange student at my high school...'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Now, this… this is a little complicated. $Esther$ is not $Hatsune$\'s daughter. I don\'t want to get into the details, but… I was young, and dumb. Her $creature_$mother was an exchange student at my high school...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('...'); f('OK, I guess I have to give at least some details.'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 100, 10); f(pause, 2); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f('I… I hypnotized her mother.'); f('That\'s right. I wasn\'t as skilled as I\'m now, but…'); f('I was very shy, actually. And had a hard time talking to girls.'); f('I hadn\'t even the courage to speak up to her, $Esther$\'s mother, that is. She was British, your typical English Rose…'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('OK, so maybe not so typical. An English Catgirl Rose.'); f(elseIf, 'cowgirl'); f('OK, so maybe not so typical. An English Cowgirl Rose.'); f(elseIf, 'pirate'); f('OK, so maybe not so typical. An English Pirate Rose.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!cowgirl'); f('No, she didn\'t possess the same volume of mammary tissue as $Esther$ does, I guess that must have come from my genetic background.'); f(endIf); f('Anyways, I… I left her a false love letter from one of the popular guys in school, that I thought she was interested in… asking her to come to the equipment room behind the school gym.'); f('I don\'t know what I was really planning to do, but… when she saw, me grew suspicious, and began to turn around.'); f('I got desperate, thinking she\'d tell people, make me seem like a pervert…'); f('So I ran up to her and held her hard while I stared into her eyes, hypnotizing her.'); f('It\'s not easy, actually, to hypnotize someone while they\'re in that kind of state, but… all of a sudden, she went from struggling with all she had, to just… completely lame. Expressionless face. She didn\'t move a muscle — that is, until I asked her to.'); f('I… I never intended to have sex with her, there.'); f('At least that\'s what I like to tell myself.'); f('I asked, nay, <i>commanded</i> her to strip down, piece by piece, and when she stood stark naked in front of me, I was just too excited not to…'); f('... not to…'); f('Well, you get what happened, don\'t you?'); f('I fucked her silly.'); f('Anyway…'); f(otherwise); f('And you know, boy meets girl, boy puts penis inside of said girl, girl leaves and never comes back. Your average love story.'); f(endIf); f('I didn\'t know of $Esther$\'s existence until she was already 15, when she sent me a letter addressed to my parent\'s, in very sketchy Japanese.'); f('We connected on Facebook, eventually, and after high school, she ended up moving here.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('$Hatsune$ knows of $Esther$ and has met her maybe once or twice.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('It\'s weird because… $Hatsune$ is $Esther$\'s grandmother, of course, but in a way, she\'s a reminder of another woman.'); f('I guess $Hatsune$ is happier not to have to consider her existence, at all. Just pretending she isn\'t there.'); f(endIf); f('There\'s a thought behind not letting them meet very often, as well.'); f('I\'m a little weary $Esther$ might notice something\'s off, I mean, between me and my $wife$. Us not behaving entirely $husband$-and-$wife$ly, all the time.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('I mean… finding out her dad is fucking her sister? Who knows how she\'d react.'); f(otherwise); f('I mean… how would she react? Finding out her dad is in a sexual relationship with his $wife$? It\'d probably be the last I\'d see of her. And I don\'t want that…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ knows, of course, and isn\'t upset at me over it, or whatever. They\'ve met once or twice, but not very often. I guess I want to spare $Hatsune$ the embarrassment, maybe.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(endCall); f(label, 'meetEsther'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'town', 'fade'); f(setFilter, 'sunset'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(doCall, 'estherIncestIntro'); f(removeScreenEffects); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.4); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$…! $hi$... Are $ye$ on $your$ $landlubbin_$way home$meow$?'); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$. Hi. Yes, yes I am.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('It\'s hard for me to even call her "mom", after having been separated from her for so long, but I figure it\'s a small gesture of goodwill.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(pause, 2); f('On my way home from a long day of work…'); f(changeName, e, '???'); f(voice, 'a_ano'); f(e, '$um$…'); f(e, 'M-Mr. Inamoto...! Are $ye$ on $your$ way home$meow$?'); f(m, 'Miss Anderson...?'); f(changeName, e, 'Esther'); f('I don\'t even need to turn around to address her.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f('I\'d recognize that voice anywhere — and not just because I\'ve worked at the same company with her for two years, not just because she\'s the only catgirl I know outside of $Hina$ and $Hatsune$...'); f(otherwise); f('I\'d recognize that voice anywhere — and not just because I\'ve worked at the same company with her for two years, though that might help...'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f('It\'s none other than $Esther$ Anderson.'); f(c_b, 'The lovely $Esther$. In the original G.J. game, she was actually the mother of the protagonist.', 'inlove'); f(c_e, 'She has a very mother-like look to her…'); f('I know what you\'re thinking. That name doesn\'t sound very Japanese — and that\'s because it\'s not.'); f('$Esther$ hails from England, born and bred, and she has the strawberry blonde hair so very atypical of Japanese women to prove it.'); f('A nice body, too. Pretty big boobs. Maybe even big enough to rival $Hatsune$\'s.'); f(c_e, 'All the characters in this have huge boobs…'); f(c_e, 'Apart from $Minoru$, I hope.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Insert Hugh Grant joke about Meat Loaf having a nice set too, from, uh… <i>Four Weddings and a Funeral?</i> No, wait, it\'s from <i>Notting Hill,</i> isn\'t it.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Actually, speaking of the boobs, that\'s probably the most common complaint we\'ve received. That there\'s not enough variety in the chest department.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'We do try and keep things a little more varied in general, but since the graphics were from an older game…', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'You have to do the best with the material you have!', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'Though, personally, I think flatter girls are cuter and more aesthetically pleasing.'); f(c_b, 'Typical girl\'s opinion!', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'Personally, I think the huge boobs are hot as hell, but yeah, it does get a little samey.'); f(whatIf, 'cowgirl||catgirl'); f('And yes, a $creature$, as well. You only thought this condition existed in Japan? No, it\'s a worldwide phenomenon, even if it\'s probably slightly more common in East Asia than anywhere else, for whatever reason.'); f(elseIf, 'pirate'); f('And yes, a pirate, as well. They do exist outside of Japan as well, of course.'); f(otherwise); f('Not that I\'ve let myself mentally undress her in the office before.'); f('Not that often, anyway.'); f(c_b, 'You liar…', 'angry'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!eIncest'); f(m, 'That\'s right. You too?'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Oh. $um$, $yes$.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('Odd. This is the first time we\'ve accidentally bumped into each other like this.'); f('I realize I don\'t actually know where she lives — I never got around to ask, and on the few occasions we\'ve met, it was always somewhere neutral, like at Starbucks, or some family restaurant.'); f(otherwise); f('Odd. It\'s the first time I run into her like this, on my way back home from work.'); f('She must have moved recently. She used to live on the other side of town, if I remember correctly.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('What else is there for me to do?'); f('I know $Esther$ tolerably well, but we\'re not close friends. Not like me and Hina.'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ and I have spoken a little, mostly about the $bladder$ problems of her pet $cat$, $Chocola$. We\'re both pretty big on $cat$s.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl&&!pirate'); f('You might think of that ironic or something — but remember, genetically, $Esther$ really doesn\'t differ much from your average human. The amount of cat DNA in her genome doesn\'t mean she\'s closer to cats, than regular people are to chimpanzees.'); f('So her having a cat really isn\'t weird, at all.'); f(c_e, 'Science!', 'happy'); f(elseIf, 'cowgirl'); f('The idea of a cowgirl having a $cat$ might sound funny to you, but remember, $Esther$ is a human, not a pet.'); f('At least, not yet...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('I used to have a parrot, too — a cute red one called Maple.'); f(otherwise); f('I used to have a cat, too — a cute American curl called Maple.'); f(c_b, 'So this too is based on an actual cat, I assume?'); f(c_e, 'There is an American curl called Maple in another popular VN…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Oh, right. Gotcha.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl&&!pirate'); f('Then, $Hatsune$ decided we should get rid of it. I never got a proper explanation as to why it was so imperative, but…'); f('Unlike $Esther$, I guess… somehow, I think $Hatsune$ actually viewed little Maple as a <i>rival</i>, could you imagine.'); f('No, please! It was completely unfounded.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I may be a $wife$-fucker, but I\'m not that twisted.'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I may have hypnotized one or two people into having sex with me, in my days, but never an actual animal. Come on.'); f('It probably wouldn\'t even work.'); f(c_e, 'Not with that attitude.', 'angry'); f(c_b, '...', 'dumbfounded'); f('...'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Then, Hatsune developed an allergy to $fur$, and we had to get rid of it.'); f(otherwise); f('Then I got married to $Hatsune$ and we moved into an apartment together, and I had to get rid of her.'); f('It\'s not because $Hatsune$ doesn\'t <i>like</i> $cat$s — she\'s <i>allergic</i> to them.'); f(endIf); f('Even the faintest whiff of $cat_hair$ makes her sneeze.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Unfortunately nothing I could cure with hypnosis.'); f(otherwise); f('I was pretty sad about that, actually...'); f(endIf); f('...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('I guess you could say I ended up trading one bird in for another.'); f(otherwise); f('I guess you could say I ended up trading one pussy in for another.'); f(endIf); f('Ha, ha.'); f(c_b, 'I do genuinely think this is a good one.', 'happy'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I, $um$... I know this $is$ a $little$ forward, but...'); f('$Esther$ presses her index fingers together anxiously, in the manner of all shy people who are afraid of intruding.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&!eHalf'); f('Again, I find myself wishing she wouldn\'t be so shy around me.'); f(otherwise); f('Despite not being Japanese, I think she has our mannerisms down pat. Maybe that\'s why she fits in so well around the office — I mean, if you disregard the strawberry blonde hair.'); f('That does take a bit of getting used to.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I was wonder$ing$, $um$... If $ye$ wanted to stop by a restaurant before $ye$ go$meow$?'); f(m, 'A restaurant?'); f('I blink.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Though we\'ve both talked about meeting up more often, I didn\'t expect $Esther$ to be this forward, all of a sudden.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Well, don\'t look so $scurvy_$surprised...!'); f(m, 'Um… no, it\'s just, uh…'); f('I smile.'); f(m, 'Well, I guess I <i>am</i> a little surprised.'); f('$Esther$ smiles back.'); f(e, 'It\'d be a nice to, $you_know$… spend at least a little more time together, once in a while$meow$...?'); f(m, 'Sure… I mean, we should, it\'s just that...'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Just what?'); f(otherwise); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Um, I just… I just think it would be nice, $you_know$? $maleColleague$ $and$ $colleague$, just once in a while$meow$.'); f(m, 'Oh, of course. We were talking about, uh… doing something, it\'s just…'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Just what?'); f(endIf); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('It\'s just that I\'m… I\'m afraid what I might do to you.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s just that… I\'m afraid the two of us will cross a line we shouldn\'t cross, if I go along with you.'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t tell her that — of course not, I can\'t.'); f('I probably shouldn\'t go along with her, but if I don\'t, then what?'); f(otherwise); f('Coming from a retiring $creature$ like $Esther$, this is awfully forward.'); f('I think I\'d actually be less shocked if she got down on one knee and proposed.'); f(m, 'Do you want more help with $Chocola$?'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$Chocola$ $is$ fine$meow$. I just, $um$...'); f('Fidget, fidget.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I\'m really grateful you recommended that vet to me. I was a little worried about her stomach, um... $and$ $ye$ were a big $landlubbin_$help$meow$.'); f(m, 'Hey, it\'s no big deal. We\'re co-workers.'); f('And you happen to have a very nice $creature_$body.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'B-but we hardly know one another, yet $ye$\'ve done so much $for$ me...!'); f(m, 'And you\'ve done a lot for me, too.'); f('Not like I can come out and say sometimes I fantasize about her when I\'m fucking my $wife$.'); f('I feel a little ashamed admitting that to myself, let alone out loud.'); f(m, 'Honestly, don\'t worry about it. Like I said, we\'re co-workers — and we both like $cat$s. As a $cat$-lover, I\'m obligated to help my brethren.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('And as a $creature$-fucker, I\'m feeling even more obligated, right now…'); f(otherwise); f('Or... <i>sisteren</i>.'); f('Is that a word?'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'smiling', x, xtrue); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_arigatou'); f(e, 'Oh, $um$... Th-thank you, Mr. Inamoto...'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(m, 'Please, just call me $Minoru$. Or, you know. <i>Matey</i> or <i>me hearty,</i> or whatever it is you prefer…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Please, just call me $Minoru$.'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I-I couldn\'t$meow$...!'); f(m, 'Isn\'t that how you address each other in England? It\'s first name only basis there, right?'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(e, 'Th-that might be the case, but there\'s different social etiquette... I mean, this <i>$is$</i> Japan$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(m, 'Sure, but… I\'m of a pirate family too… even if I\'m not a pirate myself.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'It $is$ indeed.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Mr. Inamoto...'); f(m, 'I already said, call me "$Minoru$".'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'But that\'s too $for$ward$meow$…!'); f(m, 'You just invited me out to a restaurant. If anything, you\'re already being rather forward.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And I didn\'t even have to hypnotize you into doing it! Hm. This is a first.'); f(c_b, 'Protag-kun is a whole lot darker character with the hypnosis cheat turned on, of course… but he\'s also more of a loser, in a way, not ever having had a proper relationship without relying on his <i>mind controlling skillz.</i>'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'M-meow!'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I-I... I-I didn\'t mean it like $that$...!'); f(m, 'Heh.'); f('I let out a short laugh. I can\'t help myself.'); f('Teasing her is pretty fun. It\'s hard to prod and poke at $Hatsune$ like this.'); f('$Esther$ is far more vulnerable.'); f('Maybe I\'m into that.'); f(c_e, 'Somebody is secretly a sadist…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Not so secretly, depending on which choices you make. Or… which choices you make <i>him</i> make.', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I guess I don\'t really know what I\'m into… except I\'m obviously a pervert for having sex with my $creature_$$wife$...'); f(otherwise); f('I wouldn\'t know what I\'m into, really. I started dating $Hatsune$ in high school, and I\'ve never been with any other $woman$.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('My pool of experience is tragically shallow.'); f('But that doesn\'t mean I\'ve never wondered...'); f(endIf); f('What would happen if I took $Esther$ up on her offer? She\'s so eager to please, and she seems like she might be quite easily manipulated...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Maybe I wouldn\'t even have to hypnotize her...?'); f(endIf); f('No.'); f('I can\'t think like that. It\'s wrong.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I\'m in a relationship with my $wife$, for better or for worse. I shouldn\'t be unfaithful with her…'); f('Of course, the advantage of being in a clandestine relationship with your $wife$ is that nobody, including your colleagues, know about it.'); f('$Esther$ doesn\'t know… maybe I could get her to string along with this?'); f(otherwise); f('I\'m married.'); f('But... $Esther$ doesn\'t need to know that.'); f('I don\'t talk about my private life that much, and I don\'t wear my wedding ring when I\'m at the office. It was pretty expensive, and I\'m kind of paranoid about it getting stolen.'); f(c_e, 'Pretty sure I only included this detail because, if he\'d been wearing his wedding ring in the office, Esther would never have come on to him to begin with.'); f(c_b, 'Good thinking.'); f(c_e, 'She\'s meant to be a pure girl who wouldn\'t break up a marriage knowingly!'); f(c_b, 'Yeah, that would definitely have been out-of-character for her.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Come to think of it — my boss might very well be the only person who knows about $Hatsune$.'); f(otherwise); f('Come to think of it — Hina\'s probably the only person who knows about $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t think $Esther$ knows the truth, but can I really do this...?'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(endIf); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(setVolume, 0.7); f(pause, 0.5); f('If I don\'t, I\'ll have to go back home to $Hatsune$, and she\'ll be waiting on the bed like yesterday.'); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 1); f(h, '<i>Would $ye$ like to have dinner, or should I draw up a bath... Or would $ye$ prefer to have…</i>'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_yaritai'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_yaritai'); f(endIf); f(h, '<i>Me...?</i>'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And… her expressionless $eyes$…'); f(otherwise); f('As regular as clockwork.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('Unless…'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'town', 'fade'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral2'); f(pause, 1); f('Hm…'); f(c_b, 'Which will it be?'); f(pause, 2); f(choice); f(choice, 'Go along with $yourEsther$.'); f('Nothing more than routine.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(changeBg, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I don\'t know if I can keep doing it.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&!eIncest'); f('I just want… something "normal".'); f(otherwise); f('I just want something more.'); f(endIf); f('Is that really so much to ask?'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'e_date'); f(choice, 'Refuse $yourEsther$.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 5); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(m, 'I\'m frightfully sorry, $Esther$. I think I need to head home to my wife.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Oh. I\'m sorry. D-didn\'t mean to intrude, $of$ course$meow$.'); f(m, 'Oh, not at all, $Esther$. We can go eat some other time. Maybe I\'ll try and bring my wife along as well. I\'ll… I\'ll call you.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I\'ll… call you.'); f(pause, 2); f(otherwise); f('As the word "wife" leaves my lips, $Esther$ gets a panicked look over her face.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I\'m so sorry$meow$! I-I didn\'t-'); f(m, 'Nothing to worry about, $Esther$.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('Nothing for <i>you</i> to worry about, at least.'); f(pause, 2); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I\'m frightfully sorry, $Esther$. I need to head home, actually. I can feel a headache coming…'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('A headache named "$Hatsune$."'); f(c_b, 'That\'s not a really nice way of talking about your $wife$...', 'unhappy'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(c_b, '... Especially not when you consider you\'re the one who hypnotized her into being like that...', 'dumbfounded'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(endIf); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(choice, 'Invite $yourEsther$ home for dinner.'); f(doCall, 'threesomeInvitation'); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'threesome1'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'e_date'); f(fadeIn, 'shokudo', 2); f(pause, 1.5); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 2); f(e, 'I... I\'m sorry$meow$. I know this place isn\'t very much...'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry about it. It\'s fine.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_demohazukashiiwa'); f(e, 'I\'m a little embarrassed, though…'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'lookingdown']); f('My mother glances down at the table top, letting her manicured fingernails trace patterns against the plastic.'); f('Why the hesitancy…?'); f('There\'s something about it though that makes me feel in power, in control. Her guilt, perhaps? I enjoy it. It makes coming to a less-than-stellar family restaurant like this worthwhile.'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_demonankahazukashii'); f(e, 'But, $um$... $it\'s$ kind $of$ embarrass$ing$...'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'lookingdown']); f('$Esther$ glances down at the table top, letting her manicured fingernails trace patterns against the plastic.'); f('Her hesitance is almost unbearably adorable.'); f('It makes coming to a less-than-stellar family restaurant like this, with cheap plastic menus and chattering children, worthwhile.'); f(endIf); f('Even if my omelette rice is a little undercooked and the cherry tomatoes on the side are overripe.'); f(c_b, '$Minoru$ the Gourmet.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I mean, I asked f$or$ us to meet up, maybe I should have chosen a nicer place $for$ it… since we don\'t meet $very$ often$meow$…'); f(m, 'No, not at all. We\'re family, aren\'t we? Meeting up in a "family restaurant" makes perfect sense, doesn\'t it?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I mean... I asked $ye$ out, $and$ then I took $ye$ to a place like this...'); f(m, 'I must admit, I was a little surprised. I didn\'t exactly expect it.'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ always dresses nicely, in expensive suits, and she piles her hair up carefully in these intricate buns.'); f('She stands out in a gaudy place like this, like the Queen of England dossing around in a back alley.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('If she\'s the Queen of England, I guess that makes me... <i>Prince Harry</i>...?'); f(c_e, 'Okay, that made me laugh.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'I just realized but strictly speaking, that\'d actually make $Minoru$ Prince Charles, of course. But nobody wants to be Prince Charles, do they...? Let\'s keep it as-is.', 'worried'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'lookingdown']); f(e, 'I-I just thought... $um$...'); f('Fiddle, fiddle.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('$Esther$ grabs the bill lying on the table.'); f(m, 'Hold on, let me pay that.'); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(e, 'I don\'t really have $that$ much $money$, after pay$ing$ $for$ $the$ vet\'s bills... But I still wanted to thank $ye$$meow$.'); f(m, 'You mean you want to pay for me?'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Come on, now. I\'m $your$ $swashbucklin_$mother, aren\'t I? Please let me pay$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_dame'); f(e, 'I-I can\'t?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I don\'t know about that. I\'m the man. Aren\'t I supposed to pay?'); f(c_b, 'Toxic masculinity detected!! /s', 'angry'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'B-but, we\'re family$meow$…'); f(m, 'Uh, yes, of course.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'I mean, that\'s precisely why <i>I</i> should pay, don\'t you think? I\'m your father, after all. Even if I haven\'t been there much for you, up until now…'); f(e, 'U-up until now…?'); f(m, 'Uh… yes.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'OK OK, feel free to pay.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_arigatou'); f(e, 'Thank you, $Minoru$. I appreciate it.'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_hontoni'); f(e, 'Y-$ye$ mean it?'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$\'s face lights up. You\'d have thought I paid her some great compliment — not judiciously allowed her to spend money on my omelette rice.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('I guess this meant more to her than I had imagined.'); f(endIf); f('I\'m starting to have second thoughts.'); f(otherwise); f('If my grandpa found out I was even contemplating letting a pretty girl like $Esther$ pay for my meal — which, after glancing at the prices again, is going to amount to mere pocket change — he\'d probably hit me with a <i>shinai</i>.'); f('No kidding.'); f('Grandpa\'s always been pretty big on kendo.'); f(e, 'W-well, you helped me with $Chocola$ so much already...'); f(m, 'And, like I said, I was just trying to do the right thing.'); f(endIf); f('Was coming out with $Esther$ the "right" thing?'); f('I don\'t know.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('I mean, on the surface, it seems like that, doesn\'t it? $maleColleague$ and $colleague$ meeting up once in a while… even if it were in a cheap family restaurant serving nothing but mass-produced junk…'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, it\'s just a cheap family restaurant. It\'s hardly a super romantic date. $Hatsune$\'s cooking is far better than this mass-produced junk…'); f(endIf); f('... But, for some reason, it tasted kind of good.'); f('It shouldn\'t have tasted good. It had no business to taste good because it definitely, most categorically wasn\'t.'); f('But I still liked it.'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f('Maybe because I was with $Esther$...?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Christ, what is going on here? I\'d better break things up, before I inadvertently find myself crossing a line that should not be crossed…'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Break it up.'); f(m, 'Well, $Esther$. Thank you very much, it was really nice to, uh… sit down and talk with you. We should to this again.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(e, '$eMinoru$... $you\'re$ leaving so soon$meow$?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Yes, well. I have $Hatsune$ to look after, you know?'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'I\'m sure she $is4 perfectly capable $of$ handl$ing$ herself$meow$.'); f(m, 'Yes, but you know what I mean.'); f('Or rather… she doesn\'t. Which I guess is really for the best.'); f(voice, 'c_wakarimashita'); f(e, 'I… I see.'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(e, 'Oh… $of$ course…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I\'ll try and bring her along next time, maybe!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Yes, well, you know what it\'s like. Can\'t leave the <i>trouble and strife</i> to her own devices for all too long!'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_wakarimashita'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I-I see…'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f('Thank you, $Esther$.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(setVariable, 'refusedEstherEarlyOn'); f(jump, 'backToH'); f(choice, 'Suggest you go to her place.'); f(m, 'Hey, $Esther$... it\'s been really nice talking to you. Do you want to move along somewhere else, maybe?'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Really?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'S-somewhere else$meow$?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I mean, nothing wrong with this restaurant, but we can\'t just sit here forever, can we? And… we don\'t meet up very often, so I feel… I feel it\'d be a shame to just go home, now.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_wakarimashita'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Oh, I see…'); f(m, 'How about your place?'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'arriveEsthersPlace'); f(endChoice); f(otherwise); f(choice); f(choice, 'Pay for your meal — and break things off.'); f(jump, 'branch7'); f(choice, 'Let $yourEsther$ pay — and see how far you can take this.'); f(jump, 'branch8'); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f(label, 'branch7'); f('... No.'); f('I\'ve let this go too far already.'); f('Allowing a pretty girl like $Esther$ to take me to a restaurant is one thing, but making her foot the bill as well?'); f('That\'d be beyond embarrassing.'); f('It\'d be shameful.'); f('Downright <i>humiliating</i>.'); f(c_b, 'Oh, shut up.', 'angry'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('My manly pride would never be able to recover.'); f('Not that I have much of that, given how often I let $Hatsune$ push me around...'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('Ah.'); f('$Hatsune$.'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(setVolume, 0.7); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 1); f('An image of her from last night flickers across my mind; lying on the bed, tits pressed against the covers.'); f('She\'ll be waiting for me.'); f('Wondering where I am.'); f(pause, 1); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.2); f('But would she ever suspect I was busy in the early stages of having an affair — attempted affair, shall I say — with a sexy co-worker?'); f(c_b, 'I read this one review of the beta on Newgrounds… it was from a guy claiming to be a Christian, who was so happy to have finally found an H game he could play with a clear conscience.'); f(c_b, 'Because you start out married... Of course, he was supposedly missing out on <i>a lot</i>, but he didn\'t seem to mind.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'It was a very enthusiastic review, really.'); f(c_e, 'Th-that\'s kind of sweet…', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'I think it\'s nice that you don\'t have to cheat on Hatsune if you don\'t want to, and you can patch things up with her in the end.'); f(c_b, 'We\'re all about choice here at Marble Syrup!', 'benderp'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I sigh.'); f('Even if she did, I could just make her suspicions go away with the flick of my finger.'); f(endIf); f(fadeIn, 'shokudo', 1); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0]); f('... Yeah. $Esther$ is sexy. She\'s made sexier by the fact she doesn\'t realize she\'s sexy, so there\'s something mousy and vulnerable about her despite her large tits and voluptuous curves, but...'); f(c_e, 'Sometimes I look at descriptions like this like, \'did I really write that\'...?', 'worried'); f(c_b, '... yup. This was you.'); f(c_e, 'In real life I don\'t spend much time staring at women thinking about their boobs…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Er…', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, 'Me neither... No, of course not.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Wh-what!? STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!!', 'surprised'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(m, 'I\'m sorry, $Esther$. I can\'t let you pay for my food.'); f('Verbally, it sounds like the only thing I\'m rejecting is her money — but we both know it runs deeper than that.'); f('The stakes are higher than we\'ve allowed ourselves to let on.'); f('I can\'t let her pay for my meal...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And I can\'t allow myself to hypnotize her.'); f('I\'ve caused enough mayhem as it is.'); f(otherwise); f('And I can\'t allow myself to fall for her.'); f('It just wouldn\'t be proper.'); f('I\'m too Japanese for this.'); f(c_b, 'Pfft! Japanese, <i>schmapanese.</i> She\'s the hottest girl in the game! Go for her!', 'angry'); f(endIf); f('The right thing to do is pay for my meal, shrug on my coat, and walk back home to my $wife$.'); f('I don\'t know if I love her all that much anymore, but does it matter?'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('We <i>are</i> married.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('That\'s something that won\'t change, whether or not she\'s hypnotized.'); f(otherwise); f('That\'s something that won\'t change.'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t wear my wedding band at work, but I can still feel the faint impression of it — a groove about my ring finger — when I reach into my pocket to pull out my wallet.'); f('That\'s something that can\'t be refuted.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'Esther==Esther'); f('No matter how sexy, yet charmingly unaware of it, $Esther$ Anderson is.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(setVariable, 'refusedEstherEarlyOn'); f(jump, 'backToH'); f(label, 'branch8'); f(m, 'Alright. You can pay for me if you <i>really</i> want.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(e, 'Y-$ye$ mean it$meow$?'); f('$Esther$\'s face lights up. You\'d have thought I paid her some great compliment — not judiciously allowed her to spend money on my omelette rice.'); f('She really is easy to please.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('Not like $Hatsune$, who\'s always been so <i>demanding</i>...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'But, if you insist on paying for me, there\'s something I want in return.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'Me-owh? What is it?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'O-oh? What is it?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I was wondering if I could come back to your place.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(e, 'T-to me lair? To me... me pirate\'s cove…?!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'T-to my house...?!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'That\'s right. Um, not for any untoward reasons—'); f('A lie.'); f(m, '-but because the coffee here is kind of... weak. <i>Too much creamer.</i>'); f(c_b, 'Best excuse ever to invite yourself into somebody\'s home.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'What a smooth operator.', 'sophiederp'); f(c_b, 'I wish this would become an instantly recognizable meme. <i>Too much creamer...!</i> It kinda works as a double entendre as well.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(e, 'O-oh, I see... meself, I be likin\' a coffee wit\' jus\' a hint o\' th\' ol\'-fashioned rum$meow$.'); f(e, 'N-not too much, though, mind! I… I can\'t hold me drink all tha\' well$meow$...'); f(m, 'Uh, right. Exactly… but also...'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'O-oh, I see... I like sweet coffee $my$self$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I think coffee always tastes better when it\'s been made by somebody you care about. They know your tastes better than the waiting staff.'); f(voice, 'a_ano'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'I, $um$… meoew…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I, $um$... ah…'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ flushes, fiddling with a napkin. She passes it between her hands, twisting at the corners like she\'s trying to make an origami swan.'); f('But she\'s too clumsy and her fingers are shaking.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0]); f(e, 'I-if $ye$ want a coffee, I... I-I don\'t mind$meow$. $my$ apartment $is$ not $very$ big, though…'); f(m, 'It\'s fine.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(e, 'But $ye$, $um$... D-do $ye$ have any commitments? I wouldn\'t want to keep $ye$$meow$...'); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(setVolume, 0.7); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f('An image of $Hatsune$ from last night, spread across the bed, flashes through the forefront of my mind.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('I shake my head, trying to dislodge it.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(fadeIn, 'shokudo'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'sad']); f(m, 'Me? No. Nope. No commitments.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0, 'slightlyhappy']); f(e, '$ye$ live on $your$ own?'); f(m, 'Mmhmm.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', 'fade', [0]); f(voice, 'a_yokatta'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'Meow, that\'s good…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'O-oh, good...'); f(endIf); f('Relief spreads across $Esther$\'s face. That is, until she realizes the implications behind her words and her cheeks turn pink.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'blushing']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 5, 0.2); f(pause, 0.5); f(e, 'I-I mean, $it\'s$ not good! I-I\'m not happy $ye$ live on $your$ own — of course I\'m not! Th-that\'s an awful thing to think$meow$!'); f(m, 'Really? I don\'t think it\'s <i>that</i> awful.'); f(e, 'Y-$ye$ don\'t?'); f(m, 'No. In fact, right now...'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f('I reach across the table, taking hold of her fingers.'); f(c_b, 'A NG review called $Minoru$ \'beta\'... It\'s like \'cuck\', the words seem to have lost all meaning except "something/someone of which I disapprove."', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'I\'m sure Hatsune won\'t find out.'); f(e, '$eMinoru$...? $Hatsune$? Um... Wh-what $are$ $ye$ talk$ing$ about$meow$...?'); f('Oh, crap. Freudian slip, or something. That\'s not what I intended to say. Best I\'d make her forget about that.'); f(m, '$Esther$, look into my eyes…'); f(e, 'W-why?'); f(m, 'Just do it.'); f('I stare into her $eyes$. In the old days, I\'d swing amulets and all kinds of bullshit, just from watching too much TV on the matter, I guess.'); f('Nowadays, I can pull this off just using my voice, though it helps if there\'s eye contact.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(m, 'You\'ve no idea who Hatsune is.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'slightlyhappy', 'hypnosis2']); f(e, '... I\'ve no idea who Hatsune $is$$meow$.'); f('I look around quickly, just to make sure nobody else is looking. Let\'s play around a little...'); f(m, 'You\'ve no idea she\'s actually my $creature_$$wife$, whom I\'ve kind of accidentally hypnotized into a sex monster. Whom I have sex with basically every night, and every morning.'); f(e, '$OK$...'); f(m, 'Right.'); f('And with that, she\'s out of it.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'sad']); f(e, '... Huh? D-did $ye$ just s-say someth$ing$?'); f(m, 'Nope, not at all. Shall we go?'); f(e, 'Sure.'); f(otherwise); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(m, 'I did not just mention my $wife$\'s name to you.'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'slightlyhappy', 'hypnosis2']); f(e, 'You did not just mention your $wife$\'s name to me$meow$.'); f(m, 'Matter of fact, you are blissfully unaware of the fact that I\'m married to a sex-crazed woman whom I\'m trying to get away from.'); f(e, 'I $am$ blissfully unaware-'); f(m, 'Right. You don\'t actually have to repeat it.'); f(e, '...'); f(m, 'OK. So...'); f(cgs, 'e_date', x, [0, 'sad']); f('I change the tone of my voice, and immediately, $Esther$ snaps out of it. Yes, I\'m really that good, but then again... I\'ve had my fair share of practice.'); f(m, 'Shall we go?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I\'m counting my lucky stars I am single.'); f(e, 'M-Mr. Inamoto...'); f(m, 'Like I said, $Minoru$\'s fine.'); f(e, '$eMinoru$...? $um$... Wh-what do $ye$ mean...?'); f('I lean in a little closer to her. My voice drops to a whisper.'); f(m, 'I mean, I\'m glad I\'m single. That means I can spend time with a pretty $creature$ like you.'); f(c_b, 'Laying it on a little thick there, $Minoru$…', 'unhappy'); f(e, 'P-pretty?'); f(m, 'Indubitably.'); f(c_e, 'Indubitably is a good word. A very seductive word.'); f(c_e, 'If you use it, you will get the girl 10/10 times. Guaranteed.'); f(c_b, '*Furiously taking notes*', 'bendisgusted'); f(endIf); f('Really, I try to reason, I\'m not doing anything wrong.'); f('I\'m just finishing what $Esther$ started.'); f('She was the one who invited me to this restaurant. She was the one who instigated.'); f('Isn\'t this what she wants?'); f('It\'s a man\'s job to be a little pushy. Otherwise, nothing would get done.'); f('I\'m sure my grandpa, with his kendo obsession, would agree wholeheartedly.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('Except the fact that I\'m about to cheat.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('On his favorite granddaughter, even.'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('On his favorite daughter, even.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f('On his grand-granddaughter, even.'); f(endIf); f('Christ.'); f(otherwise); f('... maybe not the bit about the cheating on $Hatsune$, though. He always liked $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Well, who cares about grandpa, or $Hatsune$?'); f('Screw $Hatsune$.'); f('Not literally, of course.'); f('I\'ve done far too much of that lately.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'arriveEsthersPlace'); f(label, 'arriveEsthersPlace'); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(pause, 1.5); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1.5); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'eIncest||hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_ungh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_ungh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Mghh…!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_eghe'); f(e, 'Mm... $eMinoru$...'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Esther$...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 2); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(e, '$no$, dad— nn…'); f(otherwise); f(e, '$no$, $eMinoruAlt$— nn...'); f(endIf); f('My tongue probes the inside of $Esther$\'s mouth, sliding around inside.'); f('If I wanted, I could probably count all her teeth with the tip of my tongue...'); f('But I have better things to do.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep kissing her.'); f(jump, 'eKeepKissing'); f(choice, 'Give her room to breathe.'); f('I draw back, slowly.'); f(jump, 'eRoomToBreathe'); f(endChoice); f(otherwise); f(c_b, 'One of two premium choices coming up. If you\'re not a $5+ backer of our Patreon — sorry, but we do have to earn our keep somehow. Remember, it\'s only a quite small part of the game that\'s locked off.', 'worried'); f(c_b, '... I mean, if you don\'t count all the cheats, of course... but those would never have been around in the first place if it weren\'t for Patreon — we came up with them as a way to add more value for pledgers, so.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep kissing her.'); f(jump, 'eKeepKissing'); f(choice, 'Give her room to breathe.'); f('I draw back, slowly.'); f(jump, 'eRoomToBreathe'); f(choice, 'Peg her to the floor.', 'premium'); f(jump, 'ePeggedFloor'); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f(label, 'ePeggedFloor'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('As suddenly as I began kissing her, I find myself pushing her over, onto the ground.'); f('$Esther$ looks flabbergasted as the two of us tumble to the ground.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$, n-$no$$meow$!!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_iyananiwosuruno'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_naniwoyamete'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-$no$! Wh-what $are$ $ye$ do-'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'bodyHitsGround'); f(textEffect, '<bam!>', 360, 620, x, 1.1, -10, 'popUp', 0.3, 350); f(pause, 0.4); f(textEffect, '<fumble!>', 420, 620, 'Blue', 0.8, 10, 'popUp', 0.3, 260); f(pause, 0.4); f(playSound, 'fumbling'); f(textEffect, '<umpf!>', 520, 620, 'Orange', 0.8, 15, 'popUp', 0.3, 280); f(pause, 0.8); f(playSound, 'yabure_short2'); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff1', x, [0, 'jacket']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance'); f(pause); f(c_b, 'So this part is new as well. And all me. You\'ve… you\'ve gotta do a non-con route, I guess.'); f('Before I even know what I\'m doing, I\'ve pulled her down on the floor, and my hands… it\'s as if they\'re moving of their own accord.'); f(c_e, 'My hips are moving on their own…!!!', 'sophiederp'); f(c_b, '<a href=\'\'></a>!', 'surprised'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(voice, 'a_otosan'); f(endIf); f(e, '$eMinoru$?!'); f('Christ… her bra has come undone, and I can see... one of her puffy, pink nipples. I can feel my blood boiling. Should I… should I go through with this?'); f('Can I go through with this? Forcing myself... upon my $colleague$?'); f('If I\'m going to back out of this, it\'s going to have happen right now, before I go too far…'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Get out of here.'); f(setVariable, 'nearlyRapedEsther'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('What the hell am I doing?'); f(playSound, 'smallClothesSound'); f('I get to my senses, and hurriedly stand up.'); f('Did I just… did I just nearly… <i>rape</i> $Esther$...?'); f('What kind of a $maleColleague$ am I…?'); f('I hurriedly turn around, with $Esther$ still on the floor, not moving an inch. I find my briefcase, and begin to leave.'); f(m, 'Uh, $Esther$, I-I\'m… I\'m sorry. I don\'t know what… I-I, I slipped. That\'s all. Let\'s… let\'s forget about this, OK?'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('The next day…'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'h_roughsex'); f(choice, 'Have your way with her.'); f(setVariable, 'rapedEsther'); f('No. I can\'t back down now, I\'ve come this far…'); f('Besides, who initiated this? Who asked me out? She did. She\'s responsible.'); f('But more importantly… she would never, <i>ever</i> tell on me.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('Her own flesh and blood… fucking her brains out?'); f(otherwise); f('Her own $maleColleague$… having her way with her?'); f(endIf); f('Because, if it was unclear, that\'s exactly what I\'m about to do...'); f(otherwise); f('I do not $Esther$ Anderson all that well, but this much I know of her type. Living with the shame is one thing… living with the shame of other people knowing? That\'s a completely different thing.'); f(endIf); f('She\'d never be able to tell a soul, never mind report it...'); f('I\'m sorry, $Esther$. But this is the way things are going down.'); f(c_b, 'Sorry not-sorry.'); f(jump, 'estherRape2'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'eKeepKissing'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Like forcing my tongue down her throat.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('As soon as we stepped inside, something just came over me. I immediately hypnotized my $colleague$ and forced myself onto her.'); f(otherwise); f('As soon as we stepped inside, I just couldn\'t hold it in any longer. I\'m forcing myself onto my $colleague$ just out of lust and I can\'t afford to stop for even a second to consider the consequences.'); f('So I keep our mouths pressed together, leaving her no room to break free.'); f(endIf); f('She pants and $moan$s, breathy and helpless against my lips.'); f('I slide my tongue in even deeper — so deep I almost choke her.'); f(otherwise); f('Like kissing her.'); f('So I keep kissing.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('As soon as we stepped inside, something just came over me. I immediately stared into her $eyes$ and forced myself onto her.'); f(endIf); f('She pants and $moan$s, breathy and helpless against my lips.'); f('I use this to my advantage and slide my tongue in even deeper — so deep I almost choke her.'); f(endIf); f('She coughs and I draw back.'); f(label, 'eRoomToBreathe'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_drawforbreath'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('A strand of saliva links our parted mouths together, hovering tenuously in the air.'); f(setVolume, 0, 'fadeOut'); f(cgs, 'h_kissgrey', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('When I first started making out with $Hatsune$... long before I made her do the blowjobs, boobjobs, and before I progressed to having actual intercourse with her unconscious body…'); f('This used to happen. The saliva…'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('When we first started kissing, $Hatsune$ and I, this always made her laugh.'); f(otherwise); f('When we first started going out in high school, Hatsune and I, this always made her giggle.'); f(endIf); f('She thought it was funny — and kind of romantic, I think — that even after our lips parted part of us remained linked together.'); f('She\'s always been pretty romantic, I guess...'); f(endIf); f('But... I shouldn\'t be thinking about $Hatsune$.'); f('Why am I still thinking about her?'); f(c_b, 'B-Because… because you love her?!'); f(c_e, 'Love? In my H VN?! It\'s more likely than you\'d think…!'); f('The whole point of this was to escape $Hatsune$ — but I can\'t.'); f('My mind keeps wandering back to her, even as my fingers trace up and down $Esther$\'s back, exploring the knobs of her spine concealed by her clothes.'); f('I\'m not even thinking about the sex. It\'s the little things really, that make $Hatsune$ $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f('I guess attempting to replace one sister with another, might have been a stupid move.'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('I guess attempting to replace one daughter with another, was a stupid move.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('...'); f('Hatsune. I know her so well.'); f(otherwise); f('The woman I loved so much I wanted to marry her.'); f(endIf); f('The way she giggles when you prod her side.'); f('The mole on the underside of her right foot.'); f('Her weird aversion to bitter melon.'); f(c_b, 'Bitter melon… ugh…', 'bendisgusted'); f(c_e, 'I like giving characters lots of small, random quirks… I think it makes them feel a little more realistic?', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'I think it does!'); f(c_e, 'But sometimes I forget them since I\'m not in the habit of writing detailed chara bios…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'It happens to the best… even to GRR Martin!', 'happy'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('The way her $eyes$ filled with tears on our wedding day, and I was tempted — so, so tempted — to kiss them all away, even in front of our friends and family.'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And of course… how to make my her, my $wife$, cum, in a million ways, with or without the help of my hypnotic skills.'); f(otherwise); f('The way her $eyes$ filled with tears the first time I told her I loved her, after cumming inside of her.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('What am I doing...?'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(e, 'Um... $eMinoru$...?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eHalf||!eIncest'); f('$Esther$ blinks up at me, her lashes long and pale. The eyelashes of a European.'); f(otherwise); f('$Esther$ blinks up at me, her lashes long and pale.'); f(endIf); f('Not like $Hatsune$\'s.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&eIncest'); f('Despite their kinship… they\'re nothing alike, really.'); f(otherwise); f('They\'re nothing alike, really.'); f(endIf); f('You\'d think kissing would feel the same across the board, but there are a lot of subtle differences.'); f('I think $Esther$\'s lips are a little larger, softer — more voluptuous, maybe — and she wears a brand of lipstick that tastes synthetic against my tongue.'); f('She uses a different shampoo to $Hatsune$, too.'); f('It smells of... strawberries, maybe.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('A little childish. Then again, she is a child. <i>My</i> child.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('As is $Hatsune$...'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&aDaughter'); f('Isn\'t that kind of childish for a grown woman? For a grandmother...?'); f(otherwise); f('Isn\'t that kind of childish for a grown woman?'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$\'s shampoo smells of coconut milk.'); f('I know because we do the weekly shopping together, and I see what brands she puts into the cart.'); f(c_b, '$for$ anybody chasing $that$ last gallery picture… assuming it, that is, $the$ gallery, is finally in $the$ game — if $you\'re$ playing with $the$ <i>Hatsune mother</i> cheat, $ye$ will find a unique one here.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(cgs, 'h_photo', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f('I know all these things about $Hatsune$, because… because she\'s my mother.'); f('And because I love her.'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('I know all these things about $Hatsune$... because I love her.'); f(otherwise); f('I know all these things about $Hatsune$ because we\'re married — have been for years now — and I love her.'); f(endIf); f('I\'m supposed to love her.'); f('So why am I doing this...?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&eIncest'); f('Replacing one hypnotic incestous relationship, with another?'); f(otherwise); f('Replacing one hypnotic love, with another?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Because I\'m bored?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'hypnosis2']); f(jump, 'estherHypnosisBranch'); f(endIf); f(e, '$eMinoruAlt$...'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ attempts again, her eyelashes trembling, and I\'m brought back to reality.'); f('I blink, shaking my head.'); f('She looks so vulnerable, sitting on the side of her bed with her hair rumpled and her chest rising and falling.'); f('I asked for coffee, but no coffee has been forthcoming — through no fault of $Esther$\'s.'); f(c_e, 'The coffee is clearly the most important thing to ask about here.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'The whole game is really about coffee. If you can actually get $Esther$ to give you that coffee, you reach the true ending.', 'benderp'); f(c_b, '... Where you drink said coffee.', 'bendisgusted'); f(c_e, 'Without too much creamer!', 'surprised'); f('I pressed my lips against hers as soon as she opened the door to let me in, and shoved my tongue deep into her mouth.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(jump, 'eMotherHasKissed'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$, wh-what $are$ $ye$ d-do$ing$$meow$?'); f(m, '$Esther$... I\'m sorry, I know we\'re related, that we\'re $maleColleague$ and $colleague$, but… you\'re too sexy. I can\'t stop myself when I\'m with you.'); f(e, '$eMinoru$... this $is$ wrong...!'); f(e, 'We shouldn\'t… we shouldn\'t kiss$meow$!'); f(m, 'Why not, exactly?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(otherwise); f('No wonder she looks so flustered.'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_anodaijobu'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I, $um$... A-are $ye$ alright$meow$?'); f(m, 'I\'m fine.'); f(e, 'B-but... y-$ye$ seem a little distracted...'); f(m, 'I do?'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'Meow.'); f('She nods.'); f(otherwise); f(e, '$yes$. Um...'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f('She looks down at her knees, tracing an idle pattern against the bedspread with her index finger.'); f(e, 'I\'m sorry if I\'m not good enough$meow$...'); f(m, 'Why are you apologizing?'); f('If anything, <i>I\'m</i> the one who should be apologizing to <i>her</i>, for more or less molesting her.'); f('She only invited me out to a restaurant, for goodness\' sake.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I... I-I haven\'t kissed anybody in a long time... Or, $um$...'); f('She dips her head shyly.'); f(e, 'Ever, really.'); f('I stare at her.'); f(m, 'You mean you\'ve never been kissed?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, '$no$. Even though I\'m a grown $creature$, I...'); f('She looks at me through her bangs, desperately seeking approval.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('Her $maleColleague$\'s approval.'); f(otherwise); f('<i>My</i> approval.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush']); f(e, 'I\'ve never... been in a relationship before. I haven\'t held hands with any man, so much as k-k-kissed them$meow$...'); f(c_b, 'The fact that she was a complete virgin was such a headache for me, implementing the mother cheat… had to rewrite all of this.', 'confused'); f(c_b, 'Then again we\'re doing a \'virgin\' cheat in our next game so it\'s good we did have at least one character with this trait.'); f(c_e, 'Could you not call it "immaculate conception"?', 'lenny'); f(c_b, 'I don\'t know how our newfound Christian audiences might take to that…', 'dumbfounded'); f('Ah. She\'s so pure she can\'t even say the word "kissed" without getting embarrassed?'); f('I didn\'t know they made girls like this nowadays. I thought it was just a myth, like unicorns.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('To think, she sprung from these loins of mine...! From something as sullied as myself, a daughter, pure as the driven snow.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush', 'lookingaway']); f(e, '$um$... I-is $that$ weird$meow$...?'); f(m, 'I guess it\'s a bit unusual. I mean, I didn\'t expect it.'); f(e, 'N-$no$?'); f(m, 'No. I mean, you\'re such a pretty $creature$ — who wouldn\'t be interested...?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush']); f(e, 'P-pretty?'); f('I roll my eyes.'); f(m, 'I already said that, didn\'t I?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I thought $ye$ were just humor$ing$ me b-because I\'m $your$ $colleague$...'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I thought $ye$ might be humor$ing$ me$meow$...'); f(endIf); f('So she thinks my cock\'s hard because I\'m "humor$ing$" her? My erection is merely me being polite?'); f('I might be Japanese, but that\'s taking it a bit too far.'); f(c_b, 'LOL at this inner monologue.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'Stupid inner monologues are my favorite thing to write…', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'I think there was a bit more of it originally, but I cut it down because it dragged too much.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(e, 'I know I\'m weird, even if you say I\'m not. I\'ve never even had a boyfriend. Not once$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f('I know $Esther$\'s a reasonably intelligent woman, so her self-esteem really must be low if it\'s making her say such stupid things.'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(e, 'I know $it\'$s weird even if you say $it\'s$ not. That\'s what $my$ parents say. $um$...'); f(e, 'They always call me — $my$ mother especially — $and$ ask me when I\'m go$ing$ to get married. They say $it\'s$ strange $that$ I\'m in $my$ early thirties $and$ I\'ve never even had a boyfriend. Not once$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I mean, th-there was one boy in primary school who said he liked me, but $that$ was when I was six $and$ I still wore braces. I-it doesn\'t count$meow$'); f(whatIf, '!eIncest'); f('She wore braces? That\'s kind of cute.'); f('She looks so elegant you never would\'ve thought.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I just don\'t know what\'s wrong with me...'); f(e, 'I-I don\'t think I\'m unattractive, but... I just...'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, '$it\'s$ hard talk$ing$ to men, $and$ I get so shy$meow$...'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(m, 'I thought pirates weren\'t supposed to be shy?'); f(e, '$No$…'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&!eHalf'); f(e, 'I thought it might be easier once I started work$ing$… becom$ing$ an adult. In a-a, an ordered company, a neat place$meow$…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I thought it might be easier in Japan b-because everybody\'s so polite... $it\'s$ less intimidat$ing$, I think. Everyth$ing$\'s ordered so neatly, $and$ I... I like that...'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'room2', 'fade'); f('I can tell by a quick, cursory look at her apartment. $Esther$ is a woman who likes things in their proper place.'); f('There\'s hardly a superfluous item to be found — it\'s practically sterile, like a lab environment… speaking of which, I know exactly what kind of <i>tests</i> I\'d like to carry out here...'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(setZoom, e, 1.5); f(e, 'But it wasn\'t easier. I still couldn\'t talk to anybody$meow$.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'In fact, maybe it was even harder, because everybody at work was always so focused $and$ busy. I-it seemed like nobody had any time for romance, $um$... $and$ I thought I was being silly to fixate on it so much$meow$.'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'neutral'); f(setZoom, e, 1.6); f(e, 'B-but isn\'t it sillier to never have been kissed$meow$...?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(e, 'I\'m… I\'m sorry. I don\'t know wh-why I\'m tell$ing$ $ye$ about this…'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry.'); f('God damn.'); f('My $colleague$, all hot and flustered. She looks so good I can feel my cock straining against the front of my pants.'); f('What… what am I doing here? If I let things go on…'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I will end up having sex with her. As if the situation with $Hatsune$ isn\'t bad enough as it is, I will be caught in a second incestuous relationship. Is that really what I want, in my heart of hearts?'); f('I mean… wow will it help me with my situation with $Hatsune$...?'); f(otherwise); f('I will end up having sex with my biological $colleague$. I can sense it. It will happen. I will cross a line no man should cross. Is this… is this what I want?'); f('Maybe I should have made up my mind before I thrust my tongue into her mouth, but…'); f(c_b, 'Don\'t worry $Minoru$, it happens to the best of us.'); f('For sure, it\'s… it\'s something else. It\'s different. It\'s… there\'s a sense of excitement. Dare I sample this forbidden fruit?'); f('Maybe this is just what I wanted…?'); f(endIf); f('...'); f('What is it that I want…?'); f(otherwise); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(e, 'I... I never thought this would happen, so I don\'t really know what I\'m do$ing$, $and$ I\'m kind of bad at it$meow$...'); f('She bows her head.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'P-please forgive me...!'); f('God damn.'); f('She looks so good I can feel my cock straining against the front of my pants.'); f('When a hot woman like $Esther$ <i>oh-so-sweetly</i> tells you she\'s never been kissed before, with her hair mussed up and her lower lip a touch swollen, how is any man meant to react?'); f('I mean, <i>really</i>.'); f('I was her first kiss.'); f('I could be her first in a lot of other ways, too...'); f('I could — and after everything she said, I\'d feel bad if I stopped now.'); f('Like I\'ve been leading her on.'); f('What kind of asshole would I be then?'); f('But what about $Hatsune$...?'); f('Fuck. I\'m in this way too deep. I\'m going to hurt somebody no matter what I do...'); f(endIf); f(label, 'esterSexChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Back out while you still can.'); f(jump, 'branch9'); f(choice, 'Go on.', 'eIncest'); f(jump, 'branch10'); f(choice, 'Have sex with $yourEsther$.', '!eIncest'); f(jump, 'branch10'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'estherHypnosisBranch'); f('$Esther$ coughs, and I\'m brought back to reality.'); f('I blink, shaking my head.'); f('My $colleague$ looks so vulnerable, sitting on the side of her bed with her hair rumpled and her chest rising and falling.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&eIncest'); f('...'); f('What the hell am I attempting to do here? Christ, this is my $colleague$, for crying out loud. Hypnotizing your wife into a completely sex-crazed nymphomaniac is one thing, but… this would be <i>incest</i>. Am I really prepared to go through with this?'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('I am her father, goddamnit! I\'m supposed to take care of her… look after her… aren\'t I? Not… not force her into doing something she\'d never agree to if she weren\'t… if she was entirely conscious of what was going on.'); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f('I am her older brother…! I\'m supposed to watch out for my little sister, aren\'t I? That\'s what brothers normally do for their sisters, isn\'t it? Help them out with their homework… beat up their bullies…'); f('Not… not having sex with them while they\'re too out of it to realize what\'s going on…?'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('Christ, no matter how sexy I find her, she\'s my god damn mother! Estranged or no, I\'m… I\'m taking things a little far, aren\'t I…!?'); f('Sure, things aren\'t great with Hatsune at the moment, I\'m confused about what I want to do with my life, but surely…'); f('Raping my mother isn\'t really on my bucket list, is it? Or you know, on Buzzfeed\'s "10 things to do when you\'re having a midlife crisis", really...?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('What am I doing here? Can I really go through with this? How would she react if I just broke the spell, right here? She\'d run out screaming, wouldn\'t she…?'); f(endIf); f('I… I could still pull out of this. I don\'t…'); f('I mean, irregardless of whatever transgressions the past me might be guilty of… I don\'t have to carry on with this. I can back out. Can\'t I?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Back out while you still can.'); f(jump, 'branch9'); f(choice, 'Have your way with her.'); f(endChoice); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(pause, 1.2); f('As I realize I\'ve made up my mind, a smile spreads itself over my face.'); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance'); f(pause, 1); f(c_b, 'You\'re-a-horrible-person music…!', 'surprised'); f(c_e, 'Our hero, ladies and gentlemen!', 'worried'); f('What the hell was I even worrying over? This isn\'t what $Esther$ wants — it\'s about what I want. Like it\'s always been.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('So she\'s my $colleague$ — so sodding what.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('It\'s not like I\'m not already fucking $Hatsune$. I\'ve crossed this line before.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('Or, you know. A similar line, at least. Besides, this bitch deserves everything that\'s coming to her, for deserting me.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('For deserting Hatsune.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f('For deserting Hina.'); f(endIf); f('For deserting dad.'); f('Dad, this one\'s for you…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('A man has his urges — your dick knows not who you\'re related to, or not, and to which degree.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('... slightly ironic though, I guess, that half of her started out in the very same dick. Nonetheless, though.'); f(c_b, '... I wrote this. Don\'t blame Ebi-Hime for this transgression.', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I personally like how it sounds like his dick is sentient…', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'Why, of course it is.'); f(c_e, 'The real main character of this story.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'The real character of any H game.', 'happy'); f(endIf); f('Besides, nobody has to know. Not the least $Esther$ herself. It\'ll just be this once… sampling the forbidden fruit.'); f('Hah. Exactly, that\'s what this is. I\'m just trying something new out.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('$Esther$, you sexy soon-to-be $maleColleague$ fucker…'); f('I\'ll show you what\'s what.'); f(pause, 2); f(otherwise); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('$Esther$, you sexy, big-breasted bitch…'); f('I\'ll show you what\'s what.'); f(pause, 2); f(endIf); f(jump, 'estherSex1'); f(label, 'eMotherHasKissed'); f(e, '...'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(e, 'Like father, like son$meow$…'); f(m, 'Huh?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, '$eMinoru$, $that$ wasn\'t a… $that$ kiss right now$meow$... it wasn\'t an expression $of$ filial love, now was it$meow$?'); f(m, 'Uh… well, uh… in a sense, maybe? I mean, it depends on where you draw the line, doesn\'t it…?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(whatIf, 'aSister'); f(e, '... $Minoru$… I\'m sorry $for$ abandon$ing$ $ye$ $and$ $your$ $sister$$meow$…'); f(otherwise); f(e, '... $Minoru$, I\'m… I\'m sorry $for$ abandon$ing$ $ye$ $and$ $your$ dad$meow$...'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, '... but what is it $you\'re$ tr$ying$ to accomplish here? Is this some kind of revenge, for… for what I did to you$meow$?'); f(voice, 'c_watashiwaanatanookaasandakara'); f(e, 'I\'m… I\'m your mother…!'); f('My mother\'s voice is entirely calm, not revealing much feeling at all. No anger, no sadness… though, perhaps... remorse? Or am I reading things into this?'); f(m, '...'); f('I find myself lost for words — not something that happens very often.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Me, the most confident guy in office — a confidence I guess comes naturally when you have somebody like $Hatsune$ by your side — even if she does happen to be your $wife$...'); f(otherwise); f('Me, always so certain what I want, the most confident guy in the office — a confidence I guess comes naturally when you have a bombshell wife like $Hatsune$...'); f(endIf); f('... now, really not knowing just what the hell it is I\'m doing, and what it is I want?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Maybe I should have figured that out before I forced my tongue down my biological mother\'s throat.'); f(c_b, 'Indeed.', 'worried'); f('On the other hand… maybe I just figured that once you\'ve crossed the line with one family member… I mean, at that stage: who\'s counting…?'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe I should have figured that out before I forced my tongue down my biological mother\'s throat. You know, you might figure that\'d be the due diligence, for a situation like this. But no.'); f(endIf); f('What is it that I want?'); f(choice); f(choice, '"I want to seduce her."'); f(jump, 'seduceEMom'); f(choice, '"I want to humiliate her."'); f('I can\'t help but crack a smile as I realize what it is I want.'); f('I want to extract revenge on my mother.'); f('She abandoned me… us. And… I know exactly what the appropriate punishment would be.'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(e, '$eMinoru$, I… I think it might be best if-'); f(m, 'If what?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, 'If $ye$ left$meow$…'); f(m, '...'); f(m, 'No, mom. I\'m not going to.'); f(scene, 'room2', 'fade'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(setZoom, e, 1.3); f('$Esther$ stands herself up. I take a step back, unconsciously.'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, listen up. This… $it\'s$ not-'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(e, '$eMino$-, $no$, what $are$ $ye$ do$ing$?!'); f('Suddenly, I jump her, pinning her down on the floor.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'Meeeoww!!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'c_iyananiwosuruno'); f(e, 'N-$no$! Wh-what $are$ $ye$ do$ing$?!'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'estherRape'); f(choice, '"I want to leave."'); f(jump, 'branch9'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'seduceEMom'); f(m, 'Mom… you\'ve got it all wrong.'); f(e, '... Really?'); f(m, 'I\'m not mad with you. I just… I just want to be with you... <i>more.</i>'); f(e, '$eMinoru$… this is not the way$meow$.'); f(m, 'Mom, that\'s not what you actually think. When I kissed you just there, you didn\'t protest, did you?'); f(e, '$it\'s$, I, $um$… $ye$ took me by surprise, $eMinoru$. Please. $ye$ can\'t seriously think $that$ I-'); f(cgs, 'e_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f('I lean forward, suddenly, and kiss my mother a second time.'); f(e, '$eMinoruAlt$-... $no$-... $angh$…'); f('She $moan$s obligingly and I slide my tongue into her warm, wet mouth.'); f('It\'s so hot and tight, I can almost imagine I\'m fucking her pussy. My mother\'s pussy...'); f('She does attempt to push me back just a little, at first, but it\'s obvious she wants this as badly as I do.'); f('I hold her tight, not letting go of her, allowing my tongue to explore her mouth in its own pace.'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(voice, 'c_ungh2'); f(e, 'Mmngh…'); f('After a minute of making out, I lean back.'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$…'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(m, 'Mom, I can hear you purr! Don\'t even <i>try</i> and tell me you don\'t want this just as much as-'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Mom, don\'t tell me you don\'t want this just as much as-'); f(endIf); f(e, '$eMinoru$$meow$, that $be$ not true-'); f(m, 'I bet you\'re as wet as a widow\'s handkerchief down there!'); f(c_e, 'I\'ve never heard that euphemism before…'); f(c_b, 'I googled "wet as a"... and this is what I ended up with.', 'embarrassed'); f(c_e, 'Thank you, based Google. You have saved us again.', 'happy'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush']); f(e, '$eMinoru$! Th-that\'s no way to speak to $your$ mother$meow$!'); f(m, 'Mom… I love you. After all this time we\'ve spent apart… it\'s only natural there should be some attraction between us.'); f(c_b, 'Why not.'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(e, 'It doesn\'t matter. We should end this now. I… I really think $you$ should go home$meow$.'); f(m, 'What, so you can masturbate in peace?'); f(c_b, 'Cheeky monkey.', 'angry'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush']); f(voice, 'c_ehchotto'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(e, 'O-oi!!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'H-hey!!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Come on. Who cares what society says is "right" and "wrong"? In your heart, you know what I\'m saying is true!'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(e, '$eMinoru$… this isn\'t just about $ye$ $and$ I. $ye$ $are$ married…'); f(m, 'Mom, that should be the least of your worries. $Esther$ and I are getting a divorce.'); f('It\'s a lie, but it might just as well be true. As I say it, it feels as if it were. Maybe we actually are?'); f('Maybe I only realized, right now, as I\'m probably no more than minutes away from having intercourse with my biological mother…?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, 'I-... I didn\'t know that. I\'m… I\'m sorry.'); f(otherwise); f(e, '$eMinoru$, this… this isn\'t healthy. $ye$ should be see$ing$… somebody else, somebody-'); f('Should I just tell her?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Tell her you\'re in a relationship with $yourHatsune$.'); f(m, 'Mom… I am in a relationship. Well, kind of. With $Hatsune$.'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, 'Wh-what?'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(m, 'You were going to say, "somebody your own age", weren\'t you? Well, I thought I should stop you right there, because…'); f('Because I\'m already fucking your daughter, but now, I\'d like to move on to you, pretty please.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'It\'s consensual, mom. Don\'t worry. It… she\'s the one who initiated it.'); f('That\'s actually true, of course. Kind of. Even if she was way too drunk to have any idea it was her father she was giving a blowjob, and nobody else.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(e, '... I see. So things have come full circle...'); f(m, 'What\'s that, mom?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, '$eMinoru$…'); f(e, 'I was sexually abused by $my$ $husband$$meow$… until I was 16, $and$ married $your$ father...'); f(c_b, 'This is quite possibly the darkest timeline$meow$...', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I had no idea the relatively light-hearted script I wrote would become so grim…', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'The cheats will twist any story in ways you wouldn\'t have imagined… the story takes on a life of it\'s own, really.', 'dumbfounded'); f(m, 'What?!'); f('I can\'t believe my ears.'); f(e, 'I mean… I call it "abuse", $and$ $you_know$... I think it was, even though… even though $there$ were times…'); f(m, '... times that you enjoyed it...?!'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush', 'lookingaway']); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, '$angh$…'); f(otherwise); f(e, '...'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I-I… I only married $your$ father as a way to escape $my$ $husband$, $Minoru$…'); f(e, 'I was too young, and… I wasn\'t ready to have $my$ own family, not after… not after what I\'d gone through$meow$…'); f(m, '...'); f(m, 'That\'s why… that\'s why you left us?'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(voice, 'c_nyaa'); f(e, 'Meow.'); f('She nods, quietly.'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'c_un'); f(e, '$yes$…'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, 'I\'m sorry, it\'s a poor excuse for leav$ing$ $you$ like that, but… I was young, $and$ irresponsible$meow$. In a way… $your$ father had served his purpose to me, once I got out $of$ $the$ house, out of range from $my$ $husband$. It just...'); f('It took me some time to realize it.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&hiSister'); f('It took you three kids to realize?!'); f(elseIf, 'hSister||hiSister'); f('It took giving birth to two kids to realize?!'); f(otherwise); f('It took giving birth to me first, for you to realize?!'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'lookingaway']); f(e, 'I know $it\'s$ not excusable$meow$...'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(e, 'But now, $you_know$. I… I\'ve never told anybody about this before, actually.'); f('I don\'t know what to makeof this. I want to push it away, think it has nothing to do with me, but I\'m not so sure. Maybe… did I inherit this… this <i>behavior?</i> Is it in my genes…?'); f('In a way… that\'d be a blessing, I suppose. It would mean I\'m not responsible for my actions, wouldn\'t it?'); f(c_b, 'Nice.', 'angry'); f('That would also explain why mom is allowing this to happen… she\'s been conditioned since a young age to get excited by incest, hasn\'t she.'); f(choice, 'Tell her you\'re not interested in anybody else but her.'); f(m, 'Mom, shut up. I don\'t care about "somebody else", I\'ve no interest in "somebody else"! I want... you…!'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush']); f(voice, 'c_mi-no-ru'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$…!'); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f('I lunge forward…'); f(cgs, 'e_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f(voice, 'c_ungh2'); f('... for another kiss. My mom does not make any attempts to stop me this time.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'estherSex1'); f(label, 'branch10'); f(m, 'Hey, it\'s alright.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_sonano'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_hontoni'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I-it is?'); f(m, 'Mmhmm.'); f(setZoom, e, 1.7); f('I lean forwards, pressing a gentle kiss against the side of $Esther$\'s lily white neck — just above one of her veins.'); f('Pale blue and incredibly inviting.'); f('She\'s so delicate she shivers beneath my touch. It\'s like her whole body is coursing with electricity.'); f('Maybe it\'s because she\'s a virgin.'); f('She\'s probably easier to excite than $Hatsune$.'); f('Easier to impress, too.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, '$Esther$... I know this is, uh… unusual. For us, for people like you and me, I mean, related, as we are, to do this, but…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I\'ve done this a few times before. I can talk you through it.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$ye$ mean, $um$... like kiss$ing$$meow$...?'); f(m, 'Amongst other things.'); f(e, 'O-other things? I, $um$...'); f('She flusters adorably.'); f(c_b, 'Did you base this on anything in particular? The "I\'ll walk you through having sex by having sex with you" schtick protag-kun is pulling here? I mean, where did the inspiration come from?'); f(c_e, 'I don\'t think I was inspired by anything in particular… I just thought it would be cute.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Oh, really?', 'benderp'); f(c_e, 'Well, I wanted Esther to be inexperienced to contrast with Hatsune, who definitely isn\'t… To give more variation with the female characters.'); f(c_b, 'I think it\'s great, by the way. If this is not a fetish already, it should be.', 'inlove'); f(c_e, 'I thought some readers might like a more vulnerable and innocent character.'); f('She\'s so cute I want to crush her to my chest and hold her close, burying my nose in her hair.'); f('The aroma of her strawberry shampoo is so strong it\'s almost overwhelming.'); f('Strong enough to wipe my mind free from thoughts about $Hatsune$.'); f('I don\'t want to think about $Hatsune$.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'B-but… I\'m $your$ $colleague$...? Y-$ye$… $ye$ can\'t be attracted to $your$ $colleague$, can $you$...?'); f(m, 'Who says I can\'t be?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'If $ye$... I-if $ye$ think I\'m attractive enough, I... I suppose I wouldn\'t mind$meow$...'); f(m, 'Of course I think you\'re attractive enough. Look.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.5); f('I reach to the waistband of my pants and pull my cock free. It\'s hard and springs to attention, a few drops of precum dripping down the tip.'); f(c_b, 'We should have added a cartoony "boo-oing\\springy type of sound effect here.', 'benderp'); f(c_e, 'I always think that whenever I see these sorts of descriptions in H scenes…', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I didn\'t think I would write it myself, haha…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'God works in mysterious ways…'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_nyaa'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Meow…!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_eh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Oh...!'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ gasps. As well she might.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('It\'s not everyday your $maleColleague$ shows you his erect penis, in all it\'s glory.'); f(endIf); f('I imagine she\'s never seen an erect penis before.'); f('Not in real life, at least.'); f('Does she watch porn, I wonder...?'); f('She doesn\'t seem like the sort.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$eMinoruAlt$...! P-put it away!'); f(m, 'No, $Esther$... look at it.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'This… this is part of growing up, OK? Trust me. I\'m your dad. You have to get used to seeing stuff like this. To dealing with stuff like this.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'You… sis, this is something… this is the kind of stuff you need to get used to, right? You\'re embarrassed you\'ve never been kissed, didn\'t you say? Well, I\'m here to help you get used to… you know. Those kinds of things...'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(e, '...'); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f(voice, 'a_koregaoniichannochinchin'); f(e, 'This… this is $my$ brother\'s $scurvy_$penis...'); f(otherwise); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$, $it\'s$… $it\'s$ not right$meow$! I… this is the first time I see one, and… and it\'s $my$ $landlubbin_$$maleColleague$\'s…!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Give it a good look. This is what you\'ve done to your <i>$landlubbin_$</i>$maleColleague$\'s member, $Esther$. Notice how hard it is…?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Is this alright? It\'s not too much?'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'a_chottokowaikedo'); f(e, 'N-$no$, $um$... $it\'s$ not. I\'m just... a $little$ surprised$meow$.'); f(m, 'It\'s your first time?'); f(endIf); f(e, '$yes$, $um$... $and$ I... I never thought I was pretty enough to, $um$...'); f('She bites her lower lip.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Make a man... hard.'); f(m, 'Well, you have the evidence right in front of you. Is this enough?'); f('I rub the tip of my cock. It\'s wet and sticky, and I smear some precum on the tips of my fingers.'); f('$Esther$ swallows. Her throat convulses.'); f('I want to see it convulsing while my $colleague$ sucks my cock.'); f(c_b, 'S-sorry $Minoru$, there are actually no blowjob scenes with $Esther$...', 'worried'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, y-$you$ should s-stop, $it\'s$ n-not right, is it? $maleColleague$ $and$ $colleague$... to h-have, s-s…'); f('Ha. She\'s to flustered to even be able utter the word "sex".'); f(m, '$Esther$ — who cares what society says is right and what\'s not? You have to learn to follow your heart.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'B-but… inbreed$ing$ is, $it\'s$-'); f(m, '$Esther$, don\'t worry, you won\'t get pregnant.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I-... I won\'t$meow$?'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry about it.'); f(c_b, 'That\'s all the explanation you could possibly need, right? Just don\'t worry about it, sweetheart. It won\'t happen, because I\'m saying it won\'t happen.', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I wouldn\'t trust a man who just said \'don\'t worry about it\'...', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Well, that might be precisely the reason why you\'re not a romance-able character in an H VN, Ebi...'); f(c_e, 'Ebi-chan is too pure.', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'Then again, you\'re the one who wrote this…', 'worried'); f(c_e, '...', 'dealwithit'); f(e, 'O-oh…'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'But… $it\'s$ $my$ first time$meow$.'); f(m, 'I can show you.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'But, still… I don\'t know if I $am$ pretty enough.'); f(m, '$Esther$ — you $are$ pretty. $very$ pretty.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '... $you\'re$ not only say$ing$ $that$ because I\'m $your$ $colleague$...?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Um... It... $it\'s$ more than enough$meow$. I...'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I-I don\'t know if I\'m worthy...!'); f('It\'s such a funny idea — that she\'s not worthy of making my cock hard — that I have to stop myself from snorting.'); f('That might kill the mood a little, and $Esther$\'s jumpy enough as it is.'); f(m, 'You are worthy. <i>More</i> than worthy. You\'re pretty.'); f(endIf); f('For the third time.'); f('How many times do I need to tell her?'); f(m, 'Not just pretty, in fact. <i>Sexy</i>.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'S-sexy$meow$?'); f(m, 'A total babe. You could be in adult videos with a <i>bod</i> like that.'); f(c_e, 'Is it just me or is \'babe\' a really sleazy word…', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'It\'s not just you. Except if you\'re talking about a certain gallant little pig. Then it\'s ridiculously cute, not sleazy.', 'benderp'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'Th-that\'s not th-th, $the$ proper thing $for$ a $maleColleague$ to tell his $colleague$, is it$meow$?!'); f(m, 'Isn\'t it? Even though it\'s true?'); f(c_b, 'Best excuse ever. I\'m just telling it like it is! I\'m not a perv! I can\'t help my $colleague$ is sexy like fuck!', 'happy'); f(e, 'I-it\'s… $it\'s$ true$meow$?'); f(m, 'Of course it is. Do you want me to prove it?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-I\'m not sure about that...!'); f(m, 'I am. My body is. Do you want me to prove it?'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'P-prove it?'); f(m, 'I could always put it inside.'); f(c_b, 'I like this phrasing.', 'happy'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'N-$no$, $eMinoru$, $it\'s$ not right, $it\'s$… even if I don\'t get pregnant, it\'d be… it\'d be i-incest…! $and$-'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'B-but I... I-I\'ve not done $that$ before-'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('I press another kiss against her lips, to prevent her from realizing just how fucked up my suggestion is.'); f(otherwise); f('I press another kiss against her lips.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(e, '$angh$...'); f('She $moan$s obligingly and I slide my tongue into her warm, wet mouth.'); f('It\'s so hot and tight, I can almost imagine I\'m fucking her pussy.'); f(label, 'branch10_b'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(m, 'So...'); f('I draw away, wiping my lips with the back of my hand like I\'ve just downed an expensive glass of <i>shochu.</i>'); f(c_b, 'A Japanese liquor, in case you didn\'t know. Thanks, Google.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eHalf'); f('Let\'s bullshit the hell out of her.'); f(c_b, 'I liked writing this bit.', 'tehe'); f(m, 'You know… it\'s actually quite common in Japan, for $maleColleague$s to teach their $colleague$s about this type of things. I mean, hands-on, teaching.'); f(voice, 'a_hontoni'); f(e, 'I-it is$meow$…?'); f(m, 'Yes, oh, you didn\'t… you didn\'t actually know? You know so much about Japan, I figured you\'d be aware…'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush']); f(e, 'N-$no$, I wasn\'t… could $ye$ explain…?'); f(m, 'Well, you know, we are a little uptight in Japan, compared to you guys in the West, I\'m sure.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(e, '$angh$…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Um…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'So you know, it\'s hard for girls, to find partners. Because they\'re so inexperienced, they don\'t know what a guy wants. So they get nervous, you know?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush', 'lookingaway']); f(voice, 'a_un'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(e, 'A-aye…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Y-yes…'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f(m, 'So, actually, to help out, the oldest brother of the family usually takes it upon himself to have sex with his sisters. To help them lose their virginity...'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'So actually, to help out, if you know, your daughters haven\'t had sex with somebody outside of the family by the time they\'re 18, I mean sometimes a little earlier than that, sometimes a little later…'); f('The father might take upon himself to help them out. To lose their virginity.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I mean, not all the time, of course! Japan\'s isn\'t that crazy.'); f(c_b, 'Not <I>that</I> crazy!', 'confused'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush']); f(e, 'N-$no$…?'); f(m, 'But you know, it\'s fairly common, actually. It\'s… there\'s even a law, for it. Allowing it, during certain circumstances'); f(e, 'R-really$meow$?'); f(m, 'Yeah, you know. It\'s a safe way to get started. You don\'t have to worry about STD\'s, you don\'t have to worry about being taken advantage of…'); f(c_b, 'No, nobody\'s taking advantage of anybody here. /s', 'worried'); f(e, '...'); f(m, 'Do you want to try…? You know. It could be a good way to learn, for you.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I know this is not entirely normal, but… maybe it could be good to try and do it once with your $maleColleague$ first? You know, so you have <i>one under the belt,</i> so to speak.'); f(m, 'You will become more confident afterwards, for sure…!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Do you want to try...? I can tell you what to do — if you want. Since you\'ve never done it.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush', 'lookingaway']); f(voice, 'a_ano'); f(e, 'I, $um$... I...'); f('$Esther$ frowns, biting her lower lip. She\'ll have no lower lip left if she keeps that up — which might be something of a problem.'); f('I\'ve never fucked anybody without a bottom lip before.'); f(c_b, 'This does not need to be a fetish, by the way. And I hope it isn\'t...', 'bendisgusted'); f(c_e, 'It could be a good cheat…', 'sophieevillaughter'); f(c_b, 'Stop it!', 'surprised'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis&&!aIncest'); f('I\'ve only ever fucked—'); f('I am <i>not</i> thinking about her right now.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush']); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, I-I\'m… not so sure about this… m-maybe $it\'s$-'); f(m, '$Esther$, come on. Let\'s try it once, and see what happens. You can back out at any time, you know?'); f(e, 'I-I can$meow$?'); f(m, 'Of course. I\'m your $maleColleague$. Trust me, why don\'t ya? I\'ll be nice. If it feels weird, we\'ll just… we\'ll stop right there.'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush', 'lookingaway']); f(e, '$um$…'); f('I don\'t know if I\'ve exactly placated her, but I might have sown just about enough doubt in her mind to move forward, if I don\'t give her too much time to stop and contemplate the gravity of what we\'re about to do.'); f(m, 'Now, take off your clothes, OK?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I... I-I\'ll do $my$ best$meow$...'); f('I smile, ruffling her hair.'); f(m, 'That\'s what I like to hear.'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush', 'lookingaway']); f(voice, 'a_ano'); f(e, 'Um…'); f('I think that might be our company\'s motto.'); f('It\'s a good thing $Esther$\'s such a diligent employee it\'s ingrained into her mind.'); f(m, 'Take off your clothes, then.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_close', x, [0, 'blush']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'M-meow?!'); f('She jumps like she just realized there\'s a cucumber lying behind her.'); f(c_b, 'If you don\'t know what I\'m referencing here , you need to Google "cucumber+cat" like <i>pronto</i>.'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_naniwo'); f(e, 'Wh-what?!'); f('She jumps like I\'ve just stabbed her with a pin.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'Come on, $Esther$. We went through this already… how can we have sex, if you don\'t get undressed?'); f(e, 'S-so $ye$ really think $it\'s$ a good idea…?'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush', 'lookingaway']); f(e, 'For you and m-me to… to have… to have s-... s-...'); f('Dear lord. She still can\'t bring herself to say it.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Well... if you want to have sex, you need to take off your clothes.'); f(c_e, 'And people die when they are killed.', 'sophiederp'); f(c_b, 'Hey, that\'s not fair. You <i>can</i> have sex with your clothes on. I mean, mostly on.', 'worried'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush', 'lookingaway']); f(e, 'We, um... w-we\'re really go$ing$ to have sex...?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'That\'s the general plan, yes.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'S-so… you… like they talked about in sex-ed…? $your$ penis… in-inside, m-$my$… $my$ vagina…? And… eggs, and sperm$meow$?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'R-right. Sex, um... I remember... I remember this from high school... The sperm and the egg$meow$...'); f(endIf); f('I laugh. I can\'t help myself.'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0, 'blush']); f(e, 'Wh-what\'s so funny?'); f(m, 'You. You\'re cute, my dear $colleague$.'); f('And I kiss her again.'); f(cgs, 'e_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 1); f('She whimpers.'); f(e, 'I... I-I must seem like such a fool$meow$.'); f(m, 'You don\'t. Don\'t worry. And you don\'t need to worry about eggs or sperm. I\'ll use a condom.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'After all, I\'m your $maleColleague$. Imagine if I got you pregnant!'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'I\'d be the poor kid\'s dad, as well as his granddad...!'); f(endIf); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(e, 'R-right. I-, $um$… $OK$, $eMinoru$...'); f('I won\'t actually use a condom though, of course.'); f('An innocent little white lie. I never use condoms, and I\'m not about to start about now, even if there\'s a small, negligible risk I end up making my own $colleague$ pregnant.'); f(otherwise); f('A white lie. I never use condoms.'); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(e, 'R-right. I, $um$... A-alright.'); f('She nods her head.'); f(endIf); f('At least this seems to placate her.'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('And then, with a still confused look on her face, she slowly and hesitantly begins to unbutton her shirt.'); f('When she finally takes it off, and lifts off her bra…'); f('My God. My $colleague$\'s tits are even bigger than I thought.'); f(otherwise); f('And then, with a shy and tremulous smile, she begins to unbutton her shirt.'); f('Her tits are even bigger than I thought.'); f(endIf); f('She looks so good I could cum right away.'); f('I don\'t, of course.'); f('I hold it in.'); f('I want this to last.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'estherSex1'); f(label, 'estherRape'); f(setVariable, 'rapedEsther'); f(playSound, 'bodyFall'); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'fumbling'); f(pause, 0.6); f(playSound, 'yabure_short2'); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff1', x, [0, 'jacket']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(pause); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_iyayameteyurushiteonegaidesu'); f(endIf); f(e, '$eMinoru$, n-$no$!! Wh-what $are$ $you$ do$ing$?! P-please, don\'t$meow$!'); f(m, 'Shut up, bitch!'); f(c_b, 'This part is all me, again. All the nastier paths are.'); f(c_b, 'Not because I\'m a nasty person, mind you! These paths had to be written. It was ordained from <i>above</i>...', 'surprised'); f(c_b, 'I had no choice…!', 'angry'); f('$Esther$ attempts to get loose, but it\'s futile. I\'m twice her size… I mean, at least if you disregard the volume of her boobs, which in either case are doing very little to help her out of this particular situation.'); f(c_b, 'I\'m happy with how that line came out, I\'ll admit it.', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, p-please! I\'m $your$ $colleague$! Th-this is-, $angh$!'); f(otherwise); f(e, '$eMinoru$, p-please! W-we\'re colleagues! D-don\'t do this!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('I have her pinned, and there\'s not much she can do about it.'); f(pause); f(label, 'estherRape2'); f(changeBg, 'black'); f(playSound, 'yabure_short1'); f(textEffect, '<rip!>', 480, 260, 'Blue', x, -10, 'shakeFade'); f(pause, 1.5); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', 'fade', [0, 'jacket'], 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pause); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_yametemouyamete'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-$no$!! Please s-stop$meow$!'); f('As it dawns on $Esther$ this is really happening, her expression changes. But her begging… it\'s only succeeding in making me even harder.'); f('Christ, her boobs… they really are incredible. I can hardly contain myself…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('To think that my own $colleague$ would be this well-endowed… a $maleCollague$\'s dream come true…'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', x, [0, 'exp_slightlysurprised', 'jacket', 'squeeze']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_i-iya'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-$no$!'); f('With my two hands, I squeeze her beautiful balloons as hard as I can. Her flesh is overflowing in my hands. The softness of them — it\'s simply divine. They feel even nicer than $Hatsune$\'s.'); f(c_e, 'Delicious flesh balloons…', 'lenny'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 5); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_iyadadamedame'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ah-, n-$no$, $eMinoruAlt$...!'); f(m, 'Shhh, $colleague$... don\'t worry. Everything will be fine.'); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', x, [0, 'exp_struggling', 'jacket', 'squeeze']); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_nn'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_ngh1'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ngh…'); f('I keep squeezing and playing with her giant breasts. The longer I go, the more struggling $Esther$\'s facial expression becomes.'); f('She\'s not trying to fight me off any longer — it seems like she\'s just trying to hold off her own excitement. Whether she wants it or not — a woman\'s breasts are erogenous. She can\'t help getting wet…'); f('The thought of her cunt slowly wetting makes my dick itch.'); f('These breasts are incredible… I wonder if I could touch both of them with one hand?'); f(c_b, 'This slightly bizarre line of thought was just me trying to find a use for all the different variations of this CG we had available.', 'tehe'); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', x, [0, 'exp_slightlysurprised', 'jacket', 'onehandsqueeze']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(textEffect, 'Ngh!!', 360, 80, x, x, 20, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_iya'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_iya'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ngh!!'); f('Ha! Will you look at that.'); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', 'fade', [0, 'exp_struggling', 'jacket', 'onehandsqueeze']); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh15'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh15'); f(endIf); f(e, '$angh$…'); f(pause); f('Turns out I can. Oh, my god. The softness… this feels too good to be true, almost.'); f('I can\'t wait to drive my cock inside of her, but… her breasts are too good to just pass up on like that.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.6); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', 'fade', [0, 'jacket', 'sucking']); f(pause); f('I lunge forward, placing my mouth on her nipple.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_hidoikotowashinaidemou'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_damesonnanishinaide'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'Ngh… $eM$-$eMinoru$, please… you don\'t have to do this… Meeoow!!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Ngh… $eM$-$eMinoru$, please… you don\'t have to do this… Aaangh!'); f(endIf); f('I slobber my tongue and mouth all over her breasts. The smell, the taste of her skin…'); f(c_e, 'He sounds kind of like a dog…', 'surprised'); f(c_b, 'We call them "man\'s best friend" for a reason.', 'lenny'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('This is the smell of youth. She still smells like a little baby, after all these years…'); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&aDaughter'); f('I can\'t believe a person her age would smell just this good.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_nn-sonnannya-yametekudasai'); f(e, '$angh$… $eMinoru$, this… this isn\'t right, please stop!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_konomamajadamedame'); f(e, '$angh$... $eMinoru$, if you keep going like this, then… no!! P-please!'); f(e, 'It\'s not right!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 2); f(m, 'Shut up, $Esther$! I\'m the one who decides what\'s right and what\'s not.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('And… considering how right this feels… how can it be anything but?'); f(playSound, 'yabure1'); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'fumbling'); f(pause, 0.3); f(playSound, 'hit'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'yabure2'); f(pause, 0.3); f(playSound, 'elbownudge'); f(pause, 0.5); f('I relently tear off the remainder of $Esther$\'s clothes, pull her up and bend her over on her bed.'); f(pause, 2); f(cgs, 'e_rape', x, [0]); f(playSound, 'hit'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_yametemouyamete'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_nakadakeha-damedameyamete'); f(endIf); f(e, '$no$!! $eMinoru$, please don\'t!!'); f(pause); f(m, 'Don\'t worry, $Esther$... I\'ll be kind.'); f('Relatively.'); f(cgs, 'e_rape', x, [0, 'exp_penetrated', 'dick']); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.06); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(textEffect, 'iyaa!!', 362, 106, x, 1.1, 27, 'shakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_iyaaa'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_iyaaa'); f(endIf); f(pause); f(jump, 'eSex_2'); f(label, 'estherSex1'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh7'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_hawawa'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Waah...! $eM$-$eMinoruAlt$...!'); f(m, '$Esther$...'); f('I push her down on the bed, her tits squashed against the covers.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_nyaa'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Meeow!'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_rape', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis&&!eMother'); f('It looks painful but $Esther$ does not protest. Maybe she\'s afraid — or maybe she doesn\'t know any better.'); f('I\'d like to think my technique isn\'t <i>that</i> bad, even if I can be a bit rough when I get excited, and I don\'t want to cause her any undue agony.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('But I doubt my $colleague$ would have the courage to say anything, even if she were in pain.'); f(otherwise); f('But she\'s the type of person who would never say, even if she were in pain.'); f('She\'s far too desperate to please.'); f(endIf); f('And that\'s fine by me.'); f(endIf); f(playSound, 'tracingdick'); f('I trace my cock, still leaking precum, against the entrance of my $colleague$ pussy.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.25); f('Her hips twitch, her body jerking.'); f(m, 'Wow...'); f('My fingers grip her ass hard, spreading her cheeks open.'); f('I\'ve got a good view, not just of her pussy, but of her asshole too — clenched tight, trembling.'); f(m, 'It\'s almost like your hips are moving on their own.'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_hahu'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Au...!'); f('$Esther$ whimpers cutely as my cock presses against her pussy lips once more, but doesn\'t actually enter.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_softangh'); f(endIf); f(m, '$angh$…'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$...'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_gomennasai'); f(e, 'I... I-I\'m sorry$meow$..!'); f(c_b, 'Personally, this would be a big turn-off for me. I mean, hypothetically, if the girl started apologizing…', 'worried'); f(m, 'Why are you apologizing?'); f(e, 'I... I\'ve never done it before and I... I-I don\'t know what I\'m do$ing$...!'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'Hey, don\'t be silly. That\'s exactly why we\'re doing this, isn\'t it? Remember… we can stop at any time, OK?'); f(e, '$um$…'); f(m, 'Do you want to stop…?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'That\'s why I\'m taking the lead, silly.'); f(endIf); f('I press my cock against her entrance a little harder, squeezing her ass tight.'); f(c_b, '\'Her entrance\'... LOL.', 'happy'); f('My nails are long for a man\'s and they dig into her supple flesh, making her whine.'); f(e, 'Y-$you$... y-$you$ haven\'t even put it in yet...'); f(m, 'You want me to?'); f(e, 'I... I-I don\'t know$meow$...! I don\'t know, I just... remember$ing$ sex ed, um...'); f(m, 'I was trying to get you excited first. It\'s called foreplay.'); f(e, 'F-foreplay?'); f(m, 'Yes. I need to get your pussy nice and wet so it makes noises like this.'); f(endIf); f(playSound, 'wet'); f('I slide my fingers inside her pussy, moving them in and out.'); f('Her pussy contracts about my fingers, squeezing them, and wet sounds fill the room — mingled with $Esther$\'s moans.'); f('I lean forwards, my lips inches away from her earlobe, and breathe against her skin.'); f(m, 'How does it feel? Good?'); f(whatIf, 'eMother||hypnosis'); f(e, '$angh$h…'); f('My $colleague$ only $moan$s in reply.'); f('I unzip my pants. My dick is so hard I could penetrate a rock. My $colleague$\'s soaking wet pussy will not present much of a challenge.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(m, 'Mom… here I come.'); f(otherwise); f(m, '$Esther$... here I come.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I… $it\'s$ weird… should it feel like this? With y-$your$ $maleColleague$...'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I... $it\'s$ weird$meow$...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Do you like it?'); f(e, 'I, $um$... I-I\'ve never felt like this before...! I-I\'ve never been this wet, $um$... d-down $there$...'); f(m, 'You don\'t even touch yourself?'); f(e, '$no$, $um$... It... $it\'s$ dirty$meow$...'); f(m, 'Well then. Your $maleColleague$ will just have to make you dirtier than you\'ve ever been before.'); f(e, 'D-don\'t say $that$$meow$...!'); f(m, 'But I will. You said you wanted me inside you, so…'); f(endIf); f(setVolume, 0.6, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'e_rape', 'fade', [0, 'exp_penetrated', 'dick']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 5); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh5'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh5'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '$angh$...!', 360, 130, x, x, 20, 'hShakeFade'); f(e, '$angh$...!'); f('With one hard, sudden thrust, the full length of my cock is pushed deep into $Esther$\'s pussy.'); f('The pleasure I\'m feeling is… indescribable. Otherwordly. I have to fight not to cum right there, on the spot.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother&&!hypnosis'); f('Just like when my mom first forced her pussy over my penis back when I was a teenager…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Yes, this might be non-orthodox, but… I guess it\'s practically an Inamoto family tradition.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('Mothers teaching their sons, fathers teaching their daughters…'); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f('Mothers teaching their sons, brothers their sisters…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('Now I understand why my mom did it. This… this pleasure. Oh my God.'); f(endIf); f('My $colleague$ squirms, but she can\'t escape. I have my hands digging into her ass, her huge tits pushed against the bed, and there\'s nowhere for her to go.'); f('Nowhere to run.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis&&eMother'); f(m, 'Does it hurt?'); f(voice, 'a_hennano'); f(e, 'I… $it\'s$ weird...!'); f('At least she\'s fairly consistent with her feedback.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoruAlt$, m-maybe we should st-stop here…'); f(m, 'Hey, $Esther$, we can stop at any time you want, don\'t you-'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(voice, 'a_ngh1'); f(e, 'Nghh!'); f(m, '-worry-'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(voice, 'a_ngh2'); f(e, 'Hngg!'); f(m, '-about-'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(voice, 'a_ngh3'); f(e, 'Umf!'); f(m, '-a-'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(voice, 'a_angh1'); f(textEffect, 'Aaanh!', 150, 300, x, x, 20, 'hShakeFade'); f(e, 'Aaaanh!'); f(m, '-thing.'); f('I punctuate each word with a thrust. I\'m sorry $Esther$ — there\'s no way in hell I\'m pulling out, now.'); f('We can finish at any time you want... as long as you let me cum first. That\'s the new deal.'); f(otherwise); f('That\'s better than saying "it hurts, take it out."'); f('She doesn\'t tell me to stop, so...'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(jump, 'eSex_2'); f(label, 'eSex_2'); f(setVolume, 0.6, 'fade'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.3); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_murimurinuitenuiteaaangh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 20); f(e, 'N-$no$, don\'t!! Nooo!! $angh$, take it out! Take it out!!'); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 0.2); f('Her mouth protests loudly, but her body quivers as I piston my cock in and out of her, slowly at first.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_aa-nn-haa-haa'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ah, nn... Haa, haa...'); f('Pants and gasps, broken moans, fall from $Esther$\'s adorable mouth.'); f('Her body quivers as I piston my cock in and out of her, slowly at first.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(textEffect, '$angh$...!', 150, 300, x, x, 20, 'hShakeFade'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('I can feel the wetness of her pussy against my erection, a slick lubricant that makes it easy — so, so easy — to just keep pushing myself in and out, in and out...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(pause, 0.8); f('... further…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f('... and further inside of her.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(voice, 'a_iyaanghanghonakanihibiitekiteanghyadamekanjichau'); f(e, 'Ngh, ahh, n-n-$no$, p-please, stop, $it\'s$ a-almost in $my$ tummy… I c-can feel it… $angh$!'); f(endIf); f(label, 'eSexPumpChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Make her cum.'); f(jump, 'eSexCumming'); f(choice, 'Keep pumping a while longer.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(endChoice); f(label, 'eHumpy'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'humps>6'); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_mouyamete'); f(endIf); f(e, 'P-please stop…!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Oh, $eMinoruAlt$...!'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'eSexPumpChoice'); f(otherwise); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(jump, 'eHumpy'); f(endIf); f(label, 'eSexCumming'); f(cgs, 'e_rape', 'fade', [0, 'exp_cumming', 'dick']); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$... $eMinoruAlt$, I, um... I-I…'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_piripirishitchauetc'); f(e, 'Ah, $angh$… it feels… it feels weird, inside me...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'You\'re cumming, $Esther$.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 20); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(elseIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'mouyamete'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-$no$!! St-stop-'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh8'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh8'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Anngh!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_musukonochinpodekanjichatteru'); f(e, 'Oh, $eMinoru$… m-$my$ son… y-$your$ dick, it\'s… I can feel it!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-I am...?!'); f(m, 'Yes.'); f(endIf); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 0.3); f(m, 'I can feel your pussy tightening around my cock. It\'s like you\'re trying to suck it deep inside your body.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_chigauchigaunoyameteonegai'); f(e, 'N-$no$, I\'m not!! St-stop it! Please!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_chigauhennakotosurukara'); f(e, 'N-$no$, I\'m not!! $it\'s$ b-because $ye$ are do$ing$ weird things to m-me… n-$no$, stop!'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_chigaunonhennakotosurukara'); f(e, '$it\'s$… $it\'s$ not like $that$, I\'m… I\'m not like $that$!'); f(m, 'Sure, you\'re not, mom. Whatever you say.'); f(e, '$angh$… Nnn…'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('$Esther$ only $moan$s in reply.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Ah, nn... Aah... th-that\'s embarrass$ing$...!'); f(m, 'That\'s what\'s happening.'); f(voice, 'a_hennakotosurukara'); f(e, '$it\'s$ all $your$ fault...!'); f(m, 'It\'s not my fault you have a lewd body.'); f(e, 'L-lewd? I, $um$... Ah... Nnn…'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(textEffect, 'Aahhgh!', 400, 90, x, x, 20, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(cgs, 'e_rape', x, [0, 'exp_cumming', 'dick']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 4); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming1'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a_cumming1'); f(endIf); f(pause, 4); f('My $colleague$ twists and writhes, cumming over and over.'); f('It\'s impressive, considering I haven\'t even played with her clit.'); f('$Hatsune$ needs more stimulation to get her going. She doesn\'t orgasm from being penetrated.'); f('$Esther$, however, is different.'); f('Her body feels different.'); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f('No matter how much her mouth may protest, her body… her pussy… the way her pussy grips my cock hard, as though milking it — trying to pump all my cum inside of her…'); f(otherwise); f('The way her pussy grips my cock hard, as though milking it — trying to pump all my cum inside of her — is different.'); f(endIf); f('It\'s different, but it feels so very good...'); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f(m, 'Oh, sis… my God, your pussy… it\'s so tight!'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$, my sweet little girl… you sure know how to pleasure your old man. Oh, God...'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$... Oh God...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoruAlt$... $eMinoruAlt$, I, $um$... aaah...'); f(m, 'Haa...'); f('The two of us pant and moan, dishevelled and sweaty like a pair of animals, until...'); f('My whole body tingles, from the tips of my fingers to the ends of my toes...'); f('... and I cum.'); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(m, 'Ngh… aahn…'); f(cgs, 'e_rape', 'fade', [0, 'dick']); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_damenakawadameyada'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_damenakawadameyada'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(e, '$no$, $eMinoru$, please! Don\'t...! <i>Don\'t cum insi-</i>'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_rape', x, [0, 'exp_penetrated', 'dick', 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.33); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iyaaaaa'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_iyaaaa'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'Iyaaanh!!!', 145, 320, x, x, 10, 'hShakeFade'); f(pause, 0.4); f(e, 'Aaaaahhhhh!!!'); f('I cum deep and hard, inside of $Esther$\'s $creature_$pussy.'); f(pause); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 5); f(pause, 1.5); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Thanks, $Esther$. I quite enjoyed that.'); f('I think you might have too… if you hadn\'t been hypnotized.'); f('Though you might not have consented then, of course. Oh, well.'); f(elseIf, 'rapedEsther'); f('Thanks, $Esther$. I quite enjoyed that.'); f('I think she did as well, no matter the protests.'); f('Perhaps not quite as much as me, though, truth be told.'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('Mom…'); f('Thank you.'); f(otherwise); f('She used to be a virgin.'); f('She isn\'t anymore.'); f('And I think she rather enjoyed herself.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!eIncest&&!hypnosis&&!rapedEsther'); f('All I can say is, thank you $Chocola$ for getting that $bladder$ infection.'); f('Thank you so much.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 4); f(jump, 'estherSex2'); f(label, 'estherSex2'); f(whatIf, '!rapedEsther&&!hypnosis'); f(playMusic, 'lovesickness'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'e_officesex1', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'estherExtendedOfficeStay'); f('And just like that… I\'m deep inside my $colleague$\'s pussy.'); f('The tightness… the sensation… fuck. It\'s other-worldly. Why didn\'t I do this sooner?!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', 350, 120, x, x, -20, 'hShakeFade'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther||hypnosis'); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_mouyamete2'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-$no$… don\'t… don\'t!'); f(elseIf, '!hypnosis'); f(e, 'Hmmmghn… oh, $eMinoru$...'); f(pause); f(e, 'W-we... We shouldn\'t be do$ing$ this here$meow$...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_nyaa'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Meow!!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(m, 'I\'ll do as I please, Esther. And you\'ll bloody well let me, or everybody will find out just what a <i>slut</i> you are…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'How you\'d even stoop so low as to seduce your own $maleColleague$! You freak! What kind of a $colleague$ are you?!'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_chigauchigauno'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_chigauno'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-$no$! I\'d, I\'d never seduce-'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_nyaa'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Meow…!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh7'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh7'); f(endIf); f(e, 'A-anghh…!'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I-I\'d never have sex with $my$ own $maleColleague$, y-$you$… $you$ raped me$meow$!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(effect, 'hump'); f(textEffect, 'Oofh!!', 700, 330, x, x, 20, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh7'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh7'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.3); f(e, 'Oooofhh!'); f(m, 'I sure did. And you loved every second of it... you slut. Just like you\'re loving this.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_chigauchigauno'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_watashisonnaecchijanai'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I-I\'m not! I\'d never-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(textEffect, 'angh...!', 700, 330, x, x, 30, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh7'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh8'); f(endIf); f(e, 'A-anghh!'); f(m, 'I know exactly what you are, my sweet $Esther$…'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, '!hypnosis'); f(m, 'And yet we are, $Esther$.'); f(e, 'I... I-I know, but... um...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, '!rapedEsther'); f(textEffect, 'angh...!', 700, 330, x, x, 20, 'hShakeFade'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('$Esther$ shifts. Her legs are spread open and her pussy is leaking fluids over my cock.'); f(whatIf, 'estherExtendedOfficeStay'); f('I\'m so lucky the office was entirely empty by the time $Esther$ got here. We are the only people here…'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('It\'s after hours in my office, and I\'ve made $Esther$ come over. We are the only people here...'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s after hours in the office and we\'re the only people left here...'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('$Esther$ shifts. Despite her protests — feeble though they are — her legs are spread open and her pussy is leaking fluids over my cock.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('It\'s after hours in my office, and I\'ve invited $Esther$ over. We are the only people here...'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s after hours in the office and we\'re the only people left her....'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(setVariable, 'our', 'my'); f(setVariable, 'we', 'I'); f(endIf); f('... at least, I hope we are, for $our$ sakes.'); f('If somebody happened to bumble in at this hour $we$\'d be in for an awful lot of trouble.'); f('It\'d be even worse than the time I accidentally knocked over Harue\'s favorite mug and smashed the handle off.'); f('I got hauled in for a disciplinary talk about that, even though it was an accident.'); f('Harue is a vindictive bitch.'); f(c_e, 'Fucking Harue. The worst girl.', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'I think she was only mentioned twice in your original script. She actually has a couple of spoken lines now.'); f(c_e, 'I hope she\'s a tsundere…', 'inlove'); f(c_b, 'Um… maybe…? She never has time to move beyond the "tsun" though. She\'s still a very minor character.', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('What would she do if she saw me, hypno-fucking my $colleague$ senseless right in our office?'); f(c_b, '<i>Hypno-fucking</i>. I coined this. Word of the year.', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'I think there are actually a lot of H VNs that use hypnosis as plot points. It might be a popular fetish.'); f(c_b, 'It\'s definitely been popular with our patrons, that\'s for sure. We\'ll definitely add it to more games in the future.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Not that\'d she\'d actually know that $Esther$ is my $colleague$, of course, but still.'); f(otherwise); f('But it\'s around seven in the evening and I can\'t imagine anybody coming in. No witnesses.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('What would she do if she saw me and $Esther$?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Not that she\'d know the significance of it — that $Esther$ is actually my $colleague$ — but still...'); f(otherwise); f('But it\'s around seven in the evening and I can\'t imagine anybody coming in.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('The thought that we might get spotted — even by a woman like Harue — excites me even more.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||eIncest'); f('I guess I\'ve found another fetish to entertain, besides incestous liasions.'); f(otherwise); f('I never realized I was such a deviant.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('... Oh, heck, who am I trying to fool. Of course I realized. Of course I knew.'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe that\'s because I\'ve only ever been with $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(textEffect, '$angh$...!', 390, 320, x, x, x, 'hShakeFade'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(e, 'Mm... $eM$-$eMinoruAlt$, ah... Aah...'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&!rapedEsther&&!eMother&&!hypnosis'); f('$Esther$ and I are still doing it under the pretext of me helping her out — of me teaching her how to be confident.'); f('I guess she couldn\'t live with herself, with the fact she\'s having sex with her $maleColleague$, if she couldn\'t justify it somehow. Make it seem less crazy, than it is.'); f('While it\'s obvious to me she enjoys it justs as much as I do, she doesn\'t yet dare to take the initiative. But she goes along with whatever I ask of her, pretty much.'); f('Even coming here, tonight, which of course makes little sense in terms of teaching her anything about sex, but lots of sense in terms of satiating my ever-growing desire for excitement.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, '$Esther$... Oh, $Esther$...'); f('I dig my fingers into my $colleague$\'s huge tits. They\'re too big to fit comfortably in my hands and they spill out around them.'); f('But I can still pinch her nipples.'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh2'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh2'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ah... Nn....!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f('Her back arches at the sensation, pressing her tits even more firmly against my hands.'); f('At the same time, I slide my cock in and out of her pussy.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(playSound, 'purr'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_naniwoyamete'); f(endIf); f(e, 'P-please, $eMinoru$... st-stop it$meow$!'); f(m, 'Stop pretending you\'re not enjoying this just as much as I am, $Esther$.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(m, 'Why else would you be purring so hard?'); f(endIf); f('It\'s crazy. No matter how hard she might have been struggling the first time, now, $Esther$\'s become a complete pushover. All I need to do is look at her threateningly, and she drops her pants.'); f('Who would have thought my shy, awkward $colleague$ would — at the slightest suggestion — sit herself on this desk, spread her legs, and let me have my way with her, just because she\'s afraid I\'ll tell people she\'s a slut?'); f(c_e, 'I feel kind of bad for the poor woman…', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, '... Um...', 'worried'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'estherExtendedOfficeStay'); f('I can\'t believe what an easy prey my $colleague$ turned out to be.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s been a couple of weeks since I hypnotized $Esther$ for the first time.'); f(endIf); f('With some girls, the strong-willed one\'s, it can actually be quite a struggle. But $Esther$? She was a total pushover right from the start.'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('Despite all the initial protesting, those weeks ago, $Esther$ sure has opened up… and I mean that in multiple senses of the word.'); f('Who would have thought my shy, awkward mom would — at the slightest suggestion — sit herself on her desk, pull down her panties, spread her legs, and let me fuck her in the office?'); f(otherwise); f('Despite being a kissless virgin only a couple of weeks ago, $Esther$ sure has opened up...'); f('And I mean that in multiple senses of the word.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Who could have imagined my shy, awkward $colleague$ would — at the slightest suggestion — sit herself on my desk, pull down her panties, spread her legs, and let me fuck her in my office?'); f(otherwise); f('Who would have thought that this shy, awkward woman would — at the slightest suggestion — sit herself on her desk, pull down her panties, spread her legs, and let me fuck her in the office?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('Reality can be even stranger than fiction sometimes.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!rapedEsther&&!hypnosis'); f('Is she really that desperate for my cock...?'); f('I want to find out.'); f('I feel like teasing her.'); f('I begin to slide out, inching my erection out of her pussy, when—'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 7, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_iyananiwosuruno'); f(e, 'N-$no$!! Wh-what $are$ $ye$ do$ing$!?'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_i-iya'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'Meow!!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'N-$no$!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ shakes her head, her dishevelled hair stuck to her sweaty cheek, and her vagina clamps down against my cock.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 7, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f('It feels so good I almost cum inside her then and there.'); f(m, 'Hm?'); f('I\'m able to hold it in.'); f('A smirk rises to my lips.'); f(m, 'Do you want me so badly you can\'t stand the thought of me taking my cock out?'); f(e, 'I... N-$no$, $um$...'); f('Instantly aware of what she\'s doing, $Esther$\'s cheeks burn red and she shakes her head.'); f(e, 'I...$it\'s$ n-not like $that$, really....!'); f(m, 'Oh. It\'s not, is it?'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_chigauno2'); f(endIf); f(e, '$no$!'); f(m, 'Then you won\'t mind if I do this...'); f('I begin to inch out once more...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 7, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f('... and $Esther$\'s pussy immediately clamps down on my cock again.'); f('I\'m not sure if she\'s doing it on purpose or not. Maybe it\'s a subconscious reaction — like drawing your fingertips away from an open flame.'); f('Fire hurts.'); f('But not being fucked by my cock hurts even more, apparently.'); f('What does it hurt...?'); f('$Esther$\'s self-esteem?'); f('It must be kind of nice, from her perspective, that a $maleColleague$ suddenly has such an interest in her body he wants to fuck her all the time.'); f('Even at the most inopportune of times.'); f(m, 'I thought you said you weren\'t that needy?'); f(e, 'I... I-I don\'t know$meow$...'); f('"I don\'t know$meow$". That\'s a recurring phrase when I fuck $Esther$. She might as well make it her catchphrase.'); f('Not that I mind.'); f('It\'s cute.'); f(c_e, 'I think she\'s cute, too…', 'inlove'); f(c_b, 'She is.'); f(c_e, 'But is she as cute as Harue…', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&hiSister'); f('That a grown woman… that a mother of three, should be so unsure, what she wants.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister||hiSister'); f('That a grown woman… that a mother of two, should be so unsure, what she wants.'); f(otherwise); f('That a woman of her age… a mother, at that… should be so unsure as to what she wants.'); f(endIf); f(e, '$it\'$s just, I\'m not… I haven\'t done this $for$ a long time, a-$and$…'); f(otherwise); f('It just shows that she doesn\'t understand her body.'); f('But I\'m helping her.'); f('With some time, she\'ll get there.'); f(e, 'I\'m sorry. I-I just... I\'m not used to it, and I... I...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'You want this moment to last?'); f(e, 'Th-that\'s right$meow$...'); f('$Esther$ sniffles, looking at me with her $eyes$ damp.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 7, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f('Her tight pussy continues to grip me, even when I\'ve thrusted myself deep inside her once more.'); f('I\'m not going to try and pull out again in a hurry.'); f('I never want to pull out.'); f('She feels so warm and wet and good I\'d have to be some kind of masochist to do that.'); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_hanseishiteimasukaralong'); f(endIf); f(e, '$angh$… $eMinoru$, p-please… no more!'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_nghyaatsuinogalong'); f(e, 'I-I just want $you$ to stay inside me…ngh… y-$your$ penis… it makes me warm inside… angh... makes me go wild$meow$...'); f(m, 'It\'s fine. I can do that.'); f(voice, 'c_arigatou'); f(e, 'Th-thank you…'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I-I just want $ye$ to stay inside me... I-I want to believe this is really real… $that$ $my$ $maleColleague$, $that$ he\'s mak$ing$ lo-, I mean, t-teach$ing$ me, about sex…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-I just want $ye$ to stay inside me, in $my$ pussy... I-I want to believe this is really real...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'It\'s fine. I can do that.'); f('She stares, eyes wide.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Or, you know. "Eye wide". If we\'re being precise.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Y-$ye$ can...?'); f(m, 'Yup.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(playSound, 'purr'); f('$Esther$ begins to purr again, in response.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('It\'s not like I\'m in any hurry to go anywhere.'); f('I don\'t want to go back to $Hatsune$.'); f('I can\'t deal with her right now.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('I can\'t deal with our marriage.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('She\'s probably getting suspicious, but...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(c_b, 'Bad husband!', 'angry'); f(c_e, 'He\'s not bad, the player\'s choices make him this way!', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'Oh, right…', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'Bad player, then!', 'angry'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(textEffect, '$angh$...!', 290, 220, x, x, -11, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther||hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_rape-angh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ngh… n-$no$…!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(voice, 'a_nya-tosan'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Nn, $eM$-$eMinoruAlt$!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'E-$Esther$...'); f(label, 'eSex2Choice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Switch positions.', 'once'); f(setVariable, 'otherPos'); f(jump, 'estherSex2_b'); f(choice, 'Pull out and cum all over her.'); f(jump, 'eSex2CumOutside'); f(choice, 'Cum inside of her.'); f(jump, 'eSex2CumInside'); f(choice, 'Keep pumping a while longer.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(endChoice); f(label, 'eSex2Humps'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'humps>8'); f(jump, 'eSex2Choice'); f(otherwise); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(jump, 'eSex2Humps'); f(endIf); f(label, 'eSex2CumOutside'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther||hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_me-he-yamete'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-$no$!!! NOOO!! AAANGHH!!! AAAHH!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_longanganghfutoi'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ohhhh!!! $eMinoruAlt$!!!! $angh$!!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Unghh!! Ahhh!!'); f('My $colleague$\'s pussy feels so good. I don\'t want to pull out — but considering how often we\'re having sex these days, I can no longer justify cumming inside of her.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('Yes, my mother is actually still menstruating, so… gotta take precautions.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic); f(whatIf, 'otherPos'); f(cgs, 'e_officesex2', 'fade', [0, 'exp_penetrated', 'cum']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'e_officesex1', x, [0, 'cum']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'cumSpray'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming2', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_cumming2', false); f(endIf); f(pause, 4); f('I shower $Esther$ with my warm cum.'); f(jump, 'estherSex3_end'); f(label, 'eSex2CumInside'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f('My $colleague$\'s pussy feels so good — I don\'t want to pull out, no matter how stupid I\'m being and how much potential for regret there is.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.4); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther||hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_me-he-yamete'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-$no$!!! NOOO!! AAANGHH!!! AAAHH!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_longanganghfutoi'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ohhhh!!! $eMinoruAlt$!!!! $angh$!!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(e, 'Unghh!! Ahhh!!'); f('Here… we… go…'); f(screenEffect, 'whiteFlash', 0.1); f(whatIf, 'otherPos'); f(cgs, 'e_officesex2', 'fade', [0, 'exp_penetrated']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 17, 2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming2', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_cumming2', false); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(pause, 1); f(e, 'F-fire in the h-hole, mateys…!!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 4); f('I just want to keep cumming inside her.'); f(pause); f(jump, 'estherSex3_end'); f(label, 'estherSex2_b'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('I pick $Esther$ up, and turn her around, a little roughly.'); f(e, 'Umf!'); f('I place myself behind her ass, and spread her legs.'); f(cgs, 'e_officesex2', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_momogamangadekinaidesu'); f(endIf); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$, n-$no$! Please, I m-must have given you enough!'); f(m, 'Dear $Esther$, you\'re obviously operating under completely false pretenses. There is no <i>enough</i> that you can give me, not today, not tomorrow, not tonight…'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_iyadadamedame'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Please, no, that\'s too-'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_uhn'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Uhn…'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(e, '$angh$...'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_ngyah-naniwosuruno'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoruAlt$, wh-what are $you$ do$ing$?'); f(m, 'Hm? Oh, just flipping the steak. We\'ve gotta make sure I do you over both ways equally, don\'t we?'); f(e, 'Uh… we do?'); f(m, 'Why, of course, my sweet little summer child.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_officesex2', x, [0, 'exp_penetrated']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(e, '$angh$!!!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(cgs, 'e_officesex2', x, [0, 'exp_postcum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.5); f(cgs, 'e_officesex2', x, [0, 'exp_penetrated']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.4); f(textEffect, '$angh$...!', 390, 320, x, x, x, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_damedameyameteitaikedoangh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ah… hah, ha… please, $eMinoru$! S-stop! It hurts!'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(m, 'Shut up, mom. This is what you get for abandoning your kid.'); f(c_b, 'As a general rule, no, it\'s probably not what you should expect…', 'bendisgusted'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Shh-shh, hush my baby…'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'Daddy\'s going to make you feel nice down there…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_ah_angh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ah, $angh$!!'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'eSex2Choice'); f(label, 'estherSex3_end'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f('A few weeks have passed since then.'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(jump, 'estherSex3_raped'); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'estherSex3_hypno'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'estherSex3'); f(endIf); f(label, 'estherSex3_raped'); f('I\'ve had my way with $Esther$ more times than I can count, in more places than I can count, as well. There has been some protesting, some crying, some begging, yes.'); f('Sometimes I\'ve just forced myself upon her, sometimes I\'ve blackmailed her into it.'); f('Each time, though — I\'ve enjoyed it like hell.'); f(jump, 'eDazedSex'); f(label, 'estherSex3_hypno'); f('It\'s been a <i>blissful</i> time.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('I never knew forced incestous sex could feel this nice. Not to mention, guilt-free. I realize this probably means I\'m a bad person, but… hey. At least I\'m owning it, right?'); f(c_b, 'Um… not sure that\'s how it works, $Minoru$.', 'worried'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s weird — that switching from one hypnotized family member, to another, should feel so different.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Yes, I\'m cheating like fuck on my poor hypnotized wife, but… hey, at least I\'m owning it, alright?'); f(endIf); f('The best part? It\'s pretty easy to cheat on somebody you\'ve got hypnotized. No lengthy explanations, no convoluted excuses needed. I could probably even tell her what\'s going on — she still wouldn\'t bat an eyelid.'); f(pause, 1); f('Today is one of those days… like so many other days, these past weeks, where I felt an urge to yet again fuck $Esther$.'); f(c_e, 'I feel like there\'s a lot more sex in his VN than there was in <i>Re:maid.</i>'); f(c_b, 'There sure is.', 'inlove'); f(c_e, 'I think partially because the VN was made with existing assets from another game, which had a really high amount of H CGs and not much else.'); f(c_b, 'Yeah, when you have 30+ H scenes to draw from, it feels like a waste to not use as many of them as possible. Still, there\'s a bunch of scenes that ended up on the cutting room floor.'); f(c_e, 'Since you seem to advertise yourselves as a group that makes lewd VNs, I was actually surprised there was so little H in <i>Re:maid</i>.'); f(c_e, 'I thought it would be more porny.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Yeah, it\'s less porny than <i>Crusoe Had It Easy,</i> as well, yet many times more successful. I guess it goes to show some people actually are interested in the plot. And I don\'t mean, you know... <i>the plot</i>... for once.'); f(c_e, 'I\'m curious if people would prefer more story-heavy narratives with some H thrown in, more more H-focused ones with story thrown in…'); f(c_e, 'Maybe people like a mix of both.'); f(c_b, 'We did some backer surveys when we had just started out and I think there was a majority who professed to preferring more story over more H, back then. This was more than a year ago, though. We had only released <i>Crusoe Had It Easy.</i>'); f('Unfortunately, we can\'t do it in the office, any longer. Since the unexplained issues with some type of sticky slime being found on several people\'s desks, and all over the office, really, they had security cameras installed. Can\'t hypnotize those, no matter how I try.'); f('So we\'ve been doing it other places, oftentimes in $Esther$\'s apartment… as is the case today.'); f(jump, 'eDazedSex'); f(label, 'estherSex3'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playMusic, 'romantic'); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'office_evening', 'fade'); f(changeBg, 'office_night', 'fade', 10); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('It\'s been about a month since $Esther$ and I started having sex, but, surprisingly — things are, well, for a lack of better words to describe your sexual relationship with your $colleague$, <i>nice</i>, between us.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s been about a month since I started seeing $Esther$, and things between us have been pretty good.'); f(endIf); f('It must be, if I have such difficulty keeping my hands off her body.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Even when I\'m at work, all I do is fantasize about her.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('It\'s almost painful working together with her. Whenever I see her, I\'m filled with the urge to bend her over her own desk — or my desk, or Harue\'s desk, or my team leader\'s desk, I don\'t care whose — and fuck her.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s almost painful working together with her. Whenever I see her, I\'m filled with the urge to bend her over her own desk — or my desk, or Harue\'s desk, or Hina\'s desk, I don\'t care whose — and fuck her.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(c_e, 'RIP Harue\'s desk.', 'worried'); f('I can\'t get the image out of my head.'); f('$Esther$ sitting on her desk, legs spread, my cock plunging in and out of her.'); f('In and out of my $colleague$\'s tight pussy… with my cock thickly covered in her juices, splashing on my stomach, where it soon dries up and begins to crust.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I know I\'m obviously sick, a serial offender, a dad fucking not one but two of his $creature_$daughters… but I guess you could at least said I\'ve made some progress, maybe?'); f(otherwise); f('I know I\'m obviously sick, a serial offender, a dad fucking both of his $creature_$daughters… but I guess you could at least said I\'ve made some progress, maybe?'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$, I began fucking already when she was a teenager… at least with $Esther$, I waited until she was an adult? Surely that\'s worth something…?'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('Not to mention, I haven\'t even laid my hands on $Hina$. I mean, I never even looked on her like that until now, but…'); f('I\'ve got to confess, the idea of a threesome with all my three daughters has starting to sound quite appealing.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I know that what we\'re doing… that what I\'m doing, what I\'m making her doing, is wrong, but… while it might sound weird, it has been really nice to rekindle with her, over this.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f('I know this isn\'t normal. A guy just casually fucking his $creature_$sister? Under the pretext of teaching her about sex…?'); f('But… it\'s been… well, it\'s been actually <i>nice</i>, getting to spend time with her, like this.'); f(c_e, 'Nothing like good old family bonding?', 'sophiedisgusted'); f(c_b, 'It\'s the stuff dreams are made of.', 'inlove'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('I know what we\'re doing is, in a word, sick.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Not that I\'ve let that word stop me before.'); f('But… to go from your $creature_$$wife$, to your $creature_$mother…? Even pro-incest campaigners would probably do a double take on this particular situation.'); f(endIf); f('But what I\'m getting at is… I really enjoy my mom\'s company. You might think that\'s a given, but my case isn\'t entirely usual, even up until, you know. <i>This.</i>'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe I\'m interested in her because she\'s a "new conquest" — uncharted territory, if you will — but as the time wears on I become more and more unsure.'); f('I think... I really do like her.'); f(endIf); f('We don\'t just have sex. We talk, too.'); f(whatIf, '!eIncest'); f('Not just about $cat$s — which was the reason behind our acquaintance — but about personal things; our hobbies, our families, our school lives.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Certainly, there\'s things I\'m leaving out, but…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('I never knew before, but she\'s interested in origami and tea ceremony, and is a closet fan of cheesy martial arts movies.'); f('I\'m pretty fond of martial arts movies too, but $Hatsune$ isn\'t interested.'); f('She likes romantic comedies.'); f(c_b, 'God damn romantic comedies.', 'angry'); f('I might have more in common with $Esther$ than I thought.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('More than just, you know… <i>a fair share of our DNA.</i>'); f(otherwise); f('More than just the $cat$s.'); f(endIf); f('As time wears on, I find myself liking her more and more...'); f('But there is a problem, of course.'); f('And it\'s a biggie.'); f(c_e, 'I got the \'and it\'s a biggie line\' from this interesting \'in defence of necrophilia\' video on YouTube lol.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Oh...', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_e, 'It was a parody video by a comedian I like… to clear up any potential misunderstandings…', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, 'Alright then.', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, 'I mean… not that we\'re in the business of judging people for what they like. We did have a zombie cheat in <i>Re:maid</i>, for instance.', 'tehe'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I still have $Hatsune$.'); f(otherwise); f('I still have a wife.'); f(endIf); f('I have $Hatsune$, and as I spend more and more time with $Esther$ $Hatsune$ gets more and more suspicious.'); f('I haven\'t had sex with $Hatsune$ in a week now.'); f('I don\'t need to.'); f('I\'m getting more than enough with $Esther$ — and I feel too guilty to indulge $Hatsune$ now.'); f('Of course, going without sex upsets her... but being propositioned all the time upset me, too.'); f('The atmosphere at home is pretty miserable. It doesn\'t really feel like "home" anymore.'); f('I prefer being with $Esther$.'); f('She\'s easy company.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'moreEsther'); f(label, 'moreEsther'); f(playMusic, 'meloromance'); f(scene, 'park_night', 'fade'); f(setFilter, 'evening'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling', 'left'); f(setZoom, e, 1.5); f('That\'s why I\'m out with her at such a late hour, escorting her back to her apartment after a date to a local restaurant.'); f('A restaurant a fair bit better than the cheap family one she took me to last month.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Of course, we don\'t actually call it a "date". Somebody could see us. Officially, it\'s, you know — family business.'); f('A $maleColleague$ hanging out withhis $colleague$. Nothing strange with that. Not on the surface, no.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(endIf); f('$Esther$\'s hand fits snugly in mine. I caress it with my fingers and she leans against me.'); f(c_b, 'Snug as a rug.', 'inlove'); f('Her hair tickles my cheek and nose.'); f('Strawberry shampoo.'); f('I thought it was childish at first, but it\'s grown on me.'); f('We walk through the park in darkness, our feet falling against the grass.'); f('The only light afforded to us is from the lamps. They attract buzzing insects that flutter in the gloom.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('I thought $Esther$ might be afraid of creepy-crawlies, but she\'s actually quite resilient.'); f(endIf); f('It\'s the same old park where I always eat my cheap udon with $Hina$, but it takes on different qualities when I\'m with $Esther$.'); f('I guess that\'s what happens when you\'re with a woman you...'); f('Love?'); f('Do I love her?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Romantically...?'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t know if I\'d go <i>that</i> far, but...'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried', 'left'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$eMinoru$?'); f('$Esther$ blinks at me, her head tipped to one side.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Maybe I don\'t feel for her that way, but…'); f('I make sure nobody is looking. The coast is clear.'); f(otherwise); f('I don\'t love her, but...'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_kissparknight', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('I lean forward, pressing my lips against her.'); f(otherwise); f('I lean forward, pressing my lips against hers, and she whimpers.'); f('She always does that when I kiss her.'); f('She\'s so cute I can\'t stand it.'); f(endIf); f('I wish I could fuck right here.'); f(pause, 2); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(setVolume, 0.6); f(pause, 0.4); f(jump, 'eDazedSex'); f(label, 'eDazedSex'); f(cgs, 'e_dazed', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 11, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_softangh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, 'Ngh...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis||rapedEsther'); f('I didn\'t even bother waiting until we got to the bedroom.'); f('I guess it might be a telltale sign of just how little I care about her wellbeing.'); f(otherwise); f('I couldn\'t even wait until we got to the bedroom.'); f('That\'s the effect that my $colleague$\'s presence has on me.'); f('She\'s like an aphrodisiac.'); f(endIf); f('Maybe it\'s the strawberry shampoo.'); f(c_b, 'Better than Viagra. You heard it here first, folks.', 'inlove'); f('I catch a whiff of it — just the faintest touch of aroma — and then I\'m rendered helpless. A slave to my desire.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Just like $Esther$, in a way, really. Slave to <i>my</i> desire, not her own...'); f(endIf); f('I have $Esther$ pinned down in the entrance hall of her apartment.'); f('Her hair is loose, curling about her, and her clothes have been unceremoniously stripped away. I have no idea where they landed. I don\'t care all that much, either.'); f('Some gentleman <i>I</i> am.'); f(c_e, 'This is one of those H scenes that only exists to use up the CGs.', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_ah-nn-nghhh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ah, nn... $eM$-$eMinoruAlt$...'); f(m, '$Esther$...'); f('It\'s a good thing $Esther$ was able to close the door behind us before I pounced.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, 'Pounce!'); f('Then again, we\'re being so loud I wouldn\'t be surprised if her neighbours can hear.'); f('I wonder if they\'ve noted the intense change to $Esther$\'s private life.'); f('She lived here for years, never inviting a man inside.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('Now, a guy young enough to be her son, come over every other day — and always fucks her.'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f('Now, a guy old enough to be her father, come over every other day — and always fucks her.'); f(otherwise); f('Now, I come over every other day — and I always fuck her.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('If they only knew…'); f(endIf); f('I\'ve fucked her in the bedroom, in the kitchen, and now in the entrance hall...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_slowan_ah_angh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Mm... Ah, ah… $angh$...'); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$... You\'re getting so turned on already.'); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_chigaunoanghangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_chigauno2'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I-I\'m not$meow$!'); f(m, 'Dear $Esther$... What other explanation do you have for being as wet as you are?'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_chigaunonhennakotosurukara'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_chigauhennakotosurukara'); f(endIf); f(e, '$it\'s$ n-not $my$ fault....! $it\'s$ because you—'); f(m, 'Yes? What did I do?'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 3); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_imanoanghangh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Y-you just, um... A-ah...'); f('She whimpers as I slide my cock even deeper inside her.'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f('Her whole body trembles, glistening with sweat.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_anghkoegakattenidetchau'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I... I-I can\'t control $my$self...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'No, my dear $colleague$, you can\'t, can you? That\'s by design, mind you.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I can see that.'); f('I can feel it, too.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f('I can feel her needy, desperate pussy gripping my cock.'); f('Being fucked in the entrance hall, her back against the cold, hard ground, can\'t be very comfortable — but $Esther$ doesn\'t seem to mind.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Of course, $Esther$ doesn\'t really mind anything, right now.'); f(elseIf, 'estherRaped'); f('I think she gave up caring what I do to her several weeks ago.'); f(otherwise); f('If anything, the extra added pain seems to excite her even more.'); f('That must be why her nipples are so hard already.'); f('They get hard so easily...'); f(endIf); f('I flick one of her nipples experimentally with my fingers and $Esther$ whimpers.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_hipparanaide'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_hipparanaide'); f(endIf); f(e, 'D-don\'t pull…!'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f('Cute.'); f('She\'s always so cute.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!estherRaped&&!hypnosis'); f('If I keep fucking her this roughly she really will start to moan and scream.'); f('I can\'t have that. We can\'t inconvenience the neighbours.'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('So I kiss her.'); f('I kiss her roughly, my tongue penetrating her mouth.'); f('It\'s the right thing to do, really.'); f('The polite thing.'); f(c_e, 'What a gentleman!'); f(c_b, 'Indeed.', 'happy'); f('And it makes $Esther$ cum even harder.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.1); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(m, 'Mom!!!'); f(otherwise); f(m, '$Esther$!!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'whiteFlash', 0.1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(cgs, 'e_dazed', x, [0, 'cum']); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming3'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_cumming3'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther||hypnosis'); f(e, 'Aaanghh-AnghaAa!!!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I\'m cummm$ing$$meow$!! $eMinoruAlt$!!!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'rapedEsther'); f(jump, 'estherRapeEnding'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'ePreWedding'); f(label, 'ePreWedding'); f('And then…'); f(pause, 1); f('It happened.'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme', 0.5); f(pause, 1); f('I never thought such a thing could work out, to be perfectly honest.'); f('Maybe I was just messing around a little out of boredom, but I never believed anything long-term could grow out of this.'); f(c_e, 'When I wrote this I thought it was a very sudden timeskip haha…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Sudden timeskips are the best.'); f(c_e, 'Marriage scenes are just so cute, I can\'t help myself…', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, I was in a relationship, of sorts, with my $wife$, with Hatsune...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('But things with $Hatsune$ just weren\'t what they once had been. It was about time I ended it — for both of us.'); f(otherwise); f('But things with $Hatsune$ just weren\'t what they once had been. I think we both knew it was coming to an end.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I mean, I\'m married.'); f('I <i>was</i> married.'); f('But there\'s no law saying you can\'t get divorced.'); f('This isn\'t the 20th century.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('After all I did to try and break the hypnosis — the one thing that worked, in the end, was giving it to her straight — telling her about $Esther$, that I was cheating on her, and…'); f('That I wanted to move on.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('I guess hearing that your husband is having sex with your daughter might be quite shocking.'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f('I guess hearing from your husband that he prefers his $colleague$ over you — in bed — might be a little shocking.'); f(otherwise); f('I really didn\'t think it\'d be that big of a shock, that it\'d shake her to her core…'); f(endIf); f('Anyway, she snapped out of it. And we filed for divorce about an hour later.'); f(otherwise); f('Of course, it didn\'t happen out of the blue.'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f('These things never do — especially when you\'ve been married to your wife for who knows how many years.'); f(otherwise); f('These things never do — especially when you\'ve been married to your wife for nearly three years.'); f(endIf); f('But my relationship with $Hatsune$ was growing stale. We both knew it — no matter how $Hatsune$ tried to protest.'); f('She wasn\'t happy with our marriage either.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('She knew I was cheating on her... and I think my confirmation was the final straw.'); f('$Hatsune$\'s always been pretty proud, and the thought of playing second fiddle to somebody else must have been too much.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('I didn\'t outright tell her whom I was cheating with, but…'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('$Hatsune$ knows how my brain works, so I think she did have her suspicions.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('So… she moved out.'); f('It\'s incredible to think it could just end like that, after all these years of $husband$ and $wife$ fucking each other\'s brains out, but... it did.'); f(otherwise); f('So she finally agreed.'); f('We got divorced.'); f('Seven months after starting my affair with $Esther$, $Hatsune$ and I got divorced, and now...'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'eWedding'); f(label, 'eWedding'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade', 1); f(cgs, 'e_wedding', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(pause); f(e, '$eMinoru$...'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Nah, just kidding. I didn\'t up and publically marry my $colleague$ — I\'m not <i>that</i> crazy. Only nearly.'); f('It is part of our cosplay repertoire, though.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(c_b, 'The wedding scene is cut rather short with any of the incest cheats turned on… for the obvious reasons. But I still wanted to keep the CG in there.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('$Esther$ blinks at me, her $eyes$ void of any real emotion.'); f('Yes.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('After being in such a weird relationship with $Hatsune$ for so long, I wanted something regular. Something that feels real.'); f('Yes.'); f('Marriage.'); f(otherwise); f('Yes, I\'m… I\'m actually swapping out one hypnotized wife, for another.'); f('But things are different with $Esther$, then they are with $Hatsune$. They just are.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('$Esther$ blinks at me, her $eyes$ wide with emotion.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I never thought $Esther$ would want to stay with me after she found out about my sexual relationship with my $wife$, but…'); f(otherwise); f('I never thought $Esther$ would want to stay with me after she found out about $Hatsune$, but...'); f(endIf); f('To my surprise, she was incredibly resolute.'); f('She didn\'t balk at the first sign of danger.'); f('Instead, she clung to me even harder, determined to stay by my side.'); f('Maybe it\'s because of her self-esteem.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('She\'s never been with any other man before. Perhaps she thought this was her best shot at marriage — incestous $wife$fucker, or no.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s never been with any other man before. Perhaps she thought this was her best shot at marriage — even though I was already married myself.'); f(endIf); f('It was the only way to placate her mother.'); f('But I don\'t think $Esther$\'s that calculating.'); f('She\'s far too much of a sweetheart.'); f('To her, it was fairly simple.'); f('She loved me and I loved her... so why shouldn\'t we stay together?'); f(c_e, 'Trying to handwave it like \'she\'s not a homewrecker, really…!\'', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Nice try!', 'angry'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('The fact that I had a daughter from a previous marriage… whom I was, just until recently, fucking? That seemed immaterial, somehow, to $Esther$.'); f(otherwise); f('The fact that I was fucking my $wife$ was immaterial to her.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('The fact I had a wife was immaterial.'); f('I did not, after all, love $Hatsune$.'); f('Not anymore.'); f('And this is where we ended up.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ looks so pretty I want to kiss her all over — not just her lips but her forehead, her nose, her cheeks.'); f('Other places, too.'); f(c_b, 'I\'ll bet.', 'benderp'); f('The insides of her thighs and her soft, squishy breasts.'); f(c_b, 'Oh. He went there. So my innuendo looks rather stupid, now. Kids, remember: when writing commentary for a visual novel, always check what the next line is before you comment.', 'dumbfounded'); f('Not that I can do that here, in a church, but later...'); f('Much later...'); f('When I get her all to myself, I\'m going to do any number of scandalous things to her.'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(whatIf, '!pirate'); f('But first, maybe we\'ll get a $cat$.'); f('A playmate for $Chocola$.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('She\'s been a little lonely lately, since I\'m always making myself so busy with $Esther$.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s been a little lonely lately, since $Esther$ and I are always so busy.'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ was meaning to get $Chocola$ a little sister for a long time, but she wasn\'t supposed to have pets in her old apartment anyway, and there wasn\'t enough space.'); f('It\'ll be different when we move into my house.'); f('We\'ll have all the space in the world.'); f('A little sister for $Chocola$, hmm...'); f('I wonder what we should call her.'); f('Maybe "Vanilla".'); f(c_e, 'Can\'t have a \'$Chocola$\' without a \'Vanilla\'.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Let\'s shake it!', 'happy'); f(c_b, '... That\'s… that\'s milkshake joke. I realized on a second reading that might not have been obvious.', 'worried'); f('Vanilla sounds like a cute name, right...?'); f('At least, I think it does.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(cgs, 'e_wife', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(e, 'Daddy…? Did you have a nice nap$meow$?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Darl$ing$...? Did you have a nice nap$meow$?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('... And we are living together, essentially as man and wife. Except that, well, I\'ve hypnotized my $colleague$ wife into doing this, but, you know. Details.'); f(otherwise); f('But we are living together, essentially as man and wife. Except, you know, keeping the fact that we\'re actually having sex, a desperately guarded secret. But beside that...'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ peers at me, a soft smile on her face.'); f('I\'ll never get tired of seeing that smile.'); f(e, 'Do you want me to run a bath? Should I start to prepare dinner? Or...'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('Her smile becomes tinged with a hint of mischief.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Would $you$ rather have...'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(cgs, 'e_wife', 'fade', [0, 'happy']); f(pause, 1); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_yaritai'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_yaritai'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(e, 'Me?'); f(c_e, 'And so this route ends - more or less - on the same line the story begins with, but spoken by a different character!', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Circular storytelling.'); f(c_e, 'I think it makes this resolution very feel \'neat\'. I like stuff like this.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I make up my mind in seconds.'); f('I don\'t even need to think about it.'); f('Unlike $Hatsune$, I never need to think about it.'); f('I\'m always starving for second helpings.'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'romantic', 0.7); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff1', x, [0]); f(playSound, 'yabure_short2'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_iya'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_iya'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-$no$....!'); f('$Esther$ whimpers in alarm as, all of a sudden, I rise from the bed and push her onto the floor.'); f(playSound, 'bodyHitsGround'); f(pause, 1); f('Her back hits the wooden floorboards with a dull thud but I don\'t think I\'ve really hurt her.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Not that I really care.'); f(otherwise); f('I\'ve fucked her enough times, in all kinds of inconvenient and embarrassing places, to know that.'); f('I know what $Esther$\'s capable of.'); f('I know what her body can handle.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(voice, 'a_otosan'); f(endIf); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoruAlt$...'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('She gasps, blinking at me with a glassy eye.'); f(otherwise); f('She gasps, blinking at me with glassy eyes.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Oh, my… I thought you were tired.'); f(m, 'Well… I was. Not anymore.'); f(voice, 'c_kofunshitano'); f(e, 'Oh… looks like you got a little excited?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-I thought you were tired...'); f(m, 'Not anymore.'); f(voice, 'a_kofunshiteiruno'); f(e, 'A-are you excited?'); f(endIf); f('I think my hard cock speaks for itself, so I say nothing.'); f('$Esther$ sees the bulge in the seat of my pants and swallows, her throat convulsing.'); f(endIf); f('She looks so delicate, lying on the floor beneath me, that I want to ravish her right now.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('How it happened so quickly, I don\'t know.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'How did that happen so quickly$meow$?'); f(m, 'I don\'t know.'); f(endIf); f('I prod her right breast and she squeaks.'); f(m, 'It\'s your fault.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(e, '$yes$, master.'); f('Yeah, I\'ve trained her to say that. Hey, don\'t judge! I happen to think it\'s rather hot.'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'I got $you$ hard, just like that...?'); f(m, 'I guess you did, mom.'); f('She smiles.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-it got hard just because you looked at me...?'); f(m, 'It sure seems that way.'); f(e, 'Y-$you\'re$ so silly$meow$...'); f(m, 'Your <i>face</i> is silly.'); f(endIf); f('I trail my fingers up, brushing against her clavicle, her neck, her chin, and then prod her cheeks so she squirms. Breathy giggles escape from her lips.'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(playSound, 'fumbling'); f(pause, 0.3); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', 'fade', [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.4); f(pause, 1); f('At the same time, I push aside her apron and pull up her shirt, exposing her tits.'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f('Fuck, her tits are so huge, I never get tired of looking at them.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('She never seems to stop getting embarrassed by my looking, either — but when $Esther$ gets embarrassed she gets turned on and her pussy starts to get wet.'); f('It\'s a win-win situation, really.'); f('For both of us.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', 'fade', [0, 'sucking', 'exp_struggling']); f('I lean forwards, pressing my lips against her breasts.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_softangh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Nn...'); f('Her nipples are hard already.'); f('I roll my tongue over them, sucking them, and she squirms.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_hageshii'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_hageshiino'); f(endIf); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoruAlt$... Y-$you\'re$ so rough...'); f(m, 'This is nothing. I can be rougher.'); f(e, 'Y-$you$ shouldn\'t over-exert $your$self so much$meow$....!'); f(m, 'Oh? Are you saying that I\'m old?'); f(e, 'I-I\'m not say$ing$ that$meow$, I just—'); f(m, 'Ha. That sounds like a challenge.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_chigaunoanghangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_chigauno'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(e, 'I-it really isn\'t, I... M-meow....!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-it really isn\'t, I... K-kyaa....!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'e_ripoff2', x, [0, 'exp_slightlysurprised', 'squeeze']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.4); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f('Another adorable squeal, as I nudge her legs open with my knee and start squeezing her breasts.'); f('I think I\'m going to enjoy this.'); f('I\'ll take my time.'); f('I have all the time in the world.'); f(pause); f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'And that\'s it! Thanks for playing!', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'I hope you enjoyed it!', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'I\'m sorry I called you a bad player for cheating on $Hatsune$, by the way. Things obviously worked out for you, so... who am I to judge?', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'If you\'re not a patron already, please consider making a small pledge! Lot\'s of awesome Patreon exclusives await you…'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(whatIf, 'Esther==Esther'); f(ending, 'estherGood', 'Esther Good Ending'); f(otherwise); f(ending, 'estherGood', 'Erisa (Esther) Good Ending'); f(endIf); f(label, 'estherRapeEnding'); f('This… this is what I want.'); f('This is how things will go on.'); f('I\'ll never let go of $Esther$. She\'s my little rape doll.'); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'Thanks for playing! You horrible person you.', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'Just kidding, of course. I\'m the guy who wrote all those scenes in the first place, so...', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I feel like this ending is awfully dark…', 'sophiedisgusted'); f(c_b, 'Well…', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_e, 'Especially compared to the happy ending, that is so cute and wholesome!', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'Yeah… didn\'t really know where to take it, otherwise. Some people got upset about the fact that you got killed for raping the girl in <i>Crusoe Had It Easy.</i> Taking it personally in some way, I guess.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'I mean, it\'s 100% fictional, so I don\'t you have to feel bad about enjoying this kind of stuff, if it\'s your thing. I guess I was just worried about coming across as if I were personally condoning this kind of stuff.'); f(c_b, 'I realized though that the kind of people who would make those kind of accusations are probably not the same kind of people who play these types of games to begin with, so…'); f(c_b, 'Anyways thanks, again! And thanks for supporting us on Patreon! None of this would have happened without your help.', 'happy'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(whatIf, 'Esther==Esther'); f(ending, 'estherRape', 'Esther Rape Doll Ending'); f(otherwise); f(ending, 'estherRape', 'Erisa (Esther) Rape Doll Ending'); f(endIf); f(label, 'branch9'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Shit… what am I doing.'); f(m, '$Esther$...? Snap out of it. But don\'t be all surprised that I\'m here, please.'); f(cgs, 'e_close', 'fade', [0]); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_uhn'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ngh… $eMinoru$...?'); f(m, 'Yeah, $Esther$... I just followed you home, to, to…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, '... to have a talk. I\'ll be leaving now.'); f(otherwise); f(m, '... to have a look at $Chocola$. I\'ll be leaving now.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(voice, 'a_nyaa'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Meow…?'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_uhn'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Uh…'); f(endIf); f('I rise from the bed and back away, like a soldier fleeing from the aftermath of a war.'); f('A coward.'); f('I know I\'m being a coward, not going through with what I started, but...'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I... I\'m sorry, $Esther$, but...'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('I rise from the bed and back away, like a soldier fleeing from the aftermath of a war.'); f('A coward.'); f('I know I\'m being a coward, making advances on a shy and self-conscious woman like this and then retreating, but...'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'room2', 'fade'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(setZoom, e, 1.2); f(playMusic, 'sadending'); f(e, 'Y-$ye$ have somewhere $ye$ need to go$meow$...?'); f(m, 'I... it\'s not that, it\'s just...'); f('The smell of strawberries lingers in my nostrils.'); f('It was the strawberries, I swear.'); f(c_b, 'How many times haven\'t we all heard this excuse…?', 'worried'); f('What grown woman uses strawberry shampoo?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest||hypnosis'); f(m, 'I\'m sorry. I… I\'ve made a mistake.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(setZoom, e, 1); f(e, 'A-a mistake$meow$...?'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry, $Esther$. We can, uh… meet up later. It was nice talking to you...'); f('But that\'s a lie. I know I won\'t be seeing $Esther$ anymore.'); f(pause, 1); f(otherwise); f(m, '...'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I think this might have been a mistake.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(setZoom, e, 1); f(e, 'A-a mistake$meow$...?!'); f(m, 'Yes. Well, not a mistake on your end, but mine.'); f('Shit. Her eyes are watering. She looks like she\'s going to cry.'); f('Who can blame her?'); f('She just spilled her heart to me — cutting it open with a metaphorical knife and letting the contents leak all over the bed — and here I am rejecting her.'); f('Turning her down.'); f('Just like every other man in her life.'); f('But this might be even worse, because I don\'t think she\'s ever been this far before.'); f('Her first kiss.'); f('Her first kiss was taken by an asshole like me.'); f('An asshole with a wife.'); f('God<i>damn</i>.'); f('She deserves better than this.'); f('Even if she <i>does</i> use strawberry shampoo.'); f(m, 'I, um... I just got out of a relationship, you see, and I\'ve been feeling kind of torn up about it.'); f(person, e, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_sonanda'); f(e, 'O-oh? You were?'); f('$Esther$ looks confused, as well she might.'); f('It\'s blatantly untrue.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('I didn\'t just get out of a relationship. I\'ve been married for almost three years.'); f(endIf); f('But this is probably better than the truth.'); f('"You can\'t handle the truth"... is what I\'d say if I wanted to make this situation even more awkward than it already is.'); f(m, 'I-I was happy when you invited me to go out, really, and maybe I took it a bit too far.'); f(m, 'My mind\'s still kind of messed up and I\'m not in a good place to pursue a relationship right now — but it\'s not because of you, you understand?'); f(m, 'You\'re a pretty $creature$ and smart and I... I\'ve liked you for a while, $Esther$. Really, I have.'); f(whatIf, '!pirate'); f(m, 'I cherished our conversations about kitty litter and bladder infections, and I\'m glad $Chocola$\'s doing alright, but...'); f(c_e, 'I thought conversations about bladder infections were guaranteed to win over any girl!', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'You taking notes, guys? This is how it\'s done, apparently. Straight from the horse\'s mouth.'); f(endIf); f('I pause, drawing in breath.'); f('I don\'t think I\'ve ever spoken this much in one go before.'); f('I\'ve never tried to cheat on my wife before, either.'); f('Today has been a day filled with firsts.'); f(m, 'You deserve somebody better.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'B-better...? But...'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_ungh'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ sniffles.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Her eye looks watery around the edges, like she\'s been chopping onions, and I\'m worried she\'s going to cry.'); f(otherwise); f('Her eyes look watery around the edges, like she\'s been chopping onions, and I\'m worried she\'s going to cry.'); f(endIf); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I... I don\'t want somebody better$meow$!'); f('Please don\'t cry.'); f(e, 'Y-you were the first person who spoke to me when I started to work at the company, and I...'); f('Not for me.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I-I don\'t want anybody $landlubbin_$else....! I like <i>you</i>....!'); f('So it comes out.'); f('She has a crush on me. Maybe she\'s had a crush on me for a while.'); f(c_e, '$Esther$ continues being cute.', 'inlove'); f(c_b, 'It\'s what she does best.'); f(c_e, 'I wanna pat her on the head!', 'tehe'); f('Just because we both like $cat$s.'); f('The bond between $cat$ lovers is nothing to be sneezed at (sorry, $Hatsune$).'); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$...'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I sigh and pull her close, letting her head rest against my shoulder.'); f('She really is crying now, in earnest. She\'s going to get me all damp.'); f('But I don\'t care.'); f('I just want to comfort her.'); f('I have to.'); f('This is all my fault.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'backToH'); f(label, 'backToH'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'room1', 'fade'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'worried'); f(pause, 1.5); f(h, 'And where have <i>you</i> been?'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(m, 'Uh, hi... Mom. I missed you too.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(m, 'Hi, sis. I missed you too.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hi, babe. I missed you too.'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 0, 'angry'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iinoyone-anatawa'); f(h, 'Hm! You have it good, don\'t $you$?'); f(h, 'Com$ing$ andgo$ing$ as you like, without as much as a word to $your$ mother!'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(h, 'Don\'t you try and sweet talk me$meow$! Where the hell have $you$ been?!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Don\'t you "hi babe" me, $hMinoru$! Where the hell have you been$meow$?!'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f('$Hatsune$ glares at me, her hands planted on her hips.'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 50, 5); f(whatIf, 'refusedEstherEarlyOn'); f('"Hey darling", I want to say, "I was kind of considering cheating on you about half an hour ago, so can you do me a huge favor and not act so cranky? Otherwise, I might start thinking I\'ve made a mistake."'); f(otherwise); f('"Hey darling", I want to say, "I was very, <i>very</i> close to cheating on you half an hour ago, so can you do me a huge favor and not act so cranky? Otherwise, I might start thinking I\'ve made a mistake."'); f(endIf); f(c_e, 'The protagonist is so suave.', 'sophiedisgusted'); f(c_b, '<i>This guy fucks.</i>', 'bendealwithit'); f('But I don\'t say that.'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 70, 5); f('I can\'t.'); f('There are a lot of things I want to say that I can\'t.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Like… "This… our relationship… what we\'re doing is wrong."'); f('"We can\'t go on like this."'); f('But is that what I truly believe?'); f('Maybe I just feel like this because I haven\'t been putting in the effort.'); f(otherwise); f('Like… "I don\'t think our marriage is working."'); f('Maybe it isn\'t working because I haven\'t been putting in the effort.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 100, 5); f('$Hatsune$ puts in effort. She doesn\'t have a job, but she takes great care of the house and she cooks most of the meals.'); f('She\'s always there to offload onto when work\'s been stressing me out, and she listens patiently — not like some people, who pretend they\'re listening but you can tell they don\'t care.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f('$Hatsune$ <i>does</i> care.'); f('$Hatsune$ loves me.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My $wife$ loves me… shouldn\'t that be enough…?'); f('"To hell with what society may think!" Isn\'t that what I used to tell myself...?'); f(otherwise); f('She loves me... and that should be enough.'); f('Why isn\'t that enough?'); f(endIf); f('Why did I stop trying?'); f(removeScreenEffects); f(person, h, 0, 'angry'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.2); f(stopMusic); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_chotto'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_chotto'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Hey, don\'t $you$ just igno-'); f(m, '$Hatsune$. I\'m sorry. I\'m so sorry.'); f(person, h, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(h, 'M-meow?'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_tsutsu'); f(endIf); f(h, 'H-Huh?'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$ blinks. She looks startled, as well she might. I\'m not the most emotional of people, and it\'s rare for me to act this sappy.'); f(person, h, 0, 'irritated'); f(playMusic, 'romantic'); f(h, 'Wh-why are $you$ apologiz$ing$?'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Her eye narrows.'); f(otherwise); f('Her eyes narrow.'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'armup', 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Did you do something bad?'); f(m, 'I was going to — but I changed my mind.'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'neutral'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ltsu'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Oh...?'); f('She tuts.'); f(person, h, 0, 'irritated'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(h, 'So you <i>did</i> clean up $your$ room in the end? Good boy$meow$!'); f(c_b, 'I had a hard time coming up with an alternative for the original line here, with the HatsuneMother cheat turned on. I thought this one is quite funny though.'); f(c_b, '(the original was, \'Were you thinking about buying a sports car <i>again</i>?\')'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(h, 'Were $ye$ think$ing$ about buy$ing$ a sports car <i>again</i>? I already told $ye$, dad! It\'ll just make $ye$ look even older than $ye$ already are$meow$!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Were $ye$ think$ing$ about buy$ing$ a sports car <i>again</i>? I already told $you$ they\'re a waste $of$ $money$$meow$!'); f(endIf); f('It\'s a mark of just how perfect $Hatsune$ is that she doesn\'t suspect — not for a second — that I was going to cheat on her.'); f('That\'s how much she trusts me.'); f('It\'s how much I should trust her.'); f(m, '$Hatsune$....!'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$, what— mm...'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(fadeIn, 'romantic', 2); f('All of a sudden, I lose control over myself.'); f(cgs, 'h_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f('I throw my arms about her waist and pull her close, pressing my lips against hers.'); f('She smells comforting and familiar, of the coconut milk shampoo she always buys and has bought for the last three years.'); f(c_e, 'Coconut is clearly superior to strawberries.'); f(c_b, 'I still prefer $Esther$, though.', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'But Hatsune has a cute name… You could shorten it to Hat-chan!', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, '... Even so.', 'dumbfounded'); f('Yeah...'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('No matter how wrong this might look from the outside, looking in…'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('I think this is how it should be.'); f('I just needed a bit of reminding.'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade', 3); f(pause, 3); f(label, 'spooningSex'); f(cgs, 'h_spooning', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaangh1'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ahnngh…'); f(setVolume, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_otosan'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$...!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_mi-no-ru'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_mi-no-ru'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$... Haa, haa...'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$ pants heavily, her chest rising and falling.'); f('She\'s lying on the bed, naked, with her legs spread. I cradle her from behind, more tender and romantic than I have been in a while, while my fingers caress her clit.'); f('She can\'t cum unless I stroke her clit.'); f('$Hatsune$\'s clit is super sensitive but her pussy is less so.'); f('Being penetrated doesn\'t get her off, so I need to do a bit of foreplay first.'); f('It\'s always like this.'); f('I know it\'s like this, so why...'); f('Why have I been neglecting her so much lately?'); f('Maybe this is why my $wife$\'s been so desperate for sex. Because the sex we\'ve been having hasn\'t been good enough for her.'); f('Because I wasn\'t trying.'); f(setVolume, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_c_softangh2'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_otosan-angh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaangh1'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$, mm... $angh$...'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f('Broken whimpers spill from $Hatsune$\'s mouth and her hips gyrate, trying to push her swollen pussy even more closely against my wandering fingers.'); f('Her wet, tight pussy is already starting to leak fluid.'); f('It\'s a musky, heavy aroma that makes my head spin.'); f('Vaginal secretions and coconut milk shampoo.'); f('An interesting combination.'); f('One you\'d be hard-pressed to find in the form of a scented candle, but I\'m fond of it all the same.'); f(c_e, 'I\'m pretty sure this line came from, um… I went shopping a while ago, and found some really peculiar-smelling candles.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Tell me more…', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'The best one was labelled \'a child\'s dreams\', or something really abstract.', 'confused'); f(c_e, 'Like, what would that even smell of…?', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'Sounds like a witch\'s brew.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'For the record, I think "vaginal secretions scented candles" could definitely be a thing. I mean, I\'m not going to Google it to see if it already exists, but…', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'Do you think it would smell better or worse than a child\'s dream?', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Um…', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, '... That would depend on the occasion, I guess...', 'confused'); f(setVolume, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_mi-no'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_tosan'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_mi-no'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f('I continue my ministrations, fingers flicking across the bud of her clit so she gasps.'); f('We\'re just making random sounds and noises, really. Nothing particularly deep or meaningful.'); f(c_b, 'Are you even trying, $Minoru$…?', 'angry'); f('But it feels important to me.'); f('$Hatsune$ is important to me.'); f(setVolume, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_kimochiii'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_kimochiii'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Oh God... It... I-it feels so good$meow$...'); f('Her back arches, her ribs visible beneath her pale skin.'); f('Wet, slick sounds fill our bedroom, of my fingers against $Hatsune$\'s clit — and then inside her pussy.'); f('In and out.'); f('A gasped, breathy moan escapes from her lips, and I feel her cumming around my fingers.'); f('I don\'t know if I\'ve heard her sound that satisfied in a long time... but I can keep going.'); f('This isn\'t enough.'); f('It\'s not nearly enough.'); f(cgs, 'h_somesex', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(setVolume, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ooh, ah....!'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f('$Hatsune$ $moan$s, pinned beneath me helplessly.'); f('Her legs are spread, beads of sweat forming inside her thighs.'); f('Her long hair curls across the mattress, forming neat little spirals.'); f('She shifts as I fuck her, my cock driving in and out of her wet pussy.'); f('I worked her up plenty before so she cums so quickly now — once every three or four thrusts.'); f(c_b, 'Having girls have multiple orgasms during sex is probably a sign that this was written by a female writer…', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'I think it\'s more realistic than the H scenes where the guys can cum like four or five times in one go?', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Haha, for sure. I think multiple orgasms are exciting too, but I think it\'s something male writers are more likely to neglect adding… because I think they would be more focused on the guy climaxing…'); f(c_e, 'Boo…', 'angry'); f('Her sweet moans are intoxicating, like the finest alcohol.'); f('I could lose myself inside her body.'); f('I want to lose myself inside her.'); f('There\'s so much of $Hatsune$ to love.'); f('Her huge tits I can knead with my hands, and her nipples that get so very stiff whenever she\'s excited.'); f('Her desperate moans, the way my name falls from her lips, and the writhing of her hips as I fuck her...'); f('It probably sounds cheesy, when I\'m fucking her so hard she\'s whimpering and my own mind is starting to turn white and gooey like overcooked tofu, but...'); f(setVolume, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ikisou1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ikisou1'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$....!'); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(voice, 'b_aishiteimasu'); f(h, 'I-I love you....!'); f(m, 'Nn... I... $angh$... I...'); f(label, 'hgsHumpChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Cum inside of her.'); f(jump, 'hgs12'); f(choice, 'Pull out.'); f(setVariable, 'pullout'); f(jump, 'hgs12'); f(choice, 'Keep shoving it in and out of her for a little longer.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(setVolume, 0.6); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hgshumping'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(incrementVariable, 'humps', 1); f(whatIf, 'humps>7'); f(jump, 'hgsHumpChoice'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'hgshumping'); f(endIf); f(label, 'hgs12'); f('I love her.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Even if what we\'re doing is wrong — I really do love her.'); f(otherwise); f('I really do love her.'); f(endIf); f('And I don\'t want to let her go.'); f('What kind of $idiot$ would I be if I did that?'); f(whatIf, 'pullout'); f('Maybe that\'s why I pull out and baptize my $wife$\'s sweet body with my warm cum.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 20); f(cgs, 'h_somesex', x, [0, 'exp_alt', 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(otherwise); f('Maybe that\'s why I hold her even tighter, crushing my $wife$\'s breasts against my chest, as I cum deep inside her.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 20); f(cgs, 'h_somesex', x, [0, 'exp_alt']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(endIf); f(voice, 'b_cumming2'); f(h, 'Aanaghaaah!!!'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects); f(scene, 'black', 'fade', 2); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'Alright! That\'s the end of it. Thanks for playing$meow$! Hope you\'ve enjoyed yourself.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Also, you\'ve been a good Christian. Be proud of yourself… maybe. Unless you\'re actually a satanist...', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I like that you can get a good ending if you don\'t cheat on Hatsune, but you can get good endings if you do cheat on her, too.', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'Since it gives the player the power to choose!'); f(c_b, 'The Power of Choice™!', 'benderp'); f(c_b, 'Anyways… please consider supporting us on Patreon, if you aren\'t already! Bye now.'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'hatsuneGood1', 'Hatsune Good Ending 1'); f(label, 'branch2'); f(m, 'Well, you see...'); f(pause, 2); f(cgs, 'udon', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 1); f('I peer into my cup of half-eaten seafood udon.'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 30); f(otherwise); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 6); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f('All of a sudden, the pale pink slices of fishcake look awfully intriguing. The spirals are drawing me in deeper and deeper...'); f(pause, 2); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(changeBg, 'black', 'fade'); f('But I shake my head and look away.'); f('I\'ve read enough horror manga to know where that train of thought was going.'); f(c_b, 'I haven\'t. What would happen?', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'It\'s an <i>Uzumaki</i> reference.'); f(c_e, 'A whole village gets obsessed with spirals… Characters start obsessing over the swirls in their fishcake.', 'unhappy'); f(c_e, 'And then somebody runs themselves through a washing machine (I think) so they can become one with the spirals.', 'sophieevillaughter'); f(c_b, '... That actually sounds kind of awesome.', 'inlove'); f(c_e, '<i>Uzumaki</i> is actually really good. It gets pretty ridiculous, too.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Just read up on it on Wikipedia… turns out it was turned into 2(!) games, for the WonderSwan. Fancy that.'); f(c_b, 'I actually had one of those, it was a handheld console released by… Bandai, maybe? Bought it second hand… never actually bought any games for it, though.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'I\'m a <i>really</i> shitty video games collector.', 'tehe'); f(cgs, 'hi_intro', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'It\'s about… uh… well, this girl, I met.'); f(hi, 'What? $hiMinoruAlt$, that\'s awesome$meow$!'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and Hatsune liv$ing$ together like $that$, I thought $ye$ probably weren\'t even try$ing$!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I mean, with you liv$ing$ together with $your$ sister, I thought $ye$ weren\'t go$ing$ to bother!'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and sis liv$ing$ together like $that$, I thought $ye$ probably weren\'t even try$ing$!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and $your$ daughter liv$ing$ together like $that$, I thought $ye$ probably weren\'t even try$ing$!'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and mom liv$ing$ together like $that$, I thought $ye$ probably weren\'t even try$ing$!'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'I mean, with you and grandma liv$ing$ together like $that$, I thought you probably weren\'t even try$ing$!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'What do you mean?'); f(hi, 'Huh? Oh, just, $ye$ know. $ye$ already have a woman in $your$ $landlubbin_$household, $right$? I mean, even if $it\'s$ $your$ $wife$. She cooks for $you$, right?'); f(m, '$Hina$! There\'s more to love than just finding somebody to cook for you.'); f(c_e, 'I am not so sure about that.', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'Ha!', 'happy'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'Where did you get these weird ideas? I sure as hell didn\'t teach you such outdated ideas about gender...?'); f(h, 'Buuuh!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Well, anyways, it\'s, uh. Yes. I met someone.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'It\'s about Hatsune...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_doushitano'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_doushitano'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Mom? What about her?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Oh? What\'s the matter?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'She... Well... It\'s not just about Hatsune. It\'s about us.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_eeh'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Eeeeh?! Don\'t tell me $you\'re$ gett$ing$ a divorce$meow$?!'); f(m, 'No, it\'s not like that, it\'s not that drastic.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Eeeeh?! But $ye$ and Hatsune have been go$ing$ out since, like, $for$ freakin\' ever$meow$!'); f(m, 'I know.'); f(hi, '$you\'re$ married!'); f(m, 'I know.'); f(hi, 'You two always seemed so lovey-dovey!'); f(m, 'I know.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(hi, 'So what\'s the problem? $ye$ didn\'t get into a fight, did $you$? Is $that $why $you\'re$ act$ing$ so spacey?'); f('Spacey? I am?'); f(cgs, 'udon', 'fade', [0]); f('... I guess I did just spend a few seconds contemplating a piece of fishcake.'); f(c_e, 'Become one with the spirals…', 'sophieevillaughter'); f(c_b, 'Ebi-Hime, no!! Step out of the washing machine <i>this instant!</i>', 'surprised'); f(m, 'It\'s not a fight really. It\'s more like... the opposite.'); f(scene, 'park_day', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.3); f('$Hina$ wrinkles her nose.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_nanigaiyanano'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_nanigaiyanano'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I don\'t get it. What\'s the problem?'); f('I don\'t blame her. I\'m not being as straightforward about this as I could — but how can I just come out and say it? I\'m Japanese, for goodness sake.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('But maybe the problem isn\'t really that I\'m Japanese, as much as it\'s… that I\'ve decided to tell my daughter about her mother\'s and mine sexual problems....!'); f(otherwise); f('Japanese people don\'t talk about their... intimate marital problems like this — especially not with their $friend$s in a park in the middle of the day!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Japanese people don\'t talk about their... intimate marital problems like this — especially not in a park in the middle of the day!'); f(endIf); f('But... I already decided I was going to tell $Hina$.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(c_b, 'Which is a really bizarre decision, playing with any of the Hina incest cheats. But hey, whatever floats your boat.', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('After all, she is my daughter.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('I mean, <i>our</i> daughter. She knows both of us in ways not even I do.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('I mean, we are siblings. All three of us. Hina maybe even knows Hatsune better than me, in some ways.'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, she is my sister. She knows me really well. If anybody can help me, it\'s Hina.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f('After all, she is my mother. She knows me better than anyone — probably even better than Hatsune. If anybody can help me, it\'s mom.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'It\'s, well. She\'s a little too... clingy.'); f(otherwise); f('I guess I owe her this much.'); f('It\'s because of $Hina$ I got together with Hatsune.'); f('If anybody can help, $Hina$ can.'); f(m, 'Hatsune\'s a little too... clingy.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Well, duh, that\'s mom. She\'s always been like that. Besides, I thought you liked clingy$meow$...? I mean, why else would you even be with mom in the first place...?'); f(otherwise); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$ye$ don\'t like clingy$meow$?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I <i>do</i> like clingy, but I prefer clinginess in moderation. She just... I don\'t know.'); f(playSound, 'gulp'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I gulp. Can I really say this out loud? To $Hina$...? Here goes…'); f(otherwise); f('I gulp. Here goes...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'She always wants to have sex — like, all the time... and she\'s so demanding, too.'); f(c_e, 'I imagine a lot of guys wouldn\'t consider this to be a bad thing?', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'I don\'t know. I guess you can get used to anything.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.25); f(hi, 'Oh? $hiMinoru$, you sly old dog!'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(pan, hi, -40, 0, 0.3); f(textEffect, '<bam!>', 120, 420, 'Blue', 1.4, -30, 'hShakeFade'); f(playSound, 'backslap'); f(pause, 0.3); f(pan, hi, 20, 0, 0.5); f('$Hina$ giggles, nudging me in the ribs again.'); f(m, 'Ouch!'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('I feel like reminding her she\'s more than a decade older than me, but I resist.'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I let out an exasperated sigh. This really is inappropriate.'); f(otherwise); f('I feel like telling her she\'s just as old as I am, but I resist.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$you\'re$ so lucky if that\'s $your$ biggest problem! I wish I had a relationship in such dire straits I had to worry about $my$ significant other fuck$ing$ me too much$meow$!'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'Inamoto Hina! That is not appropriate! There are kids!'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f(m, 'Mooom! Not so loud, you\'re embarrassing me! A-and, look, we\'re in a park! There are kids!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'H-Hina, quiet down! There are kids!'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'armsbehind', 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'And they should be at $landlubbin_$school$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'That\'s beside the point—'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I know, but—'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'happy'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'They need to learn about the $scurvy_$birds and the bees at some point. Might as well do it here.'); f('$Hina$ flashes me a cheeky smile and I sigh.'); f(m, 'But I think their parents might prefer to do that themselves...'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Hah, like $ye$ taught me?'); f(m, 'Well, I\'m opening up about this now, aren\'t I?'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Besides, if my teaching to $Hina$ fell behind, I made more than up for it considering just how much I taught Hatsune, and for how… <i>Hands-on</i>, it was. I doubt $Hina$ would have appreciated that type of education, now.'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest'); f(m, 'Besides, you have your mom, too! Why is it all on me all of a sudden...?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(hi, 'And I <i>am</i> a parent. $your$ parent.'); f(m, 'Y-yes, but...'); f('$Hina$ waves one hand carelessly.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'What~ever~'); f('She waves one hand carelessly.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hIncest'); f(hi, 'Dad, I don\'t see the problem here. $ye$ $and$ mom are gett$ing$ along well, obviously. I mean, how many people who\'ve been married $for$ as long as $the$ two $of$ $ye$ have, can boast $of$ still hav$ing$ an active sex life...?!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I totally don\'t see how this is an issue, $hiMinoru$.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'It just... I guess I wouldn\'t mind the volume of the sex so much if I wasn\'t so tired, but... Work drains me, and I\'m not always in the mood.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hDaughter'); f(m, 'I… I really shouldn\'t tell you this, but…'); f('I really shouldn\'t...'); f(c_b, 'He really shouldn\'t.', 'surprised'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'This is going to sound kind of cruel, but...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Sometimes, when we have sex, I\'m not even thinking about her.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hDaughter'); f('... yet I did.'); f('What am I thinking...?'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'Really? So she\'s homely, then?'); f(m, 'Uh, no. Actually.'); f(m, 'She\'s… she\'s bangin\' hot.'); f('Should I really be describing $Hatsune$\'s body to my $friend$ using terms like these?!'); f(c_b, 'Too much incest… man, had to rewrite so much of this to make it work.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'Hm... By the way…', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'Scratch that. You can never have too much incest.', 'inlove'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Well, what\'s the problem, then?!'); f(m, 'I don\'t know. I\'m kind of... perplexed, I guess? Have been for a while. I just don\'t know how to broach it to her without upsetting her — and I know it will upset her.'); f(hi, 'Well, <i>duh</i>$meow$. No $creature$ wants to be told their boyfriend can\'t keep focused when they\'re hav$ing$ sex.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Even though she\'s got such a bangin\' body?!'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I can\'t help but let out a short laugh. My daughter\'s crude, but at least she\'s good at it. She sure knows how to tickle your funny bone.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I don\'t know. I\'m kind of... perplexed, I guess? Have been for a while. I just don\'t know how to broach it to Hatsune without upsetting her — and I know it will upset her.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Well, <i>duh</i>$meow$. No woman wants to be told their husband can\'t keep focused when they\'re hav$ing$ sex.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Exactly.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'She might stab $ye$.'); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(hi, 'With a golden scabbard$meow$!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'With a kitchen knife...'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f(c_e, 'There should be a <i>yandere</i> ending.', 'sophieevillaughter'); f(c_b, 'How would you end a yandere route? Death and destruction?', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'Yes! It would be wonderful!', 'sophiederp'); f(c_b, 'Um… is there something you\'re trying to tell me here...? E-Ebi?', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'No! No! <i>Drop the knife!!!</i>', 'surprised'); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(hi, 'Straight in $your$ carotid artery$meow$!'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(m, 'Mo-om…!'); f('I shoot her an angry look, and she responds with a pout.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Fine, fine. I\'ll give $ye$ a suggestion from the goodness $of$ $my$ heart, even if $my$ no-good son is unlikely to ever repay me for it...'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'Inamoto Hina!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Tanimura Hina....!'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(playSound, 'hit'); f(pause, 0.2); f(effect, hi, 'bop'); f('I bop her over the head and $Hina$ pouts.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'b2_ijiwaru'); f(hi, 'Why so mean, $hiMinoruAlt$?'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(m, 'That\'s no way to speak about your mother!'); f(hi, 'Huh! Right back at $ye$, $hiMinoruAlt$!'); f('I sigh. I\'ve lost count at just how many times I\'ve sighed in this conversation by now, but it\'s not stopping me.'); f(m, 'I guess you\'re right.'); f(hi, 'Well, dad. It\'s $your$ lucky day. I\'ll give you a suggestion from the goodness $of$ $my$ heart, even if $you$ did just violently <i>brutalize</i> me, $your$ very own daughter.'); f(m, 'Haha…'); f(person, hi, 0, 'happy'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'It must be all $that$ pent-up sexual frustration $you\'re$ tak$ing$ out on me, no doubt. $you$ should be ashamed, $hiMinoru$! That\'s no way to treat $your$ daughter. <i>Sexualized violence</i>....!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'If you don\'t have anything sensible to say, don\'t say anything at all.'); f(hi, 'Fine, fine. I\'ll give $ye$ a suggestion from $the$ goodness $of$ $my$ heart, even if $ye$ <i>did</i> brutalize me.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('She can be such a drama queen.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(m, 'Just give me the advice, alright, sweetheart?'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.4); f(pause, 0.6); f(hi, 'If $your$ mind\'s wander$ing$ when $you\'re$ hav$ing$ sex, then... maybe $you\'re$ stuck in a rut.'); f(m, 'You think?'); f(hi, 'Mm. Routine $and$ regularity can be nice$meow$, but maybe you could... <i>switch it up a bit.</i>'); f(m, 'And... how do you suggest I do that?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('$Hina$ winces.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Come on, $ye$ really want to ask $your$ $friend$ about… these things?'); f(m, '... I know it\'s weird, but I don\'t have anybody else to discuss these things with.'); f(hi, 'Well, I don\'t know. Why don\'t $ye$ try something creative, like…'); f(whatIf, '!hiMother'); f(person, hi, 0, 'embarrassed'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '... Us$ing$ toys, or someth$ing$?'); f(otherwise); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I don\'t know. $you\'re$ the man. Be creative. Why don\'t $ye$ use some toys or someth$ing$?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Toys...?'); f('I blink.'); f(whatIf, 'aIncest'); f('To be honest, I never even considered the possibility. I don\'t know why, but even thinking about "toys" makes the tips of my ears flush.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Maybe it\'s because the person suggesting this is my dear $friend$.'); f(whatIf, '!hiMother'); f('Heck, Hina herself is even blushing, slightly.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('To be honest, I never even considered the possibility. Maybe it\'s because I come from a pretty straitlaced family, but even thinking about "toys" makes the tips of my ears flush.'); f('Oh, this is <i>awful</i>. What am I, a woman?'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'You\'ve written quite a few visual novel\'s, haven\'t you?'); f(c_e, 'Quite a few!', 'sophiederp'); f(c_b, 'Do most of them deal with lovey dovey stuff? Or are you doing all kinds of genres, usually?'); f(c_e, 'Um… There are generally romance elements, but it\'s not usually the main focus.'); f(c_e, 'It\'s easier to market romance stories, though…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'You sell a bunch of stuff on Steam, right? How\'s that working out for you?'); f(c_e, 'It\'s working out pretty well!'); f(c_b, 'What types of games do best? If you don\'t mind sharing…', 'benderp'); f(c_b, 'I mean obviously, the Sakura games are the most popular VNs on Steam… or hold on, are they?', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'There\'s a bunch of mainstream Japanese stuff on Steam as well now, isn\'t there?'); f(c_e, 'Yeah, there are quite a lot of VNs on Steam - and more and more stuff gets added…', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'I think the VNs that sell the best are ones with multiple choices/routes with cute heroines that are aimed at men, typically.'); f(c_e, 'With fanservice thrown in.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Obviously.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'Some of the longer Japanese VNs that aren\'t super well-known seem not to sell that much because they have high price points, though.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'Yeah, some charge $40+, right? I feel like that has to stem from a misunderstanding of the market. Or an assumption that the Western market can be treated in the same way as the Japanese one…', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'I haven\'t paid $40 for a game on Steam in a long time. I guess I mostly play indie stuff, though.'); f(c_e, 'I literally only buy VNs on Steam. I don\'t use it for anything else.', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('But… what if $Hina$ is right...? This might be just what my relationship needs.'); f(otherwise); f('But… what if $Hina$ is right...? This might be just what my marriage needs.'); f(endIf); f('I can\'t back down at the last hurdle, can I...?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Disregard $yourHina$\'s advice.', '!hiIncest'); f(jump, 'branch3'); f(choice, 'This whole conversation is ridiculously inappropriate.', 'hiIncest'); f(jump, 'branch3'); f(choice, 'Ask $yourHina$ for help.'); f(jump, 'branch4'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'branch3'); f('...No.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('What the hell was I thinking, discussing this with my $friend$?!'); f('No $maleFriend$ should make their $friend$ have to listen to them talk about this kind of stuff.'); f('Besides, what kind of advice was that? "Toys"? That\'s ridiculous — as if my cock isn\'t good enough! I mean, it\'s <i>me</i> who\'s left unfulfilled, not $Hatsune$.'); f(m, 'I\'m sorry, $Hina$. I shouldn\'t have brought it up in the first place.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_heikiyo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_heikidayo'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Hey, $it\'s$ no bother. None at all.'); f(m, 'No, sorry, it\'s not right. A $maleFriend$ shouldn\'t be talking to his $friend$ about things like these.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_tsumaranaiwa'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_tsumaranaiwa'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Aw, don\'t be so bor$ing$$meow$.'); f(m, 'No, enough.'); f(otherwise); f('This isn\'t right.'); f('I can\'t do this.'); f('I can\'t use toys with $Hatsune$. That\'s far too embarrassing.'); f('That\'s like admitting my cock isn\'t good enough to satisfy her, and that\'s ridiculous.'); f('Besides — $Hatsune$ isn\'t the one who\'s being left unfulfilled — it\'s me.'); f(m, 'I don\'t want to talk about this anymore.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Aww, but $hiMinoru$—'); f(m, 'No buts.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f('I turn my back on $Hina$ — a touch childishly, I know, but still.'); f('I\'m not in the mood.'); f('I should have known this was a bad idea to begin with.'); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f(jump, 'backInOffice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(endIf); f(label, 'hBadEnd'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'hit'); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0, 'exp_alt2']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.25); f(pause); f(cgs, 'h_onbed', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'swish'); f(textEffect, 'Me...?', 460, 120, x, x, -20, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_yaritai'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_yaritai'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Me$meow$?'); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f('So I\'m back here, am I?'); f('This scenario feels awfully familiar... Maybe because I experience it on a daily basis.'); f(c_e, 'And once more, we return here…', 'unhappy'); f(c_e, 'Groundhog Day bad end.', 'unhappy'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Oh, well. I might as well make the most of it. Whether I love my $wife$ or not, whether I feel guilty about putting her in this state or not — I can still get quite a bit of enjoyment out of putting my dick inside of her.'); f(jump, 'hSuddenFuck'); f(endIf); f('Is there something I can do to extricate myself from this situation?'); f('Can I change the subject...?'); f(whatIf, 'justStayedAtOfficeAllDayLikeABoringFuck'); f(m, 'I had a… I had a long day at the office, you know.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'You know, I was talking to $Hina$ today...'); f(h, 'Oh? Did someth$ing$ happen?'); f(whatIf, 'refusedHina'); f('Christ, why did I bring this up?'); f('"Yes, darling, actually something did happen. She confessed she loves me, and I ran out on her, in the middle of her confession."'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('Other than a wholly inappropriate and sordid discussion about the intricacies of our vastly unfulfilling sex life?'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('...'); f('In which our very own daughter suggested I use <i>toys</i> on you...?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Other than a discussion about the intricacies of our vastly unfulfilling sex life?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Um… No, not really.'); f(h, 'Then why are $you$ bring$ing$ it up$meow$?'); f(m, 'Um... No reason.'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$ pouts.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(h, 'Come on, daddy! $you$ have some paternal duties to see too! I\'ve been so lonely…'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(h, 'Come on, bro! $ye$ have some brotherly duties to see to! $ye$ can\'t just leave $your$ sister high and dry like that!'); f('Ha. As if my sister\'s pussy was <i>ever</i> dry. Not as long as we\'re in the same room, she\'s not.'); f(h, 'I\'ve been so lonely!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Come on, $hMinoruAlt$. Stop stall$ing$ $for$ time! I was so lonely....!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Of course you were...'); f('I sigh.'); f(whatIf, 'refusedHina'); f('Of course… things are still playing out tonight just like they did last night.'); f(otherwise); f('I didn\'t do anything differently from usual, despite my discussion with $Hina$, so it\'s only natural things would play out tonight like they did last night.'); f(endIf); f('Like they did the night before.'); f('The night before that, too.'); f('When will this end...?'); f(whatIf, 'justStayedAtOfficeAllDayLikeABoringFuck'); f('Maybe… maybe I shouldn\'t have just stayed in the office like a boring fuck, saying no to everything thrown my way by a possibly sympathetic and well-meaning omnipotent being of some kind…?'); f(c_b, 'Lampshadin\'.', 'benderp'); f(c_b, 'Seriously, though. Why did you say no to everything?', 'angry'); f(elseIf, 'refusedHina'); f('Maybe… maybe I shouldn\'t have run out on $Hina$...?'); f('Well… that ship has sailed by now, at any rate.'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Maybe I should have taken $Hina$ up on her offer, after all. Too late for that now, though.'); f(otherwise); f('If only I\'d taken $Hina$ up on her offer — but it\'s too late for that now.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(label, 'hBadEnd2'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('I guess it\'s time for another round of loveless, passionless sex with my $wife$.'); f('Yippee.'); f(c_e, 'H-hang in there! <i>Ganbatte…!</i>', 'worried'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'hSuddenFuck'); f(label, 'hSuddenFuck'); f(cgs, 'h_suddenfuck', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$-'); f('Here we go again.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1.5); f(cgs, 'h_suddenfuck', x, [0, 'dick', 'exp_alt']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f(voice, 'b_angh1'); f(h, '$angh$!!!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(voice, 'b_aaangh1'); f(h, '$angh$… $hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaangh1'); f(h, '$angh$... $hM$-$hMinoruAlt$... Y-$you\'re$ in so deep$meow$....!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 80, 8); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Well. I may not be happy with my life, but… you\'ve gotta admit.'); f('It\'s not all pitch black. At least my $wife$ is fucking hot, her breasts humongous, and her pussy wet. I guess things could, everything considered, be worse.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('So what I\'m doing right here — making my own $wife$ live with me like a only semi-conscious sex slave — it\'s kinda fucked up?'); f(otherwise); f('I know I have to find a way out of this, eventually. I can\'t live like this, with my wife this sex-crazed, but…'); f(endIf); f('Well. Maybe I can feel depressed about this tomorrow. For now, I\'m going to enjoy this for what it is.'); f(otherwise); f('Yeah, yeah.'); f('That\'s what I want to say — but, like usual, I can\'t.'); f('I can never say what I want.'); f('Instead, I say something else. Something suitable. Something stock.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f('Something along the lines of, "It feels so good, sis."'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f('Something along the lines of, "It feels so good, mommy."'); f(otherwise); f('Something along the lines of, "It feels so good, baby."'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t know if that\'s what I\'m actually saying, of course.'); f('My mind has already tuned out.'); f('I have $Hatsune$ lying on the bed, her legs spread, her pussy already wet, and I feel... nothing.'); f('My cock is hard — but what does it matter? It\'s a simple bodily function, like eating food or going to the toilet.'); f(whatIf, 'missedOutOnThreesome'); f('I just… I just wish I hadn\'t chickened out. Maybe things didn\'t have to be like this. Maybe… maybe $Hatsune$ would have said "$yes$"? Stranger things have happened…'); f('Damn it.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(removeScreenEffects); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(voice, 'b_angh6'); f(h, 'Nn... $hM$-$hMinoru$...'); f('Her pussy grips my cock.'); f(jump, 'hBadEndingSexChoice'); f(otherwise); f('It doesn\'t mean anything.'); f('It certainly doesn\'t mean that I love her.'); f('I see her lying there, her body trembling, her tits exposed, and I can\'t even bring myself to care.'); f(endIf); f('The fingers of my right hand dig into the soft, yielding flesh of her thighs.'); f('With the left, I press my palm against one of her breasts, kneading it.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.75); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(voice, 'b_aaangh3'); f(h, '$angh$...'); f('$Hatsune$ keeps $moan$ing, like she always does. Like I\'ve hypnotized her to do.'); f('God… will this ever end? Will I ever get the normal $Hatsune$ back?'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaangh3'); f(h, 'Aah... Th-there... Right there$meow$....!'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 50, 6); f('I know.'); f('I know it feels good there, right there, because I\'ve fucked $Hatsune$ innumerable times during my life and I know these things about her.'); f('The way she giggles when you prod her side.'); f('The mole on the underside of her right foot.'); f('Her weird aversion to bitter melon.'); f(c_b, 'Again, it\'s not weird!!! Actually liking bitter melon would be so much weirder!! Stop shaming us bitter melon haters!!! Bitter melon haters are people too!!!', 'angry'); f(c_e, 'I don\'t think I\'ve ever actually had it before…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Oh. Well. It\'s bitter. Really bitter. Not <i>melony</i> at all.', 'worried'); f('The way she can\'t cum unless you play with her clit first.'); f('And the way she feels good there, right there, when you pinch her nipple and whisper breathily into her ear.'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 100, 5); f('It doesn\'t even matter what you say to her.'); f('I could say anything at all.'); f('<i>I love you.</i>'); f('<i>I can\'t stand you.</i>'); f('<i>Let\'s end this.</i>'); f('<i>Please, let\'s end this.</i>'); f(c_e, 'This is pretty depressing…', 'dumbfounded'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('And to think… I loved her so much when we first began having sex.'); f(otherwise); f('And to think... I loved her so much when we first got married.'); f(endIf); f('I still love her.'); f('I think I do, but…'); f(removeScreenEffects); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(voice, 'b_angh1'); f(voice, 'b_anata'); f(h, 'Nn... oh, honey!'); f('Her pussy grips my cock.'); f(label, 'hBadEndingSexChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Push her over the top.'); f(jump, 'hBadEndingSexCum'); f(choice, 'Keep going for a little longer.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hbehumps'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'humps>7'); f(jump, 'hBadEndingSexChoice'); f(otherwise); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(jump, 'hbehumps'); f(endIf); f(label, 'hBadEndingSexCum'); f(cgs, 'h_suddenfuck', 'fade', [0, 'dick', 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(voice, 'b_cumming2'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(pause, 0.3); f(voice, 'b_oniichan'); f(h, '<i>Onii-chan!!</i>'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(pause, 0.3); f(voice, 'b_tosan'); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$!!'); f(endIf); f('She cums.'); f('I cum too, inside of her, hot and sticky, but I don\'t gasp or moan like $Hatsune$ does.'); f('I\'m already over it.'); f('I\'m over this.'); f(pause); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'sadending'); f(pause, 1); f('The thought is so depressing I could cry.'); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'OK, congrats on reaching the one bad ending. You still got to have sex, though — it still counts!', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Thanks for playing! Hope you\'ve enjoyed it. Try for the other endings as well! The other ones aren\'t necessarily as depressing as this one.'); f(c_e, 'There are some genuinely happy endings, too!', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Some including Hatsune, as well! Just thought we should mention it.', 'worried'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'hatsuneBad', 'Hatsune Bad Ending'); f(label, 'branch4'); f(m, 'Alright, I\'ll bite.'); f('I run a hand through my hair.'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 100, 15); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest||hIncest'); f('I\'m not entirely happy about this.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Asking my $friend$ for advice — my granddad would go off the deep end if he knew. He\'d probably hit me with a club.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, uh… of course, there\'s other things he\'d do even worse things to me for, if he knew.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with his daughter.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with his granddaughter.'); f(otherwise); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with my $wife$.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('He\'s threatened me with worse.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('I doubt my granddad would be, either.'); f('My granddad is a very traditional person who firmly believes we men should make our own decisions in life.'); f('If he knew I was asking a friend for advice about my sex life — a female friend, no less — he\'d go off at the deep end.'); f('I mean, uh… of course, there\'s other things he\'d do even worse things to me for, if he knew.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with his daughter.'); f(otherwise); f('Exhibit A: my relationship with my $wife$.'); f(endIf); f('Eheh.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I\'m not entirely happy about this, and I doubt my granddad would be, either.'); f('My granddad is a very traditional person who firmly believes we men should make our own decisions in life.'); f('If he knew I was asking a friend for advice about my married life — a female friend, no less — he\'d go off at the deep end.'); f('He\'d probably hit me with a club.'); f(c_b, 'I changed this from some Japanese word I wasn\'t familiar with… I think it was like a wooden sword or something? I figured that if I don\'t know it, our audience won\'t either, so I simplified it a bit.'); f('He\'s threatened me with worse.'); f(endIf); f('But my relationship with $Hatsune$ has been floundering for a while, and if anybody knows how women think it\'s $Hina$.'); f('It would be worrying if she didn\'t, given she\'s a woman herself.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Unlike Hatsune, though, I don\'t really think of her that way.'); f(otherwise); f('Though a father should probably not think of his daughter that way. I mean, I guess I don\'t.'); f(endIf); f('It helps that she\'s not a very womanly woman.'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f('My mother is perhaps not a very womanly woman, though.'); f(otherwise); f('Not that she\'s a very womanly woman.'); f(endIf); f('She\'s nothing like your traditional <i>Yamato Nadeshiko</i>.'); f(c_b, '... meaning, traditional Japanese ideal woman, quiet and docile and blah blah.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('She\'s always been very sporty, and is, still. Maybe that\'s how she has been able to maintain her good looks? She used to be on the All-Japan Women\'s Volleyball Team back when she was in high school.'); f('Of course, volleyball wasn\'t as popular as it is now, but still.'); f('I think, in the end though, her breasts got the better of her. I mean, I\'ve seen her play, when I was a kid, not in a tournament or whatever, just for fun with the friends at the beach, but…'); f('They tend to, uh… <i>flap about</i>, a great deal. Even with a sports bra.'); f('OK, if we talk about breast size, I guess she is rather womanly, I mean, figure-wise, sure.'); f('But it pains to say — she\'s also a horrible cook.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s always been very sporty, ever since high school. She was a member of the baseball club, and she did a lot of jogging.'); f('I don\'t think she\'s that good at cooking, either.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('She didn\'t take after her mother at all in that respect — $Hatsune$ is a great cook.'); f(otherwise); f('Not like $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f('That\'s probably why she always eats at this cheap udon place during lunch break.'); f('But I don\'t think that matters too much.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('We\'re family. She can act however she likes — it won\'t change the fact that we\'re $friend$ and $maleFriend$.'); f(otherwise); f('I\'ve known her too long to be preachy. She can act however she likes. That won\'t stop her being my friend.'); f(endIf); f('And if she gives me some advice, I\'ll be eternally in her debt…'); f(removeScreenEffects); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_nani'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_nani'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Hmm?'); f('Oh. Right.'); f(m, 'I-I don\'t know much about it, but...'); f(pause, 1); f('I cough. I can taste my seafood udon at the back of my throat. It\'s not entirely pleasant.'); f(m, 'If you can, please help me.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_nyaa'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_nyaa'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Meow?'); f('$Hina$ smirks, and begins to purr.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_ara'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_sonano'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Oh?'); f('$Hina$ smirks.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(pan, hi, 30, 0, 0.3); f(setZoom, hi, 1.6); f(hi, 'Help $ye$ with what, exactly?'); f('Fuck. Is she really doing this?'); f('... It looks like she\'s really doing this.'); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('She might be even worse than our co-worker Harue, who pitched a huge fit after I accidentally broke her mug.'); f('At least $Hina$\'s only doing this because we\'ve been friends a long time, not because she\'s a petty and vindictive bitch with an axe to grind.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Fine, fine, fine.'); f('I bow my head before her humbly, clapping my hands together.'); f('You\'d think I was making an offering at a Shinto shrine.'); f(stopMusic); f(playSound, 'recordScratch'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 4); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, '$Hina$! Using your infinite, worldly $creature_$wisdom, could you teach me a bit about sex so I can please my girlfriend....!'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, '$Hina$! Using your infinite, worldly $creature_$wisdom, could you teach me a bit about sex so I can please your mother....!'); f(otherwise); f(m, '$Hina$! Using your infinite, worldly $creature_$wisdom, could you teach me a bit about sex so I can please my wife....!'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_ufufu'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_ufufu'); f(endIf); f('$Hina$ giggles, and then...'); f('...'); f('The rest of the park seems suddenly, eerily silent.'); f('I-I didn\'t say that too loud, did I...?'); f('I\'m almost afraid to check.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('Every single kid, parent, even the old woman enjoying the sun in the other corner of the place — I can feel all of their eyes, burning holes into my visage.'); f('I look down, ashamed, blushing like a schoolgirl.'); f(otherwise); f(fadeIn, 'esther_theme'); f(pause, 0.8); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'surprised', 'rightOutside', x, x, x, 'back'); f(pan, e, -230, 0, 0.8); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(pan, hi, -150, 0, 0.8); f(changeName, e, '???'); f(pause, 1); f(e, 'M-Mr. Inamoto...?'); f(changeName, e, 'Esther'); f('...Shit.'); f('It\'s even worse than I thought.'); f('It\'s not just the kids and the old women enjoying the sun I had to worry about.'); f('There, standing a few inches away, is a $creature$ I know rather well.'); f('One of my colleagues.'); f('$Esther$ Anderson.'); f('I don\'t know her all that well, but we\'ve exchanged a few words about the $bladder$ condition of her dear pet $cat$, $Chocola$.'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl&&!pirate'); f('As you might have guessed… I\'m a pretty big cat person, but I haven\'t had one for a while. $Hatsune$ didn\'t want any competition, I guess… and yes, I know how weird that sounds.'); f(otherwise); f('I\'m a pretty big $cat$ person, though you wouldn\'t think it. I haven\'t had a $cat$ in a while. $Hatsune$\'s allergic.'); f('I know it\'s not her fault, but it\'s something else to resent her for.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(m, 'Um… a-... ahoy…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Um... Aha...'); f(endIf); f('I cough, tugging at my collar.'); f(m, 'H-hello, $Esther$.'); f('$Esther$ bows her head. Her face is beet red.'); f('So she heard.'); f('She must have done.'); f(m, 'Um, well... Wh-what brings you out here on this fine day?'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(e, 'I-I, um... I-I was just go$ing$ for a walk, um... E-enjoy$ing$ the sun$meow$... B-but...'); f(m, 'But...?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'worried'); f(e, 'I-I see I was intrud$ing$....!'); f(m, 'No, it\'s a public park. You don\'t have to—'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(e, '$it\'s$ fine....! I-I\'ll go! I-I\'ll leave $ye$ two t-to it$meow$!'); f(otherwise); f(e, '$it\'s$ fine....! I-I\'ll go! I-I\'ll leave $ye$ with Miss Tanimura$meow$!'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ bows her head.'); f('Despite being born in England, I think she might be one of the most Japanese women I\'ve ever met.'); f(c_b, '<i>Hiberniores Hibernis ipsis.</i> More Irish than the Irish themselves.', 'benderp'); f('I\'m still trying to figure out if this is a good thing or not.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'W-well, g-goodbye! I\'ll see $you$ a-at work!'); f(m, 'Y-yeah, uh... See you.'); f(pan, e, -600, 0, 1); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f(remove, e); f(pause, 0.6); f('I wave at her limply. She doesn\'t return the gesture but has already turned her back towards us, and is hurriedly walking away.'); f('<i>Fuck.</i>'); f('I really fucked that up.'); f(c_e, 'I think I just wanted some excuse $Esther$ in Hina\'s route.', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'I don\'t think she does anything else in this scenario…'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('If $Hina$ weren\'t here, I\'d have tried to hypnotize her, make her forget about it… but there\'s too many people watching.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('If there was a wall here I\'d bash my head against it. Repeatedly. Until viscera began to drip from my tortured, fractured eye sockets.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(fadeIn, 'youareapirate', 2); f(otherwise); f(fadeIn, 'hina_theme', 2); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(pan, hi, 160, 0, 1); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_ufufu'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_ufufu'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(hi, 'Pfft… Harharharhar…!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Pfft... Hahaha....!'); f(endIf); f('At least $Hina$ seems to be enjoying herself.'); f('She\'s cackling.'); f(m, 'I think you\'re enjoying this too much...'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(hi, 'If you\'d seen the look on $your$ face, you\'d be laugh$ing$ too!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'But did $you$ see the look on her face? She looked like she was go$ing$ to faint$meow$!'); f(m, 'I\'d be surprised too, if I overheard my colleagues talking about sex...'); f(hi, 'Pfft...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.8); f(textEffect, '<bam!>', 130, 420, 'Blue', 1.1, -30, 'hShakeFade'); f(playSound, 'backslap'); f('$Hina$ slaps me across the back in the most unfeminine manner imaginable.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f('It actually hurts quite a bit.'); f(whatIf, '!hatsuneDate'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Alright, $hMinoru$... I\'ll help $ye$.'); f(m, 'Th-thanks… feels like I could really need it…'); f(pause, 0.5); f(remove, hi); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(endIf); f('I\'m so ashamed I kind of wish a hole would open up beneath my feet and swallow me whole.'); f(whatIf, '!eIncest&&!hypnosis'); f('How am I ever going to recover from this...?'); f('How will I ever be able to look at $Esther$ Anderson\'s sweet, innocent little face again?'); f('I feel like I\'ve been defiled.'); f('I\'m sure $Esther$ feels the same.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Hey… Why don\'t you come home to $my$ place, after work?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Tonight? Aw, I can\'t… I have a… thing.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I don\'t want to tell $Hina$ I\'m going out with $Hatsune$ — she\'d ask if she could come, and what reason could I give to turn her down? But… that would just create more problems, I fear.'); f(otherwise); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(hi, 'What <i>thing?</i>'); f(m, 'Oh, it\'s just… I\'m going out eating, with my $wife$.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Oh, with Hatsune? But… you guys frickin\' live together… shouldn\'t doing something about $your$ love life take precedence? Over yet another dinner with $your$ $wife$?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Tonight? Aw, I can\'t, we\'re going on a date.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(hi, '... You and Hatsune?'); f(m, 'Um, yeah.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(hi, 'So $you\'re$ tak$ing$ her out$meow$… sounds like everything\'s peachy, then? What do $you$ even need $my$ help for?'); f(m, 'It\'s not quite that easy… Come on, you want me to turn her down?'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Hey, it\'s up to you. Is see$ing$ her tonight, again, go$ing$ to solve $your$ problems?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Please, can\'t we just do it tomorrow instead?'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, '$no$, $hiMinoru$. Come on. $it\'s$ now or never.'); f(m, 'Um…'); f('What should I do?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Go on the date with $yourHatsune$.'); f(m, 'Sorry…'); f('Hina sighs.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Oh, well. Fine. Maybe we\'ll do it some other time... I guess. But I really don\'t have much time this week$meow$…'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(m, 'No worries. Hatsune isn\'t going anywhere.'); f('Neither is our marriage...'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'No worries.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Hatsune isn\'t going anywhere. Not unless I hypnotize her to, at least…'); f(otherwise); f('Hatsune isn\'t going anywhere. Neither is our relationship.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.4); f(remove, hi); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 0.3); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'backInOffice'); f(choice, 'Go to $yourHina$\'s place after work.'); f(setVariable, 'ditchedHatsune'); f(m, 'OK, fine. You drive a tough bargain, man.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Hey! I\'m only do$ing$ this $for$ you, lest $ye$ forget!'); f(pause, 0.2); f(remove, hi); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Fine… if you say so.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'eWatchingPorn'); f(label, 'eWatchingPorn'); f(fadeIn, 'porno_music', 2); f(pause, 2); f(cgs, 'p_porn1', 'fade', [0], 2); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f(pf, 'O-oh God... it feels so good… no, my brother! Stop it!'); f(pm, 'Yeah? Does it feel good, bitch sister? Does it?'); f(c_b, 'I changed the theme of the porn in case you\'re playing with any of the Hatsune or Hina incest cheats activated.', 'inlove'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'I-it\'s so good... My pussy, nn...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pm, 'What about it?'); f(pf, 'My pussy\'s so wet, aah...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pm, 'Is that right, my slutty $creature_$sister?'); f(pf, 'Yeah, nn... I-If you keep fucking me... I-I\'m going to get stupider… no, stop, stop!'); f(otherwise); f(pf, 'O-oh God... it feels so good...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pm, 'Yeah? Does it feel good, bitch? Does it?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'I-it\'s so good... My pussy, nn...'); f(pm, 'What about it?'); f(pf, 'My pussy\'s so wet, aah...'); f(pm, 'Is that right, slut?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'Yeah, nn... I-If you keep fucking me... I-I\'m going to get stupider...'); f(c_b, 'Just... perfect porn dialogue.', 'happy'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(m, 'Mmhmm. Right.'); f('I nod my head dispassionately, my arms folded across my chest.'); f('I never thought it would come to this.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('I\'m sitting in my $friend$\'s living room watching some terrible porno about some guy fucking his $creature_$sisters.'); f(otherwise); f('I\'m sitting in $Hina$\'s living room watching some terrible porno about a burglar fucking a bunch of girls in this house he broke into.'); f('Of course, turns out the girls want it, after initially resisting.'); f('Naturally.'); f(endIf); f('I\'m not sure what I think about the porno, to be honest. The dialogue is a bit staid, the music is cheesy to the max, and of course, they\'ve censored the… the <i>good bits</i>, if you know what I mean.'); f('Once you\'ve seen what real pussies look like, the pixelly blocky ones just don\'t do it, at least not for me.'); f(c_b, 'Sort of attempting to lampshade the fact that this game was entirely censored during most of it\'s beta phase.'); f('And though I guess the actress is sexy, $Hatsune$\'s sexier.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('The problem with $Hatsune$ isn\'t that I don\'t think she\'s attractive. I obviously do.'); f('I\'m just not sure about this whole situation, that we\'re in. That I\'ve put us in.'); f(otherwise); f('The problem with $Hatsune$ isn\'t that I don\'t think she\'s attractive. I think she\'s very attractive. I always have, probably always will.'); f('That\'s why my cock gets so hard whenever she demands it.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I\'m just not sure it\'s worth it. Maintaining our clandestine relationship. $wife$ and $husband$... I mean, what would happen if it got out? It always does, in the end, doesn\'t it? Get out?'); f(otherwise); f('I\'ve just grown tired of the routine, that\'s all.'); f('But have I grown tired of her...?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('I don\'t know — and this bad porno isn\'t helping me come to any concrete decisions.'); f(c_b, 'It\'s a funny set-up, for sure. \'Oh, you\'re having some problems with your wife? Let\'s watch a bad porno! That ought to do the trick.\'', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'Too bad the issue is they\'re having too much sex, not not enough of it.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Oh, the irony.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&!hiIncest'); f(setVariable, 'despiteTheAgeDifference', ''); f(whatIf, 'hMother||hDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'despiteTheAgeDifference', ', despite the age difference'); f(endIf); f('More than anything, though, I\'m troubled by the fact it\'s an incest porno. Why would $Hina$ show this to me...? Is she suspecting something between me and $Hatsune$? She and $Hatsune$ do get along pretty well$despiteTheAgeDifference$. They\'ve even gone shopping together, once or twice.'); f('Could $Hatsune$ have told $Hina$...?'); f('No. She wouldn\'t.'); f('...'); f('Would she?'); f('Is this some ruse? $Hina$\'s trying to get me to fess up about our relationship?'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f('More than anything, I\'m troubled by the fact that of all things, $Hina$ decided to show me an incest porno.'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f('A brother-sister incest porno, at that. This is deeply uncomfortable. Why would she have something like this laying around? Does she watch this kind of stuff on her own?'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, we\'re family, for Christ\'s sake. And why would she even have something like this laying around? Does she watch this kind of stuff on her own...?'); f(endIf); f('Don\'t tell me this is her fetish?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Not throwing rocks in glass houses here — but, uh… I really didn\'t expect this from $Hina$.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('My frown deepens.'); f('My brow furrows.'); f(c_b, 'My furrow… burrows…?', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'There\'s something cute about a genki female character who happily watches porn with the main character…', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I\'m almost relieved I\'m not too excited by the video, despite… despite the incest theme being somewhat… close to home.'); f(otherwise); f('I can\'t say it excites me, though. The incest theme is a little tickling, sure, but…'); f(endIf); f('The whole video is just trite.'); f(otherwise); f('If I was younger maybe I\'d find this sexy, but I\'m older than I used to be and this is just trite.'); f(endIf); f(c_e, '4/10, a pitiful performance.', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, '10/10, would watch sitting next to my best friend again.', 'benderp'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(c_b, 'Or $friend$, as the case may be.'); f(endIf); f('Cliché.'); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'p_porn1', 'fade', [0]); f('I know, despite the moans of pleasure the actress gives, she\'s probably some poor woman trying to make ends meet, getting underpaid and exploited.'); f(c_t, 'This guy is pretty \'woke\' for being Japanese, huh.'); f(c_e, 'I wonder if people actually think about this sort of thing when watching porn…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Um… for guys, I think the answer is, simply, \'no.\' Maybe afterwards, though… when the shame <i>slash</i> guilt sets in.', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I\'m sure some porn actors actually enjoy their job.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'All hentai characters sure do, at the very least.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Remember: <i>No porn actors were injured during the production of this game.</i>', 'benderp'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'Aaanghhh!!'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('I feel sorry for her. Imagine if her real brother saw her in this.'); f('That said, I\'ve heard that porn actresses oftentimes are the victim of incestous abuse.'); f('Who knows, maybe she was reliving the trauma of being raped by her brother as she was recording this...'); f(c_e, 'The protagonist is so conscientious.', 'inlove'); f(whatIf, 'hSister||hDaughter'); f('I feel a pang of guilt, but remind myself that my and $Hatsune$\'s relationship is entirely consensual.'); f('And she hasn\'t become a porn actress just yet, so… there\'s probably no trauma, in this case.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('The life of a porn actress isn\'t very glamorous.'); f('I\'m actually more curious why $Hina$ has this... but maybe I shouldn\'t ask.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(hi, 'So, $hiMinoruAlt$...'); f('$Hina$ smiles at me mischievously.'); f('All of her smiles are mischievous. They don\'t seem to come in any other flavor.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_dou'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_dou'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'What do $ye$ think?'); f(m, 'Eh... It\'s not really doing anything for me.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_kofunshitano'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$you\'re$ not getting even a <i>$little$</i> excited$meow$?'); f(m, 'Not one bit.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_mo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_antattara'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(hi, 'Liar$meow$!'); f(m, 'Am I?'); f('I have an idea.'); f('I stare into $Hina$\'s $eyes$...'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(c_b, 'The protagonist is a lot more of an asshole in the hypnosis part, mostly out of necessity, by which I mean, I just couldn\'t come up with another way of writing it.', 'worried'); f(m, 'Why don\'t you check?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind_hypno', 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.5); f(h, '... OK.'); f(m, 'Why don\'t you touch my cock..?'); f(h, '... OK.'); f('Obediently, she grabs hold of it, over my pants.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(m, 'Ngh... '); f(m, 'See? All flabby, isn\'t it?'); f(h, '... $yes$.'); f('My dick twinges slightly, as $Hina$\'s hands slowly massages my organ.'); f(c_e, '\'Organ\'... Is not a very sexy word…', 'sophiedisgusted'); f(c_b, 'Not a fan of keyboard instruments, I take it?', 'benderp'); f('Heck, what am I doing? This is the first time I\'ve used hypnosis on her. It\'s not right.'); f(m, 'Th-that\'s enough.'); f(h, '... OK.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Liar! Let me check$meow$!'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.5); f('$Hina$ reaches forwards, her $eyes$ glittering.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 9, 0.2); f(m, 'N-$no$....!'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.2); f('I start backwards like a shy school girl and bat her $creature_$fingers away from my crotch.'); f('I swear, I even squeak out an alarmed "kya!"'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Just what the hell is going on?! My $friend$ just groped my cock....!'); f('What have I gotten us into? When is it <i>ever</i> OK for a $friend$ to grab her $maleFriend$\'s cock?!'); f('I mean, <i>especially</i> when it\'s still floppy!'); f(otherwise); f('What am I? Some pure maiden?'); f('This is embarrassing.'); f('But isn\'t <i>$Hina$</i> the one who should be embarrassed? It\'s true we\'ve been friends for years, but that doesn\'t give her a right to start trying to grope my cock.'); f('Especially not when it\'s still floppy.'); f(c_e, 'There\'s a line from the British comedy <i>Peep Show</i> like this…'); f(c_b, 'I love that show!'); f(c_e, '"Please don\'t touch the hard knife or my floppy cock."', 'surprised'); f(c_b, 'Come to think of it… that show could be the basis for an excellent eroge.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'Well, it already has 1st person perspective sex scenes….', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Exactly!'); f(c_e, '... but they\'re meant to be awkward/funny rather than sexy.', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, 'Why can\'t they be both? I\'m phoning Channel 4 this instant! Let\'s make it happen! I\'m sure they will be thrilled with the idea.', 'benderp'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.3); f(remove, hi); f(pause, 0.2); f(endIf); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'p_porn2', 'fade', [0]); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('The guy in the video has moved on to another girl — this one, apparently his daughter, fast asleep.'); f('Her labia pursing around the head of her father\'s cock, coating the shaft with her sticky juices, as she moans lightly.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pm, 'You little bitch… this is what you get for saying you\'d prefer to live with your mom!'); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(pf, 'Ngh…'); f(otherwise); f('The guy in the background has moved on to another girl who\'s moaning heavily, her defilement becoming more and more aggressive.'); f('Her labia pursing around the head of her rapist\'s cock, coating the shaft with sticky saliva.'); f('In and out, in and out.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(pf, 'No, nn... P-Please...'); f(pm, 'Shut up, bitch.'); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(pf, 'Urk... Haa, haa...'); f(endIf); f('She moans.'); f('I, however, am hardly paying any attention.'); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest&&!hiMother&&!hypnosis'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassed'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.2); f(otherwise); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.2); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'Uh… anyways. Like I said, I\'m not excited. And I\'m not really sure how any of this is supposed to help me…'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Oh, come on! I <i>am</i> help$ing$ $you$$meow$!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I stare incredulously at my daughter, who at least has the common sense to be blushing, if only slightly.'); f(m, 'Hina! Just what the hell do you think you\'re doing?! You just grabbed your… y-your father\'s c-cock!'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I-I\'m just try$ing$ to confirm a-, a hypothesis $of$ mine.'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f('I stare incredulously at my mother.'); f(m, 'Mom, what the hell was that?? You just grabbed my-, my…'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Floppy cock?'); f(m, 'M-mom! Language!!'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Relax! I\'m just try$ing$ to confirm a hypothesis $of$ mine$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f('I stare at $Hina$ with untrusting eyes.'); f(m, 'Wh-what was that for?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Just try$ing$ to confirm a hypothesis $of$ mine.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'W-well I\'m not hard! I\'m not excited — and this isn\'t meant to be about me, anyway! This is about my girlfriend! Me and my girlfriend!'); f(hi, 'I <i>am</i> help$ing$ $ye$ and $your$ girlfriend!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'W-well I\'m not hard! I\'m not excited — and this isn\'t meant to be about me, anyway! This is about Hatsune! Me and Hatsune!'); f(hi, 'I <i>am</i> help$ing$ $you$ and Hatsune!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, '<i>How</i>?'); f(hi, 'This is $the$ proof$meow$!'); f(pause, 0.1); f(remove, hi); f(pause, 0.1); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'p_porn2', 'fade', [0]); f(pause, 1.5); f('$Hina$ waves one hand towards the TV.'); f(c_b, 'Very convincing, this proof of hers.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('The dad is still raping his sleeping daughter, though it seems like she\'s about to wake up, from the sensation in her groins.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(pf, 'Ungh…'); f('Frankly speaking, with how her dad is thrusting into her, it\'s a little bizarre she\'s still playing asleep.'); f(pm, 'You little bitch... your pussy is even better than your aunt\'s!'); f(c_b, 'Please don\'t judge me for writing stuff like this. I can\'t help myself.', 'worried'); f(otherwise); f('The guy is still having his way with the girl, thrusting into her like a madman.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.22); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 16, 0.22); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.22); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Seriously —- that level of thrusting can\'t be healthy for either of them.'); f(pm, 'You little bitch!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(pf, 'Ngh, aah, no! Stop!'); f(endIf); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.3); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'Women like it rough.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, '$creatures$ like it rough.'); f(endIf); f(m, '...'); f(m, 'That\'s all you\'ve got?'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'It\'s true! Some women say they want men to be courteous, to hold open doors and hold them close, but what we really want is to be fucked long $and$ hard, like Mika$meow$!'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('Mika being the daughter in the video, apparently.'); f(otherwise); f('Mika being the girl currently being raped, apparently.'); f(endIf); f('How does $Hina$ remember her name...?'); f('How many times has she seen this DVD?'); f(c_b, 'God, they\'re watching a <i>DVD?</i> What\'s the setting of this game, 2004?', 'angry'); f(c_b, '... Actually, that\'s the very year when the original game we got the graphics on was released. So, uh…it would make sense, I guess.', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hDaughter&&!hypnosis'); f('My God, don\'t tell me she has… what it\'s called, the Electra complex...?'); f('I shake the thought. No, it\'s… I can\'t believe that.'); f('Even if she did just grab my cock, it\'s… it\'s not…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I don\'t know about that really... It seems like a bit of a simplistic hypothesis.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hDaughter'); f('I start talking, just to divert my thoughts.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'God.'); f('$Hina$ rolls her $eyes$.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Life doesn\'t need to be $that$ difficult, $hiMinoru$. Don\'t overthink everyth$ing$$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'I can\'t help but overthink things. This is, you know, a, uh…'); f('Gotta tread carefully here — can\'t let it on it\'s $Hatsune$ I\'m talking about.'); f(m, 'It\'s a, uh… relationship, albeit new, that I, uh, care, uh, for. I mean I want it to continue! I don\'t want to give up!'); f(m, 'I appreciate your advice, but I\'m going to need some time to mull it over!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I can\'t help but overthink things. This is my relationship with my wife I\'m talking about. I want to try and salvage it, and I appreciate your advice, but I\'m going to need some time to mull it over!'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1); f(hi, 'Boo...'); f('$Hina$ pouts, sinking back into the couch.'); f(hi, '$you\'re$ such a spoilsport, $hiMinoru$. You\'ve always been so serious$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'I <i>have</i> to be! You\'re my daughter!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I <i>have</i> to be! I\'m taking this relationship seriously! It\'s… it\'s my first in quite a while!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I <i>have</i> to be! I\'m <i>married</i>!'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'B-besides, I\'m your father!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(setZoom, hi, 1.4); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'cautious'); f(hi, 'I know, but...'); f(m, 'But?'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest&&!hiDaughter'); f('For a few moments she looks unusually vulnerable. Worlds apart from the boisterous, energetic $creature$ who just nearly sexually assaulted me.'); f(otherwise); f('For a few moments she looks unusually vulnerable. Worlds apart from the boisterous, energetic $creature$ who tried to sexually assault me without a care in the world.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'From what $you$ told me... $your$ relationship isn\'t all $that$ happy, is it?'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'Well, from what $you$ told me… you $and$ mom aren\'t in a great place, are $ye$?'); f(m, 'Wh-what?'); f(hi, 'Just go$ing$ from what $ye$ told me, $hiMinoru$. $and$ I mean, you are obviously desperate. Why else would $ye$ come to me? $your$ daughter$meow$?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'From what $ye$ told me... $your$ marriage isn\'t $very$ happy$meow$, is it?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Excuse me?'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 100, 6); f(pause, 1); f('I massage my temples.'); f('I can feel a headache coming on.'); f('Why… why are women so hard to understand?'); f('Even women like $Hina$, who aren\'t very womanly, are still a huge pain the neck.'); f('Or head.'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 0, 1); f(pause, 0.1); f(removeScreenEffects); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'sad'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'The two $of$ $ye$ aren\'t happy, are $you$?'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(hi, '$ye$ $and$ mom aren\'t happy, are $ye$...?'); f(otherwise); f(hi, '$you\'re$ not happy with Hatsune, are $ye$?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'And what makes you think that?'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'upset'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'I think $that$ because I know $ye$, $hiMinoru$! I\'m $your$ $friend$! I know $you\'re$ not $the$ type to complain unless there\'s someth$ing$ really, seriously wrong$meow$!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I think $that$ because I know $ye$, $hiMinoru$. I\'ve known $ye$ since forever, and I know $you\'re$ not $the$ type to complain unless there\'s someth$ing$ really, seriously wrong$meow$!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'I-it\'s not serious. Just a few minor bumps. All relationships have them.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I-it\'s not serious. Just a few minor bumps. All marriages have them.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Maybe so — but $you\'re$ $the$ sort who suffers in silence. It must\'ve gotten bad if $you$ can\'t even do $that$ anymore$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Being in a relationship with, uh, this, uh, girl… it\'s not making me <i>suffer</i>.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Being married to Hatsune isn\'t making me <i>suffer</i>.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f(hi, 'I hope not! I mean, $you\'re$ $my$ parents…! I love the two $of$ $you$ to bits, $and$ I don\'t want $for$ $ye$ to be miserable.'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'I hope not, because $you\'re$ $my$ $maleFriend$. I love $you$... as, uh, a $friend$!'); f('… $and$ I don\'t want $for$ $ye$ to be miserable!'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'I hope not, because $you\'re$ one $of$ $my$ best friends. I don\'t want $for$ $ye$ to be miserable.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I hope not, because $you\'re$ one $of$ $my$ best friends. You and Hatsune both, and I don\'t want $for$ $ye$ to be miserable$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Isn\'t that why you offered to help?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I do want to help, but—'); f(pause, 0.1); f(remove, hi); f(pause, 0.1); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(cgs, 'p_porn2', 'fade', [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.22); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.21); f(effect, 'porn', 'angh'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f(pf, '<i>Fuck! D-daddy, you\'re raping me so hard....! Your cock is stabbing my womb....! You\'re filling me with baby batter....!</i>'); f(otherwise); f(pf, '<i>Fuck! Y-you\'re fucking me so hard....! Your cock is stabbing my womb....! You\'re filling me with baby batter....!</i>'); f(endIf); f(c_b, '\'Baby batter\'. This really is brilliant.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'It might be fun to try your hand at a full-length, balls-to-the-walls corny AF sex scene.'); f(c_b, 'Or you know, a whole game full of them.', 'benderp'); f(pause, 1); f(hi, 'Oh, shut up.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(stopMusic); f(scene, 'black'); f(textEffect, '<click>', 360, 300, x, 0.7, x, 'hMoveFade'); f(playSound, 'tvOff'); f(pause, 1); f('$Hina$ grabs hold of the remote and shuts off the TV.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest||hIncest'); f('It turns off with a click, and the desperate moans of our favorite incest rape victim daughter, Mika, are cut short.'); f(otherwise); f('It turns off with a click, and the desperate moans of our favorite burglar and rape victim, Mika, are cut short.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I feel a pang of irritation — I wanted to keep watching that. To be honest, I was just about starting to get hard, even if the script was shit.'); f(otherwise); f(c_b, 'H-hey! I was watching that…!', 'angry'); f('How tragic.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('She was really giving that performance her all, too — at least once she stopped pretending to be asleep. Even if the script she had to work with was dreadful.'); f(otherwise); f('She was really giving that performance her all, too — even if the script she had to work with was awful.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.5); f(pause, 0.3); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'branch5_hypnosis'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'I just want you to know this, $hiMinoruAlt$...'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f('$Hina$ shuffles about on the couch, facing me.'); f('Her lips are pursed, $eyes$ narrowed, and she looks unusually serious.'); f('And this is after we were watching porn together.'); f('This doesn\'t feel like a normal post-porn-watching atmosphere...'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Not that watching porn with your $friend$ is anywhere near even approaching the outermost limits of <i>anything</i> that could be described as "normal".'); f(otherwise); f('Not that watching porn with your best female friend is all that "normal".'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'So the purpose of this scene is to lead up to Hina confessing she\'s in love with protag-kun, right?'); f(c_e, 'And to use up some of the existing H CGs, I guess.'); f(c_b, 'I think it\'s a pretty unique lead-up — and it works great, too. It\'s a funny situation to imagine… suddenly watching a porno with your best female friend… or, uh... sister/mother/daughter depending on which cheats you\'re playing with.', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I thought it would also be fun to write the porn sequence (though it was edited a lot) since it can include some pretty ridiculous/over-the-top porn dialogue.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'Which contrasts a bit with the writing in the serious H scenes, which isn\'t as ridiculous.'); f(c_b, 'Definitely.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'I want you to be happy, $hiMinoru$, but… I don\'t think be$ing$ with this girl will do $that$ $for$ $ye$$meow$.'); f(m, 'What are you talking about? You haven\'t even met her...!'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Of course, she actually has, but… that\'s beside the point.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I thought you, of all people, would be supportive!'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'You\'re my $friend$!'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hIncest'); f(hi, 'I want $ye$ to be happy, both $of$ $ye$, but…'); f(m, 'What? What are you saying?'); f(hi, 'I don\'t know if stay$ing$ together will make $ye$ happy$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I want $for$ $ye$ to be happy, and I don\'t know if be$ing$ with Hatsune will make $ye$ happy$meow$.'); f(m, 'What are you talking about? You were the one who introduced us. I thought you, of all people, would be supportive.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(fadeIn, 'romantic', 8); f(hi, 'And I mean to be, but...'); f('$Hina$ presses a hand against her chest.'); f(c_b, 'Squeeze those boobs!', 'inlove'); f(c_b, 'Uh… no?', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, 'OK, OK. Fine.', 'unhappy'); f('She winces.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I don\'t know how to say this, um... but I... well...'); f('But she seems to think better of whatever it was she wanted to say because she sighs, shaking her head.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$no$. $it\'s$ $scurvy_$stupid. $for$get it$meow$.'); f(m, 'Forget what?'); f(hi, 'Exactly. "What." I didn\'t say anyth$ing$$meow$.'); f('$Hina$ tries to deflect, but the attempt is much too obvious. Her reluctance only serves to make me more curious.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('$Hina$ isn\'t the sort of person to keep secrets, not to me. Whenever she had a problem at school, she\'d always tell me about it first thing when I came home.'); f('Whenever she had a crush on someone… I\'d be the first to know.'); f('Even when she had <i>$creature$ issues</i>, she tried to talk to me about it before I redirected her to her mother, whom I argued was better equipped for that kind of talk.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$ isn\'t the sort of person to keep secrets. I didn\'t know she could.'); f(endIf); f('She\'s a blabbermouth and she spills her guts whatever chance she gets — especially to me.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I thought we were supposed to be family.'); f(otherwise); f('I thought we were supposed to be friends.'); f(endIf); f('Why is she acting so coy?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Press the issue.'); f(jump, 'branch5'); f(choice, 'Let it slide.'); f(jump, 'branch6'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'branch5_hypnosis'); f(hi, 'I just want $ye$ to-'); f(m, 'Hey, I was watching that.'); f(c_b, '... Again, my previous comment is looking rather superfluous and unfunny, now…', 'worried'); f(c_b, '$Minoru$, stop wrecking my commentary…!', 'angry'); f(hi, 'Huh?'); f('My patience is wearing thin, maybe because I\'m horny.'); f(c_b, 'You might have heard of \'hangry\', but how about \'horngry\'?', 'benderp'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Look, $hiMinoru$, don\'t be so testy$meow$! I\'m try$ing$ to be a good $friend$ here $and$ help $you$ out-'); f(m, 'By making me watch a porno, and then turn it off, just as things were starting to get interesting?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Don\'t be a moany bitch, OK?'); f('I shoot her a contemptuous look.'); f('Maybe she\'s right. I guess I\'m just acting out because I\'m a little horny.'); f('But without the video…'); f('Hmm…'); f('An idea begins to form in my head.'); f('No, that\'s… that\'s crazy. Hina\'s my $friend$, for crying out loud.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&hiIncest'); f('Related to me by blood.'); f('I mean, not that that stopped me with $Hatsune$, but…'); f(endIf); f('I already went too far, making her touch my dick. Christ, if she knew! If I didn\'t wipe her memory clean, I mean… she\'d kill me.'); f('Yes… I went too far.'); f('... or did I?'); f(pause, 1); f('What should I do?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Hypnotize her.'); f(choice, 'Apologize.'); f(m, 'I\'m… I\'m sorry. I\'m just a little stressed, I shouldn\'t take it out on you.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Damn straight!'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I mean… apology accepted$meow$.'); f(jump, 'branch6_b'); f(endChoice); f('Well… let\'s give it a spin, maybe? I mean… I could just freeze her, so I can masturbate, right? It would help me calm down, for sure'); f(m, 'Hey, $Hina$...'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_nani'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_nani'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'What?'); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind_hypno', 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(pause, 1.5); f(m, 'You just made me rather horny… if you don\'t mind, I\'m going to finish myself off. Then, I\'ll bring you back, OK? You know… unfreeze you.'); f(person, hi, 'hypno', 'smiling'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_nyaa'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_nyaa'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Meow…'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_un'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_un'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(hi, '$OK$…'); f(otherwise); f(hi, '$OK$…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('Easy as pie.'); f('I pull down my zipper and whip out my dick, which is now fully erect. I hesitate just a little to do it in front of $Hina$, but I am fully confident in my powers. It\'s never misfired. Well, except with $Hatsune$, of course, but that\'s a different matter.'); f('I guess I should… maybe I should ask $Hina$ to leave…? Or at least turn the other way?'); f('... Actually, come to think of it, I don\'t really mind, this. Her seeing it. Even if she\'s out of it…'); f('It\'s a little exciting, somehow, to be honest.'); f(m, 'Alright then. Time to go to town…'); f('So I begin fapping.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap1'); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 350, 620, x, 0.7, -19, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(pause, 0.4); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 430, 620, x, 0.6, 10, 'popUp', 0.3, 210); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap2'); f(pause, 0.44); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 380, 620, x, 0.7, -10, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap3'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 445, 620, x, 0.6, 19, 'popUp', 0.3, 210); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap2'); f(pause, 0.34); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 400, 620, x, 0.7, 3, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap1'); f(pause, 0.5); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 375, 620, x, 0.8, -9, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap3'); f(pause, 1); f('While moving my hand up and down my shaft, I find myself turning my face towards $Hina$.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiIncest'); f('It\'s admittedly a little sick — to masturbate in front of your $friend$, whether she\'s hypnotized or not.'); f('But… it\'s also kind of hot.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I mean, $Hatsune$ would kill me if she caught me right now, of course. I mean, if she wasn\'t completely brainwashed.'); f('Heck, as she\'s now, she wouldn\'t bat an eyelid at $Hina$, and just jump ontop of my cock as soon as she saw it.'); f('...'); f('I never realized how much she looks like her mother, when she was in this age.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 'hypno', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f('I\'ve… I don\'t think I\'ve ever looked at $Hina$ like this, before.'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest&&hIncest'); f('Not that I\'m immune to the allure of incest, but… this is kind of hot.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I guess all my attention was always directed towards $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('She did mature sooner, I guess. But I\'m suddenly not at all sure why it never struck me that I could have dipped my dick inside this honeypot as well…'); f(elseIf, 'hSister||hMother'); f('I mean, besides the short time I spent with Hina\'s mom, I guess.'); f(endIf); f('Hina\'s definitely grown. A grown $creature$, she is.'); f(otherwise); f('As a teen, I guess all my attention was directed towards $Hatsune$.'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister&&hSister'); f('She matured sooner, and… I don\'t know, I was always closer to $Hina$, I mean, emotionally. While $Hatsune$ would sometimes treat the two of us with contempt, like children. Comes with the territory when you\'re the oldest, I guess...'); f('But I think this also played a part in which I began using Hatsune to satisfy myself sexually. A revenge, of some sort.'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister&&hMother'); f('I mean, Hina was essentially just a kid, when I started having my urges, and started taking it out on mom. Hina was something of a late bloomer, I guess… while mom\'s body was already stunning back then.'); f(endIf); f('But… $Hina$\'s certainly grown.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 'hypno', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f('I\'ve never actually looked at $Hina$ like this before.'); f(otherwise); f('While this is a little freaky… masturbating in front of your longtime friend…'); f('It\'s also a little… <i>hot</i>.'); f(person, hi, 'hypno', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.7); f('I\'ve never actually looked at $Hina$ like this before.'); f(endIf); f('Maybe because I\'ve never been masturbating in front of her before… Obviously, that\'s not a a scenario you\'ll find yourself in all that often…'); f('Obviously, she has a great set. Maybe even a better set than $Hatsune$.'); f('Maybe…'); f('Nah, that\'d be… that\'d be crazy.'); f('...'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 375, 620, x, 0.7, -9, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(playSound, 'fap3'); f(pause, 0.6); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 400, 620, x, 0.7, 3, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap1'); f(pause, 0.5); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 445, 620, x, 0.7, 19, 'popUp', 0.3, 210); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap2'); f(pause, 0.5); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 380, 620, x, 0.7, -10, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap1'); f(pause, 0.5); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 430, 620, x, 0.7, 10, 'popUp', 0.3, 210); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap2'); f(pause, 0.5); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 350, 620, x, 0.7, -19, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap3'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 375, 620, x, 0.7, -9, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(playSound, 'fap1'); f(pause, 0.6); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 400, 620, x, 0.7, 3, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap3'); f(pause, 0.4); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 445, 620, x, 0.7, 19, 'popUp', 0.3, 210); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap2'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 380, 620, x, 0.7, -10, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap1'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Fuck. I guess the idea is kind of turning me on…'); f('What should I do…?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Cum on her.'); f(setVariable, 'cumOnHina'); f('Yes, that will do! Cumming on somebody, that\'s fairly innocent, isn\'t it?! It\'s kind of… kind of like a prank, come to think of it. '); f('No, I couldn\'t force myself upon Hina, my $friend$. That\'d be… that\'d be sick. Crazy. <i>Not acceptable!</i>'); f('Lightly cumming on her, though? That should be fine! And also strangely exciting. I\'m growing hornier by the second, just thinking about it.'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap1'); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 350, 620, x, 0.8, -19, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(pause, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 430, 620, x, 0.6, 10, 'popUp', 0.3, 210); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap2'); f(pause, 0.34); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 380, 620, x, 0.9, -10, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap3'); f(pause, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 445, 620, x, 0.7, 19, 'popUp', 0.3, 210); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap2'); f(pause, 0.34); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 400, 620, x, 0.7, 3, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap1'); f(pause, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.2); f(textEffect, '<fap>', 375, 620, x, 0.9, -9, 'popUp', 0.2, 190); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap3'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f('Before long, I\'m on the verge of cumming.'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(playSound, 'fap2'); f(playSound, 'hump'); f(textEffect, '<splat!>', x, x, x, 1.2, 5, 'vShakeFade'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(person, hi, 'cummed_hypno', 'smiling'); f(m, 'Unghh!!'); f('Happily, I pump my warm cum all over $Hina$\'s face and chest. The more I see my semen land on her, the more intensely I cum.'); f(pause, 1); f('Phew. Well, that was oddly exciting. Look at what I\'ve accomplished.'); f(pause); f('It\'s a thing of beauty, for sure.'); f('Now, let\'s play a little with her.'); f(person, hi, 'cummed_hypno', 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.4); f('I pull my pants back up, and sit myself down.'); f(m, 'Hey, $Hina$...'); f(person, hi, 'cummed', 'surprisedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.2); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iya'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_eee-nani'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Wh-what $the$ hell?!'); f(effect, hi, 'smallShake'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_naniwonuttano'); f(hi, 'What… what is this?! Did $ye$ put this on me$meow$?!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_korewaittainani'); f(hi, 'What $the$ hell is this yucky goo?!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'You… you just sneezed, $Hina$.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(textEffect, 'yuk!', 360, 120, 'Blue', x, 20, 'shakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_kimochiwarui'); f(hi, 'Oh $my$ god, this is disgust$ing$$meow$!'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'c_kusaiyo'); f(hi, 'This… $the$ smell! $it\'s$ familia$meow$r! What kind $of$ $keelhaulin_$snot $is$ this, exactly?'); f(m, 'Um, well…'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_kimochiwarui'); f(hi, 'Oh $my$ god, this is disgust$ing$$meow$!!'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'b_kusaiyo'); f(hi, 'Like, seriously!! Why $the$ hell does $my$ snot smell like… smell like $keelhaulin_$cum?!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'H-Hina! That\'s no way to talk in front of your father!'); f('Hm… she actually knows what cum smells like? I guess my daughter isn\'t quite as innocent as I had thought…'); f(m, 'Just go wash it off, OK? And no more dirty talk, you snotty brat.'); f(elseIf, '!hMother'); f(m, '$Hina$! That\'s disgusting…! Just go wash it off.'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(textEffect, 'peh!', 460, 140, 'Blue', x, -20, 'shakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(hi, 'Ugh… $it\'s$ really disgust$ing$$meow$! Ak… oh, darn it!!! I got some $of$ it in $my$ mouth…! Peh!!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_guhuhkuchinonaka'); f(hi, 'Ugh…! It\'s so yucky$meow$! Ugh!!! A-hek!! $hiMinoru$, I got some $of$ it in $my$ mouth!! Yukk!!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'cowgirl'); f(m, 'Don\'t have a cow, girl.'); f(c_b, 'Ehem.', 'tehe'); f(m, 'It came from inside your body, it\'s not the end of the world if it goes back inside again. Err, I should be heading out now, by the way…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Calm down, it came from inside your body, it\'s not the end of the world if it goes back inside of it…. Err, I should be heading out now, by the way....'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'Don\'t want to leave your mother waiting, you know how she gets.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Can\'t leave $Hatsune$ waiting.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(setVariable, 'cameOnHina'); f(jump, 'thinkingAboutWhatToDo'); f(choice, 'Have sex with her.'); f('Fuck it. She maybe be my $friend$, but…'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f('... that never stopped me before, did it?'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('... that never stopped me before, did it?'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest&&eIncest'); f('... it\'s not that I\'ve never crossed that line before, is it?'); f(otherwise); f('... a man has his urges.'); f(endIf); f('I will just… just a quickie. She won\'t remember anything, anyway. What\'s the harm?'); f(m, 'Hey, $Hina$... lose the clothes.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(hi, '$angh$…'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_un'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_un'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$OK$…'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'clothesOff'); f(pause, 6.4); f(jump, 'hisex'); f(choice, 'Don\'t do anything weird.'); f('Nah, fuck. I can\'t even be considering stuff like that. This is my $friend$ we\'re talking about!'); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('My very closest female friend.'); f(otherwise); f('My own flesh and blood.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('... Well, maybe that\'s kind of besides the point. Considering $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('I finish masturbating, and clean myself up in the bathroom.'); f(scene, 'livingroom', 'fade'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1); f('I bring $Hina$ back, to her regular self.'); f(hi, 'Uh…'); f(jump, 'branch6_b'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'branch5'); f(m, 'Seriously, what\'s wrong?'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.6); f(fadeIn, 'sadending', 3); f(pause, 0.5); f(hi, '$ye$... $ye$ shouldn\'t need to $keelhaulin_$ask, $hiMinoru$.'); f(m, 'But I <i>am</i> asking.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '<b>Why</b>?'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('$Hina$ suddenly flares up. Her eye narrows and she glares at me with an undisguised look of...'); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$ suddenly flares up. Her eyes narrow and she glares at me with an undisguised look of...'); f(endIf); f('... anger?'); f('Is $Hina$ angry with me...?'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, '$ye$ never cared how I felt before, $hiMinoru$! Why do $ye$ care now$meow$?!'); f(m, 'I, um...'); f(c_e, 'Dramatic <i>shoujo manga</i> style scene…', 'tehe'); f('I flounder for a few moments.'); f('I want to comfort her but my words are unwieldy inside my mouth and they feel far too big.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(m, 'Of course I care about you, mom! What do mean?! I\'m your son, of course I do.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Of course I care about you, Hina. You\'re my $friend$!'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, '$yes$ — isn\'t $that$ $the$ problem$meow$…?'); f(m, 'Huh…?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.5); f(playSound, 'hit'); f(hi, '$it\'s$ $the$ fact $that$ we\'re family — when I\'ve… when I\'ve always had more feelings than you$meow$, than a $friend$ should $for$ her $maleFriend$...!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Of course I care about you, $Hina$. You\'re my friend. We\'ve been friends for—'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Forever, I know — but that\'s the problem!'); f(m, 'Pardon...?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.5); f(playSound, 'hit'); f(hi, '$it\'s$ $the$ fact that we\'re friends — when I\'ve liked $ye$ much, much more than $that$ ever since we were in high school....!'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'Boom!'); f('I stare at her.'); f('She stares back at me, her cheeks unusually flustered.'); f('She\'s breathing hard, her chest rising and falling.'); f('Her breasts strain against her shirt.'); f('My brain strains inside my skull.'); f('Did she really... just say what I thought she did?'); f('Was that... a confession?'); f(c_b, 'D\'uh.', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I... Oh, I\'m so <i>stupid</i>.'); f('$Hina$ winces, running a hand through her hair.'); f('She puts a little too much force into the gesture and almost pulls a handful of it out.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Just ignore $that$, $hiMinoru$. Pretend I never said it$meow$.'); f(m, 'I... I\'m sorry, it\'s a lot to take in.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f('It might be even harder for me to accept this than it was for the girl in the porno to take her dad\'s cock into her pussy.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s even harder for me to accept this than it was for the girl in the porno to take the burglar\'s cock into her pussy.'); f(endIf); f('Repeatedly.'); f(c_e, 'There are some good similes in this.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'They hit the bull\'s eye.'); f(m, 'You don\'t seriously mean it, do you?'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, '$no$, $of$ course not. I just said someth$ing$ <i>incredibly</i> humiliat$ing$ just as a joke.'); f('$Hina$ rolls her $eyes$.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_atarimaedeshomobaka'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_atarimaedeshochantokangaeteyo'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Of course I meant it, $ye$ <i>$landlubbin_$donkey</i>.'); f('"Donkey"? That\'s an insult I\'ve never heard before. "Ass" would have been so much more straightforward...'); f('I shake my head.'); f('Best not to worry about semantics now.'); f(c_b, 'This whole confession thing… Christ, I now I go on about it, but… I mean, I might not have gone on about in this particular route, I couldn\'t say, but this was tough as nails, to make it work with all the incest cheats.', 'unhappy'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'B-but… $Hina$, I\'m your $maleFriend$. You\'re my...'); f(person, hi, 0, 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I know! I know! $it\'s$… I know $it\'s$ weird$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_watashihentaikashira'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_watashihentainanokana'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$it\'s$… it\'s super weird. I\'m… I\'m a pervert, maybe…'); f(hi, 'I know, but…'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I can\'t keep on deny$ing$ $my$ feelings $for$ever, $hiMinoru$...!'); f(m, '...'); f(m, 'When… since when?'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Since… since as long as I can remember.'); f(m, 'What?'); f(person, hi, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Dad, I\'ve… I\'ve always wanted $you$. Ever since I was a kid$meow$… I used to tell $ye$, didn\'t I? $that$ I… $that$ I wanted to marry $you$, when I grow up…'); f(m, '$Hina$... that\'s, everyone says stuff like that when they\'re kids, that they want to marry their mom, or their dad. It doesn\'t mean that-'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Well, in $my$ case, it did mean $that$, alright, dad? $the$ feel$ing$… it never went away$meow$.'); f(hi, 'When I became a teenager… I… I started feel$ing$…'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(hi, 'I was always so jealous of mom… I\'d… I\'d fantasize about tak$ing$ her place, $and$…'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Dad… I become romantically… and sexually…'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Uh…'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f(hi, '$hiMinoru$…'); f(hi, 'Ever since we…'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Aw, crap… I\'m sure $ye$ don\'t even remember$meow$.'); f(m, 'Remember what?'); f(voice, 'b2_oboetenainone'); f(h, '$you$ don\'t… $you$ don\'t remember, then…'); f(hi, 'We… we played a game of spin $the$ bottle when I was around… I think fourteen$meow$?'); f(whatIf, 'hSister||!hIncest'); f(hi, '$ye$ $and$ me $and$ Hatsune...'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(hi, 'I think $ye$ must just have started dat$ing$, $and$ $ye$ brought her home with $ye$$meow$… but $ye$ included me anyway...'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'Um… I\'m sorry, I don\'t think I-'); f(person, hi, 0, 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'We kissed. $and$… $and$ $ye$ touched $my$ breasts...'); f(m, 'Wh-what?!'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hSister||!hIncest'); f(hi, 'We had been… $ye$ had found a bottle of whiskey somewhere, $and$... you guys had been drink$ing$, a $little$$meow$.'); f(m, '...'); f(hi, 'It wasn\'t… it was Hatsune, actually. Who dared $ye$ to. I don\'t know why she did it$meow$...'); f(hi, 'The first time, it was just $the$ kiss$meow$.'); f(hi, 'The second time… she asked $ye$ to stick $your$ hand under $my$ blouse. $and$… massage $my$ breast.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'I… I dared $ye$ to. It wasn\'t… it wasn\'t $your$ suggestion.'); f(hi, 'We had been… $ye$ had found a bottle of whiskey, $and$… we had been drink$ing$ a $little$$meow$.'); f(hi, 'When… when $the$ bottle pointed in $your$ direction, I… I asked $ye$ to make out with me, $and$… $ye$ did$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(m, '... Christ. I have no recollection of this at all, Hina.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I… I know. $ye$ had been drink$ing$ too much, $and$… $ye$ acted completely normal $the$ very next day, so… I kind of knew it hadn\'t meant anyth$ing$ to $you$.'); f(hi, 'But… but since $that$ night, I… I couldn\'t stop think$ing$ about it, $and$…'); f(hi, 'Ever since…'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$hiMinoru$… ever since $ye$… ever since $ye$ turned a man$meow$.'); f(m, 'What?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'It… it came creepingly, ever since $ye$ hit puberty$meow$.'); f(hi, '$you$… $you$ remind me so much of $your$ dad, at this age.'); f(hi, 'I just… I know $it\'s$ sick, $and$ $that$ I\'m disgust$ing$, but…'); f(hi, 'I started to… to look at $ye$ in a sexual manner. I... '); f(hi, 'Oh, Christ, I can\'t believe I\'m say$ing$ this, but…'); f(hi, '$your$… $your$ dirty underwear? $you$ probably thought I didn\'t notice just how often they\'d be filled with $your$ crusted cum, $yes$?'); f(m, 'Christ, mom!'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I… I know it\'s what boys do, $OK$? But…'); f(hi, 'Christ.'); f(hi, 'It really turned me on. I would… I would sniff $your$ used, cum-crusted underwear when I was touch$ing$ $my$self, $an$d…'); f(hi, '...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I… wow.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'But you... We\'ve known each other for such a long time and I never even realized...'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I didn\'t want $ye$ to realize$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'But why?!'); f(hi, 'B-because I... honestly, I felt like a loser.'); f(hi, 'How pathetic would it have sounded if I told $ye$ I wanted to go out with $ye$, $and$ $you$ said no?!'); f(c_b, 'With any of the Hatsune incest cheats turned on, Hina\'s confession is cut quite short. I meant to add more stuff here but considering how much I had already added, I decided it would be fine as is.', 'worried'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'But you... you were the one who got me together with Hatsune....!'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'I didn\'t $scurvy_$mean to$meow$!'); f(m, 'But we met because of you! You invited me and Hatsune out together, remember? We went shopp$ing$...'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I invited Hatsune because I was anxious, $ye$ $landlubbin_$$idiot$!'); f(m, 'Anxious? About what?'); f(person, hi, 0, 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'Well, um...'); f('$Hina$ pokes her two index fingers together, her $eyes$ downturned.'); f(hi, 'I know I act like a tomboy, but I\'d never been out on $my$ own with a boy before... $and$, even back then, I liked $you$.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I <i>really</i> liked $you$$meow$.'); f('I find that hard to believe.'); f('$Hina$ didn\'t act like she liked me in high school.'); f('She treated me as she would treat anybody else — making my acquaintance on the first day of school with a cheerful smile and a "let\'s get on well, partner!"'); f(c_b, 'Very animu.', 'happy'); f('We sat next to each other in homeroom, you see.'); f('A few weeks later, she told me she wanted to pick up some sneakers in town and she invited me along with her — "but one of my friends from another class is coming with! It\'s not, like, a date or anything!"'); f('That\'s what she said — and I believed her.'); f('If it was a date she never would have invited Hatsune.'); f('Girls don\'t invite other girls out on dates with guys they like.'); f('That\'s the most self-defeating thing I\'ve ever heard of.'); f('But now $Hina$ claims that\'s just what she did.'); f(c_e, 'This is such a <i>shoujo manga</i> thing, lol.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'I like you, but I won\'t tell you I like you, and then I\'ll get mad at you when you don\'t realize that I like you!', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'B-but-', 'worried'); f(c_e, '<i>B-baka!</i>', 'surprised'); f(m, 'I... I thought you just needed some sneakers. That\'s what you said.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'sad'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, '$and$ I did need $the$ sneakers — but it was mostly an excuse to spend time withyou$meow$! I thought Hatsune might be able to give me some tips on how to deal with $ye$, since she\'s always been so popular with $the$ boys...'); f('But, as it transpired, she was <i>too</i> popular.'); f('Much too popular.'); f('That\'s why I fell in love with her.'); f('And, this whole time, I really thought $Hina$ had been trying to set us up.'); f('I guess not.'); f(m, 'But... I-If you liked me, why didn\'t you tell me? Why did you support me all this time?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'B-because I... honestly, I felt like a loser.'); f(hi, 'How pathetic would it have sounded if I told $ye$ I wanted to go out with $you$, but I was beaten by $my$ best friend?'); f(c_e, 'She\'s so kawaii…', 'inlove'); f(c_b, 'Did you say she was your favourite?'); f(c_e, 'Hina is best girl.', 'inlove'); f(c_b, 'I guess that makes it official.', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'The contrast between being a cheerful genki girl who will watch porn with you, but secretly having a crush, is very charming…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'I\'ll see if we can\'t do a poll after the full release among our patrons about which one they prefer… it might be interesting to see who comes out on top.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'For <i>Re:maid,</i> Erika was the most popular by a very small margin.'); f(c_e, 'I liked Erika the most, too.'); f(c_b, 'For the record, if I haven\'t already stated it: my favorite is Esther/Erisa.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f(hi, 'It sounds ridiculous.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Stay.'); f(choice, 'Walk out and leave.'); f(jump, 'refusingHina'); f(endChoice); f(m, 'It\'s… it\'s not ridiculous.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(h, '<i>Tis</i> ridiculous. <i>I</i> be ridiculous$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'It <i>is</i> ridiculous. <i>I\'m</i> ridiculous$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'No.'); f('I reach out, taking her hands in mine.'); f(m, 'You\'re not.'); f(playMusic, 'romantic'); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...'); f(changeBg, 'white', 'fade', 5); f('$Hina$ blinks at me, with her $eyes$ wide.'); f('We\'re so close, our knees pressed together on the couch, I can see her eyelashes quivering.'); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f(m, 'You haven\'t liked me this whole time, have you?'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'I...'); f('$Hina$ tries to glance away but I hold my gaze steady. My eyes bore into hers so she can\'t look away.'); f('Not even when her cheeks turn red in the most un-$Hina$-like manner possible.'); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'embarrassedeyesdown'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'b2_un'); f(hi, 'I... I have$meow$.'); f(m, 'Really?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, '$yes$. I know. $ye$ can laugh. Laugh all $you$ want, but...'); f(otherwise); f(hi, '$yes$. I know. $you$ can laugh. Laugh all $you$ want — but I liked $you$ even when $you$ got married$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'I still like $you$, even now.'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$you\'re$ not laugh$ing$$meow$…'); f(m, 'Because I don\'t want to.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Is $my$ story so sad $ye$ can\'t even bring $your$self to do that$meow$?'); f(m, 'No. It\'s not sad. To be honest, I...'); f('I don\'t know how I feel.'); f('That\'s the truth.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My relationship with $Hatsune$ has been so strained lately, and coming back home to have passionless sex with her seems so... hollow.'); f(otherwise); f('My relationship with $Hatsune$ has been so strained lately, and though I don\'t dislike her — I must love her if I married her — coming back home to passionlessly fulfill our marriage contract seems so... hollow.'); f(endIf); f('Empty.'); f('$Hatsune$ says she loves me but she\'s told me that innumerable times already.'); f('I guess it got stale.'); f('Old news.'); f('$Hina$, however...'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Maybe it\'s crazy, but… maybe I\'m in a relationship with the wrong family member?'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe… maybe this is just what I need? It\'s not conventional, hell no, but… if my $friend$ loves me, then…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('We\'ve known each other for years but I\'ve never heard such sweet, tender terms of endearment come from her lips.'); f('To be honest, I didn\'t know she was capable of loving me.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I always wondered why she never had any boyfriends, despite claiming to have crushes on this guy and that guy...'); f(otherwise); f('For a long while, I thought she might secretly be a lesbian.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('She never even went on dates with anyone…'); f(otherwise); f('I never asked — I didn\'t want to pry — but she does own a lot of porn, and she never made any effort to flirt with any of the guys around the office...'); f(endIf); f('Now I know why.'); f('She had her eye on somebody already.'); f('Me.'); f('She loves me, and I...'); f('Well.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('The thought of having sex with her is making my dick hard.'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s my $friend$.'); f('It\'s crazy, yes, but… it\'s exciting. To tell the truth — it\'s making me horny.'); f(endIf); f('Isn\'t that enough?'); f(otherwise); f('I like $Hina$ a lot — and isn\'t that enough?'); f('It\'s new.'); f('Exciting.'); f(endIf); f('At least it\'s not $Hatsune$...'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Let it happen.'); f(choice, 'Back out.'); f(jump, 'refusingHina'); f(endChoice); f('Thank God it\'s not $Hatsune$.'); f('So I lean forwards—'); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...?'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('-and press my lips against hers.'); f('She doesn\'t try to resist.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'hi69'); f(label, 'refusingHina'); f(setVariable, 'refusedHina'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(m, 'M-mom, this… this is just…'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f(m, 'S-sis, this… this is just…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'H-Hina, this… this is just…'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'embarrassed'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$hiMinoru$...?'); f(m, 'I\'m sorry, $Hina$, I… I think I need to get some fresh air.'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(person, hi, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoru$...!'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('I rush out of $Hina$\'s apartment.'); f('What… what was that?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I can\'t believe what I just heard.'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(label, 'hi69'); f(cgs, 'hi_sixtynine', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_mi-no'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(voice, 'b2_tosan'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister'); f(voice, 'b2_nisan'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_mi-no'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...'); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_softangh', false); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(textEffect, 'Angh…', 374, 172, x, x, 0, 'hMoveFade', 45); f('I exhale softly, but that\'s more than enough to make $Hina$ squirm.'); f('My mouth is only inches away from her pussy. $Hina$\'s hips wriggled every time I exhale.'); f('I dig my fingers into her soft flesh, spreading the lips of my $friend$\'s pussy apart.'); f('I can see everything in perfect detail — the pale pink walls of her vagina, swollen with passion, the small nub of her clit at the top, and the dark, moist hole of her entrance...'); f('... I guess vaginas don\'t sound all that sexy when you describe them like that. It doesn\'t help that "vagina" isn\'t a very sexy word to begin with....! But I\'ve never seen $Hina$ look more appealing.'); f(c_e, 'So many words related to sex are really un-sexy, lol.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, '\'Vagina\' still beats \'vulva\', though.', 'bendisgusted'); f('She\'s usually so cheerful, so buoyant, so boisterous.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('A tomboy of a mother.'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('My sweet little tomboy.'); f(otherwise); f('A tomboy.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('Not as feminine as $Hatsune$, with her long hair and filed nails and carefully applied makeup.'); f(otherwise); f('Not a girly girl like $Hatsune$, with her long hair and filed nails and carefully applied makeup.'); f(endIf); f('$Hina$ never wears makeup. Her face is unadorned as the day she was born and her hair is short. The only decoration she wears in it is that clip...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('A clip that I bought her for Mother\'s Day when I was a kid.'); f(otherwise); f('A clip that I bought her for her sixteenth birthday.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('We\'re lying on the floor of her living room like two cats in a basket, our genitals inches away from each other\'s faces.'); f(otherwise); f('Ah.'); f('I should have realized sooner.'); f('I always thought that accessory looked out of place on $Hina$, but she shrugged it off and said she wanted to use it for a practical purpose.'); f('"Since $ye$ got it $for$ me, I might as well!"'); f('But now… I realize there\'s more to it than that.'); f('There must be, or we wouldn\'t be lying on the floor of her living room like two cats in a basket, our genitals inches away from each other\'s faces.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh7', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_angh7', false); f(endIf); f('Also like cats in a basket.'); f(whatIf, '!pirate'); f('I used to have a cat.'); f('Believe me, I know.'); f('She was always trying to sniff other cats in inappropriate places.'); f(c_e, 'Cats are lewd.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Dogs too. I mean I guess it\'s more about poop though, with them…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Maybe not \'lewd\' then as much as \'immature\'. Though they tend to do their fair amount of humping, of course.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_mieru'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_mieru'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'C-can $you$ see...?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My $friend$\'s breath glides against my cock and my whole body trembles.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$\'s breath glides against my cock and my whole body trembles.'); f(endIf); f('Even the tips of my fingers are shaking.'); f('I dig my fingers a little tighter into $Hina$\'s flesh, spreading the lips of her pussy open further, and she whines.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f('Mewls.'); f('Keens.'); f('Like a kitten.'); f('<i>My</i> kitten.'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f('It makes me want to tease her.'); f(m, 'That\'s right. I can see everything.'); f(hi, 'E-everyth$ing$$meow$?'); f(m, 'Yeah. I can see your pussy. All of it.'); f(hi, 'N-$no$....!'); f(m, 'Yes. I can see it cumming already — and I\'m not even touching it.'); f(hi, 'N-$no$... I-I\'m not cumm$ing$...'); f(m, 'You are. You\'re cumming just because I\'m looking at you.'); f(hi, 'Y-$you\'re$ ly$ing$$meow$....!'); f(m, 'Oh, really?'); f(endIf); f('I slide one finger inside her.'); f(c_b, 'I hope it\'s not his ring finger. Or that he\'s not wearing his ring, if it is. Would be a shame to lose it, in there...', 'dumbfounded'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_nn'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_nn'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Nn....!'); f('$Hina$\'s back arches. A moan pulls itself from her throat, making my cock tremble.'); f('I want to shove my cock into her mouth, deep, until she chokes on it...'); f('But, at the same time, I want to keep listening to her cute moans.'); f(playSound, 'wet'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('My finger makes a wet, sticky sound when I slide it in and out. Making my $friend$ wet isn\'t much of a feat though, considering I\'m almost completely in control of both her body and mind.'); f(otherwise); f('My finger makes a wet, sticky sound when I slide it in and out. It\'s proof of $Hina$\'s arousal.'); f('Though she drives to deny it... at this point, that\'s nothing more than common courtesy.'); f(m, 'See? Look how wet you are?'); f(hi, 'I... th-that...'); f('$Hina$ protests weakly, her hips trembling.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_aishiterukara'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_aishiterukara'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Th-that\'s just because I love $ye$...'); f(m, 'Like a $friend$ loves her $maleFriend$?'); f(hi, 'N-$no$... I love $ye$$meow$… like a lover$meow$...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_damenahahaoyadegomenneyurushite'); f(hi, 'I\'m sorry… I\'m a terrible mother…!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_sukidakara'); f(hi, 'Th-that\'s just because I like $you$...'); f(m, 'You like me?'); f(voice, 'b2_aishiterukara'); f(hi, 'N-$no$... I love $ye$$meow$...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Ah...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('Hearing my own mom say such a line makes my heart flutter.'); f(otherwise); f('Hearing a tough, tomboyish girl like $Hina$ say such a line — especially when she used to chase wasps out of the classroom and scoop spiders from desks without a trace of fear — makes my heart flutter.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('But there\'s also a pang of guilt.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('What are we doing? We must be crazy, the both of us. This… this is wrong, on so many levels. I\'m married… and lest you forgot... Hina\'s my $friend$...'); f(otherwise); f('I\'m cheating on $Hatsune$, and… I also never thought something like this would happen between me and $Hina$...'); f('It\'s crazy — I feel guilty about $Hatsune$... so then I jump into <i>another</i> incestual liaison?'); f(endIf); f('But… I couldn\'t say no. Not after her confession…'); f('Do I feel the same way as she does for her?'); f('Love? Pure… unadulterated, romantic love…?'); f(otherwise); f('Is it love?'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t know... but it might be something like it.'); f(m, 'Oh, $Hina$... $Hina$...'); f(endIf); f('I want to make her feel good.'); f('As good as she\'s making me feel right now.'); f(textEffect, 'wip'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'b_watashiwaangh'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$, I — nghh....!'); f(playSound, 'pussylicking'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 3); f('I slide my tongue inside her pussy, tasting her.'); f('Her back arches in the most adorable way, and I\'m too enchanted by her to instruct her to suck my cock.'); f('At least, for now.'); f('The juices of her pussy are musky and not entirely delicious. It\'s nothing like sinking your teeth into a peach...'); f(c_b, 'Interesting comparison.', 'bendisgusted'); f('But that\'s to be expected.'); f('Maybe she\'s a little sweeter than $Hatsune$.'); f('I\'m not sure. It\'s been awhile since I ate $Hatsune$ out.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('Like mother, like daughter.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister&&hiSister'); f('I guess it\'s only natural they should taste pretty much the same.'); f(elseIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('I guess it\'s only natural, both of them being $creatures$.'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f('I draw away, a strand of saliva connecting the lips of her pussy and my open mouth.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('My dick is aching. It\'s time to take things to the next step.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(m, 'Hina… undress.'); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'clothesOff'); f(pause, 6.4); f(jump, 'hisex'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hiMother&&!hypnosis'); f(m, 'Has anybody ever done that to you before?'); f('She shakes her head.'); f(hi, 'N-never...'); f(m, 'R-really…? I\'m your first...?'); f(hi, 'I... I was saving $my$self $for$ $you$ this whole time, $you_know$...?'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'R-really? You… you wanted your $maleColleague$... to be your first…?'); f(hi, '$aye$…'); f('I almost blush. She\'s so cute I\'m getting embarrassed.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'How admirable.'); f('I try to act cool, but I\'m so taken by this maiden-like phrasing I almost blush.'); f('She\'s so cute it\'s embarrassing me.'); f(endIf); f('I can\'t let myself get flustered. She\'s the one who told me women like it when men take charge.'); f('I don\'t know if that statement applies to "women" in the broad sense of the word, but it almost definitely applies to $Hina$.'); f('I need to rectify this situation somehow.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Hey, $Hina$. Maybe you should thank me.'); f(hi, 'Thank $you$?'); f(m, 'That\'s right. I\'m licking your pussy so you should return the favor. Make me feel good.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(hi, '... Alright.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_sucking', 'false'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_sucking', false); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f('And just like that, $Hina$ ducks her head and takes the full length of my cock inside her wet, wanting mouth.'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f(hi, 'D-don\'t be so cocky, son…'); f(m, 'Is that a pun?'); f(hi, 'Well… you\'ll soon find out, just what it means…'); f(pause, 0.5); f(voice, 'c_sucking', 'false'); f(pause, 0.5); f('And with those words, $Hina$ ducks her head and takes the full length of my cock inside her wet, wanting mouth.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'H-how...?'); f(m, 'You watch enough porn. Use your imagination.'); f(hi, 'Y-$ye$ mean $ye$... $ye$...'); f('Her breath catches in her throat.'); f(hi, '$you$ want me... to suck $your$ dick$meow$...?'); f(m, 'That is the general idea, yes.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'B-but… $you\'re$ $my$ $maleFriend$...'); f(m, 'Well, it\'s a little late turning back now, isn\'t it? After I\'ve seen… your <i>everything</i>. Even <i>tasted you</i>.'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'B-but $your$ girlfriend…'); f(m, 'My $wife$? She\'s not he-'); f(hi, 'Y-$your$ $wife$...?'); f('Oh, shit. My tongue slipped.'); f(m, 'What? No-no, I said girlfriend. My girlfriend. She\'s not here, Hina. But you, you on the other hand, you are very much here.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'B-but Hatsune...'); f(m, 'Hatsune isn\'t here right now.'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoru$...'); f('$Hina$ whimpers. It sounds like she might be on the verge of tears.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(hi, 'Th-this whole time, I wanted to....! I-I wanted $for$ it to be me, not anybody else...! I always wanted—'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Th-this whole time, I wanted to....! I-I wanted $for$ it to be me, not her...! I always wanted—'); f(endIf); f(m, 'And now you have your chance.'); f(hi, 'Th-that\'s right. I get to suck $your$ cock... I get to suck it... $it\'s$ mine...'); f(c_b, 'So possessive…', 'worried'); f(m, 'All yours.'); f(hi, '$hiMinoru$... Th-thank you…'); f(effect, 'shuchusen', 20); f(voice, 'b2_aum', false); f('And with these painfully earnest words, $Hina$ ducks her head and takes the full length of my cock inside her inexperienced, virgin mouth.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f(voice, 'b2_slurpslurp_watashitachikyodaidekonnakotoshiteiru'); f(hi, 'Nghh… ah, we… we\'re brother $and$ sister, but look at us…!'); f(elseIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'b2_slurpslurpslurp', false); f(pause, 2); f(endIf); f('It feels so good I almost cum then and there.'); f(c_b, 'Sorry for the lack of anctual cock-in-her-mouth graphic.'); f(removeScreenEffects); f(whatIf, '!hiMother&&!hypnosis'); f('Who knew $Hina$ could be so adorable...?'); f(c_e, 'I feel like this scene could have gone on longer…', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'But I was kind of tired of writing sex scenes, I guess.'); f(c_b, 'I\'m impressed you were able to write this much. In <i>Crusoe Had It Easy,</i> I mostly relied on the pictures and the, uh… screen shakes.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'I really don\'t enjoy writing the actual sex, to be honest.', 'unhappy'); f(c_e, 'I don\'t mind writing it, it just gets kind of tedious and same-y after a while.'); f(c_e, 'But when I read H VNs and the H scenes are really short I\'m like "what was the point of that."', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'Really? I\'m quite fine with short ones. Usually it\'s the build-up that gets to me anyhow.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black'); f(setVolume, 0.4, 2); f(pause, 3); f('The weeks go by uneventfully, just like before, save for one key exception.'); f('$Hina$.'); f('I\'ve been spending more and more time with her lately...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Of course, I\'m careful to always wipe her memory of what we\'ve done, afterwards. She doesn\'t know a thing...'); f(otherwise); f('At least, to the extent I reasonably can, without making $Hatsune$ suspicious.'); f('I think I\'m making $Hatsune$ suspicious anyway, as I\'ve stopped having sex with her, but why should I when I have $Hina$?'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(setVolume, 1, 2); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'hisex'); f(label, 'hisex'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 375, 135, x, 1.2, -19, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 335, 220, x, x, -3, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh-mi-no'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_angh4'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Ah... $hiMinoruAlt$...'); f('$Hina$\'s sitting on top of me, the weight of her body pressing against my stomach, while she squirms.'); f('She\'s impaling herself on my cock, moving her hips up and down to press the full length of it as deep inside her as possible.'); f('I help out a little but I don\'t need to do all that much.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Once you\'ve revved up the engine…'); f(otherwise); f('She\'s doing most of the work on her own, which is more than welcome.'); f('$Hatsune$\'s in the habit of lying back and letting me take care of everything.'); f(c_b, 'Though in the initial scene, she was certainly doing her fair share.', 'worried'); f('Maybe she thinks it\'s my job since I\'m the male.'); f('I still haven\'t wrapped my head around how different having sex with $Hina$ is compared to having sex with $Hatsune$.'); f('It\'s a good difference, though.'); f('At least, I think it is.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_wa'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_wa'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'wah...', 700, 315, x, x, -29, 'vShakeFade'); f(hi, 'Waah... $hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$...'); f(m, '$Hina$...'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'breastsqueeze']); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f('I knead her tits with my hands.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0]); f('They\'re huge, just like $Hatsune$\'s, and they spill out through my fingers.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'breastsqueeze']); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hiDaughter'); f('Like mother, like daughter…'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest&&hIncest'); f('I guess all female members of the family got blessed with the "big boobs gene."'); f(endIf); f('Her nipples, meanwhile, are even more sensitive. Just running the tips of my fingers against them — letting the nail catch the edge — is enough to make her pussy contract about my cock.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', x, [0, 'breastsqueeze', 'exp_alt']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh2', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_angh2', false); f(endIf); f('It\'s enough to make her cum.'); f('The face $Hina$ makes when she cums is unmatched.'); f('She normally looks so cool and in control, but this mask falls away completely when she\'s succumbing to the throes of an orgasm.'); f('She tips her head back, her hair slick and wet against her cheeks and forehead, and lets herself go.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', x, [0, 'breastsqueeze', 'exp_closed']); f('She\'s so vulnerable...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 450, 245, x, x, 20, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('... But that makes her even more delicious.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('A rare treat I want to keep all for myself.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh-okuniatatteru'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_angangh-okiiochinchinokumadehaitteru'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$... $you\'re$ in so deep...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'No talking. Just $moan$ing.'); f(whatIf, '!hiMother'); f(voice, 'b2_iyananiwosurunoyamete'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Wh-what… what are $ye$ do$ing$ to me$meow$…?'); f(m, 'Shh, shh… you\'ll have forgotten it all, I mean, I\'ll <i>make</i> you forget it all, once we\'re done.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_mi-no-ru-angh'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(voice, 'b2_niisan'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_mi-no-ru-angh'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$hiMinoru$... angh…!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I can feel your pussy contracting around my cock, $Hina$...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_chigaunoanghangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_chigauchigauno'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'N-$no$, it... $it\'s$ not...'); f(m, 'But it is. Your pussy is milking my cock. It wants all of my cum.'); f(hi, 'B-because I\'ve wanted $ye$ $for$ so long$meow$....!'); f(m, 'You\'re <i>that</i> desperate?'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_watashittaramusukonochinpogahoshikutetamaranai'); f(hi, '$Yes$, I-I\'m desperate! Desperate $for$ $my$ son\'s cock$meow$!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_shitehoshii'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(hi, 'A-aye! Aye, I be desperate!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Y-yes! Yes, I\'m desperate!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest&&hIncest'); f(m, 'Like the slutty $friend$ from your pornos?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Like the slutty girl in your pornos?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_motto'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_motto'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'E-even more$meow$!'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', x, [0, 'exp_alt']); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.25); f(effect, 'hump'); f(textEffect, 'hngh!', 375, 135, x, 1.2, -19, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f('I thrust up into her at the same time as $Hina$ gyrates her hips, and then she gasps.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'exp_closed']); f('She squeezes her $eyes$ shut in pleasure, tears beading the corners, as she cums.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.25); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('Again.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.25); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('And again.'); f(textEffect, 'ah-ngh!', 335, 220, x, x, -3, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.22); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', x, [0, 'exp_alt', 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.4); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_cumming1'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'AanaahahAhanhgAHahhh!!'); f(pause); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'hisexpark'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Y-$ye$ know, um... Th-$the$ porn...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(m, 'Yes?'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'breastsqueeze']); f('I squeeze her nipples a little harder and she wriggles obligingly on my lap.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 700, 315, x, x, -29, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(hi, 'I, um... I-I don\'t care about $the$... th-$the$ female actress... I just, ah...'); f(hi, 'I have a lot $of$ DVDs... w-with that actor in it... th-$the$ guy, $ye$ know?'); f(m, 'Oh?'); f('I tweak her nipples. I try stretching them out — pulling at them like tofu.'); f(c_b, 'LOL. I don\'t think I\'ve ever had tofu — is that a thing you actually do with them? Stretching them out?', 'happy'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'exp_closed']); f('When I let go they snap back into place, making her tits jiggle.'); f('The end result is gratifying, even if it looks kind of goofy.'); f('Maybe I like being in control.'); f(hi, 'W-well, um... Th-$the$ guy... I-I always thought $the$ guy in those DVDs ... l-looked a lot like $you$...'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||hiIncest'); f(m, 'So you rubbed your clit while watching those videos, imagining you were the daughter being raped?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'So you rubbed your clit while watching those videos, imagining you were the girl being raped?'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(hi, 'A-aye…'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Y-yeah...'); f(endIf); f('$Hina$ looks at me shyly.'); f(hi, 'I-is that bad$meow$...?'); f(m, 'It\'s pretty lewd.'); f(whatIf, '!hMother'); f(voice, 'b2_sukebedesuka'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'L-lewd?'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'Mm. How dare you have the audacity to eat lunch me with so often when you were imagining me fucking you every evening?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Mm. How dare you have the audacity to keep talking to me at work every day when you were imagining me fucking you every evening?'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 450, 245, x, x, 20, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh9', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_angh9', false); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.2); f(hi, 'I-it wasn\'t <i>every</i> even$ing$....!'); f('$Hina$ protests feebly, but this encourages me to be even meaner.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0, 'breastsqueeze', 'exp_alt']); f('I twist her nipples harder and she whines.'); f(m, 'Most evenings, then.'); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', 'fade', [0]); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_gomennasai'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_gomennasai'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'I-I, um... I-I\'m sorry...'); f(m, 'It\'s fine, $Hina$.'); f('I lift my head, pressing a kiss against her right breast, then the left.'); f('I like being rough, but I don\'t want to be <i>too</i> rough.'); f('I don\'t want to hurt her.'); f('Not when she trusts me enough to show such a vulnerable side of herself to me.'); f(m, 'I\'m... glad.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_hontoni'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_hontoni'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Y-$ye$ are?'); f(m, 'Yeah. I\'m glad you like me.'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest&&hDaughter'); f(hi, 'But mom…'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'But Hatsune...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest&&hIncest'); f('Yes, I\'ve told $Hina$ about me and $Hatsune$. I figured I might as well…'); f('I mean, considering that $Hina$ has proven she doesn\'t give a rat\'s ass about incest being taboo, forbidden, frowned upon, illegal…'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('Yes, I ended up telling $Hina$ the truth about me and $Hatsune$. I figured I might as well — it was apparent from her extensive incest porn collection that $Hina$ wouldn\'t be as horrified as some.'); f('It was of course a shock, though.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'We\'ll figure it out later.'); f('"Later" being when I don\'t have my cock inside her.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(textEffect, 'oonfh!!', 335, 220, x, x, -3, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f('You might not be aware, but it\'s surprisingly hard to come up with coherent plans mid-fuck — it\'s like trying to do admin work at two in the morning.'); f('You might think you\'re making great progress at the time, but come the harsh, unrelenting light of the morning, you\'re left with the startling realization that everything you laboured over during the night is complete and utter shit.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(label, 'hisexcumchoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Cum.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(jump, 'hisexcum'); f(choice, 'Keep on humping'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(jump, 'hisexhumps'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hisexhumps'); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'humps>6'); f(jump, 'hisexcumchoice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'hisexhumps'); f(endIf); f(label, 'hisexcum'); f(screenEffect, 'whiteFlash'); f(pause, 0.05); f(cgs, 'hi_sex', x, [0, 'exp_closed', 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 18, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'splat'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Nghhh!'); f(m, 'Anghh!!'); f(pause); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('We come together, in harmony.'); f(c_b, '♪ <i>Always, I want to be with you, and make believe with you, and live in harmony, harmony, HAAARMOOONY…!</i> ♪', 'love'); f(c_b, 'That song always makes me think of Adult Swim\'s <i>Robot Unicorn Attack</i>. Golden age of Flash games...', 'happy'); f(pause, 3); f(jump, 'hisexcont'); f(label, 'hisexcont'); f('The next day…'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'sugaku'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'office_night'); f(pause, 0.5); f(item, 'officephone', 0, 0); f(playSound, 'telephoneVoice1'); f(pause, 1.4); f(m, 'Mr. Kosugi… now, this is the third revision I\'ve made just today… If you really did want me to add that to every page, I wish you would have let me known earlier, because the past hour I was just waiting for you to get back to me and-'); f(remove, 'officephone'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(playSound, 'telephonePlaced'); f('Suddenly, somebody pulls the receiver out of my hand-'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.6); f(pause, 0.4); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(m, 'M-mom!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'H-Hina!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'What are y-you doing? That\'s… that was Mr. Kosugi! Of Denden Incorporated!'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'Well, whoever he was… I think spend$ing$ time with $your$ $friend$ should take precedence at times like these$meow$.'); f(m, 'At times like… these? What\'s the emergency?!'); f('$Hina$ smiles a lewd $creature$ smile.'); f(hi, '$your$ $friend$ is horny$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'Screw Mr. Kosugi of Denden Incorporated, $hiMinoru$!'); f(m, 'Uh…'); f('$Hina$ smiles a lewd $creature$ smile.'); f(hi, 'Or better yet — screw me$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'hisexpark'); f(label, 'hisexpark'); f('We find ourselves back in the park we so often frequent together. Except… what we\'re doing isn\'t part of our usual routine — no noodles in sight.'); f(cgs, 'hi_parksex', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 11, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh10'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2_angh10'); f(endIf); f(hi, 'Anghh!'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I know I\'m crazy for fucking my own $friend$ out in the open, where anybody, at any time, might walk past…'); f(otherwise); f('I know we shouldn\'t be doing this here, out in the open, where anybody, at anytime, might walk past…'); f(endIf); f('... even somebody who knows me, or $Hina$, or both of us.'); f(otherwise); f('Though I\'m worried somebody will walk past… having sex with your $friend$ in public, it turns out, is extremely exciting, albeit scary.'); f('We\'re doing it here at $Hina$\'s suggestion, but… what if somebody we know sees us?'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest&&!hIncest'); f('What we\'re doing… no matter how good it feels… in the eyes of society… if people found out I was fucking my $friend$...'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('The thought makes me want to puke out of nervosity, but makes me hornier at the very same time...'); f(cgs, 'hi_parksex', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 11, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('... but it feels much too good to stop.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 11, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'hisexpark2'); f(endIf); f('I wonder how long it will take before $Hatsune$ gets suspicious…'); f('Shit. I don\'t want to think about $Hatsune$ now.'); f('I can\'t.'); f('I just want to focus on $Hina$.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('My adorable $Hina$, who should have told me more than a decade ago that she liked me.'); f('She thought she lost her chance — but I guess this goes to prove one thing.'); f(endIf); f('It\'s never too late.'); f('She finally confessed how she feels... and I think I might feel certain emotions for $Hina$, too.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Who knows what will come of this — it\'s too early to finish things with $Hatsune$, but…'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s early days — too early to think about dissolving my marriage over what could be a mere fling — but...'); f(endIf); f('Well.'); f('That doesn\'t mean I\'m not thinking about it.'); f('For one thing, $Hina$\'s better at giving head.'); f(whatIf, '!catgirl||pirate'); f('For another, she\'s not allergic to $cat$s.'); f(otherwise); f('For another, I don\'t think she\'d mind us having a cat.'); f(endIf); f('And, thirdly...'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('I think I kind of used to have… some kind of a thing, yes, a thing, for $Hina$ too.'); f('Mostly subconsciously, or you know, on that level where you know it, but you\'re not really admitting it to yourself.'); f('I mean, who would admit that they are… attracted, to their $friend$...?'); f(otherwise); f('I think I used to have a crush on Hina, too.'); f('Just a little.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('I guess I was just always too preoccupied with $Hatsune$...'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('But that was blown away when me and $Hatsune$\'s... <i>thing</i> began.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('A little ironic, isn\'t it?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('But that was blown away when I met Hatsune.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('If only I hadn\'t let myself get distracted by Hatsune\'s feminine good looks... I could be married to $Hina$ now.'); f(otherwise); f('If only I hadn\'t let myself get distracted by Hatsune\'s feminine good looks... I could be living with $Hina$ now.'); f('Not openly in a relationship, of course, but… we\'re family. People wouldn\'t bat an eyelid at it. They wouldn\'t know...'); f(endIf); f('Imagine that.'); f('How different would life be then?'); f('Would I be happier?'); f('Happier than I am now?'); f(label, 'hisexpark2'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(label, 'hipsChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep humping.'); f(setVariable, 'humps'); f(jump, 'hipsHumps'); f(choice, 'Cum.'); f(jump, 'hipsCum'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hipsHumps'); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b2', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'humps>6'); f(jump, 'hipsChoice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'hipsHumps'); f(endIf); f(label, 'hipsCum'); f(hi, 'Aah... $hiM$-$hiMinoruAlt$....!'); f(m, 'H-Hina... Oh God, $Hina$....!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(cgs, 'hi_parksex', 'fade', [0, 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 18, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_mi-no-ru'); f(elseIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(voice, 'b2_otosan'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_mi-no-ru'); f(endIf); f(hi, '$hiMinoru$!!!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'hisex_hypnoend'); f(endIf); f('Again…'); f('Happier than I am now...?'); f('That might be something of a tall order.'); f('Give me a few minutes to think about it.'); f('I\'ll get back to you later.'); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'And that marks the end of the "Good Hina Route." Thanks for playing!', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'I\'ve gotta say, despite Hina being your favorite girl, the ending wasn\'t necessarily as peachy as for example the \'Good Esther Ending\' — it\'s a little more ambiguous, open-ended, isn\'t it?', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I think because there were a lot fewer CGs of Hina to begin with…', 'tehe'); f(c_e, 'There weren\'t as many cute CGs with her as the other characters—and a lot of the CGs involved unpleasant things happening to her.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Yeah, there was a strangulation thing, wasn\'t there? Yikes.', 'bendisgusted'); f(c_e, 'I actually wanted to work that into one of the bad endings, but I wasn\'t sure how...', 'sophieevillaughter'); f(c_b, 'Maybe that was for the best…', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'Hmpf.', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, 'Anyways, hope you, that is, the player, enjoyed it! Please consider supporting us on Patreon, if you aren\'t already! Ta!', 'happy'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'hinaGood', 'Hina Good Ending'); f(label, 'hisex_hypnoend'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f('I don\'t know how long I\'ll keep this up, but…'); f('Right now, I\'m happy.'); f('I\'ll keep fucking $Hina$ for a long time —- that I know.'); f('What will happen between me and $Hatsune$? Well, I don\'t know. But it just doesn\'t seem all that important any longer.'); f('This is my life now.'); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'Congrats — you\'ve reached the Good Hina Ending… with the hypnosis cheat.'); f(c_b, 'It\'s somewhat shorter than the non-hypnosis route, because… well, can you really have a happy ending to a mind control route?', 'worried'); f(c_e, '$Minoru$ seems happy enough!', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'For stats purposes, this counts as the same ending as the regular \'Hina Good Ending\', just so you know.'); f(c_b, 'Anyways, thanks for playing! And thanks for supporting our Patreon! Without you, none of this would be possible.', 'happy'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'hinaGood', 'Hina Good Ending (Hypno Version)'); f(label, 'branch6'); f(m, 'Alright, fine.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(setZoom, hi, 1.2); f(pause, 1); f('But it\'s not fine.'); f('I\'m still curious — of course I am — but I feel like I can\'t press the issue.'); f('If $Hina$ doesn\'t want to talk about it she doesn\'t want to talk about it.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('She\'s my mother — I ought to respect her right to remain silent, if that\'s what she wants. Especially given she so rarely decides to exercise it... said right, I mean.'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f('She\'s my $friend$ — I can\'t force her to talk about things she doesn\'t want to.'); f(otherwise); f('I like to think we\'ve been friends long enough that I respect her "right to remain silent" — especially given she so rarely decides to exercise it.'); f(endIf); f(label, 'branch6_b'); f(setVariable, 'hinaAdvice'); f(m, 'So, uh...'); f('I drum my fingertips against my thigh and glance about $Hina$\'s living room.'); f(c_b, 'Aw… you\'re not going to get to have sex with $yourHina$.', 'unhappy'); f('It\'s nothing special really. Cream couches and a small TV.'); f('It is pretty cosy, though.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('$Hina$ doesn\'t make all that much money and this is about all she can afford. My house looks about the same, and I have to help support $Hatsune$.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hina$ doesn\'t make a lot of money — I should know, since we\'re on the same pay bracket — and this is about all she can afford. My house looks about the same, and I have to help support Hatsune.'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$...'); f('Speaking of which, this might be a good way to break the awkward silence.'); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('Awkward silences are never good, but they\'re even worse when they occur between close friends.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Soo… What do you think I should do about that girl I\'m seeing?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Soo... What do you think I should do about Hatsune?'); f(endIf); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'To make her happy, $ye$ mean?'); f(m, 'That\'s right.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Well. $ye$ saw $the$ video$meow$.'); f('$Hina$ gestures towards the TV set, still turned off, and I frown.'); f(m, 'What? Pretend to rape her...?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Technically, I guess I already am raping her. Not that I\'m really in control of it, any longer, though…'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'upset'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(voice, 'c_sonnaimideitterujanaiwa'); f(hi, 'N-no, w-what $the$ hell are $ye$ saying…?'); f('$Hina$ looks rather upset for a second, then...'); f('... her expression changes.'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_chi-chigauwayo'); f(hi, '$no$, not $that$!'); f('A pause.'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 'armsbehind', 'cautious'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Well, $ye$ <i>could</i>, but $ye$ don\'t need to be so specific.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hIncest'); f('Did my daughter just suggest I should pretend-rape her mother...?'); f('Man, I\'ve opened up quite the can of worms here, haven\'t I...?'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest'); f('Did my $friend$ just suggest I should pretend-rape my $wife$...?'); f(otherwise); f('Christ… I\'m really glad I didn\'t mention to $Hina$ whom this is really about…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'What, then?'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'hina_theme'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'Just... change it up a little, is all. Try to be a bit more forceful. $ye$ never know$meow$.'); f('$Hina$ smiles.'); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, 'The results might be <i>shock$ing$</i>.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter&&!hIncest'); f('The mischievous $Hina$ I always knew is back.'); f(m, 'This is not really a conversation I ever imagined I\'d have with my daughter.'); f(hi, 'Well, you brought it up!'); f(hi, 'Besides, I want you and mom to be happy$meow$…'); f(otherwise); f('Once again, she looks just like the $Hina$ I always knew.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f('My sappy, happy, mother.'); f(otherwise); f('The $Hina$ with her mischievous, infectious giggles, who pulled all kinds of dumb pranks back in high school that got her into so much trouble.'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter||hiSister'); f('The time she balanced a bucket of water on the top of the doorframe and soaked her particularly strict math teacher comes to mind.'); f(otherwise); f('The time she balanced a bucket of water on the top of the doorframe and soaked our particularly strict math teacher comes to mind.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'Right. Thanks. I\'ll do my best.'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(hi, 'That\'s it! Attaboy!'); f(pan, hi, -40, 0, 0.3); f(textEffect, '<slap!>', 120, 420, 'Blue', 1.4, -30, 'hShakeFade'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(setZoom, hi, 1.5); f(playSound, 'backslap'); f('She slaps me on the back.'); f(m, 'Ow...'); f('It hurts rather more than it should.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('Then again, she <i>is</i> a $creature$.'); f(otherwise); f('Where is she storing all that strength?'); f(endIf); f(person, hi, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, hi, 'joltRight'); f(hi, '$and$ then, when $you\'re$ experienc$ing$ $the$ best sex $of$ $your$ $landlubbin_$life, just remember this.'); f('She taps the side of her nose with her index finger.'); f(c_b, 'This instantly reminds me of a <i>Mitchell and Webb</i> sketch…', 'happy'); f(c_b, '"Mate… there\'s money in farming. See this wad of cash? I got it selling corn...! <i>It comes out of the fucking ground!! I couldn\'t believe it!</i>"', 'benderp'); f(person, hi, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, hi, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(hi, 'This is all thanks to $your$ dear ol\' mom!'); f(elseIf, 'hiIncest'); f(hi, 'This is all thanks to ol\' Hina!'); f(otherwise); f(hi, 'This is all thanks to $your$ $swashbucklin_$Auntie Hina!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(remove, hi); f(pause, 0.3); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f(pause, 0.2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'thinkingAboutWhatToDo'); f(label, 'thinkingAboutWhatToDo'); f(scene, 'town', 'fade'); f('As I walk home, I consider my options.'); f(whatIf, 'cameOnHina'); f('What should I do about $Hatsune$?'); f(otherwise); f('"Try to be a bit more forceful."'); f('I guess that\'s an option, but… I very much doubt that would get to the actual root of the problem.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I mean, the real issue here is that I\'ve hypnotized my $wife$ into craving sex with me, all the time. Would "being a bit more forceful" really help, right there? Would it help her snap out of it?'); f('I have my doubts.'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, the real issue here is that I\'m in an incestuous relationship with my $wife$ and… that I\'m not even sure if I want to keep it up. I don\'t know that any amount of forceful sex will help me on this issue.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'cameOnHina'); f('I really quite enjoyed cumming on $Hina$, like that. That was… that was something new. Maybe… maybe that\'s the key? Maybe…'); f('Maybe, I should try something new with $Hatsune$...?'); f(otherwise); f('On the other hand, I am out of better ideas...'); f(pause, 2); f('Hm. Or am I? Maybe I could do something else?'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'One of two premium choices coming up here, i.e. choices only patrons pledging $5+ up can choose. If that\'s not you — sorry, but, you know. We\'ve gotta earn money somehow.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Not to rub it in, but… this premium path is a real good one. At least if you\'re into that kind of stuff. There\'s a lot of choice too, like… you can go, but just watch, or go, and participate in the rape…', 'inlove'); f(c_b, 'You can also choose to just stay at home, and get sent photos of it...'); f(c_b, 'I spend a lot of time, on it, anyway.', 'benproud'); f(c_b, 'All that said, I should mention I\'m also really proud of the non-premium "sex in public" route too.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'No. Just go home.', 'cameOnHina'); f('No.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I don\'t have the energy.'); f('I\'ll just go home.'); f('Like I always do.'); f(pause, 2); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(choice, 'Just ignore $yourHina$\'s advice.', '!cameOnHina'); f('No.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('$Hina$\'s advice… it wasn\'t any good. I should have known better than asking my $friend$ for advice on something like this.'); f('I\'ll just go home.'); f('Like I always do.'); f(pause, 2); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(choice, 'Just try being a little rougher with $yourHatsune$ next time your having sex?'); f('I guess I can give it a try, if nothing else.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 3); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(jump, 'h_roughsex'); f(choice, 'Try out having sex in public?'); f(c_b, 'Not a bad choice, man. The land of milk and honey awaits you.', 'happy'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Huh?'); f('Sex… in public…? Is that… is that really such a bright idea? Is that… is that <i>really</i>, in any way, likely to solve my problems?'); f('I\'m having an illicit relationship with my $wife$...'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter||hypnosis'); f('I mean, Christ, if people knew, I\'d probably be arrested. Face charges. Have my name in the papers, even…!'); f(endIf); f('Why would I… why would I take such a risk?'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('Hmm. Now that I stop to think about it… maybe it\'s not such a bad idea, after all? Maybe… maybe this is exactly what we need?'); f('Putting it all on the line.'); f(otherwise); f('Hm. Now that\'s something I haven\'t actually tried, before.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('Maybe… maybe that\'s all we need? A little excitement…?'); f(endIf); f('... Yes. I pick up my phone, and call $Hatsune$. It\'s not too late yet.'); f(item, 'cellphone', 0, 0); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(h, 'Hi, hun.'); f(m, 'Hey $Hatsune$, would you…'); f('Hm. Where should I direct her? I want to have sex outside of the house, but… I can\'t go to crazy. I can\'t just start fucking her in the park or on the street, obviously…'); f(h, '... $hMinoruAlt$?'); f('... but then again, there\'s got to be some risk involved, right? That\'s the whole point of it, isn\'t it?'); f('...'); f('The office! It\'s usually empty by now, but there\'s still the janitors around to be aware of.'); f(m, 'Could you come into the office? Like, right now?'); f(h, '$OK$.'); f(remove, 'cellphone'); f('I hang up without bothering to say goodbye.'); f(otherwise); f(h, '... $yes$?'); f('$Hatsune$ sounds a little apprehensive over the phone… probably because I turned her down earlier today.'); f(m, 'Hey, sorry about earlier… I, you know what, I changed my mind. I mean, the workload wasn\'t as bad as I thought…'); f(h, 'Oh, really? I\'ll get ready then! Shall I meet you at $the$ office?'); f('At the office…? Hm. The place is usually empty this time of day, except the occasional janitor. Maybe that\'s not such a bad idea?'); f(m, 'Um… yes, yes, let\'s do that. But come as soon as you can, would you!'); f(h, '$OK$! See $ye$ soon, hun.'); f(remove, 'cellphone'); f(pause, 0.5); f(endIf); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('I hurry back to the office, with a large and uncomfortable boner in my pants, the whole way. This… this is not bad.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'office_night', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('It\'s dark by the time I make it there, and like I thought, the place is already empty, I note with something that might just be disappointment.'); f('But no, having somebody actually here, present… it <i>would</i> be a little too dangerous, probably.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, it\'s my actual $wife$ I\'m intending to have sex with right here… we can\'t afford to get caught. It\'s not just fun and games.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'clock'); f(pause, 3); f('After waiting for 30 minutes or so, $Hatsune$ finally turns up.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1.5); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'Hey hun… I\'m here$meow$.'); f('My god, is she looking sexy tonight. Where did she get these clothes from? I\'ve never seen her wearing anything like this before.'); f('My dick is aching from having been constantly hard for the last 30 minutes or so. I can hardly wait.'); f(cgs, 'h_kiss', 'fade', [0]); f(h, 'Anh…'); f('I throw myself at her, greeting her with a kiss.'); f(scene, 'office_night', 'fade'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'worried'); f(setZoom, h, 1.7); f(h, 'M-my, what\'s gotten into $ye$, $hMinoru$?'); f(m, 'I\'m just happy to see you, $Hatsune$. And so is <i>he</i>.'); f('I point down towards my pants, where my industrious cock appears to have set up some kind of elaborate tent-like structure.'); f(c_e, 'It really is an intelligent creature…!', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(c_b, '<i>Intelligent?!</i> Intellectual, more like it. It seems to have an engineering degree, mind you.', 'benproud'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'surprised'); f(setZoom, h, 1.8); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ara'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_ara'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Oh, my. Isn\'t he!'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_atashinooppaidetsumikondehoshideshopaizurihoshidesho'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_atashinooppaidetsumikondehoshideshopaizurihoshidesho'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'He wants to be surrounded by $my$ breasts, doesn\'t he? He wants a boobjob… right?'); f(pause, 0.2); f(remove, h); f(pause, 0.2); f(setVolume, 0.3, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'smallClothesSound'); f(pause, 0.3); f('$Hatsune$ pulls up her shirt, revealing she\'s not wearing a bra today. Soon, she\'s on her knees, unzipping my pants.'); f(playSound, 'zipper'); f(pause, 1.5); f(m, 'Ungh!'); f(jump, 'hBoobjob2'); f(choice, 'Have $yourHatsune$ gang-raped…?', 'premium'); f(setFilter, 'regular'); f(c_b, 'So you are a $5+ patron! That warms the cockles of me heart to hear, son. Unless you\'re actually a thievin\' pirate, in which case…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Er, <i>yar?</i>', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'This route is all me, by the way.', 'benproud'); f(c_b, '... You\'ve gotta love how casually this choice is thrown in there. Like, of course, that\'s one of the options you\'d consider — "being rough to your $wife$? Hm… how about gang-raping her?"', 'benderp'); f(c_b, 'No foreshadowing whatsoever. Well, well.'); f(c_b, 'Oh, by the way, this route is also a, uh… male-only space, in terms of the commentary. I asked Ebi to sit these parts out, because… I don\'t know, I just didn\'t feel comfortable going through this pretty morally questionably stuff with a-, a… a girl.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'I mean, some guys play games like these with their girlfriends and stuff, but you know, I… fine, I\'m a prude.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'An eroge-writing prude.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Deal with it.', 'bendealwithit'); f(jump, 'h_gangrape'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'h_roughsex'); f(cgs, 'h_windowsex', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(playSound, 'swish'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(textEffect, 'Wah…!!', 395, 239, x, x, 33, 'hShakeFade'); f(voice, 'b_angh4'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'W-wah....! $hM$-$hMinoruAlt$....!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', 788, 300, x, x, -26, 'hShakeFade'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f('I press my lips against the crook of $Hatsune$\'s neck, inhaling the scent of her shampoo.'); f(playMusic, 'romantic'); f('Coconut milk.'); f('I know exactly what brand she buys because we always go shopping together.'); f('The smell of her shampoo was starting to get monotonous — but that was before I smelt it like this.'); f('Mingled with the musty, understated scent of $Hatsune$\'s sweat, and the nectar dripping from the petals of her pussy.'); f(c_b, 'Poetic!', 'happy'); f('...Not that it\'s like me to wax poetic on $creature$\'s genitalia like that.'); f(c_b, 'Oh. Now I feel stupid for making the exact same comment as the protagonist. Gee.', 'worried'); f('I guess I\'m a little more excited than usual.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh1'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'Aah...', 388, 290, x, x, 26, 'hShakeFade'); f(h, 'Aah... Nn...'); f('Hatsune\'s round, full ass grinds against me.'); f('I grip it tightly with my fingers and knead her soft, supple flesh.'); f('It yields to my touch — as does $Hatsune$. Her whole body shivers with each motion and more moans spill from her lips in a veritable torrent.'); f('Those aren\'t the only torrential conditions around here.'); f(c_b, 'That means she\'s wet, in case you were wondering…', 'tehe'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_anata'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_anata'); f(endIf); f(h, 'You\'ve-'); f(c_b, 'You\'re welcome.', 'bendealwithit'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh1'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'Nghh!!', 768, 310, x, x, -21, 'hShakeFade'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_doshitanoimamadeichiban'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_doshitanoimamadeichiban'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Y-$ye$... y-$you$ have never been this rough before$meow$...'); f(m, 'But you love it.'); f(whatIf, 'nearlyRapedEsther'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f('Who\'d have thought that nearly raping one of your sisters would be such an aphrodisiac for having sex with your other sister?'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('Who\'d have thought that nearly raping one of your daughters would be such an aphrodisiac for having sex with your other daughter?'); f(otherwise); f('Who\'d have thought that nearly raping your $colleague$ would be such an aphrodisiac?'); f(endIf); f('I\'ve never been this rough with $Hatsune$ before, but something got triggered inside of me, with what happened with $Esther$.'); f(otherwise); f('My voice is lower than usual.'); f('I think I must have taken a few pointers from the actor in that porno.'); f('It wasn\'t very erotic — not to me, at least — but I guess it was good for something.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_watashiwaangh'); f(endIf); f(h, 'I... I, ah-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(textEffect, 'Nghah!', 288, 290, x, x, 36, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.9); f('$Hatsune$ squirms helplessly. She can squirm as much as she wants but there\'s nowhere for her run.'); f('Her breasts are pressed up against the glass of our bedroom window, on display for anybody who cares to walk by, and her bare ass is high in the air.'); f('It\'s a good thing we live in a relatively isolated neighbourhood.'); f(c_b, 'Or a shame, depending on your preferences.', 'tehe'); f('If the streets were a little busier anybody would be able to see this spectacle.'); f('Then again, $Hatsune$ might like that.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('In her current state, at least.'); f(otherwise); f('Turns out she\'s more of an exhibitionist than I had ever imagined.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'Awngh!', 453, 46, x, x, -26, 'hShakeFade'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, 'I-I thought... $you$ were too busy after work... t-to do this...'); f(m, 'I was — but I thought I\'d make...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, '... an...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, '... effort!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f('I punctuate my sentence with a series of thrusts.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh-mi-no'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_otosan-angh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ahhah'); f(endIf); f(h, 'A-aah....! $hM$-$hMinoruAlt$....!'); f(m, 'Is this too much?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_hageshii'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_hageshii'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(h, 'Y-$you\'re$ so rough$meow$…!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'It... $it\'s$ i-intense$meow$...'); f(m, 'I know. Isn\'t that what you wanted?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_sonandesukedo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_sonandesukedo'); f(endIf); f(h, 'I... i-it is-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_demo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_demo'); f(endIf); f(h, 'But...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(textEffect, 'Nghya!', 603, 290, x, x, -10, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(m, 'Good. Then there\'s no problem.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, 'O-oh God...'); f('I don\'t know why she\'s calling on God now.'); f('Despite the cross she wears about her neck, $Hatsune$ isn\'t particularly religious. It\'s a fashion statement more than anything.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f('I guess very few $creatures$ are, come to think of it. Because of their unusual circumstances...'); f(otherwise); f('What does she think God is going to do for her?'); f('But I\'ll let her have it.'); f('Upbraiding her on her newfound Christian leanings might be a touch pedantic.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(textEffect, 'Angh!!', 248, 227, x, x, 20, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f('I pause in my thrusting and begin to rotate my hips, drilling my cock even deeper into $Hatsune$\'s $creature_$pussy.'); f(c_b, 'Watch out! Man at work. <i>Hard hat area.</i>'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_aah-angh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angnghuh'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Aaah... $angh$....!'); f('I guess the change in technique was effective because $Hatsune$\'s back arches, her lips parting.'); f('Strands of saliva quiver inside the chasm of her mouth.'); f('Lewd.'); f('She looks so lewd like this — pressed forwards, tits flattened against the glass.'); f(whatIf, 'cowgirl'); f('Like a real cow, ready to be milked.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.07000000000000001); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(textEffect, 'Nghangh!', 658, 310, x, x, -36, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f('I\'m pressing against her so tightly it probably hurts.'); f('No, I know it hurts, judging by the way she\'s whimpering.'); f('But I\'ve also never felt her cum this hard before.'); f('Her pussy grips my cock hard every couple of seconds, and more wet fluid drenches my head.'); f(playSound, 'wet'); f(textEffect, '<schlick>', 307, 433, 'Blue', x, x, 'hMoveFadeBack'); f(pause, 0.8); f(playSound, 'wet'); f(textEffect, '<schlick>', 511, 400, 'Blue', x, x, 'hMoveFade'); f(pause, 0.8); f(playSound, 'wet'); f(textEffect, '<schlick>', 307, 345, 'Blue', x, x, 'hMoveFadeBack'); f('It\'s so wet I can hear a slow, steady <i>shlick, shlick, shlick</i> sound filling the room.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_minoru'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_otosan'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_minoru'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$...'); f(m, 'Yes?'); f('I lean forwards, my lips inches away from her ear.'); f(whatIf, 'hiMother'); f(m, 'What is it, <i>$wife$</i>?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'What is it, <i>darling</i>?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_darekanimiraretaradoshiyotteomottarishite'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_darekanimiraretaradoshiyotteomottarishite'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Wh-what... wh-what if somebody sees...?'); f(m, 'Then you\'ll have to write a formal apology later, won\'t you?'); f(c_b, 'Imagine that. "Dear Neighbours… I\'m writing to apologize for the loud sex me and my $husband$ were having the other day."'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.4); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_sonnakotoiwanaidehazukashiiyo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_sonnakotoiwanaidehazukashiiyo'); f(endIf); f(h, 'I... Th-$that$... th-that\'d be humiliat$ing$....!'); f(m, 'That\'s the very point, Hatsune, my <i>dear</i> $wife$.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'wet'); f(pause, 0.8); f('I slam my cock even deeper into her pussy and she groans.'); f(h, 'O-oh... $hM$-$hMinoruAlt$... wh-what\'s gotten into $you$?'); f(m, 'I don\'t know — but I know what\'s inside you right now.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 20); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.3); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(voice, 'b_oniichan-no-chinpo-wo'); f(h, 'M-$my$ b-brother\'s dick…!'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_musukonochinpoga'); f(h, 'M-$my$ son\'s cock…!'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_otosan-no-chinpo-wo'); f(h, '$my$ $hMinoruAlt$\'s dick…!'); f(endIf); f(removeScreenEffects); f('Uhm… Yes, $Hatsune$. That\'s kind of what I was hinting at.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_laughsob'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Anghhaha...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('$Hatsune$ laughs, but it\'s a broken laugh that sounds more like a sob. Like she\'s going to burst into tears at any moment.'); f(h, 'Th-that\'s so cheesy...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'And it\'s all for you, <i>honey</i>.'); f('I press a kiss against her cheek — maybe I have been a little too hard on her — and $Hatsune$ sniffles.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_yamenaidekudasai'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_yamenaidekudasai'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Oh, please, d-don\'t stop...'); f(m, 'You want me to keep going?'); f('She nods.'); f(m, 'Even if the neighbours see?'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_unheikidayo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_unheikidayo'); f(endIf); f(h, 'E-even so...'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest||eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||aDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'my', 'our'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Even if $my$ $family$ saw?'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iiyoikuiku'); f(h, '... e-even so.... $angh$, aaaah!!!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_iiyo-angh'); f(h, '... e-even so....!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f(m, 'And our $daughters$, as well?'); f(voice, 'b_un-gnah'); f(h, '$yes$!'); f(elseIf, 'hiSister||eSister'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister&&eSister'); f(m, 'And my sisters, as well?!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'And my sister, as well?!'); f(endIf); f(voice, 'b_un-gnah'); f(h, '$yes$!!'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister||eSister'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister&&eSister'); f(m, 'And our sisters, as well?!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'And our sister, as well?!'); f(endIf); f(voice, 'b_un-gnah'); f(h, '$yes$!!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'Aren\'t you worried what they\'ll think of you?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Of us...?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_mochiron-demo'); f(endIf); f(h, 'I, um... $yes$, $of$ course... But...'); f('She sniffles weakly.'); f(h, 'Th-this... These last few weeks, it... I-it felt like $ye$ weren\'t really look$ing$ at me. Like $ye$ saw me, but $you$ didn\'t see — a-$and$ when $ye$ had sex with me, it was like $your$ mind was somewhere else$meow$...'); f('It\'s a mark of how troubled she must have been by this that she\'s able to have a lengthy monologue with my cock inside her.'); f(c_e, 'There\'s no better time for exposition!', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Mostly it\'s just to punish those people who hold down the ctrl key during sex scenes, right?', 'bendealwithit'); f(c_e, 'I\'m one of those people who typically skips sex scenes in VNs…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Actually, I often do too. In translated Japanese VNs, they\'re just too long… sometimes it feels like they go on for ever.', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'Yeah, I was trying to strike a middle ground…'); f(c_e, 'Since scenes that are too short don\'t feel very rewarding, but scenes that go on forever get boring.'); f(c_b, 'I think you\'ve nailed it.'); f('Her voice trembles as I continue to thrust, groping one of her nipples with my fingers, but she keeps going.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'Angh!', 288, 290, x, x, 36, 'hShakeFade'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'I... I haven\'t felt this connected with $you$ while hav$ing$ sex $for$…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'F-$for$ such a long time...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'Is that why you kept coming on to me?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(h, 'A-aye... It, um... i-it felt like $the$ magic had gone — $and$ I was scared-'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Y-yeah... It, um... i-it felt like the magic had gone — and I was scared-'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh1'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$...!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(h, '... I was afraid $ye$ were regrett$ing$ our whole relationship… $the$ secrecy $of$ it, $and$, $angh$...! I wanted to bring $the$ magic b-back, but…'); f(otherwise); f(h, '... I wanted to bring it back, but...'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('But her constant attempts to ignite my passion only drove me away.'); f(whatIf, 'nearlyRapedEsther'); f('But then, $Esther$ appeared, and… <i>triggered</i> something within me I didn\'t think I existed.'); f('It\'s a little scary to think I nearly raped her, but… I\'m glad.'); f('I\'m glad I nearly raped my $colleague$! Ha, it sounds bizarre, but… it\'s true.'); f(c_b, 'I\'m glad you\'re glad, $Minoru$...', 'worried'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f('Fortunately… I found an escape.'); f('I just had to ask my most resourceful $friend$, Hina.'); f(otherwise); f('Fortunately, I had all the magic to hand that I needed.'); f('I just had to ask my fairy godmother, Hina.'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t know how I\'ll ever be able to repay her.'); f('Maybe I\'ll treat her to take-out udon for a month, or maybe we could do something fancier.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&hiIncest'); f('We should really do a family outing, the three of us. It\'s been a while.'); f(endIf); f('Korean barbeque, perhaps...?'); f(c_e, 'Recently I was writing a script with an MC who\'s obsessed with Korean barbeque…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Korean barbeque is the best barbeque. Period.', 'inlove'); f(c_e, 'You have good taste!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'Hey, $Hatsune$... It\'s okay.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_sonano'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_sonano'); f(endIf); f(h, 'I-it is$meow$?'); f(m, 'Yeah. It\'s fine. I\'m here now.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Y-$ye$ won\'t go again?'); f(m, 'I never went anywhere.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Not physically, but mentally...'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', 248, 227, x, x, 20, 'hShakeFade'); f(h, '$angh$!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, 'Shh. Don\'t worry.'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$...?'); f(m, 'I promise I\'ll give you all the attention you deserve.'); f('Hatsune glances back at me over her shoulder.'); f('She\'s trembling and looks a little frailer than usual — maybe because of her emotional honesty.'); f('The cock rammed inside her pussy helps.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(h, 'Y-$ye$ promise$meow$?'); f(m, 'I promise.'); f('And I kiss her shoulder.'); f('She whimpers.'); f('Why would I want to go anywhere when I have a smoking hot $wife$ like her?'); f('I never realized just how lucky I was.'); f(pause); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1.1); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', x, 1.7, x, x, -23, 'hShakeFade'); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'That\'s it! <i>The End.</i> Thanks for playing! Hope you\'ve enjoyed yourself.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'I think Hatsune most certainly did!', 'sophiederp'); f(c_b, 'That slut…!', 'angry'); f(c_b, 'Is this ending happier than the other \'Hatsune Good Ending\'? I forget…', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'I think the other good ending is a bit more romantic, but this is also decently happy.', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'Um, for the time being.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'Alrighty. Please consider supporting us on Patreon, if you aren\'t already! Ciao. Thanks, and all that jazz.', 'happy'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'hatsuneGood2', 'Hatsune Good Ending 2'); f(label, 'creatureExplain'); f(setVariable, 'calledCreature'); f(whatIf, 'pirategirl&&!catgirl&&!cowgirl'); f(c_b, '<sigh> Are you really going to make me come up with a reasonable explanation why everybody\'s wearing eye patches and saying "$angh$"?', 'angry'); f('My $wife$... I mean, our family. We\'re one of many proud Japanese pirate families.'); f('What\'s that? You thought everyone was a samurai? Pfft…! Lots and lots were pirates too. And unlike the samurai, the pirates never died out... never denied their heritage.'); f('That\'s why you\'ll find a lot of people still sporting eyepatches and saying, er… "yar".'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl||cowgirl'); f('Or, you know. $angh$, depending on their genetic make-up.'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'There. Happy? Is that acceptable to you?', 'angry'); f(otherwise); f('My $wife$ has a rare genetic condition. I could try and explain it to you, if I only actually understood it myself, but basically, it\'s a thing that only happens to women.'); f(c_b, 'I kind of half-assed the background/explanation for the girls being $creatures$. Then again, it really doesn\'t matter, does it? They\'re $creatures$ — deal with it.'); f(c_b, '...', 'bendealwithit'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('For whatever reason, the Y chromosome blocks it off, completely.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('Yes, Hatsune\'s mother suffered from the same condition, too.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f('... which is why Hatsune inherited it from our mother, and father, who both were carriers, but I escaped unscathed, so to speak.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl&&cowgirl'); f('Not all girls end up both cow and cat. Actually, it\'s a somewhat rare breed. Most of the affected people will either be a catgirl, or a cowgirl. Which makes sense, of course. It\'s not like you often see cat-cow hybrids out in nature…!'); f('That said, except being a little catlike, and a little cowlike, both inside and outside, my $wife$ is completely normal, I\'d like to stress. She is still a human being — at least mostly, though there\'s some cat and some cow DNA in there, but…'); f(elseIf, 'cowgirl'); f('Except, you know… the size of her judders, the fur on her legs, her ears and horns… except all that, my $wife$ is completely normal, I\'d like to stress. She <i>is</i> a human being... mostly.'); f(elseIf, 'catgirl'); f('Except being somewhat catlike on the inside as well as the outside, my $wife$ is completely normal, though, I\'d like to stress. She is a human being, mostly. I mean, there\'s some cat DNA and what not, but.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'cowgirl'); f('OK, sometimes she does lactate a little more than what might be considered normal, but, eh.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Oh, and the pirate thing?'); f('Um… well, you know. There\'s just… well. A lot of people are pirates, aren\'t they?'); f(c_b, '... No comment.', 'bendealwithit'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(endCall); f(label, 'threesomeInvitation'); f('Maybe... there\'s a way I could...spice things up, a little.'); f(c_b, 'Welcome to the threesome route.', 'benderp'); f(m, 'Hey, $Esther$...'); f('Or... am I completely out of my mind?'); f(c_b, 'Nah, bruh. You all good.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||eIncest'); f('Am I really… am I thinking what I think I\'m thinking?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('That I\'m going to hypnotize my very own $colleague$ into a threesome…?'); f('Am I going crazy? Fine, I\'ve already crossed that line once, or, uh, twice, or uh, you know, a large amount of times during these past years, but…'); f('This is crazy. As I hadn\'t enough headaches just fucking $Hatsune$...'); f(otherwise); f('That I\'m going to try and involve my $colleague$ in a threesome…?'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f('In an… in an actual, real-world <i>shimaidon?</i> With extra filling of <i>brother</i> smack in the middle?'); f(c_b, 'I swear I didn\'t actually know this word beforehand… <i>shimaidon</i>. I\'m not that depraved! I was like checking out child tags on <i>vndb</i> under "threesome ending", and I happened to click on this one…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'A shimaidon is, as vndb puts it: "a Japanese term describing a situation in which someone manages to have his/her way with two sisters at once (most often, in a sexual way)."'); f(c_b, 'OK, so I guess I maybe am just about <i>yea</i> depraved and this stuff happens to be right up my alley. B-but whatever.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Deal with it.', 'bendealwithit'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('With my other daughter? As if I didn\'t have enough headaches, just fucking one of them, I\'m now earnestly considering attempting to fuck both of them, at once? Have I truly gone mad?'); f(otherwise); f('My $colleague$, and my $wife$...'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('This is a bad idea. It\'s crazy. It\'s too depraved, even for me.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('That I\'m going to hypnotize my very own $colleague$ into having a threesome with me and my wife…?'); f(otherwise); f('That I\'m going to try and involve my $colleague$ in a threesome with me and my wife…?'); f(endIf); f('$Minoru$, damn it… that\'s shameful. Perverted. Even just entertaining the thought...'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('Not to mention, probably criminal, even if she\'s over 18.'); f(endIf); f('...'); f(endIf); f('So why is it then that just considering it makes my dick rock hard?'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Can the solution to my worries and regrets about what $Hatsune$ and I are doing, really be… to involve another person?'); f(otherwise); f('Could the solution to my marriage problems be to… involve another person?'); f(endIf); f('Even if it happens to be a person as sexy as my dear $Esther$...'); f('Fuck. My cock is getting hard, just at the thought.'); f('Maybe it\'s stupid. Fuck, it\'s definitely stupid, but...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest||eIncest'); f('Damn the possible consequences and repercussions. I can think about them later. For now, let\'s just… let\'s just see if this might just lead us somewhere… <i>interesting.</i>'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'This route was supposed to be premium, to start off with, e.g. only accessible to $5+ patrons. There was some arguing but in the end… I just spent <i>way</i> too much time on this route to just cordon it off like that.'); f(c_b, 'I think it\'s where the game shines the brightest, so… I want as many as possible to experience it.', 'benproud'); f(c_b, 'That said, if you are a $10+ patron and have access to all the cheats, there\'s a whole lot of variations to it.'); f(c_b, 'So you know, if you like it… do consider pledging! It is a subscription service, yes, but if you want to, you can cancel your subscription immediately and still be able to access the rewards for the remainder of the month.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'And you of course get access to both <i>Re:maid</i> and <i>Crusoe Had It Easy</i>, with all cheats.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Not to mention, the <i>Bron\'s Quest Beta AF</i> — which by the time you\'re playing this might actually be a full game. So you know, at least 2, maybe 3 full games, with mind-boggling cheats. For $10. That\'s fucking cheap.'); f(c_b, '... Sorry for going full-on salesman on you… especially if you\'re already supporting us! But I just wanted to put it out there.', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Isn\'t it about time you came over to our house?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Isn\'t it about time you came over to my house? And met my wife...?'); f(endIf); f('Well, there. I said it.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'R-really...?!'); f(person, e, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I mean, I\'d $swashbucklin_$love to$meow$! I-if $ye$ really would have me...'); f(whatIf, 'eMother&&hSister'); f(e, 'Won\'t Hatsune be upset, though?'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry. We\'ll both be happy to have you.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Why don\'t you come home to me for dinner? You should meet my $wife$.'); f('Well, there. I said it.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(e, 'Y-$your$ $wife$...?'); f(m, 'Yes, uh, the two us live together. And I\'m sure she\'d love to meet you!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Y-$your$ wife...!? Oh, I\'m so sorry, Mr. Inamoto! I didn\'t realize… I should have-'); f(m, 'No, no, not at all! We\'d love to have you over.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(m, 'She\'s a $creature$ as well, actually! I\'m sure you\'ll get along splendidly.'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'W-well… if $ye$\'ll have me$meow$…?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest||hIncest'); f('Damn it. I can consider the consequences later. I don\'t have to make a decision right now. I can just… let\'s just try and enjoy this.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(remove, e); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f('I text $Hatsune$ to let her know our date is cancelled… and that she\'s to prepare something nice.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(endCall); f(label, 'threesome_hypnosis'); f(h, 'Oh, you\'ve brought a friend? How nice.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious', 'p5'); f(whatIf, 'eMother&&hSister'); f(setVariable, 'eBewildered', 2); f(e, 'H-Hatsune, $it\'s$… $it\'s$ me. Erisa.'); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Oh, isn\'t $that$ nice!'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Y-$you$r… $your$ mother...!?'); f(person, h, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Indeed! How nice to see $you$ again$meow$.'); f('$Hatsune$ drones on without much sign of emotion. $Esther$ gives me a quick, bewildered look.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Um… $yes$. $it\'s$ been much too long…?'); f(h, '$yes$! Indeed! What a pleasant surprise it is to have $ye$ here$meow$!'); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&hDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'eBewildered', 1); f(e, 'H-Hatsune, $it\'s$… I mean, $hello$, I mean… I\'m Erisa, $your$ $creature_$grandmother…'); f(person, h, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Oh!'); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$it\'s$… $it\'s$ so nice to finally meet $ye$!'); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, '$the$ pleasure is all mine$meow$, grandma!'); f(elseIf, 'eSister&&hMother'); f(setVariable, 'eBewildered', 1); f(e, 'Um… $hi$, Hatsune. Y-$ye$… $ye$ remember me?'); f(person, h, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Oh, $Esther$! What a pleasant surprise$meow$!'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$um$h… $yes$. I mean, $the$ pleasure is all mine. I\'m… I\'m sorry to intrude like this, but-'); f(h, 'Nonsense$meow$! We\'re so happy to have $ye$!'); f(elseIf, 'eSister&&hSister'); f(e, 'Um, $hi$, sis. $it\'s$ b-been a while, I guess…'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'It sure has, $Esther$! What a lovely surprise to have $ye$ here!'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$um$, $yes$... I\'m h-happy to see $ye$, too.'); f(elseIf, 'eSister&&hDaughter'); f(e, '$hi$, H-Hatsune... $it\'s$ been a while…'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Why, if it isn\'t $my$ lovely aunt. What a pleasant surprise$meow$!'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$um$… $yes$, I\'m sorry to intrude but $eMinoruAlt$ said-'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Oh, nonsense! $you\'re$ always welcome here, $Esther$! Isn\'t she, dad?'); f(m, 'Hm? Oh, of course she is.'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter&&hMother'); f(e, '$hi$, grandma...'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Why, if it isn\'t $my$ lovely $wee$ granddaughter! What a pleasant surprise$meow$!'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$um$, sorry to j-just burst in, but dad…'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Oh, nonsense, $you\'re$ always welcome here!'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter&&hSister'); f(e, '$hi$, a-aunt…'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Why, if it isn\'t $my$ lovely $wee$ niece! $it\'s$ been too long$meow$!'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Uh, $um$… $yes$.'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'What a pleasant surprise!'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '... I\'m, I\'m happy to see $ye$ too, aunt.'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter&&hDaughter'); f(e, '$hi$, s-sis-'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Why, $hello$ there, $Esther$! $it\'s$ been too long$meow$!'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$yes$... $it\'s$ good to see $ye$, again-'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Indeed! Such a pleasant surprise$meow$!'); f(otherwise); f(m, '$Hatsune$, this is $Esther$, my $colleague$. She\'s in the same office as me.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$hello$, $um$, s-sorry to disturb like thi-'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Oh, nonsense! $hello$, $ye$ $wee$ thing! So happy to see $ye$$meow$! Any friend $of$ $my$ $husband$\'s a friend $of$ mine, don\'t $you$ know! Come in, come in$meow$!'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes or so!'); f(remove, h); f('And with that, $Hatsune$ scuttles back to the kitchen.'); f(jump, 'threesome_postInitialHatsune'); f(label, 'threesome_earlyHypno2'); f('Enough with the games. Let\'s get this party started.'); f(m, 'You know what?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Wh-what$meow$?'); f(m, 'I have to admit, I kind of had an ulterior motive, inviting you here tonight.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&hIncest'); f(m, 'I mean, besides that it\'s nice to have your family gathered...'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Wh-what do $ye$ mean?'); f(m, 'You know the one thing I prefer to dining with my family?'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Son, $you\'re$ be$ing$ $very$ vague here. What is it $you\'re$ try$ing$ to tell me$meow$?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'N-no…?'); f(endIf); f(m, '... <i>Fucking<i> my family.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.4); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 4); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(m, 'Wh-what…?!'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'Wh-what kind $of$ sick $landlubbin_$joke is this, $eMinoru$? $you\'re$ not funny$meow$.'); f(m, 'Oh, but I don\'t intend to be, dear $Esther$. I\'m dead serious.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Wh-what are $ye$ talk$ing$ about$meow$?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'So, the thing is… I\'ve hypnotized $Hatsune$. Like, it was ages ago I did it the first time, but that\'s besides the point. I can control her completely.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Y-$you\'re$ kind $of$ beginn$ing$ to freak me out here, $eMinoru$...'); f(m, 'She\'s been my sex slave since God knows when. That\'s the real reason we live together, you know?'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'I mean, it\'s nice to rekindle your relationship with your $colleague$, but… I actually brought you home here tonight because…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I mean, I\'m happy to get to know my colleague better, but… I actually brought you home here tonight because…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Because I want to fuck you-'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 4); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(e, 'Wha-'); f(m, '-That is, I want to fuck you, and $Hatsune$, together. A threesome.'); f('My delivery is calm and icy. Without meaning to, a grin is beginning to form on my lips. I\'m enjoying this. The pre-hypnosis phase.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Wh-what are $ye$ talk$ing$ about?'); f(m, 'Oh. Right. I didn\'t mention it, did I? The reason I live with my $wife$ is that I\'ve hypnotized her into being my sex slave. We basically fuck every night. Thing is, it\'s not fun, any longer.'); f(m, 'We\'ve just been doing it for too long, you know? There\'s no excitement, any longer. And that\'s where you come in, my dear, innocent $Esther$.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 4); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'c_sonnakotoshitarahontoni'); f(e, '$eMinoru$! What is $swashbucklin_$wrong with you?! What kind of a sick joke is this?!'); f(otherwise); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_naniwosuruno'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, y-you\'re not funny… $you\'re$ start$ing$ to scare me.'); f(endIf); f('I shrug my shoulders.'); f(m, 'I\'m not joking. My intention is to slide my penis into your pussy, repeatedly. Lick your breasts. Squeeze \'em too. And you know, alternating between you and $Hatsune$.'); f('I look on calmly as $Esther$\'s expression is getting more and more distraught.'); f(whatIf, '!eMother'); f(m, 'You\'re a virgin, right?'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Wh-... p-please, just stop$meow$…!'); f(m, 'I bet your pussy is real tight. It\'ll be a true delight.'); f(c_b, 'Accidentally rhyming rapist…?', 'confused'); f(c_b, '♪ </i>I\'m hypna-tizin\' you you won\'t put up a fight, I bet your li\'l pussy is reeaal tight, savouring said pussy will be my de-light</i> ♪', 'benderp'); f(c_b, 'Ehum. Sorry. I guess that was in bad taste. Kinda.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Gonna let it stand though. Yep. I\'m that kind of guy. A real stand-up guy. I stand by my mistakes.', 'bendealwithit'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, wh-, what… p-please, just stop it…!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Don\'t worry, alright? I\'m not punishing you for abandoning me, or whatever. It\'s just that… I want something new, you know? And as it happens, you, mom… you fit the bill.'); f(m, 'You\'re just too god damn sexy.'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'threesome_earlyHypnoCont'); f(label, 'threesome_earlyHypno'); f('I guess I\'ve been playing along with this bullshit for long enough. We all knew I was going to hypnotize her eventually anyway… and get to the fucking.'); f(m, 'You know what, $Esther$? We do. And we don\'t only sleep together… we fuck together, too.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 2); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.4); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(e, 'Wh-what…?!'); f(m, 'That\'s right. I\'m a $wife$-fucker. And $Hatsune$ is a $husband$-fucker. And you know what? Tonight…'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f(m, 'I\'ll turn you into a brother-fucker too!'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f(m, 'I\'ll turn you into a father-fucker too!'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Tonight, I\'ll give you the pleasure of joining in on us fucking!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, enough! I don\'t know what kind of cruel mind game $you\'re$ trying to play on me, but I\'ve had enough$meow$!'); f(whatIf, 'aSister'); f(e, 'Look, I\'m sorry about abandon$ing$ $you$ and $your$ $sister$, but I\'ve told $ye$ I\'m $keelhaulin_$sorry! $and$ I most certainly don\'t deserve this$meow$…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Look, I\'m sorry about abandon$ing$ $ye$, but I\'ve told $ye$ I\'m $keelhaulin_$sorry! $and$ I certainly don\'t deserve this, whatever… whatever <i>this</i> is supposed to be$meow$.'); f(endIf); f('I let out a confident laugh.'); f(m, 'Dear $Esther$... you\'ve got it all wrong. You shouldn\'t see this as me punishing you. Actually, I\'m rewarding you.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Huh?'); f(m, '... Rewarding you, for having such a sexy body, despite your age!'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_yamete'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, th-this… $you\'re$ not funny, p-please, cut it out.'); f(m, 'No, dear $colleague$, you don\'t get a say in what gets "cut out" or not. I\'m the one pulling all the strings tonight.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Mister I-Inamoto, $you\'re$ scar$ing$ me. Th-this… $you\'re$ j-jok$ing$, right?'); f(m, 'Am I?'); f(endIf); f(e, '...!'); f(label, 'threesome_earlyHypnoCont'); f(setZoom, e, 1.2); f('$Esther$ backs away from me with a scared look on her face.'); f(label, 'threesome_earlyHypnoCont2'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I… I think I\'m g-go$ing$ to leave now-'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f('As she prepares to turn, I decide I\'ve toyed enough with her.'); f(m, 'No, I don\'t think you are.'); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f(person, e, 'hypno', 'cautious'); f(screenEffect, e, 'joltRight'); f(pause, 2); f('$Esther$\'s expression changes in an instant.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'On second thoughts… I think I\'ll be stay$ing$ here$meow$.'); f(m, 'Yes…'); f(whatIf, 'hatsuneHere'); f(m, 'Hey, $Hatsune$, did you hear that?'); f(h, 'What, $dear$?'); f(otherwise); f(m, '$Hatsune$? $Hatsune$!'); f(h, '$yes$, $dear$?'); f(m, 'Come to the bedroom!'); f(pause, 2); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling', 'p4', x, x, x, 'back'); f(h, 'What is it, $dear$?'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Esther$ just told me she\'s bored.'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Oh, $dear$. What does she want us to do about it$meow$?'); f(m, 'You know, she had something very specific in mind, and it involves the three of us getting undressed. Isn\'t that right, $Esther$?'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeftt'); f(e, '... $yes$…'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(e, 'Wait, w-what? $no$! Wh-what $is$ happen$ing$$meow$!?'); f('It\'s always a little hard to keep more than one person under your influence, even if $Hatsune$ is kind of self-going.'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry.'); f('I stare into her $eyes$ again.'); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f(person, e, 'hypno', 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(pause, 2); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '... I $am$ not worried$meow$.'); f(m, 'Good. Let\'s get undressed then, shall we?'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'threesomeSex'); f(label, 'threesome_dinner_hypnosis'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'dinner', 'fade'); f(pan, 'bg', -865, 0, 15); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'kirakiraLong'); f(pause, 3); f(m, 'Wow, $Hatsune$... you\'ve outdone yourself.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'This is incredible, Hatsune! $ye$ should be a professional cook!'); f(otherwise); f(e, '... Th-this is so beautiful$meow$…'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Aw, shucks, it\'s noth$ing$$meow$.'); f('Of course, this is part of her "programming", so to speak. $Hatsune$ wasn\'t originally very interested in cooking.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('The amount of tasteless dinners we had to endure as kids… bleh. I shudder at the memories.'); f(endIf); f('But you know, if you can control somebody to the extent that I can… why not have them learn a skill?'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(e, 'Th-$that$ was $swashbucklin_$delicious$meow$… Thank you so much, Hatsune.'); f(h, 'Oh, don\'t thank me. We should thank $ye$, $for$ join$ing$ us tonight$meow$!'); f(e, '$um$…'); f('I decide it\'s time.'); f(m, 'Guys, come with me to the bedroom. I want to show $you$ something.'); f(e, 'Uh, $OK$.'); f(scene, 'room1', 'fade'); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling', 'p4'); f(setZoom, h, 1.2); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral', 'p2'); f(setZoom, e, 1.5); f(setVariable, 'hatsuneHere'); f(h, 'What was it $ye$ wanted to show us, honey?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(e, 'H-honey…? $ye$… $ye$ call $your$ $husband$ "honey?"'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'bedroomtour'); f(e, 'A-and… and $ye$ both sleep here$meow$?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'A-and… h-hold on, isn\'t this the only b-bedroom$meow$?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(playSound, 'hit'); f(e, '$eMinoru$! Wh-what\'s the mean$ing$ of this?'); f(endIf); f('Oops. Guess the game\'s up.'); f(m, 'Well, $Esther$... don\'t get alarmed. You\'re misunderstanding things.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_sonano'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I… I am$meow$?'); f(m, 'Yes. $Hatsune$ and I…'); f(m, 'We just really like having sex, that\'s all.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Oh, I see… Sorry $for$…'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'W-wait, what?!'); f(c_b, 'Classic double take. I was considering taking this out, because it feels a little bit corny, but… I decided to keep it in, in the end. It\'s fun, even if it <i>is</i> a little corny.'); f(m, 'Isn\'t that right, $Hatsune$?'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'smiling'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'It sure is. There\'s noth$ing$ I love as much as $my$ $husband$\'s cock…!'); f(m, 'Ehem. Well, there it is. Straight from the horse\'s mouth.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(setZoom, e, 1.2); f(e, '...'); f(jump, 'threesome_earlyHypnoCont2'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'threesome_earlyHypno2'); f(endIf); f(label, 'threesome1'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'doorchime'); f(pause, 2); f(playSound, 'doorOpen'); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'livingroom2', 'fade'); f(m, 'Honey?'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(h, '$angh$?'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Hm...?'); f(endIf); f('I hear $Hatsune$\'s voice from the kitchen.'); f(m, 'Hey, come out here for a second, would you?'); f(person, h, 0, 'neutral', 'p1.4'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'threesome_hypnosis'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eMother&&hSister'); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'muchSurprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(h, 'M-mom?!'); f('The confusion in her $eyes$ is soon replaced by anger.'); f(person, h, 0, 'angry'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'What\'s this?!'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised', 'p5'); f(e, 'I-I\'m sorry, I-'); f(m, 'Calm down, $Hatsune$. Erisa is our mother. I just thought… I just thought it was about time we all sat down together, you know… like a family.'); f('An uncomfortable silence spreads across the room.'); f('Eventually, $Hatsune$ seems to reluctantly decide she\'ll play nice for tonight.'); f('Maybe she\'s doing it for me?'); f(person, h, 0, 'muchIrritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'OK, $hMinoruAlt$. $hi$, $hEsther$... I guess$meow$.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Um… $hi$, Hatsune. I-... I\'m really happy to see $you$$meow$.'); f(m, 'Aren\'t we all happy to see each other, huh! What a joyous occasion.'); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&hDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Hm?'); f(m, '$Hatsune$, well, uh…'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, '$yes$?'); f(m, 'This is your grandmother, Erisa…'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'muchSurprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'O-oh! G-grandma$meow$?!'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious', 'p5'); f(e, '$hi$, H-Hatsune… I\'m so glad to finally meet $ye$. I-I\'ve… $eMinoru$ has showed me pictures, $of$ course, but… $ye$ are so $very$ beautiful, $Hatsune$.'); f(person, h, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Th-thanks, Erin-... grandma. But… boy, what a surprise, $hMinoru$$meow$!'); f(m, 'I… I know. I\'m sorry, I should have let you know, but… it was just a spur of the moment thing.'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'I… I see.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'armup', 'muchSurprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'O-oh, E-$hEsther$? What…'); f(person, h, 0, 'laughing'); f(effect, h, 'jolRight'); f(h, 'I mean, how nice to see $ye$$meow$…!'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious', 'p5'); f(whatIf, 'hMother&&eDaughter'); f(e, '$um$… $it\'s$ n-nice to see $ye$ too, grandma… $it\'s been a while…'); f(otherwise); f(e, '$um$… $it\'s$ nice to see $you$ too. I-it\'s… $it\'s$ been a while.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(h, 'Well, uh. $yes$. $it\'s$ been a… while.'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest&&!hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Wh-who\'s this?'); f(m, 'So, uh, Hatsune… this is Erisa.'); f(h, 'Huh?'); f(m, 'My mom.'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'muchSurprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'b_eeehhh'); f(h, 'O-oh! Y-$your$ mom?!'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling', 'p5'); f(e, '$yes$… $it\'s$ a pleasure to finally meet $ye$, Hatsune.'); f(h, 'Uh, th-$the$ same$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Oh, $Esther$... what a, uh… surprise.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling', 'p5'); f(e, '$hi$, H-Hatsune. Sorry to barge in like this…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Wh-who\'s this?'); f(m, '$Hatsune$, this is $Esther$, my colleague. $Esther$ — $Hatsune$, my $creature_$$wife$.'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried', 'p5'); f(effect, e, 'bop'); f(e, 'N-nice to meet $ye$ — I\'m so sorry to intrude like this$meow$!'); f('$Esther$ bows deeply. More Japanese than us Japanese ourselves, almost.'); f(m, '$Esther$ and I work together-'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'O-oh, I see.'); f(otherwise); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Oh, so $ye$ know Hina as well$meow$?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I… I haven\'t really talked to her, b-but-'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, 'I thought it be nice if $Esther$ could eat with us tonight?'); f(person, h, 0, 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Oh… $um$h, $OK$. Uh… right.'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'I\'m sorry, I haven\'t prepared $that$ $landlubbin_$much… I mean, it would have been great if $hMinoru$ could have let me know ahead$meow$…'); f('She throws me a vicious-looking stare for a split second, before her expression changes back to \'sunny\'.'); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'O-oh, don\'t worry, I… I\'m on a diet. I… I probably shouldn\'t have co-'); f(m, 'Nonsense. We\'re happy to have you here. Isn\'t that right, $Hatsune$?'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'eMother&&hSister'); f(h, '$um$… sure. Sure we $are$$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f(h, '$um$… why, $of$ course$meow$!'); f(endIf); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'smiling'); f(h, '$OK$, well, give me ten minutes and I\'ll see what I can do$meow$. $hMinoru$, entertain $hEsther$ in the meanwhile, would $ye$?'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(remove, h); f('With that, $Hatsune$ scuttles back to the kitchen, leaving me and $Esther$ to ourselves.'); f(jump, 'threesome_postInitialHatsune'); f(label, 'threesome_postInitialHatsune'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(setVariable, 'awkward', 'weird'); f(setVariable, 'notYetEarlyHypnoOp', true); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'awkward', 'awkward'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1.5); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(setZoom, 'e', 1.3); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'eMother&&hSister'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(e, '$That$… $that$ was $awkward$$meow$.'); f(m, 'What are you talking about?'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '... Please don\'t play dumb, $eMinoru$...'); f(m, 'What? I\'m not! Don\'t worry so much, OK? It\'s just, it\'s been a long time, so…'); f(e, '...'); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&hDaughter'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(e, 'Well, $that$ was… a $little$ $awkward$$meow$.'); f(m, 'It was no such thing, $Esther$! $Hatsune$ was just a little startled, that\'s all.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$yes$, I can… I can understand her, of course. It must be quite a shock$meow$.'); f(m, 'Of course. You don\'t expect a bombshell like you to be twice your age, do you?'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoruAlt$, quit it…'); f(m, 'What? From $Hatsune$\'s perspective, that must have been quite a shock-'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'I doubt <i>$that$</i> was really part $of$ it$meow$. She hasn\'t even met me before.'); f(m, 'Fine, fine. Just trying to, you know. Complement you.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral2'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Th-that\'s alright, $eMinoru$. $you\'re$ $my$ son. $ye$ don\'t have to… to compliment $my$ looks$meow$. Some… some might say $it\'s$ inappropriate, even…'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Insist that she\'s very sexy.'); f(incrementVariable, 'threesomeOK'); f(m, 'Look, mom… some things just need to be said, OK?'); f(e, 'What do $you$ mean$meow$?'); f(m, 'You… you are extremely attractive, mom. You\'re… you\'re downright <i>smoking</i>, to be honest.'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, please, don\'t-'); f(m, 'No, I just mean… you really look incredible for your age, and you should be glad.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral2'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Well, alright, $eMinoru$. I\'m glad. Thank $ye$ for $the$ compliment, now-'); f(m, 'I mean… not that I\'ve seen, you know, your breasts naked, but they don\'t seem to be sagging the least, you know? And at your age, with your, you know, size-'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.4); f(playSound, 'hit'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$! This is highly inappropriate$meow$. You\'re mak$ing$ me $very$ uncomfortable, here, $you_know$?'); f(m, 'Haha, mom, come on. I\'m just horsing around.'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '... Frankly, $eMinoru$, it makes me worried what kind of conversations $you\'re$ hav$ing$ with $your$ daughter.'); f(m, 'Well, it\'s a little late to start worrying about that now, isn\'t it?'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '... I\'m sorry.'); f(choice, 'Let it go.'); f(m, 'Alright, alright.'); f(endChoice); f(elseIf, '!eIncest&&hIncest&&!hDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'notYetEarlyHypnoOp'); f(m, 'Well. That\'s my lovely $wife$, anyway.'); f(e, '$um$... $yes$…'); f(m, 'I know what you\'re thinking — that it\'s weird, right? A guy of my age, living with his $wife$,…'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'N-no, I didn\'t think $that$ at all-'); f(m, 'Let\'s be honest here.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral2'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'W-well… maybe it\'s a $little$, uh… <i>unusual</i>$meow$.'); f(m, '$yes$...'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Just hypnotize her already.', 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'threesome_earlyHypno2'); f(choice, 'Jokingly imply that you and $Hatsune$ are sexual partners.', '!hypnosis'); f(incrementVariable, 'threesomeOK'); f(m, 'There\'s a simple explanation, though!'); f(e, 'Oh?'); f(m, 'The sex is great, you see!'); f(e, 'Wh-what…?'); f('$Esther$ begins to blush.'); f(m, 'Haha! Just joking, dear $Esther$.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(e, 'O-oh, harharhar, I, I see.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'O-oh, hah-haha, I, I see.'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$ is looking rather uncomfortable with this topic, even when broached in a jokingly manner.'); f('I wonder if she might actually be a virgin…?'); f(choice, 'Don\'t.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(m, 'My dad passed away, you see… and I\'d feel bad leaving her on her own, just like that.'); f(e, 'N-$no$, $of$ course. Right. This $is$ common in Japan, $of$ course$meow$.'); f(m, 'Yep, indeed.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(m, 'It\'s just, you know. Because it\'s economical.'); f(e, '$it\'s$ common? In Japan?'); f(m, 'To share an apartment with your sister? Well, not really. But you know, we get along well.'); f(endIf); f(endChoice); f(elseIf, '!eIncest&&hDaughter'); f(setVariable, 'notYetEarlyHypnoOp', false); f(e, 'Y-$ye$ have a lovely daughter, Mr. Inamoto.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Hypnotize her already.', 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'threesome_earlyHypno2'); f(choice, 'Imply you think Hatsune is sexy.', '!hypnosis'); f(incrementVariable, 'threesomeOK'); f(m, 'Please, just call me $Minoru$. And yes, she is, isn\'t she? She\'s quite the <i>sex bomb,</i> isn\'t she?'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'S-sex bomb$meow$…?'); f(m, 'Haha, you know, like the Tom Jones song? The foreign singer…'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'O-oh…'); f(m, 'I mean, my daughter is hot. Even I can see that. Don\'t you agree?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'worried'); f(e, 'Th-$that$ she\'s… $that$ $your$ daughter\'s... <i>hot,</i> Mr. Inamoto?'); f('She blushes.'); f(m, 'Yes, exactly. And please… $Minoru$.'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'neutral2'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Uh, well, $eMinoru$… $yes$, $your$ daughter is… she\'s <i>$swashbucklin_$hot</i>. I… I\'m sure she $is$ $very$ popular with $the$ boys-'); f(m, 'Over my dead body!'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_eh'); f(e, 'Huh...?'); f(m, 'Haha! Kidding. Just playing out the overprotective dad trope, you know. But she doesn\'t have a boyfriend right now, actually.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'a_uhn'); f(e, 'Oh…'); f(m, 'She does have somebody to see to her needs, though. If you know what I mean.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'H-her needs$meow$?'); f(m, 'Yes. Her womanly needs.'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '... I\'m sorry, $eMinoru$, I d-don\'t quite understand…'); f(m, 'You don\'t? But $Esther$, you\'re a woman too, are you not? Do you not have… <i>needs?</i>'); f('$Esther$ blushes.'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I-, I…'); f(m, 'You… you are a virgin, are you not, $Esther$?'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'M-mister Inamoto$meow$!!'); f(m, 'Please, <i>$Minoru$</i>. Look, it\'s nothing to be ashamed of, $Esther$.'); f('$Esther$ has a look on her face like a deer in the headlights, desperate for a way out of this conversation.'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$, I d-don\'t think this $is$ appropr-'); f(m, 'All I\'m saying, is, you know.'); f(setZoom, e, 1.5); f('I lean closer to her.'); f(m, 'There\'s no shame in having somebody take care of your womanly needs… whether it\'s your father, your co-worker…'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'F-father$meow$?!'); f(m, 'Just, hypothetically, of course. Though you know, it\'s fairly common here in Japan.'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_eh'); f(e, 'What?!'); f(m, 'Yes, until a woman marries… she will often have her needs taken care of a family member.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_hontoni'); f(e, 'Really…?'); f(m, 'Uh-huh. It\'s also quite common for older male co-workers, to, you know-'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(e, '$um$, uh, I see, $OK$, alright Mr-... $Minoru$, $very$ interest$ing$$meow$.'); f('$Esther$ is flustered and seems desperate to change the topic, which is obviously making her uncomfortable.'); f(m, 'Right. Well, it\'s interesting, isn\'t it? Cultural differences. Like, you know, sleeping on the floor, or whatever.'); f('$Esther$ seems quite relieved at the change of topic.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$yes$, th-that\'s right…'); f(m, 'I prefer beds to futons myself, though.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'O-oh, really? Well, I do too, actually…'); f(m, 'Of course.'); f(choice, 'Nod.'); f(m, 'Of course. But please, call me $Minoru$.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'R-right… $Minoru$.'); f(endChoice); f(elseIf, 'hIncest&&eIncest'); f(m, 'Well, well. Nice to have all the family gathered.'); f(e, 'Um… $yes$. Indeed.'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'Maybe I should call $Hina$ over as well…'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'M-maybe… maybe next time?'); f(m, 'Yeah.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, '!hIncest'); f(setVariable, 'notYetEarlyHypnoOp', false); f(m, 'Well, well. That\'s my beautiful better half.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, '$yes$, she\'s a $very$ beautiful $creature$$meow$. $you\'re$ a $very$ lucky man, $eMinoru$.'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '.... $yes$, uh, she\'s… she\'s a $very$ beautiful $creature$$meow$. Y-$you\'re$ a $very$ lucky man, $eMinoru$.'); f(otherwise); f(e, '.... $yes$, uh, she\'s… she\'s a $very$ beautiful $creature$$meow$. Y-$you\'re$ a $very$ lucky man, Mister Ina-, I mean, $Minoru$.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Indeed I am.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Tell her you and Hatsune are stuck in a rut.', '!hypnosis'); f(incrementVariable, 'threesomeOK'); f(m, 'There\'s a snake in the paradise though, to tell you the truth.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_sonano'); f(e, 'Is $that$ so$meow$…?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Th-there is$meow$?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Me and Hatsune… we\'re kind of stuck in a rut.'); f(e, 'Really? $ye$ look… $ye$ don\'t look $that$ way.'); f(m, 'Well, it\'s the truth. I mean, it\'s not like we\'re about to break up or whatever, but, you know. We\'re looking for ways to spice up our relationship.'); f(m, 'As well as our, you know. <i>Sex life.</i>'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.4); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$! Too much information$meow$!'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$! T-too much information, t-to share with $your$ daughter$meow$…'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(e, 'I-I see$meow$…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Haha, sorry, I shouldn\'t burden you with this kind of stuff.'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'N-no, I\'m happy $that$ $you\'re$ ready to confide in me, $eMinoru$, I really am. Just, $you_know$... Certain things, I think… I think there might be better people to talk to, then $your$ mother$meow$.'); f(m, 'Of course.'); f('I smile.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(m, 'It\'s just, you know. The two of you both being $creatures$, you know?'); f(e, 'R-right, I see, but… still. I… I could try $and$ get $ye$ in touch with somebody else, I mean, a $creature$, who $is$ not… who\'s not me, if $ye$ have any, uh… species-specific questions, $you_know$...?'); f(m, '... Thanks, I\'ll think about it.'); f(e, 'Just let me know$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Um… sorry, I don\'t think I c-could be $of$ much help, anyway. I\'m not… I\'m perhaps not $the$ most e-experienced, when it comes to relationships$meow$…'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(m, 'It\'s just, I don\'t have that many $creature$ friends, you know?'); f(e, 'O-oh, well, $um$… even so, I\'m sorry, I d-doubt I could be $of$ much help, to $ye$…'); f(endIf); f('I smile'); f(m, 'No worries.'); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Tell $yourEsther$ she\'s beautiful too.'); f(incrementVariable, 'threesomeOK'); f(m, 'But you\'re very beautiful too, you know.'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_arigatou'); f(e, 'Th-thank $ye$, $eMinoru$. But $ye$ really don\'t have to flatter $your$ ol\' mom$meow$.'); f(m, 'No, I\'m serious, though. I really think you are, you know. Beautiful.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'OK OK, thank you-'); f(m, 'I mean, it\'s incredible how well you\'ve aged…!'); f(whatIf, 'aDaughter'); f(m, 'I mean, you\'re a grandmother, for Christ\'s sake! A real <i>GILF,</i> if you catch my drift?'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Alright, $eMinoru$.'); f('There\'s a tenseness to her voice, signalling that enough is enough.'); f(m, 'OK. Just wanted to let you know, you know.'); f(otherwise); f(person, e, 'blush', 'neutral2'); f(voice, 'a_arigatou'); f(e, 'Um… th-thank $ye$.'); f(e, 'I-I guess.'); f('I smile, confidently.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'You should know that I\'m real proud of you, how you\'ve turned out.'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'a_hontoni'); f(e, 'R-really$meow$?'); f(m, 'Yeah. I mean, when I saw you, today, just before, you know, my brain realized who you were, I was like…'); f(m, '"Look at that hottie!"'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_fufu'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(e, 'Harhar…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Haha…'); f(endIf); f('Let\'s push this a little further than she\'ll be comfortable with…'); f(m, 'No, I\'m serious. I was just about to, you know, undress you in my mind, when I realized, you know. Haha!'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(e, '$um$… $OK$…'); f(m, 'Lighten up, doll! Just kidding with you.'); f(e, 'Oh, hah… hahah.'); f(m, 'Wouldn\'t ever dream of undressing my own daughter, of course! Hahah, that\'d be the height of perversity, wouldn\'t it?'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Um… hahah, $yes$, i-it would, I guess.'); f(m, 'Though you know… if any guy would ever be tempted to, you know, do something inappropriate with their daughter... I mean, if the daughter were as hot as you, I don\'t think there\'d be a jury in this country that would find that guy guilty, haha!'); f(m, 'You know… "We find the defendant… innocent, because dammit, that\'s one fine piece of ass and you can\'t really be blamed for wanting to tap that..."'); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$, a-alright, I get $ye$$meow$…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Of course, you must hear this all the time.'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(voice, 'a_iyabetsuni'); f(e, '$um$… n-$no$, not really…'); f(m, 'What? You\'ve got to be kidding me! You should hear what the guys around the office say about you when you\'re not around…!'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'P-people… people talk about me at the office$meow$…?'); f('She\'s so deliciously insecure. I just can\'t get enough of this.'); f(m, 'Yeah! I mean, nothing bad, you know. Just…compliments, that\'s all.'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'R-really… I didn\'t know $that$$meow$…'); f('$Esther$ doesn\'t look very happy with that piece of knowledge. Hm. Women are strange. I\'d be delighted if somebody told me women were talking about me in the way guys are talking about $Esther$.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Wait for her to talk.'); f(choice, 'Enough talking, already. Let\'s get $yourEsther$ hypnotized.', 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'threesome_earlyHypno2'); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f('A somewhat uncomfortable silence follows. God, $Esther$ is a little hard to talk to. Sure, I can understand she\'s a little uncomfortable, being thrust into everything just like this, but...'); f('It\'s all on me, to squash the silence.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Offer to give her a \'tour\' of the apartment.'); f(jump, 'threesome_tour'); f(choice, 'Try and come up with something to talk about.'); f(endChoice); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I\'m trying to come up with something to talk about, when $Esther$ surprises me by opening her mouth, on her own accord.'); f(playMusic, 'sugaku'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Is… is she, uh… OK?'); f(m, 'Hm? Oh, $Hatsune$? Uh, yeah. I mean, what do you mean?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'She, uh… she seemed a $little$ out of it, somehow$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'eBewildered==1'); f(e, 'I mean, I… I thought $the$ way she greeted me was a $little$ weird…'); f(elseIf, 'eBewildered==2'); f(e, 'I mean… what was $that$, exactly? $the$ way she greeted me?'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I mean, I-I don\'t mean to be rude, of course!'); f(m, 'N-no, not at all… well, you see, the thing about $Hatsune$ is…'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Say she\'s on a new med.'); f(m, 'She\'s… they changed her medication.'); f('Some random lie might be the best, uh… medicine, for this question. Can\'t very well explain that I\'ve hypnotized her to be my sex slave.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Sh-she $is$ on meds$meow$?'); f(m, 'Yeah… I mean, a… a mild anti-depressant, that\'s all.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'Huh? Why does she needs anti-depressants? Is she depressed?'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter&&!eDaughter'); f(e, 'I mean, she\'s so young…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'It\'s just… it\'s no biggie. She just…'); f('My mind is racing to come up with something believable, but not too depressing. Fuck. Why did I have to go with anti-depressants?'); f(m, 'She\'s… it\'s genetic, they said.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter&&eMother'); f('Oh, shit. She\'s not gonna like that.'); f(m, 'I mean, probably from dad, not you. I would… I would assume.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(e, 'O-oh. I see...'); f(e, 'Are $ye$… are $ye$ alright, then?'); f(m, 'Oh, don\'t worry. I\'m perfectly healthy, you know. <i>Sound mind in a sound body,</i> and all that.'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'R-really? It runs in the family, $ye$ mean? $that$ $is$ $keelhaulin_$strange, as-'); f(m, 'Nah, I mean, not necessarily.'); f('I hurriedly interrupt her, knowing where she\'s about to take the conversation.'); f(m, 'It can just, you know. Spring up out of nowhere. Skip a generation or two or three… like, you know. White Parents Black Baby Syndrome.'); f(otherwise); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'O-oh, really$meow$?'); f(m, 'Um… yes…?'); f(e, 'Sh-should I be worried $for$ $my$self…?'); f(m, 'What?'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I mean, we\'re related. We carry $the$ same $scurvy_$genes. Partly.'); f(m, 'Oh. No no, it\'s not… I mean, I guess it\'s only <i>partly</i> genetic. I don\'t know, really, maybe, uh… maybe it wasn\'t even genetic at all.'); f(m, 'I\'m a bad listener, you know? Haha!'); f('I laugh, a little nervously.'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'O-OK… I see.'); f(otherwise); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I\'m… I\'m sorry to pry! I feel ashamed… $it\'s$ none of $my$ business$meow$.'); f(m, 'No no, not at all. We\'re not embarrassed. Don\'t worry.'); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Say you\'ve hypnotized her.'); f(m, 'You noticed, did you?'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$um$… I mean, there was… there was <i>someth$ing$-</i>'); f(m, 'I\'ve hypnotized her. That\'s why. The glazey look on her $eyes$, the \'not fully here\' vibe…'); f(person, e, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '...'); f('$Esther$ looks confused, like she\'s not sure it\'s a black joke or if I\'m telling her the truth.'); f(m, 'I mean… it\'s, uh… for her own good.'); f('Let\'s not come out and say I\'m doing it to make her have sex with me, maybe…'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Her own good$meow$…?'); f(m, 'Uh, yes. Actually… <i>she</i> asked me to do it.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$your$ $wife$ asked $for$ $ye$ to $landlubbin_$hypnotize her?'); f(m, '$yeah$. I mean, she\'s trying to quit smoking.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&hIncest'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Hatsune smokes?!'); f(m, 'I mean, no, not anymore! The hypnosis really seems to be helping her.'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Really… well, th-that\'s interest$ing$, I guess$meow$...'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_wakarimashita'); f(e, 'O-oh. I see$meow$...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Yup yup yup.'); f(choice, 'Say there\'s nothing to worry about.'); f(m, '... the thing about $Hatsune$, is…'); f(m, 'She\'s perfectly fine, actually! I think you\'re just imagining things. I didn\'t notice anything weird.'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'Um.. O-OK, if $ye$ say so, $eMinoru$.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Um.. O-OK, if $ye$ say so, Mr. Ina- I mean, $Minoru$.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Yeah.'); f(choice, 'Just hypnotize her already.', 'notYetEarlyHypnoOp'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(jump, 'threesome_earlyHypno2'); f(endChoice); f(remove, e); f(pause, 0.7); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'threesome_dinner_hypnosis'); f(endIf); f(m, 'So, uh… $Esther$...'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$yes$?'); f(m, 'Uhm… you… you watch anything good on TV, lately?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Uhm… $yes$, I\'m watch$ing$ $the$ reruns of GTO, actually.'); f(c_b, 'The only Japanese TV show I know of, without using Google. So shoot me.', 'worried'); f(m, '<i>Great Teacher Onizuka,</i> huh? That\'s a… that\'s a classic.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(e, 'A-aye, aye, it is, isn\'t it$meow$?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Y-yes, yes it is, isn\'t it?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Uh-huh.'); f(jump, 'threesome_preDinner'); f(label, 'threesome_tour'); f(setVariable, 'bedroomtour'); f(m, 'Hey, $Esther$... let me show you the apartment.'); f(e, '$um$… $OK$…'); f(remove, e); f(pause, 0.4); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(m, 'Right…'); f('Not the brightest of ideas, perhaps, as we only live in a small 1DLK. Not that much to show...'); f(scene, 'room1'); f(m, 'Here\'s the bedroom. And… I guess this is the end of the tour. Eheh... sorry \'bout that.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(setZoom, e, 1.4); f(e, 'I-I see$meow$…'); f(m, 'Hope I didn\'t get you all hyped up! This is, uh… no mansion, as you can tell, just a small dingy little apartment.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f(e, 'Uh…'); f(pause, 1); f(e, 'H-hold on…'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(person, e, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(pause, 0.4); f(playMusic, 'landmine'); f(e, '$there$ $is$ only one bedroom…?'); f('..................................'); f('Fuck.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'O-only one bed...? Y-$ye$… the two $of$ $ye$ sleep to-, together…?!'); f('Shit, what am I going to say?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Just hypnotize her already.', 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'threesome_earlyHypno'); f(choice, 'Say you sleep on the floor.'); f(m, 'I-it\'s… it\'s not what you think! I… I sleep on the floor.'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'On… on $the$ floor…?'); f(m, 'Uh, yes. I mean, I have a futon, of course.'); f(e, 'Wh-where?'); f(m, 'Hm?'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I don\'t see any storage for a futon…?'); f(m, 'Oh. It\'s… it\'s under the bed.'); f(e, 'S-so… $ye$ sleep in here? Both $of$ $ye$...?'); f(m, 'I mean, uh, yes. I mean, uh, no! In the living room! It\'s just easier to store it here, you know.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'You shouldn\'t really sleep with a futon on anyth$ing$ but a tatami floor, $ye$ know…'); f(m, 'Yeah, $Esther$, I know, but…'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Can\'t $ye$ get another bed$meow$?'); f(m, 'It\'s, uh… I mean, there\'s not really any space, is there? Besides, we only have this one bedroom.'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'Well then, can\'t $ye$ afford anyth$ing$ larger?'); f(m, 'Well, $Hatsune$ isn\'t working, so…'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral2'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Why is $that$, exactly? $it\'s$ not $swashbucklin_$right, is it? $for$ a $wife$ to just rely on her $husband$ $for$ income… $it\'s$ a $little$ odd, isn\'t it? Almost as if $ye$ were a, a-'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(m, 'A married couple? Haha, $Esther$, come on, $Hatsune$ is still in high school. Even if she did have a part time job, it wouldn\'t be enough to cover more than, what? One percent of the rent?'); f(c_b, 'I <i>think</i> this doesn\'t contradict anything else I\'ve written for the Hatsune daughter route... e.g. her still being in high school. Leave a comment on our Patreon if I\'m wrong!', 'worried'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'O-oh, she is? God, I thought she was older.'); f(c_b, 'Her sprite is of course the mother of the protagonist in the original game that we got these graphics from. But I\'ve mentioned this already, maybe…?'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Still, $eMinoru$... $the$ father on $the$ floor, $the$ daughter in $the$ bed...? $it\'s$ $scurvy_$odd.'); f(m, 'Yeah, I know, but… it is what it is. And, uh… I don\'t mind.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'A married couple? Haha, $Esther$, you c-crack me up. No no, it\'s not like that, $Hatsune$\'s looking for a job.'); f(e, '$OK$…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Uhm… $OK$.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(m, 'Phew.'); f(choice, 'Ask her what would be wrong with that, if that were indeed the case.'); f('Hm. Maybe that\'s not a bad idea. After all, my goal is to get her in bed with us tonight, isn\'t it? How am I going to get there, if I don\'t start working on her, a little?'); f('Getting her in the right mindset, so to speak...'); f(m, 'Why? Would you find that offensive?'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Wh-what do $ye$ mean?'); f(m, 'What would be wrong with a $husband$ sharing his bed with his $wife$?'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, 'What $are$ $ye$ saying here, $eMinoru$?! Surely $ye$ can\'t be this clueless...'); f(elseIf, 'eSister&&hSister'); f(e, 'Um… a bunch $of$ things, surely?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Um, I-I, I didn\'t mean to... I\'m sorry! B-but, $it\'s$ not… $it\'s$…'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Just because you sleep in the same bed doesn\'t mean there\'s anything… <i>untoward,</i> going on, you know?'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(e, '$eMinoru$$meow$!'); f(elseIf, 'eSister&&hSister'); f(e, 'Uh… e-even so, $it\'s$… $it\'s$ strange,$meow$…?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Ah, $of$ course, I mean… I see, I mean… I didn\'t want to imply anything$meow$...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I mean, it\'s a big bed. We\'re just being economical.'); f(m, 'Sure, sometimes we cuddle a little, you know, but nothing sexual.'); f(c_b, 'This was a Friends episode, wasn\'t it? Rachel\'s dating a guy who\'s way to close with his sister… she walks out on him after realizing they take baths together.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'I mean… not an exact parallel, perhaps. But re-reading this, it floated into my mind.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(person, e, 'armup_blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Y-you… you $and$ Hatsune cuddle ... i-in bed?'); f(m, 'Why does that surprise you? Seriously, it\'s not weird. It\'s just a way of expressing our love for each other.'); f(e, 'Y-$your$ love…?'); f(m, 'Our non-romantic, perfectly normal love, between a $husband$ and $wife$, of course!'); f(c_b, 'Could you even imagine non-sexual cuddling with somebody with breasts like Hatsune? How would that even play out? You just ignore the fact that her enormous breasts are floating out all over you, and every inch you move…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Fuck… I\'d get a boner in two seconds.', 'inlove'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$eMinoru$, this… I have to be honest, this is a $little$ troubl$ing$ to me, to hear…'); f(m, 'Look, mom… I don\'t know how things were when you grow up, but…'); f(person, e, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(m, '... this is normal, alright? Maybe you just don\'t know, you know. What\'s… what\'s normal, in a family…'); f(person, e, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(e, 'I\'m… $yes$. Maybe $you\'re$ right. I\'m sorry$meow$.'); f(m, 'Actually, maybe you and I should try it out, sometime.'); f(otherwise); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(e, 'Is that… is that really normal$meow$…?'); f(m, 'Yeah, of course it is! Actually, we should do it sometime, maybe.'); f(endIf); f('I\'m being a little bold here, obviously.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised', x, xtrue); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Wh-what?'); f(m, 'You know, just… lie down to cuddle.'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I… I don\'t think that would b-be, uh…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'I m-mean, $you\'re$ $my$ $maleColleague$...!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Like I said… nothing sexual about it. It\'s just, you know… it\'s nice.'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$um$… I don\'t know…'); f(m, 'Hey, no worries. It was just a suggestion, you know.'); f(m, 'Anyway… let\'s go back to the kitchen. I think $Hatsune$ might be done already.'); f(choice, 'Abruptly end the \'tour\' and take her back to the kitchen.', '!hypnosis'); f(m, 'A-alright, I think we\'ve seen enough. Let\'s head back to the kitchen.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$eMinoru$$meow$, don\'t change the topic. Please, explain $your$self!'); f(m, '... look, $Esther$, sorry, but you have no right to just barge into my life and demand answers about whatever.'); f(m, 'I\'m sleeping on the floor, or on the couch, or whatever, but you\'re in no position to, just... <i>demand</i> to know.'); f(m, 'It\'s not polite.'); f(c_b, 'It\'s not the Japanese way!', 'angry'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '...'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I\'m sorry. $you\'re$ right.'); f(m, '... Don\'t worry about it.'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Uhm… $OK$…'); f(endIf); f(endChoice); f(otherwise); f(m, 'But, uh… you know. This is where the… where the <i>action</i> happens, as they say.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'neutral'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, '$the$… $the$ action?'); f(m, 'Hm?'); f(e, 'Huh?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Explain you meant this is where you and Hatsune have sex.'); f(incrementVariable, 'threesome1'); f(m, 'Damn, $Esther$... you\'re making me explain the joke.'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$the$… $the$ joke$meow$?'); f(m, 'This is where we <i>fuck.</i>'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(e, 'Where we… wh-what!?'); f(m, 'What? No, I mean, $Hatsune$ and I.'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$...! T-too much information…!'); f(m, 'Hey, you made me say it, practically. I was just… I mean, it\'s just an expression. A joke. "This is where the action happens." It\'s a thing people say, you know!'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(person, e, 'blush', 'surprised'); f(e, 'N-not to $your$ $colleague$!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'O-oh… I-I see. $yes$.'); f(endIf); f('She\'s so deliciously innocent. I love seeing her squirm like this.'); f(choice, 'End the \'tour\'.'); f(endChoice); f(m, 'Alright, I think we\'ve seen enough. Let\'s head back to the kitchen.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(remove, e); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'threesome_dinner_hypnosis'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'threesome_preDinner'); f(endIf); f(label, 'threesome_preDinner'); f(scene, 'livingroom2', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral'); f(setZoom, e, 1.2); f(e, '$um$… excuse me, $eMinoru$... I think I need to use $the$ restroom…?'); f(m, 'Oh, right. It\'s right over there.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling', x, x, true); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_arigatou'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_arigatou'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Thank you.'); f(remove, e); f(pause, 2); f('After $Esther$ has left the room, $Hatsune$ walks out of the kitchen, up to me.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eMother'); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed', 'p2.6'); f(setZoom, h, 1.4); f(pause, 2); f('She\'s not looking entirely bemused.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eMother'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.1); f(person, h, 0, 'angry'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, '$hMinoru$, what $the$ hell$meow$?'); f('She tries to keep her voice down as to not be overheard, but it seems like a struggle for her.'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, '$ye$ know I didn\'t want to meet with, with… <i>that $creature$!</i> I told $ye$ so$meow$! Yet you, $ye$… $ye$ bring her to our house?!'); f(m, '$Hatsune$, shh! Not so loud, please!'); f(person, h, 0, 'muchIrritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, '$you\'re$ driv$ing$ me crazy, here…! What\'s the big idea$meow$?!'); f(m, '$Hatsune$, please try and calm down. Take a deep breath. I\'m not joking, really, try it out.'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, '... Fine.'); f(h, 'Done.'); f(m, 'OK, thanks. I know you didn\'t want to see her, but... I mean, you don\'t owe it to her, or anything, but I just thought that it would.. it would be good, for you.'); f(person, h, 0, 'angry'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Why did $ye$ think that$meow$?! Because $it\'s$ not, let me tell $you$!'); f(m, 'You know, just… good to resolve this conflict. Put this behind you. Maybe even forgive-'); f(person, h, 0, 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'I\'m <i>not</i> forgiv$ing$ her, not after what she did to us! What she did to dad$meow$!'); f(m, 'OK, OK, sorry, maybe it\'s a little early to bring up the F word, but… stick with me.'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, '... Fine. I will.'); f(m, '...'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'What?'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(m, 'Actually, there was… there was maybe one more thing…'); f(person, h, 0, 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Hm?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Tell her you wanted to spice things up.'); f(jump, 'threesome_convo'); f(choice, 'Never mind.'); f('I sigh. I don\'t have the courage to ask her. Damn it.'); f(m, 'Never mind, it\'s nothing.'); f(h, '... $ye$ sure?'); f(m, 'Uh, yeah.'); f(endChoice); f(otherwise); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, '$hMinoru$, what $the$ hell$meow$? That was a little sudden, don\'t $ye$ think?'); f('She tries to keep her voice down as to not be overheard, but she can\'t hide just how much it\'s strained with irritation.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&hIncest'); f(m, 'Why? She\'s family.'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'That\'s hardly relevant, is it? $ye$ never brought $hEsther$ over before, $for$ once!'); f(m, 'But-'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'muchIrritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'No "buts"! $ye$ can\'t just bring people home, nilly-willy! There\'s someth$ing$ about us we don\'t want others to find out, in case $ye$ had forgotten!'); f(h, 'What if I had been want$ing$ to surprise $you$, stand$ing$ here in $my$ birthday suit, or wear$ing$ noth$ing$ but an apron, or-'); f(m, 'OK, I get it.'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'How the hell would $you$ have explained that to $hEsther$$meow$?!'); f(m, 'OK, OK.'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'Why? She\'s family.'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'angry'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(h, 'Not to me, she isn\'t! She\'s $your$ little bastard!'); f(m, 'Wow, $Hatsune$. Not cool. She\'s my daughter. I\'m sorry that I cheated on you, but… that\'s taking it too far. And it was ages ago, you need to, you know… you need to put it behind you.'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Easier said then done when $ye$ bring her home like this, unannounced$meow$!'); f(m, 'OK, OK, I get it.'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Well, that\'s besides $the$ point! $you$ can\'t just invite people home $for$ dinner without tell$ing$ me about it first$meow$!'); f(m, 'She\'s not "people", Hatsune. She\'s my $colleague$.'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(h, 'Whom I\'ve never even met, previously!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'That\'s besides $the$ point$meow$!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'OK, I get it.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'What?'); f(person, h, 0, 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, '$hEsther$! $hMinoru$, $ye$ can\'t just bring home guests unannounced like this$meow$! I need time to prepare!'); f(m, 'OK OK, I get it.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f(m, 'It\'s just…'); f(person, h, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'What?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Tell her you wanted to spice things up.'); f(jump, 'threesome_convo'); f(choice, 'Just apologize and promise you\'ll ask her beforehand next time.'); f('I sigh.'); f(m, 'I\'m sorry, I\'ll tell you… I mean, I\'ll <i>ask</i> you beforehand in the future, OK?'); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_arigatou'); f(endIf); f(h, '... $OK$. Thanks.'); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f(jump, 'threesome_dinner'); f(label, 'threesome_convo'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eMother'); f(m, 'It\'s uh… I was thinking that, you know… maybe this would be a good time to <i>spice things up</i>, a little.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Look, I\'m sorry, but… I just wanted to, you know… <i>spice things up</i>, a little.'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(pause, 0.5); f(h, 'Huh?'); f(playMusic, 'landmine'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'What $the$ hell\'s $that$ supposed to mean?'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eMother'); f(h, 'How $is$ suddenly bring$ing$ home our $scurvy_$mother, whom I haven\'t met in more than a decade, "spic$ing$ things up," exactly?!'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest&&eDaughter'); f(h, 'How is suddenly bring$ing$ home $your$ illicit daughter, a reminder of $the$ $keelhaulin_$worst thing that ever happened to me, "spic$ing$ things up?"'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest&&eIncest'); f(h, 'How is bring$ing$ home $hEsther$ "spic$ing$ things up?"'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'How is bring$ing$ home $your$ $scurvy_$$colleague$ "spic$ing$ things up?"'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(h, 'Unless $ye$ mean, "risk $that$ we\'re found out?"... Or "risk our entire relationship"...?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Calm down, $Hatsune$... I just meant, you know...'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(person, h, 0, 'annoyed'); f(h, 'What?!'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Apologize and be over with this conversation.'); f(m, 'Alright, forget I even brought it up. I\'m sorry. I wasn\'t… I wasn\'t serious. <i>Haha.</i>'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(person, h, 'armup', 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$... $ye$ drive me crazy with $your$ jokes$meow$, sometimes…'); f(jump, 'threesome_dinner'); f(choice, 'Mention your sex life is a little stale.'); f(endChoice); f(setVariable, 'hThreesome'); f(m, 'You know… I didn\'t want to say anything, but… $Hatsune$, if we\'re being honest with each other…'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'What?'); f(m, 'I mean, at least to me… it seems, you know… and this is probably my fault more than yours, but…'); f(person, h, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'What?!'); f(m, 'You know, I just feel, like… like…'); f(person, h, 0, 'muchSurprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Like what, $hMinoru$?! Spit it out!'); f(m, '... like, you know.'); f('I lower my voice to a whisper, not because $Esther$ is likely to overhear us, just out of survival instinct.'); f(m, '... Our… our sex, it\'s… it\'s kind of stuck in a groove, isn\'t it?'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 7, 0.4); f(pause, 0.1); f(person, h, 'armup', 'worried'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(pause, 0.1); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 0.5); f(h, 'Y-$ye$ think...?'); f(m, 'N-no, I don\'t mean like…'); f('Be strong, $Minoru$… if you pull this through...'); f(m, 'I mean… yes. Yes, I do.'); f('The irritation and anger has left $Hatsune$\'s $eyes$ and there\'s now a somewhat defeated look on her face.'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'B-but… but what does invit$ing$ $hEsther$ here has to do with that$meow$…?'); f('OK. Here we go. <i>Menage a trois</i> or bust.'); f(c_b, 'I nearly wrote <i>fromage a trois</i> here, at first. Damn French.', 'angry'); f('Dare I ask her? Dare I risk it?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Go for it. Tell $yourHatsune$ you want to have a threesome with her and $yourEsther$.'); f(choice, 'Chicken out. Make something up. Change the topic.'); f(m, 'Oh, $Esther$? Haha! Nothing, what? What are you talking about? Haha!'); f(m, 'Or, uh, I mean… you know, it\'s important to be, uh open. To open up. You know, letting people inside the house, beside just the two of us. You know. Having guests.'); f(m, 'Um… a lively home! Yes, that\'s it! That\'s what I want! <i>The spice of life!</i>'); f(h, '$um$… $OK$…'); f(jump, 'threesome_dinner'); f(endChoice); f(m, '$Hatsune$, please… please keep an open mind.'); f(person, h, 0, 'worried'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Uh… $OK$…?'); f(m, 'What if we could introduce… you know, a-, a new element, to our sexual life?'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, '... What do $ye$ mean$meow$?'); f(m, 'What if we could, you know, try out something new?'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Uh-'); f(m, 'Again, please keep an open mind, $Hatsune$. Could you just answer, you know, if you\'d be open to trying something new?'); f(h, '... $OK$. I would be… I guess. I mean, if $it\'s$ what $ye$ want…'); f(m, 'It is! It is what I want, $Hatsune$.'); f(person, h, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'But... what would that "new element" be, exactly$meow$…?'); f('Now or never. I look down for a second, before looking up again, staring into $Hatsune$\'s $eyes$.'); f(m, '... $Esther$.'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'surprised'); f(pan, h, -30, 0, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 7, 0.16); f(whatIf, '!eIncest&&!hIncest'); f(h, 'Y-$you$r colleague…?!'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$, I\'ve barely even met $the$ $creature$!'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f(h, 'M-$my$ sister?!'); f(m, 'Your <i>half</i>-sister, mind-'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Y-$your$ daughter!'); f(m, 'Well, I mean… the time for moral outrage regarding that particular type of, uh, <i>sexual liaison,</i> you know… that ship <i>might</i> have sailed as far as the two of us are concerned.'); f(elseIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f(h, 'Our sister?!'); f(m, 'Our <i>half</i>-sister, mind-'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Th-$that$ $is$ not $the$ point, $hMinoru$!'); f(elseIf, 'hMother&&eSister'); f(h, 'Y-$your$ sister?!'); f(m, 'Well-'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'M-$my$ husband\'s illicit daughter$meow$?!'); f(m, '... You know, you could see it as a way of getting back at him, for, uh... cheating on you…?'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, '$hMinoru$! He\'s long dead!'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest&&eDaughter'); f(h, 'Y-$your$ illicit daughter$meow$?!'); f(m, 'Yes…'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, '$hMinoru$, $ye$ know I\'ve forgiven $you$ $for$ this transgression once, b-but-'); f(m, 'No buts, $Hatsune$! This… this is what I <i>need</i>. What… what <i>both</i> of us need.'); f(h, 'This, what $you\'re$… $it\'s$ incest, $hMinoru$! $it\'s$ illegal, $it\'s$ despicable, $and$-'); f(m, '$Hatsune$... I need this. I don\'t care about what anybody else thinks. I just care about you… and me. And…'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Wh-what?'); f(pause, 1); f(m, '... Keeping our relationship alive.'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Y-$your$ $colleague$$meow$?!'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&!hIncest'); f('And with that, the cat\'s out of the bag.'); f(m, 'L-look…'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Yes-'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Y-you\'d risk people find$ing$ out about our relationship, just because $ye$ want to satisfy $your$-'); f(m, 'It\'s not a risk, $Hatsune$, I know her, OK? She would <i>never</i> tell on us…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I mean, don\'t you want to… wouldn\'t you-'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(jump, 'threesome_dinner'); f(label, 'threesome_dinner'); f(person, e, 0, 'neutral', 'p5', x, x, x, 'back'); f(playMusic, 'sugaku'); f('Our conversation is abruptly interrupted by $Esther$, coming back from the restroom.'); f(whatIf, 'hThreesome'); f('$Hatsune$ does her best to hide her shock, but doesn\'t really succeed.'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 0, 'laughing'); f(setZoom, h, 1.1); f(pan, h, -150, 0, 0.5); f(pause, 0.5); f(h, 'Th-there $ye$ are$meow$! Well, I was just about done… $hM$-$hMinoru$, c-could $ye$ set the table, please?'); f(remove, m); f(pause, 0.5); f(remove, e); f(pause, 0.5); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'hThreesome'); f(pause, 1); f('$Hatsune$ didn\'t really answer my question. I\'m a little worried. I\'ve no idea how this night is going to end, now. Is she upset?'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f(pause, 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(h, 'Well, here it is… it\'s noth$ing$ much, but...'); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'dinner', 'fade'); f(pan, 'bg', -865, 0, 15); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'kirakiraLong'); f(pause, 2.6); f(m, 'Wow, $Hatsune$...'); f('This is way beyond what she usually does. Seems $Hatsune$ was preparing a romantic dinner for the two of us.'); f(c_b, 'She\'s trying real hard you see, to re-ignite the flame.'); f('I guess this was her Plan B, after I turned her down earlier today…'); f(c_b, 'Yeah, duh, like I just said, $hMinoruAlt$.', 'angry'); f(whatIf, '!hThreesome'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('The food was great, but the conversation didn\'t flow very freely… as it seldom does with $Esther$.'); f('She made an excuse to leave early. When she left, she also took the last remnants of hope I had for something to happen between the three of us tonight.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&!hIncest'); f('I guess… I guess this is for the best. Involving my $colleague$ in something like this… damn, man. It really is a line best left uncrossed.'); f('Damn, though. Those breasts… those thighs…'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f('... Christ. It\'s my mom, I\'m talking about.'); f(otherwise); f('... that delightful innocence. I mean… even if she is my $colleague$... damn.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I just… I wish I had gathered the courage to ask $Hatsune$ about it. Maybe another time…'); f(endIf); f('Now it\'s just me and $Hatsune$, and… I guess I know what that means.'); f(setVariable, 'missedOutOnThreesome'); f(jump, 'hBadEnd2'); f(endIf); f(setVariable, 'estherDrunk'); f(m, 'I\'ve gotta say, you\'ve really outdone yourself, this time!'); f(h, 'Nonsense, it\'s just… someth$ing$ small I threw together$meow$. I\'m sorry there\'s not more! I don\'t know if you\'ll get full or not, $hEsther$...'); f(e, 'O-oh, don\'t worry, I\'m... I\'m not a big eater.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother&&hDaughter'); f(e, 'I\'m… I-I feel like I should… I… $ye$ know, I\'m really sorry $for$ all, that has happened$meow$...'); f('$Hatsune$ doesn\'t immediately respond, but instead looks intently at her plate, as she\'s using her chopsticks to move some pieces of food to her own plate.'); f(e, 'I\'m… I\'m just hop$ing$, $ye$ know, $that$… maybe $you$ $and$ I c-could… that we could put this $scurvy_$behind us, someday… I mean, n-no pressure, but... '); f(e, 'I… I know I\'m selfish, b-but… I just long $for$ a, a… a $landlubbin_$family. I mean… $for$ <i>$my<$/i> $landlubbin_$family…'); f(e, 'If $ye$\'d wish… if $ye$\'d wish to let me be a part $of$ it. $of$ $your$ family. $of$… $of$ <i>our</i> family$meow$.'); f('$Hatsune$ smiles, still without lifting her head.'); f(h, 'Oh, don\'t worry, mom.'); f('She looks up, but not at $Esther$ — at me.'); f(h, '$hMinoru$ and I are very happy to have $you$ here. I think...'); f('She pauses.'); f(h, 'I think… we\'re go$ing$ to have a $very$ special night tonight$meow$.'); f(c_b, 'I didn\'t know how to make this come across very clearly, but Hatsune is kind of motivated by a lust for revenge here, rather than an interest in getting to actually know her mother.', 'unhappy'); f(h, 'Here, mom, have some $sake$!'); f(m, 'Oh, Hatsune, I don\'t really d-d-'); f(h, 'Nonsense$meow$! Tonight $is$ a special night, isn\'t it?'); f(m, '... A-alright, then, just a $wee$-'); f(h, 'Whoops! Alright, here we go.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_arigatou'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_arigatou'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Th-thank $e$ so much $for$ hav$ing$ me… I feel so bad-'); f(h, 'Nonsense! We\'re so happy to have $ye$ here$meow$. Here, have some $sake$!'); f(e, 'Oh, I don\'t really, I don\'t-'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_yoshi'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Here we go!'); f(e, 'O-oh, alright then, but just a $wee$-'); f(h, 'Whoops! Oh, well! Bottoms up, eh!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('By then it was apparent: $Hatsune$ was in.'); f(c_b, 'Yeah. Hatsune helped getting $yourEsther$ drunk. That\'s how it\'s going down. Slightly reminiscent of how alcohol was a quite helpful, er, lubricant, in <i>Re:maid.</i>', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'It\'s not a cop-out as such… but I could of course have had Hatsune and the protagonist convince her to go along with it somehow, but… it would have been harder to write. Harder to write <i>believably,</i> at the very least.'); f(c_b, 'But in case that takes the enjoyment out of the threesome for someone, I apologize…', 'worried'); f(removeScreenEffects); f(pause, 2); f(screenEffect, 'clock'); f(pause, 1.5); f('A couple of hours later...'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(e, 'A-aye, aye, me agrees… <hiccup!>'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Y-yesh, yesh, I agree… <hiccup!>'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Oh, $hEsther$! $ye$ can hardly keep $your$ eyes open, can $you$?'); f(e, '<hiccup!> Oh, it won\'t shtop… <hiccup!>'); f(m, 'Hey, $Esther$... let\'s… come here$meow$.'); f(e, 'Ungfh?'); f(playSound, 'shortFumble'); f(pause, 0.2); f(h, '$yes$, here, let me in under your arm, let\'s see if we can get $ye$ standin-'); f(playSound, 'bodyHitsGround'); f(pause, 0.5); f(h, 'Oopsy daisies! Take it easy, $Esther$$meow$...'); f(e, 'Ha… I don\'t… I don\'t feel so… $very$… well$meow$…'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f(h, 'Don\'t $ye$ worry, $dear$. Our brother will see to <i>$that$.</i>'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f(h, 'Don\'t $ye$ worry, $dear$. Daddy will see to <i>$that$.</i>'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f(h, 'Don\'t $ye$ worry, $dear$. Y$your$ $maleColleague$ will see to <i>$that$.</i>'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Don\'t $ye$ worry, $dear$. $my$ $husband$ will see to <i>$that$.</i>'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'See to her feelings of well-being, that is.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'And while I\'m popping in… sorry about the prolonged "darkness", but I couldn\'t be bothered doing this with the sprites, wouldn\'t have looked good anyway, would it?', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'And there was no CG for this, really. I mean, among the old art.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'So, you know! Darkness, it is. Use your imagination. Like in the good old days.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'I mean, until… until you get to the actual sex.'); f(c_b, 'Which is, uh… very soon.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Why do I get this sensation of painting myself into a corner when I do these combo comments...?', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, 'I just don\'t know where to stop commenting.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'I guess I\'ll just... ', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Stop.'); f(removeScreenEffects); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'doorOpen'); f(pause, 2); f(e, 'Unghm… $is$h this… $is$ thish $the$ bedroom$meow$…?'); f(m, '$um$, $yes$, $Esther$... $you\'re$ sleepy, aren\'t $you$?'); f(e, '...'); f(m, '$Esther$?'); f(e, 'Funfh? $um$… sorry, I fell asl… asleep$meow$.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f(h, 'Don\'t $you$ worry, $my$ $wee$ girl. Daddy\'ll help $you out $of$ those pesky clothes $and$ into something more comfortable.'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Don\'t $you$ worry, $Esther$. We\'ll help $you$ get out $of$ those pesky clothes…'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'clothesOff'); f(pause, 3); f(h, '$there$… whoopsie, $there$ we go$meow$.'); f(playSound, 'shortFumble'); f(e, 'Ungh… stop pull$ing$…'); f(h, 'Don\'t worry, we just need to get these pants off $of$ $you$…'); f(e, 'Ungh… what… why$meow$?'); f(h, 'So $ye$ can go to bed, right?'); f(e, 'Oh…'); f(playSound, 'fumbling'); f(pause, 1); f(h, '$there$ $ye$ go, $hEsther$. All in $your$ birthday suit$meow$.'); f(e, 'Ngh…'); f(m, '...'); f(h, 'Let\'s get $ye$ up on $the$ bed, $OK$?'); f(playSound, 'bodyHitsGround'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iiko'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Good girl…'); f(h, 'And let\'s stand on all fours… hold on, let me get $my$ clothes off, too.'); f(e, 'Wh-... what? Why?'); f(h, 'We can sleep together, can\'t we? Like a big $landlubbin_$sleepover party! Yay!'); f(e, 'Hng... I guess$meow$…'); f(pause, 0.1); f(playSound, 'clothesOffShorter'); f(pause, 1.5); f(h, '$hMinoru$, what $are$ $ye$ wait$ing$ $fo$r? Aren\'t $ye$ go$ing$ to get undressed, as well?'); f(m, 'O-oh…'); f(m, '... of course.'); f(playSound, 'zipper'); f(pause, 0.6); f(playSound, 'shortFumble'); f(pause, 1.5); f(h, 'Now, $hEsther$... $hEsther$? $ye$ awake?'); f(e, 'Ungh… $yes$h…'); f(h, 'Can $ye$ stand on all fours here, $for$ us$meow$?'); f(e, 'Hm…? Oh...'); f(pause, 0.3); f(e, 'Al-... alright…'); f(playSound, 'shortFumble'); f(pause, 0.15); f(playSound, 'fap'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, '!eMother&&!hDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_yokudekitawane'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_yokudekitawane'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Good girl!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 3); f(jump, 'threesomeSex'); f(label, 'threesomeSex'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', 'fade', [0, 'h_exp_closedmouth', 'arm', 'top'], 0.2); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', 'fade', [0, 'h_exp_closedmouth', 'h_exp_eyesopen', 'top'], 0.2); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(textEffect, '<squish!>', 820, 410, x, 1, -33, 'popUp', 0.25, 250); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh14'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh11'); f(endIf); f(e, '$angh$hh!'); f('And just like that…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eSister&&hSister'); f('I now know what the inside of both my sisters\' pussies feel like.'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter&&hDaughter'); f('I now know what the inside of both my daughters\' pussies feel like.'); f(otherwise); f('I\'ve penetrated deep inside my $colleague$\'s pussy.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('The reluctance, the premonitions I felt about crossing this line… about using my powers on a family member…'); f(otherwise); f('The reluctance, the premonitions I felt about crossing this line… about actually fucking a family member…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I\'m deep inside of $Esther$\'s pristine pussy... where I\'m pretty sure no man has gone before.'); f(c_b, 'A small step for mankind, a…', 'lenny'); f(c_b, '...', 'dumbfounded'); f(c_b, 'Sorry, couldn\'t come up with a way to actually make that funny.', 'embarrassed'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(textEffect, 'Angh!', 180, 125, x, 1, -5, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'eIncest&&!hIncest'); f('The… the what? I\'m sorry, that very line of thought got derailed by the immense waves of pleasure coming over my body with each thrust of my hip.'); f('I\'m in heaven. Sex never felt this good.'); f(elseIf, '!eIncest'); f('Oh boy, does it feel good.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'threesomeHypnoSex'); f(endIf); f(c_b, 'The upcoming choice is kind of a "do you like it consensual? or rapey?" choice.'); f(c_b, 'Attempting to please everyone! Which is an ongoing theme of how we do things at Marble Syrup, I guess. With all the cheats, polls, etc., I mean.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'It actually changes the text of the epilogue quite a bit too.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Do her hard.'); f(setVariable, 'rough'); f('... and right now, that\'s all I care about.'); f(choice, 'Let her enjoy it too.'); f('... but I\'m not an asshole. I want $Esther$ to enjoy this too.'); f(pause, 2); f(playMusic, 'meloromance'); f(endChoice); f(h, 'Hey, psst… $hMinoru$, can I have some $of$ it too$meow$?'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_chinchinwo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_chinchinwo'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Y-$your$… dick…'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Give $yourHatsune$ a hand.'); f(setVariable, 'fingering'); f(m, 'Sorry, my bad...'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', 'fade', [0, 'arm', 'top'], 0.2); f(playSound, 'splat'); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', 120, 400, 'Blue', 0.8, 27, 'hShakeFade'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 7, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_guha-ahahan'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ahhah'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$! Ah, ah… hngh...'); f(pause, 0.5); f(voice, 'b_breathing', false); f('$Hatsune$ breathes heavily as I do my best to entertain her, while still fucking $Esther$ with full force.'); f(choice, 'Tell her off.'); f(m, 'Wait for your turn, bitch!'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_wakarimashita'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_wakarimashita'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Oh… um, $OK$…'); f(choice, 'Ignore her.'); f(endChoice); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(textEffect, '$angh$!', 500, 115, x, 1, 30, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', 'fade', [0, 'arm', 'e_exp_eyesopen', 'top'], 0.2); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', 'fade', [0, 'e_exp_eyesopen', 'h_exp_eyesopen', 'top'], 0.2); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(textEffect, 'Angh!', 125, 125, x, 1, -22, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh14'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaangh1'); f(endIf); f(e, '$angh$...!'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_naniwo-aitai-naniwosuruno'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_iyadananikore'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Wh-, what\'s go$ing$… what $are$ y-$ye$ do$ing$$meow$?! Please-'); f(doCall, 'threesome_eyesOpenClose'); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(m, 'Shh, $Esther$, don\'t you worry… your $maleColleague$ will make you feel good.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_shinpaishinaidekimochiyokusaseteageru'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_daijoubudayoshinpaishinakutemo-kimochiyokusaseteageru'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Shh, $hEsther$, don\'t $ye$ worry… $hMinoru$ will make $ye$ feel $swashbucklin_$good...'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_iyaiyayametedame'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_yamete'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-no… stop...'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(m, 'What\'s the matter, mom? Didn\'t expect to end up like this, when you abandoned us?'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(h, 'Give it to her, $hMinoruAlt$... $angh$... make her feel $ye$!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Give it to her, $hMinoruAlt$... make her feel $ye$$meow$!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(voice, 'c_onegaisokodamekonna'); f(e, 'P-please, th-, this is wrong!'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(h, 'What <i>$ye$</i> did was wrong! You left us all to rot… $it\'s$ $your$ fault daddy died$meow$!'); f(endIf); f(voice, 'c_angh1'); f(e, '$angh$!'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f(voice, 'a_damenanonihajimetenanonioniichannochinchin'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_hajimetenanoniotosan'); f(endIf); f(e, 'I-I\'m a virgin! I… $eMinoruAlt$, please! I can\'t… I can\'t... I can\'t lose $my$ virginity to $my$ $maleColleague$$meow$...!'); f(doCall, 'threesome_eyesOpenClose'); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f(m, 'Looks like $ye$ can, sis.'); f(whatIf, 'hSister'); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry, just ask $Hatsune$. She lost her virginity to me, too.'); f(voice, 'b_angh_ngh1'); f(h, 'Ngh-aaah…!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_daijoubukorewaminnagakeikensurukotodashichittomohazukashikunai.wav'); f(h, 'Don\'t worry, sis, I lost mine to $hMinoru$ as well… $it\'s$ something we all go through...'); f(voice, 'b_suguittyaumononanoyo'); f(h, 'It\'ll be over soon$meow$!'); f(m, 'Soon? Hah, not likely!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry, darling. Closeyour $eyes$ and enjoy.'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'a_onechantasukete'); f(e, 'S-sis! P-please, help me! G-get him off me!'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(e, 'Aunt, p-please! Help me! $my$ dad\'s r-rap$ing$ me!'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f(e, 'G-grandma, p-please!! Dad\'s r-rap$ing$ me!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Hatsune, p-please! H-help me! H-he\'s rap$ing$ me!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh_ngh1'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Nghyan…'); f(m, 'Sorry, $Esther$. Looks like $Hatsune$\'s busy…'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Don\'t worry, $hEsther$... it was about time $ye$ lost $your$ virginity, anyway. $and$ who better to lose it to than $your$ dad$meow$…?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Shh, $Esther$! I\'m helping you out… isn\'t this what you wanted when you invited me out, huh? You wanted me to fuck you like the little slut you are!'); f(voice, 'a_chigauno2'); f(e, 'N-no, it\'s not l-like tha-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(doCall, 'threesome_eyesOpenClose'); f(pause, 0.8); f(voice, 'a_hajimetenanonikonomamajaakachandekichau'); f(e, '$angh$!! N-no, p-please… I\'m a virgin… $ye$\'ll make me pregnant...!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', x, [0, 'arm', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', x, [0, 'h_exp_eyesopen', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, '!eIncest'); f(m, 'Sorry, $Esther$, that ship has sailed. You\'ve already lost it… your delicious virginity to me and my $wife$…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Aaahh…'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(textEffect, 'aannh!', 490, 90, x, 1, 37, 'shakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f('As I keep pounding her, I notice $Esther$ has begun to cry. Her quiet sobbing doesn\'t stop me, though. If anything, it only makes me hornier.'); f(whatIf, '!fingering'); f(whatIf, '!eMother&&!hDaughter'); f(h, 'Aw, don\'t cry, $wee$ girl... everything will be alright.'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Aw, don\'t cry… it will be OK.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_ngh1'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'ngh!', 380, 240, x, 1, 12, 'shakeFade'); f(e, 'Nghh!!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_kimochiiinonanikore'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Nghah… $it\'s$… It f-feels so good… What\'s g-go$ing$ on…'); f(doCall, 'threesome_eyesOpenClose'); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(h, 'Don\'t worry, $hEsther$... $it\'s$ $hMinoru$, he\'s inside $of$ $ye$$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Don\'t worry, $Esther$... it\'s me... I\'m making you feel good inside.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_ehchotto'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_eh'); f(endIf); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$?! Oh my-'); f(doCall, 'threesome_eyesOpenClose'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, 'Th-this is wrong, oh, $eMinoru$, p-please, we sh-shouldn\'t… $angh$…'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f(e, 'W-with $your$ $wife$...? Oh, n-no, this is wrong, we shouldn\'t do this, we…'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'W-we shouldn\'t, $eMinoru$, y-you\'re married...'); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(h, '$angh$h…'); f(m, 'Don\'t worry, $Esther$. My wife is moaning approvingly just next to you.'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'It\'s alright, $Esther$... don\'t worry.'); f(endIf); f(e, 'We sh-shouldn\'t…'); f(endIf); f('I sense a sweetness to her voice.'); f(m, 'We… we shouldn\'t? Let me know and I\'ll pull out-'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_chottomousukoshimatte'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-no, w-wait, w-wait… ahn… I m-mean...'); f(doCall, 'threesome_eyesOpenClose'); f(m, 'You mean… you mean you like it…?'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_sonnaimideitterujanaiwa'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_chigaunobetsunikimochiyokunattenaiwa'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Wh-what, n-no! I m-mean…'); f(m, '\'Cause hey, if you don\'t, I\'ll pull out…?'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_chottodake'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_chottodake'); f(endIf); f(e, '... M-maybe… maybe we can do a-, a $little$ m-more…?'); f('I smile.'); f(m, 'You\'re right… maybe if we do it just a $little$…'); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', x, [0, 'arm', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', x, [0, 'h_exp_eyesopen', 'top']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(effect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(m, '... more.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', x, [0, 'arm', 'sweat', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', x, [0, 'h_exp_eyesopen', 'sweat', 'top']); f(endIf); f(label, 'threeHumpChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep humping her.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(choice, 'Switch things up.'); f(jump, 'threesomeSex_sandwich'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'threeHumping'); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'humps>=7'); f(jump, 'threeHumpChoice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'threeHumping'); f(endIf); f(label, 'threesome_eyesOpenClose'); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', x, [0, 'arm', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', x, [0, 'h_exp_eyesopen', 'top']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'fingering'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', 'fade', [0, 'arm', 'e_exp_eyesopen', 'top'], 0.2); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', 'fade', [0, 'e_exp_eyesopen', 'h_exp_eyesopen', 'top'], 0.2); f(endIf); f(endCall); f(label, 'threesomeSex_sandwich'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('I pull out of $Esther$, put my hands on her now sweat-soaked body, and clumsily flip her over, pushing her over $Hatsune$, their breasts brushing and pushing against each other.'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'e_closedeyes', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'top']); f(endIf); f(pause); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$, c-come on, I want $your$ dick inside of me$meow$…'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Slide your dick back inside $yourEsther$.'); f(setVariable, 'three', 'e'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(m, 'Wait for your turn, kiddo.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Wait for your turn, $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'We\'ve got a guest today, I\'ve gotta make sure she\'s comfortable first…'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f('$Esther$ doesn\'t respond, except for continuing to sob quietly. Hm… I think I know just the thing to get a reaction out of her, though.'); f('I pump my dick inside of her.'); 0; 'e_cumming'; 'e_tears'; f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich',; f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(textEffect, '<squish!>', 370, 620, 'Orange', 0.8, -3, 'popUp', 0.25, 250); f(effect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_iya'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_iya'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Mngh…! N-no…'); f(m, 'There we are! Almost thought you were asleep, there.'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'e_cumming', 'e_tears', 'top'], 0.1); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', x, [0, 'e_cumming', 'top']); f(textEffect, '<squish!>', 370, 620, 'Orange', 0.8, -3, 'popUp', 0.25, 250); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_ah-nn-nghhh'); f(endIf); f(e, '$angh$... $yes$… aaahh…'); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Give $yourHatsune$ a little lovin\'.'); f(setVariable, 'three', 'h'); f(setVariable, 'hadThreesomeSexWithH'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(m, 'Alright, alright, I\'ll give you a taste of your son\'s cock.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Alright, $Hatsune$, you\'ve waited like a good little girl… now it\'s your turn to get a taste of $hMinoruAlt$\'s dick.'); f(endIf); f('Slowly, I move over to her, and trace my dick along $Hatsune$\'s entrance. She\'s so wet my head gets absolutely drowned in her juices in no time at all.'); f(m, 'My, my… my $wife$ is rather horny, is she not?'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_hayaku'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ungh-hayaku'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Nghh… hurry!'); f('I decide to stop playing with her.'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'top']); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '<squish!>', 370, 620, 'Blue', 0.8, -3, 'popUp', 0.25, 250); f(endChoice); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'three==h'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh3'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh3'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$!!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh3'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh3'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ngh…!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'three==h'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'three==e'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh15', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_angh14', false); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f('$Esther$ keeps on sobbing, quietly, as her body is rocked back and forth by the harsh thrusts of my hips, sometimes letting out a small, sad, moan.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_kimochiii'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_haittarisuruno-kimochiii'); f(endIf); f(e, '$angh$hh… it feels so good…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'Never imagined you\'d be having your $maleColleague$ inside of you, huh?'); f(e, 'Nghf… I-it\'s wrong, b-but… we\'ll… we\'ll stop… soon… just a $wee$ bit more, $angh$!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$ looks like she can\'t wait much longer so I decide I\'ll start fingering with one of my hands.'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_tears', 'e_closedeyes', 'top'], 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 7, 0.15); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_softangh'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$...'); f('God, she\'s wet. Even wetter than $Esther$, and that\'s saying a lot. It seems $Hatsune$ might be enjoying this just about as much as I am…'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh-okuniatatteru'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_unghokumadetodoiteru'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, 'Nghf… aaah, go further in… aahh…!'); f(whatIf, '!rough'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_naniganandaka'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ngh… what\'s… what\'s go$ing$ on$meow$…'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_closedeyes', 'top']); f(e, 'Snchnf…'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(label, 'three2_boobchoice'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(effect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'three==h'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(choice); f(choice, 'Grab $yourHatsune$\'s breasts.'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_closedeyes', 'e_tears', 'h_boobgrab', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_closedeyes', 'h_boobgrab', 'top']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh7'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh2'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$!'); f(whatIf, '!grabbedAlready'); f(setVariable, 'grabbedAlready'); f('The softness of my $wife$\'s breasts never ceases to amaze me as I knead her left breast in my hand.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh2'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b2_softangh'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Aahn…'); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Grab $yourEsther$\'s breasts.'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_closedeyes', 'e_tears', 'e_boobgrab', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_boobgrab', 'top']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_softangh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Nghf…'); f(whatIf, '!grabbedAlready'); f(setVariable, 'grabbedAlready'); f('I stab my hand into the soft flesh of $Esther$\'s right breast. It\'s so soft… I want to stretch over and lick it, swallow it in my mouth, but I don\'t quite reach it from my current position…'); f(whatIf, 'three=e'); f('... and I definitely do not want to pull out of $Esther$\'s warm pussy right now, not even for a mouthful of her divine breasts.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Grab both their breasts.'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_closedeyes', 'e_tears', 'h_boobgrab', 'e_boobgrab', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_closedeyes', 'h_boobgrab', 'e_boobgrab', 'top']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 6, 0.15); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_softangh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Nghf…'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh7'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh2'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$!'); f(whatIf, '!grabbedAlready'); f(setVariable, 'grabbedAlready'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 'untilRemoved'); f('Oh my God.'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter&&hDaughter'); f('The sensation of my two daughter\'s soft breasts filling my hands… I want to come on the spot.'); f('I\'m the luckiest dad in the universe, to be blessed with two such... <i>gifted</i> children.'); f(elseIf, 'eSister&&hSister'); f('The sensation of my two sister\'s soft breasts filling my hands… I want to come on the spot.'); f('I must be the luckiest man in the universe, to be blessed with two such… <i>gifted</i> sisters.'); f(otherwise); f('The sensation of their soft breasts filling my hands… I could come on the spot.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter&&hMother'); f('It\'s incredible… my daughter in one hand, my mother in the other.'); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&hDaughter'); f('It\'s incredible… my daughter in one hand, my mother in the other.'); f(endIf); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade'); f('I want to lean in and motorboat the two of them in one go, but it\'s hard to reach with my cock still inside… and I definitely don\'t want to pull it out, not even for a mouthful of breasts…'); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Don\'t grab their breasts.'); f(c_b, 'Wh-what? Why…? Boring!!', 'angry'); f(endChoice); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(effect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'three==h'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'three==h'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1.1); f(label, 'three2_choice'); f(whatIf, '!showedComment&&commentary'); f(setVariable, 'showedComment'); f(c_b, 'Ejaculation choice coming up. It\'s worth mentioning that pulling out gives you a different CG — it\'s the same illustration, but more zoomed out.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Reason for this is, in the only version we had of it zoomed out, the girls were already covered in cum, so we couldn\'t use it for the "cum inside" routes.'); f(c_b, 'Unless, you know. The girls are leaking, massively.', 'worried'); f(endIf); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep pumping.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(jump, 'three2_pump'); f(choice, 'Switch to fucking $yourEsther$.', 'three==h'); f(setVariable, 'three', 'e'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 6); f(whatIf, 'switchedToEOnce'); f('I pull out of $Hatsune$...'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'e_cumming', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(textEffect, '<squish!>', 370, 620, 'Orange', 0.8, -3, 'popUp', 0.25, 250); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Nghf…'); f('... and put my dick right back inside of $Esther$\'s warm and welcoming juicebox.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('I decide $Hatsune$\'s had enough dick for now… and that I want to spend some more attention on my beautiful $colleague$...'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f('... whether she appreciates it or not.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'e_cumming', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(textEffect, '<squish!>', 370, 620, 'Orange', 0.8, -3, 'popUp', 0.25, 250); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Nghf…'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, ''); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_onegaiijiwarushinaide'); f(endIf); f(e, 'N-no… p-please… n-no more$meow$…'); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f(m, 'Come on, sis… let your brother enjoy you just a li\'l more.'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, 'Come on, kiddo… let your daddy enjoy your body just a li\'l bit more.'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(m, 'Come on, mom… let your son enjoy your pussy just a li\'l bit more.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Come on, kiddo… let your <i>senpai</i> enjoy your pussy just a li\'l bit more.'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'e_cumming', 'e_closedeyes', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(e, 'Nngh…'); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'e_cumming', 'top']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(textEffect, '<squish!>', 370, 620, 'Orange', 0.8, -3, 'popUp', 0.25, 250); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_aaahaaahnaah'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_aaahnaaahnaahahahn'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Aaah, $yes$, $angh$...'); f(m, 'You like that, do ya?'); f(e, '$um$…'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'You do, don\'tcha…? Having your own $maleColleague$ inside of you...'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Admit it!'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'e_cumming', 'top']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_kimochiii'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_sukidayo'); f(endIf); f(e, '$angh$... I… I like it…!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(setVariable, 'switchedToEOnce'); f(jump, 'three2_pump'); f(choice, 'Switch to fucking $yourHatsune$.', 'three==e'); f(setVariable, 'three', 'h'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 6); f(whatIf, '!hadThreesomeSexWithH'); f(setVariable, 'hadThreesomeSexWithH'); f(m, 'OK, hun… <i>now</i> it\'s your turn…!'); f(h, '$angh$... f-finally…'); f(endIf); f('I pull out of $Esther$\'s warm pussy…'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_closedeyes', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'top']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(textEffect, '<squish!>', 30, 620, 'Orange', 0.8, 20, 'popUp', 0.25, 250); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh2'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaangh1'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Aaahnnh…!'); f('... and easily slide it into $Hatsune$\'s, and begin pumping.'); f(jump, 'three2_pump'); f(choice, 'Pull out and cum.'); f(jump, 'threesome_sotodashi'); f(choice, 'Cum inside $yourEsther$.', 'three==e'); f(jump, 'threesome_nakadashi_e'); f(choice, 'Cum inside $yourHatsune$.', 'three==h'); f(jump, 'threesome_nakadashi_h'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'three2_pump'); f(incrementVariable, 'humps', 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'three==h'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(whatIf, 'humps>7'); f(whatIf, 'nograbs'); f(setVariable, 'nograbs', false); f(jump, 'three2_boobchoice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'three2_choice'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'three2_pump'); f(endIf); f(label, 'threesome_nakadashi_e'); f(setVariable, 'cameInsideE'); f('That\'s it… I can\'t hold it in any longer. $Esther$\'s tight pussy is driving both my brain and my dick crazy.'); f(m, 'Nghf…'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f('My hips seize moving for a moment, and as $Esther$ notices something is going on and opens her $eyes$, the expression on my face begins to change…'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(e, 'Wh-what? W-wait, n-n-no, $eMinoruAlt$, p-please don\'t come inside-'); f(otherwise); f(e, '$angh$!! More, more, $angh$!! Oh, $eMinoruAlt$, I\'m cumm$ing$, I\'m cumm$ing$!'); f('Those few words send me over the edge, and then some.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'whiteFlash'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_closedeyes', 'e_tears', 'top']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.35); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_iyaaaaa'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_iyaaaa'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Nooooo…!'); f('I come violently, flushing her pussy with my sperm, filling it up to the brim, and more.'); f(pause); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(removeScreenEffects); f('$Esther$ sniffles, but the alcohol is still in her, so it doesn\'t take long before she goes to sleep… with sperm still slowly spilling out of her pussy.'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_cumming1'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Aaaaaangghhhha-nnhga….!'); f(pause); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(removeScreenEffects); f('We come in tandem, me filling up her pussy to the brim with my warm sperm.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'threesome_epilogue'); f(label, 'threesome_nakadashi_h'); f(setVariable, 'cameInsideH'); f('I\'m unable to hold it in any longer.'); f(m, 'Nghf…'); f(screenEffect, 'whiteFlash'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_cumming1'); f(endIf); f(pause, 4); f('I come violently, flushing $Hatsune$\'s pussy with my sperm, filling it up to the brim, and more.'); f(pause); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'threesome_epilogue'); f(label, 'threesome_sotodashi'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(setVariable, 'fucked', 'Esther'); f(whatIf, 'three=h'); f(setVariable, 'fucked', 'Hatsune'); f(endIf); f('It just feels too good — I can\'t hold it in any longer. I hurriedly pull my dick out of $fucked$\'s pussy, pull back and...'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwichcum', x, [0, 'e_tears', 'top']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwichcum', x, [0, 'top']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'whiteFlash'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'cumSpray'); f(pause, 0.2); f(playSound, 'splat'); f(pause, 1); f('... cum all over both $Hatsune$ and $Esther$.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(h, 'Thar <i>he</i> bloooows!!!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'a', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(e, 'Ngfh…'); f(pause); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(jump, 'threesome_epilogue'); f(label, 'threesome_epilogue'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(c_b, 'Congrats! You\'ve made it to the threesome ending.', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Hope you enjoyed it! This route took me like a fucking week to write. And that might have you doing a double-take because it\'s not that long, but the thing is I had to accommodate for all the different cheats…', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'E.g. is Hatsune your mom? And Esther/Erisa your bastard daughter? Or is Esther/Erisa your mom who abandoned you, and Hatsune your sister? Then there\'s resentment, which means lots of extra text to make things make sense.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Or is Hatsune your sister, but Esther is your colleague? Then how will she react to finding out the two of you are in an incestuous relationship?', 'confused'); f(c_b, 'Or… is Erisa your daughter, but Hatsune\'s your wife? How will Hatsune react to you suggesting you have a threesome with your daughter? Etc.', 'bendisgusted'); f(c_b, 'All the threesome stuff, just on it\'s own is, nearly 60 pages of text!!', 'surprised'); f(c_b, 'I mean, I know, if you\'ve played this through with commentary, you might be tired about me complain-o-bragging about all I had to go through for the script to work, by now, but...', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, 'Phew! I\'m really glad it\'s over.', 'benderp'); f(pause, 1.5); f('Crazy.'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f(pause, 2); f(playMusic, 'meloromance'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'eSister&&hSister'); f(whatIf, 'hiSister'); f('My dream of having a threesome with two of my sisters came true.'); f(otherwise); f('My dream of having a threesome with my two sisters came true.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter&&hDaughter'); f(whatIf, 'hiDaughter'); f('My dream of having a threesome with two of my daughters came true.'); f(otherwise); f('My dream of having a threesome with my two daughters came true.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('My dream of having a threesome with my $wife$ and my $colleague$ came true.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&eIncest'); f(c_b, 'Lucky bastard…!', 'angry'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f('OK, so it wasn\'t entirely consensual, but… at least $Hatsune$ enjoyed it.'); f(otherwise); f('OK, so we had to resort to getting $Esther$ drunk, but… it worked. And both $Esther$ and $Hatsune$ enjoyed it, in the end.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hadThreesomeSexWithH'); f(whatIf, 'cameInsideE'); f('I mean, $Hatsune$ wasn\'t very happy about the fact that I was little preoccupied with $Esther$... not to mention the fact that I also came inside of her, but…'); f(otherwise); f('I mean, $Hatsune$wasn\'t very happy about the fact that I was… perhaps a little bit preoccupied with $Esther$, but...'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'cameInsideE'); f('Though... she wasn\'t very happy about the fact that I came inside of $Esther$, but....'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'cameInsideE'); f('... Christ, that was a sore point, to her. I kept hearing about it for weeks afterwards.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f('If there were any repercussions?'); f('No. My meek $colleague$ would never be able to go to the cops, that much I knew ahead.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('I mean, the shame of it? Telling people you\'ve been raped by your $maleColleague$? Going to court, and still maybe not having enough evidence to get a conviction?'); f(otherwise); f('Nor would she be able to tell anybody at work… I mean, considering the immense shame of it…?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Not to mention, would people even have believed her, if she had?'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('Her and her sister both being fucked by their dad at the same time?'); f(elseIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f('Her and her sister both being fucker by their brother… together? And the other sister being clandestinely romantically involved with said brother…?'); f(otherwise); f('Her $maleColleague$ involving her in a bizarre threesome with his $wife$?'); f(endIf); f('Sounds like something out of a porn manga author\'s rejected scripts. How would you even go about explaning something like that?'); f(c_b, 'Lampshadin\'.'); f(endIf); f('Even if some would believe her, others would assume — no smoke without fire. Maybe she wanted it, but she changed her mind afterwards. Maybe she\'s just making stuff up. Maybe she\'s mental.'); f('Maybe she\'s one of these crazy man-hating feminists trying to peg "rape" on an innocent man just because — and the system will let her get away with it!'); f('No matter how you slice it — it wouldn\'t have been worth it.'); f(otherwise); f('So what happened afterwards?'); f('$Esther$ had gotten up and left already by the time we woke up.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('We haven\'t actually heard of her since. No texts, no e-mails, no "Thanks for the Threesome" Hallmark card…'); f(c_b, 'Did this line make you laugh out loud, huh?', 'lenny'); f(c_b, 'Uh, no…? Smirk, at least…? Uh… I\'m sorry, it\'s just… I was really happy with it…', 'worried'); f(whatIf, 'eMother&&hSister'); f('It\'s as if our mom just went up in a puff of smoke.'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s as if my $colleague$ just went up in a puff of smoke.'); f(endIf); f('I don\'t necessarily blame her, though. Maybe it was a little bit much, suddenly awaking to you being fucked by your $maleColleague$...'); f('... and then $Hatsune$ right next to her throughout it.'); f('The fact that she enjoyed the whole thing immensely probably only makes the shame burn that much worse.'); f(otherwise); f('I see her at work, of course, but she does her best to avoid me, and we haven\'t had a real conversation ever since.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I get it, though. Maybe the whole incestual thing was a little much, for her. It\'s a weird way to lose your virginity, I suppose, being sandwiched between a $husband$ and his $wife$.'); f('And no, she didn\'t tell anybody about us, about me and $Hatsune$. Not that I ever was worried that might happen.'); f('How\'d she reveal it, without revealing she also had sex with the two of us? Whatever her excuse would be, people would regard her as just as perverted as the two of us.'); f(otherwise); f('I don\'t blame her, though, knowing how shy she is. What is there to say, after you\'ve been in a drunken threesome together with a guy and his wife?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('But what about $Hatsune$, you might ask? How did my dearest $wife$ react to the fact that I wanted to involve another person in our lovemaking, once given time to actually process it?'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eMother'); f('Well, due to all her resentment issues… $Hatsune$ thought that being fucked by your son would be a fitting punishment for the "crimes" she thought our mother had committed against our family.'); f(whatIf, 'rough'); f('That it ended up being a rape, well… that was just the icing on the cake, as far as $Hatsune$ was concerned.'); f(otherwise); f('That $Esther$, in her drunken and confused state, ended up actually asking, nay, begging for my cock… that was just the icing on the cake, as far as $Hatsune$ was concerned.'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$ came to recognize she has issues… so she was fine accepting I might too, even when they include wanting to fuck our mother.'); f('But the experience… it sounds crazy to say, but we\'ve bounded even further over it.'); f(c_b, 'Over the rape/half-rape of your mother. Interesting twist.'); f(c_b, 'I mean, I wrote this and all, sure, but I wasn\'t planning for this. I just let the cheats run their course.', 'tehe'); f('My doubts over our relationship dissipated in the wind, just like $Esther$ seemed to do.'); f('$Hatsune$ and I… we\'ve never been happier.'); f(elseIf, '!hIncest&&eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'eDaughter'); f('I mean, "honey, let\'s fuck my illicit daughter, why don\'t we!"... it\'s not your everyday request. Not something you might be prone to ask for advice about at the monthly book club gathering.'); f('"On the one hand, I\'m worried about the legalities… on the other hand, I kind of want to take revenge on her for being born, so…"'); f(elseIf, 'eSister'); f('Not to mention that said <i>another person</i> was my smoking hot sister? Hatsune would be crazy to not see her as a rival… '); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('Not to mention that said <i>another person</i> was my mother… I mean, hello, Oedipus…'); f(c_b, 'More like… Oedi-<i>pussy</i>, right?', 'lenny'); f(endIf); f('How do you react to finding out that your husband has incestuous urges… I mean, not only that he has them, but that he made <i>you</i> act on them? And fulfil them?'); f('What can I say. We\'ve had long talks about it, and... $Hatsune$ accepts me for who I am. It\'s liberating.'); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest'); f('She\'s… she\'s even helpful. Though $Esther$ might not be in the picture any more… we\'ve actually invited $Hina$ over for dinner next Friday.'); f(c_b, 'Does this guy have the best wife ever, or what?'); f('Wish me luck…!'); f(otherwise); f('It\'s a shame $Esther$ isn\'t around anymore, but... who knows what the future might hold.'); f('We\'ve decided we\'ll try for a baby, so… sequel in 18 years, 9 months?'); f(c_b, 'This is a little on the very sick end of the spectrum — the insinuation that Hatsune and the protagonist will breed a child for them to have sex with... ', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, 'Take it as a joke, you know. If that\'s not your thing…', 'embarrassed'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hadThreesomeSexWithH'); f('Well… surprisingly well, actually. She really found it <i>rather</i> enjoyable herself.'); f(otherwise); f('Well… surprisingly well, actually, especially when you consider how I was kind of spending most of my energies on $Esther$, rather than her.'); f(endIf); f('Though $Esther$ might be out of the picture… who knows what the future might hold.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('There\'s always other female relatives to get drunk under the table, undressed, and then… well, you know what follows after that, don\'t you?'); f(otherwise); f('There\'s always other girls to get drunk under the table, undressed, and then… well, you know what follows after that, don\'t you?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hiIncest&&aIncest'); f('... and if there\'s nobody around right now, well… maybe $Hatsune$ and I\'ll try for a baby… and maybe I\'ll get back to you in some 18 years 9 months, with an update on how things are going… if you catch my drift.'); f(c_b, 'This is a little on the very sick end of the spectrum — the insinuation that Hatsune and the protagonist will breed a child for them to have sex with... ', 'embarrassed'); f(c_b, 'Take it as a joke, you know. If that\'s not your thing…', 'embarrassed'); f('Wish us luck!'); f(otherwise); f('Speaking of which, we\'ve actually decided on our next target. We\'ve invited $Hina$ home for dinner, next week, so…'); f('Wish us luck!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(c_b, 'OK, that\'s it!', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Wow. Was that as intense for you as it was for me?', 'lenny'); f(c_b, 'Probably not! But I hope you liked it, nonetheless.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'And again, if you aren\'t a patron already, please consider pledging! Every bit helps. These games aren\'t making themselves.'); f(c_b, 'See ya soon, hopefully!', 'happy'); f(pause, 3); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'threesome', 'Threesome Ending'); f(label, 'threesomeHypnoSex'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', x, [0, 'arm', 'top']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(e, '$angh$!'); f(h, '$angh$...!'); f('The girls take turns in $moan$ing their hearts out, with each thrust of my hip.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(e, 'Nghf…'); f('This is incredible. How come I never came up with this before? I must be a moron. I can hypnotize people nilly-willy, but I never got into my thick head that maybe, just maybe, I could get two girls in on a threesome?'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(e, 'A-a-a-aah!!'); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f(m, 'You like that, sis?'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f(m, 'You like that, mom?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'You like that, kiddo?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'Your $maleColleague$ deep inside of you… nghh…!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(e, 'Ah, ah… $yes$…!'); f('I smile. Of course, it\'s just the hypnosis making her say it, but… even so, it feels good.'); f(cgs, 'h_e_back', 'fade', [0, 'h_exp_closedmouth', 'h_exp_eyesopen', 'arm', 'top'], 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f(m, 'What is it, darling? You want a portion of what your sister is having?'); f(elseIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f(m, 'What is it, darling? You want a portion of what your sister is having?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'What is it, darling? You\'re craving a portion of your $husband$\'s cock as well?'); f(endIf); f(h, '$yes$… when is it going to be $my$ turn$meow$…?'); f(otherwise); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$... when is it go$ing$ to be $my$ turn$meow$…?'); f(endIf); f('$Esther$\'s pussy is so warm, wet, and welcoming…'); f(c_b, 'The three W\'s!', 'benderp'); f('... but what kind of a $husband$ would I be if I just kept fucking $Esther$?'); f('...'); f('Just a few humps more, though.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(e, 'Ah!! $angh$!!!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(m, 'OK guys, let\'s switch places… on your backs, please…'); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', 'fade', [0, 'top']); f(pause); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$, d-do me… do me now!'); f(m, 'As you wish…'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', x, [0, 'h_cumming', 'e_cumming', 'top']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f('I put my hips into it, and my rockhard dick penetrates her like a skewer into a piece of chicken.'); f(c_b, 'Sorry for this horrible metaphor. I was tired.', 'dumbfounded'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwich', x, [0, 'e_boobgrab', 'h_boobgrab', 'h_cumming', 'e_cumming', 'top']); f(h, 'Ngyhahhh!!! $hMinoruAlt$!!'); f(e, '$angh$!'); f(pause, 0.5); f(label, 'threehypnochoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep pumping.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(choice, 'Cum.'); f(jump, 'threehypnocum'); f(endChoice); f(pause); f(label, 'threehypnohumps'); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 11, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(whatIf, 'humps>8'); f(h, '$angh$...!'); f(jump, 'threehypnochoice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'threehypnohumps'); f(endIf); f(label, 'threehypnocum'); f(voice, 'b_itchau'); f(h, 'Nghhhaa!! I\'m cumm$ing$, I\'m cumm$ing$!!'); f(m, 'Ngh…!'); f(cgs, 'h_e_sandwichcum', x, [0, 'top']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.35); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause); f('So am I, dear $Hatsune$... so am I.'); f(pause); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'threesomeHypno_epi'); f(label, 'threesomeHypno_epi'); f('Who\'d have thought the answer to my problems with $Hatsune$...'); f(pause, 2); f(scene, 'home'); f(person, e, 'hypno_wife', 'smiling', 'p5'); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling', 'p1.4'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f('... would be to add one more sister to the mix?'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('.... would be to add one more daughter to the mix?'); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f('... would be to add my $colleague$ to the mix?'); f(otherwise); f('... would be to add one more person to the mix?'); f(endIf); f(setZoom, h, 1.4); f(h, 'Welcome home, master!'); f(setZoom, e, 1.5); f(e, 'Master, let me take $your$ jacket!'); f(m, 'Great, girls. But why are you dressed…?'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'worried'); f(h, 'Forgive us, master!'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(person, e, 'hypno_wife', 'worried'); f(e, '$yes$, master, we\'re sorry! We\'ll see to it immediately.'); f(m, 'Good, good. $Hatsune$, you undress $Esther$. $Esther$, you undress $Hatsune$. And girls?'); f(h, '$yes$?'); f(m, 'Take it slow, alright?'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(m, 'I like what I\'m seeing, girls…'); f(m, 'Today, I think I\'ll start with… eany meany… heck, let\'s go with $Hatsune$.'); f(h, 'M-master! Th-thank you! I cannot contain $my$ gratitude$meow$!'); f(m, '$Esther$, don\'t leave… I\'ll pull out before cumming, and try and get my dick inside your mouth for the release, OK?'); f(e, '$yes$, master! Most certainly!'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(m, 'Thanks, mom.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Good girl.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'h_e_oops', x, [0, 'nude']); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '$angh$!!', 333, 65, x, 1.3, -13, 'hShakeFade'); f(h, '$angh$!!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(h, 'Ngha… master, it feels so good…! $you\'re$ inside of me! M-$my$ $husband$ is inside of me!'); f(c_b, 'Not like that is the first time that happens...', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'I guess it\'s the hypnosis that makes her able to maintain her excitement.', 'lenny'); f(label, 'threesomeHypno_epiChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep humping.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(choice, 'Cum.'); f(jump, 'threesomeHypno_epiCum'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'threesomeHypno_epiHump'); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(whatIf, 'humps>10'); f(h, '$angh$... ah, ah, ah… master!!'); f(jump, 'threesomeHypno_epiChoice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'threesomeHypno_epiHump'); f(endIf); f(label, 'threesomeHypno_epiCum'); f(h, 'Oh, master! I\'m cumm$ing$! I\'m cumm$ing$…! $angh$-ngh!!!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(m, 'Ngh… E-$Esther$, h-hur… ngha…!'); f(cgs, 'h_e_oops', x, [0, 'nude', 'h_exp_alt', 'cum', 'cowcum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(pause); f('Oh well. Not everything works out exactly as planned.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(m, 'Let\'s try again in 15-20 minutes or so...'); f(e, '$yes$, m-master!'); f(pause, 1); f(c_b, 'OK, that\'s about it! Congrats on reaching the end!', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'For stats nerds, this counts as the regular threesome ending, though it ended up being the game\'s only harem ending... thanks to your 1337 hypnosis sk1llz.', 'lenny'); f(c_b, 'Hope you\'ve enjoyed yourself! I know I did, writing these parts. Didn\'t know I was into mind control as much as it turns out I am.', 'confused'); f(pause, 1); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'threesome', 'Threesome Ending (Hypno Harem Ver.)'); f(label, 'h_gangrape'); f('...'); f('$Hina$ said, "women like it rough", didn\'t she…?'); f('What if… what if I took that to the extreme…?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('Maybe… just maybe, I could <i>shock</i> her out of her catatonic state…?'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('Maybe, just maybe… I could <i>electroshock</i> our relationship back to life?'); f(otherwise); f('Maybe, just maybe… I could <i>electroshock</i> our marriage back to life?'); f(endIf); f('What if... I arranged for somebody to <i>rape</i> her?'); f('...'); f('I must be going crazy! What the hell am I even considering just now…'); f('But while my brain is telling me it\'s stupid — I realize I already have an erection growing in my pants.'); f('Maybe…'); f('Maybe not have her raped by just one guy. Maybe… I could have her raped by <i>several guys?!</i>'); f('My erection just about explodes at the thought. Christ.'); f(c_b, 'This part here is maybe not the best writing in the world. I don\'t know. Don\'t kill me. We all get tired once in a while.'); f('But… haha, that\'s just crazy, isn\'t it. I couldn\'t ever pull something like that through…'); f(m, 'Could I…?'); f(c_e, 'Anything is possible in the world of H VNs!', 'lenny'); f(c_b, 'E-Ebi! You weren\'t supposed to be in here! Th-this is… this is some real creepy stuff you\'re looking at!', 'embarrassed'); f(c_e, 'Fine, fine.', 'sophiesuspicious'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance'); f(pause, 1); f('A couple of days have passed since I came up with this bright idea.'); f(c_b, 'Maybe I should mention something about how <i>I</i> came up with the bright idea of writing this route?'); f(c_b, 'Essentially, uh… well, damn… with that lead in I accidentally made it seem as if I had something interesting to say.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Essentially, those gangrape CG\'s were in the original game. $Esther$ hadn\'t bothered using them, but I thought they were kind of hot…', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'I figured, you know… hey! Here\'s another fetish we could easily cater to.'); f(c_b, 'In the original game, I think these were just used in a dream/fantasy sequence, but I\'m not really sure.'); f(c_b, 'I was actually considering doing something like that, as well. One of the complaints we got from patrons from the public beta was that the game was too short.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'I kind of interpreted this as people wanting the day-to-day type of progression we had in <i>Re:maid</i>...', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'That\'s kind of where the new office thing came in as well, but I was seriously arguing splitting the game into two or more days, e.g. moving most of the interactions Ebi-Hime originally wrote to Day 2, while filling Day 1 with new hijinks.'); f(c_b, 'That\'d mean you\'d get a night of sleep, and I was considering throwing in a couple of CG\'s here for a dream sequence, a different one depending one which girl you had expressed an interest in.'); f(c_b, 'I decided against it in the end, because it would have been too much work, and the game would have been further delayed… but also because dream sequences are a little trite, don\'t you think?', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'No harm intended, Taxcup, in case you\'re reading this, by the way. I think it worked well in <i>Re:maid</i>, I think, maybe precisely because it just used the nude sprites, instead of actual CG\'s.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'park_night', 'fade'); f(person, yakuza, 0); f(pause, 2); f(yakuza, 'OK…'); f(yakuza, 'I\'ve got to tell you though, this is definitely one of the stranger requests I\'ve ever had…'); f('I\'m in that usually oh-so innocent park where I and $Esther$ bring our lunch boxes.'); f(yakuza, 'But… we\'re happy to do it, of course. Heck, more than happy. We\'re downright <i>enthusiastic</i>.'); f('The mountain of a man standing in front of me is a <i>yak</i>, a <i>yakuza</i>, a member of some criminal organization, of which I\'ve no idea, and I want to keep it like that.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(yakuza, 'Heck, considering their bitter and long-running feud… this could help give us an in with the ninjas. They\'ve got the best assassins around, you know…'); f(c_b, 'Harhar.', 'lenny'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl||cowgirl'); f(yakuza, '... and $creature$, at that? Heck. I haven\'t even done it with one of those before.'); f(endIf); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltRight'); f(yakuza, 'You… you\'re not with the ninjas yourself, are you…?'); f(m, 'Huh? Oh, no. That\'s… that\'s not it.'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltLeft'); f(yakuza, 'Right. Of course.'); f(elseIf, 'creatureCheats>=2'); f(yakuza, 'Heck, I haven\'t ever done it with $creature$ myself, before. But I\'ve always wanted to give it a try.'); f(elseIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(yakuza, 'Heck, some of my guys have never even done it with a $creature$ before. I mean, I have, of course. I make sure to <i>sample</i> all the girls who work for us, if you know what I mean.'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'Heh… it\'ll be fun to do this to somebody else than the Chinese or Russian prostitutes we usually have our fun with.'); f(c_b, 'Kind of dark, but…', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'This <i>is</i> the darkest timeline.', 'benevil'); f(c_b, 'That\'s the second time I make that specific <i>Community</i> reference, by the way…. oops.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'The reference was probably more apt here than there, though.'); f(endIf); f('I do personally not know this man — but one of my old high school friends, well, he dropped out halfway because of various <i>troubles</i> he caused one of our female teachers…'); f('... I don\'t know if he\'s a full member, probably not as he still has both his pinkies intact, but he knows these people. I asked him for an introduction, and voilà — here we are.'); f(yakuza, 'I want to clarify one thing though…'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltRight'); f(yakuza, '... Did you want to take part in it? You want to have your way with her too? Or do you just want us to do it for you?'); f(choice); f(choice, '"I want to take part."'); f(setVariable, 'gangraper'); f(setVariable, 'goToGangrape'); f(yakuza, 'Alright.'); f(choice, '"I\'ll be there, but I\'ll just... look."'); f(setVariable, 'goToGangrape'); f(yakuza, 'Alright.'); f(choice, '"Just send me photos of it."'); f(yakuza, 'Alright, we can… we can do that. It simplifies things, really.'); f(endChoice); f(yakuza, '...'); f(yakuza, 'Look, er… it\'s really none of my business unless the clients wants to tell, and usually I wouldn\'t, but... I just have to ask — who\'s this $creature$, to you?'); f('Christ… I was really hoping to avoid talking about this.'); f(c_b, 'The answer you give here changes one thing during the actual sex scene, if you choose to go. If you tell the yakuza the truth, he will rip your balaclava off of your face during the rape, letting Hatsune know she\'s being raped by her own $husband$.'); f(c_b, 'Or that she\'s being watched by you, in case that\'s what you\'re doing.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'So if that\'s something that sounds hot to you… go for it. If you\'d prefer anonymity, choose "decline to say".'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Decline to say.'); f('I\'m a little worried to say no to a man of this size, but I know telling him the truth would only raise further questions. Like, why the hell am I having my $wife$ gangraped?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest&&gangraper'); f('And why am I participating in it myself?'); f(elseIf, '!goToGangrape'); f('And why do I want pictures of the dirty deed?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I\'m sorry, I\'d really prefer not to say anything. Could we… could we keep this on a need-to-know basis, maybe…?'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltLeft'); f(yakuza, 'Of course. I respect that. Just… had to ask.'); f(choice, 'Tell the truth — that she\'s your $wife$.'); f(setVariable, 'toldYakTruth'); f('I might as well tell him the truth.'); f(m, 'She\'s my $wife$.'); f(yakuza, 'What\'s that?'); f(m, 'I said, she\'s my... my $wife$.'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltLeft'); f(yakuza, 'Huh?!'); f(whatIf, 'gangraper'); f(yakuza, 'Hold on, let me get this straight — you want us to rape <i>your $wife$?!!</i> And on top of that… you also want to rape her, yourself…?'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'Hold on, let me get this straight — you want us to rape <i>your $wife$?!!</i>'); f(whatIf, 'goToGangrape'); f(yakuza, 'And… you want to watch us doing it to her!?'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'And… and send you pictures of it?!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(m, '...'); f(yakuza, '...'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltLeft'); f(yakuza, 'You\'re a funny little man... but OK. Don\'t worry. It\'s still on.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Great-'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltRight'); f(yakuza, 'But I\'ll want twice what we originally asked for.'); f(m, 'Huh!? What the-'); f(yakuza, 'Look, this is your sick little fantasy. We\'re happy to help you out, OK? But this-'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(m, 'Hey, sh-she\'s over 18!'); f(yakuza, 'OK. Doesn\'t matter much to us, but whatever. My point stands. <i>Twice the $money$,</i> or no deal.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hey, come on! You asked!'); f(yakuza, 'Look. Cough up, or no deal. It\'s as easy as that.'); f(endIf); f('I grit my teeth.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I consider for a second to hypnotize him, to lower the price, but decide it\'s not worth risk pulling the wool over his eyes, in case he figured it out, now or later.'); f(otherwise); f('I briefly consider just walking away, but… fuck it. I can afford it.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'OK. Fine.'); f('The giant man smirks at my acceptance.'); f(yakuza, 'Yeah, thought so.'); f(endIf); f(choice, 'Make something up.', '!hypnosis'); f(m, 'It\'s just-, it\'s somebody who owes me some money…'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltRight'); f(yakuza, 'A lot of it?'); f(m, 'Um… More than she can pay back.'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltLeft'); f(yakuza, 'I see.'); f(choice, 'Hypnotize away the question.', 'hypnosis'); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 0.5); f(m, 'You do not really care about the answer to that question.'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltLeft'); f(yakuza, 'Right. I don\'t.'); f('Phew. It worked. I was a little worried it might backfire — but just because this looks like guy could take a punch or two or fifteen… it doesn\'t mean he\'s immune to assaults on the psyche, I guess.'); f(endChoice); f(whatIf, 'goToGangrape'); f(yakuza, 'Alright, then. So… We\'ll decide on a time and place later, over the phone.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'We\'ll arrive separately. I\'ll wait on her, with you guys.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Yeah, and… I don\'t want her to know I\'m… that I have anything to do with it. So we\'ll… we\'ll arrive separately.'); f(whatIf, 'gangraper'); f(m, 'I\'ll be masked.'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('The yak smirks.'); f(c_b, 'I just love the abbreviation <i>yak</i> for "yakuza."'); f(yakuza, 'OK, fine. Just make sure she still shows up, alright?'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'Alright, then. We\'ll decide on a time and place later, over the phone. All you have to do is to sure she shows up, alright?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Oh, don\'t worry. She\'ll be there. I\'ll make sure of it.'); f(yakuza, '\'Cause there\'s no buyers remorse, here, alright? Even if she don\'t show up, you ain\'t getting your money back.'); f(m, '... Not a problem.'); f('He smirks a final time, and stretches out one his monstrous right arm in my direction, slowly opening his closed fist.'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltRight'); f(yakuza, 'Sounds like we have a deal. Let\'s shake on it.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('What am I doing?'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(playMusic, 'landmine'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'room1', 'fade'); f(person, h, 'armup', 'irritated'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'So, $Hatsune$... you\'re going to go for a walk.'); f(h, '$OK$$meow$.'); f(m, '... You should walk along that dark alley that leads to the convenience store...'); f(h, '$OK$.'); f(whatIf, 'goToGangrape'); f(m, 'Um… Leave 5 minutes after I\'ve left, OK…?'); f(h, '$OK$.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Christ, $hMinoruAlt$, I already told $you$ I have a headache!'); f(m, 'All the more reason you should take a walk! Get some fresh air!'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Why are $ye$ be$ing$ so unreasonable, $hMinoru$...?'); f(m, 'L-look… I\'m <i>really</i> swamped with work, OK?'); f(h, 'Why are $ye$ even bring$ing$ that stuff home?'); f(m, 'Would you prefer I stayed at work until midnight? Come on, please, just go to the convenience store and buy some onigiri for me...'); f(person, h, 0, 'muchIrritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(h, '$OK$, fine, $hMinoru$, I\'ll go! Just… stop be$ing$ such a <i>parent</i> about it$meow$, nagg$ing$ $and$ order$ing$ me about. It\'s driv$ing$ me crazy$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'OK, fine! I\'ll go, just… stop nagg$ing$. It\'s driv$ing$ me crazy$meow$.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Th-thanks…'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(setVolume, 0.5, 'fade'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('Tonight\'s the night.'); f(whatIf, 'goToGangrape'); f(jump, 'h_gangrape_go'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'h_gangrape_photos'); f(endIf); f(label, 'h_gangrape_photos'); f('Though my involvement ends here, I\'m ridiculously nervous and frankly, still in disbelief over the fact that I\'m actually going through with this. That I\'m handing over $Hatsune$ on a silver plate to a bunch of jackals.'); f(whatIf, '!hMother'); f('My own <i>$wife$,</i> for crying out loud.'); f('Yet… I make no attempt at stopping her as she leaves the door.'); f(endIf); f(scene, 'room1', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('Left all to myself, I pace back and forth the bedroom, pulling at my hair, considering whether I should maybe call $Hatsune$ and ask her to come back… but I know the yak\'s aren\'t far away, and… it\'s maybe… nay, probably, already... already <i>happening.</i>'); f('...'); f('What am I supposed to do, in the meanwhile? What state of mind is really appropriate for a situation like this? Am I crazy for panicking, when I\'m the one who made this happen? Or am I crazy for not panicking much more, while my $wife$ is, is…'); f('... being <i>raped</i> by a number of hardened criminals…'); f(pause, 3); f('It\'s been more than 30 minutes. If nothing had happened… she\'d surely be home by now.'); f('Oh my God. It\'s actually happening. $Hatsune$... she\'s in the streets, being penetrated over and over… protesting feebly... their dicks plunging into her every hole.'); f('My dick hardens at the thought.'); f('Of course it does. It\'s the very reason I arranged for this, isn\'t it? If I\'m being honest with myself...'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I didn\'t really think brutalizing $Hatsune$ would make her snap out of her state, did I?'); f(otherwise); f('I didn\'t really think brutalizing $Hatsune$ would bring us closer, did I?'); f(endIf); f('I mean… it\'s bizarre. It doesn\'t make any sense.'); f(pause, 2); f('After another 15 minutes…'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'lineSound'); f(pause, 1); f('My phone bleeps.'); f('I\'ve received an e-mail.'); f('I open it up, hesitatingly.'); f('There\'s no text in the title or body, but there\'s two pictures attached.'); f(playSound, 'gulp'); f('I gulp.'); f('If I don\'t actually look at them… I\'m still not in the know. There\'s… there\'s room for a plausible denial. Denial… denial of reality.'); f('A reality I\'ve brought upon us, all by myself.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('I stare blankly at the phone.'); f('I lose count of time, but it feels like an eternity before I\'ve gathered the courage to click on the first attachment.'); f('I lightly tap the screen with my thumb.'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape1', 'fade', [0, 'cellphone']); f(pause); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance'); f('Oh… My… God…'); f('What have I done?'); f('With growing trepidation, I tap "next."'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape2', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt', 'cum', 'cellphone']); f(pause); f('Oh, no… $Hatsune$... What have I done…?'); f('But…'); f('... soon, the regret is overtaken by my excitement.'); f('I swipe back to the other photo.'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape1', 'fade', [0, 'cellphone']); f('Oh, man. Three guys… three guys, ripping her clothes to shreds.'); f('I swipe right.'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape2', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt', 'cum', 'cellphone']); f('Three guys… fucking her in the pussy, in her mouth, between her breasts…'); f('$Hatsune$, all the while, fighting back, trying to scream, but… her screams, muffled by a dirty, venous dick stealing her tongue away.'); f('I\'m now so hard, my dick could probably split a diamond.'); f(c_b, 'That\'s very hard indeed…!', 'surprised'); f('I unzip my pants and begin to masturbate furiously…'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape2', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt', 'cum', 'cellphone']); f('... swiping left…'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape1', 'fade', [0, 'cellphone']); f('... swiping right, and…'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape2', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt', 'cum', 'cellphone']); f('... left again, as I furiously cum all over our bed.'); f('That\'s when-'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(playSound, 'doorchime'); f(pause, 3); f('There\'s somebody at the door.'); f(c_b, 'Left this vague on purpose. Is it her? Is it the police? The yakuza? Whomever it is… there\'s <i>dread</i> involved!'); f(pause, 1); f('Oh, Christ. What have I done?'); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'Congrats! You\'ve reached the end. Or, uh. I don\'t know. Are you feeling the same type of regret as the protagonist?', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Maybe you\'ll feel better participating in the gang rape, next time.', 'benderp'); f(c_b, 'Or, uh… you know, there\'s less rough endings about, as well. Nobody\'s forcing you to gangrape your $wife$, you know. It was all you.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Anyways, thanks for playing! And thanks for supporting us! Without people like you, this game wouldn\'t have happened, that\'s one thing that\'s for sure.'); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'gangrape', 'Gangrape Ending 2'); f(label, 'h_gangrape_go'); f('I\'m ridiculously nervous and frankly, still in disbelief over the fact that I\'m actually going through with this. Apparently.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('$Hatsune$ doesn\'t suspect a thing, of course… but I\'m having second thoughts. All of the stuff I\'ve put her through, I mean… daily sex with your $husband$, over all these years… even that pales compared to this.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ doesn\'t suspect a thing, of course. I guess she\'s not really capable of that type of emotion, in this state.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ is a little weary, but she doesn\'t actually know what kind of surprise there is in store for her. I\'ve changed the passcode for my phone as well, just to make sure she wouldn\'t see the texts I\'ve been exchanging with the yak.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(setVolume, 1, 'fade'); f(scene, 'residential_night', 'fade'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I left the house with a ridiculous-looking balaclava I bought at the ski store the other day.'); f(otherwise); f('As soon as $Hatsune$ left, I got dressed in 5 seconds square, picked up the ridiculous-looking balaclava I bought at the ski store the other day, and headed out, taking a different route to $Hatsune$, but running to make sure I\'d make it out here before her.'); f(endIf); f(person, yakuza, 0); f(yakuza, 'There you are — about time. Almost started to think you weren\'t going to show up.'); f(person, yakuza2, 0, x, 'p1.5', x, x, x, 'back'); f(person, yakuza3, 0, x, 'p4.5', x, x, x, 'back'); f('Behind him, I see two other, less monstrous guys.'); f('The big yak smirks.'); f(yakuza, 'Lovely costume you\'ve got there.'); f(m, 'I-it\'s-'); f(whatIf, 'toldYakTruth'); f(effect, yakuza, 'joltRight'); f(yakuza, 'Of course, wouldn\'t want your $wife$ to know, would you?'); f('At this, the other guys begin to cackle.'); f('Christ. Why did I have to tell him the truth?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(whatIf, 'gangraper'); f(yakuza, 'Don\'t worry… we\'ll let you stick your little dicky into any hole you of hers you like. You sick little man.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(yakuza, 'Momma\'s boy, huh…'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(yakuza, 'I guess she\'s been a naughty girl, huh?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'You sick little man.'); f(endIf); f(m, '...'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'Relax.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'She\'ll be here soon, any minute now.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('We stand ourselves around the corner, where $Hatsune$ won\'t see us until it\'s too late.'); f(scene, 'residential_night', 'fade'); f(yakuza, 'Here she comes… guys, get ready.'); f(setFilter, 'night'); f(person, h, 0, 'neutral'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(h, 'Hm…?'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Huh?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(yakuza, 'Come here, kitty kitty…'); f(elseIf, 'pirate'); f(yakuza, 'Ahoy, lady… come here…'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'Hey there, lady…'); f(endIf); f(person, 'h', 'armup', 'muchSurprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(playSound, 'swish'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(h, 'Hm…?'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ehchotto'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_eeehhh'); f(endIf); f(h, 'What $the$-'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'dark', 'fade'); f(yakuza, '... You and us, we\'re going to have some fun…!'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_yametetasukete'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_yametetasukete'); f(endIf); f(h, 'N-no!! Help!'); f(endIf); f('The yak\'s descend on $Hatsune$ like a pack of half-starved wolves. Within seconds, her clothes are ripped to shreds.'); f('I stand aside, paralyzed by fear.'); f(playSound, 'yabure1'); f(pause, 0.3); f(playSound, 'yabure2'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(h, 'P-please someone! I\'m be$ing$ ra- $angh$!! N-no, stop it!!'); f(endIf); f(playSound, 'yabure3'); f(pause, 0.3); f(playSound, 'yabure1'); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance', 0.5); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape1', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iya'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_iya'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Noo!!'); f(yakuza, 'Hah! Getting a good look there, are we?'); f(m, 'I-... uh…'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I can\'t think of anything to say in response.'); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape1', 'fade', [0, 'exp_pleading']); f('$Hatsune$ looks to me, the only person nearby not taking part in ravishing her, with pleading eyes.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Or… "a pleading eye", as it were.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_dadarekatasukete'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_tasuketedareka'); f(endIf); f(h, 'P-please!! H-help me! Get some help, ah, $angh$!'); f(yakuza, 'Hah, don\'t look to that guy for help, you poor $creature_$thing. You could hardly be further off...'); f(endIf); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape1', x, [0, 'exp_alt']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(playSound, 'yabure2'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh10'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh7'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ah… $angh$...'); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'gangraper'); f(yakuza, 'So, hey, you!'); f(m, '...?'); f(yakuza, 'Come on. Which hole you want?'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape1', x, [0, 'exp_pleading']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iya'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_iya2'); f(endIf); f(h, 'N-no!! P-plea-'); f(yakuza, 'Shut up, bitch.'); f(endIf); f(choice); f(choice, 'Rape her pussy.'); f(setVariable, 'pussyRaper'); f(setVariable, 'what', 'pussy'); f(choice, 'Fuck her boobs.'); f(setVariable, 'boobRaper'); f(setVariable, 'what', 'breasts'); f(choice, 'Rape her mouth.'); f(setVariable, 'mouthRaper'); f(setVariable, 'what', 'mouth'); f(choice, 'Back out.'); f(setVariable, 'gangraper', false); f(m, 'I\'m… I\'m good…'); f(yakuza, 'Huh, well. One more hole for us to enjoy, then!'); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!gangraper'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(yakuza, 'OK, here we go.'); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(yakuza, 'Who here never fucked a kitty before?'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'Who here never fucked a $creature$ before?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iyaiyayametedameiyaiya'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_yameteyamete'); f(endIf); f(h, 'PLEASE!! I BEG OF YO-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(stopVoice); f(playSound, 'elbownudge'); f(yakuza, 'Hush, now.'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'hypnosis'); f('The yaks hurriedly pull down their pants, proudly displaying their erect members.'); f(otherwise); f('The yaks hurriedly pull down their pants, displaying their erect members, despite $Hatsune$\'s vigorous protesting.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_yameteyurushiteonegai'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_moyamete'); f(endIf); f(h, 'N-no! NOOO!!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f('I hurriedly pull down my pants. While there\'s still something lingering in the back of my head, something telling me to stop this, my dick isn\'t having none of that.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iyaaaaa'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_moyamete'); f(endIf); f(h, '$no$! NOOO!!'); f(endIf); f(playSound, 'yabure3'); f(pause, 0.3); f(playSound, 'yabure1'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape2', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 1.2); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_iya2', false); f(endIf); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'gangraper'); f('Before long, we\'re all penetrating her.'); f(whatIf, 'pussyRaper'); f('I of course called the pussy — I\'m no $idiot$. I\'m not about to give up $Hatsune$\'s most sacred area to any other man.'); f(elseIf, 'boobRaper'); f('I called her boobs — $Hatsune$\'s lovely, luscious boobs, with more than enough volume to satisfy any dick.'); f(elseIf, 'mouthRaper'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I called her mouth — $Hatsune$\'s lovely, innocent little mouth, forcing my dick inside of it.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ungh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh2'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ugh…'); f(otherwise); f('I called her mouth — $Hatsune$\'s lovely, innocent little mouth, forcing my dick inside of it, silencing her protesting.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh12'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh2'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$lb…!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!mouthRaper&&!hypnosis'); f('With one of the yak\'s dicks in her mouth, $Hatsune$ has a hard time to keep up her protesting.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh12'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh2'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$lb…!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Before long, the three of them are penetrating her wherever they can fit their dicks.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.65); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_unghfungfhdickinmouth'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_iya_suck'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Gahb… pl-... aghlb…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(whatIf, 'gangraper'); f('I can hardly believe it. Seeing $Hatsune$ ravished by two strangers, with my dick in her $what$, is the best sex I\'ve ever had. I\'ve never been this excited. $Hatsune$\'s $what$ has never felt this good before.'); f('I have to fight the urge not just to spray all over her just now… but I want to enjoy this.'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'Guys, get a load of this! This slut is wetter than the ocean already!'); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ungfhdickinmouth'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angnghuh'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Unghab… gha…'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.65); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh8', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh7', false); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.65); f(yakuza2, 'Hah! She want it so bad she can\'t help herself! Here, suck on it!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.65); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f('I look on with poorly hidden excitement. In the midst of it, I\'ve put my hand down my pants and begun masturbating myself.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'toldYakTruth'); f(yakuza, 'Hey, $creature$.'); f(whatIf, 'pussyFucker'); f('The large yakuza lets his dick out of $Hatsune$\'s mouth for a couple of seconds.'); f(otherwise); f('The large yakuza lets his dick out of $Hatsune$\'s pussy.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'gangraper'); f(yakuza, 'You know this guy at all, the guy fucking your $what$ with a smile as wide the horizon on his face?'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'You know this guy at all, the guy looking on as the three of us are having your way with you, with a smile as wide the horizon on his face, and a flagpole in his pants that he\'s currently servicing?'); f(endIf); f('What the… what the fuck is he doing?'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_nghnani'); f(endIf); f(h, 'What…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.65); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh13', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh7', false); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$!!'); f(yakuza, 'You don\'t recognize him with the balaclava on? You don\'t think it odd, do you? That there\'s only one of us bothering to wear a mask...?'); f(whatIf, '!gangraper'); f(yakuza, '... and that he\'s the only one who\'s not fucking you silly…?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Sh-shut up!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.65); f(yakuza, 'Hah. Recognize that voice, lady?'); f(h, '... What?'); f(yakuza, 'Here, let me help you jog your memory.'); f('The yak leans over towards me and before I know what\'s happened, he\'s entirely pulled off my mask with one of his long arms — revealing my face to $Hatsune$, who is staring right at me.'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape2', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(otherwise); f(endIf); f(h, 'N-no… no! $hM$-$hMinoru$!!'); f(whatIf, 'gangraper'); f(yakuza, 'That\'s right, $creature$. You\'re being raped by your own <i>$husband$</i> — how does that feel, having him fuck your $what$ silly?'); f(whatIf, 'mouthFucker'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_doshiteyosuck'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_doshitesuck'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Wh-why!! Gahlbh!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_doshiteyo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_doshiteangh'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Wh-why!! $angh$, ah, $angh$h!'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.65); f(whatIf, 'pussyFucker'); f('Though my mind is panicking, my body is moving of it\'s own accord. I can\'t stop my dick from sliding into her pussy.'); f(otherwise); f('Though my mind is panicking, my body is moving of it\'s own accord. I can\'t stop my dick from fucking her $what$.'); f(endIf); f('The yakuza laughs out loud.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh4', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh9', false); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.65); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(yakuza, 'How you like that, huh, <i>mom?</i>'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(yakuza, 'How you like that, huh, <i>kiddo?</i>'); f(elseIf, 'hSister'); f(yakuza, 'How you like that, huh, <i>sis?</i>'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'How you like that, huh, <i>darling?</i>'); f(endIf); f(yakuza, 'You like your $husband$\'s dick? His dick sure seems to like your $what$...!'); f(otherwise); f(yakuza, 'That\'s right, $creature$. Your own <i>$husband$</i> arranged for this — he\'s even paying us to do it! And he\'s standing by idly, doing <i>nothing</o> to help you, except buffing his banana…!'); f(endIf); f(m, 'C-come on, enough talking!'); f(whatIf, 'pussyFucker'); f('The yak shrugs his shoulders, and puts his dick back inside $Hatsune$\'s mouth.'); f(otherwise); f('The yak shrugs his shoulders, and resumes thrashing $Hatsune$ pussy..'); f(endIf); f(yakuza, 'The customer is always right…'); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape2', x, [0, 'exp_alt']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.3); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_sucking1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_sucking1'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ah… glub… ugh, ubh…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh10'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh4'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$!!'); f(jump, 'gangrape_humping'); f(label, 'gangrape_humping'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh2', false); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.65); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_iya_suck', false); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_tsutsutsu', false); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.65); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh7'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh…'); f(whatIf, '!gangraper'); f(jump, 'gangrape_cumming'); f(endIf); f(label, 'gangrapecumchoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Cum.'); f(jump, 'gangrape_cumming'); f(choice, 'Keep going for a little longer.'); f(setVariable, 'humps', 0); f(endChoice); f(label, 'gangrapemore'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(elseIf, 'humps==0||humps==2'); f(voice, 'b_angh11', false); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh2', false); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 0.3); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.65); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 12, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.25); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.45); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(whatIf, 'humps>2'); f(jump, 'gangrapecumchoice'); f(otherwise); f(incrementVariable, 'humps'); f(jump, 'gangrapemore'); f(endIf); f(label, 'gangrape_cumming'); f(yakuza, 'OK, guys… here we go!'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh1'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Anh…'); f(cgs, 'h_gangrape2', x, [0, 'exp_alt', 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 4); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 0.4); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_iyaaaaa'); f(h, 'NooOOoOOoOo!!!'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_cumming_short'); f(h, 'Aa-angh…!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'gangraper'); f('We all cum in unison, and our cum splatters all over $Hatsune$\'s sweaty, tired, thrashed body.'); f(otherwise); f('The guys all cum in unison, and their cum splatters all over $Hatsune$\'s sweaty, tired, thrashed body.'); f('I too, cum — with my penis now outside of my pants, though my cum only lands on the ground, without making it all the way to $Hatsune$.'); f(endIf); f(pause); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('This…'); f('This is what I wanted. I couldn\'t have wished for more.'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'toldYakTruth'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_otosan'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_mi-no-ru'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_mi-no-ru'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$...'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, '!hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_saiteiyo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_hidoi'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Y-you… you bastards…'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f('Oh my God.'); f(pause, 1); f('What… what have I done…?'); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'And that\'s the end. Thanks for playing! And thanks for being a supporter! Without you, this fucked up shit wouldn\'t have been written.', 'benderp'); f(playMusic, 'shadowdance'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'gangrape', 'Gangrape Ending 1'); f(label, 'moreBoringOffice'); f(scene, 'office_day', 'fade'); f(changeBg, 'office_evening', 'fade', 2); f(pause, 2); f(label, 'moreBoringOffice2'); f(changeBg, 'office_night', 'fade', 5); f(pause, 2); f('The office gradually empties after the clock turns 5.'); f('I\'m staying on though, pushing papers for a little while longer.'); f(whatIf, 'estherDate'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('Finally, I\'m done, and head out to meet up with $Esther$.'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'e_date'); f(elseIf, 'hatsuneDate'); f(jump, 'hatsuneAtOffice'); f(elseIf, 'invitedEstherToOffice'); f(jump, 'estherAtOffice'); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'justStayedAtOfficeAllDayLikeABoringFuck'); f(c_b, 'You just tripped the \'justStayedAtOfficeAllDayLikeABoringFuck\' flag… congrats.', 'angry'); f('I do have stuff to do, but… I also don\'t really want to go back home.'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('But eventually… I do have to face the final curtain.'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(endIf); f(label, 'estherAtOffice'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'esther_theme'); f(endIf); f('Just as I\'m about done with everything…'); f(c_b, 'This short scene is a very much last minute addition… we realized the only way to have non-threesome sex with $Esther$, with any of her incest cheats turned on, was to go out for lunch with Hina, then to keep quiet.'); f(c_b, 'I mean, it\'s a very short scene, but if you\'re playing with the hypnosis cheat, you can skip the date and going home to her and jump straight to having sex with her in the office.'); f(c_b, 'I wanted to add a whole non-hypnosis scene here, where you could talk her into having consensual sex with you, but then I was like…'); f(c_b, 'What the fuck am I doing?!?! We\'re supposed to be finishing the game, not expanding it even more!!!', 'surprised'); f(c_b, 'So I just did the hypnosis thing, in the end.'); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$$meow$...?'); f(m, 'Hm…?'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(setZoom, e, 1.2); f(m, 'Oh. What are you… oh, right. I… I told you to pop by sometime, didn\'t I...?'); f('I really didn\'t expect her to come tonight, already. And at this hour…! And… how did she even get in?'); f(person, e, 0, 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, '$yes$, I… I figured, $um$... better to take $ye$ up on $the$ offer before $ye$ $for$get about it, $you_know$?'); f(m, 'Um… right…'); f(e, 'Did $ye$ want to$meow$… did $ye$ want to go grab someth$ing$ to eat, maybe?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Agree to go.'); f(m, 'Al-... alright. Why not.'); f('It beats going back to $Hatsune$, at least.'); f(person, e, 0, 'smiling'); f(effect, e, 'joltLeft'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_hontoni'); f(endIf); f(e, 'R-really?'); f(e, 'O-oh, that\'s... that makes me $very$ happy$meow$.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 0.2); f(remove, e); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'e_date'); f(choice, 'Tell her you have to go home.'); f('But eventually… I do have to face the final curtain.'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(choice, 'Decline, but maybe… maybe there\'s something else the two of you could do?', 'hypnosis'); f(endChoice); f(setVariable, 'estherExtendedOfficeStay'); f(screenEffect, 'fog', 100, 5); f('Hm… I just had an idea…'); f('... Nah. It\'s… what the hell am I thinking? Hypnotizing $Esther$?'); f('... Touching her sexy body…? Her boobs…? Maybe… maybe doing even more things…?'); f(whatIf, '!hIncest'); f('Christ. I\'m a married man. I mean… she\'s my $colleague$! This… this is crossing the line. OK, so I\'m maybe not God\'s most innocent little white lamb, I have some heavy stuff on my conscience…'); f('But raping my own $colleague$...?'); f('It\'s inconceivable…!'); f('I mean… isn\'t it?'); f('... Except, of course… I could make her forget all about it…'); f(otherwise); f('Christ. I\'m already doing it to $Hatsune$, and… $Esther$\'s body really is smashing.'); f('Besides… she won\'t remember a thing.'); f('It\'d essentially be the same as, you know… doing nothing. No memories, no harm. That\'s my motto.'); f(endIf); f(removeScreenEffects); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(e, '$eM$-$eMinoru$...?'); f(m, 'Um? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking…'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Break it up — tell $Esther$ it\'s about time you headed home.'); f(m, '... about how I really should be getting home around now.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, '$Hatsune$ gets lonely, you know.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'The trouble and strife, you know… she doesn\'t like it when I\'m too late. And… I\'m already rather late…!'); f(endIf); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(e, 'I… I see….'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 0.2); f(remove, e); f(pause, 0.2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(choice, 'Hypnotize her.'); f(m, '... $Esther$... would you… would you look into my eyes, for a brief second?'); f(effect, e, 'joltRight'); f(person, e, 'armup', 'cautious'); f(e, '$um$... alright…?'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 0.3); f(remove, e); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f(m, 'Right… now, take off your skirt, and… um… your underwear, too, please.'); f(e, 'OK…'); f(playSound, 'clothesOff'); f(pause, 2); f(m, 'Jump up on this desk…'); f(e, 'OK…'); f(playSound, 'bodyFall'); f(pause, 2); f(m, 'Um… Christ. Fuck. You\'re hot, $Esther$... Alright. Here… here we go.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'zipper'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'estherSex2'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'backInOffice'); f(fadeIn, 'sugaku'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'office_evening', 'fade'); f('I get back to work after lunch.'); f(jump, 'moreBoringOffice2'); f(label, 'hatsuneAtOffice'); f('The office turns completely quiet except for the soft humming of the fluorescent light. I delve into my computer and find a nice, good rhytm.'); f('I\'m being unusually efficient, completing one task after another.'); f('My mind is completely set at my work so I\'m a little startled when I suddenly hear voice right behind me.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(playMusic, 'youareapirate'); f(otherwise); f(playMusic, 'sweetpeach'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(h, 'Hi, hun… I came.'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Hi, hun…'); f(endIf); f('I quickly turn around.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(h, 'Hi, hun… I came.'); f('And <i>how</i> she did. She\'s wearing a super slim black outfit — wait, is that latex? No, phew, it\'s not, thank god… it\'s not a S&M club we\'re heading to, last time I checked.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, '$Hatsune$, you can\'t… you can\'t dress this sexily when you\'re coming to work, don\'t you see? People might suspect something! You\'re not exactly dressed for a family meet-up...'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'neutral'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Hm?'); f(m, '... Never mind. OK, hold on, let me just wrap some of this up…'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Hi…'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, '...'); f(m, 'OK, let me just wrap some of this up and we\'re good to-'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('She\'s wearing a super slim black outfit… latex? No, but it might as well have been.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Christ! $Hatsune$! Please don\'t ever call me "hun" in public, in my office!'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'surprised', x, x, true); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Come on, $there$\'s nobody here but $ye$$meow$.'); f(m, 'Yeah… <i>I</i> know that, because I walked through the entire office 10 minutes ago when I went to the bathroom… but you <i>don\'t!</i>'); f(m, 'For all you know, there could be somebody on the other side of the partitions!'); f(whatIf, 'cowgirl'); f(h, 'Don\'t have a cow, man!'); f('Huh? She\'s using herself as the butt of a bad pun…?'); f(h, 'You said it $your$self, there\'s nobody there, right?'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Calm down, you said it $your$self, there\'s nobody there, right?'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Yeah but it\'s the principle, $Hatsune$! You have to be more…'); f('I realize I\'m almost screaming, so I lower my voice to a half whisper.'); f(m, '... you\'ve gotta be more careful, alright? What if my coworkers found out…'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, '$um$... Relax. It was just a jokey "hun". It could easily be explained away$meow$…'); f(m, 'A-and, what are you wearing?'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Huh? $you$ don\'t… $you$ don\'t like it?'); f(m, '$Hatsune$, uh… <i>of course</i> I like it, you look great, that\'s not the issue! It doesn\'t exactly look like we\'re about to head out for an innocent family dinner, does it?'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'What do $you$ mean$meow$?'); f(m, '... Wouldn\'t you think it odd if you saw somebody dressed like you are right now, and they told you they were going to go eat with their $husband$...?'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'worried'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Oh…'); f(m, 'You see?'); f(h, '$yeah$, I do. I\'m sorry, I guess I didn\'t think $that$ $scurvy_$far$meow$…'); f(m, 'It\'s… it\'s OK. It\'s just… we need to be careful, OK?'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(m, 'I mean… they\'d jail me for this, you know?'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'surprised'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'B-but I\'m in on it too$meow$!'); f(m, 'Yeah, but… it doesn\'t matter. I mean, Christ, even the fact that it\'s incest… you were under 18 when, when…'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'neutral'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'When we began mak$ing$ love?'); f('Huh. Well, that\'s one way of calling the fumbling drunken stuff we did back then.'); f(m, 'And how do you think your friends would react? Don\'t think for a second they wouldn\'t cut you off in an instant.'); f(h, '$hMinoruAlt$, fine! I said I\'m sorry! Why do $you$ always have to nag so much$meow$!?'); f(m, 'Uh… because I\'m your father?'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'annoyed'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, '$that$ doesn\'t mean $ye$ have to treat me like a $landlubbin_$kid!'); f(m, '... Despite the fact that you are one?'); f(h, 'Hmpf…'); f(m, 'Look, I\'m just looking out for us, OK…?'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, '$yeah$, I know, I know.'); f(m, 'OK. You\'re right. I <i>am</i> nagg$ing$. Let\'s drop it.'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f(m, 'I mean, it\'s not only my own hide I\'m thinking of! You could be jailed, you know!'); f(h, 'I… I know. I\'m sorry$meow$.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I mean, what would <i>you</i> do if this came out? If you think for even a second that not every single one of your friends would cut you out, then you\'d better think again.'); f(h, '...'); f(whatIf, 'hiIncest'); f(m, 'Not to mention, how do you think $Hina$ would react?'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'And $Esther$...?'); f(endIf); f(elseIf, 'eIncest'); f(m, 'Not to mention, how do you think $Esther$ would react?'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(h, 'Hmpf! I could care less about what mom thinks of me, $hMinoru$. I don\'t need her approval!'); f(m, 'Nevertheless…'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'OK, OK… I said I\'m sorry, right?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Why, hi there…'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Compliment her dress.'); f(m, 'You\'re dress… darling, you look fantastic.'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'smiling'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'Why, $of$ course I do, $hMinoruAlt$.'); f(choice, 'Say she looks different.'); f(m, 'You look… you look different.'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'irritated'); f(effect, h, 'joltRight'); f(h, 'Oh, come on, $hMinoru$! $ye$ can do better$meow$!'); f(m, 'Huh?'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'I\'m all dressed up with nowhere to go!'); f(c_b, '♪ What she wants, I don\'t know… ♪', 'happy'); f(c_b, '♪ She\'s all revved up and ready to go! ♪', 'angry'); f(m, 'What do you mean?'); f(c_b, 'Huh? That\'s… that\'s from <i>Blitzkrieg Bop</i>, a-...', 'benderp'); f(c_b, 'Oh. You\'re talking to <i>her</i>, aren\'t you...?', 'worried'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'worried'); f(effect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'I just mean… I\'ve made an effort, tonight. So $ye$ should make an effort too, $you_know$? I don\'t just look "different" — I look <i>$swashbucklin_$great!</i>'); f(m, 'Um… alright, hon. You look $swashbucklin_$great.'); f(endChoice); f(endIf); f(m, 'OK. So, uh… let\'s get going. Let me just wrap this up…'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Why don\'t $ye$ let me wrap up-'); f(m, 'No, I think I\'m-'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'smiling'); f(setZoom, h, 1.4); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.9); f(h, '-$my$ $husband$\'s cute $wee$ cock with $my$ boobs?'); f(pause, 2); f('I\'m lost for words… \n\n That\'s kind of witty.'); f('But… is this what I want tonight? Didn\'t I want to go out, and talk to her, about… <i>things?</i>'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I can\'t deny the idea is oddly enticing, though. Getting... <i>serviced</i> by my own $wife$, in the middle of my workplace…'); f(otherwise); f('I can\'t deny the idea is oddly enticing, though. Getting <i>serviced</i> by my $wife$, in the middle of my workplace.'); f(endIf); f('Which will it be?'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_atashinooppaidetsumikondehoshideshopaizurihoshidesho'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_atashinooppaidetsumikondehoshideshopaizurihoshidesho'); f(endIf); f(setZoom, h, 1.6); f(h, 'Come on… $ye$ want $my$ boobs around $your$ $scurvy_$dick, don\'t $you$? $you$ want a boobjob, right…?'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(c_b, 'I sincerely apologize for the fact that there\'s several occassions where the girls refer to your dick as "scurvy dick", with the pirate cheat on.', 'lenny'); f(endIf); f(choice); f(choice, 'No boobjob. Bad $Hatsune$!'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(remove, h); f(pause, 0.3); f(scene, 'black'); f(pause, 1); f('Somehow, I manage to convince, or rather, hold off the sex-hungry $Hatsune$, and convince her to come with me outside.'); f(c_b, 'Guide to my writing: sentences that start with "somehow" and are preceded by a sudden black screen… they\'re cop-outs. The lot of them.'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'hDate2'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'hDate'); f(endIf); f(choice, '<i>Yes boobjob! Good $Hatsune$!!</i>'); f(jump, 'hBoobjob'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hDate'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Come on, $Hatsune$! After I just lectured you about how we need to be more careful…?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'Come on, Hatsune. Let\'s not just… let\'s actually go out, and talk, OK? Like two adults.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f(h, 'Christ, don\'t be such a <i>dad,</i> willya?'); f(m, '...'); f(elseIf, 'hMother'); f(h, 'Come on, son. Lighten up a $little$$meow$. $it\'s$ good to try out someth$ing$ different once in a while, $you_know$?'); f(m, 'Alright, alright… Next time, maybe.'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Christ, $hMinoru$, I\'m just try$ing$ to… do someth$ing$ fun, for once, $you_know$?'); f(m, 'Well, some other time, maybe…'); f(endIf); f(remove, h); f(pause, 0.3); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(jump, 'hDate2'); f(label, 'hDate2'); f(stopMusic, 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(fadeIn, 'shokudo', 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(screenEffect, 'fadeFromBlack', 1); f(scene, 'restaurant'); f(item, 'table', 0, 0, x, x); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'smiling', 'p2.7', -40, x, x, 'back'); f(setZoom, h, 1.2); f('Since we hadn\'t picked out anything ahead, and most of the places that Google recommended were already full, we ended up in a real fancy French place.'); f(c_b, 'Shoutout to Google Maps!', 'tehe'); f('This has, from the outset, put me in a somewhat bad mood. First of all: I don\'t like French food. Secondly: I don\'t like wine. Thirdly: I don\'t like fancy places.'); f('The three of them has joined together forming an unholy trifecta of <i>things I don\'t particularly like</i>, conspiring to burn another hole in my wallet.'); f(c_e, 'Well, aren\'t you just a bundle of fun.', 'angry'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(jump, 'hHypnoDate'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f('$Hatsune$ seems happy, though, that we\'re not going to one of the smoky <i>izakayas</i> we usually end up, when I get my will through.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ looks delighted, though. Girls, huh? Tell me, what does the French have, that we don\'t? Just a bunch of pretensions, amirite?'); f(c_b, 'Heck yeah! Freedom fries!', 'happy'); f(c_e, 'The French have some pretty nice pastries…'); f(c_b, 'Well…', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'And snails!', 'sophiederp'); f(c_b, 'Yuk.', 'bendisgusted'); f(endIf); f('I need to make up my mind. What is it that I want from tonight?'); f(c_b, 'Let the dating games begin…', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'We got some complaints that the game wasn\'t challenging enough, that there were no real fail states.'); f(c_b, 'Of course there were, as there were endings labelled as \'bad\' ones (though they often did contain new sex scenes as well)... but anyways, here\'s a little challenge for you guys. A bunch of choices coming up.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'To make serious conversation about how you feel.'); f(jump, 'hDate_serious'); f(choice, 'To try and rekindle the flame in your relationship.', 'hIncest'); f(choice, 'To try and rekindle the flame in your marriage.', '!hIncest'); f(endChoice); f(jump, 'hDate_rekindle'); f(label, 'hDate_serious'); f(m, 'So, $Hatsune$...'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'neutral'); f(h, '$yes$? What is it, $hMinoru$?'); f('$Hatsune$ tilts her head to one side. She looks the very picture of innocence right now — so happy she\'s almost glowing.'); f('Well. Not entirely innocent. She\'s still wearing that skin-tight dress.'); f('This is going to be more difficult than I thought.'); f(m, 'Look, um… I was doing a bit of thinking lately. Soul-searching, if you will...'); f('I jump right into it.'); f(h, 'You, search your soul?'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f('$Hatsune$ laughs.'); f(h, 'You couldn\'t even find the TV remote when it fell down the back of the couch$meow$!'); f('... Okay, maybe I deserve that. I guess I sound kind of pretentious — but I can\'t help myself. I\'m getting nervous.'); f('Maybe going to a fancy place like this for such a serious discussion wasn\'t such a good idea. But it\'s too late to back down now.'); f(m, 'Whatever. The point is, I was thinking a little, and...'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'neutral'); f(h, 'And?'); f(m, 'I… well…'); f('How should I put this?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Tell her bluntly.'); f(jump, 'hDate_blunt'); f(choice, 'Try to let her down gently.'); f(jump, 'hDate_gentle'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hDate_gentle'); f(m, 'I think… there might be a few problems with our relationship.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'irritated'); f(h, 'Problems?'); f('$Hatsune$ frowns. She doesn\'t look convinced.'); f(h, 'What do you mean?'); f(jump, 'hDate_rekindle2'); f(label, 'hDate_blunt'); f(m, 'Alright. I\'m going to be completely honest with you.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'worried'); f(h, 'What is it?'); f(m, 'Well, I…'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'I know I look great in this outfit, but $you$ don\'t need to tell me! I already know!'); f('Wait, what? Where did she get that idea from?'); f(c_e, 'She craftily tries to change the subject…', 'worried'); f(m, 'No, um… It isn\'t about that.'); f(h, 'Then, do you want to have me all to $your$self? Is that what $you\'re$ talk$ing$ about$meow$…?'); f('$Hatsune$ giggles, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Her neck, long and pale white, looks elegant and inviting.'); f('Is she doing this on purpose?'); f(h, '$you$ know, $hMinoru$… We haven\'t even ordered our $scurvy_$food yet. $you$ can\'t make bedroom eyes at me already$meow$!'); f(m, 'Was I making bedroom eyes?'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'laughing'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(h, 'Aye, harharhar...!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'Yes! Ehehe...'); f(endIf); f('Her voice drops to a whisper. She presses one hand against mine. She\'s warm and soft — so inviting, I almost forgot…'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'worried'); f(h, 'If you really want, maybe we can slip away early.'); f(m, 'I thought you were excited about eating at a fancy restaurant?'); f(h, 'I am$meow$, but...'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f('Her eye flashes.'); f(otherwise); f('Her eyes flash.'); f(endIf); f(h, 'I\'m more excited at the thought of $you$ eat$ing$ me out$meow$!'); f(m, '$Hatsune$… Not in public...'); f(h, 'Of course, not in public! Unless...'); f('Her lips curve into a seductive smile.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'You would like that$meow$?'); f(m, '$Hatsune$...'); f(h, 'You know… I\'d do anything to please you, darling. Why settle for $scurvy_$dessert here when you can have me?'); f('She licks her lips slowly; her tongue small and pointed, pale pink. Just like a cat\'s.'); f(h, 'Every last bit...'); f('Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit. Not now.'); f('She\'s using her feminine wiles against me — playing one of those awful mind games — and the worst thing is, it\'s working. I\'m starting to get flustered.'); f('My intentions, when we first arrived at this restaurant, were completely pure! I swear!'); f('How can I have a serious conversation with her now? It\'s difficult being serious when your dick is starting to get hard.'); f('But I can\'t let my attempt at resistance end here. I\'m not that weak, am I?'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Yes, you are.'); f(jump, 'hDate_blunt2'); f(choice, 'No. Stick to the original plan.'); f(jump, 'hDate_blunt3'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hDate_blunt2'); f(m, 'Oh… Fuck, $Hatsune$.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'That\'s the general idea.'); f('I groan.'); f(m, 'How do you expect me to put up a fight like this?'); f(h, 'Then don\'t put up a fight. Just… stay with me. Let me make you feel good. $OK$?'); f(m, 'Okay… Okay.'); f('I don\'t know why I repeat myself like that. I probably sound like an idiot. I feel like an idiot, too.'); f('It isn\'t fair. Women are impossible to deal with. They have so many underhanded advantages — and $Hatsune$ has no problems with flaunting all of them.'); f('Her dress is so tight, I swear I can see the outline of her nipples…'); f('Now, what man wouldn\'t get excited by seeing his $wife$ like that?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Some might try to deny it, of course, because it\'s not appropriate… but when you\'re faced with breasts like $Hatsune$\'s, I really don\'t think any amount of the Westermarck effect will save you.'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Good. I\'m glad you\'ve finally seen sense, $hMinoru$.'); f(h, 'Do you want to get out of here$meow$?'); f('At this point, I don\'t think I have a choice. I know when I\'ve been beaten.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(jump, 'hBadEnd2'); f(label, 'hDate_blunt3'); f(m, 'Actually, $Hatsune$...'); f('I try to make my voice firm. Firmer than my dick, at least.'); f('That\'ll be a feat.'); f(m, 'This isn\'t about your body, or how you look, or how much I want to have sex with you. For once, that has nothing to do with it.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'worried'); f(h, 'But I… I got dressed up just for $you$...'); f(m, 'I know, and you look great — but hear me out. I came here because I wanted to have a proper discussion. A heart-to-heart.'); f('$Hatsune$ looks at me stubbornly, almost sulkily. Gone is her soft, sweet little smile — and the seductive grin from a few moments prior.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'neutral'); f(h, 'I think the best way for a man $and$ a woman to get to know one another is beneath the sheets… preferably, with as few clothes as possible$meow$.'); f(m, 'And that\'s the exact problem!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(playSound, 'tableSlam'); f(pause, 0.8); f('I slam my palm against the table, hard. Too hard.'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'surprised'); f(h, '$hMinoru$….?'); f('Shit.'); f('I was a little louder than I intended. Now, a few other patrons at the restaurant are looking at me, their eyes narrowed.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'worried'); f('$Hatsune$ frowns. Her lower lip trembles. She looks worried.'); f('So, now I look like a wife beater. Fantastic. Could my day get any better?'); f(m, 'I\'m sorry… I just...'); f('I run a hand through my hair, trying to collect my thoughts.'); f(m, 'This always happens with us, $Hatsune$. Always. Whenever I want to talk about something serious, you have to try and derail it. We can never have a proper conversation, like a normal couple, because you\'re so… so...'); f('I gesture to her, waving one hand.'); f(m, 'Well, just look at yourself.'); f('$Hatsune$ glances at her outfit; at the black, skin-tight dress that shows off each and every curve.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'I… I thought you\'d like it...'); f(m, 'And I do like it — but that\'s not the point! We were meant to be going out for a nice, normal dinner, and yet you turn up dressed like… Like, I don\'t know.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'annoyed'); f(h, 'A $scurvy_$$creature_$slut?'); f('They\'re her words, not mine.'); f('I\'m not the one who said it — but $Hatsune$\'s starting to look angry now.'); f('Genuinely angry.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'angry'); f(h, 'I see how it is$meow$. $you$ don\'t want to be seen with me in public because $you\'re$ ashamed of me. Is that right$meow$?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Come on, $Hatsune$. You know that\'s not true, it\'s just… we can\'t let people know. It was never about me being ashamed of you. Maybe about being ashamed of myself….'); f(m, 'I mean, anybody would be happy to have such a sexy partner-'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I\'m not ashamed of you! Any man would be happy to have such a sexy young wife-'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'worried'); f(h, 'But not you.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Hatsune… you\'re my <i>$wife$.</i>'); f('My voice drops to a whisper as I utter that last word.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I was… at first — but it gets kind of tiring.'); f(endIf); f(h, 'I-I… I thought you liked hav$ing$ sex with me$meow$...'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, '$Hatsune$, shhh! I… I did. But… I don\'t think we should be doing… <i>this</i> anymore.'); f(otherwise); f('Well, yes. Who doesn\'t like having sex? But if that\'s all you ever do, day in, day out…'); f(m, 'You\'re a very attractive woman, $Hatsune$, and I do like you, but… I don\'t know if I love you any more.'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'blush_sexy', 'worried'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$...'); f('$Hatsune$ stares at me. Her cheeks flush, as though she\'s just been slapped across the face.'); f('I guess I did just give her the verbal equivalent of a beatdown. I didn\'t realize I was capable of such a feat.'); f('What am I going to do next? Make her cry into the hors d\'oeuvres?'); f('I feel like fucking Iron Man. I\'m invincible!'); f('... Actually, Iron Man is also a bit of a dick, wasn\'t he?'); f('Unfortunately though, I don\'t have any super powers.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, 'Look, $Hatsune$... I\'m not saying this because I don\'t love you. In fact, I\'m saying it because I love you… like a $wife$. I think this… this just has to end.'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I\'m not saying this because I don\'t like you. In fact, I\'m saying it because I like you. I think our marriage has started to stagnate. We need a change of pace.'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'blush_sexy_tears', 'worried'); f(h, 'B-but I...'); f('Urgh. She really is going to cry, isn\'t she?'); f('The other people in the restaurant are still staring.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('If they only know what was going on here — a $husband$ breaking off his extremely sexual relationship with his $wife$...'); f(otherwise); f('I wish I could shout at them to mind their own goddamn business — but that would probably make it worse.'); f(endIf); f(h, 'I… I know how stressed you\'ve been lately, darling, $and$ I… Maybe I was com$ing$ on a little strong, but I just wanted to try $and$ cheer $you$ up! This whole time, I… I\'ve done everyth$ing$ for you$meow$!'); f('Now, how can I contest that?'); f('The tears of a woman are pretty potent stuff, let me tell you.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Remain firm.'); f(jump, 'hDate_blunt4'); f(choice, 'Well… Maybe we can give it another go.'); f(jump, 'hDate_blunt5'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hDate_blunt4'); f(m, 'Sorry, $Hatsune$...'); f('And I really am. I feel kind of bad, watching those tears bead in the corners of her $eyes$, but… Shit.'); f('I know, deep down in my… well, maybe not "soul", but in my "gut", that this just isn\'t right. I haven\'t been happy with $Hatsune$ for a while — and, even if she\'s happy with me now, I\'m not sure it\'ll stay that way. Not when I\'ve been acting so cold I distant.'); f('I need…'); f('I don\'t know what I need.'); f('Something more.'); f('Something else.'); f('Something new.'); f(c_b, 'Something borrowed?', 'worried'); f(c_e, 'Something blue!', 'happy'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Something that\'s not explicitly illegal.'); f(m, 'Look, you know I\'m right, don\'t you?'); f(otherwise); f(m, 'I just don\'t think this will work. It hasn\'t been working for a while, to be honest — but, you know, in traditional Japanese spirit, I didn\'t want to make a fuss. I thought this would fix itself if I left it alone, but...'); f('I sigh.'); f('I had the same mentality about our kitchen sink when $Hatsune$ and I first moved into our house. I left it for months and months, hoping it would sort itself out… but, of course, it never did.'); f('In the end, we had to buy a new one.'); f('I don\'t know why it\'s some unmentionable evil to do the same in human relationships.'); f(m, 'I don\'t want to hurt you… but I think this might be for the best. Not just for me. For you, too.'); f(m, 'I mean, you really are sexy. You could get any guy you want, no problem. Just try to go for somebody who isn\'t such an uptight asshole.'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'blush_sexy_tears', 'worried'); f(h, '$yeah$… You...'); f('$Hatsune$ sniffs. Her eye make-up looks a little smudged around the edges.'); f(h, '$you$ really are an asshole, $hMinoru$.'); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(h, 'A scurvy one, at that, $angh$...'); f(endIf); f(m, 'I know, I know. I\'m the worst.'); f(h, 'And the most terrible thing is… when $you$ say it like that, I can\'t even get mad at $you$$meow$…!'); f(m, 'I\'m just trying to do what\'s best for us. Both us.'); f('And that isn\'t a lie.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('Even in the end, I\'m still thinking about $Hatsune$.'); f('I\'ll probably always think about her — not constantly, 24/7, in an <i>Every Breath You Take</i> kind of way, but at least on occasions.'); f(c_e, 'I think, after referencing that song, I felt obliged to listen to it while I was writing the rest of this scene.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Ha. Wish we could afford to use it in the game…', 'happy'); f('I mean, I really did love her once.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, I still love her as a $wife$, of course, but…'); f('Maybe that\'s for the best.'); f('I think we botch can be happier than this.'); f(otherwise); f('Now, I\'m not so sure…'); f('But I don\'t think I\'ll stop liking her.'); f('She\'s a pretty damn likeable woman — the sexy, skin-tight dress aside.'); f('But I think we can both be happier than this.'); f(endIf); f('I mean, it\'s a big, big world out there.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(c_b, 'And that\'s the end! Congrats on getting all the way here. You were able to dump her, yada yada.'); f(c_b, 'Hope you liked it! Remember, there\'s a whole more other endings to find, in case you didn\'t! Ciao.', 'happy'); f(playMusic, 'romantic'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'hatsuneNeutral', 'Hatsune Neutral (Break-Up) Ending'); f(label, 'hDate_blunt5'); f('... No. I can\'t do this. Not to $Hatsune$. Not in public.'); f('Not when she\'s wearing such a sexy dress, that she picked out to make me happy, and she\'s styled her hair and done her nails and fuck knows what else.'); f('That would just be too cruel.'); f('I might be an asshole, but I\'m not evil.'); f(m, 'Right, right… I\'m sorry, $Hatsune$.'); f(person, h, 'blush_sexy_tears', 'worried'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoru$?'); f('I reach across the table, threading my fingers with her own.'); f('I worry for a few moments, that she\'ll pull away… but then she grasps them even more tightly than I expected.'); f('It\'s almost painful.'); f(h, '$hMinoru$, you… y-you\'ll give us another chance$meow$?'); f(m, '...Yeah.'); f('I mean, what else can I say, after all that?'); f(m, 'We can give it another shot. I\'m sure it\'ll work out. After all...'); f('I flash her my best smile.'); f(m, 'Not many guys are lucky enough to have such a sexy $wife$.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Hatsune whispers in response:'); f(person, h, 'blush_sexy_tears', 'smiling'); f(h, 'And not many guys would be lucky to get to fuck said $wife$, either.'); f('I grin.'); f('I\'d be foolish to try and swap her for somebody else.'); f(otherwise); f('I\'d be foolish to try and swap her in for a new model.'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 3); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('This is the right choice. It has to be the right choice.'); f('... Maybe.'); f('... Probably.'); f('Who the hell knows?'); f('All we can do is try.'); f(pause, 2); f(jump, 'spooningSex'); f(label, 'hDate_rekindle'); f(m, 'Look, $Hatsune$. I think we need to talk about our relationship.'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'worried'); f(h, 'O-our relationship? Why? What\'s wrong with it$meow$?'); f(label, 'hDate_rekindle2'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Oh, God. Is she going to pretend everything is just fine and dandy? That the very nature of our relationship doesn\'t go against the very grain of almost every society ever?'); f(c_b, 'Except for ancient Egypt… Aah, I was born in the wrong generation…', 'bendisgusted'); f(m, 'Look, $Hatsune$... you know what I\'m talking about.'); f(person, h, 'armup_sexy', 'worried'); f(h, 'What?'); f(m, 'You know.'); f(h, 'Fine. I do know$meow$. But isn\'t it a $little$ late to start worry$ing$ about that now? We\'ve been go$ing$ at it for years...'); f('If she\'s going to play stupid, I might have to try another approach.'); f(m, 'Y-yes, well, it\'s not… that\'s not all, is it?'); f(otherwise); f('Oh, God. Where to start?'); f('Maybe, at the beginning? That is, generally, a very good place to start.'); f('That would take too long, however, and we\'d be here until the early hours of the morning — so I\'ll try to condense things.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'It\'s just… We haven\'t been spending that much time together-'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'annoyed'); f(h, 'Because $you\'re$ so $scurvy_$busy with work.'); f('Well, yeah. She\'s not wrong about that — but that isn\'t really something I can fix. I\'m busy with work because I need to make money. $Hatsune$ doesn\'t have a job, so I need to do as many extra shifts as I can to keep on top of things.'); f('... Talking about the finances isn\'t really why I came here, though.'); f(m, 'True. I know we haven\'t been spending much time together, but I\'m making an effort, aren\'t I?'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'neutral'); f(h, 'Mm. Go$ing$ out on a date, for once...'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter'); f('$Hatsune$\'s eyes shimmer. I\'m reminded of when she was just a little kid. My little baby…'); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$\'s eyes shimmer. She looks almost like a little kid.'); f(endIf); f(person, h, 'sexy_armup', 'laughing'); f(h, 'It\'s like something from a dream$meow$!'); f(m, 'I\'m glad you like it.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'I do! I\'ve wanted to go out with you somewhere for… I don\'t know. Months and months$meow$!'); f('She\'s so easy to please. Despite the sexy black dress, clinging to every curve of her body, she looks more adorable than erotic at this moment.'); f(m, 'Ha… If I knew you wanted to go out so much, I would\'ve tried to arrange a date sooner.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'worried'); f(h, 'Really…? I thought $you$ were too busy...'); f(m, 'I am — but I can try to make time for my $wife$ every once in a while.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'Oh, you charmer, you.'); f('$Hatsune$ laughs. I find myself smiling, too… but maybe I shouldn\'t be.'); f('I was meant to be having a serious conversation about the ins and outs of our relationship — but $Hatsune$\'s so cute I\'m getting distracted.'); f('Shit.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Let\'s get this conversation back on track.'); f(jump, 'hDate_blunt'); f(choice, 'Go with the flow.'); f(jump, 'hDate_rekindle3'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hDate_rekindle3'); f('... Whatever.'); f('I had a plan for this little dinner, but it\'s probably fine to throw my cue cards aside.'); f('We\'re getting along well, $Hatsune$ and I, even without a serious talk.'); f('Maybe this is all we needed. Some quality time together, away from the four walls of our home.'); f('I was busy at work, and $Hatsune$ was bored and lonely. When we were together, all we did was have sex — but maybe that was because we never tried to do anything else.'); f('I was too tired.'); f('We couldn\'t exactly have any meaningful conversations, when I was getting in from the office at seven or eight in the evenings.'); f('Sex was the easiest, simplest way to spend time together. The least complicated.'); f('But doing the easy thing all the time isn\'t always the best.'); f('For any relationship to work, an effort needs to be made.'); f('If only we\'d gone out more like this… maybe this whole issue could have been resolved. Then, I wouldn\'t have had to have so many sleepless nights worrying over an issue that doesn\'t really exist.'); f(m, 'Ha… Haha...'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'neutral'); f(h, '$hMinoru$?'); f('$Hatsune$ looks at me curiously, her head tilted to one side.'); f(h, 'Why do look so happy all of a sudden?'); f(m, 'Ah… I was just thinking, that\'s all.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'You, think$ing$$meow$?'); f('$Hatsune$ giggles.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'laughing'); f(h, 'That\'s $scurvy_$rare for $you$.'); f('I accept her light-hearted quip in good faith, with a small smile.'); f('She\'s right. I was thinking so much these last few months — but, at the same time, I wasn\'t really thinking at all.'); f(m, 'I know. I think I just realized something.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'neutral'); f(h, 'What$meow$?'); f(m, 'That I\'m pretty stupid...'); f('I lean across the table, taking hold of $Hatsune$\'s hand. Her skin is soft and warm, yielding to my touch.'); f(m, '... and I really do love you.'); f('How could I not?'); f('She\'s my insatiable, unquenchable, oddly innocent, yet incredibly attractive $wife$.'); f('Looking back on it, maybe $Hatsune$ isn\'t the one who should be making more of an effort. Maybe, this whole time… the problem rested with me.'); f('I just didn\'t want to accept it.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('It was easier to blame the nature of our relationship for everything.'); f(otherwise); f('It was easier to blame $Hatsune$ for everything.'); f(endIf); f('God. I must sound so pathetic.'); f(person, h, 'sexy', 'smiling'); f(h, 'Oh, $hMinoru$$meow$...'); f('$Hatsune$ smiles, her $eyes$ softening.'); f(h, 'I forgot how romantic $you$ could be!'); f(m, 'Yeah, well. It\'s hard to be romantic when you\'re always busting your ass at work.'); f(h, 'Then I\'ll try to support $you$ however I can$meow$…!'); f(m, 'You\'re already doing a great job, babe.'); f('"Babe"? Since when did I say "babe"? I\'m not James Bond.'); f(h, 'Oh, $hMinoru$...'); f('But it seems to be working.'); f('Maybe I\'ve still got it.'); f(m, 'Now, come on. Let\'s hurry up and order some food. I\'m starving over here.'); f(person, h, 'sexy_tears', 'neutral'); f(h, 'In a minute, honey.'); f(m, 'What? Aren\'t you hungry, too?'); f(person, h, 'sexy_tears', 'smiling'); f(h, 'I am, but… Give me a few moments. Right now...'); f(h, 'I just want to cherish our time together$meow$.'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(jump, 'spooningSex'); f(label, 'hHypnoDate'); f('$Hatsune$ seems happy though. I sigh. She always is...'); f(m, 'Well, here we are…'); f(h, '$yes$, honey.'); f(m, '...'); f(h, 'Do $you$ want to go to the bathroom for a quickie squickie$meow$?'); f(m, '$Hatsune$, no! Please, that\'s… that\'s not…'); f(h, 'Hm?'); f('Christ, what was I thinking? How can I even have a useful conversation with $Hatsune$ when she\'s like this?'); f('Did I think having French food might cure her…?'); f('Why do I even bother…?'); f(pause, 1); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(jump, 'hBadEnd'); f(label, 'hBoobjob'); f(m, 'O-OK… just this once…'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f('While I feel like I\'ve been trying to hold $Hatsune$ at arm\'s length — because of how I\'m not really that sure about <i>us,</i> together, any longer…'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('And despite my misgivings, and just pure exasperation with the constant sex…'); f(otherwise); f('And despite how I haven\'t been as excited about sleeping with her, recently, as I used to be…'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'smallClothesSound'); f(pause, 0.4); f('$Hatsune$ lifts her blouse, revealing she\'s not wearing a bra underneath.'); f(playSound, 'zipper'); f('She gets down on her knees, unzips my pants...'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_moukonnanibinbinnitataseteokasannuiteageru'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_moukonnanibinbinnitatasetekawaigatteageru'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Look how hard he is…! I\'ll take good care of him…'); f(pause, 1); f(label, 'hBoobjob2'); f(cgs, 'h_boobjob', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(m, 'Ngh!'); f(pause); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_kimochiiinomottoshitehoshii'); f(h, '$you$ like this, huh…? It feels $scurvy_$good, doesn\'t it$meow$?'); f(m, 'Nhghhh…'); f(voice, 'c_horakimochiiishitehoshiitteitte'); f(h, 'Come on, son… tell $yer$ mother you want her to make you feel good$meow$…'); f(m, 'Ngh… I… I want it, mom… please, give it to me…! P-please!'); f(voice, 'c_iikone-tappurikawaigatteageru'); f(h, 'Oh, ho ho, $you\'re$ a good little boy, aren\'t $you$...? I\'ll take pity on $you$$meow$…'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_kimochiiinone'); f(h, '$you$ like this$meow$…'); f(m, 'Um… ungh… ah, ha, yes… yes I do…'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(m, 'Aahhh!'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 4); f('The friction as she slowly slides her enormous jugs up and down my dick…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(m, 'Ungh!!'); f('... it feels nothing short of incredible.'); f(whatIf, '!eIncest||invitedEstherToOffice'); f(setVariable, 'walkin', '$Esther'); f(setVariable, 'isEsther'); f(otherwise); f(setVariable, 'isEsther', false); f(setVariable, 'walkin', 'Harue'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1.5); f(playSound, 'doorOpen'); f(pause, 0.1); f(textEffect, '<creak>', 706, 51, 'Blue', 0.8, 10, 'fade'); f(pause, 1.5); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(cgs, 'h_boobjob', 'fade', [0, 'exp_alt']); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(h, 'Huh?'); f(playMusic, 'landmine'); f(m, 'Crap!'); f(otherwise); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playMusic, 'landmine'); f(m, 'Sh-shit! There\'s somebody at the door!'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(h, 'Shiver me timbers!'); f(endIf); f(m, '$Hatsune$, hurry…!'); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'fumbling'); f(pause, 0.2); f('I forcefully drag $Hatsune$ up, and quickly hide behind an open door leading to a small meeting room.'); f('I clutch her tightly in my arms — as if to prevent her from escaping my grip.'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'haruedarkness', 'cowlegcover']); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(voice, 'b_un-gnah'); f(h, 'Ungh!'); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_itainaniwosuruno'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_itainaniwosuruno'); f(endIf); f(h, 'O-ouch! Not so rough!'); f(endIf); f(playSound, 'hush'); f(m, 'Shh, $Hatsune$!'); f('Who\'d come by this late...? What the hell is up?'); f('Has my asshole boss installed security cameras in the office…? Did somebody spot us?!'); f('<i>S-security guards?!</i>'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'esther', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'cowlegcover'], 2); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(e, '$eMinoru$...? Are $you$ here$meow$?'); f('I don\'t believe my ears. $Esther$?! What the heck is she doing here?!'); f('Christ… I told her to pop by the office, didn\'t I…? But at this hour?! And after I said no to meeting her tonight…?'); f('And how did she even got inside? … I guess maybe the janitor, or building security or whatever, just let her in…? Useless!'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'I-is $there$ anybody $there$$meow$?'); f('I steal a quick and stealthy glance behind the door. I feel a little relieved it\'s not security, but… $Esther$! What\'s she doing here this late…?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'haruedarkness', 'harue']); f(har, 'Hm? Somebody there?'); f('I don\'t believe my ears… it\'s my asshole coworker Harue. What the hell is she doing here this late?!'); f(endIf); f('It\'s deadly silent. We\'re so close to her, even moving just a little, even the friction of our clothes, could give us away.'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'esther', 'e_alt_exp', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'cowlegcover'], 1); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'creatureCheat'); f(e, '$angh$...'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Hum…'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(har, 'Hm… I guess not.'); f(endIf); f('Phew. Cover\'s not blown... at least not yet. I\'ve been holding my breath for the last couple of seconds, but finally allow myself to breathe. Hah.'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'esther', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'exp_cumming']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'haruedarkness', 'harue', 'exp_cumming']); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_softangh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, '$angh$...', 410, 143, x, x, 0, 'hMoveFadeBack'); f(h, '$angh$… $hMinoru$...'); f('$Hatsune$ whispers out a quivering $moan$. Oh, crap. I realize I\'ve been tightly squeezing $Hatsune$\'s left breast this whole time…'); f('... and that my dick is still hard as rock, squarely poking right into her female parts, through the fabric of our clothes.'); f('I try and move a little, shifting my erect cock slightly so it\'s not poking right onto her clitoris, when $Hatsune$ whimpers, and whispers in a desperate tone:'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ireteyo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_onegaiirete'); f(endIf); f(h, 'N-no… $hMinoru$... put it back…'); f(playSound, 'hush'); f(m, 'Shh!'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(pause, 0.4); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'esther', 'e_alt_exp', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'cowlegcover'], 1); f(e, 'Huh…? What\'s that?'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$, damn it… is that how you want to play it?'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I didn\'t realize just how depraved my hypnosis has made $Hatsune$, until now. She just doesn\'t have any self-preservation whatsoever, does she?'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f('After all the scolding… my slutty little $wife$ just craves my cock this badly, doesn\'t she?'); f(whatIf, 'eMother&&hSister'); f('Even though it means we could be caught <i>in flagrante delicto</i>, in the very act, by our mother…?'); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&hDaughter'); f('Even though we could be caught <i>in flagrante delicto</i>, in the very act, by my mother, her grandmother…?'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f('Even if it means we could be found out, by my own daughter, nonetheless?'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I didn\'t realize just how depraved $Hatsune$ is until now.'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f('Even though we could be found out — by my own $colleague$, at that…'); f(whatIf, 'eSister'); f('Her own sister-in-law!'); f(elseIf, 'eMother'); f('Her own mother-in-law!'); f(otherwise); f('... my bastard daughter.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('Even though we could be found out — by my own colleague, at that…'); f(endIf); f('She still craves my cock just this badly, doesn\'t she?'); f(otherwise); f('Despite we could very possibly be found out, she just craves my cock this badly, huh?'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'esther', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'cowlegcover'], 0.5); f(endIf); f('I try and not analyze it, but…'); f('Just thinking about it, about possibly being found out, has made my dick turn from rock to solid granite.'); f(c_b, 'I don\'t know if that line actually makes sense. I tried to google "is granite harder than rock" but wasn\'t able to figure out what\'s what, really, in terms of hardness.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Maybe I should have made it…'); f(c_b, '"... made my dick transform from a lump of coal to a <i>brilliant</i> diamond"...?', 'benderp'); f('Fuck it. Let\'s give her what she wants.'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Squeeze her boob.'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'cowlegcover', 'esther', 'e_alt_exp', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'topalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_softangh'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$...'); f(pause, 1); f(e, 'Hm?'); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'cowlegcover', 'haruedarkness', 'harue', 'topalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_softangh'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$...'); f(pause, 1); f(har, 'Hm?'); f(endIf); f('$Hatsune$ squirms and whimpers as I give her a good squeeze, but I\'m afraid I\'ll alert $walkin$, so I relent…'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'esther', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'haruedarkness', 'harue']); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_haah'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_haah'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ha…'); f('... but as I hear $Hatsune$ moan again, I can\'t help myself and give her another good, firm squeeze.'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'cowlegcover', 'esther', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'topalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'cowlegcover', 'haruedarkness', 'harue', 'topalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(h, '$angh$!'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'esther', 'e_alt_exp', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'haruedarkness', 'harue']); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(e, 'I-is th-there somebody there…?'); f(otherwise); f(har, 'Huh? Who\'s that?'); f(endIf); f('Christ, we\'ll definitely be found out if we keep it up, at this pace… but my dick is aching. No time for logic.'); f(c_b, 'I think this is how many men think when they\'re horny. We know it\'s not making any sense, but we also know there\'s more important stuff than sense...', 'worried'); f(choice, 'Pull up her skirt.'); f(setVariable, 'skirtPulled'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'esther', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'bottomalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'haruedarkness', 'harue', 'bottomalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_hahuhahu'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh_ngh1'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ngh… ah…'); f('I fumble a little while trying to pull up her skirt without making a sound.'); f('I feel a wet sensation around the head of my dick as the part of my pants stretched out over it gets drenched in $Hatsune$\'s pussy juices. Christ, she wasn\'t wearing any pants underneath… and she\'s positively <i>leaking…!</i>'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_softangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_softangh'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$...'); f(endChoice); f('Fuck. What am I doing here? $Hatsune$ is making me so horny I\'m going crazy. I can\'t just start fucking here right now… can I…?'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('What am I thinking! Of course we can\'t! If we\'d get found out…'); f(whatIf, 'hDaughter||hSister'); f('They\'d throw one or maybe even the two of us into jail…'); f(otherwise); f('My mom would probably be jailed… and I\'d be fired, ostracized, kicked out… maybe they\'d even publish our photos in the papers…'); f(endIf); f('I can\'t let that happen?'); f(otherwise); f('What am I thinking! Of course I can\'t! I\'ll be fired!'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f('And I can\'t let my $colleague$ see us like this…!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('I can\'t give Harue that pleasure…!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh1'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh1'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$...!'); f('$Hatsune$ grinds her pussy on my dick, while letting out the sweetest little $moan$. Enough to make any guy\'s blood boil. $husband$ or no.'); f('So… on second thoughts… maybe I <i>can?</i>'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Throw caution to the wind — start fucking $yourHatsune$ like there\'s no tomorrow.'); f('Fuck it. Consequences, schmonsequences.'); f(jump, 'hBoobjob_cautiontothewind'); f(choice, 'Hold it in. Wait until the coast is clear.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('It takes all of my willpower to not make $Hatsune$ emit those wonderful $moan$s, but hey — I\'m a master hypnotist. If I can\'t control myself, how could I be expected to control anybody else?'); f(otherwise); f('It takes just about all of my willpower to not make $Hatsune$ emit those wonderful $moan$s, but somehow, I manage.'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'hBoobjob_wait'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'hBoobjob_wait'); f('It seems even harder for $Hatsune$, though, as she whispers to me in a desperate tone:'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_yamenaide'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_yamenaide'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Don\'t… don\'t stop…'); f(playSound, 'hush'); f(m, 'Shh…'); f('I\'m sorry, my dear $wife$, you\'ll just have to wait a little longer before I can fuck you silly, just like you deserve.'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(whatIf, 'pulledSkirt'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'bottomalt']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover']); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'pulledSkirt'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'haruedarkness', 'bottomalt']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'haruedarkness']); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'isEsther&&eIncest'); f('$walkin$ disappears out of view, into a different part of the office. What the hell is she doing? Is she looking for me…?'); f('My train of thought is derailed by $Hatsune$\'s sweet moaning.'); f(otherwise); f('$walkin$ disappears out of view, into a different part of the office. Maybe she forgot something? I don\'t know. But it seems she decided the sounds she was hearing were just mice.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_gamandekinai'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_onegaiijiwarushinaide'); f(endIf); f(h, '$hMinoru$$meow$, stop do$ing$ this to me$meow$…'); f('$Hatsune$\'s whisper is quiet, but still manages to sound <i>drippingly</i> wet.'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_musukonochinpogahoshikutetamaranai'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_ochinchinomankoniiretehoshiino'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Don\'t make me wait for it… I <i>need</i> it… I <i>need</i> $your$ cock…'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(m, 'Shh. You can wait. $Hatsune$, you hear me...? OK. Look.'); f(screenEffect, 'spiral', 8); f(playSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(pause, 1); f(m, '<i>A sudden sense of calmness is coming over you and-</i>'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_chigauchigauno'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_chigauchigauno'); f(endIf); f(stopSound, 'hypnosisSpell'); f(removeScreenEffects); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 8, 0.4); f(h, '$no$! $no$, $it\'s$ not$meow$!'); f(playSound, 'hush'); f(m, 'Shh!'); f('Christ. She\'s way too excited. I can\'t even mind control her out of this.'); f(otherwise); f('I whisper to her desperately:'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f(m, '$Hatsune$! That\'s our sister! You want her to see us like this?!'); f(elseIf, 'eDaughter'); f(m, '$Hatsune$! That\'s my daughter! I can\'t let her see us like this! Please… you can wait just a little longer…'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f(m, '$Hatsune$! That\'s your sister… my daughter! You want her to see us like this?!'); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&hDaughter'); f(m, '$Hatsune$! That\'s your grandmother! My mother! You want her to see us like this?!'); f(elseIf, 'eMother&&hSister'); f(m, '$Hatsune$! That\'s our mother! You want her to see us like this?!'); f(elseIf, 'hIncest'); f(m, '$Hatsune$! You want to be seen like this!? If we\'re found out…!'); f(otherwise); f(m, '$Hatsune$! That\'s my $colleague$! I can\'t have her see us like this! Please, just wait a little longer!'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(m, '$Hatsune$, please! Hold out just a little longer!'); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_hidoiatashigakonnanitanonderunoni'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_iretehoshiino'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ngh… I don\'t care… ah, ah, ha… I want it, now$meow$…'); f('As if I wasn\'t going crazy already…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(m, 'Ungh!!'); f(whatIf, 'pulledSkirt'); f('... $Hatsune$ starts to continuously grind her wet, bare pussy against my dick.'); f(otherwise); f('... $Hatsune$ starts to continuously grind her pussy against my dick. Christ! Even through the fabric of my pants, of the fabric of her skirt… her juices have penetrated through it all. She\'s soaking wet.'); f(endIf); f(m, 'Nghhh….. $Hatsune$! Stop it!'); f('I whisper coarsely, pleadingly… but $Hatsune$ keeps at it.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(m, 'Ugh…'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_angh5'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_angh15'); f(endIf); f(h, '$angh$…'); f('What the hell is $walkin$ doing? She\'d better fucking leave soon... or my dick is going to spray cum all over the office…!'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(whatIf, 'pulledSkirt'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'esther', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'bottomalt']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'esther', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE']); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'pulledSkirt'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'haruedarkness', 'harue', 'bottomalt']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'haruedarkness', 'harue']); f(endIf); f(endIf); f('Finally, $walkin$ returns from whatever it was she was doing in there. She stops with her back against the door. $Hatsune$, please pretty please, keep quiet and she\'ll leave any second now…'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(e, 'Hm….'); f(otherwise); f(har, 'Hm.'); f(endIf); f('And with that…'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(whatIf, 'pulledSkirt'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'bottomalt']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover']); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f(whatIf, 'pulledSkirt'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'haruedarkness', 'bottomalt']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'cowlegcover', 'haruedarkness']); f(endIf); f(endIf); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 1); f('She <i>finally</i> leaves.'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'doorClose'); f(pause, 0.5); f('The instant I hear the door close…'); f(whatIf, '!isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'bodyalt', 'exp_enjoying']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'haruedarkness', 'bodyalt', 'exp_enjoying']); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', 'fade', [0, 'bodyalt', 'exp_enjoying'], 9); f(endIf); f('... I don\'t even need a nano-second to pull out my dick and push it inside $Hatsune$\'s incredibly wet pussy.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 14, 1); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.05); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(textEffect, 'aaaaangh!!', 330, 230, x, 1.3, -29, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_hiyaaaaaaaangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaahahahangh'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'catgirl'); f(h, 'MEeeEEooOwww!!!'); f(otherwise); f(h, 'AAAAaaaaangh!!!!'); f(endIf); f(pause, 2); f('$Hatsune$ $moan$s so loudly I\'m almost afraid even the security guards on the 1st floor will hear her. But it doesn\'t stop me from pounding her.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, '!hypnosis'); f(h, 'Oh, $hMinoru$, that-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(h, '$Angh!$ … was the worst-'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ngha! … torture I\'ve ever experienced in $my$ whole life$meow$!'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f(m, 'Don\'t you worry, $Hatsune$. I\'m inside of you know.'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.9); f('Though $walkin$ has left, the fact that she came in… it changed everything. I don\'t think I\'ve ever been this horny. I don\'t think sex has <i>ever</i> felt this good.'); f('And… I don\'t think my $wife$\'s pussy ever been quite this <i>wet.</i>'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', [0, 'bodyalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoying']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 500, 60, x, x, 3, 'hShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(setVariable, 'times', 0); f(label, 'ssCumChoice'); f(choice); f(choice, 'Keep going.'); f(setVariable, 'bumps', 0); f(choice, 'Cum.'); f(jump, 'ssCum'); f(endChoice); f(label, 'ssBump'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.8); f(incrementVariable, 'bumps'); f(whatIf, 'bumps>7'); f(whatIf, 'times==0'); f(h, '$angh$!'); f(elseIf, 'times==1'); f(h, 'Hah, anh… ah… $hMinoruAlt$...!'); f(elseIf, 'times==2'); f(h, 'Ngh! Oh… $hMinoruAlt$, I think I\'m cumm$ing$!'); f(endIf); f(incrementVariable, 'times'); f(jump, 'ssCumChoice'); f(otherwise); f(jump, 'ssBump'); f(endIf); f(label, 'ssCum'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 0.5); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_mi-no'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter'); f(voice, 'b_otosan'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_mi-no'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(h, '$hM$-$hMinoruAlt$...!'); f(m, '$Hatsune$!!'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'whiteFlash', 0.1); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'bodyalt', 'exp_cumming', 'cum']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 16, 4); f(effect, 'hump'); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(pause, 0.1); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(pause, 0.05); f(playSound, 'splat'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming3'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_cumming3'); f(endIf); f(pause, 8); f('I cum and I cum, all over. As does $Hatsune$.'); f(pause); f(label, 'secretsexHappyEnding'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f('And it turns out...'); f(playMusic, 'romantic'); f(pause, 1); f(person, h, 0, 'smiling'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('That was all it took for me start enjoying sex with $Hatsune$, again.'); f('If you\'re not feeling excited in your bed chambers — take it outside…!'); f('It helps when you\'re $wife$ is completely under your control, of course.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('I mean, if it is, indeed your $wife$ that you\'re fucking. I guess the advice itself might be of a more general nature than that.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f('Now, whenever $Hatsune$ gets on my case, we go for a walk… '); f('... need I say more?'); f(otherwise); f('That was all it took to get our relationship back on its feet.'); f('$Hatsune$...'); f(m, 'I love you, $Hatsune$.'); f(screenEffect, h, 'joltLeft'); f(h, 'I love $ye$ too, $hMinoruAlt$.'); f(remove, h); f('All it took was being a little more adventurous. Putting yourself out there.'); f('Taking the risk.'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'hinaAdvice'); f('Thank you, $Hina$, for the advice. You saved our relationship.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(c_b, 'Congrats! You saved your marriage. Or just "fucked-up as hell" relationship, if you\'re playing with any of the $Hatsune$ incest cheats.'); f(c_b, 'Hope you\'ve enjoyed yourself!', 'happy'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'hatsune3', 'Hatsune Good Ending 3'); f(label, 'hBoobjob_cautiontothewind'); f(pause, 0.5); f(playSound, 'zipper'); f(pause, 0.3); f(whatIf, 'skirtPulled'); f('I undo my zipper and my one-eyed trouser snake finally breaks free, and…'); f(c_b, '♪ <i>Hooray for your one-eyed trouser snake!</i> ♪', 'benderp'); f(c_b, '♪ <i>Your piece of pork, your $wife$\'s best friend, your Percy, or your cock...</i> ♪', 'happy'); f(c_b, '♪ <i>You can wrap it up in ribbons — you can slip it in your sock!</i> ♪', 'benproud'); f(c_b, '♪ <i>But don\'t take it out in public or they will stick you in the dock, and you won\'t, a-come, a-back.</i> ♪', 'benderp'); f(otherwise); f('I undo my zipper and pull up $Hatsune$\'s skirt so fast it\'s practically a single move.'); f('As my dick is freed, it soon becomes apparent that $Hatsune$ isn\'t wearing any pants, as my dick…'); f(endIf); f(stopMusic); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'esther', 'e_exp_alt', 'cowheadE', 'nonoseE', 'eyepatchE', 'catearsE', 'bodyalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(otherwise); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'haruedarkness', 'harue', 'bodyalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.07000000000000001); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(textEffect, 'hiyaaaaangh!', 342, 110, x, x, -14, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_hiyaaaaaaaangh'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_aaahahahangh'); f(endIf); f(h, 'IyaanahaahAhagh!!!'); f('... immediately slides inside $Hatsune$\'s warm, welcoming and <i>ridiculously</i> wet pussy.'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('My vision goes white from the euphoria as it positively short-circuits my entire system.'); f('Putting my cock inside my $wife$\'s pussy never felt this ridiculously good — I don\'t even know if losing my virginity with her felt this great.'); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'bodyalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.8); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 625, 260, x, x, -8, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 725, 260, x, x, 10, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(whatIf, '!isEsther'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_ittyauikuiku'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_iyaittchau'); f(endIf); f(h, 'Ungh… I\'m cumm$ing$, I\'m cumm$ing$!!'); f('Oh my God… those words make me lose myself. I can\'t hold it in...'); f(cgs, 'h_secretsex', x, [0, 'bodyalt', 'cum', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardHump'); f(pause, 0.1); f(textEffect, 'aaahanghahgn!', 200, 200, x, 2, -14, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming3'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_cumming3'); f(endIf); f(pause, 7); f('$Hatsune$ screams at the top of her lungs in excitement…'); f(pause); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f('... which, maybe, all things considered, wasn\'t all that smart-'); f(pause, 1); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(har, 'What in the name of… $Minoru$?!'); f(pause, 2); f('Oops.'); f('This... might be a tough one to live down.'); f('Me and my $wife$, half-collapsed on the floor, half-leaning against the door, covered in sticky cum.'); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f('Christ. What a sight it must have been! … Not that Harue seemed to be able to appreciate it. The art of it.'); f(jump, 'oopsEpi'); f(endIf); f('Just as I\'m about to come…'); f('Where the fuck did she come from?!'); f(cgs, 'h_e_oops', x, [0]); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 2000); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 13, 0.4); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f('As I lift $Hatsune$ higher, $Esther$ suddenly is standing in front of us, with a terrified look on her face until she has time to divert her $eyes$.'); f(whatIf, 'eMother'); f(voice, 'c_naniwo'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'a_naniganandaka'); f(endIf); f(whatIf, 'pirate'); f(e, 'Sh-shiver me timbers…!?'); f(otherwise); f(e, 'Wh-what…!?'); f(endIf); f(removeScreenEffects, 'fade', 0.2); f(whatIf, 'hSister&&eSister'); f('But even with our sister standing right in front of us…'); f(elseIf, 'hDaughter&&eDaughter'); f('But even with my other daughter standing right in front of us…'); f(otherwise); f('But even with my $colleague$ standing right in front of us…'); f(endIf); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 640, 230, x, x, -14, 'vShakeFade'); f(pause, 0.7); f('... I ain\'t stopping. Not now. Not when I\'m seconds away from cumming.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.3); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.7); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.6); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.5); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(textEffect, 'angh!', 680, 90, x, x, -30, 'vShakeFade'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(effect, 'c', 'angh'); f(otherwise); f(effect, 'b', 'angh'); f(endIf); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 0.4); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.2); f(effect, 'hump'); f(pause, 1); f('And then…'); f(cgs, 'h_e_oops', x, [0, 'cum', 'cowcum', 'h_exp_alt']); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen', 4); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 15, 4); f(screenEffect, 'zoom'); f(effect, 'hump'); f(playSound, 'hardhump'); f(whatIf, 'hMother'); f(voice, 'c_cumming_veryshort'); f(otherwise); f(voice, 'b_cumming_veryshort'); f(endIf); f(textEffect, 'aaaahh!!', 510, 145, x, x, 3, 'vShakeFade'); f(pause); f('... as $Hatsune$ is practically jumping up and down on top of my cock in her excitement, my cock accidentally slides out of $Hatsune$\'s pussy at the <i>crucial moment</i>...'); f('... and as $Hatsune$ sits herself on my cock, pressing it downwards, my warm cum sprays all over $Esther$\'s lovely being, face, clothes, hair — her <i>everything.</i>'); f(pause); f(c_b, 'Oops.', 'benderp'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(c_b, 'You get different endings here, depending on whether you play with any of the Esther/Erisa incest cheats, or not. If Esther/Erisa isn\'t your colleague, she doesn\'t rat you out, basically.'); f(c_b, 'It just seemed more logical, to do things that way. I care about these small details, you know.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'So if you wanted to get the "Fired, but happy" ending, sorry, but you\'re going to have to redo things without inviting your sister/daughter/mother to the office, in which case Harue will find you out instead... or without any of those cheats activated, in the first place.'); f(c_b, 'Seriously, the lengths I go to make these incest works function like they should… it\'s crazy. Never thought I\'d spend so much time on this title. I think probably half of the total word count is probably stuff dedicated to these cheats.', 'worried'); f(c_b, 'Not to mention, the fucking mind control stuff…', 'angry'); f(whatIf, 'eIncest'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f('This could have gone quite awry. I guess I\'m lucky $Esther$ decided not to rat us out… after a little convincing.'); f('After all, we\'re family.'); f('Though I haven\'t heard from her since. I guess… I guess having her $maleColleague$ cum all over her was a little traumatic.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('Especially as it was $Hatsune$ I was fucking.'); f('Christ, what a mess. But somehow, it worked out.'); f(endIf); f('And…'); f(jump, 'secretsexHappyEnding'); f(endIf); f(jump, 'oopsEpi'); f(label, 'oopsEpi'); f(scene, 'white', 'fade'); f(playMusic, 'sadending'); f(pause, 1); f(c_b, 'I\'ve just got to say… I <i>really</i> enjoyed writing this sex scene. I mean, to me… this is an incredibly hot scenario. With or without the incest cheats! … Though yeah, I prefer it with.', 'inlove'); f(c_b, 'A lot less hot if you got Harue instead of $yourEsther$ coming to the office though — this happens if you play with any $Esther$ incest cheat and <b>don\'t</b> ask her to come by the office once in a while, or if you didn\'t creep under the table to get the soysauce.', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'For those who get Harue — you missed an extra CG! Try it out again!'); f(c_b, 'On the other hand, with Harue, you did get to cum inside $yourHatsune$, though. So I guess it\'s not all bad, depending on your preferences.', 'tehe'); f(pause, 2); f('So what happened afterwards? Well, to start off… $walkin$ ran out, alerted security, and, well…'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f('I would have hypnotized her if I had had the chance, but, alas.'); f(whatIf, 'isEsther'); f('I guess I was too busy cumming inside of $Hatsune$\'s pussy.'); f(otherwise); f('I guess I was too busy cumming all over her face.'); f(endIf); f('Afterwards, it was just too late. The cat was out of the bag.'); f(otherwise); f('The cat was out of the bag.'); f(endIf); f('I was fired, of course. By which I mean, I was made to resign. No severance package for me, no.'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('To be honest, I was just relieved they didn\'t go to the cops, or whatever. Not least on account of the fact it became obvious to everyone at work that I\'m fucking my $wife$.'); f(otherwise); f('With all things considered, I guess I was thankful they didn\'t press charges on me, or whatever. For desecrating the office, or whatever. But of course, the higher-ups dreaded this getting in the news.'); f(endIf); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'konbini', 'fade'); f(playSound, 'konbiniChime'); f(pause, 2); f(m, '<i>Irrasshaimase!</i>'); f('It\'s not the end of the world, though. I was able to find a job at a convenience store. The pay sucks, the hours aren\'t great, but…'); f(pause, 1); f('I\'m… I guess I am…'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 1); f(pause, 1.8); f(playMusic, 'romantic'); f(m, 'Happy… actually.'); f(whatIf, 'hypnosis'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('So a bunch of people at work now know that I\'m fucking my $wife$. Big deal! They can grumble about it all they want. Pfft… they\'re just jealous, anyway.'); f('And, you know... $Hatsune$ is still a mindless sex doll… hey, that\'s precisely the charm!'); f(otherwise); f('So $Hatsune$ is still a mindless sex doll. Hey, that\'s the charm!'); f(endIf); f('I can do whatever I want with her! Stuff most girls would never dream of agreeing to. Hell, stuff $Hatsune$ would never agree to, if she were herself, but… that\'s… whatever.'); f('I can\'t believe I ever got bored with it.'); f(otherwise); f('$Hatsune$ and I… we\'re happier, now. The sex… it\'s never been this good.'); f('No, we don\'t do it in the office anymore. They\'d chase us off with hounds…'); f(whatIf, 'hIncest'); f('It\'s a little paradoxicall. I was so worried we\'d be found out, but… when it actually happened, it wasn\'t as bad as I had feared. Life goes on, and…'); f('My feelings for my $wife$ were reassured. I love her, not just as a $wife$. She\'s my lover, and I\'m hers.'); f(whatIf, '!hMother&&hiDaughter'); f('We\'ve actually started talking about having children. I want to do it. The logistics of it might be hard, but...'); f('I\'m sure we can pull it off.'); f(endIf); f(otherwise); f('We don\'t need to, any longer. I know now that I love my wife, with all of my heart.'); f(endIf); f('That was all it took. Taking a chance… taking a stupid risk. Getting found out.'); f('Who\'d have thunk?'); f(endIf); f(changeBg, 'white', 'fade', 3); f('Ah, God. I can\'t wait till I get home to fuck her.'); f(pause, 3); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(c_b, 'Congrats on reaching one of my favorite endings!', 'happy'); f(c_b, 'Work, money, status… those things aren\'t really important in the end, are they…?', 'unhappy'); f(c_b, 'Having a $wife$ who\'s prepared to have sex with you in bizarre locations, on the other hand, really is.', 'tehe'); f(c_b, 'Hope you\'ve enjoyed the game! Ciao.'); f(doCall, 'credits'); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(ending, 'fired', 'Hatsune Good Ending 4'); f(label, 'credits'); f(textbox, '<b>Project Lead</b>\nBigB\n\n\n<b>Lead Writer</b>\nEbi-Hime\n\n\n<b>Additional Writing</b>\nBen\n\n\n<b>CG & Character Art</b>\nSano Toshihide\n\n\n<b>Additional CG & Character Art</b>\nSai Gakai\nmio\nCroixenet\nQueenComplex\nTanawat\n\n\n<b>Background Art</b>\nToshihide Sano\nKyukyukyu no Q no Q\nMay19\nPeasSoft\n\n\n<b>Music</b>\nGano — Peach Sweet\nGreenfield — You and I\nNala — Aki no Komorebi\nNala — Immoderation\nNala — Sugaku No Mondai\nSoundorbis — Kuso Cockatrice\nSoundorbis — Lined with trees\nSoundorbis — Lovesickness\nSoundorbis — Shadow Dance\nSoundorbis — START UP\nSuenobu — Comical Stage\n\n\n<b>Programmer</b>\nTsubaki-kun\n\n\n<b>Voice acting</b>\nG.J? Studios\n\n\n<b>Special Thanks</b>\nMinoru\nHatsune\nErisa/Esther\nHina\n\nAll our backers on Patreon!\n', 0, 'below'); f(pan, 'textbox1', 0, -2050, 24, 'linear'); f(pause, 24, true); f(screenEffect, 'fadeToBlack', 1); f(pause, 1); f(scene, 'black'); f(endCall); f(label, 'bqPromos'); f(incrementVariable, 'permanent.bqPromosViews'); f(whatIf, 'permanent.bqPromosViews>4'); f(restart); f(endIf); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(playMusic, 'sillytheme'); f(pause, 2); f(whatIf, 'permanent.bqPromosViews==1'); f(doCall, 'bqPromo1'); f(elseIf, 'permanent.bqPromosViews==2'); f(doCall, 'bqPromo2'); f(elseIf, 'permanent.bqPromosViews==3'); f(doCall, 'bqPromo3'); f(elseIf, 'permanent.bqPromosViews==4'); f(doCall, 'bqPromo4'); f(endIf); f(pause, 0.2); f(stopMusic, 'fade', 2); f(pause, 0.5); f(scene, 'black', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(restart); f(label, 'bqPromo1'); f(scene, 'market', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(person, er, 0, 'smiling', x, x, true); f(pause, 1); f(er, 'Alright. Fun times, player. Some game or other you\'re playing, huh?'); f(person, elf, 0, 'neutral', 'rightOutside'); f(pan, 'elf', -250, 0, 1); f(pan, 'er', -150, 0, 1); f(pause, 0.8); f(elf, 'Such a shame you didn\'t choose to have fun with us, instead, though…'); f(pause, 0.2); f(effect, er, 'joltRight'); f(er, 'We\'re Erin and, uh… <i>Elfina</i>, was it?'); f(person, elf, 0, 'angry'); f(effect, elf, 'joltLeft'); f(elf, '... Yes. Don\'t laugh.'); f(person, er, 0, 'surprised', x, x, true); f(effect, er, 'joltLeft'); f(er, 'Right. We\'re Erin and Elfina from Marble Syrup\'s upcoming release "Bron\'s Quest"...'); f(person, er, 0, 'smiling', x, x, true); f(effect, er, 'joltRight'); f(er, '... presumably to be released late summer 2017.'); f(person, elf, 0, 'suspicious'); f(effect, elf, 'joltRight'); f(elf, 'Did they actually go out and say that? Late summer 2017? I feel like these developer people have been shifting the goalposts a whole lot…'); f(person, er, 0, 'surprised', x, x, true); f(effect, er, 'joltLeft'); f(er, 'Er… well, no, they didn\'t actually, but I felt stupid not giving a date… At any rate, there\'s a beta available on the Marble Syrup Patreon.'); f(person, elf, 0, 'neutral'); f(effect, elf, 'joltLeft'); f(elf, 'You get to rape me... kind of!'); f(person, er, 0, 'surprised', x, x, true); f(effect, er, 'joltLeft'); f(er, 'Urm…'); f(person, elf, 0, 'unimpressed'); f(effect, elf, 'joltLeft'); f(elf, 'And force this girl to give you a blowjob!'); f(person, er, 0, 'verySurprised', x, x, true); f(effect, er, 'joltRight'); f(er, 'Sh-shut up, Elfina!'); f(effect, elf, 'joltRight'); f(person, elf, 0, 'neutral'); f(elf, 'And who knows, maybe there\'s a new beta out by the time you\'re reading this, player.'); f(remove, elf); f(pause, 1); f(effect, er, 'joltRight'); f(person, er, 0, 'smiling', x, x, true); f(er, 'Hm. Well. This has been a public service announcement! Bye.'); f(remove, er); f(pause, 0.2); f(endCall); f(label, 'bqPromo2'); f(scene, 'market', 'fade'); f(pause, 1); f(person, er, 0, 'smiling', x, x, true); f(pause, 1); f(er, 'Oh. Hi. Um… you\'re still here? Er… alright. Well, like I was saying… this upcoming title from Marble Syrup is gonna… it\'s gonna kick ass, alright?'); f(er, 'Mostly because I\'m in it. I\'m like, super-prominent! I\'m the main character.'); f(person, elf, 0, 'unimpressed', 'rightOutside'); f(pan, 'elf', -250, 0, 1); f(pan, 'er', -150, 0, 1); f(pause, 0.8); f(elf, 'You mean main <i>sidekick</i>.'); f(pause, 0.2); f(person, er, 0, 'verySurprised', x, x, true); f(effect, er, 'joltLeft'); f(er, 'Hey! Where did you come from. Also, yes. But what\'s the difference?'); f(person, hood, 0, x, x, 'below'); f(setZoom, hood, 1.6); f(pan, hood, 0, -500, 0.5); f(pause, 0.5); f(hood, 'One would be that the protagonist gets to molest you, and not the other way around…'); f(pan, hood, 0, 550, 0.5); f(person, er, 0, 'angry', x, x, true); f(effect, er, 'joltLeft'); f(er, 'N-not fair!'); f(person, argar, 0, 'smiling', x, x, x, x, 'back'); f(argar, 'Do I get to molest her too?!'); f(person, elf, 0, 'unimpressed'); f(effect, elf, 'joltRight'); f(elf, 'What? No, Argar. Are you like even… you\'re not in the beta, are you?'); f(person, argar, 0, 'surprised'); f(effect, argar, 'joltRight'); f(argar, 'Wut? There\'s a beta? What the fuck? I\'ve been confined to the assets folder for like a year, or more!'); f(person, elf, 0, 'suspicious'); f(effect, elf, 'joltLeft'); f(elf, 'I mean, you don\'t get to do a lot in it anyway. The beta. I mean, you do get to rape me, kind of…'); f(effect, argar, 'joltLeft'); f(argar, 'What? That\'s not in the script!'); f(person, elf, 0, 'unimpressed'); f(effect, elf, 'joltRight'); f(elf, 'Um… the beta\'s a little fucked up that way, I guess.'); f(pan, hood, 0, -550, 0.5); f(hood, 'Anyways. It\'ll be an awesome game, so, uh...'); f(pan, er, -50, 0, 0.2); f(er, 'Check out the Patreon! See ya!'); f(remove, hood); f(pause, 0.1); f(remove, argar); f(remove, er); f(pause, 0.05); f(remove, elf); f(pause, 0.2); f(endCall); f(label, 'bqPromo3'); f(cgs, 'er_blowjob', 'fade', [0, 'aboutto']); f(er, 'Aanh…'); f(playSound, 'surprisedSound'); f(cgs, 'er_blowjob', x, [0, 'surprised']); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.5); f(er, 'O-oh…!'); f(er, 'I-I\'m sorry, you\'ve caught me at an… at a somewhat inopportune time.'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.5); f(er, 'I\'m… I\'m not like that! I swear! I\'m the only girl in the game who\'s a virgin, even without the virgin cheat turned on…!'); f(cgs, 'er_blowjob', 'fade', [0, 'reluctant']); f(er, 'It\'s just that… erm… well. If you play the <i>Bron\'s Quest</i> beta, you\'ll get why I end up in this particular position...'); f(er, 'Um… Well…'); f(screenEffect, 'shake', 10, 0.3); f(screenEffect, 'shuchusen'); f(playSound, 'elbownudge'); f(bron, 'Hey! Get back to work already!'); f(cgs, 'er_blowjob', 'fade', [0, 'surprised']); f(er, 'R-right…'); f(pause, 1); f(cgs, 'er_blowjob', 'fade', [0, 'aboutto']); f(er, 'Aanh…'); f(endCall); f(label, 'bqPromo4'); f(scene, 'bg_market', 'fade'); f(pause, 2); f(c_t, '...', 'unhappy', true); f(c_t, 'Fuck! There\'s like 11 different endings? <i>Big B!</i>', 'angry', true); f(c_bb, 'What?', 'surprised', true); f(c_t, 'Fuck this shit! I\'ve done three <i>Bron\'s Quest</i> promos already… let me go back to actually finishing my game instead of this bullshit!', 'angry', true); f(c_bb, 'Shut up, Taxcup! We need the people playing this game on $currentDomain$ to realize how much they\'re missing out on by not backing us on Patreon!', 'angry', true); f(c_t, 'Seriously…?', 'taxcupsuspicious', true); f(c_bb, 'What?', 'unhappy', true); f(c_t, 'You\'re gonna come out and, and... actually say that? Just like that? That this is just a ploy to get them to donate money to us?', 'dumbfounded', true); f(c_bb, 'Oh…', 'worried', true); f(c_bb, 'Shit. They\'re not gonna like that, are they…?', 'embarrassed', true); f(c_t, 'Maybe if you pull some half-assed excuse about, idk… how you need the money for your poolside palapa?', 'taxcupderp', true); f(c_bb, 'What?', 'worried', true); f(c_t, 'Shut up.', 'angry', true); f(c_bb, 'No, you shut up.', 'angry', true); f(c_t, '...', 'dumbfounded', true); f(c_t, 'I\'m not writing any more promos.', 'taxcupsuspicious', true); f(c_bb, 'Fine, then.', 'unhappy', true); f(pause, 1); f(removeScreenEffects); f(pause, 1); f(endCall); } frame 3 { function checkShit() { var v6 = new Object(); var v4 = new Array(); var v5 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < allPersonsAndMoods.length) { if (v6[allPersonsAndMoods[v1][0] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][1] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][2]]) { } else { v5.push(allPersonsAndMoods[v1][0] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][1] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][2]); v6[allPersonsAndMoods[v1][0] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][1] + '_' + allPersonsAndMoods[v1][2]] = true; } ++v1; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5.length) { v4.push(v5[v3]); ++v3; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { ++v2; } } function initVar() { function acg(o) { allCgs.push(o); ++amountOfCgs; } versionForTheWeb = true; dialogueBoxType = 'dialogue_nympho'; resolution = '4:3'; resizeAndReplaceF(); localTesting = false; urlString = String(_root._url); if (versionForTheWeb) { localCopy = false; } else { localCopy = true; } premiumForEveryone = false; CGBasesForCheats = new Array(); basicGameData = new Object(); basicGameData.gameFile = 'nymphowaifuplusplus_web2'; basicGameData.gameName = 'Nympho Waifu++'; basicGameData.voiced = true; basicGameData.selfContained = true; premiumBitmaps = []; basicGameData.numberInSeries = 1; basicGameData.characterHeight = 600; basicGameData.characterFace = {'x': 300, 'y': 441}; basicgameData.characterWidth = 600; basicGameData.actualCharacterHeight = 1200; basicGameData.actualCharacterWidth = 1200; patreonURL = ''; filterO = new Object(); newFilt('regular', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]); newFilt('regular', [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]); newFilt('regular', [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); newFilt('regular', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('zombieSkinColor', [0.4063355, 0.45758, 0.0360845, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieSkinColor', [0.1563355, 0.6575800000000001, 0.0360845, 0, 15]); newFilt('zombieSkinColor', [0.1563355, 0.45758, 0.4360845, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieSkinColor', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('zombieHairColor', [0.53, 0.22, 0.23, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieHairColor', [0.23, 0.53, 0.23, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieHairColor', [0.23, 0.23, 0.53, 0, -15]); newFilt('zombieHairColor', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonSkin', [0.75, 0.3, 0.05, 0, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonSkin', [0, 0.9, 0.05, 0, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonSkin', [0.35, 0.3, 0.9, 0, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonSkin', [1, 0.3, 0.2, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonSkin', [0, 0.4, 0.5, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonSkin', [0, 0.3, 0.5, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonLightSkin', [1, 0.15, 0.1, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonLightSkin', [0, 0.7, 0.2, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonLightSkin', [0, 0.15, 0.7, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonLightSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('hanaDemonHair', [0.8, 0.2, 0.1, 0, -10]); newFilt('hanaDemonHair', [0, 0.6, 0.1, 0, -10]); newFilt('hanaDemonHair', [0.2, 0.2, 0.7, 0, -10]); newFilt('hanaDemonHair', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonHair', [1, 0.2, 0.1, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonHair', [0, 0.8, 0.1, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonHair', [0, 0.2, 0.8, 0, 0]); newFilt('erikaDemonHair', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('turtleSkin', [0.6063355, 0.02758, 0.0360845, 0, 0]); newFilt('turtleSkin', [0.1563355, 0.95758, 0.0360845, 0, 0]); newFilt('turtleSkin', [0.1563355, 0.02758, 0.6360845000000001, 0, 0]); newFilt('turtleSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('oppositeColor', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]); newFilt('oppositeColor', [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]); newFilt('oppositeColor', [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); newFilt('oppositeColor', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.darkestSkin = [0.6, 0.15, 0.15, 0, -85, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0, -85, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0, -58, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; filterO.veryDarkSkin = [0.7, 0.125, 0.125, 0, -82, 0.2, 0.4, 0.05, 0, -82, 0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0, -59, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; filterO.darkSkin = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1, 0, -80, 0.2, 0.5, 0, 0, -80, 0.2, 0, 0.2, 0, -60, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; filterO.mediumSkin = [0.9, 0.05, 0.05, 0, -40, 0.1, 0.75, 0, 0, -40, 0.1, 0, 0.6, 0, -30, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; filterO.lightSkin = [0.95, 0.025, 0.025, 0, -20, 0.05, 0.87, 0, 0, -20, 0.05, 0, 0.8, 0, -15, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; newFilt('blackZombieSkin', [0.45, 0.1, 0.1, 0, -15]); newFilt('blackZombieSkin', [0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0, -15]); newFilt('blackZombieSkin', [0.2, 0.1, 0.15, 0, -35]); newFilt('blackZombieSkin', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.sunset = new Array(); filterO.sunset = filterO.sunset.concat([1.1, 0, 0, 0, 0]); filterO.sunset = filterO.sunset.concat([0.1, 0.9, 0, 0, -15]); filterO.sunset = filterO.sunset.concat([0.1, 0, 0.9, 0, -15]); filterO.sunset = filterO.sunset.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.sunsetLight = new Array(); filterO.sunsetLight = filterO.sunsetLight.concat([1.2, 0.05, 0.05, 0, -30]); filterO.sunsetLight = filterO.sunsetLight.concat([0, 1.1, 0.1, 0, -30]); filterO.sunsetLight = filterO.sunsetLight.concat([0, 0, 1.1, 0, -30]); filterO.sunsetLight = filterO.sunsetLight.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.evening = new Array(); filterO.evening = filterO.evening.concat([0.8, 0.05, 0, 0, -25]); filterO.evening = filterO.evening.concat([0.05, 0.8, 0, 0, -25]); filterO.evening = filterO.evening.concat([0.05, 0.05, 1.25, 0, -25]); filterO.evening = filterO.evening.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); newFilt('night', [0.6, 0.1, 0, 0, -15]); newFilt('night', [0.1, 0.6, 0, 0, -15]); newFilt('night', [0, 0, 1, 0, -20]); newFilt('night', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.yellowish = new Array(); filterO.yellowish = yellowish.concat([0.9, 0.1, 0, 0, -10]); filterO.yellowish = yellowish.concat([0.1, 0.85, 0, 0, -10]); filterO.yellowish = yellowish.concat([0, 0, 0.6, 0, -10]); filterO.yellowish = yellowish.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.nightFireFilter = new Array(); filterO.nightFire = nightFire.concat([1, 0, 0, 0, -40]); filterO.nightFire = nightFire.concat([0, 0.8, 0, 0, -40]); filterO.nightFire = nightFire.concat([0, 0, 1.1, 0, -40]); filterO.nightFire = nightFire.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); filterO.sunny = new Array(); filterO.sunny = sunny.concat([1.19, 0, 0, 0, -19]); filterO.sunny = sunny.concat([0, 1.19, 0, 0, -19]); filterO.sunny = sunny.concat([0, 0, 1.19, 0, -19]); filterO.sunny = sunny.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]); if (System.capabilities.language == 'ja') { } allCgs = new Array(); amountOfCgs = 0; acg({'base': ['h_onbed'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['h_cowgirl'], 'sequence': [[0, 'exp_alt'], [0, 'hypnosis'], [0, 'cuminside'], [0, 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['h_kiss'], 'sequence': [[0], ['h_kissgrey']]}); acg({'base': ['h_boobjob'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_alt']]}); acg({'base': ['h_secretsex'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'esther'], [0, 'esther', 'topalt'], [0, 'esther', 'bodyalt', 'exp_beginningtoenjoy'], [0, 'exp_cumming', 'bodyalt', 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['h_e_oops'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'cum'], [0, 'nude'], [0, 'nude', 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['h_photo'], 'sequence': [[0]], 'premium': true}); acg({'base': ['h_somesex'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_alt', 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['h_spooning'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['h_suddenfuck'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'dick', 'exp_alt'], [0, 'dick', 'cum', 'exp_alt']]}); acg({'base': ['h_windowsex'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_surprised'], [0, 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['h_gangrape1'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_pleading'], [0, 'exp_alt'], [0, 'cellphone']], 'premium': true}); acg({'base': ['h_gangrape2'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_alt'], [0, 'exp_alt', 'cum'], [0, 'cellphone']], 'premium': true}); acg({'base': ['hi_intro'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['hi_sixtynine'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['hi_sex'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_alt', 'breastsqueeze'], [0, 'exp_closed', 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['hi_parksex'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['e_officesit'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_alt']]}); acg({'base': ['e_close'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'blush'], [0, 'lookingaway']]}); acg({'base': ['e_date'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'blushing'], [0, 'lookingdown'], [0, 'sad'], [0, 'slightlyhappy']]}); acg({'base': ['e_kiss'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['e_ripoff1', 'e_ripoff1_jacket'], 'sequence': [[0], ['e_ripoff1']]}); acg({'base': ['e_ripoff2', 'e_ripoff2_jacket'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_struggling', 'onehandsqueeze'], [0, 'exp_slightlysurprised', 'squeeze'], [0, 'exp_givingup', 'sucking']]}); acg({'base': ['e_rape'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_penetrated', 'dick'], [0, 'exp_cumming', 'dick', 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['e_officesex1'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_alt'], [0, 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['e_officesex2'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'exp_penetrated'], [0, 'cum'], [0, 'cum', 'postcum']]}); acg({'base': ['e_kissparknight'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['e_dazed'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'cum']]}); acg({'base': ['e_wedding'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'pouting'], [0, 'happy'], [0, 'kiss']]}); acg({'base': ['e_wife'], 'sequence': [[0], [0, 'happy']]}); acg({'base': ['h_e_back'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['h_e_sandwich'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['h_e_sandwichcum'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['p_porn1'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); acg({'base': ['p_porn2'], 'sequence': [[0]]}); characterImageData = new Object(); characterImageData.e = new Object(); var v6 = characterImageData.e; characterImageData.h = new Object(); var v3 = characterImageData.h; characterImageData.hi = new Object(); var v4 = characterImageData.hi; characterImageData.yakuza = new Object(); var v8 = characterImageData.yakuza; characterImageData.yakuza2 = new Object(); var v12 = characterImageData.yakuza2; characterImageData.yakuza3 = new Object(); var v11 = characterImageData.yakuza3; = new Object(); var v13 =; characterImageData.elf = new Object(); var v9 = characterImageData.elf; characterImageData.hood = new Object(); var v7 = characterImageData.hood; characterImageData.argar = new Object(); var v10 = characterImageData.argar; v6.basic = ['cattail', 'workclothes', 'workclothes_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose']; v6.hypno = ['cattail', 'workclothes', 'workclothes_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose', 'hypnosis2']; v6.hypno_pirate = ['cattail', 'workclothes', 'workclothes_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose', 'hypnosis2', 'eyepatch']; v6.armup = ['cattail', 'workclothes', 'exp', 'workclothes_armup', 'nonose']; v6.armup_blush = ['cattail', 'workclothes', 'workclothes_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose', 'blush']; v6.blush = ['cattail', 'workclothes', 'exp', 'nonose', 'blush', 'workclothes_armup']; v6.wife = ['cattail', 'wife', 'exp', 'nonose']; v3.basic = ['cattail', 'clothes2', 'clothes2_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose']; v3.blush = ['cattail', 'clothes2', 'clothes2_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose', 'blush']; v3.tears = ['cattail', 'clothes2', 'clothes2_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose', 'tears']; v3.armup = ['cattail', 'clothes2', 'exp', 'clothes2_armup', 'nonose']; = ['cattail', 'clothes1', 'clothes1_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose']; v3.blush_sexy = ['cattail', 'clothes1', 'clothes1_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose', 'blush']; v3.blush_sexy_tears = ['cattail', 'clothes1', 'clothes1_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose', 'blush', 'tears']; v3.sexy_tears = ['cattail', 'clothes1', 'clothes1_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose', 'tears']; v3.armup_sexy_tears = ['cattail', 'clothes1', 'exp', 'nonose', 'tears', 'clothes1_armup']; v3.armup_sexy = ['cattail', 'clothes1', 'exp', 'clothes1_armup', 'nonose']; v3.hypno = ['cattail', 'clothes2', 'clothes2_armdown', 'exp', 'nonose', 'hypnosis2']; v4.basic = ['cattail', 'body', 'exp', 'nonose']; v4.armsbehind = ['cattail', 'body_armsbehind', 'exp', 'nonose']; v4.armsbehind_hypno = ['cattail', 'body_armsbehind', 'exp', 'nonose', 'hypnosis2']; v4.armsbehind_hypno_pirate = ['cattail', 'body_armsbehind', 'exp', 'nonose', 'hypnosis2', 'eyepatch']; v4.hypno = ['cattail', 'body', 'exp', 'nonose', 'hypnosis2']; v4.hypno_pirate = ['cattail', 'body', 'exp', 'nonose', 'hypnosis2', 'eyepatch']; v4.cummed = ['cattail', 'body', 'exp', 'nonose', 'cum']; v4.cummed_hypno = ['cattail', 'body', 'exp', 'nonose', 'hypnosis2', 'cum']; v8.basic = ['body']; v12.basic = ['body']; v11.basic = ['body']; v13.basic = ['body', 'exp', 'hair']; v9.basic = ['body', 'exp', 'hair']; v10.basic = ['body', 'exp', 'hair']; v7.basic = ['body']; cheats = new Array(); cheatsO = new Object(); activatedCheats = new Object(); regCheat('Mind Controller', 'hypnosis', 0, 'Make the protagonist a master hypnotist.'); regCheat('Catgirl', 'catgirl', 10, 'Make all girls catgirls.'); regCheat('Cowgirl', 'cowgirl', 10, 'Make all girls cowgirls.'); regCheat('Hatsune - Mother', 'hMother', 5, 'Make Hatsune your mother.', ['hDaughter', 'hSister', 'eMother', 'hiMother']); regCheat('Hina - Mother', 'hiMother', 10, 'Make Hina your mother.', ['hiDaughter', 'hiSister', 'eMother', 'hMother']); regCheat('Esther - Mother', 'eMother', 10, 'Make Esther your mother.', ['eDaughter', 'eSister', 'hMother', 'hiMother']); regCheat('Hatsune - Sister', 'hSister', 0, 'Make Hatsune your sister.', ['hMother', 'hDaughter']); regCheat('Hina - Sister', 'hiSister', 10, 'Make Hina your sister.', ['hiMother', 'hiDaughter']); regCheat('Esther - Sister', 'eSister', 10, 'Make Esther your sister.', ['eMother', 'eDaughter']); regCheat('Hatsune - Daughter', 'hDaughter', 10, 'Make Hatsune your daughter.', ['hMother', 'hSister']); regCheat('Hina - Daughter', 'hiDaughter', 10, 'Make Hina your daughter.', ['hiMother', 'hiSister']); regCheat('Esther - Daughter', 'eDaughter', 10, 'Make Esther your daughter.', ['eMother', 'eSister']); regCheat('Pirate girls', 'pirate', 0, 'Make all girls pirates.'); regCheat('No noses', 'nonose', 10, 'Render the girls without noses. Why? Shut up. IDK. Don\'t ask.'); regCheat('Unlock All CG\'s', 'unlockAllCgs', 10, 'Unlock all CG\'s. Spoiler alert...!'); saveLayer = 20; crapLayer = 21; outOfMenuIntoGame = false; this.createEmptyMovieClip('server', saveLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('crap', crapLayer); server._x = -2000; serverSaveOK = false; var lc = attachMovie('loadingClip', 'loadingClip', 90123); lc._x = screenWidth / 2; lc._y = screenHeight / 2; crap.t = 0; crap.limit = 85; crap.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; if (this.t > this.limit) { removeMovieClip(lc); onlyOnceStartF(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; if (!fCalledEvenOnce && boob == 'partly') { var script = new XML(); script.ignoreWhite = true; script.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { scriptifyXML(script); } else { noticeDialogueF('noScript'); } }; script.load('assets/script.xml'); } else { crap.limit = 7; } var v5 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('arab', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); v5.createEmptyMovieClip('m1', 1); v5.createEmptyMovieClip('m2', 2); if (localCopy) { loadMovie('nympho10.patch', v5.m2); loadMovie('nympho5.patch', v5.m1); } v5.t = 0; v5.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; if (this.t > 6 && this.pludgeLevel != undefined) { pledgeLevel = this.pludgeLevel; if (pledgeLevel >= 5) { premiumPatron = true; } if (pledgeLevel >= 10) { premiumPlusPatron = true; } removeMovieClip(crap.tempPatchLoader); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { if (this.t > 20) { premiumPatron = false; premiumPlusPatron = false; removeMovieClip(crap.tempPatchLoader); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } function initVar2(loaded) { removeMovieClip(dialogue); removeMovieClip(inputMC); removeMovieClip(choiceOptions); removeMovieClip(choiceMC); removeMovieClip(bg); removeMovieClip(fadeDealer); removeMovieClip(pixelDealer); removeMovieClip(menu); removeMovieClip(voiceMC); removeMovieClip(soundMC); currentlyPlaying = 'none'; musicBeingFadedOut = 'none'; sounds = {}; voicePlaying = false; currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue = 'none'; gameEnded = false; outOfMenuIntoGame = false; noticeDialogueActive = false; textfieldHasFocus = false; skipping = false; maxTextSpeed = 20; fps = 40; t = 0; ifNests = 0; zoom = 100; gamePaused = false; currentFilter = 'regular'; gameWorldLayer = 1; bgLayer = 1; pixelBehindDealerLayer = 2; backgroundEffectsLayer = 3; foregroundObjectLayer = 5; effectsLayer = 8; pixelDealerLayer = 22; mouseCheckerLayer = 10; dialogueLayer = 11; if (resolution == '4:3') { commentaryChibiLayer = 9; } else { commentaryChibiLayer = 12; } choiceOptionsLayer = 12; noticeDialogueLayer = 14; pixellationLayer = 23; pauseHandlerLayer = 24; systemSoundLayer = 25; soundLayer2 = 26; transitionLayer = 27; voiceLayer = 28; buttonLayer = 29; menuLayer = 30; muteLayer = 35; externalBmpDataLayer = 40; premiumBmpDataLayer = 41; notificationLayer = 69; blackFrameLayer = 99; nvlText = ''; log = ''; currentBackground = ''; notificationsA = new Array(); foregroundObjectsA = new Array(); variables = new Object(); variables.callNests = 0; variables.homeNumber = new Array(); characterDataA = new Array(); characterData = new Object(); newChar('all', 'All', x, 16777215); newChar('m', 'Minoru', x, 13421772); newChar('h', 'Hatsune', 'h', 14464509); newChar('e', 'Esther', 'e', 16777062); newChar('hi', 'Hina', 'hi', 52224); newChar('har', 'Harue', x, 16751001); newChar('pf', 'Female Porn Actress', x, 16751001); newChar('pm', 'Male Porn Actor', x, 16751001); newChar('yakuza', 'Yakuza', 'yakuza', 16751001); newChar('yakuza2', 'Yakuza 2', 'yakuza2', 16751001); newChar('yakuza3', 'Yakuza 3', 'yakuza3', 16751001); newChar('er', 'Erin', 'er', 52224); newChar('elf', 'Elfina', 'elf', 16777113); newChar('argar', 'Argar', 'argar', 629961); newChar('hood', 'Mysterious Hooded Old Man', 'hood', 14068367); newChar('bron', 'Bron', 'bron', 26367); newChar('c_t', 'Taxcup', 'taxcup', 16711935, true); newChar('c_bb', 'Big B', 'bigb', 16711935, true); newChar('c_b', 'Ben', 'ben', 16764108, true); newChar('cb', 'Ben', x, 16764108, true); newChar('c_e', 'Ebi-Hime', 'ebi', 16711935, true); cheatRules = new Array(); cheatsCheck(); parser = 1; this.createEmptyMovieClip('gwContainer', gameWorldLayer); gw = gwContainer.createEmptyMovieClip('gw', 1); bg = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', bgLayer); backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer); effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer); foregroundObjects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('foregroundObjects', foregroundObjectLayer); var bf = createEmptyMovieClip('blackFrame', blackFrameLayer); with (bf) { beginFill(0, 100); moveTo(-3000, -3000); lineTo(screenWidth + 3000, -3000); lineTo(screenWidth + 3000, screenHeight + 3000); lineTo(-3000, screenHeight + 3000); lineTo(-3000, -3000); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight); lineTo(0, screenHeight); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } this.createEmptyMovieClip('systemSoundMC', systemSoundLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('voiceMC', voiceLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('soundMC', soundLayer); if (localCopy) { loadMovie('assets/sounds.swc', soundMC); loadMovie('assets/voices.swc', voiceMC); this.createEmptyMovieClip('externalBmpDataClip', externalBmpDataLayer); loadMovie('assets/assets.swc', externalBmpDataClip); this.createEmptyMovieClip('premiumBmpDataClip', premiumBmpDataLayer); var patcher = 'patch.patch'; if (premiumPlusPatron) { patcher = 'nympho10.patch'; } else { if (premiumPatron) { patcher = 'nympho5.patch'; } } loadMovie(patcher, premiumBmpDataClip); } this.createEmptyMovieClip('mouseChecker', mouseCheckerLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('transitions', transitionLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('pauseHandler', pauseHandlerLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('buttons', buttonLayer); this.createEmptyMovieClip('notifications', notificationLayer); var mute = this.attachMovie('muteThing', 'muteThing', muteLayer); if (generalSave.removeMuteButton) { mute._visible = false; } mute.stop(); mute._x = screenWidth - mute._width; mute._y = 0; mute._alpha = 70; mute.t = 0; masterVolume = 1; mute.back.onRollOver = function () { mute._alpha = 100; mute.t = 0; }; mute.back.onRollOut = function () { mute._alpha = 70; mute.t = 0; }; mute.onEnterFrame = function () { ++mute.t; if (!gameMuted && mute.t % 50 == 49) { if (mute._alpha > 10) { mute._alpha -= 1; } } }; mute.back.onPress = function () { if (gameMuted) { mute.gotoAndStop(1); gameMuted = false; masterVolume = 1; if (musicPlaying) { sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(soundMC[currentlyPlaying].vol * masterVolume * globalSave.musicVolume); } } else { mute.gotoAndStop(2); gameMuted = true; masterVolume = 0; if (voicePlaying) { currentVoice.stop(); } if (musicPlaying) { sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(0); } } }; with (mouseChecker) { beginFill(16711680); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight); lineTo(0, screenHeight); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } mouseChecker._alpha = 0; mouseChecker.onPress = function () { if (!gamePaused) { mouseClick = true; } }; var scrollListener = new Object(); scrollListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { mouseScrolledPre = delta; }; Mouse.addListener(scrollListener); myKeys = new Object(); keys = ['UP', 'ALT', 'DOWN', 'SPACE', 'RIGHT', 'TAB', 'LEFT', 'BACKSPACE', 'ENTER', 'CONTROL', 'ESCAPE', ['H', 72], ['F', 70], ['R', 82], ['S', 83], ['L', 76], ['Q', 81], ['A', 65], ['O', 79], ['Z', 90], ['K', 75], ['M', 77], ['P', 80], ['plus', 107], ['minus', 109], ['f12', 123]]; } function scriptifyXML(xml) { var v3 = crap.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('crap' + v3, v3); v2.t = 0; v2.divideBy = 76; v2.t2 = 0; lines = xml.firstChild.childNodes; v2.lines = lines; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this.lines; ++this.t2; while (this.t < (v2.length / this.divideBy) * this.t2) { cLine = v2[this.t].firstChild; scriptify2(cLine); ++this.t; } if (this.t2 == this.divideBy) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function scriptify2(cLine) { var v1 = cLine.toString(); v1 = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1, '\\&quot;n', '"<i></i>n'); v1 = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1, '\\&quot;', '\\'); v1 = v1.split(', '); v1 = v1.toString(); v1 = v1.split(','); var v10 = false; var v4 = 0; var v5 = '&quot;'; var v15 = '&apos;'; var v16 = false; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v1.length) { while (v1[v3].charAt(0) == ' ') { v1[v3] = v1[v3].slice(1); } v1[v3] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v3], '{{', '<'); v1[v3] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v3], '}}', '>'); v1[v3] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v3], '&amp;', '&'); word = v1[v3]; if (v10) { if (word.slice(0, 6) != v5 && word.indexOf(v5) > -1 or word.indexOf('[') == -1 && word.indexOf(']') > -1 or word.indexOf('{') == -1 && word.indexOf('}') > -1) { v10 = false; var v9 = 0; var v6 = v4 + 1; while (v6 <= v3) { v1[v4] = v1[v4] + ', ' + v1[v4 + 1]; v1.splice(v4 + 1, 1); ++v9; ++v6; } v3 -= v9; v1[v4] = removeAllInstancesOf(v1[v4], v5); } } else { if (word.indexOf(v5) == 0 && word.indexOf(v5, 1) == -1 or word.indexOf('[') == 0 && word.indexOf(']') == -1 or word.indexOf('{') == 0 && word.indexOf('}') == -1) { v10 = true; v4 = v3; } else { if (word.indexOf(v5) != -1) { v1[v3] = removeAllInstancesOf(v1[v3], v5); } } } ++v3; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v1.length) { while (v1[v2].slice(v1[v2].length - 1) == ' ') { v1[v2] = v1[v2].slice(0, v1[v2].length - 1); } if (v1[v2].indexOf('"n') != -1) { } v1[v2] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v2], v15, '\''); v1[v2] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v2], '\\', '"'); v1[v2] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v2], v5, '"'); v1[v2] = replaceAllInstancesOf(v1[v2], '"n', '\n'); if (v1[v2] == 'true') { v1[v2] = true; } else { if (v1[v2] == 'false') { v1[v2] = false; } else { if (v1[v2] == Number(v1[v2])) { v1[v2] = Number(v1[v2]); } else { if (v1[v2] == 'x') { v1[v2] = x; } } } } if (v1[v2].slice(0, 1) == '[' && v1[v2].slice(v1[v2].length - 1)) { var v13 = v1[v2].slice(1, v1[v2].length - 1); v1[v2] = v13.split(', '); } ++v2; } if (v1[1].slice(0, 1) == '{' && v1[1].slice(v1[1].length - 1) == '}') { var v8 = v1[1].slice(1, v1[1].length - 1); v8 = v8.split(', '); var v14 = new Object(); var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v8.length) { var v12 = v8[v7].slice(0, v8[v7].indexOf(':')); var v11 = v8[v7].slice(v8[v7].indexOf(':') + 1); v14[v12] = v11; ++v7; } v1[1] = v14; } f(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], v1[3], v1[4], v1[5], v1[6], v1[7], v1[8], v1[9], v1[10], v1[11], v1[12], v1[13], v1[14], v1[15]); } function removeAllInstancesOf(str, replaceThis, except) { var v2 = str.split(replaceThis); var v3 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.length) { v3 += v2[v1]; ++v1; } return v3; } function replaceAllInstancesOf(str, replaceThis, withThis) { var v2 = str.split(replaceThis); var v3 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.length) { v3 += v2[v1]; if (v1 != v2.length - 1) { v3 += withThis; } ++v1; } return v3; } function newChar(letter, pName, image, pColor, commentary) { characterData[letter] = {'letter': letter, 'pName': pName, 'image': image, 'pColor': pColor, 'commentary': commentary}; characterDataA.push(characterData[letter]); } function cheatsCheck() { var v3 = 0; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < cheats.length) { var v2 = cheats[v1]; if (v2.activated) { ++v3; } unactivateCheat(v2); ++v1; } if (v3 == 1) { notificationF('Cheat deactivated.'); } else { if (v3 > 1) { notificationF('Cheats deactivated.'); } } } function resizeAndReplaceF() { var v3 = Stage.height; var v4 = Stage.width; if (v3 == 0 or v4 == 0) { v3 = beforeFullScreenHeightWidth[0]; v4 = beforeFullScreenHeightWidth[1]; } var v9 = v3 / screenHeight; var v6 = v4 / screenWidth; windowScale = v9; if (v6 < v9) { windowScale = v6; } this._x = -(v4 / 2) + screenWidth / 2; this._y = -(v3 / 2) + screenHeight / 2; this._yscale = 100 * windowScale; this._xscale = this._yscale; if (windowScale == v6) { this._y += (v3 - screenHeight * windowScale) / 2; } else { this._x += (v4 - screenWidth * windowScale) / 2; } var v7 = 100; var v5 = 100; if (resolution == '4:3') { v7 = 80; v5 = 80; } var v8 = 10; if (dialogueBoxType == 'dialogue_nympho') { v8 = 0; } var v2 = v7 / ((windowScale + 1) / 2); if (v2 < 100) { v2 = 100; } if (v2 > v5) { v2 = v5; } if (dialogue != undefined) { dialogue._yscale = int(v2); dialogue._xscale = dialogue._yscale; dialogue._x = int(screenWidth / 2 - dialogue._width / 2); dialogue._y = int(screenHeight - dialogue._height - v8); } if (choiceOptions != undefined) { choiceOptions._yscale = int(v2); choiceOptions._xscale = choiceOptions._yscale; choiceOptions._y = screenHeight - choiceOptions._height - 14; choiceOptions._x = screenWidth - choiceOptions._width - 48; } if (inputMC != undefined) { inputMC._yscale = int(v2); inputMC._xscale = inputMC._yscale; inputMC._x = int(screenWidth / 2 - inputMC._width / 2); inputMC._y = int(screenHeight / 2 - inputMC._height / 2); } if (choiceMC != undefined && == '') { choiceMC._yscale = int(v2); choiceMC._xscale = choiceMC._yscale; } } function notificationF(note, stayLonger, delay) { var v7 = notifications.getNextHighestDepth(); topMargin = 10; margin = 20; var v4 = notifications.createEmptyMovieClip('n' + v7, v7); var v6 = new TextFormat(); v6.font = 'Century Gothic'; v6.size = 12; var v5 = v4.createTextField('txt', 1, 0, 0, screenWidth * 0.8, margin * 3); v5.embedFonts = true; v5.textColor = 16777215; v5.mouseWheelEnabled = false; v5.selectable = false; v5.html = true; v5.multiline = true; v5.wordWrap = true; v5.htmlText = '<b>' + note + '</b>'; v5.setTextFormat(v6); var v8 = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0.8, 4, 4, 50, 1, false, false, false); v5.filters = [v8]; v4.margin = margin; v4._y -= margin; v4._x = topMargin; v4.targetY = topMargin; v4.t = 0; v4.endt = 80; v4.del = 0; if (delay != undefined) { v4.del = delay; } if (stayLonger) { v4.endt = 160; } v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.t == this.del) { var v2 = notificationsA.length - 1; while (v2 > -1) { var v3 = notificationsA[v2]; if (v3.remove) { removeMovieClip(v3); notificationsA.splice(v2, 1); } v3.targetY += margin; --v2; } notificationsA.push(this); } if (this.t >= this.del) { if (this._y < this.targetY) { var v4 = this.targetY - this._y; this._y += Math.ceil(v4 / 4); } if (this.t > this.endt + this.del) { this._alpha -= 10; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.remove = true; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } ++this.t; }; } function nkF(romaji, hira, kata) { hiragana[romaji] = hira; if (kata == undefined) { kata = hira; } katakana[romaji] = kata; } function nrF(existingWord, newReading) { japanese[newReading] = japanese[existingWord]; } function nwF(word, defs) { var v1 = new Object(); v1.word = word; v1.defs = defs; japanese[word] = v1; } function initJapanese() { japDisplay = 'romaji'; hiragana = new Object(); katakana = new Object(); japanese = new Object(); nkF('dot', '。'); nkF('nakaguro', '・'); nkF('threeDots', '・・・'); nkF('openQuote', '「'); nkF('endQuote', '」'); nkF('questionMark', '?'); nkF('longVowelMark', 'ー'); nkF('exclamationMark', '!'); nkF('comma', '、', '、'); nkF('a', 'あ', 'ア'); nkF('i', 'い', 'イ'); nkF('u', 'う', 'ウ'); nkF('e', 'え', 'エ'); nkF('o', 'お', 'オ'); nkF('ka', 'か', 'カ'); nkF('ki', 'き', 'キ'); nkF('ku', 'く', 'ク'); nkF('ke', 'け', 'ケ'); nkF('ko', 'こ', 'コ'); nkF('sa', 'さ', 'サ'); nkF('shi', 'し', 'シ'); nkF('su', 'す', 'ス'); nkF('se', 'せ', 'セ'); nkF('so', 'そ', 'ソ'); nkF('ta', 'た', 'タ'); nkF('chi', 'ち', 'チ'); nkF('tsu', 'つ', 'ツ'); nkF('te', 'て', 'テ'); nkF('to', 'と', 'ト'); nkF('na', 'な', 'ナ'); nkF('ni', 'に', 'ニ'); nkF('nu', 'ぬ', 'ヌ'); nkF('ne', 'ね', 'ネ'); nkF('no', 'の', 'ノ'); nkF('ha', 'は', 'ハ'); nkF('hi', 'ひ', 'ヒ'); nkF('fu', 'ふ', 'フ'); nkF('he', 'へ', 'ヘ'); nkF('ho', 'ほ', 'ホ'); nkF('ma', 'ま', 'マ'); nkF('mi', 'み', 'ミ'); nkF('mu', 'む', 'ム'); nkF('me', 'め', 'メ'); nkF('mo', 'も', 'モ'); nkF('ya', 'や', 'ヤ'); nkF('yu', 'ゆ', 'ユ'); nkF('yo', 'よ', 'ヨ'); nkF('ra', 'ら', 'ラ'); nkF('ri', 'り', 'リ'); nkF('ru', 'る', 'ル'); nkF('re', 'れ', 'レ'); nkF('ro', 'ろ', 'ロ'); nkF('ba', 'ば', 'バ'); nkF('bi', 'び', 'ビ'); nkF('bu', 'ぶ', 'ブ'); nkF('be', 'べ', 'ベ'); nkF('bo', 'ぼ', 'ボ'); nkF('pa', 'ぱ', 'パ'); nkF('pi', 'ぴ', 'ピ'); nkF('pu', 'ぷ', 'プ'); nkF('pe', 'ぺ', 'ペ'); nkF('po', 'ぽ', 'ポ'); nkF('da', 'だ', 'ダ'); nkF('di', 'ぢ', 'ヂ'); nkF('du', 'づ', 'ヅ'); nkF('de', 'で', 'デ'); nkF('do', 'ど', 'ド゚'); nkF('ga', 'が', 'ガ'); nkF('gi', 'ぎ', 'ギ'); nkF('gu', 'ぐ', 'グ'); nkF('ge', 'げ', 'ゲ'); nkF('go', 'ご', 'ゴ゚'); nkF('za', 'ざ', 'ザ'); nkF('ji', 'じ', 'ジ'); nkF('zu', 'ず', 'ズ'); nkF('ze', 'ぜ', 'ゼ'); nkF('zo', 'ぞ', 'ゾ'); nkF('kya', 'きゃ', 'キャ'); nkF('kyu', 'きゅ', 'キュ'); nkF('kyo', 'きょ', 'キョ'); nkF('sha', 'しゃ', 'シャ'); nkF('shu', 'しゅ', 'シュ'); nkF('she', 'しぇ', 'シェ'); nkF('sho', 'しょ', 'ショ'); nkF('ja', 'じゃ', 'ジャ'); nkF('ju', 'じゅ', 'ジュ'); nkF('je', 'じぇ', 'ジェ'); nkF('jo', 'じょ', 'ジョ'); nkF('cha', 'ちゃ', 'チャ'); nkF('chu', 'ちゅ', 'チュ'); nkF('che', 'ちぇ', 'チェ'); nkF('cho', 'ちょ', 'チョ'); nkF('nya', 'にゃ', 'ニャ'); nkF('nyu', 'にゅ', 'ニュ'); nkF('nyo', 'にょ', 'ニョ'); nkF('hya', 'ひゃ', 'ヒャ'); nkF('hyu', 'ひゅ', 'ヒュ'); nkF('hyo', 'ひょ', 'ヒョ'); nkF('mya', 'みゃ', 'ミャ'); nkF('myu', 'みゅ', 'ミュ'); nkF('myo', 'みょ', 'ミョ'); nkF('rya', 'りゃ', 'リャ'); nkF('ryu', 'りゅ', 'リュ'); nkF('ryo', 'りょ', 'リョ'); nkF('wa', 'わ', 'ワ'); nkF('we', 'うぇ', 'ウェ'); nkF('wo', 'を', 'ヲ'); nkF('wi', 'うぃ', 'ウィ'); nkF('n', 'ん', 'ン'); nkF('ltsu', 'っ', 'ッ'); nkF('hwa', 'は', 'ハ'); } function onlyOnceStartF() { globalSave = checkWhichSave('globalSave', 'general'); generalSave = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general'); if (!generalSave.defined) { generalSave = new Object(); generalSave.defined = true; generalSave.unlockedCg = new Object(); generalSave.endings = new Object(); generalSave.endingsA = new Array(); generalSave.readDialogueO = new Object(); generalSave.permanentVariables = new Object(); generalSave.readDialogues = 0; generalSave.timePlayed = 0; } if (generalSave.timePlayed == undefined) { generalSave.timePlayed = 0; } if (!globalSave.defined) { globalSave = new Object(); globalSave.defined = true; globalSave.playedGamesA = new Array(); globalSave.musicVolume = 100; globalSave.sfxVolume = 100; globalSave.voiceVolume = 100; globalSave.textSpeed = 2; globalSave.stats = new Object(); globalSave.stats.playedGamesO = new Object(); globalSave.stats.playedGamesA = new Array(); } if (globalSave.voiceVolume == undefined) { globalSave.voiceVolume = 100; } if (!globalSave.stats.playedGamesO[basicGameData.gameFile]) { globalSave.stats.playedGamesO[basicGameData.gameFile] = true; globalSave.stats.playedGamesA.push(basicGameData.gameFile); } save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); startF(); } function startF(jump) { initVar2(false); if (jump != undefined) { jumpF(jump); } else { parserF(parser); } } function checkWhichSave(gameFile, saveFile) { var v3 = SharedObject.getLocal(gameFile, '/'); var v1 =[saveFile]; if (serverSaveOK) { sd = server.loadFromServer(gameFile); var v2 = sd[saveFile]; if (v2.timeStamp == undefined && v1.timeStamp == undefined) { return v1; } if (v2.timeStamp >= v1.timeStamp or v1.timeStamp == undefined) { v1 = v2; } } return v1; } function loadF(saveFile) { initVar2(true); stopMusic2F(); stopAllSounds(); var save = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, saveFile); if (save.parser == undefined or isNaN(save.parser)) { noticeDialogueF('savefileParserError'); } else { if (localCopy) { var v2 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('loaderLoader', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); v2.t = 0; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; if (this.t == 7) { load2F(save); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { load2F(save); } } } function load2F(save) { outOfMenuIntoGame = true; notificationF('Game successfully loaded.'); parser = save.parser; if (!identicalArrayCheck(save.currentParse, parsing['s' + parser])) { var v8 = findRightPlaceInParser(parser, save.currentParse, save.previousParse); if (v8 == 0) { } else { parser = v8; } } CGBasesForCheats = save.CGBasesForCheats.clone(); cheatRules = save.cheatRules.clone(); currentFilter = save.currentFilter; variables = save.variables.clone(); v8 = save.scene; var v7 = v8.addedCgA; addBg(v8.current, true, v8.xFlipped, v8.yFlipped, v8.x, v8.y, v8.heightStretchToFit); if (save.currentlyPlaying != 'none') { playMusic2F(save.currentlyPlaying); } if (save.currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue != 'none') { currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue = save.currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue; voice2F(currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue); } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v7.length) { addToCgF(v7[v5], '', '', true); ++v5; } characterData = new Object(); characterDataA = new Array(); var v4 = 0; while (v4 < save.characterDataA.length) { var v2 = save.characterDataA[v4]; newChar(v2.letter, v2.pName, v2.image, v2.pColor, v2.commentary); ++v4; } var v6 = 0; while (v6 < save.foregroundObjects.length) { var v1 = save.foregroundObjects[v6]; if ( && !v1.isCharacter) { mcItem2F(v1.who, v1.x, v1.y, v1.depth); } else { if (v1.who == 'textbox') { textbox2F(v1.txt, v1.x, v1.y, v1.txtAlign, v1.txtSize, v1.txtFont, v1.txtColor); } else { foregroundObjectF(v1.who, v1.mood, v1.mood2, v1.x, v1.y, v1.depth, v1.xFlipped, v1.yFlipped, v1.isCharacter, v1.scaleToFullScreen, v1.zoom, x, x, x, v1.rotation); } } ++v6; } parserF(parser); } function findRightPlaceInParser(p, pA, cPA) { var v5 = false; var v4 = 0; var v1 = p + 1; while (v1 < p + 101) { if (identicalArrayCheck(pA, parsing['s' + v1])) { v5 = true; v4 = v1; break; } ++v1; } if (!v5) { v1 = p - 1; while (v1 > p - 101) { if (identicalArrayCheck(pA, parsing['s' + v1])) { v5 = true; v4 = v1; break; } --v1; } } return v4; } function identicalArrayCheck(ar1, ar2) { var v3 = true; if (ar1.length == ar2.length) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < ar1.length) { if (ar1[v1] != ar2[v1]) { v3 = false; break; } ++v1; } return v3; } v3 = false; return v3; } function saveF(saveFile) { if (!(globalSave.noAutoSaving && saveFile == 'autoSave')) { var v3 = new Object(); v3.variables = variables.clone(); v3.parser = parser; v3.previousParse = parsing['s' + (parser - 1)].clone(); v3.currentParse = parsing['s' + parser].clone(); v3.currentlyPlaying = currentlyPlaying; v3.currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue = currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue; v3.characterDataA = characterDataA.clone(); v3.currentFilter = currentFilter; var v28 = new Date(); v3.timeStamp = v28.getTime(); var v23 = new Date(); var v26 = v23.getHours(); if ((String(seconds)).length == 1) { v26 = '0' + v26; } var v25 = v23.getMinutes(); if ((String(v25)).length == 1) { v25 = '0' + v25; } var seconds = v23.getSeconds(); if ((String(seconds)).length == 1) { seconds = '0' + seconds; } v3.saveDate = v23.getDate() + '/' + (v23.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + v23.getFullYear() + ', ' + v26 + ':' + v25 + ':' + seconds; v3.scene = {'current': currentBackground, 'x': bg.x, 'y': bg.y, 'w': bg._width, 'h': bg._height, 'xFlipped': bg.xFlipped, 'yFlipped': bg.yFlipped, 'addedCgA': bg.addedCgA, 'heightStretchToFit': bg.heightStretchToFit}; var v22 = new Array(); for (var v24 in foregroundObjectsA) { var v1 = foregroundObjectsA[v24]; var v2 = {}; if (v1.isTextbox) { v2 = {'who': v1.who, 'zoom': v1.zoom, 'x': v1.x, 'y': v1.y, 'depth': v1.depth, 'isCharacter': false, 'txt': v1.textbox.htmlText, 'x': v1.x, 'y': v1.y, 'txtAlign': v1.txtAlign, 'txtSize': v1.txtSize, 'txtFont': v1.txtFont, 'txtColor': v1.txtColor}; } else { v2 = {'who': v1.who, 'mood': v1.mood, 'mood2': v1.mood2, 'zoom': v1.zoom, 'x': v1.x, 'y': v1.y, 'rotation': v1.rotation, 'depth': v1.depth, 'mc':, 'scaleToFullScreen': v1.scaleToFullScreen, 'isCharacter': v1.isCharacter, 'xFlipped': v1.xFlipped, 'yFlipped': v1.yFlipped, 'txt': txt}; } v22.push(v2); } v3.cheatRules = cheatRules.clone(); v3.CGBasesForCheats = CGBasesForCheats.clone(); v3.foregroundObjects = v22; var v27 = v3.clone(); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, saveFile, v27); } } function save3F(gameFile, saveFile, object) { var v2 = new Date(); object.timeStamp = v2.getTime(); server.saveOnServer(gameFile, saveFile, object); var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal(gameFile, '/');[saveFile] = object; v1.flush(); } function continueLastGameF() { loadF('autoSave'); } function centerXF(a) { a._x = screenWidth / 2 - a._width / 2; } function centerYF(a) { a._y = screenHeight / 2 - a._height / 2; } function openMainMenuF(menu) { menuF(menu, 'backToStartMenu'); } function barizeReleaseF(thing, variable, min, max) { var v1 = / thing.fullW; v1 = Math.round(min + v1 * (max - min)); = thing.fullW * ((v1 - min) / (max - min)); globalSave[variable] = v1; if (variable == 'musicVolume' && musicPlaying) { sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(soundMC[currentlyPlaying].vol * globalSave.musicVolume * masterVolume); } } function barize(thing, variable, min, max, integer) { thing.fullW = 250; thing.onPress = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = this._xmouse; var v3 = this._ymouse; if (v2 < -1 or v2 > this._width or v3 < 0 or v3 > this._height) { if (v2 > this._width) { v2 = this._width; } else { if (v2 < 0.5) { v2 = 0; } } barizeReleaseF(this, variable, min, max); delete this.onEnterFrame; } if (v2 > this.fullW) { v2 = this.fullW; } else { if (v2 <= 0.5) { v2 = 0; } } = v2; barizeReleaseF(this, variable, min, max); }; }; thing.onRelease = function () { barizeReleaseF(this, variable, min, max, integer, a); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; } function squareFill(target, color, sX, sY, gX, gY) { with (target) { beginFill(color); moveTo(sX, sY); lineTo(gX, sY); lineTo(gX, gY); lineTo(sX, gY); lineTo(sX, sY); endFill(); } } function restartF() { stopMusic2F(); stopAllSounds(); startF('startMenu'); } function menuF(a, onBackPress) { gamePaused = true; if (menu == undefined) { var menu = this.createEmptyMovieClip('menu', menuLayer); var v3 = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('menuBack', 1); var v4 = loadBitmapF('bg_title.png'); v3.attachBitmap(v4, 1, auto, true); v3._width = screenWidth; v3._height = screenHeight; menu2F(a, onBackPress); } else { var v2 = menu.getInstanceAtDepth(menu.getNextHighestDepth() - 1); v2.t = 0; v2.t2 = 0; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this.t += 0.25; this._alpha -= 12; this._y += this.t; this.back._y -= this.t; this.titleT._y -= this.t; if (this._alpha <= 0) { ++this.t2; if (this.t2 > 3) { menu2F(a, onBackPress); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } } function spinMenuButtonF(b) { b.gotoAndStop(2); b.pauseLength = 10; b.pace = 7; if (b.val == undefined) { b.val = -b.pace; b.xscale =; } else { = b.xscale; } if (b.xscale == 100) { b.paus = b.pauseLength; } b.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 =; if (this.paus == 0) { this.xscale += this.val; if (this.xscale <= -100) { this.xscale = -100 + (Math.abs(this.xscale) - 100); this.val = this.pace; } else { if (this.xscale >= 100) { this.xscale = 100; v2._xscale = 100; this.val = -this.pace; this.paus = b.pauseLength; } } v2._xscale = this.xscale; } else { --this.paus; if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.paus = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } function menu2F(a, onBackPress) { menu.t = t; var v32 = 0.18; var v31 = 1; if (a == 'menu') { var screen = menu.attachMovie('mainMenu', 'menuScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.M) && t > menu.t) { removeMenuF(); } }; screen._yscale = v31 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; screen.saveGame.stop(); screen.options.stop(); screen.log.stop(); screen.startOver.stop(); screen.loadGame.stop();; screen.stats.stop(); screen.pledge.stop(); screen.loadGame.onRollOver = function () { spinMenuButtonF(this); }; screen.saveGame.onRollOver = screen.loadGame.onRollOver; screen.options.onRollOver = screen.loadGame.onRollOver; screen.log.onRollOver = screen.loadGame.onRollOver; screen.startOver.onRollOver = screen.loadGame.onRollOver; = screen.loadGame.onRollOver; screen.stats.onRollOver = screen.loadGame.onRollOver; screen.pledge.onRollOver = screen.loadGame.onRollOver; screen.loadGame.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); = this.xscale; }; screen.options.onRollOut = screen.loadGame.onRollOut; screen.log.onRollOut = screen.loadGame.onRollOut; screen.startOver.onRollOut = screen.loadGame.onRollOut; = screen.loadGame.onRollOut; screen.stats.onRollOut = screen.loadGame.onRollOut; screen.pledge.onRollOut = screen.loadGame.onRollOut; screen.saveGame.onRollOut = screen.loadGame.onRollOut; screen.back.onRelease = function () { removeMenuF(); }; screen.loadGame.onRelease = function () { menuF('load'); }; screen.saveGame.onRelease = function () { if (!outOfMenuIntoGame) { notificationF('Saving is currently unavailable.'); } else { menuF('save'); } }; screen.log.onRelease = function () { menuF('log'); }; screen.options.onRelease = function () { menuF('options'); }; = function () { menuF('keyboardShortcuts'); }; screen.stats.onRelease = function () { menuF('stats'); }; screen.pledge.onRelease = function () { url2F('patreonURL'); }; screen.startOver.onRelease = function () { restartF(); }; } else { if (a == 'cheats') { var v54 = 30; screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('cheatScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._alpha = 0; var v45 = v31; screen._yscale = v45 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; var v25 = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.L) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } } }; var v47 = screen.attachMovie('cheatsTitle', 'titleT', 132); var v38 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 1202); if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v38.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { v38.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { v38.onPress = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } var v6 = 0; while (v6 < cheats.length) { var v14 = pledgeLevel; if (v14 == undefined) { v14 = 0; } var ch = cheats[v6]; var v2 = screen.attachMovie('cheatBox', ch.effect, v6); if (resolution == '4:3') { v2._xscale = 92; } v2.stop(); if (ch.minPledge == 'wip') { v2.ball.gotoAndStop(3); v2._alpha = 60; v2.disabled = true; v2.wip = true; } else { if (Number(v14) < Number(ch.minPledge)) { v2.ball.gotoAndStop(3); v2._alpha = 60; v2.disabled = true; } else { if (ch.activated) { v2.ball.gotoAndStop(2); v2.activated = true; } else { v2.ball.stop(); } } } var v18 = 10; v2.minPledge = ch.minPledge; v2._x = (v6 % 3) * (v2._width + v18); v2._y = v47._height + 5 + v54 + Math.floor(v6 / 3) * (60 + v18); = ch; v2.v1 = ch.cheat; v2.v1 = v2.v1.toUpperCase(); v2.v2 = ch.desc; v2.v2 = v2.v2.toUpperCase(); v2.cheat1.text = v2.v1; v2.cheat2.text = v2.v2; v2.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); this.cheat1.text = this.v1; this.cheat2.text = this.v2; }; v2.onPress = function () { if (this.disabled) { playSystemSound2F('errorS'); } else { playSystemSound2F('toggleS'); } if (this.wip) { notificationF('This cheat has not been implemented yet.'); } else { if (this.disabled) { notificationF('You need to be a $' + this.minPledge + ' pledger to use this cheat.'); } else { if (this.activated) { unactivateCheat(; this.ball.gotoAndStop(1); this.activated = false; } else { if ( != undefined) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < { var v2 = screen[[v3]]; if (!v2.disabled) { v2.ball.gotoAndStop(1); v2.activated = false; } ++v3; } } activateCheat(; this.activated = true; this.ball.gotoAndStop(2); } } } }; v2.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); this.cheat1.text = this.v1; this.cheat2.text = this.v2; }; ++v6; } v47._x = screen._width / v45 / 2 - v47._width / 2; v38._x = screen._width / v45 / 2 - v38._width / 2; v38._y = screen._height / v45 + v38._height + v54 - v47._height; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; } else { if (a == 'stats') { var v36 = Math.round(generalSave.timePlayed / fps); var v35 = Math.floor(v36 / 60); var v44 = Math.floor(v35 / 60); v36 -= v35 * 60; v35 -= v44 * 60; if ((String(v36)).length == 1) { v36 = '0' + v36; } if ((String(v35)).length == 1) { v35 = '0' + v35; } if ((String(v44)).length == 1) { v44 = '0' + v44; } var v12 = v44 + ':' + v35 + ':' + v36; var v50 = Math.round((generalSave.readDialogues / totalNumberOfDialogues) * 1000) / 10; if (v50 > 100) { v50 = 100; } var v51 = 'N/A'; if (premiumPlusPatron) { v51 = '<b>Premium Plus</b> ($10+ pledger)'; } else { if (premiumPatron) { v51 = '<b>Premium</b> ($5+ pledger)'; } } var v55 = '\nSTATS\n\nTime played: ' + v12 + '\n\nEndings: ' + generalSave.endingsA.length + ' / ' + allUniqueEndings.length + '\n\nDialogue read: ' + v50 + '%\n\nPremium content level: ' + v51; screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('keyScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v31 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.K or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } }; var v52 = new TextFormat(); v52.font = 'Arvo'; v52.size = 18; var v54 = 20; var v38 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 2); v38._x = screenWidth / v31 / 2 - v38._width / 2; v38._y = screenHeight / v31 - v38._height * 1.5; var main = screen.createTextField('main', 1, v54 * 8, v54, screenWidth / v31 - v54 * 16, screenHeight / v31 - v54 * 6); main.embedFonts = true; main.textColor = 16777215; main.mouseWheelEnabled = true; main.html = true; main.selectable = false; main.multiline = true; main.wordWrap = true; main.htmlText = v55; main.setTextFormat(v52); if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { screen.back.onRelease = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { screen.back.onRelease = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } else { if (a == 'keyboardShortcuts') { var v55 = '\nKEYBOARD SHORTCUTS\n\nSpace\t\tNext/select\nEnter\t\tNext/select\nCtrl+F\t\tEnter fullscreen (desktop version only)\nEsc\t\t\tExit fullscreen\nK\t\t\tDisplay keyboard shortcuts\nL\t\t\tDisplay the load game menu\nM\t\t\tOpen the main menu\nO\t\t\tDisplay the options menu\nP\t\t\tEnter/exit menu\nQ\t\t\tQuicksave\nA\t\t\tToggle auto\nR\t\t\tDisplay the log\nS\t\t\tDisplay the save game menu\nZ\t\t\tZoom in/out\n+\t\t\tZoom in\n-\t\t\tZoom out\nBackspace\tEnter/exit menu\nCtrl\t\t\tSkip mode (hold)\nTab\t\t\tSkip mode (toggle)'; screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('keyScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v31 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.K or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } }; var v52 = new TextFormat(); v52.font = 'Arvo'; v52.size = 18; var v54 = 20; var v38 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 2); v38._x = screenWidth / 2 - v38._width / 2; v38._y = screenHeight - v38._height * 1.5; var main = screen.createTextField('main', 1, v54 * 8, v54, screenWidth - v54 * 16, screenHeight - v54 * 5); main.embedFonts = true; main.textColor = 16777215; main.mouseWheelEnabled = true; main.html = true; main.selectable = false; main.multiline = true; main.wordWrap = true; main.htmlText = v55; main.setTextFormat(v52); if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { screen.back.onRelease = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { screen.back.onRelease = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } else { if (a == 'log') { screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('logScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v31 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if (myKeys.DOWNPressed) { main.scroll += 1; } if (myKeys.UPPressed) { main.scroll -= 1; } if ((myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.R or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } }; var v52 = new TextFormat(); v52.font = 'Arvo'; v52.size = 16; var v54 = 20; var v38 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 2); v38._x = screenWidth / v31 / 2 - v38._width / 2; v38._y = screenHeight / v31 - v38._height * 1.5; var main = screen.createTextField('main', 1, v54 * 8, v54, screenWidth / v31 - v54 * 16, screenHeight / v31 - v54 * 6); main.embedFonts = true; main.textColor = 16777215; main.mouseWheelEnabled = true; main.html = true; main.selectable = true; main.multiline = true; main.wordWrap = true; main.htmlText = log; main.setTextFormat(v52); if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { screen.back.onRelease = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { screen.back.onRelease = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } else { if (a == 'load') { screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('loadScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.L) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } } }; var v47 = screen.attachMovie('loadGame', 'titleT', 132); var v38 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 12); if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v38.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { v38.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { v38.onPress = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } var v34 = -1; var v10 = 0; while (v10 < 12) { if (v10 != 1 && v10 != 4 && v10 != 5) { ++v34; var thisScale = v32; var bitmapW = screenWidth * thisScale; var v11 = screenHeight * thisScale; var v4 = 12; var v25 = 50; var v22 = 1; var v23 = 20; if (v10 == 0) { var v28 = (bitmapW + v4) * 2 + v22; var v29 = (v11 + v4) * 2 + (v22 + v23); bitmapW = v28 - v4; v11 = v29 - v4; thisScale = v11 / screenHeight; } var v3 = screen.createEmptyMovieClip('g', screen.getNextHighestDepth()); var w = bitmapW + v4; var h = v11 + v4 + v23; squareFill(v3, 16777215, 0, 0, w, h); var b = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('b', 1); b._x = v4 / 2; b._y = v4 / 2; var k = v3.attachMovie('fileButtonSmaller', 'k', 3); var v8 = v3.attachMovie('overButtonShade', 'shade', 4); var v7 = v3.attachMovie('fileButton', 'fntc', 5); v3._x = (v10 % 4) * (bitmapW + v22 + v4); v3._y = v25 + Math.floor(v10 / 4) * (v22 + v11 + v4 + v23); k._y = v11 + 4; k._x = v4 / 2 + bitmapW - k._width; v7._y = v4 / 2 + v11 - v7._height; v7._x = v4 / 2; v8._width = bitmapW; v8._x = v4 / 2; v8._y = v11 + v4 / 2 - v8._height; v3.fileNo = v34 + 1; var tf = 'file' + (v3.fileNo - 2); var v27 = 'FILE ' + (v3.fileNo - 2); if (v34 == 0) { tf = 'autoSave'; v27 = 'AUTO'; } else { if (v34 == 1) { tf = 'quickSave'; v27 = 'QUICK'; } } = tf; var v19 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, tf); var v12 = v19.saveDate; if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = 'EMPTY'; v8.removeMovieClip(); } else { var v26 = makeSmallScreenshot(thisScale, v19.scene, v19.foregroundObjects); b.attachBitmap(v26, 10, auto, true); b._width = bitmapW; } if (v12 == 'EMPTY') { v7.main.htmlText = ''; k.main.htmlText = ''; } else { v7.main.htmlText = v27; k.main.htmlText = v12; } v3.w = w; v3.h = h; v3.onRollOver = function () { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); squareFill(this, 12614139, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); }; v3.onRollOut = function () { squareFill(this, 16777215, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); }; if (v12 != 'EMPTY') { v3.onPress = function () { loadF(; }; } } ++v10; } v47._x = screen._width / 2 - v47._width / 2; v38._x = screen._width / 2 - v38._width / 2; v38._y = screen._height + v25 - v47._height; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; } else { if (a == 'options') { var screen = menu.attachMovie('optionsScreen', 'optionsScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v31 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.O) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); removeMenuF(); } else { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); menuF('menu'); } } } }; var v38 = screen.back; v38.main.htmlText = 'BACK'; if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v38.onPress = function () { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { v38.onPress = function () { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); removeMenuF(); }; } else { v38.onPress = function () { save3F('globalSave', 'general', globalSave); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); menuF('menu'); }; } } if (!basicGameData.voiced) { screen.vVolume._visible = false; screen.voiceVolumeText.text = ''; } screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; = globalSave.musicVolume; = globalSave.sfxVolume; = globalSave.voiceVolume; screen.clickHere.onPress = function () { url2F('patreonURL'); }; if (generalSave.removeMuteButton) { screen.removeMuteButton.stop(); } else { screen.removeMuteButton.nextFrame(); } if (!premiumPlusPatron && !generalSave.unlockedCommentary) { screen.commentary.stop(); } else { if (generalSave.commentary) { screen.commentary.gotoAndStop(2); } else { screen.commentary.gotoAndStop(3); } } if (globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue) { screen.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue.stop(); } else { screen.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue.nextFrame(); } if (globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) { screen.continueSkippingAfterChoices.stop(); } else { screen.continueSkippingAfterChoices.nextFrame(); } if (globalSave.noAutoSaving) { screen.noAutoSaving.stop(); } else { screen.noAutoSaving.nextFrame(); } screen.removeMuteButton.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSound2F('toggleS'); }; screen.removeMuteButton.butt.onRelease = function () { if (generalSave.removeMuteButton) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); generalSave.removeMuteButton = false; muteThing._visible = true; muteThing._alpha = 70; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); generalSave.removeMuteButton = true; muteThing._visible = false; } }; if (screen.commentary._currentframe > 1) { screen.commentary.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSound2F('toggleS'); }; screen.commentary.butt.onRelease = function () { if (generalSave.commentary) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(3); generalSave.commentary = false; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); generalSave.commentary = true; } }; } screen.noAutoSaving.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSound2F('toggleS'); }; screen.noAutoSaving.butt.onRelease = function () { if (globalSave.noAutoSaving) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); globalSave.noAutoSaving = false; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); globalSave.noAutoSaving = true; } }; screen.continueSkippingAfterChoices.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSound2F('toggleS'); }; screen.continueSkippingAfterChoices.butt.onRelease = function () { if (globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices = false; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices = true; } }; screen.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue.butt.onPress = function () { playSystemSound2F('toggleS'); }; screen.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue.butt.onRelease = function () { if (globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(2); globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue = false; } else { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue = true; } }; var v48 = 1; var v53 = maxTextSpeed; var v43 = 0; var v49 = 100; var v46 = screen.tSpeed._width; = v46 * ((globalSave.textSpeed - v48) / (v53 - v48)); = v46 * ((globalSave.musicVolume - v43) / (v49 - v43)); = v46 * ((globalSave.sfxVolume - v43) / (v49 - v43)); = v46 * ((globalSave.voiceVolume - v43) / (v49 - v43)); barize(screen.tSpeed, 'textSpeed', v48, v53, true); barize(screen.mVolume, 'musicVolume', 0, 100, true); barize(screen.sVolume, 'sfxVolume', 0, 100, true); barize(screen.vVolume, 'voiceVolume', 0, 100, true); } else { if (a == 'gallery') { screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('galleryScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._yscale = v31 * 100; screen._xscale = screen._yscale; screen._alpha = 0; v32 = 0.16; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { menuF('menu'); } } }; var v47 = screen.attachMovie('gallery', 'titleT', 132); var v38 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 12); if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v38.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { v38.onPress = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } var thisScale = 0.11; var bitmapW = screenWidth * thisScale; var v11 = screenHeight * thisScale; var v33 = 7; var v54 = 10; var v56 = bitmapW * 3 + v54 * 2; var v57 = (v11 + 20) * 3 + v54 * 2; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - v56 / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - v57 / 2; var v4 = 12; var v25 = 50; var v22 = 1; var v23 = 0; var v40 = 16777215; var v41 = 15454309; var v39 = 14277081; var v42 = 15984792; var v10 = 0; while (v10 < amountOfCgs) { var v17 = screen.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = screen.createEmptyMovieClip('g' + v17, v17); var w = bitmapW + v4; var h = v11 + v4 + v23; var b = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('b', 1); b._x = v4 / 2; b._y = v4 / 2; v3._x = (v10 % v33) * (bitmapW + v22 + v4); v3._y = v25 + Math.floor(v10 / v33) * (v22 + v11 + v4 + v23); k._y = v11 + 4; k._x = v4 / 2 + bitmapW - k._width; storedv7._y = v4 / 2 + v11 - storedv7._height; storedv7._x = v4 / 2; storedv8._width = bitmapW; storedv8._x = v4 / 2; storedv8._y = v11 + v4 / 2 - storedv8._height; v3.fileNo = v10; if (allCgs[v10].premium) { v3.premium = true; v3.col = v41; v3.selectCol = v42; } else { v3.col = v40; v3.selectCol = v39; } squareFill(v3, v3.col, 0, 0, w, h); var v15 = 'locked'; var v20 = false; var v24 = allCgs[v10].base[0]; var v30 = 'cg_' + v24; if (generalSave.unlockedCg[v24] || generalSave.unlockedCg[v30] || activatedCheats.unlockAllCgs) { v20 = true; var v16 = []; var k = 1; while (k < allCgs[v10].base.length) { var v13 = allCgs[v10].base[k]; v16.push(v13); ++k; } v15 = [allCgs[v10].base[0], 0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight, false, false, v16]; } var v26 = makeSmallScreenshotForCg(thisScale, v15, []); b.attachBitmap(v26, 10, auto, true); if (v15 == 'locked') { var v9 = b.attachMovie('lockIcon', 'lockIcon', 11); v9._x = bitmapW / 2 - v9._width / 2; v9._y = v11 / 2 - v9._height / 2; tintF(v9, v3.col); } if (v3.premium) { var v21 = b.attachMovie('premiumTopLeft', 't', 12); v21._yscale = 80; v21._xscale = 80; } v3.w = w; v3.h = h; v3.onRollOver = function () { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); squareFill(this, this.selectCol, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); tintF(this.b.lockIcon, this.selectCol); }; v3.onRollOut = function () { squareFill(this, this.col, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); tintF(this.b.lockIcon, this.col); }; if (v20) { v3.onPress = function () { galleryF(this.fileNo, 0, undefined, onBackPress); }; } ++v10; } v47._x = screen._width / 2 - v47._width / 2; v38._x = screen._width / 2 - v38._width / 2; v38._y = screen._height + v25 - v47._height; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; } else { if (a == 'save') { if (!outOfMenuIntoGame) { notificationF('Saving is currently unavailable.'); } else { screen = menu.createEmptyMovieClip('saveScreen', menu.getNextHighestDepth()); screen._alpha = 0; screen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } if ((myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.L) && t > menu.t) { if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { removeMenuF(); } else { menuF('menu'); } } } }; var v47 = screen.attachMovie('saveGame', 'titleT', 132); var v38 = screen.attachMovie('backIcon', 'back', 12); if (onBackPress == 'backToStartMenu') { v38.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); jumpF('startMenu3'); }; } else { if (onBackPress == 'backToGame') { v38.onPress = function () { removeMenuF(); }; } else { v38.onPress = function () { menuF('menu'); }; } } var v34 = -1; var v10 = 0; while (v10 < 7) { if (v10 != 'shitwhateverthisisntneeded') { ++v34; var thisScale = v32; var bitmapW = screenWidth * thisScale; var v11 = screenHeight * thisScale; var v4 = 12; var v25 = 50; var v22 = 1; var v23 = 20; var v3 = screen.createEmptyMovieClip('g', screen.getNextHighestDepth()); v3.bitmapW = bitmapW; v3.thisScale = thisScale; var w = bitmapW + v4; var h = v11 + v4 + v23; squareFill(v3, 16777215, 0, 0, w, h); var b = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('b', 1); b._x = v4 / 2; b._y = v4 / 2; var k = v3.attachMovie('fileButtonSmaller', 'k', 3); var v8 = v3.attachMovie('overButtonShade', 'shade', 4); var v7 = v3.attachMovie('fileButton', 'fntc', 5); v3._x = (v10 % 4) * (bitmapW + v22 + v4); v3._y = v25 + Math.floor(v10 / 4) * (v22 + v11 + v4 + v23); k._y = v11 + 4; k._x = v4 / 2 + bitmapW - k._width; v7._y = v4 / 2 + v11 - v7._height; v7._x = v4 / 2; v8._width = bitmapW; v8._x = v4 / 2; v8._y = v11 + v4 / 2 - v8._height; v3.fileNo = v34 + 1; var tf = 'file' + v3.fileNo; var v27 = 'FILE ' + v3.fileNo; = tf; var v19 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, tf); var v12 = v19.saveDate; if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = 'EMPTY'; v8.removeMovieClip(); } else { var v26 = makeSmallScreenshot(thisScale, v19.scene, v19.foregroundObjects); b.attachBitmap(v26, 10, auto, true); b._width = bitmapW; } if (v12 == 'EMPTY') { v7.main.htmlText = ''; k.main.htmlText = ''; } else { v7.main.htmlText = v27; k.main.htmlText = v12; } v3.w = w; v3.h = h; v3.onRollOver = function () { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); squareFill(this, 12614139, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); }; v3.onRollOut = function () { squareFill(this, 16777215, 0, 0, this.w, this.h); }; v3.onPress = function () { saveF(; var v2 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile,; var v3 = makeSmallScreenshot(this.thisScale, v2.scene, v2.foregroundObjects); this.b.attachBitmap(v3, 10, auto, true); this.b._width = this.bitmapW; this.k.main.htmlText = 'SAVED'; }; } ++v10; } v47._x = screen._width / 2 - v47._width / 2; v38._x = screen._width / 2 - v38._width / 2; v38._y = screen._height + v25 - v47._height; screen._x = screenWidth / 2 - screen._width / 2; screen._y = screenHeight / 2 - screen._height / 2; } } } } } } } } } } } function removeMenuF() { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); gamePaused = false; menu.removeMovieClip(); } function loadBitmapF(bitmap) { if (!premiumPatron) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < premiumBitmaps.length) { if (bitmap.indexOf(premiumBitmaps[v1]) != -1) { bitmap = 'premiumContent.png'; } ++v1; } } var v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(bitmap); if (externalBmpDataClip != undefined && bitmap.indexOf('premiumContent.png') == -1 && bitmap.indexOf('commentary_') == -1 && bitmap != 'parentalAdvisory.png') { v3 = externalBmpDataClip.getBmpData(bitmap); if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = premiumBmpDataClip.getBmpData(bitmap); } } return v3; } function galleryF(a, b, cameHereWith, onBackPress) { var v11 = true; var v9 = allCgs[a]; var v5 = v9.base; var seq = v9.sequence; var v7 = createEmptyMovieClip('galleryClip', menuLayer); var v8 = v7.createEmptyMovieClip('container', 1); var v6 = loadBitmapF(v5[0] + '.png'); if (v6 == undefined) { v6 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + v5[0] + '.png'); } var v4 = 1; while (v4 < v5.length) { var v2 = loadBitmapF(v5[v4] + '.png'); if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + v5[v4] + '.png'); } v6.draw(v2); v2.dispose(); ++v4; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < seq[b].length) { v2 = loadBitmapF(seq[b][v3] + '.png'); if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + seq[b][v3] + '.png'); } if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + v5[0] + '_' + seq[b][v3] + '.png'); } v6.draw(v2); v2.dispose(); ++v3; } v8.attachBitmap(v6, 1, auto, true); if (v11) { var v10 = screenHeight / v8._height; v8._yscale = 100 * v10; v8._xscale = v8._yscale; } var left = v7.attachMovie('arrowButton', 'left', 2); left._x = 10; left._y = screenHeight / 2 - left._height / 2; if (b > 0) { left.onPress = function () { galleryF(a, b - 1, x, onBackPress); }; } else { left.onPress = function () { menuF('gallery', onBackPress); }; } if (b < seq.length - 1) { var right = v7.attachMovie('arrowButton', 'right', 3); right._xscale = -right._xscale; right._x = screenWidth - 10; right._y = screenHeight / 2 - right._height / 2; right.onPress = function () { galleryF(a, b + 1, x, onBackPress); }; } if (cameHereWith == 'arrows') { right._alpha = 0; left._alpha = 0; } v7.notMovingT = 0; v7.onEnterFrame = function () { if (mouseMoving) { this.notMovingT = 0; right._alpha = 100; left._alpha = 100; } else { ++this.notMovingT; if (this.notMovingT > 20) { right._alpha -= 5; left._alpha -= 5; } } if (myKeys.RIGHT && myKeys.LEFT) { } else { if (myKeys.RIGHT or myKeys.SPACE) { if (b < seq.length - 1) { galleryF(a, b + 1, 'arrows', onBackPress); } } else { if (myKeys.LEFT) { if (b > 0) { galleryF(a, b - 1, 'arrows', onBackPress); } else { menuF('gallery', onBackPress); } } else { if (myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P) { menuF('gallery', onBackPress); } } } } }; } function makeSmallScreenshotForCg(scale, scene, charA) { var v8 = new flash.display.BitmapData(screenWidth * scale, screenHeight * scale, false, 0); var v7 = scene[7]; v7.splice(0, 0, [scene[0]]); var v6 = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v7.length) { var v5 = v7[v2] + '.png'; var v1 = loadBitmapF(v5); if (v1 == undefined) { v1 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + v5); } if (v6 == 0) { v6 = v1.height; } var v4 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v3 = scale * (screenHeight / v6); v4.scale(v3, v3); v8.draw(v1, v4); v1.dispose(); ++v2; } return v8; } function makeSmallScreenshot(scale, scene, charA) { var v8 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v5 = scene.addedCgA; var v4 = addBg(scene.current, true, scene.xFlipped, scene.yFlipped, scene.x, scene.y, b.heightStretchToFit, false, true); v4.createEmptyMovieClip('foregroundObjects', v4.getNextHighestDepth()); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5.length) { addToCgF(v5[v2], '', '', true, v4); ++v2; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < charA.length) { var v1 = charA[v3]; if ( && !v1.isCharacter) { } else { foregroundObjectF(v1.who, v1.mood, v1.mood2, v1.x, v1.y, v1.depth, v1.xFlipped, v1.yFlipped, v1.isCharacter, v1.scaleToFullScreen, v1.zoom, true, v4); } ++v3; } var v11 = bitmapCopy(v4); v8.scale(scale, scale); var v10 = new flash.display.BitmapData(screenWidth * scale, screenHeight * scale, false, 0); v10.draw(v11, v8); v11.dispose(); removeMovieClip(v4); return v10; } function zoomF(outOrIn) { var v1 = 1.1; var v2 = 300; zoomed = true; if (!generalSave.hasZoomed) { generalSave.hasZoomed = true; if (!generalSave.cgNotification2Shown) { generalSave.cgNotification2Shown = true; notificationF('Use the mouse to look around.'); } } if (outOrIn == 'out') { zoom /= v1; } else { zoom *= v1; } if (zoom > v2 or zoom < 100) { if (outOrIn == 'in') { zoom /= v1; } else { zoom = 100; zoomed = false; gwContainer._x = 0; gwContainer._y = 0; } } gwContainer._yscale = zoom; gwContainer._xscale = gwContainer._yscale; scale = gwContainer._xscale / 100 - 1; gwContainer._x = -_xmouse * scale; gwContainer._y = -_ymouse * scale; } function keyChecker() { keyHandler(); mouseStuff(); if (myKeys.ESCAPE) { } if (myKeys.f12) { } else { if (!gamePaused && outOfMenuIntoGame) { if (skipping) { if (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER) { if (!globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) { skipping = false; } } else { if (myKeys.TAB or myKeys.CONTROLReleased) { skipping = false; } } } else { if (myKeys.CONTROL or myKeys.TAB) { skipping = true; dialogue.finishNow = true; } } if (myKeys.BACKSPACE or myKeys.P or myKeys.M) { menuF('menu'); } if (myKeys.Z or { zoomF(); } if (myKeys.minus) { zoomF('out'); } if (myKeys.A) { if (generalSave.autoReader) { notificationF('Auto mode disabled.'); generalSave.autoReader = false; unTintF(; } else { generalSave.autoReader = true; notificationF('Auto mode enabled.'); tintF(, 3407616); } } if (myKeys.R) { menuF('log', 'backToGame'); } if (myKeys.K) { menuF('keyboardShortcuts'); } if (myKeys.H) { dialogueHiderF(); } if (myKeys.L) { menuF('load', 'backToGame'); } if (myKeys.O) { menuF('options', 'backToGame'); } if (myKeys.S) { if (!outOfMenuIntoGame) { notificationF('Saving is currently unavailable.'); } else { menuF('save', 'backToGame'); } } if (myKeys.Q) { if (!outOfMenuIntoGame) { notificationF('Saving is currently unavailable.'); } else { saveF('quickSave'); notificationF('Game successfully saved.'); } } if (mouseScrolled > 0) { zoomF('in'); } else { if (mouseScrolled < 0) { zoomF('out'); } } } } } function mouseStuff() { var v1 = mouseScrolledPre; mouseScrolledPre = 0; v1 /= Math.abs(v1); mouseScrolled = v1; var v2 = _xmouse + ' ' + _ymouse; if (v2 == lastMouse) { mouseMoving = false; } else { mouseMoving = true; } lastMouse = _xmouse + ' ' + _ymouse; mouseClick = false; scale = gwContainer._xscale / 100 - 1; gwContainer._x = -_xmouse * scale; gwContainer._y = -_ymouse * scale; } function keyHandler() { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < keys.length) { var v2 = keys[v3]; var v1 = v2; if (!textfieldHasFocus || textfieldHasFocus && (v2 == 'ENTER' || v2 == 'UP' || v2 == 'DOWN')) { if (typeof v2 == 'object') { v2 = String(keys[v3][1]); v1 = keys[v3][0]; } else { v2 = Key[v2]; } if (Key.isDown(v2)) { if (!myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed']) { myKeys[v1] = true; myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed'] = true; } else { myKeys[v1] = false; } } else { if (myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed']) { myKeys[v1 + 'Released'] = true; } else { myKeys[v1 + 'Released'] = false; } myKeys[v1 + 'Pressed'] = false; myKeys[v1] = false; } } ++v3; } } function parseNextF(parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext) { if (parsing['s' + (parser + 1)] != undefined) { ++parser; parserF(parser, parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext); } if (outOfMenuIntoGame && !gameEnded) { if (!generalSave.welcomeNotificationShown && parsing['s' + parser][0] != inputDialogue) { generalSave.welcomeNotificationShown = true; notificationF('Welcome to the game.', true, 60); notificationF('Press &lt;K&gt; for a list of available keyboard shortcuts.', true, 120); } if (lastAddToTimePlayed == undefined) { lastAddToTimePlayed = 0; } generalSave.timePlayed += t - lastAddToTimePlayed; lastAddToTimePlayed = t; saveF('autoSave', 'parseNextF'); } } function parserF(parser, parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext) { var v4 = parser; var v2 = parsing['s' + parser]; if (v2 == undefined) { initVar2(false); startF(); } else { checkAfterParsing(v2); var v3 = v2[0]; if (parseNextWithoutFiringParseNext) { v3 = v2[0] + '2'; } this[v3 + 'F'](v2[1], v2[2], v2[3], v2[4], v2[5], v2[6], v2[7], v2[8], v2[9], v2[10], v2[11], v2[12], v2[13]); } } function checkAfterParsing(p) { if (commentaryChibis != undefined) { if (p[0] == 'talking' && characterData[p[1]].commentary or p[0] == 'cgs' && p[1] == 'h_onbed' or p[0] == 'whatIf' or p[0] == 'setVolume' or p[0] == 'pause' or p[0] == 'playSound' or p[0] == 'voice' or p[0] == 'endIf' or p[0] == 'otherwise' or p[0] == 'elseIf' or p[0] == 'playMusic' or p[0] == 'stopMusic') { } else { if (skipping) { removeMovieClip(commentaryChibis); } else { commentaryChibis.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { this._alpha -= 20; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } }; } } } } function removeAtF(layer) { removeMovieClip(this.getInstanceAtDepth(layer)); } function textboxF(txt, xPos, yPos, align, size, font, color) { textbox2F(txt, xPos, yPos, align, size, font, color); parseNextF(); } function textbox2F(txt, xPos, yPos, txtAlign, txtSize, txtFont, txtColor) { if (xPos == undefined) { xPos = 'center'; } if (yPos == undefined) { yPos = 'center'; } if (txtAlign == undefined) { txtAlign = 'center'; } if (txtFont == undefined) { txtFont = 'Arvo'; } if (txtSize == undefined) { txtSize = 20; } if (txtColor == undefined) { txtColor = 16777215; } var v6 = new TextFormat(); v6.font = txtFont; v6.size = txtSize; v6.align = txtAlign; var v10 = foregroundObjects.getNextHighestDepth(); var v9 = 20; var v4 = 1; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < foregroundObjectsA.length) { if (foregroundObjectsA[v1].isTextbox && !foregroundObjectsA[v1].remove) { ++v4; } ++v1; } var v2 = foregroundObjects.createEmptyMovieClip('textbox' + v4, v10); var v3 = v2.createTextField('textbox', 0, v9, 0, screenWidth - v9 * 2, screenHeight); v2.who = 'textbox'; v2.isTextbox = true; v2.who = 'textbox'; v2.txtAlign = txtAlign; v2.txtSize = txtSize; v2.txtFont = txtFont; v2.txtColor = txtColor; v2.depth = v10; v2.zoom = 1; v3.embedFonts = true; v3.autoSize = 'center'; v3.html = true; v3.multiline = false; v3.wordWrap = true; v3.htmlText = txt; v3.textColor = txtColor; v3.setTextFormat(v6); if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) { v2._y = yPos; } else { if (yPos == 'center') { v2._y = screenHeight / 2 - v2._height / 2; } else { if (yPos == 'below') { v2._y = screenHeight; } } } v2.x = v2._x; v2.y = v2._y; foregroundObjectsA.push(v2); } function attachDialogue() { var v2 = attachMovie(dialogueBoxType, 'dialogue', dialogueLayer); if (currentBackground == 'black' || currentBackground == 'white') { v2.back._alpha = 0; } v2._yscale = 100 / ((windowScale + 1) / 2); v2._xscale = v2._yscale; = function () { menuF('menu'); }; var v4 = dialogue.finishedReadingBack; var v3 = dialogue.finishedReadingBlot; v3._visible = false; v3.t = 0; v3.motoY = v3._y; v3.motoX = v3._x; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; this._y = easeInOutSine(this.t, this.motoY, -6, 20); }; v2.log.onRelease = function () { menuF('log', 'backToGame'); }; if (generalSave.autoReader) { tintF(, 3407616); } = function () { if (generalSave.autoReader) { generalSave.autoReader = false; unTintF(this); } else { generalSave.autoReader = true; tintF(this, 3407616); } }; v2.quickSave.onRelease = function () { if (!outOfMenuIntoGame) { notificationF('Saving is currently unavailable.'); } else { saveF('quickSave', 'quickSaveButton'); notificationF('Game successfully saved.'); } }; v2.quickLoad.onRelease = function () { loadF('quickSave'); }; v2.skip.onRelease = function () { if (skipping) { skipping = false; } else { skipping = true; } }; return v2; } function rollbackF() {} function thinkingF(serifu) { var v1 = attachDialogue(); v1.gotoAndStop(1); dialogueF(serifu); } function talkingF(who, serifu, mood, displayCommentaryEvenIfCommentaryModeIsOff) { if (!characterData[who].commentary || characterData[who].commentary && generalSave.commentary || displayCommentaryEvenIfCommentaryModeIsOff) { var v2 = attachDialogue(); v2.gotoAndStop(2); dialogueF(serifu, who, mood); } else { parseNextF(); } } function dialogueHiderF() { if (noticeDialogueActive) { if (nd.hidden) { nd.hidden = false; nd._visible = true; } else { nd.hidden = true; nd._visible = false; } } else { if (dialogue.hidden) { dialogue.hidden = false; dialogue._visible = true; } else { dialogue.hidden = true; dialogue._visible = false; } } } function chibiF(char, mood, xPos, depth) { chibi2F(char, mood, xPos, depth); parseNextF(); } function bounceF(clip, motoY, intensity) { clip._y = motoY; var v2 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip(clip._name + 'Bounce', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); v2.clip = clip; v2.motoY = motoY; v2.t = 4; v2.p = 0; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.p == 0) { --this.t; this.clip._y -= this.t; if (this.t == 0) { this.p = 1; this.t = 0; } } else { if (this.p == 1) { ++this.t; if (this.t == 2) { this.p = 2; this.t = 0; } } else { if (this.p == 2) { ++this.t; this.clip._y += this.t; if (this.t == 4) { this.p = 3; this.clip._y = this.motoY; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } } }; } function chibi2F(char, mood, xPos, depth) { var v8 = true; var v13 = false; var v4 = 0; var v5 = char.image; if (mood == undefined) { mood = 'neutral'; } if (commentaryChibis == undefined) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('commentaryChibis', commentaryChibiLayer); } var v6 = commentaryChibis; if (v5 == 'ben' || v5 == 'taxup') { xPos = 'left'; } else { xPos = 'right'; } if (xPos == 'right') { v8 = false; } if (v6['chibi_' + char.image] != undefined) { v6['chibi_' + char.image].removeMovieClip(); } if (depth == undefined) { v4 = v6.getNextHighestDepth(); } else { v4 = depth; } var v2 = v6.createEmptyMovieClip('chibi_' + char.image, v4); v2.d = v4; var v3 = loadBitmapF('commentary_' + v5 + '.png'); var v11 = loadBitmapF('commentary_' + mood + '.png'); if (mood != 'bendealwithit') { var v15 = loadBitmapF(v5 + '_top.png'); } v3.draw(v11); v3.draw(v15); v11.dispose(); v15.dispose(); if (v8 || v13) { var v17 = 1; var v16 = 1; var v19 = 0; var v21 = 0; if (v8) { v17 = -1; v19 = v3.width; } if (v13) { v16 = -1; v21 = v3.height; } var v9 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v9.scale(v17, v16); v9.translate(v19, v21); var v14 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v3.width, v3.height, true, 0); v14.draw(v3, v9); v3.dispose(); v2.attachBitmap(v14, 1, auto, true); } else { v2.attachBitmap(v3, 1, auto, true); } v2._yscale = 50; v2._xscale = 50; v2._y = screenHeight - v2._height + 15; var v22 = 12; if (resolution == '4:3') { v22 = -75; } var v20 = screenWidth - v2._width * 0.65; var v18 = -v2._width * 0.35; if (xPos == 'right') { v2._x = v20; } else { if (xPos == 'left') { v2._x = v18; } } bounceF(v2, v2._y); } function dialogueF(serifu, who, mood) { if (skipping && globalSave.skipOnlyUnreadDialogue) { if (!generalSave.readDialogueO['s' + parser]) { skipping = false; } } if (!generalSave.readDialogueO['s' + parser]) { if (generalSave.readDialogues == undefined) { generalSave.readDialogues = 0; } ++generalSave.readDialogues; generalSave.readDialogueO['s' + parser] = true; } save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); resizeAndReplaceF(); var v27 = false; if (who == undefined) { v27 = true; } else { var v28 = characterData[who].pName; dialogue.who.text = v28; if (currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue != 'none') { dialogue.voice = currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue; dialogue.who.htmlText = '<a href="asfunction:voiceAgain">' + v28 + ' <font face=\'Arial Unicode MS\'>▶</font></a>'; dialogue.who._y -= 4; } dialogue.who.textColor = characterData[who].pColor; } if (characterData[who].commentary) { chibi2F(characterData[who], mood); dialogue.commentary = true; } slicer = 0; currentLine = serifu; if (!v27) { currentLine = '' + currentLine + ''; } currentLineFinished = false; japDisplayed = false; dialogue.hider.onRelease = function () { dialogueHiderF(); }; dialogue.kana._visible = false; dialogue.kanji._visible = false; dialogue.romaji._visible = false; var v5 = 0; while (v5 <= currentLine.length) { var v3 = currentLine.slice(v5, v5 + 1); var v22 = currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v5 + 2); var v6 = ''; if (v3 == '{') { var v23 = ''; var v10 = ''; var v11 = new Array(); var v2 = v5 + 1; while (v2 <= currentLine.length) { v6 = currentLine.slice(v2, v2 + 1); if (v6 == '|' or v6 == '}') { if (v10 == '') { v11.push(currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v2)); var v19 = currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v2); v10 = v2; } else { v11.push(currentLine.slice(v10 + 1, v2)); v10 = v2; } } if (v6 == '}') { v2 = currentLine.length; } ++v2; } var v14 = ''; if (storedv19 == 'jp') { } else { if (Number(variables[storedv19]) == 1) { v14 = v11[1]; } else { if (v11.length == 3) { v14 = v11[2]; } else { v14 = v11[1] + 's'; } } } currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v5) + v14 + currentLine.slice(v10 + 1); } else { if (v3 == '_') { currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v5) + ' ' + currentLine.slice(v5 + 1); } else { if (v3 == '♪' or v3 == '♥' or v3 == '《' or v3 == '》' or v3 == '' or v3 == '☠' or v3 == '§' or v3 == 'Ø' or v3 == '⊕' or v3 == 'ସ' or v3 == '☣' or v3 == '☢' or v3 == '☟' or v3 == '✁' or v3 == '✇') { var v20 = '<font face=\'Arial Unicode MS\' size=\'22\'>' + v3 + '</font>'; currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v5) + v20 + currentLine.slice(v5 + 1); v5 += v20.length; } else { if ((v3 == '$' or v3 == '@') && isNaN(Number(v22))) { var v4 = v5 + 1; while (v4 <= currentLine.length) { v6 = currentLine.slice(v4, v4 + 1); if (v6 == '$' or v6 == '@' or v4 == currentLine.length) { var v13 = v4; v4 = Infinity; } ++v4; } var v8 = currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v13); v8 = variables[v8]; if (v3 == '@' && Number(v8) <= 20) { var v21 = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen', 'twenty']; v8 = v21[Number(v8)]; } if (v8 == undefined) { v8 = currentLine.slice(v5 + 1, v13); } if (isNaN(v8)) { var v15 = currentLine.slice(v5 - 2, v5 - 1); if (v5 == 0 || v15 == '.' || v15 == '!' || v15 == '?' || v15 == '…') { v8 = (v8.slice(0, 1)).toUpperCase() + v8.slice(1); } } currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, v5) + String(v8) + currentLine.slice(v13 + 1); --v5; } } } } ++v5; } registerInLog(currentLine, who); dialogue.voiceAgain = function () { voice2F(this.voice, false); }; dialogue.t = 0; dialogue.t2 = 0; dialogue.firstWord = true; var v25 = new TextField.StyleSheet(); v25.setStyle('a:link', {'color': '#66CCFF', 'textDecoration': 'none'}); v25.setStyle('a:hover', {'color': '#CCCCCC', 'textDecoration': 'none'}); dialogue.main.styleSheet = v25; false; dialogue.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t2; if (!currentLineFinished) { if (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or skipping or myKeys.ENTER or this.finishNow or globalSave.textSpeed >= maxTextSpeed) { if (dialogue.hidden) { dialogue.hidden = false; dialogue._visible = true; } else { slicer = currentLine.length; this.finishNow = false; } } else { var v9 = globalSave.textSpeed; if (this.t2 % Math.ceil(1 / v9) == 0) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v9) { ++slicer; var v8 = true; while (v8) { ch1 = currentLine.slice(slicer - 1, slicer); if (ch1 == '>') { ++slicer; } else { v8 = false; } } if (ch1 == '<') { var v3 = slicer; while (v3 <= currentLine.length) { var v4 = currentLine.slice(v3, v3 + 1); if (v4 == '>') { slicer = v3 + 1; v3 = currentLine.length; --v7; } ++v3; } } else { if ((ch1 == ' ' || ch1 == '-') && who != 'nvl') { var v5 = 0; var v2 = slicer; while (v2 <= currentLine.length) { var v4 = currentLine.slice(v2, v2 + 1); if (v4 == '<') { ++v5; } else { if (v4 == '>') { --v5; } } if (v5 == 0 && (v4 == ' ' || v4 == '-') or v2 == currentLine.length) { var v10 = currentLine.slice(0, slicer); this.main.htmlText = v10; var v6 = this.main.bottomScroll; v10 = currentLine.slice(0, v2 + 1); this.main.htmlText = v10; if (v6 < this.main.bottomScroll) { currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, slicer) + '\n' + currentLine.slice(slicer); } v2 = currentLine.length; } ++v2; } } } ++v7; } } } v10 = currentLine.slice(0, slicer); if (who == 'nvl') { v10 = nvlText + v10; } if (slicer >= currentLine.length) { if (who == 'nvl') { nvlText = v10 + '\n'; } currentLineFinished = true; this.t3 = 0; dialogue.finishedReadingBlot._visible = true; dialogue.finishedReadingBack.nextFrame(); } this.main.htmlText = v10; if (this.commentary) { this.main.textColor = 16237039; } } else { if (currentLineFinished) { if (generalSave.autoReader) { ++this.t3; if (this.t3 > 20 + Math.round(this.main.text.length * 0.7)) { this.autoReaderFinished = true; } } if (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER or skipping or this.autoReaderFinished) { currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue = 'none'; if (!this.autoReaderFinished && generalSave.autoReader) { generalSave.autoReader = false; unTintF(; } if (dialogue.hidden) { dialogue.hidden = false; dialogue._visible = true; } else { if (myKeys.SPACE or myKeys.ENTER) { lastAction = 'key'; } else { lastAction = 'mouse'; } if (skipping && this.t < 2) { ++this.t; } else { currentLineFinished = false; slicer = 0; if (who != 'nvl') { removeAtF(dialogueLayer); } delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } } } } } } }; } function logF(who, txt) { registerInLog(txt, who); parseNextF(); } function registerInLog(txt, who) { var v2 = ''; var v1 = txt; var v3 = ''; if (who == 'choice') { v2 = '<b>-> '; v1 += '</b>'; } else { if (who != undefiend) { v2 = '<b>' + characterData[who].pName + '</b>: '; v1 = '"' + v1 + '"'; } } if (log != '') { v3 = '\n<p align="center">——————————————————</p>\n'; } log = v2 + v1 + v3 + log; } function queueF(music) { currentlyPlaying.onSoundComplete = function () { playMusicF(music); }; } function animateLoopF(animation, x, y, stretch, scale, loops, delay, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { if (!skipping) { if (delay == undefined) { delay = 0; } if (stretch == undefined) { stretch = true; } if (flipped == undefined) { flipped = false; } if (holdOnLastFrame == undefined) { holdOnLastFrame = false; } if (holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay == undefined) { holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay = false; } if (scale == undefined) { scale = 100; } if (loops == undefined) { loops = Infinity; } animate1(foregroundObjects, animation, x, y, scale, loops, delay, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay); } parseNextF(); } function animateOnceF(animation, x, y, stretch, scale, delay, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { if (!skipping) { if (delay == undefined) { delay = 0; } if (stretch == undefined) { stretch = true; } if (flipped == undefined) { flipped = false; } if (holdOnLastFrame == undefined) { holdOnLastFrame = false; } if (holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay == undefined) { holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay = false; } if (scale == undefined) { scale = 100; } if (x == undefined) { } animate1(foregroundObjects, animation, x, y, scale, 0, delay, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay); } parseNextF(); } function animate1(clipTarget, animation, x, y, scale, loops, delay, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { var v4 = 1; var v2 = 1; var v6 = 15; var v5 = true; if (animation == 'clash') { v2 = 10; } else { if (animation == 'warp1') { v2 = 6; } else { if (animation == 'stars') { v2 = 27; } } } var v1 = animate2(clipTarget, String('fx_' + animation + '.png'), v4, v2, loops, delay, v6, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay, v5); v1._x = x; v1._y = y; v1._xscale = scale; v1._yscale = scale; } function animate2(clipTarget, animation, onTheWidth, onTheHeight, loops, delay, frameSpeed, stretch, flipped, holdOnLastFrame, holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay, smoothing) { if (loops == undefined) { loops = 0; } if (smoothing == undefined) { smoothing = true; } if (frameSpeed == undefined or frameSpeed == 0) { frameSpeed = fps; } var v8 = clipTarget.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = clipTarget.createEmptyMovieClip('clip', v8); var c = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('clip', 1); var sourceImage = loadBitmapF(animation); var w = sourceImage.width / onTheWidth; var h = sourceImage.height / onTheHeight; var v6 = clipTarget.getNextHighestDepth(); var ad = clipTarget.createEmptyMovieClip('animationDealer' + v6, v6); v3.onEnterFrameClip = ad; ad.t = 0; ad.loops = loops; if (delay != undefined) { ad.t -= delay; } ad.looped = 0; ad.targetClip = v3; c.forceSmoothing = true; ad.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = 0; if (this.t >= 0 or holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { v2 = this.t; if (v2 < 0 && holdOnFirstFrameDuringDelay) { v2 = 0; } v2 = int(v2 * (frameSpeed / fps)); var v3 = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true); v3.copyPixels(sourceImage, new flash.geom.Rectangle(w * (v2 % onTheWidth), h * (int(v2 / onTheWidth) % onTheHeight), w, h), new flash.geom.Point(0, 0)); c.attachBitmap(v3, 1, 'auto', smoothing); if (stretch) { c._width = screenWidth; c._height = screenHeight; } if (flipped) { c._xscale = -Math.abs(c._xscale); c._x = c._width; } } ++this.t; v2 = int(this.t * (frameSpeed / fps)); if (v2 >= onTheWidth * onTheHeight * (this.looped + 1)) { ++this.looped; } if (this.looped > ad.loops) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (!holdOnLastFrame) { removeMovieClip(this.targetClip); removeMovieClip(this); } } }; return v3; } function mcItemF(item, xPos, yPos) { var v1 = foregroundObjects.getNextHighestDepth(); mcItem2F(item, xPos, yPos, v1); parseNextF(); } function mcItem2F(item, xPos, yPos, depth) { m = foregroundObjects.attachMovie(item, item, depth); m.who = item; m.isCharacter = false; m.depth = depth; = true; if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) { m._y = yPos; } else { if (yPos == 'below') { m._y = screenHeight; } } if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) { m._x = xPos; } else { if (xPos == 'left') { m._x = screenWidth / 3; } else { if (xPos == 'right') { m._x = (screenWidth / 3) * 2; } else { if (xPos == 'center') { m._x = int(screenWidth / 2); } } } } m.y = m._y; m.x = m._x; foregroundObjectsA.push(m); } function itemF(item, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, method) { item2F(item, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, method); parseNextF(); } function item2F(item, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, method) { foregroundObjectF(item, '', '', xPos, yPos, depth, xFlipped, yFlipped, false, x, x, false, false, method); } function swapDepthF(who1, who2) { var v2 = foregroundObjects[who1]; var v1 = foregroundObjects[who2]; v2.swapDepths(v1); parseNextF(); } function personF(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, scaleToFullScreen, method) { if (mood == 0) { mood = 'basic'; } person2F(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, scaleToFullScreen, method); parseNextF(); } function person2F(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, xFlipped, yFlipped, depth, scaleToFullScreen, method) { if (yPos == undefined) { yPos = 0; } foregroundObjectF(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, depth, xFlipped, yFlipped, true, scaleToFullScreen, x, false, false, method); } function foregroundObjectF(who, mood, mood2, xPos, yPos, depth, xFlipped, yFlipped, isCharacter, scaleToFullScreen, zoom, forScreenshot, bgForScreenshot, method, rotation) { if (method == undefined) { method = 'fade'; } var v35 = checkChangeMood(who, mood); if (v35[0]) { mood = v35[1]; } var m = ''; var v25 = foregroundObjects; var v37 = foregroundObjects[who]._x; if (foregroundObjects[who] == undefined || forScreenshot) { var v46 = true; if (forScreenshot) { v25 = bgForScreenshot.foregroundObjects; v46 = false; } var v29 = v25.getNextHighestDepth(); if (v29 < 100) { v29 = 100; } if (depth == 'back') { v29 = 1; while (v25.getInstanceAtDepth(v29) != undefined) { ++v29; } } if (typeof depth == 'number') { v29 = depth; } var v12 = v25.createEmptyMovieClip(who, v29); v12.who = who; v12.depth = v29; if (!forScreenshot) { foregroundObjectsA.push(v12); } if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) { v12.x = xPos; } } v12 = v25[who]; v29 = v12.getNextHighestDepth(); var m = v12.createEmptyMovieClip('c' + v29, v29); v12.latest = m; if (!forScreenshot) { var v30 = v12.getInstanceAtDepth(v29 - 1); if (method == 'fade' && !skipping) { v30.m = m; m._alpha = 0; m.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha <= 100) { this._alpha += 10; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; v30.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.m._alpha > 90 or this.m._alpha == undefined) { if (this._alpha >= 0) { this._alpha -= 10; } else { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } else { removeMovieClip(v30); } } if (!isNaN(Number(zoom))) { v12.zoom = zoom; } else { if (v12.zoom == undefined) { v12.zoom = 1; } } v12.xFlipped = xFlipped; v12.yFlipped = yFlipped; v12.mood = mood; v12.mood2 = mood2; v12.scaleToFullScreen = scaleToFullScreen; v12.isCharacter = isCharacter; if (isCharacter) { var v24 = characterData[who]; var v4 = characterImageData[who][mood].clone(); var v36 = new flash.display.BitmapData(basicGameData.actualCharacterWidth, basicGameData.actualCharacterHeight, true, 0); var v26 = 0; if (crap == 'crap') { v26 = 360; } m.extraHeight = v26; m.theHeight = preImabeBmp.height; var v22 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v36.width, v36.height + v26, true, 0); var v55 = new Array(); var v16 = new Object(); var v17 = new Object(); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.length) { var v13 = v4[v3]; var v2 = checkAgainstRules(v13, who, 'ch'); var v6 = v2.deets; if (!v2.skipIt) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < v6.length) { var v11 = v6[v7]; if (v11[0] == 'replace') { v13 = v11[2]; } else { if (v11[0] == 'newGraphicAfter' && !v17[v11[2]]) { v17[v11[2]] = true; v4.splice(v3 + 1, 0, v11[2]); } else { if (v11[0] == 'newGraphicBefore' && !v16[v11[2]]) { v16[v11[2]] = true; v4.splice(v3, 0, v11[2]); v13 = v4[v3]; } } } ++v7; } var v15 = 'ch_' + v24.image + '_' + v13 + '.png'; var v5 = loadBitmapF(v15); if (v13 == 'exp') { v15 = 'ch_' + v24.image + '_exp_' + mood2 + '.png'; v5 = loadBitmapF(v15); if (v2.graphTop.length > 0) { var v8 = 0; while (v8 < v2.graphTop.length) { v4.splice(v3 + 1, 0, v2.graphTop[v8]); ++v8; } } if (v2.expTop.length > 0) { var v10 = 0; while (v10 < v2.expTop.length) { v4.splice(v3 + 1, 0, 'exp_' + mood2 + '_' + v2.expTop[v10]); ++v10; } } } if (v2.changeColor) { var v9 = 0; while (v9 < v6.length) { v11 = v6[v9]; if (v11[0] == 'changeColor') { var v14 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v11[1]); v5.applyFilter(v5, v5.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v14); } ++v9; } } var v18 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v19 = v26; if (v13.indexOf('bunny') != -1) { v19 = 0; } v18.translate(0, v19); v22.draw(v5, v18); v5.dispose(); } ++v3; } } else { var v22 = loadBitmapF('item_' + who + '.png'); v12.theHeight = v22.height; if (v22 == undefined) { v22 = loadBitmapF(who + '.png'); } } var v51 = filterO[currentFilter]; var v33 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v51); if (xFlipped || yFlipped) { var v39 = 1; var v38 = 1; var v47 = 0; var v49 = 0; if (xFlipped) { v39 = -1; v47 = v22.width; } if (yFlipped) { v38 = -1; v49 = v22.height; } var v31 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v31.scale(v39, v38); v31.translate(v47, v49); var v27 = new flash.display.BitmapData(v22.width, v22.height, true, 0); v27.draw(v22, v31); v27.applyFilter(v27, v27.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v33); m.attachBitmap(v27, 1, auto, true); v12.bitmap = v27; } else { v22.applyFilter(v22, v22.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v33); m.attachBitmap(v22, 1, auto, true); v12.bitmap = v22; } if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) { v12._y = yPos; v12.y = v12._y; } else { if (yPos == 'below') { v12._y = screenHeight; v12.y = v12._y; } else { if (yPos == 'bottom') { v12._y = screenHeight; } } } setXTag = true; if (rotation != undefined) { v12._rotation = rotation; } if (xPos == undefined or xPos == '') { if (v37 == undefined) { xPos = 'center'; } else { xPos = v37; setXTag = false; } } if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) { v12._x = xPos; } else { if (xPos.substr(0, 1) == 'p') { var v50 = 5; var v42 = Number(xPos.substr(1)); v12._x = (screenWidth / (v50 + 1)) * v42; } else { if (xPos == 'left') { v12._x = screenWidth / 3; } else { if (xPos == 'right') { v12._x = (screenWidth / 3) * 2; } else { if (xPos == 'rightOutside') { v12._x = screenWidth; } else { if (xPos == 'leftOutside') { v12._x = -characterWidth; } else { if (xPos == 'center') { v12._x = screenWidth / 2; } } } } } } } if (setXTag) { v12.x = v12._x; } if (scaleToFullScreen) { } m.originalHeight = m._height - m.extraHeight; m._y -= m.extraHeight; if (isCharacter && mood != 'hi') { var v40 = (basicGameData.characterHeight / (m._height - m.extraHeight)) * v12.zoom; setZoom2F(who, v12.zoom, v25); } else { heightStretchToFit = v22.height; var v40 = screenHeight / heightStretchToFit; m._yscale = 100 * v40; m._xscale = m._yscale; v12.yscale = m._xscale; v12.xscale = v12.yscale; } } function checkChangeMood(who, mood) { var v4 = []; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < cheatRules.length) { var v1 = cheatRules[v2]; if (v1.typeOfRule == 'changeMood' && v1.person == who && mood.indexOf(v1.v1) == 0) { v4 = [true, replaceInString(mood, v1.v1, v1.v2)]; } ++v2; } return v4; } function checkAgainstRules(it, who, type) { var v4 = {}; v4.skipIt = false; v4.replace = false; v4.changeColor = false; v4.expTop = []; v4.graphTop = []; v4.graphBase = []; v4.deets = []; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < cheatRules.length) { var v1 = cheatRules[v5]; v4.deets.push([]); if ((v1.person == who || undefCheck(v1.person)) && v1.typeOfRule != 'changeMood') { var v2 = true; if (v1.typeOfRule == 'expressionGraphicOnTop') { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < v1.v2.length) { if (it.indexOf(v1.v2[v6]) != -1) { v2 = false; } ++v6; } if (v2) { v4.expTop.push(v1.v1); } } else { if (v1.typeOfRule == 'newGraphicOnTop') { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < v1.v2.length) { if (it.indexOf(v1.v2[v6]) != -1) { v2 = false; } if (type != undefined && type.indexOf(v1.v2[v6]) != -1) { v2 = false; } ++v6; } if (v1.v3.length > 0) { var v8 = false; v6 = 0; while (v6 < v1.v3.length) { if (it.indexOf(v1.v3[v6]) != -1) { v8 = true; } ++v6; } if (!v8) { v2 = false; } } if (v2) { v4.graphTop.push(v1.v1); } } else { if (v1.typeOfRule == 'newGraphicOnBase') { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < v1.v2.length) { if (it.indexOf(v1.v2[v6]) != -1) { v2 = false; } if (type != undefined && type.indexOf(v1.v2[v6]) != -1) { v2 = false; } ++v6; } if (v1.v3.length > 0) { var v8 = false; v6 = 0; while (v6 < v1.v3.length) { if (it.indexOf(v1.v3[v6]) != -1) { v8 = true; } ++v6; } if (!v8) { v2 = false; } } if (v2) { v4.graphBase.push(v1.v1); } } else { if (it.indexOf(v1.v1) != -1) { if (typeof v1.v2 != 'object') { v1.v2 = [v1.v2]; } var v6 = 0; while (v6 < v1.v2.length) { if (it.indexOf(v1.v2[v6]) != -1) { v2 = false; } ++v6; } if (v2) { v4.deets[v5].push(v1.typeOfRule); v4[v1.typeOfRule] = true; if (v1.typeOfRule == 'replace') { v4.deets[v5].push(v1.v1, v1.v3); } else { if (v1.typeOfRule == 'changeColor') { var v9 = filterO[v1.v3]; v4.deets[v5].push(v9); } else { if (v1.typeOfRule == 'newGraphicAfter' || v1.typeOfRule == 'newGraphicBefore') { v4.deets[v5].push(v1.v1, v1.v3); } else { if (v1.typeOfRule == 'skipIt') { v4.deets[v5].push(v1.v1); } } } } } } } } } } ++v5; } return v4; } function setZoomF(who, zoom) { setZoom2F(who, zoom); parseNextF(); } function setAlphaF(what, alph) { setAlpha2F(what, alph); parseNextF(); } function setAlpha2F(what, alph, fo) { if (fo == undefined) { fo = foregroundObjects; } var v1 = fo[what]; v1._alpha = alph * 100; v1.alph = alph; } function setZoom2F(who, zoom, fo) { if (fo == undefined) { fo = foregroundObjects; } var v2 = fo[who]; var v1 = fo[who].latest; v2.zoom = zoom; var v4 = (basicGameData.characterHeight / v1.originalHeight) * v2.zoom; v1._yscale = 100 * v4; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; v1._x = -v1._width / 2; v1._y = screenHeight - basicGameData.characterHeight * zoom + basicGameData.characterFace.y * (zoom - 1); v2.yscale = v1._xscale; v2.xscale = v2.yscale; } function valueBetween(v1, v2, p) { var v1 += v2 * p; return v1; } function newFilt(filterName, ar) { if (filterO[filterName] == undefined) { filterO[filterName] = new Array(); } filterO[filterName] = filterO[filterName].concat(ar); } function setFilterF(filter) { currentFilter = filter; parseNextF(); } function voiceF(a, goesWithDialogue) { voice2F(a, goesWithDialogue); parseNextF(); } function playSoundF(sound) { if (!skipping) { playSound2F(sound); } parseNextF(); } function stopVoiceF(a) { if (voicePlaying) { currentVoice.stop(); voicePlaying = false; } parseNextF(); } function voice2F(a, goesWithDialogue) { if (!skipping) { if (undefCheck(goesWithDialogue)) { goesWithDialogue = true; } if (voicePlaying) { currentVoice.stop(); } voicePlaying = true; var v2 = voiceMC[a]; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = voiceMC.createEmptyMovieClip(ae, voiceMC.getNextHighestDepth()); } var v1 = new Sound(v2); v1.attachSound(a + '.wav'); if (v1.duration == undefined) { v1.attachSound(a + '.mp3'); } v1.onSoundComplete = doVoiceComplete(); v1.setVolume(globalSave.voiceVolume * masterVolume); v1.start(); currentVoice = v1; if (goesWithDialogue && v1.duration != undefined) { currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue = a; } } } function doVoiceComplete() { voicePlaying = false; } function stopSoundF(sound) { stopSound2F(sound); parseNextF(); } function stopSound2F(sound) { soundMC[sound].p.stop(); } function playSound2F(sound) { var v2 = soundMC[sound]; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = soundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(sound, soundMC.getNextHighestDepth()); } var v1 = new Sound(v2); v2.p = v1; v1.attachSound(sound + '.wav'); if (v1.duration == undefined) { v1.attachSound(sound + '.mp3'); } v1.setVolume(globalSave.sfxVolume * masterVolume); v1.start(); } function playSystemSoundF(sound) { playSystemSound2F(sound); parseNextF(); } function playSystemSound2F(sound) { var v2 = systemSoundMC[sound]; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = systemSoundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(sound, systemSoundMC.getNextHighestDepth()); } var v1 = new Sound(v2); v1.attachSound(sound + '.wav'); if (v1.duration == undefined) { v1.attachSound(sound + '.mp3'); } var v4 = globalSave.sfxVolume * masterVolume; v1.setVolume(v4); v1.start(); } function addButtonF(button, url, xPos, yPos) { var v2 = buttons.getNextHighestDepth(); var v1 = buttons.attachMovie(button, 'button' + v2, v2); if (xPos == 'right') { v1._x = screenWidth - v1._width - 10; v1.x = v1._x; } if (yPos == 'allTheWayDown') { v1._y = screenHeight - v1._height; v1.y = v1._y; } v1.onRelease = function () { url2F(url); }; parseNextF(); } function screenIsALinkF(url) { mouseChecker.onRelease = function () { url2F(url, '_blank'); }; parseNextF(); } function pauseF(seconds, skippable) { if (skipping) { var v3 = crap.getNextHighestDepth(); var c = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('crap' + v3, v3); c.t = 0; c.onEnterFrame = function () { ++c.t; if (c.t == 2) { parseNextF(); delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } else { var v2 = Math.ceil(Math.round(seconds * fps)); if (seconds > 0 && v2 < 1) { v2 = 1; } pause2F(v2, skippable); } } function pause2F(frames, skippable) { var v2 = createEmptyMovieClip('pauseHandler', pauseHandlerLayer); v2.t = 0; if (frames == undefined or isNaN(frames)) { frames = 0; } v2.goal = frames; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { if (skipping or this.autoReaderFinished or (!outOfMenuIntoGame or this.goal == 0 or skippable) && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) { if (!this.autoReaderFinished && generalSave.autoReader) { generalSave.autoReader = false; } removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } else { ++this.t; if (this.goal == 0 && generalSave.autoReader) { if (this.t > 2 * fps) { this.autoReaderFinished = true; } } if (this.t == this.goal) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } } } }; } function stopMusicF(method, time) { stopMusic2F(method, time); parseNextF(); } function stopMusic2F(method, time) { if (musicPlaying) { musicPlaying = false; if (skipping) { method = ''; } if (method == 'fadeOut' or method == 'fade') { if (time == undefined) { time = 1; } time = Number(time); time = int(time * fps); var v3 = soundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(musicBeingFadedOut + 'Fade', soundMC.getNextHighestDepth()); v3.t = 0; musicBeingFadedOut = currentlyPlaying; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; var v2 = int(easeInOutSine(this.t, globalSave.musicVolume, -globalSave.musicVolume, time)); sounds[musicBeingFadedOut].setVolume(soundMC[musicBeingFadedOut].vol * v2 * masterVolume); if (v2 <= 0) { sounds[musicBeingFadedOut].stop(); musicBeingFadedOut = 'none'; delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } else { sounds[currentlyPlaying].stop(); } currentlyPlaying = 'none'; } } function changeNameF(who, newName) { changeName2F(who, newName); parseNextF(); } function changeName2F(who, newName) { if (newName.indexOf('$') != -1) { newName = variables[newName.substr(1)]; } characterData[who].pName = newName; } function bitmapOrNo(linkageId) { var v1 = loadBitmapF(linkageId); v1.dispose(); return v1 instanceof flash.display.BitmapData; } function languageScreenF() { attachMovie(languageScreen, 'bg', dialogueLayer); bg.ja.onPress = function () { currentLanguage = this._name; parseNextF(); }; bg.en.onPress = bg.ja.onPress; } function fadeInF(music, time, vol) { playMusic2F(music, 0); if (isNaN(vol)) { vol = 1; } setVolumeF(vol, 'fade', time); } function playMusicF(music, vol, method, b) { playMusic2F(music, vol, method, b); parseNextF(); } function playMusic2F(music, vol, method, b) { if (vol == undefined) { vol = 1; } vol = Number(vol); b = Number(b); if (vol > 1) { vol /= 100; } sounds[currentlyPlaying].stop(); if (musicBeingFadedOut == music) { var v4 = soundMC[musicBeingFadedOut + 'Fade']; delete v4.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(v4); sounds[musicBeingFadedOut].stop(); musicBeingFadedOut = ''; } currentlyPlaying = music; musicPlaying = true; var v3 = soundMC[music]; if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = soundMC.createEmptyMovieClip(music, soundMC.getNextHighestDepth()); sounds[music] = new Sound(v3); var v5 = sounds[music]; v5.attachSound(music + '.wav'); if (v5.duration == undefined) { v5.attachSound(music + '.mp3'); } } else { var v5 = sounds[music]; } v3.vol = vol; v5.setVolume(globalSave.musicVolume * v3.vol * masterVolume); v5.start(0, 9990); } function setVolumeF(vol, method, b) { vol = Number(vol); setVolume2F(vol, method, b); parseNextF(); } function setVolume2F(vol, method, b) { vol = Number(vol); b = Number(b); var v2 = soundMC[currentlyPlaying]; if (v2 == undefined) { } if (method == 'fade' && !skipping) { var v5 = crap.getNextHighestDepth(); var b = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('musicFader' + currentlyPlaying, v5); = v2; b.currentVol = v2.vol; b.desiredVol = vol; b.t = 0; b.onEnterFrame = function () { ++b.t; var v2 =; v2.vol = easeInOutSine(this.t, this.currentVol, this.desiredVol - this.currentVol, 0.5 * fps); var v5 = Math.round(v2.vol * 100); var v4 = Math.round(this.desiredVol * 100); var v3 = v5 == v4; if (v3) { v2.vol = this.desiredVol; var v6 = true; } sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(globalSave.musicVolume * v2.vol * masterVolume); if (v6) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { v2.vol = vol; sounds[currentlyPlaying].setVolume(globalSave.musicVolume * v2.vol * masterVolume); } } function removeF(char, method, modifier, seconds) { if (seconds == undefined) { seconds = 0.3; } if (method == undefined or method == '') { method = 'fade'; } if (modifier == undefined or modifier == 'left') { modifier = -1; } else { if (modifier == 'right') { modifier = 1; } } time = int(seconds * fps); foregroundObjects[char].remove = true; if (method == 'fade') { foregroundObjects[char].pseudoAlpha = 100; foregroundObjects[char].incrementAlpha = 100 / time; foregroundObjects[char].onEnterFrame = function () { if (foregroundObjects[char].isCharacter) { this._x += modifier; } this.pseudoAlpha -= this.incrementAlpha; this._alpha = this.pseudoAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { if (this.onEnterFrameClip != undefined) { removeMovieClip(this.onEnterFrameClip); } this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } else { if (this.onEnterFrameClip != undefined) { removeMovieClip(this.onEnterFrameClip); } foregroundObjects[char].removeMovieClip(); } var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= foregroundObjectsA.length) { if (foregroundObjectsA[v2].remove) { foregroundObjectsA.splice(v2, 1); v2 = foregroundObjectsA.length; } ++v2; } parseNextF(); } function removeAllCharsF() { removeAllChars2F(); parseNextF(); } function removeAllChars2F() { foregroundObjects.removeMovieClip(); foregroundObjects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('foregroundObjects', foregroundObjectLayer); foregroundObjectsA = new Array(); buttons.removeMovieClip(); this.createEmptyMovieClip('buttons', buttonLayer); effects.removeMovieClip(); effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer); backgroundEffects.removeMovieClip(); backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer); } function changeBgF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit) { scene2F(scene, method, time, false, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit); parseNextF(); } function checkAndFixIfStringAr(ar) { var v1 = ar; if (typeof ar == 'string') { v1 = v1.slice(1, v1.length - 1); v1 = v1.split(', '); v1 = v1.toString(); v1 = v1.split(','); } return v1; } function cgsF(base, method, ar, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit) { ar = checkAndFixIfStringAr(ar); var v6 = ar[0]; if (v6 == 0) { v6 = base; } else { if (v6.indexOf('!') == 0) { v6 = v6.slice(1); } else { v6 = base + '_' + v6; } } cgF(v6, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, true); var v10 = new Array(); var v11 = base.split('_'); var v9 = 0; while (v9 < v11.length) { var v13 = 0; while (v13 < characterDataA.length) { if (v11[v9] == characterDataA[v13].image) { v10.push(v11[v9]); } ++v13; } ++v9; } var v12 = 0; while (v12 < v10.length) { var v5 = checkAgainstRules(v6, v10[v12], 'cg'); if (v5.graphBase.length > 0) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5.graphBase.length) { var v7 = 'none'; if (bitmapOrNo('cg_' + v6 + '_' + v5.graphBase[v2] + '.png')) { v7 = base + '_' + v5.graphBase[v2]; } var v4 = 0; while (v4 < ar.length) { if (bitmapOrNo('cg_' + v6 + '_' + ar[v4] + '_' + v5.graphBase[v2] + '.png')) { v7 = base + '_' + ar[v4] + '_' + v5.graphBase[v2]; } ++v4; } if (v7 != 'none') { addToCgF(v7, x, x, true); } ++v2; } } ++v12; } v13 = 1; while (v13 < ar.length) { var v15 = base + '_' + ar[v13]; addToCgF(v15, x, x, true); ++v13; } var v14 = 0; while (v14 < v10.length) { v5 = checkAgainstRules(v6, v10[v14], 'cg'); if (v5.graphTop.length > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v5.graphTop.length) { v7 = 'none'; if (bitmapOrNo('cg_' + v6 + '_' + v5.graphTop[v3] + '.png')) { v7 = base + '_' + v5.graphTop[v3]; } v4 = 0; while (v4 < ar.length) { if (bitmapOrNo('cg_' + v6 + '_' + ar[v4] + '_' + v5.graphTop[v3] + '.png')) { v7 = base + '_' + ar[v4] + '_' + v5.graphTop[v3]; } ++v4; } if (v7 != 'none') { addToCgF(v7, x, x, true); } ++v3; } } ++v14; } parseNextF(); } function cgF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { sceneF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); generalSave.unlockedCg[scene] = true; save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); } function sceneF(scene, method, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { removeMovieClip(transitions); this.createEmptyMovieClip('transitions', transitionLayer); scene2F(scene, method, time, true, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); } function scene2F(scene, method, time, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { if (gw.fadeDealer) { delete gw.fadeDealer.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(gw.fadeDealer); } if ((newScene or xPos != undefined or yPos != undefined) && != undefined) { removeMovieClip(; delete; } currentBackground = scene; if (isNaN(time)) { if (method == 'blackFade' || method == 'whiteFade') { time = 1.2; } else { time = 0.6; } } delete mouseChecker.onRelease; if (method == 'pixellate' && !skipping) { removeAllChars2F(); pixellateF(scene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit); } else { if (method == 'fade' && !skipping) { if (newScene) { removeAllChars2F(); } fadeF(scene, newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); } else { if (method == 'blackFade' && !skipping) { colorFadeF(scene, 'black', newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); } else { if (method == 'whiteFade' && !skipping) { colorFadeF(scene, 'white', newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); } else { addBg(scene, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext); if (newScene) { removeAllChars2F(); if (!dontFireParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } } } } } function jumpF(to) { ifNests = 0; removeAllChars2F; parser = labels[to] - 1; parseNextF(); } function endChoiceF() { parseNextF(); } function endingF(endingName, endingNameWithSpaces, type) { skipping = false; outOfMenuIntoGame = false; var v4 = false; var v2 = false; var v3 = 2; if (!generalSave.endings[endingName]) { v2 = true; generalSave.endingsA.push(endingName); generalSave.endings[endingName] = true; generalSave.lastEnding = endingName; if (generalSave.endingsA.length >= v3 && !generalSave.unlockedCommentary) { v4 = true; generalSave.unlockedCommentary = true; notificationF('You have unlocked "Commentary" mode.'); } } saveF(endingName); save3F(basicGameData.gameFile, 'general', generalSave); gameEnded = true; var v5 = 'ending'; if (v4) { v5 = 'unlockedCommentary'; } noticeDialogueF(v5, endingNameWithSpaces, v2); } function choiceF(argument) { if (argument && ( == undefined && argument.yPos == undefined && argument.xPos == undefined)) { var v2 = parser; var v7 = true; while (v7) { var v3; while (v3 == undefined) { if (parsing['s' + v2][0] == 'endChoice') { parser = v2 - 1; parseNextF(); v3 = 'shit'; v7 = false; } else { ++v2; } } } } else { if (skipping && !generalSave.choiceNotificationShown) { generalSave.choiceNotificationShown = true; notificationF('Pro tip: If you\'re unsure of what the choice is about exactly, press &lt;R&gt; to bring up the dialog log.', true); } if (!globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) { skipping = false; } var v11 = ''; var v10 = 'middle'; var v9 = 'middle'; var v13 = ''; if ( != undefined) { v11 =; } if (argument.xPos != undefined) { v10 = argument.xPos; } if (argument.yPos != undefined) { v9 = argument.yPos; } if (argument.rot != undefined) { var v12 = argument.rot; } var v6 = new Array(); var v2 = parser + 1; var v7 = true; while (v7) { this['choice' + m] = undefined; var v3 = this['choice' + m]; while (v3 == undefined) { if (parsing['s' + v2][0] == 'choice') { if (parsing['s' + v2][2] == undefined or parsing['s' + v2][2] == '') { v3 = v2; v6.push(v3); } else { var v4 = parsing['s' + v2][2]; if (v4 == 'once') { v4 = '!choice' + v2; } var v5 = false; v5 = evaluateConditionalF(v4); if (v5) { v3 = v2; v6.push(v3); } } } else { if (parsing['s' + v2][0] == 'endChoice') { v3 = 'shit'; v7 = false; } } ++v2; } } attachChoiceF(v6, v11, v10, v9, v12); } } function urlF(url) { if (url.indexOf('www') == -1) { url2F(url); } parseNextF(); } function url2F(url) { if (url == 'patreonURL') { url = patreonURL; } if (url == 'artistPatreonURL') { url = artistPatreonURL; } getURL(url, '_blank'); } function easeInOutSine(t, b, c, d) { return (-c / 2) * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b; } function easeInSine(t, b, c, d) { return -c * Math.cos((t / d) * 1.570796326794897) + c + b; } function easeOutSine(t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sin((t / d) * 1.570796326794897) + b; } function linearTween(t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; } function easeOutElastic(t, b, c, d) { var v7 = 1.70158; var v1 = 0; var v3 = c; if (t == 0) { return b; return v3 * Math.pow(2, -30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1) + c + b; } if (t == d) { return b + c; return v3 * Math.pow(2, -30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1) + c + b; } if (!v1) { v1 = d * 0.3; return v3 * Math.pow(2, -30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1) + c + b; } if (v3 < Math.abs(c)) { v3 = c; v7 = v1 / 4; return v3 * Math.pow(2, -30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1) + c + b; } v7 = (v1 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(c / v3); return v3 * Math.pow(2, -30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1) + c + b; } function easeInElastic(t, b, c, d) { var v7 = 1.70158; var v1 = 0; var v2 = c; if (t == 0) { return b; } t /= d; if (t == 1) { return b + c; } if (!v1) { v1 = d * 0.3; } if (v2 < Math.abs(c)) { v2 = c; v7 = v1 / 4; t -= 1; return -(v2 * Math.pow(2, 30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1)) + b; } v7 = (v1 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(c / v2); t -= 1; return -(v2 * Math.pow(2, 30 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / v1)) + b; } function easeOutBounce(t, b, c, d) { t /= d; if (t < 0.3636363636363637) { return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b; } else { if (t < 0.7272727272727273) { t -= 0.5454545454545454; return c * (7.5625 * t * t + 0.75) + b; } else { if (t < 0.9090909090909091) { t -= 0.8181818181818182; return c * (7.5625 * t * t + 0.9375) + b; } else { t -= 0.9545454545454546; return c * (7.5625 * t * t + 0.984375) + b; } } } } function easeInOutQuint(t, b, c, d) { t /= d / 2; if (t < 1) { return (c / 2) * t * t * t * t * t + b; } else { t -= 2; return (c / 2) * (t * t * t * t * t + 2) + b; } } function effectF(target, method, strength1, strength2, time) { if (target == 'shuchusen' || target == 'zoom') { screenEffect2F(target, method, strength1, strength2, time); parseNextF(); } else { if (method == 'constantVerticalShake') { if (undefCheck(strength1)) { strength1 = 8; } if (undefCheck(strength2)) { strength2 = 6.5; } shakeF(foregroundObjects[target], strength1, 100000, strength2, false, true); parseNextF(); } else { if (method == 'constantShake') { shakeF(foregroundObjects[target], 8, 1000, 50, true, true); parseNextF(); } else { if (method == 'verticalShake') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } if (c == undefined) { c = 35; } shakeF(foregroundObjects[target], a, b, c, false, true); parseNextF(); } else { if (target == 'hump') { currentVoiceThatGoesWithDialogue = 'none'; var v1 = random(3) + 1; while (v1 == lastHump) { v1 = random(3) + 1; } lastHump = v1; playSoundF('newhump' + v1); } else { if (method == 'angh') { var v3 = 15; if (target == 'porn') { v3 = 10; } var v1 = random(v3) + 1; while (v1 == lastAngh) { v1 = random(v3) + 1; } lastAngh = v1; voice2F(target + '_angh' + v1, false); parseNextF(); } else { if (method == 'bop') { bopF(target, strength1); parseNextF(); } else { if (method == 'joltRight') { panF(target, 15, 0, 0.3); } else { if (method == 'joltLeft') { panF(target, -15, 0, 0.3); } else { if (effect == 'bgshake') { shakeF(bg, 5, 1, 19, true, true); parseNextF(); } else { if (method == 'smallShake') { shakeF(foregroundObjects[target], 5, 1, 19, true, true); parseNextF(); } else { if (method == 'shake') { if (strength1 == undefined) { strength1 = 10; } if (time == undefined) { time = 1; } if (strength2 == undefined) { strength2 = 30; } shakeF(foregroundObjects[target], strength1, time, strength2, true, true); parseNextF(); } else { parseNextF(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } function bitmapCopy(sourceMovieClip, w, h) { if (w == undefined) { w = sourceMovieClip._width; } if (h == undefined) { h = sourceMovieClip._height; } var v1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(w, h, true, 16777215); v1.draw(sourceMovieClip); return v1; } function attachLensflare(x, y, strength) { if (strength == undefined) { strength = 1; } var v16 = effects.getNextHighestDepth(); var v19 = effects.attachMovie('lensflare', 'toBeCopied', v16); var v15 = effects.createEmptyMovieClip('lensflare', v16 + 1); var mover = v15.createEmptyMovieClip('mover', 500); mover.x = x; mover._x = mover.x; mover.y = y; mover._y = mover.y; v15.flares = []; var v8 = 0; while (v8 <= 16) { var v4 = v19['f' + v8]; var v5 = v15.createEmptyMovieClip('orb' + (v8 + 1), v8 + 1); var v17 = bitmapCopy(v4); v5.attachBitmap(v17, 1); v5._alpha = v4._alpha; v5.blendMode = 'screen'; v15.flares.push(v5); v5._height = v5._width / 2; v5._width = v5._height; if (v8 == 3) { v16 = backgroundEffects.getNextHighestDepth(); var n = backgroundEffects.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundFlare', v16); n._alpha = 0; n.maxAlpha = v4._alpha; v5.mate = n; v17 = bitmapCopy(v4); n.attachBitmap(v17, 1); n.blendMode = 'screen'; n._height = n._width / 2; n._width = n._height; } ++v8; } v15.flaresDist = [2.5, 1.2, 1, 1, 1, 0.6800000000000001, 0.64, 0.59, 0.3, 0.12, -0.1, -0.25, -0.31, -0.32, -0.5, -0.8, -1.12]; v15._visible = false; v15.onEnterFrame = function () { this._visible = true; var v9 = {'x': screenWidth / 2, 'y': screenHeight / 2}; var v6 = {'x': this.mover._x, 'y': this.mover._y}; this.hit = 100; var v14 = 150; var v8 = 0; while (v8 < foregroundObjectsA.length) { var v2 = foregroundObjectsA[v8]; var v13 = new flash.geom.Point(v2.bitmap.rectangle.x, v2.bitmap.rectangle.y); var v5 = new flash.geom.Point(); var v3 = 4; var v12 = [-v3, -v3, v3, v3, 0, 0, v3, -v3]; var v11 = [v3, -v3, v3, -v3, v3, -v3, 0, 0]; n = 0; while (n < 8) { v5.x = (v6.x + v12[n] - v2._x) / (v2.xscale / 100); v5.y = (v6.y + v11[n] - v2._y) / (v2.yscale / 100); if (v2.bitmap.hitTest(v13, v14, v5)) { this.hit -= 12.5; } ++n; } ++v8; } if (this.hit < 100) { var v16 = 6.25 * ((100 - this.hit) / 50); if (this._alpha > this.hit) { this._alpha -= v16; } else { if (this._alpha < this.hit) { this._alpha += v16; } } } else { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 25; } } if (this._alpha > 100) { this._alpha = 100; } else { if (this._alpha < 0) { this._alpha = 0; } } var v15 = backgroundEffects.backgroundFlare; var v17 = v15.maxAlpha / 100; v15._alpha = (100 - this._alpha) * 1.1; var v7 = 0; while (v7 < this.flaresDist.length) { var v4 = this.flares[v7]; var v10 = this.flaresDist[v7]; v4._x = v9.x + (v6.x - v9.x) * v10 - v4._width / 2; v4._y = v9.y + (v6.y - v9.y) * v10 - v4._height / 2; if (v4.mate != undefined) { v4.mate._x = v4._x; v4.mate._y = v4._y; } ++v7; } }; } function removeScreenEffectsF(method, time) { shakeF(gw, 0, 0, 0, false, false); if (method == 'fade') { effects.t2 = 0; if (time == undefined) { time = 1; } time *= fps; effects.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t2; this._alpha = easeInOutSine(this.t2, 100, -100, time); if (this._alpha <= 0) { effects.removeMovieClip(); effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer); backgroundEffects.removeMovieClip(); backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { effects.removeMovieClip(); effects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('effects', effectsLayer); backgroundEffects.removeMovieClip(); backgroundEffects = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('backgroundEffects', backgroundEffectsLayer); } parseNextF(); } function undefCheck(a) { var v1 = false; if (a == '' || a == undefined) { v1 = true; } return v1; } function calculateDistToRotXY(thing, distance) { var v1 = -(thing._rotation - 180) * Math.PI / 180; var v3 = distance * Math.sin(v1); var v2 = distance * Math.cos(v1); return [v3, v2]; } function moveToRot(thing, speed) { var v1 = -(thing._rotation - 180) * Math.PI / 180; thing._x += speed * Math.sin(v1); thing._y += speed * Math.cos(v1); } function textEffectF(txt, x, y, type, size, rot, effect, effectV1, effectV2) { if (!skipping) { textEffect2F(txt, x, y, type, size, rot, effect, effectV1, effectV2); } parseNextF(); } function textEffect2F(txt, xPos, yPos, type, size, rot, effect, effectV1, effectV2) { if (undefCheck(type)) { type = 'Orange'; } if (undefCheck(xPos)) { xPos = screenWidth / 2; } if (undefCheck(yPos)) { yPos = screenHeight / 2; } if (undefCheck(size)) { size = 1; } txt = embeddedVariableCheck(txt); var v5 = effects.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = effects.attachMovie('graphicText' + type, 'graphicText' + v5, v5); v2._rotation = rot; v2._x = xPos; v2._y = yPos; v2.motoX = v2._x; v2.motoY = v2._y; v2.t = 0; v2.effect = effect; v2._yscale = size * 100; v2._xscale = v2._yscale; v2.theText.text = txt.toUpperCase(); if (effect == 'popUp') { if (undefCheck(effectV1)) { v2.dur = 1; } else { v2.dur = effectV1; } if (undefCheck(effectV2)) { v2.dist = 80; } else { v2.dist = effectV2; } v2.goalXY = calculateDistToRotXY(v2, v2.dist); v2.dur = Math.round(v2.dur * fps); v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t; var v3 = Math.round(this._x) == Math.round(this.motoX + this.goalXY[0]); var v2 = Math.round(this._y) == Math.round(this.motoY + this.goalXY[1]); if (v2 && v3) { this._alpha -= 4; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } else { this._x = easeOutSine(this.t, this.motoX, this.goalXY[0], this.dur); this._y = easeOutSine(this.t, this.motoY, this.goalXY[1], this.dur); } } }; } else { if (effect == 'hMoveFade' || effect == 'hMoveFadeBack' || effect == 'fade') { if (undefCheck(effectV1)) { v2.limit = 35; } else { v2.limit = effectV1; } v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t; if (this.effect != 'fade') { var v2 = 2 + Math.floor((this.t - this.limit / 2) / 2); if (this.t > this.limit / 2) { if (effect == 'hMoveFade') { this._x += v2; } else { if (effect == 'hMoveFadeBack') { this._x -= v2; } } } } if (this.t > this.limit) { this._alpha -= 10; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } else { if (effect == 'shakeFade' || effect == 'vShakeFade' || effect == 'hShakeFade') { if (undefCheck(effectV1)) { effectV1 = 50; } if (undefCheck(effectV2)) { effectV2 = 5; } if (effect == 'shakeFade') { shakeF(v2, 19, effectV1 / fps, 35, true, true); } else { if (effect == 'vShakeFade') { shakeF(v2, 19, effectV1 / fps, 35, false, true); } else { if (effect == 'hShakeFade') { shakeF(v2, 19, effectV1 / fps, 35, true, false); } } } v2.limit = effectV1; = effectV2; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t; if (this.t > this.limit + { this._alpha -= 4; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } } } } function screenEffectF(method, a, b, c, d) { screenEffect2F(method, a, b, c, d); parseNextF(); } function screenEffect2F(method, a, b, c, d) { if (!skipping && (method == 'fadeToBlack' or method == 'fadeToWhite' or method == 'fadeFromBlack' or method == 'fadeFromWhite')) { var col = 0; if (method == 'fadeToWhite' || method == 'fadeFromWhite') { col = 16777215; } var d = crap.getNextHighestDepth(); var bc = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('FakeFade' + d, d); with (bc) { beginFill(col); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight); lineTo(0, screenHeight); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } if (method == 'fadeToBlack' || method == 'fadeToWhite') { bc._alpha = 0; bc.t = 0; bc.goal = a * fps; } else { bc.t = a * fps; bc.goal = 0; bc.oGoal = bc.t; } bc.timer == 0; if (b != undefined) { bc.timer = b * fps; } bc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { --this.timer; if (this.timer <= 0) { if (this.startLimit == 0 || this.timer >= this.startLimit) { } var v2 = 0; if (this.goal == 0) { --this.t; v2 = this.t / this.oGoal; } else { ++this.t; v2 = this.t / this.goal; } this._alpha = v2 * 100; if (this.goal != 0 && v2 >= 1 || this.goal == 0 && v2 == 0) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } }; } else { if (method == 'fog') { if (undefCheck(b)) { b = 1; } b *= fps; if (effects.fog != undefined) { var bc = effects.fog; if (bc.onEnterFrame != undefined) { delete bc.onEnterFrame; } bc.initialAlpha = bc._alpha; bc.dur = b; bc.targetAlpha = a; bc.t = 0; bc.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; var v2 = this.targetAlpha - this.initialAlpha; if (Math.round(this._alpha) != this.targetAlpha && !skipping) { this._alpha = easeInOutSine(this.t, this.initialAlpha, v2, this.dur); } else { this.alpha = this.targetAlpha; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { var bc = effects.createEmptyMovieClip('fog', effects.getNextHighestDepth()); var bmp = loadBitmapF('item_fog.png'); bc.attachBitmap(bmp, 1); bc._width = screenWidth; bc._height = screenHeight; bc._alpha = 0; bc.initialAlpha = 0; bc.targetAlpha = a; bc.dur = b; bc.t = 0; bc.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; var v2 = this.targetAlpha - this.initialAlpha; if (Math.round(this._alpha) != this.targetAlpha && !skipping) { this._alpha = easeInOutSine(this.t, this.initialAlpha, v2, this.dur); } else { this.alpha = this.targetAlpha; delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } } else { if (method == 'spiral') { var spd = a; var bc = effects.createEmptyMovieClip('spiral', effects.getNextHighestDepth()); bc._yscale = 150; bc._xscale = 150; var bc2 = bc.createEmptyMovieClip('container', 1); var bmp = loadBitmapF('item_spiral.png'); bc2.attachBitmap(bmp, 1); bc2._x = -304; bc2._y = -328; bc._x = screenWidth / 2; bc._y = screenHeight / 2; bc._alpha = 0; bc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (bc._alpha < 100) { bc._alpha += spd / 2; } this._rotation += spd; }; } else { if (method == 'shuchusen' && !skipping) { var bc = effects.createEmptyMovieClip('shuchusen', effects.getNextHighestDepth()); var bmp = loadBitmapF('item_shuchusen.png'); bc.attachBitmap(bmp, 1); bc._width = screenWidth; bc._height = screenHeight; bc.t = 0; if (undefCheck(a)) { bc.limit = 0.3; } else { bc.limit = a; } bc.limit *= fps; if (a == 'untilRemoved') { } else { bc.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; if (this.t > this.limit) { var v2 = 3; if (this.limit > 200) { v2 = 1; } else { if (this.limit > 100) { v2 = 2; } } this._alpha -= (this.t - this.limit) * v2; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } } else { if (!skipping && method == 'clock') { clockF(a, b, c); } else { if (!skipping && method == 'zoom') { var d = backgroundEffects.getNextHighestDepth(); var bc = backgroundEffects.createEmptyMovieClip('zoomCG' + d, d); var imageBmp = loadBitmapF(bg.backgroundContainer.image); imageBmp.draw(bg.backgroundContainer.imageBmp); bc.attachBitmap(imageBmp, 1); var scale = screenHeight / bg.heightStretchToFit; bc._yscale = 100 * scale; bc._xscale = bc._yscale; bc.t = 0; bc.theTime = 0.7 * fps; bc.initalscale = bc._xscale; bc.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; var v2 = easeOutSine(this.t, this.initalscale, this.initalscale * 0.2, this.theTime); var v3 = easeOutSine(this.t, 100, -100, this.theTime); this._xscale = v2; this._yscale = v2; this._x = screenWidth / 2 - this._width / 2; this._y = screenHeight / 2 - this._height / 2; this._alpha = v3; if (this.t == this.theTime) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } else { if (method == 'whiteFlash') { var col = 16777215; var bc = crap.createEmptyMovieClip(what._name + 'Flash', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); with (bc) { beginFill(col); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, 0); lineTo(screenWidth, screenHeight); lineTo(0, screenHeight); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } bc._alpha = 70; bc.t = 0; bc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t; if (this.t == 2) { this._alpha = 100; } else { if (this.t >= 3) { this._alpha -= this.t * 3; if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } } } }; } else { if (method == 'lensflare') { attachLensflare(a, b, c); } else { if (method == 'verticalShakeBg') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } if (c == undefined) { c = 35; } shakeF(bg, a, b, c, false, true); } else { if (method == 'constantShake') { shakeF(gw, 8, 1000, 50, true, true); } else { if (method == 'verticalShake') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } if (c == undefined) { c = 35; } shakeF(gw, a, b, c, false, true); } else { if (method == 'shakeBg') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } shakeF(bg, a, b, x, true, true); } else { if (method == 'shake') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } shakeF(gw, a, b, x, true, true); } else { if (method == 'shakeForeground') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } shakeF(foregroundObjects, a, b, x, true, true); } else { if (method == 'quake') { if (a == undefined) { a = 25; } if (b == undefined) { b = 1; } shakeF(gw, a, b, x, true, true); shakeF(foregroundObjects, a / 2, b, x, true, true); } else { if (method == 'injured') { shakeF(gw, 20, x, true, true); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } function doCallF(to) { ++variables.callNests; variables.homeNumber.push(parser); parser = labels[to] - 1; parseNextF(); } function endCallF(to) { if (variables.callNests > 0) { --variables.callNests; parser = variables.homeNumber.pop(); parseNextF(); } else { parseNextF(); } } function registerCGBasesForCheatsF(baseArray) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < baseArray.length) { CGBasesForCheats.push(baseArray[v1]); ++v1; } parseNextF(); } function cheatRuleF(type, person, v1, v2, v3, v4) { var v2 = new Object(); if (v2 == x) { v2 = '09ipaodia0s9dizxpoc80'; } var v1 = {'person': person, 'typeOfRule': type, 'v1': v1, 'v2': v2, 'v3': v3, 'v4': v4}; cheatRules.push(v1); parseNextF(); } function clockF(method) { var v3 = effects.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = effects.attachMovie('clockMC', 'clock' + v3, v3 + 30); v2._height = 210; v2._width = 210; v2.t = 0; if (undefCheck(method)) { method = 'undulate'; } if (method == 'undulate') { v2._y = screenHeight / 2; v2._x = -(v2._width / 2); v2.tim = 10000000; v2.intensity = 40; v2.freq = 4; } playSound2F('clockTicking'); v2.motoX = v2._x; v2.motoY = v2._y; v2.pace = 800; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; this.s._rotation += this.pace / 15; this.m._rotation += this.pace / 60; this.h._rotation += this.pace / 60 / 12; this.shake = this.intensity * ((this.tim - this.t) / this.tim); var v2 = this.shake; var v3 = this.freq; var t = this.t; var v4 = v2 * Math.cos(v3 * 2 * t * 0.0174532925199433); this._y = this.motoY - v4; this._x += 15; if (this._x - this._width / 2 > screenWidth) { stopSound2F('clockTicking'); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function shakeF(what, intensity, time, freq, x, y) { if (!skipping) { var v2 = crap[what._name + 'Shaker']; if (v2 != undefined) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(v2); what._x = what.motoX; what._y = what.motoY; } if (freq == undefined or freq == '') { freq = 50; } what.motoX = what._x; what.motoY = what._y; var b = crap.createEmptyMovieClip(what._name + 'Shaker', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); b.t = 0; b.tim = time * fps; b.x = x; b.y = y; b.freq = freq; b.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.t; this.shake = intensity * ((this.tim - this.t) / this.tim); if (this.shake <= 0) { what._x = what.motoX; what._y = what.motoY; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { amp = this.shake; freq = this.freq; var t = this.t; var v3 = amp * Math.sin(freq * 2 * t * 0.0174532925199433); var v2 = amp * Math.cos(freq * 2 * t * 0.0174532925199433); if (b.x) { what._x = what.motoX - v3; } if (b.y) { what._y = what.motoY - v2; } } }; } } function tintF(what, color, alpha) { if (alpha == undefined) { alpha = 100; } var v1 = hexToRGB(color); var v2 = new Color(what); v2.setTint(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], alpha); } function unTintF(what) { var v1 = new Color(what); v1.setTint(0, 0, 0, 0); v1.removeTint(); } function hexToRGB(hex) { r = hex >> 16; temp = hex ^ r << 16; g = temp >> 8; b = temp ^ g << 8; return [r, g, b]; } function panAllF(time) { var v5 = time; if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 15; } var v4 = -(bg._width - screenWidth); if (bg._x < 0) { v4 = -v4; } pan2F('bg', v4, 0, v5); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < foregroundObjectsA.length) { var v3 = foregroundObjectsA[v1].who; var v2 = foregroundObjectsA[v1]; pan2F(v3, v4 / (1 + v2.zoom * 1.5), 0, v5); ++v1; } parseNextF(); } function panF(target, xDistance, yDistance, seconds, tweenType) { pan2F(target, xDistance, yDistance, 0, seconds, tweenType); parseNextF(); } function panAndRotateF(target, xDistance, yDistance, rotationAmount, seconds, tweenType) { pan2F(target, xDistance, yDistance, rotationAmount, seconds, tweenType); parseNextF(); } function setXF(target, amount) { if (target == 'bg') { var v1 = bg; } else { if (target == 'lensflare') { g = effects.lensflare.mover; var v1 = g; } else { var v1 = foregroundObjects[target]; } } v1.x += amount; v1._x = v1.x; parseNextF(); } function setYF(target, amount) { if (target == 'bg') { var v1 = bg; } else { if (target == 'lensflare') { g = effects.lensflare.mover; var v1 = g; } else { var v1 = foregroundObjects[target]; } } v1.y += amount; v1._y = v1.y; parseNextF(); } function bopF(target, a) { if (!skipping) { var targ = foregroundObjects[target]; var v3 = crap.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('bop' + v3, v3); v2.motoY = targ._y; v2.t = 0; v2.a = a; v2.targ = targ; targ._y += a; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.t == 1) { this.targ._y += this.a / 2; } else { if (this.t == 2) { this.targ._y += this.a / 6; } else { if (this.delOK) { this.targ._y = this.motoY; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { if (this.targ._y < this.motoY) { this.targ._y = this.motoY - 2; this.delOK = true; } else { if (this.t > 6) { this.targ._y -= (this.t - 3) * 2; } } } } } ++this.t; }; } } function pan2F(target, xDistance, yDistance, rotationAmount, seconds, tweenType) { seconds = int(seconds * fps); if (tweenType == undefined or tweentype == 'sine') { tweenType = 'easeInOutSine'; } else { if (tweenType == 'linear') { tweenType = 'linearTween'; } else { if (tweenType == 'quint') { tweenType = 'easeInOutQuint'; } else { if (tweenType == 'easeOutSine') { tweenType = 'easeOutSine'; } } } } tweenType = this[tweenType]; var v3 = transitions[target]; if (v3 != undefined) { v3.targ._x = v3.targ.x; v3.targ._y = v3.targ.y; v3.targ._rotation = v3.targ.rotation; delete v3.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(v3); } if (target == 'bg') { var targ = bg; } else { if (target == 'lensflare') { g = effects.lensflare.mover; var targ = g; } else { var targ = foregroundObjects[target]; } } if (skipping) { targ.x += xDistance; targ._x = targ.x; targ.y += yDistance; targ._y = targ.y; targ.rotation += rotationAmount; targ._rotation = targ.rotation; } else { d = transitions.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = transitions.createEmptyMovieClip(target, d); v2.targ = targ; v2.targ.x += xDistance; v2.targ.y += yDistance; v2.targ.rotation += rotationAmount; v2.t = 0; v2.motoX = v2.targ._x; v2.motoY = v2.targ._y; v2.motoRot = v2.targ._rotation; v2.xDist = xDistance; v2.yDist = yDistance; v2.rotAmount = rotationAmount; v2.dur = seconds; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t; this.targ._x = tweenType(this.t, this.motoX, this.xDist, this.dur); this.targ._y = tweenType(this.t, this.motoY, this.yDist, this.dur); if (this.rotAmount != 0) { this.targ._rotation = tweenType(this.t, this.motoRot, this.rotAmount, this.dur); } if (this.t >= this.dur) { this.targ._x = this.motoX + this.xDist; this.targ._y = this.motoY + this.yDist; if (this.rotAmount != 0) { this.targ._rotation = this.motoRot + this.rotAmount; } if (this.remove) { } removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } }; } } function highlightChoiceF(order) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < choiceBoxA.length) { if (order != v1) { choiceBoxA[v1].prevFrame(); choiceBoxA[v1].theText.htmlText = choiceBoxA[v1].choiceText; choiceBoxA[v1].body.gotoAndStop(choiceBoxA[v1].lines); } ++v1; } playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); choiceBoxA[order].nextFrame(); choiceBoxA[order].theText.htmlText = choiceBoxA[order].choiceText; choiceBoxA[order].body.gotoAndStop(choiceBoxA[order].lines); currentlySelected = order; } function selectChoiceF(what, txt) { if (outOfMenuIntoGame) { registerInLog(txt, 'choice'); } playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); variables['choice' + what] = true; removeMovieClip(choiceOptions); removeMovieClip(choiceMC); parser = what; parseNextF(); } function otherwiseF() { var v2 = ifNests; while (!false) { ++parser; var v1 = parsing['s' + parser][0]; if (v1 == undefined) { break; } if (v1 == 'whatIf') { ++v2; } else { if (v2 == ifNests) { if (v1 == 'endIf') { --ifNests; break; } } else { if (v1 == 'endIf') { --v2; } } } } parseNextF(); } function passF() { parseNextF(); } function elseIfF(conditional) { otherwiseF(); } function endIfF(conditional) { --ifNests; parseNextF(); } function evaluateConditionalF(cond) { var v14 = false; var v12 = []; var v16 = 'or'; var v15 = cond.split('||'); if (v15.length < 2) { v15 = cond.split('&&'); v16 = 'and'; v14 = true; } var v11 = 0; while (v11 < v15.length) { var v1 = v15[v11]; var v3 = false; var v9 = variables; if (v1.indexOf('permanent.') != -1) { v9 = generalSave.permanentVariables; v1 = v1.substr(v1.indexOf('.') + 1); } if (v1.indexOf('cheats.') != -1) { v9 = activatedCheats; v1 = v1.substr(v1.indexOf('.') + 1); } if (v1 == '') { v3 = true; } else { if (v1 == 'commentary') { if (generalSave.commentary) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'premium' || v1 == 'wip') { v3 = true; } else { if (v1 == 'isPremium') { premiumPatron = true; if (premiumPatron) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'isPremiumPlus') { premiumPlusPatron = true; if (premiumPlusPatron) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'autoSaveExists') { var v13 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, 'autoSave'); if (v13 != undefined) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'showPatreon') { if (!dontShowPatreon) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1 == 'continueCheck') { var v13 = checkWhichSave(basicGameData.gameFile, 'autoSave'); if (v13 != undefined) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1.substr(0, 1) == '!') { if (!v9[v1.substr(1, v1.length)]) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v1.indexOf('=') == -1 && v1.indexOf('>') == -1 && v1.indexOf('<') == -1) { if (v9[v1]) { v3 = true; } } else { var v2 = ''; var v6 = ''; var v4 = ''; var v7 = ['>=', '<=', '==', '<', '>', '!=', '=']; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v7.length) { var v8 = v1.indexOf(v7[v5]); if (v8 != -1) { v4 = v1.substr(0, v8); v4 = v9[v4]; v6 = v1.substr(v8 + v7[v5].length, v1.length); v2 = v7[v5]; v5 = v7.length; if (v2 == '<' or v2 == '<=' or v2 == '>' or v2 == '>=') { if (isNaN(Number(v4))) { v4 = 0; } if (isNaN(Number(v6))) { v6 = 0; } } } ++v5; } if (v2 == '') { } else { if (v2 == '<') { if (v4 < v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '>') { if (v4 > v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '>=') { if (v4 >= v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '<=') { if (v4 <= v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '=' or v2 == '==') { if (v4 == v6) { v3 = true; } } else { if (v2 == '!=') { if (v4 != v6) { v3 = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } v12.push(v3); ++v11; } var v10 = 0; while (v10 < v12.length) { if (v16 == 'and') { if (!v12[v10]) { v14 = false; } } else { if (v16 == 'or') { if (v12[v10]) { v14 = true; } } } ++v10; } return v14; } function whatIfF(conditional) { var v4 = false; ++ifNests; v4 = evaluateConditionalF(conditional); if (v4) { parseNextF(); } else { var v2 = 0; var v3 = 0; while (!false) { ++parser; var v1 = parsing['s' + parser][0]; if (v2 == 0) { if (v1 == 'elseIf') { --ifNests; whatIfF(parsing['s' + parser][1]); break; } else { if (v1 == 'otherwise') { parseNextF(); break; } else { if (v1 == 'endIf') { --ifNests; parseNextF(); break; } } } } if (v1 == 'whatIf') { ++v2; } else { if (v1 == 'endIf') { --v2; } } ++v3; if (v3 > 900) { break; } } } } function incrementVariableF(variable, amount) { if (variables[amount] != undefined) { amount = variables[amount]; } if (amount == undefined) { amount = 1; } if (variable.indexOf('permanent.') != -1) { variable = variable.substr(variable.indexOf('.') + 1); if (generalSave.permanentVariables[variable] == undefined) { generalSave.permanentVariables[variable] = amount; } else { generalSave.permanentVariables[variable] += amount; } } else { if (variables[variable] == undefined) { variables[variable] = amount; } else { variables[variable] += amount; } } parseNextF(); } function setVariableF(variable, amount) { setVariable2F(variable, amount); parseNextF(); } function setVariable2F(variable, amount) { if (amount == undefined) { amount = true; } if (variable.indexOf('permanent.') != -1) { variable = variable.substr(variable.indexOf('.') + 1); generalSave.permanentVariables[variable] = amount; } else { var v3 = 1000000; if (amount != true && amount.indexOf('initialOf.') != -1) { amount = amount.substr(amount.indexOf('.') + 1); v3 = 1; } else { if (amount != true && amount.indexOf('firstWordOf.') != -1) { amount = amount.substr(amount.indexOf('.') + 1); if (variables[amount.slice(1)].indexOf(' ') != -1) { v3 = variables[amount.slice(1)].indexOf(' '); } } } if (amount.slice(0, 1) == '$') { variables[variable] = variables[amount.slice(1)].slice(0, v3); } else { variables[variable] = amount; } } } function changeStringF(variable, doWhat, a, b) { if (doWhat == 'remove') { variables[variable] = replaceInString(variables[variable], a, ''); } parseNextF(); } function startGameAndJumpF(label) { outOfMenuIntoGame = true; jumpF(label); } function removeNoticeDialogueF() { var v1 = getInstanceAtDepth(dialogueLayer); v1._visible = true; noticeDialogueActive = false; removeMovieClip(getInstanceAtDepth(noticeDialogueLayer)); } function noticeDialogueF(d, d2, d3) { currentlySelected = -1; highlightChoiceF(currentlySelected); if (d == 'wip') { var v16 = 'WIP CONTENT UNAVAILABLE'; var v17 = 'This branch is not yet completed/implemented in this version of the game. Please <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>click here</a> (link opens in a new window) to get access to the latest build of the game by becoming our patron.'; var v5 = ['Return', 'Support us on Patreon']; var types = ['ok', 'patreon']; } else { if (d == 'premium') { var v16 = 'PREMIUM CONTENT UNAVAILABLE'; var v17 = 'Premium choices lead to bonus content/branches/routes (that are not necessary to reach the end of the game). They are only available to those of our patrons who have pledged $5 (or more) to support us developing games like this one. If you would like to become a patron, please <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>click here</a> (link opens in a new window).'; var v18 = 'If you choose to become a premium patron you can access the premium content immediately if you follow the instructions after pledging - you won\'t even have to restart the game. '; var v5 = ['Return', 'Support us on Patreon']; var types = ['ok', 'patreon']; } else { if (d == 'noScript') { var v16 = 'SCRIPT ERROR'; var v17 = 'Script missing or malformed. Did you extract all files?'; var v5 = ['Return']; var types = ['ok']; } else { if (d == 'savefileParserError') { var v16 = 'SAVE FILE ERROR'; var v17 = 'Something\'s gone wrong loading the saved game: "Savefile has no defined parser"'; var v5 = ['Return']; var types = ['ok']; } else { if (d == 'undefinedError') { var v16 = 'UNDEFINED ERROR'; var v17 = 'Something\'s gone wrong.'; var v5 = ['Return']; var types = ['ok']; } else { if (d == 'ending' || d == 'unlockedCommentary') { var v16 = 'ENDING: ' + d2; var v8 = ''; var v10 = ' Please consider <a href=\'' + patreonURL + '\'>supporting us on Patreon</a>.'; if (d3) { var types = ['bqpromo', 'patreon']; } else { var types = ['restart', 'patreon']; } if (d == 'unlockedCommentary') { playSystemSound2F('unlock'); chibi2F(characterData.c_b, 'bendealwithit'); chibi2F(characterData.c_e, 'sophiesuspicious'); v8 = ' Congratulations! You can now play the game with commentary from the authors of the game (see the "Options" screen).'; } if (pledgeLevel > 0) { v10 = ' Thank you for your patronage!'; } var v17 = 'You\'ve unlocked ' + generalSave.endingsA.length + ' out of ' + allUniqueEndings.length + ' endings.' + v8 + ' Thank you for playing!' + v10; var v5 = ['Main menu', 'Support us on Patreon']; } else { var v16 = d; var v17 = d2; var v5 = ['OK', 'Support us on Patreon']; var types = ['ok', 'patreon']; } } } } } } var options = types.length; var v15 = getInstanceAtDepth(dialogueLayer); v15._visible = false; noticeDialogueActive = true; this.createEmptyMovieClip('nd', noticeDialogueLayer); nd.types = types; nd.options = options; var v3 = nd.attachMovie('noticeDialogue', 'nd', 1); v3.head.htmlText = v16; v3.main.html = true; v3.main.htmlText = v17; var v6 = new TextField.StyleSheet(); v6.setStyle('a:link', {'color': '#FF8774', 'textDecoration': 'none'}); v6.setStyle('a:hover', {'color': '#CCCCCC', 'textDecoration': 'none'}); v3.main.styleSheet = v6; false; var v9 = v3.main.bottomScroll; var v13 = 232; var v11 = 81; var v12 = 8; v3.body._height = v11 + (v13 - v11) * ((v9 - 2) / (v12 - 2)); v3.main._height -= (v12 - v9) * 20; var v14 = v3.head.bottomScroll; if (v14 == 2) { v3.body._height += v3.head._height / 2; v3.main._y += v3.head._height / 2; } var i = 0; while (i < options) { var v2 = nd.attachMovie('noticeDialogueChoice', 'choice' + (i + 1), 2 + i, {'_y': v3.body._height}); v2._y += nd.choice1._height * i; v2.stop(); v2.i = i; v2.main.htmlText = v5[i]; v2.onRollOver = function () { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); nd['choice' + nd.currentlySelected].prevFrame(); nd.currentlySelected = this.i + 1; this.nextFrame(); }; v2.onPress = function () { var v2 = nd.types[this.i]; playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); if (v2 == 'ok') { removeNoticeDialogueF(); } else { if (v2 == 'patreon') { url2F(patreonURL); } else { if (v2 == 'restart') { removeNoticeDialogueF(); restartF(); } else { if (v2 == 'bqpromo') { removeNoticeDialogueF(); jumpF('bqPromos'); } } } } }; ++i; } nd.attachMovie('noticeDialogueBottom', 'bottom', 15, {'_y': v3.body._height + nd.choice1._height * options}); nd.currentlySelected = 0; nd.onEnterFrame = function () { if (nd.hidden) { if (myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.SPACE) { dialogueHiderF(); } } else { if (this.currentlySelected >= 1 && (myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.SPACE)) { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); var v2 = this.types[this.currentlySelected - 1]; if (v2 == 'ok') { removeNoticeDialogueF(); } else { if (v2 == 'patreon') { url2F(patreonURL, '_blank'); } else { if (v2 == 'restart') { removeNoticeDialogueF(); restartF(); } } } } if (myKeys.DOWN) { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); if (this.currentlySelected < this.options) { this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].prevFrame(); ++this.currentlySelected; this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].nextFrame(); } } else { if (myKeys.UP) { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); if (this.currentlySelected >= 0) { this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].prevFrame(); if (this.currentlySelected <= 1) { this.currentlySelected = 1; } else { --this.currentlySelected; } this['choice' + this.currentlySelected].nextFrame(); } } } } }; nd._x = screenWidth / 2 - nd._width / 2; nd._y = screenHeight / 2 - nd._height / 2; } function inputDialogueF(variable, head, defaultInput, okButtonText) { currentlySelected = -1; attachChoiceOptions(); highlightChoiceF(currentlySelected); if (!globalSave.continueSkippingAfterChoices) { skipping = false; } var nd = this.createEmptyMovieClip('inputMC', dialogueLayer); var n = nd.attachMovie('inputDialogue', 'id', 1); n.head.htmlText = head; n.inputField.htmlText = defaultInput; Selection.setFocus(n.inputField); n.inputField.maxChars = 30; var v2 = n.okButton; v2.stop(); if (okButtonText == undefined) { v2.main.htmlText = 'OK'; } else { v2.main.htmlText = okButtonText; } v2.onRollOver = function () { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); Selection.setFocus(null); nd['choice' + nd.currentlySelected].prevFrame(); nd.currentlySelected = this.i + 1; this.nextFrame(); }; v2.onPress = function () { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); removeMovieClip(choiceOptions); textfieldHasFocus = false; variables[variable] = this._parent.inputField.htmlText; registerInLog(head + '<b>-> ' + variables[variable] + '</b>'); parseNextF(); removeMovieClip(this._parent); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; var v5 = 1; n.currentlySelected = 0; n.onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = Selection.getFocus(); if (v2 == targetPath(this.inputField)) { textfieldHasFocus = true; } else { textfieldHasFocus = false; } if (n.hidden) { if (myKeys.ENTER) { dialogueHiderF(); } } else { if (myKeys.ENTER || myKeys.SPACE) { playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); variables[variable] = this.inputField.text; registerInLog(head + '<b>-> ' + variables[variable] + '</b>'); textfieldHasFocus = false; removeMovieClip(choiceOptions); removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } if (myKeys.DOWN || myKeys.UP) { Selection.setFocus(null); this.currentlySelected = 1; textFieldHasFocus = false; this.okButton.nextFrame(); playSystemSound2F('ButtonUp'); } } }; nd._x = screenWidth / 2 - nd._width / 2; nd._y = screenHeight / 2 - nd._height / 2; resizeAndReplaceF(); } function embeddedVariableCheck(txt) { var v7 = true; while (v7) { var v4 = txt.indexOf('$'); if (v4 == -1) { v7 = false; } else { var v1 = v4 + 1; while (v1 <= txt.length) { var v3 = txt.slice(v1, v1 + 1); if (v3 == '$' or v3 == '@' or v1 == txt.length) { var v5 = v1; v1 = Infinity; } ++v1; } if (v1 != Infinity) { v7 = false; } else { var v6 = variables[txt.slice(v4 + 1, v5)]; if (v6 != undefined && v5 != undefined) { txt = txt.slice(0, v4) + v6 + txt.slice(v5 + 1); } } } } return txt; } function attachChoiceOptions() { d = attachMovie('choiceOptions', 'choiceOptions', choiceOptionsLayer); d._yscale = 100 / ((windowScale + 1) / 2); d._xscale = d._yscale; d._x = screenWidth - d._width - 20; d._y = screenHeight - d._height - 20; resizeAndReplaceF(); = function () { menuF('menu'); }; d.log.onRelease = function () { menuF('log', 'backToGame'); }; d.quickSave.onRelease = function () { if (!outOfMenuIntoGame) { notificationF('Saving is currently unavailable.'); } else { saveF('quickSave', 'quickSaveButton'); notificationF('Game successfully saved.'); } }; d.quickLoad.onRelease = function () { loadF('quickSave'); }; } function attachChoiceF(choiceA, style, xPos, yPos, rot) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('choiceMC', dialogueLayer); if (outOfMenuIntoGame) { attachChoiceOptions(); } = style; if (yPos != undefined) { choiceMC.yPos = 'defined'; } var premiumChoices = new Object(); var vipChoices = new Object(); choiceBoxA = new Array(); var v10 = 0; var v11 = 0; choiceMC.minusY = 0; var v17 = 0; var i = 0; while (i < choiceA.length) { var v5 = parsing['s' + choiceA[i]][2]; var v4 = style; var v15 = false; var wip = false; if (v5.slice(0, 3) == 'wip') { vipChoices['choice' + i] = true; v4 = 'WIP'; wip = true; } if (v5.slice(0, 7) == 'premium') { premiumChoices['choice' + i] = true; v4 = 'Premium'; v15 = true; } var v2 = choiceMC.attachMovie('choiceBox' + v4, 'choiceBox' + i, i + 1); v2.stop(); v2.premium = v15; v2.wip = wip; var v3 = v2.body.back._height * (v2.body._yscale / 100); v11 += v3; if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = v2._height; } v2._y = v10 + i * v3; v2._x = 0; choiceBoxA.push(v2); v2.choiceText = parsing['s' + choiceA[i]][1]; var v9 = v2.choiceText; var v7 = embeddedVariableCheck(v9); v2.choiceText = v7; v2.theText.htmlText = v2.choiceText; v2.lines = v2.theText.bottomScroll; v2.body.gotoAndStop(v2.lines); var v6 = 4; var v8 = v2._height / v6; choiceMC.minusY = (v6 - v2.lines) * v8; v10 += v2.body.back._height * (v2.body._yscale / 100) - v3; v2.i = i; v2.hitArea = v2.body.hitarea; v2.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(this.lines); highlightChoiceF(this.i); }; v2.onPress = function () { playSystemSound2F('selectS'); if (this.wip) { noticeDialogueF('wip'); } else { if (!this.premium || this.premium && premiumPatron) { selectChoiceF(choiceA[this.i], this.choiceText); } else { noticeDialogueF('premium'); } } }; ++i; } if (rot != undefined) { choiceMC._rotation = rot; } resizeAndReplaceF(); v11 *= choiceMC._yscale / 100; if (!isNaN(Number(yPos))) { choiceMC._y = yPos; } else { if (yPos == 'hanging') { choiceMC._y = int(screenHeight / 2 - 60 - (choiceMC._height - choiceMC.minusY) / 2); } else { if (yPos == 'middle') { choiceMC._y = int(screenHeight / 2 - (choiceMC._height - choiceMC.minusY) / 2); } else { if (yPos == 'almostBottom') { choiceMC._y = screenHeight - (v11 + 20); } else { if (yPos == 'thirdquartile') { choiceMC._y = screenHeight * 0.75 - v11 / 2; } else { if (yPos == 'bottom') { choiceMC._y = screenHeight - v11; } } } } } } if (!isNaN(Number(xPos))) { choiceMC._x = xPos; } else { if (xPos == 'middle') { choiceMC._x = (screenWidth - choiceMC._width) / 2; } else { if (xPos == 'left') { choiceMC._x = 10; } else { if (xPos == 'right') { choiceMC._x = screenWidth - (choiceMC._width + 20); } } } } if (lastAction == 'key') { highlightChoiceF(0); } else { currentlySelected = -1; } choiceMC.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused && !noticeDialogueActive) { if (currentlySelected >= 0 && (myKeys.ENTER or myKeys.SPACE)) { var v1 = premiumChoices['choice' + currentlySelected]; var v2 = vipChoices['choice' + currentlySelected]; playSystemSound2F('selectS'); if (v2) { noticeDialogueF('wip'); } else { if (!v1 || v1 && premiumPatron) { selectChoiceF(choiceA[currentlySelected], choiceMC['choiceBox' + currentlySelected].choiceText); } else { noticeDialogueF('premium'); } } } if (myKeys.DOWN) { if (currentlySelected < choiceBoxA.length - 1) { ++currentlySelected; } highlightChoiceF(currentlySelected); } else { if (myKeys.UP) { if (currentlySelected > 0) { --currentlySelected; } else { if (currentlySelected == -1) { currentlySelected = 0; } } highlightChoiceF(currentlySelected); } } } }; } function sceneClipF(clip, playOnceBeforeParseNext) { removeMovieClip(bg); bg = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', bgLayer); var c = bg.attachMovie(clip, 'clip', bg.getNextHighestDepth()); c.stop(); c.onEnterFrame = function () { if (c._currentframe == c._totalframes or !outOfMenuIntoGame && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) { c.gotoAndStop(c._totalframes); delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } else { c.nextFrame(); } }; } function addToCgF(b, method, time, dontFireOffParseNext, otherBg, checkAgain, addedThroughCheat) { var v7 = b; var v12 = 'whothefuckisit?'; var v9 = b.split('_'); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v9.length) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < characterDataA.length) { if (v9[v5] == characterDataA[v2].image) { v12 = v9[v5]; v5 = v9.length; v2 = characterDataA.length; } ++v2; } ++v5; } var v22 = false; var v20 = findCGBase(v7); var v6 = checkAgainstRules(v7, v12, 'cg'); var v3 = v6.deets; while (v6.replace) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v3.length) { var v8 = v3[v4]; if (v8[0] == 'replace') { v7 = replaceInString(v7, v8[1], v8[2]); v6 = checkAgainstRules(v7, v12, 'cg'); } ++v4; } } if (v6.skipIt) { if (method == undefined && !dontFireOffParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } else { if (v6.newGraphicBefore) { var v28 = false; var v18 = new Object(); var v19 = new Object(); var v11 = 0; while (v11 < v3.length) { v8 = v3[v11]; if (v8[0] == 'newGraphicBefore' && !v19[v8[2]] && checkAgain != v8[2]) { v19[v8[2]] = true; addToCgF(v20 + v8[2], method, time, dontFireOffParseNext, otherBg, v8[2], true); v22 = true; } ++v11; } } else { v22 = true; } } if (v22) { var v29 = true; var v21 = bg; if (otherBg != undefined) { v21 = otherBg; } if (time == undefined) { time = 0.6; } time = int(time * fps); var v13 = loadBitmapF(v7 + '.png'); if (v13 == undefined) { v13 = loadBitmapF('cg_' + v7 + '.png'); } if (v6.changeColor) { var v11 = 0; while (v11 < v3.length) { v8 = v3[v11]; if (v8[0] == 'changeColor') { var v16 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v8[1]); v13.applyFilter(v13, v13.rectangle, new flash.geom.Point(0, 0), v16); } ++v11; } } if (!addedThroughCheat) { v21.addedCgA.push(b); } if (method != 'fade') { } else { if (method == 'fade') { checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(true); var v23 = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('fadeDealer', pixelDealerLayer); var v25 = loadBitmapF(v21.backgroundContainer.image); v25.draw(v21.backgroundContainer.imageBmp); v23.attachBitmap(v25, 1); var v27 = screenHeight / v21.heightStretchToFit; v23._yscale = 100 * v27; v23._xscale = v23._yscale; v23.t = 0; v23.t2 = 0; v23.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { if (this.t == 0) { ++this.t2; this._alpha = easeInOutSine(this.t2, 100, -100, time); if (this._alpha <= 0) { this.t = 1; } } else { if (this.t == 1) { this.t = 2; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; if (!dontFireOffParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } } }; } } if (v21.xFlipped) { var v24 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v24.scale(-1, 1); v24.translate(v21.backgroundContainer.xFlippedBmp.width, 0); v21.backgroundContainer.xFlippedBmp.draw(v13, v24); } else { v21.backgroundContainer.imageBmp.draw(v13); } if (v7.indexOf('exp') != -1 && v6.expTop.length > 0) { var v10 = 0; while (v10 < v6.expTop.length) { if (checkAgain != v6.expTop[v10]) { addToCgF(v7 + '_' + v6.expTop[v10], method, time, dontFireOffParseNext, otherBg, v6.expTop[v10], true); } ++v10; } } v11 = v3.length - 1; while (v11 >= 0) { v8 = v3[v11]; if (v8[0] == 'newGraphicAfter' && !storedv18[v8[2]] && checkAgain != v8[2]) { storedv18[v8[2]] = true; addToCgF(v20 + v8[2], method, time, dontFireOffParseNext, otherBg, v8[2], true); } --v11; } if (method == undefined && !dontFireOffParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } function findCGBase(cgname) { var v5 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < CGBasesForCheats.length) { var v2 = CGBasesForCheats[v1]; var v3 = cgname.indexOf(v2); if (v3 != -1) { v5 = cgname.slice(0, v2.length + 1); break; } ++v1; } return v5; } function replaceInString(originalPhrase, partToBeReplaced, partToDoTheReplacing) { var v1 = originalPhrase.indexOf(partToBeReplaced); var v3 = originalPhrase; if (v1 != -1) { v3 = originalPhrase.slice(0, v1) + partToDoTheReplacing + originalPhrase.slice(v1 + partToBeReplaced.length); } return v3; } function addBg(b, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, temp, forScreenshot) { if (xFlipped) { } else { xFlipped = false; } if (yFlipped) { } else { yFlipped = false; } var v13 = 2; var v1 = bg; if (forScreenshot) { v1 = crap.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', crap.getNextHighestDepth()); } else { if (!temp) { removeMovieClip(v1); v1 = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('bg', bgLayer); } else { var v8 = v1.getNextHighestDepth(); var v19 = v1.getInstanceAtDepth(v8 - 1); var v4 = v8 - 2; while (v4 >= 0) { var v3 = v1.getInstanceAtDepth(v4); if (v3 != undefined) { removeMovieClip(v3); } --v4; } v13 = v8; } } v1.xFlipped = xFlipped; v1.yFlipped = yFlipped; var v2 = v1.createEmptyMovieClip('container' + v13, v13); v1.backgroundContainer = v2; if (!forScreenshot) { currentBackground = b; } v1.addedCgA = new Array(); var v5 = b + '.png'; v2.imageBmp = loadBitmapF(v5); if (v2.imageBmp == undefined) { v5 = 'bg_' + b + '.png'; v2.imageBmp = loadBitmapF(v5); } if (v2.imageBmp == undefined) { v5 = 'cg_' + b + '.png'; v2.imageBmp = loadBitmapF(v5); } v2.image = v5; if (v2.imageBmp == undefined) { v2.attachMovie(b, 'bg', 1); if (xFlipped) { =; =; } } else { if (xFlipped || yFlipped) { var v11 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v18 = 1; var v17 = 1; var v15 = 0; var v16 = 0; if (xFlipped) { v18 = -1; v15 = v2.imageBmp.width; } if (yFlipped) { v17 = -1; v16 = v2.imageBmp.height; } v11.scale(v18, v17); v11.translate(v15, v16); v2.xFlippedBmp = new flash.display.BitmapData(v2.imageBmp.width, v2.imageBmp.height, true, 0); v2.xFlippedBmp.draw(v2.imageBmp, v11); v2.imageBmp.dispose(); v2.attachBitmap(v2.xFlippedBmp, 1, auto, true); } else { v2.attachBitmap(v2.imageBmp, 1, auto, true); } } if (heightStretchToFit == undefined) { heightStretchToFit = v2._height; } v1.heightStretchToFit = heightStretchToFit; var v20 = screenHeight / heightStretchToFit; v2._yscale = 100 * v20; v2._xscale = v2._yscale; if (yPos != undefined) { if (yPos == 'bottom') { yPos = screenHeight - v1._height; } v1._y = yPos; v1.y = v1._y; } else { if (newScene) { v1._y = 0; v1.y = 0; } } if (xPos != undefined && xPos != '') { if (xPos == 'right') { xPos = screenWidth - v1._width; } else { if (xPos == 'center') { xPos = int((screenWidth - v1._width) / 2); } } v1._x = xPos; v1.x = v1._x; } else { if (newScene) { v19._x += v1._x; v1._x = 0; v1.x = 0; } } if (forScreenshot) { return v1; } else { return v2; } } function calculateF(variable, expression, integer) { var v7 = ''; var v2 = ''; var v1 = ''; var v8 = ''; var v4 = ['+', '-', '/', 'x', '*']; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.length) { var v5 = expression.indexOf(v4[v3]); if (v5 != -1) { v2 = expression.substr(0, v5); if (isNaN(Number(v2))) { v2 = variables[v2]; if (isNaN(Number(v2))) { v2 = 0; } } v2 = Number(v2); v7 = v4[v3]; v1 = expression.substr(v5 + v4[v3].length, expression.length); if (isNaN(Number(v1))) { v1 = variables[v1]; if (isNaN(Number(v1))) { v1 = 0; } } v1 = Number(v1); v3 = v4.length; } ++v3; } if (v7 == '') { v8 = expression; } else { if (v7 == '+') { v8 = v2 + v1; } else { if (v7 == '-') { v8 = v2 - v1; } else { if (v7 == '/') { v8 = v2 / v1; } else { if (v7 == '*' or v7 == 'x') { v8 = v2 * v1; } } } } } if (integer) { v8 = int(v8); } variables[variable] = v8; parseNextF(); } function fadeF(newBg, newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { var v2 = addBg(newBg, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, true); checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(false); time = int(time * fps); var v3 = pixelDealerLayer; if (!newScene) { v3 = pixelBehindDealerLayer; } fadeDealer = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('fadeDealer', v3); if (xPos != undefined or yPos != undefined) { } v2._alpha = 0; fadeDealer.targ = v2; fadeDealer.t = 0; fadeDealer.t2 = 0; fadeDealer.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { if (this.t == 0) { if (!outOfMenuIntoGame && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) { this.t = 1; this.targ._alpha = 100; } else { ++this.t2; this.targ._alpha = int(easeInOutSine(this.t2, 0, 100, time)); if (this.targ._alpha >= 100) { this.t = 1; } } } else { if (this.t == 1) { if (newScene && !dontFireParseNext) { addBg(newBg, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit); checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(true); } this.t = 2; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; if (newScene && !dontFireParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } } }; } function colorFadeF(newBg, color, newScene, time, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit, dontFireParseNext) { time = int(time * fps); var layer = pixelDealerLayer; if (!newScene) { layer = pixelBehindDealerLayer; } fadeDealer = gw.createEmptyMovieClip('fadeDealer', layer); fadeDealer._alpha = 0; fadeDealer.pseudoAlpha = 0; fadeDealer.t = 0; fadeDealer.incrementAlpha = (100 / time) * 2; var c = 0; if (color == 'black') { } else { if (color == 'white') { var c = 16777215; } } with (fadeDealer) { beginFill(c); moveTo(-500, -500); lineTo(screenWidth + 500, -500); lineTo(screenWidth + 500, screenHeight + 500); lineTo(-500, screenHeight + 500); lineTo(-500, -500); endFill(); } fadeDealer.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { if (this.t == 0) { if (skipping) { this.t = 1; } if (!outOfMenuIntoGame && (myKeys.SPACE or mouseClick or myKeys.ENTER)) { this.t = 1; this._alpha = 100; this.pressed = true; } else { this.pseudoAlpha += this.incrementAlpha; this._alpha = int(this.pseudoAlpha); if (this._alpha >= 100) { this.t = 1; } } } else { if (this.t == 1) { if (newScene) { removeAllChars2F(); } addBg(newBg, newScene, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos, heightStretchToFit); checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(true); this.t = 2; } else { if (this.t == 2) { this.pseudoAlpha -= this.incrementAlpha; this._alpha = int(this.pseudoAlpha); if (this._alpha <= 0 or this.pressed or skipping) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; if (newScene && !dontFireParseNext) { parseNextF(); } } } } } } }; } function checkIfNextFewItemsAreAddToCg(parsePlus) { var v3 = parser; var v2 = true; while (v2) { ++v3; var v1 = parsing['s' + v3]; if (v1[0] == 'addToCg' && v1[2] != 'fade') { addToCgF(v1[1], x, x, true); if (parsePlus) { ++parser; } } else { if (v1[0] == 'screenEffect' && v1[1] == 'lensflare' || v1[0] == 'item') { parseNextF(true); } else { v2 = false; } } } } function pixellateF(newBg, xFlipped, yFlipped, xPos, yPos) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('pixelDealer', pixelDealerLayer); pixelDealer.t = 10000; pixelDealer.f = 1; pixelDealer.scaler = 0; scaleA = [0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.002]; pixelDealer.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gamePaused) { ++this.t; if (this.t >= 2) { this.t = 0; if (this.f == 1) { pixellyF(scaleA[this.scaler]); ++this.scaler; if (this.scaler == scaleA.length) { addBg(newBg, true, xFlipped); this.f = 2; this.scaler -= 2; } } else { if (this.f == 2) { pixellyF(scaleA[this.scaler]); --this.scaler; if (this.scaler < 0) { bg.container._yscale = 100; bg.container._xscale = 100; this.f = 3; removeMovieClip(pix); } } else { if (this.f >= 3) { ++this.f; if (this.f == 8) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; parseNextF(); } } } } } } }; } function pixellyF(scale) { removeMovieClip(this.getInstanceAtDepth(pixellationLayer)); this.createEmptyMovieClip('pix', pixellationLayer); bg.container._yscale = 100 * scale; bg.container._xscale = bg.container._yscale; myBitmap = new flash.display.BitmapData(screenWidth * scale, screenHeight * scale, false, 16777215); myBitmap.draw(bg); pix.attachBitmap(myBitmap, 5); pix._width = screenWidth; pix._height = screenHeight; } function unactivateCheat(ch) { if (ch.activated) { notificationF('Cheat: "' + ch.effect + '" deactivated.'); } ch.activated = false; var v2 = ch.effect; activatedCheats[v2] = false; variables[v2] = false; } function activateCheat(ch) { var v3 = ch.effect; ch.activated = true; activatedCheats[v3] = true; variables[v3] = true; if (ch.incompat != undefined) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < ch.incompat.length) { unactivateCheat(cheatsO[ch.incompat[v1]]); ++v1; } } cheatstring = ''; } function regCheat(cheat, effect, minPledge, desc, incompat) { cheatsO[effect] = new Object(); var v2 = cheatsO[effect]; cheatsO[effect].cheat = cheat; cheatsO[effect].effect = effect; cheatsO[effect].minPledge = minPledge; cheatsO[effect].desc = desc; cheatsO[effect].activated = false; cheatsO[effect].incompat = incompat; cheats.push(v2); } function adjustHue(angle, returnAsFinishedFilter) { angle *= 0.0174532925199433; var v1 = Math.cos(angle); var v2 = Math.sin(angle); var v5 = 0.213; var v4 = 0.715; var v3 = 0.072; var v6 = Array(v5 + v1 * (1 - v5) + v2 * -v5, v4 + v1 * -v4 + v2 * -v4, v3 + v1 * -v3 + v2 * (1 - v3), 0, 0, v5 + v1 * -v5 + v2 * 0.143, v4 + v1 * (1 - v4) + v2 * 0.14, v3 + v1 * -v3 + v2 * -0.283, 0, 0, v5 + v1 * -v5 + v2 * -(1 - v5), v4 + v1 * -v4 + v2 * v4, v3 + v1 * (1 - v3) + v2 * v3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); if (returnAsFinishedFilter) { var v7 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v6); return v7; } v7 = v6; return v7; } function adjustSaturation(s, returnAsFinishedFilter) { var v3 = 1 - s; var v8 = 0.212671; var v10 = 0.71516; var v7 = 0.072169; var v4 = v3 * v8; var v1 = v3 * v10; var v2 = v3 * v7; var v6 = Array(v4 + s, v1, v2, 0, 0, v4, v1 + s, v2, 0, 0, v4, v1, v2 + s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); if (returnAsFinishedFilter) { var v9 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(v6); return v9; } v9 = v6; return v9; } Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale'; beforeFullScreenHeightWidth = [Stage.height, Stage.width]; Stage.displayState = 'fullScreen'; screenWidth = 800; screenHeight = 600; var myListener = new Object(); myListener.onResize = function () { resizeAndReplaceF(); }; Stage.addListener(myListener); Object.prototype.clone = function () { if (this instanceof Array) { var v2 = []; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.length) { v2[v3] = (typeof this[v3] == 'object') ? this[v3].clone() : this[v3]; ++v3; } return v2; } if (this instanceof Date) { v2 = new Date(this.getTime()); return v2; } if (this instanceof XML || this instanceof MovieClip) { v2 = null; return v2; } v2 = {}; for (v3 in this) { v2[v3] = (typeof this[v3] == 'object') ? this[v3].clone() : this[v3]; } return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(Object.prototype, ['clone'], 1); Color.prototype.setTint = function (r, g, b, amount) { var v4 = 100 - amount; var v2 = new Object(); = v4; =; v2.ra =; var v3 = amount / 100; v2.rb = r * v3; = g * v3; = b * v3; this.setTransform(v2); }; Color.prototype.removeTint = function () { this.setTint(0, 0, 0, 0); }; loading._visible = false; initVar(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++t; keyChecker(); }; }
Created: 8/10 -2018 01:55:12 Last modified: 8/10 -2018 01:55:12 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:08:30