Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Monster Town Defense 2.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #211914

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 3 indi { } frame 1 { belugerin_mc._visible = false; _urlStart = _url.indexOf('://') + 3; _urlEnd = _url.indexOf('/', _urlStart); domain = _url.substring(_urlStart, _urlEnd); LastDot = domain.lastIndexOf('.') - 1; domEnd = domain.lastIndexOf('.', LastDot) + 1; domain = domain.substring(domEnd, domain.length); mainDimana2 = 'global'; if (domain == '') { mainDimana2 = 'alien'; } else { mainDimana2 = 'global'; } if (mainDimana2 == 'global') { adBox.gotoAndStop(1); var CPMStarContentSpotID = '3538Q2863173E';''); adBox.loadMovie('' + CPMStarContentSpotID); } else { if (mainDimana2 == 'alien') { adBox.gotoAndStop(2); adBox.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } } frame 1 { function simpanMedal() { Cookies = SharedObject.getLocal('xmonsterTownDefense2'); i = 1; while (i <= simpanSemua2.length) {['monsterData' + (12 + i)] = eval(simpanSemua2[i]); ++i; } = eval(simpanSemua[51]); } function simpanData() { Cookies = SharedObject.getLocal('xmonsterTownDefense2'); i = 1; while (i <= simpanSemua.length) {['monsterData' + i] = eval(simpanSemua[i]); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 37) {['keBangunan' + i] = _root['keBangunan' + i];['xgold' + i] = _root['xgold' + i];['xiron' + i] = _root['xiron' + i];['xwood' + i] = _root['xwood' + i];['xtech' + i] = _root['xtech' + i];['xworker' + i] = _root['xworker' + i];['xwelfare' + i] = _root['xwelfare' + i];['xmana' + i] = _root['xmana' + i];['xfood' + i] = _root['xfood' + i];['xbareman' + i] = _root['xbareman' + i];['xswordman' + i] = _root['xswordman' + i];['xarrowman' + i] = _root['xarrowman' + i];['xspearman' + i] = _root['xspearman' + i];['xbaremanPowerLow' + i] = _root['xbaremanPowerLow' + i];['xswordmanPowerLow' + i] = _root['xswordmanPowerLow' + i];['xarrowmanPowerLow' + i] = _root['xarrowmanPowerLow' + i];['xspearmanPowerLow' + i] = _root['xspearmanPowerLow' + i];['xbaremanPower' + i] = _root['xbaremanPower' + i];['xswordmanPower' + i] = _root['xswordmanPower' + i];['xarrowmanPower' + i] = _root['xarrowmanPower' + i];['xspearmanPower' + i] = _root['xspearmanPower' + i];['xbaremanPowerMax' + i] = _root['xbaremanPowerMax' + i];['xswordmanPowerMax' + i] = _root['xswordmanPowerMax' + i];['xarrowmanPowerMax' + i] = _root['xarrowmanPowerMax' + i];['xspearmanPowerMax' + i] = _root['xspearmanPowerMax' + i];['xtank' + i] = _root['xtank' + i];['xcopter' + i] = _root['xcopter' + i];['xmonbot' + i] = _root['xmonbot' + i];['xsword' + i] = _root['xsword' + i];['xarrow' + i] = _root['xarrow' + i];['xspear' + i] = _root['xspear' + i];['xarrowTrap' + i] = _root['xarrowTrap' + i];['xcatapult' + i] = _root['xcatapult' + i];['xfireTrap' + i] = _root['xfireTrap' + i];['xarrowRain' + i] = _root['xarrowRain' + i];['xmeteorid' + i] = _root['xmeteorid' + i];['xacidRain' + i] = _root['xacidRain' + i];['xearthquake' + i] = _root['xearthquake' + i];['ximmune' + i] = _root['ximmune' + i];['xinvisible' + i] = _root['xinvisible' + i];['xspecialAttack' + i] = _root['xspecialAttack' + i];['xduplicate' + i] = _root['xduplicate' + i];['xwall' + i] = _root['xwall' + i];['xspike' + i] = _root['xspike' + i];['xspiderWeb' + i] = _root['xspiderWeb' + i];['xtowerGuard' + i] = _root['xtowerGuard' + i];['xzombieTrap' + i] = _root['xzombieTrap' + i];['risetArmory' + i] = _root['risetArmory' + i];['risetFactory' + i] = _root['risetFactory' + i];['risetPark' + i] = _root['risetPark' + i];['risetTemple' + i] = _root['risetTemple' + i];['risetFortress' + i] = _root['risetFortress' + i];['risetLibrary' + i] = _root['risetLibrary' + i];['risetCatapult' + i] = _root['risetCatapult' + i];['risetFireTrap' + i] = _root['risetFireTrap' + i];['risetTank' + i] = _root['risetTank' + i];['risetCopter' + i] = _root['risetCopter' + i];['risetMonbot' + i] = _root['risetMonbot' + i];['risetInvisible' + i] = _root['risetInvisible' + i];['risetSpecialAttack' + i] = _root['risetSpecialAttack' + i];['risetDuplicate' + i] = _root['risetDuplicate' + i];['risetZombie' + i] = _root['risetZombie' + i];['risetFastBuild' + i] = _root['risetFastBuild' + i];['risetRawPlus' + i] = _root['risetRawPlus' + i];['risetGoldPlus' + i] = _root['risetGoldPlus' + i];['autoBareman' + i] = _root['autoBareman' + i];['autoSwordman' + i] = _root['autoSwordman' + i];['autoArrowman' + i] = _root['autoArrowman' + i];['autoSpearman' + i] = _root['autoSpearman' + i];['autoSword' + i] = _root['autoSword' + i];['autoArrow' + i] = _root['autoArrow' + i];['autoSpear' + i] = _root['autoSpear' + i];['autoTank' + i] = _root['autoTank' + i];['autoCopter' + i] = _root['autoCopter' + i];['autoMonbot' + i] = _root['autoMonbot' + i];['rangerAktif' + i] = _root['rangerAktif' + i];['tirelessAktif' + i] = _root['tirelessAktif' + i];['armorPlusAktif' + i] = _root['armorPlusAktif' + i];['speedPlusAktif' + i] = _root['speedPlusAktif' + i];['entertainmentAktif' + i] = _root['entertainmentAktif' + i];['fastBuildAktif' + i] = _root['fastBuildAktif' + i];['rawPlusAktif' + i] = _root['rawPlusAktif' + i];['goldPlusAktif' + i] = _root['goldPlusAktif' + i];['kotaMilik' + i] = _root['kotaMilik' + i];['xnamaKota' + i] = xnamaKota[i]; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 50) { j = 1; while (j <= 37) {['xtipeBuilding' + i + '-' + j] = xtipeBuilding[i][j];['xposXBuilding' + i + '-' + j] = xposXBuilding[i][j];['xposYBuilding' + i + '-' + j] = xposYBuilding[i][j];['xlevelBuilding' + i + '-' + j] = xlevelBuilding[i][j];['xsudahJadiBuilding' + i + '-' + j] = xsudahJadiBuilding[i][j];['xdelayBuatBuilding' + i + '-' + j] = xdelayBuatBuilding[i][j]; ++j; } ++i; } Cookies.flush(); } function loadData() { Cookies = SharedObject.getLocal('xmonsterTownDefense2'); i = 1; while (i <= simpanSemua.length) { _root[simpanSemua[i]] =['monsterData' + i]; ++i; } xnamaKota = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= 37) { _root['keBangunan' + i] =['keBangunan' + i]; _root['xgold' + i] =['xgold' + i]; _root['xiron' + i] =['xiron' + i]; _root['xwood' + i] =['xwood' + i]; _root['xtech' + i] =['xtech' + i]; _root['xworker' + i] =['xworker' + i]; _root['xwelfare' + i] =['xwelfare' + i]; _root['xmana' + i] =['xmana' + i]; _root['xfood' + i] =['xfood' + i]; _root['xbareman' + i] =['xbareman' + i]; _root['xswordman' + i] =['xswordman' + i]; _root['xarrowman' + i] =['xarrowman' + i]; _root['xspearman' + i] =['xspearman' + i]; _root['xbaremanPowerLow' + i] =['xbaremanPowerLow' + i]; _root['xswordmanPowerLow' + i] =['xswordmanPowerLow' + i]; _root['xarrowmanPowerLow' + i] =['xarrowmanPowerLow' + i]; _root['xspearmanPowerLow' + i] =['xspearmanPowerLow' + i]; _root['xbaremanPower' + i] =['xbaremanPower' + i]; _root['xswordmanPower' + i] =['xswordmanPower' + i]; _root['xarrowmanPower' + i] =['xarrowmanPower' + i]; _root['xspearmanPower' + i] =['xspearmanPower' + i]; _root['xbaremanPowerMax' + i] =['xbaremanPowerMax' + i]; _root['xswordmanPowerMax' + i] =['xswordmanPowerMax' + i]; _root['xarrowmanPowerMax' + i] =['xarrowmanPowerMax' + i]; _root['xspearmanPowerMax' + i] =['xspearmanPowerMax' + i]; _root['xtank' + i] =['xtank' + i]; _root['xcopter' + i] =['xcopter' + i]; _root['xmonbot' + i] =['xmonbot' + i]; _root['xsword' + i] =['xsword' + i]; _root['xarrow' + i] =['xarrow' + i]; _root['xspear' + i] =['xspear' + i]; _root['xarrowTrap' + i] =['xarrowTrap' + i]; _root['xcatapult' + i] =['xcatapult' + i]; _root['xfireTrap' + i] =['xfireTrap' + i]; _root['xarrowRain' + i] =['xarrowRain' + i]; _root['xmeteorid' + i] =['xmeteorid' + i]; _root['xacidRain' + i] =['xacidRain' + i]; _root['xearthquake' + i] =['xearthquake' + i]; _root['ximmune' + i] =['ximmune' + i]; _root['xinvisible' + i] =['xinvisible' + i]; _root['xspecialAttack' + i] =['xspecialAttack' + i]; _root['xduplicate' + i] =['xduplicate' + i]; _root['xwall' + i] =['xwall' + i]; _root['xspike' + i] =['xspike' + i]; _root['xspiderWeb' + i] =['xspiderWeb' + i]; _root['xtowerGuard' + i] =['xtowerGuard' + i]; _root['xzombieTrap' + i] =['xzombieTrap' + i]; _root['risetArmory' + i] =['risetArmory' + i]; _root['risetFactory' + i] =['risetFactory' + i]; _root['risetPark' + i] =['risetPark' + i]; _root['risetTemple' + i] =['risetTemple' + i]; _root['risetFortress' + i] =['risetFortress' + i]; _root['risetLibrary' + i] =['risetLibrary' + i]; _root['risetCatapult' + i] =['risetCatapult' + i]; _root['risetFireTrap' + i] =['risetFireTrap' + i]; _root['risetTank' + i] =['risetTank' + i]; _root['risetCopter' + i] =['risetCopter' + i]; _root['risetMonbot' + i] =['risetMonbot' + i]; _root['risetInvisible' + i] =['risetInvisible' + i]; _root['risetSpecialAttack' + i] =['risetSpecialAttack' + i]; _root['risetDuplicate' + i] =['risetDuplicate' + i]; _root['risetZombie' + i] =['risetZombie' + i]; _root['risetFastBuild' + i] =['risetFastBuild' + i]; _root['risetRawPlus' + i] =['risetRawPlus' + i]; _root['risetGoldPlus' + i] =['risetGoldPlus' + i]; _root['autoBareman' + i] =['autoBareman' + i]; _root['autoSwordman' + i] =['autoSwordman' + i]; _root['autoArrowman' + i] =['autoArrowman' + i]; _root['autoSpearman' + i] =['autoSpearman' + i]; _root['autoSword' + i] =['autoSword' + i]; _root['autoArrow' + i] =['autoArrow' + i]; _root['autoSpear' + i] =['autoSpear' + i]; _root['autoTank' + i] =['autoTank' + i]; _root['autoCopter' + i] =['autoCopter' + i]; _root['autoMonbot' + i] =['autoMonbot' + i]; _root['rangerAktif' + i] =['rangerAktif' + i]; _root['tirelessAktif' + i] =['tirelessAktif' + i]; _root['armorPlusAktif' + i] =['armorPlusAktif' + i]; _root['speedPlusAktif' + i] =['speedPlusAktif' + i]; _root['entertainmentAktif' + i] =['entertainmentAktif' + i]; _root['fastBuildAktif' + i] =['fastBuildAktif' + i]; _root['rawPlusAktif' + i] =['rawPlusAktif' + i]; _root['goldPlusAktif' + i] =['goldPlusAktif' + i]; _root['kotaMilik' + i] =['kotaMilik' + i]; xnamaKota[i] =['xnamaKota' + i]; ++i; } xtipeBuilding = new Array(); xposXBuilding = new Array(); xposYBuilding = new Array(); xlevelBuilding = new Array(); xsudahJadiBuilding = new Array(); xdelayBuatBuilding = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= 50) { xtipeBuilding[i] = new Array(); xposXBuilding[i] = new Array(); xposYBuilding[i] = new Array(); xlevelBuilding[i] = new Array(); xsudahJadiBuilding[i] = new Array(); xdelayBuatBuilding[i] = new Array(); j = 1; while (j <= 37) { xtipeBuilding[i][j] = 0; xposXBuilding[i][j] = 0; xposYBuilding[i][j] = 0; xlevelBuilding[i][j] = 0; xsudahJadiBuilding[i][j] = false; xdelayBuatBuilding[i][j] = 0; ++j; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 50) { j = 1; while (j <= 37) { xtipeBuilding[i][j] =['xtipeBuilding' + i + '-' + j]; xposXBuilding[i][j] =['xposXBuilding' + i + '-' + j]; xposYBuilding[i][j] =['xposYBuilding' + i + '-' + j]; xlevelBuilding[i][j] =['xlevelBuilding' + i + '-' + j]; xsudahJadiBuilding[i][j] =['xsudahJadiBuilding' + i + '-' + j]; xdelayBuatBuilding[i][j] =['xdelayBuatBuilding' + i + '-' + j]; ++j; } ++i; } Cookies.flush(); } function initMedal() { menangGame = 0; dapatMedal1 = false; dapatMedal2 = false; dapatMedal3 = false; dapatMedal4 = false; dapatMedal5 = false; dapatMedal6 = false; dapatMedal7 = false; dapatMedal8 = false; dapatMedal9 = false; dapatMedal10 = false; dapatMedal11 = false; dapatMedal12 = false; dapatMedal13 = false; dapatMedal14 = false; dapatMedal15 = false; dapatMedal16 = false; dapatMedal17 = false; dapatMedal18 = false; dapatMedal19 = false; dapatMedal20 = false; dapatMedal21 = false; dapatMedal22 = false; dapatMedal23 = false; dapatMedal24 = false; dapatMedal25 = false; dapatMedal26 = false; dapatMedal27 = false; dapatMedal28 = false; dapatMedal29 = false; dapatMedal30 = false; dapatMedal31 = false; } function initAwal() { xday = 1; bykKota = 37; maxBangunan = 50; awalKaliMain = true; keKota = 1; tingkatSulit = 1; pilihAbility = 1; speedGame = 1; speedBattle = 1; kalahMusuh = 0; initSerangan = 100; penambahanSerangan = 100; randSerangan = random(10) + 1; initSeranganHuman = 75; sudahSerangAlvetia = false; penambahanSerangan2 = 75; autoSave = false; pengkalianMusuh = 0.75; sideQuestKe = 0; pilihSkenario = 1; killMusuh = 0; winBattle = 0; tidakKalah = 0; suaraNyala = true; sudahSerangFinal = false; akanSerangKota = false; awalKaliSerang = true; sudahTutorial = false; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { _root['keBangunan' + i] = 1; _root['xgold' + i] = 0; _root['xiron' + i] = 0; _root['xwood' + i] = 0; _root['xtech' + i] = 0; _root['xworker' + i] = 0; _root['xwelfare' + i] = 30; _root['xmana' + i] = 0; _root['xfood' + i] = 50; _root['xbareman' + i] = 0; _root['xswordman' + i] = 0; _root['xarrowman' + i] = 0; _root['xspearman' + i] = 0; _root['xbaremanPowerLow' + i] = 100; _root['xswordmanPowerLow' + i] = 120; _root['xarrowmanPowerLow' + i] = 135; _root['xspearmanPowerLow' + i] = 150; _root['xbaremanPower' + i] = 100; _root['xswordmanPower' + i] = 120; _root['xarrowmanPower' + i] = 135; _root['xspearmanPower' + i] = 150; _root['xbaremanPowerMax' + i] = 150; _root['xswordmanPowerMax' + i] = 170; _root['xarrowmanPowerMax' + i] = 185; _root['xspearmanPowerMax' + i] = 200; _root['xtank' + i] = 0; _root['xcopter' + i] = 0; _root['xmonbot' + i] = 0; _root['xsword' + i] = 0; _root['xarrow' + i] = 0; _root['xspear' + i] = 0; _root['xarrowTrap' + i] = 0; _root['xcatapult' + i] = 0; _root['xfireTrap' + i] = 0; _root['xarrowRain' + i] = 0; _root['xmeteorid' + i] = 0; _root['xacidRain' + i] = 0; _root['xearthquake' + i] = 0; _root['ximmune' + i] = 0; _root['xinvisible' + i] = 0; _root['xspecialAttack' + i] = 0; _root['xduplicate' + i] = 0; _root['xwall' + i] = 0; _root['xspike' + i] = 0; _root['xspiderWeb' + i] = 0; _root['xtowerGuard' + i] = 0; _root['xzombieTrap' + i] = 0; _root['risetArmory' + i] = false; _root['risetFactory' + i] = false; _root['risetPark' + i] = false; _root['risetTemple' + i] = false; _root['risetFortress' + i] = false; _root['risetLibrary' + i] = false; _root['risetCatapult' + i] = false; _root['risetFireTrap' + i] = false; _root['risetTank' + i] = false; _root['risetCopter' + i] = false; _root['risetMonbot' + i] = false; _root['risetInvisible' + i] = false; _root['risetSpecialAttack' + i] = false; _root['risetDuplicate' + i] = false; _root['risetZombie' + i] = false; _root['risetFastBuild' + i] = false; _root['risetRawPlus' + i] = false; _root['risetGoldPlus' + i] = false; _root['autoBareman' + i] = false; _root['autoSwordman' + i] = false; _root['autoArrowman' + i] = false; _root['autoSpearman' + i] = false; _root['autoSword' + i] = false; _root['autoArrow' + i] = false; _root['autoSpear' + i] = false; _root['autoTank' + i] = false; _root['autoCopter' + i] = false; _root['autoMonbot' + i] = false; _root['rangerAktif' + i] = false; _root['tirelessAktif' + i] = false; _root['armorPlusAktif' + i] = false; _root['speedPlusAktif' + i] = false; _root['entertainmentAktif' + i] = false; _root['fastBuildAktif' + i] = false; _root['rawPlusAktif' + i] = false; _root['goldPlusAktif' + i] = false; _root['kotaMilik' + i] = 0; ++i; } xtipeBuilding = new Array(); xposXBuilding = new Array(); xposYBuilding = new Array(); xlevelBuilding = new Array(); xsudahJadiBuilding = new Array(); xdelayBuatBuilding = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { xtipeBuilding[i] = new Array(); xposXBuilding[i] = new Array(); xposYBuilding[i] = new Array(); xlevelBuilding[i] = new Array(); xsudahJadiBuilding[i] = new Array(); xdelayBuatBuilding[i] = new Array(); j = 1; while (j <= bykKota) { xtipeBuilding[i][j] = 0; xposXBuilding[i][j] = 0; xposYBuilding[i][j] = 0; xlevelBuilding[i][j] = 0; xsudahJadiBuilding[i][j] = false; xdelayBuatBuilding[i][j] = 0; ++j; } ++i; } xnamaKota = new Array('', 'Saleandria', 'Laseria', 'Ascelon', 'Austinepolis', 'Taltimorum', 'Kyblos', 'Jonstantipolis', 'Hallasium', 'Aboracum', 'Auguscopolis', 'Hevalia', 'Gustonia', 'Mondinium', 'Lusesia', 'Midiolanum', 'Regialepolis', 'Riberias', 'Varingtonium', 'Yigornia', 'Craetoria', 'Nova Alvetia', 'Mapathonia ', 'Dafnia', 'Hustonipolis', 'Edessaria', 'Gerindros', 'Perjuangesia', 'Golgerka', 'Jegonia', 'Lemada', 'Kaferina', 'Viciroy', 'Pomgeru', 'Karta', 'Begaria', 'Zargas', 'Iuadia'); } function initPertamaKali() { koneksiKota = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { koneksiKota[i] = new Array(); ++i; } maxKoneksi = 5; koneksiKota[1][1] = 2; koneksiKota[1][2] = 12; koneksiKota[2][1] = 1; koneksiKota[2][2] = 3; koneksiKota[2][3] = 4; koneksiKota[3][1] = 2; koneksiKota[3][2] = 4; koneksiKota[4][1] = 2; koneksiKota[4][2] = 3; koneksiKota[4][3] = 5; koneksiKota[5][1] = 4; koneksiKota[5][2] = 6; koneksiKota[6][1] = 5; koneksiKota[6][2] = 25; koneksiKota[7][1] = 8; koneksiKota[7][2] = 14; koneksiKota[7][3] = 15; koneksiKota[8][1] = 7; koneksiKota[8][2] = 9; koneksiKota[8][3] = 10; koneksiKota[8][4] = 18; koneksiKota[8][5] = 23; koneksiKota[9][1] = 8; koneksiKota[9][2] = 10; koneksiKota[10][1] = 8; koneksiKota[10][2] = 9; koneksiKota[10][3] = 24; koneksiKota[10][4] = 25; koneksiKota[11][1] = 12; koneksiKota[11][2] = 13; koneksiKota[12][1] = 1; koneksiKota[12][2] = 11; koneksiKota[13][1] = 11; koneksiKota[13][2] = 14; koneksiKota[14][1] = 7; koneksiKota[14][2] = 13; koneksiKota[14][3] = 15; koneksiKota[14][4] = 16; koneksiKota[14][5] = 35; koneksiKota[15][1] = 7; koneksiKota[15][2] = 14; koneksiKota[15][3] = 16; koneksiKota[15][4] = 17; koneksiKota[16][1] = 14; koneksiKota[16][2] = 15; koneksiKota[16][3] = 19; koneksiKota[17][1] = 15; koneksiKota[17][2] = 18; koneksiKota[17][3] = 19; koneksiKota[18][1] = 8; koneksiKota[18][2] = 17; koneksiKota[18][3] = 22; koneksiKota[19][1] = 16; koneksiKota[19][2] = 17; koneksiKota[19][3] = 20; koneksiKota[20][1] = 19; koneksiKota[20][2] = 21; koneksiKota[20][3] = 26; koneksiKota[21][1] = 29; koneksiKota[21][2] = 30; koneksiKota[22][1] = 18; koneksiKota[22][2] = 23; koneksiKota[23][1] = 8; koneksiKota[23][2] = 22; koneksiKota[23][3] = 24; koneksiKota[24][1] = 10; koneksiKota[24][2] = 23; koneksiKota[24][3] = 25; koneksiKota[25][1] = 6; koneksiKota[25][2] = 10; koneksiKota[25][3] = 24; koneksiKota[26][1] = 20; koneksiKota[26][2] = 27; koneksiKota[26][3] = 28; koneksiKota[27][1] = 26; koneksiKota[27][2] = 29; koneksiKota[28][1] = 26; koneksiKota[29][1] = 21; koneksiKota[29][2] = 27; koneksiKota[29][3] = 30; koneksiKota[30][1] = 21; koneksiKota[30][2] = 29; koneksiKota[30][3] = 31; koneksiKota[31][1] = 30; koneksiKota[31][2] = 32; koneksiKota[32][1] = 30; koneksiKota[32][2] = 32; koneksiKota[33][1] = 32; koneksiKota[33][2] = 34; koneksiKota[34][1] = 33; koneksiKota[34][2] = 35; koneksiKota[34][3] = 36; koneksiKota[35][1] = 14; koneksiKota[35][2] = 34; koneksiKota[36][1] = 34; koneksiKota[36][2] = 37; koneksiKota[37][1] = 36; xnamaMedal = new Array('', 'Have 5000 or more golds in one town', 'Have 2000 or more irons in one town', 'Have 2000 or more woods in one town', 'Have total 50 or more buildings', 'Kill at least 50 enemy units', 'Have 100 or more tech points in one town', 'Have 100 or more mana\'s in one town', 'Have 100 or more welfares in one town', 'Win at least 10 battles', 'Unbeatable in battle 5 times in a row', 'Have at least 500 soldiers in one town', 'Have at least 5 tanks in one town', 'Have at least 5 copters in one town', 'Have at least 5 monbots in one town', 'Be a Monster\'s King', 'Have 50000 or more golds in one town', 'Have 20000 or more irons in one town', 'Have 20000 or more woods in one town', 'Have 300 or more buildings', 'Kill at least 500 enemy units', 'Have 500 or more tech points in one town', 'Have 500 or more mana\'s in one town', 'Have 500 or more welfares in one town', 'Win at least 100 battles', 'Unbeatable in battle 25 times in a row', 'Have at least 4000 soldiers in one town', 'Have at least 20 tanks in one town', 'Have at least 20 copters in one town', 'Have at least 20 monbots in one town', 'Be a Monster\'s Emperor', 'Complete all tasks'); } function cekNyawaHuman() { if (tipeAttackMusuh == 'attack' && kotaSerang == 21) { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate1') { musuhNyawa *= 3; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate2') { musuhNyawa *= 3.5; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate3') { musuhNyawa *= 4; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate4') { musuhNyawa *= 4.5; } else { musuhNyawa *= 4; } } } } musuhNyawa *= 0.5; } else { bykKotaHuman = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 2) { ++bykKotaHuman; } ++i; } if (bykKotaHuman == 1) { musuhNyawa *= 6; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 2) { musuhNyawa *= 5; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 3) { musuhNyawa *= 1.5; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 4) { musuhNyawa *= 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 5) { musuhNyawa *= 1.1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 6) { musuhNyawa *= 1.2; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 7) { musuhNyawa *= 1.3; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 8) { musuhNyawa *= 1.4; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 9) { musuhNyawa *= 1.5; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 10) { musuhNyawa *= 1.6; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 11) { musuhNyawa *= 1.7; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 12) { musuhNyawa *= 1.8; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 13) { musuhNyawa *= 1.9; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 14) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 15) { musuhNyawa *= 2.1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 16) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 17) { musuhNyawa *= 2.1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 18) { musuhNyawa *= 2.2; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 19) { musuhNyawa *= 2.3; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 20) { musuhNyawa *= 2.5; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 21) { musuhNyawa *= 3; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 22) { musuhNyawa *= 4; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 23) { musuhNyawa *= 5; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 24) { musuhNyawa *= 6; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (kalahMusuh >= 4) { musuhNyawa *= kalahMusuh - 2; } musuhNyawa *= 0.5; } function cekJumlahTankMusuh() { if (tipeAttackMusuh == 'attack' && kotaSerang == 21) { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate1') { maxTankMusuh = 3; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate2') { maxTankMusuh = 4; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate3') { maxTankMusuh = 5; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate4') { maxTankMusuh = 6; } else { maxTankMusuh = 5; } } } } } else { bykKotaHuman = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 2) { ++bykKotaHuman; } ++i; } maxTankMusuh = 0; if (bykKotaHuman == 1) { maxTankMusuh = 6; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 2) { maxTankMusuh = 6; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 3) { maxTankMusuh = 5; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 4) { maxTankMusuh = 5; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 5) { maxTankMusuh = 4; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 6) { maxTankMusuh = 3; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 7) { maxTankMusuh = 2; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 8) { maxTankMusuh = 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 9) { maxTankMusuh = 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 10) { maxTankMusuh = 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 11) { maxTankMusuh = 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 12) { maxTankMusuh = 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 13) { maxTankMusuh = 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 14) { maxTankMusuh = 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 15) { maxTankMusuh = 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 16) { maxTankMusuh = 1; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 17) { maxTankMusuh = 2; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 18) { maxTankMusuh = 2; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 19) { maxTankMusuh = 3; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 20) { maxTankMusuh = 3; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 21) { maxTankMusuh = 4; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 22) { maxTankMusuh = 4; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 23) { maxTankMusuh = 5; } else { if (bykKotaHuman == 24) { maxTankMusuh = 6; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (kalahMusuh >= 4) { maxTankMusuh *= kalahMusuh - 2; } if (tingkatSulit == 1) { maxTankMusuh *= 1; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { maxTankMusuh *= 1.5; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { maxTankMusuh *= 2; } } } maxTankMusuh = Math.ceil(maxTankMusuh); } function backBuilding() { myMusic.stop(); myMusic = new Sound(zmusic); myMusic.attachSound('backBuilding'); myMusic.start(0, 1); myMusic.setVolume(volume1); myMusic.onSoundComplete = backBuilding; } function backBuilding2() { myMusic.stop(); myMusic = new Sound(zmusic); myMusic.attachSound('backBuilding2'); myMusic.start(1, 1); myMusic.setVolume(volume1); myMusic.onSoundComplete = backBuilding2; } function backBattle1() { myMusic.stop(); myMusic = new Sound(zmusic); myMusic.attachSound('backBattle1'); myMusic.start(0, 1); myMusic.setVolume(volume1); myMusic.onSoundComplete = backBattle1; } function backBattle2() { myMusic.stop(); myMusic = new Sound(zmusic); myMusic.attachSound('backBattle2'); myMusic.start(0, 1); myMusic.setVolume(volume1); myMusic.onSoundComplete = backBattle2; } function backPukul() { randPukul = random(2) + 1; mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backPukul' + randPukul); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backBangun() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backBangun'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2 * 2); } function backBangun2() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backBangun2'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2 * 2); } function backPanah() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backPanah'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backSword() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backSword'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backSpear() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backSpear'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backTembak() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backTembak'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backGempa() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backGempa'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backMonbot() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backMonbot'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backBatuLempar() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backBatuLempar'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backBolaLempar() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backBolaLempar'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backPanahLempar() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backPanahLempar'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backZombie() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backZombie'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backLaba() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backLaba'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backMati() { randMati = random(3) + 1; mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backMati' + randMati); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backMatiMonbot() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backMatiMonbot'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backLedak() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backLedak'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2 * 0.5); } function backLempar() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backLempar'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backComet() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backComet'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backAcid() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backAcid'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backSpell1() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backSpell1'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backSpell2() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backSpell2'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backSpell3() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backSpell3'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backSpell4() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backSpell4'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backMoney() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backMoney'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2 * 2); } function backTrain() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backTrain'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backCreate() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backCreate'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } function backDeal() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backDeal'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2 * 2); } function backTerompet() { mySound = new Sound(zsound); mySound.attachSound('backTerompet'); mySound.start(0, 1); mySound.setVolume(volume2); } stop(); fscommand('fullscreen', false); fscommand('allowscale', true); fscommand('showmenu', false); Stage.showMenu = false; this.onEnterFrame = function () { persen = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); xloading = 'LOADING ' + persen + '%'; xangka = Math.ceil(_root.getBytesLoaded() / 1000) + '/' + Math.ceil(_root.getBytesTotal() / 1000); = persen; if (persen >= 100) { gotoAndStop('playing'); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; qualityGame = 1; _quality = 'HIGH'; adaSuara = true; zmusic = attachMovie('indi', 'zmusic', 1099904); zmusic._x = -500; zmusic._y = -500; zsound = attachMovie('indi', 'zsound', 1099905); zsound._x = -750; zsound._y = -750; volume1 = 100; volume2 = 30; simpanSemua = new Array('', 'xday', 'bykKota', 'maxBangunan', 'awalKaliMain', 'keKota', 'sudahSimpan', 'tingkatSulit', 'pilihAbility', 'speedGame', 'suaraNyala', 'initSerangan', 'penambahanSerangan', 'dapatMedal1', 'dapatMedal2', 'dapatMedal3', 'dapatMedal4', 'dapatMedal5', 'dapatMedal6', 'dapatMedal7', 'dapatMedal8', 'dapatMedal9', 'dapatMedal10', 'dapatMedal11', 'dapatMedal12', 'dapatMedal13', 'dapatMedal14', 'dapatMedal15', 'dapatMedal16', 'dapatMedal17', 'dapatMedal18', 'dapatMedal19', 'dapatMedal20', 'dapatMedal21', 'dapatMedal22', 'dapatMedal23', 'dapatMedal24', 'dapatMedal25', 'dapatMedal26', 'dapatMedal27', 'dapatMedal28', 'dapatMedal29', 'dapatMedal30', 'dapatMedal31', 'awalKaliSerang', 'initSeranganHuman', 'penambahanSerangan2', 'sudahSerangFinal', 'killMusuh', 'winBattle', 'tidakKalah', 'menangGame', 'sudahTutorial', 'kalahMusuh', 'speedBattle', 'autoSave', 'pengkalianMusuh', 'sideQuestKe', 'sudahSerangAlvetia', 'pilihSkenario'); simpanSemua2 = new Array('', 'dapatMedal1', 'dapatMedal2', 'dapatMedal3', 'dapatMedal4', 'dapatMedal5', 'dapatMedal6', 'dapatMedal7', 'dapatMedal8', 'dapatMedal9', 'dapatMedal10', 'dapatMedal11', 'dapatMedal12', 'dapatMedal13', 'dapatMedal14', 'dapatMedal15', 'dapatMedal16', 'dapatMedal17', 'dapatMedal18', 'dapatMedal19', 'dapatMedal20', 'dapatMedal21', 'dapatMedal22', 'dapatMedal23', 'dapatMedal24', 'dapatMedal25', 'dapatMedal26', 'dapatMedal27', 'dapatMedal28', 'dapatMedal29', 'dapatMedal30', 'dapatMedal31'); loadData(); if (xday == undefined) { initMedal(); initAwal(); simpanData(); } initPertamaKali(); } // unknown tag 88 length 93 movieClip 15 { } // unknown tag 88 length 251 movieClip 24 { } movieClip 25 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 35 { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 64 movieClip 38 { } movieClip 40 { } movieClip 82 bangunan_mc { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 85 { } movieClip 89 bar_mc { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } frame 30 { removeMovieClip(this); 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} } movieClip 952 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 962 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 968 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 974 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 980 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 986 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1022 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1026 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1030 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1035 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1040 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1046 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1062 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1066 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1068 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1072 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1075 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1078 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1098 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1132 { } movieClip 1136 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1140 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1152 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1155 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1157 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1159 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1161 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1163 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1164 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1166 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1167 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1168 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1173 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1175 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1177 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1179 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1180 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1181 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1187 { } movieClip 1213 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1216 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1236 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1239 { } movieClip 1243 { } movieClip 1248 { } movieClip 1252 { } movieClip 1264 { } movieClip 1278 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1280 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1291 { } movieClip 1297 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1303 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1312 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1314 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1317 { } movieClip 1319 { } movieClip 1321 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1325 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1346 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1367 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1418 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1420 box_mc { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1422 { } movieClip 1424 { } movieClip 1425 masking_mc { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1438 { } movieClip 1440 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1443 obyekAtas1 { } movieClip 1445 obyekAtas2 { } movieClip 1447 obyekAtas3 { } movieClip 1449 obyekBawah1 { } movieClip 1451 obyekBawah2 { } movieClip 1453 obyekBawah3 { } movieClip 1457 obyekAtas4 { } movieClip 1465 obyekAtas5 { } movieClip 1466 obyekBawah5 { } movieClip 1470 obyekAtas6 { } movieClip 1471 obyekBawah4 { } movieClip 1472 obyekBawah6 { } movieClip 1474 obyekBawah7 { } movieClip 1478 obyekAtas7 { } movieClip 1481 obyekAtas8 { } movieClip 1483 obyekBawah8 { } movieClip 1487 obyekAtas9 { } movieClip 1488 obyekBawah9 { } movieClip 1489 obyekAtas10 { } movieClip 1490 obyekBawah10 { } movieClip 1496 obyekAtas11 { } movieClip 1497 obyekBawah11 { } movieClip 1498 obyekAtas12 { } movieClip 1499 obyekBawah12 { } movieClip 1500 obyekBawah13 { } movieClip 1504 obyekAtas13 { } movieClip 1506 obyekAtas14 { } movieClip 1508 obyekBawah14 { } movieClip 1511 obyekAtas15 { } movieClip 1512 obyekBawah15 { } movieClip 1514 obyekAtas16 { } movieClip 1516 obyekBawah16 { } movieClip 1519 obyekAtas17 { } movieClip 1521 obyekBawah17 { } movieClip 1523 obyekAtas18 { } movieClip 1524 obyekBawah18 { } movieClip 1526 obyekAtas19 { } movieClip 1528 obyekBawah19 { } movieClip 1531 obyekAtas20 { } movieClip 1532 obyekBawah20 { } movieClip 1537 obyekAtas21 { } movieClip 1538 obyekBawah21 { } movieClip 1540 obyekAtas22 { } movieClip 1541 obyekBawah22 { } movieClip 1542 obyekAtas23 { } movieClip 1543 obyekBawah23 { } movieClip 1545 obyekAtas24 { } movieClip 1547 obyekBawah24 { } movieClip 1551 obyekAtas25 { } movieClip 1552 obyekBawah25 { } movieClip 1559 { } movieClip 1563 { } movieClip 1570 { frame 3 { _root.cekSerangJagoan(_parent); _root.backPukul(); } } movieClip 1580 { frame 5 { _root.backMati(); } frame 29 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1581 soldier1 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1586 { } movieClip 1590 { } movieClip 1597 { frame 3 { _root.cekSerangJagoan(_parent); _root.backSword(); } } movieClip 1609 { frame 5 { _root.backMati(); } frame 28 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1610 soldier2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1615 { } movieClip 1619 { } movieClip 1626 { frame 7 { _root.cekSerangJagoan(_parent); _root.backPanah(); } } movieClip 1637 { frame 5 { _root.backMati(); } frame 28 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1638 soldier3 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1643 { } movieClip 1647 { } movieClip 1654 { frame 3 { _root.cekSerangJagoan(_parent); _root.backSpear(); } } movieClip 1665 { frame 6 { _root.backMati(); } frame 30 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1666 soldier4 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1672 { } movieClip 1678 { } movieClip 1694 { frame 5 { _root.cekSerangJagoan(_parent); _root.backTembak(); } } movieClip 1715 { frame 1 { _root.backLedak(); } frame 25 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1716 soldier5 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1720 { } movieClip 1722 { } movieClip 1729 { frame 2 { _root.cekSerangJagoan(_parent); _root.backTembak(); } } movieClip 1732 { frame 1 { _root.backLedak(); } frame 29 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1733 soldier6 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1738 { } movieClip 1746 { } movieClip 1755 { frame 15 { _root.cekSerangJagoan(_parent); _root.backMonbot(); } } movieClip 1768 { frame 6 { _root.backMatiMonbot(); } frame 22 { _root.backLedak(); } frame 34 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1769 soldier7 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1774 { } movieClip 1780 { } movieClip 1787 { frame 3 { _root.cekSerangMusuh(_parent); _root.backSword(); } } movieClip 1798 { frame 5 { _root.backMati(); } frame 29 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1799 musuh1 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1804 { } movieClip 1810 { } movieClip 1819 { frame 12 { _root.cekSerangMusuh(_parent); _root.backPanah(); } } movieClip 1830 { frame 5 { _root.backMati(); } frame 30 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1831 musuh2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1836 { } movieClip 1842 { } movieClip 1850 { frame 7 { _root.cekSerangMusuh(_parent); _root.backSpear(); } } movieClip 1861 { frame 6 { _root.backMati(); } frame 31 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1862 musuh3 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1865 { } movieClip 1869 { } movieClip 1886 { frame 5 { _root.cekSerangMusuh(_parent); _root.backTembak(); } } movieClip 1889 { frame 1 { _root.backLedak(); } frame 28 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1890 musuh4 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1895 { } movieClip 1897 { } movieClip 1902 { frame 3 { _root.cekSerangMusuh(_parent); } } movieClip 1905 { frame 1 { _root.backLedak(); } frame 24 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 1906 musuh5 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1911 { } movieClip 1913 { } movieClip 1922 { frame 1 { _root.backPanahLempar(); } frame 7 { _root.cekSerangWeapon(_parent); } } movieClip 1929 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 1930 { } movieClip 1931 weapon1 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1938 { } movieClip 1944 { } movieClip 1952 { frame 1 { _root.backBatuLempar(); } frame 7 { _root.cekSerangWeapon(_parent); } } movieClip 1953 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 1954 weapon2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1958 { } movieClip 1970 { frame 1 { _root.backBolaLempar(); } frame 7 { _root.cekSerangWeapon(_parent); } } movieClip 1971 { } movieClip 1972 weapon3 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1974 benteng1 { } movieClip 1976 benteng2 { } movieClip 1983 { frame 9 { _root.keluarLabaLaba(_parent); _root.backLaba(); } frame 30 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1984 benteng3 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1986 { frame 7 { _root.cekSerangPanah(_parent); _root.backPanah(); } frame 40 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1987 benteng4 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2002 { frame 4 { _root.backZombie(); } frame 22 { _root.keluarZombie(_parent); } frame 60 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2003 benteng5 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2021 { frame 1 { _root.backPanah(); } frame 3 { _root.backPanah(); } frame 5 { _root.backPanah(); } frame 7 { _root.backPanah(); } frame 9 { _root.backMati2(); } frame 20 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 2022 efek1 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2035 { frame 20 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 2036 efek2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2053 { frame 7 { _root.backAcid(); } frame 20 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 2054 efek3 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2066 { frame 42 { stop(); } } movieClip 2067 efek4 { frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 2073 { } movieClip 2074 efek5 { } movieClip 2077 { } movieClip 2078 efek6 { } movieClip 2084 { } movieClip 2085 efek7 { } movieClip 2099 { } movieClip 2100 efek8 { } movieClip 2103 lingkar_mc { } movieClip 2108 { } movieClip 2114 { } movieClip 2123 { frame 5 { _root.cekSerangMusuh(_parent); _root.backSword(); } } movieClip 2135 { frame 5 { _root.backMati(); } frame 29 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 2136 barbar1 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2140 panah_mc { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2143 { } movieClip 2147 panahWeapon { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2151 panah_mc2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2154 batu_mc { } movieClip 2157 bolaApi_mc { } movieClip 2170 { } movieClip 2171 efekApi { } movieClip 2172 { } movieClip 2173 efekApi2 { frame 9 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 2175 spellTarget { } movieClip 2176 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2177 efekLedakan { frame 1 { _root.backLedak(); } frame 9 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 2181 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2182 bentengBarbar { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2183 efek4x { frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 2184 spellTarget2 { } movieClip 2188 laba_mc { } movieClip 2197 { } movieClip 2199 zombie_mc { } movieClip 2204 { } movieClip 2210 { } movieClip 2219 { frame 11 { _root.cekSerangMusuh(_parent); _root.backPanah(); } } movieClip 2230 { frame 5 { _root.backMati(); } frame 30 { removeMovieClip(_parent); } } movieClip 2231 barbar2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2235 panah_mc3 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2240 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2241 bentengJagoan { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2246 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2247 bentengHuman { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2249 { frame 1 { _root.backBatuLempar(); } frame 7 { _root.cekSerangWeaponMusuh(_parent); } } movieClip 2250 weaponMusuh2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2254 { } movieClip 2263 { frame 9 { _root.backPanahLempar(); } frame 11 { _root.cekSerangJagoan(_parent); } } movieClip 2264 guard1 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2268 { } movieClip 2276 { frame 8 { _root.cekSerangWeapon(_parent); _root.backLempar(); } } movieClip 2277 guard2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2280 batu_mc2 { } movieClip 2285 { } movieClip 2286 panah_mc4 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2288 msgBox_mc { } movieClip 2290 info_mc { } movieClip 2324 { } movieClip 2350 { } movieClip 2351 tutorial_mc { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 12 { if (_root.pilihSkenario == 1) { xinformasi = 'Remember, Blacksmith need the mountain to produce, then you should put this building near the mountain, now move your mouse to the bottom of the game screen and look for the building\'s sign near the mountain, click it.'; } else { xinformasi = 'Remember, Blacksmith need the mountain to produce, then you should put this building near the mountain, now move your mouse around the edges of the screen and look for the building\'s sign near the mountain, click it.'; } } frame 16 { if (_root.pilihSkenario == 1) { xinformasi = 'Remember, Sawmills need the tree to produce, then you should put this building near the trees, now move your mouse to the top of the game screen and look for the building\'s sign near the trees, click it.'; } else { xinformasi = 'Remember, Sawmills need the tree to produce, then you should put this building near the trees, now move your mouse around the edges of the screen and look for the building\'s sign near the trees, click it.'; } } } movieClip 2354 info_mc2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2356 { } movieClip 2358 { } movieClip 2361 latar_mc { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2364 pause_mc { } movieClip 2366 obyekAtas26 { } movieClip 2367 obyekAtas27 { } movieClip 2368 obyekAtas28 { } movieClip 2369 obyekAtas29 { } movieClip 2370 obyekAtas30 { } movieClip 2371 obyekAtas32 { } movieClip 2373 obyekAtas31 { } movieClip 2374 obyekAtas33 { } movieClip 2376 obyekAtas34 { } movieClip 2377 obyekAtas35 { } movieClip 2380 obyekAtas36 { } movieClip 2381 obyekAtas37 { } movieClip 2383 obyekBawah26 { } movieClip 2384 obyekBawah27 { } movieClip 2385 obyekBawah28 { } movieClip 2386 obyekBawah29 { } movieClip 2387 obyekBawah30 { } movieClip 2388 obyekBawah31 { } movieClip 2390 obyekBawah32 { } movieClip 2391 obyekBawah33 { } movieClip 2393 obyekBawah34 { } movieClip 2394 obyekBawah35 { } movieClip 2395 obyekBawah36 { } movieClip 2396 obyekBawah37 { } frame 20 { stop(); play_btn.onRelease = function () { _urlStart = _url.indexOf('://') + 3; _urlEnd = _url.indexOf('/', _urlStart); domain = _url.substring(_urlStart, _urlEnd); LastDot = domain.lastIndexOf('.') - 1; domEnd = domain.lastIndexOf('.', LastDot) + 1; domain = domain.substring(domEnd, domain.length); gotoAndStop(31); }; } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 31 { play(); } movieClip 2451 { } // unknown tag 88 length 145 movieClip 2457 { } movieClip 2460 { } movieClip 2465 { frame 90 { gotoAndPlay(random(10) + 1); } } movieClip 2466 { frame 90 { stop(); } } movieClip 2468 { frame 1 { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } frame 305 { backBuilding2(); gotoAndStop(306); } frame 306 { stop(); continue_mc._visible = false; akanSerangKota = false; play_btn.onRelease = function () { if (sudahSimpan == undefined) { initAwal(); gotoAndStop('skenario'); } else { continue_mc._visible = true; continue_mc.continue_btn.onRelease = function () { loadData(); adaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++adaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (adaKotaMonster >= 10) { backBuilding2(); } else { backBuilding(); } gotoAndStop(312); }; continue_mc.new_btn.onRelease = function () { initAwal(); gotoAndStop('skenario'); }; } }; credits_btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop('credits'); }; } movieClip 2472 { } movieClip 2473 { frame 1 { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } movieClip 2480 { } frame 307 { stop(); credits_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop('playings'); }; } movieClip 2488 { } frame 308 { stop(); skenario_mc.skenario1.onRelease = function () { pilihSkenario = 1; gotoAndStop(309); }; skenario_mc.skenario2.onRelease = function () { pilihSkenario = 2; gotoAndStop(309); }; skenario_mc.skenario3.onRelease = function () { pilihSkenario = 3; gotoAndStop(309); }; skenario_mc.skenario4.onRelease = function () { pilihSkenario = 4; gotoAndStop(309); }; skenario_mc.skenario5.onRelease = function () { pilihSkenario = 5; gotoAndStop(309); }; skenario_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop('playings'); }; } movieClip 2510 { } frame 309 { stop(); back_btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop(306); }; if (pilihSkenario == 1) { keKota = 2; _root.kotaMilik2 = 1; _root.kotaMilik21 = 2; } else { if (pilihSkenario == 2) { keKota = 22; _root.kotaMilik2 = 1; _root.kotaMilik22 = 1; _root.kotaMilik34 = 1; _root.kotaMilik21 = 2; } else { if (pilihSkenario == 3) { keKota = 8; _root.kotaMilik8 = 1; _root.kotaMilik1 = 2; _root.kotaMilik2 = 2; _root.kotaMilik3 = 2; _root.kotaMilik4 = 2; _root.kotaMilik5 = 2; _root.kotaMilik6 = 2; _root.kotaMilik7 = 2; _root.kotaMilik9 = 2; _root.kotaMilik10 = 2; _root.kotaMilik11 = 2; _root.kotaMilik12 = 2; _root.kotaMilik13 = 2; _root.kotaMilik14 = 2; _root.kotaMilik15 = 2; _root.kotaMilik16 = 2; _root.kotaMilik17 = 2; _root.kotaMilik18 = 2; _root.kotaMilik19 = 2; _root.kotaMilik20 = 2; _root.kotaMilik21 = 2; _root.kotaMilik22 = 2; _root.kotaMilik23 = 2; _root.kotaMilik24 = 2; _root.kotaMilik25 = 2; _root.kotaMilik26 = 2; _root.kotaMilik27 = 2; _root.kotaMilik28 = 2; _root.kotaMilik29 = 2; _root.kotaMilik30 = 2; _root.kotaMilik31 = 2; _root.kotaMilik32 = 2; _root.kotaMilik33 = 2; _root.kotaMilik34 = 2; _root.kotaMilik35 = 2; _root.kotaMilik36 = 2; _root.kotaMilik37 = 2; } else { if (pilihSkenario == 4) { keKota = 28; _root.kotaMilik12 = 1; _root.kotaMilik28 = 1; _root.kotaMilik2 = 2; _root.kotaMilik8 = 2; _root.kotaMilik14 = 2; _root.kotaMilik17 = 2; _root.kotaMilik22 = 2; _root.kotaMilik21 = 2; } else { if (pilihSkenario == 5) { keKota = 14; _root.kotaMilik1 = 1; _root.kotaMilik2 = 1; _root.kotaMilik3 = 1; _root.kotaMilik4 = 1; _root.kotaMilik5 = 1; _root.kotaMilik6 = 1; _root.kotaMilik7 = 1; _root.kotaMilik8 = 1; _root.kotaMilik9 = 1; _root.kotaMilik10 = 1; _root.kotaMilik11 = 1; _root.kotaMilik12 = 1; _root.kotaMilik13 = 1; _root.kotaMilik14 = 1; _root.kotaMilik15 = 1; _root.kotaMilik16 = 1; _root.kotaMilik17 = 1; _root.kotaMilik18 = 2; _root.kotaMilik19 = 2; _root.kotaMilik20 = 2; _root.kotaMilik21 = 2; _root.kotaMilik22 = 2; _root.kotaMilik23 = 2; _root.kotaMilik24 = 2; _root.kotaMilik25 = 2; _root.kotaMilik26 = 2; _root.kotaMilik27 = 2; _root.kotaMilik28 = 2; _root.kotaMilik29 = 2; _root.kotaMilik30 = 2; _root.kotaMilik31 = 2; _root.kotaMilik32 = 2; _root.kotaMilik33 = 2; _root.kotaMilik34 = 2; _root.kotaMilik35 = 2; _root.kotaMilik36 = 2; _root.kotaMilik37 = 2; } } } } } ability1.onRelease = function () { pilihAbility = 1; gotoAndStop('resource'); }; ability2.onRelease = function () { pilihAbility = 2; gotoAndStop('resource'); }; ability3.onRelease = function () { pilihAbility = 3; gotoAndStop('resource'); }; ability4.onRelease = function () { pilihAbility = 4; gotoAndStop('resource'); }; } frame 310 { function initResource() { sisaResource = 100; if (pilihAbility == 1) { initialGold = 275; initialIron = 200; initialWood = 200; initialTech = 5; } else { if (pilihAbility == 2) { initialGold = 200; initialIron = 125; initialWood = 125; initialTech = 15; } else { if (pilihAbility == 3) { initialGold = 150; initialIron = 75; initialWood = 75; initialTech = 250; } else { if (pilihAbility == 4) { initialGold = 100; initialIron = 100; initialWood = 100; initialTech = 100; } } } } remaining = 'RESOURCES REMAINING: ' + sisaResource; } function cekResource() { remaining = 'RESOURCES REMAINING: ' + sisaResource; } stop(); back_btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop('ability'); }; reset_btn.onRelease = function () { initResource(); }; next_btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop('difficulty'); }; initResource(); plus1.onRelease = function () { if (sisaResource >= 10) { initialGold += 10; sisaResource -= 10; cekResource(); } }; plus2.onRelease = function () { if (sisaResource >= 10) { initialIron += 10; sisaResource -= 10; cekResource(); } }; plus3.onRelease = function () { if (sisaResource >= 10) { initialWood += 10; sisaResource -= 10; cekResource(); } }; plus4.onRelease = function () { if (sisaResource >= 10) { initialTech += 10; sisaResource -= 10; cekResource(); } }; minus1.onRelease = function () { if (sisaResource <= 40) { initialGold -= 10; sisaResource += 10; cekResource(); } }; minus2.onRelease = function () { if (sisaResource <= 40) { initialIron -= 10; sisaResource += 10; cekResource(); } }; minus3.onRelease = function () { if (sisaResource <= 40) { initialWood -= 10; sisaResource += 10; cekResource(); } }; minus4.onRelease = function () { if (sisaResource <= 40) { initialTech -= 10; sisaResource += 10; cekResource(); } }; } frame 311 { stop(); back_btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop(309); }; if (pilihAbility == 2) { i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { _root['xbaremanPowerLow' + i] = 200; _root['xswordmanPowerLow' + i] = 240; _root['xarrowmanPowerLow' + i] = 270; _root['xspearmanPowerLow' + i] = 300; _root['xbaremanPower' + i] = 200; _root['xswordmanPower' + i] = 240; _root['xarrowmanPower' + i] = 270; _root['xspearmanPower' + i] = 300; _root['xbaremanPowerMax' + i] = 300; _root['xswordmanPowerMax' + i] = 340; _root['xarrowmanPowerMax' + i] = 370; _root['xspearmanPowerMax' + i] = 400; ++i; } } else { if (pilihAbility == 4) { i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { _root['xarrowTrap' + i] = 50; _root['xcatapult' + i] = 50; _root['xfireTrap' + i] = 50; _root['xarrowRain' + i] = 5; _root['xmeteorid' + i] = 5; _root['xacidRain' + i] = 5; _root['xearthquake' + i] = 5; _root['ximmune' + i] = 5; _root['xinvisible' + i] = 5; _root['xspecialAttack' + i] = 5; _root['xduplicate' + i] = 5; _root['xwall' + i] = 50; _root['xspike' + i] = 50; _root['xspiderWeb' + i] = 50; _root['xtowerGuard' + i] = 50; _root['xzombieTrap' + i] = 50; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { _root['xbaremanPowerLow' + i] = 100; _root['xswordmanPowerLow' + i] = 120; _root['xarrowmanPowerLow' + i] = 135; _root['xspearmanPowerLow' + i] = 150; _root['xbaremanPower' + i] = 100; _root['xswordmanPower' + i] = 120; _root['xarrowmanPower' + i] = 135; _root['xspearmanPower' + i] = 150; _root['xbaremanPowerMax' + i] = 150; _root['xswordmanPowerMax' + i] = 170; _root['xarrowmanPowerMax' + i] = 185; _root['xspearmanPowerMax' + i] = 200; ++i; } } else { i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { _root['xbaremanPowerLow' + i] = 100; _root['xswordmanPowerLow' + i] = 120; _root['xarrowmanPowerLow' + i] = 135; _root['xspearmanPowerLow' + i] = 150; _root['xbaremanPower' + i] = 100; _root['xswordmanPower' + i] = 120; _root['xarrowmanPower' + i] = 135; _root['xspearmanPower' + i] = 150; _root['xbaremanPowerMax' + i] = 150; _root['xswordmanPowerMax' + i] = 170; _root['xarrowmanPowerMax' + i] = 185; _root['xspearmanPowerMax' + i] = 200; ++i; } } } sulit1.onRelease = function () { tingkatSulit = 1; initSerangan = 175; penambahanSerangan = 175; initSeranganHuman = 225; penambahanSerangan2 = 225; awalKaliMain = true; backBuilding(); gotoAndStop(312); }; sulit2.onRelease = function () { tingkatSulit = 2; initSerangan = 150; penambahanSerangan = 150; initSeranganHuman = 200; penambahanSerangan2 = 200; awalKaliMain = true; backBuilding(); gotoAndStop(312); }; sulit3.onRelease = function () { tingkatSulit = 3; initSerangan = 100; penambahanSerangan = 100; initSeranganHuman = 150; penambahanSerangan2 = 150; awalKaliMain = true; backBuilding(); gotoAndStop(312); }; } frame 312 { function buatTutorial() { bisaUI(false); akanSerangKota = true; sedangTutorial = true; mulaiBisaKlikBuilding = false; ui_mc.remove_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.gameQuest._visible = false; tutorial = attachMovie('tutorial_mc', 'tutorial_mc', dalamTutorial); tutorial.cacheAsBitmap = true; tutorial._x = 400; tutorial._y = 300; tutorial.yes_btn.onRelease = function () { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 100; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 75; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 75; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 300; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 225; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 225; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 600; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 450; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 450; } } } cekTutorial(100); }; tutorial.no_btn.onRelease = function () { selesaiTutorial(); }; } function cekRemovePanah() { ui_mc.building_mc.enabled = false; ui_mc.research_mc.enabled = false; ui_mc.army_mc.enabled = false; ui_mc.weaponary_mc.enabled = false; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = keKota; _root[j + 'bangunan' + i].panah_mc._visible = false; ++i; } } function selesaiTutorial() { sudahTutorial = true; bisaUI(true); akanSerangKota = false; sedangTutorial = false; mulaiBisaKlikBuilding = true; i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].enabled = true; ++i; } box_mc.prev_btn.enabled = true; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = true; box_mc.next_btn.enabled = true; if (sideQuestKe == 0) { sideQuestKe = 1; } removeMovieClip(tutorial_mc); } function cekTutorial(indi) { cekRemovePanah(); if (indi == 100) { awalTutorialSeratus = false; sudahGeserKiri = false; sudahGeserKanan = false; sudahGeserAtas = false; sudahGeserBawah = false; } else { if (indi == 101) { ui_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } else { if (indi == 2) { sedangBuatKe = 1; awalTutorialSeratus = true; ui_mc.building_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 3) { ui_mc.building_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.build_mc.bangunan1.enabled = true; box_mc.prev_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.next_btn.enabled = false; sedangBangunKe = 1; } else { if (indi == 4) { } else { if (indi == 5) { akanSerangKota = false; } else { if (indi == 6) { sedangBuatKe = 2; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.building_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 7) { ui_mc.building_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.build_mc.bangunan2.enabled = true; box_mc.prev_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.next_btn.enabled = false; sedangBangunKe = 2; } else { if (indi == 8) { } else { if (indi == 9) { akanSerangKota = false; } else { if (indi == 10) { sedangBuatKe = 3; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.building_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 11) { ui_mc.building_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.build_mc.bangunan3.enabled = true; box_mc.prev_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.next_btn.enabled = false; sedangBangunKe = 3; } else { if (indi == 12) { } else { if (indi == 13) { akanSerangKota = false; } else { if (indi == 14) { sedangBuatKe = 4; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.building_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 15) { ui_mc.building_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.build_mc.bangunan4.enabled = true; box_mc.prev_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.next_btn.enabled = false; sedangBangunKe = 4; } else { if (indi == 16) { } else { if (indi == 17) { akanSerangKota = false; } else { if (indi == 18) { belumUpgradeBangunan = false; mulaiBisaKlikBuilding = true; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = keKota; _root[j + 'bangunan' + i].panah_mc._visible = true; ++i; } } else { if (indi == 19) { belumUpgradeBangunan = true; belumUpgradeBangunan2 = false; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = keKota; _root[j + 'bangunan' + i].panah_mc._visible = true; ++i; } } else { if (indi == 20) { mulaiBisaKlikBuilding = false; belumUpgradeBangunan2 = true; akanSerangKota = true; sedangBuatKe = 5; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.building_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 21) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 400; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 300; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 400; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 500; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 300; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 400; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 1300; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 300; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 400; } } } ui_mc.building_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.build_mc.bangunan5.enabled = true; box_mc.prev_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.next_btn.enabled = false; sedangBangunKe = 5; } else { if (indi == 22) { } else { if (indi == 23) { akanSerangKota = false; } else { if (indi == 24) { sedangBuatKe = 6; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.research_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 25) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 2000; _root['xtech' + keKota] += 55; ui_mc.research_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 18) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.riset_mc.riset1.enabled = true; box_mc.riset_mc.building_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.riset_mc.military_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.riset_mc.others_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.riset_mc.build_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; sedangBangunKe = 6; } else { if (indi == 26) { sedangBuatKe = 6; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.building_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 27) { ui_mc.building_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.prev_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.next_btn.enabled = true; sedangBangunKe = 7; } else { if (indi == 28) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 2500; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 500; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 700; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 5000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 500; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 700; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 9000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 500; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 700; } } } ui_mc.building_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.build_mc.bangunan7.enabled = true; box_mc.prev_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.next_btn.enabled = false; sedangBangunKe = 8; } else { if (indi == 29) { } else { if (indi == 30) { speedGame = 4; cekSpeed(); akanSerangKota = false; } else { if (indi == 31) { speedGame = 1; cekSpeed(); sedangBuatKe = 7; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.weaponary_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 32) { ui_mc.weaponary_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 6) { box_mc.weapon_mc['weapon' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon1.enabled = true; box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon2.enabled = true; box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon3.enabled = true; box_mc.weapon_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto1.enabled = false; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto2.enabled = false; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto3.enabled = false; sedangBangunKe = 9; } else { if (indi == 33) { sedangBuatKe = 8; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.building_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 34) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 5000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 400; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 300; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 10000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 400; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 300; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 15000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 400; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 300; } } } ui_mc.building_mc.gotoAndStop(1); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } box_mc.build_mc.bangunan6.enabled = true; box_mc.prev_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.next_btn.enabled = false; sedangBangunKe = 10; } else { if (indi == 35) { } else { if (indi == 36) { speedGame = 4; cekSpeed(); akanSerangKota = false; } else { if (indi == 37) { speedGame = 1; cekSpeed(); sedangBuatKe = 9; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.army_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 38) { ui_mc.army_mc.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train1.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train2.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train3.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train4.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto1.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto2.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto3.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto4.enabled = false; box_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 39) { sedangBuatKe = 10; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.attack_mc.enabled = true; _root['xbareman' + keKota] += 40; _root['xswordman' + keKota] += 40; } else { if (indi == 40) { } else { if (indi == 41) { } else { if (indi == 42) { } else { if (indi == 43) { } else { if (indi == 44) { } else { if (indi == 45) { } else { if (indi == 46) { } else { if (indi == 47) { sedangBuatKe = 11; akanSerangKota = true; ui_mc.move_mc.enabled = true; } else { if (indi == 48) { } else { if (indi == 49) { } else { if (indi == 50) { ui_mc.pindah_mc.close_btn.enabled = false; } else { if (indi == 51) { } else { if (indi == 52) { } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } tutorial.gotoAndStop(indi); tutorial.continue_btn.onRelease = function () { cekTutorial(2); }; tutorial.selesai_btn.onRelease = function () { selesaiTutorial(); }; info_mc2._visible = false; } function buatMasking() { masking = attachMovie('masking_mc', 'masking_mc', dalamMasking); masking.cacheAsBitmap = true; masking._x = 400; masking._y = 300; masking.gotoAndStop(latar_mc._currentframe); masking.onEnterFrame = enterMasking; } function buatMsgBox() { msgBox = attachMovie('msgBox_mc', 'msgBox_mc', dalamMsgBox); msgBox.cacheAsBitmap = true; msgBox._x = 400; msgBox._y = 300; msgBox._visible = false; msgBox.onEnterFrame = enterMsgBox; } function buatInfo() { info_mc = attachMovie('info_mc', 'info_mc', dalamInfo); info_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; info_mc._x = 400; info_mc._y = 300; info_mc._visible = false; info_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { info_mc._visible = false; }; } function buatInfo2() { info_mc2 = attachMovie('info_mc2', 'info_mc2', dalamInfo2); info_mc2.cacheAsBitmap = true; info_mc2._x = 400; info_mc2._y = 300; info_mc2._visible = false; info_mc2.gotoAndStop(1); info_mc2.onEnterFrame = enterMsgBox2; } function cekInfo(indi) { info_mc.xinfo = indi; info_mc._visible = true; } function enterMsgBox() { if (_root._xmouse >= 600) { this._x = _root._xmouse - 100; } else { this._x = _root._xmouse; } if (_root._ymouse >= 400) { this._y = _root._ymouse - 150; } else { this._y = _root._ymouse; } } function enterMsgBox2() { if (_root._xmouse >= 500) { this._x = _root._xmouse - 350; } else { this._x = _root._xmouse; } if (_root._ymouse >= 500) { this._y = _root._ymouse - 250; } else { this._y = _root._ymouse; } } function enterMasking() { this._x += geserKiri; this._y += geserAtas; } function buatBackground() { posBackground = new Array('', 3, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 1, 2); latar_mc.gotoAndStop(posBackground[keKota]); obyek = attachMovie('obyekAtas' + keKota, 'obyek_mc', dalamObyek1); obyek.cacheAsBitmap = true; obyek._x = 400; obyek._y = 300; maxSlot = 30; i = 1; while (i <= maxSlot) { obyek['slotGunung' + i]._visible = false; obyek['slotHutan' + i]._visible = false; obyek['slotKosong' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } cekHitBangunan(); obyek.gotoAndStop(keKota); obyek.onEnterFrame = enterMasking; obyek2 = attachMovie('obyekBawah' + keKota, 'obyek_mc2', dalamObyek2); obyek2.cacheAsBitmap = true; obyek2._x = 400; obyek2._y = 300; obyek2.gotoAndStop(keKota); obyek2.onEnterFrame = enterMasking; } function initAwalGoods() { _root['xgold' + keKota] = initialGold; _root['xiron' + keKota] = initialIron; _root['xwood' + keKota] = initialWood; _root['xtech' + keKota] = initialTech; } function initCost() { namaBuilding = new Array('', 'HOUSE', 'FARM', 'BLACKSMITH', 'SAWMILLS', 'LAB', 'BARRACK', 'ARMORY', 'FACTORY', 'PARK', 'TEMPLE', 'FORTRESS', 'LIBRARY'); costWorkerBuilding = new Array('', 0, 4, 6, 5, 10, 25, 30, 60, 50, 10, 25, 5); if (tingkatSulit == 1) { costGoldBuilding = new Array('', 10, 15, 30, 25, 200, 250, 1250, 1700, 300, 500, 750, 1500); costIronBuilding = new Array('', 5, 10, 0, 15, 150, 200, 250, 600, 300, 350, 550, 250); costWoodBuilding = new Array('', 10, 5, 15, 0, 200, 150, 350, 300, 500, 350, 300, 750); } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { costGoldBuilding = new Array('', 25, 30, 60, 55, 450, 500, 2500, 3500, 750, 1000, 1500, 3000); costIronBuilding = new Array('', 5, 10, 0, 15, 150, 200, 250, 600, 300, 350, 550, 250); costWoodBuilding = new Array('', 10, 5, 15, 0, 200, 150, 350, 300, 500, 350, 300, 750); } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { costGoldBuilding = new Array('', 35, 40, 70, 75, 650, 750, 4500, 5500, 100, 1250, 1750, 3500); costIronBuilding = new Array('', 5, 10, 0, 15, 150, 200, 250, 600, 300, 350, 550, 250); costWoodBuilding = new Array('', 10, 5, 15, 0, 200, 150, 350, 300, 500, 350, 300, 750); } } } if (pilihAbility == 2) { costGoldWeapon = new Array('', 50, 75, 100, 500, 750, 750); costIronWeapon = new Array('', 20, 15, 20, 60, 50, 100); costWoodWeapon = new Array('', 10, 20, 25, 60, 150, 50); } else { costGoldWeapon = new Array('', 100, 150, 200, 1000, 1500, 1500); costIronWeapon = new Array('', 40, 30, 40, 120, 75, 150); costWoodWeapon = new Array('', 20, 40, 50, 120, 250, 100); } if (pilihAbility == 2) { costGoldKendaraan = new Array('', 10000, 15000, 25000); costIronKendaraan = new Array('', 3000, 3500, 15000); costWoodKendaraan = new Array('', 2000, 4500, 10000); costTambahanKendaraan = new Array('', 3, 3, 12); costWorkerKendaraan = new Array('', 1, 1, 3); } else { costGoldKendaraan = new Array('', 20000, 25000, 50000); costIronKendaraan = new Array('', 6000, 7000, 25000); costWoodKendaraan = new Array('', 4000, 9000, 20000); costTambahanKendaraan = new Array('', 5, 5, 25); costWorkerKendaraan = new Array('', 2, 2, 6); } costGoldMagic = new Array('', 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000); costManaMagic = new Array('', 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200); costGoldDefense = new Array('', 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000); costIronDefense = new Array('', 100, 50, 150, 75, 400); costWoodDefense = new Array('', 50, 100, 75, 150, 200); lamaBuatBuilding = new Array('', 100, 150, 150, 200, 200, 750, 1500, 3500, 2000, 3000, 2500, 200); lamaBuatBuilding2 = new Array('', 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50); if (tingkatSulit == 1) { if (pilihAbility == 1) { productionBuilding = new Array('', 140, 120, 20, 20, 1.6, '', '', '', 0.2, 7, '', ''); } else { if (pilihAbility == 3) { productionBuilding = new Array('', 140, 80, 15, 15, 3.2, '', '', '', 0.2, 7, '', ''); } else { productionBuilding = new Array('', 140, 80, 15, 15, 1.6, '', '', '', 0.2, 7, '', ''); } } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { if (pilihAbility == 1) { productionBuilding = new Array('', 120, 100, 16, 16, 1.2, '', '', '', 0.1, 5, '', ''); } else { if (pilihAbility == 3) { productionBuilding = new Array('', 120, 70, 12, 12, 2.4, '', '', '', 0.1, 5, '', ''); } else { productionBuilding = new Array('', 120, 70, 12, 12, 1.2, '', '', '', 0.1, 5, '', ''); } } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { if (pilihAbility == 1) { productionBuilding = new Array('', 110, 90, 14, 14, 0.8, '', '', '', 0.05, 4, '', ''); } else { if (pilihAbility == 3) { productionBuilding = new Array('', 110, 60, 10, 10, 1.6, '', '', '', 0.05, 4, '', ''); } else { productionBuilding = new Array('', 110, 60, 10, 10, 0.8, '', '', '', 0.05, 4, '', ''); } } } } } productionBuilding2 = new Array('', '', 10, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); costBuilding = new Array('', 0, 0, 3, 2, 10, 10, 15, 30, 35, 25, 20, 15); costBuilding2 = new Array('', 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); costBuilding3 = new Array('', 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); butuhMoneyBuilding = new Array('', 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 3500, 4000, 500, 750, 1000, 2000, 2500, 3000, 1000, 5000, 10000, 1000, 2000, 2500); if (pilihAbility == 3) { butuhTechBuilding = new Array('', 20, 25, 25, 30, 30, 35, 15, 20, 20, 75, 100, 125, 35, 100, 125, 50, 60, 75); } else { butuhTechBuilding = new Array('', 35, 40, 45, 50, 50, 60, 25, 30, 40, 150, 200, 250, 75, 200, 250, 100, 125, 150); } costLibraryGold = new Array('', 150, 150, 150, 150, 200, 200, 0, 200); costLibraryIron = new Array('', 25, 50, 25, 50, 75, 100, 10, 0); costLibraryWood = new Array('', 50, 25, 50, 25, 100, 75, 10, 0); costLibraryMana = new Array('', 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 10, 10); butuhGoldArmy = new Array('', 200, 350, 400, 450); butuhGoldTrain = new Array('', 500, 1000, 1500, 2000); if (pilihAbility == 2) { produksiArmy = 10; } else { produksiArmy = 5; } bangunanAktif = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= 12) { bangunanAktif[i] = new Array(); j = 1; while (j <= bykKota) { bangunanAktif[i][j] = true; ++j; } ++i; } delayWaktu = 0; maxWaktu = 200; geserKiri = 0; geserAtas = 0; dagangKali = true; adaWarning1 = false; adaWarning2 = false; adaWarning3 = false; dealKali = 0; dalamMsgBox = 191000; dalamInfo = 1920000; dalamInfo2 = 1921000; dalamTutorial = 1900000; dalamMasking = 110000; dalamObyek1 = 10000; dalamObyek2 = 100000; dalamDrag = 200000; dalamBox = 170000; dalamUI = 150000; dalamRebel = 120000; sedangDrag = false; } function initSemua() { dalamBangunan = 100; dalamBar = 140000; titikAwalX = 0; titikAwalY = 0; geserKeKiri = false; geserKeKanan = false; geserKeAtas = false; geserKeBawah = false; } function initBuilding(indi) { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][indi] >= 1) { if (xsudahJadiBuilding[i][indi] == false) { bar = attachMovie('bar_mc', 'bar' + i, dalamBar); bar._x = xposXBuilding[i][indi]; bar._y = xposYBuilding[i][indi] + 75; bar.onEnterFrame = enterBar; ++dalamBar; if (dalamBar >= 141000) { dalamBar = 140000; } } pilihBangunanKe = xtipeBuilding[i][indi]; bangunan = attachMovie('bangunan_mc', indi + 'bangunan' + i, dalamBangunan); bangunan.cacheAsBitmap = true; bangunan.panah_mc._visible = false; bangunan._x = xposXBuilding[i][indi]; bangunan._y = xposYBuilding[i][indi]; bangunan.gotoAndStop(pilihBangunanKe); if (xsudahJadiBuilding[i][indi] == false) { bangunan._alpha = 30; bangunan.enabled = false; } else { bangunan._alpha = 100; bangunan.enabled = true; } bangunan.sudahJadi = xsudahJadiBuilding[i][indi]; bangunan.jenisBangunan = pilihBangunanKe; bangunan.keBangunan = i; bangunan.aktif_mc._visible = false; bangunan.delayBuat = xdelayBuatBuilding[i][indi]; bangunan.maxBuat = lamaBuatBuilding[pilihBangunanKe]; bangunan.levelKe = xlevelBuilding[i][indi]; bangunan.onEnterFrame = enterBangunan2; bangunan.onRelease = klikBangunan2; ++dalamBangunan; if (dalamBangunan >= 200) { dalamBangunan = 100; } } ++i; } cekAdaTipeBangunan(); } function cekAdaTipeBangunan() { adaLab = false; adaBarak = false; adaArmory = false; adaFactory = false; adaTemple = false; adaFortress = false; adaLibrary = false; adaLab2 = false; adaBarak2 = false; adaArmory2 = false; adaFactory2 = false; adaTemple2 = false; adaFortress2 = false; adaLibrary2 = false; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xsudahJadiBuilding[i][keKota] == true) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 5) { adaLab = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 6) { adaBarak = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 7) { adaArmory = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 8) { adaFactory = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 10) { adaTemple = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 11) { adaFortress = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 12) { adaLibrary = true; } } else { if (xsudahJadiBuilding[i][keKota] == false) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 5) { adaLab2 = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 6) { adaBarak2 = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 7) { adaArmory2 = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 8) { adaFactory2 = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 10) { adaTemple2 = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 11) { adaFortress2 = true; } if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 12) { adaLibrary2 = true; } } } ++i; } } function cekSeranganMusuh() { adaSeranganHariIni = false; randSerangan = random(10) + 1; if (xday >= initSerangan) { initSerangan += penambahanSerangan + random(10) + 1; penambahanSerangan -= 5; if (tingkatSulit == 1) { if (sudahSerangFinal == true) { if (penambahanSerangan <= 100) { penambahanSerangan = 100; } } else { if (penambahanSerangan <= 200) { penambahanSerangan = 200; } } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { if (sudahSerangFinal == true) { if (penambahanSerangan <= 50) { penambahanSerangan = 50; } } else { if (penambahanSerangan <= 100) { penambahanSerangan = 100; } } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { if (sudahSerangFinal == true) { if (penambahanSerangan <= 25) { penambahanSerangan = 25; } } else { if (penambahanSerangan <= 50) { penambahanSerangan = 50; } } } } } randSerangan = random(10) + 1; beritaSerangan(); } } function beritaSerangan(xindi) { if (xindi == 'human') { pilihMasukKota = yangDiserang; siapaYangNyerang = 2; keMasuk = 1; } else { masukKota = new Array(); keMasuk = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { adaBatasMusuh = false; j = 1; while (j <= maxKoneksi) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + koneksiKota[i][j]] != undefined) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + koneksiKota[i][j]] == 0) { adaBatasMusuh = true; } } ++j; } if (adaBatasMusuh == true) { masukKota[keMasuk] = i; ++keMasuk; } } ++i; } rand = random(keMasuk); pilihMasukKota = masukKota[rand]; siapaYangNyerang = 0; } if (keMasuk != 0) { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 25; if (xday <= 100) { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 20 + random(5); } else { if (xday <= 200) { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 25 + random(5); } else { if (xday <= 300) { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 30 + random(5); } else { if (xday <= 400) { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 35 + random(5); } else { if (xday <= 500) { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 40 + random(5); } else { if (xday <= 600) { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 45 + random(5); } else { if (xday <= 700) { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 50 + random(5); } else { if (xday <= 800) { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 55 + random(5); } else { jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang = 60 + random(5); } } } } } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { ui_mc.berita_mc.namaKota = xnamaKota[pilihMasukKota] + ' is under attack by Barbarian'; } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { ui_mc.berita_mc.namaKota = xnamaKota[pilihMasukKota] + ' is under attack by Human'; } } sudahTolakBribe = false; cekTombolBerita(); } } function cekTombolBerita() { adaSeranganHariIni = true; ui_mc.berita_mc._visible = true; ui_mc.berita_mc.gotoAndStop(1); akanSerangKota = true; bisaUI(false); if (keKota == pilihMasukKota) { adaSeranganMusuh = true; ui_mc.berita_mc.go_btn.enabled = false; ui_mc.berita_mc.go_btn._alpha = 50; } else { ui_mc.berita_mc.go_btn.enabled = true; ui_mc.berita_mc.go_btn._alpha = 100; } ui_mc.berita_mc.go_btn.onRelease = function () { adaSeranganMusuh = true; this.enabled = false; this._alpha = 50; keKota = pilihMasukKota; menujuKeKota(pilihMasukKota); }; adaDefenseUnit = Number(_root['xwall' + pilihMasukKota]) + Number(_root['xspike' + pilihMasukKota]) + Number(_root['xspiderWeb' + pilihMasukKota]) + Number(_root['xtowerGuard' + pilihMasukKota]) + Number(_root['xzombieTrap' + pilihMasukKota]); if (adaDefenseUnit == 0) { ui_mc.berita_mc.field_btn.enabled = false; ui_mc.berita_mc.field_btn._alpha = 50; } else { ui_mc.berita_mc.field_btn.enabled = true; ui_mc.berita_mc.field_btn._alpha = 100; } ui_mc.berita_mc.field_btn.onRelease = function () { keKota = pilihMasukKota; adaSeranganMusuh = false; clearSemua(); kondisiPreview = 'awal'; gotoAndStop(415); }; ui_mc.berita_mc.castle_btn.onRelease = function () { keKota = pilihMasukKota; adaSeranganMusuh = false; clearSemua(); kondisiPreview = 'tengah2'; gotoAndStop(415); }; if (sudahTolakBribe == false) { ui_mc.berita_mc.bribe_btn.enabled = true; ui_mc.berita_mc.bribe_btn._alpha = 100; } else { ui_mc.berita_mc.bribe_btn.enabled = false; ui_mc.berita_mc.bribe_btn._alpha = 50; } ui_mc.berita_mc.bribe_btn.onRelease = function () { xrand = random(2); if (xrand == 0) { sudahTolakBribe = true; ui_mc.berita_mc.gotoAndStop(2); ui_mc.berita_mc.ok_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.berita_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekTombolBerita(); }; } else { ui_mc.berita_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.berita_mc.ok_btn.onRelease = function () { adaSeranganMusuh = false; ui_mc.berita_mc._visible = false; akanSerangKota = false; bisaUI(true); }; cekBribeMusuh(); } }; ui_mc.berita_mc.surrender_btn.onRelease = function () { if (pilihMasukKota == keKota) { keKota = 0; } adaSeranganMusuh = false; resetKota(); klikMap(); }; } function cekBribeMusuh() { _root['xwelfare' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xwelfare' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xgold' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xiron' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xwood' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xfood' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xbareman' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xswordman' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xarrowman' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xspearman' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xsword' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xarrow' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xspear' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xarrowTrap' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xcatapult' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xfireTrap' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xarrowRain' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xmeteorid' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xacidRain' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xearthquake' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['ximmune' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xinvisible' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xspecialAttack' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xduplicate' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xwall' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xwall' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xspike' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspike' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xspiderWeb' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspiderWeb' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xtowerGuard' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xtowerGuard' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); _root['xzombieTrap' + pilihMasukKota] -= Math.ceil(_root['xzombieTrap' + pilihMasukKota] * 0.5); } function resetKota() { _root['xgold' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xiron' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xwood' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xworker' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xbareman' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xswordman' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xarrowman' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xspearman' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xarrowTrap' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xcatapult' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xfireTrap' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xtank' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xcopter' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xmonbot' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xfood' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xsword' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xarrow' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xspear' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xarrowRain' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xmeteorid' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xacidRain' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xearthquake' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['ximmune' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xinvisible' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xspecialAttack' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xduplicate' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xwall' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xspike' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xspiderWeb' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xtowerGuard' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['xzombieTrap' + pilihMasukKota] = 0; _root['risetArmory' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetFactory' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetPark' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetTemple' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetFortress' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetLibrary' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetCatapult' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetFireTrap' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetTank' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetCopter' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetMonbot' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetInvisible' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetSpecialAttack' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetDuplicate' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetZombie' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetFastBuild' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetRawPlus' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['risetGoldPlus' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoBareman' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoSwordman' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoArrowman' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoSpearman' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoSword' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoArrow' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoSpear' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoTank' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoCopter' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['autoMonbot' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['rangerAktif' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['tirelessAktif' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['armorPlusAktif' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['speedPlusAktif' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['entertainmentAktif' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['fastBuildAktif' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['rawPlusAktif' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['goldPlusAktif' + pilihMasukKota] = false; _root['xtech' + keKota] = 0; _root['xwelfare' + keKota] = 15; _root['kotaMilik' + pilihMasukKota] = siapaYangNyerang; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { xtipeBuilding[i][pilihMasukKota] = 0; xposXBuilding[i][pilihMasukKota] = 0; xposYBuilding[i][pilihMasukKota] = 0; xlevelBuilding[i][pilihMasukKota] = 0; xsudahJadiBuilding[i][pilihMasukKota] = false; xdelayBuatBuilding[i][pilihMasukKota] = 0; ++i; } } function menujuKeKota(indi) { ssi = 1; while (ssi <= maxBangunan) { ssj = 1; while (ssj <= bykKota) { removeMovieClip(_root[ssj + 'bangunan' + ssi]); ++ssj; } ++ssi; } ssi = 1; while (ssi <= maxBangunan) { removeMovieClip(_root['bar' + ssi]); ++ssi; } ssi = 120000; while (ssi <= 120200) { removeMovieClip(_root['rebel_mc' + ssi]); ++ssi; } removeMovieClip(drag_mc); removeMovieClip(masking_mc); removeMovieClip(obyek_mc); removeMovieClip(obyek_mc2); latar_mc._x = 400; latar_mc._y = 300; keKota = indi; initBuilding(keKota); buatBackground(); buatMasking(); } function adaRebel(indi) { randRebel = random(2); bykBangunanSini = 0; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][indi] >= 1) { if (xsudahJadiBuilding[i][j] == true) { ++bykBangunanSini; } } ++i; } if (xday >= 100) { if (randRebel == 0 && adaSeranganHariIni == false && bykBangunanSini > 0) { cekRebel(indi); } } } function cekRebel(indi) { akanSerangKota = true; pilihKotaRebel = indi; ui_mc.rebel_mc._visible = true; ui_mc.rebel_mc.namaKota = 'Due the poor walfare, ' + xnamaKota[pilihKotaRebel] + ' is under attack by Rebel.'; bisaUI(false); ui_mc.rebel_mc.go_btn.onRelease = function () { adaSeranganMusuh = true; ui_mc.rebel_mc._visible = false; if (keKota == pilihKotaRebel) { munculRebel(keKota); } else { keKota = pilihKotaRebel; clearSemua(); keLoading = 'rebel'; gotoAndStop(314); } }; ui_mc.rebel_mc.bribe_btn.onRelease = function () { randRebel = random(2); if (randRebel == 0) { cekBribeRebel(); ui_mc.rebel_mc.gotoAndStop(2); ui_mc.rebel_mc.ok_btn.onRelease = function () { bisaUI(true); akanSerangKota = false; adaSeranganMusuh = false; ui_mc.rebel_mc._visible = false; }; } else { ui_mc.rebel_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.rebel_mc.go_btn.onRelease = function () { adaSeranganMusuh = true; ui_mc.rebel_mc._visible = false; if (keKota == pilihKotaRebel) { munculRebel(keKota); } else { keKota = pilihKotaRebel; menujuKeKota(pilihKotaRebel); munculRebel(keKota); } }; } }; } function cekBribeRebel() { _root['xwelfare' + pilihKotaRebel] += 3; _root['xgold' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xiron' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xwood' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xfood' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xbareman' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xswordman' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xarrowman' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xspearman' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xsword' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xarrow' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xspear' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xarrowTrap' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xcatapult' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xfireTrap' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xarrowRain' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xmeteorid' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xacidRain' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xearthquake' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['ximmune' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xinvisible' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xspecialAttack' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xduplicate' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xwall' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xwall' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xspike' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspike' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xspiderWeb' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xspiderWeb' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xtowerGuard' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xtowerGuard' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); _root['xzombieTrap' + pilihKotaRebel] -= Math.ceil(_root['xzombieTrap' + pilihKotaRebel] * 0.5); } function munculRebel(indi) { bisaUI(false); bykSerangBangunan = 1; keSerangBangunan = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][indi] >= 1) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { xrand = random(150); } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { xrand = random(100); } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { xrand = random(75); } } } if (xrand <= 50) { keSerangBangunan[bykSerangBangunan] = i; ++bykSerangBangunan; } } ++i; } if (bykSerangBangunan <= 1) { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][indi] >= 1) { keSerangBangunan[bykSerangBangunan] = i; ++bykSerangBangunan; i = maxBangunan; } ++i; } } rebelKini = bykSerangBangunan; i = 1; while (i <= bykSerangBangunan - 1) { bangunanDiSerang = keSerangBangunan[i]; randRebel = random(2) + 1; rebel = attachMovie('soldier' + randRebel, 'rebel_mc' + dalamRebel, dalamRebel); rebel._x = _root[indi + 'bangunan' + bangunanDiSerang]._x - 35 - random(25); rebel._y = _root[indi + 'bangunan' + bangunanDiSerang]._y + 80; rebel.xtarget = _root[indi + 'bangunan' + bangunanDiSerang]; rebel.serangKini = 0; rebel.maxSerang = 100 + random(100); rebel.onEnterFrame = enterRebel; ++dalamRebel; if (dalamRebel >= 120200) { dalamRebel = 120000; } ++i; } _root['xwelfare' + keKota] += 3; } function enterRebel() { this._x += geserKiri; this._y += geserAtas; this.gotoAndStop(3); if (this.serangKini >= this.maxSerang) { cekHancurBangunan(this.xtarget); --rebelKini; if (rebelKini <= 1) { bisaUI(true); akanSerangKota = false; klikMap(); } removeMovieClip(this); } else { ++this.serangKini; } } function cekHancurBangunan(indi2) { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 1) { _root['xworker' + keKota] -= productionBuilding[_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].jenisBangunan] * indi2.levelKe; } else { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 12) { _root['rangerAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['entertainmentAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['rawPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['goldPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } } _root['xworker' + keKota] += costWorkerBuilding[indi2.jenisBangunan]; xtipeBuilding[indi2.keBangunan][keKota] = 0; box_mc._visible = false; removeMovieClip(indi2); cekAdaTipeBangunan(); } function cekAI() { adaSeranganHariIni = false; randSerangan2 = random(5) + 1; if (xday >= initSeranganHuman) { initSeranganHuman += penambahanSerangan2 + randSerangan2; penambahanSerangan2 -= 5; if (tingkatSulit == 1) { if (sudahSerangFinal == true) { if (penambahanSerangan2 <= 100) { penambahanSerangan2 = 100; } } else { if (penambahanSerangan2 <= 200) { penambahanSerangan2 = 200; } } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { if (sudahSerangFinal == true) { if (penambahanSerangan2 <= 50) { penambahanSerangan2 = 50; } } else { if (penambahanSerangan2 <= 100) { penambahanSerangan2 = 100; } } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { if (sudahSerangFinal == true) { if (penambahanSerangan2 <= 25) { penambahanSerangan2 = 25; } } else { if (penambahanSerangan2 <= 50) { penambahanSerangan2 = 50; } } } } } serangAI(); } } function serangAI() { masukKotaMusuh = new Array(); keMasukMusuh = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 2) { adaBatasMusuh = false; j = 1; while (j <= maxKoneksi) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + koneksiKota[i][j]] != undefined) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + koneksiKota[i][j]] != 2) { masukKotaMusuh[keMasukMusuh] = koneksiKota[i][j]; ++keMasukMusuh; } } ++j; } } ++i; } adaBatasMusuh = false; j = 1; while (j <= maxKoneksi) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + koneksiKota[i][j]] != undefined) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + koneksiKota[i][j]] == 0) { adaBatasMusuh = true; } } ++j; } if (adaBatasMusuh == true) { masukKota[keMasuk] = i; ++keMasuk; } if (keMasukMusuh > 0) { randMasukMusuh = random(keMasukMusuh); yangDiserang = masukKotaMusuh[randMasukMusuh]; if (_root['kotaMilik' + yangDiserang] == 0) { _root['kotaMilik' + yangDiserang] = 2; penambahanSerangan2 += 5; } else { if (_root['kotaMilik' + yangDiserang] == 1) { beritaSerangan('human'); } } } } function cekQuest() { if (sideQuestKe >= 31) { ui_mc.gameQuest._visible = true; ui_mc.gameQuest.xnama = 'All Task Completed, Congratulations!'; } else { if (sideQuestKe >= 1) { ui_mc.gameQuest._visible = true; ui_mc.gameQuest.xnama = 'Task ' + sideQuestKe + ': ' + xnamaQuest[sideQuestKe]; } else { ui_mc.gameQuest._visible = false; } } if (sideQuestKe == 1) { xbykKotaKini = 0; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 1) { if (xsudahJadiBuilding[i][keKota] == true) { ++xbykKotaKini; } } ++i; } if (xbykKotaKini >= 4) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 2) { } else { if (sideQuestKe == 3) { } else { if (sideQuestKe == 4) { } else { if (sideQuestKe == 5) { } else { if (sideQuestKe == 6) { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = 1; while (j <= bykKota) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 9) { if (sideQuestKe == 6) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } ++j; } ++i; } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 7) { xadaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++xadaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (xadaKotaMonster >= 3) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 8) { } else { if (sideQuestKe == 9) { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = 1; while (j <= bykKota) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 10) { if (sideQuestKe == 9) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } ++j; } ++i; } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 10) { } else { if (sideQuestKe == 11) { if (_root['xmana' + keKota] >= 50) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 12) { if (killMusuh >= 100) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 13) { if (_root.kotaMilik13 == 1) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 14) { if (_root['xwelfare' + keKota] >= 50) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 15) { } else { if (sideQuestKe == 16) { xadaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++xadaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (xadaKotaMonster >= 6) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 17) { if (_root.kotaMilik6 == 1) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 18) { if (_root['xtank' + keKota] >= 20) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 19) { xadaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++xadaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (xadaKotaMonster >= 10) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 20) { if (_root['xcopter' + keKota] >= 20) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 21) { if (killMusuh >= 500) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 22) { if (_root['xmonbot' + keKota] >= 20) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 23) { xadaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++xadaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (xadaKotaMonster >= 14) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 24) { if (killMusuh >= 1000) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 25) { if (_root['xmonbot' + keKota] >= 50) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 26) { xadaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++xadaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (xadaKotaMonster >= 18) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 27) { cekSemuaResource(); if (gagalSemua == false) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 28) { if (killMusuh >= 1500) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 29) { if (tidakKalah >= 10) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 30) { xadaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++xadaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (xadaKotaMonster >= 24) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } function cekMenangQuest(indi) { akanSerangKota = true; bisaUI(false); ui_mc.quest_mc._visible = true; ui_mc.quest_mc.xnama = xnamaQuest[sideQuestKe]; ui_mc.quest_mc.reward_mc.gotoAndStop(sideQuestKe); if (sideQuestKe == 30) { _root.dapatMedal31 = true; } if (sudahTerompet == undefined) { sudahTerompet = true; backTerompet(); } ui_mc.quest_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { sudahTerompet = undefined; if (sideQuestKe == 1) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 1000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 500; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 500; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 2) { _root['xsword' + keKota] += 30; _root['xarrow' + keKota] += 30; _root['xspear' + keKota] += 30; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 3) { _root['xtech' + keKota] += 50; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 4) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 1500; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 750; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 750; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 5) { _root['xfood' + keKota] += 1000; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 6) { _root['xwelfare' + keKota] += 50; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 7) { _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] += 3; _root['xcatapult' + keKota] += 3; _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] += 3; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 8) { _root['xwall' + keKota] += 5; _root['xspike' + keKota] += 5; _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] += 5; _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] += 5; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 9) { _root['xmana' + keKota] += 500; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 10) { _root['xswordman' + keKota] += 100; _root['xarrowman' + keKota] += 100; _root['xspearman' + keKota] += 100; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 11) { _root['xtech' + keKota] += 25; _root['xwelfare' + keKota] += 25; _root['xmana' + keKota] += 25; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 12) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 2500; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 1000; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 1000; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 13) { _root['xtank' + keKota] += 2; _root['xcopter' + keKota] += 2; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 14) { i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { _root['xwelfare' + i] += 25; } ++i; } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 15) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 5000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 2500; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 2500; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 16) { _root['xswordman' + keKota] += 500; _root['xarrowman' + keKota] += 500; _root['xspearman' + keKota] += 500; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 17) { _root['xmana' + keKota] += 2000; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 18) { _root['xtank' + keKota] += 5; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 19) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 7500; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 3500; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 3500; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 20) { _root['xcopter' + keKota] += 10; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 21) { _root['xswordman' + keKota] += 1500; _root['xarrowman' + keKota] += 1500; _root['xspearman' + keKota] += 1500; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 22) { _root['xmonbot' + keKota] += 10; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 23) { _root['xarrowRain' + keKota] += 5; _root['xmeteorid' + keKota] += 5; _root['xacidRain' + keKota] += 5; _root['xearthquake' + keKota] += 5; _root['ximmune' + keKota] += 5; _root['xinvisible' + keKota] += 5; _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] += 5; _root['xduplicate' + keKota] += 5; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 24) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 10000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 5000; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 5000; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 25) { _root['xtank' + keKota] += 5; _root['xcopter' + keKota] += 5; _root['xmonbot' + keKota] += 5; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 26) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 50000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 20000; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 20000; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 27) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 10; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 10; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 10; _root['xworker' + keKota] += 10; _root['xbareman' + keKota] += 10; _root['xswordman' + keKota] += 10; _root['xarrowman' + keKota] += 10; _root['xspearman' + keKota] += 10; _root['xwelfare' + keKota] += 10; _root['xtech' + keKota] += 10; _root['xmana' + keKota] += 10; _root['xfood' + keKota] += 10; _root['xtank' + keKota] += 10; _root['xcopter' + keKota] += 10; _root['xmonbot' + keKota] += 10; _root['xsword' + keKota] += 10; _root['xarrow' + keKota] += 10; _root['xspear' + keKota] += 10; _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] += 10; _root['xcatapult' + keKota] += 10; _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] += 10; _root['xarrowRain' + keKota] += 10; _root['xmeteorid' + keKota] += 10; _root['xacidRain' + keKota] += 10; _root['xearthquake' + keKota] += 10; _root['ximmune' + keKota] += 10; _root['xinvisible' + keKota] += 10; _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] += 10; _root['xduplicate' + keKota] += 10; _root['xwall' + keKota] += 10; _root['xspike' + keKota] += 10; _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] += 10; _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] += 10; _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] += 10; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 28) { _root['xgold' + keKota] += 100000; _root['xiron' + keKota] += 50000; _root['xwood' + keKota] += 50000; } else { if (sideQuestKe == 29) { i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { _root['xgold' + i] *= 2; _root['xiron' + i] *= 2; _root['xwood' + i] *= 2; _root['xworker' + i] *= 2; _root['xbareman' + i] *= 2; _root['xswordman' + i] *= 2; _root['xarrowman' + i] *= 2; _root['xspearman' + i] *= 2; _root['xwelfare' + i] *= 2; _root['xtech' + i] *= 2; _root['xmana' + i] *= 2; _root['xfood' + i] *= 2; _root['xtank' + i] *= 2; _root['xcopter' + i] *= 2; _root['xmonbot' + i] *= 2; _root['xsword' + i] *= 2; _root['xarrow' + i] *= 2; _root['xspear' + i] *= 2; _root['xarrowTrap' + i] *= 2; _root['xcatapult' + i] *= 2; _root['xfireTrap' + i] *= 2; _root['xarrowRain' + i] *= 2; _root['xmeteorid' + i] *= 2; _root['xacidRain' + i] *= 2; _root['xearthquake' + i] *= 2; _root['ximmune' + i] *= 2; _root['xinvisible' + i] *= 2; _root['xspecialAttack' + i] *= 2; _root['xduplicate' + i] *= 2; _root['xwall' + i] *= 2; _root['xspike' + i] *= 2; _root['xspiderWeb' + i] *= 2; _root['xtowerGuard' + i] *= 2; _root['xzombieTrap' + i] *= 2; ++i; } } else { if (sideQuestKe == 30) { dapatMedal31 = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } akanSerangKota = false; bisaUI(true); ui_mc.quest_mc._visible = false; ++sideQuestKe; }; } function buatBox() { box_mc = attachMovie('box_mc', 'box_mc', dalamBox); box_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; box_mc._x = 400; box_mc._y = 315; box_mc._visible = false; } function klikBangunan() { if (this._currentframe == 1) { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } bisaBuat = true; if (_root['xworker' + keKota] < costWorkerBuilding[indi]) { if (indi == 1) { bisaBuat = true; } else { bisaBuat = false; } } if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < costGoldBuilding[indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xwood' + keKota] < costWoodBuilding[indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xiron' + keKota] < costIronBuilding[indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (bisaBuat == true) { drag = attachMovie('bangunan_mc', 'drag_mc', dalamDrag); drag.gotoAndStop(indi); drag.panah_mc._visible = false; drag.aktif_mc._visible = false; drag._x = _root._xmouse; drag._y = _root._ymouse; box_mc._visible = false; pilihBangunanKe = indi; startDrag(drag, true); sedangDrag = true; cekHitBangunan(); } else { cekInfo('Can\'t build this building, need more resources in this town'); } if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (sedangBangunKe == 1) { cekTutorial(4); } else { if (sedangBangunKe == 2) { cekTutorial(8); } else { if (sedangBangunKe == 3) { cekTutorial(12); } else { if (sedangBangunKe == 4) { cekTutorial(16); } else { if (sedangBangunKe == 5) { cekTutorial(22); } else { if (sedangBangunKe == 8) { cekTutorial(29); } else { if (sedangBangunKe == 10) { cekTutorial(35); } } } } } } } } } else { klikRiset(); } } function enterBar() { this._x += geserKiri; this._y += geserAtas; } function klikBangunan2() { indi2 = this; box_mc._visible = true; if (this.levelKe == 3) { box_mc.gotoAndStop(21); } else { box_mc.gotoAndStop(20); } box_mc.xlevel = namaBuilding[this.jenisBangunan] + ' LEVEL ' + this.levelKe; box_mc.bangunan_mc.aktif_mc._visible = false; box_mc.bangunan_mc.gotoAndStop(this.jenisBangunan); box_mc.bangunan_mc.panah_mc._visible = false; box_mc.bangunan_mc.bintang_mc.gotoAndStop(this.levelKe); box_mc.info_mc.gotoAndStop(this.jenisBangunan); box_mc.worker = costWorkerBuilding[this.jenisBangunan]; = costGoldBuilding[this.jenisBangunan]; box_mc.wood = costWoodBuilding[this.jenisBangunan]; box_mc.iron = costIronBuilding[this.jenisBangunan]; box_mc.info_mc.produksi = productionBuilding[_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].jenisBangunan] * indi2.levelKe; box_mc.info_mc.produksi2 = productionBuilding2[_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].jenisBangunan] * indi2.levelKe; if (this.jenisBangunan == 2) { box_mc.info_mc.biaya = costBuilding2[_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].jenisBangunan] * indi2.levelKe; box_mc.info_mc.biaya2 = costBuilding3[_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].jenisBangunan] * indi2.levelKe; } else { box_mc.info_mc.biaya = costBuilding[_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].jenisBangunan] * indi2.levelKe; box_mc.info_mc.biaya2 = costBuilding2[_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].jenisBangunan] * indi2.levelKe; } if (this.jenisBangunan == 5 || this.jenisBangunan == 6 || this.jenisBangunan == 7 || this.jenisBangunan == 8 || this.jenisBangunan == 10 || (this.jenisBangunan == 11 || this.jenisBangunan == 12)) { box_mc.action_btn._visible = true; } else { box_mc.action_btn._visible = false; } if (this.levelKe >= 3) { box_mc.upgrade_btn._visible = false; } else { box_mc.upgrade_btn._visible = true; } box_mc.action_btn.onRelease = function () { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 5) { box_mc.gotoAndStop(2); klikRiset(); } else { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 6) { box_mc.gotoAndStop(3); klikArmy(); } else { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 7) { box_mc.gotoAndStop(4); klikWeapon(); } else { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 8) { box_mc.gotoAndStop(5); klikVehicle(); } else { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 10) { box_mc.gotoAndStop(6); klikSpell(); } else { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 11) { box_mc.gotoAndStop(7); klikDefense(); } else { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 12) { klikSkill(); } } } } } } } }; box_mc.upgrade_btn.onRelease = function () { bisaBuat = true; if (_root['xworker' + keKota] < box_mc.worker) { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 1) { bisaBuat = true; } else { bisaBuat = false; } } if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xwood' + keKota] < box_mc.wood) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xiron' + keKota] < box_mc.iron) { bisaBuat = false; } if (bisaBuat == true) { backBangun2(); ++indi2.levelKe; _root['xworker' + keKota] -= box_mc.worker; _root['xgold' + keKota] -=; _root['xwood' + keKota] -= box_mc.wood; _root['xiron' + keKota] -= box_mc.iron; if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 1) { _root['xworker' + keKota] += productionBuilding[_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].jenisBangunan]; } xlevelBuilding[indi2.keBangunan][keKota] = indi2.levelKe; box_mc._visible = false; } else { cekInfo('Can\'t upgrade this building, need more resources in this town'); } if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (belumUpgradeBangunan == false) { cekTutorial(19); _root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].panah_mc._visible = false; } else { if (belumUpgradeBangunan2 == false) { sudahSemuaTiga = true; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = keKota; if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] >= 1) { if (xsudahJadiBuilding[i][j] == true) { if (xlevelBuilding[i][j] <= 1) { sudahSemuaTiga = false; } } } ++i; } _root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].panah_mc._visible = false; if (sudahSemuaTiga == true) { cekTutorial(20); } } } } }; if (sedangTutorial == true) { box_mc.sell_btn._visible = false; } else { box_mc.sell_btn._visible = true; } box_mc.sell_btn.onRelease = function () { backDeal(); if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 1) { _root['xworker' + keKota] -= productionBuilding[_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + indi2.keBangunan].jenisBangunan] * indi2.levelKe; } else { if (indi2.jenisBangunan == 12) { _root['rangerAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['entertainmentAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['rawPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['goldPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } } _root['xworker' + keKota] += costWorkerBuilding[indi2.jenisBangunan]; _root['xgold' + keKota] += Math.ceil(costGoldBuilding[indi2.jenisBangunan] * 0.5); _root['xwood' + keKota] += Math.ceil(costWoodBuilding[indi2.jenisBangunan] * 0.5); _root['xiron' + keKota] += Math.ceil(costIronBuilding[indi2.jenisBangunan] * 0.5); xtipeBuilding[indi2.keBangunan][keKota] = 0; box_mc._visible = false; removeMovieClip(indi2); cekAdaTipeBangunan(); }; box_mc.close_btn2._visible = true; box_mc.close_btn2.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; }; info_mc._visible = false; cekHilangDrag(); } function cekHitBangunan() { j = 1; while (j <= maxSlot) { obyek['slotGunung' + j].bisaPakai = true; obyek['slotHutan' + j].bisaPakai = true; obyek['slotKosong' + j].bisaPakai = true; ++j; } i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = 1; while (j <= maxSlot) { if (_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + i].hitTest(obyek['slotGunung' + j].indi)) { obyek['slotGunung' + j].bisaPakai = false; } else { if (_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + i].hitTest(obyek['slotHutan' + j].indi)) { obyek['slotHutan' + j].bisaPakai = false; } else { if (_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + i].hitTest(obyek['slotKosong' + j].indi)) { obyek['slotKosong' + j].bisaPakai = false; } } } ++j; } ++i; } if (sedangDrag == true) { i = 1; while (i <= maxSlot) { if (pilihBangunanKe == 3) { obyek['slotGunung' + i]._visible = true; obyek['slotHutan' + i]._visible = false; obyek['slotKosong' + i]._visible = false; } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 4) { obyek['slotGunung' + i]._visible = false; obyek['slotHutan' + i]._visible = true; obyek['slotKosong' + i]._visible = false; } else { obyek['slotGunung' + i]._visible = true; obyek['slotHutan' + i]._visible = true; obyek['slotKosong' + i]._visible = true; } } ++i; } } else { i = 1; while (i <= maxSlot) { obyek['slotGunung' + i]._visible = false; obyek['slotHutan' + i]._visible = false; obyek['slotKosong' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } i = 1; while (i <= maxSlot) { if (obyek['slotGunung' + i].bisaPakai == false) { obyek['slotGunung' + i]._visible = false; } if (obyek['slotHutan' + i].bisaPakai == false) { obyek['slotHutan' + i]._visible = false; } if (obyek['slotKosong' + i].bisaPakai == false) { obyek['slotKosong' + i]._visible = false; } ++i; } } function enterBangunan2() { this._x += geserKiri; this._y += geserAtas; if (this.sudahJadi == false) { if (akanSerangKota != true) { if (_root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] == true) { this.maxBuat = lamaBuatBuilding2[this.jenisBangunan]; } else { this.maxBuat = lamaBuatBuilding[this.jenisBangunan]; } this.delayBuat += speedGame; _root['bar' + this.keBangunan].bar._xscale = (this.delayBuat / this.maxBuat) * 100; xdelayBuatBuilding[this.keBangunan][keKota] = this.delayBuat; if (this.delayBuat >= this.maxBuat) { backBangun2(); _root['bar' + this.keBangunan].gotoAndPlay(2); _root['bar' + this.keBangunan].bar._xscale = 100; this._alpha = 100; this.enabled = true; this.delayBuat = 0; this.sudahJadi = true; xsudahJadiBuilding[this.keBangunan][keKota] = this.sudahJadi; if (this.jenisBangunan == 1) { _root['xworker' + keKota] += productionBuilding[this.jenisBangunan]; } if (this.jenisBangunan == 1) { if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(6); } } else { if (this.jenisBangunan == 2) { if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(10); } } else { if (this.jenisBangunan == 3) { if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(14); } } else { if (this.jenisBangunan == 4) { if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(18); } } else { if (this.jenisBangunan == 5) { if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(24); } } else { if (this.jenisBangunan == 7) { if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(31); } } else { if (this.jenisBangunan == 6) { if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(37); } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (mulaiBisaKlikBuilding == false) { this.enabled = false; } else { this.enabled = true; } } else { if (box_mc._visible == true || akanSerangKota == true) { this.enabled = false; } else { this.enabled = true; } } } if (bangunanAktif[this.jenisBangunan][keKota] == true) { this.aktif_mc._visible = false; } else { this.aktif_mc._visible = true; } this.bintang_mc.gotoAndStop(this.levelKe); this.swapDepths(10000 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function klikBuilding(indi) { cekAdaTipeBangunan(); box_mc._visible = true; box_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (indi == 'dua') { box_mc.build_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { box_mc.build_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; box_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; cekBangunan(); cekHilangDrag(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (sedangBuatKe == 1) { cekTutorial(3); } else { if (sedangBuatKe == 2) { cekTutorial(7); } else { if (sedangBuatKe == 3) { cekTutorial(11); } else { if (sedangBuatKe == 4) { cekTutorial(15); } else { if (sedangBuatKe == 5) { cekTutorial(21); } else { if (sedangBuatKe == 6) { cekTutorial(27); } else { if (sedangBuatKe == 8) { cekTutorial(34); } } } } } } } } info_mc2._visible = false; } function cekBangunan() { i = 1; while (i <= 12) { box_mc.build_mc['worker' + i] = costWorkerBuilding[i]; box_mc.build_mc['gold' + i] = costGoldBuilding[i]; box_mc.build_mc['wood' + i] = costWoodBuilding[i]; box_mc.build_mc['iron' + i] = costIronBuilding[i]; box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].onRelease = klikBangunan; box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].onRollOver = overBangunan; box_mc.build_mc['bangunan' + i].onRollOut = outBangunan; ++i; } if (_root['risetArmory' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan7.gotoAndStop(2); } else { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan7.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root['risetFactory' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan8.gotoAndStop(2); } else { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan8.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root['risetPark' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan9.gotoAndStop(2); } else { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan9.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root['risetTemple' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan10.gotoAndStop(2); } else { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan10.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root['risetFortress' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan11.gotoAndStop(2); } else { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan11.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root['risetLibrary' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan12.gotoAndStop(2); } else { box_mc.build_mc.bangunan12.gotoAndStop(1); } box_mc.next_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc.build_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekBangunan(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (sedangBangunKe == 7) { cekTutorial(28); } } }; box_mc.prev_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc.build_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekBangunan(); }; info_mc2._visible = false; } function overBangunan() { info_mc2._visible = true; myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoBuilding[indi]; } function outBangunan() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikRiset(indi) { cekAdaTipeBangunan(); box_mc._visible = true; box_mc.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; box_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; }; if (adaLab == true) { if (indi == 'ketiga') { box_mc.riset_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (indi == 'kedua') { box_mc.riset_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { box_mc.riset_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } box_mc.study_mc._visible = true; } else { box_mc.riset_mc.gotoAndStop(10); box_mc.study_mc._visible = false; } cekRiset(); cekHilangDrag(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (sedangBuatKe == 6) { cekTutorial(25); } } info_mc2._visible = false; } function cekRiset() { i = 1; while (i <= 18) { box_mc.riset_mc['gold' + i] = butuhMoneyBuilding[i]; box_mc.riset_mc['tech' + i] = butuhTechBuilding[i]; box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].onRelease = klikRisetBuilding; if (i == 1) { if (_root['risetArmory' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 2) { if (_root['risetFactory' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 3) { if (_root['risetPark' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 4) { if (_root['risetTemple' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 5) { if (_root['risetFortress' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 6) { if (_root['risetLibrary' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 7) { if (_root['risetZombie' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 8) { if (_root['risetCatapult' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 9) { if (_root['risetFireTrap' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 10) { if (_root['risetTank' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 11) { if (_root['risetCopter' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 12) { if (_root['risetMonbot' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 13) { if (_root['risetFastBuild' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 14) { if (_root['risetRawPlus' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 15) { if (_root['risetGoldPlus' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 16) { if (_root['risetInvisible' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 17) { if (_root['risetSpecialAttack' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } else { if (i == 18) { if (_root['risetDuplicate' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = false; } else { box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.riset_mc['riset' + i].enabled = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ++i; } box_mc.riset_mc.building_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc.riset_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekRiset(); }; box_mc.riset_mc.military_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc.riset_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekRiset(); }; box_mc.riset_mc.others_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc.riset_mc.gotoAndStop(3); cekRiset(); }; box_mc.riset_mc.build_btn.onRelease = function () { klikBuilding(); }; info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikRisetBuilding() { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } bisaRiset = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < butuhMoneyBuilding[indi]) { bisaRiset = false; } if (_root['xtech' + keKota] < butuhTechBuilding[indi]) { bisaRiset = false; } if (bisaRiset == true) { backMoney(); _root['xgold' + keKota] -= butuhMoneyBuilding[indi]; _root['xtech' + keKota] -= butuhTechBuilding[indi]; if (indi == 1) { _root['risetArmory' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 2) { if (sideQuestKe == 3) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } _root['risetFactory' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 3) { _root['risetPark' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 4) { _root['risetTemple' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 5) { _root['risetFortress' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 6) { _root['risetLibrary' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 7) { _root['risetZombie' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 8) { _root['risetCatapult' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 9) { _root['risetFireTrap' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 10) { _root['risetTank' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 11) { _root['risetCopter' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 12) { _root['risetMonbot' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 13) { _root['risetFastBuild' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 14) { _root['risetRawPlus' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 15) { _root['risetGoldPlus' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 16) { _root['risetInvisible' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 17) { _root['risetSpecialAttack' + keKota] = true; } else { if (indi == 18) { _root['risetDuplicate' + keKota] = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } box_mc._visible = false; if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (sedangBangunKe == 6) { cekTutorial(26); } } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t research this, need more resources in this town'); } info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikArmy() { cekAdaTipeBangunan(); box_mc._visible = true; box_mc.gotoAndStop(3); box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; box_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker1 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker2 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker3 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker4 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima1.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima2.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima3.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima4.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh1.xangka = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh2.xangka = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh3.xangka = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh4.xangka = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima1.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima2.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima3.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima4.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh4.gotoAndStop(1); produksi1 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima1.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker1 = produksi1; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima1.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold1 = butuhGoldArmy[1]; produksi2 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima2.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker2 = produksi2; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima2.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xsword = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold2 = butuhGoldArmy[2]; produksi3 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima3.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker3 = produksi3; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima3.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xarrow = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold3 = butuhGoldArmy[3]; produksi4 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima4.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh4.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker4 = produksi4; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima4.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xspear = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold4 = butuhGoldArmy[4]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold1 = butuhGoldArmy[1]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold2 = butuhGoldArmy[2]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold3 = butuhGoldArmy[3]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold4 = butuhGoldArmy[4]; if (adaBarak == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekArmy(); } else { box_mc.soldiers_mc.gotoAndStop(10); box_mc.soldiers_mc.xlevel = ''; box_mc.soldiers_mc.build_btn.onRelease = function () { klikBuilding(); }; } cekHilangDrag(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (sedangBuatKe == 9) { cekTutorial(38); } } info_mc2._visible = false; } function cekArmy() { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 6) { pilihanBangunanKe = i; i = maxBangunan; } ++i; } levelBarrackIni = xlevelBuilding[pilihanBangunanKe][keKota]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xlevel = 'BARRACK LEVEL ' + levelBarrackIni; box_mc.soldiers_mc.pasukan1 = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.pasukan2 = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.pasukan3 = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.pasukan4 = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; if (box_mc.soldiers_mc.pasukan1 > 0) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.power1 = _root['xbaremanPower' + keKota]; } else { box_mc.soldiers_mc.power1 = 0; } if (box_mc.soldiers_mc.pasukan2 > 0) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.power2 = _root['xswordmanPower' + keKota]; } else { box_mc.soldiers_mc.power2 = 0; } if (box_mc.soldiers_mc.pasukan3 > 0) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.power3 = _root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota]; } else { box_mc.soldiers_mc.power3 = 0; } if (box_mc.soldiers_mc.pasukan4 > 0) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.power4 = _root['xspearmanPower' + keKota]; } else { box_mc.soldiers_mc.power4 = 0; } box_mc.soldiers_mc.xsword = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xarrow = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xspear = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain1 = butuhGoldTrain[1]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain2 = butuhGoldTrain[2]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain3 = butuhGoldTrain[3]; box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain4 = butuhGoldTrain[4]; if (levelBarrackIni <= 1) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train2.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train3.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train4.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara3.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara4.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto2.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto3.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto4.enabled = false; } else { if (levelBarrackIni <= 2) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train2.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train3.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train4.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara4.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto2.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto3.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto4.enabled = false; } else { if (levelBarrackIni <= 3) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train2.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train3.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train4.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.jenisTentara4.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto1.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto2.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto3.enabled = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto4.enabled = true; } } } if (_root['autoBareman' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(2); if (box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.enabled == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.enabled = true; } } if (_root['autoSwordman' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(2); if (box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.enabled == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.enabled = true; } } if (_root['autoArrowman' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(2); if (box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.enabled == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.enabled = true; } } if (_root['autoSpearman' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto4.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto4.gotoAndStop(2); if (box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.enabled == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.enabled = true; } } box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto1.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoBareman' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoBareman' + keKota] = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoBareman' + keKota] = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(1); } cekArmy(); }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto2.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoSwordman' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoSwordman' + keKota] = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoSwordman' + keKota] = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(1); } cekArmy(); }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto3.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoArrowman' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoArrowman' + keKota] = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoArrowman' + keKota] = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(1); } cekArmy(); }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto4.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoSpearman' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoSpearman' + keKota] = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto4.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoSpearman' + keKota] = true; box_mc.soldiers_mc.auto4.gotoAndStop(1); } cekArmy(); }; if (sedangTutorial == true) { box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima1.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima2.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima3.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima4.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh1.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh2.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh3.enabled = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh4.enabled = false; } box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima1.onRelease = function () { produksi1 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima1.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker1 = produksi1; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima1.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold1 = butuhGoldArmy[1]; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima2.onRelease = function () { produksi2 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima2.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker2 = produksi2; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima2.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xsword = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold2 = butuhGoldArmy[2]; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima3.onRelease = function () { produksi3 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima3.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker3 = produksi3; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima3.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xarrow = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold3 = butuhGoldArmy[3]; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima4.onRelease = function () { produksi4 = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima4.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh4.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker4 = produksi4; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima4.xangka = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xspear = produksiArmy; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold4 = butuhGoldArmy[4]; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh1.onRelease = function () { produksi1 = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh1.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker1 = produksi1; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh1.xangka = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold1 = butuhGoldArmy[1] * 10; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh2.onRelease = function () { produksi2 = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh2.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker2 = produksi2; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh2.xangka = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xsword = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold2 = butuhGoldArmy[2] * 10; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh3.onRelease = function () { produksi3 = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh3.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker3 = produksi3; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh3.xangka = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xarrow = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold3 = butuhGoldArmy[3] * 10; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh4.onRelease = function () { produksi4 = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.lima4.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh4.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker4 = produksi4; box_mc.soldiers_mc.limapuluh4.xangka = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.xspear = produksiArmy * 10; box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold4 = butuhGoldArmy[4] * 10; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.onRollOver = function () { info_mc2._visible = true; info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoTroops[1]; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.onRollOut = function () { info_mc2._visible = false; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.onRelease = function () { bisaRecruit = true; if (_root['xworker' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker1) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold1) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (bisaRecruit == true) { backMoney(); _root['xworker' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker1; _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold1; if (sedangTutorial == true) { _root['xbareman' + keKota] += box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker1 * 5 * 3; } else { _root['xbareman' + keKota] += box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker1; } _root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] -= 5; if (_root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] <= _root['xbaremanPowerLow' + keKota]) { _root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] = _root['xbaremanPowerLow' + keKota]; } if (sedangTutorial == true) { tutorial_mc.panah1._visible = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit1.enabled = false; if (_root['xbareman' + keKota] > 0 && _root['xswordman' + keKota] > 0) { box_mc._visible = false; cekTutorial(39); } } else { cekArmy(); } info_mc2._visible = false; } else { cekInfo('Can\'t recruit this soldiers, need more resources in this town'); } }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.onRollOver = function () { info_mc2._visible = true; info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoTroops[2]; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.onRollOut = function () { info_mc2._visible = false; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.onRelease = function () { bisaRecruit = true; if (_root['xworker' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker2) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold2) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (_root['xsword' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.xsword) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (bisaRecruit == true) { backMoney(); _root['xworker' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker2; _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold2; if (sedangTutorial == true) { _root['xsword' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.xsword * 3 * 3; _root['xswordman' + keKota] += box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker2 * 3 * 3; } else { _root['xsword' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.xsword; _root['xswordman' + keKota] += box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker2; } _root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] -= 5; if (_root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] <= _root['xswordmanPowerLow' + keKota]) { _root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] = _root['xswordmanPowerLow' + keKota]; } if (sedangTutorial == true) { tutorial_mc.panah2._visible = false; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit2.enabled = false; if (_root['xbareman' + keKota] > 0 && _root['xswordman' + keKota] > 0) { box_mc._visible = false; cekTutorial(39); } } else { cekArmy(); } info_mc2._visible = false; } else { cekInfo('Can\'t recruit this soldiers, need more resources in this town'); } }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.onRollOver = function () { info_mc2._visible = true; info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoTroops[3]; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.onRollOut = function () { info_mc2._visible = false; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit3.onRelease = function () { bisaRecruit = true; if (_root['xworker' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker3) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold3) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (_root['xarrow' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.xarrow) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (bisaRecruit == true) { backMoney(); _root['xworker' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker3; _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold3; _root['xarrow' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.xarrow; _root['xarrowman' + keKota] += box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker3; _root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] -= 5; if (_root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] <= _root['xarrowmanPowerLow' + keKota]) { _root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] = _root['xarrowmanPowerLow' + keKota]; } cekArmy(); info_mc2._visible = false; } else { cekInfo('Can\'t recruit this soldiers, need more resources in this town'); } }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.onRollOver = function () { info_mc2._visible = true; info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoTroops[4]; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.onRollOut = function () { info_mc2._visible = false; }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.recruit4.onRelease = function () { bisaRecruit = true; if (_root['xworker' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker4) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold4) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (_root['xspear' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.xspear) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (bisaRecruit == true) { backMoney(); _root['xworker' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker4; _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.gold4; _root['xspear' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.xspear; _root['xspearman' + keKota] += box_mc.soldiers_mc.worker4; _root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] -= 5; if (_root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] <= _root['xspearmanPowerLow' + keKota]) { _root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] = _root['xspearmanPowerLow' + keKota]; } cekArmy(); info_mc2._visible = false; } else { cekInfo('Can\'t recruit this soldiers, need more resources in this town'); } }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train1.onRelease = function () { bisaRecruit = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain1) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (bisaRecruit == true) { if (_root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] < _root['xbaremanPowerMax' + keKota]) { if (_root['xbareman' + keKota] > 0) { backTrain(); _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain1; _root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] += 10; if (_root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] >= _root['xbaremanPowerMax' + keKota]) { _root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] = _root['xbaremanPowerMax' + keKota]; } if (sideQuestKe == 2) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } cekArmy(); info_mc2._visible = false; } else { cekInfo('There\'s no bareman in this town, can\'t train'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t train this soldiers anymore, the powers are maximum'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t train this soldiers, need more resources in this town'); } }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train2.onRelease = function () { bisaRecruit = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain2) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (bisaRecruit == true) { if (_root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] < _root['xswordmanPowerMax' + keKota]) { if (_root['xswordman' + keKota] > 0) { backTrain(); _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain2; _root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] += 10; if (_root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] >= _root['xswordmanPowerMax' + keKota]) { _root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] = _root['xswordmanPowerMax' + keKota]; } if (sideQuestKe == 2) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } cekArmy(); info_mc2._visible = false; } else { cekInfo('There\'s no swordman in this town, can\'t train'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t train this soldiers anymore, the powers are maximum'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t train this soldiers, need more resources in this town'); } }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train3.onRelease = function () { bisaRecruit = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain3) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (bisaRecruit == true) { if (_root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] < _root['xarrowmanPowerMax' + keKota]) { if (_root['xarrowman' + keKota] > 0) { backTrain(); _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain3; _root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] += 10; if (_root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] >= _root['xarrowmanPowerMax' + keKota]) { _root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] = _root['xarrowmanPowerMax' + keKota]; } if (sideQuestKe == 2) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } cekArmy(); info_mc2._visible = false; } else { cekInfo('There\'s no arrowman in this town, can\'t train'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t train this soldiers anymore, the powers are maximum'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t train this soldiers, need more resources in this town'); } }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.train4.onRelease = function () { bisaRecruit = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain4) { bisaRecruit = false; } if (bisaRecruit == true) { if (_root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] < _root['xspearmanPowerMax' + keKota]) { if (_root['xspearman' + keKota] > 0) { backTrain(); _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.soldiers_mc.goldTrain4; _root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] += 10; if (_root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] >= _root['xspearmanPowerMax' + keKota]) { _root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] = _root['xspearmanPowerMax' + keKota]; } if (sideQuestKe == 2) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } cekArmy(); info_mc2._visible = false; } else { cekInfo('There\'s no spearman in this town, can\'t train'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t train this soldiers anymore, the powers are maximum'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t train this soldiers, need more resources in this town'); } }; box_mc.soldiers_mc.bareAmount.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.swordAmount.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.arrowAmount.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.spearAmount.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.barePower.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.swordPower.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.arrowPower.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.spearPower.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.bareGold.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.swordGold.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.arrowGold.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.spearGold.onRollOver = overMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.bareAmount.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.swordAmount.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.arrowAmount.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.spearAmount.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.barePower.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.swordPower.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.arrowPower.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.spearPower.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.bareGold.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.swordGold.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.arrowGold.onRollOut = outMenuUI; box_mc.soldiers_mc.spearGold.onRollOut = outMenuUI; info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikWeapon() { cekAdaTipeBangunan(); box_mc._visible = true; box_mc.gotoAndStop(4); box_mc.weapon_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; box_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; if (adaArmory == true) { box_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.close_btn._visible = false; } else { box_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(10); box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; } cekWeapon(); cekHilangDrag(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (sedangBuatKe == 7) { cekTutorial(32); } } info_mc2._visible = false; } function cekWeapon() { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 7) { pilihanBangunanKe = i; i = maxBangunan; } ++i; } levelArmoryKini = xlevelBuilding[pilihanBangunanKe][keKota]; box_mc.weapon_mc.xlevel = 'ARMORY\n\nLEVEL\n\n' + levelArmoryKini; box_mc.weapon_mc.jumlah1 = produksiArmy * levelArmoryKini + ' SWORDS'; box_mc.weapon_mc.jumlah2 = produksiArmy * levelArmoryKini + ' ARROWS'; box_mc.weapon_mc.jumlah3 = produksiArmy * levelArmoryKini + ' SPEARS'; if (levelArmoryKini == 1) { box_mc.weapon_mc.jumlah4 = 1 * levelArmoryKini + ' BOW TRAP'; box_mc.weapon_mc.jumlah5 = 1 * levelArmoryKini + ' CATAPULT'; box_mc.weapon_mc.jumlah6 = 1 * levelArmoryKini + ' FIRE TRAP'; } else { box_mc.weapon_mc.jumlah4 = 1 * levelArmoryKini + ' BOW TRAPS'; box_mc.weapon_mc.jumlah5 = 1 * levelArmoryKini + ' CATAPULTS'; box_mc.weapon_mc.jumlah6 = 1 * levelArmoryKini + ' FIRE TRAPS'; } i = 1; while (i <= 6) { if (i <= 3) { box_mc.weapon_mc['gold' + i] = costGoldWeapon[i] * levelArmoryKini; box_mc.weapon_mc['iron' + i] = costIronWeapon[i] * levelArmoryKini; box_mc.weapon_mc['wood' + i] = costWoodWeapon[i] * levelArmoryKini; } else { box_mc.weapon_mc['gold' + i] = costGoldWeapon[i]; box_mc.weapon_mc['iron' + i] = costIronWeapon[i]; box_mc.weapon_mc['wood' + i] = costWoodWeapon[i]; } box_mc.weapon_mc['weapon' + i].onRelease = klikWeaponBuild; box_mc.weapon_mc['weapon' + i].onRollOver = overWeaponBuild; box_mc.weapon_mc['weapon' + i].onRollOut = outWeaponBuild; ++i; } if (_root['autoSword' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.weapon_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon1.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.weapon_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon1.enabled = true; } if (_root['autoArrow' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.weapon_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon2.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.weapon_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon2.enabled = true; } if (_root['autoSpear' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.weapon_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon3.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.weapon_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon3.enabled = true; } box_mc.weapon_mc.auto1.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoSword' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoSword' + keKota] = false; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoSword' + keKota] = true; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(1); } cekWeapon(); }; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto2.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoArrow' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoArrow' + keKota] = false; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoArrow' + keKota] = true; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(1); } cekWeapon(); }; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto3.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoSpear' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoSpear' + keKota] = false; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoSpear' + keKota] = true; box_mc.weapon_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(1); } cekWeapon(); }; if (_root['risetCatapult' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon5.gotoAndStop(1); } else { box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root['risetFireTrap' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon6.gotoAndStop(1); } else { box_mc.weapon_mc.weapon6.gotoAndStop(2); } box_mc.weapon_mc.build_btn.onRelease = function () { klikBuilding('dua'); }; info_mc2._visible = false; } function overWeaponBuild() { info_mc2._visible = true; myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoArmory[indi]; } function outWeaponBuild() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikWeaponBuild() { if (this._currentframe == 2) { klikRiset('kedua'); } else { myStr = new String(this); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); if (indi <= 3) { box_mc.weapon_mc['gold' + indi] = costGoldWeapon[indi] * levelArmoryKini; box_mc.weapon_mc['iron' + indi] = costIronWeapon[indi] * levelArmoryKini; box_mc.weapon_mc['wood' + indi] = costWoodWeapon[indi] * levelArmoryKini; } else { box_mc.weapon_mc['gold' + indi] = costGoldWeapon[indi]; box_mc.weapon_mc['iron' + indi] = costIronWeapon[indi]; box_mc.weapon_mc['wood' + indi] = costWoodWeapon[indi]; } bisaBuat = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.weapon_mc['gold' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xiron' + keKota] < box_mc.weapon_mc['iron' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xwood' + keKota] < box_mc.weapon_mc['wood' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (bisaBuat == true) { backCreate(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (indi == 1) { _root['xsword' + keKota] += 15 * levelArmoryKini * 3; } else { if (indi == 2) { _root['xarrow' + keKota] += 15 * levelArmoryKini * 3; } else { if (indi == 3) { _root['xspear' + keKota] += 15 * levelArmoryKini * 3; } else { if (indi == 4) { _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] += 1 * levelArmoryKini * 3; } else { if (indi == 5) { _root['xcatapult' + keKota] += 1 * levelArmoryKini * 3; } else { if (indi == 6) { _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] += 1 * levelArmoryKini * 3; } } } } } } } else { if (indi == 1) { _root['xsword' + keKota] += produksiArmy * levelArmoryKini; } else { if (indi == 2) { _root['xarrow' + keKota] += produksiArmy * levelArmoryKini; } else { if (indi == 3) { _root['xspear' + keKota] += produksiArmy * levelArmoryKini; } else { if (indi == 4) { _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] += 1 * levelArmoryKini; } else { if (indi == 5) { _root['xcatapult' + keKota] += 1 * levelArmoryKini; } else { if (indi == 6) { _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] += 1 * levelArmoryKini; } } } } } } } _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.weapon_mc['gold' + indi]; _root['xiron' + keKota] -= box_mc.weapon_mc['iron' + indi]; _root['xwood' + keKota] -= box_mc.weapon_mc['wood' + indi]; if (sedangTutorial == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); this.enabled = false; tutorial_mc['panah' + indi]._visible = false; if (_root['xsword' + keKota] >= 1 && _root['xarrow' + keKota] >= 1 && _root['xspear' + keKota] >= 1) { box_mc._visible = false; cekTutorial(33); } } else { cekWeapon(); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t create this weapon, need more resources in this town'); } } info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikVehicle() { cekAdaTipeBangunan(); box_mc._visible = true; box_mc.gotoAndStop(5); box_mc.factory_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; box_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; if (adaFactory == true) { box_mc.factory_mc.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.close_btn._visible = false; } else { box_mc.factory_mc.gotoAndStop(10); box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; } cekVehicle(); cekHilangDrag(); info_mc2._visible = false; } function cekVehicle() { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 8) { pilihanBangunanKe = i; i = maxBangunan; } ++i; } levelFactoryKini = xlevelBuilding[pilihanBangunanKe][keKota]; box_mc.factory_mc.xlevel = 'FACTORY LEVEL ' + levelFactoryKini; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { box_mc.factory_mc['gold' + i] = costGoldKendaraan[i]; box_mc.factory_mc['iron' + i] = costIronKendaraan[i]; box_mc.factory_mc['wood' + i] = costWoodKendaraan[i]; box_mc.factory_mc['worker' + i] = costWorkerKendaraan[i]; box_mc.factory_mc['tambahan' + i] = costTambahanKendaraan[i]; box_mc.factory_mc['pabrik' + i].onRelease = klikFactoryBuild; box_mc.factory_mc['pabrik' + i].onRollOver = overFactoryBuild; box_mc.factory_mc['pabrik' + i].onRollOut = outFactoryBuild; ++i; } box_mc.factory_mc.auto1.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoTank' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoTank' + keKota] = false; box_mc.factory_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoTank' + keKota] = true; box_mc.factory_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(1); } cekVehicle(); }; box_mc.factory_mc.auto2.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoCopter' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoCopter' + keKota] = false; box_mc.factory_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoCopter' + keKota] = true; box_mc.factory_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(1); } cekVehicle(); }; box_mc.factory_mc.auto3.onRelease = function () { if (_root['autoMonbot' + keKota] == true) { _root['autoMonbot' + keKota] = false; box_mc.factory_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root['autoMonbot' + keKota] = true; box_mc.factory_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(1); } cekVehicle(); }; if (_root['risetTank' + keKota] == true) { if (levelFactoryKini >= 1) { box_mc.factory_mc.auto1._visible = true; if (_root['autoTank' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.factory_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik1.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto1.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik1.enabled = true; } } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto1._visible = false; box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik1.gotoAndStop(4); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik1.enabled = false; } } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto1._visible = false; box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik1.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik1.enabled = true; } if (_root['risetCopter' + keKota] == true) { if (levelFactoryKini >= 2) { box_mc.factory_mc.auto2._visible = true; if (_root['autoCopter' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.factory_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik2.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto2.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik2.enabled = true; } } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto2._visible = false; box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik2.gotoAndStop(4); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik2.enabled = false; } } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto2._visible = false; box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik2.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik2.enabled = true; } if (_root['risetMonbot' + keKota] == true) { if (levelFactoryKini >= 3) { box_mc.factory_mc.auto3._visible = true; if (_root['autoMonbot' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.factory_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik3.enabled = false; } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto3.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik3.enabled = true; } } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto3._visible = false; box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik3.gotoAndStop(4); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik3.enabled = false; } } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto3._visible = false; box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik3.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik3.enabled = true; } box_mc.factory_mc.build_btn.onRelease = function () { klikBuilding('dua'); }; if (keKota == 8 || keKota == 14 || keKota == 17 || keKota == 22) { } else { box_mc.factory_mc.auto3.enabled = false; box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik3.enabled = false; box_mc.factory_mc.pabrik3.gotoAndStop(5); } info_mc2._visible = false; } function overFactoryBuild() { info_mc2._visible = true; myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoFactory[indi]; } function outFactoryBuild() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikFactoryBuild() { if (this._currentframe == 2) { klikRiset('kedua'); } else { myStr = new String(this); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); box_mc.factory_mc['gold' + indi] = costGoldKendaraan[indi]; box_mc.factory_mc['iron' + indi] = costIronKendaraan[indi]; box_mc.factory_mc['wood' + indi] = costWoodKendaraan[indi]; box_mc.factory_mc['worker' + indi] = costWorkerKendaraan[indi]; box_mc.factory_mc['tambahan' + indi] = costTambahanKendaraan[indi]; bisaBuat = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.factory_mc['gold' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xiron' + keKota] < box_mc.factory_mc['iron' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xwood' + keKota] < box_mc.factory_mc['wood' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xworker' + keKota] < box_mc.factory_mc['worker' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (indi <= 2) { if (_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] < box_mc.factory_mc['tambahan' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } } else { if (indi == 3) { if (_root['xmana' + keKota] < box_mc.factory_mc['tambahan' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } } } if (bisaBuat == true) { backCreate(); if (indi == 1) { _root['xtank' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 2) { _root['xcopter' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 3) { if (sideQuestKe == 15) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } _root['xmonbot' + keKota] += 1; } } } _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.factory_mc['gold' + indi]; _root['xiron' + keKota] -= box_mc.factory_mc['iron' + indi]; _root['xwood' + keKota] -= box_mc.factory_mc['wood' + indi]; _root['xworker' + keKota] -= box_mc.factory_mc['worker' + indi]; if (indi <= 2) { _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] -= box_mc.factory_mc['tambahan' + indi]; } else { if (indi == 3) { _root['xmana' + keKota] -= box_mc.factory_mc['tambahan' + indi]; } } cekWeapon(); } else { cekInfo('Can\'t create this vehicle, need more resources in this town'); } } info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikSpell(indi) { cekAdaTipeBangunan(); box_mc._visible = true; box_mc.gotoAndStop(6); box_mc.magic_mc.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; box_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; if (adaTemple == true) { box_mc.magic_mc.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.close_btn2._visible = false; box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; box_mc.prev_btn._visible = true; box_mc.next_btn._visible = true; } else { box_mc.magic_mc.gotoAndStop(10); box_mc.close_btn2._visible = true; box_mc.close_btn._visible = false; box_mc.prev_btn._visible = false; box_mc.next_btn._visible = false; } box_mc.close_btn2.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; cekSpell(); cekHilangDrag(); info_mc2._visible = false; } function cekSpell() { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 10) { pilihanBangunanKe = i; i = maxBangunan; } ++i; } levelTempleKini = xlevelBuilding[pilihanBangunanKe][keKota]; box_mc.magic_mc.xlevel = 'TEMPLE\n\nLEVEL\n\n' + levelTempleKini; i = 1; while (i <= 8) { box_mc.magic_mc['gold' + i] = costGoldMagic[i]; box_mc.magic_mc['mana' + i] = costManaMagic[i]; box_mc.magic_mc['magic' + i].onRelease = klikMagicMana; box_mc.magic_mc['magic' + i].onRollOver = overMagicMana; box_mc.magic_mc['magic' + i].onRollOut = outMagicMana; ++i; } if (_root['risetInvisible' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.magic_mc.magic6.gotoAndStop(1); } else { box_mc.magic_mc.magic6.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root['risetSpecialAttack' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.magic_mc.magic7.gotoAndStop(1); } else { box_mc.magic_mc.magic7.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root['risetDuplicate' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.magic_mc.magic8.gotoAndStop(1); } else { box_mc.magic_mc.magic8.gotoAndStop(2); } box_mc.next_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc.magic_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekSpell(); }; box_mc.prev_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc.magic_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekSpell(); }; box_mc.magic_mc.build_btn.onRelease = function () { klikBuilding('dua'); }; info_mc2._visible = false; } function overMagicMana() { info_mc2._visible = true; myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoSpell[indi]; } function outMagicMana() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikMagicMana() { if (this._currentframe == 2) { klikRiset('ketiga'); } else { myStr = new String(this); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); box_mc.magic_mc['gold' + indi] = costGoldMagic[indi]; box_mc.magic_mc['mana' + indi] = costManaMagic[indi]; bisaBuat = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.magic_mc['gold' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xmana' + keKota] < box_mc.magic_mc['mana' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (bisaBuat == true) { backSpell3(); if (indi == 1) { _root['xarrowRain' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 2) { _root['xmeteorid' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 3) { _root['xacidRain' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 4) { _root['xearthquake' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 5) { _root['ximmune' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 6) { _root['xinvisible' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 7) { _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 8) { _root['xduplicate' + keKota] += 1; } } } } } } } } _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.magic_mc['gold' + indi]; _root['xmana' + keKota] -= box_mc.magic_mc['mana' + indi]; cekSpell(); } else { cekInfo('Can\'t produce this spell, need more resources in this town'); } } info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikDefense() { cekAdaTipeBangunan(); box_mc._visible = true; box_mc.gotoAndStop(7); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; box_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; if (adaFortress == true) { box_mc.pertahanan_mc.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.close_btn._visible = false; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.close_btn._visible = true; } else { box_mc.pertahanan_mc.gotoAndStop(10); box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.close_btn._visible = false; } cekDefense(); cekHilangDrag(); info_mc2._visible = false; } function cekDefense() { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 11) { pilihanBangunanKe = i; i = maxBangunan; } ++i; } levelFortressKini = xlevelBuilding[pilihanBangunanKe][keKota]; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.xlevel = 'FORTRESS\n\nLEVEL\n\n' + levelFortressKini; i = 1; while (i <= 5) { box_mc.pertahanan_mc['gold' + i] = costGoldDefense[i]; box_mc.pertahanan_mc['iron' + i] = costIronDefense[i]; box_mc.pertahanan_mc['wood' + i] = costWoodDefense[i]; box_mc.pertahanan_mc['defense' + i].onRelease = klikPertahananDefense; box_mc.pertahanan_mc['defense' + i].onRollOver = overPertahananDefense; box_mc.pertahanan_mc['defense' + i].onRollOut = outPertahananDefense; ++i; } if (levelFortressKini <= 1) { box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense1.enabled = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense2.enabled = false; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense3.enabled = false; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense4.enabled = false; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.enabled = false; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense2.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense3.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense4.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (levelFortressKini <= 2) { box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense1.enabled = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense2.enabled = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense3.enabled = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense4.enabled = false; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.enabled = false; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense4.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (levelFortressKini <= 3) { box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense1.enabled = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense2.enabled = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense3.enabled = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense4.enabled = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.enabled = true; box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense4.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.gotoAndStop(1); } } } if (_root['risetZombie' + keKota] == true) { if (levelFortressKini >= 3) { box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.enabled = true; } else { box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.gotoAndStop(4); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.enabled = false; } } else { box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.pertahanan_mc.defense5.enabled = true; } box_mc.pertahanan_mc.build_btn.onRelease = function () { klikBuilding('dua'); }; info_mc2._visible = false; } function overPertahananDefense() { info_mc2._visible = true; myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoDefense[indi]; } function outPertahananDefense() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikPertahananDefense() { if (this._currentframe == 2) { klikRiset('kedua'); } else { myStr = new String(this); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); box_mc.pertahanan_mc['gold' + indi] = costGoldDefense[indi]; box_mc.pertahanan_mc['iron' + indi] = costIronDefense[indi]; box_mc.pertahanan_mc['wood' + indi] = costWoodDefense[indi]; bisaBuat = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.pertahanan_mc['gold' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xiron' + keKota] < box_mc.pertahanan_mc['iron' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xwood' + keKota] < box_mc.pertahanan_mc['wood' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (bisaBuat == true) { if (indi == 1) { _root['xwall' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 2) { _root['xspike' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 3) { _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 4) { _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] += 1; } else { if (indi == 5) { _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] += 1; if (sideQuestKe == 8) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } } } } } _root['xgold' + keKota] -= box_mc.pertahanan_mc['gold' + indi]; _root['xiron' + keKota] -= box_mc.pertahanan_mc['iron' + indi]; _root['xwood' + keKota] -= box_mc.pertahanan_mc['wood' + indi]; cekDefense(); } else { cekInfo('Can\'t create this defense equipment, need more resources in this town'); } } info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikSkill(indi) { cekAdaTipeBangunan(); box_mc._visible = true; box_mc.gotoAndStop(8); box_mc.knowledge_mc.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; box_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; if (adaLibrary == true) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.close_btn2._visible = false; box_mc.close_btn._visible = true; box_mc.prev_btn._visible = true; box_mc.next_btn._visible = true; } else { box_mc.knowledge_mc.gotoAndStop(10); box_mc.close_btn2._visible = true; box_mc.close_btn._visible = false; box_mc.prev_btn._visible = false; box_mc.next_btn._visible = false; } box_mc.close_btn2.onRelease = function () { box_mc._visible = false; info_mc2._visible = false; }; cekSkill(); cekHilangDrag(); info_mc2._visible = false; } function cekSkill() { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] == 12) { pilihanBangunanKe = i; i = maxBangunan; } ++i; } levelLibraryKini = xlevelBuilding[pilihanBangunanKe][keKota]; box_mc.knowledge_mc.xlevel = 'LIBRARY\n\nLEVEL\n\n' + levelLibraryKini; if (_root['rangerAktif' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root['rangerAktif' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif1.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif2.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif3.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif3.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif4.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif4.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root['entertainmentAktif' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif5.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root['entertainmentAktif' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif5.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif6.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif6.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root['rawPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif7.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root['rawPlusAktif' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif7.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root['goldPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif8.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root['goldPlusAktif' + keKota] == false) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif8.gotoAndStop(2); } } i = 1; while (i <= 8) { box_mc.knowledge_mc['gold' + i] = costLibraryGold[i]; box_mc.knowledge_mc['iron' + i] = costLibraryIron[i]; box_mc.knowledge_mc['wood' + i] = costLibraryWood[i]; box_mc.knowledge_mc['mana' + i] = costLibraryMana[i]; box_mc.knowledge_mc['skill' + i].onRelease = klikLibrarySkill; box_mc.knowledge_mc['skill' + i].onRollOver = overLibrarySkill; box_mc.knowledge_mc['skill' + i].onRollOut = outLibrarySkill; ++i; } if (levelLibraryKini <= 1) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill1.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill2.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill3.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill4.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill5.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill4.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill5.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif1._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif2._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif3._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif4._visible = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif5._visible = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif6._visible = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif7._visible = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif8._visible = false; } else { if (levelLibraryKini <= 2) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill1.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill2.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill3.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill4.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill5.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill4.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill5.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif1._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif2._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif3._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif4._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif5._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif6._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif7._visible = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif8._visible = false; } else { if (levelLibraryKini <= 3) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill1.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill2.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill3.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill4.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill5.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill1.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill2.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill3.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill4.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill5.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif1._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif2._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif3._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif4._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif5._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif6._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif7._visible = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif8._visible = true; } } } if (_root['risetFastBuild' + keKota] == true) { if (levelLibraryKini >= 2) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif6._visible = true; } else { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.gotoAndStop(5); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif6._visible = false; } } else { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill6.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif6._visible = false; } if (_root['risetRawPlus' + keKota] == true) { if (levelLibraryKini >= 3) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif7._visible = true; } else { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.gotoAndStop(5); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif7._visible = false; } } else { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill7.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif7._visible = false; } if (_root['risetGoldPlus' + keKota] == true) { if (levelLibraryKini >= 3) { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.gotoAndStop(1); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif8._visible = true; } else { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.gotoAndStop(5); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.enabled = false; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif8._visible = false; } } else { box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.gotoAndStop(2); box_mc.knowledge_mc.skill8.enabled = true; box_mc.knowledge_mc.aktif8._visible = false; } box_mc.next_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc.knowledge_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekSkill(); }; box_mc.prev_btn.onRelease = function () { box_mc.knowledge_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekSkill(); }; box_mc.knowledge_mc.build_btn.onRelease = function () { klikBuilding('dua'); }; info_mc2._visible = false; } function overLibrarySkill() { info_mc2._visible = true; myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.xinfo = xinfoSkill[indi]; } function outLibrarySkill() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikLibrarySkill() { if (this._currentframe == 2) { klikRiset('ketiga'); } else { myStr = new String(this); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); box_mc.knowledge_mc['gold' + indi] = costLibraryGold[indi]; box_mc.knowledge_mc['iron' + indi] = costLibraryIron[indi]; box_mc.knowledge_mc['wood' + indi] = costLibraryWood[indi]; box_mc.knowledge_mc['mana' + indi] = costLibraryMana[indi]; bisaBuat = true; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] < box_mc.knowledge_mc['gold' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xiron' + keKota] < box_mc.knowledge_mc['iron' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xwood' + keKota] < box_mc.knowledge_mc['wood' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (_root['xmana' + keKota] < box_mc.knowledge_mc['mana' + indi]) { bisaBuat = false; } if (indi == 1) { if (bisaBuat == true) { if (_root['rangerAktif' + keKota] == true) { _root['rangerAktif' + keKota] = false; } else { backMoney(); if (sideQuestKe == 10) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } _root['rangerAktif' + keKota] = true; } } else { _root['rangerAktif' + keKota] = false; } } else { if (indi == 2) { if (bisaBuat == true) { if (_root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] == true) { _root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] = false; } else { backMoney(); _root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] = true; } } else { _root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] = false; } } else { if (indi == 3) { if (bisaBuat == true) { if (_root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { _root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } else { backMoney(); _root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] = true; } } else { _root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } } else { if (indi == 4) { if (bisaBuat == true) { if (_root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { _root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } else { backMoney(); _root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] = true; } } else { _root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } } else { if (indi == 5) { if (bisaBuat == true) { if (_root['entertainmentAktif' + keKota] == true) { _root['entertainmentAktif' + keKota] = false; } else { backMoney(); _root['entertainmentAktif' + keKota] = true; } } else { _root['entertainmentAktif' + keKota] = false; } } else { if (indi == 6) { if (bisaBuat == true) { if (_root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] == true) { _root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] = false; } else { backMoney(); _root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] = true; } } else { _root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] = false; } } else { if (indi == 7) { if (bisaBuat == true) { if (_root['rawPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { _root['rawPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } else { backMoney(); _root['rawPlusAktif' + keKota] = true; } } else { _root['rawPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } } else { if (indi == 8) { if (bisaBuat == true) { if (_root['goldPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { _root['goldPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } else { backMoney(); _root['goldPlusAktif' + keKota] = true; } } else { _root['goldPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; } } } } } } } } } cekSkill(); } info_mc2._visible = false; } function cekSpeed() { if (speedGame == 1) { ui_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (speedGame == 2) { ui_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (speedGame == 4) { ui_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } function buatUI() { ui_mc = attachMovie('ui_mc', 'ui_mc', dalamUI); ui_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; ui_mc._x = 12.6; ui_mc._y = 14.9; ui_mc.rename_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.option_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.remove_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.serang_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.pindah_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.berita_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.rebel_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.medal_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.more_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.quest_mc._visible = false; if (akanSerangKota == true) { bisaUI(false); if (aksiMap == 'serang') { ui_mc.serang_mc._visible = true; cekSerangInfo(); } else { if (aksiMap == 'move') { ui_mc.pindah_mc._visible = true; cekMoveInfo(); } } } else { bisaUI(true); ui_mc.serang_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.pindah_mc._visible = false; } ui_mc.klikNama_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.rename_mc._visible = true; ui_mc.rename_mc.namaKota = xnamaKota[keKota]; ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text = ''; Selection.setFocus(ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota); ui_mc.rename_mc.cancel_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.rename_mc._visible = false; }; ui_mc.rename_mc.apply_btn.onRelease = function () { if (ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == '' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == ' ' || ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text == 'Input Here') { } else { xnamaKota[keKota] = ui_mc.rename_mc.xnamaKota.text; } ui_mc.rename_mc._visible = false; }; }; ui_mc.attack_mc.onRelease = function () { cekSerang(); }; ui_mc.move_mc.onRelease = function () { cekMove(); }; cekSpeed(); ui_mc.speed_mc.namaSpeed._visible = false; ui_mc.speed_mc.onRollOver = function () { ui_mc.speed_mc.namaSpeed._visible = true; }; ui_mc.speed_mc.onRollOut = function () { ui_mc.speed_mc.namaSpeed._visible = false; }; ui_mc.speed_mc.onRelease = function () { if (speedGame == 1) { speedGame = 2; } else { if (speedGame == 2) { speedGame = 4; } else { if (speedGame == 4) { speedGame = 1; } } } cekSpeed(); }; cekUI(); if (pilihAbility == 1) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaAbility = 'Town Ability: Resource'; } else { if (pilihAbility == 2) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaAbility = 'Town Ability: Military'; } else { if (pilihAbility == 3) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaAbility = 'Town Ability: Technology'; } else { if (pilihAbility == 4) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaAbility = 'Town Ability: Defense'; } } } } if (tingkatSulit == 1) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaSulit = 'Difficulty: Easy'; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaSulit = 'Difficulty: Normal'; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaSulit = 'Difficulty: Hard'; } } } if (pilihSkenario == 1) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaSkenario = 'Campaign: Human Revenge'; } else { if (pilihSkenario == 2) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaSkenario = 'Campaign: Three Ways'; } else { if (pilihSkenario == 3) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaSkenario = 'Campaign: Alone'; } else { if (pilihSkenario == 4) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaSkenario = 'Campaign: No Resources'; } else { if (pilihSkenario == 5) { ui_mc.option_mc.namaSkenario = 'Campaign: Balanced'; } } } } } if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (tutorial_mc._currentframe == 47) { ui_mc.move_mc.enabled = true; } } } function cekMove() { cekTutorial(48); clearSemua(); aksiMap = 'move'; gotoAndStop(344); } function cekMoveInfo() { ui_mc.pindah_mc.cityName = 'Move Goods From ' + xnamaKota[keKota] + ' To ' + xnamaKota[kotaMove]; cekDataPindah(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.move_btn.onRelease = cekPindahSemua; ui_mc.pindah_mc.cancel_btn.onRelease = function () { akanSerangKota = false; ui_mc.pindah_mc._visible = false; bisaUI(true); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.maxResource.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.halfResource.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.quarterResource.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.maxArmy.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.halfArmy.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.quarterArmy.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.maxWeapon.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.halfWeapon.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.quarterWeapon.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.maxSpell.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.halfSpell.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.quarterSpell.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.maxDefense.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywall.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwall' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspike.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspike' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspiderWeb.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytowerGuard.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yzombieTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.halfDefense.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywall.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwall' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspike.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspike' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspiderWeb.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytowerGuard.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yzombieTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.quarterDefense.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywall.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwall' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspike.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspike' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspiderWeb.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytowerGuard.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yzombieTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.max_btn.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytech.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtech' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymana.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmana' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywall.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwall' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspike.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspike' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspiderWeb.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytowerGuard.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yzombieTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.half_btn.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytech.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtech' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymana.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmana' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywall.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwall' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspike.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspike' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspiderWeb.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytowerGuard.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yzombieTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.quarter_btn.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytech.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtech' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymana.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmana' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywall.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwall' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspike.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspike' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspiderWeb.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytowerGuard.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.pindah_mc.yzombieTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.reset_btn.onRelease = function () { updateResource2(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.ygold.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yiron.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywood.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yworker.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ybareman.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yswordman.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowman.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspearman.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytech.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymana.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfood.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytank.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycopter.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymonbot.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ysword.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrow.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspear.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowTrap.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycatapult.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfireTrap.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowRain.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymeteorid.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yacidRain.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yearthquake.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yimmune.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yinvisible.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspecialAttack.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yduplicate.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywall.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspike.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspiderWeb.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytowerGuard.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yzombieTrap.text = 0; }; } function cekDataPindah() { ui_mc.pindah_mc.xgold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xiron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xwood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xworker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xbareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xswordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xarrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xtech = _root['xtech' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xmana = _root['xmana' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xfood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xtank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xcopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xmonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xsword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xarrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xarrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xcatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xfireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xarrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xmeteorid = _root['xmeteorid' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xacidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xearthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ximmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xinvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xduplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xwall = _root['xwall' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspike = _root['xspike' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspiderWeb = _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xtowerGuard = _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xzombieTrap = _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ygold.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yiron.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywood.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yworker.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ybareman.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yswordman.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowman.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspearman.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytech.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymana.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfood.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytank.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycopter.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymonbot.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ysword.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrow.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspear.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowTrap.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycatapult.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfireTrap.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowRain.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymeteorid.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yacidRain.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yearthquake.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yimmune.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yinvisible.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspecialAttack.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yduplicate.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywall.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspike.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspiderWeb.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytowerGuard.text = 0; ui_mc.pindah_mc.yzombieTrap.text = 0; } function cekPindahan() { pindahGold = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ygold.text; pindahIron = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yiron.text; pindahWood = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywood.text; pindahWorker = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yworker.text; pindahBareman = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ybareman.text; pindahSwordman = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yswordman.text; pindahArrowman = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowman.text; pindahSpearman = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspearman.text; pindahTech = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytech.text; pindahMana = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymana.text; pindahFood = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfood.text; pindahTank = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytank.text; pindahCopter = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycopter.text; pindahMonbot = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymonbot.text; pindahSword = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ysword.text; pindahArrow = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrow.text; pindahSpear = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspear.text; pindahArrowTrap = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowTrap.text; pindahCatapult = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ycatapult.text; pindahFireTrap = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yfireTrap.text; pindahArrowRain = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yarrowRain.text; pindahMeteorid = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ymeteorid.text; pindahAcidRain = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yacidRain.text; pindahEarthquake = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yearthquake.text; pindahImmune = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yimmune.text; pindahInvisible = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yinvisible.text; pindahSpecialAttack = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspecialAttack.text; pindahDuplicate = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yduplicate.text; pindahWall = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ywall.text; pindahSpike = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspike.text; pindahSpiderWeb = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yspiderWeb.text; pindahTowerGuard = ui_mc.pindah_mc.ytowerGuard.text; pindahZombieTrap = ui_mc.pindah_mc.yzombieTrap.text; if (isNaN(pindahGold)) { pindahGold = 0; } else { if (pindahGold >= _root['xgold' + keKota]) { pindahGold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahIron)) { pindahIron = 0; } else { if (pindahIron >= _root['xiron' + keKota]) { pindahIron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahWood)) { pindahWood = 0; } else { if (pindahWood >= _root['xwood' + keKota]) { pindahWood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahWorker)) { pindahWorker = 0; } else { if (pindahWorker >= _root['xworker' + keKota]) { pindahWorker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; } } pindahWorker = 0; if (isNaN(pindahBareman)) { pindahBareman = 0; } else { if (pindahBareman >= _root['xbareman' + keKota]) { pindahBareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSwordman)) { pindahSwordman = 0; } else { if (pindahSwordman >= _root['xswordman' + keKota]) { pindahSwordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahArrowman)) { pindahArrowman = 0; } else { if (pindahArrowman >= _root['xarrowman' + keKota]) { pindahArrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSpearman)) { pindahSpearman = 0; } else { if (pindahSpearman >= _root['xspearman' + keKota]) { pindahSpearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahTech)) { pindahTech = 0; } else { if (pindahTech >= _root['xtech' + keKota]) { pindahTech = _root['xtech' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahMana)) { pindahMana = 0; } else { if (pindahMana >= _root['xmana' + keKota]) { pindahMana = _root['xmana' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahFood)) { pindahFood = 0; } else { if (pindahFood >= _root['xfood' + keKota]) { pindahFood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahTank)) { pindahTank = 0; } else { if (pindahTank >= _root['xtank' + keKota]) { pindahTank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahCopter)) { pindahCopter = 0; } else { if (pindahCopter >= _root['xcopter' + keKota]) { pindahCopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahMonbot)) { pindahMonbot = 0; } else { if (pindahMonbot >= _root['xmonbot' + keKota]) { pindahMonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSword)) { pindahSword = 0; } else { if (pindahSword >= _root['xsword' + keKota]) { pindahSword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahArrow)) { pindahArrow = 0; } else { if (pindahSword >= _root['xarrow' + keKota]) { pindahArrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSpear)) { pindahSpear = 0; } else { if (pindahSpear >= _root['xspear' + keKota]) { pindahSpear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahArrowTrap)) { pindahArrowTrap = 0; } else { if (pindahArrowTrap >= _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]) { pindahArrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahCatapult)) { pindahCatapult = 0; } else { if (pindahCatapult >= _root['xcatapult' + keKota]) { pindahCatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahFireTrap)) { pindahFireTrap = 0; } else { if (pindahFireTrap >= _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]) { pindahFireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahArrowRain)) { pindahArrowRain = 0; } else { if (pindahArrowRain >= _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]) { pindahArrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahMeteorid)) { pindahMeteorid = 0; } else { if (pindahMeteorid >= _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]) { pindahMeteorid = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahAcidRain)) { pindahAcidRain = 0; } else { if (pindahAcidRain >= _root['xacidRain' + keKota]) { pindahAcidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahEarthquake)) { pindahEarthquake = 0; } else { if (pindahEarthquake >= _root['xearthquake' + keKota]) { pindahEarthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahImmune)) { pindahImmune = 0; } else { if (pindahImmune >= _root['ximmune' + keKota]) { pindahImmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahInvisible)) { pindahInvisible = 0; } else { if (pindahInvisible >= _root['xinvisible' + keKota]) { pindahInvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSpecialAttack)) { pindahSpecialAttack = 0; } else { if (pindahSpecialAttack >= _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]) { pindahSpecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahDuplicate)) { pindahDuplicate = 0; } else { if (pindahDuplicate >= _root['xduplicate' + keKota]) { pindahDuplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahWall)) { pindahWall = 0; } else { if (pindahWall >= _root['xwall' + keKota]) { pindahWall = _root['xwall' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSpike)) { pindahSpike = 0; } else { if (pindahSpike >= _root['xspike' + keKota]) { pindahSpike = _root['xspike' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSpiderWeb)) { pindahSpiderWeb = 0; } else { if (pindahSpiderWeb >= _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota]) { pindahSpiderWeb = _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahTowerGuard)) { pindahTowerGuard = 0; } else { if (pindahTowerGuard >= _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota]) { pindahTowerGuard = _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahZombieTrap)) { pindahZombieTrap = 0; } else { if (pindahZombieTrap >= _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota]) { pindahZombieTrap = _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota]; } } _root['xgold' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahGold); _root['xiron' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahIron); _root['xwood' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahWood); _root['xbareman' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahBareman); _root['xswordman' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahSwordman); _root['xarrowman' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahArrowman); _root['xspearman' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahSpearman); _root['xfood' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahFood); _root['xtank' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahTank); _root['xcopter' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahCopter); _root['xmonbot' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahMonbot); _root['xsword' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahSword); _root['xarrow' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahArrow); _root['xspear' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahSpear); _root['xarrowTrap' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahArrowTrap); _root['xcatapult' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahCatapult); _root['xfireTrap' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahFireTrap); _root['xarrowRain' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahArrowRain); _root['xmeteorid' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahMeteorid); _root['xacidRain' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahAcidRain); _root['xearthquake' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahEarthquake); _root['ximmune' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahImmune); _root['xinvisible' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahInvisible); _root['xspecialAttack' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahSpecialAttack); _root['xduplicate' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahDuplicate); _root['xwall' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahWall); _root['xspike' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahSpike); _root['xspiderWeb' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahSpiderWeb); _root['xtowerGuard' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahTowerGuard); _root['xzombieTrap' + kotaMove] += Number(pindahZombieTrap); _root['xgold' + keKota] -= Number(pindahGold); _root['xiron' + keKota] -= Number(pindahIron); _root['xwood' + keKota] -= Number(pindahWood); _root['xbareman' + keKota] -= Number(pindahBareman); _root['xswordman' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSwordman); _root['xarrowman' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrowman); _root['xspearman' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpearman); _root['xfood' + keKota] -= Number(pindahFood); _root['xtank' + keKota] -= Number(pindahTank); _root['xcopter' + keKota] -= Number(pindahCopter); _root['xmonbot' + keKota] -= Number(pindahMonbot); _root['xsword' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSword); _root['xarrow' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrow); _root['xspear' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpear); _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrowTrap); _root['xcatapult' + keKota] -= Number(pindahCatapult); _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] -= Number(pindahFireTrap); _root['xarrowRain' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrowRain); _root['xmeteorid' + keKota] -= Number(pindahMeteorid); _root['xacidRain' + keKota] -= Number(pindahAcidRain); _root['xearthquake' + keKota] -= Number(pindahEarthquake); _root['ximmune' + keKota] -= Number(pindahImmune); _root['xinvisible' + keKota] -= Number(pindahInvisible); _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpecialAttack); _root['xduplicate' + keKota] -= Number(pindahDuplicate); _root['xwall' + keKota] -= Number(pindahWall); _root['xspike' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpike); _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpiderWeb); _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] -= Number(pindahTowerGuard); _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] -= Number(pindahZombieTrap); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(pindahBareman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(pindahSwordman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(pindahArrowman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(pindahSpearman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(pindahTank) * costWorkerKendaraan[1]; _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(pindahCopter) * costWorkerKendaraan[2]; _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(pindahMonbot) * costWorkerKendaraan[3]; } function cekPindahSemua() { cekPindahan(); ui_mc.pindah_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (sideQuestKe == 5) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(50); } ui_mc.pindah_mc.go_btn.onRelease = function () { if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(51); clearSemua(); keLoading = 'city'; gotoAndStop(343); } else { clearSemua(); keLoading = 'city'; gotoAndStop(314); } }; ui_mc.pindah_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { akanSerangKota = false; ui_mc.pindah_mc._visible = false; bisaUI(true); }; } function cekSerangInfo() { ui_mc.serang_mc.cityName = 'Attack ' + xnamaKota[kotaSerang] + ' From ' + xnamaKota[keKota]; cekDataSerang(); ui_mc.serang_mc.attack_btn.onRelease = cekSerangan; if (sedangTutorial == true) { ui_mc.serang_mc.cancel_btn.enabled = false; } ui_mc.serang_mc.cancel_btn.onRelease = function () { akanSerangKota = false; ui_mc.serang_mc._visible = false; bisaUI(true); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.maxResource.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.halfResource.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.quarterResource.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.maxArmy.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.halfArmy.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.quarterArmy.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.maxWeapon.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.halfWeapon.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.quarterWeapon.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.maxSpell.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.halfSpell.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.quarterSpell.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.max_btn.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ytech.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtech' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymana.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmana' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 1); ui_mc.serang_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 1); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.half_btn.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ytech.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtech' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymana.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmana' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 2); ui_mc.serang_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 2); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.quarter_btn.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ygold.text = Math.ceil(_root['xgold' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yiron.text = Math.ceil(_root['xiron' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ywood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xwood' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yworker.text = Math.ceil(_root['xworker' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ybareman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xbareman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yswordman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xswordman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspearman.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspearman' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ytech.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtech' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymana.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmana' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfood.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfood' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ytank.text = Math.ceil(_root['xtank' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycopter.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcopter' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymonbot.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmonbot' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ysword.text = Math.ceil(_root['xsword' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrow.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrow' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspear.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspear' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ycatapult.text = Math.ceil(_root['xcatapult' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yfireTrap.text = Math.ceil(_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.ymeteorid.text = Math.ceil(_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yacidRain.text = Math.ceil(_root['xacidRain' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yearthquake.text = Math.ceil(_root['xearthquake' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yimmune.text = Math.ceil(_root['ximmune' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yinvisible.text = Math.ceil(_root['xinvisible' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yspecialAttack.text = Math.ceil(_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] / 4); ui_mc.serang_mc.yduplicate.text = Math.ceil(_root['xduplicate' + keKota] / 4); }; ui_mc.serang_mc.reset_btn.onRelease = function () { updateResource(); ui_mc.serang_mc.ygold.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yiron.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ywood.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yworker.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ybareman.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yswordman.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowman.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yspearman.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ytech.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ymana.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yfood.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ytank.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ycopter.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ymonbot.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ysword.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrow.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yspear.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowTrap.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ycatapult.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yfireTrap.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowRain.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ymeteorid.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yacidRain.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yearthquake.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yimmune.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yinvisible.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yspecialAttack.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yduplicate.text = 0; }; } function updateResource() { ui_mc.serang_mc.xgold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xiron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xwood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xworker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xbareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xswordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xarrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xspearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xtech = _root['xtech' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xmana = _root['xmana' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xfood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xtank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xcopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xmonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xsword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xarrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xspear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xarrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xcatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xfireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xarrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xmeteorid = _root['xmeteorid' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xacidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xearthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.ximmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xinvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xspecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xduplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; } function updateResource2() { ui_mc.pindah_mc.xgold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xiron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xwood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xworker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xbareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xswordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xarrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xtech = _root['xtech' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xmana = _root['xmana' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xfood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xtank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xcopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xmonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xsword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xarrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xarrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xcatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xfireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xarrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xmeteorid = _root['xmeteorid' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xacidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xearthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.ximmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xinvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xduplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xwall = _root['xwall' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspike = _root['xspike' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xspiderWeb = _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xtowerGuard = _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota]; ui_mc.pindah_mc.xzombieTrap = _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota]; } function cekDataSerang() { ui_mc.serang_mc.xgold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xiron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xwood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xworker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xbareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xswordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xarrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xspearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xtech = _root['xtech' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xmana = _root['xmana' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xfood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xtank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xcopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xmonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xsword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xarrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xspear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xarrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xcatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xfireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xarrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xmeteorid = _root['xmeteorid' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xacidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xearthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.ximmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xinvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xspecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.xduplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; ui_mc.serang_mc.ygold.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yiron.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ywood.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yworker.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ybareman.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yswordman.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowman.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yspearman.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ytech.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ymana.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yfood.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ytank.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ycopter.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ymonbot.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ysword.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrow.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yspear.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowTrap.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ycatapult.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yfireTrap.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowRain.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.ymeteorid.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yacidRain.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yearthquake.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yimmune.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yinvisible.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yspecialAttack.text = 0; ui_mc.serang_mc.yduplicate.text = 0; } function cekSerangan() { pindahGold = ui_mc.serang_mc.ygold.text; pindahIron = ui_mc.serang_mc.yiron.text; pindahWood = ui_mc.serang_mc.ywood.text; pindahWorker = ui_mc.serang_mc.yworker.text; pindahBareman = ui_mc.serang_mc.ybareman.text; pindahSwordman = ui_mc.serang_mc.yswordman.text; pindahArrowman = ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowman.text; pindahSpearman = ui_mc.serang_mc.yspearman.text; pindahTech = ui_mc.serang_mc.ytech.text; pindahMana = ui_mc.serang_mc.ymana.text; pindahFood = ui_mc.serang_mc.yfood.text; pindahTank = ui_mc.serang_mc.ytank.text; pindahCopter = ui_mc.serang_mc.ycopter.text; pindahMonbot = ui_mc.serang_mc.ymonbot.text; pindahSword = ui_mc.serang_mc.ysword.text; pindahArrow = ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrow.text; pindahSpear = ui_mc.serang_mc.yspear.text; pindahArrowTrap = ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowTrap.text; pindahCatapult = ui_mc.serang_mc.ycatapult.text; pindahFireTrap = ui_mc.serang_mc.yfireTrap.text; pindahArrowRain = ui_mc.serang_mc.yarrowRain.text; pindahMeteorid = ui_mc.serang_mc.ymeteorid.text; pindahAcidRain = ui_mc.serang_mc.yacidRain.text; pindahEarthquake = ui_mc.serang_mc.yearthquake.text; pindahImmune = ui_mc.serang_mc.yimmune.text; pindahInvisible = ui_mc.serang_mc.yinvisible.text; pindahSpecialAttack = ui_mc.serang_mc.yspecialAttack.text; pindahDuplicate = ui_mc.serang_mc.yduplicate.text; pindahWall = ui_mc.serang_mc.ywall.text; pindahSpike = ui_mc.serang_mc.yspike.text; pindahSpiderWeb = ui_mc.serang_mc.yspiderWeb.text; pindahTowerGuard = ui_mc.serang_mc.ytowerGuard.text; pindahZombieTrap = ui_mc.serang_mc.yzombieTrap.text; if (isNaN(pindahGold)) { pindahGold = 0; } else { if (pindahGold >= _root['xgold' + keKota]) { pindahGold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahIron)) { pindahIron = 0; } else { if (pindahIron >= _root['xiron' + keKota]) { pindahIron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahWood)) { pindahWood = 0; } else { if (pindahWood >= _root['xwood' + keKota]) { pindahWood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahWorker)) { pindahWorker = 0; } else { if (pindahWorker >= _root['xworker' + keKota]) { pindahWorker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; } } pindahWorker = 0; if (isNaN(pindahBareman)) { pindahBareman = 0; } else { if (pindahBareman >= _root['xbareman' + keKota]) { pindahBareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSwordman)) { pindahSwordman = 0; } else { if (pindahSwordman >= _root['xswordman' + keKota]) { pindahSwordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahArrowman)) { pindahArrowman = 0; } else { if (pindahArrowman >= _root['xarrowman' + keKota]) { pindahArrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSpearman)) { pindahSpearman = 0; } else { if (pindahSpearman >= _root['xspearman' + keKota]) { pindahSpearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahTech)) { pindahTech = 0; } else { if (pindahTech >= _root['xtech' + keKota]) { pindahTech = _root['xtech' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahMana)) { pindahMana = 0; } else { if (pindahMana >= _root['xmana' + keKota]) { pindahMana = _root['xmana' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahFood)) { pindahFood = 0; } else { if (pindahFood >= _root['xfood' + keKota]) { pindahFood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahTank)) { pindahTank = 0; } else { if (pindahTank >= _root['xtank' + keKota]) { pindahTank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahCopter)) { pindahCopter = 0; } else { if (pindahCopter >= _root['xcopter' + keKota]) { pindahCopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahMonbot)) { pindahMonbot = 0; } else { if (pindahMonbot >= _root['xmonbot' + keKota]) { pindahMonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSword)) { pindahSword = 0; } else { if (pindahSword >= _root['xsword' + keKota]) { pindahSword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahArrow)) { pindahArrow = 0; } else { if (pindahArrow >= _root['xarrow' + keKota]) { pindahArrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSpear)) { pindahSpear = 0; } else { if (pindahSpear >= _root['xspear' + keKota]) { pindahSpear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahArrowTrap)) { pindahArrowTrap = 0; } else { if (pindahArrowTrap >= _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]) { pindahArrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahCatapult)) { pindahCatapult = 0; } else { if (pindahCatapult >= _root['xcatapult' + keKota]) { pindahCatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahFireTrap)) { pindahFireTrap = 0; } else { if (pindahFireTrap >= _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]) { pindahFireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahArrowRain)) { pindahArrowRain = 0; } else { if (pindahArrowRain >= _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]) { pindahArrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahMeteorid)) { pindahMeteorid = 0; } else { if (pindahMeteorid >= _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]) { pindahMeteorid = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahAcidRain)) { pindahAcidRain = 0; } else { if (pindahAcidRain >= _root['xacidRain' + keKota]) { pindahAcidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahEarthquake)) { pindahEarthquake = 0; } else { if (pindahEarthquake >= _root['xearthquake' + keKota]) { pindahEarthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahImmune)) { pindahImmune = 0; } else { if (pindahImmune >= _root['ximmune' + keKota]) { pindahImmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahInvisible)) { pindahInvisible = 0; } else { if (pindahInvisible >= _root['xinvisible' + keKota]) { pindahInvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahSpecialAttack)) { pindahSpecialAttack = 0; } else { if (pindahSpecialAttack >= _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]) { pindahSpecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; } } if (isNaN(pindahDuplicate)) { pindahDuplicate = 0; } else { if (pindahDuplicate >= _root['xduplicate' + keKota]) { pindahDuplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; } } adaPasukan1 = true; adaPasukan2 = true; adaPasukan3 = true; adaPasukan4 = true; adaPasukan5 = true; adaPasukan6 = true; adaPasukan7 = true; if (pindahBareman == 0) { adaPasukan1 = false; } if (pindahSwordman == 0) { adaPasukan2 = false; } if (pindahArrowman == 0) { adaPasukan3 = false; } if (pindahSpearman == 0) { adaPasukan4 = false; } if (pindahTank == 0) { adaPasukan5 = false; } if (pindahCopter == 0) { adaPasukan6 = false; } if (pindahMonbot == 0) { adaPasukan7 = false; } if (adaPasukan1 == false && adaPasukan2 == false && adaPasukan3 == false && adaPasukan4 == false && adaPasukan5 == false && adaPasukan6 == false && adaPasukan7 == false) { bisaSerangKini = false; } else { bisaSerangKini = true; } if (bisaSerangKini == true) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + kotaSerang] == 0) { siapaYangNyerang = 0; clearSemua(); cekSerangGate(); if (serangGateLangsung == true) { kondisiPreview = 'tengah2'; } else { kondisiPreview = 'awal'; } if (sedangTutorial == true) { kondisiPreview = 'awal'; } gotoAndStop(345); } else { if (_root['kotaMilik' + kotaSerang] == 2) { if (kotaSerang == 21) { sudahSerangAlvetia = true; siapaYangNyerang = 2; clearSemua(); kondisiPreview = 'gate1'; gotoAndStop(345); } else { siapaYangNyerang = 2; clearSemua(); cekSerangGate(); if (serangGateLangsung == true) { kondisiPreview = 'tengah2'; } else { kondisiPreview = 'awal'; } gotoAndStop(345); } } } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t attack right now, there\'s no army units brought into the battle, input it first'); } } function cekSerangGate() { if (awalKaliSerang == true) { awalKaliSerang = false; serangGateLangsung = false; } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { rand = random(2); } else { rand = random(3); } if (rand == 0) { serangGateLangsung = true; } else { serangGateLangsung = false; } } } function cekSerang() { cekTutorial(40); clearSemua(); aksiMap = 'serang'; gotoAndStop(344); } function bisaUI(indi) { ui_mc.building_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.research_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.army_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.weaponary_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.vehicle_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.skill_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.spell_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.defense_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.map_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.trade_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.move_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.attack_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.klikNama_btn.enabled = indi; ui_mc.speed_mc.enabled = indi; ui_mc.achievement_mc.enabled = indi; } function cekUI() { ui_mc.building_mc.onRelease = klikBuilding; ui_mc.research_mc.onRelease = klikRiset; ui_mc.army_mc.onRelease = klikArmy; ui_mc.weaponary_mc.onRelease = klikWeapon; ui_mc.vehicle_mc.onRelease = klikVehicle; ui_mc.spell_mc.onRelease = klikSpell; ui_mc.defense_mc.onRelease = klikDefense; ui_mc.skill_mc.onRelease = klikSkill; ui_mc.remove_mc.onRelease = cekHilangDrag2; ui_mc.map_mc.onRelease = klikMap; ui_mc.menu_mc.onRelease = klikOption; ui_mc.sound_mc.onRelease = klikSound; ui_mc.achievement_mc.onRelease = klikMedal; ui_mc.trade_mc.onRelease = klikDagang; ui_mc.more_btn.onRelease = klikMore; ui_mc.building_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.research_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.army_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.weaponary_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.vehicle_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.skill_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.spell_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.defense_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.gold_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.iron_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.wood_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.worker_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.tech_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.welfare_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.soldier_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.bareman_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.swordman_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.arrowman_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.spearman_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.tank_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.copter_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.sword_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.arrow_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.spear_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.monbot_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.bowTrap_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.catapult_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.fireTrap_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.mana_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.food_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.arrowRain_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.meteorid_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.acidRain_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.earthquake_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.immune_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.invisible_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.specialAttack_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.duplicate_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.wall_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.spike_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.spiderWeb_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.towerGuard_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.zombieTrap_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.map_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.trade_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.move_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.attack_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.menu_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.sound_mc.onRollOver = overSound; ui_mc.achievement_mc.onRollOver = overMenuUI; ui_mc.building_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.research_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.army_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.weaponary_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.vehicle_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.skill_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.spell_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.defense_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.gold_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.iron_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.wood_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.worker_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.tech_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.welfare_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.soldier_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.bareman_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.swordman_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.arrowman_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.spearman_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.tank_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.copter_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.sword_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.arrow_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.spear_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.monbot_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.bowTrap_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.catapult_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.fireTrap_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.mana_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.food_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.arrowRain_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.meteorid_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.acidRain_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.earthquake_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.immune_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.invisible_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.specialAttack_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.duplicate_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.wall_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.spike_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.spiderWeb_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.towerGuard_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.zombieTrap_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.map_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.trade_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.move_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.attack_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.menu_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; ui_mc.sound_mc.onRollOut = outSound; ui_mc.achievement_mc.onRollOut = outMenuUI; } function klikMore() { ui_mc.more_mc._visible = true; ui_mc.more_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.more_mc._visible = false; }; } function klikDagang() { if (dagangKali == true) { if (dealKali >= 5) { ui_mc.dagang_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.dagang_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; }; } else { dagangKali = false; ui_mc.dagang_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { ui_mc.dagang_mc.gotoAndStop(2); ui_mc.dagang_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; }; } ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = true; randDay = 1 + Math.ceil(xday / 10); randGold = 200 * (randDay * (random(3) + 1)); randIron = 25 * (randDay * (random(3) + 1)); randWood = 25 * (randDay * (random(3) + 1)); ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat1 = randGold + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih1 = randIron + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih12 = randWood + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat2 = randIron + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat22 = randWood + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih2 = randGold + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat3 = 75 * (random(randDay) + 1) + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih3 = 100 * (random(randDay) + 1) + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih32 = 15 * (random(randDay) + 1) + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat4 = 75 * (random(randDay) + 1) + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih4 = 50 * (random(randDay) + 1) + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih42 = 15 * (random(randDay) + 1) + random(10); randFood = 100 * (randDay * (random(3) + 1)); randGold = 100 * (randDay * (random(3) + 1)); ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat5 = randFood + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih5 = randGold + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat6 = randGold + random(10); ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih6 = randFood + random(10); if (_root['xgold' + j] <= 0) { _root['xgold' + j] = 0; } if (_root['xiron' + j] <= 0) { _root['xiron' + j] = 0; } if (_root['xwood' + j] <= 0) { _root['xwood' + j] = 0; } ui_mc.dagang_mc.deal1.onRelease = function () { if (_root['xiron' + keKota] >= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih1) { if (_root['xwood' + keKota] >= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih12) { backDeal(); ++dealKali; if (sideQuestKe == 4) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } _root['xiron' + keKota] -= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih1; _root['xwood' + keKota] -= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih12; _root['xgold' + keKota] += ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat1; if (dealKali >= 5) { ui_mc.dagang_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.dagang_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; }; } } } }; ui_mc.dagang_mc.deal2.onRelease = function () { if (_root['xgold' + keKota] >= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih2) { backDeal(); ++dealKali; if (sideQuestKe == 4) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } _root['xgold' + keKota] -= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih2; _root['xiron' + keKota] += ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat2; _root['xwood' + keKota] += ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat22; if (dealKali >= 5) { ui_mc.dagang_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.dagang_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; }; } } }; ui_mc.dagang_mc.deal3.onRelease = function () { if (_root['xgold' + keKota] >= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih3) { if (_root['xwood' + keKota] >= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih32) { backDeal(); ++dealKali; if (sideQuestKe == 4) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } _root['xgold' + keKota] -= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih3; _root['xwood' + keKota] -= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih32; _root['xiron' + keKota] += ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat3; if (dealKali >= 5) { ui_mc.dagang_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.dagang_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; }; } } } }; ui_mc.dagang_mc.deal4.onRelease = function () { if (_root['xgold' + keKota] >= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih4) { if (_root['xiron' + keKota] >= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih42) { backDeal(); ++dealKali; if (sideQuestKe == 4) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } _root['xgold' + keKota] -= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih4; _root['xiron' + keKota] -= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih42; _root['xwood' + keKota] += ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat4; if (dealKali >= 5) { ui_mc.dagang_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.dagang_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; }; } } } }; ui_mc.dagang_mc.deal5.onRelease = function () { if (_root['xgold' + keKota] >= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih5) { backDeal(); ++dealKali; if (sideQuestKe == 4) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } _root['xgold' + keKota] -= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih5; _root['xfood' + keKota] += ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat5; if (dealKali >= 5) { ui_mc.dagang_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.dagang_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; }; } } }; ui_mc.dagang_mc.deal6.onRelease = function () { if (_root['xfood' + keKota] >= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih6) { backDeal(); ++dealKali; if (sideQuestKe == 4) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } _root['xfood' + keKota] -= ui_mc.dagang_mc.kasih6; _root['xgold' + keKota] += ui_mc.dagang_mc.dapat6; if (dealKali >= 5) { ui_mc.dagang_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.dagang_mc.oke_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; }; } } }; ui_mc.dagang_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.dagang_mc._visible = false; }; } function klikMap() { clearSemua(); aksiMap = 'lihat'; gotoAndStop(344); } function cekAutoSave() { if (autoSave == false) { ui_mc.option_mc.autosave_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { ui_mc.option_mc.autosave_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function klikOption() { ui_mc.option_mc.gotoAndStop(1); ui_mc.option_mc._visible = true; if (sudahSimpan == undefined) { ui_mc.option_mc.load_btn.enabled = false; ui_mc.option_mc.saved_mc._visible = true; ui_mc.option_mc.load_btn._alpha = 50; } else { ui_mc.option_mc.load_btn.enabled = true; ui_mc.option_mc.saved_mc._visible = false; ui_mc.option_mc.load_btn._alpha = 100; } cekAutoSave(); ui_mc.option_mc.autosave_mc.onRelease = function () { if (autoSave == false) { autoSave = true; } else { autoSave = false; } cekAutoSave(); }; ui_mc.option_mc.save_btn.onRelease = function () { sudahSimpan = true; simpanData(); ui_mc.option_mc.gotoAndStop(2); ui_mc.option_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.option_mc._visible = false; if (sudahTutorial == false) { tutorial_mc._visible = true; } else { if (ui_mc.berita_mc._visible == true) { } else { if (ui_mc.rebel_mc._visible == true) { } else { akanSerangKota = false; bisaUI(true); } } } }; }; ui_mc.option_mc.load_btn.onRelease = function () { selesaiTutorial(); clearSemua(); keLoading = 'loading'; gotoAndStop(314); akanSerangKota = false; bisaUI(true); }; ui_mc.option_mc.quit_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.option_mc.gotoAndStop(3); ui_mc.option_mc.yes_btn.onRelease = function () { selesaiTutorial(); clearSemua(); backMenu(); backBuilding2(); gotoAndStop(306); akanSerangKota = false; bisaUI(true); }; ui_mc.option_mc.no_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.option_mc._visible = false; if (sudahTutorial == false) { tutorial_mc._visible = true; } else { if (ui_mc.berita_mc._visible == true) { } else { if (ui_mc.rebel_mc._visible == true) { } else { akanSerangKota = false; bisaUI(true); } } } }; }; ui_mc.option_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.option_mc._visible = false; if (sudahTutorial == false) { tutorial_mc._visible = true; } else { if (ui_mc.berita_mc._visible == true) { } else { if (ui_mc.rebel_mc._visible == true) { } else { akanSerangKota = false; bisaUI(true); } } } }; if (sudahTutorial == false) { tutorial_mc._visible = false; } else { akanSerangKota = true; bisaUI(false); } } function klikMedal() { ui_mc.medal_mc._visible = true; ui_mc.achievement_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekMedal(); ui_mc.medal_mc.prev_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.medal_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekMedal(); }; ui_mc.medal_mc.next_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.medal_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekMedal(); }; ui_mc.medal_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.medal_mc._visible = false; akanSerangKota = false; bisaUI(true); }; akanSerangKota = true; bisaUI(false); } function cekMedal() { i = 1; while (i <= 31) { if (_root['dapatMedal' + i] == false) { ui_mc.medal_mc['medal' + i].gotoAndStop(2); } else { ui_mc.medal_mc['medal' + i].gotoAndStop(1); } ui_mc.medal_mc['medal' + i].onRollOver = overMedal; ui_mc.medal_mc['medal' + i].onRollOut = outMedal; ++i; } } function cekDapatMedal() { if (_root['xgold' + keKota] >= 5000) { _root.dapatMedal1 = true; } if (_root['xgold' + keKota] >= 50000) { _root.dapatMedal16 = true; } if (_root['xiron' + keKota] >= 2000) { _root.dapatMedal2 = true; } if (_root['xiron' + keKota] >= 20000) { _root.dapatMedal17 = true; } if (_root['xwood' + keKota] >= 2000) { _root.dapatMedal3 = true; } if (_root['xwood' + keKota] >= 20000) { _root.dapatMedal18 = true; } bykBangunanTotal = 0; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = 1; while (j <= bykKota) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] >= 1) { ++bykBangunanTotal; } ++j; } ++i; } if (bykBangunanTotal >= 50) { _root.dapatMedal4 = true; } if (bykBangunanTotal >= 300) { _root.dapatMedal19 = true; } if (killMusuh >= 50) { _root.dapatMedal5 = true; } if (killMusuh >= 500) { _root.dapatMedal20 = true; } if (_root['xtech' + keKota] >= 100) { _root.dapatMedal6 = true; } if (_root['xtech' + keKota] >= 500) { _root.dapatMedal21 = true; } if (_root['xmana' + keKota] >= 100) { _root.dapatMedal7 = true; } if (_root['xmana' + keKota] >= 500) { _root.dapatMedal22 = true; } if (_root['xwelfare' + keKota] >= 100) { _root.dapatMedal8 = true; } if (_root['xwelfare' + keKota] >= 500) { _root.dapatMedal23 = true; } if (winBattle >= 10) { _root.dapatMedal9 = true; } if (winBattle >= 100) { _root.dapatMedal24 = true; } if (tidakKalah >= 5) { _root.dapatMedal10 = true; } if (tidakKalah >= 25) { _root.dapatMedal25 = true; } totalSoldierKota = _root['xbareman' + keKota] + _root['xswordman' + keKota] + _root['xarrowman' + keKota] + _root['xspearman' + keKota]; if (totalSoldierKota >= 500) { _root.dapatMedal11 = true; } if (totalSoldierKota >= 4000) { _root.dapatMedal26 = true; } if (_root['xtank' + keKota] >= 5) { _root.dapatMedal12 = true; } if (_root['xtank' + keKota] >= 20) { _root.dapatMedal27 = true; } if (_root['xcopter' + keKota] >= 5) { _root.dapatMedal13 = true; } if (_root['xcopter' + keKota] >= 20) { _root.dapatMedal28 = true; } if (_root['xmonbot' + keKota] >= 5) { _root.dapatMedal14 = true; } if (_root['xmonbot' + keKota] >= 20) { _root.dapatMedal29 = true; } simpanMedal(); } function overMedal() { msgBox._visible = true; myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } msgBox.xinfo = xnamaMedal[indi]; } function outMedal() { msgBox._visible = false; } function overMenuUI() { this.gotoAndStop(2); } function outMenuUI() { this.gotoAndStop(1); } function cekHilangDrag() { sedangDrag = false; cekHitBangunan(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc); } function cekHilangDrag2() { if (sedangTutorial == true) { sudahTutorial = true; cekRemovePanah(); selesaiTutorial(); } else { sedangDrag = false; cekHitBangunan(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc); } } function clearSemua() { stopDrag(); sedangDrag = false; akanSerangKota = false; cekHitBangunan(); delete myListener.onKeyDown; delete myListener.onKeyUp; Key.removeListener(myListener); removeMovieClip(drag_mc); i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = 1; while (j <= bykKota) { removeMovieClip(_root[j + 'bangunan' + i]); ++j; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { removeMovieClip(_root['bar' + i]); ++i; } i = 120000; while (i <= 120200) { removeMovieClip(_root['rebel_mc' + i]); ++i; } delete _root.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(ui_mc); removeMovieClip(box_mc); removeMovieClip(masking_mc); removeMovieClip(obyek_mc); removeMovieClip(obyek_mc2); if (sedangTutorial == true) { } else { removeMovieClip(tutorial_mc); } removeMovieClip(msgBox_mc); removeMovieClip(latar_mc); } function klikSound() { if (suaraNyala == true) { suaraNyala = false; } else { suaraNyala = true; } cekSuara(); } function cekSuara() { ui_mc.sound_mc.infoSound_mc._visible = false; if (suaraNyala == true) { volume1 = 100; volume2 = 30; ui_mc.sound_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { volume1 = 0; volume2 = 0; ui_mc.sound_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } myMusic.setVolume(volume1); } function overSound() { ui_mc.sound_mc.infoSound_mc._visible = true; if (suaraNyala == true) { ui_mc.sound_mc.infoSound_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { ui_mc.sound_mc.infoSound_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } function outSound() { ui_mc.sound_mc.infoSound_mc._visible = false; } stop(); latar_mc = attachMovie('latar_mc', 'latar_mc', 9); latar_mc._x = 400; latar_mc._y = 300; latar_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; initSemua(); initCost(); if (awalKaliMain == true) { awalKaliMain = false; initAwalGoods(); } else { initBuilding(keKota); } buatBox(); buatUI(); buatBackground(); buatMasking(); buatMsgBox(); buatInfo(); buatInfo2(); cekDapatMedal(); xnamaQuest = new Array('', 'Have 4 houses in a town', 'Train your soldiers', 'Research for factory', 'Deal with the trader', 'Move resources to Monster Town', 'Build a park', 'Conquer at least 3 towns', 'Buy a zombie trap', 'Build a temple', 'Activate ranger', 'Have at least 50 mana\'s in a town', 'Kill 100 enemies', 'Conquer the ' + xnamaKota[13] + ' Town', 'Have at least 50 welfares in a town', 'Build a monbot', 'Conquer at least 6 towns', 'Conquer the ' + xnamaKota[6] + ' Town', 'Have at least 20 tanks', 'Conquer at least 10 towns', 'Have at least 20 copters', 'Kill 500 enemies', 'Have at least 20 monbots', 'Conquer at least 14 towns', 'Kill 1000 enemies', 'Have at least 50 monbots', 'Conquer at least 18 towns', 'Has all the resources in a town', 'Kill 1500 enemies', 'Unbeatable in battle 10 times in a row', 'Conquer at least 24 towns'); xinfoBuilding = new Array('', 'House is where the monsters live, it can increase the worker, the worker can be used for many things in this game.', 'Farm will produce food and money at the same time, useful for sustainable food town, while the money can be used to develop the town', 'Blacksmith is a place for producing iron, which will be used to make many things, this building can only be placed near the mountain.', 'Sawmill is a place for producing wood, which will be used to make many things, this building can only be placed near the tree.', 'Lab is a building to do some research, you can do a lot of research to produce a more modern buildings, the better troops and many other things.', 'Barack is a place for recruiting and training forces to be stronger, in this place you can generate infantry forces such as barehands, swordsman, arrowman and Spearman.', 'Armory is a place to produce a weapon, which is the main weapon for the infantry: swords, arrows and spears, as well as weapons such as Fire Thrower to build Tank and Copter.', 'Factory is a place for the manufacture of heavy vehicles such as Tanks, Helicopters and Monbots, all of which are heavy combat vehicles are expensive and very powerful.', 'Park is a place of entertainment for the monsters, this place will make people entertained and increase the welfere of town. The building is to be sufficiently important to avoid rebel.', 'Temple is a place of worship and to increases Mana, which could create spells and Monbot that can be used to support the battle.', 'Fortress can produce defense equipment. It\'s very useful to reduce the enemy in the field defend, use these tools to reduce their troops before they met you.', 'Library is a source of knowledge, here you can activate a number of special features that can increases the production value or the ability of your troops.'); xinfoTroops = new Array('', 'Barehands tends most basic troops, he doesn\'t use weapons, this is a melee type unit which is only requires the barrack, but the power is the weakest compared to the others', 'Swordman need a sword to fight, this is the type of melee unit, medium strength and have a decent speed.', 'Arrowman need arrows for war, this is the type of range unit, which can attack from a distance, has a slow speed but good enough damage.', 'Spearman need a spear to fight, this is the type of melee unit, more powerful than swordsman, has considerable speed and fairly good damage.'); xinfoArmory = new Array('', 'Sword is a swordman\'s main weapon, to train swordman you should create this weapon.', 'Arrow is a arrowman\'s main weapon, to train arrowman you should create this weapon.', 'Spear is a spearman\'s main weapon, to train spearman you should create this weapon.', 'Bow Launcher is a low defense weapons to reduce enemies.', 'Stone Thrower is a medium-defense weapons to reduce enemies.', 'Fire Thrower is a high defensive weapons to reduce enemies and one of material to build Tank and Copter.'); xinfoFactory = new Array('', 'Tank is a very powerful vehicle, which has a slow speed but high damage, can result in an explosion tank weapon that can kill a group of enemies, Tank is s range type unit.', 'Copter is a aerial vehicle that is very powerful, it can be shot anything with explosion weapon without being able to reach by melee troops, Copter is a range type unit.', 'Monbot is a monster robot, can only build in a certain places, monbot is the ultimate vehicle, can create an earthquake to reduce all enemies at once, Monbot is a melee type unit.'); xinfoSpell = new Array('', 'Bring rain arrows from the air, is used to attack enemies.', 'Bring a small meteor of the air, is used to attack enemies.', 'Bring acid rain from the air, is used to attack enemies.', 'Creating a powerful earthquake, is used to attack enemies.', 'Making monsters can not attack for a while, used to monsters.', 'Making monsters can not be seen for a while, used to monsters.', 'Making monsters brutally attacked for a while, used to monsters.', 'Making a double monster stats for a long time, used to monsters.'); xinfoDefense = new Array('', 'Wall is the standard used to delay the enemy moves, can\'t strike back and have the most greatest resistance than others.', 'Spike is useful to reduce the opponent\'s life when they touch it, but can not delay the enemy movement, ake sure that your opponent is slow enough for maximum results.', 'Spider Web can produce a small army of spiders that can attack enemies continuously, the damage is probably small, but in large amounts it is very useful.', 'Tower Guard is the guardian monsters on the tower that have arrow weapon, this is a defensive unit that has the most far range, it\'s very suitable if put in the back.', 'Zombie Trap is the most powerful defensive unit, if the trap is touched, it will triggers zombies to come out of his grave.'); xinfoSkill = new Array('', 'Activate Ranger to increase all the troop\'s range in this town.', 'Activate Tireless to increase all troop\'s damage in this town.', 'Activate Armor Plus to improve the all the troop\'s defense in this town.', 'Activate Speed Plus to increase all the troop\'s speed in this town.', 'Activate Entertainment to increase the production of welfare in this town.', 'Activate Fast Build to make the accelerate build time in this town.', 'Activate Raw Plus to increase production of iron and wood in this town.', 'Activate Gold Plus to increase gold production in this town.'); if (sedangTutorial == true) { } else { if (sudahTutorial == false) { cekRemovePanah(); buatTutorial(); } else { sudahTutorial = true; cekRemovePanah(); selesaiTutorial(); } if (menujuRebel == true) { menujuRebel = undefined; bisaUI(false); akanSerangKota = true; munculRebel(keKota); } } if (pilihSkenario == 4) { sudahTutorial = true; cekRemovePanah(); selesaiTutorial(); } _root.onMouseDown = function () { bisaClick = true; if (_root._xmouse <= 50 || _root._xmouse >= 750 || _root._ymouse <= 50) { bisaClick = false; } if (sedangDrag == true && bisaClick == true) { bisaPasang = true; bisaPasang2 = false; if (bisaPasang == true) { i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { if (_root[keKota + 'bangunan' + i]._x == undefined) { bangunanPilih = i; bisaPasang2 = true; i = maxBangunan; } ++i; } } bisaPasang3 = true; if (pilihBangunanKe == 5) { if (adaLab2 == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } if (adaLab == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 6) { if (adaBarak2 == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } if (adaBarak == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 7) { if (adaArmory2 == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } if (adaArmory == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 8) { if (adaFactory2 == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } if (adaFactory == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 11) { if (adaFortress2 == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } if (adaFortress == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 12) { if (adaLibrary2 == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } if (adaLibrary == true) { bisaPasang3 = false; } } } } } } } if (bisaPasang2 == true) { if (bisaPasang3 == true) { bisaPasang4 = false; i = 1; while (i <= maxSlot) { if (_root.drag_mc.hitTest(obyek['slotHutan' + i].indi)) { if (obyek['slotHutan' + i]._visible == true) { posBangunanX = obyek['slotHutan' + i]._x + obyek._x; posBangunanY = obyek['slotHutan' + i]._y + obyek._y; bisaPasang4 = true; i = maxSlot; } } else { if (_root.drag_mc.hitTest(obyek['slotGunung' + i].indi)) { if (obyek['slotGunung' + i]._visible == true) { posBangunanX = obyek['slotGunung' + i]._x + obyek._x; posBangunanY = obyek['slotGunung' + i]._y + obyek._y; bisaPasang4 = true; i = maxSlot; } } else { if (_root.drag_mc.hitTest(obyek['slotKosong' + i].indi)) { if (obyek['slotKosong' + i]._visible == true) { posBangunanX = obyek['slotKosong' + i]._x + obyek._x; posBangunanY = obyek['slotKosong' + i]._y + obyek._y; bisaPasang4 = true; i = maxSlot; } } } } ++i; } if (bisaPasang4 == true) { if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (sedangBangunKe <= 7) { cekTutorial(5); } else { if (sedangBangunKe >= 8) { cekTutorial(30); } } } bar = attachMovie('bar_mc', 'bar' + bangunanPilih, dalamBar); bar._x = posBangunanX; bar._y = posBangunanY + 75; bar.onEnterFrame = enterBar; ++dalamBar; if (dalamBar >= 141000) { dalamBar = 140000; } backBangun(); bangunan = attachMovie('bangunan_mc', keKota + 'bangunan' + bangunanPilih, dalamBangunan); bangunan._x = posBangunanX; bangunan._y = posBangunanY; bangunan.panah_mc._visible = false; bangunan.gotoAndStop(pilihBangunanKe); bangunan._alpha = 30; bangunan.enabled = false; bangunan.sudahJadi = false; bangunan.aktif_mc._visible = false; bangunan.jenisBangunan = pilihBangunanKe; bangunan.keBangunan = bangunanPilih; bangunan.delayBuat = 0; bangunan.maxBuat = lamaBuatBuilding[pilihBangunanKe]; bangunan.levelKe = 1; xtipeBuilding[bangunanPilih][keKota] = pilihBangunanKe; xposXBuilding[bangunanPilih][keKota] = bangunan._x - titikAwalX; xposYBuilding[bangunanPilih][keKota] = bangunan._y - titikAwalY; xlevelBuilding[bangunanPilih][keKota] = bangunan.levelKe; xsudahJadiBuilding[bangunanPilih][keKota] = bangunan.sudahJadi; xdelayBuatBuilding[bangunanPilih][keKota] = bangunan.delayBuat; if (pilihBangunanKe == 9) { if (sideQuestKe == 6) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } if (pilihBangunanKe == 10) { if (sideQuestKe == 9) { cekMenangQuest(sideQuestKe); } } bangunan.onEnterFrame = enterBangunan2; bangunan.onRelease = klikBangunan2; ++dalamBangunan; if (dalamBangunan >= 200) { dalamBangunan = 100; } stopDrag(); sedangDrag = false; cekHitBangunan(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc); _root['xworker' + keKota] -= costWorkerBuilding[pilihBangunanKe]; _root['xgold' + keKota] -= costGoldBuilding[pilihBangunanKe]; _root['xwood' + keKota] -= costWoodBuilding[pilihBangunanKe]; _root['xiron' + keKota] -= costIronBuilding[pilihBangunanKe]; cekAdaTipeBangunan(); } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 3) { cekInfo('Can\'t build Blacksmith on this place, place it near the mountain'); } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 4) { cekInfo('Can\'t build Sawmills on this place, place it near the tree'); } else { cekInfo('Can\'t build on this place, place it on the right sign'); } } } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t build this building again, this is already exist in this town'); } } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 3) { cekInfo('Can\'t build Blacksmith on this place, place it near the mountain'); } else { if (pilihBangunanKe == 4) { cekInfo('Can\'t build Sawmills on this place, place it near the tree'); } else { cekInfo('Can\'t build on this place, place it on the right sign'); } } } } }; cekSuara(); delete myListener.onKeyDown; delete myListener.onKeyUp; Key.removeListener(myListener); myListener = new Object(); myListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = true; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = true; } if (Key.getCode() == 87 || Key.getCode() == 38) { geserKeAtas = true; } if (Key.getCode() == 83 || Key.getCode() == 40) { geserKeBawah = true; } }; myListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = false; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = false; } if (Key.getCode() == 87 || Key.getCode() == 38) { geserKeAtas = false; } if (Key.getCode() == 83 || Key.getCode() == 40) { geserKeBawah = false; } }; Key.addListener(myListener); } frame 312 { function cekSemuaResource() { gagalSemua = false; if (_root['xgold' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xiron' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xwood' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xworker' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xbareman' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xswordman' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xarrowman' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xspearman' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xwelfare' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xtech' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xmana' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xfood' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xtank' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xcopter' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xmonbot' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xsword' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xarrow' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xspear' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xcatapult' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xacidRain' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xearthquake' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['ximmune' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xinvisible' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xduplicate' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xwall' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xspike' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } if (_root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] == 0) { gagalSemua = true; } } stop(); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root._xmouse <= 10 || geserKeKiri == true) { if (latar_mc._x <= 845) { geserKiri = 10 * speedGame; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { if (_root._xmouse >= 790 || geserKeKanan == true) { if (latar_mc._x >= -45) { geserKiri = -10 * speedGame; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { geserKiri = 0; } } if (_root._ymouse <= 5 || geserKeAtas == true) { if (latar_mc._y <= 645) { geserAtas = 10 * speedGame; } else { geserAtas = 0; } } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 585 || geserKeBawah == true) { if (latar_mc._y >= -45) { geserAtas = -10 * speedGame; } else { geserAtas = 0; } } else { geserAtas = 0; } } if (sudahTutorial == false) { if (awalTutorialSeratus == false) { if (geserKiri >= 10) { tutorial_mc.kiri._visible = false; sudahGeserKiri = true; } if (geserKiri <= -10) { tutorial_mc.kanan._visible = false; sudahGeserKanan = true; } if (geserAtas >= 10) { tutorial_mc.atas._visible = false; sudahGeserAtas = true; } if (geserAtas <= -10) { tutorial_mc.bawah._visible = false; sudahGeserBawah = true; } if (sudahGeserKiri == true && sudahGeserKanan == true && sudahGeserAtas == true && sudahGeserBawah == true) { cekTutorial(101); } } } else { if (box_mc._visible == true) { geserKiri = 0; geserAtas = 0; } else { if (akanSerangKota == true) { if (adaSeranganMusuh != true) { geserKiri = 0; geserAtas = 0; } } } } latar_mc._x += geserKiri; latar_mc._y += geserAtas; titikAwalX += geserKiri; titikAwalY += geserAtas; if (delayWaktu >= maxWaktu && akanSerangKota != true) { delayWaktu = 0; dagangKali = true; dealKali = 0; ++xday; cekSeranganMusuh(); if (adaSeranganHariIni == false) { cekAI(); } if (adaSeranganHariIni == false) { j = 1; while (j <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + j] == 1) { if (_root['xworker' + j] > 0) { if (_root['xwelfare' + j] <= 0) { _root['xwelfare' + j] = 0; adaRebel(j); } else { _root['xwelfare' + j] -= 0.05; } } } ++j; } } awalGold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; awalIron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; awalWood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; awalWorker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; awalTech = _root['xtech' + keKota]; awalWelfare = _root['xwelfare' + keKota]; awalFood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; awalMana = _root['xmana' + keKota]; if (_root['xworker' + keKota] < 0) { if (adaWarning1 == false) { adaWarning1 = true; cekInfo('Warning! There\'s no worker in this town, all town activity has been stopped!'); } } else { if (_root['xfood' + keKota] <= 0) { if (adaWarning2 == false) { adaWarning2 = true; cekInfo('Warning! There\'s no food in this town, all town activity has been stopped!'); } } } i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { j = 1; while (j <= bykKota) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] >= 1) { if (j != keKota) { if (_root['xworker' + j] >= 0) { if (_root['xfood' + j] > 0) { if (xsudahJadiBuilding[i][j] == false) { xdelayBuatBuilding[i][j] += maxWaktu; if (_root['fastBuildAktif' + j] == true) { xmaxBuat = lamaBuatBuilding2[xtipeBuilding[i][j]]; } else { xmaxBuat = lamaBuatBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]]; } if (xdelayBuatBuilding[i][j] >= xmaxBuat) { xsudahJadiBuilding[i][j] = true; if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 1) { _root['xworker' + j] += productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]]; } } } } } } if (xsudahJadiBuilding[i][j] == true) { if (_root['xworker' + j] >= 0) { if (_root['xfood' + j] > 0) { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 1) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xfood' + j] >= costBuilding2[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xfood' + j] -= costBuilding2[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } else { _root['xworker' + keKota] -= productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; xtipeBuilding[i][j] = 0; box_mc._visible = false; removeMovieClip(_root[j + 'bangunan' + i]); cekAdaTipeBangunan(); } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 2) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xiron' + j] >= costBuilding2[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j] && _root['xwood' + j] >= costBuilding3[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['goldPlusAktif' + j] == true) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { _root['xgold' + j] += 10 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { _root['xgold' + j] += 8 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { _root['xgold' + j] += 6 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } } } } else { _root['xgold' + j] += productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } _root['xfood' + j] += productionBuilding2[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xiron' + j] -= costBuilding2[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xwood' + j] -= costBuilding3[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 3) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['rawPlusAktif' + j] == true) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { _root['xiron' + j] += 10 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { _root['xiron' + j] += 8 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { _root['xiron' + j] += 6 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } } } } else { _root['xiron' + j] += productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } _root['xgold' + j] -= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 4) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['rawPlusAktif' + j] == true) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { _root['xwood' + j] += 10 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { _root['xwood' + j] += 8 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { _root['xwood' + j] += 6 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } } } } else { _root['xwood' + j] += productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } _root['xgold' + j] -= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 5) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xtech' + j] += productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xgold' + j] -= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 6) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } if (bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] == true) { bisaGagalArmy = false; if (_root['autoBareman' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= butuhGoldArmy[1]) { if (_root['xworker' + j] >= produksiArmy) { _root['xgold' + j] -= butuhGoldArmy[1]; _root['xworker' + j] -= produksiArmy; _root['xbareman' + j] += produksiArmy; } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } if (_root['autoSwordman' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= butuhGoldArmy[2]) { if (_root['xworker' + j] >= produksiArmy) { if (_root['xsword' + j] >= produksiArmy) { _root['xgold' + j] -= butuhGoldArmy[2]; _root['xworker' + j] -= produksiArmy; _root['xsword' + j] -= produksiArmy; _root['xswordman' + j] += produksiArmy; } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } if (_root['autoArrowman' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= butuhGoldArmy[3]) { if (_root['xworker' + j] >= produksiArmy) { if (_root['xarrow' + j] >= produksiArmy) { _root['xgold' + j] -= butuhGoldArmy[3]; _root['xworker' + j] -= produksiArmy; _root['xarrow' + j] -= produksiArmy; _root['xarrowman' + j] += produksiArmy; } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } if (_root['autoSpearman' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= butuhGoldArmy[4]) { if (_root['xworker' + j] >= produksiArmy) { if (_root['xspear' + j] >= produksiArmy) { _root['xgold' + j] -= butuhGoldArmy[4]; _root['xworker' + j] -= produksiArmy; _root['xspear' + j] -= produksiArmy; _root['xspearman' + j] += produksiArmy; } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmy = true; } } if (bisaGagalArmy == true) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; } } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 7) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } if (bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] == true) { bisaGagalArmory = false; if (_root['autoSword' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costGoldWeapon[1] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['xiron' + j] >= costIronWeapon[1] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['xwood' + j] >= costWoodWeapon[1] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costGoldWeapon[1] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xiron' + j] -= costIronWeapon[1] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xwood' + j] -= costWoodWeapon[1] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xsword' + j] += 5 * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { bisaGagalArmory = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmory = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmory = true; } } if (_root['autoArrow' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costGoldWeapon[2] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['xiron' + j] >= costIronWeapon[2] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['xwood' + j] >= costWoodWeapon[2] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costGoldWeapon[2] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xiron' + j] -= costIronWeapon[2] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xwood' + j] -= costWoodWeapon[2] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xarrow' + j] += 5 * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { bisaGagalArmory = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmory = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmory = true; } } if (_root['autoSpear' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costGoldWeapon[3] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['xiron' + j] >= costIronWeapon[3] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['xwood' + j] >= costWoodWeapon[3] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costGoldWeapon[3] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xiron' + j] -= costIronWeapon[3] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xwood' + j] -= costWoodWeapon[3] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xspear' + j] += 5 * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { bisaGagalArmory = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmory = true; } } else { bisaGagalArmory = true; } } if (bisaGagalArmory == true) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; } } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 8) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } if (bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] == true) { bisaGagalFactory = false; if (_root['autoTank' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costGoldKendaraan[1]) { if (_root['xiron' + j] >= costIronKendaraan[1]) { if (_root['xwood' + j] >= costWoodKendaraan[1]) { if (_root['xworker' + j] >= costWorkerKendaraan[1]) { if (_root['xfireTrap' + j] >= costTambahanKendaraan[1]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costGoldKendaraan[1]; _root['xiron' + j] -= costIronKendaraan[1]; _root['xwood' + j] -= costWoodKendaraan[1]; _root['xworker' + j] -= costWorkerKendaraan[1]; _root['xfireTrap' + j] -= costTambahanKendaraan[1]; _root['xtank' + j] += 1; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } if (_root['autoCopter' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costGoldKendaraan[2]) { if (_root['xiron' + j] >= costIronKendaraan[2]) { if (_root['xwood' + j] >= costWoodKendaraan[2]) { if (_root['xworker' + j] >= costWorkerKendaraan[2]) { if (_root['xfireTrap' + j] >= costTambahanKendaraan[2]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costGoldKendaraan[2]; _root['xiron' + j] -= costIronKendaraan[2]; _root['xwood' + j] -= costWoodKendaraan[2]; _root['xworker' + j] -= costWorkerKendaraan[2]; _root['xfireTrap' + j] -= costTambahanKendaraan[2]; _root['xcopter' + j] += 1; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } if (_root['autoMonbot' + j] == true) { if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costGoldKendaraan[3]) { if (_root['xiron' + j] >= costIronKendaraan[3]) { if (_root['xwood' + j] >= costWoodKendaraan[3]) { if (_root['xworker' + j] >= costWorkerKendaraan[3]) { if (_root['xmana' + j] >= costTambahanKendaraan[3]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costGoldKendaraan[3]; _root['xiron' + j] -= costIronKendaraan[3]; _root['xwood' + j] -= costWoodKendaraan[3]; _root['xworker' + j] -= costWorkerKendaraan[3]; _root['xmana' + j] -= costTambahanKendaraan[3]; _root['xmonbot' + j] += 1; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } else { bisaGagalFactory = true; } } if (bisaGagalFactory == true) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; } } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 9) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { if (_root['entertainmentAktif' + j] == true) { _root['xwelfare' + j] += 5 * productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } else { _root['xwelfare' + j] += productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; } _root['xgold' + j] -= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 10) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xmana' + j] += productionBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; _root['xgold' + j] -= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 11) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costBuilding[xtipeBuilding[i][j]] * xlevelBuilding[i][j]; bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; } } else { if (xtipeBuilding[i][j] == 12) { bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = true; k = 1; while (k <= 8) { jalanPasang = false; if (k == 1 && _root['rangerAktif' + j] == true) { jalanPasang = true; } else { if (k == 2 && _root['tirelessAktif' + j] == true) { jalanPasang = true; } else { if (k == 3 && _root['armorPlusAktif' + j] == true) { jalanPasang = true; } else { if (k == 4 && _root['speedPlusAktif' + j] == true) { jalanPasang = true; } else { if (k == 5 && _root['entertainmentAktif' + j] == true) { jalanPasang = true; } else { if (k == 6 && _root['fastBuildAktif' + j] == true) { jalanPasang = true; } else { if (k == 7 && _root['rawPlusAktif' + j] == true) { jalanPasang = true; } else { if (k == 8 && _root['goldPlusAktif' + j] == true) { jalanPasang = true; } } } } } } } } if (jalanPasang == true) { bisaKahPasang = false; if (_root['xgold' + j] >= costLibraryGold[k]) { if (_root['xiron' + j] >= costLibraryIron[k]) { if (_root['xwood' + j] >= costLibraryWood[k]) { if (_root['xmana' + j] >= costLibraryMana[k]) { _root['xgold' + j] -= costLibraryGold[k]; _root['xiron' + j] -= costLibraryIron[k]; _root['xwood' + j] -= costLibraryWood[k]; _root['xmana' + j] -= costLibraryMana[k]; bisaKahPasang = true; } } } } if (bisaKahPasang == false) { if (k == 1) { _root['rangerAktif' + j] = false; } else { if (k == 2) { _root['tirelessAktif' + j] = false; } else { if (k == 3) { _root['armorPlusAktif' + j] = false; } else { if (k == 4) { _root['speedPlusAktif' + j] = false; } else { if (k == 5) { _root['entertainmentAktif' + j] = false; } else { if (k == 6) { _root['fastBuildAktif' + j] = false; } else { if (k == 7) { _root['rawPlusAktif' + j] = false; } else { if (k == 8) { _root['goldPlusAktif' + j] = false; } } } } } } } } bangunanAktif[xtipeBuilding[i][j]][j] = false; if (adaWarning3 == false) { adaWarning3 = true; cekInfo('One or more library skills are inactive, need more resources'); } } } ++k; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (_root['xgold' + j] <= 0) { _root['xgold' + j] = 0; } if (_root['xiron' + j] <= 0) { _root['xiron' + j] = 0; } if (_root['xwood' + j] <= 0) { _root['xwood' + j] = 0; } } } ++j; } ++i; } cekDapatMedal(); i = 1; while (i <= 8) { ui_mc['box_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } akhirGold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; akhirIron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; akhirWood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; akhirWorker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; akhirTech = _root['xtech' + keKota]; akhirWelfare = _root['xwelfare' + keKota]; akhirFood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; akhirMana = _root['xmana' + keKota]; if (awalGold < akhirGold) { ui_mc.box_mc1.gotoAndStop(3); jedaGold = akhirGold - awalGold; ui_mc.gold_mc.infoTambah = 'GOLD\nINC ' + jedaGold; } else { if (awalGold > akhirGold) { ui_mc.box_mc1.gotoAndStop(2); jedaGold = awalGold - akhirGold; ui_mc.gold_mc.infoTambah = 'GOLD\nDEC ' + jedaGold; } else { ui_mc.box_mc1.gotoAndStop(1); ui_mc.gold_mc.infoTambah = 'GOLD'; } } if (awalIron < akhirIron) { ui_mc.box_mc2.gotoAndStop(3); jedaIron = akhirIron - awalIron; ui_mc.iron_mc.infoTambah = 'IRON\nINC ' + jedaIron; } else { if (awalIron > akhirIron) { ui_mc.box_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); jedaIron = awalIron - akhirIron; ui_mc.iron_mc.infoTambah = 'IRON\nDEC ' + jedaIron; } else { ui_mc.box_mc2.gotoAndStop(1); ui_mc.iron_mc.infoTambah = 'IRON'; } } if (awalWood < akhirWood) { ui_mc.box_mc3.gotoAndStop(3); jedaWood = akhirWood - awalWood; ui_mc.wood_mc.infoTambah = 'WOOD\nINC ' + jedaWood; } else { if (awalWood > akhirWood) { ui_mc.box_mc3.gotoAndStop(2); jedaWood = awalWood - akhirWood; ui_mc.wood_mc.infoTambah = 'WOOD\nDEC ' + jedaWood; } else { ui_mc.box_mc3.gotoAndStop(1); ui_mc.wood_mc.infoTambah = 'WOOD'; } } if (awalWorker < akhirWorker) { ui_mc.box_mc4.gotoAndStop(3); jedaWorker = akhirWorker - awalWorker; ui_mc.worker_mc.infoTambah = 'AVAILABLE WORKER\nINC ' + jedaWorker; } else { if (awalWorker > akhirWorker) { ui_mc.box_mc4.gotoAndStop(2); jedaWorker = awalWorker - akhirWorker; ui_mc.worker_mc.infoTambah = 'AVAILABLE WORKER\nDEC ' + jedaWorker; } else { ui_mc.box_mc4.gotoAndStop(1); ui_mc.worker_mc.infoTambah = 'AVAILABLE WORKER'; } } if (awalTech < akhirTech) { ui_mc.box_mc5.gotoAndStop(3); jedaTech = akhirTech - awalTech; myStr = new String(jedaTech); xjedaTech = myStr.substr(0, 4); ui_mc.tech_mc.infoTambah = 'TECH POINT\nINC ' + xjedaTech; } else { if (awalTech > akhirTech) { ui_mc.box_mc5.gotoAndStop(2); jedaTech = awalTech - akhirTech; ui_mc.tech_mc.infoTambah = 'TECH POINT\nDEC ' + jedaTech; } else { ui_mc.box_mc5.gotoAndStop(1); ui_mc.tech_mc.infoTambah = 'TECH POINT'; } } if (awalWelfare < akhirWelfare) { ui_mc.box_mc6.gotoAndStop(3); jedaWelfare = akhirWelfare - awalWelfare; myStr = new String(jedaWelfare); xjedaWelfare = myStr.substr(0, 4); ui_mc.welfare_mc.infoTambah = 'WELFARE\nINC ' + xjedaWelfare; } else { if (awalWelfare > akhirWelfare) { ui_mc.box_mc6.gotoAndStop(2); jedaWelfare = awalWelfare - akhirWelfare; myStr = new String(jedaWelfare); xjedaWelfare = myStr.substr(0, 4); ui_mc.welfare_mc.infoTambah = 'WELFARE\nDEC ' + xjedaWelfare; } else { ui_mc.box_mc6.gotoAndStop(1); ui_mc.welfare_mc.infoTambah = 'WELFARE'; } } if (awalMana < akhirMana) { ui_mc.box_mc8.gotoAndStop(3); jedaMana = akhirMana - awalMana; ui_mc.mana_mc.infoTambah = 'MANA\nINC ' + jedaMana; } else { if (awalMana > akhirMana) { ui_mc.box_mc8.gotoAndStop(2); jedaMana = awalMana - akhirMana; ui_mc.mana_mc.infoTambah = 'MANA\nDEC ' + jedaMana; } else { ui_mc.box_mc8.gotoAndStop(1); ui_mc.mana_mc.infoTambah = 'MANA'; } } if (awalFood < akhirFood) { ui_mc.box_mc9.gotoAndStop(3); jedaFood = akhirFood - awalFood; ui_mc.food_mc.infoTambah = 'FOOD\nINC ' + jedaFood; } else { if (awalFood > akhirFood) { ui_mc.box_mc9.gotoAndStop(2); jedaFood = awalFood - akhirFood; ui_mc.food_mc.infoTambah = 'FOOD\nDEC ' + jedaFood; } else { ui_mc.box_mc9.gotoAndStop(1); ui_mc.food_mc.infoTambah = 'FOOD'; } } if (autoSave == true) { kelipatan = 100; pembagi = xday / kelipatan; myStr3 = new String(pembagi); bisaSimpanGame = true; zz = 0; while (zz <= myStr3.length) { if (myStr3.substr(zz, 1) == '.') { bisaSimpanGame = false; } ++zz; } if (bisaSimpanGame == true) { sudahSimpan = true; simpanData(); ui_mc.option_mc._visible = true; ui_mc.option_mc.gotoAndStop(2); sedangDrag = false; cekHitBangunan(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc); ui_mc.option_mc.close_btn.onRelease = function () { ui_mc.option_mc._visible = false; if (sudahTutorial == false) { tutorial_mc._visible = true; } else { akanSerangKota = false; bisaUI(true); } }; } } } else { delayWaktu += speedGame; } ui_mc.xday = 'DAY ' + xday; ui_mc.frameKota.namaKota = xnamaKota[keKota]; ui_mc.xgold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; ui_mc.xiron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; ui_mc.xwood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; if (_root['xworker' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xworker' + keKota] = 0; } ui_mc.xworker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; techBulat = Math.floor(_root['xtech' + keKota]); ui_mc.xtech = techBulat; welfareBulat = Math.ceil(_root['xwelfare' + keKota]); ui_mc.xwelfare = welfareBulat; ui_mc.xmana = _root['xmana' + keKota]; ui_mc.xfood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; ui_mc.xsoldier = _root['xbareman' + keKota] + _root['xswordman' + keKota] + _root['xarrowman' + keKota] + _root['xspearman' + keKota]; ui_mc.xbareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; ui_mc.xswordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; ui_mc.xarrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; ui_mc.xspearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; ui_mc.xsword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; ui_mc.xarrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; ui_mc.xspear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; ui_mc.xtank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; ui_mc.xcopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; ui_mc.xmonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; ui_mc.xarrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.xcatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; ui_mc.xfireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.xarrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.xmeteorid = _root['xmeteorid' + keKota]; ui_mc.xacidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.xearthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; ui_mc.ximmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; ui_mc.xinvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; ui_mc.xspecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; ui_mc.xduplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; ui_mc.xwall = _root['xwall' + keKota]; ui_mc.xspike = _root['xspike' + keKota]; ui_mc.xspiderWeb = _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota]; ui_mc.xtowerGuard = _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota]; ui_mc.xzombieTrap = _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota]; if (box_mc._currentframe == 7 && box_mc._visible == true) { ui_mc.gotoAndStop(6); cekUI(); } else { if (box_mc._currentframe == 6 && box_mc._visible == true) { ui_mc.gotoAndStop(5); cekUI(); } else { if (box_mc._currentframe == 5 && box_mc._visible == true) { ui_mc.gotoAndStop(4); cekUI(); } else { if (box_mc._currentframe == 4 && box_mc._visible == true) { ui_mc.gotoAndStop(3); cekUI(); } else { if (box_mc._currentframe == 3 && box_mc._visible == true) { ui_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekUI(); } else { ui_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekUI(); } } } } } if (sedangTutorial == true) { } else { if (sedangDrag == true) { ui_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } else { ui_mc.remove_mc._visible = false; } } if (tingkatSulit == 1) { ui_mc.gameLevel.gameLevel = 'Easy'; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { ui_mc.gameLevel.gameLevel = 'Normal'; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { ui_mc.gameLevel.gameLevel = 'Hard'; } } } if (_root['xmonbot' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xmonbot' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xcopter' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xcopter' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xtank' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xtank' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xsword' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xsword' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xarrow' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xarrow' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xspear' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xspear' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xswordman' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xswordman' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xarrowman' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xarrowman' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xspearman' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xspearman' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xcatapult' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xcatapult' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xfireTrap' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xarrowRain' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xarrowRain' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xmeteorid' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xmeteorid' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xacidRain' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xacidRain' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xearthquake' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xearthquake' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['ximmune' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['ximmune' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xinvisible' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xinvisible' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xduplicate' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xduplicate' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xwall' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xwall' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xspike' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xspike' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] = 0; } if (_root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] <= 0) { _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] = 0; } ui_mc.more_mc.cityName = xnamaKota[keKota] + ' All Resources and Goods'; ui_mc.more_mc.xgold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xiron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xwood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xworker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xbareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xswordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xarrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xspearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xwelfare = Math.ceil(_root['xwelfare' + keKota]); ui_mc.more_mc.xtech = Math.ceil(_root['xtech' + keKota]); ui_mc.more_mc.xmana = Math.ceil(_root['xmana' + keKota]); ui_mc.more_mc.xfood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xtank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xcopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xmonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xsword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xarrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xspear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xarrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xcatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xfireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xarrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xmeteorid = _root['xmeteorid' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xacidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xearthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.ximmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xinvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xspecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xduplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xwall = _root['xwall' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xspike = _root['xspike' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xspiderWeb = _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xtowerGuard = _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota]; ui_mc.more_mc.xzombieTrap = _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota]; cekQuest(); }; } frame 314 { play(); } frame 343 { stop(); if (keLoading == 'city') { keKota = kotaMove; gotoAndStop(312); } else { if (keLoading == 'rebel') { menujuRebel = true; gotoAndStop(312); } else { loadData(); gotoAndStop(312); } } } frame 344 { function initMap() { frame_mc3._visible = false; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { _root['kota' + i].cacheAsBitmap = true; _root['kota' + i].onRollOver = overKota; _root['kota' + i].onRollOut = outKota; _root['kota' + i].onRelease = klikKota; _root['kota' + i].onEnterFrame = enterKota; _root['kota' + i].enabled = true; if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 0) { _root['kota' + i].gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { _root['kota' + i].gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 2) { _root['kota' + i].gotoAndStop(2); } } } _root['kota' + i].position_mc._visible = false; _root['kota' + i].kedip_mc._visible = false; ++i; } if (aksiMap == 'lihat') { perintah = 'click monster town to go to the town'; _root['kota' + keKota].position_mc._visible = true; } else { if (aksiMap == 'serang') { perintah = 'click blinking town to attack the town'; _root['kota' + keKota].position_mc._visible = true; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { _root['kota' + i].enabled = false; _root['kota' + i].kedip_mc._visible = false; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maxKoneksi) { if (_root['kota' + koneksiKota[keKota][i]] != undefined) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + koneksiKota[keKota][i]] != 1) { _root['kota' + koneksiKota[keKota][i]].enabled = true; _root['kota' + koneksiKota[keKota][i]].kedip_mc._visible = true; } } ++i; } } else { if (aksiMap == 'move') { perintah = 'click blinking monster town to move'; _root['kota' + keKota].position_mc._visible = true; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { _root['kota' + i].enabled = false; _root['kota' + i].kedip_mc._visible = false; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maxKoneksi) { if (_root['kota' + koneksiKota[keKota][i]] != undefined) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + koneksiKota[keKota][i]] == 1) { _root['kota' + koneksiKota[keKota][i]].enabled = true; _root['kota' + koneksiKota[keKota][i]].kedip_mc._visible = true; } } ++i; } } } } } function overKota() { frame_mc3._visible = true; myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } frame_mc3.namaKota = xnamaKota[indi]; } function outKota() { frame_mc3._visible = false; } function enterKota() { if (_root._xmouse >= 650) { frame_mc3._x = _root._xmouse - 50; } else { frame_mc3._x = _root._xmouse + 50; } if (_root._ymouse >= 500) { frame_mc3._y = _root._ymouse - 50; } else { frame_mc3._y = _root._ymouse + 50; } } function klikKota() { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } if (aksiMap == 'lihat') { if (_root['kotaMilik' + indi] == 1) { keKota = indi; if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(47); } gotoAndStop(312); } else { cekInfo('This is not a monster town, click a monster town to go to that town'); } } else { if (aksiMap == 'serang') { if (_root['kotaMilik' + indi] != 1) { kotaSerang = indi; akanSerangKota = true; if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(41); } gotoAndStop(312); } else { cekInfo('This is a monster town, click barbarian or human town to attack it'); } } else { if (aksiMap == 'move') { if (_root['kotaMilik' + indi] == 1) { kotaMove = indi; if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(49); } akanSerangKota = true; gotoAndStop(312); } else { cekInfo('This is not a monster town, click a monster town to move to that town'); } } } } } stop(); delete _root.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(latar_mc); if (pilihSkenario == 1) { kontur_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (pilihSkenario == 2) { kontur_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (pilihSkenario == 3) { kontur_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (pilihSkenario == 4) { kontur_mc.gotoAndStop(4); } } } } back_btn.onRelease = function () { gotoAndStop(312); }; if (keKota == 0) { back_btn._visible = false; } else { back_btn._visible = true; } adaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++adaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (adaKotaMonster == 0) { gotoAndStop(489); } else { if (adaKotaMonster == bykKota) { gotoAndStop(490); } } akanSerangKota = false; initMap(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (sudahTutorial46 == false) { sudahTutorial46 = true; _root.kota2.enabled = false; _root.kota2.position_mc._visible = false; _root.kota2.kedip_mc._visible = false; back_btn._visible = false; } else { back_btn._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2580 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2589 { } movieClip 2590 { } movieClip 2592 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2598 { frame 1 { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } frame 345 { play(); delete myListener.onKeyDown; delete myListener.onKeyUp; Key.removeListener(myListener); removeMovieClip(latar_mc); info_mc2._visible = false; if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(90); } if (kondisiPreview == 'gate1') { infox = 'ATTACKING ENEMY AT THE 1ST FRONT GATE'; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate2') { infox = 'ATTACKING ENEMY AT THE 2ND FRONT GATE'; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate3') { infox = 'ATTACKING ENEMY AT THE 3RD FRONT GATE'; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate4') { infox = 'ATTACKING ENEMY AT THE MAIN FRONT GATE'; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'awal') { infox = 'ATTACKING ENEMY AT THE FIELD'; gotoAndPlay(354); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'tengah') { infox = 'ATTACKING ENEMY AT THE FRONT GATE'; gotoAndPlay(354); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'tengah2') { infox = 'ATTACKING ENEMY AT THE FRONT GATE'; gotoAndPlay(354); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'akhir') { infox = 'WAITING FOR THE BATTLE RESULT'; gotoAndPlay(369); } } } } } } } } } frame 414 { function cekInitBattle() { xpindahGold = 0; xpindahIron = 0; xpindahWood = 0; xpindahWorker = 0; xpindahBareman = 0; xpindahSwordman = 0; xpindahArrowman = 0; xpindahSpearman = 0; xpindahFood = 0; xpindahTank = 0; xpindahCopter = 0; xpindahMonbot = 0; xpindahSword = 0; xpindahArrow = 0; xpindahSpear = 0; xpindahArrowTrap = 0; xpindahCatapult = 0; xpindahFireTrap = 0; xpindahArrowRain = 0; xpindahMeteorid = 0; xpindahAcidRain = 0; xpindahEarthquake = 0; xpindahImmune = 0; xpindahInvisible = 0; xpindahSpecialAttack = 0; xpindahDuplicate = 0; gotoAndStop(485); } function cekInitBattle2() { xpindahGold = 0; xpindahIron = 0; xpindahWood = 0; xpindahWorker = 0; xpindahBareman = 0; xpindahSwordman = 0; xpindahArrowman = 0; xpindahSpearman = 0; xpindahFood = 0; xpindahTank = 0; xpindahCopter = 0; xpindahMonbot = 0; xpindahSword = 0; xpindahArrow = 0; xpindahSpear = 0; xpindahArrowTrap = 0; xpindahCatapult = 0; xpindahFireTrap = 0; xpindahArrowRain = 0; xpindahMeteorid = 0; xpindahAcidRain = 0; xpindahEarthquake = 0; xpindahImmune = 0; xpindahInvisible = 0; xpindahSpecialAttack = 0; xpindahDuplicate = 0; gotoAndStop(486); } function cekHasilBattle() { if (menangBattle == true) { backTerompet(); _root['kotaMilik' + kotaSerang] = 1; result_mc.informasi = xnamaKota[kotaSerang] + ' already conquerd, victory!'; } else { result_mc.informasi = xnamaKota[kotaSerang] + ' can\'t be conquerd, defeated!'; } if (menangBattle == true) { xpindahGold = Math.ceil(Number(pindahGold) * Math.random() * 0.25); xpindahIron = Math.ceil(Number(pindahIron) * Math.random() * 0.25); xpindahWood = Math.ceil(Number(pindahWood) * Math.random() * 0.25); xpindahWorker = pindahWorker; xpindahFood = Math.ceil(Number(pindahFood) * Math.random() * 0.25); } else { xpindahGold = pindahGold; xpindahIron = pindahIron; xpindahWood = pindahWood; xpindahWorker = pindahWorker; xpindahBareman = xpindahBareman; xpindahSwordman = xpindahSwordman; xpindahArrowman = xpindahArrowman; xpindahSpearman = xpindahSpearman; xpindahTank = xpindahTank; xpindahCopter = xpindahCopter; xpindahMonbot = xpindahMonbot; xpindahArrowTrap = xpindahArrowTrap; xpindahCatapult = xpindahCatapult; xpindahFireTrap = xpindahFireTrap; xpindahArrowRain = pindahArrowRain; xpindahMeteorid = pindahMeteorid; xpindahAcidRain = pindahAcidRain; xpindahEarthquake = pindahEarthquake; xpindahImmune = pindahImmune; xpindahInvisible = pindahInvisible; xpindahSpecialAttack = pindahSpecialAttack; xpindahDuplicate = pindahDuplicate; xpindahFood = pindahFood; xpindahSword = pindahSword; xpindahArrow = pindahArrow; xpindahSpear = pindahSpear; } } function cekResult() { result_mc.xgold = Number(pindahGold); result_mc.xiron = Number(pindahIron); result_mc.xwood = Number(pindahWood); result_mc.xworker = Number(pindahWorker); result_mc.xbareman = Number(pindahBareman); result_mc.xswordman = Number(pindahSwordman); result_mc.xarrowman = Number(pindahArrowman); result_mc.xspearman = Number(pindahSpearman); result_mc.xfood = Number(pindahFood); result_mc.xtank = Number(pindahTank); result_mc.xcopter = Number(pindahCopter); result_mc.xmonbot = Number(pindahMonbot); result_mc.xsword = Number(pindahSword); result_mc.xarrow = Number(pindahArrow); result_mc.xspear = Number(pindahSpear); result_mc.xarrowTrap = Number(pindahArrowTrap); result_mc.xcatapult = Number(pindahCatapult); result_mc.xfireTrap = Number(pindahFireTrap); result_mc.xarrowRain = Number(pindahArrowRain); result_mc.xmeteorid = Number(pindahMeteorid); result_mc.xacidRain = Number(pindahAcidRain); result_mc.xearthquake = Number(pindahEarthquake); result_mc.ximmune = Number(pindahImmune); result_mc.xinvisible = Number(pindahInvisible); result_mc.xspecialAttack = Number(pindahSpecialAttack); result_mc.xduplicate = Number(pindahDuplicate); result_mc.ygold.text = xpindahGold; result_mc.yiron.text = xpindahIron; result_mc.ywood.text = xpindahWood; result_mc.yworker.text = xpindahWorker; result_mc.ybareman.text = xpindahBareman; result_mc.yswordman.text = xpindahSwordman; result_mc.yarrowman.text = xpindahArrowman; result_mc.yspearman.text = xpindahSpearman; result_mc.yfood.text = xpindahFood; result_mc.ytank.text = xpindahTank; result_mc.ycopter.text = xpindahCopter; result_mc.ymonbot.text = xpindahMonbot; result_mc.ysword.text = xpindahSword; result_mc.yarrow.text = xpindahArrow; result_mc.yspear.text = xpindahSpear; result_mc.yarrowTrap.text = xpindahArrowTrap; result_mc.ycatapult.text = xpindahCatapult; result_mc.yfireTrap.text = xpindahFireTrap; result_mc.yarrowRain.text = xpindahArrowRain; result_mc.ymeteorid.text = xpindahMeteorid; result_mc.yacidRain.text = xpindahAcidRain; result_mc.yearthquake.text = xpindahEarthquake; result_mc.yimmune.text = xpindahImmune; result_mc.yinvisible.text = xpindahInvisible; result_mc.yspecialAttack.text = xpindahSpecialAttack; result_mc.yduplicate.text = xpindahDuplicate; if (menangBattle == true) { _root['xgold' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahGold) - Number(xpindahGold); _root['xiron' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahIron) - Number(xpindahIron); _root['xwood' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahWood) - Number(xpindahWood); _root['xbareman' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahBareman) - Number(xpindahBareman); _root['xswordman' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahSwordman) - Number(xpindahSwordman); _root['xarrowman' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahArrowman) - Number(xpindahArrowman); _root['xspearman' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahSpearman) - Number(xpindahSpearman); _root['xfood' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahFood) - Number(xpindahFood); _root['xtank' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahTank) - Number(xpindahTank); _root['xcopter' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahCopter) - Number(xpindahCopter); _root['xmonbot' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahMonbot) - Number(xpindahMonbot); _root['xsword' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahSword) - Number(xpindahSword); _root['xarrow' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahArrow) - Number(xpindahArrow); _root['xspear' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahSpear) - Number(xpindahSpear); _root['xarrowTrap' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahArrowTrap) - Number(xpindahArrowTrap); _root['xcatapult' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahCatapult) - Number(xpindahCatapult); _root['xfireTrap' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahFireTrap) - Number(xpindahFireTrap); _root['xarrowRain' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahArrowRain) - Number(xpindahArrowRain); _root['xmeteorid' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahMeteorid) - Number(xpindahMeteorid); _root['xacidRain' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahAcidRain) - Number(xpindahAcidRain); _root['xearthquake' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahEarthquake) - Number(xpindahEarthquake); _root['ximmune' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahImmune) - Number(xpindahImmune); _root['xinvisible' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahInvisible) - Number(xpindahInvisible); _root['xspecialAttack' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahSpecialAttack) - Number(xpindahSpecialAttack); _root['xduplicate' + kotaSerang] += Number(pindahDuplicate) - Number(xpindahDuplicate); _root['xgold' + keKota] -= Number(pindahGold); _root['xiron' + keKota] -= Number(pindahIron); _root['xwood' + keKota] -= Number(pindahWood); _root['xbareman' + keKota] -= Number(pindahBareman); _root['xswordman' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSwordman); _root['xarrowman' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrowman); _root['xspearman' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpearman); _root['xfood' + keKota] -= Number(pindahFood); _root['xtank' + keKota] -= Number(pindahTank); _root['xcopter' + keKota] -= Number(pindahCopter); _root['xmonbot' + keKota] -= Number(pindahMonbot); _root['xsword' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSword); _root['xarrow' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrow); _root['xspear' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpear); _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrowTrap); _root['xcatapult' + keKota] -= Number(pindahCatapult); _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] -= Number(pindahFireTrap); _root['xarrowRain' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrowRain); _root['xmeteorid' + keKota] -= Number(pindahMeteorid); _root['xacidRain' + keKota] -= Number(pindahAcidRain); _root['xearthquake' + keKota] -= Number(pindahEarthquake); _root['ximmune' + keKota] -= Number(pindahImmune); _root['xinvisible' + keKota] -= Number(pindahInvisible); _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpecialAttack); _root['xduplicate' + keKota] -= Number(pindahDuplicate); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahBareman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahSwordman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahArrowman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahSpearman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahTank) * costWorkerKendaraan[1]; _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahCopter) * costWorkerKendaraan[2]; _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahMonbot) * costWorkerKendaraan[3]; } else { _root['xgold' + keKota] -= Number(pindahGold); _root['xiron' + keKota] -= Number(pindahIron); _root['xwood' + keKota] -= Number(pindahWood); _root['xbareman' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahBareman); _root['xswordman' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahSwordman); _root['xarrowman' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahArrowman); _root['xspearman' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahSpearman); _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahArrowTrap); _root['xcatapult' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahCatapult); _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahFireTrap); _root['xtank' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahTank); _root['xcopter' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahCopter); _root['xmonbot' + keKota] -= Number(xpindahMonbot); _root['xfood' + keKota] -= Number(pindahFood); _root['xsword' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSword); _root['xarrow' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrow); _root['xspear' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpear); _root['xarrowRain' + keKota] -= Number(pindahArrowRain); _root['xmeteorid' + keKota] -= Number(pindahMeteorid); _root['xacidRain' + keKota] -= Number(pindahAcidRain); _root['xearthquake' + keKota] -= Number(pindahEarthquake); _root['ximmune' + keKota] -= Number(pindahImmune); _root['xinvisible' + keKota] -= Number(pindahInvisible); _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] -= Number(pindahSpecialAttack); _root['xduplicate' + keKota] -= Number(pindahDuplicate); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahBareman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahSwordman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahArrowman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahSpearman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahTank) * costWorkerKendaraan[1]; _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahCopter) * costWorkerKendaraan[2]; _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahMonbot) * costWorkerKendaraan[3]; } } stop(); clearSemua2(); if (kondisiPreview == 'awal') { result_mc._visible = false; menangBattle = false; cekInitBattle(); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate1') { sudahSerangFinal = true; result_mc._visible = false; menangBattle = false; cekInitBattle2(); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate2') { result_mc._visible = false; gotoAndStop(486); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate3') { result_mc._visible = false; gotoAndStop(486); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate4') { result_mc._visible = false; gotoAndStop(486); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'tengah') { result_mc._visible = false; gotoAndStop(486); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'tengah2') { result_mc._visible = false; menangBattle = false; cekInitBattle2(); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'akhir') { result_mc._visible = true; cekHasilBattle(); cekResult(); } } } } } } } } result_mc.more_btn.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; result_mc.ok_btn.onRelease = function () { adaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++adaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (adaKotaMonster >= 10) { backBuilding2(); } else { backBuilding(); } aksiMap = 'lihat'; if (menangBattle == true) { ++kalahMusuh; ++winBattle; ++tidakKalah; keKota = kotaSerang; } else { --kalahMusuh; if (kalahMusuh <= 4) { kalahMusuh = 4; } tidakKalah = 0; keKota = keKota; } if (sedangTutorial == true) { if (menangBattle == true) { cekTutorial(46); sudahTutorial46 = false; gotoAndStop(344); } else { cekTutorial(52); gotoAndStop(312); } } else { gotoAndStop(344); } }; } movieClip 2665 { } frame 415 { play(); delete myListener.onKeyDown; delete myListener.onKeyUp; Key.removeListener(myListener); removeMovieClip(latar_mc); info_mc2._visible = false; if (kondisiPreview == 'awal') { infox = 'DEFENDING THE TOWN AT THE FIELD'; gotoAndPlay(424); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'tengah') { infox = 'DEFENDING THE TOWN AT THE FRONT GATE'; gotoAndPlay(424); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'tengah2') { infox = 'DEFENDING THE TOWN AT THE FRONT GATE'; gotoAndPlay(424); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'akhir') { infox = 'WAITING FOR THE BATTLE RESULT'; gotoAndPlay(439); } } } } } frame 484 { function cekInitBattle() { xpindahGold = 0; xpindahIron = 0; xpindahWood = 0; xpindahWorker = 0; xpindahBareman = 0; xpindahSwordman = 0; xpindahArrowman = 0; xpindahSpearman = 0; xpindahFood = 0; xpindahTank = 0; xpindahCopter = 0; xpindahMonbot = 0; xpindahSword = 0; xpindahArrow = 0; xpindahSpear = 0; xpindahArrowTrap = 0; xpindahCatapult = 0; xpindahFireTrap = 0; xpindahArrowRain = 0; xpindahMeteorid = 0; xpindahAcidRain = 0; xpindahEarthquake = 0; xpindahImmune = 0; xpindahInvisible = 0; xpindahSpecialAttack = 0; xpindahDuplicate = 0; xpindahWall = 0; xpindahSpike = 0; xpindahSpiderWeb = 0; xpindahTowerGuard = 0; xpindahZombieTrap = 0; pindahGold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; pindahIron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; pindahWood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; pindahWorker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; pindahBareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; pindahSwordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; pindahArrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; pindahSpearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; pindahFood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; pindahTank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; pindahCopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; pindahMonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; pindahSword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; pindahArrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; pindahSpear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; pindahArrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; pindahCatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; pindahFireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; pindahArrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; pindahMeteorid = _root['xmeteorid' + keKota]; pindahAcidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; pindahEarthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; pindahImmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; pindahInvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; pindahSpecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; pindahDuplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; pindahWall = _root['xwall' + keKota]; pindahSpike = _root['xspike' + keKota]; pindahSpiderWeb = _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota]; pindahTowerGuard = _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota]; pindahZombieTrap = _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota]; gotoAndStop(487); } function cekInitBattle2() { xpindahGold = 0; xpindahIron = 0; xpindahWood = 0; xpindahWorker = 0; xpindahBareman = 0; xpindahSwordman = 0; xpindahArrowman = 0; xpindahSpearman = 0; xpindahFood = 0; xpindahTank = 0; xpindahCopter = 0; xpindahMonbot = 0; xpindahSword = 0; xpindahArrow = 0; xpindahSpear = 0; xpindahArrowTrap = 0; xpindahCatapult = 0; xpindahFireTrap = 0; xpindahArrowRain = 0; xpindahMeteorid = 0; xpindahAcidRain = 0; xpindahEarthquake = 0; xpindahImmune = 0; xpindahInvisible = 0; xpindahSpecialAttack = 0; xpindahDuplicate = 0; xpindahWall = 0; xpindahSpike = 0; xpindahSpiderWeb = 0; xpindahTowerGuard = 0; xpindahZombieTrap = 0; pindahGold = _root['xgold' + keKota]; pindahIron = _root['xiron' + keKota]; pindahWood = _root['xwood' + keKota]; pindahWorker = _root['xworker' + keKota]; pindahBareman = _root['xbareman' + keKota]; pindahSwordman = _root['xswordman' + keKota]; pindahArrowman = _root['xarrowman' + keKota]; pindahSpearman = _root['xspearman' + keKota]; pindahFood = _root['xfood' + keKota]; pindahTank = _root['xtank' + keKota]; pindahCopter = _root['xcopter' + keKota]; pindahMonbot = _root['xmonbot' + keKota]; pindahSword = _root['xsword' + keKota]; pindahArrow = _root['xarrow' + keKota]; pindahSpear = _root['xspear' + keKota]; pindahArrowTrap = _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota]; pindahCatapult = _root['xcatapult' + keKota]; pindahFireTrap = _root['xfireTrap' + keKota]; pindahArrowRain = _root['xarrowRain' + keKota]; pindahMeteorid = _root['xmeteorid' + keKota]; pindahAcidRain = _root['xacidRain' + keKota]; pindahEarthquake = _root['xearthquake' + keKota]; pindahImmune = _root['ximmune' + keKota]; pindahInvisible = _root['xinvisible' + keKota]; pindahSpecialAttack = _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota]; pindahDuplicate = _root['xduplicate' + keKota]; pindahWall = _root['xwall' + keKota]; pindahSpike = _root['xspike' + keKota]; pindahSpiderWeb = _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota]; pindahTowerGuard = _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota]; pindahZombieTrap = _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota]; gotoAndStop(488); } function cekHasilBattle() { if (menangBattle == true) { backTerompet(); result_mc.informasi = xnamaKota[keKota] + ' can survive enemy attack, victory!'; } else { result_mc.informasi = xnamaKota[keKota] + ' conquered by the enemy, defeated!'; } if (menangBattle == true) { xpindahGold = Math.ceil(Number(pindahGold) * Math.random() * 0.25); xpindahIron = Math.ceil(Number(pindahIron) * Math.random() * 0.25); xpindahWood = Math.ceil(Number(pindahWood) * Math.random() * 0.25); xpindahWorker = pindahWorker; xpindahFood = Math.ceil(Number(pindahFood) * Math.random() * 0.25); } else { xpindahGold = pindahGold; xpindahIron = pindahIron; xpindahWood = pindahWood; xpindahWorker = pindahWorker; xpindahBareman = xpindahBareman; xpindahSwordman = xpindahSwordman; xpindahArrowman = xpindahArrowman; xpindahSpearman = xpindahSpearman; xpindahTank = xpindahTank; xpindahCopter = xpindahCopter; xpindahMonbot = xpindahMonbot; xpindahArrowTrap = xpindahArrowTrap; xpindahCatapult = xpindahCatapult; xpindahFireTrap = xpindahFireTrap; xpindahArrowRain = pindahArrowRain; xpindahMeteorid = pindahMeteorid; xpindahAcidRain = pindahAcidRain; xpindahEarthquake = pindahEarthquake; xpindahImmune = pindahImmune; xpindahInvisible = pindahInvisible; xpindahSpecialAttack = pindahSpecialAttack; xpindahDuplicate = pindahDuplicate; xpindahWall = pindahWall; xpindahSpike = pindahSpike; xpindahSpiderWeb = pindahSpiderWeb; xpindahTowerGuard = pindahTowerGuard; xpindahZombieTrap = pindahZombieTrap; xpindahFood = pindahFood; xpindahSword = pindahSword; xpindahArrow = pindahArrow; xpindahSpear = pindahSpear; } } function cekResult() { result_mc.xgold = Number(pindahGold); result_mc.xiron = Number(pindahIron); result_mc.xwood = Number(pindahWood); result_mc.xworker = Number(pindahWorker); result_mc.xbareman = Number(pindahBareman); result_mc.xswordman = Number(pindahSwordman); result_mc.xarrowman = Number(pindahArrowman); result_mc.xspearman = Number(pindahSpearman); result_mc.xfood = Number(pindahFood); result_mc.xtank = Number(pindahTank); result_mc.xcopter = Number(pindahCopter); result_mc.xmonbot = Number(pindahMonbot); result_mc.xsword = Number(pindahSword); result_mc.xarrow = Number(pindahArrow); result_mc.xspear = Number(pindahSpear); result_mc.xarrowTrap = Number(pindahArrowTrap); result_mc.xcatapult = Number(pindahCatapult); result_mc.xfireTrap = Number(pindahFireTrap); result_mc.xarrowRain = Number(pindahArrowRain); result_mc.xmeteorid = Number(pindahMeteorid); result_mc.xacidRain = Number(pindahAcidRain); result_mc.xearthquake = Number(pindahEarthquake); result_mc.ximmune = Number(pindahImmune); result_mc.xinvisible = Number(pindahInvisible); result_mc.xspecialAttack = Number(pindahSpecialAttack); result_mc.xduplicate = Number(pindahDuplicate); result_mc.xwall = Number(pindahWall); result_mc.xspike = Number(pindahSpike); result_mc.xspiderWeb = Number(pindahSpiderWeb); result_mc.xtowerGuard = Number(pindahTowerGuard); result_mc.xzombieTrap = Number(pindahZombieTrap); result_mc.ygold.text = xpindahGold; result_mc.yiron.text = xpindahIron; result_mc.ywood.text = xpindahWood; result_mc.yworker.text = xpindahWorker; result_mc.ybareman.text = xpindahBareman; result_mc.yswordman.text = xpindahSwordman; result_mc.yarrowman.text = xpindahArrowman; result_mc.yspearman.text = xpindahSpearman; result_mc.yfood.text = xpindahFood; result_mc.ytank.text = xpindahTank; result_mc.ycopter.text = xpindahCopter; result_mc.ymonbot.text = xpindahMonbot; result_mc.ysword.text = xpindahSword; result_mc.yarrow.text = xpindahArrow; result_mc.yspear.text = xpindahSpear; result_mc.yarrowTrap.text = xpindahArrowTrap; result_mc.ycatapult.text = xpindahCatapult; result_mc.yfireTrap.text = xpindahFireTrap; result_mc.yarrowRain.text = xpindahArrowRain; result_mc.ymeteorid.text = xpindahMeteorid; result_mc.yacidRain.text = xpindahAcidRain; result_mc.yearthquake.text = xpindahEarthquake; result_mc.yimmune.text = xpindahImmune; result_mc.yinvisible.text = xpindahInvisible; result_mc.yspecialAttack.text = xpindahSpecialAttack; result_mc.yduplicate.text = xpindahDuplicate; result_mc.ywall.text = Number(xpindahWall); result_mc.yspike.text = Number(xpindahSpike); result_mc.yspiderWeb.text = Number(xpindahSpiderWeb); result_mc.ytowerGuard.text = Number(xpindahTowerGuard); result_mc.yzombieTrap.text = Number(xpindahZombieTrap); if (menangBattle == true) { _root['xgold' + keKota] = Number(pindahGold) - Number(xpindahGold); _root['xiron' + keKota] = Number(pindahIron) - Number(xpindahIron); _root['xwood' + keKota] = Number(pindahWood) - Number(xpindahWood); _root['xbareman' + keKota] = Number(pindahBareman) - Number(xpindahBareman); _root['xswordman' + keKota] = Number(pindahSwordman) - Number(xpindahSwordman); _root['xarrowman' + keKota] = Number(pindahArrowman) - Number(xpindahArrowman); _root['xspearman' + keKota] = Number(pindahSpearman) - Number(xpindahSpearman); _root['xfood' + keKota] = Number(pindahFood) - Number(xpindahFood); _root['xtank' + keKota] = Number(pindahTank) - Number(xpindahTank); _root['xcopter' + keKota] = Number(pindahCopter) - Number(xpindahCopter); _root['xmonbot' + keKota] = Number(pindahMonbot) - Number(xpindahMonbot); _root['xsword' + keKota] = Number(pindahSword) - Number(xpindahSword); _root['xarrow' + keKota] = Number(pindahArrow) - Number(xpindahArrow); _root['xspear' + keKota] = Number(pindahSpear) - Number(xpindahSpear); _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] = Number(pindahArrowTrap) - Number(xpindahArrowTrap); _root['xcatapult' + keKota] = Number(pindahCatapult) - Number(xpindahCatapult); _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] = Number(pindahFireTrap) - Number(xpindahFireTrap); _root['xarrowRain' + keKota] = Number(pindahArrowRain) - Number(xpindahArrowRain); _root['xmeteorid' + keKota] = Number(pindahMeteorid) - Number(xpindahMeteorid); _root['xacidRain' + keKota] = Number(pindahAcidRain) - Number(xpindahAcidRain); _root['xearthquake' + keKota] = Number(pindahEarthquake) - Number(xpindahEarthquake); _root['ximmune' + keKota] = Number(pindahImmune) - Number(xpindahImmune); _root['xinvisible' + keKota] = Number(pindahInvisible) - Number(xpindahInvisible); _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] = Number(pindahSpecialAttack) - Number(xpindahSpecialAttack); _root['xduplicate' + keKota] = Number(pindahDuplicate) - Number(xpindahDuplicate); _root['xwall' + keKota] = Number(pindahWall) - Number(xpindahWall); _root['xspike' + keKota] = Number(pindahSpike) - Number(xpindahSpike); _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] = Number(pindahSpiderWeb) - Number(xpindahSpiderWeb); _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] = Number(pindahTowerGuard) - Number(xpindahTowerGuard); _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] = Number(pindahZombieTrap) - Number(xpindahZombieTrap); _root['xwelfare' + keKota] *= 0.5; _root['xwelfare' + keKota] = Math.ceil(_root['xwelfare' + keKota]); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahBareman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahSwordman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahArrowman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahSpearman); _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahTank) * costWorkerKendaraan[1]; _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahCopter) * costWorkerKendaraan[2]; _root['xworker' + keKota] += Number(xpindahMonbot) * costWorkerKendaraan[3]; } else { _root['xgold' + keKota] = 0; _root['xiron' + keKota] = 0; _root['xwood' + keKota] = 0; _root['xworker' + keKota] = 0; _root['xbareman' + keKota] = 0; _root['xswordman' + keKota] = 0; _root['xarrowman' + keKota] = 0; _root['xspearman' + keKota] = 0; _root['xarrowTrap' + keKota] = 0; _root['xcatapult' + keKota] = 0; _root['xfireTrap' + keKota] = 0; _root['xtank' + keKota] = 0; _root['xcopter' + keKota] = 0; _root['xmonbot' + keKota] = 0; _root['xfood' + keKota] = 0; _root['xsword' + keKota] = 0; _root['xarrow' + keKota] = 0; _root['xspear' + keKota] = 0; _root['xarrowRain' + keKota] = 0; _root['xmeteorid' + keKota] = 0; _root['xacidRain' + keKota] = 0; _root['xearthquake' + keKota] = 0; _root['ximmune' + keKota] = 0; _root['xinvisible' + keKota] = 0; _root['xspecialAttack' + keKota] = 0; _root['xduplicate' + keKota] = 0; _root['xwall' + keKota] = 0; _root['xspike' + keKota] = 0; _root['xspiderWeb' + keKota] = 0; _root['xtowerGuard' + keKota] = 0; _root['xzombieTrap' + keKota] = 0; _root['risetArmory' + keKota] = false; _root['risetFactory' + keKota] = false; _root['risetPark' + keKota] = false; _root['risetTemple' + keKota] = false; _root['risetFortress' + keKota] = false; _root['risetLibrary' + keKota] = false; _root['risetCatapult' + keKota] = false; _root['risetFireTrap' + keKota] = false; _root['risetTank' + keKota] = false; _root['risetCopter' + keKota] = false; _root['risetMonbot' + keKota] = false; _root['risetInvisible' + keKota] = false; _root['risetSpecialAttack' + keKota] = false; _root['risetDuplicate' + keKota] = false; _root['risetZombie' + keKota] = false; _root['risetFastBuild' + keKota] = false; _root['risetRawPlus' + keKota] = false; _root['risetGoldPlus' + keKota] = false; _root['autoBareman' + keKota] = false; _root['autoSwordman' + keKota] = false; _root['autoArrowman' + keKota] = false; _root['autoSpearman' + keKota] = false; _root['autoSword' + keKota] = false; _root['autoArrow' + keKota] = false; _root['autoSpear' + keKota] = false; _root['autoTank' + keKota] = false; _root['autoCopter' + keKota] = false; _root['autoMonbot' + keKota] = false; _root['rangerAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['entertainmentAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['fastBuildAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['rawPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['goldPlusAktif' + keKota] = false; _root['xtech' + keKota] = 0; _root['xwelfare' + keKota] = 15; _root['kotaMilik' + keKota] = siapaYangNyerang; i = 1; while (i <= maxBangunan) { xtipeBuilding[i][keKota] = 0; xposXBuilding[i][keKota] = 0; xposYBuilding[i][keKota] = 0; xlevelBuilding[i][keKota] = 0; xsudahJadiBuilding[i][keKota] = false; xdelayBuatBuilding[i][keKota] = 0; ++i; } } } stop(); clearSemua2(); if (kondisiPreview == 'awal') { result_mc._visible = false; menangBattle = false; cekInitBattle(); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'tengah') { result_mc._visible = false; gotoAndStop(488); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'tengah2') { result_mc._visible = false; menangBattle = false; cekInitBattle2(); } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'akhir') { result_mc._visible = true; cekHasilBattle(); cekResult(); } } } } result_mc.more_btn.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; result_mc.ok_btn.onRelease = function () { adaKotaMonster = 0; i = 1; while (i <= bykKota) { if (_root['kotaMilik' + i] == 1) { ++adaKotaMonster; } ++i; } if (adaKotaMonster >= 10) { backBuilding2(); } else { backBuilding(); } aksiMap = 'lihat'; if (menangBattle == true) { ++winBattle; ++tidakKalah; keKota = keKota; } else { tidakKalah = 0; keKota = 0; } gotoAndStop(344); }; } movieClip 2734 { } frame 485 { function initAwalBattle() { jumlahJagoan = 0; jumlahMusuh = 0; mulaiBattle = false; getarBumi = false; getarBumi2 = false; sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sudahSelesai = false; sedangPause = false; } function initBattle() { geserKiri = 0; dalamDrag = 200000; dalamSpell = 300000; dalamSoldier = 1; dalamWeapon = 200; dalamPeluru = 100; dalamEfekJagoan = 100; dalamMusuh = 50; if (xday <= 100) { nilaiSoldier = 20; } else { if (xday <= 200) { nilaiSoldier = 25; } else { if (xday <= 300) { nilaiSoldier = 30; } else { if (xday <= 400) { nilaiSoldier = 35; } else { if (xday <= 500) { nilaiSoldier = 40; } else { if (xday <= 600) { nilaiSoldier = 45; } else { nilaiSoldier = 50; } } } } } } if (sedangTutorial == true) { nilaiSoldier = 10; } maximumJagoan = 18; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { j = 1; while (j <= 6) { _root['sudahLingkar' + i + j] = false; ++j; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 3) { j = 1; while (j <= 6) { _root['jenisIsi' + i + j] = 0; _root['yangIsi' + i + j] = ''; ++j; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 60) { _root['pasukan' + i]._visible = false; _root['pasukan' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } wpindahBareman = pindahBareman; wpindahSwordman = pindahSwordman; wpindahArrowman = pindahArrowman; wpindahSpearman = pindahSpearman; wpindahTank = pindahTank; wpindahCopter = pindahCopter; wpindahMonbot = pindahMonbot; wpindahArrowTrap = pindahArrowTrap; wpindahCatapult = pindahCatapult; wpindahFireTrap = pindahFireTrap; wpindahArrowRain = pindahArrowRain; wpindahMeteorid = pindahMeteorid; wpindahAcidRain = pindahAcidRain; wpindahEarthquake = pindahEarthquake; wpindahImmune = pindahImmune; wpindahInvisible = pindahInvisible; wpindahSpecialAttack = pindahSpecialAttack; wpindahDuplicate = pindahDuplicate; } function buatBackground() { pilihanKota = posBackground[kotaSerang]; if (pilihanKota == 1) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (pilihanKota == 2) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (pilihanKota == 3) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (pilihanKota == 4) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(4); } } } } background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; posAwalBackgroundX = background_mc._x; posAwalBackgroundY = background_mc._y; } function buatMusuh() { if (xday <= 100) { maxMusuh = 10; } else { if (xday <= 200) { maxMusuh = 11; } else { if (xday <= 300) { maxMusuh = 12; } else { if (xday <= 400) { maxMusuh = 13; } else { if (xday <= 500) { maxMusuh = 14; } else { if (xday <= 600) { maxMusuh = 15; } else { if (xday <= 700) { maxMusuh = 16; } else { if (xday <= 800) { maxMusuh = 17; } else { maxMusuh = 18; } } } } } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { if (xday <= 500) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(4); } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { if (xday <= 500) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(5); } } } } if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 10; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 15; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { musuhNyawa = 45; } } } } } } } cekNyawaHuman(); } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { if (sedangTutorial == true) { pilihMusuh = 1; } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(2); } if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 10; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 15; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { if (xday <= 800) { musuhNyawa = 45; } else { if (xday <= 900) { musuhNyawa = 50; } else { if (xday <= 1000) { musuhNyawa = 55; } else { if (xday <= 1100) { musuhNyawa = 60; } else { if (xday <= 1200) { musuhNyawa = 70; } else { if (xday <= 1300) { musuhNyawa = 80; } else { if (xday <= 1400) { musuhNyawa = 90; } else { if (xday <= 1500) { musuhNyawa = 100; } else { if (xday <= 1600) { musuhNyawa = 110; } else { if (xday <= 1700) { musuhNyawa = 120; } else { if (xday <= 1800) { musuhNyawa = 130; } else { if (xday <= 1900) { musuhNyawa = 140; } else { musuhNyawa = 150; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (tingkatSulit == 3) { musuhNyawa *= 3; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { musuhNyawa *= 1; } } } } zrand = random(3); if (zrand == 0) { musuhNyawa *= 1; } else { if (zrand == 1) { musuhNyawa *= 1.25; } else { if (zrand == 2) { musuhNyawa *= 1.5; } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { musuhNyawa *= pengkalianMusuh; } posMusuhKini = new Array('11', '12', '13', '21', '22', '23', '31', '32', '33', '41', '42', '43', '51', '52', '53', '61', '62', '63'); maxPos = posMusuhKini.length; kiniMusuh = 0; xposMusuhKiniX = new Array(); xposMusuhKiniY = new Array(); i = 0; while (i <= maxPos) { ambilKe = random(posMusuhKini.length); keAmbil = posMusuhKini[ambilKe]; posMusuhKini[ambilKe] = null; posMusuhKini.sort(); posMusuhKini.pop(); myStr = new String(keAmbil); xposMusuhKiniX[i] = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); xposMusuhKiniY[i] = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 1)); ++i; } i = 0; while (i <= maxMusuh - 1) { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { if (xday <= 500) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(5); } } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(2); } } if (sedangTutorial == true) { pilihMusuh = 1; } if (pilihMusuh >= 4 && maxTankMusuh <= 0) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { if (pilihMusuh >= 4 && maxTankMusuh > 0) { --maxTankMusuh; } } ++jumlahMusuh; if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { musuh = attachMovie('barbar' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + dalamMusuh, dalamMusuh + 100); } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { musuh = attachMovie('musuh' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + dalamMusuh, dalamMusuh + 100); } } musuh.cacheAsBitmap = true; musuh._x = background_mc._x + 1250 + 70 * (xposMusuhKiniX[i] - 1); musuh._y = 180 + 55 * (xposMusuhKiniY[i] - 1); musuh.jenis = pilihMusuh; if (pilihMusuh == 4 || pilihMusuh == 5) { musuh.nyawa = (musuhNyawa + random(5)) * 5; musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 550; musuh.speed = 0.75; musuh.damage = 5; } else { if (pilihMusuh == 2) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 450; musuh.speed = 1.5 + random(2); musuh.speed *= random(2) + 1; musuh.damage = 2; } else { if (pilihMusuh == 3) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 100; musuh.speed = 2 + random(2); musuh.speed *= random(2) + 1; musuh.damage = 3; } else { if (sedangTutorial == true) { musuh.nyawa = 20 + random(5); } else { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); } musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 75; musuh.speed = 1.5 + random(2); musuh.speed *= random(2) + 1; musuh.damage = 1; } } } musuh.damage *= 2; musuh.kenaApi = false; musuh.onEnterFrame = enterMusuh; ++dalamMusuh; if (dalamMusuh >= 85) { dalamMusuh = 50; } ++i; } } function pilihTargetJagoan(indi) { pilihanJagoan = 0; arrayKeJagoan = new Array(); i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i] != undefined) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { arrayKeJagoan[pilihanJagoan] = i; ++pilihanJagoan; } } ++i; } if (pilihanJagoan > 0) { randJagoan = random(pilihanJagoan); indi.xtarget = _root['jagoan_mc' + arrayKeJagoan[randJagoan]]; } else { indi.gotoAndStop(1); } } function enterMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (mulaiBattle == true) { if (this.kenaApi == true) { if (this.batasApi >= this.maxApi) { this.kenaApi = false; i = 100; while (i <= 200) { this['api_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } else { ++this.batasApi; } --this.nyawa; } if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; if (this._currentframe != 4) { ++killMusuh; i = 100; while (i <= 200) { this['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } --jumlahMusuh; if (jumlahMusuh <= 0) { cekMenang(); } this.gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined || this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0 || this.xtarget.invis == true) { pilihTargetJagoan(this); } else { if (this._x <= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.serang = true; } else { this.serang = false; } if (this.serang == true) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed * speedBattle) { this._y -= this.speed * speedBattle * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * speedBattle * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } } } } } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); if (this.jenis == 5) { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 200); } else { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } } function cekSerangMusuh(indi) { if (indi.jenis == 2) { cekPanahMusuh(indi); } else { if (indi.xtarget.kebal != true) { if (indi.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { if (indi.damage != undefined) { indi.xtarget.nyawa -= indi.damage; if (indi.xtarget.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += indi.damage; } } } } } if (indi.jenis == 4 || indi.jenis == 5) { cekEfekLedakan2(indi.xtarget); } } } } indi.xtarget.xtarget = indi; } } function cekPanahMusuh(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x - 30; peluru._y = indi._y - 30; if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { peluru._yscale = 75; peluru._xscale = 75; } else { peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; } peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 35; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.tujuanX = indi.xtarget._x; peluru.tujuanY = indi.xtarget._y; deltaX = peluru._x - peluru.tujuanX; deltaY = peluru._y - peluru.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; peluru._rotation = angle; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanahMusuh; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanahMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { deltaX = this._x - this.tujuanX; deltaY = this._y - this.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { if (this.xtarget.kebal != true) { if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { if (this.indi.damage != undefined) { this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.indi.damage; if (this.xtarget.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.indi.damage; } } } } } } } } if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = 25 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekEfekLedakan2(indi, indi2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function enterEfekApi2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += 0.5; } } } } } } ++i; } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekNormalY(indi) { if (indi == 'awal') { i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalGempaY = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalGempaY = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y; ++i; } } else { if (indi == 'akhir') { background_mc._y = posAwalBackgroundY; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y = _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalGempaY; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y = _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalGempaY; ++i; } } } } function cekGeserX(indi) { background_mc._x += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x += indi; _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 1; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } } function cekGeserY(indi) { background_mc._y += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } } function cekPasukanBuat() { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 1) { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSoldier; if (mulaiBattle == true) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = false; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 50; } else { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; } battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah1 = wpindahBareman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah2 = wpindahSwordman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah3 = wpindahArrowman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah4 = wpindahSpearman; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 2) { i = 5; while (i <= 7) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSoldier; if (mulaiBattle == true) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = false; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 50; } else { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; } battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah5 = wpindahTank; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah6 = wpindahCopter; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah7 = wpindahMonbot; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 3) { i = 8; while (i <= 10) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outWeapon; if (mulaiBattle == true) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; } else { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; } battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah8 = wpindahArrowTrap; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah9 = wpindahCatapult; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah10 = wpindahFireTrap; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 4) { i = 11; while (i <= 18) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSpell; if (mulaiBattle == true) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; } else { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; } battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 5) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } battle_mc.defense_mc._visible = false; buatKotak(false); } function overSoldier() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaSoldier = new Array('', 'Barehands', 'Swordman', 'Arrowman', 'Spearman', 'Tank', 'Copter', 'Monbot'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSoldier[indi]; } function outSoldier() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overWeapon() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaWeapon = new Array('', 'Bow Launcher', 'Stone Thrower', 'Fire Thrower'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaWeapon[indi - 7]; } function outWeapon() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overSpell() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaSpell = new Array('', 'Arrow Rain', 'Meteorid', 'Acid Rain', 'Eeathquake', 'Immune', 'Invisible', 'Special Attack', 'Duplicate'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); if (indi - 10 <= 4) { info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSpell[indi - 10] + ', Give to Enemy'; } else { info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSpell[indi - 10] + ', Give to Monster'; } } function outSpell() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overDefense() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaDefense = new Array('', 'Wall', 'Spike', 'Spider Web', 'Tower Guard', 'Zombie Trap'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaDefense[indi - 18]; } function outDefense() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikSpell() { if (mulaiBattle == true) { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihSpell = indi; spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); spell.bisa._visible = true; spell._x = _root._xmouse; spell._y = _root._ymouse + spell._height / 10; if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell._yscale = 150; spell._xscale = 150; } else { spell._yscale = 75; spell._xscale = 75; } spell.startDrag(); sedangDragSpell = true; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } } function klikWeapon() { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihWeapon = indi; weapon2 = attachMovie('panahWeapon', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); weapon2.bisa._visible = true; weapon2._x = _root._xmouse; weapon2._y = _root._ymouse + weapon2._height / 10; if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon2.jumlah = 25; weapon2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon2.jumlah = 50; weapon2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon2.jumlah = 75; weapon2.gotoAndStop(3); } } } weapon2.anim.stop(); weapon2.startDrag(); sedangDragWeapon = true; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } function buatSpell(indiX, indiY) { if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); spell._xscale = 150; spell._yscale = 150; } else { if (pilihSpell == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpell - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpell - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } } if (pilihSpell == 11) { ++xpindahArrowRain; --wpindahArrowRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 12) { backComet(); ++xpindahMeteorid; --wpindahMeteorid; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 13) { ++xpindahAcidRain; --wpindahAcidRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 14) { backGempa(); ++xpindahEarthquake; --wpindahEarthquake; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; cekNormalY('awal'); } else { if (pilihSpell == 15) { backSpell3(); ++xpindahImmune; --wpindahImmune; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 16) { backSpell4(); ++xpindahInvisible; --wpindahInvisible; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 17) { backSpell1(); ++xpindahSpecialAttack; --wpindahSpecialAttack; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 18) { backSpell2(); ++xpindahDuplicate; --wpindahDuplicate; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } } } spell.damage *= 10; spell.damage *= 2; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpell; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpell; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } function enterSpell() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.tipeSpell == 11) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 12) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 13) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 14) { this._xscale += 1; this._yscale += 1; if (this.awalGempa >= this.akhirGempa && this.getarKe == 1) { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi2 = false; removeMovieClip(this); } else { ++this.awalGempa; if (this.getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX2(-10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(-5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX2(-5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX2(7); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX2(10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX2(-12); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { this.getarKe = 1; } } } } } } } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 15) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalKebal = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirKebal = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].kebal = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek5', 'efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 16) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalInvis = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirInvis = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].invis = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek6', 'efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 17) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalSpecial = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirSpecial = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].special = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek7', 'efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 18) { zz = 1; while (zz <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + zz].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + zz]._x != undefined && _root['jagoan_mc' + zz].nyawa > 0) { cekDuplicate(_root['jagoan_mc' + zz]); } } ++zz; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } } } } } } function cekDuplicate(indi) { if (indi.duplikasi == false) { indi.duplikasi = true; indi.nyawa *= 2; indi.damage *= 2; indi.range *= 2; indi.speed *= 2; } } function cekGeserX2(indi) { background_mc._x += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } } function cekGeserY2(indi) { background_mc._y += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } } function buatWeapon(indi) { if (pilihWeapon == 8) { --wpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { --wpindahCatapult; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { --wpindahFireTrap; } } } battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah8 = wpindahArrowTrap; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah9 = wpindahCatapult; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah10 = wpindahFireTrap; weapon = attachMovie('weapon' + (pilihWeapon - 7), 'weapon_mc' + dalamWeapon, dalamWeapon + 100); weapon._x = background_mc._x - 100; weapon._y = indi + 25; weapon.speed = 1.5; if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon.damage = 5; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon.damage = 10; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon.damage = 10; } } } if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon.ammo = 25; weapon.range = 875; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon.ammo = 30; weapon.range = 900; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon.ammo = 35; weapon.range = 925; } } } weapon.damage *= 2; weapon.jenisWeapon = pilihWeapon; weapon.batasKanan = background_mc._x + 40 + random(15); weapon.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon; ++dalamWeapon; if (dalamWeapon >= 300) { dalamWeapon = 200; } } function enterWeapon() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this.batasKanan += geserKiri; if (this._x <= this.batasKanan) { this.gotoAndStop(2); this._x += this.speed; } else { this.bisaSerang = false; this.xtarget = undefined; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i]._x != undefined && _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.xtarget = _root['musuh_mc' + i]; this.bisaSerang = true; } } ++i; } if (this.ammo <= 0) { this.ammo = 0; this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (this.bisaSerang == true) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } this.jumlah = this.ammo; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekSerangWeapon(indi) { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 8) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc2', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; peluru.speedX = 20; peluru.speedY = 10; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon2; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } else { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 9) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('batu_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 75; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; if (indi.jenisWeapon == 9) { peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 9; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 8; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 7; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 6; } else { peluru.speedX = 5; } } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedY = 15; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon3; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } else { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 10) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('bolaApi_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x + 25; peluru._y = indi._y - 35; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; if (indi.jenisWeapon == 10) { peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 900) { peluru.speedX = 20; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 19; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 18; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 17; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 16; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { peluru.speedX = 9; } } } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedY = 10; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon4; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } } } } function enterWeapon2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('panah_mc2', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -35 + random(15) + 7; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = 45 + random(15); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponx; } } } } function enterWeapon3() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponx; } } } } function enterWeapon4() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; this.lewatSini = false; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; _root['musuh_mc' + i].kenaApi = true; _root['musuh_mc' + i].batasApi = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + i].maxApi = 100; z = 1; while (z <= 5) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('efekApi', 'api_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -random(30) + 15; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 - random(30) + 15; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = 25 + random(25); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = 25 + random(25); ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } ++z; } this.lewatSini = true; removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.lewatSini == false) { if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { if (this != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); efek._x = this._x; efek._y = this._y; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } } function enterEfekApi() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; } ++i; } } } function enterWeaponx() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._alpha -= 0.5; } } function klikSoldier() { myStr = new String(this); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihSoldier = indi; soldier = attachMovie('soldier' + indi, 'drag_mc', dalamDrag); soldier.cacheAsBitmap = true; soldier._x = _root._xmouse; soldier._y = _root._ymouse + soldier._height / 10; soldier._alpha = 60; if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { if (pilihSoldier == 5) { soldier.jumlah = 250; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier.jumlah = 250; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 7) { soldier.jumlah = 1000; } } } } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] >= nilaiSoldier) { soldier.jumlah = nilaiSoldier; } else { soldier.jumlah = battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier]; } } soldier.gotoAndStop(1); soldier.anim.stop(); soldier.startDrag(); buatKotak(true); } } function buatKotak(indi) { if (indi == true) { dalamLingkar = 1; sedangDrag = true; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { j = 1; while (j <= 6) { if (_root['sudahLingkar' + i + j] == false) { lingkar = attachMovie('lingkar_mc', 'lingkar_mc' + i + j, dalamLingkar + 100000); if (mulaiBattle == false) { lingkar._x = background_mc._x + 100 + 70 * (i - 1); lingkar._y = 180 + 55 * (j - 1); } else { lingkar._x = 100 + 70 * (i - 1); lingkar._y = 180 + 55 * (j - 1); } lingkar.keI = i; lingkar.keJ = j; lingkar.jenisIsi = _root['jenisIsi' + i + j]; lingkar.onRelease = klikLingkar; lingkar._alpha = 75; lingkar._visible = true; lingkar.onEnterFrame = enterLingkar; ++dalamLingkar; } ++j; } ++i; } dalamLingkar = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { j = 1; while (j <= 6) { if (_root['jenisIsi' + i + j] >= 5 && pilihSoldier >= 5) { _root['lingkar_mc' + (i - 2) + j]._visible = false; _root['lingkar_mc' + (i - 1) + j]._visible = false; _root['lingkar_mc' + i + j]._visible = false; _root['lingkar_mc' + (i + 1) + j]._visible = false; _root['lingkar_mc' + (i + 2) + j]._visible = false; } ++dalamLingkar; ++j; } ++i; } if (mulaiBattle == true) { i = 1; while (i <= 3) { j = 1; while (j <= 6) { if (_root['jenisIsi' + i + j] == pilihSoldier && _root['yangIsi' + i + j].nyawa <= 0) { _root['lingkar_mc' + i + j]._visible = true; } else { _root['lingkar_mc' + i + j]._visible = false; } ++j; } ++i; } } battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } else { xdalamLingkar = 1; sedangDrag = false; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { j = 1; while (j <= 6) { removeMovieClip(_root['lingkar_mc' + i + j]); ++xdalamLingkar; ++j; } ++i; } battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc); stopDrag(); } } function enterLingkar() { if (sedangPause == false) { if (mulaiBattle == false) { this._x += geserKiri; } } } function klikLingkar() { if (sedangDrag == true) { cekSoldierBuat(this); } } function cekSoldierBuat(indi, indi2) { bisaBuatSoldier = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamSoldier = i; i = maximumJagoan; bisaBuatSoldier = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatSoldier == true) { if (mulaiBattle == false) { if (indi == 'auto') { _root['jenisIsi' + xposJagoanKiniX[z] + xposJagoanKiniY[z]] = pilihSoldier; _root['sudahLingkar' + xposJagoanKiniX[z] + xposJagoanKiniY[z]] = true; } else { _root['jenisIsi' + indi.keI + indi.keJ] = pilihSoldier; _root['sudahLingkar' + indi.keI + indi.keJ] = true; } } ++jumlahJagoan; soldier = attachMovie('soldier' + pilihSoldier, 'jagoan_mc' + xdalamSoldier, xdalamSoldier + 100); soldier.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (indi == 'auto') { _root['yangIsi' + xposJagoanKiniX[z] + xposJagoanKiniY[z]] = soldier; } else { _root['yangIsi' + indi.keI + indi.keJ] = soldier; } if (indi == 'auto') { soldier._x = background_mc._x + 100 + 70 * xposJagoanKiniX[z]; soldier._y = 170 + 50 * xposJagoanKiniY[z]; } else { if (mulaiBattle == false) { soldier._x = indi._x; soldier._y = indi._y + 15; } else { soldier._x = background_mc._x + indi._x; soldier._y = indi._y + 15; } } if (pilihSoldier == 5) { soldier.scaleAwal = 75; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier.scaleAwal = 75; } else { soldier.scaleAwal = 100; } } if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { if (pilihSoldier == 5) { soldier.nyawa = 500; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier.nyawa = 1000; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 7) { soldier.nyawa = 2000; } } } } else { if (indi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.nyawa = indi.nyawa; } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] >= nilaiSoldier) { soldier.nyawa = nilaiSoldier; } else { soldier.nyawa = battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier]; } } } if (pilihSoldier == 1) { wpindahBareman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahBareman <= 0) { wpindahBareman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.damage *= 2; soldier.range = 50; soldier.speed = 3; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 2) { wpindahSwordman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahSwordman <= 0) { wpindahSwordman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.damage *= 2; soldier.range = 75; soldier.speed = 2; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 3) { wpindahArrowman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahArrowman <= 0) { wpindahArrowman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.damage *= 2; soldier.range = 750; soldier.speed = 1.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 4) { wpindahSpearman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahSpearman <= 0) { wpindahSpearman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.damage *= 2; soldier.range = 100; soldier.speed = 2.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 5) { --wpindahTank; if (wpindahTank <= 0) { wpindahTank = 0; } soldier.damage = 10; soldier.damage *= 2; soldier.range = 550; soldier.speed = 1; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { --wpindahCopter; if (wpindahCopter <= 0) { wpindahCopter = 0; } soldier.damage = 10; soldier.damage *= 2; soldier.range = 600; soldier.speed = 1.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 7) { --wpindahMonbot; if (wpindahMonbot <= 0) { wpindahMonbot = 0; } soldier.damage = 50; soldier.damage *= 2; soldier.range = 50; soldier.speed = 1.25; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } } } } } } } if (_root['rangerAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.range *= 2; } if (_root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.damage *= 2; } if (_root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.nyawa *= 2; } if (_root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.speed *= 2; } _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier]._visible = true; _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier].gotoAndStop(pilihSoldier); _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier].jumlah = soldier.nyawa; soldier.kebal = false; soldier.invis = false; soldier.special = false; if (indi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.iniDuplikasi = true; soldier.duplikasi = true; } else { soldier.iniDuplikasi = false; soldier.duplikasi = false; } soldier.nomorJagoan = xdalamSoldier; soldier.jenis = pilihSoldier; soldier.damage *= 0.02; pilihTargetMusuh(soldier); soldier.onEnterFrame = enterSoldier; if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { --battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier]; } else { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] -= nilaiSoldier; if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] = 0; } } buatKotak(false); } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another units, maximum soldiers on the field reached'); } } function klikSoldierJadi() { if (mulaiBattle == false) { if (this.jenis == 1) { wpindahBareman += Number(this.nyawa); } else { if (this.jenis == 2) { wpindahSwordman += Number(this.nyawa); } else { if (this.jenis == 3) { wpindahArrowman += Number(this.nyawa); } else { if (this.jenis == 4) { wpindahSpearman += Number(this.nyawa); } else { if (this.jenis == 5) { ++wpindahTank; } else { if (this.jenis == 6) { ++wpindahCopter; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (this.jenis == 7) { ++wpindahMonbot; } } } } } } } battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah1 = wpindahBareman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah2 = wpindahSwordman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah3 = wpindahArrowman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah4 = wpindahSpearman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah5 = wpindahTank; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah6 = wpindahCopter; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah7 = wpindahMonbot; removeMovieClip(this); } } function pilihTargetMusuh(indi) { pilihanMusuh = 0; arrayKeMusuh = new Array(); i = 50; while (i <= 85) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i] != undefined) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { arrayKeMusuh[pilihanMusuh] = i; ++pilihanMusuh; } } ++i; } if (pilihanMusuh > 0) { randMusuh = random(pilihanMusuh); indi.xtarget = _root['musuh_mc' + arrayKeMusuh[randMusuh]]; } else { indi.gotoAndStop(1); } } function enterSoldier() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (mulaiBattle == true) { if (this.kebal == true) { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekKebal' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalKebal >= this.akhirKebal) { this.kebal = false; } else { ++this.awalKebal; } } else { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekKebal' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.invis == true) { this._alpha = 30; i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekInvis' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalInvis >= this.akhirInvis) { this.invis = false; } else { ++this.awalInvis; } } else { this._alpha = 100; i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekInvis' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.special == true) { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekSpecial' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalSpecial >= this.akhirSpecial) { this.special = false; } else { ++this.awalSpecial; } } else { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekSpecial' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; if (this._currentframe != 4) { if (this.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (this.jenis == 5) { ++xpindahTank; } else { if (this.jenis == 6) { ++xpindahCopter; } else { if (this.jenis == 7) { ++xpindahMonbot; } } } } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { this['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } --jumlahJagoan; if (jumlahJagoan <= 0) { cekKalah(); } this.gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined || this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0) { pilihTargetMusuh(this); } else { if (this._x <= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.serang = true; } else { this.serang = false; } if (this.serang == true) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed * speedBattle) { this._y -= this.speed * speedBattle * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * speedBattle * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } } } } } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); if (this.nyawa <= 0) { _root['pasukan' + this.nomorJagoan].jumlah = this.jumlah; _root['pasukan' + this.nomorJagoan]._visible = false; } else { _root['pasukan' + this.nomorJagoan].jumlah = this.jumlah; _root['pasukan' + this.nomorJagoan]._visible = true; } if (this.jenis == 6) { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 200); } else { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } } function cekSerangJagoan(indi) { if (indi.special == true) { efekSpecialJagoan(indi.xtarget); } if (indi.jenis == 7) { cekGetarBumi(); } else { if (indi.jenis == 5 || indi.jenis == 6) { cekEfekLedakan(indi.xtarget); } } if (indi.jenis == 3) { buatPanah(indi); } else { indi.xtarget.nyawa -= indi.damage; } indi.xtarget.xtarget = indi; } function efekSpecialJagoan(indi) { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x + random(150) - 75; efek._y = indi._y - 50 + random(150) - 75; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.gotoAndPlay(random(5) + 1); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } ++i; } if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function cekEfekLedakan(indi) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function cekGetarBumi() { if (getarBumi == false) { cekNormalY('awal'); getarKe = 1; getarBumi = true; } } function buatPanah(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 80; peluru._xscale = 80; peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 35; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.tujuanX = indi.xtarget._x; peluru.tujuanY = indi.xtarget._y; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanah; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanah() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += geserKiri; if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { deltaX = this._x - this.tujuanX; deltaY = this._y - this.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.indi.damage; if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -65 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function resetUnit() { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { removeMovieClip(_root['jagoan_mc' + i]); ++i; } jumlahJagoan = 0; initBattle(); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekPasukanBuat(); buatKotak(false); } function cekPause(indi) { if (indi == true) { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); } if (indi == true) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.weapon_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.spell_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.retreat_btn.enabled = false; battle_mc.defense_mc.enabled = false; i = 1; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].anim.stop(); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim.stop(); ++i; } } else { if (indi == false) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.weapon_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.spell_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.retreat_btn.enabled = true; battle_mc.defense_mc.enabled = true; i = 1; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]; ++i; } } } } function jagoanLari() { this._x += geserKiri; this._x -= this.speed * 4; this.gotoAndStop(2); this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function clearSemua2() { delete myListener.onKeyDown; delete myListener.onKeyUp; Key.removeListener(myListener); delete _root.onEnterFrame; delete _root.onMouseDown; delete _root.onMouseMove; removeMovieClip(drag_mc); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); removeMovieClip(pause_mc); i = 50; while (i <= 85) { removeMovieClip(_root['musuh_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { removeMovieClip(_root['jagoan_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { removeMovieClip(_root['peluru_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 200; while (i <= 300) { removeMovieClip(_root['weapon_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 300000; while (i <= 301000) { removeMovieClip(_root['spell_mc' + i]); ++i; } dalamLingkar = 1; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { j = 1; while (j <= 6) { removeMovieClip(_root['lingkar_mc' + i + j]); ++dalamLingkar; ++j; } ++i; } } function cekKalah() { if (sudahSelesai == false) { sudahSelesai = true; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } menangBattle = false; idLanjut = setInterval(lanjutMain, 2000); } } function cekMenang() { if (sudahSelesai == false) { sudahSelesai = true; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } menangBattle = true; idLanjut = setInterval(lanjutMain, 2000); } } function lanjutMain() { clearSemua2(); clearInterval(idLanjut); if (xpindahBareman >= pindahBareman) { xpindahBareman = pindahBareman; } if (xpindahSwordman >= pindahSwordman) { xpindahSwordman = pindahSwordman; } if (xpindahArrowman >= pindahArrowman) { xpindahArrowman = pindahArrowman; } if (xpindahSpearman >= pindahSpearman) { xpindahSpearman = pindahSpearman; } if (xpindahTank >= pindahTank) { xpindahTank = pindahTank; } if (xpindahCopter >= pindahCopter) { xpindahCopter = pindahCopter; } if (xpindahMonbot >= pindahMonbot) { xpindahMonbot = pindahMonbot; } xpindahBareman = Math.floor(xpindahBareman); xpindahSwordman = Math.floor(xpindahSwordman); xpindahArrowman = Math.floor(xpindahArrowman); xpindahSpearman = Math.floor(xpindahSpearman); xpindahTank = Math.floor(xpindahTank); xpindahCopter = Math.floor(xpindahCopter); xpindahMonbot = Math.floor(xpindahMonbot); if (menangBattle == true) { kondisiPreview = 'tengah'; } else { kondisiPreview = 'akhir'; } gotoAndStop(345); } function cekSpeed() { if (speedBattle == 1) { battle_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (speedBattle == 2) { battle_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } stop(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(42); } tipeAttackMusuh = 'attack'; backBattle1(); initAwalBattle(); initBattle(); buatBackground(); buatMusuh(); cekJumlahTankMusuh(); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { if (_root._xmouse <= 10 || geserKeKiri == true) { if (background_mc._x <= -20) { geserKiri = 10 * speedBattle; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { if (_root._xmouse >= 790 || geserKeKanan == true) { if (background_mc._x >= -780) { geserKiri = -10 * speedBattle; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { geserKiri = 0; } } background_mc._x += geserKiri; if (getarBumi == true) { if (getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX(-10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(-5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX(-5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX(7); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX(10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX(-12); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 8) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 9) { cekGeserX(-10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 10) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(-5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 11) { cekGeserX(-5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 12) { cekGeserX(7); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 13) { cekGeserX(10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 14) { cekGeserX(-12); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (mulaiBattle == true) { adaMati1 = false; adaMati2 = false; adaMati3 = false; adaMati4 = false; adaMati5 = false; adaMati6 = false; adaMati7 = false; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { j = 1; while (j <= 6) { if (_root['yangIsi' + i + j].nyawa <= 0) { _root['adaMati' + _root['jenisIsi' + i + j]] = true; } ++j; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 7) { if (_root['adaMati' + i] == true) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; } else { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = false; } ++i; } } } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = 0; } }; battle_mc.soldier_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.weapon_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(3); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.spell_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(4); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.defense_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(5); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = false; battle_mc.remove_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); }; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekPasukanBuat(); _root.onMouseDown = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { if (sedangDragWeapon == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 200 && _root._ymouse <= 425) { buatWeapon(_root._ymouse); sedangDragWeapon = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } else { if (sedangDragSpell == true) { if (pilihSpell == 14) { if (_root._ymouse >= 200 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { if (getarBumi2 == false) { getarBumi2 = true; buatSpell(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { buatSpell(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } } } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { if (sedangDragWeapon == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 200 && _root._ymouse <= 425) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } else { if (sedangDragSpell == true) { if (pilihSpell == 14) { if (getarBumi2 == true) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 200 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } } }; battle_mc.reset_btn.onRelease = function () { resetUnit(); }; battle_mc.auto_btn.onRelease = function () { resetUnit(); bykPasukanBuat = 17; xposJagoanKiniX = new Array(); xposJagoanKiniY = new Array(); posJagoanKini = new Array('11', '12', '13', '21', '22', '23', '31', '32', '33', '41', '42', '43', '51', '52', '53', '61', '62', '63'); i = 0; while (i <= 5) { ambilKe = random(posJagoanKini.length); keAmbil = posJagoanKini[ambilKe]; myStr = new String(posJagoanKini[ambilKe]); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); if (indi == '3') { posJagoanKini[ambilKe] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); posJagoanKini[ambilKe - 1] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); posJagoanKini[ambilKe - 2] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); } else { if (indi == '2') { posJagoanKini[ambilKe] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); posJagoanKini[ambilKe] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); posJagoanKini[ambilKe - 1] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); } else { if (indi == '1') { posJagoanKini[ambilKe] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); posJagoanKini[ambilKe] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); posJagoanKini[ambilKe] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); } } } myStr2 = new String(keAmbil); xposJagoanKiniX[i] = Number(myStr2.substr(myStr2.length - 1, 1)); xposJagoanKiniY[i] = Number(myStr2.substr(myStr2.length - 2, 1)); ++i; } z = 0; while (z <= 5) { if (wpindahMonbot > 0) { --bykPasukanBuat; pilihSoldier = 7; cekSoldierBuat('auto'); } else { if (wpindahCopter > 0) { --bykPasukanBuat; pilihSoldier = 6; cekSoldierBuat('auto'); } else { if (wpindahTank > 0) { --bykPasukanBuat; pilihSoldier = 5; cekSoldierBuat('auto'); } } } ++z; } posJagoanKini = new Array('11', '12', '13', '21', '22', '23', '31', '32', '33', '41', '42', '43', '51', '52', '53', '61', '62', '63'); i = 1; while (i <= 17) { myStr = new String(posJagoanKini[i]); posX = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); posY = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 1)); if (_root['sudahLingkar' + posX + posY] == true) { posJagoanKini[i] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); } ++i; } xposJagoanKiniX = new Array(); xposJagoanKiniY = new Array(); i = 0; while (i <= bykPasukanBuat) { ambilKe = random(posJagoanKini.length); keAmbil = posJagoanKini[ambilKe]; posJagoanKini[ambilKe] = null; posJagoanKini.sort(); posJagoanKini.pop(); myStr = new String(keAmbil); xposJagoanKiniX[i] = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); xposJagoanKiniY[i] = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 1)); ++i; } z = 0; while (z <= bykPasukanBuat) { if (wpindahSpearman > 0) { pilihSoldier = 4; cekSoldierBuat('auto'); } else { if (wpindahArrowman > 0) { pilihSoldier = 3; cekSoldierBuat('auto'); } else { if (wpindahSwordman > 0) { pilihSoldier = 2; cekSoldierBuat('auto'); } else { if (wpindahBareman > 0) { pilihSoldier = 1; cekSoldierBuat('auto'); } } } } ++z; } }; battle_mc.pause_btn._visible = false; battle_mc.start_btn.onRelease = function () { if (jumlahJagoan > 0) { battle_mc.pause_btn._visible = true; mulaiBattle = true; z = 50; while (z <= dalamMusuh) { pilihTargetJagoan(_root['musuh_mc' + z]); ++z; } i = 1; while (i <= 3) { j = 1; while (j <= 6) { _root['sudahLingkar' + i + j] = false; ++j; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { delete _root['jagoan_mc' + i].onRelease; ++i; } battle_mc.start_btn._visible = false; battle_mc.reset_btn._visible = false; battle_mc.auto_btn._visible = false; cekPasukanBuat(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(43); } } else { cekInfo('Please place at least one units on the battlefield or click auto button'); } }; if (sedangTutorial == true) { battle_mc.retreat_btn._visible = false; } else { battle_mc.retreat_btn._visible = true; } battle_mc.retreat_btn.onRelease = function () { battle_mc.retreat_btn._visible = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].onEnterFrame = jagoanLari; ++i; } cekKalah(); }; battle_mc.pause_btn.onRelease = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { pause_mc = attachMovie('pause_mc', 'pause_mc', 1199905); pause_mc._x = 400; pause_mc._y = 300; sedangPause = true; } else { removeMovieClip(pause_mc); sedangPause = false; } cekPause(sedangPause); }; cekSpeed(); battle_mc.speed_mc.onRelease = function () { if (speedBattle == 1) { speedBattle = 2; } else { if (speedBattle == 2) { speedBattle = 1; } } cekSpeed(); }; geserKeKiri = false; geserKeKanan = false; myListener = new Object(); myListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = true; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = true; } }; myListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = false; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = false; } }; Key.addListener(myListener); } movieClip 2741 { } movieClip 2747 { } movieClip 2752 { } movieClip 2757 { } movieClip 2758 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2767 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2771 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2775 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2779 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2780 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2781 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2782 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2783 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2789 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2791 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2793 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2797 { } movieClip 2798 { } movieClip 2799 { } movieClip 2804 { } movieClip 2805 { } movieClip 2806 { } movieClip 2808 { } movieClip 2811 { } movieClip 2813 { } movieClip 2815 { } movieClip 2817 { } movieClip 2827 { } movieClip 2829 { } movieClip 2830 { } movieClip 2832 { } movieClip 2833 { } movieClip 2839 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2843 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2862 { } movieClip 2870 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 486 { function initBattle() { dalamBenteng = 75; delayMusuhKeluar = 0; geserKiri = 0; dalamDrag = 200000; dalamSpell = 300000; dalamSoldier = 1; dalamWeapon = 200; dalamPeluru = 100; dalamEfekJagoan = 100; dalamMusuh = 50; dalamMusuh2 = 25; if (xday <= 100) { nilaiSoldier = 20; } else { if (xday <= 200) { nilaiSoldier = 25; } else { if (xday <= 300) { nilaiSoldier = 30; } else { if (xday <= 400) { nilaiSoldier = 35; } else { if (xday <= 500) { nilaiSoldier = 40; } else { if (xday <= 600) { nilaiSoldier = 45; } else { nilaiSoldier = 50; } } } } } } if (sedangTutorial == true) { nilaiSoldier = 10; } maximumJagoan = 29; kiniVehicle = 0; getarBumi = false; getarBumi2 = false; mulaiBattle = true; sudahSelesai = false; sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; adaSerangBase = false; sedangPause = false; musuhSpell = 0; maxMusuhSpell = 200; jumlahMusuh = 0; totalMusuh = 0; wpindahBareman = pindahBareman - xpindahBareman; wpindahSwordman = pindahSwordman - xpindahSwordman; wpindahArrowman = pindahArrowman - xpindahArrowman; wpindahSpearman = pindahSpearman - xpindahSpearman; wpindahTank = pindahTank - xpindahTank; wpindahCopter = pindahCopter - xpindahCopter; wpindahMonbot = pindahMonbot - xpindahMonbot; wpindahArrowTrap = pindahArrowTrap - xpindahArrowTrap; wpindahCatapult = pindahCatapult - xpindahCatapult; wpindahFireTrap = pindahFireTrap - xpindahFireTrap; wpindahArrowRain = pindahArrowRain - xpindahArrowRain; wpindahMeteorid = pindahMeteorid - xpindahMeteorid; wpindahAcidRain = pindahAcidRain - xpindahAcidRain; wpindahEarthquake = pindahEarthquake - xpindahEarthquake; wpindahImmune = pindahImmune - xpindahImmune; wpindahInvisible = pindahInvisible - xpindahInvisible; wpindahSpecialAttack = pindahSpecialAttack - xpindahSpecialAttack; wpindahDuplicate = pindahDuplicate - xpindahDuplicate; if (xday <= 100) { nyawaBenteng = 500; maxMusuh = 20 + random(5); maxMusuhKeluar = 60; defenseKita = 3; } else { if (xday <= 200) { nyawaBenteng = 1000; maxMusuh = 25 + random(5); maxMusuhKeluar = 55; defenseKita = 4; } else { if (xday <= 300) { nyawaBenteng = 1500; maxMusuh = 30 + random(5); maxMusuhKeluar = 50; defenseKita = 5; } else { if (xday <= 400) { nyawaBenteng = 2000; maxMusuh = 35 + random(5); maxMusuhKeluar = 45; defenseKita = 6; } else { if (xday <= 500) { nyawaBenteng = 2500; maxMusuh = 40 + random(5); maxMusuhKeluar = 40; defenseKita = 7; } else { if (xday <= 600) { nyawaBenteng = 3000; maxMusuh = 45 + random(5); maxMusuhKeluar = 30; defenseKita = 8; } else { if (xday <= 700) { nyawaBenteng = 3500; maxMusuh = 50 + random(5); maxMusuhKeluar = 25; defenseKita = 9; } else { nyawaBenteng = 4000; maxMusuh = 55 + random(5); maxMusuhKeluar = 20; defenseKita = 10; } } } } } } } nyawaBenteng *= 2; if (kondisiPreview == 'gate1') { maxMusuh = 50; nyawaBenteng = 5000; maxMusuhKeluar = 50; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate2') { maxMusuh = 75; nyawaBenteng = 7500; maxMusuhKeluar = 40; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate3') { maxMusuh = 100; nyawaBenteng = 10000; maxMusuhKeluar = 30; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate4') { maxMusuh = 125; nyawaBenteng = 12500; maxMusuhKeluar = 20; } } } } nyawaBenteng *= 2; if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { maxMusuhKeluar *= 2; } defenseKita = 1; if (sedangTutorial == true) { nyawaBenteng *= 0.5; maxMusuhKeluar *= 0.75; maxMusuhKeluar2 = maxMusuhKeluar * 0.5; } else { maxMusuhKeluar *= 0.5; maxMusuhKeluar2 = maxMusuhKeluar * 0.25; } maxMusuh *= 2.5; maxMusuh = Math.ceil(maxMusuh); totalMusuh = maxMusuh; } function buatBenteng() { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { benteng = attachMovie('bentengHuman', 'benteng_mc', dalamBenteng); } else { benteng = attachMovie('bentengBarbar', 'benteng_mc', dalamBenteng); } benteng.cacheAsBitmap = true; benteng._x = background_mc._x + 3000; benteng._y = 475; posAwalBentengY = benteng._y; benteng.onEnterFrame = enterBenteng; } function enterBenteng() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (nyawaBenteng <= 0) { totalMusuh = 0; nyawaBenteng = 0; cekMenang(); } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(nyawaBenteng); } function buatBackground() { pilihanKota = posBackground[kotaSerang]; if (pilihanKota == 1) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (pilihanKota == 2) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (pilihanKota == 3) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (pilihanKota == 4) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(4); } } } } background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; posAwalBackgroundX = background_mc._x; posAwalBackgroundY = background_mc._y; } function buatGuard() { if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 45; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 50; } else { musuhNyawa = 55; } } } } } } } if (kondisiPreview == 'gate1') { musuhNyawa = 100; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate2') { musuhNyawa = 150; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate3') { musuhNyawa = 200; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate4') { musuhNyawa = 250; } } } } i = 1; while (i <= 3) { pilihMusuh = 2; musuh = attachMovie('musuh' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + dalamMusuh, dalamMusuh + i); musuh.cacheAsBitmap = true; musuh._x = benteng_mc._x + 30 - 32 * i; musuh._y = benteng_mc._y - 175; musuh.jenis = pilihMusuh; if (pilihMusuh == 2) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 850; musuh.range2 = 850; musuh.speed = 0; musuh.speed2 = 0; musuh.damage = 3; } musuh.damage *= 2; musuh.special = false; musuh.duplikasi = false; musuh.nyawa *= 2; musuh.guard = true; musuh.kenaApi = false; musuh.onEnterFrame = enterMusuh; ++dalamMusuh; if (dalamMusuh >= 85) { dalamMusuh = 50; } ++i; } } function buatGuard2() { if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 45; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 50; } else { musuhNyawa = 55; } } } } } } } if (kondisiPreview == 'gate1') { musuhNyawa = 200; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate2') { musuhNyawa = 250; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate3') { musuhNyawa = 300; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate4') { musuhNyawa = 350; } } } } musuhNyawa *= 2; i = 1; while (i <= 1) { pilihMusuh = 2; musuh = attachMovie('weaponMusuh' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + dalamMusuh, dalamMusuh + i); musuh.cacheAsBitmap = true; musuh._x = benteng_mc._x + 100; musuh._y = benteng_mc._y - 125; musuh.jenis = pilihMusuh; if (pilihMusuh == 2) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 850; musuh.range2 = 850; musuh.speed = 0; musuh.speed2 = 0; musuh.damage = 3; } musuh.damage *= 2; musuh.special = false; musuh.duplikasi = false; musuh.nyawa *= 2; musuh.guard = true; musuh.kenaApi = false; musuh.onEnterFrame = enterMusuh; ++dalamMusuh; if (dalamMusuh >= 85) { dalamMusuh = 50; } ++i; } } function cekSerangWeaponMusuh(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('batu_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 75; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 9; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 8; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 7; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 6; } else { peluru.speedX = 5; } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedX -= 1; peluru.speedY = 15; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y + 50; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponMusuh3; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterWeaponMusuh3() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x -= this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.damage; } } } } removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponx; } } } } function buatMusuh() { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { if (kotaSerang == 21) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(4); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { if (kotaSerang == 21) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(5); } else { if (xday <= 500) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(4); } } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { if (kotaSerang == 21) { pilihMusuh = 2 + random(4); } else { if (xday <= 500) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(5); } } } } } if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 10; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 15; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { musuhNyawa = 45; } } } } } } } cekNyawaHuman(); } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(2); if (xday <= 50) { musuhNyawa = 10; } else { if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 15; } else { if (xday <= 150) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 250) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 350) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 45; } else { if (xday <= 450) { musuhNyawa = 50; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 55; } else { if (xday <= 550) { musuhNyawa = 60; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 70; } else { if (xday <= 650) { musuhNyawa = 80; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 90; } else { if (xday <= 750) { musuhNyawa = 100; } else { if (xday <= 800) { musuhNyawa = 110; } else { if (xday <= 850) { musuhNyawa = 120; } else { if (xday <= 900) { musuhNyawa = 130; } else { if (xday <= 950) { musuhNyawa = 140; } else { musuhNyawa = 150; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (tingkatSulit == 3) { musuhNyawa *= 3; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { musuhNyawa *= 1; } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { musuhNyawa *= pengkalianMusuh; } if (totalMusuh > 0) { bisaBuatMusuh = false; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamMusuh = i; i = 80; bisaBuatMusuh = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatMusuh == true) { removeMovieClip(_root['musuh_mc' + xdalamMusuh]); randKeluarMusuh = random(4) + 1; if (pilihMusuh >= 4 && maxTankMusuh <= 0) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { if (pilihMusuh >= 4 && maxTankMusuh > 0) { --maxTankMusuh; } } if (sedangTutorial == true) { pilihMusuh = 1; } ++jumlahMusuh; if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { musuh = attachMovie('barbar' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + xdalamMusuh, xdalamMusuh + 100); } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { musuh = attachMovie('musuh' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + xdalamMusuh, xdalamMusuh + 100); } } musuh.cacheAsBitmap = true; musuh._x = background_mc._x + 2750 + 100; if (pilihMusuh == 5) { musuh.heli = true; musuh._y = 210 + 40 * randKeluarMusuh; } else { musuh._y = 310 + 40 * randKeluarMusuh; } musuh.jenis = pilihMusuh; randSpeed = random(3); if (pilihMusuh == 4 || pilihMusuh == 5) { musuh.nyawa = (musuhNyawa + random(5)) * 10; musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 550; musuh.range2 = 650; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 1.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 3 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 0.5; } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 2; musuh.damage = 5; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihMusuh == 2) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 450; musuh.range2 = 550; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 1 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 1.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 2.5 + random(2); } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 4; musuh.damage = 2; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihMusuh == 3) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 100; musuh.range2 = 450; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 2 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 0.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 2.5 + random(2); } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 4; musuh.damage = 3; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (sedangTutorial == true) { musuh.nyawa = 5 + random(5); } else { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); } musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 75; musuh.range2 = 350; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 2 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 0.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 2.5 + random(2); } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 4; musuh.damage = 1; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } } } musuh.damage *= 2; musuh.kenaApi = false; musuh.onEnterFrame = enterMusuh; } } } function enterMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (sudahSelesai == false) { if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; if (this._currentframe != 4) { ++killMusuh; --totalMusuh; if (totalMusuh <= 0) { nyawaBenteng = 0; cekMenang(); } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { this['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } this.gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0 || this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined || this.xtarget.invis == true) { this.xtarget = undefined; } if (this.xtarget == undefined || this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa != undefined) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range2) { if (this.tipeSenjata == 'melee' && _root['jagoan_mc' + i].heli == true) { } else { this.xtarget = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]; i = maximumJagoan; } } } ++i; } } else { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak > this.range2) { this.xtarget = undefined; } } if (this.xtarget != undefined) { if (this._x <= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed2 * speedBattle) { this._y -= this.speed2 * speedBattle * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed2 * speedBattle * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } } } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; this._x -= this.speed * speedBattle; this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this._x <= background_mc._x - 100) { --defenseKita; if (defenseKita <= 0) { cekKalah(); } else { --totalMusuh; if (totalMusuh <= 0) { nyawaBenteng = 0; cekMenang(); } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); if (this.guard == true) { } else { if (this.jenis == 5) { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 200); } else { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } } } function cekSerangMusuh(indi) { if (indi.special == true) { efekSpecialMusuh(indi.xtarget); } if (indi.jenis == 2) { cekPanahMusuh(indi); } else { if (indi.xtarget.tipeApa == 'weapon') { --indi.xtarget.ammo; if (indi.xtarget.ammo <= 0) { indi.xtarget.nyawa = 0; if (indi.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 8) { ++xpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 9) { ++xpindahCatapult; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 10) { ++xpindahFireTrap; } } } removeMovieClip(indi.xtarget); } } if (indi.xtarget.kebal != true) { if (indi.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { if (indi.damage != undefined) { indi.xtarget.nyawa -= indi.damage; if (indi.xtarget.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += indi.damage; } } } } } if (indi.jenis == 4 || indi.jenis == 5) { cekEfekLedakan2(indi.xtarget); } } } } } } function cekPanahMusuh(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x - 30; peluru._y = indi._y - 30; if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { peluru._yscale = 75; peluru._xscale = 75; } else { peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; } peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 35; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.tujuanX = indi.xtarget._x; peluru.tujuanY = indi.xtarget._y; deltaX = peluru._x - peluru.tujuanX; deltaY = peluru._y - peluru.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; peluru._rotation = angle; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanahMusuh; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanahMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { deltaX = this._x - this.tujuanX; deltaY = this._y - this.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { if (this.xtarget.tipeApa == 'weapon') { --this.xtarget.ammo; if (this.xtarget.ammo <= 0) { this.xtarget.nyawa = 0; if (this.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 8) { ++xpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 9) { ++xpindahCatapult; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 10) { ++xpindahFireTrap; } } } removeMovieClip(this.xtarget); } } if (this.xtarget.kebal != true) { if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { if (this.indi.damage != undefined) { this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.indi.damage; if (this.xtarget.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.indi.damage; } } } } } } } } if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = 25 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekEfekLedakan2(indi, indi2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function enterEfekApi2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += 0.5; } } } } } } ++i; } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekSpellMusuh2() { rand = random(2); if (rand == 0) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { indiX = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x + 50; indiY = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y; i = maximumJagoan; ++i; } z = 11; while (z <= 14) { pilihSpellMusuh = z; if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } if (pilihSpellMusuh == 11) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 12) { backComet(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 13) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { backGempa(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { spell.damage *= 15; } else { spell.damage *= 7.5; } spell.damage *= 2; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpellMusuh; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpellMusuh; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } ++z; } } else { i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].special != true) { indiX = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x; indiY = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y; i = 80; } ++i; } pilihSpellMusuh = random(2) + 15; if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } if (pilihSpellMusuh == 11) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 12) { backComet(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 13) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { backGempa(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 15) { backSpell1(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 16) { backSpell2(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { spell.damage *= 15; } else { spell.damage *= 7.5; } spell.damage *= 2; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpellMusuh; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpellMusuh; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function cekSpellMusuh() { if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { if (xday >= 1000) { rand = random(2); } else { rand = 0; } } else { rand = random(2); } if (rand == 0) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { indiX = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x + 50; indiY = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y; i = maximumJagoan; ++i; } if (xday >= 1000) { pilihSpellMusuh = random(4) + 11; } else { if (xday >= 500) { pilihSpellMusuh = random(2) + 11; } else { if (xday >= hariSpell) { pilihSpellMusuh = 11; } } } } else { i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].special != true) { indiX = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x; indiY = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y; i = 80; } ++i; } pilihSpellMusuh = random(2) + 15; } if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } if (pilihSpellMusuh == 11) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 12) { backComet(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 13) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { backGempa(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 15) { backSpell1(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 16) { backSpell2(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { spell.damage *= 15; } else { spell.damage *= 7.5; } spell.damage *= 2; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpellMusuh; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpellMusuh; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } function enterSpellMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.tipeSpell == 11) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.damage; } } } } } } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 12) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.damage; } } } } } } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 13) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.damage; } } } } } } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 14) { this._xscale += 1; this._yscale += 1; if (this.awalGempa >= this.akhirGempa && this.getarKe == 1) { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi2 = false; removeMovieClip(this); } else { ++this.awalGempa; if (this.getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX2(-10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(-5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX2(-5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX2(7); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX2(10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX2(-12); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { this.getarKe = 1; } } } } } } } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.damage; } } } } } } ++i; } } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 15) { i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalSpecial = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + i].akhirSpecial = 500; _root['musuh_mc' + i].special = true; _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek7', 'efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 16) { zz = 50; while (zz <= 80) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + zz].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + zz]._x != undefined && _root['musuh_mc' + zz].nyawa > 0) { cekDuplicate(_root['musuh_mc' + zz]); _root['musuh_mc' + zz].attachMovie('efek8', 'efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['musuh_mc' + zz]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + zz]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } } ++zz; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } } } } function cekNormalY(indi) { if (indi == 'awal') { i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalGempaY = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalGempaY = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y; ++i; } } else { if (indi == 'akhir') { background_mc._y = posAwalBackgroundY; benteng_mc._y = posAwalBentengY; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y = _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalGempaY; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y = _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalGempaY; ++i; } } } } function cekGeserX(indi) { background_mc._x += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x += indi; _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 1; ++i; } nyawaBenteng -= 1; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._x += indi; } function cekGeserY(indi) { background_mc._y += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._y += indi; } function cekPasukanBuat() { battle_mc.all_btn._visible = false; if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 1) { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah1 = wpindahBareman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah2 = wpindahSwordman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah3 = wpindahArrowman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah4 = wpindahSpearman; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 2) { i = 5; while (i <= 7) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah5 = wpindahTank; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah6 = wpindahCopter; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah7 = wpindahMonbot; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 3) { i = 8; while (i <= 10) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah8 = wpindahArrowTrap; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah9 = wpindahCatapult; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah10 = wpindahFireTrap; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 4) { battle_mc.all_btn._visible = true; battle_mc.all_btn.onRelease = klikSpell2; i = 11; while (i <= 18) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 5) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } battle_mc.defense_mc._visible = false; buatKotak(false); } function overSoldier() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaSoldier = new Array('', 'Barehands', 'Swordman', 'Arrowman', 'Spearman', 'Tank', 'Copter', 'Monbot'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSoldier[indi]; } function outSoldier() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overWeapon() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaWeapon = new Array('', 'Bow Launcher', 'Stone Thrower', 'Fire Thrower'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaWeapon[indi - 7]; } function outWeapon() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overSpell() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaSpell = new Array('', 'Arrow Rain', 'Meteorid', 'Acid Rain', 'Eeathquake', 'Immune', 'Invisible', 'Special Attack', 'Duplicate'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); if (indi - 10 <= 4) { info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSpell[indi - 10] + ', Give to Enemy'; } else { info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSpell[indi - 10] + ', Give to Monster'; } } function outSpell() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overDefense() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaDefense = new Array('', 'Wall', 'Spike', 'Spider Web', 'Tower Guard', 'Zombie Trap'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaDefense[indi - 18]; } function outDefense() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function buatSpell(indiX, indiY) { if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); spell._xscale = 150; spell._yscale = 150; } else { if (pilihSpell == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpell - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpell - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } } if (pilihSpell == 11) { ++xpindahArrowRain; --wpindahArrowRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 12) { backComet(); ++xpindahMeteorid; --wpindahMeteorid; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 13) { ++xpindahAcidRain; --wpindahAcidRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 14) { backGempa(); ++xpindahEarthquake; --wpindahEarthquake; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; } else { if (pilihSpell == 15) { backSpell3(); ++xpindahImmune; --wpindahImmune; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 16) { backSpell4(); ++xpindahInvisible; --wpindahInvisible; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 17) { backSpell1(); ++xpindahSpecialAttack; --wpindahSpecialAttack; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 18) { backSpell2(); ++xpindahDuplicate; --wpindahDuplicate; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } } } spell.damage *= 10; spell.damage *= 2; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpell; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpell; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } function buatSpell2(indiX, indiY) { zi = 11; while (zi <= 18) { gagalBuat = false; if (zi == 11 && wpindahArrowRain <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 12 && wpindahMeteorid <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 13 && wpindahAcidRain <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 14 && wpindahEarthquake <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 15 && wpindahImmune <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 16 && wpindahInvisible <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 17 && wpindahSpecialAttack <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 18 && wpindahDuplicate <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } } } } } } } } if (gagalBuat == false) { if (zi >= 15) { spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); spell._xscale = 150; spell._yscale = 150; } else { if (zi == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (zi - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (zi - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } } if (zi == 11) { ++xpindahArrowRain; --wpindahArrowRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (zi == 12) { backComet(); ++xpindahMeteorid; --wpindahMeteorid; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1500; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (zi == 13) { ++xpindahAcidRain; --wpindahAcidRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 2000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (zi == 14) { backGempa(); ++xpindahEarthquake; --wpindahEarthquake; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; cekNormalY('awal'); } else { if (zi == 15) { backSpell3(); ++xpindahImmune; --wpindahImmune; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (zi == 16) { backSpell4(); ++xpindahInvisible; --wpindahInvisible; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (zi == 17) { backSpell1(); ++xpindahSpecialAttack; --wpindahSpecialAttack; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (zi == 18) { backSpell2(); ++xpindahDuplicate; --wpindahDuplicate; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } } } spell.damage *= 2; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; spell.tipeSpell = zi; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpell; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } ++zi; } } function enterSpell() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.tipeSpell == 11) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 12) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 13) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 14) { this._xscale += 1; this._yscale += 1; if (this.awalGempa >= this.akhirGempa && this.getarKe == 1) { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi2 = false; removeMovieClip(this); } else { ++this.awalGempa; if (this.getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX2(-10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(-5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX2(-5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX2(7); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX2(10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX2(-12); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { this.getarKe = 1; } } } } } } } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 15) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalKebal = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirKebal = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].kebal = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek5', 'efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 16) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalInvis = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirInvis = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].invis = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek6', 'efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 17) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalSpecial = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirSpecial = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].special = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek7', 'efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 18) { zz = 1; while (zz <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + zz].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + zz]._x != undefined && _root['jagoan_mc' + zz].nyawa > 0) { cekDuplicate(_root['jagoan_mc' + zz]); } } ++zz; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } } } } } } function cekDuplicate(indi) { if (indi.duplikasi == false) { indi.duplikasi = true; indi.nyawa *= 2; indi.damage *= 2; indi.range *= 2; indi.speed *= 2; } } function cekGeserX2(indi) { background_mc._x += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._x += indi; } function cekGeserY2(indi) { background_mc._y += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._y += indi; } function buatWeapon(indi) { bisaBuatSoldier = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamSoldier = i; i = maximumJagoan; bisaBuatSoldier = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatSoldier == true) { if (pilihWeapon == 8) { --wpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { --wpindahCatapult; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { --wpindahFireTrap; } } } battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah8 = wpindahArrowTrap; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah9 = wpindahCatapult; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah10 = wpindahFireTrap; weapon = attachMovie('weapon' + (pilihWeapon - 7), 'jagoan_mc' + xdalamSoldier, xdalamSoldier + 100); weapon._x = background_mc._x - 100; weapon._y = indi + 25; weapon.speed = 1.5; if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon.damage = 5; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon.damage = 10; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon.damage = 10; } } } if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon.ammo = 15; weapon.range = 875; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon.ammo = 20; weapon.range = 900; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon.ammo = 25; weapon.range = 925; } } } weapon.damage *= 2; weapon.nyawa = weapon.ammo; weapon.tipeApa = 'weapon'; weapon.jenisWeapon = pilihWeapon; weapon.batasKanan = background_mc._x + 40 + random(15); weapon.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon; } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another weapons, maximum weapons on the field reached'); } } function enterWeapon() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this.batasKanan += geserKiri; if (this._x <= this.batasKanan) { this.gotoAndStop(2); this._x += this.speed; } else { this.bisaSerang = false; this.xtarget = undefined; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i]._x != undefined && _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.xtarget = _root['musuh_mc' + i]; this.bisaSerang = true; } } ++i; } if (this.ammo <= 0) { this.ammo = 0; this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (this.bisaSerang == true) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } this.jumlah = this.ammo; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekSerangWeapon(indi) { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 8) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc2', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; peluru.speedX = 20; peluru.speedY = 10; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon2; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } else { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 9) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('batu_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 75; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; if (indi.jenisWeapon == 9) { peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 9; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 8; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 7; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 6; } else { peluru.speedX = 5; } } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedY = 15; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon3; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } else { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 10) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('bolaApi_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x + 25; peluru._y = indi._y - 35; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; if (indi.jenisWeapon == 10) { peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 900) { peluru.speedX = 20; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 19; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 18; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 17; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 16; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { peluru.speedX = 9; } } } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedY = 10; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon4; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } } } } function enterWeapon2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('panah_mc2', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -35 + random(15) + 7; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = 45 + random(15); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponx; } } } } function enterWeapon3() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponx; } } } } function enterWeapon4() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; this.lewatSini = false; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; _root['musuh_mc' + i].kenaApi = true; _root['musuh_mc' + i].batasApi = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + i].maxApi = 100; z = 1; while (z <= 5) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('efekApi', 'api_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -random(30) + 15; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 - random(30) + 15; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = 25 + random(25); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = 25 + random(25); ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } ++z; } this.lewatSini = true; removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.lewatSini == false) { if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { if (this != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); efek._x = this._x; efek._y = this._y; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } } function enterEfekApi() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; } ++i; } } } function enterWeaponx() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._alpha -= 0.5; } } function klikSoldier(zindi, zindi2) { bisaBuatSoldier = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamSoldier = i; i = maximumJagoan; bisaBuatSoldier = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatSoldier == true) { bisaBuatSoldier2 = true; if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { if (kiniVehicle >= 10) { bisaBuatSoldier2 = false; } else { bisaBuatSoldier2 = true; } } else { bisaBuatSoldier2 = true; } if (bisaBuatSoldier2 == true) { myStr = new String(this); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0 || zindi2 == 'duplikat') { if (zindi2 != 'duplikat') { pilihSoldier = indi; } randKeluarJagoan = random(4) + 1; ++defenseKita; soldier = attachMovie('soldier' + pilihSoldier, 'jagoan_mc' + xdalamSoldier, xdalamSoldier + 100); soldier.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (zindi2 != 'duplikat') { soldier._x = background_mc._x - 50; if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier._y = 210 + 40 * randKeluarJagoan; } else { soldier._y = 310 + 40 * randKeluarJagoan; } } else { soldier._x = zindi._x + random(50) - 25; soldier._y = zindi._y + random(50) - 25; } if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { ++kiniVehicle; if (pilihSoldier == 5) { soldier.nyawa = 500; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier.nyawa = 1000; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 7) { soldier.nyawa = 2000; } } } } else { if (zindi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.nyawa = zindi.nyawa; } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] >= nilaiSoldier) { soldier.nyawa = nilaiSoldier; } else { soldier.nyawa = battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier]; } } } if (pilihSoldier == 5) { soldier.scaleAwal = 75; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier.scaleAwal = 75; } else { soldier.scaleAwal = 100; } } if (pilihSoldier == 1) { wpindahBareman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahBareman <= 0) { wpindahBareman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 50; soldier.speed = 3; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 2) { wpindahSwordman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahSwordman <= 0) { wpindahSwordman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 75; soldier.speed = 2; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 3) { wpindahArrowman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahArrowman <= 0) { wpindahArrowman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 350; soldier.speed = 1.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 4) { wpindahSpearman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahSpearman <= 0) { wpindahSpearman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 100; soldier.speed = 2.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 5) { --wpindahTank; if (wpindahTank <= 0) { wpindahTank = 0; } soldier.damage = 10; soldier.range = 400; soldier.speed = 1; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { --wpindahCopter; if (wpindahCopter <= 0) { wpindahCopter = 0; } soldier.damage = 10; soldier.range = 450; soldier.speed = 1.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; soldier.heli = true; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 7) { --wpindahMonbot; if (wpindahMonbot <= 0) { wpindahMonbot = 0; } soldier.damage = 50; soldier.range = 50; soldier.speed = 1.25; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } } } } } } } soldier.speed *= 1.75; if (_root['rangerAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.range *= 2; } if (_root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.damage *= 2; } if (_root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.nyawa *= 2; } if (_root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.speed *= 2; } _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier]._visible = true; _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier].gotoAndStop(pilihSoldier); _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier].jumlah = soldier.nyawa; if (zindi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.speed += 1; } soldier.kebal = false; soldier.invis = false; soldier.special = false; if (zindi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.iniDuplikasi = true; soldier.duplikasi = true; } else { soldier.iniDuplikasi = false; soldier.duplikasi = false; } soldier.serangBase = false; soldier.nomorJagoan = xdalamSoldier; soldier.jenis = pilihSoldier; if (pilihSoldier <= 4) { soldier.damage *= 0.02; } soldier.damage *= 2; pilihTargetMusuh(soldier); soldier.onEnterFrame = enterSoldier; if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { --battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier]; } else { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] -= nilaiSoldier; if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] = 0; } } if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(45); } } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another vehicle units, maximum vehicle on the field reached'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another units, maximum soldiers on the field reached'); } } function enterSoldier() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (sudahSelesai == false) { if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; if (this._currentframe != 4) { if (this.jenis >= 5) { --kiniVehicle; } --defenseKita; if (defenseKita <= 0) { cekKalah(); } if (this.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (this.jenis == 5) { ++xpindahTank; } else { if (this.jenis == 6) { ++xpindahCopter; } else { if (this.jenis == 7) { ++xpindahMonbot; } } } } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { this['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } this.gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (this.kebal == true) { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekKebal' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalKebal >= this.akhirKebal) { this.kebal = false; } else { ++this.awalKebal; } } else { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekKebal' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.invis == true) { this._alpha = 30; i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekInvis' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalInvis >= this.akhirInvis) { this.invis = false; } else { ++this.awalInvis; } } else { this._alpha = 100; i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekInvis' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.special == true) { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekSpecial' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalSpecial >= this.akhirSpecial) { this.special = false; } else { ++this.awalSpecial; } } else { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekSpecial' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0 || this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { this.xtarget = undefined; } if (this.xtarget == undefined || this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0) { i = 80; while (i >= 50) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa != undefined) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { if (this.tipeSenjata == 'melee' && _root['musuh_mc' + i].heli == true) { } else { this.xtarget = _root['musuh_mc' + i]; i = 50; } } } --i; } } else { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak > this.range) { this.xtarget = undefined; } if (this._x > this.xtarget._x) { this.xtarget = undefined; } } if (this.tipeSenjata == 'range') { if (this._x >= background_mc._x + 100 + 2800 - this.range / 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); this.serangBase = true; adaSerangBase = true; } else { if (this.xtarget != undefined) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this._x += this.speed * speedBattle; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } else { if (this._x >= background_mc._x + 100 + 2800 - this.range) { this.gotoAndStop(3); this.serangBase = true; adaSerangBase = true; } else { if (this.xtarget != undefined) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this._x += this.speed * speedBattle; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); if (this.jenis == 6) { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 200); } else { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } } function cekSerangJagoan(indi) { if (indi.special == true) { efekSpecialJagoan(indi.xtarget); } if (indi.jenis == 7) { cekGetarBumi(); } else { if (indi.jenis == 5 || indi.jenis == 6) { if (indi.serangBase == true) { cekEfekLedakan(benteng_mc, 'benteng'); } else { cekEfekLedakan(indi.xtarget); } } } if (indi.serangBase == true) { if (indi.jenis == 3) { buatPanah2(indi); } else { nyawaBenteng -= indi.damage; } } else { if (indi.jenis == 3) { buatPanah(indi); } else { indi.xtarget.nyawa -= indi.damage; } } } function efekSpecialJagoan(indi) { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x + random(150) - 75; efek._y = indi._y - 50 + random(150) - 75; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.gotoAndPlay(random(5) + 1); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } ++i; } if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function efekSpecialMusuh(indi) { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x + random(150) - 75; efek._y = indi._y - 50 + random(150) - 75; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.gotoAndPlay(random(5) + 1); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } ++i; } if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function cekGetarBumi() { if (getarBumi == false) { cekNormalY('awal'); getarKe = 1; getarBumi = true; } } function cekEfekLedakan(indi, indi2) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); if (indi2 == 'benteng') { efek._x = benteng_mc._x; efek._y = benteng_mc._y - 175; } else { efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; } efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } if (efek._x == 0 || efek._x == undefined) { removeMovieClip(efek); } } function enterEfekApi() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; } ++i; } if (this.hitTest(_root.benteng_mc)) { nyawaBenteng -= 1; } } } function buatPanah(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 80; peluru._xscale = 80; peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 35; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.tujuanX = indi.xtarget._x; peluru.tujuanY = indi.xtarget._y; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanah; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanah() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { deltaX = this._x - this.tujuanX; deltaY = this._y - this.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.indi.damage; if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -75 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function buatPanah2(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 80; peluru._xscale = 80; peluru.speed = 25; peluru.randX = random(50) - 25; peluru.randY = random(50) - 25; peluru.xtarget = benteng_mc; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanah2; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanah2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x + this.randX; deltaY = this._y - (this.xtarget._y - 100) + this.randY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { nyawaBenteng -= this.indi.damage; this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -15 + random(50) - 25 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -115 - this.randY + random(10) - 5; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function klikSpell() { if (mulaiBattle == true) { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihSpell = indi; spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); spell.bisa._visible = true; spell._x = _root._xmouse; spell._y = _root._ymouse + spell._height / 10; if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell._yscale = 150; spell._xscale = 150; } else { spell._yscale = 75; spell._xscale = 75; } spell.startDrag(); sedangDragSpell = true; sedangDragSpell2 = false; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } } function klikSpell2() { if (mulaiBattle == true) { myStr = new String(this); bisaBuatSpell2 = false; i = 11; while (i <= 18) { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + i] > 0) { bisaBuatSpell2 = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatSpell2 == true) { spell = attachMovie('spellTarget2', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); spell.bisa._visible = true; spell._x = _root._xmouse; spell._y = _root._ymouse + spell._height / 10; if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell._yscale = 150; spell._xscale = 150; } else { spell._yscale = 75; spell._xscale = 75; } spell.startDrag(); sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = true; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } } function klikWeapon() { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihWeapon = indi; weapon2 = attachMovie('panahWeapon', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); weapon2.bisa._visible = true; weapon2._x = _root._xmouse; weapon2._y = _root._ymouse + weapon2._height / 10; if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon2.jumlah = 25; weapon2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon2.jumlah = 50; weapon2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon2.jumlah = 75; weapon2.gotoAndStop(3); } } } weapon2.anim.stop(); weapon2.startDrag(); sedangDragWeapon = true; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } function cekPause(indi) { if (indi == true) { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); } if (indi == true) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.weapon_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.spell_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.retreat_btn.enabled = false; battle_mc.defense_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.all_btn.enabled = false; i = 1; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].anim.stop(); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim.stop(); ++i; } } else { if (indi == false) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.weapon_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.spell_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.retreat_btn.enabled = true; battle_mc.defense_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.all_btn.enabled = true; i = 1; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]; ++i; } } } } function jagoanLari() { this._x += geserKiri; this._x -= this.speed * 4; this.gotoAndStop(2); this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function clearSemua2() { delete myListener.onKeyDown; delete myListener.onKeyUp; Key.removeListener(myListener); delete _root.onEnterFrame; delete _root.onMouseDown; delete _root.onMouseMove; removeMovieClip(benteng_mc); removeMovieClip(drag_mc); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); removeMovieClip(pause_mc); i = 50; while (i <= 65) { removeMovieClip(_root['musuh_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { removeMovieClip(_root['xmusuh_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { removeMovieClip(_root['jagoan_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { removeMovieClip(_root['peluru_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 200; while (i <= 300) { removeMovieClip(_root['weapon_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 300000; while (i <= 301000) { removeMovieClip(_root['spell_mc' + i]); ++i; } } function cekKalah() { if (sudahSelesai == false) { sudahSelesai = true; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(4); ++i; } menangBattle = false; idLanjut = setInterval(lanjutMain, 2000); } } function cekMenang() { if (sudahSelesai == false) { sudahSelesai = true; benteng_mc.gotoAndStop(2); i = 100; while (i <= 200) { benteng_mc['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].onEnterFrame = musuhLari; ++i; } menangBattle = true; idLanjut = setInterval(lanjutMain, 2000); } } function musuhLari() { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speed * 4; this.gotoAndStop(2); this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function lanjutMain() { clearSemua2(); clearInterval(idLanjut); if (xpindahBareman >= pindahBareman) { xpindahBareman = pindahBareman; } if (xpindahSwordman >= pindahSwordman) { xpindahSwordman = pindahSwordman; } if (xpindahArrowman >= pindahArrowman) { xpindahArrowman = pindahArrowman; } if (xpindahSpearman >= pindahSpearman) { xpindahSpearman = pindahSpearman; } if (xpindahTank >= pindahTank) { xpindahTank = pindahTank; } if (xpindahCopter >= pindahCopter) { xpindahCopter = pindahCopter; } if (xpindahMonbot >= pindahMonbot) { xpindahMonbot = pindahMonbot; } xpindahBareman = Math.floor(xpindahBareman); xpindahSwordman = Math.floor(xpindahSwordman); xpindahArrowman = Math.floor(xpindahArrowman); xpindahSpearman = Math.floor(xpindahSpearman); xpindahTank = Math.floor(xpindahTank); xpindahCopter = Math.floor(xpindahCopter); xpindahMonbot = Math.floor(xpindahMonbot); if (kotaSerang == 21) { if (menangBattle == true) { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate1') { kondisiPreview = 'gate2'; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate2') { kondisiPreview = 'gate3'; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate3') { kondisiPreview = 'gate4'; } else { if (kondisiPreview == 'gate4') { kondisiPreview = 'akhir'; } } } } gotoAndStop(345); } else { kondisiPreview = 'akhir'; gotoAndStop(345); } } else { kondisiPreview = 'akhir'; gotoAndStop(345); } } function cekSpeed() { if (speedBattle == 1) { battle_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (speedBattle == 2) { battle_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } stop(); if (sedangTutorial == true) { cekTutorial(44); } tipeAttackMusuh = 'attack'; frameKota.namaKota = xnamaKota[kotaSerang]; backBattle2(); initBattle(); buatBenteng(); buatBackground(); cekJumlahTankMusuh(); if (kotaSerang == 21) { buatGuard(); buatGuard2(); } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { buatGuard(); if (xday >= 1000) { buatGuard2(); } } } _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { hariSpell = 250; } else { hariSpell = 500; } if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { if (musuhSpell >= maxMusuhSpell) { musuhSpell = 0; if (kotaSerang == 21) { cekSpellMusuh2(); } else { cekSpellMusuh(); } } else { ++musuhSpell; } } else { if (xday >= hariSpell) { if (musuhSpell >= maxMusuhSpell) { musuhSpell = 0; cekSpellMusuh(); } else { ++musuhSpell; } } } if (adaSerangBase == true) { if (delayMusuhKeluar >= maxMusuhKeluar2) { if (tingkatSulit >= 2) { buatMusuh(); buatMusuh(); buatMusuh(); buatMusuh(); buatMusuh(); adaSerangBase = false; delayMusuhKeluar = 0; } else { buatMusuh(); adaSerangBase = false; delayMusuhKeluar = 0; } } else { ++delayMusuhKeluar; } } else { if (delayMusuhKeluar >= maxMusuhKeluar) { buatMusuh(); delayMusuhKeluar = 0; } else { ++delayMusuhKeluar; } } if (_root._xmouse <= 10 || geserKeKiri == true) { if (background_mc._x <= -20) { geserKiri = 10 * speedBattle * 3; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { if (_root._xmouse >= 790 || geserKeKanan == true) { if (background_mc._x >= -2350) { geserKiri = -10 * speedBattle * 3; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { geserKiri = 0; } } background_mc._x += geserKiri; if (getarBumi == true) { if (getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX(-10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(-5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX(-5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX(7); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX(10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX(-12); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 8) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 9) { cekGeserX(-10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 10) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(-5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 11) { cekGeserX(-5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 12) { cekGeserX(7); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 13) { cekGeserX(10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 14) { cekGeserX(-12); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (defenseKita <= 0) { defenseKita = 0; } if (totalMusuh <= 0) { totalMusuh = 0; } ourDefense.jumlah = defenseKita; enemyLeft.jumlah = totalMusuh; enemyBase.jumlah = Math.ceil(nyawaBenteng); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = 0; } }; ourDefense.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; ourDefense.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; enemyLeft.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; enemyLeft.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; enemyBase.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; enemyBase.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; battle_mc.soldier_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.weapon_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(3); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.spell_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(4); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.defense_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(5); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = false; battle_mc.remove_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); }; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekPasukanBuat(); _root.onMouseDown = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { if (sedangDragWeapon == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 325 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { buatWeapon(_root._ymouse); sedangDragWeapon = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } else { if (sedangDragSpell == true) { if (pilihSpell == 14) { if (_root._ymouse >= 275 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { if (getarBumi2 == false) { getarBumi2 = true; buatSpell(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { buatSpell(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } else { if (sedangDragSpell2 == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { buatSpell2(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } } } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { if (sedangDragWeapon == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 325 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } else { if (sedangDragSpell == true) { if (pilihSpell == 14) { if (getarBumi2 == true) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 275 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } else { if (sedangDragSpell2 == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } } }; if (sedangTutorial == true) { battle_mc.retreat_btn._visible = false; } else { battle_mc.retreat_btn._visible = true; } battle_mc.retreat_btn.onRelease = function () { battle_mc.retreat_btn._visible = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].onEnterFrame = jagoanLari; ++i; } cekKalah(); }; battle_mc.pause_btn.onRelease = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { pause_mc = attachMovie('pause_mc', 'pause_mc', 1199905); pause_mc._x = 400; pause_mc._y = 300; sedangPause = true; } else { removeMovieClip(pause_mc); sedangPause = false; } cekPause(sedangPause); }; cekSpeed(); battle_mc.speed_mc.onRelease = function () { if (speedBattle == 1) { speedBattle = 2; } else { if (speedBattle == 2) { speedBattle = 1; } } cekSpeed(); }; geserKeKiri = false; geserKeKanan = false; myListener = new Object(); myListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = true; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = true; } }; myListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = false; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = false; } }; Key.addListener(myListener); } movieClip 2872 { } movieClip 2873 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2877 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2883 { } movieClip 2886 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2889 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2892 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 487 { function initAwalBattle() { jumlahJagoan = 0; jumlahMusuh = 0; mulaiBattle = true; getarBumi = false; getarBumi2 = false; sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sudahSelesai = false; sudahDatangJagoan = false; sedangPause = false; } function initBattle() { geserKiri = 0; dalamDrag = 200000; dalamSpell = 300000; dalamSoldier = 1; dalamLaba = 500; dalamBenteng = 300; dalamWeapon = 200; dalamPeluru = 100; dalamEfekJagoan = 100; dalamMusuh = 50; if (xday <= 100) { nilaiSoldier = 20; } else { if (xday <= 200) { nilaiSoldier = 25; } else { if (xday <= 300) { nilaiSoldier = 30; } else { if (xday <= 400) { nilaiSoldier = 35; } else { if (xday <= 500) { nilaiSoldier = 40; } else { if (xday <= 600) { nilaiSoldier = 45; } else { nilaiSoldier = 50; } } } } } } maximumJagoan = 29; kiniVehicle = 0; waktuDatangJagoan = 60; kiniDatangJagoan = 0; maxDatangJagoan = 30; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { j = 1; while (j <= 4) { _root['sudahLingkar' + i + j] = false; ++j; } ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 60) { _root['pasukan' + i]._visible = false; _root['pasukan' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } wpindahBareman = pindahBareman; wpindahSwordman = pindahSwordman; wpindahArrowman = pindahArrowman; wpindahSpearman = pindahSpearman; wpindahTank = pindahTank; wpindahCopter = pindahCopter; wpindahMonbot = pindahMonbot; wpindahArrowTrap = pindahArrowTrap; wpindahCatapult = pindahCatapult; wpindahFireTrap = pindahFireTrap; wpindahArrowRain = pindahArrowRain; wpindahMeteorid = pindahMeteorid; wpindahAcidRain = pindahAcidRain; wpindahEarthquake = pindahEarthquake; wpindahImmune = pindahImmune; wpindahInvisible = pindahInvisible; wpindahSpecialAttack = pindahSpecialAttack; wpindahDuplicate = pindahDuplicate; wpindahWall = pindahWall; wpindahSpike = pindahSpike; wpindahSpiderWeb = pindahSpiderWeb; wpindahTowerGuard = pindahTowerGuard; wpindahZombieTrap = pindahZombieTrap; delayMusuhKeluar = 0; if (xday <= 100) { maxMusuhKeluar = 60; defenseKita = 3; } else { if (xday <= 200) { maxMusuhKeluar = 55; defenseKita = 4; } else { if (xday <= 300) { maxMusuhKeluar = 50; defenseKita = 5; } else { if (xday <= 400) { maxMusuhKeluar = 45; defenseKita = 6; } else { if (xday <= 500) { maxMusuhKeluar = 40; defenseKita = 7; } else { if (xday <= 600) { maxMusuhKeluar = 35; defenseKita = 8; } else { if (xday <= 700) { maxMusuhKeluar = 30; defenseKita = 9; } else { maxMusuhKeluar = 25; defenseKita = 10; } } } } } } } defenseKita = 1; maxMusuhKeluar *= 0.5; maxMusuh = jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang; maxMusuh *= 2.5; jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang *= 2.5; maxMusuh = Math.ceil(maxMusuh); totalMusuh = maxMusuh; } function buatBackground() { pilihanKota = posBackground[kotaSerang]; if (pilihanKota == 1) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (pilihanKota == 2) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (pilihanKota == 3) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (pilihanKota == 4) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(4); } } } } background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; posAwalBackgroundX = background_mc._x; posAwalBackgroundY = background_mc._y; } function buatMusuh() { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { if (xday <= 500) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(4); } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { if (xday <= 500) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(5); } } } } if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 10; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 15; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { musuhNyawa = 45; } } } } } } } cekNyawaHuman(); } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { if (xday >= 1000) { wrand = random(2); if (wrand == 0) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(2); } else { pilihMusuh = 2; } } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(2); } if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 10; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 15; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { if (xday <= 800) { musuhNyawa = 45; } else { if (xday <= 900) { musuhNyawa = 50; } else { if (xday <= 1000) { musuhNyawa = 55; } else { if (xday <= 1100) { musuhNyawa = 60; } else { if (xday <= 1200) { musuhNyawa = 70; } else { if (xday <= 1300) { musuhNyawa = 80; } else { if (xday <= 1400) { musuhNyawa = 90; } else { if (xday <= 1500) { musuhNyawa = 100; } else { if (xday <= 1600) { musuhNyawa = 110; } else { if (xday <= 1700) { musuhNyawa = 120; } else { if (xday <= 1800) { musuhNyawa = 130; } else { if (xday <= 1900) { musuhNyawa = 140; } else { musuhNyawa = 150; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (tingkatSulit == 3) { musuhNyawa *= 3; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { musuhNyawa *= 1; } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { musuhNyawa *= pengkalianMusuh; } if (totalMusuh > 0) { bisaBuatMusuh = false; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamMusuh = i; i = 80; bisaBuatMusuh = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatMusuh == true) { removeMovieClip(_root['musuh_mc' + xdalamMusuh]); randKeluarMusuh = random(4) + 1; if (pilihMusuh >= 4 && maxTankMusuh <= 0) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { if (pilihMusuh >= 4 && maxTankMusuh > 0) { --maxTankMusuh; } } ++jumlahMusuh; if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { musuh = attachMovie('barbar' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + xdalamMusuh, xdalamMusuh + 100); } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { musuh = attachMovie('musuh' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + xdalamMusuh, xdalamMusuh + 100); } } musuh.cacheAsBitmap = true; musuh._x = background_mc._x - 150 + 1700; musuh._y = 190 + 85 * (randKeluarMusuh - 1); musuh.jenis = pilihMusuh; musuh.barisKe = randKeluarMusuh; randSpeed = random(3); if (pilihMusuh == 4 || pilihMusuh == 5) { musuh.nyawa = (musuhNyawa + random(5)) * 5; musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 550; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 1.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 3 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 0.5; } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 2; musuh.damage = 5; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihMusuh == 2) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 450; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 1 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 1.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 2.5 + random(2); } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 4; musuh.damage = 2; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihMusuh == 3) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 100; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 2 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 0.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 2.5 + random(2); } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 4; musuh.damage = 3; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 50; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 2 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 0.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 2.5 + random(2); } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 4; musuh.damage = 1; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } } } musuh.damage *= 2; musuh.kenaApi = false; musuh.onEnterFrame = enterMusuh; } } } function enterMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (sudahSelesai == false) { if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; if (this._currentframe != 4) { ++killMusuh; --jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang; --totalMusuh; if (totalMusuh <= 0) { cekMenang(); } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { this['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } this.gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0 || this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined || this.xtarget.invis == true) { this.xtarget = undefined; this.serangBalik = undefined; } if (this.xtarget == undefined || this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa != undefined) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.xtarget = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]; i = maximumJagoan; } } ++i; } } else { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak > this.range) { if (this.xtarget.tipeSenjata == 'range') { this.xtarget = undefined; } else { if (this.serangBalik != true) { this.xtarget = undefined; } } } if (this._x < this.xtarget._x) { if (this.serangBalik != true) { this.xtarget = undefined; } } } if (this.serangBalik == true) { if (this.xtarget == undefined) { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } else { if (this._x <= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } } } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } i = 300; while (i <= 350) { if (_root['benteng_mc' + i].nyawa != undefined) { if (this.barisKe == _root['benteng_mc' + i].barisKe) { if (_root['benteng_mc' + i].tipeBenteng == 20) { if (this.hitTest(_root['benteng_mc' + i])) { this.nyawa -= _root['benteng_mc' + i].damage; _root['benteng_mc' + i].nyawa -= _root['benteng_mc' + i].damage; } } else { if (_root['benteng_mc' + i].tipeBenteng == 21) { this.jarak2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['benteng_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['benteng_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak2 <= _root['benteng_mc' + i].range) { _root['benteng_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(2); _root['benteng_mc' + i].xtarget = this; } } else { if (_root['benteng_mc' + i].tipeBenteng == 22) { this.jarak2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['benteng_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['benteng_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak2 <= _root['benteng_mc' + i].range) { _root['benteng_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(2); _root['benteng_mc' + i].xtarget = this; } } else { if (_root['benteng_mc' + i].tipeBenteng == 23) { if (this.hitTest(_root['benteng_mc' + i])) { _root['benteng_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } } } ++i; } if (this.xtarget != undefined) { if (this._x >= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; if (this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0 || this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { this.xtarget = undefined; } if (this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0 || this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { i = 300; while (i <= 350) { if (_root['benteng_mc' + i].nyawa != undefined) { if (this.barisKe == _root['benteng_mc' + i].barisKe) { if (_root['benteng_mc' + i].tipeBenteng != 20) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['benteng_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['benteng_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.xtarget = _root['benteng_mc' + i]; i = 350; } } } } ++i; } } if (this.xtarget != undefined) { if (this._x <= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; this._x -= this.speed * speedBattle; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (this._x <= background_mc._x - 100) { --defenseKita; if (defenseKita <= 0) { cekKalah(); } else { --totalMusuh; if (totalMusuh <= 0) { cekMenang(); } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); if (this.jenis == 5) { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 200); } else { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } } function cekSerangMusuh(indi) { if (indi.jenis == 2) { cekPanahMusuh(indi); } else { if (indi.xtarget.tipeApa == 'weapon') { --indi.xtarget.ammo; if (indi.xtarget.ammo <= 0) { indi.xtarget.nyawa = 0; if (indi.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 8) { ++xpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 9) { ++xpindahCatapult; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 10) { ++xpindahFireTrap; } } } removeMovieClip(indi.xtarget); } } if (indi.xtarget.kebal != true) { if (indi.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { if (indi.damage != undefined) { indi.xtarget.nyawa -= indi.damage; if (indi.xtarget.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += indi.damage; } } } } } if (indi.jenis == 4 || indi.jenis == 5) { cekEfekLedakan2(indi.xtarget); } } } } } } function cekPanahMusuh(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x - 30; peluru._y = indi._y - 30; if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { peluru._yscale = 75; peluru._xscale = 75; } else { peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; } peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 35; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.tujuanX = indi.xtarget._x; peluru.tujuanY = indi.xtarget._y; deltaX = peluru._x - peluru.tujuanX; deltaY = peluru._y - peluru.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; peluru._rotation = angle; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanahMusuh; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanahMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { deltaX = this._x - this.tujuanX; deltaY = this._y - this.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { if (this.xtarget.tipeApa == 'weapon') { --this.xtarget.ammo; if (this.xtarget.ammo <= 0) { this.xtarget.nyawa = 0; if (this.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 8) { ++xpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 9) { ++xpindahCatapult; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 10) { ++xpindahFireTrap; } } } removeMovieClip(this.xtarget); } } if (this.xtarget.kebal != true) { if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { if (this.indi.damage != undefined) { this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.indi.damage; if (this.xtarget.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.indi.damage; } } } } } } } } if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = 25 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekEfekLedakan2(indi, indi2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function enterEfekApi2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += 0.5; } } } } } } ++i; } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekNormalY(indi) { if (indi == 'awal') { i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalGempaY = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalGempaY = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y; ++i; } } else { if (indi == 'akhir') { background_mc._y = posAwalBackgroundY; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y = _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalGempaY; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y = _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalGempaY; ++i; } } } } function cekGeserX(indi) { background_mc._x += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x += indi; _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 1; ++i; } nyawaBenteng -= 1; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._x += indi; } function cekGeserY(indi) { background_mc._y += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._y += indi; } function cekPasukanBuat() { battle_mc.all_btn._visible = false; if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 1) { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah1 = wpindahBareman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah2 = wpindahSwordman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah3 = wpindahArrowman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah4 = wpindahSpearman; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 2) { i = 5; while (i <= 7) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah5 = wpindahTank; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah6 = wpindahCopter; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah7 = wpindahMonbot; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 3) { i = 8; while (i <= 10) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah8 = wpindahArrowTrap; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah9 = wpindahCatapult; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah10 = wpindahFireTrap; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 4) { battle_mc.all_btn._visible = true; battle_mc.all_btn.onRelease = klikSpell2; i = 11; while (i <= 18) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 5) { i = 19; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikDefense; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overDefense; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outDefense; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah19 = wpindahWall; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah20 = wpindahSpike; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah21 = wpindahSpiderWeb; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah22 = wpindahTowerGuard; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah23 = wpindahZombieTrap; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } buatKotak(false); } function overSoldier() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaSoldier = new Array('', 'Barehands', 'Swordman', 'Arrowman', 'Spearman', 'Tank', 'Copter', 'Monbot'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSoldier[indi]; } function outSoldier() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overWeapon() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaWeapon = new Array('', 'Bow Launcher', 'Stone Thrower', 'Fire Thrower'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaWeapon[indi - 7]; } function outWeapon() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overSpell() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaSpell = new Array('', 'Arrow Rain', 'Meteorid', 'Acid Rain', 'Eeathquake', 'Immune', 'Invisible', 'Special Attack', 'Duplicate'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); if (indi - 10 <= 4) { info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSpell[indi - 10] + ', Give to Enemy'; } else { info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSpell[indi - 10] + ', Give to Monster'; } } function outSpell() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overDefense() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaDefense = new Array('', 'Wall', 'Spike', 'Spider Web', 'Tower Guard', 'Zombie Trap'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaDefense[indi - 18]; } function outDefense() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function klikSoldier(zindi, zindi2) { bisaBuatSoldier = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamSoldier = i; i = maximumJagoan; bisaBuatSoldier = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatSoldier == true) { bisaBuatSoldier2 = true; if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { if (kiniVehicle >= 10) { bisaBuatSoldier2 = false; } else { bisaBuatSoldier2 = true; } } else { bisaBuatSoldier2 = true; } if (bisaBuatSoldier2 == true) { myStr = new String(this); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0 || zindi2 == 'duplikat') { if (zindi2 != 'duplikat') { pilihSoldier = indi; } randKeluarJagoan = random(4) + 1; ++defenseKita; soldier = attachMovie('soldier' + pilihSoldier, 'jagoan_mc' + xdalamSoldier, xdalamSoldier + 100); soldier.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (zindi2 != 'duplikat') { soldier._x = background_mc._x - 50; soldier._y = 190 + 85 * (randKeluarJagoan - 1); } else { soldier._x = zindi._x + random(50) - 25; soldier._y = zindi._y + random(50) - 25; } if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { ++kiniVehicle; if (pilihSoldier == 5) { soldier.nyawa = 500; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier.nyawa = 1000; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 7) { soldier.nyawa = 2000; } } } } else { if (zindi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.nyawa = zindi.nyawa; } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] >= nilaiSoldier) { soldier.nyawa = nilaiSoldier; } else { soldier.nyawa = battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier]; } } } if (pilihSoldier == 5) { soldier.scaleAwal = 75; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier.scaleAwal = 75; } else { soldier.scaleAwal = 100; } } if (pilihSoldier == 1) { wpindahBareman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahBareman <= 0) { wpindahBareman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 50; soldier.speed = 3; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 2) { wpindahSwordman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahSwordman <= 0) { wpindahSwordman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 75; soldier.speed = 2; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 3) { wpindahArrowman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahArrowman <= 0) { wpindahArrowman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 450; soldier.speed = 1.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 4) { wpindahSpearman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahSpearman <= 0) { wpindahSpearman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 100; soldier.speed = 2.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 5) { --wpindahTank; if (wpindahTank <= 0) { wpindahTank = 0; } soldier.damage = 10; soldier.range = 550; soldier.speed = 1; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { --wpindahCopter; if (wpindahCopter <= 0) { wpindahCopter = 0; } soldier.damage = 10; soldier.range = 600; soldier.speed = 1.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 7) { --wpindahMonbot; if (wpindahMonbot <= 0) { wpindahMonbot = 0; } soldier.damage = 50; soldier.range = 50; soldier.speed = 1.25; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } } } } } } } if (_root['rangerAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.range *= 2; } if (_root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.damage *= 2; } if (_root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.nyawa *= 2; } if (_root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.speed *= 2; } _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier]._visible = true; _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier].gotoAndStop(pilihSoldier); _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier].jumlah = soldier.nyawa; soldier.range2 = 400; if (zindi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.speed += 0.5; } soldier.speed2 = soldier.speed * 4; soldier.kebal = false; soldier.invis = false; soldier.special = false; if (zindi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.iniDuplikasi = true; soldier.duplikasi = true; } else { soldier.iniDuplikasi = false; soldier.duplikasi = false; } soldier.serangBase = false; soldier.nomorJagoan = xdalamSoldier; soldier.jenis = pilihSoldier; if (pilihSoldier <= 4) { soldier.damage *= 0.02; } soldier.damage *= 2; pilihTargetMusuh(soldier); soldier.onEnterFrame = enterSoldier; if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { --battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier]; } else { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] -= nilaiSoldier; if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] = 0; } } } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another vehicle units, maximum vehicle on the field reached'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another units, maximum soldiers on the field reached'); } } function enterSoldier() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (sudahSelesai == false) { if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; if (this._currentframe != 4) { if (this.jenis >= 5) { --kiniVehicle; } --defenseKita; if (defenseKita <= 0) { cekKalah(); } if (this.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (this.jenis == 5) { ++xpindahTank; } else { if (this.jenis == 6) { ++xpindahCopter; } else { if (this.jenis == 7) { ++xpindahMonbot; } } } } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { this['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } this.gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (this.kebal == true) { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekKebal' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalKebal >= this.akhirKebal) { this.kebal = false; } else { ++this.awalKebal; } } else { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekKebal' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.invis == true) { this._alpha = 30; i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekInvis' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalInvis >= this.akhirInvis) { this.invis = false; } else { ++this.awalInvis; } } else { this._alpha = 100; i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekInvis' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.special == true) { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekSpecial' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalSpecial >= this.akhirSpecial) { this.special = false; } else { ++this.awalSpecial; } } else { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekSpecial' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0 || this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { this.xtarget = undefined; } if (this.xtarget == undefined || this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0) { i = 80; while (i >= 50) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa != undefined) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range2) { this.xtarget = _root['musuh_mc' + i]; i = 50; } } --i; } } else { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak > this.range2) { } } if (this.xtarget != undefined) { if (this._x <= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.xtarget.serangBalik = true; this.xtarget.xtarget = this; this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed2 * speedBattle) { this._y -= this.speed2 * speedBattle * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed2 * speedBattle * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } } } else { if (this._x >= background_mc._x - 150 + 3000) { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; this._x += this.speed * speedBattle; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); if (this.jenis == 6) { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 200); } else { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } } function cekSerangJagoan(indi) { if (indi.special == true) { efekSpecialJagoan(indi.xtarget); } if (indi.jenis == 7) { cekGetarBumi(); } else { if (indi.jenis == 5 || indi.jenis == 6) { if (indi.serangBase == true) { cekEfekLedakan(benteng_mc, 'benteng'); } else { cekEfekLedakan(indi.xtarget); } } } if (indi.jenis == 3) { buatPanah(indi); } else { indi.xtarget.nyawa -= indi.damage; } } function efekSpecialJagoan(indi) { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x + random(150) - 75; efek._y = indi._y - 50 + random(150) - 75; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.gotoAndPlay(random(5) + 1); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } ++i; } if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function efekSpecialMusuh(indi) { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x + random(150) - 75; efek._y = indi._y - 50 + random(150) - 75; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.gotoAndPlay(random(5) + 1); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } ++i; } if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function cekGetarBumi() { if (getarBumi == false) { cekNormalY('awal'); getarKe = 1; getarBumi = true; } } function cekEfekLedakan(indi, indi2) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; if (indi2 == 'benteng') { efek._y = indi._y - 175; } else { efek._y = indi._y - 50; } efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } if (efek._x == 0 || efek._x == undefined) { removeMovieClip(efek); } } function enterEfekApi() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; } ++i; } if (this.hitTest(_root.benteng_mc)) { nyawaBenteng -= 1; } } } function buatPanah(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 80; peluru._xscale = 80; peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 35; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.tujuanX = indi.xtarget._x; peluru.tujuanY = indi.xtarget._y; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanah; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanah() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { deltaX = this._x - this.tujuanX; deltaY = this._y - this.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.indi.damage; if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -75 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function klikWeapon() { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihWeapon = indi; weapon2 = attachMovie('panahWeapon', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); weapon2.bisa._visible = true; weapon2._x = _root._xmouse; weapon2._y = _root._ymouse + weapon2._height / 10; if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon2.jumlah = 25; weapon2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon2.jumlah = 50; weapon2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon2.jumlah = 75; weapon2.gotoAndStop(3); } } } weapon2.anim.stop(); weapon2.startDrag(); sedangDragWeapon = true; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } function klikSpell() { if (mulaiBattle == true) { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihSpell = indi; spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); spell.bisa._visible = true; spell._x = _root._xmouse; spell._y = _root._ymouse + spell._height / 10; if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell._yscale = 150; spell._xscale = 150; } else { spell._yscale = 75; spell._xscale = 75; } spell.startDrag(); sedangDragSpell = true; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } } function buatSpell(indiX, indiY) { if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); spell._xscale = 150; spell._yscale = 150; } else { if (pilihSpell == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpell - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpell - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } } if (pilihSpell == 11) { ++xpindahArrowRain; --wpindahArrowRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 12) { backComet(); ++xpindahMeteorid; --wpindahMeteorid; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 13) { ++xpindahAcidRain; --wpindahAcidRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 14) { backGempa(); ++xpindahEarthquake; --wpindahEarthquake; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; cekNormalY('awal'); } else { if (pilihSpell == 15) { backSpell3(); ++xpindahImmune; --wpindahImmune; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 16) { backSpell4(); ++xpindahInvisible; --wpindahInvisible; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 17) { backSpell1(); ++xpindahSpecialAttack; --wpindahSpecialAttack; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 18) { backSpell2(); ++xpindahDuplicate; --wpindahDuplicate; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } } } spell.damage *= 10; spell.damage *= 2; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpell; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpell; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } function enterSpell() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.tipeSpell == 11) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 12) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 13) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 14) { this._xscale += 1; this._yscale += 1; if (this.awalGempa >= this.akhirGempa && this.getarKe == 1) { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi2 = false; removeMovieClip(this); } else { ++this.awalGempa; if (this.getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX2(-10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(-5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX2(-5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX2(7); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX2(10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX2(-12); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { this.getarKe = 1; } } } } } } } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 15) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalKebal = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirKebal = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].kebal = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek5', 'efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 16) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalInvis = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirInvis = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].invis = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek6', 'efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 17) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalSpecial = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirSpecial = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].special = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek7', 'efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 18) { zz = 1; while (zz <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + zz].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + zz]._x != undefined && _root['jagoan_mc' + zz].nyawa > 0) { cekDuplicate(_root['jagoan_mc' + zz]); } } ++zz; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } } } } } } function cekDuplicate(indi) { if (indi.duplikasi == false) { indi.duplikasi = true; indi.nyawa *= 2; indi.damage *= 2; indi.range *= 2; indi.speed *= 2; } } function cekGeserX2(indi) { background_mc._x += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._x += indi; } function cekGeserY2(indi) { background_mc._y += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._y += indi; } function buatWeapon(indi) { bisaBuatSoldier = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamSoldier = i; i = maximumJagoan; bisaBuatSoldier = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatSoldier == true) { if (pilihWeapon == 8) { --wpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { --wpindahCatapult; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { --wpindahFireTrap; } } } battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah8 = wpindahArrowTrap; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah9 = wpindahCatapult; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah10 = wpindahFireTrap; weapon = attachMovie('weapon' + (pilihWeapon - 7), 'jagoan_mc' + xdalamSoldier, xdalamSoldier + 100); weapon._x = background_mc._x - 100; weapon._y = indi + 25; weapon.speed = 1.5; if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon.damage = 5; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon.damage = 10; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon.damage = 10; } } } if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon.ammo = 15; weapon.range = 875; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon.ammo = 20; weapon.range = 900; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon.ammo = 25; weapon.range = 925; } } } weapon.damage *= 2; weapon.nyawa = weapon.ammo; weapon.tipeApa = 'weapon'; weapon.jenisWeapon = pilihWeapon; weapon.batasKanan = background_mc._x + 40 + random(15); weapon.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon; } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another weapons, maximum weapons on the field reached'); } } function enterWeapon() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this.batasKanan += geserKiri; if (this._x <= this.batasKanan) { this.gotoAndStop(2); this._x += this.speed; } else { this.bisaSerang = false; this.xtarget = undefined; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i]._x != undefined && _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.xtarget = _root['musuh_mc' + i]; this.bisaSerang = true; } } ++i; } if (this.ammo <= 0) { this.ammo = 0; this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (this.bisaSerang == true) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } this.jumlah = this.ammo; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekSerangWeapon(indi) { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 8) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc2', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; peluru.speedX = 20; peluru.speedY = 10; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon2; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } else { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 9) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('batu_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 75; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; if (indi.jenisWeapon == 9) { peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 9; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 8; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 7; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 6; } else { peluru.speedX = 5; } } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedY = 15; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon3; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } else { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 10) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('bolaApi_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x + 25; peluru._y = indi._y - 35; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; if (indi.jenisWeapon == 10) { peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 900) { peluru.speedX = 20; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 19; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 18; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 17; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 16; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { peluru.speedX = 9; } } } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedY = 10; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon4; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } } } } function enterWeapon2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('panah_mc2', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -35 + random(15) + 7; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = 45 + random(15); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponx; } } } } function enterWeapon3() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponx; } } } } function enterWeapon4() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; this.lewatSini = false; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; _root['musuh_mc' + i].kenaApi = true; _root['musuh_mc' + i].batasApi = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + i].maxApi = 100; z = 1; while (z <= 5) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('efekApi', 'api_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -random(30) + 15; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 - random(30) + 15; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = 25 + random(25); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = 25 + random(25); ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } ++z; } this.lewatSini = true; removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.lewatSini == false) { if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { if (this != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); efek._x = this._x; efek._y = this._y; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } } function enterEfekApi() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; } ++i; } } } function enterWeaponx() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._alpha -= 0.5; } } function cekPause(indi) { if (indi == true) { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); } if (indi == true) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.weapon_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.spell_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.retreat_btn.enabled = false; battle_mc.defense_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.all_btn.enabled = false; i = 1; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].anim.stop(); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim.stop(); ++i; } } else { if (indi == false) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.weapon_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.spell_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.retreat_btn.enabled = true; battle_mc.defense_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.all_btn.enabled = true; i = 1; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]; ++i; } } } } function jagoanLari() { this._x += geserKiri; this._x -= this.speed * 4; this.gotoAndStop(2); this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function klikDefense() { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihBenteng = indi; benteng = attachMovie('benteng' + (indi - 18), 'drag_mc', dalamDrag); benteng.cacheAsBitmap = true; benteng._x = _root._xmouse; if (pilihBenteng == 22) { benteng._xscale = 75; benteng._yscale = 75; } else { benteng._xscale = 100; benteng._yscale = 100; } benteng.jumlah = 1; benteng._y = _root._ymouse + benteng._height / 10; benteng.gotoAndStop(1); benteng.anim.stop(); benteng.startDrag(); buatKotak(true); } } function buatKotak(indi) { if (indi == true) { dalamLingkar = 1; sedangDrag = true; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { j = 1; while (j <= 4) { if (_root['sudahLingkar' + i + j] == false) { lingkar = attachMovie('lingkar_mc', 'lingkar_mc' + i + j, dalamLingkar + 100000); lingkar.cacheAsBitmap = true; lingkar._x = background_mc._x + 200 + 100 * (i - 1); lingkar._y = 190 + 85 * (j - 1); lingkar.keI = i; lingkar.keJ = j; lingkar.jenisIsi = _root['jenisIsi' + i + j]; lingkar.onRelease = klikLingkar; lingkar._alpha = 75; lingkar._visible = true; lingkar.onEnterFrame = enterLingkar; ++dalamLingkar; } ++j; } ++i; } battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } else { xdalamLingkar = 1; sedangDrag = false; i = 1; while (i <= 10) { j = 1; while (j <= 4) { removeMovieClip(_root['lingkar_mc' + i + j]); ++xdalamLingkar; ++j; } ++i; } battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc); stopDrag(); } } function enterLingkar() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; } } function klikLingkar() { if (sedangDrag == true) { cekBentengBuat(this); } } function cekBentengBuat(indi) { bisaBuatBenteng = false; i = 300; while (i <= 350) { if (_root['benteng_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamBenteng = i; i = 350; bisaBuatBenteng = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatBenteng == true) { if (pilihBenteng == 19) { --wpindahWall; } else { if (pilihBenteng == 20) { --wpindahSpike; } else { if (pilihBenteng == 21) { --wpindahSpiderWeb; } else { if (pilihBenteng == 22) { --wpindahTowerGuard; } else { if (pilihBenteng == 23) { --wpindahZombieTrap; } } } } } battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah19 = wpindahWall; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah20 = wpindahSpike; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah21 = wpindahSpiderWeb; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah22 = wpindahTowerGuard; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah23 = wpindahZombieTrap; _root['sudahLingkar' + indi.keI + indi.keJ] = true; defense = attachMovie('benteng' + (pilihBenteng - 18), 'benteng_mc' + xdalamBenteng, xdalamBenteng + 100); defense.cacheAsBitmap = true; defense._x = indi._x; defense._y = indi._y; defense.keI = indi.keI; defense.keJ = indi.keJ; myStr = new String(indi); indix = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); defense.barisKe = indix; if (pilihBenteng == 19) { defense.nyawa = 200; } else { if (pilihBenteng == 20) { defense.nyawa = 25; defense.damage = 1; defense.damage *= 2; } else { if (pilihBenteng == 21) { defense.nyawa = 30; defense.damage = 1; defense.damage *= 2; defense.range = 450; } else { if (pilihBenteng == 22) { defense.nyawa = 50; defense.damage = 3; defense.damage *= 2; defense.range = 750; defense._yscale = 75; defense._xscale = 75; } else { if (pilihBenteng == 23) { defense.nyawa = 55; defense.damage = 3; defense.damage *= 2; } } } } } defense.tipeBenteng = pilihBenteng; defense.onEnterFrame = enterDefense; buatKotak(false); } } function enterDefense() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; _root['sudahLingkar' + this.keI + this.keJ] = false; if (this.tipeBenteng == 19) { xpindahWall += 1; } else { if (this.tipeBenteng == 20) { xpindahSpike += 1; } else { if (this.tipeBenteng == 21) { xpindahSpiderWeb += 1; } else { if (this.tipeBenteng == 22) { xpindahTowerGuard += 1; } else { if (this.tipeBenteng == 23) { xpindahZombieTrap += 1; } } } } } removeMovieClip(this); } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); if (this.tipeBenteng == 20) { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 50); } else { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } } function keluarZombie(indi) { zombie = attachMovie('zombie_mc', 'zombie_mc' + dalamLaba, dalamLaba); zombie._x = indi._x + 5; zombie._y = indi._y + 5; zombie.nyawa = indi.nyawa; zombie.damage = 1; zombie.damage *= 2; zombie.speed = 0.5; zombie.barisKe = indi.barisKe; zombie.randY = random(10); zombie.onEnterFrame = enterZombie; ++dalamLaba; if (dalamLaba >= 600) { dalamLaba = 500; } } function enterZombie() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speed * speedBattle; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i])) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa != undefined && _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { if (this.barisKe == _root['musuh_mc' + i].barisKe) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; --this.nyawa; } } } ++i; } if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; removeMovieClip(this); } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function keluarLabaLaba(indi) { laba = attachMovie('laba_mc', 'laba_mc' + dalamLaba, dalamLaba); laba._x = indi._x + 60; laba._y = indi._y + 10; laba.nyawa = indi.nyawa; laba.damage = 1; laba.damage *= 2; laba.speed = 1.5; laba.randY = random(10); laba.xtarget = indi.xtarget; laba.onEnterFrame = enterLaba; ++dalamLaba; if (dalamLaba >= 600) { dalamLaba = 500; } } function enterLaba() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y - this.randY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed * speedBattle) { this._y -= this.speed * speedBattle * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * speedBattle * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { this.nyawa -= this.damage * 2; this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.damage; if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekSerangPanah(indi) { buatPanahTower(indi); } function buatPanahTower(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x + 30; peluru._y = indi._y - 80; peluru._yscale = 75; peluru._xscale = 75; peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 35; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.tujuanX = indi.xtarget._x; peluru.tujuanY = indi.xtarget._y; deltaX = peluru._x - peluru.tujuanX; deltaY = peluru._y - peluru.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; peluru._rotation = angle; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanahTower; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanahTower() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { deltaX = this._x - this.tujuanX; deltaY = this._y - this.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.indi.damage; if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -75 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function clearSemua2() { delete myListener.onKeyDown; delete myListener.onKeyUp; Key.removeListener(myListener); delete _root.onEnterFrame; delete _root.onMouseDown; delete _root.onMouseMove; removeMovieClip(benteng_mc); removeMovieClip(drag_mc); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); removeMovieClip(pause_mc); i = 50; while (i <= 65) { removeMovieClip(_root['musuh_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { removeMovieClip(_root['jagoan_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { removeMovieClip(_root['peluru_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 200; while (i <= 300) { removeMovieClip(_root['weapon_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 300; while (i <= 350) { removeMovieClip(_root['benteng_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 500; while (i <= 600) { removeMovieClip(_root['laba_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 500; while (i <= 600) { removeMovieClip(_root['zombie_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 300000; while (i <= 301000) { removeMovieClip(_root['spell_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 10) { j = 1; while (j <= 4) { removeMovieClip(_root['lingkar_mc' + i + j]); ++j; } ++i; } } function cekKalah() { if (sudahSelesai == false) { sudahSelesai = true; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(4); ++i; } menangBattle = false; idLanjut = setInterval(lanjutMain, 2000); } } function cekMenang() { if (sudahSelesai == false) { sudahSelesai = true; benteng_mc.gotoAndStop(2); i = 100; while (i <= 200) { benteng_mc['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].onEnterFrame = musuhLari; ++i; } menangBattle = true; idLanjut = setInterval(lanjutMain, 2000); } } function musuhLari() { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speed * 4; this.gotoAndStop(2); this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function lanjutMain() { clearSemua2(); clearInterval(idLanjut); if (xpindahBareman >= pindahBareman) { xpindahBareman = pindahBareman; } if (xpindahSwordman >= pindahSwordman) { xpindahSwordman = pindahSwordman; } if (xpindahArrowman >= pindahArrowman) { xpindahArrowman = pindahArrowman; } if (xpindahSpearman >= pindahSpearman) { xpindahSpearman = pindahSpearman; } if (xpindahTank >= pindahTank) { xpindahTank = pindahTank; } if (xpindahCopter >= pindahCopter) { xpindahCopter = pindahCopter; } if (xpindahMonbot >= pindahMonbot) { xpindahMonbot = pindahMonbot; } xpindahBareman = Math.floor(xpindahBareman); xpindahSwordman = Math.floor(xpindahSwordman); xpindahArrowman = Math.floor(xpindahArrowman); xpindahSpearman = Math.floor(xpindahSpearman); xpindahTank = Math.floor(xpindahTank); xpindahCopter = Math.floor(xpindahCopter); xpindahMonbot = Math.floor(xpindahMonbot); if (menangBattle == true) { kondisiPreview = 'akhir'; } else { kondisiPreview = 'tengah'; } gotoAndStop(415); } function cekSpeed() { if (speedBattle == 1) { battle_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (speedBattle == 2) { battle_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } stop(); tipeAttackMusuh = 'defense'; frameKota.namaKota = xnamaKota[keKota]; backBattle1(); initAwalBattle(); initBattle(); buatBackground(); cekJumlahTankMusuh(); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { if (waktuDatangJagoan <= 0) { sudahDatangJagoan = true; datangJagoan = 'Our troops are in the line'; battle_mc.soldier_mc._visible = true; battle_mc.vehicle_mc._visible = true; battle_mc.weapon_mc._visible = true; battle_mc.spell_mc._visible = true; } else { if (kiniDatangJagoan >= maxDatangJagoan) { kiniDatangJagoan = 0; --waktuDatangJagoan; } else { ++kiniDatangJagoan; } datangJagoan = 'Our troops will arrived in countdown ' + waktuDatangJagoan; battle_mc.soldier_mc._visible = false; battle_mc.vehicle_mc._visible = false; battle_mc.weapon_mc._visible = false; battle_mc.spell_mc._visible = false; } if (delayMusuhKeluar >= maxMusuhKeluar) { buatMusuh(); delayMusuhKeluar = 0; } else { ++delayMusuhKeluar; } if (_root._xmouse <= 10 || geserKeKiri == true) { if (background_mc._x <= -20) { geserKiri = 10 * speedBattle; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { if (_root._xmouse >= 790 || geserKeKanan == true) { if (background_mc._x >= -780) { geserKiri = -10 * speedBattle; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { geserKiri = 0; } } background_mc._x += geserKiri; if (getarBumi == true) { if (getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX(-10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(-5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX(-5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX(7); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX(10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX(-12); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 8) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 9) { cekGeserX(-10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 10) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(-5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 11) { cekGeserX(-5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 12) { cekGeserX(7); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 13) { cekGeserX(10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 14) { cekGeserX(-12); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (defenseKita <= 0) { defenseKita = 0; } if (totalMusuh <= 0) { totalMusuh = 0; } ourDefense.jumlah = defenseKita; enemyLeft.jumlah = totalMusuh; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = 0; } }; ourDefense.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; ourDefense.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; enemyLeft.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; enemyLeft.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; battle_mc.soldier_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.weapon_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(3); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.spell_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(4); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.defense_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(5); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = false; battle_mc.remove_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); }; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(5); cekPasukanBuat(); _root.onMouseDown = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { if (sedangDragWeapon == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 200 && _root._ymouse <= 425) { buatWeapon(_root._ymouse); sedangDragWeapon = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } else { if (sedangDragSpell == true) { if (pilihSpell == 14) { if (_root._ymouse >= 150 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { if (getarBumi2 == false) { getarBumi2 = true; buatSpell(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { buatSpell(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } } } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { if (sedangDragWeapon == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 200 && _root._ymouse <= 425) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } else { if (sedangDragSpell == true) { if (pilihSpell == 14) { if (getarBumi2 == true) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 150 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } } }; battle_mc.retreat_btn.onRelease = function () { battle_mc.retreat_btn._visible = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].onEnterFrame = jagoanLari; ++i; } cekKalah(); }; battle_mc.pause_btn.onRelease = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { pause_mc = attachMovie('pause_mc', 'pause_mc', 1199905); pause_mc._x = 400; pause_mc._y = 300; sedangPause = true; } else { removeMovieClip(pause_mc); sedangPause = false; } cekPause(sedangPause); }; cekSpeed(); battle_mc.speed_mc.onRelease = function () { if (speedBattle == 1) { speedBattle = 2; } else { if (speedBattle == 2) { speedBattle = 1; } } cekSpeed(); }; geserKeKiri = false; geserKeKanan = false; myListener = new Object(); myListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = true; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = true; } }; myListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = false; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = false; } }; Key.addListener(myListener); } movieClip 2893 { } movieClip 2896 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2899 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 488 { function initBattle() { dalamBenteng = 75; delayMusuhKeluar = 0; geserKiri = 0; dalamDrag = 200000; dalamSpell = 300000; dalamSoldier = 1; dalamWeapon = 200; dalamPeluru = 100; dalamEfekJagoan = 100; dalamMusuh = 50; if (xday <= 100) { nilaiSoldier = 20; } else { if (xday <= 200) { nilaiSoldier = 25; } else { if (xday <= 300) { nilaiSoldier = 30; } else { if (xday <= 400) { nilaiSoldier = 35; } else { if (xday <= 500) { nilaiSoldier = 40; } else { if (xday <= 600) { nilaiSoldier = 45; } else { nilaiSoldier = 50; } } } } } } maximumJagoan = 29; kiniVehicle = 0; musuhSpell = 0; maxMusuhSpell = 200; getarBumi = false; getarBumi2 = false; mulaiBattle = true; sudahSelesai = false; sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; adaSerangBase = false; sedangPause = false; jumlahMusuh = 0; totalMusuh = 0; wpindahBareman = pindahBareman; wpindahSwordman = pindahSwordman; wpindahArrowman = pindahArrowman; wpindahSpearman = pindahSpearman; wpindahTank = pindahTank; wpindahCopter = pindahCopter; wpindahMonbot = pindahMonbot; wpindahArrowTrap = pindahArrowTrap; wpindahCatapult = pindahCatapult; wpindahFireTrap = pindahFireTrap; wpindahArrowRain = pindahArrowRain; wpindahMeteorid = pindahMeteorid; wpindahAcidRain = pindahAcidRain; wpindahEarthquake = pindahEarthquake; wpindahImmune = pindahImmune; wpindahInvisible = pindahInvisible; wpindahSpecialAttack = pindahSpecialAttack; wpindahDuplicate = pindahDuplicate; wpindahWall = pindahWall; wpindahSpike = pindahSpike; wpindahSpiderWeb = pindahSpiderWeb; wpindahTowerGuard = pindahTowerGuard; wpindahZombieTrap = pindahZombieTrap; if (xday <= 100) { nyawaBenteng = 500; maxMusuhKeluar = 60; defenseKita = 3; } else { if (xday <= 200) { nyawaBenteng = 1000; maxMusuhKeluar = 55; defenseKita = 4; } else { if (xday <= 300) { nyawaBenteng = 1500; maxMusuhKeluar = 50; defenseKita = 5; } else { if (xday <= 400) { nyawaBenteng = 2000; maxMusuhKeluar = 45; defenseKita = 6; } else { if (xday <= 500) { nyawaBenteng = 2500; maxMusuhKeluar = 40; defenseKita = 7; } else { if (xday <= 600) { nyawaBenteng = 3000; maxMusuhKeluar = 30; defenseKita = 8; } else { if (xday <= 700) { nyawaBenteng = 3500; maxMusuhKeluar = 25; defenseKita = 9; } else { nyawaBenteng = 4000; maxMusuhKeluar = 20; defenseKita = 10; } } } } } } } defenseKita = 3; maxMusuhKeluar *= 0.5; maxMusuh = jumlahPasukanMusuhSerang; maxMusuh = Math.ceil(maxMusuh); maxMusuhKeluar2 = maxMusuhKeluar * 0.5; totalMusuh = maxMusuh; } function buatBenteng() { benteng = attachMovie('bentengJagoan', 'benteng_mc', dalamBenteng); benteng.cacheAsBitmap = true; benteng._x = background_mc._x + 300; benteng._y = 475; posAwalBentengY = benteng._y; benteng.onEnterFrame = enterBenteng; } function enterBenteng() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (nyawaBenteng <= 0) { nyawaBenteng = 0; defenseKita = 0; cekKalah(); } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(nyawaBenteng); } function buatGuard() { if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 45; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 50; } else { musuhNyawa = 55; } } } } } } } i = 1; while (i <= 2) { soldier = attachMovie('guard' + i, 'jagoan_mc' + dalamSoldier, i + 25); soldier.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (i == 1) { soldier._x = benteng_mc._x - 50; soldier._y = benteng_mc._y - 180; } else { if (i == 2) { soldier._x = benteng_mc._x + 50; soldier._y = benteng_mc._y - 130; } } if (i == 1) { soldier.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); soldier.scaleAwal = 100; soldier.range = 1000; soldier.range2 = 1000; soldier.speed = 0; soldier.speed2 = 0; soldier.damage = 2; soldier.jenis = 3; } else { if (i == 2) { soldier.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); soldier.scaleAwal = 100; soldier.range = 850; soldier.range2 = 850; soldier.speed = 0; soldier.speed2 = 0; soldier.damage = 4; soldier.jenisWeapon = 11; } } soldier.nyawa *= 100; soldier.damage *= 2; soldier.guard = true; soldier.onEnterFrame = enterSoldier; ++dalamSoldier; if (dalamSoldier >= maximumJagoan) { dalamSoldier = maximumJagoan; } ++i; } } function buatBackground() { pilihanKota = posBackground[kotaSerang]; if (pilihanKota == 1) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (pilihanKota == 2) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (pilihanKota == 3) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (pilihanKota == 4) { background_mc.gotoAndStop(4); } } } } background_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; posAwalBackgroundX = background_mc._x; posAwalBackgroundY = background_mc._y; } function buatMusuh() { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { if (tingkatSulit == 1) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { if (xday <= 500) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(4); } } else { if (tingkatSulit == 3) { if (xday <= 500) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(5); } } } } if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 10; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 15; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { musuhNyawa = 45; } } } } } } } cekNyawaHuman(); } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(2); if (xday <= 100) { musuhNyawa = 10; } else { if (xday <= 200) { musuhNyawa = 15; } else { if (xday <= 300) { musuhNyawa = 20; } else { if (xday <= 400) { musuhNyawa = 25; } else { if (xday <= 500) { musuhNyawa = 30; } else { if (xday <= 600) { musuhNyawa = 35; } else { if (xday <= 700) { musuhNyawa = 40; } else { if (xday <= 800) { musuhNyawa = 45; } else { if (xday <= 900) { musuhNyawa = 50; } else { if (xday <= 1000) { musuhNyawa = 55; } else { if (xday <= 1100) { musuhNyawa = 60; } else { if (xday <= 1200) { musuhNyawa = 70; } else { if (xday <= 1300) { musuhNyawa = 80; } else { if (xday <= 1400) { musuhNyawa = 90; } else { if (xday <= 1500) { musuhNyawa = 100; } else { if (xday <= 1600) { musuhNyawa = 110; } else { if (xday <= 1700) { musuhNyawa = 120; } else { if (xday <= 1800) { musuhNyawa = 130; } else { if (xday <= 1900) { musuhNyawa = 140; } else { musuhNyawa = 150; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (tingkatSulit == 3) { musuhNyawa *= 3; } else { if (tingkatSulit == 2) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { musuhNyawa *= 1; } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { musuhNyawa *= 2; } else { musuhNyawa *= pengkalianMusuh; } if (totalMusuh > 0) { bisaBuatMusuh = false; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamMusuh = i; i = 80; bisaBuatMusuh = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatMusuh == true) { removeMovieClip(_root['musuh_mc' + xdalamMusuh]); randKeluarMusuh = random(4) + 1; if (pilihMusuh >= 4 && maxTankMusuh <= 0) { pilihMusuh = 1 + random(3); } else { if (pilihMusuh >= 4 && maxTankMusuh > 0) { --maxTankMusuh; } } ++jumlahMusuh; if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { musuh = attachMovie('barbar' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + xdalamMusuh, xdalamMusuh + 100); } else { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { musuh = attachMovie('musuh' + pilihMusuh, 'musuh_mc' + xdalamMusuh, xdalamMusuh + 100); } } musuh.cacheAsBitmap = true; musuh._x = background_mc._x - 150 + 3000 + 300; if (pilihMusuh == 5) { musuh._y = 210 + 40 * randKeluarMusuh; musuh.heli = true; } else { musuh._y = 310 + 40 * randKeluarMusuh; } musuh.jenis = pilihMusuh; randSpeed = random(3); if (pilihMusuh == 4 || pilihMusuh == 5) { musuh.nyawa = (musuhNyawa + random(5)) * 10; musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 550; musuh.range2 = 650; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 1.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 3 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 0.5; } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 2; musuh.damage = 5; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihMusuh == 2) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 450; musuh.range2 = 550; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 1 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 1.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 2.5 + random(2); } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 4; musuh.damage = 2; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihMusuh == 3) { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 100; musuh.range2 = 450; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 2 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 0.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 2.5 + random(2); } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 4; musuh.damage = 3; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { musuh.nyawa = musuhNyawa + random(5); musuh.scaleAwal = 100; musuh.range = 75; musuh.range2 = 350; if (randSpeed == 0) { musuh.speed = 2 + random(2); } else { if (randSpeed == 1) { musuh.speed = 0.5; } else { if (randSpeed == 2) { musuh.speed = 2.5 + random(2); } } } musuh.speed2 = musuh.speed * 4; musuh.damage = 1; musuh.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } } } musuh.damage *= 2; musuh.speed *= 1.5; musuh.kenaApi = false; musuh.onEnterFrame = enterMusuh; } } } function enterMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (sudahSelesai == false) { if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; if (this._currentframe != 4) { ++killMusuh; --totalMusuh; if (totalMusuh <= 0) { totalMusuh = 0; cekMenang(); } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { this['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } this.gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0 || this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined || this.xtarget.invis == true) { this.xtarget = undefined; this.serangBalik = undefined; } if (this.xtarget == undefined || this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa != undefined) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].guard != true) { if (this.tipeSenjata == 'melee' && _root['jagoan_mc' + i].heli == true) { } else { this.xtarget = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]; i = maximumJagoan; } } } } ++i; } } else { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak > this.range) { if (this.xtarget.tipeSenjata == 'range') { this.xtarget = undefined; } else { if (this.serangBalik != true) { this.xtarget = undefined; } } } if (this._x < this.xtarget._x) { if (this.serangBalik != true) { this.xtarget = undefined; } } } if (this.serangBalik == true) { if (this.xtarget == undefined) { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } else { if (this._x <= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } } } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } if (this._x <= background_mc._x + 375 + this.range) { this.serangBase = true; this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (this.xtarget != undefined) { if (this._x <= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } this.serangBase = false; this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this._x -= this.speed * speedBattle; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); if (this.jenis == 5) { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 200); } else { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } } function cekSerangMusuh(indi) { if (indi.jenis == 2) { if (indi.serangBase == true) { cekPanahMusuhBase(indi); } else { cekPanahMusuh(indi); } } else { if (indi.serangBase == true) { nyawaBenteng -= indi.damage; if (indi.jenis == 4 || indi.jenis == 5) { cekEfekLedakan3(); } } else { if (indi.xtarget.tipeApa == 'weapon') { --indi.xtarget.ammo; if (indi.xtarget.ammo <= 0) { indi.xtarget.nyawa = 0; if (indi.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 8) { ++xpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 9) { ++xpindahCatapult; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 10) { ++xpindahFireTrap; } } } removeMovieClip(indi.xtarget); } } if (indi.xtarget.kebal != true) { if (indi.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { if (indi.damage != undefined) { indi.xtarget.nyawa -= indi.damage; if (indi.xtarget.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += indi.damage; } else { if (indi.xtarget.jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += indi.damage; } } } } } if (indi.jenis == 4 || indi.jenis == 5) { cekEfekLedakan2(indi.xtarget); } } } } } } } function cekPanahMusuh(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x - 30; peluru._y = indi._y - 30; if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { peluru._yscale = 75; peluru._xscale = 75; } else { peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; } peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 35; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.tujuanX = indi.xtarget._x; peluru.tujuanY = indi.xtarget._y; deltaX = peluru._x - peluru.tujuanX; deltaY = peluru._y - peluru.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; peluru._rotation = angle; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanahMusuh; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanahMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { deltaX = this._x - this.tujuanX; deltaY = this._y - this.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { if (this.xtarget.tipeApa == 'weapon') { --this.xtarget.ammo; if (this.xtarget.ammo <= 0) { this.xtarget.nyawa = 0; if (this.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 8) { ++xpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 9) { ++xpindahCatapult; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenisWeapon == 10) { ++xpindahFireTrap; } } } removeMovieClip(this.xtarget); } } if (this.xtarget.kebal != true) { if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { if (this.indi.damage != undefined) { this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.indi.damage; if (this.xtarget.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.indi.damage; } else { if (this.xtarget.jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.indi.damage; } } } } } } } } if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = 25 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekPanahMusuhBase(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x - 30; peluru._y = indi._y - 30; peluru._yscale = 75; peluru._xscale = 75; peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 100; peluru.xtarget = benteng_mc; peluru.tujuanX = benteng_mc._x; peluru.tujuanY = benteng_mc._y - 100; deltaX = peluru._x - peluru.tujuanX; deltaY = peluru._y - peluru.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; peluru._rotation = angle; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanahMusuhBase; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanahMusuhBase() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { nyawaBenteng -= this.indi.damage; if (nyawaBenteng > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc3', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = 5 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -105 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } removeMovieClip(this); } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekEfekLedakan2(indi, indi2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function enterEfekApi2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += 0.5; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += 0.5; } } } } } } ++i; } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekEfekLedakan3() { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = benteng_mc._x; efek._y = benteng_mc._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi3; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function enterEfekApi3() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.hitTest(benteng_mc)) { nyawaBenteng -= 0.5; } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekSpellMusuh2() { rand = random(2); if (rand == 0) { i = maximumJagoan; while (i >= 1) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x != undefined) { indiX = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x + 50; indiY = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y; i = 1; } --i; } z = 11; while (z <= 14) { pilihSpellMusuh = z; if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } if (pilihSpellMusuh == 11) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 12) { backComet(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 13) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { backGempa(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { spell.damage *= 15; } else { spell.damage *= 7.5; } spell.damage *= 2; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpellMusuh; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpellMusuh; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } ++z; } } else { i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].special != true) { indiX = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x; indiY = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y; i = 80; } ++i; } pilihSpellMusuh = random(2) + 15; if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } if (pilihSpellMusuh == 11) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 12) { backComet(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 13) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { backGempa(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 15) { backSpell1(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 16) { backSpell2(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { spell.damage *= 15; } else { spell.damage *= 7.5; } spell.damage *= 2; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpellMusuh; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpellMusuh; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function cekSpellMusuh() { if (siapaYangNyerang == 0) { if (xday >= 1000) { rand = random(2); } else { rand = 0; } } else { rand = random(2); } if (rand == 0) { i = maximumJagoan; while (i >= 1) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x != undefined) { indiX = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x + 50; indiY = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y; i = 1; } --i; } if (xday >= 1000) { pilihSpellMusuh = random(4) + 11; } else { if (xday >= 500) { pilihSpellMusuh = random(2) + 11; } } } else { i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].special != true) { indiX = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x; indiY = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y; i = 80; } ++i; } pilihSpellMusuh = random(2) + 15; } if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpellMusuh - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } if (pilihSpellMusuh == 11) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 12) { backComet(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 13) { spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 14) { backGempa(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 15) { backSpell1(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpellMusuh == 16) { backSpell2(); spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { spell.damage *= 15; } else { spell.damage *= 7.5; } spell.damage *= 2; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpellMusuh; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpellMusuh; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } function enterSpellMusuh() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.tipeSpell == 11) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.damage; } } } } } } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 12) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.damage; } } } } } } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 13) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.damage; } } } } } } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 14) { this._xscale += 1; this._yscale += 1; if (this.awalGempa >= this.akhirGempa && this.getarKe == 1) { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi2 = false; removeMovieClip(this); } else { ++this.awalGempa; if (this.getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX2(-10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(-5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX2(-5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX2(7); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX2(10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX2(-12); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { this.getarKe = 1; } } } } } } } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 1) { xpindahBareman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 2) { xpindahSwordman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 3) { xpindahArrowman += this.damage; } else { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].jenis == 4) { xpindahSpearman += this.damage; } } } } } } ++i; } } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 15) { i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalSpecial = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + i].akhirSpecial = 500; _root['musuh_mc' + i].special = true; _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek7', 'efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 16) { zz = 50; while (zz <= 80) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + zz].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + zz]._x != undefined && _root['musuh_mc' + zz].nyawa > 0) { cekDuplicate(_root['musuh_mc' + zz]); _root['musuh_mc' + zz].attachMovie('efek8', 'efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['musuh_mc' + zz]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + zz]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } } ++zz; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } } } } function cekNormalY(indi) { if (indi == 'awal') { i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalGempaY = _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalGempaY = _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y; ++i; } } else { if (indi == 'akhir') { background_mc._y = posAwalBackgroundY; benteng_mc._y = posAwalBentengY; i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y = _root['musuh_mc' + i].awalGempaY; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y = _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalGempaY; ++i; } } } } function cekGeserX(indi) { background_mc._x += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x += indi; _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 1; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._x += indi; } function cekGeserY(indi) { background_mc._y += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._y += indi; } function cekPasukanBuat() { battle_mc.all_btn._visible = false; if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 1) { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah1 = wpindahBareman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah2 = wpindahSwordman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah3 = wpindahArrowman; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah4 = wpindahSpearman; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 2) { i = 5; while (i <= 7) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSoldier; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah5 = wpindahTank; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah6 = wpindahCopter; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah7 = wpindahMonbot; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 3) { i = 8; while (i <= 10) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outWeapon; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah8 = wpindahArrowTrap; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah9 = wpindahCatapult; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah10 = wpindahFireTrap; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 4) { battle_mc.all_btn._visible = true; battle_mc.all_btn.onRelease = klikSpell2; i = 11; while (i <= 18) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outSpell; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(2); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc._currentframe == 5) { i = 19; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRelease = klikDefense; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOver = overDefense; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].onRollOut = outDefense; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i]._alpha = 100; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah19 = wpindahWall; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah20 = wpindahSpike; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah21 = wpindahSpiderWeb; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah22 = wpindahTowerGuard; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah23 = wpindahZombieTrap; ++i; } battle_mc.soldier_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.vehicle_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.weapon_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.spell_mc.gotoAndStop(1); battle_mc.defense_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } buatKotak(false); battle_mc.defense_mc._visible = false; } function overSoldier() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaSoldier = new Array('', 'Barehands', 'Swordman', 'Arrowman', 'Spearman', 'Tank', 'Copter', 'Monbot'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSoldier[indi]; } function outSoldier() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overWeapon() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaWeapon = new Array('', 'Bow Launcher', 'Stone Thrower', 'Fire Thrower'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaWeapon[indi - 7]; } function outWeapon() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overSpell() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaSpell = new Array('', 'Arrow Rain', 'Meteorid', 'Acid Rain', 'Eeathquake', 'Immune', 'Invisible', 'Special Attack', 'Duplicate'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); if (indi - 10 <= 4) { info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSpell[indi - 10] + ', Give to Enemy'; } else { info_mc2.xinfo = znamaSpell[indi - 10] + ', Give to Monster'; } } function outSpell() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function overDefense() { info_mc2._visible = true; znamaDefense = new Array('', 'Wall', 'Spike', 'Spider Web', 'Tower Guard', 'Zombie Trap'); myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1)); } else { indi = Number(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2)); } info_mc2.gotoAndStop(2); info_mc2.xinfo = znamaDefense[indi - 18]; } function outDefense() { info_mc2._visible = false; } function buatSpell(indiX, indiY) { if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); spell._xscale = 150; spell._yscale = 150; } else { if (pilihSpell == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpell - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (pilihSpell - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } } if (pilihSpell == 11) { ++xpindahArrowRain; --wpindahArrowRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 12) { backComet(); ++xpindahMeteorid; --wpindahMeteorid; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 13) { ++xpindahAcidRain; --wpindahAcidRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (pilihSpell == 14) { backGempa(); ++xpindahEarthquake; --wpindahEarthquake; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; } else { if (pilihSpell == 15) { backSpell3(); ++xpindahImmune; --wpindahImmune; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 16) { backSpell4(); ++xpindahInvisible; --wpindahInvisible; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 17) { backSpell1(); ++xpindahSpecialAttack; --wpindahSpecialAttack; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (pilihSpell == 18) { backSpell2(); ++xpindahDuplicate; --wpindahDuplicate; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } } } spell.damage *= 10; spell.damage *= 2; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; spell.tipeSpell = pilihSpell; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpell; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } function buatSpell2(indiX, indiY) { zi = 11; while (zi <= 18) { gagalBuat = false; if (zi == 11 && wpindahArrowRain <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 12 && wpindahMeteorid <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 13 && wpindahAcidRain <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 14 && wpindahEarthquake <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 15 && wpindahImmune <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 16 && wpindahInvisible <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 17 && wpindahSpecialAttack <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } else { if (zi == 18 && wpindahDuplicate <= 0) { gagalBuat = true; } } } } } } } } if (gagalBuat == false) { if (zi >= 15) { spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); spell._xscale = 150; spell._yscale = 150; } else { if (zi == 14) { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (zi - 10) + 'x', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell - 270000); } else { spell = attachMovie('efek' + (zi - 10), 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); } } if (zi == 11) { ++xpindahArrowRain; --wpindahArrowRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.3; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (zi == 12) { backComet(); ++xpindahMeteorid; --wpindahMeteorid; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 1500; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.4; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (zi == 13) { ++xpindahAcidRain; --wpindahAcidRain; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY - 2000; spell.speedY = 5; spell.damage = 0.5; spell.batasBawah = indiY + 50; } else { if (zi == 14) { backGempa(); ++xpindahEarthquake; --wpindahEarthquake; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; spell.damage = 0.1; spell.awalGempa = 0; spell.akhirGempa = 25; spell.getarKe = 1; cekNormalY('awal'); } else { if (zi == 15) { backSpell3(); ++xpindahImmune; --wpindahImmune; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (zi == 16) { backSpell4(); ++xpindahInvisible; --wpindahInvisible; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (zi == 17) { backSpell1(); ++xpindahSpecialAttack; --wpindahSpecialAttack; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } else { if (zi == 18) { backSpell2(); ++xpindahDuplicate; --wpindahDuplicate; spell._x = indiX; spell._y = indiY; } } } } } } } } battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = wpindahArrowRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = wpindahMeteorid; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = wpindahAcidRain; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = wpindahEarthquake; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = wpindahImmune; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = wpindahInvisible; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = wpindahSpecialAttack; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = wpindahDuplicate; spell.tipeSpell = zi; spell.damage *= 2; spell.onEnterFrame = enterSpell; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } ++zi; } } function enterSpell() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.tipeSpell == 11) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 12) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 13) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this._y += this.speedY; this.speedY += 2; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 14) { this._xscale += 1; this._yscale += 1; if (this.awalGempa >= this.akhirGempa && this.getarKe == 1) { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi2 = false; removeMovieClip(this); } else { ++this.awalGempa; if (this.getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX2(-10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX2(5); cekGeserY2(-5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX2(-5); cekGeserY2(5); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX2(7); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX2(10); cekGeserY2(-10); ++this.getarKe; } else { if (this.getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX2(-12); cekGeserY2(7); ++this.getarKe; } else { this.getarKe = 1; } } } } } } } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; } ++i; } } } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 15) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalKebal = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirKebal = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].kebal = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek5', 'efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekKebal' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 16) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalInvis = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirInvis = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].invis = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek6', 'efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekInvis' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 17) { i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].awalSpecial = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].akhirSpecial = 500; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].special = true; _root['jagoan_mc' + i].attachMovie('efek7', 'efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan, dalamEfekJagoan); _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._x = 0; _root['jagoan_mc' + i]['efekSpecial' + dalamEfekJagoan]._y = -35; ++dalamEfekJagoan; if (dalamEfekJagoan >= 110) { dalamEfekJagoan = 100; } } ++i; } removeMovieClip(this); } else { if (this.tipeSpell == 18) { zz = 1; while (zz <= maximumJagoan) { if (this.hitTest(_root['jagoan_mc' + zz].anim)) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + zz]._x != undefined && _root['jagoan_mc' + zz].nyawa > 0) { cekDuplicate(_root['jagoan_mc' + zz]); } } ++zz; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } } } } } } function cekDuplicate(indi) { if (indi.duplikasi == false) { indi.duplikasi = true; indi.nyawa *= 2; indi.damage *= 2; indi.range *= 2; indi.speed *= 2; } } function cekGeserX2(indi) { background_mc._x += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._x += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._x += indi; } function cekGeserY2(indi) { background_mc._y += indi; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]._y += indi; ++i; } benteng_mc._y += indi; } function buatWeapon(indi) { bisaBuatSoldier = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamSoldier = i; i = maximumJagoan; bisaBuatSoldier = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatSoldier == true) { if (pilihWeapon == 8) { --wpindahArrowTrap; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { --wpindahCatapult; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { --wpindahFireTrap; } } } battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah8 = wpindahArrowTrap; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah9 = wpindahCatapult; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah10 = wpindahFireTrap; weapon = attachMovie('weapon' + (pilihWeapon - 7), 'jagoan_mc' + xdalamSoldier, xdalamSoldier + 100); weapon._x = background_mc._x - 100; weapon._y = indi + 25; weapon.speed = 1.5; if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon.damage = 5; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon.damage = 10; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon.damage = 10; } } } if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon.ammo = 15; weapon.range = 875; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon.ammo = 20; weapon.range = 900; } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon.ammo = 25; weapon.range = 925; } } } weapon.damage *= 2; weapon.nyawa = weapon.ammo; weapon.tipeApa = 'weapon'; weapon.jenisWeapon = pilihWeapon; weapon.batasKanan = background_mc._x + 40 + random(15); weapon.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon; } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another weapons, maximum weapons on the field reached'); } } function enterWeapon() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this.batasKanan += geserKiri; if (this._x <= this.batasKanan) { this.gotoAndStop(2); this._x += this.speed; } else { this.bisaSerang = false; this.xtarget = undefined; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i]._x != undefined && _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { this.xtarget = _root['musuh_mc' + i]; this.bisaSerang = true; } } ++i; } if (this.ammo <= 0) { this.ammo = 0; this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (this.bisaSerang == true) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } this.jumlah = this.ammo; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function cekSerangWeapon(indi) { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 8) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc2', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; peluru.speedX = 20; peluru.speedY = 10; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon2; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } else { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 9) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('batu_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 75; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; if (indi.jenisWeapon == 9) { peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 9; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 8; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 7; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 6; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 300) { peluru.speedX = 5; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 200) { peluru.speedX = 4; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 100) { peluru.speedX = 3; } else { peluru.speedX = 2; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedY = 15; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon3; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } else { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 10) { --indi.ammo; peluru = attachMovie('bolaApi_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x + 25; peluru._y = indi._y - 35; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; if (indi.jenisWeapon == 10) { peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 900) { peluru.speedX = 20; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 19; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 18; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 17; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 16; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { peluru.speedX = 9; } } } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedY = 10; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon4; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } else { if (indi.jenisWeapon == 11) { peluru = attachMovie('batu_mc2', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 75; peluru._yscale = 100; peluru._xscale = 100; if (indi.jenisWeapon == 11) { peluru.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(indi._x - indi.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(indi._y - indi.xtarget._y, 2)); if (peluru.jarak >= 850) { peluru.speedX = 15; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 800) { peluru.speedX = 14; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 750) { peluru.speedX = 13; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 700) { peluru.speedX = 12; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 650) { peluru.speedX = 11; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 600) { peluru.speedX = 10; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 550) { peluru.speedX = 9; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 500) { peluru.speedX = 8; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 450) { peluru.speedX = 7; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 400) { peluru.speedX = 6; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 300) { peluru.speedX = 3; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 200) { peluru.speedX = 2; } else { if (peluru.jarak >= 100) { peluru.speedX = 1.5; } else { peluru.speedX = 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } peluru.speedY = 15; peluru.damage = indi.damage; peluru.damage *= 2; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.batasBawah = indi._y; peluru.randBawah = random(50); peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterWeapon3; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } } } } } function enterWeapon2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('panah_mc2', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -35 + random(15) + 7; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = 45 + random(15); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponx; } } } } function enterWeapon3() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.onEnterFrame = enterWeaponx; } } } } function enterWeapon4() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speedX; this._y -= this.speedY; this.speedY -= 0.5; this._rotation += 1.5; this.lewatSini = false; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa > 0) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= this.damage; _root['musuh_mc' + i].kenaApi = true; _root['musuh_mc' + i].batasApi = 0; _root['musuh_mc' + i].maxApi = 100; z = 1; while (z <= 5) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].attachMovie('efekApi', 'api_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -random(30) + 15; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 - random(30) + 15; _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = 25 + random(25); _root['musuh_mc' + i]['api_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = 25 + random(25); ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } ++z; } this.lewatSini = true; removeMovieClip(this); } } ++i; } if (this.lewatSini == false) { if (this.speedY <= 0) { if (this._y >= this.batasBawah + this.randBawah) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); efek._x = this._x; efek._y = this._y; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } function enterEfekApi() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; } ++i; } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function enterWeaponx() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; this._alpha -= 0.5; } } function klikSoldier(zindi, zindi2) { bisaBuatSoldier = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { if (_root['jagoan_mc' + i].nyawa == undefined) { xdalamSoldier = i; i = maximumJagoan; bisaBuatSoldier = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatSoldier == true) { bisaBuatSoldier2 = true; if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { if (kiniVehicle >= 10) { bisaBuatSoldier2 = false; } else { bisaBuatSoldier2 = true; } } else { bisaBuatSoldier2 = true; } if (bisaBuatSoldier2 == true) { myStr = new String(this); indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0 || zindi2 == 'duplikat') { if (zindi2 != 'duplikat') { pilihSoldier = indi; } randKeluarJagoan = random(4) + 1; ++defenseKita; soldier = attachMovie('soldier' + pilihSoldier, 'jagoan_mc' + xdalamSoldier, xdalamSoldier + 100); soldier.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (zindi2 != 'duplikat') { soldier._x = background_mc._x + 475; if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier._y = 210 + 40 * randKeluarJagoan; } else { soldier._y = 310 + 40 * randKeluarJagoan; } } else { soldier._x = zindi._x + random(50) - 25; soldier._y = zindi._y + random(50) - 25; } if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { ++kiniVehicle; if (pilihSoldier == 5) { soldier.nyawa = 500; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier.nyawa = 1000; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 7) { soldier.nyawa = 2000; } } } } else { if (zindi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.nyawa = zindi.nyawa; } else { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] >= nilaiSoldier) { soldier.nyawa = nilaiSoldier; } else { soldier.nyawa = battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier]; } } } if (pilihSoldier == 5) { soldier.scaleAwal = 75; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { soldier.scaleAwal = 75; } else { soldier.scaleAwal = 100; } } if (pilihSoldier == 1) { wpindahBareman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahBareman <= 0) { wpindahBareman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xbaremanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 50; soldier.speed = 3; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 2) { wpindahSwordman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahSwordman <= 0) { wpindahSwordman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xswordmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 75; soldier.speed = 2; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 3) { wpindahArrowman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahArrowman <= 0) { wpindahArrowman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xarrowmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 450; soldier.speed = 1.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 4) { wpindahSpearman -= nilaiSoldier; if (wpindahSpearman <= 0) { wpindahSpearman = 0; } soldier.damage = _root['xspearmanPower' + keKota] * 2; soldier.range = 100; soldier.speed = 2.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'melee'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 5) { --wpindahTank; if (wpindahTank <= 0) { wpindahTank = 0; } soldier.damage = 10; soldier.range = 550; soldier.speed = 1; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 6) { --wpindahCopter; if (wpindahCopter <= 0) { wpindahCopter = 0; } soldier.damage = 10; soldier.range = 600; soldier.speed = 1.5; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; soldier.heli = true; } else { if (pilihSoldier == 7) { --wpindahMonbot; if (wpindahMonbot <= 0) { wpindahMonbot = 0; } soldier.damage = 50; soldier.range = 100; soldier.speed = 1.25; soldier.tipeSenjata = 'range'; } } } } } } } soldier.speed *= 1.25; if (_root['rangerAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.range *= 2; } if (_root['tirelessAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.damage *= 2; } if (_root['armorPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.nyawa *= 2; } if (_root['speedPlusAktif' + keKota] == true) { soldier.speed *= 2; } _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier]._visible = true; _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier].gotoAndStop(pilihSoldier); _root['pasukan' + xdalamSoldier].jumlah = soldier.nyawa; soldier.range2 = 400; soldier.speed2 = soldier.speed * 4; if (zindi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.speed += 1; } soldier.kebal = false; soldier.invis = false; soldier.special = false; if (zindi2 == 'duplikat') { soldier.iniDuplikasi = true; soldier.duplikasi = true; } else { soldier.iniDuplikasi = false; soldier.duplikasi = false; } soldier.serangBase = false; soldier.nomorJagoan = xdalamSoldier; soldier.jenis = pilihSoldier; if (pilihSoldier <= 4) { soldier.damage *= 0.02; } pilihTargetMusuh(soldier); soldier.damage *= 2; soldier.onEnterFrame = enterSoldier; if (pilihSoldier >= 5) { --battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier]; } else { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] -= nilaiSoldier; if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + pilihSoldier] = 0; } } } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another vehicle units, maximum vehicle on the field reached'); } } else { cekInfo('Can\'t unleash another units, maximum soldiers on the field reached'); } } function enterSoldier() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (sudahSelesai == false) { if (this.nyawa <= 0) { this.nyawa = 0; if (this._currentframe != 4) { if (this.jenis >= 5) { --kiniVehicle; } --defenseKita; if (defenseKita <= 0) { cekKalah(); } if (this.iniDuplikasi == false) { if (this.jenis == 5) { ++xpindahTank; } else { if (this.jenis == 6) { ++xpindahCopter; } else { if (this.jenis == 7) { ++xpindahMonbot; } } } } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { this['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } this.gotoAndStop(4); } } else { if (this.kebal == true) { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekKebal' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalKebal >= this.akhirKebal) { this.kebal = false; } else { ++this.awalKebal; } } else { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekKebal' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.invis == true) { this._alpha = 30; i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekInvis' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalInvis >= this.akhirInvis) { this.invis = false; } else { ++this.awalInvis; } } else { this._alpha = 100; i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekInvis' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.special == true) { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekSpecial' + i]._visible = true; ++i; } if (this.awalSpecial >= this.akhirSpecial) { this.special = false; } else { ++this.awalSpecial; } } else { i = 100; while (i <= 110) { this['efekSpecial' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } } if (this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0 || this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { this.xtarget = undefined; } if (this.xtarget == undefined || this.xtarget.nyawa <= 0) { i = 80; while (i >= 50) { if (_root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa != undefined) { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - _root['musuh_mc' + i]._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range2) { if (this.tipeSenjata == 'melee' && _root['musuh_mc' + i].heli == true) { } else { this.xtarget = _root['musuh_mc' + i]; i = 50; } } } --i; } } else { this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak > this.range2) { } } if (this.xtarget != undefined) { if (this._x >= this.xtarget._x) { this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; } this.jarak = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._x - this.xtarget._x, 2) + Math.pow(this._y - this.xtarget._y, 2)); if (this.jarak <= this.range) { if (this.guard == true) { } else { this.xtarget.serangBalik = true; this.xtarget.xtarget = this; } this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed2 * speedBattle) { this._y -= this.speed2 * speedBattle * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed2 * speedBattle * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } } } else { if (this._x >= background_mc._x - 150 + 3000) { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.anim._xscale = this.scaleAwal; this._x += this.speed * speedBattle; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } this.jumlah = Math.ceil(this.nyawa); if (this.guard == true) { } else { if (this.jenis == 6) { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 200); } else { this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } } } function cekSerangJagoan(indi) { if (indi.special == true) { efekSpecialJagoan(indi.xtarget); } if (indi.jenis == 7) { cekGetarBumi(); } else { if (indi.jenis == 5 || indi.jenis == 6) { cekEfekLedakan(indi.xtarget); } } if (indi.jenis == 3) { buatPanah(indi); } else { indi.xtarget.nyawa -= indi.damage; } } function efekSpecialJagoan(indi) { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x + random(150) - 75; efek._y = indi._y - 50 + random(150) - 75; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.gotoAndPlay(random(5) + 1); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } ++i; } if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function efekSpecialMusuh(indi) { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x + random(150) - 75; efek._y = indi._y - 50 + random(150) - 75; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.gotoAndPlay(random(5) + 1); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } ++i; } if (indi != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; efek._y = indi._y - 50; efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi2; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } } } function cekGetarBumi() { if (getarBumi == false) { cekNormalY('awal'); getarKe = 1; getarBumi = true; } } function cekEfekLedakan(indi, indi2) { efek = attachMovie('efekLedakan', 'spell_mc' + dalamSpell, dalamSpell); efek._x = indi._x; if (indi2 == 'benteng') { efek._y = indi._y - 175; } else { efek._y = indi._y - 50; } efek._xscale = 75; efek._yscale = 75; efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamSpell; if (dalamSpell >= 301000) { dalamSpell = 300000; } if (efek._x == 0 || efek._x == undefined) { removeMovieClip(efek); } } function enterEfekApi() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; i = 50; while (i <= 65) { if (this.hitTest(_root['musuh_mc' + i].anim)) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].nyawa -= 0.5; } ++i; } } } function buatPanah(indi) { if (indi.guard == true) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc4', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru.xefekApi = true; } else { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru.xefekApi = false; } peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 80; peluru._xscale = 80; peluru.speed = 25; peluru.arahTembak = 35; peluru.xtarget = indi.xtarget; peluru.tujuanX = indi.xtarget._x; peluru.tujuanY = indi.xtarget._y; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanah; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanah() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; if (this.xtarget.nyawa == undefined) { deltaX = this._x - this.tujuanX; deltaY = this._y - this.tujuanY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x; deltaY = this._y - this.xtarget._y + this.arahTembak; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { this.xtarget.nyawa -= this.indi.damage; if (this.xtarget.nyawa > 0) { this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -75 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -35 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } if (this.xefekApi == true) { if (this != undefined) { efek = attachMovie('efekApi2', 'api_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); efek._x = this._x; efek._y = this._y; efek._xscale = 25 + random(25); efek._yscale = 25 + random(25); efek.onEnterFrame = enterEfekApi; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } removeMovieClip(this); } } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function buatPanah2(indi) { peluru = attachMovie('panah_mc', 'peluru_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); peluru._x = indi._x; peluru._y = indi._y - 25; peluru._yscale = 80; peluru._xscale = 80; peluru.speed = 25; peluru.randX = random(50) - 25; peluru.randY = random(50) - 25; peluru.xtarget = benteng_mc; peluru.indi = indi; peluru.onEnterFrame = enterPanah2; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } } function enterPanah2() { if (sedangPause == false) { this._x += geserKiri; deltaX = this._x - this.xtarget._x + this.randX; deltaY = this._y - (this.xtarget._y - 100) + this.randY; angle = -Math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY) / 0.0174532925199433; this._rotation = angle; if (Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) > this.speed) { this.speed += 0.5; this._y -= this.speed * Math.cos(angle * 0.0174532925199433); this._x += this.speed * Math.sin(angle * 0.0174532925199433); } else { nyawaBenteng -= this.indi.damage; this.xtarget.attachMovie('panah_mc', 'panah_mc' + dalamPeluru, dalamPeluru); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru].gotoAndStop(2); this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._x = -15 + random(50) - 25 + random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._y = -115 - this.randY + random(10) - 5; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._rotation = this._rotation - random(15) + 7; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._xscale = this._xscale; this.xtarget['panah_mc' + dalamPeluru]._yscale = this._yscale; ++dalamPeluru; if (dalamPeluru >= 200) { dalamPeluru = 100; } removeMovieClip(this); } } this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function klikSpell() { if (mulaiBattle == true) { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihSpell = indi; spell = attachMovie('spellTarget', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); spell.bisa._visible = true; spell._x = _root._xmouse; spell._y = _root._ymouse + spell._height / 10; if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell._yscale = 150; spell._xscale = 150; } else { spell._yscale = 75; spell._xscale = 75; } spell.startDrag(); sedangDragSpell = true; sedangDragSpell2 = false; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } } function klikSpell2() { if (mulaiBattle == true) { myStr = new String(this); bisaBuatSpell2 = false; i = 11; while (i <= 18) { if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + i] > 0) { bisaBuatSpell2 = true; } ++i; } if (bisaBuatSpell2 == true) { spell = attachMovie('spellTarget2', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); spell.bisa._visible = true; spell._x = _root._xmouse; spell._y = _root._ymouse + spell._height / 10; if (pilihSpell >= 15) { spell._yscale = 150; spell._xscale = 150; } else { spell._yscale = 75; spell._xscale = 75; } spell.startDrag(); sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = true; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } } function klikWeapon() { myStr = new String(this); if (isNaN(myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2))) { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 1, 1); } else { indi = myStr.substr(myStr.length - 2, 2); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc['jumlah' + indi] > 0) { pilihWeapon = indi; weapon2 = attachMovie('panahWeapon', 'drag_mc2', dalamDrag); weapon2.bisa._visible = true; weapon2._x = _root._xmouse; weapon2._y = _root._ymouse + weapon2._height / 10; if (pilihWeapon == 8) { weapon2.jumlah = 25; weapon2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (pilihWeapon == 9) { weapon2.jumlah = 50; weapon2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (pilihWeapon == 10) { weapon2.jumlah = 75; weapon2.gotoAndStop(3); } } } weapon2.anim.stop(); weapon2.startDrag(); sedangDragWeapon = true; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = true; } } function cekPause(indi) { if (indi == true) { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); } if (indi == true) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.weapon_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.spell_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.retreat_btn.enabled = false; battle_mc.defense_mc.enabled = false; battle_mc.all_btn.enabled = false; i = 1; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = false; ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].anim.stop(); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].anim.stop(); ++i; } } else { if (indi == false) { battle_mc.soldier_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.weapon_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.spell_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.retreat_btn.enabled = true; battle_mc.defense_mc.enabled = true; battle_mc.all_btn.enabled = true; i = 1; while (i <= 23) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc['unit' + i].enabled = true; ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 85) { _root['musuh_mc' + i]; ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i]; ++i; } } } } function jagoanLari() { this._x += geserKiri; this._x -= this.speed * 4; this.gotoAndStop(2); this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function clearSemua2() { delete myListener.onKeyDown; delete myListener.onKeyUp; Key.removeListener(myListener); delete _root.onEnterFrame; delete _root.onMouseDown; delete _root.onMouseMove; removeMovieClip(benteng_mc); removeMovieClip(drag_mc); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); removeMovieClip(pause_mc); i = 50; while (i <= 65) { removeMovieClip(_root['musuh_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { removeMovieClip(_root['jagoan_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { removeMovieClip(_root['xjagoan_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 100; while (i <= 200) { removeMovieClip(_root['peluru_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 200; while (i <= 300) { removeMovieClip(_root['weapon_mc' + i]); ++i; } i = 300000; while (i <= 301000) { removeMovieClip(_root['spell_mc' + i]); ++i; } } function cekKalah() { if (sudahSelesai == false) { sudahSelesai = true; benteng_mc.gotoAndStop(2); i = 100; while (i <= 200) { benteng_mc['panah_mc' + i]._visible = false; ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(4); ++i; } menangBattle = false; idLanjut = setInterval(lanjutMain, 2000); } } function cekMenang() { if (sudahSelesai == false) { sudahSelesai = true; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } i = 50; while (i <= 65) { _root['musuh_mc' + i].onEnterFrame = musuhLari; ++i; } menangBattle = true; idLanjut = setInterval(lanjutMain, 2000); } } function musuhLari() { this._x += geserKiri; this._x += this.speed * 4; this.gotoAndStop(2); this.anim._xscale = -this.scaleAwal; this.swapDepths(100 + this._x + this._y * 100); } function lanjutMain() { clearSemua2(); clearInterval(idLanjut); if (xpindahBareman >= pindahBareman) { xpindahBareman = pindahBareman; } if (xpindahSwordman >= pindahSwordman) { xpindahSwordman = pindahSwordman; } if (xpindahArrowman >= pindahArrowman) { xpindahArrowman = pindahArrowman; } if (xpindahSpearman >= pindahSpearman) { xpindahSpearman = pindahSpearman; } if (xpindahTank >= pindahTank) { xpindahTank = pindahTank; } if (xpindahCopter >= pindahCopter) { xpindahCopter = pindahCopter; } if (xpindahMonbot >= pindahMonbot) { xpindahMonbot = pindahMonbot; } xpindahBareman = Math.floor(xpindahBareman); xpindahSwordman = Math.floor(xpindahSwordman); xpindahArrowman = Math.floor(xpindahArrowman); xpindahSpearman = Math.floor(xpindahSpearman); xpindahTank = Math.floor(xpindahTank); xpindahCopter = Math.floor(xpindahCopter); xpindahMonbot = Math.floor(xpindahMonbot); kondisiPreview = 'akhir'; gotoAndStop(415); } function cekSpeed() { if (speedBattle == 1) { battle_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (speedBattle == 2) { battle_mc.speed_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } stop(); tipeAttackMusuh = 'defense'; frameKota.namaKota = xnamaKota[keKota]; backBattle2(); initBattle(); buatBenteng(); buatBackground(); buatGuard(); cekJumlahTankMusuh(); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { if (siapaYangNyerang == 2) { if (musuhSpell >= maxMusuhSpell) { musuhSpell = 0; if (kotaSerang == 21) { cekSpellMusuh2(); } else { cekSpellMusuh(); } } else { ++musuhSpell; } } else { if (xday >= 500) { if (musuhSpell >= maxMusuhSpell) { musuhSpell = 0; cekSpellMusuh(); } else { ++musuhSpell; } } } if (adaSerangBase == true) { if (delayMusuhKeluar >= maxMusuhKeluar2) { buatMusuh(); adaSerangBase = false; delayMusuhKeluar = 0; } else { ++delayMusuhKeluar; } } else { if (delayMusuhKeluar >= maxMusuhKeluar) { buatMusuh(); delayMusuhKeluar = 0; } else { ++delayMusuhKeluar; } } if (_root._xmouse <= 10 || geserKeKiri == true) { if (background_mc._x <= -20) { geserKiri = 10 * speedBattle * 3; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { if (_root._xmouse >= 790 || geserKeKanan == true) { if (background_mc._x >= -2350) { geserKiri = -10 * speedBattle * 3; } else { geserKiri = 0; } } else { geserKiri = 0; } } background_mc._x += geserKiri; if (getarBumi == true) { if (getarKe == 1) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 2) { cekGeserX(-10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 3) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(-5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 4) { cekGeserX(-5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 5) { cekGeserX(7); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 6) { cekGeserX(10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 7) { cekGeserX(-12); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 8) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 9) { cekGeserX(-10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 10) { cekGeserX(5); cekGeserY(-5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 11) { cekGeserX(-5); cekGeserY(5); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 12) { cekGeserX(7); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 13) { cekGeserX(10); cekGeserY(-10); ++getarKe; } else { if (getarKe == 14) { cekGeserX(-12); cekGeserY(7); ++getarKe; } else { cekNormalY('akhir'); getarBumi = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (defenseKita <= 0) { defenseKita = 0; } if (totalMusuh <= 0) { totalMusuh = 0; } ourDefense.jumlah = defenseKita; enemyLeft.jumlah = totalMusuh; ourBase.jumlah = Math.ceil(nyawaBenteng); } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah11 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah12 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah13 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah14 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah15 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah16 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah17 = 0; } if (battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 <= 0) { battle_mc.pasukan_mc.jumlah18 = 0; } }; ourDefense.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; ourDefense.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; ourBase.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; ourBase.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; enemyLeft.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; enemyLeft.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; battle_mc.soldier_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.vehicle_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(2); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.weapon_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(3); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.spell_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(4); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.defense_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(5); cekPasukanBuat(); }; battle_mc.remove_mc._visible = false; battle_mc.remove_mc.onRelease = function () { sedangDragWeapon = false; sedangDragSpell = false; sedangDragSpell2 = false; removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); buatKotak(false); }; battle_mc.pasukan_mc.gotoAndStop(1); cekPasukanBuat(); _root.onMouseDown = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { if (sedangDragWeapon == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 225 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { buatWeapon(_root._ymouse); sedangDragWeapon = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } else { if (sedangDragSpell == true) { if (pilihSpell == 14) { if (_root._ymouse >= 275 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { if (getarBumi2 == false) { getarBumi2 = true; buatSpell(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { buatSpell(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } else { if (sedangDragSpell2 == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { buatSpell2(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sedangDragSpell = false; stopDrag(); removeMovieClip(drag_mc2); } } } } } }; _root.onMouseMove = function () { if (sedangDragWeapon == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 225 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } else { if (sedangDragSpell == true) { if (pilihSpell == 14) { if (getarBumi2 == true) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 275 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } else { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } else { if (sedangDragSpell2 == true) { if (_root._ymouse >= 125 && _root._ymouse <= 475) { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = false; } else { drag_mc2.bisa._visible = true; } } } } }; battle_mc.retreat_btn.onRelease = function () { battle_mc.retreat_btn._visible = false; i = 1; while (i <= maximumJagoan) { _root['jagoan_mc' + i].onEnterFrame = jagoanLari; ++i; } cekKalah(); }; battle_mc.pause_btn.onRelease = function () { if (sedangPause == false) { pause_mc = attachMovie('pause_mc', 'pause_mc', 1199905); pause_mc._x = 400; pause_mc._y = 300; sedangPause = true; } else { removeMovieClip(pause_mc); sedangPause = false; } cekPause(sedangPause); }; cekSpeed(); battle_mc.speed_mc.onRelease = function () { if (speedBattle == 1) { speedBattle = 2; } else { if (speedBattle == 2) { speedBattle = 1; } } cekSpeed(); }; geserKeKiri = false; geserKeKanan = false; myListener = new Object(); myListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = true; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = true; } }; myListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 65 || Key.getCode() == 37) { geserKeKiri = false; } if (Key.getCode() == 68 || Key.getCode() == 39) { geserKeKanan = false; } }; Key.addListener(myListener); } movieClip 2905 { } movieClip 2907 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2910 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 489 { stop(); quit_btn.onRelease = function () { backBuilding2(); gotoAndStop(306); }; } movieClip 2912 { } frame 490 { stop(); backTerompet(); quit_btn.onRelease = function () { backBuilding2(); gotoAndStop(306); }; ++menangGame; if (menangGame == 1) { _root.dapatMedal15 = true; last_mc._visible = true; last_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (menangGame == 3) { _root.dapatMedal30 = true; last_mc._visible = true; last_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } else { last_mc._visible = false; } } simpanMedal(); } movieClip 2925 { frame 1 { stop(); } }
Created: 7/10 -2018 19:43:42 Last modified: 7/10 -2018 19:43:42 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:52:09