Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

[BigboobsVaginal] MNF Metropolis – the XXX Files - Episode 1.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #214399

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 4 { } movieClip 5 { frame 1 { if (_root.x0 == undefined) { _root.x0 = 'a1b2c3d4'; } txt.txt = ''; symbols_str = 'QWERTYUOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM1234567890'; username_position = random(20) + 10; i = 0; while (i < 40) { if (i == username_position) { txt.txt += '|' + _root.x0.toUpperCase() + '|'; } else { txt.txt += symbols_str.substr(random(35), 1); } ++i; } } } movieClip 6 trans_screen { frame 1 { var next_screen; } frame 10 { _parent.setScreen(next_screen); } frame 20 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 22 music { frame 1 { stop(); _visible = false; } } movieClip 25 { } movieClip 29 { } movieClip 30 item_cc_profile { } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 37 item_bomb { } movieClip 41 { } movieClip 42 item_aphrodisiac { } movieClip 46 { } movieClip 47 item_bb_key { } movieClip 51 { } movieClip 52 item_viagra { } movieClip 56 { } movieClip 57 item_bearberry { } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 62 item_cocaine { } movieClip 66 { } movieClip 67 item_docs { } movieClip 71 { } movieClip 72 item_ushanka { } movieClip 75 { } movieClip 76 item_ring { } movieClip 79 { } movieClip 83 { } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 94 { } movieClip 97 { } movieClip 100 { } movieClip 103 { } movieClip 106 { } movieClip 110 { } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 116 { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 122 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 128 { } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 146 { } movieClip 156 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 163 dialog_box { frame 1 { function show_text(new_text) { next_btn._visible = false; if (text_left == '') { text_left = new_text; _text = ''; } if (text_left.length > 0) { interval = setInterval(add_text, 40); } } function add_text() { if (text_left.length > 0) { symb = text_left.slice(0, 2); text_left = text_left.slice(2); _text += symb; } else { clearInterval(interval); next_btn._visible = true; } } stop(); var text_left = ''; var interval; bg.useHandCursor = false; d_text._visible = false; t_text._visible = false; bg.onPress = function () { if (next_btn._visible == false) { clearInterval(interval); _text += text_left; next_btn._visible = true; bg.onPress = null; } }; if (text_init != undefined) { show_text(text_init); } } frame 15 { item_icon = this.attachMovie(_root._items[item].clip, 'item_icon', 0); item_icon._x = 300; item_icon._y = 180; bg.onPress = function () {}; bg.useHandCursor = false; } frame 16 { item_icon = this.attachMovie(_root._items[item].clip, 'item_icon', 0); item_icon._x = 300; item_icon._y = 180; bg.onPress = function () {}; bg.useHandCursor = false; } frame 17 { item_icon = this.attachMovie(_root._items[item].clip, 'item_icon', 0); item_icon._x = 300; item_icon._y = 180; bg.onPress = function () {}; bg.useHandCursor = false; } frame 18 { item_icon = this.attachMovie(_root._items[item].clip, 'item_icon', 0); item_icon._x = 300; item_icon._y = 180; bg.onPress = function () {}; bg.useHandCursor = false; } frame 19 { items_cnt = _root.items_list.length; container_index = 0; i = 0; while (i < items_cnt) { if (_root._items[_root.items_list[i]].amount > 0) { (eval('i_' + container_index)).gotoAndStop(2); mc = (eval('i_' + container_index)).attachMovie(_root._items[_root.items_list[i]].clip, 'item_icon', 0); mc._xscale = 60; mc._yscale = 60; mc._x = 15; mc._y = 15; ++container_index; } ++i; } bg.onPress = function () {}; bg.useHandCursor = false; } } frame 1 { function show_dialog() { if (this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1] == '0') { clearInterval(dialog_box.interval); dialog_box.removeMovieClip(); _level0.screen.do_action(); ++_level0.screen.dialog_index; return undefined; } dialog_box = this.attachMovie('dialog_box', 'dialog', 0); if (this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1] == 'Text_left' or this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1] == 'Text_right') { dialog_box.d_text.text = this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][3]; text_lines = Math.ceil(dialog_box.d_text.textHeight / dialog_box.t_text.textHeight); if (text_lines > 7) { text_lines = 7; } if (text_lines < 1) { text_lines = 1; } frame_symb = 'L'; if (this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1] == 'Text_right') { frame_symb = 'R'; } dialog_box.gotoAndStop(frame_symb + '_' + text_lines); dialog_box.frame_symb = frame_symb; dialog_box.c_name.name_front = this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][2]; dialog_box.c_name.name_back = dialog_box.c_name.name_front; dialog_box._icon._visible = false; if (this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][2] == _root.player_name) { dialog_box._icon._visible = true; } dialog_box.text_init = this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][3]; _level0.screen.do_action(); dialog_box.next_btn.onPress = function () { clearInterval(dialog_box.interval); dialog_box.removeMovieClip(); ++_level0.screen.dialog_index; _level0.screen.show_dialog(); }; return undefined; } if (this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1] == 'Item_add' or this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1] == 'Item_remove' or this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1] == 'Item_show' or this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1] == 'Item_use' or this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1] == 'Items_show') { dialog_box.item = this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][2]; dialog_box.gotoAndStop(this.dialogs[this.dialog_index][1]); _level0.screen.do_action(); dialog_box.next_btn.onPress = function () { clearInterval(dialog_box.interval); dialog_box.removeMovieClip(); ++_level0.screen.dialog_index; _level0.screen.show_dialog(); }; return undefined; } } stop(); owner_URL = ''; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe != 1) { return undefined; } percent = 'Loading: ' + int(100 * getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) + '%'; if (getBytesLoaded() == getBytesTotal()) { gotoAndStop(3); } }; } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 170 { } movieClip 1012 __Packages.AnimManager { #initclip if (!_global.AnimManager) { var v1 = function (anim_mc_, btns_mc_) { this.anim_mc = anim_mc_; this.btns_mc = btns_mc_; this.gravi = new Gravitation(1); this.gravi.move_draw = 0.5; this.acts = new Array(); this.anim_swings = new Array(); }; _global.AnimManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.AddAct = function (AnimActObject) { var new_act = new AnimAct(AnimActObject); this.acts.push(new_act); (eval(String(this.btns_mc) + '.' + new_act.btn_name)).onPress = function () { var v3 = this._parent.anim_manager; if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = this._parent._parent.anim_manager; } var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v3.acts.length) { if (this._name == v3.acts[v2].btn_name) { this._parent.btn_id = v2; break; } ++v2; } this._parent.border._x = this._x; this._parent.border._y = this._y; v3.setAct(this._name); this.postOnPress(); }; if (this.acts.length == 1) { (eval(String(this.btns_mc) + '.' + new_act.btn_name)).onPress(); } }; v2.AddSwing = function (AnimSwingObject) { this.anim_swings.push(new AnimSwing(AnimSwingObject)); }; v2.setAct = function (btn_name) { if (btn_name == this.act.btn_name) { return undefined; } var btn_name_found = false; var i = 0; while (i < this.acts.length) { if (this.acts[i].btn_name == btn_name) { this.act = this.acts[i]; btn_name_found = true; break; } ++i; } if (!btn_name_found) { return undefined; } (eval(String(this.anim_mc._parent) + '.hint')).removeMovieClip(); if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL) { this.gravi.control_mode = 0; this.CreateHint(640, 480, this.anim_mc._parent, this.act.mouse_movement, this.act.pixel_start, this.act.pixel_width); } else { this.gravi.control_mode = 1; } if (this.act.frame_enter != undefined) { this.frame = this.act.frame_enter; } this.gravi.auto_speed = this.act.auto_speed; if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM) { this.gravi.auto_fade_out_speed = this.act.auto_fade_out_speed; this.state = 0; this.timer = 0; } else { if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR) { this.state = 0; } } this.Update(this.anim_mc._parent._xmouse, this.anim_mc._parent._ymouse); this.act.setFaceByStr(this.anim_mc, this.act.face_settings); }; v2.Update = function (_xmouse, _ymouse) { if (this.act == undefined) { return undefined; } if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL) { if (this.act.mouse_movement == AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT) { this.gravi.move_goto = (_ymouse - this.act.pixel_start) / this.act.pixel_width; } else { this.gravi.move_goto = (_xmouse - this.act.pixel_start) / this.act.pixel_width; } if (this.gravi.move_goto < 0) { this.gravi.move_goto = 0; } else { if (this.gravi.move_goto > 1) { this.gravi.move_goto = 1; } } if (this.act.reverse_mouse_control) { this.gravi.move_goto = 1 - this.gravi.move_goto; } } this.UpdateSwings(true, this.gravi.swing_draw[0]); this.gravi.Update(); if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_LINEAR) { this.frame += 1; if (this.frame >= this.act.frame_end) { this.frame -= this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start; } } else { if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR) { this.frame += 1; if (this.frame >= this.act.frame_end) { if (this.state == 0) { this.state = 1; this.act.setFaceByStr(this.anim_mc, this.act.face_settings_after_cum); } this.frame -= this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start; } } else { if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM || this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL) { this.frame = int(this.gravi.move_draw * (this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start) + this.act.frame_start); } else { if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM) { if (this.state == 0) { ++this.timer; if (this.timer >= 50) { this.state = 1; this.gravi.control_mode = 2; } } else { if (this.state == 1) { if (this.gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.5) { this.act.playCum(this.anim_mc); this.state = 2; } } else { if (this.state == 2) { if (this.gravi.control_mode == 1) { this.act.setFaceByStr(this.anim_mc, this.act.face_settings_after_cum); this.state = 3; } } } } this.frame = int(this.gravi.move_draw * (this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start) + this.act.frame_start); } } } } this.anim_mc.gotoAndStop(int(this.frame)); this.UpdateSwings(false, this.gravi.swing_draw[0]); }; v2.UpdateSwings = function (update_before, gravi_swing_draw) { var i = 0; while (i < this.anim_swings.length) { if (this.anim_swings[i].update_before_gravi == update_before) { var clip = eval(String(this.anim_mc) + '.' + this.anim_swings[i].clip_name); var last_frame = this.anim_swings[i].last_frame; var first_frame = this.anim_swings[i].first_frame; if (this.anim_swings[i].reverse) { clip.gotoAndStop(int((1 - gravi_swing_draw) * (last_frame - first_frame) + first_frame)); } else { clip.gotoAndStop(int(gravi_swing_draw * (last_frame - first_frame) + first_frame)); } } ++i; } }; v2.CreateHint = function (swf_width, swf_height, owner_mc, mouse_movement, pixel_start, pixel_width) { var hint_mc = owner_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('hint', owner_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.DrawArrow(swf_width, swf_height, hint_mc, mouse_movement, pixel_start, pixel_width); var mouse_icon_mc = hint_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('mouse_icon', hint_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.DrawMouseIcon(mouse_icon_mc); mouse_icon_mc._visible = false; hint_mc.anim = 0; hint_mc.mouse_movement = mouse_movement; hint_mc.pixel_start = pixel_start; hint_mc.pixel_width = pixel_width; hint_mc.swf_width = swf_width; hint_mc.swf_height = swf_height; hint_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!mouse_icon_mc._visible) { mouse_icon_mc._visible = true; } hint_mc.anim += 0.05; if (hint_mc.anim >= 1) { hint_mc.anim -= 1; } if (hint_mc.mouse_movement == AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT) { hint_mc.mouse_icon._x = hint_mc.pixel_start + hint_mc.pixel_width / 2 + Math.sin(6.283185307179586 * hint_mc.anim) * hint_mc.pixel_width / 2; hint_mc.mouse_icon._y = hint_mc.swf_height / 2 - 70; } else { if (hint_mc.mouse_movement == AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT) { hint_mc.mouse_icon._x = hint_mc.swf_width / 2 + 70; hint_mc.mouse_icon._y = hint_mc.pixel_start + hint_mc.pixel_width / 2 + Math.sin(6.283185307179586 * hint_mc.anim) * hint_mc.pixel_width / 2; } } hint_mc._alpha -= 1; if (hint_mc._alpha <= 0) { hint_mc.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; v2.DrawArrow = function (swf_width, swf_height, mc, mouse_movement, pixel_start, pixel_width) { mc.lineStyle(2, 10066329); mc.beginFill(16777215, 100); var v1 = 25; if (mouse_movement == AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT) { var v4 = pixel_start; var v3 = swf_height / 2; mc.moveTo(v4, v3); mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 - v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 - 0.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 - 0.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 - v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width, v3); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 + v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 + 0.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 + 0.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 + v1); mc.lineTo(v4, v3); } else { if (mouse_movement == AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT) { var v4 = swf_width / 2; var v3 = pixel_start; mc.moveTo(v4, v3); mc.lineTo(v4 + v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 0.5 * v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + 0.5 * v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 + v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4, v3 + pixel_width); mc.lineTo(v4 - v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 - 0.5 * v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 - 0.5 * v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4 - v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1); mc.lineTo(v4, v3); } } }; v2.DrawMouseIcon = function (mc) { mc.lineStyle(2, 10066329); mc.beginFill(16777215, 100); var v1 = 40; mc.moveTo(-v1 / 2, 0); mc.curveTo(-v1 / 2, -v1 / 1.5, 0, -v1 / 1.5); mc.curveTo(v1 / 2, -v1 / 1.5, v1 / 2, 0); mc.curveTo(v1 / 3, 0.75 * v1, 0, 0.75 * v1); mc.curveTo(-v1 / 3, 0.75 * v1, -v1 / 2, 0); mc.endFill(); mc.moveTo(-v1 / 2, 0); mc.lineTo(v1 / 2, 0); mc.moveTo(0, 0); mc.lineTo(0, -v1 / 1.5); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.AnimManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1013 __Packages.Gravitation { #initclip if (!_global.Gravitation) { var v1 = function (swings_num) { this.move_speeds = new Array(); this.swing_draw = new Array(); this.swing_speed = new Array(); this.swing_fadeout = new Array(); this.auto_move_fade_k = 1; var v2; this.move_draw = 0.5; this.prev_move_draw = 0.5; this.prev_prev_move_draw = 0.5; v2 = 0; while (v2 < 24) { this.move_speeds.push(0); ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < swings_num) { this.swing_draw.push(0.5); this.swing_speed.push(0); this.swing_fadeout.push(0.1); ++v2; } this.move_delay = 3; this.move_speed_overal = 0; this.auto_anim_angle = 0; this.control_mode = 0; this.auto_fade_out_speed = 0.005; this.face_frame = 1; this.auto_speed = 0.2; this.anchor = undefined; }; _global.Gravitation = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Update = function () { var v5; var v3; var v4 = _root.time_scale; if (v4 == undefined) { v4 = 1; } if (this.control_mode > 0) { if (this.control_mode == 2) { this.auto_move_fade_k -= this.auto_fade_out_speed; if (this.auto_move_fade_k < 0.15) { this.control_mode = 1; this.auto_move_fade_k = 0.15; } } this.auto_anim_angle += this.auto_move_fade_k * Math.PI * this.auto_speed * v4; if (this.auto_anim_angle >= 6.283185307179586) { this.auto_anim_angle -= 6.283185307179586; } this.move_goto = (this.auto_move_fade_k * Math.sin(this.auto_anim_angle) + 1) / 2; } this.actual_delay = this.move_delay - this.move_speed_overal * 10; if (this.actual_delay < 1.5) { this.actual_delay = 1.5; } this.move_speed = v4 * (this.move_goto - this.move_draw) / this.actual_delay; v5 = 1 / this.actual_delay; this.prev_prev_move_draw = this.prev_move_draw; this.prev_move_draw = this.move_draw; this.move_draw += this.move_speed; if (this.move_draw > 1) { this.move_draw = 1; } else { if (this.move_draw < 0) { this.move_draw = 0; } } this.anchor = undefined; if (this.move_draw < this.prev_move_draw && this.prev_move_draw >= this.prev_prev_move_draw) { this.anchor = 1; } else { if (this.move_draw > this.prev_move_draw && this.prev_move_draw <= this.prev_prev_move_draw) { this.anchor = -1; } } this.move_speeds.push(Math.abs(this.move_speed)); this.move_speeds.splice(0, 1); this.move_speed_overal = 0; v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.move_speeds.length) { this.move_speed_overal += this.move_speeds[v3]; ++v3; } this.move_speed_overal /= this.move_speeds.length; this.swing_goto = (this.move_speed + v5) / 2 * v5; v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.swing_draw.length) { if (Math.abs(this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]) > 0.001666666666666667 || Math.abs(this.swing_speed[v3]) > 0.001666666666666667) { this.swing_speed[v3] += (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]) / 10 + 1.5 * this.move_speed_overal * (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]); this.swing_draw[v3] += this.swing_speed[v3]; this.swing_draw[v3] += (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]) * this.swing_fadeout[v3]; if (this.swing_draw[v3] < 0) { this.swing_draw[v3] = 0; } else { if (this.swing_draw[v3] > 1) { this.swing_draw[v3] = 1; } } } else { this.swing_draw[v3] = 0.5; } ++v3; } if (this.move_speed_overal > 0.14 && this.face_frame < 3) { this.face_frame = 3; } if (this.move_speed_overal > 0.07000000000000001 && this.face_frame < 2) { this.face_frame = 2; } if (this.move_speed_overal < 0.05 && this.face_frame > 1) { this.face_frame = 1; } if (this.move_speed_overal < 0.1 && this.face_frame > 2) { this.face_frame = 2; } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Gravitation.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1014 __Packages.AnimAct { #initclip if (!_global.AnimAct) { var v1 = function (AnimActObject) { this.btn_name = AnimActObject.btn_name; this.type = AnimActObject.type; this.frame_start = AnimActObject.frame_start; this.frame_end = AnimActObject.frame_end; this.frame_enter = AnimActObject.frame_enter; if (this.frame_enter == undefined) { this.frame_enter = this.frame_start; } this.auto_speed = AnimActObject.auto_speed; this.auto_fade_out_speed = AnimActObject.auto_fade_out_speed; this.face_settings = this.TossJunkChars(AnimActObject.face_settings); this.cum_clips = this.TossJunkChars(AnimActObject.cum_clips); this.face_settings_after_cum = this.TossJunkChars(AnimActObject.face_settings_after_cum); this.mouse_movement = AnimActObject.mouse_movement; this.pixel_start = AnimActObject.pixel_start; this.pixel_width = AnimActObject.pixel_width; this.reverse_mouse_control = Boolean(AnimActObject.reverse_mouse_control); }; _global.AnimAct = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.TossJunkChars = function (str) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length) { if (str.charAt(v1) == '\t' || str.charAt(v1) == '\r' || str.charAt(v1) == '\n' || str.charAt(v1) == ' ') { str = str.substr(0, v1) + str.substr(v1 + 1, str.length); --v1; } ++v1; } return str; }; v2.setFaceByStr = function (anim_mc, data_str) { var data_item = ''; var i = 0; while (i <= data_str.length) { if (data_str.charAt(i) == ',' || i == data_str.length) { var n = data_item.indexOf('='); var path = data_item.substr(0, n); var frame = Number(data_item.substr(n + 1, data_item.length)); (eval(String(anim_mc) + '.' + path)).gotoAndStop(frame); data_item = ''; } else { data_item += data_str.charAt(i); } ++i; } }; v2.playCum = function (anim_mc) { var data_str = this.cum_clips; var data_item = ''; var i = 0; while (i <= data_str.length) { if (data_str.charAt(i) == ',' || i == data_str.length) { (eval(String(anim_mc) + '.' + data_item)).play(); data_item = ''; } else { data_item += data_str.charAt(i); } ++i; } }; v1.TYPE_PENDULUM = 0; v1.TYPE_LINEAR = 1; v1.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM = 2; v1.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR = 3; v1.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL = 4; v1.TYPE_STOP = 5; v1.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT = 0; v1.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT = 1; ASSetPropFlags(_global.AnimAct.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1015 __Packages.AnimSwing { #initclip if (!_global.AnimSwing) { var v1 = function (AnimSwingObject) { this.clip_name = AnimSwingObject.clip_name; this.first_frame = Number(AnimSwingObject.first_frame); this.last_frame = Number(AnimSwingObject.last_frame); this.reverse = Boolean(AnimSwingObject.reverse); if (AnimSwingObject.update_before_gravi == undefined) { this.update_before_gravi = false; } else { this.update_before_gravi = Boolean(AnimSwingObject.update_before_gravi); } }; _global.AnimSwing = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(_global.AnimSwing.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 174 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 186 { } movieClip 198 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 203 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 208 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 211 { } movieClip 214 { } movieClip 217 { } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 222 { } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 228 { } movieClip 231 { } movieClip 233 { } movieClip 235 { } movieClip 237 { } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 243 { } movieClip 244 { } movieClip 247 { } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 251 { } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 256 { } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 259 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 267 { } movieClip 268 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 120 { stop(); } } movieClip 272 { } movieClip 276 { } movieClip 277 screen_0 { frame 1 { function init_episode() { _root._items = Array(); _root._items_list = Array(); _root.first_screen = ''; _root._items.frames = Array(); if (_root.episode !== 0) { } else { _root._items.ushanka = Array(); _root._items.ushanka.amount = 0; _root._items.ushanka.clip = 'item_ushanka'; = Array(); = 0; = 'item_docs'; _root._items.ring = Array(); _root._items.ring.amount = 0; _root._items.ring.clip = 'item_ring'; _root._items.bb_key = Array(); _root._items.bb_key.amount = 0; _root._items.bb_key.clip = 'item_bb_key'; _root._items.bearberry = Array(); _root._items.bearberry.amount = 0; _root._items.bearberry.clip = 'item_bearberry'; _root._items.cocaine = Array(); _root._items.cocaine.amount = 0; _root._items.cocaine.clip = 'item_cocaine'; _root._items.viagra = Array(); _root._items.viagra.amount = 0; _root._items.viagra.clip = 'item_viagra'; _root._items.aphrodisiac = Array(); _root._items.aphrodisiac.amount = 0; _root._items.aphrodisiac.clip = 'item_aphrodisiac'; _root._items.bomb = Array(); _root._items.bomb.amount = 0; _root._items.bomb.clip = 'item_bomb'; _root._items.cc_profile = Array(); _root._items.cc_profile.amount = 0; _root._items.cc_profile.clip = 'item_cc_profile'; _root._items.frames.fa = 2; _root._items.frames.sp = 2; _root._items.frames.hs = 2; = 2; = 2; = 2; _root._items.frames.pd = 2; _root.first_screen = 'screen_7'; _root.items_list = Array('ushanka', 'docs', 'ring', 'bb_key', 'bearberry', 'cocaine', 'viagra', 'aphrodisiac', 'bomb', 'cc_profile'); } } stop(); _root.player_name = 'Phil Watson'; ep_1.onPress = function () { _root.episode = 0; init_episode(); gotoAndStop(2); }; music.gotoAndStop('main_menu'); } frame 2 { function do_action() { switch (dialog_index) { case 0: next_btn._visible = false; next_btn.onPress = function () { next_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen(_root.first_screen); }; break; case 1: anim.p_name._visible = false; anim.f_name._visible = false;;; break; case 2: anim.p_name._visible = true; anim.f_name._visible = false; anim.b_name._visible = false;;; break; case 3: anim.f_name._visible = true; anim.p_name._visible = false; anim.b_name._visible = false;;; break; case 4: anim.f_name._visible = true; anim.p_name._visible = true; anim.b_name._visible = true; anim.bill.gotoAndStop(1); anim.phil.gotoAndStop(1); anim.frank.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 7: nextFrame(); break; case 8:; break; break; case 9: case 10: anim.anim.gotoAndStop(2); anim.gotoAndPlay(61); break; case 11: nextFrame(); break; case 12: nextFrame(); break; case 13: next_btn._visible = true; } } var show_dialog = _root.show_dialog; dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Intro'; dialogs.push(Array(0, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Graduating from the North American Police Academy is one of the most prestigious achievements a law enforcement officer could ever earn. And in this photo are three particular friends who made there dream a reality by working together. Phil Watson (middle) is joined here with his two best friends Bill MacEntire (left) and Frank Anderson (right). Together all three of them ended up becoming pals, because they each had one specific strength that the other two were lacking.')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Bill was the joker of the group, who had wonderful people skills. He was the kind of guy who knew how to take his job seriously without letting it take too much of a toll on his own mental health. Yet he struggled, slightly, in the homework department. And although a bigger guy, he still needed some improvement in the physical fitness area as well.')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Phil was your stereotypical poindexter. He was socially awkward, and when he first arrived to the academy, he was nearly hopeless on an athletic level. But he was very smart, and memorized every single police code and protocol by the end of his first week.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Then there was Frank, who was an absolute brick wall of a man. Frank could tackle an obstacle course, execute self defense moves, or operate a firearm like no ones business, but his people skills and academic skills were nearly as hopeless as Phil\'s athleticism.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Early on, all three of them saw how they could each benefit from learning from one another to make it through the academy. And of course Bill, being the people person he was, was the initiator in cultivating their friendship. And in time it evolved into a three musketeer like bond.')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_1, 'So the three of them did their best, by tutoring one another on how to improve themselves in the areas they lacked. Continuously, day and night, they helped each other overcome their own weaknesses, and before they knew it graduation was upon them.')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_1, 'And even though they all made it through the academy, Phil however, graduated with a special recognition because of his superior intellect. So immediately after graduation, he received his first job offer from the MNF Police Department. And for that matter, the offer he received, was rather unusual for a freshly graduated cadet. For the MNF Police Department wanted him to become the head of a new department, where he would investigate any and all cases that were related to paranormal or superhero/supervillain activity.')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Later that afternoon Phil informed Frank and Bill of the news. They patted their buddy on the back and wished him well; while promising to stay in touch. After saying their goodbye\'s Phil packed his bags, and got on the earliest bus out of town.')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Normally Phil wasn\'t so impulsive, but sometimes life doesn\'t leave us with a lot of time to think things through. But now, with not much to pass the time, Phil was finally be able to sit down and think about what was happening. Hundreds of questions started to pop into his mind. What was MNF Metropolis like? Who was his boss? How was she/he going to be? Did he really have what it took to run a department right out of the academy? Would he really be good at this kind of job?')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_left', name_1, 'As doubts, and concerns, started to race through his mind, he steadied his breathing and started to re-organize his thoughts learning how to meditate from his friend Bill. Slowly his anxiety began to fade, and he looked forward to this adventure now with a more intrepid attitude than before.')); dialogs.push(Array(10, 'Text_right', name_1, 'As time passed, Phil eventually fell asleep, but then was woken back up as the bus driver announced their approach into MNF Metropolis. Just seeing the massive sky scrappers and busy streets made Phil smile. They site of the big city reassured him that this was the right decision. He wanted to be a cop all of his life, and now not only was he going to do it, but he was going to do it as a boss of a special department, in a big city.')); dialogs.push(Array(11, 'Text_left', name_1, 'The next morning, after settling in at a hotel, Phil had gone down to the the MNF.P.D. and met his new boss Officer Juggs and the champion of MNF Metropolis Mighty Mom. Both of the ultra buxom ladies welcomed Phil to the force, and Officer Juggs handed Phil the MNF. P.D. field manual to study as his first assignment. With an awkward salute to his superior, he thanked her for this opportunity, and reiterated to Mighty Mom of what an honor it was to meet her.')); dialogs.push(Array(12, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Phil was then lead to his office, after Officer Juggs gave him a tour of the station house. When they got to his office, she left him alone to study up on the on the laws, rules, and protocols of what he needed to know. After one final salute to Officer Juggs, she returned the salute, turned on her heels, and left without any further delay. And as expected, Officer Phil Watson, went straight to work.')); dialogs.push(Array(13, '0', name_1, '')); show_dialog(); music.gotoAndStop('intro'); } } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 284 { } movieClip 285 { } movieClip 288 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 291 { } movieClip 297 { } movieClip 299 { } movieClip 301 { } movieClip 302 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 307 { } movieClip 309 { } movieClip 310 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 313 { } movieClip 315 { } movieClip 318 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 321 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 326 { frame 1 { if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } gotoAndPlay(random(29) + 1); } } movieClip 328 { } movieClip 329 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 337 { } movieClip 339 { } movieClip 340 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 345 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 348 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 357 screen_1 { frame 1 { music.gotoAndStop('main_menu'); sp.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('screen_5'); }; sp.onReleaseOutside = function () { sp_icon.gotoAndStop(1); }; sp.onRollOut = sp.onReleaseOutside; sp.onRollOver = function () { sp_icon.gotoAndStop(2); }; re.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('screen_4'); }; re.onReleaseOutside = function () { re_icon.gotoAndStop(1); }; re.onRollOut = re.onReleaseOutside; re.onRollOver = function () { re_icon.gotoAndStop(2); }; bb.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('screen_6'); }; bb.onReleaseOutside = function () { bb_icon.gotoAndStop(1); }; bb.onRollOut = bb.onReleaseOutside; bb.onRollOver = function () { bb_icon.gotoAndStop(2); }; mf.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('screen_3'); }; mf.onReleaseOutside = function () { mf_icon.gotoAndStop(1); }; mf.onRollOut = mf.onReleaseOutside; mf.onRollOver = function () { mf_icon.gotoAndStop(2); }; fa.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('screen_2'); }; fa.onReleaseOutside = function () { fa_icon.gotoAndStop(1); }; fa.onRollOut = fa.onReleaseOutside; fa.onRollOver = function () { fa_icon.gotoAndStop(2); }; pd.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('screen_7'); }; pd.onReleaseOutside = function () { pd_icon.gotoAndStop(1); }; pd.onRollOut = pd.onReleaseOutside; pd.onRollOver = function () { pd_icon.gotoAndStop(2); }; hs.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('screen_8'); }; hs.onReleaseOutside = function () { hs_icon.gotoAndStop(1); }; hs.onRollOut = hs.onReleaseOutside; hs.onRollOver = function () { hs_icon.gotoAndStop(2); }; var show_dialog = _root.show_dialog; dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); dialogs.push(Array(0, 'Items_show', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, '0', '', '')); items_btn.onPress = function () { dialog_index = 0; show_dialog(); }; } } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 367 { } movieClip 370 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 376 { } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 382 { } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 386 { } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 402 { } movieClip 405 { } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 409 { } movieClip 410 { } movieClip 411 { } movieClip 414 { } movieClip 417 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 421 { } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 424 { } movieClip 427 { } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 432 { } movieClip 435 { } movieClip 437 { } movieClip 438 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 439 { } movieClip 444 { } movieClip 453 screen_2 { frame 1 { if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } music.gotoAndStop('crystal_clit'); var show_dialog = _root.show_dialog; get_frame_episode_0 = function () { return _root._items.frames.fa; }; frame = ('get_frame_episode_' + _root.episode)(); gotoAndStop(frame); } frame 2 { function do_action() { if (dialog_index !== 2) { } else { _root.gotoScreen('screen_8'); } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; dialogs.push(Array(0, 'Text_left', 'Info', 'Using your authority, as a police officer, you walk past the army\'s parameter towards the frozen area of the city. There you can feel the vicious sting of the chilling cold cut through the light layers of your uniform, freezing your skin beneath it, draining all warmth from your body, and slowly pulling you down into unconsciousness. However, right before you pass out, you see a blurry image of what appears to be a lithe woman. She has what looks like a wild mane of blue hair, and snow white skin as she sits upon some type of frozen throne. But why did you come here so soon?')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', 'Info', 'Police Chief Officer Juggs specifically told you not to do that! Fortunately for you, two well bundled soldiers saw the jeopardy you were in, and they were able to fend off the unnatural cold long enough to get you back to safety. Once they did, they had you transported to the hospital. Much to your shame, all you remember hearing from them, was something about you being a dumb ass with no common sense.')); dialogs.push(Array(2, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 3 { function do_action() { cc.head.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 11: cc.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 13: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { _root._items.frames.pd = 6; _root._items.frames.fa = 4; = 5; map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_demo'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Crystal Clit'; dialogs.push(Array(0, 'Text_left', '???', 'What is this? An intruder has breached my inner sanctum? How curious. Could it be that there was another superhero in this city I was unaware of? A superhero who can resist the severity of my deathly freezing aura? Oh wait! Now I see. You are no superhero, but you bear the ushanka of Big Boris. So it is true then. Some of his superhero essence did transfer into his ushanka, after his fatal demise with a polar bear. Intriguing. It is only fitting that such a relic should exist, to immortalize his legacy, while remaining a proven testament to his ability to withstand extreme temperatures from the cold.')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_left', '???', 'So tell me intruder, what is your name? And why are you here?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_right', name_0, 'My name is Officer Philip Watson ma\'am. I am the newly appointed head of the department of paranormal and superhero/supervillain activities for the MNF Metropolis police department. And I am here to find out why you are doing what you are doing to our city. Now may I ask who you are, and why you are here?')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I am known as Crystal Clit. And according to that \'word salad\' of a title of yours, I believe you would have me fall under the category of a supervillain. But that much is probably obvious, as I am slowly but surely freezing your city over a little bit at a time.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_right', name_0, 'But why?')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_left', name_1, 'For centuries I have seen mankind ruin this planet with war,the spreading of disease, and the use of nuclear weapons. Of course, mankind has also been responsible for stopping these threats, but there is one threat that they have been completely negligent about for over the last hundred years.')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Over the last hundred years? What could that be?')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Global Warming. For over a century I have seen your race treat this planet with a complete disregard for it\'s well being. The same planet that has supported your lives by giving you oxygen, and providing you sustenance. Yet you ungrateful humans could care less for the mother that bore, and nurtured you. Instead you ceaselessly drill deep into her, siphoning out resources like oil and coal.')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Text_right', name_1, 'You harvest oil carelessly, allowing it to spill into the oceans time and time again. And like coal you also burn oil for energy, heedlessly polluting the atmosphere; poisoning yourselves and damaging the ozone layer. But you all could care less. As long as your immediate needs are met and your bank accounts are full.')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Your race sickens me. So I have decided that your time here is done. It is time for the earth to start anew, and with this kryptonian ring that I bear, I can enhance my powers tenfold. Starting here, in the heart of MNF Metropolis, I will be the catalyst by ushering in a new ice age that will eliminate all of humankind. Then when you die out, mother earth can heal and everything will return to the way it was suppose to be.')); dialogs.push(Array(10, 'Text_right', name_0, 'I see.')); dialogs.push(Array(11, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Do you? Do you truly see? Perhaps you do. After all you are in possession of Big Boris\'s ushanka, and even though he was a great hero and not a villain he and I shared a disdain for mankind\'s selfishness. Perhaps officer, you understand more so than the rest of the fools who are trying to stop me. But even if you don\'t, it doesn\'t matter. None of you can stop me. It is too late. Now begone, before I decide to take that hat off your head and freeze you solid!')); dialogs.push(Array(12, 'Text_right', name_0, '*THOUGHTS* I should probably leave for now, and not come back until I am ready to do something about this.')); dialogs.push(Array(13, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } } movieClip 471 { } movieClip 474 { } movieClip 475 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 488 { } movieClip 489 screen_7 { frame 1 { if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } music.gotoAndStop('juggs'); var show_dialog = _root.show_dialog; get_frame_episode_0 = function () { return _root._items.frames.pd; }; frame = ('get_frame_episode_' + _root.episode)(); gotoAndStop(frame); } frame 2 { function do_action() { juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 2: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 5: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 8: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 10: _root._items.frames.pd = 3; map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Officer Juggs'; dialogs.push(Array(0, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Good morning Officer Watson. I hope you are all studied up on the field manual I gave you. Starting a recruit off in a high-end position of law enforcement is an unusual maneuver. But based off your reputation from the North American Police Academy, we believe you can handle it. Are you ready for your first assignment?')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Yes ma\'am! And good morning to you too ma\'am! I just want to say that I fully understand and appreciate the opportunity you are giving me. I promise you that I am ready for this, and I wont let you down!')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Good to hear it. Now, let me cut to the chase. Something strange is happening in the city, and I want you to investigate this matter. The area that is affected is nearly resembling an environment similar to that of the North Pole. Everything is frozen over; literally covered by ice. Now the government has already taken the initiative by sending in the army to set up a parameter to section off the area; attempting to contain any threats that may be lurking within. But the temperature is so cold that they can\'t get close enough to find out what is going on.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Even more so the radius of the cold seems to be spreading outward every couple of hours. Needless to say, we have no idea what we are dealing with. So I don\'t want you to go directly to this frozen area right away. The last thing I need, is for you to be frozen to death on the first day of your new job.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Yes, ma\'am! I understand, and couldn\'t agree more!')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Good. Now what we also know is that this phenomenon is affecting the city\'s power grid. Somehow it\'s responsible for siphoning the energy which is needed for the rest of the city to run. Officer Watson, if this continues we are looking at a city wide blackout! I tried contacting Mighty Mom and Super Son, but I can\'t get a hold of them. I want you to go find Mighty Mom headquarters first, and see if she is there. Alright, that is your briefing. I know it\'s rather open-ended but this is the job.')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Any questions?')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_right', name_0, 'No ma\'am! ')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Good. Then get cracking officer!')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Yes ma\'am!')); dialogs.push(Array(10, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 3 { function do_action() { juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; map_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 5: map_btn._visible = true; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Officer Juggs'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Officer Watson, how goes your investigation? Have you learned anything?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_0, 'No ma\'am! Not yet ma\'am!')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Then why the fuck are you here talking to me?! Quit wasting time, go back out there, and do your job!')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Uh...Yes ma\'am! Sorry ma\'am! Right away ma\'am!')); dialogs.push(Array(5, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 4 { function do_action() { juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; map_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 5: _root._items.frames.pd = 5; map_btn._visible = true; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Officer Juggs'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Officer Watson, how goes your investigation? Have you learned anything?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Yes I have ma\'am. Mighty Mom and Super Son were both ambushed by an unknown assailant in their HQ! They are alright, but stuck in blocks of empowered ice! Well Super Son is completely stuck, but Mighty Mom was only partially stuck from the waste down. I offered to call in our rescue team to break them out, but she is afraid that if a normal human comes in contact with the ice block, that they could possibly die. So instead she told me to go to the Russian Embassy and find an artifact called Big Boris\'s ushanka. Apparently it has the power to protect the wearer from extreme temperatures of cold.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Good work Officer Watson. Head to the Russian Embassy immediately, and do whatever it takes to get that ushanka. The more information we have, the better off we are!')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Yes ma\'am I am on my way!')); dialogs.push(Array(5, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 5 { function do_action() { juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; map_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 5: map_btn._visible = true; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Officer Juggs'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Officer Watson, how goes your investigation? Have you gotten the ushanka?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_0, 'No ma\'am! Not yet ma\'am!')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Then why the fuck are you here talking to me?! Quit wasting time, go back out there, and do whatever it takes to get it.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Uh...Yes ma\'am! Sorry ma\'am! Right away ma\'am!')); dialogs.push(Array(5, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 6 { function do_action() { juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; map_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 5: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 6: if ( == 5) { _root._items.frames.pd = 7; } else { trace(_root._items.frames.sp); if (_root._items.frames.sp == 4 or _root._items.frames.sp == 5) { _root._items.frames.pd = 8; } else { _root._items.frames.pd = 11; } } frame = ('get_frame_episode_' + _root.episode)(); gotoAndStop(frame); } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Officer Juggs'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Officer Watson, do you have anything to report?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Yes ma\'am, I do! The supervillain who is responsible for this calls herself Crystal Clit. She is angry with mankind for damaging the earth by harvesting it\'s natural resources, and then causing global warming by using them! And now she want\'s to start a new ice age to kill off mankind so this planet can start anew!')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'So this Crystal Clit is a super powered eco-terrorist. But is she really that powerful by herself?')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_0, 'No ma\'am. She said she has a kryptonian ring that increases her personal power ten fold. That is how she is able to do what she is doing.')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_1, 'I see. This is some rather terrible news, but at least we know more of what is going on. Have you talked to Mighty Mom about this yet?')); dialogs.push(Array(6, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 7 { function do_action() { juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn._visible = false; break; case 1: juggs.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 2: map_btn._visible = true; _root._items.frames.pd = 9; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Officer Juggs'; dialogs.push(Array(0, 'Text_left', name_0, 'No ma\'am not yet. I thought I would report to you first!')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'I appreciate that officer, but Mighty Mom has more information on supervillains then we do. You should go speak to her and see what you can learn about Crystal Clit.')); dialogs.push(Array(2, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } } movieClip 493 { } movieClip 494 { } movieClip 495 screen_8 { frame 1 { if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } music.gotoAndStop('hospital'); var show_dialog = _root.show_dialog; get_frame_episode_0 = function () { return _root._items.frames.hs; }; frame = ('get_frame_episode_' + _root.episode)(); gotoAndStop(frame); } frame 2 { function do_action() { if (dialog_index !== 0) { } else { map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); show_dialog(); } frame 3 { function do_action() { switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; break; case 1: _root._items.viagra.amount = 1; break; case 2: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { _root._items.frames.hs = 2; map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; dialogs.push(Array(0, 'Text_left', 'Info', 'You go to the pharmacy to request some Viagra. They give it to you, and charge the Police Department for it.')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Item_add', 'viagra', '')); dialogs.push(Array(2, '0', '', '')); show_dialog(); } } movieClip 500 { } movieClip 505 { } movieClip 506 { } movieClip 507 { } movieClip 510 { } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 517 { } movieClip 528 { } movieClip 533 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(100) + 1); } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 535 { } movieClip 539 { } movieClip 544 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(100) + 1); } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 548 { } movieClip 550 { } movieClip 555 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(100) + 1); } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 557 { } movieClip 559 { } movieClip 560 { } movieClip 561 { } movieClip 565 { } movieClip 569 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(50) + 50); } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 571 { } movieClip 576 { } movieClip 578 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 579 { } movieClip 582 { } movieClip 588 { } movieClip 589 { } movieClip 590 screen_3 { frame 1 { if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } music.gotoAndStop('mighty_mom'); var show_dialog = _root.show_dialog; get_frame_episode_0 = function () { return; }; frame = ('get_frame_episode_' + _root.episode)(); gotoAndStop(frame); } frame 2 { function do_action() {'f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 2:'f_1'); break; case 4:'f_1'); break; case 6:'f_1'); break; case 8:'f_1'); break; case 10:'f_1'); break; case 12:'f_1'); break; case 13:'f_1'); break; case 15:'f_1'); break; case 17:'f_1'); break; case 18: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { = 3; if ( == 2) { = 4; } else { = 5; } _root._items.frames.pd = 4; map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Mighty Mom'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Hello? Mighty Mom? Super Son? Is anyone...Great Scott! Mighty Mom! W-what happened here?!')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_1, 'By the rings of Saturn! Am I glad to see you Officer Watson! As far as what happened, I am not really sure, aside from the obvious of almost being completely frozen in ice; like my poor son!')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_0, 'But who did this too you? A-and how did they do it?')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I do not know. My son and I were blindsided by an ambush within our own headquarters. I did not so much as see the face of the culprit responsible for our predicament, let alone how their power was utilized to trap us in ice! All I can tell you is that, for a split second, I saw what look liked a wall of snow that was rushing right at myself and my son. However, as you can see, Super Son got the worse of it, and I was able to dodge away from the main attack, but only slightly.')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Is there anything I can do to help? I know! I can radio in for a rescue team from the police department. They have experts that specialize in freeing people from cave in\'s or building collapses. Perhaps they will be able to bring in a jack hammer, or a cutting torch, or some other kind of tool that can help free you and your son?')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I don\'t think that would be a good idea. Not yet anyway. This is no average ice that has my son and I trapped. If it were, we would have broken free by now. Notice the energy that is crackling around it. It seems that some type of power is enhancing it to be much stronger than ordinary ice. I fear what it would do to a mere mortal if they were to come in contact with it.')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_right', name_0, 'But there has to be something I can do! MNF Metropolis needs you, and I can\'t just leave the two of you like this!')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I know, and I appreciate your effort to help. So perhaps there is something you can do.')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_right', name_0, 'What do you have in mind Mighty Mom?')); dialogs.push(Array(10, 'Text_left', name_1, 'There was once a Russian superhero named Big Boris, who had a lair in the North Pole. He was believed to have a superpower that made him immune to extreme forms of cold, both natural and even supernatural. Unfortunately as the problem of global warming grew, his powers waned, and he was weakened. So much that one day, when wrestling a polar bear, he lost the match, and was eaten by said polar bear!')); dialogs.push(Array(11, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Wow...that\'s uh...that\'s really...disturbing.')); dialogs.push(Array(12, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Yes, it was a rather macabre demise for such a great hero. But his signature ushanka was left behind with the rest of his remains, and the search party that had found it realized that some of Big Boris\'s superhero essence had somehow passed on into that ushanka. To this day that ushanka is considered a powerful artifact to the Russian people. Not only because they keep the legend of Big Boris in high regard, but because it can protect the one who wears it from all types of cold.')); dialogs.push(Array(13, 'Text_right', name_1, 'So Officer Watson, listen to me very closely. Do not approach the frozen zone of the city unless you are able to get your hands on that ushanka. But once you do, then you should be able to resist the cold and investigate deep into the matter.')); dialogs.push(Array(14, 'Text_left', name_0, 'But how do I do that?! Wouldn\'t something like that be locked up tight, in a museum, somewhere in Russia?')); dialogs.push(Array(15, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Normally yes. But currently Big Boris\'s ushanka is on display at the Russian embassy here in MNF Metropolis.')); dialogs.push(Array(16, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Well that\'s fortunate! I will go there right away!')); dialogs.push(Array(17, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Thank you Officer Watson! And Godspeed!')); dialogs.push(Array(18, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 3 { function do_action() {'f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1:'f_1'); break; case 3:'f_1'); break; case 5: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Mighty Mom'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Officer Watson! You\'re back! Do you have Big Boris\'s ushanka with you?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Um...not yet.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Well why not?! Please Officer Watson, do not waste any time! Every moment counts! You must get that ushanka if we are to save the city!')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Right! I\'m on it Mighty Mom!')); dialogs.push(Array(5, '0', '', '')); show_dialog(); } frame 4 { function do_action() {'f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1:'f_1'); break; case 3:'f_1'); break; case 5: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Mighty Mom'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Officer Watson! You\'re back! Do you have Big Boris\'s ushanka with you?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_right', name_0, 'I do! I was able to work out a deal with Major Borchev to borrow it for the next twenty-four hours!')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_left', name_1, 'That is wonderful news officer! Well done! Now hurry to the frozen place in the city! You should be able to pass through without being frozen to death!')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Yes ma\'am!')); dialogs.push(Array(5, '0', '', '')); show_dialog(); } } movieClip 595 { } movieClip 600 { } movieClip 602 { } movieClip 603 { } movieClip 604 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 610 { } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 614 { } movieClip 615 { } movieClip 616 screen_4 { frame 1 { if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } music.gotoAndStop('russia'); var show_dialog = _root.show_dialog; get_frame_episode_0 = function () { if (_root._items.bb_key.amount > 0) { if (_root._items.ushanka.amount > 0) { return 8; return; } return 7; } return; }; frame = ('get_frame_episode_' + _root.episode)(); gotoAndStop(frame); } frame 2 { function do_action() { anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 2: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 4: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 6: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 8: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 9: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 11: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 12: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { = 3; map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Major Borchev'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Good morning sir. Are you by chance Major Borchev?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Da. That would be me. Who is asking?')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_0, 'I am Officer Watson with the MNF.P.D. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I am very busy Officer...')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Watson. Officer Watson.')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I am very busy Officer Watson. But I can spare you some time, as long as you make your questions short.')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Thank you sir. I won\'t hold you up for too long, so I will just get right to the point. Mostly I\'m curious, as to why only the Russian Embassy seems to be unaffected by the mysterious cold that has struck MNF Metropolis. Do you have any insight that could enlighten me on this?')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Da, I understand why you ask this of me. In Russia it get\'s very cold. And we Russians have learned how to be very resourceful in the cold. Inside the embassy we are using a wood burning stove. We do this to not only stay warm, but we know how to convert the heat from the wood into electricity. That is why you see all the black smoke coming from our chimney; my young police officer. It takes a lot of wood to burn to do this. And as you can see, result is lots of black smoke.')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_right', name_1, 'And if you are wondering if we have anything to do with what is going on in the frozen place of your city, the answer is nyet! So please if that is all, I have much work to do.')); dialogs.push(Array(10, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Actually, that was all very helpful Major. Thank you for your time.')); dialogs.push(Array(11, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Das Vadanya.')); dialogs.push(Array(12, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 3 { function do_action() { anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 2: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Major Borchev'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Hello again Major. I was wondering if I could borrow some more of your precious time.')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I am very busy Officer Watson. Das Vadanya.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 4 { function do_action() { anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 2: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 4: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 6: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 8: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 9: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 12: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 14: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 16: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 18: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 20: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { = 6; if ( == 3) { = 4; } map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Major Borchev'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Good morning sir. Are you by chance Major Borchev?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Da. That would be me. Who is asking?')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_0, 'I am Officer Watson with the MNF.P.D. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I am very busy Officer...')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Watson. Officer Watson.')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I am very busy Officer Watson. But I can spare you some time, as long as you make your questions short.')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Thank you sir. I won\'t hold you up for too long, so I will just get right to the point. Mostly I\'m curious, as to why only the Russian Embassy seems to be unaffected by the mysterious cold that has struck MNF Metropolis. Do you have any insight that could enlighten me on this?')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Da, I understand why you ask this of me. In Russia it get\'s very cold. And we Russians have learned how to be very resourceful in the cold. Inside the embassy we are using a wood burning stove. We do this to not only stay warm, but we know how to convert the heat from the wood into electricity. That is why you see all the black smoke coming from our chimney; my young police officer. It takes a lot of wood to burn to do this. And as you can see, result is lots of black smoke.')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_right', name_1, 'And if you are wondering if we have anything to do with what is going on in the frozen place of your city, the answer is nyet! So please if that is all, I have much work to do.')); dialogs.push(Array(10, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Actually, that was all very helpful Major. I have one more question sir.')); dialogs.push(Array(11, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Is the ushanka of Big Boris still on display at this particular embassy?')); dialogs.push(Array(12, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Why are you interested in Big Boris\'s ushanka?')); dialogs.push(Array(13, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Well it could be just the thing that this city needs, to stop whatever is going on with this unnatural cold problem.')); dialogs.push(Array(14, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Oh I see. Da, it is still here. But I cannot just hand over such a rare and special artifact to you officer. It is a prized treasure of my people\'s great nation.')); dialogs.push(Array(15, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Well sir, I wouldn\'t need it permanently. Just long enough to stop the threat to our city. I will return it as soon as I am done using it.')); dialogs.push(Array(16, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Well perhaps we could work out an arrangement? I am having tough time here in MNF Metropolis getting laid. Perhaps you could get me prostitute, and then in exchange I could loan Big Boris\'s ushanka to you for say...twenty four hours.')); dialogs.push(Array(17, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Sir, I am an officer of the law who is currently on duty! Not to mention I am in the middle of a rather important mission. Even in a place like MNF Metropolis I can\'t just go and get you a prostitute!')); dialogs.push(Array(18, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Well then officer, I am afraid the great nation of Russia has no interest in accommodating you. I wish you best of luck surviving the cold.')); dialogs.push(Array(19, 'Text_right', name_0, '*THOUGHTS* What a dick.')); dialogs.push(Array(20, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 5 { function do_action() { anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 2: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 4: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 6: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 8: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 10: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 12: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { = 6; if ( == 3) { = 4; } map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Major Borchev'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Hello again Major. I was wondering if I could borrow some more of your precious time.')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Eh? You again? What do you want this time officer? I already explained everything to you.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Yes you did, and I appreciate that. But I am here on another matter. Is the ushanka of Big Boris still on display at this particular embassy?')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Why are you interested in Big Boris\'s ushanka?')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Well it could be just the thing that this city needs, to stop whatever is going on with this unnatural cold problem.')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Oh I see. Da, it is still here. But I cannot just hand over such a rare and special artifact to you officer. It is a prized treasure of my people\'s great nation.')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Well sir, I wouldn\'t need it permanently. Just long enough to stop the threat to our city. I will return it as soon as I am done using it.')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Well perhaps we could work out an arrangement? I am having tough time here in MNF Metropolis getting laid. Perhaps you could get me prostitute, and then in exchange I could loan Big Boris\'s ushanka to you for say...twenty four hours.')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Sir, I am an officer of the law who is currently on duty! Not to mention I am in the middle of a rather important mission. Even in a place like MNF Metropolis I can\'t just go and get you a prostitute!')); dialogs.push(Array(10, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Well then officer, I am afraid the great nation of Russia has no interest in accommodating you. I wish you best of luck surviving the cold.')); dialogs.push(Array(11, 'Text_right', name_0, '*THOUGHTS* What a dick.')); dialogs.push(Array(12, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 6 { function do_action() { anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 4: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Major Borchev'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Ah Officer, you have returned. Did you bring me prostitute like I asked?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_right', name_0, 'No! I am not a pimp major! Are you sure there is no other deal we can work out for Big Boris\'s ushanka?')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_left', name_1, 'I already explained to you the terms of what I want. No hooker. No hat.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 7 { function do_action() { anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: _root._items.bb_key.amount = 0; break; case 4: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 5: _root._items.ushanka.amount = 1; _root._items.frames.pd = 3; = 4; _root._items.frames.fa = 3; = 8; break; case 6: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 8: _root.gotoScreen('screen_9'); } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Major Borchev'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Ah Officer, you have returned. Did you bring me prostitute like I asked?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Not quite, but I do have a room key for a rather busty and sexy supervillain who is rather hard up for a good lay. I think she is willing to do it with anyone. And the best part is you wouldn\'t even have to pay her!')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Item_remove', 'bb_key', '')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Excellent! Well done officer! Big Boris\'s Ushanka is yours...for a day.')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Item_add', 'ushanka', '')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Alright, now take me to the place where this horny lady lives!')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Of course sir! Follow me.')); dialogs.push(Array(8, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 8 { function do_action() { anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 4: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Major Borchev'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_left', name_1, 'You are back again my friend? What is it that you need from Major Borchev? Or maybe you have another whore for me to fuck? I wouldn\'t mind an evening with that incredibly busty police boss of yours.')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Sorry Major, I\'m not sure why I came back here. I need to get back to saving the city!')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Alright my friend! Das Vadanya!')); dialogs.push(Array(4, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 9 { function do_action() { anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: case 3: anim.mouth.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 4: _root._items.bearberry.amount = 1; break; case 6: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { = 8; map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Major Borchev'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Oh, hello again my policeman friend! So good of you to drop by!')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Hello major. Say I was wondering if you had any Bearberry extract to spare.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Da! You are the major\'s friend now that you hook me up with beautiful busty redhead. Here I have some on me for when I feel like mixing it with my vodka. It is yours my friend! Take it! Take it!')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Item_add', 'bearberry', '')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Thank you Major!')); dialogs.push(Array(6, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } } movieClip 621 { } movieClip 626 { } movieClip 627 { } movieClip 628 { } movieClip 630 { } movieClip 633 { } movieClip 636 { } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 640 { } movieClip 641 { } movieClip 644 { } movieClip 646 { } movieClip 651 { } movieClip 652 { } movieClip 655 { } movieClip 656 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 670 { } movieClip 671 { } movieClip 673 { } movieClip 679 screen_6 { frame 1 { if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } music.gotoAndStop('busty_bomber'); var show_dialog = _root.show_dialog; get_frame_episode_0 = function () { return; }; frame = ('get_frame_episode_' + _root.episode)(); gotoAndStop(frame); } frame 2 { function do_action() { bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 5: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 7: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 9: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 11: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 13: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 14: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { = 3; if ( == 4 or == 5 or == 6) { = 4; } map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Busty Bomber'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Ah great. The Fuzz. And you look almost as dorky as my loser son. And judging by the gleam of that brand new uniform you must be a rookie. I guess the MNF.P.D. will hire anyone these days. So what do you want dip shit?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Now Ms. Bomber that kind of language and bad attitude is uncalled for. I just came by to check up on you, to see if you have been following the terms of your parole.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'They sent a young brat like you to check up on me? What the hell for? I haven\'t done anything. I literally just got out of prison, can\'t I just get some time to relax?')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_0, 'I should have you know, Ms. Bomber, that I am the official head of a new department that investigates into matters of all paranormal and superhero/supervillain activity. So I am not your ordinary rookie, and you will probably be seeing a lot more of me.')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Great. That is wonderful news. Let me ask you something Officer...uh...what was your last name again?')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_0, 'It\'s Officer Watson ma\'am.')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Let me ask you something Officer Watson. Are you just another perverted bookworm who want\'s to fuck his mother too?')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Text_left', name_0, 'I...uh...what?! No!')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Good! Because the world already has a demented douche bag like that, and we don\'t need another one.')); dialogs.push(Array(10, 'Text_left', name_0, '*SIGH* Ms. Bomber, I have no idea what you are talking about. But can you please just state for the record that you have not been violating your parole for me?')); dialogs.push(Array(11, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Okay Officer Watson. I, the Busty Bomber, declare that I have not violated my parole since my release from prison. That good enough for you there nerd boy?')); dialogs.push(Array(12, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Yes! Thank you for your time ma\'am. ')); dialogs.push(Array(13, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Happy to help. Now fuck off.')); dialogs.push(Array(14, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 3 { function do_action() { bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 5: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Busty Bomber'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Officer Bookworm? The fuck do you want?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_0, 'I just wanted to make sure you were obeying the law.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Yes. I already told you that. Now quit harassing me, and go jerk off to some cartoons, or something.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_0, '*THOUGHTS* Damn! What the fuck is her problem?')); dialogs.push(Array(5, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 4 { function do_action() { bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 1: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 5: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 7: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 8: _root._items.bb_key.amount = 1; break; case 11: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { = 5; map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Busty Bomber'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Oh...hello officer.')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Hello Ms. Bomber. I just wanted to make sure you were still obeying the terms of your parole.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Yeah I am...look officer, about before...I was out of line. I have just been really frustrated lately.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Oh why is that?')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Because I haven\'t had a nice hard dick in me since I went to prison, and I really need it. BAD! you want to come in and allow me to make up for my bitchy attitude? I promise you, it will be worth your while.')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_0, ', well...I am flattered Ms. Bomber. Truly, I am. But this is a really bad time to be asking me. Not only am I on duty, but the city is kind of in the middle of a crisis right now, and I am responsible for looking into it. Not to mention this is the first day of my job, and I can\'t afford to be negligent at such a crucial time.')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_right', name_1, 'And they say there is no rest for the wicked! Alright officer, suit your self. But in case you change your mind, here is a spare key to my place. If you ever want to change your mind, just come on in.')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Item_add', 'bb_key', '')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Um, thank you Ms. Bomber. I will keep that in mind.')); dialogs.push(Array(10, 'Text_right', name_0, '*THOUGHTS* I am really starting to love this town!')); dialogs.push(Array(11, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 5 { function do_action() { bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: sex_btn._visible = false; if (_root._items.ushanka.amount > 0) { sex_btn._visible = true; } map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { sex_btn._visible = false; talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; sex_btn.onPress = function () { sex_btn._visible = false; talk_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_9'); }; break; case 1: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 3: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 4: map_btn._visible = true; if (_root._items.ushanka.amount > 0) { sex_btn._visible = true; sex_btn._y = talk_btn._y; } map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Busty Bomber'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Hey Officer Stud. Did you change your mind?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_0, ' ma\'am. Sorry. I have no idea why I came back here. I have to get back to saving the city!')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Uh...okay.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 6 { function do_action() { bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: sex_btn._visible = true; map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { sex_btn._visible = false; talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; sex_btn.onPress = function () { sex_btn._visible = false; talk_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_9'); }; break; case 1: case 3: case 5: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 7: _root._items.aphrodisiac.amount = 0; break; case 8: _root._items.bomb.amount = 1; break; case 10: case 12: case 14: bb._face.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 15: map_btn._visible = true; sex_btn._visible = true; sex_btn._y = talk_btn._y; = 5; _root._items.frames.fa = 7; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Busty Bomber'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Officer Watson, to what do I owe the pleasure?')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Hello Ms. Bomber, I was wondering if you could do me a favor.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Oh? Well I suppose. After all you did me one, by sending that thick-cocked Russian major over here. Even though he was kind of fat, dumb, ugly, unhygienic, and smelled like cheap vodka; he sure could fuck! So what is it that you want? Did you give any second thoughts to my original offer?')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Again, I am flattered Ms. Bomber, but unfortunately I am here for another matter. Instead, I would like to request the services of your skills with explosives. You see, I need a small explosive device to attach to this aphrodisiac that your son made for me. It is the only way I am going to be able to get the contents of the bottle to permeate the freezing air around Crystal Clit. ')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_1, 'Hmmm, sure I can do that for ya...but then we are even. Got it?')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Absolutely Ms. Bomber.')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Item_remove', 'aphrodisiac', '')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Item_add', 'bomb', '')); dialogs.push(Array(9, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Thanks Ms. Bomber! This will help a lot!')); dialogs.push(Array(10, 'Text_right', name_1, 'No problem officer! And don\'t forget, if you want to do some serious fucking after this threat if over, you know where I live.')); dialogs.push(Array(11, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Um...sure. I\'ll definitely keep that in mind. Thanks again!')); dialogs.push(Array(12, 'Text_right', name_1, 'No problem officer! Just make sure Crystal Clit doesn\'t freeze that precious cock of yours off in the process.')); dialogs.push(Array(13, 'Text_left', name_0, 'Okay I will...wait! She can do that?!')); dialogs.push(Array(14, 'Text_right', name_1, ' not to think about it. Forget I said anything...I\'m sure you will be fine....Good Luck!!')); dialogs.push(Array(15, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } } movieClip 687 { } movieClip 691 { } movieClip 692 { } movieClip 693 { } movieClip 705 { } movieClip 710 { } movieClip 712 { } movieClip 715 { } movieClip 717 { } movieClip 718 { } movieClip 721 { } movieClip 724 { } movieClip 728 { } movieClip 730 { } movieClip 731 { } movieClip 734 { } movieClip 736 { } movieClip 737 { } movieClip 739 { } movieClip 741 { } movieClip 743 { } movieClip 744 { } movieClip 745 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 746 { } movieClip 748 { } movieClip 749 screen_5 { frame 1 { if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } music.gotoAndStop('jail'); var show_dialog = _root.show_dialog; get_frame_episode_0 = function () { return _root._items.frames.sp; }; frame = ('get_frame_episode_' + _root.episode)(); gotoAndStop(frame); } frame 2 { function do_action() { kp.head.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 2: kp.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 4: kp.head.gotoAndStop('f_1'); break; case 6: kp.head.gotoAndStop('f_2'); break; case 8: kp.head.gotoAndStop('f_2'); break; case 9: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { _root._items.frames.sp = 3; map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Kid Pervert'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Hello Kid Pervert. I am Officer Phil Watson. I am in charge of the department of Paranormal and Superhero / Supervillain Activity for the MNF P.D')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Yeah? So what? To me you\'re just another copper. So what are you harassing me for flatfood? Come to see old Kid Pervert behind bars with your own eyes?')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_0, 'No, but one of my responsibilities is to check up on super villains to see if they violated their parole, and how they are being treated in prison.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Well then, let me tell ya this! I really don\'t like being locked up with some crazy asshole who wants to butt rape me. Think you could get me my own cell?')); dialogs.push(Array(5, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Um, no... like all prisons space is a luxury, and as it is, you\'re just going to have to make due.')); dialogs.push(Array(6, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Well thanks for nothing Officer Fuckface!')); dialogs.push(Array(7, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Yes... well. I have other jobs to do. Good day Kid Pervert.')); dialogs.push(Array(8, 'Text_left', name_1, 'Bite me pig!')); dialogs.push(Array(9, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } frame 3 { function do_action() { kp.head.gotoAndStop('f_0'); switch (dialog_index) { case 0: map_btn._visible = false; talk_btn.onPress = function () { talk_btn._visible = false; show_dialog(); }; break; case 2: kp.head.gotoAndStop('f_2'); break; case 4: map_btn._visible = true; map_btn.onPress = function () { map_btn._visible = false; _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); }; } } dialog_index = 0; dialogs = Array(); name_0 = _root.player_name; name_1 = 'Kid Pervert'; dialogs.push(Array(0, '0', '', '')); dialogs.push(Array(1, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Hello Kid Pervert.')); dialogs.push(Array(2, 'Text_left', name_1, 'What do you want copper? I have nothing to tell you. Just leave me alone.')); dialogs.push(Array(3, 'Text_right', name_0, 'Sorry...Good day Kid Pervert.')); dialogs.push(Array(4, '0', name_0, '')); show_dialog(); } } movieClip 752 { } movieClip 757 { } movieClip 758 { } movieClip 773 { } movieClip 782 { } movieClip 787 { frame 1 { if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } _visible = false; if (_root.cum == true) { _root.last_sp_index = undefined; _root.cum = false; _root.sp = Array(); } if (_root.last_sp_index == undefined) { _root.last_sp_index = 0; } else { ++_root.last_sp_index; } _index = _root.last_sp_index; if (_root.sp == undefined) { _root.sp = Array(); } _root.sp[_index] = false; _parent._visible = false; trace(_index + '->in'); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.sp[_index] == true) { _parent._visible = true; _root.sp[_index] = false; _root.cum = true; } }; } } movieClip 788 { } movieClip 792 { } movieClip 796 { } movieClip 801 { } movieClip 811 { } movieClip 812 { } movieClip 814 { } movieClip 816 { } movieClip 817 { } movieClip 819 { } movieClip 821 { } movieClip 823 { } movieClip 824 { } movieClip 826 { } movieClip 828 { } movieClip 829 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 832 { } movieClip 837 { } movieClip 839 { } movieClip 844 { } movieClip 851 { } movieClip 853 { } movieClip 854 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(100) + 1); } } movieClip 857 { } movieClip 861 { } movieClip 862 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(60) + 1); } } movieClip 865 { } movieClip 867 { } movieClip 868 { } movieClip 870 { } movieClip 871 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 876 { } movieClip 878 { } movieClip 880 { } movieClip 882 { } movieClip 883 { } movieClip 884 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 904 { } movieClip 925 { } movieClip 931 { } movieClip 941 { } movieClip 945 { } movieClip 947 { frame 1 { function changeValue(d_value) { value += d_value; if (value >= 1) { value = 1; _parent.onBarFilled(); } if (value < 0) { value = 0; } stripe._x = -(1 - value) * stripe._width; } var value = 0; changeValue(0); } } movieClip 975 { } movieClip 977 { } movieClip 978 { frame 1 { function onBarFilled() { btn_manually.enabled = true; btn_manually._alpha = 100; btn_cum.enabled = true; btn_cum._alpha = 100; _parent.onBarFilled(); } var i = 0; var btn_id = 0; btn_manually.enabled = false; btn_manually._alpha = 50; btn_cum.enabled = false; btn_cum._alpha = 50; while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) { if (i > 1) { (eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false; (eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50; } ++i; } var btns_count = i; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_visible == false) { return undefined; } if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) { bar.changeValue(0.003 / btns_count); if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) { _parent.do_action(); (eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true; (eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100; } } }; } } movieClip 997 { frame 1 { stop(); next_btn.onPress = function () { _parent.do_action(); }; } } movieClip 999 { frame 1 { _visible = false; stop(); } frame 30 { _parent.gotoAndStop('a1'); } frame 70 { _parent.gotoAndStop('a2'); } frame 105 { _parent.gotoAndPlay('a0'); } frame 164 {; } frame 165 { z = 0; while (z < 100) { _root.sp[z] = true; ++z; } } frame 220 { _parent._mode = 0; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.next_btn._visible = true; stop(); } } movieClip 1001 { frame 1 { stop(); _visible = false; } frame 2 { _visible = true; _y = 0; } frame 60 { stop(); _visible = false; _y = 600; } } movieClip 1002 screen_9 { frame 1 { function move_viewpoint(d_x, d_y, target) { if (a_x == undefined) { a_x = anim._x; } if (a_y == undefined) { a_y = anim._y; } x_c = _xmouse; y_c = _ymouse; if (x_c > 800) { x_c = 800; } if (x_c < 0) { x_c = 0; } if (x_c == undefined) { x_c = 800; } if (y_c > 600) { y_c = 600; } if (y_c < 0) { y_c = 0; } if (y_c == undefined) { y_c = 600; } target._x = a_x - Math.round(d_x / 2) + Math.round(d_x * (1 - x_c / 800)); target._y = a_y - Math.round(d_y / 2) + Math.round(d_y * (1 - y_c / 600)); } function do_action() { switch (dialog_index) { case 0: panel._visible = false; break; case 1: dialog.nextFrame(); anim.face_2.gotoAndStop(2); break; case 2: dialog.nextFrame(); anim.face_2.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 3: panel._visible = true; dialog._visible = false; break; case 4: panel._visible = false; dialog.nextFrame(); dialog._visible = true; break; case 5: dialog.nextFrame(); anim.face_2.gotoAndStop(2); break; case 6: panel._visible = true; dialog._visible = false; break; case 7: panel._visible = false; dialog.nextFrame(); dialog._visible = true; break; case 8: dialog.nextFrame(); anim.face_2.gotoAndStop(2); break; case 9: panel._visible = true; dialog._visible = false; break; case 10: panel._visible = false; dialog.nextFrame(); dialog._visible = true; break; case 11: dialog.nextFrame(); anim.face_2.gotoAndStop(2); break; case 12: panel._visible = true; dialog._visible = false; break; case 13: panel._visible = false; dialog.nextFrame(); dialog._visible = true; break; case 14: dialog.nextFrame(); anim.face_2.gotoAndStop(2); break; case 15: dialog._visible = false; _mode = 1; panel.btn_cum.onPress(); } ++dialog_index; } stop(); if (ff++ != undefined) { return undefined; } music.gotoAndStop('sex_busty_bomber'); _mode = 0; next_btn._visible = false; next_btn.onPress = function () { if (_root.replay == true) { _root.gotoScreen('screen_13'); } else { _root.gotoScreen('screen_1'); } }; var anim_manager = new AnimManager(anim, panel); panel.anim_manager = anim_manager; anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 50, 'frame_end': 60, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'face_0=1,face_1=1,face_2=1'}); panel.btn_0.postOnPress = function () {}; anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 40, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'face_0=2,face_1=2,face_2=2'}); panel.btn_1.postOnPress = function () {}; anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 60, 'auto_speed': 0.08, 'face_settings': 'face_0=3,face_1=3,face_2=3'}); panel.btn_2.postOnPress = function () {}; anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 60, 'auto_speed': 0.14, 'face_settings': 'face_0=4,face_1=4,face_2=4'}); panel.btn_3.postOnPress = function () {}; anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 60, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT, 'pixel_start': 200, 'pixel_width': 300, 'reverse_mouse_control': 0, 'face_settings': 'face_0=3,face_1=3,face_2=3'}); panel.btn_manually.postOnPress = function () {}; anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 60, 'auto_speed': 0.14, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.003, 'face_settings': 'face_0=5,face_1=5,face_2=5', 'cum_clips': '', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'face_0=6,face_1=6,face_2=6'}); panel.btn_cum.postOnPress = function () { panel._visible = false; if (_mode == 0) { panel.btn_3.onPress(); do_action(); return undefined; }; }; anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boobs_0', 'first_frame': 2, 'last_frame': 50, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boobs_1', 'first_frame': 15, 'last_frame': 35, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'h_1', 'first_frame': 2, 'last_frame': 50, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'h_0', 'first_frame': 2, 'last_frame': 50, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'h_2', 'first_frame': 2, 'last_frame': 50, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'p_0', 'first_frame': 2, 'last_frame': 50, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'p_1', 'first_frame': 2, 'last_frame': 50, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'shadow', 'first_frame': 2, 'last_frame': 50, 'reverse': 0}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'balls', 'first_frame': 2, 'last_frame': 50, 'reverse': 1}); anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hat', 'first_frame': 2, 'last_frame': 50, 'reverse': 0}); onEnterFrame = function () { anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse); }; var dialog_index = 0; do_action(); } frame 20 { if (_mode == 1) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 1005 { } movieClip 1009 { } movieClip 1010 screen_demo { frame 1 { btn1.onPress = function () { if ( == undefined) { getURL('', '_blank'); } else { getURL('' +, '_blank'); } }; var url = _root._url; var urlBeginning = url.indexOf('www') + 4; var urlTermination = url.indexOf('/', urlBeginning); var pageDomain = url.substring(urlBeginning, urlTermination); if (pageDomain == '') { txt._visible = false; getURL('javascript:get_premium();', ''); } } } movieClip 1011 { } frame 3 { function setScreen(clip_name) { if (screen != undefined) { removeMovieClip(screen); } attachMovie(clip_name, 'screen', 0); } function gotoScreen(clip_name) { if (trans != undefined) { removeMovieClip(trans); } (attachMovie('trans_screen', 'trans', 1)).next_screen = clip_name; } setScreen('screen_0'); }
Created: 27/10 -2018 08:42:09 Last modified: 10/3 -2022 17:47:23 Server time: 14/11 -2024 06:33:19