Frame 1
fscommand ("fullscreen", "true");
fscommand ("allowscale", "true");
fscommand ("shownenu", "false");
fscommand ("trapallkeys", "false");
var f = 100;
var tujing_x = 400;
var wuti_high = 100;
var wuti_width = 18;
var zhouxian_y = 250;
var guangludisplay = 1;
var jielundisplay = 1;
var xuxiangdisplay = 1;
var danwei = 1;
var soundisplay = 0;
var helpflag = 0;
bgm_snd = new Sound();
_root.tujing._x = tujing_x;
_root.tujing._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.zhouxian._x = tujing_x;
_root.zhouxian._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.wuTi._x = tujing_x - (2 * f);
_root.wuTi._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.wuTi._height = wuti_high;
_root.wuTi._width = wuti_width;
_root.tujing._height = (2 * wuti_high) + 60;
_root.tujing._width = f / 5;
_root.shiXiang._x = tujing_x + (2 * f);
_root.shiXiang._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.xuXiang._x = tujing_x + (2 * f);
_root.xuXiang._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.left1f._x = tujing_x - f;
_root.left1f._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.left2f._x = tujing_x - (2 * f);
_root.left2f._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.right1f._x = tujing_x + f;
_root.right1f._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.right2f._x = tujing_x + (2 * f);
_root.right2f._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.buttonleft._x = (tujing_x - (2 * f)) - 40;
_root.buttonleft._y = zhouxian_y + 40;
_root.buttonright._x = (tujing_x - (2 * f)) + 40;
_root.buttonright._y = zhouxian_y + 40;
setProperty("_root.xuXiang", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.helptxt", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.setdata", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.danwei0", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.jielu1", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.jielu2", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.jielu3", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.jielu4", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.jielu5", _visible , 0);
Instance of Symbol 15 MovieClip "wuTi" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var f = _root.f;
var tujing_x = _root.tujing_x;
var wuti_high = _root.wuti_high;
var wuti_width = _root.wuti_width;
var zhouxian_y = _root.zhouxian_y;
var displayxushi = "\u5B9E\u50CF";
var displaydaxiao = "\u7B49\u5927";
var displayzhendao = "\u5012\u7ACB";
var displayyingyong = "";
var displayjielun = "\u5F53\u7269\u8DDD\u7B49\u4E8E\u4E8C\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u65F6\uFF0C\u6210\u7B49\u5927\u7684\u5012\u7ACB\u5B9E\u50CF";
var maomif = 0;
on (press) {
startDrag ("", true, 0, _root.zhouxian_y, _root.tujing_x - 3, _root.zhouxian_y);
on (release) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
wuti_high = _root.wuTi._height;
wuti_width = _root.wuTi._width;
u = Math.floor(tujing_x - _root.wuTi._x);
var uu = u;
temp = (2 * f) / 80;
if ((u >= f) && (u <= (f + temp))) {
u = (f + temp) + 1;
if ((u < f) && (u >= (f - temp))) {
u = (f - temp) - 1;
v = (f * u) / (u - f);
_root.shiXiang._x = tujing_x + v;
_root.xuXiang._x = tujing_x + v;
fangDalie = v / u;
t = Math.floor(u / f);
switch (t) {
case 0 :
if (_root.xuxiangdisplay == 1) {
setProperty("_root.xuXiang", _visible , 1);
setProperty("_root.shiXiang", _visible , 0);
} else {
setProperty("_root.xuXiang", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.shiXiang", _visible , 0);
_root.xuXiang._height = (_root.wuTi._height * v) / (-u);
_root.xuXiang._width = (_root.wuTi._width * v) / (-u);
if (_root.guangludisplay == 1) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line0", 1);
with (_root.line0) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x - u, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
lineTo(tujing_x, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line1", 2);
with (_root.line1) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
lineto(800, (zhouxian_y + (((800 - tujing_x) * wuti_high) / f)) - wuti_high);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line2", 3);
with (_root.line2) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x - u, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
lineTo(800, zhouxian_y + ((wuti_high / u) * (800 - tujing_x)));
i = 10;
tempx = 0;
tempy = 0;
do {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line" + i, i + 1);
with (_root["line" + i]) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo((tujing_x - u) - tempx, (zhouxian_y - wuti_high) - tempy);
tempy = tempy + 3;
tempx = (u * tempy) / wuti_high;
if ((wuti_high + tempy) < _root.xuXiang._height) {
lineTo((tujing_x - u) - tempx, (zhouxian_y - wuti_high) - tempy);
} else {
lineTo((tujing_x - u) - tempx, zhouxian_y - _root.xuXiang._height);
tempy = tempy + 3;
tempx = (tempy * u) / wuti_high;
i = i + 1;
} while ((((zhouxian_y - wuti_high) - tempy) > 0) && ((wuti_high + tempy) < _root.xuXiang._height));
if (maxi < i) {
maxi = i;
j = maxi;
while (j >= i) {
_root["line" + j].removeMovieClip();
iscond = maxi;
tempxscond = 0;
tempyscond = 0;
do {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("linescond" + iscond, iscond + 1);
with (_root["linescond" + iscond]) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x - tempxscond, (zhouxian_y - wuti_high) - tempyscond);
tempyscond = tempyscond + 2;
tempxscond = (f * tempyscond) / wuti_high;
if ((wuti_high + tempyscond) < _root.xuXiang._height) {
lineTo(tujing_x - tempxscond, (zhouxian_y - wuti_high) - tempyscond);
} else {
lineTo(tujing_x - tempxscond, zhouxian_y - _root.xuXiang._height);
tempyscond = tempyscond + 2;
tempxscond = (f * tempyscond) / wuti_high;
iscond = iscond + 1;
} while ((((zhouxian_y - wuti_high) - tempyscond) > 0) && ((wuti_high + tempyscond) < _root.xuXiang._height));
if (maxiscond < iscond) {
maxiscond = iscond;
jscond = maxiscond;
while (jscond >= iscond) {
_root["linescond" + jscond].removeMovieClip();
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
setProperty(_root["jiantou" + i], _visible , 1);
_root.jiantou1._x = tujing_x - (u / 2);
_root.jiantou1._y = zhouxian_y - wuti_high;
_root.jiantou2._x = tujing_x + (Math.abs(v) / 2);
_root.jiantou2._y = (zhouxian_y - wuti_high) + (((wuti_high * Math.abs(v)) / 2) / f);
_root.jiantou2._rotation = (Math.atan(wuti_high / f) / Math.PI) * 180;
_root.jiantou3._x = tujing_x - (u / 2);
_root.jiantou3._y = zhouxian_y - (wuti_high / 2);
_root.jiantou3._rotation = (Math.atan(wuti_high / u) / Math.PI) * 180;
_root.jiantou4._x = tujing_x + (Math.abs(v) / 2);
_root.jiantou4._y = zhouxian_y + (((wuti_high * Math.abs(v)) / 2) / u);
_root.jiantou4._rotation = (Math.atan((wuti_high * fangDalie) / v) / Math.PI) * 180;
} else {
j = 2;
while (j >= 0) {
_root["line" + j].removeMovieClip();
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
setProperty(_root["jiantou" + i], _visible , 0);
j = maxi;
while (j >= 10) {
_root["line" + j].removeMovieClip();
jscond = maxiscond;
while (jscond >= 10) {
_root["linescond" + jscond].removeMovieClip();
case 1 :
if (_root.xuxiangdisplay == 1) {
setProperty("_root.xuXiang", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.shiXiang", _visible , 1);
} else {
setProperty("_root.xuXiang", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.shiXiang", _visible , 0);
_root.shiXiang._height = _root.wuTi._height * fangDalie;
_root.shiXiang._width = _root.wuTi._width * fangDalie;
j = maxi;
while (j >= 10) {
_root["line" + j].removeMovieClip();
jscond = maxiscond;
while (jscond >= 10) {
_root["linescond" + jscond].removeMovieClip();
if (_root.guangludisplay == 1) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line0", 1);
with (_root.line0) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x - u, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
lineTo(tujing_x, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line1", 2);
with (_root.line1) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
lineTo(tujing_x + v, zhouxian_y + (wuti_high * fangDalie));
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line2", 3);
with (_root.line2) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x - u, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
if (fangDalie > 60) {
lineTo(tujing_x + v, zhouxian_y + (wuti_high * 1000));
} else {
lineTo(tujing_x + v, zhouxian_y + (wuti_high * fangDalie));
setProperty("_root.jiantou5", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.jiantou6", _visible , 0);
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
setProperty(_root["jiantou" + i], _visible , 1);
_root.jiantou1._x = tujing_x - (u / 2);
_root.jiantou1._y = zhouxian_y - wuti_high;
_root.jiantou2._x = tujing_x + (v / 2);
_root.jiantou2._y = (zhouxian_y - wuti_high) + ((wuti_high + (wuti_high * fangDalie)) / 2);
_root.jiantou2._rotation = (Math.atan(wuti_high / f) / Math.PI) * 180;
_root.jiantou3._x = tujing_x - (u / 2);
_root.jiantou3._y = zhouxian_y - (wuti_high / 2);
_root.jiantou3._rotation = (Math.atan(wuti_high / u) / Math.PI) * 180;
_root.jiantou4._x = tujing_x + (v / 2);
_root.jiantou4._y = zhouxian_y + ((wuti_high * fangDalie) / 2);
_root.jiantou4._rotation = (Math.atan((wuti_high * fangDalie) / v) / Math.PI) * 180;
} else {
j = 2;
while (j >= 0) {
_root["line" + j].removeMovieClip();
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
setProperty(_root["jiantou" + i], _visible , 0);
default :
if (_root.xuxiangdisplay == 1) {
setProperty("_root.xuXiang", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.shiXiang", _visible , 1);
} else {
setProperty("_root.xuXiang", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.shiXiang", _visible , 0);
_root.shiXiang._height = _root.wuTi._height * fangDalie;
_root.shiXiang._width = _root.wuTi._width * fangDalie;
j = maxi;
while (j >= 10) {
_root["line" + j].removeMovieClip();
jscond = maxiscond;
while (jscond >= 10) {
_root["linescond" + jscond].removeMovieClip();
if (_root.guangludisplay == 1) {
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
setProperty(_root["jiantou" + i], _visible , 1);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line0", 1);
with (_root.line0) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x - u, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
lineTo(tujing_x, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line1", 2);
with (_root.line1) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
lineTo(tujing_x + v, zhouxian_y + (wuti_high * fangDalie));
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("line2", 3);
with (_root.line2) {
lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100);
moveTo(tujing_x - u, zhouxian_y - wuti_high);
lineTo(tujing_x + v, zhouxian_y + (wuti_high * fangDalie));
setProperty("_root.jiantou5", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.jiantou6", _visible , 0);
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
setProperty(_root["jiantou" + i], _visible , 1);
_root.jiantou1._x = tujing_x - (u / 2);
_root.jiantou1._y = zhouxian_y - wuti_high;
_root.jiantou2._x = tujing_x + (v / 2);
_root.jiantou2._y = (zhouxian_y - wuti_high) + ((wuti_high + (wuti_high * fangDalie)) / 2);
_root.jiantou2._rotation = (Math.atan(wuti_high / f) / Math.PI) * 180;
_root.jiantou3._x = tujing_x - (u / 2);
_root.jiantou3._y = zhouxian_y - (wuti_high / 2);
_root.jiantou3._rotation = (Math.atan(wuti_high / u) / Math.PI) * 180;
_root.jiantou4._x = tujing_x + (v / 2);
_root.jiantou4._y = zhouxian_y + ((wuti_high * fangDalie) / 2);
_root.jiantou4._rotation = (Math.atan((wuti_high * fangDalie) / v) / Math.PI) * 180;
} else {
j = 2;
while (j >= 0) {
_root["line" + j].removeMovieClip();
i = 1;
if (i > 4) {
setProperty(_root["jiantou" + i], _visible , 0);
if (_root.danwei == 1) {
setProperty("_root.danwei1", _visible , 1);
setProperty("_root.danwei0", _visible , 0);
displayf = f;
displayu = uu;
vv = v;
} else {
setProperty("_root.danwei1", _visible , 0);
setProperty("_root.danwei0", _visible , 1);
displayf = maomif;
displayu = Math.round(uu * 0.3529);
vv = Math.round(v * 0.3529);
if (_root.jielundisplay == 1) {
if (uu > (2 * f)) {
displayu = displayu + ">2f";
displayxushi = "\u5B9E\u50CF";
displaydaxiao = "\u7F29\u5C0F";
displayzhendao = "\u5012\u7ACB";
displayyingyong = "\u7167\u50CF\u673A";
displayjielun = "\u5F53\u7269\u4F53\u5728\u4E8C\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u4EE5\u5916\uFF0C\u50CF\u6210\u5728\u4E00\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u81F3\u4E8C\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u4E4B\u95F4";
displayv = ("f<" + Math.floor(vv)) + "<2f";
} else if (uu == (2 * f)) {
if (_root.soundisplay == 1) {
displayu = displayu + "=2f";
displayxushi = "\u5B9E\u50CF";
displaydaxiao = "\u7B49\u5927";
displayzhendao = "\u5012\u7ACB";
displayyingyong = "";
displayjielun = "\u5F53\u7269\u4F53\u5728\u4E8C\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u5904\uFF0C\u50CF\u6210\u5728\u4E8C\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u5904";
displayv = vv + "=2f";
} else if ((uu < (2 * f)) && (uu > f)) {
displayu = ("f<" + displayu) + "<2f";
displayxushi = "\u5B9E\u50CF";
displaydaxiao = "\u653E\u5927";
displayzhendao = "\u5012\u7ACB";
displayyingyong = "\u5E7B\u706F\u673A";
displayjielun = "\u5F53\u7269\u4F53\u5728\u4E00\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u81F3\u4E8C\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u4E4B\u95F4\u65F6\uFF0C\u50CF\u6210\u5728\u4E8C\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u4EE5\u5916";
displayv = Math.floor(vv) + ">2f";
} else if (uu == f) {
if (_root.soundisplay == 1) {
displayu = displayu + "=f";
displayxushi = "\u4E0D\u6210\u50CF";
displaydaxiao = "";
displayzhendao = "";
displayyingyong = "";
displayjielun = "\u5F53\u7269\u4F53\u5728\u4E00\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u5904\u65F6\uFF0C\u4E0D\u6210\u50CF";
displayv = "";
} else {
displayu = displayu + "<f";
displayxushi = "\u865A\u50CF";
displaydaxiao = "\u653E\u5927";
displayzhendao = "\u6B63\u7ACB";
displayyingyong = "\u653E\u5927\u955C";
displayjielun = "\u5F53\u7269\u4F53\u5728\u4E00\u500D\u7126\u8DDD\u5185\u65F6\uFF0C\u6210\u865A\u50CF\uFF0C\u50CF\u7269\u5728\u540C\u4FA7";
displayv = Math.floor(vv);
} else {
if (uu > (2 * f)) {
displayu = displayu + ">2f";
} else if (uu == (2 * f)) {
if (_root.soundisplay == 1) {
displayu = displayu + "=2f";
} else if ((uu < (2 * f)) && (uu > f)) {
displayu = ("f<" + displayu) + "<2f";
} else if (uu == f) {
if (_root.soundisplay == 1) {
displayu = displayu + "=f";
} else {
displayu = displayu + "<f";
displayxushi = "";
displaydaxiao = "";
displayzhendao = "";
displayyingyong = "";
displayjielun = "";
displayv = "";
Instance of Symbol 41 MovieClip "buttonleft" in Frame 1
on (release) {
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
Instance of Symbol 45 MovieClip "buttonright" in Frame 1
on (release) {
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
Instance of Symbol 49 MovieClip "numu" in Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "helptxt" in Frame 1
on (release) {
setProperty("_root.helptxt", _visible , 0);
_root.guangludisplay = _root.helpflag;
Symbol 44 Button
on (release) {
_root.wuti._x = _root.wuti._x + 1;
on (press) {
_root.wuti._x = _root.wuti._x + 1;
Symbol 54 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.danwei == 1) {
_root.wuTi._x = _root.tujing_x - (1 * numu.u);
} else {
_root.wuTi._x = _root.tujing_x - Math.floor((1 * numu.u) / 0.3529);
on (keyPress "<Enter>") {
if (_root.danwei == 1) {
_root.wuTi._x = _root.tujing_x - (1 * numu.u);
} else {
_root.wuTi._x = _root.tujing_x - Math.floor((1 * numu.u) / 0.3529);
Symbol 73 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.danwei == 1) {
tp = 1;
} else {
tp = 0.3529;
_root.wuTi.maomif = setf.text * 1;
f = Math.floor((1 * setf.text) / tp);
tujing_x = Math.floor((1 * settujingx.text) / tp);
_root.wuTi._height = Math.floor((1 * sethigh.text) / tp);
_root.wuTi._width = Math.floor((1 * setwidth.text) / tp);
zhouxian_y = Math.floor((1 * setzhouxiany.text) / tp);
_root.wuTi.f = f;
_root.wuTi.tujing_x = tujing_x;
_root.wuTi.zhouxian_y = zhouxian_y;
_root.tujing._height = (2 * _root.wuTi._height) + 60;
_root.tujing._width = _root.wuTi.f / 5;
_root.zhouxian_y = zhouxian_y;
_root.tujing_x = tujing_x;
_root.tujing._x = tujing_x;
_root.tujing._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.zhouxian._x = tujing_x;
_root.zhouxian._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.wuTi._x = tujing_x - (2 * f);
_root.wuTi._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.shiXiang._x = tujing_x + (2 * f);
_root.shiXiang._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.xuXiang._x = tujing_x + (2 * f);
_root.xuXiang._y = zhouxian_y;
setProperty("_root.xuXiang", _visible , 0);
_root.left1f._x = tujing_x - f;
_root.left1f._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.left2f._x = tujing_x - (2 * f);
_root.left2f._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.right1f._x = tujing_x + f;
_root.right1f._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.right2f._x = tujing_x + (2 * f);
_root.right2f._y = zhouxian_y;
_root.buttonleft._x = (tujing_x - (2 * f)) - 40;
_root.buttonleft._y = zhouxian_y + 40;
_root.buttonright._x = (tujing_x - (2 * f)) + 40;
_root.buttonright._y = zhouxian_y + 40;
setProperty("_root.setdata", _visible , 0);
Symbol 84 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("yuandian1", _visible , 1);
setProperty("yuandian2", _visible , 0);
_root.danwei = 1;
_root.setdata.setf.text = 100;
_root.setdata.sethigh.text = 100;
_root.setdata.setwidth.text = 18;
_root.setdata.setzhouxiany.text = 250;
_root.setdata.settujingx.text = 400;
Symbol 85 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("yuandian1", _visible , 0);
setProperty("yuandian2", _visible , 1);
_root.danwei = 0;
_root.setdata.setf.text = 40;
_root.setdata.sethigh.text = 35;
_root.setdata.setwidth.text = 6;
_root.setdata.setzhouxiany.text = 80;
_root.setdata.settujingx.text = 140;
Symbol 86 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("yuandian5", _visible , 0);
setProperty("yuandian6", _visible , 1);
_root.soundisplay = 0;
Symbol 91 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("yuandian6", _visible , 0);
setProperty("yuandian5", _visible , 1);
_root.soundisplay = 1;
Symbol 106 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("_root.setdata", _visible , 0);
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("yuandian2", _visible , 0);
setProperty("yuandian4", _visible , 0);
setProperty("yuandian5", _visible , 0);
setProperty("yuandian8", _visible , 0);
Instance of Symbol 76 MovieClip "haome" in Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 78 MovieClip "xiangsu" in Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 114 Button
on (release) {
setProperty("_root.setdata", _visible , 1);
Symbol 119 Button
on (release) {
fscommand ("quit");
Symbol 124 Button
on (release) {
_root.helpflag = _root.guangludisplay;
setProperty("_root.helptxt", _visible , 1);
_root.guangludisplay = 0;
Symbol 131 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.xuxiangdisplay == 1) {
setProperty("a1", _visible , 0);
_root.xuxiangdisplay = 0;
} else {
setProperty("a1", _visible , 1);
_root.xuxiangdisplay = 1;
Symbol 132 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.guangludisplay == 1) {
setProperty("a2", _visible , 0);
_root.guangludisplay = 0;
} else {
setProperty("a2", _visible , 1);
_root.guangludisplay = 1;
Symbol 133 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.jielundisplay == 1) {
setProperty("a3", _visible , 0);
_root.jielundisplay = 0;
} else {
setProperty("a3", _visible , 1);
_root.jielundisplay = 1;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("a1", _visible , 1);
setProperty("a2", _visible , 1);
setProperty("a3", _visible , 1);