Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #212963

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 7 adBox { } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 11 { } movieClip 13 { } movieClip 14 { instance of movieClip 13 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 15 projectile_grenade { } movieClip 17 human_head2 { } movieClip 19 blankBlock { } movieClip 20 collisionBlockNPC { } movieClip 26 Defaults { #initclip Object.registerClass('Defaults', mx.skins.halo.Defaults); #endinitclip } movieClip 27 UIObjectExtensions { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIObjectExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions); #endinitclip } movieClip 28 UIObject { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIObject', mx.core.UIObject); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 29 Border { #initclip Object.registerClass('Border', mx.skins.Border); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 30 RectBorder { #initclip mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(mx.skins.RectBorder.symbolName, Object(mx.skins.RectBorder)); Object.registerClass('RectBorder', mx.skins.halo.RectBorder); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } button 33 { on (keyPress '<Tab>') { this.tabHandler(); } } movieClip 34 { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } #endinitclip frame 1 { } } movieClip 36 BoundingBox { } movieClip 37 FocusRect { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusRect', mx.skins.halo.FocusRect); #endinitclip } movieClip 38 FocusManager { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 39 UIComponentExtensions { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIComponentExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions); #endinitclip } movieClip 40 UIComponent { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIComponent', mx.core.UIComponent); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 41 TextInput { #initclip Object.registerClass('TextInput', mx.controls.TextInput); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 1 { function delayedAGIinit() { _root.agi.init('f5484b7812392262863a06d9a9414818', 'the-last-stand-union-city', onAGIError, true); } Stage.showMenu = false; var firstMenuLoad = true; var loadTo = undefined; _root.client = new Object(); _root.client.SERVICE_URI = ''; _root.client.isAuthenticated = false; _root.client.newAGIClient = function (apiDevkey, apiGamekey, errorCallback) { _root.client.apikey = apiDevkey; _root.client.gamekey = apiGamekey; _root.client.errorHandler = errorCallback; Object.registerClass('AmfAuthenticationVO',; Object.registerClass('HighscoreListVO',; Object.registerClass('HighscoreVO',; Object.registerClass('HighscoreRankVO',; Object.registerClass('GameShareVO', GameShareVO); Object.registerClass('GameShareListVO', GameShareListVO); Object.registerClass('GameSaveVO',; Object.registerClass('MemberVO',; Object.registerClass('UtilsVO',; _root.client.reset(); }; _root.client.reset = function () { if (_root.client.connection) { _root.client.connection.onStatus = null; _root.client.connection.close(); _root.client.connection = null; } try { _root.client.connection = new NetConnection(); _root.client.connection.onStatus = _root.client.netStatusHandler; _root.client.connection.addHeader('Credentials', false, {'userid': _root.client.apikey, 'password': _root.client.gamekey}); _root.client.connection.connect(_root.client.SERVICE_URI); com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Client: Connecting...'); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('Client: Unable to connect to \'' + _root.client.SERVICE_URI + '\''); if (_root.errorHandler != null) { _root.client.errorHandler(new'Unable to connect to \'' + _root.client.SERVICE_URI + '\'',, error)); } } else { throw v0; } } }; _root.client.netStatusHandler = function (info) { var v2 = ''; if (info) { v2 = info.hasOwnProperty('code') ? String(info.code) : ''; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('Client: Network Status Error - ' + v2); if (_root.client.errorHandler != null) { _root.client.errorHandler(new'Network Status Error - ' + v2,, info)); } }; _root.client.authenticate = function (callback, errorCallback) { try { _root.client.onAuthSuccess = callback; _root.client.onAuthFailed = errorCallback; _root.client.isAuthenticated = false; _root.client.connection.addHeader('authenticate', true, true); var v2 = String(_root.getBytesTotal()); var v3 = '1'; var v4 = new; var v5 = v4.hex_hmac_md5('na_P#@F*~P' + _root.client.apikey + _root.client.gamekey + '<-:[ 72VfV', _root.client.apikey + _root.client.gamekey + v2 + v3); _root.client.connection.addHeader('signature', true, v5);'auth.authenticate', {'onResult': _root.client.onAuthenticationResult, 'onStatus': _root.client.statusHandler}, _root.client.apikey, _root.client.gamekey, v2, v3); com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Client: Authenticating...'); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('Client: Authentication Failed: ' + error.message); if (_root.client.errorCallback != null) { _root.client.errorCallback(new'Authentication Errored: ' + error.message,, error)); } } else { throw v0; } } }; _root.client.onAuthenticationResult = function (result) { if (result) { _root.client.connection.addHeader('authenticate', false, null); _root.client.auth = result; _root.client.isAuthenticated = true; com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Client: Authentication successful.'); if (_root.client.onAuthSuccess != null) { _root.client.onAuthSuccess(result.toObject()); } } else { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('Client: Authentication Handler Failed.'); if (_root.client.onAuthFailed != null) { _root.client.onAuthFailed(new'Authentication Failed: ',, result)); } } }; = function (command, targetHandler, args) { if (!_root.client.isAuthenticated) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('Client not authenticated (try authenticate() first)'); if (_root.client.errorHandler != null) { _root.client.errorHandler(new'Client not authenticated (try authenticate() first)',, {'command': command, 'args': args})); } return undefined; } try { _root.client.connection.addHeader('signature', true, _root.client.calculateSignature(command, args)); _root.client.callResultHandler = targetHandler; var v3 = new Object(); v3.onResult = _root.client.resultHandler; v3.onStatus = _root.client.statusHandler; args.unshift(v3); args.unshift(command);, args); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('Client: Call Execution Error: ' + error.message); if (_root.client.errorHandler != null) { _root.client.errorHandler(new'Call Errored: ' + error.message,, error)); } } else { throw v0; } } }; _root.client.resultHandler = function (result) { if (_root.client.callResultHandler != null) { _root.client.callResultHandler(result); } }; _root.client.statusHandler = function (status) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('Client: Status Error, Description: (' + status.code + ') ' + status.description); if (status.code == 2) { if (_root.client.errorHandler != null) { _root.client.errorHandler(new'Status Error: timeout',, status)); } } else { if (_root.client.errorHandler != null) { _root.client.errorHandler(new'Status Error: general',, status)); } } }; _root.client.calculateSignature = function (command, args) { var v4 = [command]; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < args.length) { switch (typeof args[v2]) { case 'boolean': v4.push(args[v2] ? '1' : '0'); break; case 'number': case 'string': v4.push(new String(args[v2])); break; default: v4.push('?'); } ++v2; } var v5 = new; var v6 = v5.hex_hmac_md5(_root.client.auth.token, v4.join('')); return v6; }; _root.agi = new Object(); _root.agi.VERSION = '1.0'; _root.agi.clientDevKey = ''; _root.agi.clientGameKey = ''; _root.agi.ready = false; _root.agi.connected = false; _root.agi.connecting = false; _root.agi.connectionAttempts = 0; _root.agi.init = function (devKey, gameKey, onError, debug) { if (_root.agi.ready) { return undefined; } _root.agi.callQueue = new Array(); com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.init('AGI', debug, ['OUT', 'ERROR', 'WARN']); com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Armor Games Interface AS2 - Version ' + _root.agi.VERSION); _root.agi.clientDevKey = devKey; _root.agi.clientGameKey = gameKey; _root.agi.clientErrorCallback = onError; _root.agi.connectionAttempts = 0; var v2 = _level0.auth_token; _root.agi.ready = true; if (v2 && v2 != '') { _root.agi.autoLogin(v2); } }; _root.agi.login = function (username, password, callback) { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iLogin, [username, password, callback]); }; _root.agi.autoLogin = function (authToken) { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iAutoLogin, [authToken]); }; _root.agi.logout = function (callback) { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iLogout, [callback]); }; _root.agi.submitPublicData = function (key, data, callback) { var v2 = _root.agi.convertDataToString(data); if (v2 == null) { if (callback != null) { callback({'success': false, 'error': 'Data type not supported by submitPublicData()'}); } return undefined; } _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iSubmitGameSaveData, ['game', key, v2, callback]); }; _root.agi.submitPublicDataObject = function (obj, callback) { var v3 = new Object(); for (var v4 in obj) { v3[v4] = _root.agi.convertDataToString(obj[v4]); } _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iSubmitGameSaveDataObject, ['game', v3, callback]); }; _root.agi.retrievePublicData = function (callback, key) { if (key != null) { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iRetrieveGameSaveData, ['game', key, callback]); } else { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iRetrieveGameSaveDataObject, ['game', callback]); } }; _root.agi.deletePublicData = function (key, callback) { if (key != null) { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iDeleteGameSaveData, ['game', key, callback]); } else { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iDeleteAllGameSaveData, ['game', callback]); } }; _root.agi.incPublicData = function (key, amount, callback) { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iIncGameSaveData, ['game', key, amount, callback]); }; _root.agi.decPublicData = function (key, amount, callback) { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iDecGameSaveData, ['game', key, amount, callback]); }; _root.agi.submitUserData = function (key, data, callback) { if (!_root.agi.clientUser) { if (callback != null) { callback({'success': false, 'error': 'User must be logged in before calling submitUserData().'}); } return undefined; } var v3 = _root.agi.convertDataToString(data); if (v3 == null) { if (callback != null) { callback({'success': false, 'error': 'Data type not supported by submitUserData().'}); } return undefined; } _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iSubmitGameSaveData, ['user-' + _root.agi.clientUser.user_id, key, v3, callback]); }; _root.agi.submitUserDataObject = function (obj, callback) { if (!_root.agi.clientUser) { if (callback != null) { callback({'success': false, 'error': 'User must be logged in before calling submitUserDataObject().'}); } return undefined; } var v3 = new Object(); for (var v4 in obj) { v3[v4] = _root.agi.convertDataToString(obj[v4]); } _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iSubmitGameSaveDataObject, ['user-' + _root.agi.clientUser.user_id, v3, callback]); }; _root.agi.retrieveUserData = function (callback, key) { if (!_root.agi.clientUser) { if (callback != null) { callback({'success': false, 'error': 'User must be logged in before calling retrieveUserData().'}); } return undefined; } if (key != null) { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iRetrieveGameSaveData, ['user-' + _root.agi.clientUser.user_id, key, callback]); } else { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iRetrieveGameSaveDataObject, ['user-' + _root.agi.clientUser.user_id, callback]); } }; _root.agi.deleteUserData = function (key, callback) { if (!_root.agi.clientUser) { if (callback != null) { callback({'success': false, 'error': 'User must be logged in before calling deleteUserData().'}); } return undefined; } if (key != null) { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iDeleteGameSaveData, ['user-' + _root.agi.clientUser.user_id, key, callback]); } else { _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iDeleteAllGameSaveData, ['user-' + _root.agi.clientUser.user_id, callback]); } }; _root.agi.incUserData = function (key, amount, callback) { if (!_root.agi.clientUser) { if (callback != null) { callback({'success': false, 'error': 'User must be logged in before calling incUserData().'}); } return undefined; } _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iIncGameSaveData, ['user-' + _root.agi.clientUser.user_id, key, amount, callback]); }; _root.agi.decUserData = function (key, amount, callback) { if (!_root.agi.clientUser) { if (callback != null) { callback({'success': false, 'error': 'User must be logged in before calling decUserData().'}); } return undefined; } _root.agi.addCallToQueue(_root.agi.iDecGameSaveData, ['user-' + _root.agi.clientUser.user_id, key, amount, callback]); }; _root.agi.isConnected = function () { return _root.agi.connected; }; _root.agi.isLoggedIn = function () { return Boolean(_root.agi.clientUser); }; _root.agi.getUserData = function () { if (!_root.agi.clientUser) { return null; } return _root.agi.clientUser.toObject(); }; _root.agi.getUserName = function () { if (!_root.agi.clientUser) { return null; } return _root.agi.clientUser.username; }; _root.agi.getVersion = function () { return 'AGI ' + _root.agi.VERSION; }; _root.agi.iConnect = function () { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('AGI Services connecting ...'); _root.client.newAGIClient(_root.agi.clientDevKey, _root.agi.clientGameKey, _root.agi.onClientError); _root.client.authenticate(_root.agi.authenticationSuccess, _root.agi.authenticationFailed); }; _root.agi.iLogin = function (username, password, callback) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Logging in ...'); _root.agi.globalCallback = callback; var v2 = new com.armorgames.common.MatrixCryptor();'members.login', _root.agi.handleLoginResult, [username, v2.encrypt(password)]); }; _root.agi.iAutoLogin = function (authToken) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Auto logging in ...');'members.verifyAuthToken', _root.agi.handleLoginResult, [authToken]); }; _root.agi.iLogout = function (callback) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Logging out ...'); _root.agi.clientUser = null; com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Log out successful.'); if (callback != null) { callback({'success': true, 'loggedIn': false}); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.iSubmitGameSaveData = function (parentID, key, data, callback) { if (!parentID || parentID == '') { return undefined; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Submit game data ...'); _root.agi.globalCallback = callback;'gamesave.put', _root.agi.onSubmitGameData, [parentID, key, data]); }; _root.agi.iSubmitGameSaveDataObject = function (parentID, obj, callback) { if (!parentID || parentID == '') { return undefined; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Submit game data object ...'); _root.agi.globalCallback = callback;'gamesave.put', _root.agi.onSubmitGameDataObject, [parentID, obj]); }; _root.agi.iRetrieveGameSaveData = function (parentID, key, callback) { if (!parentID || parentID == '') { return undefined; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Retrieve game data ...'); _root.agi.globalCallback = callback;'gamesave.get', _root.agi.onRetrieveGameData, [parentID, key]); }; _root.agi.iRetrieveGameSaveDataObject = function (parentID, callback) { if (!parentID || parentID == '') { return undefined; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Retrieve game data object ...'); _root.agi.globalCallback = callback;'gamesave.get', _root.agi.onRetrieveGameDataObject, [parentID]); }; _root.agi.iDeleteGameSaveData = function (parentID, key, callback) { if (!parentID || parentID == '') { return undefined; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Delete game data ...'); _root.agi.globalCallback = callback;'gamesave.delete', _root.agi.onDeleteGameData, [parentID, key]); }; _root.agi.iDeleteAllGameSaveData = function (parentID, callback) { if (!parentID || parentID == '') { return undefined; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Delete all game data ...'); _root.agi.globalCallback = callback;'gamesave.delete', _root.agi.onDeleteAllGameData, [parentID]); }; _root.agi.iIncGameSaveData = function (parentID, key, amount, callback) { if (!parentID || parentID == '') { return undefined; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Increment game data ...'); _root.agi.globalCallback = callback;'gamesave.increment', _root.agi.onIncrementGameData, [parentID, key, amount]); }; _root.agi.iDecGameSaveData = function (parentID, key, amount, callback) { if (!parentID || parentID == '') { return undefined; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Decrement game data ...'); _root.agi.globalCallback = callback;'gamesave.decrement', _root.agi.onDecrementGameData, [parentID, key, amount]); }; _root.agi.authenticationSuccess = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('AGI Services successfully connected.'); _root.agi.connected = true; _root.agi.connecting = false; _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.authenticationFailed = function (error) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('AGI Services failed to connect.'); _root.agi.connected = false; _root.agi.connecting = false; _root.agi.connectionAttempts = 0; var v2 = {'success': false}; if (error) { v2.error = error.toString(); } if (_root.agi.clientErrorCallback != null) { _root.agi.clientErrorCallback(v2); } _root.agi.clearQueue(); }; _root.agi.onClientError = function (error) { if (error.getCode() == { if (_root.agi.connectionAttempts >= 3) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('AGI Services has failed to connect after ' + _root.agi.connectionAttempts + ' attempts.'); _root.agi.authenticationFailed(error); return undefined; } com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.warn('Client has timed out. Reconnecting now ...'); ++_root.agi.connectionAttempts; _root.agi.connected = false; _root.agi.connecting = true; var v4 = {'func': _root.agi.iConnect, 'params': null}; if (_root.agi.callQueue) { _root.agi.callQueue.unshift(v4); } _root.agi.callNext(); return undefined; } else { if (!_root.agi.connected) { _root.agi.authenticationFailed(error); return undefined; } else { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.error('A call has failed.'); var v2 = {'success': false}; if (error) { v2.error = error.toString(); } if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v2); } if (_root.agi.clientErrorCallback != null) { _root.agi.clientErrorCallback(v2); } _root.agi.finishCall(); } } }; _root.agi.handleLoginResult = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Login ' + ((data.isOk && data.value) ? 'successful.' : 'failed.')); var v3; if (data.isOk && data.value) { if (!_root.agi.clientUser) { _root.agi.clientUser = new com.armorgames.common.AGUser(); } _root.agi.clientUser.fromObject(data.toObject()); v3 = _root.agi.clientUser.toObject(); v3.success = true; v3.loggedIn = true; } else { v3 = {'success': false, 'error': data.status}; } if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v3); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.onSubmitGameData = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Submit game data ' + (data.isOk ? 'successful.' : 'failed.')); var v2 = data.toObject(); if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v2); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.onSubmitGameDataObject = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Submit game data object ' + (data.isOk ? 'successful.' : 'failed.')); var v2 = data.toObject(); if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v2); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.onRetrieveGameData = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Retrieve game data ' + (data.isOk ? 'successful.' : 'failed.')); var v2 = data.toObject(); if (data.isOk) { = _root.agi.convertStringToData(; } if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v2); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.onRetrieveGameDataObject = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Retrieve game data object ' + (data.isOk ? 'successful.' : 'failed.')); var v2 = data.toObject(); if (data.isOk) { var v3 = data.toObject(); = new Object(); for (var v4 in {[v4] = _root.agi.convertStringToData([v4]); } v2 = v3; } if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v2); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.onDeleteGameData = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Delete game data ' + (data.isOk ? 'successful.' : 'failed.')); var v2 = data.toObject(); if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v2); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.onDeleteAllGameData = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Delete all game data ' + (data.isOk ? 'successful.' : 'failed.')); var v2 = data.toObject(); if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v2); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.onIncrementGameData = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Incremement game data ' + (data.isOk ? 'successful.' : 'failed.')); var v2 = data.toObject(); if (data.isOk) { = _root.agi.convertStringToData(; } if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v2); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.onDecrementGameData = function (data) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.out('Decrement game data ' + (data.isOk ? 'successful.' : 'failed.')); var v2 = data.toObject(); if (data.isOk) { = _root.agi.convertStringToData(; } if (_root.agi.globalCallback != null) { _root.agi.globalCallback(v2); } _root.agi.finishCall(); }; _root.agi.addCallToQueue = function (func, params) { if (!_root.agi.callQueue) { return undefined; } var v2 = {'func': func, 'params': params}; _root.agi.callQueue.push(v2); if (!_root.agi.connected && !_root.agi.connecting) { if (!_root.agi.ready) { return undefined; } var v3 = {'func': _root.agi.iConnect, 'params': null}; _root.agi.callQueue.unshift(v3); _root.agi.connecting = true; _root.agi.callNext(); return undefined; } if (_root.agi.callQueue.length == 1) { _root.agi.callNext(); } }; _root.agi.finishCall = function () { if (!_root.agi.callQueue) { return undefined; } _root.agi.globalCallback = null; if (_root.agi.callQueue.length > 0) { _root.agi.callQueue.shift(); } if (_root.agi.callQueue.length == 0) { _root.agi.connectionAttempts = 0; } _root.agi.callNext(); }; _root.agi.callNext = function () { if (!_root.agi.callQueue) { return undefined; } if (_root.agi.callQueue.length > 0) { var v3 = _root.agi.callQueue[0]; if (v3.func != null) { v3.func.apply(this, (v3.params == null) ? [] : v3.params); } } }; _root.agi.clearQueue = function () { if (!_root.agi.callQueue) { return undefined; } while (_root.agi.callQueue.length > 0) { _root.agi.callQueue.shift(); } }; _root.agi.convertDataToString = function (data) { if (typeof data == 'number' && isNaN(data)) { return null; } if (!data) { return null; } if (typeof data == 'array' || typeof data == 'boolean' || typeof data == 'number' || typeof data == 'string' || typeof data == 'object') { var v2 = com.armorgames.common.JSON.stringify(data); return v2; } return null; }; _root.agi.convertStringToData = function (str) { if (str == '' || str == null) { return null; } return com.armorgames.common.JSON.parse(str); }; var delAGI = setTimeout(delayedAGIinit, 1000); _global.keyListener = new Object(); _global.newKeyListener = new Object(); _global.scrollListener = new Object(); } movieClip 71 { } frame 2 { function hintText() { hc = 0; while (randHint == lastHintNum) { randHint = random(hints.length); ++hc; if (hc > randBust) { hc = 0; break; } } lastHintNum = randHint; hintBox.hint.text = 'TIP: ' + hints[lastHintNum].toUpperCase(); } function hintChange() { hintBox.alphaTo(0, 1, 'easeOutSine', 0, function () { hintText(); }); hintBox.alphaTo(100, 1, 'easeOutSine', 1.5); } function urlChecker() { if (urlCheckerOn == true) { mainAd.gotoAndStop('ad'); urlStart = _url.indexOf('://') + 3; urlEnd = _url.indexOf('/', urlStart); domain = _url.substring(urlStart, urlEnd); LastDot = domain.lastIndexOf('.') - 1; pfixEnd = domain.lastIndexOf('.', LastDot) + 1; domain = domain.substring(pfixEnd, domain.length); if (domain == '' || domain == '' || domain == '' || _url == '') { armorGamesVersion = true; mainAd.gotoAndStop('hints'); mainAd.hintText.text = 'HINT:\r' + hints[random(hints.length)]; } if (domain != '') { securityImage._visible = true; securityImage.domainName.text = _url; preloaderPlayButton._x = -30000; preloaderPlayButton._y = -30000; preloaderPlayButton._visible = false; preloaderPlayButton.onRelease = null; } else { securityImage._visible = false; init(); } } else { securityImage._visible = false; init(); } } function init() { this.onEnterFrame = function () { update(); }; } function update() { var v5 = this.getBytesLoaded(); var v6 = this.getBytesTotal(); var v3 = (v5 / v6) * 100; var v4 = 1; var v2 = Math.round(v3 * v4) / v4; percentage = 'LOADING ' + v2 + '%'; if (v2 < 10) { percentage = 'LOADING 0' + v2 + '%'; } preLoaderCombo.percentageTotal.text = percentage; preLoaderCombo.loadBar._xscale = v3; if (v3 >= 100) { preLoaderCombo.percentageTotal.text = 'READY TO PLAY'; onLoadComplete(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } function onLoadComplete() { preloaderPlayButton.onRelease = function () { changeHintText = null; _root.removeAd(); _root.gotoAndStop('main'); }; preloaderPlayButton.onRollOver = function () {}; preloaderPlayButton.onRollOut = function () {}; } stop(); var intoMenu = true; var versionNumber = 'v1.4-DZ'; var hintChangeRate = 10000; var lastHintNum = 0; var randHint = 0; var randBust = 20; var hc = 0; var changeHintText = setInterval(hintChange, hintChangeRate); hintBox.onRelease = function () { clearInterval(changeHintText); changeHintText = setInterval(hintChange, hintChangeRate); hintChange(); }; var hints = new Array('Is your keyboard AZERTY? Check the keyboard controls in the options!', 'In Survivor Mode - Lack of Sleep will affect your Intellect and Precision attribues', 'In Survivor Mode - Hunger will affect your Endurance and Strength attributes', 'Increasing your searching skill will result in you finding less junk', 'In order to sleep you need to find a safe house bed', 'Have a melee weapon at your disposal at all times for close encounters', 'You can increase your maximum health by adding to your endurance', 'You can increase your melee damage by adding to your strength', 'You can increase your security skill by adding to your intellect attribute', 'Your luck attribute has an effect on what items are dropped and found', 'You can get \'LUCKY\' or \'SKILLED\' finds from your luck and searching skill', 'Tiredness and Hunger will affect your attributes and in turn, your skills', 'Carrying too much will Overload you and cause you to stop moving', 'Lockpicking difficulty is based on your Security statistic', 'Jumping, Shoving and Sprinting will drain your STAMINA', 'Is your game LAGGING? Adjust the Video and Game Options in the menu', 'You can adjust the BRIGHTNESS in the Video menu', 'Too much BLOOD and GORE? - Turn on LOW VIOLENCE MODE in the menu', 'Enemies can HEAR you. Be aware of the NOISE rating of your weapons', 'Enemies have a harder time seeing you at night', 'Activate the Flashlight by pressing the [F] key', 'Look out for NOTES around Union City, they provide some backstory', 'Use [SPACE] to shove enemies and create distance', 'Aim for the head', 'When picking a lock, listen for the click and watch for the pin shaking', 'Use [CTRL] or [C] to Crouch - it will improve your aim', 'Sleeping will restore your health', 'Don\'t think you can win a fight? Run away', 'Use [SHIFT] to run', 'Using a melee weapon is good for picking off enemies quietly', 'When picking a lock, the longer you hold the push key, the higher the pin goes', 'Earning achievements will earn you rewards'); hintText(); _global.$createTweenController = function () { var v3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('__tweenController__', 123432); v3.$_tweenPropList = new Array(); v3.$_tTime = getTimer(); v3.onEnterFrame = _global.$updateTweens; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$createTweenController', 1, 0); _global.$removeTweenController = function () { delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; delete _root.__tweenController__.onEnterFrame; _root.__tweenController__.removeMovieClip(); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$removeTweenController', 1, 0); _global.$addTween = function (mtarget, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, extras) { if (timeSeconds == undefined) { timeSeconds = 0; } if (animType == undefined || animType == '') { animType = 'easeOutExpo'; } if (delay == undefined) { delay = 0; } if (typeof prop == 'string') { var v7 = [prop]; var v11 = [mtarget[prop]]; var v9 = [propDest]; } else { var v7 = []; var v11 = []; var v9 = []; for (var v32 in prop) { v11.push(mtarget[prop[v32]]); } for (v32 in prop) { v7.push(prop[v32]); } for (v32 in propDest) { v9.push(propDest[v32]); } } var v12 = false; if (_root.__tweenController__ == undefined) { _global.$createTweenController(); } var v4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v8 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; for (v32 in v11) { if (v9[v32] != undefined && !mtarget.$_isTweenLocked) { if (mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.length) { if (v4[v3]._targ == mtarget && v4[v3]._prop == v7[v32]) { if (v8 + delay * 1000 < v4[v3]._timeDest) { v4.splice(v3, 1); --v3; --mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } ++v3; } } v4.push({'_prop': v7[v32], '_targ': mtarget, '_propStart': undefined, '_propDest': v9[v32], '_timeStart': v8, '_timeDest': v8 + timeSeconds * 1000, '_animType': animType, '_extra1': extra1, '_extra2': extra2, '_extras': extras, '_delay': delay, '_isPaused': false, '_timePaused': 0, '_callback': v12 ? undefined : callback}); mtarget.$_tweenCount = mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0 ? mtarget.$_tweenCount + 1 : 1; v12 = true; } } ASSetPropFlags(mtarget, '$_tweenCount', 1, 0); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$addTween', 1, 0); _global.$updateTweens = function () { this.$_tTime = getTimer(); var v8 = this.$_tTime; var v6 = 0; while (v6 < this.$_tweenPropList.length) { var v3 = this.$_tweenPropList[v6]; if (v3._targ.toString() == undefined) { this.$_tweenPropList.splice(v6, 1); --v6; } else { if (v3._timeStart + v3._delay * 1000 <= v8 && !v3._isPaused) { if (v3._propStart == undefined) { if (v3._prop.substr(0, 10) == '__special_') { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_frame__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ._currentframe; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ra__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ra; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_rb__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).rb; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ga__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ga; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_gb__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).gb; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ba__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ba; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_bb__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).bb; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_aa__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).aa; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ab__') { v3._propStart = ((new Color(v3._targ)).getTransform()).ab; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_text_r__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.textColor >> 16; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_text_g__') { v3._propStart = (v3._targ.textColor & 65280) >> 8; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_text_b__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.textColor & 255; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_volume__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.getVolume(); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_pan__') { v3._propStart = v3._targ.getPan(); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bst_t__') { v3._propStart = 0; v3._extras.__special_bst_ix__ = v3._targ._x; v3._extras.__special_bst_iy__ = v3._targ._y; } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_x__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurX; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_y__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurY; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_color__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].color; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 16777215; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_alpha__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].alpha; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurX__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurX; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurY__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurY; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_strength__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].strength; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_distance__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].distance; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_angle__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].angle; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 45; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightColor__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].highlightColor; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 16777215; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].highlightAlpha; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowColor__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].shadowColor; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].shadowAlpha; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurX__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurX; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurY__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].blurY; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 0; } } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_strength__') { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v3._targ.filters.length) { if (v3._targ.filters[v5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3._propStart = v3._targ.filters[v5].strength; } ++v5; } if (v3._propStart == undefined) { v3._propStart = 1; } } else { v3._propStart = v3._targ[v3._prop]; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { v3._propStart = v3._targ[v3._prop]; } } var v10 = v3._timeDest + v3._delay * 1000; if (v10 <= v8) { var v4 = v3._propDest; } else { var v4 = _global.findTweenValue(v3._propStart, v3._propDest, v3._timeStart, v8 - v3._delay * 1000, v3._timeDest, v3._animType, v3._extra1, v3._extra2); } v3._targ[v3._prop] = v3._extras.mustRound ? Math.round(v4) : v4; if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_frame__') { v3._targ.gotoAndStop(Math.round(v4)); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ra__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ra': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_rb__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'rb': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ga__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ga': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_gb__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'gb': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ba__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ba': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_bb__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'bb': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_aa__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'aa': v4}); } else { if (v3._prop == '__special_mc_ab__') { (new Color(v3._targ)).setTransform({'ab': v4}); } } } } } } } } } if (v3._prop == '__special_bst_t__') { var v7 = v3._extras; var v9 = _global.findPointOnCurve(v7.__special_bst_ix__, v7.__special_bst_iy__, v7.__special_bst_cx__, v7.__special_bst_cy__, v7.__special_bst_dx__, v7.__special_bst_dy__, v4); if (v3._extras.mustRound) { v3._targ._x = Math.round(v9.x); v3._targ._y = Math.round(v9.y); } else { v3._targ._x = v9.x; v3._targ._y = v9.y; } } if (typeof v3._targ != 'movieclip' && v3._prop == '__special_text_b__') { v3._targ.textColor = (v3._targ.__special_text_r__ << 16) + (v3._targ.__special_text_g__ << 8) + v3._targ.__special_text_b__; } if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_volume__') { v3._targ.setVolume(v4); } if (v3._prop == '__special_sound_pan__') { v3._targ.setPan(v4); } if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_x__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'blur_blurX', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_blur_y__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'blur_blurY', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_color__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_color', _global.findTweenColor(v3, v8), v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_alpha__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_alpha', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurX__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_blurX', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_blurY__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_blurY', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_glow_strength__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'glow_strength', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_distance__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_distance', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_angle__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_angle', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightColor__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_highlightColor', _global.findTweenColor(v3, v8), v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_highlightAlpha', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowColor__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_shadowColor', _global.findTweenColor(v3, v8), v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_shadowAlpha', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurX__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_blurX', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_blurY__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_blurY', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._prop == '__special_bevel_strength__') { _global.$setFilterProperty(v3._targ, 'bevel_strength', v4, v3._extras); } if (v3._targ.onTweenUpdate != undefined) { v3._targ.onTweenUpdate(v3._prop); } if (v10 <= v8) { if (v3._targ.onTweenComplete != undefined) { v3._targ.onTweenComplete(v3._prop); } _global.$stopTween(v3._targ, [v3._prop], false); --v6; if (v3._callback != undefined) { if (_global.backwardCallbackTweening) { var v11 = v3._targ.createEmptyMovieClip('__child__', 122344); v3._callback.apply(v11, null); v11.removeMovieClip(); } else { v3._callback.apply(v3._targ, null); } } } } } ++v6; } if (this.$_tweenPropList.length == 0) { _global.$removeTweenController(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$updateTween', 1, 0); _global.$stopTween = function (mtarget, props, wipeFuture) { var v4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v7; for (var v9 in v4) { v7 = v4[v9]._prop; var v5 = 0; for (;;) { if (!(v5 < props.length || v5 < 1 && props == undefined)) break; if (v4[v9]._targ == mtarget && (v7 == props[v5] || props == undefined) && (wipeFuture || v4[v9]._timeDest + v4[v9]._delay * 1000 <= getTimer())) { switch (v7) { case '__special_mc_frame__': case '__special_mc_ra__': case '__special_mc_rb__': case '__special_mc_ga__': case '__special_mc_gb__': case '__special_mc_ba__': case '__special_mc_bb__': case '__special_mc_aa__': case '__special_mc_ab__': case '__special_sound_volume__': case '__special_bst_t__': delete mtarget[v7]; break; case '__special_text_b__': delete mtarget.__special_text_r__; delete mtarget.__special_text_g__; delete mtarget.__special_text_b__; } v4.splice(v9, 1); } ++v5; } } if (props == undefined) { delete mtarget.$_tweenCount; } else { mtarget.$_tweenCount = 0; for (v9 in v4) { if (v4[v9]._targ == mtarget) { ++mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } if (mtarget.$_tweenCount == 0) { delete mtarget.$_tweenCount; } } if (v4.length == 0) { _global.$removeTweenController(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, '$stopTween', 1, 0); _global.$setFilterProperty = function (mtarget, propName, propValue, extras) { var v1; var v7 = false; var v3 = []; v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { v3.push(mtarget.filters[v1]); ++v1; } if (propName.substr(0, 5) == 'blur_') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { if (v3[v1] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) { v3[v1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue; if (extras.__special_blur_quality__ != undefined) { v3[v1].quality = extras.__special_blur_quality__; } v7 = true; break; } ++v1; } if (!v7) { var v9; var v8 = (extras.__special_blur_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : extras.__special_blur_quality__; if (propName == 'blur_blurX') { v9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(propValue, 0, v8); } if (propName == 'blur_blurY') { v9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, propValue, v8); } v3.push(v9); } } else { if (propName.substr(0, 5) == 'glow_') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { if (v3[v1] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) { v3[v1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue; if (extras.__special_glow_quality__ != undefined) { v3[v1].quality = extras.__special_glow_quality__; } if (extras.__special_glow_inner__ != undefined) { v3[v1].inner = extras.__special_glow_inner__; } if (extras.__special_glow_knockout__ != undefined) { v3[v1].knockout = extras.__special_glow_knockout__; } v7 = true; break; } ++v1; } if (!v7) { var v8 = (extras.__special_glow_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : extras.__special_glow_quality__; var v12 = (extras.__special_glow_inner__ == undefined) ? false : extras.__special_glow_inner__; var v10 = (extras.__special_glow_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : extras.__special_glow_knockout__; if (propName == 'glow_color') { var v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_alpha') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, propValue, 0, 0, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_blurX') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, propValue, 0, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_blurY') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 1, v8, v12, v10); } if (propName == 'glow_strength') { v9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, propValue, v8, v12, v10); } v3.push(v9); } } else { if (propName.substr(0, 6) == 'bevel_') { v1 = 0; while (v1 < mtarget.filters.length) { if (v3[v1] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) { v3[v1][propName.substr(6)] = propValue; if (extras.__special_bevel_quality__ != undefined) { v3[v1].quality = extras.__special_bevel_quality__; } if (extras.__special_bevel_type__ != undefined) { v3[v1].inner = extras.__special_bevel_type__; } if (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ != undefined) { v3[v1].knockout = extras.__special_bevel_knockout__; } v7 = true; break; } ++v1; } if (!v7) { var v8 = (extras.__special_bevel_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : extras.__special_bevel_quality__; var v11 = (extras.__special_bevel_type__ == undefined) ? 'inner' : extras.__special_bevel_type__; var v10 = (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : extras.__special_bevel_knockout__; if (propName == 'bevel_distance') { var v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(propValue, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_angle') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, propValue, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_highlightColor') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, propValue, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_highlightAlpha') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, propValue, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_shadowColor') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_shadowAlpha') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 0, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_blurX') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, propValue, 0, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_blurY') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, propValue, 1, v8, v11, v10); } if (propName == 'bevel_strength') { v9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, propValue, v8, v11, v10); } v3.push(v9); } } else { return undefined; } } } mtarget.filters = v3; }; Sound.prototype.tween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; TextField.prototype.tween = Sound.prototype.tween; MovieClip.prototype.tween = Sound.prototype.tween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'tween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'tween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'tween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.roundedTween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; TextField.prototype.roundedTween = Sound.prototype.roundedTween; MovieClip.prototype.roundedTween = Sound.prototype.roundedTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'roundedTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.stopTween = function (props) { if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } if (props != undefined) { var v4 = 1; while (v4 < arguments.length) { props.push(arguments[v4]); ++v4; } } _global.$stopTween(this, props, true); }; TextField.prototype.stopTween = Sound.prototype.stopTween; MovieClip.prototype.stopTween = Sound.prototype.stopTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'stopTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'stopTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'stopTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.pauseTween = function (props) { if (props != undefined) { if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } var v6 = 1; while (v6 < Arguments.length) { props.push(Arguments[v6]); ++v6; } } var v4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v5; for (var v7 in v4) { if (v4[v7]._targ == this && !v4[v7]._isPaused) { if (props != undefined) { v5 = false; for (v6 in props) { if (props[v6] == v4[v7]._prop) { v5 = true; break; } } } if (props == undefined || v5) { v4[v7]._isPaused = true; v4[v7]._timePaused = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime; } } } }; TextField.prototype.pauseTween = Sound.prototype.pauseTween; MovieClip.prototype.pauseTween = Sound.prototype.pauseTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'pauseTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'pauseTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'pauseTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.resumeTween = function (props) { if (props != undefined) { if (typeof props == 'string') { props = [props]; } var v7 = 1; while (v7 < Arguments.length) { props.push(Arguments[v7]); ++v7; } } var v3 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList; var v5; var v6; for (var v8 in v3) { if (v3[v8]._targ == this && v3[v8]._isPaused) { if (props != undefined) { v5 = false; for (v7 in props) { if (props[v7] == v3[v8]._prop) { v5 = true; break; } } } if (props == undefined || v5) { v3[v8]._isPaused = false; v6 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime - v3[v8]._timePaused; v3[v8]._timeStart += v6; v3[v8]._timeDest += v6; v3[v8]._timePaused = 0; } } } }; TextField.prototype.resumeTween = Sound.prototype.resumeTween; MovieClip.prototype.resumeTween = Sound.prototype.resumeTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'resumeTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'resumeTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'resumeTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.lockTween = function () { this.$_isTweenLocked = true; ASSetPropFlags(this, 'this.$_isTweenLocked', 1, 0); }; TextField.prototype.lockTween = Sound.prototype.lockTween; MovieClip.prototype.lockTween = Sound.prototype.lockTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'lockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'lockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'lockTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.unlockTween = function () { delete this.$_isTweenLocked; }; TextField.prototype.unlockTween = Sound.prototype.unlockTween; MovieClip.prototype.unlockTween = Sound.prototype.unlockTween; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'unlockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'unlockTween', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'unlockTween', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.getTweens = function () { return this.$_tweenCount; }; TextField.prototype.getTweens = Sound.prototype.getTweens; MovieClip.prototype.getTweens = Sound.prototype.getTweens; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'getTweens', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'getTweens', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'getTweens', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.isTweening = function () { return this.$_tweenCount > 0 ? true : false; }; TextField.prototype.isTweening = Sound.prototype.isTweening; MovieClip.prototype.isTweening = Sound.prototype.isTweening; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'isTweening', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'isTweening', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'isTweening', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.alphaTo = function (propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_alpha', propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.alphaTo = TextField.prototype.alphaTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'alphaTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'alphaTo', 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.frameTo = function (propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_mc_frame__', propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'frameTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.resizeTo = function (propDest_width, propDest_height, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_width', '_height'], [propDest_width, propDest_height], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.resizeTo = TextField.prototype.resizeTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'resizeTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'resizeTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.rotateTo = function (propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_rotation', propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.rotateTo = TextField.prototype.rotateTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'rotateTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'rotateTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.scaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_xscale', '_yscale'], [propDest_scale, propDest_scale], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.scaleTo = TextField.prototype.scaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'scaleTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'scaleTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_xscale', propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.xScaleTo = TextField.prototype.xScaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xScaleTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xScaleTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_yscale', propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.yScaleTo = TextField.prototype.yScaleTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'yScaleTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'yScaleTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.scrollTo = function (propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, 'scroll', propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'scrollTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.slideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_x', '_y'], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.slideTo = TextField.prototype.slideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'slideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'slideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['_x', '_y'], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_x', propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.xSlideTo = TextField.prototype.xSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_x', propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedXSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedXSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.ySlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_y', propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; MovieClip.prototype.ySlideTo = TextField.prototype.ySlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'ySlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'ySlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '_y', propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'mustRound': true}); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedYSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedYSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { var v3 = new Object(); v3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x; v3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y; v3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x; v3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y; _global.$addTween(this, '__special_bst_t__', 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, v3); }; MovieClip.prototype.bezierSlideTo = TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'bezierSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'bezierSlideTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { var v3 = new Object(); v3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined; v3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x; v3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y; v3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x; v3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y; v3.mustRound = true; _global.$addTween(this, '__special_bst_t__', 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, v3); }; MovieClip.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'roundedBezierSlideTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'roundedBezierSlideTo', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.volumeTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_sound_volume__', propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'volumeTo', 1, 0); Sound.prototype.panTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_sound_pan__', propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, 'panTo', 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { if (propDest_color == null) { this.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } else { var v3 = propDest_color >> 16; var v5 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8; var v4 = propDest_color & 255; this.colorTransformTo(0, v3, 0, v5, 0, v4, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); } }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'colorTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { var v3 = propDest_color >> 16; var v6 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8; var v4 = propDest_color & 255; _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_text_r__', '__special_text_g__', '__special_text_b__'], [v3, v6, v4], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2); }; ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'colorTo', 1, 0); MovieClip.prototype.colorTransformTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_mc_ra__', '__special_mc_rb__', '__special_mc_ga__', '__special_mc_gb__', '__special_mc_ba__', '__special_mc_bb__', '__special_mc_aa__', '__special_mc_ab__'], [arguments[0].ra, arguments[0].rb, arguments[0].ga, arguments[0].gb, arguments[0].ba, arguments[0].bb, arguments[0].aa, arguments[0].ab], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_mc_ra__', '__special_mc_rb__', '__special_mc_ga__', '__special_mc_gb__', '__special_mc_ba__', '__special_mc_bb__', '__special_mc_aa__', '__special_mc_ab__'], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13]); } }; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'colorTransformTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.blurTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_blur_x__', '__special_blur_y__'], [arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {'__special_blur_quality__': arguments[0].quality}); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_blur_x__', '__special_blur_y__'], [arguments[0], arguments[0]], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], {'__special_blur_quality__': arguments[1]}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.blurTo = TextField.prototype.blurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'blurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'blurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xyBlurTo = function (propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_blur_x__', '__special_blur_y__'], [propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_blur_quality__': quality}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xyBlurTo = TextField.prototype.xyBlurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xyBlurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xyBlurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_blur_x__', propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_blur_quality__': quality}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xBlurTo = TextField.prototype.xBlurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xBlurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xBlurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, '__special_blur_y__', propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_blur_quality__': quality}); }; MovieClip.prototype.yBlurTo = TextField.prototype.yBlurTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'yBlurTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'yBlurTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.glowTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [arguments[0].color, arguments[0].alpha, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {'__special_glow_quality__': arguments[0].quality, '__special_glow_inner__': arguments[0].inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': arguments[0].knockout}); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[2], arguments[3]], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], {'__special_glow_quality__': arguments[4], '__special_glow_inner__': arguments[5], '__special_glow_knockout__': arguments[6]}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.glowTo = TextField.prototype.glowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'glowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'glowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xyGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_glow_quality__': quality, '__special_glow_inner__': inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xyGlowTo = TextField.prototype.xyGlowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xyGlowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xyGlowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurX__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_glow_quality__': quality, '__special_glow_inner__': inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xGlowTo = TextField.prototype.xGlowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xGlowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xGlowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.yGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_glow_color__', '__special_glow_alpha__', '__special_glow_blurY__', '__special_glow_strength__'], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_glow_quality__': quality, '__special_glow_inner__': inner, '__special_glow_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.yGlowTo = TextField.prototype.yGlowTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'yGlowTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'yGlowTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.bevelTo = function () { if (typeof arguments[0] == 'object' && arguments[0] != undefined) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_bevel_distance__', '__special_bevel_angle__', '__special_bevel_highlightColor__', '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__', '__special_bevel_shadowColor__', '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__', '__special_bevel_blurX__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_strength__'], [arguments[0].distance, arguments[0].angle, arguments[0].highlightColor, arguments[0].highlightAlpha * 100, arguments[0].shadowColor, arguments[0].shadowAlpha * 100, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {'__special_bevel_quality__': arguments[0].quality, '__special_bevel_type__': arguments[0].type, '__special_bevel_knockout__': arguments[0].knockout}); } else { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_bevel_distance__', '__special_bevel_angle__', '__special_bevel_highlightColor__', '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__', '__special_bevel_shadowColor__', '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__', '__special_bevel_blurX__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_strength__'], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13], arguments[14], arguments[15], arguments[16], {'__special_bevel_quality__': arguments[8], '__special_bevel_type__': arguments[9], '__special_bevel_knockout__': arguments[10]}); } }; MovieClip.prototype.bevelTo = TextField.prototype.bevelTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'bevelTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'bevelTo', 1, 0); TextField.prototype.xyBevelTo = function (propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, type, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) { _global.$addTween(this, ['__special_bevel_distance__', '__special_bevel_angle__', '__special_bevel_highlightColor__', '__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__', '__special_bevel_shadowColor__', '__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__', '__special_bevel_blurX__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_blurY__', '__special_bevel_strength__'], [propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blur, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {'__special_bevel_quality__': quality, '__special_bevel_type__': type, '__special_bevel_knockout__': knockout}); }; MovieClip.prototype.xyBevelTo = TextField.prototype.xyBevelTo; ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'xyBevelTo', 1, 0); ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, 'xyBevelTo', 1, 0); _global.findPointOnCurve = function (p1x, p1y, cx, cy, p2x, p2y, t) { return {'x': p1x + t * (2 * (1 - t) * (cx - p1x) + t * (p2x - p1x)), 'y': p1y + t * (2 * (1 - t) * (cy - p1y) + t * (p2y - p1y))}; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, 'findPointOnCurve', 1, 0); _global.findTweenColor = function (objProp, tTime) { var v8 = objProp._propStart >> 16; var v4 = objProp._propDest >> 16; var v5 = objProp._propStart >> 8 & 255; var v6 = objProp._propDest >> 8 & 255; var v9 = objProp._propStart & 255; var v7 = objProp._propDest & 255; var v12 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(v8, v4, objProp._timeStart, tTime - objProp._delay * 1000, objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); var v10 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(v5, v6, objProp._timeStart, tTime - objProp._delay * 1000, objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); var v3 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(v9, v7, objProp._timeStart, tTime - objProp._delay * 1000, objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2)); return (v12 << 16) + (v10 << 8) + v3; }; _global.findTweenValue = function (_propStart, _propDest, _timeStart, _timeNow, _timeDest, _animType, _extra1, _extra2) { var v1 = _timeNow - _timeStart; var v4 = _propStart; var v2 = _propDest - _propStart; var v3 = _timeDest - _timeStart; var v6 = _extra1; var v7 = _extra2; var v5 = _extra1; switch (_animType.toLowerCase()) { return 0; case 'linear': return v2 * v1 / v3 + v4; case 'easeinquad': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutquad': v1 /= v3; return -v2 * v1 * (v1 - 2) + v4; case 'easeinoutquad': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 + v4; } return (-v2 / 2) * (--v1 * (v1 - 2) - 1) + v4; case 'easeoutinquad': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutQuad') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInQuad') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeincubic': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutcubic': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * (v1 * v1 * v1 + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutcubic': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * v1 + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutincubic': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutCubic') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInCubic') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinquart': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutquart': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return -v2 * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 - 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutquart': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (-v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 - 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinquart': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutQuart') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInQuart') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinquint': v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; case 'easeoutquint': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutquint': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 * v1 + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinquint': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutQuint') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInQuint') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinsine': return -v2 * Math.cos((v1 / v3) * 1.570796326794897) + v2 + v4; case 'easeoutsine': return v2 * Math.sin((v1 / v3) * 1.570796326794897) + v4; case 'easeinoutsine': return (-v2 / 2) * (Math.cos(Math.PI * v1 / v3) - 1) + v4; case 'easeoutinsine': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutSine') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInSine') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinexpo': return (v1 == 0) ? v4 : v2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (v1 / v3 - 1)) + v4; case 'easeoutexpo': return (v1 == v3) ? v4 + v2 : v2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * v1 / v3) + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutexpo': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } if (v1 == v3) { return v4 + v2; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (v1 - 1)) + v4; } return (v2 / 2) * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --v1) + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinexpo': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } if (v1 == v3) { return v4 + v2; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (v2 / 2) * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * v1 / 1) + 1) + v4; } return (v2 / 2) * (Math.pow(2, 10 * (v1 - 2) / 1) + 1) + v4; case 'easeincirc': v1 /= v3; return -v2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) - 1) + v4; case 'easeoutcirc': v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) + v4; case 'easeinoutcirc': v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { return (-v2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) - 1) + v4; } v1 -= 2; return (v2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - v1 * v1) + 1) + v4; case 'easeoutincirc': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutCirc') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInCirc') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinelastic': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } v1 /= v3; if (v1 == 1) { return v4 + v2; } if (!v7) { v7 = v3 * 0.3; } if (!v6 || v6 < Math.abs(v2)) { v6 = v2; v5 = v7 / 4; } else { v5 = (v7 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(v2 / v6); } v1 -= 1; return -(v6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7)) + v4; case 'easeoutelastic': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } v1 /= v3; if (v1 == 1) { return v4 + v2; } if (!v7) { v7 = v3 * 0.3; } if (!v6 || v6 < Math.abs(v2)) { v6 = v2; v5 = v7 / 4; } else { v5 = (v7 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(v2 / v6); } return v6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7) + v2 + v4; case 'easeinoutelastic': if (v1 == 0) { return v4; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 == 2) { return v4 + v2; } if (!v7) { v7 = v3 * 0.45; } if (!v6 || v6 < Math.abs(v2)) { v6 = v2; v5 = v7 / 4; } else { v5 = (v7 / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(v2 / v6); } if (v1 < 1) { v1 -= 1; return -0.5 * (v6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7)) + v4; } v1 -= 1; return v6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * v1) * Math.sin((v1 * v3 - v5) * 6.283185307179586 / v7) * 0.5 + v2 + v4; case 'easeoutinelastic': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutElastic') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInElastic') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinback': if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 1.70158; } v1 /= v3; return v2 * v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 - v5) + v4; case 'easeoutback': if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 1.70158; } v1 = v1 / v3 - 1; return v2 * (v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 + v5) + 1) + v4; case 'easeinoutback': if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = 1.70158; } v1 /= v3 / 2; if (v1 < 1) { v5 *= 1.525; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 - v5)) + v4; } v1 -= 2; v5 *= 1.525; return (v2 / 2) * (v1 * v1 * ((v5 + 1) * v1 + v5) + 2) + v4; case 'easeoutinback': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutBack') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInBack') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeinbounce': return v2 - findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v3 - v1, v3, 'easeOutBounce') + v4; case 'easeoutbounce': v1 /= v3; if (v1 < 0.3636363636363637) { return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1) + v4; } else { if (v1 < 0.7272727272727273) { v1 -= 0.5454545454545454; return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1 + 0.75) + v4; } else { if (v1 < 0.9090909090909091) { v1 -= 0.8181818181818182; return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1 + 0.9375) + v4; } else { v1 -= 0.9545454545454546; return v2 * (7.5625 * v1 * v1 + 0.984375) + v4; } } } case 'easeinoutbounce': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeInBounce') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeOutBounce') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; case 'easeoutinbounce': if (v1 < v3 / 2) { return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2, v3, 'easeOutBounce') * 0.5 + v4; } return findTweenValue(0, v2, 0, v1 * 2 - v3, v3, 'easeInBounce') * 0.5 + v2 * 0.5 + v4; } return 0; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global, 'findTweenValue', 1, 0); var goodURL = false; var armorGamesVersion = false; var urlCheckerOn = false; urlChecker(); preLoaderCombo.versionNumber.text = versionNumber; if (savedAndQuit) { _root.removeAd(); intoMenu = true; _root.gotoAndStop('main'); } } frame 2 { } movieClip 75 { } movieClip 76 { } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 80 { } // unknown tag 88 length 84 movieClip 83 { } movieClip 86 { } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 90 { } movieClip 93 versionLabel { } movieClip 95 blackOut { } movieClip 96 { frame 19 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 67 movieClip 100 { } movieClip 101 { instance of movieClip 100 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () { getURL('', ''); }; } } } movieClip 7290 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.toObject = function () { var v2 = new Object(); v2.success = this.isOk; v2.error = this.status; = this.value; return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7291 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.armorgames.common.AGUser = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.fromObject = function (obj) { this.user_id = obj.user_id; this.username = obj.username; this.avatar_url = obj.avatar_url; this.profile_url = obj.profile_url; this.countryCode = obj.countryCode; this.countryName = obj.countryName; }; v2.toObject = function () { var v2 = new Object(); v2.username = this.username; v2.avatar_url = this.avatar_url; v2.profile_url = this.profile_url; v2.countryCode = this.countryCode; v2.countryName = this.countryName; return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.armorgames.common.AGUser.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7292 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (b64pad, chrsz) { if (b64pad != undefined) { this.b64pad = b64pad; } if (chrsz != undefined && chrsz == 8 || chrsz == 16) { this.chrsz = chrsz; } }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.hash = function (s) { return this.hex_md5(s); }; v2.hex_md5 = function (s) { return this.binl2hex(this.core_md5(this.str2binl(s), s.length * this.chrsz)); }; v2.b64_md5 = function (s) { return this.binl2b64(this.core_md5(this.str2binl(s), s.length * this.chrsz)); }; v2.str_md5 = function (s) { return this.binl2str(this.core_md5(this.str2binl(s), s.length * this.chrsz)); }; v2.hex_hmac_md5 = function (key, data) { return this.binl2hex(this.core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }; v2.b64_hmac_md5 = function (key, data) { return this.binl2b64(this.core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }; v2.str_hmac_md5 = function (key, data) { return this.binl2str(this.core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }; v2.md5_cmn = function (q, a, b, x, s, t) { return this.safe_add(this.bit_rol(this.safe_add(this.safe_add(a, q), this.safe_add(x, t)), s), b); }; v2.md5_ff = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return this.md5_cmn(b & c | ~b & d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v2.md5_gg = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return this.md5_cmn(b & d | c & ~d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v2.md5_hh = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return this.md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v2.md5_ii = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return this.md5_cmn(c ^ (b | ~d), a, b, x, s, t); }; v2.core_md5 = function (x, len) { x[len >> 5] |= 128 << len % 32; x[(len + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = len; var v5 = 1732584193; var v4 = -271733879; var v3 = -1732584194; var v2 = 271733878; var v6 = 0; while (v6 < x.length) { var v11 = v5; var v10 = v4; var v9 = v3; var v8 = v2; v5 = this.md5_ff(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 0], 7, -680876936); v2 = this.md5_ff(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 1], 12, -389564586); v3 = this.md5_ff(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 2], 17, 606105819); v4 = this.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 3], 22, -1044525330); v5 = this.md5_ff(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 4], 7, -176418897); v2 = this.md5_ff(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 5], 12, 1200080426); v3 = this.md5_ff(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 6], 17, -1473231341); v4 = this.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 7], 22, -45705983); v5 = this.md5_ff(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 8], 7, 1770035416); v2 = this.md5_ff(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 9], 12, -1958414417); v3 = this.md5_ff(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 10], 17, -42063); v4 = this.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 11], 22, -1990404162); v5 = this.md5_ff(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 12], 7, 1804603682); v2 = this.md5_ff(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 13], 12, -40341101); v3 = this.md5_ff(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 14], 17, -1502002290); v4 = this.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 15], 22, 1236535329); v5 = this.md5_gg(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 1], 5, -165796510); v2 = this.md5_gg(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 6], 9, -1069501632); v3 = this.md5_gg(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 11], 14, 643717713); v4 = this.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 0], 20, -373897302); v5 = this.md5_gg(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 5], 5, -701558691); v2 = this.md5_gg(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 10], 9, 38016083); v3 = this.md5_gg(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 15], 14, -660478335); v4 = this.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 4], 20, -405537848); v5 = this.md5_gg(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 9], 5, 568446438); v2 = this.md5_gg(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 14], 9, -1019803690); v3 = this.md5_gg(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 3], 14, -187363961); v4 = this.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 8], 20, 1163531501); v5 = this.md5_gg(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 13], 5, -1444681467); v2 = this.md5_gg(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 2], 9, -51403784); v3 = this.md5_gg(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 7], 14, 1735328473); v4 = this.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 12], 20, -1926607734); v5 = this.md5_hh(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 5], 4, -378558); v2 = this.md5_hh(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 8], 11, -2022574463); v3 = this.md5_hh(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 11], 16, 1839030562); v4 = this.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 14], 23, -35309556); v5 = this.md5_hh(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 1], 4, -1530992060); v2 = this.md5_hh(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 4], 11, 1272893353); v3 = this.md5_hh(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 7], 16, -155497632); v4 = this.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 10], 23, -1094730640); v5 = this.md5_hh(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 13], 4, 681279174); v2 = this.md5_hh(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 0], 11, -358537222); v3 = this.md5_hh(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 3], 16, -722521979); v4 = this.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 6], 23, 76029189); v5 = this.md5_hh(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 9], 4, -640364487); v2 = this.md5_hh(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 12], 11, -421815835); v3 = this.md5_hh(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 15], 16, 530742520); v4 = this.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 2], 23, -995338651); v5 = this.md5_ii(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 0], 6, -198630844); v2 = this.md5_ii(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 7], 10, 1126891415); v3 = this.md5_ii(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 14], 15, -1416354905); v4 = this.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 5], 21, -57434055); v5 = this.md5_ii(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 12], 6, 1700485571); v2 = this.md5_ii(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 3], 10, -1894986606); v3 = this.md5_ii(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 10], 15, -1051523); v4 = this.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 1], 21, -2054922799); v5 = this.md5_ii(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 8], 6, 1873313359); v2 = this.md5_ii(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 15], 10, -30611744); v3 = this.md5_ii(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 6], 15, -1560198380); v4 = this.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 13], 21, 1309151649); v5 = this.md5_ii(v5, v4, v3, v2, x[v6 + 4], 6, -145523070); v2 = this.md5_ii(v2, v5, v4, v3, x[v6 + 11], 10, -1120210379); v3 = this.md5_ii(v3, v2, v5, v4, x[v6 + 2], 15, 718787259); v4 = this.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v5, x[v6 + 9], 21, -343485551); v5 = this.safe_add(v5, v11); v4 = this.safe_add(v4, v10); v3 = this.safe_add(v3, v9); v2 = this.safe_add(v2, v8); v6 += 16; } return Array(v5, v4, v3, v2); }; v2.core_hmac_md5 = function (key, data) { var v3 = this.str2binl(key); if (v3.length > 16) { v3 = this.core_md5(v3, key.length * this.chrsz); } var v4 = new Array(16); var v5 = new Array(16); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 16) { v4[v2] = v3[v2] ^ 909522486; v5[v2] = v3[v2] ^ 1549556828; ++v2; } var v6 = this.core_md5(v4.concat(this.str2binl(data)), 512 + data.length * this.chrsz); return this.core_md5(v5.concat(v6), 640); }; v2.safe_add = function (x, y) { var v1 = new Number((x & 65535) + (y & 65535)); var v2 = new Number((x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (v1 >> 16)); return v2 << 16 | v1 & 65535; }; v2.bit_rol = function (num, cnt) { return num << cnt | num >>> 32 - cnt; }; v2.str2binl = function (str) { var v4 = new Array(); var v5 = (1 << this.chrsz) - 1; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < str.length * this.chrsz) { v4[v2 >> 5] |= (str.charCodeAt(v2 / this.chrsz) & v5) << v2 % 32; v2 += this.chrsz; } return v4; }; v2.binl2str = function (bin) { var v4 = new String(''); var v5 = (1 << this.chrsz) - 1; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < bin.length * 32) { v4 += String.fromCharCode(bin[v2 >> 5] >>> v2 % 32 & v5); v2 += this.chrsz; } return v4; }; v2.binl2hex = function (binarray) { var v3 = '0123456789abcdef'; var v4 = new String(''); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < binarray.length * 4) { v4 += v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 + 4 & 15) + v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 & 15); ++v1; } return v4; }; v2.binl2b64 = function (binarray) { var v7 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; var v5 = new String(''); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < binarray.length * 4) { var v6 = (binarray[v3 >> 2] >> 8 * (v3 % 4) & 255) << 16 | (binarray[v3 + 1 >> 2] >> 8 * ((v3 + 1) % 4) & 255) << 8 | binarray[v3 + 2 >> 2] >> 8 * ((v3 + 2) % 4) & 255; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 4) { if (v3 * 8 + v2 * 6 > binarray.length * 32) { v5 += this.b64pad; } else { v5 += v7.charAt(v6 >> 6 * (3 - v2) & 63); } ++v2; } v3 += 3; } return v5; }; v2.b64pad = new String(''); v2.chrsz = new Number(8); ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7293 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.armorgames.common.JSON = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.stringify = function (arg) { var v3; var v2; var v6; var v1 = ''; var v4; switch (typeof arg) { return 'null'; case 'object': if (arg) { if (arg instanceof Array) { v2 = 0; while (v2 < arg.length) { v4 = com.armorgames.common.JSON.stringify(arg[v2]); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += v4; ++v2; } return '[' + v1 + ']'; } else { if (typeof arg.toString != 'undefined') { for (v2 in arg) { v4 = arg[v2]; if (typeof v4 != 'undefined' && typeof v4 != 'function') { v4 = com.armorgames.common.JSON.stringify(v4); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += com.armorgames.common.JSON.stringify(v2) + ':' + v4; } } return '{' + v1 + '}'; } } } return 'null'; case 'number': return isFinite(arg) ? String(arg) : 'null'; case 'string': v6 = arg.length; v1 = '"'; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v6) { v3 = arg.charAt(v2); if (v3 >= ' ') { if (v3 == '\\' || v3 == '"') { v1 += '\\'; } v1 += v3; } else { switch (v3) { case '\b': v1 += '\\b'; break; case '\f': v1 += '\\f'; break; case '\n': v1 += '\\n'; break; case '\r': v1 += '\\r'; break; case '\t': v1 += '\\t'; break; default: v3 = v3.charCodeAt(); v1 += '\\u00' + (Math.floor(v3 / 16)).toString(16) + (v3 % 16).toString(16); } } v2 += 1; } return v1 + '"'; case 'boolean': return String(arg); } return 'null'; }; v1.parse = function (text) { var at = 0; var ch = ' '; var _value; var _error = function (m) { throw {'name': 'JSONError', 'message': m, 'at': at - 1, 'text': text}; }; var _next = function () { ch = text.charAt(at); at += 1; return ch; }; var _white = function () { while (ch) { if (ch <= ' ') { _next(); } else { if (ch == '/') { switch (_next()) { case '/': for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')) break; } break; case '*': _next(); for (;;) { if (ch) { if (ch == '*') { if (_next() == '/') { _next(); break; } } else { _next(); } continue; } _error('Unterminated comment'); } break; default: _error('Syntax error'); } } else { break; } } } }; var _string = function () { var v4; var v1 = ''; var v3; var v2; var v5 = false; if (ch == '"') { while (_next()) { if (ch == '"') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch == '\\') { switch (_next()) { case 'b': v1 += '\b'; break; case 'f': v1 += '\f'; break; case 'n': v1 += '\n'; break; case 'r': v1 += '\r'; break; case 't': v1 += '\t'; break; case 'u': v2 = 0; v4 = 0; while (v4 < 4) { v3 = parseInt(_next(), 16); if (!isFinite(v3)) { v5 = true; break; } v2 = v2 * 16 + v3; v4 += 1; } if (v5) { v5 = false; } else { v1 += String.fromCharCode(v2); break; default: v1 += ch; } } } else { v1 += ch; } } } } _error('Bad string'); }; var _array = function () { var v1 = []; if (ch == '[') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v1.push(_value()); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad array'); }; var _object = function () { var v2; var v1 = {}; if (ch == '{') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v2 = _string(); _white(); if (ch != ':') { break; } _next(); v1[v2] = _value(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad object'); }; var _number = function () { var v1 = ''; var v2; if (ch == '-') { v1 = '-'; _next(); } for (;;) { if (!(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; _next(); } if (ch == '.') { v1 += '.'; for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; } } v2 = 1 * v1; if (!isFinite(v2)) { _error('Bad number'); } else { return v2; } }; var _word = function () { switch (ch) { case 't': if (_next() == 'r' && _next() == 'u' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return true; } break; case 'f': if (_next() == 'a' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 's' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return false; } break; case 'n': if (_next() == 'u' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 'l') { _next(); return null; } } _error('Syntax error'); }; _value = function () { _white(); switch (ch) { case '{': return _object(); case '[': return _array(); case '"': return _string(); case '-': return _number(); } return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ? _number() : _word(); }; return _value(); }; ASSetPropFlags(com.armorgames.common.JSON.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7294 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.init = function (apiName, isOn, filters) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.ON = isOn; com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil._apiName = apiName; if (!filters) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil._filters = ['OUT', 'ERROR', 'WARN', 'INFO', 'FATAL', 'DEBUG']; } else { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil._filters = filters; } }; v1.out = function (val) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.output('OUT', val); }; v1.error = function (val) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.output('ERROR', val); }; v1.warn = function (val) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.output('WARNING', val); }; = function (val) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.output('INFO', val); }; v1.fatal = function (val) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.output('FATAL', val); }; v1.debug = function (val) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.output('DEBUG', val); }; v1.custom = function (label, val) { com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.output(label, val); }; v1.output = function (label, val) { if (label == 'OUT') { label = ''; } var v2 = '[ ' + com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil._apiName + ' ] -> ' + label + ': '; v2 += val; _root.dText(v2); if (flash.external.ExternalInterface.available) {'console.log', v2); } }; v1._apiName = ''; v1.ON = true; v1._filters = new Array(); ASSetPropFlags(com.armorgames.debug.DebugUtil.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7295 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.toObject = function () { var v2 = new Object(); v2.success = this.isOk; v2.error = this.status; if (this.value) { v2.user_id = this.value.uid; v2.username = this.value.username; v2.avatar_url = this.value.avatar_url; v2.profile_url = this.value.profile_url; v2.countryCode = this.value.country_code; v2.countryName = this.value.country_name; return v2; } v2.success = false; return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7296 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.toObject = function () { var v2 = new Object(); v2.success = this.isOk; v2.error = this.status; if (this.value) { v2.score = this.value.score; v2.playerName = this.value.playerName; v2.countryCode = this.value.countryCode; v2.countryName = this.value.countryName; v2.avatar_url = this.value.avatar_url; v2.profile_url = this.value.profile_url; v2.time = this.value.time; v2.relativeTime = this.value.relativeTime; v2.scoreType = this.value.scoreType; } return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7297 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.toContainsProfanityObject = function () { var v2 = new Object(); v2.success = this.isOk; v2.error = this.status; v2.contains = Boolean(this.value); return v2; }; v2.toFilterProfanityObject = function () { var v2 = new Object(); v2.success = this.isOk; v2.error = this.status; if (this.value) { v2.str = String(this.value); } return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7298 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.toObject = function () { var v2 = new Object(); v2.success = this.isOk; v2.error = this.status; if (this.value) { v2.timeFrame = this.value.interval; v2.scoreType = this.value.scoreType; v2.sortDesc = this.value.sortDesc; v2.currentTime = this.value.currentTime; =; v2.average = this.value.average; v2.topScore = this.value.topScore; =; v2.rank = new Object(); if (this.value.rank) { if (this.value.rank.daily) { v2.rank.daily = new Object(); v2.rank.daily.rank = this.value.rank.daily.rank; = this.value.rank.daily.count; } if (this.value.rank.weekly) { v2.rank.weekly = new Object(); v2.rank.weekly.rank = this.value.rank.weekly.rank; = this.value.rank.weekly.count; } if (this.value.rank.alltime) { v2.rank.alltime = new Object(); v2.rank.alltime.rank = this.value.rank.alltime.rank; = this.value.rank.alltime.count; } } v2.list = new Array(); var v4; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.value.items.length) { v4 = this.value.items[v3]; v2.list.push(v4.toObject()); ++v3; } } return v2; }; v2.toScoreTypeObject = function () { var v3 = new Object(); v3.success = this.isOk; v3.error = this.status; if (this.value) { v3.list = new Array(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this.value.length) { if (v3.list.indexOf(this.value[v2]) == -1) { v3.list.push(this.value[v2]); } ++v2; } } return v3; }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7299 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.key = new Array([12, 3, 11], [59, 83, 71], [23, 29, 31]); this.inkey = new Array([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]); var v3 = this.key[0][0] * (this.key[1][1] * this.key[2][2] - this.key[2][1] * this.key[1][2]) - this.key[0][1] * (this.key[1][0] * this.key[2][2] - this.key[2][0] * this.key[1][2]) + this.key[0][2] * (this.key[1][0] * this.key[2][1] - this.key[2][0] * this.key[1][1]); if (Math.abs(v3) > 0.0001) { var v2 = 1 / v3; this.inkey[0][0] = v2 * (this.key[1][1] * this.key[2][2] - this.key[2][1] * this.key[1][2]); this.inkey[0][1] = -v2 * (this.key[0][1] * this.key[2][2] - this.key[2][1] * this.key[0][2]); this.inkey[0][2] = v2 * (this.key[0][1] * this.key[1][2] - this.key[1][1] * this.key[0][2]); this.inkey[1][0] = -v2 * (this.key[1][0] * this.key[2][2] - this.key[2][0] * this.key[1][2]); this.inkey[1][1] = v2 * (this.key[0][0] * this.key[2][2] - this.key[2][0] * this.key[0][2]); this.inkey[1][2] = -v2 * (this.key[0][0] * this.key[1][2] - this.key[1][0] * this.key[0][2]); this.inkey[2][0] = v2 * (this.key[1][0] * this.key[2][1] - this.key[2][0] * this.key[1][1]); this.inkey[2][1] = -v2 * (this.key[0][0] * this.key[2][1] - this.key[2][0] * this.key[0][1]); this.inkey[2][2] = v2 * (this.key[0][0] * this.key[1][1] - this.key[1][0] * this.key[0][1]); } }; com.armorgames.common.MatrixCryptor = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.encrypt = function (str) { while (str.length % 3 != 0) { str += this.pad; } var v5 = new Array(); var v4 = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < str.length) { v5[v4] = new Array(); v5[v4][0] = str.charCodeAt(v2); v5[v4][1] = str.charCodeAt(v2 + 1); v5[v4][2] = str.charCodeAt(v2 + 2); ++v4; v2 += 3; } var v6 = this.get3x3Mul3x1(this.key, v5); return v6; }; v2.decrypt = function (str) { var v6 = str.split(this.pad); var v5 = new Array(); var v3 = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 <= v6.length) { v5[v3] = new Array(); v5[v3][0] = v6[v2]; v5[v3][1] = v6[v2 + 1]; v5[v3][2] = v6[v2 + 2]; ++v3; v2 += 3; } var v10 = this.get3x3Mul3x1(this.inkey, v5); var v8 = v10.split(this.pad); var v9 = ''; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < v8.length) { var v7 = String.fromCharCode(v8[v4]); if (v7 != this.pad) { v9 += v7; } ++v4; } return v9; }; v2.get3x3Mul3x1 = function (mA, mB) { var v5 = ''; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < mB.length) { v5 += Math.round(mA[0][0] * mB[v2][0] + mA[0][1] * mB[v2][1] + mA[0][2] * mB[v2][2]) + this.pad; v5 += Math.round(mA[1][0] * mB[v2][0] + mA[1][1] * mB[v2][1] + mA[1][2] * mB[v2][2]) + this.pad; v5 += Math.round(mA[2][0] * mB[v2][0] + mA[2][1] * mB[v2][1] + mA[2][2] * mB[v2][2]) + this.pad; ++v2; } return v5; }; v2.pad = '\n'; ASSetPropFlags(com.armorgames.common.MatrixCryptor.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7300 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.toObject = function () { var v2 = new Object(); v2.success = this.isOk; v2.error = this.status; if (this.value) { v2.playerName =; v2.score = this.value.score; v2.scoreType = this.value.scoreType; v2.sortDesc = this.value.sortDesc; v2.beatTopScore = this.value.isNewHighscore; v2.prevTopScore = this.value.previous_score; v2.prevTopScoreDate = this.value.previous_score_date; v2.avatar_url = this.value.avatar_url; v2.rank = new Object(); if (this.value.rank) { if (this.value.rank.daily) { v2.rank.daily = new Object(); v2.rank.daily.rank = this.value.rank.daily.rank; = this.value.rank.daily.count; } if (this.value.rank.weekly) { v2.rank.weekly = new Object(); v2.rank.weekly.rank = this.value.rank.weekly.rank; = this.value.rank.weekly.count; } if (this.value.rank.alltime) { v2.rank.alltime = new Object(); v2.rank.alltime.rank = this.value.rank.alltime.rank; = this.value.rank.alltime.count; } if (this.value.rank.friends) { v2.rank.friends = new Object(); v2.rank.friends.rank = this.value.rank.friends.rank; = this.value.rank.friends.count; } } } return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7301 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.toObject = function () { var v2 = new Object(); v2.token = this.token; v2.gameName = this.gameName; v2.gameUrl = this.gameUrl; v2.gameUrlShort = this.gameUrlShort; return v2; }; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7302 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (message, code, data) { this.code = code; this.message = message; = data; }; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.getCode = function () { return this.code; }; v2.getMessage = function () { return this.message; }; v2.getData = function () { return; }; v2.toString = function () { return '#' + this.code + ': ' + this.message; }; v1.AUTH_ERROR = 100; v1.AUTH_FAILED = 101; v1.CALL_ERROR = 102; v1.CALL_FAILED = 103; v1.NOT_AUTHENTICATED = 104; v1.STATUS_ERROR = 105; v1.NETWORK_STATUS_ERROR = 106; v1.SECURITY_ERROR = 107; v1.ASYNC_ERROR = 108; v1.IO_ERROR = 109; v1.CLIENT_CONNECT_ERROR = 110; v1.CLIENT_TIMEOUT_ERROR = 111; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 21 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.constructObject(); }; mx.core.UIObject = v1; var v2 = new MovieClip(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this._width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this._height; }; v2.__get__left = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__get__x = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__get__top = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__get__y = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__get__right = function () { return this._parent.width - (this._x + this.__get__width()); }; v2.__get__bottom = function () { return this._parent.height - (this._y + this.__get__height()); }; v2.getMinHeight = function (Void) { return this._minHeight; }; v2.setMinHeight = function (h) { this._minHeight = h; }; v2.__get__minHeight = function () { return this.getMinHeight(); }; v2.__set__minHeight = function (h) { this.setMinHeight(h); return this.__get__minHeight(); }; v2.getMinWidth = function (Void) { return this._minWidth; }; v2.setMinWidth = function (w) { this._minWidth = w; }; v2.__get__minWidth = function () { return this.getMinWidth(); }; v2.__set__minWidth = function (w) { this.setMinWidth(w); return this.__get__minWidth(); }; v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) { if (x != this._visible) { this._visible = x; if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': x ? 'reveal' : 'hide'}); } } }; v2.__get__visible = function () { return this._visible; }; v2.__set__visible = function (x) { this.setVisible(x, false); return this.__get__visible(); }; v2.__get__scaleX = function () { return this._xscale; }; v2.__set__scaleX = function (x) { this._xscale = x; return this.__get__scaleX(); }; v2.__get__scaleY = function () { return this._yscale; }; v2.__set__scaleY = function (y) { this._yscale = y; return this.__get__scaleY(); }; v2.doLater = function (obj, fn) { if (this.methodTable == undefined) { this.methodTable = new Array(); } this.methodTable.push({'obj': obj, 'fn': fn}); this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher; }; v2.doLaterDispatcher = function (Void) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.redraw(); } var v3 = this.methodTable; this.methodTable = new Array(); if (v3.length > 0) { var v2; v2 = v3.shift(); while (v2 != undefined) { v2.obj[v2.fn](); } } }; v2.cancelAllDoLaters = function (Void) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.methodTable = new Array(); }; v2.invalidate = function (Void) { this.invalidateFlag = true; this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher; }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) { this.invalidate(); }; v2.redraw = function (bAlways) { if (this.invalidateFlag || bAlways) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var v2; for (v2 in this.tfList) { this.tfList[v2].draw(); } this.draw(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'draw'}); } }; v2.draw = function (Void) {}; v2.move = function (x, y, noEvent) { var v3 = this._x; var v2 = this._y; this._x = x; this._y = y; if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'move', 'oldX': v3, 'oldY': v2}); } }; v2.setSize = function (w, h, noEvent) { var v2 = this.__width; var v3 = this.__height; this.__width = w; this.__height = h; this.size(); if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'oldWidth': v2, 'oldHeight': v3}); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this._width = this.__width; this._height = this.__height; }; v2.drawRect = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { this.moveTo(x1, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y2); this.lineTo(x1, y2); this.lineTo(x1, y1); }; v2.createLabel = function (name, depth, text) { this.createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); var v2 = this[name]; v2._color = mx.core.UIObject.textColorList; v2._visible = false; v2.__text = text; if (this.tfList == undefined) { this.tfList = new Object(); } this.tfList[name] = v2; v2.invalidateStyle(); this.invalidate(); v2.styleName = this; return v2; }; v2.createObject = function (linkageName, id, depth, initobj) { return this.attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj); }; v2.createClassObject = function (className, id, depth, initobj) { var v3 = className.symbolName == undefined; if (v3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className); } var v4 = this.createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj); if (v3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner); } return v4; }; v2.createEmptyObject = function (id, depth) { return this.createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth); }; v2.destroyObject = function (id) { var v2 = this[id]; if (v2.getDepth() < 0) { var v4 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v5 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(0, v4, 'up'); var v3 = v5; v2.swapDepths(v3); } v2.removeMovieClip(); delete this[id]; }; v2.getSkinIDName = function (tag) { return this.idNames[tag]; }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initObj) { if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) { mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement); } return this.createObject(linkageName, this.getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj); }; v2.createSkin = function (tag) { var v2 = this.getSkinIDName(tag); this.createEmptyObject(v2, tag); return this[v2]; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) {}; v2._createChildren = function (Void) { this.createChildren(); this.childrenCreated = true; }; v2.constructObject = function (Void) { if (this._name == undefined) { return undefined; } this.init(); this._createChildren(); this.createAccessibilityImplementation(); this._endInit(); if (this.validateNow) { this.redraw(true); } else { this.invalidate(); } }; v2.initFromClipParameters = function (Void) { var v4 = false; var v2; for (v2 in this.clipParameters) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(v2)) { v4 = true; this['def_' + v2] = this[v2]; delete this[v2]; } } if (v4) { for (v2 in this.clipParameters) { var v3 = this['def_' + v2]; if (v3 != undefined) { this[v2] = v3; } } } }; v2.init = function (Void) { this.__width = this._width; this.__height = this._height; if (this.initProperties == undefined) { this.initFromClipParameters(); } else { this.initProperties(); } if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) { this.stylecache = new Object(); } }; v2.getClassStyleDeclaration = function (Void) { var v4 = this; var v3 = this.className; while (v3 != undefined) { if (this.ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[v3] == undefined) { if (_global.styles[v3] != undefined) { return _global.styles[v3]; } } v4 = v4.__proto__; v3 = v4.className; } }; v2.setColor = function (color) {}; v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) { var v8 =; if (v8 != undefined) { var v3; for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) { if (tf[v3] == undefined) { tf[v3] = v8[v3]; } } } return false; } var v6 = false; for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) { if (tf[v3] == undefined) { var v5 = this._tf[v3]; if (v5 != undefined) { tf[v3] = v5; } else { if (v3 == 'font' && this.fontFamily != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontFamily; } else { if (v3 == 'size' && this.fontSize != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontSize; } else { if (v3 == 'color' && this.color != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.color; } else { if (v3 == 'leftMargin' && this.marginLeft != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.marginLeft; } else { if (v3 == 'rightMargin' && this.marginRight != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.marginRight; } else { if (v3 == 'italic' && this.fontStyle != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontStyle == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'bold' && this.fontWeight != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontWeight == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'align' && this.textAlign != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textAlign; } else { if (v3 == 'indent' && this.textIndent != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textIndent; } else { if (v3 == 'underline' && this.textDecoration != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textDecoration == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'embedFonts' && this.embedFonts != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.embedFonts; } else { v6 = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (v6) { var v9 = this.styleName; if (v9 != undefined) { if (typeof v9 != 'string') { v6 = v9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } else { if (_global.styles[v9] != undefined) { v6 = _global.styles[v9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } } } if (v6) { var v10 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (v10 != undefined) { v6 = v10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } if (v6) { if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (this._parent != undefined) { v6 = this._parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false); } } } if (v6) { v6 =, true, this); } return v6; }; v2._getTextFormat = function (Void) { var v2 =; if (v2 != undefined) { return v2; } v2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(v2, true); = v2; if (this.enabled == false) { var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor'); v2.color = v3; } return v2; }; v2.getStyleName = function (Void) { var v2 = this.styleName; if (v2 != undefined) { if (typeof v2 != 'string') { return v2.getStyleName(); } else { return v2; } } if (this._parent != undefined) { return this._parent.getStyleName(); } else { return undefined; } }; v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) { var v3; ++_global.getStyleCounter; if (this[styleProp] != undefined) { return this[styleProp]; } var v6 = this.styleName; if (v6 != undefined) { if (typeof v6 != 'string') { v3 = v6.getStyle(styleProp); } else { var v7 = _global.styles[v6]; v3 = v7.getStyle(styleProp); } } if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } v7 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (v7 != undefined) { v3 = v7[styleProp]; } if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { var v5 = this.stylecache; if (v5 != undefined) { if (v5[styleProp] != undefined) { return v5[styleProp]; } } if (this._parent != undefined) { v3 = this._parent.getStyle(styleProp); } else { v3 =[styleProp]; } if (v5 != undefined) { v5[styleProp] = v3; } return v3; } } if (v3 == undefined) { v3 =[styleProp]; } return v3; }; v1.mergeClipParameters = function (o, p) { for (var v3 in p) { o[v3] = p[v3]; } return true; }; v1.symbolName = 'UIObject'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject; v1.version = ''; v1.textColorList = {'color': 1, 'disabledColor': 1}; v2.invalidateFlag = false; v2.lineWidth = 1; v2.lineColor = 0; v2.tabEnabled = false; v2.clipParameters = {'visible': 1, 'minHeight': 1, 'minWidth': 1, 'maxHeight': 1, 'maxWidth': 1, 'preferredHeight': 1, 'preferredWidth': 1}; v2.addProperty('bottom', v2.__get__bottom, function () {}); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('left', v2.__get__left, function () {}); v2.addProperty('minHeight', v2.__get__minHeight, v2.__set__minHeight); v2.addProperty('minWidth', v2.__get__minWidth, v2.__set__minWidth); v2.addProperty('right', v2.__get__right, function () {}); v2.addProperty('scaleX', v2.__get__scaleX, v2.__set__scaleX); v2.addProperty('scaleY', v2.__get__scaleY, v2.__set__scaleY); v2.addProperty('top', v2.__get__top, function () {}); v2.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); v2.addProperty('x', v2.__get__x, function () {}); v2.addProperty('y', v2.__get__y, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIObject.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 22 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.core.UIComponent = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIObject(); mx.core.UIComponent.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this.__width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this.__height; }; v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); }; v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) { this.setEnabled(newValue); this.invalidate(); delete; return newValue; }; v2.setEnabled = function (enabled) { this.invalidate(); }; v2.getFocus = function () { var selFocus = Selection.getFocus(); return (selFocus === null) ? null : eval(selFocus); }; v2.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; v2.getFocusManager = function () { var v2 = this; while (v2 != undefined) { if (v2.focusManager != undefined) { return v2.focusManager; } v2 = v2._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { this.removeEventListener('keyDown', this); this.removeEventListener('keyUp', this); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusOut'}); this.drawFocus(false); }; v2.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { this.addEventListener('keyDown', this); this.addEventListener('keyUp', this); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusIn'}); if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) { this.drawFocus(true); } }; v2.findFocusInChildren = function (o) { if (o.focusTextField != undefined) { return o.focusTextField; } if (o.tabEnabled == true) { return o; } return undefined; }; v2.findFocusFromObject = function (o) { if (o.tabEnabled != true) { if (o._parent == undefined) { return undefined; } if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) { o = o._parent; return o; } if (o._parent.tabChildren) { o = this.findFocusInChildren(o._parent); return o; } o = this.findFocusFromObject(o._parent); } return o; }; v2.pressFocus = function () { var v3 = this.findFocusFromObject(this); var v2 = this.getFocus(); if (v3 != v2) { v2.drawFocus(false); if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) { v3.drawFocus(true); } } }; v2.releaseFocus = function () { var v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(this); if (v2 != this.getFocus()) { v2.setFocus(); } }; v2.isParent = function (o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o == this) { return true; } o = o._parent; } return false; }; v2.size = function () {}; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; this._focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false;'enabled', this.enabledChanged); if (this.enabled == false) { this.setEnabled(false); } }; v2.dispatchValueChangedEvent = function (value) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'valueChanged', 'value': value}); }; v1.symbolName = 'UIComponent'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.version = ''; v1.kStretch = 5000; v2.focusEnabled = true; v2.tabEnabled = true; v2.origBorderStyles = {'themeColor': 16711680}; v2.clipParameters = {}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 23 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.TextInput = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent(); mx.controls.TextInput.prototype = v2; v2.addEventListener = function (event, handler) { if (event == 'enter') { this.addEnterEvents(); } super.addEventListener(event, handler); }; v2.enterOnKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getAscii() == 13) { this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'enter'}); } }; v2.addEnterEvents = function () { if (this.enterListener == undefined) { this.enterListener = new Object(); this.enterListener.owner = this; this.enterListener.onKeyDown = this.enterOnKeyDown; } }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this.label.styleName = this; this.tabChildren = true; this.tabEnabled = false; this.focusTextField = this.label; this._color = mx.core.UIObject.textColorList; this.label.onSetFocus = function () { this._parent.onSetFocus(); }; this.label.onKillFocus = function (n) { this._parent.onKillFocus(n); }; this.label.drawFocus = function (b) { this._parent.drawFocus(b); }; this.label.onChanged = this.onLabelChanged; }; v2.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this.label); }; v2.onLabelChanged = function (Void) { this._parent.dispatchEvent({'type': 'change'}); this._parent.dispatchValueChangedEvent(this.__get__text()); }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { super.createChildren(); if (this.border_mc == undefined) { this.createClassObject(_global.styles.rectBorderClass, 'border_mc', 0, {'styleName': this}); } this.border_mc.swapDepths(this.label); this.label.autoSize = 'none'; }; v2.__get__html = function () { return this.getHtml(); }; v2.__set__html = function (value) { this.setHtml(value); return this.__get__html(); }; v2.getHtml = function () { return this.label.html; }; v2.setHtml = function (value) { if (value != this.label.html) { this.label.html = value; } }; v2.__get__text = function () { return this.getText(); }; v2.__set__text = function (t) { this.setText(t); return this.__get__text(); }; v2.getText = function () { if (this.initializing) { return this.initText; } if (this.label.html == true) { return this.label.htmlText; } return this.label.text; }; v2.setText = function (t) { if (this.initializing) { this.initText = t; } else { var v2 = this.label; if (v2.html == true) { v2.htmlText = t; } else { v2.text = t; } } this.dispatchValueChangedEvent(t); }; v2.size = function (Void) { this.border_mc.setSize(this.__get__width(), this.__get__height()); var v2 = this.border_mc.__get__borderMetrics(); var v6 = v2.left + v2.right; var v3 = + v2.bottom; var v5 = v2.left; var v4 =; this.tfx = v5; this.tfy = v4; this.tfw = this.__get__width() - v6; this.tfh = this.__get__height() - v3; this.label.move(this.tfx, this.tfy); this.label.setSize(this.tfw, this.tfh + 1); }; v2.setEnabled = function (enable) { this.label.type = (this.__editable == true || enable == false) ? 'input' : 'dynamic'; this.label.selectable = enable; var v2 = this.getStyle(enable ? 'color' : 'disabledColor'); if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = enable ? 0 : 8947848; } this.setColor(v2); }; v2.setColor = function (col) { this.label.textColor = col; }; v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { if (this.enterListener != undefined) { Key.removeListener(this.enterListener); } if (this.bind != undefined) { this.updateModel(this.__get__text()); } super.onKillFocus(newFocus); }; v2.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { var f = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval(f); if (o != this.label) { Selection.setFocus(this.label); return undefined; } if (this.enterListener != undefined) { Key.addListener(this.enterListener); } super.onSetFocus(oldFocus); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { var v2 = this.label; var v4 = this.getText(); if (this.initializing) { this.initializing = false; delete this.initText; } var v3 = this._getTextFormat(); v2.embedFonts = v3.embedFonts == true; if (v3 != undefined) { v2.setTextFormat(v3); v2.setNewTextFormat(v3); } v2.multiline = false; v2.wordWrap = false; if (v2.html == true) { v2.setTextFormat(v3); v2.htmlText = v4; } else { v2.text = v4; } v2.type = (this.__editable == true || this.enabled == false) ? 'input' : 'dynamic'; this.size(); }; v2.setEditable = function (s) { this.__editable = s; this.label.type = s ? 'input' : 'dynamic'; }; v2.__get__maxChars = function () { return this.label.maxChars; }; v2.__set__maxChars = function (w) { this.label.maxChars = w; return this.__get__maxChars(); }; v2.__get__length = function () { return this.label.length; }; v2.__get__restrict = function () { return this.label.restrict; }; v2.__set__restrict = function (w) { this.label.restrict = (w == '') ? null : w; return this.__get__restrict(); }; v2.__get__hPosition = function () { return this.label.hscroll; }; v2.__set__hPosition = function (w) { this.label.hscroll = w; return this.__get__hPosition(); }; v2.__get__maxHPosition = function () { return this.label.maxhscroll; }; v2.__get__editable = function () { return this.__editable; }; v2.__set__editable = function (w) { this.setEditable(w); return this.__get__editable(); }; v2.__get__password = function () { return this.label.password; }; v2.__set__password = function (w) { this.label.password = w; return this.__get__password(); }; v2.__get__tabIndex = function () { return this.label.tabIndex; }; v2.__set__tabIndex = function (w) { this.label.tabIndex = w; return this.__get__tabIndex(); }; v2.__set___accProps = function (val) { this.label._accProps = val; return this.__get___accProps(); }; v2.__get___accProps = function () { return this.label._accProps; }; v1.symbolName = 'TextInput'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.TextInput; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'TextInput'; v2.initializing = true; v2.clipParameters = {'text': 1, 'editable': 1, 'password': 1, 'maxChars': 1, 'restrict': 1}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.TextInput.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters); v2._maxWidth = mx.core.UIComponent.kStretch; v2.__editable = true; v2.initText = ''; v2.addProperty('_accProps', v2.__get___accProps, v2.__set___accProps); v2.addProperty('editable', v2.__get__editable, v2.__set__editable); v2.addProperty('hPosition', v2.__get__hPosition, v2.__set__hPosition); v2.addProperty('html', v2.__get__html, v2.__set__html); v2.addProperty('length', v2.__get__length, function () {}); v2.addProperty('maxChars', v2.__get__maxChars, v2.__set__maxChars); v2.addProperty('maxHPosition', v2.__get__maxHPosition, function () {}); v2.addProperty('password', v2.__get__password, v2.__set__password); v2.addProperty('restrict', v2.__get__restrict, v2.__set__restrict); v2.addProperty('tabIndex', v2.__get__tabIndex, v2.__set__tabIndex); v2.addProperty('text', v2.__get__text, v2.__set__text); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.TextInput.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 42 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.SkinElement = v1; var v2 = new MovieClip(); mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype = v2; v1.registerElement = function (name, className) { Object.registerClass(name, (className == undefined) ? mx.skins.SkinElement : className); _global.skinRegistry[name] = true; }; v2.__set__visible = function (visible) { this._visible = visible; }; v2.move = function (x, y) { this._x = x; this._y = y; }; v2.setSize = function (w, h) { this._width = w; this._height = h; }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 43 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.addTextStyles = function (o, bColor) { o.addProperty('textAlign', function () { return this._tf.align; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.align = x; }); o.addProperty('fontWeight', function () { return (this._tf.bold != undefined) ? (this._tf.bold ? 'bold' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.bold = x == 'bold'; }); if (bColor) { o.addProperty('color', function () { return this._tf.color; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.color = x; }); } o.addProperty('fontFamily', function () { return this._tf.font; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.font = x; }); o.addProperty('textIndent', function () { return this._tf.indent; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.indent = x; }); o.addProperty('fontStyle', function () { return (this._tf.italic != undefined) ? (this._tf.italic ? 'italic' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.italic = x == 'italic'; }); o.addProperty('marginLeft', function () { return this._tf.leftMargin; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.leftMargin = x; }); o.addProperty('marginRight', function () { return this._tf.rightMargin; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.rightMargin = x; }); o.addProperty('fontSize', function () { return this._tf.size; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.size = x; }); o.addProperty('textDecoration', function () { return (this._tf.underline != undefined) ? (this._tf.underline ? 'underline' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.underline = x == 'underline'; }); o.addProperty('embedFonts', function () { return this._tf.embedFonts; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.embedFonts = x; }); }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 44 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.StyleManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.registerInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; }; v1.isInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] == true; }; v1.registerColorStyle = function (styleName) { mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] = true; }; v1.isColorStyle = function (styleName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] == true; }; v1.registerColorName = function (colorName, colorValue) { mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] = colorValue; }; v1.isColorName = function (colorName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] != undefined; }; v1.getColorName = function (colorName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName]; }; v1.inheritingStyles = {'color': true, 'direction': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'fontSize': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'textAlign': true, 'textIndent': true}; v1.colorStyles = {'barColor': true, 'trackColor': true, 'borderColor': true, 'buttonColor': true, 'color': true, 'dateHeaderColor': true, 'dateRollOverColor': true, 'disabledColor': true, 'fillColor': true, 'highlightColor': true, 'scrollTrackColor': true, 'selectedDateColor': true, 'shadowColor': true, 'strokeColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundDisabledColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundPressedColor': true, 'symbolColor': true, 'symbolDisabledColor': true, 'themeColor': true, 'todayIndicatorColor': true, 'shadowCapColor': true, 'borderCapColor': true, 'focusColor': true}; v1.colorNames = {'black': 0, 'white': 16777215, 'red': 16711680, 'green': 65280, 'blue': 255, 'magenta': 16711935, 'yellow': 16776960, 'cyan': 65535, 'haloGreen': 8453965, 'haloBlue': 2881013, 'haloOrange': 16761344}; v1.TextFormatStyleProps = {'font': true, 'size': true, 'color': true, 'leftMargin': false, 'rightMargin': false, 'italic': true, 'bold': true, 'align': true, 'indent': true, 'underline': false, 'embedFonts': false}; v1.TextStyleMap = {'textAlign': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'color': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'textIndent': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'lineHeight': true, 'marginLeft': true, 'marginRight': true, 'fontSize': true, 'textDecoration': true, 'embedFonts': true}; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.StyleManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 45 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) { var v5 = false; if (this._tf != undefined) { var v2; for (v2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v2]) { if (tf[v2] == undefined) { var v3 = this._tf[v2]; if (v3 != undefined) { tf[v2] = v3; } else { v5 = true; } } } } return v5; } v5 = true; return v5; }; v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) { var v2 = this[styleProp]; var v3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(v2); return (v3 == undefined) ? v2 : v3; }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true); return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.classConstruct(); v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 46 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.Border = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIObject(); mx.skins.Border.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v1.symbolName = 'Border'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.Border; v2.className = 'Border'; v2.tagBorder = 0; v2.idNames = new Array('border_mc'); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.Border.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 47 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.RectBorder = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.Border(); mx.skins.RectBorder.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this.__width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this.__height; }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { this.size(); }; v2.getBorderMetrics = function (Void) { var v2 = this.offset; if (this.__borderMetrics == undefined) { this.__borderMetrics = {'left': v2, 'top': v2, 'right': v2, 'bottom': v2}; return this.__borderMetrics; } this.__borderMetrics.left = v2; = v2; this.__borderMetrics.right = v2; this.__borderMetrics.bottom = v2; return this.__borderMetrics; }; v2.__get__borderMetrics = function () { return this.getBorderMetrics(); }; v2.drawBorder = function (Void) {}; v2.size = function (Void) { this.drawBorder(); }; v2.setColor = function (Void) { this.drawBorder(); }; v1.symbolName = 'RectBorder'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.RectBorder; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'RectBorder'; v2.borderStyleName = 'borderStyle'; v2.borderColorName = 'borderColor'; v2.shadowColorName = 'shadowColor'; v2.highlightColorName = 'highlightColor'; v2.buttonColorName = 'buttonColor'; v2.backgroundColorName = 'backgroundColor'; v2.addProperty('borderMetrics', v2.__get__borderMetrics, function () {}); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.RectBorder.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 48 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1._removeEventListener = function (queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var v4 = queue.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v4) { var v2 = queue[v1]; if (v2 == handler) { queue.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } } }; v1.initialize = function (object) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } object.addEventListener =; object.removeEventListener =; object.dispatchEvent =; object.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchQueue = function (queueObj, eventObj) { var v7 = '__q_' + eventObj.type; var v4 = queueObj[v7]; if (v4 != undefined) { var v5; for (v5 in v4) { var v1 = v4[v5]; var v3 = typeof v1; if (v3 == 'object' || v3 == 'movieclip') { if (v1.handleEvent != undefined) { v1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (v1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if ([eventObj.type] == undefined) { v1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { v1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.addEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v3 = '__q_' + event; if (this[v3] == undefined) { this[v3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, v3, 1);[v3], event, handler); this[v3].push(handler); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v2 = '__q_' + event;[v2], event, handler); }; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; v1.exceptions = {'move': 1, 'draw': 1, 'load': 1}; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 49 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; = v1; var v2 = new; = v2; v1.addKeyEvents = function (obj) { if (obj.keyHandler == undefined) { obj.keyHandler = new Object(); var v1 = obj.keyHandler; v1.owner = obj; v1.onKeyDown =; v1.onKeyUp =; } Key.addListener(obj.keyHandler); }; v1.removeKeyEvents = function (obj) { Key.removeListener(obj.keyHandler); }; v1.addLoadEvents = function (obj) { if (obj.onLoad == undefined) { obj.onLoad =; obj.onUnload =; if (obj.getBytesTotal() == obj.getBytesLoaded()) { obj.doLater(obj, 'onLoad'); } } }; v1.removeLoadEvents = function (obj) { delete obj.onLoad; delete obj.onUnload; }; v1.initialize = function (obj) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } obj.addEventListener =; obj.__origAddEventListener =; obj.removeEventListener =; obj.dispatchEvent =; obj.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(, eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) { this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyDown', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)}); }; v2.onKeyUp = function (Void) { this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyUp', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)}); }; v2.onLoad = function (Void) { if (this.__sentLoadEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'load'}); } this.__sentLoadEvent = true; }; v2.onUnload = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'unload'}); }; v2.__addEventListener = function (event, handler) { this.__origAddEventListener(event, handler); var v3 =; for (var v5 in v3) { if ([v5][event] != undefined) { var v2 = v3[v5][0];[v2](this); } } }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v6 = '__q_' + event;[v6], event, handler); if (this[v6].length == 0) { var v2 =; for (var v5 in v2) { if ([v5][event] != undefined) { var v3 = v2[v5][1];[v2[v5][1]](this); } } } }; v1.keyEvents = {'keyDown': 1, 'keyUp': 1}; v1.loadEvents = {'load': 1, 'unload': 1}; v1.lowLevelEvents = {'keyEvents': ['addKeyEvents', 'removeKeyEvents'], 'loadEvents': ['addLoadEvents', 'removeLoadEvents']}; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 50 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setColor = function (c) { if (c != undefined) { var v2 = new Color(this); v2.setRGB(c); } }; v2.draw = function (Void) { this.setColor(this.getStyle(this._color)); this.onEnterFrame = undefined; }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) { this.onEnterFrame = this.draw; }; v1.setColorStyle = function (p, colorStyle) { if (p._color == undefined) { p._color = colorStyle; } p.setColor = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.setColor; p.invalidateStyle = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.invalidateStyle; p.draw = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.draw; p.setColor(p.getStyle(colorStyle)); }; v1.mixins = new mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement(); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 51 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.addGeometry = function (tf, ui) { tf.addProperty('width', ui.__get__width, null); tf.addProperty('height', ui.__get__height, null); tf.addProperty('left', ui.__get__left, null); tf.addProperty('x', ui.__get__x, null); tf.addProperty('top', ui.__get__top, null); tf.addProperty('y', ui.__get__y, null); tf.addProperty('right', ui.__get__right, null); tf.addProperty('bottom', ui.__get__bottom, null); tf.addProperty('visible', ui.__get__visible, ui.__set__visible); }; v1.Extensions = function () { if (mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended == true) { return true; } mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended = true; var v6 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype; var v9 = mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v9, v6);; var v13 = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(v6); var v5 = MovieClip.prototype; v5.getTopLevel = v6.getTopLevel; v5.createLabel = v6.createLabel; v5.createObject = v6.createObject; v5.createClassObject = v6.createClassObject; v5.createEmptyObject = v6.createEmptyObject; v5.destroyObject = v6.destroyObject; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getTopLevel', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createLabel', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createClassObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createEmptyObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'destroyObject', 1); v5.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat; v5._getTextFormat = v6._getTextFormat; v5.getStyleName = v6.getStyleName; v5.getStyle = v6.getStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '__getTextFormat', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '_getTextFormat', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyleName', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyle', 1); var v7 = TextField.prototype; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v7, v6); v7.addProperty('enabled', function () { return this.__enabled; }, function (x) { this.__enabled = x; this.invalidateStyle(); }); v7.move = v9.move; v7.setSize = v9.setSize; v7.invalidateStyle = function () { this.invalidateFlag = true; }; v7.draw = function () { if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var v2 = this._getTextFormat(); this.setTextFormat(v2); this.setNewTextFormat(v2); this.embedFonts = v2.embedFonts == true; if (this.__text != undefined) { if (this.text == '') { this.text = this.__text; } delete this.__text; } this._visible = true; } }; v7.setColor = function (color) { this.textColor = color; }; v7.getStyle = v5.getStyle; v7.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat; v7.setValue = function (v) { this.text = v; }; v7.getValue = function () { return this.text; }; v7.addProperty('value', function () { return this.getValue(); }, function (v) { this.setValue(v); }); v7._getTextFormat = function () { var v2 =; if (v2 != undefined) { return v2; } v2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(v2); = v2; if (this.__enabled == false) { if (this.enabledColor == undefined) { var v4 = this.getTextFormat(); this.enabledColor = v4.color; } var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor'); v2.color = v3; return v2; } if (this.enabledColor != undefined) { if (v2.color == undefined) { v2.color = this.enabledColor; } } return v2; }; v7.getPreferredWidth = function () { this.draw(); return this.textWidth + 4; }; v7.getPreferredHeight = function () { this.draw(); return this.textHeight + 4; }; TextFormat.prototype.getTextExtent2 = function (s) { var v3 = _root._getTextExtent; if (v3 == undefined) { _root.createTextField('_getTextExtent', -2, 0, 0, 1000, 100); v3 = _root._getTextExtent; v3._visible = false; } _root._getTextExtent.text = s; var v4 = this.align; this.align = 'left'; _root._getTextExtent.setTextFormat(this); this.align = v4; return {'width': v3.textWidth, 'height': v3.textHeight}; }; if ( == undefined) { = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); _global.cascadingStyles = true; _global.styles = new Object(); _global.skinRegistry = new Object(); if (_global._origWidth == undefined) { _global.origWidth = Stage.width; _global.origHeight = Stage.height; } } var v4 = _root; while (v4._parent != undefined) { v4 = v4._parent; } v4.addProperty('width', function () { return Stage.width; }, null); v4.addProperty('height', function () { return Stage.height; }, null); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'width', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'height', 1); return true; }; v1.bExtended = false; v1.UIObjectExtended = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; v1.SkinElementDependency = mx.skins.SkinElement; v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; v1.UIEventDispatcherDependency =; ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 52 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.halo.RectBorder = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.RectBorder(); mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { this.borderWidths.default = 3; super.init(); }; v2.getBorderMetrics = function (Void) { if (this.offset == undefined) { var v3 = this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName); this.offset = this.borderWidths[v3]; } if (this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName) == 'default' || this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName) == 'alert') { this.__borderMetrics = {'left': 3, 'top': 1, 'right': 3, 'bottom': 3}; return this.__borderMetrics; } return super.getBorderMetrics(); }; v2.drawBorder = function (Void) { var v6 = _global.styles[this.className]; if (v6 == undefined) { v6 = _global.styles.RectBorder; } var v5 = this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName); var v7 = this.getStyle(this.borderColorName); if (v7 == undefined) { v7 = v6[this.borderColorName]; } var v8 = this.getStyle(this.backgroundColorName); if (v8 == undefined) { v8 = v6[this.backgroundColorName]; } var v16 = this.getStyle('backgroundImage'); if (v5 != 'none') { var v14 = this.getStyle(this.shadowColorName); if (v14 == undefined) { v14 = v6[this.shadowColorName]; } var v13 = this.getStyle(this.highlightColorName); if (v13 == undefined) { v13 = v6[this.highlightColorName]; } var v12 = this.getStyle(this.buttonColorName); if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = v6[this.buttonColorName]; } var v11 = this.getStyle(this.borderCapColorName); if (v11 == undefined) { v11 = v6[this.borderCapColorName]; } var v10 = this.getStyle(this.shadowCapColorName); if (v10 == undefined) { v10 = v6[this.shadowCapColorName]; } } this.offset = this.borderWidths[v5]; var v9 = this.offset; var v3 = this.__get__width(); var v4 = this.__get__height(); this.clear(); this._color = undefined; if (v5 == 'none') { } else { if (v5 == 'inset') { this._color = this.colorList; this.draw3dBorder(v11, v12, v7, v13, v14, v10); } else { if (v5 == 'outset') { this._color = this.colorList; this.draw3dBorder(v11, v7, v12, v14, v13, v10); } else { if (v5 == 'alert') { var v15 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); this.drawRoundRect(0, 5, v3, v4 - 5, 5, 6184542, 10); this.drawRoundRect(1, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 5, 4, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, 3, v15, 50); this.drawRoundRect(3, 1, v3 - 6, v4 - 4, 2, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'default') { this.drawRoundRect(0, 5, v3, v4 - 5, {'tl': 5, 'tr': 5, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, 6184542, 10); this.drawRoundRect(1, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 5, {'tl': 4, 'tr': 4, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, {'tl': 3, 'tr': 3, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, [12897484, 11844796], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(3, 1, v3 - 6, v4 - 4, {'tl': 2, 'tr': 2, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'dropDown') { this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, {'tl': 4, 'tr': 0, 'br': 0, 'bl': 4}, [13290186, 7895160], 100, -10, 'linear'); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, v4 - 2, {'tl': 3, 'tr': 0, 'br': 0, 'bl': 3}, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'menuBorder') { var v15 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); this.drawRoundRect(4, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 3, 0, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(4, 4, v3 - 1, v4 - 2, 0, 6184542, 10); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, 0, [0, 14342874], 100, 250, 'linear'); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, 0, v15, 50); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, v3 - 3, v4 - 4, 0, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'comboNonEdit') { } else { this.beginFill(v7); this.drawRect(0, 0, v3, v4); this.drawRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, v4 - 1); this.endFill(); this._color = this.borderColorName; } } } } } } } } if (v8 != undefined) { this.beginFill(v8); this.drawRect(v9, v9, this.__get__width() - v9, this.__get__height() - v9); this.endFill(); } }; v2.draw3dBorder = function (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) { var v3 = this.__get__width(); var v2 = this.__get__height(); this.beginFill(c1); this.drawRect(0, 0, v3, v2); this.drawRect(1, 0, v3 - 1, v2); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c2); this.drawRect(1, 0, v3 - 1, 1); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c3); this.drawRect(1, v2 - 1, v3 - 1, v2); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c4); this.drawRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, 2); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c5); this.drawRect(1, v2 - 2, v3 - 1, v2 - 1); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c6); this.drawRect(1, 2, v3 - 1, v2 - 2); this.drawRect(2, 2, v3 - 2, v2 - 2); this.endFill(); }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.styles.rectBorderClass = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; _global.skinRegistry.RectBorder = true; return true; }; v1.symbolName = 'RectBorder'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; v1.version = ''; v2.borderCapColorName = 'borderCapColor'; v2.shadowCapColorName = 'shadowCapColor'; v2.colorList = {'highlightColor': 0, 'borderColor': 0, 'buttonColor': 0, 'shadowColor': 0, 'borderCapColor': 0, 'shadowCapColor': 0}; v2.borderWidths = {'none': 0, 'solid': 1, 'inset': 2, 'outset': 2, 'alert': 3, 'dropDown': 2, 'menuBorder': 2, 'comboNonEdit': 2}; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.classConstruct(); v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 53 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.skins.halo.Defaults = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.setThemeDefaults = function () { var v2 =; v2.themeColor = 8453965; v2.disabledColor = 8684164; v2.modalTransparency = 0; v2.filled = true; v2.stroked = true; v2.strokeWidth = 1; v2.strokeColor = 0; v2.fillColor = 16777215; v2.repeatInterval = 35; v2.repeatDelay = 500; v2.fontFamily = '_sans'; v2.fontSize = 12; v2.selectionColor = 13500353; v2.rollOverColor = 14942166; v2.useRollOver = true; v2.backgroundDisabledColor = 14540253; v2.selectionDisabledColor = 14540253; v2.selectionDuration = 200; v2.openDuration = 250; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; v2.color = 734012; v2.textSelectedColor = 24371; v2.textRollOverColor = 2831164; v2.textDisabledColor = 16777215; v2.vGridLines = true; v2.hGridLines = false; v2.vGridLineColor = 6710886; v2.hGridLineColor = 6710886; v2.headerColor = 15395562; v2.indentation = 17; v2.folderOpenIcon = 'TreeFolderOpen'; v2.folderClosedIcon = 'TreeFolderClosed'; v2.defaultLeafIcon = 'TreeNodeIcon'; v2.disclosureOpenIcon = 'TreeDisclosureOpen'; v2.disclosureClosedIcon = 'TreeDisclosureClosed'; v2.popupDuration = 150; v2.todayColor = 6710886; _global.styles.ScrollSelectList = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.ScrollSelectList; v2.backgroundColor = 16777215; v2.borderColor = 13290186; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.ComboBox = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.ComboBox; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.NumericStepper = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.NumericStepper; v2.textAlign = 'center'; _global.styles.RectBorder = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.RectBorder; v2.borderColor = 14015965; v2.buttonColor = 7305079; v2.shadowColor = 15658734; v2.highlightColor = 12897484; v2.shadowCapColor = 14015965; v2.borderCapColor = 9542041; var v4 = new Object(); v4.borderColor = 16711680; v4.buttonColor = 16711680; v4.shadowColor = 16711680; v4.highlightColor = 16711680; v4.shadowCapColor = 16711680; v4.borderCapColor = 16711680; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.origBorderStyles = v4; var v3; _global.styles.TextInput = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.TextInput; v3.backgroundColor = 16777215; v3.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.TextArea = _global.styles.TextInput; _global.styles.Window = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Window; v3.borderStyle = 'default'; _global.styles.windowStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.windowStyles; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.dataGridStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.dataGridStyles; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.Alert = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Alert; v3.borderStyle = 'alert'; _global.styles.ScrollView = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.ScrollView; v3.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.View = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.View; v3.borderStyle = 'none'; _global.styles.ProgressBar = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.ProgressBar; v3.color = 11187123; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.AccordionHeader = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.AccordionHeader; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.fontSize = '11'; _global.styles.Accordion = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Accordion; v3.borderStyle = 'solid'; v3.backgroundColor = 16777215; v3.borderColor = 9081738; v3.headerHeight = 22; v3.marginBottom = -1; v3.marginTop = -1; v3.marginRight = -1; v3.marginLeft = -1; v3.verticalGap = -1; _global.styles.DateChooser = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.DateChooser; v3.borderColor = 9542041; v3.headerColor = 16777215; _global.styles.CalendarLayout = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.CalendarLayout; v3.fontSize = 10; v3.textAlign = 'right'; v3.color = 2831164; _global.styles.WeekDayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.WeekDayStyle; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.fontSize = 11; v3.textAlign = 'center'; v3.color = 2831164; _global.styles.TodayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.TodayStyle; v3.color = 16777215; _global.styles.HeaderDateText = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.HeaderDateText; v3.fontSize = 12; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.textAlign = 'center'; }; v2.drawRoundRect = function (x, y, w, h, r, c, alpha, rot, gradient, ratios) { if (typeof r == 'object') { var v18 =; var v16 =; var v15 =; var v10 =; } else { var v10 = r; var v15 = v10; var v16 = v15; var v18 = v16; } if (typeof c == 'object') { if (typeof alpha != 'object') { var v9 = [alpha, alpha]; } else { var v9 = alpha; } if (ratios == undefined) { ratios = [0, 255]; } var v14 = h * 0.7; if (typeof rot != 'object') { var v11 = {'matrixType': 'box', 'x': -v14, 'y': v14, 'w': w * 2, 'h': h * 4, 'r': rot * 0.0174532925199433}; } else { var v11 = rot; } if (gradient == 'radial') { this.beginGradientFill('radial', c, v9, ratios, v11); } else { this.beginGradientFill('linear', c, v9, ratios, v11); } } else { if (c != undefined) { this.beginFill(c, alpha); } } r = v18; var v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; var v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.moveTo(x + w, y + h - r); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); this.curveTo(x + w, y + h - v12, x + w - v13, y + h - v13); this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y + h, x + w - r, y + h); r = v16; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x + r, y + h); this.curveTo(x + v12, y + h, x + v13, y + h - v13); this.curveTo(x, y + h - v12, x, y + h - r); r = v15; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x, y + r); this.curveTo(x, y + v12, x + v13, y + v13); this.curveTo(x + v12, y, x + r, y); r = v10; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x + w - r, y); this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y, x + w - v13, y + v13); this.curveTo(x + w, y + v12, x + w, y + r); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); if (c != undefined) { this.endFill(); } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); mx.skins.halo.Defaults.setThemeDefaults(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.classConstruct(); v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 54 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.managers.SystemManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.init = function (Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized == false) { mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized = true;; Mouse.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); Stage.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener; } }; v1.addFocusManager = function (f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); }; v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) {}; v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) { var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v1.focusManager._onMouseDown(); }; v1.onResize = function (Void) { var v7 = Stage.width; var v6 = Stage.height; var v9 = _global.origWidth; var v8 = _global.origHeight; var v3 = Stage.align; var v5 = (v9 - v7) / 2; var v4 = (v8 - v6) / 2; if (v3 == 'T') { v4 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'B') { v4 = v8 - v6; } else { if (v3 == 'L') { v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'R') { v5 = v9 - v7; } else { if (v3 == 'LT') { v4 = 0; v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'TR') { v4 = 0; v5 = v9 - v7; } else { if (v3 == 'LB') { v4 = v8 - v6; v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'RB') { v4 = v8 - v6; v5 = v9 - v7; } } } } } } } } if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen = new Object(); } mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.x = v5; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.y = v4; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.width = v7; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.height = v6; _root.focusManager.relocate(); mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize'}); }; v1.__get__screen = function () { mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.onResize(); } return mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen; }; v1._initialized = false; v1.idleFrames = 0; v1.isMouseDown = false; v1.forms = new Array(); v1.addProperty('screen', v1.__get__screen, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.SystemManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 55 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.SimpleButton = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent(); mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); if (this.preset == undefined) { this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; } this.useHandCursor = false; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { if (this.preset != undefined) { var v2 = this[this.idNames[this.preset]]; this[this.refNames[this.preset]] = v2; this.skinName = v2; if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } this.initializing = false; } else { if (this.__state == true) { this.setStateVar(true); } else { if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } } } }; v2.setIcon = function (tag, linkageName) { return this.setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName); }; v2.changeIcon = function (tag, linkageName) { this.linkLength = linkageName.length; var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Icon'; this[v2] = linkageName; this[this.idNames[tag + 8]] = v2; this.setStateVar(this.getState()); }; v2.changeSkin = function (tag, linkageName) { var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Skin'; this[v2] = linkageName; this[this.idNames[tag]] = v2; this.setStateVar(this.getState()); }; v2.viewIcon = function (varName) { var v4 = varName + 'Icon'; var v3 = this[v4]; if (typeof v3 == 'string') { var v5 = v3; if (this.__emphasized) { if (this[v3 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) { v3 += 'Emphasized'; } } if (this[v3].length == 0) { return undefined; } v3 = this.setIcon(this.tagMap[v5], this[v3]); if (v3 == undefined && _global.isLivePreview) { v3 = this.setIcon(0, 'ButtonIcon'); } this[v4] = v3; } this.iconName._visible = false; this.iconName = v3; this.iconName._visible = true; }; v2.removeIcons = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 2) { var v2 = 8; while (v2 < 16) { this.destroyObject(this.idNames[v2]); this[this.stateNames[v2 - 8] + 'Icon'] = ''; ++v2; } ++v3; } this.refresh(); }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initobj) { if (initobj == undefined) { var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, {'styleName': this}); this.calcSize(tag, v3); return v3; } var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj); this.calcSize(tag, v3); return v3; }; v2.calcSize = function (Void) { this.__width = this._width; this.__height = this._height; }; v2.viewSkin = function (varName, initObj) { var v3 = varName + 'Skin'; var v2 = this[v3]; if (typeof v2 == 'string') { var v4 = v2; if (this.__emphasized) { if (this[v2 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) { v2 += 'Emphasized'; } } if (this[v2].length == 0) { return undefined; } v2 = this.setSkin(this.tagMap[v4], this[v2], (initObj != undefined) ? initObj : {'styleName': this}); this[v3] = v2; } this.skinName._visible = false; this.skinName = v2; this.skinName._visible = true; }; v2.showEmphasized = function (e) { if (e && !this.__emphatic) { if (mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) { this.__emphaticStyleName = this.styleName; this.styleName = mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration; } this.__emphatic = true; } else { if (this.__emphatic) { this.styleName = this.__emphaticStyleName; } this.__emphatic = false; } }; v2.refresh = function (Void) { var v2 = this.getState(); if (this.enabled == false) { this.viewIcon('disabled'); this.viewSkin('disabled'); } else { this.viewSkin(this.phase); this.viewIcon(this.phase); } this.setView(this.phase == 'down'); this.iconName.enabled = this.enabled; }; v2.setView = function (offset) { if (this.iconName == undefined) { return undefined; } var v2 = offset ? this.btnOffset : 0; this.iconName._x = (this.__width - this.iconName._width) / 2 + v2; this.iconName._y = (this.__height - this.iconName._height) / 2 + v2; }; v2.setStateVar = function (state) { if (state) { if (this.trueOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.tus; } else { this.rolloverSkin = this.trs; } if (this.trueOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon =; } else { this.rolloverIcon = this.tri; } this.upSkin = this.tus; this.downSkin = this.tds; this.disabledSkin = this.dts; this.upIcon =; this.downIcon = this.tdi; this.disabledIcon = this.dti; } else { if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } else { this.rolloverSkin = this.frs; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } else { this.rolloverIcon = this.fri; } this.upSkin = this.fus; this.downSkin = this.fds; this.disabledSkin = this.dfs; this.upIcon = this.fui; this.downIcon = this.fdi; this.disabledIcon = this.dfi; } this.__state = state; }; v2.setState = function (state) { if (state != this.__state) { this.setStateVar(state); this.invalidate(); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this.refresh(); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { if (this.initializing) { this.initializing = false; this.skinName.visible = true; this.iconName.visible = true; } this.size(); }; v2.getState = function (Void) { return this.__state; }; v2.setToggle = function (val) { this.__toggle = val; if (this.__toggle == false) { this.setState(false); } }; v2.getToggle = function (Void) { return this.__toggle; }; v2.__set__toggle = function (val) { this.setToggle(val); return this.__get__toggle(); }; v2.__get__toggle = function () { return this.getToggle(); }; v2.__set__value = function (val) { this.setSelected(val); return this.__get__value(); }; v2.__get__value = function () { return this.getSelected(); }; v2.__set__selected = function (val) { this.setSelected(val); return this.__get__selected(); }; v2.__get__selected = function () { return this.getSelected(); }; v2.setSelected = function (val) { if (this.__toggle) { this.setState(val); } else { this.setState(this.initializing ? val : this.__state); } }; v2.getSelected = function () { return this.__state; }; v2.setEnabled = function (val) { if (this.enabled != val) { super.setEnabled(val); this.invalidate(); } }; v2.onPress = function (Void) { this.pressFocus(); this.phase = 'down'; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); if (this.autoRepeat) { this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressDelay', this.getStyle('repeatDelay')); } }; v2.onPressDelay = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); if (this.autoRepeat) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressRepeat', this.getStyle('repeatInterval')); } }; v2.onPressRepeat = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.onRelease = function (Void) { this.releaseFocus(); this.phase = 'rollover'; if (this.interval != undefined) { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; } if (this.getToggle()) { this.setState(!this.getState()); } else { this.refresh(); } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); }; v2.onDragOut = function (Void) { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDragOut'}); }; v2.onDragOver = function (Void) { if (this.phase != 'up') { this.onPress(); return undefined; } else { this.phase = 'down'; this.refresh(); } }; v2.onReleaseOutside = function (Void) { this.releaseFocus(); this.phase = 'up'; if (this.interval != undefined) { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; } }; v2.onRollOver = function (Void) { this.phase = 'rollover'; this.refresh(); }; v2.onRollOut = function (Void) { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); }; v2.getLabel = function (Void) { return this.fui.text; }; v2.setLabel = function (val) { if (typeof this.fui == 'string') { this.createLabel('fui', 8, val); this.fui.styleName = this; } else { this.fui.text = val; } var v4 = this.fui._getTextFormat(); var v2 = v4.getTextExtent2(val); this.fui._width = v2.width + 5; this.fui._height = v2.height + 5; this.iconName = this.fui; this.setView(this.__state); }; v2.__get__emphasized = function () { return this.__emphasized; }; v2.__set__emphasized = function (val) { this.__emphasized = val; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 8) { this[this.idNames[v2]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Skin'; if (typeof this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] == 'movieclip') { this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Icon'; } ++v2; } this.showEmphasized(this.__emphasized); this.setStateVar(this.__state); this.invalidateStyle(); return this.__get__emphasized(); }; v2.keyDown = function (e) { if (e.code == 32) { this.onPress(); } }; v2.keyUp = function (e) { if (e.code == 32) { this.onRelease(); } }; v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { super.onKillFocus(); if (this.phase != 'up') { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); } }; v1.symbolName = 'SimpleButton'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.SimpleButton; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'SimpleButton'; v2.style3dInset = 4; v2.btnOffset = 1; v2.__toggle = false; v2.__state = false; v2.__emphasized = false; v2.__emphatic = false; v1.falseUp = 0; v1.falseDown = 1; v1.falseOver = 2; v1.falseDisabled = 3; v1.trueUp = 4; v1.trueDown = 5; v1.trueOver = 6; v1.trueDisabled = 7; v2.falseUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp'; v2.falseDownSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.falseOverSkin = ''; v2.falseDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp'; v2.trueUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.trueDownSkin = ''; v2.trueOverSkin = ''; v2.trueDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.falseUpIcon = ''; v2.falseDownIcon = ''; v2.falseOverIcon = ''; v2.falseDisabledIcon = ''; v2.trueUpIcon = ''; v2.trueDownIcon = ''; v2.trueOverIcon = ''; v2.trueDisabledIcon = ''; v2.phase = 'up'; v2.fui = 'falseUpIcon'; v2.fus = 'falseUpSkin'; v2.fdi = 'falseDownIcon'; v2.fds = 'falseDownSkin'; v2.frs = 'falseOverSkin'; v2.fri = 'falseOverIcon'; v2.dfi = 'falseDisabledIcon'; v2.dfs = 'falseDisabledSkin'; = 'trueUpIcon'; v2.tus = 'trueUpSkin'; v2.tdi = 'trueDownIcon'; v2.tds = 'trueDownSkin'; v2.trs = 'trueOverSkin'; v2.tri = 'trueOverIcon'; v2.dts = 'trueDisabledSkin'; v2.dti = 'trueDisabledIcon'; v2.rolloverSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.frs; v2.rolloverIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fri; v2.upSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fus; v2.downSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fds; v2.disabledSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfs; v2.upIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fui; v2.downIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fdi; v2.disabledIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfi; v2.initializing = true; v2.idNames = ['fus', 'fds', 'frs', 'dfs', 'tus', 'tds', 'trs', 'dts', 'fui', 'fdi', 'fri', 'dfi', 'tui', 'tdi', 'tri', 'dti']; v2.stateNames = ['falseUp', 'falseDown', 'falseOver', 'falseDisabled', 'trueUp', 'trueDown', 'trueOver', 'trueDisabled']; v2.refNames = ['upSkin', 'downSkin', 'rolloverSkin', 'disabledSkin']; v2.tagMap = {'falseUpSkin': 0, 'falseDownSkin': 1, 'falseOverSkin': 2, 'falseDisabledSkin': 3, 'trueUpSkin': 4, 'trueDownSkin': 5, 'trueOverSkin': 6, 'trueDisabledSkin': 7, 'falseUpIcon': 0, 'falseDownIcon': 1, 'falseOverIcon': 2, 'falseDisabledIcon': 3, 'trueUpIcon': 4, 'trueDownIcon': 5, 'trueOverIcon': 6, 'trueDisabledIcon': 7}; v2.addProperty('emphasized', v2.__get__emphasized, v2.__set__emphasized); v2.addProperty('selected', v2.__get__selected, v2.__set__selected); v2.addProperty('toggle', v2.__get__toggle, v2.__set__toggle); v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, v2.__set__value); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 56 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { MovieClip.prototype.createClassChildAtDepth = this.createClassChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.createChildAtDepth = this.createChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthTo = this.setDepthTo; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthAbove = this.setDepthAbove; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthBelow = this.setDepthBelow; MovieClip.prototype.findNextAvailableDepth = this.findNextAvailableDepth; MovieClip.prototype.shuffleDepths = this.shuffleDepths; MovieClip.prototype.getDepthByFlag = this.getDepthByFlag; MovieClip.prototype.buildDepthTable = this.buildDepthTable; _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createClassChildAtDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createChildAtDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthTo', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthAbove', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthBelow', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'findNextAvailableDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'shuffleDepths', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'getDepthByFlag', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'buildDepthTable', 1); }; mx.managers.DepthManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.sortFunction = function (a, b) { if (a.getDepth() > b.getDepth()) { return 1; } return -1; }; v1.test = function (depth) { if (depth == mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth) { return false; } else { return true; } }; v1.createClassObjectAtDepth = function (className, depthSpace, initObj) { var v1; switch (depthSpace) { case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj); return v1; case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj); return v1; } return v1; }; v1.createObjectAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthSpace, initObj) { var v1; switch (depthSpace) { case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj); return v1; case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj); return v1; } return v1; }; v2.createClassChildAtDepth = function (className, depthFlag, initObj) { if (this._childCounter == undefined) { this._childCounter = 0; } var v3 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3); var v6 = 'down'; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { v6 = 'up'; } var v5; if (v3[v2] != undefined) { v5 = v2; v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v6); } var v4 = this.createClassObject(className, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj); if (v5 != undefined) { v3[v2] = v4; this.shuffleDepths(v4, v5, v3, v6); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { v4._topmost = true; } return v4; }; v2.createChildAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthFlag, initObj) { if (this._childCounter == undefined) { this._childCounter = 0; } var v3 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3); var v6 = 'down'; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { v6 = 'up'; } var v5; if (v3[v2] != undefined) { v5 = v2; v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v6); } var v4 = this.createObject(linkageName, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj); if (v5 != undefined) { v3[v2] = v4; this.shuffleDepths(v4, v5, v3, v6); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { v4._topmost = true; } return v4; }; v2.setDepthTo = function (depthFlag) { var v2 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); var v3 = this._parent.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v2); if (v2[v3] != undefined) { this.shuffleDepths(this, v3, v2, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v3); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { this._topmost = true; } else { delete this._topmost; } }; v2.setDepthAbove = function (targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) { return undefined; } var v2 = targetInstance.getDepth() + 1; var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); if (v3[v2] != undefined && this.getDepth() < v2) { v2 -= 1; } if (v2 > mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth; } if (v2 == mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, 'down'); } else { if (v3[v2] != undefined) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v2); } } }; v2.setDepthBelow = function (targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) { return undefined; } var v6 = targetInstance.getDepth() - 1; var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); if (v3[v6] != undefined && this.getDepth() > v6) { v6 += 1; } var v4 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var v5; for (v5 in v3) { var v2 = v3[v5]; if (v2._parent != undefined) { v4 = Math.min(v4, v2.getDepth()); } } if (v6 < v4) { v6 = v4; } if (v6 == v4) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, 'up'); } else { if (v3[v6] != undefined) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v6); } } }; v2.findNextAvailableDepth = function (targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var v5 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; if (targetDepth < v5) { targetDepth = v5; } if (depthTable[targetDepth] == undefined) { return targetDepth; } var v2 = targetDepth; var v1 = targetDepth; if (direction == 'down') { while (depthTable[v1] != undefined) { --v1; } return v1; } while (depthTable[v2] != undefined) { ++v2; } return v2; }; v2.shuffleDepths = function (subject, targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var v9 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var v8 = v9; var v5; for (v5 in depthTable) { var v7 = depthTable[v5]; if (v7._parent != undefined) { v9 = Math.min(v9, v7.getDepth()); } } if (direction == undefined) { if (subject.getDepth() > targetDepth) { direction = 'up'; } else { direction = 'down'; } } var v1 = new Array(); for (v5 in depthTable) { v7 = depthTable[v5]; if (v7._parent != undefined) { v1.push(v7); } } v1.sort(mx.managers.DepthManager.sortFunction); if (direction == 'up') { var v3; var v11; while (v1.length > 0) { v3 = v1.pop(); if (v3 == subject) { break; } } while (v1.length > 0) { v11 = subject.getDepth(); v3 = v1.pop(); var v4 = v3.getDepth(); if (v11 > v4 + 1) { if (v4 >= 0) { subject.swapDepths(v4 + 1); } else { if (v11 > v8 && v4 < v8) { subject.swapDepths(v8); } } } subject.swapDepths(v3); if (v4 == targetDepth) { break; } } } else { if (direction == 'down') { var v3; while (v1.length > 0) { v3 = v1.shift(); if (v3 == subject) { break; } } while (v1.length > 0) { var v11 = v3.getDepth(); v3 = v1.shift(); var v4 = v3.getDepth(); if (v11 < v4 - 1 && v4 > 0) { subject.swapDepths(v4 - 1); } subject.swapDepths(v3); if (v4 == targetDepth) { break; } } } } }; v2.getDepthByFlag = function (depthFlag, depthTable) { var v2 = 0; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop || depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kNotopmost) { var v5 = 0; var v7 = false; var v8; for (v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { if (!v9._topmost) { v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth()); } else { if (!v7) { v5 = v9.getDepth(); v7 = true; } else { v5 = Math.min(v5, v9.getDepth()); } } } } } v2 += 20; if (v7) { if (v2 >= v5) { v2 = v5 - 1; } } } else { if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { for (var v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = Math.min(v2, v9.getDepth()); } } } v2 -= 20; } else { if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { for (var v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth()); } } } v2 += 100; } } } if (v2 >= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth; } var v6 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; for (v9 in depthTable) { var v4 = depthTable[v9]; if (v4._parent != undefined) { v6 = Math.min(v6, v4.getDepth()); } } if (v2 <= v6) { v2 = v6; } return v2; }; v2.buildDepthTable = function (Void) { var v5 = new Array(); var v4; for (v4 in this) { var v2 = this[v4]; var v3 = typeof v2; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v2.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v2._parent == this) { v5[v2.getDepth()] = v2; } } } return v5; }; v1.reservedDepth = 1048575; v1.highestDepth = 1048574; v1.lowestDepth = -16383; v1.numberOfAuthortimeLayers = 383; v1.kCursor = 101; v1.kTooltip = 102; v1.kTop = 201; v1.kBottom = 202; v1.kTopmost = 203; v1.kNotopmost = 204; v1.holder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('reserved', mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth); v1.__depthManager = new mx.managers.DepthManager(); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.DepthManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 57 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.managers.FocusManager = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent(); mx.managers.FocusManager.prototype = v2; v2.__get__defaultPushButton = function () { return this.__defaultPushButton; }; v2.__set__defaultPushButton = function (x) { if (x != this.__defaultPushButton) { this.__defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(false); this.__defaultPushButton = x; this.defPushButton = x; x.__set__emphasized(true); } return this.__get__defaultPushButton(); }; v2.getMaxTabIndex = function (o) { var v3 = 0; var v6; for (v6 in o) { var v2 = o[v6]; if (v2._parent == o) { if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (v2.tabIndex > v3) { v3 = v2.tabIndex; } } if (v2.tabChildren == true) { var v4 = this.getMaxTabIndex(v2); if (v4 > v3) { v3 = v4; } } } } return v3; }; v2.getNextTabIndex = function (Void) { return this.getMaxTabIndex(this.form) + 1; }; v2.__get__nextTabIndex = function () { return this.getNextTabIndex(); }; v2.relocate = function (Void) { var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.__get__screen(); this.move(v2.x - 1, v2.y - 1); }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this.tabEnabled = false; this._height = 1; this._width = 1; this._y = -1; this._x = -1; this._alpha = 0; this._parent.focusManager = this; this._parent.tabChildren = true; this._parent.tabEnabled = false; this.form = this._parent; this._parent.addEventListener('hide', this); this._parent.addEventListener('reveal', this); mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager(this.form); this.tabCapture.tabIndex = 0;'enabled', this.enabledChanged); Selection.addListener(this); this.lastMouse = new Object(); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'focusManager', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabEnabled', 1); }; v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) { this._visible = newValue; return newValue; }; v2.activate = function (Void) { Key.addListener(this); this._visible = true; this.activated = this._visible; if (this.lastFocus != undefined) { this.bNeedFocus = true; if (!mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown) { this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus'); } } }; v2.deactivate = function (Void) { Key.removeListener(this); this._visible = false; this.activated = this._visible; var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus(); var v3 = this.getActualFocus(v2); if (this.isOurFocus(v3)) { this.lastSelFocus = v2; this.lastFocus = v3; } this.cancelAllDoLaters(); }; v2.isOurFocus = function (o) { if (o.focusManager == this) { return true; } while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return false; } if (o._parent == this._parent) { return true; } o = o._parent; } return false; }; v2.onSetFocus = function (o, n) { if (n == null) { if (this.activated) { this.bNeedFocus = true; } } else { var v2 = this.getFocus(); if (this.isOurFocus(v2)) { this.bNeedFocus = false; this.lastFocus = v2; this.lastSelFocus = n; } } }; v2.restoreFocus = function (Void) { var v2 = this.lastSelFocus.hscroll; if (v2 != undefined) { var v5 = this.lastSelFocus.scroll; var v4 = this.lastSelFocus.background; } this.lastFocus.setFocus(); var v3 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(v3.lastBeginIndex, v3.lastEndIndex); if (v2 != undefined) { this.lastSelFocus.scroll = v5; this.lastSelFocus.hscroll = v2; this.lastSelFocus.background = v4; } }; v2.onUnload = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager(this.form); }; v2.setFocus = function (o) { if (o == null) { Selection.setFocus(null); } else { if (o.setFocus == undefined) { Selection.setFocus(o); } else { o.setFocus(); } } }; v2.getActualFocus = function (o) { var v1 = o._parent; while (v1 != undefined) { if (v1.focusTextField != undefined) { while (v1.focusTextField != undefined) { o = v1; v1 = v1._parent; if (v1 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (v1.focusTextField == undefined) { return o; } } } if (v1.tabEnabled != true) { return o; } o = v1; v1 = o._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.getSelectionFocus = function () { var m = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval(m); return o; }; v2.getFocus = function (Void) { var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus(); return this.getActualFocus(v2); }; v2.walkTree = function (p, index, groupName, dir, lookup, firstChild) { var v5 = true; var v11; for (v11 in p) { var v2 = p[v11]; if (v2._parent == p && v2.enabled != false && v2._visible != false && (v2.tabEnabled == true || v2.tabEnabled != false && (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined || v2.onReleaseOutside != undefined || v2.onDragOut != undefined || v2.onDragOver != undefined || v2.onRollOver != undefined || v2.onRollOut != undefined || v2 instanceof TextField))) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (v2 != this._lastTarget) { if ((v2.groupName != undefined || groupName != undefined) && v2.groupName == groupName) { continue; } if (v2 instanceof TextField && v2.selectable == false) { continue; } if (v5 || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._firstNode.groupName && v2.selected == true) { if (firstChild) { this._firstNode = v2; firstChild = false; } } if (this._nextIsNext == true) { if (v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._nextNode.groupName && v2.selected == true || this._nextNode == undefined && (v2.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName != groupName)) { this._nextNode = v2; } } if (v2.groupName == undefined || groupName != v2.groupName) { if (this._lastx.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._lastx.groupName && this._lastx.selected == true) { } else { this._lastx = v2; } } } else { this._prevNode = this._lastx; this._needPrev = false; this._nextIsNext = true; } if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (v2.tabIndex == index) { if (this._foundList[v2._name] == undefined) { if (this._needPrev) { this._prevObj = v2; this._needPrev = false; } this._nextObj = v2; } } if (dir && v2.tabIndex > index) { if (this._nextObj == undefined || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._nextObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._nextObj.groupName) || this._nextObj.groupName != undefined && this._nextObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._nextObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex)) { this._nextObj = v2; } } else { if (!dir && v2.tabIndex < index) { if (this._prevObj == undefined || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._prevObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._prevObj.groupName) || this._prevObj.groupName != undefined && this._prevObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._prevObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex)) { this._prevObj = v2; } } } if (this._firstObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._firstObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._firstObj.groupName) || this._firstObj.groupName != undefined && this._firstObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._firstObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex)) { this._firstObj = v2; } if (this._lastObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._lastObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._lastObj.groupName) || this._lastObj.groupName != undefined && this._lastObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._lastObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex)) { this._lastObj = v2; } } if (v2.tabChildren) { this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild); } v5 = false; } else { if (v2._parent == p && v2.tabChildren == true && v2._visible != false) { if (v2 == this._lastTarget) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (this._prevNode == undefined) { var v3 = this._lastx; var v7 = false; while (v3 != undefined) { if (v3 == v2) { v7 = true; break; } v3 = v3._parent; } if (v7 == false) { this._prevNode = this._lastx; } } this._needPrev = false; if (this._nextNode == undefined) { this._nextIsNext = true; } } else { if (!(v2.focusManager != undefined && v2.focusManager._parent == v2)) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild); } } v5 = false; } } } this._lastNode = this._lastx; if (lookup) { if (p._parent != undefined) { if (p != this._parent) { if (this._prevNode == undefined && dir) { this._needPrev = true; } else { if (this._nextNode == undefined && !dir) { this._nextIsNext = false; } } this._lastTarget = this._lastTarget._parent; this.getTabCandidate(p._parent, index, groupName, dir, true); } } } }; v2.getTabCandidate = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { var v2; var v3 = true; if (o == this._parent) { v2 = o; v3 = false; } else { v2 = o._parent; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = o; v3 = false; } } this.walkTree(v2, index, groupName, dir, v3, firstChild); }; v2.getTabCandidateFromChildren = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { this.walkTree(o, index, groupName, dir, false, firstChild); }; v2.getFocusManagerFromObject = function (o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return o.focusManager; } o = o._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.tabHandler = function (Void) { this.bDrawFocus = true; var v5 = this.getSelectionFocus(); var v4 = this.getActualFocus(v5); if (v4 != v5) { v5 = v4; } if (this.getFocusManagerFromObject(v5) != this) { v5 == undefined; } if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = this.form; } else { if (v5.tabIndex != undefined) { if (this._foundList != undefined || this._foundList.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v5.tabIndex; } this._foundList[v5._name] = v5; } } var v3 = Key.isDown(16) != true; this._searchKey = getTimer(); this._needPrev = true; this._nextIsNext = false; this._lastx = undefined; this._firstNode = undefined; this._lastNode = undefined; this._nextNode = undefined; this._prevNode = undefined; this._firstObj = undefined; this._lastObj = undefined; this._nextObj = undefined; this._prevObj = undefined; this._lastTarget = v5; var v6 = v5; this.getTabCandidate(v6, (v5.tabIndex == undefined) ? 0 : v5.tabIndex, v5.groupName, v3, true); var v2; if (v3) { if (this._nextObj != undefined) { v2 = this._nextObj; } else { v2 = this._firstObj; } } else { if (this._prevObj != undefined) { v2 = this._prevObj; } else { v2 = this._lastObj; } } if (v2.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex; this._foundList[v2._name] = v2; } else { if (this._foundList == undefined) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex; } this._foundList[v2._name] = v2; } if (v2 == undefined) { if (v3 == false) { if (this._nextNode != undefined) { v2 = this._nextNode; } else { v2 = this._firstNode; } } else { if (this._prevNode == undefined || v5 == this.form) { v2 = this._lastNode; } else { v2 = this._prevNode; } } } if (v2 == undefined) { return undefined; } this.lastTabFocus = v2; this.setFocus(v2); if (v2.emphasized != undefined) { if (this.defPushButton != undefined) { v5 = this.defPushButton; this.defPushButton = v2; v5.emphasized = false; v2.emphasized = true; } } else { if (this.defPushButton != undefined && this.defPushButton != this.__defaultPushButton) { v5 = this.defPushButton; this.defPushButton = this.__defaultPushButton; v5.emphasized = false; this.__defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(true); } } }; v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; if (this.defaultPushButtonEnabled) { if (Key.getCode() == 13) { if (this.__get__defaultPushButton() != undefined) { this.doLater(this, 'sendDefaultPushButtonEvent'); } } } }; v2.sendDefaultPushButtonEvent = function (Void) { this.defPushButton.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); }; v2.getMousedComponentFromChildren = function (x, y, o) { for (var v7 in o) { var v2 = o[v7]; if (v2._visible && v2.enabled && v2._parent == o && v2._searchKey != this._searchKey) { v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (v2.hitTest(x, y, true)) { if (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined) { return v2; } var v3 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, v2); if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } return v2; } } } return undefined; }; v2.mouseActivate = function (Void) { if (!this.bNeedFocus) { return undefined; } this._searchKey = getTimer(); var v2 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(this.lastMouse.x, this.lastMouse.y, this.form); if (v2 instanceof mx.core.UIComponent) { return undefined; } v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(v2); if (v2 == this.lastFocus) { return undefined; } if (v2 == undefined) { this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus'); return undefined; } var v3 = v2.hscroll; if (v3 != undefined) { var v6 = v2.scroll; var v5 = v2.background; } this.setFocus(v2); var v4 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(v4.lastBeginIndex, v4.lastEndIndex); if (v3 != undefined) { v2.scroll = v6; v2.hscroll = v3; v2.background = v5; } }; v2._onMouseDown = function (Void) { this.bDrawFocus = false; if (this.lastFocus != undefined) { this.lastFocus.drawFocus(false); } mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; var v3 = Selection; v3.lastBeginIndex = Selection.getBeginIndex(); v3.lastEndIndex = Selection.getEndIndex(); this.lastMouse.x = _root._xmouse; this.lastMouse.y = _root._ymouse; _root.localToGlobal(this.lastMouse); }; v2.onMouseUp = function (Void) { if (this._visible) { this.doLater(this, 'mouseActivate'); } }; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.type == 'reveal') { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(this.form); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(this.form); } }; v1.enableFocusManagement = function () { if (!mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized) { mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized = true; Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } } }; v1.symbolName = 'FocusManager'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.managers.FocusManager; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'FocusManager'; v2.bNeedFocus = false; v2.bDrawFocus = false; v2.defaultPushButtonEnabled = true; v2.activated = true; v1.initialized = false; v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; v2.addProperty('defaultPushButton', v2.__get__defaultPushButton, v2.__set__defaultPushButton); v2.addProperty('nextTabIndex', v2.__get__nextTabIndex, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.FocusManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 58 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; }; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.SkinElement(); mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype = v2; v2.draw = function (o) { o.adjustFocusRect(); }; v2.setSize = function (w, h, r, a, rectCol) { this._yscale = 100; this._xscale = 100; this.clear(); if (typeof r == 'object') { = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); this.endFill(); = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); this.endFill(); } else { var v5; if (r != 0) { v5 = r - 2; } else { v5 = 0; } this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); if (r != 0) { v5 = r - 2; r -= 1; } else { v5 = 0; r = 0; } this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5); this.endFill(); } }; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.type == 'unload') { this._visible = true; } else { if (e.type == 'resize') {; } else { if (e.type == 'move') {; } } } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus = function (focused) { var v2 = this._parent.focus_mc; if (!focused) { v2._visible = false; this.removeEventListener('unload', v2); this.removeEventListener('move', v2); this.removeEventListener('resize', v2); } else { if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = this._parent.createChildAtDepth('FocusRect', mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop); v2.tabEnabled = false; this._parent.focus_mc = v2; } else { v2._visible = true; } v2.draw(this); if (v2.getDepth() < this.getDepth()) { v2.setDepthAbove(this); } this.addEventListener('unload', v2); this.addEventListener('move', v2); this.addEventListener('resize', v2); } }; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () { var v2 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = 8453965; } var v3 = this._parent.focus_mc; v3.setSize(this.width + 4, this.height + 4, 0, 100, v2); v3.move(this.x - 2, this.y - 2); }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.adjustFocusRect = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.classConstruct(); v1.DefaultsDependency = mx.skins.halo.Defaults; v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 59 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.checkIdle = function (Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames > 10) { mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'idle'}); } else { ++mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames; } }; v1.__addEventListener = function (e, o, l) { if (e == 'idle') { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.interval == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.interval = setInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle, 100); } } mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener(e, o, l); }; v1.__removeEventListener = function (e, o, l) { if (e == 'idle') { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l) == 0) { clearInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.interval); } } else { mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l); } }; v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = true; var v5 = _root; var v3; var v8 = _root._xmouse; var v7 = _root._ymouse; if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form.modalWindow == undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v6 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v4; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v4]; if (v2._visible) { if (v2.hitTest(v8, v7)) { if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = v2.getDepth(); v5 = v2; } else { if (v3 < v2.getDepth()) { v3 = v2.getDepth(); v5 = v2; } } } } ++v4; } if (v5 != mx.managers.SystemManager.form) { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(v5); } } } var v9 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v9.focusManager._onMouseDown(); }; v1.onMouseMove = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; }; v1.onMouseUp = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = false; mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; }; v1.activate = function (f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v1.focusManager.deactivate(); } } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); }; v1.deactivate = function (f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v5.focusManager.deactivate(); var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v1; var v2; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) { v1 += 1; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) { v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]; } ++v1; } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = v2; break; } else { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) { v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]; } } ++v1; } v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v5.focusManager.activate(); } } }; v1.addFocusManager = function (f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.push(f); mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(f); }; v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) { var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(f); } mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } }; v1.enableOverlappedWindows = function () { if (!mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized) { mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized = true; mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.checkIdle; mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseDown = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseDown; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseMove = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseMove; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseUp = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseUp; mx.managers.SystemManager.activate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.activate; mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.deactivate; mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.addFocusManager; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.removeFocusManager; } }; v1.initialized = false; v1.SystemManagerDependency = mx.managers.SystemManager; ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 60 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSSetStyle = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2._setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) { this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp] != undefined) { if (styleProp == 'color') { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } } _level0.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); return undefined; } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } if (styleProp == 'themeColor') { var v7 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var v6 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var v8 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var v4 = {}; v4[v7] = 12188666; v4[v6] = 13500353; v4[v8] = 16766319; var v5 = {}; v5[v7] = 13958653; v5[v6] = 14942166; v5[v8] = 16772787; var v9 = v4[newValue]; var v10 = v5[newValue]; if (v9 == undefined) { v9 = newValue; } if (v10 == undefined) { v10 = newValue; } this.setStyle('selectionColor', v9); this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v10); } _level0.changeColorStyleInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue); } else { if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } _level0.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue); } }; v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = function (styleProp) { var v4 = getTimer(); var v5; for (v5 in this) { var v2 = this[v5]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v4) { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete; delete v2.stylecache[styleProp]; } v2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); v2.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); v2.searchKey = v4; } } } }; v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = function (sheetName, colorStyle, newValue) { var v6 = getTimer(); var v7; for (v7 in this) { var v2 = this[v7]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v6) { if (v2.getStyleName() == sheetName || sheetName == undefined || sheetName == '_global') { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete v2.stylecache[colorStyle]; } if (typeof v2._color == 'string') { if (v2._color == colorStyle) { var v4 = v2.getStyle(colorStyle); if (colorStyle == 'color') { if ( != undefined) { = v4; } } v2.setColor(v4); } } else { if (v2._color[colorStyle] != undefined) { if (typeof v2 != 'movieclip') { v2._parent.invalidateStyle(); } else { v2.invalidateStyle(colorStyle); } } } } v2.changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue); v2.searchKey = v6; } } } }; v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = function (sheetName, styleProp, newValue) { var v5 = getTimer(); var v6; for (v6 in this) { var v2 = this[v6]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v5) { if (v2.styleName == sheetName || v2.styleName != undefined && typeof v2.styleName == 'movieclip' || sheetName == undefined) { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete v2.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } delete v2.enabledColor; v2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue); v2.searchKey = v5; } } } }; v2.setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) { if (this.stylecache != undefined) { delete this.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } if (styleProp == 'themeColor') { var v10 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var v9 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var v11 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var v6 = {}; v6[v10] = 12188666; v6[v9] = 13500353; v6[v11] = 16766319; var v7 = {}; v7[v10] = 13958653; v7[v9] = 14942166; v7[v11] = 16772787; var v12 = v6[newValue]; var v13 = v7[newValue]; if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = newValue; } if (v13 == undefined) { v13 = newValue; } this.setStyle('selectionColor', v12); this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v13); } if (typeof this._color == 'string') { if (this._color == styleProp) { if (styleProp == 'color') { if ( != undefined) { = newValue; } } this.setColor(newValue); } } else { if (this._color[styleProp] != undefined) { this.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } } this.changeColorStyleInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } else { if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } this.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || styleProp == 'styleName') { var v8; var v5 = newValue; if (styleProp == 'styleName') { v8 = (typeof newValue == 'string') ? _global.styles[newValue] : v5; v5 = v8.themeColor; if (v5 != undefined) { v8.selectionColor = v5; v8.rollOverColor = v8.selectionColor; } } this.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } }; v1.enableRunTimeCSS = function () {}; v1.classConstruct = function () { var v2 = MovieClip.prototype; var v3 = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setStyle = v3._setStyle; v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren; v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = v3.changeColorStyleInChildren; v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = v3.notifyStyleChangeInChildren; v2.setStyle = v3.setStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeTextStyleInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeColorStyleInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'setStyle', 1); var v4 = TextField.prototype; v4.setStyle = v2.setStyle; v4.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.classConstruct(); v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 61 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.Extensions = function () { if (mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended == true) { return true; } mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended = true; TextField.prototype.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus) { this.drawFocus(true); } } }; TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { this.drawFocus(false); } }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.getFocusManager = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.getFocusManager; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.enableOverlappedWindows(); mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.enableRunTimeCSS(); mx.managers.FocusManager.enableFocusManagement(); }; v1.bExtended = false; v1.UIComponentExtended = mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.Extensions(); v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.FocusManagerDependency = mx.managers.FocusManager; v1.OverlappedWindowsDependency = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows; ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 105 fpsChecker { } movieClip 107 { } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 118 { } movieClip 121 { } movieClip 124 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 146 { } movieClip 147 { } movieClip 148 { } movieClip 152 { } movieClip 154 { } movieClip 158 { } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 164 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 173 { } movieClip 175 { } movieClip 176 { instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 178 { } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 182 { instance of movieClip 181 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 185 { } movieClip 186 { instance of movieClip 185 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 189 { } movieClip 190 { } movieClip 192 { } movieClip 203 { } movieClip 206 { } movieClip 213 { } movieClip 214 { } movieClip 217 { } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 222 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 226 { instance of movieClip 225 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 227 l16_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 382 l16_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 386 { } movieClip 389 { } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 398 { } movieClip 401 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 404 l16_s2_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 424 { } movieClip 427 { } movieClip 432 { } movieClip 435 { } movieClip 439 { } movieClip 442 { } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 452 { } movieClip 479 { } movieClip 480 { frame 1 { var pstrot = _root.getIntInRange(-30, 30); var pstscale = _root.getIntInRange(50, 100); graffiti._rotation = pstrot; graffiti._xscale = pstscale; graffiti._yscale = pstscale; stop(); } instance graffiti of movieClip 479 { onClipEvent (load) { var srandDec = _root.getIntInRange(1, this._totalframes); this.gotoAndStop(srandDec); } } } movieClip 499 { } movieClip 552 { instance grime of movieClip 499 { onClipEvent (load) { var srandDec = _root.getIntInRange(1, this._totalframes); this.gotoAndStop(srandDec); } } } movieClip 565 { } movieClip 566 { frame 1 { var pstrot = _root.getIntInRange(-2, 2); var pstscale = _root.getIntInRange(85, 100); poster._rotation = pstrot; posterMask._rotation = poster._rotation; poster._xscale = pstscale; posterMask._xscale = poster._xscale; poster._yscale = pstscale; posterMask._yscale = poster._yscale; poster.setMask(posterMask); grime.setMask(posterMask); poster.filters = [_root.objectDropShadow]; poster.cacheAsBitmap = true; stop(); } instance poster of movieClip 552 { onClipEvent (load) { var srandDec = _root.getIntInRange(1, this._totalframes); this.gotoAndStop(srandDec); } } instance posterMask of movieClip 565 { onClipEvent (load) { var srandDec = _root.getIntInRange(1, this._totalframes); this.gotoAndStop(srandDec); } } } movieClip 570 { } movieClip 572 { } movieClip 574 { } movieClip 575 l9_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 578 l16_s2_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 581 { } movieClip 584 { } movieClip 587 { } movieClip 590 { } movieClip 594 { } movieClip 600 { } movieClip 603 { } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 613 { } movieClip 617 { } movieClip 620 { } movieClip 628 { } movieClip 633 { } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 639 { } movieClip 642 { } movieClip 643 { instance of movieClip 642 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 646 { } movieClip 647 doorBlock { } movieClip 648 { instance of movieClip 647 doorBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 649 l16_s2_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 656 { } movieClip 661 { } movieClip 666 { } movieClip 669 { } movieClip 675 { } movieClip 678 { } movieClip 682 { } movieClip 683 l16_s2_b1_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 687 { } movieClip 693 { } movieClip 695 { } movieClip 707 { } movieClip 712 { } movieClip 713 { } movieClip 717 { } movieClip 718 { instance of movieClip 717 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 719 l16_s3_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 722 { } movieClip 726 { } movieClip 729 { } movieClip 731 { } movieClip 737 { } movieClip 749 { } movieClip 753 { } movieClip 756 { } movieClip 757 l16_s3_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 761 { } movieClip 765 { } movieClip 766 l16_s3_b1_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 771 { } movieClip 778 { } movieClip 779 l16_s3_b1_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 787 { } movieClip 789 { } movieClip 790 l16_s3_b1_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 791 { } movieClip 792 { } movieClip 794 { } movieClip 797 { } movieClip 801 { } movieClip 809 { } movieClip 811 { } movieClip 814 { } movieClip 815 l16_s3_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 823 { } movieClip 827 { } movieClip 829 { } movieClip 830 l16_s3_b2_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 833 { } movieClip 840 { } movieClip 843 { } movieClip 844 { } movieClip 846 { } movieClip 849 { } movieClip 850 { instance of movieClip 849 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 851 l16_s3_b2_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 854 { } movieClip 861 { } movieClip 862 l16_s3_b2_f1_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 866 { } movieClip 871 { } movieClip 873 { } movieClip 877 { } movieClip 880 { } movieClip 882 { } movieClip 883 { } movieClip 885 { } movieClip 886 { } movieClip 888 { } movieClip 890 { } movieClip 892 { } movieClip 893 l16_s3_b2_f2_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 900 { } movieClip 905 { } movieClip 906 l16_s3_b2_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 909 { } movieClip 910 l16_s3_b2_f2_r2_fg { } movieClip 922 { } movieClip 925 { } movieClip 926 l16_s3_b2_f2_r4 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 931 { } movieClip 934 { } movieClip 936 { } movieClip 939 { } movieClip 940 { instance of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 941 l16_s3_b3_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 944 { } movieClip 955 { } movieClip 958 { } movieClip 963 { } movieClip 964 l16_s3_b3_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 970 { } movieClip 973 { } movieClip 977 { instance of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 978 l16_s3_b3_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 981 { } movieClip 990 { } movieClip 991 l16_s3_b4_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 999 { } movieClip 1000 l16_s3_b4_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 1005 { } movieClip 1006 { } movieClip 1007 l16_s3_b4_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 1009 { } movieClip 1013 { } movieClip 1014 l16_s3_b4_f2_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 1015 { } movieClip 1020 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1022 { } movieClip 1023 l16_s3_b4_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 1028 { } movieClip 1033 { } movieClip 1034 l16_s3_b4_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 1036 l16_s3_b4_f2_r0_fg { } movieClip 1043 l16_s3_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 1044 l16_s3_b3_f2_r1_fg { } movieClip 1045 l16_s2_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 1048 l13_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 1051 { } movieClip 1059 { } movieClip 1060 { } movieClip 1067 { } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1073 { } movieClip 1076 { } movieClip 1085 { } movieClip 1088 { } movieClip 1094 { } movieClip 1109 { } movieClip 1112 { } movieClip 1115 { } movieClip 1120 { } movieClip 1121 l12_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 1126 l12_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 1128 { } movieClip 1134 { } movieClip 1139 { } movieClip 1144 { } movieClip 1148 { } movieClip 1157 { } movieClip 1159 { } movieClip 1165 { } movieClip 1169 { } movieClip 1171 { } movieClip 1173 { } movieClip 1175 { } movieClip 1177 { } movieClip 1179 { } movieClip 1180 { } movieClip 1184 { } movieClip 1186 { } movieClip 1187 { instance of movieClip 1186 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1188 { } movieClip 1189 l12_s2_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 1192 { } movieClip 1194 l12_s2_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 1195 { } movieClip 1198 { } movieClip 1199 { } movieClip 1202 { } movieClip 1205 { } movieClip 1208 { } movieClip 1211 { } movieClip 1216 { } movieClip 1217 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 1220 { } movieClip 1221 { } movieClip 1227 { } movieClip 1230 { } movieClip 1234 { } movieClip 1237 { } movieClip 1238 { } movieClip 1241 { } movieClip 1244 { } movieClip 1247 { } movieClip 1250 { } movieClip 1254 { } movieClip 1255 { } movieClip 1259 { } movieClip 1260 l12_s1_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 1261 { } movieClip 1262 { } movieClip 1265 { } movieClip 1270 { } movieClip 1273 { } movieClip 1276 { } movieClip 1280 { } movieClip 1285 { } movieClip 1286 l12_s1_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1287 l12_s1_b2_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 1288 { } movieClip 1290 { } movieClip 1293 { } movieClip 1298 { } movieClip 1299 { } movieClip 1301 { } movieClip 1302 { } movieClip 1303 l12_s1_b3_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 1306 { } movieClip 1308 { } movieClip 1311 { } movieClip 1314 { } movieClip 1317 { } movieClip 1320 { } movieClip 1324 { } movieClip 1326 { instance of movieClip 1324 { onClipEvent (load) { var myColor = Math.round(Math.random() * 16777215); this.colorTo(myColor); } } } movieClip 1329 { } movieClip 1330 { } movieClip 1331 l12_s1_b3_f2_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 1334 { } movieClip 1335 { } movieClip 1340 { } movieClip 1343 { } movieClip 1344 { } movieClip 1345 l12_s1_b3_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 1347 { } movieClip 1350 { } movieClip 1353 { } movieClip 1359 { } movieClip 1361 { } movieClip 1362 l12_s1_b3_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metalBars'); } } } movieClip 1366 { } movieClip 1368 { } movieClip 1369 shotgun_Icon { } movieClip 1372 { } movieClip 1374 { } movieClip 1376 { } movieClip 1378 { } movieClip 1380 { } movieClip 1381 l12_s1_b3_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metalBars'); } } } movieClip 1384 { } movieClip 1388 { } movieClip 1390 { } movieClip 1400 { } movieClip 1401 { } movieClip 1404 { } movieClip 1405 { } movieClip 1406 l12_s1_b1_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 1407 { } movieClip 1408 { } movieClip 1411 { } movieClip 1416 { } movieClip 1420 { } movieClip 1423 { } movieClip 1425 { } movieClip 1426 l12_s1_b4_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 1430 { } movieClip 1433 { } movieClip 1436 { } movieClip 1437 l12_s1_b4_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 1439 { } movieClip 1448 { } movieClip 1449 l12_s1_b4_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1452 { } movieClip 1453 l12_s1_b4_f2_r2_fg { } movieClip 1454 { } movieClip 1464 { } movieClip 1467 { } movieClip 1471 { } movieClip 1472 backpack { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1475 { } movieClip 1477 { } movieClip 1478 { } movieClip 1479 l12_s2_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 1480 l12_s2_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 1482 { } movieClip 1485 { } movieClip 1487 { } movieClip 1488 { } movieClip 1489 l12_s2_b1_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 1493 { } movieClip 1497 { } movieClip 1499 { } movieClip 1502 { } movieClip 1504 { } movieClip 1506 { } movieClip 1507 l12_s2_b1_f1_r101 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1508 { } movieClip 1510 { } movieClip 1511 l12_s2_b1_f1_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1512 { } movieClip 1515 { } movieClip 1516 l12_s2_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 1521 { } movieClip 1523 { } movieClip 1524 l12_s2_b2_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 1526 { } movieClip 1527 l12_s2_b2_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 1529 { } movieClip 1535 { } movieClip 1536 l12_s2_b2_f0_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1539 { } movieClip 1540 l12_s2_b2_f0_r0_fg { } movieClip 1543 { } // unknown tag 88 length 67 movieClip 1547 { } movieClip 1548 { } movieClip 1550 { } movieClip 1551 l12_s2_b2_f1_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 1557 { } movieClip 1558 l12_s2_b2_f2_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1561 { } movieClip 1564 { } movieClip 1565 { } movieClip 1567 { } movieClip 1568 l12_s2_b3_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1569 { } movieClip 1571 { } movieClip 1574 { } movieClip 1576 { } movieClip 1579 { } movieClip 1582 { } movieClip 1587 { } movieClip 1588 { } movieClip 1591 { } movieClip 1594 { } movieClip 1596 { } movieClip 1599 { } movieClip 1603 { } movieClip 1607 { } movieClip 1610 { } movieClip 1611 { } movieClip 1614 { } movieClip 1615 l12_s2_b0_f0_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1617 { } movieClip 1619 { } movieClip 1621 l12_s2_b0_f0_r100_fg { } movieClip 1623 { } movieClip 1626 { } movieClip 1627 { } movieClip 1629 { } movieClip 1630 l12_s2_b0_f0_r101 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1632 { } movieClip 1633 l12_s2_b0_f0_r102 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1634 { } movieClip 1637 { } movieClip 1641 { } movieClip 1644 { } movieClip 1645 { } movieClip 1649 { } movieClip 1650 { } movieClip 1652 { } movieClip 1654 { } movieClip 1655 l12_s2_b0_f0_r103 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1656 { } movieClip 1659 { } movieClip 1660 { } movieClip 1665 { } movieClip 1666 l12_s2_b0_f0_r104 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1667 l12_s2_b0_f0_r104_fg { } movieClip 1670 { } movieClip 1672 { } movieClip 1675 { } movieClip 1679 { } movieClip 1681 { } movieClip 1686 { } movieClip 1691 { } movieClip 1693 { } movieClip 1704 { } movieClip 1707 { } movieClip 1708 l11_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1723 { } movieClip 1727 { } movieClip 1740 { } movieClip 1741 { } movieClip 1742 { } movieClip 1744 { } movieClip 1748 { } movieClip 1754 { } movieClip 1755 { } movieClip 1757 { } movieClip 1758 l11_s2_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1762 l11_s2_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 1766 { } movieClip 1770 { } movieClip 1776 { } movieClip 1784 { } movieClip 1786 { } movieClip 1793 { } movieClip 1797 { } movieClip 1804 { } movieClip 1805 l11_s3_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1807 l11_s3_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 1810 { } movieClip 1814 { } movieClip 1817 { } movieClip 1823 { } movieClip 1827 { } movieClip 1832 { } movieClip 1833 { } movieClip 1835 { } movieClip 1839 { } movieClip 1847 { } movieClip 1848 { } movieClip 1849 l11_s4_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1851 l11_s4_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 1855 { } movieClip 1857 { } movieClip 1859 { } movieClip 1862 { } movieClip 1865 { } movieClip 1867 { } movieClip 1869 { } movieClip 1870 l11_s1_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 1875 { } movieClip 1877 { } movieClip 1880 { } movieClip 1881 l11_s1_b1_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 1883 { } movieClip 1888 { } movieClip 1889 { } movieClip 1893 { } movieClip 1898 { } movieClip 1899 l11_s1_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 1900 { } movieClip 1903 { } // unknown tag 88 length 81 movieClip 1910 { } movieClip 1911 l11_s1_b2_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 1917 { } movieClip 1918 l11_s1_b2_f3_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 1924 { } movieClip 1925 l11_s1_b2_f4_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 1928 { } movieClip 1933 { } movieClip 1935 { } movieClip 1936 l11_s1_b2_f2_r203 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1937 { } movieClip 1938 { } movieClip 1944 { } movieClip 1945 { } movieClip 1946 l11_s1_b2_f2_r2031 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1950 { } movieClip 1951 l11_s1_b2_f2_r204 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1952 { } movieClip 1953 l11_s1_b2_f2_r2041 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1957 { } movieClip 1958 { } movieClip 1959 { } movieClip 1960 l11_s1_b2_f3_r301 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1961 { } movieClip 1962 l11_s1_b2_f3_r3011 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1965 { } movieClip 1966 l11_s1_b2_f3_r302 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1968 { } movieClip 1969 l11_s1_b2_f3_r3021 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1970 { } movieClip 1971 l11_s1_b2_f3_r304 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1973 { } movieClip 1974 l11_s1_b2_f3_r3041 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1977 { } movieClip 1978 l11_s1_b2_f4_r401 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1979 { } movieClip 1980 l11_s1_b2_f4_r4011 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1984 { } movieClip 1988 { } movieClip 1989 l11_s1_b2_f4_r402 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1992 roofHole { } movieClip 1993 { } movieClip 1994 l11_s1_b2_f4_r4021 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1997 { } movieClip 1998 l11_s1_b2_f4_r403 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1999 { } movieClip 2000 l11_s1_b2_f4_r4031 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2001 { } movieClip 2002 l11_s1_b2_f4_r404 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2003 { } movieClip 2004 l11_s1_b2_f4_r4041 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2007 { } movieClip 2009 { } movieClip 2010 { } movieClip 2013 { } movieClip 2015 { } movieClip 2017 { } movieClip 2020 { } movieClip 2021 { } movieClip 2028 { } movieClip 2029 l11_s1_b2_f5_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2032 l11_s1_b2_f5_r1_fg { } movieClip 2034 { } movieClip 2035 { } movieClip 2038 { } movieClip 2042 { } movieClip 2044 { } movieClip 2045 l11_s1_b2_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 2047 { } movieClip 2048 { } movieClip 2052 { } movieClip 2053 l11_s1_b1_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2055 { } movieClip 2057 { } movieClip 2065 { } movieClip 2067 { } movieClip 2069 { } movieClip 2072 { } movieClip 2076 { } movieClip 2078 { } movieClip 2080 { } movieClip 2082 { } movieClip 2084 { } movieClip 2086 { } movieClip 2089 { } movieClip 2091 { instance of movieClip 2089 { onClipEvent (load) { var myColor = Math.round(Math.random() * 16777215); this.colorTo(myColor); } } } movieClip 2094 { } movieClip 2105 { } movieClip 2107 { } movieClip 2109 { } movieClip 2111 { } movieClip 2113 { } movieClip 2114 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2116 { } movieClip 2121 { } movieClip 2123 { } movieClip 2126 { } movieClip 2129 { } movieClip 2130 { } movieClip 2132 { } movieClip 2134 { } movieClip 2136 { } movieClip 2138 { } movieClip 2141 { } movieClip 2142 { } movieClip 2144 { } movieClip 2147 { } movieClip 2149 { } movieClip 2151 magazine_ak47 { } movieClip 2153 magazine_m4a1 { } movieClip 2155 { } movieClip 2157 magazine_MP5 { } movieClip 2159 { } movieClip 2161 { } movieClip 2163 { } movieClip 2166 { } movieClip 2168 magazine_XM8 { } movieClip 2170 { } movieClip 2173 { } movieClip 2175 { } movieClip 2176 { } movieClip 2177 pistol_Icon { } movieClip 2179 { } movieClip 2181 { } movieClip 2183 { } movieClip 2185 { } movieClip 2188 { } movieClip 2190 { } movieClip 2192 { } movieClip 2193 { } movieClip 2195 { } movieClip 2197 { } movieClip 2199 magazine_UMP45 { } movieClip 2201 { } movieClip 2203 { } movieClip 2207 { } movieClip 2209 { } movieClip 2211 { } movieClip 2213 { } movieClip 2215 { } movieClip 2216 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } movieClip 2218 { } movieClip 2220 { } movieClip 2222 { } movieClip 2224 { } movieClip 2226 { } movieClip 2227 { } movieClip 2230 { } movieClip 2236 { } movieClip 2237 { instance of movieClip 2230 { onClipEvent (load) { var myColor = Math.round(Math.random() * 16777215); this.colorTo(myColor); } } } movieClip 2239 { } movieClip 2241 { } movieClip 2243 barrett_Icon { } movieClip 2245 { } movieClip 2247 { } movieClip 2249 { } movieClip 2251 { } movieClip 2253 { } movieClip 2255 { } movieClip 2257 { } movieClip 2259 { } movieClip 2263 { } movieClip 2264 { instance of movieClip 2263 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(2) + 1); } } } movieClip 2266 { } movieClip 2268 { } movieClip 2270 { } movieClip 2272 { } movieClip 2274 { } movieClip 2276 { } movieClip 2278 ammo_40mm { } movieClip 2279 { } movieClip 2283 { } movieClip 2284 ammo_RPG { } movieClip 2285 { } movieClip 2286 pickupDrop { frame 1 { stop(); } instance item of movieClip 2121 { onClipEvent (load) { var myColor = Math.round(Math.random() * 16777215); this.colorTo(myColor); } } instance item of movieClip 2155 { onClipEvent (load) { } } } movieClip 2287 { instance of movieClip 2076 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2290 { } movieClip 2291 { } movieClip 2293 { } movieClip 2295 { } movieClip 2299 { } // unknown tag 88 length 140 movieClip 2312 { } movieClip 2313 l13_s3_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2315 l13_s3_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 2318 { } movieClip 2323 { } movieClip 2332 { } movieClip 2333 l13_s3_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2337 { } movieClip 2338 l11_s1_b1_f2_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2344 { } movieClip 2345 l11_s1_b1_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2347 { } movieClip 2350 { } movieClip 2352 { } movieClip 2365 { } movieClip 2368 { } movieClip 2371 { } movieClip 2374 { } movieClip 2376 { } movieClip 2378 { } movieClip 2383 { } movieClip 2385 { } movieClip 2388 { } movieClip 2389 l11_s2_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance exit2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('shop'); } } } movieClip 2390 l11_s2_b2_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 2397 l11_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 2399 { } movieClip 2407 { } movieClip 2409 { } movieClip 2415 { } movieClip 2419 { } movieClip 2420 l11_s2_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2424 { } movieClip 2427 { } movieClip 2428 l11_s3_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2431 { } movieClip 2433 l11_s3_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 2437 { } movieClip 2438 l11_s3_b1_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2444 { } movieClip 2445 l11_s3_b1_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2446 { } movieClip 2454 { } movieClip 2455 l11_s3_b1_f0_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2458 { } movieClip 2463 { } movieClip 2464 { } movieClip 2466 { } movieClip 2467 l11_s3_b1_f1_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2470 { } movieClip 2471 { } movieClip 2472 { } movieClip 2475 { } movieClip 2478 { } movieClip 2481 { } movieClip 2482 l11_s3_b1_f0_r500 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2485 { } movieClip 2486 l11_s3_b1_f0_r501 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2488 { } movieClip 2489 l11_s3_b1_f0_r501_fg { } movieClip 2490 { } movieClip 2491 l11_s3_b1_f0_r502 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2506 { } movieClip 2513 { } movieClip 2516 { } movieClip 2517 l11_s3_b1_f0_r503 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2520 { } movieClip 2521 l11_s3_b1_f0_r503_fg { } movieClip 2527 { } movieClip 2528 l11_s3_b1_f0_r504 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2531 { } movieClip 2532 l11_s3_b1_f0_r505 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2535 { } movieClip 2536 l12_s1_b3_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 2537 { } movieClip 2538 { } movieClip 2539 { } movieClip 2541 { } movieClip 2544 { } movieClip 2547 { } movieClip 2548 { } movieClip 2549 { } movieClip 2550 { } movieClip 2551 { } movieClip 2552 { } movieClip 2554 { } movieClip 2555 l11_s3_b2_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2558 { } movieClip 2560 { } movieClip 2561 l11_s3_b2_f1_r200 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2565 { } movieClip 2568 { } movieClip 2569 l11_s3_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2571 { } movieClip 2572 l11_s3_b2_f1_r201 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2576 { } movieClip 2579 { } movieClip 2580 l11_s3_b2_f1_r200_fg { } movieClip 2581 { } movieClip 2582 { } movieClip 2583 l11_s3_b2_f1_r202 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2584 l11_s3_b2_f1_r202_fg { } movieClip 2585 l11_s3_b2_f1_r201_fg { } movieClip 2589 { } movieClip 2590 { } movieClip 2593 { } movieClip 2595 { } movieClip 2596 { } movieClip 2597 l11_s3_b2_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2600 { } movieClip 2601 { } movieClip 2603 { } movieClip 2604 l11_s3_b2_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2605 l11_s4_b3_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2606 l11_s4_b3_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 2608 { } movieClip 2615 { } movieClip 2619 { } movieClip 2625 { } movieClip 2630 { } movieClip 2637 { } movieClip 2638 l13_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2646 { } movieClip 2647 l13_s1_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2651 { } movieClip 2652 l13_s1_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 2653 { } movieClip 2654 l13_s1_b2_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 2672 { } movieClip 2675 { } movieClip 2679 { } movieClip 2680 { } movieClip 2686 { } movieClip 2687 l13_s1_b3_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2689 { } movieClip 2690 l13_s1_b3_f2_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2692 { } movieClip 2693 l13_s1_b3_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2695 { } movieClip 2702 { } movieClip 2704 { } movieClip 2705 l13_s1_b3_f2_r101 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2708 { } movieClip 2711 { } movieClip 2712 l13_s1_b3_f2_r102 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2713 { } movieClip 2717 { } movieClip 2718 l13_s1_b3_f2_r103 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2720 { } movieClip 2721 l13_s1_b3_f2_r104 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2723 { } movieClip 2724 l13_s1_b3_f2_r105 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2726 { } movieClip 2727 l13_s1_b3_f2_r106 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2728 { } movieClip 2729 l13_s1_b3_f2_r107 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2732 { } movieClip 2736 { } movieClip 2737 l13_s1_b3_f3_r107 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2741 { } movieClip 2748 { } movieClip 2749 l13_s1_b3_f3_r106 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2753 { } movieClip 2754 l13_s1_b3_f3_r105 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2757 { } movieClip 2758 l13_s1_b3_f3_r104 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2762 { } movieClip 2763 l13_s1_b3_f3_r103 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2766 { } movieClip 2767 l13_s1_b3_f3_r102 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2769 { } movieClip 2770 l13_s1_b3_f3_r101 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2772 { } movieClip 2773 l13_s1_b3_f3_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 2778 { } movieClip 2779 l13_s1_b3_f3_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2780 { } movieClip 2784 { } movieClip 2785 l13_s1_b4_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2797 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2802 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2804 particle_armChunk { } movieClip 2810 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2820 { } movieClip 2822 { } movieClip 2827 { } movieClip 2839 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2820 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1); } } instance damage of movieClip 2822 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2846 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2859 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2864 { } movieClip 2866 { } movieClip 2868 { } movieClip 2870 { } movieClip 2871 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2888 { } movieClip 2891 { } movieClip 2893 { } movieClip 2895 { } movieClip 2896 l13_s2_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2899 l13_s2_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 2903 { } movieClip 2904 l13_s2_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2906 { } movieClip 2907 l13_s2_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 2912 { } movieClip 2913 l13_s2_b1_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2917 { } movieClip 2919 { } movieClip 2920 l13_s2_b1_f1_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2924 { } movieClip 2925 l13_s2_b1_f1_r101 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2927 { } movieClip 2928 l13_s2_b1_f1_r102 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2929 { } movieClip 2935 { } movieClip 2936 { } movieClip 2939 { } movieClip 2940 l13_s2_b1_f1_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2941 { } movieClip 2942 l13_s2_b1_f1_r2_fg { } movieClip 2945 { } movieClip 2946 { } movieClip 2948 { } movieClip 2949 { } movieClip 2950 l13_s2_b1_f2_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2954 { } movieClip 2955 l13_s2_b1_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2958 { } movieClip 2959 l13_s2_b1_f2_r201 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2961 { } movieClip 2962 l13_s2_b1_f2_r202 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2966 { } movieClip 2969 { } movieClip 2970 l13_s2_b1_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2972 { } movieClip 2973 l13_s2_b1_f2_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2975 { } movieClip 2976 l13_s2_b1_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2979 { } movieClip 2982 { } movieClip 2983 l13_s2_b1_f3_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 2986 { } movieClip 2987 { } movieClip 2988 l13_s2_b1_f3_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 2991 { } movieClip 2992 { } movieClip 2993 l13_s2_b1_f3_r300 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2995 { } movieClip 2996 l13_s2_b1_f3_r301 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2998 { } movieClip 2999 l13_s2_b1_f3_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 3000 { } movieClip 3001 l13_s2_b1_f3_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 3004 { } // unknown tag 88 length 81 movieClip 3008 { } movieClip 3009 l13_s2_b1_f4_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 3013 { } movieClip 3014 l13_s2_b1_f4_r410 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3015 { } movieClip 3016 l13_s2_b1_f3_r302 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3018 { } movieClip 3019 l13_s2_b1_f3_r303 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3020 { } movieClip 3021 l13_s2_b1_f3_r304 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3024 { } movieClip 3025 l13_s2_b1_f4_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 3028 { } movieClip 3030 { } movieClip 3031 l13_s2_b1_f4_r405 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3033 { } movieClip 3034 l13_s2_b1_f4_r406 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3036 { } movieClip 3037 l13_s2_b1_f4_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 3039 { } movieClip 3040 l13_s2_b1_f4_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorWindow'); } } } movieClip 3041 l13_s2_b1_f4_r1_fg { } movieClip 3043 l9_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3044 { } movieClip 3048 { } movieClip 3049 l9_s1_b1_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3052 { } movieClip 3055 { } movieClip 3059 { } movieClip 3060 l9_s1_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3066 { } movieClip 3067 l9_s1_b1_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3070 { } movieClip 3071 l9_s1_b1_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3075 { } movieClip 3076 l9_s1_b1_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3077 { } movieClip 3078 { } movieClip 3082 { } movieClip 3083 l9_s1_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3088 { } movieClip 3089 l9_s1_b2_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3093 { } movieClip 3094 { } movieClip 3095 l9_s1_b2_f1_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3097 l9_s1_b2_f1_r3_fg { } movieClip 3105 { } movieClip 3108 { } movieClip 3112 { } movieClip 3114 { } movieClip 3115 l9_s1_b3_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance exit3 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('shop'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3116 l9_s1_b3_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 3119 { } movieClip 3120 l9_s1_b3_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3121 l9_s2_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3123 l9_s2_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3129 { } movieClip 3133 { } movieClip 3134 l9_s2_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance exit1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3136 { } movieClip 3137 l9_s2_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3143 { } movieClip 3144 l9_s2_b2_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3145 l9_s2_b2_f1_r2_fg { } movieClip 3150 { } movieClip 3151 l9_s2_b3_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3155 { } movieClip 3156 l9_s2_b3_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3158 { } movieClip 3162 { } movieClip 3163 l9_s2_b4_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3164 l9_s2_b4_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 3168 { } movieClip 3169 l9_s2_b4_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3170 l9_s2_b4_f1_r2_fg { } movieClip 3175 { } movieClip 3176 l9_s2_b4_f0_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3180 { } movieClip 3181 l9_s2_b5_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3186 { } movieClip 3187 l9_s2_b5_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3189 { } movieClip 3191 { } movieClip 3192 l9_s2_b5_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3196 { } movieClip 3197 l9_s2_b5_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3201 { } movieClip 3202 l9_s2_b5_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3208 { } movieClip 3209 l9_s2_b5_f2_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3215 { } movieClip 3217 { } movieClip 3219 { } movieClip 3221 { } movieClip 3222 { } movieClip 3224 { } movieClip 3238 { } movieClip 3239 l5_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance area2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3241 l5_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3244 { } movieClip 3247 { } movieClip 3248 l5_s1_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance room2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance exit1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3251 { } movieClip 3256 { } movieClip 3258 { } movieClip 3260 { } movieClip 3261 l5_s1_b1_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorOpenGrey '); } } } movieClip 3263 l5_s1_b1_f1_r2_fg { } movieClip 3265 { } movieClip 3269 { } movieClip 3273 { } movieClip 3275 { } movieClip 3276 l5_s1_b1_f1_r3 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('doorOpenGrey '); } } } movieClip 3286 { } movieClip 3288 { } movieClip 3290 { } movieClip 3291 l5_s1_b1_f1_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3293 { } movieClip 3297 { } movieClip 3298 { } movieClip 3299 l5_s1_b1_f1_r4 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3303 { } movieClip 3304 l5_s1_b1_f1_r402 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3307 { } movieClip 3308 l5_s1_b1_f1_r403 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3310 { } movieClip 3311 l5_s1_b1_f1_r404 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3315 { } movieClip 3316 l5_s1_b1_f1_r405 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3320 { } movieClip 3321 l5_s1_b1_f1_r406 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3324 { } movieClip 3325 l5_s1_b1_f1_r4061 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3327 { } movieClip 3328 l5_s1_b1_f1_r4062 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3330 { } movieClip 3331 l5_s1_b1_f1_r4051 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3332 { } movieClip 3333 l5_s1_b1_f1_r406_fg { } movieClip 3334 l5_s1_b1_f1_r4062_fg { } movieClip 3335 l5_s1_b1_f1_r4061_fg { } movieClip 3337 { } movieClip 3338 l5_s1_b1_f1_r499 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3340 { } movieClip 3344 { } movieClip 3345 l5_s1_b1_f1_r500 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3347 { } movieClip 3351 { } movieClip 3352 l5_s1_b1_f1_r501 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3360 { } movieClip 3361 l5_s1_b1_f1_r502 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3367 { } movieClip 3371 { } movieClip 3374 { } movieClip 3375 l6_s2_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3377 { } movieClip 3379 l6_s2_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 3382 { } movieClip 3385 { } movieClip 3387 { } movieClip 3392 { } movieClip 3396 { } movieClip 3401 { } movieClip 3405 { } movieClip 3408 { } movieClip 3412 { } movieClip 3413 l14_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3416 l14_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3417 { } movieClip 3418 l5_s1_b1_f1_r4063 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3437 { } movieClip 3438 l11_s3_b1_f0_r506 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3440 l11_s3_b1_f0_r506_fg { } movieClip 3442 { } movieClip 3443 { } movieClip 3446 { } movieClip 3449 { } movieClip 3450 l11_s3_b1_f0_r507 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3451 l11_s3_b1_f0_r507_fg { } movieClip 3454 { } movieClip 3457 { } movieClip 3459 { } movieClip 3462 { } movieClip 3463 { } movieClip 3464 { } movieClip 3477 { } movieClip 3478 l14_s2_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3482 l14_s2_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3487 { } movieClip 3488 l14_s2_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3490 l14_s2_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 3491 { } movieClip 3495 { } movieClip 3496 { } movieClip 3497 l14_s2_b1_f1_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3498 l14_s2_b1_f1_r100_fg { } movieClip 3499 { } movieClip 3501 { } movieClip 3505 { } movieClip 3506 { } movieClip 3508 { } movieClip 3509 { } movieClip 3510 { } movieClip 3511 l14_s2_b1_f2_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3512 l14_s2_b1_f2_r100_fg { } movieClip 3515 { } movieClip 3516 l14_s2_b1_f1_r200 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3517 l14_s2_b1_f1_r200_fg { } movieClip 3521 { } movieClip 3525 { } movieClip 3526 { } movieClip 3527 { } movieClip 3528 { } movieClip 3529 l14_s2_b1_f2_r200 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3530 l14_s2_b1_f2_r200_fg { } movieClip 3532 { } movieClip 3534 { } movieClip 3535 l14_s2_b1_f1_r300 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3536 l14_s2_b1_f1_r300_fg { } movieClip 3538 { } movieClip 3540 { } movieClip 3544 { } movieClip 3549 { } movieClip 3553 { } movieClip 3554 l14_s1_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 3557 { } movieClip 3560 { } movieClip 3563 { } movieClip 3567 { } movieClip 3569 { } movieClip 3571 { } movieClip 3573 { } movieClip 3574 explosion_grenade { frame 2 { } frame 59 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 3576 { } movieClip 3641 { } movieClip 3643 effect_explosion { frame 60 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 3644 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { _root.playSound('sound_explosion_big1'); } frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 3645 l6_s4_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance wallExplosion of movieClip 3644 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.trig.trig40.triggered == true && _root.trig.trig41.triggered == true) { this.gotoAndStop('open'); _root.lightObject(this); } } } } movieClip 3647 l6_s4_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3651 { } movieClip 3655 { } movieClip 3656 l7_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3657 l7_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3661 { } movieClip 3664 { } movieClip 3666 { } movieClip 3668 { } movieClip 3669 { } movieClip 3670 { } movieClip 3679 { } movieClip 3680 l7_s2_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3684 l7_s2_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3689 { } movieClip 3705 { } movieClip 3706 l7_s3_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3708 l7_s3_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3716 { } movieClip 3717 l7_s4_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3719 l7_s4_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3724 { } movieClip 3728 { } movieClip 3730 { } movieClip 3731 l15_s3_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3734 { } movieClip 3735 l15_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3737 l15_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3740 l15_s2_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3749 { } movieClip 3751 { } movieClip 3752 l15_s2_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3753 l15_s3_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3755 { } movieClip 3763 { } movieClip 3764 l15_s3_b0_f0_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance rtrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance ltrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3765 l15_s3_b0_f0_r100_fg { } movieClip 3770 { } movieClip 3771 l15_s3_b0_f0_r99 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance rtrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance ltrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3772 l15_s3_b0_f0_r99_fg { } movieClip 3777 { } movieClip 3781 { } movieClip 3782 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(20)); } frame 75 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } movieClip 3783 l7_s4_b0_f0_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance room1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3786 l7_s4_b0_f0_r100_fg { } movieClip 3788 { } movieClip 3789 { } movieClip 3796 { } movieClip 3797 l6_s1_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3798 l6_s1_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 3799 { } movieClip 3801 { } movieClip 3804 { } movieClip 3805 l6_s1_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sup of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3806 l6_s1_b2_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 3807 { } movieClip 3808 l6_s1_b2_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance sdwn of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3810 l6_s1_b2_f2_r1_fg { } movieClip 3811 { } movieClip 3816 { } movieClip 3817 l6_s3_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3818 l6_s3_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 3819 { } movieClip 3822 { } movieClip 3824 { } movieClip 3825 l6_s3_b1_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('metal'); } } } movieClip 3827 { } movieClip 3828 l6_s3_b1_f1_r2_fg { } movieClip 3830 { } movieClip 3831 l14_s1_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3838 { } movieClip 3839 l15_s3_b0_f0_r200 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance rtrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3849 { } movieClip 3850 { } movieClip 3852 { } movieClip 3853 l15_s3_b0_f0_r201 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance rtrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance ltrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3858 { } movieClip 3859 l15_s3_b0_f0_r202 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance ltrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3863 { } movieClip 3864 l15_s3_b0_f0_r98 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance rtrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3866 l15_s3_b0_f0_r200_fg { } movieClip 3867 l15_s3_b0_f0_r201_fg { } movieClip 3868 l15_s3_b0_f0_r202_fg { } movieClip 3869 l15_s3_b0_f0_r98_fg { } movieClip 3873 { } movieClip 3874 l15_s3_b0_f0_r300 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance rtrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance ltrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3875 l15_s3_b0_f0_r300_fg { } movieClip 3879 { } movieClip 3880 l15_s3_b0_f0_r301 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance ltrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3884 { } movieClip 3885 l15_s3_b0_f0_r500 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance ltrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3886 l15_s3_b0_f0_r500_fg { } movieClip 3887 l15_s3_b0_f0_r301_fg { } movieClip 3893 { } movieClip 3894 l15_s3_b0_f0_r498 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3895 l15_s3_b0_f0_r498_fg { } movieClip 3901 { } movieClip 3902 l15_s3_b0_f0_r499 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance rtrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3904 l15_s3_b0_f0_r499_fg { } movieClip 3908 { } movieClip 3913 { } movieClip 3914 { } movieClip 3915 l15_s3_b0_f0_r600 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3916 l15_s3_b0_f0_r600_fg { } movieClip 3918 { } movieClip 3919 l15_s3_b0_f0_r299 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance rtrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3920 l15_s3_b0_f0_r299_fg { } movieClip 3925 { } movieClip 3926 l15_s3_b0_f0_r101 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance ltrm1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3927 l15_s3_b0_f0_r101_fg { } movieClip 3930 { } movieClip 3933 { } movieClip 3935 { } movieClip 3937 { } movieClip 3939 { } movieClip 3943 { } movieClip 3944 { } movieClip 3945 l15_s3_b0_f0_r601 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 3946 l15_s3_b0_f0_r601_fg { } movieClip 3950 { } movieClip 3951 l15_s4_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3957 { } movieClip 3960 { } movieClip 3967 { } movieClip 3975 { } movieClip 3976 { } movieClip 3977 l15_s5_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 3978 l15_s4_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3982 l15_s5_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3983 l15_s6_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 3999 { } movieClip 4001 { } movieClip 4007 { } movieClip 4008 l15_s6_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 4014 { } movieClip 4015 l15_s5_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4016 { } movieClip 4017 l15_s5_b1_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4019 { } movieClip 4020 l15_s5_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 4021 l15_s5_b2_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 4024 { } movieClip 4025 l15_s5_b1_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 4028 { } movieClip 4030 { } movieClip 4031 l15_s5_b3_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 4033 { } movieClip 4034 l15_s5_b3_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 4035 { } movieClip 4038 { } movieClip 4041 { } movieClip 4042 l15_s6_b1_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4045 { } movieClip 4046 l15_s6_b1_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4051 { } movieClip 4052 { } movieClip 4053 l15_s6_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4055 { } movieClip 4057 { } movieClip 4058 l15_s6_b3_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 4065 { } movieClip 4066 l15_s6_b3_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorWhite'); } } } movieClip 4070 { } movieClip 4071 l15_s6_b4_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4072 { } movieClip 4073 l15_s6_b5_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4075 { } movieClip 4076 l15_s6_b5_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 4079 { } movieClip 4080 { } movieClip 4081 { } movieClip 4086 { } movieClip 4089 { } movieClip 4092 { } movieClip 4096 { } movieClip 4103 { } movieClip 4106 { } movieClip 4113 { } movieClip 4114 { } movieClip 4117 { } movieClip 4120 { } movieClip 4123 { } movieClip 4126 { } movieClip 4128 { } movieClip 4130 { } movieClip 4132 { } movieClip 4134 { } movieClip 4136 { } movieClip 4138 { } movieClip 4141 { } movieClip 4142 { } movieClip 4145 { } movieClip 4149 { } movieClip 4150 { } movieClip 4151 { instance of movieClip 4150 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 4152 { } movieClip 4154 { } movieClip 4156 { } movieClip 4157 { instance of movieClip 4156 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 4159 { } movieClip 4160 { instance of movieClip 4159 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4161 { } movieClip 4174 { } movieClip 4178 { } movieClip 4181 { } movieClip 4182 { } movieClip 4183 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4151 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4186 { } movieClip 4187 { instance of movieClip 4186 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4188 l11_s4_b2_f1_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 4183 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 4183 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 4191 { } movieClip 4195 { } movieClip 4196 { } movieClip 4199 { } movieClip 4200 l11_s4_b2_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 4207 { } movieClip 4210 { } movieClip 4213 { } movieClip 4214 { } movieClip 4220 { } movieClip 4223 { } movieClip 4224 { } movieClip 4226 { } movieClip 4228 { } movieClip 4231 { } movieClip 4235 { } movieClip 4238 { } movieClip 4241 { } movieClip 4244 { } movieClip 4248 { } movieClip 4249 { } movieClip 4252 { } movieClip 4257 { } movieClip 4260 { } movieClip 4262 { } movieClip 4263 l11_s4_b2_f1_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 4183 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 4271 { } movieClip 4279 { } movieClip 4283 { } movieClip 4285 { } movieClip 4286 l11_s4_b2_f1_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 4183 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 4293 { } movieClip 4294 { } movieClip 4296 { } movieClip 4297 l11_s4_b2_f1_r200 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4300 { } movieClip 4303 { } movieClip 4305 { } movieClip 4306 l11_s4_b2_f1_r201 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4309 { } movieClip 4314 { } movieClip 4316 { } movieClip 4322 { } movieClip 4325 { } movieClip 4328 { } movieClip 4331 { } movieClip 4332 { } movieClip 4333 l11_s4_b2_f2_r2 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 4183 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 4338 { } movieClip 4339 l11_s4_b2_f2_r0 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 4183 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 4343 { } movieClip 4347 { } movieClip 4348 { } movieClip 4349 { } movieClip 4350 l11_s4_b2_f2_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance door1 of movieClip 4183 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } instance door2 of movieClip 4183 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('woodDoorClosed'); } } } movieClip 4354 { } movieClip 4357 { } movieClip 4361 { } movieClip 4363 { } movieClip 4364 { } movieClip 4365 { } movieClip 4367 { } movieClip 4370 { } movieClip 4372 { } movieClip 4373 l11_s4_b2_f2_r200 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4374 { } movieClip 4375 l11_s4_b2_f2_r201 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4377 { } movieClip 4379 { } movieClip 4381 { } movieClip 4382 { } movieClip 4383 { } movieClip 4384 l11_s4_b2_f2_r110 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4388 { } movieClip 4389 { } movieClip 4390 { } movieClip 4391 l11_s4_b2_f2_r100 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4395 { } movieClip 4396 { } movieClip 4397 { } movieClip 4399 { } movieClip 4400 { } movieClip 4401 { } movieClip 4403 { } movieClip 4406 { } movieClip 4409 { } movieClip 4411 { } movieClip 4414 { } movieClip 4415 l11_s4_b2_f2_r1101 { instance bounds of movieClip 4081 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4417 l5_s1_b1_f1_r1_fg { } movieClip 4420 l5_s1_b1_f1_r3_fg { } movieClip 4422 { instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 4432 { } movieClip 4436 { } movieClip 4437 l6_s1_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance area1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 4441 l6_s1_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 4444 l6_s2_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 4445 l6_s3_b0_f0_r1_fg { } movieClip 4449 { } movieClip 4457 { } movieClip 4458 l6_s2_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 4464 { } movieClip 4469 { } movieClip 4470 l6_s3_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance strt2 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } instance strt1 of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('blank'); } } } movieClip 4479 { } movieClip 4521 { } movieClip 4523 { } movieClip 4524 { } movieClip 4526 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4543 { } movieClip 4545 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4547 { } movieClip 4549 { } movieClip 4552 { } movieClip 4553 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4555 { } movieClip 4558 { } movieClip 4560 { } movieClip 4562 { } movieClip 4564 { } movieClip 4567 { } movieClip 4569 { } movieClip 4571 { } movieClip 4572 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance glove of movieClip 4549 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance glove of movieClip 4558 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance glove of movieClip 4562 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance glove of movieClip 4567 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance glove of movieClip 4562 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance glove of movieClip 4571 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4587 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4592 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4601 { } movieClip 4604 { } movieClip 4617 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4622 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4624 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4625 { } movieClip 4628 { } movieClip 4630 human_head1 { } movieClip 4631 { } movieClip 4634 { } movieClip 4635 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4637 { } movieClip 4640 { } movieClip 4643 { } movieClip 4647 { } movieClip 4650 { } movieClip 4653 { } movieClip 4656 { } movieClip 4659 { } movieClip 4661 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 4663 { } movieClip 4666 { } movieClip 4669 { } movieClip 4673 { } movieClip 4677 { } movieClip 4681 { } movieClip 4684 { } movieClip 4687 { } movieClip 4691 { } movieClip 4694 { } movieClip 4697 { } movieClip 4700 { } movieClip 4703 { } movieClip 4706 { } movieClip 4709 { } movieClip 4713 { } movieClip 4718 { } movieClip 4721 { } movieClip 4724 { } movieClip 4727 { } movieClip 4730 { } movieClip 4733 { } movieClip 4737 { } movieClip 4740 { } movieClip 4743 { } movieClip 4746 { } movieClip 4749 { } movieClip 4751 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4755 { } movieClip 4757 { } movieClip 4758 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4760 { } movieClip 4764 { } movieClip 4766 { } movieClip 4767 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4768 { instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4769 { } movieClip 4770 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance blood of movieClip 4769 { onClipEvent (load) { this.attachMovie('human_head1', 'headMask', 50); this.bloodSpray.setMask(headMask); } } } movieClip 4772 { } movieClip 4774 { } movieClip 4776 { } movieClip 4780 magazine_pistol { } movieClip 4782 { } movieClip 4783 { } movieClip 4784 magazine_M82 { } movieClip 4786 magazine_thor { } movieClip 4790 { } movieClip 4792 { } movieClip 4794 { } movieClip 4796 { } movieClip 4798 { } movieClip 4799 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance item of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 8 { if (inventory[storedWeaponID].ammo <= 0) { magazine._visible = false; } } instance item of movieClip 2155 { onClipEvent (load) { } } } movieClip 4801 { } movieClip 4804 { } movieClip 4806 { } movieClip 4807 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4810 { } movieClip 4817 { } movieClip 4828 { } movieClip 4831 { } movieClip 4833 { } movieClip 4835 { } movieClip 4837 { } movieClip 4839 { } movieClip 4841 { } movieClip 4856 { } movieClip 4858 { } movieClip 4860 { } movieClip 4862 { } movieClip 4864 { } movieClip 4866 { } movieClip 4871 { } movieClip 4873 { } movieClip 4876 { } movieClip 4877 { } movieClip 4878 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4879 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { } movieClip 4882 magazine_M24 { } movieClip 4883 magazine_scarh { } movieClip 4884 magazine_fal { } movieClip 4885 weapons { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } instance item of movieClip 2155 { onClipEvent (load) { } } frame 97 { stop(); } } movieClip 4888 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 15 { if (this._parent._parent.firing == true) { } } } movieClip 4890 { } movieClip 4892 magazine_assaultRifles { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4905 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4906 { frame 1 { if (this._parent._parent.crouched) { this._parent._parent.head._y = -160; this._parent._parent.neck._y = -160; } } frame 4 { this._parent._parent._parent.head._x = 4; this._parent._parent.neck._x = -5; if (this._parent._parent.crouched) { this._parent._parent.head._y = -160; this._parent._parent.neck._y = -160; } } frame 7 { this._parent._parent.head._x = -2; this._parent._parent.neck._x = -12; if (this._parent._parent.crouched) { this._parent._parent.head._y = -160; this._parent._parent.neck._y = -160; } } frame 10 { this._parent._parent.head._x = -2.5; this._parent._parent.neck._x = -4; if (this._parent._parent.crouched) { this._parent._parent.head._y = -160; this._parent._parent.neck._y = -160; } } frame 12 { this._parent._parent.head._x = 4; this._parent._parent.neck._x = 0; if (this._parent._parent.crouched) { this._parent._parent.head._y = -160; this._parent._parent.neck._y = -160; } } frame 16 { this._parent._parent.head._x = 5; this._parent._parent.neck._x = -5; stop(); } } movieClip 4910 { } movieClip 4911 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance flashPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance flashLightPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 17 { if (_root.struggling) { gotoAndPlay('struggle'); } } frame 24 { stop(); if ( == 'player' && this._parent.changingWeapons != true) { _root.giveWeapon(); } } frame 27 { weapon.magazine._visible = true; play(); } instance collision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 49 { this._parent.shoving = false; _root.returnWeaponPosition(this._parent); } frame 51 { stop(); this._parent.firingAnim = false; this.animating = false; } frame 52 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent); if (this._parent.firingAnim == true) {; } play(); } frame 66 { gotoAndStop('revolver'); } frame 67 { this.animating = true; } frame 82 { if (_root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].shell == 'shotgun') { _root.createBounceObject('shellCasing', this._parent); _root.createBounceObject('shellCasing', this._parent); } else { _root.createBounceObject('shellCasing', this._parent); _root.createBounceObject('shellCasing', this._parent); _root.createBounceObject('shellCasing', this._parent); _root.createBounceObject('shellCasing', this._parent); } } frame 127 { stop(); _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('revolver'); this.animating = false; } frame 128 { stop(); this._parent.firingAnim = false; this.animating = false; } frame 129 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 131 { if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('lmg_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('lmg'); } } frame 132 { this.animating = true; } frame 139 { _root.createBounceObject('mag', this._parent, this.magPoint, 'M249'); weapon.magazine._visible = false; } frame 170 { weapon.magazine._visible = true; } frame 255 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('lmg'); } frame 257 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 261 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('flameThrower_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('flameThrower'); } } frame 263 { this.animating = true; } frame 298 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('flameThrower'); } frame 300 { stop(); this._parent.firingAnim = false; this.animating = false; } frame 301 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent); if (this._parent.firingAnim == true) {; } play(); } frame 303 { if (this._parent.firing == true && _root.weapon[].fireMode == 'auto') { if (_root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].burst == true) { if (_root.consecRounds < _root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].roundsPerBurst) { gotoAndPlay('pistolAutomatic_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('pistolAutomatic'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('pistolAutomatic_fire'); } } } frame 306 { gotoAndStop('pistolAutomatic'); } frame 307 { this.animating = true; play(); } frame 310 { _root.createBounceObject('mag', this._parent, this.magPoint, 'pistol'); weapon.magazine._visible = false; } frame 343 { weapon.magazine._visible = true; } frame 350 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); if ( == 'UZI') { gotoAndStop('smg'); } else { gotoAndStop('pistolAutomatic'); } } frame 351 { this.animating = false; } instance flashPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { } } instance flashLightPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 352 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 355 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { if (_root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].burst == true) { if (_root.consecRounds < _root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].roundsPerBurst) { gotoAndPlay('assaultRifle_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('assaultRifle'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('assaultRifle_fire'); } } else { gotoAndStop('assaultRifle'); } } frame 356 { this.animating = true; play(); } instance flashPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 360 { _root.createBounceObject('mag', this._parent, this.magPoint); weapon.magazine._visible = false; } instance flashLightPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 378 { magazine.gotoAndStop(this._parent.currentWeapon); } frame 389 { weapon.magazine._visible = true; } frame 401 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); weapon.magazine._visible = true; gotoAndStop('assaultRifle'); } frame 402 { this.animating = false; } instance flashPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { } } instance flashLightPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 403 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 409 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { if (_root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].burst == true) { if (_root.consecRounds < _root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].roundsPerBurst) { gotoAndPlay('assaultRifleSlow_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('assaultRifleSlow'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('assaultRifleSlow_fire'); } } else { gotoAndStop('assaultRifleSlow'); } } frame 410 { this.animating = true; play(); } instance flashPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 414 { _root.createBounceObject('mag', this._parent, this.magPoint, 'pistol'); weapon.magazine._visible = false; } instance flashLightPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 432 { magazine.gotoAndStop(this._parent.currentWeapon); } frame 443 { weapon.magazine._visible = true; } frame 455 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); weapon.magazine._visible = true; gotoAndStop('assaultRifleSlow'); } frame 456 { this.animating = false; } frame 457 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 471 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('grenadeLauncher_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('grenadeLauncher'); } } frame 472 { this.animating = true; weapon.magazine._visible = false; } frame 519 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); weapon.magazine._visible = true; gotoAndStop('grenadeLauncher'); } frame 521 { this.animating = false; } instance ejectPoint of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 522 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 535 { _root.playPumpActionSound(this._parent); } frame 539 { _root.createBounceObject('shellCasing', this._parent); } frame 547 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('pumpAction_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('pumpAction'); } } frame 548 { this.animating = true; play(); } frame 558 { _root.playShellLoadSound(this._parent); } frame 563 { _root.reloadWeapon('shotgun', this._parent); if (this._parent.survivor == true) { if (this._parent.reloadCount >= _root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].maxAmmo) { gotoAndPlay('pumpAction_raise'); } else { ++this._parent.reloadCount; gotoAndPlay('pumpAction_loop'); } } else { if (_root.inventory[_root.currentWeaponID].ammo >= _root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].maxAmmo || _root['ammo' + _root.weapon[this._parent.currentWeapon].ammoType] < 1) { gotoAndPlay('pumpAction_raise'); } else { gotoAndPlay('pumpAction_loop'); } } } frame 570 { stop(); this.animating = false; this._parent.reloading = false; _root.raisingWeapon = false; gotoAndStop('pumpAction'); } frame 573 { this.animating = false; } frame 575 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 578 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('smg_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('smg'); } } frame 580 { this.animating = true; } frame 583 { _root.createBounceObject('mag', this._parent, this.magPoint, 'pistol'); weapon.magazine._visible = false; } frame 593 { magazine.gotoAndStop(this._parent.currentWeapon); } frame 609 { weapon.magazine._visible = true; } frame 613 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('smg'); } frame 614 { stop(); this.animating = false; } frame 615 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 617 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('bullpup_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('bullpup'); } } frame 618 { this.animating = true; } frame 655 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('bullpup'); } frame 656 { this.animating = false; } frame 657 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 672 { _root.playBoltCycleSound(this._parent); } frame 680 { _root.createBounceObject('shellCasing', this._parent); } frame 684 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('boltAction_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('boltAction'); } } frame 685 { this.animating = true; } frame 690 { _root.createBounceObject('mag', this._parent, this.magPoint, 'rifle'); weapon.magazine._visible = false; } frame 699 { magazine.gotoAndStop(this._parent.currentWeapon); } frame 716 { weapon.magazine._visible = true; } frame 722 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('boltAction'); } frame 723 { this.animating = false; } frame 724 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent); play(); } frame 725 { this.animating = true; } frame 745 { _root.playDrawBowSound(this._parent); } frame 749 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('bow_fire'); } else { _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('bow'); } } frame 753 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('bow'); } frame 755 { this.animating = false; if (_root.inventory[_root.currentWeaponID].ammo >= 1) { weapon.magazine._visible = true; } else { weapon.magazine._visible = false; } } frame 756 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; weapon.magazine._visible = false; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent); play(); } frame 774 { if (_root.ammoRPG <= 0) { this._parent.firingAnim = false; stop(); } } frame 775 { this.animating = true; weapon.magazine._visible = false; } frame 801 { weapon.magazine._visible = true; } frame 819 { stop(); this.animating = false; this._parent.firingAnim = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('RPG'); } frame 822 { this.animating = false; } frame 823 { this.animating = true; this._parent.firingAnim = true; play(); } frame 836 { _root.fireWeapon(this._parent); } frame 847 { stop(); this.animating = false; this._parent.firingAnim = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('handGrenade'); } frame 848 { this.animating = false; } frame 849 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 872 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('bigRifle_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('bigRifle'); } } frame 873 { this.animating = true; play(); } frame 877 { _root.createBounceObject('mag', this._parent, this.magPoint, 'pistol'); weapon.magazine._visible = false; } frame 905 { weapon.magazine._visible = true; } frame 918 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); weapon.magazine._visible = true; gotoAndStop('bigRifle'); } frame 919 { this.animating = false; } frame 920 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; weapon.collision._visible = false; play(); } frame 922 { weapon.collision._visible = true; } frame 926 { weapon.collision._visible = false; } frame 928 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; this._parent.meleeSwing = false; this._parent.shoving = false; gotoAndStop('fists'); } frame 930 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; weapon.collision._visible = false; play(); } frame 932 { weapon.collision._visible = true; } frame 936 { weapon.collision._visible = false; } frame 939 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; this._parent.meleeSwing = false; this._parent.shoving = false; gotoAndStop('fists'); } frame 944 { this.animating = false; } frame 947 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; weapon.collision._visible = false; play(); } frame 952 { weapon.collision._visible = true; } frame 957 { weapon.collision._visible = false; } frame 963 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; this._parent.meleeSwing = false; this._parent.shoving = false; _root.playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; _root.playerMoveForwardAnim = false; gotoAndStop('oneHand'); } frame 964 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; weapon.collision._visible = false; play(); } frame 971 { weapon.collision._visible = true; } frame 975 { weapon.collision._visible = false; } frame 980 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; this._parent.meleeSwing = false; this._parent.shoving = false; _root.playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; _root.playerMoveForwardAnim = false; gotoAndStop('oneHand'); } frame 981 { this.animating = false; } frame 984 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; weapon.collision._visible = false; play(); } frame 991 { weapon.collision._visible = true; } frame 995 { weapon.collision._visible = false; } frame 999 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; this._parent.meleeSwing = false; this._parent.shoving = false; _root.playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; _root.playerMoveForwardAnim = false; gotoAndStop('twoHand'); } frame 1000 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; play(); } frame 1002 { lowerArm_backFront._visible = true; } frame 1008 { weapon.collision._visible = true; } frame 1011 { lowerArm_backFront._visible = false; } frame 1013 { weapon.collision._visible = false; } frame 1015 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; this._parent.meleeSwing = false; this._parent.shoving = false; _root.playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; _root.playerMoveForwardAnim = false; gotoAndStop('twoHand'); } frame 1017 { weapon.item.gotoAndPlay('loop'); } frame 1018 { this._parent.firingAnim = true; _root.fireWeapon(this._parent);; play(); } frame 1021 { this._parent.firingAnim = false; if (this._parent.firing == true) { gotoAndPlay('chainsaw_fire'); } else { gotoAndStop('chainsaw'); } } frame 1023 { stop(); _root.reloadWeapon('full', this._parent); gotoAndStop('chainsaw'); } } movieClip 4925 human { frame 1 { head._y = -211.05; arms._y = -190.5; this.animating = false; stop(); } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 3 { this.transitioning = true; head._y = -171.05; arms._y = -150.5; neck._y = -168.9; } frame 4 { head._y = -186.05; arms._y = -165.5; neck._y = -184; } frame 5 { head._y = -211.05; arms._y = -190.5; neck._y = -209; } frame 6 { stop(); head._y = -211.05; arms._y = -190.5; neck._y = -208.9; this.neck.originX = this.neck._x; this.neck.originY = this.neck._y; this.head.originX = this.head._x; this.head.originY = this.head._y; this.transitioning = false; this.animating = false; _root.playFootStepSound('left'); head._x = 10; head._y = -211.6; neck._x = 0; neck._y = -208; } frame 8 { this.animating = true; } frame 21 { stop(); this.animating = false; } frame 22 { this.animating = true; } frame 44 { this.animating = false; _root.helpCompanion(); stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 78 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 108 { stop(); this.animating = false; } frame 109 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 126 { stop(); this.animating = false; } frame 130 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 154 { stop(); this.animating = false; } frame 155 { this.struggleAnim = true; if (this.struggling == true) { play(); } } frame 185 { if (this.struggling == true) { gotoAndPlay('struggleLoop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('struggleShove'); } } frame 187 { this.controlsLocked = true; } frame 203 { this.shoving = false; this.controlsLocked = false; _root.toggleAnimMode(this, 'default'); _root.idlePlayerPosition(); } frame 204 { if (this.crouched) { head._y = -170; neck._y = -170; } } frame 207 { head._x = 0; head._y = -211; neck._x = -10; neck._y = -208; if (this.crouched) { head._y = -170; neck._y = -170; } } frame 210 { head._x = -5; head._y = -210.6; neck._x = -12; neck._y = -207; if (this.crouched) { head._y = -170; neck._y = -170; } } frame 213 { head._x = -2.5; head._y = -210.6; neck._x = -4; neck._y = -207; if (this.crouched) { head._y = -170; neck._y = -170; } } frame 215 { head._x = 8; head._y = -211; neck._x = 0; neck._y = -208; if (this.crouched) { head._y = -170; neck._y = -170; } } frame 219 { stop(); head._x = 6; head._y = -207.6; neck._x = -4; neck._y = -208; if (this.crouched == false) { gotoAndStop('standing'); } else { head._y = -170; neck._y = -170; gotoAndStop('crouched'); } } frame 222 { if (this.crouched) { head._y = -160; neck._y = -159; } } frame 225 { head._x = 0; head._y = -211; neck._x = -10; neck._y = -208; if (this.crouched) { head._y = -160; neck._y = -159; } } frame 228 { head._x = -5; head._y = -210.6; neck._x = -12; neck._y = -207; if (this.crouched) { head._y = -160; neck._y = -159; } } frame 231 { head._x = -2.5; head._y = -210.6; neck._x = -4; neck._y = -207; if (this.crouched) { head._y = -160; neck._y = -159; } } frame 234 { head._x = 12; head._y = -211; neck._x = 0; neck._y = -208; if (this.crouched) { head._y = -160; neck._y = -159; } } frame 239 { stop(); head._x = 8; head._y = -207.6; neck._x = 0; neck._y = -208; if (this.crouched == false) { gotoAndStop('standing'); } else { head._y = -160; neck._y = -159; gotoAndStop('crouched'); } } frame 243 { this.transitioning = true; } frame 244 { head._y = -186.05; arms._y = -165.5; neck._y = -184; } frame 245 { head._y = -171.05; arms._y = -150.5; neck._y = -169; } frame 246 { stop(); head._y = -161.55; arms._y = -141; neck._y = -159.55; this.neck.originX = this.neck._x; this.neck.originY = this.neck._y; this.head.originX = this.head._x; this.head.originY = this.head._y; this.transitioning = false; } frame 256 { head._y = -164.05; arms._y = -143.5; } frame 262 { head._y = -161.55; arms._y = -141; } frame 265 { head._y = -159.05; arms._y = -138.5; } frame 271 { head._y = -161.55; arms._y = -141; } frame 273 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('crouchWalk'); } } frame 277 { head._y = -159.05; arms._y = -138.5; } frame 283 { head._y = -161.55; arms._y = -141; } frame 286 { head._y = -164.05; arms._y = -143.5; } frame 292 { head._y = -161.55; arms._y = -141; } frame 297 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('crouchWalkBackward'); } } frame 299 { head._y = -211.05; arms._y = -190.5; neck._y = -208.9; this.neck.originX = this.neck._x; this.neck.originY = this.neck._y; this.head.originX = this.head._x; this.head.originY = this.head._y; head._y = -211.6; neck._y = -208; this.transitioning = false; this.animating = true; play(); } frame 301 { head._y = -212.05; arms._y = -191.5; neck._y = -209.9; _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 303 { head._y = -213.05; arms._y = -192.5; neck._y = -211.9; } frame 309 { head._y = -213.05; arms._y = -192.5; neck._y = -211.9; } frame 311 { head._y = -212.05; arms._y = -191.5; neck._y = -210.9; } frame 313 { head._y = -211.05; arms._y = -190.5; neck._y = -209.9; } frame 315 { head._y = -210.05; arms._y = -189.5; neck._y = -208.9; _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } frame 317 { head._y = -211.05; arms._y = -190.5; neck._y = -208.1; } frame 319 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } frame 322 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 330 { _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } frame 333 { if (this.alive == true && > 0) { gotoAndPlay('sprint'); } else { _root.toggleAnimMode(, 'default'); gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } frame 338 { if (this.alive == true && > 0) { gotoAndPlay('sprint'); } else { _root.toggleAnimMode(, 'default'); gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } frame 352 { head._y = -211.05; arms._y = -190.5; neck._y = -208.9; this.neck.originX = this.neck._x; this.neck.originY = this.neck._y; this.head.originX = this.head._x; this.head.originY = this.head._y; head._y = -211.6; neck._y = -208; this.transitioning = false; play(); } frame 353 { _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } frame 362 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 371 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('walkBackward'); } } frame 387 { head._x = 10; arms._x = 10; neck._x = 10; head._y = -241.05; arms._y = -220.5; neck._y = -238.9; } frame 389 { head._x = 35; arms._x = 35; neck._x = 35; head._y = -280.05; arms._y = -259.5; neck._y = -277.9; } frame 390 { _root.endClimb(this); } frame 398 { arms._y = -140.5; head._y = -161.1; neck._y = -159; } frame 404 { } frame 425 { stop(); } frame 427 { play(); } frame 433 { gotoAndPlay('sit'); } frame 435 { stop(); } frame 446 { play(); } frame 498 { var randoAnimation = random(40); switch (randoAnimation) { case 0: gotoAndPlay('idleHeadScratch'); break; case 1: gotoAndPlay('idleHandsOnHips'); break; default: gotoAndPlay('idle'); } } frame 499 { play(); } frame 545 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } frame 547 { play(); } frame 592 { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } frame 616 { play(); } frame 639 { gotoAndPlay('useStanding'); } frame 677 { gotoAndPlay('leanForwardHandsKnees'); } frame 694 { stop(); } } movieClip 4927 { } movieClip 4928 shellCasing_pistol { instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4943 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4944 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4945 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4951 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4952 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4973 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4975 { } movieClip 4976 { instance damage of movieClip 4975 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 4981 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4984 { } movieClip 5013 { } movieClip 5018 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5020 { } movieClip 5022 { } movieClip 5025 { } movieClip 5048 { } movieClip 5052 { } movieClip 5056 { } movieClip 5073 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5089 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5096 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5013 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(Math.random() * this._totalframes)); } } instance deathDamageChest of movieClip 5018 { onClipEvent (load) { this._rotation = random(360); this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); } } instance deathDamageBelly of movieClip 5018 { onClipEvent (load) { this._rotation = random(360); this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); } } instance upperArmLost of movieClip 5020 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 5106 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5109 { } movieClip 5113 { } movieClip 5116 { } movieClip 5120 { } movieClip 5124 { } movieClip 5134 { } movieClip 5136 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5140 { } movieClip 5144 { } movieClip 5146 { } movieClip 5148 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } } movieClip 5155 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5171 { } movieClip 5177 { } movieClip 5178 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5180 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance deathDamage of movieClip 5018 { onClipEvent (load) { this._rotation = random(360); this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); } } instance accessory of movieClip 5155 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(Math.random() * this._totalframes)); } } instance of movieClip 5171 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(20) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 5171 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(20) + 1); } } instance hat of movieClip 5177 { onClipEvent (load) { if (this._parent._parent.hat != undefined) { } else { var ranHat = random(this._totalframes) + 5; this.gotoAndStop(ranHat); } } } instance accessory of movieClip 5155 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(45) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 5171 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(15) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 5171 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(15) + 1); } } } movieClip 5185 { } movieClip 5190 { } movieClip 5213 { instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 15 { play(); } frame 39 { gotoAndStop(this.startPos); } frame 43 { play(); this.animating = true; } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 83 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } } frame 84 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 124 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('idleShield'); } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 128 { this.animating = true; } frame 150 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('crawl'); } } frame 151 { this.animating = true; if (this.type != 'zombieRiotShield') { this.shield._visible = false; } } frame 170 { _root.endClimb(this); } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 187 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; } frame 196 { stop(); this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 201 { stop(); this.animating = false; } frame 207 { stop(); } frame 234 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 235 { play(); this.animating = true; this.laying = false; } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 267 { this.rising = false; this.laying = false; _root.alertRisingZombie(this); stop(); } frame 269 { this.animating = true; _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 297 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 312 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } frame 313 { this.animating = true; _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } instance collisionShield of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 341 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 356 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('walkShield'); } } frame 357 { this.animating = true; _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } frame 372 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 382 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('walkFast'); } } frame 384 { this.animating = true; } frame 386 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 398 { _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } frame 407 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } frame 409 { this.animating = true; if (this.type != 'zombieRiotShield') { this.shield._visible = false; } } frame 430 { _root.endClimb(this); } frame 431 { this.animating = true; } frame 452 { _root.endClimb(this); } frame 454 { this.animating = true; } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 497 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; } frame 506 { this.animating = true; } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 543 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; } frame 545 { this.animating = true; } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 579 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; stop(); } frame 581 { this.animating = true; } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 605 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; stop(); } frame 618 { this.animating = true; } frame 622 { _root.checkForGrab(this); } frame 624 { if (this.grabbed == true) { this.animating = true; play(); } } frame 639 { this.grabbing = false; if (this.grabbed == true) { gotoAndPlay('grabLoop'); } } frame 648 { this.animating = true; } frame 676 { if (this.stumbleMoving != false) { gotoAndPlay('stumble_back1_loop'); } } frame 677 { this.stumbleMoving = false; } frame 697 { this.stumbling = false; stop(); } frame 698 { this.animating = true; } frame 729 { if (this.stumbleMoving != false) { gotoAndPlay('stumble_back2_loop'); } } frame 730 { this.stumbleMoving = false; } frame 753 { this.stumbling = false; stop(); } frame 754 { this.animating = true; } frame 781 { if (this.stumbleMoving != false) { gotoAndPlay('stumble_forward1_loop'); } } frame 782 { this.stumbleMoving = false; } frame 799 { this.stumbling = false; stop(); } frame 800 { this.animating = true; } frame 835 { if (this.stumbleMoving != false) { gotoAndPlay('stumble_forward2_loop'); } } frame 836 { this.stumbleMoving = false; } frame 849 { this.stumbling = false; stop(); } frame 859 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 2); } frame 878 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 886 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 1); } frame 895 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 896 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 927 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 928 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 961 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 963 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 975 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 1); } frame 982 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 992 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 1004 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 1); } frame 1011 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 1012 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 1021 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 2); } frame 1031 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } } movieClip 5215 { } movieClip 5217 { } movieClip 5219 { } movieClip 5221 { } movieClip 5223 { } movieClip 5226 { } movieClip 5228 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5230 { } movieClip 5288 bloodPack1 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } } movieClip 5297 { } movieClip 5298 { } movieClip 5301 { } movieClip 5302 zombieDog { frame 1 { stop(); } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 14 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } frame 36 { setTimeout(_root.removeThisZombie, _root.removeZombieDelay, this._name); stop(); } frame 80 { setTimeout(_root.removeThisZombie, _root.removeZombieDelay, this._name); stop(); } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 93 { head.gotoAndStop('closed'); } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 103 { head.gotoAndStop('open'); } frame 107 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; } frame 116 { _root.endClimb(this); } frame 151 { gotoAndPlay('eating'); } } movieClip 5304 { } movieClip 5305 { instance of movieClip 5304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 5307 { } movieClip 5308 projectile_tracer { instance of movieClip 5307 { onClipEvent (load) { if (random(2) == 0) { this._visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 5309 projectile_arrow { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 5312 stuckArrow { frame 1 { if (random(2) == 0) { gotoAndStop('through'); } stop(); } } movieClip 5315 { } movieClip 5316 decal_arrow { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5317 projectile_40mmGrenade { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 5318 projectile_none { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 5363 { } movieClip 5364 { instance of movieClip 5363 { onClipEvent (load) { this._yscale = random(20) + 100; this._xscale = this._yscale; this._rotation = random(360); } } } movieClip 5365 projectile_flame { frame 25 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 5366 projectile_noneSlow { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 5367 projectile_RPG { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 5369 { } movieClip 5370 fireButton { instance of movieClip 5369 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 5371 { } movieClip 5372 crosshair { } movieClip 5374 { } movieClip 5377 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5378 { } // unknown tag 88 length 90 movieClip 5381 speechBubble { } movieClip 5384 { } movieClip 5385 { } movieClip 5388 { } movieClip 5393 { } movieClip 5396 { } movieClip 5397 { } movieClip 5399 { } movieClip 5400 { } movieClip 5403 { } movieClip 5406 { } movieClip 5410 { } movieClip 5411 { } movieClip 5412 { } movieClip 5416 { } movieClip 5420 { } movieClip 5423 { } movieClip 5426 { } movieClip 5429 { } movieClip 5431 { } // unknown tag 88 length 84 movieClip 5436 { } movieClip 5439 { } movieClip 5442 { } movieClip 5446 hud_bottomBarRollOver { } movieClip 5448 { } movieClip 5451 { } movieClip 5452 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 5457 { } movieClip 5459 { } movieClip 5460 { } movieClip 5462 { } movieClip 5463 { } movieClip 5465 { } movieClip 5467 { } movieClip 5468 { } movieClip 5469 { } movieClip 5473 { } movieClip 5474 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5476 { } movieClip 5477 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5478 { } movieClip 5480 { } movieClip 5482 { } movieClip 5485 { } movieClip 5486 { } movieClip 5489 { } movieClip 5516 helpBar { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5519 { } movieClip 5521 { } movieClip 5524 { } movieClip 5530 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5531 achievementStatus { } movieClip 5534 { } movieClip 5537 { } movieClip 5540 { } movieClip 5543 { } movieClip 5545 { } movieClip 5546 { } movieClip 5550 { } movieClip 5551 { } movieClip 5552 socialPrompt { } movieClip 5554 { } movieClip 5555 hud { instance reloadBar of movieClip 5397 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = Stage.width / 2 - this._width / 2; } } instance btn_options of movieClip 5403 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.hudButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance levelUp of movieClip 5412 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.hudButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance btn_character of movieClip 5423 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.hudButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance btn_inventory of movieClip 5426 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.hudButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance btn_journal of movieClip 5429 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.hudButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance btn_achievements of movieClip 5431 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.hudButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance cancelTravel of movieClip 5436 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cancelTravelButton(this._name); } } instance of movieClip 5448 { } } movieClip 5558 { } movieClip 5559 int_smallBullet { } movieClip 5562 { } movieClip 5563 int_shotgunShell { } movieClip 5566 { } movieClip 5567 int_rifleShell { } movieClip 5570 { } movieClip 5571 int_bigBullet { } movieClip 5573 overlay_xp { } movieClip 5575 { } movieClip 5577 { } movieClip 5579 { } movieClip 5580 struggleHud { } movieClip 5582 damageText { } movieClip 5596 { } movieClip 5598 { } movieClip 5601 { } movieClip 5604 { } movieClip 5605 { } movieClip 5606 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5608 { } movieClip 5611 searchItem { } movieClip 5646 { } movieClip 5647 { } movieClip 5656 { } movieClip 5658 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 282 movieClip 5661 { } movieClip 5662 { } movieClip 5663 blankMovie { } movieClip 5664 { } movieClip 5665 int_search { } movieClip 5667 { } movieClip 5668 { } movieClip 5671 { } movieClip 5672 { } movieClip 5674 { } movieClip 5676 { } movieClip 5678 { } movieClip 5680 { } movieClip 5683 { } movieClip 5685 { } movieClip 5686 { } movieClip 5688 { } movieClip 5690 { } movieClip 5691 searchHighlight { } movieClip 5698 { } movieClip 5699 { } movieClip 5704 { } movieClip 5705 { } movieClip 5707 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 5708 inventoryItem { } movieClip 5721 { } movieClip 5723 { } movieClip 5732 { } movieClip 5734 { } movieClip 5741 { } movieClip 5744 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 5746 { } movieClip 5747 { instance btn of movieClip 5746 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 5748 { } movieClip 5751 { } movieClip 5768 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5777 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5778 { } movieClip 5796 { } movieClip 5801 { } movieClip 5802 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5805 { } movieClip 5806 { } movieClip 5807 { } movieClip 5810 { } movieClip 5811 { } movieClip 5814 { } movieClip 5815 { } movieClip 5818 { } movieClip 5819 { } movieClip 5821 { } movieClip 5822 { } movieClip 5825 { } movieClip 5826 { } movieClip 5827 { } movieClip 5828 int_inventory { instance exitButton of movieClip 5601 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.invCloseButton(this._name); } } instance aid of movieClip 5807 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.backPackFilterBtn(this._name); } } instance weapons of movieClip 5811 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.backPackFilterBtn(this._name); } } instance ammo of movieClip 5815 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.backPackFilterBtn(this._name); } } instance clothing of movieClip 5819 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.backPackFilterBtn(this._name); } } instance all of movieClip 5822 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.backPackFilterBtn(this._name); } } instance junk of movieClip 5826 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.backPackFilterBtn(this._name); } } instance quest of movieClip 5827 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.backPackFilterBtn(this._name); } } } movieClip 5833 { } movieClip 5836 { } movieClip 5838 { } movieClip 5839 questListItem { } movieClip 5845 { } movieClip 5848 questJournal { } movieClip 5852 { } // unknown tag 88 length 284 movieClip 5868 { } movieClip 5873 { } movieClip 5876 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5877 { instance plus of movieClip 5876 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('plus'); } } } movieClip 5878 { } movieClip 5882 { } movieClip 5884 { } movieClip 5889 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5896 { } movieClip 5909 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5910 { instance plus of movieClip 5909 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('plus'); } } } movieClip 5911 { } movieClip 5917 { } movieClip 5918 int_character { instance luck of movieClip 5878 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'attribute'); } } instance intellect of movieClip 5878 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'attribute'); } } instance precision of movieClip 5878 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'attribute'); } } instance endurance of movieClip 5878 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'attribute'); } } instance strength of movieClip 5878 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'attribute'); } } instance confirm of movieClip 5889 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.confirmButton(this._name); } } instance exitBtn of movieClip 5601 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.charCloseButton(this._name); } } instance blunt of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); this.backing._alpha = 40; } } instance blades of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); } } instance pistols of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); this.backing._alpha = 40; } } instance longGuns of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); } } instance automatics of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); this.backing._alpha = 40; } } instance specialWeapons of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); } } instance smarts of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); this.backing._alpha = 40; } } instance security of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); } } instance searching of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); this.backing._alpha = 40; } } instance firstAid of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); } } instance fitness of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); this.backing._alpha = 40; } } instance survival of movieClip 5911 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.characterBtnSkills(this._name, 'skill'); } } } movieClip 5925 { } movieClip 5928 { } movieClip 5931 { } movieClip 5933 { instance arrow of movieClip 5931 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.timePanel_sliderSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 5934 int_timePanel { instance exit of movieClip 5601 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.timePanel_btnSetup(this._name); } } instance sleepWait of movieClip 5925 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.timePanel_btnSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 5937 { } movieClip 5938 { } movieClip 5940 { } movieClip 5941 { } movieClip 5944 { } movieClip 5953 { } movieClip 5954 { } movieClip 5957 { } movieClip 5958 { instance quality of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_videoBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance effects of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_videoBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance flashlight of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_videoBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance screenShake of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_videoBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance filmGrain of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_videoBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance brightness of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_videoBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance back of movieClip 5954 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_videoBtnSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 5966 { } movieClip 5968 { instance violence of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_gameBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance decalFade of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_gameBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance bodyFade of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_gameBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance damageText of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_gameBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance xpText of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_gameBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance achUpdates of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_gameBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance back of movieClip 5954 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_gameBtnSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 5975 { instance toggleCrouch of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_keyboardBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance azerty of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_keyboardBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance back of movieClip 5954 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_keyboardBtnSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 5978 { } movieClip 5982 { instance soundEffects of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_audioBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance music of movieClip 5941 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_audioBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance back of movieClip 5954 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_audioBtnSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 5984 { } movieClip 5986 { } movieClip 5990 { } movieClip 5991 { instance gameMenu of movieClip 5984 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance audio of movieClip 5984 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance keyboard of movieClip 5984 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance videoMenu of movieClip 5984 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance back of movieClip 5954 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 5994 { } movieClip 5995 { } movieClip 5996 { instance saveGame of movieClip 5984 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance resume of movieClip 5984 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance saveAndQuit of movieClip 5984 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(this._name); } } instance options of movieClip 5984 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 5997 pauseMenu { } movieClip 6003 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 6004 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 6005 int_pauseOverlay { } movieClip 6008 { } movieClip 6009 saveAnim { } // unknown tag 88 length 110 movieClip 6020 { } // unknown tag 88 length 108 movieClip 6028 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6031 { } movieClip 6032 { } movieClip 6038 { } movieClip 6045 { } movieClip 6046 { } // unknown tag 88 length 107 movieClip 6052 { } movieClip 6057 { } movieClip 6060 { } movieClip 6061 { } movieClip 6069 { } movieClip 6080 { } movieClip 6081 { } movieClip 6089 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6091 { } movieClip 6102 { instance premade0 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade7 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade1 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade8 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade2 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade9 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade3 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade10 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade4 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade11 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade5 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade12 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade6 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } instance premade13 of movieClip 6089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.preMadeButtons(this._name); } } } movieClip 6106 { } movieClip 6107 characterCreation { instance quitToMenu of movieClip 6106 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.quitToMenuButton(this._name); } } } movieClip 6110 { } movieClip 6112 { } movieClip 6119 { } movieClip 6121 { } movieClip 6122 { } movieClip 6125 dialog { } movieClip 6128 hud_interlace { } movieClip 6130 { } movieClip 6131 int_tinyBullet { } movieClip 6132 { } movieClip 6133 shellCasing_smg { instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6138 { } movieClip 6140 { } movieClip 6142 travelDialog { } movieClip 6151 { } movieClip 6155 { } movieClip 6156 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } frame 4 { this._parent._parent.shaking = false; } } movieClip 6157 { } movieClip 6158 { } movieClip 6161 { } movieClip 6166 { } movieClip 6168 { } movieClip 6171 { } movieClip 6180 { } movieClip 6181 int_security { } movieClip 6182 { } movieClip 6188 { } movieClip 6191 { } movieClip 6192 { } movieClip 6193 { } movieClip 6198 { instance here of movieClip 6192 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.deathButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance outside of movieClip 6193 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.deathButtonSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 6199 { instance quitBtn of movieClip 6188 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.deathButtonSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 6200 int_death { } movieClip 6204 { } movieClip 6207 { } movieClip 6208 dialogBox { } movieClip 6212 { } // unknown tag 88 length 288 movieClip 6223 { } movieClip 6225 int_note { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 95 blackOut { onClipEvent (load) { this.useHandCursor = false; this.onPress = function () {}; } } } movieClip 6233 { } movieClip 6234 { } movieClip 6239 storageItem { } movieClip 6242 { } movieClip 6245 { } movieClip 6246 int_storage { } movieClip 6247 container_blank { } movieClip 6249 { } movieClip 6250 decal_bulletSmall { frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6249 { onClipEvent (load) { this._xscale = random(80) + 60; this._yscale = random(80) + 60; } } } movieClip 6308 bloodPack { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } frame 9 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } frame 10 { play(); } frame 19 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } frame 20 { play(); } frame 26 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } frame 27 { play(); } frame 34 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } frame 35 { play(); } frame 41 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } frame 42 { play(); } frame 50 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } frame 58 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } frame 67 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 6314 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6315 muzzleFlashMedium { instance flash of movieClip 6314 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } frame 2 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 6318 { } movieClip 6319 muzzleFlashLight { frame 2 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 6322 { } movieClip 6323 flashLight { } movieClip 6326 { } movieClip 6327 { } movieClip 6329 { } movieClip 6330 { } movieClip 6331 flashLightBeam { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6332 { } movieClip 6334 { } movieClip 6335 itemShine { } movieClip 6341 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 6342 particle_bulletHit { } movieClip 6359 effect_flame { frame 25 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 6361 { } movieClip 6362 { } movieClip 6363 streetLight { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 6364 streetLightFlicker { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 55 { gotoAndPlay('highQuality'); } } movieClip 6365 { } movieClip 6366 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6367 homeLight { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 6368 { } movieClip 6369 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6370 smallLight { } movieClip 6371 homeLightFlicker { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay('highQuality'); } } movieClip 6372 { } movieClip 6373 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6374 smallLightGreen { } movieClip 6375 { } movieClip 6376 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6377 fluroLight { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 6378 fluroLightFlicker { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 55 { gotoAndPlay('highQuality'); } } movieClip 6379 shellCasing_assaultRifle { instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6380 shellCasing_shotgun { instance of movieClip 176 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6381 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 6384 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 6387 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 6388 { } movieClip 6389 particle_blood { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6388 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 2550 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); } } instance of movieClip 2929 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(9) + 1); this._rotation = random(360); } } } movieClip 6395 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6396 particle_meatChunk { instance of movieClip 6395 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } } movieClip 6398 { } movieClip 6399 magazine_M249 { } movieClip 6402 { } movieClip 6403 particle_dustShaft_bullet { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6406 { } movieClip 6407 particle_cloudDust_bullet { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 6410 particle_dirt2_bullet { } movieClip 6413 { frame 49 { stop(); } } movieClip 6414 roofHoleTop { } movieClip 6416 { } movieClip 6417 roofHoleMask { } movieClip 6426 randomTrash { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6431 particle_riotShield { } movieClip 6435 particle_roof { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1); } } movieClip 6436 { } movieClip 6437 smoke_RPGtrail { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 6441 randomTrashGore { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6443 defence_wall1 { } // unknown tag 88 length 292 movieClip 6458 { } movieClip 6459 { } movieClip 6461 { } movieClip 6462 { } movieClip 6464 { } movieClip 6466 { } // unknown tag 88 length 287 movieClip 6470 { } movieClip 6475 { } movieClip 6478 { } movieClip 6481 { } // unknown tag 88 length 70 movieClip 6487 { } movieClip 6488 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6492 { } movieClip 6493 { } movieClip 6494 mainMenu { instance continueGame of movieClip 6464 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.menuButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance newGame of movieClip 6466 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.menuButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance credits of movieClip 6466 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.menuButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance of movieClip 6475 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } instance of movieClip 6478 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('!/ArmorGames', '_blank'); }; } } instance of movieClip 6481 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } instance survivalKit of movieClip 6488 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.menuButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance of movieClip 6493 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } } movieClip 6499 { } movieClip 6500 { } movieClip 6509 { } movieClip 6510 { } movieClip 6511 { } movieClip 6512 { } movieClip 6515 { } movieClip 6521 { } movieClip 6526 { } movieClip 6527 { } movieClip 6528 { } movieClip 6531 { } movieClip 6535 { } movieClip 6536 { } movieClip 6537 { } movieClip 6539 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6542 { } movieClip 6543 { } movieClip 6545 { } movieClip 6558 creditsBetaTester { } movieClip 6559 { } movieClip 6562 { } movieClip 6567 { } movieClip 6568 { } movieClip 6572 { } movieClip 6573 menu_credits { } movieClip 6577 { } movieClip 6578 { } movieClip 6580 { } movieClip 6585 { } movieClip 6587 { } movieClip 6589 { } movieClip 6594 { } movieClip 6596 { } movieClip 6598 { } movieClip 6600 { } movieClip 6603 { } movieClip 6604 { } movieClip 6605 { instance of movieClip 6589 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () {}; } } instance of movieClip 6589 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onPress = function () {}; } } } movieClip 6606 { instance submit of movieClip 6585 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.armorLoginButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance cancel of movieClip 6587 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.armorLoginButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance forgotPassword of movieClip 6594 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.armorLoginButtonSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 6610 { } movieClip 6611 { } movieClip 6615 { } movieClip 6617 { } movieClip 6619 { } movieClip 6620 { instance logout of movieClip 6615 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.armorLoginButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance cont of movieClip 6617 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.armorLoginButtonSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 6625 { } movieClip 6627 { } movieClip 6628 { instance blackOut of movieClip 95 blackOut { onClipEvent (load) { this.useHandCursor = false; this.onPress = function () {}; } } instance close of movieClip 6028 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.armorLoginButtonSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 6634 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6644 { } movieClip 6645 { } movieClip 6646 { } movieClip 6649 { } movieClip 6655 { } movieClip 6660 purchasing { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6666 { } movieClip 6671 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6676 { } movieClip 6678 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6679 menu { } movieClip 6684 { } movieClip 6685 { } movieClip 6688 { } movieClip 6689 { } movieClip 6692 { } movieClip 6693 { } movieClip 6696 { } movieClip 6697 { } movieClip 6700 { } movieClip 6701 { } movieClip 6704 { } movieClip 6705 { } movieClip 6707 { } movieClip 6708 { } movieClip 6710 { } movieClip 6712 { } movieClip 6715 { } movieClip 6716 { } movieClip 6719 { } movieClip 6720 { } movieClip 6723 { } movieClip 6724 { } movieClip 6725 { } movieClip 6728 { } movieClip 6729 blankMarker { frame 1 { if (_root.debugMode == true) { secNum.text = this._name; locNam.text = _root[this._name].name; } else { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 6732 { } movieClip 6733 { } movieClip 6735 { } movieClip 6737 { } movieClip 6738 worldMap { } movieClip 6740 { } movieClip 6741 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6745 { } movieClip 6746 { } movieClip 6747 achievementPanel { instance flasher of movieClip 6746 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 6753 { } movieClip 6754 { } movieClip 6757 { } movieClip 6760 { } movieClip 6762 { } movieClip 6765 { } movieClip 6767 { } movieClip 6769 { } movieClip 6772 { } movieClip 6773 int_achievementPage { instance exitBtn of movieClip 5601 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.achButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance prevBtn of movieClip 6760 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.achButtonSetup(this._name); } } instance nextBtn of movieClip 6762 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.achButtonSetup(this._name); } } } movieClip 6778 systemConsole { } movieClip 6800 zombie { frame 1 { stop(); } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 15 { play(); } frame 39 { gotoAndStop(this.startPos); } frame 43 { play(); this.animating = true; } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 83 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('idle'); } } frame 84 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 124 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('idleShield'); } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 128 { this.animating = true; } frame 150 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('crawl'); } } frame 151 { this.animating = true; if (this.type != 'zombieRiotShield') { this.shield._visible = false; } } frame 170 { _root.endClimb(this); } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 187 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; } frame 196 { stop(); this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } frame 201 { stop(); this.animating = false; } frame 207 { stop(); } frame 234 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 235 { play(); this.animating = true; this.laying = false; } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 267 { this.rising = false; this.laying = false; _root.alertRisingZombie(this); stop(); } frame 269 { this.animating = true; _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 297 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 312 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } frame 313 { this.animating = true; _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } instance collisionShield of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.showCollisions == false) { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 341 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 356 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('walkShield'); } } frame 357 { this.animating = true; _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } frame 372 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 382 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('walkFast'); } } frame 384 { this.animating = true; } frame 386 { _root.playFootStepSound('right', this); } frame 398 { _root.playFootStepSound('left', this); } frame 407 { if (this.alive == true) { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } frame 409 { this.animating = true; if (this.type != 'zombieRiotShield') { this.shield._visible = false; } } frame 430 { _root.endClimb(this); } frame 431 { this.animating = true; } frame 452 { _root.endClimb(this); } frame 454 { this.animating = true; } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 497 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; } frame 506 { this.animating = true; } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 543 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; } frame 545 { this.animating = true; } instance collisionHead of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionChest of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionLegs of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance collisionBelly of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 579 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; stop(); } frame 581 { this.animating = true; } instance attackCollision of movieClip 4880 collisionBlock { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } frame 605 { this.attacking = false; attackCollision._visible = true; stop(); } frame 618 { this.animating = true; } frame 622 { _root.checkForGrab(this); } frame 624 { if (this.grabbed == true) { this.animating = true; play(); } } frame 639 { this.grabbing = false; if (this.grabbed == true) { gotoAndPlay('grabLoop'); } } frame 648 { this.animating = true; } frame 676 { if (this.stumbleMoving != false) { gotoAndPlay('stumble_back1_loop'); } } frame 677 { this.stumbleMoving = false; } frame 697 { this.stumbling = false; stop(); } frame 698 { this.animating = true; } frame 729 { if (this.stumbleMoving != false) { gotoAndPlay('stumble_back2_loop'); } } frame 730 { this.stumbleMoving = false; } frame 753 { this.stumbling = false; stop(); } frame 754 { this.animating = true; } frame 781 { if (this.stumbleMoving != false) { gotoAndPlay('stumble_forward1_loop'); } } frame 782 { this.stumbleMoving = false; } frame 799 { this.stumbling = false; stop(); } frame 800 { this.animating = true; } frame 835 { if (this.stumbleMoving != false) { gotoAndPlay('stumble_forward2_loop'); } } frame 836 { this.stumbleMoving = false; } frame 849 { this.stumbling = false; stop(); } frame 859 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 2); } frame 878 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 886 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 1); } frame 895 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 896 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 927 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 928 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 961 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 963 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 975 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 1); } frame 982 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 992 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 1004 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 1); } frame 1011 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } frame 1012 { play(); this.animating = true; } frame 1021 { _root.playBodyFallSound(this, 2); } frame 1031 { stop(); this.animating = false; _root.bitmapObject(this); } } movieClip 6808 { } movieClip 6814 { } movieClip 6817 { frame 226 { stop(); } } movieClip 6820 { } movieClip 6824 { } movieClip 6827 { } movieClip 6830 { } movieClip 6831 { } movieClip 6832 { } movieClip 6835 { } movieClip 6838 { } movieClip 6840 { } movieClip 6854 { } movieClip 6855 { } movieClip 6856 { instance of movieClip 6817 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } instance of movieClip 6820 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } frame 481 { _root.launchMenus(); } } movieClip 6857 introLogos { } movieClip 6858 { } movieClip 6859 l16_s0_b0_f0_r1 { instance bounds of movieClip 107 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 6862 { } movieClip 6865 { frame 22 { if (this._parent._parent.firing == true) { } } } movieClip 6868 { } movieClip 6870 { } movieClip 6871 { instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } } movieClip 6873 { } movieClip 6877 { } movieClip 6879 { } movieClip 6892 { } movieClip 6894 { } movieClip 6895 { } movieClip 6898 { instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } instance smoke of movieClip 6865 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(10)); } } } movieClip 6901 { } movieClip 6902 { } movieClip 6903 { frame 88 { stop(); } } movieClip 6904 ending { frame 816 { stop(); _root.endingCredits(); } } movieClip 6905 { } movieClip 6908 { } movieClip 6910 { } movieClip 6912 { } movieClip 6915 { } movieClip 6916 endingPromo { frame 178 { stop(); } } movieClip 6918 { } movieClip 6921 { } movieClip 6922 { } movieClip 6925 { } movieClip 6928 { } movieClip 6932 { } movieClip 6934 { } movieClip 6936 { } movieClip 6937 { } movieClip 6938 { } movieClip 6940 { } movieClip 6943 { } movieClip 6944 { } movieClip 6945 { } movieClip 6946 { } movieClip 6965 { } movieClip 6968 { } movieClip 6972 { } movieClip 6975 { } movieClip 6976 { } movieClip 6977 { } movieClip 6980 { } movieClip 6983 { } movieClip 6984 { } movieClip 6987 { } movieClip 6990 { } movieClip 6991 { } movieClip 6995 { } movieClip 6996 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 6998 { } movieClip 7000 { } movieClip 7002 { } movieClip 7004 { } movieClip 7006 { } movieClip 7008 { } movieClip 7009 { } movieClip 7013 { } movieClip 7016 { } movieClip 7017 { } movieClip 7018 { } movieClip 7022 { } movieClip 7025 { } movieClip 7029 { } movieClip 7033 intro { instance of movieClip 6918 { onClipEvent (load) { this.onRelease = function () { this._parent.gotoAndStop('end'); }; } } frame 1063 { stop(); _root.launchGame(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 7034 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 7288 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 4 { function sendKongStat(statName, value) { if (statName != undefined && value != undefined && value >= 1) { switch (statName) { if (statName !== 'finishedGame') { } else { case 'killMelee': case 'killZombie': case 'Brookvale': case 'Home': case 'Hospital': case 'Stadium': case 'Union Park': case 'Union Island': case 'finishedGame_survivor': case 'finishedGame_runGun': case 'pickLock': case 'killPistol': case 'killAssaultRifle': case 'killNoAlert': case 'readBook': case 'companion': case 'search': kongregate.stats.submit(statName, value); } } } } function sendKongMissionStats(aName) { switch (aName) { case 'ach42': sendKongStat('Brookvale', 1); break; case 'ach44': sendKongStat('Home', 1); break; case 'ach45': sendKongStat('Hospital', 1); break; case 'ach46': sendKongStat('Stadium', 1); break; case 'ach49': sendKongStat('Union Park', 1); break; case 'ach50': sendKongStat('Union Island', 1); } } function scaleAvatars() { = 61; = 61; = 30; = 30; } function armorLoggedIn() { menu.armorAGI.welcome._visible = true; menu.armorAGI.login._visible = false; menu.armorAGI.reg._visible = false; = _root.agi.getUserName();'loggedIn'); = _root.agi.getUserName(); var v2 = (_root.agi.getUserData()).avatar_url;;; scaleAvInt = setInterval(scaleAvatars, 3000); output('Check for Premium.'); _root.agi.retrieveUserData(checkPremium, 'PremPack1_Enabled'); } function onAGIError(data) { if (data.success) { } else { output('AGI error: ' + data.error); = true; = false; = true; = true; enterLogin = false; } } function onLogin(data) { if (data.success) { armorLoggedIn(); } else { output('Log in failed.'); = true; = false; = true; = true; enterLogin = false; } } function onRetrieveUserData(data) { if (data.success) { output('User data retrieved.'); armorLoggedIn(); enterLogin = false; } else { output('Failed to retrieve user data.'); } } function onLogout(data) { if (data.success) { output('Log out successful.'); resetArmorAGI();'loggedOut'); turnOffPremium(); } else { output('Log out failed.'); } } function output(str) { menu.armorAGI.output.text += str + '\n'; } function openArmorAGI(purchasing) { cycleMenus('login'); debugKills.tabIndex = 1; menu.armorAGI.login.username.tabIndex = 2; menu.armorAGI.login.pass.tabIndex = 3; loginOpen = true; menu.armorAGI._visible = true; menu.armorAGI._alpha = 0; menu.armorAGI.alphaTo(100, 0.2); if (_root.agi.isLoggedIn() == true) { menu.armorAGI.welcome._visible = true; menu.armorAGI.login._visible = false; menu.armorAGI.reg._visible = false; } else { resetArmorAGI(); } menu.armorAGI.login.username.onSetFocus = function () { if (menu.armorAGI.login.username.text == 'Username') { menu.armorAGI.login.username.text = ''; } }; menu.armorAGI.login.pass.onSetFocus = function () { menu.armorAGI.login.passText._visible = false; }; } function resetArmorAGI() { offScreen.setFocus(); menu.armorAGI.welcome._visible = false; menu.armorAGI.login._visible = true; menu.armorAGI.reg._visible = true; menu.armorAGI.login.wrongPassword._visible = false; menu.armorAGI.login.AGIerror._visible = false; menu.armorAGI.login.passLock._visible = false; menu.armorAGI.login.passText._visible = true; menu.armorAGI.login.username.text = 'Username'; menu.armorAGI.login.pass.text = ''; menu.armorAGI.login.submit._visible = true; menu.armorAGI.login.cancel._visible = true; } function closeArmorAGI() { loginOpen = false;, 0.2, 'linear', 0, function () { this._visible = false; _root.resetArmorAGI(); }); cycleMenus('main'); } function armorLoginButtonSetup(btnName) { menu.armorAGI.login[btnName].onPress = function () { switch (btnName) { case 'submit': _root.agi.login(,, onLogin); = ''; = true; = false; = false; = false; break; case 'cancel': _root.closeArmorAGI(); break; case 'forgotPassword': getURL('', '_blank'); break; default: } }; menu.armorAGI[btnName].onPress = function () { switch (btnName) { case 'close': _root.closeArmorAGI(); break; default: } }; menu.armorAGI.reg.regBtn.onPress = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; menu.armorAGI.welcome[btnName].onPress = function () { switch (btnName) { case 'logout': _root.agi.logout(onLogout); break; case 'cont': _root.closeArmorAGI(); break; default: } }; } function showLeadLogos() { _root.attachMovie('introLogos', 'introLogos', depth_introLogo); } function resetAch() { for (ral in ach) { ach[ral].count = 0; } } function resetAchSaves() { for (ral in ach) {[ach[ral].ref + 'Cnt'] = 0;[ach[ral].ref + 'Comp'] = false; } loadAchievements(); } function checkAch(reqType, achAddPoint) { if (achAddPoint != undefined) { sendKongStat(reqType, achAddPoint); } else { sendKongStat(reqType, 1); } for (aall in ach) { if (ach[aall].reqType == reqType) { if (ach[aall].comp != true) { ach[aall].lastCount = ach[aall].count; if (ach[aall].reqType == reqType && ach[aall].comp != true) { if (achAddPoint != undefined) { ach[aall].count += achAddPoint; } else { ach[aall].count += 1; } } if (ach[aall].count >= ach[aall].req && ach[aall].comp != true) { unlockAchievement(ach[aall].ref); ach[aall].comp = true; ach[aall].count = ach[aall].req; } var v2 = false; if (ach[aall].preReq != undefined) { if (ach[ach[aall].preReq].comp == true) { v2 = true; } } else { v2 = true; } if (settingAchUpdates == true && ach[aall].comp != true && v2 == true && ach[aall].count > ach[aall].lastCount && ach[aall].secret != true) { if (ach[aall].progPoint != undefined && achProgress._visible == false) { var v3 = ach[aall].count / ach[aall].progPoint; if (v3 == Math.round(v3) && Math.round(v3) > 0) { achProgress.title.text = ach[aall].name.toUpperCase(); achProgress.desc.text = ach[aall].desc.toUpperCase(); achProgress.prog.text = ach[aall].count + ' / ' + ach[aall].req; achProgress.progBar._xscale = Math.round((ach[aall].count / ach[aall].req) * 100); achProgress._visible = true; achProgress._alpha = 0; achProgress.alphaTo(100, 0.6); achProgress.alphaTo(0, 0.6, 'linear', achievementShowTime * 1.25, function () { this._visible = false; }); } } } } } } } function saveAchievements() { for (saveAch in ach) {[ach[saveAch].ref + 'Cnt'] = ach[saveAch].count;[ach[saveAch].ref + 'Comp'] = ach[saveAch].comp; } saveAchPrizes(); } function loadAchievements() { if ( != undefined) { for (loadAch in ach) { ach[loadAch].count =[ach[loadAch].ref + 'Cnt']; ach[loadAch].comp =[ach[loadAch].ref + 'Comp']; if (ach[loadAch].comp == true) { sendKongMissionStats(ach[loadAch].ref); } } } loadAchPrizes(); } function unlockAchievement(aName) { if ([aName + 'Comp'] != true) { ++achPanels; if (achPanels > 50) { achPanels = 1; } ++numActiveAchPanels; _root.hud.attachMovie('achievementPanel', 'achievementPanel' + achPanels, depth_hud_achievementPanel + achPanels); _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels]._x = Stage.width / 2 - _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels]._width / 2; _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels]._y = -50; _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].progBar._visible = false; _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].flasher._visible = true; _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].flasher._alpha = 100; _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].flasher.alphaTo(0, 0.3, 'easeOutSine', 0.4);[aName] = true; achievementCount = 0; for (aan in allAchievementNames) { if ([allAchievementNames[aan]] == true) { ++achievementCount; } } if (achievementCount >= allAchievementNames.length) { allAchievementsUnlocked = true; } _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].title.text = _root.ach[aName].name.toUpperCase(); _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].desc.text = _root.ach[aName].desc.toUpperCase(); _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].bonus.text = '+' + _root.ach[aName].bonus + ' XP'; achPanelSlideLoc = 25; if (numActiveAchPanels > 1) { achPanelSlideLoc = _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels]._height * numActiveAchPanels - 15; } _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels]._alpha = 0; _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels]._y = achPanelSlideLoc; _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].alphaTo(100, 0.2); _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].alphaTo(0, 0.3, 'linear', achievementShowTime, function () { --_root.numActiveAchPanels; }); _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels]._visible = true; adjustXP('quest', null, _root.ach[aName].bonus); playSound('sound_achievementUnlocked'); sendKongMissionStats(aName); } else {} giveAchAwards(); saveAchievements(); } function setupAchievementsPage(source) { for (sap in allAchievementNames) { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].title.text = _root['achievement_' + allAchievementNames[sap]].name.toUpperCase(); if (_root['achievement_' + allAchievementNames[sap]].name == 'crowdPleaser') { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].title.text = 'CROWD PLEASER'; } if (_root['achievement_' + allAchievementNames[sap]].name == 'frickenLasers') { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].title.text = 'FRICKEN\' LASERS'; } if (_root['achievement_' + allAchievementNames[sap]].name == 'bigMoney') { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].title.text = 'BIG MONEY'; } if (_root['achievement_' + allAchievementNames[sap]].name == 'gunNut') { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].title.text = 'GUN NUT'; } if (_root['achievement_' + allAchievementNames[sap]].name == 'runninHot') { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].title.text = 'RUNNIN\' HOT'; } if (_root['achievement_' + allAchievementNames[sap]].name == 'iComeInPeace') { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].title.text = 'I COME IN PEACE'; } if (_root.ach[aName].name == 'juggernaut') { _root.hud['achievementPanel' + achPanels].title.text = 'I\'M THE JUGGERNAUT'; } if (_root['achievement_' + allAchievementNames[sap]].name == 'slaughterMaster') { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].title.text = 'SLAUGHTER MASTER'; } _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].desc.text = _root['achievement_' + allAchievementNames[sap]].description.toUpperCase(); if ([allAchievementNames[sap]] == true) { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]]._alpha = 100; _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]].lockIcon.gotoAndStop('unlocked'); } else { _root[source].achievements[allAchievementNames[sap]]._alpha = 50; } } } function giveAchAwards(forcedAmount) { loadAchPrizes(); var v2 = 0; var v1 = 0; for (gach in ach) { if (ach[gach].comp != true) { ++v2; } ++v1; } var v3 = Math.ceil(((v1 - v2) / v1) * 100); if (forcedAmount != undefined) { v3 = int(forcedAmount); } if (v3 >= 25) { hud.achev.star1.colorTo(null); if (achPrizeGiven1 != true) { achPrizeGiven1 = true; pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_achStar1); addToInventory('bioHazardHat', true); addToInventory('bioHazardTop', true); addToInventory('bioHazardPants', true); saveAchPrizes(); } } if (v3 >= 50) { hud.achev.star2.colorTo(null); if (achPrizeGiven2 != true) { achPrizeGiven2 = true; pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_achStar2); addToInventory('battleAxe', true); saveAchPrizes(); } } if (v3 >= 75) { hud.achev.star3.colorTo(null); if (achPrizeGiven3 != true) { achPrizeGiven3 = true; pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_achStar3); addToInventory('M82', true); saveAchPrizes(); } } } function saveAchPrizes() { = achPrizeGiven1; = achPrizeGiven2; = achPrizeGiven3; currentSave.flush(); currentSave.close(); } function loadAchPrizes() { if ( != undefined) { achPrizeGiven1 =; achPrizeGiven2 =; achPrizeGiven3 =; } } function printAchList() { for (prnAch in ach) { if (ach[prnAch].secret != true) { } else {} } } function randomSeed(seed) { if (seed != null) { this.seed = seed; } else { this.seed = 0; } } function getRandom(Void) { seed = (seed * 9301 + 49297) % 233280; return seed / 233280; } function getNumInRange(bottom, top) { var v2 = top - bottom + 1; var v1 = getRandom(); return bottom + v2 * v1; } function getIntInRange(bottom, top) { var v2 = top - bottom + 1; var v1 = getRandom(); return Math.floor(bottom + v2 * v1); } function getBoolean(Void) { return getRandom() < 0.5; } function seedButton() { getRandom(); } function cs(seedChange) { _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].seed = seedChange; } function roundDecimal(numIn, places) { var v1 = Math.pow(10, places); var v2 = Math.round(numIn * v1) / v1; return v2; } function getRandRange(_min, _max) { var v1; v1 = Math.round(Math.random() * (_max - _min)) + _min; return v1; } function padNumber(padTo, targNum) { var v3 = ((Math.floor(targNum)).toString()).length; var v2 = targNum.toString(); if (v3 < padTo) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < padTo - v3) { v2 = '0' + v2; ++v1; } } return v2; } function setupSound() { _root.attachMovie('blankMovie', 'sound_effects', 50); _root.attachMovie('blankMovie', 'sound_music', 51); _root.attachMovie('blankMovie', 'sound_loops', 52); } function playSound(soundName, vol, pan) { if (settingSoundOn) { if (pan != undefined) { setPos = pan; } else { setPos = 0; } if (vol != undefined) { setVol = vol; } else { setVol = 100; } if (setVol > volCutOff) { ++sfx; if (sfx > 32) { sfx = 0; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip('snd' + sfx, depth_sound + sfx); _root['effect' + sfx] = new Sound(_root['snd' + sfx]); _root['effect' + sfx].attachSound(soundName); _root['effect' + sfx].setVolume(setVol); _root['effect' + sfx].setPan(setPos); _root['effect' + sfx].start(); _root['effect' + sfx] = null; } } } function playSoundLoop(soundName, loops, loopID) { if (settingSoundOn) { if (_root['soundLoop' + loopID] != undefined) { } else { ++soundLoops; if (soundLoops > 10) { soundLoops = 0; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip('soundLoop' + loopID, depth_soundLoops + soundLoops); _root['loop_' + loopID] = new Sound(_root['soundLoop' + loopID]); _root['loop_' + loopID].attachSound(soundName); _root['loop_' + loopID].setVolume(100); _root['loop_' + loopID].start(0, loops); } } } function playMusicLoop(soundName, loops, loopID, soundStartPos) { if (settingMusicOn == true) { lastMusicNum = musicTracks; ++musicTracks; if (musicTracks > 5) { musicTracks = 0; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip('holder' + musicTracks, depth_music + musicTracks); _root['music_' + musicTracks] = new Sound(_root['holder' + musicTracks]); _root['music_' + musicTracks].attachSound(soundName); _root['music_' + musicTracks].setVolume(0); _root['music_' + musicTracks].start(0, loops); _root['music_' + musicTracks].volumeTo(musicVolume, musicFadeTime, 'linear'); currentMusic = soundName; _root['music_' + lastMusicNum].volumeTo(0, musicFadeTime, 'linear', 0, function () { this.stop(); false; }); } else { _root['music_' + musicTracks].stop(); } } function stopAllMusic() { sam = 0; while (sam < 20) { _root['music_' + sam].volumeTo(0, 2, 'linear', 0, function () { this.stop(); }); ++sam; } } function muteAllSound() { if (settingSoundMuteOn) { showQuickMessage('Mute: Off'); soundMuted = false; music_inGameMusic.start(); mam = 0; while (mam < 6) { _root['music_' + mam].start(); ++mam; } musicOn = true; soundEffectsOn = true; } else { showQuickMessage('Mute: On'); soundMuted = true; music_inGameMusic.stop(); mam = 0; while (mam < 6) { _root['music_' + mam].stop(); ++mam; } musicOn = false; soundEffectsOn = false; } } function distSound(target) { if (settingSoundOn) { var v2 = Math.abs(world.player._x - target._x); var v1 = Math.round(((distSoundRange - v2) / distSoundRange) * 100); if (v1 < volCutOff) { v1 = 0; } return v1; } } function panSound(target) { if (settingSoundOn) { var v2 = 0; var v1 = 0; if (world.player._x > target._x) { v1 = Math.round(((world.player._x - target._x) / distSoundRange) * 100); v1 = -v1; } else { v1 = Math.round(((target._x - world.player._x) / distSoundRange) * 100); } v2 = v1; if (world.player._x == target._x) { v2 = 0; } return v2; } } function saveGameSettings() { = settingSoundOn; = settingMusicOn; = _quality; = lowViolence; = lowEffects; = lowFlashlight; = settingShowDamageText; = settingShowXPText; = settingBodyFade; = settingDecalFade; = settingFilmGrain; = settingScreenShake; = settingBrightness; = settingAchUpdates; = settingKeyboardAzerty; = settingKeyboardLefty; = settingToggleCrouch; = zombiesOff; = headShotsOnly; = socialShown; = facebookRewardGiven; = twitterRewardGiven; showSaveAnim('settings'); } function loadGameSettings() { if ( != undefined) { settingSoundOn =; settingMusicOn =; _quality =; lowViolence =; lowEffects =; lowFlashlight =; settingShowDamageText =; settingShowXPText =; settingBodyFade =; settingDecalFade =; settingFilmGrain =; settingScreenShake =; settingBrightness =; settingAchUpdates =; settingKeyboardAzerty =; settingKeyboardLefty =; settingToggleCrouch =; zombiesOff =; gameMode =; hardcore =; headShotsOnly =; if ( != undefined) { socialShown =; } if ( != undefined) { = facebookRewardGiven; } if ( != undefined) { = twitterRewardGiven; } } } function toggleQuality() { switch (_quality) { case 'HIGH': _root._quality = 'LOW'; break; case 'MEDIUM': _root._quality = 'HIGH'; break; case 'LOW': _root._quality = 'MEDIUM'; break; default: } } function toggleBrightness() { ++settingBrightness; if (settingBrightness > brightnessMax) { settingBrightness = brightnessMin; } } function toggleSetting(settingName) { if (_root[settingName] == true) { _root[settingName] = false; } else { _root[settingName] = true; } } function toggleFades(settingName) { switch (_root['setting' + settingName + 'Fade']) { case 'high': _root['setting' + settingName + 'Fade'] = 'low'; break; case 'med': _root['setting' + settingName + 'Fade'] = 'high'; break; case 'low': _root['setting' + settingName + 'Fade'] = 'med'; break; default: } } function god() { if (godMode == true) { godMode = false; } else { godMode = true; } } function setupConsole() { if (consoleOff != true) { _root.attachMovie('systemConsole', 'systemConsole', depth_DEBUG_console); systemConsole._x = 0; systemConsole._y = -480; systemConsole.opened = false; _root.systemConsole.consoleInput.tabEnabled = false; systemConsole.consoleHistory.autoSize = true; var v2 = new Object(); v2.onKeyUp = function () { switch (Key.getCode()) { case 192: openCloseConsole(); break; case 112: openCloseConsole(); break; case 13: executeCommand(_root.systemConsole.consoleInput.text); } }; Key.addListener(v2); } } function openCloseConsole() { if (consoleOff != true) { if (systemConsole._y > -100) { systemConsole.consoleInput.text = ''; systemConsole.ySlideTo(-480, 0.5, 'easeOutSine', 0); systemConsole.opened = false; if (game.state == 'paused') { unPauseGame(); } } if (systemConsole._y <= -100) { systemConsole.opened = true; systemConsole.ySlideTo(-90, 0.5); systemConsole.consoleInput.text = ''; Selection.setFocus('_root.systemConsole.consoleInput'); systemConsole.consoleInput.text = ''; if (game.state == 'unpaused') { pauseGame(); } } } } function executeCommand(funcName) { fullFunctionName = funcName; fullFunctionName.split(); startParam = fullFunctionName.indexOf('('); firstParam = fullFunctionName.indexOf(','); endFunction = fullFunctionName.indexOf(')'); var v4 = fullFunctionName.substring(0, startParam); if (firstParam > 0) { var v2 = fullFunctionName.substring(startParam + 1, firstParam); var v3 = fullFunctionName.substring(firstParam + 1, endFunction); } else { var v2 = fullFunctionName.substring(startParam + 1, endFunction); } if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = ''; } if (storedv3 == undefined) { var v3 = ''; } if (v3.length > 0 && v2.length > 0) { _root[v4](v2, v3); } if (v2.length > 0 && v3.length <= 0) { _root[v4](v2); } if (v3.length <= 0 && v2.length <= 0) { _root[v4](); } if (_root.systemConsole.consoleHistory.length > 500) { _root.systemConsole.consoleHistory.text = ''; } _root.systemConsole.consoleHistory.text += _root.systemConsole.consoleInput.text + '\r'; _root.systemConsole.consoleHistory._y -= 16; _root.systemConsole.consoleInput.text = ''; } function debugTools() { if (debugMode == true) { setupConsole(); _root.attachMovie('fpsChecker', 'fpsCheck', depth_DEBUG_fps); _root.fpsCheck._x = Stage.width / 2; _root.fpsCheck._y = 25; _root.fpsCheck._alpha = 70; _root.fpsCheck._visible = false; _root.fpsCheck.onEnterFrame = function () { fpsTime = getTimer(); framerate = Math.round(1000 / (fpsTime - oldTime)); --updateFPScount; if (updateFPScount < 0) { if (framerate < bottomFPS) { bottomFPS = framerate; } this.fpsText.text = 'FPS: ' + framerate + ' | LOW: ' + bottomFPS; updateFPScount = updateFPScountMax; if (framerate <= 20) { this.fpsText.colorTo(10027008); } else { this.fpsText.colorTo(16777215); } } oldTime = fpsTime; }; } } function showfps() { if (_root.fpsCheck._visible == true) { _root.fpsCheck._visible = false; } else { _root.fpsCheck._visible = true; } } function showColl() { if (showCollisions == false) { showCollisions = true; } else { showCollisions = false; } } function dText(contents) { if (debugTextOn) { _root.systemConsole.consoleHistory.text += contents + '\r'; _root.systemConsole.consoleHistory._y -= 16; } } function arrayFeedback() { if (arrayFBOn == true) { hud.arrayBox.text = 'RNDS: ' + roundsOnScreen.length + '\rALL: ' + allOnScreen.length + '\rENEMIES: ' + enemiesOnScreen.length; } } function kill() { = 0; world.player.permHealth = 0; } function clearOutSideRoom() { for (x in enemiesOnScreen) { if ((enemiesOnScreen[x]._x < 0 || enemiesOnScreen[x]._x > world.bounds._width) && enemiesOnScreen[x].falling == true) { removeMovieClip(enemiesOnScreen[x]); enemiesOnScreen.splice(x, 1); } } } function newGameReset() { totalMoney = 0; itemID = 0; inventory = null; inventoryList = null; startingOut = false; allItems = new Array(); clearRushSpawnTimeouts(); resetZombieSaves(); resetQuests(); resetNPCs(); resetAch(); resetInventory(); resetStorage(); defineTriggers(); rushActive = false; resetPlayerStartVars(); lastDamageOpacity = 100; } function newRoomReset() { if (endingRush == true) { rushActive = false; endingRush = false; } x = 0; while (x < 20) { _root['rushZom' + x] = null; ++x; } x = 0; while (x < 50) { _root['randZom' + x] = null; ++x; } clearOutSideRoom(); clearRushSpawnTimeouts(); noSpawnEnd = 0; noSpawnStart = 0; cleanUpTimeout = null; droppers = 0; killCount = 0; totalZombies = 0; numHumans = 0; numNPC = 0; numEffects = 0; numDecals = 0; numBld = 0; numArr = 0; numRoofHole = 0; muzzleFlashes = 0; numContainers = 0; numBeds = 0; numSpecDeadBodies = 0; allTriggers = new Array(); roundsOnScreen = new Array(); allOnScreen = new Array(); humansOnScreen = new Array(); allSurvivors = new Array(); allHumans = new Array(); allDeadBodies = new Array(); enemiesOnScreen = new Array(); survivorsOnScreen = new Array(); allInteractives = new Array(); currentDrops = new Array(); allLights = new Array(); allContainers = new Array(); allBlocks = new Array(); allDoors = new Array(); allNPCs = new Array(); allInteractives = new Array(); sayText = new Array(); sayOwner = new Array(); } function setSaves() { saveGameExists = false; numSaveSlots = 3; currentSaveName = ''; currentSaveNum = 0; saveGame1 = SharedObject.getLocal('ConArtists_TLSUC1'); saveGame2 = SharedObject.getLocal('ConArtists_TLSUC2'); saveGame3 = SharedObject.getLocal('ConArtists_TLSUC3'); saveGameName1 = ''; saveGameName2 = ''; saveGameName3 = ''; saveGameDetails1 = ''; saveGameDetails2 = ''; saveGameDetails3 = ''; currentSave = SharedObject; } function closeSOLs(solNum) { asnm = 1; while (asnm < 7) { if ('saveGame' + asnm != 'saveGame' + solNum) { _root['saveGame' + asnm].close(); delete _root['saveGame' + asnm]; } ++asnm; } } function checkSaveSizes() { if (saveGame1.flush(5242880) != true) { cycleMenus('allowSave'); menu.login._visible = false; } } function showSaveAnim(saveType) { hud.attachMovie('saveAnim', 'saveAnim', depth_hud_saveAnim); hud.saveAnim.txt.text = 'SAVING ' + saveType.toUpperCase(); hud.saveAnim._yscale = 90; hud.saveAnim._xscale = 90; hud.saveAnim._x = 13; hud.saveAnim._y = 382; hud.saveAnim._alpha = 0; hud.saveAnim.alphaTo(15, 0.3); hud.saveAnim.alphaTo(0, 0.3, 'linear', 2, function () { removeMovieClip(this); }); } function resetSave(target) { target.clear(); if ( != null) { target.clear(); } } function showSavingGameIcon(upgrades) { _root.attachMovie('saveAnim', 'saveAnim', depth_saveAnim); saveAnim._yscale = 70; saveAnim._xscale = 70; saveAnim._alpha = 70; saveAnim._x = 300; saveAnim._y = 480; if (upgrades == true) { saveAnim._alpha = 0; } } function checkForSaveGame() { if ( != undefined) { saveGameExists = true; } else { saveGameExists = false; } } function saveClearRoom() {[currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_clr'] = true; currentSave.flush(); currentSave.close(); } function saveGame() { if (mapOpen != true) { showSaveAnim('game'); = world.player.primaryWeapon; = world.player.secondaryWeapon; = world.player.primaryAmmo; = world.player.secondaryAmmo; =; = world.player.permHealth; = world.player.stamina; = world.player.currentWeapon; = world.player.storedWeapon; savePlayer(); saveInventory(); saveNPCStates(); saveNotes(); saveQuestStates(); saveTriggers(); saveAmmo(); = currentTimeMin; = currentTimeHrs; = currentTimeMin24; = currentTimeHrs24; = currentLighting; setDayNumber(); = currentDayNumber; = dayNameCount; = meridiem; = gameTime; = lastRushTime; = hoursPassed; = lastDropTime; = locationNumber; = streetNumber; = buildingNumber; = floorNumber; = roomNumber; = headShotsOnly; = gameMode; = hardcore; if (world.player._x != undefined) { = world.player._x; } else { = playerStartX; } saveCompanion(); saveAchievements(); currentSave.flush(); currentSave.close(); } } function loadGameInfo() { if (_root.agi.isLoggedIn()) { var v2 = 1; } else { var v2 = 1; } cgs = v2; while (cgs <= numSaveSlots) { _root['saveGamePrem' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.player.premium; _root['saveGameHeadShotsOnly' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.headShotsOnly; _root['saveGameName' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.player.charName; _root['saveGameDetails' + cgs] = 'LEVEL - ' + _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.player.level; _root['saveGameDay' + cgs] = 'DAY ' + _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.currentDayNumber; _root['saveGameLoc' + cgs] = _root['section' + _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.savedLoc].name; _root['saveGameMode' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.gameMode; if (_root['saveGame' + cgs].data.gameMode == 'runGun') { _root['saveGameMode' + cgs] = 'RUN & GUN'; } if (_root['saveGame' + cgs].data.hardcore == true) { _root['saveGameHardcore' + cgs] = 'HARDCORE'; } else { _root['saveGameHardcore' + cgs] = ''; } _root['saveGameHair' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs]; _root['saveGameSex' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs]; _root['saveGameHairColour' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.player.hairColour; _root['saveGameSkinColour' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.player.skinColour; _root['saveGameFacialHair' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.player.facialHair; _root['saveGameFace' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.player.faceAccessory; _root['saveGameEyes' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.player.eyesAccessory; _root['saveGameHead' + cgs] = _root['saveGame' + cgs].data.player.headAccessory; ++cgs; } } function loadGame() { if ( != undefined) { currentTimeMin =; currentTimeHrs =; currentTimeMin24 =; currentTimeHrs24 =; currentDayNumber =; lastDropTime =; currentLighting =; dayNameCount =; meridiem =; gameTime =; lastRushTime =; hoursPassed =; } if ( != undefined) { locationNumber =; streetNumber =; buildingNumber =; floorNumber =; roomNumber =; playerStartX =; setPlayerLocation(); } if ( != undefined) { questKillCount =; } headShotsOnly =; gameMode =; hardcore =; loadAchievements(); loadStorage(); loadTriggers(); loadNPCStates(); loadQuestStates(); loadAmmo(); midGamePremium(); setPremiumVars(); } function postLoadCommands() { setupAchievements(); defineTriggers(); setQuestContents(); setNoteContents(); loadNotes(); setAmmoDropRate(); setNPCLoc1(); setNPCLoc2(); setNPCLoc3(); setNPCLoc4(); setNPCLoc5(); setNPCLoc6(); setNPCLoc7(); setNPCLoc8(); setNPCLoc9(); setNPCLoc10(); setNPCLoc11(); setNPCLoc12(); setNPCLoc13(); setNPCLoc14(); setNPCLoc15(); setNPCLoc16(); } function startRush() { directorBreak = false; rushActive = false; lastRushTime = 0; } function startEndingRush(isIt) { endingRush = true; startRush(); } function checkIfSafeHouse(buildID, roomID) { if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding].safeHouse == true || _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].safeHouse == true) { return true; } else { return false; } } function resetThreat() { threat = 0; } function directorLoop() { if (rushActive != true && numZombiesSinceBreak > Math.round(player.level * breakThreshold + random(player.level)) && directorBreak == false && quest['quest' + activeQuest].type != 'kill') { numZombiesSinceBreak = 0; directorBreak = true; directorBreakLength = Math.round(random((levelCap - player.level) * breakLengthBase) + breakLengthBase); directorBreakStart = gameTime; } if (directorBreak == true && gameTime - directorBreakStart > directorBreakLength) { directorBreak = false; } rushTimeRange = Math.round(baseRushTime * (30 - player.level)); if (gameTime - lastRushTime < 30) { rushTimeRange += 10; } if (Math.round(world.player.permHealth / world.player.maxHealth) * 100 > 50) { rushTimeRange -= 10; } else { rushTimeRange += 10; } if (_root['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType] > _root.ammo['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType].avgMag) { rushTimeRange -= 10; } else { rushTimeRange += 10; } for (rtf in enemiesOnScreen) { rushTimeRange += 1; } if (checkIfSafeHouse() != true) { if (Math.abs(lastRushTime - gameTime) > rushTimeRange && totalZombies < maxZombies && rushActive == false && directorBreak != true) { lastRushTime = gameTime; rushStart = gameTime; rushActive = true; playSound('sound_rushStart', 30); musicFadeTime = musicFadeTimeShort; rushMusicChange = 999999999; musicDirectorLoop(true); } if (gameTime < rushStart + rushLength && rushActive == true) { setPlayerLocation(); if (playerLocation.outside != true) { directorSpawnRoofZombies(null, 'inside'); } else { directorSpawnRoofZombies(null, 'outside'); } } if (gameTime > rushStart + rushLength && rushActive == true) { lastRushTime = gameTime; rushActive = false; musicFadeTime = musicFadeTimeBase; musicVolume = musicVolumeBase; lastChangeTime = 0; musicDirectorLoop(true); } } if (rushActive != true && locationNumber != 7) { ++randZomDelay; if (randZomDelay > randZomTrigger) { randZomDelay = 0; directorAddRandomZombies(); } } } function setMaxThreat() { if (_root[currentLocation].danger != undefined) { dangerLevel = _root[currentLocation].danger; } if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet].danger != undefined) { dangerLevel = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet].danger; } if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding].danger != undefined) { dangerLevel = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding].danger; } baseThreat = Math.round(threatMultiplier * dangerLevel + threatAddition); maxZombies = Math.round(dangerLevel / maxZombieDiv + maxZombieAdd); if (maxZombies > absMaxZombies) { maxZombies = absMaxZombies; } if (checkIfSafeHouse() == true) { dangerLevel = 0; } if (directorBreak == true) { maxZombies = 0; } if (world.bounds._width <= smallRoomWidth) { maxZombies = Math.ceil(maxZombies / 3); } if (maxZombies == NaN || maxZombies == undefined) { maxZombies = 0; } rushLength = rushLengthBase * dangerLevel; if (rushLength > rushLengthMax) { rushLength = rushLengthMax; } if (endingRush == true) { rushLength = 999999; } if (dangerLevel == 0) { baseThreat = 0; maxZombies = 0; } var v2 = Math.round(( / world.player.healthMax) * 100); if (v2 < 90) { baseThreat -= 5; } if (v2 < 70) { baseThreat -= 5; } if (v2 < 50) { baseThreat -= 5; } if (v2 < 30) { baseThreat -= 5; } if (v2 < 10) { baseThreat -= 5; } for (cpst in inventory) { if (inventory[cpst].type == 'meds') { baseThreat -= 2; } } if (baseThreat < 0) { baseThreat = 0; } threatMax = baseThreat; } function adjustThreat(addRemove, amount) { switch (addRemove) { case 'add': if (threat < threatMax) { threat += amount; } break; case 'remove': threat -= amount; if (threat < 0) { threat = 0; } } } function directorAddZombiesRoom() { if (enemiesOnScreen.length < 1 && checkIfSafeHouse() != true && locationNumber != 7) { currRoomTime = currentLocation + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_lastTime'; dText('Checking NPCs in room? : ' + playerLocation.NPCs.length); var v6 = repopTime; if (playerLocation.outside == true) { v6 *= 0.5; } if ((gameTime -[currRoomTime] > v6 ||[currRoomTime] == undefined) && (playerLocation.NPCs.length < 1 || playerLocation.NPCs.length == undefined)) {[currRoomTime] = gameTime; var v5 = random(Math.round(threatMax / 10)); if (playerLocation.outside == true) { v5 = random(Math.round(threatMax / 3)); } if (v5 > maxZombies) { v5 = maxZombies; } var v4 = 10; daz = v5; while (daz > 0) { var v3 = _root['zLevel' + dangerLevel][random(_root['zLevel' + dangerLevel].length)]; var v2 = true; while (v2 == true) { --v4; if (v3.threat + threat <= threatMax) { setupZombie(v3.ref); v2 = false; } if (v4 <= 0) { v2 = false; } } --daz; } } } } function directorAddRandomZombies(forced, rush) { if (totalZombies < maxZombies && playerLocation.outside == true || forced == true) { var v8 = _root['zLevel' + dangerLevel][random(_root['zLevel' + dangerLevel].length)]; var v11 = 10; var v10 = true; var v2 = 0; var v4 = false; var v5 = false; var v6 = false; var v7 = random(100) + 50; var v3 = new flash.geom.Point(Stage.width / 2, Stage.height / 2); world.globalToLocal(v3); if (v3.x + Stage.width / 2 + 200 < world.bounds._width) { v6 = true; } if (v3.x - Stage.width / 2 - 200 > 0) { v5 = true; } if (v6 == true && v5 == true) { v6 = false; v5 = false; if (random(2) == 0) { v2 = v3.x + Stage.width / 2 + v7; v4 = true; } else { v2 = v3.x - Stage.width / 2 - v7; v4 = true; } } if (v6 == true) { v2 = v3.x + Stage.width / 2 + v7; v4 = true; } if (v5 == true) { v2 = v3.x - Stage.width / 2 - v7; v4 = true; } if (v2 > noSpawnStart && v2 < noSpawnEnd) { v4 = false; } if (v4 == true) { if (v8.threat + threat <= threatMax) { setupZombie(v8.ref, 'offscreen', v2, false, forced); } } } } function zombieDropPickups() { var v1 = 0; if (Math.round(( / world.player.healthMax) * 100) <= dropHealthMin) { v1 += 5; } if (gameTime - lastDropTime > Math.round(dropperInterval - v1) + random(dropperInterval / 3)) { lastDropTime = gameTime; ++droppers; return true; } } function directorSpawnRoofZombies(forced, loc) { if (loc == 'inside') { var v7 = Math.round(maxZombies); var v10 = 0; var v8 = 150; var v6 = false; var v5 = 200; if (world.roofHoleMask1 == undefined) { for (;;) { if (!(v6 == false || v5 <= 0)) break; --v5; var v3 = random(world.bounds._width); if (Math.abs(v3 - world.player._x) > 180) { v6 = true; } if (v5 <= 0) { v6 = true; } } if (v3 < v8) { v3 = v8; } if (v3 > world.bounds._width - v8) { v3 = world.bounds._width - v8; } showRoofHoleEffect(v3); } else { var v3 = world.roofHoleMask1._x; } srz = 0; while (srz <= v7) { if (srz + totalZombies < maxZombies) { var v2 = _root['zLevel' + dangerLevel][random(_root['zLevel' + dangerLevel].length)]; if (v2.ref != 'zombieCrawl' && v2.ref != 'zombieDog' && v2.ref != 'zombieRiser') { _root['roofZom' + srz] = setTimeout(setupZombie, srz * spawnRoofZomDelay, v2.ref, 'offscreen', v3 + (random(100) - 50), true, true); } } ++srz; } } if (loc == 'outside') { afz = 0; while (afz < maxZombies) { if (afz + totalZombies < maxZombies) { if (endingRush != true) { _root['rushZom' + afz] = setTimeout(setupZombie, afz * spawnRoofZomDelay, _root['zLevel' + dangerLevel][random(_root['zLevel' + dangerLevel].length)].ref, 'offscreen', zomAddXLoc + (random(100) - 50), false, true); } else { var v4 = world.player._x - 760; if (v4 < 50) { v4 = 50; } _root['rushZom' + afz] = setTimeout(setupZombie, afz * spawnRoofZomDelay, endingZombiePool[random(endingZombiePool.length)], 'offscreen', v4, false, true); } } ++afz; } } } function clearRushSpawnTimeouts() { crst = 0; while (crst < 100) { _root['roofZom' + crst] = null; ++crst; } } function sprz() { directorSpawnRoofZombies(true); } function musicDirectorLoop(forced, setTrack) { if (rushActive != true) { if (gameTime - lastChangeTime > musicChangeTime && rushActive != true || forced == true) { lastChangeTime = gameTime; var v2 = false; musicFadeTime = musicFadeTimeBase; var v3 = 10; for (;;) { if (!(v2 == false || v3 <= 0)) break; --v3; var v1 = allMusic[random(allMusic.length)]; if (v1 != currentMusic && v1 != secondLastMusic) { secondLastMusic = currentMusic; currentMusic = v1; v2 = true; } } playMusicLoop(v1, 999999, 'music'); } } if (rushActive == true && forced == true) { newRushMusic = ''; ++rushMusicChange; if (rushMusicChange >= rushMusicChangeTime) { rushMusicLevel = Math.round(100 - permHealthBarScale + 1 + totalZombies * 4); rushMusicChange = 0; } if (rushMusicLevel < rushLevel2) { newRushMusic = 'music_rush1'; } if (rushMusicLevel >= rushLevel2) { newRushMusic = 'music_rush2'; } if (rushMusicLevel >= rushLevel3) { newRushMusic = 'music_rush3'; } if (rushMusicLevel >= rushLevel4) { newRushMusic = 'music_rush4'; } if (rushMusicLevel >= rushLevel5) { newRushMusic = 'music_rush5'; } if (newRushMusic != currentRushMusic) { rushMusicChange = 0; currentRushMusic = newRushMusic; musicFadeTime = 0; musicVolume = rushMusicVolume; playMusicLoop(newRushMusic, 999, 'music'); } } } function endingCredits() { _root.attachMovie('endingPromo', 'endingPromo', depth_intro + 50); if (settingMusicOn == true) { musicVolume = musicVolumeBase; playMusicLoop('music_menu', 5); } endingPromo.facebook.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; endingPromo.rollCredits.onRelease = function () { _root.rollEndingCredits(); }; endingPromo.survivalKit.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(endingPromo); removeMovieClip(ending); removeMovieClip(menu); _root.quitGame('premium'); }; endingPromo.backToMenu.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(endingPromo); removeMovieClip(ending); removeMovieClip(menu); _root.quitGame(); }; } function rollEndingCredits() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip('menu', depth_intro + 50); menu.attachMovie('menu_credits', 'credits', this.getNextHighestDepth()); menu.credits._x = Stage.width / 2; menu.credits._y = Stage.height / 2; compileCredits(true); menu.credits._alpha = 0; menu.credits.alphaTo(100, 1); menu.credits.backing._alpha = 0; menu.credits.backing.alphaTo(100, 120, 'easeInSine'); menu.credits.back.onRelease = function () { removeMovieClip(ending); removeMovieClip(menu); _root.quitGame(); }; } function compileCredits(ending) { if (ending != true) { menu.credits.endingBars._visible = false; } menu.credits.creditsText._y = 120; menu.credits.creditsText.betaTesterList1.txt.autoSize = 'left'; menu.credits.creditsText.betaTesterList2.txt.autoSize = 'left'; menu.credits.creditsText.fakeAdList.txt.autoSize = 'left'; menu.credits.creditsText.notesList.txt.autoSize = 'left'; cc = 0; while (cc < creditsAdvertising.length) { menu.credits.creditsText.fakeAdList.txt.text += creditsAdvertising[cc].toUpperCase() + '\r'; ++cc; } cc = 0; while (cc < creditsNotes.length) { menu.credits.creditsText.notesList.txt.text += creditsNotes[cc].toUpperCase() + '\r'; ++cc; } cc = 0; while (cc < creditsBeta.length) { menu.credits.creditsText.betaTesterList.attachMovie('creditsBetaTester', 'bt' + cc, 100 + cc); var v2 = menu.credits.creditsText.betaTesterList['bt' + cc]; var v3 = cc; if (cc % 2 == 1) { v2._x = 300; v2._y = (v3 - 1) * 12 + 20; } else { v2._y = v3 * 12 + 20; } v2.txt.text = creditsBeta[cc].toUpperCase(); ++cc; } menu.credits.creditsText.betaTesterList._y = menu.credits.creditsText.fakeAdList._y + menu.credits.creditsText.fakeAdList._height + 120; menu.credits.creditsText.cacheAsBitmap = true; creditsScrollTime = menu.credits.creditsText._height / creditsScrollSpeed; menu.credits.creditsText.ySlideTo(-menu.credits._height, creditsScrollTime, 'linear', 0, function () { _root.cycleMenus('main'); }); } function openCredits() { cycleMenus('credits'); compileCredits(); } function givePremiumItems() { addToInventory('thudder', true); addToInventory('venom', true); addToInventory('sickle', true); addToInventory('guitar', true); addToInventory('TLStop', true); addToInventory('TLSbottom', true); addToInventory('kevlarVestHERC', true); addToInventory('HERCtop', true); addToInventory('HERCbottom', true); addToInventory('helmetHERC', true); addToInventory('HERCmask', true); unlockArea('section15'); setPremiumVars(); updatePlayerVars(); } function setPremiumVars() { if ( == true) { carryWeightMultiplier = 20; } else { carryWeightMultiplier = carryWeightMultiplierBase; } } function midGamePremium() { midGameCheckPremium(true); } function midGameCheckPremium(isPremium) { if (player.premium != true) { player.premium = true; givePremiumItems(); showDialogBox(dialog_premiumAdded); } } function showIntro() { _root.attachMovie('intro', 'intro', depth_intro); } function startCutScene(cutSceneNum) { currentCutSceneNum = int(cutSceneNum); cutSceneActive = true; if (_root['cutScene' + currentCutSceneNum].lockControls == true) { world.player.controlsLocked = true; hideHUD(); hud.cutSceneTop.ySlideTo(0, cutSceneBarTime, 'easeOutSine'); hud.cutSceneBottom.ySlideTo(Stage.height, cutSceneBarTime, 'easeOutSine'); } currentCutScene = _root['cutScene' + currentCutSceneNum]; sucs = 1; while (sucs < numCutSceneActions) { if (currentCutScene['action' + sucs].func != undefined) { var v2 = currentCutScene['action' + sucs].func + '(' + currentCutScene['action' + sucs].var1 + ',' + currentCutScene['action' + sucs].var2 + ')'; _root['cutSceneTimeOut' + sucs] = setTimeout(executeCommand, currentCutScene['action' + sucs].timing, v2); } ++sucs; } } function endCutScene() { cutSceneActive = false; world.player.controlsLocked = false; showHUD(); hud.cutSceneTop.ySlideTo(-this._height, cutSceneBarTime, 'easeOutSine'); hud.cutSceneBottom.ySlideTo(Stage.height + this._height, cutSceneBarTime, 'easeOutSine'); } function animateCharacter(target, animation) { var v1 = world[target]; toggleAnimMode(v1, 'anim'); v1.gotoAndPlay(animation); } function resetCharacterAnim(target) { var v1 = world[target]; toggleAnimMode(v1, 'default'); } function showEnding() { var v4 = 'finishedGame_' + gameMode; sendKongStat(v4, 1); sendKongStat('finishedGame', 1); game.state = 'paused'; saveGame(); stopAllMusic(); removeMovieClip(fireButton); removeMovieClip(hud); removeMovieClip(world); hideCrosshair(); _root.attachMovie('ending', 'ending', depth_intro); for (all in endingActors) { _root.ending.boat[endingActors[all]].attachMovie('human', endingActors[all], this.getNextHighestDepth); _root.ending.boat[endingActors[all]][endingActors[all]]._yscale = endingScale; _root.ending.boat[endingActors[all]][endingActors[all]]._xscale = _root.ending.boat[endingActors[all]][endingActors[all]]._yscale; toggleAnimMode(_root.ending.boat[endingActors[all]][endingActors[all]], 'anim'); actorRef = _root.ending.boat[endingActors[all]][endingActors[all]]; switch (endingActors[all]) { case 'player': var v3 = player; break; case 'partner': var v3 = npc.Partner; break; case 'follower': var v3 = npc[player.follower]; } =; if (endingActors[all] == 'partner') { if ( == 'male') { = 'female'; } else { = 'male'; } } actorRef.torsoAccessory = storedv3.torsoAccessory; actorRef.headAccessory = storedv3.headAccessory; actorRef.faceAccessory = storedv3.faceAccessory; actorRef.eyesAccessory = storedv3.eyesAccessory; actorRef.clothesShoe = storedv3.clothesShoe; = + '_' +; actorRef.facialHair = + '_' + storedv3.facialHair; + '_'; if (endingActors[all] != 'player') { actorRef.clothesTop = storedv3.clothesTop; actorRef.clothesBottom = storedv3.clothesBottom; actorRef.skinColour = convertSkinColour(storedv3.skinColour); actorRef.hairColour = convertHairColour(storedv3.hairColour); } else { actorRef.clothesTop = + '_' + storedv3.clothesTop; actorRef.clothesBottom = + '_' + storedv3.clothesBottom; actorRef.skinColour = storedv3.skinColour; actorRef.hairColour = storedv3.hairColour; } if (endingActors[all] == 'partner') { actorRef.skinColour = player.skinColour; actorRef.hairColour = convertHairColour('Black'); } decoratePlayer(actorRef); } _root.ending.boat.player.player.gotoAndStop('tinker'); _root.ending.boat.partner.partner.gotoAndStop('sitCrate'); _root.ending.boat.follower.follower.gotoAndStop('sitCrate'); if (player.follower == undefined || player.follower == null) { removeMovieClip(_root.ending.boat.follower.follower); } } function setCritChance() { var v1 = world.player.weaponSkill; critChance = Math.round(player.luck / critLuckReduction + adjustedSkill(v1) / critSkillReduction); } function checkCriticalHit(owner) { criticalHit = false; if ( == 'player') { var v1 = random(criticalHitChance); if (v1 < critChance) { criticalHit = true; } } } function checkKnockback(owner) { knockbackAttack = false; var v1 = random(knockbackChance); if (v1 < weapon[owner.currentWeapon].knockback) { knockbackAttack = true; } } function stumbleTarget(round, target, currentDamage, struggle, isPlayer) { if (target.state != 'stumble' && target.stumbling != true && target.laying != true && target.rising != true && target.type != 'zombieCrawl' && target.type != 'zombieDog' && target.type != 'zombieRiotShield') { if (round.owner.shoving == true && struggle != true) { playShoveHitSound(round.owner); } target.stumbling = true; target.stumbleMoving = true; target.attacking = false; target.grabbing = false; = false; target.lastState = target.state; if (target.state == 'attack') { target.lastState = 'chase'; } target.state = 'stumble'; target.animWalk = false; if (round.owner._x > target._x) { target.stumbleDir = 'left'; } else { target.stumbleDir = 'right'; } var v2 = 0; if (isPlayer) { v2 = player.strength + Math.round(adjustedSkill('fitness') / 5); } if (target.stumbleDir == 'left') { target.stumbleDistance = target._x - Math.round(minStumbleDist + currentDamage + v2); } else { target.stumbleDistance = target._x + Math.round(minStumbleDist + currentDamage + v2); } } } function checkMiss(missRound, melee, zed, human) { var v4 = random(missRange); if ( == 'player' && melee != true) { var v2 = adjustedSkill(missRound.skill); if (missRound.owner.crouched == true) { v2 += v2 * missRoundCrouchBonus; } if (world.player.currentWeapon == 'chainsaw' || world.player.currentWeapon == 'chainsaw_damaged') { } else { if (v4 < missChance - Math.round(v2 * 2)) { return true; } } } if ( == 'companion') { if (v4 < missChance - Math.round(companionWeaponSkill * 2)) { return true; } } if (missRound.owner.friendly != true && missRound.owner != undefined) { if (v4 < missChance - Math.round(enemyWeaponSkill * 2)) { return true; } } if (melee == true && zed == true) { if (v4 < zomMissChance - Math.round((player.endurance + player.luck) / 3)) { playSound('sound_wood_swing' + (random(2) + 1)); return true; } else {} } if (melee == true && human == true) { v2 = adjustedSkill(weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].skill); v4 = random(missRangeMelee); var v3 = missChanceMelee - Math.round(v2 * 2); if (v3 < 0) { v3 = 0; } if (v4 < v3) { return true; } } } function showMiss(target) { showDamageText(target, 0, true); } function setQuestContents() { quest.quest900.ref = '900'; quest.quest900.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest900.desc = 'Breaking Through'; quest.quest900.shortDesc = 'Find a way into Brookvale'; quest.quest900.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest900.XPreward = 200; quest.quest900.rewards = []; quest.quest900.activeQuest = false; quest.quest900.completed = false; quest.quest900.tracking = false; quest.quest900.longDesc = 'Something terrible is happening.\r\rI need to get to my apartment in Brookvale and find my ' + _root[ + 'Partner'] + ', ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + '.'; quest.quest900.loc = 'section9'; quest.quest901.ref = '901'; quest.quest901.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest901.desc = 'Get Home'; quest.quest901.shortDesc = 'Go to your apartment'; quest.quest901.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest901.XPreward = 300; quest.quest901.rewards = []; quest.quest901.activeQuest = false; quest.quest901.completed = false; quest.quest901.tracking = false; quest.quest901.longDesc = 'The apartment is a the end of the block in Brookvale. God I hope my ' + _root[ + 'Partner'] + ' is ok.'; quest.quest901.loc = 'section9'; quest.quest902.ref = '902'; quest.quest902.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest902.desc = 'Clues'; quest.quest902.shortDesc = 'Find out where ' + _root[ + 'PartnerNameShort'] + ' went'; quest.quest902.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest902.XPreward = 50; quest.quest902.rewards = []; quest.quest902.activeQuest = false; quest.quest902.completed = false; quest.quest902.unlocks = new Array('section13', 'section9', 'section16'); quest.quest902.tracking = false; quest.quest902.longDesc = _root[ + 'PartnerNameShort'] + ' isn\'t here, I need to find out where ' + _root[ + 'PartnerSex'] + '\'s gone'; quest.quest902.loc = 'section9'; quest.quest903.ref = '903'; quest.quest903.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest903.desc = 'Hospital'; quest.quest903.shortDesc = 'Find your ' + _root[ + 'Partner'] + ' in Canal Park'; quest.quest903.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest903.XPreward = 350; quest.quest903.rewards = []; quest.quest903.activeQuest = false; quest.quest903.completed = false; quest.quest903.tracking = false; quest.quest903.longDesc = 'My ' + _root[ + 'Partner'] + ' ' + _root[ + 'PartnerNameShort'] + ' left a note saying ' + _root[ + 'PartnerSex'] + ' went to the hospital to help out. Nearest Hospital is in Canal Park.'; quest.quest903.loc = 'section13'; quest.quest904.ref = '904'; quest.quest904.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest904.desc = 'Searching'; quest.quest904.shortDesc = 'Find ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' in the Hospital'; quest.quest904.type = 'talk'; quest.quest904.talkReq = 'Shenice'; quest.quest904.XPreward = 100; quest.quest904.rewards = []; quest.quest904.unlocks = new Array('section9', 'section16', 'section13', 'section12'); quest.quest904.activeQuest = false; quest.quest904.completed = false; quest.quest904.tracking = false; quest.quest904.longDesc = 'This hospital was where ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' said ' + _root[ + 'PartnerSex'] + '\'d be.'; quest.quest904.loc = 'section13'; quest.quest905.ref = '905'; quest.quest905.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest905.desc = 'Get to Stadium'; quest.quest905.shortDesc = 'Work your way to Stadium'; quest.quest905.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest905.XPreward = 1000; quest.quest905.rewards = []; quest.quest905.activeQuest = false; quest.quest905.completed = false; quest.quest905.tracking = false; quest.quest905.longDesc = 'One of the nurses said that they might\'ve moved people to the Stadium, including ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + '.\r\rTravel through Newtown and Uptown to get there.'; quest.quest905.loc = 'section5'; quest.quest906.ref = '906'; quest.quest906.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest906.desc = 'Registration'; quest.quest906.shortDesc = 'Check inside the stadium'; quest.quest906.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest906.XPreward = 100; quest.quest906.rewards = []; quest.quest906.activeQuest = false; quest.quest906.completed = false; quest.quest906.tracking = false; quest.quest906.longDesc = 'The soldier at the gate told you to report to the registration officer at Stadium. Perhaps they have information on where ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' is.'; quest.quest906.loc = 'section5'; quest.quest907.ref = '907'; quest.quest907.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest907.desc = 'Relocated'; quest.quest907.shortDesc = 'Find out what happened to ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName']; quest.quest907.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest907.XPreward = 100; quest.quest907.rewards = []; quest.quest907.activeQuest = false; quest.quest907.completed = false; quest.quest907.tracking = false; quest.quest907.longDesc = 'The list says ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' was relocated, find out where they sent ' + _root[ + 'PartnerSexAddress'] + '.'; quest.quest907.loc = 'section5'; quest.quest908.ref = '908'; quest.quest908.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest908.desc = 'Disappeared'; quest.quest908.shortDesc = 'Ask around about ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName']; quest.quest908.type = 'talk'; quest.quest908.talkReq = 'Barry'; quest.quest908.XPreward = 100; quest.quest908.rewards = []; quest.quest908.activeQuest = false; quest.quest908.completed = false; quest.quest908.tracking = false; quest.quest908.longDesc = 'Find someone in the stadium grounds that knows what happened to ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName']; quest.quest908.loc = 'section5'; quest.quest909.ref = '909'; quest.quest909.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest909.desc = 'Maintennance Room'; quest.quest909.shortDesc = 'Meet Barry in the Mens Room'; quest.quest909.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest909.XPreward = 250; quest.quest909.rewards = []; quest.quest909.activeQuest = false; quest.quest909.completed = false; quest.quest909.tracking = false; quest.quest909.longDesc = 'Barry asked you to meet him in the maintennance room behind the mens room at the Stadium.'; quest.quest909.unlocksDoorStart = new Array('l5_s1_b1_f1_r403_door1'); quest.quest909.loc = 'section5'; quest.quest910.ref = '910'; quest.quest910.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest910.desc = 'Talk to Barry'; quest.quest910.shortDesc = ''; quest.quest910.type = 'talk'; quest.quest910.talkReq = 'Barry'; quest.quest910.XPreward = 250; quest.quest910.rewards = []; quest.quest910.activeQuest = false; quest.quest910.completed = false; quest.quest910.tracking = false; quest.quest910.longDesc = 'Talk to Barry to find out what the plan is.'; quest.quest910.loc = 'section5'; quest.quest911.ref = '911'; quest.quest911.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest911.desc = 'Conspiracy Theory'; quest.quest911.shortDesc = 'Investigate HERC Command Post'; quest.quest911.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest911.XPreward = 1000; quest.quest911.rewards = []; quest.quest911.activeQuest = false; quest.quest911.completed = false; quest.quest911.tracking = false; quest.quest911.longDesc = 'Barry wants you to find out what the Homeland Environmental Risk Control (HERC) is up to at the Stadium.'; quest.quest911.unlocksDoorStart = new Array('l5_s1_b1_f1_r404_door2'); quest.quest911.changeStateComplete = new Array('Barry'); quest.quest911.changeStateCompleteNum = [3]; quest.quest911.loc = 'section5'; quest.quest912.ref = '912'; quest.quest912.owner = 'Barry'; quest.quest912.desc = 'Theory Proven'; quest.quest912.shortDesc = 'Return to Barry with the info'; quest.quest912.type = 'talk'; quest.quest912.talkReq = 'Barry'; quest.quest912.XPreward = 500; quest.quest912.rewards = []; quest.quest912.activeQuest = false; quest.quest912.completed = false; quest.quest912.tracking = false; quest.quest912.longDesc = 'You have information that says that the relocations are to Union Park in Uptown, go and tell Barry.'; quest.quest912.loc = 'section5'; quest.quest913.ref = '913'; quest.quest913.owner = 'Barry'; quest.quest913.desc = 'Another Castle'; quest.quest913.shortDesc = 'Go to the park in Uptown'; quest.quest913.type = 'talk'; quest.quest913.talkReq = 'safeRoomBarry'; quest.quest913.XPreward = 500; quest.quest913.rewards = []; quest.quest913.activeQuest = false; quest.quest913.completed = false; quest.quest913.tracking = false; quest.quest913.longDesc = 'All evidence points to ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' being at Union Park in Uptown. Go and meet Barry there!'; quest.quest913.loc = 'section11'; quest.quest913.startRewards = ['stadiumKey']; quest.quest914.ref = '914'; quest.quest914.owner = 'Partner'; quest.quest914.desc = 'Break Out'; quest.quest914.shortDesc = 'Find ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' in Union Park'; quest.quest914.type = 'talk'; quest.quest914.talkReq = 'Partner'; quest.quest914.XPreward = 750; quest.quest914.rewards = []; quest.quest914.activeQuest = false; quest.quest914.completed = false; quest.quest914.tracking = false; quest.quest914.longDesc = 'Use the key to break into the HERC compound at Union Park and find ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName']; quest.quest914.loc = 'section11'; quest.quest914.startRewards = ['sewerKey']; quest.quest915.ref = '915'; quest.quest915.owner = 'Partner'; quest.quest915.desc = 'Alive'; quest.quest915.shortDesc = 'Get the keys to release ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName']; quest.quest915.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest915.itemReq = new Array('questHERCkey'); quest.quest915.itemCount = [1]; quest.quest915.XPreward = 750; quest.quest915.rewards = ['partner']; quest.quest915.activeQuest = false; quest.quest915.completed = false; quest.quest915.tracking = false; quest.quest915.longDesc = 'Use the key to break into the HERC compound at Union Park and find ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName']; quest.quest915.loc = 'section11'; quest.quest916.ref = '916'; quest.quest916.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest916.desc = 'Seabound'; quest.quest916.shortDesc = 'Find a boat to escape'; quest.quest916.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest916.XPreward = 1250; quest.quest916.rewards = []; quest.quest916.activeQuest = false; quest.quest916.completed = false; quest.quest916.tracking = false; quest.quest916.longDesc = 'Go to the Docks and find a boat'; quest.quest916.loc = 'section6'; quest.quest917.ref = '917'; quest.quest917.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest917.desc = 'Military Base'; quest.quest917.shortDesc = 'Enter the base'; quest.quest917.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest917.XPreward = 350; quest.quest917.rewards = []; quest.quest917.activeQuest = false; quest.quest917.completed = false; quest.quest917.tracking = false; quest.quest917.longDesc = 'Go to the Military Base in Waterside and find some explosives.'; quest.quest917.loc = 'section14'; quest.quest917.unlocksAreaStart = 'section14'; quest.quest917.changeStateComplete = new Array('Jack'); quest.quest917.changeStateCompleteNum = [3]; quest.quest917.startCutScene = 6; quest.quest918.ref = '918'; quest.quest918.owner = 'Jack'; quest.quest918.desc = 'Explosive Components'; quest.quest918.shortDesc = 'Find explosive parts'; quest.quest918.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest918.itemReq = new Array('explosivesC4', 'explosivesBlastingCap', 'explosivesTimer'); quest.quest918.itemCount = [3, 3, 1]; quest.quest918.XPreward = 1250; quest.quest918.rewards = ['XM8_specOps']; quest.quest918.activeQuest = false; quest.quest918.completed = false; quest.quest918.tracking = false; quest.quest918.longDesc = 'We\'re going to need blocks of C4, blasting caps and a timer.'; quest.quest918.changeStateComplete = new Array('Jack'); quest.quest918.changeStateCompleteNum = [4]; quest.quest918.loc = 'section14'; quest.quest919.ref = '919'; quest.quest919.owner = 'Jack'; quest.quest919.desc = 'Tear it down'; quest.quest919.shortDesc = 'Go to the wall'; quest.quest919.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest919.XPreward = 500; quest.quest919.rewards = []; quest.quest919.activeQuest = false; quest.quest919.completed = false; quest.quest919.tracking = false; quest.quest919.longDesc = 'Go to the wall with Jack and prepare for the final assault.'; quest.quest919.loc = 'section6'; quest.quest919.triggerOnStart = ['trig40', 'trig44']; quest.quest001.ref = '001'; quest.quest001.owner = 'Ed'; quest.quest001.desc = 'Talk to Ray'; quest.quest001.shortDesc = 'Ask about Bolt Cutters'; quest.quest001.type = 'talk'; quest.quest001.talkReq = 'Ray'; quest.quest001.XPreward = 50; quest.quest001.rewards = []; quest.quest001.activeQuest = false; quest.quest001.completed = false; quest.quest001.changeStateStart = new Array('Ray'); quest.quest001.changeStateStartNum = [2]; quest.quest001.tracking = false; quest.quest001.longDesc = 'Ed is trying to get through the fence, it\'s the only way into the Brookvale and my apartment.\rHe needs bolt cutters to cut his way in.\rHe said Ray at number 12 has some.'; quest.quest001.loc = 'section16'; quest.quest003.ref = '003'; quest.quest003.owner = 'Ray'; quest.quest003.desc = 'Return to Ed'; quest.quest003.shortDesc = 'Talk to Ed again'; quest.quest003.type = 'talk'; quest.quest003.talkReq = 'Ed'; quest.quest003.itemCount = [1]; quest.quest003.XPreward = 50; quest.quest003.rewards = []; quest.quest003.activeQuest = false; quest.quest003.completed = false; quest.quest003.changeStateStart = new Array('Ed'); quest.quest003.changeStateStartNum = [2]; quest.quest003.tracking = false; quest.quest003.longDesc = 'Ray says that he returned Ed\'s boltcutters. I should go and tell Ed he must have them.'; quest.quest003.loc = 'section16'; quest.quest004.ref = '004'; quest.quest004.owner = 'Ed'; quest.quest004.desc = 'Find Bolt Cutters'; quest.quest004.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest004.itemReq = new Array('questBoltCutters'); quest.quest004.itemCount = [1]; quest.quest004.XPreward = 300; quest.quest004.rewards = []; quest.quest004.activeQuest = false; quest.quest004.completed = false; quest.quest004.unlocks = new Array('section9', 'section16'); quest.quest004.changeStateStart = new Array('Ray'); quest.quest004.changeStateStartNum = [2]; quest.quest004.startRewards = ['edKey']; quest.quest004.tracking = false; quest.quest004.longDesc = 'Ed gave me the key to his garage at number 14. The bolt cutters should be in there somewhere.'; quest.quest004.loc = 'section16'; quest.quest002.ref = '002'; quest.quest002.owner = 'Hank'; quest.quest002.desc = 'Find Hank\'s Dad\'s Rifle'; quest.quest002.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest002.itemReq = new Array('questHanksRifle', 'questHanksRifleBolt'); quest.quest002.itemCount = [1, 1]; quest.quest002.XPreward = 500; quest.quest002.rewards = ['follower']; quest.quest002.activeQuest = false; quest.quest002.completed = false; quest.quest002.startRewards = ['hankKey']; quest.quest002.tracking = false; quest.quest002.longDesc = 'Hank the gun shop owner needs me to find his rifle and bolt group for it. They\'re in his apartment, number 202, down the street from his Canal Park shop. He gave me his neighbours key to get in.'; quest.quest002.loc = 'section13'; quest.quest005.ref = '005'; quest.quest005.owner = 'Kowalski'; quest.quest005.desc = ''; quest.quest005.type = 'talk'; quest.quest005.talkReq = 'Kowalski'; quest.quest005.XPreward = 50; quest.quest005.rewards = []; quest.quest005.unlocksDoor = 'l5_s2_b1_f1_r2_door1'; quest.quest005.activeQuest = false; quest.quest005.completed = false; quest.quest005.tracking = false; quest.quest005.changeState = []; quest.quest005.longDesc = 'Alex will follow you if you talk to him.'; quest.quest005.loc = 'section5'; quest.quest006.ref = '006'; quest.quest006.owner = 'Darnel'; quest.quest006.desc = 'Heavy, Man'; quest.quest006.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest006.itemReq = new Array('brokenPipe', 'paperWeight'); quest.quest006.itemCount = [1, 1]; quest.quest006.XPreward = 200; quest.quest006.rewards = ['pipe_heavy']; quest.quest006.activeQuest = false; quest.quest006.completed = false; quest.quest006.tracking = false; quest.quest006.longDesc = 'Darnel says he can make you something to smash some skulls if you find him the materials.'; quest.quest006.loc = 'section9'; quest.quest007.ref = '007'; quest.quest007.owner = 'Darnel'; quest.quest007.desc = 'Something Spikey'; quest.quest007.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest007.itemReq = new Array('brokenBoard', 'nails', 'tape'); quest.quest007.itemCount = [1, 2, 1]; quest.quest007.XPreward = 300; quest.quest007.rewards = ['nailBoard_heavy']; quest.quest007.activeQuest = false; quest.quest007.completed = false; quest.quest007.tracking = false; quest.quest007.longDesc = 'Darnel has plans for something pretty nasty I think if you can find the materials.'; quest.quest007.loc = 'section9'; quest.quest008.ref = '008'; quest.quest008.owner = 'Darnel'; quest.quest008.desc = 'Keeping it Quiet'; quest.quest008.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest008.itemReq = new Array('PPM9', 'weldingRod', 'brokenPipe', 'metalSheet'); quest.quest008.itemCount = [1, 1, 1, 1]; quest.quest008.XPreward = 400; quest.quest008.rewards = ['PPM9_suppressed']; quest.quest008.activeQuest = false; quest.quest008.completed = false; quest.quest008.tracking = false; quest.quest008.longDesc = 'Darnel has plans for a suppressed pistol, not sure where he learned to make something like this.'; quest.quest008.loc = 'section9'; quest.quest009.ref = '009'; quest.quest009.owner = 'Stephens'; quest.quest009.desc = 'Security Failure'; quest.quest009.shortDesc = 'Find Richards'; quest.quest009.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest009.XPreward = 250; quest.quest009.rewards = []; quest.quest009.activeQuest = false; quest.quest009.completed = false; quest.quest009.tracking = false; quest.quest009.longDesc = 'Union Security staff are stuck at their offices in Newtown. They need the weapons from their gun cage, an employee named Richards stole the key and headed to Uptown. Find the key and return to Union Security.'; quest.quest009.triggerOnStart = ['trig49']; quest.quest009.loc = 'section12'; quest.quest010.ref = '010'; quest.quest010.owner = 'Player'; quest.quest010.desc = 'Security Failure'; quest.quest010.shortDesc = 'Open the Gun Cage'; quest.quest010.type = 'triggered'; quest.quest010.XPreward = 500; quest.quest010.rewards = []; quest.quest010.activeQuest = false; quest.quest010.completed = false; quest.quest010.tracking = false; quest.quest010.longDesc = 'Get the key off Richards\' body and return to Union Security in Newtown to open the gun cage.'; quest.quest010.changeStateComplete = new Array('Keith', 'Johnson'); quest.quest010.changeStateCompleteNum = [2, 2]; quest.quest010.loc = 'section12'; quest.quest011.ref = '011'; quest.quest011.owner = 'Kelly'; quest.quest011.desc = 'Help Kelly'; quest.quest011.shortDesc = 'Find her glasses'; quest.quest011.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest011.itemReq = new Array('kellyGlasses'); quest.quest011.itemCount = [1]; quest.quest011.XPreward = 150; quest.quest011.rewards = ['follower']; quest.quest011.activeQuest = false; quest.quest011.completed = false; quest.quest011.tracking = false; quest.quest011.longDesc = 'Kelly, the store clerk at Stan\'s General Foods in Brookvale has lost her glasses, she can\'t go anywhere without them.\r\rShe said she dropped them on the floor.'; quest.quest011.loc = 'section9'; quest.quest015.ref = '015'; quest.quest015.owner = 'Jeb'; quest.quest015.desc = 'The Mechanic'; quest.quest015.shortDesc = ''; quest.quest015.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest015.itemReq = new Array('gas', 'fanBelt', 'socketSet'); quest.quest015.itemCount = [3, 1, 1]; quest.quest015.XPreward = 1000; quest.quest015.rewards = ['cash_500']; quest.quest015.activeQuest = false; quest.quest015.completed = false; quest.quest015.tracking = false; quest.quest015.longDesc = 'Jeb, Paul and their \'friends\' are stranded with their van not working. They need gas and parts to get it running again.'; quest.quest015.changeStateComplete = new Array('Clarence', 'Fern'); quest.quest015.changeStateCompleteNum = [2, 2]; quest.quest015.triggerOnComplete = 'trig51'; quest.quest015.loc = 'section15'; quest.quest016.ref = '016'; quest.quest016.owner = 'Lisa'; quest.quest016.desc = 'Into the Wilds'; quest.quest016.shortDesc = 'Find Terry'; quest.quest016.type = 'talk'; quest.quest016.talkReq = 'Terry'; quest.quest016.XPreward = 1000; quest.quest016.rewards = ['hellSlinger']; quest.quest016.activeQuest = false; quest.quest016.completed = false; quest.quest016.tracking = false; quest.quest016.longDesc = 'Directions to the cabin: Go left, up, turn right at the pond. Go past the old fence and take the path up. Go left and take the second path. Look for the can on a stick.'; quest.quest016.loc = 'section15'; quest.quest017.ref = '017'; quest.quest017.owner = 'Phillip'; quest.quest017.desc = 'Blood Samples'; quest.quest017.shortDesc = ''; quest.quest017.type = 'fetch'; quest.quest017.itemReq = new Array('bloodSample'); quest.quest017.itemCount = [4]; quest.quest017.XPreward = 1000; quest.quest017.rewards = ['doctorOfficeKey']; quest.quest017.activeQuest = false; quest.quest017.completed = false; quest.quest017.tracking = false; quest.quest017.longDesc = 'Find 4 blood samples on corpses in the Whistler\'s Forest nature reserve. Dr.Phillip Best thinks he can find out more about what\'s going on from that.'; quest.quest017.loc = 'section15'; quest.quest500.ref = '500'; quest.quest500.owner = 'Fred'; quest.quest500.desc = 'Kill 3 Zombies'; quest.quest500.type = 'kill'; quest.quest500.killDesc = 'Zombies'; quest.quest500.killType = 'zombie'; quest.quest500.killCount = 3; quest.quest500.killLocation = 16; quest.quest500.killStreet = 2; quest.quest500.killBuilding = 0; quest.quest500.count = 0; quest.quest500.XPreward = 100; quest.quest500.rewards = []; quest.quest500.unlocksDoor = new Array('l16_s2_b0_f0_r1_entr1'); quest.quest500.activeQuest = false; quest.quest500.completed = false; quest.quest500.tracking = false; quest.quest500.longDesc = 'Clear the street ahead of zombies for Fred.'; } function saveQuestStates() { for (qs in quest) {[quest[qs].ref + 'started'] = quest[qs].started;[quest[qs].ref + 'active'] = quest[qs].activeQuest;[quest[qs].ref + 'completed'] = quest[qs].completed;[quest[qs].ref + 'tracking'] = quest[qs].tracking;[quest[qs].ref + 'count'] = quest[qs].count; } } function loadQuestStates() { for (qs in quest) { if ([quest[qs].ref + 'active'] != undefined) { quest[qs].started =[quest[qs].ref + 'started']; quest[qs].activeQuest =[quest[qs].ref + 'active']; quest[qs].completed =[quest[qs].ref + 'completed']; quest[qs].tracking =[quest[qs].ref + 'tracking']; quest[qs].count =[quest[qs].ref + 'count']; if (quest[qs].activeQuest == true) { activeQuest = quest[qs].ref; } } } saveQuestStates(); } function resetQuests() { for (qs in quest) { quest[qs].started = false; quest[qs].activeQuest = false; quest[qs].completed = false; quest[qs].tracking = false; quest[qs].count = 0; } saveQuestStates(); resetTriggers(); resetNPCs(); } function checkKillQuest(targetObj) { var v1 = quest['quest' + activeQuest]; if (v1.killType == targetObj.classType) { var v2 = true; if (v1.killLocation != undefined && v1.killLocation != locationNumber) { v2 = false; } if (v1.killStreet != undefined && v1.killStreet != streetNumber) { v2 = false; } if (v1.killBuilding != undefined && v1.killBuilding != buildingNumber) { v2 = false; } if (v1.killFloor != undefined && v1.killFloor != floorNumber) { v2 = false; } if (v1.killRoom != undefined && v1.killRoom != roomNumber) { v2 = false; } if (v2 == true) { ++v1.count; if (v1.count > v1.killCount) { v1.count = v1.killCount; } setTrackQuestText(); } } } function checkForQuestKill(questID, targetNPC) { questReqMet = false; if (quest[questID].count >= quest[questID].killCount) { questReqMet = true; quest['quest' + questID].completed = true; return true; } } function searchQuests(targetObj) { dText('------------------------------------------'); for (all in quest) { if ( == quest[all].talkReq) { dText('Char is Talk Req for Quest: ' + quest[all].desc); if (quest[all].activeQuest == true && quest[all].completed == false) { activeQuest = quest[all].ref; } } if ( == quest[all].owner) { dText('Char is Owner for Quest: ' + quest[all].desc); if (quest[all].activeQuest == true && quest[all].completed == false) { activeQuest = quest[all].ref; } } } dText('XXXX- Set Active Quest to: ' + activeQuest); } function questCheck(questID, target) { var v1 = false; switch (quest['quest' + questID].type) { case 'fetch': checkForQuestItems('quest' + questID, true); if (questReqMet == true) { dText('CHECKED QUEST: HAS REQS'); v1 = true; return v1; } break; case 'talk': checkForQuestTalk('quest' + questID, target); if (questReqMet == true) { dText('CHECKED QUEST: HAS REQS'); v1 = true; return v1; } break; case 'defence': checkForQuestTalk('quest' + questID, target); if (questReqMet == true) { dText('CHECKED QUEST: HAS REQS'); v1 = true; return v1; } break; case 'kill': checkForQuestKill('quest' + questID, target); if (questReqMet == true) { dText('CHECKED KILL QUEST: HAS REQS'); v1 = true; return v1; } break; default: } } function setActiveQuest(npcQuestNum) { activeQuest = npcQuestNum; quest['quest' + activeQuest].activeQuest = true; trackQuest(npcQuestNum); dText('QUEST NUM: ' + activeQuest); for (cnp in quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].changeStateStart) { changeNPCState(_root.npc[quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].changeStateStart[cnp]], quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].changeStateStartNum[cnp]); } if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].unlocksAreaStart != undefined) { unlockArea(quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].unlocksAreaStart); } if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].triggerOnStart != undefined) { for (tos in quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].triggerOnStart) { hitTrigger(quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].triggerOnStart[tos]); } } if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].started != true) { quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].started = true; if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].startCutScene != undefined) { startCutScene(quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].startCutScene); } for (cnp in quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].startRewards) { giveItem(quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].startRewards[cnp]); var v3 = _root[determineItemType(quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].startRewards[cnp])][quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].startRewards[cnp]].name; addAlert('YOU GOT ' + v3, 'white'); } } for (cnp in quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].unlocksDoorStart) { unlockDoor(null, quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].unlocksDoorStart[cnp]); } activeQuestsList.push(npcQuestNum); if (activeQuestsList.length > 1) { showHelp('journal'); } questStartCompleteAnim(npcQuestNum, 'start'); saveQuestStates(); } function completeQuest(npcQuestNum, checking, npc) { switch (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].type) { case 'triggered': giveQuestRewards('quest' + npcQuestNum); quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed = true; quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].activeQuest = false; setTrackQuestText(); saveQuestStates(); break; case 'fetch': if (checkForQuestItems('quest' + npcQuestNum) == true) { giveQuestRewards('quest' + npcQuestNum); quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed = true; quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].activeQuest = false; dialog(npc, true); saveQuestStates(); setTrackQuestText(); if (checking == true) { return true; } } else { dText('FETCH REQ NOT MET'); } break; case 'talk': giveQuestRewards('quest' + npcQuestNum); quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed = true; quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].activeQuest = false; dialog(npc, true); setTrackQuestText(); saveQuestStates(); break; case 'defence': if (checkForQuestKill('quest' + questID) == true) { giveQuestRewards('quest' + npcQuestNum); quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed = true; quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].activeQuest = false; setTrackQuestText(); saveQuestStates(); return true; } else {} break; case 'kill': giveQuestRewards('quest' + npcQuestNum); quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed = true; quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].activeQuest = false; dialog(npc, true); setTrackQuestText(); saveQuestStates(); break; default: } for (cnp in quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].unlocksDoor) { if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed == true) { unlockDoor(null, quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].unlocksDoor[cnp]); } } for (cnp in quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].changeStateComplete) { if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed == true) { changeNPCState(_root.npc[quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].changeStateComplete[cnp]], quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].changeStateCompleteNum[cnp]); } } dText('Active Quest List: '); for (all in activeQuestsList) { if (activeQuestsList[all] == npcQuestNum) { if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed == true) { activeQuestsList.splice(all, 1); } } dText('- ' + activeQuestsList[all]); } if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed == true) { checkAch('quest' + npcQuestNum); checkAch('finishQuest'); } if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].completed == true) { if (quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].triggerOnComplete != undefined) { hitTrigger(quest['quest' + npcQuestNum].triggerOnComplete); } } questStartCompleteAnim(npcQuestNum); } function questStartCompleteAnim(questAnimNum, startFinish) { if (hud.taskComplete._visible != true && hud.locationName._visible != true) { hud.taskComplete._alpha = 0; hud.taskComplete._visible = true; hud.taskComplete.alphaTo(100, 0.8, 'easeOutSine'); hud.taskComplete.alphaTo(0, 1, 'easeOutSine', 4, function () { this._visible = false; }); if (startFinish == 'start') { hud.taskComplete.taskTitle.text = 'TASK ACCEPTED'; } else { hud.taskComplete.taskTitle.text = 'TASK COMPLETE'; } hud.taskComplete.taskName.text = quest['quest' + questAnimNum].desc.toUpperCase(); } } function giveQuestRewards(questID) { rewardGiven = false; if (quest[questID].rewards.length > 0) { dText('Checking Rewards: QuestID - ' + questID + ' - ' + quest[questID].rewards); for (gqr in quest[questID].rewards) { dText('GIVING REWARD: ' + quest[questID].rewards[gqr]); if (quest[questID].rewards[gqr] == 'follower' || quest[questID].rewards[gqr] == 'partner') { if (quest[questID].rewards[gqr] == 'follower') { addCompanion(quest[questID].owner); } if (quest[questID].rewards[gqr] == 'partner') { addPartner(quest[questID].owner); } } else { giveItem(quest[questID].rewards[gqr]); rewardGiven = true; } } } unlockAreas(quest[questID]); dText('GIVING XP REWARD: ' + quest[questID].XPreward); adjustXP('quest', null, quest[questID].XPreward); } function checkForQuestItems(questID, checking) { questReqMet = true; questItemCount0 = 0; questItemCount1 = 0; questItemCount2 = 0; questItemCount3 = 0; questItemCount4 = 0; questItemCount5 = 0; if (quest[questID].fetchType != undefined) { for (qic in inventory) { for (all in quest[questID].itemReq) { if (determineItemType(inventory[qic].ref) == quest[questID].itemReq[all] && inventory[qic].eqd != true) { if (_root['questItemCount' + all] < quest[questID].itemCount[all]) { ++_root['questItemCount' + all]; } } } } } else { for (qic in inventory) { for (all in quest[questID].itemReq) { if (inventory[qic].ref == quest[questID].itemReq[all] && inventory[qic].eqd != true) { dText('Found Quest Item: ' + inventory[qic].ref); if (_root['questItemCount' + all] < quest[questID].itemCount[all]) { ++_root['questItemCount' + all]; } } } } } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < quest[questID].itemReq.length) { dText('Checking Counts...' + quest[questID].itemReq[v3] + ' - ' + _root['questItemCount' + v3] + ' - Need: ' + quest[questID].itemCount[v3]); if (_root['questItemCount' + v3] < quest[questID].itemCount[v3]) { dText('Doesn\'t Have Fetch Requirements'); questReqMet = false; } ++v3; } if (questReqMet == true) { if (checking != true) { for (qic in inventory) { for (all in quest[questID].itemReq) { if (inventory[qic].ref == quest[questID].itemReq[all] && _root['questItemCount' + all] > 0 && inventory[qic].eqd != true) { dText('Removing Quest Item: ' + inventory[qic].ref); --_root['questItemCount' + all]; inventory.splice(qic, 1); } } } saveInventory(); } } return questReqMet; } function openCloseJournal() { if (journalOpen == true) { closeJournal(); } else { openJournal(); } } function closeJournal() { if (journalOpen == true) { journalOpen = false; playInterfaceSound('close'); unPauseGame(); showHUD(); showCrosshair(); removeMovieClip(hud.journal); } } function openJournal() { journalOpen = true; playInterfaceSound('open'); helpJournal = true; closeStorage(); closeInventory(); closePauseMenu(); closeCharacter(); closeTimePanel(); closeSearch(); closeAchievements(); closeSecurity(); closeDialog(); pauseGame(); hideCrosshair(); hideHUD(); questListForJournal = new Array(); hud.attachMovie('questJournal', 'journal', depth_hud_journal); hud.journal._x = Stage.width / 2; hud.journal._y = Stage.height / 2 - 7; hud.journal.exitBtn.onRelease = function () { closeJournal(); }; ii = 0; while (ii < allQuests.length) { if (allQuests[ii].activeQuest == true && allQuests[ii].completed == false) { dText(allQuests[ii].desc + ' - Added'); hud.journal.scrollPanel.scrollContainer.attachMovie('questListItem', 'item' + ii, 10 + ii); curQuestListItem = hud.journal.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + ii]; curQuestListItem._y = questListForJournal.length * invItemYDist; curQuestListItem.baseAlpha = itemGreyAlpha; if (questListForJournal.length % 2 == 1) { curQuestListItem.backing._alpha = 0; curQuestListItem.baseAlpha = 0; } else { curQuestListItem.backing._alpha = itemGreyAlpha; } curQuestListItem.ref = allQuests[ii].ref; curQuestListItem.questName.text = quest['quest' + curQuestListItem.ref].desc.toUpperCase(); curQuestListItem.backing.onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); updateQuestInfo(this._parent.ref); selectQuestInList(this._parent.ref); }; curQuestListItem.trackButton.onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage3'); trackQuest(this._parent.ref); }; questListForJournal.push(curQuestListItem); } ++ii; } selectQuestInList(null); setupTrackedQuest(); } function updateQuestInfo(questRef) { = quest['quest' + questRef].desc.toUpperCase(); hud.journal.content.text = quest['quest' + questRef].longDesc.toUpperCase(); hud.journal.rewardPanel._visible = false; currQuestInfo = quest['quest' + questRef]; if (currQuestInfo.rewards != undefined) { hud.journal.rewardPanel._visible = true; var v2 = ''; for (rl in currQuestInfo.rewards) { determineItemType(currQuestInfo.rewards[rl]); if (currQuestInfo.rewards[rl] != 'follower') { v2 += _root[currItemType][currQuestInfo.rewards[rl]].name; dText('REWARD LIST NUM: ' + rl); } if (currQuestInfo.rewards[rl] == 'follower') { v2 += currQuestInfo.owner + ' WILL BECOME YOUR COMPANION'; } if (currQuestInfo.rewards[rl] == 'partner') { v2 = ''; } if (rl > 0) { v2 += ', '; } } hud.journal.rewardPanel.rewardText.text = v2.toUpperCase(); } else { hud.journal.rewardPanel._visible = false; hud.journal.rewardPanel.rewardText.text = ''; } if (currQuestInfo.XPreward != undefined) { hud.journal.rewardPanel._visible = true; hud.journal.rewardPanel.XPrewardText.text = currQuestInfo.XPreward + ' XP'; } } function selectQuestInList(questRef) { for (sqin in questListForJournal) { questListForJournal[sqin].selected._visible = true; questTextFormat = new TextFormat(); questTextFormat.color = 16777215; if (questListForJournal[sqin].ref != questRef) { questListForJournal[sqin].selected._visible = false; questTextFormat.color = 0; } else { updateQuestInfo(questListForJournal[sqin].ref); } questListForJournal[sqin].questName.setTextFormat(questTextFormat); } } function trackQuest(questRef) { dText('---------------'); dText('Trying Tracking Quest: ' + questRef + ' - Tracking was: ' + quest['quest' + questRef].tracking); if (quest['quest' + questRef].tracking == false) { dText('Tracking Quest: ' + questRef); quest['quest' + questRef].tracking = true; for (all in allQuests) { if (allQuests[all].ref != questRef) { dText('Turning off tracking for Quest: ' + allQuests[all].ref); allQuests[all].tracking = false; } } } else { quest['quest' + questRef].tracking = false; dText('NOT Tracking Quest: ' + questRef); } setupTrackedQuest(); saveQuestStates(); } function setupTrackedQuest() { for (all in questListForJournal) { if (quest['quest' + questListForJournal[all].ref].tracking == true) { dText('Showing Star - ' + quest['quest' + questListForJournal[all].ref].desc); questListForJournal[all].star._visible = true; selectQuestInList(questListForJournal[all].ref); } if (quest['quest' + questListForJournal[all].ref].tracking == false) { dText('Hiding Star - ' + quest['quest' + questListForJournal[all].ref].desc); questListForJournal[all].star._visible = false; } } setTrackQuestText(); } function setTrackQuestText() { var v3 = ''; var v2 = null; for (all in quest) { if (quest[all].tracking == true && quest[all].completed == false) { v3 = quest['quest' + quest[all].ref].desc.toUpperCase(); v2 = quest['quest' + quest[all].ref]; trackedQuest = quest[all].ref; } } hud.activeQuestText.txt.text = v3; switch (v2.type) { case 'kill': hud.activeQuestText.objectives.text = v2.count + ' / ' + v2.killCount + ' KILLED'; break; case 'fetch': setTrackQID = 'quest' + v2.ref; checkForQuestItems(setTrackQID, true); hud.activeQuestText.objectives.text = ''; stq = 0; while (stq < v2.itemReq.length) { determineItemType(v2.itemReq[stq]); cqtItemName = _root[currItemType][v2.itemReq[stq]].name.toUpperCase(); if (v2.fetchType != undefined) { cqtItemName = v2.itemReq[stq].toUpperCase(); } cqtItemCount = _root['questItemCount' + stq]; hud.activeQuestText.objectives.text += cqtItemCount + ' / ' + v2.itemCount[stq] + ' - ' + cqtItemName + '\r'; ++stq; } break; default: hud.activeQuestText.objectives.text = ''; if (v2.shortDesc != undefined) { hud.activeQuestText.objectives.text = v2.shortDesc.toUpperCase(); } } } function setupMenu(startPage) { newGameReset(); stopAllMusic(); if (settingMusicOn == true) { musicVolume = musicVolumeBase; playMusicLoop('music_menu', 5); } attachMovie('menu', 'menu', depth_menu); menu.continueGame._visible = false; cycleMenus('main'); menu.armorAGI._visible = false; menu.login.onPress = function () { openArmorAGI(); }; _root.agi.retrieveUserData(onRetrieveUserData, 'test'); if (_root.agi.loggedIn()) { armorLoggedIn(); } for (amzx in allMenus) { menu[allMenus[amzx]].back.onRelease = function () { playSound('sound_interfaceClickBack'); _root.cycleMenus('main'); }; } if (startPage != undefined) { cycleMenus(startPage); loadTo = 'main'; } loadTriggersForKong(); } function closeMenu() { clearInterval(scaleAvInt); removeMovieClip(menu); } function greyContinue() { contGreyText = new TextFormat(); contGreyText.color = 2236962; menu.main.continueGame.butLabel.setTextFormat(contGreyText); } function cycleMenus(targetMenu) { for (cmz in allMenus) { menu[allMenus[cmz]]._visible = false; } menu[targetMenu]._visible = true; menu[targetMenu]._alpha = 0; menu[targetMenu].alphaTo(100, 0.4, 'easeOutSine'); if ( != undefined || != undefined || != undefined) { noContinue = false; } menu.login._visible = true; if (targetMenu == 'credits') { menu.login._visible = false; } if (targetmenu == 'main') { menu.login._visible = true; } if (noContinue == true) { setTimeout(greyContinue, 30); } } function decorateMenuHead(page, slotNum, empty) { menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum]'head1'); if (_root['saveGameSex' + slotNum] == 'female') { menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum]'head2'); } menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum].head.accessories.gotoAndStop(_root['saveGameHead' + slotNum]); menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum].head.accessoriesFace.gotoAndStop(_root['saveGameFace' + slotNum]); menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum].head.accessoriesEyes.gotoAndStop(_root['saveGameEyes' + slotNum]); menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum]['saveGameSkinColour' + slotNum], 0.1); menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum]['saveGameSkinColour' + slotNum], 0.1); menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum]['saveGameSex' + slotNum] + '_' + _root['saveGameHair' + slotNum], 0.1); menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum].head.facialHair.gotoAndStop(_root['saveGameFacialHair' + slotNum], 0.1); menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum]['saveGameHairColour' + slotNum], 0.1); menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum].head.facialHair.base.colorTo(_root['saveGameHairColour' + slotNum], 0.1); if (empty) { menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum].head.colorTo(4473924); menu[page].panels['slot' + slotNum].neck.colorTo(4473924); } } function createNewSaveGame() { _root.currentSave = _root['saveGame' + _root.currSaveGameNum]; = 'Save Game ' + _root.currSaveGameNum; closeSOLs(_root.currSaveGameNum); resetSave(currentSave); openSelectMode(); } function openNewGame() { cycleMenus('newGame'); loadGameInfo(); var v3 = 1; cgs = v3; while (cgs <= numSaveSlots) { menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charName.text = 'EMPTY'; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDetails.text = ''; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].headShotsOnly._visible = false; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].premium._visible = false; if (_root['saveGameName' + cgs] != undefined) { menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charName.text = _root['saveGameName' + cgs].toUpperCase(); menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDetails.text = _root['saveGameDetails' + cgs].toUpperCase(); menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDay.text = _root['saveGameLoc' + cgs].toUpperCase() + ' - ' + _root['saveGameDay' + cgs].toUpperCase(); menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].gameMode.text = _root['saveGameMode' + cgs].toUpperCase(); menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].hardcore.text = _root['saveGameHardcore' + cgs].toUpperCase(); decorateMenuHead('newGame', cgs); if (_root['saveGameHeadShotsOnly' + cgs] == true) { menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].headShotsOnly._visible = true; } if (_root['saveGamePrem' + cgs] == true) { menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].premium._visible = true; } } else { menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charName.text = 'EMPTY'; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDetails.text = ''; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDay.text = ''; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].gameMode.text = ''; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].hardcore.text = ''; decorateMenuHead('newGame', cgs, true); } menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].index = cgs; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].backing._alpha = 70; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].onRollOver = function () { this.backing.colorTo(3355443, 1); playSound('sound_interfaceOver'); }; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].onRollOut = function () { this.backing.colorTo(null, 1); }; menu.newGame.panels['slot' + cgs].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfaceClick'); _root.currSaveGameNum = this.index; _root.currentSaveNum = this.index; _root.currentSaveName = 'saveGame' + this.index; if (_root['saveGameName' + this.index] != undefined) { showDialogBox(dialog_overwriteSave); startingOut = true; } else { createNewSaveGame(); startingOut = true; } }; ++cgs; } } function openSelectMode() { cycleMenus('selectMode');'off'); = 100; if (premium != true) { = 60; = function () { showDialogBox(dialog_premiumGameplay); }; } = function () { = '[PREMIUM CONTENT] ENABLES HARDCORE MODE: CHARACTER ONLY HAS ONE LIFE. LOOT IS BETTER.'; playSound('sound_interfaceOver'); }; = function () { = '[PREMIUM CONTENT] ENABLES HEADSHOTS ONLY MODE: AIM FOR THE HEAD.'; playSound('sound_interfaceOver'); }; = function () { if (hardcore == true) {'off'); hardcore = false; playSound('sound_interfaceClickBack'); } else {'on'); hardcore = true; playSound('sound_interfaceClick'); } }; = function () { if (headShotsOnly == true) {'off'); headShotsOnly = false; playSound('sound_interfaceClickBack'); } else {'on'); headShotsOnly = true; playSound('sound_interfaceClick'); } }; var v3 = new Array('runGun', 'survivor'); = 'SELECT A GAME MODE'; agm = 0; while (agm < v3.length) { menu.selectMode[v3[agm]].backing._alpha = 30; menu.selectMode[v3[agm]].pic._alpha = 20; menu.selectMode[v3[agm]].txt.colorTo(4473924); menu.selectMode[v3[agm]].name = v3[agm]; menu.selectMode[v3[agm]].onRollOver = function () { playSound('sound_interfaceOver'); this.backing.alphaTo(70, 1); this.pic.alphaTo(60, 1); this.txt.colorTo(16777215); = _root[ + 'Desc']; }; menu.selectMode[v3[agm]].onRollOut = function () { this.backing.alphaTo(30, 1); this.pic.alphaTo(20, 1); this.txt.colorTo(4473924); = 'SELECT A GAME MODE'; }; menu.selectMode[v3[agm]].onRelease = function () { playSound('sound_interfaceClick'); switch ( { case 'runGun': _root.gameMode = 'runGun'; openCreateCharacter(); closeMenu(); break; case 'survivor': _root.gameMode = 'survivor'; openCreateCharacter(); closeMenu(); } }; ++agm; } } function openContinue() { cycleMenus('continueGame'); loadGameInfo(_root.agi.isLoggedIn()); menu.continueGame.continueText.text = 'CONTINUE'; var v3 = 1; cgs = v3; while (cgs <= numSaveSlots) { menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charName.text = 'EMPTY'; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDetails.text = ''; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].headShotsOnly._visible = false; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].premium._visible = false; if (_root['saveGameName' + cgs] != undefined) { menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charName.text = _root['saveGameName' + cgs].toUpperCase(); menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDetails.text = _root['saveGameDetails' + cgs].toUpperCase(); menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDay.text = _root['saveGameLoc' + cgs].toUpperCase() + ' - ' + _root['saveGameDay' + cgs].toUpperCase(); menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].gameMode.text = _root['saveGameMode' + cgs].toUpperCase(); menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].hardcore.text = _root['saveGameHardcore' + cgs].toUpperCase(); if (_root['saveGameHeadShotsOnly' + cgs] == true) { menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].headShotsOnly._visible = true; } if (_root['saveGamePrem' + cgs] == true) { menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].premium._visible = true; } decorateMenuHead('continueGame', cgs, false); } else { menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charName.text = 'EMPTY'; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDetails.text = ''; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].charDay.text = ''; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].gameMode.text = ''; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].hardcore.text = ''; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].headShotsOnly._visible = false; decorateMenuHead('continueGame', cgs, true); } menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].index = cgs; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].backing._alpha = 70; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].onRollOver = function () { playSound('sound_interfaceOver'); this.backing.colorTo(3355443, 1); }; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].onRollOut = function () { this.backing.colorTo(null, 1); }; menu.continueGame.panels['slot' + cgs].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfaceClick'); if (this.charName.text != 'EMPTY' && this.charName.text != undefined) { _root.currentSave = _root['saveGame' + this.index]; = 'Save Game ' + this.index; _root.currentSaveNum = this.index; _root.currentSaveName = 'saveGame' + this.index; closeSOLs(_root.currentSaveNum); launchGame(); closeMenu(); } }; ++cgs; } } function menuButtonSetup(btnName) { menu.main[btnName].butLabel.text = btnName.toUpperCase(); if (btnName == 'continueGame') { menu.main[btnName].butLabel.text = 'CONTINUE'; } if (btnName == 'newGame') { menu.main[btnName].butLabel.text = 'NEW STORY'; } if (btnName == 'theLastStand') { menu.main[btnName].butLabel.text = 'THE LAST STAND'; } if (btnName == 'theLastStand2') { menu.main[btnName].butLabel.text = 'THE LAST STAND 2'; } menu.main[btnName].onRollOver = function () { playSound('sound_interfaceOver'); this.blurTo(1, 2, 0.8, 'easeOutSine'); }; menu.main[btnName].onRollOut = function () { this.blurTo(3.5, 2, 2, 'easeOutSine', 0.2); }; menu.main[btnName].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfaceClick'); switch (btnName) { case 'continueGame': if (noContinue != true) { _root.openContinue(); } break; case 'newGame': _root.openNewGame(); break; case 'credits': _root.openCredits(); break; case 'walkthrough': getURL('', '_blank'); break; case 'survivalKit': _root.openPremium(); break; case 'theLastStand': getURL('', '_blank'); break; case 'theLastStand2': getURL('', '_blank'); } }; } function travelTo(travelTarget, cancelTravel, startLocation, endLocation) { var v1 = Math.abs(map['section' + locationNumber]._x - map[travelTarget]._x) + Math.abs(map['section' + locationNumber]._y - map[travelTarget]._y); sleepWait(null, Math.round(v1 / 200)); if (cancelTravel != true) { closeMap(); if (startLocation != undefined && startLocation != null) { goto(startLocation, 'start'); } if (endLocation != undefined && endLocation != null) { goto(endLocation, 'end'); } } else { closeMap(); changeRooms('cancelTravel'); } dText('New Area - Player Loc: ' + currentLocation + ' - ' + currentBuilding + ' - ' + currentFloor + ' - ' + currentRoom); showHUD(); showCrosshair(); showHudElements(); showDock(); unPauseGame(); } function goToMap() { openMap(); } function openMap() { saveGame(); savePlayer(); hideDock(); pauseGame(); hideHelp(); removeMovieClip(world); hideCrosshair(); mapOpen = true; setupMap(); hideHudElements(); hideHUD(); checkShowSocial(); } function closeMap() { mapOpen = false; hud.mapInfo._visible = false; hud.cancelTravel._visible = false; removeMovieClip(map); removeMovieClip(mapInterlace); } function hideHudElements() { = false; hud.ammo._visible = false; } function showHudElements() { = true; hud.ammo._visible = true; } function updateMapInfo() { hud.mapInfo._visible = true; var v2 = currentLocationMap.substring(7, 10); hud.mapInfo.locName.text = _root[currentLocationMap].name.toUpperCase(); hud.mapInfo.dangerLevel.text = 'DANGER LEVEL - ' + _root['l' + v2].danger; } function setupMap() { _root.attachMovie('worldMap', 'map', depth_map); _root.attachMovie('hud_interlace', 'mapInterlace', depth_map + 1); loadMapLocations(); saveMapLocations(); hud.mapInfo._visible = true; hud.cancelTravel._visible = true; buttonSetup_locations(); map._yscale = zoomTop; map._xscale = map._yscale; moveMap('section' + locationNumber); currentLocationMap = 'section' + locationNumber; showTravelRoutes(locationNumber); map.youAreHere._x = map['section' + locationNumber]._x; map.youAreHere._y = map['section' + locationNumber]._y; map.questMarker._x = map[quest['quest' + trackedQuest].loc]._x; map.questMarker._y = map[quest['quest' + trackedQuest].loc]._y; var v2 = new Object(); v2.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { if (delta > 0) { zoomMapIn(); } else { zoomMapOut(); } }; Mouse.addListener(v2); updateMapInfo(); } function cancelTravelButton(btnName) { hud[btnName].onRelease = function () { travelTo('section' + locationNumber, true); }; } function moveMap(sectionNumber, moveTime) { mapLock = true; if (moveTime == undefined) { moveTime = 1; } var v2 = new flash.geom.Point(map._x, map._y); var v1 = new flash.geom.Point(map[sectionNumber]._x, map[sectionNumber]._y); map.localToGlobal(v1); destMapX = v2.x - v1.x + Stage.width / 2; destMapY = v2.y - v1.y + Stage.height / 2; map.slideTo(destMapX, destMapY, moveTime, 'easeOutSine', 0, function () { mapLock = false; }); showTravelRoutes(sectionNumber); } function buttonSetup_locations() { for (l in map.locations) { var locName = map.locations[l]._name; locNameEnd = locName.indexOf('_', 0); newLocName = locName.substring(0, locNameEnd); map.locations[l].locName = newLocName; map.locations[l].scaleTo(borderScale); if (_root[map.locations[l].locName].locked == true) { map.locations[l].base._alpha = 35; map.locations[l].colorTo(0); } else { map.locations[l].base._alpha = 5; map.locations[l].colorTo(16777215); } map.locations[l].onRelease = function () { if (_root[this.locName].locked != true && _root.socialOpen != true) { moveMap(this.locName); _root.currentLocationMap = this.locName; updateMapInfo(); if (checkTravelRoute(this.locName)) { showTravelDialog(this.locName); dText('Ok Travel Loc: ' + this.locName); } } }; map.locations[l].onRollOver = function () { _root.hud.worldMap.suburbName.text = _root[this.locName].name; _root.hud.worldMap.secNum.text = _root[this.locName].name; if (_root[this.locName].locked != true) { _root.currentLocationMap = this.locName; updateMapInfo(); this.colorTo(16777215); this.alphaTo(_root.mapBorderAlpha, 0.2); this.base.alphaTo(5, 0.2); } }; map.locations[l].onRollOut = function () { if (_root[this.locName].locked != true) { this.colorTo(16777215); this.alphaTo(mapBaseAlpha, 0.2, 'linear'); this.base.alphaTo(0, 0.2); } }; } } function showTravelDialog(travelTarget) { hud.attachMovie('travelDialog', 'travel', depth_hud_travel); = Stage.width / 2; = Stage.height / 2; = 'TO ' + _root[travelTarget].name.toUpperCase(); var startLoc = _root['l' + _root[travelTarget].num].startLoc; var endLoc = _root['l' + _root[travelTarget].num].endLoc; if (checkEndLoc(_root[travelTarget].num) == true) { = false; } else { = true; = false; = false; } = _root['l' + _root[travelTarget].num].startLocName; = _root['l' + _root[travelTarget].num].startLocName; = _root['l' + _root[travelTarget].num].endLocName; = function () { travelTo(travelTarget, null, startLoc); closeTravelDialog(); }; =; = function () { travelTo(travelTarget, null, null, endLoc); closeTravelDialog(); }; = function () { closeTravelDialog(); }; } function closeTravelDialog() { removeMovieClip(; } function checkTravelRoute(target) { var v1 = false; v1 = true; return v1; } function showTravelRoutes(sectionNumber) {} function scrollMapKeys(scrollDir) { if (mapLock == false) { switch (scrollDir) { case 'left': if (map._x < 0) { map._x += scrollSpeedMap; } break; case 'right': if (map._x > -map._width + Stage.width) { map._x -= scrollSpeedMap; } break; case 'up': if (map._y < 0) { map._y += scrollSpeedMap; } break; case 'down': if (map._y > -map._height + Stage.height) { map._y -= scrollSpeedMap; } } } } function scrollMap() { if (mapLock == false) { if (_ymouse < scrollEdgeBufferTop && _ymouse >= scrollEdgeBufferBottom && map._y < 0) { --scrollTimerUp; if (scrollTimerUp < 0) { map._y += scrollSpeedMap; } } else { scrollTimerUp = scrollTimerMax; } if (_ymouse >= Stage.height - scrollEdgeBufferTop && _ymouse < Stage.height - scrollEdgeBufferBottom && map._y > -map._height + Stage.height) { --scrollTimerDown; if (scrollTimerDown < 0) { map._y -= scrollSpeedMap; } } else { scrollTimerDown = scrollTimerMax; } if (_xmouse < scrollEdgeBufferBottom && map._x < 0) { --scrollTimerLeft; if (scrollTimerLeft < 0) { map._x += scrollSpeedMap; } } else { scrollTimerLeft = scrollTimerMax; } if (_xmouse >= Stage.width - scrollEdgeBufferBottom && map._x > -map._width + Stage.width) { --scrollTimerRight; if (scrollTimerRight < 0) { map._x -= scrollSpeedMap; } } else { scrollTimerRight = scrollTimerMax; } } } function zoomMapIn() { setZoomMarker(); if (map._xscale == zoomTop) { map._yscale = zoomMid; map._xscale = map._yscale; zoomEffect(); } else { if (map._xscale == zoomMid) { map._yscale = zoomBottom; map._xscale = map._yscale; zoomEffect(); } } moveMap('mapMarker', 0); } function zoomMapOut() { setZoomMarker(); if (map._xscale == zoomMid) { map._yscale = zoomTop; map._xscale = map._yscale; zoomEffect(); } else { if (map._xscale == zoomBottom) { map._yscale = zoomMid; map._xscale = map._yscale; zoomEffect(); } } moveMap('mapMarker', 0); } function zoomEffect() { map._alpha = 0; map.alphaTo(100, 0.3); } function setZoomMarker() { map.attachMovie('blankMarker', 'mapMarker', depth_mapMarker); map.mapMarker._visible = false; centrePoint = new flash.geom.Point(Stage.width / 2, Stage.height / 2); map.globalToLocal(centrePoint); map.mapMarker._x = centrePoint.x; map.mapMarker._y = centrePoint.y; } function unlockAreas(questRef, setArea) { loadMapLocations(); if (questRef.unlocks != undefined) { for (ula in questRef.unlocks) { _root[questRef.unlocks[ula]].locked = false; } addAlert('NEW MAP AREA UNLOCKED', 'white'); saveMapLocations(); } if (setArea != undefined) { _root[setArea].locked = false; addAlert('NEW MAP AREA UNLOCKED', 'white'); saveMapLocations(); } } function unlockArea(setArea) { loadMapLocations(); _root[setArea].locked = false; addAlert('NEW MAP AREA UNLOCKED', 'white'); saveMapLocations(); } function unlockEndLoc(endLocNum) {['endLoc' + endLocNum] = true; } function checkEndLoc(chkEndLockNum) { if (['endLoc' + chkEndLockNum] == true) { return true; } } function saveMapLocations() { for (sml in allLocations) {['section' + allLocations[sml].num + 'Locked'] = allLocations[sml].locked; } } function loadMapLocations() { for (sml in allLocations) { if (['section' + allLocations[sml].num + 'Locked'] != undefined) { _root[allLocations[sml].ref].locked =['section' + allLocations[sml].num + 'Locked']; } } } function setupMapLocations() { = 'Pinedale'; section16.locations = new Array('section9', 'section13'); section16.locked = false; = 'Trenton'; section1.locations = new Array('section3', 'section5'); = 'Green Plains'; section2.locations = new Array('section3', 'section4'); = 'Northwood'; section3.locations = new Array('section1', 'section2', 'section4', 'section5'); = 'Uptown'; section4.locations = new Array('section2', 'section3', 'section6'); = 'Stadium'; section5.locations = new Array('section1', 'section3', 'section6', 'section8'); = 'Docks'; section6.locations = new Array('section5', 'section4', 'section7', 'section10'); = 'Union Island'; section7.locations = new Array('section6'); = 'Riverside'; section8.locations = new Array('section5', 'section9'); = 'Brookvale'; section9.locations = new Array('section16', 'section8'); = 'Downtown'; section10.locations = new Array('section5', 'section6', 'section11'); = 'Uptown'; section11.locations = new Array('section10', 'section12'); = 'Newtown'; section12.locations = new Array('section11', 'section13', 'section14', 'section15'); = 'Canal Park'; section13.locations = new Array('section16', 'section12', 'section14'); = 'Waterside'; section14.locations = new Array('section13', 'section15', 'section12'); = 'Whistler\'s Forest'; section15.locations = new Array('section12', 'section14'); } function setupLocationControl() { for (v in allLocations) { for (f in allFactions) { for (s in allFactions[f].sectionsControlled) { if (allLocations[v].ref == allFactions[f].sectionsControlled[s]) { map.locations[allLocations[v].ref + '_border']._alpha = borderAlpha; map.locations[allLocations[v].ref + '_border'].colorTo(allFactions[f].colour); map.locations[allLocations[v].ref + '_border'].cacheAsBitmap = true; allLocations[v].owner = allFactions[f].ref; } } } } } function openNote(noteID) { curNoteID = noteID; playInterfaceSound('open'); noteOpen = true; pauseGame(); hideCrosshair(); hideHUD(); hud.attachMovie('int_note', 'note', depth_hud_note); hud.note.gotoAndStop(_root['note' + noteID].style); if (_root['note' + noteID].read != true) { _root['note' + noteID].read = true; saveNotes(); checkAch('readNote'); } if (_root['note' + noteID].style == 'wall' || _root['note' + noteID].style == 'notePad' || _root['note' + noteID].style == 'book') { hud.note.contents.text = _root['note' + noteID].content.toUpperCase(); } else { hud.note.contents.text = _root['note' + noteID].content; } hud.note.exitBtn.onRelease = function () { closeNote(); }; } function closeNote() { playInterfaceSound('close'); if (_root['note' + curNoteID].trigger != undefined) { hitTrigger(_root['note' + curNoteID].trigger); } noteOpen = false; unPauseGame(); showHUD(); showCrosshair(); removeMovieClip(hud.note); } function setNoteContents() { = 'herc'; note1.content = 'QUARANTINE NOTICE: \r\rThis facility has been QUARANTINED by Homeland Environmental Risk Control.\rAttempts to leave the quarantine zone will be met with SEVERE CONSEQUENCES.\r\r\rAny persons who have been in contact with the affected should present themselves to the nearest HERC Emergency station.'; = 'wall'; note2.content = '\r\rWell that quarantine went well, HUH!?.'; = 'file'; note3.content = 'PATIENT: Con Johnson.\rD.O.B: 8-8-1979\r\rADDRESS: 1250 8th Avenue, Glendale.\r\rPatient walked into emergency on May 15 showing signs of severe fatigue.\rOn inspection by Dr.Burkman, patient\'s BP and HR were slightly elevated, hydration was severely lacking. Suspected that patient walked from his home in Glendale.\r\rPatient had what appears to be an animal bite on his left calf. Possible rabies is present.'; = 'notePad'; note4.content = 'Nurses,\rHad a patient walk into the hospital today, literally walk, from Glendale. It\'s 100 miles from here! His shoes were torn apart, clothing ragged. He looked at deaths door.\r\rOn top of all that he was nursing a bite on his leg. It didn\'t appear to bleed much, though it showed some strange coagulation around the site.\r\rKeep an eye on him please, something going on there!'; = 'wall'; note5.content = '\r\r' + player.firstName + ',\r\rI\'ve gone to the hospital to help out where I can. Come meet me there.\r\rLove ' + _root[ + 'PartnerNameShort']; note5.trigger = 'trig10'; = 'notePad'; note6.content = 'Tony,\r\rI called the pizza place but got some really weird answer so I\'m going down there to get the pizza.'; = 'wall'; note7.content = 'Dave,\r\rYou aren\'t here. You gave me your word you would be there for me.\r\rYou lied. How am I going to get out of here? I HATE YOU!'; = 'notePad'; note8.content = 'Dear Mommy,\r\rNana says I have to write goodbi to you but I dont no why I keep hearing screams and I hope the pepol are ok\r\rI miss you Mommy!\r\rJulia'; = 'wall'; note9.content = 'Tiffany, I love you.\rOh God what wouldn\'t I give to be able to tell you this one last time.\rTo hold you in my arms; I would give myself to Death if that assured your safety. I wonder if you\'re thinking about me right now. If you ever find this Tiffany, know that I love you\r- Carson'; = 'notePad'; note10.content = 'Dear Annoying Prick,\rWith this whole thing going on, I thought you might stop trying to get in my pants. But no. You kept at it. I wish I could just kill you, but I\'m too nice for that. So I\'m sabotaging your little escape plan.\r\rHave fun with your burning boat.\r- Violet <3'; = 'wall'; note11.content = 'Dear Jenny,\rIf you\'re reading this, I fear my life will soon end. I know the chances of you finding this note are very slim. Please don\'t worry about me. Just try to get the kids out of Union City. Know that I love you and the kids dearly. Not a moment goes by I don\'t think about you.\r- John'; = 'notePad'; note12.content = 'Roxanne,\r\rWent looking for Tommy at his school. I found him, he was with friends, all turned into those \'things\'. Bit me good in the hand.\r\rDON\'T COME LOOKING FOR US.\r\rI\'m sorry, I tried.\r\rLove, John.'; = 'wall'; note13.content = '\r\r\rRelease the souls of the blessed and the damned. I am not your keeper. Oh God forgive me, for I have sinned.'; = 'wall'; note14.content = '\r\r\rThe flaws in the air are excelling, expanding, the rain is turning more sour by the day, I long for a home, for peace.\r\rI\'m free now, from this wretched hell.\r\r-Valentine'; = 'wall'; note15.content = 'Dear Carly,\rJessie left, she went East after hearing that broadcast, the old house is bad news, there is alot of them around it now so I set out North, I hear it\'s much safer up there. I hope you understand I thought alot of you and I wish you never went back for Jake, watch yourself.\rLove Curtis'; = 'wall'; note16.content = '\r\rIt \'s the government. I know it\'s the government. It\'s always the government. They want to kill us all. They will declare martial law and erase our rights. They are in cahoots with the aliens and communists. I\'ve always known it. Who\'s the fool now?'; = 'wall'; note17.content = '\r\rThis place is not safe! Nowhere is safe!\r\rYou will die just like the rest of us. Abandon hope. Abandon god like he abandoned us.'; = 'wall'; note18.content = '\r\rHoney,\rThey closed the store with me in it here! It\'s been days and all I\'ve heard is screaming.\r\rI\'m fairly sure no-one is coming for me, I guess this is goodbye.\r\rI love you, baby.'; = 'wall'; note19.content = '\r\rWhats goin\' on first \'Cult murders\' then \'cannibals\' now they tell everyone to go here or there telling different people different things.\r\rGod, the army isnt even giving their own soldiers orders. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?'; = 'book'; note20.content = 'Note:\rMorality Today\'s not the day for that. It\'s every man for himself now. Survival instinct overrides compassion and reason. Don\'t hesitate behind the trigger- those things just aren\'t people anymore. We can cry when this is all over.'; = 'wall'; note21.content = '\r\r\r\r SCAN ME'; = 'notePad'; note22.content = 'Hey Jon,\r\rI\'ve got a store up online in return for all the artwork you used in that vampire Future Splash game you\'re making.\r\rYou can check it out here:\r\rIf you could link to it in the game somehow that\'d be great.\r\rCheers, Boothy.'; = 'book'; note23.content = '\r\rSaw a woman with her baby today. She was was feasting on her. Put both out of their misery without a flinch...What\'s happening to me?'; = 'wall'; note24.content = '\rRoger,\rHeading north, heard it was safe. I dont know though. Ive been to so many \'Safe Havens\' that were overrun by Them. I dont know what to do anymore. the kids are scared. Im not the religious one, but i tell yeah, Ive prayed so much my hands hurt. Hope it helps. God be with us?\rGood Luck, Aaron'; = 'wall'; note25.content = '\r\rAlbert,\r\rThings have gone horribly wrong. Meet me in Africa.\r\rLove, Jill.'; = 'wall'; note26.content = '\rTommy,\rRemember what I told you and always respect, protect and obey your father and always remember that I love you so much. I am going to leave you forever because I am too sick to go on. Bless you my Son and when your time comes to go. You will find me waiting for you.\rMom.'; = 'book'; note27.content = '\r\rNote to self: Trust costs food. \r\rNext chump who knocks at my door looking for a place to stay has to pay up. I can\'t afford to give everyone a free pass, especially after that last guy turned on me in the middle of the night. --Eli'; = 'wall'; note28.content = 'To anyone who reads this: I see it everywhere. I can\'t get rid of it. It tells me to kill and I do, hoping it goes away. But no mattter how many of those things I kill it comes back. Words, thoughts, death, always in my head. I end it all to protect people like you and to stop it. Goodbye.'; = 'book'; note29.content = 'Dear Diary,\r Yesterday a strange man bit me on the arm. It\'s starting to really hurt and it smells really really bad, Hopefully mummy won\'t notice it and send me away like she did daddy. Mummy says we are leaving to go on a short holiday tomorrow, it sounds like fun but I wish daddy was coming with us.'; = 'wall'; note30.content = '\r\rR.I.P.- Gino Genson\r\rFought off and killed 21 infected before succumbing to his wounds'; = 'wall'; note31.content = 'If civilians would\'ve defended the city instead of falling into panic, it would\'nt be lost.'; = 'book'; note35.content = 'Finally decided to kill him. Collect insurance to pay off my apartment. Put pills in his coffee. Went to loot whatever food I could find. Was up when I got home. Bastard bit me. Beat him to death again with a hammer. Can feel the death in my veins, almost turning. Horrible time for an apocalypse, God. I deserve it.'; = 'wall'; note36.content = 'Nina,\r\rEverything went to hell. The apartment is just a wrecked mess. I hid in the closet, but your not going to find me here, leave while you can.\r\rJust leave across the sea now!\r\rGood-bye Nina, Love Chris'; = ''; note37.content = 'This is the way the world ends\rThis is the way the world ends\rThis is the way the world ends\rNot with a bang but a moan'; = 'book'; note38.content = 'And the LORD will send a plague on all the nations.\rTheir people will become like walking corpses, their flesh rotting away.\rTheir eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.\rOn that day they will be terrified, stricken by the LORD with great panic.'; = 'herc'; note32.content = 'EMERGENCY REG. LIST #001 - EVAL.CENTER \r\rAshley Wayans\rRoger Wayans\rPeter Wright\rHarley Donald - RELOCATED\rMarissa Chan - RELOCATED\rPhillip Stevens\rRolando Estevez\rRosa Estevez\rVincent Caravella\rSteven Jones\rKate Scott'; = 'herc'; note33.content = 'EMERGENCY REG. LIST #002 - EVAL.CENTER \r\rSteve Hutton\rCarol Dawes\rRyan Taylor\rAnna Williams\r' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' ' + player.lastName + ' - RELOCATED\rBarry Wilmott\rElsa Lee - RELOCATED\rLuke Lee - RELOCATED'; note33.trigger = 'trig22'; = 'herc'; note34.content = 'RELOCATION ORDERS - #240\r\rSubjects that have been pre-screened and show signs underlined in Standard 101A are to be relocated to the temporary facility established within Union Park at Uptown.\r\rAll requests by civilians for information regarding location of those relocated is to be DENIED as a matter of Homeland Security.'; note34.trigger = 'trig27'; = 'wall'; note50.content = 'Honey I\'ll be back by the time you get back.\r\rI locked the keys to the warehouse inside the safe, now I can\'t find the damn things, going back to the house to find them.\r\rWait here!'; } function saveNotes() { for (savNo in allNotes) {[allNotes[savNo].ref + 'rd'] = allNotes[savNo].read; } } function loadNotes() { for (loadNo in allNotes) { if ([allNotes[loadNo].ref + 'rd'] != undefined) { allNotes[loadNo].read =[allNotes[loadNo].ref + 'rd']; } } } function discountCost(costNum) { var v1 = Math.ceil(costNum * ((100 - player.smarts / 2) / 100)); return v1; } function setShopInteractiveVars(intObj) { var v4 = intObj._name.substring(4, 5); var v2 = int(v4); intObj.itemRef = _root[determineItemType(currentShopSet['item' + v2].ref)][currentShopSet['item' + v2].ref].name; intObj.ref = currentShopSet['item' + v2].ref; intObj.cost = discountCost(currentShopSet['item' + v2].cost); } function buyItem(shopObj) { if (shopObj.cost > totalMoney) { showDialogBox(dialog_notEnoughMoney); } else { dialog_buyItem.heading = 'BUY ' + shopObj.itemRef.toUpperCase(); dialog_buyItem.body = 'DO YOU WANT TO BUY\r\r' + shopObj.itemRef.toUpperCase() + '\rFOR $' + shopObj.cost; dialog_buyItem.button1Active = true; dialog_buyItem.button2Active = true; dialog_buyItem.button3Active = false; dialog_buyItem.button1Desc = 'BUY'; dialog_buyItem.button2Desc = 'CANCEL'; dialog_buyItem.button1Action = function () { checkAch('spendBig', shopObj.cost); totalMoney -= shopObj.cost; giveItem(shopObj.ref); unPauseGame(); saveInventory(); closeDialogBox();, 0.1);, 1, 'linear', 0.5); = '$' + totalMoney; }; dialog_buyItem.button2Action = function () { unPauseGame(); closeDialogBox(); }; showDialogBox(dialog_buyItem); } } function setupShop() { = true; = '$' + totalMoney; currentShopSet = _root['shopSet' + _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].shopSet]; for (shs in currentShopSet) {[shs].itemIcon.gotoAndStop(currentShopSet[shs].ref);[shs].itemRef = currentShopSet[shs].ref;[shs].cost = discountCost(currentShopSet[shs].cost);['price' + currentShopSet[shs].num].text = discountCost(currentShopSet[shs].cost); var v3 = currentShopSet[shs].ref.substring(0, 4); if (v3 == 'ammo') {[shs].itemIcon.gotoAndStop(ammo[currentShopSet[shs].ref].pickup); } var v2 = _root[determineItemType(currentShopSet[shs].ref)][currentShopSet[shs].ref].pickup; if (v2 == 'hat') {[shs].itemIcon.gotoAndStop('hat');[shs].itemIcon.item.gotoAndStop(currentShopSet[shs].ref); } if (weapon[currentShopSet[shs].ref].weaponBase != undefined) {[shs].itemIcon.gotoAndStop(weapon[currentShopSet[shs].ref].weaponBase); } if (weapon[currentShopSet[shs].ref].mod != 'scope') {[shs].itemIcon.item.scope._visible = false; } else {[shs].itemIcon.item.scope._visible = true; } if (weapon[currentShopSet[shs].ref].mod != 'suppressed') {[shs].itemIcon.item.suppressor._visible = false; } else {[shs].itemIcon.item.suppressor._visible = true;[shs].itemIcon._x =[shs].itemIcon.origin - suppWeaponOffset; } if (weapon[currentShopSet[shs].ref].mod == 'specOps') {[shs].itemIcon.item.scope._visible = true;[shs].itemIcon.item.suppressor._visible = true;[shs].itemIcon._x =[shs].itemIcon.origin - suppWeaponOffset; } } } function setupSurvivors() { allSurvivors = new Array(); if ( != undefined || != null) { setupSurvivor(null, null, 'follower'); } if ( != undefined || != null) { setupSurvivor(null, null, 'partner'); player.partner = 'Partner'; hitTrigger('trig32'); } } function checkCompanionSetup() { allSurvivors = new Array(); if ( != undefined || != null) { setupSurvivor(null, null, 'follower'); } if ( != undefined || != null) { setupSurvivor(null, null, 'partner'); player.partner = 'Partner'; hitTrigger('trig32'); } } function setupSurvivor(setX, setY, survivorName) { if (numSurvivors > 10) { numSurvivors = 0; } ++numSurvivors; var v3 = survivorName; if (survivorName == 'follower') { v3 = 'companion'; }'human', v3, depth_world_survivor + numSurvivors); survRef = world[v3]; survRef._visible = false; toggleAnimMode(survRef, 'default'); survRef._x = playerStartX + (random(80) - 40); if (survRef._x < world.bounds._x + edgeBuffer) { survRef._x = world.bounds._x + edgeBuffer; } if (survRef._x > world.bounds._x + world.bounds._width - edgeBuffer) { survRef._x = world.bounds._x + world.bounds._width - edgeBuffer; } if (setX != undefined) { survRef._x = setX; survRef._y = setY; } survRef._y = world.ground; survRef._yscale = playerScale; survRef._xscale = survRef._yscale; if (playerStartX > 100) { survRef.currentFacing = 'left'; survRef._xscale = -playerScale; } else { survRef.currentFacing = 'right'; } survRef.dir = ''; survRef.charHeight = survRef._height; = survivorName; survRef.controlsLocked = false; survRef.aimLocked = false; = Math.round(health / 2); survRef.healthMax = Math.round(healthMax / 2); survRef.downHealth = Math.round(healthMax * 4); survRef.lastHealth = Math.round(health / 2); if (survivorName == 'partner') { = 999999999; survRef.healthMax = 999999999; survRef.partner = true; } survRef.companion = true; survRef.survivor = true; survRef.state = 'follow'; survRef.wp = world.player._x; survRef.wpSet = false; survRef.wpReached = false; survRef.wpSetCount = 0; survRef.shotCount = 0; survRef.burstCount = 0; survRef.waitCount = 0; survRef.curTarget = null; survRef.closeZom = 9999999; survRef.down = false; = npc[player[survivorName]].sex; survRef.alive = true; survRef.crouched = false; survRef.moving = false; survRef.jumping = false; survRef.standing = true; survRef.falling = false; survRef.landed = true; survRef.firing = false; survRef.firingAnim = false; survRef.currentAngle = 0; survRef.grabbed = false; survRef.struggling = false; survRef.jumpHeight = jumpHeight; survRef.shoving = false; survRef.meleeSwing = false; survRef.firingAnim = false; survRef.jumpAnim = false; survRef.walkForwardAnim = false; survRef.walkBackwardAnim = false; survRef.endRoomLeft = false; survRef.endRoomRight = false; survRef.collideLeft = false; survRef.collideRight = false; survRef.collideTop = false; survRef.collideBottom = false; survRef.climbing = false; survRef.currClimbHeight = 0; survRef.depth = 0; survRef.lastCollision = null; survRef.transitioning = false; survRef.arms.torso.originX = survRef.arms.torso._x; survRef.arms.torso.originY = survRef.arms.torso._y; survRef.neck.originX = 0; survRef.neck.originY = survRef.neck._y; survRef.head.originX = 10; survRef.head.originY = survRef.head._y; survRef.reloading = false; survRef.currentDamage = 0; survRef.currentDamageRand = 0; if (survivorName != 'partner') { if ( != undefined && != undefined) { survRef.primaryWeapon =; survRef.secondaryWeapon =; } else { survRef.primaryWeapon = npc[player[survivorName]].weapon; survRef.secondaryWeapon = null; } if ( != undefined) { survRef.currentWeapon =; } else { survRef.currentWeapon = npc[player[survivorName]].weapon; } if ( != undefined) { survRef.storedWeapon =; } survRef.weaponType = _root.weapon[survRef.currentWeapon].weaponType; survRef.weaponSkill = _root.weapon[survRef.currentWeapon].skill; survRef.primaryAmmo = primaryAmmo; survRef.secondaryAmmo = secondaryAmmo; survRef.gotoAndStop('standing'); survRef.arms.lowerArm_backFront._visible = false; survRef.arms.gotoAndStop(survRef.weaponType); survRef.arms.weapon.gotoAndStop(survRef.currentWeapon); survRef.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.gotoAndStop(survRef.storedWeapon); survRef.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; if (_root.weapon[survRef.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { survRef.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('meleeBackHand'); survRef.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('meleeFrontHand'); } if (_root.weapon[survRef.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { survRef.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('holdHand'); survRef.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('triggerHand'); } } if (survivorName != 'partner') { survRef.hairColour = convertHairColour(npc[player[survivorName]].hairColour); survRef.skinColour = convertSkinColour(npc[player[survivorName]].skinColour); } else { survRef.hairColour = npc[player[survivorName]].hairColour; survRef.skinColour = npc[player[survivorName]].skinColour; } survRef.clothesTop = npc[player[survivorName]].clothesTop; survRef.torsoAccessory = npc[player[survivorName]].torsoAccessory; survRef.headAccessory = npc[player[survivorName]].headAccessory; survRef.faceAccessory = npc[player[survivorName]].faceAccessory; survRef.clothesBottom = npc[player[survivorName]].clothesBottom; survRef.clothesShoe = npc[player[survivorName]].clothesShoe; survRef.backpack = npc[player[survivorName]].backpack; = + '_' + npc[player[survivorName]].hair; survRef.facialHair = npc[player[survivorName]].facialHair; allOnScreen.push(survRef); humansOnScreen.push(survRef); allSurvivors.push(survRef); swapWeapons('primary', null, survRef); decoratePlayer(survRef); survRef.stopTween(); survRef.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); saveCompanion(); } function survivorGravity() { for (sg in allSurvivors) { characterGravity(allSurvivors[sg]); } } function companionDown(tgtObj) { tgtObj.down = true; toggleAnimMode(tgtObj, 'anim'); tgtObj.gotoAndPlay('survivorDown'); tgtObj.animWeapon._visible = false; tgtObj.hand_frontAnim.gotoAndStop('openHand'); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(tgtObj.skinColour); } function survivorAIRoutine() { for (sai in allSurvivors) { var v2 = allSurvivors[sai]; if (v2.alive == true) { if (allOnScreen.length > 0) { for (stc in allOnScreen) { var v4 = allOnScreen[stc]; var v3 = Math.abs(v2._x - v4._x); var v5 = Math.abs(v2._x - v2.curTarget._x); var v6 = false; if (v4.zombie == true || v4.humanEnemy == true && v4.friendly != true) { v6 = true; } if ( == 'player') { v6 = false; } if (v4.alerted == true && v6 == true) { if (v3 < v2.closeZom && v3 <= survivorRange && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'attack'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee' && v3 > survivorMeleeRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'chase'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee' && v3 <= survivorMeleeRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'attack'; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee' && v5 > survivorMeleeRange) { v2.state = 'chase'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'chainsaw' && v3 <= chainsawRange) { dText('Chainsaw In Range - ATTACK!'); v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'attack'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'chainsaw' && v3 > chainsawRange) { dText('Chainsaw out of Range Range - CHASE!'); v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'chase'; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'chainsaw' && v5 > chainsawRange) { v2.state = 'chase'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'flameThrower' && v3 <= flameThrowerRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'attack'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'flameThrower' && v3 > flameThrowerRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'chase'; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'flameThrower' && v5 > flameThrowerRange) { v2.state = 'chase'; } } } } else { v2.state = 'follow'; v2.curTarget = null; v2.firing = false; } if (v2.curTarget.alive != true) { v2.state = 'follow'; v2.closeZom = 9999999; v2.curTarget = null; v2.firing = false; } if (v2.down == true) { v2.state = 'down'; } switch (v2.state) { case 'down': if (random(survivorHelpSoundChance) == 0 && helpSoundPlaying != true) { helpSoundPlaying = true; playSoundHelpMe(v2); setTimeout(function () { helpSoundPlaying = false; }, 3000); } break; case 'shove': dText('Surv Shoving!'); characterShove(v2); v2.state = 'attack'; break; case 'attack': ++v2.waitCount; aimWeapon(v2); if (v2.waitCount >= 40) { ++v2.burstCount; if (v2.burstCount <= 50 && v2.firingAnim == false && v2.reloading == false) { toggleAnimMode(v2, 'default'); v2.gotoAndStop('standing'); v2.walkForwardAnim = false; if (v2.shotCount < _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].maxAmmo || _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { v2.firing = true; if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { v2.arms.gotoAndPlay(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType + '_fire'); ++v2.shotCount; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { _root.checkKnockback(v2); v2.firing = true; v2.shoving = false; v2.meleeSwing = true; v2.arms.gotoAndPlay(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType + '_fire' + (random(2) + 1)); v2.arms.torso.gotoAndPlay('shove'); _root.playMeleeSwingSound(v2); } } else { v2.shotCount = 0; v2.reloading = true; v2.reloadCount = 0; v2.arms.gotoAndPlay(v2.weaponType + '_reload'); } } if (v2.burstCount > 50) { v2.burstCount = 0; v2.waitCount = 0; v2.firing = false; } } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { if (Math.abs(v2._x - v2.curTarget._x) < 60) { v2.state = 'shove'; } } if (Math.abs(v2._x - world.player._x) > stayCloseDistance) { --v2.wpSetCount; if (v2.wpSetCount <= random(wpSetCountMax / 20)) { v2.wpSetCount = wpSetCountMax; if (v2.wpSet == false) { aimWeapon(v2); v2.wpReached = false; v2.wpSet = true; v2.wp = world.player._x + Math.round(50 * sai); } } if (v2._x < v2.wp && v2.collideLeft == false) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } if (v2._xscale < 0 && v2.walkBackwardAnim != true) { v2.walkBackwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walkBackward'); } v2._x += player.speed; } if (v2._x > v2.wp && v2.collideRight == false) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } if (v2._xscale > 0 && v2.walkBackwardAnim != true) { v2.walkBackwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walkBackward'); } v2._x -= player.speed; } if (v2.collideLeft == true || v2.collideRight == true) { v2.jumping = true; } wpRough = Math.abs(v2._x - v2.wp); if (wpRough <= survivorMeleeRange && v2.wpReached == false) { v2.wpReached = true; v2.wpSet = false; v2.wp = null; v2.walkForwardAnim = false; v2.gotoAndStop('standing'); v2.state = 'attack'; } } break; case 'chase': --v2.wpSetCount; if (v2.wpSetCount <= random(wpSetCountMax / 20)) { v2.wpSetCount = wpSetCountMax; if (v2.wpSet == false) { aimWeapon(v2); v2.wpReached = false; v2.wpSet = true; v2.wp = v2.curTarget._x + Math.round(50 * sai); } } if (v2._x < v2.wp && v2.collideLeft == false) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } v2._x += player.speed; } if (v2._x > v2.wp && v2.collideRight == false) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } v2._x -= player.speed; } if (v2.collideLeft == true || v2.collideRight == true) { v2.jumping = true; } wpRough = Math.abs(v2._x - v2.wp); if (wpRough <= survivorMeleeRange && v2.wpReached == false) { v2.wpReached = true; v2.wpSet = false; v2.wp = null; v2.walkForwardAnim = false; v2.gotoAndStop('standing'); v2.state = 'attack'; } if (v2.curTarget.alive != undefined) { } else { v2.state = 'follow'; } break; case 'follow': --v2.wpSetCount; if (v2.wpSetCount <= random(wpSetCountMax / 3)) { v2.wpSetCount = wpSetCountMax; if (v2.wpSet == false && world.player.moving == true) { aimWeapon(v2); v2.wpReached = false; v2.wpSet = true; v2.wp = world.player._x + Math.round(50 * sai); } } if (v2._x < v2.wp && v2.collideLeft == false) { if (runModifier == true || Math.abs(v2._x - world.player._x) > catchUpDistance) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; toggleAnimMode(v2, 'anim'); v2.gotoAndPlay('sprint'); } v2._x += player.speed * runSpeedMod; } else { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } v2._x += player.speed; } } if (v2._x > v2.wp && v2.collideRight == false) { if (runModifier == true || Math.abs(v2._x - world.player._x) > catchUpDistance) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; toggleAnimMode(v2, 'anim'); v2.gotoAndPlay('sprint'); } v2._x -= player.speed * runSpeedMod; } else { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } v2._x -= player.speed; } } if (v2.collideLeft == true || v2.collideRight == true) { if (world[v2.lastCollision].collision._height < 200) { v2.jumping = true; } } wpRough = Math.abs(v2._x - v2.wp); if (wpRough <= random(50) + Math.round(sai * 50) && v2.wpReached == false) { v2.wpReached = true; v2.wpSet = false; v2.wp = null; v2.walkForwardAnim = false; toggleAnimMode(v2, 'default'); v2.gotoAndStop('standing'); } break; default: } } } } function saveCompanion() { = world.companion.primaryWeapon; = world.companion.secondaryWeapon; = world.companion.currentWeapon; = world.companion.storedWeapon; } function setHeartInterval() { if (healthBarScale < 40) { heartInterval = 3; } if (healthBarScale < 30) { heartInterval = 2; } if (healthBarScale < 20) { heartInterval = 1; } if (healthBarScale < 10) { heartInterval = 0; } } function heartBeat() { if (healthBarScale < 40) { ++heartCount; if (heartCount > heartInterval) { heartCount = 0; var v1 = 50 - healthBarScale; playSound('sound_heartBeat' + (random(2) + 1), v1); } } } function startWritingSound() { writingSound = true; if (loop_writing != undefined) { loop_writing.start(); } else { playSoundLoop('sound_writing', 999, 'writing'); } } function stopWritingSound() { writingSound = false; loop_writing.stop(); } function playZombieAttackSound(target) { if (random(100) <= zomAttackSoundChance) { if ( == 'male') { playSound('sound_zombieAttack_male' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } if ( == 'female') { playSound('sound_zombieAttack_female' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } if (target.type == 'zombieDog') { playSound('sound_zombieAttack_dog' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } } } function playBodyFallSound(target, fallNum) { playSound('sound_bodyFall' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function playSoundHelpMe(target) { switch ( { case 'male': playSound('sound_survivorHelp_male' + (random(4) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); break; case 'female': playSound('sound_survivorHelp_female' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); break; default: } } function playZombieIdleSound(target) { switch ( { case 'male': playSound('sound_zombieIdle_male' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); break; case 'female': playSound('sound_zombieIdle_female' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); break; default: } } function playZombieStruggleSound(target) { playSound('sound_zombieStruggle_' + + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function playZombieAlertSound(target) { switch ( { case 'male': playSound('sound_zombieAlert_male' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); break; case 'female': playSound('sound_zombieAlert_female' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); break; default: } } function playHumanDeadSound(target) { switch ( { case 'male': if (random(100) == 0) { playSound('sound_humanDeadWilhelm', distSound(target), panSound(target)); } else { playSound('sound_humanDead' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } break; case 'female': playSound('sound_humanDeadFemale' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); break; default: playSound('sound_humanDead' + (random(4) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } } function playSoundLowStamina() { if ( == 'male') { playSound('sound_playerBreath' + (random(2) + 1)); } else { playSound('sound_playerBreath_female' + (random(2) + 1)); } } function playShoveHitSound(target) { if (weapon[target.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { playSound('sound_shove_' + weapon[target.currentWeapon].weaponClass + (random(2) + 1)); } if (weapon[target.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { playSound('sound_' + weapon[target.currentWeapon].material + '_hit' + (random(2) + 1)); } } function playStruggleSound(target) { if (random(101) < struggleSoundChance) { playSound('sound_struggle' + (random(4) + 1)); } playerExertSound(target); } function playRolloverSound() { playSound('sound_interfaceOver'); } function playPickupSound() { playSound('sound_pickupItem' + (random(2) + 1)); } function playInterfacePageSound() { playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); } function playInterfaceSound(sndName) { if (sndName == 'securityOpen') { playSound('sound_securityOpen'); } if (sndName == 'securityClose') { playSound('sound_securityClose'); } if (sndName == 'open') { playSound('sound_openInterface'); } if (sndName == 'close') { playSound('sound_closeInterface'); } if (sndName == 'openBag') { playSound('sound_openBag'); } if (sndName == 'closeBag') { playSound('sound_closeBag'); } } function playMeleeSwingSound(target) { playSound('sound_' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].swing + '_swing' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function playPumpActionSound(target) { playSound('sound_shotgunPump', distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function playBoltCycleSound(target) { playSound('sound_rifle_boltCycle', distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function playShellLoadSound(target) { playSound('sound_shotgunShellLoad', distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function playDrawBowSound(target) { playSound('sound_compoundBow_draw', distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function playBodyHitSound(target) { playSound('sound_bodyHit' + (random(4) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function playBodyHitSoundChainsaw(target) { playSound('sound_chainsawHit', distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function zombieVoiceSound(target) { switch (target.type) { case 'zombieDog': playSound('sound_zombieDog', distSound(target), panSound(target)); break; default: playSound('sound_zombie_' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } } function playZombieDeadSound(target) { switch (target.type) { case 'zombieDog': playSound('sound_zombieDeath_dog', distSound(target), panSound(target)); break; default: if (random(zomChancePlayNoDeathSound) > 0) { if ( == 'male') { playSound('sound_zombieDead_' + (random(5) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } else { playSound('sound_zombieDeath_female' + (random(4) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } } } } function shoveSwingSound(target) { playSound('sound_wood_swing1', distSound(target), panSound(target)); } function playerExertSound(target) { if (random(101) < exertSoundChance) { if ( == 'male') { playSound('sound_playerExert' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } else { playSound('sound_playerExert_female' + (random(3) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } } } function playerHurtSound() { if (random(101) < hurtSoundChance) { if ( == 'male') { playSound('sound_playerHurt' + (random(3) + 1)); } else { playSound('sound_playerHurt_female' + (random(2) + 1)); } } } function playSearchSound() { playSound('sound_search' + (random(2) + 1)); } function playSearchCloseSound() { playSound('sound_searchClose' + (random(2) + 1)); } function playMouseClickSound() { playSound('sound_mouseClick' + (random(2) + 1)); } function applyDamageProjectiles(round, target, hitZone, index) { alertedZombie(target, round.owner, 'gunshotHit'); if (round.grenade != true) { locDamageBonus = 0; switch (hitZone) { case 'Head': locDamageBonus = hitHeadMod; break; case 'Chest': locDamageBonus = hitChestMod; break; case 'Legs': locDamageBonus = hitLegsMod; break; case 'Belly': locDamageBonus = hitBellyMod; break; default: } var v4 = round.damage * locDamageBonus; var v7 = Math.round(Math.random() * (v4 / 5)); v4 -= v7; checkCriticalHit(round.owner); if (_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].ref == 'flameThrower') { target.burning = true; } if (target['armor' + hitZone] != undefined) { if (_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].piercing != undefined) { } else { v4 = Math.round(v4 * target['armor' + hitZone]); if (v4 < 1) { v4 = 1; } } } if ( == 'player') { skillTrack(_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].skill); var v6 = adjustedSkill(_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].skill) - 50; v4 += Math.round(skillDamageMod * v6); if (criticalHit == true) { v4 *= criticalDamage; stumbleTarget(round, target, v4); playSound('sound_criticalHit', distSound(target)); } if (round.knockback == true) { stumbleTarget(round, target, v4); } } if (headShotsOnly == true && hitZone != 'Head') { if ( != 'player' && target.survivor != true && target.human != true) { v4 = 1; } } playBodyHitSound(target); if (_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].ref == 'chainsaw') { playBodyHitSoundChainsaw(target); } if ( == 'player') { v4 *= playerProjDamRed; resetRegenTimer(); hudDamageDisplay(); target.permHealth -= Math.round(v4 / permHealthDmgMod); if (target.permHealth < 0) { target.permHealth = 0; } } -= v4; if ( < 0 && == 'player') { = 0; } if ( == 'player') { updateInterface(); } } if (target.alive == true && (target.survivor == true || == 'player')) { if ( == 'player' && <= 0 || target.survivor == true && <= 0 && != 'player') { target.alive = false; dText('HUMAN KILLED: ' +; playHumanDeadSound(target); if (target.humanEnemy && ( == 'player' || round.owner.companion == true)) { adjustXP('kill', target); if ( == 'player') { checkAch('killHuman'); if (round.owner.jumping == true || round.owner.falling == true) { checkAch('killJumping'); } } } if ( == 'follower') { companionDeath(target); } toggleAnimMode(target, 'anim'); target.animWeapon._visible = false; target.gotoAndPlay('death_standing' + (random(2) + 1)); if ( == 'player') { = true; showDeath(); } if (target.humanEnemy) { for (dthchk in allHumans) { if (allHumans[dthchk].name == { allHumans.splice(dthchk, 1); } } for (dthchk in allOnScreen) { if (allOnScreen[dthchk].name == { allOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } for (dthchk in enemiesOnScreen) { if (enemiesOnScreen[dthchk].name == { enemiesOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } for (dthchk in humansOnScreen) { if (humansOnScreen[dthchk].name == { humansOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } } } } if ( != 'player' && target.survivor != true && <= 0 && target.alive == true) { target.alive = false; --totalZombies; if ( == 'player') { checkAch('killZombie'); if (_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].shell == 'smg') { checkAch('killSMG'); } if (_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].shell == 'pistol') { checkAch('killPistol'); } if (_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].shell == 'assaultRifle') { checkAch('killAssaultRifle'); } if (round.owner.jumping == true || round.owner.falling == true) { checkAch('killJumping'); } if (hitZone == 'Legs') { checkAch('legKill'); } if (hitZone == 'Head') { checkAch('headKill'); } if (target.alerted != true) { checkAch('killNoAlert'); } } checkKillQuest(target); if (target.dropper == true) { dropBackPack(target); } adjustThreat('remove', target.threat); checkShowDamage(); playZombieDeadSound(target); if ( == 'player') { adjustXP('kill', target); } target.laying = false; if (hitZone == 'Head') { if (criticalHit == true || v4 > damageThreshold) { target.head._visible = false; target.neck.damage._visible = true; checkAch('headKillCrit'); if (lowViolence != true) { createBounceObject('meatChunk', target, 'Head'); createBounceObject('meatChunk', target, 'Head'); createBounceObject('meatChunk', target, 'Head'); createBounceObject('blood', target, 'Head'); createBounceObject('blood', target, 'Head'); } } target.head.deathDamage._visible = true; target.gotoAndPlay('death_head' + (random(zombieHeadDeaths) + 1)); } if (hitZone == 'Chest') { if (criticalHit == true || v4 > damageThreshold) { if (lowViolence != true) { target.torso.upperArmLost._visible = true; target.hand_front._visible = false; target.lowerArm_front._visible = false; target.upperArm_front._visible = false; createBounceObject('blood', target, 'Chest'); createBounceObject('armChunk', target, 'Belly'); createBounceObject('meatChunk', target, 'Chest'); } } target.torso.deathDamageChest._visible = true; target.gotoAndPlay('death_body' + (random(zombieBodyDeaths) + 1)); } if (hitZone == 'Belly') { if (criticalHit == true || v4 > damageThreshold) { if (lowViolence != true) { target.upperArm_front.damage._visible = true; target.hand_front._visible = false; target.lowerArm_front._visible = false; createBounceObject('blood', target, 'Belly'); createBounceObject('armChunk', target, 'Belly'); createBounceObject('meatChunk', target, 'Belly'); } } target.torso.deathDamageBelly._visible = true; target.gotoAndPlay('death_body' + (random(zombieBodyDeaths) + 1)); } if (hitZone == 'Legs' || v4 > damageThreshold) { target.gotoAndPlay('death_leg' + (random(zombieLegDeaths) + 1)); } playSpecialDeath(target); target.swapDepths(target.setDepth + _root.depth_world_zombiesDead); if (target.type == 'zombieRiotShield') { createBounceObject('riotShield', target, 'Shield'); } var v9 = target.enemyIndex; var v8 = target.allIndex; ++killCount; debugKills.text = killCount + ' KILLS'; remove(target, 'body'); for (dthchk in allOnScreen) { if (allOnScreen[dthchk].name == { allOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } for (dthchk in enemiesOnScreen) { if (enemiesOnScreen[dthchk].name == { enemiesOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } } } function projectileCollisions() { p = 0; while (p < roundsOnScreen.length) { var v2 = roundsOnScreen[p]; z = 0; while (z < allOnScreen.length) { var v3 = allOnScreen[z]; if (v3.alive == true) { if (Math.abs(v3._x - v2._x) < rangeCheck) { v3.enemyIndex = z; v3.allIndex = z + 1; v3.debug._visible = false; var v4 = false; if ( == 'player') { if ( == 'player' && v3.survivor == true && v3.humanEnemy != true) { v4 = true; } if ( == 'player' && v3.survivor == true && v3.friendly == true) { v4 = true; } if ( == 'player' && == 'partner') { v4 = true; } } else { if (v2.owner.friendly == true && (v3.survivor == true || == 'player')) { v4 = true; } if (v2.owner.survivor == true && v2.owner.humanEnemy != true && == 'player') { v4 = true; } if (v2.owner.survivor == true && v3.friendly == true) { v4 = true; } if (v2.owner.humanEnemy == true && v3.humanEnemy == true) { v4 = true; } if (v2.owner.survivor == true && v2.owner.humanEnemy != true && == 'partner') { v4 = true; } } if (v2.owner._x > v3._x && v2.owner._xscale < 0 || v2.owner._x < v3._x && v2.owner._xscale > 0) { if (Math.abs(v3._x - v2._x) < collCheckBuffer && v4 != true) { if (_root.weapon[v2.owner.currentWeapon].ammoType == 'arrow') { var v6 = true; } if (v3.collisionShield.hitTest(v2) == true && v2.miss != { if (checkMiss(v2) != true || v2.grenade == true) { if (v2.grenade40mm == true && < armDistance40mm) { createBounceObject(v2.projectile, v3, 'Shield'); } if (v2.grenade40mm == true && >= armDistance40mm) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Shield'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.hitGrenade == true) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Shield'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.grenade == true) { bounceGrenadeWall(v2); } if (v3.type == 'zombieRiotShield' && v2.grenade != true) { showHitEffect(v3, 'spark', 'Shield', v2); removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); break; } } else { v2.miss =; showMiss(v3); } } if (v3.collisionHead.hitTest(v2) == true && v2.miss != { if (checkMiss(v2) != true || v2.grenade == true) { if (v2.grenade40mm == true && < armDistance40mm) { createBounceObject(v2.projectile, v3, 'Head'); } if (v2.grenade40mm == true && >= armDistance40mm) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Head'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.hitGrenade == true) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Head'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.weaponType == 'flameThrower') { showHitEffect(v3, 'flame', 'Head'); } if (v2.grenade == true) { bounceGrenadeWall(v2); } if ((v3.type == 'zombieArmy' || v3.type == 'zombieRiot' || v3.type == 'zombieArmySprint') && v2.grenade != true) { showHitEffect(v3, 'dust', 'Head', v2); applyDamageProjectiles(v2, v3, 'Head', z); removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); break; } else { applyDamageProjectiles(v2, v3, 'Head', z); if (v6) { showArrowHit(v3, 'Head', v2); } if (v2.grenade != true) { showBloodHit(v3, 'Head', v2.owner); createBounceObject('blood', v3, 'Head'); createBounceObject('blood', v3, 'Head'); --v2.pass; if (v2.pass <= 0) { removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); } } } break; } else { v2.miss =; showMiss(v3); } } if (v3.collisionLegs.hitTest(v2) == true && v2.miss != { if (checkMiss(v2) != true || v2.grenade == true) { if (v2.grenade40mm == true && < armDistance40mm) { createBounceObject(v2.projectile, v3, 'Legs'); } if (v2.grenade40mm == true && >= armDistance40mm) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Legs'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.hitGrenade == true) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Legs'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.grenade == true) { bounceGrenadeWall(v2); } applyDamageProjectiles(v2, v3, 'Legs', z); if (v6) { showArrowHit(v3, 'Legs', v2); } if (v2.grenade != true) { showBloodHit(v3, 'Legs', v2.owner); createBounceObject('blood', v3, 'Legs'); if (v2.grenade != true) { --v2.pass; if (v2.pass <= 0) { removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); } } } break; } else { v2.miss =; showMiss(v3); } } if (v3.collisionChest.hitTest(v2) == true && v2.miss != { if (checkMiss(v2) != true || v2.grenade == true) { if (v2.grenade40mm == true && < armDistance40mm) { createBounceObject(v2.projectile, v3, 'Chest'); } if (v2.grenade40mm == true && >= armDistance40mm) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Chest'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.hitGrenade == true) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Chest'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.grenade == true) { bounceGrenadeWall(v2); } if ((v3.type == 'zombieRiot' || v3.type == 'zombieRiotNoHelmet' || v3.type == 'zombieArmyNoHelmet' || v3.type == 'zombieArmy' || v3.type == 'zombieArmySprint') && v2.grenade != true) { showHitEffect(v3, 'dust', 'Chest', v2); applyDamageProjectiles(v2, v3, 'Chest', z); removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); break; } else { applyDamageProjectiles(v2, v3, 'Chest', z); if (v6) { showArrowHit(v3, 'Chest', v2); } if (v2.grenade != true) { showBloodHit(v3, 'Chest', v2.owner); createBounceObject('blood', v3, 'Chest'); createBounceObject('blood', v3, 'Chest'); --v2.pass; if (v2.pass <= 0) { removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); } } } break; } else { v2.miss =; showMiss(v3); } } if (v3.collisionBelly.hitTest(v2) == true && v2.miss != { if (checkMiss(v2) != true || v2.grenade == true) { if (v2.grenade40mm == true && < armDistance40mm) { createBounceObject(v2.projectile, v3, 'Belly'); } if (v2.grenade40mm == true && >= armDistance40mm) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Belly'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.hitGrenade == true) { showHitEffect(v3, 'explosion', 'Belly'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.grenade == true) { bounceGrenadeWall(v2); } if ((v3.type == 'zombieRiot' || v3.type == 'zombieRiotNoHelmet' || v3.type == 'zombieArmyNoHelmet' || v3.type == 'zombieArmy') && v2.grenade != true) { showHitEffect(v3, 'dust', 'Belly', v2); applyDamageProjectiles(v2, v3, 'Belly', z); removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); break; } else { applyDamageProjectiles(v2, v3, 'Belly', z); if (v6) { showArrowHit(v3, 'Belly', v2); } if (v2.grenade != true) { showBloodHit(v3, 'Belly', v2.owner); createBounceObject('blood', v3, 'Belly'); createBounceObject('blood', v3, 'Belly'); --v2.pass; if (v2.pass <= 0) { removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); } } break; } } else { v2.miss =; showMiss(v3); } } } } } } ++z; } bc = 0; while (bc < allBlocks.length) { var v5 = allBlocks[bc]; if (v5._x - v2._x <= collCheckBuffer && v5._x - v2._x > 0 || v5._x - v2._x > -collCheckBuffer && v5._x - v2._x <= 0) { if (v2._y > world.ground - v5.collision._height) { if (v5.collision.hitTest(v2) == true) { if (v2.hitGrenade == true) { showHitEffect(v2, 'explosion', 'ground'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.grenade40mm == true && < armDistance40mm) { createBounceObject(v2.projectile, v2, 'ground'); } if (v2.grenade40mm == true && >= armDistance40mm) { showHitEffect(v2, 'explosion', 'ground'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.grenade == true) { bounceGrenadeWall(v2); } else { attachDecal(v2, 'block', v5); removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); } } } } ++bc; } if (v2._x < world.bounds._x + wallCollX || v2._x > world.bounds._width - wallCollX || v2._y < world.bounds._y + wallCollY || v2._y > world.floorMarker._y) { if (playerLocation.outside != true) { attachDecal(v2); if (v2.grenade40mm == true && >= armDistance40mm) { showHitEffect(v2, 'explosion', 'ground'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } else { if (v2.grenade40mm == true && < armDistance40mm) { createBounceObject(v2.projectile, v2, 'ground'); } } if (v2.grenade == true) { if (v2._y >= world.floorMarker._y) { bounceGrenade(v2); } else { bounceGrenadeWall(v2); } } if (v2.hitGrenade == true) { showHitEffect(v2, 'explosion', 'ground'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.grenade != true) { removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); } } else { if (v2._y > world.floorMarker._y) { attachDecal(v2); if (v2.grenade40mm == true && >= armDistance40mm) { showHitEffect(v2, 'explosion', 'ground'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } else { if (v2.grenade40mm == true && < armDistance40mm) { createBounceObject(v2.projectile, v2, 'ground'); } } if (v2.hitGrenade == true) { showHitEffect(v2, 'explosion', 'ground'); splashDamageCheck(v2); } if (v2.grenade == true) { bounceGrenade(v2); } if (v2.grenade != true) { removeMovieClip(v2); roundsOnScreen.splice(p, 1); } } } } ++p; } } function applyDamageMelee(owner, target, hitZone, index, damType) { if (target.down != true) { playSound('sound_' + weapon[owner.currentWeapon].material + '_hit' + (random(2) + 1)); } else { playSound('sound_body_hit' + (random(4) + 1)); } playBodyHitSound(target); meleeLocDamageBonus = 1; alertedZombie(target, owner, 'meleeHit'); meleeStrBonus = 0; if ( == 'player' || owner.survivor == true) { meleeStrBonus = player.strength / 3; if (owner.survivor != true) { skillTrack(_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].skill); } } if ( != 'player' && owner.survivor != true) { owner.currentDamage = owner.damage; } else { if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].ref != 'hands') { owner.currentDamage = Math.round(weapon[owner.currentWeapon].damage * meleeLocDamageBonus + meleeStrBonus); var v5 = adjustedSkill(_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].skill) - meleeSkillAdjust; owner.currentDamage += Math.round(skillDamageModMelee * v5); } else { owner.currentDamage = Math.round(1 + player.strength / 5); } } owner.currentDamageRand = Math.round(Math.random() * (owner.currentDamage / 10)); owner.currentDamage -= owner.currentDamageRand; if (damType != 'burn' && == 'player') { screenShake(Math.round(owner.currentDamage / 5), 2); } if ( == 'player' || owner.survivor == true) { checkKnockback(owner); var v4 = new Object(); v4.owner = owner; if (knockbackAttack == true) { stumbleTarget(v4, target, owner.currentDamage, null, true); knockbackAttack = false; } } checkCriticalHit(v4.owner); if ( == 'player') { if (criticalHit == true) { owner.currentDamage *= criticalDamage; playSound('sound_criticalHit'); } } if (damType == 'shove') { owner.currentDamage = shoveDamage + meleeStrBonus / 4; } if (target['armor' + hitZone] != undefined) { owner.currentDamage = Math.round(owner.currentDamage * target['armor' + hitZone]); } if (headShotsOnly == true && hitZone != 'Head') { if ( != 'player' && target.survivor != true && target.human != true) { owner.currentDamage = 1; } } if ( == 'player') { resetRegenTimer(); hudDamageDisplay(); if (target.struggling == true) { owner.currentDamage *= struggleDamageMod; } target.permHealth -= Math.round(owner.currentDamage / permHealthDmgMod); } if (owner.currentDamage < 1) { owner.currentDamage = 1; } -= owner.currentDamage; if (target.down == true) { target.downHealth -= owner.currentDamage; } if ( == 'player' && < 0) { = 0; } updateInterface(); if ( == 'follower' && target.down == false && target.alive == true && <= 0) { companionDown(target); } if ( == 'follower' && target.down == true && target.alive == true && <= 0 && target.downHealth <= 0) { companionDeath(target); } if (target.alive == true && (target.survivor == true || == 'player') && != 'follower') { if ( == 'player' && <= 0 || target.survivor == true && <= 0 && != 'player') { target.alive = false; playHumanDeadSound(target); if (target.humanEnemy) { adjustXP('kill', target); if ( == 'player') { checkAch('killHuman'); } if (owner.jumping == true || owner.falling == true) { checkAch('killJumping'); } } if ( != 'follower') { toggleAnimMode(target, 'anim'); target.animWeapon._visible = false; target.gotoAndPlay('death_standing' + (random(2) + 1)); } if ( == 'player') { = true; showDeath(); } for (dthchk in allHumans) { if (allHumans[dthchk].name == { allHumans.splice(dthchk, 1); } } } } if ( <= 0 && target.alive == true && != 'follower') { target.alive = false; if ( == 'player' || target.survivor == true) { } else { if (target.dropper == true) { dropBackPack(target); } remove(target, 'body'); checkKillQuest(target); if ( != 'player' && target.survivor != true) { if ( == 'player') { checkAch('killMelee'); checkAch('killZombie'); adjustXP('kill', target); if (target.alerted != true) { checkAch('killNoAlert'); } if (v4.owner.jumping == true || v4.owner.falling == true) { checkAch('killJumping'); } } --totalZombies; adjustThreat('remove', target.threat); } checkShowDamage(); playZombieDeadSound(target); switch (hitZone) { case 'Head': target.head.deathDamage._visible = true; target.gotoAndPlay('death_head' + (random(zombieHeadDeaths) + 1)); break; case 'Chest': target.head.deathDamage._visible = true; target.gotoAndPlay('death_body' + (random(zombieBodyDeaths) + 1)); break; case 'Head': target.head.deathDamage._visible = true; target.gotoAndPlay('death_body' + (random(zombieBodyDeaths) + 1)); break; case 'Head': target.head.deathDamage._visible = true; target.gotoAndPlay('death_body' + (random(zombieBodyDeaths) + 1)); break; default: target.gotoAndPlay('death_body' + (random(zombieBodyDeaths) + 1)); } playSpecialDeath(target); target.swapDepths(target.setDepth + _root.depth_world_zombiesDead); for (dthchk in allOnScreen) { if (allOnScreen[dthchk].name == { allOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } for (dthchk in enemiesOnScreen) { if (enemiesOnScreen[dthchk].name == { enemiesOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } } } } function meleeCollisions() { a = 0; while (a < humansOnScreen.length) { var v2 = humansOnScreen[a]; if (v2.shoving == true) { zm = 0; while (zm < enemiesOnScreen.length) { var v1 = enemiesOnScreen[zm]; if (v1._x - v2._x <= meleeCollCheckBuffer && v1._x - v2._x > 0 || v1._x - v2._x > -meleeCollCheckBuffer && v1._x - v2._x <= 0) { if (v1.collisionHead.hitTest(v2.arms.collision) == true || v1.collisionChest.hitTest(v2.arms.collision) == true || v1.collisionBelly.hitTest(v2.arms.collision) == true) { var v5 = new Object(); applyDamageMelee(v2, v1, 'Head', zm, 'shove'); helpShove = true; v5.owner = v2; stumbleTarget(v5, v1, 2, null, true); false; if ( == 'player') { checkAch('shove'); } } } ++zm; } } ++a; } zm = 0; while (zm < enemiesOnScreen.length) { v1 = enemiesOnScreen[zm]; for (am in allOnScreen) { v2 = allOnScreen[am]; if (v2.zombie != true) { if (v1._x - v2._x <= meleeCollCheckBuffer && v1._x - v2._x > 0 || v1._x - v2._x > -meleeCollCheckBuffer && v1._x - v2._x <= 0) { var v3 = false; if ( == 'player' && == 'player') { v3 = true; } if ( == 'player' && v1.friendly == true) { v3 = true; } if ( == 'player' && v1.survivor == true && v1.humanEnemy != true) { v3 = true; } if (v2.survivor == true && v2.humanEnemy != true && == 'player') { v3 = true; } if (v2.humanEnemy == true && v1.humanEnemy == true) { v3 = true; } if (v2.zombie == true && v1.zombie == true) { v3 = true; } if (v3 != true) { if (v1.attackCollision._x != undefined) { if (Math.abs(v1._x - v2._x) < zomMeleeHitRange) { if (checkMiss(null, true, true) != true) { applyDamageMelee(v1, v2, 'Chest', am); showBloodHit(v2, 'Chest', v1); createBounceObject('blood', v2, 'Chest'); if (helpShove != true) { showHelp('shove'); } } else { showMiss(v2); } } } } } } } ++zm; } a = 0; while (a < humansOnScreen.length) { v2 = humansOnScreen[a]; if (weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee' && v2.arms.weapon.collision._visible == true) { zm = 0; while (zm < allOnScreen.length) { v1 = allOnScreen[zm]; v3 = false; if ( == 'player' && == 'player') { v3 = true; } if ( == 'player' && v1.survivor == true && v1.humanEnemy != true) { v3 = true; } if ( == 'player' && v1.friendly == true) { v3 = true; } if (v2.survivor == true && v2.humanEnemy != true && == 'player') { v3 = true; } if (v2.humanEnemy == true && v1.humanEnemy == true) { v3 = true; } if (v2.zombie == true && v1.zombie == true) { v3 = true; } if (v2.survivor == true && v1.zombie == true) { v3 = false; } if (v3 != true && v1.alive == true && != { if (v1._x - v2._x <= meleeCollCheckBuffer && v1._x - v2._x > 0 || v1._x - v2._x > -meleeCollCheckBuffer && v1._x - v2._x <= 0) { if (humMeleeMissShot == false) { if (v1.collisionHead.hitTest(v2.arms.weapon.collision) == true) { if (checkMiss(null, true, false, true) != true) { if (v1.type == 'zombieRiot') { var v4 = new flash.geom.Point(v1.collisionChest._x + (random(20) - 10), v1.collisionChest._y + (random(40) - 20)); v1.localToGlobal(v4); world.globalToLocal(v4); bulletDustParticle(v4.x, v4.y, 'random'); v2.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; applyDamageMelee(v2, v1, 'Head', zm); break; } else { applyDamageMelee(v2, v1, 'Head', zm); showBloodHit(v1, 'Head', v2); createBounceObject('blood', v1, 'Head'); createBounceObject('blood', v1, 'Head'); v2.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; break; } } else { showMiss(v1); humMeleeMissShot = true; break; } } } if (humMeleeMissShot == false) { if (v1.collisionLegs.hitTest(v2.arms.weapon.collision) == true) { if (checkMiss(null, true, false, true) != true) { applyDamageMelee(v2, v1, 'Legs', zm); showBloodHit(v1, 'Legs', v2); createBounceObject('blood', v1, 'Legs'); v2.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; break; } else { showMiss(v1); humMeleeMissShot = true; break; } } } if (humMeleeMissShot == false) { if (v1.collisionChest.hitTest(v2.arms.weapon.collision) == true) { if (checkMiss(null, true, false, true) != true) { if (v1.type == 'zombieRiot' || v1.type == 'zombieRiotNoHelmet') { var v4 = new flash.geom.Point(v1.collisionChest._x + (random(20) - 10), v1.collisionChest._y + (random(40) - 20)); v1.localToGlobal(v4); world.globalToLocal(v4); bulletDustParticle(v4.x, v4.y, 'random'); v2.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; applyDamageMelee(v2, v1, 'Chest', zm); break; } else { applyDamageMelee(v2, v1, 'Chest', zm); showBloodHit(v1, 'Chest', v2); createBounceObject('blood', v1, 'Chest'); v2.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; break; } } else { showMiss(v1); humMeleeMissShot = true; break; } } } if (humMeleeMissShot == false) { if (v1.collisionBelly.hitTest(v2.arms.weapon.collision) == true) { if (checkMiss(null, true, false, true) != true) { applyDamageMelee(v2, v1, 'Belly', zm); showBloodHit(v1, 'Belly', v2); createBounceObject('blood', v1, 'Belly'); v2.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; break; } else { showMiss(v1); humMeleeMissShot = true; break; } } } } } ++zm; } } ++a; } } function moveCollisions() { if (enemiesOnScreen.length <= 0) { world.player.collideLeft = false; world.player.collideRight = false; } mce = 0; while (mce < enemiesOnScreen.length) { var v1 = world.player; var v3 = enemiesOnScreen[mce]; v1.collideLeft = false; v1.collideRight = false; if (v3.friendly != true) { if (v1._x <= v3._x && Math.abs(v3._x - v1._x) <= moveCollBuffer && v3.alive == true && v3.laying != true) { v1.collideLeft = false; v1.collideRight = true; idlePlayerPosition(); break; } if (v1._x > v3._x && Math.abs(v1._x - v3._x) <= moveCollBuffer && v3.alive == true && v3.laying != true) { v1.collideLeft = true; v1.collideRight = false; idlePlayerPosition(); break; } } ++mce; } mce = 0; while (mce < enemiesOnScreen.length) { v3 = enemiesOnScreen[mce]; if (v3.alive == true) { sce = 0; while (sce < allSurvivors.length) { v1 = survivorsOnScreen[sce]; v1.collideLeft = false; v1.collideRight = false; if (v3.friendly != true) { if (v1._x < v3._x && v3._x - v1._x <= moveCollBuffer && v3.alive == true) { v1.collideLeft = false; v1.collideRight = true; break; } if (v1._x > v3._x && v1._x - v3._x <= moveCollBuffer && v3.alive == true) { v1.collideLeft = true; v1.collideRight = false; break; } if (v3.alive == undefined) { v1.collideLeft = false; v1.collideRight = false; } } ++sce; } } ++mce; } ac = 0; while (ac < allOnScreen.length) { v1 = allOnScreen[ac]; ab = 0; while (ab < allBlocks.length) { var v2 = allBlocks[ab]; v2.half = v2.collision._width / 2; if (v1._x - v2._x <= v2.half + moveCollBuffer && v1._x - v2._x > 0 || v1._x - v2._x > -(v2.half + moveCollBuffer) && v1._x - v2._x <= 0) { if (v1._x > v2._x) { charPointMod = -20; } else { charPointMod = 20; } var v4 = new flash.geom.Point(v1._x + charPointMod, v1._y); world.localToGlobal(v4); if (v2.collision.hitTest(v4.x, v4.y)) { v1.lastCollision = v2._name; if (v1._x > v2._x && v1._y > v2._y - v2.collision._height) { v1.collideLeft = true; } if (v1._x < v2._x && v1._y > v2._y - v2.collision._height) { v1.collideRight = true; } if (v1._y < v2._y - (v2.collision._height - collTopBuffer) && v1.falling == true) { v1.jumpHeight = jumpHeightBase; v1.gotoAndStop('standing'); if ( != 'player') { v1.walkAnim = false; v1.gotoAndPlay('land'); } v1.jumpAnim = false; v1.jumping = false; v1.landed = true; v1.standing = true; v1.crouched = false; v1.falling = false; } if (v1._y < v2._y - (v2.collision._height - collTopBuffer)) { v1.collideLeft = false; v1.collideRight = false; } } else { if (v1.lastCollision == v2._name && v1.climbing == false && v1.jumping == false) { if (v1.crouched == false) { v1.gotoAndStop('falling'); } else { v1.gotoAndStop('fallCrouched'); } v1.lastCollision = null; v1.jumpHeight = 0; v1.falling = true; } } } ++ab; } ++ac; } } function particleCollisionBlocks(partObj) { pcb = 0; while (pcb < allBlocks.length) { pcblk = allBlocks[pcb]; if (partObj._x - pcblk._x <= pcblk.collision._width / 2 && partObj._x - pcblk._x > 0 || partObj._x - pcblk._x > -(pcblk.collision._width / 2) && partObj._x - pcblk._x <= 0) { removeMovieClip(partObj); } ++pcb; } } function spawnCollisionBlocks(charObj) { pcb = 0; while (pcb < allBlocks.length) { pcblk = allBlocks[pcb]; if (charObj._x - pcblk._x <= pcblk.collision._width / 2 && charObj._x - pcblk._x > 0 || charObj._x - pcblk._x > -(pcblk.collision._width / 2) && charObj._x - pcblk._x <= 0) { charObj.collideSpawn = true; charObj.lastCollision = allBlocks[pcb]._name; } ++pcb; } } function splashDamageCheck(src) { for (sdc in allOnScreen) { var v2 = Math.abs(allOnScreen[sdc]._x - src._x); if (v2 < src.splashSize) { if ( == 'player' && allOnScreen[sdc].name == 'player' || == 'player' && allOnScreen[sdc].survivor == true || src.owner.survivor == true && allOnScreen[sdc].name == 'player' || src.owner.survivor == true && allOnScreen[sdc].name == { } else { applyDamageSplash(allOnScreen[sdc], src, v2); } if ( == 'player' && allOnScreen[sdc].friendly != true) { applyDamageSplash(allOnScreen[sdc], src, v2); } } } } function applyDamageSplash(target, round, dist) { alertedZombie(target, round.owner, 'gunshotHit'); locDamageBonus = 0; var v5 = Math.round(dist / 20); if (v5 < 1) { v5 = 1; } var v4 = round.splashDamage / v5; checkCriticalHit(round.owner); if ( == 'player') { skillTrack(_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].skill); v4 += Math.round(skillDamageMod * player[_root.weapon[round.owner.currentWeapon].skill]); if (criticalHit == true) { v4 *= criticalDamage; stumbleTarget(round, target, v4); playSound('sound_criticalHit', distSound(target)); } if (round.knockback == true) { stumbleTarget(round, target, currentDamage); } } playBodyHitSound(target); -= v4; if ( == 'player') { resetRegenTimer(); dText('Player hit with explosive! ' + Math.round(v4 / permHealthDmgMod)); hudDamageDisplay(); target.permHealth -= Math.round(v4 / permHealthDmgMod); } if (target.alive == true && (target.survivor == true || == 'player')) { if ( == 'player' && target.permHealth <= 0 || target.survivor == true && <= 0) { target.alive = false; dText('HUMAN KILLED EXPLOSIVES: ' +; if ( == 'player') { dText('BOOM! - Player Killed With Explosives'); = true; showDeath(); } playZombieDeadSound(target); if (target.humanEnemy) { adjustXP('kill', target); checkAch('killHuman'); checkAch('explodeEnemy'); if (round.owner.jumping == true || round.owner.falling == true) { checkAch('killJumping'); } } toggleAnimMode(target, 'anim'); target.neck.damage._visible = true; target.head.damage._visible = true; target.upperArm_front.damage._visible = true; target.torso.deathDamageBelly._visible = true; target.torso.deathDamageChest._visible = true; target.torso.bisected._visible = true; createBounceObject('meatChunk', target, 'Chest'); createBounceObject('meatChunk', target, 'Chest'); createBounceObject('blood', target, 'Chest'); createBounceObject('blood', target, 'Head'); if (!lowViolence) { target.gotoAndPlay('death_explode' + (random(zombieExplodeDeaths) + 1)); } else { target.gotoAndPlay('death_standing' + (random(2) + 1)); } if (target.humanEnemy) { for (dthchk in allOnScreen) { if (allOnScreen[dthchk].name == { allOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } for (dthchk in enemiesOnScreen) { if (enemiesOnScreen[dthchk].name == { enemiesOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } for (dthchk in humansOnScreen) { if (humansOnScreen[dthchk].name == { humansOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } } } } if ( <= 0 && target.alive == true && target.survivor != true && != 'player') { if ( != 'player') { --totalZombies; if (target.dropper == true) { dropBackPack(target); } adjustThreat('remove', target.threat); playZombieDeadSound(target); if ( == 'player') { adjustXP('kill', target); checkAch('killZombie'); checkAch('explodeEnemy'); if (round.owner.jumping == true || round.owner.falling == true) { checkAch('killJumping'); } } } else { dText('Player DEATH from Explosive! ' + target); toggleAnimMode(target, 'anim'); } checkShowDamage(); target.alive = false; if (lowViolence != true) { target.neck.damage._visible = true; target.head.damage._visible = true; target.upperArm_front.damage._visible = true; target.torso.deathDamageBelly._visible = true; target.torso.deathDamageChest._visible = true; target.torso.bisected._visible = true; createBounceObject('meatChunk', target, 'Chest'); createBounceObject('meatChunk', target, 'Chest'); createBounceObject('blood', target, 'Chest'); createBounceObject('blood', target, 'Head'); target.gotoAndPlay('death_explode' + (random(zombieExplodeDeaths) + 1)); } else { target.gotoAndPlay('death_body' + (random(zombieBodyDeaths) + 1)); } playSpecialDeath(target); target.swapDepths(target.setDepth + _root.depth_world_zombiesDead); var v7 = target.enemyIndex; var v6 = target.allIndex; if ( != 'player') { ++killCount; remove(target, 'body'); } for (dthchk in allOnScreen) { if (allOnScreen[dthchk].name == { allOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } for (dthchk in enemiesOnScreen) { if (enemiesOnScreen[dthchk].name == { enemiesOnScreen.splice(dthchk, 1); } } } } function testSetup() { giveItem('shotgun'); giveItem('PPM9'); giveItem('tireIron'); giveItem('ammoshotgun_100'); giveItem('ammo9mm_100'); giveItem('gas', 3); giveItem('fanBelt'); giveItem('socketSet'); } function resetInventory() { inventory = null; inventory = new Array(); saveInventory(); } function getTotalWeight() { tempTotalWeight = 0; if (inventory.length > 0) { for (gtw in inventory) { var v2 = determineItemType(inventory[gtw].ref); tempTotalWeight += _root[v2][inventory[gtw].ref].weight; } totalWeight = roundDecimal(tempTotalWeight, 1); } if (totalWeight > player.carryWeight) { addAlert(tooMuchWeight); } else { removeAlerts(tooMuchWeight); } setWeightPenalty(); } function startSetupInventory() { addToInventory('jeansBlack'); addToInventory('shirtWhite'); addToInventory('shoeBlack'); equipClothing('jeansBlack', 1); equipClothing('shirtWhite', 2); equipClothing('shoeBlack', 3); addToInventory('cash_10'); saveInventory(); if ( == true) { givePremiumItems(); } } function invCloseButton(btnName) { hud.inventory[btnName].onPress = function () { closeInventory(); }; } function saveInventory() { showSaveAnim('inventory'); = inventory; = itemID; = totalMoney; } function loadInventory() { if ( != undefined) { inventory =; totalMoney =; } if ( != undefined) { itemID =; } } function openCloseInventory() { if (inventoryOpen == true) { equipActive = false; activeEquip = ''; setTimeout(function () { activateLocked = false; }, 100); unPauseGame(); closeInventory(); showCrosshair(); inventoryOpen = false; playInterfaceSound('closeBag'); } else { activeEquip = ''; equipActive = false; closeStorage(); closePauseMenu(); closeCharacter(); closeTimePanel(); closeSearch(); closeDialog(); closeJournal(); closeSecurity(); activateLocked = true; currentScrollFocus = 'inventory'; pauseGame(); openInventory(); updateInventoryItemInfo(); hideCrosshair(); playInterfaceSound('openBag'); inventoryOpen = true; } } function closeInventory() { if (inventoryOpen == true) { inventoryOpen = false; unPauseGame(); setWeaponIDs(); saveGame(); removeMovieClip(hud.inventory); } } function openInventory() { updatePlayerVars(); overDeleteBtn = false; helpInventory = true; saveInventory(); inventoryList = new Array(); hud.attachMovie('int_inventory', 'inventory', depth_hud_inventory); hud.inventory.useItem._visible = false; buildInventory(); setupEquipPanel(); updateInventory(); } function updateInventory() { totalWeight = 0; for (uiw in inventory) { var v4 = inventory[uiw].type; var v3 = inventory[uiw].ref; totalWeight += _root[v4][v3].weight; } hud.inventory.carryWeight.text = roundDecimal(totalWeight, 1) + ' / ' + player.carryWeight + ' lbs'; hud.inventory.totalMoney.text = padNumber(5, totalMoney); var v2 = hud.inventory.equipWeapons; v2.primary.weaponName.text = weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].name.toUpperCase(); v2.secondary.weaponName.text = weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].name.toUpperCase(); v2.primary.weaponDetails.text = 'DMG: ' + weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].damage + ' RNDS: ' + weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].maxAmmo; v2.secondary.weaponDetails.text = 'DMG: ' + weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].damage + ' RNDS: ' + weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].maxAmmo; v2.primary.ammo.text = 'AMMUNITION AVAILABLE: ' + _root['ammo' + weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].ammoType]; v2.secondary.ammo.text = 'AMMUNITION AVAILABLE: ' + _root['ammo' + weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].ammoType]; if (_root['ammo' + weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].ammoType] == undefined) { v2.primary.ammo.text = ''; } if (_root['ammo' + weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].ammoType] == undefined) { v2.secondary.ammo.text = ''; } v2.primary.weaponIcon.gotoAndStop(world.player.primaryWeapon); v2.secondary.weaponIcon.gotoAndStop(world.player.secondaryWeapon); v2.primary.weaponIcon._x = v2.primary.weaponIcon.origin; v2.secondary.weaponIcon._x = v2.primary.weaponIcon.origin; if (weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].weaponBase != undefined) { v2.primary.weaponIcon.gotoAndStop(weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].weaponBase); } if (weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].weaponBase != undefined) { v2.secondary.weaponIcon.gotoAndStop(weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].weaponBase); } if (weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].mod != 'scope') { v2.primary.weaponIcon.item.scope._visible = false; } else { v2.primary.weaponIcon.item.scope._visible = true; } if (weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].mod != 'suppressed') { v2.primary.weaponIcon.item.suppressor._visible = false; } else { v2.primary.weaponIcon.item.suppressor._visible = true; v2.primary.weaponIcon._x = v2.primary.weaponIcon.origin - suppWeaponOffset; } if (weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].mod == 'specOps') { v2.primary.weaponIcon.item.scope._visible = true; v2.primary.weaponIcon.item.suppressor._visible = true; v2.primary.weaponIcon._x = v2.primary.weaponIcon.origin - suppWeaponOffset; } if (weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].mod != 'scope') { v2.secondary.weaponIcon.item.scope._visible = false; } else { v2.secondary.weaponIcon.item.scope._visible = true; } if (weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].mod != 'suppressed') { v2.secondary.weaponIcon.item.suppressor._visible = false; } else { v2.secondary.weaponIcon.item.suppressor._visible = true; v2.secondary.weaponIcon._x = v2.secondary.weaponIcon.origin - suppWeaponOffset; } if (weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].mod == 'specOps') { v2.secondary.weaponIcon.item.scope._visible = true; v2.secondary.weaponIcon.item.suppressor._visible = true; v2.secondary.weaponIcon._x = v2.secondary.weaponIcon.origin - suppWeaponOffset; } v2.primary.unequip._visible = false; v2.secondary.unequip._visible = false; if (weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].name != 'Hands') { v2.primary.unequip._visible = true; } if (weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].name != 'Hands') { v2.secondary.unequip._visible = true; } } function updateInventoryItemInfo(itemName, itemType, itemRef) { var v10 = 98.59999999999999; var v6 = 0.5; hud.inventory.itemName._y = v10; var v5 = 150; hud.inventory.itemName.text = itemName.toUpperCase(); hud.inventory.itemName.autoSize = 'left'; var v4 = hud.inventory.itemName.getTextFormat(); hud.inventory.itemName.size = v5; hud.inventory.itemName.setTextFormat(v4); while (hud.inventory.itemName.width > v5) { --v4.size; hud.inventory.itemName._y += v6; hud.inventory.itemName.setTextFormat(v4); } if (itemType == 'ammo') { hud.inventory.itemName.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].invName.toUpperCase(); } hud.inventory.ammoText.text = ''; switch (itemType) { case 'weapon': hud.inventory.barPanel._visible = true; hud.inventory.barPanel.field1.text = 'DAMAGE'; hud.inventory.barPanel.field2.text = 'ACCURACY'; hud.inventory.barPanel.field3.text = 'KNOCKBACK'; hud.inventory.barPanel.field4.text = 'NOISE'; hud.inventory.barPanel.number1.text = roundDecimal(_root[itemType][itemRef].damage, 2); hud.inventory.barPanel.bar1._xscale = Math.round((_root[itemType][itemRef].damage / maxDamage) * 100); if (_root[itemType][itemRef].splashDamage != undefined) { hud.inventory.barPanel.number1.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].splashDamage; hud.inventory.barPanel.bar1._xscale = Math.round((_root[itemType][itemRef].splashDamage / maxDamage) * 100); } if (_root[itemType][itemRef].accuracy != undefined) { var v7 = maxAccuracy - _root[itemType][itemRef].accuracy * 10; if (v7 < 0) { v7 = 0; } hud.inventory.barPanel.number2.text = roundDecimal(v7, 2); hud.inventory.barPanel.bar2._xscale = Math.round((v7 / maxAccuracy) * 100); } else { hud.inventory.barPanel.number2.text = 'N/A'; hud.inventory.barPanel.bar2._xscale = 0; } hud.inventory.barPanel.number3.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].knockback; hud.inventory.barPanel.bar3._xscale = Math.round((_root[itemType][itemRef].knockback / maxKnockback) * 100); var v8 = 0; if (_root[itemType][itemRef].weaponNoise != undefined) { v8 = _root[itemType][itemRef].weaponNoise; } hud.inventory.barPanel.number4.text = roundDecimal(v8, 2); hud.inventory.barPanel.bar4._xscale = Math.round((v8 / maxNoise) * 100); if (_root[itemType][itemRef].weaponClass == 'firearm') { hud.inventory.ammoText.text = _root['ammo' + _root[itemType][itemRef].ammoType]; } else { hud.inventory.ammoText.text = ''; } if (hud.inventory.barPanel.bar1._xscale > 100) { hud.inventory.barPanel.bar1._xscale = 100; } if (hud.inventory.barPanel.bar2._xscale > 100) { hud.inventory.barPanel.bar2._xscale = 100; } if (hud.inventory.barPanel.bar3._xscale > 100) { hud.inventory.barPanel.bar3._xscale = 100; } if (hud.inventory.barPanel.bar4._xscale > 100) { hud.inventory.barPanel.bar4._xscale = 100; } break; case 'food': hud.inventory.barPanel._visible = false; hud.inventory.desc.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].desc; break; case 'meds': hud.inventory.barPanel._visible = false; hud.inventory.desc.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].desc; break; case 'books': hud.inventory.barPanel._visible = false; var v11 = getAttributeMod(itemRef, _root['skill_' + itemRef].attr); hud.inventory.desc.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].desc; break; case 'ammo': hud.inventory.barPanel._visible = false; hud.inventory.desc.text = _root[_root[itemType][itemRef].ammoType] + _root[itemType][itemRef].desc; break; default: hud.inventory.barPanel._visible = false; hud.inventory.desc.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].desc; } if (itemName == undefined) { hud.inventory.itemName.text = ''; hud.inventory.desc.text = ''; } hud.inventory.infoIcon.gotoAndStop('none'); hud.inventory.infoIcon.gotoAndStop(_root[itemType][itemRef].icon); hud.inventory.field1.text = ''; hud.inventory.field2.text = ''; hud.inventory.field3.text = ''; hud.inventory.field4.text = ''; if (itemType == 'xMoney') { hud.inventory.field1.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.inventory.field2.text = ''; hud.inventory.field3.text = ''; } if (itemType == 'junk') { hud.inventory.field1.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.inventory.field2.text = ''; hud.inventory.field3.text = ''; } if (itemType == 'food') { hud.inventory.field1.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.inventory.field2.text = 'EFFECT: +' + _root[itemType][itemRef].bonus + '%'; hud.inventory.field3.text = ''; } if (itemType == 'meds') { hud.inventory.field1.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.inventory.field2.text = 'EFFECT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].effect.toUpperCase(); hud.inventory.field3.text = ''; } if (itemType == 'books') { hud.inventory.field1.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.inventory.field2.text = 'EFFECT: '; var v9 = Math.ceil(adjustedSkill('smarts') / bookSmartsMod); hud.inventory.field3.text = '+' + Math.ceil(v9 + bookBonus) + ' ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].effect.toUpperCase(); hud.inventory.field4.text = '(+' + v9 + ' FROM SMARTS)'; } if (itemType == 'weapon') { hud.inventory.field1.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.inventory.field2.text = 'SKILL: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].skill.toUpperCase(); if (_root[itemType][itemRef].weaponClass == 'firearm') { hud.inventory.field3.text = 'AMMO: ' + ammo['ammo' + _root[itemType][itemRef].ammoType + '_1'].invName; } else { hud.inventory.field3.text = ''; } hud.inventory.desc.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].desc; } if (_root[itemType][itemRef].desc != undefined) { } else { hud.inventory.desc.text = ''; } } function setupEquipPanel() { if (currentPanel == 'weapons') { hud.inventory.equipIcon.gotoAndStop('armor'); hud.inventory.equipWeapons._visible = true; hud.inventory.equipArmor._visible = false; hud.inventory.charPanel._visible = false; } if (currentPanel == 'armor') { hud.inventory.equipIcon.gotoAndStop('weapons'); hud.inventory.equipWeapons._visible = false; hud.inventory.equipArmor._visible = true; hud.inventory.charPanel._visible = false; addInventoryModel(); } if (currentPanel == 'aid') { setupCharPanel(); } var v3 = hud.inventory.equipWeapons; v3.secondary.unequip.onPress = function () { playSound('sound_inventoryEquipSelect'); unEquipWeapon(this._parent._name); updateInventory(); }; v3.primary.unequip.onPress = v3.secondary.unequip.onPress; v3.primary.weaponName.text = weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].name.toUpperCase(); v3.secondary.weaponName.text = weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].name.toUpperCase(); v3.primary.weaponDetails.text = 'DMG: ' + weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].damage + ' RNDS: ' + weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].maxAmmo; v3.secondary.weaponDetails.text = 'DMG: ' + weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].damage + ' RNDS: ' + weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].maxAmmo; v3.primary.ammo.text = 'AMMUNITION AVAILABLE: ' + _root['ammo' + weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].ammoType]; v3.secondary.ammo.text = 'AMMUNITION AVAILABLE: ' + _root['ammo' + weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].ammoType]; if (_root['ammo' + weapon[world.player.primaryWeapon].ammoType] == undefined) { v3.primary.ammo.text = ''; } if (_root['ammo' + weapon[world.player.secondaryWeapon].ammoType] == undefined) { v3.secondary.ammo.text = ''; } v3.primary.weaponIcon.origin = v3.primary.weaponIcon._x; v3.secondary.weaponIcon.origin = v3.secondary.weaponIcon._x; v3.secondary.btn.onLoad = function () { this._parent.highlight._alpha = 0; }; v3.primary.btn.onLoad = v3.secondary.btn.onLoad; v3.secondary.btn.onPress = function () { playSound('sound_inventoryEquipSelect'); currentFilter = 'weapons'; currentPanel = 'weapons'; hud.inventory.equipWeapons._visible = true; hud.inventory.equipArmor._visible = false; filterInventory(); activeEquip = this._parent._name; equipActive = true; this._parent.highlight._alpha = 100; if (this._parent._name == 'primary') { this._parent._parent.secondary.highlight._alpha = 0; } if (this._parent._name == 'secondary') { this._parent._parent.primary.highlight._alpha = 0; } }; v3.primary.btn.onPress = v3.secondary.btn.onPress; v3.secondary.btn.onRollOver = function () { updateInventoryItemInfo(weapon[world.player[this._parent._name + 'Weapon']].name, weapon[world.player[this._parent._name + 'Weapon']].type, weapon[world.player[this._parent._name + 'Weapon']].ref); }; v3.primary.btn.onRollOver = v3.secondary.btn.onRollOver; updateArmorPanel(); var v4 = hud.inventory.panelSwitch; v4.onPress = function () { _root.switchEquipPanel(_root.currentPanel); }; } function switchEquipPanel(targetFilter) { if (targetFilter == 'weapons') { hud.inventory.charPanel._visible = false; hud.inventory.equipIcon._visible = true; hud.inventory.panelSwitch._visible = true; hud.inventory.equipIcon.gotoAndStop('weapons'); currentFilter = 'clothing'; currentPanel = 'armor'; hud.inventory.equipWeapons._visible = false; hud.inventory.equipArmor._visible = true; addInventoryModel(); backPackFilterBtn('clothing'); playSound('sound_inventoryClothingOn'); } if (targetFilter == 'clothing' || targetFilter == 'armor') { hud.inventory.charPanel._visible = false; hud.inventory.equipIcon._visible = true; hud.inventory.panelSwitch._visible = true; hud.inventory.equipIcon.gotoAndStop('armor'); currentPanel = 'weapons'; currentFilter = 'weapons'; hud.inventory.equipWeapons._visible = true; hud.inventory.equipArmor._visible = false; backPackFilterBtn('weapons'); playSound('sound_inventoryEquipConfirm'); } if (targetFilter == 'aid') { currentPanel = 'aid'; currentFilter = 'aid'; setupCharPanel(); } filterInventory(); } function updateArmorPanel() { hud.inventory.equipArmor.face.text =[player.faceAccessory].name.toUpperCase(); hud.inventory.equipArmor.eyes.text =[player.eyesAccessory].name.toUpperCase(); hud.inventory.equipArmor.head.text =[player.headAccessory].name.toUpperCase(); hud.inventory.equipArmor.torso.text =[player.clothesTop].name.toUpperCase(); hud.inventory.equipArmor.armor.text =[player.torsoAccessory].name.toUpperCase(); hud.inventory.equipArmor.legs.text =[player.clothesBottom].name.toUpperCase(); hud.inventory.equipArmor.feet.text =[player.clothesShoe].name.toUpperCase(); } function addInventoryModel() { if (hud.inventory.equipArmor.model != undefined) { } else { hud.inventory.equipArmor.attachMovie('human', 'model', 100); } =; = 'player'; decoratePlayer(hud.inventory.equipArmor.model); hud.inventory.equipArmor.model.gotoAndStop('standing'); hud.inventory.equipArmor.model.arms.gotoAndStop('inventory'); hud.inventory.equipArmor.model._yscale = 70; hud.inventory.equipArmor.model._xscale = 70; hud.inventory.equipArmor.model._x = -65; hud.inventory.equipArmor.model._y = 80; toggleAnimMode(hud.inventory.equipArmor.model, 'anim'); } function equipWeapon(itemRef, itemID, itemBtn) { for (allid in inventory) { if (itemID == inventory[allid].id) { if (inventory[allid].eqd == false) { playSound('sound_inventoryEquipConfirm'); unEquipWeapon(activeEquip); inventory[allid].slot = activeEquip; inventory[allid].current = false; if (activeEquip == 'primary') { inventory[allid].current = true; } inventory[allid].eqd = true; itemBtn.mark._visible = true; world.player[activeEquip + 'Weapon'] = itemRef; swapWeapons(activeEquip, allid); updateInventory(); } } } HERC_clothingSetup(playerRef); } function unEquipWeapon(activeEquipSlot, companionSwap) { for (allWep in inventory) { if (inventory[allWep].slot == activeEquipSlot) { if (companionSwap != true) { inventory[allWep].eqd = false; inventory[allWep].slot = 'none'; world.player[activeEquipSlot + 'Weapon'] = 'hands'; world.player[activeEquipSlot + 'Ammo'] = 0; } var v2 = _root[determineItemType(inventory[allWep].ref)][inventory[allWep].ref].ammoType; if (v2 != undefined) { _root['ammo' + v2] += inventory[allWep].ammo; inventory[allWep].ammo = 0; } } } if (companionSwap != true) { if (activeEquipSlot == 'primary') { swapWeapons('secondary'); } else { swapWeapons('primary'); } } if (inventoryOpen == true) { filterInventory(); } } function equipClothing(itemRef, itemID, itemBtn) { for (allid in inventory) { if (itemID == inventory[allid].id) { if (inventory[allid].eqd == false) { unequipClothing(clothing[itemRef].wearLocation); inventory[allid].eqd = true; itemBtn.mark._visible = true; if (inventoryOpen) { playSound('sound_inventoryClothingOn'); } switch (clothing[itemRef].wearLocation) { case 'face': player.faceAccessory = itemRef; break; case 'head': player.headAccessory = itemRef; world.player.armorHead = clothing[itemRef].bonus; break; case 'top': player.clothesTop = itemRef; break; case 'armor': player.torsoAccessory = itemRef; world.player.armorChest = clothing[itemRef].bonus; break; case 'eyes': player.eyesAccessory = itemRef; break; case 'bottom': player.clothesBottom = itemRef; break; case 'feet': player.clothesShoe = itemRef; break; default: } } else { if (inventoryOpen) { playSound('sound_inventoryClothingOff'); } inventory[allid].eqd = false; itemBtn.mark._visible = false; switch (clothing[itemRef].wearLocation) { case 'face': player.faceAccessory = 'none'; break; case 'eyes': player.eyesAccessory = 'none'; break; case 'head': player.headAccessory = 'none'; world.player.armorHead = 1; break; case 'top': player.clothesTop = 'none'; break; case 'armor': player.torsoAccessory = 'none'; world.player.armorChest = 1; break; case 'bottom': player.clothesBottom = 'none'; break; case 'feet': player.clothesShoe = 'none'; break; default: } } updateInventory(); updateArmorPanel(); decoratePlayer(hud.inventory.equipArmor.model); decoratePlayer(world.player); } } } function unequipClothing(loc) { for (allClot in inventory) { if (clothing[inventory[allClot].ref].wearLocation == loc) { inventory[allClot].eqd = false; } } filterInventory(); } function unequipClothingItem(itemRef) { unequipClothing(clothing[itemRef].wearLocation); switch (clothing[itemRef].wearLocation) { case 'face': player.faceAccessory = 'none'; break; case 'eyes': player.eyesAccessory = 'none'; break; case 'head': player.headAccessory = 'none'; world.player.armorHead = 1; break; case 'top': player.clothesTop = 'none'; break; case 'armor': player.torsoAccessory = 'none'; world.player.armorChest = 1; break; case 'bottom': player.clothesBottom = 'none'; break; case 'feet': player.clothesShoe = 'none'; break; default: } } function buildInventory() { sortInventory(); allowedType1 = ''; allowedType2 = ''; allowedType3 = ''; allowedType4 = ''; allowedType5 = ''; allowedType6 = ''; allowedType7 = ''; allowedType8 = ''; allowedType9 = ''; switch (currentFilter) { case 'all': equipActive = false; allowedType1 = 'junk'; allowedType2 = 'books'; allowedType3 = 'weapon'; allowedType4 = 'clothing'; allowedType5 = 'ammo'; allowedType6 = 'food'; allowedType7 = 'meds'; allowedType8 = 'xMoney'; allowedType9 = 'questItem'; break; case 'weapons': allowedType1 = 'weapon'; break; case 'aid': equipActive = false; allowedType1 = 'food'; allowedType2 = 'meds'; allowedType3 = 'books'; break; case 'clothing': equipActive = false; allowedType1 = 'clothing'; break; case 'ammo': equipActive = false; allowedType1 = 'ammo'; break; case 'junk': equipActive = false; allowedType1 = 'xMoney'; allowedType2 = 'junk'; break; case 'quest': equipActive = false; allowedType1 = 'questItem'; } hud.inventory.backPack.text = 'BACKPACK - ' + currentFilter.toUpperCase(); if (currentFilter == 'all') { hud.inventory.backPack.text = 'BACKPACK'; } ii = 0; while (ii < inventory.length) { if (inventory[ii].type == allowedType1 || inventory[ii].type == allowedType2 || inventory[ii].type == allowedType3 || inventory[ii].type == allowedType4 || inventory[ii].type == allowedType5 || inventory[ii].type == allowedType6 || inventory[ii].type == allowedType7 || inventory[ii].type == allowedType8 || inventory[ii].type == allowedType9) { hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer.attachMovie('inventoryItem', 'item' + ii, 10 + ii); curInvItem = hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + ii]; curInvItem._y = inventoryList.length * invItemYDist; curInvItem.baseAlpha = itemGreyAlpha; if (inventoryList.length % 2 == 1) { curInvItem.backing._alpha = 0; curInvItem.baseAlpha = 0; } else { curInvItem.backing._alpha = itemGreyAlpha; } curInvItem.index = inventoryList.length; = _root[inventory[ii].type][inventory[ii].ref].name; curInvItem.invName = _root[inventory[ii].type][inventory[ii].ref].invName; if (curInvItem.invName == 'Cash') { = 'cash [ $' + totalMoney + ' ]'; curInvItem.deleteBtn._visible = false; curInvItem.typeRef = 'cash'; } curInvItem.itemID = inventory[ii].id; curInvItem.weight = _root[inventory[ii].type][inventory[ii].ref].weight; curInvItem.type = inventory[ii].type; curInvItem.ref = inventory[ii].ref; if (curInvItem.type == 'questItem') { curInvItem.deleteBtn._visible = false; } curInvItem.mark._visible = false; if (inventory[ii].eqd == true) { curInvItem.mark._visible = true; } curInvItem.itemName.text =; if (curInvItem.type == 'ammo') { curInvItem.deleteBtn._visible = false; curInvItem.itemName.text = curInvItem.invName.toUpperCase() + ' [ ' + _root[_root[inventory[ii].type][inventory[ii].ref].ammoType] + ' ]'; } curInvItem.weightText.text = curInvItem.weight; curInvItem.backing.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop('over'); this._alpha = 100; this._parent.itemName.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); this._parent.weightText.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = true; if (this._parent.type == 'ammo' || this._parent.type == 'questItem') { this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = false; } if (this._parent.typeRef == 'cash') { this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = false; } _root.updateInventoryItemInfo(, this._parent.type, this._parent.ref); _root.playRolloverSound(); }; curInvItem.backing.onDragOut = function () { if (_root.overDeleteBtn != true) { this.gotoAndStop('off'); this._alpha = this._parent.baseAlpha; this._parent.itemName.colorTo(0, 0.1); this._parent.weightText.colorTo(10027008, 0.1); } this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = false; }; curInvItem.backing.onRollOut = curInvItem.backing.onDragOut; curInvItem.backing.onPress = function () { useItem(this._parent.itemID, this._parent.ref, this._parent); }; curInvItem.deleteBtn._visible = false; curInvItem.deleteBtn.onRollOver = function () { _root.overDeleteBtn = true; this.gotoAndStop('open'); this._parent.backing.gotoAndStop('over'); this._parent.backing._alpha = 100; this._parent.itemName.stopTween(); this._parent.weightText.stopTween(); this._parent.itemName.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); this._parent.weightText.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); _root.updateItemInfo(, this._parent.type, this._parent.ref); this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = true; }; curInvItem.deleteBtn.onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.overDeleteBtn = false; this.gotoAndStop('close'); this._parent.backing.gotoAndStop('off'); this._parent.backing._alpha = this._parent.baseAlpha; this._parent.itemName.stopTween(); this._parent.weightText.stopTween(); this._parent.itemName.colorTo(0, 0.1); this._parent.weightText.colorTo(10027008, 0.1); this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = false; }; curInvItem.deleteBtn.onDragOut = curInvItem.deleteBtn.onReleaseOutside; curInvItem.deleteBtn.onRollOut = curInvItem.deleteBtn.onReleaseOutside; curInvItem.deleteBtn.onPress = function () { if (_root[this._parent.type][this._parent.ref].premium == true || _root[this._parent.type][this._parent.ref].reward == true) { dialog_premiumWarning = new Object(); dialog_premiumWarning.heading = 'DELETE UNIQUE ITEM?'; dialog_premiumWarning.body = 'YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE\rTO GET THIS ITEM AGAIN\rFOR THIS CHARACTER'; dialog_premiumWarning.button1Active = true; dialog_premiumWarning.button2Active = true; dialog_premiumWarning.button3Active = false; dialog_premiumWarning.button1Desc = 'DELETE'; dialog_premiumWarning.button2Desc = 'CANCEL'; dialog_premiumWarning.itemRef = this._parent; dialog_premiumWarning.button1Action = function () { _root.playSound('sound_trash'); _root.destroyItem(this._parent.itemRef); _root.overDeleteBtn = false; closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_premiumWarning.button2Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; showDialogBox(dialog_premiumWarning); } else { _root.playSound('sound_trash'); _root.destroyItem(this._parent); _root.overDeleteBtn = false; } }; inventoryList.push(curInvItem); } ++ii; } checkHideSearchScroll(); if (hud.inventory.scrollBar._visible == true) { hud.inventory.scrollBar.onPress = function () { startDrag(this, true, 538, 150, 538, 300); this.dragging = true; }; hud.inventory.scrollBar.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.dragging == true) { var v4 = Math.abs(300 - this._y); var v9 = (v4 / 150) * 100; var v5 = (100 - v9) / 100; var v6 = (_root.hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height - 180) * v5; _root.hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y = -v6; } if (_root.scrolling == true) { var v7 = _root.hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height; var v3 = 150 / (v7 - 180); var v8 = (v3 * (scrollAmount * 2.6) / _root.hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height) * 100; this._y -= v8; if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; } if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; } } }; hud.inventory.scrollBar.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; checkHideSearchScroll(); }; hud.inventory.scrollBar.onRelease = hud.inventory.scrollBar.onReleaseOutside; } } function selectFilterButton(btnName) { for (fii in _root.allFilters) { if (_root.allFilters[fii] != currentFilter) { _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].selected = false; _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].backing.colorTo(null, 0.1); _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].backing._alpha = 0; _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].icon.colorTo(null, 0.1); } } } function backPackFilterBtn(btnName) { hud.inventory[btnName].selected = false; for (fii in _root.allFilters) { if (_root.allFilters[fii] != currentFilter) { _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].selected = false; _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].backing.colorTo(null, 0.1); _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].backing._alpha = 0; _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].icon.colorTo(null, 0.1); } } if (btnName == currentFilter) { hud.inventory[btnName].backing.stopTween(); hud.inventory[btnName].icon.stopTween(); hud.inventory[btnName].selected = true; hud.inventory[btnName].backing.colorTo(10027008, 0.1); hud.inventory[btnName].backing._alpha = 100; hud.inventory[btnName].icon.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); } hud.inventory[btnName].onRollOver = function () { if (this.selected == false) { this.backing.colorTo(null, 0.1); this.backing._alpha = 30; } }; hud.inventory[btnName].onRollOut = function () { if (this.selected == false) { this.backing.colorTo(null, 0.1); this.backing._alpha = 0; } }; hud.inventory[btnName].onPress = function () { if (this.selected == false) { playInterfacePageSound(); _root.currentFilter = btnName; this.selected = true; this.backing.colorTo(10027008, 0.1); this.backing._alpha = 100; this.icon.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); if (btnName == 'clothing') { switchEquipPanel('weapons'); } if (btnName == 'weapons') { switchEquipPanel('clothing'); } if (btnName == 'aid') { switchEquipPanel('aid'); } for (fii in _root.allFilters) { if (_root.allFilters[fii] != btnName) { _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].selected = false; _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].backing.colorTo(null, 0.1); _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].backing._alpha = 0; _root.hud.inventory[allFilters[fii]].icon.colorTo(null, 0.1); } } _root.filterInventory(); } }; } function filterInventory() { srs = 0; while (srs < inventoryList.length) { removeMovieClip(inventoryList[srs]); ++srs; } inventoryList = new Array(); buildInventory(); } function inventoryReshuffle(removeIndex) { srs = 0; while (srs < 500) { if (hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].index > removeIndex) { hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].index -= 1; hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs]._y -= invItemYDist; } if (hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].index % 2 == 1) { hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].backing._alpha = 0; hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].baseAlpha = 0; } else { hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].backing._alpha = itemGreyAlpha; hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].baseAlpha = itemGreyAlpha; } ++srs; } checkHideSearchScroll(); } function addToInventory(itemRef, toStorage) { determineItemType(itemRef); if (currItemType == 'junk') { checkAch('pickupJunk'); } if (weapon[itemRef].weaponBase == 'handGrenade') { ammogrenade += 1; } if (weapon[itemRef].weaponBase == 'RPG') { ammoRPG += 1; } if (currItemType == 'ammo' || currItemType == 'xMoney') { var v4 = false; if (currItemType == 'xMoney') { for (ais in inventory) { if (inventory[ais].money == true) { v4 = true; totalMoney += _root[currItemType][itemRef].amount; checkAch('cash', _root[currItemType][itemRef].amount); break; } } if (v4 == false) { ++itemID; _root['item' + itemID] = new Object(); currAddInv = _root['item' + itemID]; currAddInv.ref = itemRef; currAddInv.type = currItemType; = true; = itemID; = _root[currItemType][itemRef].st; currAddInv.eqd = false; totalMoney += _root[currItemType][itemRef].amount; inventory.push(currAddInv); } } if (currItemType == 'ammo') { var v3 = false; for (ais in inventory) { if (_root[currItemType][itemRef].ammoType == inventory[ais].ammoType) { v3 = true; _root[_root[currItemType][itemRef].ammoType] += _root[currItemType][itemRef].rounds; updateInterface('ammo'); break; } } if (v3 == false) { ++itemID; _root['item' + itemID] = new Object(); currAddInv = _root['item' + itemID]; currAddInv.ref = itemRef; currAddInv.type = currItemType; currAddInv.ammoType = _root[currItemType][itemRef].ammoType; = itemID; = _root[currItemType][itemRef].st; currAddInv.eqd = false; _root[_root[currItemType][itemRef].ammoType] += _root[currItemType][itemRef].rounds; updateInterface('ammo'); inventory.push(currAddInv); } } } else { ++itemID; _root['item' + itemID] = new Object(); currAddInv = _root['item' + itemID]; currAddInv.ref = itemRef; currAddInv.type = currItemType; = itemID; currAddInv.slot = 'none'; = _root[currItemType][itemRef].st; currAddInv.eqd = false; if (currItemType == 'weapon') { currAddInv.ammo = 0; } inventory.push(currAddInv); if (toStorage == true) { _root['toStore' + itemID] = new Object(); _root['toStore' + itemID].i = itemID; _root['toStore' + itemID].weight = 0; inventoryToStorage(_root['toStore' + itemID], true); } } sortInventory(); saveInventory(); setWeaponIDs(); saveGame(); getTotalWeight(); setWeightPenalty(); } function destroyItem(itemBtn) { for (dis in inventory) { if (itemBtn.itemID == inventory[dis].id) { if (inventory[dis].type == 'clothing' && inventory[dis].eqd == true) { unequipClothingItem(inventory[dis].ref); addInventoryModel(); decoratePlayer(world.player); } if (inventory[dis].type == 'weapon' && inventory[dis].eqd == true) { unEquipWeapon(inventory[dis].slot); } inventory.splice(dis, 1); break; } } inventoryReshuffle(itemBtn.index); removeMovieClip(itemBtn); setWeaponIDs(); saveInventory(); updateInventory(); getTotalWeight(); setWeightPenalty(); } function battleReady() { for (ham in allWeapons) { addToInventory(allWeapons[ham].ref); } } function sortInventory() { inventory.sortOn(['st', 'ref', 'id']); } function useItemPopup(itemType, number, bookRef, smartBon) { hud.inventory.useItem._alpha = 0; hud.inventory.useItem._visible = true; hud.inventory.useItem.icons.gotoAndStop(itemType); switch (itemType) { case 'food': hud.inventory.useItem.txt.text = '-' + number + ' HUNGER'; break; case 'health': hud.inventory.useItem.txt.text = '+' + number + ' HEALTH'; break; case 'sleep': hud.inventory.useItem.txt.text = '-' + number + ' TIREDNESS'; if (gameMode == 'runGun') { hud.inventory.useItem.txt.text = 'NO EFFECT'; } break; case 'book': dText('Used Book: ' + _root['skill_' + bookRef].title); hud.inventory.useItem.txt.text = '+' + (number + smartBon) + ' TO ' + _root['skill_' + bookRef].title + ' SKILL'; } hud.inventory.useItem.alphaTo(100, 0.2); hud.inventory.useItem.alphaTo(0, 0.2, 'linear', 3, function () { this._visible = false; }); } function useItem(itemID, itemRef, itemBtn) { for (uitc in inventory) { if (itemID == inventory[uitc].id) { var v5 = inventory[uitc]; switch (v5.type) { case 'clothing': equipClothing(itemRef, itemID, itemBtn); break; case 'weapon': if (equipActive) { equipWeapon(itemRef, itemID, itemBtn); } break; case 'food': var v2 = Math.round(food[itemRef].bonus + adjustedSkill('survival') / 5); if (gameMode == 'survivor') { adjustVital('hunger', 'decNeed', v2); } else { += v2; world.player.permHealth += v2; if ( > world.player.healthMax) { = world.player.healthMax; } if (world.player.permHealth > world.player.healthMax) { world.player.permHealth = world.player.healthMax; } } skillTrack('survival'); if (itemRef == 'sodaBottle' || itemRef == 'sodaCan' || itemRef == 'water') { playSound('sound_use_drink'); } else { playSound('sound_use_food'); } if (gameMode == 'survivor') { useItemPopup('food', v2); } else { useItemPopup('health', Math.ceil(v2 / runGunFoodHealthNum)); } checkAch('eatFood'); hudDamageDisplay(null, true); updateCharPanel(); updateInterface(); destroyItem(itemBtn); break; case 'books': var v4 = books[itemRef].bonus; bookSmartBonus = Math.ceil(adjustedSkill('smarts') / bookSmartsMod); v4 += bookSmartBonus; addSkillPoints(itemRef, v4); updateInterface(); destroyItem(itemBtn); playSound('sound_use_book'); useItemPopup('book', books[itemRef].bonus, books[itemRef].ref, bookSmartBonus); checkAch('readBook'); break; case 'meds': if (world.player.permHealth < world.player.healthMax) { if (meds[itemRef].bonusStat == 'health') { var v8 = Math.round(meds[itemRef].bonus + adjustedSkill('firstAid') / 2); var v6 = Math.round((v8 / 100) * world.player.healthMax); += v6; world.player.permHealth += v6; if ( > world.player.healthMax) { = world.player.healthMax; } if (world.player.permHealth > world.player.healthMax) { world.player.permHealth = world.player.healthMax; } skillTrack('firstAid'); } playSound('sound_use_' + itemRef); useItemPopup(meds[itemRef].bonusStat, v6); updateInterface(); updateCharPanel(); destroyItem(itemBtn); checkAch('useHeal'); if (itemRef == 'pills') { checkAch('usePills'); } } if (meds[itemRef].bonusStat == 'sleep') { if (player.sleep < 100) { v6 = meds[itemRef].bonus; adjustVital('sleep', 'decNeed', v6); playSound('sound_use_' + itemRef); useItemPopup(meds[itemRef].bonusStat, v6 * 10); updateInterface(); updateCharPanel(); destroyItem(itemBtn); } } break; default: } } } } function setupCharPanel() { hud.inventory.charPanel.gotoAndStop(gameMode); hud.inventory.equipWeapons._visible = false; hud.inventory.equipArmor._visible = false; hud.inventory.equipIcon._visible = false; hud.inventory.panelSwitch._visible = false; hud.inventory.charPanel._visible = true; = Math.round(world.player.permHealth) + ' / ' + world.player.healthMax; hud.inventory.charPanel.healthBar._xscale = Math.round((world.player.permHealth / world.player.healthMax) * 100); hud.inventory.charPanel.hungerBar._xscale = 100 - Math.round((player.hunger / 100) * 100); hud.inventory.charPanel.sleepBar._xscale = 100 - Math.round((player.sleep / 100) * 100); hud.inventory.charPanel.hunger.text = hungerStates[calculateHungerState()].toUpperCase() + ' - ' + Math.round(100 - player.hunger) + '%'; hud.inventory.charPanel.sleep.text = sleepStates[calculateSleepState()].toUpperCase() + ' - ' + Math.round(100 - player.sleep) + '%'; } function updateCharPanel() { setupCharPanel(); } function spawn(type) { setupZombie(type); } function toggleZ() { if (zombiesOff == true) { zombiesOff = false; } else { zombiesOff = true; } saveGameSettings(); } function zombieDmg(type) { return Math.round(zombieBaseDamage * Math.ceil(dangerLevel / 10)) * enemy[type].damageBonus; } function zombieHlth(type) { return Math.round((zombieBaseHealth + dangerLevel) * enemy[type].healthBonus); } function setupZombie(type, zomLoc, zomAddXLoc, dropZombie, rush) { if (zombiesOff == false && directorBreak != true) { if (maxZombies > absMaxZombies) { maxZombies = absMaxZombies; } if (totalZombies < maxZombies) { ++totalZombies; ++numZombies; ++numZombiesSinceBreak; if (type != 'zombieDog') { world.attachMovie('zombie', 'zombie' + numZombies, depth_world_zombies + numZombies); } else { world.attachMovie('zombieDog', 'zombie' + numZombies, depth_world_zombies + numZombies); } currentZombie = world['zombie' + numZombies]; currentZombie._visible = false; if (zomAddXLoc != undefined) { currentZombie._x = zomAddXLoc; } else { var v4 = getRandRange(moveEdgeBuffer, world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer); var v11 = true; var v10 = true; var v12 = zSpawnBreak; var v3 = 'none'; var v5 = moveEdgeBuffer; var v6 = playerStartX - zombSpawnBuffer; var v7 = playerStartX + zombSpawnBuffer; var v8 = world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer; if (random(2) == 0) { v3 = 'Left'; } else { v3 = 'Right'; } if (playerStartX >= world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer) { v3 = 'Left'; } if (playerStartX <= moveEdgeBuffer) { v3 = 'Right'; } if (playerStartX <= zombSpawnBuffer) { v3 = 'Right'; } if (playerStartX >= world.bounds._width - zombSpawnBuffer) { v3 = 'Left'; } if (v3 == 'Left') { v4 = getRandRange(v5, v6); } else { v4 = getRandRange(v7, v8); } currentZombie._x = v4; } zomFloorY = world.ground - (random(10) - 5); currentZombie._y = zomFloorY; currentZombie.floor = zomFloorY; var v9 = random(zombieFemaleChance); if (v9 == 0) { = 'female'; } else { = 'male'; } if (type == 'zombieRiot' || type == 'zombieRiotNoHelmet' || type == 'zombieRiotShield') { = 'male'; } if (zombieDropPickups() && type != 'zombieCrawl' && type != 'zombieDog') { currentZombie.dropper = true; } currZomScale = zombieScale + (random(6) - 3); if ( == 'female') { currZomScale -= 4; } currentZombie.baseScale = currZomScale; currentZombie._yscale = currZomScale; currentZombie._xscale = currentZombie._yscale; if (random(2) == 0) { currentZombie._xscale = -currZomScale; } if (currentZombie._xscale < 0) { currentZombie.facing = 'left'; } else { currentZombie.facing = 'right'; } = 'zombie' + numZombies; currentZombie.alive = true; currentZombie.classType = 'zombie'; currentZombie.zombie = true; = zombieHlth(type); currentZombie.lastHealth =; currentZombie.threat = enemy[type].threat; currentZombie.type = type; currentZombie.xpBonus = enemy[type].xpBonus; currentZombie.armorChest = enemy[type].armorChest; currentZombie.armorHead = enemy[type].armorHead; currentZombie.closeHum = 9999999; currentZombie.curTarget = null; currentZombie.jumpHeight = -10; currentZombie.climbing = false; currentZombie.jumping = false; currentZombie.falling = false; currentZombie.crouched = false; currentZombie.stumbling = false; currentZombie.stumbleMoving = false; currentZombie.depth = 0; currentZombie.startPos = enemy[type].startPos; if (enemy[type].bodyType != undefined) { currentZombie.bodyType = enemy[type].bodyType; } currentZombie.attackCount = 0; currentZombie.attacking = false; currentZombie.grabbing = false; currentZombie.damage = zombieDmg(type); currentZombie.currentWeapon = 'hands'; if (enemy[type].weapon != undefined) { currentZombie.currentWeapon = enemy[type].weapon; } currentZombie.laying = false; if (type == 'zombieRiser' || type == 'zombieCrawl') { currentZombie.laying = true; } currentZombie.rising = false; currentZombie.wanderSpeed = 0.75; currentZombie.chaseSpeed = enemy[type].chaseSpeed; currentZombie.state = enemy[type].startState; currentZombie.dir = 'none'; currentZombie.dirChangeCount = random(dirChangeMax); currentZombie.animIdle = false; currentZombie.animWalk = false; currentZombie.animSprint = false; currentZombie.sightRange = 600; currentZombie.senseRange = 150; if (enemy[type].attackRange != undefined) { currentZombie.attackRange = enemy[type].attackRange; } else { currentZombie.attackRange = random(30) + 45; } if (enemy[type].noGrab == true) { currentZombie.noGrab = true; } currentZombie.grabRange = zombieGrabRange; currentZombie.alertChance = 5; currentZombie.alerted = false; if (type == 'zombieDog') { currentZombie.alertChance = 1000; } currentZombie.setDepth = numZombies; if (dropZombie) { currentZombie._y = world.bounds._y; currentZombie.jumping = true; currentZombie.falling = true; = world.player; currentZombie.dropZombie = true; } currentZombie.collideLeft = false; currentZombie.collideRight = false; currentZombie.collideSpawn = false; spawnCollisionBlocks(currentZombie); if (currentZombie.collideSpawn == true) { if (currentZombie.falling != true) { currentZombie._y =[currentZombie.lastCollision]._y -[currentZombie.lastCollision].collision._height; } currentZombie.jumping = true; currentZombie.falling = true; } currentZombie.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); decorateZombie(currentZombie); enemiesOnScreen.push(currentZombie); allOnScreen.push(currentZombie); adjustThreat('add', currentZombie.threat); currentZombie.allIndex = allOnScreen.length - 1; currentZombie.enemyIndex = enemiesOnScreen.length - 1; currentZombie.gotoAndPlay(enemy[type].startPos); if (rush == true) { alertedZombie(currentZombie, world.player, 'seen'); } } } } function createHoldingZombie() { if (holdingZombies.length < maxHoldingZombies) { setupZombie(); holdingZombies.push(currentZombie); } } function placeHoldingZombies(numZombies) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < numZombies) { enemiesOnScreen.push(holdingZombies[v1]); allOnScreen.push(holdingZombies[v1]); holdingZombies[v1]._visible = true; holdingZombies.splice(v1, 1); ++v1; } } function decorateZombie(zombie, predef, special) { zombie._visible = false; zombie.torso.deathDamageBelly._visible = false; zombie.head.deathDamage._visible = false; zombie.torso.deathDamageChest._visible = false; zombie.torso.bisected._visible = false; zombie.torso.backpack._visible = false; var v9 = random(allZombieSkinColours.length); var v3 = random(allZombieHair.length); var v7 = random(allZombieHairColours.length); var v6 = random(allZombieFacialHair.length); var v4 = random(_root[ + 'ZombieClothesTop'].length); var v5 = random(_root[ + 'ZombieClothesBottom'].length); if (special == true) { v9 = getIntInRange(0, allZombieSkinColours.length); v3 = getIntInRange(0, allZombieHair.length); v7 = getIntInRange(0, allZombieHairColours.length); v6 = getIntInRange(0, allZombieFacialHair.length); v4 = getIntInRange(0, _root[ + 'ZombieClothesTop'].length); v5 = getIntInRange(0, _root[ + 'ZombieClothesBottom'].length); } if (predef != true || special == true) { zombie.skinColour = allZombieSkinColours[v9]; zombie.hairColour = allZombieHairColours[v7]; } if (zombie.skinColour == 'black1' || zombie.skinColour == 'white3') { zombie.hairColour = 'black'; } zombie.clothesShoe = allZombieShoes[random(allZombieShoes.length)]; if (special == true) { zombie.clothesShoe = allZombieShoes[getIntInRange(0, allZombieShoes.length)]; } switch (zombie.bodyType) { case 'police': zombie.hat = 'none'; zombie.clothesTop = 'police'; zombie.clothesBottom = 'police'; zombie.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; break; case 'unionSec': zombie.hat = 'none'; zombie.clothesTop = 'unionSec'; zombie.clothesBottom = 'police'; zombie.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; break; case 'riot': zombie.hat = 'riot'; v3 = 6; zombie.clothesTop = 'riot'; zombie.clothesBottom = 'riot'; zombie.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; break; case 'riotNoHelmet': zombie.hat = 'none'; v3 = 6; zombie.clothesTop = 'riot'; zombie.clothesBottom = 'riot'; zombie.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; break; case 'army': zombie.hat = 'army'; v3 = 6; v6 = 7; zombie.clothesTop = 'army'; zombie.clothesBottom = 'army'; zombie.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; break; case 'armyNoHelmet': zombie.hat = 'none'; v3 = 6; zombie.clothesTop = 'army'; zombie.clothesBottom = 'army'; zombie.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; break; case 'riotShield': zombie.hat = 'riot'; v3 = 6; zombie.clothesTop = 'riot'; zombie.clothesBottom = 'riot'; zombie.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; zombie.weapon = 'riotShield'; break; case 'survivor': zombie.clothesTop = + '_' + _root[ + 'ZombieClothesTop'][v4]; zombie.clothesBottom = + '_' + _root[ + 'ZombieClothesBottom'][v5]; break; case 'crawler': zombie.clothesTop = + '_' + _root[ + 'ZombieClothesTop'][v4]; zombie.clothesBottom = + '_' + _root[ + 'ZombieClothesBottom'][v5]; zombie.upperLeg_front._visible = false; zombie.upperLeg_back._visible = false; zombie.lowerLeg_front._visible = false; zombie.lowerLeg_back._visible = false; zombie.foot_front._visible = false; zombie.foot_back._visible = false; zombie.torso.bisected._visible = true; break; case 'civilian': zombie.clothesTop = + '_' + _root[ + 'ZombieClothesTop'][v4]; zombie.clothesBottom = + '_' + _root[ + 'ZombieClothesBottom'][v5]; break; default: if (predef != true) { zombie.clothesTop = + '_' + _root[ + 'ZombieClothesTop'][v4]; zombie.clothesBottom = + '_' + _root[ + 'ZombieClothesBottom'][v5]; } } var v10 = zombie.clothesTop; var v8 = v10.substring(0, 12); dText('Zom Top: ' + v8); if (v8 == 'female_dress') { zombie.clothesBottom = 'none'; } if (zombie.dropper == true) { zombie.torso.backpack._visible = true; } = + '_' + allZombieHair[v3]; if ( != 'female') { zombie.facialHair = allZombieFacialHair[v6]; } else { zombie.facialHair = 'none'; } if (zombie.clothesTop == 'male_suitBlack') { zombie.clothesBottom = 'male_suitBlack'; } zombie.head.gotoAndStop('head' + (random(2) + 1)); if (zombie.hat != undefined) { zombie.head.hat.gotoAndStop(zombie.hat); } zombie.lowerArm_front.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesTop); zombie.lowerArm_back.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesTop); zombie.upperArm_front.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesTop); zombie.upperArm_back.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesTop); if (zombie.bodyType == 'fat') { zombie.torso.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesTop + '_fat'); } else { zombie.torso.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesTop); } zombie.lowerArm_backFront.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesTop); if (zombie.bodyType == 'fat') { zombie.upperLeg_front.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesBottom + '_fat'); zombie.upperLeg_back.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesBottom + '_fat'); } else { zombie.upperLeg_front.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesBottom); zombie.upperLeg_back.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesBottom); } zombie.lowerLeg_front.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesBottom); zombie.lowerLeg_back.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesBottom); zombie.foot_front.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesShoe); zombie.foot_back.gotoAndStop(zombie.clothesShoe);; zombie.head.facialHair.gotoAndStop(zombie.facialHair); switch (zombie.bodyType) { case 'fat': + '_fat'); break; default:; };;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; zombie.head.facialHair.base.colorTo(zombie.hairColour); zombie.hand_front.weapon.weapons.gotoAndStop(zombie.currentWeapon); zombie._visible = true; } function findZombieTarget(zomb) { htc = 0; while (htc < allOnScreen.length) { var v3 = Math.abs(zomb._x - allOnScreen[htc]._x); var v2 = true; if (endingRush == true && allOnScreen[htc].companion == true) { v2 = false; } if (allOnScreen[htc].down == true) { v2 = false; } if (allOnScreen[htc].partner == true) { v2 = false; } if (v2 == true && v3 < zomb.closeHum && allOnScreen[htc].alive == true && allOnScreen[htc].zombie != true) { = allOnScreen[htc]; zomb.closeHum = v3; } if ( != true) { = null; } ++htc; } } function checkZombieMovementAlerts() { for (maz in enemiesOnScreen) { mazom = enemiesOnScreen[maz]; if (mazom.alerted == false) { if (mazom._x - world.player._x > -mazom.senseRange && mazom._x - world.player._x < 0 || mazom._x - world.player._x < mazom.senseRange && mazom._x - world.player._x > 0) { alertedZombie(mazom, world.player, 'sensed'); } var v1 = mazom.sightRange * currentLighting.sightMod; if (flashLightState == 'on') { v1 *= 1.25; } if (mazom._x - world.player._x > -v1 && mazom._x - world.player._x < 0 || mazom._x - world.player._x < v1 && mazom._x - world.player._x > 0) { if (mazom._x > world.player._x && mazom._xscale < 0 || mazom._x < world.player._x && mazom._xscale > 0) { alertedZombie(mazom, world.player, 'sighted'); } } } } } function alertedZombie(alertZom, alerter, condition, weaponNoise) { if (alertZom.alerted != true && alertZom.falling != true) { alertChance = alertZom.alertChance; if (weaponNoise != undefined) { var v5 = alertZom._x - alerter._x; alertChance += weaponNoise * 15; } switch (condition) { case 'meleeHit': alertChance += 300; break; case 'gunshotNear': alertChance += 20; break; case 'gunshotHit': alertChance += 300; break; case 'sensed': alertChance += 100; break; case 'sighted': alertChance += 300; break; case 'seen': alertChance = 999999999; break; default: } var v3 = random(alertRandRange); if (v3 < alertChance && alertZom.state != 'stumble' && alertZom.state != 'attack' || condition == 'seen') { if (condition == 'seen') { } if (alertZom.type == 'zombieCralwer') { alertZom.laying = false; } if (alertZom.type == 'zombieRiser' && alertZom.rising == false && alertZom.dropZombie != true) { alertZom.rising = true; alertZom.gotoAndPlay('rise'); alertZom.laying = false; } if (alertZom.rising != true) { alertZom.alerted = true; alertZom.animWalk = false; findZombieTarget(alertZom); alertZom.state = 'chase'; if (random(zomAlertSoundChance) == 0) { playZombieAlertSound(alertZom); } } } } } function alertRisingZombie(zomName) { zomName.alerted = true; zomName.animWalk = false; = world.player; zomName.state = 'chase'; if (random(zomAlertSoundChance) == 0) { playZombieAlertSound(zomName); } } function zombieAIRoutines() { az = 0; while (az < enemiesOnScreen.length) { if (enemiesOnScreen[az].human != true) { var v1 = enemiesOnScreen[az]; v1.debugtxt.text = v1.state; if ( != true && v1.type != 'zombieRiser') { = null; v1.state = 'wander'; } if (v1.burning == true) { ++v1.burnCount; if (v1.burnCount > 30) { v1.burnCount = 0; burnRnd = new Object(); burnRnd.damage = burnDamage; applyDamageMelee(burnRnd, v1, 'burn', az, 'burn'); } } if (v1.pausing > 0) { --v1.pausing; v1.alerted = false; v1.state = 'wander'; } switch (v1.state) { case 'stumble': if (v1.animWalk == false) { v1.animWalk = true; var v2 = random(2) + 1; if (v1._xscale > 0 && v1.stumbleDir == 'left') { v1.gotoAndPlay('stumble_back' + v2); } if (v1._xscale > 0 && v1.stumbleDir == 'right') { v1.gotoAndPlay('stumble_forward' + v2); } if (v1._xscale < 0 && v1.stumbleDir == 'left') { v1.gotoAndPlay('stumble_forward' + v2); } if (v1._xscale < 0 && v1.stumbleDir == 'right') { v1.gotoAndPlay('stumble_back' + v2); } } if (v1.stumbleDir == 'left') { if (v1._x > v1.stumbleDistance && v1.stumbleMoving == true && v1.collideLeft == false && v1._x > world.bounds._x + moveEdgeBuffer) { v1._x -= stumbleSpeed; } else { v1.stumbleMoving = false; } if (v1.stumbling == false) { v1.stumbleDistance = 0; dText('Returning to: ' + v1.lastState); v1.state = v1.lastState; v1.animWalk = false; } } if (v1.stumbleDir == 'right') { if (v1._x < v1.stumbleDistance && v1.stumbleMoving == true && v1.collideRight == false && v1._x < world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer) { v1._x += stumbleSpeed; } else { v1.stumbleMoving = false; } if (v1.stumbling == false) { v1.stumbleDistance = 0; dText('Returning to: ' + v1.lastState); v1.state = v1.lastState; v1.animWalk = false; } } break; case 'chase': if (random(zomChaseSoundChance) == 0) { playZombieAlertSound(v1); } v1.grabbing = false; v1.attacking = false; if ( > v1._x) { v1.dir = 'right'; } if ( < v1._x) { v1.dir = 'left'; } if (v1.type == 'zombieRiotShield') { if (random(1000) < zombieRiotPause && v1.pausing <= 0) { v1.pausing = zombieRiotPauseLength; } } if (v1.collideLeft || v1.collideRight) { if (v1.lastCollision != undefined && v1.climbing == false) { climbBlock(v1); } } switch (v1.dir) { case 'left': if (v1.collideLeft == false) { v1.collideRight = false; v1._xscale = -v1.baseScale; v1._x -= v1.chaseSpeed; v1.animIdle = false; if (v1.animWalk == false) { v1.animWalk = true; v1.gotoAndPlay(enemy[v1.type].walkAnim); v1.resumePose = enemy[v1.type].walkAnim; } } else { v1.dirChangeCount = 0; v1.dir = 'none'; } break; case 'right': if (v1.collideRight == false) { v1.collideLeft = false; v1._xscale = v1.baseScale; v1._x += v1.chaseSpeed; v1.animIdle = false; if (v1.animWalk == false) { v1.animWalk = true; v1.gotoAndPlay(enemy[v1.type].walkAnim); v1.resumePose = enemy[v1.type].walkAnim; } } else { v1.dirChangeCount = 0; v1.dir = 'none'; } } if (Math.abs( - v1._x) <= v1.attackRange) { if (random(1000) < zombieGrabChance && == false && == false && == false) { if (v1.noGrab != true && Math.abs(v1._y - < grabYRange && == 'player') { v1.state = 'grab'; } else { v1.state = 'attack'; } } else { v1.state = 'attack'; } } break; case 'grab': if (Math.abs( - v1._x) > v1.grabRange && v1.grabbing == false && == false && == false && == false) { v1.attacking = false; v1.animWalk = false; v1.state = 'chase'; } if (v1.grabbing == false && == false && == 'player' && == false && == false) { if (v1.noGrab != true) { v1.grabbing = true; v1.animWalk = false; v1.gotoAndPlay('grab'); } else { v1.state = 'attack'; } } break; case 'attack': if (v1.attacking == false) { if (Math.abs( - v1._x) > v1.attackRange && v1.attackCount > 0) { v1.attackCount = 0; v1.attacking = false; v1.animWalk = false; v1.state = 'chase'; } else { if (v1.attacking == false) { playZombieAttackSound(v1); ++v1.attackCount; v1.attacking = true; v1.animWalk = false; switch (v1.type) { case 'zombieCrawl': v1.gotoAndPlay('crawlerAttack'); break; case 'zombieRiotShield': v1.gotoAndPlay('attackShield'); break; default: v1.gotoAndPlay('attack' + (random(numZombieAttacks) + 1)); } if ( == true && v1.type != 'zombieCrawl') { v1.gotoAndPlay('attack3'); } } } } break; break; case 'idle': case 'wander': if (random(zombieIdleSoundChance) == 0) { playZombieIdleSound(v1); } --v1.dirChangeCount; if (random(dirChangeChance) == 0 && v1.dirChangeCount < 0) { v1.dir = dirArray[random(3)]; v1.dirChangeCount = dirChangeMax; } if (v1._x < world.bounds._x + moveEdgeBuffer * 2) { v1.collideLeft = true; } if (v1._x > world.bounds._x + world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer * 2) { v1.collideRight = true; } switch (v1.dir) { case 'left': if (v1.collideLeft == false) { v1.collideRight = false; v1._xscale = -v1.baseScale; v1._x -= v1.wanderSpeed; v1.animIdle = false; if (v1.animWalk == false) { v1.animWalk = true; switch (v1.type) { case 'zombieCrawl': v1.gotoAndPlay('crawl'); break; case 'zombieRiotShield': v1.gotoAndPlay('walkShield'); break; default: v1.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } } else { v1.dirChangeCount = 0; v1.dir = 'none'; } break; case 'right': if (v1.collideRight == false) { v1.collideLeft = false; v1._xscale = v1.baseScale; v1._x += v1.wanderSpeed; v1.animIdle = false; if (v1.animWalk == false) { v1.animWalk = true; switch (v1.type) { case 'zombieCrawl': v1.gotoAndPlay('crawl'); break; case 'zombieRiotShield': v1.gotoAndPlay('walkShield'); break; default: v1.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } } else { v1.dirChangeCount = 0; v1.dir = 'none'; } break; case 'none': if (v1.animIdle == false) { switch (v1.type) { case 'zombieCrawl': v1.gotoAndStop('crawl'); break; case 'zombieRiotShield': v1.gotoAndPlay('idleShield'); break; default: v1.gotoAndPlay('idle'); } v1.animIdle = true; v1.animWalk = false; } } } } ++az; } } function zombieGravity() { for (zg in enemiesOnScreen) { var v1 = enemiesOnScreen[zg]; if (v1.falling == true) { v1.gotoAndStop('fall'); v1._y -= v1.jumpHeight; v1.jumpHeight -= gravity; v1.animWalk = false; } if (v1._y >= v1.floor && v1.falling) { v1._y = v1.floor; v1.jumping = false; v1.standing = true; v1.crouched = false; v1.falling = false; v1.jumpAnim = false; v1.gotoAndPlay('land'); if (v1.dropZombie == true && v1.alerted != true) { alertedZombie(v1, world.player, 'seen'); } } } } function setZombieLevels() { for (ai in enemy) { iaa = 1; while (iaa < numZLevels) { if (enemy[ai].level < iaa + zLevelCap) { _root['zLevel' + iaa].push(enemy[ai]); } ++iaa; } } } function resetZombieSaves() { for (all in allZombieSaves) { allZombieSaves[all].zombies = new Array(); allZombieSaves[all].loc = ''; } } function resetZombieSaveAtLoc(locID) { for (all in allZombieSaves) { if (allZombieSaves[all].loc == locID) { allZombieSaves[all].zombies = new Array(); allZombieSaves[all].loc = ''; } } } function saveZombies(curLoc) { ++zombSaveCount; if (zombSaveCount > numZombRoomSaves) { zombSaveCount = 1; } var v2 = _root['zombRoomSave' + zombSaveCount]; v2.sTime = gameTime; v2.zombies = new Array(); v2.loc = curLoc; sz = 0; while (sz <= enemiesOnScreen.length + 1) { if (enemiesOnScreen[sz].zombie == true && enemiesOnScreen[sz].humanEnemy != true && enemiesOnScreen[sz].alive == true && enemiesOnScreen[sz].falling != true) { _root['savedZombie' + sz] = new Object(); for (ob in enemiesOnScreen[sz]) { if (typeof enemiesOnScreen[sz][ob] != 'movieclip' && enemiesOnScreen[sz].humanEnemy != true) { _root['savedZombie' + sz][ob] = enemiesOnScreen[sz][ob]; } _root['savedZombie' + sz].savedX = enemiesOnScreen[sz]._x; _root['savedZombie' + sz].savedY = enemiesOnScreen[sz]._y; _root['savedZombie' + sz].savedXScale = enemiesOnScreen[sz]._xscale; _root['savedZombie' + sz].savedYScale = enemiesOnScreen[sz]._yscale; if (enemiesOnScreen[sz].state == 'stumble') { _root['savedZombie' + sz].state = 'idle'; } } v2.zombies.push(_root['savedZombie' + sz]); } ++sz; } if (enemiesOnScreen.length >= 5 && playerLocation.outside != true) { checkAch('escapeFullRoom'); } } function restoreZombies(curRestLoc) { var v1 = null; var v2 = 0; for (fzs in allZombieSaves) { if (allZombieSaves[fzs].loc == curRestLoc && allZombieSaves[fzs].sTime > v2) { v2 = allZombieSaves[fzs].sTime; v1 = allZombieSaves[fzs]; } } for (sz in v1.zombies) { if (v1.zombies[sz].humanEnemy != true) { ++numZombies; ++totalZombies; ++numZombiesSinceBreak; if (v1.zombies[sz].type != 'zombieDog') { world.attachMovie('zombie', 'zombie' + numZombies, depth_world_zombies + numZombies); } else { world.attachMovie('zombieDog', 'zombie' + numZombies, depth_world_zombies + numZombies); } for (ob in v1.zombies[sz]) { if (typeof world['zombie' + numZombies][ob] != 'movieclip') { world['zombie' + numZombies][ob] = v1.zombies[sz][ob]; } world['zombie' + numZombies]._x = v1.zombies[sz].savedX; world['zombie' + numZombies]._y = v1.zombies[sz].savedY; world['zombie' + numZombies]._xscale = v1.zombies[sz].savedXScale; world['zombie' + numZombies]._yscale = v1.zombies[sz].savedYScale; world['zombie' + numZombies].setDepth = numZombies; world['zombie' + numZombies].state = v1.zombies[sz].state; world['zombie' + numZombies].alerted = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].animWalk = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].target = null; world['zombie' + numZombies].collideLeft = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].collideRight = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].climbing = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].jumping = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].falling = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].crouched = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].stumbling = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].stumbleMoving = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].laying = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].rising = false; } world['zombie' + numZombies].colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); decorateZombie(world['zombie' + numZombies], true); enemiesOnScreen.push(world['zombie' + numZombies]); allOnScreen.push(world['zombie' + numZombies]); adjustThreat('add', world['zombie' + numZombies].threat); world['zombie' + numZombies].allIndex = allOnScreen.length - 1; world['zombie' + numZombies].enemyIndex = enemiesOnScreen.length - 1; if (v1.zombies[sz].type != 'zombieRiser') { world['zombie' + numZombies].gotoAndPlay(enemy[world['zombie' + numZombies].type].startPos); } else { if (v1.zombies[sz].laying == true) { world['zombie' + numZombies].laying = true; world['zombie' + numZombies].rising = false; world['zombie' + numZombies].gotoAndStop(enemy[world['zombie' + numZombies].type].startPos); } else { world['zombie' + numZombies].gotoAndPlay('idle'); } } } } } function particleEmitter(particleType, particleName, particleDepth, particleX, particleY, particleGravity, particleQuantity, particleHorizontalEnergy, particleVerticalEnergy, particleFade, particleRotationRate, particleScaling, particleChangeAngle, particleHitGround, particleFalling, particleOrientation, particleAngle) { if (lowEffects != true) { i = 0; while (i <= particleQuantity) { ++particleCount; if (particleCount > 100) { particleCount = 1; } var v2 = world.attachMovie(particleType, particleName + i, depth_world_particles + particleCount); v2.ref = particleName + i; v2.partType = particleType; v2.gravity = particleGravity; if (particleAngle != undefined) { v2.HorzEnergy = particleHorizontalEnergy; } else { if (random(2) > 0) { v2.HorzEnergy = Math.random() * particleHorizontalEnergy; } else { v2.HorzEnergy = Math.random() * -particleHorizontalEnergy; } } v2.VertEnergy = -particleVerticalEnergy + Math.random() * particleVerticalEnergy / 2; if (particleFalling == false) { if (random(2) > 0) { v2.VertEnergy = particleVerticalEnergy + Math.random() * particleVerticalEnergy / 2; } else { v2.VertEnergy = -particleVerticalEnergy + Math.random() * particleVerticalEnergy / 2; } } if (particleScaling == true) { v2._yscale = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = v2._yscale; } v2._x = particleX; v2._y = particleY; v2.hitGround = particleHitGround; v2.originY = particleY; if (particleChangeAngle == true) { if (random(2) > 0) { v2.angle = random(60); } else { v2.angle = random(60) + 300; } } if (particleOrientation == 'leftWall') { v2.angle = 90; } if (particleOrientation == 'rightWall') { v2.angle = -90; } if (particleOrientation == 'roof') { v2.angle = 180; } if (particleOrientation == 'floor') { v2.angle = 0; } if (particleOrientation == 'random') { v2.angle = random(360); } if (particleAngle != undefined) { v2.angle = particleAngle; } v2._alpha = random(30) + 70; v2._rotation = v2.angle; v2.rotation = particleRotationRate; v2.acceleration = 5; v2.particleFade = particleFade; v2.splash = particleSplash; v2.onEnterFrame = _root.moveParticle; v2.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); ++i; } } } function moveParticle() { with (this) { _alpha -= particleFade; if (_alpha < 15) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (this.hitGround && this._y >= { removeMovieClip(this); } this._rotation += rotation; this.x = Math.cos(this.angle * Math.PI / 180) * this.HorzEnergy; this.y = Math.sin(this.angle * Math.PI / 180) * this.VertEnergy; this._x += this.x; this._y += this.y; } } function bloodParticles(targetX, targetY) { particleEmitter('particle_blood', 'part', 100, targetX, targetY, 0.6, 2, random(10) - 5, random(10) - 5, 0.5, 8, true, true, true); } function smokeParticle(targetX, targetY, partAngle) { particleEmitter('smoke_RPGtrail', 'part', 100, targetX, targetY, 0.001, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, true, false, false, true, null, partAngle); } function bulletDustParticle(targetX, targetY, partDir) { if (random(bulletDustChance) == 0) { particleEmitter('particle_dustShaft_bullet', 'dustPart', 100, targetX, targetY, 0.0015, 0, 0, 0.5, 6, 0.05, true, false, false, true, partDir); particleEmitter('particle_cloudDust_bullet', 'dustPart', 100, targetX, targetY, 0.001, 1, 0.5, 0.5, 6, 0.05, true, false, false, true, partDir); particleEmitter('particle_dirt2_bullet', 'dirtPart', 100, targetX + (random(50) - 25), targetY - 20, 0.1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 1.5, true, false, false, true, partDir); } } function sparkParticle(targetX, targetY) { particleEmitter('particle_bulletHit', 'part', 100, targetX, targetY, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, true, true, true); } function flameThowerParticle(targetX, targetY, partAngle) { particleEmitter('projectile_flame', 'dirtPart', 100, targetX, targetY, 0, 1, 5, 5, 0, 1.5, false, false, false, true, null, partAngle); } function createBounceObject(objectName, owner, targetPart, type, groupNum) { var v3; switch (objectName) { case 'roof': dText('Drop Roof Part: ' + rpb); ++partBounce; if (partBounce > particleResetNum) { partBounce = 1; } world.attachMovie('particle_roof', 'roofPart' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); v3 = world['roofPart' + partBounce]; v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = 1; v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 2; v3.rotRate = random(15); bPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner._x + (random(150) - 75), owner._y + (random(20) - 10)); v3.setDepth = partBounce; v3.bouncer = true; v3.snd = 'shellBounce'; v3._x = bPoint.x; v3._y = bPoint.y; break; case '40mm': ++partBounce; if (partBounce > particleResetNum) { partBounce = 1; } world.attachMovie('ammo_40mm', '40mm' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); v3 = world['40mm' + partBounce]; v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = 6; v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 13; if (owner.currentWeapon == 'M249') { v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 2; } v3.rotRate = 25; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3._xscale = -100; v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } if (targetPart != 'ground') { bPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner['collision' + targetPart]._x, owner['collision' + targetPart]._y); owner.localToGlobal(bPoint); world.globalToLocal(bPoint); } else { bPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner._x, owner._y); } v3.setDepth = partBounce; v3.bouncer = true; v3.snd = 'shellBounce'; v3._x = bPoint.x; v3._y = bPoint.y; break; case 'RPG': ++partBounce; if (partBounce > particleResetNum) { partBounce = 1; } world.attachMovie('ammo_RPG', 'RPG' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); v3 = world['RPG' + partBounce]; v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = 6; v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 13; v3.rotRate = 25; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3._xscale = -100; v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } if (targetPart != 'ground') { bPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner['collision' + targetPart]._x, owner['collision' + targetPart]._y); owner.localToGlobal(bPoint); world.globalToLocal(bPoint); } else { bPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner._x, owner._y); } v3.setDepth = partBounce; v3.bouncer = true; v3.snd = 'shellBounce'; v3._x = bPoint.x; v3._y = bPoint.y; break; case 'riotShield': ++partBounce; if (partBounce > particleResetNum) { partBounce = 1; } world.attachMovie('particle_riotShield', 'shield' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); v3 = world['shield' + partBounce]; v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = 5; v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 5; v3._yscale = owner._xscale; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; v3.rotRate = 10; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3._xscale = -owner._xscale; v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } bPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner.hand_front._x, owner.hand_front._y); owner.localToGlobal(bPoint); world.globalToLocal(bPoint); v3.setDepth = partBounce; v3.bouncer = true; v3.snd = 'none'; v3._x = bPoint.x; v3._y = bPoint.y; break; case 'shellCasing': if (lowEffects != true && == 'player' && random(shellCasingChance) == 0) { ++partBounce; if (partBounce > particleResetNum) { partBounce = 1; } world.attachMovie('shellCasing_' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].shell, 'shell' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); v3 = world['shell' + partBounce]; v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = 6; v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 13; if (owner.currentWeapon == 'M249') { v3.particleVerticalEnergy = -2; } v3.rotRate = 25; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3._xscale = -100; v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } bPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner.arms.ejectPoint._x, owner.arms.ejectPoint._y); owner.arms.localToGlobal(bPoint); world.globalToLocal(bPoint); v3.setDepth = partBounce; v3.bouncer = true; v3.snd = 'shellBounce'; v3._x = bPoint.x; v3._y = bPoint.y; } break; case 'mag': if (lowEffects != true) { ++partBounce; if (partBounce > particleResetNum) { partBounce = 1; } if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'pistolAutomatic') { world.attachMovie('magazine_' + type, 'mag' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); } else { world.attachMovie('magazine_' + owner.currentWeapon, 'mag' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); } v3 = world['mag' + partBounce]; v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3._yscale = 55; v3._xscale = 55; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = 0; v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 0; v3.rotRate = 2; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3._xscale = -playerScale; v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } bzmPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner.arms.magPoint._x, owner.arms.magPoint._y); owner.arms.localToGlobal(bzmPoint); world.globalToLocal(bzmPoint); v3.setDepth = partBounce; v3.bouncer = true; v3.flat = true; v3.snd = 'clipDrop'; v3._x = bzmPoint.x; v3._y = bzmPoint.y; } break; case 'backpack': ++partDrop; if (partDrop > particleResetNum) { partDrop = 1; } var itemPickup = _root[determineItemType(type)][type].pickup; if (type == 'backpack') { world.attachMovie('backpack', 'drop' + partDrop, depth_world_pickups + partDrop); } else { world.attachMovie('pickupDrop', 'drop' + partDrop, depth_world_pickups + partDrop); } v3 = world['drop' + partDrop]; if (_root[determineItemType(type)][type].weaponBase != undefined) { v3.gotoAndStop(_root[determineItemType(type)][type].weaponBase); v3.itemPickupIcon = _root[determineItemType(type)][type].weaponBase; } else { v3.gotoAndStop(itemPickup); if (itemPickup == 'hat') { v3.gotoAndStop('hat'); v3.item.gotoAndStop(type); } } v3.item.scope._visible = false; v3.item.suppressor._visible = false; if (_root[determineItemType(type)][type].mod == 'scope') { v3.item.scope._visible = true; v3.scoped = true; } if (_root[determineItemType(type)][type].mod == 'suppressed') { v3.item.suppressor._visible = true; v3.suppressed = true; } if (_root[determineItemType(type)][type].mod == 'specOps') { v3.item.scope._visible = true; v3.item.suppressor._visible = true; v3.specOps = true; } if (determineItemType(type) == 'ammo') { dText('ITEM PICKUP: ' + itemPickup); } v3.itemPickup = itemPickup; v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = Math.round(3.5 * groupNum); v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 11; v3.rotRate = 0; v3._xscale = playerScale; v3._yscale = playerScale; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3._xscale = -playerScale; v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } bzmPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner.collisionChest._x, owner.collisionChest._y); owner.localToGlobal(bzmPoint); world.globalToLocal(bzmPoint); v3.setDepth = partDrop; v3.bouncer = false; v3.splatter = false; v3.pickup = true; v3.backpack = false; = type; v3.itemRef = type; v3._x = bzmPoint.x; v3._y = bzmPoint.y; if (type != 'backpack') { } else { v3.backpack = true; } break; case 'armChunk': if (lowViolence != true && lowEffects != true) { ++partBounce; if (partBounce > particleResetNum) { partBounce = 1; } world.attachMovie('particle_armChunk', 'meat' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); v3 = world['meat' + partBounce]; v3.armSkin.gotoAndStop(owner.skinColour); v3.handSkin.gotoAndStop(owner.skinColour); v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = 9; v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 4; v3.rotRate = 2; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3._xscale = -100; v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } bzmPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner['collision' + targetPart]._x, owner['collision' + targetPart]._y); owner.localToGlobal(bzmPoint); world.globalToLocal(bzmPoint); v3.setDepth = partBounce; v3._x = bzmPoint.x; v3._y = bzmPoint.y; } break; case 'meatChunk': if (lowViolence != true && lowEffects != true) { ++partBounce; if (partBounce > particleResetNum) { partBounce = 1; } world.attachMovie('particle_meatChunk', 'meat' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); v3 = world['meat' + partBounce]; v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = 9; v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 4; v3.rotRate = 10; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3._xscale = -100; v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } bzmPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner['collision' + targetPart]._x, owner['collision' + targetPart]._y); owner.localToGlobal(bzmPoint); world.globalToLocal(bzmPoint); v3._rotation = random(360); v3.setDepth = partBounce; v3._x = bzmPoint.x; v3._y = bzmPoint.y; } break; case 'blood': if (lowViolence != true && lowEffects != true && random(bloodChance) == 0) { ++partBounce; if (partBounce > particleResetNum) { partBounce = 1; } world.attachMovie('particle_blood', 'blood' + partBounce, depth_world_bounceParticles + partBounce); v3 = world['blood' + partBounce]; v3._x = -50; v3._y = -50; v3.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = 8; v3.particleVerticalEnergy = 5; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3.particleHorizontalEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } bzPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner['collision' + targetPart]._x, owner['collision' + targetPart]._y); owner.localToGlobal(bzPoint); world.globalToLocal(bzPoint); v3._rotation = random(360); v3.setDepth = partBounce; v3.type = 'blood'; v3.splatter = true; v3._x = bzPoint.x; v3._y = bzPoint.y; } break; default: } if (v3 != undefined) { if (random(8) == 0) { v3.HorzEnergy = Math.random() * -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } else { v3.HorzEnergy = Math.random() * v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } if (v3.pickup == true) { if (random(8) == 0) { v3.HorzEnergy = -v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } else { v3.HorzEnergy = v3.particleHorizontalEnergy; } } v3.VertEnergy = -v3.particleVerticalEnergy + Math.random() * v3.particleVerticalEnergy / 2; if (random(2) > 0) { v3.angle = random(60); v3.rotation = random(8) + 4; } else { v3.angle = random(60) + 300; v3.rotation = -random(8) + 4; } v3.gravity = 1.5; v3.friction = 0.98; v3.owner = owner; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.stopped != true) { this._rotation += this.rotRate; this.HorzEnergy *= this.friction; this.x = Math.cos(this.angle * Math.PI / 180) * this.HorzEnergy; this._x -= this.x; this.VertEnergy += this.gravity; this._y += this.VertEnergy; } if (this.bouncer != true && this.splatter == true) { if (random(60) == 0) { if (this.pickup != true) { this.swapDepths(this.setDepth + _root.depth_world_blood); } if (this.type == 'blood') { this.gotoAndStop('wallSplat'); this._rotation = 0; } if (this.pickup != true) { _root.remove(this, 'decal'); } this.cacheAsBitmap = true; delete this.onEnterFrame; } } if (this._y > - random(40) && this.bouncer != true) { if (this.pickup != true) { particleCollisionBlocks(this); this.swapDepths(this.setDepth + _root.depth_world_blood); } if (this.type == 'blood') { this.gotoAndStop('splat'); this._rotation = 0; } if (this.pickup != true) { _root.remove(this, 'decal'); } if (this.pickup == true && this.backpack == false && this.stopped != true) { this.stopped = true; this.swapDepths(this.setDepth + _root.depth_world_pickups); this.attachMovie('collisionBlock', 'collBlock', this.getNextHighestDepth()); this.collBlock._width = 65; this.collBlock._height = 65; this.collBlock._alpha = 0; ++_root.pickupShine; ++_root.pickupShineMask; if (_root.pickupShine > 1000) { _root.pickupShine = 0; } if (_root.pickupShineMask > 1000) { _root.pickupShineMask = 0; }'itemShine', 'push' + _root.pickupShine, _root.depth_world_pickupShine + _root.pickupShine);'pickupDrop', 'pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask, _root.depth_world_pickupShineMask + _root.pickupShineMask); if (this.itemPickupIcon != undefined) {['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].gotoAndStop(this.itemPickupIcon); } else {['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].gotoAndStop(this.itemPickup); }['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].item.suppressor._visible = false;['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].item.scope._visible = false; if (this.scoped == true) {['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].item.scope._visible = true; } if (this.suppressed == true) {['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].item.suppressor._visible = true; } if (this.specOps == true) {['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].item.scope._visible = true;['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].item.suppressor._visible = true; } if (this.itemPickup == 'hat') {['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].item.gotoAndStop(this.itemRef); }['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask].cacheAsBitmap = true;['push' + _root.pickupShine].cacheAsBitmap = true;['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask]._x = this._x;['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask]._y = this._y;['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask]._xscale = this._xscale;['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask]._yscale = this._yscale;['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask]._rotation = this._rotation;['push' + _root.pickupShine]._x = this._x;['push' + _root.pickupShine]._y = this._y;['push' + _root.pickupShine]._alpha = 75;['push' + _root.pickupShine].setMask(['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask]); this.glowRef =['push' + _root.pickupShine]; this.maskRef =['pusm' + _root.pickupShineMask]; _root.addPickupToInteractive(this); } this.cacheAsBitmap = true; delete this.onEnterFrame; } if (this._y > - random(40) && this.bouncer == true && this.HorzEnergy < 2.5) { this.stopped = true; particleCollisionBlocks(this); if (this.pickup != true) { this.swapDepths(this.setDepth + _root.depth_world_shellCasings); } if (this.snd != undefined && == 'player') { _root.playSound('sound_' + this.snd + '' + (random(2) + 1)); } if (this.pickup != true) { _root.remove(this, 'decal'); } if (this.flat == true) { if (random(2) == 0) { this._rotation = -90; } else { this._rotation = 90; } } this.cacheAsBitmap = true; delete this.onEnterFrame; } if (this._y > + 20) { this.stopped = true; if (this.pickup != true) { this.swapDepths(this.setDepth + _root.depth_world_shellCasings); } if (this.pickup != true) { _root.remove(this, 'decal'); } this.cacheAsBitmap = true; delete this.onEnterFrame; } if (this._x <= + pickupEdgeBuffer) { this.HorzEnergy = 0; } if (this._x >= + - pickupEdgeBuffer) { this.HorzEnergy = 0; } if (this.bouncer == true && this._y > - random(20) && this.HorzEnergy >= 2.5 && this.stopped != true) { this.VertEnergy = -this.VertEnergy / 2; if (this.snd != undefined) { } } }; } } function sortAllDepths() { var v6 = new flash.geom.Point(Stage.width / 2, 0); world.globalToLocal(v6); var v5; var v2 = new Array(); for (var v7 in allOnScreen) { allOnScreen[v7].depth = allOnScreen[v7]._y; v2.push(allOnScreen[v7]); allOnScreen[v7]._visible = false; if (allOnScreen[v7]._visible) { if (allOnScreen[v7]._x >= v6.x + hideBuffer) { allOnScreen[v7]._visible = false; } if (allOnScreen[v7]._x <= v6.x - hideBuffer) { allOnScreen[v7]._visible = false; } } if (allOnScreen[v7]._x < v6.x + hideBuffer && allOnScreen[v7]._x > v6.x - hideBuffer) { allOnScreen[v7]._visible = true; } do { v5 = false; var v1 = 1; while (v1 < v2.length) { if (v2[v1 - 1].depth > v2[v1].depth && v2[v1].name != 'player') { var v4 = v2[v1 - 1]; v2[v1 - 1] = v2[v1]; v2[v1] = v4; v5 = true; } ++v1; } } while (v5); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v2.length) { v2[v3].swapDepths(v3 + depth_world_allSorted); ++v3; } } } function sortDeadSoldiers(soldierRef) { soldierRef.swapDepths(soldierRef.depth + _root.depth_world_deadSoldiers); } function setupLight(type, holdObj) { ++numLights; if (numLights > 20) { numLights = 0; } world.attachMovie(type, 'light' + numLights, depth_world_light + numLights); world['light' + numLights]._x = holdObj._x; world['light' + numLights]._y = holdObj._y; allLights.push(world['light' + numLights]); } function showRoofHoleEffect(targetX) { ++numRoofHole; numRoofHole = 1; roofBD.dispose(); roofBD = null; bricksBD.dispose(); bricksBD = null; var v2 = 300; var v1 = 120; var bricksBD = new flash.display.BitmapData(v2, v1, false, 0); var v7 = world.createEmptyMovieClip('brick_mc', depth_world_holeTop + 100); var roofBD = new flash.display.BitmapData(v2, v1, false, 0); world.createEmptyMovieClip('roofHolder', depth_world_holeTop + 170); var v8 = world.roofHolder.createEmptyMovieClip('roof_mc', depth_world_holeTop + numRoofHole); v7.attachBitmap(bricksBD, depth_world_holeTop + 20); v8.attachBitmap(roofBD, depth_world_holeTop + 50); var v9 = 0; var v5 = 60; var v4 = 33; var v6 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); v6.translate(-targetX + 150, v5); bricksBD.draw(world.bgBrick, v6); roofBD.draw(, v6); world.roofHolder.roof_mc._x = targetX - v2 / 2; world.roofHolder.roof_mc._y = v5 - v1; world.brick_mc._x = targetX - v2 / 2; world.brick_mc._y = v5 - v1; world.brick_mc._xscale = world.bgBrick._xscale; world.brick_mc._yscale = world.bgBrick._yscale; world.roofHolder.roof_mc.setMask(null); world.brick_mc.setMask(null); world.roofHolder.roof_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; world.brick_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; world.attachMovie('roofHoleMask', 'brickHoleMask' + numRoofHole, depth_world_holeTop + 55); world['brickHoleMask' + numRoofHole]._x = targetX; world['brickHoleMask' + numRoofHole]._y = v4; world.brick_mc.setMask(world['brickHoleMask' + numRoofHole]); dText('HOLE MASK DEPTH: ' + (depth_world_holeTop + 250)); world.attachMovie('roofHoleMask', 'roofHoleMask' + numRoofHole, depth_world_holeTop + 105); world['roofHoleMask' + numRoofHole]._x = targetX; world['roofHoleMask' + numRoofHole]._y = v4; world.roofHolder.roof_mc.setMask(world['roofHoleMask' + numRoofHole]); world.attachMovie('roofHole', 'roofHole' + numRoofHole, depth_world_holeBottom); world['roofHole' + numRoofHole]._x = targetX; world['roofHole' + numRoofHole]._y = v4; world.attachMovie('roofHoleTop', 'roofHoleTop' + numRoofHole, depth_world_holeTop + numRoofHole + 110); world['roofHoleTop' + numRoofHole]._x = world['roofHole' + numRoofHole]._x; world['roofHoleTop' + numRoofHole]._y = world['roofHole' + numRoofHole]._y; lightObject(world.roofHolder.roof_mc); lightObject(world.brick_mc); lightObject(world['roofHole' + numRoofHole]); rpb = 0; while (rpb < 8) { setTimeout(createBounceObject, rpb * random(200) + 50, 'roof', world['roofHole' + numRoofHole], null, 'roof'); ++rpb; } playSound('sound_roofBreak'); } function playSpecialDeath(target) { switch (target.startPos) { case 'deadFront': target.head.deathDamage._visible = true; target.gotoAndPlay('death_crawler'); break; case 'deadBack': if (target.laying == true || target.rising == true) { target.gotoAndPlay('deadBack_death'); checkAch('killRiser'); } break; default: } if (target.laying != true && target.rising != true && target.type != 'zombieCrawl' && target.type != 'zombieDog') { if (target._x > world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer * 2 && target._xscale < 0) { target.gotoAndPlay('death_head2'); } if (target._x < world.bounds._x + moveEdgeBuffer * 2 && target._xscale > 0) { target.gotoAndPlay('death_head2'); } if (target._x < world.bounds._x + moveEdgeBuffer * 2 && target._xscale < 0) { target.gotoAndPlay('death_head1'); } if (target._x > world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer * 2 && target._xscale > 0) { target.gotoAndPlay('death_head1'); } } if (target.type == 'zombieDog') { if (target.state == 'chase') { target.gotoAndPlay('death_head1'); } else { target.gotoAndPlay('death_body1'); } } } function muzzleFlash(owner) { ++muzzleFlashes; if (muzzleFlashes > 50) { muzzleFlashes = 1; } world.attachMovie(_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].muzzleFlash, 'muzzleFlash' + muzzleFlashes, depth_world_muzzleFlash + muzzleFlashes); if (weapon[owner.currentWeapon].flashOffset != undefined) { fPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner.arms.flashPoint._x + weapon[owner.currentWeapon].flashOffset, owner.arms.flashPoint._y); } else { fPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner.arms.flashPoint._x, owner.arms.flashPoint._y); } owner.arms.localToGlobal(fPoint); world.globalToLocal(fPoint); world['muzzleFlash' + muzzleFlashes]._x = fPoint.x; world['muzzleFlash' + muzzleFlashes]._y = fPoint.y; world['muzzleFlash' + muzzleFlashes]._rotation = owner.arms._rotation; if (owner._xscale < 0) { world['muzzleFlash' + muzzleFlashes]._xscale = -100; world['muzzleFlash' + muzzleFlashes]._rotation = -owner.arms._rotation - 180; } } function attachDecal(projectile, type, target) { if (_root.weapon[projectile.weaponName].decal != 'none' && _root.weapon[projectile.weaponName].decal != undefined) { ++numDecals; var v4 = 'leftWall'; if (numDecals > 1000) { numDecals = 1; } world.attachMovie('decal_' + _root.weapon[projectile.weaponName].decal, 'decal' + numDecals, depth_world_decals + numDecals); world['decal' + numDecals]._x = projectile._x; world['decal' + numDecals]._y = projectile._y; if (world['decal' + numDecals]._x < world.bounds._x) { world['decal' + numDecals]._x = world.bounds._x + (random(10) + 5); } if (world['decal' + numDecals]._x > world.bounds._width) { world['decal' + numDecals]._x = world.bounds._width - (random(10) + 5); } if (projectile.owner._x < world['decal' + numDecals]._x) { v4 = 'rightWall'; } if (type == 'block') { if (projectile.owner._x > target._x) { world['decal' + numDecals]._x = target._x + target.collision._width / 2 - (random(15) + 10); } if (projectile.owner._x < target._x) { world['decal' + numDecals]._x = target._x - target.collision._width / 2 + (random(15) + 10); } } if (type != 'block') { if (world['decal' + numDecals]._y < world.bounds._y + wallCollY) { world['decal' + numDecals]._rotation = -90; v4 = 'roof'; if (world['decal' + numDecals]._y < world.bounds._y) { world['decal' + numDecals]._y = world.bounds._y + (random(10) + 5); } } if (world['decal' + numDecals]._y > world.floorMarker._y - wallCollY) { world['decal' + numDecals]._rotation = 90; v4 = 'floor'; if (world['decal' + numDecals]._y > world.bounds._y + world.bounds._height) { world['decal' + numDecals]._y = world.bounds._y + world.bounds._height - (random(10) + 5); } } } world['decal' + numDecals].colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); world['decal' + numDecals].cacheAsBitmap = true; bulletDustParticle(world['decal' + numDecals]._x, world['decal' + numDecals]._y, v4); if (_root.weapon[projectile.weaponName].decal == 'arrow') { _root.debugText.txt.text = 'ARROWED!'; world['decal' + numDecals]._rotation = projectile._rotation - 180; } remove(world['decal' + numDecals], 'decal'); } } function showBloodHit(target, location, owner) { ++numBld; if (numBld > 100) { numBld = 0; } target.attachMovie('bloodPack', 'bldPack' + numBld, 50 + numBld); target['bldPack' + numBld]._x = target['collision' + location]._x + (random(25) - 5); target['bldPack' + numBld]._y = target['collision' + location]._y + (random(25) - 13); var v2 = random(40) + 80; target['bldPack' + numBld]._xscale = v2; target['bldPack' + numBld]._yscale = v2; if (owner._x < target._x && target._xscale > 0) { target['bldPack' + numBld]._xscale = -v2; } if (owner._x > target._x && target._xscale < 0) { target['bldPack' + numBld]._xscale = -v2; } if (location == 'Head') { target['bldPack' + numBld].gotoAndPlay('head' + (random(2) + 1)); } else { target['bldPack' + numBld].gotoAndPlay('base' + (random(4) + 1)); } if (lowViolence) { target['bldPack' + numBld].gotoAndPlay('base4'); } } function showArrowHit(target, location, round) { ++numArr; if (numArr > 5) { numArr = 0; } var v1 = ''; switch (location) { case 'Head': v1 = 'head'; break; case 'Chest': v1 = 'torso'; break; case 'Belly': v1 = 'torso'; break; case 'Legs': if (random(2) == 0) { v1 = 'upperLeg_front'; } else { v1 = 'upperLeg_back'; } } target[v1].attachMovie('stuckArrow', 'arrow' + numArr, 5 + numArr); target[v1]['arrow' + numArr]._x += random(target['collision' + location]._width / 2); target[v1]['arrow' + numArr]._y += random(target['collision' + location]._height / 2); target[v1]['arrow' + numArr]._rotation = round._rotation + target[v1]['arrow' + numArr]._rotation; if (round.owner._x > target._x && target._xscale > 0) { target[v1]['arrow' + numArr]._rotation = 0; } if (round.owner._x < target._x && target._xscale < 0) { target[v1]['arrow' + numArr]._rotation = 0; } } function showHitEffect(target, hitType, targetLoc, owner) { switch (hitType) { case 'dust': var v3 = new flash.geom.Point(owner._x, owner._y); if (owner._x > target._x) { v3.x = target._x + 20; } if (target._xscale < 0 && owner._x > target._x) { v3.x = target._x - 20; } bulletDustParticle(v3.x, v3.y, 'random'); break; case 'spark': if (owner.weaponClass == 'firearm') { playSound('sound_armorHit' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } var v5 = new flash.geom.Point(target.collisionShield._x, target.collisionShield._y); target.localToGlobal(v5); world.globalToLocal(v5); sparkParticle(v5.x, owner._y, 'random'); break; case 'flame': ++numEffects; if (numEffects > 999) { numEffects = 0; } world.attachMovie('effect_flame', 'effect' + numEffects, depth_world_effects + numEffects); var v6 = new flash.geom.Point(target['collision' + targetLoc]._x + (random(20) - 10), target['collision' + targetLoc]._y + (random(40) - 20)); target.localToGlobal(v6); world.globalToLocal(v6); world['effect' + numEffects]._x = v6.x; world['effect' + numEffects]._y = v6.y; world['effect' + numEffects]._yscale = 100; world['effect' + numEffects]._xscale = 100; world['effect' + numEffects]._rotation = random(360); playSound('sound_burn' + (random(2) + 1)); break; case 'explosion': screenShake(5, 5); ++numEffects; if (numEffects > 999) { numEffects = 0; } world.attachMovie('effect_explosion', 'effect' + numEffects, depth_world_effects + numEffects); if (targetLoc != 'ground') { var v6 = new flash.geom.Point(target['collision' + targetLoc]._x + (random(20) - 10), target['collision' + targetLoc]._y + (random(40) - 20)); target.localToGlobal(v6); world.globalToLocal(v6); } else { var v6 = new flash.geom.Point(target._x, target._y); } world['effect' + numEffects]._x = v6.x; world['effect' + numEffects]._y = v6.y; world['effect' + numEffects]._yscale = random(60) + 60; world['effect' + numEffects]._xscale = world['effect' + numEffects]._yscale; if (random(2) == 0) { world['effect' + numEffects]._xscale = -world['effect' + numEffects]._xscale; } playSound('sound_explosion_big' + (random(2) + 1)); } } function cameraAdjustEdge() { if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } } function checkForCentreWorld() { if (world.bounds._width < Stage.width) { world._x = Stage.width / 2 - world.bounds._width / 2; } } function cameraSetup() { if (mouseControlPan == true) { var v1 = new Object(); v1.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.isDown(37)) { cameraPanKeys('left'); } if (Key.isDown(39)) { cameraPanKeys('right'); } }; Key.addListener(v1); } } function setFirstLoadCamera() { cameraStartX = -playerStartX + Stage.width / 2; if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } } function cameraControl() { if (game.state != 'paused' && camera.state != 'locked' && world.player.moving == true) { playerCamPoint = new flash.geom.Point(world.player._x, world.player._y); worldCamPoint = new flash.geom.Point(,; world.localToGlobal(worldCamPoint); world.localToGlobal(playerCamPoint); if (playerCamPoint.x <= playerPanBuffer) { if (world._x < +panEdgeBuffer && playerCamPoint.x < Stage.width + panEdgeBufferPlayer) { world._x += world.player.currentSpeed; } } if (playerCamPoint.x > Stage.width - playerPanBuffer) { if (world._x > -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer && playerCamPoint.x >= panEdgeBufferPlayer) { world._x -= world.player.currentSpeed; } } if (mouseControlPan == true) { if (_xmouse <= panBuffer && world._x <= -panEdgeBuffer && playerCamPoint.x <= Stage.width - panEdgeBufferPlayer) { world._x += world.player.currentSpeed * 2; } if (_xmouse >= Stage.width - panBuffer && world._x > -world.bounds._width + Stage.width + panEdgeBuffer && playerCamPoint.x >= panEdgeBufferPlayer) { world._x -= world.player.currentSpeed * 2; } } } } function cameraPanKeys(panDir) { if (game.state != 'paused' && camera.state != 'locked') { if (panDir == 'left' && world._x < -panBuffer) { world._x += panSpeed; } if (panDir == 'right' && world._x > + Stage.width + panBuffer) { world._x -= panSpeed; } } } function screenShake(magnitude, time) { if (settingScreenShake) { if (screenShaking == false) { screenShakeTimer = time; screenShaking = true; screenOrigin.x = world._x; screenOrigin.y = world._y; s = screenShakeTimer; while (s > 0) { setTimeout(shakeScreen, screenShakeDelay * s, magnitude); --s; } setTimeout(resetScreenShake, time * screenShakeDelay + screenShakeDelay); } } } function shakeScreen(magnitude) { if (world._x < panEdgeBuffer && world._x > -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { world._x -= random(magnitude) - magnitude / 2; } world._y -= random(magnitude) - magnitude / 2; if (world._y < -( / 2)) { world._y = -( / 2); } if (world._y > / 2) { world._y = / 2; } if (world._x > panEdgeBuffer) { world._x = panEdgeBuffer; } if (world._x < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { world._x = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } checkForCentreWorld(); } function resetScreenShake() { screenShaking = false; world._y = screenOrigin.y; checkForCentreWorld(); } function bitmapObject(target) { target.cacheAsBitmap = true; } function setupRemoveTimes() { bodyFadeTime = _root[settingBodyFade + 'BodyFade']; decalFadeTime = _root[settingDecalFade + 'DecalFade']; } function remove(target, type) { if (_root[type + 'FadeTime'] != undefined) { var v2 = setTimeout(clearRemoval, _root[type + 'FadeTime'], target); } } function clearRemoval(target) { if (target.alive != true) { removeMovieClip(target); } } function randomCharacterName(charSex) { var v4 = _root[charSex + 'FirstNames'][random(_root[charSex + 'FirstNames'].length)]; var v2 = lastNames[random(lastNames.length)]; var v3 = v4 + ' ' + v2; return v3; } function addPreMades() { allPreMade = new Array(); dText('------------------- PREMADE CLASSES -------------------'); for (apma in pre) { allPreMade.push(pre[apma]); dText(pre[apma].name); } } function quitToMenuButton(btnName) { createChar[btnName].onRollOver = function () { this.alphaTo(50, 0.5); }; createChar[btnName].onRollOut = function () { this.alphaTo(20, 0.5); }; createChar[btnName].onPress = function () { resetSave(currentSave); quitGame(); }; } function setupPreMadeButtons() { textWhite = new TextFormat(); textWhite.color = 16777215; textBlack = new TextFormat(); textBlack.color = 3620174; alpm = 0; while (alpm < allPreMade.length) { createChar.preMade['premade' + alpm].txt.text = allPreMade[alpm].name.toUpperCase(); createChar.preMade['premade' + alpm].ref = allPreMade[alpm].ref; createChar.preMade['premade' + alpm].onRollOver = function () { charCreateUpdatePreMade(this.ref); }; createChar.preMade['premade' + alpm].onRollOut = function () { resetPreMade(); }; createChar.preMade['premade' + alpm].onRelease = function () { currentPreMade = this.ref; for (prr in allPreMade) { createChar.preMade['premade' + prr].txt.setTextFormat(textBlack); createChar.preMade['premade' + prr].gotoAndStop('off'); } this.txt.setTextFormat(textWhite); this.gotoAndStop('over'); playMouseClickSound(); }; ++alpm; } } function charCreateUpdatePreMade(pMade) { createChar.preMade.preMadeName.text = pre[pMade].name.toUpperCase(); createChar.preMade.skill1.text = _root['skill_' + pre[pMade].skill1].title.toUpperCase(); createChar.preMade.skill2.text = _root['skill_' + pre[pMade].skill2].title.toUpperCase(); createChar.preMade.skill3.text = _root['skill_' + pre[pMade].skill3].title.toUpperCase(); createChar.preMade.skill4.text = _root['skill_' + pre[pMade].skill4].title.toUpperCase(); createChar.preMade.desc.text = pre[pMade].desc; } function setPreMade() { player.strength = pre[currentPreMade].strength; player.endurance = pre[currentPreMade].endurance; player.intellect = pre[currentPreMade].intellect; player.precision = pre[currentPreMade].precision; player.luck = pre[currentPreMade].luck; player.strengthBase = pre[currentPreMade].strength; player.enduranceBase = pre[currentPreMade].endurance; player.intellectBase = pre[currentPreMade].intellect; player.precisionBase = pre[currentPreMade].precision; player.luckBase = pre[currentPreMade].luck; player[pre[currentPreMade].skill1] += selectedSkillBonus; player[pre[currentPreMade].skill2] += selectedSkillBonus; player[pre[currentPreMade].skill3] += selectedSkillBonus; player[pre[currentPreMade].skill4] += selectedSkillBonus; dText('Char Skill1: ' + player[pre[currentPreMade].skill1]); dText('End: ' + player.endurance); savePlayer(); } function playFootStepSound(foot, target) { if (target != undefined) { } else { target = 100; } if (foot == 'left') { playSound('sound_step_baseLeft' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } if (foot == 'right') { playSound('sound_step_baseRight' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(target), panSound(target)); } } function determineFirstName() { var v2 = player.charName; var v1 = v2.indexOf(' '); if (v1 > 0) { var v3 = v2.substr(0, v1); var v4 = v2.substr(v1 + 1, 30); player.firstName = v3; player.lastName = v4; } else { player.firstName = player.charName; } } function openCreateCharacter() { _quality = 'HIGH'; addPreMades(); player = new Object(); newCharacter(); _root.attachMovie('characterCreation', 'createChar', depth_charCreate); createChar.appearance._visible = false; createChar.preMade._visible = false; createChar.attr._visible = false; createChar.skills._visible = false; setupPreMadeButtons(); setupCharCreateName(); setupCharCreateAppearance(); setupCharCreatePreMade(); setupCharCreateAttributes(); setupCharCreateSkills(); } function setupCharCreateName() { Selection.setFocus('_root.createChar.namePage.first'); createChar.namePage.female.gotoAndStop('off'); createChar.namePage.first.text = randomCharacterName(; createChar.namePage.nextBtn.onPress = function () { player.charName = createChar.namePage.first.text; createChar.namePage._visible = false; createChar.appearance._visible = true; updateCharCreateAppearance(); playMouseClickSound(); }; createChar.namePage.male.onPress = function () { = 'male'; this.gotoAndStop('on'); playMouseClickSound(); createChar.namePage.female.gotoAndStop('off'); }; createChar.namePage.female.onPress = function () { = 'female'; playMouseClickSound(); this.gotoAndStop('on'); createChar.namePage.male.gotoAndStop('off'); }; createChar.namePage.randomBtn.onPress = function () { createChar.namePage.first.text = randomCharacterName(; playMouseClickSound(); }; } function setupCharCreatePreMade() { setupPreMadeButtons(); createChar.preMade.createCustom.onPress = function () { playMouseClickSound(); createChar.preMade._visible = false; createChar.attr._visible = true; }; createChar.preMade.prevBtn.onPress = function () { playMouseClickSound(); createChar.preMade._visible = false; createChar.appearance._visible = true; }; createChar.preMade.nextBtn.onPress = function () { if (something) { showDialogBox(dialog_unspentPoints); } else { if (currentPreMade != '') { setPreMade(); charCreateLaunch(true); } else { showDialogBox(dialog_noPremade); } } }; } function setupCharCreateAppearance() { createChar.appearance.head.gotoAndStop('head1'); if ( == 'female') { createChar.appearance.head.gotoAndStop('head2'); } updateCharCreateAppearance(); appearanceButtons('hair'); appearanceButtons('hairColour'); appearanceButtons('skinColour'); appearanceButtons('facialHair'); appearanceButtonRandom('randomBtn'); createChar.appearance.prevBtn.onPress = function () { createChar.namePage._visible = true; createChar.appearance._visible = false; playMouseClickSound(); }; createChar.appearance.nextBtn.onPress = function () { createChar.appearance._visible = false; createChar.preMade._visible = true; playMouseClickSound(); }; } function updateCharCreateAppearance() { createChar.appearance.head.stopTween(); if ( == 'female') {'head2'); createChar.appearance.facialHairText._visible = false; createChar.appearance.facialHair._visible = false; player.facialHair = 'none'; curr_facialHair = 0; } else {'head1'); createChar.appearance.facialHairText._visible = true; createChar.appearance.facialHair._visible = true; }[curr_skinColour]);[curr_skinColour]); + '_' + all_hair[curr_hair]); createChar.appearance.head.facialHair.gotoAndStop(all_facialHair[curr_facialHair]);[curr_hairColour]); createChar.appearance.head.facialHair.base.colorTo(all_hairColour[curr_hairColour]); = all_hair[curr_hair]; player.hairColour = all_hairColour[curr_hairColour]; player.skinColour = all_skinColour[curr_skinColour]; player.facialHair = all_facialHair[curr_facialHair]; = (all_hair[curr_hair].charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + all_hair[curr_hair].slice(1); createChar.appearance.hairColour.txt.text = (all_hairColourNames[curr_hairColour].charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + all_hairColourNames[curr_hairColour].slice(1); createChar.appearance.skinColour.txt.text = (all_skinColourNames[curr_skinColour].charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + all_skinColourNames[curr_skinColour].slice(1); createChar.appearance.facialHair.txt.text = (all_facialHair[curr_facialHair].charAt(0)).toUpperCase() + all_facialHair[curr_facialHair].slice(1); } function appearanceButtons(btnName) { createChar.appearance[btnName].upBtn.onPress = function () { if (_root['curr_' + btnName] < _root['all_' + btnName].length - 1) { ++_root['curr_' + btnName]; updateCharCreateAppearance(); playMouseClickSound(); } }; createChar.appearance[btnName].downBtn.onPress = function () { if (_root['curr_' + btnName] > 0) { --_root['curr_' + btnName]; updateCharCreateAppearance(); playMouseClickSound(); } }; } function appearanceButtonRandom(btnName) { createChar.appearance[btnName].onPress = function () { curr_hair = random(all_hair.length); curr_hairColour = random(all_hairColour.length); curr_skinColour = random(all_skinColour.length); curr_facialHair = random(all_facialHair.length); if ( == 'female') { curr_facialHair = 0; } updateCharCreateAppearance(); playMouseClickSound(); }; } function setupCharCreateAttributes() { createChar.attr.desc.text = ''; var v1 = attributePointsMax; createChar.attr.strength.txt.text = player.strength; createChar.attr.precision.txt.text = player.precision; createChar.attr.intellect.txt.text = player.intellect; createChar.attr.endurance.txt.text = player.endurance; createChar.attr.luck.txt.text = player.luck; createChar.attr.pointsRem.text = v1; attributeButtons('strength'); attributeButtons('precision'); attributeButtons('intellect'); attributeButtons('endurance'); attributeButtons('luck'); createChar.attr.prevBtn.onPress = function () { createChar.preMade._visible = true; createChar.attr._visible = false; playMouseClickSound(); }; createChar.attr.nextBtn.onPress = function () { createChar.attr._visible = false; createChar.skills._visible = true; updateSkillButtons(); playMouseClickSound(); }; } function updateCharCreateAttr() { createChar.attr.strength.txt.text = player.strength; createChar.attr.precision.txt.text = player.precision; createChar.attr.intellect.txt.text = player.intellect; createChar.attr.endurance.txt.text = player.endurance; createChar.attr.luck.txt.text = player.luck; createChar.attr.pointsRem.text = pointsRem; } function attributeButtons(btnName) { createChar.attr[btnName].backing.onRollOver = function () { _root.createChar.attr.desc.text = _root['skill_' + btnName].desc; }; createChar.attr[btnName].down.onRollOver = createChar.attr[btnName].backing.onRollOver; createChar.attr[btnName].up.onRollOver = createChar.attr[btnName].backing.onRollOver; createChar.attr[btnName].backing.onRollOut = function () { _root.createChar.attr.desc.text = ''; }; createChar.attr[btnName].down.onRollOut = createChar.attr[btnName].backing.onRollOut; createChar.attr[btnName].up.onRollOut = createChar.attr[btnName].backing.onRollOut; createChar.attr[btnName].up.onPress = function () { if (player[btnName] < attributeStartMax && pointsRem > 0) { ++player[btnName]; ++player[btnName + 'Base']; --pointsRem; updateCharCreateAttr(); playMouseClickSound(); } }; createChar.attr[btnName].down.onPress = function () { if (player[btnName] > 1) { --player[btnName]; --player[btnName + 'Base']; ++pointsRem; updateCharCreateAttr(); playMouseClickSound(); } }; } function charCreateLaunch(preMade) { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; createChar.skills._visible = false; if (preMade != true) { confirmSkillSelection(); } determineFirstName(); saveGame(); playMouseClickSound(); removeMovieClip(_root.createChar); showIntro(); } function setupCharCreateSkills() { for (sccs in allSkills) { charCreateSkillButtons(allSkills[sccs]); } _root.createChar.skills.desc.text = ''; createChar.skills.prevBtn.onPress = function () { createChar.attr._visible = true; createChar.skills._visible = false; playMouseClickSound(); }; createChar.skills.nextBtn.onPress = function () { if (_root.skillsMarked < _root.numSelectedSkills || _root.pointsRem > 0) { showDialogBox(dialog_unspentPoints); } else { charCreateLaunch(); } }; } function confirmSkillSelection() { for (sccs in allSkills) { if (createChar.skills[allSkills[sccs]].marked._visible == true) { player[allSkills[sccs]] += selectedSkillBonus; } } } function charCreateSkillButtons(btnName) { updateSkillButtons(); createChar.skills[btnName].txt.text = _root['skill_' + btnName].title; createChar.skills[btnName].marked._visible = false; createChar.skills[btnName].backing.onRollOver = function () { _root.createChar.skills.desc.text = _root['skill_' + btnName].desc; }; createChar.skills[btnName].backing.onRollOut = function () { _root.createChar.skills.desc.text = ''; }; createChar.skills[btnName].backing.onPress = function () { if (_root.createChar.skills[btnName].marked._visible == false && _root.skillsMarked < _root.numSelectedSkills) { ++_root.skillsMarked; _root.createChar.skills[btnName].marked._visible = true; updateSkillButtons(); playMouseClickSound(); } else { if (_root.createChar.skills[btnName].marked._visible == true) { --_root.skillsMarked; _root.createChar.skills[btnName].marked._visible = false; updateSkillButtons(); playMouseClickSound(); } } }; } function updateSkillButtons() { for (sccs in allSkills) { createChar.skills[allSkills[sccs]].num.text = getAttributeMod(allSkills[sccs], _root['skill_' + allSkills[sccs]].attr); if (createChar.skills[allSkills[sccs]].marked._visible == true) { createChar.skills[allSkills[sccs]].num.text = getAttributeMod(allSkills[sccs], _root['skill_' + allSkills[sccs]].attr) + selectedSkillBonus; } } } function newCharacter() { if (premium == true) { player.premium = true; } player.charName = 'John Smith'; = healthBase; player.permHealth = healthBase; player.maxHealth =; player.level = 1; player.attPoints = 0; player.skillPoints = 0; player.speed = 7.5; player.strength = attributeBase; player.endurance = attributeBase; player.intellect = attributeBase; player.precision = attributeBase; player.luck = attributeBase; player.stamina = 0; player.staminaMax = 0; player.strengthBase = attributeBase; player.enduranceBase = attributeBase; player.intellectBase = attributeBase; player.precisionBase = attributeBase; player.luckBase = attributeBase; player.sleep = 0; player.hunger = 0; player.carryWeight = player.strengthBase * carryWeightMultiplier; player.follower = null; player.allFollowers = new Array(); player.partner = null; player.blunt = skillBase; player.blades = skillBase; player.pistols = skillBase; player.longGuns = skillBase; player.automatics = skillBase; player.specialWeapons = skillBase; player.traps = skillBase; player.sneak = skillBase; player.smarts = skillBase; = skillBase; player.searching = skillBase; player.speech = skillBase; player.firstAid = skillBase; = skillBase; player.survival = skillBase; = 'male'; player.skinColour = '0xD3965F'; player.clothesTop = 'none'; player.torsoAccessory = 'none'; player.headAccessory = 'none'; player.faceAccessory = 'none'; player.eyesAccessory = 'none'; player.clothesBottom = 'none'; player.clothesShoe = 'none'; = 'cropped'; player.facialHair = 'none'; player.hairColour = '0xa39a74'; XP = 0; setupExperience(); resetInventory(); savePlayer(); startSetupInventory(); } function setPlayerClothingFromSave() { for (allClot in inventory) { if (inventory[allClot].type == 'clothing') { if (inventory[allClot].equipped == true) { switch (clothing[inventory[allClot].ref].wearLocation) { case 'face': player.faceAccessory = inventory[allClot].ref; break; case 'head': player.headAccessory = inventory[allClot].ref; break; case 'top': player.clothesTop = inventory[allClot].ref; break; case 'armor': player.torsoAccessory = inventory[allClot].ref; break; case 'bottom': player.clothesBottom = inventory[allClot].ref; break; case 'feet': player.clothesShoe = inventory[allClot].ref; break; default: } } } } } function setPlayerVars() { player.maxHealth = Math.round(healthBase + player.endurance * player.endurance + player.level * 10); = player.maxHealth; } function updatePlayerVars() { player.carryWeight = (player.strengthBase + strengthtemp) * carryWeightMultiplier; } function convertSkinColour(skinCol) { for (akk in all_skinColourNames) { if (skinCol == all_skinColourNames[akk]) { return all_skinColour[akk]; } } } function convertHairColour(hairCol) { for (akk in all_hairColourNames) { if (hairCol == all_hairColourNames[akk]) { return all_hairColour[akk]; } } } function resetPlayerStartVars() { health = 0; permHealth = 0; healthMax = 0; playerStamina = 0; primaryWeapon = 'hands'; secondaryWeapon = 'hands'; currentWeapon = primaryWeapon; storedWeapon = secondaryWeapon; playerStartX = playerStartX_startGame; } function HERC_clothingSetup(playerRf) { if (playerRf.faceAccessory == 'HERCmask') { playerRf.neck.neckAccessories.gotoAndStop('HERC'); playerRf.neckAnim.neckAccessories.gotoAndStop('HERC'); = false; } else { playerRf.neck.neckAccessories.gotoAndStop('none'); playerRf.neckAnim.neckAccessories.gotoAndStop('none'); = true; } if (playerRf.clothesTop == 'male_HERCtop' || playerRf.clothesTop == 'female_HERCtop') { playerRf.hand_backAnim.glove._visible = true; playerRf.hand_frontAnim.glove._visible = true; playerRf.arms.hand_back.glove._visible = true; playerRf.arms.hand_front.glove._visible = true; } else { playerRf.hand_backAnim.glove._visible = false; playerRf.hand_frontAnim.glove._visible = false; playerRf.arms.hand_front.glove._visible = false; playerRf.arms.hand_back.glove._visible = false; } } function toggleAnimMode(target, forceState) { if (forceState == 'anim') { target.arms.gotoAndStop(target.weaponType); target.head._visible = false; target.arms._visible = false; target.neck._visible = false; target.animWeapon._visible = true; target.headAnim._visible = true; target.torsoAnim.torso._visible = true; target.hand_frontAnim._visible = true; target.hand_backAnim._visible = true; target.upperArm_frontAnim._visible = true; target.upperArm_backAnim._visible = true; target.lowerArm_frontAnim._visible = true; target.lowerArm_backAnim._visible = true; target.lowerArm_backFrontAnim._visible = true; target.neckAnim._visible = true; } if (forceState == 'default') { target.head._visible = true; target.arms._visible = true; target.neck._visible = true; target.animWeapon._visible = false; target.headAnim._visible = false; target.torsoAnim.torso._visible = false; target.hand_frontAnim._visible = false; target.hand_backAnim._visible = false; target.upperArm_frontAnim._visible = false; target.upperArm_backAnim._visible = false; target.lowerArm_frontAnim._visible = false; target.lowerArm_backAnim._visible = false; target.lowerArm_backFrontAnim._visible = false; target.neckAnim._visible = false; } HERC_clothingSetup(target); } function fullHealth() { lastDamageOpacity = 100; = world.player.healthMax; world.player.permHealth = world.player.healthMax; updateInterface(); } function setPlayerHealthMax(upLevel) { healthMax = Math.round(healthBase + (player.endurance + hungerPenalty) * (player.endurance + hungerPenalty) + player.level * 10); world.player.healthMax = healthMax; if ( != undefined && upLevel != true) { health =; permHealth =; stamina =; } if (health == 0 && == undefined) { health = healthMax; permHealth = healthMax; stamina = staminaMax; } } function playerWeaponSetup() { setupWeapon(world.player); var v2 = world.player; if ( != undefined && != undefined) { v2.primaryWeapon =; v2.secondaryWeapon =; } else { v2.primaryWeapon = primaryWeapon; v2.secondaryWeapon = secondaryWeapon; } if ( != undefined) { v2.currentWeapon =; } else { v2.currentWeapon = currentWeapon; } if ( != undefined) { v2.storedWeapon =; } else { v2.storedWeapon = storedWeapon; } world.player.arms.gotoAndStop(world.player.weaponType); if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponBase != undefined) { v2.arms.weapon.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponBase); } else { world.player.arms.weapon.gotoAndStop(world.player.currentWeapon); } v2.arms.weapon.item.scope._visible = false; v2.arms.weapon.item.suppressor._visible = false; if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].mod == 'scope') { v2.arms.weapon.item.scope._visible = true; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].mod == 'suppressed') { v2.arms.weapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].mod == 'specOps') { v2.arms.weapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; v2.arms.weapon.item.scope._visible = true; } if (_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].weaponBase != undefined) { world.player.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].weaponBase); } else { world.player.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.gotoAndStop(world.player.storedWeapon); } world.player.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.scope._visible = false; world.player.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = false; if (_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].mod == 'scope') { world.player.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.scope._visible = true; } if (_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].mod == 'suppressed') { world.player.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; } if (_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].mod == 'specOps') { world.player.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.scope._visible = true; world.player.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; } world.player.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; setWeaponIDs(); if (_root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { world.player.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('holdHand'); world.player.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('triggerHand'); } if (_root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { world.player.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('meleeBackHand'); world.player.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('meleeFrontHand'); } HERC_clothingSetup(world.player); } function savePlayerState() {} function setupPlayer(firstLoad) { if ( != undefined) { XP =; } setPlayerHealthMax(); loadPlayer(); loadSkillTrack();'human', 'player', depth_world_player); playerRef = world.player; toggleAnimMode(world.player, 'default'); playerRef._visible = false; playerRef._x = playerStartX; playerRef._y = world.ground; playerRef._yscale = playerScale; playerRef._xscale = playerRef._yscale; if ( == 'female') { playerRef._xscale = femalePlayerScale - 3; playerRef._yscale = femalePlayerScale; } if (playerStartX > 100) { playerRef.currentFacing = 'left'; playerRef._xscale = -playerScale; } else { playerRef.currentFacing = 'right'; } playerRef.dir = ''; playerRef.charHeight = playerRef._height; playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; = 'player'; playerRef.player = true; playerRef.controlsLocked = false; playerRef.aimLocked = false; = health; playerRef.permHealth = permHealth; playerRef.healthMax = healthMax; playerRef.lastHealth = permHealth; playerRef.stamina = stamina; playerRef.staminaMax = staminaMax; =; playerRef.alive = true; playerRef.alerted = true; playerRef.crouched = false; playerRef.moving = false; playerRef.jumping = false; playerRef.standing = true; playerRef.falling = false; playerRef.landed = true; playerRef.firing = false; playerRef.firingAnim = false; playerRef.currentAngle = 0; playerRef.grabbed = false; playerRef.struggling = false; playerRef.jumpHeight = jumpHeight; playerRef.shoving = false; playerRef.meleeSwing = false; playerRef.firingAnim = false; playerRef.jumpAnim = false; playerRef.walkForwardAnim = false; playerRef.walkBackwardAnim = false; playerRef.endRoomLeft = false; playerRef.endRoomRight = false; playerRef.collideLeft = false; playerRef.collideRight = false; playerRef.collideTop = false; playerRef.collideBottom = false; playerRef.currentSpeed = player.speed; playerRef.climbing = false; playerRef.currClimbHeight = 0; playerRef.depth = 0; playerRef.lastCollision = null; playerRef.transitioning = false; playerRef.arms.torso.originX = playerRef.arms.torso._x; playerRef.arms.torso.originY = playerRef.arms.torso._y; playerRef.neck.originX = 0; playerRef.neck.originY = playerRef.neck._y; playerRef.head.originX = 10; playerRef.head.originY = playerRef.head._y; playerRef.reloading = false; playerRef.currentDamage = 0; playerRef.currentDamageRand = 0; if ( != undefined && != undefined) { playerRef.primaryWeapon =; playerRef.secondaryWeapon =; } else { playerRef.primaryWeapon = primaryWeapon; playerRef.secondaryWeapon = secondaryWeapon; } if ( != undefined) { playerRef.currentWeapon =; } else { playerRef.currentWeapon = currentWeapon; } if ( != undefined) { playerRef.storedWeapon =; } playerRef.weaponType = _root.weapon[playerRef.currentWeapon].weaponType; playerRef.weaponSkill = _root.weapon[playerRef.currentWeapon].skill; playerRef.primaryAmmo = primaryAmmo; playerRef.secondaryAmmo = secondaryAmmo; playerRef.gotoAndStop('standing'); playerRef.arms.lowerArm_backFront._visible = false; playerRef.arms.gotoAndStop(playerRef.weaponType); playerRef.arms.weapon.gotoAndStop(playerRef.currentWeapon); playerRef.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.gotoAndStop(playerRef.storedWeapon); playerRef.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; if (_root.weapon[playerRef.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { playerRef.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('meleeBackHand'); playerRef.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('meleeFrontHand'); } if (_root.weapon[playerRef.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { playerRef.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('holdHand'); playerRef.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('triggerHand'); } setPlayerClothingFromSave(); allOnScreen.push(playerRef); humansOnScreen.push(playerRef); decoratePlayer(playerRef); if (flashLightState == 'on') { flashLightOn(); } lightObject(playerRef); setupPlayerControl(); setCritChance(); getTotalWeight(); setWeightPenalty(); calculateStamina(); if ( == playerRef.primaryWeapon) { swapWeapons('primary'); } else { if ( == playerRef.secondaryWeapon) { swapWeapons('secondary'); } } if (firstLoad != true) { swapWeapons('current'); } updateInterface('health', null, true); } function decoratePlayer(playerRef) { if ( == true && playerRef == world.player) { playerRef.arms.torso.torso.backpack.gotoAndStop('premium'); playerRef.torsoAnim.torso.backpack.gotoAndStop('premium'); } if (playerRef.backpack == false) { playerRef.torsoAnim.torso.backpack._visible = false; playerRef.torsoAnim.torso.strapsFront._visible = false; playerRef.torsoAnim.torso.strapsBack._visible = false; playerRef.arms.torso.torso.backpack._visible = false; playerRef.arms.torso.torso.strapsFront._visible = false; playerRef.arms.torso.torso.strapsBack._visible = false; } playerRef.arms.lowerArm_backFront._visible = false; if ( == 'male') {'head1'); } if ( == 'female') {'head2'); } if ( == 'player') { playerRef.skinColour = player.skinColour; playerRef.hairColour = player.hairColour; playerRef.clothesTop = + '_' + player.clothesTop; playerRef.torsoAccessory = player.torsoAccessory; playerRef.headAccessory = player.headAccessory; playerRef.faceAccessory = player.faceAccessory; playerRef.eyesAccessory = player.eyesAccessory; playerRef.clothesBottom = + '_' + player.clothesBottom; playerRef.clothesShoe = player.clothesShoe; = + '_' +; playerRef.facialHair = player.facialHair; playerRef.arms.lowerArm_front.gotoAndStop( + '_none'); playerRef.arms.lowerArm_back.gotoAndStop( + '_none'); playerRef.arms.upperArm_front.gotoAndStop( + '_none'); playerRef.arms.upperArm_back.gotoAndStop( + '_none'); } else { playerRef.arms.lowerArm_front.gotoAndStop( + '_none'); playerRef.arms.lowerArm_back.gotoAndStop( + '_none'); playerRef.arms.upperArm_front.gotoAndStop( + '_none'); playerRef.arms.upperArm_back.gotoAndStop( + '_none'); } playerRef.arms.lowerArm_front.gotoAndStop('male_none'); playerRef.arms.lowerArm_back.gotoAndStop('male_none'); playerRef.arms.upperArm_front.gotoAndStop('male_none'); playerRef.arms.upperArm_back.gotoAndStop('male_none'); playerRef.lowerArm_frontAnim.gotoAndStop('male_none'); playerRef.lowerArm_backAnim.gotoAndStop('male_none'); playerRef.upperArm_frontAnim.gotoAndStop('male_none'); playerRef.upperArm_backAnim.gotoAndStop('male_none'); dText('Dec Hair Colour: ' + playerRef + ' - ' + playerRef.hairColour); playerRef.arms.lowerArm_front.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.arms.lowerArm_back.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.arms.upperArm_front.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.arms.upperArm_back.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.arms.torso.torso.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.arms.lowerArm_backFront.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.arms.torso.torso.accessories.gotoAndStop(playerRef.torsoAccessory); playerRef.head.accessories.gotoAndStop(playerRef.headAccessory); playerRef.head.accessoriesFace.gotoAndStop(playerRef.faceAccessory); playerRef.head.accessoriesEyes.gotoAndStop(playerRef.eyesAccessory); if ( == 'male') {'head1'); } if ( == 'female') {'head2'); } playerRef.lowerArm_frontAnim.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.lowerArm_backAnim.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.upperArm_frontAnim.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.upperArm_backAnim.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.torsoAnim.torso.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.lowerArm_backFrontAnim.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesTop); playerRef.torsoAnim.torso.accessories.gotoAndStop(playerRef.torsoAccessory); playerRef.headAnim.accessories.gotoAndStop(playerRef.headAccessory); playerRef.headAnim.accessoriesFace.gotoAndStop(playerRef.faceAccessory); playerRef.headAnim.accessoriesEyes.gotoAndStop(playerRef.eyesAccessory); playerRef.upperLeg_front.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesBottom); playerRef.upperLeg_back.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesBottom + 'Back'); playerRef.lowerLeg_front.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesBottom); playerRef.lowerLeg_back.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesBottom); playerRef.foot_front.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesShoe); playerRef.foot_back.gotoAndStop(playerRef.clothesShoe);; playerRef.head.facialHair.gotoAndStop(playerRef.facialHair);; playerRef.headAnim.facialHair.gotoAndStop(playerRef.facialHair); if (_root.weapon[playerRef.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { playerRef.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('meleeBackHand'); playerRef.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('meleeFrontHand'); } if (_root.weapon[playerRef.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { playerRef.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('holdHand'); playerRef.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('triggerHand'); } skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.hairColour); skinColor = new Color(playerRef.headAnim.facialHair.base); skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.hairColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.hairColour); skinColor = new Color(playerRef.head.facialHair.base); skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.hairColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); skinColor = new Color(; skinColor.setRGB(playerRef.skinColour); playerRef._visible = true; } function setMoveSpeed() { fitnessMoveBonus = * 0.02; } function setWeightPenalty() { weightMovePenalty = 0; if (totalWeight > player.carryWeight) { weightMovePenalty = 50; addAlert('TOO MUCH WEIGHT'); } } function setJumpHeight() { jumpHeightBase += * 0.04; jumpHeight = jumpHeightBase; } function characterGravity(target) { if (target.jumping == true && totalWeight <= player.carryWeight) { target.landed = false; if (target.jumpAnim == false) { target.jumpAnim = true; target.gotoAndPlay('jump'); } target._y -= target.jumpHeight; target.jumpHeight -= gravity; if (target.jumpHeight < 0) { target.falling = true; } if (target.jumpHeight < -10) { target.jumpHeight = -10; } if (target._y >= world.ground && target.falling) { target.jumpHeight = jumpHeightBase; target.jumping = false; target.landed = true; target.standing = true; target.crouched = false; target.falling = false; target.jumpAnim = false; playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; if ( == 'player') { if (target.moving == false) { target.gotoAndStop('standing'); } else { if (target._xscale > 0 && target.dir == 'right' || target._xscale < 0 && target.dir == 'left') { target.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } else { if (target._xscale > 0 && target.dir == 'left' || target._xscale < 0 && target.dir == 'right') { target.gotoAndPlay('walkBackward'); } } } } } } if (target.falling == true && target.jumping == false) { target._y -= target.jumpHeight; target.jumpHeight -= gravity; if (target._y >= world.ground && target.falling) { target.jumpHeight = jumpHeightBase; target.landed = true; target.jumping = false; target.standing = true; target.crouched = false; target.falling = false; target.jumpAnim = false; if (target.moving == false) { target.gotoAndStop('standing'); } else { if (target._xscale > 0 && target.dir == 'right' || target._xscale < 0 && target.dir == 'left') { target.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } else { if (target._xscale > 0 && target.dir == 'left' || target._xscale < 0 && target.dir == 'right') { target.gotoAndPlay('walkBackward'); } } } } } } function playerControls() { movePlayerPoint = new flash.geom.Point(world.player._x, world.player._y); world.localToGlobal(movePlayerPoint); playerCollideRight = false; playerCollideLeft = false; if (world.player.grabbed == true && world.player.grabber.alive != true) { endStruggle(world.player); } struggleControls(); if (world.player.alive == true && world.player.controlsLocked == false) { if (world.player._x <= moveEdgeBuffer && world.player.moving == true) { world.player.endRoomLeft = true; } if (world.player._x >= world.bounds._x + world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer && world.player.moving == true) { world.player.endRoomRight = true; } if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { keyMoveLeft = 81; } else { keyMoveLeft = 65; } if ((Key.isDown(keyMoveLeft) || Key.isDown(37)) && world.player.collideLeft != true && world.player.shoving != true) { if (!settingKeyboardAzerty) { aLocked = true; } helpLeft = true; aimingControl = 'unlocked'; playerMove('left'); playerMovingBackward = true; if (world.player._xscale > 0 && world.player.jumping == false && world.player.currentSpeed > 0) { if (playerMoveBackwardAnim == false && world.player.jumping == false) { playerMoveBackwardAnim = true; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; if (world.player.crouched == false) { world.player.gotoAndPlay('walkBackward'); if (runModifier == true) { endSprint(); } } if (world.player.crouched == true) { world.player.gotoAndPlay('crouchWalkBackward'); } } } else { if (world.player._xscale < 0 && world.player.jumping == false && world.player.currentSpeed > 0) { if (playerMoveForwardAnim == false) { playerMoveForwardAnim = true; playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; if (world.player.crouched == false && runModifier != true) { dText('WALKING!'); world.player.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } if (world.player.crouched == false && runModifier == true) { dText('SPRINTING!'); world.player.gotoAndPlay('sprint'); } if (world.player.crouched == true) { world.player.gotoAndPlay('crouchWalk'); } } } } } else { if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && world.player.collideRight != true && world.player.shoving == false) { aimingControl = 'unlocked'; playerMove('right'); playerMovingForward = true; helpRight = true; if (world.player._xscale < 0 && world.player.jumping == false && world.player.currentSpeed > 0) { if (playerMoveBackwardAnim == false) { playerMoveBackwardAnim = true; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; if (world.player.crouched == false) { world.player.gotoAndPlay('walkBackward'); if (runModifier == true) { endSprint(); } } if (world.player.crouched == true) { world.player.gotoAndPlay('crouchWalkBackward'); } } } else { if (playerMoveForwardAnim == false && world.player.jumping == false && world.player.currentSpeed > 0) { playerMoveForwardAnim = true; playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; if (world.player.crouched == false && runModifier != true) { dText('WALKING!'); world.player.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } if (world.player.crouched == false && runModifier == true) { dText('SPRINTING!'); world.player.gotoAndPlay('sprint'); } if (world.player.crouched == true) { world.player.gotoAndPlay('crouchWalk'); } } } } } if (Key.isDown(16)) { if (sprintLocked != true) { if (downKeyLocked != true && world.player.stamina > 0 && playerMoveBackwardAnim != true && world.player.currentSpeed > 0 && world.player.moving == true && world.player.crouched == false) { toggleAnimMode(world.player, 'anim'); world.player.reloading = false; world.player.firing = false; world.player.firingAnim = false; sprintLocked = true; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; runModifier = true; helpSprint = true; } } } if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { keyJump = 90; } else { keyJump = 87; } if (Key.isDown(keyJump) || Key.isDown(38)) { if (upKeyLocked == false) { upKeyLocked = true; if (world.player.jumping == false && world.player.standing == true && world.player.crouched == false) { if (world.player.stamina > 0) { reduceStamina('jump'); helpJump = true; world.player.standing = false; world.player.crouched = false; world.player.jumping = true; playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; skillTrack('fitness'); } } if (world.player.crouched == true) { world.player.gotoAndPlay('stand'); world.player.crouched = false; world.player.standing = true; playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; } } } if (Key.isDown(83) || Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(17)) { if (world.player.shoving == false && Key.isDown(16) != true) { if (downKeyLocked == false && world.player.crouched == false && world.player.jumping == false && world.player.falling == false && world.player.grabbed == false) { downKeyLocked = true; playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; world.player.gotoAndPlay('crouch'); world.player.standing = false; world.player.crouched = true; } if (downKeyLocked == false && world.player.crouched == true && settingToggleCrouch == true && world.player.grabbed == false) { downKeyLocked = true; world.player.gotoAndPlay('stand'); world.player.crouched = false; world.player.standing = true; playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; } } } if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (shoveKeyLocked == false && world.player.shoving == false) { shoveKeyLocked = true; if (world.player.struggling == true) { struggle(); } else { if (world.player.stamina > 0) { characterShove(world.player); skillTrack('fitness'); } } } } if (Key.isDown(49)) { if (swapWeaponsLocked == false && world.player.primaryWeapon != 'none' && world.player.firingAnim == false) { swapWeaponsLocked = true; swapWeapons('primary', null, world.player); helpWeaponSwitch = true; } } if (Key.isDown(50)) { if (swapWeaponsLocked == false && world.player.secondaryWeapon != 'none' && world.player.firingAnim == false) { swapWeaponsLocked = true; swapWeapons('secondary', null, world.player); helpWeaponSwitch = true; } } if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { var v1 = 63; } else { var v1 = 81; } if (Key.isDown(v1)) { if (swapWeaponsLocked == false && world.player.primaryWeapon != 'none' && world.player.secondaryWeapon != 'none' && world.player.firingAnim == false) { swapWeaponsLocked = true; swapWeapons(null, null, world.player); helpWeaponSwitch = true; } } if (Key.isDown(82)) { if (reloadLocked == false) { reloadLocked = true; if (world.player.reloading == false) { startReload(world.player); } } } if (Key.isDown(70)) { if (flashLightLocked == false) { flashLightLocked = true; if (flashLightState == 'on') { flashLightOff(); } else { flashLightOn(); } playSound('sound_flashlight'); } } } } function releaseCrouch() { if (settingToggleCrouch == false && world.player.grabbed == false && runModifier != true) { playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; world.player.gotoAndPlay('stand'); world.player.standing = true; world.player.crouched = false; } } function characterShove(shover) { if (shover.meleeSwing == false && shover.shoving == false && shover.firing == false && shover.firingAnim == false && shover.jumping == false) { helpShove = true; reduceStamina('shove'); shover.reloading = false; shover.shoving = true; shover.meleeSwing = false; shover.firing = false; if ( == 'player') { playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; } shover.firingAnim = false; if (shover.crouched == true) { shover.gotoAndPlay('shoveCrouched'); } else { shover.gotoAndPlay('shove'); } shover.arms.gotoAndPlay('shove'); shover.arms.torso.gotoAndPlay('shove'); playerExertSound(shover); shoveSwingSound(shover); } } function playerMove(dir) { movePlayerPoint = new flash.geom.Point(world.player._x, world.player._y); world.localToGlobal(movePlayerPoint); world.player.dir = dir; if (dir == 'left' && world.player.collideLeft == false && world.player.endRoomLeft == false && world.player.shoving == false) { world.player.endRoomRight = false; world.player.collideRight = false; if (world.player._xscale == -playerScale) { if (world.player.crouched == false) { world.player.moving = true; calcMoveSpeed(false, false); if (world.player.currentSpeed < 0) { world.player.currentSpeed = 0; } world.player._x -= world.player.currentSpeed; } else { world.player.moving = true; calcMoveSpeed(true, false); if (world.player.currentSpeed < 0) { world.player.currentSpeed = 0; } world.player._x -= world.player.currentSpeed; skillTrack('sneak'); } } else { if (world.player.crouched == false) { world.player.moving = true; calcMoveSpeed(false, true); if (world.player.currentSpeed < 0) { world.player.currentSpeed = 0; } world.player._x -= world.player.currentSpeed; } else { world.player.moving = true; calcMoveSpeed(true, true); if (world.player.currentSpeed < 0) { world.player.currentSpeed = 0; } world.player._x -= world.player.currentSpeed; skillTrack('sneak'); } } } if (dir == 'right' && world.player.collideRight == false && world.player.endRoomRight == false && world.player.shoving == false) { world.player.endRoomLeft = false; world.player.collideLeft = false; if (world.player._xscale == playerScale) { if (world.player.crouched == false) { world.player.moving = true; calcMoveSpeed(false, false); if (world.player.currentSpeed < 0) { world.player.currentSpeed = 0; } world.player._x += world.player.currentSpeed; } else { world.player.moving = true; calcMoveSpeed(true, false); if (world.player.currentSpeed < 0) { world.player.currentSpeed = 0; } world.player._x += world.player.currentSpeed; } } else { if (world.player.crouched == false) { world.player.moving = true; calcMoveSpeed(false, true); if (world.player.currentSpeed < 0) { world.player.currentSpeed = 0; } world.player._x += world.player.currentSpeed; } else { world.player.moving = true; calcMoveSpeed(true, true); if (world.player.currentSpeed < 0) { world.player.currentSpeed = 0; } world.player._x += world.player.currentSpeed; } } } } function calcMoveSpeed(crouched, backwards) { if (world.player.stamina <= 0) { runModifier = false; } if (crouched != true && backwards != true) { world.player.currentSpeed = player.speed + fitnessMoveBonus - weightMovePenalty; if (runModifier) { reduceStamina('run'); world.player.currentSpeed = (player.speed + fitnessMoveBonus - weightMovePenalty) * runSpeedMod; ++sprintCount; } } if (crouched != true && backwards == true) { world.player.currentSpeed = player.speed / walkBackwards - weightMovePenalty; } if (crouched == true && backwards != true) { world.player.currentSpeed = player.speed / walkCrouched + fitnessMoveBonus - weightMovePenalty; } if (crouched == true && backwards == true) { world.player.currentSpeed = player.speed / walkCrouchedBackwards + fitnessMoveBonus - weightMovePenalty; } } function idlePlayerPosition() { if (world.player.alive == true) { checkAch('sprint', Math.round(sprintCount / 3)); sprintCount = 0; world.player.moving = false; playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; playerMoveForwardAnim = false; if (runModifier == true) { endSprint(); } if (world.player.shoving == false && world.player.grabbed == false) { if (world.player.crouched == false) { world.player.gotoAndStop('standing'); } else { world.player.gotoAndStop('crouched'); } } } } function aimWeapon(char) { if (char.aimLocked == false && char.alive == true && char.controlsLocked == false) { if ( == 'player') { setCrosshairScale(); } var v3 = char.charHeight * 0.82; if (char.crouched == true) { v3 -= char.charHeight * 0.25; } char.armsOrigin = new flash.geom.Point(char._x, char._y - v3); char.mousePoint = new flash.geom.Point(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); if ( != 'player') { if (char.curTarget.collisionHead._x != undefined && char.curTarget.alive == true) { switch (char.curTarget.type) { case 'zombieRiotShield': case 'zombieRiot': char.tPoint = new flash.geom.Point(char.curTarget.collisionLegs._x, char.curTarget.collisionLegs._y); char.curTarget.localToGlobal(char.tPoint); break; case 'zombieRiotNoHelmet': char.tPoint = new flash.geom.Point(char.curTarget.collisionHead._x, char.curTarget.collisionHead._y); char.curTarget.localToGlobal(char.tPoint); break; case 'zombieCrawl': char.tPoint = new flash.geom.Point(char.curTarget.collisionLegs._x, char.curTarget.collisionLegs._y - chestHeadOffset); char.curTarget.localToGlobal(char.tPoint); break; default: char.tPoint = new flash.geom.Point(char.curTarget.collisionChest._x, char.curTarget.collisionChest._y - chestHeadOffset); char.curTarget.localToGlobal(char.tPoint); if (char.forcedTarget != undefined) { char.tPoint = new flash.geom.Point(char.curTarget._x, char.curTarget._y); } } } else { if (char.friendly != true) { char.tPoint = new flash.geom.Point(world.player.collisionChest._x, world.player.collisionChest._y - chestHeadOffset); world.player.localToGlobal(char.tPoint); } else { if (char.friendly == true && char.state == 'follow' && char.stationary != true) { char.tPoint = new flash.geom.Point(world.player.collisionChest._x, world.player.collisionChest._y - chestHeadOffset); world.player.localToGlobal(char.tPoint); } } } } world.localToGlobal(char.armsOrigin); if ( == 'player') { char.av = char.armsOrigin.x - char.mousePoint.x; = char.armsOrigin.y - char.mousePoint.y; } else { char.av = char.armsOrigin.x - char.tPoint.x; = char.armsOrigin.y - char.tPoint.y; } char.angle = Math.atan2(, char.av) * 57.29577951308232; if (char._xscale == playerScale) { char.currentAngle = Math.round(char.angle - aimAdjust); } if (char._xscale == -playerScale) { char.currentAngle = Math.round(char.angle - aimAdjust); } if (char.currentAngle == -180) { char.currentAngle = -179; } if (char.currentAngle == -270) { char.currentAngle = -269; } char.arms._rotation = Math.round(char.currentAngle); if (char.currentAngle != -180) { char.head._rotation = Math.round(char.currentAngle) - 180; char.arms.torso._rotation = -char.currentAngle; } if (char.arms._rotation >= -90 && char.arms._rotation < 90) { char._xscale = playerScale; char.currentFacing = 'right'; char.arms._yscale = 100; char.arms._xscale = 100; char.head._yscale = -100; char.head._xscale = -100; if (char.arms._rotation > 60) { char.arms._rotation = 60; char.arms.torso._rotation = -60; char.head._rotation = 60; char.head._yscale = 100; char.head._xscale = 100; } } if (char.arms._rotation > 90 && char.arms._rotation < 180 || char.arms._rotation > -180 && char.arms._rotation < -90) { char._xscale = -playerScale; char.currentFacing = 'left'; if (char.currentAngle == -180) { char.currentAngle = -179; } if (char.currentAngle == -270) { char.currentAngle = -269; } char.arms._yscale = -100; char.arms._xscale = -100; char.head._yscale = -100; char.head._xscale = -100; char.arms._rotation = -char.currentAngle; if (char.currentAngle != -180) { char.arms.torso._rotation = char.currentAngle - 180; char.head._rotation = -char.currentAngle; } if (char.arms._rotation > -120 && char.arms._rotation < 0) { char.arms._rotation = -120; char.arms.torso._rotation = -60; char.head._rotation = -120; } } if ( == 'player') { flPoint = new flash.geom.Point(char.arms.flashLightPoint._x, char.arms.flashLightPoint._y); char.arms.localToGlobal(flPoint);; world.flashLightBeam._x = flPoint.x; world.flashLightBeam._y = flPoint.y; if (char._xscale < 0) { world.flashLightBeam._xscale = -100; world.flashLightBeam._rotation = -(char.arms._rotation + char.arms.flashLightPoint._rotation) - 180; } if (char._xscale > 0) { world.flashLightBeam._xscale = -100; world.flashLightBeam._rotation = char.arms._rotation + char.arms.flashLightPoint._rotation - 180; } } } } function getAttributeMod(skill, attName) { var v2 = Math.round(player[skill] + _root.player[attName] * attributeMod - attributeBase); return v2; } function openCloseCharacter() { if (characterOpen == true) { closeCharacter(); showCrossHair(); } else { openCharacter(); hideCrosshair(); } } function openCharacter(level) { characterOpen = true; applyAttrPenalty(); playInterfaceSound('open'); activateLocked = true; closeStorage(); closePauseMenu(); closeTimePanel(); closeInventory(); closeAchievements(); closeJournal(); closeSearch(); closeDialog(); closeSecurity(); hideHUD(); hud.attachMovie('int_character', 'character', depth_hud_charSheet);'head1'); if ( == 'female') {'head2'); }, 0.1);, 0.1); + '_' +; hud.character.head.facialHair.gotoAndStop(player.facialHair);, 0.1); hud.character.head.facialHair.base.colorTo(player.hairColour, 0.1); if (level == true) { hud.character.exitBtn._visible = false; } updateCharacterInfo('player'); pauseGame(); if (player.attPoints > 0 || player.skillPoints > 0) { helpLevelUp = true; } } function closeCharacter() { if (characterOpen == true) { characterOpen = false; playInterfaceSound('close'); restorePointsUsed(); resetTempValues(); activateLocked = false; removeMovieClip(hud.character); saveGame(); updateInterface(); showHUD(); unPauseGame(); } } function calculateHungerState() { var v1 = Math.round(player.hunger / 25); if (v1 < 0) { v1 = 0; } if (v1 > 4) { v1 = 4; } return v1; } function calculateSleepState() { var v1 = Math.round(player.sleep / 25); if (v1 < 0) { v1 = 0; } if (v1 > 4) { v1 = 4; } return v1; } function updateCharacterInfo(charTarget) { updatePlayerVars(); hud.character.vitals._visible = true; if (gameMode != 'survivor') { hud.character.vitals._visible = false; } hud.character.confirm._visible = false; if (gameMode == 'runGun') { hud.character.gameMode.text = 'RUN & GUN'; } else { hud.character.gameMode.text = 'SURVIVOR'; } if (hardcore) { hud.character.gameMode.text += ' - HARDCORE'; } = _root[charTarget].charName.toUpperCase(); hud.character.level.text = 'LEVEL ' + _root[charTarget].level; hud.character.xp.text = 'XP: ' + XP + ' / ' + levelXP; = Math.round( + ' / ' + Math.round(world.player.healthMax); hud.character.healthBar._xscale = healthBarScale; hud.character.stamina.text = Math.round(world.player.stamina) + ' / ' + world.player.staminaMax; hud.character.staminaBar._xscale = stamBarScale; hud.character.weight.text = _root[charTarget].carryWeight + ' lbs'; hud.character.attRem._visible = false; hud.character.skillRem._visible = false; hud.character.vitals.hunger.text = hungerStates[calculateHungerState()].toUpperCase() + ' - ' + Math.round(100 - player.hunger) + '%'; hud.character.vitals.sleep.text = sleepStates[calculateSleepState()].toUpperCase() + ' - ' + Math.round(100 - player.sleep) + '%'; if (player.attPoints > 0) { hud.character.attRem._visible = true; hud.character.attRem.attributeRemaining.text = player.attPoints + ' POINTS REMAINING'; if (player.attPoints == 1) { hud.character.attRem.attributeRemaining.text = player.attPoints + ' POINT REMAINING'; } } if (player.skillPoints > 0) { hud.character.skillRem._visible = true; hud.character.skillRem.skillRemaining.text = player.skillPoints + ' POINTS REMAINING'; if (player.skillPoints == 1) { hud.character.skillRem.skillRemaining.text = player.skillPoints + ' POINT REMAINING'; } } for (all in allSkills) { var v2 = _root['skill_' + allSkills[all]].attr; var v3 = getAttributeMod(allSkills[all], v2); var v4 = _root[allSkills[all] + 'temp'] + v3 + _root[v2 + 'temp']; hud.character[allSkills[all]].skillNumber.text = Math.round(v4); if (player.attPoints <= 0 && player.skillPoints <= 0) { if (hud.character[allSkills[all]].levelUpControls.minus._visible == true) { hud.character.confirm._visible = true; } } if (player.skillPoints > 0) { hud.character[allSkills[all]] = true; } else { hud.character[allSkills[all]] = false; } } for (all in allAttributes) { hud.character[allAttributes[all] + 'Pen'].text = ''; if (hungerPenalty > 0 && (allAttributes[all] == 'strength' || allAttributes[all] == 'endurance')) { hud.character[allAttributes[all] + 'Pen'].text = '-' + hungerPenalty; } if (sleepPenalty > 0 && (allAttributes[all] == 'precision' || allAttributes[all] == 'intellect')) { hud.character[allAttributes[all] + 'Pen'].text = '-' + sleepPenalty; } var v5 = player[allAttributes[all]] + _root[allAttributes[all] + 'temp']; hud.character[allAttributes[all]].skillNumber.text = Math.round(v5); penTextRest = new TextFormat(); penTextRest.color = 16777215; hud.character[allAttributes[all]].skillNumber.setTextFormat(penTextRest); hud.character.vitals.hunger.setTextFormat(penTextRest); hud.character.vitals.sleep.setTextFormat(penTextRest); penText = new TextFormat(); penText.color = 13382400; if (hungerPenalty > 0) { hud.character.vitals.hunger.setTextFormat(penText); if (allAttributes[all] == 'strength' || allAttributes[all] == 'endurance') { hud.character[allAttributes[all]].skill.setTextFormat(penText); hud.character[allAttributes[all]].skillNumber.setTextFormat(penText); } } if (sleepPenalty > 0) { hud.character.vitals.sleep.setTextFormat(penText); if (allAttributes[all] == 'intellect' || allAttributes[all] == 'precision') { hud.character[allAttributes[all]].skill.setTextFormat(penText); hud.character[allAttributes[all]].skillNumber.setTextFormat(penText); } } if (player.attPoints <= 0 && player.skillPoints <= 0) { if (hud.character[allSkills[all]].levelUpControls.minus._visible == true) { hud.character.confirm._visible = true; } } if (player.attPoints > 0) { hud.character[allAttributes[all]] = true; } else { hud.character[allAttributes[all]] = false; } } } function characterBtnSkills(btnName, type) { hud.character.confirm._visible = false; hud.character[btnName].skill.text = _root['skill_' + btnName].title; var v3 = _root[charTarget][btnName] + _root[btnName + 'temp']; hud.character[btnName].skillNumber.text = v3; hud.character[btnName].levelUpControls._visible = false; hud.character[btnName].levelUpControls.minus._visible = false; if (type == 'attribute' && _root.player.attPoints > 0) { hud.character[btnName].levelUpControls._visible = true; hud.character[btnName].levelUpControls.minus._visible = false; } if (type == 'skill' && _root.player.skillPoints > 0) { hud.character[btnName].levelUpControls._visible = true; hud.character[btnName].levelUpControls.minus._visible = false; } hud.character[btnName].backing.onRollOver = function () { hud.character.descTitle.text = _root['skill_' + btnName].title; hud.character.desc.text = _root['skill_' + btnName].desc; if (btnName == 'strength' || btnName == 'endurance' || btnName == 'intellect' || btnName == 'precision') { if (hungerPenalty > 0 && (btnName == 'strength' || btnName == 'endurance')) { hud.character.attrInfo.attr.text = btnName.toUpperCase(); hud.character.attrInfo.numbers.text = _root.player[btnName] + ' (-' + _root.hungerPenalty + ')'; hud.character.attrInfo.youNeed.text = 'YOU NEED FOOD'; hud.character.attrInfo._y = this._parent._y; } if (sleepPenalty > 0 && (btnName == 'intellect' || btnName == 'precision')) { hud.character.attrInfo.attr.text = btnName.toUpperCase(); hud.character.attrInfo.numbers.text = _root.player[btnName] + ' (-' + _root.sleepPenalty + ')'; hud.character.attrInfo.youNeed.text = 'YOU NEED SLEEP'; hud.character.attrInfo._y = this._parent._y; } } }; hud.character[btnName].backing.onRollOut = function () { hud.character.attrInfo._y = -400; }; hud.character[btnName] = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); addPoint(btnName, type); updateCharacterInfo('player'); }; hud.character[btnName].levelUpControls.minus.onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage2'); removePoint(btnName, type); updateCharacterInfo('player'); }; updateCharacterInfo('player'); } function confirmButton(btnName) { hud.character[btnName]._visible = false; hud.character[btnName].onPress = function () { confirmStats(); closeCharacter(); getTotalWeight(); setWeightPenalty(); }; } function charCloseButton(btnName) { hud.character[btnName].onPress = function () { if (_root.player.attPoints == 0 && _root.player.skillPoints == 0) { closeCharacter(); } else { showDialogBox(dialog_levelUpPoints); } }; } function savePlayer() { showSaveAnim('player'); = new Object(); for (var v1 in player) {[v1] = player[v1]; } =; = XP; } function loadPlayer() { if ( != undefined) { for (var v1 in { player[v1] =[v1]; } loadSkillTrack(); XP =; } else { newCharacter(); resetSkillTrack(); } } function resetRegenTimer() { regenTimer = regenTimeMax; } function playerHealthRegen() { if ( < world.player.permHealth) { --regenTimer; if (regenTimer <= 0) { var v2 = world.player.healthMax / 200; var v1 = v2 * ((player.endurance + Math.round(player.survival / 5)) / 2); += v1; if ( > world.player.permHealth) { = world.player.permHealth; } updateInterface('health', null, true); } } } function applyAttrPenalty() { if (gameMode == 'survivor') { var v1 = 70; if (player.sleep > v1) { sleepPenalty = Math.round((player.sleep - v1) / 3); } else { sleepPenalty = 0; } if (player.hunger > v1) { hungerPenalty = Math.round((player.hunger - v1) / 3); } else { hungerPenalty = 0; } player.precision = player.precisionBase - sleepPenalty; player.intellect = player.intellectBase - sleepPenalty; player.endurance = player.enduranceBase - hungerPenalty; player.strength = player.strengthBase - hungerPenalty; if (player.precision < 1) { player.precision = 1; } if (player.intellect < 1) { player.intellect = 1; } if (player.endurance < 1) { player.endurance = 1; } if (player.strength < 1) { player.strength = 1; } dText('Applied Attr Pen: ' + hungerPenalty + ' to ' + player.strengthBase); } } function adjustVital(vital, incDec, num) { if (vital == 'sleep') { if (incDec == 'incNeed' && player.sleep < 100) { player.sleep += num; if (player.sleep > 100) { player.sleep = 100; } } if (incDec == 'decNeed' && player.sleep > 0) { player.sleep -= Math.round(num * 10); if (player.sleep < 0) { player.sleep = 0; } } } if (vital == 'hunger') { if (incDec == 'incNeed' && player.hunger < 100) { player.hunger += num; if (player.hunger > 100) { player.hunger = 100; } } if (incDec == 'decNeed' && player.hunger > 0) { player.hunger -= num; if (player.hunger < 0) { player.hunger = 0; } } } if (player.sleep == 100) { checkAch('noSleep'); } if (player.hunger == 100) { checkAch('noFood'); } applyAttrPenalty(); } function degradeVitals() { --sleepTimer; if (sleepTimer == 0) { sleepTimer = sleepHoursDegrade; adjustVital('sleep', 'incNeed', 0.15); } --hungerTimer; if (hungerTimer == 0) { hungerTimer = hungerHoursDegrade; adjustVital('hunger', 'incNeed', hungerRate); } } function fillSleep() { adjustVital('sleep', 'decNeed', 100); } function emptySleep() { adjustVital('sleep', 'incNeed', 100); } function fillHunger() { adjustVital('hunger', 'decNeed', 100); } function emptyHunger() { adjustVital('hunger', 'incNeed', 100); } function calculateStamina() { world.player.staminaMax = Math.round(player.level + player.endurance + hungerPenalty + adjustedSkill('fitness') + staminaBase); if ( != undefined) { world.player.stamina =; } else { world.player.stamina = world.player.staminaMax; } world.player.staminaRegen = Math.round((player.endurance + adjustedSkill('fitness')) / 20); if (world.player.staminaRegen < minStamRegen) { world.player.staminaRegen = minStamRegen; } updateInterface('stamina'); } function endSprint() { toggleAnimMode(world.player, 'default'); runModifier = false; } function reduceStamina(type) { var v1 = 0; switch (type) { case 'run': v1 = staminaRun; break; case 'shove': v1 = staminaShove; break; case 'jump': v1 = staminaJump; break; default: } var v3 = adjustedSkill('fitness') / 10; var v2 = v1 - (v1 / 100) * v3; world.player.stamina -= v2; if (world.player.stamina <= 0 && stamAlert == false) { stamAlert = true; addAlert('LOW STAMINA'); world.player.stamina = 0; playSoundLowStamina(); endSprint(); } stamRegenCount = stamRegenDelay; updateInterface('stamina'); } function staminaRegen() { --stamRegenCount; if (stamRegenCount < 0 && world.player.stamina < world.player.staminaMax) { world.player.stamina += world.player.staminaRegen; stamAlert = false; if (world.player.stamina > world.player.staminaMax) { world.player.stamina = world.player.staminaMax; } updateInterface('stamina'); } } function adjustedSkill(skillName) { var v2 = _root.player[_root['skill_' + skillName].attr]; var v3 = Math.round(player[skillName] + v2 * attributeMod - attributeBase); return v3; } function checkLevelUp() { if (needToLevelUp == true) { levelUp(); needToLevelUp = false; } } function resetTempValues() { for (all in allSkills) { _root[allSkills[all] + 'temp'] = 0; } for (all in allAttributes) { _root[allAttributes[all] + 'temp'] = 0; } } function resetCharLevel() { player.level = 1; setupExperience(); } function levelUp() { if (player.attPoints > 0 || player.skillPoints > 0) { checkAch('forgetLevel'); } showHelp('levelUp'); playSound('sound_levelUp'); XP = 0; resetTempValues(); ++player.level; setupExperience(); player.attPoints += playerAttPoints; player.skillPoints += playerSkillPoints; showLevelUpAnim(); } function addSkillPoints(target, amount) { if (player[target] < skillMax) { player[target] += amount; } if (player[target] > skillMax) { player[target] = skillMax; } if (player[target] >= 50) { checkAch('skillful'); } if (player[target] >= 100) { checkAch('masterful'); } } function addPoint(target, type) { if (player[target] + _root[target + 'temp'] < _root[type + 'Max']) { if (type == 'attribute' && player.attPoints > 0) { --player.attPoints; ++_root[target + 'temp']; ++attPointsUsed; hud.character[target].levelUpControls.minus._visible = true; } else { if (type == 'skill' && player.skillPoints > 0) { --player.skillPoints; ++_root[target + 'temp']; ++skillPointsUsed; hud.character[target].levelUpControls.minus._visible = true; } } } } function removePoint(target, type) { if (_root[target + 'temp'] + player[target] > player[target]) { if (type == 'attribute') { ++player.attPoints; --attPointsUsed; } else { ++player.skillPoints; --skillPointsUsed; } --_root[target + 'temp']; hud.character[target] = true; } if (_root[target + 'temp'] <= 0) { hud.character[target].levelUpControls.minus._visible = false; } } function confirmStats() { for (all in allSkills) { player[allSkills[all]] += _root[allSkills[all] + 'temp']; if (adjustedSkill(allSkills[all]) >= 50) { checkAch('skillful'); } if (adjustedSkill(allSkills[all]) >= 100) { checkAch('masterful'); } } for (all in allAttributes) { player[allAttributes[all]] += _root[allAttributes[all] + 'temp']; player[allAttributes[all] + 'Base'] += _root[allAttributes[all] + 'temp']; } resetTempValues(); attPointsUsed = 0; skillPointsUsed = 0; setPlayerHealthMax(true); fullHealth(); updateInterface(null, null, true); savePlayer(); } function restorePointsUsed() { player.attPoints += attPointsUsed; player.skillPoints += skillPointsUsed; attPointsUsed = 0; skillPointsUsed = 0; } function setupExperience() { baseXP = Math.round(dangerLevel * 5) + 5; levelXP = Math.round(levelXPMult * player.level * (player.level * 5) / 100) * 100; if (player.level <= 1) { lastLevelXP = 0; } } function showAllLevels() { sal = 1; while (sal < levelCap) { var v1 = Math.round(sal * 5) + 5; var v2 = Math.round(levelXPMult * sal * v1 / 100) * 100; ++sal; } } function adjustXP(reason, target, amount) { var v1 = 0; var v2 = 0; switch (reason) { case 'skillUse_reload': v1 = Math.round(skillUse_reload + player.level); break; case 'skillUse_search': v1 = Math.round(skillUse_search + player.level); v1 += Math.ceil(adjustedSkill('smarts') / xpSmartsBonusDiv); break; case 'skillUse_aid': v1 = Math.round(skillUse_aid + player.level); v1 += Math.ceil(adjustedSkill('smarts') / xpSmartsBonusDiv); break; case 'skillUse_security': v1 = Math.round(skillUse_security + player.level); v1 += Math.ceil(adjustedSkill('smarts') / xpSmartsBonusDiv); break; case 'kill': v1 = Math.round(baseXP * target.xpBonus); break; case 'quest': v1 = amount; break; case 'death': dText('CURR XP: ' + XP); v2 = Math.round(XP / xpRespawnPen); dText('DEATH XP PEN: ' + v2); } if (player.level - dangerLevel <= XPcutOff || reason != 'kill') { XP += v1; } else { v1 = 0; } XP -= v2; if (XP < 0) { XP = 0; dText('DEATH XP IS LESS THAN LASTLEVEL XP: ' + XP); } if (XP >= levelXP && needToLevelUp == false) { if (player.level < levelCap) { needToLevelUp = true; } } if (reason == 'kill') { showXPText(v1, target, true); } else { showXPText(v1, target); } updateInterface('XP'); } function showXPText(amount, target, fromEnemy) { if (settingShowXPText && amount > 0) { ++xpTexts; if (xpTexts > 50) { xpTexts = 0; } hud.attachMovie('overlay_xp', 'xpText' + xpTexts, depth_hud_xpText + xpTexts); var v2 = hud['xpText' + xpTexts]; v2.txt.text = '+' + amount + ' XP'; v2._x = Stage.width / 2; v2._y = Stage.height - 62; v2.ySlideTo(Stage.height - 70, 2); v2.alphaTo(0, 1, 'linear', 1, function () { --xpTexts; removeMovieClip(this); }); } if (settingShowXPText && amount == 0 && fromEnemy == true) { ++xpTexts; if (xpTexts > 50) { xpTexts = 0; } hud.attachMovie('overlay_xp', 'xpText' + xpTexts, depth_hud_xpText + xpTexts); v2 = hud['xpText' + xpTexts]; v2.txt.text = 'NO XP - ENEMY LEVEL TOO LOW'; v2.txt._visible = false; v2.txt.colorTo(10066329, 0, 'linear', 0, function () { this._visible = true; }); v2._x = Stage.width / 2; v2._y = Stage.height - 62; v2.ySlideTo(Stage.height - 70, 2); v2.alphaTo(0, 1, 'linear', 1, function () { --xpTexts; removeMovieClip(this); }); } } function skillTrack(skill, multiplier) { skillTrackAdd = 0; switch (skill) { case 'blunt': skillTrackAdd = 5; break; case 'blades': skillTrackAdd = 5; break; case 'pistols': skillTrackAdd = 1; break; case 'automatics': skillTrackAdd = 1; break; case 'longGuns': skillTrackAdd = 1; break; case 'specialWeapons': skillTrackAdd = 1; break; case 'sneak': skillTrackAdd = 0.1; break; case 'firstAid': skillTrackAdd = 1; break; case 'explosives': skillTrackAdd = 1; break; case 'searching': skillTrackAdd = 5; break; case 'security': skillTrackAdd = 1; break; case 'speech': skillTrackAdd = 1; break; case 'survival': skillTrackAdd = 1; break; case 'fitness': skillTrackAdd = 3; break; default: } if (multiplier != undefined) { _root[skill + '_used'] += skillTrackAdd * multiplier; } else { _root[skill + '_used'] += skillTrackAdd; } } function saveSkillTrack() { for (all in allSkills) {[allSkills[all] + '_used'] = _root[allSkills[all] + '_used']; } } function loadSkillTrack() { for (all in allSkills) { if ([allSkills[all] + '_used'] != undefined) { _root[allSkills[all] + '_used'] =[allSkills[all] + '_used']; } else { _root[allSkills[all] + '_used'] = 0; } } } function resetSkillTrack() { for (all in allSkills) { _root[allSkills[all] + '_used'] = 0; } } function tst() { for (all in allSkills) { } } function checkContEmpty(contObj) { currContEmptyCheck = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' +; if ([currContEmptyCheck] != undefined) { if ([currContEmptyCheck].length <= 0) { return true; } } } function searchContainer(contName, contObj) { luckyItem1 = ''; luckyItem2 = ''; luckyItem3 = ''; currentContainerSave = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + contName; if ([currentContainerSave].length != undefined && searchDebug == false) { } else { adjustXP('skillUse_search'); skillTrack('searching'); checkAch('search'); currentContents = new Array();[currentContainerSave] = new Array();[currentContainerSave + '_ul'] = true;[currentContainerSave + '_br'] = false; ccp = 0; while (ccp < _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom][contName].cnt.length) { var v4 = getIDFromRef(_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom][contName].cnt[ccp], 'ref'); var v8 = v4.substring(0, 1); if (v4 != undefined) {[currentContainerSave].push(v4); } ++ccp; } if (random(randomSearchRange) <= randomSearchChance && _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom][contName].noJunk != true) { var v9 = Math.round(random(randomSearchUnits) - player.searching / 10); if (v9 <= 0) { v9 = 0; } ars = 0; while (ars < v9) { var v5 = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].type; var v6 = random(_root[v5 + 'Junk'].length); v4 = getIDFromRef(_root[v5 + 'Junk'][v6].ref, 'ref'); if (v4 != undefined) {[currentContainerSave].push(v4); } ++ars; } } var v12 = Math.round(luckSearchChance + player.luck * 5 + player.searching * 2); var v10 = random(luckSearchUnits) + 1; var v15 = random(luckSearchRange); if (v15 <= v12 && _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom][contName].noJunk != true) { ars = 0; while (ars < v10) { checkAch('luckyFind'); var v2 = Math.round(random(dangerLevel) + 1); v2 += Math.round(random(player.luck / 4)); dText('Drop Item Rarity: ' + v2); if (v2 > numRarities) { v2 = numRarities; } var v3 = random(_root['rarity' + v2].length); _root['luckyItem' + (ars + 1)] = getIDFromRef(_root['rarity' + v2][v3].ref); if (_root['luckyItem' + (ars + 1)] != undefined && _root['rarity' + v2][v3].ref != undefined) {[currentContainerSave].push(_root['luckyItem' + (ars + 1)]); } ++ars; } } if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].type == 'anywhere') { if (random(100) <= dropRateCash && _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom][contName].noJunk != true) { var v11 = Math.round(dangerLevel * cashAmountMod + player.luck); if (v11 > totalCashObj) { v11 = totalCashObj; } var v14 = getRandRange(1, Math.ceil(v11 / searchCashMod)); var v13 = getIDFromRef('cash_' + v14, 'ref'); if (v13 != undefined) {[currentContainerSave].push(v13); } } }[currentContainerSave].sort(function () { return Math.round(Math.random()); }); } showSearch(contObj,[currentContainerSave], luckyItem1, luckyItem2, luckyItem3); } function updateSearchInterface() { updateInventory(); hud.searchPanel.currentWeight.text = roundDecimal(totalWeight, 1) + '/' + player.carryWeight + ' Ibs'; hud.searchPanel.totalWeight.text = roundDecimal(totalSearchWeight, 1) + ' Ibs'; } function showSearch(container, contents, luckyItem1, luckyItem2, luckyItem3) { helpSearch = true; playSearchSound(); hideHUD(); unpauseGame = null; currentScrollFocus = 'search'; world.player.controlsLocked = true; searchOpen = true; pauseGame(); hideCrosshair(); hud.attachMovie('int_search', 'searchPanel', depth_hud_search); hud.searchPanel._x = Stage.width / 2; hud.searchPanel._y = Stage.height / 2 - 7; totalSearchItems = contents.length; totalSearchWeight = 0; itemList = new Array(); hud.searchPanel.luckyNote._visible = false; ss = 0; while (ss < contents.length) { var v4 = getRefFromID(contents[ss], 'ref'); var v3 = getRefFromID(contents[ss], 'type'); totalSearchWeight += _root[v3][v4].weight; hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer.attachMovie('searchItem', 'item' + ss, 10 + ss); curSearchItem = hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + ss]; curSearchItem._y = ss * 30; curSearchItem.index = ss; = _root[v3][v4].name; curSearchItem.ref = v4; curSearchItem.i = _root[v3][v4].i; curSearchItem.type = v3; curSearchItem.weight = _root[v3][v4].weight; curSearchItem.baseAlpha = itemGreyAlpha; curSearchItem.luckyFind = false; curSearchItem.lucky._visible = false; if (luckyItem1 == curSearchItem.i) { curSearchItem.lucky._visible = true; curSearchItem.luckyFind = true; hud.searchPanel.luckyNote._visible = true; luckyItem1 = null; } if (luckyItem2 == curSearchItem.i) { curSearchItem.lucky._visible = true; curSearchItem.luckyFind = true; hud.searchPanel.luckyNote._visible = true; luckyItem2 = null; } if (luckyItem3 == curSearchItem.i) { curSearchItem.lucky._visible = true; curSearchItem.luckyFind = true; hud.searchPanel.luckyNote._visible = true; luckyItem3 = null; } if (ss % 2 == 1) { curSearchItem.backing._alpha = 0; curSearchItem.baseAlpha = 0; } curSearchItem.itemName.text =; curSearchItem.weightText.text = curSearchItem.weight; curSearchItem.onRollOver = function () { this.backing.gotoAndStop('over'); this.backing._alpha = 100; this.itemName.colorTo(16777215, 0); this.weightText.colorTo(16777215, 0); _root.updateItemInfo(, this.type, this.ref); }; curSearchItem.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.backing.gotoAndStop('off'); this.backing._alpha = this.baseAlpha; this.itemName.colorTo(0, 0.1); this.weightText.colorTo(10027008, 0.1); }; curSearchItem.onDragOut = curSearchItem.onReleaseOutside; curSearchItem.onRollOut = curSearchItem.onReleaseOutside; curSearchItem.onPress = function () { takeSearchItem(contents, this.ref, this, this.type); }; if (curSearchItem.ref != undefined) { itemList.push(curSearchItem); } ++ss; } hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y = searchScrollTop; checkHideSearchScroll(); hud.searchPanel.containerName.text = container.desc.toUpperCase(); hud.searchPanel.itemName.text = ''; hud.searchPanel.currentWeight.text = totalWeight + '/' + player.carryWeight + ' Ibs'; hud.searchPanel.totalWeight.text = totalSearchWeight + ' Ibs'; updateItemInfo(); if (hud.searchPanel.scrollBar._visible == true) { hud.searchPanel.scrollBar.onPress = function () { startDrag(this, true, 18, -56, 18, 94); this.dragging = true; }; hud.searchPanel.scrollBar.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.dragging == true) { var v4 = Math.abs(94 - this._y); var v9 = (v4 / 150) * 100; var v5 = (100 - v9) / 100; var v6 = (_root.hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height - 180) * v5; _root.hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y = -v6; } if (_root.scrolling == true) { var v7 = _root.hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height; var v3 = 150 / (v7 - 180); var v8 = (v3 * (scrollAmount * 2.6) / _root.hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height) * 100; this._y -= v8; if (this._y < -56) { this._y = -56; } if (this._y > 94) { this._y = 94; } } }; hud.searchPanel.scrollBar.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; checkHideSearchScroll(); }; hud.searchPanel.scrollBar.onRelease = hud.searchPanel.scrollBar.onReleaseOutside; } hud.searchPanel.exit.onRelease = function () { _root.closeSearch(); }; hud.searchPanel.takeAll.onRelease = function () { _root.takeAllSearchItems(); }; updateSearchInterface(); } function takeSearchItem(contents, itemRef, btnName, itemType) { --totalSearchItems; playPickupSound(); totalWeight += _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; totalSearchWeight -= _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; if (totalSearchWeight <= 0) { totalSearchWeight = 0; } tsi = 0; while (tsi < contents.length) { var v4 = getRefFromID(contents[tsi], 'ref'); if (v4 == itemRef) { addToInventory(itemRef); contents.splice(tsi, 1); _root.searchReshuffle(btnName.index); removeMovieClip(btnName); break; } ++tsi; } if (contents.length == 0) { totalSearchWeight = 0; } updateSearchInterface(); } function takeAllSearchItems() { if (totalWeight + totalSearchWeight <= player.carryWeight) { var v2 =[currentContainerSave].length; tai = 0; while (tai < v2) { var v1 = getRefFromID([currentContainerSave][0], 'ref'); addToInventory(v1);[currentContainerSave].splice(0, 1); ++tai; } totalSearchItems = 0; totalWeight += totalSearchWeight; totalSearchWeight = 0; for (asb in itemList) { removeMovieClip(itemList[asb]); } updateSearchInterface(); closeSearch(); } } function checkHideSearchScroll() { if (_root.hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height < scrollBarHide) { _root.hud.searchPanel.scrollBar._visible = false; _root.hud.searchPanel.scrollBarLine._visible = false; _root.hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y = searchScrollTop; } if (_root.hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height < scrollBarHide) { _root.hud.inventory.scrollBar._visible = false; _root.hud.inventory.scrollBarLine._visible = false; _root.hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y = searchScrollTop; } if (_root.hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height >= scrollBarHide) { _root.hud.inventory.scrollBar._visible = true; _root.hud.inventory.scrollBarLine._visible = true; } } function searchReshuffle(removeIndex) { srs = 0; while (srs < 20) { if (hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].index >= removeIndex) { hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].index -= 1; hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs]._y -= 30; } if (hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].index % 2 == 1) { hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].backing._alpha = 0; hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].baseAlpha = 0; } else { hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].backing._alpha = itemGreyAlpha; hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer['item' + srs].baseAlpha = itemGreyAlpha; } ++srs; } checkHideSearchScroll(); } function closeSearch(dontUnpause) { if (searchOpen == true) { playSearchCloseSound(); } showHUD(); searchOpen = false; removeMovieClip(hud.searchPanel); showCrosshair(); var v1 = setTimeout(function () { world.player.controlsLocked = false; }, 300); if (dontUnpause != true) { unPauseGame(); } } function updateItemInfo(itemName, itemType, itemRef) { hud.searchPanel.itemName.text = itemName.toUpperCase(); hud.searchPanel.itemName._y = -92; var v5 = 147; var v6 = 0.5; hud.searchPanel.itemName.autoSize = 'left'; var v3 = hud.searchPanel.itemName.getTextFormat(); hud.searchPanel.itemName.size = v5; hud.searchPanel.itemName.setTextFormat(v3); while (hud.searchPanel.itemName.width > v5) { --v3.size; hud.searchPanel.itemName._y += v6; hud.searchPanel.itemName.setTextFormat(v3); } hud.searchPanel.desc.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].desc; hud.searchPanel.itemIcon.gotoAndStop(_root[itemType][itemRef].icon); if (itemName == undefined) { hud.searchPanel.itemName.text = ''; hud.searchPanel.desc.text = ''; } hud.searchPanel.field1.text = ''; hud.searchPanel.field2.text = ''; hud.searchPanel.field3.text = ''; hud.searchPanel.field4.text = ''; if (itemType == 'junk') { hud.searchPanel.field1.text = ''; hud.searchPanel.field2.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.searchPanel.field3.text = ''; hud.searchPanel.field4.text = ''; } if (itemType == 'food') { hud.searchPanel.field1.text = ''; hud.searchPanel.field2.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.searchPanel.field3.text = 'EFFECT: +' + _root[itemType][itemRef].bonus; hud.searchPanel.field4.text = ''; } if (itemType == 'meds') { hud.searchPanel.field1.text = ''; hud.searchPanel.field2.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.searchPanel.field3.text = 'EFFECT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].effect.toUpperCase(); hud.searchPanel.field4.text = ''; } if (itemType == 'books') { hud.searchPanel.field1.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.searchPanel.field2.text = 'EFFECT: '; hud.searchPanel.field3.text = _root[itemType][itemRef].effect; hud.searchPanel.field4.text = ''; } if (itemType == 'weapon') { hud.searchPanel.field1.text = 'WEIGHT: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].weight; hud.searchPanel.field2.text = 'DMG: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].damage; hud.searchPanel.field3.text = 'RNDS: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].maxAmmo; hud.searchPanel.field4.text = 'KNOCKBACK: ' + _root[itemType][itemRef].knockback + '%'; } } function collisionDoors() { for (pdc in allDoors) { var v1 = new flash.geom.Point(_xmouse, _ymouse); world.globalToLocal(v1); if (v1.x > allDoors[pdc]._x - allDoors[pdc]._width / 2 && v1.x < allDoors[pdc]._x + allDoors[pdc]._width / 2 && v1.y < allDoors[pdc]._y + allDoors[pdc]._height / 2 && v1.y > allDoors[pdc]._y - allDoors[pdc]._height / 2) { currentDoorFocus = allDoors[pdc]; currentFocusType = 'door'; world.doorHighlight._alpha = 0; world.attachMovie('searchHighlight', 'doorHighlight', depth_world_searchHighlight); world.doorHighlight.frame._visible = false; if (allDoors[pdc]._xscale > 0) { world.doorHighlight._xscale = -100; } world.doorHighlight._x = allDoors[pdc]._x; world.doorHighlight._y = allDoors[pdc]._y; world.doorHighlight._alpha = 50; if (Math.abs(world.player._x - allDoors[pdc]._x) < allDoors[pdc]._width + doorRange) { world.doorHighlight._alpha = 100; hud.interactText.text = '[E] OPEN'; insideDoorRange = true; } break; } else { currentDoorFocus = null; insideDoorRange = false; removeMovieClip(world.doorHighlight); } } } function openRoom(room) { checkIfDoorLocked(room._name, room); if (room.locked != true) { lastRoom = roomNumber; changeRooms('room', null, room.num); } else { attemptUnlockDoor(room, 'room'); } } function upRoom(room) { lastRoom = roomNumber; changeRooms('uprm', null, room.num); } function downRoom(room) { lastRoom = roomNumber; changeRooms('dnrm', null, room.num); } function leftRoom(room) { changeRooms('ltrm', null, room.num); } function rightRoom(room) { changeRooms('rtrm', null, room.num); } function openDoor(door) { checkIfDoorLocked(door._name, door); if (door.locked != true) { if (world.player._x > door._x) { if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor]['r' + (roomNumber - 1)] != undefined) { changeRooms('left'); } else { playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } } else { if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor]['r' + (roomNumber + 1)] != undefined) { changeRooms('right'); } else { playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } } } else { attemptUnlockDoor(door, 'door'); } } function moveStreet(streetObj) { if (streetObj._x < world.bounds._width / 2) { if (_root[currentLocation]['s' + (streetNumber - 1)] != undefined) { changeRooms('streetLeft'); } } else { if (_root[currentLocation]['s' + (streetNumber + 1)] != undefined) { changeRooms('streetRight'); } } } function openExitDoor(buildingRef) { checkIfDoorLocked(currentFocus._name, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { changeRooms('outside', buildingRef); } else { attemptUnlockDoor(currentFocus, 'exit', buildingRef); } } function openEntranceDoor(buildingRef) { checkIfDoorLocked(currentFocus._name, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { var v3 = buildingRef.substring(4, 10); if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet]['b' + v3].f1.r1 != undefined) { changeRooms('inside', buildingRef); } else { playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } } else { attemptUnlockDoor(currentFocus, 'entrance', buildingRef); } } function stairsUp(buildingRef) { checkIfDoorLocked(currentFocus._name, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding]['f' + (floorNumber + 1)][currentRoom] != undefined) { changeRooms('upstairs'); } } else { attemptUnlockDoor(currentFocus, 'sup', buildingRef); } } function stairsDown(buildingRef) { checkIfDoorLocked(currentFocus._name, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding]['f' + (floorNumber - 1)][currentRoom] != undefined) { changeRooms('downstairs'); } } else { attemptUnlockDoor(currentFocus, 'sdwn', buildingRef); } } function dropFloor(buildingRef) { if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding]['f' + (floorNumber - 1)][currentRoom] != undefined) { changeRooms('drop'); } } function changeRooms(dir, buildingRef, roomNum, streetStartEnd) { _root.attachMovie('blackOut', 'blackOut', depth_blackOut); hud.loadScreen._visible = true; hud.loadScreen._alpha = 0; hud.loadScreen.alphaTo(100, 0.5, 'easeOutSine'); companionDownAck = false; if (world.companion.down == true) { removeCompanion(); } setupExperience(); if (dir != 'direct') { if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].enemy != undefined) { if (allHumans.length <= 0) { saveClearRoom(); } } } if (enemiesOnScreen.length <= 0) { currRoomTime = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_lastTime';[currRoomTime] = gameTime; } saveZombies(locationNumber + '_' + streetNumber + '_' + buildingNumber + '_' + floorNumber + '_' + roomNumber); saveHumans(locationNumber + '_' + streetNumber + '_' + buildingNumber + '_' + floorNumber + '_' + roomNumber); setMaxThreat(); resetThreat(); if (dir != 'upstairs' && dir != 'downstairs' && dir != 'newArea' && dir != 'streetLeft' && dir != 'streetRight' && dir != 'drop' && dir != 'uprm' && dir != 'dnrm' && dir != 'ltrm' && dir != 'rtrm') { playSound('sound_door' + (random(2) + 1)); } if (dir == 'upstairs') { playSound('sound_stairsUp'); } if (dir == 'downstairs') { playSound('sound_stairsDown'); } if (dir == 'drop') { playSound('sound_step_baseLeft1'); playSound('sound_step_baseLeft2'); } if (dir != 'newArea' && dir != 'cancelTravel' && dir != 'direct') { saveGame(); } worldLoadComplete = false; if (dir == 'deathSame') { resetZombieSaveAtLoc(locationNumber + '_' + streetNumber + '_' + buildingNumber + '_' + floorNumber + '_' + roomNumber); roomNumber = roomNumber; } if (dir == 'deathOutside') { buildNum = buildingNumber; buildingNumber = 0; floorNumber = 0; roomNumber = 1; } if (dir == 'room') { roomNumber = int(roomNum); setPlayerLocation(); } if (dir == 'uprm' || dir == 'dnrm') { roomNumber = int(roomNum); setPlayerLocation(); } if (dir == 'ltrm') { roomNumber = int(roomNumber - 1); } if (dir == 'rtrm') { roomNumber = int(roomNumber + 1); } if (dir == 'left') { roomNumber = int(roomNumber - 1); } if (dir == 'right') { roomNumber = int(roomNumber + 1); } if (dir == 'drop') { floorNumber = int(floorNumber - 1); } if (dir == 'downstairs') { floorNumber = int(floorNumber - 1); } if (dir == 'upstairs') { floorNumber = int(floorNumber + 1); } if (dir == 'streetLeft') { streetNumber = int(streetNumber - 1); dText('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); dText('STREET LEFT'); dText('StreetNumber: ' + streetNumber); dText('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); } if (dir == 'streetRight') { streetNumber = int(streetNumber + 1); dText('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); dText('STREET RIGHT'); dText('StreetNumber: ' + streetNumber); dText('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); } if (dir == 'outside') { buildNum = buildingRef.substring(4, 10); dText('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); dText('OUTSIDE'); dText('StreetNumber: ' + streetNumber); dText('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-----------------------------XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'); buildingNumber = 0; floorNumber = 0; roomNumber = 1; } if (dir == 'inside') { buildNum = buildingRef.substring(4, 10); buildingNumber = buildNum; floorNumber = 1; roomNumber = 1; } if (dir == 'newArea') { streetNumber = 1; buildingNumber = 0; floorNumber = 0; roomNumber = 1; } if (dir != 'direct') { currentBuilding = 'b' + buildingNumber; currentStreet = 's' + streetNumber; currentFloor = 'f' + floorNumber; currentRoom = 'r' + roomNumber; playerLocation = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom]; } else { dText('GOING DIRECT TO ROOM!'); } setupRoom(); if ( != undefined) { cameraStartX = -playerStartX + Stage.width / 2; } if (dir == 'newArea') { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; playerStartX = moveEdgeBuffer; } if (dir == 'cancelTravel') { var v4 = new flash.geom.Point(world.area1._x, Stage.height); world.globalToLocal(v4); cameraStartX = -v4.x + Stage.width / 2; playerStartX = world.area1._x; if (playerStartX > Stage.width / 2) { playerStartX -= 100; } else { playerStartX += 100; } if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } if (world.area1._x > world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer) { playerStartX = world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer; } if (world.area1._x < moveEdgeBuffer) { playerStartX = moveEdgeBuffer; } } if (dir == 'room') { v4 = new flash.geom.Point(world['room' + lastRoom]._x, Stage.height); world.globalToLocal(v4); cameraStartX = -v4.x + Stage.width / 2; playerStartX = world['room' + lastRoom]._x; if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } } if (dir == 'uprm') { v4 = new flash.geom.Point(world['dnrm' + lastRoom]._x, Stage.height); world.globalToLocal(v4); cameraStartX = -v4.x + Stage.width / 2; playerStartX = world['dnrm' + lastRoom]._x; if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } } if (dir == 'dnrm') { v4 = new flash.geom.Point(world['uprm' + lastRoom]._x, Stage.height); world.globalToLocal(v4); cameraStartX = -v4.x + Stage.width / 2; playerStartX = world['uprm' + lastRoom]._x; if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } } if (dir == 'left' || dir == 'streetLeft' || streetStartEnd == 'end' || dir == 'ltrm') { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; playerStartX = world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer; } if (dir == 'right' || dir == 'streetRight' || streetStartEnd == 'start' || dir == 'rtrm') { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; playerStartX = moveEdgeBuffer; } if (dir == 'upstairs') { v4 = new flash.geom.Point(world.sdwn._x, Stage.height); world.globalToLocal(v4); cameraStartX = -v4.x + Stage.width / 2; playerStartX = world.sdwn._x; if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } if (world.sdwn._x > world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer) { playerStartX = world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer; } if (world.sdwn._x < moveEdgeBuffer) { playerStartX = moveEdgeBuffer; } } if (dir == 'downstairs') { v4 = new flash.geom.Point(world.sup._x, Stage.height); world.globalToLocal(v4); cameraStartX = -v4.x + Stage.width / 2; playerStartX = world.sup._x; if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } if (world.sup._x > world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer) { playerStartX = world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer; } if (world.sup._x < moveEdgeBuffer) { playerStartX = moveEdgeBuffer; } } if (dir == 'drop') { v4 = new flash.geom.Point(world.drop._x, Stage.height); world.globalToLocal(v4); cameraStartX = -v4.x + Stage.width / 2; playerStartX = world.drop._x; if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } if (world.drop._x > world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer) { playerStartX = world.bounds._width - moveEdgeBuffer; } if (world.drop._x < moveEdgeBuffer) { playerStartX = moveEdgeBuffer; } } if (dir == 'outside' || dir == 'deathOutside') { v4 = new flash.geom.Point(world['entr' + buildNum]._x, Stage.height); world.globalToLocal(v4); cameraStartX = -v4.x + Stage.width / 2; playerStartX = v4.x; if (buildNum == 0) { playerStartX = moveEdgeBuffer; } cameraAdjustEdge(); } if (dir == 'inside') { v4 = new flash.geom.Point(world['exit' + buildNum]._x, Stage.height); world.globalToLocal(v4); cameraStartX = -v4.x + Stage.width / 2; if (cameraStartX > panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = panEdgeBuffer; } if (cameraStartX < -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer) { cameraStartX = -world.bounds._width + Stage.width - panEdgeBuffer; } playerStartX = v4.x; } world._x = cameraStartX; checkForCentreWorld(); setupPlayer(); checkCompanionSetup(); showCrosshair(); addDeadBodies(); restoreZombies(locationNumber + '_' + streetNumber + '_' + buildingNumber + '_' + floorNumber + '_' + roomNumber); restoreHumans(locationNumber + '_' + streetNumber + '_' + buildingNumber + '_' + floorNumber + '_' + roomNumber); directorAddZombiesRoom(); blackOut.alphaTo(0, 0.5, 'linear', 0.3, function () { removeMovieClip(this); }); worldLoadComplete = true; saveGame(); if (streetStartEnd != undefined) { showLocationOnHUD(); } } function checkForDoorKey(doorName) { var v1 = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + doorName; for (cfd in inventory) { if (questItem[inventory[cfd].ref].door == v1) { return true; break; } } } function checkIfDoorLocked(doorString, doorObj) { var v4 = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].lockedDoors; for (dca in v4) { if (v4[dca] == doorString) { var v2 = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + doorString; if ([v2] != undefined) { doorObj.locked =[v2]; } else { doorObj.locked = true;[v2] = true; } if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].needsKey[dca] == true) { doorObj.needsKey = true; } if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].isBlocked[dca] == true) { doorObj.isBlocked = true; } } } } function unlockDoor(doorID, remoteID) { if (remoteID != undefined) {[remoteID] = false; } else { playSound('sound_security_complete'); addAlert('DOOR UNLOCKED', 'white'); var v1 = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + doorID;[v1] = false; } } function lockDoor(doorID) { if (doorID != undefined) {[doorID] = true; } } function attemptUnlockDoor(doorObj, doorType, buildRef) { var v6 = false; var v9 = false; var v4 = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + doorObj._name; var v5 = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].lockedDoors; for (dca in v5) { if (v5[dca] == doorObj._name) { if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].needsKey[dca] == true) { v6 = true; currLockDoorNum = dca; break; } } } var v8 = false; if (checkForDoorKey(doorObj._name) == true) { v8 = true; } if (v6 == true && v8 != true) { if (v9 == false) { v9 = true; addAlert('KEY REQUIRED TO OPEN THIS DOOR'); playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } } if (v6 == true || v8 == true) { for (cfc in inventory) { if (questItem[inventory[cfc].ref].door != undefined) { if (questItem[inventory[cfc].ref].door == v4) { switch (doorType) { case 'room': unlockDoor(doorObj._name); break; case 'door': unlockDoor(doorObj._name); break; case 'exit': unlockDoor(buildRef); break; case 'entrance': unlockDoor(buildRef); break; case 'sup': unlockDoor(buildRef); break; case 'sdwn': unlockDoor(buildRef); } inventory.splice(cfc, 1); break; } } } } else { pickLock(null, true, _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].lockDiff[currLockDoorNum]); } } function containerCollisions() { cc = 0; while (cc < allContainers.length) { var v1 = new flash.geom.Point(_xmouse, _ymouse); world.globalToLocal(v1); if (v1.x > allContainers[cc]._x - allContainers[cc]._width / 2 && v1.x < allContainers[cc]._x + allContainers[cc]._width / 2 && v1.y < allContainers[cc]._y + allContainers[cc]._height / 2 && v1.y > allContainers[cc]._y - allContainers[cc]._height / 2) { currentFocus = allContainers[cc]; currentFocusType = 'container'; world.searchHighlight._alpha = 0; world.attachMovie('searchHighlight', 'searchHighlight', depth_world_searchHighlight); world.searchHighlight.frame._width = allContainers[cc]._width + 5; world.searchHighlight.frame._height = allContainers[cc]._height + 5; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight._x = allContainers[cc]._x; world.searchHighlight._y = allContainers[cc]._y; world.searchHighlight._alpha = 50; if (Math.abs(world.player._x - allContainers[cc]._x) < allContainers[cc]._width + searchRange) { world.searchHighlight._alpha = 100; hud.interactText.text = '[E] SEARCH'; insideSearchRange = true; } break; } else { currentFocus = null; hud.interactText.text = ''; insideSearchRange = false; removeMovieClip(world.searchHighlight); } ++cc; } } function activate() { if (game.state != 'paused') { if (world.player.firing == false && world.player.struggling == false && world.player.jumping == false && world.player.falling == false && world.player.climbing == false) { currentFocus = null; currentFocusType = ''; interactCollisions(); switch (currentFocusType) { break; case 'block': case 'shop': if (insideInteractRange) { pauseGame(); buyItem(currentFocus); } break; case 'uprm': case 'dnrm': case 'room': if (insideInteractRange) { if (world.companion.down != true || companionDownAck == true) { if (currentFocusType == 'room') { openRoom(currentFocus); } if (currentFocusType == 'dnrm') { downRoom(currentFocus); } if (currentFocusType == 'uprm') { upRoom(currentFocus); } } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_companionDown); } } break; case 'ltrm': if (insideInteractRange) { leftRoom(currentFocus); } break; case 'rtrm': if (insideInteractRange) { rightRoom(currentFocus); } break; case 'abed': if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding].safeHouse == true || _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].safeHouse) { _root.openCloseTimePanel(); } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_noSleepHere); } break; case 'npc': if (insideInteractRange) { dialog(currentFocus); } break; case 'pickup': if (insideInteractRange) { pickupItem(currentFocus); } break; case 'note': if (insideInteractRange) { openNote(currentFocus.noteID); } break; case 'cont': if (insideInteractRange) { if ( != 'cont100') { dText('Search Cont Unlocked?: ' +[currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + + '_ul']); if (currentFocus.locked == true &&[currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + + '_br'] != true &&[currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + + '_ul'] != true) { if (checkForContKey( == true) { useContainerKey(; searchContainer(, currentFocus); } if (adjustedSkill('security') >= Math.round(getLockDiff(currentFocus.lockDiff) - secSkillBuffer)) { dText('PICKING LOCK'); pickLock(currentFocus); } } else { if ([currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + + '_br'] != true) { searchContainer(, currentFocus); } } if ([currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + + '_br'] == true) { playSound('sound_security_break'); } } else { openStorage(); } } break; case 'door': if (insideInteractRange) { if (world.companion.down != true || companionDownAck == true) { openDoor(currentFocus); } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_companionDown); } } break; case 'strt': if (insideInteractRange) { if (world.companion.down != true || companionDownAck == true) { moveStreet(currentFocus); } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_companionDown); } } break; case 'exit': if (insideInteractRange) { if (world.companion.down != true || companionDownAck == true) { openExitDoor(; } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_companionDown); } } break; case 'entr': if (insideInteractRange) { if (world.companion.down != true || companionDownAck == true) { openEntranceDoor(; } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_companionDown); } } break; case 'drop': if (insideInteractRange) { if (world.companion.down != true || companionDownAck == true) { dropFloor(; } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_companionDown); } } break; case 'sup': if (insideInteractRange) { if (world.companion.down != true || companionDownAck == true) { stairsUp(; } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_companionDown); } } break; case 'sdwn': if (insideInteractRange) { if (world.companion.down != true || companionDownAck == true) { stairsDown(; } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_companionDown); } } break; case 'area': if (insideInteractRange) { dText('Leave Area: ' +; if (world.companion.down != true || companionDownAck == true) { saveGame(); goToMap(); } else { pauseGame(); showDialogBox(dialog_companionDown); } } break; default: } } } } function interactCollisions() { if (world.player.firing == false && world.player.struggling == false && world.player.jumping == false && world.player.falling == false && world.player.climbing == false) { for (cc in allInteractives) { var v2 = new flash.geom.Point(_xmouse, _ymouse); world.globalToLocal(v2); if (v2.x > allInteractives[cc]._x - allInteractives[cc]._width / 2 && v2.x < allInteractives[cc]._x + allInteractives[cc]._width / 2 && v2.y < allInteractives[cc]._y + allInteractives[cc]._height / 2 && v2.y > allInteractives[cc]._y - allInteractives[cc]._height / 2) { currentFocus = allInteractives[cc]; currentFocusType = allInteractives[cc].focusType; world.searchHighlight._alpha = 0; world.attachMovie('searchHighlight', 'searchHighlight', depth_world_searchHighlight); world.searchHighlight.frame._width = allInteractives[cc]._width + 5; world.searchHighlight.frame._height = allInteractives[cc]._height + 5; world.searchHighlight._x = allInteractives[cc]._x; world.searchHighlight._y = allInteractives[cc]._y; world.searchHighlight._xscale = 100; world.searchHighlight.talkIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.enter._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.exit._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.mapIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.arrowIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.dropIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.inspectIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.shopIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.arrowUp._visible = false; if (currentFocusType == 'npc') { world.searchHighlight.talkIcon._visible = true; = false; = false; if (npc[]['quest' + npc[].state] != undefined) { = true; } else { = true; } world.searchHighlight.talkIcon._x = allInteractives[cc].headX; world.searchHighlight.talkIcon._y -= Math.round(allInteractives[cc]._height / 2) + 20; world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; } if (currentFocusType == 'abed') { world.searchHighlight.mapIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = true; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; } if (currentFocusType == 'area') { world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.mapIcon._visible = true; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; if (world.searchHighlight._x < world.bounds._width / 2) { world.searchHighlight._xscale = -100; } } if (currentFocusType == 'note') { world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.mapIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.arrowIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.inspectIcon._visible = true; } if (currentFocusType == 'strt' || currentFocusType == 'ltrm' || currentFocusType == 'rtrm') { world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.mapIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.arrowIcon._visible = true; if (world.searchHighlight._x < world.bounds._width / 2) { world.searchHighlight._xscale = -100; } } if (currentFocusType == 'pickup') { world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; } if (currentFocusType == 'sup') { world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = true; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; if (world.searchHighlight._x < world.bounds._width / 2) { world.searchHighlight._xscale = -100; } } if (currentFocusType == 'sdwn') { world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = true; if (world.searchHighlight._x < world.bounds._width / 2) { world.searchHighlight._xscale = -100; } } if (currentFocusType == 'drop') { world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.dropIcon._visible = true; } if (currentFocusType == 'shop') { world.searchHighlight.shopIcon._visible = true; } if (currentFocusType == 'cont') { } if (currentFocusType == 'door') { world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._x = 0; if (currentFocus._x < 100) { world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._xscale = -100; } world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = true; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; } if (currentFocusType == 'room') { world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._x = 7; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = true; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; } if (currentFocusType == 'uprm') { world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.arrowUp._visible = true; } if (currentFocusType == 'dnrm') { world.searchHighlight.frame._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.dropIcon._visible = true; } if (currentFocusType == 'entr' || currentFocusType == 'exit') { world.searchHighlight.doorIcon._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairUp._visible = false; world.searchHighlight.stairDown._visible = false; if (currentFocusType == 'entr') { world.searchHighlight.enter._visible = true; } else { world.searchHighlight.exit._visible = true; } } world.searchHighlight._alpha = 50; if (Math.abs(world.player._x - allInteractives[cc]._x) < allInteractives[cc]._width + interactRange) { world.searchHighlight._alpha = 100; myTextFormat = new TextFormat(); myTextFormat.color = 16777215; hud.survivorText.text = ''; if (currentFocusType == 'cont') { if (checkContEmpty(currentFocus) == true) { myTextFormat.color = 9737364; hud.interactText.text = '[E] EMPTY'; } else { hud.interactText.text = '[E] SEARCH'; } if (currentFocus.locked == true &&[currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + + '_ul'] != true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] PICK LOCK'; } if (currentFocus.locked == true && adjustedSkill('security') < Math.round(getLockDiff(currentFocus.lockDiff) - secSkillBuffer) &&[currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + + '_ul'] != true) { myTextFormat.color = 9737364; hud.interactText.text = '[LOCKED] SECURITY SKILL TOO LOW - NEED ' + Math.round(getLockDiff(currentFocus.lockDiff) - secSkillBuffer); } if (currentFocus.locked == true &&[currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + + '_br'] == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'LOCK IS BROKEN'; } if (checkForContKey( == true) { myTextFormat.color = 16777215; hud.interactText.text = '[E] USE KEY'; } if ( == 'cont100') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] OPEN STORAGE'; } } if (currentFocusType == 'door') { checkIfDoorLocked(, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] OPEN'; } else { if (currentFocus.needsKey == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'REQUIRES KEY'; } else { hud.interactText.text = '[E] PICK LOCK'; } if (currentFocus.isBlocked == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'DOOR IS BLOCKED'; playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } if (checkForDoorKey( == true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] USE KEY'; } } } if (currentFocusType == 'abed') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] USE BED'; } if (currentFocusType == 'strt') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] NEXT AREA'; } if (currentFocusType == 'ltrm' || currentFocusType == 'rtrm') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] NEXT AREA'; } if (currentFocusType == 'uprm') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] ENTER'; } if (currentFocusType == 'dnrm') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] ENTER'; } if (currentFocusType == 'area') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] EXIT TO MAP'; } if (currentFocusType == 'note') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] INSPECT'; } if (currentFocusType == 'npc') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] TALK TO ' + currentFocus.intName.toUpperCase(); } if (currentFocusType == 'shop') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] BUY ' + currentFocus.itemRef.toUpperCase() + ' FOR $' + currentFocus.cost; } if (currentFocusType == 'room') { checkIfDoorLocked(, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] OPEN'; } else { if (currentFocus.needsKey == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'REQUIRES KEY'; } else { hud.interactText.text = '[E] PICK LOCK'; } if (currentFocus.isBlocked == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'DOOR IS BLOCKED'; playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } if (checkForDoorKey( == true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] USE KEY'; } } } if (currentFocusType == 'entr') { checkIfDoorLocked(, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] ENTER'; var v4 =; var v3 = v4.substring(4, 5); if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet]['b' + v3].safeHouse == true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] ENTER SAFEHOUSE'; } if (currentFocus._x > 200) { v3 = roomNumber + 1; } else { v3 = roomNumber - 1; } if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor]['r' + v3].safeHouse == true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] ENTER SAFEROOM'; } } else { if (currentFocus.needsKey == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'REQUIRES KEY'; } else { hud.interactText.text = '[E] PICK LOCK'; } if (currentFocus.isBlocked == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'DOOR IS BLOCKED'; playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } } } if (currentFocusType == 'exit') { checkIfDoorLocked(, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] EXIT'; } else { if (currentFocus.needsKey == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'REQUIRES KEY'; } else { hud.interactText.text = '[E] PICK LOCK'; } if (currentFocus.isBlocked == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'DOOR IS BLOCKED'; playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } } } if (currentFocusType == 'drop') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] DROP DOWN'; } if (currentFocusType == 'sup') { checkIfDoorLocked(, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] UP STAIRS'; } else { if (currentFocus.needsKey == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'REQUIRES KEY'; } else { hud.interactText.text = '[E] PICK LOCK'; } if (currentFocus.isBlocked == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'DOOR IS BLOCKED'; playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } } } if (currentFocusType == 'sdwn') { checkIfDoorLocked(, currentFocus); if (currentFocus.locked != true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] DOWN STAIRS'; } else { if (currentFocus.needsKey == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'REQUIRES KEY'; } else { if (currentFocus.locked == true) { hud.interactText.text = '[E] PICK LOCK'; } } if (currentFocus.isBlocked == true) { hud.interactText.text = 'DOOR IS BLOCKED'; playSound('sound_doorLocked'); } } } if (currentFocusType == 'pickup') { hud.interactText.text = '[E] PICK UP ' + _root[determineItemType(allInteractives[cc].name)][allInteractives[cc].name].name.toUpperCase(); } insideInteractRange = true; } hud.interactText.setTextFormat(myTextFormat); break; } else { emptyCheckDone = false; currentFocus = null; hud.interactText.text = ''; insideInteractRange = false; removeMovieClip(world.searchHighlight); } } } } function setupFlashLight(togglingQuality) { world.attachMovie('flashLightBeam', 'flashLightBeam', depth_world_flashLightBeam); if (lowFlashlight == true) { world.flashLightBeam.gotoAndStop('low'); } world.flashLight.onEnterFrame = function () { flashLightPoint = new flash.geom.Point(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); world.globalToLocal(flashLightPoint); this._x = flashLightPoint.x; this._y = flashLightPoint.y; }; world.flashLight._visible = false; world.flashLightBeam._visible = false; if (togglingQuality) { flashLightState = 'off'; } } function flashLightOn() { world.flashLight._alpha = 100 - redLight; world.flashLightBeam._alpha = 100 - redLight; flashLightState = 'on'; world.player.arms.weapon.flashLight.gotoAndStop('on'); world.flashLight._visible = true; world.flashLightBeam._visible = true; } function flashLightOff() { playSound('sound_flashlight'); flashLightState = 'off'; world.player.arms.weapon.flashLight.gotoAndStop('off'); world.flashLight._visible = false; world.flashLightBeam._visible = false; } function climbBlock(charObj) { if (charObj.climbing == false &&[charObj.lastCollision].collision._height > 0) { dText('Zombie Climbing Box: ' + charObj.type); if ( != 'player') { charObj.animWalk = false; } charObj.currClimbHeight =[charObj.lastCollision].collision._height; if (charObj.currClimbHeight <= shortClimbHeight) { charObj.controlsLocked = true; charObj.aimLocked = true; charObj.climbing = true; switch (charObj.type) { case 'zombieRiotShield': charObj.gotoAndPlay('climbShield'); break; case 'zombieCrawl': charObj.gotoAndPlay('climbCrawl'); break; default: charObj.gotoAndPlay('climb'); } } if (charObj.currClimbHeight <= highClimbHeight) { charObj.controlsLocked = true; charObj.climbing = true; charObj.aimLocked = true; switch (charObj.type) { case 'zombieRiotShield': charObj.gotoAndPlay('climbShield'); break; case 'zombieCrawl': charObj.gotoAndPlay('climbCrawl'); break; default: charObj.gotoAndPlay('climb'); } } } } function endClimb(charObj) { switch (charObj.type) { case 'zombieCrawl': charObj.gotoAndPlay('crawl'); break; default: charObj.gotoAndStop('stand'); } if ( == 'player') { charObj.controlsLocked = false; charObj.aimLocked = false; } if (charObj._xscale < 0) { charObj._x -= climbXShift; } else { charObj._x += climbXShift; } charObj._y -= charObj.currClimbHeight - climbBuffer; charObj.climbing = false; if ( != 'player') { charObj.collideLeft = false; charObj.collideRight = false; charObj.animWalk = false; } } function addNoOpenStruggleAlert() { addAlert('CANNOT OPEN WHILE BEING ATTACKED', 'red'); } function struggleControls() { if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { var v1 = 81; } else { var v1 = 65; } if (world.player.struggling == true) { if (world.player._x > world.player.grabber._x) { if ((Key.isDown(v1) || Key.isDown(37)) && struggleLeftLocked == false) { struggleLeftLocked = true; struggle(); } } else { if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && struggleRightLocked == false) { struggleRightLocked = true; struggle(); } } } } function checkForGrab(zombie) { if (zombie.alive == true) { if (Math.abs( - zombie._x) < zombie.attackRange) { if ( == false && == false && == false && == false) { = true; = true; startStruggle(zombie,; } else { zombie.state = 'attack'; } } else { zombie.state = 'chase'; } } } function startStruggle(zombie, target) { if (zombie.alive == false) { endStruggle(target); } setupStruggleKey(zombie, target); struggleZombie = zombie; struggleTarget = target; struggleTarget.struggling = true; struggleKeyCount = 0; struggleKeyCountNeeded = Math.round(player.level * struggleCountMultiplier - player.strength * 2); if (struggleKeyCountNeeded < struggleMin) { struggleKeyCountNeeded = struggleMin; } if (struggleKeyCountNeeded > struggleMax) { struggleKeyCountNeeded = struggleMax; } dText('Struggle Needed: ' + struggleKeyCountNeeded); world.attachMovie('struggleHud', 'struggleHud', depth_world_struggleHud); world.struggleHud._x = struggleTarget._x; world.struggleHud._y = struggleTarget._y - (struggleTarget._height + 30); world.struggleHud.fill._yscale = 1; world.struggleHud.fill._xscale = 1; if (struggleTarget._x > struggleZombie._x) { struggleTarget._xscale = -playerScale; struggleZombie._y = struggleTarget._y; struggleZombie._x = struggleTarget._x - zombieGrabRange; if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { world.struggleHud.anim.txt.text = 'Q'; } else { world.struggleHud.anim.txt.text = 'A'; } } else { struggleTarget._xscale = playerScale; struggleZombie._y = struggleTarget._y; struggleZombie._x = struggleTarget._x + zombieGrabRange; world.struggleHud.anim.txt.text = 'D'; } struggleTarget.arms.lowerArm_backFront._visible = false; toggleAnimMode(struggleTarget, 'anim'); struggleTarget.gotoAndPlay('struggle'); struggleTarget.grabber = struggleZombie; struggleZombie.grabbed = true; struggleTarget.firing = false; struggleTarget.firingAnim = false; struggleTarget.meleeSwing = false; struggleTarget.walkAnim = false; struggleTarget.reloading = false; struggleTarget.shoving = false; } function struggleDamage() { if (world.player.struggling) { playZombieStruggleSound(world.player.grabber); applyDamageMelee(world.player.grabber, world.player, 'Chest'); createBounceObject('blood', world.player, 'Chest'); } } function struggle() { if (world.player.grabber.alive != true) { endStruggle(world.player, true); } else { playStruggleSound(world.player); ++struggleKeyCount; var v1 = Math.round((struggleKeyCount / struggleKeyCountNeeded) * 100); world.struggleHud.fill._yscale = v1 + 25; world.struggleHud.fill._xscale = world.struggleHud.fill._yscale; if (struggleKeyCount >= struggleKeyCountNeeded) { endStruggle(world.player); } } } function endStruggle(target, forced) { if (target.alive || forced == true) { target.struggleAnim = false; target.struggling = false; world.player.struggling = false; target.grabber.grabbing = false; target.grabber.struggling = false; target.grabber.grabbed = false; target.grabbed = false; if (target.crouched == true) { releaseCrouch(); } var v2 = new Object(); v2.owner = target; target.shoving = true; stumbleTarget(v2, target.grabber, 50, true); target.grabber = null; target.gotoAndPlay('struggleShove'); } removeMovieClip(world.struggleHud); } function setAmmoDropRate() { if (gameMode == 'runGun') { dropRateAmmo = Math.ceil(dropRateAmmoBase * runNGunAmmoDropMod); } else { dropRateAmmo = dropRateAmmoBase; } } function dropBackPack(target) { target.torso.backpack._visible = false; createBounceObject('backpack', target, null, 'backpack'); var v7 = 0; var v6 = new Array(); var v21 = random(3) + 1; v7 = Math.round(random(player.luck / 7)) + v21; if (Math.round(( / world.player.healthMax) * 100) <= dropHealthMin && v7 > 0) { if (allMedical[random(allMedical.length)].ref != undefined) { v6.push(allMedical[random(allMedical.length)].ref); } } if (random(100) <= dropRateAmmo * 2) { if (_root['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType] < Math.round(weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo * dropAmmoMin) && v7 > 0) { var v19 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType; var v4 = Math.round(random(ammo['ammo' + v19 + '_1'].avgMag) + ammo['ammo' + v19 + '_1'].avgMag / avgMagDiv); if (v4 > ammo['ammo' + v19 + '_1'].max) { v4 = ammo['ammo' + v19 + '_1'].max; } if (randAmmoAmmount >= 0) { if (_root.ammo['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType + '_' + v4] != undefined) { v6.push('ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType + '_' + v4); } } } if (_root['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.storedWeapon].ammoType] < Math.round(weapon[world.player.storedWeapon].maxAmmo * dropAmmoMin) && v7 > 0) { v19 = weapon[world.player.storedWeapon].ammoType; v4 = Math.round(random(ammo['ammo' + v19 + '_1'].avgMag) + ammo['ammo' + v19 + '_1'].avgMag / avgMagDiv); if (v4 > _root['ammo' + v19 + '_1'].max) { v4 = _root['ammo' + v19 + '_1'].max; } if (randAmmoAmmount >= 0) { if (_root.ammo['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.storedWeapon].ammoType + '_' + v4] != undefined) { v6.push('ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.storedWeapon].ammoType + '_' + v4); } } } } if (player.hunger > 80 && v7 > 0 && gameMode == 'survivor') { var v20 = random(allFood.length); if (allFood[v20].ref != undefined) { v6.push(allFood[v20].ref); } } var v15 = random(3) + 1; nram = 0; while (nram <= v15) { if (random(100) <= dropRateAmmo && v7 > 0) { --v7; var v9 = Math.round(dangerLevel + player.luck / 2); if (v9 > 30) { v9 = 30; } var v3 = random(v9) + 1; var v5 = random(_root['ammoRarity' + v3].length); var v8 = _root['ammoRarity' + v3][v5].ammoType; var v11 = Math.round(_root['ammoRarity' + v3][v5].avgMag + random(player.luck / 1.5)); var v14 = Math.round(_root['ammoRarity' + v3][v5].avgMag / avgMagDiv); v4 = getRandRange(v14, v11); if (v4 > _root['ammoRarity' + v3][v5].max) { v4 = _root['ammoRarity' + v3][v5].max; } if (v4 > 0) { if (_root.ammo[v8 + '_' + v4] != undefined) { v6.push(v8 + '_' + v4); } } } ++nram; } var v18 = random(3) + 1; nram = 0; while (nram <= v18) { if (random(100) <= dropRateCash && v7 > 0) { var v10 = Math.round(dangerLevel * cashAmountMod + player.luck); if (v10 > totalCashObj) { v10 = totalCashObj; } var v13 = getRandRange(1, v10); if (_root.xMoney['cash_' + v13] != undefined) { v6.push('cash_' + v13); } } ++nram; } var v16 = 30; dText('MAX Item Rarity: ' + (dangerLevel + Math.round(player.luck / 4))); while (v7 > 0) { --v16; var v2 = Math.round(random(dangerLevel) + 1); v2 += Math.round(random(player.luck / 4)); if (v2 > numRarities) { v2 = numRarities; } if (v2 > numRarities) { v2 = numRarities; } var v12 = random(_root['rarity' + v2].length); --v7; determineItemType(_root['rarity' + v2][v12].ref); if (_root['rarity' + v2][v12].ref != undefined) { v6.push(_root['rarity' + v2][v12].ref); } } for (dp in v6) { createBounceObject('backpack', target, null, v6[dp], dp); } } function addPickupToInteractive(pickupRef) { pickupRef.focusType = 'pickup'; allInteractives.push(pickupRef); } function pickupItem(itemRef) { if (itemRef != undefined) { playPickupSound(); addToInventory(; removeMovieClip(itemRef.glowRef); removeMovieClip(itemRef.maskRef); removeMovieClip(itemRef); } } function dropItem(itemRef, target) { createBounceObject('backpack', target, null, itemRef, 0); } function checkForContKey(contName) { var v1 = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + contName; for (cfd in inventory) { if (questItem[inventory[cfd].ref].cont == v1) { return true; break; } } } function useContainerKey(contName) { var v1 = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + contName; for (cfd in inventory) { if (questItem[inventory[cfd].ref].cont == v1) { inventory.splice(cfg, 1); break; } } } function toggleSecurityHelp() { if ( == false) { playInterfaceSound('open'); = true; } else { playInterfaceSound('close'); = false; } } function closeSecurity(openingSearch) { isADoorLock = false; playInterfaceSound('securityClose'); securityOpen = false; if (openingSearch != true) { showHUD(); unPauseGame(); showCrosshair(); } removeMovieClip(; } function getLockDiff(lockDiff) { switch (lockDiff) { case 'very easy': return lockSkillReq_veryEasy; break; case 'easy': return lockSkillReq_easy; break; case 'normal': return lockSkillReq_normal; break; case 'hard': return lockSkillReq_hard; break; case 'very hard': return lockSkillReq_veryHard; break; default: return null; } } function pickLock(targetLock, doorLock, doorLockDiff) { securityOpen = true; dText('OVERALL PIN RANGE: ' + pinRange); playInterfaceSound('securityOpen'); currentPin = 1; currentLock = targetLock; hideHUD(); hideCrosshair(); pauseGame(); hud.attachMovie('int_security', 'security', depth_hud_security); = false; = Stage.width / 2 - 10; = Stage.height / 2 - 10; if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { = '[ Z ] PUSH PIN'; } else { = '[ W ] PUSH PIN'; } = '[ D ] HOLD PIN'; if (doorLock || targetLock.hasKey == true) { = false; if (doorLock) { isADoorLock = true; } } var v2 = 0; var v5 = 0; var v3 = 0; var v7 = targetLock.lockDiff; if (doorLock == true) { v7 = doorLockDiff; } switch (v7) { case 'very easy': v3 = 1; v2 = 1.65; v5 = lockSkillReq_veryEasy; break; case 'easy': v3 = 2; v2 = 1.4; v5 = lockSkillReq_easy; break; case 'normal': v3 = 2; v2 = 1.15; v5 = lockSkillReq_normal; break; case 'hard': v3 = 3; v2 = 0.85; v5 = lockSkillReq_hard; break; case 'very hard': v3 = 3; v2 = 0.625; v5 = lockSkillReq_veryHard; } var v4 = adjustedSkill('security') - v5; var v6 = ''; if (v4 > 30 && v4 <= 50) { v6 = 'very easy'; } if (v4 > 15 && v4 <= 30) { v6 = 'easy'; } if (v4 > -15 && v4 <= 15) { v6 = 'normal'; } if (v4 > -45 && v4 <= -15) { v6 = 'hard'; } if (v4 > -70 && v4 <= -45) { v6 = 'very hard'; } = v6.toUpperCase() + ' LOCK [' + v5 + ']'; forceLockChance = Math.round(adjustedSkill('security') * v2 + player.luck * v2); if (forceLockChance > 95) { forceLockChance = 95; } = 'FORCE LOCK: ' + forceLockChance + '%'; if ( != true) { = ''; } = false; = false; = false; var v1 = (adjustedSkill('security') / secSkillMod) * v2; if (v1 > securitySkillModMax) { v1 = securitySkillModMax; } dText('securitySkillMod ' + v1); sp = 0; while (sp < v3 + 1) {['pin' + sp]._visible = true;['pin' + sp].xOrigin =['pin' + sp]._x;['pin' + sp]._y = pinBottom;['pin' + sp].range = pinRangeBottom - (random(pinRange) + 15 / v2 + random(player.luck)); if (['pin' + sp].range < pinRangeTop) {['pin' + sp].range = pinRangeTop; } if (['pin' + sp].range > pinRangeBottom) {['pin' + sp].range = pinRangeBottom; }['pin' + sp].rangeTop =['pin' + sp].range - v1;['pin' + sp].rangeBottom =['pin' + sp].range + v1; dText('Pin ' + sp + ' Spot: ' +['pin' + sp].range); dText('Pin ' + sp + ' Top: ' +['pin' + sp].rangeTop); dText('Pin ' + sp + ' Bottom: ' +['pin' + sp].rangeBottom);['pinBlock' + sp]._x =['pin' + sp]._x;['pinBlock' + sp]._y =['pin' + sp].range;['pinBlock' + sp]._height = Math.abs(['pin' + sp].rangeBottom -['pin' + sp].rangeTop);['pinBlock' + sp]._width = 10;['pinBlock' + sp]._alpha = 25;['pinBlock' + sp]._visible = false; ++sp; } = function () { closeSecurity(); }; = function () { forceLock(targetLock, forceLockChance); }; = function () { toggleSecurityHelp(); }; =; } function workLock() { if (['pin' + currentPin].falling == true &&['pin' + currentPin]._y >['pin' + currentPin].rangeTop - securityClickBuffer &&['pin' + currentPin]._y <['pin' + currentPin].rangeBottom &&['pin' + currentPin].shaking != true) { dText('Shaking PIN ' +['pin' + currentPin].shakeAnim);['pin' + currentPin].shaking = true;['pin' + currentPin].shakeAnim.gotoAndPlay('shake'); playSound('sound_security_work' + (random(2) + 1));['pin' + currentPin].pinHigh._alpha = 100; } else {['pin' + currentPin].pinHigh._alpha = 0;['pin' + currentPin].colorTo(null, 0.1); } if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { var v1 = 90; } else { var v1 = 87; } if (Key.isDown(v1) || Key.isDown(38)) { lockPickPush -= pinPushRate; if (lockPickPush < pinTop) { lockPickPush = pinTop; } } if (Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) { if (lockPinKeyLocked == false) { lockPinKeyLocked = true; lockPin(); } } =['pin' + currentPin]._x; =['pin' + currentPin]._y; if ( < -40) { = -40; } } function pushPin() { if (['pin' + currentPin].falling != true) { dText('XXXXXXXXX PUSHING PIN: ' + currentPin);['pin' + currentPin]._alpha = 100;['pin' + currentPin].shaking = false;['pin' + currentPin].falling = false;['pin' + currentPin].stopTween();['pin' + currentPin].ySlideTo(lockPickPush, 0.3, 'easeOutSine', 0, function () { this.falling = true; _root.lockPickPush = _root.pinBottom; });['pin' + currentPin].ySlideTo(pinBottom, pinFallSpeed, 'easeInSine', 0.5, function () { this.falling = false; }); - Math.abs(lockPickPush / 5), 0.3, 'easeOutSine');, 0.3, 'easeInSine', 0.4); } } function lockPin() { if (['pin' + currentPin]._y >=['pin' + currentPin].rangeTop &&['pin' + currentPin]._y <=['pin' + currentPin].rangeBottom) { playSound('sound_security_lockPin');['pin' + currentPin].stopTween(); dText('XXXXXXXXX Pick SUCCESS on: ' + currentPin); if (['pin' + (currentPin + 1)]._visible != false &&['pin' + (currentPin + 1)] != undefined) {['pin' + currentPin]._alpha = pinAlpha;['pin' + currentPin].shaking = false;['pin' + currentPin].falling = false;['pin' + (currentPin + 1)].shaking = false;['pin' + (currentPin + 1)].falling = false; ++currentPin; } else { dText('------------ Pick Complete ' + currentPin + ' ------------ '); playSound('sound_security_complete'); adjustXP('skillUse_security'); checkAch('pickLock'); if (forceLockChance >= 70) { checkAch('pickForceLock'); } if (isADoorLock != true) { searchContainer(, currentLock); closeSecurity(true); } else { unlockDoor(currentFocus._name); closeSecurity(); } } } else { dText('XXXXXXXXX Failed Pick on: ' + currentPin); if (['pin' + (currentPin - 1)] != undefined &&['pin' + (currentPin - 1)]._visible != false) {['pin' + (currentPin - 1)].ySlideTo(pinBottom, 0.2);['pin' + currentPin].ySlideTo(pinBottom, 0.2);['pin' + (currentPin - 1)]._alpha = 100;['pin' + currentPin]._alpha = 100;['pin' + currentPin].shaking = false;['pin' + currentPin].falling = false;['pin' + (currentPin - 1)].shaking = false;['pin' + (currentPin - 1)].falling = false; if (currentLock.lockDiff == 'very hard' && currentPin > 2) {['pin' + (currentPin - 2)].ySlideTo(pinBottom, 0.2);['pin' + (currentPin - 2)]._alpha = 100;['pin' + (currentPin - 2)].shaking = false;['pin' + (currentPin - 2)].falling = false; --currentPin; } --currentPin; playSound('sound_security_fail'); } } } function forceLock(targetLock, forceLockNum) { var v1 = random(lockForceRange) + 1; if (v1 <= forceLockNum) { playSound('sound_security_complete'); adjustXP('skillUse_security'); checkAch('forceLock'); if (forceLockNum <= 30) { checkAch('forcePickLock'); } searchContainer(, targetLock); closeSecurity(true); } else { if (forceLockNum >= 95) { checkAch('forceBreak'); } playSound('sound_security_break'); breakLock(targetLock); closeSecurity(); } } function breakLock(contObj) { currentLockBreak = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' +;[currentLockBreak + '_br'] = true; } function companionDeath(target) { target.alive = false; playHumanDeadSound(target); toggleAnimMode(target, 'anim'); target.animWeapon._visible = false; target.gotoAndPlay('death_companion'); if (target.currentWeapon != 'hands' && target.currentWeapon != undefined) { dropItem(target.currentWeapon, target); } world.companion = null; removeCompanion(); } function addPartner(compName) { player.partner = 'Partner'; var v3 = world.player._x + 30; var v2 = world.player._y; removeMovieClip(world['npc_' + compName]); removeMovieClip(world['npcColl' + compName]); npc[compName].state = 'off'; saveNPCStates(); setupSurvivor(v3, v2, 'partner'); companionIndicatorSetup(); } function addCompanion(compName) { checkAch('companion'); if (player.follower == null) { player.follower = compName; var v3 = world['npc_' + compName]._x; var v2 = world['npc_' + compName]._y; removeMovieClip(world['npc_' + compName]); removeMovieClip(world['npcColl' + compName]); npc[compName].state = 'off'; saveNPCStates(); setupSurvivor(v3, v2, 'follower'); companionIndicatorSetup(); } else { showDialogBox(dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion); } } function removeCompanion() { for (rmc in allSurvivors) { if (allSurvivors[rmc].name == player.follower) { allSurvivors.splice(rmc, 1); } } removeMovieClip(world['npc_' + player.follower]); npc[player.follower].state = 'off'; player.follower = null; saveGame(); saveNPCStates(); } function removePartner() { removeMovieClip(world.partner); npc[player.partner].state = 'off'; player.partner = null; saveGame(); saveNPCStates(); } function compRangeCheck() { for (crng in allSurvivors) { if (Math.abs(allSurvivors[crng]._x - world.player._x) < compInteractRange && allSurvivors[crng].alive == true && allSurvivors[crng].name != 'partner') { if (allSurvivors[crng].down != true) { if (currentFocus == null) { hud.survivorText.text = '[G] SWAP WEAPONS'; } currentCompanion = allSurvivors[crng]; inCompRange = true; } else { if (currentFocus == null) { hud.survivorText.text = '[G] SAVE ' + player.follower.toUpperCase(); } currentCompanion = allSurvivors[crng]; inCompRange = true; } } else { hud.survivorText.text = ''; inCompRange = false; } } } function startGiveWeapon() { if (givingWeapon != true) { givingWeapon = true; world.player.reloading = false; world.player.firing = false; world.player.firingAnim = false; currentCompanion.arms.gotoAndPlay('handWeapon'); world.player.arms.gotoAndPlay('handWeapon'); } } function giveWeapon() { checkAch('swapWeaponComp'); var v2 = currentCompanion.currentWeapon; var v4 = world.player.currentWeapon; dText('Current Companion Weapon: ' + v2 + ' - Companion - ' + currentCompanion); currentCompanion.currentWeapon = v4; currentCompanion.primaryWeapon = v4; currentCompanion.secondaryWeapon = 'none'; currentCompanion.storedWeapon = 'none'; swapWeapons('primary', null, currentCompanion); saveCompanion(); for (gwr in inventory) { dText('Check Inv Item: ' + inventory[gwr].ref + ' - is eqd: ' + inventory[gwr].eqd); if (v4 == inventory[gwr].ref && inventory[gwr].eqd == true) { inventory.splice(gwr, 1); } } if (v2 != 'hands' && v2 != undefined) { giveItem(v2, 1); } var v3 = ''; if (world.player.currentWeapon == world.player.primaryWeapon) { world.player.currentWeapon = v2; world.player.primaryWeapon = v2; v3 = 'primary'; } if (world.player.currentWeapon == world.player.secondaryWeapon) { world.player.currentWeapon = v2; world.player.secondaryWeapon = v2; v3 = 'secondary'; } unEquipWeapon(v3, true); setWeaponIDs(v3); swapWeapons(v3, null, world.player); if (v2 != 'hands') { addAlert('GOT ' + _root.weapon[v2].name, 'white'); } for (ecii in inventory) { if (inventory[ecii].ref == v2 && inventory[ecii].eqd != true) { inventory[ecii].eqd = true; inventory[ecii].slot = v3; break; } } savePlayer(); givingWeapon = false; } function startHelpCompanion() { if (helpingCompanion != true) { helpingCompanion = true; world.player.controlsLocked = true; world.player.reloading = false; world.player.firing = false; world.player.firingAnim = false; toggleAnimMode(world.player, 'anim'); world.player.gotoAndPlay('helpUp'); currentCompanion.gotoAndPlay('survivorUp'); } } function helpCompanion() { helpingCompanion = false; dText('Helping Companion'); world.player.controlsLocked = false; toggleAnimMode(world.player, 'default'); world.player.gotoAndStop('standing'); world.companion.gotoAndStop('standing'); world.companion.down = false; world.companion.state = 'follow'; toggleAnimMode(world.companion, 'default'); world.companion.burstCount = 0; world.companion.waitCount = 0; world.companion.firingAnim = false; world.companion.firing = false; world.companion.reloading = false; = world.companion.healthMax; } function companionIndicator() { if (Math.abs(world.player._x - world.companion._x) > compIndDist) { hud.compInd._visible = true; if (world.player._x > world.companion._x) { hud.compInd._xscale = -100; hud.compInd._x = 0; } else { hud.compInd._xscale = 100; hud.compInd._x = Stage.width; } if (world.companion.down == true) { hud.compInd.colorTransformTo(120, 0, 50, 0, 50, 0, 100, 0); } else { hud.compInd.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0); } } else { hud.compInd._visible = false; } } function resetStorage() { currentStorage = new Array(); } function saveStorage() { showSaveAnim('storage'); = new Array(); saveStor = 0; while (saveStor < currentStorage.length) { _root['storObj' + currentSave + saveStor] = new Object(); for (iiis in currentStorage[saveStor]) { _root['storObj' + currentSave + saveStor][iiis] = currentStorage[saveStor][iiis]; }['storObj' + currentSave + saveStor]); ++saveStor; } currentSave.flush(); currentSave.close(); } function loadStorage() { if ( != undefined) { currentStorage = new Array(); storSav = 0; while (storSav < { if ([storSav] != undefined) { currentStorage.push([storSav]); } else {} ++storSav; } } } function openStorage() { storageOpen = true; hideHUD(); pauseGame(); hud.attachMovie('int_storage', 'storage', depth_hud_storage); = false; showHelp('storage', 9); updateStorageInterface(); if ( == true) { storeWeightLmt = premiumWeightLimit; } else { storeWeightLmt = storageWeightLimit; } loadStorage(); = function () { closeStorage(); }; updateAllStorage(); setupStorageScrollBar(); playInterfaceSound('openBag'); } function closeStorage() { if (storageOpen == true) { storageOpen = false; playInterfaceSound('closeBag'); showHUD(); setWeaponIDs(); unPauseGame(); saveStorage(); getTotalWeight(); removeMovieClip(; } } function openCloseStorage() { activateLocked = true; if (storageOpen == true) { var v1 = setTimeout(function () { world.player.controlsLocked = false; }, 300); closeStorage(); storageOpen = false; } else { world.player.controlsLocked = true; openStorage(); storageOpen = true; } } function updateStorageList(array, arrayName) { getTotalWeight(); storeListArray = new Array(); ii = 0; while (ii < array.length) { if (array[ii].eqd != true && array[ii].type != 'ammo' && array[ii].type != 'xMoney' && array[ii].type != 'questItem') { storeListArray.push(array[ii]); } ++ii; } for (all in[arrayName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer) { removeMovieClip([arrayName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer[all]); } ss = 0; while (ss < storeListArray.length) { curStoreItem = storeListArray[ss];[arrayName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer.attachMovie('storageItem', 'item' + ss, 10 + ss); curStoreItem =[arrayName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + ss]; curStoreItem._y = ss * storageItemHeight; curStoreItem.index = ss; = _root[storeListArray[ss].type][storeListArray[ss].ref].name; curStoreItem.ref = storeListArray[ss].ref; =[arrayName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + ss]; curStoreItem.i = storeListArray[ss].id; curStoreItem.type = storeListArray[ss].type; curStoreItem.weight = _root[storeListArray[ss].type][storeListArray[ss].ref].weight; if (arrayName == 'storage') { totalStorageWeight += _root[storeListArray[ss].type][storeListArray[ss].ref].weight; } curStoreItem.panel = arrayName; curStoreItem.baseAlpha = itemGreyAlpha; if (ss % 2 == 1) { curStoreItem.backing._alpha = 0; curStoreItem.baseAlpha = 0; } curStoreItem.itemName.text =; curStoreItem.weightText.text = curStoreItem.weight; curStoreItem.backing.onRollOver = function () { _root.storePanelFocus = this._parent.panel; this.gotoAndStop('over'); this._alpha = 100; this._parent.itemName.colorTo(16777215, 0); this._parent.weightText.colorTo(16777215, 0); = true; if (this._parent.panel == 'storage') { = -100; _root.currentScrollFocus = 'storage'; } else { = 100; _root.currentScrollFocus = 'storageInventory'; } this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = true; }; curStoreItem.backing.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.gotoAndStop('off'); this._alpha = this._parent.baseAlpha; this._parent.itemName.colorTo(0, 0.1); this._parent.weightText.colorTo(10027008, 0.1); = false; this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = false; }; curStoreItem.backing.onDragOut = curStoreItem.backing.onReleaseOutside; curStoreItem.backing.onRollOut = curStoreItem.backing.onReleaseOutside; curStoreItem.backing.onPress = function () { if (this._parent.panel == 'storage') { storageToInventory(this._parent); playInterfacePageSound(); } else { inventoryToStorage(this._parent); playInterfacePageSound(); } }; curStoreItem.deleteBtn._visible = false; curStoreItem.deleteBtn.onRollOver = function () { _root.overDeleteBtn = true; this.gotoAndStop('open'); this._parent.backing.gotoAndStop('over'); this._parent.backing._alpha = 100; this._parent.itemName.stopTween(); this._parent.weightText.stopTween(); this._parent.itemName.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); this._parent.weightText.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = true; }; curStoreItem.deleteBtn.onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.overDeleteBtn = false; this.gotoAndStop('close'); this._parent.backing.gotoAndStop('off'); this._parent.backing._alpha = this._parent.baseAlpha; this._parent.itemName.stopTween(); this._parent.weightText.stopTween(); this._parent.itemName.colorTo(0, 0.1); this._parent.weightText.colorTo(10027008, 0.1); this._parent.deleteBtn._visible = false; }; curStoreItem.deleteBtn.onDragOut = curStoreItem.deleteBtn.onReleaseOutside; curStoreItem.deleteBtn.onRollOut = curStoreItem.deleteBtn.onReleaseOutside; curStoreItem.deleteBtn.onPress = function () { if (this._parent.panel == 'storage') { var storBtnRemove = 'currentStorage'; } else { var storBtnRemove = 'inventory'; } if (_root[this._parent.type][this._parent.ref].premium == true || _root[this._parent.type][this._parent.ref].reward == true) { dialog_premiumWarning = new Object(); dialog_premiumWarning.heading = 'DELETE UNIQUE ITEM?'; dialog_premiumWarning.body = 'YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE\rTO GET THIS ITEM AGAIN\rFOR THIS CHARACTER'; dialog_premiumWarning.button1Active = true; dialog_premiumWarning.button2Active = true; dialog_premiumWarning.button3Active = false; dialog_premiumWarning.button1Desc = 'DELETE'; dialog_premiumWarning.button2Desc = 'CANCEL'; dialog_premiumWarning.itemRef = this._parent; dialog_premiumWarning.button1Action = function () { for (ff in _root[storBtnRemove]) { if (this._parent.itemRef.i == _root[storBtnRemove][ff].id) { _root.playSound('sound_trash'); _root[storBtnRemove].splice(ff, 1); removeMovieClip(; _root.overDeleteBtn = false; updateAllStorage(); saveStorage(); break; } } closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_premiumWarning.button2Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; showDialogBox(dialog_premiumWarning); } else { for (ff in _root[storBtnRemove]) { if (this._parent.i == _root[storBtnRemove][ff].id) { _root.playSound('sound_trash'); _root[storBtnRemove].splice(ff, 1); removeMovieClip(; _root.overDeleteBtn = false; updateAllStorage(); saveStorage(); break; } } } }; ++ss; } if (premium) { = false; } = totalStorageWeight + ' / ' + storeWeightLmt; = totalWeight + ' / ' + player.carryWeight; = Math.round((totalStorageWeight / storeWeightLmt) * 100); = Math.round((totalWeight / player.carryWeight) * 100); if ( > 100) { = 100; } if ( > 100) { = 100; } } function storageReshuffle(removeIndex, panelName) { if (panelName == 'storage') { var v2 = currentStorage.length; } else { var v2 = inventory.length; } srs = 0; while (srs < v2) { if ([panelName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + srs].index >= removeIndex) {[panelName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + srs].index -= 1;[panelName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + srs]._y -= storageItemHeight; } if ([panelName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + srs].index % 2 == 1) {[panelName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + srs].backing._alpha = 0;[panelName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + srs].baseAlpha = 0; } else {[panelName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + srs].backing._alpha = itemGreyAlpha;[panelName + 'ScrollPanel'].scrollContainer['item' + srs].baseAlpha = itemGreyAlpha; } ++srs; } } function inventoryToStorage(btnObj, forced) { for (ff in inventory) { if (btnObj.i == inventory[ff].id) { if (btnObj.weight + totalStorageWeight <= storeWeightLmt || forced == true) { currentStorage.push(inventory[ff]); inventory.splice(ff, 1); removeMovieClip(; if (forced) { saveStorage(); } break; } else { = true; = 100;, 2, 'linear', 3, function () { this._visible = false; });, 0.2);, 2, 'linear', 1); checkAch('fillStorage'); break; } } } updateAllStorage(); } function storageToInventory(btnObj) { getTotalWeight(); for (ff in currentStorage) { if (btnObj.i == currentStorage[ff].id) { if (btnObj.weight + totalWeight <= player.carryWeight) { inventory.push(currentStorage[ff]); currentStorage.splice(ff, 1); removeMovieClip(; break; } else { = true; = 100;, 2, 'linear', 3, function () { this._visible = false; });, 0.5);, 2, 'linear', 1); } } } updateAllStorage(); } function updateAllStorage() { totalStorageWeight = 0; updateStorageList(currentStorage, 'storage'); updateStorageList(inventory, 'inventory'); } function setupStorageScrollBar(panelName) { if ( == true) { = function () { startDrag(this, true, 311.2, 140, 311.2, 290); this.dragging = true; }; = function () { if (this.dragging == true) { var v4 = Math.abs(300 - this._y); var v9 = (v4 / 150) * 100; var v5 = (100 - v9) / 100; var v6 = ( - 180) * v5; = -v6; } if (_root.scrolling == true && _root.currentScrollFocus == 'storage') { var v7 =; var v3 = 150 / (v7 - 180); var v8 = (v3 * (scrollAmount * 2.6) / * 100; this._y -= v8; if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; } if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; } } }; = function () { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }; =; } if ( == true) { = function () { startDrag(this, true, 663.2000000000001, 140, 663.2000000000001, 290); this.dragging = true; }; = function () { if (this.dragging == true) { var v4 = Math.abs(300 - this._y); var v9 = (v4 / 150) * 100; var v5 = (100 - v9) / 100; var v6 = ( - 180) * v5; = -v6; } if (_root.scrolling == true && _root.currentScrollFocus == 'storageInventory') { var v7 =; var v3 = 150 / (v7 - 180); var v8 = (v3 * (scrollAmount * 2.6) / * 100; this._y -= v8; if (this._y < 150) { this._y = 150; } if (this._y > 300) { this._y = 300; } } }; = function () { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }; =; } } function saveTriggers() { sts = 0; while (sts <= globalTriggers.length) { if (trig[globalTriggers[sts].ref].triggered != undefined) {[globalTriggers[sts].ref + 'Off'] = trig[globalTriggers[sts].ref].triggered; } ++sts; } } function loadTriggers() { sts = 0; while (sts <= globalTriggers.length) { if ([globalTriggers[sts].ref + 'Off'] != undefined) { trig[globalTriggers[sts].ref].triggered =[globalTriggers[sts].ref + 'Off']; if (globalTriggers[sts].ref == 'trig61') { if (trig[globalTriggers[sts].ref].triggered == true) { var v1 = 'finishedGame_' + gameMode; sendKongStat(v1, 1); sendKongStat('finishedGame', 1); } } } ++sts; } } function loadTriggersForKong() { snum = 1; while (snum < 5) { sts = 0; while (sts <= globalTriggers.length) { if (_root['saveGame' + snum].data[globalTriggers[sts].ref + 'Off'] != undefined) { if (globalTriggers[sts].ref == 'trig61') { if (_root['saveGame' + snum].data[globalTriggers[sts].ref + 'Off'] == true) { var v2 = 'finishedGame_' + _root['saveGame' + snum].data.gameMode; sendKongStat(v2, 1); sendKongStat('finishedGame', 1); } } } ++sts; } ++snum; } } function turnOnTrigger(trigID) { trig[trigID].triggered = false; } function resetTriggers() { for (rst in trig) { trig[rst].triggered = false; } } function triggerCollisions() { atc = 0; while (atc <= allTriggers.length) { if (Math.abs(world.player._x - allTriggers[atc]._x) < allTriggers[atc]._width / 2) { if (trig[allTriggers[atc]._name].triggered == false || trig[allTriggers[atc]._name].multi == true) { hitTrigger(allTriggers[atc]._name); break; } } ++atc; } } function hitTrigger(triggerName, forced) { if (trig[triggerName].triggered == false || trig[triggerName].multi == true || forced == true) { _root[trig[triggerName].func1](trig[triggerName].func1var1, trig[triggerName].func1var2, trig[triggerName].func1var3, trig[triggerName].func1var4); _root[trig[triggerName].func2](trig[triggerName].func2var1, trig[triggerName].func2var2, trig[triggerName].func2var3, trig[triggerName].func2var4); _root[trig[triggerName].func3](trig[triggerName].func3var1, trig[triggerName].func3var2, trig[triggerName].func3var3, trig[triggerName].func3var4); _root[trig[triggerName].func4](trig[triggerName].func4var1, trig[triggerName].func4var2, trig[triggerName].func4var3, trig[triggerName].func4var4); _root[trig[triggerName].func5](trig[triggerName].func5var1, trig[triggerName].func5var2, trig[triggerName].func5var3, trig[triggerName].func5var4); _root[trig[triggerName].func6](trig[triggerName].func6var1, trig[triggerName].func6var2, trig[triggerName].func6var3, trig[triggerName].func6var4); _root[trig[triggerName].func7](trig[triggerName].func7var1, trig[triggerName].func7var2, trig[triggerName].func7var3, trig[triggerName].func7var4); _root[trig[triggerName].func8](trig[triggerName].func8var1, trig[triggerName].func8var2, trig[triggerName].func8var3, trig[triggerName].func8var4); _root[trig[triggerName].func9](trig[triggerName].func9var1, trig[triggerName].func9var2, trig[triggerName].func9var3, trig[triggerName].func9var4); trig[triggerName].triggered = true; saveTriggers(); } } function defineTriggers() { trig.trig1.ref = 'trig1'; trig.trig1.func1 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig1.func1var1 = '900'; trig.trig1.func2 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig1.func2var1 = '10'; trig.trig1.triggered = false; trig.trig1.multi = false; trig.trig3.ref = 'trig3'; trig.trig3.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig3.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig3.func1var2 = 'What the hell is\rgoing on here?!'; trig.trig3.triggered = false; trig.trig3.multi = false; trig.trig4.ref = 'trig4'; trig.trig4.func1 = 'showHelp'; trig.trig4.func1var1 = 'safehouse'; trig.trig4.func1var2 = '6'; trig.trig4.func2 = 'unlockEndLoc'; trig.trig4.func2var1 = '16'; trig.trig4.triggered = false; trig.trig4.multi = false; trig.trig5.ref = 'trig5'; trig.trig5.func1 = 'showHelp'; trig.trig5.func1var1 = 'search'; trig.trig5.triggered = false; trig.trig5.multi = false; trig.trig6.ref = 'trig6'; trig.trig6.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig6.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig6.func1var2 = 'Hello! Anybody home?!'; trig.trig6.triggered = false; trig.trig6.multi = false; trig.trig7.ref = 'trig7'; trig.trig7.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig7.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig7.func1var2 = 'Damnit, empty.\rBest go further into town.'; trig.trig7.triggered = false; trig.trig7.multi = false; trig.trig8.ref = 'trig8'; trig.trig8.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig8.func1var1 = '900'; trig.trig8.func2 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig8.func2var1 = 'player'; trig.trig8.func2var2 = 'Alright, it\'s just the next block over.'; trig.trig8.func3 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig8.func3var1 = '901'; trig.trig8.triggered = false; trig.trig8.multi = false; trig.trig9.ref = 'trig9'; trig.trig9.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig9.func1var1 = '901'; trig.trig9.func2 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig9.func2var1 = 'player'; trig.trig9.func2var2 = '' + _root[ + 'PartnerSexStart'] + '\'s not here. Maybe ' + _root[ + 'PartnerSex'] + ' left a note.'; trig.trig9.func3 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig9.func3var1 = '902'; trig.trig9.triggered = false; trig.trig9.multi = false; trig.trig10.ref = 'trig10'; trig.trig10.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig10.func1var1 = '902'; trig.trig10.func2 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig10.func2var1 = 'player'; trig.trig10.func2var2 = 'The hospital? That place is going to be a mess.'; trig.trig10.func3 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig10.func3var1 = '903'; trig.trig10.triggered = false; trig.trig10.multi = false; trig.trig11.ref = 'trig11'; trig.trig11.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig11.func1var1 = '903'; trig.trig11.func2 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig11.func2var1 = 'player'; trig.trig11.func2var2 = 'Ok, now to find ' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + '.'; trig.trig11.func3 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig11.func3var1 = '904'; trig.trig11.triggered = false; trig.trig11.multi = false; trig.trig12.ref = 'trig12'; trig.trig12.func1 = 'unlockAreas'; trig.trig12.func1var1 = null; trig.trig12.func1var2 = 'section11'; trig.trig12.func2 = 'unlockEndLoc'; trig.trig12.func2var1 = '12'; trig.trig12.triggered = false; trig.trig12.multi = false; trig.trig13.ref = 'trig13'; trig.trig13.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig13.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig13.func1var2 = 'That\'s the stadium down there, a few blocks more yet.'; trig.trig13.triggered = false; trig.trig13.multi = false; trig.trig14.ref = 'trig14'; trig.trig14.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig14.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig14.func1var2 = 'Looks like Richards didn\'t make it.'; trig.trig14.func2 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig14.func2var1 = '009'; trig.trig14.func3 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig14.func3var1 = '010'; trig.trig14.triggered = true; trig.trig14.multi = false; trig.trig15.ref = 'trig15'; trig.trig15.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig15.func1var1 = '010'; trig.trig15.triggered = false; trig.trig15.multi = false; trig.trig16.ref = 'trig16'; trig.trig16.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig16.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig16.func1var2 = 'Damnit, road to Uptown is blocked, looks like it\'s the subway route.'; trig.trig16.triggered = false; trig.trig16.multi = false; trig.trig17.ref = 'trig17'; trig.trig17.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig17.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig17.func1var2 = 'Hank\'s rifle is somewhere amongst this mess.'; trig.trig17.triggered = false; trig.trig17.multi = false; trig.trig18.ref = 'trig18'; trig.trig18.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig18.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig18.func1var2 = 'Home. God I hope\r' + _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' is safe.'; trig.trig18.func2 = 'unlockEndLoc'; trig.trig18.func2var1 = '9'; trig.trig18.triggered = false; trig.trig18.multi = false; trig.trig19.ref = 'trig19'; trig.trig19.func1 = 'unlockEndLoc'; trig.trig19.func1var1 = '11'; trig.trig19.triggered = false; trig.trig19.multi = false; trig.trig20.ref = 'trig20'; trig.trig20.func1 = 'unlockEndLoc'; trig.trig20.func1var1 = '13'; trig.trig20.triggered = false; trig.trig20.multi = false; trig.trig21.ref = 'trig21'; trig.trig21.func1 = 'unlockAreas'; trig.trig21.func1var1 = null; trig.trig21.func1var2 = 'section5'; trig.trig21.triggered = false; trig.trig21.multi = false; trig.trig22.ref = 'trig22'; trig.trig22.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig22.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig22.func1var2 = 'Relocated!\rWhat the hell does that mean?'; trig.trig22.func2 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig22.func2var1 = '906'; trig.trig22.func3 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig22.func3var1 = '907'; trig.trig22.func4 = 'unlockDoor'; trig.trig22.func4var1 = 'room100'; trig.trig22.triggered = false; trig.trig22.multi = false; trig.trig23.ref = 'trig23'; trig.trig23.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig23.func1var1 = '905'; trig.trig23.func2 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig23.func2var1 = '906'; trig.trig23.triggered = false; trig.trig23.multi = false; trig.trig24.ref = 'trig24'; trig.trig24.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig24.func1var1 = '907'; trig.trig24.func2 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig24.func2var1 = '908'; trig.trig24.func3 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig24.func3var1 = 'player'; trig.trig24.func3var2 = 'That\'s ' + _root[ + 'PartnerNameShort'] + '\'s bag.\rWhere the hell is ' + _root[ + 'PartnerSex']; trig.trig24.triggered = false; trig.trig24.multi = false; trig.trig25.ref = 'trig25'; trig.trig25.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig25.func1var1 = '909'; trig.trig25.func2 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig25.func2var1 = '910'; trig.trig25.func3 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig25.func3var1 = 'npc_Barry'; trig.trig25.func3var2 = 'Quickly, over here.'; trig.trig25.triggered = false; trig.trig25.multi = false; trig.trig26.ref = 'trig26'; trig.trig26.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig26.func1var1 = 'human1'; trig.trig26.func1var2 = 'SECURITY!\rWe have a breach!'; trig.trig26.triggered = false; trig.trig26.multi = false; trig.trig28.ref = 'trig28'; trig.trig28.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig28.func1var1 = 'human2'; trig.trig28.func1var2 = 'Infected!\rTake ' + _root[ + 'PlayerSexAddress'] + ' down!'; trig.trig28.triggered = false; trig.trig28.multi = false; trig.trig27.ref = 'trig27'; trig.trig27.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig27.func1var1 = '911'; trig.trig27.func2 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig27.func2var1 = 'player'; trig.trig27.func2var2 = 'They must\'ve moved ' + _root[ + 'PartnerNameShort'] + ' to the park in Uptown.'; trig.trig27.func3 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig27.func3var1 = '912'; trig.trig27.triggered = false; trig.trig27.multi = false; trig.trig29.ref = 'trig29'; trig.trig29.func1 = 'unlockEndLoc'; trig.trig29.func1var1 = '5'; trig.trig29.func2 = 'turnOnNPC'; trig.trig29.func2var1 = 'newBarry'; trig.trig29.func3 = 'turnOnTrigger'; trig.trig29.func3var1 = 'trig31'; trig.trig29.func4 = 'turnOnNPC'; trig.trig29.func4var1 = 'safeRoomBarry'; trig.trig29.func5 = 'turnOnTrigger'; trig.trig29.func5var1 = 'trig36'; trig.trig29.triggered = false; trig.trig29.multi = false; trig.trig30.ref = 'trig30'; trig.trig30.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig30.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig30.func1var2 = 'Oh my god.\rIs that even human?'; trig.trig30.triggered = false; trig.trig30.multi = false; trig.trig31.ref = 'trig31'; trig.trig31.triggered = true; trig.trig31.multi = false; trig.trig32.ref = 'trig32'; trig.trig32.func1 = 'turnOnTrigger'; trig.trig32.func1var1 = 'trig33'; trig.trig32.func2 = 'turnOnTrigger'; trig.trig32.func2var1 = 'trig34'; trig.trig32.func3 = 'turnOnTrigger'; trig.trig32.func3var1 = 'trig35'; trig.trig32.func4 = 'unlockArea'; trig.trig32.func4var1 = 'section6'; trig.trig32.triggered = false; trig.trig32.multi = false; trig.trig33.ref = 'trig33'; trig.trig33.func1 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig33.func1var1 = '1'; trig.trig33.triggered = true; trig.trig33.multi = false; trig.trig34.ref = 'trig34'; trig.trig34.func1 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig34.func1var1 = '2'; trig.trig34.triggered = true; trig.trig34.multi = false; trig.trig35.ref = 'trig35'; trig.trig35.func1 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig35.func1var1 = '3'; trig.trig35.func2 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig35.func2var1 = '916'; trig.trig35.triggered = true; trig.trig35.multi = false; trig.trig36.ref = 'trig36'; trig.trig36.func1 = 'turnOffNPC'; trig.trig36.func1var1 = 'newBarry'; trig.trig36.triggered = true; trig.trig36.multi = false; trig.trig37.ref = 'trig37'; trig.trig37.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig37.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig37.func1var2 = 'What\'re these bastards doing?'; trig.trig37.triggered = false; trig.trig37.multi = false; trig.trig38.ref = 'trig38'; trig.trig38.func1 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig38.func1var1 = '5'; trig.trig38.func2 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig38.func2var1 = '916'; trig.trig38.triggered = false; trig.trig38.multi = false; trig.trig39.ref = 'trig39'; trig.trig39.func1 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig39.func1var1 = '917'; trig.trig39.func2 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig39.func2var1 = 'player'; trig.trig39.func2var2 = 'Now to find\rsome explosives.'; trig.trig39.func3 = 'setActiveQuest'; trig.trig39.func3var1 = '918'; trig.trig39.func4 = 'unlockEndLoc'; trig.trig39.func4var1 = '14'; trig.trig39.triggered = false; trig.trig39.multi = false; trig.trig40.ref = 'trig40'; trig.trig40.func1 = 'turnOffNPC'; trig.trig40.func1var1 = 'Jane'; trig.trig40.func2 = 'turnOffNPC'; trig.trig40.func2var1 = 'Dana'; trig.trig40.func3 = 'turnOffNPC'; trig.trig40.func3var1 = 'Shawn'; trig.trig40.func4 = 'turnOffNPC'; trig.trig40.func4var1 = 'Jack'; trig.trig40.func5 = 'turnOnTrigger'; trig.trig40.func5var1 = 'trig41'; trig.trig40.func6 = 'turnOnNPC'; trig.trig40.func6var1 = 'JaneWall'; trig.trig40.func7 = 'turnOnNPC'; trig.trig40.func7var1 = 'DanaWall'; trig.trig40.func8 = 'turnOnNPC'; trig.trig40.func8var1 = 'ShawnWall'; trig.trig40.func9 = 'turnOnNPC'; trig.trig40.func9var1 = 'JackWall'; trig.trig40.triggered = false; trig.trig40.multi = false; trig.trig41.ref = 'trig41'; trig.trig41.func1 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig41.func1var1 = '7'; trig.trig41.func2 = 'completeQuest'; trig.trig41.func2var1 = '919'; trig.trig41.func3 = 'unlockArea'; trig.trig41.func3var1 = 'section7'; trig.trig41.func4 = 'unlockEndLoc'; trig.trig41.func4var1 = '6'; trig.trig41.triggered = true; trig.trig41.multi = false; trig.trig42.ref = 'trig42'; trig.trig42.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig42.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig42.func1var2 = 'I need to get\rhome to ' + _root[ + 'PartnerNameShort'] + '.'; trig.trig42.func2 = 'showHelp'; trig.trig42.func2var1 = 'sprint'; trig.trig42.triggered = false; trig.trig42.multi = false; trig.trig43.ref = 'trig43'; trig.trig43.func2 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig43.func2var1 = '8'; trig.trig43.triggered = false; trig.trig43.multi = false; trig.trig44.ref = 'trig44'; trig.trig44.func1 = 'addPartner'; trig.trig44.func1var1 = 'partner'; trig.trig44.func2 = 'turnOffNPC'; trig.trig44.func2var1 = 'PartnerDocks'; trig.trig44.func3 = 'removeNPC'; trig.trig44.func3var1 = 'PartnerDocks'; trig.trig44.triggered = false; trig.trig44.multi = false; trig.trig45.ref = 'trig45'; trig.trig45.func1 = 'startEndingRush'; trig.trig45.func1var1 = 'true'; trig.trig45.func2 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig45.func2var1 = '9'; trig.trig45.triggered = false; trig.trig45.multi = false; trig.trig46.ref = 'trig46'; trig.trig46.func1 = 'startEndingRush'; trig.trig46.func1var1 = 'true'; trig.trig46.func2 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig46.func2var1 = '11'; trig.trig46.triggered = false; trig.trig46.multi = false; trig.trig47.ref = 'trig47'; trig.trig47.func1 = 'startEndingRush'; trig.trig47.func1var1 = 'true'; trig.trig47.triggered = false; trig.trig47.multi = false; trig.trig48.ref = 'trig48'; trig.trig48.func1 = 'startEndingRush'; trig.trig48.func1var1 = 'true'; trig.trig48.func2 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig48.func2var1 = '12'; trig.trig48.triggered = false; trig.trig48.multi = false; trig.trig49.ref = 'trig49'; trig.trig49.func1 = 'turnOnTrigger'; trig.trig49.func1var1 = 'trig14'; trig.trig49.triggered = false; trig.trig49.multi = false; trig.trig51.ref = 'trig51'; trig.trig51.func1 = 'turnOffNPC'; trig.trig51.func1var1 = 'Jeb'; trig.trig51.func2 = 'turnOffNPC'; trig.trig51.func2var1 = 'Paul'; trig.trig51.func3 = 'removeNPC'; trig.trig51.func3var1 = 'Jeb'; trig.trig51.func4 = 'removeNPC'; trig.trig51.func4var1 = 'Paul'; trig.trig51.func5 = 'triggerJebAndPaul'; trig.trig51.func5var1 = 'true'; trig.trig51.func6 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig51.func6var1 = 'human1'; trig.trig51.func6var2 = 'Get \'em Paul!'; trig.trig51.triggered = false; trig.trig51.multi = false; trig.trig52.ref = 'trig52'; trig.trig52.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig52.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig52.func1var2 = 'This must be\rthe HERC outpost.'; trig.trig52.triggered = false; trig.trig52.multi = false; trig.trig53.ref = 'trig53'; trig.trig53.func1 = 'displayWorldSpeech'; trig.trig53.func1var1 = 'player'; trig.trig53.func1var2 = 'These woods look confusing. I should get directions if I want to go in there.'; trig.trig53.triggered = false; trig.trig53.multi = false; trig.trig60.ref = 'trig60'; trig.trig60.func1 = 'startCutScene'; trig.trig60.func1var1 = '13'; trig.trig60.func2 = 'startEndingRush'; trig.trig60.func2var1 = 'true'; trig.trig60.triggered = false; trig.trig60.multi = false; trig.trig61.ref = 'trig61'; trig.trig61.func1 = 'showEnding'; trig.trig61.triggered = false; trig.trig61.multi = false; trig.trig70.ref = 'trig70'; trig.trig70.func1 = 'fixJack'; trig.trig70.triggered = false; trig.trig70.multi = false; trig.trig99.ref = 'trig99'; trig.trig99.func1 = 'addAlert'; trig.trig99.func1var1 = 'TEST ALERT'; trig.trig99.func1var2 = 'white'; trig.trig99.triggered = false; trig.trig99.multi = true; for (all in trig) { globalTriggers.push(trig[all]); } } function setupCrosshair() { _root.attachMovie('crosshair', 'crosshair', depth_crosshair); crosshair._visible = false; crosshair.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; if (_root._ymouse < _root.interfaceBounds || _root._ymouse > Stage.height - _root.interfaceBounds || mapOpen == true || == 'paused') { hideCrosshair(); } else { if ( != 'paused') { showCrosshair(); } } }; setCrosshairScale(); } function setCrosshairScale() { var v2 = _root.player[_root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].skill]; if (world.player.crouched == true) { v2 += crouchBonus; } if (world.player.moving == true) { v2 -= movingPenalty; } if (world.player.jumping == true) { v2 -= jumpingPenalty; } if (_root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].accuracy != undefined) { var v4 = _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].accuracy; } else { var v4 = 0; } currentCrosshairScale = Math.round((skillMax - v2) * v4 * crosshairAdjust); if (world.player.firing == false) { --consecRounds; if (consecRounds < 0) { consecRounds = 0; } } currentCrosshairScale += consecRounds / consecRoundDiv; if (currentCrosshairScale < 5) { currentCrosshairScale = 5; } var v3 = 0.5;, v3); crosshair.right.xSlideTo(currentCrosshairScale, v3); crosshair.bottom.ySlideTo(currentCrosshairScale, v3); crosshair.left.xSlideTo(-currentCrosshairScale, v3); } function showCrosshair() { crosshair._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } function hideCrosshair() { if (crosshair._visible == true) { crosshair._visible = false;; } } function showLocationOnHUD() { if (hud.taskComplete._visible != true) { hud.locationName._alpha = 0; hud.locationName._visible = true; hud.locationName.alphaTo(100, 1.6, 'easeOutSine'); hud.locationName.alphaTo(0, 1, 'easeOutSine', 5, function () { this._visible = false; }); hud.locationName.streetName.text = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding].name.toUpperCase(); hud.locationName.locationName.text = _root['section' + locationNumber].name.toUpperCase(); } } function hideDock() { hud.btn_character._visible = false; hud.btn_inventory._visible = false; hud.btn_journal._visible = false; hud.btn_achievements._visible = false; hud.btn_time._visible = false; hud.btn_help._visible = false; } function showDock() { hud.btn_character._visible = true; hud.btn_inventory._visible = true; hud.btn_journal._visible = true; hud.btn_achievements._visible = true; hud.btn_time._visible = true; hud.btn_help._visible = true; } function hideHUD() { hud.ammo._visible = false; = false; hud.fuelIcon._visible = false; hud.interactText._visible = false; hud.levelUp._visible = false; hud.activeQuestText._visible = false; hud.staminaBar._visible = false; hud.alertText._visible = false; hud.compInd._visible = false; } function showHUD() { if (extraButtons != true) { hud.btn_time._visible = false; hud.btn_map._visible = false; } setTrackQuestText(); = false; hud.ammo._visible = true; = true; hud.interactText._visible = true; hud.activeQuestText._visible = true; hud.staminaBar._visible = true; hud.alertText._visible = true; hud.levelUp._visible = true; updateAmmoCounter(); updateInterface(); updateInterface('health', null, true); if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].isShop == true) { = true; } else { = false; } } function setReloadBarTargetZone() { hud.reloadBar.targetZone._xscale = player[world.player.weaponSkill] * reloadTargetZoneMod; } function toggleFilmGrain() { if (settingFilmGrain) { hud.filmGrain._visible = true; } else { hud.filmGrain._visible = false; } } function showLevelUpAnim() { hud.levelUpAnim.levelText.text = 'LEVEL ' + player.level; hud.levelUpAnim.glowAnim.gotoAndPlay(1); hud.levelUpAnim._alpha = 0; hud.levelUpAnim.alphaTo(100, 0.2, 'easeOutSine'); hud.levelUpAnim.alphaTo(0, 0.5, 'easeOutSine', 2.5); } function setupInterface() { _root.attachMovie('hud', 'hud', depth_hud); hud.tabEnabled = false; _root.attachMovie('achievementStatus', 'achProgress', depth_achProgress); achProgress._x = 580; achProgress._y = 271; achProgress._visible = false; = false; hud.locationName._visible = false; hud.taskComplete._visible = false; hud.helpBar._visible = false; hud.mapInfo._visible = false; hud.cancelTravel._visible = false; hud.noticeText.text = ''; hud.survivorText.text = ''; hud.noticeText.tabEnabled = false; hud.survivorText.tabEnabled = false; hud.attachMovie('hud_bottomBarRollOver', 'rollOverBox', depth_hud_rollOverBox); hud.levelUpAnim._alpha = 0; hud.damage._alpha = 0; setReloadBarTargetZone(); setupAmmoCounter(); updateInterface(); updateInterface('ammo'); updateInterface('XP'); setTrackQuestText(); setupAlertText(); toggleFilmGrain(); hud.xpBar.onRollOver = function () { this.useHandCursor = false; hud.levelText._alpha = 0; hud.levelText.text = 'LEVEL ' + player.level + ' - ' + XP + ' / ' + levelXP; hud.levelText.alphaTo(100, 0.1, 'linear', 0.2); }; hud.xpBar.onRollOut = function () { hud.levelText._alpha = 0; hud.levelText.stopTween(); }; if (player.follower != null && player.follower != undefined) { companionIndicatorSetup(); } else { hud.compInd._visible = false; } updateInterface('health', null, true); } function hudDamageDisplay() { hud.dmg._visible = true; hud.dmgTop._visible = true; hud.dmgBottom._visible = true; hud.dmgLeft._visible = true; hud.dmgRight._visible = true; var v1 = Math.round(( / world.player.healthMax) * 100); if (v1 > dmgOpacCutOff) { hud.dmg._visible = false; hud.dmgTop._visible = false; hud.dmgBottom._visible = false; hud.dmgLeft._visible = false; hud.dmgRight._visible = false; } if (v1 < lastDamageOpacity) { lastDamageOpacity = v1; playerHurtSound(); screenShake(5, 2);;; } hud.dmg._alpha = 100 - v1 * 2; hud.dmgTop._alpha = 100 - v1 * 2; hud.dmgBottom._alpha = 100 - v1 * 2; hud.dmgLeft._alpha = 100 - v1 * 2; hud.dmgRight._alpha = 100 - v1 * 2; } function updateAmmoCounter() { var v2 = inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo; var v1 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo; if (v1 != undefined && v1 > 0 && v2 != undefined) { if (weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'chainsaw') { hud.fuelIcon._visible = true; var v3 = Math.round((v2 / v1) * 100); = v3; } else { hud.fuelIcon._visible = false; acu = 0; while (acu <= v1) { hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + acu]._alpha = ammoIconEmpty; ++acu; } acf = 0; while (acf <= v2) { hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + acf]._alpha = 100; ++acf; } } } } function setupAmmoCounter() { if (lastAmmoCount == undefined || lastAmmoCount <= 0) { lastAmmoCount = 200; } aic = 0; while (aic <= lastAmmoCount) { if (hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + aic] != undefined) { removeMovieClip(hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + aic]); } ++aic; } hud.fuelIcon._visible = false; if (weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'chainsaw') { hud.fuelIcon._visible = true; } if (weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].weaponClass != 'melee' && weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].weaponType != 'chainsaw') { var v7 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoIcon; switch (v7) { case 'tinyBullet': var v4 = Math.round(weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo / 2); var v5 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo - v4; var v3 = 0; var v6 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo; abr = 0; while (abr < v5) { ++v3; hud.ammo.attachMovie('int_smallBullet', 'ammoIcon' + v3, depth_hud_ammo_ammoIcon + v3); var v1 = hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + v3]; v1._x = -(2 * abr); v1._y = 5; v1._alpha = ammoIconEmpty; v1.iconNum = v6 - v3; ++abr; } atr = 0; while (atr < v4) { ++v3; hud.ammo.attachMovie('int_smallBullet', 'ammoIcon' + v3, depth_hud_ammo_ammoIcon + v3); var v2 = hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + v3]; v2._x = -(2 * atr); v2._y = -5; v2._alpha = ammoIconEmpty; v2.iconNum = v6 - v3; ++atr; } break; case 'smallBullet': var v4 = Math.round(weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo / 2); var v5 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo - v4; var v3 = 0; var v6 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo; abr = 0; while (abr < v5) { ++v3; hud.ammo.attachMovie('int_smallBullet', 'ammoIcon' + v3, depth_hud_ammo_ammoIcon + v3); var v1 = hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + v3]; v1._x = -(5 * abr); v1._y = 5; v1._alpha = ammoIconEmpty; v1.iconNum = v6 - v3; ++abr; } atr = 0; while (atr < v4) { ++v3; hud.ammo.attachMovie('int_smallBullet', 'ammoIcon' + v3, depth_hud_ammo_ammoIcon + v3); var v2 = hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + v3]; v2._x = -(5 * atr); v2._y = -5; v2._alpha = ammoIconEmpty; v2.iconNum = v6 - v3; ++atr; } break; case 'shotgunShell': var v3 = 0; var v6 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo; abr = 0; while (abr < weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo) { ++v3; hud.ammo.attachMovie('int_shotgunShell', 'ammoIcon' + v3, depth_hud_ammo_ammoIcon + v3); var v2 = hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + v3]; v2._x = -(9 * abr); v2._y = 0; v2._alpha = ammoIconEmpty; v2.iconNum = v6 - v3; ++abr; } break; case 'rifleShell': var v3 = 0; var v6 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo; abr = 0; while (abr < weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo) { ++v3; hud.ammo.attachMovie('int_rifleShell', 'ammoIcon' + v3, depth_hud_ammo_ammoIcon + v3); var v2 = hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + v3]; v2._x = -(4 * abr); v2._y = 0; v2._alpha = ammoIconEmpty; v2.iconNum = v6 - v3; ++abr; } break; case 'bigBullet': var v3 = 0; var v6 = weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo; abr = 0; while (abr < weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].maxAmmo) { ++v3; hud.ammo.attachMovie('int_bigBullet', 'ammoIcon' + v3, depth_hud_ammo_ammoIcon + v3); var v2 = hud.ammo['ammoIcon' + v3]; v2._x = -(8 * abr); v2._y = 0; v2._alpha = ammoIconEmpty; v2.iconNum = v6 - v3; ++abr; } break; default: } updateAmmoCounter(); } } function updateInterface(type, variable, forced) { hudDamageDisplay(); if (player.attPoints > 0 || player.skillPoints > 0) { hud.levelUp._visible = true; } else { hud.levelUp._visible = false; } if (type == 'stamina') { var v4 = Math.round((world.player.stamina / world.player.staminaMax) * 100);, 0.2, 'easeOutSine'); } if (hungerPenalty > 0) { hud.hungerIcon._visible = true; hud.hungerIcon._alpha = hungerPenalty * 20; if (hud.hungerIcon._alpha < 20) { hud.hungerIcon._alpha = 0; } } else { hud.hungerIcon._visible = false; } if (sleepPenalty > 0) { hud.sleepIcon._visible = true; hud.sleepIcon._alpha = sleepPenalty * 20; if (hud.sleepIcon._alpha < 20) { hud.sleepIcon._alpha = 0; } } else { hud.sleepIcon._visible = false; } if (type != 'ammo' && type != 'XP') { if (world.player.permHealth != world.player.lastHealth || firstInterfaceUpdate || forcedInterfaceUpdate || forced) { firstInterfaceUpdate = false; forcedInterfaceUpdate = false; = Math.round( + ' / ' + world.player.healthMax; healthBarScale = Math.round(( / world.player.healthMax) * 100); permHealthBarScale = Math.round((world.player.permHealth / world.player.healthMax) * 100); if (world.player.permHealth < world.player.lastHealth) {, 0.3);, 1, 'linear', 0.5);, 1);, 1); } else { = healthBarScale; = permHealthBarScale; } if (world.player.permHealth < world.player.lastHealth) { hudDamageDisplay(); } setHeartInterval(); } } if (type == 'ammo') { hud.ammo.ammoTotal.text = _root['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType]; if (_root['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType] < 100) { hud.ammo.ammoTotal.text = '0' + _root['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType]; } if (_root['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType] == undefined) { hud.ammo.ammoTotal.text = ''; } } if (type == 'XP') { var v3 = Math.round((XP / levelXP) * 100); = v3; } } function hudButtonSetup(btnName) { hud.rollOverBox._alpha = 0; hud[btnName].onRollOver = function () { this.alphaTo(50, 0.5); hud.rollOverBox._x = this._x; hud.rollOverBox._y = 350; hud.rollOverBox._alpha = 0; hud.rollOverBox.alphaTo(100, 0.1, 'linear', 0.4); switch (btnName) { case 'btn_inventory': hud.rollOverBox.txt.text = '[ B ] BACKPACK'; break; case 'btn_character': hud.rollOverBox.txt.text = '[ C ] CHARACTER'; break; case 'btn_journal': hud.rollOverBox.txt.text = '[ J ] JOURNAL'; break; case 'btn_achievements': hud.rollOverBox.txt.text = '[ X ] ACHIEVEMENTS'; break; default: hud.rollOverBox._alpha = 0; } }; hud[btnName].onRollOut = function () { this.alphaTo(20, 0.5); hud.rollOverBox.stopTween(); hud.rollOverBox._alpha = 0; }; hud[btnName].onPress = function () { if ( != true) { switch (btnName) { case 'btn_help': pauseGame(); _root.showDialogBox(dialog_walkThrough); break; case 'btn_inventory': _root.openCloseInventory(); break; case 'btn_character': _root.openCloseCharacter(); break; case 'btn_options': _root.openPauseMenu(); break; case 'btn_time': _root.openCloseTimePanel(); break; case 'btn_journal': _root.openJournal(); break; case 'btn_map': _root.openMap(); break; case 'btn_achievements': _root.openAchievements(); break; case 'levelUp': _root.openCloseCharacter(); break; default: } } else { addNoOpenStruggleAlert(); } }; } function companionIndicatorSetup() { hud.compInd._visible = false; = npc[player.follower].sex; hud.compInd.hairColour = convertHairColour(npc[player.follower].hairColour); hud.compInd.skinColour = convertSkinColour(npc[player.follower].skinColour); hud.compInd.clothesTop = npc[player.follower].clothesTop; hud.compInd.torsoAccessory = npc[player.follower].torsoAccessory; hud.compInd.headAccessory = npc[player.follower].headAccessory; hud.compInd.faceAccessory = npc[player.follower].faceAccessory; hud.compInd.clothesBottom = npc[player.follower].clothesBottom; hud.compInd.clothesShoe = npc[player.follower].clothesShoe; = + '_' + npc[player.follower].hair; hud.compInd.facialHair = npc[player.follower].facialHair; decoratePlayer(hud.compInd); } function showDamageText(target, damage, missText) { if (settingShowDamageText == true) { ++dmgTexts; if (dmgTexts > 99) { dmgTexts = 1; } world.attachMovie('damageText', 'dmgTxt' + dmgTexts, depth_world_damageText + dmgTexts); var v2 = world['dmgTxt' + dmgTexts]; v2._x = target._x + (random(30) - 15); v2._y = target._y - (target._height + 10); if (criticalHit) { v2._xscale = critDamageTextScale; v2._yscale = critDamageTextScale; v2.txt.colorTo(16763904); } if (Math.round(damage) == Infinity) { dText('MAX PPOOOOOWWWER'); } var v3 = Math.round(damage); if (v3 == Infinity) { v3 = 300; } v2.txt.text = '-' + v3; if (v3 <= 0) { v2.txt.text = ''; } if (missText == true) { v2.txt.colorTo(9737364); v2.txt.text = 'MISS!'; } v2.cacheAsBitmap = true; v2.ySlideTo(target._y - (target._height + 30), 4); v2.alphaTo(0, 1, 'linear', 0.5, function () { removeMovieClip(this); }); } } function checkShowDamage() { for (sdt in allOnScreen) { var v1 = allOnScreen[sdt]; if ( < v1.lastHealth && v1.friendly != true) { showDamage = Math.abs( - v1.lastHealth); v1.lastHealth =; showDamageText(v1, showDamage); } } } function scrollPage(targetScroll) { if (targetScroll == 'search') { if (scrollAmount < 0 && hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y > -(hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height - scrollBarHide) || scrollAmount > 0 && hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y < 0) { hud.searchPanel.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y += scrollAmount; } } if (targetScroll == 'dialog') { if (scrollAmount < 0 && _root.hud.dialogBox.dialogContent._y > -(_root.hud.dialogBox.dialogContent._height - scrollBarHide) || scrollAmount > 0 && _root.hud.dialogBox.dialogContent._y < 0) { _root.hud.dialogBox.dialogContent._y += scrollAmount; } } if (targetScroll == 'inventory') { if (scrollAmount < 0 && hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y > -(hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._height - scrollBarHide) || scrollAmount > 0 && hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y < 0) { hud.inventory.scrollPanel.scrollContainer._y += scrollAmount; } } if (targetScroll == 'storageInventory') { if (scrollAmount < 0 && > -( - scrollBarHide) || scrollAmount > 0 && < 0) { += scrollAmount; } } if (targetScroll == 'storage') { if (scrollAmount < 0 && > -( - scrollBarHide) || scrollAmount > 0 && < 0) { += scrollAmount; } } } function newInterfaceControls() { newKeyListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (mapOpen != true) { switch (Key.getCode()) { case 88: openCloseAchievements(); break; case 71: if (world.player.alive == true && givingWeapon == false && inCompRange == true && currentCompanion.alive == true) { if (currentCompanion.down != true && currentCompanion != undefined) { startGiveWeapon(); } if (currentCompanion != undefined && currentCompanion.down == true) { startHelpCompanion(); } } break; case 27: if (journalOpen == true) { openCloseJournal(); } if (inventoryOpen == true) { openCloseInventory(); } if (searchOpen == true) { closeSearch(); } if (timePanelOpen == true) { closeTimePanel(true); } if (noteOpen == true) { closeNote(); } if (dialogOpen == true) { closeDialog(); } if (securityOpen == true) { closeSecurity(false); } if (characterOpen == true) { closeCharacter(); } if (storageOpen == true) { closeStorage(); } if (pauseMenuOpen != true) { openPauseMenu(); } else { closePauseMenu(); } break; case 73: case 66: case 9: if (world.player.struggling != true) { openCloseInventory(); } if (world.player.struggling) { addNoOpenStruggleAlert(); } break; case 65: if (searchOpen == true) { takeAllSearchItems(; } break; case 67: openCloseCharacter(); break; case 74: openCloseJournal(); break; case 69: if (characterOpen == true) { openCloseCharacter(); } if (inventoryOpen == true) { openCloseInventory(); } if (achevOpen == true) { closeAchievements(); } if (journalOpen == true) { closeJournal(); } if (world.player.struggling != false) break; if (searchOpen == true || securityOpen == true || storageOpen == true || noteOpen == true || timePanelOpen == true) { if (searchOpen == true) { closeSearch(); } if (securityOpen == true) { closeSecurity(false); } if (storageOpen == true) { closeStorage(); } if (noteOpen == true) { closeNote(); } if (timePanelOpen == true) { closeTimePanel(true); } } else { activate(); } } } }; Key.addListener(newKeyListener); } function interfaceControls() { if (loginOpen == true) { if (Key.isDown(13) && enterLogin != true) { menu.armorAGI.login.submit.onPress(); enterLogin = true; } } if (inGame && systemConsole._y <= -100 && mapOpen != true) { scrolling = false; scrollListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { _root.scrolling = true; _root.scrollAmount = 0; divideDelta = delta * _root.scrollSpeed; _root.scrollAmount += divideDelta; _root.scrollPage(_root.currentScrollFocus); }; Mouse.addListener(scrollListener); } if (mapOpen == true) { if (Key.isDown(keyMoveLeft) || Key.isDown(37)) { scrollMapKeys('left'); } if (Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) { scrollMapKeys('right'); } if (Key.isDown(83) || Key.isDown(40)) { scrollMapKeys('down'); } if (Key.isDown(keyJump) || Key.isDown(38)) { scrollMapKeys('up'); } } } function keyUpDetection() { keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { if (world.player.alive == true) { switch (Key.getCode()) { case 83: downKeyLocked = false; releaseCrouch(); break; case 40: downKeyLocked = false; releaseCrouch(); break; case 17: downKeyLocked = false; releaseCrouch(); break; case 87: upKeyLocked = false; if (securityOpen) { pushPin(); } break; case 90: upKeyLocked = false; if (securityOpen) { pushPin(); } break; case 38: upKeyLocked = false; if (securityOpen) { pushPin(); } break; case 70: flashLightLocked = false; break; case 63: swapWeaponsLocked = false; break; case 81: if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { struggleLeftLocked = false; idlePlayerPosition(); } else { swapWeaponsLocked = false; } break; case 49: swapWeaponsLocked = false; break; case 50: swapWeaponsLocked = false; break; case 32: shoveKeyLocked = false; break; case 82: reloadLocked = false; break; case 65: aLocked = false; struggleLeftLocked = false; idlePlayerPosition(); break; case 39: if (securityOpen != true) { struggleRightLocked = false; idlePlayerPosition(); } else { lockPinKeyLocked = false; } break; case 68: if (securityOpen != true) { struggleRightLocked = false; idlePlayerPosition(); } else { lockPinKeyLocked = false; } break; case 37: struggleLeftLocked = false; idlePlayerPosition(); break; case 16: toggleAnimMode(world.player, 'default'); playerMoveForwardAnim = false; runModifier = false; sprintLocked = false; break; default: } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); } function allKeysUp() {} function openClosePauseMenu() { if (pauseMenuOpen == true) { unPauseGame(); closePauseMenu(); } else { pauseGame(); openPauseMenu(); } } function openPauseMenu() { playInterfaceSound('open'); pauseMenuOpen = true; hasSaved = false; hideHUD(); if (mapOpen != true) { closeStorage(); closeSearch(); closeJournal(); closeCharacter(); closeAchievements(); closeInventory(); closeAchievements(); pauseGame(); } game.state = 'paused'; hud.attachMovie('pauseMenu', 'pauseMenu', depth_hud_pauseMenu); hideCrosshair(); hud.pauseMenu._x = Stage.width / 2; hud.pauseMenu._y = Stage.height / 2; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu._visible = false; = false; hud.pauseMenu.keyboard._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu._visible = false; } function closePauseMenu() { hasSaved = false; playInterfaceSound('close'); pauseMenuOpen = false; saveGameSettings(); if (mapOpen != true) { showHUD(); showCrosshair(); unPauseGame(); } removeMovieClip(hud.pauseMenu); } function pauseMenu_mainBtnSetup(btnName) { hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = btnName.toUpperCase(); hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = btnName.toUpperCase(); if (btnName == 'videoMenu') { hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'VISUAL OPTIONS'; } if (btnName == 'gameMenu') { hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'GAME OPTIONS'; } if (btnName == 'audio') { hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'AUDIO OPTIONS'; } if (btnName == 'saveAndQuit') { hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'SAVE AND QUIT'; } if (btnName == 'saveGame') { hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'SAVE GAME'; } if (btnName == 'keyBoard') { hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'CONTROLS'; } hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].onRollOver = function () { hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].highlight._visible = true; hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].textClip.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].onRollOut = function () { hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].textClip.colorTo(null, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].onRollOver = function () { hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].highlight._visible = true; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].textClip.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].onRollOut = function () { hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].textClip.colorTo(null, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.main[btnName].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); switch (btnName) { case 'resume': _root.closePauseMenu(); break; case 'saveGame': if (_root.hasSaved == false) { saveGameSettings(); saveGame(); if (_root.agi.isLoggedIn() == true) { doCloudSave(); } else { _root.hasSaved = true; showDialogBox(dialog_gameSaved); } } break; case 'options': hud.pauseMenu.main._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = true; break; case 'saveAndQuit': saveGameSettings(); saveGame(); quitGame(); break; default: } }; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu[btnName].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); switch (btnName) { case 'back': hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.main._visible = true; break; case 'videoMenu': hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu._visible = true; break; case 'gameMenu': hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu._visible = true; break; case 'keyboard': hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.keyboard._visible = true; break; case 'audio': hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = false; = true; break; default: } }; } function pauseMenu_gameBtnSetup(btnName) { updateButtonTextGame(btnName); hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].onRollOver = function () { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].highlight._visible = true; hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].onRollOut = function () { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.colorTo(null, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); switch (btnName) { case 'back': hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = true; break; case 'violence': _root.toggleSetting('lowViolence'); _root.updateButtonTextGame(this._name); break; case 'damageText': _root.toggleSetting('settingShowDamageText'); _root.updateButtonTextGame(this._name); break; case 'xpText': _root.toggleSetting('settingShowXPText'); _root.updateButtonTextGame(this._name); break; case 'bodyFade': _root.toggleFades('Body'); _root.updateButtonTextGame(this._name); break; case 'decalFade': _root.toggleFades('Decal'); _root.updateButtonTextGame(this._name); break; case 'achUpdates': _root.toggleSetting('settingAchUpdates'); _root.updateButtonTextGame(this._name); break; default: } }; } function updateButtonTextGame(btnName) { switch (btnName) { case 'back': hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'BACK'; break; case 'achUpdates': if (settingAchUpdates) { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } break; case 'violence': if (lowViolence) { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'LOW'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'HIGH'; } break; case 'decalFade': if (settingDecalFade == 'med') { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'MEDIUM'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = settingDecalFade.toUpperCase(); } break; case 'bodyFade': if (settingBodyFade == 'med') { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'MEDIUM'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = settingBodyFade.toUpperCase(); } break; case 'damageText': if (settingShowDamageText) { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } break; case 'xpText': if (settingShowXPText) { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.gameMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } } } function pauseMenu_videoBtnSetup(btnName) { updateButtonTextVid(btnName); hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].onRollOver = function () { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].highlight._visible = true; hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].onRollOut = function () { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.colorTo(null, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); switch (btnName) { case 'back': hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = true; break; case 'quality': _root.toggleQuality(); _root.updateButtonTextVid(this._name); break; case 'effects': _root.toggleSetting('lowEffects'); _root.updateButtonTextVid(this._name); break; case 'filmGrain': _root.toggleSetting('settingFilmGrain'); _root.toggleFilmGrain(); _root.updateButtonTextVid(this._name); break; case 'screenShake': _root.toggleSetting('settingScreenShake'); _root.updateButtonTextVid(this._name); break; case 'flashlight': _root.toggleSetting('lowFlashlight'); _root.setupFlashLight(true); _root.updateButtonTextVid(this._name); break; case 'brightness': _root.toggleBrightness(); _root.updateButtonTextVid(this._name); _root.lightWorldObjects(); break; default: } }; } function updateButtonTextVid(btnName) { switch (btnName) { case 'back': hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'BACK'; break; case 'quality': hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = _quality.toUpperCase(); break; case 'brightness': hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = settingBrightness; break; case 'violence': if (lowViolence) { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'LOW'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'HIGH'; } break; case 'effects': if (lowEffects) { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'LOW'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'HIGH'; } break; case 'flashlight': if (lowFlashlight) { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'LOW'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'HIGH'; } break; case 'filmGrain': if (settingFilmGrain) { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } break; case 'screenShake': if (settingScreenShake) { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } break; case 'decalFade': if (settingDecalFade == 'med') { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'MEDIUM'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = settingDecalFade.toUpperCase(); } break; case 'bodyFade': if (settingBodyFade == 'med') { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'MEDIUM'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = settingBodyFade.toUpperCase(); } break; case 'damageText': if (settingShowDamageText) { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } break; case 'xpText': if (settingShowXPText) { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.videoMenu[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } } } function pauseMenu_keyboardBtnSetup(btnName) { updateButtonTextKeyBoard(btnName); hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].onRollOver = function () { hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].highlight._visible = true; hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].textClip.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].onRollOut = function () { hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].highlight._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].textClip.colorTo(null, 0.1); }; hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); switch (btnName) { case 'back': hud.pauseMenu.keyboard._visible = false; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = true; break; case 'azerty': _root.toggleSetting('settingKeyboardAzerty'); _root.updateButtonTextKeyBoard(this._name); break; case 'lefty': _root.toggleSetting('settingKeyboardLefty'); _root.updateButtonTextKeyBoard(this._name); break; case 'toggleCrouch': _root.toggleSetting('settingToggleCrouch'); _root.updateButtonTextKeyBoard(this._name); break; default: } }; } function updateButtonTextKeyBoard(btnName) { switch (btnName) { case 'back': hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'BACK'; break; case 'azerty': if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } break; case 'lefty': if (settingKeyboardLefty) { hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } break; case 'toggleCrouch': if (settingToggleCrouch) { hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else { hud.pauseMenu.keyboard[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } } } function pauseMenu_audioBtnSetup(btnName) { updateButtonTextAudio(btnName);[btnName].highlight._visible = false;[btnName].onRollOver = function () {[btnName].highlight._visible = true;[btnName].textClip.colorTo(16777215, 0.1); };[btnName].onRollOut = function () {[btnName].highlight._visible = false;[btnName].textClip.colorTo(null, 0.1); };[btnName].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); switch (btnName) { case 'back': = false; hud.pauseMenu.optionMenu._visible = true; break; case 'soundEffects': _root.toggleSetting('settingSoundOn'); _root.updateButtonTextAudio(this._name); break; case 'music': _root.toggleSetting('settingMusicOn'); _root.updateButtonTextAudio(this._name); if (settingMusicOn) { _root['music_' + lastMusicNum].start(); } else { mam = 0; while (mam < 6) { _root['music_' + mam].stop(); ++mam; } } break; default: } }; } function updateButtonTextAudio(btnName) { switch (btnName) { case 'back':[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'BACK'; break; case 'soundEffects': if (settingSoundOn) {[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else {[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; } break; case 'music': if (settingMusicOn) {[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'ON'; } else {[btnName].textClip.settingText.text = 'OFF'; music_music.stop(); } } } function openCloseTimePanel() { if (timePanelOpen) { unPauseGame(); closeTimePanel(true); } else { pauseGame(); openTimePanel(); } } function openTimePanel() { pauseGame(); hideCrosshair(); hideHUD(); hoursToWait = 0; timePanelOpen = true; hud.attachMovie('int_timePanel', 'timePanel', depth_hud_timePanel); hideCrosshair(); hud.timePanel._x = Stage.width / 2; hud.timePanel._y = Stage.height / 2; hud.timePanel.sleepWait._visible = true; hud.timePanel.timeSlide._visible = true; hud.timePanel.time.text = 'TIME: ' + currentTime + ' ' + meridiem; hud.timePanel.desc.text = ''; if (gameMode == 'survivor') { hud.timePanel.tiredness.text = sleepStates[calculateSleepState()].toUpperCase() + ' - ' + Math.round(100 - player.sleep) + '%'; } else { hud.timePanel.tiredness.text = ''; } } function closeTimePanel(unpause) { if (timePanelOpen == true) { timePanelOpen = false; showCrosshair(); showHUD(); if (unpause == true) { unPauseGame(); } removeMovieClip(hud.timePanel); } } function timePanel_btnSetup(btnName) { hud.timePanel[btnName].onRollOver = function () { switch (btnName) { case 'wait': hud.timePanel.desc.text = waitRiskAssessment; break; case 'sleep': hud.timePanel.desc.text = 'You are currently ' + sleepStates[currSleepState].toUpperCase() + '.'; break; default: hud.timePanel.desc.text = ''; } }; hud.timePanel[btnName].onRollOut = function () { hud.timePanel.desc.text = ''; }; hud.timePanel[btnName].onRelease = function () { switch (btnName) { case 'wait': _root.hud.timePanel.wait._visible = false; _root.hud.timePanel.sleep._visible = false; _root.hud.timePanel.btnTitles._visible = false; _root.hud.timePanel.sleepWait._visible = true; _root.hud.timePanel.timeSlide._visible = true; _root.timeMode = 'WAIT'; _root.hud.timePanel.sleepWait.txt.text = 'WAIT'; break; case 'sleep': _root.hud.timePanel.wait._visible = false; _root.hud.timePanel.sleep._visible = false; _root.hud.timePanel.btnTitles._visible = false; _root.hud.timePanel.sleepWait._visible = true; _root.hud.timePanel.timeSlide._visible = true; _root.timeMode = 'SLEEP'; _root.hud.timePanel.sleepWait.txt.text = 'SLEEP'; break; case 'sleepWait': _root.sleepWait(_root.timeMode, _root.hoursToWait); getCurrentTime(); closeTimePanel(false); break; case 'exit': closeTimePanel(true); } }; } function timePanel_sliderSetup(btnName) { hud.timePanel.timeSlide.arrow.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.hoursToWait = Math.round((this._x / 252) * 100 / 10); _root.hud.timePanel.timeSlide.desc.text = 'HOURS TO ' + _root.timeMode + ': ' + _root.hoursToWait; }; hud.timePanel.timeSlide.arrow.onPress = function () { startDrag(this, true, 0, -5, 252, -5); this.dragging = true; }; hud.timePanel.timeSlide.arrow.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }; hud.timePanel.timeSlide.arrow.onRelease = hud.timePanel.timeSlide.arrow.onReleaseOutside; } function sizeButtons() { hud.dialogBox.button1.btnTop._width = hud.dialogBox.button1.btnText._width + dialogBtnSpace; hud.dialogBox.button2.btnTop._width = hud.dialogBox.button2.btnText._width + dialogBtnSpace; hud.dialogBox.button3.btnTop._width = hud.dialogBox.button3.btnText._width + dialogBtnSpace; hud.dialogBox.button1.btnBottom._width = hud.dialogBox.button1.btnText._width + dialogBtnBaseSpace; hud.dialogBox.button2.btnBottom._width = hud.dialogBox.button2.btnText._width + dialogBtnBaseSpace; hud.dialogBox.button3.btnBottom._width = hud.dialogBox.button3.btnText._width + dialogBtnBaseSpace; if (hud.dialogBox.button1._visible == true && hud.dialogBox.button2._visible == true) { hud.dialogBox.button2._x = 245 - hud.dialogBox.button2._width; } } function dialog(target, update) { playInterfaceSound('open'); currentScrollFocus = 'dialog'; searchQuests(target); if (quest['quest' + activeQuest].type == 'talk' && quest['quest' + activeQuest].completed == false) { if ( == quest['quest' + activeQuest].talkReq) { completeQuest(activeQuest, false, target); } } npcObj = _root.npc[]; if (update != true) { dialogOpen = true; closeCharacter(); closeInventory(); closeTimePanel(); closeSearch(); hideHUD(); pauseGame(true); hud.attachMovie('dialog', 'dialogBox', depth_hud_dialog); var v4 = new flash.geom.Point(currentFocus._x, currentFocus._y); world.localToGlobal(v4); dText('NPC Global X: ' + v4.x); if (v4.x > 500) { hud.dialogBox._x = 20; } else { hud.dialogBox._x = Stage.width - 300; } hud.dialogBox._y = 90; = npcObj.fullName.toUpperCase(); hud.dialogBox.title.text = npcObj.title.toUpperCase(); hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.txt.text = ''; } = npcObj.fullName.toUpperCase(); hud.dialogBox.title.text = npcObj.title.toUpperCase(); hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.txt.autoSize = 'center'; if (update == true) { hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.txt.text = ''; dialogText = ''; } var v2 = quest['quest' + npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]]; dText('Talking to ' + + ' in State: ' + npcObj.state); dText('Has Quest: ' + npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]); dText('Quest is Active: ' + v2.activeQuest); dText('Quest is Complete: ' + v2.completed); if (npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state] != undefined) { dialogText = npcObj['content' + npcObj.state]; if (quest['quest' + npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]].activeQuest == true) { dialogText = npcObj['content' + npcObj.state + 'active']; } if (quest['quest' + npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]].completed == true) { dialogText = npcObj['content' + npcObj.state + 'complete']; } } else { dialogText = npcObj['content' + npcObj.state]; } runDialog = true; dialogChar = 0;'head1'); if ( == 'female') {'head2'); } if ( != 'Partner' && != 'PartnerDocks') {, 0.1);, 0.1); } else {, 0.1);, 0.1); } hud.dialogBox.head.accessories.gotoAndStop(npcObj.headAccessory); hud.dialogBox.head.accessoriesFace.gotoAndStop(npcObj.faceAccessory); + '_' +; hud.dialogBox.head.facialHair.gotoAndStop(npcObj.facialHair);, 0.1); hud.dialogBox.head.facialHair.base.colorTo(convertHairColour(npcObj.hairColour), 0.1); hud.dialogBox.button1._visible = false; hud.dialogBox.button2._visible = false; hud.dialogBox.button3._visible = true; hud.dialogBox.button1.btnText.autoSize = 'left'; hud.dialogBox.button2.btnText.autoSize = 'left'; hud.dialogBox.button3.btnText.autoSize = 'left'; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.rewardPanel._visible = false; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.invisTxt.autoSize = 'center'; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.invisTxt.text = dialogText; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.rewardPanel._y = hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.invisTxt._height + 20; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.invisTxt._visible = false; if (v2.rewards != undefined) { hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.rewardPanel._visible = true; var v3 = ''; for (rl in v2.rewards) { determineItemType(v2.rewards[rl]); if (v2.rewards[rl] != 'follower') { v3 += _root[currItemType][v2.rewards[rl]].name; dText('REWARD LIST NUM: ' + rl); if (rl > 0) { v3 += ', '; } } if (v2.rewards[rl] == 'follower') { v3 += v2.owner + ' WILL BECOME YOUR COMPANION'; } if (v2.rewards[rl] == 'partner') { v3 = ''; } } hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.rewardPanel.rewardText.text = v3.toUpperCase(); } else { hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.rewardPanel._visible = false; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.rewardPanel.rewardText.text = ''; } if (v2.XPreward != undefined) { hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.rewardPanel._visible = true; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.rewardPanel.XPrewardText.text = v2.XPreward + ' XP'; } if (npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state] != undefined) { if (quest['quest' + npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]].completed == true) { hud.dialogBox.button1._visible = false; hud.dialogBox.button2._visible = false; hud.dialogBox.button3._visible = true; hud.dialogBox.button3.btnText.text = npcObj['compResp' + npcObj.state].toUpperCase(); sizeButtons(); hud.dialogBox.button3.onRelease = function () { _root.changeNPCState(npcObj); _root.closeDialog(); }; } if (quest['quest' + npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]].activeQuest == true && quest['quest' + npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]].completed == false) { hud.dialogBox.button1._visible = false; hud.dialogBox.button2._visible = false; hud.dialogBox.button3._visible = true; if (questCheck(npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]) == true) { hud.dialogBox.button3.btnText.text = npcObj['reqMet' + npcObj.state].toUpperCase(); sizeButtons(); hud.dialogBox.button3.onRelease = function () { _root.completeQuest(npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state], false, target); if (npcObj.state == undefined) { _root.closeDialog(); } }; } else { hud.dialogBox.button3.btnText.text = npcObj['reqNotMet' + npcObj.state].toUpperCase(); sizeButtons(); hud.dialogBox.button3.onRelease = function () { _root.closeDialog(); }; } } if (quest['quest' + npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]].activeQuest == false && quest['quest' + npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]].completed == false) { hud.dialogBox.button1._visible = true; hud.dialogBox.button2._visible = true; hud.dialogBox.button3._visible = false; hud.dialogBox.button1.btnText.text = npcObj['confirm' + npcObj.state].toUpperCase(); hud.dialogBox.button2.btnText.text = npcObj['decline' + npcObj.state].toUpperCase(); sizeButtons(); hud.dialogBox.button1.onRelease = function () { _root.setActiveQuest(npcObj['quest' + npcObj.state]); _root.closeDialog(); }; hud.dialogBox.button2.onRelease = function () { _root.closeDialog(); }; hud.dialogBox.button3.onRelease = function () { _root.closeDialog(); }; } } else { hud.dialogBox.button3.btnText.text = 'OK'; sizeButtons(); hud.dialogBox.button3.onRelease = function () { if (npcObj['changeState' + npcObj.state] != undefined) { _root.changeNPCState(npcObj, npcObj['changeState' + npcObj.state]); } else { _root.closeDialog(); } }; } if (hud.dialogBox.dialogContent._height >= 230) { hud.dialogBox.scrollBar._visible = true; dialogScroll(); } else { hud.dialogBox.scrollBar._visible = false; } } function closeDialog() { playInterfaceSound('close'); saveNPCStates(); saveQuestStates(); showHUD(); dialogOpen = false; unPauseGame(); removeMovieClip(hud.dialogBox); } function displayDialog() { if (runDialog == true) { if (writingSound == false) { startWritingSound(); } if (dialogChar < dialogText.length) { hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.txt.text += dialogText.charAt(dialogChar); ++dialogChar; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.txt.text += dialogText.charAt(dialogChar); ++dialogChar; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.txt.text += dialogText.charAt(dialogChar); ++dialogChar; hud.dialogBox.dialogContent.txt.text += dialogText.charAt(dialogChar); ++dialogChar; } else { stopWritingSound(); runDialog = false; } } } function dialogScroll() { var dialogScrollTop = 0; var dialogScrollBottom = 190; var dialogScrollX = 254.25; var v10 = 240; if (hud.dialogBox.scrollBar._visible == true) { hud.dialogBox.scrollBar.onPress = function () { startDrag(this, true, dialogScrollX, dialogScrollTop, dialogScrollX, dialogScrollBottom); this.dragging = true; }; hud.dialogBox.scrollBar.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.dragging == true) { var v5 = Math.abs(200 - this._y); var v9 = (v5 / 190) * 100; var v6 = (100 - v9) / 100; var v3 = (_root.hud.dialogBox.dialogContent._height - 230) * v6; _root.hud.dialogBox.dialogContent._y = -v3; } if (_root.scrolling == true) { var v7 = _root.hud.dialogBox.dialogContent._height; var v4 = 190 / (v7 - 230); var v8 = (v4 * (scrollAmount * 2.6) / _root.hud.dialogBox.dialogContent._height) * 100; this._y -= v8; if (this._y < 0) { this._y = 0; } if (this._y > 190) { this._y = 190; } } }; hud.dialogBox.scrollBar.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.stopDrag(); this.dragging = false; }; hud.dialogBox.scrollBar.onRelease = hud.dialogBox.scrollBar.onReleaseOutside; } } function showDeath() { rushActive = false; musicDirectorLoop(true); closeInventory(); closeCharacter(); closeJournal(); endStruggle(world.player); world.player.animWeapon._visible = false; hud.attachMovie('int_death', 'death', depth_hud_death); hud.death.deathPanel._visible = false; if (hardcore == true) { resetSave(currentSave); hud.death.deathPanel.restartButtons._visible = false; } hud.death._alpha = 0; hud.death.alphaTo(100, deathShowDelay, 'easeOutSine', 0, function () { _root.hud.death.deathPanel._visible = true; }); hud.death.bloodSplat._alpha = 0; hud.death.bloodSplat._yscale = 20; hud.death.bloodSplat._xscale = 20; hud.death.bloodSplat.xScaleTo(100, 0.1, 'easeOutSine', deathShowDelay + 0.3); hud.death.bloodSplat.yScaleTo(100, 0.1, 'easeOutSine', deathShowDelay + 0.3); hud.death.bloodSplat.alphaTo(100, 0.1, 'easeOutSine', deathShowDelay + 0.3, function () { playSound('sound_bodyHit3'); }); hud.death.deathPanel._alpha = 0; hud.death.deathPanel._yscale = 50; hud.death.deathPanel._xscale = 50; hud.death.deathPanel.xScaleTo(100, 0.1, 'easeOutSine', deathShowDelay + 0.5); hud.death.deathPanel.yScaleTo(100, 0.1, 'easeOutSine', deathShowDelay + 0.5); hud.death.deathPanel.alphaTo(100, 0.1, 'easeOutSine', deathShowDelay + 0.5, function () { playSound('sound_openInterface'); }); hud.death.deathPanel.deathMsg.text = deathMsg[random(deathMsg.length)]; hud.death.deathPanel.deathText.text = 'AFTER SURVIVING ' + currentDayNumber + ' DAYS, YOU HAVE DIED.'; if (currentDayNumber <= 1) { hud.death.deathPanel.deathText.text = 'AFTER SURVIVING ' + currentDayNumber + ' DAY, YOU HAVE DIED.'; } if (hardcore == true) { hud.death.deathPanel.deathText.text += '\rSADLY, BECAUSE YOU WERE PLAYING\rHARDCORE YOUR STORY IS OVER'; } var v2 = Math.round(XP / xpRespawnPen); var v3 = Math.round(XP / xpRespawnPenOutside); hud.death.deathPanel.restartButtons.xpPenalty.text = '-' + v2 + ' XP'; hud.death.deathPanel.restartButtons.xpPenaltyOutside.text = '-' + v3 + ' XP'; hud.death._x = Stage.width / 2; hud.death._y = Stage.height / 2; hideCrosshair(); pauseGame(null, true); hideHUD(); hud.death.redOut.useHandCursor = false; hud.death.redOut.onPress = function () {}; } function hideDeath() { removeMovieClip(hud.death); unPauseGame(); showHUD(); } function deathRespawnHere() { adjustXP('death'); fullHealth(); changeRooms('deathSame'); screenShake(1, 1); hideDeath(); } function deathRespawnOutside() { fullHealth(); changeRooms('deathOutside', currentBuilding); screenShake(1, 1); hideDeath(); } function deathButtonSetup(btnName) { hud.death.deathPanel.restartButtons[btnName].onRollOver = function () {}; hud.death.deathPanel.restartButtons[btnName].onRelease = function () { switch (btnName) { case 'here': deathRespawnHere(); break; case 'outside': deathRespawnOutside(); break; default: } }; hud.death.deathPanel.quitBtn.onRelease = function () { if (_root.hardcore != true) { showDialogBox(_root.dialog_quitNoSave); } else { quitGame(); closeDialogBox(); } }; } function showDialogBox(contents) { hideHUD(); playSound('sound_interfaceOver'); _root.attachMovie('dialogBox', 'dialogBox', depth_dialog); dialogBox._x = Stage.width / 2; dialogBox._y = Stage.height / 2; dialogBox.blackOut._alpha = 0; dialogBox.backing._alpha = 0; dialogBox.button1._alpha = 0; dialogBox.button2._alpha = 0; dialogBox.button3._alpha = 0; dialogBox.button1._visible = false; dialogBox.button2._visible = false; dialogBox.button3._visible = false; dialogBox.backing._visible = true; dialogBox.textBoxes._alpha = 0; dialogBox.textBoxes.headingText.text = contents.heading; dialogBox.textBoxes.bodyText.text = contents.body; dialogBox.itemRef = contents.itemRef; dialogBox.blackOut.useHandCursor = false; dialogBox.blackOut.onPress = function () {}; btnNum = 1; while (btnNum < 4) { if (contents['button' + btnNum + 'Active'] == true) { dialogBox['button' + btnNum].buttonText.text = contents['button' + btnNum + 'Desc']; dialogBox['button' + btnNum]._visible = true; dialogBox['button' + btnNum].alphaTo(100, 0.6, 'easeOutSine', 0.4); dialogBox['button' + btnNum].onPress = function () { playSound('sound_interfaceClick'); }; dialogBox['button' + btnNum].onRelease = contents['button' + btnNum + 'Action']; dialogBox['button' + btnNum].onRollOver = playRollOverSound; } ++btnNum; } dialogBox.blackOut.alphaTo(60, 0.8, 'easeOutSine'); dialogBox.backing.alphaTo(100, 0.6, 'easeOutSine'); dialogBox.textBoxes.alphaTo(100, 0.6, 'easeOutSine', 0.4); } function closeDialogBox() { showHUD(); dialogBox.alphaTo(0, 0.1, 'easeOutSine', 0, function () { removeMovieClip(this); }); } function initDialogBoxes() { dialog_walkThrough = new Object(); dialog_walkThrough.heading = 'NEED SOME HELP?'; dialog_walkThrough.body = '\rVIEW THE WALKTHROUGH\rFOR THIS GAME?'; dialog_walkThrough.button1Active = true; dialog_walkThrough.button1Desc = 'VIEW'; dialog_walkThrough.button2Active = true; dialog_walkThrough.button2Desc = 'CLOSE'; dialog_walkThrough.button1Action = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; dialog_walkThrough.button2Action = function () { if (game.state == 'paused') { unPauseGame(); } closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_getMoreStorage = new Object(); dialog_getMoreStorage.heading = 'NEED MORE STORAGE?'; dialog_getMoreStorage.body = 'BUYING THE SURVIVAL KIT\rGIVES YOU 2x THE SPACE\r\rDO YOU WANT TO VIEW IT NOW?'; dialog_getMoreStorage.button1Active = true; dialog_getMoreStorage.button2Active = true; dialog_getMoreStorage.button3Active = false; dialog_getMoreStorage.button1Desc = 'VIEW INFO'; dialog_getMoreStorage.button2Desc = 'NO'; dialog_getMoreStorage.button1Action = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_getMoreStorage.button2Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_premiumGameplay = new Object(); dialog_premiumGameplay.heading = 'SURVIVAL KIT NEEDED'; dialog_premiumGameplay.body = 'TO PLAY WITH THESE OPTIONS\r YOU NEED TO GET THE SURVIVAL KIT\r\rDO YOU WANT TO VIEW IT NOW?'; dialog_premiumGameplay.button1Active = true; dialog_premiumGameplay.button2Active = true; dialog_premiumGameplay.button3Active = false; dialog_premiumGameplay.button1Desc = 'VIEW INFO'; dialog_premiumGameplay.button2Desc = 'NO'; dialog_premiumGameplay.button1Action = function () { cycleMenus('premium'); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_premiumGameplay.button2Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_premiumAdded = new Object(); dialog_premiumAdded.heading = 'SURVIVAL KIT ADDED'; dialog_premiumAdded.body = '\rPREMIUM CONTENT GEAR\rHAS BEEN ADDED TO YOUR\rSTORAGE CONTAINER.'; dialog_premiumAdded.button1Active = false; dialog_premiumAdded.button2Active = false; dialog_premiumAdded.button3Active = true; dialog_premiumAdded.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_premiumAdded.button3Action = function () { if (game.state == 'paused') { unPauseGame(); } closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_achStar1 = new Object(); dialog_achStar1.heading = 'ACHIEVEMENT REWARD'; dialog_achStar1.body = '\rYOU GOT THE\rBIOHAZARD OUTFIT\rCHECK YOUR STORAGE.'; dialog_achStar1.button1Active = false; dialog_achStar1.button2Active = false; dialog_achStar1.button3Active = true; dialog_achStar1.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_achStar1.button3Action = function () { unPauseGame(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_achStar2 = new Object(); dialog_achStar2.heading = 'ACHIEVEMENT REWARD'; dialog_achStar2.body = '\rYOU GOT THE\rBATTLE AXE\rCHECK YOUR STORAGE.'; dialog_achStar2.button1Active = false; dialog_achStar2.button2Active = false; dialog_achStar2.button3Active = true; dialog_achStar2.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_achStar2.button3Action = function () { unPauseGame(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_achStar3 = new Object(); dialog_achStar3.heading = 'ACHIEVEMENT REWARD'; dialog_achStar3.body = '\rYOU GOT THE\rM82 SNIPER RIFLE\rCHECK YOUR STORAGE.'; dialog_achStar3.button1Active = false; dialog_achStar3.button2Active = false; dialog_achStar3.button3Active = true; dialog_achStar3.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_achStar3.button3Action = function () { unPauseGame(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_gameSaved = new Object(); dialog_gameSaved.heading = 'GAME SAVED'; dialog_gameSaved.body = '\rYOUR GAME HAS BEEN SAVED.'; dialog_gameSaved.button1Active = false; dialog_gameSaved.button2Active = false; dialog_gameSaved.button3Active = true; dialog_gameSaved.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_gameSaved.button3Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_gameSavedCloud = new Object(); dialog_gameSavedCloud.heading = 'GAME SAVED ONLINE'; dialog_gameSavedCloud.body = '\rYOUR SAVE GAME HAS\rBEEN UPLOADED ONLINE.'; dialog_gameSavedCloud.button1Active = false; dialog_gameSavedCloud.button2Active = false; dialog_gameSavedCloud.button3Active = true; dialog_gameSavedCloud.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_gameSavedCloud.button3Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_buyItem = new Object(); dialog_notEnoughMoney = new Object(); dialog_notEnoughMoney.heading = 'NOT ENOUGH CASH'; dialog_notEnoughMoney.body = '\rYOU DON\'T HAVE ENOUGH\rCASH TO PURCHASE THIS ITEM.'; dialog_notEnoughMoney.button1Active = false; dialog_notEnoughMoney.button2Active = false; dialog_notEnoughMoney.button3Active = true; dialog_notEnoughMoney.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_notEnoughMoney.button3Action = function () { unPauseGame(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_noSleepHere = new Object(); dialog_noSleepHere.heading = 'YOU CANNOT SLEEP HERE'; dialog_noSleepHere.body = 'IT\'D BE SUICIDE TO SLEEP\rOUTSIDE OF A SECURE AREA.\r\rFIND A SAFEHOUSE.'; dialog_noSleepHere.button1Active = false; dialog_noSleepHere.button2Active = false; dialog_noSleepHere.button3Active = true; dialog_noSleepHere.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_noSleepHere.button3Action = function () { unPauseGame(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_companionDown = new Object(); dialog_companionDown.heading = 'COMPANION DOWN!'; dialog_companionDown.body = 'YOUR COMPANION NEEDS RESCUING.\rLEAVING THEM WILL RESULT\rIN THEIR DEATH.'; dialog_companionDown.button1Active = false; dialog_companionDown.button2Active = false; dialog_companionDown.button3Active = true; dialog_companionDown.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_companionDown.button3Action = function () { companionDownAck = true; unPauseGame(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion = new Object(); dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion.heading = 'NEW COMPANION?'; dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion.body = 'WOULD YOU LIKE TO REPLACE\rYOUR CURRENT COMPANION WITH\rTHIS PERSON?'; dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion.button1Active = true; dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion.button2Active = true; dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion.button3Active = false; dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion.button1Desc = 'YES'; dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion.button2Desc = 'NO'; dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion.button1Action = function () { removeCompanion(); addCompanion(; closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_alreadyHaveCompanion.button2Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_noPremade = new Object(); dialog_noPremade.heading = 'SELECT AN OCCUPATION'; dialog_noPremade.body = 'YOU NEED TO SELECT\rAN OCCUPATION OR\rCREATE A CUSTOM ONE'; dialog_noPremade.button1Active = false; dialog_noPremade.button2Active = false; dialog_noPremade.button3Active = true; dialog_noPremade.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_noPremade.button3Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_levelUpPoints = new Object(); dialog_levelUpPoints.heading = 'POINTS REMAINING'; dialog_levelUpPoints.body = 'YOU STILL HAVE POINTS TO\rTHAT NEED TO BE ASSIGNED\rIN ORDER TO CONTINUE'; dialog_levelUpPoints.button1Active = false; dialog_levelUpPoints.button2Active = false; dialog_levelUpPoints.button3Active = true; dialog_levelUpPoints.button3Desc = 'OK'; dialog_levelUpPoints.button3Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_quitNoSave = new Object(); dialog_quitNoSave.heading = 'QUIT'; dialog_quitNoSave.body = 'ALL PROGRESS SINCE YOUR LAST\r SAVE WILL BE LOST.\r\rDO YOU WANT TO QUIT?'; dialog_quitNoSave.button1Active = true; dialog_quitNoSave.button2Active = true; dialog_quitNoSave.button3Active = false; dialog_quitNoSave.button1Desc = 'YES'; dialog_quitNoSave.button2Desc = 'NO'; dialog_quitNoSave.button1Action = function () { quitGame(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_quitNoSave.button2Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_unspentPoints = new Object(); dialog_unspentPoints.heading = 'UNSPENT POINTS'; dialog_unspentPoints.body = 'YOU HAVE NOT ASSIGNED ALL OF\r YOUR CHARACTER\'S POINTS\r\rDO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE?'; dialog_unspentPoints.button1Active = true; dialog_unspentPoints.button2Active = true; dialog_unspentPoints.button3Active = false; dialog_unspentPoints.button1Desc = 'YES'; dialog_unspentPoints.button2Desc = 'NO'; dialog_unspentPoints.button1Action = function () { charCreateLaunch(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_unspentPoints.button2Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_overwriteSave = new Object(); dialog_overwriteSave.heading = 'START A NEW STORY'; dialog_overwriteSave.body = 'THIS WILL OVERWRITE THE EXISTING\rCHARACTER IN THIS SAVE GAME\r\rARE YOU SURE?'; dialog_overwriteSave.button1Active = true; dialog_overwriteSave.button2Active = true; dialog_overwriteSave.button3Active = false; dialog_overwriteSave.button1Desc = 'YES'; dialog_overwriteSave.button2Desc = 'NO'; dialog_overwriteSave.button1Action = function () { createNewSaveGame(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_overwriteSave.button2Action = function () { closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_hardcoreMode = new Object(); dialog_hardcoreMode.heading = 'HARDCORE?'; dialog_hardcoreMode.body = 'WOULD YOU LIKE TO\rTURN ON HARDCORE?\r\rYOUR CHARACTER WILL\rONLY HAVE ONE LIFE.'; dialog_hardcoreMode.button1Active = true; dialog_hardcoreMode.button2Active = true; dialog_hardcoreMode.button3Active = false; dialog_hardcoreMode.button1Desc = 'YES'; dialog_hardcoreMode.button2Desc = 'NO'; dialog_hardcoreMode.button1Action = function () { hardcore = true; openCreateCharacter(); closeMenu(); closeDialogBox(); }; dialog_hardcoreMode.button2Action = function () { hardcore = false; openCreateCharacter(); closeMenu(); closeDialogBox(); }; } function setupAlertText() { hud.alertText.text = ''; hud.alertText._alpha = 0; hud.alertText._visible = false; } function addAlert(alertString, alertColour) { alertArray.push(alertString); if (alertColour == undefined) { alertColours.push('none'); } else { alertColours.push(alertColour); } } function showAlert() { hud.alertText._visible = true; hud.alertText.alphaTo(100, 0.4, 'easeOutSine'); hud.alertText.txt.text = alertArray[0].toUpperCase(); hud.alertText.alphaTo(0, 0.4, 'easeOutSine', 3, function () { this._visible = false; }); switch (alertColours[0]) { case 'white': alertTextForm = new TextFormat(); alertTextForm.color = 16777215; break; default: alertTextForm = new TextFormat(); alertTextForm.color = 13369344; } hud.alertText.txt.setTextFormat(alertTextForm); alertArray.splice(0, 1); alertColours.splice(0, 1); } function cycleAlerts() { if (alertArray.length > 0) { if (hud.alertText._alpha <= 0) { showAlert(); } } } function removeAlerts(alertType) { for (ral in alertArray) { if (alertArray[ral] == alertType) { alertArray.splice(ral, 1); alertColours.splice(ral, 1); hud.alertText.alphaTo(0, 0.4, 'easeOutSine', 3, function () { this._visible = false; }); } } } function saveHelp() { = help_movement; = help_mouse; = help_shove; = help_jump; = help_safehouse; = help_search; = help_inventory; = help_levelUp; = help_journal; = help_sprint; = help_weaponSwitch; } function loadHelp() { help_weaponSwitch =; help_movement =; help_mouse =; help_shove =; help_jump =; help_safehouse =; help_search =; help_inventory =; help_levelUp =; help_journal =; help_sprint =; } function hideHelp() {, 1, 'easeOutSine', 2.5, function () { removeMovieClip(this); }); saveHelp(); } function checkHelp() { switch (currentHelp) { case 'movement': if (helpLeft && helpRight) { help_movement = true; hideHelp(); } break; case 'mouse': if (helpMouse) { help_mouse = true; hideHelp(); } break; case 'shove': if (helpShove) { help_shove = true; hideHelp(); } break; case 'sprint': if (helpSprint) { help_sprint = true; hideHelp(); } break; case 'jump': if (helpJump) { help_jump = true; hideHelp(); } break; case 'search': if (helpSearch) { help_search = true; hideHelp(); setTimeout(showHelp, 3000, 'inventory'); } break; case 'inventory': if (helpInventory) { help_inventory = true; hideHelp(); } break; case 'levelUp': if (helpLevelUp) { help_levelUp = true; hideHelp(); } break; case 'journal': if (helpJournal) { help_journal = true; hideHelp(); } break; case 'weaponSwitch': if (helpWeaponSwitch) { help_weaponSwitch = true; hideHelp(); } } } function showHelp(helpName, time) { loadHelp(); hud.attachMovie('helpBar', 'help', depth_hud_help);; currentHelp = helpName; = false; if (_root['help_' + helpName] != true) {; = helpName; = 0; = true;, 0.2, 'easeOutSine', 1.5); if (time != undefined) { var v3 = int(time);, 1, 'easeOutSine', v3, function () { _root['help_' + this.helpName] = true; hideHelp(); }); } switch (helpName) { case 'movement': if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { = 'Q'; } else { = 'A'; } = 'D'; break; case 'weaponSwitch': if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { = 'A'; } else { = 'Q'; } break; case 'jump': if (settingKeyboardAzerty) { = 'Z'; } else { = 'W'; } } } } function openCloseAchievements() { if (achevOpen) { closeAchievements(); } else { openAchievements(); } } function closeAchievements() { achevOpen = false; playInterfaceSound('close'); removeMovieClip(hud.achev); unPauseGame(); showHUD(); showCrosshair(); } function openAchievements() { achevOpen = true; closeStorage(); closePauseMenu(); closeCharacter(); closeTimePanel(); closeSearch(); closeDialog(); closeJournal(); closeSecurity(); closeInventory(); activateLocked = true; pauseGame(null, true); hideHUD(); hideCrosshair(); playInterfaceSound('open'); onAchevPage = 1; achCount = 0; achLockCount = 0; achListNum = 0; achRows = 0; achCol = 0; hud.attachMovie('int_achievementPage', 'achev', depth_hud_achievementsScreen); var v3 = new Array(); for (addAch in ach) { v3.push(ach[addAch]); } v3.sortOn('bonus', Array.NUMERIC); shoAch = 0; while (shoAch < v3.length) { ++achCount; hud.achev.achList.attachMovie('achievementPanel', 'ach' + achListNum, achListNum); var v2 = hud.achev.achList['ach' + achListNum]; v2._y = Math.round((v2._height + 2) * achRows); ++achRows; if (achRows == achMaxRows) { achRows = 1; ++achCol; v2._y = 0; } v2._x = Math.round(achCol * (v2._width + 7)); if (v3[shoAch].comp != true) { ++achLockCount; v2.blackOut._alpha = 30; v2.achIcon.gotoAndStop('lock'); } v2.title.text = v3[shoAch].name.toUpperCase(); v2.desc.text = v3[shoAch].desc.toUpperCase() + ' - ' + v3[shoAch].bonus + ' XP'; v2.bonus.text = v3[shoAch].count + ' / ' + v3[shoAch].req; v2.progBar._visible = true; v2.progBar._xscale = Math.round((v3[shoAch].count / v3[shoAch].req) * 100); if (v3[shoAch].secret == true && v3[shoAch].comp != true) { if (v3[shoAch].nameSecret == true) { v2.title.text = 'SECRET'; } else { v2.title.text = v3[shoAch].name.toUpperCase(); } v2.desc.text = 'THIS IS A SECRET ACHIEVEMENT - ' + v3[shoAch].bonus + ' XP'; v2.bonus.text = ''; } ++achListNum; ++shoAch; } var v4 = Math.ceil(((achCount - achLockCount) / achCount) * 100); hud.achev.unlocked.text = v4 + '% UNLOCKED'; hud.achev.achBar._xscale = v4; hud.achev.star1.colorTo(3355443, 0.1); hud.achev.star2.colorTo(3355443, 0.1); hud.achev.star3.colorTo(3355443, 0.1); giveAchAwards(); achevPages = Math.ceil((achCol + 1) / 3); hud.achev.pageNum.text = _root.onAchevPage + ' / ' + _root.achevPages; } function achButtonSetup(btnName) { hud.achev[btnName].onPress = function () { switch (btnName) { case 'nextBtn': if (_root.onAchevPage < _root.achevPages) { ++_root.onAchevPage; _root.hud.achev.achList._x -= achListScroll; _root.playSound('sound_interfacePage1'); } break; case 'prevBtn': if (_root.onAchevPage > 1) { --_root.onAchevPage; _root.hud.achev.achList._x += achListScroll; _root.playSound('sound_interfacePage2'); } break; case 'exitBtn': _root.closeAchievements(); } hud.achev.pageNum.text = _root.onAchevPage + ' / ' + _root.achevPages; }; } function checkShowSocial() { hud.attachMovie('socialPrompt', 'social', depth_hud_social); = true; if ( != true && != true) { = true; saveSettings(); mapLock = true; socialOpen = true; = -100;, 0.5, 'easeOutSine');'0xFFFFFF', 0.1); } = function () { if (socialOpen != true) { mapLock = true; socialOpen = true; this.arrowIcon._xscale = -100; this._parent.ySlideTo(307, 0.5, 'easeOutSine'); this.arrowIcon.colorTo('0xFFFFFF', 0.1); } else { socialOpen = false; mapLock = false; this.arrowIcon._xscale = 100; this._parent.ySlideTo(0, 0.5, 'easeOutSine'); this.arrowIcon.colorTo('0xFFFFFF', 0.1); } }; = function () { this.arrowIcon.colorTo('0xFFCC00', 0.1); }; = function () { this.arrowIcon.colorTo('0xFFFFFF', 0.1); }; = function () { giveSocialReward('twitter'); getURL('', '_blank'); }; = function () { giveSocialReward('facebook'); getURL('', '_blank'); }; = function () { _root.mapLock = false; removeMovieClip(this._parent); }; } function giveSocialReward(platform) { switch (platform) { case 'twitter': if ( != true) { giveItem('cash_500'); twitterRewardGiven = true; saveGameSettings(); } break; case 'facebook': if ( != true) { giveItem('cash_500'); facebookRewardGiven = true; saveGameSettings(); } break; default: } } function saveAmmo() { for (at in ammoTypes) {['ammo' + ammoTypes[at]] = _root['ammo' + ammoTypes[at]]; } } function loadAmmo() { for (at in ammoTypes) { if (['ammo' + ammoTypes[at]] != undefined) { _root['ammo' + ammoTypes[at]] =['ammo' + ammoTypes[at]]; } } } function setAmmoRarity() { for (ai in ammo) { aaa = 1; while (aaa <= numRarities) { if (aaa >= ammo[ai].rarity && ammo[ai].rarity != undefined && ammo[ai].rounds == 1) { _root['ammoRarity' + aaa].push(ammo[ai]); } ++aaa; } } } function fullAmmo() { ammo556 = 900; ammo762 = 900; ammo9mm = 900; ammo45 = 900; ammoshotgun = 900; ammoarrow = 900; ammogrenade = 900; ammofuel = 900; } function addAmmoToAllItems() { var v2 = 0; for (all in ammo) { ++v2; } for (all in ammo) { ammo[all].i = 'a' + v2; --v2; ammo[all].type = 'ammo'; ammo[all].st = 'aaaa'; ammo[all].icon = 'ammo'; _root.allAmmo.push(ammo[all]); _root[ammo[all].location + 'ammo'].push(ammo[all]); } } function reloadBar_OFF() { if (reloadBarActive == true && skillReloaded == false) { var v2 = hud.reloadBar._width / _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].reloadTime; hud.reloadBar.slide._x += v2; } else { hud.reloadBar.slide._x = 0; } } function skillReload_OFF() { skillReloaded = true; hud.reloadBar.slide.stopTween(); if (hud.reloadBar.slide._x >= hud.reloadBar.targetZone._x - hud.reloadBar.targetZone._width / 2 && hud.reloadBar.slide._x <= hud.reloadBar.targetZone._x + hud.reloadBar.targetZone._width / 2) { resetReloadBar(); } else { resetReloadBar(); } } function resetReloadBar_OFF() { hud.reloadBar.slide.stopTween(); hud.reloadBar.slide._x = 0; hud.reloadBar.alphaTo(0, 0.2, 'linear', 1); } function startReload(owner) { owner.needToReload = true; if (inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo == _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].maxAmmo) { owner.needToReload = false; } if (_root['ammo' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].ammoType] <= 0) { owner.needToReload = false; } if (owner.reloading == false && owner.needToReload == true && owner.shoving == false) { playSound('sound_' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType + '_reload', distSound(owner), panSound(owner)); if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'boltAction') { playSound('sound_assaultRifle_reload', distSound(owner), panSound(owner)); } if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'bullpup') { playSound('sound_smg_reload', distSound(owner), panSound(owner)); } skillReloaded = false; reloadBarActive = true; owner.meleeSwing = false; owner.shoving = false; owner.firing = false; owner.firingAnim = false; owner.reloading = true; var v3 = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType; if (owner.currentWeapon == 'UZI') { owner.arms.gotoAndPlay('pistolAutomatic_reload'); } else { owner.arms.gotoAndPlay(v3 + '_reload'); } owner.arms.animating = true; } } function reloadWeapon(amount, owner) { switch (amount) { case 'full': if ( == 'player') { var v3 = 0; v3 = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].maxAmmo - inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo; } if (v3 <= _root['ammo' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].ammoType]) { if ( == 'player') { _root['ammo' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].ammoType] += inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo; _root['ammo' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].ammoType] -= _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].maxAmmo; inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo += v3; skillTrack(_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].skill, 2); reloadBarActive = false; } owner.reloading = false; } else { if ( == 'player') { inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo += _root['ammo' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].ammoType]; _root['ammo' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].ammoType] = 0; reloadBarActive = false; skillTrack(_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].skill, 2); } owner.reloading = false; } break; case '1': if ( == 'player') { inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo += 1; --_root['ammo' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].ammoType]; } owner.reloading = false; break; case 'shotgun': if ( == 'player') { inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo += 1; --_root['ammo' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].ammoType]; } break; default: } if ( == 'player') { debugAmmo.text = owner[currentReloadWeapon + 'Ammo']; resetReloadBar(); updateAmmoCounter(); updateInterface('ammo'); } } function setWeaponIDs(setTo) { var v1 = world.player; for (wepID in inventory) { if (inventory[wepID].eqd == true && inventory[wepID].ammo != undefined) { if (inventory[wepID].current == true) { currentWeaponID = wepID; } else { storedWeaponID = wepID; } } } } function swapWeapons(swapTo, itemID, target) { var v2 = target; if (target != undefined) { v2 = target; } else { v2 = world.player; } if (v2.firing == false) { v2.reloading = false; v2.firingAnim = false; v2.shoving = false; if ( == 'player') { primaryWeapon = v2.primaryWeapon; secondaryWeapon = v2.secondaryWeapon; } if (v2.primaryWeapon != 'hands' && v2.secondaryWeapon != 'hands') { showHelp('weaponSwitch'); } loop_chainsaw.stop(); loop_chainsawIdle.stop(); if (v2.currentWeapon == 'chainsaw' || v2.currentWeapon == 'chainsaw_damaged') { playSound('sound_chainsaw_off'); } if ( == 'player') { if (v2.currentWeapon == primaryWeapon) { weaponOut = 'primary'; } else { weaponOut = 'secondary'; } } if (swapTo == 'current') { dText('Swapping Weapon to Current: ' + v2.currentWeapon); var v5 = false; if (v2.currentWeapon == v2.primaryWeapon) { v5 = true; var v3 = 'primary'; } else { if (v2.currentWeapon == v2.secondaryWeapon && v5 == false) { var v3 = 'secondary'; } } } if (swapTo == 'primary') { v2.currentWeapon = v2.primaryWeapon; v2.storedWeapon = v2.secondaryWeapon; lastAmmoCount = weapon[v2.secondaryWeapon].maxAmmo; v3 = 'primary'; } if (swapTo == 'secondary') { v2.currentWeapon = v2.secondaryWeapon; v2.storedWeapon = v2.primaryWeapon; lastAmmoCount = weapon[v2.primaryWeapon].maxAmmo; v3 = 'secondary'; } if (swapTo != 'primary' && swapTo != 'secondary' && swapTo != 'current') { if (weaponOut == 'primary') { v2.currentWeapon = v2.secondaryWeapon; v2.storedWeapon = v2.primaryWeapon; lastAmmoCount = weapon[v2.primaryWeapon].maxAmmo; v3 = 'secondary'; } if (weaponOut == 'secondary') { v2.currentWeapon = v2.primaryWeapon; v2.storedWeapon = v2.secondaryWeapon; lastAmmoCount = weapon[v2.secondaryWeapon].maxAmmo; v3 = 'primary'; } } if ( == 'player') { for (prw in inventory) { if (inventory[prw].eqd == true && inventory[prw].ammo != undefined) { if (inventory[prw].slot == v3 && inventory[prw].current != true) { inventory[prw].current = true; } if (inventory[prw].slot != v3 && inventory[prw].current == true) { inventory[prw].current = false; } } } setWeaponIDs(v3); } weaponOut = v3; v2.arms.lowerArm_backFront._visible = false; v2.arms.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType); v2.arms.weapon.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].ref); v2.animWeapon.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].ref); if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponBase != undefined) { v2.arms.weapon.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponBase); v2.animWeapon.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponBase); } v2.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; v2.arms.weapon.item.scope._visible = false; v2.arms.weapon.item.suppressor._visible = false; v2.animWeapon.item.scope._visible = false; v2.animWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = false; if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].mod == 'scope') { v2.arms.weapon.item.scope._visible = true; v2.animWeapon.item.scope._visible = true; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].mod == 'suppressed') { v2.arms.weapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; v2.animWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].mod == 'specOps') { v2.arms.weapon.item.scope._visible = true; v2.arms.weapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; v2.animWeapon.item.scope._visible = true; v2.animWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; } v2.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.gotoAndStop(v2.storedWeapon); v2.torsoAnim.torso.backpackWeapon.gotoAndStop(v2.storedWeapon); if (_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].weaponBase != undefined) { v2.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].weaponBase); v2.torsoAnim.torso.backpackWeapon.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].weaponBase); } v2.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.scope._visible = false; v2.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = false; v2.torsoAnim.torso.backpackWeapon.item.scope._visible = false; v2.torsoAnim.torso.backpackWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = false; if (_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].mod == 'scope') { v2.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.scope._visible = true; v2.torsoAnim.torso.backpackWeapon.item.scope._visible = true; } if (_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].mod == 'suppressed') { v2.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; v2.torsoAnim.torso.backpackWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; } if (_root.weapon[v2.storedWeapon].mod == 'specOps') { v2.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.scope._visible = true; v2.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; v2.torsoAnim.torso.backpackWeapon.item.scope._visible = true; v2.torsoAnim.torso.backpackWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = true; } v2.weaponSkill = _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].skill; v2.weaponType = _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType; setCritChance(); if (v2 == world.player) { setupAmmoCounter(); updateInterface('ammo', v3); } switch (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType) { case 'bullpup': v2.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('meleeBackHand'); break; case 'flameThrower': v2.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('grabHand'); v2.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('meleeBackHand'); break; case 'oneHand': case 'twoHand': case 'fist': v2.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('meleeBackHand'); v2.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('meleeFrontHand'); break; case 'bow': case 'RPG': break; default: v2.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('holdHand'); } HERC_clothingSetup(v2);, 0);, 0); if (v2.currentWeapon == 'chainsaw' || v2.currentWeapon == 'chainsaw_damaged') { playSoundLoop('sound_chainsaw_idle', 9999, 'chainsawIdle'); loop_chainsawIdle.start(0, 9999); } } if (weapon[v2.currentWeapon].reloadOnSwap == true) { startReload(v2); } } function returnWeaponPosition(returnTarget) { returnTarget.arms.gotoAndStop(_root.weapon[returnTarget.currentWeapon].weaponType); returnTarget.arms.weapon.gotoAndStop(returnTarget.currentWeapon); } function setupFireButton() { _root.attachMovie('fireButton', 'fireButton', depth_fireButton); fireButton.tabEnabled = false; fireButton.useHandCursor = false; fireButton.onPress = function () { dryFired = false; mouseOutOfBounds = false; if ( != 'paused' && == false && runModifier != true) { helpMouse = true; if (world.player.currentWeapon == world.player.primaryWeapon) { var v2 = 'primary'; } else { var v2 = 'secondary'; } if (inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo <= 0 && world.player.firingAnim == false && world.player.reloading == false && _root['ammo' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ammoType] > 0) { startReload(world.player); if ( != 'compoundBow') { playSound('sound_dryFire'); dryFired = true; } } if (inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo <= 0 && _root.weapon[].weaponClass == 'firearm' && world.player.reloading == false) { if ( != 'compoundBow') { playSound('sound_dryFire'); dryFired = true; } } if (world.player.reloading == true && inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo > 0 && _root.weapon[].weaponType == 'pumpAction' && raisingWeapon == false) { raisingWeapon = true;'pumpAction_raise'); dryFired = true; } if (inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo > 0 && world.player.reloading == false && world.player.shoving == false) { if ( == false && _root.weapon[].weaponClass == 'firearm') { _root.checkKnockback(; = true; + '_fire'); if (_root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ref == 'chainsaw' || _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ref == 'chainsaw_damaged') { playSound('sound_chainsaw_start'); playSoundLoop('sound_chainsaw_work', 9999, 'chainsaw'); loop_chainsaw.start(0, 9999); } } } if ( == false && == false && (_root.weapon[].weaponType == 'oneHand' || _root.weapon[].weaponType == 'twoHand' || _root.weapon[].weaponType == 'fists')) { humMeleeMissShot = false; _root.checkKnockback(; = true; = false; = true; + '_fire' + (random(2) + 1)); if (_root.weapon[].weaponType != 'fists') {'shove'); } playerExertSound(world.player); _root.playSound('sound_' + _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].swing + '_swing' + (random(2) + 1)); } } }; fireButton.onReleaseOutside = function () { if ( != 'paused') { = false; if (_root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].noFlash != true) { _root.setWeaponFlash(; } if (_root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ref == 'chainsaw' || _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ref == 'chainsaw_damaged') { loop_chainsaw.stop(); loop_chainsawIdle.start(); playSound('sound_chainsaw_end'); } if (dryFired == false) { for (fwc in enemiesOnScreen) { if (enemiesOnScreen[fwc].alerted == false) { alertedZombie(enemiesOnScreen[fwc], owner, null, _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].weaponNoise); } } } } }; fireButton.onRelease = fireButton.onReleaseOutside; } function fireWeapon(owner) { if (owner.currentWeapon == owner.primaryWeapon) { var v11 = 'primary'; } else { var v11 = 'secondary'; } if (inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo <= 0 || owner.survivor == true) { owner.firing = false; if (autoReload == true && owner.survivor != true) { startReload(owner); } } if (inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo > 0 || owner.survivor == true) { if (owner.survivor != true) { if (_root.weapon[].noShake != true && == 'player') { screenShake(Math.round(_root.weapon[].damage / 5), 2); } --inventory[currentWeaponID].ammo; updateAmmoCounter(); updateInterface('ammo', currentWeaponID); } if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].mod != undefined) { if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].mod == 'suppressed' || _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].mod == 'specOps') { playSound('sound_' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].icon + '_suppressed' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(owner), panSound(owner)); } else { playSound('sound_' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponBase + '_fire' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(owner), panSound(owner)); } } else { playSound('sound_' + owner.currentWeapon + '_fire' + (random(2) + 1), distSound(owner), panSound(owner)); } if (owner.transitioning == false) { owner.arms.torso.xTravel = Math.cos(owner.arms._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].recoil; owner.arms.torso.yTravel = Math.sin(owner.arms._rotation * Math.PI / 180) * _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].recoil; if (owner._xscale < 0) { owner.arms.torso.xTravel = -owner.arms.torso.xTravel; owner.arms.torso.yTravel = -owner.arms.torso.yTravel; } owner.arms.torso._x -= owner.arms.torso.xTravel; owner.arms.torso._y -= owner.arms.torso.yTravel; owner.neck._x -= owner.arms.torso.xTravel; owner.neck._y -= owner.arms.torso.yTravel; owner.head._x -= owner.arms.torso.xTravel; owner.head._y -= owner.arms.torso.yTravel; setTimeout(returnRecoil, _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].recoil * 5, owner); } if (_root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].noFlash != true) { muzzleFlash(owner); if (random(showSmokeChance) == 0) { owner.arms.smoke._visible = false; } else { owner.arms.smoke._visible = true; } } if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType != 'pumpAction' && _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType != 'revolver' && _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType != 'boltAction') { createBounceObject('shellCasing', owner); } if ( == 'player') { ++consecRounds; } tr = 0; while (tr < _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].roundsPerShot) { ++rounds; if (rounds > 999) { rounds = 1; } var v3 = world.attachMovie('projectile_' + _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].projectile, 'round' + rounds, depth_world_projectiles + rounds); v3._visible = false; if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].projectile != 'tracer') { lightObject(v3); } if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'handGrenade') { wPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner.arms._x, owner.arms._y - 100); } else { wPoint = new flash.geom.Point(owner.arms._x, owner.arms._y); } = 'round' + rounds; if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].piercing != undefined) { v3.pass = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].piercing; } else { v3.pass = 0; } var v9 = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].skill; var v8 = 0; var v7 = player[v9]; if (owner.crouched == true) { v7 += crouchBonus; } if (owner.moving == true) { v7 -= movingPenalty; } if (owner.jumping == true) { v7 -= jumpingPenalty; } v8 = ((skillMax - v7) / accuracyModifier) * _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].accuracy; v8 += consecRounds / consecShotAccuracyAdjust; var v5 = Math.random() * v8; if (random(2) < 1) { v5 = -v5; } v3.angle = owner.arms._rotation + v5; if (owner._xscale < 0) { v3.angle = -owner.arms._rotation + v5; } v3._rotation = v3.angle; v3.owner = owner; if (knockbackAttack) { v3.knockback = true; } v3.weaponName = owner.currentWeapon; v3.projectile = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].projectile; v3.roundSpeed = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].roundSpeed - Math.round(random(_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].roundSpeed / 10)); v3.damage = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].damage; v3.hitEffect = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].hitEffect; v3.splash = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].splash; v3.splashDamage = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].splashDamage; v3.splashSize = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].splashSize; v3.grenade = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].grenade; v3.grenade40mm = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].grenade40mm; v3.hitGrenade = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].hitGrenade; v3.delay = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].delay; v3.dirCount = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].dirCount; = Math.round(roundLife / v3.roundSpeed); v3.weaponClass = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponClass; if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'chainsaw' || _root.weapon[world.player.currentWeapon].ref == 'chainsaw_damaged') { = roundLife_chainsaw; } if (v3.grenade) { = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].life; } v3.gravity = roundGravity; v3.speedMod = 1; = 0; v3.rotDir = 'neg'; v3.HorzEnergy = 25; v3.VertEnergy = -15; v3.grenGravity = 1.5; v3.friction = 0.98; v3.bounced = false; v3.miss = false; v3.skill = _root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].skill; owner.localToGlobal(wPoint); world.globalToLocal(wPoint); v3._x = wPoint.x; v3._y = wPoint.y; if (_root.weapon[owner.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'flameThrower') { v3.weaponType = 'flameThrower'; = roundLife_flameThrower; var v6 = new flash.geom.Point(owner.arms.flashPoint._x, owner.arms.flashPoint._y); owner.arms.localToGlobal(v6); world.globalToLocal(v6); flameThowerParticle(v6.x, v6.y, -v3.angle + v5); } v3._visible = true; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( != 'paused') {;; if ( <= 0 && this.grenade != true) { for (var v3 in _root.roundsOnScreen) { if (_root.roundsOnScreen[v3].name == { _root.roundsOnScreen.splice(v3, 1); } } removeMovieClip(this); } if (this.projectile == 'RPG') { _root.smokeParticle(this._x, this._y, this.angle); } if ( <= 0 && this.grenade == true) { _root.showHitEffect(this, 'explosion', 'ground'); _root.splashDamageCheck(this); for (v3 in _root.roundsOnScreen) { if (_root.roundsOnScreen[v3].name == { _root.roundsOnScreen.splice(v3, 1); } } _root.checkRemoveGrenades(); removeMovieClip(this); } if (this.stopped != true) { if (this.grenade40mm != true && this.grenade != true) { this.x = Math.cos(this.angle * Math.PI / 180) * (this.roundSpeed * this.speedMod); this.y = Math.sin(this.angle * Math.PI / 180) * (this.roundSpeed * this.speedMod); this._x += this.x; this._y += this.y; } if (this.grenade40mm == true) { this.xant = this._x; this.yant = this._y; this._x += Math.cos((this.angle / 180) * Math.PI) * this.roundSpeed; this._y += this.gravity + Math.sin((this.angle / 180) * Math.PI) * this.roundSpeed; this.roundSpeed *= 0.98; this.gravity *= 1.05; this._rotation = Math.atan2(this._y - this.yant, this._x - this.xant) * 180 / Math.PI; } if (this.grenade == true) { if (this.stopped != true) { if (this._y >= { if (Math.abs(this.VertEnergy) < 3) { this.VertEnergy = 0; this.gravity = 0; } if (Math.abs(this.HorzEnergy) < 1) { this.stopped = true; } } else { this.bounced = false; } if (this.rotDir == 'pos') { this._rotation += this.HorzEnergy * 2; } else { this._rotation -= this.HorzEnergy * 2; } this.HorzEnergy *= this.friction; this.x = Math.cos(this.angle * Math.PI / 180) * this.HorzEnergy; this._x += this.x; if (Math.abs(this.VertEnergy) > 0) { this.VertEnergy += this.gravity; this._y += this.VertEnergy; } else {} } } } } }; roundsOnScreen.push(v3); v3 = null; ++tr; } } knockbackAttack = false; } function bounceGrenade(rndObj) { if (rndObj.stopped != true) { rndObj.HorzEnergy /= Math.random(30) / 10 + 1; rndObj.VertEnergy = -rndObj.VertEnergy / 1.95; rndObj.rotDir = 'pos'; rndObj.miss = true; } } function bounceGrenadeWall(rndObj) { if (rndObj.stopped != true) { rndObj.HorzEnergy = -rndObj.HorzEnergy / 1.95; rndObj.rotDir = 'pos'; rndObj.miss = true; } } function removeCasing(casingName) { casingName.alphaTo(0, 0.5, 'linear', 0, function () { removeMovieClip(this); }); } function returnRecoil(owner) { if (owner.transitioning == false) { owner.arms.torso._x = owner.arms.torso.originX; owner.arms.torso._y = owner.arms.torso.originY; owner.neck._x = 0; owner.neck._y = owner.neck.originY; owner.head._x = 10; owner.head._y = owner.head.originY; } } function addWeaponsToAllItems() { var v2 = 0; for (all in weapon) { ++v2; } for (all in weapon) { if (weapon[all].ref != 'hands') { weapon[all].i = 'w' + v2; --v2; weapon[all].type = 'weapon'; weapon[all].st = 'aaa'; weapon[all].pickup = weapon[all].ref; if (weapon[all].skill == 'blunt') { weapon[all].icon = 'blunt'; } if (weapon[all].skill == 'blades') { weapon[all].icon = 'blade'; } if (weapon[all].weaponClass == 'melee') { weapon[all].weaponNoise = 0; } _root.allWeapons.push(weapon[all]); _root.allItems.push(weapon[all]); _root[weapon[all].location + 'Weapon'].push(weapon[all]); } } } function createWeaponMods() { for (cwm in weapon) { for (wmn in allWeaponMods) { moddable = false; for (x in _root[allWeaponMods[wmn] + 'Weapons']) { if (weapon[cwm].weaponType == _root[allWeaponMods[wmn] + 'Weapons'][x] && weapon[cwm].ref != 'hands') { moddable = true; } } if (allWeaponMods[wmn] == 'heavy' && weapon[cwm].skill == 'blunt') { moddable = true; } if ((allWeaponMods[wmn] == 'sharpened' || allWeaponMods[wmn] == 'dull') && weapon[cwm].skill == 'blades') { moddable = true; } if (allWeaponMods[wmn] == 'damaged' && weapon[cwm].ref != 'hands') { moddable = true; } if (moddable) { var v2 = weapon[cwm].ref; weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]] = new Object(); for (all in weapon[cwm]) { weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]][all] = weapon[cwm][all]; weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]].name = weapon[cwm].name + ' - ' + allWeaponMods[wmn]; switch (allWeaponMods[wmn]) { case 'stock': weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]].name = weapon[cwm].name + ' - custom stock'; break; case 'extendedMag': weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]].name = weapon[cwm].name + ' - ext. mag'; break; case 'scope': weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]].name = weapon[cwm].name + ' - scoped'; break; case 'specOps': weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]].name = weapon[cwm].name + ' - spec ops'; } weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]].ref = weapon[cwm].ref + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]; weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]].mod = allWeaponMods[wmn]; weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]].weaponBase = weapon[cwm].ref; } allModdedWeapons.push(weapon[v2 + '_' + allWeaponMods[wmn]]); } } } for (all in allModdedWeapons) { } } function applyWeaponMods() { for (all in allModdedWeapons) { var v1 = allModdedWeapons[all]; switch (v1.mod) { case 'stock': v1.accuracy *= weaponMod_stock; v1.rarity += 2; break; case 'lightened': v1.weight = Math.round(v1.weight * weaponMod_lightened); v1.rarity += 2; break; case 'scope': v1.accuracy *= weaponMod_scope; v1.rarity += 2; break; case 'damaged': if (v1.accuracy != undefined) { v1.accuracy *= weaponMod_damagedAcc; } v1.damage = Math.round(v1.damage * weaponMod_damagedDamage); v1.rarity -= 2; break; case 'extendedMag': v1.maxAmmo = Math.round(v1.maxAmmo * weaponMod_extendedMag); v1.rarity += 2; break; case 'suppressed': v1.noFlash = true; v1.damage = Math.round(v1.damage * weaponMod_suppressedDamage); v1.weaponNoise = Math.round(v1.weaponNoise * weaponMod_suppressedNoise); v1.rarity += 2; break; case 'military': v1.damage = Math.round(v1.damage * weaponMod_militaryDamage); v1.maxAmmo = Math.round(v1.maxAmmo * weaponMod_militaryAmmo); v1.rarity += 2; break; case 'sharpened': v1.damage = Math.round(v1.damage * weaponMod_sharpenedDamage); v1.rarity += 2; break; case 'dull': v1.damage = Math.round(v1.damage * weaponMod_dullDamage); v1.rarity -= 2; break; case 'heavy': v1.damage = Math.round(v1.damage * weaponMod_heavyDamage); v1.weight = Math.round(v1.weight * weaponMod_heavyWeight); v1.rarity += 2; break; case 'specOps': v1.noFlash = true; v1.weaponNoise = Math.round(v1.weaponNoise * weaponMod_specOpsNoise); v1.accuracy *= weaponMod_specOpsAcc; v1.rarity += 2; } } } function getRefFromID(itemID, returnType) { var v6 = itemID; var v3 = v6.substring(0, 1); var v2 = ''; var v4 = ''; if (v3 == 'j') { v2 = 'junk'; } if (v3 == 'c') { v2 = 'clothing'; } if (v3 == 'b') { v2 = 'books'; } if (v3 == 'x') { v2 = 'xMoney'; } if (v3 == 'f') { v2 = 'food'; } if (v3 == 'm') { v2 = 'meds'; } if (v3 == 'a') { v2 = 'ammo'; } if (v3 == 'w') { v2 = 'weapon'; } if (v3 == 'q') { v2 = 'questItem'; } for (all in _root[v2]) { if (itemID == _root[v2][all].i) { v4 = _root[v2][all].ref; } } if (returnType == 'type') { return v2; } if (returnType == 'ref') { return v4; } } function getIDFromRef(itemRef, returnType) { determineItemType(itemRef); return _root[currItemType][itemRef].i; } function giveItem(itemRef, num) { if (num != undefined) { gin = 0; while (gin < num) { addToInventory(itemRef); ++gin; } } else { addToInventory(itemRef); } } function setItemArrays() { addMoneyToAllItems(); addBooksToAllItems(); addMedsToAllItems(); addFoodToAllItems(); addClothingToAllItems(); addWeaponsToAllItems(); addAmmoToAllItems(); addQuestItemsToAllItems(); setAmmoRarity(); for (ai in allItems) { iaa = 1; while (iaa <= numRarities) { if (Math.abs(allItems[ai].rarity - iaa) <= rarityLevelCap && allItems[ai].rarity != undefined) { if (allItems[ai].type != 'junk' && allItems[ai].type != 'ammo' && allItems[ai].type != 'money') { _root['rarity' + iaa].push(allItems[ai]); } } ++iaa; } } dText('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FINISHED RARITIES'); } function rare(num) { dText('Rarity Check: ' + num + '\r----------------------------------------'); for (lia in _root['rarity' + num]) { } } function determineItemType(itemRef) { currItemType = ''; if (junk[itemRef].weight != undefined) { currItemType = 'junk'; } if (clothing[itemRef].weight != undefined) { currItemType = 'clothing'; } if (books[itemRef].weight != undefined) { currItemType = 'books'; } if (xMoney[itemRef].weight != undefined) { currItemType = 'xMoney'; } if (food[itemRef].weight != undefined) { currItemType = 'food'; } if (meds[itemRef].weight != undefined) { currItemType = 'meds'; } if (ammo[itemRef].weight != undefined) { currItemType = 'ammo'; } if (weapon[itemRef].weight != undefined) { currItemType = 'weapon'; } if (questItem[itemRef].weight != undefined) { currItemType = 'questItem'; } return currItemType; } function listAllItems() { for (ai in allItems) { } } function addFoodToAllItems() { for (all in food) { food[all].i = 'f' + foodIDs; --foodIDs; food[all].type = 'food'; food[all].icon = 'food'; if (food[all].pickup != undefined) { } else { food[all].pickup = 'food'; } food[all].st = 'xfood'; allFood.push(food[all]); allItems.push(food[all]); } } function addMoneyToAllItems() { for (all in xMoney) { xMoney[all].i = 'x' + moneyIDs; --moneyIDs; xMoney[all].type = 'money'; xMoney[all].icon = 'cash'; xMoney[all].pickup = 'cash'; xMoney[all].st = 'aamoney'; allxMoney.push(xMoney[all]); allItems.push(xMoney[all]); } } function addMedsToAllItems() { for (all in meds) { meds[all].i = 'm' + medIDs; --medIDs; meds[all].type = 'meds'; meds[all].icon = 'medical'; meds[all].st = 'aid'; allMedical.push(meds[all]); allItems.push(meds[all]); } } function addBooksToAllItems() { for (all in books) { books[all].i = 'b' + bookIDs; --bookIDs; books[all].type = 'books'; books[all].icon = 'book'; books[all].pickup = 'book'; books[all].st = 'book'; books[all].name += ' [BOOK]'; allBooks.push(books[all]); allItems.push(books[all]); } } function giveAllClothing() { for (all in clothing) { giveItem(clothing[all].ref, 1); } } function addClothingToAllItems() { for (all in clothing) { clothing[all].i = 'c' + clothingIDs; --clothingIDs; clothing[all].type = 'clothing'; if (clothing[all].pickup != undefined) { } else { clothing[all].pickup = 'clothing'; } if (clothing[all].icon != undefined) { } else { clothing[all].icon = clothing[all].wearLocation; } if (clothing[all].location != undefined) { } else { clothing[all].location = 'bedroom'; } if (clothing[all].ref != 'none') { allClothing.push(clothing[all]); allItems.push(clothing[all]); _root[clothing[all].location + 'Junk'].push(clothing[all]); } } } function addQuestItemsToAllItems() { for (all in questItem) { questItem[all].i = 'q' + questItemIDs; --questItemIDs; questItem[all].type = 'questItem'; questItem[all].icon = 'questItem'; questItem[all].pickup = 'questItem'; questItem[all].st = 'aaaaquestItem'; allQuestItems.push(questItem[all]); allItems.push(questItem[all]); } } function bitmapBG() { wbgBMP.dispose(); wbgBMP = null; var wbgBMP = new flash.display.BitmapData(world.bounds._width + 1, world.bounds._height + 1, false, 0); world.bgHolder.attachBitmap(wbgBMP, depth_world_bg); wbgBMP.draw(; world.bgHolder.tabEnabled = false; = false; = false; } function setupRoom(firstLoad) { roofBD.dispose(); roofBD = null; bricksBD.dispose(); bricksBD = null; inGame = true; if (playerLocation.seed != undefined) { seed = playerLocation.seed; } else { seed = locationNumber * 1000 + streetNumber * 1000 + buildingNumber * 100 + floorNumber * 10 + roomNumber; } newRoomReset(); roomToDisplay = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom; _root.attachMovie(roomToDisplay, 'world', depth_world); world.tabEnabled = false; world._visible = false; if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].isShop == true) { setupShop(); } else { = false; } numContainers = 0; numDoors = 0; numBeds = 0; numSpecDeadBodies = 0; allBeds = new Array(); allContainers = new Array(); allBlocks = new Array(); allDoors = new Array(); allNPCs = new Array(); allInteractives = new Array(); allLights = new Array(); noSpawnArea = new Array(); if (firstLoad == true) { setFirstLoadCamera(); world._x = cameraStartX; } checkForCentreWorld(); world.ground = world.floorMarker._y; var v11 = new flash.geom.Point(world.floorMarker._x, world.floorMarker._y); world.localToGlobal(v11); world._y = 300 - v11.y; setPlayerLocation(); if (playerLocation.rand != undefined) { randomDecos(playerLocation.rand, playerLocation.randRate); } world.attachMovie('blankBlock', 'boundsGlow', depth_world_boundsGlow); world.boundsGlow._x = world.bounds._x; world.boundsGlow._y = world.bounds._y; world.boundsGlow._width = world.bounds._width; world.boundsGlow._height = world.bounds._height; world.boundsGlow.glowTo(0, 20, 55, 1.6, 2, false, true); world.boundsGlow.tabEnabled = false; world.attachMovie(roomToDisplay + '_fg', 'fg', depth_world_fg); setTimeout(bitmapBG, bitmapBGDelay); setLighting(world.bgHolder, false); world.fg.cacheAsBitmap = true; world.bgBrick.cacheAsBitmap = true; for (aw in world) { var v4 = world[aw]._name; var v3 = v4.substring(0, 4); if (v3 == 'body') { ++numSpecDeadBodies; addDeadBody(numSpecDeadBodies, _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom][v4].type, _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom][v4].pose, world[aw], _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom][v4].facing); world[aw]._visible = false; } if (v3 == 'shop') { world[aw]._visible = false; world[aw].focusType = v3; setShopInteractiveVars(world[aw]); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'trig') { world[aw]._visible = false; allTriggers.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'lstr') { world[aw]._visible = false; setupLight('streetLight', world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); } if (v3 == 'lstf') { world[aw]._visible = false; setupLight('streetLightFlicker', world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); } if (v3 == 'lhom') { world[aw]._visible = false; setupLight('homeLight', world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); } if (v3 == 'lhmf') { world[aw]._visible = false; setupLight('homeLight', world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); } if (v3 == 'lsml') { world[aw]._visible = false; setupLight('smallLight', world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); } if (v3 == 'lsmg') { world[aw]._visible = false; setupLight('smallLightGreen', world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); } if (v3 == 'lflu') { world[aw]._visible = false; setupLight('fluroLight', world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); } if (v3 == 'lflf') { world[aw]._visible = false; setupLight('fluroLightFlicker', world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); } if (v3 == 'note') { world[aw].focusType = v3; world[aw].name = world[aw]._name; var v9 = world[aw]._name; world[aw].noteID = v9.substring(4, 10); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'area') { world[aw].focusType = v3; allDoors.push(world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'room') { world[aw].focusType = v3; world[aw].name = world[aw]._name; var v7 = world[aw]._name; world[aw].num = v7.substring(4, 10); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'uprm') { world[aw].focusType = v3; world[aw].name = world[aw]._name; v7 = world[aw]._name; world[aw].num = v7.substring(4, 10); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'dnrm') { world[aw].focusType = v3; world[aw].name = world[aw]._name; v7 = world[aw]._name; world[aw].num = v7.substring(4, 10); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'ltrm' || v3 == 'rtrm') { world[aw].focusType = v3; world[aw].name = world[aw]._name; v7 = world[aw]._name; world[aw].num = v7.substring(4, 10); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'door') { checkIfDoorLocked(v4, world[aw]); world[aw].focusType = v3; allDoors.push(world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'drop') { world[aw].focusType = v3; allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'strt') { world[aw].focusType = v3; allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'exit') { world[aw].focusType = v3; world[aw].name = world[aw]._name; var v8 = world[aw]._name; world[aw].num = v8.substring(4, 10); allDoors.push(world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'entr') { world[aw].focusType = v3; world[aw].name = world[aw]._name; v8 = world[aw]._name; world[aw].num = v8.substring(4, 10); allDoors.push(world[aw]); setLighting(world[aw], false); allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'sup') { world[aw].focusType = v3; world[aw].name = world[aw]._name; allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'sdwn') { world[aw].focusType = v3; world[aw].name = world[aw]._name; allInteractives.push(world[aw]); } if (v3 == 'noSp') { noSpawnStart = world[aw]._x; noSpawnEnd = world[aw]._x + world[aw]._width; } if (v3 == 'abed' && checkIfSafeHouse() == true) { ++numBeds; world.attachMovie('container_blank', 'bedDisplay' + numBeds, depth_world_beds + numBeds); world['bedDisplay' + numBeds]._x = world[aw]._x; world['bedDisplay' + numBeds]._y = world[aw]._y; world['bedDisplay' + numBeds].focusType = 'abed'; world['bedDisplay' + numBeds]._xscale = world[aw]._xscale; world['bedDisplay' + numBeds]._yscale = world[aw]._yscale; world['bedDisplay' + numBeds]._alpha = 100; world['bedDisplay' + numBeds].name = world[aw]._name; allBeds.push(world['bedDisplay' + numBeds]); allInteractives.push(world['bedDisplay' + numBeds]); } if (v3 == 'cont') { var v6 = currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_' + v4; var v5 = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom][v4]; ++numContainers; world.attachMovie('container_blank', 'contDisplay' + numContainers, depth_world_containers + numContainers); world['contDisplay' + numContainers]._x = world[aw]._x; world['contDisplay' + numContainers]._y = world[aw]._y; world['contDisplay' + numContainers].focusType = 'cont'; world['contDisplay' + numContainers]._xscale = world[aw]._xscale; world['contDisplay' + numContainers]._yscale = world[aw]._yscale; world['contDisplay' + numContainers]._alpha = 100; world['contDisplay' + numContainers].ref = v6; world['contDisplay' + numContainers].name = world[aw]._name; world['contDisplay' + numContainers].desc = v5.desc; world['contDisplay' + numContainers].noJunk = v5.noJunk; world['contDisplay' + numContainers].locked = v5.locked; world['contDisplay' + numContainers].lockDiff = v5.lockDiff; world['contDisplay' + numContainers].hasKey = v5.hasKey; allContainers.push(world['contDisplay' + numContainers]); allInteractives.push(world['contDisplay' + numContainers]); } if (v3 == 'bloc') { setLighting(world[aw], false); allBlocks.push(world[aw]); } } setLighting(null, null, true); setupFlashLight(); hud.loadScreen.alphaTo(0, loadScreenTime, 'easeOutSine', 0, function () { this._visible = false; }); var v10 = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom]; if (v10.NPCs.length > 0) { setupNPCs(v10); } v10 = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom]; if (v10.enemy.length > 0) { setupHuman(v10); } } function setLighting(target, live, forced) { if (currentTimeHrs24 <= 12) { if (currentTimeHrs24 >= 0 && currentTimeHrs24 < 4) { currentLighting = lightTime1; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 4) { currentLighting = lightTime2; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 5 && currentTimeMin24 <= 30) { currentLighting = lightTime3; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 5 && currentTimeMin24 > 30) { currentLighting = lightTime4; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 6 && currentTimeMin24 < 15) { currentLighting = lightTime5; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 6 && currentTimeMin24 < 30 && currentTimeMin24 > 15) { currentLighting = lightTime6; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 6 && currentTimeMin24 >= 30) { currentLighting = lightTime7; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 7 && currentTimeMin24 < 15) { currentLighting = lightTime8; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 7 && currentTimeMin24 >= 30) { currentLighting = lightTime9; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 8 && currentTimeMin24 < 30) { currentLighting = lightTime10; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 8 && currentTimeMin24 > 30) { currentLighting = lightTime11; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 9 && currentTimeMin24 <= 30) { currentLighting = lightTime12; } if (currentTimeHrs24 >= 9 && currentTimeMin24 > 30 && currentTimeHrs24 <= 12) { currentLighting = lightTime13; } } if (currentTimeHrs24 > 12) { if (currentTimeHrs24 > 12 && currentTimeHrs24 < 16) { currentLighting = lightTime14; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 16 && currentTimeMin24 < 30) { currentLighting = lightTime15; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 16 && currentTimeMin24 > 30) { currentLighting = lightTime16; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 17 && currentTimeMin24 < 15) { currentLighting = lightTime17; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 17 && currentTimeMin24 < 30 && currentTimeMin24 > 15) { currentLighting = lightTime18; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 17 && currentTimeMin24 < 45 && currentTimeMin24 > 30) { currentLighting = lightTime19; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 17 && currentTimeMin24 < 59 && currentTimeMin24 > 45) { currentLighting = lightTime20; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 18 && currentTimeMin24 < 15) { currentLighting = lightTime21; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 18 && currentTimeMin24 < 30 && currentTimeMin24 > 15) { currentLighting = lightTime22; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 18 && currentTimeMin24 > 30 && currentTimeMin24 > 45) { currentLighting = lightTime23; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 18 && currentTimeMin24 > 45) { currentLighting = lightTime24; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 19 && currentTimeMin24 < 15) { currentLighting = lightTime25; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 19 && currentTimeMin24 < 30 && currentTimeMin24 > 15) { currentLighting = lightTime26; } if (currentTimeHrs24 == 19 && currentTimeMin24 < 59 && currentTimeMin24 > 30) { currentLighting = lightTime27; } if (currentTimeHrs24 >= 20) { currentLighting = lightTime28; } } var v1 = 0; if (playerLocation.lightReduction != undefined) { v1 = playerLocation.lightReduction; } if ( != && live == true || forced == true) { lastLighting = currentLighting; redLight = currentLighting.ra - Math.round((currentLighting.ra / 100) * v1); greenLight = - Math.round(( / 100) * v1); blueLight = - Math.round(( / 100) * v1); dText('BASE LIGHT: ' + redLight); redLight += Math.round(settingBrightness * brightnessMultiplier); greenLight += Math.round(settingBrightness * brightnessMultiplier); blueLight += Math.round(settingBrightness * brightnessMultiplier); dText('R: ' + redLight + ' G: ' + greenLight + ' B: ' + blueLight); dText('Bright Adjust: ' + Math.round(settingBrightness * brightnessMultiplier)); if (redLight < minLight) { redLight = minLight; } if (greenLight < minLight) { greenLight = minLight; } if (blueLight < minLight) { blueLight = minLight; } for (alc in allLights) { allLights[alc]._alpha = streetLightBase - redLight; if (allLights[alc]._alpha < 25) { allLights[alc]._visible = false; } else { allLights[alc]._visible = true; } if (lowFlashlight == true) { allLights[alc].gotoAndStop('lowQuality'); } else { allLights[alc].gotoAndPlay('highQuality'); } } target.stopTween(); target.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); world.fg.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); world.bgBrick.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); world.roofHolder.roof_mc.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); for (ld in allNPCs) { allNPCs[ld].stopTween(); allNPCs[ld].colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear'); } for (ld in allDoors) { allDoors[ld].stopTween(); allDoors[ld].colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear'); } for (ld in allBlocks) { allBlocks[ld].stopTween(); allBlocks[ld].colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear'); } for (lc in allOnScreen) { allOnScreen[lc].stopTween(); allOnScreen[lc].colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); } for (lc in allDeadBodies) { allDeadBodies[lc].stopTween(); allDeadBodies[lc].colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); } } else { if ( != || live == false) { lastLighting = currentLighting; redLight = currentLighting.ra - Math.round((currentLighting.ra / 100) * v1); greenLight = - Math.round(( / 100) * v1); blueLight = - Math.round(( / 100) * v1); dText('BASE LIGHT: ' + redLight); redLight += Math.round(settingBrightness * brightnessMultiplier); greenLight += Math.round(settingBrightness * brightnessMultiplier); blueLight += Math.round(settingBrightness * brightnessMultiplier); dText('R: ' + redLight + ' G: ' + greenLight + ' B: ' + blueLight); dText('Bright Adjust: ' + Math.round(settingBrightness * brightnessMultiplier)); if (redLight < minLight) { redLight = minLight; } if (greenLight < minLight) { greenLight = minLight; } if (blueLight < minLight) { blueLight = minLight; } for (alc in allLights) { allLights[alc]._alpha = streetLightBase - redLight; if (allLights[alc]._alpha < 25) { allLights[alc]._visible = false; } else { allLights[alc]._visible = true; } if (lowFlashlight == true) { allLights[alc].gotoAndStop('lowQuality'); } else { allLights[alc].gotoAndPlay('highQuality'); } } target.stopTween(); target.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, 0, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); world.fg.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, 0, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); world.bgBrick.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, 0, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); world.roofHolder.roof_mc.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, lightTransitionTime, 'linear', 0, function () { world._visible = true; }); } } } function lightObject(target) { target.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0, 0, 'linear'); } function lightWorldObjects() { setLighting(world.bgHolder, null, true); for (aw in world) { var v2 = world[aw]._name; var v1 = v2.substring(0, 4); if (v1 == 'area') { setLighting(world[aw], null, true); } if (v1 == 'door') { setLighting(world[aw], null, true); } if (v1 == 'exit') { setLighting(world[aw], null, true); } if (v1 == 'entr') { setLighting(world[aw], null, true); } } } function midday() { currentTimeHrs = 12; currentTimeMin = 0; currentTimeMin24 = 0; currentTimeHrs24 = 12; meridiem = 'PM'; setLighting(, true); } function sunset() { currentTimeHrs = 4; currentTimeMin = 0; currentTimeMin24 = 0; currentTimeHrs24 = 16; meridiem = 'PM'; setLighting(, true); } function sunrise() { currentTimeHrs = 4; currentTimeMin = 0; currentTimeMin24 = 0; currentTimeHrs24 = 4; meridiem = 'AM'; setLighting(, true); } function getCurrentTime() { currentTimeFull = ''; setDayNumber(); currentTimeFull = 'DAY ' + currentDayNumber + ' - ' + currentTime + ' ' + meridiem; } function setDayNumber() { var v1 = '' + gameTime / 1440; currentDayNumber = Math.floor(gameTime / 1440); } function setCurrentTime() { if ( != undefined) { } else { currentTimeHrs = 9; currentTimeMin = 30; currentTimeHrs24 = 9; currentTimeMin24 = 30; currentDayNumber = 1; dayNameCount = 1; meridiem = 'AM'; gameTime = 0; currentDayName = daysOfWeek[dayNameCount]; getCurrentTime(); } } function timeElapse() { if (game.state == 'unpaused') { ++timeCounter; if (timeCounter >= timeScale) { timeCounter = 0; ++currentTimeMin; ++currentTimeMin24; ++gameTime; degradeVitals(); setLighting(world.bgHolder, true); if (currentTimeMin > 59) { currentTimeMin = 0; currentTimeMin24 = 0; ++currentTimeHrs; ++currentTimeHrs24; ++hoursPassed; updateMeridiem(); } updateDay(); updateCurrentTime(); getCurrentTime(); } } } function updateMeridiem() { switch (meridiem) { case 'PM': if (currentTimeHrs > 11 && hoursPassed > 2) { meridiem = 'AM'; hoursPassed = 0; } break; case 'AM': if (currentTimeHrs > 11 && hoursPassed > 2) { meridiem = 'PM'; hoursPassed = 0; } break; default: } if (currentTimeHrs > 12) { currentTimeHrs = 1; } if (currentTimeHrs24 > 23) { currentTimeHrs24 = 0; } } function updateDay() { if (currentTimeHrs24 == 0 && currentTimeMin == 0) { ++currentDayNumber; ++dayNameCount; if (dayNameCount > 6) { } currentDayName = daysOfWeek[dayNameCount]; } } function updateCurrentTime() { currentTime = currentTimeHrs + ':' + currentTimeMin; if (currentTimeMin < 10) { currentTime = currentTimeHrs + ':0' + currentTimeMin; } } function sleepWait(sleepOrWait, timeUsed) { flashLightOff(); unPauseGame(); pauseGame(); sw = 0; while (sw < timeUsed) { ++currentTimeHrs; ++currentTimeHrs24; ++hoursPassed; if (sleepOrWait == 'SLEEP') { checkAch('sleep'); } gameTime += 60; var v3 = Math.round(world.player.healthMax * 0.1) + Math.round(( + player.endurance) / 2); var v4 = Math.round(world.player.staminaMax * 0.2) + Math.round( + player.endurance); world.player.permHealth += v3; = world.player.permHealth; if (world.player.permHealth > world.player.healthMax) { = world.player.healthMax; world.player.permHealth = world.player.healthMax; } if ( > world.player.healthMax) { = world.player.healthMax; world.player.permHealth = world.player.healthMax; } world.player.stamina += v4; if (world.player.stamina > world.player.staminaMax) { world.player.stamina = world.player.staminaMax; } updateInterface('stamina'); updateInterface(); updateMeridiem(); updateDay(); updateCurrentTime(); ++sw; } if (sleepOrWait == 'SLEEP') { adjustVital('sleep', 'decNeed', timeUsed); adjustVital('hunger', 'incNeed', Math.round(timeUsed * 60) * 0.1); } _root.attachMovie('blackOut', 'blackOut', depth_blackOut); blackOut._alpha = 0; blackOut.alphaTo(100, 1, 'linear', 0.2, function () { setLighting(world.bgHolder, true); wakeUpAnim(); }); blackOut.alphaTo(0, 1, 'linear', 4, function () { unPauseGame(); removeMovieClip(this); }); lastRushTime = gameTime; } function wakeUpAnim() { world.player._x = world.abed1._x; } function addDeadBodies() { if (_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].body1 != undefined) { } else { if (getIntInRange(1, 1000) <= deadBodyChance && _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding].safeHouse != true && _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom].safeHouse != true) { var v3 = _root.getIntInRange(1, numDeadBodies); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3) { setTimeout(addDeadBody, 100, v2); ++v2; } } } } function addDeadBody(deadZedNum, bodyType, pose, locObj, facing) { world.attachMovie('zombie', 'deadZedbody' + deadZedNum, depth_world_deadBodies + deadZedNum); currentDeadBody = world['deadZedbody' + deadZedNum]; currentDeadBody.alive = false; currentDeadBody._x = _root.getIntInRange(200, world.bounds._width - 200); currentDeadBody._y = world.ground + _root.getIntInRange(-10, 10); if (locObj != undefined) { currentDeadBody._x = locObj._x; currentDeadBody._y = locObj._y; } currentDeadBody._yscale = zombieScale + _root.getIntInRange(-3, 3); currentDeadBody._xscale = currentDeadBody._yscale; currentDeadBody.setDepth = deadZedNum; spawnCollisionBlocks(currentDeadBody); if (currentDeadBody.collideSpawn) { removeMovieClip(currentDeadBody); } else { var v5 = random(zombieFemaleChance); if (v5 == 0) { = 'female'; } else { = 'male'; } if (random(1000) < randBisectedBody) { currentDeadBody.bodyType = 'crawler'; } currentDeadBody.colorTransformTo(redLight, 0, greenLight, 0, blueLight, 0, 100, 0); if (bodyType != undefined) { currentDeadBody.bodyType = bodyType; } if (bodyType != undefined) { decorateZombie(currentDeadBody, true, true); } else { decorateZombie(currentDeadBody); } currentDeadBody.gotoAndStop('dead' + _root.getIntInRange(1, 3)); if (pose != undefined) { currentDeadBody.gotoAndStop(pose); } if (facing != undefined) { if (facing == 'left') { currentDeadBody._xscale = -zombieScale; } } if (currentDeadBody.bodyType == 'crawler') { currentDeadBody.gotoAndStop('deadFront'); } currentDeadBody.cacheAsBitmap = true; allDeadBodies.push(currentDeadBody); } } function randomDecos(type, randRate) { switch (type) { case 'Trash': numRandDecos = _root['randRate_' + randRate]; rd = 0; while (rd < numRandDecos) {'randomTrash', 'rt_' + rd, depth_world_decos + rd);['rt_' + rd]._x = getRandRange(randEdgeBuffer, world.bounds._width - randEdgeBuffer);['rt_' + rd]._y = world.floorMarker._y - 60 + (random(80) + 20);['rt_' + rd].gotoAndStop(random(['rt_' + rd]._totalframes));['rt_' + rd]._yscale = random(60) + 60;['rt_' + rd]._xscale =['rt_' + rd]._yscale;['rt_' + rd]._rotation = random(360); ++rd; } break; case 'Gore': numRandDecos = _root['randRate_' + randRate]; rd = 0; while (rd < numRandDecos) {'randomTrashGore', 'rt_' + rd, depth_world_decos + rd);['rt_' + rd]._x = getRandRange(randEdgeBuffer, world.bounds._width - randEdgeBuffer);['rt_' + rd]._y = world.floorMarker._y - 60 + (random(80) + 20);['rt_' + rd].gotoAndStop(random(['rt_' + rd]._totalframes));['rt_' + rd]._yscale = random(10) + 90;['rt_' + rd]._xscale =['rt_' + rd]._yscale; if (random(2) == 0) {['rt_' + rd]._yscale =['rt_' + rd]._xscale;['rt_' + rd]._xscale =['rt_' + rd]._yscale; } ++rd; } break; default: } } function setPlayerLocation() { currentLocation = 'l' + locationNumber; currentStreet = 's' + streetNumber; currentBuilding = 'b' + buildingNumber; currentFloor = 'f' + floorNumber; currentRoom = 'r' + roomNumber; playerLocation = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom]; } function saveLocation() { = locationNumber; = streetNumber; = buildingNumber; = floorNumber; = roomNumber; } function goto(locID, streetEnd) { locInd = locID.indexOf('l'); strInd = locID.indexOf('s'); bldInd = locID.indexOf('b'); flrInd = locID.indexOf('f'); roomInd = locID.indexOf('r'); locationNumber = int(locID.substring(locInd + 1, strInd - 1)); streetNumber = int(locID.substring(strInd + 1, bldInd - 1)); buildingNumber = int(locID.substring(bldInd + 1, flrInd - 1)); floorNumber = int(locID.substring(flrInd + 1, roomInd - 1)); roomNumber = int(locID.substring(roomInd + 1, locId.length)); currentLocation = 'l' + locID.substring(locInd + 1, strInd - 1); currentStreet = 's' + locID.substring(strInd + 1, bldInd - 1); currentBuilding = 'b' + locID.substring(bldInd + 1, flrInd - 1); currentFloor = 'f' + locID.substring(flrInd + 1, roomInd - 1); currentRoom = 'r' + locID.substring(roomInd + 1, locId.length); playerLocation = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom]; if (playerLocation.type != undefined) { changeRooms('direct', null, null, streetEnd); } else { dText('Failed to travel, incorrect Location ID'); } } function turnOnNPC(npcName) { npc[npcName].state = 1; saveNPCStates(); } function turnOffNPC(npcName) { npc[npcName].state = 'off'; saveNPCStates(); } function removeNPC(npcName) { removeMovieClip(world['npc_' + npcName]); removeMovieClip(world['npcColl' + npcName]); } function setupNPCs(roomToSetup) { anpc = 0; while (anpc < roomToSetup.NPCs.length) { _root['npcTimeout' + anpc] = setTimeout(setupAnNPC(roomToSetup, anpc), anpc * NPCsetupDelay); ++anpc; } } function setupAnNPCDirect(npcNum) { setupAnNPC(_root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding][currentFloor][currentRoom], int(npcNum)); } function setupAnNPC(roomToSetup, anpc) { ++numNPC; if (numNPC > 20) { numNPC = 0; } if (npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].state != 'off' && npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].state != NaN) {'human', 'npc_' + roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc], depth_world_NPC + numNPC); NPCref = world['npc_' + roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]]; NPCref._visible = false; NPCref._x = roomToSetup.NPC_x[anpc]; if (NPCref._x < world.bounds._x + edgeBuffer) { NPCref._x = world.bounds._x + edgeBuffer; } if (NPCref._x > world.bounds._x + world.bounds._width - edgeBuffer) { NPCref._x = world.bounds._x + world.bounds._width - edgeBuffer; } NPCref._y = world.ground; NPCref._yscale = playerScale; NPCref._xscale = NPCref._yscale; NPCref.dir = ''; lightObject(NPCref); NPCref._visible = true; var v5 = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].fullName; var v6 = v5.indexOf(' '); = v5.substring(0, v6); = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].sex; if (roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc] != 'Partner' && roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc] != 'PartnerDocks') { NPCref.hairColour = convertHairColour(npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].hairColour); NPCref.skinColour = convertSkinColour(npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].skinColour); } else { NPCref.hairColour = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].hairColour; NPCref.skinColour = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].skinColour; } NPCref.clothesTop = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].clothesTop; NPCref.torsoAccessory = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].torsoAccessory; NPCref.headAccessory = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].headAccessory; NPCref.faceAccessory = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].faceAccessory; NPCref.clothesBottom = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].clothesBottom; NPCref.clothesShoe = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].clothesShoe; = + '_' + npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].hair; NPCref.facialHair = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].facialHair; NPCref.backpack = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].backpack; NPCref.animWeapon.gotoAndStop(npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].weapon); NPCref.animWeapon.item.scope._visible = false; NPCref.animWeapon.item.suppressor._visible = false; if (npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].backpack == false) { NPCref.torsoAnim.torso.backpack._visible = false; NPCref.torsoAnim.torso.strapsFront._visible = false; NPCref.torsoAnim.torso.strapsBack._visible = false; NPCref.arms.torso.torso.backpack._visible = false; NPCref.arms.torso.torso.strapsFront._visible = false; NPCref.arms.torso.torso.strapsBack._visible = false; } toggleAnimMode(NPCref, 'anim'); NPCref.hand_frontAnim.gotoAndStop('meleeFrontHand'); NPCref.hand_backAnim.gotoAndStop('meleeBackHand'); NPCref.gotoAndPlay(roomToSetup.NPCPose[anpc]); if (npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]]['anim' + npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].state] != undefined) { NPCref.gotoAndPlay(npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]]['anim' + npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].state]); } NPCref.pos = 'high'; if (roomToSetup.NPCPose[anpc] == 'sit') { NPCref.pos = 'low'; } world.attachMovie('collisionBlock', 'npcColl' + npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].name, depth_world_NPCcollision + numNPC); var v4 = world['npcColl' + npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].name]; = npc[roomToSetup.NPCs[anpc]].name; v4.intName =; v4.focusType = 'npc'; v4._width = NPCref._width / 2; v4._height = Math.abs(NPCref.headAnim._y * 0.6); v4.headX = NPCref.headAnim._x; v4._x = NPCref._x; v4._y = NPCref._y - v4._height / 2; v4._alpha = 0; if (roomToSetup.NPCFacing[anpc] == 'left') { NPCref._xscale = -playerScale; } decoratePlayer(NPCref); allNPCs.push(NPCref); allInteractives.push(v4); } setupWorldSpeech(); } function changeNPCState(target, setNumber) { if (setNumber != undefined) { target.state = setNumber; } else { if (target.state != 'off' && target.state != NaN) { ++target.state; if (target['content' + target.state] != undefined) { } else { --target.state; } } } saveNPCStates(); saveQuestStates(); } function saveNPCStates() { for (snpcs in npc) {[npc[snpcs].name + 'state'] = npc[snpcs].state; } currentSave.flush(); currentSave.close(); } function loadNPCStates() { for (lnpcs in npc) { if ([npc[lnpcs].name + 'state'] != undefined) { npc[lnpcs].state =[npc[lnpcs].name + 'state']; } } } function resetNPCs() { for (rnpcs in npc) { npc[rnpcs].state = 1; } saveNPCStates(); } function setNPCLoc5() { = 'Partner'; npc.Partner.fullName = _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' ' + player.lastName; npc.Partner.title = ''; if ( == 'male') { = 'female'; } else { = 'male'; } npc.Partner.enemy = 'false'; npc.Partner.skinColour = player.skinColour; npc.Partner.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Partner.clothesTop = + '_hospital'; npc.Partner.clothesBottom = 'none'; npc.Partner.clothesShoe = 'none'; npc.Partner.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Partner.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Partner.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Partner.backpack = false; = 'short1'; npc.Partner.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Partner.weapon = 'none'; npc.Partner.state = 1; npc.Partner.content1 = 'Oh baby, you\'re alive. I...I...Oh god you found me. I got bitten at the hospital, they were doing tests on people and I never saw them again, I heard gunshots, what...get me out, quickly.\r\rThe keys are on the wall.'; npc.Partner.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Partner.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Partner.reqMet1 = 'OK'; npc.Partner.reqNotMet1 = 'OK'; npc.Partner.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.Partner.quest1 = '915'; npc.Partner.content1active = 'Quickly, the keys! Gotta get out, gotta get out.'; npc.Partner.content1complete = 'Quickly, the keys! Gotta get out, gotta get out.'; = 'Williams'; npc.Williams.fullName = 'Sgt. Williams'; npc.Williams.title = 'Army Sergeant'; = 'male'; npc.Williams.enemy = 'true'; npc.Williams.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Williams.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.Williams.clothesTop = 'male_armyTop'; npc.Williams.clothesBottom = 'male_armyBottom'; npc.Williams.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; npc.Williams.faceAccessory = 'gasMask'; npc.Williams.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestArmy'; npc.Williams.headAccessory = 'armyKevlar'; npc.Williams.backpack = false; = 'none'; npc.Williams.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Williams.weapon = 'M9'; npc.Williams.say1A = 'Quickly!\rMove inside, ' + _root[ + 'Formal'] + '.'; = false; npc.Williams.state = 1; npc.Williams.content1 = 'Head inside to the stadium lobby, ' + _root[ + 'Formal'] + '.'; npc.Williams.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Ramirez'; npc.Ramirez.fullName = 'Pvt. Ramirez'; npc.Ramirez.title = 'Army Sergeant'; = 'male'; npc.Ramirez.enemy = 'true'; npc.Ramirez.skinColour = 'Tanned'; npc.Ramirez.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Ramirez.clothesTop = 'male_armyTop'; npc.Ramirez.clothesBottom = 'male_armyBottom'; npc.Ramirez.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; npc.Ramirez.faceAccessory = 'gasMask'; npc.Ramirez.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestArmy'; npc.Ramirez.headAccessory = 'armyKevlar'; npc.Ramirez.backpack = false; = 'none'; npc.Ramirez.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Ramirez.weapon = 'M16A2'; npc.Ramirez.say1A = 'No loitering back here, ' + _root[ + 'Formal'] + '.'; = false; npc.Ramirez.state = 1; npc.Ramirez.content1 = 'Don\'t loiter near the bathrooms, ' + _root[ + 'Formal'] + '.\r\rWe can\'t have people gathering in groups around the bathrooms.\r\rDo your business and return to the field.'; npc.Ramirez.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'DrSmith'; npc.DrSmith.fullName = 'Dr. Smith'; npc.DrSmith.title = 'HERC Doctor'; = 'male'; npc.DrSmith.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.DrSmith.hairColour = 'Grey'; npc.DrSmith.clothesTop = 'male_bioHazardTop'; npc.DrSmith.clothesBottom = 'male_bioHazardPants'; npc.DrSmith.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; npc.DrSmith.faceAccessory = 'glasses'; npc.DrSmith.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.DrSmith.headAccessory = 'bioHazardHat'; npc.DrSmith.backpack = false; = 'short1'; npc.DrSmith.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.DrSmith.weapon = 'tauron'; npc.DrSmith.say1A = 'That way citizen.'; = false; npc.DrSmith.state = 1; npc.DrSmith.content1 = 'Make your way onto the field with the rest of the survivors.'; npc.DrSmith.confirm1 = 'OK'; npc.DrSmith.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.DrSmith.reqMet1 = 'HERE THEY ARE'; npc.DrSmith.reqNotMet1 = 'NO'; npc.DrSmith.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.DrSmith.content1active = ''; npc.DrSmith.content1complete = ''; npc.DrSmith.content2 = ''; = 'Kowalski'; npc.Kowalski.fullName = 'Pvt. Kowalski'; npc.Kowalski.title = 'Army Private'; = 'male'; npc.Kowalski.enemy = 'true'; npc.Kowalski.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Kowalski.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.Kowalski.clothesTop = 'male_armyTop'; npc.Kowalski.clothesBottom = 'male_armyBottom'; npc.Kowalski.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; npc.Kowalski.faceAccessory = 'gasMask'; npc.Kowalski.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestArmy'; npc.Kowalski.headAccessory = 'armyKevlar'; npc.Kowalski.backpack = false; = 'none'; npc.Kowalski.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Kowalski.weapon = 'M4A1'; npc.Kowalski.say1A = 'Move along.'; = false; npc.Kowalski.state = 1; npc.Kowalski.content1 = 'Proceed through the door behind me and speak to the registration officer, ' + _root[ + 'Formal'] + '.'; npc.Kowalski.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Simmons'; npc.Simmons.fullName = 'Pvt. Simmons'; npc.Simmons.title = 'Army Private'; = 'male'; npc.Simmons.enemy = 'true'; npc.Simmons.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.Simmons.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Simmons.clothesTop = 'male_armyTop'; npc.Simmons.clothesBottom = 'male_armyBottom'; npc.Simmons.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; npc.Simmons.faceAccessory = 'gasMask'; npc.Simmons.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestArmy'; npc.Simmons.headAccessory = 'armyKevlar'; npc.Simmons.backpack = false; = 'none'; npc.Simmons.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Simmons.weapon = 'M4A1'; = false; npc.Simmons.state = 1; npc.Simmons.content1 = 'Sorry ' + _root[ + 'Formal'] + ', this is a quarantine area, we can\'t allow you to leave.\r\rSpeak with the registration officer over there and move onto the field with everyone else.'; npc.Simmons.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Martinez'; npc.Martinez.fullName = 'Cpl. Martinez'; npc.Martinez.title = 'Army Corporal'; = 'male'; npc.Martinez.enemy = 'true'; npc.Martinez.skinColour = 'Tanned'; npc.Martinez.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Martinez.clothesTop = 'male_armyTop'; npc.Martinez.clothesBottom = 'male_armyBottom'; npc.Martinez.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; npc.Martinez.faceAccessory = 'gasMask'; npc.Martinez.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestArmy'; npc.Martinez.headAccessory = 'armyKevlar'; npc.Martinez.backpack = false; = 'none'; npc.Martinez.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Martinez.weapon = 'M4A1'; = false; npc.Martinez.state = 1; npc.Martinez.content1 = 'Give your name to the registration officer if you haven\'t already, ' + _root[ + 'Formal'] + '.\r\rWe\'re gathering names so we can eventually get those affected by the outbreak back together.'; npc.Martinez.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Hammond'; npc.Hammond.fullName = 'Kate Hammond'; npc.Hammond.title = 'HERC Registration Officer'; = 'female'; npc.Hammond.enemy = 'true'; npc.Hammond.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Hammond.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Hammond.clothesTop = 'male_bioHazardTop'; npc.Hammond.clothesBottom = 'male_bioHazardPants'; npc.Hammond.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Hammond.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Hammond.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Hammond.headAccessory = 'bioHazardHat'; npc.Hammond.backpack = false; = 'long1'; npc.Hammond.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Hammond.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Hammond.state = 1; npc.Hammond.content1 = 'Ok ' + _root[ + 'Title'] + '' + player.lastName + ' we\'ll add you to the registration.\r\rIf you\'re looking for someone, you can check the list of names posted on the wall behind me.'; npc.Hammond.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Carol'; npc.Carol.fullName = 'Carol Dawes'; npc.Carol.title = 'Civilian'; = 'female'; npc.Carol.enemy = 'true'; npc.Carol.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Carol.hairColour = 'Red'; npc.Carol.clothesTop = 'female_tshirtBlue'; npc.Carol.clothesBottom = 'female_jeansBlue'; npc.Carol.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Carol.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Carol.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Carol.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Carol.backpack = false; = 'medium2'; npc.Carol.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Carol.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Carol.state = 1; npc.Carol.content1 = 'What\'s happening out there? We\'re being kept in the dark here.\r\rI keep asking the military guys what\'s going on and they keep ignoring me.\r\rI\'m sure it\'s under control...I mean it has to be if people are still arriving.\r\rYeah, it means people are being brought in by the army, that\'s what it means.'; npc.Carol.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Steve'; npc.Steve.fullName = 'Steve Hutton'; npc.Steve.title = 'Civilian'; = 'male'; npc.Steve.enemy = 'true'; npc.Steve.skinColour = 'Tanned'; npc.Steve.hairColour = 'Dark Brown'; npc.Steve.clothesTop = 'male_longSleeveWhite'; npc.Steve.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlack'; npc.Steve.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Steve.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Steve.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Steve.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Steve.backpack = false; = 'short2'; npc.Steve.facialHair = 'shadow'; npc.Steve.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Steve.state = 1; npc.Steve.content1 = 'They brought me and a few of the others in from Canal Park, you know, the hospital there.\r\rI went there looking for my brother, he\'d been in a coma for years before all this started, lucky bastard.\r\rHe was long gone before I even got there, the place was crawling with those things.\r\rI fought my way in only to find him in pieces. Then the army showed up and dragged us here.'; npc.Steve.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Ryan'; npc.Ryan.fullName = 'Ryan Taylor'; npc.Ryan.title = 'Nurse'; = 'male'; npc.Ryan.enemy = 'true'; npc.Ryan.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Ryan.hairColour = 'Dark Brown'; npc.Ryan.clothesTop = 'male_scrubs'; npc.Ryan.clothesBottom = 'male_scrubs'; npc.Ryan.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Ryan.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Ryan.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Ryan.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Ryan.backpack = false; = 'cropped'; npc.Ryan.facialHair = 'soulPatch'; npc.Ryan.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Ryan.state = 1; npc.Ryan.content1 = 'I\'d pulled a 48 hour shift and was resting in one of the vacant rooms when one of the other nurses came down and woke me up.\r\rSomething was going on in the upper levels, we just booked it and got the hell out of there.\r\rRan to Newtown and then the Army found me and brought me here.\r\rProbably saved my life.'; npc.Ryan.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Anna'; npc.Anna.fullName = 'Anna Williams'; npc.Anna.title = 'Nurse'; = 'female'; npc.Anna.enemy = 'true'; npc.Anna.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Anna.hairColour = 'Dark Blonde'; npc.Anna.clothesTop = 'female_scrubs'; npc.Anna.clothesBottom = 'female_scrubs'; npc.Anna.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Anna.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Anna.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Anna.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Anna.backpack = false; = 'ponytail1'; npc.Anna.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Anna.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Anna.state = 1; npc.Anna.content1 = 'I\'m just thankful to be alive.\r\rI was on the fourth floor of the hospital in Canal Park when everything went crazy, I shouldn\'t have made it. I tried to get as many people out as I could, you know.\r\rSome were just too slow.'; npc.Anna.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Barry'; npc.Barry.fullName = 'Barry Wilmott'; npc.Barry.title = 'Janitor'; = 'male'; npc.Barry.enemy = 'true'; npc.Barry.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Barry.hairColour = 'Brown'; npc.Barry.clothesTop = 'male_workApron'; npc.Barry.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlue'; npc.Barry.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Barry.faceAccessory = 'glasses'; npc.Barry.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Barry.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Barry.backpack = false; = 'bald'; npc.Barry.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.Barry.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Barry.state = 1; npc.Barry.content1 = _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + '? That\'s her bunk right there.\r\rShe got \'relocated\' by HERC last night.\r\rLook, I\'ll tell you straight, this place is locked down they\'re gathering us up here. You want to find your ' + _root[ + 'Partner'] + ' you\'ll follow me.\r\rMeet me in the maintennance room through the mens room.'; npc.Barry.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Barry.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Barry.reqMet1 = 'OK'; npc.Barry.reqNotMet1 = 'OK'; npc.Barry.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.Barry.quest1 = '909'; npc.Barry.content1active = 'Meet me in the maintennance room in the back of the men\'s bathroom, I\'ll be there in a minute so it doesn\'t look suspicious.\r\rWe need to hurry before they do another round of \'relocations\'.'; npc.Barry.content2 = 'Good, we can speak freely here.\r\rThey took my wife in the first round of relocations.\r\rDidn\'t say where, didn\'t say why.\r\rI trust the Army, but I want to know what HERC is up to. They have no good reason to separate us.\r\rHERC has a command post or something set up on the other side of the stadium. The door behind me leads to service areas all around the stadium, you\'ll be able to get in through there.\r\rGet me some info and I\'ll give you a way out of here.'; npc.Barry.confirm2 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Barry.decline2 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Barry.reqMet2 = 'OK'; npc.Barry.reqNotMet2 = 'OK'; npc.Barry.compResp2 = 'OK'; npc.Barry.quest2 = '911'; npc.Barry.content2active = 'Go and find out what HERC is up to, then come and see me. Hopefully there\'s some leads on where they\'re taking people.'; npc.Barry.content2complete = 'They\'re taking them to Union Park?\r\r'; npc.Barry.content3 = 'They shot at you?! Jesus Christ. This\' worse than I thought.\r\rThey\'re at the park you say, ok, you go. I\'ll leave in a few hours, so they don\'t catch wind of us escaping.\r\rThere\'s a sewer access in the boiler room at the end of the access tunnels, here\'s the key. It leads out to the street.\r\rMeet me at Harrison and Harrison, I\'ve got a way into the park from there.'; npc.Barry.confirm3 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Barry.decline3 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Barry.reqMet3 = 'OK'; npc.Barry.reqNotMet3 = 'OK'; npc.Barry.compResp3 = 'OK'; npc.Barry.quest3 = '913'; npc.Barry.content3active = 'Good luck, meet me at Harrison and Harrison in Uptown.\r\rGo, get outta here and be careful!'; } function fixJack() { if (npc.Jack.state == 5 || npc.Jack.state == undefined) { npc.Jack.state = 4; } } function setNPCLoc6() { = 'Jack'; npc.Jack.fullName = 'Jack '; npc.Jack.title = 'Survivor Leader'; = 'male'; npc.Jack.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Jack.hairColour = 'Dark Brown'; npc.Jack.clothesTop = 'male_TLStop'; npc.Jack.clothesBottom = 'male_TLSBottom'; npc.Jack.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Jack.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Jack.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Jack.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Jack.backpack = true; = 'long1'; npc.Jack.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.Jack.weapon = 'AK47'; = true; npc.Jack.state = 1; npc.Jack.content1 = 'Name is Jack, nice to meet you.\r\rI fought my way here for days, looking for some way off the mainland.\r\rHERC bastards sank every boat to contain the infection.\r\rI heard a radio transmission and started travelling here, started in Glendale, went all the way through, Whistler\'s Grove, Jonestown, Fort Tran and then here.\r\rNothing to show for it. Nothing at all. Except these other survivors and handful of supplies.'; npc.Jack.confirm1 = 'OK'; npc.Jack.changeState1 = 2; npc.Jack.content2 = 'The only boats left are the ones they have docked on Union Island.\r\rProblem is they dropped that huge concrete wall right over the entrance to the bridge.\r\rIf you can find something to blow a hole in it, we can get out of here.\r\rOne of the locals here says there\'s a military base at Waterside, just north of here, maybe you can find something there.'; npc.Jack.confirm2 = 'OK'; npc.Jack.confirm2 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Jack.decline2 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Jack.reqMet2 = 'GOT IT'; npc.Jack.reqNotMet2 = 'OK'; npc.Jack.compResp2 = 'OK'; npc.Jack.quest2 = '917'; npc.Jack.content2active = 'Go to the Military Base in Waterside.\r\rSee if you can\'t find something to blow our way onto that island.'; npc.Jack.content3 = 'The only boats left are the ones they have docked on Union Island.\r\rProblem is they dropped that huge concrete wall right over the entrance to the bridge.\r\rIf you can find something to blow a hole in it, we can get out of here.\r\rOne of the locals here says there\'s a military base at Waterside, just north of here, maybe you can find something there.'; npc.Jack.confirm3 = 'OK'; npc.Jack.confirm3 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Jack.decline3 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Jack.reqMet3 = 'YES'; npc.Jack.reqNotMet3 = 'NOT YET'; npc.Jack.compResp3 = 'OK'; npc.Jack.quest3 = '918'; npc.Jack.content3active = 'Did you find enough explosives to blow a hole in that wall?'; npc.Jack.content3complete = 'Nice work finding those explosives, wasn\'t sure you had it in you. Let\'s getting to make our push, take that island and get out of here.\r\rTake this, I lifted it off some heavy set HERC soldier the other day, it\'s not as reliable as my AK here, but you might like it.'; npc.Jack.content4 = 'I\'ll head out and rig the explosives, meet me at the wall.'; npc.Jack.confirm4 = 'OK'; npc.Jack.confirm4 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Jack.decline4 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Jack.reqMet4 = 'OK LETS GO'; npc.Jack.reqNotMet4 = 'NOT YET'; npc.Jack.compResp4 = 'OK'; npc.Jack.quest4 = '919'; npc.Jack.content4active = 'You go ahead, I\'ll meet you out at the wall.'; = 'PartnerDocks'; npc.PartnerDocks.fullName = _root[ + 'PartnerName'] + ' ' + player.lastName; npc.PartnerDocks.title = ''; if ( == 'male') { = 'female'; } else { = 'male'; } npc.PartnerDocks.enemy = 'false'; npc.PartnerDocks.skinColour = player.skinColour; npc.PartnerDocks.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.PartnerDocks.clothesTop = + '_hospital'; npc.PartnerDocks.clothesBottom = 'none'; npc.PartnerDocks.clothesShoe = 'none'; npc.PartnerDocks.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.PartnerDocks.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.PartnerDocks.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.PartnerDocks.backpack = false; = 'short1'; npc.PartnerDocks.facialHair = 'none'; npc.PartnerDocks.weapon = 'none'; npc.PartnerDocks.state = 'off'; npc.PartnerDocks.content1 = 'Ok.'; npc.PartnerDocks.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Jane'; npc.Jane.fullName = 'Jane Tolsh'; npc.Jane.title = 'Survivor'; = 'female'; npc.Jane.enemy = 'false'; npc.Jane.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Jane.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.Jane.clothesTop = 'female_longSleeveGreen'; npc.Jane.clothesBottom = 'female_jeansBlack'; npc.Jane.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Jane.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Jane.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Jane.headAccessory = 'rebel'; npc.Jane.backpack = true; = 'ponytail1'; npc.Jane.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Jane.weapon = 'hunter_scope'; npc.Jane.say1A = 'Hey.'; = false; npc.Jane.state = 1; npc.Jane.content1 = 'Jack found me Whistler\'s grove, he was hunting around the gas station there where I was holed up.\r\rFigured it\'d safer if we stuck together.\r\rSome crazy story he has, he survived a helicopter crash you know!?'; npc.Jane.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Dana'; npc.Dana.fullName = 'Dana '; npc.Dana.title = 'Survivor'; = 'male'; npc.Dana.enemy = 'false'; npc.Dana.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Dana.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Dana.clothesTop = 'male_hoodyBlack'; npc.Dana.clothesBottom = 'male_pantsGrey'; npc.Dana.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Dana.faceAccessory = 'goggles'; npc.Dana.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestArmy'; npc.Dana.headAccessory = 'rebel'; npc.Dana.backpack = true; = 'special1'; npc.Dana.facialHair = 'shadow'; npc.Dana.weapon = 'M4A1'; = false; npc.Dana.state = 1; npc.Dana.content1 = 'Don\'t come any closer.\r\rSpeak to Jack if you gotta speak to someone.'; npc.Dana.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'Shawn'; npc.Shawn.fullName = 'Shawn Smith'; npc.Shawn.title = 'Survivor'; = 'male'; npc.Shawn.enemy = 'false'; npc.Shawn.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.Shawn.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Shawn.clothesTop = 'male_longSleeveBlack'; npc.Shawn.clothesBottom = 'male_camoCargo'; npc.Shawn.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Shawn.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Shawn.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVest'; npc.Shawn.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Shawn.backpack = true; = 'special3'; npc.Shawn.facialHair = 'shadow'; npc.Shawn.weapon = 'M1911'; = false; npc.Shawn.state = 1; npc.Shawn.content1 = 'Hey, Jack saved my butt more than a few times, I\'ve only known the guy for a few days.\r\rI was fighting my way out of Jonestown, guy comes tearing through with an RPG over his shoulder, blowing those things to pieces.\r\rWanna rely on someone to keep you alive? Jack is your man.'; npc.Shawn.confirm1 = 'OK'; = 'JackWall'; npc.JackWall.fullName = 'Jack '; npc.JackWall.title = 'Survivor Leader'; = 'male'; npc.JackWall.friendly = true; npc.JackWall.skinColour = 'White'; npc.JackWall.hairColour = 'Dark Brown'; npc.JackWall.clothesTop = 'male_TLStop'; npc.JackWall.clothesBottom = 'male_TLSBottom'; npc.JackWall.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.JackWall.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.JackWall.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.JackWall.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.JackWall.backpack = true; = 'long1'; npc.JackWall.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.JackWall.weapon = 'AK47'; npc.JackWall.say1A = ''; = true; npc.JackWall.state = 'off'; npc.JackWall.content1 = ''; npc.JackWall.confirm1 = 'OK'; = unlimitedHealth; = 'JaneWall'; npc.JaneWall.fullName = 'Jane Tolsh'; npc.JaneWall.title = 'Survivor'; = 'female'; npc.JaneWall.enemy = 'false'; npc.JaneWall.friendly = true; npc.JaneWall.skinColour = 'White'; npc.JaneWall.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.JaneWall.clothesTop = 'female_longSleeveGreen'; npc.JaneWall.clothesBottom = 'female_jeansBlack'; npc.JaneWall.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.JaneWall.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.JaneWall.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.JaneWall.headAccessory = 'rebel'; npc.JaneWall.backpack = true; = 'ponytail1'; npc.JaneWall.facialHair = 'none'; npc.JaneWall.weapon = 'hunter_scope'; = false; npc.JaneWall.state = 'off'; = unlimitedHealth; npc.JaneWall.stationary = true; = 'JaneSacrifice'; npc.JaneSacrifice.fullName = 'Jane Tolsh'; npc.JaneSacrifice.title = 'Survivor'; = 'female'; npc.JaneSacrifice.enemy = 'false'; npc.JaneSacrifice.friendly = true; npc.JaneSacrifice.skinColour = 'White'; npc.JaneSacrifice.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.JaneSacrifice.clothesTop = 'female_longSleeveGreen'; npc.JaneSacrifice.clothesBottom = 'female_jeansBlack'; npc.JaneSacrifice.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.JaneSacrifice.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.JaneSacrifice.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.JaneSacrifice.headAccessory = 'rebel'; npc.JaneSacrifice.backpack = true; = 'ponytail1'; npc.JaneSacrifice.facialHair = 'none'; npc.JaneSacrifice.weapon = 'hunter_scope'; = false; npc.JaneSacrifice.state = 'off'; = 50; npc.JaneSacrifice.stationary = true; = 'DanaWall'; npc.DanaWall.fullName = 'Dana '; npc.DanaWall.title = 'Survivor'; = 'male'; npc.DanaWall.enemy = 'false'; npc.DanaWall.friendly = true; npc.DanaWall.skinColour = 'White'; npc.DanaWall.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.DanaWall.clothesTop = 'male_hoodyBlack'; npc.DanaWall.clothesBottom = 'male_pantsGrey'; npc.DanaWall.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.DanaWall.faceAccessory = 'goggles'; npc.DanaWall.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestArmy'; npc.DanaWall.headAccessory = 'rebel'; npc.DanaWall.backpack = true; = 'special1'; npc.DanaWall.facialHair = 'shadow'; npc.DanaWall.weapon = 'M4A1'; = false; = unlimitedHealth; npc.DanaWall.state = 'off'; = 'ShawnWall'; npc.ShawnWall.fullName = 'Shawn Smith'; npc.ShawnWall.title = 'Survivor'; = 'male'; npc.ShawnWall.enemy = 'false'; npc.ShawnWall.friendly = true; npc.ShawnWall.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.ShawnWall.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.ShawnWall.clothesTop = 'male_longSleeveBlack'; npc.ShawnWall.clothesBottom = 'male_camoCargo'; npc.ShawnWall.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.ShawnWall.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.ShawnWall.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVest'; npc.ShawnWall.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.ShawnWall.backpack = true; = 'special3'; npc.ShawnWall.facialHair = 'shadow'; npc.ShawnWall.weapon = 'M1911'; = false; = unlimitedHealth; npc.ShawnWall.stationary = true; npc.ShawnWall.state = 'off'; = 'ShawnSacrifice'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.fullName = 'Shawn Smith'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.title = 'Survivor'; = 'male'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.enemy = 'false'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.friendly = true; npc.ShawnSacrifice.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.clothesTop = 'male_longSleeveBlack'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.clothesBottom = 'male_camoCargo'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVest'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.backpack = true; = 'special3'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.facialHair = 'shadow'; npc.ShawnSacrifice.weapon = 'M1911'; = false; = 50; npc.ShawnSacrifice.stationary = true; npc.ShawnSacrifice.state = 'off'; } function setNPCLoc9() { = 'Darnel'; npc.Darnel.fullName = 'Darnel Brown'; npc.Darnel.title = 'Tinkerer'; = 'male'; npc.Darnel.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.Darnel.hairColour = 'Grey'; npc.Darnel.clothesTop = 'male_workApron'; npc.Darnel.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlack'; npc.Darnel.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Darnel.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Darnel.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Darnel.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Darnel.backpack = false; = 'afro'; npc.Darnel.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.Darnel.weapon = 'tauron'; npc.Darnel.say1A = 'Oh hello there, ' + _root[ + 'Young'] + '!'; = false; npc.Darnel.state = 1; npc.Darnel.content1 = 'Good to meet someone else with the stones to stand up to these things!\r\rI tell you what, I\'ve got some ideas for some little tools to give us an advantage over these monsters.\r\rYou find me the materials and I\'ll kit you out to smash some skulls.'; npc.Darnel.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Darnel.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Darnel.reqMet1 = 'HERE THEY ARE'; npc.Darnel.reqNotMet1 = 'Not yet'; npc.Darnel.compResp1 = 'Ok'; npc.Darnel.quest1 = '006'; npc.Darnel.content1active = 'Did you find the things I asked for?'; npc.Darnel.content1complete = 'Nice job, I filed down that weight and put it inside the pipe for you, should give it a nice swing.\r\rI\'ve got some more ideas if you\'re willing to find what I need.'; npc.Darnel.content2 = 'How\'s that pipe working out?\r\rI\'ve got a great idea this time, something nasty. Reaaaal nasty <Darnel\'s eye has a twitch about it and he smiles broadly>.\r\rIt\'s a pretty simple build, but I think you\'ll like it, here\'s the list.'; npc.Darnel.confirm2 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Darnel.decline2 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Darnel.reqMet2 = 'HERE THEY ARE'; npc.Darnel.reqNotMet2 = 'Not yet'; npc.Darnel.compResp2 = 'Ok'; npc.Darnel.quest2 = '007'; npc.Darnel.content2active = 'Got those parts?'; npc.Darnel.content2complete = 'Nice job!\r\rNow careful with this thing, those nails looked pretty darn rusty.\r\rI found plans for one more thing in my uhhh \'handbook\', going to need more materials though.\r\rThese might be tougher to find.'; npc.Darnel.content3 = 'Alright, here\'s the list. I need these things exactly. With this thing, they won\'t even hear you coming.\r\rYou\'ll be like some kinda ninja or somesuch.'; npc.Darnel.confirm3 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Darnel.decline3 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Darnel.reqMet3 = 'HERE YOU GO'; npc.Darnel.reqNotMet3 = 'Not yet'; npc.Darnel.compResp3 = 'Ok'; npc.Darnel.quest3 = '008'; npc.Darnel.content3active = 'Did you find everything?'; npc.Darnel.content3complete = 'Here she is, my finest work yet!\r\rYou\'ll be poppin\' heads in silence in no time.\r\rI\'m gonna get back to work, gotta keep myself busy. Don\'t worry about me, I\'ll be fine. Made it through 3 tours in \'nam no problems, think I can outlast a few shamblers'; npc.Darnel.content4 = 'Just glad I could help, ' + _root[ + 'Friendly'] + '.'; = 'Kelly'; npc.Kelly.fullName = 'Kelly Stanton'; npc.Kelly.title = 'Store Clerk'; = 'female'; npc.Kelly.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.Kelly.hairColour = 'Dark Brown'; npc.Kelly.clothesTop = 'female_tshirtBlue'; npc.Kelly.clothesBottom = 'female_pantsBrown'; npc.Kelly.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Kelly.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Kelly.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Kelly.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Kelly.backpack = true; = 'ponytail1'; npc.Kelly.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Kelly.weapon = 'kitchenKnife'; npc.Kelly.say1A = 'Hello?!'; = false; npc.Kelly.state = 1; npc.Kelly.content1 = 'Oh god, please help, I\'ve been stuck in here since it all started. I must have dropped my glasses on the floor somewhere in the store in all the confusion.\r\rI\'m blind as a bat without them.\r\rIf you can find them, is it ok if I come with you?'; npc.Kelly.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Kelly.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Kelly.reqMet1 = 'HERE THEY ARE'; npc.Kelly.reqNotMet1 = 'NO'; npc.Kelly.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.Kelly.quest1 = '011'; npc.Kelly.content1active = 'I can\'t see anything without my glasses.\r\rI must have dropped them on the floor somewhere in the store.'; npc.Kelly.content1complete = 'Ok, I\'ll stay here.'; npc.Kelly.content2 = 'Ok, I\'ll stay here, thanks for finding my glasses.'; } function setNPCLoc11() { = 'newBarry'; npc.newBarry.fullName = 'Barry Wilmott'; npc.newBarry.title = 'Janitor'; = 'male'; npc.newBarry.skinColour = 'White'; npc.newBarry.hairColour = 'Brown'; npc.newBarry.clothesTop = 'male_workApron'; npc.newBarry.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlue'; npc.newBarry.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.newBarry.faceAccessory = 'glasses'; npc.newBarry.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.newBarry.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.newBarry.backpack = true; = 'bald'; npc.newBarry.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.newBarry.weapon = 'glock'; npc.newBarry.say1A = 'There\'s a saferoom downstairs, go.'; = true; npc.newBarry.state = 'off'; npc.newBarry.content1 = 'Head into the saferoom downstairs, there\'s a way into the park from there. Those HERC soldiers are going to be looking for us.'; = 'safeRoomBarry'; npc.safeRoomBarry.fullName = 'Barry Wilmott'; npc.safeRoomBarry.title = 'Janitor'; = 'male'; npc.safeRoomBarry.skinColour = 'White'; npc.safeRoomBarry.hairColour = 'Brown'; npc.safeRoomBarry.clothesTop = 'male_workApron'; npc.safeRoomBarry.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlue'; npc.safeRoomBarry.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.safeRoomBarry.faceAccessory = 'glasses'; npc.safeRoomBarry.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.safeRoomBarry.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.safeRoomBarry.backpack = true; = 'bald'; npc.safeRoomBarry.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.safeRoomBarry.weapon = 'glock'; npc.safeRoomBarry.say1A = player.firstName + ', over here.'; = true; npc.safeRoomBarry.state = 'off'; npc.safeRoomBarry.content1 = 'Here\'s the sewer key, I cleaned this building for years until they put me out of a job. Had my own copy of the keys though.\r\rI\'m too old to be climbing around down there, you go.\r\rGet in, find your ' + _root[ + 'Partner'] + ' and get out. Take some of those bastards with you if you get the chance.'; npc.safeRoomBarry.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.safeRoomBarry.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.safeRoomBarry.reqMet1 = 'OK'; npc.safeRoomBarry.reqNotMet1 = 'Not yet'; npc.safeRoomBarry.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.safeRoomBarry.quest1 = '914'; npc.safeRoomBarry.content1active = 'Go through the sewer and into the HERC outpost, you\'ll find your partner in there, I\'m sure of it.'; npc.safeRoomBarry.content1complete = 'Oh, you found ' + _root[ + 'PartnerSexAddress'] + '. I\'m happy for you, I really am.\r\rYou kids go, get out of here. I\'m going to see if I can find my wife amongst the dead.\r\rHead to the Docks, get off the mainland if you can. Good luck, friend.'; } function setNPCLoc12() { = 'Johnson'; npc.Johnson.fullName = 'Tyrel Johnson'; npc.Johnson.title = 'Union Security'; = 'male'; npc.Johnson.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.Johnson.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Johnson.clothesTop = 'male_unionSecTop'; npc.Johnson.clothesBottom = 'male_policeBottom'; npc.Johnson.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Johnson.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Johnson.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Johnson.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Johnson.backpack = false; = 'shaved'; npc.Johnson.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Johnson.weapon = 'glock'; npc.Johnson.say1A = 'Head upstairs, Stephens is in charge.'; = false; npc.Johnson.state = 1; npc.Johnson.content1 = 'You\'ve got weapons, great. You might be able to help us out.\r\rHead up stairs and talk to Stephens, he\'ll fill you in.'; npc.Johnson.content2 = 'Nice job finding the key, man.\r\rHopefully now we can get organised and head to the Stadium with everyone else.\r\rI hear that\'s where they\'re evac\'ing everyone.'; = 'Keith'; npc.Keith.fullName = 'Keith McNulty'; npc.Keith.title = 'Union Security'; = 'male'; npc.Keith.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Keith.hairColour = 'Brown'; npc.Keith.clothesTop = 'male_unionSecTop'; npc.Keith.clothesBottom = 'male_policeBottom'; npc.Keith.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Keith.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Keith.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Keith.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Keith.backpack = false; = 'short1'; npc.Keith.facialHair = 'lincoln'; npc.Keith.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Keith.state = 1; npc.Keith.content1 = 'That bastard Richards left us to die here. Left us for dead. I\'ll wring his damn neck if I ever get out of here.\r\rSwear to god.'; npc.Keith.content2 = 'Richards\' dead? Good.\r\rRat bastard. We might make it out of here after all. Thanks for helping us out with the cage.'; = 'Stephens'; npc.Stephens.fullName = 'Todd Stephens'; npc.Stephens.title = 'Union Security'; = 'male'; npc.Stephens.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Stephens.hairColour = 'Dark Brown'; npc.Stephens.clothesTop = 'male_unionSecTop'; npc.Stephens.clothesBottom = 'male_policeBottom'; npc.Stephens.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Stephens.faceAccessory = 'glasses'; npc.Stephens.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Stephens.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Stephens.backpack = false; = 'short3'; npc.Stephens.facialHair = '1980s'; npc.Stephens.weapon = 'none'; npc.Stephens.say1A = 'Over here, stranger.'; = false; npc.Stephens.state = 1; npc.Stephens.content1 = 'We\'re in a spot of trouble here, ' + _root[ + 'Older'] + '.\r\rYou see, Richards, one of our new employees lost it and ran off with a bunch of our weapons.\r\rHe was headed towards Uptown, not sure what he was thinking.\r\rThe deal is, he has our gun cage key, without it we\'re defenseless.\r\rCan you get it back?'; npc.Stephens.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Stephens.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Stephens.reqMet1 = 'OK'; npc.Stephens.reqNotMet1 = 'Not yet'; npc.Stephens.compResp1 = 'THANKS'; npc.Stephens.quest1 = '009'; npc.Stephens.content1active = 'If you\'ve got the key back, go ahead and help yourself to whatever you want in the cage.'; npc.Stephens.content1complete = 'Appreciate your help there, stranger.\r\rGo ahead and help yourself to your pick from the cage.'; npc.Stephens.content2 = 'Thanks again for the help, we\'ll get out of here once we get ourselves organised. Feel free to rest up here as long as you need to, it\'s the least we can do.'; } function setNPCLoc13() { = 'King'; npc.King.fullName = 'King'; npc.King.title = 'King-o-pawn'; = 'male'; npc.King.skinColour = 'White'; npc.King.hairColour = 'Light Brown'; npc.King.clothesTop = 'male_tshirtBlue'; npc.King.clothesBottom = 'male_pantsBrown'; npc.King.clothesShoe = 'shoeWhite'; npc.King.faceAccessory = 'sunglassesBig'; npc.King.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVest'; npc.King.headAccessory = 'crown'; npc.King.backpack = false; = 'long1'; npc.King.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.King.weapon = 'none'; npc.King.say1A = 'Hey hey, welcome to\rKing-O-Pawn.'; = false; npc.King.state = 1; npc.King.content1 = 'The King has what you need, friend.\r\rUnderstand that the King can only accept CASH. In these uncertain times, friend, money is...uhhh...King.\r\rNo trade-ins, no loans, no credit. It\'s all cash cash cash, baby.\r\rSee something you like, go ahead and pick it out.'; = 'Hank'; npc.Hank.fullName = 'Hank Morgan'; npc.Hank.title = 'Gun Shop Owner'; = 'male'; npc.Hank.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Hank.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.Hank.clothesTop = 'male_tshirtRed'; npc.Hank.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlue'; npc.Hank.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Hank.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Hank.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Hank.headAccessory = 'capBlue'; npc.Hank.backpack = true; = 'medium2'; npc.Hank.facialHair = '1980s'; npc.Hank.weapon = 'hunter'; npc.Hank.say1A = 'Just take whatever you want...'; = false; npc.Hank.state = 1; npc.Hank.content1 = 'Oh you\'re not here to rob me?\r\rYou\'d think that I\'d have the arsenal to hold them off but there was too many, people looking real wild eyed.\r\rI\'m not going anywhere without my Daddy\'s rifle and bolt.\r\rThey\'re in my gun cabinet in my apartment down the street, number 202. My place is boarded up, take this spare key my neighbor gave me, it\'ll get you in.'; npc.Hank.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Hank.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Hank.reqMet1 = 'HERE THEY ARE'; npc.Hank.reqNotMet1 = 'NO'; npc.Hank.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.Hank.quest1 = '002'; npc.Hank.content1active = 'I told you I\'m not going anywhere without my Daddy\'s rifle. Find it and the bolt.\r\rApartment 202, remember.'; npc.Hank.content1complete = 'Great! Thanks, let\'s get outta here.'; npc.Hank.content2 = 'Thanks so much, this should help me survive for a while at least. Good luck out there.'; = 'Laura'; npc.Laura.fullName = 'Laura Harris'; npc.Laura.title = 'Nurse'; = 'female'; npc.Laura.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Laura.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Laura.clothesTop = 'female_scrubs'; npc.Laura.clothesBottom = 'female_scrubs'; npc.Laura.clothesShoe = 'shoeWhite'; npc.Laura.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Laura.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Laura.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Laura.backpack = false; = 'short3'; npc.Laura.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Laura.weapon = 'hunter_scope'; = false; npc.Laura.state = 1; npc.Laura.content1 = 'We\'ve been here since it started.\r\rI was on break and heard trucks pull up outside, soldiers poured out of the back of them and into the hospital\r\rAt first it was just commotion, then...gunshots. So we hid in the storage cupboard.\r\rThe soldiers missed us and cleared out\r\rWhen we emerged, there were just dead people everywhere so we holed up here.'; = 'Shenice'; npc.Shenice.fullName = 'Shenice Johnson'; npc.Shenice.title = 'Nurse'; = 'female'; npc.Shenice.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.Shenice.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Shenice.clothesTop = 'female_scrubs'; npc.Shenice.clothesBottom = 'female_scrubs'; npc.Shenice.clothesShoe = 'shoeWhite'; npc.Shenice.faceAccessory = 'medicalMask'; npc.Shenice.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Shenice.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Shenice.backpack = false; = 'medium1'; npc.Shenice.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Shenice.weapon = 'hunter_scope'; = false; npc.Shenice.state = 1; npc.Shenice.content1 = 'I haven\'t seen your ' + _root[ + 'Partner'] + ', ' + _root[ + 'Formal'] + '.\r\rBut I did see what happened to everyone else who wasn\'t lucky enough to be in this room.\r\rThey were herding people onto trucks at gunpoint to take them to the Stadium for quarantine.\r\rI\'d start looking there. Just head north through Newtown and then Uptown to get there.'; npc.Shenice.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Shenice.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Shenice.reqMet1 = ''; npc.Shenice.reqNotMet1 = 'OK'; npc.Shenice.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.Shenice.quest1 = '905'; npc.Shenice.content1active = 'I\'m pretty sure your ' + _root[ + 'Partner'] + ' will be at the Stadium.\r\rIt was the Army that took everyone away, so I\'d normally think they\'d be safe, but there was gunfire going off everywhere.'; npc.Shenice.content1complete = 'Good luck.'; } function triggerJebAndPaul(something) { setupAHuman(fakeRoom, 0); setupAHuman(fakeRoom, 1); } function setNPCLoc15() { = 'JebEnemy'; npc.JebEnemy.fullName = 'JebEnemy White'; npc.JebEnemy.title = 'Stranded'; = 'male'; npc.JebEnemy.skinColour = 'White'; npc.JebEnemy.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.JebEnemy.clothesTop = 'male_checkersBlue'; npc.JebEnemy.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlue'; npc.JebEnemy.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.JebEnemy.faceAccessory = 'medicalMask'; npc.JebEnemy.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.JebEnemy.headAccessory = 'capBlue'; npc.JebEnemy.backpack = true; = 'short2'; npc.JebEnemy.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.JebEnemy.weapon = 'ambrose'; npc.JebEnemy.friendly = false; npc.JebEnemy.stationary = false; = 40; npc.JebEnemy.xpBonus = 3; = 'PaulEnemy'; npc.PaulEnemy.fullName = 'PaulEnemy White'; npc.PaulEnemy.title = 'Stranded'; = 'male'; npc.PaulEnemy.skinColour = 'White'; npc.PaulEnemy.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.PaulEnemy.clothesTop = 'male_none'; npc.PaulEnemy.clothesBottom = 'male_pantsBrown'; npc.PaulEnemy.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.PaulEnemy.faceAccessory = 'bandana'; npc.PaulEnemy.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.PaulEnemy.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.PaulEnemy.backpack = true; = 'cropped'; npc.PaulEnemy.facialHair = 'none'; npc.PaulEnemy.weapon = 'deathAdder'; npc.PaulEnemy.friendly = false; = 40; npc.PaulEnemy.xpBonus = 3; = 'Jeb'; npc.Jeb.fullName = 'Jeb White'; npc.Jeb.title = 'Stranded'; = 'male'; npc.Jeb.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Jeb.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.Jeb.clothesTop = 'male_checkersBlue'; npc.Jeb.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlue'; npc.Jeb.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Jeb.faceAccessory = 'medicalMask'; npc.Jeb.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Jeb.headAccessory = 'capBlue'; npc.Jeb.backpack = true; = 'short2'; npc.Jeb.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.Jeb.weapon = 'ambrose'; npc.Jeb.say1A = 'Oh...hey'; = false; npc.Jeb.state = 1; npc.Jeb.content1 = 'Hey there...friend.\r\rMy brother and our other...friends here ran into some car troubles. There\'s a small town just down the road a smidge, you wouldn\'t mind goin\' in and picking up some gas, a fan belt and some tools now would you?\r\rWe\'d go but, we have to uhhhh protect our friends here.\r\rI\'m sure our new friends can make it worth your while.'; npc.Jeb.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Jeb.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Jeb.reqMet1 = 'HERE THEY ARE'; npc.Jeb.reqNotMet1 = 'Not yet'; npc.Jeb.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.Jeb.quest1 = '015'; npc.Jeb.content1active = 'Just keep heading east, the town is down the dirt track here, can\'t miss it. Remember we need gas and a new fan belt, the old one is shot.'; npc.Jeb.content1complete = 'Heeeey, thanks friend.\r\rThese are exactly what we needed, guess we\'ll be on our way.'; = 'Paul'; npc.Paul.fullName = 'Paul White'; npc.Paul.title = 'Stranded'; = 'male'; npc.Paul.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Paul.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.Paul.clothesTop = 'male_none'; npc.Paul.clothesBottom = 'male_pantsBrown'; npc.Paul.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Paul.faceAccessory = 'bandana'; npc.Paul.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Paul.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Paul.backpack = true; = 'cropped'; npc.Paul.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Paul.weapon = 'deathAdder'; npc.Paul.say1A = 'Go on, ask.'; = false; npc.Paul.state = 1; npc.Paul.content1 = 'Talk to my brother, friend.\r\rPerhaps you can uhhh, help us out here, we\'re in a real pickle.'; = 'Clarence'; npc.Clarence.fullName = 'Clarence Dillinger'; npc.Clarence.title = 'Stranded'; = 'male'; npc.Clarence.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Clarence.hairColour = 'Grey'; npc.Clarence.clothesTop = 'male_suitGrey'; npc.Clarence.clothesBottom = 'male_pantsGrey'; npc.Clarence.clothesShoe = 'none'; npc.Clarence.faceAccessory = 'glassesBig'; npc.Clarence.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Clarence.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Clarence.backpack = false; = 'bald'; npc.Clarence.facialHair = '1980s'; npc.Clarence.weapon = 'none'; npc.Clarence.say1A = '< cough >'; = false; npc.Clarence.state = 1; npc.Clarence.content1 = '<Clarence doesn\'t respond, he seems very on edge and gestures you away>'; npc.Clarence.content2 = 'Oh thank goodness.\r\rYou saved our skins there, ' + _root[ + 'Older'] + '.\r\rWe broke down here a few hours ago and then those bumpkins set upon us out of the woods.\r\rThanks for getting the things we need to fix the van, keep the money they took from us, you deserve it, hopefully it\'s useful for you.'; npc.Clarence.anim2 = 'idle'; npc.Clarence.face2 = 'left'; = 'Fern'; npc.Fern.fullName = 'Fern Dillinger'; npc.Fern.title = 'Stranded'; = 'female'; npc.Fern.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Fern.hairColour = 'Grey'; npc.Fern.clothesTop = 'female_shirtBlue'; npc.Fern.clothesBottom = 'female_pantsGrey'; npc.Fern.clothesShoe = 'none'; npc.Fern.faceAccessory = 'glasses'; npc.Fern.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Fern.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Fern.backpack = false; = 'medium1'; npc.Fern.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Fern.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Fern.state = 1; npc.Fern.content1 = '<Fern looks down and away from you, glancing over at Paul>'; npc.Fern.content2 = 'Thankyou so much.\r\rLord knows what they would have done with us.\r\rWe appreciate your help, you\'ve saved us.'; npc.Fern.anim2 = 'idle'; npc.Fern.face2 = 'left'; = 'Terry'; npc.Terry.fullName = 'Terry Granger'; npc.Terry.title = 'Survivalist'; = 'female'; npc.Terry.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Terry.hairColour = 'Brown'; npc.Terry.clothesTop = 'male_tshirtBrown'; npc.Terry.clothesBottom = 'male_armyBottom'; npc.Terry.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Terry.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Terry.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Terry.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Terry.backpack = true; = 'bald'; npc.Terry.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.Terry.weapon = 'hellSlinger'; = false; npc.Terry.state = 1; npc.Terry.content1 = 'Did Lisa send you? How\'d you find me out here. What\'s the situation in Union City, soldier? Hmm! Tell me.\r\rNot a talker, huh? Ok, very well. I\'ve been working on some improvised \'hunting tools\', if you\'re going to be part of my platoon, you\'d best be equipped for the job!'; npc.Terry.content2 = 'Thankyou so much.\r\rLord knows what they would have done with us.\r\rWe appreciate your help, you\'ve saved us.'; = 'Lisa'; npc.Lisa.fullName = 'Lisa Granger'; npc.Lisa.title = 'Survivor'; = 'female'; npc.Lisa.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Lisa.hairColour = 'Brown'; npc.Lisa.clothesTop = 'female_tshirtRed'; npc.Lisa.clothesBottom = 'female_pantsBrown'; npc.Lisa.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Lisa.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Lisa.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Lisa.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Lisa.backpack = true; = 'ponytail1'; npc.Lisa.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Lisa.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Lisa.state = 1; npc.Lisa.content1 = 'Oh ' + _root[ + 'Formal'] + ', you have to help me.\r\rIt\'s my brother, Terry. He went off his meds a few weeks ago and disappeared. Then this whole thing happened and now I don\'t have a hope of finding him on my own.\r\rI think he\'s probably gone to his cabin out in the Nature Reserve.\r\rIf I give you the directions do you think you could look for him?\r\rHere\'s how to get to the cabin: Go left, up, turn right at the pond. Go past the old fence and take the path up. Go left and take the second path. Look for the can on a stick.'; npc.Lisa.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Lisa.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Lisa.reqMet1 = 'I DID'; npc.Lisa.reqNotMet1 = 'Not yet'; npc.Lisa.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.Lisa.quest1 = '016'; npc.Lisa.content1active = 'Like I said, just go left, up, then turn right at the pond. Go past the old fence and take the path up. Go left and take the second path. Look for the can on a stick.'; npc.Lisa.content1complete = 'Oh you found him, thank god.\r\rHe\'s staying out there? Ok, he knows how to handle himself I guess, I\'m just happy he\'s alive.'; = 'Phillip'; npc.Phillip.fullName = 'Phillip Best'; npc.Phillip.title = 'Scientist'; = 'male'; npc.Phillip.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.Phillip.hairColour = 'Dark Brown'; npc.Phillip.clothesTop = 'male_bioHazardTop'; npc.Phillip.clothesBottom = 'male_bioHazardPants'; npc.Phillip.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Phillip.faceAccessory = 'glasses'; npc.Phillip.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Phillip.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Phillip.backpack = true; = 'short1'; npc.Phillip.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Phillip.weapon = 'none'; = false; npc.Phillip.state = 1; npc.Phillip.content1 = 'I left the city and abandoned the HERC outpost I was assigned to. They\'re doing terrible things to civilians, unspeakable things, I mean, I\'m just a hematologist. I didn\'t want to be a part of it.\r\rI\'m trying to find some way to fix this, the infection originated out here somewhere and I think that maybe, just maybe, the answers are out here too - in the blood.\r\rHelp me gather samples from the corpses out in this area, would you?'; npc.Phillip.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Phillip.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Phillip.reqMet1 = 'I DID'; npc.Phillip.reqNotMet1 = 'Not yet'; npc.Phillip.compResp1 = 'OK'; npc.Phillip.quest1 = '017'; npc.Phillip.content1active = 'I need at least 4 sample vials from corpses in the Whistler\'s Forest area. Your help might help me get closer to finding out what caused all this.'; npc.Phillip.content1complete = 'Excellent work, these samples should help us get closer to finding out what\'s started all this. When we initiated the martial law, we took over the clinics first. Take this key, it\'s to the offices in the clinic in Uptown, hopefully you can find something of use there.'; npc.Phillip.content2 = 'Thanks for your help, I wish I could tell you more but it could take weeks to analyse these samples. Good luck!'; } function setNPCLoc16() { = 'Jackson'; npc.Jackson.fullName = 'Jackson Hall'; npc.Jackson.title = 'Homeowner'; = 'male'; npc.Jackson.skinColour = 'Tanned'; npc.Jackson.hairColour = 'Blonde'; npc.Jackson.clothesTop = 'male_longSleeveRed'; npc.Jackson.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlack'; npc.Jackson.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Jackson.faceAccessory = 'medicalMask'; npc.Jackson.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Jackson.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Jackson.backpack = false; = 'short2'; npc.Jackson.facialHair = 'goatee'; npc.Jackson.weapon = 'none'; npc.Jackson.say1A = 'Oh, thank god.'; = false; npc.Jackson.state = 1; npc.Jackson.content1 = 'I\'m sorry, I just moved in, are you one of the neighbours? I guess that doesn\'t matter now. You\'re safe here.\r\rThis all started a few days ago, people just...started killing each other. The ones they killed didn\'t stay dead.\r\r< He takes a second to compose himself >\r\rStay here and rest up. I\'ve got Sarah and Peter from next door staying in my room upstairs. You\'re welcome sleep on the floor here if you need to.'; = 'Ed'; npc.Ed.fullName = 'Ed Boone'; npc.Ed.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.Ed.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Ed.hairColour = 'Grey'; npc.Ed.clothesTop = 'male_shirtBlue'; npc.Ed.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlack'; npc.Ed.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Ed.faceAccessory = 'glasses'; npc.Ed.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Ed.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Ed.backpack = false; = 'bald'; npc.Ed.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Ed.weapon = 'none'; npc.Ed.say1A = 'It won\'t open!'; = false; npc.Ed.state = 1; npc.Ed.content1 = 'The military put this fence up a few days ago, blocking the road to Brookvale then abandoned it.\r\rWe need something to cut our way through.\r\rI know Ray at number 12 has a pair of bolt cutters, I borrowed them last month. Hurry!'; npc.Ed.confirm1 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Ed.decline1 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Ed.reqMet1 = 'HERE THEY ARE'; npc.Ed.reqNotMet1 = 'Not yet'; npc.Ed.compResp1 = 'Let\'s go!'; npc.Ed.quest1 = '001'; npc.Ed.content1active = 'Go talk to Ray at number 12, he has a pair for sure.'; npc.Ed.content2 = 'What? I have them?\r\rHmmmm maybe I didn\'t return them. Here\'s the key to my garage, go find them for yourself and bring \'em back.'; npc.Ed.confirm2 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Ed.decline2 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Ed.reqMet2 = 'HERE THEY ARE'; npc.Ed.reqNotMet2 = 'Not yet'; npc.Ed.compResp2 = 'Great!'; npc.Ed.quest2 = '004'; npc.Ed.content2active = 'Did you find those boltcutters yet?\r\rIt\'s the only way we\'re getting through here.'; npc.Ed.content2complete = 'Great, hand them over.\r\rFinally we can make our way to safety.'; = 'Ray'; npc.Ray.fullName = 'Ray Stevens'; npc.Ray.title = 'Old man'; = 'male'; npc.Ray.skinColour = 'White'; npc.Ray.hairColour = 'Grey'; npc.Ray.clothesTop = 'male_tshirtWhite'; npc.Ray.clothesBottom = 'male_pantsBrown'; npc.Ray.clothesShoe = 'shoeBrown'; npc.Ray.faceAccessory = 'glassesBig'; npc.Ray.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Ray.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Ray.backpack = false; = 'bald'; npc.Ray.facialHair = 'fullBeard'; npc.Ray.weapon = 'none'; npc.Ray.say1A = 'Argh! What do you want?!'; npc.Ray.say2A = 'Where\'d I put my gun...'; = false; npc.Ray.state = 1; npc.Ray.content1 = 'Damned shuffling rambling things.\r\rThey still down stairs?\r\rI\'m too old for this business.'; npc.Ray.confirm1 = 'Ok'; npc.Ray.content1active = 'I\'m staying right here, damnit.\r\rI was born in this here house and this\' where I\'ll die.'; npc.Ray.content2 = 'What\'s that? That bastard Ed sent you, huh?\r\rBolt Cutters! He borrowed them weeks ago and never returned them!\r\rThey\'re probably next door in his stinking garage!\r\rGo tell him that he\'s still got the damn things.'; npc.Ray.confirm2 = 'Ok, thanks'; npc.Ray.content2active = 'What? I told you, Ed never returned my damn bolt cutters. They\'re probably in his garage.'; npc.Ray.confirm2 = 'ACCEPT'; npc.Ray.decline2 = 'DECLINE'; npc.Ray.reqMet2 = 'HERE THEY ARE'; npc.Ray.reqNotMet2 = 'Not yet'; npc.Ray.compResp2 = 'Great!'; npc.Ray.quest2 = '003'; npc.Ray.content3 = 'What, go away.'; = 'Sarah'; npc.Sarah.fullName = 'Sarah Woodruff'; npc.Sarah.title = 'Peter\'s Wife'; = 'female'; npc.Sarah.skinColour = 'Olive'; npc.Sarah.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Sarah.clothesTop = 'female_tshirtWhite'; npc.Sarah.clothesBottom = 'female_pantsBlack'; npc.Sarah.clothesShoe = 'none'; npc.Sarah.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Sarah.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Sarah.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Sarah.backpack = false; = 'ponytail1'; npc.Sarah.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Sarah.weapon = 'none'; npc.Sarah.say1A = 'We can\'t leave yet, honey we need to wait it out.'; = false; npc.Sarah.state = 1; npc.Sarah.content1 = 'Oh, you\'re not one of them, thank god.\r\rJackson was kind enough to take us in, he\'s secured the place as best he could, I don\'t think they\'re getting in here any time soon.\r\rMy husband has lost it, he wants to leave, I think it\'s best we stay here and wait this thing out, right?\r\rAnyway, good luck finding your way.'; npc.Sarah.confirm1 = 'Sorry'; = 'Peter'; npc.Peter.fullName = 'Peter Woodruff'; npc.Peter.title = 'Sarah\'s husband.'; = 'male'; npc.Peter.skinColour = 'Olive'; npc.Peter.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.Peter.clothesTop = 'male_shirtBlue'; npc.Peter.clothesBottom = 'male_pantsBrown'; npc.Peter.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.Peter.faceAccessory = 'none'; npc.Peter.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.Peter.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.Peter.backpack = false; = 'short1'; npc.Peter.facialHair = 'none'; npc.Peter.weapon = 'none'; npc.Peter.say1B = '*sobbing* Oh god, we\'re dead. We\'re dead.'; = false; npc.Peter.state = 1; npc.Peter.content1 = '<The man looks visibly shaken>\r\rOoooh god, oh god, oh god. Why won\'t they stop. Why is this happening, they already took my kids what do they waaant FROM ME!\r\rWe have to leave, we have to leave. The bags are packed and ready. We can go, we can go now.'; npc.Peter.confirm1 = 'Sorry'; npc.Peter.content1active = 'I\'m staying right here, damnit.\r\rI was born in this here house and this\' where I\'ll die.'; } function setupWorldSpeech() { all = 0; while (all < speechLetters.length) { if (allNPCs.length > 0 && allNPCs.length != undefined) { sws = 0; while (sws < allNPCs.length) { var v2 = allNPCs[sws].name; var v1 = npc[v2]; if (v1['say' + v1.state + speechLetters[all]] != undefined) { sayText.push(v1['say' + v1.state + speechLetters[all]]); sayOwner.push(allNPCs[sws]); } ++sws; } } ++all; } } function displayWorldSpeech(speechTarget, speechContent, speechType) { if (sayText.length > 0 || speechTarget != undefined) { world.attachMovie('speechBubble', 'speech', depth_world_speechBubble); world.speech._alpha = 0; world.speech._visible = true; if (speechTarget != undefined) { var speechTarg =[speechTarget]; world.speech.txt.text = speechContent; } else { var speechTarg = sayOwner[0]; world.speech.txt.text = sayText[0]; } world.speech.txt.autoSize = 'center'; world.speech.back.backing._width = world.speech.txt._width + 20; world.speech.back.backing._height = world.speech.txt._height + 10; world.speech.back.arrow._y = world.speech.back.backing._height; var v3 = new flash.geom.Point(speechTarg.headAnim._x, speechTarg.headAnim._y); speechTarg.headAnim.localToGlobal(v3); var v5 = 135; if (speechTarg.pos == 'low') { v5 = 70; } world.speech._x = speechTarg._x; world.speech._y = speechTarg._y - v5 - world.speech.txt._height * 1.5; if (speechTarg._x > world.bounds._width - 100) { world.speech.txt._x -= 50; world.speech.back.backing._x -= 50; } if (speechTarg._x < 100) { world.speech.txt._x += 50; world.speech.back.backing._x += 50; } world.speech.back.globalToLocal(v3); if (speechTarg._xscale > 0) { world.speech.back.arrow._x = v3.x - 20; } if (speechTarget == undefined) { sayText.splice(0, 1); sayOwner.splice(0, 1); } else { world.speech.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = speechTarg._x; }; } if (speechType == 'thought') { world.speech.back.arrow.gotoAndStop('thought'); } world.speech.alphaTo(100, 0.2, 'easeOutSine'); world.speech.alphaTo(0, 0.2, 'easeOutSine', 5, function () { removeMovieClip(this); }); } } function checkEnemyClear(locID) {} function setupHuman(roomToSetup) { if ([currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom + '_clr'] != true) { anen = 0; while (anen < roomToSetup.enemy.length) { if (npc[roomToSetup.enemy[anen]].state != 'off') { _root['npcTimeout' + anpc] = setTimeout(setupAHuman(roomToSetup, anen), anen * NPCsetupDelay); } ++anen; } } } function saveHumansOFF() { if (allHumans.length > 0) { ++savHNum; if (savHNum > 5) { savHNum = 1; } var v2 = _root['saveHumans' + savHNum]; v2.loc = playerLocation; v2.humans = new Array(); for (fah in allHumans) { v2.humans.push(allHumans[fah]); } } } function restoreHumansOFF(curLoc) { for (fcl in allHumanSaves) { if (allHumanSaves[fcl].loc == curLoc) { for (lah in allHumanSaves[fcl].humans) { } } } } function setupAHuman(roomToSetup, enemyNum) { if (numHumans > 10) { numHumans = 0; } ++numHumans;'human', 'human' + numHumans, depth_world_human + numHumans); enmyRef = world['human' + numHumans]; enmyRef._visible = false; toggleAnimMode(enmyRef, 'default'); enmyRef._x = roomToSetup.enemyX[enemyNum]; if (enmyRef._x < world.bounds._x + edgeBuffer) { enmyRef._x = world.bounds._x + edgeBuffer; } if (enmyRef._x > world.bounds._x + world.bounds._width - edgeBuffer) { enmyRef._x = world.bounds._x + world.bounds._width - edgeBuffer; } enmyRef._y = world.ground; enmyRef._yscale = playerScale; enmyRef._xscale = enmyRef._yscale; if (playerStartX > 100) { enmyRef.currentFacing = 'left'; enmyRef._xscale = -playerScale; } else { enmyRef.currentFacing = 'right'; } enmyRef.dir = ''; enmyRef.charHeight = enmyRef._height; var v2 = roomToSetup.enemy[enemyNum]; = 'human' + numHumans; enmyRef.controlsLocked = false; enmyRef.aimLocked = false; = npc[v2].health; enmyRef.healthMax = npc[v2].health; enmyRef.lastHealth = healthMax; enmyRef.classType = 'human'; enmyRef.friendly = npc[v2].friendly; enmyRef.stationary = npc[v2].stationary; enmyRef.xpBonus = npc[v2].xpBonus; enmyRef.survivor = true; enmyRef.humanEnemy = true; enmyRef.state = 'idle'; enmyRef.wp = world.player._x; enmyRef.wpSet = false; enmyRef.wpReached = false; enmyRef.wpSetCount = 0; enmyRef.shotCount = 0; enmyRef.burstCount = 0; enmyRef.waitCount = 0; enmyRef.curTarget = null; enmyRef.closeZom = 9999999; = npc[v2].sex; enmyRef.human = true; enmyRef.alive = true; enmyRef.crouched = false; enmyRef.moving = false; enmyRef.jumping = false; enmyRef.standing = true; enmyRef.falling = false; enmyRef.landed = true; enmyRef.firing = false; enmyRef.firingAnim = false; enmyRef.currentAngle = 0; enmyRef.grabbed = false; enmyRef.struggling = false; enmyRef.jumpHeight = jumpHeight; enmyRef.shoving = false; enmyRef.meleeSwing = false; enmyRef.firingAnim = false; enmyRef.jumpAnim = false; enmyRef.walkForwardAnim = false; enmyRef.walkBackwardAnim = false; enmyRef.endRoomLeft = false; enmyRef.endRoomRight = false; enmyRef.collideLeft = false; enmyRef.collideRight = false; enmyRef.collideTop = false; enmyRef.collideBottom = false; enmyRef.climbing = false; enmyRef.currClimbHeight = 0; enmyRef.depth = 0; enmyRef.lastCollision = null; enmyRef.transitioning = false; enmyRef.arms.torso.originX = enmyRef.arms.torso._x; enmyRef.arms.torso.originY = enmyRef.arms.torso._y; enmyRef.neck.originX = 0; enmyRef.neck.originY = enmyRef.neck._y; enmyRef.head.originX = 10; enmyRef.head.originY = enmyRef.head._y; enmyRef.reloading = false; enmyRef.currentDamage = 0; enmyRef.currentDamageRand = 0; enmyRef.currentWeapon = npc[v2].weapon; enmyRef.primaryWeapon = npc[v2].weapon; survRef.secondaryWeapon = 'none'; survRef.storedWeapon = 'none'; enmyRef.weaponType = _root.weapon[enmyRef.currentWeapon].weaponType; enmyRef.weaponSkill = _root.weapon[enmyRef.currentWeapon].skill; enmyRef.primaryAmmo = primaryAmmo; enmyRef.secondaryAmmo = secondaryAmmo; enmyRef.gotoAndStop('standing'); enmyRef.arms.lowerArm_backFront._visible = false; enmyRef.arms.gotoAndStop(enmyRef.weaponType); enmyRef.arms.weapon.gotoAndStop(enmyRef.currentWeapon); enmyRef.arms.torso.torso.backpackWeapon.gotoAndStop(enmyRef.storedWeapon); enmyRef.arms.weapon.collision._visible = false; if (_root.weapon[enmyRef.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { enmyRef.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('meleeBackHand'); enmyRef.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('meleeFrontHand'); } if (_root.weapon[enmyRef.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { enmyRef.arms.hand_back.gotoAndStop('holdHand'); enmyRef.arms.hand_front.gotoAndStop('triggerHand'); } enmyRef.hairColour = convertHairColour(npc[v2].hairColour); enmyRef.skinColour = convertSkinColour(npc[v2].skinColour); enmyRef.clothesTop = npc[v2].clothesTop; enmyRef.torsoAccessory = npc[v2].torsoAccessory; enmyRef.headAccessory = npc[v2].headAccessory; enmyRef.faceAccessory = npc[v2].faceAccessory; enmyRef.clothesBottom = npc[v2].clothesBottom; enmyRef.clothesShoe = npc[v2].clothesShoe; if (npc[v2].hairColour == 'random') { enmyRef.hairColour = all_hairColour[getIntInRange(0, all_hairColour.length - 1)]; } if (npc[v2].skinColour == 'random') { enmyRef.skinColour = all_skinColour[getIntInRange(0, all_skinColour.length - 1)]; } = + '_' + npc[v2].hair; enmyRef.facialHair = npc[v2].facialHair; if (npc[v2].hair == 'random') { = + '_' + all_hair[getIntInRange(0, all_hair.length - 1)]; } if (npc[v2].facialHair == 'random') { enmyRef.facialHair = all_facialHair[getIntInRange(0, all_facialHair.length - 1)]; } allOnScreen.push(enmyRef); enemiesOnScreen.push(enmyRef); allHumans.push(enmyRef); swapWeapons('primary', null, enmyRef); decoratePlayer(enmyRef); setLighting(enmyRef, false); } function humanGravity() { for (sg in allSurvivors) { characterGravity(allSurvivors[sg]); } } function moveTo(human, targetLoc) { world[human].forcedTarget = world[targetLoc]; } function humanAIRoutine() { for (ahr in allHumans) { var v2 = allHumans[ahr]; if (v2.alive == true) { if (v2.curTarget.alive != true && v2.forcedTarget == undefined) { v2.closeZom = 9999999; v2.curTarget = null; v2.state = 'idle'; } if (enemiesOnScreen.length > 0) { --humTargCount; if (humTargCount < 0) { humTargCount = 10; for (stc in allOnScreen) { var v4 = allOnScreen[stc]; var v5 = false; if (v4.survivor == true && v2.friendly == true) { v5 = true; } if ( == 'player' && v2.friendly == true) { v5 = true; } if (v4.friendly == true && v2.friendly == true) { v5 = true; } if (v4.friendly == false && v2.friendly == false) { v5 = true; } if ( != 'player' && v4.survivor != true && v2.friendly == true) { if (v4.alerted == true) { v5 = false; } } if (v5 != true) { if (v4.alive == true) { var v3 = Math.abs(v2._x - v4._x); var v6 = Math.abs(v2._x - v2.curTarget._x); if (v2.curTarget._x == undefined) { v6 = 9999999; } var v7 = humanRange + (random(80) - 40); v2.alerted = true; if (v3 <= v6 && v2 != v4) { if (v3 < v2.closeZom && v3 <= v7 && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'attack'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && v3 > v7 && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'chase'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee' && v3 > humanMeleeRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'chase'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee' && v3 <= humanMeleeRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'attack'; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee' && v6 > humanMeleeRange) { v2.state = 'chase'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'chainsaw' && v3 <= chainsawRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'attack'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'chainsaw' && v3 > chainsawRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'chase'; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'chainsaw' && v6 > chainsawRange) { v2.state = 'chase'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'flameThrower' && v3 <= flameThrowerRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'attack'; } if (v3 < v2.closeZom && _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'flameThrower' && v3 > flameThrowerRange) { v2.closeZom = v3; v2.curTarget = v4; v2.state = 'chase'; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType == 'flameThrower' && v6 > flameThrowerRange) { v2.state = 'chase'; } if (v2.forcedTarget != undefined) { v2.closeZom = 0; v2.curTarget = v2.forcedTarget; v2.state = 'chase'; } } } } } } } if (v2.curTarget.alive != undefined) { } else { if (v2.friendly == true && v2.stationary != true && v2.forcedTarget == undefined) { v2.state = 'follow'; v2.curTarget = null; v2.closeZom = 9999999; v2.firing = false; } } switch (v2.state) { case 'idle': if (v2.animating == true) { v2.animating = false; v2.gotoAndStop('standing'); v2.walkForwardAnim = false; } break; case 'attack': ++v2.waitCount; aimWeapon(v2); if (v2.animating == true) { v2.animating = false; v2.transitioning = false; v2.gotoAndStop('standing'); v2.walkForwardAnim = false; } if (Math.abs(v2._x - v2.curTarget._x) > v7) { dText( + ' switched to Chase'); v2.firingAnim = false; v2.reloading = false; v2.state = 'chase'; } if (v2.curTarget.alive != true) { v2.curTarget = null; v2.state = 'idle'; } if (v2.waitCount >= 30) { ++v2.burstCount; if (v2.burstCount <= 30 && v2.firingAnim == false && v2.reloading == false) { if (random(100) == 0) { var v8 = true; } if (random(100) == 0 && v2.crouched == true) { var v9 = true; } if (v8) { v2.transitioning = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('crouch'); v2.standing = false; v2.crouched = true; v8 = false; } if (v9) { v2.transitioning = true; v2.crouched = false; v2.standing = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('stand'); v9 = false; } if (v2.shotCount < _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].maxAmmo || _root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { v2.firing = true; if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'firearm') { v2.arms.gotoAndPlay(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType + '_fire'); ++v2.shotCount; } if (_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponClass == 'melee') { _root.checkKnockback(surv); v2.firing = true; v2.shoving = false; v2.meleeSwing = true; v2.arms.gotoAndPlay(_root.weapon[v2.currentWeapon].weaponType + '_fire' + (random(2) + 1)); v2.arms.torso.gotoAndPlay('shove'); _root.playMeleeSwingSound(surv); } } else { v2.shotCount = 0; v2.reloading = true; v2.reloadCount = 0; v2.arms.gotoAndPlay(v2.weaponType + '_reload'); } } if (v2.burstCount > 50) { v2.burstCount = 0; v2.waitCount = 0; v2.firing = false; } } break; case 'chase': if (v2.stationary != true) { --v2.wpSetCount; if (v2.wpSetCount <= random(wpSetCountMax / 20)) { v2.wpSetCount = wpSetCountMax; if (v2.wpSet == false) { aimWeapon(v2); v2.wpReached = false; v2.wpSet = true; v2.wp = v2.curTarget._x + Math.round(50 * ahr); } } if (v2._x < v2.wp && v2.collideLeft == false) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } v2._x += player.speed; } if (v2._x > v2.wp && v2.collideRight == false) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } v2._x -= player.speed; } if (v2.collideLeft == true || v2.collideRight == true) { v2.jumping = true; } wpRough = Math.abs(v2._x - v2.wp); if (wpRough <= humanMeleeRange && v2.wpReached == false && v2.forcedTarget == undefined) { v2.wpReached = true; v2.wpSet = false; v2.wp = null; v2.walkForwardAnim = false; v2.gotoAndStop('standing'); v2.state = 'attack'; } } break; case 'follow': --v2.wpSetCount; if (v2.wpSetCount <= random(wpSetCountMax / 3)) { v2.wpSetCount = wpSetCountMax; if (v2.wpSet == false && world.player.moving == true) { aimWeapon(v2); v2.wpReached = false; v2.wpSet = true; v2.wp = world.player._x + Math.round(50 * ahr); } } if (v2._x < v2.wp && v2.collideLeft == false) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } v2._x += player.speed; } if (v2._x > v2.wp && v2.collideRight == false) { if (v2.walkForwardAnim == false) { v2.walkForwardAnim = true; v2.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } v2._x -= player.speed; } if (v2.collideLeft == true || v2.collideRight == true) { v2.jumping = true; } wpRough = Math.abs(v2._x - v2.wp); if (wpRough <= random(50) + Math.round(ahr * 50) && v2.wpReached == false) { v2.wpReached = true; v2.wpSet = false; v2.wp = null; v2.walkForwardAnim = false; v2.gotoAndStop('standing'); } break; default: } } } } function pauseGame(forced, noOverlay) { if (mapOpen == false) { world.player.firing = false; game.state = 'paused'; if (noOverlay != true) { hud.attachMovie('int_pauseOverlay', 'pauseOverlay', depth_hud_pauseOverlay); } getCurrentTime(); hud.pauseOverlay.time.text = currentTimeFull; hud.pauseOverlay.location.text = _root[currentLocation][currentStreet][currentBuilding].name.toUpperCase() + ', ' + _root['section' + locationNumber].name.toUpperCase(); if (debugMode == true) { hud.pauseOverlay.locDebug._visible = true; hud.pauseOverlay.locDebug.locDebug.text = 'LOCATION: ' + currentLocation + '_' + currentStreet + '_' + currentBuilding + '_' + currentFloor + '_' + currentRoom; } else { hud.pauseOverlay.locDebug._visible = false; } if (mapOpen != true) { for (pall in allOnScreen) { if (allOnScreen[pall].animating == true) { allOnScreen[pall].stop(); } if (allOnScreen[pall].arms.animating == true) { allOnScreen[pall].arms.stop(); } } } } } function unPauseGame() { if (mapOpen == false) { game.state = 'unpaused'; removeMovieClip(hud.pauseOverlay); if (mapOpen != true) { for (upall in allOnScreen) { if (allOnScreen[upall].animating == true) { allOnScreen[upall].play(); } if (allOnScreen[upall].arms.animating == true) { allOnScreen[upall]; } } } } } function launchMenus(loadTo) { if (debugMode == true) { debugTools(); } firstMenuLoad = false; removeMovieClip(introLogos); setupMenu(loadTo); checkSaveSizes(); } function launchGame() { debugKills.tabIndex = 1; loadGameSettings(); setItemArrays(); loadInventory(); loadPlayer(); setJumpHeight(); setMoveSpeed(); setPlayerVars(); setPlayerHealthMax(); setupCrosshair(); showCrosshair(); setupSound(); postLoadCommands(); loadGame(); getCurrentTime(); setCurrentTime(); setupInterface(); setupRoom(true); setupPlayer(true); checkCompanionSetup(); setupExperience(); playerWeaponSetup(); setupFireButton(); keyUpDetection(); newInterfaceControls(); showHelp('movement'); if (music_music != undefined) { } else {} game.state = 'unpaused'; } function quitGame(startPage) { savedAndQuit = true; closeMap(); removeMovieClip(_root.fireButton); removeMovieClip(; removeMovieClip(_root.hud); inGame = false; _root.gotoAndStop('preload'); loadTo = undefined; if (startPage != undefined) { loadTo = startPage; } } function debugEndlessSpawn() { if (enemiesOnScreen.length < 2) { } } function debugReset() { newRoomReset(); currentLighting = debugAllLightingSettings[random(debugAllLightingSettings.length)]; setupRoom(); setupPlayer(); suz = 5; while (suz > 0) { setTimeout(setupZombie, 20 * suz, 'zombieFast'); --suz; } } function oddEnterFrame() { --oddEFcount; if (oddEFcount <= 0) { oddEFcount = oddEFcountMax; } } function quickEnterFrame() { --quickEFcount; if (quickEFcount <= 0) { companionIndicator(); interactCollisions(); checkShowDamage(); playerHealthRegen(); staminaRegen(); quickEFcount = quickEFcountMax; arrayFeedback(); } } function slowEnterFrame() { --slowEFcount; if (slowEFcount <= 0) { triggerCollisions(); setMaxThreat(); directorLoop(); musicDirectorLoop(); checkZombieMovementAlerts(); struggleDamage(); clearOutSideRoom(); slowEFcount = slowEFcountMax; } } function mediumEnterFrame() { --mediumEFcount; if (mediumEFcount <= 0) { cycleAlerts(); compRangeCheck(); heartBeat(); sortAllDepths(); checkLevelUp(); mediumEFcount = mediumEFcountMax; } } function verySlowEnterFrame() { --verySlowEFcount; if (verySlowEFcount <= 0) { verySlowEFcount = verySlowEFcountMax; } } stop(); _root.removeAd(); removeAd(); Button.prototype.tabEnabled = false; _quality = 'medium'; var releaseMode = true; var debugMode = true; var consoleOff = false; var extraButtons = true; if (releaseMode == true) { consoleOff = true; extraButtons = false; } var startingOut = false; var mapOpen = false; var loadScreenTime = 1.5; var oddEFcount = 0; var oddEFcountMax = 3; var slowEFcount = 0; var slowEFcountMax = 30; var slowEFConstantcount = 0; var slowEFConstantcountMax = 30; var quickEFcount = 0; var quickEFcountMax = 5; var mediumEFcount = 0; var mediumEFcountMax = 15; var verySlowEFcount = 0; var verySlowEFcountMax = 90; var depth_soundLoops = 60; var depth_music = 75; var depth_menu = 300; var depth_logos = 350; var depth_intro = 375; var depth_fireButton = 450; var depth_world = 500; var depth_worldHolder = 501; var depth_world_bg = 502; var depth_world_bmp = 507; var depth_world_terrain = 510; var depth_world_containers = 550; var depth_world_beds = 690; var depth_world_doors = 800; var depth_world_holeBottom = 900; var depth_world_decos = 1000; var depth_world_decals = 2000; var depth_world_projectiles = 3000; var depth_world_shellCasings = 5000; var depth_world_blood = 6000; var depth_world_deadBodies = 11100; var depth_world_zombiesDead = 11500; var depth_world_pickups = 12010; var depth_world_zombies = 12800; var depth_world_allSorted = 45000; var depth_world_holeTop = 95500; var depth_world_boundsGlow = 95800; var depth_world_player = 115000; var depth_world_survivor = 115100; var depth_world_NPC = 115200; var depth_world_human = 115250; var depth_world_muzzleFlash = 115500; var depth_world_bounceParticles = 150000; var depth_world_particles = 157000; var depth_world_effects = 158000; var depth_world_flashLight = 159000; var depth_world_flashLightBeam = 159050; var depth_world_light = 159500; var depth_world_fg = 220000; var depth_world_damageText = 221000; var depth_world_searchHighlight = 223000; var depth_world_struggleHud = 225000; var depth_world_NPCcollision = 285300; var depth_world_pickupShine = 355000; var depth_world_pickupShineMask = 358000; var depth_world_pickupHighlight = 360000; var depth_world_speechBubble = 390000; var depth_menu_charCreate = 50000; var depth_crosshair = 1400000; var depth_blackOut = 1440000; var depth_map = 1442000; var depth_hud = 1445000; var depth_dialog = 1600000; var depth_achievementPanel = 1650000; var depth_achProgress = 1800000; var depth_hud_ammo_ammoIcon = 500; var depth_hud_pauseOverlay = 900; var depth_hud_pauseMenu = 950; var depth_hud_search = 1000; var depth_hud_inventory = 2000; var depth_hud_charSheet = 2100; var depth_hud_timePanel = 2200; var depth_hud_achievementScreen = 2250; var depth_hud_dialog = 2300; var depth_hud_journal = 2400; var depth_hud_note = 2425; var depth_hud_security = 2450; var depth_hud_storage = 2452; var depth_hud_death = 2455; var depth_hud_saveAnim = 2500; var depth_hud_xpText = 5000; var depth_hud_pickupHighlight = 6000; var depth_hud_travel = 8000; var depth_hud_rollOverBox = 8500; var depth_hud_help = 9000; var depth_hud_social = 9500; var depth_hud_achievementPanel = 95000; var depth_sound = 1460000; var depth_DEBUG_fps = 1500000; var depth_DEBUG_console = 1520001; var enterLogin = false; var avHoldCount = 30; var scaleAvInt = null; var achievementShowTime = 5; var achievementCount = 0; var achPanels = 0; var numActiveAchPanels = 0; var achPanelSlideLoc = 25; var allAchievementsUnlocked = false; var achPrizeGiven1 = false; var achPrizeGiven2 = false; var achPrizeGiven3 = false; ach = new Object(); ach.ach1 = new Object(); ach.ach1.ref = 'ach1'; = 'Annihilation'; ach.ach1.count = 0; ach.ach1.req = 2000; ach.ach1.progPoint = 500; ach.ach1.reqType = 'killZombie'; ach.ach1.desc = 'Kill ' + ach.ach1.req + ' infected'; ach.ach1.bonus = 10000; ach.ach1.preReq = 'ach2'; ach.ach2 = new Object(); ach.ach2.ref = 'ach2'; = 'Street Sweeper'; ach.ach2.count = 0; ach.ach2.req = 500; ach.ach2.progPoint = 150; ach.ach2.reqType = 'killZombie'; ach.ach2.desc = 'Kill ' + ach.ach2.req + ' infected'; ach.ach2.bonus = 3000; ach.ach2.preReq = 'ach3'; ach.ach3 = new Object(); ach.ach3.ref = 'ach3'; = 'Clean Up'; ach.ach3.count = 0; ach.ach3.req = 100; ach.ach3.progPoint = 25; ach.ach3.reqType = 'killZombie'; ach.ach3.desc = 'Kill ' + ach.ach3.req + ' infected'; ach.ach3.bonus = 250; ach.ach4 = new Object(); ach.ach4.ref = 'ach4'; = 'Sleepy'; ach.ach4.count = 0; ach.ach4.req = 50; ach.ach4.progPoint = 15; ach.ach4.reqType = 'sleep'; ach.ach4.desc = 'Sleep a total of ' + ach.ach4.req + ' hours'; ach.ach4.bonus = 300; ach.ach5 = new Object(); ach.ach5.ref = 'ach5'; = 'Master Locksmith'; ach.ach5.count = 0; ach.ach5.req = 20; ach.ach5.progPoint = 6; ach.ach5.reqType = 'pickLock'; ach.ach5.desc = 'Pick ' + ach.ach5.req + ' locks successfully'; ach.ach5.bonus = 1500; ach.ach5.preReq = 'ach6'; ach.ach6 = new Object(); ach.ach6.ref = 'ach6'; = 'Locksmith'; ach.ach6.count = 0; ach.ach6.req = 10; ach.ach6.progPoint = 3; ach.ach6.reqType = 'pickLock'; ach.ach6.desc = 'Pick ' + ach.ach6.req + ' locks successfully'; ach.ach6.bonus = 500; ach.ach7 = new Object(); ach.ach7.ref = 'ach7'; = 'Open Damn It!'; ach.ach7.count = 0; ach.ach7.req = 3; ach.ach7.progPoint = 1; ach.ach7.reqType = 'forceLock'; ach.ach7.desc = 'Force ' + ach.ach7.req + ' locks successfully'; ach.ach7.bonus = 1000; ach.ach8 = new Object(); ach.ach8.ref = 'ach8'; = 'Brains Beats Brawn'; ach.ach8.count = 0; ach.ach8.req = 1; ach.ach8.progPoint = 1; ach.ach8.reqType = 'pickForceLock'; ach.ach8.desc = 'Pick lock with 70%+ force chance'; ach.ach8.bonus = 1000; ach.ach8.secret = true; ach.ach9 = new Object(); ach.ach9.ref = 'ach9'; = 'Brawn Beats Brains'; ach.ach9.count = 0; ach.ach9.req = 1; ach.ach9.progPoint = 1; ach.ach9.reqType = 'forcePickLock'; ach.ach9.desc = 'Force lock with 30% or less force chance'; ach.ach9.bonus = 1000; ach.ach9.secret = true; ach.ach10 = new Object(); ach.ach10.ref = 'ach10'; = 'Slugger'; ach.ach10.count = 0; ach.ach10.req = 30; ach.ach10.progPoint = 10; ach.ach10.reqType = 'killMelee'; ach.ach10.desc = 'Kill ' + ach.ach10.req + ' infected with melee'; ach.ach10.bonus = 500; ach.ach11 = new Object(); ach.ach11.ref = 'ach11'; = 'Juggernaut'; ach.ach11.count = 0; ach.ach11.req = 100; ach.ach11.progPoint = 25; ach.ach11.reqType = 'killMelee'; ach.ach11.desc = 'Kill ' + ach.ach11.req + ' infected with melee'; ach.ach11.bonus = 1000; ach.ach11.preReq = 'ach10'; ach.ach12 = new Object(); ach.ach12.ref = 'ach12'; = 'Scavenger'; ach.ach12.count = 0; ach.ach12.req = 100; ach.ach12.progPoint = 25; ach.ach12.reqType = 'search'; ach.ach12.desc = 'Search ' + ach.ach12.req + ' containers'; ach.ach12.bonus = 300; ach.ach13 = new Object(); ach.ach13.ref = 'ach13'; = 'Treasure Hunter'; ach.ach13.count = 0; ach.ach13.req = 250; ach.ach13.progPoint = 50; ach.ach13.reqType = 'search'; ach.ach13.desc = 'Search ' + ach.ach13.req + ' containers'; ach.ach13.bonus = 500; ach.ach13.preReq = 'ach12'; ach.ach14 = new Object(); ach.ach14.ref = 'ach14'; = 'Lady Luck'; ach.ach14.count = 0; ach.ach14.req = 40; ach.ach14.progPoint = 15; ach.ach14.reqType = 'luckyFind'; ach.ach14.desc = 'Make ' + ach.ach14.req + ' lucky finds'; ach.ach14.bonus = 1250; ach.ach15 = new Object(); ach.ach15.ref = 'ach15'; = 'One Man\'s Trash'; ach.ach15.count = 0; ach.ach15.req = 25; ach.ach15.progPoint = 10; ach.ach15.reqType = 'pickupJunk'; ach.ach15.desc = 'Pick up ' + ach.ach15.req + ' junk items'; ach.ach15.bonus = 100; ach.ach16 = new Object(); ach.ach16.ref = 'ach16'; = 'I Know'; ach.ach16.count = 0; ach.ach16.req = 30; ach.ach16.progPoint = 10; ach.ach16.reqType = 'readNote'; ach.ach16.desc = 'Inspect ' + ach.ach16.req + ' notes in Union City'; ach.ach16.bonus = 1250; ach.ach16.preReq = 'ach32'; ach.ach17 = new Object(); ach.ach17.ref = 'ach17'; = 'Crippler'; ach.ach17.count = 0; ach.ach17.req = 20; ach.ach17.progPoint = 7; ach.ach17.reqType = 'legKill'; ach.ach17.desc = 'Get ' + ach.ach17.req + ' leg kills'; ach.ach17.bonus = 250; ach.ach18 = new Object(); ach.ach18.ref = 'ach18'; = 'Aim For The Head'; ach.ach18.count = 0; ach.ach18.req = 50; ach.ach18.progPoint = 10; ach.ach18.reqType = 'headKill'; ach.ach18.desc = 'Get ' + ach.ach18.req + ' headshot kills'; ach.ach18.bonus = 500; ach.ach19 = new Object(); ach.ach19.ref = 'ach19'; = 'Bloody Mess'; ach.ach19.count = 0; ach.ach19.req = 10; ach.ach19.progPoint = 3; ach.ach19.reqType = 'headKillCrit'; ach.ach19.desc = 'Get ' + ach.ach19.req + ' critical headshot kills'; ach.ach19.bonus = 750; ach.ach20 = new Object(); ach.ach20.ref = 'ach20'; = 'Playing Doctor'; ach.ach20.count = 0; ach.ach20.req = 10; ach.ach20.progPoint = 3; ach.ach20.reqType = 'useHeal'; ach.ach20.desc = 'Use ' + ach.ach20.req + ' healing items'; ach.ach20.bonus = 250; ach.ach21 = new Object(); ach.ach21.ref = 'ach21'; = 'Physician'; ach.ach21.count = 0; ach.ach21.req = 30; ach.ach21.progPoint = 10; ach.ach21.reqType = 'useHeal'; ach.ach21.desc = 'Use ' + ach.ach21.req + ' healing items'; ach.ach21.bonus = 750; ach.ach21.preReq = 'ach20'; ach.ach22 = new Object(); ach.ach22.ref = 'ach22'; = 'Oh Come On'; ach.ach22.count = 0; ach.ach22.req = 1; ach.ach22.progPoint = 1; ach.ach22.reqType = 'forceBreak'; ach.ach22.desc = 'Forced and Broke a lock with 95% chance'; ach.ach22.bonus = 1000; ach.ach22.secret = true; ach.ach23 = new Object(); ach.ach23.ref = 'ach23'; = 'Glutton'; ach.ach23.count = 0; ach.ach23.req = 50; ach.ach23.progPoint = 10; ach.ach23.reqType = 'eatFood'; ach.ach23.desc = 'Use ' + ach.ach23.req + ' food items'; ach.ach23.bonus = 500; ach.ach24 = new Object(); ach.ach24.ref = 'ach24'; = 'I Can Help'; ach.ach24.count = 0; ach.ach24.req = 10; ach.ach24.progPoint = 3; ach.ach24.reqType = 'finishQuest'; ach.ach24.desc = 'Complete ' + ach.ach24.req + ' tasks'; ach.ach24.bonus = 500; ach.ach25 = new Object(); ach.ach25.ref = 'ach25'; = 'Taskmaster'; ach.ach25.count = 0; ach.ach25.req = 20; ach.ach25.progPoint = 10; ach.ach25.reqType = 'finishQuest'; ach.ach25.desc = 'Complete ' + ach.ach25.req + ' tasks'; ach.ach25.bonus = 1500; ach.ach25.preReq = 'ach24'; ach.ach26 = new Object(); ach.ach26.ref = 'ach26'; = 'Outta My Way!'; ach.ach26.count = 0; ach.ach26.req = 40; ach.ach26.progPoint = 10; ach.ach26.reqType = 'shove'; ach.ach26.desc = 'Shove ' + ach.ach26.req + ' enemies'; ach.ach26.bonus = 1000; ach.ach27 = new Object(); ach.ach27.ref = 'ach27'; = 'Economist'; ach.ach27.count = 0; ach.ach27.req = 1000; ach.ach27.progPoint = 50; ach.ach27.reqType = 'cash'; ach.ach27.desc = 'Pick up $' + ach.ach27.req; ach.ach27.bonus = 500; ach.ach28 = new Object(); ach.ach28.ref = 'ach28'; = 'Blood Money'; ach.ach28.count = 0; ach.ach28.req = 5000; ach.ach28.progPoint = 50; ach.ach28.reqType = 'cash'; ach.ach28.desc = 'Pick up $' + ach.ach28.req; ach.ach28.bonus = 1000; ach.ach28.preReq = 'ach27'; ach.ach29 = new Object(); ach.ach29.ref = 'ach29'; = 'Forgetful'; ach.ach29.count = 0; ach.ach29.req = 1; ach.ach29.progPoint = 1; ach.ach29.reqType = 'forgetLevel'; ach.ach29.desc = 'Forget to level up'; ach.ach29.bonus = 50; ach.ach29.secret = true; ach.ach30 = new Object(); ach.ach30.ref = 'ach30'; = 'No Vacancy'; ach.ach30.count = 0; ach.ach30.req = 1; ach.ach30.progPoint = 1; ach.ach30.reqType = 'fillStorage'; ach.ach30.desc = 'Filled your storage'; ach.ach30.bonus = 250; ach.ach30.secret = true; ach.ach31 = new Object(); ach.ach31.ref = 'ach31'; = 'Big Spender'; ach.ach31.count = 0; ach.ach31.req = 1000; ach.ach31.progPoint = 10; ach.ach31.reqType = 'spendBig'; ach.ach31.desc = 'Spend $' + ach.ach31.req + ' at King-O-Pawn'; ach.ach31.bonus = 1500; ach.ach31.secret = false; ach.ach32 = new Object(); ach.ach32.ref = 'ach32'; = 'Noted'; ach.ach32.count = 0; ach.ach32.req = 5; ach.ach32.progPoint = 2; ach.ach32.reqType = 'readNote'; ach.ach32.desc = 'Inspect ' + ach.ach32.req + ' notes in Union City'; ach.ach32.bonus = 50; ach.ach33 = new Object(); ach.ach33.ref = 'ach33'; = 'Pills Here!'; ach.ach33.count = 0; ach.ach33.req = 15; ach.ach33.progPoint = 5; ach.ach33.reqType = 'usePills'; ach.ach33.desc = 'Use ' + ach.ach33.req + ' bottles of pills'; ach.ach33.bonus = 300; ach.ach34 = new Object(); ach.ach34.ref = 'ach34'; = 'Friend In Me'; ach.ach34.count = 0; ach.ach34.req = 1; ach.ach34.progPoint = 1; ach.ach34.reqType = 'companion'; ach.ach34.desc = 'Find a companion'; ach.ach34.bonus = 600; ach.ach35 = new Object(); ach.ach35.ref = 'ach35'; = 'The Hand Off'; ach.ach35.count = 0; ach.ach35.req = 1; ach.ach35.progPoint = 1; ach.ach35.reqType = 'swapWeaponComp'; ach.ach35.desc = 'Swap weapons with a companion'; ach.ach35.bonus = 300; ach.ach36 = new Object(); ach.ach36.ref = 'ach36'; = 'Bookworm'; ach.ach36.count = 0; ach.ach36.req = 20; ach.ach36.progPoint = 5; ach.ach36.reqType = 'readBook'; ach.ach36.desc = 'Read ' + ach.ach36.req + ' skill books'; ach.ach36.bonus = 1250; ach.ach37 = new Object(); ach.ach37.ref = 'ach37'; = 'Skillful'; ach.ach37.count = 0; ach.ach37.req = 1; ach.ach37.progPoint = 1; ach.ach37.reqType = 'skillful'; ach.ach37.desc = 'Level any skill to 50'; ach.ach37.bonus = 2500; ach.ach38 = new Object(); ach.ach38.ref = 'ach38'; = 'Masterful'; ach.ach38.count = 0; ach.ach38.req = 1; ach.ach38.progPoint = 1; ach.ach38.reqType = 'masterful'; ach.ach38.desc = 'Level any skill to 100'; ach.ach38.bonus = 10000; ach.ach39 = new Object(); ach.ach39.ref = 'ach39'; = 'Running Man'; ach.ach39.count = 0; ach.ach39.req = 5000; ach.ach39.progPoint = 250; ach.ach39.reqType = 'sprint'; ach.ach39.desc = 'Sprint for ' + ach.ach39.req + ' feet'; ach.ach39.bonus = 500; ach.ach40 = new Object(); ach.ach40.ref = 'ach40'; = 'Stay Down'; ach.ach40.count = 0; ach.ach40.req = 10; ach.ach40.progPoint = 2; ach.ach40.reqType = 'killRiser'; ach.ach40.desc = 'Kill ' + ach.ach40.req + ' infected before they rise'; ach.ach40.bonus = 2050; ach.ach41 = new Object(); ach.ach41.ref = 'ach41'; = 'Without a Sound'; ach.ach41.count = 0; ach.ach41.req = 20; ach.ach41.progPoint = 5; ach.ach41.reqType = 'killNoAlert'; ach.ach41.desc = 'Kill ' + ach.ach41.req + ' unaware enemies'; ach.ach41.bonus = 3500; ach.ach42 = new Object(); ach.ach42.ref = 'ach42'; = 'Brookvale'; ach.ach42.count = 0; ach.ach42.req = 1; ach.ach42.progPoint = 1; ach.ach42.reqType = 'quest900'; ach.ach42.desc = 'Find a way into Brookvale'; ach.ach42.bonus = 50; ach.ach42.secret = true; ach.ach44 = new Object(); ach.ach44.ref = 'ach44'; = 'Home Again'; ach.ach44.count = 0; ach.ach44.req = 1; ach.ach44.progPoint = 1; ach.ach44.reqType = 'quest901'; ach.ach44.desc = 'Make it to your apartment'; ach.ach44.bonus = 200; ach.ach44.secret = true; ach.ach45 = new Object(); ach.ach45.ref = 'ach45'; = 'Outpatient'; ach.ach45.count = 0; ach.ach45.req = 1; ach.ach45.progPoint = 1; ach.ach45.reqType = 'quest903'; ach.ach45.desc = 'Discover the hospital'; ach.ach45.bonus = 250; ach.ach45.secret = true; ach.ach46 = new Object(); ach.ach46.ref = 'ach46'; = 'Ball Game'; ach.ach46.count = 0; ach.ach46.req = 1; ach.ach46.progPoint = 1; ach.ach46.reqType = 'quest905'; ach.ach46.desc = 'Discover the Stadium'; ach.ach46.bonus = 250; ach.ach46.secret = true; ach.ach47 = new Object(); ach.ach47.ref = 'ach47'; = 'Human Target'; ach.ach47.count = 0; ach.ach47.req = 1; ach.ach47.progPoint = 1; ach.ach47.reqType = 'killHuman'; ach.ach47.desc = 'Killed a human enemy'; ach.ach47.bonus = 250; ach.ach47.secret = true; ach.ach47.nameSecret = true; ach.ach48 = new Object(); ach.ach48.ref = 'ach48'; = 'KABOOOOM'; ach.ach48.count = 0; ach.ach48.req = 20; ach.ach48.progPoint = 7; ach.ach48.reqType = 'explodeEnemy'; ach.ach48.desc = 'Blow up ' + ach.ach48.req + ' enemies'; ach.ach48.bonus = 1500; ach.ach49 = new Object(); ach.ach49.ref = 'ach49'; = 'Together Again'; ach.ach49.count = 0; ach.ach49.req = 1; ach.ach49.progPoint = 1; ach.ach49.reqType = 'quest915'; ach.ach49.desc = 'Find your partner'; ach.ach49.bonus = 1000; ach.ach49.secret = true; ach.ach49.nameSecret = true; ach.ach50 = new Object(); ach.ach50.ref = 'ach50'; = 'Break In'; ach.ach50.count = 0; ach.ach50.req = 1; ach.ach50.progPoint = 1; ach.ach50.reqType = 'quest919'; ach.ach50.desc = 'Explode into Union Island'; ach.ach50.bonus = 1000; ach.ach50.secret = true; ach.ach50.nameSecret = true; ach.ach51 = new Object(); ach.ach51.ref = 'ach51'; = 'Death From Above'; ach.ach51.count = 0; ach.ach51.req = 1; ach.ach51.progPoint = 1; ach.ach51.reqType = 'killJumping'; ach.ach51.desc = 'Kill an enemy while airborne'; ach.ach51.bonus = 500; ach.ach51.secret = true; ach.ach52 = new Object(); ach.ach52.ref = 'ach52'; = 'Smart Move'; ach.ach52.count = 0; ach.ach52.req = 1; ach.ach52.progPoint = 1; ach.ach52.reqType = 'escapeFullRoom'; ach.ach52.desc = 'Escape a room with 5 or more infected'; ach.ach52.bonus = 250; ach.ach53 = new Object(); ach.ach53.ref = 'ach53'; = 'Sub-machine'; ach.ach53.count = 0; ach.ach53.req = 100; ach.ach53.progPoint = 30; ach.ach53.reqType = 'killSMG'; ach.ach53.desc = 'Get ' + ach.ach53.req + ' SMG kills'; ach.ach53.bonus = 1000; ach.ach54 = new Object(); ach.ach54.ref = 'ach54'; = 'Assault Trooper'; ach.ach54.count = 0; ach.ach54.req = 100; ach.ach54.progPoint = 30; ach.ach54.reqType = 'killAssaultRifle'; ach.ach54.desc = 'Get ' + ach.ach54.req + ' Assault Rifle kills'; ach.ach54.bonus = 1000; ach.ach43 = new Object(); ach.ach43.ref = 'ach43'; = 'Pistolero'; ach.ach43.count = 0; ach.ach43.req = 100; ach.ach43.progPoint = 30; ach.ach43.reqType = 'killPistol'; ach.ach43.desc = 'Get ' + ach.ach43.req + ' pistol kills'; ach.ach43.bonus = 1000; var seed; randomSeed(2566); var sfx = 0; var musicTracks = 0; var soundLoops = 0; var lastMusicNum = null; var currentMusic = ''; var musicVolume = 8; var musicVolumeBase = 8; var musicFadeTime = 10; var musicFadeTimeBase = 10; var musicFadeTimeShort = 2; var soundMuted = false; var setVol = 100; var volCutOff = 20; var distSoundRange = 800; var lowViolence = false; var lowEffects = false; var lowFlashlight = false; var autoReload = true; var quality = 'MEDIUM'; var settingSoundOn = true; var settingMusicOn = true; var settingShowDamageText = true; var settingShowXPText = true; var settingKeyboardAzerty = false; var settingToggleCrouch = false; var settingFilmGrain = false; var settingBodyFade = 'low'; var settingDecalFade = 'low'; var hardcore = false; var headShotsOnly = false; var gameMode = ''; var settingScreenShake = true; var settingAchUpdates = true; var settingBrightness = 3; var brightnessMax = 5; var brightnessMin = -5; var godMode = true; var fullFunctionName = ''; var startParam = 0; var endParam = 0; var functionName = ''; var param = ''; var debugTextOn = false; var arrayFBOn = true; var updateFPScountMax = 30; var updateFPScount = updateFPScountMax; var showCollisions = false; var bottomFPS = updateFPScountMax; var allFPS = new Array(); var saveGameExists = false; var numSaveSlots = 3; var currentSaveName = ''; var currentSaveNum = 0; var saveGame1 = SharedObject.getLocal('ConArtists_TLSUC1'); var saveGame2 = SharedObject.getLocal('ConArtists_TLSUC2'); var saveGame3 = SharedObject.getLocal('ConArtists_TLSUC3'); var saveGame4 = SharedObject.getLocal('ConArtists_TLSUC4'); var saveGame5 = SharedObject.getLocal('ConArtists_TLSUC5'); var saveGame6 = SharedObject.getLocal('ConArtists_TLSUC6'); var saveGameName1 = ''; var saveGameName2 = ''; var saveGameName3 = ''; var saveGameDetails1 = ''; var saveGameDetails2 = ''; var saveGameDetails3 = ''; var saveGameName4 = ''; var saveGameName5 = ''; var saveGameName6 = ''; var saveGameDetails4 = ''; var saveGameDetails5 = ''; var saveGameDetails6 = ''; var currentSave = new Object(); saveGame1.onStatus = function (infoObject) { switch (infoObject.code) { case 'SharedObject.Flush.Success': menu.login._visible = true; cycleMenus('main'); break; case 'SharedObject.Flush.Failed': cycleMenus('allowSaveFailed'); menu.allowSaveFailed.okBtn.onPress = function () { _root.cycleMenus('main'); }; } }; checkForSaveGame(); var threat = 0; var threatMax = 0; var maxZombies = 0; var absMaxZombies = 5; var zombieBaseHealth = 9; var zombieBaseDamage = 7; var dangerLevel = 1; var repopTime = 90; var smallRoomWidth = 600; var spawnRoofZomDelay = 600; var randZomDelay = 0; var randZomTrigger = 3; var endingRush = false; var directorBreak = false; var directorBreakLength = 0; var directorBreakStart = 0; var breakLengthBase = 0.75; var breakThreshold = 3; var lastRushTime = 1440; var rushTimeRange = 0; var baseRushTime = 3; var rushActive = false; var rushLengthBase = 2; var rushLength = 0; var rushLengthMax = 15; var rushStart = 0; var droppers = 0; var maxDroppers = 2; var dropperInterval = 20; var lastDropTime = 1440; var zombieDropChance = 20; var threatMultiplier = 25; var threatAddition = 30; var maxZombieAdd = 1; var maxZombieDiv = 2; var threatDegredation = 1; var baseThreat = 0; var musicChangeTime = 60; var lastChangeTime = 0; var currentMusic = null; var secondLastMusic = null; var currentRushMusic = null; var firstRushLoop = true; var rushMusicChangeTime = 4; var rushMusicLevel = 0; var newRushMusic = ''; var rushMusicVolume = 22; var currMusicPos = 0; var rushLevel1 = 0; var rushLevel2 = 20; var rushLevel3 = 50; var rushLevel4 = 90; var rushLevel5 = 98; var allMusic = new Array('music_2', 'music_3', 'music_4', 'music_5', 'music_6', 'music_8', 'music_10', 'music_11', 'music_12'); var creditText = ''; var creditsScrollTime = 0; var creditsScrollSpeed = 65; var creditsAdvertising = new Array('kacboy', 'WikusMacDarraign', 'JessAnn', 'kuronosan', 'Freezie', 'Burst', 'KonnorK', 'Isaak', 'C-Dog', 'Mark.H', 'Smith', 'Xanthine', 'kevin', 'd3wd', 'supflidowg', 'vlad', 'Mike', 'GySgt.Murphy', 'zmeace', 'Freedman67', 'beau', 'Pizzarollz', 'Unholy Spire', 'Devoidless', 'Balder Carpentier', 'James.C', 'keatosimo', 'Liam', 'leefan5', 'Shane', 'EpicSandwhich101', 'Kobayashi', 'Mr.Mongooseman', 'Ninjat', 'DannyDaNinja', 'Jacob O', 'J.F.', 'pejas', 'LTMike', 'Chris Kim', 'WoahJackJack', 'Jim Basinger'); var creditsNotes = new Array('Vladimir Gorski', 'Forrest 2435', 'Carson', 'The Guy Right Next To You', 'Thyll', 'Anoymous', 'herpderp14', 'Bill B.', 'ZiM', 'Ty', 'Richard Raitt', 'Curtis', 'Renegadedutch', 'Dirtyblue929', 'InvisibleClarity', 'Ardov', 'angrysnooter', 'Chris', 'Big D', 'Jggumalal', 'smiling_wolf', 'Critic Chien', 'Internation', 'Snag', 'X Liquid', 'Valent', 'Kenny Garrett', 'Jeordy_11', 'Tom', 'Callum_sikora', 'Sulfurouschain', 'G1n032', 'FreneticAugur', 'Bugboy96', 'JoeySTM', 'Andrea Salvucci', 'Chris5901'); var creditsBeta = new Array('13collj', 'aAgocs', 'Aalex Daniel', 'aalex daniel selavisi', 'Aaron Coyoca', 'aaron masel', 'Aaron Melcher', 'Aaron Pacora', 'Aaron87ggg', 'Abdul Azim B. Awalluddin', 'Abraham Moshekh', 'Ace5762', 'AceMcKillYoFace', 'Aceoconor1', 'Adam Bellhouse', 'Adam Haston', 'Adam Lyday', 'Adamant80', 'Adeel Khan', 'Ahmad Syafiq', 'akocabs', 'Alchemy', 'Aldo', 'Alec', 'Aleksander Krajewski', 'Alex Chang', 'Alex J Cooley', 'Alex Kong (ak47-whaaa)', 'Alex Kreitlow II', 'Alex Ovadal', 'Alex Perl', 'Alex7545', 'Alexander Lee', 'Ali Esat Ozbay', 'Allan', 'Allen Wu', 'Amos Lachman', 'An_Idiot', 'Andrew', 'Andrew (42) Strealer', 'Andrew Barriga ', 'Andrew Basel', 'Andrew Brady', 'Andrew Gillon', 'andrew martello', 'Andrew van Olst', 'Andrzej Pidanty', 'Andy Lau', 'Andy Ta', 'Andy_fxh', 'Angel Gonzalez', 'Anh Nguyen', 'Anthony Gioffre', 'Anthony H.', 'Anthony Langsdale-Foster', 'Antonio Rodas', 'Aonur', 'Arabascan', 'Archenemy2112', 'Ariem81', 'Arkenov', 'armando bandala', 'Armyguy', 'Artardous', 'Arthur Ciok', 'Arthur Eduardo Diniz Correia', 'Asil Can BOZOGLU', 'Attackid', 'Augie', 'Austin Rio', 'Autumn Smyth <3', 'AwesomeSpork', 'Bartjo', 'Batleth777', 'Baw0', 'Bear Naff', 'Ben', 'Ben Futernick', 'Ben Tatham', 'Beninator', 'Benson Xu', 'BernardoBR', 'biger53', 'biger53', 'BimboChan', 'Blackdog89', 'blackhawk226', 'Blacknova404', 'Blacksofa', 'Bob Sanderson', 'Bombuster3', 'Boner', 'Bovinedog', 'Brakethroo', 'Brakko ', 'Branabus', 'Brandon \'Opie\' Lawson', 'Brandon George', 'Brandon Rosso', 'Brent Dominguez', 'Brian A.', 'Brian Cordero', 'Brian Matthys', 'brickhead119', 'Broken_Pixels', 'Bruno Santi', 'Buster Blakeney', 'Butler', 'C-Monkey', 'C. Nelson', 'Calamri_Maximus', 'Callum Sikora', 'Calvin Nguyen', 'Cameron Dent', 'Carl wood. aka banjo tooie', 'Casey Fallen', 'Chance ', 'Chaosdragons', 'Chaosreaper', 'chapuretas', 'charly murphy', 'Chase Derrer', 'Chayse Dailey', 'CHillzilla', 'Chris \'Dusty\' Duszczyk', 'Chris \'Willie\' Nelson', 'Chris Bierman', 'Chris Horton ', 'Chris Livengood', 'Chris Robinson ', 'Chris5901', 'Christian Stuart \'kadore\'', 'Christopher Franklin', 'Christopher King', 'Christopher Nuñez', 'chuk', 'Cidd', 'CJ Watkins (Bongoro7)', 'Clinkzorz', 'clinton', 'Codename46', 'cody', 'Coke_Can', 'Colin Bourland', 'Comrade Conrad', 'Connor Morgan', 'Cory Baxter', 'Costas \'Revenger210\' Spatharas', 'Cpt Carlos R.', 'Croike', 'CYRAXDF', 'D-Welt', 'D4rkZeroX', 'Dabob112', 'Daemon231', 'Dalton Spradlin', 'Dan Lambert', 'Dan Moreland', 'Dane Mcintosh', 'Daniel \'Chrono\' Ortiz', 'Daniel \'CmdrEdem\'', 'Daniel \'Lurken\' Stjernlöf', 'Daniel Callard', 'Daniel Rutter', 'Daniel Sa. ', 'Daniel Smithers', 'DariusDJ', 'Dave Hanson', 'Davey Perron', 'David Lambert', 'David M. Chan', 'David Rodriguez', 'David Tournay ', 'DavidJChampoux', 'DBones', 'Deadhawk12', 'delta_eagle', 'Delta501st', 'Demo', 'Deraveaux Leverrier', 'Derek Freeman', 'Devon Cole', 'DGreaterOne98', 'Diego Castañeda', 'dinh nguyen', 'DirtyBlue929', 'DJ McGonigle', 'DJAlphaWolf', 'Do0mbringer', 'Domacus', 'Donald Leung', 'Dr.waffles', 'Dregen', 'Drew K', 'DuyWarlord', 'Dylan', 'Dylan Figge', 'Dylan Lehr', 'Dylan M. Marlatt', 'Dylan Oblivium Kramer', 'Dylan Quast', 'Edward', 'Edward Lamb', 'Edward Mananquil', 'Eideen Eman', 'Eli Piersel', 'Eliot', 'Eliott Shams', 'Emiliano Gonzalez Sanchez', 'Enrique Blanc', 'Enrique Jimenez', 'enzerox14', 'EPICDF', 'EpicSandwhich', 'EpMeA', 'Era', 'Eric C. Chaffee', 'Ethan Nicholson', 'Ethan Rand Bracken', 'Ethan VanTilburg', 'Evan Davis', 'Evan Ludy', 'Evan Sadowski', 'evane', 'Evil8296', 'Ewout van de Lustgraaf', 'Fabricio Zuccherato', 'fatman 45.', 'Felix Kollenda - kofel94', 'Felix Ruiter', 'Felix Zuo', 'firefox13245', 'Flipfo4', 'Fluffy Von Rage', 'Francisco Ackermann Neto', 'Francisco Espriu', 'Frazer Shepherdson', 'Fredrick O\'Connell', 'freneticAugur', 'Fronteror Riper', 'GalliMathias', 'Gamelofter', 'Garou_Verroq', 'Garrett', 'Garrett Bradley', 'Genecros', 'Genericamel', 'genestealler', 'Gerald Gardner', 'Germán Ulrich', 'Germán0795', 'Gilgamesh', 'Glen Anderson', 'Glen Patterson', 'gogoFrep', 'GPS93', 'Grandie', 'Grant Marston', 'Greg Carmel', 'Gregor Heuer', 'Griffin E', 'Gutze', 'Guy Baronti', 'H.U.N.K', 'Half Moon981', 'Hammertime', 'Hampton Moseley', 'Hanson185', 'Hardane Anas', 'Hathan', 'HearTLockER', 'Hitman Weisser', 'Homeopats', 'HomicideJack', 'hooray321', 'Hoss', 'Huge', 'Hutare', 'Huzaifa Aqeel', 'IAmHarryB', 'Ian Boyer Eichert', 'Ian Palmerton', 'Ice', 'IcySpider', 'ILOVEYOUANNEHOANG!', 'imaloony', 'indefinity', 'InkFamous', 'Insideman7', 'Iosif', 'IRA', 'ismandu palma', 'Ivan The Mouse', 'Iyac de Lara', 'J_CaB', 'J.S. \'Johnny L.\' Shaw', 'jack kenton weeks', 'Jack Myers', 'Jack Prim', 'Jack Trades', 'Jack.Cunningham', 'JackieBR', 'Jackson Turner', 'Jacob \'Jwrac\' Cronly', 'Jacob Bartlett', 'Jacob Bradshaw', 'Jacob Elasky', 'Jacob Meagher', 'Jacob Stern', 'Jacob Wagner', 'Jahaad Petty', 'Jaime A. Rivera', 'Jake Bridge', 'Jake Haggarty', 'Jake\'Thor\'Wedding', 'Jakob Schytz', 'James \'MR_goyou\' Hoffberger', 'James Boone', 'James Collins', 'James Comeford', 'James Derick Tagara', 'James Ware', 'James2', 'Jamie Saunders', 'Janel Saydam', 'Jani Toiminen', 'Jarrod K. Q.', 'Jason Morel', 'Jason Ponce', 'Javier', 'Javier Quintos Ortega', 'Javy', 'Jax ', 'JC F Salido', 'Jeff Gagne', 'Jeff Scott', 'Jeffay123', 'Jeradia', 'Jere N.', 'Jeremy Groce', 'Jeremy Sanchez \'Kingspy2\'', 'Jerry Andreas', 'Jesse D Campbell', 'Jesse Yu', 'Jewski', 'jim da shot', 'Joachim de Fourestier (Joe DF)', 'Joe perry', 'Joel \'Radez\' Mutka', 'John A', 'John Dominic Massa', 'John Mulholland', 'John O\'Reilly', 'John Scott', 'John Welnick', 'John_234', 'Joker One Act', 'Jon Attridge', 'Jon Cursey', 'Jon Gouge', 'Jon Kelley', 'Jonathan Jewell', 'Jonesy', 'Jormungand', 'Jose Aleman', 'Josef Ouano', 'Joseph Cornell', 'Joseph Farran', 'Joseph M. Foley', 'Joseph Pearson CA', 'Josh Adriano', 'Josh Ballinger', 'Josh Robillo', 'Josh Sharabati', 'Joshua Bates', 'JPTiger', 'JSKULLZ', 'Juan \'Sparky\' Gomez', 'Juho Risto Aukusti', 'Julep', 'Julian Dario', 'Julio Peña', 'JUMP', 'Justin Morgan', 'Justin P', 'Justin Payne', 'Justin Rivera', 'JZNPon', 'kacboy (Marcus Blackstock)', 'Kainalu Kamai', 'Kairu S.E.', 'Kane', 'Katarina Lazic', 'Keaton Johnson', 'Keaton Wafflesaurus-Rex Weidmaier', 'Kee', 'Kenneth \'papa\' Gee', 'Kenneth Liu', 'Kevin', 'Kevin ', 'Kfg456', 'Khadir A.', 'Kieffer McBride', 'KillaKan', 'killavilladude', 'killer7', 'Killerpope', 'KingOfGames', 'Kingspy2', 'Kirapachi', 'Kirk', 'KJ Coull', 'klstixbro', 'Konnor Kessler', 'Kresten ', 'Kristoffer Opdenberg', 'Kyle Martin', 'Ladekhan014', 'Ladrón', 'Lane Chapman (coolLane50)', 'Lars Hünnekens', 'LAST STAND DISASTER MASTER IAN', 'Lee Terry', 'Legenditals', 'Leif Rosendo aka Bloodnest', 'LennySpodnick', 'Leonardo Rinaldi / Yautja', 'LeoTheRipper', 'Liam \'usbfridge\' Diller', 'Lincoln Wheat', 'Liquid-X', 'Logan Knipp', 'Logan Lapointe', 'Logan Stott', 'Loopylung', 'Louie Wong ', 'Love', 'Luciano Lavalle', 'LuckyStrike', 'Luisfm', 'Luiz Jimenez', 'Luke Jocker', 'Luke Roderick, MN ', 'MacMonkey', 'MadHatteR', 'mainshooter', 'Marc Eumir', 'Marcel Robitaille', 'Marcin Rebisz', 'Marco Petrini', 'Marcos', 'Marcus Vince', 'Mario Rosario', 'Mark Russell', 'Markus Tõnutare', 'Mason (Itshotiny) Tek', 'Mathew Meddings', 'MatiPoker08', 'matt nichols', 'Matt Princesa', 'matt song', 'Matt Trowbridge', 'Matthew Covert', 'Matthew Denny/Oakshaft', 'Matthew L. Fox-Humphreys', 'Matthew Robert Ruiz', 'Max de Regt', 'MaximilianSchirm', 'Mesamec', 'Michael Chou', 'Michael Devaney', 'Michael Nguyen', 'Michael Sherwin', 'Michael T. Moynihan (Virsteinn)', 'Michal \'Mr0Buggy\' Kizeweter', 'Microe', 'Miles', 'Mistadood', 'Mister Muffinz', 'MisterTurkes', 'Mitchell', 'Mitchell Holliday', 'MJRE', 'mkilki', 'MockedBird', 'Morgan \'Skraeling\' Dorr', 'Morubar', 'MoyChicken', 'Mr.Greek', 'Mr.Jon Sweet', 'MrPiipe', 'Mukowalec', 'N4M3L3SS', 'naoliv', 'Nate Nobel', 'Nate Piper', 'Nathan B.', 'Nathan Miller', 'Nathaniel Garcia', 'Nathaniel Soto, Tiscolfo', 'Navi33', 'Neal Jankowski', 'NewAgeOfPower', 'Niall Hickey', 'Nicholas \'Cheno\' Chenowith', 'Nicholas Green', 'Nick', 'Nick Boutin Of Minnesota', 'Nick Mancino', 'Nicknova741', 'Niclas Väinölä', 'Nicolas Karos', 'Nicolas Mironoff', 'Nightlyrwolf', 'Nijky Jande More', 'Nikolay Petin', 'Ninjat_126', 'Noah Locke', 'Nogond Sword', 'Nolan', 'ogelthorpe14', 'Oliver A Berger', 'Ollie Pitts', 'Onlyfear', 'opomaster910', 'Oscar Flores', 'Ox', 'P.E.A.C.H', 'Pablo Avilez(redheater101}', 'Paco Sanchez', 'Pan Katastrofa', 'Parablooper', 'Patrick Monfort (Jarl44)', 'PatronOrion', 'Paul ', 'Paul Lee', 'Paulskeepbop', 'Pavel Chumak', 'PepeVzla', 'Perry M', 'Peter Edy Busta', 'peter hudd', 'Phantasmagoria', 'Phocus', 'Pier-Luc Gaudreault', 'pier0', 'Pilou', 'PirateGuy', 'Platypuspwn', 'Posionus', 'Potammies', 'Praedo', 'Pratolli', 'Preston Lineback', 'proyecto117', 'PyronKim', 'Qamar Notsocold', 'Questica127 :D', 'Quinn/Zombinie', 'Raito', 'Raja Israfil', 'Razz37', 'Redyz', 'Reece898', 'Renan Felippe', 'Rene LeBlanc', 'Rhys Parry', 'Richard \'RsoAko\' Olaes', 'ring937', 'Riyo Moore', 'Robert (Swordo21) Cannon', 'Robert Pearce', 'robertoroboto', 'Rockiboy', 'Rod_Rizo', 'Rodrigo A. Santoyo', 'RogueSaS', 'Rohan Bhargava', 'Roman Chizhov', 'Ryan Beodeker', 'Ryan J. McKee', 'Ryan Marr', 'Ryan Snyder', 'Salvador \'SA2011\' Arias', 'Sam Anthony', 'Sam Ortiz', 'Sam Quam', 'Sam Russell', 'sambo4747', 'Samuel Xayanourom', 'SatanisX', 'SatanisX', 'Saul F. Gallegos', 'Schuller Andreas', 'scott \'char\' breguet', 'Scott \'Venom341\'', 'Sean Hassler', 'Sean Laudenslager', 'Sean Lavin', 'Sean Mckeown (djpplanet)', 'Sean Stinehour', 'Sean.S', 'Sebastian Garrido', 'Sebastian M.', 'secreto03', 'Sexy_Majesco', 'SGTPwn', 'Shadak', 'Shahar333', 'ShiperL', 'Shippy', 'Shu Sam Chen', 'Silvio Altomare', 'Silyman94', 'Simon Keiji', 'Sintesi', 'Sintesi', 'Sjs00', 'Skippy', 'skoobysnax', 'Slayer Jesse', 'Slayer705', 'Sliipperi', 'Smiling_Wolf', 'Smiter135 (Carlos Garcia)', 'Smith', 'Snakedapper', 'SniperLT', 'Solonren', 'sother2', 'Soutar', 'Sparky', 'Sparky Bio', 'Sparkymen', 'Specialist', 'Spitfire', 'Stephen \'Dylan\' Burley', 'Stephen Teague', 'Steven Middaugh', 'Stripez', 'Sugarbush', 'Sunbo Kim', 'Supdsi', 'superl337sauceMCfizix', 'SV Stephen', 'Sylvi[Z]', 'Tadeo Gil', 'Talen', 'tallwolf', 'Tanner Abel', 'Taylor McKenzie', 'terrordrone_nl', 'Tevin \'supflidowg\' Pratt', 'The Potato Prodigy', 'The_Magic_Jesus', 'thebatdu21', 'theFaizster', 'TheGodlyTrinity', 'TheJohnster', 'TheLloyd', 'TheLostProphet', 'Theron', 'TheStig51', 'Thomas Delgado', 'thomas dobson', 'Tigerstan1', 'Tim Londoff', 'Tim Mai', 'Timothy J.', 'TinmanChaos', 'Tito', 'Tnx2alot', 'Tnzxongg', 'todolos', 'Tom \'The Metal\' Newhouse', 'Tom Palmer', 'Tom Richardson', 'Tom Tilbury', 'Tombom99', 'Tombstone', 'Tongchana.t', 'TongsyTime', 'TraktorTrond', 'Travis ', 'Trent/Redeject/Brickcp', 'Trenton \'Adriath\' Williams', 'Trevor Allen, dudeallen1', 'Troy Malek', 'TVarney', 'Twise95', 'Tyler French', 'Tyler Macfarlane', 'Tyler Peterson', 'Tyler Scot Kochan', 'TylerTjd', 'Urist McAwesome', 'urukbeserker', 'Valashu', 'Verachtert Jorn', 'Veritas', 'Vicious1704', 'Victor Angeli', 'Victor Durkee', 'Viktor Sander', 'Vince Jalipa', 'Vincent350', 'Vinicius', 'Vinicius Americo', 'Vito Scaletta', 'Vyroum', 'W.Webb', 'Wartrio', 'wazerhazar', 'WeGonnaDieSarge', 'Will Wagstaff', 'William Gerardi (HBF)', 'William Guenette', 'Wolfman', 'Woodman', 'Wownerf', 'xCrA2yb0yx', 'Xiantom', 'xietman', 'XL Jellyfish', 'xtbotts', 'XuTpblu_MyX', 'XxmikethedrummerxX', 'xyzombie', 'Yargam', 'yomama', 'Yossi', 'Young Jae', 'Yusuke2', 'Zach E.', 'Zach P.', 'Zachariah Vincent Cusack', 'Zachary Busch', 'Zachary T', 'Zachsta', 'Zack Licastro', 'Zack Munro', 'Zack Tingen', 'zadok yuval', 'Zaphod Beeblebrox', 'Zhihao Zhao', 'ZigglyDoe', 'Zikaman', 'zmeace', 'Zomaru Ishegura', 'ZombieKill0r911', 'Zoom'); var premium = true; var cutSceneActive = false; var cutSceneBarTime = 2; var currentCutScene = 1; var numCutSceneActions = 10; var allCutSceneVars = new Array(); var cutScene1 = new Object(); cutScene1.lockControls = false; cutScene1.action1 = new Object(); cutScene1.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene1.action1.var1 = 'partner'; cutScene1.action1.var2 = 'Quickly, we need to\rget out of here.'; cutScene1.action1.timing = 1; cutScene1.action2 = new Object(); cutScene1.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene1.action2.var1 = 'player'; cutScene1.action2.var2 = 'Ok, follow me.'; cutScene1.action2.timing = 2000; cutScene1.action3 = new Object(); cutScene1.action3.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene1.action3.var1 = 'player'; cutScene1.action3.var2 = 'There\'s a sewer access\rout to the street.'; cutScene1.action3.timing = 4000; var cutScene2 = new Object(); cutScene2.lockControls = false; cutScene2.action1 = new Object(); cutScene2.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene2.action1.var1 = 'player'; cutScene2.action1.var2 = 'Did you say\ryou were bitten?'; cutScene2.action1.timing = 1; cutScene2.action2 = new Object(); cutScene2.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene2.action2.var1 = 'partner'; cutScene2.action2.var2 = 'At the hospital, yeah.'; cutScene2.action2.timing = 2500; cutScene2.action3 = new Object(); cutScene2.action3.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene2.action3.var1 = 'partner'; cutScene2.action3.var2 = 'On the arm, god it hurts.'; cutScene2.action3.timing = 5000; cutScene2.action4 = new Object(); cutScene2.action4.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene2.action4.var1 = 'player'; cutScene2.action4.var2 = 'Ok honey, stay with me.'; cutScene2.action4.timing = 8000; var cutScene3 = new Object(); cutScene3.lockControls = false; cutScene3.action1 = new Object(); cutScene3.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene3.action1.var1 = 'partner'; cutScene3.action1.var2 = 'Where do we go?'; cutScene3.action1.timing = 1; cutScene3.action2 = new Object(); cutScene3.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene3.action2.var1 = 'player'; cutScene3.action2.var2 = 'The docks.\rWe\'ll find a boat.'; cutScene3.action2.timing = 3000; cutScene3.action3 = new Object(); cutScene3.action3.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene3.action3.var1 = 'player'; cutScene3.action3.var2 = 'We need to get\roff the mainland.'; cutScene3.action3.timing = 6000; var cutScene4 = new Object(); cutScene4.lockControls = true; cutScene4.action1 = new Object(); cutScene4.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene4.action1.var1 = 'partner'; cutScene4.action1.var2 = 'Where do we go?'; cutScene4.action1.timing = 1; cutScene4.action2 = new Object(); cutScene4.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene4.action2.var1 = 'player'; cutScene4.action2.var2 = 'The docks.\rWe\'ll find a boat.'; cutScene4.action2.timing = 3000; cutScene4.action3 = new Object(); cutScene4.action3.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene4.action3.var1 = 'player'; cutScene4.action3.var2 = 'We need to get\roff the mainland.'; cutScene4.action3.timing = 6000; var cutScene5 = new Object(); cutScene5.lockControls = false; cutScene5.action1 = new Object(); cutScene5.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene5.action1.var1 = 'npc_Jack'; cutScene5.action1.var2 = 'If you\'re looking\rfor a boat...'; cutScene5.action1.timing = 1; cutScene5.action2 = new Object(); cutScene5.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene5.action2.var1 = 'npc_Jack'; cutScene5.action2.var2 = 'They sank them all.'; cutScene5.action2.timing = 3000; var cutScene6 = new Object(); cutScene6.lockControls = false; cutScene6.action1 = new Object(); cutScene6.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene6.action1.var1 = 'player'; cutScene6.action1.var2 = 'Honey, you stay.'; cutScene6.action1.timing = 1; cutScene6.action2 = new Object(); cutScene6.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene6.action2.var1 = 'player'; cutScene6.action2.var2 = 'You\'ll be safer here.\rBesides, you\'re hurt.'; cutScene6.action2.timing = 3000; cutScene6.action3 = new Object(); cutScene6.action3.func = 'turnOnNPC'; cutScene6.action3.var1 = 'PartnerDocks'; cutScene6.action3.timing = 2; cutScene6.action3 = new Object(); cutScene6.action3.func = 'setupAnNPCDirect'; cutScene6.action3.var1 = '1'; cutScene6.action3.timing = 4; cutScene6.action4 = new Object(); cutScene6.action4.func = 'removePartner'; cutScene6.action4.timing = 6; var cutScene7 = new Object(); cutScene7.lockControls = false; cutScene7.action1 = new Object(); cutScene7.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene7.action1.var1 = 'npc_JackWall'; cutScene7.action1.var2 = 'Timer is set!\rHere we go!'; cutScene7.action1.timing = 1; cutScene7.action2 = new Object(); cutScene7.action2.func = 'animateCharacter'; cutScene7.action2.var1 = 'wallExplosion'; cutScene7.action2.var2 = 'explode'; cutScene7.action2.timing = 4000; cutScene7.action3 = new Object(); cutScene7.action3.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene7.action3.var1 = 'npc_JackWall'; cutScene7.action3.var2 = 'Go through kid, we\'ll hold them here.'; cutScene7.action3.timing = 5000; cutScene7.action4 = new Object(); cutScene7.action4.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene7.action4.var1 = 'npc_ShawnWall'; cutScene7.action4.var2 = 'We\'ll meet you at the monument!'; cutScene7.action4.timing = 7000; cutScene7.action5 = new Object(); cutScene7.action5.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene7.action5.var1 = 'npc_JackWall'; cutScene7.action5.var2 = 'Good luck, see you on the other side!'; cutScene7.action5.timing = 10000; var cutScene8 = new Object(); cutScene8.lockControls = false; cutScene8.action1 = new Object(); cutScene8.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene8.action1.var1 = 'player'; cutScene8.action1.var2 = 'Go! They followed us through!'; cutScene8.action1.timing = 1; var cutScene9 = new Object(); cutScene9.lockControls = false; cutScene9.action1 = new Object(); cutScene9.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene9.action1.var1 = 'player'; cutScene9.action1.var2 = 'They\'ve followed us through!'; cutScene9.action1.timing = 1; cutScene9.action2 = new Object(); cutScene9.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene9.action2.var1 = 'player'; cutScene9.action2.var2 = 'RUN!'; cutScene9.action2.timing = 3000; var cutScene10 = new Object(); cutScene10.lockControls = false; cutScene10.action1 = new Object(); cutScene10.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene10.action1.var1 = 'player'; cutScene10.action1.var2 = 'Argh!'; cutScene10.action1.timing = 1; cutScene10.action2 = new Object(); cutScene10.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene10.action2.var1 = 'player'; cutScene10.action2.var2 = 'Damnit, what\rthe hell was that?'; cutScene10.action2.timing = 1500; cutScene10.action3 = new Object(); cutScene10.action3.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene10.action3.var1 = 'player'; cutScene10.action3.var2 = 'Ugh, got to get home.'; cutScene10.action3.timing = 3200; var cutScene11 = new Object(); cutScene11.lockControls = false; cutScene11.action1 = new Object(); cutScene11.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene11.action1.var1 = 'player'; cutScene11.action1.var2 = 'They\'re still coming!'; cutScene11.action1.timing = 1; cutScene11.action2 = new Object(); cutScene11.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene11.action2.var1 = 'player'; cutScene11.action2.var2 = 'Keep MOVING!'; cutScene11.action2.timing = 3000; var cutScene12 = new Object(); cutScene12.lockControls = false; cutScene12.action1 = new Object(); cutScene12.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene12.action1.var1 = 'player'; cutScene12.action1.var2 = 'There\'s a pier up ahead!'; cutScene12.action1.timing = 1; cutScene12.action2 = new Object(); cutScene12.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene12.action2.var1 = 'partner'; cutScene12.action2.var2 = 'What happened to Jack?'; cutScene12.action2.timing = 3000; cutScene12.action3 = new Object(); cutScene12.action3.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene12.action3.var1 = 'player'; cutScene12.action3.var2 = 'They\'re gone! Keep moving!'; cutScene12.action3.timing = 8000; var cutScene13 = new Object(); cutScene13.lockControls = false; cutScene13.action1 = new Object(); cutScene13.action1.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene13.action1.var1 = 'player'; cutScene13.action1.var2 = 'What?! How\'d you...'; cutScene13.action1.timing = 1; cutScene13.action2 = new Object(); cutScene13.action2.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene13.action2.var1 = 'npc_JackWall'; cutScene13.action2.var2 = 'There\'s no time,\rget on the boat!'; cutScene13.action2.timing = 3000; cutScene13.action3 = new Object(); cutScene13.action3.func = 'displayWorldSpeech'; cutScene13.action3.var1 = 'npc_JackWall'; cutScene13.action3.var2 = 'We\'ll find another\rway out, go!'; cutScene13.action3.timing = 6000; var endingActors = new Array('player', 'partner', 'follower'); var endingScale = 40; var criticalHit = false; var criticalHitChance = 100; var criticalDamage = 3; var critChance = 0; var knockbackAttack = false; var knockbackChance = 100; var critLuckReduction = 7; var critSkillReduction = 11; var minStumbleDist = 30; var missRange = 1000; var missRangeMelee = 1000; var missChance = 50; var missChanceMelee = 25; var zomMissChance = 100; var companionWeaponSkill = 30; var enemyWeaponSkill = 10; var missRoundCrouchBonus = 0.5; var quest = new Object(); var allQuests = new Array(); quest.quest900 = new Object(); quest.quest901 = new Object(); quest.quest902 = new Object(); quest.quest903 = new Object(); quest.quest904 = new Object(); quest.quest905 = new Object(); quest.quest906 = new Object(); quest.quest907 = new Object(); quest.quest908 = new Object(); quest.quest909 = new Object(); quest.quest910 = new Object(); quest.quest911 = new Object(); quest.quest912 = new Object(); quest.quest913 = new Object(); quest.quest914 = new Object(); quest.quest915 = new Object(); quest.quest916 = new Object(); quest.quest917 = new Object(); quest.quest918 = new Object(); quest.quest919 = new Object(); quest.quest920 = new Object(); quest.quest001 = new Object(); quest.quest002 = new Object(); quest.quest003 = new Object(); quest.quest004 = new Object(); quest.quest005 = new Object(); quest.quest006 = new Object(); quest.quest007 = new Object(); quest.quest008 = new Object(); quest.quest009 = new Object(); quest.quest010 = new Object(); quest.quest011 = new Object(); quest.quest012 = new Object(); quest.quest013 = new Object(); quest.quest014 = new Object(); quest.quest015 = new Object(); quest.quest016 = new Object(); quest.quest017 = new Object(); quest.quest500 = new Object(); for (aaq in quest) { allQuests.push(quest[aaq]); } var activeQuestsList = new Array(); var activeQuest = ''; var questReqMet = false; var rewardGiven = false; var questItemCount0 = 0; var questItemCount1 = 0; var questItemCount2 = 0; var questItemCount3 = 0; var questItemCount4 = 0; var questItemCount5 = 0; var questKillCount = 0; var journalOpen = false; var trackedQuest = ''; var questListForJournal = new Array(); var allMenus = new Array('main', 'newGame', 'continueGame', 'selectMode', 'credits', 'login', 'premium', 'purchasing', 'allowSave', 'allowSaveFailed'); var runGunDesc = 'WEAPONS AND AMMO ARE MORE PLENTIFUL, CHARACTER DOES NOT NEED TO EAT OR SLEEP.'; var survivorDesc = 'CHARACTER NEEDS FOOD AND SLEEP TO SURVIVE. AMMUNITION IS RARER.'; var currSaveGameNum = 0; var noContinue = true; var panelPos_offline = 275; var panelPos_online = -520; var mapOpen = false; var mapLock = false; var mapBorderAlpha = 100; var mapBaseAlpha = 0; var destMapX = 0; var destMapY = 0; var borderScale = 98.5; var scrollEdgeBufferTop = 90; var scrollEdgeBufferBottom = 32; var scrollSpeedMap = 15; var scrollTimerMax = 5; var scrollTimerUp = scrollTimerMax; var scrollTimerDown = scrollTimerMax; var scrollTimerLeft = scrollTimerMax; var scrollTimerRight = scrollTimerMax; var currentLocationMap = ''; var mouseOverSection = ''; var zoomTop = 25; var zoomMid = 50; var zoomBottom = 60; var totalLocations = 17; var allLocations = new Array(); var borderAlpha = 70; x = 1; while (x <= totalLocations) { _root['section' + x] = new Object(); _root['section' + x].ref = 'section' + x; _root['section' + x].num = x; _root['section' + x].locked = true; allLocations.push(_root['section' + x]); ++x; } setupMapLocations(); var noteOpen = false; var curNoteID = ''; var numNoteObjs = 100; var allNotes = new Array(); noj = 0; while (noj < numNoteObjs) { _root['note' + noj] = new Object(); _root['note' + noj].ref = 'no' + noj; _root['note' + noj].read = false; allNotes.push(_root['note' + noj]); ++noj; } var numSaleObjects = 9; var currentShopSet = null; shopSet1 = new Object(); shopSet2 = new Object(); shopSet3 = new Object(); shopSet4 = new Object(); shopSet5 = new Object(); shopSet6 = new Object(); nso = 1; while (nso <= numSaleObjects) { shopSet1['item' + nso] = new Object(); shopSet2['item' + nso] = new Object(); shopSet3['item' + nso] = new Object(); shopSet4['item' + nso] = new Object(); shopSet5['item' + nso] = new Object(); shopSet6['item' + nso] = new Object(); ++nso; } shopSet1.item1.ref = 'M16A2_scope'; shopSet1.item1.cost = 600; shopSet1.item1.num = 1; shopSet1.item2.ref = 'UZI_specOps'; shopSet1.item2.cost = 750; shopSet1.item2.num = 2; shopSet1.item3.ref = 'mace'; shopSet1.item3.cost = 500; shopSet1.item3.num = 3; shopSet1.item4.ref = 'deathAdder_scope'; shopSet1.item4.cost = 375; shopSet1.item4.num = 4; shopSet1.item5.ref = 'hatchet_sharpened'; shopSet1.item5.cost = 350; shopSet1.item5.num = 5; shopSet1.item6.ref = 'medkit'; shopSet1.item6.cost = 75; shopSet1.item6.num = 6; shopSet1.item7.ref = 'ammo556_50'; shopSet1.item7.cost = 65; shopSet1.item7.num = 7; shopSet1.item8.ref = 'ammo45_50'; shopSet1.item8.cost = 50; shopSet1.item8.num = 8; shopSet1.item9.ref = 'ammoarrow_30'; shopSet1.item9.cost = 30; shopSet1.item9.num = 9; shopSet2.item1.ref = 'MP5_specOps'; shopSet2.item1.cost = 800; shopSet2.item1.num = 1; shopSet2.item2.ref = 'M24'; shopSet2.item2.cost = 750; shopSet2.item2.num = 2; shopSet2.item3.ref = 'katana'; shopSet2.item3.cost = 1250; shopSet2.item3.num = 3; shopSet2.item4.ref = 'medkit'; shopSet2.item4.cost = 75; shopSet2.item4.num = 4; shopSet2.item5.ref = 'ammoarrow_30'; shopSet2.item5.cost = 30; shopSet2.item5.num = 5; shopSet2.item6.ref = 'ammo556_50'; shopSet2.item6.cost = 65; shopSet2.item6.num = 6; shopSet2.item7.ref = 'ammo762_50'; shopSet2.item7.cost = 100; shopSet2.item7.num = 7; shopSet2.item8.ref = 'ammo9mm_100'; shopSet2.item8.cost = 90; shopSet2.item8.num = 8; shopSet2.item9.ref = 'riotHelmetVisor'; shopSet2.item9.cost = 400; shopSet2.item9.num = 9; var currentBuyItem = new Object(); var numSurvivors = 0; var totalSurvivors = 0; var allSurvivors = new Array(); var wpSetCountMax = 35; var wpSetCount = wpSetCountMax; var survivorRange = 400; var survivorMeleeRange = 80; var survivorHelpSoundChance = 30; var stayCloseDistance = 400; var catchUpDistance = 300; var exertSoundChance = 20; var hurtSoundChance = 60; var zombieIdleSoundChance = 200; var zomAlertSoundChance = 5; var zomAttackSoundChance = 85; var zomChancePlayNoDeathSound = 20; var zomChaseSoundChance = 90; var struggleSoundChance = 99; var heartInterval = 0; var heartCount = 0; var rangeCheck = 160; var collCheckBuffer = 80; var missChance = 400; var zombieHeadDeaths = 2; var zombieBodyDeaths = 1; var zombieLegDeaths = 2; var wallCollX = 50; var wallCollY = 50; var hitHeadMod = 1.2; var hitChestMod = 1; var hitBellyMod = 0.8; var hitLegsMod = 0.6; var skillDamageMod = 0.05; var locDamageBonus = 0; var killCount = 0; var damageThreshold = 99; var playerProjDamRed = 1; var struggleDamageMod = 0.5; var meleeSkillAdjust = 75; var skillDamageModMelee = 0.1; var zomMeleeHitRange = 90; var meleeLocDamageBonus = 0; var meleeStrBonus = 0; var meleeCollCheckBuffer = 100; var permHealthDmgMod = 1.85; var shoveDamage = 0.5; var allBlocks = new Array(); var jumpBuffer = 20; var moveCollBuffer = 45; var collTopBuffer = 15; var charPointMod = 0; var zombieExplodeDeaths = 2; var totalWeight = 0; var totalMoney = 0; var tempTotalWeight = 0; var inventory = new Array(); var inventoryList = new Array(); var inventoryOpen = false; var curInvItemDelBtn = new Object(); var overDeleteBtn = false; var activeEquip = ''; var equipActive = false; var inv = new Object(); var currentFilter = 'all'; var allFilters = new Array('all', 'weapons', 'aid', 'ammo', 'clothing', 'tools', 'junk', 'quest'); var itemID = 0; var invItemYDist = 22; var suppWeaponOffset = 10; var currentPanel = 'weapons'; var tooMuchWeight = 'TOO MUCH WEIGHT'; var runGunFoodHealthNum = 3; var bookSmartsMod = 33; var bookSmartBonus = 0; var zombiesOff = false; var allOnScreen = new Array(); var enemiesOnScreen = new Array(); var numZombies = 0; var totalZombies = 0; var numZombiesSinceBreak = 0; var zombieScale = 55; var zombSpawnBuffer = 130; var zombieGrabRange = 65; var zomFloorY = 0; var currentZombie = null; var holdingZombies = new Array(); var maxHoldingZombies = 10; var noSpawnBuffer = 140; var zSpawnBreak = 100; var zombieFemaleChance = 4; var allZombieShoes = new Array('shoeBlack', 'shoeBlack', 'bare', 'shoeBrown', 'shoeWhite'); var allZombieSkinColours = new Array('white1', 'white2', 'white3', 'tan1', 'black1', 'white1', 'white2'); var allZombieHairColours = new Array('0xa39a74', '0x312F28', '0x7f7f7f', '0x5E4339', '0x2C251F', '0xCEBE8C', '0x625646', '0x975833'); var allZombieHair = new Array('medium', 'medium', 'medium', 'medium', 'medium', 'medium', 'cropped', 'cropped', 'cropped', 'cropped', 'long', 'long', 'mohawk', 'crewCut', 'hipster', 'bald', 'balding', 'ponytail'); var allZombieFacialHair = new Array('shadow', 'fullBeard', 'longBeard', 'handleBar', 'goatee', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none', 'none'); var maleZombieClothesTop = new Array('suitBlack', 'singletWhite', 'singletBlack', 'shirtless', 'businessWhite', 'businessBlue', 'longSleeveRed', 'longSleeveGreen', 'longSleeveWhite', 'longSleeveBlack', 'longSleeveBrown'); var maleZombieClothesBottom = new Array('suitBlack', 'jeansBlue', 'jeansBlack', 'pantsBrown', 'pantsGrey', 'boxers'); var femaleZombieClothesTop = new Array('longSleeveWhite', 'singletBlack', 'singletWhite', 'singletPurple', 'singletBlue', 'singletBrown', 'dressBlue', 'dressWhite', 'dressRed', 'dressBlack'); var femaleZombieClothesBottom = new Array('jeansBlue', 'jeansBlack'); f; var dirChangeMax = 120; var dirChangeChance = 100; var dirArray = new Array('left', 'right', 'none'); var alertChance = 0; var alertRandRange = 500; var zombieRiotPause = 300; var zombieRiotPauseLength = 90; var stumbleSpeed = 2; var numZombieAttacks = 2; var noiseRangeClose = 100; var noiseRangeMedium = 300; var noiseRangeLong = 500; var grabYRange = 40; var burnDamage = 10; var zombieFindTargetDelay = 30; var endingZombiePool = new Array('zombieDog', 'zombieHammerSprint', 'zombieCleaverSprint', 'zombieHatchetSprint', 'zombieArmySprint', 'zombieFatSprint', 'zombieSprint'); var allEnemyTypes = new Array(); var standingEnemyTypes = new Array(); var numZLevels = 30; var zLevelCap = 4; var zLevel1 = new Array(); var zLevel2 = new Array(); var zLevel3 = new Array(); var zLevel4 = new Array(); var zLevel5 = new Array(); var zLevel6 = new Array(); var zLevel7 = new Array(); var zLevel8 = new Array(); var zLevel9 = new Array(); var zLevel10 = new Array(); var zLevel11 = new Array(); var zLevel12 = new Array(); var zLevel13 = new Array(); var zLevel14 = new Array(); var zLevel15 = new Array(); var zLevel16 = new Array(); var zLevel17 = new Array(); var zLevel18 = new Array(); var zLevel19 = new Array(); var zLevel20 = new Array(); var zLevel21 = new Array(); var zLevel22 = new Array(); var zLevel23 = new Array(); var zLevel24 = new Array(); var zLevel25 = new Array(); var zLevel26 = new Array(); var zLevel27 = new Array(); var zLevel28 = new Array(); var zLevel29 = new Array(); var zLevel30 = new Array(); var enemy = new Object(); enemy.zombieSlow = new Object(); enemy.zombieSlow.ref = 'zombieSlow'; enemy.zombieSlow.healthBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieSlow.damageBonus = 1; enemy.zombieSlow.xpBonus = 1; enemy.zombieSlow.chaseSpeed = 1.5; enemy.zombieSlow.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieSlow.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieSlow.walkAnim = 'walk'; enemy.zombieSlow.threat = 10; enemy.zombieSlow.level = 1; enemy.zombieFast = new Object(); enemy.zombieFast.ref = 'zombieFast'; enemy.zombieFast.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieFast.damageBonus = 1; enemy.zombieFast.xpBonus = 1.1; enemy.zombieFast.chaseSpeed = 3.4; enemy.zombieFast.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieFast.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieFast.walkAnim = 'walkFast'; enemy.zombieFast.threat = 15; enemy.zombieFast.level = 1; enemy.zombieSprint = new Object(); enemy.zombieSprint.ref = 'zombieSprint'; enemy.zombieSprint.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieSprint.damageBonus = 0.8; enemy.zombieSprint.xpBonus = 1.1; enemy.zombieSprint.chaseSpeed = 12; enemy.zombieSprint.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieSprint.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieSprint.walkAnim = 'run'; enemy.zombieSprint.threat = 25; enemy.zombieSprint.level = 3; enemy.zombieRiser = new Object(); enemy.zombieRiser.ref = 'zombieRiser'; enemy.zombieRiser.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieRiser.damageBonus = 1; enemy.zombieRiser.xpBonus = 1.1; enemy.zombieRiser.chaseSpeed = 3.4; enemy.zombieRiser.startState = 'idle'; enemy.zombieRiser.startPos = 'deadBack'; enemy.zombieRiser.walkAnim = 'walkFast'; enemy.zombieRiser.threat = 15; enemy.zombieRiser.level = 6; enemy.zombieFat = new Object(); enemy.zombieFat.ref = 'zombieFat'; enemy.zombieFat.healthBonus = 2.5; enemy.zombieFat.damageBonus = 1.5; enemy.zombieFat.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieFat.chaseSpeed = 2; enemy.zombieFat.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieFat.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieFat.walkAnim = 'walk'; enemy.zombieFat.threat = 20; enemy.zombieFat.bodyType = 'fat'; enemy.zombieFat.level = 7; enemy.zombieFatSprint = new Object(); enemy.zombieFatSprint.ref = 'zombieFatSprint'; enemy.zombieFatSprint.healthBonus = 2.5; enemy.zombieFatSprint.damageBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieFatSprint.xpBonus = 2; enemy.zombieFatSprint.chaseSpeed = 10; enemy.zombieFatSprint.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieFatSprint.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieFatSprint.walkAnim = 'run'; enemy.zombieFatSprint.threat = 30; enemy.zombieFatSprint.bodyType = 'fat'; enemy.zombieFatSprint.level = 7; enemy.zombieRiot = new Object(); enemy.zombieRiot.ref = 'zombieRiot'; enemy.zombieRiot.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieRiot.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieRiot.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieRiot.chaseSpeed = 2; enemy.zombieRiot.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieRiot.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieRiot.walkAnim = 'walk'; enemy.zombieRiot.threat = 35; enemy.zombieRiot.bodyType = 'riot'; enemy.zombieRiot.armorChest = 0.01; enemy.zombieRiot.armorHead = 0.01; enemy.zombieRiot.level = 15; enemy.zombieRiotShield = new Object(); enemy.zombieRiotShield.ref = 'zombieRiotShield'; enemy.zombieRiotShield.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieRiotShield.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieRiotShield.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieRiotShield.chaseSpeed = 2; enemy.zombieRiotShield.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieRiotShield.startPos = 'idleShield'; enemy.zombieRiotShield.walkAnim = 'walkShield'; enemy.zombieRiotShield.threat = 35; enemy.zombieRiotShield.bodyType = 'riotShield'; enemy.zombieRiotShield.armorChest = 0.01; enemy.zombieRiotShield.armorHead = 0.01; enemy.zombieRiotShield.attackRange = 110; enemy.zombieRiotShield.noGrab = true; enemy.zombieRiotShield.level = 17; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet = new Object(); enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.ref = 'zombieRiotNoHelmet'; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.chaseSpeed = 2; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.walkAnim = 'walk'; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.threat = 30; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.bodyType = 'riotNoHelmet'; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.armorChest = 0.01; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.armorHead = 1; enemy.zombieRiotNoHelmet.level = 12; enemy.zombieArmy = new Object(); enemy.zombieArmy.ref = 'zombieArmy'; enemy.zombieArmy.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieArmy.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieArmy.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieArmy.chaseSpeed = 2; enemy.zombieArmy.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieArmy.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieArmy.walkAnim = 'walk'; enemy.zombieArmy.threat = 30; enemy.zombieArmy.bodyType = 'army'; enemy.zombieArmy.armorChest = 0.01; enemy.zombieArmy.armorHead = 1; enemy.zombieArmy.level = 17; enemy.zombieArmySprint = new Object(); enemy.zombieArmySprint.ref = 'zombieArmySprint'; enemy.zombieArmySprint.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieArmySprint.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieArmySprint.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieArmySprint.chaseSpeed = 10; enemy.zombieArmySprint.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieArmySprint.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieArmySprint.walkAnim = 'run'; enemy.zombieArmySprint.threat = 35; enemy.zombieArmySprint.bodyType = 'army'; enemy.zombieArmySprint.armorChest = 0.01; enemy.zombieArmySprint.armorHead = 1; enemy.zombieArmySprint.level = 20; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet = new Object(); enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.ref = 'zombieArmyNoHelmet'; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.chaseSpeed = 2; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.walkAnim = 'walk'; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.threat = 30; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.bodyType = 'armyNoHelmet'; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.armorChest = 0.01; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.armorHead = 1; enemy.zombieArmyNoHelmet.level = 15; enemy.zombiePolice = new Object(); enemy.zombiePolice.ref = 'zombiePolice'; enemy.zombiePolice.healthBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombiePolice.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombiePolice.xpBonus = 1.1; enemy.zombiePolice.chaseSpeed = 3.4; enemy.zombiePolice.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombiePolice.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombiePolice.walkAnim = 'walkFast'; enemy.zombiePolice.threat = 12; enemy.zombiePolice.bodyType = 'police'; enemy.zombiePolice.armorHead = 1; enemy.zombiePolice.level = 8; enemy.zombieCrawl = new Object(); enemy.zombieCrawl.ref = 'zombieCrawl'; enemy.zombieCrawl.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieCrawl.damageBonus = 1; enemy.zombieCrawl.xpBonus = 1.1; enemy.zombieCrawl.chaseSpeed = 2.5; enemy.zombieCrawl.startState = 'idle'; enemy.zombieCrawl.startPos = 'deadFront'; enemy.zombieCrawl.walkAnim = 'crawl'; enemy.zombieCrawl.threat = 20; enemy.zombieCrawl.bodyType = 'crawler'; enemy.zombieCrawl.noGrab = true; enemy.zombieCrawl.level = 12; enemy.zombieSurvivor = new Object(); enemy.zombieSurvivor.ref = 'zombieSurvivor'; enemy.zombieSurvivor.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieSurvivor.damageBonus = 1; enemy.zombieSurvivor.xpBonus = 1.1; enemy.zombieSurvivor.chaseSpeed = 2.5; enemy.zombieSurvivor.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieSurvivor.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieSurvivor.walkAnim = 'walk'; enemy.zombieSurvivor.threat = 15; enemy.zombieSurvivor.bodyType = 'survivor'; enemy.zombieHatchet = new Object(); enemy.zombieHatchet.ref = 'zombieHatchet'; enemy.zombieHatchet.healthBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieHatchet.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieHatchet.xpBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieHatchet.chaseSpeed = 3.4; enemy.zombieHatchet.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieHatchet.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieHatchet.walkAnim = 'walkFast'; enemy.zombieHatchet.threat = 20; enemy.zombieHatchet.weapon = 'hatchet'; enemy.zombieHatchet.level = 16; enemy.zombieCleaver = new Object(); enemy.zombieCleaver.ref = 'zombieCleaver'; enemy.zombieCleaver.healthBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieCleaver.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieCleaver.xpBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieCleaver.chaseSpeed = 3.4; enemy.zombieCleaver.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieCleaver.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieCleaver.walkAnim = 'walkFast'; enemy.zombieCleaver.threat = 20; enemy.zombieCleaver.weapon = 'cleaver'; enemy.zombieCleaver.level = 15; enemy.zombieHammer = new Object(); enemy.zombieHammer.ref = 'zombieHammer'; enemy.zombieHammer.healthBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieHammer.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieHammer.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieHammer.chaseSpeed = 3.4; enemy.zombieHammer.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieHammer.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieHammer.walkAnim = 'walkFast'; enemy.zombieHammer.threat = 20; enemy.zombieHammer.weapon = 'clawHammer'; enemy.zombieHammer.level = 13; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint = new Object(); enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.ref = 'zombieHatchetSprint'; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.healthBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.xpBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.chaseSpeed = 12; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.walkAnim = 'run'; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.threat = 20; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.weapon = 'hatchet'; enemy.zombieHatchetSprint.level = 16; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint = new Object(); enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.ref = 'zombieCleaverSprint'; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.healthBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.xpBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.chaseSpeed = 12; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.walkAnim = 'run'; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.threat = 25; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.weapon = 'cleaver'; enemy.zombieCleaverSprint.level = 15; enemy.zombieHammerSprint = new Object(); enemy.zombieHammerSprint.ref = 'zombieHammerSprint'; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.healthBonus = 1.3; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.damageBonus = 2; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.chaseSpeed = 12; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.startState = 'wander'; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.walkAnim = 'run'; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.threat = 25; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.weapon = 'clawHammer'; enemy.zombieHammerSprint.level = 13; enemy.zombieDog = new Object(); enemy.zombieDog.ref = 'zombieDog'; enemy.zombieDog.healthBonus = 1; enemy.zombieDog.damageBonus = 1; enemy.zombieDog.xpBonus = 1.2; enemy.zombieDog.chaseSpeed = 15; enemy.zombieDog.startState = 'idle'; enemy.zombieDog.startPos = 'idle'; enemy.zombieDog.walkAnim = 'walk'; enemy.zombieDog.threat = 15; enemy.zombieDog.bodyType = 'dog'; enemy.zombieDog.noGrab = true; enemy.zombieDog.level = 14; for (aet in enemy) { allEnemyTypes.push(enemy[aet]); if (enemy[aet].startPos == 'idle' && enemy[aet].bodyType != 'dog') { standingEnemyTypes.push(enemy[aet]); } } setZombieLevels(); var zombSaveCount = 0; var numZombRoomSaves = 10; var allZombieSaves = new Array(); zed = 0; while (zed < numZombRoomSaves) { _root['zombRoomSave' + zed] = new Object(); _root['zombRoomSave' + zed].zombies = new Array(); _root['zombRoomSave' + zed].loc = null; allZombieSaves.push(_root['zombRoomSave' + zed]); ++zed; } var bulletDustChance = 3; var particleCount = 0; var maxDropParts = 10; var particleShells = 0; var particleBlood = 0; var particleMag = 0; var particleItems = 0; var particle40mm = 0; var partBounce = 0; var partDrop = 0; var pickupEdgeBuffer = 100; var pickupHighlight = 0; var pickupShine = 0; var pickupShineMask = 0; var particleResetNum = 300; var shellCasingChance = 2; var bloodChance = 3; var firstSort = false; var hideBuffer = 550; var numEffects = 0; var numDecals = 0; var numBld = 0; var numArr = 0; var numRoofHole = 0; var numLights = 0; var muzzleFlashes = 0; var allLights = new Array(); var screenShaking = false; var screenShakeXMax = 10; var screenShakeYMax = 10; var screenShakeTimer = 0; var screenShakeDelay = 50; var currentFlashPoint = 0; var screenOrigin = new Object(); var objectDropShadow = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(1, 70, 0, 0.3, 2, 2, 2, 3, false, false, false); var panSpeed = 3; var panEdgeBuffer = 10; var panEdgeBufferPlayer = 100; var panBuffer = 60; var playerPanBuffer = 420; var panInterfaceBlock = Stage.height - 80; var mouseControlPan = false; var camera; camera.state = 'free'; var screenShaking = false; var screenShakeXMax = 10; var screenShakeYMax = 10; var screenShakeTimer = 0; var screenShakeDelay = 50; var screenOrigin = new Object(); var lowBodyFade = 20000; var medBodyFade = 10000; var highBodyFade = 2000; var bodyFadeTime = 0; var lowDecalFade = 20000; var medDecalFade = 10000; var highDecalFade = 2000; var decalFadeTime = 0; setupRemoveTimes(); var lastNames = new Array('Smith', 'Johnson', 'Williams', 'Brown', 'Jones', 'Miller', 'Davis', 'Garcia', 'Rodriguez', 'Wilson', 'Martinez', 'Anderson', 'Taylor', 'Thomas', 'Hernandez', 'Moore', 'Martin', 'Jackson', 'Thompson', 'White', 'Lopez', 'Lee', 'Gonzalez', 'Harris', 'Clark', 'Lewis', 'Robinson', 'Walker', 'Pérez', 'Hall', 'Young', 'Allen', 'Sanchez', 'Wright', 'King', 'Scott', 'Green', 'Baker', 'Adams', 'Nelson', 'Hill', 'Ramirez', 'Campbell', 'Mitchell', 'Roberts', 'Carter', 'Phillips', 'Evans', 'Turner', 'Torres', 'Parker', 'Collins', 'Edwards', 'Stewart', 'Flores', 'Morris', 'Nguyen', 'Murphy', 'Rivera', 'Cook', 'Rogers', 'Morgan', 'Peterson', 'Cooper', 'Reed', 'Bailey', 'Bell', 'Gomez', 'Kelly', 'Howard', 'Ward', 'Cox', 'Diaz', 'Richardson', 'Wood', 'Watson', 'Brooks', 'Bennett', 'Gray', 'James', 'Reyes', 'Cruz', 'Hughes', 'Price', 'Myers', 'Long', 'Foster', 'Sanders', 'Ross', 'Morales', 'Powell', 'Sullivan', 'Russell', 'Ortiz', 'Jenkins', 'Gutiérrez', 'Perry', 'Butler', 'Barnes', 'Fisher', 'Chan', 'Lee', 'Nguyen'); var maleFirstNames = new Array('Michael', 'Christopher', 'Joshua', 'Matthew', 'Daniel', 'David', 'Andrew', 'Justin', 'Ryan', 'Robert', 'James', 'Nicholas', 'Joseph', 'John', 'Jonathan', 'Kevin', 'Kyle', 'Brandon', 'William', 'Eric', 'Jose', 'Steven', 'Jacob', 'Brian', 'Tyler', 'Zachary', 'Aaron', 'Alexander', 'Adam', 'Thomas', 'Richard', 'Timothy', 'Benjamin', 'Jason', 'Jeffrey', 'Sean', 'Jordan', 'Jeremy', 'Travis', 'Cody', 'Nathan', 'Mark', 'Jesse', 'Charles', 'Juan', 'Samuel', 'Patrick', 'Dustin', 'Scott', 'Stephen', 'Paul', 'Bryan', 'Luis', 'Derek', 'Austin', 'Kenneth', 'Carlos', 'Gregory', 'Alex', 'Cameron', 'Jared', 'Bradley', 'Christian', 'Corey', 'Victor', 'Cory', 'Miguel', 'Tylor', 'Edward', 'Francisco', 'Trevor', 'Adrian', 'Jorge', 'Ian', 'Antonio', 'Shawn', 'Ricardo', 'Vincent', 'Edgar', 'Erik', 'Peter', 'Shane', 'Evan', 'Chad', 'Alejandro', 'Brett', 'Gabriel', 'Eduardo', 'Raymond', 'Phillip', 'Mario', 'Marcus', 'Manuel', 'George', 'Martin', 'Spencer', 'Garrett', 'Casey'); var femaleFirstNames = new Array('Jessica', 'Ashley', 'Amanda', 'Brittany', 'Sarrah', 'Jennifer', 'Stephanie', 'Samantha', 'Elizabeth', 'Megan', 'Nicole', 'Lauren', 'Melissa', 'Amber', 'Michelle', 'Heather', 'Christina', 'Rachel', 'Tiffany', 'Kayla', 'Danielle', 'Vanessa', 'Rebecca', 'Laura', 'Courtney', 'Katherine', 'Chelsea', 'Kimberly', 'Sara', 'Kelsey', 'Andrea', 'Alyssa', 'Crystal', 'Maria', 'Amy', 'Alexandra', 'Erica', 'Jasmine', 'Natalie', 'Hanna', 'Angela', 'Kelly', 'Brittney', 'Mary', 'Cassandra', 'Erin', 'Victoria', 'Jacqueline', 'Jamie', 'Lindsey', 'Alicia', 'Lisa', 'Katie', 'Allison', 'Kristen', 'Cynthia', 'Anna', 'Caitlin', 'Monica', 'Christine', 'Diana', 'Erika', 'Veronica', 'Kathryn', 'Whitney', 'Brianna', 'Nancy', 'Shannon', 'Kristina', 'Lindsay', 'Kristin', 'Marissa', 'Patricia', 'Brooke', 'Brenda', 'Angelica', 'Morgan', 'Adriana', 'April', 'Taylor', 'Tara', 'Jordan', 'Jenna', 'Catherine', 'Alexis', 'Karen', 'Melanie', 'Natasha', 'Sandra', 'Julie', 'Bianca', 'Krystal', 'Holly', 'Alexandria', 'Monique', 'Leslie', 'Katelyn'); var pre = new Object(); var allPreMade = new Array(); var currentPreMade = ''; pre.conArtist = new Object(); pre.conArtist.ref = 'conArtist'; = 'Con Artist'; pre.conArtist.desc = 'A confidence artist, petty crook.'; pre.conArtist.strength = 6; pre.conArtist.precision = 5; pre.conArtist.endurance = 5; pre.conArtist.intellect = 9; pre.conArtist.luck = 10; pre.conArtist.skill1 = 'pistols'; pre.conArtist.skill2 = 'blades'; pre.conArtist.skill3 = 'security'; pre.conArtist.skill4 = 'smarts'; pre.military = new Object(); pre.military.ref = 'military'; = 'Military'; pre.military.desc = 'Service in the military makes you a valuable asset.'; pre.military.strength = 9; pre.military.precision = 9; pre.military.endurance = 8; pre.military.intellect = 4; pre.military.luck = 5; pre.military.skill1 = 'automatics'; pre.military.skill2 = 'pistols'; pre.military.skill3 = 'survival'; pre.military.skill4 = 'specialWeapons'; pre.farmer = new Object(); pre.farmer.ref = 'farmer'; = 'Farmer'; pre.farmer.desc = 'A farmer of farm worker with knowledge of the land.'; pre.farmer.strength = 10; pre.farmer.precision = 4; pre.farmer.endurance = 10; pre.farmer.intellect = 5; pre.farmer.luck = 5; pre.farmer.skill1 = 'longGuns'; pre.farmer.skill2 = 'blunt'; pre.farmer.skill3 = 'fitness'; pre.farmer.skill4 = 'survival'; pre.securityGuard = new Object(); pre.securityGuard.ref = 'securityGuard'; = 'Security Guard'; pre.securityGuard.desc = 'Trained in location security and skilled in security systems.'; pre.securityGuard.strength = 8; pre.securityGuard.precision = 6; pre.securityGuard.endurance = 7; pre.securityGuard.intellect = 9; pre.securityGuard.luck = 5; pre.securityGuard.skill1 = 'pistols'; pre.securityGuard.skill2 = 'blunt'; pre.securityGuard.skill3 = 'security'; pre.securityGuard.skill4 = 'firstAid'; pre.fireFighter = new Object(); pre.fireFighter.ref = 'fireFighter'; = 'Fire Fighter'; pre.fireFighter.desc = 'Fireman, trained in search and rescue.'; pre.fireFighter.strength = 9; pre.fireFighter.precision = 5; pre.fireFighter.endurance = 9; pre.fireFighter.intellect = 6; pre.fireFighter.luck = 6; pre.fireFighter.skill1 = 'firstAid'; pre.fireFighter.skill2 = 'searching'; pre.fireFighter.skill3 = 'blades'; pre.fireFighter.skill4 = 'fitness'; pre.hunter = new Object(); pre.hunter.ref = 'hunter'; = 'Hunter'; pre.hunter.desc = 'You have spent time hunting recreationally or professionally.'; pre.hunter.strength = 6; pre.hunter.precision = 10; pre.hunter.endurance = 7; pre.hunter.intellect = 6; pre.hunter.luck = 6; pre.hunter.skill1 = 'longGuns'; pre.hunter.skill2 = 'blades'; pre.hunter.skill3 = 'fitness'; pre.hunter.skill4 = 'survival'; = new Object(); = 'engineer'; = 'Engineer'; = 'Strong technical know-how and ability to develop solutions.'; = 7; = 7; = 6; = 8; = 7; = 'smarts'; = 'blunt'; = 'searching'; = 'firstAid'; pre.paramedic = new Object(); pre.paramedic.ref = 'paramedic'; = 'Paramedic'; pre.paramedic.desc = 'Emergency medical technician.'; pre.paramedic.strength = 7; pre.paramedic.precision = 5; pre.paramedic.endurance = 9; pre.paramedic.intellect = 9; pre.paramedic.luck = 5; pre.paramedic.skill1 = 'firstAid'; pre.paramedic.skill2 = 'survival'; pre.paramedic.skill3 = 'blades'; pre.paramedic.skill4 = 'fitness'; pre.lawEnforcement = new Object(); pre.lawEnforcement.ref = 'lawEnforcement'; = 'Law Enforcement'; pre.lawEnforcement.desc = 'A member of a law enforcement branch.'; pre.lawEnforcement.strength = 7; pre.lawEnforcement.precision = 9; pre.lawEnforcement.endurance = 7; pre.lawEnforcement.intellect = 7; pre.lawEnforcement.luck = 5; pre.lawEnforcement.skill1 = 'pistols'; pre.lawEnforcement.skill2 = 'blunt'; pre.lawEnforcement.skill3 = 'security'; pre.lawEnforcement.skill4 = 'automatics'; pre.martialArtist = new Object(); pre.martialArtist.ref = 'martialArtist'; = 'Martial Artist'; pre.martialArtist.desc = 'An instructor in self defence or combative martial arts.'; pre.martialArtist.strength = 10; pre.martialArtist.precision = 4; pre.martialArtist.endurance = 10; pre.martialArtist.intellect = 5; pre.martialArtist.luck = 5; pre.martialArtist.skill1 = 'blades'; pre.martialArtist.skill2 = 'blunt'; pre.martialArtist.skill3 = 'fitness'; pre.martialArtist.skill4 = 'survival'; pre.ITTech = new Object(); pre.ITTech.ref = 'ITTech'; = 'I.T Technician'; pre.ITTech.desc = 'Trained in information technology, problem solving skills.'; pre.ITTech.strength = 4; pre.ITTech.precision = 6; pre.ITTech.endurance = 6; pre.ITTech.intellect = 10; pre.ITTech.luck = 9; pre.ITTech.skill1 = 'security'; pre.ITTech.skill2 = 'searching'; pre.ITTech.skill3 = 'firstAid'; pre.ITTech.skill4 = 'smarts'; pre.privateInvestigator = new Object(); pre.privateInvestigator.ref = 'privateInvestigator'; = 'P.I'; pre.privateInvestigator.desc = 'Private Investigator, ex-law enforcement.'; pre.privateInvestigator.strength = 7; pre.privateInvestigator.precision = 8; pre.privateInvestigator.endurance = 4; pre.privateInvestigator.intellect = 9; pre.privateInvestigator.luck = 7; pre.privateInvestigator.skill1 = 'pistols'; pre.privateInvestigator.skill2 = 'searching'; pre.privateInvestigator.skill3 = 'security'; pre.privateInvestigator.skill4 = 'blunt'; pre.survivalist = new Object(); pre.survivalist.ref = 'survivalist'; = 'Survivalist'; pre.survivalist.desc = 'An outdoorsman. Practised in survival outdoors.'; pre.survivalist.strength = 9; pre.survivalist.precision = 5; pre.survivalist.endurance = 9; pre.survivalist.intellect = 5; pre.survivalist.luck = 7; pre.survivalist.skill1 = 'blades'; pre.survivalist.skill2 = 'survival'; pre.survivalist.skill3 = 'fitness'; pre.survivalist.skill4 = 'searching'; = new Object(); = 'construction'; = 'Construction'; = 'Worker in the construction industry.'; = 10; = 4; = 9; = 7; = 6; = 'blunt'; = 'fitness'; = 'specialWeapons'; = 'security'; var allSkills = new Array('blunt', 'blades', 'pistols', 'longGuns', 'automatics', 'specialWeapons', 'firstAid', 'smarts', 'searching', 'security', 'survival', 'fitness'); var allAttributes = new Array('strength', 'endurance', 'precision', 'intellect', 'luck'); var skill_strength = new Object(); skill_strength.title = 'STRENGTH'; skill_strength.desc = 'Physical strength. How much damage you can do with melee weapons and how much you can carry. Also increases shove distance.'; var skill_endurance = new Object(); skill_endurance.title = 'ENDURANCE'; skill_endurance.desc = 'Personal endurance. Determines your maximum health as well as how little food and sleep you need.'; var skill_precision = new Object(); skill_precision.title = 'PRECISION'; skill_precision.desc = 'Your agility and deftness. How well you can handle most fire arms.'; var skill_intellect = new Object(); skill_intellect.title = 'INTELLECT'; skill_intellect.desc = 'General intelligence. Helps with everything from first aid to smarts and security.'; var skill_luck = new Object(); skill_luck.title = 'LUCK'; skill_luck.desc = 'You believe in luck, right? It helps with just about every task, even in getting a critical shot.'; var skill_blunt = new Object(); skill_blunt.title = 'BLUNT'; skill_blunt.desc = 'Skill with blunt weapons such as bats, clubs and hammers. Determines damage with these weapons.'; skill_blunt.attr = 'strength'; var skill_blades = new Object(); skill_blades.title = 'BLADES'; skill_blades.desc = 'Skill with bladed weapons such as knives, axes and chainsaws. Determines damage with these weapons.'; skill_blades.attr = 'strength'; var skill_pistols = new Object(); skill_pistols.title = 'PISTOLS'; skill_pistols.desc = 'Skill with handguns including semi-automatics and revolvers. Determines accuracy and damage with these weapons.'; skill_pistols.attr = 'precision'; var skill_longGuns = new Object(); skill_longGuns.title = 'LONG GUNS'; skill_longGuns.desc = 'Skill with long barrelled weapons including rifles and shotguns. Determines accuracy and damage with these weapons.'; skill_longGuns.attr = 'precision'; var skill_automatics = new Object(); skill_automatics.title = 'AUTOMATICS'; skill_automatics.desc = 'Skill with automatics, assault rifles and sub machine guns. Determines accuracy and damage with these weapons.'; skill_automatics.attr = 'precision'; var skill_specialWeapons = new Object(); skill_specialWeapons.title = 'SPECIAL WEAPONS'; skill_specialWeapons.desc = 'Skill with special weapons including launchers. Determines accuracy and damage with these weapons.'; skill_specialWeapons.attr = 'precision'; var skill_sneak = new Object(); skill_sneak.title = 'SNEAK'; skill_sneak.desc = 'Ability to move silently without being detected.'; skill_sneak.attr = 'precision'; var skill_smarts = new Object(); skill_smarts.title = 'SMARTS'; skill_smarts.desc = 'General mental ability. Helps with trade, getting more benefit from books and earning extra XP.'; skill_smarts.attr = 'intellect'; var skill_security = new Object(); skill_security.title = 'SECURITY'; skill_security.desc = 'Ability to get past security of all types including locked doors and digital security.'; skill_security.attr = 'intellect'; var skill_searching = new Object(); skill_searching.title = 'SEARCHING'; skill_searching.desc = 'Ability to find additional items when searching. Reduces the amount of junk found.'; skill_searching.attr = 'intellect'; var skill_speech = new Object(); skill_speech.title = 'SPEECH'; skill_speech.desc = 'Ability to convince others to come around to your point of view.'; skill_speech.attr = 'intellect'; var skill_firstAid = new Object(); skill_firstAid.title = 'FIRST AID'; skill_firstAid.desc = 'Ability to treat wounds effectively and quickly. Increases benefit from health items.'; skill_firstAid.attr = 'intellect'; var skill_survival = new Object(); skill_survival.title = 'SURVIVAL'; skill_survival.desc = 'General endurance for withstanding a survival situation. Reduces requirements for food and increases damage resistance.'; skill_survival.attr = 'endurance'; var skill_fitness = new Object(); skill_fitness.title = 'FITNESS'; skill_fitness.desc = 'Physical fitness ability. Reduces the amount of stamina used when shoving, jumping and using melee weapons.'; skill_fitness.attr = 'endurance'; var healthBase = 20; var attributePointsMax = 10; var attributeMod = 1.6; var selectedSkillBonus = 10; var numSelectedSkills = 4; var skillPointsMax = selectedSkillBonus * numSelectedSkills; var attributeBase = 5; var skillBase = 7; var attributeMax = 20; var attributeStartMax = 10; var skillMax = 100; var attributePoints = attributePointsMax; var skillPoints = skillPointsMax; var carryWeightMultiplierBase = 10; var carryWeightMultiplier = 10; var pointsRem = attributePointsMax; var skillsMarked = 0; var curr_hair = 0; var curr_hairColour = 0; var curr_skinColour = 0; var curr_facialHair = 0; var player = new Object(); var all_skinColour = new Array('0xE7C6AF', '0x965B39', '0x774F35', '0xEED1BF', '0xDCC29F', '0xD3965F'); var all_skinColourNames = new Array('White', 'Brown', 'Black', 'Pale', 'Olive', 'Tanned'); var all_hairColour = new Array('0x5E4339', '0xa39a74', '0x312F28', '0x7f7f7f', '0x2C251F', '0xCEBE8C', '0x625646', '0x975833'); var all_hairColourNames = new Array('Brown', 'Blonde', 'Black', 'Grey', 'Dark Brown', 'Dark Blonde', 'Light Brown', 'Red'); var allClothesTop = new Array('male_longSleeveRed', 'male_longSleeveGreen', 'male_longSleeveWhite', 'male_longSleeveBlack', 'male_tshirtWhite', 'male_tshirtRed', 'male_tshirtBlack', 'male_tshirtBrown', 'male_hoodyBlack', 'male_suitBlack'); var allClothesBottom = new Array('male_jeansBlue', 'male_jeansBlack', 'male_pantsBrown', 'male_greenCargo', 'male_camoCargo', 'male_urbanCamo'); var all_hair = new Array('medium1', 'medium2', 'bald', 'shaved', 'cropped', 'short1', 'short2', 'short3', 'long1', 'long2', 'special1', 'special2', 'special3', 'special4', 'ponytail1'); var all_facialHair = new Array('none', 'shadow', 'fullBeard', 'goatee', 'soulPatch', 'muttonChops', '1980s', 'handlebar', 'lincoln'); var playerRef = null; var playerScale = 55; var femalePlayerScale = 52; var allOnScreen = new Array(); var humansOnScreen = new Array(); var playerStartX_startGame = 858; var playerStartX = playerStartX_startGame; var playerStartY = 0; var health = 0; var permHealth = 0; var healthMax = 0; var playerStamina = 0; var primaryWeapon = 'hands'; var secondaryWeapon = 'hands'; var currentWeapon = primaryWeapon; var storedWeapon = secondaryWeapon; var sprintCount = 0; var keyMoveLeft = 0; var keyJump = 0; var runSpeedMod = 1.5; var moveEdgeBuffer = 50; var playerCollideRight = false; var playerCollideLeft = false; var playerMoveForwardAnim = false; var playerMoveBackwardAnim = false; var aLocked = false; var upKeyLocked = false; var downKeyLocked = false; var activateLocked = false; var flashLightLocked = false; var swapWeaponsLocked = false; var reloadLocked = false; var shoveKeyLocked = false; var sprintLocked = false; var walkBackwards = 1.5; var walkCrouched = 2; var walkCrouchedBackwards = 3; var jumpHeightBase = 11; var jumpHeight = jumpHeightBase; var gravity = 1.5; var weightMovePenalty = 0; var runModifier = false; var fitnessMoveBonus = 0; var aimAdjust = 180; var aiBaseAcc = 50; var aimingControl = 'unlocked'; var chestHeadOffset = 10; var characterOpen = false; var charTarget = 'player'; var allCharacterButtons = new Array(); defineSkills(); var healthRegenRate = 0.1; var regenTimeMax = 15; var regenTimer = regenTimeMax; var hungerRate = 0.15; var sleepHoursDegrade = 1; var hungerHoursDegrade = 1; var currHungerState = 0; var currSleepState = 0; var sleepTimer = sleepHoursDegrade; var hungerTimer = hungerHoursDegrade; var hungerPenalty = 0; var sleepPenalty = 0; var hungerStates = new Array('V.Well Fed', 'Well Fed', 'Satisfied', 'Hungry', 'Starving'); var sleepStates = new Array('V.Well Rested', 'Well Rested', 'Rested', 'Tired', 'Exhausted'); var staminaBase = 56; var staminaMax = 0; var stamina = 0; var staminaRun = 1; var staminaShove = 1; var staminaJump = 5; var staminaShowThresh = 60; var stamRegenDelay = 15; var stamRegenCount = stamRegenDelay; var stamAlert = false; var minStamRegen = 0.1; var playerAttPoints = 1; var playerSkillPoints = 10; var skillPointsUsed = 0; var attPointsUsed = 0; var needToLevelUp = false; resetTempValues(); var XP = 0; var levelXP = 0; var baseXP = 0; var lastLevelXP = 0; var XPcutOff = 4; var levelXPMult = 20; var levelCap = 30; var xpTexts = 0; var skillUse_reload = 1; var skillUse_search = 5; var skillUse_aid = 5; var skillUse_security = 25; var xpSmartsBonusDiv = 30; var skillTrackAdd = 0; for (all in allSkills) { _root[allSkills[all] + '_used'] = 0; } var totalSearchItems = 0; var searchCashMod = 1.5; var itemList = new Array(); var totalSearchWeight = 0; var searchOpen = false; var itemGreyAlpha = 15; var scrollBarHide = 190; var searchScrollTop = 0; var randomSearchRange = 100; var randomSearchChance = 50; var randomSearchUnits = 6; var luckSearchRange = 1000; var luckSearchChance = 75; var luckSearchUnits = 2; var luckyItem1 = ''; var luckyItem2 = ''; var luckyItem3 = ''; var currentContainerSave = ''; var searchDebug = false; var emptyCheckDone = false; var doorCollision = 100; var worldLoadComplete = false; var doorRange = 60; var insideDoorRange = false; var stairBuffer = 50; var cameraStartX = 0; var lastRoom = 0; var currLockDoorNum = 0; var allContainers = new Array(); var insideSearchRange = false; var searchRange = 80; var currentFocus = null; var currentFocusType = ''; var interactRange = 80; var insideInteractRange = false; var flashLightState = 'off'; var shortClimbHeight = 70; var highClimbHeight = 180; var currClimbHeight = 0; var climbXShift = 40; var climbBuffer = 15; var struggleKeyCount = 0; var struggleKeyCountNeeded = 0; var zombieGrabChance = 100; var struggleCountMultiplier = 2; var struggleCountMin = 1; var struggleMin = 3; var struggleMax = 8; var struggling = false; var struggleZombie = null; var struggleTarget = null; var struggleKey = 'A'; var struggleLeftLocked = false; var struggleRightLocked = false; var dropHealthMin = 20; var dropAmmoMin = 2; var runNGunAmmoDropMod = 1.4; var dropRateClothing = 25; var dropRateAmmo = 40; var dropRateAmmoBase = 40; var dropRateFood = 30; var dropRateWeapons = 2; var dropRateMedical = 30; var dropRateCash = 33; var maxAmmoPickup = 20; var avgMagDiv = 1.5; var cashAmountMod = 3.3; var currentLock = new Object(); var isADoorLock = false; var secSkillBuffer = 25; var securityOpen = false; var lockPinKeyLocked = false; var lockForceRange = 100; var securityClickBuffer = 5; var pinAlpha = 65; var pin1_locked = false; var pin2_locked = false; var pin3_locked = false; var lockSkillReq_veryEasy = 15; var lockSkillReq_easy = 30; var lockSkillReq_normal = 45; var lockSkillReq_hard = 60; var lockSkillReq_veryHard = 75; var forceLockChance = 0; var currentPin = 1; var pinTop = -90; var pinBottom = -25; var pinBuffer = 10; var pinRangeTop = -85; var pinRangeBottom = -35; var pinRange = Math.abs(pinRangeTop - pinRangeBottom); var securitySkillModMax = 10; var lockPickPush = pinBottom; var pinPushRate = 5; var pinFallSpeed = 1.3; var secSkillMod = 5; var compInteractRange = 100; var inCompRange = false; var givingWeapon = false; var giveWeaponLocked = false; var currentCompanion = null; var companionDownAck = false; var compIndDist = Stage.width / 2 + 150; var helpingCompanion = false; var storageOpen = false; var currentStorage = new Array(); var storePanelFocus = null; var storageItemHeight = 20; var totalStorageWeight = 0; var storageWeightLimit = 30; var premiumWeightLimit = 60; var storeWeightLmt = 0; var allTriggers = new Array(); var globalTriggers = new Array(); var numTriggers = 100; trig = new Object(); mt = 1; while (mt < numTriggers) { trig['trig' + mt] = new Object(); ++mt; } var currentCrosshairScale = 5; var crosshairAdjust = 0.8; var consecRoundDiv = 2; var interfaceBounds = 50; var reloadTargetZoneMod = 1.2; var ammoIconEmpty = 30; var lastAmmoCount = 0; var firstInterfaceUpdate = true; var healthBarScale = 100; var lastDamageOpacity = 100; var dmgOpacCutOff = 40; var dmgTexts = 0; var showDamage = 0; var critDamageTextScale = 120; var scrolling = false; var scrollAmount = 0; var scrollSpeed = 5; var currentScrollFocus = ''; var activateLocked = false; var achOpenLocked = false; var cLocked = false; var jLocked = false; var tabLocked = false; var escapeLocked = false; var inGame = false; var pauseMenuOpen = false; var savedAndQuit = false; var mapOpen = false; var hasSaved = false; var timePanelOpen = false; var waitRiskAssessment = ''; var timeMode = 'SLEEP'; var hoursToWait = 0; var dialogOpen = false; var runDialog = false; var dialogText = ''; var dialogChar = 0; var writingSound = false; var dialogBtnSpace = 30; var dialogBtnBaseSpace = 40; var xpRespawnPen = 2; var xpRespawnPenOutside = 4; var deathShowDelay = 2; var deathMsg = new Array('DEAD', 'YOU\'RE DEAD', 'YOU DIED', 'GAME OVER', 'YOU DEAD', 'DECEASED'); initDialogBoxes(); var alertArray = new Array(); var alertColours = new Array(); var currentHelp = ''; var helpLeft = false; var helpRight = false; var helpShove = false; var helpJump = false; var helpMouse = false; var helpSearch = false; var helpInventory = false; var helpLevelUp = false; var helpJournal = false; var helpWeaponSwitch = false; var helpSprint = false; var help_movement = false; var help_mouse = false; var help_shove = false; var help_jump = false; var help_safehouse = false; var help_search = false; var help_inventory = false; var help_levelUp = false; var help_journal = false; var help_weaponSwitch = false; var help_sprint = false; var achevOpen = false; var achListScroll = 709; var achListNum = 0; var achRows = 1; var achCol = 1; var achMaxRows = 7; var achLockCount = 0; var achCount = 0; var onAchevPage = 1; var achevPages = 3; var socialOpen = false; var socialShown = false; var facebookRewardGiven = false; var twitterRewardGiven = false; var allAmmo = new Array(); var startAmmo = 0; var ammoMaxAmount = 250; var ammo556 = startAmmo; var ammo762 = startAmmo; var ammo9mm = startAmmo; var ammo45 = startAmmo; var ammoshotgun = startAmmo; var ammoarrow = startAmmo; var ammogrenade = startAmmo; var ammo40mmGrenade = startAmmo; var ammoRPG = startAmmo; var ammo50cal = startAmmo; var ammofuel = startAmmo; var ammoTypes = new Array('556', '762', '9mm', '45', 'shotgun', 'arrow', 'grenade', 'fuel', '40mmGrenade', 'RPG', '50cal'); var ammoRarity1 = new Array(); var ammoRarity2 = new Array(); var ammoRarity3 = new Array(); var ammoRarity4 = new Array(); var ammoRarity5 = new Array(); var ammoRarity6 = new Array(); var ammoRarity7 = new Array(); var ammoRarity8 = new Array(); var ammoRarity9 = new Array(); var ammoRarity10 = new Array(); var ammoRarity11 = new Array(); var ammoRarity12 = new Array(); var ammoRarity13 = new Array(); var ammoRarity14 = new Array(); var ammoRarity15 = new Array(); var ammoRarity16 = new Array(); var ammoRarity17 = new Array(); var ammoRarity18 = new Array(); var ammoRarity19 = new Array(); var ammoRarity20 = new Array(); var ammoRarity21 = new Array(); var ammoRarity22 = new Array(); var ammoRarity23 = new Array(); var ammoRarity24 = new Array(); var ammoRarity25 = new Array(); var ammoRarity26 = new Array(); var ammoRarity27 = new Array(); var ammoRarity28 = new Array(); var ammoRarity29 = new Array(); var ammoRarity30 = new Array(); var ammo = new Object(); amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].ref = 'ammo50cal_' + amm; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammo50cal'; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].name = '50 cal [ ' + ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].invName = '50 cal Rounds'; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].desc = ' rounds.'; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].rarity = 20; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].pickup = 'ammo50cal'; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].avgMag = 10; ammo['ammo50cal_' + amm].max = 100; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].ref = 'ammoRPG_' + amm; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammoRPG'; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].name = 'RPGs [ ' + ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].invName = 'RPG Rounds'; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].desc = ' RPG rounds. Used in RPG Launcher.'; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].rarity = 17; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].pickup = 'ammoRPG'; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].avgMag = 3; ammo['ammoRPG_' + amm].max = 100; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].ref = 'ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammo40mmGrenade'; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].name = '40mm Gren [ ' + ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].invName = '40mm Grenades'; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].desc = ' 40mm grenades. Used in M79 Launcher.'; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].rarity = 15; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].pickup = 'ammo40mmGrenade'; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].avgMag = 5; ammo['ammo40mmGrenade_' + amm].max = 100; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammofuel_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].ref = 'ammofuel_' + amm; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammofuel'; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].name = 'FUEL [ ' + ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].invName = 'Fuel'; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].desc = ' units of fuel.'; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].rarity = 10; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].pickup = 'ammofuel'; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].avgMag = 50; ammo['ammofuel_' + amm].max = 100; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammo45_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammo45_' + amm].ref = 'ammo45_' + amm; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammo45'; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].name = '.45 Ammo [ ' + ammo['ammo45_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].invName = '.45 Cal'; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].desc = ' rounds of .45 Ammunition. Used in pistols and SMG\'s.'; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].rarity = 3; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].pickup = 'ammo45'; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].avgMag = 18; ammo['ammo45_' + amm].max = 50; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].ref = 'ammo9mm_' + amm; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammo9mm'; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].name = '9mm Ammo [ ' + ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].invName = '9mm'; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].desc = ' rounds of 9mm Ammunition. Used in pistols and SMG\'s.'; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].rarity = 1; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].pickup = 'ammo9mm'; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].avgMag = 20; ammo['ammo9mm_' + amm].max = 50; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammo556_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammo556_' + amm].ref = 'ammo556_' + amm; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammo556'; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].name = '5.56 Ammo [ ' + ammo['ammo556_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].invName = '5.56 mm'; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].desc = ' rounds of 5.56 Ammunition. Used in Assault Rifles.'; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].rarity = 7; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].pickup = 'ammo556'; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].avgMag = 30; ammo['ammo556_' + amm].max = 60; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammo762_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammo762_' + amm].ref = 'ammo762_' + amm; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammo762'; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].name = '7.62 Ammo [ ' + ammo['ammo762_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].invName = '7.62 mm'; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].desc = ' rounds of 7.62 Ammunition. Used in Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles.'; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].rarity = 9; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].pickup = 'ammo762'; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].avgMag = 30; ammo['ammo762_' + amm].max = 60; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].ref = 'ammoshotgun_' + amm; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammoshotgun'; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].name = 'Shotgun Ammo [ ' + ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].invName = 'Shells'; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].desc = ' rounds of Shotgun Ammunition. Used in Shotguns.'; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].rarity = 3; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].pickup = 'ammoshotgun'; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].avgMag = 8; ammo['ammoshotgun_' + amm].max = 50; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].ref = 'ammoarrow_' + amm; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammoarrow'; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].name = 'Arrows [ ' + ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].invName = 'Arrows'; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].desc = ' hunting arrows. Used with bows.'; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].rarity = 10; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].pickup = 'ammoarrow'; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].avgMag = 5; ammo['ammoarrow_' + amm].max = 30; ++amm; } amm = 1; while (amm <= ammoMaxAmount) { ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm] = new Object(); ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].ref = 'ammogrenade_' + amm; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].ammoType = 'ammogrenade'; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].rounds = amm; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].name = 'Arrows [ ' + ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].rounds + ' ]'; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].invName = 'Grenades'; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].desc = ' grenades. Thrown weapons.'; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].weight = 0; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].location = 'anywhere'; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].rarity = 20; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].pickup = 'ammogrenade'; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].avgMag = 1; ammo['ammogrenade_' + amm].max = 5; ++amm; } var reloadBarActive = false; var skillReloaded = false; var currentWeaponID = 0; var storedWeaponID = 0; var weaponOut = 'primary'; var weapMasks = 0; var lastCurrentID = undefined; var lastStoredID = undefined; var currentID = undefined; var storedID = undefined; var flipCurrentID = null; var flipStoredID = null; var showSmokeChance = 2; var humMeleeMissShot = false; var dryFired = false; var rounds = 0; var roundLife = 1400; var roundLife_chainsaw = 5; var roundLife_flameThrower = 12; var chainsawRange = 100; var flameThrowerRange = 150; var consecRounds = 0; var consecShotAccuracyAdjust = 7; var roundGravity = 4; var grenGravity = 1.5; var crouchBonus = 25; var movingPenalty = 20; var jumpingPenalty = 50; var accuracyModifier = 25; var casingMoveTime = 5; var casingEdge = 64; var casingRemoveTime = 2000; var roundsOnScreen = new Array(); var currentAmmo = 0; var primaryAmmo = 0; var secondaryAmmo = 0; var raisingWeapon = false; var mouseOutOfBounds = false; var allWeapons = new Array(); var weapon = new Object(); var maxDamage = 50; var maxAccuracy = 10; var maxKnockback = 30; var maxNoise = 50; var armDistance40mm = 5; weapon.venom = new Object(); weapon.venom.ref = 'venom'; weapon.venom.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Venom MP93R [PREMIUM]'; weapon.venom.desc = 'Burst fire automatic pistol.'; weapon.venom.weight = 2.5; weapon.venom.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.venom.weaponType = 'pistolAutomatic'; = 'pistol'; weapon.venom.maxAmmo = 20; weapon.venom.ammoType = '9mm'; weapon.venom.ammoIcon = 'smallBullet'; weapon.venom.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.venom.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.venom.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.venom.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.venom.accuracy = 0.4; weapon.venom.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.venom.burst = true; weapon.venom.roundsPerBurst = 3; weapon.venom.weaponNoise = 15; weapon.venom.recoil = 2; weapon.venom.skill = 'pistols'; weapon.venom.damage = 9; weapon.venom.knockback = 10; weapon.venom.reloadTime = 45; weapon.venom.icon = 'pistol'; weapon.venom.fireMode = 'auto'; weapon.venom.rarity = 99999999; weapon.venom.premium = true; weapon.chainsaw = new Object(); weapon.chainsaw.ref = 'chainsaw'; weapon.chainsaw.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Chainsaw'; weapon.chainsaw.desc = 'Consvarna brand chainsaw.'; weapon.chainsaw.weight = 15; weapon.chainsaw.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.chainsaw.weaponType = 'chainsaw'; = 'none'; weapon.chainsaw.maxAmmo = 200; weapon.chainsaw.ammoType = 'fuel'; weapon.chainsaw.ammoIcon = 'fuel'; weapon.chainsaw.roundSpeed = 30; weapon.chainsaw.projectile = 'none'; weapon.chainsaw.decal = 'none'; weapon.chainsaw.muzzleFlash = 'none'; weapon.chainsaw.noFlash = true; weapon.chainsaw.accuracy = 0.4; weapon.chainsaw.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.chainsaw.weaponNoise = 50; weapon.chainsaw.recoil = 0; weapon.chainsaw.skill = 'specialWeapons'; weapon.chainsaw.damage = 10; weapon.chainsaw.knockback = 15; weapon.chainsaw.reloadTime = 45; weapon.chainsaw.icon = 'chainsaw'; weapon.chainsaw.rarity = 10; weapon.compoundBow = new Object(); weapon.compoundBow.ref = 'compoundBow'; weapon.compoundBow.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Hunting Bow'; weapon.compoundBow.desc = 'Modern bow design.'; weapon.compoundBow.weight = 4; weapon.compoundBow.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.compoundBow.weaponType = 'bow'; = 'none'; weapon.compoundBow.maxAmmo = 1; weapon.compoundBow.ammoType = 'arrow'; weapon.compoundBow.ammoIcon = 'smallBullet'; weapon.compoundBow.roundSpeed = 55; weapon.compoundBow.projectile = 'arrow'; weapon.compoundBow.decal = 'arrow'; weapon.compoundBow.muzzleFlash = 'none'; weapon.compoundBow.noFlash = true; weapon.compoundBow.accuracy = 0.4; weapon.compoundBow.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.compoundBow.weaponNoise = 1; weapon.compoundBow.recoil = 0; weapon.compoundBow.skill = 'specialWeapons'; weapon.compoundBow.damage = 20; weapon.compoundBow.knockback = 5; weapon.compoundBow.reloadTime = 45; weapon.compoundBow.icon = 'bow'; weapon.compoundBow.rarity = 15; weapon.compoundBow.reloadOnSwap = true; weapon.glock = new Object(); weapon.glock.ref = 'glock'; weapon.glock.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'G17 Pistol'; weapon.glock.desc = 'Semi-automatic 9mm Pistol.'; weapon.glock.weight = 2; weapon.glock.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.glock.weaponType = 'pistolAutomatic'; = 'pistol'; weapon.glock.maxAmmo = 17; weapon.glock.ammoType = '9mm'; weapon.glock.ammoIcon = 'smallBullet'; weapon.glock.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.glock.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.glock.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.glock.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.glock.accuracy = 0.4; weapon.glock.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.glock.weaponNoise = 10; weapon.glock.recoil = 2; weapon.glock.skill = 'pistols'; weapon.glock.damage = 9; weapon.glock.knockback = 2; weapon.glock.reloadTime = 45; weapon.glock.icon = 'pistol'; weapon.glock.rarity = 9; weapon.M1911 = new Object(); weapon.M1911.ref = 'M1911'; weapon.M1911.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'M1911 Pistol'; weapon.M1911.desc = 'Semi-automatic .45 caliber Pistol.'; weapon.M1911.weight = 2.5; weapon.M1911.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.M1911.weaponType = 'pistolAutomatic'; = 'pistol'; weapon.M1911.maxAmmo = 7; weapon.M1911.ammoType = '45'; weapon.M1911.ammoIcon = 'bigBullet'; weapon.M1911.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.M1911.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.M1911.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.M1911.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.M1911.accuracy = 0.4; weapon.M1911.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.M1911.weaponNoise = 10; weapon.M1911.recoil = 2; weapon.M1911.skill = 'pistols'; weapon.M1911.damage = 12; weapon.M1911.knockback = 10; weapon.M1911.reloadTime = 45; weapon.M1911.icon = 'pistol'; weapon.M1911.rarity = 10; weapon.M9 = new Object(); weapon.M9.ref = 'M9'; weapon.M9.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'M9 Pistol'; weapon.M9.desc = 'Semi-automatic 9mm Pistol.'; weapon.M9.weight = 2.5; weapon.M9.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.M9.weaponType = 'pistolAutomatic'; = 'pistol'; weapon.M9.maxAmmo = 15; weapon.M9.ammoType = '9mm'; weapon.M9.ammoIcon = 'smallBullet'; weapon.M9.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.M9.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.M9.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.M9.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.M9.accuracy = 0.4; weapon.M9.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.M9.weaponNoise = 10; weapon.M9.recoil = 2; weapon.M9.skill = 'pistols'; weapon.M9.damage = 10; weapon.M9.knockback = 5; weapon.M9.reloadTime = 45; weapon.M9.icon = 'pistol'; weapon.M9.rarity = 12; weapon.PPM9 = new Object(); weapon.PPM9.ref = 'PPM9'; weapon.PPM9.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'PPM 9 Pistol'; weapon.PPM9.desc = 'Small personal protection 9mm Pistol.'; weapon.PPM9.weight = 1.5; weapon.PPM9.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.PPM9.weaponType = 'pistolAutomatic'; = 'pistol'; weapon.PPM9.maxAmmo = 7; weapon.PPM9.ammoType = '9mm'; weapon.PPM9.ammoIcon = 'smallBullet'; weapon.PPM9.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.PPM9.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.PPM9.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.PPM9.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.PPM9.accuracy = 0.4; weapon.PPM9.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.PPM9.weaponNoise = 10; weapon.PPM9.recoil = 2; weapon.PPM9.skill = 'pistols'; weapon.PPM9.damage = 8; weapon.PPM9.knockback = 1; weapon.PPM9.reloadTime = 45; weapon.PPM9.icon = 'pistol'; weapon.PPM9.rarity = 4; weapon.tauron = new Object(); weapon.tauron.ref = 'tauron'; weapon.tauron.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Tauron 9mm'; weapon.tauron.desc = '9mm Revolver.'; weapon.tauron.weight = 0.5; weapon.tauron.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.tauron.weaponType = 'revolver'; = 'pistol'; weapon.tauron.maxAmmo = 5; weapon.tauron.ammoType = '9mm'; weapon.tauron.ammoIcon = 'bigBullet'; weapon.tauron.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.tauron.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.tauron.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.tauron.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.tauron.accuracy = 0.6; weapon.tauron.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.tauron.weaponNoise = 7; weapon.tauron.recoil = 1; weapon.tauron.skill = 'pistols'; weapon.tauron.damage = 12; weapon.tauron.knockback = 7; weapon.tauron.reloadTime = 45; weapon.tauron.icon = 'pistol'; weapon.tauron.rarity = 3; weapon.deathAdder = new Object(); weapon.deathAdder.ref = 'deathAdder'; weapon.deathAdder.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Death Adder .45'; weapon.deathAdder.desc = '.45 caliber revolver.'; weapon.deathAdder.weight = 1; weapon.deathAdder.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.deathAdder.weaponType = 'revolver'; = 'pistol'; weapon.deathAdder.maxAmmo = 6; weapon.deathAdder.ammoType = '45'; weapon.deathAdder.ammoIcon = 'bigBullet'; weapon.deathAdder.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.deathAdder.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.deathAdder.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.deathAdder.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.deathAdder.accuracy = 0.3; weapon.deathAdder.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.deathAdder.weaponNoise = 10; weapon.deathAdder.recoil = 2; weapon.deathAdder.skill = 'pistols'; weapon.deathAdder.damage = 17; weapon.deathAdder.knockback = 15; weapon.deathAdder.reloadTime = 45; weapon.deathAdder.icon = 'pistol'; weapon.deathAdder.rarity = 12; weapon.shotgun = new Object(); weapon.shotgun.ref = 'shotgun'; weapon.shotgun.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Shotgun'; weapon.shotgun.desc = 'Pump action shotgun.'; weapon.shotgun.weight = 7; weapon.shotgun.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.shotgun.weaponType = 'pumpAction'; = 'shotgun'; weapon.shotgun.maxAmmo = 8; weapon.shotgun.ammoType = 'shotgun'; weapon.shotgun.ammoIcon = 'shotgunShell'; weapon.shotgun.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.shotgun.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.shotgun.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.shotgun.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.shotgun.accuracy = 0.8; weapon.shotgun.roundsPerShot = 3; weapon.shotgun.weaponNoise = 40; weapon.shotgun.recoil = 5; weapon.shotgun.skill = 'longGuns'; weapon.shotgun.damage = 12; weapon.shotgun.knockback = 20; weapon.shotgun.reloadTime = 25; weapon.shotgun.icon = 'shotgun'; weapon.shotgun.rarity = 7; weapon.thudder = new Object(); weapon.thudder.ref = 'thudder'; weapon.thudder.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Thudder [PREMIUM]'; weapon.thudder.desc = 'Suppressed Shotgun.'; weapon.thudder.weight = 7; weapon.thudder.location = 'nowhere'; weapon.thudder.weaponType = 'pumpAction'; = 'shotgun'; weapon.thudder.maxAmmo = 8; weapon.thudder.ammoType = 'shotgun'; weapon.thudder.ammoIcon = 'shotgunShell'; weapon.thudder.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.thudder.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.thudder.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.thudder.noFlash = true; weapon.thudder.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.thudder.accuracy = 0.8; weapon.thudder.roundsPerShot = 3; weapon.thudder.weaponNoise = 0; weapon.thudder.recoil = 5; weapon.thudder.skill = 'longGuns'; weapon.thudder.damage = 12; weapon.thudder.knockback = 20; weapon.thudder.reloadTime = 25; weapon.thudder.icon = 'shotgun'; weapon.thudder.rarity = 999999; weapon.thudder.premium = true; weapon.sawnOff = new Object(); weapon.sawnOff.ref = 'sawnOff'; weapon.sawnOff.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Sawn Off'; weapon.sawnOff.desc = 'Sawn-off shotgun.'; weapon.sawnOff.weight = 4; weapon.sawnOff.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.sawnOff.weaponType = 'revolver'; = 'shotgun'; weapon.sawnOff.maxAmmo = 2; weapon.sawnOff.ammoType = 'shotgun'; weapon.sawnOff.ammoIcon = 'shotgunShell'; weapon.sawnOff.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.sawnOff.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.sawnOff.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.sawnOff.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.sawnOff.accuracy = 0.95; weapon.sawnOff.roundsPerShot = 3; weapon.sawnOff.weaponNoise = 40; weapon.sawnOff.recoil = 5; weapon.sawnOff.skill = 'longGuns'; weapon.sawnOff.damage = 12; weapon.sawnOff.knockback = 16; weapon.sawnOff.reloadTime = 25; weapon.sawnOff.icon = 'shotgun'; weapon.sawnOff.rarity = 9; weapon.ambrose = new Object(); weapon.ambrose.ref = 'ambrose'; weapon.ambrose.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Ambrose Shotgun'; weapon.ambrose.desc = 'Long barrel pump action shotgun.'; weapon.ambrose.weight = 9; weapon.ambrose.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.ambrose.weaponType = 'pumpAction'; = 'shotgun'; weapon.ambrose.maxAmmo = 10; weapon.ambrose.ammoType = 'shotgun'; weapon.ambrose.ammoIcon = 'shotgunShell'; weapon.ambrose.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.ambrose.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.ambrose.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.ambrose.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.ambrose.accuracy = 0.7; weapon.ambrose.roundsPerShot = 3; weapon.ambrose.weaponNoise = 40; weapon.ambrose.recoil = 5; weapon.ambrose.skill = 'longGuns'; weapon.ambrose.damage = 12; weapon.ambrose.knockback = 20; weapon.ambrose.reloadTime = 25; weapon.ambrose.icon = 'shotgun'; weapon.ambrose.rarity = 9; weapon.MP5 = new Object(); weapon.MP5.ref = 'MP5'; weapon.MP5.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'MP5'; weapon.MP5.desc = 'Widely used, compact, 9mm submachine gun.'; weapon.MP5.weight = 5.5; weapon.MP5.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.MP5.weaponType = 'smg'; = 'smg'; weapon.MP5.maxAmmo = 30; weapon.MP5.ammoType = '9mm'; weapon.MP5.ammoIcon = 'smallBullet'; weapon.MP5.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.MP5.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.MP5.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.MP5.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.MP5.accuracy = 0.65; weapon.MP5.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.MP5.weaponNoise = 15; weapon.MP5.recoil = 2; weapon.MP5.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.MP5.damage = 9; weapon.MP5.knockback = 3; weapon.MP5.reloadTime = 35; weapon.MP5.icon = 'smg'; weapon.MP5.rarity = 13; weapon.UZI = new Object(); weapon.UZI.ref = 'UZI'; weapon.UZI.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'UZI'; weapon.UZI.desc = 'Widely used, compact, 9mm submachine gun.'; weapon.UZI.weight = 7.5; weapon.UZI.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.UZI.weaponType = 'smg'; = 'smg'; weapon.UZI.maxAmmo = 32; weapon.UZI.ammoType = '9mm'; weapon.UZI.ammoIcon = 'smallBullet'; weapon.UZI.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.UZI.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.UZI.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.UZI.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.UZI.accuracy = 0.75; weapon.UZI.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.UZI.weaponNoise = 15; weapon.UZI.recoil = 2; weapon.UZI.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.UZI.damage = 9; weapon.UZI.knockback = 3; weapon.UZI.reloadTime = 35; weapon.UZI.icon = 'smg'; weapon.UZI.rarity = 9; weapon.UMP45 = new Object(); weapon.UMP45.ref = 'UMP45'; weapon.UMP45.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'UMP45'; weapon.UMP45.desc = '.45 caliber submachine gun.'; weapon.UMP45.weight = 5; weapon.UMP45.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.UMP45.weaponType = 'smg'; = 'smg'; weapon.UMP45.maxAmmo = 25; weapon.UMP45.ammoType = '45'; weapon.UMP45.ammoIcon = 'smallBullet'; weapon.UMP45.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.UMP45.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.UMP45.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.UMP45.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.UMP45.accuracy = 0.65; weapon.UMP45.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.UMP45.weaponNoise = 15; weapon.UMP45.recoil = 2; weapon.UMP45.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.UMP45.damage = 13; weapon.UMP45.knockback = 5; weapon.UMP45.reloadTime = 35; weapon.UMP45.icon = 'smg'; weapon.UMP45.rarity = 15; weapon.vector = new Object(); weapon.vector.ref = 'vector'; weapon.vector.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'SV-SMG'; weapon.vector.desc = 'Compact and rare, .45 cal submachine gun.'; weapon.vector.weight = 5.5; weapon.vector.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.vector.weaponType = 'bullpup'; = 'smg'; weapon.vector.maxAmmo = 30; weapon.vector.ammoType = '45'; weapon.vector.ammoIcon = 'smallBullet'; weapon.vector.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.vector.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.vector.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.vector.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.vector.accuracy = 0.65; weapon.vector.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.vector.weaponNoise = 15; weapon.vector.recoil = 2; weapon.vector.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.vector.damage = 10; weapon.vector.knockback = 6; weapon.vector.reloadTime = 45; weapon.vector.icon = 'smg'; weapon.vector.rarity = 17; weapon.hellSlinger = new Object(); weapon.hellSlinger.ref = 'hellSlinger'; weapon.hellSlinger.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Hell Slinger [PREMIUM]'; weapon.hellSlinger.desc = 'Homemade Semi-Automatic Crossbow.'; weapon.hellSlinger.weight = 8; weapon.hellSlinger.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.hellSlinger.weaponType = 'assaultRifleSlow'; = 'none'; weapon.hellSlinger.maxAmmo = 4; weapon.hellSlinger.ammoType = 'arrow'; weapon.hellSlinger.ammoIcon = 'bigBullet'; weapon.hellSlinger.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.hellSlinger.projectile = 'arrow'; weapon.hellSlinger.decal = 'arrow'; weapon.hellSlinger.muzzleFlash = 'none'; weapon.hellSlinger.accuracy = 0.4; weapon.hellSlinger.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.hellSlinger.burst = true; weapon.hellSlinger.roundsPerBurst = 1; weapon.hellSlinger.weaponNoise = 8; weapon.hellSlinger.recoil = 2; weapon.hellSlinger.skill = 'specialWeapons'; weapon.hellSlinger.damage = 25; weapon.hellSlinger.knockback = 25; weapon.hellSlinger.reloadTime = 45; weapon.hellSlinger.icon = 'bow'; weapon.hellSlinger.rarity = 99999999; weapon.hellSlinger.premium = true; weapon.thor = new Object(); weapon.thor.ref = 'thor'; weapon.thor.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'THOR'; weapon.thor.desc = 'Automatic Shotgun.'; weapon.thor.weight = 8; weapon.thor.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.thor.weaponType = 'assaultRifleSlow'; = 'shotgun'; weapon.thor.maxAmmo = 10; weapon.thor.ammoType = 'shotgun'; weapon.thor.ammoIcon = 'shotgunShell'; weapon.thor.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.thor.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.thor.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.thor.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.thor.accuracy = 0.8; weapon.thor.roundsPerShot = 3; weapon.thor.weaponNoise = 20; weapon.thor.recoil = 2; weapon.thor.skill = 'longGuns'; weapon.thor.damage = 5; weapon.thor.knockback = 25; weapon.thor.reloadTime = 45; weapon.thor.icon = 'shotgun'; weapon.thor.rarity = 18; weapon.XM8 = new Object(); weapon.XM8.ref = 'XM8'; weapon.XM8.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'XM8'; weapon.XM8.desc = 'Fully automatic carbine assault rifle.'; weapon.XM8.weight = 6.5; weapon.XM8.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.XM8.weaponType = 'assaultRifle'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.XM8.maxAmmo = 30; weapon.XM8.ammoType = '556'; weapon.XM8.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.XM8.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.XM8.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.XM8.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.XM8.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.XM8.accuracy = 0.5; weapon.XM8.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.XM8.weaponNoise = 20; weapon.XM8.recoil = 2; weapon.XM8.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.XM8.damage = 10; weapon.XM8.knockback = 5; weapon.XM8.reloadTime = 45; weapon.XM8.icon = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.XM8.rarity = 18; weapon.M4A1 = new Object(); weapon.M4A1.ref = 'M4A1'; weapon.M4A1.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'M4A1'; weapon.M4A1.desc = 'Fully automatic carbine assault rifle.'; weapon.M4A1.weight = 7; weapon.M4A1.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.M4A1.weaponType = 'assaultRifle'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.M4A1.maxAmmo = 30; weapon.M4A1.ammoType = '556'; weapon.M4A1.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.M4A1.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.M4A1.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.M4A1.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.M4A1.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.M4A1.accuracy = 0.55; weapon.M4A1.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.M4A1.weaponNoise = 20; weapon.M4A1.recoil = 2; weapon.M4A1.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.M4A1.damage = 10; weapon.M4A1.knockback = 5; weapon.M4A1.reloadTime = 45; weapon.M4A1.icon = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.M4A1.rarity = 14; weapon.M16A2 = new Object(); weapon.M16A2.ref = 'M16A2'; weapon.M16A2.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'M16A2'; weapon.M16A2.desc = 'Burst fire automatic assault rifle.'; weapon.M16A2.weight = 9; weapon.M16A2.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.M16A2.weaponType = 'assaultRifle'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.M16A2.maxAmmo = 30; weapon.M16A2.ammoType = '556'; weapon.M16A2.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.M16A2.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.M16A2.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.M16A2.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.M16A2.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.M16A2.accuracy = 0.5; weapon.M16A2.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.M16A2.burst = true; weapon.M16A2.roundsPerBurst = 3; weapon.M16A2.weaponNoise = 25; weapon.M16A2.recoil = 2.5; weapon.M16A2.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.M16A2.damage = 10; weapon.M16A2.knockback = 5; weapon.M16A2.reloadTime = 45; weapon.M16A2.icon = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.M16A2.rarity = 12; weapon.SCARH = new Object(); weapon.SCARH.ref = 'SCARH'; weapon.SCARH.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'SCAR-H'; weapon.SCARH.desc = 'Special Combat Assault Rifle - Heavy variant.'; weapon.SCARH.weight = 8; weapon.SCARH.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.SCARH.weaponType = 'assaultRifle'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.SCARH.maxAmmo = 20; weapon.SCARH.ammoType = '762'; weapon.SCARH.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.SCARH.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.SCARH.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.SCARH.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.SCARH.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.SCARH.accuracy = 0.5; weapon.SCARH.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.SCARH.burst = false; weapon.SCARH.roundsPerBurst = 0; weapon.SCARH.weaponNoise = 25; weapon.SCARH.recoil = 2.5; weapon.SCARH.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.SCARH.damage = 16; weapon.SCARH.knockback = 8; weapon.SCARH.reloadTime = 45; weapon.SCARH.icon = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.SCARH.rarity = 17; weapon.FAL = new Object(); weapon.FAL.ref = 'FAL'; weapon.FAL.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'FAL Battle Rifle'; weapon.FAL.desc = 'Automatic battle rifle.'; weapon.FAL.weight = 10; weapon.FAL.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.FAL.weaponType = 'assaultRifleSlow'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.FAL.maxAmmo = 20; weapon.FAL.ammoType = '762'; weapon.FAL.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.FAL.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.FAL.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.FAL.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.FAL.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.FAL.accuracy = 0.5; weapon.FAL.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.FAL.burst = false; weapon.FAL.roundsPerBurst = 1; weapon.FAL.weaponNoise = 25; weapon.FAL.recoil = 2.5; weapon.FAL.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.FAL.damage = 18; weapon.FAL.knockback = 10; weapon.FAL.piercing = 2; weapon.FAL.reloadTime = 45; weapon.FAL.flashOffset = 30; weapon.FAL.icon = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.FAL.rarity = 18; weapon.AK47 = new Object(); weapon.AK47.ref = 'AK47'; weapon.AK47.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'AK47'; weapon.AK47.desc = 'Fully automatic carbine assault rifle.'; weapon.AK47.weight = 7; weapon.AK47.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.AK47.weaponType = 'assaultRifle'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.AK47.maxAmmo = 30; weapon.AK47.ammoType = '762'; weapon.AK47.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.AK47.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.AK47.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.AK47.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.AK47.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.AK47.accuracy = 0.45; weapon.AK47.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.AK47.weaponNoise = 25; weapon.AK47.recoil = 2; weapon.AK47.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.AK47.damage = 15; weapon.AK47.knockback = 8; weapon.AK47.reloadTime = 45; weapon.AK47.icon = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.AK47.rarity = 13; weapon.M24 = new Object(); weapon.M24.ref = 'M24'; weapon.M24.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'M24 Rifle'; weapon.M24.desc = 'Sniper Rifle.'; weapon.M24.weight = 12; weapon.M24.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.M24.weaponType = 'boltAction'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.M24.maxAmmo = 10; weapon.M24.ammoType = '762'; weapon.M24.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.M24.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.M24.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.M24.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.M24.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.M24.accuracy = 0.3; weapon.M24.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.M24.weaponNoise = 25; weapon.M24.recoil = 2; weapon.M24.skill = 'longGuns'; weapon.M24.damage = 50; weapon.M24.piercing = 3; weapon.M24.knockback = 8; weapon.M24.reloadTime = 45; weapon.M24.icon = 'sniper'; weapon.M24.rarity = 17; weapon.hunter = new Object(); weapon.hunter.ref = 'hunter'; weapon.hunter.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Hunter Compact'; weapon.hunter.desc = 'Compact 5.56 hunting rifle.'; weapon.hunter.weight = 7; weapon.hunter.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.hunter.weaponType = 'boltAction'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.hunter.maxAmmo = 5; weapon.hunter.ammoType = '556'; weapon.hunter.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.hunter.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.hunter.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.hunter.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.hunter.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.hunter.accuracy = 0.45; weapon.hunter.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.hunter.weaponNoise = 20; weapon.hunter.recoil = 2; weapon.hunter.skill = 'longGuns'; weapon.hunter.damage = 30; weapon.hunter.piercing = 2; weapon.hunter.knockback = 6; weapon.hunter.reloadTime = 45; weapon.hunter.icon = 'sniper'; weapon.hunter.rarity = 15; weapon.M82 = new Object(); weapon.M82.ref = 'M82'; weapon.M82.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'M82 Sniper'; weapon.M82.desc = 'Large caliber sniper rifle.'; weapon.M82.weight = 28; weapon.M82.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.M82.weaponType = 'bigRifle'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.M82.maxAmmo = 10; weapon.M82.ammoType = '50cal'; weapon.M82.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.M82.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.M82.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.M82.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.M82.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.M82.accuracy = 0.3; weapon.M82.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.M82.weaponNoise = 20; weapon.M82.recoil = 5; weapon.M82.skill = 'longGuns'; weapon.M82.damage = 60; weapon.M82.piercing = 4; weapon.M82.knockback = 15; weapon.M82.reloadTime = 45; weapon.M82.icon = 'sniper'; weapon.M82.rarity = 9999999; weapon.M82.reward = true; weapon.M249 = new Object(); weapon.M249.ref = 'M249'; weapon.M249.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'M249 SAW'; weapon.M249.desc = 'Squad Automatic Weapon.'; weapon.M249.weight = 22; weapon.M249.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.M249.weaponType = 'lmg'; = 'assaultRifle'; weapon.M249.maxAmmo = 100; weapon.M249.ammoType = '556'; weapon.M249.ammoIcon = 'tinyBullet'; weapon.M249.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.M249.projectile = 'tracer'; weapon.M249.decal = 'bulletSmall'; weapon.M249.muzzleFlash = 'muzzleFlashMedium'; weapon.M249.accuracy = 0.5; weapon.M249.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.M249.weaponNoise = 25; weapon.M249.recoil = 2; weapon.M249.skill = 'automatics'; weapon.M249.damage = 15; weapon.M249.knockback = 8; weapon.M249.reloadTime = 45; weapon.M249.icon = 'lmg'; weapon.M249.rarity = 18; weapon.handGrenade = new Object(); weapon.handGrenade.ref = 'handGrenade'; weapon.handGrenade.weaponBase = 'handGrenade'; weapon.handGrenade.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'Hand Grenade'; weapon.handGrenade.desc = 'Thrown explosive device.'; weapon.handGrenade.weight = 2; weapon.handGrenade.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.handGrenade.weaponType = 'handGrenade'; = 'none'; weapon.handGrenade.maxAmmo = 1; weapon.handGrenade.ammoType = 'grenade'; weapon.handGrenade.ammoIcon = 'grenade'; weapon.handGrenade.roundSpeed = 30; weapon.handGrenade.projectile = 'grenade'; weapon.handGrenade.decal = 'none'; weapon.handGrenade.noFlash = true; weapon.handGrenade.muzzleFlash = 'none'; weapon.handGrenade.accuracy = 0; weapon.handGrenade.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.handGrenade.weaponNoise = 20; weapon.handGrenade.recoil = 0; weapon.handGrenade.grenade = true; weapon.handGrenade.skill = 'specialWeapons'; weapon.handGrenade.damage = 0; weapon.handGrenade.splashDamage = 90; weapon.handGrenade.splashSize = 150; weapon.handGrenade.piercing = 0; weapon.handGrenade.knockback = 30; = 50; weapon.handGrenade.reloadTime = 45; weapon.handGrenade.icon = 'grenade'; weapon.handGrenade.rarity = 13; weapon.handGrenade.reloadOnSwap = true; weapon.M79 = new Object(); weapon.M79.ref = 'M79'; weapon.M79.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'M79 Grenade Launcher'; weapon.M79.desc = 'Break action grenade launcher.'; weapon.M79.weight = 5; weapon.M79.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.M79.weaponType = 'grenadeLauncher'; = 'none'; weapon.M79.maxAmmo = 1; weapon.M79.ammoType = '40mmGrenade'; weapon.M79.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.M79.roundSpeed = 45; weapon.M79.projectile = '40mmGrenade'; weapon.M79.decal = 'blast'; weapon.M79.muzzleFlash = 'smoke'; weapon.M79.accuracy = 0; weapon.M79.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.M79.weaponNoise = 25; weapon.M79.recoil = 5; weapon.M79.grenade40mm = true; weapon.M79.skill = 'specialWeapons'; weapon.M79.damage = 1; weapon.M79.splashDamage = 120; weapon.M79.splashSize = 100; weapon.M79.piercing = 0; weapon.M79.knockback = 30; weapon.M79.reloadTime = 45; weapon.M79.icon = 'launcher'; weapon.M79.rarity = 16; weapon.RPG = new Object(); weapon.RPG.ref = 'RPG'; weapon.RPG.weaponBase = 'RPG'; weapon.RPG.weaponClass = 'firearm'; = 'RPG'; weapon.RPG.desc = 'Rocket Propelled Grenade.'; weapon.RPG.weight = 15; weapon.RPG.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.RPG.weaponType = 'RPG'; = 'none'; weapon.RPG.maxAmmo = 1; weapon.RPG.ammoType = 'RPG'; weapon.RPG.ammoIcon = 'rifleShell'; weapon.RPG.roundSpeed = 70; weapon.RPG.projectile = 'RPG'; weapon.RPG.decal = 'blast'; weapon.RPG.muzzleFlash = 'smoke'; weapon.RPG.accuracy = 0; weapon.RPG.roundsPerShot = 1; weapon.RPG.weaponNoise = 25; weapon.RPG.recoil = 5; weapon.RPG.grenade40mm = false; weapon.RPG.hitGrenade = true; weapon.RPG.skill = 'specialWeapons'; weapon.RPG.damage = 15; weapon.RPG.splashDamage = 200; weapon.RPG.splashSize = 150; weapon.RPG.piercing = 0; weapon.RPG.knockback = 30; weapon.RPG.reloadTime = 45; weapon.RPG.icon = 'launcher'; weapon.RPG.rarity = 18; weapon.RPG.reloadOnSwap = true; var allMelee = new Array(); var anywhereMelee = new Array(); var bathroomMelee = new Array(); var kitchenMelee = new Array(); var basementMelee = new Array(); var bedroomMelee = new Array(); var loungeMelee = new Array(); var officeMelee = new Array(); weapon.guitar = new Object(); weapon.guitar.ref = 'guitar'; weapon.guitar.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Flying Zee [PREMIUM]'; weapon.guitar.desc = 'Rock\'n\'Roll.'; weapon.guitar.weight = 4; weapon.guitar.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.guitar.location = 'basement'; weapon.guitar.damage = 18; weapon.guitar.material = 'guitar'; weapon.guitar.swing = 'wood'; weapon.guitar.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.guitar.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.guitar.knockback = 10; weapon.guitar.rarity = 9999999; weapon.guitar.premium = true; weapon.sickle = new Object(); weapon.sickle.ref = 'sickle'; weapon.sickle.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Sickle [PREMIUM]'; weapon.sickle.desc = 'Long handled farming tool.'; weapon.sickle.weight = 5; weapon.sickle.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.sickle.location = 'basement'; weapon.sickle.damage = 28; weapon.sickle.material = 'blade'; weapon.sickle.swing = 'blade'; weapon.sickle.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.sickle.skill = 'blades'; weapon.sickle.knockback = 5; weapon.sickle.rarity = 9999999; weapon.sickle.premium = true; weapon.hands = new Object(); weapon.hands.ref = 'hands'; weapon.hands.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Hands'; weapon.hands.desc = '.'; weapon.hands.weight = 0; weapon.hands.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.hands.location = 'basement'; weapon.hands.damage = 0; weapon.hands.material = 'flesh'; weapon.hands.swing = 'wood'; weapon.hands.weaponType = 'fists'; weapon.hands.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.hands.knockback = 1; weapon.hands.rarity = 9999; weapon.crowbar = new Object(); weapon.crowbar.ref = 'crowbar'; weapon.crowbar.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Crowbar'; weapon.crowbar.desc = 'Large metal bar with a hooked end.'; weapon.crowbar.weight = 10; weapon.crowbar.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.crowbar.location = 'basement'; weapon.crowbar.damage = 15; weapon.crowbar.material = 'pipe'; weapon.crowbar.swing = 'wood'; weapon.crowbar.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.crowbar.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.crowbar.knockback = 15; weapon.crowbar.rarity = 5; weapon.tireIron = new Object(); weapon.tireIron.ref = 'tireIron'; weapon.tireIron.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Tire Iron'; weapon.tireIron.desc = 'Tool used to remove car tires.'; weapon.tireIron.weight = 7; weapon.tireIron.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.tireIron.location = 'basement'; weapon.tireIron.damage = 13; weapon.tireIron.material = 'pipe'; weapon.tireIron.swing = 'wood'; weapon.tireIron.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.tireIron.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.tireIron.knockback = 13; weapon.tireIron.rarity = 4; weapon.pipe = new Object(); weapon.pipe.ref = 'pipe'; weapon.pipe.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Pipe'; weapon.pipe.desc = 'A length of metal pipe.'; weapon.pipe.weight = 5; weapon.pipe.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.pipe.location = 'basement'; weapon.pipe.damage = 10; weapon.pipe.material = 'pipe'; weapon.pipe.swing = 'blade'; weapon.pipe.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.pipe.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.pipe.knockback = 10; weapon.pipe.rarity = 2; weapon.cricketBat = new Object(); weapon.cricketBat.ref = 'cricketBat'; weapon.cricketBat.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Cricket Bat'; weapon.cricketBat.desc = 'Pretty sure Australians invented this.'; weapon.cricketBat.weight = 3; weapon.cricketBat.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.cricketBat.location = 'basement'; weapon.cricketBat.damage = 11; weapon.cricketBat.material = 'wood'; weapon.cricketBat.swing = 'wood'; weapon.cricketBat.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.cricketBat.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.cricketBat.knockback = 10; weapon.cricketBat.rarity = 13; weapon.golfClub = new Object(); weapon.golfClub.ref = 'golfClub'; weapon.golfClub.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Golf Club'; weapon.golfClub.desc = 'FORE!'; weapon.golfClub.weight = 2; weapon.golfClub.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.golfClub.location = 'basement'; weapon.golfClub.damage = 8; weapon.golfClub.material = 'wood'; weapon.golfClub.swing = 'blade'; weapon.golfClub.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.golfClub.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.golfClub.knockback = 8; weapon.golfClub.rarity = 7; weapon.hockeyStick = new Object(); weapon.hockeyStick.ref = 'hockeyStick'; weapon.hockeyStick.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Hockey Stick'; weapon.hockeyStick.desc = 'Some kind of Canadian egg flipper.'; weapon.hockeyStick.weight = 1.5; weapon.hockeyStick.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.hockeyStick.location = 'basement'; weapon.hockeyStick.damage = 5; weapon.hockeyStick.material = 'wood'; weapon.hockeyStick.swing = 'wood'; weapon.hockeyStick.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.hockeyStick.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.hockeyStick.knockback = 6; weapon.hockeyStick.rarity = 12; weapon.clawHammer = new Object(); weapon.clawHammer.ref = 'clawHammer'; weapon.clawHammer.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Claw Hammer'; weapon.clawHammer.desc = 'Handyman claw hammer.'; weapon.clawHammer.weight = 3; weapon.clawHammer.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.clawHammer.location = 'basement'; weapon.clawHammer.damage = 12; weapon.clawHammer.material = 'pipe'; weapon.clawHammer.swing = 'wood'; weapon.clawHammer.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.clawHammer.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.clawHammer.knockback = 20; weapon.clawHammer.rarity = 3; weapon.shovel = new Object(); weapon.shovel.ref = 'shovel'; weapon.shovel.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Shovel'; weapon.shovel.desc = 'This thing is sharp on the end.'; weapon.shovel.weight = 4; weapon.shovel.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.shovel.location = 'basement'; weapon.shovel.damage = 25; weapon.shovel.material = 'shovel'; weapon.shovel.swing = 'wood'; weapon.shovel.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.shovel.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.shovel.knockback = 20; weapon.shovel.rarity = 8; weapon.nailBoard = new Object(); weapon.nailBoard.ref = 'nailBoard'; weapon.nailBoard.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Nail Board'; weapon.nailBoard.desc = 'Someone has a nasty imagination.'; weapon.nailBoard.weight = 4; weapon.nailBoard.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.nailBoard.location = 'basement'; weapon.nailBoard.damage = 15; weapon.nailBoard.material = 'wood'; weapon.nailBoard.swing = 'wood'; weapon.nailBoard.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.nailBoard.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.nailBoard.knockback = 20; weapon.nailBoard.rarity = 9; weapon.woodBoard = new Object(); weapon.woodBoard.ref = 'woodBoard'; weapon.woodBoard.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Wood Board'; weapon.woodBoard.desc = 'Good old 2 x 4.'; weapon.woodBoard.weight = 3; weapon.woodBoard.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.woodBoard.location = 'basement'; weapon.woodBoard.damage = 10; weapon.woodBoard.material = 'wood'; weapon.woodBoard.swing = 'wood'; weapon.woodBoard.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.woodBoard.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.woodBoard.knockback = 20; weapon.woodBoard.rarity = 2; weapon.mace = new Object(); weapon.mace.ref = 'mace'; weapon.mace.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Mace'; weapon.mace.desc = 'Ye Olde Fashion Head Basher.'; weapon.mace.weight = 12; weapon.mace.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.mace.location = 'basement'; weapon.mace.damage = 20; weapon.mace.material = 'pipe'; weapon.mace.swing = 'wood'; weapon.mace.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.mace.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.mace.knockback = 40; weapon.mace.rarity = 99999999; weapon.sledge = new Object(); weapon.sledge.ref = 'sledge'; weapon.sledge.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'sledge'; weapon.sledge.desc = '10lb Sledge hammer.'; weapon.sledge.weight = 10; weapon.sledge.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.sledge.location = 'basement'; weapon.sledge.damage = 30; weapon.sledge.material = 'pipe'; weapon.sledge.swing = 'wood'; weapon.sledge.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.sledge.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.sledge.knockback = 50; weapon.sledge.rarity = 10; weapon.bat = new Object(); weapon.bat.ref = 'bat'; weapon.bat.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Baseball Bat'; weapon.bat.desc = 'Glendale Plugger brand bat.'; weapon.bat.weight = 2; weapon.bat.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.bat.location = 'basement'; weapon.bat.damage = 10; weapon.bat.material = 'wood'; weapon.bat.swing = 'wood'; weapon.bat.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.bat.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.bat.knockback = 40; weapon.bat.rarity = 4; weapon.policeBaton = new Object(); weapon.policeBaton.ref = 'policeBaton'; weapon.policeBaton.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Police Baton'; weapon.policeBaton.desc = 'Police standard issue baton.'; weapon.policeBaton.weight = 2; weapon.policeBaton.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.policeBaton.location = 'basement'; weapon.policeBaton.damage = 15; weapon.policeBaton.material = 'wood'; weapon.policeBaton.swing = 'wood'; weapon.policeBaton.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.policeBaton.skill = 'blunt'; weapon.policeBaton.knockback = 30; weapon.policeBaton.rarity = 8; weapon.machete = new Object(); weapon.machete.ref = 'machete'; weapon.machete.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'machete'; weapon.machete.desc = 'Long bladed machete.'; weapon.machete.weight = 2.5; weapon.machete.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.machete.location = 'basement'; weapon.machete.damage = 20; weapon.machete.material = 'blade'; weapon.machete.swing = 'blade'; weapon.machete.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.machete.skill = 'blades'; weapon.machete.knockback = 6; weapon.machete.rarity = 8; weapon.cleaver = new Object(); weapon.cleaver.ref = 'cleaver'; weapon.cleaver.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Cleaver'; weapon.cleaver.desc = 'Butcher\'s flat bladed knife.'; weapon.cleaver.weight = 1.5; weapon.cleaver.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.cleaver.location = 'basement'; weapon.cleaver.damage = 18; weapon.cleaver.material = 'blade'; weapon.cleaver.swing = 'blade'; weapon.cleaver.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.cleaver.skill = 'blades'; weapon.cleaver.knockback = 6; weapon.cleaver.rarity = 6; weapon.katana = new Object(); weapon.katana.ref = 'katana'; weapon.katana.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'katana'; weapon.katana.desc = 'Long bladed sword.'; weapon.katana.weight = 5; weapon.katana.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.katana.location = 'basement'; weapon.katana.damage = 40; weapon.katana.material = 'blade'; weapon.katana.swing = 'blade'; weapon.katana.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.katana.skill = 'blades'; weapon.katana.knockback = 6; weapon.katana.rarity = 14; weapon.fireAxe = new Object(); weapon.fireAxe.ref = 'fireAxe'; weapon.fireAxe.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Fire Axe'; weapon.fireAxe.desc = 'Firefighters axe.'; weapon.fireAxe.weight = 8; weapon.fireAxe.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.fireAxe.location = 'basement'; weapon.fireAxe.damage = 35; weapon.fireAxe.material = 'axe'; weapon.fireAxe.swing = 'wood'; weapon.fireAxe.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.fireAxe.skill = 'blades'; weapon.fireAxe.knockback = 6; weapon.fireAxe.rarity = 12; weapon.battleAxe = new Object(); weapon.battleAxe.ref = 'battleAxe'; weapon.battleAxe.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Battle Axe'; weapon.battleAxe.desc = 'Someone should check on these ren-fair types.'; weapon.battleAxe.weight = 14; weapon.battleAxe.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.battleAxe.location = 'basement'; weapon.battleAxe.damage = 45; weapon.battleAxe.material = 'axe'; weapon.battleAxe.swing = 'wood'; weapon.battleAxe.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.battleAxe.skill = 'blades'; weapon.battleAxe.knockback = 20; weapon.battleAxe.rarity = 99999999; weapon.battleAxe.reward = true; weapon.hatchet = new Object(); weapon.hatchet.ref = 'hatchet'; weapon.hatchet.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Hatchet'; weapon.hatchet.desc = 'Small handled axe.'; weapon.hatchet.weight = 4; weapon.hatchet.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.hatchet.location = 'basement'; weapon.hatchet.damage = 20; weapon.hatchet.material = 'axe'; weapon.hatchet.swing = 'wood'; weapon.hatchet.weaponType = 'twoHand'; weapon.hatchet.skill = 'blades'; weapon.hatchet.knockback = 4; weapon.hatchet.rarity = 6; weapon.kitchenKnife = new Object(); weapon.kitchenKnife.ref = 'kitchenKnife'; weapon.kitchenKnife.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Kitchen Knife'; weapon.kitchenKnife.desc = 'Large bladed kitchen knife.'; weapon.kitchenKnife.weight = 1; weapon.kitchenKnife.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.kitchenKnife.location = 'kitchen'; weapon.kitchenKnife.damage = 5; weapon.kitchenKnife.material = 'blade'; weapon.kitchenKnife.swing = 'blade'; weapon.kitchenKnife.weaponType = 'oneHand'; weapon.kitchenKnife.skill = 'blades'; weapon.kitchenKnife.knockback = 2; weapon.kitchenKnife.rarity = 2; weapon.pocketKnife = new Object(); weapon.pocketKnife.ref = 'pocketKnife'; weapon.pocketKnife.weaponClass = 'melee'; = 'Pocket Knife'; weapon.pocketKnife.desc = 'Small bladed pocket knife.'; weapon.pocketKnife.weight = 1; weapon.pocketKnife.maxAmmo = 0; weapon.pocketKnife.location = 'anywhere'; weapon.pocketKnife.damage = 3; weapon.pocketKnife.material = 'blade'; weapon.pocketKnife.swing = 'blade'; weapon.pocketKnife.weaponType = 'oneHand'; weapon.pocketKnife.skill = 'blades'; weapon.pocketKnife.knockback = 1; weapon.pocketKnife.rarity = 1; var moddable = false; var allWeaponMods = new Array('stock', 'lightened', 'scope', 'damaged', 'extendedMag', 'suppressed', 'military', 'sharpened', 'heavy', 'dull', 'specOps'); var allModdedWeapons = new Array(); var weaponMod_stock = 0.9; var weaponMod_lightened = 0.5; var weaponMod_scope = 0.7; var weaponMod_damagedAcc = 1.4; var weaponMod_damagedDamage = 0.5; var weaponMod_extendedMag = 1.5; var weaponMod_suppressedDamage = 0.9; var weaponMod_suppressedNoise = 0.3; var weaponMod_militaryAmmo = 1.3; var weaponMod_militaryDamage = 1.3; var weaponMod_sharpenedDamage = 1.3; var weaponMod_heavyDamage = 1.3; var weaponMod_heavyWeight = 1.4; var weaponMod_dullDamage = 0.7; var weaponMod_specOpsAcc = 0.7; var weaponMod_specOpsNoise = 0.3; var lightenedWeapons = ['boltAction', 'assaultRifle', 'smg', 'bullpup', 'pumpAction', 'pistolAutomatic', 'lmg']; var stockWeapons = ['boltAction', 'assaultRifle', 'smg', 'bullpup', 'pumpAction', 'lmg']; var scopeWeapons = ['boltAction', 'assaultRifle', 'smg', 'bullpup', 'revolver']; var extendedMagWeapons = ['boltAction', 'assaultRifle', 'smg', 'bullpup', 'pistolAutomatic']; var suppressedWeapons = ['assaultRifle', 'smg', 'bullpup', 'pistolAutomatic']; var militaryWeapons = ['boltAction', 'assaultRifle', 'smg', 'bullpup', 'pistolAutomatic', 'lmg']; var specOpsWeapons = ['bullpup', 'smg', 'assaultRifle']; var sharpenedWeapons = ['blade']; var heavyWeapons = ['blunt']; var dullWeapons = ['blade']; createWeaponMods(); applyWeaponMods(); var allItems = new Array(); var numRarities = 30; var rarityLevelCap = 5; var rarity1 = new Array(); var rarity2 = new Array(); var rarity3 = new Array(); var rarity4 = new Array(); var rarity5 = new Array(); var rarity6 = new Array(); var rarity7 = new Array(); var rarity8 = new Array(); var rarity9 = new Array(); var rarity10 = new Array(); var rarity11 = new Array(); var rarity12 = new Array(); var rarity13 = new Array(); var rarity14 = new Array(); var rarity15 = new Array(); var rarity16 = new Array(); var rarity17 = new Array(); var rarity18 = new Array(); var rarity19 = new Array(); var rarity20 = new Array(); var rarity21 = new Array(); var rarity22 = new Array(); var rarity23 = new Array(); var rarity24 = new Array(); var rarity25 = new Array(); var rarity26 = new Array(); var rarity27 = new Array(); var rarity28 = new Array(); var rarity29 = new Array(); var rarity30 = new Array(); var currItemType = ''; var allFood = new Array(); food = new Object(); food.cannedBeans = new Object(); food.cannedBeans.ref = 'cannedBeans'; = 'Canned Beans'; food.cannedBeans.desc = 'Can of baked beans.'; food.cannedBeans.effect = ''; food.cannedBeans.weight = 0.5; food.cannedBeans.bonus = 20; food.cannedBeans.pickup = 'can'; food.cannedBeans.rarity = 1; food.cannedCorn = new Object(); food.cannedCorn.ref = 'cannedCorn'; = 'Canned Corn'; food.cannedCorn.desc = 'Can of sweet corn.'; food.cannedCorn.effect = ''; food.cannedCorn.weight = 0.5; food.cannedCorn.bonus = 10; food.cannedCorn.pickup = 'can'; food.cannedCorn.rarity = 3; food.cannedTomato = new Object(); food.cannedTomato.ref = 'cannedTomato'; = 'Canned Tomatoes'; food.cannedTomato.desc = 'Can of peeled tomatoes.'; food.cannedTomato.effect = ''; food.cannedTomato.weight = 0.5; food.cannedTomato.bonus = 15; food.cannedTomato.pickup = 'can'; food.cannedTomato.rarity = 3; food.water = new Object(); food.water.ref = 'water'; = 'Bottled Water'; food.water.desc = 'Bottle of Water.'; food.water.effect = ''; food.water.weight = 0.5; food.water.bonus = 5; food.water.pickup = 'bottle'; food.water.rarity = 1; food.jerky = new Object(); food.jerky.ref = 'jerky'; = 'Beef Jerky'; food.jerky.desc = 'Dried beef in stick form.'; food.jerky.effect = ''; food.jerky.weight = 0.1; food.jerky.bonus = 2; food.jerky.pickup = 'package'; food.jerky.rarity = 4; food.cannedFruit = new Object(); food.cannedFruit.ref = 'cannedFruit'; = 'Canned Fruit'; food.cannedFruit.desc = 'Can of mixed summer fruits.'; food.cannedFruit.effect = ''; food.cannedFruit.weight = 0.5; food.cannedFruit.bonus = 10; food.cannedFruit.pickup = 'can'; food.cannedFruit.rarity = 3; = new Object(); = 'apple'; = 'Apple'; = 'An apple.'; = ''; = 0.1; = 5; = 'apple'; = 1; = new Object(); = 'orange'; = 'Orange'; = 'An orange.'; = ''; = 0.1; = 5; = 'orange'; = 1; food.chips = new Object(); food.chips.ref = 'chips'; = 'Chips'; food.chips.desc = 'Bag of Chips. No dip.'; food.chips.effect = ''; food.chips.weight = 0.2; food.chips.bonus = 2; food.chips.pickup = 'package'; food.chips.rarity = 1; food.cereal = new Object(); food.cereal.ref = 'cereal'; = 'Breakfast Cereal'; food.cereal.desc = 'Box of breakfast cereal.'; food.cereal.effect = ''; food.cereal.weight = 1; food.cereal.bonus = 15; food.cereal.pickup = 'box'; food.cereal.rarity = 5; food.chocolate = new Object(); food.chocolate.ref = 'chocolate'; = 'Chocolate'; food.chocolate.desc = 'Bag of \'fun sized\' chocolate bars.'; food.chocolate.effect = ''; food.chocolate.weight = 0.2; food.chocolate.bonus = 8; food.chocolate.pickup = 'package'; food.chocolate.rarity = 4; food.pasta = new Object(); food.pasta.ref = 'pasta'; = 'Pasta'; food.pasta.desc = 'Canned pasta.'; food.pasta.effect = ''; food.pasta.weight = 0.5; food.pasta.bonus = 25; food.pasta.pickup = 'can'; food.pasta.rarity = 6; food.pickles = new Object(); food.pickles.ref = 'pickles'; = 'Pickles'; food.pickles.desc = 'Jar of Pickles.'; food.pickles.effect = ''; food.pickles.weight = 1; food.pickles.bonus = 15; food.pickles.pickup = 'jar'; food.pickles.rarity = 6; food.peanuts = new Object(); food.peanuts.ref = 'peanuts'; = 'Peanuts'; food.peanuts.desc = 'Bag of Peanuts.'; food.peanuts.effect = ''; food.peanuts.weight = 0.5; food.peanuts.bonus = 12; food.peanuts.pickup = 'package'; food.peanuts.rarity = 3; food.sodaCan = new Object(); food.sodaCan.ref = 'sodaCan'; = 'Can of Soda'; food.sodaCan.desc = 'Small can of soda.'; food.sodaCan.effect = ''; food.sodaCan.weight = 0.5; food.sodaCan.bonus = 1; food.sodaCan.pickup = 'sodaCan'; food.sodaCan.rarity = 2; food.sodaBottle = new Object(); food.sodaBottle.ref = 'sodaBottle'; = 'Bottle of Soda'; food.sodaBottle.desc = 'Large bottle of soda.'; food.sodaBottle.effect = ''; food.sodaBottle.weight = 2; food.sodaBottle.bonus = 2; food.sodaBottle.pickup = 'bottleSoda'; food.sodaBottle.rarity = 3; food.cookies = new Object(); food.cookies.ref = 'cookies'; = 'Cookies'; food.cookies.desc = 'Chocolate chip cookies.'; food.cookies.effect = ''; food.cookies.weight = 0.5; food.cookies.bonus = 8; food.cookies.pickup = 'package'; food.cookies.rarity = 3; food.soupChicken = new Object(); food.soupChicken.ref = 'soupChicken'; = 'Chicken Soup'; food.soupChicken.desc = 'Can of Chicken Noodle Soup.'; food.soupChicken.effect = ''; food.soupChicken.weight = 0.5; food.soupChicken.bonus = 12; food.soupChicken.pickup = 'can'; food.soupChicken.rarity = 3; food.soupBeef = new Object(); food.soupBeef.ref = 'soupBeef'; = 'Beef Soup'; food.soupBeef.desc = 'Can of Beef Soup.'; food.soupBeef.effect = ''; food.soupBeef.weight = 0.5; food.soupBeef.bonus = 12; food.soupBeef.pickup = 'can'; food.soupBeef.rarity = 3; food.soupVegetable = new Object(); food.soupVegetable.ref = 'soupVegetable'; = 'Vegetable Soup'; food.soupVegetable.desc = 'Can of Vegetable Soup.'; food.soupVegetable.effect = ''; food.soupVegetable.weight = 0.5; food.soupVegetable.bonus = 10; food.soupVegetable.pickup = 'can'; food.soupVegetable.rarity = 3; food.jelly = new Object(); food.jelly.ref = 'jelly'; = 'Raspberry Jelly'; food.jelly.desc = 'Jar of Jelly.'; food.jelly.effect = ''; food.jelly.weight = 0.5; food.jelly.bonus = 5; food.jelly.pickup = 'jar'; food.jelly.rarity = 6; food.peanutButter = new Object(); food.peanutButter.ref = 'peanutButter'; = 'Peanut Butter'; food.peanutButter.desc = 'Jar of Peanut Butter.'; food.peanutButter.effect = ''; food.peanutButter.weight = 0.5; food.peanutButter.bonus = 5; food.peanutButter.pickup = 'jar'; food.peanutButter.rarity = 6; food.crackers = new Object(); food.crackers.ref = 'crackers'; = 'Crackers'; food.crackers.desc = 'Packet of savory crackers.'; food.crackers.effect = ''; food.crackers.weight = 0.2; food.crackers.bonus = 8; food.crackers.pickup = 'package'; food.crackers.rarity = 2; food.sardines = new Object(); food.sardines.ref = 'sardines'; = 'Sardines'; food.sardines.desc = 'Can of Sardines.'; food.sardines.effect = ''; food.sardines.weight = 0.2; food.sardines.bonus = 15; food.sardines.pickup = 'can'; food.sardines.rarity = 6; food.spam = new Object(); food.spam.ref = 'spam'; = 'Can\'o\'Ham'; food.spam.desc = 'A can of ham like meat.'; food.spam.effect = ''; food.spam.weight = 0.5; food.spam.bonus = 10; food.spam.pickup = 'can'; food.spam.rarity = 3; food.mre = new Object(); food.mre.ref = 'mre'; = 'MRE'; food.mre.desc = 'Meal Ready to Eat. Military ration.'; food.mre.effect = ''; food.mre.weight = 0.5; food.mre.bonus = 15; food.mre.pickup = 'can'; food.mre.rarity = 999999; food.instantNoodles = new Object(); food.instantNoodles.ref = 'instantNoodles'; = 'Instant Noodles'; food.instantNoodles.desc = 'Not quite instant noodles.'; food.instantNoodles.effect = ''; food.instantNoodles.weight = 0.5; food.instantNoodles.bonus = 8; food.instantNoodles.pickup = 'package'; food.instantNoodles.rarity = 1; var foodIDs = 0; for (all in food) { ++foodIDs; } var totalCashObj = 1001; var allxMoney = new Array(); var allJunk = new Array(); var anywhereJunk = new Array(); var bathroomJunk = new Array(); var kitchenJunk = new Array(); var basementJunk = new Array(); var bedroomJunk = new Array(); var loungeJunk = new Array(); var officeJunk = new Array(); junk = new Object(); xMoney = new Object(); cash = 1; while (cash <= totalCashObj) { xMoney['cash_' + cash] = new Object(); xMoney['cash_' + cash].ref = 'cash_' + cash; xMoney['cash_' + cash].amount = cash; xMoney['cash_' + cash].name = 'cash [ $' + xMoney['cash_' + cash].amount + ' ]'; xMoney['cash_' + cash].invName = 'Cash'; xMoney['cash_' + cash].desc = 'Paper currency'; xMoney['cash_' + cash].weight = 0; xMoney['cash_' + cash].location = 'anywhere'; xMoney['cash_' + cash].rarity = Math.round(cash / 5); xMoney['cash_' + cash].pickup = 'cash'; ++cash; } junk.cigarettes = new Object(); junk.cigarettes.ref = 'cigarettes'; = 'Cigarettes'; junk.cigarettes.desc = 'Packet of smokes.'; junk.cigarettes.effect = ''; junk.cigarettes.weight = 0.1; junk.cigarettes.location = 'anywhere'; = new Object(); = 'book'; = 'Book'; = 'A book on some topic.'; = ''; = 0.2; = 'anywhere'; junk.magazine = new Object(); junk.magazine.ref = 'magazine'; = 'Magazine'; junk.magazine.desc = 'Weekly gossip magazine.'; junk.magazine.effect = ''; junk.magazine.weight = 0.2; junk.magazine.location = 'anywhere'; junk.scrapPaper = new Object(); junk.scrapPaper.ref = 'scrapPaper'; = 'Scrap Paper'; junk.scrapPaper.desc = 'Torn piece of paper.'; junk.scrapPaper.effect = ''; junk.scrapPaper.weight = 0.1; junk.scrapPaper.location = 'anywhere'; junk.brokenPen = new Object(); junk.brokenPen.ref = 'brokenPen'; = 'Broken Pen'; junk.brokenPen.desc = 'The whole ink section is missing.'; junk.brokenPen.effect = ''; junk.brokenPen.weight = 0.1; junk.brokenPen.location = 'anywhere'; junk.tissue = new Object(); junk.tissue.ref = 'tissue'; = 'Tissue'; junk.tissue.desc = 'For crying into.'; junk.tissue.effect = ''; junk.tissue.weight = 0.1; junk.tissue.location = 'anywhere'; junk.bottleCap = new Object(); junk.bottleCap.ref = 'bottleCap'; = 'Bottle Cap'; junk.bottleCap.desc = 'Wonder if these will be currency.'; junk.bottleCap.effect = ''; junk.bottleCap.weight = 0.1; junk.bottleCap.location = 'anywhere'; junk.coins = new Object(); junk.coins.ref = 'coins'; = 'Coins'; junk.coins.desc = 'Loose change.'; junk.coins.effect = ''; junk.coins.weight = 0.1; junk.coins.location = 'anywhere'; junk.files = new Object(); junk.files.ref = 'files'; = 'Files'; junk.files.desc = 'Office files.'; junk.files.effect = ''; junk.files.weight = 0.1; junk.files.location = 'office'; junk.stapler = new Object(); junk.stapler.ref = 'stapler'; = 'stapler'; junk.stapler.desc = 'Office Stapler.'; junk.stapler.effect = ''; junk.stapler.weight = 0.4; junk.stapler.location = 'office'; junk.paperClips = new Object(); junk.paperClips.ref = 'paperClips'; = 'Paper Clips'; junk.paperClips.desc = 'Box of Paper Clips.'; junk.paperClips.effect = ''; junk.paperClips.weight = 0.2; junk.paperClips.location = 'office'; junk.officeCigs = new Object(); junk.officeCigs.ref = 'officeCigs'; = 'Cigarettes'; junk.officeCigs.desc = 'Pack of cigarettes.'; junk.officeCigs.effect = ''; junk.officeCigs.weight = 0.4; junk.officeCigs.location = 'office'; junk.binder = new Object(); junk.binder.ref = 'binder'; = 'Binder'; junk.binder.desc = 'File binder.'; junk.binder.effect = ''; junk.binder.weight = 0.2; junk.binder.location = 'office'; junk.papers = new Object(); junk.papers.ref = 'papers'; = 'Papers'; junk.papers.desc = 'Loose Papers.'; junk.papers.effect = ''; junk.papers.weight = 0.1; junk.papers.location = 'office'; junk.newsPaper = new Object(); junk.newsPaper.ref = 'newsPaper'; = 'Newspaper'; junk.newsPaper.desc = 'Old Newspaper.'; junk.newsPaper.effect = ''; junk.newsPaper.weight = 0.1; junk.newsPaper.location = 'office'; junk.stamp = new Object(); junk.stamp.ref = 'stamp'; = 'Stamp'; junk.stamp.desc = '\'Invoiced\' Stamp.'; junk.stamp.effect = ''; junk.stamp.weight = 0.2; junk.stamp.location = 'office'; junk.tapeDispenser = new Object(); junk.tapeDispenser.ref = 'tapeDispenser'; = 'Tape Dispenser'; junk.tapeDispenser.desc = 'No tape roll on it.'; junk.tapeDispenser.effect = ''; junk.tapeDispenser.weight = 0.5; junk.tapeDispenser.location = 'office'; = new Object(); = 'staples'; = 'Box of Staples'; = '200 x 26/6 for No. 10 Stapler.'; = ''; = 0.5; = 'office'; junk.adhesiveLabels = new Object(); junk.adhesiveLabels.ref = 'adhesiveLabels'; = 'Poster-It Notes'; junk.adhesiveLabels.desc = 'Large off-brand adhesive notes.'; junk.adhesiveLabels.effect = ''; junk.adhesiveLabels.weight = 0.2; junk.adhesiveLabels.location = 'office'; junk.envelope = new Object(); junk.envelope.ref = 'envelope'; = 'Envelope'; junk.envelope.desc = 'An empty paper envelope.'; junk.envelope.effect = ''; junk.envelope.weight = 0.1; junk.envelope.location = 'office'; junk.holePunch = new Object(); junk.holePunch.ref = 'holePunch'; = 'Hole Punch'; junk.holePunch.desc = 'AKA - Confetti Maker.'; junk.holePunch.effect = ''; junk.holePunch.weight = 0.4; junk.holePunch.location = 'office'; junk.printerInk = new Object(); junk.printerInk.ref = 'printerInk'; = 'Printer Ink'; junk.printerInk.desc = 'Cartridge of printer ink.'; junk.printerInk.effect = ''; junk.printerInk.weight = 0.2; junk.printerInk.location = 'office'; junk.cup = new Object(); junk.cup.ref = 'cup'; = 'Cup'; junk.cup.desc = 'Ceramic cup.'; junk.cup.effect = ''; junk.cup.weight = 0.2; junk.cup.location = 'kitchen'; junk.shotGlass = new Object(); junk.shotGlass.ref = 'shotGlass'; = 'Shot Glass'; junk.shotGlass.desc = 'Small standard shot glass.'; junk.shotGlass.effect = ''; junk.shotGlass.weight = 0.2; junk.shotGlass.location = 'kitchen'; junk.fork = new Object(); junk.fork.ref = 'fork'; = 'Fork'; junk.fork.desc = 'A fork.'; junk.fork.effect = ''; junk.fork.weight = 0.1; junk.fork.location = 'kitchen'; junk.spoon = new Object(); junk.spoon.ref = 'spoon'; = 'Spoon'; junk.spoon.desc = 'A spoon.'; junk.spoon.effect = ''; junk.spoon.weight = 0.1; junk.spoon.location = 'kitchen'; junk.placemat = new Object(); junk.placemat.ref = 'placemat'; = 'Place Mat'; junk.placemat.desc = 'Mat for dinner tables.'; junk.placemat.effect = ''; junk.placemat.weight = 0.1; junk.placemat.location = 'kitchen'; junk.plate = new Object(); junk.plate.ref = 'plate'; = 'Dinner Plate'; junk.plate.desc = 'A dinner plate.'; junk.plate.effect = ''; junk.plate.weight = 0.5; junk.plate.location = 'kitchen'; junk.bowl = new Object(); junk.bowl.ref = 'bowl'; = 'Soup Bowl'; junk.bowl.desc = 'A soup bowl.'; junk.bowl.effect = ''; junk.bowl.weight = 0.5; junk.bowl.location = 'kitchen'; junk.spatula = new Object(); junk.spatula.ref = 'spatula'; = 'Spatula'; junk.spatula.desc = 'For flipping eggs.'; junk.spatula.effect = ''; junk.spatula.weight = 0.2; junk.spatula.location = 'kitchen'; junk.woodenSpoon = new Object(); junk.woodenSpoon.ref = 'woodenSpoon'; = 'Wooden Spoon'; junk.woodenSpoon.desc = 'A well used wooden spoon.'; junk.woodenSpoon.effect = ''; junk.woodenSpoon.weight = 0.1; junk.woodenSpoon.location = 'kitchen'; junk.whisk = new Object(); junk.whisk.ref = 'whisk'; = 'Whisk'; junk.whisk.desc = 'For whisking things.'; junk.whisk.effect = ''; junk.whisk.weight = 0.2; junk.whisk.location = 'kitchen'; junk.eggBeater = new Object(); junk.eggBeater.ref = 'eggBeater'; = 'Egg Beater'; junk.eggBeater.desc = 'For beating eggs.'; junk.eggBeater.effect = ''; junk.eggBeater.weight = 0.2; junk.eggBeater.location = 'kitchen'; junk.bakingTray = new Object(); junk.bakingTray.ref = 'bakingTray'; = 'Baking Tray'; junk.bakingTray.desc = 'A muffin baking tray.'; junk.bakingTray.effect = ''; junk.bakingTray.weight = 0.2; junk.bakingTray.location = 'kitchen'; junk.cookingOil = new Object(); junk.cookingOil.ref = 'cookingOil'; = 'Cooking Oil'; junk.cookingOil.desc = 'Vegetable based cooking oil.'; junk.cookingOil.effect = ''; junk.cookingOil.weight = 1; junk.cookingOil.location = 'kitchen'; junk.dishLiquid = new Object(); junk.dishLiquid.ref = 'dishLiquid'; = 'Dishwashing Liquid'; junk.dishLiquid.desc = 'Lemony fresh dish liquid.'; junk.dishLiquid.effect = ''; junk.dishLiquid.weight = 0.5; junk.dishLiquid.location = 'kitchen'; junk.steelWool = new Object(); junk.steelWool.ref = 'steelWool'; = 'Steel Wool'; junk.steelWool.desc = 'This is not wool at all!'; junk.steelWool.effect = ''; junk.steelWool.weight = 0.1; junk.steelWool.location = 'kitchen'; junk.towel = new Object(); junk.towel.ref = 'towel'; = 'Towel'; junk.towel.desc = 'Cheap cotton towel.'; junk.towel.effect = ''; junk.towel.weight = 0.5; junk.towel.location = 'bathroom'; junk.handTowel = new Object(); junk.handTowel.ref = 'handTowel'; = 'Hand Towel'; junk.handTowel.desc = 'Cheap cotton hand towel.'; junk.handTowel.effect = ''; junk.handTowel.weight = 0.2; junk.handTowel.location = 'bathroom'; junk.shampoo = new Object(); junk.shampoo.ref = 'shampoo'; = 'Shampoo'; junk.shampoo.desc = 'Hair shampoo.'; junk.shampoo.effect = ''; junk.shampoo.weight = 0.5; junk.shampoo.location = 'bathroom'; junk.conditioner = new Object(); junk.conditioner.ref = 'conditioner'; = 'Conditioner'; junk.conditioner.desc = 'Hair conditioner.'; junk.conditioner.effect = ''; junk.conditioner.weight = 0.5; junk.conditioner.location = 'bathroom'; junk.soap = new Object(); junk.soap.ref = 'soap'; = 'Soap'; junk.soap.desc = 'Bar of soap.'; junk.soap.effect = ''; junk.soap.weight = 0.2; junk.soap.location = 'bathroom'; junk.toothBrush = new Object(); junk.toothBrush.ref = 'toothBrush'; = 'Toothbrush'; junk.toothBrush.desc = 'Someone else\'s toothbrush.'; junk.toothBrush.effect = ''; junk.toothBrush.weight = 0.1; junk.toothBrush.location = 'bathroom'; junk.bleach = new Object(); junk.bleach.ref = 'bleach'; = 'Bleach'; junk.bleach.desc = 'Toilet cleaning bleach.'; junk.bleach.effect = ''; junk.bleach.weight = 1; junk.bleach.location = 'bathroom'; junk.toothPaste = new Object(); junk.toothPaste.ref = 'toothPaste'; = 'Toothpaste'; junk.toothPaste.desc = 'Super whitening minty fresh.'; junk.toothPaste.effect = ''; junk.toothPaste.weight = 0.2; junk.toothPaste.location = 'bathroom'; junk.hairClip = new Object(); junk.hairClip.ref = 'hairClip'; = 'Hair Clip'; junk.hairClip.desc = 'Ladies hair clip.'; junk.hairClip.effect = ''; junk.hairClip.weight = 0.1; junk.hairClip.location = 'bathroom'; junk.hairDryer = new Object(); junk.hairDryer.ref = 'hairDryer'; = 'Hair Dryer'; junk.hairDryer.desc = 'Blow dryer for hair.'; junk.hairDryer.effect = ''; junk.hairDryer.weight = 1; junk.hairDryer.location = 'bathroom'; junk.brokenPipe = new Object(); junk.brokenPipe.ref = 'brokenPipe'; = 'Broken Pipe'; junk.brokenPipe.desc = 'A broken length of pipe.'; junk.brokenPipe.effect = ''; junk.brokenPipe.weight = 2; junk.brokenPipe.location = 'basement'; junk.brokenBoard = new Object(); junk.brokenBoard.ref = 'brokenBoard'; = 'Broken Board'; junk.brokenBoard.desc = 'A broken length of wood board.'; junk.brokenBoard.effect = ''; junk.brokenBoard.weight = 2; junk.brokenBoard.location = 'basement'; junk.weldingRod = new Object(); junk.weldingRod.ref = 'weldingRod'; = 'Welding Rods'; junk.weldingRod.desc = 'Those stick things that weld stuff.'; junk.weldingRod.effect = ''; junk.weldingRod.weight = 1; junk.weldingRod.location = 'basement'; = new Object(); = 'football'; = 'Football'; = 'A deflated football.'; = ''; = 0.5; = 'basement'; junk.pictureFrame = new Object(); junk.pictureFrame.ref = 'pictureFrame'; = 'Picture Frame'; junk.pictureFrame.desc = 'An empty picture frame.'; junk.pictureFrame.effect = ''; junk.pictureFrame.weight = 0.5; junk.pictureFrame.location = 'basement'; junk.vase = new Object(); junk.vase.ref = 'vase'; = 'Vase'; junk.vase.desc = 'A cheap ceramic flower vase.'; junk.vase.effect = ''; junk.vase.weight = 1; junk.vase.location = 'basement'; junk.paperWeight = new Object(); junk.paperWeight.ref = 'paperWeight'; = 'Paper Weight'; junk.paperWeight.desc = 'A heavy metal paperweight.'; junk.paperWeight.effect = ''; junk.paperWeight.weight = 5; junk.paperWeight.location = 'basement'; junk.oldClock = new Object(); junk.oldClock.ref = 'oldClock'; = 'Antique Clock'; junk.oldClock.desc = 'A French marble clock.'; junk.oldClock.effect = ''; junk.oldClock.weight = 5; junk.oldClock.location = 'basement'; junk.bolts = new Object(); junk.bolts.ref = 'bolts'; = 'Bag of Bolts'; junk.bolts.desc = 'Small gauge bolts.'; junk.bolts.effect = ''; junk.bolts.weight = 1; junk.bolts.location = 'basement'; junk.nails = new Object(); junk.nails.ref = 'nails'; = 'Bag of Nails'; junk.nails.desc = '3 inch nails.'; junk.nails.effect = ''; junk.nails.weight = 1; junk.nails.location = 'basement'; junk.tape = new Object(); junk.tape.ref = 'tape'; = 'Roll of Tape'; junk.tape.desc = 'Cheap electrical tape.'; junk.tape.effect = ''; junk.tape.weight = 0.5; junk.tape.location = 'basement'; junk.metalSheet = new Object(); junk.metalSheet.ref = 'metalSheet'; = 'Metal Sheeting'; junk.metalSheet.desc = 'A small section of metal sheet.'; junk.metalSheet.effect = ''; junk.metalSheet.weight = 3; junk.metalSheet.location = 'basement'; junk.paint = new Object(); junk.paint.ref = 'paint'; = 'Can of paint'; junk.paint.desc = 'Dried up sample can of paint.'; junk.paint.effect = ''; junk.paint.weight = 1; junk.paint.location = 'basement'; junk.tennisBall = new Object(); junk.tennisBall.ref = 'tennisBall'; = 'Tennis Ball'; junk.tennisBall.desc = 'An old dog chewed tennis ball.'; junk.tennisBall.effect = ''; junk.tennisBall.weight = 0.2; junk.tennisBall.location = 'basement'; junk.hose = new Object(); junk.hose.ref = 'hose'; = 'Hose'; junk.hose.desc = 'Section of old garden hose.'; junk.hose.effect = ''; junk.hose.weight = 1; junk.hose.location = 'basement'; junk.tapHandle = new Object(); junk.tapHandle.ref = 'tapHandle'; = 'Tap Handle'; junk.tapHandle.desc = 'Chrome tap handle.'; junk.tapHandle.effect = ''; junk.tapHandle.weight = 0.5; junk.tapHandle.location = 'basement'; junk.scrubbingBrush = new Object(); junk.scrubbingBrush.ref = 'scrubbingBrush'; = 'Scrubbing Brush'; junk.scrubbingBrush.desc = 'Wood handled stiff brush.'; junk.scrubbingBrush.effect = ''; junk.scrubbingBrush.weight = 0.2; junk.scrubbingBrush.location = 'basement'; var junkIDs = 0; for (all in junk) { ++junkIDs; } for (all in junk) { junk[all].i = 'j' + junkIDs; --junkIDs; junk[all].type = 'junk'; junk[all].icon = 'junk'; junk[all].st = 'junk'; _root[junk[all].location + 'Junk'].push(junk[all]); allItems.push(junk[all]); } var moneyIDs = 0; for (all in xMoney) { ++moneyIDs; } var allMedical = new Array(); meds = new Object(); meds.bandage = new Object(); meds.bandage.ref = 'bandage'; = 'Bandages'; meds.bandage.desc = 'Sterile wrapping to cover wounds.'; meds.bandage.effect = 'Heals 5%'; meds.bandage.weight = 0.5; meds.bandage.bonus = 5; meds.bandage.pickup = 'bandage'; meds.bandage.bonusStat = 'health'; meds.bandage.rarity = 1; meds.pills = new Object(); meds.pills.ref = 'pills'; = 'Pain Pills'; meds.pills.desc = 'These will take the edge off.'; meds.pills.effect = 'Heals 15%'; meds.pills.weight = 0.5; meds.pills.bonus = 15; meds.pills.bonusStat = 'health'; meds.pills.pickup = 'pills'; meds.pills.rarity = 3; meds.medkit = new Object(); meds.medkit.ref = 'medkit'; = 'Medkit'; meds.medkit.desc = 'Full first-aid kit.'; meds.medkit.effect = 'Heals 30%'; meds.medkit.weight = 0.5; meds.medkit.bonusStat = 'health'; meds.medkit.bonus = 30; meds.medkit.pickup = 'medkit'; meds.medkit.rarity = 5; meds.noDoze = new Object(); meds.noDoze.ref = 'noDoze'; = 'No ZZZ'; meds.noDoze.desc = 'Pep-pills that reduce tiredness.'; meds.noDoze.effect = '25%'; meds.noDoze.weight = 0.1; meds.noDoze.bonusStat = 'sleep'; meds.noDoze.bonus = 2.5; meds.noDoze.pickup = 'pills'; meds.noDoze.rarity = 5; var medIDs = 0; for (all in meds) { ++medIDs; } var bookBonus = 3; var allBooks = new Array(); books = new Object(); books.blunt = new Object(); books.blunt.ref = 'blunt'; = 'Batter Up!'; books.blunt.desc = 'Batting instructional magazine.'; books.blunt.effect = 'to Blunt Weapons'; books.blunt.weight = 0.5; books.blunt.bonus = bookBonus; books.blunt.rarity = 3; books.blades = new Object(); books.blades.ref = 'blades'; = 'Martial Masters'; books.blades.desc = 'Monthly martial arts weapons magazine.'; books.blades.effect = 'to Bladed Weapons'; books.blades.weight = 0.5; books.blades.bonus = bookBonus; books.blades.rarity = 3; books.pistols = new Object(); books.pistols.ref = 'pistols'; = 'Handgun Owner'; books.pistols.desc = 'Annual guide to handgun ownership.'; books.pistols.effect = 'to Pistols'; books.pistols.weight = 0.5; books.pistols.bonus = bookBonus; books.pistols.rarity = 4; books.longGuns = new Object(); books.longGuns.ref = 'longGuns'; = 'Glendale Hunter'; books.longGuns.desc = 'Hunters weapons guide from the small town of Glendale.'; books.longGuns.effect = 'to Long Guns'; books.longGuns.weight = 0.5; books.longGuns.bonus = bookBonus; books.longGuns.rarity = 6; books.automatics = new Object(); books.automatics.ref = 'automatics'; = 'Defcon Force'; books.automatics.desc = 'Special Forces monthly magazine.'; books.automatics.effect = 'to Automatics'; books.automatics.weight = 0.5; books.automatics.bonus = bookBonus; books.automatics.rarity = 7; books.specialWeapons = new Object(); books.specialWeapons.ref = 'specialWeapon'; = 'Future Weaponry'; books.specialWeapons.desc = 'Half of these weapons are old as heck.'; books.specialWeapons.effect = 'to Special Weapons'; books.specialWeapons.weight = 0.5; books.specialWeapons.bonus = bookBonus; books.specialWeapons.rarity = 9; books.smarts = new Object(); books.smarts.ref = 'smarts'; = 'Businessman'; books.smarts.desc = 'Trade, Education and Training'; books.smarts.effect = 'to Smarts'; books.smarts.weight = 0.5; books.smarts.bonus = bookBonus; books.smarts.rarity = 11; = new Object(); = 'security'; = 'Nightwatchmen'; = 'Locks, surveillance and ladies on page 4.'; = 'to Security'; = 0.5; = bookBonus; = 7; books.searching = new Object(); books.searching.ref = 'searching'; = 'Where\'s Wilmo?'; books.searching.desc = 'I can never find this guy.'; books.searching.effect = 'to Searching'; books.searching.weight = 0.5; books.searching.bonus = bookBonus; books.searching.rarity = 2; books.firstAid = new Object(); books.firstAid.ref = 'firstAid'; = 'Be Prepared'; books.firstAid.desc = 'Beginners manual to first aid.'; books.firstAid.effect = 'to First Aid'; books.firstAid.weight = 0.5; books.firstAid.bonus = bookBonus; books.firstAid.rarity = 4; = new Object(); = 'fitness'; = 'JACKED UP'; = 'Scary fitness magazine, oily men everywhere.'; = 'to Fitness'; = 0.5; = bookBonus; = 3; books.survival = new Object(); books.survival.ref = 'survival'; = 'Wild Man'; books.survival.desc = 'How to grow a beard and live in a tree, apparently.'; books.survival.effect = 'to Survival'; books.survival.weight = 0.5; books.survival.bonus = bookBonus; books.survival.rarity = 5; var bookIDs = 0; for (all in books) { ++bookIDs; } x = 0; while (x < allBooks.length) { ++x; } var allClothing = new Array(); clothing = new Object(); var policeClothing = new Array(); var militaryClothing = new Array(); var bedroomClothing = new Array(); var clothSortHead = 'aaaa1'; var clothSortFace = 'aaaa2'; var clothSortTop = 'aaaa3'; var clothSortArmor = 'aaaa4'; var clothSortBottom = 'aaaa5'; var clothSortShoes = 'aaaa6'; clothing.none = new Object(); clothing.none.ref = 'none'; = 'NONE'; clothing.none.desc = ''; clothing.none.effect = ''; clothing.none.weight = 0; clothing.none.bonus = 1; clothing.none.wearLocation = 'top'; clothing.TLStop = new Object(); clothing.TLStop.ref = 'TLStop'; = 'Survivor Jacket [PREMIUM]'; clothing.TLStop.desc = 'Popular survivor\'s jacket'; clothing.TLStop.effect = ''; clothing.TLStop.weight = 3; clothing.TLStop.bonus = 0.1; clothing.TLStop.rarity = 999999999; clothing.TLStop.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.TLStop.premium = true; clothing.TLSbottom = new Object(); clothing.TLSbottom.ref = 'TLSbottom'; = 'Survivor Pants [PREMIUM]'; clothing.TLSbottom.desc = 'Popular survivor\'s pants'; clothing.TLSbottom.effect = ''; clothing.TLSbottom.weight = 3; clothing.TLSbottom.bonus = 1; clothing.TLSbottom.rarity = 999999999; clothing.TLSbottom.wearLocation = 'bottom'; = clothSortBottom; clothing.TLSbottom.premium = true; clothing.unionSecTop = new Object(); clothing.unionSecTop.ref = 'unionSecTop'; = 'Union Security Shirt'; clothing.unionSecTop.desc = 'Uniform top of Union Security officers'; clothing.unionSecTop.effect = ''; clothing.unionSecTop.weight = 2; clothing.unionSecTop.bonus = 1; clothing.unionSecTop.rarity = 18; clothing.unionSecTop.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.policeBottom = new Object(); clothing.policeBottom.ref = 'policeBottom'; = 'UCPD Pants'; clothing.policeBottom.desc = 'Uniform pants of the Union City PD'; clothing.policeBottom.effect = ''; clothing.policeBottom.weight = 3; clothing.policeBottom.bonus = 1; clothing.policeBottom.rarity = 15; clothing.policeBottom.wearLocation = 'bottom'; = clothSortBottom; clothing.bioHazardHat = new Object(); clothing.bioHazardHat.ref = 'bioHazardHat'; = 'Bio Hazard Headgear'; clothing.bioHazardHat.desc = 'HERC scientist hat.'; clothing.bioHazardHat.effect = ''; clothing.bioHazardHat.weight = 4; clothing.bioHazardHat.bonus = 1; clothing.bioHazardHat.rarity = null; clothing.bioHazardHat.wearLocation = 'head'; = clothSortHead; clothing.bioHazardHat.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.bioHazardHat.reward = true; clothing.bioHazardTop = new Object(); clothing.bioHazardTop.ref = 'bioHazardTop'; = 'Bio Hazard Suit'; clothing.bioHazardTop.desc = 'HERC scientist bio-hazard top.'; clothing.bioHazardTop.effect = ''; clothing.bioHazardTop.weight = 6; clothing.bioHazardTop.bonus = 1; clothing.bioHazardTop.rarity = null; clothing.bioHazardTop.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.bioHazardTop.reward = true; clothing.bioHazardPants = new Object(); clothing.bioHazardPants.ref = 'bioHazardPants'; = 'Bio Hazard Pants'; clothing.bioHazardPants.desc = 'HERC scientist bio-hazard pants.'; clothing.bioHazardPants.effect = ''; clothing.bioHazardPants.weight = 5; clothing.bioHazardPants.bonus = 1; clothing.bioHazardPants.rarity = null; clothing.bioHazardPants.wearLocation = 'bottom'; = clothSortBottom; clothing.bioHazardPants.reward = true; clothing.kevlarVest = new Object(); clothing.kevlarVest.ref = 'kevlarVest'; = 'Kevlar Vest - Police'; clothing.kevlarVest.desc = 'Protective vest.'; clothing.kevlarVest.effect = ''; clothing.kevlarVest.weight = 10; clothing.kevlarVest.bonus = 0.5; clothing.kevlarVest.rarity = 12; clothing.kevlarVest.wearLocation = 'armor'; = clothSortArmor; clothing.kevlarVestArmy = new Object(); clothing.kevlarVestArmy.ref = 'kevlarVestArmy'; = 'Kevlar Vest - Army'; clothing.kevlarVestArmy.desc = 'Protective vest.'; clothing.kevlarVestArmy.effect = ''; clothing.kevlarVestArmy.weight = 10; clothing.kevlarVestArmy.bonus = 0.2; clothing.kevlarVestArmy.rarity = 15; clothing.kevlarVestArmy.wearLocation = 'armor'; = clothSortArmor; clothing.kevlarVestHERC = new Object(); clothing.kevlarVestHERC.ref = 'kevlarVestHERC'; = 'Kevlar Vest - HERC [PREMIUM]'; clothing.kevlarVestHERC.desc = 'Protective vest.'; clothing.kevlarVestHERC.effect = ''; clothing.kevlarVestHERC.weight = 10; clothing.kevlarVestHERC.bonus = 0.2; clothing.kevlarVestHERC.rarity = 99999999; clothing.kevlarVestHERC.wearLocation = 'armor'; = clothSortArmor; clothing.kevlarVestHERC.premium = true; clothing.HERCtop = new Object(); clothing.HERCtop.ref = 'HERCtop'; = 'HERC Jacket [PREMIUM]'; clothing.HERCtop.desc = 'HERC issue combat jacket.'; clothing.HERCtop.effect = ''; clothing.HERCtop.weight = 3; clothing.HERCtop.bonus = 1; clothing.HERCtop.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.HERCtop.handColour = 1973790; clothing.HERCtop.rarity = 999999999; clothing.HERCtop.premium = true; clothing.HERCbottom = new Object(); clothing.HERCbottom.ref = 'HERCbottom'; = 'HERC Combat Pants [PREMIUM]'; clothing.HERCbottom.desc = 'HERC issue combat pants.'; clothing.HERCbottom.effect = ''; clothing.HERCbottom.weight = 4; clothing.HERCbottom.bonus = 1; clothing.HERCbottom.wearLocation = 'bottom'; = clothSortTop; clothing.HERCbottom.rarity = 999999999; clothing.HERCbottom.premium = true; clothing.helmetHERC = new Object(); clothing.helmetHERC.ref = 'helmetHERC'; = 'HERC Helmet [PREMIUM]'; clothing.helmetHERC.desc = 'HERC issue combat helmet.'; clothing.helmetHERC.effect = ''; clothing.helmetHERC.weight = 6; clothing.helmetHERC.bonus = 0.8; clothing.helmetHERC.wearLocation = 'head'; = clothSortTop; clothing.helmetHERC.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.helmetHERC.rarity = 999999999; clothing.helmetHERC.premium = true; clothing.armyTop = new Object(); clothing.armyTop.ref = 'armyTop'; = 'Army DCU Jacket'; clothing.armyTop.desc = 'Army issue combat jacket.'; clothing.armyTop.effect = ''; clothing.armyTop.weight = 2; clothing.armyTop.bonus = 1; clothing.armyTop.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.armyBottom = new Object(); clothing.armyBottom.ref = 'armyBottom'; = 'Army DCU Pants'; clothing.armyBottom.desc = 'Army issue combat pants.'; clothing.armyBottom.effect = ''; clothing.armyBottom.weight = 3; clothing.armyBottom.bonus = 1; clothing.armyBottom.wearLocation = 'bottom'; = clothSortBottom; clothing.longSleeveRed = new Object(); clothing.longSleeveRed.ref = 'longSleeveRed'; = 'Long Shirt - Red'; clothing.longSleeveRed.desc = 'Plain long sleeve shirt.'; clothing.longSleeveRed.effect = ''; clothing.longSleeveRed.weight = 0.5; clothing.longSleeveRed.bonus = 1; clothing.longSleeveRed.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.longSleeveRed.rarity = 5; clothing.longSleeveGreen = new Object(); clothing.longSleeveGreen.ref = 'longSleeveGreen'; = 'Long Shirt - Green'; clothing.longSleeveGreen.desc = 'Plain long sleeve shirt.'; clothing.longSleeveGreen.effect = ''; clothing.longSleeveGreen.weight = 0.5; clothing.longSleeveGreen.bonus = 1; clothing.longSleeveGreen.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.longSleeveGreen.rarity = 5; clothing.longSleeveWhite = new Object(); clothing.longSleeveWhite.ref = 'longSleeveWhite'; = 'Long Shirt - White'; clothing.longSleeveWhite.desc = 'Plain long sleeve shirt.'; clothing.longSleeveWhite.effect = ''; clothing.longSleeveWhite.weight = 0.5; clothing.longSleeveWhite.bonus = 1; clothing.longSleeveWhite.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.longSleeveWhite.rarity = 2; clothing.longSleeveBlack = new Object(); clothing.longSleeveBlack.ref = 'longSleeveBlack'; = 'Long Shirt - Black'; clothing.longSleeveBlack.desc = 'Plain long sleeve shirt.'; clothing.longSleeveBlack.effect = ''; clothing.longSleeveBlack.weight = 0.5; clothing.longSleeveBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.longSleeveBlack.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.longSleeveBlack.rarity = 6; clothing.tshirtWhite = new Object(); clothing.tshirtWhite.ref = 'tshirtWhite'; = 'T-Shirt - White'; clothing.tshirtWhite.desc = 'Plain t-shirt. Definition of plain.'; clothing.tshirtWhite.effect = ''; clothing.tshirtWhite.weight = 0.5; clothing.tshirtWhite.bonus = 1; clothing.tshirtWhite.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.tshirtWhite.rarity = 1; clothing.tshirtBlue = new Object(); clothing.tshirtBlue.ref = 'tshirtBlue'; = 'T-Shirt - Blue'; clothing.tshirtBlue.desc = 'Plain t-shirt. Definition of plain.'; clothing.tshirtBlue.effect = ''; clothing.tshirtBlue.weight = 0.5; clothing.tshirtBlue.bonus = 1; clothing.tshirtBlue.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.tshirtBlue.rarity = 1; clothing.tshirtRed = new Object(); clothing.tshirtRed.ref = 'tshirtRed'; = 'T-Shirt - Red'; clothing.tshirtRed.desc = 'Plain t-shirt.'; clothing.tshirtRed.effect = ''; clothing.tshirtRed.weight = 0.5; clothing.tshirtRed.bonus = 1; clothing.tshirtRed.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.tshirtRed.rarity = 3; clothing.tshirtBlack = new Object(); clothing.tshirtBlack.ref = 'tshirtBlack'; = 'T-Shirt - Black'; clothing.tshirtBlack.desc = 'Plain t-shirt. Subject to shrinking, dry clean only.'; clothing.tshirtBlack.effect = ''; clothing.tshirtBlack.weight = 0.5; clothing.tshirtBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.tshirtBlack.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.tshirtBlack.rarity = 5; clothing.tshirtBrown = new Object(); clothing.tshirtBrown.ref = 'tshirtBrown'; = 'T-Shirt - Brown'; clothing.tshirtBrown.desc = 'Plain t-shirt. Warm machine wash. Do not tumble dry.'; clothing.tshirtBrown.effect = ''; clothing.tshirtBrown.weight = 0.5; clothing.tshirtBrown.bonus = 1; clothing.tshirtBrown.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.tshirtBrown.rarity = 4; clothing.hoodyBlack = new Object(); clothing.hoodyBlack.ref = 'hoodyBlack'; = 'Hoody - Black'; clothing.hoodyBlack.desc = 'Plain colored hoody. 100% Cotton. Made in China.'; clothing.hoodyBlack.effect = ''; clothing.hoodyBlack.weight = 1; clothing.hoodyBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.hoodyBlack.wearLocation = 'top'; = clothSortTop; clothing.hoodyBlack.rarity = 10; clothing.suitBlack = new Object(); clothing.suitBlack.ref = 'suitBlack'; = 'Suit Jacket - Black'; clothing.suitBlack.desc = 'A shirt, jacket and tie combo! Evening wear for the discerning survivor.'; clothing.suitBlack.effect = ''; clothing.suitBlack.weight = 2; clothing.suitBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.suitBlack.wearLocation = 'top'; clothing.suitBlack.rarity = 7; = clothSortTop; clothing.suitGrey = new Object(); clothing.suitGrey.ref = 'suitGrey'; = 'Suit Jacket - Grey'; clothing.suitGrey.desc = 'A shirt, jacket and tie combo in grey! Evening wear for the discerning survivor.'; clothing.suitGrey.effect = ''; clothing.suitGrey.weight = 2; clothing.suitGrey.bonus = 1; clothing.suitGrey.wearLocation = 'top'; clothing.suitGrey.rarity = 7; = clothSortTop; clothing.singletBlack = new Object(); clothing.singletBlack.ref = 'singletBlack'; = 'Tank Top - Black'; clothing.singletBlack.desc = 'A black singlet top.'; clothing.singletBlack.effect = ''; clothing.singletBlack.weight = 0.5; clothing.singletBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.singletBlack.wearLocation = 'top'; clothing.singletBlack.rarity = 4; = clothSortTop; clothing.shirtWhite = new Object(); clothing.shirtWhite.ref = 'shirtWhite'; = 'Shirt - White'; clothing.shirtWhite.desc = 'A white cotton button-up shirt.'; clothing.shirtWhite.effect = ''; clothing.shirtWhite.weight = 0.5; clothing.shirtWhite.bonus = 1; clothing.shirtWhite.wearLocation = 'top'; clothing.shirtWhite.rarity = 1; = clothSortTop; clothing.shirtBlue = new Object(); clothing.shirtBlue.ref = 'shirtBlue'; = 'Shirt - Blue'; clothing.shirtBlue.desc = 'A blue cotton button-up shirt.'; clothing.shirtBlue.effect = ''; clothing.shirtBlue.weight = 0.5; clothing.shirtBlue.bonus = 1; clothing.shirtBlue.wearLocation = 'top'; clothing.shirtBlue.rarity = 1; = clothSortTop; clothing.shirtCheckerBlue = new Object(); clothing.shirtCheckerBlue.ref = 'shirtCheckerBlue'; = 'Shirt - Blue Checkers'; clothing.shirtCheckerBlue.desc = 'A blue checkered cotton button-up shirt.'; clothing.shirtCheckerBlue.effect = ''; clothing.shirtCheckerBlue.weight = 0.5; clothing.shirtCheckerBlue.bonus = 1; clothing.shirtCheckerBlue.wearLocation = 'top'; clothing.shirtCheckerBlue.rarity = 5; = clothSortTop; clothing.shirtCheckerYellow = new Object(); clothing.shirtCheckerYellow.ref = 'shirtCheckerYellow'; = 'Shirt - Yellow Checkers'; clothing.shirtCheckerYellow.desc = 'A yellow checkered cotton button-up shirt.'; clothing.shirtCheckerYellow.effect = ''; clothing.shirtCheckerYellow.weight = 0.5; clothing.shirtCheckerYellow.bonus = 1; clothing.shirtCheckerYellow.wearLocation = 'top'; clothing.shirtCheckerYellow.rarity = 5; = clothSortTop; clothing.jeansBlue = new Object(); clothing.jeansBlue.ref = 'jeansBlue'; = 'Jeans - Blue'; clothing.jeansBlue.desc = 'Relaxed pair of blue denim jeans.'; clothing.jeansBlue.effect = ''; clothing.jeansBlue.weight = 1; clothing.jeansBlue.bonus = 1; clothing.jeansBlue.wearLocation = 'bottom'; = clothSortBottom; clothing.jeansBlue.rarity = 5; clothing.jeansBlack = new Object(); clothing.jeansBlack.ref = 'jeansBlack'; = 'Jeans - Black'; clothing.jeansBlack.desc = 'Relaxed pair of black hand distressed denim jeans.'; clothing.jeansBlack.effect = ''; clothing.jeansBlack.weight = 1; clothing.jeansBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.jeansBlack.wearLocation = 'bottom'; = clothSortBottom; clothing.jeansBlack.rarity = 10; clothing.pantsBrown = new Object(); clothing.pantsBrown.ref = 'pantsBrown'; = 'Pants - Brown'; clothing.pantsBrown.desc = 'Stylish pair of pants.'; clothing.pantsBrown.effect = ''; clothing.pantsBrown.weight = 1; clothing.pantsBrown.bonus = 1; clothing.pantsBrown.wearLocation = 'bottom'; = clothSortBottom; clothing.pantsBrown.rarity = 5; clothing.pantsGrey = new Object(); clothing.pantsGrey.ref = 'pantsGrey'; = 'Pants - Grey'; clothing.pantsGrey.desc = 'Stylish pair of pants.'; clothing.pantsGrey.effect = ''; clothing.pantsGrey.weight = 1; clothing.pantsGrey.bonus = 1; clothing.pantsGrey.wearLocation = 'bottom'; = clothSortBottom; clothing.pantsGrey.rarity = 5; clothing.greenCargo = new Object(); clothing.greenCargo.ref = 'greenCargo'; = 'Cargo Pants'; clothing.greenCargo.desc = 'Green cargo pants with stylish and functional pockets.'; clothing.greenCargo.effect = ''; clothing.greenCargo.weight = 1; clothing.greenCargo.bonus = 1; clothing.greenCargo.wearLocation = 'bottom'; clothing.greenCargo.rarity = 3; = clothSortBottom; clothing.cargoShorts = new Object(); clothing.cargoShorts.ref = 'cargoShorts'; = 'Cargo Shorts - Green'; clothing.cargoShorts.desc = 'Green cargo shorts with stylish and functional pockets.'; clothing.cargoShorts.effect = ''; clothing.cargoShorts.weight = 1; clothing.cargoShorts.bonus = 1; clothing.cargoShorts.wearLocation = 'bottom'; clothing.cargoShorts.rarity = 3; = clothSortBottom; clothing.camoCargo = new Object(); clothing.camoCargo.ref = 'camoCargo'; = 'Cargo Pants - Camo'; clothing.camoCargo.desc = 'Army camouflaged cargo pants for not blending in within an urban environment.'; clothing.camoCargo.effect = ''; clothing.camoCargo.weight = 1; clothing.camoCargo.bonus = 1; clothing.camoCargo.wearLocation = 'bottom'; clothing.camoCargo.rarity = 5; = clothSortBottom; clothing.urbanCamo = new Object(); clothing.urbanCamo.ref = 'urbanCamo'; = 'Cargo Pants - Camo'; clothing.urbanCamo.desc = 'Army camouflaged cargo pants for not blending in within an urban environment.'; clothing.urbanCamo.effect = ''; clothing.urbanCamo.weight = 1; clothing.urbanCamo.bonus = 1; clothing.urbanCamo.wearLocation = 'bottom'; clothing.urbanCamo.rarity = 7; = clothSortBottom; clothing.weldingMask = new Object(); clothing.weldingMask.ref = 'weldingMask'; = 'Welding Mask'; clothing.weldingMask.desc = 'Face mask used in welding.'; clothing.weldingMask.weight = 3; clothing.weldingMask.bonus = 1; clothing.weldingMask.wearLocation = 'face'; clothing.weldingMask.rarity = 15; clothing.weldingMask.location = 'basement'; = clothSortFace; clothing.weldingMask.pickup = 'mask'; clothing.medicalMask = new Object(); clothing.medicalMask.ref = 'medicalMask'; = 'Medical Mask'; clothing.medicalMask.desc = 'HERC issued medical mask.'; clothing.medicalMask.effect = ''; clothing.medicalMask.weight = 0.2; clothing.medicalMask.bonus = 1; clothing.medicalMask.wearLocation = 'face'; clothing.medicalMask.rarity = 5; clothing.medicalMask.location = 'anywhere'; = clothSortFace; clothing.medicalMask.icon = 'mask'; clothing.HERCmask = new Object(); clothing.HERCmask.ref = 'HERCmask'; = 'HERC Mask [PREMIUM]'; clothing.HERCmask.desc = 'HERC issued military rebreather.'; clothing.HERCmask.effect = ''; clothing.HERCmask.weight = 3; clothing.HERCmask.bonus = 1; clothing.HERCmask.wearLocation = 'face'; clothing.HERCmask.rarity = null; clothing.HERCmask.location = 'police'; = clothSortFace; clothing.HERCmask.icon = 'mask'; clothing.HERCmask.rarity = 999999999; clothing.HERCmask.premium = true; clothing.gasMask = new Object(); clothing.gasMask.ref = 'gasMask'; = 'Gas Mask'; clothing.gasMask.desc = 'Worn over the face to protect the wearer from \'airborne pollutants\' and toxic gases.'; clothing.gasMask.effect = ''; clothing.gasMask.weight = 1; clothing.gasMask.bonus = 1; clothing.gasMask.wearLocation = 'face'; clothing.gasMask.rarity = 14; clothing.gasMask.location = 'police'; = clothSortFace; clothing.gasMask.icon = 'mask'; clothing.sunglassesBig = new Object(); clothing.sunglassesBig.ref = 'sunglassesBig'; = 'Sunglasses'; clothing.sunglassesBig.desc = 'UV Rating of 2. They\'re those cheap ones you get at the drug store.'; clothing.sunglassesBig.effect = ''; clothing.sunglassesBig.weight = 0.1; clothing.sunglassesBig.bonus = 1; clothing.sunglassesBig.wearLocation = 'eyes'; clothing.sunglassesBig.rarity = 4; clothing.sunglassesBig.location = 'anywhere'; = clothSortFace; clothing.sunglassesBottle = new Object(); clothing.sunglassesBottle.ref = 'sunglassesBottle'; = 'Sunglasses Round'; clothing.sunglassesBottle.desc = 'Who wears these things? Seriously.'; clothing.sunglassesBottle.effect = ''; clothing.sunglassesBottle.weight = 0.1; clothing.sunglassesBottle.bonus = 1; clothing.sunglassesBottle.wearLocation = 'eyes'; clothing.sunglassesBottle.rarity = 6; clothing.sunglassesBottle.location = 'anywhere'; = clothSortFace; clothing.glassesBig = new Object(); clothing.glassesBig.ref = 'glassesBig'; = 'Glasses Big'; clothing.glassesBig.desc = 'A pair of old persons reading glasses.'; clothing.glassesBig.effect = ''; clothing.glassesBig.weight = 0.1; clothing.glassesBig.bonus = 1; clothing.glassesBig.wearLocation = 'eyes'; clothing.glassesBig.rarity = 6; clothing.glassesBig.location = 'anywhere'; = clothSortFace; clothing.glasses = new Object(); clothing.glasses.ref = 'glasses'; = 'Glasses'; clothing.glasses.desc = 'A pair of reading glasses.'; clothing.glasses.effect = ''; clothing.glasses.weight = 0.1; clothing.glasses.bonus = 1; clothing.glasses.wearLocation = 'eyes'; clothing.glasses.rarity = 6; clothing.glasses.location = 'anywhere'; = clothSortFace; clothing.goggles = new Object(); clothing.goggles.ref = 'goggles'; = 'Goggles'; clothing.goggles.desc = 'Skiing or Motocross Goggles.'; clothing.goggles.effect = ''; clothing.goggles.weight = 0.2; clothing.goggles.bonus = 1; clothing.goggles.wearLocation = 'eyes'; clothing.goggles.rarity = 12; clothing.goggles.location = 'anywhere'; = clothSortFace; clothing.bandana = new Object(); clothing.bandana.ref = 'bandana'; = 'Bandana'; clothing.bandana.desc = 'Large cloth used to make a mask.'; clothing.bandana.effect = ''; clothing.bandana.weight = 0.1; clothing.bandana.bonus = 1; clothing.bandana.wearLocation = 'face'; clothing.bandana.rarity = 8; clothing.bandana.location = 'anywhere'; = clothSortFace; clothing.bandana.icon = 'mask'; clothing.armyKevlar = new Object(); clothing.armyKevlar.ref = 'armyKevlar'; = 'Military Helmet'; clothing.armyKevlar.desc = 'Standard issue military helmet. Utilizes the most advanced ballistic protection.'; clothing.armyKevlar.weight = 3; clothing.armyKevlar.bonus = 0.8; clothing.armyKevlar.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.armyKevlar.rarity = 15; clothing.armyKevlar.location = 'military'; = clothSortHead; clothing.armyKevlar.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.riotHelmet = new Object(); clothing.riotHelmet.ref = 'riotHelmet'; = 'Riot Helmet'; clothing.riotHelmet.desc = 'Police grade riot helmet. Provides protection against small arms fire.'; clothing.riotHelmet.weight = 3; clothing.riotHelmet.bonus = 0.7; clothing.riotHelmet.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.riotHelmet.rarity = 14; clothing.riotHelmet.location = 'police'; = clothSortHead; clothing.riotHelmet.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.riotHelmetVisor = new Object(); clothing.riotHelmetVisor.ref = 'riotHelmetVisor'; = 'Riot Helmet'; clothing.riotHelmetVisor.desc = 'Police grade riot helmet with visor.'; clothing.riotHelmetVisor.weight = 3; clothing.riotHelmetVisor.bonus = 0.5; clothing.riotHelmetVisor.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.riotHelmetVisor.rarity = 16; clothing.riotHelmetVisor.location = 'police'; = clothSortHead; clothing.riotHelmetVisor.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.woolHatBrown = new Object(); clothing.woolHatBrown.ref = 'woolHatBrown'; = 'Wool Hat - Brown'; clothing.woolHatBrown.desc = 'A brown knitted wool hat.'; clothing.woolHatBrown.weight = 0.1; clothing.woolHatBrown.bonus = 1; clothing.woolHatBrown.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.woolHatBrown.rarity = 8; = clothSortHead; clothing.woolHatBrown.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.woolHatBlack = new Object(); clothing.woolHatBlack.ref = 'woolHatBlack'; = 'Wool Hat - Black'; clothing.woolHatBlack.desc = 'A black knitted wool hat.'; clothing.woolHatBlack.weight = 0.1; clothing.woolHatBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.woolHatBlack.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.woolHatBlack.rarity = 10; = clothSortHead; clothing.woolHatBlack.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.capBlack = new Object(); clothing.capBlack.ref = 'capBlack'; = 'Baseball Cap - Black'; clothing.capBlack.desc = 'A black baseball cap.'; clothing.capBlack.weight = 0.1; clothing.capBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.capBlack.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.capBlack.rarity = 8; = clothSortHead; clothing.capBlack.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.capBlue = new Object(); clothing.capBlue.ref = 'capBlue'; = 'Baseball Cap - Blue'; clothing.capBlue.desc = 'A blue baseball cap.'; clothing.capBlue.weight = 0.1; clothing.capBlue.bonus = 1; clothing.capBlue.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.capBlue.rarity = 5; = clothSortHead; clothing.capBlue.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.capRed = new Object(); clothing.capRed.ref = 'capRed'; = 'Baseball Cap - Red'; clothing.capRed.desc = 'A red baseball cap.'; clothing.capRed.weight = 0.1; clothing.capRed.bonus = 1; clothing.capRed.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.capRed.rarity = 5; = clothSortHead; clothing.capRed.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.fedoraBlack = new Object(); clothing.fedoraBlack.ref = 'fedoraBlack'; = 'Fedora - Black'; clothing.fedoraBlack.desc = 'A black fedora hat.'; clothing.fedoraBlack.weight = 0.1; clothing.fedoraBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.fedoraBlack.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.fedoraBlack.rarity = 12; = clothSortHead; clothing.fedoraBlack.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.fedoraBrown = new Object(); clothing.fedoraBrown.ref = 'fedoraBrown'; = 'Fedora - Brown'; clothing.fedoraBrown.desc = 'A brown fedora hat.'; clothing.fedoraBrown.weight = 0.1; clothing.fedoraBrown.bonus = 1; clothing.fedoraBrown.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.fedoraBrown.rarity = 10; = clothSortHead; clothing.fedoraBlack.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.fedoraGrey = new Object(); clothing.fedoraGrey.ref = 'fedoraGrey'; = 'Fedora - Grey'; clothing.fedoraGrey.desc = 'A grey fedora hat.'; clothing.fedoraGrey.weight = 0.1; clothing.fedoraGrey.bonus = 1; clothing.fedoraGrey.wearLocation = 'head'; clothing.fedoraGrey.rarity = 10; = clothSortHead; clothing.fedoraGrey.pickup = 'hat'; clothing.shoeBlack = new Object(); clothing.shoeBlack.ref = 'shoeBlack'; = 'Black Shoes'; clothing.shoeBlack.desc = 'Black sneaker shoes.'; clothing.shoeBlack.weight = 2; clothing.shoeBlack.bonus = 1; clothing.shoeBlack.wearLocation = 'feet'; clothing.shoeBlack.rarity = 1; = clothSortShoes; clothing.shoeBrown = new Object(); clothing.shoeBrown.ref = 'shoeBrown'; = 'Brown Shoes'; clothing.shoeBrown.desc = 'Brown sneaker shoes.'; clothing.shoeBrown.weight = 2; clothing.shoeBrown.bonus = 1; clothing.shoeBrown.wearLocation = 'feet'; clothing.shoeBrown.rarity = 3; = clothSortShoes; clothing.shoeWhite = new Object(); clothing.shoeWhite.ref = 'shoeWhite'; = 'White Sneaker'; clothing.shoeWhite.desc = 'Pair of white sneakers with action stripes.'; clothing.shoeWhite.weight = 2; clothing.shoeWhite.bonus = 1; clothing.shoeWhite.wearLocation = 'feet'; clothing.shoeWhite.rarity = 4; = clothSortShoes; clothing.shoeArmy = new Object(); clothing.shoeArmy.ref = 'shoeArmy'; = 'Army Boot'; clothing.shoeArmy.desc = 'Army issue boots.'; clothing.shoeArmy.weight = 2; clothing.shoeArmy.bonus = 1; clothing.shoeArmy.wearLocation = 'feet'; clothing.shoeArmy.rarity = 20; = clothSortShoes; var clothingIDs = 0; for (all in clothing) { ++clothingIDs; } var allQuestItems = new Array(); questItem = new Object(); questItem.testKey = new Object(); questItem.testKey.ref = 'testKey'; = 'Test Key'; questItem.testKey.desc = '[KEY] Key to Test Door.'; questItem.testKey.weight = 0; questItem.testKey.door = 'l16_s3_b1_f1_r1_room2'; questItem.questBoltCutters = new Object(); questItem.questBoltCutters.ref = 'questBoltCutters'; = 'Bolt Cutters'; questItem.questBoltCutters.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Useful for cutting fences, or bolts I guess.'; questItem.questBoltCutters.weight = 0; questItem.kellyGlasses = new Object(); questItem.kellyGlasses.ref = 'kellyGlasses'; = 'Kelly\'s Glasses'; questItem.kellyGlasses.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Perscription Glasses, the name Kelly is engraved in the frame.'; questItem.kellyGlasses.weight = 0; questItem.questHanksRifle = new Object(); questItem.questHanksRifle.ref = 'questHanksRifle'; = 'Hank\'s Rifle'; questItem.questHanksRifle.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Hank\'s father\'s rifle, useless without the bolt group.'; questItem.questHanksRifle.weight = 0; questItem.questHanksRifleBolt = new Object(); questItem.questHanksRifleBolt.ref = 'questHanksRifleBolt'; = 'Hank\'s Rifle Bolt'; questItem.questHanksRifleBolt.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] The bolt group for Hank\'s father\'s rifle, he\'ll know how to assemble this.'; questItem.questHanksRifleBolt.weight = 0; questItem.hankKey = new Object(); questItem.hankKey.ref = 'hankKey'; = 'Hank\'s Neighbor\'s Key'; questItem.hankKey.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Key belonging to Hank\'s neighbor. Apartment 201.'; questItem.hankKey.weight = 0; questItem.hankKey.door = 'l13_s1_b3_f3_r1_room100'; questItem.edKey = new Object(); questItem.edKey.ref = 'edKey'; = 'Ed\'s Garage Key'; questItem.edKey.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Key to Ed\'s Garage.'; questItem.edKey.weight = 0; questItem.edKey.door = 'l16_s3_b4_f1_r1_door2'; questItem.unionSecKey = new Object(); questItem.unionSecKey.ref = 'unionSecKey'; = 'Union Sec Key'; questItem.unionSecKey.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Key to gun cage at Union Security.'; questItem.unionSecKey.weight = 0; questItem.unionSecKey.door = 'l12_s1_b3_f2_r1_door2'; questItem.hotelKey403 = new Object(); questItem.hotelKey403.ref = 'hotelKey403'; = '[KEY] to 403'; questItem.hotelKey403.desc = 'Room key for room 403.'; questItem.hotelKey403.weight = 0; questItem.hotelKey403.door = 'l11_s1_b2_f4_r1_room403'; questItem.EOBbathroomKey = new Object(); questItem.EOBbathroomKey.ref = 'EOBbathroomKey'; = '[KEY] to Ladies Room'; questItem.EOBbathroomKey.desc = 'Key to the ladies at Earl of Burger.'; questItem.EOBbathroomKey.weight = 0; questItem.EOBbathroomKey.door = 'l12_s2_b1_f1_r2_room101'; questItem.UCPDcageKey = new Object(); questItem.UCPDcageKey.ref = 'UCPDcageKey'; = '[KEY] UCPD - Gun Cage'; questItem.UCPDcageKey.desc = 'Key to the UCPD Gun Cage.'; questItem.UCPDcageKey.weight = 0; questItem.UCPDcageKey.door = 'l11_s4_b2_f2_r0_room1101'; questItem.stadiumKey = new Object(); questItem.stadiumKey.ref = 'stadiumKey'; = '[KEY] Stadium Sewer'; questItem.stadiumKey.desc = 'Sewer access at Stadium.'; questItem.stadiumKey.weight = 0; questItem.stadiumKey.door = 'l5_s1_b1_f1_r4062_room4063'; questItem.sewerKey = new Object(); questItem.sewerKey.ref = 'sewerKey'; = '[KEY] H&H Sewer'; questItem.sewerKey.desc = 'Sewer access to Union Park.'; questItem.sewerKey.weight = 0; questItem.sewerKey.door = 'l11_s3_b1_f0_r3_room500'; questItem.docksKey = new Object(); questItem.docksKey.ref = 'docksKey'; = '[KEY] Docks Office'; questItem.docksKey.desc = 'Key to office door at Docks.'; questItem.docksKey.weight = 0; questItem.docksKey.door = 'l6_s3_b1_f1_r1_door1'; questItem.questHERCkey = new Object(); questItem.questHERCkey.ref = 'questHERCkey'; = 'Key to HERC cell'; questItem.questHERCkey.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Key to HERC cell holding your partner.'; questItem.questHERCkey.weight = 0; questItem.hospitalStore = new Object(); questItem.hospitalStore.ref = 'hospitalStore'; = '[KEY] Storage Key'; questItem.hospitalStore.desc = 'Key to Hospital Storage Room'; questItem.hospitalStore.weight = 0; questItem.hospitalStore.door = 'l13_s2_b1_f2_r2_room202'; questItem.explosivesC4 = new Object(); questItem.explosivesC4.ref = 'explosivesC4'; = 'C4 Block'; questItem.explosivesC4.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] A block of C4 explosive.'; questItem.explosivesC4.weight = 0; questItem.explosivesBlastingCap = new Object(); questItem.explosivesBlastingCap.ref = 'explosivesBlastingCap'; = 'C4 Blasting Cap'; questItem.explosivesBlastingCap.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Blasting cap for the C4.'; questItem.explosivesBlastingCap.weight = 0; questItem.explosivesTimer = new Object(); questItem.explosivesTimer.ref = 'explosivesTimer'; = 'C4 Timer'; questItem.explosivesTimer.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Time delay system for blowing the C4.'; questItem.explosivesTimer.weight = 0; questItem.gas = new Object(); questItem.gas.ref = 'gas'; = 'Gallon of Gas'; questItem.gas.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] One gallon of gas.'; questItem.gas.weight = 0; questItem.fanBelt = new Object(); questItem.fanBelt.ref = 'fanBelt'; = 'Fan Belt'; questItem.fanBelt.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] A fan belt that should fit a large people mover.'; questItem.fanBelt.weight = 0; questItem.socketSet = new Object(); questItem.socketSet.ref = 'socketSet'; = 'Socket Set'; questItem.socketSet.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Cheap socket set and shifter.'; questItem.socketSet.weight = 0; questItem.woodsWarehouseKey = new Object(); questItem.woodsWarehouseKey.ref = 'woodsWarehouseKey'; = '[KEY] Warehouse Key'; questItem.woodsWarehouseKey.desc = 'Key to small warehouse at Whistler\'s Forest'; questItem.woodsWarehouseKey.weight = 0; questItem.woodsWarehouseKey.door = 'l15_s6_b0_f0_r1_entr5'; questItem.woodsSafeKey = new Object(); questItem.woodsSafeKey.ref = 'woodsSafeKey'; = '[KEY] Safe Key'; questItem.woodsSafeKey.desc = 'Key to small safe at Whistler\'s Forest'; questItem.woodsSafeKey.weight = 0; questItem.woodsSafeKey.cont = 'l15_s6_b4_f1_r1_cont1'; questItem.bloodSample = new Object(); questItem.bloodSample.ref = 'bloodSample'; = 'Blood Sample'; questItem.bloodSample.desc = '[QUEST ITEM] Sample of infected blood.'; questItem.bloodSample.weight = 0; questItem.doctorOfficeKey = new Object(); questItem.doctorOfficeKey.ref = 'doctorOfficeKey'; = '[KEY] to Clinic Office'; questItem.doctorOfficeKey.desc = 'Key to the clinic office in Uptown.'; questItem.doctorOfficeKey.weight = 0; questItem.doctorOfficeKey.door = 'l11_s3_b2_f1_r2_room202'; questItem.armyCageKey = new Object(); questItem.armyCageKey.ref = 'armyCageKey'; = '[KEY] Military Cage Key'; questItem.armyCageKey.desc = 'Key to the weapons cage at the military base'; questItem.armyCageKey.weight = 0; questItem.armyCageKey.cont = 'l14_s2_b1_f2_r100_cont3'; var questItemIDs = 0; for (setQuestItemIDs in questItem) { ++questItemIDs; } l1 = new Object(); = 'UPTOWN'; l1.b0 = new Object(); = 'JEFFERSON AVE'; l1.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l1.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l1.b3 = new Object(); l1.b4 = new Object(); l1.b5 = new Object(); l1.b6 = new Object(); l1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l1.b0.f0.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.desc = 'Trash Can'; l1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.display = 'blank'; l1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l1.b0.f0.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l1.b0.f0.r1.cont2.desc = 'Trash Can'; l1.b0.f0.r1.cont2.display = 'blank'; l1.b0.f0.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l1.b0.f0.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l1.b0.f0.r1.cont3.desc = 'Newspaper Stand'; l1.b0.f0.r1.cont3.display = 'blank'; l1.b0.f0.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('magazine'); l1.b1.f1 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); = 'Apartment'; l1.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 30; l1.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l1.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('longGuns'); l1.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Cupboard'; l1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('cargoShorts', 'singletBlack'); l1.b1.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l1.b1.f1.r1.cont3.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('tshirtBrown', 'tshirtWhite'); l1.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l1.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l1.b1.f1.r2 = new Object(); = 'Apartment'; l1.b1.f1.r2.lightReduction = 50; l1.b1.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l1.b1.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l1.b1.f1.r2.cont1.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('bandana'); l1.b1.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Closet'; l1.b1.f1.r2.cont2.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('suitBlack', 'jeansBlack', 'shoeBlack', 'sodaCan'); l1.b1.f1.r3 = new Object(); = 'Apartment'; l1.b1.f1.r3.lightReduction = 70; l1.b1.f1.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l1.b1.f1.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r3.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l1.b1.f1.r3.cont1.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f1.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array('bandage', 'medkit', 'water'); l1.b1.f1.r3.cont2 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r3.cont2.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l1.b1.f1.r3.cont2.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f1.r3.cont2.cnt = new Array('glock', 'bat'); l1.b1.f1.r3.cont3 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r3.cont3.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l1.b1.f1.r3.cont3.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f1.r3.cont3.cnt = new Array('pistols', 'fitness'); l1.b1.f1.r3.cont4 = new Object(); l1.b1.f1.r3.cont4.desc = 'Closet'; l1.b1.f1.r3.cont4.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f1.r3.cont4.cnt = new Array('longSleeveWhite', 'M1911', 'water'); l1.b1.f2 = new Object(); l1.b1.f2.r3 = new Object(); = 'Apartment'; l1.b1.f2.r3.lightReduction = 70; l1.b1.f2.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l1.b1.f2.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l1.b1.f2.r3.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l1.b1.f2.r3.cont1.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f2.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array('compoundBow'); l1.b1.f2.r3.cont2 = new Object(); l1.b1.f2.r3.cont2.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l1.b1.f2.r3.cont2.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f2.r3.cont2.cnt = new Array('book'); l1.b1.f2.r3.cont3 = new Object(); l1.b1.f2.r3.cont3.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l1.b1.f2.r3.cont3.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f2.r3.cont3.cnt = new Array('magazine'); l1.b1.f2.r3.cont4 = new Object(); l1.b1.f2.r3.cont4.desc = 'Closet'; l1.b1.f2.r3.cont4.display = 'blank'; l1.b1.f2.r3.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l1.b1.f2.r3.NPCs = new Array('Jonah', 'Darren', 'Alex'); l1.b1.f2.r3.NPC_x = new Array('300', '60', '650'); l1.b1.f2.r3.NPCPose = new Array('idle', 'sit', 'idle'); l1.b1.f2.r3.NPCFacing = new Array('right', 'right', 'left'); l1.b2.f1 = new Object(); l1.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); = 'Wharehouse'; l1.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 80; l1.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l1.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l1.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l1.b2.f1.r2 = new Object(); = 'Wharehouse'; l1.b2.f1.r2.lightReduction = 80; l1.b2.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l1.b2.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont1.display = 'blank'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('vector'); l1.b2.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l1.b2.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont2.display = 'blank'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('cannedCorn', 'cannedTomato'); l1.b2.f1.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l1.b2.f1.r2.cont3.desc = 'Boxes'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont3.display = 'blank'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('spam', 'crackers', 'sardines'); l1.b2.f1.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l1.b2.f1.r2.cont4.desc = 'Boxes'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont4.display = 'blank'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array('searching', 'MP5'); l1.b2.f1.r2.cont5 = new Object(); l1.b2.f1.r2.cont5.desc = 'Boxes'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont5.display = 'blank'; l1.b2.f1.r2.cont5.cnt = new Array('soupBeef', 'soupVegetable'); l1.b2.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l1.b2.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l1.b2.f1.r2.NPCs = new Array('Matt'); l1.b2.f1.r2.NPC_x = new Array('950'); l1.b2.f1.r2.NPCPose = new Array('sit'); l1.b2.f1.r2.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l2 = new Object(); l2.s1 = new Object(); l2.s1.ref = 'section9'; l2.s1.b0 = new Object(); = '9TH STREET'; l2.s1.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l2.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l2.s1.b3 = new Object(); l2.s1.b4 = new Object(); l2.s1.b5 = new Object(); l2.s1.b6 = new Object(); l2.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l2.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l2.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l2.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l2.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l2.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l2.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l2.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l3 = new Object(); l3.s1 = new Object(); l3.s1.ref = 'section9'; l3.s1.b0 = new Object(); = '9TH STREET'; l3.s1.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l3.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l3.s1.b3 = new Object(); l3.s1.b4 = new Object(); l3.s1.b5 = new Object(); l3.s1.b6 = new Object(); l3.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l3.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l3.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l3.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l3.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l3.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l3.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l3.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l4 = new Object(); l4.s1 = new Object(); l4.s1.ref = 'section9'; l4.s1.b0 = new Object(); = '9TH STREET'; l4.s1.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l4.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l4.s1.b3 = new Object(); l4.s1.b4 = new Object(); l4.s1.b5 = new Object(); l4.s1.b6 = new Object(); l4.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l4.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l4.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l4.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l4.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l4.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l4.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l4.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l5 = new Object(); = 'music_5'; l5.danger = 10; l5.ref = 'section5'; l5.s1 = new Object(); l5.startLoc = 'l5_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l5.startLocName = 'BALLPARK DRIVE'; l5.endLoc = 'l5_s1_b1_f1_r4063'; l5.endLocName = 'SEWER ACCESS'; l5.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'BALLPARK DRIVE'; l5.s1.b1 = new Object(); = 'Stadium'; l5.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l5.s1.b3 = new Object(); l5.s1.b4 = new Object(); l5.s1.b5 = new Object(); l5.s1.b6 = new Object(); l5.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l5.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Stadium - Outside'; l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.enemy = new Array('armyBio', 'armyBioOfficer', 'armyBio2'); l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.enemyX = new Array('950', '1100', '1975'); l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.NPCs = new Array('Williams'); l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.NPC_x = new Array('1400'); l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.NPCPose = new Array('standPistol'); l5.s1.b0.f0.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l5.s1.b1.f1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r1.seed = 156; = 'Stadium - Outside'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 0; l5.s1.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r1.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r2 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.seed = 156; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.lightReduction = 40; l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.randRate = 'heavy'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.NPCs = new Array('DrSmith', 'Kowalski'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.NPC_x = new Array('550', '1320'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.NPCPose = new Array('idle', 'holdRifle'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r2.NPCFacing = new Array('right', 'left'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r3 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.seed = 1896; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.lightReduction = 40; l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.lockedDoors = new Array('door1', 'room100'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.needsKey = new Array(true, true); l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.lockDiff = new Array('hard', 'hard'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.NPCs = new Array('Simmons', 'Hammond', 'Martinez'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.NPC_x = new Array('40', '510', '835'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.NPCPose = new Array('holdRifle', 'sitTable', 'holdRifle'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r3.NPCFacing = new Array('right', 'left', 'left'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r100 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.seed = 156; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.lightReduction = 20; l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.NPCs = new Array('Carol', 'Steve', 'Ryan', 'Anna', 'Barry'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.NPC_x = new Array('1500', '1350', '550', '650', '2100'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.NPCPose = new Array('sit', 'idle', 'idle', 'idle', 'idle'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r100.NPCFacing = new Array('left', 'right', 'right', 'left', 'left'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.seed = 1896; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.lightReduction = 40; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.lockedDoors = new Array('door1'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.needsKey = new Array(true); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.lockDiff = new Array('hard'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.NPCs = new Array('Ramirez'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.NPC_x = new Array('700'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.NPCPose = new Array('holdRifle'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.cont1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.cont1.desc = 'Vending Machine'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.cont1.cnt = new Array('water', 'water', 'sodaCan'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4.cont1.noJunk = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r402 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r402.seed = 12455; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r402.lightReduction = 40; l5.s1.b1.f1.r402.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r402.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r402.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r402.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r402.lockedDoors = new Array('door1'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r402.needsKey = new Array(true); l5.s1.b1.f1.r402.lockDiff = new Array('hard'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r403 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r403.seed = 5534; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r403.lightReduction = 40; l5.s1.b1.f1.r403.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r403.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r403.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r403.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r403.lockedDoors = new Array('door1'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r403.needsKey = new Array(true); l5.s1.b1.f1.r403.lockDiff = new Array('hard'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.lightReduction = 60; l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.type = 'basement'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.lockedDoors = new Array('door1', 'door2'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.needsKey = new Array(true, true); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.lockDiff = new Array('hard', 'hard'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.NPCs = new Array('Barry'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.NPC_x = new Array('470'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.NPCPose = new Array('idle'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.cont1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.cont1.desc = 'Shelves'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r404.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r405 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r405.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r405.lightReduction = 60; l5.s1.b1.f1.r405.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r405.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r405.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r405.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.seed = 3553; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.lightReduction = 60; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.type = 'basement'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont2 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont2.desc = 'Ammunition Box'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont2.cnt = new Array('ammo556_50'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont3 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont3.desc = 'Footlocker'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont4 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont4.desc = 'Boxes'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont5 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont5.desc = 'First Aid Kit'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont5.cnt = new Array('bandage'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4051.cont5.noJunk = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r406 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r406.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r406.lightReduction = 80; l5.s1.b1.f1.r406.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r406.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r406.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r406.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4061 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4061.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4061.lightReduction = 80; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4061.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4061.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4061.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4061.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062.lightReduction = 80; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062.lockedDoors = new Array('room4063'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062.needsKey = new Array(true); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4062.lockDiff = new Array('very hard'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4063 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r4063.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4063.lightReduction = 80; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4063.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4063.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4063.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r4063.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r499 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.lightReduction = 60; l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.type = 'basement'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.cont1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.cont2 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.cont2.desc = 'Cleaning Shelf'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r499.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r500 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.lightReduction = 40; l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.cont1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammo45_100', 'ammo9mm_100'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r500.cont1.noJunk = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r501 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.lightReduction = 50; l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.enemy = new Array('HERCscientist'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.enemyX = new Array('820'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.cont1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r501.cont1.noJunk = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.seed = 4652; = ''; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.lightReduction = 50; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.type = 'anywhere'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.rand = 'Trash'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.randRate = 'light'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.safeHouse = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.enemy = new Array('HERCscientist', 'HERCscientistMelee'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.enemyX = new Array('600', '450'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.cont1 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.cont1.cnt = new Array('UMP45_specOps'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.cont1.noJunk = true; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.cont2 = new Object(); l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.cont2.desc = 'Footlocker'; l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.cont2.cnt = new Array('thor', 'ammoshotgun_30'); l5.s1.b1.f1.r502.cont2.noJunk = true; l6 = new Object(); l6.ref = 'section6'; l6.danger = 16; l6.s1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'MERCHANT ST'; l6.s1.b1 = new Object(); = 'Warehouse'; l6.s1.b2 = new Object(); = 'Abandoned Office'; l6.s2 = new Object(); l6.s2.b0 = new Object(); = 'NORTH WHARF RD'; l6.s2.b1 = new Object(); = 'Warehouse'; l6.s2.b2 = new Object(); = 'Abandoned Office'; l6.s2.b3 = new Object(); = 'Mechanics'; l6.s3 = new Object(); l6.s3.b0 = new Object(); = 'SEASIDE DRIVE'; l6.s3.b1 = new Object(); = 'Docks Office'; l6.s3.b2 = new Object(); = 'Paper Company Offices'; l6.s3.b3 = new Object(); = 'Mechanics'; l6.s4 = new Object(); l6.s4.b0 = new Object(); = 'UNION ISLAND BRIDGE'; l6.s4.b1 = new Object(); = 'Earl of Burger'; l6.s4.b2 = new Object(); = 'Paper Company Offices'; l6.s4.b3 = new Object(); = 'Mechanics'; l6.startLoc = 'l6_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l6.startLocName = 'MERCHANT ST'; l6.endLoc = 'l6_s4_b0_f0_r1'; l6.endLocName = 'UNION ISLAND BRIDGE'; l6.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l6.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 89562; = 'Outside'; l6.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l6.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l6.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l6.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l6.s1.b1.f1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.seed = 5232; = 'Outside'; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 80; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.type = 'office'; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Boxes'; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont4.desc = 'Stack of Boxes'; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont5 = new Object(); l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont5.desc = 'Stack of Boxes'; l6.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont5.cnt = new Array(); l6.s1.b2.f1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.seed = 1454; = 'Outside'; l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 80; l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.type = 'office'; l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Drawer'; l6.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('cash_50'); l6.s1.b2.f2 = new Object(); l6.s1.b2.f2.r1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.seed = 15543; = 'Outside'; l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.lightReduction = 80; l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.type = 'office'; l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont2.desc = 'Ammo Stockpile'; l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('ammo556_40', 'ammo762_30', 'ammoshotgun_12'); l6.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont2.noJunk = true; l6.s2.b0.f0 = new Object(); l6.s2.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l6.s2.b0.f0.r1.seed = 51234; = 'Outside'; l6.s2.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l6.s2.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l6.s2.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s2.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l6.s2.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l6.s2.b1.f1 = new Object(); l6.s2.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.seed = 5232; = 'Outside'; l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.safeHouse = true; l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.NPCs = new Array('Jack', 'PartnerDocks', 'Dana', 'Jane', 'Shawn'); l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.NPC_x = new Array('450', '650', '80', '1380', '1150'); l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.NPCPose = new Array('sitCrate', 'idle', 'holdRifle', 'holdRifle', 'standPistol'); l6.s2.b1.f1.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('right', 'left', 'right', 'left', 'right'); l6.s3.b0.f0 = new Object(); l6.s3.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l6.s3.b0.f0.r1.seed = 51234; = 'Outside'; l6.s3.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l6.s3.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l6.s3.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s3.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l6.s3.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l6.s3.b1.f1 = new Object(); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.seed = 4322; = 'Outside'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 80; l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.type = 'office'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.lockedDoors = new Array('door1'); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.needsKey = new Array(false); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.lockDiff = new Array('very hard'); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Desk'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('docksKey', 'files'); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Fridge'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('spam', 'apple', 'orange', 'chocolate'); l6.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont3.noJunk = true; l6.s3.b1.f1.r2 = new Object(); l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.seed = 2331; = 'Outside'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.lightReduction = 0; l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.type = 'office'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.randRate = 'medium'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.outside = true; l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Shipping Container'; l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('RPG', 'ammoRPG_5'); l6.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l6.s4.b0.f0 = new Object(); l6.s4.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.seed = 51234; = 'Outside'; l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.NPCs = new Array('JackWall', 'DanaWall'); l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.NPC_x = new Array('1860', '1780'); l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.NPCPose = new Array('crouchReady', 'holdRifle'); l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('right', 'right'); l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.enemy = new Array('JaneWall', 'ShawnWall'); l6.s4.b0.f0.r1.enemyX = new Array('1690', '1590'); l7 = new Object(); l7.ref = 'section7'; l7.danger = 25; l7.s1 = new Object(); l7.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'BRIDGE'; l7.s1.b1 = new Object(); = 'U-Conbank'; l7.s1.b2 = new Object(); = 'The Red Rum'; l7.s1.b3 = new Object(); = 'Union Security'; l7.s1.b4 = new Object(); = 'Warehouse'; l7.s1.b5 = new Object(); = 'King-o-Pawn'; l7.s1.b6 = new Object(); l7.s2 = new Object(); l7.s2.b0 = new Object(); = 'MAIN PARK'; l7.s2.b1 = new Object(); = 'Earl of Burger'; l7.s2.b2 = new Object(); = 'Paper Company Offices'; l7.s2.b3 = new Object(); = 'Mechanics'; l7.s3 = new Object(); l7.s3.b0 = new Object(); = 'UNION ISLAND'; l7.s3.b1 = new Object(); = 'Earl of Burger'; l7.s3.b2 = new Object(); = 'Paper Company Offices'; l7.s3.b3 = new Object(); = 'Mechanics'; l7.s4 = new Object(); l7.s4.b0 = new Object(); = 'MONUMENT'; l7.s4.b1 = new Object(); = 'Earl of Burger'; l7.s4.b2 = new Object(); = 'Paper Company Offices'; l7.s4.b3 = new Object(); = 'Mechanics'; l7.startLoc = 'l7_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l7.startLocName = 'BRIDGE'; l7.endLoc = 'l7_s2_b0_f0_r103'; l7.endLocName = 'SUBWAY EXIT'; l7.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l7.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l7.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 89562; = 'Outside'; l7.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l7.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l7.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l7.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l7.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l7.s2.b0.f0 = new Object(); l7.s2.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l7.s2.b0.f0.r1.seed = 51234; = 'Outside'; l7.s2.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l7.s2.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l7.s2.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l7.s2.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l7.s2.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l7.s3.b0.f0 = new Object(); l7.s3.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l7.s3.b0.f0.r1.seed = 51234; = 'Outside'; l7.s3.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l7.s3.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l7.s3.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l7.s3.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l7.s3.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l7.s4.b0.f0 = new Object(); l7.s4.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l7.s4.b0.f0.r1.seed = 51234; = 'Outside'; l7.s4.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l7.s4.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l7.s4.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l7.s4.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l7.s4.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l7.s4.b0.f0.r1.enemy = new Array('HERCsoldierHeavy', 'HERCsoldierHeavy'); l7.s4.b0.f0.r1.enemyX = new Array('970', '1050'); l7.s4.b0.f0.r100 = new Object(); l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.seed = 51234; = 'Outside'; l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.lightReduction = 0; l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.type = 'anywhere'; l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.randRate = 'heavy'; l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.outside = true; l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.enemy = new Array('JaneSacrifice', 'ShawnSacrifice', 'DanaWall'); l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.enemyX = new Array('450', '500', '600'); l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.NPCs = new Array('JackWall'); l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.NPC_x = new Array('700'); l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.NPCPose = new Array('holdRifle'); l7.s4.b0.f0.r100.NPCFacing = new Array('right'); l8 = new Object(); l8.s1 = new Object(); l8.s1.ref = 'section9'; l8.s1.b0 = new Object(); = '9TH STREET'; l8.s1.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l8.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l8.s1.b3 = new Object(); l8.s1.b4 = new Object(); l8.s1.b5 = new Object(); l8.s1.b6 = new Object(); l8.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l8.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l8.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l8.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l8.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l8.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l8.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l8.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l9 = new Object(); l9.danger = 4; = 'music_2'; l9.s1 = new Object(); l9.s1.ref = 'section9'; l9.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'TANNER STREET'; l9.s1.b1 = new Object(); = '860 ' +; l9.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '862 ' +; l9.s1.b3 = new Object(); = 'STAN\'S GENERAL FOODS'; l9.s2 = new Object(); l9.s2.ref = 'section9'; l9.s2.b0 = new Object(); = '8TH AVENUE'; l9.s2.b1 = new Object(); = 'Plenty Phone'; l9.s2.b2 = new Object(); = 'Store House'; l9.s2.b3 = new Object(); = 'Workshop'; l9.s2.b4 = new Object(); = 'Storage Warehouse'; l9.s2.b5 = new Object(); = 'Apartment Block'; l9.startLoc = 'l9_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l9.startLocName = 'TANNER STREET'; l9.endLoc = 'l9_s2_b0_f0_r1'; l9.endLocName = '8TH AVENUE - APARTMENT'; l9.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l9.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.desc = 'Dumpster'; l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.display = 'blank'; l9.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('brokenPipe'); l9.s1.b1.f1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r0 = new Object(); = 'House'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.lightReduction = 60; l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.type = 'kitchen'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('cannedBeans'); l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont2.desc = 'Cupboard'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('soupBeef'); l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont3.desc = 'Cupboard'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont4 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont4.desc = 'Fridge'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont4.cnt = new Array('sodaCan', 'water'); l9.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont4.noJunk = true; l9.s1.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); = 'House'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('firstAid', 'magazine', 'book', 'book', 'scrapPaper'); l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Side Table'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('pocketKnife', 'cash_20'); l9.s1.b1.f1.r2 = new Object(); = 'House'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.lightReduction = 60; l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('magazine', 'paperWeight'); l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Drawers'; l9.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l9.s1.b1.f2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f2.r1 = new Object(); = 'House'; l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.lightReduction = 60; l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Suitcase'; l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('capBlue', 'tshirtBlack', 'jeansBlue'); l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont2.desc = 'Closet'; l9.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('ammo45_24', 'longSleeveGreen'); l9.s1.b1.f2.r2 = new Object(); = 'House'; l9.s1.b1.f2.r2.lightReduction = 60; l9.s1.b1.f2.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b1.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s1.b1.f2.r2.randRate = 'light'; l9.s1.b2.f1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); = 'House'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 70; l9.s1.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammo45_15'); l9.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Drawers'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('cash_25'); l9.s1.b2.f1.r2 = new Object(); = 'House'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.lightReduction = 70; l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Fridge'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('apple'); l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Kitchen Sink'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('kitchenKnife'); l9.s1.b2.f1.r3 = new Object(); = 'Backyard'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r3.lightReduction = 0; l9.s1.b2.f1.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r3.outside = true; l9.s1.b2.f1.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b2.f1.r3.cont1.desc = 'Trash Can'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array('brokenBoard'); l9.s1.b2.f1.r3.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b2.f1.r3.cont2.desc = 'Back Fence'; l9.s1.b2.f1.r3.cont2.cnt = new Array('pipe'); l9.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont2.noJunk = true; l9.s1.b3.f1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1 = new Object(); = 'Store'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.lightReduction = 50; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('orange'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('cannedCorn'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('cannedTomato'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont4.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array('cereal'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont5 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont5.desc = 'Cash Register'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont5.cnt = new Array('cash_56'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont5.noJunk = true; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont6 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont6.desc = 'Counter'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont6.cnt = new Array('jerky'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont7 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont7.desc = 'Storage Shelf'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont7.cnt = new Array('jerky', 'pipe', 'brokenPipe'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont8 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont8.desc = 'Floor'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont8.cnt = new Array('kellyGlasses'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r1.cont8.noJunk = true; l9.s1.b3.f1.r2 = new Object(); = 'Store Room'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.lightReduction = 70; l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.NPCs = new Array('Kelly'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.NPC_x = new Array('370'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.NPCPose = new Array('sit'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('sodaCan'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('cannedCorn'); l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont3.desc = 'Boxes'; l9.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('cannedCorn', 'cannedCorn'); l9.s2.b0.f0 = new Object(); l9.s2.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b0.f0.r1.seed = 100; = 'Outside'; l9.s2.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l9.s2.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s2.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l9.s2.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l9.s2.b1.safeHouse = true; l9.s2.b1.f1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.safeHouse = true; l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; = 'Plenty Phone'; l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Bag'; l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammoshotgun_6', 'sawnOff', 'tape'); l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Table'; l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('cereal', 'cookies'); l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Ammo Stockpile'; l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('ammo9mm_30', 'ammo45_30', 'ammoshotgun_10'); l9.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont3.noJunk = true; l9.s2.b2.f1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; = 'Warehouse'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r1.type = 'basement'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.lightReduction = 60; = 'Warehouse'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.type = 'basement'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.randRate = 'heavy'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont3.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('nails', 'metalSheet'); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont4.desc = 'Boxes'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont5 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont5.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont5.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont6 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont6.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont6.cnt = new Array('weldingRod'); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont7 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont7.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont7.cnt = new Array('nails'); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont8 = new Object(); l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont8.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont8.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b3.f1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b3.f1.r1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b3.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; = 'Warehouse'; l9.s2.b3.f1.r1.type = 'basement'; l9.s2.b3.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b3.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l9.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b3.f2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.lightReduction = 60; = 'Warehouse'; l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.type = 'basement'; l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.NPCs = new Array('Darnel'); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.NPC_x = new Array('95'); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.NPCPose = new Array('useStanding'); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('brokenPipe'); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.cont2.desc = 'Crate'; l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.cont3.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b3.f2.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('clawHammer'); l9.s2.b4.f0 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.lightReduction = 60; = 'Warehouse'; l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.type = 'basement'; l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.randRate = 'medium'; l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont1.desc = 'Cleaning Shelf'; l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont3.desc = 'Boxes'; l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('tape'); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont4.desc = 'Box'; l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont5 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont5.desc = 'Shelf'; l9.s2.b4.f0.r2.cont5.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b4.f1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; = 'Warehouse'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.type = 'basement'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Crate'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('metalSheet'); l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Boxes'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.lightReduction = 60; = 'Warehouse'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.type = 'basement'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.randRate = 'medium'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Storage Unit'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('hockeyStick', 'cricketBat'); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont1.locked = true; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont1.lockDiff = 'normal'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Storage Unit'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('longGuns', 'book', 'book'); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont2.locked = true; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont2.lockDiff = 'normal'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont3.desc = 'Storage Unit'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('urbanCamo', 'singletBlack', 'PPM9', 'paperWeight'); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont4.desc = 'Storage Unit'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array('brokenBoard'); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont5 = new Object(); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont5.desc = 'Storage Unit'; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont5.cnt = new Array('woolHatBrown', 'shoeWhite'); l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont5.locked = true; l9.s2.b4.f1.r2.cont5.lockDiff = 'normal'; l9.s2.b5.f0 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f1.r0 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f1.r0.lightReduction = 60; = 'Apartments'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Book Shelf'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('security', 'cash_25'); l9.s2.b5.f1.r1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; = 'Apartments'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.lightReduction = 60; = 'Apartments'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Dresser'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('M1911_damaged'); l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont1.locked = true; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont1.lockDiff = 'normal'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Stair Closet'; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('ammo45_32'); l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont2.locked = true; l9.s2.b5.f1.r2.cont2.lockDiff = 'normal'; l9.s2.b5.f2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r1.lightReduction = 60; = 'Apartments'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r1.type = 'bathroom'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('pills'); l9.s2.b5.f2.r2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.lightReduction = 60; = 'Apartments'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.randRate = 'light'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.cont1.desc = 'Bedside Cupboard'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('singletBlack', 'tshirtWhite'); l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.cont2.desc = 'Bedside Cupboard'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('sunglassesBottle', 'cash_30'); l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.cont3.desc = 'Closet'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('suitBlack', 'pantsBrown', 'capRed'); l9.s2.b5.f2.r3 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.lightReduction = 60; = 'Apartments'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.randRate = 'light'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.cont1.desc = 'Sideboard'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.cont2 = new Object(); l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.cont2.desc = 'TV Cabinet'; l9.s2.b5.f2.r3.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l10 = new Object(); l10.s1 = new Object(); l10.s1.ref = 'section9'; l10.s1.b0 = new Object(); = '9TH STREET'; l10.s1.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l10.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l10.s1.b3 = new Object(); l10.s1.b4 = new Object(); l10.s1.b5 = new Object(); l10.s1.b6 = new Object(); l10.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l10.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l10.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l10.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l10.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l10.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l10.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l10.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l11 = new Object(); l11.ref = 'section11'; l11.danger = 11; l11.startLoc = 'l11_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l11.startLocName = 'MAIN ST - CENTRAL BUILDING'; l11.endLoc = 'l11_s4_b0_f0_r1'; l11.endLocName = 'PARK BLVD - PAWN SHOP'; l11.s1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'MAIN ST'; l11.s1.b1 = new Object(); = 'Central Building'; l11.s1.b2 = new Object(); = 'Whistler Hotel'; l11.s1.b3 = new Object(); = 'Union Security'; l11.s1.b4 = new Object(); = 'Warehouse'; l11.s1.b5 = new Object(); l11.s1.b6 = new Object(); l11.s2 = new Object(); l11.s2.b0 = new Object(); = 'LINCOLN AVE'; l11.s2.b1 = new Object(); = 'Gas Station'; l11.s2.b2 = new Object(); = 'Boothtique'; l11.s2.b3 = new Object(); = 'Mechanics'; l11.s3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b0 = new Object(); = '10th AVE'; l11.s3.b1 = new Object(); = 'Harrison & Harrison'; l11.s3.b2 = new Object(); = 'Medical Clinic'; l11.s3.b3 = new Object(); = 'Mechanics'; l11.s4 = new Object(); l11.s4.b0 = new Object(); = 'PARK BLVD'; l11.s4.b1 = new Object(); = 'Earl of Burger'; l11.s4.b2 = new Object(); = 'UCPD Station'; l11.s4.b3 = new Object(); = 'King-O-Pawn'; l11.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l11.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l11.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l11.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l11.s1.b1.f1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.seed = 14523; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.type = 'office'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammo556_35', 'ammo762_20'); l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Footlocker'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Ammunition Box'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f1.r2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f1.r2.seed = 14523; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r2.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b1.f1.r2.type = 'office'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r2.randRate = 'heavy'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Ammunition Box'; l11.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammo556_40'); l11.s1.b1.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.seed = 4646; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.lightReduction = 20; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.type = 'office'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont1.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_60'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont2.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('brokenPen', 'files', 'scrapPaper'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont3.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont3.cnt = new Array('cash_5'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont4.desc = 'Filing Cabinets'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont5 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont5.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont5.cnt = new Array('files', 'scrapPaper'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r0.cont5.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.seed = 4646; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.lightReduction = 30; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.type = 'office'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_5'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('brokenPen', 'book'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont3.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('noDoze', 'pills'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont4.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper', 'magazine'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont5 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont5.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont5.cnt = new Array('cash_20'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r1.cont5.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.seed = 4646; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.lightReduction = 20; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.type = 'office'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont1.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('book'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont2.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('smarts', 'cash_30'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont3.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont4.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array('files', 'scrapPaper'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont5 = new Object(); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont5.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont5.cnt = new Array('cash_10'); l11.s1.b1.f2.r2.cont5.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f1.r0 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.seed = 868; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.type = 'office'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper', 'security'); l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.cont2.desc = 'Desk Cupboard'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('brokenPen', 'kitchenKnife', 'tauron', 'ammo9mm_12'); l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.cont3.desc = 'Desk Drawer'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r0.cont3.cnt = new Array('hotelKey403'); l11.s1.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f1.r1.seed = 9865; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l11.s1.b2.f2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r1.seed = 986; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r1.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f2.r1.type = 'kitchen'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Overturned Cupboard'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cleaver', 'plate'); l11.s1.b2.f2.r203 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.cont1.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.cont1.cnt = new Array('book'); l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.cont2.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r203.cont2.cnt = new Array('cash_25'); l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031.type = 'bathroom'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031.cont1.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031.cont1.cnt = new Array('noDoze'); l11.s1.b2.f2.r2031.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f2.r204 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.cont1.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.cont1.cnt = new Array('blades'); l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.cont2.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.cont2.cnt = new Array('cash_5'); l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.cont3.desc = 'Suitcase'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r204.cont3.cnt = new Array('shirtCheckerBlue'); l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041.type = 'bathroom'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041.cont1.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041.cont1.cnt = new Array('toothPaste'); l11.s1.b2.f2.r2041.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r1.seed = 182; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r1.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f3.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r1.cont1.desc = 'Desktop'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('hospitalStore'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r301 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont1.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont1.cnt = new Array('capBlack'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont2.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont2.cnt = new Array('tshirtBlue'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont3.desc = 'Suitcase'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont3.cnt = new Array('cash_200', 'scrapPaper', 'brokenPen'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r301.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011.type = 'bathroom'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011.cont1.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011.cont1.cnt = new Array('bandage'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3011.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f3.r302 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.cont1.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.cont2.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.cont3.desc = 'Suitcases'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r302.cont3.cnt = new Array('shoeBrown', 'pantsBrown'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.type = 'bathroom'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.cont1.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.cont2.desc = 'Trash Bag'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3021.cont2.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper', 'towel'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r304 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.cont1.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.cont2.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.cont2.cnt = new Array('book', 'cash_23'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.cont3.desc = 'Suitcases'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r304.cont3.cnt = new Array('shirtBlue', 'pantsGrey'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.type = 'bathroom'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.cont1.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.cont1.cnt = new Array('pills', 'shampoo'); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.cont2.desc = 'Vent'; l11.s1.b2.f3.r3041.cont2.cnt = new Array('cash_100'); l11.s1.b2.f4 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r1.seed = 865; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r1.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f4.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r1.lockedDoors = new Array('room403'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r1.needsKey = new Array(false); l11.s1.b2.f4.r1.lockDiff = new Array('hard'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r401 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.cont1.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.cont2.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.cont2.cnt = new Array('cash_15'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.cont3.desc = 'Suitcase'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r401.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011.type = 'bathroom'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011.cont1.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4011.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f4.r402 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.cont1.desc = 'Box'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.cont1.cnt = new Array('clawHammer_heavy', 'nails', 'bolts'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.cont2.desc = 'Box'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.cont2.cnt = new Array('metalSheet'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.cont3.desc = 'Suitcase'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r402.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4021 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4021.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4021.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4021.type = 'bathroom'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4021.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4021.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4021.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4021.cont1.desc = 'Vent'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4021.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r403 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.seed = 8463; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.body1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.body1.type = 'civilian'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.body1.pose = 'deadSit'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.body1.facing = 'right'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont1.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont1.cnt = new Array('book'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont2.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont2.cnt = new Array('glock_extendedMag', 'ammo9mm_32'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont3.desc = 'Suitcase'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont3.cnt = new Array('cash_350', 'suitGrey', 'pantsGrey', 'fedoraGrey'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r403.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.seed = 846; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.type = 'bathroom'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.body1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.body1.type = 'civilian'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.body1.pose = 'deadSit2'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.body1.facing = 'left'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.cont1.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.cont1.cnt = new Array('medkit'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4031.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.body1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.body1.type = 'civilian'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.body1.pose = 'deadSlumpBed'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.cont1.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.cont2.desc = 'Bedside Table'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.cont3.desc = 'Suitcase'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r404.cont3.cnt = new Array('shoeWhite'); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041.seed = 5435; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041.lightReduction = 50; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041.type = 'bathroom'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041.cont1.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s1.b2.f4.r4041.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f5 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.seed = 244; = 'Outside'; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.lightReduction = 0; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.outside = true; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.safeHouse = true; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont1.desc = 'Ammo Stockpile'; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammoshotgun_30', 'ammo556_30', 'ammo9mm_50'); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont2.desc = 'Food Stock'; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('pasta', 'cereal'); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont3.desc = 'Footlocker'; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('hunter', 'glock'); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont4.desc = 'First Aid Box'; l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array('bandage', 'medkit'); l11.s1.b2.f5.r1.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b0.f0 = new Object(); l11.s2.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('M79', 'ammo40mmGrenade_3'); l11.s2.b0.f0.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b1.f1 = new Object(); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.seed = 8909; = 'Outside'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Store Shelf'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('chocolate', 'chips'); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Store Shelf'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('cookies', 'jelly'); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Store Shelf'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('soupBeef', 'soupChicken', 'soupVegetable'); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont4.desc = 'Store Shelf'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array('crackers', 'spam'); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont5 = new Object(); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont5.desc = 'Store Shelf'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont5.cnt = new Array('instantNoodles', 'instantNoodles'); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont5.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont6 = new Object(); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont6.desc = 'Vending Machine'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont6.cnt = new Array('sodaCan', 'cash_25'); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont6.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont7 = new Object(); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont7.desc = 'Cash Register'; l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont7.cnt = new Array('cash_47'); l11.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont7.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b2.f1 = new Object(); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.seed = 244; = 'Outside'; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 50; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('longSleeveWhite', 'longSleeveGreen', 'tshirtWhite'); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('tshirtBlack', 'tshirtBrown'); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Boxes'; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('tshirtBlue', 'tshirtRed', 'longSleeveRed'); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont4.desc = 'CameoCrab Boxes'; l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array('shirtCheckerYellow', 'shirtCheckerYellow'); l11.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b0.f0 = new Object(); l11.s3.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.NPCs = new Array('newBarry'); l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.NPC_x = new Array('2100'); l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.NPCPose = new Array('standPistol'); l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('right'); l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.enemy = new Array('HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly', 'HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly'); l11.s3.b0.f0.r1.enemyX = new Array('780', '1150'); l11.s3.b1.f1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r0 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r0.seed = 1655; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r0.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b1.f1.r0.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l11.s3.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r1.seed = 244; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 50; l11.s3.b1.f1.r1.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Vending Machine'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_4', 'sodaCan'); l11.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f1.r2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.seed = 9886; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.lightReduction = 50; l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('magazine', 'magazine', 'magazine'); l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('security'); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.seed = 9886; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.lightReduction = 50; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array('bandage'); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinets'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont2.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont3.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont3.cnt = new Array('paperWeight', 'brokenPen', 'cash_13', 'book'); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont4.desc = 'Shelf'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont5 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont5.desc = 'Shelf'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont5.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont6 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont6.desc = 'Books'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont6.cnt = new Array('book', 'smarts', 'searching', 'magazine', 'book'); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont7 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont7.desc = 'Filing Cabinets'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont7.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont8 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont8.desc = 'Boxes'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont8.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont9 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont9.desc = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont9.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont10 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont10.desc = 'Filing Cabinets'; l11.s3.b1.f1.r3.cont10.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b1.f0 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.seed = 888; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.lightReduction = 60; l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.type = 'basement'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.safeHouse = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.NPCs = new Array('safeRoomBarry'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.NPC_x = new Array('680'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.NPCPose = new Array('standPistol'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.NPCFacing = new Array('right'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.lockedDoors = new Array('room500'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.needsKey = new Array(true); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.lockDiff = new Array('veryHard'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.cont1.desc = 'Box'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array('crowbar_heavy'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r500 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r500.seed = 1111; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r500.lightReduction = 60; l11.s3.b1.f0.r500.type = 'basement'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r501 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r501.seed = 1222; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r501.lightReduction = 60; l11.s3.b1.f0.r501.type = 'basement'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r502 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r502.seed = 4356; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r502.lightReduction = 60; l11.s3.b1.f0.r502.type = 'basement'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r503 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.lightReduction = 0; l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.safeHouse = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.outside = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.enemy = new Array('HERCsoldier', 'HERCsoldier'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.enemyX = new Array('600', '1500'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.cont1.cnt = new Array('M4A1', 'ammo556_60'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r503.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.seed = 12441; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.safeHouse = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont1.desc = 'First Aid Kit'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont1.cnt = new Array('bandage'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont3.desc = 'Footlocker'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont3.cnt = new Array('M9', 'ammo9mm_50'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont4.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont4.cnt = new Array('survival', 'fitness', 'automatics'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r504.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.seed = 6634; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.safeHouse = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont1.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont1.cnt = new Array('firstAid'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont2.cnt = new Array('mre', 'mre', 'mre'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont3.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont3.cnt = new Array('book'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont4.desc = 'Footlocker'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont4.cnt = new Array('ammo45_50', 'ammo556_50', 'ammo9mm_50'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont4.locked = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r505.cont4.lockDiff = 'normal'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r506 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r506.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r506.lightReduction = 0; l11.s3.b1.f0.r506.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r506.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r506.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r506.safeHouse = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r506.outside = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r506.enemy = new Array('HERCsoldier', 'HERCsoldier'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r506.enemyX = new Array('450', '1550'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r507 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.lightReduction = 0; l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.safeHouse = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.outside = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.cont1.desc = 'Key Rack'; l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.cont1.cnt = new Array('questHERCkey'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.NPCs = new Array('Partner'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.NPC_x = new Array('710'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.NPCPose = new Array('hurt'); l11.s3.b1.f0.r507.NPCFacing = new Array('right'); l11.s3.b2.f1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Books'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('firstAid'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Bag'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r2 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.lockedDoors = new Array('room202'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.needsKey = new Array(true); l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.lockDiff = new Array('hard'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Handbag'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_30', 'hairClip'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont1.desc = 'Desk Drawer'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont2.desc = 'Books'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont2.cnt = new Array('book', 'book', 'blades'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont3.desc = 'Desk Drawer'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont3.cnt = new Array('cash_10'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont4.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r200.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r201 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont1.desc = 'Desk Drawer'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_35'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont2.desc = 'Desk Drawer'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont3.desc = 'Books'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont3.cnt = new Array('firstAid', 'searching'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont4.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r201.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont1.desc = 'Bookcase'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont1.cnt = new Array('firstAid', 'firstAid', 'smarts', 'fitness', 'survival'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont2.desc = 'Cabinet'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont2.cnt = new Array('medkit', 'medkit', 'pills', 'pills', 'bandage'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont3.desc = 'Desk Drawer'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont4.desc = 'Desk Drawer'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont4.cnt = new Array('cash_800'); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont5 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont5.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s3.b2.f1.r202.cont5.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r1 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'First Aid Kit'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('bandage', 'tape'); l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('medicalMask', 'medicalMask', 'medicalMask', 'medicalMask'); l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont3.desc = 'Books'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('book', 'book', 'firstAid', 'magazine'); l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont4.desc = 'Boxes'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array('medicalMask', 'medicalMask', 'medicalMask', 'medicalMask'); l11.s3.b2.f2.r1.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.lightReduction = 40; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.type = 'office'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.randRate = 'light'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont1.desc = 'Secure Cabinet'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('medkit', 'medkit', 'pills', 'bandage'); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont1.locked = true; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont1.lockDiff = 'hard'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont2.desc = 'Secure Cabinet'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('bandage', 'pills'); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont2.locked = true; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont2.lockDiff = 'normal'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont3.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont4.desc = 'Filing Cabinets'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont4.noJunk = true; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont5 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont5.desc = 'Shelves'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont5.cnt = new Array('medicalMask'); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont6 = new Object(); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont6.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont6.cnt = new Array('cash_12'); l11.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont6.noJunk = true; l11.s4.b0.f0 = new Object(); l11.s4.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.seed = 189565; = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.cont1.desc = 'Vending Machine'; l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_50', 'chocolate', 'chocolate', 'chips', 'chips', 'sodaCan', 'sodaCan', 'water'); l11.s4.b0.f0.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s4.b2.f1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f1.r0 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r0.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f1.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r2 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r2.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Books'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('security', 'blunt', 'pistols', 'book', 'book'); l11.s4.b2.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s4.b2.f1.r200 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r200.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f1.r200.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r200.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r200.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r201 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r201.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f1.r201.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r201.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f1.r201.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f2 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r0 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r0.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f2.r0.type = 'office'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r0.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r0.lockedDoors = new Array('room1101'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r0.needsKey = new Array(false); l11.s4.b2.f2.r0.lockDiff = new Array('very hard'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r110 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r110.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f2.r110.type = 'office'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r110.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r110.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r110.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r110.cont1.desc = 'Junk Pile'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r110.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.type = 'office'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.cont1.desc = 'Gun Locker'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.cont1.cnt = new Array('M4A1', 'M4A1', 'glock', 'ammo556_50', 'ammo556_50', 'kevlarVest'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.cont1.noJunk = true; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.cont2.desc = 'Gun Locker'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.cont2.cnt = new Array('ambrose', 'ambrose', 'UMP45', 'ammo45_50', 'ammoshotgun_50'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1101.cont2.noJunk = true; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.type = 'office'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_15'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinets'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont3.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('fedoraBlack'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont4.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont5 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont5.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r1.cont5.cnt = new Array('cannedBeans'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r100 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.type = 'office'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont1.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_20'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont2.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont3 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont3.desc = 'Secure Cabinet'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont3.cnt = new Array('blunt', 'cash_55', 'policeBaton', 'UCPDcageKey'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont3.noJunk = true; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont3.locked = true; l11.s4.b2.f2.r100.cont3.lockDiff = 'easy'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r2 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r2.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f2.r2.type = 'office'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r2.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r2.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('files', 'scrapPaper'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r200 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.type = 'office'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.cont1.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.cont1.cnt = new Array('tauron_scope', 'ammo9mm_30'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r200.cont2.cnt = new Array('files', 'scrapPaper'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r201 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.type = 'office'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.cont1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.cont1.desc = 'Desk'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.cont1.cnt = new Array('files'); l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.cont2 = new Object(); l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l11.s4.b2.f2.r201.cont2.cnt = new Array('files', 'scrapPaper', 'files', 'scrapPaper'); l11.s4.b3.f1 = new Object(); l11.s4.b3.f1.r1 = new Object(); = 'Outside'; l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.isShop = true; l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.shopSet = 2; l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.safeHouse = true; l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.NPCs = new Array('King'); l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.NPC_x = new Array('720'); l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.NPCPose = new Array('idle'); l11.s4.b3.f1.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l12 = new Object(); l12.ref = 'section12'; l12.danger = 9; l12.s1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'HOUSTON ST'; l12.s1.b1 = new Object(); = 'U-Conbank'; l12.s1.b2 = new Object(); = 'The Red Rum'; l12.s1.b3 = new Object(); = 'Union Security'; l12.s1.b4 = new Object(); = 'Warehouse'; l12.s1.b5 = new Object(); = 'King-o-Pawn'; l12.s1.b6 = new Object(); l12.s2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0 = new Object(); = 'WASHINGTON AVE'; l12.s2.b1 = new Object(); = 'Earl of Burger'; l12.s2.b2 = new Object(); = 'Paper Company Offices'; l12.s2.b3 = new Object(); = 'Mechanics'; l12.startLoc = 'l12_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l12.startLocName = 'HOUSTON ST - UNION SECURITY'; l12.endLoc = 'l12_s2_b0_f0_r103'; l12.endLocName = 'SUBWAY EXIT'; l12.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l12.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l12.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l12.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l12.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l12.s1.b1.f1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b1.f1.r0 = new Object(); l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.seed = 632; = 'U-ConBank'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.lightReduction = 45; l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('cannedBeans', 'sodaCan'); l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont1.noJunk = true; l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont2.desc = 'First Aid Box'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('medkit'); l12.s1.b1.f1.r0.cont2.noJunk = true; l12.s1.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b1.f1.r1.seed = 123123; = 'U-ConBank'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 30; l12.s1.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l12.s1.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_40', 'noDoze', 'searching'); l12.s1.b2.f1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b2.f1.r1.seed = 887; = 'U-ConBank'; l12.s1.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 30; l12.s1.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s1.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l12.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Handbag'; l12.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_16'); l12.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l12.s1.b3.f1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.safeHouse = true; l12.s1.b3.f1.r0 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.seed = 1287; = ''; l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.lightReduction = 40; l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.type = 'office'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.randRate = 'medium'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('security'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r1.seed = 1245; = ''; l12.s1.b3.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l12.s1.b3.f1.r1.type = 'office'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r1.NPCs = new Array('Johnson'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r1.NPC_x = new Array('110'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r1.NPCPose = new Array('standPistol'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('right'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.seed = 1245; = ''; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.lightReduction = 40; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.type = 'office'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.randRate = 'heavy'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('magazine', 'scrapPaper'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont3.desc = 'Shelves'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('policeBaton'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont4.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array('cup', 'cup', 'cup', 'cup'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont5 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont5.desc = 'Desk'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont5.cnt = new Array('cash_45'); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont6 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont6.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l12.s1.b3.f1.r2.cont6.cnt = new Array('smarts'); l12.s1.b3.f2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r0 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.seed = 1245; = ''; l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.lightReduction = 40; l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.type = 'office'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.randRate = 'heavy'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammo45_12', 'ammo9mm_30'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont3 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont3.desc = 'Shelf'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont3.cnt = new Array('blunt', 'tape'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont4 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont4.desc = 'Shelf'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r0.cont4.cnt = new Array('unionSecTop', 'unionSecTop', 'policeBottom'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.seed = 324; = ''; l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.lightReduction = 20; l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.type = 'office'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.lockedDoors = new Array('door2'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.needsKey = new Array(true); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.lockDiff = new Array('very hard'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.NPCs = new Array('Stephens', 'Keith'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.NPC_x = new Array('600', '400'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.NPCPose = new Array('idle', 'idle'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('left', 'left'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r2.seed = 1258; = ''; l12.s1.b3.f2.r2.lightReduction = 20; l12.s1.b3.f2.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r2.randRate = 'light'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b3.f2.r2.cont1.desc = 'Gun Cage'; l12.s1.b3.f2.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammo45_50', 'ammo9mm_50', 'ammoshotgun_50', 'MP5', 'glock', 'glock', 'shotgun_stock', 'deathAdder', 'hunter_scope'); l12.s1.b3.f2.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l12.s1.b4.f1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.seed = 67814; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.type = 'basement'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Junk Pile'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('woodBoard_heavy'); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('machete'); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont4.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array('spam'); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont5 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont5.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont5.cnt = new Array(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.seed = 177; l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.lightReduction = 40; l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.type = 'basement'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('blades'); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont3.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('cash_4'); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont4.desc = 'Ammo Stockpile'; l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array('ammo9mm_35', 'ammo45_40', 'ammoshotgun_20'); l12.s1.b4.f1.r2.cont4.noJunk = true; l12.s1.b4.f2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f2.r2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.seed = 177; l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.lightReduction = 60; l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.type = 'basement'; l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.randRate = 'light'; l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('compoundBow', 'ammoarrow_20'); l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('soupChicken', 'cannedBeans', 'water', 'jerky'); l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.cont3.desc = 'Broken Microwave'; l12.s1.b4.f2.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('glock'); l12.s2.b0.f0 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r1.seed = 156; = 'Outside'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l12.s2.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.seed = 244; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.lightReduction = 70; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.randRate = 'heavy'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.body1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.body1.type = 'unionSec'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.body1.pose = 'deadSit'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.body1.facing = 'left'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.cont1.desc = 'Richards\' Corpse'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.cont1.cnt = new Array('unionSecKey'); l12.s2.b0.f0.r100.cont1.noJunk = true; l12.s2.b0.f0.r101 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r101.seed = 654235; l12.s2.b0.f0.r101.lightReduction = 70; l12.s2.b0.f0.r101.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r101.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r101.cont1.desc = 'Suitcase'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r101.cont1.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper', 'fitness'); l12.s2.b0.f0.r101.cont1.noJunk = true; l12.s2.b0.f0.r102 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r102.seed = 1234; l12.s2.b0.f0.r102.lightReduction = 70; l12.s2.b0.f0.r102.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r103 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r103.seed = 658; l12.s2.b0.f0.r103.lightReduction = 80; l12.s2.b0.f0.r103.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r104 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.safeHouse = true; l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.seed = 894; l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.lightReduction = 50; l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.type = 'basement'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.cont1.cnt = new Array('crowbar_heavy', 'ammo556_30', 'pocketKnife', 'pipe', 'nails'); l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.cont2.desc = 'Cleaning Shelf'; l12.s2.b0.f0.r104.cont2.cnt = new Array('steelWool', 'scrubbingBrush'); l12.s2.b1.f1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.seed = 1245; l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Cash Register'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_56', 'coins', 'EOBbathroomKey'); l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Backpack'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('clawHammer', 'cash_3', 'ammo9mm_3'); l12.s2.b1.f1.r2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.seed = 65; l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.lightReduction = 60; l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.lockedDoors = new Array('room101'); l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.needsKey = new Array(false); l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.lockDiff = new Array('easy'); l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r100 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r100.seed = 145; l12.s2.b1.f1.r100.lightReduction = 60; l12.s2.b1.f1.r100.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r100.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r101 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.seed = 9877; l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.lightReduction = 60; l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.cont1.desc = 'Handbag'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_60'); l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.cont1.noJunk = true; l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.body1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.body1.type = 'civilian'; l12.s2.b1.f1.r101.body1.pose = 'deadSit'; l12.s2.b2.f0 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.seed = 30; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.lightReduction = 60; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.type = 'basement'; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont1.desc = 'Crate'; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('gasMask', 'bolts'); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('nails'); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont3 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont3.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont3.cnt = new Array('blunt'); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont4 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont4.desc = 'Filing Cabinets'; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont4.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont5 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont5.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont5.cnt = new Array('bandage'); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont6 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont6.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s2.b2.f0.r0.cont6.cnt = new Array('ammo9mm_12'); l12.s2.b2.f1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r0 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r0.seed = 30; l12.s2.b2.f1.r0.lightReduction = 40; l12.s2.b2.f1.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r1.seed = 1245; l12.s2.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l12.s2.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r2.seed = 6732; l12.s2.b2.f1.r2.lightReduction = 40; l12.s2.b2.f1.r2.type = 'office'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinets'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('magazine'); l12.s2.b2.f1.r3 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.seed = 6732; l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.lightReduction = 40; l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.type = 'kitchen'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont1.desc = 'Food Counter'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array('cereal', 'jelly'); l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont2.desc = 'First Aid Box'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont2.cnt = new Array('bandage'); l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont2.noJunk = true; l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont3 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont3.desc = 'Vent'; l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont3.cnt = new Array('tauron', 'ammo9mm_35'); l12.s2.b2.f1.r3.cont3.noJunk = true; l12.s2.b2.f2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f2.r3 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.seed = 30; l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.lightReduction = 40; l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.type = 'basement'; l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l12.s2.b2.f2.r3.cont2.cnt = new Array('cash_12'); l12.s2.b3.f1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b3.f1.r1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.seed = 30; l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.type = 'basement'; l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('nails', 'pipe'); l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('bolts'); l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Shelf'; l12.s2.b3.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('clawHammer_heavy', 'metalSheet', 'bolts', 'nails'); l13 = new Object(); = 'music_4'; l13.danger = 7; l13.ref = 'section13'; l13.s1 = new Object(); l13.s2 = new Object(); l13.s3 = new Object(); l13.startLoc = 'l13_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l13.startLocName = 'JEFFERSON AVE - BRIDGE'; l13.endLoc = 'l13_s3_b0_f0_r1'; l13.endLocName = 'FREEMAN ST - PAWN SHOP'; l13.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'JEFFERSON AVE'; l13.s1.b1 = new Object(); = 'UNITED ARMS'; l13.s1.b2 = new Object(); = 'PAPER COMPANY'; l13.s1.b3 = new Object(); = 'APARTMENT BLOCK'; l13.s1.b4 = new Object(); = 'WAREHOUSE'; l13.s1.b5 = new Object(); l13.s1.b6 = new Object(); l13.s1.b7 = new Object(); l13.s1.b8 = new Object(); l13.s1.b9 = new Object(); l13.s1.b10 = new Object(); l13.s1.b11 = new Object(); l13.s1.b12 = new Object(); l13.s1.b13 = new Object(); l13.s1.b14 = new Object(); l13.s2.b0 = new Object(); = 'HOSPITAL'; l13.s2.b1 = new Object(); = 'HOSPITAL'; l13.s2.b2 = new Object(); = 'HOSPITAL'; l13.s2.b3 = new Object(); = 'HOSPITAL'; l13.s3.b0 = new Object(); = 'FREEMAN ST'; l13.s3.b1 = new Object(); = 'KING-O-PAWN'; l13.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l13.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Outside'; l13.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l13.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l13.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l13.s1.b1.f1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b1.f1.r1.seed = 32433; = 'United Arms'; l13.s1.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b1.f1.r1.NPCs = new Array('Hank'); l13.s1.b1.f1.r1.NPC_x = new Array('600'); l13.s1.b1.f1.r1.NPCPose = new Array('sit'); l13.s1.b1.f1.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l13.s1.b2.f1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b2.f1.r1.seed = 14223; = 'Warehouse'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.seed = 1233; = 'Warehouse'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.type = 'basement'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont3.desc = 'Shelves'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array('pocketKnife_sharpened'); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont4.desc = 'Shelf'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont5 = new Object(); l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont5.desc = 'Shelf'; l13.s1.b2.f1.r2.cont5.cnt = new Array('scrapPaper'); l13.s1.b3.f1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f1.r1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f1.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l13.s1.b3.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r1.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f2.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r100 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r100.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r100.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f2.r100.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r100.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r100.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r100.cont1.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r100.cont1.cnt = new Array('searching', 'cash_20'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.type = 'kitchen'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont1.desc = 'Closet'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont1.cnt = new Array('longSleeveBlack'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont2.desc = 'Bar Fridge'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont2.cnt = new Array('sodaCan'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont2.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont3 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont3.desc = 'Washing Machine'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont3.cnt = new Array('pantsBrown', 'bandana'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont3.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont4 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont4.desc = 'Kitchen Drawers'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont4.cnt = new Array('cleaver'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont5 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont5.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r101.cont5.cnt = new Array('cannedFruit'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r102 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont2.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont2.cnt = new Array('magazine', 'book'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont2.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont3 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont3.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont3.cnt = new Array('sunglassesBig', 'jeansBlue'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont3.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont4 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont4.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r102.cont4.cnt = new Array('ammoshotgun_12'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r103 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.seed = 1200; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.type = 'kitchen'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont1.desc = 'Fridge'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont1.cnt = new Array('sodaBottle'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont2.desc = 'Kitchen Sink'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont3 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont3.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r103.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r104 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r104.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r104.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f2.r104.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r104.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r104.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r104.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r104.cont1.desc = 'Suitcase'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r104.cont1.cnt = new Array('M1911', 'ammo45_30', 'cash_50'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r105 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.cont1.desc = 'Bedside'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.cont1.cnt = new Array('pills', 'noDoze'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.cont2.desc = 'Bedside'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.cont3 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.cont3.desc = 'Closet'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r105.cont3.cnt = new Array('hoodyBlack'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r106 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.cont1.cnt = new Array('searching', 'automatics', 'longGuns', 'cash_30'); l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.cont1.locked = true; l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.cont1.lockDiff = 'normal'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.cont2.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r106.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r107 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.cont1.desc = 'Fridge'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.cont2.desc = 'Kitchen Sink'; l13.s1.b3.f2.r107.cont2.cnt = new Array('kitchenKnife_sharpened'); l13.s1.b3.f3 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r1.seed = 10332; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r1.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f3.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r1.lockedDoors = new Array('room100'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r1.needsKey = new Array(true); l13.s1.b3.f3.r100 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont1.desc = 'Kitchen Cupboard'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont2.desc = 'Kitchen Sink'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont2.cnt = new Array('medkit'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont3 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont3.desc = 'Fridge'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont3.cnt = new Array('pickles'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r100.cont3.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b3.f3.r101 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r101.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r101.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f3.r101.type = 'kitchen'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r101.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r101.randRate = 'heavy'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r101.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r101.cont1.desc = 'Closet'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r101.cont1.cnt = new Array('fedoraGrey', 'suitBlack'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r102 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont1.desc = 'Bookcase'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont2.desc = 'Sideboard'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont2.cnt = new Array('pills', 'cash_30'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont3 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont3.desc = 'Gun Cabinet'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont3.cnt = new Array('questHanksRifle', 'questHanksRifleBolt'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r102.cont3.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.seed = 1200; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.type = 'kitchen'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.cont2.desc = 'Wall Safe'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.cont2.cnt = new Array('ammo45_50', 'deathAdder_scope', 'cash_100'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.cont2.locked = true; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.cont2.lockDiff = 'hard'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r103.cont2.noJunk = true; l13.s1.b3.f3.r104 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r104.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r104.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f3.r104.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r104.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r104.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r104.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r104.cont1.desc = 'Drawers'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r104.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_13'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r105 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.cont1.desc = 'Drawers'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammoshotgun_8'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.cont2.desc = 'Closet'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r105.cont2.cnt = new Array('shotgun'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r106 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.cont1.desc = 'Briefcase'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_24'); l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.cont2.desc = 'TV Cabinet'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r106.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r107 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.seed = 32433; = 'Apartments'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.type = 'kitchen'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.randRate = 'light'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.cont1.desc = 'Kitchen Cupboard'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.cont2.desc = 'Kitchen Cupboard'; l13.s1.b3.f3.r107.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b4.f1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b4.f1.r1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.seed = 1112; = 'Warehouse'; l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.type = 'basement'; l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Crates'; l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Small Box'; l13.s1.b4.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l13.s2.b0.f0 = new Object(); l13.s2.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b0.f0.r1.seed = 15632; = 'Outside'; l13.s2.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l13.s2.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l13.s2.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l13.s2.b1.f1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r0 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r0.seed = 1112; = 'Hospital'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r0.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f1.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r0.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r1.seed = 1112; = 'Hospital'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r2 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r2.seed = 1896; = 'Warehouse'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r2.lightReduction = 40; l13.s2.b1.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r2.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Crates'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r100 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r100.seed = 1256; = ''; l13.s2.b1.f1.r100.lightReduction = 40; l13.s2.b1.f1.r100.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r100.rand = 'Gore'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r100.randRate = 'veryLight'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont1.desc = 'Drawers'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont1.cnt = new Array('pills'); l13.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f1.r101 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r101.seed = 6523; = ''; l13.s2.b1.f1.r101.lightReduction = 40; l13.s2.b1.f1.r101.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r101.rand = 'Gore'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r101.randRate = 'veryLight'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r101.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r101.cont1.desc = 'Drawers'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r101.cont1.cnt = new Array('firstAid'); l13.s2.b1.f1.r101.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f1.r102 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r102.seed = 1866; = ''; l13.s2.b1.f1.r102.lightReduction = 40; l13.s2.b1.f1.r102.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r102.rand = 'Gore'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r102.randRate = 'veryLight'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r102.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r102.cont1.desc = 'Drawers'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r102.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r102.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f1.r3 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f1.r3.seed = 1896; = ''; l13.s2.b1.f1.r3.lightReduction = 40; l13.s2.b1.f1.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f1.r3.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f2 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r0 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r0.seed = 1112; = 'Hospital'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r0.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f2.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r0.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r1.seed = 1112; = 'Hospital'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r1.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f2.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r2 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r2.seed = 1112; = 'Hospital'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r2.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f2.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r2.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r2.lockedDoors = new Array('room202'); l13.s2.b1.f2.r2.needsKey = new Array(false); l13.s2.b1.f2.r2.lockDiff = new Array('normal'); l13.s2.b1.f2.r201 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.seed = 1112; = 'Janitor'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.lightReduction = 50; l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.randRate = 'light'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.cont1.cnt = new Array('pocketKnife_sharpened'); l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.cont2.desc = 'Cleaning Shelf'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r201.cont2.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f2.r202 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.seed = 1112; = 'Storeroom'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.lightReduction = 50; l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.cont1.cnt = new Array('medicalMask'); l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.cont2 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.cont2.cnt = new Array('medkit', 'bandage', 'bandage', 'scrapPaper'); l13.s2.b1.f2.r202.cont2.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f2.r3 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f2.r3.seed = 1112; = 'Hospital'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r3.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f2.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f2.r3.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f3 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r0 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r0.seed = 156; = 'Elevator Room'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r0.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f3.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r0.randRate = 'heavy'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r1.seed = 31156; = 'Nurse Station Room'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r1.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f3.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r1.cont1.desc = 'Desk'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('hospitalStore'); l13.s2.b1.f3.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f3.r300 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r300.seed = 5523; = 'Nurse Station Room'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r300.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f3.r300.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r300.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r300.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r300.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r300.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r300.cont1.cnt = new Array('pills', 'pills'); l13.s2.b1.f3.r300.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f3.r301 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r301.seed = 223; = 'Hospital Room'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r301.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f3.r301.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r301.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r301.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r301.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r301.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r301.cont1.cnt = new Array('medicalMask', 'hoodyBlack'); l13.s2.b1.f3.r301.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f3.r2 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r2.seed = 189; = 'Ward'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r2.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f3.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r2.rand = 'Gore'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r2.randRate = 'veryLight'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r302 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r302.seed = 5523; = 'Nurse Station Room'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r302.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f3.r302.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r302.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r302.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r302.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r302.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r302.cont1.cnt = new Array('suitBlack', 'fedoraBrown'); l13.s2.b1.f3.r302.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f3.r303 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r303.seed = 223; = 'Hospital Room'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r303.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f3.r303.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r303.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r303.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r303.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r303.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r303.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_20'); l13.s2.b1.f3.r303.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f3.r304 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r304.seed = 223; = 'Hospital Room'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r304.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f3.r304.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r304.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r304.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r304.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r304.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r304.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r304.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s2.b1.f3.r3 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f3.r3.seed = 1335; = 'Nurse Station Room'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r3.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f3.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r3.rand = 'Gore'; l13.s2.b1.f3.r3.randRate = 'veryLight'; l13.s2.b1.f4 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f4.r0 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f4.r0.seed = 7744; = 'Elevator Room'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r0.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f4.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r0.randRate = 'heavy'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f4.r1.seed = 3546; = 'Elevator Room'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r1.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f4.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r2 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f4.r2.seed = 2456; = 'Elevator Room'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r2.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f4.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r2.randRate = 'heavy'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r405 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f4.r405.seed = 5453; = 'Hospital Room'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r405.lightReduction = 40; l13.s2.b1.f4.r405.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r405.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r405.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r406 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f4.r406.seed = 9898; = 'Hospital Room'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r406.lightReduction = 40; l13.s2.b1.f4.r406.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r406.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r406.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r3 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f4.r3.seed = 123456; = 'Elevator Room'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r3.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f4.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r3.randRate = 'heavy'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r410 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.safeHouse = true; l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.seed = 223; = 'Hospital Room'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.lightReduction = 30; l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.randRate = 'medium'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.NPCs = new Array('Laura', 'Shenice'); l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.NPC_x = new Array('580', '75'); l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.NPCPose = new Array('idle', 'idle'); l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.NPCFacing = new Array('left', 'right'); l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.cont1 = new Object(); l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.cont1.desc = 'Vending Machine'; l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.cont1.cnt = new Array('sodaCan', 'sodaCan', 'sodaCan', 'sodaCan', 'cash_53'); l13.s2.b1.f4.r410.cont1.noJunk = true; l13.s3.b0.f0 = new Object(); l13.s3.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l13.s3.b0.f0.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Outside'; l13.s3.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l13.s3.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l13.s3.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l13.s3.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l13.s3.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l13.s3.b1.f1 = new Object(); l13.s3.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.seed = 8982; l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.type = 'basement'; l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.isShop = true; l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.shopSet = 1; l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.safeHouse = true; l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.NPCs = new Array('King'); l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.NPC_x = new Array('720'); l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.NPCPose = new Array('idle'); l13.s3.b1.f1.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l14 = new Object(); = 'music_5'; l14.danger = 20; l14.ref = 'section14'; l14.startLoc = 'l14_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l14.startLocName = 'STANTON DRIVE'; l14.endLoc = 'l14_s2_b0_f0_r1'; l14.endLocName = 'MILITARY BASE'; l14.s0 = new Object(); l14.s0.b0 = new Object(); l14.s0.b0.f0 = new Object(); l14.s0.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l14.s0.b0.f0.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Outside'; l14.s0.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l14.s0.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l14.s0.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s0.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s1 = new Object(); l14.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'STANTON DRIVE - CHURCH'; l14.s1.b1 = new Object(); = 'CHURCH'; l14.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '1232 ' +; l14.s1.b3 = new Object(); l14.s1.b4 = new Object(); l14.s1.b5 = new Object(); l14.s1.b6 = new Object(); l14.s2 = new Object(); l14.s2.b0 = new Object(); = 'MILITARY BASE'; l14.s2.b1 = new Object(); =; l14.s2.b2 = new Object(); =; l14.s2.b3 = new Object(); l14.s2.b4 = new Object(); l14.s2.b5 = new Object(); l14.s2.b6 = new Object(); l14.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l14.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Outside'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.desc = 'Trunk'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.display = 'blank'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('tireIron_damaged'); l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont2.desc = 'Trash Can'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont2.display = 'blank'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont3.desc = 'Newspaper Stand'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont3.display = 'blank'; l14.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('magazine'); l14.s1.b1.f1 = new Object(); l14.s1.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l14.s1.b1.f1.r1.seed = 3532; = 'Outside'; l14.s1.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 50; l14.s1.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l14.s1.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s1.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s1.b1.f1.r1.safeHouse = true; l14.s1.b2.f1 = new Object(); l14.s1.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.seed = 11123; = 'Outside'; l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 50; l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Cash Register'; l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_15'); l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('pasta', 'spam'); l14.s1.b2.f1.r1.cont2.noJunk = true; l14.s2.b0.f0 = new Object(); l14.s2.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l14.s2.b0.f0.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Outside'; l14.s2.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l14.s2.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l14.s2.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s2.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s2.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l14.s2.b1.f1 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r1.seed = 3532; = 'Outside'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 0; l14.s2.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r1.outside = true; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.seed = 3532; = 'Outside'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.lightReduction = 60; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.type = 'anywhere'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont1 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont2 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont3 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont3.desc = 'Footlocker'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont3.cnt = new Array('ammo762_50', 'ammo556_50'); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont4 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont4.desc = 'Box Stack'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont4.cnt = new Array('medicalMask', 'gasMask', 'gasMask'); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont5 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont5.desc = 'Box Stack'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont5.cnt = new Array('mre', 'mre'); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont6 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont6.desc = 'Footlocker'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont6.cnt = new Array('M4A1_specOps', 'ammo556_90'); l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont6.locked = true; l14.s2.b1.f1.r100.cont6.lockDiff = 'hard'; l14.s2.b1.f2 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.seed = 123; = 'Outside'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.lightReduction = 40; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.type = 'office'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont1 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont1.cnt = new Array('SCARH', 'ammo762_60'); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont2 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont2.desc = 'Footlocker'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont2.cnt = new Array('FAL', 'armyTop', 'armyBottom'); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont2.locked = true; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont2.lockDiff = 'hard'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont3 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont3.desc = 'Weapons Cage'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont3.cnt = new Array('M24_scope', 'explosivesC4', 'explosivesC4', 'explosivesC4'); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont3.noJunk = true; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont3.locked = true; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont3.hasKey = true; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont3.lockDiff = 'very hard'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont4 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont4.desc = 'Equipment Rack'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont4.cnt = new Array('kevlarVestArmy', 'armyKevlar', 'kevlarVestArmy', 'armyKevlar'); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont5 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont5.desc = 'Locker'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont5.cnt = new Array('explosivesBlastingCap'); l14.s2.b1.f2.r100.cont5.noJunk = true; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.seed = 3532; = 'Outside'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.lightReduction = 60; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.type = 'office'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont1 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont2 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont2.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont3 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont3.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont4 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont4.desc = 'Box Stack'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont5 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont5.desc = 'Box Stack'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont5.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont6 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont6.desc = 'Footlocker'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont6.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont7 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont7.desc = 'Footlocker'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont7.cnt = new Array('M9_suppressor'); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont8 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont8.desc = 'Box Stack'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r200.cont8.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.seed = 1244; = 'Outside'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.lightReduction = 60; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.type = 'office'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont1 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont1.cnt = new Array('explosivesTimer'); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont1.noJunk = true; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont2 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont2.desc = 'Storage'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont2.cnt = new Array('armyCageKey'); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont3 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont3.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont4 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont4.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont5 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont5.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l14.s2.b1.f2.r200.cont5.cnt = new Array(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r300 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.seed = 756; = 'Outside'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.lightReduction = 60; l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.type = 'basement'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.rand = 'Trash'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.randRate = 'heavy'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.cont1 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.cont1.desc = 'Footlocker'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.cont1.cnt = new Array('explosivesBlastingCap', 'explosivesBlastingCap'); l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.cont2 = new Object(); l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.cont2.desc = 'Humvee'; l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.cont2.cnt = new Array('M249', 'ammo556_100'); l14.s2.b1.f1.r300.cont2.noJunk = true; l15 = new Object(); l15.danger = 10; l15.ref = 'section15'; l15.startLoc = 'l15_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l15.startLocName = 'ROAD OUT OF TOWN'; l15.endLoc = 'l15_s5_b0_f0_r1'; l15.endLocName = 'WHISTLER\'S FOREST TOWNSHIP'; l15.s0 = new Object(); l15.s0.b0 = new Object(); l15.s0.b0.f0 = new Object(); l15.s0.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l15.s0.b0.f0.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Outside'; l15.s0.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l15.s0.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s0.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'none'; l15.s0.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'none'; l15.s1 = new Object(); l15.s1.danger = 0; l15.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'HIGHWAY'; l15.s1.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l15.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l15.s1.b3 = new Object(); l15.s1.b4 = new Object(); l15.s1.b5 = new Object(); l15.s1.b6 = new Object(); l15.s2 = new Object(); l15.s2.danger = 0; l15.s2.b0 = new Object(); = 'HIGHWAY'; l15.s2.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l15.s2.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l15.s2.b3 = new Object(); l15.s2.b4 = new Object(); l15.s2.b5 = new Object(); l15.s2.b6 = new Object(); l15.s3 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0 = new Object(); = 'RESERVE ENTRANCE'; l15.s3.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l15.s3.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l15.s3.b3 = new Object(); l15.s3.b4 = new Object(); l15.s3.b5 = new Object(); l15.s3.b6 = new Object(); l15.s4 = new Object(); l15.s4.b0 = new Object(); = 'TOWN RD'; l15.s4.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l15.s4.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l15.s4.b3 = new Object(); l15.s4.b4 = new Object(); l15.s4.b5 = new Object(); l15.s4.b6 = new Object(); l15.s5 = new Object(); l15.s5.b0 = new Object(); = 'TOWN RD'; l15.s5.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l15.s5.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l15.s5.b3 = new Object(); l15.s5.b4 = new Object(); l15.s5.b5 = new Object(); l15.s5.b6 = new Object(); l15.s6 = new Object(); l15.s6.b0 = new Object(); = 'MAIN ST'; l15.s6.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l15.s6.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l15.s6.b3 = new Object(); l15.s6.b4 = new Object(); l15.s6.b5 = new Object(); l15.s6.b6 = new Object(); l15.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l15.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l15.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 1235; = 'Outside'; l15.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l15.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l15.s2.b0.f0 = new Object(); l15.s2.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.seed = 2334; = 'Outside'; l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.NPCs = new Array('Jeb', 'Paul', 'Clarence', 'Fern'); l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.NPC_x = new Array('550', '950', '700', '760'); l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.NPCPose = new Array('holdRifle', 'standPistol', 'sit', 'sit'); l15.s2.b0.f0.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('left', 'right', 'left', 'right'); l15.s3.b0.f0 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r1.seed = 6786; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r1.gotoRooms = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.seed = 23; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.cont1.desc = 'Bag'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammoshotgun_50', 'ammo556_40', 'ammo9mm_50'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.cont1.noJunk = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.body1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.body1.type = 'civilian'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.body1.pose = 'dead3'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.body1.facing = 'left'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.cont2 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.cont2.desc = 'Corpse'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r98.cont2.cnt = new Array('bloodSample'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r99 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r99.seed = 23345; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r99.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r99.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r99.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r99.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r99.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r100 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r100.seed = 6786; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r100.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r100.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r100.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r100.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r100.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.seed = 23412; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.body1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.body1.type = 'civilian'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.body1.pose = 'dead2'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.body1.facing = 'left'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.cont1.desc = 'Corpse'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.cont1.cnt = new Array('bloodSample'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r101.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.seed = 23412; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.body1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.body1.type = 'civilian'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.body1.pose = 'dead1'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.body1.facing = 'right'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.cont1.desc = 'Corpse'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.cont1.cnt = new Array('bloodSample'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r200.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r201 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r201.seed = 7777; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r201.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r201.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r201.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r201.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r201.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r201.cont1.desc = 'Military Drop Box'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r201.cont1.cnt = new Array('M4A1', 'ammo556_50', 'ammo556_50'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r201.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r202 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r202.seed = 12347; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r202.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r202.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r202.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r202.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r202.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r299 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r299.seed = 126; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r299.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r299.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r299.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r299.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r299.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.seed = 33445; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.body1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.body1.type = 'civilian'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.body1.pose = 'dead1'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.body1.facing = 'right'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.cont1.desc = 'Corpse'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.cont1.cnt = new Array('bloodSample'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r300.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r301 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r301.seed = 9998; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r301.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r301.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r301.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r301.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r301.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r301.cont1.desc = 'Rusty Fridge'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r301.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammoarrow_30', 'machete_sharpened'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r301.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r498 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r498.seed = 6765; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r498.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r498.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r498.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r498.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r498.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.seed = 34526; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.body1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.body1.type = 'civilian'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.body1.pose = 'dead1'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.body1.facing = 'right'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.cont1.desc = 'Corpse'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.cont1.cnt = new Array('bloodSample'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r499.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r500 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r500.seed = 2314; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r500.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r500.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r500.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r500.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r500.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r600 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r600.seed = 65533; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r600.lightReduction = 0; l15.s3.b0.f0.r600.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r600.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r600.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r600.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r600.cont1.desc = 'Metal Box'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r600.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r600.outside = true; l15.s3.b0.f0.r601 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.seed = 41223; = 'Outside'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.lightReduction = 60; l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.randRate = 'light'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.cont1.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.cont1.cnt = new Array('survival', 'fitness'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.NPCs = new Array('Terry'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.NPC_x = new Array('200'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.NPCPose = new Array('holdRifle'); l15.s3.b0.f0.r601.NPCFacing = new Array('right'); l15.s4.b0.f0 = new Object(); l15.s4.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l15.s4.b0.f0.r1.seed = 57438; = 'Outside'; l15.s4.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l15.s4.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s4.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s4.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s4.b0.f0.r1.gotoRooms = true; l15.s4.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l15.s5.b0.f0 = new Object(); l15.s5.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b0.f0.r1.seed = 52278; = 'Outside'; l15.s5.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l15.s5.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s5.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s5.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s5.b0.f0.r1.gotoRooms = true; l15.s5.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l15.s5.b1.f1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f1.r0 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.seed = 88423; = 'Outside'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.lightReduction = 60; l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.type = 'kitchen'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('pasta', 'cannedBeans'); l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.cont2.desc = 'Kitchen Sink'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('socketSet'); l15.s5.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.seed = 5667; = 'Outside'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Chest'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('pasta', 'cannedBeans'); l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Bookcase'; l15.s5.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('survival', 'firstAid'); l15.s5.b1.f2 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f2.r1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.seed = 1563; = 'Outside'; l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Closet'; l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('pantsBrown', 'camoCargo', 'woodsSafeKey'); l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.cont2.desc = 'Desk'; l15.s5.b1.f2.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('longGuns'); l15.s5.b2.f1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.seed = 14553; = 'Outside'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Boxes'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cannedCorn', 'cannedCorn'); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Shelf'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('pickles'); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Shelf'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('cookies'); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont4.desc = 'Shelf'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array('soupBeef', 'soupChicken'); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont5 = new Object(); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont5.desc = 'Cash Register'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont5.cnt = new Array('cash_50'); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont5.noJunk = true; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont6 = new Object(); l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont6.desc = 'Shelf'; l15.s5.b2.f1.r1.cont6.cnt = new Array('gas'); l15.s5.b3.f1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b3.f1.r0 = new Object(); l15.s5.b3.f1.r0.seed = 14424; = 'Outside'; l15.s5.b3.f1.r0.lightReduction = 60; l15.s5.b3.f1.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s5.b3.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s5.b3.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l15.s5.b3.f1.r1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b3.f1.r1.seed = 14423; = 'Outside'; l15.s5.b3.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s5.b3.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s5.b3.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s5.b3.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s5.b3.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s5.b3.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l15.s5.b3.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammoshotgun_30', 'shotgun'); l15.s6.b0.f0 = new Object(); l15.s6.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.seed = 243; = 'Outside'; l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.gotoRooms = true; l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.lockedDoors = new Array('entr5'); l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.needsKey = new Array(true); l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.lockDiff = new Array('very hard'); l15.s6.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l15.s6.b1.safeHouse = true; l15.s6.b1.f1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b1.f1.r1.seed = 9873; = 'Outside'; l15.s6.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s6.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s6.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s6.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s6.b1.f1.r1.NPCs = new Array('Lisa'); l15.s6.b1.f1.r1.NPC_x = new Array('95'); l15.s6.b1.f1.r1.NPCPose = new Array('idle'); l15.s6.b1.f1.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('right'); l15.s6.b1.f2 = new Object(); l15.s6.b1.f2.r1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.seed = 9873; = 'Outside'; l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammo45_30', 'ammo9mm_50', 'ammo556_60', 'jerky', 'jerky', 'water'); l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.NPCs = new Array('Phillip'); l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.NPC_x = new Array('90'); l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.NPCPose = new Array('useStanding'); l15.s6.b1.f2.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l15.s6.b2.f1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.seed = 433; = 'Outside'; l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.type = 'basement'; l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('tireIron', 'pipe', 'gas'); l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('fanBelt', 'fanBelt'); l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Shelf'; l15.s6.b2.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('clawHammer', 'sledge'); l15.s6.b3.f1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b3.f1.r0 = new Object(); l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.seed = 2378; = 'Outside'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.lightReduction = 60; l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Chest'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.cont2.desc = 'Bookcase'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('fitness'); l15.s6.b3.f1.r1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b3.f1.r1.seed = 24431; = 'Outside'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s6.b3.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b3.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Sideboard'; l15.s6.b3.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('deathAdder', 'ammo45_50'); l15.s6.b4.f1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b4.f1.r1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.seed = 95554; = 'Outside'; l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Safe'; l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('woodsWarehouseKey', 'cash_350'); l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.cont1.locked = true; l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.cont1.hasKey = true; l15.s6.b4.f1.r1.cont1.lockDiff = 'very hard'; l15.s6.b5.f1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b5.f1.r1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b5.f1.r1.seed = 8754; = 'Outside'; l15.s6.b5.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l15.s6.b5.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l15.s6.b5.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l15.s6.b5.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l15.s6.b5.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l15.s6.b5.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l15.s6.b5.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('gas'); l16 = new Object(); = 'music_5'; l16.danger = 1; l16.ref = 'section16'; l16.startLoc = 'l16_s1_b0_f0_r1'; l16.startLocName = 'JEFFERSON AVE - CAR CRASH'; l16.endLoc = 'l16_s3_b0_f0_r1'; l16.endLocName = 'SMITH STREET - ARMY FENCE'; l16.s0 = new Object(); l16.s0.danger = 0; l16.s0.b0 = new Object(); l16.s0.b0.f0 = new Object(); l16.s0.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l16.s0.b0.f0.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Outside'; l16.s0.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l16.s0.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s0.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'none'; l16.s0.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'none'; l16.s1 = new Object(); l16.s1.danger = 0; l16.s1.b0 = new Object(); = 'JEFFERSON AVE'; l16.s1.b1 = new Object(); = '10 ' +; l16.s1.b2 = new Object(); = '12 ' +; l16.s1.b3 = new Object(); l16.s1.b4 = new Object(); l16.s1.b5 = new Object(); l16.s1.b6 = new Object(); l16.s1.b0.f0 = new Object(); l16.s1.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.seed = 32433; = 'Outside'; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'light'; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.desc = 'Trunk'; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.display = 'blank'; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('tireIron_damaged', 'tauron_damaged', 'ammo9mm_5'); l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.cont1.noJunk = true; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.body1 = new Object(); l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.body1.type = 'civilian'; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.body1.pose = 'deadLeg2'; l16.s1.b0.f0.r1.body1.facing = 'left'; l16.s2 = new Object(); l16.s2.b0 = new Object(); = 'OLD ROAD'; l16.s2.b0.f0 = new Object(); l16.s2.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l16.s2.b0.f0.r1.seed = 1244; = 'Outside'; l16.s2.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l16.s2.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s2.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s2.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'medium'; l16.s2.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l16.s2.b1 = new Object(); = 'OLD HOUSE'; l16.s2.b1.f1 = new Object(); l16.s2.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); = 'Old House'; l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 60; l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.type = 'kitchen'; l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Dresser'; l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.display = 'blank'; l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('tshirtBrown', 'woodBoard'); l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Fridge'; l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.display = 'blank'; l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('orange', 'water'); l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s2.b1.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l16.s2.b1.f2 = new Object(); l16.s2.b1.f2.r1 = new Object(); = 'Old House'; l16.s2.b1.f2.r1.lightReduction = 60; l16.s2.b1.f2.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s2.b1.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s2.b1.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Drawers'; l16.s2.b1.f2.r1.cont1.display = 'blank'; l16.s2.b1.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('ammo9mm_15'); l16.s3 = new Object(); l16.s3.b0 = new Object(); = 'SMITH ST'; l16.s3.b0.f0 = new Object(); l16.s3.b0.f0.r1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.seed = 1244; = 'Outside'; l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.lightReduction = 0; l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.randRate = 'heavy'; l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.outside = true; l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.NPCs = new Array('Ed'); l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.NPC_x = new Array('3100'); l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.NPCPose = new Array('useStanding'); l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('right'); l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.enemy = new Array('citizen1'); l16.s3.b0.f0.r1.enemyX = new Array('2900'); l16.s3.b1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.safeHouse = true; = '8 SMITH ST'; l16.s3.b1.f1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.seed = 100; l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.safeHouse = true; l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.lightReduction = 30; l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Suitcase'; l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('tshirtWhite', 'cargoShorts', 'cash_5'); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Cupboard'; l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont100 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont100.desc = 'Storage'; l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.cont100.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.NPCs = new Array('Jackson'); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.NPC_x = new Array('350'); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.NPCPose = new Array('idle'); l16.s3.b1.f1.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('left'); l16.s3.b1.f1.r2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r2.seed = 101; l16.s3.b1.f1.r2.lightReduction = 30; l16.s3.b1.f1.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l16.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Cupboard'; l16.s3.b1.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('kitchenKnife_dull'); l16.s3.b1.f2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f2.r1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.seed = 101; l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.lightReduction = 60; l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Closet'; l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('longSleeveRed', 'pantsBrown'); l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.NPCs = new Array('Sarah', 'Peter'); l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.NPC_x = new Array('310', '65'); l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.NPCPose = new Array('idle', 'sit'); l16.s3.b1.f2.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('right', 'right'); l16.s3.b1.f2.r2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f2.r2.seed = 101; l16.s3.b1.f2.r2.lightReduction = 30; l16.s3.b1.f2.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b1.f2.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b1.f2.r2.cont1.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l16.s3.b1.f2.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('survival', 'magazine'); = '10 SMITH ST'; l16.s3.b2.f1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r0 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.seed = 100; l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.lightReduction = 50; l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.type = 'office'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Filing Cabinet'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.cont2.desc = 'Drawers'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('pocketKnife_sharpened'); l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.cont3 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.cont3.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r0.cont3.cnt = new Array('book', 'magazine'); l16.s3.b2.f1.r1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r1.lightReduction = 40; l16.s3.b2.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('book', 'PPM9_damaged', 'ammo9mm_10'); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.lightReduction = 60; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.type = 'kitchen'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Fridge'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('chocolate'); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont1.noJunk = true; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Cupboard'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('cereal'); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont3 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont3.desc = 'Cupboard'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont4 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont4.desc = 'Cupboard'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont4.cnt = new Array('pasta'); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont5 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont5.desc = 'Sink Cupboard'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r2.cont5.cnt = new Array('dishLiquid'); l16.s3.b2.f1.r3 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.lightReduction = 60; l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.cont1.desc = 'Sideboard'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array('tauron', 'ammo9mm_30'); l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.cont1.locked = true; l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.cont1.lockDiff = 'very easy'; l16.s3.b2.f1.r3.cont1.noJunk = true; l16.s3.b2.f2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.lightReduction = 40; l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont1.desc = 'Closet'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('pocketKnife', 'bat', 'football'); l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont2.desc = 'Dresser'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('magazine'); l16.s3.b2.f2.r3 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.lightReduction = 40; l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.cont1.desc = 'Bookcase'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.cont2.desc = 'Ammo Stockpile'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.cont2.cnt = new Array('ammo9mm_45', 'ammo45_25', 'ammoshotgun_20'); l16.s3.b2.f2.r3.cont2.noJunk = true; l16.s3.b2.f2.r4 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.lightReduction = 40; l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.type = 'bathroom'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.cont1.desc = 'Washing Machine'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.cont1.cnt = new Array('shirtBlue'); l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.cont1.noJunk = true; l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.cont2.desc = 'Medicine Cabinet'; l16.s3.b2.f2.r4.cont2.cnt = new Array('pills'); = '12 SMITH ST'; l16.s3.b3.f0 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f0.r1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.lightReduction = 80; l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.type = 'basement'; l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont1.desc = 'Shelf'; l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('clawHammer', 'pipe'); l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont2.desc = 'Washing Machine'; l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('tshirtWhite'); l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont2.noJunk = true; l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont3.desc = 'Suitcase'; l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('PPM9_extendedMag'); l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont4.desc = 'Sink Cupboard'; l16.s3.b3.f0.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b3.f1.r1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f1.r1.lightReduction = 70; l16.s3.b3.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b3.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b3.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b3.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Cabinet'; l16.s3.b3.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_20'); l16.s3.b3.f2.r1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.lightReduction = 70; l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Closet'; l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.cont2.desc = 'Chest'; l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.NPCs = new Array('Ray'); l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.NPC_x = new Array('150'); l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.NPCPose = new Array('idle'); l16.s3.b3.f2.r1.NPCFacing = new Array('right'); = '14 SMITH ST'; l16.s3.b4.f1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r0 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.lightReduction = 45; l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.type = 'basement'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.cont1.desc = 'Stairs Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('hockeyStick', 'football'); l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.cont2.desc = 'Sideboard'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('cash_10', 'coins', 'scrapPaper'); l16.s3.b4.f1.r0.cont2.noJunk = true; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.lightReduction = 50; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont1.desc = 'Gun Cabinet'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array('deathAdder_damaged', 'ammo45_12'); l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont1.locked = true; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont1.lockDiff = 'normal'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont2.desc = 'Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array('ammo45_15', 'ammo9mm_8'); l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont3.desc = 'Sideboard'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array('cash_15'); l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.lockedDoors = new Array('door2'); l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.needsKey = new Array(true); l16.s3.b4.f1.r1.lockDiff = new Array('very hard'); l16.s3.b4.f1.r2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.lightReduction = 60; l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.type = 'basement'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.cont1.desc = 'Crate'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('crowbar', 'nails', 'tape'); l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.cont2.desc = 'Boxes'; l16.s3.b4.f1.r2.cont2.cnt = new Array('questBoltCutters'); l16.s3.b4.f2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r0 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.lightReduction = 60; l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.cont1.desc = 'Chest'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.cont1.cnt = new Array('cash_10'); l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.cont2.desc = 'Bookshelf'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.cont2.cnt = new Array('pistols'); l16.s3.b4.f2.r0.cont2.noJunk = true; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.lightReduction = 40; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.type = 'kitchen'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont1.desc = 'Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont1.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont2.desc = 'Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont2.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont3 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont3.desc = 'Top Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont3.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont4 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont4.desc = 'Top Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont4.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont5 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont5.desc = 'Top Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont5.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont6 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont6.desc = 'Low Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont6.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont7 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont7.desc = 'Low Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont7.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont8 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont8.desc = 'Low Cupboard'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r1.cont8.cnt = new Array(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r2 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r2.lightReduction = 60; l16.s3.b4.f2.r2.type = 'anywhere'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r2.rand = 'Trash'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r2.randRate = 'light'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r2.cont1 = new Object(); l16.s3.b4.f2.r2.cont1.desc = 'Closet'; l16.s3.b4.f2.r2.cont1.cnt = new Array('PPM9', 'ammo9mm_24'); var numContainers = 0; var numDoors = 0; var numBeds = 0; var numSpecDeadBodies = 0; var currentContents = new Array(); var roomToDisplay = ''; var allBeds = new Array(); var allNPCs = new Array(); var allDoors = new Array(); var allInteractives = new Array(); var noSpawnArea = new Array(); var bitmapBGDelay = 50; var noSpawnStart = null; var noSpawnEnd = null; var currentLighting = null; var lightTransitionTime = 0.1; var streetLightBase = 65; var redLight = 0; var greenLight = 0; var blueLight = 0; var minLight = 5; var brightnessMultiplier = 4; var lightTime1 = new Object(); = 'lightTime1'; lightTime1.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime1.ra = 20; lightTime1.rb = 0; = 20; = 0; = 25; = 0; lightTime1.aa = 100; lightTime1.ab = 0; lightTime1.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime2 = new Object(); = 'lightTime2'; lightTime2.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime2.ra = 30; lightTime2.rb = 0; = 30; = 0; = 35; = 0; lightTime2.aa = 100; lightTime2.ab = 0; lightTime2.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime3 = new Object(); = 'lightTime3'; lightTime3.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime3.ra = 30; lightTime3.rb = 0; = 30; = 0; = 35; = 0; lightTime3.aa = 100; lightTime3.ab = 0; lightTime3.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime4 = new Object(); = 'lightTime4'; lightTime4.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime4.ra = 35; lightTime4.rb = 0; = 35; = 0; = 40; = 0; lightTime4.aa = 100; lightTime4.ab = 0; lightTime4.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime5 = new Object(); = 'lightTime5'; lightTime5.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime5.ra = 38; lightTime5.rb = 0; = 38; = 0; = 43; = 0; lightTime5.aa = 100; lightTime5.ab = 0; lightTime5.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime6 = new Object(); = 'lightTime6'; lightTime6.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime6.ra = 50; lightTime6.rb = 0; = 45; = 0; = 50; = 0; lightTime6.aa = 100; lightTime6.ab = 0; lightTime6.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime7 = new Object(); = 'lightTime7'; lightTime7.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime7.ra = 65; lightTime7.rb = 0; = 55; = 0; = 60; = 0; lightTime7.aa = 100; lightTime7.ab = 0; lightTime7.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime8 = new Object(); = 'lightTime8'; lightTime8.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime8.ra = 70; lightTime8.rb = 0; = 65; = 0; = 65; = 0; lightTime8.aa = 100; lightTime8.ab = 0; lightTime8.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime8 = new Object(); = 'lightTime8'; lightTime8.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime8.ra = 75; lightTime8.rb = 0; = 70; = 0; = 70; = 0; lightTime8.aa = 100; lightTime8.ab = 0; lightTime8.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime9 = new Object(); = 'lightTime9'; lightTime9.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime9.ra = 85; lightTime9.rb = 0; = 80; = 0; = 80; = 0; lightTime9.aa = 100; lightTime9.ab = 0; lightTime9.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime10 = new Object(); = 'lightTime10'; lightTime10.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime10.ra = 90; lightTime10.rb = 0; = 85; = 0; = 85; = 0; lightTime10.aa = 100; lightTime10.ab = 0; lightTime10.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime11 = new Object(); = 'lightTime11'; lightTime11.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime11.ra = 90; lightTime11.rb = 0; = 90; = 0; = 88; = 0; lightTime11.aa = 100; lightTime11.ab = 0; lightTime11.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime12 = new Object(); = 'lightTime12'; lightTime12.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime12.ra = 95; lightTime12.rb = 0; = 95; = 0; = 93; = 0; lightTime12.aa = 100; lightTime12.ab = 0; lightTime12.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime13 = new Object(); = 'lightTime13'; lightTime13.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime13.ra = 100; lightTime13.rb = 0; = 100; = 0; = 100; = 0; lightTime13.aa = 100; lightTime13.ab = 0; lightTime13.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime14 = new Object(); = 'lightTime14'; lightTime14.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime14.ra = 105; lightTime14.rb = 0; = 105; = 0; = 105; = 0; lightTime14.aa = 100; lightTime14.ab = 0; lightTime14.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime15 = new Object(); = 'lightTime15'; lightTime15.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime15.ra = 102; lightTime15.rb = 0; = 102; = 0; = 100; = 0; lightTime15.aa = 100; lightTime15.ab = 0; lightTime15.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime16 = new Object(); = 'lightTime16'; lightTime16.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime16.ra = 100; lightTime16.rb = 0; = 97; = 0; = 95; = 0; lightTime16.aa = 100; lightTime16.ab = 0; lightTime16.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime17 = new Object(); = 'lightTime17'; lightTime17.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime17.ra = 98; lightTime17.rb = 0; = 93; = 0; = 91; = 0; lightTime17.aa = 100; lightTime17.ab = 0; lightTime17.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime18 = new Object(); = 'lightTime18'; lightTime18.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime18.ra = 93; lightTime18.rb = 0; = 87; = 0; = 86; = 0; lightTime18.aa = 100; lightTime18.ab = 0; lightTime18.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime19 = new Object(); = 'lightTime19'; lightTime19.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime19.ra = 87; lightTime19.rb = 0; = 81; = 0; = 80; = 0; lightTime19.aa = 100; lightTime19.ab = 0; lightTime19.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime20 = new Object(); = 'lightTime20'; lightTime20.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime20.ra = 80; lightTime20.rb = 0; = 74; = 0; = 73; = 0; lightTime20.aa = 100; lightTime20.ab = 0; lightTime20.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime21 = new Object(); = 'lightTime21'; lightTime21.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime21.ra = 80; lightTime21.rb = 0; = 74; = 0; = 73; = 0; lightTime21.aa = 100; lightTime21.ab = 0; lightTime21.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime22 = new Object(); = 'lightTime22'; lightTime22.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime22.ra = 70; lightTime22.rb = 0; = 64; = 0; = 70; = 0; lightTime22.aa = 100; lightTime22.ab = 0; lightTime22.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime23 = new Object(); = 'lightTime23'; lightTime23.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime23.ra = 58; lightTime23.rb = 0; = 54; = 0; = 60; = 0; lightTime23.aa = 100; lightTime23.ab = 0; lightTime23.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime24 = new Object(); = 'lightTime24'; lightTime24.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime24.ra = 52; lightTime24.rb = 0; = 48; = 0; = 54; = 0; lightTime24.aa = 100; lightTime24.ab = 0; lightTime24.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime25 = new Object(); = 'lightTime25'; lightTime25.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime25.ra = 42; lightTime25.rb = 0; = 38; = 0; = 44; = 0; lightTime25.aa = 100; lightTime25.ab = 0; lightTime25.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime26 = new Object(); = 'lightTime26'; lightTime26.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime26.ra = 30; lightTime26.rb = 0; = 28; = 0; = 34; = 0; lightTime26.aa = 100; lightTime26.ab = 0; lightTime26.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime27 = new Object(); = 'lightTime27'; lightTime27.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime27.ra = 28; lightTime27.rb = 0; = 25; = 0; = 32; = 0; lightTime27.aa = 100; lightTime27.ab = 0; lightTime27.sightMod = 0.6; var lightTime28 = new Object(); = 'lightTime28'; lightTime28.lightLevel = 'low'; lightTime28.ra = 20; lightTime28.rb = 0; = 20; = 0; = 25; = 0; lightTime28.aa = 100; lightTime28.ab = 0; lightTime28.sightMod = 0.6; var debugAllLightingSettings = new Array(lighting_day, lighting_dawn, lighting_dark); currentLighting = null; var lastLighting = currentLighting; var timeScale = 50; var timeCounter = 0; var daysOfWeek = new Array('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'); var currentTimeMin = 0; var currentTimeHrs = 12; var currentDayNumber = 1; var currentDayName = ''; var currentTime = ''; var dayNameCount = 0; var currentTimeMin24 = 35; var currentTimeHrs24 = 1; var gameTime = 1440; var meridiem = 'AM'; var hoursPassed = 0; var worldTime = 0; var numDeadBodies = 5; var randBisectedBody = 100; var deadBodyChance = 200; var allDeadBodies = new Array(); var numRandDecos = 0; var randRate_heavy = 200; var randRate_medium = 100; var randRate_light = 50; var randRate_veryLight = 15; var randEdgeBuffer = 50; var locationNumber = 16; var streetNumber = 1; var buildingNumber = 0; var floorNumber = 0; var roomNumber = 1; var currentLocation = 'l' + locationNumber; var currentStreet = 's' + streetNumber; var currentBuilding = 'b' + buildingNumber; var currentFloor = 'f' + floorNumber; var currentRoom = 'r' + roomNumber; var playerLocation = new Object(); var npc = new Object(); npc.looter1 = new Object(); = 'Looter1'; npc.looter1.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.looter1.enemy = 'true'; npc.looter1.skinColour = 'random'; npc.looter1.hairColour = 'random'; npc.looter1.clothesTop = 'male_hoodyBlack'; npc.looter1.clothesBottom = 'male_jeansBlack'; npc.looter1.clothesShoe = 'shoeWhite'; npc.looter1.faceAccessory = 'bandana'; npc.looter1.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.looter1.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.looter1.backpack = true; = 'random'; npc.looter1.facialHair = 'random'; npc.looter1.weapon = 'glock'; npc.looter1.friendly = false; = 100; npc.looter1.xpBonus = 3; npc.HERCscientist = new Object(); = 'HERCscientist'; npc.HERCscientist.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.HERCscientist.skinColour = 'White'; npc.HERCscientist.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.HERCscientist.clothesTop = 'male_bioHazardTop'; npc.HERCscientist.clothesBottom = 'male_bioHazardPants'; npc.HERCscientist.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.HERCscientist.faceAccessory = 'medicalMask'; npc.HERCscientist.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.HERCscientist.headAccessory = 'bioHazardHat'; npc.HERCscientist.backpack = false; = 'cropped'; npc.HERCscientist.facialHair = 'none'; npc.HERCscientist.weapon = 'M9'; npc.HERCscientist.friendly = false; npc.HERCscientist.stationary = false; = 50; npc.HERCscientist.xpBonus = 3; npc.HERCscientistMelee = new Object(); = 'HERCscientistMelee'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.skinColour = 'Black'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.clothesTop = 'male_bioHazardTop'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.clothesBottom = 'male_bioHazardPants'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.faceAccessory = 'medicalMask'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.headAccessory = 'none'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.backpack = false; = 'cropped'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.facialHair = 'none'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.weapon = 'policeBaton'; npc.HERCscientistMelee.friendly = false; npc.HERCscientistMelee.stationary = false; = 50; npc.HERCscientistMelee.xpBonus = 3; npc.HERCsoldier = new Object(); = 'HERCsoldier'; npc.HERCsoldier.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.HERCsoldier.skinColour = 'White'; npc.HERCsoldier.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.HERCsoldier.clothesTop = 'male_HERCtop'; npc.HERCsoldier.clothesBottom = 'male_HERCbottom'; npc.HERCsoldier.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.HERCsoldier.faceAccessory = 'gasMask'; npc.HERCsoldier.torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc.HERCsoldier.headAccessory = 'helmetHERC'; npc.HERCsoldier.backpack = false; = 'cropped'; npc.HERCsoldier.facialHair = 'none'; npc.HERCsoldier.weapon = 'MP5'; npc.HERCsoldier.friendly = false; npc.HERCsoldier.stationary = false; = 75; npc.HERCsoldier.xpBonus = 3; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy = new Object(); = 'HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.skinColour = 'White'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.clothesTop = 'male_HERCtop'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.clothesBottom = 'male_HERCbottom'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.faceAccessory = 'HERCmask'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestHERC'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.headAccessory = 'helmetHERC'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.backpack = false; = 'cropped'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.facialHair = 'none'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.weapon = 'XM8'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.friendly = false; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.stationary = true; = 60; npc.HERCsoldierHeavy.xpBonus = 3; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly = new Object(); = 'HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.skinColour = 'White'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.hairColour = 'Black'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.clothesTop = 'male_HERCtop'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.clothesBottom = 'male_HERCbottom'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.faceAccessory = 'HERCmask'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestHERC'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.headAccessory = 'helmetHERC'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.backpack = false; = 'cropped'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.facialHair = 'none'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.weapon = 'vector'; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.friendly = true; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.stationary = true; = unlimitedHealth; npc.HERCsoldierHeavyFriendly.xpBonus = 3; = new Object(); = 'army'; = 'Guy'; = 'male'; = 'true'; = 'random'; = 'random'; = 'male_armyTop'; = 'male_armyBottom'; = 'shoeArmy'; = 'none'; = 'kevlarVestArmy'; = 'armyKevlar'; = false; = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'M16A2'; = true; = true; = unlimitedHealth; = 3; npc.armyBio = new Object(); = 'armyBio'; npc.armyBio.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.armyBio.enemy = 'true'; npc.armyBio.skinColour = 'random'; npc.armyBio.hairColour = 'random'; npc.armyBio.clothesTop = 'male_armyTop'; npc.armyBio.clothesBottom = 'male_armyBottom'; npc.armyBio.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; npc.armyBio.faceAccessory = 'gasMask'; npc.armyBio.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestarmy'; npc.armyBio.headAccessory = 'armyKevlar'; npc.armyBio.backpack = false; = 'none'; npc.armyBio.facialHair = 'none'; npc.armyBio.weapon = 'M4A1'; npc.armyBio.friendly = true; npc.armyBio.stationary = true; = unlimitedHealth; npc.armyBio.xpBonus = 3; npc.armyBio2 = new Object(); = 'armyBio2'; npc.armyBio2.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.armyBio2.enemy = 'true'; npc.armyBio2.skinColour = 'random'; npc.armyBio2.hairColour = 'random'; npc.armyBio2.clothesTop = 'male_armyTop'; npc.armyBio2.clothesBottom = 'male_armyBottom'; npc.armyBio2.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; npc.armyBio2.faceAccessory = 'gasMask'; npc.armyBio2.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestarmy'; npc.armyBio2.headAccessory = 'armyKevlar'; npc.armyBio2.backpack = false; = 'none'; npc.armyBio2.facialHair = 'none'; npc.armyBio2.weapon = 'M4A1'; npc.armyBio2.friendly = true; npc.armyBio2.stationary = true; = unlimitedHealth; npc.armyBio2.xpBonus = 3; npc.armyBioOfficer = new Object(); = 'armyBioOfficer'; npc.armyBioOfficer.title = 'Guy'; = 'male'; npc.armyBioOfficer.enemy = 'true'; npc.armyBioOfficer.skinColour = 'random'; npc.armyBioOfficer.hairColour = 'random'; npc.armyBioOfficer.clothesTop = 'male_armyTop'; npc.armyBioOfficer.clothesBottom = 'male_armyBottom'; npc.armyBioOfficer.clothesShoe = 'shoeArmy'; npc.armyBioOfficer.faceAccessory = 'gasMask'; npc.armyBioOfficer.torsoAccessory = 'kevlarVestarmy'; npc.armyBioOfficer.headAccessory = 'armyKevlar'; npc.armyBioOfficer.backpack = false; = 'none'; npc.armyBioOfficer.facialHair = 'none'; npc.armyBioOfficer.weapon = 'M9'; npc.armyBioOfficer.friendly = true; npc.armyBioOfficer.stationary = true; = unlimitedHealth; npc.armyBioOfficer.xpBonus = 3; var numNPC = 0; var NPCsetupDelay = 500; var unlimitedHealth = 999999999; var citizenNPCs = 15; mcnpc = 1; while (mcnpc < citizenNPCs) { npc['citizen' + mcnpc] = new Object(); npc['citizen' + mcnpc].name = 'Citizen' + mcnpc; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].title = 'Guy'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].sex = 'male'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].enemy = 'true'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].skinColour = 'random'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].hairColour = 'random'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].clothesTop = 'male_longSleeveBlack'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].clothesBottom = 'male_pantsBrown'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].faceAccessory = 'none'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].headAccessory = 'none'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].backpack = false; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].hair = 'none'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].facialHair = 'none'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].weapon = 'PPM9'; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].friendly = true; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].stationary = true; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].health = 100; npc['citizen' + mcnpc].xpBonus = 3; ++mcnpc; } mcnpc = 1; while (mcnpc < citizenNPCs) { npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc] = new Object(); npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].name = 'unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].title = 'Guy'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].sex = 'male'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].enemy = 'true'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].skinColour = 'random'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].hairColour = 'random'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].clothesTop = 'male_longSleeveBlack'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].clothesBottom = 'male_pantsBrown'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].clothesShoe = 'shoeBlack'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].faceAccessory = 'none'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].torsoAccessory = 'none'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].headAccessory = 'none'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].backpack = false; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].hair = 'none'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].facialHair = 'none'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].weapon = 'none'; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].friendly = true; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].stationary = true; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].health = 100; npc['unarmedCitizen' + mcnpc].xpBonus = 3; ++mcnpc; } npc.Kowalski = new Object(); npc.DrSmith = new Object(); npc.Simmons = new Object(); npc.Martinez = new Object(); npc.Hammond = new Object(); npc.Steve = new Object(); npc.Carol = new Object(); npc.Ryan = new Object(); npc.Anna = new Object(); npc.Barry = new Object(); npc.Williams = new Object(); npc.Ramirez = new Object(); npc.Partner = new Object(); npc.Jack = new Object(); npc.PartnerDocks = new Object(); npc.Dana = new Object(); npc.Jane = new Object(); npc.Shawn = new Object(); npc.JackWall = new Object(); npc.DanaWall = new Object(); npc.JaneWall = new Object(); npc.ShawnWall = new Object(); npc.JaneSacrifice = new Object(); npc.ShawnSacrifice = new Object(); npc.Darnel = new Object(); npc.Kelly = new Object(); npc.newBarry = new Object(); npc.safeRoomBarry = new Object(); npc.Johnson = new Object(); npc.Keith = new Object(); npc.Stephens = new Object(); npc.Hank = new Object(); npc.Laura = new Object(); npc.Shenice = new Object(); npc.King = new Object(); npc.Jeb = new Object(); npc.Paul = new Object(); npc.JebEnemy = new Object(); npc.PaulEnemy = new Object(); npc.Clarence = new Object(); npc.Fern = new Object(); npc.Terry = new Object(); npc.Lisa = new Object(); npc.Phillip = new Object(); fakeRoom = new Object(); fakeRoom.enemy = new Array('JebEnemy', 'PaulEnemy'); fakeRoom.enemyX = new Array('550', '950'); npc.Ed = new Object(); npc.Jackson = new Object(); npc.Ray = new Object(); npc.Sarah = new Object(); npc.Peter = new Object(); var sayText = new Array(); var sayOwner = new Array(); var speechLetters = new Array('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N'); var dispSpeechInt = setInterval(displayWorldSpeech, 6000); var maleTitle = 'Mr.'; var femaleTitle = 'Mrs.'; var malePartnerStart = 'Wife'; var malePartner = 'wife'; var femalePartnerStart = 'Husband'; var femalePartner = 'husband'; var malePartnerNameShort = 'Beth'; var malePartnerName = 'Bethany'; var femalePartnerNameShort = 'Matt'; var femalePartnerName = 'Matthew'; var malePartnerSexStart = 'She'; var malePartnerSex = 'she'; var femalePartnerSexStart = 'He'; var femalePartnerSex = 'he'; var malePartnerSexAddress = 'her'; var femalePartnerSexAddress = 'him'; var malePlayerSexAddress = 'him'; var femalePlayerSexAddress = 'him'; var maleFormalStart = 'Sir'; var maleFormal = 'sir'; var femaleFormalStart = 'Ma\'am'; var femaleFormal = 'ma\'am'; var maleOlderStart = 'Son'; var maleOlder = 'son'; var femaleOlderStart = 'Miss'; var femaleOlder = 'miss'; var maleFriendlyStart = 'Buddy'; var maleFriendly = 'buddy'; var femaleFriendlyStart = 'Missy'; var femaleFriendly = 'missy'; var maleYoungStart = 'Young man'; var maleYoung = 'young man'; var femaleYoungStart = 'Young lady'; var femaleYoung = 'young lady'; var maleAngryStart = 'Asshole'; var maleAngry = 'asshole'; var femaleAngryStart = 'Bitch'; var femaleAngry = 'bitch'; var maleCasualStart = 'Guy'; var maleCasual = 'guy'; var femaleCasualStart = 'Girl'; var femaleCasual = 'girl'; var maleSexStart = 'Man'; var maleSex = 'man'; var femaleSexStart = 'Woman'; var femaleSex = 'woman'; var numHumans = 0; var totalHumans = 1; var allHumans = new Array(); var savHNum = 0; var saveHumans1 = new Object(); var saveHumans2 = new Object(); var saveHumans3 = new Object(); var saveHumans4 = new Object(); var saveHumans5 = new Object(); var allHumanSaves = [saveHumans1, saveHumans2, saveHumans3, saveHumans4, saveHumans5]; var wpSetCountMax = 35; var wpSetCount = wpSetCountMax; var humanRange = 400; var humanMeleeRange = 80; var humTargCount = 10; game = new Object(); game.state = 'paused'; if (intoMenu == true) { if (releaseMode == true && firstMenuLoad == true) { showLeadLogos(); } else { launchMenus(loadTo); } } if (intoMenu == false) { launchGame(loadTo); } _root.onEnterFrame = function () { interfaceControls(); displayDialog(); if (mapOpen) { scrollMap(); } if (securityOpen) { workLock(); } if (game.state == 'unpaused' && mapOpen == false) { timeElapse(); cameraControl(); playerControls(); aimWeapon(world.player); characterGravity(world.player); survivorGravity(); zombieGravity(); moveCollisions(); projectileCollisions(); meleeCollisions(); survivorAIRoutine(); zombieAIRoutines(); humanAIRoutine(); oddEnterFrame(); quickEnterFrame(); slowEnterFrame(); mediumEnterFrame(); verySlowEnterFrame(); } --slowEFConstantcount; if (slowEFConstantcount <= 0) { checkHelp(); slowEFConstantcount = slowEFConstantcountMax; } }; }
Created: 7/10 -2018 18:46:43 Last modified: 7/10 -2018 18:46:43 Server time: 11/03 -2025 11:41:41