Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Foxy Box Water Match.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #211630

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function preloader() { if (getBytesLoaded() >= getBytesTotal()) { play(); clearInterval(myInterval); } logo_mc._alpha = 'Loading: ' + Math.round((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 100) + '%'; myText.text = 'Loading: ' + Math.round((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 100) + '%'; } stop(); myInterval = setInterval(preloader, 100); } // unknown tag 88 length 288 // unknown tag 88 length 72 frame 2 { stop(); var xm1Locked = false; var xm2Locked = false; var xm3Locked = false; var xm4Locked = false; var xm5Locked = false; var xm6Locked = false; var XXXsuper = true; var superused = false; var jugtime = false; var add10 = false; var add11 = false; var add12 = false; var add13 = false; var add14 = false; var add15 = false; love1 = false; var DQs = 0; love1 = true; = true; extralove.flush(); laugh = new Sound(); laugh.attachSound('laugh'); KOface4 = new Sound(); KOface4.attachSound('KOface4'); KObelly1 = new Sound(); KObelly1.attachSound('KObelly1'); KObelly2 = new Sound(); KObelly2.attachSound('KObelly2'); KObelly3 = new Sound(); KObelly3.attachSound('KObelly3'); KOface1 = new Sound(); KOface1.attachSound('KOface1'); KOface2 = new Sound(); KOface2.attachSound('KOface2'); KOface3 = new Sound(); KOface3.attachSound('KOface3'); pain01 = new Sound(); pain01.attachSound('pain01'); pain02 = new Sound(); pain02.attachSound('pain02'); pain03 = new Sound(); pain03.attachSound('pain03'); pain04 = new Sound(); pain04.attachSound('pain04'); pain05 = new Sound(); pain05.attachSound('pain05'); pain06 = new Sound(); pain06.attachSound('pain06'); pain07 = new Sound(); pain07.attachSound('pain07'); pain08 = new Sound(); pain08.attachSound('pain08'); pain09 = new Sound(); pain09.attachSound('pain09'); pain10 = new Sound(); pain10.attachSound('pain10'); impact4 = new Sound(); impact4.attachSound('impact4'); kaploing = new Sound(); kaploing.attachSound('kaploing'); buttonpush = new Sound(); buttonpush.attachSound('buttonpush'); ultrastart = new Sound(); ultrastart.attachSound('ultrastart'); fall1 = new Sound(); fall1.attachSound('fall1'); fall2 = new Sound(); fall2.attachSound('fall2'); impact = new Sound(); impact.attachSound('impact'); matfall = new Sound(); matfall.attachSound('matfall'); crunch = new Sound(); crunch.attachSound('crunch'); theme = new Sound(); theme.attachSound('theme'); theme.start(0, 999); dancetune = new Sound(); dancetune.attachSound('dancetune'); breathe3 = new Sound(); breathe3.attachSound('breathe3'); breathe4 = new Sound(); breathe4.attachSound('breathe4'); belly01 = new Sound(); belly01.attachSound('belly01'); belly02 = new Sound(); belly02.attachSound('belly02'); belly03 = new Sound(); belly03.attachSound('belly03'); belly04 = new Sound(); belly04.attachSound('belly04'); belly05 = new Sound(); belly05.attachSound('belly05'); boobs01 = new Sound(); boobs01.attachSound('boobs01'); boobs02 = new Sound(); boobs02.attachSound('boobs02'); boobs03 = new Sound(); boobs03.attachSound('boobs03'); boobs04 = new Sound(); boobs04.attachSound('boobs04'); boobs05 = new Sound(); boobs05.attachSound('boobs05'); boobs06 = new Sound(); boobs06.attachSound('boobs06'); boobs07 = new Sound(); boobs07.attachSound('boobs07'); boobs08 = new Sound(); boobs08.attachSound('boobs08'); boobs09 = new Sound(); boobs09.attachSound('boobs09'); boobs10 = new Sound(); boobs10.attachSound('boobs10'); ultrasound = new Sound(); ultrasound.attachSound('ultrasound'); pussyshot = new Sound(); pussyshot.attachSound('pussyshot'); block1 = new Sound(); block1.attachSound('block1'); block2 = new Sound(); block2.attachSound('block2'); block3 = new Sound(); block3.attachSound('block3'); block4 = new Sound(); block4.attachSound('block4'); block5 = new Sound(); block5.attachSound('block5'); dare1 = new Sound(); dare1.attachSound('dare1'); dare2 = new Sound(); dare2.attachSound('dare2'); dare3 = new Sound(); dare3.attachSound('dare3'); dare4 = new Sound(); dare4.attachSound('dare4'); dare5 = new Sound(); dare5.attachSound('dare5'); pull1 = new Sound(); pull1.attachSound('pull1'); pull2 = new Sound(); pull2.attachSound('pull2'); pull3 = new Sound(); pull3.attachSound('pull3'); pull4 = new Sound(); pull4.attachSound('pull4'); pull5 = new Sound(); pull5.attachSound('pull5'); sigh1 = new Sound(); sigh1.attachSound('sigh1'); sigh2 = new Sound(); sigh2.attachSound('sigh2'); sigh3 = new Sound(); sigh3.attachSound('sigh3'); sigh4 = new Sound(); sigh4.attachSound('sigh4'); sigh5 = new Sound(); sigh5.attachSound('sigh5'); rub1 = new Sound(); rub1.attachSound('rub1'); rub2 = new Sound(); rub2.attachSound('rub2'); rub3 = new Sound(); rub3.attachSound('rub3'); rub4 = new Sound(); rub4.attachSound('rub4'); rub5 = new Sound(); rub5.attachSound('rub5'); bite1 = new Sound(); bite1.attachSound('bite1'); bite2 = new Sound(); bite2.attachSound('bite2'); bite3 = new Sound(); bite3.attachSound('bite3'); bite4 = new Sound(); bite4.attachSound('bite4'); roundbell = new Sound(); roundbell.attachSound('roundbell'); coinsound = new Sound(); coinsound.attachSound('coinsound'); cheer = new Sound(); cheer.attachSound('cheer'); roundfinish = new Sound(); roundfinish.attachSound('roundfinish'); cheerdone = new Sound(); cheerdone.attachSound('cheerdone'); tits0 = new Sound(); tits0.attachSound('tits0'); tits1 = new Sound(); tits1.attachSound('tits1'); tits2 = new Sound(); tits2.attachSound('tits2'); tits3 = new Sound(); tits3.attachSound('tits3'); tits4 = new Sound(); tits4.attachSound('tits4'); tits5 = new Sound(); tits5.attachSound('tits5'); tits6 = new Sound(); tits6.attachSound('tits6'); tits7 = new Sound(); tits7.attachSound('tits7'); tits8 = new Sound(); tits8.attachSound('tits8'); tits9 = new Sound(); tits9.attachSound('tits9'); puss01 = new Sound(); puss01.attachSound('puss01'); puss02 = new Sound(); puss02.attachSound('puss02'); puss03 = new Sound(); puss03.attachSound('puss03'); puss04 = new Sound(); puss04.attachSound('puss04'); puss05 = new Sound(); puss05.attachSound('puss05'); face01 = new Sound(); face01.attachSound('face01'); face02 = new Sound(); face02.attachSound('face02'); face03 = new Sound(); face03.attachSound('face03'); face04 = new Sound(); face04.attachSound('face04'); face05 = new Sound(); face05.attachSound('face05'); } movieClip 176 { } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 184 { } movieClip 188 { } button 192 { on (release) {; } } frame 3 { stop(); cheerx = new Sound(); cheerx.attachSound('cheerx'); windup = new Sound(); windup.attachSound('windup'); cheerx.start(); var cardmode = 0; var lastframe = false; var xmode = 0; var xmodeUltra = false; var xmodeon = false; var lowblow = 4; var titpunch = 4; var nipull = 4; var titpull = 4; var titfight = 4; var rabbit = 4; var sexypoints = 0; var timeLocked = true; var dareLocked = true; var breakLocked = true; var soreLocked = true; var stunnerLocked = true; var rubLocked = false; var stunMaster = true; var autoblock = true; var KOstuff = true; var counterLocked = false; var scoreWins = 0; var scoreLosses = 0; var add1 = true; var add2 = true; var add3 = true; var add4 = true; var add5 = true; var blockready = false; var erubbing = false; var prubbing = false; var xready = false; var xroll; var punchroll; var righty = true; var lefty = false; var playergo = true; var pillmode = 0; var randompill; var daring = false; var pSkill = 1; var pTough = 1; var pPow = 1; var exhausted = false; var blocking = false; var titpunching = false; var soundroll; var hamburger = false; var estunned = false; var pstunned = false; var EKO = 0; var PKO = 0; var beginFight = true; var sorescore = 0; var health = 1000; var ehealth = 1000; var efill = false; var pfill = false; var offense = 25; var defense = 25; var mana = 25; var randompill; var titfight = false; var pilloff = false; var defeat1 = false; var defeat2 = false; var defeat3 = false; var defeat4 = false; var defeat5 = false; var defeat6 = false; var defeat7 = false; var defeat8 = false; var defeat9 = false; var defeat10 = false; var defeat11 = false; var defeat12 = false; var defeat13 = false; var defeat14 = false; var defeat15 = false; var boobicide = true; var tatasUp = true; var titpullUp = true; var biteUp = true; var lowblowUp = true; var KOcrush = true; var titpunchUp = true; var irontits = true; var plunger = true; var muffdiver = true; var stunnerUp = true; var rabbitUp = true; var drillUp = true; var zmode = true; var bonusUp = true; var dareUp = true; var add6 = true; var add7 = false; var add8 = false; var add9 = false; var bonuspoints = 1500; var bonusOn = true; var zmodeon = false; var KOtime = false; var vulnerable = false; var roundkickready = true; var muffready = true; var plungeready = true; var finalcount = false; var muffdiving = true; var hardready = true; var muffpoints = 0; var ymodeon = false; var vmodeon = false; var booster = false; var grinder = false; var rageon = false; var ultradrain = false; var ultralock = false; var ultracombo = false; var ultrapoints = 0; if (xmode > 0) { arrow_mc._visible = false; } if (xmode == 1) { cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickbreak'); } else { if (xmode == 2) { cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickdance'); } else { if (xmode == 3) { cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickstun'); } else { if (xmode == 4) { cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickdare'); } else { if (xmode == 5) { cards_mc.gotoAndStop('picksore'); } else { if (xmode == 6) { xmodeon = true; cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickxmode'); } } } } } } } movieClip 209 { } button 230 { on (release) { _root.arrow_mc._visible = true; _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('danceOff'); _root.xmode = 0; = 0; _root.filesave.flush(); } } movieClip 234 { frame 1 { nextFrame(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 209 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.arrow_mc._visible = false; _root.xmode = 2; = 2; _root.filesave.flush(); _root.selectsound.start(); _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickdance'); } } frame 3 { nextFrame(); } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 209 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.arrow_mc._visible = false; _root.xmode = 4; = 4; _root.filesave.flush(); _root.selectsound.start(); _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickdare'); } } frame 5 { nextFrame(); } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 209 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.arrow_mc._visible = false; _root.xmode = 5; = 5; _root.filesave.flush(); _root.selectsound.start(); _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('picksore'); } } frame 7 { nextFrame(); } frame 8 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 209 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.arrow_mc._visible = false; _root.xmode = 3; = 3; _root.filesave.flush(); _root.selectsound.start(); _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickstun'); } } frame 9 { nextFrame(); } frame 10 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 209 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.xmode = 1; _root.arrow_mc._visible = false; = 1; _root.filesave.flush(); _root.selectsound.start(); _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickbreak'); } } frame 11 { nextFrame(); } frame 12 { _root.lastframe = true; stop(); } instance of movieClip 209 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.arrow_mc._visible = false; _root.xmode = 6; = 6; _root.xmodeUltra = true; = true; _root.filesave.flush(); _root.xmodeon = true; _root.selectsound.start(); _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('pickxmode'); } } frame 13 { _root.arrow_mc._visible = false; } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 237 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance arrow_mc of movieClip 237 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.arrow_mc.gotoAndPlay('press'); if (_root.lastframe == false) { _root.cards_mc.nextFrame(); } else { _root.lastframe = false; _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('danceOff'); } } } button 242 { on (release) {; } } frame 4 { stop(); booster = true; grinder = true; boobicide = true; tatasUp = true; titpullUp = true; biteUp = true; lowblowUp = true; KOcrush = true; titpunchUp = true; irontits = true; plunger = true; muffdiver = true; stunnerUp = true; rabbitUp = true; drillUp = true; zmode = true; bonusUp = true; dareUp = true; add6 = true; add7 = true; add8 = true; offense = 33; defense = 33; titpull = 6; nipull = 6; titpunch = 6; titfight = 6; add9 = true; rabbit = 6; XXXsuper = true; lowblow = 6; pPow = 7; pTough = 7; pSkill = 7; jugtime = true; if (xmodeon == true) { xmodeA.gotoAndStop(2); } if (vmodeon == true) { vmodeA.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 253 { on (release) { _root.prevFrame(); } } movieClip 263 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 266 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 269 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 272 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 275 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 277 { } instance RBTN of movieClip 277 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('rmode'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.grinder == true) { if (_root.rageon == false) { _root.rmodeA.gotoAndStop(2); _root.rageon = true; } else { _root.rageon = false; _root.rmodeA.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance XBTN of movieClip 277 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('xmode'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance YBTN of movieClip 277 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('ymode'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.add7 == true) { if (_root.ymodeon == false) { _root.ymodeA.gotoAndStop(2); _root.ymodeon = true; } else { _root.ymodeon = false; _root.ymodeA.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance VBTN of movieClip 277 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('vmode'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.add8 == true) { if (_root.vmodeon == false) { _root.vmodeA.gotoAndStop(2); _root.vmodeon = true; } else { _root.vmodeon = false; _root.vmodeA.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance ZBTN of movieClip 277 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop('zmode'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.cards_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.zmode == true) { if (_root.zmodeon == false) { _root.zmodeA.gotoAndStop(2); _root.zmodeon = true; } else { _root.zmodeon = false; _root.zmodeA.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 286 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 5 { stop(); var bonuspurse = 85; var ePow = 1; var eTough = 1; var eblock = 0; var hardblock = 0; var eSkill = 10; var gamepaused = false; var xtragoing = true; var pillgoing = true; var statroll; var refcount = 0; var refdown = false; var reftime = 1000; var refroll; var DQed = false; var titchance = 0; var reflife = 100; var reffing = false; var refpissed = false; water1 = new Sound(); water1.attachSound('water1'); water2 = new Sound(); water2.attachSound('water2'); water3 = new Sound(); water3.attachSound('water3'); water5 = new Sound(); water5.attachSound('water5'); water6 = new Sound(); water6.attachSound('water6'); water7 = new Sound(); water7.attachSound('water7'); reffuck = new Sound(); reffuck.attachSound('reffuck'); estunner = new Sound(); estunner.attachSound('estunner'); motherfucker = new Sound(); motherfucker.attachSound('motherfucker'); moankiss = new Sound(); moankiss.attachSound('moankiss'); wowo = new Sound(); wowo.attachSound('wowo'); ohno = new Sound(); ohno.attachSound('ohno'); KOnoise = new Sound(); KOnoise.attachSound('KOnoise'); splash2 = new Sound(); splash2.attachSound('splash2'); splashkick = new Sound(); splashkick.attachSound('splashkick'); hush1 = new Sound(); hush1.attachSound('hush1'); hush2 = new Sound(); hush2.attachSound('hush2'); hush3 = new Sound(); hush3.attachSound('hush3'); hush4 = new Sound(); hush4.attachSound('hush4'); suckout = new Sound(); suckout.attachSound('suckout'); what = new Sound(); what.attachSound('what'); KOref = new Sound(); KOref.attachSound('KOref'); whistle = new Sound(); whistle.attachSound('whistle'); teeth = new Sound(); teeth.attachSound('teeth'); thump3 = new Sound(); thump3.attachSound('thump3'); refKO1 = new Sound(); refKO1.attachSound('refKO1'); refKO2 = new Sound(); refKO2.attachSound('refKO2'); refKO3 = new Sound(); refKO3.attachSound('refKO3'); refKO4 = new Sound(); refKO4.attachSound('refKO4'); refKO5 = new Sound(); refKO5.attachSound('refKO5'); refKO6 = new Sound(); refKO6.attachSound('refKO6'); refKO7 = new Sound(); refKO7.attachSound('refKO7'); refKO8 = new Sound(); refKO8.attachSound('refKO8'); refKO9 = new Sound(); refKO9.attachSound('refKO9'); refKO10 = new Sound(); refKO10.attachSound('refKO10'); if (vmodeon == false) { vmode._visible = false; } if (xmodeon == false) { xmode._visible = false; } if (ymodeon == false) { ymode._visible = false; } if (zmodeon == false) { zmodebit._visible = false; } thump4 = new Sound(); thump4.attachSound('thump4'); newGasp = new Sound(); newGasp.attachSound('newGasp'); newPang = new Sound(); newPang.attachSound('newPang'); cheer.start(); breathe3.start(0, 9999); moango = new Sound(); moango.attachSound('moango'); roundbell.start(); moan1 = new Sound(); moan1.attachSound('moan1'); moan2 = new Sound(); moan2.attachSound('moan2'); moan3 = new Sound(); moan3.attachSound('moan3'); moan4 = new Sound(); moan4.attachSound('moan4'); spray1 = new Sound(); spray1.attachSound('spray1'); spray2 = new Sound(); spray2.attachSound('spray2'); munch1 = new Sound(); munch1.attachSound('munch1'); zoobad = new Sound(); zoobad.attachSound('zoobad'); zoogood = new Sound(); zoogood.attachSound('zoogood'); munch2 = new Sound(); munch2.attachSound('munch2'); munch3 = new Sound(); munch3.attachSound('munch3'); moancum = new Sound(); moancum.attachSound('moancum'); moanout = new Sound(); moanout.attachSound('moanout'); whiteKO = new Sound(); whiteKO.attachSound('whiteKO'); var bonustally = 0; upstat = new Sound(); upstat.attachSound('upstat'); var evilcombo = false; var evilpoints = 0; var evilock = false; var evildrain = false; var superready = false; eviltime = function () { if (evilock == false) { if (vmodeon == false) { evilpoints += 2; evilpoints += random(2); } else { ++evilpoints; evilpoints += random(2); ++ultrapoints; } if (evilpoints >= 100) { evilock = true; } } }; if (plunger == false) { cherrybomb.enabled = false; cherrybomb._visible = false; } if (muffdiver == false) { cherrylips.enabled = false; cherrylips._visible = false; } if (stunnerUp == false) { cherrykick.enabled = false; cherrykick._visible = false; } if (add6 == false) { cherryhard.enabled = false; cherryhard._visible = false; } ko01 = new Sound(); ko01.attachSound('ko01'); ko02 = new Sound(); ko02.attachSound('ko02'); ko03 = new Sound(); ko03.attachSound('ko03'); ko04 = new Sound(); ko04.attachSound('ko04'); ko05 = new Sound(); ko05.attachSound('ko05'); ko06 = new Sound(); ko06.attachSound('ko06'); ko07 = new Sound(); ko07.attachSound('ko07'); ko08 = new Sound(); ko08.attachSound('ko08'); ko09 = new Sound(); ko09.attachSound('ko09'); yell1 = new Sound(); yell1.attachSound('yell1'); yell2 = new Sound(); yell2.attachSound('yell2'); yell3 = new Sound(); yell3.attachSound('yell3'); rubit = new Sound(); rubit.attachSound('rubit'); splik = new Sound(); splik.attachSound('splik'); if (ymodeon == true) { health = 500; pSkill = 1; pPow = 1; pTough = 1; } if (jugtime == false) { jugsicon._visible = false; jugsicon.enabled = false; } if (rageon == true) { rage_mc._visible = true; } else { rage_mc._visible = false; } if (booster == true) { toughBTN.gotoAndPlay('start'); powerBTN.gotoAndPlay('start'); skillBTN.gotoAndPlay('start'); } eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero4'); sDTF._visible = false; sore_mc._visible = false; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('Resting'); titsounds = function () { soundroll = random(8); if (soundroll == 0) { tits0.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { tits1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { tits2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { tits3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { tits4.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 5) { tits6.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 6) { tits7.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 7) { tits8.start(); } } } } } } } } }; KOsounds = function () { impact.start(); soundroll = random(9); if (soundroll == 0) { ko09.start(); ko09.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { ko01.start(); ko01.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { ko02.start(); ko02.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { ko03.start(); ko03.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { ko04.start(); ko04.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 5) { ko05.start(); ko05.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 6) { ko06.start(); ko06.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 7) { ko07.start(); ko07.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 8) { ko08.start(); ko08.start(); } } } } } } } } } }; rKOsounds = function () { impact.start(); soundroll = random(7); if (soundroll == 0) { refKO9.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { refKO1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { refKO2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { refKO3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { refKO1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 5) { refKO7.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 6) { refKO8.start(); } } } } } } } }; painsounds = function () { impact4.start(); soundroll = random(10); if (soundroll == 0) { pain09.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { pain01.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { pain02.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { pain03.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { pain04.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 5) { pain05.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 6) { pain06.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 7) { pain07.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 8) { pain08.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 9) { pain10.start(); } } } } } } } } } } }; boobsounds = function () { impact.start(); soundroll = random(5); if (soundroll == 0) { boobs01.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { boobs02.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { boobs03.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { boobs04.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { boobs05.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 5) { boobs06.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 6) { boobs07.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 7) { boobs08.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 8) { boobs09.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 9) { pain10.start(); } } } } } } } } } } }; falling = function () { soundroll = random(2); if (soundroll == 0) { fall1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { fall2.start(); } } }; pussounds = function () { impact4.start(); soundroll = random(5); if (soundroll == 0) { puss01.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { puss02.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { puss03.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { puss04.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { puss05.start(); } } } } } }; bellysounds = function () { impact.start(); soundroll = random(5); if (soundroll == 0) { belly01.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { belly02.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { belly03.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { belly04.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { belly05.start(); } } } } } }; facesounds = function () { impact.start(); soundroll = random(5); if (soundroll == 0) { face01.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { face02.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { face03.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { face04.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { face05.start(); } } } } } }; blocksounds = function () { soundroll = random(5); if (soundroll == 0) { block1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { block2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { block3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { block4.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { block5.start(); } } } } } }; daresounds = function () { soundroll = random(5); if (soundroll == 0) { dare1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { dare2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { dare3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { dare4.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { dare5.start(); } } } } } }; pullsounds = function () { soundroll = random(5); if (soundroll == 0) { pull1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { pull2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { pull3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { pull4.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { pull5.start(); } } } } } }; rubsounds = function () { soundroll = random(5); if (soundroll == 0) { rub1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { rub2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { rub3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { rub4.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { rub5.start(); } } } } } }; sighsounds = function () { soundroll = random(5); if (soundroll == 0) { sigh1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { sigh2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { sigh3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { sigh4.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 4) { sigh5.start(); } } } } } }; KOface = function () { soundroll = random(3); if (soundroll == 0) { KOface1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { KOface2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { KOface3.start(); } } } }; yelling = function () { soundroll = random(3); if (soundroll == 0) { yell1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { yell2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { yell3.start(); } } } }; KObelly = function () { soundroll = random(3); if (soundroll == 0) { KObelly1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { KObelly2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { KObelly3.start(); } } } }; wetmunch = function () { soundroll = random(3); if (soundroll == 0) { munch1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { munch2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { munch3.start(); } } } }; hushsounds = function () { soundroll = random(4); if (soundroll == 0) { hush1.start(); hush1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { hush2.start(); hush2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { hush3.start(); hush3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { hush4.start(); hush4.start(); } } } } }; Biting = function () { crunch.start(); soundroll = random(4); if (soundroll == 0) { bite1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { bite2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { bite3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { bite4.start(); } } } } }; moaning = function () { soundroll = random(4); if (soundroll == 0) { moan1.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 1) { moan2.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 2) { moan3.start(); } else { if (soundroll == 3) { moan4.start(); } } } } }; if (rubLocked == false) { perkRub.gotoAndStop(2); } if (stunMaster == true) { perkStun.gotoAndStop(2); } if (autoblock == true) { perkAuto.gotoAndStop(2); } if (KOstuff == true) { perkKO.gotoAndStop(2); } if (counterLocked == false) { perkCounter.gotoAndStop(2); } enemybreak = function () { randoroll = random(100); if (randoroll <= 10) { playergo = false; playerstunned = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('interrupt'); } }; if (xmode > 0) { xpill.gotoAndPlay('recharge'); } if (autoblock == true) { blockready = true; } watersound = function () { wateroll = random(6); if (wateroll == 0) { water1.start(); } else { if (wateroll == 1) { water2.start(); } else { if (wateroll == 1) { water2.start(); } else { if (wateroll == 1) { water2.start(); } else { if (wateroll == 1) { water2.start(); } else { if (wateroll == 1) { water2.start(); } } } } } } }; var edamage = 0; var pdamage = 0; eHurt = function () { watersound(); edamage = 0; edamage += 10; edamage -= eTough; edamage += pPow; if (edamage < 1) { edamage = 1; } ehealth -= edamage; if (ultracombo == true) { ehealth -= 2; } if (ultralock == false) { ultrapoints += random(2); } if (grinder == true) { ehealth -= 10; } }; pHurt = function () { watersound(); pdamage = 0; pdamage += 10; pdamage -= pTough; pdamage += ePow; if (pdamage < 1) { pdamage = 1; } health -= pdamage; eviltime(); if (evilcombo == true) { health -= ePow; } if (ultralock == false) { ultrapoints += random(2); } --health; if (grinder == true) { health -= 20; } if (health <= 100) { if (KOcrush == true) { KOtime = true; } } if (health <= 0) { pstunned = true; playergo = false; punchroll = random(3); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('wKObelly'); } else { if (punchroll == 1) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('wKOface'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pDrop'); } } } }; xAttack = function () { if (playergo == true && pstunned == false || xmode == 1) { buttonpush.start(); if (xmode == 1) { xtras_mc.gotoAndStop(1); xpill.gotoAndPlay('recharge'); girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBreaker'); } else { if (xmode == 2) { xtras_mc.gotoAndStop(1); xpill.gotoAndPlay('recharge'); girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('TimeOut'); } else { if (xmode == 3) { xtras_mc.gotoAndStop(1); xpill.gotoAndPlay('recharge'); girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eStunner'); } else { if (xmode == 4) { xtras_mc.gotoAndStop(1); xpill.gotoAndPlay('recharge'); girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('dareya'); } else { if (xmode == 5) { xtras_mc.gotoAndStop(1); xpill.gotoAndPlay('recharge'); girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eTender'); } } } } } } }; girls_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (pPow < 0) { pPow = 0; } if (pSkill < 0) { pSkill = 0; } if (pTough < 0) { pTough = 0; } KO_mc.defDTF.text = defense; KO_mc.offDTF.text = offense; if (refcount == 0) { flag_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (refcount == 1) { flag_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (refcount == 2) { flag_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (refcount == 3) { flag_mc.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (refcount == 4) { flag_mc.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } reftimer_mc.reftimerDTF.text = reftime; if (refdown == true && finalcount == false) { --reftime; if (reftime <= 0) { refdown = false; reftime = 0; playergo = false; whistle.start(); playerstunned = true; reftimer_mc.gotoAndStop(1); girls_mc.gotoAndStop('nogirls'); KO_mc.gotoAndPlay('refPunch'); } } if (vmodeon == false) { vmodebit._visible = false; } if (xmodeon == false) { xmodebit._visible = false; } if (ymodeon == false) { ymodebit._visible = false; } if (zmodeon == false) { zmodebit._visible = false; } if (zmodeon == true) { stroll = random(7); if (stroll == 0) { if (offense < 50) { ++offense; } } statroll = random(15); if (statroll == 0) { if (defense > 0) { --defense; } } } if (bonusUp == true) { if (finalcount == false) { if (bonuspoints > 0) { --bonuspoints; } else { bonusUp = false; bonusDTF._visible = false; } } } bonusDTF.text = bonuspoints; if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (gamepaused == false) { pause_mc.gotoAndStop(2); gamepaused = true; girls_mc.stop(); if (superpick == true) { xpill.gotoAndStop(1); } else { xpill.stop(); } timeout_mc.stop(); theme.stop(); roundbell.start(); } } if (evilpoints > 100) { evilpoints = 100; } if (evilpoints < 0) { evilpoints = 0; } if (evildrain == true) { --evilpoints; if (evilpoints <= 0) { evildrain = false; } } evilDTF.text = evilpoints; if (add2 == true) { if (ultrapoints < 25) { ultrapoints = 25; } } victory_mc.winDTF.text = scoreWins; victory_mc.lossDTF.text = scoreLosses; victory_mc.coinsDTF.text = bonustally; uDTF.text = ultrapoints; if (ultradrain == true) { --ultrapoints; if (ultrapoints <= 0) { ultradrain = false; ultralock = false; ultracombo = false; } } if (ultrapoints >= 100) { ultralock = true; } toughDTF.text = pTough; skillDTF.text = pSkill; powDTF.text = pPow; etoughDTF.text = eTough; eskillDTF.text = eSkill; epowDTF.text = ePow; sDTF.text = sorescore; healthDTF.text = health; if (ehealth < 0) { ehealth = 0; } if (ehealth > 1000) { ehealth = 1000; } if (health < 0) { health = 0; } if (health > 1000) { health = 1000; } if (efill == true) { ehealth += 50; if (ehealth >= 750) { efill = false; } } if (pfill == true) { health += 100; if (health >= 1000) { pfill = false; } } if (zmode == false) { if (offense > { if (daring == false) { offense =; } } } if (offense <= 0) { exhausted = true; tired_mc._visible = true; offense = 0; } else { exhausted = false; tired_mc._visible = false; } if (defense > { defense =; } else { if (defense < 0) { defense = 0; } } if (mana > { if (daring == false) { mana =; } } if (mana < 0) { mana = 0; } if (pilloff == true) { wheel_mc._visible = false; } else { wheel_mc._visible = true; } if (pillmode == 1) { if (lowblow > 0) { pressBTN.enabled = true; } else { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill1.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pressBTN.enabled = false; } if (lowblow == 6) { pill6._visible = true; pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (lowblow == 5) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (lowblow == 4) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (lowblow == 3) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (lowblow == 2) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (lowblow == 1) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray1'); pill1._visible = true; } } } } } } } else { if (pillmode == 2) { if (titpunch > 0) { pressBTN.enabled = true; } else { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill1.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pressBTN.enabled = false; } if (titpunch == 6) { pill6._visible = true; pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpunch == 5) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpunch == 4) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpunch == 3) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpunch == 2) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpunch == 1) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray2'); pill1._visible = true; } } } } } } } else { if (pillmode == 3) { if (nipull > 0) { pressBTN.enabled = true; } else { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill1.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pressBTN.enabled = false; } if (nipull == 6) { pill6._visible = true; pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (nipull == 5) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (nipull == 4) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (nipull == 3) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (nipull == 2) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (nipull == 1) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray3'); pill1._visible = true; } } } } } } } else { if (pillmode == 4) { if (titpull > 0) { pressBTN.enabled = true; } else { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill1.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pressBTN.enabled = false; } if (titpull == 6) { pill6._visible = true; pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpull == 5) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpull == 4) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpull == 3) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpull == 2) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titpull == 1) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray4'); pill1._visible = true; } } } } } } } else { if (pillmode == 5) { if (titfight > 0) { pressBTN.enabled = true; } else { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill1.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pressBTN.enabled = false; } if (titfight == 6) { pill6._visible = true; pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titfight == 5) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titfight == 4) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titfight == 3) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titfight == 2) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (titfight == 1) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray5'); pill1._visible = true; } } } } } } } else { if (pillmode == 6) { if (rabbit > 0) { pressBTN.enabled = true; } else { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill1.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pressBTN.enabled = false; } if (rabbit == 6) { pill6._visible = true; pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (rabbit == 5) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill5._visible = true; pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (rabbit == 4) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill4._visible = true; pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (rabbit == 3) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill3._visible = true; pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (rabbit == 2) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill2._visible = true; pill1._visible = true; } else { if (rabbit == 1) { pill6.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill5.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill4.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill3.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill2.gotoAndStop('gray6'); pill1._visible = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } oDTF.text = offense; dDTF.text = defense; mDTF.text = mana; }; pillroll = function () { randompill = random(6); if (randompill == 0) { pillmode = 1; pill1.gotoAndPlay('red'); pill2.gotoAndPlay('red'); pill3.gotoAndPlay('red'); pill4.gotoAndPlay('red'); pill5.gotoAndPlay('red'); pill6.gotoAndPlay('red'); } else { if (randompill == 1) { pillmode = 2; pill1.gotoAndPlay('blue'); pill2.gotoAndPlay('blue'); pill3.gotoAndPlay('blue'); pill4.gotoAndPlay('blue'); pill5.gotoAndPlay('blue'); pill6.gotoAndPlay('blue'); } else { if (randompill == 2) { pillmode = 3; pill1.gotoAndPlay('black'); pill2.gotoAndPlay('black'); pill3.gotoAndPlay('black'); pill4.gotoAndPlay('black'); pill5.gotoAndPlay('black'); pill6.gotoAndPlay('black'); } else { if (randompill == 3) { pillmode = 4; pill1.gotoAndPlay('pink'); pill2.gotoAndPlay('pink'); pill3.gotoAndPlay('pink'); pill4.gotoAndPlay('pink'); pill5.gotoAndPlay('pink'); pill6.gotoAndPlay('pink'); } else { if (randompill == 4) { pillmode = 5; pill1.gotoAndPlay('orange'); pill2.gotoAndPlay('orange'); pill3.gotoAndPlay('orange'); pill4.gotoAndPlay('orange'); pill5.gotoAndPlay('orange'); pill6.gotoAndPlay('orange'); } else { if (randompill == 5) { pillmode = 6; pill1.gotoAndPlay('green'); pill2.gotoAndPlay('green'); pill3.gotoAndPlay('green'); pill4.gotoAndPlay('green'); pill5.gotoAndPlay('green'); pill6.gotoAndPlay('green'); } } } } } } }; timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); blockcheck = function () { --offense; defense += 2; if (defense > { defense =; } if (offense <= 0) { exhausted = true; tired_mc._visible = true; offense = 0; playergo = false; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('BS'); } else { hardblock -= pSkill; if (hardblock < 1) { hardblock = 1; } punchroll = random(9); if (punchroll > hardblock) { hardblock = eblock; basicpunch(); } else { hardblock = eblock; if (righty == true) { righty = false; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBlock1'); } else { righty = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBlock2'); } } } }; basicpunch = function () { if (ultralock == false) { ++ultrapoints; } if (bodyspot == 1) { eSide_mc.gotoAndPlay('pain1'); if (righty == true) { righty = false; punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eFace3'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eFace1'); } } else { righty = true; punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eFace4'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eFace2'); } } } else { if (bodyspot == 3) { eSide_mc.gotoAndPlay('pain3'); punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBelly3'); } else { if (righty == true) { righty = false; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBelly1'); } else { righty = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBelly2'); } } } else { eSide_mc.gotoAndPlay('pain2'); if (righty == true) { righty = false; punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBoob3'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBoob1'); } } else { righty = true; punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBoob6'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBoob2'); } } } } }; enemyAttack = function () { if (blocking == false || defense <= 0) { if (evilpoints < 100) { playergo = false; punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { punchroll = random(100); if (punchroll < 5) { pstunned = true; } pSide_mc.gotoAndPlay('pain1'); if (lefty == false) { punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pFace4'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pFace2'); } } else { punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pFace3'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pFace1'); } } } else { if (punchroll == 1) { pSide_mc.gotoAndPlay('pain3'); punchroll = random(5); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBelly3'); } else { if (lefty == false) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBelly2'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBelly1'); } } } else { pSide_mc.gotoAndPlay('pain2'); if (lefty == false) { punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBoob4'); } else { if (punchroll == 1) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eSuper'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBoob2'); } } } else { punchroll = random(4); if (punchroll == 0) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBoob3'); } else { if (punchroll == 1) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBoob5'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBoob1'); } } } } } } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('evilstart'); } } else { if (defense > 0) { --defense; } offense += 2; if (offense > { offense =; } if (lefty == true) { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBlock2'); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pBlock1'); } } }; eBTN.onRelease = function () { if (vulnerable == false) { if (playergo == true && pstunned == false) { if (ehealth > 0) { if (ultrapoints < 100) { if (estunned == false) { if (exhausted == false) { bodyspot = 1; blockcheck(); } else { pstunned = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('BS'); } } else { if (offense > 0) { bodyspot = 1; basicpunch(); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('SS'); } } } else { ultralock = true; ultradrain = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eUltra'); } } else { KO_mc.gotoAndPlay('knockout1'); } } } }; eBTN2.onRelease = function () { if (vulnerable == false) { if (playergo == true && pstunned == false) { if (ehealth > 0) { if (ultrapoints < 100) { if (estunned == false) { if (exhausted == false) { bodyspot = 2; blockcheck(); } else { pstunned = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('BS'); } } else { if (offense > 0) { bodyspot = 2; if (drillUp == false) { basicpunch(); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('drill'); } } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('SS'); } } } else { ultralock = true; ultradrain = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eUltra'); } } else { KO_mc.gotoAndPlay('knockout3'); } } } }; eBTN3.onRelease = function () { if (vulnerable == false) { if (playergo == true && pstunned == false) { if (ehealth > 0) { if (ultrapoints < 100) { if (estunned == false) { if (exhausted == false) { bodyspot = 3; blockcheck(); } else { pstunned = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('BS'); } } else { if (offense > 0) { bodyspot = 3; basicpunch(); } else { girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('SS'); } } } else { ultralock = true; ultradrain = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eUltra'); } } else { KO_mc.gotoAndPlay('knockout2'); } } } }; pBTN.onRelease = function () { if (playergo == true && pstunned == false) { --defense; if (rubLocked == true) { shield_mc.gotoAndPlay('block'); } else { if (blocking == true) { if (prubbing == false) { if (estunned == false) { if (erubbing == false) { prubbing = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('BR'); } else { prubbing = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('RR'); } } else { prubbing = true; girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('SR'); } } } else { shield_mc.gotoAndPlay('block'); } } } }; } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 461 { } movieClip 1069 { } movieClip 1089 { frame 1 { play(); } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1090 { frame 1 { play(); } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1091 { frame 1 { play(); } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1161 { } movieClip 1176 { } movieClip 1257 { } movieClip 1522 { } button 1586 { on (release) { _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('getup'); } } movieClip 1809 { } movieClip 1840 { } movieClip 1883 { frame 1 { if (_root.reflife < 100 && _root.reflife > 0) { _root.reflife += random(10); if (_root.reflife > 100) { _root.reflife = 100; } } _root.prubbing = false; _root.playergo = true; _root.erubbing = false; _root.evilcombo = false; _root.evilock = false; _root.pstunned = false; if ( <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('pDrop'); } if (_root.estunned == true) { gotoAndPlay('SB'); } } frame 2 { _root.reffing = false; if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } } frame 3 { _root.punchroll = random(7); if (_root.punchroll > 0) { if (_root.autoblock == false) { _root.enemyAttack(); } else { if (_root.blockready == true) { _root.blockready = false; _root.autoblock_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); if (_root.lefty == true) { gotoAndPlay('pBlock2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('pBlock1'); } } else { _root.enemyAttack(); } } } } frame 14 { if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 21 { prevFrame(); } frame 22 { if (_root.beginFight == true) { _root.playergo = false; } else { _root.prubbing = false; _root.playergo = true; _root.pstunned = false; if (_root.estunned == true) { gotoAndPlay('SB'); } } if (_root.plunger == true && _root.plungeready == true) { _root.cherrybomb._visible = true; _root.cherrybomb.enabled = true; } if (_root.stunnerUp == true && _root.roundkickready == true) { _root.cherrykick._visible = true; _root.cherrykick.enabled = true; } if (_root.muffdiver == true && _root.muffready == true) { _root.cherrylips._visible = true; _root.cherrylips.enabled = true; } if (_root.bonusUp == true) { _root.boclock_mc._visible = true; } if (_root.add6 == true && _root.hardready == true) { _root.cherryhard._visible = true; _root.cherryhard.enabled = true; } if (_root.vmodeon == true) { _root.vmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.xmodeon == true) { _root.xmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.ymodeon == true) { _root.ymodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.zmodeon == true) { _root.zmodebit._visible = true; } } frame 26 { if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } } frame 27 { if (_root.beginFight == true) { gotoAndPlay('ChestBump'); } } frame 36 { if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } } frame 41 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 42 { prevFrame(); } frame 43 { _root.defense += 2; _root.mana += 2; _root.offense += 2; } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 55 { prevFrame(); } frame 56 { if (_root.plunger == true && _root.plungeready == true) { _root.cherrybomb._visible = true; _root.cherrybomb.enabled = true; } if (_root.stunnerUp == true && _root.roundkickready == true) { _root.cherrykick._visible = true; _root.cherrykick.enabled = true; } if (_root.muffdiver == true && _root.muffready == true) { _root.cherrylips._visible = true; _root.cherrylips.enabled = true; } if (_root.bonusUp == true) { _root.boclock_mc._visible = true; } if (_root.add6 == true && _root.hardready == true) { _root.cherryhard._visible = true; _root.cherryhard.enabled = true; } if (_root.vmodeon == true) { _root.vmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.xmodeon == true) { _root.xmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.ymodeon == true) { _root.ymodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.zmodeon == true) { _root.zmodebit._visible = true; } } frame 65 { _root.playergo = true; _root.playerstunned = false; _root.offense += 5; } frame 66 { gotoAndPlay('Cookie'); } frame 67 { prevFrame(); } frame 73 { _root.playergo = false; } frame 76 { _root.rub2.start(); } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay('pDareTits'); } frame 93 { prevFrame(); } frame 94 { _root.erubbing = true; += 15; _root.offense += 2; _root.defense += 2; _root.mana += 2; _root.ehealth += 25; _root.rubsounds(); } frame 111 { gotoAndPlay('RR'); } frame 112 { prevFrame(); } frame 114 { _root.pstunned = true; _root.sighsounds(); _root.estunner.start(); } frame 133 { if (_root.estunned == true) { gotoAndPlay('SS'); } else { _root.enemyAttack(); } } frame 134 { prevFrame(); } frame 136 { += 15; _root.offense += 2; _root.defense += 2; _root.mana += 2; _root.rubsounds(); } frame 144 { _root.punchroll = random(3); if (_root.punchroll > 0) { _root.enemyAttack(); } } frame 153 { gotoAndPlay('BR'); } frame 154 { prevFrame(); } frame 156 { _root.sighsounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 168 { _root.punchroll = random(2); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('eSuper'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 1) { gotoAndPlay('pExtra'); } } } frame 175 { gotoAndPlay('BS'); } frame 176 { prevFrame(); } frame 178 { _root.erubbing = true; _root.ehealth += 25; _root.playergo = true; _root.offense += 5; } frame 181 { if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } _root.estunner.start(); } frame 191 { if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } } frame 195 { gotoAndPlay('RB'); } frame 196 { prevFrame(); } frame 198 { _root.erubbing = true; _root.ehealth += 25; _root.sighsounds(); } frame 202 { _root.estunner.start(); } frame 215 { _root.punchroll = random(2); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('pKapow'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 1) { gotoAndPlay('pExtra'); } } } frame 216 { if (_root.ehealth < 1000) { gotoAndPlay('RS'); } else { _root.ehealth = 1000; gotoAndPlay('eFace3'); } } frame 217 { prevFrame(); } frame 219 { _root.playergo = true; } frame 225 { if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } ++_root.offense; _root.estunner.start(); } frame 233 { if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } } frame 238 { if (_root.estunned == true) { gotoAndPlay('SB'); } else { _root.enemyAttack(); } } frame 239 { prevFrame(); } frame 241 { += 10; _root.offense += 2; _root.defense += 2; _root.mana += 2; _root.rubsounds(); } frame 259 { if (_root.estunned == true) { gotoAndPlay('SR'); } else { _root.enemyAttack(); } } frame 260 { prevFrame(); } frame 262 { if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; }; ++_root.defense; } frame 270 { _root.eviltime(); } frame 281 {; ++_root.defense; } frame 289 { _root.eviltime(); } frame 302 { gotoAndPlay('TimeOut'); } frame 303 { prevFrame(); } frame 304 { _root.eHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 306 { if (_root.hamburger == true) { _root.enemybreak(); } } frame 308 { if (_root.hamburger == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { if (_root.mana > 0) { _root.mana -= 2; gotoAndPlay('eBelly2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBelly3'); } } } frame 309 { prevFrame(); } frame 310 { _root.eHurt(); _root.playergo = false; _root.ultrasound.stop(); ++_root.sexypoints;; ++_root.bonustally; if (_root.add1 == true) { ++_root.sexypoints;; ++_root.bonustally; } _root.filesave.flush(); _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.refKO8.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.eviltime(); if (_root.evilock == false) { _root.evilpoints += 10; } } frame 311 { _root.ultracombo = true; } frame 313 { _root.playergo = false; } frame 316 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { if (_root.hamburger == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { if (_root.mana > 0) { _root.mana -= 2; gotoAndPlay('eBelly2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBelly3'); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('eBelly2'); } } frame 317 { prevFrame(); } frame 318 { _root.eHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 322 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { if (_root.hamburger == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { if (_root.mana > 0) { _root.mana -= 2; gotoAndPlay('eBelly1'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBelly3'); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('eBelly3'); } } frame 323 { prevFrame(); } frame 324 { _root.playergo = false; _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= random(10); if (_root.hamburger == true) { _root.hamburger = false; } _root.eviltime(); _root.bellysounds(); } frame 332 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { if (_root.rabbitUp == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('spear'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('eFace1'); } } frame 333 { prevFrame(); } frame 334 { _root.blocksounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 338 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 339 { prevFrame(); } frame 340 { _root.blocksounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 344 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 345 { prevFrame(); } frame 346 { _root.eHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 350 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eFace2'); } } frame 351 { prevFrame(); } frame 352 { _root.eHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 356 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eFace3'); } } frame 357 { prevFrame(); } frame 358 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= random(10); _root.playergo = false; _root.facesounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 366 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eFace4'); } } frame 367 { prevFrame(); } frame 368 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= random(10); _root.playergo = false; _root.facesounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 376 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoob1'); } } frame 377 { prevFrame(); } frame 378 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.painsounds(); } frame 379 { _root.playergo = false; } frame 380 { if (_root.titpunching == true) { _root.enemybreak(); } } frame 382 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoob2'); } } frame 383 { prevFrame(); } frame 384 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.painsounds(); } frame 388 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { if (_root.titpunching == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { if (_root.mana > 0) { _root.mana -= 2; gotoAndPlay('eBoob1'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoob6'); } } } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoob3'); } } frame 389 { prevFrame(); } frame 390 { if (_root.titpunching == true) { _root.titpunching = false; } _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.boobsounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 399 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { if (_root.titpunchUp == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { --_root.titpunch; gotoAndPlay('pancake'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoob4'); } } frame 400 { prevFrame(); } frame 401 { _root.eHurt(); _root.theme.stop(); _root.kaploing.start(); _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.ehealth -= random(10); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.boobsounds(); } frame 402 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { _root.evilock = false; _root.evildrain = false; _root.evilcombo = false; } } frame 410 { _root.theme.start(0, 999); _root.breathe3.start(0, 999); if (_root.ultracombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('Resting'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoob5'); } } frame 411 { prevFrame(); } frame 412 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= random(10); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.impact.start(); _root.boobsounds(); } frame 420 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoob5'); } } frame 421 { prevFrame(); } frame 433 { _root.crunch.start(); _root.crunch.start(); _root.eviltime(); if (_root.evilock == false) { _root.evilpoints += 5; } } frame 435 { _root.mana -= 25; _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= random(25); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; } frame 438 { _root.refKO10.start(); } frame 447 { _root.refcall(); } frame 448 { if (_root.biteUp == false) { gotoAndPlay('RB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('chomp'); } } frame 449 { prevFrame(); } frame 457 { _root.Biting(); } frame 460 { _root.enemybreak(); } frame 461 { _root.mana -= 5; _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= random(25); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; } frame 468 { if (_root.mana > 0) { gotoAndPlay('biteloop'); } } frame 474 { gotoAndPlay('nipple1'); } frame 475 { prevFrame(); } frame 476 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.boobsounds(); if (_root.ultracombo == true) { if (_root.XXXsuper == true && _root.superused == false) { _root.superready = true; _root.xpill.gotoAndPlay('superX'); } } } frame 480 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('nipple1'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoob6'); } } frame 481 { prevFrame(); } frame 482 { _root.mana -= random(3); --_root.mana; _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= random(10); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.boobsounds(); } frame 489 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { _root.enemybreak(); } } frame 491 { if (_root.ultracombo == false) { if (_root.mana > 0) { _root.punchroll = random(2); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('eBoobDouble'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoobDouble'); } } else { _root.titpunching = true; gotoAndPlay('boppity'); } } else { _root.ultracombo = false; gotoAndPlay('eBoobDouble2'); } } frame 492 { prevFrame(); } frame 493 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.painsounds(); } frame 497 { if (_root.ultracombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('eBoobDouble'); } else { if (_root.titpunching == true) { gotoAndPlay('eBoob3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } } } frame 498 { prevFrame(); } frame 499 { _root.mana -= 4; _root.pussounds(); } frame 502 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= random(20); } frame 503 { _root.rubit.start(); } frame 505 { _root.enemybreak(); } frame 509 { _root.playergo = true; if (_root.mana > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ePuss2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ePuss1'); } } frame 510 { prevFrame(); } frame 511 { _root.eHurt(); _root.pussounds(); _root.splik.start(); _root.ehealth -= random(20); } frame 512 { _root.rubit.start(); } frame 519 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 526 { _root.eviltime(); } frame 528 { _root.impact.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.refKO6.start(); _root.rubit.start(); } frame 529 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= random(15); } frame 535 { _root.refcall(); } frame 536 { if (_root.lowblowUp == false) { gotoAndPlay('Cookie'); } else { gotoAndPlay('rack'); } } frame 537 { ++_root.sorescore; _root.sore_mc._visible = true; _root.sDTF._visible = true; _root.eHurt(); _root.boobsounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 545 { _root.eHurt(); ++_root.sorescore; _root.boobsounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 553 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 554 { prevFrame(); } frame 555 { ++_root.sorescore; _root.sore_mc._visible = true; _root.sDTF._visible = true; _root.eHurt(); _root.boobsounds(); } frame 562 { if (_root.XXXsuper == true) { _root.superready = false; _root.xpill.gotoAndPlay('recharge'); } if (_root.ehealth > 0 || _root.superpick == true) { gotoAndPlay('eStunner'); } else { _root.KO_mc.gotoAndPlay('knockout1'); } } frame 564 { prevFrame(); } frame 565 { _root.lefty = false; _root.pHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 569 { if (_root.evilcombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('pBelly3'); } } frame 570 { prevFrame(); } frame 571 { _root.lefty = true; _root.pHurt(); _root.playergo = false; _root.ultrastart.stop(); _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.whiteKO.start(); _root.whiteKO.start(); _root.cheerx.start(); _root.evildrain = true; _root.evilcombo = true; _root.impact.start(); } frame 578 { if (_root.evilcombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('pBelly1'); } } frame 579 { prevFrame(); } frame 580 { _root.lefty = true; _root.pHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 584 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 585 { prevFrame(); } frame 586 { _root.lefty = true; _root.pHurt(); -= _root.ePow; _root.bellysounds(); } frame 594 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pFace1'); } } frame 595 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 596 { prevFrame(); } frame 597 { _root.lefty = true; if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } _root.blocksounds(); } frame 598 { if (_root.hardbody == true) { _root.mana += 3; += random(15);; } } frame 601 { if (_root.counterLocked == false && _root.exhausted == false) { _root.punchroll = random(2); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { _root.basicpunch(); } else { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } } frame 602 { prevFrame(); } frame 603 { _root.lefty = false; if (_root.mana < { ++_root.mana; } _root.blocksounds(); } frame 604 { if (_root.hardbody == true) { _root.mana += 3; += random(15);; } } frame 607 { if (_root.counterLocked == false && _root.exhausted == false) { _root.punchroll = random(2); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { _root.basicpunch(); } else { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } } frame 608 { prevFrame(); } frame 609 { _root.lefty = false; _root.pHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 613 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pFace2'); } else { if (_root.pstunned == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BS'); } } } frame 615 { _root.lefty = true; _root.pHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 619 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pFace3'); } else { if (_root.pstunned == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BS'); } } } frame 620 { prevFrame(); } frame 621 { _root.lefty = false; _root.pHurt(); -= _root.ePow; _root.facesounds(); } frame 629 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pFace4'); } } frame 630 { if (_root.pstunned == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BS'); } } frame 631 { prevFrame(); } frame 632 { _root.lefty = true; _root.pHurt(); -= _root.ePow; _root.facesounds(); } frame 640 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pBoob1'); } } frame 641 { if (_root.pstunned == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BS'); } } frame 642 { prevFrame(); } frame 643 { _root.lefty = false; _root.pHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 647 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pBoob2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } } frame 648 { prevFrame(); } frame 649 { _root.lefty = true; _root.pHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 653 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pBoob3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } } frame 654 { prevFrame(); } frame 655 { _root.lefty = false; _root.pHurt(); -= _root.ePow; _root.boobsounds(); } frame 663 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pBoob4'); } } frame 664 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 665 { prevFrame(); } frame 666 { _root.lefty = true; _root.pHurt(); -= _root.ePow; _root.boobsounds(); } frame 674 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pBoobDouble'); } } frame 675 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 676 { prevFrame(); } frame 677 { _root.defense -= random(3); _root.pHurt(); -= 5; _root.boobsounds(); } frame 686 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pPuss'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } } frame 687 { prevFrame(); } frame 688 { _root.offense += random(6); _root.mana += random(6); ++_root.mana; ++_root.offense; _root.ultrapoints += random(6); ++_root.ultrapoints; _root.defense -= 4; _root.pHurt(); -= 15; -= _root.ePow; _root.daring = true; _root.impact.start(); _root.daresounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 698 { if (_root.defense <= 0) { if (_root.boobicide == false) { gotoAndPlay('BR'); } else { gotoAndPlay('boobicide'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('pDareTits'); } } frame 699 { prevFrame(); } frame 700 { _root.lefty = false; _root.pHurt(); _root.painsounds(); } frame 704 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 705 { prevFrame(); } frame 706 { _root.lefty = false; _root.pHurt(); -= 3; -= _root.ePow; -= _root.ePow; _root.facesounds(); } frame 712 { if (_root.evilcombo == false) { gotoAndPlay('p2'); } } frame 714 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pBump'); } } frame 715 { _root.pHurt(); -= 5; -= _root.ePow; _root.facesounds(); } frame 724 { _root.pHurt(); -= 5; -= _root.ePow; _root.facesounds(); } frame 732 { gotoAndPlay('p4'); } frame 733 { _root.pHurt(); -= 5; -= _root.ePow; _root.facesounds(); } frame 741 { _root.pHurt(); -= 5; -= _root.ePow; _root.facesounds(); } frame 751 { if (_root.evilpoints < 100) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('evilstart'); } } frame 752 { prevFrame(); } frame 753 { -= 5; _root.ehealth -= 5; ++_root.mana; _root.thump4.start(); _root.eviltime(); _root.titsounds(); } frame 760 { _root.enemybreak(); } frame 762 { if (_root.beginFight == true) { _root.beginFight = false; gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { if (_root.irontits == false) { _root.punchroll = random(4); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('eBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 1) { gotoAndPlay('pBump'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ChestBump'); } } } else { _root.punchroll = random(5); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('eBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 1) { gotoAndPlay('pBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 2) { gotoAndPlay('irontits'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ChestBump'); } } } } } } frame 763 { prevFrame(); } frame 764 { _root.mana -= 1; _root.offense += 5; _root.ehealth -= 15; _root.ehealth -= _root.titfight; -= 5; --_root.defense; _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.eHurt(); _root.titsounds(); } frame 773 { if (_root.defense <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BR'); } else { if (_root.irontits == false) { _root.punchroll = random(4); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('eBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 1) { gotoAndPlay('pBump'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ChestBump'); } } } else { _root.punchroll = random(5); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('eBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 1) { gotoAndPlay('pBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 2) { gotoAndPlay('irontits'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ChestBump'); } } } } } } frame 774 { prevFrame(); } frame 775 { _root.mana -= 5; _root.defense -= 3; _root.offense += 2; _root.eviltime(); _root.thump4.start(); -= 15; _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.pHurt(); _root.titsounds(); } frame 784 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pChestFinish'); } } frame 785 { if (_root.defense <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BR'); } else { if (_root.irontits == false) { _root.punchroll = random(4); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('eBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 1) { gotoAndPlay('pBump'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ChestBump'); } } } else { _root.punchroll = random(5); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('eBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 1) { gotoAndPlay('pBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 2) { gotoAndPlay('irontits'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ChestBump'); } } } } } } frame 786 { prevFrame(); } frame 787 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= 5; _root.bellysounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 788 { _root.mana -= 4; } frame 792 { _root.enemybreak(); } frame 797 { if (_root.mana > 0) { gotoAndPlay('eAss'); } else { _root.hamburger = true; gotoAndPlay('eBelly1'); } } frame 798 { prevFrame(); } frame 799 { _root.efill = true; if (_root.sorescore > 5) { _root.sorescore -= 5; } if (_root.plunger == true) { _root.plungeready = true; _root.cherrybomb._visible = true; _root.cherrybomb.enabled = true; } if (_root.jugtime == true) { _root.jugsicon._visible = true; } if (_root.stunnerUp == true) { _root.roundkickready = true; _root.cherrykick._visible = true; _root.cherrykick.enabled = true; } if (_root.muffdiver == true) { _root.muffready = true; _root.cherrylips._visible = true; _root.cherrylips.enabled = true; } if (_root.bonusUp == true) { _root.boclock_mc._visible = true; } if (_root.add6 == true) { _root.cherryhard._visible = true; _root.cherryhard.enabled = true; } if (_root.vmodeon == true) { _root.vmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.xmodeon == true) { _root.xmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.ymodeon == true) { _root.ymodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.zmodeon == true) { _root.zmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.zmodeon == true) { _root.statroll = random(2); if (_root.statroll == 0) { _root.pSkill = 0; _root.skillTXT.gotoAndPlay('debuff'); _root.pPow =; _root.zoobad.start(); } else { if (_root.statroll == 1) { _root.pPow += 5; _root.zoogood.start(); _root.powTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.pSkill =; } } } _root.theme.start(0, 999); _root.breathe3.start(0, 999); } frame 800 { _root.evilcombo = false; _root.evildrain = false; _root.evilock = false; _root.ultradrain = false; _root.ultralock = false; _root.ultracombo = false; _root.water7.start(); _root.water7.start(); } frame 806 { ++_root.ePow; } frame 812 { _root.roundbell.start(); } frame 813 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 814 { prevFrame(); } frame 815 { _root.cheer.stop(); _root.cheerx.start(); _root.KO_mc.gotoAndPlay('knockoutW'); } frame 816 { _root.symbols._visible = false; _root.percent._visible = false; _root.roundbell.start(); _root.uDTF._visible = false; _root.mDTF._visible = false; _root.oDTF._visible = false; _root.dDTF._visible = false; } frame 834 { stop(); } frame 836 { _root.cheerdone.start(); if (_root.evilock == false) { _root.evilpoints += 25; } } frame 850 { stop(); _root.roundfinish.start(); _root.victory_mc.gotoAndPlay('loss'); } frame 851 { prevFrame(); } frame 852 { stop(); _root.moan3.start(); _root.symbols._visible = false; _root.uDTF._visible = false; _root.mDTF._visible = false; _root.dDTF._visible = false; _root.oDTF._visible = false; _root.percent._visible = false; _root.evilcombo = false; } instance of movieClip 1089 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.pTough; _root.toughTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start();; } } instance of movieClip 1090 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.pSkill; _root.skillTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start();; } } instance of movieClip 1091 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.pPow; _root.powTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start();; } } frame 853 { _root.pfill = true; _root.evilcombo = false; _root.evildrain = false; _root.evilock = false; _root.ultradrain = false; _root.ultralock = false; _root.ultracombo = false; _root.offense += 15; _root.theme.start(0, 999); _root.breathe3.start(0, 999); if (_root.plunger == true) { _root.plungeready = true; _root.cherrybomb._visible = true; _root.cherrybomb.enabled = true; } if (_root.jugtime == true) { _root.jugsicon._visible = true; } if (_root.stunnerUp == true) { _root.roundkickready = true; _root.cherrykick._visible = true; _root.cherrykick.enabled = true; } if (_root.muffdiver == true) { _root.muffready = true; _root.cherrylips._visible = true; _root.cherrylips.enabled = true; } if (_root.bonusUp == true) { _root.boclock_mc._visible = true; } if (_root.add6 == true) { _root.cherryhard._visible = true; _root.cherryhard.enabled = true; } if (_root.vmodeon == true) { _root.vmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.xmodeon == true) { _root.xmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.ymodeon == true) { _root.ymodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.jugtime == true) { _root.jugsicon._visible = true; } if (_root.zmodeon == true) { _root.zmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.zmodeon == true) { _root.whiteKO.start(); _root.statroll = random(2); if (_root.statroll == 0) { _root.pSkill = 0; _root.skillTXT.gotoAndPlay('debuff'); _root.pPow =; _root.ultrastart.start(); } else { if (_root.statroll == 1) { _root.pPow += 5; _root.zoogood.start(); _root.powTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.pSkill =; } } } _root.water7.start(); _root.water7.start(); } frame 855 { _root.symbols._visible = true; _root.uDTF._visible = true; _root.mDTF._visible = true; _root.dDTF._visible = true; _root.oDTF._visible = true; _root.percent._visible = true; } frame 865 { _root.roundbell.start(); _root.symbols._visible = true; _root.percent._visible = true; _root.uDTF._visible = true; _root.mDTF._visible = true; _root.oDTF._visible = true; _root.dDTF._visible = true; } frame 866 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 867 { prevFrame(); } frame 879 { _root.splash2.start(); } frame 881 { _root.thump4.start(); _root.estunner.start(); --_root.pPow; --_root.pTough; --_root.pSkill; _root.powTXT.gotoAndPlay('debuff'); _root.toughTXT.gotoAndPlay('debuff'); _root.skillTXT.gotoAndPlay('debuff'); } frame 894 { _root.hush1.start(); _root.ehealth += 100; if (_root.ehealth > 1000) { _root.ehealth = 1000; } } frame 906 { _root.wateround(); } frame 922 { _root.pHurt(); -= 5; _root.impact.start(); _root.dare2.start(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 932 { _root.pHurt(); -= 5; _root.impact.start(); _root.bellysounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 942 { _root.pHurt(); -= 15; _root.impact.start(); _root.eviltime(); _root.KOsounds(); } frame 951 { _root.pstunned = false; if (_root.evilpoints < 100) { gotoAndPlay('pFace4'); } else { gotoAndPlay('evilstart'); } } frame 952 { prevFrame(); } frame 953 { _root.pHurt(); -= 25; _root.impact.start(); _root.KOsounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 963 { gotoAndPlay('pPuss'); } frame 964 { prevFrame(); } frame 967 { _root.painsounds(); } frame 972 { _root.eviltime(); } frame 975 { _root.enemybreak(); } frame 979 { _root.pullsounds(); } frame 981 { _root.mana -= random(3); --_root.mana; _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= 5; } frame 983 { if (_root.mana > 0) { gotoAndPlay('titloop'); } } frame 998 { if (_root.titpullUp == false) { gotoAndPlay('RB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('buttOn'); } } frame 999 { prevFrame(); } frame 1000 { _root.painsounds(); } frame 1012 { _root.mana -= 25; _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= 10; _root.pullsounds(); _root.eviltime(); } frame 1017 { _root.refcall(); } frame 1020 { if (_root.titpullUp == false) { gotoAndPlay('RB'); } else { gotoAndPlay('buttOn'); } } frame 1021 { prevFrame(); } frame 1022 { _root.estunned = false; _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= 15; } frame 1023 { _root.theme.stop(); _root.theme.start(0, 999); _root.breathe3.start(0, 999); _root.impact.start(); _root.rKOsounds(); _root.ultrastart.start(); if (_root.evilpoints > 20 && _root.evilpoints < 100) { _root.evilpoints -= 20; _root.evilock = false; } _root.eviltime(); } frame 1040 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1041 { prevFrame(); } frame 1042 { stop(); } frame 1054 { _root.pHurt(); _root.theme.stop(); -= 33; _root.impact.start(); _root.KOface3.start(); _root.eviltime(); _root.hamburger = false; _root.titpunching = false; _root.estunned = false; } frame 1060 { _root.defense -= random(3); _root.pHurt(); -= 5; _root.boobsounds(); } frame 1065 { _root.defense -= random(3); _root.pHurt(); -= 5; _root.boobsounds(); } frame 1074 { _root.theme.start(0, 999); gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1075 { prevFrame(); } frame 1077 { _root.defense -= 3; _root.offense += 2; -= 15; _root.pHurt(); _root.impact.start(); _root.block2.start(); _root.sigh2.start(); } frame 1087 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { gotoAndPlay('pBoom'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } } frame 1088 { prevFrame(); } frame 1089 { _root.cheerx.stop(); _root.cheerx.start(); } frame 1090 { _root.sighsounds(); _root.superused = true; } frame 1096 { _root.matfall.start(); } frame 1099 { _root.impact.start(); _root.refKO2.start(); _root.ehealth -= 50; } frame 1116 { _root.impact.start(); _root.boobsounds(); _root.ehealth -= 25; } frame 1122 { _root.impact.start(); _root.boobsounds(); _root.ehealth -= 25; } frame 1128 { _root.ehealth -= 50; _root.impact.start(); _root.KOnoise.start(); ++_root.EKO; if (_root.EKO == 1) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero41'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 2) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero42'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 3) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero43'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 4) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('KO4'); } } } } } frame 1132 { _root.rKOsounds(); } frame 1138 { _root.matfall.start(); _root.ultrastart.start(); } frame 1156 { _root.sighsound(); } frame 1164 { stop(); if (_root.EKO == 4) { _root.roundfinish.start(); _root.cheerdone.start(); _root.victory_mc.gotoAndPlay('win'); } else { _root.ultracombo = false; _root.ultradrain = false; _root.ultralock = false; _root.ultrapoints = 50; _root.theme.start(0, 999); gotoAndPlay('eRise'); } } frame 1165 { prevFrame(); } frame 1168 { _root.pHurt(); -= 33; _root.impact.start(); _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.KOsounds(); } frame 1177 { _root.rub3.start(); } frame 1179 { if (_root.evilcombo == true) { _root.theme.start(0, 999); _root.breathe3.start(0, 999); -= 100; _root.evilcombo = false; _root.evilock = false; } } frame 1185 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1186 { prevFrame(); } frame 1187 { _root.wetmunch(); _root.mana -= 3; _root.eHurt(); _root.plungeready = false; _root.cherrybomb._visible = false; _root.cherrybomb.enabled = false; } frame 1188 { _root.yelling(); _root.playergo = true; } frame 1197 { if (_root.mana < 4) { gotoAndPlay('pussout'); } else { _root.soundroll = random(5); if (_root.soundroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('plungewet'); } else { gotoAndPlay('plunge'); } } } frame 1198 { prevFrame(); } frame 1199 { _root.splik.start(); _root.rubit.start; _root.playergo = false; _root.wetmunch(); _root.refKO9.start(); _root.eHurt(); } instance of movieClip 1522 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.queen_mc.gotoAndPlay('orgasm'); } } frame 1200 { _root.soundroll = random(3); if (_root.soundroll == 0) { _root.skillTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); ++_root.pSkill; } else { if (_root.soundroll == 1) { _root.powTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); ++_root.pPow; } else { _root.toughTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); ++_root.pTough; } } _root.offense += 10; } frame 1207 { _root.refcall(); } frame 1210 { gotoAndPlay('plunge'); } frame 1211 { prevFrame(); } frame 1212 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.painsounds(); _root.impact.start(); --_root.mana; --_root.evilpoints; } frame 1215 { _root.enemybreak(); } frame 1216 { _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.painsounds(); _root.impact.start(); --_root.mana; --_root.evilpoints; } frame 1220 { if (_root.titpunching == false) { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } else { if (_root.mana > 0) { _root.mana -= 3; gotoAndPlay('boppity'); } else { gotoAndPlay('eBoob6'); } } } frame 1221 { prevFrame(); } frame 1233 { _root.crunch.start(); --_root.nipull; _root.pHurt(); -= _root.ePow; -= _root.ePow; _root.debuff_mc.gotoAndPlay('tough'); --_root.pTough; } frame 1234 { _root.rubit.start(); ++_root.rabbit; ++_root.titpunch; ++_root.titpull; ++_root.lowblow; ++_root.titfight; _root.teeth.start(); } frame 1237 { if (_root.zmodeon == false) { _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('almost'); } _root.xpill.gotoAndPlay('ready'); } frame 1244 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1245 { prevFrame(); } frame 1246 { _root.moan4.start(); } frame 1254 { stop(); gotoAndPlay('kick'); } frame 1255 { prevFrame(); } frame 1256 { _root.KOtime = false; _root.vulnerable = false; } frame 1265 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1266 { prevFrame(); } frame 1267 { _root.eHurt(); _root.thump4.start(); _root.painsounds(); _root.impact.start(); _root.defense += random(10); ++_root.defense; _root.offense -= 2; ++_root.mana; --_root.ehealth; --_root.evilpoints; } frame 1274 { stop(); if (_root.offense <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('getup'); } else { _root.punchroll = random(3); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('kick'); } else { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } } frame 1275 { prevFrame(); } frame 1276 { _root.eHurt(); _root.thump4.start(); _root.rKOsounds(); _root.splashkick.start(); _root.defense += 5; _root.offense -= 5; _root.ehealth -= _root.pPow; _root.ehealth -= _root.pPow; ++_root.defense; _root.mana += 3; _root.ehealth -= 5; --_root.evilpoints; } frame 1285 { _root.refcall(); } frame 1287 { stop(); if (_root.offense <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('getup'); } else { _root.punchroll = random(3); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('kick'); } else { gotoAndPlay('punch'); } } } frame 1288 { prevFrame(); } frame 1291 { _root.playergo = false; _root.eHurt(); _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.boobsounds(); _root.impact.start(); _root.ultrapoints -= 5; _root.offense += 3; _root.juicy.start(); } frame 1298 { _root.playergo = true; } frame 1302 { if (_root.ultrapoints > 0) { gotoAndPlay('drill'); } else { _root.enemyAttack(); } } frame 1303 { prevFrame(); } frame 1304 { _root.playergo = false; _root.eHurt(); ++_root.sorescore; _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.rKOsounds(); _root.impact.start(); _root.pancake_mc.gotoAndPlay('debuff'); _root.offense -= 3; } frame 1314 { _root.debuff_mc.gotoAndPlay('skilldebuff'); gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1315 { prevFrame(); } frame 1316 { _root.mana -= 3; _root.offense += 6; _root.ehealth -= 30; _root.ehealth -= _root.titfight; -= 5; _root.impact4.start(); _root.thump4.start(); _root.rKOsounds(); _root.defense -= 2; _root.ehealth -= _root.sorescore; _root.eHurt(); } frame 1325 { _root.punchroll = random(5); if (_root.punchroll == 0) { gotoAndPlay('eBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 1) { gotoAndPlay('pBump'); } else { if (_root.punchroll == 2) { gotoAndPlay('irontits'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ChestBump'); } } } } frame 1326 { prevFrame(); } frame 1328 { _root.impact.start(); _root.KObelly1.start(); _root.KObelly3.start(); _root.soundroll = random(3); if (_root.soundroll == 0) { _root.debuff_mc.gotoAndPlay('skill'); --_root.eSkill; } else { if (_root.soundroll == 1) { _root.debuff_mc.gotoAndPlay('pow'); --_root.ePow; } else { _root.debuff_mc.gotoAndPlay('tough'); --_root.eTough; } } _root.offense += 5; _root.eHurt(); _root.roundkickready = false; _root.cherrykick._visible = false; _root.cherrykick.enabled = false; } frame 1337 { gotoAndPlay('collapse'); } frame 1338 { prevFrame(); } frame 1339 { _root.playergo = false; _root.eHurt(); _root.impact.start(); _root.ehealth -= random(25); _root.eviltime(); _root.bellysounds(); } frame 1348 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1349 { prevFrame(); } frame 1350 { _root.eHurt(); _root.impact.start(); _root.thump4.start(); _root.titsounds(); _root.offense -= 3; _root.mana += 2; _root.ehealth -= _root.pPow; --_root.ehealth; } frame 1357 { if (_root.offense > 0) { gotoAndPlay('buttblast'); } else { gotoAndPlay('buttOff'); } } frame 1358 { prevFrame(); } frame 1359 { _root.impact.start(); _root.rubit.start(); _root.thump3.start(); --_root.lowblow; _root.rKOsounds(); _root.ehealth -= 33; } frame 1368 { _root.refcall(); } frame 1372 { gotoAndPlay('eaten'); } frame 1373 { prevFrame(); } frame 1379 { _root.impact.start(); _root.KOsounds(); _root.pHurt(); -= 50; _root.defense -= 10; _root.offense += random(25); _root.offense += 5; _root.mana += random(25); _root.mana += 5; ++_root.offense; _root.ultrapoints += 33; } frame 1387 { _root.pstunned = true; gotoAndPlay('BS'); } frame 1388 { prevFrame(); } frame 1389 { --_root.titpull; } frame 1394 { gotoAndPlay('buttblast'); } frame 1395 { prevFrame(); } frame 1401 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1402 { prevFrame(); } frame 1405 { _root.thump3.start(); _root.thump3.start(); } frame 1409 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1410 { prevFrame(); } frame 1411 { _root.eHurt(); _root.thump4.start(); _root.rKOsounds(); _root.splashkick.start(); _root.defense += 5; _root.offense -= 5; _root.ehealth -= _root.pPow; ++_root.defense; _root.mana += 3; --_root.ehealth; --_root.evilpoints; } frame 1424 { stop(); gotoAndPlay('eRise'); } frame 1425 { prevFrame(); } frame 1428 { _root.thump3.start(); _root.thump3.start(); } frame 1434 { gotoAndPlay('plungego'); } frame 1435 { prevFrame(); } frame 1438 { _root.rubit.start(); _root.splik.start(); _root.yell2.start(); } frame 1446 { gotoAndPlay('gloveOn'); } frame 1447 { prevFrame(); } frame 1455 { _root.rubit.start(); _root.splik.start(); } frame 1459 { gotoAndPlay('plunge'); } frame 1460 { prevFrame(); } frame 1461 { stop(); } frame 1472 { _root.cheer.stop(); _root.cheerx.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.playerstunned = true; _root.playergo = false; _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.KOsounds(); } frame 1474 { ++_root.PKO; } frame 1478 { if (_root.PKO == 1) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero31'); } else { if (_root.PKO == 2) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero32'); } else { if (_root.PKO == 3) { if (_root.KOstuff == false) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('KO'); } else { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero33'); } } else { if (_root.PKO == 4) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('extraKO'); } } } } } frame 1484 { _root.matfall.start(); _root.matfall.start(); } frame 1486 { _root.cheerdone.start(); if (_root.evilock == false) { _root.evilpoints += 25; } } frame 1488 { if (_root.KOstuff == false) { if (_root.PKO < 3) { gotoAndStop('pRise2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('gone2'); } } else { if (_root.PKO < 4) { gotoAndStop('pRise2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('gone2'); } } } frame 1489 { stop(); _root.symbols._visible = false; _root.uDTF._visible = false; _root.mDTF._visible = false; _root.dDTF._visible = false; _root.oDTF._visible = false; _root.percent._visible = false; } instance of movieClip 1089 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.pTough; _root.toughTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start(); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pRising'); } } instance of movieClip 1090 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.pSkill; _root.skillTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start(); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pRising'); } } instance of movieClip 1091 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.pPow; _root.powTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start(); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pRising'); } } frame 1490 { _root.moan3.start(); } frame 1494 { stop(); _root.roundfinish.start(); _root.victory_mc.gotoAndPlay('loss'); } frame 1495 { _root.cheer.stop(); _root.cheerx.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.playerstunned = true; _root.playergo = false; _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.KOsounds(); } frame 1497 { ++_root.PKO; } frame 1501 { if (_root.PKO == 1) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero31'); } else { if (_root.PKO == 2) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero32'); } else { if (_root.PKO == 3) { if (_root.KOstuff == false) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('KO'); } else { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero33'); } } else { if (_root.PKO == 4) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('extraKO'); } } } } } frame 1505 { _root.matfall.start(); _root.matfall.start(); } frame 1509 { _root.cheerdone.start(); if (_root.evilock == false) { _root.evilpoints += 25; } } frame 1511 { if (_root.KOstuff == false) { if (_root.PKO < 3) { gotoAndStop('pRise3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('gone3'); } } else { if (_root.PKO < 4) { gotoAndStop('pRise3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('gone3'); } } } frame 1512 { stop(); _root.symbols._visible = false; _root.uDTF._visible = false; _root.mDTF._visible = false; _root.dDTF._visible = false; _root.oDTF._visible = false; _root.percent._visible = false; } instance of movieClip 1089 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.pTough; _root.toughTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start(); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pRising'); } } instance of movieClip 1090 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.pSkill; _root.skillTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start(); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pRising'); } } instance of movieClip 1091 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.pPow; _root.powTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start(); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pRising'); } } frame 1513 { _root.moan3.start(); } frame 1518 { stop(); _root.roundfinish.start(); _root.victory_mc.gotoAndPlay('loss'); } frame 1519 { _root.suckout.start(); _root.thump3.start(); } frame 1523 { _root.jugsicon.gotoAndPlay('used'); _root.upstat.start(); if (_root.pillmode == 1) { if (_root.lowblow < 6) { ++_root.lowblow; _root.pill1.gotoAndPlay('red'); _root.pill2.gotoAndPlay('red'); _root.pill3.gotoAndPlay('red'); _root.pill4.gotoAndPlay('red'); _root.pill5.gotoAndPlay('red'); _root.pill6.gotoAndPlay('red'); } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 2) { if (_root.titpunch < 6) { ++_root.titpunch; _root.pill1.gotoAndPlay('blue'); _root.pill2.gotoAndPlay('blue'); _root.pill3.gotoAndPlay('blue'); _root.pill4.gotoAndPlay('blue'); _root.pill5.gotoAndPlay('blue'); _root.pill6.gotoAndPlay('blue'); } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 3) { if (_root.nipull < 6) { ++_root.nipull; _root.pill1.gotoAndPlay('black'); _root.pill2.gotoAndPlay('black'); _root.pill3.gotoAndPlay('black'); _root.pill4.gotoAndPlay('black'); _root.pill5.gotoAndPlay('black'); _root.pill6.gotoAndPlay('black'); } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 4) { if (_root.titpull < 6) { ++_root.titpull; _root.pill1.gotoAndPlay('pink'); _root.pill2.gotoAndPlay('pink'); _root.pill3.gotoAndPlay('pink'); _root.pill4.gotoAndPlay('pink'); _root.pill5.gotoAndPlay('pink'); _root.pill6.gotoAndPlay('pink'); } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 5) { if (_root.titfight < 6) { ++_root.titfight; _root.pill1.gotoAndPlay('orange'); _root.pill2.gotoAndPlay('orange'); _root.pill3.gotoAndPlay('orange'); _root.pill4.gotoAndPlay('orange'); _root.pill5.gotoAndPlay('orange'); _root.pill6.gotoAndPlay('orange'); } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 6) { if (_root.rabbit < 6) { ++_root.rabbit; _root.pill1.gotoAndPlay('green'); _root.pill2.gotoAndPlay('green'); _root.pill3.gotoAndPlay('green'); _root.pill4.gotoAndPlay('green'); _root.pill5.gotoAndPlay('green'); _root.pill6.gotoAndPlay('green'); } } } } } } } } frame 1534 { gotoAndPlay('BB'); } frame 1535 { prevFrame(); } } movieClip 1887 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 22 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1889 { } movieClip 1913 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.pillmode = 3; play(); } frame 8 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 3; } frame 9 { _root.pillmode = 2; play(); } frame 15 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 2; } frame 16 { _root.pillmode = 6; play(); } frame 22 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 6; } frame 23 { _root.pillmode = 5; play(); } frame 29 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 5; } frame 30 { _root.pillmode = 4; play(); } frame 36 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 4; } frame 37 { _root.pillmode = 1; play(); } frame 44 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 1; } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 1914 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.pillmode = 3; play(); } frame 10 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 3; } frame 11 { _root.pillmode = 2; play(); } frame 19 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 2; } frame 20 { _root.pillmode = 6; play(); } frame 28 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 6; } frame 29 { _root.pillmode = 5; play(); } frame 37 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 5; } frame 38 { _root.pillmode = 4; play(); } frame 45 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 4; } frame 46 { _root.pillmode = 1; play(); } frame 54 { stop(); _root.pillmode = 1; } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 1916 { } instance of movieClip 1916 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._yscale = / 10; } } movieClip 1917 { } instance of movieClip 1917 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._yscale = _root.ehealth / 10; } } movieClip 1920 { } movieClip 1922 { } movieClip 1925 { } movieClip 1929 { } instance pressBTN of movieClip 1929 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.pstunned == false && _root.mana > 0 && _root.exhausted == false && _root.evilcombo == false && _root.gamepaused == false && _root.vmodeon == false) { if (_root.pilloff == false && _root.pillmode > 0) { _root.buttonpush.start(); if (_root.pillmode == 1) { if (_root.lowblow > 3) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; --_root.lowblow; _root.offense += 10; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('ePuss2'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } else { if (_root.lowblow > 0) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; _root.offense += 5; --_root.lowblow; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('ePuss1'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 5) { if (_root.titfight > 0) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; if (_root.irontits == true) { --_root.titfight; } --_root.titfight; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBump'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 4) { if (_root.titpull > 3) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; _root.offense += 10; --_root.titpull; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eTitpull2'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } else { if (_root.titpull > 0) { _root.offense += 5; --_root.titpull; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eTitpull1'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 3) { if (_root.nipull > 3) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; _root.offense += 10; --_root.nipull; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('nipple2'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } else { if (_root.nipull > 0) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; _root.offense += 5; --_root.nipull; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBoob5'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 2) { if (_root.titpunch > 3) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; _root.offense += 10; --_root.titpunch; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBoobDouble'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } else { if (_root.titpunch > 0) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; _root.offense += 5; --_root.titpunch; _root.titpunching = true; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('boppity'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } } } else { if (_root.pillmode == 6) { if (_root.rabbit > 3) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; _root.offense += 10; --_root.rabbit; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eAss'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } else { if (_root.rabbit > 0) { _root.ultimatecombo = false; _root.offense += 5; --_root.rabbit; _root.hamburger = true; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eBelly1'); _root.timeout_mc.gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } } } } } } } } } } } } movieClip 1933 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.pillgoing = false; } frame 2 { play(); _root.pillgoing = true; _root.pilloff = true; } frame 82 { if (_root.vmodeon == true) { gotoAndStop('dead'); } } frame 84 { _root.pillgoing = false; if (_root.ultracombo == false) { _root.pilloff = false; _root.pillroll(); gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root.ultracombo == true || _root.pstunned == true) { gotoAndPlay('cooldown'); } } } frame 85 { stop(); } } movieClip 1936 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.wheel_mc.enabled = false; } frame 8 { _root.wheel_mc.enabled = true; } } instance wheel_mc of movieClip 1936 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.pilloff == false) { _root.wheel_mc.gotoAndPlay('press'); _root.windup.start(); _root.pillroll(); } } } movieClip 1938 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { _root.blockready = true; } } movieClip 1942 { } movieClip 1956 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1959 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1962 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1965 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1968 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1971 { } movieClip 1974 { } movieClip 1976 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.eSkill = 1; } frame 100 { _root.eSkill = 3; } } movieClip 1978 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.hardbody = false; } frame 2 { play(); _root.cherryhard.enabled = false; _root.cherryhard._visible = false; _root.hardready = false; _root.newPang.start(); _root.newPang.start(); _root.pTough += _root.pPow; _root.powTXT.gotoAndPlay('debuff'); _root.pPow = 0; _root.hardbody = true; _root.toughTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); } frame 153 { _root.pPow =; _root.pTough =; _root.powTXT.gotoAndStop(1); _root.toughTXT.gotoAndStop(1); _root.hardready = true; } } movieClip 1980 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1982 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1985 { } movieClip 1987 { } movieClip 1989 { } movieClip 1991 { } movieClip 1993 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1995 { } movieClip 1999 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.estunned = true; } frame 41 { if (_root.stunMaster == false) { _root.estunned = false; gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 81 { _root.estunned = false; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2004 { } movieClip 2005 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.superpick = false; _root.xtragoing = false; } frame 2 { play(); _root.xtragoing = true; _root.xready = false; } frame 70 { if (_root.xmodeon == true) { _root.xmode = random(5); ++_root.xmode; gotoAndPlay('ready'); } _root.superready = false; _root.superpick = false; } frame 172 { if (_root.xmode == 0) { gotoAndStop('dead'); } else { if (_root.xmodeon == false) { if (_root.xmode == 1) { _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('breaker'); } else { if (_root.xmode == 2) { _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('timeout'); } else { if (_root.xmode == 3) { _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('stunner'); } else { if (_root.xmode == 4) { _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('dareya'); } else { if (_root.xmode == 5) { _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('soretits'); } } } } } } else { _root.xroll = random(5); if (_root.xroll == 0) { _root.xmode = 1; _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('breaker'); } else { if (_root.xroll == 1) { _root.xmode = 2; _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('timeout'); } else { if (_root.xroll == 2) { _root.xmode = 3; _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('stunner'); } else { if (_root.xroll == 3) { _root.xmode = 4; _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('dareya'); } else { if (_root.xroll == 4) { _root.xmode = 5; _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop('soretits'); } } } } } } } play(); } frame 177 { stop(); _root.xtragoing = false; _root.xready = true; } frame 178 { prevFrame(); } frame 179 { play(); _root.xtras_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _root.superready = true; _root.superpick = true; } frame 182 { gotoAndPlay('superX'); } frame 183 { stop(); } } instance xpill of movieClip 2005 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.xready == true && _root.gamepaused == false && _root.superpick == false) { _root.xAttack(); } else { if (_root.superready == true) { _root.laugh.start(); _root.superready = false; _root.playerstunned = true; _root.playergo = false; _root.superpick = false; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('superX'); if (_root.xmode > 0) { _root.xpill.gotoAndPlay('recharge'); } else { _root.xpill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } movieClip 2007 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.blocking = false; } frame 2 { _root.blocking = true; } } movieClip 2014 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2020 { } movieClip 2021 { } movieClip 2022 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2023 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 2079 { } movieClip 2176 { } movieClip 2265 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.something = false; _root.muffdiving = false; _root.reftimer_mc._visible = true; _root.flag_mc._visible = true; } frame 2 { _root.girls_mc.gotoAndStop('KO'); _root.cheer.stop(); _root.cheerx.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.rKOsounds(); _root.playergo = false; _root.filesave.flush(); _root.boclock_mc._visible = false; _root.cherrybomb._visible = false; _root.cherrylips._visible = false; _root.cherrykick._visible = false; _root.cherryhard._visible = false; _root.jugsicon._visible = false; _root.vmode._visible = false; _root.xmode._visible = false; _root.ymode._visible = false; _root.zmode._visible = false; _root.reftimer_mc._visible = false; _root.flag_mc._visible = false; _root.something = true; } frame 10 { _root.matfall.start(); _root.matfall.start(); _root.eviltime(); if (_root.evilock == false) { _root.evilpoints += 10; } } frame 26 { ++_root.EKO; } frame 27 { if (_root.EKO == 1) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero41'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 2) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero42'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 3) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero43'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 4) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('KO4'); } } } } } frame 39 { stop(); if (_root.EKO == 4) { _root.roundfinish.start(); _root.cheerdone.start(); _root.victory_mc.gotoAndPlay('win'); } else { play(); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eRise'); } } frame 45 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 47 { _root.girls_mc.gotoAndStop('KO'); _root.cheer.stop(); _root.cheerx.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.rKOsounds(); _root.playergo = false; _root.filesave.flush(); _root.boclock_mc._visible = false; _root.cherrybomb._visible = false; _root.cherrylips._visible = false; _root.jugsicon._visible = false; _root.cherrykick._visible = false; _root.cherryhard._visible = false; _root.vmode._visible = false; _root.xmode._visible = false; _root.ymode._visible = false; _root.zmode._visible = false; _root.reftimer_mc._visible = false; _root.flag_mc._visible = false; _root.something = true; } frame 60 { _root.matfall.start(); _root.matfall.start(); _root.eviltime(); if (_root.evilock == false) { _root.evilpoints += 10; } } frame 71 { ++_root.EKO; } frame 72 { if (_root.EKO == 1) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero41'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 2) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero42'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 3) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero43'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 4) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('KO4'); } } } } } frame 86 { stop(); if (_root.EKO == 4) { _root.roundfinish.start(); _root.cheerdone.start(); _root.victory_mc.gotoAndPlay('win'); } else { play(); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eRise'); } } frame 92 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 93 { _root.impact.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.playerstunned = true; _root.playergo = false; _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.boclock_mc._visible = false; _root.cherrybomb._visible = false; _root.cherrylips._visible = false; _root.cherrykick._visible = false; _root.cherryhard._visible = false; _root.jugsicon._visible = false; _root.vmode._visible = false; _root.xmode._visible = false; _root.ymode._visible = false; _root.zmode._visible = false; _root.reftimer_mc._visible = false; _root.flag_mc._visible = false; _root.something = true; } frame 95 { _root.KOsounds(); } frame 100 { ++_root.PKO; } frame 108 { _root.matfall.start(); } frame 118 { if (_root.PKO == 1) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero31'); } else { if (_root.PKO == 2) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero32'); } else { if (_root.PKO == 3) { if (_root.KOstuff == false) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('KO'); } else { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero33'); } } else { if (_root.PKO == 4) { _root.pBones_mc.gotoAndStop('extraKO'); } } } } } frame 125 { if (_root.KOstuff == false) { if (_root.PKO < 3) { _root.girls_mc.gotoAndStop('pRise'); play(); } else { _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pKO'); play(); } } else { if (_root.PKO < 4) { _root.girls_mc.gotoAndStop('pRise'); play(); } else { _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('pKO'); play(); } } } frame 130 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 131 { _root.girls_mc.gotoAndStop('KO'); _root.cheer.stop(); _root.cheerx.start(); _root.impact.start(); _root.ultrastart.start(); _root.rKOsounds(); _root.playergo = false; _root.filesave.flush(); _root.boclock_mc._visible = false; _root.cherrybomb._visible = false; _root.cherrylips._visible = false; _root.cherrykick._visible = false; _root.jugsicon._visible = false; _root.cherryhard._visible = false; _root.vmode._visible = false; _root.xmode._visible = false; _root.ymode._visible = false; _root.zmode._visible = false; _root.reftimer_mc._visible = false; _root.flag_mc._visible = false; _root.something = true; } frame 141 { _root.matfall.start(); _root.matfall.start(); _root.eviltime(); if (_root.evilock == false) { _root.evilpoints += 10; } } frame 152 { ++_root.EKO; } frame 153 { if (_root.EKO == 1) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero41'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 2) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero42'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 3) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('zero43'); } else { if (_root.EKO == 4) { _root.eBones_mc.gotoAndStop('KO4'); } } } } } frame 162 { stop(); if (_root.EKO == 4) { _root.roundfinish.start(); _root.cheerdone.start(); _root.victory_mc.gotoAndPlay('win'); } else { play(); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eRise'); } } frame 168 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 169 { _root.something = true; _root.moango.stop(); _root.moango.start(); _root.newGasp.start(); _root.boclock_mc._visible = false; _root.cherrybomb._visible = false; _root.cherrylips._visible = false; _root.cherrykick._visible = false; _root.jugsicon._visible = false; _root.cherryhard._visible = false; _root.vmode._visible = false; _root.xmode._visible = false; _root.ymode._visible = false; _root.zmode._visible = false; _root.reftimer_mc._visible = false; _root.flag_mc._visible = false; } frame 170 { _root.muffready = false; _root.muffdiving = true; } frame 178 { _root.splash2.start(); } frame 181 { _root.thump4.start(); _root.muffpoints = 0; } frame 182 { _root.wetmunch(); _root.thump4.start(); ++_root.muffpoints; } frame 184 { _root.moaning(); += 25; _root.defense += 2; _root.evilpoints -= 7; _root.offense -= 6; _root.mana += 3; } frame 190 { _root.refroll = random(2); if (_root.refroll == 0) { _root.refcall(); } } frame 193 { if (_root.mana > 0) { if (_root.muffpoints < 9) { gotoAndPlay('muffloop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('muffcum'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('muffout'); } } frame 194 { prevFrame(); } frame 195 { _root.thump4.start(); _root.wetmunch(); } frame 196 { _root.moanout.start(); += 25; _root.evilpoints -= 7; } frame 206 { _root.theme.stop(); _root.theme.start(0, 999); _root.breathe3.start(0, 999); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('Resting'); } frame 211 { if (_root.plunger == true) { _root.plungeready = true; if (_root.plungeready) { _root.cherrybomb._visible = true; _root.cherrybomb.enabled = true; } } if (_root.jugtime == true) { _root.jugsicon._visible = true; } if (_root.stunnerUp == true) { _root.roundkickready = true; if (_root.roundkickready) { _root.cherrykick._visible = true; _root.cherrykick.enabled = true; } } if (_root.muffdiver == true) { _root.muffready = true; if (_root.muffready) { _root.cherrylips._visible = true; _root.cherrylips.enabled = true; } } if (_root.bonusUp == true) { _root.boclock_mc._visible = true; } if (_root.add6 == true) { _root.cherryhard._visible = true; _root.cherryhard.enabled = true; } if (_root.vmodeon == true) { _root.vmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.xmodeon == true) { _root.xmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.ymodeon == true) { _root.ymodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.zmodeon == true) { _root.zmodebit._visible = true; } gotoAndStop(1); } frame 215 { _root.spray1.start(); _root.spray2.start(); += 100; _root.evilpoints -= 25; } instance of movieClip 1522 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.queen_mc.gotoAndPlay('orgasm'); } } frame 216 { _root.rKOsounds(); _root.wetmunch(); } frame 230 { _root.theme.stop(); _root.theme.start(0, 999); _root.breathe3.start(0, 999); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('eaten'); } frame 236 { if (_root.plunger == true) { _root.plungeready = true; if (_root.plungeready) { _root.cherrybomb._visible = true; _root.cherrybomb.enabled = true; } } if (_root.jugtime == true) { _root.jugsicon._visible = true; } if (_root.stunnerUp == true) { _root.roundkickready = true; if (_root.roundkickready) { _root.cherrykick._visible = true; _root.cherrykick.enabled = true; } } if (_root.muffdiver == true) { _root.muffready = true; if (_root.muffready) { _root.cherrylips._visible = true; _root.cherrylips.enabled = true; } } if (_root.bonusUp == true) { _root.boclock_mc._visible = true; } if (_root.add6 == true) { _root.cherryhard._visible = true; _root.cherryhard.enabled = true; } if (_root.vmodeon == true) { _root.vmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.xmodeon == true) { _root.xmodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.ymodeon == true) { _root.ymodebit._visible = true; } if (_root.zmodeon == true) { _root.zmodebit._visible = true; } gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2266 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } frame 14 { stop(); } } instance toughBTN of movieClip 2266 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.pTough += 3; _root.toughTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.upstat.start(); _root.powerBTN.gotoAndStop('off'); _root.toughBTN.gotoAndStop('off'); _root.skillBTN.gotoAndStop('off'); } } instance skillBTN of movieClip 2266 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.pSkill += 3; _root.upstat.start(); _root.skillTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.powerBTN.gotoAndStop('off'); _root.toughBTN.gotoAndStop('off'); _root.skillBTN.gotoAndStop('off'); } } instance powerBTN of movieClip 2266 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.pPow += 3; _root.upstat.start(); _root.powTXT.gotoAndPlay('change'); _root.powerBTN.gotoAndStop('off'); _root.toughBTN.gotoAndStop('off'); _root.skillBTN.gotoAndStop('off'); } } movieClip 2269 { } instance cherrylips of movieClip 2269 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.playergo == true && _root.gamepaused == false && _root.pstunned == false && _root.muffready == true) { _root.playergo = false; _root.KO_mc.gotoAndPlay('muffdive'); _root.girls_mc.gotoAndStop('KO'); } } } movieClip 2272 { } instance cherrybomb of movieClip 2272 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.playergo == true && _root.gamepaused == false && _root.pstunned == false && _root.plungeready == true) { _root.playergo = false; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('gloveoff'); } } } movieClip 2275 { } instance cherrykick of movieClip 2275 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.playergo == true && _root.gamepaused == false && _root.pstunned == false && _root.roundkickready == true) { _root.playergo = false; _root.girls_mc.gotoAndPlay('roundhouse'); } } } movieClip 2278 { } instance cherryhard of movieClip 2278 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.gamepaused == false && _root.hardready == true) { _root.hardtimer_mc.gotoAndPlay('start'); } } } movieClip 2280 { } // unknown tag 88 length 283 movieClip 2283 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2280 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gamepaused = false;; if (_root.xtragoing == true) {; } if (_root.pillgoing == true) {; } _root.theme.start(0, 999); _root.pause_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 2287 { } movieClip 2292 { } button 2297 { on (release) { loadMovieNum('', 0); } } button 2305 { on (release) { loadMovieNum('FoxyBase.swf', 0); } } movieClip 2309 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2314 { } button 2318 { on (release) { loadMovieNum('FoxyPoolWin.swf', 0); } } button 2319 { on (release) { loadMovieNum('FoxyBonusPool.swf', 0); } } movieClip 2323 { } movieClip 2327 { } button 2331 { on (release) { loadMovieNum('', 0); } } movieClip 2332 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.finalcount = true; _root.boclock_mc._visible = false; _root.bonusDTF._visible = false; } frame 7 { if (_root.bonuspoints > 0 && _root.bonusUp == true) { _root.bonusOn = true; } } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); _root.coinsound.start(); ++_root.scoreWins;; if (_root.ymodeon == true) { _root.sexypoints += 85; _root.bonustally += 85; += 85; } _root.sexypoints += 25; _root.bonustally += 25; if (_root.add1 == true) { _root.sexypoints += 3; += 3; _root.bonustally += 3; } += 25; _root.filesave.flush(); } frame 19 { _root.finalcount = true; _root.boclock_mc._visible = false; _root.bonusDTF._visible = false; } frame 34 { stop(); } }
Created: 7/10 -2018 22:08:07 Last modified: 7/10 -2018 22:08:07 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:18:22