Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #214666

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 18 vandheer_avatar { } movieClip 20 whiteMist2 { frame 1 { _alpha = 0; } frame 2 { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 5; } else { stop(); } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 21 whiteMist { } movieClip 23 lensFlare { frame 25 { stop(); } frame 40 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 75 movieClip 26 notEnough { frame 1 { _y = _y - 100; if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.teleport) { var amountNeeded = '25'; } if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.doubleBlow) { var amountNeeded = '100'; } if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.powerBlast) { var amountNeeded = '100'; } if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.airStrike) { var amountNeeded = '100'; } if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.heal) { var amountNeeded = Math.round(0.25 * _root.hero.iSpecialTotal); } if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.shoot) { var amountNeeded = '15'; } if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.spinningAgile) { var amountNeeded = Math.round(0.1 * _root.hero.iSpecialTotal); } txt = amountNeeded + ' special points needed!'; onEnterFrame = function () { _y = _y - 0.5; _alpha = _alpha - 1; if (_alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 32 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 35 { frame 1 { if (_root['track' + ID + 'Unlocked']) { this.lock_mc._visible = false; } else { this.playButton_mc._visible = false; this.playButton_mc._x -= 1000; } } instance playButton_mc of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (release) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =['track' + _parent.ID]; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); _parent._parent.currentTrack = _parent.ID; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent.currentTrack != _parent.ID) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } movieClip 36 musicPlayer { frame 1 { var currentTrack = 0; } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'Deep Roads'; var ID = 1; } } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'Ruines of an Empire'; var ID = 2; } } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'The Final Fight'; var ID = 7; } } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'Snowblind'; var ID = 3; } } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'Creeping Fear'; var ID = 9; } } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'Reflections'; var ID = 6; } } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'Enter, Vandheer'; var ID = 8; } } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'Sinister Shutdown'; var ID = 5; } } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'A Hero\'s Awakening'; var ID = 4; } } instance of movieClip 35 { onClipEvent (load) { this.trackName = 'Blackmist'; var ID = 10; } } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 60 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 62 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 63 { frame 1 { if (_root['ct' + this.ID + 'Unlocked']) { lock_mc._visible = false; thumb.gotoAndStop(this.ID); } else { button_mc._x = 1000; button_mc._visible = false; thumb.gotoAndStop(11); } } instance button_mc of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { _root.bonusToCS = true; _root.gotoAndStop('cs' + _parent.ID); _parent._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } movieClip 64 moviePlayer { instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 1; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 2; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 3; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 4; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 5; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 6; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 7; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 8; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 9; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } instance of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 10; this.titleName = 'cutscene ' + ID; } } } movieClip 66 loneWarrior_avatar { } movieClip 68 rock { frame 1 { var holdKey = false; var touched = false; var gravity = 0; var removeFromExistence = false; } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (removeFromExistence) { _visible = false; _x = 10000; _y = 10000; } else { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { if (_root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { _root.eagle.grab = true; _root.eagle.grabbed = this; touched = true; holdKey = true; } else { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null; holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (touched && _root.eagle.grabbed != this) { gravity -= 0.25; _y = _y - gravity; while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + _height, true)) { _y = _y - 0.5; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y - _height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y - _height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - _height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; } } } }; } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 22 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 70 { } movieClip 73 { } movieClip 75 { } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 79 { } movieClip 81 { } movieClip 82 { frame 1 { i = 1; while (i < 6) { _root.hideFromCam(this['mt' + i]); ++i; } } } movieClip 84 { } movieClip 85 { instance clouds of movieClip 84 { onClipEvent (load) { var X = _x; var moveSpeed = _parent.moveSpeed; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_x > -800) { _x = _x - moveSpeed; } else { _x = X; } } } } movieClip 89 { } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 93 { frame 1 { _visible = false; _root.hero._x = this._x + _root.stage_mc._x; _root.hero._y = this._y + _root.stage_mc._y; _root.eagle._x = this._x + _root.stage_mc._x; _root.eagle._y = this._y + _root.stage_mc._y; } } movieClip 95 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } // unknown tag 88 length 146 movieClip 98 { } movieClip 109 { } movieClip 123 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 127 { frame 1 { stop(); _visible = false; } frame 2 { _visible = true; } frame 19 { _root.vcam.Target =; _root.vcam.targetScale = 50; } frame 102 { stop(); _root.hud.fader.gotoAndPlay('cutScene'); } } movieClip 128 stage0 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root._currentframe > 10) { _root.sound.wind.start(0, 10); } } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x - _root.vcam._width / 2 - _root.stage_mc._x; } } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x - _root.vcam._width / 2 - _root.stage_mc._x + _width / 2; } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var i = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; if (i) {; _root.currentLevel = 1; i = false; } _root.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 137 { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2892 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -160 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 177) {  += 121; true; } if ( == 713) {  += 93; } if ( == 540) { for (;;) {  += 246; if ( == 922) {  -= 382; } if ( != 983) break;  -= 147; if ( != 724) break;  += 208; } else { if (!'') { }  -= 219; if ( == 886) {  += 89; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; break;  -= 763; } if ( == 786) {  -= 786; }  += 713;  += 421;  += 632;  += 170;  -= 505;  -= 131;  += 308; var  = 1;  -= 763;  -= 219;  -= 263;  += 510;  += 775;  -= 327;  += 46;  -= 421;  += 250; }  != 173; eval(!true); true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } movieClip 139 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 141 { frame 37 { _parent.setGotoFrame('done'); stop(); } } movieClip 143 { } movieClip 145 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Medal_Icon_Placeholder { } movieClip 153 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Medal_Popup { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (737 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 9 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 235) {  += 132; true; } if ( == 894) {  -= 891; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; } if ( != 434) break; for (;;) {  += 345; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  += 29; if ( == 268) {  += 166; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( != 465) break;  += 77; if ( == 313) {  += 206; true; } if ( == 718) {  -= 422; } if ( != 542) break;  -= 355;  -= 135; if ( != 367) break; break;  += 252;  -= 235;  -= 105;  -= 669;  += 29;  -= 171;  -= 128;  += 953;  -= 490;  += 556;  -= 54;  -= 408;  += 401;  += 185;  += 252;  += 541;  += 568;  -= 293;  -= 318;  -= 688;  -= 425; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } true; ''; true; ''; eval(1); } frame 2 { medal.attachIcon(icon); } frame 10 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2142 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 78 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 176) {  += 609; true; } if ( == 293) {  += 436; } if ( == 306) { for (;;) {  += 231; if ( == 832) {  += 5; true; } if ( == 890) {  += 93; } if ( != 361) break;  += 176; if ( == 424) {  += 286; } if ( == 784) {  -= 784; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( == 537) {  += 356; true; } if ( == 45) {  += 909; ''; } if ( == 710) {  -= 455; ''; 1; } if ( == 180) {  += 716; true; }  -= 447;  += 515;  += 342;  += 890;  -= 600;  -= 210; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) =  != 896;  -= 347;  -= 25;  -= 224;  -= 252;  -= 791;  -= 170; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  -= 121;  -= 150;  -= 549;  -= 124;  -= 859; } eval(undefined); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); _visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 159 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Login_Warning { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2309 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 253 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 518) {  -= 105; true; } if ( == 39) {  += 855; ''; } if ( != 413) break; for (;;) {  += 520; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  -= 739; if ( == 194) {  += 184; } if ( != 913) break;  -= 889; if ( == 482) {  -= 443; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; } if ( == 894) {  -= 669; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 954) {  -= 472; ''; 1; } if ( == 491) {  += 117; } if ( == 38) {  += 423; }  += 503;  -= 308;  += 574;  -= 739;  += 231;  -= 419;  += 63;  -= 24;  += 346;  -= 46;  += 151;  += 275;  -= 2;  -= 338; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  == 225; true; true; } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); _visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 162 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Connection_Error { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1793 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 705 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 965) {  -= 568; true; } if ( == 764) {  += 3; true; } if ( == 920) { for (;;) {  -= 156; if ( == 28) {  += 917; ''; 1; } if ( != 698) break;  -= 334; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 277) {  += 421; } if ( == 537) {  -= 509; } if ( == 397) {  += 266; if (!undefined ::: eval(!undefined)) break; goto 593;  += 62; label 593: }  += 482; if ( == 364) { break; }  -= 724;  += 39;  += 216;  -= 595; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = !undefined ::: eval(!undefined);  -= 616;  -= 339;  += 62;  -= 73;  -= 724;  += 346;  -= 468; } ''; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); _visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 164 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 170 { } movieClip 172 { } movieClip 174 { } movieClip 176 { } movieClip 178 { } movieClip 180 { } movieClip 182 { } movieClip 183 NewgroundsAPIAsset_big_popup_background { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (827 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 669 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 985) {  -= 86; true; } if ( == 4) {  += 812; } if ( != 545) break; for (;;) {  += 156; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  -= 450; if ( == 497) {  -= 229; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( == 702) {  -= 400; true; } if ( != 701) break;  -= 450; if ( != 899) break;  += 77; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; break;  -= 534; if ( == 816) {  -= 377; true; }  += 565;  -= 221;  -= 116;  -= 534;  += 234;  -= 553;  += 145;  -= 96;  += 96;  += 666;  += 162;  += 199;  += 165;  -= 47;  -= 105;  += 166; var  = 1;  -= 111;  -= 30;  += 364;  -= 18;  -= 779; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 251; true; ; } } button 187 { on (release) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2726 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 118 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 703; continue; if ( == 628) {  -= 63; if (!true) { break; }  += 53; for (;;) { if ( == 859) {  += 37; } if ( != 896) break;  -= 852; if (!( != 289 :::  == 289)) { goto 369; }  += 682; label 369: if ( != 618) break;  -= 553; if ( == 279) {  -= 15; } if ( == 19) {  += 840; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 726) {  += 107; }  -= 319;  -= 280;  -= 74;  += 115;  += 315;  += 448;  += 215;  -= 481;  -= 40;  -= 136;  += 357;  += 53;  -= 355; var eval(true) = true;  -= 221;  -= 732;  += 183;  -= 21;  -= 243;  += 530;  += 682;  -= 833; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 289; true; } } button 193 { on (release) { getURL(official_version_url, '_blank'); } } movieClip 195 NewgroundsAsset_New_Version_Available { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (980 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -291 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 237; continue; if ( != 100) break;  += 80; if (!true) { continue; }  += 713; for (;;) { if ( == 893) {  -= 86; } if ( == 844) {  -= 744; } if ( != 678) break;  -= 541; if (!( != 178 :::  == 178)) { break; }  -= 116; if ( != 111) break;  += 96; if ( == 121) {  += 723; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 993) {  -= 947; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; }  += 553;  += 317;  += 419;  += 713;  += 16;  -= 541;  += 471;  -= 807;  += 75;  -= 332;  -= 116; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 21; ''; 1; true; ''; } } button 196 { on (release) { getURL(official_version_url, '_blank'); } } movieClip 200 NewgroundsAsset_Illegal_Host { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2307 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -142 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 121) {  += 383; true; } if ( == 505) {  += 45; } if ( == 418) { for (;;) {  += 276; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 661) {  -= 104; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = !undefined; } if ( == 134) {  += 305; } if ( != 439) break;  += 176; if ( == 301) {  += 243; } if ( == 544) {  += 6; } if ( == 694) {  -= 560; if (undefined) { } else {  += 305; } } if ( == 557) {  += 388; }  += 359;  += 409;  -= 527;  += 561;  -= 903;  -= 615;  -= 315;  += 89;  -= 203; } !undefined;  != 550; eval(true); ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } movieClip 201 API Connector (NewgroundsAPI) { #initclip Object.registerClass('API Connector (NewgroundsAPI)', com.newgrounds.components.APIConnector); #endinitclip frame 20 { _visible = false; } } frame 1 { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('ArmedwithWings3'); stop(); } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 1; } } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 2; } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 234 { } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 245 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 245 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } movieClip 248 { } instance of movieClip 201 API Connector (NewgroundsAPI) { onClipEvent (construct) { api_id = '14180:rokE9KR8'; encryption_key = 'MBP9UoZzbHh9IUTYeWcwNAoe4PHeWlpQ'; version = ''; fake_session = true; debug = true; error_screens = true; medal_popups = true; } } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 254 { } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 260 { frame 49 { stop(); } } movieClip 264 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 265 { frame 1 { bar._yscale = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) { this.gotoAndPlay('loaded'); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 63 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 264 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_currentframe < 30) { gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_currentframe < 30) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('hit');; } } frame 64 {; } frame 87 { stop();; } } movieClip 204 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1997 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -85 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 379) {  -= 70; true; } if ( == 745) {  += 224; ''; 1; } if ( == 565) { for (;;) {  -= 487; if ( == 127) {  += 618; } if ( == 969) {  -= 490; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; } if ( != 751) break;  -= 518; if ( == 786) {  -= 35; } if ( == 233) {  -= 154; if (!true) { continue; }  += 366; } if ( == 79) {  += 366; } if ( == 479) {  += 383; }  += 300;  -= 287;  -= 102;  += 627;  += 192;  += 35;  -= 220;  -= 100;  -= 78; } true; !eval( != 445); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 202 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (678 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 334 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 501) {  += 48; true; } if ( == 215) {  += 492; } if ( == 895) { for (;;) {  -= 713; if ( != 549) break;  -= 296; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  += 405; if ( == 362) {  += 614; } if ( == 896) {  -= 866; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( == 182) {  += 525; } if ( == 253) {  += 405;  -= 100; } else { if ( == 598) { }  += 443; }  -= 521;  -= 607;  += 329;  += 556;  -= 109;  += 562;  -= 716;  += 939;  += 443;  += 98;  -= 182;  -= 136;  += 153; var eval(eval(true)) = '';  -= 654;  -= 976; } ''; 1; true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 203 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1221 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -124 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 75) {  -= 2; true; } if ( == 34) {  += 873; } if ( != 644) break; for (;;) {  -= 166; if ( == 774) {  -= 198; } if ( == 291) {  -= 23; } if ( == 478) {  -= 2; } if ( == 268) {  += 506; if (!('' ::: )) { goto 507; }  -= 198; label 507: } if ( == 982) {  -= 165; }  -= 39; if ( == 73) { continue; }  += 873;  -= 518;  -= 616;  += 404;  += 30;  -= 168;  -= 233;  += 6;  -= 571;  -= 371;  -= 24;  += 400;  -= 310; var eval(!('' ::: )) = true;  += 137;  -= 108;  -= 171; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ''; 1; #endinitclip } movieClip 205 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1727 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -55 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 139) {  += 289; true; } if ( == 270) {  += 502; } if ( == 326) { for (;;) {  += 446; if ( == 951) {  -= 253; } if ( == 772) {  -= 546; true; } if ( != 698) break;  -= 85; if ( == 574) {  += 39; } if ( == 603) {  += 170; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 224) {  += 307; } if ( != 226) break;  += 725; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 718; }  -= 253; label 718:  -= 268;  -= 476;  += 392;  -= 457;  += 99;  += 384;  += 491;  += 155;  -= 669;  -= 191;  -= 135;  -= 188;  -= 550;  += 561;  += 83;  += 781;  -= 44; var eval(true) = true;  += 453;  -= 581; }  == 297; ''; ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 206 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1082 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -27 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 408; continue; if ( == 462) {  -= 333; if (!true) { goto 235; }  += 36; label 235: for (;;) { if ( != 165) break;  += 281; if ( == 869) {  -= 224; } if ( != 129) break;  += 36; if ( == 795) {  += 148; } if ( == 740) {  -= 150; } if ( == 364) {  += 281; }  += 299; if ( == 441) { break; }  -= 150;  -= 293;  -= 282;  -= 262;  += 690;  += 266;  += 205;  -= 883;  += 5;  += 192;  -= 741;  -= 301;  += 473;  -= 823; var  = true;  -= 327;  += 240;  += 492;  -= 250;  += 878;  -= 18;  -= 125; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 33; true; #endinitclip } movieClip 209 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1695 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 421 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 583) {  += 204; true; } if ( == 661) {  -= 34; ''; 1; } if ( == 868) { for (;;) {  -= 762; if ( != 787) break;  += 171; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  -= 90; if ( == 958) {  -= 90; } if ( == 440) {  -= 70; } if ( == 415) {  -= 309; } if ( == 151) {  += 788; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( == 106) {  += 231; true; } if ( == 30) {  += 121; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); }  += 346;  -= 252;  -= 512;  += 490;  += 17;  -= 345; var eval( != 337) = '';  -= 552;  += 53;  -= 370; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 211 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2740 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 685 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 870) {  -= 455; true; } if ( == 269) {  += 296; } if ( == 415) { for (;;) {  -= 41; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; break;  -= 61; if ( != 837) break;  -= 568; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 1407; }  += 296; label 1407: if ( != 374) break;  -= 61; if ( != 112) break;  += 883; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; if ( != 263) break;  += 688; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( != 313) break;  -= 151;  -= 114;  += 143;  -= 732;  += 82;  -= 50;  -= 647; } eval(undefined);  == 951; ''; ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 210 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (263 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 299 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 562) {  += 403; true; } if ( == 245) {  += 52; ''; 1; } if ( != 200) break; for (;;) {  += 325; if ( == 46) {  += 833; } if ( == 29) {  += 527; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 297) {  += 269; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; } if ( == 965) {  -= 765; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 508; }  += 325; label 508: } if ( == 525) {  += 470; } if ( == 165) {  += 332; } if ( != 556) break;  += 41; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  += 149;  -= 537;  -= 676;  += 577;  += 112;  -= 273;  -= 581;  -= 634;  -= 497; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } !undefined;  != 597; ''; true; #endinitclip } movieClip 220 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (595 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 240 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 324) {  += 240; true; } if ( == 635) {  += 101; } if ( == 513) { for (;;) {  += 17; if ( == 245) {  += 436; } if ( == 303) {  += 433; } if ( != 861) break;  += 89; if ( == 736) {  -= 505; } if ( == 575) {  -= 62; } if ( != 976) break;  -= 158; if (!'') { goto 980; }  -= 515; label 980:  -= 288; if ( != 564) break;  -= 31;  -= 530;  -= 515;  -= 668; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  += 630; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = eval(undefined);  += 168; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  += 125;  += 295;  += 7;  -= 31; } !undefined; true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 208 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1375 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 491 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 844) {  -= 510; true; } if ( == 74) {  += 788; } if ( != 123) break; for (;;) {  += 790; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  -= 824; if ( == 744) {  -= 302; ''; } if ( != 180) break;  -= 28; if ( == 95) {  += 369; ''; 1; } if ( == 89) {  += 599; } if ( == 186) {  -= 112; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  += 788; }  -= 824;  -= 155;  -= 596;  += 34;  -= 185;  -= 49;  += 313;  -= 105;  -= 658;  -= 134;  -= 99;  += 280; var eval(eval(!true)) = true;  -= 230;  += 43;  -= 625;  -= 688; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 913; #endinitclip } movieClip 129 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2421 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -320 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 57) {  += 233; true; } if ( == 608) {  -= 3; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( != 269) break; for (;;) {  += 360; if ( == 290) {  -= 110; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 336; }  += 810; label 336: } if ( != 731) break;  -= 470; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  += 69; if ( != 411) break;  += 197; if ( != 259) break;  += 218; if ( == 440) {  += 141; }  -= 340;  += 810;  -= 14; var  =  == 605;  += 40;  -= 374;  -= 617;  -= 352;  -= 158;  += 247;  -= 2;  -= 68;  += 468;  += 478;  -= 117;  += 115;  += 317;  += 110;  += 69;  += 291;  -= 50;  -= 507; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } true; true; ''; 1; #endinitclip } movieClip 207 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (872 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 209 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 570) {  += 407; true; } if ( == 588) {  += 333; } if ( == 945) { for (;;) {  -= 518; if ( == 643) {  += 302; } if ( != 977) break;  += 2; if (true) break; goto 395;  -= 336; label 395: if ( == 490) {  += 455; } if ( == 413) {  += 175; } if ( == 979) {  -= 336; } if ( == 509) {  += 420; } if ( == 921) {  -= 921; }  -= 22;  -= 800;  += 326;  += 298;  -= 362;  -= 244;  += 221; var  = !1;  -= 220;  += 347; }  != 951; ; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 212 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2879 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -58 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 266) {  += 423; true; } if ( == 650) {  -= 578; } if ( != 694) break; for (;;) {  -= 583; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  += 400; if ( == 511) {  += 259; } if ( != 370) break;  += 10; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 111) {  += 400; } if ( == 72) {  += 729; } if ( == 531) {  -= 272; } if ( == 250) {  += 664; } if ( == 684) {  -= 434; }  += 39;  -= 390;  -= 88;  -= 115;  += 419;  += 145;  -= 169; var eval(eval(undefined)) =  == 380;  -= 61;  += 265;  -= 20;  -= 54;  += 85;  += 29;  -= 229;  += 164;  += 242;  += 91;  -= 262;  -= 914; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } true; true; ''; #endinitclip } movieClip 213 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1433 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -183 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 228) {  += 628; true; } if ( == 546) {  -= 425; } if ( == 301) { for (;;) {  -= 203; if ( == 209) {  -= 88; } if ( == 856) {  -= 233; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  -= 322; } if ( == 581) {  += 297; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; break;  += 11; } if ( == 623) {  -= 322; } if ( == 878) {  += 11; }  -= 542;  -= 744;  -= 108;  += 412;  -= 786;  += 443;  -= 491;  += 460;  -= 389;  += 581;  -= 448; var  = 1;  += 298;  -= 15;  += 323;  += 481;  -= 724; }  != 640; !true; eval(true); ''; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 214 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (423 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 264 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 687) {  -= 521; true; } if ( == 239) {  -= 183; } if ( == 166) { for (;;) {  -= 96; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; goto 498;  += 343; label 498: if ( == 154) {  -= 30; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  += 21; } if ( == 28) {  += 239; true; } if ( != 291) break;  -= 52; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 719; }  -= 183; label 719:  += 165;  -= 601;  -= 666;  += 343;  -= 139; var eval(true) = '';  -= 589;  += 775;  += 21;  += 23;  -= 385;  += 201;  += 712;  -= 832;  += 2;  += 42;  -= 578;  -= 221;  += 463; }  != 56; ''; !eval(1); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 215 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1006 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 27 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 522) {  += 73; true; } if ( == 157) {  += 134; } if ( == 438) { for (;;) {  -= 431; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; goto 298;  += 261; label 298: if ( == 595) {  -= 475; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 381; }  += 495; label 381: } if ( != 290) break;  -= 141; if ( == 603) {  -= 165; } if ( == 152) {  += 159; }  += 145; if ( == 149) { }  += 686;  -= 325;  -= 291; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = true;  += 488; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  += 152;  += 261;  -= 379;  -= 775;  += 952;  += 23;  -= 285;  -= 295;  -= 377;  -= 312;  += 686;  += 237;  += 495; } eval(undefined); ''; !1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 216 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1967 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -285 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 149) {  -= 13; true; } if ( == 389) {  -= 92; ''; 1; } if ( == 470) { for (;;) {  -= 190; if ( == 868) {  -= 291; } if ( == 871) {  -= 482; } if ( != 202) break;  += 73; if ( == 707) {  -= 318; } if ( == 97) {  += 610; } if ( == 280) {  += 45; true; } if ( == 325) {  -= 228; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { } else {  += 610; } }  -= 133;  -= 487;  -= 318;  -= 80;  -= 134;  += 367;  += 135;  += 554; var eval( != 140) = !true;  += 474;  += 137;  -= 75;  -= 538;  -= 510;  -= 26;  += 834;  += 189;  -= 688;  += 615;  -= 622; } ''; eval(true); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 217 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (145 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 543 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 688) {  -= 276; true; } if ( == 967) {  -= 668; } if ( == 704) { for (;;) {  += 197; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 236) {  += 63; } if ( != 846) break;  += 104; if ( == 412) {  += 303; if (undefined) { break; }  += 9; } if ( == 567) {  += 278; } if ( == 421) {  += 425; if (undefined) { goto 600; }  += 104; label 600: }  -= 569;  += 564;  -= 231;  += 337;  -= 664;  -= 590;  -= 671;  -= 570; var eval(!undefined) =  != 805;  -= 72;  += 388;  -= 45;  += 196;  -= 376;  += 391;  -= 845;  += 9; } true; ''; 1; true; ; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 218 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (38 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 295 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 438; continue; if ( == 783) {  -= 417; if (!true) { goto 235; }  += 254; label 235: for (;;) { if ( != 61) break;  += 722; if ( == 144) {  += 847; } if ( != 47) break;  += 97; if ( == 563) {  += 39; } if ( == 566) {  += 22; } if ( == 135) {  += 428; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) =  == 333; }  += 303; if ( == 263) { continue; }  += 22;  += 807;  -= 62;  -= 542;  -= 291;  -= 806;  -= 541;  += 254;  -= 361;  -= 404;  += 282;  += 327;  -= 28;  += 441;  += 764;  += 207;  -= 746;  -= 478;  -= 142;  -= 351;  -= 326; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 333; true; #endinitclip } movieClip 219 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1418 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 14 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 410) {  -= 391; true; } if ( == 448) {  += 143; } if ( == 539) { for (;;) {  -= 505; if ( != 315) break;  += 112; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( != 19) break;  += 627; if (undefined) { goto 1939; }  -= 198; label 1939: if ( == 82) {  += 233; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 646) {  -= 198; } if ( == 653) {  -= 587; true; } if ( == 803) {  -= 212; } if ( == 832) {  -= 179; }  -= 195;  -= 765;  -= 340;  -= 40; var eval(true) = '';  += 447;  -= 157;  -= 25;  += 575;  += 272;  += 112;  += 138;  += 11;  += 400;  -= 434; }  != 591; ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 221 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2764 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 750 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 959) {  -= 281; true; } if ( == 419) {  -= 77; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 816) { for (;;) {  -= 462; if ( != 678) break;  -= 340; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  -= 261; if ( == 338) {  -= 261; } if ( == 185) {  += 234; ''; } if ( == 191) {  += 177; } if ( == 658) {  += 132; }  -= 632; if ( == 823) { goto 891; }  += 177; label 891:  -= 918;  -= 48;  += 340;  += 574;  += 74;  += 175; var eval(1) = true;  += 713;  += 481;  += 341;  -= 709; } !''; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 2771 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.constructObject(); }; mx.core.UIObject = v1; mx.core.UIObject extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__width = function () { return this._width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this._height; }; v2.__get__left = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__get__x = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__get__top = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__get__y = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__get__right = function () { return this._parent.width - (this._x + this.__get__width()); }; v2.__get__bottom = function () { return this._parent.height - (this._y + this.__get__height()); }; v2.getMinHeight = function (Void) { return this._minHeight; }; v2.setMinHeight = function (h) { this._minHeight = h; }; v2.__get__minHeight = function () { return this.getMinHeight(); }; v2.__set__minHeight = function (h) { this.setMinHeight(h); return this.__get__minHeight(); }; v2.getMinWidth = function (Void) { return this._minWidth; }; v2.setMinWidth = function (w) { this._minWidth = w; }; v2.__get__minWidth = function () { return this.getMinWidth(); }; v2.__set__minWidth = function (w) { this.setMinWidth(w); return this.__get__minWidth(); }; v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) { if (x != this._visible) { this._visible = x; if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': x ? 'reveal' : 'hide'}); } } }; v2.__get__visible = function () { return this._visible; }; v2.__set__visible = function (x) { this.setVisible(x, false); return this.__get__visible(); }; v2.__get__scaleX = function () { return this._xscale; }; v2.__set__scaleX = function (x) { this._xscale = x; return this.__get__scaleX(); }; v2.__get__scaleY = function () { return this._yscale; }; v2.__set__scaleY = function (y) { this._yscale = y; return this.__get__scaleY(); }; v2.doLater = function (obj, fn) { if (this.methodTable == undefined) { this.methodTable = new Array(); } this.methodTable.push({'obj': obj, 'fn': fn}); this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher; }; v2.doLaterDispatcher = function (Void) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.redraw(); } var v3 = this.methodTable; this.methodTable = new Array(); if (v3.length > 0) { var v2; v2 = v3.shift(); while (v2 != undefined) { v2.obj[v2.fn](); } } }; v2.cancelAllDoLaters = function (Void) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.methodTable = new Array(); }; v2.invalidate = function (Void) { this.invalidateFlag = true; this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher; }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) { this.invalidate(); }; v2.redraw = function (bAlways) { if (this.invalidateFlag || bAlways) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var v2; for (v2 in this.tfList) { this.tfList[v2].draw(); } this.draw(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'draw'}); } }; v2.draw = function (Void) {}; v2.move = function (x, y, noEvent) { var v3 = this._x; var v2 = this._y; this._x = x; this._y = y; if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'move', 'oldX': v3, 'oldY': v2}); } }; v2.setSize = function (w, h, noEvent) { var v3 = this.__width; var v2 = this.__height; this.__width = w; this.__height = h; this.size(); if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'oldWidth': v3, 'oldHeight': v2}); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this._width = this.__width; this._height = this.__height; }; v2.drawRect = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { this.moveTo(x1, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y2); this.lineTo(x1, y2); this.lineTo(x1, y1); }; v2.createLabel = function (name, depth, text) { this.createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); var v2 = this[name]; v2._color = mx.core.UIObject.textColorList; v2._visible = false; v2.__text = text; if (this.tfList == undefined) { this.tfList = new Object(); } this.tfList[name] = v2; v2.invalidateStyle(); this.invalidate(); v2.styleName = this; return v2; }; v2.createObject = function (linkageName, id, depth, initobj) { return this.attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj); }; v2.createClassObject = function (className, id, depth, initobj) { var v3 = className.symbolName == undefined; if (v3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className); } var v4 = mx.core.UIObject(this.createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj)); if (v3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner); } return v4; }; v2.createEmptyObject = function (id, depth) { return this.createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth); }; v2.destroyObject = function (id) { var v2 = this[id]; if (v2.getDepth() < 0) { var v4 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v5 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(0, v4, 'up'); var v3 = v5; v2.swapDepths(v3); } v2.removeMovieClip(); delete this[id]; }; v2.getSkinIDName = function (tag) { return this.idNames[tag]; }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initObj) { if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) { mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement); } return this.createObject(linkageName, this.getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj); }; v2.createSkin = function (tag) { var v2 = this.getSkinIDName(tag); this.createEmptyObject(v2, tag); return this[v2]; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) {}; v2._createChildren = function (Void) { this.createChildren(); this.childrenCreated = true; }; v2.constructObject = function (Void) { if (this._name == undefined) { return undefined; } this.init(); this._createChildren(); this.createAccessibilityImplementation(); this._endInit(); if (this.validateNow) { this.redraw(true); } else { this.invalidate(); } }; v2.initFromClipParameters = function (Void) { var v4 = false; var v2; for (v2 in this.clipParameters) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(v2)) { v4 = true; this['def_' + v2] = this[v2]; delete this[v2]; } } if (v4) { for (v2 in this.clipParameters) { var v3 = this['def_' + v2]; if (v3 != undefined) { this[v2] = v3; } } } }; v2.init = function (Void) { this.__width = this._width; this.__height = this._height; if (this.initProperties == undefined) { this.initFromClipParameters(); } else { this.initProperties(); } if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) { this.stylecache = new Object(); } }; v2.getClassStyleDeclaration = function (Void) { var v4 = this; var v3 = this.className; while (v3 != undefined) { if (this.ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[v3] == undefined) { if (_global.styles[v3] != undefined) { return _global.styles[v3]; } } v4 = v4.__proto__; v3 = v4.className; } }; v2.setColor = function (color) {}; v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) { var v8 =; if (v8 != undefined) { var v3; for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) { if (tf[v3] == undefined) { tf[v3] = v8[v3]; } } } return false; } var v6 = false; for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) { if (tf[v3] == undefined) { var v5 = this._tf[v3]; if (v5 != undefined) { tf[v3] = v5; } else { if (v3 == 'font' && this.fontFamily != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontFamily; } else { if (v3 == 'size' && this.fontSize != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontSize; } else { if (v3 == 'color' && this.color != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.color; } else { if (v3 == 'leftMargin' && this.marginLeft != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.marginLeft; } else { if (v3 == 'rightMargin' && this.marginRight != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.marginRight; } else { if (v3 == 'italic' && this.fontStyle != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontStyle == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'bold' && this.fontWeight != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontWeight == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'align' && this.textAlign != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textAlign; } else { if (v3 == 'indent' && this.textIndent != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textIndent; } else { if (v3 == 'underline' && this.textDecoration != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textDecoration == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'embedFonts' && this.embedFonts != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.embedFonts; } else { v6 = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (v6) { var v9 = this.styleName; if (v9 != undefined) { if (typeof v9 != 'string') { v6 = v9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } else { if (_global.styles[v9] != undefined) { v6 = _global.styles[v9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } } } if (v6) { var v10 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (v10 != undefined) { v6 = v10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } if (v6) { if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (this._parent != undefined) { v6 = this._parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false); } } } if (v6) { v6 =, true, this); } return v6; }; v2._getTextFormat = function (Void) { var v2 =; if (v2 != undefined) { return v2; } v2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(v2, true); = v2; if (this.enabled == false) { var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor'); v2.color = v3; } return v2; }; v2.getStyleName = function (Void) { var v2 = this.styleName; if (v2 != undefined) { if (typeof v2 != 'string') { return v2.getStyleName(); } else { return v2; } } if (this._parent != undefined) { return this._parent.getStyleName(); } else { return undefined; } }; v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) { var v3; ++_global.getStyleCounter; if (this[styleProp] != undefined) { return this[styleProp]; } var v6 = this.styleName; if (v6 != undefined) { if (typeof v6 != 'string') { v3 = v6.getStyle(styleProp); } else { var v7 = _global.styles[v6]; v3 = v7.getStyle(styleProp); } } if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } v7 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (v7 != undefined) { v3 = v7[styleProp]; } if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { var v5 = this.stylecache; if (v5 != undefined) { if (v5[styleProp] != undefined) { return v5[styleProp]; } } if (this._parent != undefined) { v3 = this._parent.getStyle(styleProp); } else { v3 =[styleProp]; } if (v5 != undefined) { v5[styleProp] = v3; } return v3; } } if (v3 == undefined) { v3 =[styleProp]; } return v3; }; v1.mergeClipParameters = function (o, p) { for (var v3 in p) { o[v3] = p[v3]; } return true; }; v1.symbolName = 'UIObject'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject; v1.version = ''; v1.textColorList = {'color': 1, 'disabledColor': 1}; v2.invalidateFlag = false; v2.lineWidth = 1; v2.lineColor = 0; v2.tabEnabled = false; v2.clipParameters = {'visible': 1, 'minHeight': 1, 'minWidth': 1, 'maxHeight': 1, 'maxWidth': 1, 'preferredHeight': 1, 'preferredWidth': 1}; v2.addProperty('bottom', v2.__get__bottom, function () {}); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('left', v2.__get__left, function () {}); v2.addProperty('minHeight', v2.__get__minHeight, v2.__set__minHeight); v2.addProperty('minWidth', v2.__get__minWidth, v2.__set__minWidth); v2.addProperty('right', v2.__get__right, function () {}); v2.addProperty('scaleX', v2.__get__scaleX, v2.__set__scaleX); v2.addProperty('scaleY', v2.__get__scaleY, v2.__set__scaleY); v2.addProperty('top', v2.__get__top, function () {}); v2.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); v2.addProperty('x', v2.__get__x, function () {}); v2.addProperty('y', v2.__get__y, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIObject.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2772 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.core.UIComponent = v1; mx.core.UIComponent extends mx.core.UIObject; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__width = function () { return this.__width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this.__height; }; v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); }; v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) { this.setEnabled(newValue); this.invalidate(); delete; return newValue; }; v2.setEnabled = function (enabled) { this.invalidate(); }; v2.getFocus = function () { var selFocus = Selection.getFocus(); return (selFocus === null) ? null : eval(selFocus); }; v2.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; v2.getFocusManager = function () { var v2 = this; while (v2 != undefined) { if (v2.focusManager != undefined) { return v2.focusManager; } v2 = v2._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { this.removeEventListener('keyDown', this); this.removeEventListener('keyUp', this); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusOut'}); this.drawFocus(false); }; v2.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { this.addEventListener('keyDown', this); this.addEventListener('keyUp', this); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusIn'}); if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) { this.drawFocus(true); } }; v2.findFocusInChildren = function (o) { if (o.focusTextField != undefined) { return o.focusTextField; } if (o.tabEnabled == true) { return o; } return undefined; }; v2.findFocusFromObject = function (o) { if (o.tabEnabled != true) { if (o._parent == undefined) { return undefined; } if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) { o = o._parent; return o; } if (o._parent.tabChildren) { o = this.findFocusInChildren(o._parent); return o; } o = this.findFocusFromObject(o._parent); } return o; }; v2.pressFocus = function () { var v3 = this.findFocusFromObject(this); var v2 = this.getFocus(); if (v3 != v2) { v2.drawFocus(false); if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) { v3.drawFocus(true); } } }; v2.releaseFocus = function () { var v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(this); if (v2 != this.getFocus()) { v2.setFocus(); } }; v2.isParent = function (o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o == this) { return true; } o = o._parent; } return false; }; v2.size = function () {}; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; this._focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false;'enabled', this.enabledChanged); if (this.enabled == false) { this.setEnabled(false); } }; v2.dispatchValueChangedEvent = function (value) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'valueChanged', 'value': value}); }; v1.symbolName = 'UIComponent'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.version = ''; v1.kStretch = 5000; v2.focusEnabled = true; v2.tabEnabled = true; v2.origBorderStyles = {'themeColor': 16711680}; v2.clipParameters = {}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2773 __Packages.flextnet.components.FrameRate { #initclip if (!_global.flextnet) { _global.flextnet = new Object(); } if (!_global.flextnet.components) { _global.flextnet.components = new Object(); } if (!_global.flextnet.components.FrameRate) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; flextnet.components.FrameRate = v1; flextnet.components.FrameRate extends mx.core.UIComponent; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; }; v2.createChildren = function () { this.display = this.createLabel('display_txt', 0, '0'); this.display.autoSize = 'left'; this.display.selectable = false; this.container_mc = this.createEmptyMovieClip('cnter', 2); this.container_mc.cmp = this; this.container_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { this.cmp.updateScene(); }; this.avg_display = this.createLabel('avg_display_txt', 1, ''); this.avg_display.autoSize = 'left'; this.avg_display.selectable = false; this.size(); }; v2.updateScene = function () { var v6 = getTimer(); var v4 = v6 - this.lastTime; this.lastTime = v6; this.avg_display._visible = this.__showAverage; if (v4 != 0) { var v7 = 1000 / v4; var v2 = Math.pow(10, this.__decimalPlaces); var v3 = Math.round(v7 * v2) / v2; this.display.text = v3; this.totalElapsed += v4; ++this.frameCount; if (this.__showAverage) { var v5 = this.totalElapsed / this.frameCount; v5 = 1000 / v5; v3 = Math.round(v5 * v2) / v2; this.avg_display.text = v3; this.avg_display._y = this.display._y + this.display._height; } } }; v2.draw = function () { super.draw(); }; v2.size = function () { super.size(); this.invalidate(); }; v2.reset = function () { this.totalElapsed = 0; this.frameCount = 0; }; v2.__set__showAverage = function (val) { this.__showAverage = val; this.avg_display._visible = val; return this.__get__showAverage(); }; v2.__get__showAverage = function () { return this.__showAverage; }; v2.__set__decimalPlaces = function (val) { this.__decimalPlaces = Math.floor(Math.max(val, 0)); this.__decimalPlaces = Math.min(this.__decimalPlaces, 4); return this.__get__decimalPlaces(); }; v2.__get__decimalPlaces = function () { return this.__decimalPlaces; }; v2.__set__font_Size = function (val) { if (val >= 8 && val <= 96) { this.setStyle('fontSize', val); } return this.__get__font_Size(); }; v2.__get__font_Size = function () { return this.getStyle('fontSize'); }; v2.__set__font_Color = function (val) { this.setStyle('color', val); return this.__get__font_Color(); }; v2.__get__font_Color = function () { return this.getStyle('color'); }; v2.__set__font_Family = function (val) { this.setStyle('fontFamily', val); return this.__get__font_Family(); }; v2.__get__font_Family = function () { return this.getStyle('fontFamily'); }; v2.__set__font_Weight = function (val) { this.setStyle('fontWeight', val); return this.__get__font_Weight(); }; v2.__get__font_Weight = function () { return this.getStyle('fontWeight'); }; v2.__set__embed_Fonts = function (val) { this.setStyle('embedFonts', val); return this.__get__embed_Fonts(); }; v2.__get__embed_Fonts = function () { return this.getStyle('embedFonts'); }; v1.symbolName = 'FrameRate'; v1.symbolOwner = flextnet.components.FrameRate; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'FrameRate'; v2.lastTime = 0; v2.totalElapsed = 0; v2.frameCount = 0; v2.__showAverage = false; v2.__decimalPlaces = 2; v2.addProperty('decimalPlaces', v2.__get__decimalPlaces, v2.__set__decimalPlaces); v2.addProperty('embed_Fonts', v2.__get__embed_Fonts, v2.__set__embed_Fonts); v2.addProperty('font_Color', v2.__get__font_Color, v2.__set__font_Color); v2.addProperty('font_Family', v2.__get__font_Family, v2.__set__font_Family); v2.addProperty('font_Size', v2.__get__font_Size, v2.__set__font_Size); v2.addProperty('font_Weight', v2.__get__font_Weight, v2.__set__font_Weight); v2.addProperty('showAverage', v2.__get__showAverage, v2.__set__showAverage); ASSetPropFlags(flextnet.components.FrameRate.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2790 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.SkinElement = v1; mx.skins.SkinElement extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.registerElement = function (name, className) { Object.registerClass(name, (className == undefined) ? mx.skins.SkinElement : className); _global.skinRegistry[name] = true; }; v2.__set__visible = function (visible) { this._visible = visible; }; v2.move = function (x, y) { this._x = x; this._y = y; }; v2.setSize = function (w, h) { this._width = w; this._height = h; }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2791 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.addTextStyles = function (o, bColor) { o.addProperty('textAlign', function () { return this._tf.align; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.align = x; }); o.addProperty('fontWeight', function () { return (this._tf.bold != undefined) ? (this._tf.bold ? 'bold' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.bold = x == 'bold'; }); if (bColor) { o.addProperty('color', function () { return this._tf.color; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.color = x; }); } o.addProperty('fontFamily', function () { return this._tf.font; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.font = x; }); o.addProperty('textIndent', function () { return this._tf.indent; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.indent = x; }); o.addProperty('fontStyle', function () { return (this._tf.italic != undefined) ? (this._tf.italic ? 'italic' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.italic = x == 'italic'; }); o.addProperty('marginLeft', function () { return this._tf.leftMargin; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.leftMargin = x; }); o.addProperty('marginRight', function () { return this._tf.rightMargin; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.rightMargin = x; }); o.addProperty('fontSize', function () { return this._tf.size; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.size = x; }); o.addProperty('textDecoration', function () { return (this._tf.underline != undefined) ? (this._tf.underline ? 'underline' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.underline = x == 'underline'; }); o.addProperty('embedFonts', function () { return this._tf.embedFonts; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.embedFonts = x; }); }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2792 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.StyleManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.registerInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; }; v1.isInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] == true; }; v1.registerColorStyle = function (styleName) { mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] = true; }; v1.isColorStyle = function (styleName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] == true; }; v1.registerColorName = function (colorName, colorValue) { mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] = colorValue; }; v1.isColorName = function (colorName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] != undefined; }; v1.getColorName = function (colorName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName]; }; v1.inheritingStyles = {'color': true, 'direction': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'fontSize': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'textAlign': true, 'textIndent': true}; v1.colorStyles = {'barColor': true, 'trackColor': true, 'borderColor': true, 'buttonColor': true, 'color': true, 'dateHeaderColor': true, 'dateRollOverColor': true, 'disabledColor': true, 'fillColor': true, 'highlightColor': true, 'scrollTrackColor': true, 'selectedDateColor': true, 'shadowColor': true, 'strokeColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundDisabledColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundPressedColor': true, 'symbolColor': true, 'symbolDisabledColor': true, 'themeColor': true, 'todayIndicatorColor': true, 'shadowCapColor': true, 'borderCapColor': true, 'focusColor': true}; v1.colorNames = {'black': 0, 'white': 16777215, 'red': 16711680, 'green': 65280, 'blue': 255, 'magenta': 16711935, 'yellow': 16776960, 'cyan': 65535, 'haloGreen': 8453965, 'haloBlue': 2881013, 'haloOrange': 16761344}; v1.TextFormatStyleProps = {'font': true, 'size': true, 'color': true, 'leftMargin': false, 'rightMargin': false, 'italic': true, 'bold': true, 'align': true, 'indent': true, 'underline': false, 'embedFonts': false}; v1.TextStyleMap = {'textAlign': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'color': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'textIndent': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'lineHeight': true, 'marginLeft': true, 'marginRight': true, 'fontSize': true, 'textDecoration': true, 'embedFonts': true}; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.StyleManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2793 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) { var v5 = false; if (this._tf != undefined) { var v2; for (v2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v2]) { if (tf[v2] == undefined) { var v3 = this._tf[v2]; if (v3 != undefined) { tf[v2] = v3; } else { v5 = true; } } } } return v5; } v5 = true; return v5; }; v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) { var v2 = this[styleProp]; var v3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(v2); return (v3 == undefined) ? v2 : v3; }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true); return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.classConstruct(); v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2794 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1._removeEventListener = function (queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var v4 = queue.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v4) { var v2 = queue[v1]; if (v2 == handler) { queue.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } } }; v1.initialize = function (object) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } object.addEventListener =; object.removeEventListener =; object.dispatchEvent =; object.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchQueue = function (queueObj, eventObj) { var v7 = '__q_' + eventObj.type; var v4 = queueObj[v7]; if (v4 != undefined) { var v5; for (v5 in v4) { var v1 = v4[v5]; var v3 = typeof v1; if (v3 == 'object' || v3 == 'movieclip') { if (v1.handleEvent != undefined) { v1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (v1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if ([eventObj.type] == undefined) { v1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { v1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.addEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v3 = '__q_' + event; if (this[v3] == undefined) { this[v3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, v3, 1);[v3], event, handler); this[v3].push(handler); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v2 = '__q_' + event;[v2], event, handler); }; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; v1.exceptions = {'move': 1, 'draw': 1}; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2795 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; = v1; extends; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.addKeyEvents = function (obj) { if (obj.keyHandler == undefined) { obj.keyHandler = new Object(); var v1 = obj.keyHandler; v1.owner = obj; v1.onKeyDown =; v1.onKeyUp =; } Key.addListener(obj.keyHandler); }; v1.removeKeyEvents = function (obj) { Key.removeListener(obj.keyHandler); }; v1.addLoadEvents = function (obj) { if (obj.onLoad == undefined) { obj.onLoad =; obj.onUnload =; if (obj.getBytesTotal() == obj.getBytesLoaded()) { obj.doLater(obj, 'onLoad'); } } }; v1.removeLoadEvents = function (obj) { delete obj.onLoad; delete obj.onUnload; }; v1.initialize = function (obj) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } obj.addEventListener =; obj.__origAddEventListener =; obj.removeEventListener =; obj.dispatchEvent =; obj.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(, eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) { this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyDown', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)}); }; v2.onKeyUp = function (Void) { this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyUp', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)}); }; v2.onLoad = function (Void) { if (this.__sentLoadEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'load'}); } this.__sentLoadEvent = true; }; v2.onUnload = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'unload'}); }; v2.__addEventListener = function (event, handler) { this.__origAddEventListener(event, handler); var v3 =; for (var v5 in v3) { if ([v5][event] != undefined) { var v2 = v3[v5][0];[v2](this); } } }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v6 = '__q_' + event;[v6], event, handler); if (this[v6].length == 0) { var v2 =; for (var v5 in v2) { if ([v5][event] != undefined) { var v3 = v2[v5][1];[v2[v5][1]](this); } } } }; v1.keyEvents = {'keyDown': 1, 'keyUp': 1}; v1.loadEvents = {'load': 1, 'unload': 1}; v1.lowLevelEvents = {'keyEvents': ['addKeyEvents', 'removeKeyEvents'], 'loadEvents': ['addLoadEvents', 'removeLoadEvents']}; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2796 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setColor = function (c) { if (c != undefined) { var v2 = new Color(this); v2.setRGB(c); } }; v2.draw = function (Void) { this.setColor(this.getStyle(this._color)); this.onEnterFrame = undefined; }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) { this.onEnterFrame = this.draw; }; v1.setColorStyle = function (p, colorStyle) { if (p._color == undefined) { p._color = colorStyle; } p.setColor = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.setColor; p.invalidateStyle = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.invalidateStyle; p.draw = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.draw; p.setColor(p.getStyle(colorStyle)); }; v1.mixins = new mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement(); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2797 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.addGeometry = function (tf, ui) { tf.addProperty('width', ui.__get__width, null); tf.addProperty('height', ui.__get__height, null); tf.addProperty('left', ui.__get__left, null); tf.addProperty('x', ui.__get__x, null); tf.addProperty('top', ui.__get__top, null); tf.addProperty('y', ui.__get__y, null); tf.addProperty('right', ui.__get__right, null); tf.addProperty('bottom', ui.__get__bottom, null); tf.addProperty('visible', ui.__get__visible, ui.__set__visible); }; v1.Extensions = function () { if (mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended == true) { return true; } mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended = true; var v6 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype; var v9 = mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v9, v6);; var v13 = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(v6); var v5 = MovieClip.prototype; v5.getTopLevel = v6.getTopLevel; v5.createLabel = v6.createLabel; v5.createObject = v6.createObject; v5.createClassObject = v6.createClassObject; v5.createEmptyObject = v6.createEmptyObject; v5.destroyObject = v6.destroyObject; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getTopLevel', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createLabel', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createClassObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createEmptyObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'destroyObject', 1); v5.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat; v5._getTextFormat = v6._getTextFormat; v5.getStyleName = v6.getStyleName; v5.getStyle = v6.getStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '__getTextFormat', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '_getTextFormat', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyleName', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyle', 1); var v7 = TextField.prototype; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v7, v6); v7.addProperty('enabled', function () { return this.__enabled; }, function (x) { this.__enabled = x; this.invalidateStyle(); }); v7.move = v9.move; v7.setSize = v9.setSize; v7.invalidateStyle = function () { this.invalidateFlag = true; }; v7.draw = function () { if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var v2 = this._getTextFormat(); this.setTextFormat(v2); this.setNewTextFormat(v2); this.embedFonts = v2.embedFonts == true; if (this.__text != undefined) { if (this.text == '') { this.text = this.__text; } delete this.__text; } this._visible = true; } }; v7.setColor = function (color) { this.textColor = color; }; v7.getStyle = v5.getStyle; v7.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat; v7.setValue = function (v) { this.text = v; }; v7.getValue = function () { return this.text; }; v7.addProperty('value', function () { return this.getValue(); }, function (v) { this.setValue(v); }); v7._getTextFormat = function () { var v2 =; if (v2 != undefined) { return v2; } v2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(v2); = v2; if (this.__enabled == false) { if (this.enabledColor == undefined) { var v4 = this.getTextFormat(); this.enabledColor = v4.color; } var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor'); v2.color = v3; return v2; } if (this.enabledColor != undefined) { if (v2.color == undefined) { v2.color = this.enabledColor; } } return v2; }; v7.getPreferredWidth = function () { this.draw(); return this.textWidth + 4; }; v7.getPreferredHeight = function () { this.draw(); return this.textHeight + 4; }; TextFormat.prototype.getTextExtent2 = function (s) { var v3 = _root._getTextExtent; if (v3 == undefined) { _root.createTextField('_getTextExtent', -2, 0, 0, 1000, 100); v3 = _root._getTextExtent; v3._visible = false; } _root._getTextExtent.text = s; var v4 = this.align; this.align = 'left'; _root._getTextExtent.setTextFormat(this); this.align = v4; return {'width': v3.textWidth, 'height': v3.textHeight}; }; if ( == undefined) { = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); _global.cascadingStyles = true; _global.styles = new Object(); _global.skinRegistry = new Object(); if (_global._origWidth == undefined) { _global.origWidth = Stage.width; _global.origHeight = Stage.height; } } var v4 = _root; while (v4._parent != undefined) { v4 = v4._parent; } v4.addProperty('width', function () { return Stage.width; }, null); v4.addProperty('height', function () { return Stage.height; }, null); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'width', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'height', 1); return true; }; v1.bExtended = false; v1.UIObjectExtended = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; v1.SkinElementDependency = mx.skins.SkinElement; v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; v1.UIEventDispatcherDependency =; ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2798 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.skins.halo.Defaults = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.setThemeDefaults = function () { var v2 =; v2.themeColor = 8453965; v2.disabledColor = 8684164; v2.modalTransparency = 0; v2.filled = true; v2.stroked = true; v2.strokeWidth = 1; v2.strokeColor = 0; v2.fillColor = 16777215; v2.repeatInterval = 35; v2.repeatDelay = 500; v2.fontFamily = '_sans'; v2.fontSize = 12; v2.selectionColor = 13500353; v2.rollOverColor = 14942166; v2.useRollOver = true; v2.backgroundDisabledColor = 14540253; v2.selectionDisabledColor = 14540253; v2.selectionDuration = 200; v2.openDuration = 250; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; v2.color = 734012; v2.textSelectedColor = 24371; v2.textRollOverColor = 2831164; v2.textDisabledColor = 16777215; v2.vGridLines = true; v2.hGridLines = false; v2.vGridLineColor = 6710886; v2.hGridLineColor = 6710886; v2.headerColor = 15395562; v2.indentation = 17; v2.folderOpenIcon = 'TreeFolderOpen'; v2.folderClosedIcon = 'TreeFolderClosed'; v2.defaultLeafIcon = 'TreeNodeIcon'; v2.disclosureOpenIcon = 'TreeDisclosureOpen'; v2.disclosureClosedIcon = 'TreeDisclosureClosed'; v2.popupDuration = 150; v2.todayColor = 6710886; _global.styles.ScrollSelectList = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.ScrollSelectList; v2.backgroundColor = 16777215; v2.borderColor = 13290186; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.ComboBox = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.ComboBox; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.NumericStepper = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.NumericStepper; v2.textAlign = 'center'; _global.styles.RectBorder = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.RectBorder; v2.borderColor = 14015965; v2.buttonColor = 7305079; v2.shadowColor = 15658734; v2.highlightColor = 12897484; v2.shadowCapColor = 14015965; v2.borderCapColor = 9542041; var v4 = new Object(); v4.borderColor = 16711680; v4.buttonColor = 16711680; v4.shadowColor = 16711680; v4.highlightColor = 16711680; v4.shadowCapColor = 16711680; v4.borderCapColor = 16711680; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.origBorderStyles = v4; var v3; _global.styles.TextInput = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.TextInput; v3.backgroundColor = 16777215; v3.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.TextArea = _global.styles.TextInput; _global.styles.Window = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Window; v3.borderStyle = 'default'; _global.styles.windowStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.windowStyles; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.dataGridStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.dataGridStyles; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.Alert = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Alert; v3.borderStyle = 'alert'; _global.styles.ScrollView = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.ScrollView; v3.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.View = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.View; v3.borderStyle = 'none'; _global.styles.ProgressBar = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.ProgressBar; v3.color = 11187123; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.AccordionHeader = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.AccordionHeader; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.fontSize = '11'; _global.styles.Accordion = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Accordion; v3.borderStyle = 'solid'; v3.backgroundColor = 16777215; v3.borderColor = 9081738; v3.headerHeight = 22; v3.marginBottom = -1; v3.marginTop = -1; v3.marginRight = -1; v3.marginLeft = -1; v3.verticalGap = -1; _global.styles.DateChooser = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.DateChooser; v3.borderColor = 9542041; v3.headerColor = 16777215; _global.styles.CalendarLayout = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.CalendarLayout; v3.fontSize = 10; v3.textAlign = 'right'; v3.color = 2831164; _global.styles.WeekDayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.WeekDayStyle; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.fontSize = 11; v3.textAlign = 'center'; v3.color = 2831164; _global.styles.TodayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.TodayStyle; v3.color = 16777215; _global.styles.HeaderDateText = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.HeaderDateText; v3.fontSize = 12; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.textAlign = 'center'; }; v2.drawRoundRect = function (x, y, w, h, r, c, alpha, rot, gradient, ratios) { if (typeof r == 'object') { var v18 =; var v16 =; var v15 =; var v10 =; } else { var v10 = r; var v15 = v10; var v16 = v15; var v18 = v16; } if (typeof c == 'object') { if (typeof alpha != 'object') { var v9 = [alpha, alpha]; } else { var v9 = alpha; } if (ratios == undefined) { ratios = [0, 255]; } var v14 = h * 0.7; if (typeof rot != 'object') { var v11 = {'matrixType': 'box', 'x': -v14, 'y': v14, 'w': w * 2, 'h': h * 4, 'r': rot * 0.0174532925199433}; } else { var v11 = rot; } if (gradient == 'radial') { this.beginGradientFill('radial', c, v9, ratios, v11); } else { this.beginGradientFill('linear', c, v9, ratios, v11); } } else { if (c != undefined) { this.beginFill(c, alpha); } } r = v18; var v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; var v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.moveTo(x + w, y + h - r); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); this.curveTo(x + w, y + h - v12, x + w - v13, y + h - v13); this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y + h, x + w - r, y + h); r = v16; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x + r, y + h); this.curveTo(x + v12, y + h, x + v13, y + h - v13); this.curveTo(x, y + h - v12, x, y + h - r); r = v15; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x, y + r); this.curveTo(x, y + v12, x + v13, y + v13); this.curveTo(x + v12, y, x + r, y); r = v10; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x + w - r, y); this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y, x + w - v13, y + v13); this.curveTo(x + w, y + v12, x + w, y + r); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); if (c != undefined) { this.endFill(); } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); mx.skins.halo.Defaults.setThemeDefaults(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.classConstruct(); v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2799 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { MovieClip.prototype.createClassChildAtDepth = this.createClassChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.createChildAtDepth = this.createChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthTo = this.setDepthTo; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthAbove = this.setDepthAbove; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthBelow = this.setDepthBelow; MovieClip.prototype.findNextAvailableDepth = this.findNextAvailableDepth; MovieClip.prototype.shuffleDepths = this.shuffleDepths; MovieClip.prototype.getDepthByFlag = this.getDepthByFlag; MovieClip.prototype.buildDepthTable = this.buildDepthTable; _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createClassChildAtDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createChildAtDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthTo', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthAbove', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthBelow', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'findNextAvailableDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'shuffleDepths', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'getDepthByFlag', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'buildDepthTable', 1); }; mx.managers.DepthManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.sortFunction = function (a, b) { if (a.getDepth() > b.getDepth()) { return 1; } return -1; }; v1.test = function (depth) { if (depth == mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth) { return false; } else { return true; } }; v1.createClassObjectAtDepth = function (className, depthSpace, initObj) { var v1; switch (depthSpace) { case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj); return v1; case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj); return v1; } return v1; }; v1.createObjectAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthSpace, initObj) { var v1; switch (depthSpace) { case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj); return v1; case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj); return v1; } return v1; }; v2.createClassChildAtDepth = function (className, depthFlag, initObj) { if (this._childCounter == undefined) { this._childCounter = 0; } var v3 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3); var v5 = 'down'; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { v5 = 'up'; } var v6; if (v3[v2] != undefined) { v6 = v2; v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v5); } var v4 = this.createClassObject(className, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj); if (v6 != undefined) { v3[v2] = v4; this.shuffleDepths(v4, v6, v3, v5); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { v4._topmost = true; } return v4; }; v2.createChildAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthFlag, initObj) { if (this._childCounter == undefined) { this._childCounter = 0; } var v3 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3); var v5 = 'down'; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { v5 = 'up'; } var v6; if (v3[v2] != undefined) { v6 = v2; v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v5); } var v4 = this.createObject(linkageName, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj); if (v6 != undefined) { v3[v2] = v4; this.shuffleDepths(v4, v6, v3, v5); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { v4._topmost = true; } return v4; }; v2.setDepthTo = function (depthFlag) { var v2 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); var v3 = this._parent.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v2); if (v2[v3] != undefined) { this.shuffleDepths(MovieClip(this), v3, v2, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v3); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { this._topmost = true; } else { delete this._topmost; } }; v2.setDepthAbove = function (targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) { return undefined; } var v2 = targetInstance.getDepth() + 1; var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); if (v3[v2] != undefined && this.getDepth() < v2) { v2 -= 1; } if (v2 > mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth; } if (v2 == mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, 'down'); } else { if (v3[v2] != undefined) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v2); } } }; v2.setDepthBelow = function (targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) { return undefined; } var v6 = targetInstance.getDepth() - 1; var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); if (v3[v6] != undefined && this.getDepth() > v6) { v6 += 1; } var v4 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var v5; for (v5 in v3) { var v2 = v3[v5]; if (v2._parent != undefined) { v4 = Math.min(v4, v2.getDepth()); } } if (v6 < v4) { v6 = v4; } if (v6 == v4) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, 'up'); } else { if (v3[v6] != undefined) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v6); } } }; v2.findNextAvailableDepth = function (targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var v5 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; if (targetDepth < v5) { targetDepth = v5; } if (depthTable[targetDepth] == undefined) { return targetDepth; } var v1 = targetDepth; var v2 = targetDepth; if (direction == 'down') { while (depthTable[v2] != undefined) { --v2; } return v2; } while (depthTable[v1] != undefined) { ++v1; } return v1; }; v2.shuffleDepths = function (subject, targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var v9 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var v8 = v9; var v5; for (v5 in depthTable) { var v7 = depthTable[v5]; if (v7._parent != undefined) { v9 = Math.min(v9, v7.getDepth()); } } if (direction == undefined) { if (subject.getDepth() > targetDepth) { direction = 'up'; } else { direction = 'down'; } } var v1 = new Array(); for (v5 in depthTable) { v7 = depthTable[v5]; if (v7._parent != undefined) { v1.push(v7); } } v1.sort(mx.managers.DepthManager.sortFunction); if (direction == 'up') { var v3; var v11; while (v1.length > 0) { v3 = v1.pop(); if (v3 == subject) { break; } } while (v1.length > 0) { v11 = subject.getDepth(); v3 = v1.pop(); var v4 = v3.getDepth(); if (v11 > v4 + 1) { if (v4 >= 0) { subject.swapDepths(v4 + 1); } else { if (v11 > v8 && v4 < v8) { subject.swapDepths(v8); } } } subject.swapDepths(v3); if (v4 == targetDepth) { break; } } } else { if (direction == 'down') { var v3; while (v1.length > 0) { v3 = v1.shift(); if (v3 == subject) { break; } } while (v1.length > 0) { var v11 = v3.getDepth(); v3 = v1.shift(); var v4 = v3.getDepth(); if (v11 < v4 - 1 && v4 > 0) { subject.swapDepths(v4 - 1); } subject.swapDepths(v3); if (v4 == targetDepth) { break; } } } } }; v2.getDepthByFlag = function (depthFlag, depthTable) { var v2 = 0; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop || depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kNotopmost) { var v5 = 0; var v7 = false; var v8; for (v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { if (!v9._topmost) { v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth()); } else { if (!v7) { v5 = v9.getDepth(); v7 = true; } else { v5 = Math.min(v5, v9.getDepth()); } } } } } v2 += 20; if (v7) { if (v2 >= v5) { v2 = v5 - 1; } } } else { if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { for (var v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = Math.min(v2, v9.getDepth()); } } } v2 -= 20; } else { if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { for (var v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth()); } } } v2 += 100; } } } if (v2 >= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth; } var v6 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; for (v9 in depthTable) { var v4 = depthTable[v9]; if (v4._parent != undefined) { v6 = Math.min(v6, v4.getDepth()); } } if (v2 <= v6) { v2 = v6; } return v2; }; v2.buildDepthTable = function (Void) { var v5 = new Array(); var v4; for (v4 in this) { var v2 = this[v4]; var v3 = typeof v2; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v2.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v2._parent == this) { v5[v2.getDepth()] = v2; } } } return v5; }; v1.reservedDepth = 1048575; v1.highestDepth = 1048574; v1.lowestDepth = -16383; v1.numberOfAuthortimeLayers = 383; v1.kCursor = 101; v1.kTooltip = 102; v1.kTop = 201; v1.kBottom = 202; v1.kTopmost = 203; v1.kNotopmost = 204; v1.holder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('reserved', mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth); v1.__depthManager = new mx.managers.DepthManager(); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.DepthManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2800 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.SimpleButton = v1; mx.controls.SimpleButton extends mx.core.UIComponent; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); if (this.preset == undefined) { this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; } this.useHandCursor = false; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { if (this.preset != undefined) { var v2 = this[this.idNames[this.preset]]; this[this.refNames[this.preset]] = v2; this.skinName = v2; if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } this.initializing = false; } else { if (this.__state == true) { this.setStateVar(true); } else { if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } } } }; v2.setIcon = function (tag, linkageName) { return this.setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName); }; v2.changeIcon = function (tag, linkageName) { this.linkLength = linkageName.length; var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Icon'; this[v2] = linkageName; this[this.idNames[tag + 8]] = v2; this.setStateVar(this.getState()); }; v2.changeSkin = function (tag, linkageName) { var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Skin'; this[v2] = linkageName; this[this.idNames[tag]] = v2; this.setStateVar(this.getState()); }; v2.viewIcon = function (varName) { var v4 = varName + 'Icon'; var v3 = this[v4]; if (typeof v3 == 'string') { var v5 = v3; if (this.__emphasized) { if (this[v3 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) { v3 += 'Emphasized'; } } if (this[v3].length == 0) { return undefined; } v3 = this.setIcon(this.tagMap[v5], this[v3]); if (v3 == undefined && _global.isLivePreview) { v3 = this.setIcon(0, 'ButtonIcon'); } this[v4] = v3; } this.iconName._visible = false; this.iconName = v3; this.iconName._visible = true; }; v2.removeIcons = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 2) { var v2 = 8; while (v2 < 16) { this.destroyObject(this.idNames[v2]); this[this.stateNames[v2 - 8] + 'Icon'] = ''; ++v2; } ++v3; } this.refresh(); }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initobj) { if (initobj == undefined) { var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, {'styleName': this}); this.calcSize(tag, v3); return v3; } var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj); this.calcSize(tag, v3); return v3; }; v2.calcSize = function (Void) { this.__width = this._width; this.__height = this._height; }; v2.viewSkin = function (varName, initObj) { var v3 = varName + 'Skin'; var v2 = this[v3]; if (typeof v2 == 'string') { var v4 = v2; if (this.__emphasized) { if (this[v2 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) { v2 += 'Emphasized'; } } if (this[v2].length == 0) { return undefined; } v2 = this.setSkin(this.tagMap[v4], this[v2], (initObj != undefined) ? initObj : {'styleName': this}); this[v3] = v2; } this.skinName._visible = false; this.skinName = v2; this.skinName._visible = true; }; v2.showEmphasized = function (e) { if (e && !this.__emphatic) { if (mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) { this.__emphaticStyleName = this.styleName; this.styleName = mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration; } this.__emphatic = true; } else { if (this.__emphatic) { this.styleName = this.__emphaticStyleName; } this.__emphatic = false; } }; v2.refresh = function (Void) { var v2 = this.getState(); if (this.enabled == false) { this.viewIcon('disabled'); this.viewSkin('disabled'); } else { this.viewSkin(this.phase); this.viewIcon(this.phase); } this.setView(this.phase == 'down'); this.iconName.enabled = this.enabled; }; v2.setView = function (offset) { if (this.iconName == undefined) { return undefined; } var v2 = offset ? this.btnOffset : 0; this.iconName._x = (this.__width - this.iconName._width) / 2 + v2; this.iconName._y = (this.__height - this.iconName._height) / 2 + v2; }; v2.setStateVar = function (state) { if (state) { if (this.trueOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.tus; } else { this.rolloverSkin = this.trs; } if (this.trueOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon =; } else { this.rolloverIcon = this.tri; } this.upSkin = this.tus; this.downSkin = this.tds; this.disabledSkin = this.dts; this.upIcon =; this.downIcon = this.tdi; this.disabledIcon = this.dti; } else { if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } else { this.rolloverSkin = this.frs; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } else { this.rolloverIcon = this.fri; } this.upSkin = this.fus; this.downSkin = this.fds; this.disabledSkin = this.dfs; this.upIcon = this.fui; this.downIcon = this.fdi; this.disabledIcon = this.dfi; } this.__state = state; }; v2.setState = function (state) { if (state != this.__state) { this.setStateVar(state); this.invalidate(); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this.refresh(); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { if (this.initializing) { this.initializing = false; this.skinName.visible = true; this.iconName.visible = true; } this.size(); }; v2.getState = function (Void) { return this.__state; }; v2.setToggle = function (val) { this.__toggle = val; if (this.__toggle == false) { this.setState(false); } }; v2.getToggle = function (Void) { return this.__toggle; }; v2.__set__toggle = function (val) { this.setToggle(val); return this.__get__toggle(); }; v2.__get__toggle = function () { return this.getToggle(); }; v2.__set__value = function (val) { this.setSelected(val); return this.__get__value(); }; v2.__get__value = function () { return this.getSelected(); }; v2.__set__selected = function (val) { this.setSelected(val); return this.__get__selected(); }; v2.__get__selected = function () { return this.getSelected(); }; v2.setSelected = function (val) { if (this.__toggle) { this.setState(val); } else { this.setState(this.initializing ? val : this.__state); } }; v2.getSelected = function () { return this.__state; }; v2.setEnabled = function (val) { if (this.enabled != val) { super.setEnabled(val); this.invalidate(); } }; v2.onPress = function (Void) { this.pressFocus(); this.phase = 'down'; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); if (this.autoRepeat) { this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressDelay', this.getStyle('repeatDelay')); } }; v2.onPressDelay = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); if (this.autoRepeat) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressRepeat', this.getStyle('repeatInterval')); } }; v2.onPressRepeat = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.onRelease = function (Void) { this.releaseFocus(); this.phase = 'rollover'; if (this.interval != undefined) { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; } if (this.getToggle()) { this.setState(!this.getState()); } else { this.refresh(); } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); }; v2.onDragOut = function (Void) { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDragOut'}); }; v2.onDragOver = function (Void) { if (this.phase != 'up') { this.onPress(); return undefined; } else { this.phase = 'down'; this.refresh(); } }; v2.onReleaseOutside = function (Void) { this.releaseFocus(); this.phase = 'up'; if (this.interval != undefined) { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; } }; v2.onRollOver = function (Void) { this.phase = 'rollover'; this.refresh(); }; v2.onRollOut = function (Void) { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); }; v2.getLabel = function (Void) { return this.fui.text; }; v2.setLabel = function (val) { if (typeof this.fui == 'string') { this.createLabel('fui', 8, val); this.fui.styleName = this; } else { this.fui.text = val; } var v4 = this.fui._getTextFormat(); var v2 = v4.getTextExtent2(val); this.fui._width = v2.width + 5; this.fui._height = v2.height + 5; this.iconName = this.fui; this.setView(this.__state); }; v2.__get__emphasized = function () { return this.__emphasized; }; v2.__set__emphasized = function (val) { this.__emphasized = val; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 8) { this[this.idNames[v2]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Skin'; if (typeof this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] == 'movieclip') { this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Icon'; } ++v2; } this.showEmphasized(this.__emphasized); this.setStateVar(this.__state); this.invalidateStyle(); return this.__get__emphasized(); }; v2.keyDown = function (e) { if (e.code == 32) { this.onPress(); } }; v2.keyUp = function (e) { if (e.code == 32) { this.onRelease(); } }; v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { super.onKillFocus(); if (this.phase != 'up') { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); } }; v1.symbolName = 'SimpleButton'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.SimpleButton; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'SimpleButton'; v2.style3dInset = 4; v2.btnOffset = 1; v2.__toggle = false; v2.__state = false; v2.__emphasized = false; v2.__emphatic = false; v1.falseUp = 0; v1.falseDown = 1; v1.falseOver = 2; v1.falseDisabled = 3; v1.trueUp = 4; v1.trueDown = 5; v1.trueOver = 6; v1.trueDisabled = 7; v2.falseUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp'; v2.falseDownSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.falseOverSkin = ''; v2.falseDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp'; v2.trueUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.trueDownSkin = ''; v2.trueOverSkin = ''; v2.trueDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.falseUpIcon = ''; v2.falseDownIcon = ''; v2.falseOverIcon = ''; v2.falseDisabledIcon = ''; v2.trueUpIcon = ''; v2.trueDownIcon = ''; v2.trueOverIcon = ''; v2.trueDisabledIcon = ''; v2.phase = 'up'; v2.fui = 'falseUpIcon'; v2.fus = 'falseUpSkin'; v2.fdi = 'falseDownIcon'; v2.fds = 'falseDownSkin'; v2.frs = 'falseOverSkin'; v2.fri = 'falseOverIcon'; v2.dfi = 'falseDisabledIcon'; v2.dfs = 'falseDisabledSkin'; = 'trueUpIcon'; v2.tus = 'trueUpSkin'; v2.tdi = 'trueDownIcon'; v2.tds = 'trueDownSkin'; v2.trs = 'trueOverSkin'; v2.tri = 'trueOverIcon'; v2.dts = 'trueDisabledSkin'; v2.dti = 'trueDisabledIcon'; v2.rolloverSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.frs; v2.rolloverIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fri; v2.upSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fus; v2.downSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fds; v2.disabledSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfs; v2.upIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fui; v2.downIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fdi; v2.disabledIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfi; v2.initializing = true; v2.idNames = ['fus', 'fds', 'frs', 'dfs', 'tus', 'tds', 'trs', 'dts', 'fui', 'fdi', 'fri', 'dfi', 'tui', 'tdi', 'tri', 'dti']; v2.stateNames = ['falseUp', 'falseDown', 'falseOver', 'falseDisabled', 'trueUp', 'trueDown', 'trueOver', 'trueDisabled']; v2.refNames = ['upSkin', 'downSkin', 'rolloverSkin', 'disabledSkin']; v2.tagMap = {'falseUpSkin': 0, 'falseDownSkin': 1, 'falseOverSkin': 2, 'falseDisabledSkin': 3, 'trueUpSkin': 4, 'trueDownSkin': 5, 'trueOverSkin': 6, 'trueDisabledSkin': 7, 'falseUpIcon': 0, 'falseDownIcon': 1, 'falseOverIcon': 2, 'falseDisabledIcon': 3, 'trueUpIcon': 4, 'trueDownIcon': 5, 'trueOverIcon': 6, 'trueDisabledIcon': 7}; v2.addProperty('emphasized', v2.__get__emphasized, v2.__set__emphasized); v2.addProperty('selected', v2.__get__selected, v2.__set__selected); v2.addProperty('toggle', v2.__get__toggle, v2.__set__toggle); v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, v2.__set__value); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2801 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.managers.SystemManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.init = function (Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized == false) { mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized = true;; Mouse.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); Stage.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener; } }; v1.addFocusManager = function (f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); }; v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) {}; v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) { var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v1.focusManager._onMouseDown(); }; v1.onResize = function (Void) { var v7 = Stage.width; var v6 = Stage.height; var v9 = _global.origWidth; var v8 = _global.origHeight; var v3 = Stage.align; var v5 = (v9 - v7) / 2; var v4 = (v8 - v6) / 2; if (v3 == 'T') { v4 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'B') { v4 = v8 - v6; } else { if (v3 == 'L') { v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'R') { v5 = v9 - v7; } else { if (v3 == 'LT') { v4 = 0; v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'TR') { v4 = 0; v5 = v9 - v7; } else { if (v3 == 'LB') { v4 = v8 - v6; v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'RB') { v4 = v8 - v6; v5 = v9 - v7; } } } } } } } } if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen = new Object(); } mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.x = v5; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.y = v4; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.width = v7; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.height = v6; _root.focusManager.relocate(); mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize'}); }; v1.__get__screen = function () { mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.onResize(); } return mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen; }; v1._initialized = false; v1.idleFrames = 0; v1.isMouseDown = false; v1.forms = new Array(); v1.addProperty('screen', v1.__get__screen, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.SystemManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2802 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.managers.FocusManager = v1; mx.managers.FocusManager extends mx.core.UIComponent; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__defaultPushButton = function () { return this.__defaultPushButton; }; v2.__set__defaultPushButton = function (x) { if (x != this.__defaultPushButton) { this.__defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(false); this.__defaultPushButton = x; this.defPushButton = x; x.__set__emphasized(true); } return this.__get__defaultPushButton(); }; v2.getMaxTabIndex = function (o) { var v3 = 0; var v6; for (v6 in o) { var v2 = o[v6]; if (v2._parent == o) { if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (v2.tabIndex > v3) { v3 = v2.tabIndex; } } if (v2.tabChildren == true) { var v4 = this.getMaxTabIndex(v2); if (v4 > v3) { v3 = v4; } } } } return v3; }; v2.getNextTabIndex = function (Void) { return this.getMaxTabIndex(this.form) + 1; }; v2.__get__nextTabIndex = function () { return this.getNextTabIndex(); }; v2.relocate = function (Void) { var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.__get__screen(); this.move(v2.x - 1, v2.y - 1); }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this.tabEnabled = false; this._height = 1; this._width = 1; this._y = -1; this._x = -1; this._alpha = 0; this._parent.focusManager = this; this._parent.tabChildren = true; this._parent.tabEnabled = false; this.form = this._parent; this._parent.addEventListener('hide', this); this._parent.addEventListener('reveal', this); mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager(this.form); this.tabCapture.tabIndex = 0;'enabled', this.enabledChanged); Selection.addListener(this); this.lastMouse = new Object(); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'focusManager', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabEnabled', 1); }; v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) { this._visible = newValue; return newValue; }; v2.activate = function (Void) { Key.addListener(this); this._visible = true; this.activated = this._visible; if (this.lastFocus != undefined) { this.bNeedFocus = true; if (!mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown) { this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus'); } } }; v2.deactivate = function (Void) { Key.removeListener(this); this._visible = false; this.activated = this._visible; var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus(); var v3 = this.getActualFocus(v2); if (this.isOurFocus(v3)) { this.lastSelFocus = v2; this.lastFocus = v3; } this.cancelAllDoLaters(); }; v2.isOurFocus = function (o) { if (o.focusManager == this) { return true; } while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return false; } if (o._parent == this._parent) { return true; } o = o._parent; } return false; }; v2.onSetFocus = function (o, n) { if (n == null) { if (this.activated) { this.bNeedFocus = true; } } else { var v2 = this.getFocus(); if (this.isOurFocus(v2)) { this.bNeedFocus = false; this.lastFocus = v2; this.lastSelFocus = n; } } }; v2.restoreFocus = function (Void) { var v2 = this.lastSelFocus.hscroll; if (v2 != undefined) { var v5 = this.lastSelFocus.scroll; var v4 = this.lastSelFocus.background; } this.lastFocus.setFocus(); var v3 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(v3.lastBeginIndex, v3.lastEndIndex); if (v2 != undefined) { this.lastSelFocus.scroll = v5; this.lastSelFocus.hscroll = v2; this.lastSelFocus.background = v4; } }; v2.onUnload = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager(this.form); }; v2.setFocus = function (o) { if (o == null) { Selection.setFocus(null); } else { if (o.setFocus == undefined) { Selection.setFocus(o); } else { o.setFocus(); } } }; v2.getActualFocus = function (o) { var v1 = o._parent; while (v1 != undefined) { if (v1.focusTextField != undefined) { while (v1.focusTextField != undefined) { o = v1; v1 = v1._parent; if (v1 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (v1.focusTextField == undefined) { return o; } } } if (v1.tabEnabled != true) { return o; } o = v1; v1 = o._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.getSelectionFocus = function () { var m = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval(m); return o; }; v2.getFocus = function (Void) { var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus(); return this.getActualFocus(v2); }; v2.walkTree = function (p, index, groupName, dir, lookup, firstChild) { var v5 = true; var v11; for (v11 in p) { var v2 = p[v11]; if (v2._parent == p && v2.enabled != false && v2._visible != false && (v2.tabEnabled == true || v2.tabEnabled != false && (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined || v2.onReleaseOutside != undefined || v2.onDragOut != undefined || v2.onDragOver != undefined || v2.onRollOver != undefined || v2.onRollOut != undefined || v2 instanceof TextField))) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (v2 != this._lastTarget) { if ((v2.groupName != undefined || groupName != undefined) && v2.groupName == groupName) { continue; } if (v2 instanceof TextField && v2.selectable == false) { continue; } if (v5 || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._firstNode.groupName && v2.selected == true) { if (firstChild) { this._firstNode = v2; firstChild = false; } } if (this._nextIsNext == true) { if (v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._nextNode.groupName && v2.selected == true || this._nextNode == undefined && (v2.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName != groupName)) { this._nextNode = v2; } } if (v2.groupName == undefined || groupName != v2.groupName) { if (this._lastx.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._lastx.groupName && this._lastx.selected == true) { } else { this._lastx = v2; } } } else { this._prevNode = this._lastx; this._needPrev = false; this._nextIsNext = true; } if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (v2.tabIndex == index) { if (this._foundList[v2._name] == undefined) { if (this._needPrev) { this._prevObj = v2; this._needPrev = false; } this._nextObj = v2; } } if (dir && v2.tabIndex > index) { if (this._nextObj == undefined || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._nextObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._nextObj.groupName) || this._nextObj.groupName != undefined && this._nextObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._nextObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex)) { this._nextObj = v2; } } else { if (!dir && v2.tabIndex < index) { if (this._prevObj == undefined || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._prevObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._prevObj.groupName) || this._prevObj.groupName != undefined && this._prevObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._prevObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex)) { this._prevObj = v2; } } } if (this._firstObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._firstObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._firstObj.groupName) || this._firstObj.groupName != undefined && this._firstObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._firstObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex)) { this._firstObj = v2; } if (this._lastObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._lastObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._lastObj.groupName) || this._lastObj.groupName != undefined && this._lastObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._lastObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex)) { this._lastObj = v2; } } if (v2.tabChildren) { this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild); } v5 = false; } else { if (v2._parent == p && v2.tabChildren == true && v2._visible != false) { if (v2 == this._lastTarget) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (this._prevNode == undefined) { var v3 = this._lastx; var v7 = false; while (v3 != undefined) { if (v3 == v2) { v7 = true; break; } v3 = v3._parent; } if (v7 == false) { this._prevNode = this._lastx; } } this._needPrev = false; if (this._nextNode == undefined) { this._nextIsNext = true; } } else { if (!(v2.focusManager != undefined && v2.focusManager._parent == v2)) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild); } } v5 = false; } } } this._lastNode = this._lastx; if (lookup) { if (p._parent != undefined) { if (p != this._parent) { if (this._prevNode == undefined && dir) { this._needPrev = true; } else { if (this._nextNode == undefined && !dir) { this._nextIsNext = false; } } this._lastTarget = this._lastTarget._parent; this.getTabCandidate(p._parent, index, groupName, dir, true); } } } }; v2.getTabCandidate = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { var v2; var v3 = true; if (o == this._parent) { v2 = o; v3 = false; } else { v2 = o._parent; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = o; v3 = false; } } this.walkTree(v2, index, groupName, dir, v3, firstChild); }; v2.getTabCandidateFromChildren = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { this.walkTree(o, index, groupName, dir, false, firstChild); }; v2.getFocusManagerFromObject = function (o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return o.focusManager; } o = o._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.tabHandler = function (Void) { this.bDrawFocus = true; var v5 = this.getSelectionFocus(); var v4 = this.getActualFocus(v5); if (v4 != v5) { v5 = v4; } if (this.getFocusManagerFromObject(v5) != this) { v5 == undefined; } if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = this.form; } else { if (v5.tabIndex != undefined) { if (this._foundList != undefined || this._foundList.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v5.tabIndex; } this._foundList[v5._name] = v5; } } var v3 = Key.isDown(16) != true; this._searchKey = getTimer(); this._needPrev = true; this._nextIsNext = false; this._lastx = undefined; this._firstNode = undefined; this._lastNode = undefined; this._nextNode = undefined; this._prevNode = undefined; this._firstObj = undefined; this._lastObj = undefined; this._nextObj = undefined; this._prevObj = undefined; this._lastTarget = v5; var v6 = v5; this.getTabCandidate(v6, (v5.tabIndex == undefined) ? 0 : v5.tabIndex, v5.groupName, v3, true); var v2; if (v3) { if (this._nextObj != undefined) { v2 = this._nextObj; } else { v2 = this._firstObj; } } else { if (this._prevObj != undefined) { v2 = this._prevObj; } else { v2 = this._lastObj; } } if (v2.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex; this._foundList[v2._name] = v2; } else { if (this._foundList == undefined) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex; } this._foundList[v2._name] = v2; } if (v2 == undefined) { if (v3 == false) { if (this._nextNode != undefined) { v2 = this._nextNode; } else { v2 = this._firstNode; } } else { if (this._prevNode == undefined || v5 == this.form) { v2 = this._lastNode; } else { v2 = this._prevNode; } } } if (v2 == undefined) { return undefined; } this.lastTabFocus = v2; this.setFocus(v2); if (v2.emphasized != undefined) { if (this.defPushButton != undefined) { v5 = this.defPushButton; this.defPushButton = mx.controls.SimpleButton(v2); v5.emphasized = false; v2.emphasized = true; } } else { if (this.defPushButton != undefined && this.defPushButton != this.__defaultPushButton) { v5 = this.defPushButton; this.defPushButton = this.__defaultPushButton; v5.emphasized = false; this.__defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(true); } } }; v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; if (this.defaultPushButtonEnabled) { if (Key.getCode() == 13) { if (this.__get__defaultPushButton() != undefined) { this.doLater(this, 'sendDefaultPushButtonEvent'); } } } }; v2.sendDefaultPushButtonEvent = function (Void) { this.defPushButton.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); }; v2.getMousedComponentFromChildren = function (x, y, o) { for (var v7 in o) { var v2 = o[v7]; if (v2._visible && v2.enabled && v2._parent == o && v2._searchKey != this._searchKey) { v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (v2.hitTest(x, y, true)) { if (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined) { return v2; } var v3 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, v2); if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } return v2; } } } return undefined; }; v2.mouseActivate = function (Void) { if (!this.bNeedFocus) { return undefined; } this._searchKey = getTimer(); var v2 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(this.lastMouse.x, this.lastMouse.y, this.form); if (v2 instanceof mx.core.UIComponent) { return undefined; } v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(v2); if (v2 == this.lastFocus) { return undefined; } if (v2 == undefined) { this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus'); return undefined; } var v3 = v2.hscroll; if (v3 != undefined) { var v6 = v2.scroll; var v5 = v2.background; } this.setFocus(v2); var v4 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(v4.lastBeginIndex, v4.lastEndIndex); if (v3 != undefined) { v2.scroll = v6; v2.hscroll = v3; v2.background = v5; } }; v2._onMouseDown = function (Void) { this.bDrawFocus = false; if (this.lastFocus != undefined) { this.lastFocus.drawFocus(false); } mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; var v3 = Selection; v3.lastBeginIndex = Selection.getBeginIndex(); v3.lastEndIndex = Selection.getEndIndex(); this.lastMouse.x = _root._xmouse; this.lastMouse.y = _root._ymouse; _root.localToGlobal(this.lastMouse); }; v2.onMouseUp = function (Void) { if (this._visible) { this.doLater(this, 'mouseActivate'); } }; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.type == 'reveal') { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(this.form); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(this.form); } }; v1.enableFocusManagement = function () { if (!mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized) { mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized = true; Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } } }; v1.symbolName = 'FocusManager'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.managers.FocusManager; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'FocusManager'; v2.bNeedFocus = false; v2.bDrawFocus = false; v2.defaultPushButtonEnabled = true; v2.activated = true; v1.initialized = false; v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; v2.addProperty('defaultPushButton', v2.__get__defaultPushButton, v2.__set__defaultPushButton); v2.addProperty('nextTabIndex', v2.__get__nextTabIndex, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.FocusManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2803 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; }; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect = v1; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect extends mx.skins.SkinElement; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.draw = function (o) { o.adjustFocusRect(); }; v2.setSize = function (w, h, r, a, rectCol) { this._yscale = 100; this._xscale = 100; this.clear(); if (typeof r == 'object') { = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); this.endFill(); = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); this.endFill(); } else { var v5; if (r != 0) { v5 = r - 2; } else { v5 = 0; } this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); if (r != 0) { v5 = r - 2; r -= 1; } else { v5 = 0; r = 0; } this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5); this.endFill(); } }; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.type == 'unload') { this._visible = true; } else { if (e.type == 'resize') {; } else { if (e.type == 'move') {; } } } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus = function (focused) { var v2 = this._parent.focus_mc; if (!focused) { v2._visible = false; this.removeEventListener('unload', v2); this.removeEventListener('move', v2); this.removeEventListener('resize', v2); } else { if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = this._parent.createChildAtDepth('FocusRect', mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop); v2.tabEnabled = false; this._parent.focus_mc = v2; } else { v2._visible = true; } v2.draw(this); if (v2.getDepth() < this.getDepth()) { v2.setDepthAbove(this); } this.addEventListener('unload', v2); this.addEventListener('move', v2); this.addEventListener('resize', v2); } }; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () { var v2 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = 8453965; } var v3 = this._parent.focus_mc; v3.setSize(this.width + 4, this.height + 4, 0, 100, v2); v3.move(this.x - 2, this.y - 2); }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.adjustFocusRect = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.classConstruct(); v1.DefaultsDependency = mx.skins.halo.Defaults; v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2804 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.checkIdle = function (Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames > 10) { mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'idle'}); } else { ++mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames; } }; v1.__addEventListener = function (e, o, l) { if (e == 'idle') { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.interval == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.interval = setInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle, 100); } } mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener(e, o, l); }; v1.__removeEventListener = function (e, o, l) { if (e == 'idle') { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l) == 0) { clearInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.interval); } } else { mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l); } }; v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = true; var v5 = _root; var v3; var v8 = _root._xmouse; var v7 = _root._ymouse; if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form.modalWindow == undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v6 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v4; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v4]; if (v2._visible) { if (v2.hitTest(v8, v7)) { if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = v2.getDepth(); v5 = v2; } else { if (v3 < v2.getDepth()) { v3 = v2.getDepth(); v5 = v2; } } } } ++v4; } if (v5 != mx.managers.SystemManager.form) { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(v5); } } } var v9 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v9.focusManager._onMouseDown(); }; v1.onMouseMove = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; }; v1.onMouseUp = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = false; mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; }; v1.activate = function (f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v1.focusManager.deactivate(); } } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); }; v1.deactivate = function (f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v5.focusManager.deactivate(); var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v1; var v2; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) { v1 += 1; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) { v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]; } ++v1; } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = v2; break; } else { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) { v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]; } } ++v1; } v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v5.focusManager.activate(); } } }; v1.addFocusManager = function (f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.push(f); mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(f); }; v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) { var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(f); } mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } }; v1.enableOverlappedWindows = function () { if (!mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized) { mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized = true; mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.checkIdle; mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseDown = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseDown; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseMove = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseMove; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseUp = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseUp; mx.managers.SystemManager.activate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.activate; mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.deactivate; mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.addFocusManager; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.removeFocusManager; } }; v1.initialized = false; v1.SystemManagerDependency = mx.managers.SystemManager; ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2805 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSSetStyle = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2._setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) { this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp] != undefined) { if (styleProp == 'color') { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } } _level0.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); return undefined; } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } if (styleProp == 'themeColor') { var v7 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var v6 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var v8 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var v4 = {}; v4[v7] = 12188666; v4[v6] = 13500353; v4[v8] = 16766319; var v5 = {}; v5[v7] = 13958653; v5[v6] = 14942166; v5[v8] = 16772787; var v9 = v4[newValue]; var v10 = v5[newValue]; if (v9 == undefined) { v9 = newValue; } if (v10 == undefined) { v10 = newValue; } this.setStyle('selectionColor', v9); this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v10); } _level0.changeColorStyleInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue); } else { if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } _level0.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue); } }; v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = function (styleProp) { var v4 = getTimer(); var v5; for (v5 in this) { var v2 = this[v5]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v4) { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete; delete v2.stylecache[styleProp]; } v2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); v2.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); v2.searchKey = v4; } } } }; v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = function (sheetName, colorStyle, newValue) { var v6 = getTimer(); var v7; for (v7 in this) { var v2 = this[v7]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v6) { if (v2.getStyleName() == sheetName || sheetName == undefined || sheetName == '_global') { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete v2.stylecache[colorStyle]; } if (typeof v2._color == 'string') { if (v2._color == colorStyle) { var v4 = v2.getStyle(colorStyle); if (colorStyle == 'color') { if ( != undefined) { = v4; } } v2.setColor(v4); } } else { if (v2._color[colorStyle] != undefined) { if (typeof v2 != 'movieclip') { v2._parent.invalidateStyle(); } else { v2.invalidateStyle(colorStyle); } } } } v2.changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue); v2.searchKey = v6; } } } }; v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = function (sheetName, styleProp, newValue) { var v5 = getTimer(); var v6; for (v6 in this) { var v2 = this[v6]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v5) { if (v2.styleName == sheetName || v2.styleName != undefined && typeof v2.styleName == 'movieclip' || sheetName == undefined) { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete v2.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } delete v2.enabledColor; v2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue); v2.searchKey = v5; } } } }; v2.setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) { if (this.stylecache != undefined) { delete this.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } if (styleProp == 'themeColor') { var v10 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var v9 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var v11 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var v6 = {}; v6[v10] = 12188666; v6[v9] = 13500353; v6[v11] = 16766319; var v7 = {}; v7[v10] = 13958653; v7[v9] = 14942166; v7[v11] = 16772787; var v12 = v6[newValue]; var v13 = v7[newValue]; if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = newValue; } if (v13 == undefined) { v13 = newValue; } this.setStyle('selectionColor', v12); this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v13); } if (typeof this._color == 'string') { if (this._color == styleProp) { if (styleProp == 'color') { if ( != undefined) { = newValue; } } this.setColor(newValue); } } else { if (this._color[styleProp] != undefined) { this.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } } this.changeColorStyleInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } else { if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } this.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || styleProp == 'styleName') { var v8; var v5 = newValue; if (styleProp == 'styleName') { v8 = (typeof newValue == 'string') ? _global.styles[newValue] : v5; v5 = v8.themeColor; if (v5 != undefined) { v8.selectionColor = v5; v8.rollOverColor = v8.selectionColor; } } this.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } }; v1.enableRunTimeCSS = function () {}; v1.classConstruct = function () { var v2 = MovieClip.prototype; var v3 = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setStyle = v3._setStyle; v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren; v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = v3.changeColorStyleInChildren; v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = v3.notifyStyleChangeInChildren; v2.setStyle = v3.setStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeTextStyleInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeColorStyleInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'setStyle', 1); var v4 = TextField.prototype; v4.setStyle = v2.setStyle; v4.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.classConstruct(); v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2806 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.Extensions = function () { if (mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended == true) { return true; } mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended = true; TextField.prototype.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus) { this.drawFocus(true); } } }; TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { this.drawFocus(false); } }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.getFocusManager = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.getFocusManager; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.enableOverlappedWindows(); mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.enableRunTimeCSS(); mx.managers.FocusManager.enableFocusManagement(); }; v1.bExtended = false; v1.UIComponentExtended = mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.Extensions(); v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.FocusManagerDependency = mx.managers.FocusManager; v1.OverlappedWindowsDependency = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows; ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 269 { frame 1 { cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 273 { } movieClip 276 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 278 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 280 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 282 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 284 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 286 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 288 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 290 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 292 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 295 { } movieClip 297 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 301 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 302 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { _root.hideFromCam(this); if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound)) { if (_root.hero.heroPlay) { if (this.gotoCutscene) { ++_root.currentLevel; _root.hud.fader.gotoAndPlay('cutScene'); } else {; } } _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.eagle.stay = false; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; } }; } } movieClip 305 { frame 1 { var currentImg; currentImg = attachMovie(_parent._parent.iconPick, 'newItem' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } } movieClip 306 { } movieClip 309 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } } movieClip 311 { } // unknown tag 88 length 88 movieClip 315 { } movieClip 316 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } instance of movieClip 315 { onClipEvent (load) { var i = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (i == 0) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(_parent.bound)) { _visible = true; if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (_root.hero._x > _parent._x) { _parent._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.currentConvo = _parent.convoPick;; _root.stage_mc.goal._x = _root.stage_mc.goal.X; _root.stage_mc.goal._y = _root.stage_mc.goal.Y; i = 1; } } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } this._xscale = _parent._xscale; } } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 341 { frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 59 { if (_root.hero._x > _parent._x) { _parent._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.currentConvo = _parent.convoPick;; } frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 342 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { _root.hideFromCam(this); if (_root.currentLevel == 6) { if (_root.currentConvo < 6) { if (_root.stage_mc.conov3Done) { if (_parent.inRoom1) { this._x = 2506; this._y = -1736.95; } else { this._x = 772; this._y = -557.55; } } } } }; } instance talk of movieClip 315 { onClipEvent (load) { var i = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (i == 0) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(_parent.bound)) { _visible = true; if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (_parent._currentframe == 2) { _parent.hitting.gotoAndPlay('talk'); _root.hero.heroPlay = false; i = 1; } else { if (_root.hero._x > _parent._x) { _parent._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.currentConvo = _parent.convoPick; if (_root.currentLevel == 6) { if (_parent.convoPick < 6) { ++_parent.convoPick; } if (_parent.convoPick == 4 && _root.punchStyle2) { _root.currentConvo = 7; _root.stage_mc.goal._x = _root.stage_mc.goal.X; _root.stage_mc.goal._y = _root.stage_mc.goal.Y; } }; i = 1; } } } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } if (_root.currentConvo >= 3 && _root.currentConvo <= 4) { } else { if (_root.hero.hitTest(_parent.bound)) { } else { i = 0; } } this._xscale = _parent._xscale; } } } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 346 { } movieClip 347 stage1 { frame 1 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); _root.saveGame(); if (_root.currentLevel == 19.5) { _root.currentLevel = 19; } var conov3Done = false; var inRoom1 = false; _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.theme != undefined) { _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } trace('penis'); }; } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x / 1.5 - _root.stage_mc._x; _y = _root.vcam._y / 1.5 - _root.stage_mc._y; } } instance of movieClip 273 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x / 2 - _root.stage_mc._x; _y = _root.vcam._y / 2 - _root.stage_mc._y + 200; } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var lightUp = false; var lightray; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this) or _root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (!lightUp) { lightray = _root.attachMovie('lensFlare', 'frontground', 98); lightray._x = this._x + _width / 2; lightray._y = this._y + _height / 2; } lightUp = true; } else { if (lightUp) { lightray.gotoAndPlay('out'); lightUp = false; } } lightray._x = _root.vcam._x / 3.5 - _root.stage_mc._x + 80; lightray._y = _root.vcam._y / 1.5 - _root.stage_mc._y - 200; } } instance door2 of movieClip 297 { onClipEvent (load) { var heroEnter = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.hero.onGround) { if (!heroEnter) { if (Key.isDown(40) && _root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.hero.gotoAndStop('enterDoor'); heroEnter = true; } } if (heroEnter) { _root.hero._x += (_x - _root.hero._x - _root.stage_mc._x) / 7; if (_root.hero.enterDoor._currentframe == 44) { _root.hero._x = _parent.door1._x - _root.stage_mc._x; _root.hero._y = _parent.door1._y - _root.stage_mc._y; _parent.inRoom1 = false; heroEnter = false; } } } } } instance door1 of movieClip 297 { onClipEvent (load) { var heroEnter = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.hero.onGround) { if (!heroEnter) { if (Key.isDown(40) && _root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.hero.gotoAndStop('enterDoor'); if (_root.currentLevel == 6) { = 0; } heroEnter = true; } } if (heroEnter) { _root.hero._x += (_x - _root.hero._x - _root.stage_mc._x) / 7; if (_root.hero.enterDoor._currentframe == 44) { _root.hero._x = _parent.door2._x - _root.stage_mc._x; _root.hero._y = _parent.door2._y - _root.stage_mc._y; _parent.inRoom1 = true; heroEnter = false; } } } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this)) { _parent.pde._visible = true; } else { _parent.pde._visible = false; } } } instance goal of movieClip 302 { onClipEvent (load) { var X = _x; var Y = _y; if (_root.currentLevel != 25) { _x = _x + 1000; } } } instance upgrade of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { var iconPick = 'item2punch'; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_visible) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.punchStyle2 = true; _root.punchStyle = '2punch'; _root.hero.punchStyle = '2punch'; _root.stage_mc.goal._x = _root.stage_mc.goal.X; _root.stage_mc.goal._y = _root.stage_mc.goal.Y; _root.hero.hudToHero();; } } } if (this._currentframe == 25) { if (_root.hero._x < _root.stage_mc.blacksmith._x) { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.currentConvo = 5; _root.stage_mc.blacksmith.convoPick = 6;; } } } instance upgrade2 of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { var iconPick = 'item2sword'; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_visible) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.swordStyle2 = true; _root.weaponStyle = '2sword'; _root.hero.weaponStyle = '2sword'; _root.stage_mc.goal._x = _root.stage_mc.goal.X; _root.stage_mc.goal._y = _root.stage_mc.goal.Y; _root.hero.hudToHero();; } } } if (this._currentframe == 58) { if (_root.hero._x < _root.stage_mc.eivana._x) { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.currentConvo = 11;; } } } instance upgrade4 of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { var iconPick = 'item3sword'; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_visible) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.swordStyle3 = true; _root.weaponStyle = '3sword'; _root.hero.weaponStyle = '3sword'; _root.stage_mc.goal._x = _root.stage_mc.goal.X; _root.stage_mc.goal._y = _root.stage_mc.goal.Y; _root.hero.hudToHero();; } } } } } instance upgrade3 of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { var iconPick = 'item3punch'; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_visible) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.punchStyle3 = true; _root.punchStyle = '3punch'; _root.hero.punchStyle = '3punch'; _root.stage_mc.goal._x = _root.stage_mc.goal.X; _root.stage_mc.goal._y = _root.stage_mc.goal.Y; _root.hero.hudToHero();; } } } } } instance eivana of movieClip 316 { onClipEvent (load) { var convoPick = 0; switch (_root.currentLevel) { case 1: convoPick = 1; break; case 6: _visible = false; _x = _x + 1000; break; case 12: convoPick = 9; break; case 19: convoPick = 14; break; case 25: _visible = false; _x = _x + 1000; break; default: convoPick = 0; } } } instance blacksmith of movieClip 342 { onClipEvent (load) { var convoPick = 0; switch (_root.currentLevel) { case 1: gotoAndStop(2); _xscale = -100; convoPick = 2; break; case 6: gotoAndStop(1); convoPick = 3; _x = 722; _y = -557.55; _xscale = -100; break; case 12: gotoAndStop(2); _xscale = -100; convoPick = 10; break; case 19: gotoAndStop(2); _xscale = -100; convoPick = 10; break; case 25: gotoAndStop(1); convoPick = 10; _x = 722; _y = -557.55; _xscale = -100; break; default: convoPick = 0; } } } instance loneWarrior of movieClip 344 { onClipEvent (load) { switch (_root.currentLevel) { case 1: _visible = false; break; case 6: _visible = false; break; case 12: _visible = false; break; case 19: _visible = true; gotoAndStop(8); break; case 25: _visible = false; _x = _x + 1000; } } } } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 352 { } movieClip 354 { } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 362 { } movieClip 363 { frame 1 { i = 1; while (i < 7) { _root.hideFromCam(this['mt' + i]); ++i; } } } movieClip 365 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 367 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 369 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 370 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 371 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 375 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 383 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 119 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; stop(); } } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 387 { frame 1 { _xscale = 100; _visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 3 && _root.hero._xscale == this._xscale && !_root.hero.onGround) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('edge'); if (_root.speedStats >= 2) { if (_root.hero.edge._currentframe < 64) { _root.hero.edge.gotoAndPlay('grab2'); } } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 4) { if (_root.hero.edge._currentframe <= 37 or _root.hero.edge._currentframe > 63 && _root.hero.edge._currentframe < 70) { _root.hero._x = this._x + _root.stage_mc._x; } _root.hero._y = this._y + _root.stage_mc._y; _root.hero.xSpeed = 0; _root.hero.gravity = 0; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; } } } frame 2 { _xscale = 100; _visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 3 && _root.hero._xscale == this._xscale && !_root.hero.onGround) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('edge'); if (_root.speedStats >= 2) { if (_root.hero.edge._currentframe < 64) { _root.hero.edge.gotoAndPlay('grab2'); } } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 4) { if (_root.hero.edge._currentframe <= 37 or _root.hero.edge._currentframe > 63 && _root.hero.edge._currentframe < 70) { _root.hero._x = this._x + _root.stage_mc._x; } _root.hero._y = this._y + _root.stage_mc._y; _root.hero.xSpeed = 0; _root.hero.gravity = 0; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; } } } } movieClip 389 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 393 Key { frame 1 { var holdKey = false; var touched = false; var gravity = 0; var removeFromExistence = false; } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (removeFromExistence) { _visible = false; _x = 10000; _y = 10000; } else { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { if (_root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { _root.eagle.grab = true; _root.eagle.grabbed = this; touched = true; holdKey = true; } else { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null; holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (touched && _root.eagle.grabbed != this) { gravity -= 0.25; _y = _y - gravity; while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + _height, true)) { _y = _y - 0.5; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y - _height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y - _height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - _height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; } } } }; } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 22 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 399 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe < 30) { if (life > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.attack.hit)) { if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } life -= _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { this.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } }; } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 80 { stop(); } } movieClip 401 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 405 { } movieClip 408 { } movieClip 409 stage2 { frame 1 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } instance of movieClip 389 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.key1)) { if (_parent.ground.door1._currentframe == 1) { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null;; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.hero.hudToHero(); _root.vcam.Target = this; _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; _parent.key1.removeFromExistence = true; } } } instance of movieClip 399 { onClipEvent (load) { var life = 30; } } instance of movieClip 399 { onClipEvent (load) { var life = 30; } } instance of movieClip 399 { onClipEvent (load) { var life = 30; } } } movieClip 410 { } movieClip 412 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 414 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 421 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } movieClip 422 { } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 426 { frame 1 { _xscale = -100; _visible = false; grabEdge = function () { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 3 && _root.hero._xscale == this._xscale && !_root.hero.onGround) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('edge'); if (_root.speedStats >= 2) { if (_root.hero.edge._currentframe < 64) { _root.hero.edge.gotoAndPlay('grab2'); } } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 4) { if (_root.hero.edge._currentframe <= 37 or _root.hero.edge._currentframe > 63 && _root.hero.edge._currentframe < 70) { _root.hero._x = this._x + _root.stage_mc._x; } _root.hero._y = this._y + _root.stage_mc._y; _root.hero.xSpeed = 0; _root.hero.gravity = 0; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; } } }; grabEdge(); } frame 2 { grabEdge(); } } movieClip 428 { frame 1 { _visible = false; var newEnemy; newEnemy = _parent.attachMovie('Enemy1', 'enemy' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newEnemy._x = this._x; newEnemy._y = this._y; } } movieClip 431 { } movieClip 434 { frame 1 { if (_root['track' + ID + 'Unlocked'] == true) { gotoAndStop(100); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe < 3) { _root['track' + ID + 'Unlocked'] = true; _root.saveBonus(); gotoAndPlay(3); } } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { play(); } frame 101 { stop(); } } movieClip 435 stage3 { instance of movieClip 389 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.key1)) { if (_parent.ground.door1._currentframe == 1) { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null;; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.hero.hudToHero(); _root.vcam.Target = this; _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; _parent.key1.removeFromExistence = true; } } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 1; } } } movieClip 437 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 439 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 440 { } movieClip 442 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 445 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 448 { } movieClip 451 { } movieClip 456 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe < 3) { += 5; this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 460 { } movieClip 461 stage4 { instance of movieClip 458 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } instance of movieClip 460 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.hideFromCam(this); if (_root.specialStyle == 'heal') { } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 463 { } movieClip 470 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } movieClip 471 { } movieClip 476 { } movieClip 483 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 484 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } } movieClip 485 stage5 { instance of movieClip 389 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.key1)) { if (_parent.ground.door1._currentframe == 1) { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null;; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.hero.hudToHero(); _root.vcam.Target = this; _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; _parent.key1.removeFromExistence = true; } } } instance of movieClip 483 { onClipEvent (load) { var containments; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { containments = _parent.attachMovie('Key', 'key1', _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); containments._x = this._x; containments._y = this._y - _height;; } } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { var iconPick = 'itempowerBlast'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.powerBlastUnlocked = true;; } } } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 2; } } } movieClip 487 { } movieClip 491 { } movieClip 510 { frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } movieClip 513 { } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 522 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 569 { frame 1 { _parent.nextAttack = false; } frame 31 { if (_parent.nextAttack) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit2'); } } frame 54 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 56 { _parent.nextAttack = false; _parent.xSpeed += 5 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 73 { if (_parent.nextAttack) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit3'); } } frame 104 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 106 { _parent.nextAttack = false; } frame 115 { _parent.xSpeed += 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 143 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 145 { _root.vcam.Target = _parent; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; } frame 187 { _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; var i = 0; var newGroundCut; var dist = 200; i = 0; while (i < 10) { newGroundCut = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('groundCut', 'groundCut' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newGroundCut._x = _parent._x + dist; newGroundCut._y = _parent._y; dist += 200; ++i; } i = 0; dist = 100; i = 0; while (i < 10) { newGroundCut = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('groundCut', 'groundCut' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newGroundCut._x = _parent._x - dist; newGroundCut._y = _parent._y; dist += 200; ++i; } } frame 260 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 594 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 120 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; _parent.bossPlay = true; if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.trackVolume = 100; _root.currentTrack.setVolume(_root.trackVolume); _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 610 { frame 22 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 53 { gotoAndPlay('spin'); } frame 76 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 715 { frame 12 { if (_root.survivalMode) {; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } else { _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; } } frame 136 { stop(); _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.hud.fader.gotoAndPlay('cutScene'); } } } movieClip 716 { frame 1 { _root.vcam.Target = _parent; if (_root.survivalMode) { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; } else { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; } _root.vcam.targetScale = 70; _parent.xspeed = 0; } frame 147 { stop(); if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); } ++_root.survivalScore; } } movieClip 717 Boss1 { frame 1 { var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var scoutDist = 200; var scoutDistOrig = scoutDist; var walkSpeed = 1.5; var runSpeed = 3; var eyeSight = 500; var life = 300; var lifeTotal = 300; var intellect = 2; var stunned = 0; var stunnedOrig = 15; var onGround = false; var scout = true; _xscale = -100; var nextAttack = false; damageColor = new Color(this); var exhausted = false; var countTillUlti = 800; var countTillUltiOrig = 800; if (_root.survivalMode) { var bossPlay = true; } else { var bossPlay = false; } } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bar._xscale = ( / _parent.lifeTotal) * 100; this._xscale = _parent._xscale; if ( <= 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (bossPlay) { if (life > 0) { if ( > 0) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { if (life >= 70) { _x = _x - 1; } else { _x = _x - 5; if (this.walk._currentframe < 31) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('run'); } } _xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { if (life >= 70) { _x = _x + 1; } else { _x = _x + 5; if (this.walk._currentframe < 31) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('run'); } } _xscale = 100; } } } } if (life > 200) { stunnedOrig = 15; exhausted = true; } else { if (life > 100) { exhausted = true; stunnedOrig = 12; } else { if (life > 70) { stunnedOrig = 9; exhausted = true; } else { stunnedOrig = 9; exhausted = false; } } } if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) && > 0) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (_root.hero._currentframe != 6) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit)) { nextAttack = true; if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); } _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 5 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 3 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 3; } _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit2)) { nextAttack = true; if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _root.hero.xSpeed = 7 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 5 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 5; } _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit3)) { nextAttack = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 9; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 13 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 7 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 7; } _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } } if ( <= 0) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('taunt'); }; } if (countTillUlti > 0) { --countTillUlti; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti'); countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this.bound)) { if (exhausted) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 180) { if (_root.hero.hitPowerY > 0) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 10) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } } } else { stunned = stunnedOrig; } if (_root.hero.hitPowerY > 15) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); } if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.XP += _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; _root.xpSpawn(this); } _root.hero.iSpecial += (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 15; life -= (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 1.5; xSpeed = _root.hero.xSpeed + (_root.hero.hitPower / 2.5) * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); gravity = _root.hero.hitPowerY / 2; _root.vcam.xSpeed = _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / 1.5; _root.vcam.ySpeed = _root.hero.hitPowerY * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / -3; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 10) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].hit)) { if (exhausted) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } else { stunned = stunnedOrig; } this.xSpeed = 10 * (_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3]._xscale / 100); -= 15; _root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].gotoAndPlay('boom'); } ++v3; } if (stunned > 1) { this.attack.stop(); damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '0', 'rb': '255', 'ga': '0', 'gb': '255', 'ba': '0', 'bb': '255', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); --stunned; } else { if (stunned == 1) {; damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); stunned = 0; } } } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (life <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('die'); damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); } if (this.hurt._currentframe > 27 && this.hurt._currentframe < 53 && onGround) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); } } else { gotoAndStop('taunt'); } if (_root.vcam.Target == this && this._currentframe == 3 && > 0) { _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 718 stage6 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 10) { _root.attachMovie('stage6Obj', 'frontground', 98); } onEnterFrame = function () { _root.currentTrack.setVolume(_root.trackVolume); if (_root.trackVolume > 0) { --_root.trackVolume; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var doStuff = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (doStuff) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _parent.boss; _root.vcam.targetScale = 70;; doStuff = false; } } } } } movieClip 720 stage6Obj { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(_root.frontgroundDepth); } } movieClip 723 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 726 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); _parent._parent.attachMovie('spawnEnemy2', 'newSpawn', _parent._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); _parent._parent.newSpawn._x = -356; _parent._parent.newSpawn._y = -120; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.eagle.eagleStay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } movieClip 727 { instance door1 of movieClip 726 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } } movieClip 770 { frame 6 { if (_parent.eaglePlay or _parent.stay) { _root.sound.wing.start(0, 1); } } } movieClip 772 { } movieClip 773 stage7 { frame 1 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var i = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (i == 0) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _parent.ground.door1; _root.vcam.targetScale = 150;; i = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { var iconPick = 'itemdoubleBlow'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.doubleBlowUnlocked = true;; } } } } } movieClip 782 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } movieClip 783 { instance door1 of movieClip 782 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.hideFromCam(); } } } movieClip 785 { } movieClip 787 spawnEnemy2 { frame 1 { _visible = false; var newEnemy; newEnemy = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('Enemy2', 'enemy' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newEnemy._x = this._x; newEnemy._y = this._y; } } movieClip 789 { } movieClip 791 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 793 { } movieClip 794 stage8 { instance unlockEvent of movieClip 389 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.key1)) { if (_parent.ground.door1._currentframe == 1) { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null;; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.hero.hudToHero(); _root.vcam.Target = _parent.camTarget; _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; _parent.key1.removeFromExistence = true; } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var activeated = false; var counter = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!activated) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero)) { _root.vcam.Target = _parent.unlockEvent; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _parent.attachMovie('Key', 'key1', _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); _parent.key1._x = -62; _parent.key1._y = 336; activated = true; } } else { if (counter > 0) { --counter; } else { if (counter == 0) { _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; counter = -1; } } } } } instance death of movieClip 789 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { = 0; } if (this.hitTest(_root.eagle._x, _root.eagle._y, true)) { _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; } _visible = false; if (_parent.ground.door1._currentframe != 1) { _x = _x + 10000; } } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 3; } } instance of movieClip 793 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.ground.door1._currentframe == 92) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 796 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 799 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { while (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y - _root.hero.bound._height, true)) { _root.hero._x += 1 * -(_root.hero._xscale / 100); } }; } } movieClip 800 { } movieClip 802 { frame 1 { var isOn = false; } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed == this) { if (!isOn) { _root.sound.chainSound.start(0, 1000); isOn = true; } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { _root.sound.chainSound.setVolume(100); } else { _root.sound.chainSound.setVolume(0); } } else { _root.sound.chainSound.setVolume(0); _root.sound.chainSound.stop(); isOn = false; } } else { _root.sound.chainSound.setVolume(0); _root.sound.chainSound.stop(); isOn = false; } }; } frame 21 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 803 stage9 { instance of movieClip 802 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _x; Y = _y; var targetGate = _root.stage_mc.ground.gate1; alignY = targetGate._y - _y; var holdKey = false; var touched = false; var rope_mc = _root.stage_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('rope', _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { targetGate._y = Y + alignY + (_y - Y) * -1.5; if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { if (_root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { _root.eagle.grab = true; _root.eagle.grabbed = this; touched = true; holdKey = true; } else { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null; holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (_root.eagle.grabbed == this) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 1.5; while (_root.eagle._x > X + 100) { --_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._x < X - 100) { ++_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = 2; } while (_root.eagle._y > Y + 200) { --_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._y < Y) { ++_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = 2; } } else { if (_root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed == 1.5) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 12; } if (_x > X) { _x = _x - 1; } if (_x < X) { _x = _x + 1; } if (_y > Y) { _y = _y - 1; } } if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.eagle.grabbed == this && !_root.eagle.stay) { _root.eagle.grabbed = null; } rope_mc.clear(); rope_mc.lineStyle(2, 0); rope_mc.moveTo(X, Y - 30); rope_mc.lineTo(_x, _y); } } } movieClip 807 { } movieClip 809 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 101 { stop(); _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; } } movieClip 811 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 812 { instance of movieClip 811 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } if (this._currentframe == 7 && _root.stage_mc.ground.door1._currentframe == 1) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.camTarget;; } } } } movieClip 813 stage10 { instance of movieClip 802 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _x; Y = _y; var targetGate = _root.stage_mc.ground.gate1; alignY = targetGate._y - _y; var holdKey = false; var touched = false; var rope_mc = _root.stage_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('rope', _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { targetGate._y = Y + alignY + (_y - Y) * -1.5; if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { if (_root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { _root.eagle.grab = true; _root.eagle.grabbed = this; touched = true; holdKey = true; } else { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null; holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (_root.eagle.grabbed == this) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 1.5; while (_root.eagle._x > X + 100) { --_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._x < X - 100) { ++_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = 2; } while (_root.eagle._y > Y + 200) { --_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._y < Y) { ++_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = 2; } } else { if (_root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed == 1.5) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 12; } if (_x > X) { _x = _x - 1; } if (_x < X) { _x = _x + 1; } if (_y > Y) { _y = _y - 1; } } if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.eagle.grabbed == this && !_root.eagle.stay) { _root.eagle.grabbed = null; } rope_mc.clear(); rope_mc.lineStyle(2, 0); rope_mc.moveTo(X, Y - 30); rope_mc.lineTo(_x, _y); } } } movieClip 814 { } movieClip 817 { } movieClip 818 stage11 { instance of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { var iconPick = 'itemshoot'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.shootUnlocked = true;; } } } } } movieClip 821 { } movieClip 823 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 840 { } movieClip 869 { } movieClip 1068 { } movieClip 1069 { frame 55 { _parent.xSpeed += 7 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 94 { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 96 { _parent.xspeed += 5 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 117 { _parent.xSpeed += 5 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 136 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 138 { _root.vcam.Target = _parent; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; } frame 197 { _parent.doUlti = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; } frame 239 { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 249 { _parent._x = 165; _parent._y = 104; } frame 257 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1140 { frame 18 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay('spin'); } frame 77 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 79 { _root.vcam.Target = _parent; if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; } _root.vcam.targetScale = 70; _parent.xspeed = 0; } frame 150 { stop(); if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); } ++_root.survivalScore; } } movieClip 1155 { } movieClip 1299 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 142 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; _parent.bossPlay = true; if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.trackVolume = 100; _root.currentTrack.setVolume(_root.trackVolume); _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1300 Boss2 { frame 1 { var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var scoutDist = 200; var scoutDistOrig = scoutDist; var walkSpeed = 1.5; var runSpeed = 3; var eyeSight = 500; var life = 500; var lifeTotal = 500; var intellect = 2; var stunned = 0; var stunnedOrig = 15; var onGround = false; var scout = true; _xscale = -100; var nextAttack = false; damageColor = new Color(this); var exhausted = false; var countTillUlti = 900; var countTillUltiOrig = 900; if (_root.survivalMode) { var bossPlay = true; } else { var bossPlay = false; } var doUlti = false; var ultiGap = 40; var ultiGapOrig = 40; var ultiStrike = 3; var ultiStrikeOrig = 3; var newUlti_mc; 9; } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bar._xscale = ( / _parent.lifeTotal) * 100; this._xscale = _parent._xscale; if ( <= 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (bossPlay) { if (life > 0) { if ( > 0) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { _x = _x - 2; _xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _x = _x + 2; _xscale = 100; } } } } if (life > 400) { stunnedOrig = 12; exhausted = true; } else { if (life > 250) { exhausted = true; stunnedOrig = 12; ultiGapOrig = 30; ultiStrikeOrig = 4; countTillUltiOrig = 800; } else { if (life > 100) { stunnedOrig = 9; exhausted = true; ultiGapOrig = 20; ultiStrikeOrig = 7; countTillUltiOrig = 700; } else { stunnedOrig = 12; exhausted = false; ultiGapOrig = 15; ultiStrikeOrig = 8; countTillUltiOrig = 600; } } } if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) && > 0 && this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); if (life < 200 && attack._currentframe < 3) { this.attack.gotoAndPlay('combo' + (random(2) + 1)); } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (_root.hero._currentframe != 6) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit)) { nextAttack = true; if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _root.hero.xSpeed = 5 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 4 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 4; } _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit2)) { nextAttack = true; if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _root.hero.xSpeed = 7 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 6 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 6; } _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit3)) { nextAttack = true; _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 9; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 13 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 8 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 8; } if (this.attack._currentframe > 120 && this.attack._currentframe < 124) { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } } } if ( <= 0) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('taunt'); }; } if (countTillUlti > 0) { --countTillUlti; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti'); countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (doUlti) { if (ultiStrike > 0) { if (ultiGap > 0) { --ultiGap; } else { newUlti_mc = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('boss2_lightning', 'lightning' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newUlti_mc._x = _root.hero._x; newUlti_mc._y = _root.stage_mc.boss._y; --ultiStrike; ultiGap = ultiGapOrig; } } else { doUlti = false; } } else { ultiGap = ultiGapOrig; ultiStrike = ultiStrikeOrig; } if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this.bound)) { if (_currentframe == 2 && this.attack._currentframe < 137 or this._currentframe < 5) { if (exhausted) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 180) { if (_root.hero.hitPowerY > 0) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 10) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } } } else { stunned = stunnedOrig; } if (_root.hero.hitPowerY > 15) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); } if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.XP += _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; } _root.xpSpawn(this); _root.hero.iSpecial += (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 15; life -= (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) * 1.25; xSpeed = _root.hero.xSpeed + (_root.hero.hitPower / 3) * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); gravity = _root.hero.hitPowerY / 3; _root.vcam.xSpeed = _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / 1.5; _root.vcam.ySpeed = _root.hero.hitPowerY * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / -3; } } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 10) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].hit)) { if (exhausted) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } else { stunned = stunnedOrig; } this.xSpeed = 10 * (_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3]._xscale / 100); -= 15; _root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].gotoAndPlay('boom'); } ++v3; } if (stunned > 1) { this.attack.stop(); damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '0', 'rb': '255', 'ga': '0', 'gb': '255', 'ba': '0', 'bb': '255', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); --stunned; } else { if (stunned == 1) {; damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); stunned = 0; } } } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (life <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 3) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('die'); } damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); } if (this.hurt._currentframe > 24 && this.hurt._currentframe < 61 && onGround) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); } } else { if ( <= 0) { gotoAndStop(1); this.walk.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop('taunt'); } } if (_root.vcam.Target == this && this._currentframe == 4 && > 0) { _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; } if (life > 0) { if (_y > 218) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); if (this.attack._currentframe < 3) { this.attack.gotoAndPlay('teleport'); } } } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 1301 stage12 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { _root.currentTrack.setVolume(_root.trackVolume); if (_root.trackVolume > 0) { --_root.trackVolume; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var doStuff = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (doStuff) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.currentConvo = 8;; doStuff = false; } } } } instance of movieClip 823 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 823 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { = 0; } } } } movieClip 1304 { } movieClip 1306 { } movieClip 1308 { frame 1 { _visible = false; var newEnemy; newEnemy = _parent.attachMovie('Enemy1', 'enemy' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newEnemy._x = this._x; newEnemy._y = this._y; } frame 3 { = 100; newEnemy.lifeTotal = 100; newEnemy.intellect = 2; } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1309 stage13 { frame 1 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } } } instance flakeOrig of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { var i = 20; var xSpeed = Math.random(1) + Math.random(1) * 2 - Math.random(1) * 2; var grav = Math.random(1) * 4; if (_name != 'flakeOrig') { _xscale = grav * 30; _yscale = grav * 30; if (_xscale < 0.2) { _xscale = 0.2; _yscale = 0.2; } } var spawnTimeOrig = 8; var spawnTime = spawnTimeOrig; var newFlake; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name == 'flakeOrig') { _visible = false; if (spawnTime > 0) { --spawnTime; } else { newFlake = this.duplicateMovieClip('flake' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newFlake._x = _root.vcam._x + random(600) - random(350); newFlake._y = _root.vcam._y - 200; ++i; spawnTime = spawnTimeOrig; } if (i > 90) { i = 20; } } else { _y = _y + grav; _x = _x - xSpeed; _rotation = _rotation + xSpeed; if (!this.hitTest(_root.vcam)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 4; } } } movieClip 1312 { } movieClip 1315 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } movieClip 1318 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1368 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } } movieClip 1370 { } movieClip 1371 { } movieClip 1373 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1374 { } movieClip 1375 stage14 { instance door1 of movieClip 1312 { onClipEvent (load) { var heroEnter = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.hero.onGround) { if (!heroEnter) { if (Key.isDown(40) && _root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.hero.gotoAndStop('enterDoor'); heroEnter = true; } } if (heroEnter) { _root.hero._x += (_x - _root.hero._x - _root.stage_mc._x) / 7; if (_root.hero.enterDoor._currentframe == 44) { _root.hero._x = _parent.door2._x - _root.stage_mc._x; _root.hero._y = _parent.door2._y - _root.stage_mc._y; heroEnter = false; } } } } } instance door2 of movieClip 1312 { onClipEvent (load) { var heroEnter = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.hero.onGround) { if (!heroEnter) { if (Key.isDown(40) && _root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.hero.gotoAndStop('enterDoor'); heroEnter = true; } } if (heroEnter) { _root.hero._x += (_x - _root.hero._x - _root.stage_mc._x) / 7; if (_root.hero.enterDoor._currentframe == 44) { _root.hero._x = _parent.door1._x - _root.stage_mc._x; _root.hero._y = _parent.door1._y - _root.stage_mc._y; heroEnter = false; } } } } } instance of movieClip 802 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _x; Y = _y; var targetGate = _root.stage_mc.ground.gate1; alignY = targetGate._y - _y; var holdKey = false; var touched = false; var rope_mc = _root.stage_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('rope', _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { targetGate._y = Y + alignY + (_y - Y) * -1.5; if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { if (_root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { _root.eagle.grab = true; _root.eagle.grabbed = this; touched = true; holdKey = true; } else { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null; holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (_root.eagle.grabbed == this) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 1.5; while (_root.eagle._x > X + 100) { --_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._x < X - 100) { ++_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = 2; } while (_root.eagle._y > Y + 200) { --_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._y < Y) { ++_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = 2; } } else { if (_root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed == 1.5) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 12; } if (_x > X) { _x = _x - 5; } if (_x < X) { _x = _x + 5; } if (_y > Y) { _y = _y - 5; } } if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.eagle.grabbed == this && !_root.eagle.stay) { _root.eagle.grabbed = null; } rope_mc.clear(); rope_mc.lineStyle(2, 0); rope_mc.moveTo(X, Y - 30); rope_mc.lineTo(_x, _y); } } instance of movieClip 483 { onClipEvent (load) { var containments; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { containments = _parent.attachMovie('Key', 'key1', _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); containments._x = this._x; containments._y = this._y - _height;; } } } } instance unlockEvent of movieClip 389 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.key1)) { if (_parent.ground.door1._currentframe == 1) { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null;; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.hero.hudToHero(); _root.vcam.Target = _parent.camTarget; _root.vcam.targetScale = 110; _parent.key1.removeFromExistence = true; } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { while (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.xSpeed = 0; ++_root.hero._x; } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { while (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.gravity = -3; ++_root.hero._y; } } } instance bolder of movieClip 1371 { onClipEvent (load) { var activated = false; var gravity = 0; var xSpeed = 0; var flag1 = 1; var triggerSound = false; var onGround = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activated) { --gravity; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (xSpeed > -13) { xSpeed -= 0.06; } this.bolder._rotation += xSpeed; if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity *= -0.5; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y - _height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed *= -0.5; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y - _height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed *= -0.5; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - _height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.xSpeed = -5 + xSpeed / 1.5; _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); _root.hero.gravity = xSpeed / -1.5; += xSpeed; xSpeed = xSpeed / -5 + 2; } if (onGround) { if (!triggerSound) { _root.sound.rockBounce.start(0, 0); triggerSound = true; } } else { triggerSound = false; } } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.stage_mc.rope._currentframe == 1) { _parent.bolder.activated = true; _root.stage_mc.rope.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } instance airPush of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var activated = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activated) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this) && > 0) { if (_root.hero.gravity < 20) { _root.hero.gravity += 1.5; } } } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var camOnRock = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.bolder)) { _parent.bolder.activated = false; _parent.origSnow.activated = false; _parent.airPush.activated = false; _parent.ground.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.bolder._y = 1070; if (camOnRock > 0) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _parent.bolder; --camOnRock; } else { if (camOnRock == 0) { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; camOnRock = -1; } } } } } instance origSnow of movieClip 1373 { onClipEvent (load) { var newSnow; var counter = 0; var spawnTime = 20; var spawnTimeOrig = spawnTime; var speed = 20 + random(10) - random(10); var activated = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name == 'origSnow') { if (activated) { _visible = false; if (spawnTime > 0) { --spawnTime; } else { newSnow = this.duplicateMovieClip('snow' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newSnow._x += random(100) - random(100); newSnow._xscale += random(50) - random(50); newSnow._yscale = newSnow._xscale; } } else { _visible = false; } } else { _root.hideFromCam(this); _y = _y - speed; _alpha = _alpha - 1; if (_alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 483 { onClipEvent (load) { var containments; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { _parent.airStrike_mc._visible = true;; } } } } instance airStrike_mc of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; var iconPick = 'itemairStrike'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 1 && _visible == true) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.airStrikeUnlocked = true;; } } } } instance of movieClip 1374 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } } movieClip 1387 { frame 1 { if (_root.hero.heroPlay) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 72 { stop(); } } movieClip 1388 { } movieClip 1390 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 1391 stage15 { instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 1390 { onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 170; } } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 170) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } instance flakeOrig of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { var i = 20; var xSpeed = Math.random(1) + Math.random(1) * 2 - Math.random(1) * 2; var grav = Math.random(1) * 4; if (_name != 'flakeOrig') { _xscale = grav * 30; _yscale = grav * 30; if (_xscale < 0.2) { _xscale = 0.2; _yscale = 0.2; } } var spawnTimeOrig = 8; var spawnTime = spawnTimeOrig; var newFlake; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name == 'flakeOrig') { _visible = false; if (spawnTime > 0) { --spawnTime; } else { newFlake = this.duplicateMovieClip('flake' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newFlake._x = _root.vcam._x + random(600) - random(350); newFlake._y = _root.vcam._y - 200; ++i; spawnTime = spawnTimeOrig; } if (i > 90) { i = 20; } } else { _y = _y + grav; _x = _x - xSpeed; _rotation = _rotation + xSpeed; if (!this.hitTest(_root.vcam)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 9; } } } movieClip 1401 { frame 1 { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 80 { stop(); } } movieClip 1402 { instance of movieClip 1401 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { play(); } } } } instance of movieClip 1401 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { play(); } } } } instance of movieClip 1401 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { play(); } } } } } movieClip 1403 stage16 { instance flakeOrig of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { var i = 20; var xSpeed = Math.random(1) + Math.random(1) * 2 - Math.random(1) * 2; var grav = Math.random(1) * 4; if (_name != 'flakeOrig') { _xscale = grav * 30; _yscale = grav * 30; if (_xscale < 0.2) { _xscale = 0.2; _yscale = 0.2; } } var spawnTimeOrig = 8; var spawnTime = spawnTimeOrig; var newFlake; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name == 'flakeOrig') { _visible = false; if (spawnTime > 0) { --spawnTime; } else { newFlake = this.duplicateMovieClip('flake' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newFlake._x = _root.vcam._x + random(600) - random(350); newFlake._y = _root.vcam._y - 200; ++i; spawnTime = spawnTimeOrig; } if (i > 90) { i = 20; } } else { _y = _y + grav; _x = _x - xSpeed; _rotation = _rotation + xSpeed; if (!this.hitTest(_root.vcam)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 1390 { onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 170; } } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 170) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 5; } } } movieClip 1406 { } movieClip 1408 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 1409 stage17 { instance of movieClip 802 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _x; Y = _y; var targetGate = _root.stage_mc.ground.gate1; alignY = targetGate._y - _y; var holdKey = false; var touched = false; var rope_mc = _root.stage_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('rope', _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { targetGate._y = Y + alignY + (_y - Y) * -1.5; if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { if (_root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { _root.eagle.grab = true; _root.eagle.grabbed = this; touched = true; holdKey = true; } else { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null; holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (_root.eagle.grabbed == this) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 1.5; while (_root.eagle._x > X + 100) { --_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._x < X - 100) { ++_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = 2; } while (_root.eagle._y > Y + 200) { --_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._y < Y) { ++_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = 2; } } else { if (_root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed == 1.5) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 12; } if (_x > X) { _x = _x - 5; } if (_x < X) { _x = _x + 5; } if (_y > Y) { _y = _y - 5; } } if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.eagle.grabbed == this && !_root.eagle.stay) { _root.eagle.grabbed = null; } rope_mc.clear(); rope_mc.lineStyle(2, 0); rope_mc.moveTo(X, Y - 30); rope_mc.lineTo(_x, _y); } } instance of movieClip 1390 { onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 170; } } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 170) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } instance flakeOrig of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { var i = 20; var xSpeed = Math.random(1) + Math.random(1) * 2 - Math.random(1) * 2; var grav = Math.random(1) * 4; if (_name != 'flakeOrig') { _xscale = grav * 30; _yscale = grav * 30; if (_xscale < 0.2) { _xscale = 0.2; _yscale = 0.2; } } var spawnTimeOrig = 8; var spawnTime = spawnTimeOrig; var newFlake; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name == 'flakeOrig') { _visible = false; if (spawnTime > 0) { --spawnTime; } else { newFlake = this.duplicateMovieClip('flake' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newFlake._x = _root.vcam._x + random(600) - random(350); newFlake._y = _root.vcam._y - 200; ++i; spawnTime = spawnTimeOrig; } if (i > 90) { i = 20; } } else { _y = _y + grav; _x = _x - xSpeed; _rotation = _rotation + xSpeed; if (!this.hitTest(_root.vcam)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance airPush of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var activated = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activated) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this) && > 0) { if (_root.hero.gravity < 15) { _root.hero.gravity += 1.25; } } } } } instance origSnow of movieClip 1373 { onClipEvent (load) { var newSnow; var counter = 0; var spawnTime = 20; var spawnTimeOrig = spawnTime; var speed = 20 + random(10) - random(10); var activated = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name == 'origSnow') { if (activated) { _visible = false; if (spawnTime > 0) { --spawnTime; } else { newSnow = this.duplicateMovieClip('snow' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newSnow._x += random(100) - random(100); newSnow._xscale += random(100) - random(100); newSnow._yscale = newSnow._xscale; } } else { _visible = false; } } else { _root.hideFromCam(this); _y = _y - speed; _alpha = _alpha - 1; if (_alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance airPush2 of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var activated = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activated) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this) && > 0) { if (_root.hero.gravity < 15) { _root.hero.gravity += 1.25; } } } } } instance origSnow2 of movieClip 1373 { onClipEvent (load) { var newSnow; var counter = 0; var spawnTime = 20; var spawnTimeOrig = spawnTime; var speed = 20 + random(10) - random(10); var activated = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_name == 'origSnow2') { if (activated) { _visible = false; if (spawnTime > 0) { --spawnTime; } else { newSnow = this.duplicateMovieClip('snow' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newSnow._x += random(150) - random(150); newSnow._xscale += random(100) - random(100); newSnow._yscale = newSnow._xscale; } } else { _visible = false; } } else { _root.hideFromCam(this); _y = _y - speed; _alpha = _alpha - 1; if (_alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 1408 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y - _root.hero._height, true)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 10; } } } movieClip 1412 { } movieClip 1414 { } movieClip 1415 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); _root.currentConvo = 12;; } } movieClip 1416 stage18 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { _root.currentTrack.setVolume(_root.trackVolume); if (_root.trackVolume > 0) { --_root.trackVolume; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var doStuff = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!doStuff) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.eivana;; doStuff = true; } } } } } movieClip 1418 { } movieClip 1429 { } movieClip 1431 { } movieClip 1496 { } movieClip 1498 { } movieClip 1500 { } movieClip 1502 { } movieClip 1504 { } movieClip 1505 { } movieClip 1507 { } movieClip 1509 { } movieClip 1511 { } movieClip 1528 { } movieClip 1553 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe >= 406 && this._currentframe <= 471) { _parent.gravity = 1; } }; } instance hit of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { if ( < 200) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); } } } } frame 30 { if ( < 200) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); } } frame 32 { _parent.xSpeed += 6 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 61 { _parent.xSpeed += 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 81 { if ( < 100) { this.gotoAndPlay('teleport'); } else { if ( < 250) { var i = random(2); if (i == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('teleport'); } } } } frame 97 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 112 { _parent._x = _root.hero._x + (_root.hero.xSpeed * 2.5 + 100 * (_root.hero._xscale / -100)); if (_root.hero._x < _parent._x) { _parent._xscale = -100; } else { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 154 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 156 { _parent.gravity = 6; } frame 169 { if (_root.survivalMode) { _parent._x = _root.stage_mc.spawnPointBoss._x; _parent._y = _root.stage_mc.spawnPointBoss._y; } else { _parent._x = 98; _parent._y = 73; } } frame 183 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 185 { if (_root.hero._x > _parent._x) { _parent._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; } } frame 214 { var newWaterBall; newWaterBall = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('waterBall', 'newWaterBall' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newWaterBall._x = _parent._x; newWaterBall._y = _parent._y - 75; newWaterBall._xscale = _parent._xscale; } frame 245 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 247 { _parent.invincible = true; } frame 267 { _parent._x = _root.hero._x; } frame 281 { _parent._x = _root.hero._x; } frame 306 { var i = random(2); if (i == 0) { _parent._x = _root.hero._x + 100; _parent._xscale = -100; } else { _parent._x = _root.hero._x - 100; _parent._xscale = 100; } _parent.invincible = false; } frame 330 { var newDust; newDust = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('vandDust', 'vandDust' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newDust._x = _parent._x; newDust._y = _parent._y; newDust._xscale = _parent._xscale; } frame 387 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 389 { _parent.invincible = true; } frame 405 { _parent._x = _root.hero._x; _parent._y -= 260; } frame 406 { _parent.xSpeed = _root.hero.xSpeed; } frame 444 { var newLightning; newLightning = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('lightningIce', 'lightningIce' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newLightning._x = _parent._x; newLightning._y = _parent._y; newLightning._xscale = _parent._xscale; } frame 463 { if (_root.survivalMode) { _parent._x = _root.stage_mc.spawnPointBoss._x; _parent._y = _root.stage_mc.spawnPointBoss._y; } else { _parent._x = 98; _parent._y = 73; } } frame 464 { _parent.invincible = false; } frame 477 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1614 { frame 27 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 54 { if ( < 70) { gotoAndPlay('react'); } } frame 65 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 67 { if (_root.hero._x > _parent._x) { _parent._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; } } frame 86 { var newWaterBall; newWaterBall = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('waterBall', 'newWaterBall' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newWaterBall._x = _parent._x; newWaterBall._y = _parent._y - 75; newWaterBall._xscale = _parent._xscale; } frame 117 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 119 { if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.vcam.Target = _parent; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.targetScale = 70; } _parent.xspeed = 0; if (_root.survivalMode) { } else { _root.currentTrack.stop(); } } frame 200 { stop(); if (_root.survivalMode) { } else { _root.currentLevel = 30; } ++_root.survivalScore; } } movieClip 1635 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 83 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; _parent.bossPlay = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1636 boss5 { frame 1 { var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var walkSpeed = 1.5; var life = 2000; var lifeTotal = 2000; var stunned = 0; var stunnedOrig = 15; var onGround = false; _xscale = -100; damageColor = new Color(this); var exhausted = false; var countTillShoot = 600; var countTillShootOrig = 600; var countTillUlti = 1300; var countTillUltiOrig = 1300; var countTillUlti2 = 1500; var countTillUlti2Orig = 1500; if (_root.currentLevel == 19) { var bossPlay = false; } else { var bossPlay = true; } var invincible = false; var distToHeroH = 0; var distToHeroX = 0; var distToHeroY = 0; var hitsInRow = 0; var hitsInRowMax = 10; } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bar._xscale = ( / _parent.lifeTotal) * 100; this._xscale = _parent._xscale; if ( <= 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (bossPlay) { if (life > 0) { if ( > 0) { _root.vcam.Target = null; distToHeroX = _root.hero._x - this._x; distToHeroY = _root.hero._y - this._y; if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { distToHeroH = Math.sqrt(distToHeroY * -1 - distToHeroX); } else { distToHeroH = Math.sqrt(distToHeroY * -1 + distToHeroX); } _root.vcam._x += (_root.hero._x - distToHeroX / 2 - _root.vcam._x) / 10; _root.vcam._y += (_root.hero._y - distToHeroY / 2 - _root.vcam._y) / 10 - 10; if (distToHeroH > -15 && distToHeroH < 20) { } else { _root.vcam.targetScale = distToHeroH * 5; } } else { _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } if ( > 0) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { _x = _x - 1; _xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _x = _x + 1; _xscale = 100; } } } } if (life > 1500) { exhausted = true; } else { if (life > 700) { exhausted = false; countTillShootOrig = 600; countTillUltiOrig = 700; countTillUlti2Orig = 1200; if (countTillUlti > countTillUltiOrig) { countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (countTillUlti2 > countTillUlti2Orig) { countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } } else { if (life > 300) { exhausted = false; countTillShootOrig = 500; countTillUltiOrig = 600; countTillUlti2Orig = 700; if (countTillUlti > countTillUltiOrig) { countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (countTillUlti2 > countTillUlti2Orig) { countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } } else { stunnedOrig = 8; exhausted = false; countTillShootOrig = 400; countTillUltiOrig = 300; countTillUlti2Orig = 500; if (countTillUlti > countTillUltiOrig) { countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (countTillUlti2 > countTillUlti2Orig) { countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } } } } if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) && > 0 && this._currentframe != 4) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit)) { if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 8 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 5 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 5; } _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit2)) { if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _root.hero.xSpeed = 10 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 6 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 6; } _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit3)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); _root.hero.gravity = 9; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 17 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 9 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 9; } _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit4)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); _root.hero.gravity = 20; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 12 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 15 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 15; } _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } if ( <= 0) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('taunt'); }; } if (this._currentframe == 4) { } else { if (this._currentframe == 3 && this.attack._currentframe > 185) { } else { if (countTillShoot > 0) { --countTillShoot; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); countTillShoot = countTillShootOrig; } if (countTillUlti > 0) { --countTillUlti; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti1'); countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (countTillUlti2 > 0) { --countTillUlti2; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti2'); countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } } } if (!invincible) { if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this.bound)) { if (exhausted) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 180) { if (_root.hero.hitPowerY > 0) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 18) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } } } } else { stunned = stunnedOrig; } if (countTillUlti > 10) { countTillUlti -= 10; } if (countTillUlti2 > 10) { countTillUlti2 -= 10; } if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } ++hitsInRow; if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.XP += _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; } _root.xpSpawn(this); _root.hero.iSpecial += (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 15; life -= (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 1.5; xSpeed = _root.hero.xSpeed + (_root.hero.hitPower / 6) * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.vcam.xSpeed = _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / 1.5; _root.vcam.ySpeed = _root.hero.hitPowerY * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / -3; } } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 10) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].hit)) { if (exhausted) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } else { stunned = stunnedOrig; } this.xSpeed = 10 * (_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3]._xscale / 100); -= 15; _root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].gotoAndPlay('boom'); } ++v3; } if (stunned > 1) { this.attack.stop(); damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '0', 'rb': '255', 'ga': '0', 'gb': '255', 'ba': '0', 'bb': '255', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); --stunned; } else { if (stunned == 1) {; damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); stunned = 0; } } } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (life <= 0) { if (_y > 250) { } else { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 3) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('die'); } damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); } } if (!_root.survivalMode) { if (_y > 250) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); if (this.attack._currentframe < 156 or this.attack._currentframe > 183) { this.attack.gotoAndPlay('teleport2'); } } } if (hitsInRow >= hitsInRowMax) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); if (this.attack._currentframe < 156 or this.attack._currentframe > 183) { this.attack.gotoAndPlay('teleport2'); } hitsInRow = 0; } } else { gotoAndStop('taunt'); } if (_root.vcam.Target == this && this._currentframe == 3 && > 0) { _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 1637 stage19 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 10) { _root.attachMovie('whiteMist', 'frontground', 98); } _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x - _root.vcam._width / 2 - _root.stage_mc._x; } } instance boss of movieClip 1636 boss5 { onClipEvent (load) { var timeLimit = 1350; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.bossPlay) { if (timeLimit > 0) { --timeLimit; } else { if (timeLimit == 0) { bossPlay = false; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = this; _root.vcam.targetScale = 70; _root.currentLevel = 19.5; _root.hud.fader.gotoAndPlay('cutScene'); timeLimit = -1; } } } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var doStuff = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (doStuff) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _parent.boss; _root.vcam.targetScale = 70;; doStuff = false; } } } } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x - _root.vcam._width / 2 - _root.stage_mc._x + _width / 2; } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } } } } movieClip 1657 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 112 { stop(); } } movieClip 1658 { instance of movieClip 1657 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) {; } } } } } movieClip 1660 { frame 1 { _visible = false; var newEnemy; newEnemy = _parent.attachMovie('Enemy3', 'enemy' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newEnemy._x = this._x; newEnemy._y = this._y; } } movieClip 1662 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 1663 stage20 { frame 1 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 149; } } else { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 149) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 6; } } } movieClip 1667 { frame 1 { var touched = false; var fallTime = 500; var fallTimeOrig = 500; var gravity = 0; var X = _x; var Y = _y; } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!touched) { _root.hideFromCam(this); if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { touched = true; } } else { gravity -= 0.05; _y = _y - gravity; --fallTime; } if (fallTime <= 0) { _x = X; _y = Y; gravity = 0; touched = false; fallTime = fallTimeOrig; } }; } } movieClip 1668 { instance of movieClip 811 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this) or _root.stage_mc.rock.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.door1._currentframe == 108) {; } } if (this._currentframe == 7 && _root.stage_mc.ground.door1._currentframe == 1) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.camTarget3;; } if (this._currentframe == 1 or this._currentframe == 7) { } else {; } } } } movieClip 1671 { frame 1 { _visible = false; var newEnemy; newEnemy = _parent.attachMovie('Enemy4', 'enemy' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newEnemy._x = this._x; newEnemy._y = this._y; } } movieClip 1672 { frame 1 { var currentImg; currentImg = attachMovie(_parent._parent.iconPick, 'newItem' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } } movieClip 1673 { } movieClip 1674 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } } movieClip 1675 stage21 { instance of movieClip 1390 { onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 170; } } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 170) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1674 { onClipEvent (load) { var iconPick = 'itemteleport'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.teleportUnlocked = true;; } } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 151; } } else { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 151) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } } } movieClip 1678 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; } } movieClip 1680 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; } } movieClip 1681 { instance of movieClip 811 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this) or _root.stage_mc.rock.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.door1._currentframe == 61) {; } } if (this._currentframe == 7 && _root.stage_mc.ground.door1._currentframe == 1) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.camTarget;; } if (this._currentframe == 1 or this._currentframe == 7) { } else {; } } } instance of movieClip 811 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this) or _root.stage_mc.rock.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.door2._currentframe == 48) {; } } if (this._currentframe == 7 && _root.stage_mc.ground.door2._currentframe == 1) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.camTarget2;; } if (this._currentframe == 1 or this._currentframe == 7) { } else {; } } } } movieClip 1682 stage22 { instance of movieClip 1674 { onClipEvent (load) { var iconPick = 'itemspinningAgile'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) or _root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.spinningAgileUnlocked = true;; } } } } } movieClip 1685 { } movieClip 1686 stage23 { instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 151; } } else { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 151) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 149; } } else { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 149) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 7; } } } movieClip 1689 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1691 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1692 { } movieClip 1694 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1696 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1698 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1700 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1702 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1704 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1706 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1708 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1710 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1712 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1716 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 108 { stop(); _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; } frame 110 { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.camTarget3; } frame 164 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; } } movieClip 1718 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1720 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1722 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1724 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1726 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1728 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1730 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1732 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1734 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1736 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1738 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1741 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1743 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1744 { instance door2 of movieClip 1315 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } instance of movieClip 811 { onClipEvent (load) { var touched = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!touched) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } if (this._currentframe == 7 && _root.stage_mc.ground.door1._currentframe == 1) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.camTarget1;; } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.door1._currentframe > 1) { touched = true; } } else { this.gotoAndStop(7); } } } instance of movieClip 811 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this) or _root.stage_mc.rock.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.door3._currentframe == 108) {; } } if (this._currentframe == 7 && _root.stage_mc.ground.door3._currentframe == 1) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.camTarget3;; } if (this._currentframe == 1 or this._currentframe == 7) { } else {; } } } } movieClip 1746 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1748 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1750 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1752 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1753 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this)) { _parent.nextFrame(); } } } } movieClip 1754 stage24 { frame 1 { v; } instance door1 of movieClip 1312 { onClipEvent (load) { var heroEnter = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.hero.onGround) { if (!heroEnter) { if (Key.isDown(40) && _root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.hero.gotoAndStop('enterDoor'); heroEnter = true; } } if (heroEnter) { _root.hero._x += (_x - _root.hero._x - _root.stage_mc._x) / 7; if (_root.hero.enterDoor._currentframe == 44) { _root.hero._x = _parent.door2._x - _root.stage_mc._x; _root.hero._y = _parent.door2._y - _root.stage_mc._y; heroEnter = false; } } } } } instance door2 of movieClip 1312 { onClipEvent (load) { var heroEnter = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.hero.onGround) { if (!heroEnter) { if (Key.isDown(40) && _root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.hero.gotoAndStop('enterDoor'); heroEnter = true; } } if (heroEnter) { _root.hero._x += (_x - _root.hero._x - _root.stage_mc._x) / 7; if (_root.hero.enterDoor._currentframe == 44) { _root.hero._x = _parent.door1._x - _root.stage_mc._x; _root.hero._y = _parent.door1._y - _root.stage_mc._y; heroEnter = false; } } } } } instance of movieClip 483 { onClipEvent (load) { var containments; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { containments = _parent.attachMovie('Key', 'key1', _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); containments._x = this._x; containments._y = this._y - _height;; } } } } instance of movieClip 483 { onClipEvent (load) { var containments; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { if (this._currentframe == 1) { containments = _parent.attachMovie('rock', 'rock', _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); containments._x = this._x; containments._y = this._y - _height;; } } } } instance of movieClip 802 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _x; Y = _y; var targetGate = _root.stage_mc.ground.gate1; alignY = targetGate._y - _y; var holdKey = false; var touched = false; var rope_mc = _root.stage_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('rope', _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { targetGate._y = Y + alignY + (_y - Y) * -1.5; if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { if (_root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { _root.eagle.grab = true; _root.eagle.grabbed = this; touched = true; holdKey = true; } else { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null; holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (_root.eagle.grabbed == this) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 1.5; while (_root.eagle._x > X + 100) { --_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._x < X - 100) { ++_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = 2; } while (_root.eagle._y > Y + 200) { --_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._y < Y) { ++_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = 2; } } else { if (_root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed == 1.5) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 12; } if (_x > X) { _x = _x - 0.5; } if (_x < X) { _x = _x + 0.5; } if (_y > Y) { _y = _y - 0.5; } } if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.eagle.grabbed == this && !_root.eagle.stay) { _root.eagle.grabbed = null; } rope_mc.clear(); rope_mc.lineStyle(2, 0); rope_mc.moveTo(X, Y - 30); rope_mc.lineTo(_x, _y); } } instance of movieClip 802 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _x; Y = _y; var targetGate = _root.stage_mc.ground.gate2; alignY = targetGate._y - _y; var holdKey = false; var touched = false; var rope_mc = _root.stage_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('rope', _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { targetGate._y = Y + alignY + (_y - Y) * -1.5; if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { if (_root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { _root.eagle.grab = true; _root.eagle.grabbed = this; touched = true; holdKey = true; } else { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null; holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (_root.eagle.grabbed == this) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 1.6; while (_root.eagle._x > X + 100) { --_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._x < X - 100) { ++_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = 2; } while (_root.eagle._y > Y + 200) { --_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._y < Y) { ++_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = 2; } } else { if (_root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed == 1.6) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 12; } if (_x > X) { _x = _x - 0.5; } if (_x < X) { _x = _x + 0.5; } if (_y > Y) { _y = _y - 0.5; } } if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.eagle.grabbed == this && !_root.eagle.stay) { _root.eagle.grabbed = null; } rope_mc.clear(); rope_mc.lineStyle(2, 0); rope_mc.moveTo(X, Y - 30); rope_mc.lineTo(_x, _y); } } instance unlockEvent of movieClip 389 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.key1)) { if (_parent.ground.door2._currentframe == 1) { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null;; } _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; _root.hero.hudToHero(); _root.vcam.Target = _parent.camTarget2; _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; _parent.key1.removeFromExistence = true; } } } instance of movieClip 802 { onClipEvent (load) { X = _x; Y = _y; var targetGate = _root.stage_mc.ground.gate3; alignY = targetGate._y - _y; var holdKey = false; var touched = false; var rope_mc = _root.stage_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('rope', _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { targetGate._y = Y + alignY + (_y - Y) * -1.5; if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { if (_root.eagle.bound.hitTest(this)) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } } else { if (this._currentframe != 2) { play(); } } if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_root.eagle.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.eagle.grabbed != this) { _root.eagle.grab = true; _root.eagle.grabbed = this; touched = true; holdKey = true; } else { _root.eagle.grab = false; _root.eagle.grabbed = null; holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (_root.eagle.grabbed == this) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 1.7; while (_root.eagle._x > X + 100) { --_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._x < X - 100) { ++_root.eagle._x; _root.eagle.xSpeed = 2; } while (_root.eagle._y > Y + 200) { --_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = -2; } while (_root.eagle._y < Y) { ++_root.eagle._y; _root.eagle.ySpeed = 2; } } else { if (_root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed == 1.7) { _root.eagle.maxMoveSpeed = 12; } if (_x > X) { _x = _x - 0.5; } if (_x < X) { _x = _x + 0.5; } if (_y > Y) { _y = _y - 0.5; } } if (!_root.eagle.eaglePlay && _root.eagle.grabbed == this && !_root.eagle.stay) { _root.eagle.grabbed = null; } rope_mc.clear(); rope_mc.lineStyle(2, 0); rope_mc.moveTo(X, Y - 30); rope_mc.lineTo(_x, _y); } } instance of movieClip 434 { onClipEvent (load) { var ID = 8; } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 151; } } else { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 151) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; } } else { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 150) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 100) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 152; } } else { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { } else { if (_root.vcam.targetScale == 152) { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { = 0; } } } } movieClip 1764 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 72 { _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.camTarget2; } frame 184 { stop(); _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } } movieClip 1765 { } movieClip 1784 { } movieClip 1788 { } movieClip 1790 { } movieClip 1793 { frame 1 { var doubleShot = 1; } frame 66 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 200; } frame 156 { var newBlastMC; newBlastMC = _parent._parent.attachMovie('boss4Blast', 'newBlast' + _parent._parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent._parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newBlastMC._x = _parent._x - 100; newBlastMC._y = _parent._y - 80; } frame 177 { if ( < 100) { if (doubleShot > 0) { gotoAndPlay(66); --doubleShot; } } } frame 178 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; _parent.gotoAndStop(4); } } movieClip 1797 { frame 311 { _parent.normAtkGap = _parent.normAtkGapOrig; _parent.normAtkNum = _parent.normAtkNumOrig; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1834 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 62 { if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.trackVolume = 100; _root.currentTrack.setVolume(_root.trackVolume); _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } } frame 116 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1845 { frame 1 { _root.vcam.Target = _parent; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.targetScale = 70; } frame 97 { if (_root.survivalMode) { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); } } frame 124 { stop(); ++_root.survivalScore; } } movieClip 1846 boss3 { frame 1 { if (_root.survivalMode) { gotoAndStop(2); _y = _y + _height / 3; _x = 712; } else { gotoAndStop('taunt'); } var normAtkGap = 50; var normAtkGapOrig = 50; var normAtkNum = 3; var normAtkNumOrig = 3; var newNormAtk; var life = 1000; var lifeTotal = 1000; var stunned = 0; var stunnedOrig = 8; damageColor = new Color(this); } instance of movieClip 301 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { while (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { --_root.hero._x; _root.hero.xSpeed = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bar._xscale = ( / _parent.lifeTotal) * 100; this._xscale = _parent._xscale; if ( <= 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe == 2) { if ( > 0) { if (normAtkNum > 0) { if (normAtkGap > 0) { --normAtkGap; } else { newNormAtk = _parent.attachMovie('boss4Strike', 'newStrike' + _parent.getNextHighestDepth(), _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); newNormAtk._x = _root.hero._x; if (_root.survivalMode) { newNormAtk._y = -23; } else { newNormAtk._y = 137; } --normAtkNum; normAtkGap = normAtkGapOrig; } } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } } if (life > 500 && life < 800) { normAtkNumOrig = 5; } else { if (life > 300) { normAtkGapOrig = 35; normAtkNumOrig = 7; } else { if (life > 200) { normAtkGapOrig = 25; normAtkNumOrig = 12; } else { normAtkGapOrig = 10; normAtkNumOrig = 16; } } } } if ( > 0) { if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this.bound)) { if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } stunned = stunnedOrig; if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.XP += _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; } _root.xpSpawn(this); life -= (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 1.5; _root.hero.iSpecial += (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 15; _root.vcam.xSpeed = _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / 1.5; _root.vcam.ySpeed = _root.hero.hitPowerY * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / -3; } if (stunned > 1) { damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '0', 'rb': '255', 'ga': '0', 'gb': '255', 'ba': '0', 'bb': '255', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); --stunned; } else { if (stunned == 1) { damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); stunned = 0; } } } var v4 = 0; while (v4 < 10) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v4].hit)) { stunned = stunnedOrig; -= 15; _root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v4].gotoAndPlay('boom'); } ++v4; } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (life <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('die'); damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); } }; } } movieClip 1848 { } movieClip 1849 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); _root.currentConvo = 17;; } } movieClip 1851 { } movieClip 1852 { frame 1 { stop(); _visible = false; } frame 2 { _visible = true; } frame 41 { stop(); _root.currentConvo = 16;; } frame 76 { stop(); _root.currentConvo = 18; _root.hud.hudUI.convo.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1853 stage25 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { _root.currentTrack.setVolume(_root.trackVolume); if (_root.trackVolume > 0) { --_root.trackVolume; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var touched = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!touched) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _parent.boss;; touched = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 95 { onClipEvent (load) { var touched = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!touched) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.currentConvo = 15;; touched = true; } } } } instance loneWarrior of movieClip 1852 { onClipEvent (load) { _xscale = -100; } } } movieClip 1856 { } movieClip 1857 stage26 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { _root.currentTrack.setVolume(_root.trackVolume); if (_root.trackVolume > 0) { --_root.trackVolume; } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } } movieClip 1860 { } movieClip 1861 stage27 { instance of movieClip 302 { onClipEvent (load) { var gotoCutscene = true; } } } movieClip 1863 { frame 1 { _root.hideFromCam(this); } } movieClip 1864 { } movieClip 1865 { } movieClip 1867 { } movieClip 1871 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 297 { stop(); _parent.death.dontKill = false; _root.attachMovie('whiteMist2', 'frontground', 98); } } movieClip 1882 { } movieClip 1967 { frame 17 { if ( < 200) { var newCut; newCut = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('cut1', 'newCut' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newCut._x = _parent._x; newCut._y = _parent._y - 58; newCut._xscale = _parent._xscale; } } instance hit of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('combo' + (random(2) + 1)); } } } frame 35 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 37 { _parent.xSpeed += 6 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 52 { if ( < 200) { var newCut; newCut = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('cut2', 'newCut' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newCut._x = _parent._x; newCut._y = _parent._y - 58; newCut._xscale = _parent._xscale; } } frame 53 { _parent.xSpeed += 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 58 { if ( < 200) { var newCut; newCut = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('cut3', 'newCut' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newCut._x = _parent._x; newCut._y = _parent._y - 58; newCut._xscale = _parent._xscale; } } frame 86 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 88 { _parent.xSpeed += 6 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 118 { _parent.xSpeed += 7 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 128 { _parent.xSpeed += 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 143 { if ( < 200) { var newCut; newCut = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('cut4', 'newCut' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newCut._x = _parent._x; newCut._y = _parent._y - 58; newCut._xscale = _parent._xscale; } } frame 154 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 193 { var newCut2; newCut2 = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('cut8', 'newCut' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newCut2._x = _parent._x; newCut2._y = _parent._y - 58; newCut2._xscale = _parent._xscale; } frame 218 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 242 { var newCut; newCut = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('cut6', 'newCut' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newCut._x = _parent._x; newCut._y = _parent._y - 58; newCut._xscale = _parent._xscale; } frame 276 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 317 { var newCut; newCut = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('cut7', 'newCut' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newCut._x = _parent._x; newCut._y = _parent._y - 58; newCut._xscale = _parent._xscale; } frame 343 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 351 { var i = random(2); if (i == 0) { _parent._x = _root.hero._x + 150 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } else { _parent._x = _root.hero._x + 150 * (_root.hero._xscale / -100); } if (_root.survivalMode) { if (_parent._y > 67) { _parent._y = -38; } } } frame 357 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 365 { if (!_root.survivalMode) { _parent._x = 134; } if (_root.survivalMode) { if (_parent._y > 67) { _parent._y = -38; } } } frame 371 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2060 { frame 17 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 26 { _parent.halfWay = true; _root.vcam.targetScale = 70; if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); } } frame 80 { if (!_root.survivalMode) {; } _root.vcam.targetScale = 250; if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } } frame 124 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } frame 155 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 157 { _root.vcam.Target = _parent; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.targetScale = 70; _parent.xspeed = 0; } frame 282 { stop(); if (_root.survivalMode) { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } else { ++_root.currentLevel; } if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.currentTrack.stop(); } ++_root.survivalScore; } } movieClip 2061 boss4 { frame 1 { var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var walkSpeed = 1.5; var life = 1700; var lifeTotal = 1700; var stunned = 0; var stunnedOrig = 15; var onGround = false; _xscale = -100; damageColor = new Color(this); var exhausted = true; var countTillShoot = 600; var countTillShootOrig = 600; var countTillUlti = 1300; var countTillUltiOrig = 1300; var countTillUlti2 = 1500; var countTillUlti2Orig = 1500; var countTillUlti3 = 900; var countTillUlti3Orig = 900; var countTillUlti4 = 200; var countTillUlti4Orig = 600; var bossPlay = true; var invincible = false; var distToHeroH = 0; var distToHeroX = 0; var distToHeroY = 0; var groundAttack = false; var halfWay = false; } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bar._xscale = ( / _parent.lifeTotal) * 100; this._xscale = _parent._xscale; if ( <= 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (bossPlay) { if (life > 0) { if ( > 0) { if (vframe == 4 && this.hurt._currentframe > 26) { _root.vcam.Target = this; } else { _root.vcam.Target = null; distToHeroX = _root.hero._x - this._x; distToHeroY = _root.hero._y - this._y; if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { distToHeroH = Math.sqrt(distToHeroY * -1 - distToHeroX); } else { distToHeroH = Math.sqrt(distToHeroY * -1 + distToHeroX); } _root.vcam._x += (_root.hero._x - distToHeroX / 2 - _root.vcam._x) / 10; _root.vcam._y += (_root.hero._y - distToHeroY / 2 - _root.vcam._y) / 10 - 10; if (distToHeroH > -15 && distToHeroH < 20) { } else { _root.vcam.targetScale = distToHeroH * 6; } } } else { _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } if ( > 0) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { _x = _x - 1; _xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _x = _x + 1; _xscale = 100; } } } } if (life > 1300) { } else { if (life > 800) { countTillShootOrig = 600; countTillUltiOrig = 700; countTillUlti2Orig = 1200; countTillUlti3Orig = 800; if (countTillUlti > countTillUltiOrig) { countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (countTillUlti2 > countTillUlti2Orig) { countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } if (countTillUlti3 > countTillUlti3Orig) { countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } } else { if (life > 300) { countTillShootOrig = 500; countTillUltiOrig = 600; countTillUlti2Orig = 700; if (countTillUlti > countTillUltiOrig) { countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (countTillUlti2 > countTillUlti2Orig) { countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } } else { stunnedOrig = 8; exhausted = false; countTillShootOrig = 400; countTillUltiOrig = 300; countTillUlti2Orig = 500; countTillUlti3Orig = 700; if (countTillUlti > countTillUltiOrig) { countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (countTillUlti2 > countTillUlti2Orig) { countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } if (countTillUlti3 > countTillUlti3Orig) { countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } } } } if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this.bound) && > 0 && this._currentframe != 4) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit)) { if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); } _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 8 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 5 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 5; } _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit2)) { if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _root.hero.xSpeed = 10 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 5 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 5; } _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit3)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); _root.hero.gravity = 9; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 17 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 8 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 8; } _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit4)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); _root.hero.gravity = 20; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 12 * (this._xscale / 100); if (_root.survivalMode) { -= 15 + _root.stage_mc.goalTarget / 4; } else { -= 15; } _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } } if ( <= 0) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('taunt'); }; } if (this._currentframe == 4 && this.hurt._currentframe > 17) { } else { if (this._currentframe == 3 && this.attack._currentframe > 185) { } else { if (countTillShoot > 0) { --countTillShoot; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); countTillShoot = countTillShootOrig; } if (countTillUlti > 0) { --countTillUlti; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti'); countTillUlti = countTillUltiOrig; } if (countTillUlti2 > 0) { --countTillUlti2; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti2'); countTillUlti2 = countTillUlti2Orig; } if (countTillUlti3 > 0) { --countTillUlti3; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti3'); countTillUlti3 = countTillUlti3Orig; } if (countTillUlti4 > 0) { --countTillUlti4; } else { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti4'); countTillUlti4 = random(countTillUlti4Orig); } } } if ( > 200 && < 700) { if (this.attack._currentframe > 150) { exhausted = false; } else { exhausted = true; } } if (!invincible) { if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this.bound)) { if (exhausted) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 180) { if (_root.hero.hitPowerY > 0) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 18) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } } } } else { stunned = stunnedOrig; } if (countTillUlti > 10) { countTillUlti -= 10; } if (countTillUlti2 > 10) { countTillUlti2 -= 10; } if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.XP += _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; } _root.xpSpawn(this); _root.hero.iSpecial += (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 15; life -= (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 1.5; xSpeed = _root.hero.xSpeed + (_root.hero.hitPower / 6) * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.vcam.xSpeed = _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / 1.5; _root.vcam.ySpeed = _root.hero.hitPowerY * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / -3; } } var v4 = 0; while (v4 < 10) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v4].hit)) { if (exhausted) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } else { stunned = stunnedOrig; } this.xSpeed = 10 * (_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v4]._xscale / 100); -= 15; _root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v4].gotoAndPlay('boom'); } ++v4; } if ( <= 800 && !halfWay) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop(1); _root.hero.heroPlay = false; this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 3) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('stepUp'); } } if (stunned > 1) { this.attack.stop(); damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '0', 'rb': '255', 'ga': '0', 'gb': '255', 'ba': '0', 'bb': '255', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); --stunned; } else { if (stunned == 1) {; damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); stunned = 0; } } } if (life <= 500) { if (this._currentframe != 4) { if (this._x < -1110 or this._x > 1182) { gotoAndStop('attack'); if (this.attack._currentframe < 3) { this.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti5'); } } } } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (life <= 0) { if (this.hitTest(_parent.death)) { } else { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 3) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('die'); } damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); } } } else { gotoAndStop('taunt'); } if (_root.vcam.Target == this && this._currentframe == 3 && > 0) { _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; } if (this._y < -1000) { _x = 134; _y = 731; } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 2062 stage28 { frame 1 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } instance of movieClip 1864 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _parent.midGround._x * 2; if (_parent.ground._currentframe > 1 && _parent.ground._currentframe < 297) { _y = _y - 1.4; } } } instance midGround of movieClip 1865 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.ground._currentframe > 1 && _parent.ground._currentframe < 297) { _y = _y - 1.5; } } } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x - _root.vcam._width / 2 - _root.stage_mc._x; if (_parent.ground._currentframe > 1 && _parent.ground._currentframe < 297) { _y = _y - 1.7; } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.ground._currentframe > 3 && _parent.ground._currentframe < 297) { _y = _y - 1.7; } } } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 6; _alpha = 0; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x - _root.vcam._width / 2 - _root.stage_mc._x + _width / 2; if (_parent.ground._currentframe > 200 && _parent.ground._currentframe < 297) { this._alpha += 0.4; this._visible = true; } } } instance death of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var dontKill = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!dontKill) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } if (this.hitTest(_parent.boss) && > 0) { _parent.boss.gotoAndStop('attack'); if (_parent.boss.attack._currentframe < 3) { _parent.boss.attack.gotoAndPlay('ulti4'); } } } } } } movieClip 2065 { } movieClip 2066 stage29 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 10) { _root.attachMovie('whiteMist2', 'frontground', 98); } _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } instance of movieClip 1864 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _parent.midGround._x * 2; } } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x - _root.vcam._width / 2 - _root.stage_mc._x; } } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var moveSpeed = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root.vcam._x - _root.vcam._width / 2 - _root.stage_mc._x + _width / 2; } } instance death of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.bound.hitTest(this)) { if ( > 0) { = 0; } } } } } movieClip 2071 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 4) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 98 { _parent.spawnBoss(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { _parent.resetContinue(); _parent.waveTimeOrig += 45; _parent.waveTime = _parent.waveTimeOrig; } } movieClip 2073 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 2074 stageSurvival { frame 1 { var i = random(2) + 11; _root.currentTrack =['track' + i]; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); var timeTillSpawn = 80; var timeTillSpawnOrig = timeTillSpawn; var newEnemy; var leftOrRight = 0; var randomEnemy = 0; var archorPos = 0; var chance = 0; var levelDif = 0; var maxEnemies = 5; var goal = 0; var goalTarget = 10; var numToSpawn = goalTarget; var score = 0; var currentBoss = 1; _root.survivalMode = true; = _root.hero.lifeTotal; _root.hero.iSpecial = _root.hero.iSpecialTotal; var waveTime = 450; var waveTimeOrig = 450; var startSurvival = false;; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!startSurvival) { } else { if (this.ground._currentframe == 1) { if (numToSpawn > 0) { if (timeTillSpawn > 0) { --timeTillSpawn; } else { if (levelDif > 3) { leftOrRight = random(5) + 1; randomEnemy = random(2) + 1; } else { if (levelDif > 2) { leftOrRight = random(2) + 1; randomEnemy = random(2) + 1; } else { if (levelDif > 1) { leftOrRight = random(2) + 1; randomEnemy = 1; } else { leftOrRight = random(2) + 1; randomEnemy = 1; } } } if (levelDif > 3) { chance = random(2); if (chance == 0 && levelDiff >= 3) { randomEnemy += random(2) + 1; } } newEnemy = attachMovie('Enemy' + randomEnemy, 'enemy' + this.getNextHighestDepth(), this.getNextHighestDepth()); if (randomEnemy == 3) { archorPos = 6 + random(6); newEnemy._x = this['spawnPoint' + archorPos]._x + (random(20) - random(20)); newEnemy._y = this['spawnPoint' + archorPos]._y; } else { newEnemy._x = this['spawnPoint' + leftOrRight]._x + (random(100) - random(100)); newEnemy._y = this['spawnPoint' + leftOrRight]._y; } --numToSpawn; timeTillSpawn = timeTillSpawnOrig; } } } if (waveTime > 0) { --waveTime; } if (numToSpawn == 0) { if (this.ground._currentframe == 1) { this.ground.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; spawnBoss = function () { var v3; v3 = this.attachMovie(['Boss' + currentBoss], 'boss', _parent.getNextHighestDepth()); v3._x = spawnPointBoss._x; v3._y = spawnPointBoss._y; ++currentBoss; if (currentBoss > 5) { currentBoss = 1; } }; resetContinue = function () { goal = 0; goalTarget += 5; numToSpawn = goalTarget; if (timeTillSpawnOrig > 50) { timeTillSpawnOrig -= 25; } timeTillSpawn = timeTillSpawnOrig; ++levelDif; }; } } movieClip 2076 blacksmith_avatar { } movieClip 2078 eivana_avatar { } movieClip 2094 groundCut { frame 1 { randomDir = random(2); moveSpeed = Math.random(1) * 4; var gravity = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { _root.hideFromCam(this); if (this._currentframe < 69 && < 70) { if (randomDir == 0) { _x = _x + moveSpeed; } else { if (randomDir == 1) { _x = _x - moveSpeed; } } } gravity -= 1; _y = _y - gravity; while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity = 0; } }; } frame 41 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + random(20)); } frame 72 { if (this.hitTest(_root.vcam)) { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 13; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed += random(10) - random(10); -= 15; hit = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero.gravity = 6; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 10 * (_root.hero._xscale / -100); -= 5; hit = true; } } } } frame 92 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + random(10)); } frame 116 { this.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 2109 boss2_lightning { instance of movieClip 301 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 15; _root.hero.xSpeed += 15 * (_root.hero._xscale / -100); -= 20; hit = true; if ( > 50) { _root.stage_mc.boss.doUlti = false; _root.stage_mc.boss.ultiGap = _root.stage_mc.boss.ultiGapOrig; _root.stage_mc.boss.ultiStrike = _root.stage_mc.boss.ultiStrikeOrig; } } } } } frame 55 { stop(); } } movieClip 2111 gaaz_avatar { } movieClip 2116 boss4Blast { frame 1 { if ( > 300) { var xSpeed = 5; } else { if ( > 200) { var xSpeed = 8; _xscale = 150; _yscale = _xscale; } else { if ( > 100) { var xSpeed = 10; _xscale = 170; _yscale = _xscale; } else { var xSpeed = 13; _xscale = 230; _yscale = _xscale; } } } var life = 300; var newPart; } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = -15; -= 10 + _parent._xscale / 60; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } frame 2 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe <= 31) { _x = _x - xSpeed; } if (life > 0) { --life; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.hideFromCam(this); if (this._currentframe < 45) { if (this.hitTest(_root.vcam)) { newPart = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('boss4Part', 'newPart' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newPart._x = this._x + random(_width / 2) - random(_width / 2); newPart._y = this._y + random(_height / 2) - random(_height / 2); newPart._xscale = 50 + random(50) - random(30); newPart._yscale = newPart._xscale; } } }; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 60 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2118 boss4Part { frame 56 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2151 boss4Strike { frame 1 { _width = 110; _height = 722; } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 15; _root.hero.xSpeed += 15 * (_root.hero._xscale / -100); -= 20; hit = true; if ( > 50) { _root.stage_mc.boss.normAtkGap = 0; _root.stage_mc.boss.normAtkGapOrig = 0; } } } } } } frame 128 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2164 cut1 { instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 5; _root.hero.xSpeed = 5 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 5 + _parent._xscale / 60; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } frame 42 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2176 cut2 { instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 18 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 5 + _parent._xscale / 60; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } frame 44 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2188 cut3 { instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 18 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 5 + _parent._xscale / 60; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } frame 42 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2200 cut4 { instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 18 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 5 + _parent._xscale / 60; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } frame 41 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2233 cut6 { instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 5; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 5; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 5; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 5; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 18 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 10 + _parent._xscale / 60; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } frame 65 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2244 cut7 { instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 18 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 10 + _parent._xscale / 60; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } frame 43 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2266 { instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 20; _root.hero.xSpeed = 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 10 + _parent._xscale / 60; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } frame 81 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2267 cut8 { frame 141 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2280 { frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 37 { _parent._xscale *= -1; _parent.scoutDist = _parent.scoutDistOrig; } } movieClip 2294 { frame 1 { if (_root.hero._x > _parent._x) { _parent._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; } } frame 23 { if (_parent.intellect > 1) { if (_root.hero._x > _parent._x) { _parent._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; } } } frame 46 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 2349 { frame 12 { if ( <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } } frame 26 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay('spin'); } frame 94 { if ( <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die2'); } } frame 103 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 159 { if ( <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } } frame 179 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 181 { _root.XP += 100; } frame 208 { stop(); ++_root.stage_mc.goal; ++_root.stage_mc.score; ++_root.survivalScore; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } frame 244 { stop(); ++_root.stage_mc.goal; ++_root.stage_mc.score; ++_root.survivalScore; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2350 Enemy1 { frame 1 { var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var scoutDist = 200; var scoutDistOrig = scoutDist; var walkSpeed = 1.5; var eyeSight = 300; var life = 50; var lifeTotal = life; var intellect = 1; var onGround = false; var scout = true; var leftOrRight = random(2); if (leftOrRight == 0) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bar._xscale = ( / _parent.lifeTotal) * 100; this._xscale = _parent._xscale; if ( <= 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (scout) { if (onGround) { if (this._currentframe < 4) { if (scoutDist > 0) { --scoutDist; _x = _x + walkSpeed * (_xscale / 100); } else { if (this.walk._currentframe < 27) { walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } gotoAndStop('walk'); } } } else { if (onGround) { if (this._currentframe < 4) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.hero) == false) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _x = _x + walkSpeed; if (_xscale == -100 && this.walk._currentframe < 27) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } else { _x = _x - walkSpeed; if (_xscale == 100 && this.walk._currentframe < 27) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } gotoAndStop('walk'); } else { if ( > 0) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } } } } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true) or _root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 27) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } if (_xscale == -100 && _root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width, _y + bound._height / 2, true) == false) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 27) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } if (_xscale == 100 && _root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width, _y + bound._height / 2, true) == false) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 27) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } if (_root.survivalMode) { scout = false; } else { if ( > 0) { if (_xscale == 100 && _root.hero._x > this._x && _root.hero._x < this._x + eyeSight * 1.5) { scout = false; } if (_xscale == -100 && _root.hero._x < this._x && _root.hero._x > this._x - eyeSight * 1.5) { scout = false; } if (_root.hero._y < this._y - 200 or _root.hero._y > this._y + 200) { scout = true; } if (_root.hero._x < this._x - eyeSight or _root.hero._x > this._x + eyeSight) { scout = true; } } else { scout = true; } } if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this.bound)) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 180) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hitPowerY > 0) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 10) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } } if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.XP += _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; _root.xpSpawn(this); } _root.hero.iSpecial += (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 15; life -= _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage; xSpeed = _root.hero.xSpeed + (_root.hero.hitPower / 2.5) * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); gravity = _root.hero.hitPowerY / 2; _root.vcam.xSpeed = _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / 1.5; _root.vcam.ySpeed = _root.hero.hitPowerY * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / -3; _xscale = _root.hero._xscale * -1; } } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 10) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].hit)) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); this.gravity = 5; this.xSpeed = 10 * (_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3]._xscale / 100); -= 15; _root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].gotoAndPlay('boom'); } ++v3; } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (_root.hero._currentframe != 6) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit)) { if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _root.hero.xSpeed = 5 * (this._xscale / 100); -= 5; _root._root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 7; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 10 * (this._xscale / 100); -= 10; _root._root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } } } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (this.hurt._currentframe > 59 && this.hurt._currentframe < 79 && onGround) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 2383 { } movieClip 2396 { frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 66 { _parent._xscale *= -1; _parent.scoutDist = _parent.scoutDistOrig; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 91 { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } movieClip 2414 { frame 22 { if (_parent.intellect > 1) { if (_root.hero._x > _parent._x && this._xscale == -100) { _parent._xscale = 100; } if (_root.hero._x < _parent._x && this._xscale == 100) { _parent._xscale = -100; } } } frame 53 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 2467 { frame 17 { if ( <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('die'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 49 { if ( <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('die2'); } } frame 74 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 122 { stop(); ++_root.stage_mc.goal; ++_root.stage_mc.score; ++_root.survivalScore; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } frame 124 { _root.XP += 200; } frame 165 { stop(); ++_root.stage_mc.goal; ++_root.stage_mc.score; ++_root.survivalScore; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2468 Enemy2 { frame 1 { var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var scoutDist = 200; var scoutDistOrig = scoutDist; var walkSpeed = 1.5; var runSpeed = 3; var eyeSight = 500; var life = 100; var lifeTotal = life; var intellect = 2; var onGround = false; var scout = true; var leftOrRight = random(2); if (leftOrRight == 0) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bar._xscale = ( / _parent.lifeTotal) * 100; this._xscale = _parent._xscale; if ( <= 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (scout) { if (onGround) { if (this._currentframe < 4) { if (scoutDist > 0) { --scoutDist; _x = _x + walkSpeed * (_xscale / 100); } else { if (this.walk._currentframe < 27) { walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } gotoAndStop('walk'); } } } else { if (onGround) { if (this._currentframe < 4) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.hero) == false) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _x = _x + runSpeed; if (_xscale == -100 && this.walk._currentframe < 27) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } else { _x = _x - runSpeed; if (_xscale == 100 && this.walk._currentframe < 27) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } gotoAndStop('walk'); if (this.walk._currentframe < 33) { walk.gotoAndPlay('run'); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x && this._xscale == -100) { _xscale = 100; } if (_root.hero._x < this._x && this._xscale == 100) { _xscale = -100; } } else { if ( > 0) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } } } } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true) or _root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 33) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } if (_xscale == -100 && _root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width, _y + bound._height / 2, true) == false) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 33) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } if (_xscale == 100 && _root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width, _y + bound._height / 2, true) == false) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 33) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } if (_root.survivalMode) { scout = false; } else { if ( > 0) { if (_xscale == 100 && _root.hero._x > this._x && _root.hero._x < this._x + eyeSight * 1.5) { scout = false; } if (_xscale == -100 && _root.hero._x < this._x && _root.hero._x > this._x - eyeSight * 1.5) { scout = false; } if (_root.hero._y < this._y - 200 or _root.hero._y > this._y + 200) { scout = true; } if (_root.hero._x < this._x - eyeSight or _root.hero._x > this._x + eyeSight) { scout = true; } } else { scout = true; } } if (scout && this.walk._currentframe > 67) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this.bound)) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 75) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hitPowerY > 0) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 10) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } } if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.XP += _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; _root.xpSpawn(this); } _root.hero.iSpecial += (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 15; life -= _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage; xSpeed = _root.hero.xSpeed + (_root.hero.hitPower / 2.5) * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); gravity = _root.hero.hitPowerY / 2; _root.vcam.xSpeed = _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / 1.5; _root.vcam.ySpeed = _root.hero.hitPowerY * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / -3; _xscale = _root.hero._xscale * -1; } } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 10) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].hit)) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); this.gravity = 5; this.xSpeed = 10 * (_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3]._xscale / 100); -= 15; _root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].gotoAndPlay('boom'); } ++v3; } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (_root.hero._currentframe != 6) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit)) { if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _root.hero.xSpeed = 5 * (this._xscale / 100); -= 5; _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } if (_root.hero.hitTest(this.attack.hit2)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 7; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; _root.hero.xSpeed = 10 * (this._xscale / 100); -= 10; _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } } } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (this.hurt._currentframe > 22 && this.hurt._currentframe < 44 && onGround) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 2478 { } movieClip 2487 { frame 1 { var newArrow; } instance of movieClip 2478 { onClipEvent (load) { var X = 0; var Y = 0; var Angle = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._x < _parent._parent._x - 100 or _root.hero._x > _parent._parent._x + 100) { if (_root.hero._x < _parent._parent._x) { this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; this._rotation = Angle * 57.29577951308232; } else { this._xscale = -100; this._yscale = -100; this._rotation = Angle * 57.29577951308232 * -1; } X = this._x + _parent._parent._x - _root.hero._x; Y = this._y + _parent._parent._y - _root.hero._y; Angle = Math.atan2(Y, X); } else { _rotation = 0; _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; } } } frame 36 { stop(); if (_parent.fireRate > 0) { --_parent.fireRate; this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } else { play(); } } frame 38 { newArrow = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('enemy3_arrow', 'arrow' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newArrow._x = _parent._x; newArrow._y = _parent._y - _parent._height / 2; newArrow.master = _parent; _parent.fireRate = _parent.fireRateOrig; } frame 50 { if (_parent.inSight) { gotoAndPlay(10); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2529 { frame 4 { if ( <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } frame 29 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 51 { if ( <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } frame 69 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 96 { gotoAndPlay('spin'); } frame 98 { _parent.xSpeed = 8 * (_parent._xscale / -100); } frame 122 { if ( <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('die'); } } frame 138 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 170 { stop(); ++_root.stage_mc.goal; ++_root.stage_mc.score; ++_root.survivalScore; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2530 Enemy3 { frame 1 { var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var scoutDist = 200; var scoutDistOrig = scoutDist; var walkSpeed = 1.5; if (_root.survivalMode) { var eyeSight = 400; } else { var eyeSight = 800; } var life = 50; var lifeTotal = life; var intellect = 1; var onGround = false; var inSight = false; var fireRate = 50; var fireRateOrig = fireRate; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bar._xscale = ( / _parent.lifeTotal) * 100; this._xscale = _parent._xscale; if ( <= 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (_root.hero._x < this._x + this.eyeSight && _root.hero._x > this._x - this.eyeSight) { inSight = true; } else { inSight = false; } if (inSight) { if ( > 0) { if (this._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); } if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } } } if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this.bound)) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (this.hurt._currentframe < 140) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hitPowerY > 0) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 10) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } } if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.XP += _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; _root.xpSpawn(this); } _root.hero.iSpecial += (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 15; life -= _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage; xSpeed = _root.hero.xSpeed + (_root.hero.hitPower / 2.5) * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); gravity = _root.hero.hitPowerY / 2; _root.vcam.xSpeed = _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / 1.5; _root.vcam.ySpeed = _root.hero.hitPowerY * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / -3; _xscale = _root.hero._xscale * -1; } } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 10) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].hit)) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('spin'); this.gravity = 5; this.xSpeed = 10 * (_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3]._xscale / 100); -= 15; _root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].gotoAndPlay('boom'); } ++v3; } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (this.hurt._currentframe > 75 && this.hurt._currentframe < 97 && onGround) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 2532 { } movieClip 2533 enemy3_arrow { frame 1 { var onGround = false; var X = this._x - _root.hero._x; var Y = this._y - _root.hero._y + _root.hero.bound._height / 1.25; var Angle = Math.atan2(Y, X); _rotation = Angle * 57.29577951308232; xSpeed = Math.cos(Angle) * -15; ySpeed = Math.sin(Angle) * -15; var life = 200; var doDamage = true; } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { _root.hideFromCam(this); if (_root.hero.attack.hit.hitTest(this)) { doDamage = false; xSpeed = 10 + random(20) * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); ySpeed = random(20) - random(20); this.gotoAndStop('spin'); } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (doDamage) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (_root.hero._currentframe != 6) { if (_root.hero.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero._xscale = master._xscale * -1; } _root.hero.xSpeed = 5 * (master._xscale / 100); -= 5; _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } if (onGround) { doDamage = false; xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; if (_currentframe == 3) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { _x = _x + xSpeed; _y = _y + ySpeed; } if (life > 0) { --life; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 2548 enemy4_dust1 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 2561 enemy4_dust2 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 2574 enemy4_dust3 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } } movieClip 2581 { } movieClip 2584 { frame 2 { if (_parent.hitTest(_root.vcam)) { _root.sound.skullzor.start(); } } } movieClip 2597 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe > 85) { _parent.gravity = 0.5; _parent.xSpeed = 0; } }; if ( <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } frame 24 { if ( <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 26 { _parent.xSpeed = 10 * (_parent._xscale / -100); } frame 58 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 60 { _parent.gravity = 12; } frame 128 { stop(); ++_root.stage_mc.goal; ++_root.stage_mc.score; ++_root.survivalScore; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2598 Enemy4 { frame 1 { var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var scoutDist = 200; var scoutDistOrig = scoutDist; var walkSpeed = 2; var eyeSight = 800; var life = 10; var lifeTotal = life; var onGround = false; var inSight = false; var inGround = true; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } var dustSpawn = 2; var dustSpawnOrig = 2; var newDust_mc; var doDamage = true; } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.1; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.1; } } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; gravity = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (_root.survivalMode) { inSight = true; } else { if (_root.hero._x < this._x + this.eyeSight && _root.hero._x > this._x - this.eyeSight) { if (_root.hero._y > this._y - 200 && _root.hero._y < this._y + 200) { inSight = true; } } else { inSight = false; } } if (inSight) { if (onGround) { if (_root.hero._x < this._x) { if (xSpeed > -walkSpeed) { --xSpeed; } _xscale = -100; } else { if (xSpeed < walkSpeed) { ++xSpeed; } _xscale = 100; } } else { if (_xscale == 100) { if (xSpeed < walkSpeed) { ++xSpeed; } } else { if (xSpeed > -walkSpeed) { --xSpeed; } } } } if (this._currentframe < 4) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x - 150 && _root.hero._x < this._x + 150 && inSight) { if (onGround) { gravity = 8; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if (!onGround && _root.hero.bound.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (doDamage && > 0) { if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { _root.hero.stunned = _root.hero.stunnedOrig; } else { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale * -1; } _root.hero.xSpeed = 5 * (this._xscale / 100); -= 5; this.xSpeed *= -1; _xscale = _xscale * -1; this.gravity = 8; doDamage = false; } } } if (onGround) { gotoAndStop('walk'); doDamage = true; } else { gotoAndStop('jump'); if (dustSpawn > 0) { --dustSpawn; } else { newDust_mc = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('enemy4_dust' + (random(3) + 1), 'enemy4dust' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newDust_mc._x = this._x; newDust_mc._y = this._y - this._height / 2; newDust_mc._xscale += random(150) - random(150); newDust_mc._yscale = newDust_mc._xscale; dustSpawn = dustSpawnOrig; } } if (!onGround) { walkSpeed = 7; } else { walkSpeed = 2; } } else { walkSpeed = 0; } if ( > 0) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.hero.attack.hit)) { if (_root.hero.attack._currentframe < 200 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 353 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 372 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 403 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 617 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1113 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1345) { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['punchSound' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.punchSound4.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.hero.hitPower < 20) { _root.sound['swordHit' + (random(3) + 1)].start(0, 1); } else { _root.sound.swordHit4.start(0, 1); } } this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.hurt.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.hero.iSpecial += (_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage) / 15; if (!_root.survivalMode) { _root.XP += _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY; _root.xpSpawn(this); } life -= _root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY + _root.hero.damage; xSpeed = _root.hero.xSpeed + _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); gravity = _root.hero.hitPowerY / 2; _root.vcam.xSpeed = _root.hero.hitPower * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / 1.5; _root.vcam.ySpeed = _root.hero.hitPowerY * (_root.hero._xscale / 100) / -3; _xscale = _root.hero._xscale * -1; } } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 10) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].hit)) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); this.gravity = 8; this.xSpeed = 10 * (_root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3]._xscale / 100); -= 15; _root.stage_mc['heroWaterBall' + v3].gotoAndPlay('boom'); } ++v3; } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } if (this.hurt._currentframe > 3 && this.hurt._currentframe < 24 && onGround) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); } _root.hideFromCam(this); }; } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { bar._xscale = ( / _parent.lifeTotal) * 100; this._xscale = _parent._xscale; if ( <= 0) { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } } } } } movieClip 2621 lightningIce { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 0) { _root.sound.ceroFire.start(0, 0); } } instance of movieClip 301 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 7; _root.hero.xSpeed += 20 * (_root.hero._xscale / -100); -= 20; hit = true; if ( > 50) { _root.stage_mc.boss.doUlti = false; _root.stage_mc.boss.ultiGap = _root.stage_mc.boss.ultiGapOrig; _root.stage_mc.boss.ultiStrike = _root.stage_mc.boss.ultiStrikeOrig; } } } } } frame 21 { if (_root._currentframe > 0) { _root.sound.ceroHit.start(0, 0); } } frame 72 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2623 particleVand { frame 51 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2636 vandDust { frame 37 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2648 waterBall { frame 1 { var particle; var life = 300; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe < 34) { _x = _x + 7 * (_xscale / 100); particle = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('particleVand', 'particleVand' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); particle._x = this._x + random(20) - random(20); particle._y = this._y + random(20) - random(20); particle._xscale += random(30) - random(70); particle._yscale = particle._xscale; _root.hideFromCam(particle); --life; if (life < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } instance hit of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { var hit = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!hit) { if (_root.hero._currentframe == 5 && (_root.hero.attack._currentframe > 789 && _root.hero.attack._currentframe < 1055 or _root.hero.attack._currentframe > 1599)) { } else { if ( > 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.bound)) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop('hurt'); if (_root.hero.hurt._currentframe < 3) { _root.hero.hurt.gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } _root.hero.gravity = 8; _root.hero.xSpeed = 10 * (_parent._xscale / 100); -= 10 + _parent._xscale / 60; _parent.gotoAndPlay('boom'); hit = true; } } } } } } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 79 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2659 airStrike { frame 44 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2675 airStrike2 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root.hero._x; this._y = _root.hero._y; }; } frame 62 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2688 { } movieClip 2690 dbb { frame 51 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2692 leo_avatar { } movieClip 2706 { } movieClip 2707 powerBlast { frame 53 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2733 slashes { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 2736 xp_mc { frame 1 { sayWha = '+' + Math.round(_root.hero.hitPower + _root.hero.hitPowerY) + 'XP'; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 2; _y = _y - 0.2; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } // unknown tag 88 length 82 movieClip 2743 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2744 convo1 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2748 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 17 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2751 conceptArtViewer { instance of movieClip 2748 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (press) { if (_parent.numOfItems > 1) { _parent.newImg.gotoAndPlay('outToLeft'); _parent.addNewImg('right'); --_parent.numOfItems; } } } instance of movieClip 2748 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (press) { if (_parent.numOfItems < 10) { _parent.newImg.gotoAndPlay('outToRight'); _parent.addNewImg('left'); ++_parent.numOfItems; } } } frame 25 { var newImg; var numOfItems = 1; newImg = this.attachMovie('imgCA', 'newImg' + this.getNextHighestDepth(), this.getNextHighestDepth()); addNewImg = function (dir) { newImg = this.attachMovie('imgCA', 'newImg' + this.getNextHighestDepth(), this.getNextHighestDepth()); if (dir == 'left') { newImg.gotoAndPlay('inFromLeft'); } else { if (dir == 'right') { newImg.gotoAndPlay('inFromRight'); } } }; stop(); } instance of movieClip 2748 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (press) { if (_parent.numOfItems < 8) { _parent.newImg.gotoAndPlay('outToRight'); _parent.addNewImg('left'); ++_parent.numOfItems; } } } } movieClip 2769 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(_parent._parent.numOfItems); stop(); } } movieClip 2770 imgCA { frame 20 { stop(); } frame 28 { this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 47 { gotoAndStop(20); } frame 55 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2775 BoundingBox { } movieClip 2776 Defaults { #initclip Object.registerClass('Defaults', mx.skins.halo.Defaults); #endinitclip } movieClip 2777 UIObjectExtensions { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIObjectExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions); #endinitclip } movieClip 2778 UIObject { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIObject', mx.core.UIObject); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } button 2781 { on (keyPress '<Tab>') { this.tabHandler(); } } movieClip 2782 { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } #endinitclip frame 1 { } } movieClip 2783 FocusRect { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusRect', mx.skins.halo.FocusRect); #endinitclip } movieClip 2784 FocusManager { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2785 UIComponentExtensions { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIComponentExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions); #endinitclip } movieClip 2786 UIComponent { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIComponent', mx.core.UIComponent); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2789 FrameRate { #initclip Object.registerClass('FrameRate', flextnet.components.FrameRate); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2821 dust5 { frame 50 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2829 dust4 { frame 29 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2838 dust3 { frame 32 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2847 dust2 { frame 1 { _rotation = _rotation + _root.hero.xSpeed * 3; } frame 33 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2857 dust1 { frame 38 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 2861 { frame 1 { this.createEmptyMovieClip('iconHolder', 10); } } movieClip 2864 { frame 1 { this.XP = Math.round(_root.XP); } } movieClip 2888 { } movieClip 2889 { } movieClip 2890 { frame 1 { targetConvo = _parent['con' + _root.currentConvo]; var endConvo = targetConvo.length; var i = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip('avatar', this.getNextHighestDepth()); avatar._x = -178.1; avatar._y = -9.949999999999999; } frame 2 { textHolder = targetConvo[i]; avatar.avatar.removeMovieClip(); avatar.attachMovie(_parent['con' + _root.currentConvo + 'Target'][i] + '_avatar', 'avatar', 10); if (_parent['con' + _root.currentConvo + 'CamTarget'][i] == 'hero') { _root.vcam.Target = _root[_parent['con' + _root.currentConvo + 'CamTarget'][i]]; } else { _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc[_parent['con' + _root.currentConvo + 'CamTarget'][i]]; } } frame 28 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2889 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { ++_parent.i; if (_parent.endConvo == _parent.i) {; _parent.nextFrame(); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } frame 29 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; if (_root.hero.hitTest(_root.stage_mc.blacksmith)) { if (_root.currentConvo != 3 && _root.currentConvo != 4) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; if (_root.hud.upgradeSystem._currentframe == 1) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false;; } _root.stage_mc.blacksmith.hitting.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.currentConvo == 3) { _root.stage_mc.conov3Done = true; } if (_root.currentConvo == 4) { _root.stage_mc.upgrade._visible = true; } if (_root.currentConvo == 7) { _root.stage_mc.blacksmith.convoPick = 6; _root.currentConvo = 6; } } if (_root.currentConvo == 8) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _parent.boss; _root.vcam.targetScale = 70;; } if (_root.currentConvo == 9) { _root.stage_mc.upgrade2._visible = true; } if (_root.currentConvo == 12) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Taret =;; } if (_root.currentConvo == 14) { _root.stage_mc.upgrade3._visible = true; _root.stage_mc.upgrade4._visible = true; } if (_root.currentConvo == 15) {; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.loneWarrior; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; } if (_root.currentConvo == 16) {; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.vandheer; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; } if (_root.currentConvo == 17) {; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.loneWarrior; } if (_root.currentConvo == 18) { _root.hero.heroPlay = false; _root.vcam.Target = _root.stage_mc.camTarget;; } stop(); } } movieClip 2891 { frame 1 { stop(); _visible = false; } frame 2 { _visible = true; } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2894 { frame 1 { this.score = _root.survivalScore; } } movieClip 2896 { } movieClip 2899 { frame 1 { lifeTotal = _root.hero.lifeTotal; healthInt = Math.round(; manaInt = Math.round(_root.hero.iSpecial); } instance itemSlot1 of movieClip 2861 { onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('iconHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); iconHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.punchStyle, 'currentItem', 10); if (!_root.survivalMode) { if (_root.currentLevel == 0) { _visible = false; } } } } instance itemSlot2 of movieClip 2861 { onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('iconHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); iconHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.weaponStyle, 'currentItem', 10); if (!_root.survivalMode) { if (_root.currentLevel == 0) { _visible = false; } } } } instance itemSlot3 of movieClip 2861 { onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('iconHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); iconHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); if (!_root.survivalMode) { if (_root.currentLevel == 0) { _visible = false; } } } } instance itemSlot4 of movieClip 2861 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.survivalMode) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('iconHolder', this.getNextHighestDepth()); iconHolder.attachMovie('itemEagle', 'currentItem', 10); if (!_root.survivalMode) { if (_root.currentLevel == 0) { _visible = false; } } } else {} } } instance xpcount of movieClip 2864 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.currentLevel == 0) { _visible = false; } } } instance convo of movieClip 2891 { onClipEvent (load) { var con1_1 = 'Leo, I see you\'re awake and well.'; var con1_2 = 'Good morning Mother'; var con1_3 = 'There have been more and more Dark Creatures appearing around town recently. I\'ll be heading out to monitor the situation. Would you care to assist me?'; var con1_4 = 'I\'d love to help out'; var con1_5 = 'Fantastic! Well you can meet me here when you\'re ready.'; var con1_6 = 'Perhaps you\'d like to pay the Blacksmith a visit before we leave. He\'s a talented fighter you know. I\'m sure you could learn many things from him.'; var con1 = new Array(con1_1, con1_2, con1_3, con1_4, con1_5, con1_6); var con1Target = new Array('eivana', 'leo', 'eivana', 'leo', 'eivana', 'eivana'); var con1CamTarget = new Array('eivana', 'hero', 'eivana', 'hero', 'goal', 'blacksmith'); var con2_1 = 'G\'day Leo, looking to change up your battle style?'; var con2 = new Array(con2_1); var con2Target = new Array('blacksmith'); var con2CamTarget = new Array('blacksmith'); var con3_1 = 'Hold it Leo, you\'re not going anywhere.'; var con3_2 = 'I\'m going to save my mother. Step aside!'; var con3_3 = 'Not in your current state you aren\'t. You won\'t last a second going toe to toe with Gaaz or his soldiers.'; var con3_4 = 'I can\'t stay here and do nothing!'; var con3_5 = 'Then before you leave, I have something to give you.'; var con3_6 = 'Meet me in my workshop.'; var con3 = new Array(con3_1, con3_2, con3_3, con3_4, con3_5, con3_6); var con3Target = new Array('blacksmith', 'leo', 'blacksmith', 'leo', 'blacksmith', 'blacksmith'); var con3CamTarget = new Array('blacksmith', 'hero', 'blacksmith', 'hero', 'blacksmith', 'door1'); var con4_1 = 'You\'re talented with your fists Leo, but you will need more than that to battle with Gaaz.'; var con4_2 = 'If you want to rescue your Mother, then take this.'; var con4 = new Array(con4_1, con4_2); var con4Target = new Array('blacksmith', 'blacksmith'); var con4CamTarget = new Array('blacksmith', 'blacksmith'); var con5_1 = 'Traditional Karate is a balance between speed and power. I\'m sure you will find it to be quite effective.'; var con5_2 = 'Remember Leo, If you want to switch battle styles or learn new skills, just talk to me.'; var con5_3 = 'Thank you Sir. I promise I will return with my Mother.'; var con5 = new Array(con5_1, con5_2, con5_3); var con5Target = new Array('blacksmith', 'blacksmith', 'leo'); var con5CamTarget = new Array('blacksmith', 'blacksmith', 'hero'); var con6_1 = 'You can gain lots of XP by unleashing powerful combos on enemies.'; var con6_2 = 'You can then use that XP to upgrade your stats and unlock boosters.'; var con6 = new Array(con6_1, con6_2); var con6Target = new Array('blacksmith', 'blacksmith'); var con6CamTarget = new Array('blacksmith', 'blacksmith'); var con7_1 = 'Hold it Leo, you\'re not going...'; var con7_2 = '......................'; var con7_3 = 'Seems like you already know Traditional Karate....'; var con7_4 = 'Indeed.'; var con7_5 = 'May I pass now?'; var con7_6 = 'Sure... Good luck. But maybe you\'d like to upgrade your stats?'; var con7 = new Array(con7_1, con7_2, con7_3, con7_4, con7_5, con7_6); var con7Target = new Array('blacksmith', 'blacksmith', 'blacksmith', 'leo', 'leo', 'blacksmith'); var con7CamTarget = new Array('blacksmith', 'blacksmith', 'blacksmith', 'hero', 'hero', 'blacksmith'); var con8_1 = 'How amusing. The boy from the village managed to fumble his way here.'; var con8_2 = 'Heh. I managed to kill all your henchmen as well.'; var con8_3 = 'Let the villagers go, before I take care of you.'; var con8_4 = 'These villagers will be contributing their very essence to a greater cause. You shall be joining them shortly.'; var con8 = new Array(con8_1, con8_2, con8_3, con8_4); var con8Target = new Array('gaaz', 'leo', 'leo', 'gaaz'); var con8CamTarget = new Array('boss', 'hero', 'hero', 'boss'); var con9_1 = 'That creature...'; var con9_2 = 'I have seen that creature before...'; var con9_3 = 'Did you see what it did to our villagers? It completely devoured them!'; var con9_4 = 'Not only that, it evolved while doing so. We must stop it before more life\'s are lost!'; var con9_5 = 'No we must not. It is greater than you and I. We will perish before it.'; var con9_6 = '............'; var con9_7 = 'But...'; var con9_8 = 'Many years ago, there was \'one\' who stood before it in combat. Though I don\'t know the outcome of that battle, he certainly lives.'; var con9_9 = 'I think we should pay him a visit.'; var con9_10 = 'Prepare yourself Leo. Go see the blacksmith. He can upgrade your stats.'; var con9_11 = 'Meet me here when you are ready.'; var con9_12 = 'Roger that!'; var con9_13 = 'Leo, I want you to have this sword...'; var con9 = new Array(con9_1, con9_2, con9_3, con9_4, con9_5, con9_6, con9_7, con9_8, con9_9, con9_10, con9_11, con9_12, con9_13); var con9Target = new Array('eivana', 'eivana', 'leo', 'leo', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'leo', 'eivana'); var con9CamTarget = new Array('eivana', 'eivana', 'hero', 'hero', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'blacksmith', 'goal', 'hero', 'eivana'); var con10_1 = 'You may find hidden treasure on your journey. Make sure to look thoroughly for Special abilities and Sound Track Discs.'; var con10 = new Array(con10_1); var con10Target = new Array('blacksmith'); var con10CamTarget = new Array('blacksmith'); var con11_1 = 'I think you\'ll find this sword will have a bit more bite than the last.'; var con11_2 = 'If you feel like changing battle styles and swords, just talk to the Blacksmith.'; var con11 = new Array(con11_1, con11_2); var con11Target = new Array('eivana', 'eivana'); var con11CamTarget = new Array('eivana', 'eivana'); var con12_1 = 'You go by the name of \'Armed with Wings\'. Is that correct?'; var con12_2 = 'That name is...'; var con12_3 = 'incorrect.'; var con12_4 = 'Who is this unpleasantly still man? You\'d think he\'s been standing here for days.'; var con12_5 = 'I \'was\' Armed with Wings. Now I am nothing but a Lone Warrior. Now, my only purpose is to guard this prison.'; var con12_6 = 'Is this the one we came see?'; var con12_7 = '.............'; var con12_8 = 'Lone Warrior, I have come to set \'him\' free.'; var con12_9 = 'You will not.'; var con12_10 = 'You must understand! A great beast walks the earth. A dark creature like no other. I have seen \'him\' stand before this beast, only he can stop it!'; var con12_11 = 'He will not stop Network...'; var con12_12 = 'Network?'; var con12_13 = 'Network... This is the great beast you speak of.'; var con12_14 = 'He will not fight Network nor will Network fight him, because Network and he are closer to allies than enemies.'; var con12_15 = 'If it is Network you wish to destroy then you will do your best to protect this prison from....'; var con12 = new Array(con12_1, con12_2, con12_3, con12_4, con12_5, con12_6, con12_7, con12_8, con12_9, con12_10, con12_11, con12_12, con12_13, con12_14, con12_15); var con12Target = new Array('eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior', 'leo', 'loneWarrior', 'leo', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'leo', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior'); var con12CamTarget = new Array('eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior', 'hero', 'loneWarrior', 'hero', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'hero', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior'); var con13_1 = 'Insert conversation here'; var con13 = new Array(con13_1); var con13Target = new Array('eivana'); var con13CamTarget = new Array('eivana'); var con14_1 = 'A great evil plagues the earth. Together, Vancheer Lorde and Network will destroy everything.'; var con14_2 = 'What are we to do? They are far stronger than any of us. We would only perish before them.'; var con14_3 = 'Only he who is Armed with Wings stands a fighting chance.'; var con14_4 = 'You said yourself that you are no longer Armed with Wings. In other words we are doomed.'; var con14_5 = 'Eivana, this child has no father, correct?'; var con14_6 = '...yes...'; var con14_7 = 'As I expected...'; var con14_8 = 'This child will be Armed with Wings.'; var con14_9 = 'Excuse me?'; var con14_10 = 'Armed with Wings is the title given to chosen warriors. Warriors capable of bringing peace when no other can. Those who are Armed with Wings become immensely powerful!'; var con14_11 = 'I know this power well, and I can feel it flowing through this child. Although it is still dormant, it is growing exponentially!'; var con14_12 = 'I knew...'; var con14_13 = 'I always knew that you were special, Leo. I knew you would go on to do great things.'; var con14_14 = 'On the day you were conceived, I was badly injured, clinging onto what little life I had left. I should not have survived that day.'; var con14_15 = 'Yet somehow I did. Now I know it was because of you. It was a miracale, just as your birth was a miracale.'; var con14_16 = '...Mother...'; var con14_17 = 'There is no time. We must hunt down Vandheer Lorde and Network.'; var con14_18 = 'I\'m afraid I must sit this one out. I\'m still yet to recover from Networks attack.'; var con14_19 = 'But Mother...'; var con14_20 = 'The two of you will be fine. Leo, I believe in you.'; var con14_21 = 'Boy, before we leave I shall teach you all I know. Please accept these skills.'; var con14 = new Array(); var i = 1; while (i < 22) { this.con14.push(this['con14_' + i]); ++i; } var con14Target = new Array('loneWarrior', 'leo', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior', 'leo', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'leo', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'leo', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior'); var con14CamTarget = new Array('loneWarrior', 'hero', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior', 'hero', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'eivana', 'hero', 'loneWarrior', 'eivana', 'hero', 'eivana', 'loneWarrior'); var con15_1 = 'What is the point of ruling an empty empire? There is nothing left. My legacy is dead.'; var con15_2 = 'I\'ve heard about you. Vandheer Lorde, a ruthless king with no regard for his people. It seems the world was better off with you in that cage!'; var con15_3 = 'I never imagined that Lady Eivana would give birth to such a rude child. I once knew your Mother, she was a skillful combatant.'; var con15_4 = '...such a shame...'; var con15_5 = 'Just what are you trying to say?'; var con15_6 = 'Besides you and that rebel fool, she would be the only other person in the world worth harvesting.'; var con15_7 = 'Harvesting?'; var con15_8 = 'Were you hoping to find Network here? I\'m sure he\'s out somewhere looking for his next \'meal\'.'; var con15_9 = '!!!!!!!!!!!!'; var con15 = new Array(con15_1, con15_2, con15_3, con15_4, con15_5, con15_6, con15_7, con15_8, con15_9); var con15Target = new Array('vandheer', 'leo', 'vandheer', 'vandheer', 'leo', 'vandheer', 'leo', 'vandheer', 'leo'); var con15CamTarget = new Array('vandheer', 'hero', 'vandheer', 'vandheer', 'hero', 'vandheer', 'hero', 'vandheer', 'hero'); var con16_1 = 'Greetings ex-king.'; var con16_2 = 'Greetings, rebel scum.'; var con16_3 = 'How does it feel to be cornered?'; var con16_4 = 'Less embarrassing than to have what was once an army now reduced to a single child.'; var con16_5 = 'You bastard!'; var con16 = new Array(con16_1, con16_2, con16_3, con16_4, con16_5); var con16Target = new Array('loneWarrior', 'vandheer', 'loneWarrior', 'vandheer', 'loneWarrior'); var con16CamTarget = new Array('loneWarrior', 'vandheer', 'loneWarrior', 'vandheer', 'loneWarrior'); var con17_1 = 'Lone Warrior! My mother is in great danger! We must return to the village immediately!'; var con17_2 = '....Vandheer Lorde....'; var con17_3 = 'I WILL SLAY YOU, VANDHEER LORDE!!!!'; var con17 = new Array(con17_1, con17_2, con17_3); var con17Target = new Array('leo', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior'); var con17CamTarget = new Array('hero', 'loneWarrior', 'loneWarrior'); var con18_1 = 'Wait!!!'; var con18_2 = '............'; var con18 = new Array(con18_1, con18_2); var con18Target = new Array('leo', 'leo'); var con18CamTarget = new Array('hero', 'hero'); } } instance of movieClip 2894 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.survivalMode) { _parent.xpcount._visible = false; this._x = 8; this._y = -146; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2896 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ( / _root.hero.lifeTotal) * 100; if (!_root.survivalMode) { if (_root.currentLevel == 0) { _visible = false; } } } } instance of movieClip 2896 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = (_root.hero.iSpecial / _root.hero.iSpecialTotal) * 100; if (!_root.survivalMode) { if (_root.currentLevel == 0) { _visible = false; } } } } } movieClip 2902 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2904 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 2907 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 2916 { frame 1 { this.XP = Math.round(_root.XP); } } movieClip 2925 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2929 { } movieClip 2930 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root[stat] >= targetValue) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else {} }; } instance of movieClip 2925 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.cost = 500 * (_parent.targetValue - _root[_parent.stat]); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.XP >= _parent.cost) { _root.XP -= _parent.cost; _root[_parent.stat] = _parent.targetValue; _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 2932 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2934 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2961 { } movieClip 2975 { } movieClip 2988 { } movieClip 2997 { } movieClip 3002 { } movieClip 3009 { } movieClip 3017 { } movieClip 3024 { } movieClip 3032 { } movieClip 3039 { } movieClip 3081 { } movieClip 3088 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.hero.weaponStyle == 'sword') { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root.hero.weaponStyle == '2sword') { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_root.hero.weaponStyle == '3sword') { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } } }; } } movieClip 3113 { } movieClip 3123 { } movieClip 3134 { } movieClip 3148 { } movieClip 3153 { } movieClip 3161 { } movieClip 3170 { } movieClip 3174 { } movieClip 3181 { } movieClip 3187 { } movieClip 3198 { } movieClip 3253 { } movieClip 3256 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3257 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 3260 itempowerBlast { } movieClip 3262 itemdoubleBlow { } movieClip 3264 itemteleport { } movieClip 3265 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 24 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 3267 itemairStrike { } movieClip 3269 itemheal { } movieClip 3271 itemshoot { } movieClip 3273 itemspinningAgile { } movieClip 3288 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3290 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3307 { frame 1 { stop(); var currentSelection; } instance of movieClip 2902 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('finish'); } } instance of movieClip 2904 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('other'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance fightingButton of movieClip 2907 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('fightingStyle'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.punchStyle, 'currentItem', 10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance weaponButton of movieClip 2907 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('weapon'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('itemsword', 'currentItem', 10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance specialButton of movieClip 2907 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('special'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } frame 49 { stop(); } instance fightingButton of movieClip 2907 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('fightingStyle'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.punchStyle, 'currentItem', 10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance weaponButton of movieClip 2907 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('weapon'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('itemsword', 'currentItem', 10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance specialButton of movieClip 2907 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('special'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance of movieClip 2902 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('finish'); } } instance of movieClip 2904 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent.gotoAndStop('stats'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('stats'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance of movieClip 2904 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('other'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'lifeStats'; var targetValue = 1; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'lifeStats'; var targetValue = 2; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'lifeStats'; var targetValue = 3; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'lifeStats'; var targetValue = 4; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'lifeStats'; var targetValue = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'specialStats'; var targetValue = 1; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'specialStats'; var targetValue = 2; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'specialStats'; var targetValue = 3; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'specialStats'; var targetValue = 4; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'specialStats'; var targetValue = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'damageStats'; var targetValue = 1; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'damageStats'; var targetValue = 2; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'damageStats'; var targetValue = 3; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'damageStats'; var targetValue = 4; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'damageStats'; var targetValue = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'speedStats'; var targetValue = 1; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'speedStats'; var targetValue = 2; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'speedStats'; var targetValue = 3; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'speedStats'; var targetValue = 4; } } instance of movieClip 2930 { onClipEvent (load) { var stat = 'speedStats'; var targetValue = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2934 { onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('itempunch', 'currentItem', 10); this.imgHolder._x = -115.55; var unlocked = _root.punchStyle; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.punchStyle == 'punch') { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.punchStyle = 'punch'; _root.punchStyle = 'punch'; _parent.fightingButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.fightingButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.fightingButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.punchStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } else {} } } instance of movieClip 2934 { onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item2punch', 'currentItem', 10); this.imgHolder._x = -115.55; var unlocked = _root.punchStyle2; if (unlocked) { _parent.lock1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.punchStyle == '2punch') { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.hudToHero(); _root.hero.punchStyle = '2punch'; _root.punchStyle = '2punch'; _parent.fightingButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.fightingButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.fightingButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.punchStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } else {} } } instance of movieClip 2934 { onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item3punch', 'currentItem', 10); this.imgHolder._x = -115.55; var unlocked = _root.punchStyle3; if (unlocked) { _parent.lock2._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.punchStyle == '3punch') { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.punchStyle = '3punch'; _root.punchStyle = '3punch'; _parent.fightingButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.fightingButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.fightingButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.punchStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } else {} } } instance of movieClip 3262 itemdoubleBlow { onClipEvent (press) { _root.hero.specialStyle = doubleBlow; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.doubleBlowUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock2._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.info_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle = _root.hero.doubleBlow; _root.specialStyle = _root.hero.doubleBlow; _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.specialButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.doubleBlow) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.teleportUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock3._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.info_mc.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle = _root.hero.teleport; _root.specialStyle = _root.hero.teleport; _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.specialButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.teleport) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.powerBlastUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.info_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle = _root.hero.powerBlast; _root.specialStyle = _root.hero.powerBlast; _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.specialButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.powerBlast) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.airStrikeUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock4._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.info_mc.gotoAndStop(5); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle = _root.hero.airStrike; _root.specialStyle = _root.hero.airStrike; _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.specialButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.airStrike) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = true; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock5._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.info_mc.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle = _root.hero.heal; _root.specialStyle = _root.hero.heal; _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.specialButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.heal) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.shootUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock6._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.info_mc.gotoAndStop(7); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle = _root.hero.shoot; _root.specialStyle = _root.hero.shoot; _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.specialButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.shoot) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.spinningAgileUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock7._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.info_mc.gotoAndStop(8); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle = _root.hero.spinningAgile; _root.specialStyle = _root.hero.spinningAgile; _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.specialButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.specialButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.spinningAgile, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle == _root.hero.spinningAgile) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3290 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.bstChargeableAttacks; var cost = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bstChargeableAttacks) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } unlocked = _root.bstChargeableAttacks; if (unlocked) { _parent.bstLock1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.bstChargableAttacksEquipt = true; } } else { if (_root.XP > cost) { _root.XP -= cost; _root.bstChargableAttacksEquipt = true; _root.bstChargeableAttacks = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 3290 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.bstJumpHeight; var cost = 1000; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bstJumpHeight) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } unlocked = _root.bstJumpHeight; if (unlocked) { _parent.bstLock2._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.bstJumpHeightEquipt = true; } } else { if (_root.XP > cost) { _root.XP -= cost; _root.bstJumpHeightEquipt = true; _root.bstJumpHeight = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 3290 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.bstArialAttacks; var cost = 500; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bstArialAttacks) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } unlocked = _root.bstArialAttacks; if (unlocked) { _parent.bstLock3._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.bstArialAttacksEquipt = true; } } else { if (_root.XP > cost) { _root.XP -= cost; _root.bstArialAttacksEquipt = true; _root.bstArialAttacks = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 3290 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.bstHealthRegeneration; var cost = 1500; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bstHealthRegeneration) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } unlocked = _root.bstHealthRegeneration; if (unlocked) { _parent.bstLock5._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(5); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.bstHealthRegenerationEquipt = true; } } else { if (_root.XP > cost) { _root.XP -= cost; _root.bstHealthRegenerationEquipt = true; _root.bstHealthRegeneration = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 3290 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.bstSpecialRegeneration; var cost = 1000; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bstSpecialRegeneration) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } unlocked = _root.bstSpecialRegeneration; if (unlocked) { _parent.bstLock6._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.bstSpecialRegenerationEquipt = true; } } else { if (_root.XP > cost) { _root.XP -= cost; _root.bstSpecialRegenerationEquipt = true; _root.bstSpecialRegeneration = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 3290 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.bstAntiFlinch; var cost = 3000; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } unlocked = _root.bstAntiFlinch; if (unlocked) { _parent.bstLock7._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(7); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.bstAntiFlinchEquipt = true; } } else { if (_root.XP > cost) { _root.XP -= cost; _root.bstAntiFlinchEquipt = true; _root.bstAntiFlinch = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 2934 { onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('itemsword', 'currentItem', 10); this.imgHolder._x = -115.55; var unlocked = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.weaponStyle == 'sword') { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(5); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.weaponStyle = 'sword'; _root.weaponStyle = 'sword'; _parent.weaponButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.weaponButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.weaponButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.weaponStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } else {} } } instance of movieClip 2934 { onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item2sword', 'currentItem', 10); this.imgHolder._x = -115.55; var unlocked = _root.swordStyle2; if (unlocked) { _parent.lock3._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.weaponStyle == '2sword') { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.weaponStyle = '2sword'; _root.weaponStyle = '2sword'; _parent.weaponButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.weaponButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.weaponButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.weaponStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } else {} } } instance of movieClip 2934 { onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item3sword', 'currentItem', 10); this.imgHolder._x = -115.55; var unlocked = _root.swordStyle3; if (unlocked) { _parent.lock4._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.weaponStyle == '3sword') { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } _parent.animationPrev.gotoAndStop(7); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.weaponStyle = '3sword'; _root.weaponStyle = '3sword'; _parent.weaponButton.imgHolder.removeMovieClip(); _parent.weaponButton.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); _parent.weaponButton.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.weaponStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } else {} } } frame 55 { _root.saveGame(); _root.saveBonus(); if (_root.survivalMode) { gotoAndPlay('survivalMenu'); } } instance of movieClip 2902 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('finish'); } } instance of movieClip 2904 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('other'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance fightingButton of movieClip 2907 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('fightingStyle'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.punchStyle, 'currentItem', 10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance weaponButton of movieClip 2907 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('weapon'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('itemsword', 'currentItem', 10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } instance specialButton of movieClip 2907 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { _parent.gotoAndStop('special'); _parent.currentSelection = this; this.gotoAndPlay('pressed'); } } onClipEvent (load) { this.createEmptyMovieClip('imgHolder', 10); this.imgHolder.attachMovie('item' + _root.hero.specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe >= 30 && _parent.currentSelection != this) {; } } } frame 88 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; gotoAndStop(1); } instance of movieClip 3262 itemdoubleBlow { onClipEvent (press) { _root.hero.specialStyle = doubleBlow; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.doubleBlowUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock2._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyl2e = _root.hero.doubleBlow; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.doubleBlow; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.doubleBlow) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.teleportUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock3._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyl2e = _root.hero.teleport; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.teleport; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.teleport) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.powerBlastUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.powerBlast) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.airStrikeUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock4._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.airStrike) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.healUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock5._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.heal) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.shootUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock6._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.shoot) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.spinningAgileUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock7._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.spinningAgile) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 2902 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('finish'); } } instance of movieClip 3262 itemdoubleBlow { onClipEvent (press) { _root.hero.specialStyle = doubleBlow; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.doubleBlowUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock2._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyl2e = _root.hero.doubleBlow; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.doubleBlow; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.doubleBlow) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.teleportUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock3._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyl2e = _root.hero.teleport; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.teleport; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.teleport) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.powerBlastUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.powerBlast) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.airStrikeUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock4._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.airStrike) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.healUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock5._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.heal) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.shootUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock6._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.shoot) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.spinningAgileUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock7._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.spinningAgile) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 2902 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('finish'); } } frame 105 { _root.hero.hudToHero(); stop(); } instance of movieClip 3262 itemdoubleBlow { onClipEvent (press) { _root.hero.specialStyle = doubleBlow; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.doubleBlowUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock2._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.doubleBlow; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.doubleBlow; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.doubleBlow) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.teleportUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock3._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.teleport; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.teleport; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.teleport) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.powerBlastUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.powerBlast) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.airStrikeUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock4._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.airStrike) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.healUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock5._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.heal) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.shootUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock6._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.shoot) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.spinningAgileUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock7._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.spinningAgile) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 2902 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('finish2'); } } frame 106 { if (_root.survivalMode) { _root.stage_mc.startSurvival = true; _root.hero.heroPlay = true; } } instance of movieClip 3262 itemdoubleBlow { onClipEvent (press) { _root.hero.specialStyle = doubleBlow; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.doubleBlowUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock2._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyl2e = _root.hero.doubleBlow; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.doubleBlow; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.doubleBlow) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.teleportUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock3._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyl2e = _root.hero.teleport; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.teleport; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.teleport) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.powerBlastUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.powerBlast) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.airStrikeUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock4._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.airStrike) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.healUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock5._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.heal) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.shootUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock6._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.shoot) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.spinningAgileUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock7._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.spinningAgile) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 2902 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('finish'); } } instance of movieClip 3262 itemdoubleBlow { onClipEvent (press) { _root.hero.specialStyle = doubleBlow; _root.hero.hudToHero(); } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.doubleBlowUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock2._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyl2e = _root.hero.doubleBlow; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.doubleBlow; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.doubleBlow) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.teleportUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock3._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyl2e = _root.hero.teleport; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.teleport; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.teleport) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.powerBlastUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock1._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.powerBlast; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.powerBlast) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.airStrikeUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock4._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.airStrike; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.airStrike) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.healUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock5._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.heal; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.heal) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.shootUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock6._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.shoot; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.shoot) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 3265 { onClipEvent (load) { var unlocked = _root.spinningAgileUnlocked; if (unlocked) { _parent.spllock7._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (unlocked) { if (this._currentframe < 25) { _root.hero.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; _root.specialStyle2 = _root.hero.spinningAgile; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.specialStyle2 == _root.hero.spinningAgile) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (this._currentframe == 25) {; } } } } instance of movieClip 2902 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('finish'); } } frame 130 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3309 { } movieClip 3310 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 3314 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 3316 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 22 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3317 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3314 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) {; } } instance of movieClip 3314 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'resume'; } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'quit game'; } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'resume'; } } frame 40 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'resume'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit');; } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'quit game'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.survivalMode) { _root.survivalMode = false; } this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); _root.hud.fader.gotoAndPlay('backToMenu'); _parent.gotoAndPlay('endIt'); } } instance maxButton of movieClip 245 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'resume'; } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'quit game'; } } frame 78 { gotoAndStop(1); } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'quit game'; } } instance maxButton of movieClip 245 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } frame 110 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'retry'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit');; } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'quit'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit');; } } frame 133 { stop(); _root.mochi.as2.MochiServices.addLinkEvent('', '', maxButton); } instance maxButton of movieClip 245 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'quit'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); _root.hud.fader.gotoAndPlay('backToMenu'); _parent.gotoAndPlay('endIt2'); } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'retry'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); _root.hud.fader.gotoAndPlay('nextStage');; } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'quit'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit');; } } instance of movieClip 3314 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'retry'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit');; } } frame 158 { gotoAndStop(1); } instance maxButton of movieClip 245 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'quit'; } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'retry'; } } frame 185 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 94 movieClip 3323 { frame 1 { stop(); _visible = false; switch (_root.currentLevel) { case 2: chapterTitle = 'Chap+ter 1'; chapterName = 'Forest Trails'; play(); break; case 7: chapterTitle = 'Chap+ter 2'; chapterName = 'Desolation'; play(); break; case 13: chapterTitle = 'Chap+ter 3'; chapterName = 'Frosted Despair'; play(); break; case 20: chapterTitle = 'Chap+ter 4'; chapterName = 'Ruines of an Empire'; play(); break; case 26: chapterTitle = 'Chap+ter 5'; chapterName = 'Final Struggle'; play(); break; case 29: chapterTitle = 'Chap+ter 6'; chapterName = 'Armed with Wings'; play(); break; default: chapterName = 'unknown'; } } frame 2 { _visible = true; } frame 281 { stop(); } } movieClip 3324 { frame 1 { _root.changeTheme(); } frame 61 { _root.hero.heroPlay = true; stop(); } frame 101 { _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); if ( > 0) { ++_root.currentLevel; } _root.attachMovie('stage' + _root.currentLevel, 'stage_mc', 5); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = false; if ( <= 0) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop(1); = _root.hero.lifeTotal; _root.hero.iSpecial = _root.hero.iSpecialTotal / 2; } _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; _root.changeTheme(); } frame 146 { gotoAndStop(61); } frame 187 { _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.attachMovie('stage1', 'stage_mc', 5); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = false; if ( <= 0) { _root.hero.gotoAndStop(1); = _root.hero.lifeTotal; } _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; _root.changeTheme(); } frame 232 { gotoAndStop(61); } frame 279 { stop(); if (_root.currentLevel == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs2'); } if (_root.currentLevel == 6) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs3'); } if (_root.currentLevel == 12) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs4'); } if (_root.currentLevel == 18) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs5'); } if (_root.currentLevel == 19.5) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs6'); } if (_root.currentLevel == 25) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs7'); } if (_root.currentLevel == 28) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs8'); } if (_root.currentLevel == 29) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs9'); } if (_root.currentLevel == 30) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs10'); } } frame 321 { _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; } frame 356 { _root.gotoAndPlay('titleStart'); } frame 397 { _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; } frame 432 { _root.gotoAndPlay('survivalScore'); } } movieClip 3326 hud { instance hudUI of movieClip 2899 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.survivalMode) { if (_root.currentLevel == 0) { _visible = false; } } } } instance upgradeSystem of movieClip 3307 { } instance of movieClip 3310 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } } movieClip 3328 itemEagle { } movieClip 3330 itemEagleGrab { } movieClip 3332 itempunch { } movieClip 3334 item2punch { } movieClip 3336 item3punch { } movieClip 3338 itemLeo { } movieClip 3340 itemStay { } movieClip 3342 itemsword { } movieClip 3344 item2sword { } movieClip 3346 item3sword { } movieClip 3348 themeBlue { } movieClip 3350 themeGold { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(_root.colourOverlayDepth); } } movieClip 3352 themeGreen { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(_root.colourOverlayDepth); } } movieClip 3354 themeRed { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(_root.colourOverlayDepth); } } movieClip 3366 { instance of movieClip 2789 FrameRate { onClipEvent (construct) { decimalPlaces = 2; embed_Fonts = false; font_Color = 0; font_Family = 'Arial'; font_Size = 12; font_Weight = 'none'; showAverage = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } frame 2 { stop(); } } frame 4 { startPlay(); this.createEmptyMovieClip('music', 11); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track1', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track2', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track3', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track4', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track5', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track6', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track7', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track8', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track9', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track10', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track11', music.getNextHighestDepth()); music.createEmptyMovieClip('track12', music.getNextHighestDepth()); var trackVolume = 100; var currentTrack; music.track1 = new Sound(music.track1); music.track1.attachSound('track1'); music.track2 = new Sound(music.track2); music.track2.attachSound('track2'); music.track3 = new Sound(music.track3); music.track3.attachSound('track3'); music.track4 = new Sound(music.track4); music.track4.attachSound('track4'); music.track5 = new Sound(music.track5); music.track5.attachSound('track5'); music.track6 = new Sound(music.track6); music.track6.attachSound('track6'); music.track7 = new Sound(music.track7); music.track7.attachSound('track7'); music.track8 = new Sound(music.track8); music.track8.attachSound('track8'); music.track9 = new Sound(music.track9); music.track9.attachSound('track9'); music.track10 = new Sound(music.track10); music.track10.attachSound('track10'); music.track11 = new Sound(music.track11); music.track11.attachSound('track11'); music.track12 = new Sound(music.track12); music.track12.attachSound('track12'); var survivalMode = false; var survivalScore = 0; var personalBest = 0; var newGame = false; var fromCutScene = false; var bonusToCS = false; var track1Unlocked = false; var track2Unlocked = false; var track3Unlocked = false; var track4Unlocked = false; var track5Unlocked = false; var track6Unlocked = false; var track7Unlocked = false; var track8Unlocked = false; var track9Unlocked = false; var track10Unlocked = false; var ct1Unlocked = true; var ct2Unlocked = false; var ct3Unlocked = false; var ct4Unlocked = false; var ct5Unlocked = false; var ct6Unlocked = false; var ct7Unlocked = false; var ct8Unlocked = false; var ct9Unlocked = false; var ct10Unlocked = false; var savefileBonus = SharedObject.getLocal('ArmedwithWings3Bonus'); if (track1Unlocked != undefined) { track1Unlocked =; track2Unlocked =; track3Unlocked =; track4Unlocked =; track5Unlocked =; track6Unlocked =; track7Unlocked =; track8Unlocked =; track9Unlocked =; track10Unlocked =; ct1Unlocked =; ct2Unlocked =; ct3Unlocked =; ct4Unlocked =; ct5Unlocked =; ct6Unlocked =; ct7Unlocked =; ct8Unlocked =; ct9Unlocked =; ct10Unlocked =; personalBest =; } saveBonus = function () { = _root.track1Unlocked; = _root.track2Unlocked; = _root.track3Unlocked; = _root.track4Unlocked; = _root.track5Unlocked; = _root.track6Unlocked; = _root.track7Unlocked; = _root.track8Unlocked; = _root.track9Unlocked; = _root.track10Unlocked; = _root.ct1Unlocked; = _root.ct2Unlocked; = _root.ct3Unlocked; = _root.ct4Unlocked; = _root.ct5Unlocked; = _root.ct6Unlocked; = _root.ct7Unlocked; = _root.ct8Unlocked; = _root.ct9Unlocked; = _root.ct10Unlocked; = _root.personalBest; _root.savefileBonus.flush(); }; if (personalBest == undefined) { personalBest = 0; } } // unknown tag 88 length 69 movieClip 3389 { } movieClip 3390 { } movieClip 3391 { } movieClip 3392 { } movieClip 3393 { } movieClip 3395 { } movieClip 3396 { } movieClip 3397 { } movieClip 3398 { } movieClip 3399 { } movieClip 3400 { } movieClip 3403 { frame 1 { _root.stop(); } frame 269 {; } } movieClip 3405 { } movieClip 3413 { } frame 248 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); } frame 248 { sound.chainSound.stop(); } movieClip 3415 { frame 1 { function camControl() { rp.x = _x; rp.y = _y; var v5 = camH * (_yscale * 0.01); var v6 = camW * (_xscale * 0.01); var v3 = sH / v5; var v4 = sW / v6; _x2 = (v6 / 2) * v4; _y2 = (v5 / 2) * v3; _xscale2 = v4 * 100; _yscale2 = v3 * 100; _rotation2 = -_rotation; _parent.filters = this.filters; _parent.transform.colorTransform = this.transform.colorTransform; } function reset() { _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._rotation = 0; _parent._visible = true; } function set_x2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._x += value - v2.x; } function get_x2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.x; } function set_y2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._y += value - v2.y; } function get_y2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.y; } function get_xscale2() { return _parent._xscale; } function set_xscale2(value) { setProperty2('_xscale', value); } function get_yscale2() { return _parent._yscale; } function set_yscale2(value) { setProperty2('_yscale', value); } function get_rotation2() { return parent.rotation; } function set_rotation2(value) { setProperty2('_rotation', value); } function setProperty2(prop, n) { var v3 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v3); _parent[prop] = n; var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._x -= v2.x - v3.x; _parent._y -= v2.y - v3.y; } _visible = false; addProperty('_x2', get_x2, set_x2); addProperty('_y2', get_y2, set_y2); addProperty('_xscale2', get_xscale2, set_xscale2); addProperty('_yscale2', get_yscale2, set_yscale2); addProperty('_rotation2', get_rotation2, set_rotation2); var oldScaleMode = stage.scaleMode; stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var sW = Stage.width; var sH = Stage.height; stage.scaleMode = oldScaleMode; var bounds_obj = this.getBounds(this); var camH = Math.abs(bounds_obj.yMax - bounds_obj.yMin); var camW = Math.abs(bounds_obj.xMax - bounds_obj.xMin); var rp = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y}; onEnterFrame = function () { camControl(); }; this.onUnload = reset; } } movieClip 3417 { frame 206 { stop(); } } movieClip 3422 { } movieClip 3423 { } instance of movieClip 3423 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('skipToMenu'); } } } frame 662 { stop(); } movieClip 3425 { } movieClip 3427 { } movieClip 3428 { } movieClip 3430 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3430 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } } movieClip 3432 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3432 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } } movieClip 3434 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3434 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } } movieClip 3436 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3436 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } } movieClip 3438 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3438 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } } instance of movieClip 245 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(742); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(741); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } movieClip 3441 { } movieClip 3442 { frame 61 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 245 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } instance of movieClip 3430 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('gotoStory'); } } } instance of movieClip 3432 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _root.survivalMode = true; _parent.gotoAndPlay('gotoSurvival'); } } } instance of movieClip 3434 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _root.gotoAndPlay('gotoBonus'); } } } instance of movieClip 3436 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } } instance of movieClip 3438 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _root.gotoAndPlay('credit_menu'); } } } frame 776 { stop(); } frame 797 { _root.gotoAndPlay('survivalMenu'); } frame 818 { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } movieClip 3447 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance conBut of movieClip 3447 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (load) { if ( == undefined) { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1000; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('newGame'); _root.survivalMode = false; } } } movieClip 3450 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3450 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('newGame'); } } } movieClip 3453 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3453 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('toMenu1'); } } } movieClip 3454 { frame 58 { stop(); } } frame 863 { stop(); } instance conBut of movieClip 3447 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (load) { if ( == undefined) { _visible = false; _x = _x + 1000; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('newGame'); _root.survivalMode = false; } } } instance of movieClip 3450 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _root.newGame = true; _root.savefile.clear(); _root.savefile.flush(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('newGame'); _root.survivalMode = false; } } } instance of movieClip 3453 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('toMenu1'); } } } frame 909 { gotoAndPlay('menu'); } frame 975 { stopAllSounds(); if ( == undefined) { _root.gotoAndStop('cs1'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'resume'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } instance of movieClip 245 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(742); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(741); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } frame 990 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'resume'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) {; } } instance of movieClip 3316 { onClipEvent (load) { itemName = 'resume'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } frame 1005 { gotoAndPlay('menu'); } movieClip 3466 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3466 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _root.gotoAndPlay('playSurvival'); _root.survivalScore = 0; } } } movieClip 3469 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3469 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) {; } } } frame 1007 { personalLol = _root.personalBest; } frame 1023 { stop(); } frame 1040 { _root.survivalMode = false; _root.gotoAndPlay('menu'); } frame 1067 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } frame 1068 { _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.currentTrack =; _root.currentTrack.start(0, 99); } movieClip 3476 { frame 1 { score = _root.survivalScore; } } instance of movieClip 3466 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _root.gotoAndPlay('playSurvivalAgain'); _root.survivalScore = 0; } } } movieClip 3478 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3478 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } onClipEvent (release) { var custom_referral_name = 'MaxGames'; com.newgrounds.API.loadCustomLink(custom_referral_name); } } frame 1069 { if (_root.survivalScore > _root.personalBest) { _root.personalBest = _root.survivalScore; } personalLol = _root.personalBest; _root.saveBonus(); } frame 1094 { stop(); } frame 1111 { _root.survivalMode = false; _root.gotoAndPlay('menu'); } frame 1138 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } frame 1139 { _root.bonusToCS = false; } movieClip 3483 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3485 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3488 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3491 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 1163 { stop(); var i = 0; while (i < 12) {['track' + i].setVolume(100); ++i; } } instance of movieClip 3483 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _parent.attachMovie('conceptArtViewer', 'conceptArtViewer', 10); } _parent.conceptArtViewer._x = 500; _parent.conceptArtViewer._y = 226; } } instance of movieClip 3485 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _parent.attachMovie('musicPlayer', 'musicPlayer', 10); } _parent.musicPlayer._x = 457; _parent.musicPlayer._y = 89; } } instance of movieClip 3488 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) { _parent.attachMovie('moviePlayer', 'moviePlayer', 10); } _parent.moviePlayer._x = 296; _parent.moviePlayer._y = 99; } } instance of movieClip 3491 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (this._currentframe < 30) { this.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } onClipEvent (press) { this.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._currentframe == 49) {; } } } frame 1164 { this.conceptArtViewer.removeMovieClip(); this.musicPlayer.removeMovieClip(); this.moviePlayer.removeMovieClip(); } frame 1188 { _root.gotoAndPlay('menu'); } frame 1189 { stop(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.saveGame(); _root.ct1Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); } movieClip 3493 { } movieClip 3511 { } movieClip 3541 { } movieClip 3611 { } movieClip 3612 { frame 2848 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } movieClip 3614 { } movieClip 3615 { } instance of movieClip 3615 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } } frame 1190 { _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); fromCutScene = true; _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._name = 'AwW'; _root.hero2._name = 'hero'; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.AwW._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.AwW.heroPlay = false; _root.saveGame(); _root.ct2Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); } movieClip 3623 { } movieClip 3625 { } movieClip 3628 { } movieClip 3630 { } movieClip 3632 { } movieClip 3634 { } movieClip 3636 { } movieClip 3641 { } movieClip 3643 { } movieClip 3667 { } movieClip 3690 { } movieClip 3714 { } movieClip 3716 { } movieClip 3719 { } movieClip 3721 { } movieClip 3724 { } movieClip 3731 { } movieClip 3736 { } movieClip 3737 { frame 3252 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } frame 1191 { stop(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; _root.saveGame(); _root.ct3Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); } movieClip 3765 { } movieClip 3796 { } movieClip 3809 { } movieClip 3812 { } movieClip 3814 { } movieClip 3911 { } movieClip 3913 { } movieClip 3915 { } movieClip 3927 { frame 5364 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } frame 1192 { stop(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; _root.saveGame(); _root.ct4Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); } movieClip 3988 { frame 2111 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } frame 1193 { stop(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; if (!_root.bonusToCS) { _root.currentLevel = 19; } _root.ct5Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); _root.saveGame(); } movieClip 3991 { } movieClip 4087 { frame 2916 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } frame 1194 { stop(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; _root.currentTrack.stop(); if (!_root.bonusToCS) { _root.currentLevel = 19.5; } _root.saveGame(); _root.ct6Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); } movieClip 4092 { } movieClip 4096 { } movieClip 4098 { } movieClip 4144 { frame 1769 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } frame 1195 { stop(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; _root.saveGame(); _root.ct7Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); } movieClip 4202 { } movieClip 4205 { frame 2792 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } frame 1196 { stop(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; _root.saveGame(); _root.ct8Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); } movieClip 4231 { frame 864 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } frame 1197 { stop(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; _root.saveGame(); _root.ct9Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); } movieClip 4260 { frame 1316 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('game'); } } } frame 1198 { stop(); _root.currentTrack.stop(); _root.hud.removeMovieClip(); _root.stage_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.frontground.removeMovieClip(); _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); _root.hero.stopHeroCompletely = true; _root.hero._visible = false; _root.eagle._visible = false; if (!_root.bonusToCS) { _root.currentLevel = 0; } _root.saveGame(); _root.ct10Unlocked = true; _root.saveBonus(); } movieClip 4296 { } movieClip 4309 { } movieClip 4346 { } movieClip 4348 { } movieClip 4356 { frame 4359 { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('titleStart'); } } } instance of movieClip 3615 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { if (_root.bonusToCS) { _root.gotoAndPlay('bonus'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('titleStart'); } } } } frame 1199 { stop(); var XP = 500; var lifeStats = 0; var specialStats = 0; var damageStats = 0; var speedStats = 0; var punchStyle2 = false; var punchStyle3 = false; var swordStyle2 = false; var swordStyle3 = false; var powerBlastUnlocked = false; var doubleBlowUnlocked = false; var teleportUnlocked = false; var airStrikeUnlocked = false; var healUnlocked = false; var shootUnlocked = false; var spinningAgileUnlocked = false; var bstChargeableAttacks = false; var bstJumpHeight = false; var bstArialAttacks = false; var bstIncreaseAttackDamage = false; var bstHealthRegeneration = false; var bstSpecialRegeneration = false; var bstAntiFlinch = false; var bstChargeableAttacksEquipt = false; var bstJumpHeightEquipt = false; var bstArialAttacksEquipt = false; var bstIncreaseAttackDamageEquipt = false; var bstHealthRegenerationEquipt = false; var bstSpecialRegenerationEquipt = false; var bstAntiFlinchEquipt = false; var currentSpecial = null; var punchStyle = 'punch'; var weaponStyle = 'sword'; var specialStyle = 'heal'; var specialStyle2 = 'powerBlast'; var currentLevel = 0; var currentConvo = 1; if (_root.newGame) { _root.savefile.clear(); _root.savefile.flush(); _root.newGame = false; } if ( != undefined) { XP =; lifeStats =; specialStats =; damageStats =; speedStats =; punchStyle2 =; punchStyle3 =; swordStyle2 =; swordStyle3 =; powerBlastUnlocked =; doubleBlowUnlocked =; teleportUnlocked =; airStrikeUnlocked =; healUnlocked =; shootUnlocked =; spinningAgileUnlocked =; bstChargeableAttacks =; bstJumpHeight =; bstArialAttacks =; bstIncreaseAttackDamage =; bstHealthRegeneration =; bstSpecialRegeneration =; bstAntiFlinch =; bstChargeableAttacksEquipt =; bstJumpHeightEquipt =; bstArialAttacksEquipt =; bstIncreaseAttackDamageEquipt =; bstHealthRegenerationEquipt =; bstSpecialRegenerationEquipt =; bstAntiFlinchEquipt =; currentSpecial =; currentLevel =; punchStyle =; weaponStyle =; specialStyle =; } saveGame = function () { = XP; = lifeStats; = specialStats; = damageStats; = speedStats; = punchStyle2; = punchStyle3; = swordStyle2; = swordStyle3; = powerBlastUnlocked; = doubleBlowUnlocked; = teleportUnlocked; = airStrikeUnlocked; = healUnlocked; = shootUnlocked; = spinningAgileUnlocked; = bstChargeableAttacks; = bstJumpHeight; = bstArialAttacks; = bstIncreaseAttackDamage; = bstHealthRegeneration; = bstSpecialRegeneration; = bstAntiFlinch; = bstChargeableAttacksEquipt; = bstJumpHeightEquipt; = bstArialAttacksEquipt; = bstIncreaseAttackDamageEquipt; = bstHealthRegenerationEquipt; = bstSpecialRegenerationEquipt; = bstAntiFlinchEquipt; = currentSpecial; = currentLevel; = punchStyle; = weaponStyle; = specialStyle; savefile.flush(); }; this.createEmptyMovieClip('sound', 1010); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('punchSound1', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('punchSound2', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('punchSound3', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('punchSound4', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('swordHit1', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('swordHit2', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('swordHit3', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('swordHit4', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('wing', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('skullzor', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('wind', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('ceroFire', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('ceroHit', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('chainSound', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.createEmptyMovieClip('rockBounce', sound.getNextHighestDepth()); sound.punchSound1 = new Sound(sound.punchSound1); sound.punchSound1.attachSound('punchSound1'); sound.punchSound2 = new Sound(sound.punchSound2); sound.punchSound2.attachSound('punchSound2'); sound.punchSound3 = new Sound(sound.punchSound3); sound.punchSound3.attachSound('punchSound3'); sound.punchSound4 = new Sound(sound.punchSound4); sound.punchSound4.attachSound('punchSound4'); sound.swordHit1 = new Sound(sound.swordHit1); sound.swordHit1.attachSound('swordHit1'); sound.swordHit2 = new Sound(sound.swordHit2); sound.swordHit2.attachSound('swordHit2'); sound.swordHit3 = new Sound(sound.swordHit3); sound.swordHit3.attachSound('swordHit3'); sound.swordHit4 = new Sound(sound.swordHit4); sound.swordHit4.attachSound('swordHit4'); sound.wing = new Sound(sound.wing); sound.wing.attachSound('wing'); sound.skullzor = new Sound(sound.skullzor); sound.skullzor.attachSound('skullzor'); sound.wind = new Sound(sound.wind); sound.wind.attachSound('wind'); sound.ceroFire = new Sound(sound.ceroFire); sound.ceroFire.attachSound('ceroFire'); sound.ceroHit = new Sound(sound.ceroHit); sound.ceroHit.attachSound('ceroHit'); sound.chainSound = new Sound(sound.chainSound); sound.chainSound.attachSound('chainSound'); sound.rockBounce = new Sound(sound.rockBounce); sound.rockBounce.attachSound('rockBounce'); this.createEmptyMovieClip('xpHolder', 10); this.createEmptyMovieClip('dustParticleHolder', 8); this.createEmptyMovieClip('slashHolder', 9); this.createEmptyMovieClip('heroDepth', 6); _root.hero.swapDepths(heroDepth); _root.heroDepth.removeMovieClip(); this.createEmptyMovieClip('eagleDepth', 7); _root.eagle.swapDepths(eagleDepth); _root.eagleDepth.removeMovieClip(); _root.hudDepth.removeMovieClip(); hideFromCam = function (object) { if (object.hitTest(_root.vcam)) { object._visible = true; } else { object._visible = false; } }; xpSpawn = function (object) { var v2; v2 = _root.xpHolder.attachMovie('xp_mc', 'xp' + _root.xpHolder.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.xpHolder.getNextHighestDepth()); v2._x = object._x; v2._y = object._y - object._height; }; colorOverlay = function (object) { _root.attachMovie(object, 'theme', 100); theme.blendMode = 'add'; theme._alpha = 40; }; changeTheme = function () { if (_root.currentLevel == 1) { _root.colorOverlay('themeGold'); } if (_root.currentLevel >= 2 && _root.currentLevel <= 6) { _root.colorOverlay('themeGold'); } if (_root.currentLevel >= 7 && _root.currentLevel <= 12) { _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.currentLevel >= 13 && _root.currentLevel <= 19) { _root.colorOverlay('themeBlue'); } if (_root.currentLevel >= 20 && _root.currentLevel <= 25) { _root.colorOverlay('themeRed'); } if (_root.currentLevel >= 26) { _root.theme.removeMovieClip(); } }; this.attachMovie('hud', 'hud', 99); if (!_root.survivalMode) { if (currentLevel == 0) { _root.hero.swapDepths(_root.AwW); _root.hero._name = 'hero2'; _root.AwW._name = 'hero'; } } if (_root.survivalMode) { this.attachMovie('stageSurvival', 'stage_mc', 5); } else { switch (_root.currentLevel) { case 6: this.attachMovie('stage1', 'stage_mc', 5); break; case 12: this.attachMovie('stage1', 'stage_mc', 5); break; case 19.5: this.attachMovie('stage1', 'stage_mc', 5); _root.saveGame(); break; case 25: this.attachMovie('stage1', 'stage_mc', 5); break; default: this.attachMovie('stage' + currentLevel, 'stage_mc', 5); } } hud._x = 400; hud._y = 225; stage_mc._x = 0; stage_mc._y = 0; } instance vcam of movieClip 3415 { onClipEvent (load) { Target = _root.hero; positionX = new Array(); positionY = new Array(); var track = true; var targetScale = 100; var ySpeed = 0; var xSpeed = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } if (ySpeed > 0) { ySpeed -= 0.5; } if (ySpeed < 0) { ySpeed += 0.5; } _y = _y + ySpeed; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (_xscale != targetScale) { _xscale = _xscale + (targetScale - _xscale) / 10; _yscale = _xscale; } if (Target == _root.eagle) { _x = _x + (Target._x - _x) / 10; _y = _y + (Target._y - _y) / 10; } else { if (Target._parent == _root.stage_mc) { _x = _x + (Target._x - _x + _root.stage_mc._x) / 10; _y = _y + ((Target._y - _y + _root.stage_mc._y) / 10 - 10); } else { _x = _x + (Target._x - _x) / 10; _y = _y + ((Target._y - _y) / 10 - 10); } } = _x - _root.stage_mc._x; = _y - _root.stage_mc._y; = this._xscale; = this._yscale; _root.stage_mc.background._x = _root.vcam._x / 1.5 - _root.stage_mc._x; _root.stage_mc.background._y = _root.vcam._y / 1.5 - _root.stage_mc._y + 200; _root.stage_mc.midGround._x = _root.vcam._x / 4 - _root.stage_mc._x; _root.hud._x = _x; _root.hud._y = _y; _root.hud._xscale = this._xscale; _root.hud._yscale = this._yscale; _root.theme._x = _x; _root.theme._y = this._y; _root.theme._xscale = this._xscale; _root.theme._yscale = this._yscale; } } movieClip 4368 { } movieClip 4370 { } movieClip 4400 { frame 13 { _parent.kickDust('dust1'); } frame 32 { _parent.kickDust('dust1'); } frame 47 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } frame 63 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 67 { _parent.kickDust('dust4'); } frame 82 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 4417 { } movieClip 4429 { } movieClip 4447 { frame 1 { if (_parent.xToJump) { _parent.jump.gotoAndPlay(26); } _parent.xToJump = false; } frame 8 { _parent.gravity = _parent.jumpPower; } frame 9 { _parent.kickDust('dust2'); } frame 13 { if (_parent.gravity < 0) { gotoAndPlay(15); } } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(13); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { var newParticle = _root.dustParticleHolder.attachMovie('dust3', 'dust' + _root.dustParticleHolder.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.dustParticleHolder.getNextHighestDepth()); newParticle._x = _root.hero._x + _root.dustParticleHolder._x + (17 * _root.hero._xscale / 100) * -1; newParticle._y = _root.hero._y - _root.dustParticleHolder._y; newParticle._xscale = _root.hero._xscale * -1; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(20); } frame 55 { _parent.gravity = _parent.jumpPower / 1.5; _parent.xSpeed /= 2; _root.eagle.stay = false; } frame 74 { gotoAndPlay(20); } } movieClip 4475 { frame 1 { _root.eagle.eagleStay = false; _root.eagle.eagleControllable = false; } frame 63 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 95 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 4743 { } movieClip 4751 { } movieClip 4761 { } movieClip 4785 { } movieClip 4796 { } movieClip 4807 { } movieClip 4816 { } movieClip 4828 { } movieClip 4840 { } movieClip 4858 { } movieClip 4865 { } movieClip 4892 { } movieClip 4894 { } movieClip 4895 { } movieClip 4900 { } movieClip 4926 { } movieClip 4931 { frame 1 { var holdKey = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_parent.heroPlay) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_currentframe >= 9 && _currentframe <= 18) { gotoAndPlay('punch2'); } if (_currentframe >= 30 && _currentframe <= 42) { gotoAndPlay('punch3'); } if (_currentframe >= 509 && _currentframe <= 517) { gotoAndPlay('2punch2'); } if (_currentframe >= 534 && _currentframe <= 540) { gotoAndPlay('2punch3'); } if (_currentframe >= 559 && _currentframe <= 565) { gotoAndPlay('2punch4'); } if (_currentframe >= 584 && _currentframe <= 591) { gotoAndPlay('2punch5'); } if (_currentframe >= 1124 && _currentframe <= 1137) { gotoAndPlay('3punch2'); } if (_currentframe >= 1148 && _currentframe <= 1166) { gotoAndPlay('3punch3'); } if (_currentframe >= 1183 && _currentframe <= 1212) { gotoAndPlay('3punch4'); } if (_currentframe >= 1231 && _currentframe <= 1249) { gotoAndPlay('3punch5'); } if (_currentframe >= 1273 && _currentframe <= 1296) { gotoAndPlay('3punch6'); } if (_currentframe >= 416 && _currentframe <= 429) { gotoAndPlay('airPunch2'); } if (_currentframe >= 442 && _currentframe <= 449) { gotoAndPlay('airPunch3'); } holdKey = true; } if (holdKey) { if (_currentframe == 17) { gotoAndPlay('punch4'); } if (_currentframe == 41) { gotoAndPlay('punch5'); } if (_currentframe == 66) { gotoAndPlay('punch6'); } } } else { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { if (!holdKey) { if (_currentframe >= 213 && _currentframe <= 222) { gotoAndPlay('sword2'); } if (_currentframe >= 238 && _currentframe <= 245) { gotoAndPlay('sword3'); } if (_currentframe >= 631 && _currentframe <= 645) { gotoAndPlay('2sword2'); } if (_currentframe >= 663 && _currentframe <= 681) { gotoAndPlay('2sword3'); } if (_currentframe >= 705 && _currentframe <= 722) { gotoAndPlay('2sword4'); } if (_currentframe >= 736 && _currentframe <= 752) { gotoAndPlay('2sword5'); } if (_currentframe >= 1358 && _currentframe <= 1373) { gotoAndPlay('3sword2'); } if (_currentframe >= 1404 && _currentframe <= 1414) { gotoAndPlay('3sword3'); } if (_currentframe >= 1452 && _currentframe <= 1461) { gotoAndPlay('3sword4'); } if (_currentframe >= 1496 && _currentframe <= 1516) { gotoAndPlay('3sword5'); } if (_currentframe >= 1535 && _currentframe <= 1553) { gotoAndPlay('3sword6'); } if (_currentframe >= 1067 && _currentframe <= 1074) { gotoAndPlay('airSword2'); } if (_currentframe >= 1087 && _currentframe <= 1092) { gotoAndPlay('airSword3'); } holdKey = true; } if (holdKey) { if (_currentframe == 221) { gotoAndPlay('sword4'); } if (_currentframe == 244) { gotoAndPlay('sword5'); } if (_currentframe == 265) { gotoAndPlay('sword6'); } } } else { holdKey = false; } } } if (_parent.onGround) { if (_currentframe >= 403 && _currentframe < 472 or _currentframe >= 1056 && _currentframe <= 1111) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (this._currentframe > 960 && this._currentframe < 1040) { _parent.xSpeed = 0; } if (this._currentframe > 1000 && this._currentframe < 1040) { _parent.gravity += 0.55; } if (_parent.heroPlay) { if (this._currentframe > 1712 && this._currentframe < 1731) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) && _parent.xSpeed > -6) { _parent.xSpeed -= 1.5; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight) && _parent.xSpeed < 6) { _parent.xSpeed += 1.5; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyJump) && _parent.gravity < 6) { _parent.gravity += 0.5; } if (Key.isDown(40) && _parent.gravity > -6) { _parent.gravity -= 0.5; } _parent.gravity += 0.5; if (_parent.iSpecial > 0) { --_parent.iSpecial; } } } }; } frame 4 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 5 { play(); } frame 5 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = 5 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 18 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 20 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 23 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = 7 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 25 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 26 { play(); } frame 42 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 44 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 48 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 50 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 51 { play(); } frame 75 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 77 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 80 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 81 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 30) { _parent.hitPower += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 82 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 84 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (_parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 85 { play(); } frame 110 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 112 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 118 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2; } frame 119 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPowerY < 30) { _parent.hitPower += 0.2; _parent.hitPowerY += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 120 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 125 { play(); } frame 125 { _parent.gravity = _parent.hitPowerY / 3; if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (_parent.hitPowerY / 4) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 125 { play(); } frame 143 { if (_parent.onGround) { gotoAndPlay(145); } } frame 144 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } frame 161 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 163 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 168 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 169 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 17) { _parent.hitPower += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 170 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 173 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (_parent.hitPower / 2.5) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 174 { play(); } frame 199 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 201 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 204 { _parent.xSpeed = 5 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 204 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 205 { play(); } frame 206 { _parent.slashTrail(1); } frame 222 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 224 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 225 { _parent.xSpeed = 7 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 225 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 226 { play(); } frame 228 { _parent.slashTrail(2); } frame 245 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 247 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 250 { _parent.xSpeed = 8 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 250 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 251 { play(); } frame 252 { _parent.slashTrail(3); } frame 267 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 269 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 279 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 280 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 30) { _parent.hitPower += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 281 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 285 { _parent.xSpeed = (_parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 286 { play(); } frame 288 { _parent.slashTrail(4); } frame 310 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 312 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 323 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2; } frame 324 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPowerY < 30) { _parent.hitPower += 0.25; _parent.hitPowerY += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 325 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 328 { _parent.xSpeed = (_parent.hitPower / 1.5) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 329 { play(); } frame 331 { _parent.slashTrail(5); } frame 351 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 353 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 360 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 361 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPowerY < 30) { _parent.hitPower += 0.5; _parent.hitPowerY += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 362 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 363 { _parent.xSpeed = (_parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 366 { _parent.hitPower /= 3; _parent.hitPowerY /= 3; } frame 367 { play(); } frame 381 { _parent.hitPower *= 3; _parent.hitPowerY *= 1.5; } frame 382 { play(); } frame 385 { _parent.slashTrail(6); } frame 401 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 403 { if (_parent.gravity < 3) { _parent.gravity += 3; } } frame 412 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 413 { play(); } frame 429 { _parent.xToJump = true; _parent.gotoAndStop('jump'); } frame 431 { if (_parent.gravity < 3) { _parent.gravity += 3; } } frame 438 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 439 { play(); } frame 449 { _parent.xToJump = true; _parent.gotoAndStop('jump'); } frame 451 { if (_parent.gravity < 3) { _parent.gravity += 3; } } frame 459 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 460 { play(); } frame 472 { _parent.xToJump = true; _parent.gotoAndStop('jump'); } frame 497 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 499 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 500 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 15) { _parent.hitPower += 0.3; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 501 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 503 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (4 + _parent.hitPower / 4) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 504 { play(); } frame 517 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay('2punch2'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 519 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 521 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 522 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 15) { _parent.hitPower += 0.3; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 523 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 526 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (5 + _parent.hitPower / 4) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 528 { play(); } frame 540 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay('2punch3'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 542 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 546 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1 + 1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 547 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 15) { _parent.hitPower += 0.3; _parent.hitPowerY += 0.1; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 548 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 550 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (5 + _parent.hitPower / 4) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 554 { play(); } frame 565 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay('2punch4'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 567 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 572 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 573 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 15) { _parent.hitPower += 0.25; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 574 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 576 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (5 + _parent.hitPower / 4) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 578 { play(); } frame 591 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay('2punch5'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 593 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 594 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1 + 2; } frame 595 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 30) { _parent.hitPower += 0.2; _parent.hitPowerY += 0.1; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 596 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 598 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (6 + _parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 600 { play(); } frame 616 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 618 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 620 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 621 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 10) { _parent.hitPower += 0.3; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 622 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 626 { _parent.xSpeed = (4 + _parent.hitPower / 2) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 628 { play(); } frame 628 { _parent.slashTrail(7); } frame 645 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay('2sword2'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 647 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 649 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 650 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 17) { _parent.hitPower += 0.3; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 651 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 652 { _parent.xSpeed = (4 + _parent.hitPower / 2) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 657 { play(); } frame 657 { _parent.slashTrail(8); } frame 681 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay('2sword3'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 683 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 685 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 686 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 17) { _parent.hitPower += 0.3; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 687 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 690 { _parent.xSpeed = (3 + _parent.hitPower / 2) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 690 { _parent.hitPower /= 2; } frame 691 { play(); } frame 691 { _parent.slashTrail(9); } frame 698 { _parent.xSpeed = (5 + _parent.hitPower / 2) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 700 { _parent.hitPower *= 3; } frame 701 { play(); } frame 701 { _parent.slashTrail(10); } frame 722 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay('2sword4'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 724 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 727 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1 * 1.5; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 728 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 17) { _parent.hitPower += 0.3; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 729 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 732 { _parent.xSpeed = (4 + _parent.hitPower / 2) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 734 { play(); } frame 734 { _parent.slashTrail(11); } frame 753 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay('2sword5'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 754 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 756 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 757 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 25) { _parent.hitPower += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 758 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 760 { _parent.xSpeed = (5 + _parent.hitPower / 4) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 768 { play(); } frame 768 { _parent.slashTrail(12); } frame 788 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 790 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 70; } frame 815 { _parent.hitPower = random(5) - random(5); _parent.hitPowerY = 40 + random(5) - random(5); _root.attachMovie('dbb', 'dbb', 14); _root.dbb._x = _root.hero._x; _root.dbb._y = _root.hero._y; } frame 818 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; } frame 825 { _parent.hitPower = random(5) - random(5); _parent.hitPowerY = 20 + random(5) - random(5); } frame 863 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } frame 864 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 866 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 70; } frame 893 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; } frame 894 { _parent.hitPower = 50; _parent.hitPowerY = 20; } frame 895 { _root.attachMovie('powerBlast', 'powerBlast', 15); _root.powerBlast._x = _root.hero._x; _root.powerBlast._y = _root.hero._y - 35; _root.powerBlast._xscale = _root.hero._xscale; } frame 949 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } frame 958 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 960 { _parent.gravity = 4; _root.vcam.targetScale = 120; } frame 972 { _parent.hitPower = 0; _parent.hitPowerY = 20 + random(5) - random(5); _root.attachMovie('airStrike', 'airStrike', 14); _root.airStrike._x = _root.hero._x; _root.airStrike._y = _root.hero._y; _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } frame 974 { _parent.gravity = 8; } frame 989 { _parent.gravity = 8; } frame 1000 { _parent.hitPower = random(5) - random(5); _parent.hitPowerY = 20 + random(5) - random(5); _root.attachMovie('airStrike2', 'airStrike2', 14); _root.airStrike2._x = _root.hero._x; _root.airStrike2._y = _root.hero._y; _root.vcam.targetScale = 150; } frame 1040 { _root.vcam.targetScale = 100; } frame 1053 { _parent.xToJump = true; _parent.gotoAndStop('jump'); } frame 1056 { if (_parent.gravity < 5) { _parent.gravity += 3; } } frame 1062 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 1063 { play(); } frame 1064 { _parent.slashTrail(13); } frame 1074 { _parent.xToJump = true; _parent.gotoAndStop('jump'); } frame 1076 { if (_parent.gravity < 4) { _parent.gravity += 2; } } frame 1083 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 1084 { play(); } frame 1085 { _parent.slashTrail(14); } frame 1092 { _parent.xToJump = true; _parent.gotoAndStop('jump'); } frame 1094 { if (_parent.gravity < 3) { _parent.gravity += 2; } } frame 1102 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit1; } frame 1103 { play(); } frame 1104 { _parent.slashTrail(15); } frame 1111 { _parent.xToJump = true; _parent.gotoAndStop('jump'); } frame 1113 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1118 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 1119 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 35) { _parent.hitPower += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1120 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1121 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (4 + _parent.hitPower / 3.5) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 1122 { play(); } frame 1137 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1139 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1140 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 1141 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 35) { _parent.hitPower += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1142 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1143 { play(); } frame 1143 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (5 + _parent.hitPower / 3.5) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 1166 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1168 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1174 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1 + 4; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2; } frame 1175 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 35) { _parent.hitPower += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1176 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1177 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (5 + _parent.hitPower / 3.5) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 1178 { play(); } frame 1212 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1214 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (7 + _parent.hitPower / 3.5) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 1215 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2; } frame 1218 { play(); } frame 1249 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1251 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1263 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2 * 1.5; } frame 1264 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 35) { _parent.hitPower += 0.5; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1265 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1266 { play(); } frame 1266 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (5 + _parent.hitPower / 3.5) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 1296 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1298 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1311 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2; } frame 1312 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 40) { ++_parent.hitPower; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1313 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyPunch)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1314 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft) or Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent.xSpeed = (9 + _parent.hitPower / 3.5) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } frame 1315 { play(); } frame 1322 { play(); } frame 1344 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1346 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1347 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); } frame 1353 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 1354 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 30) { ++_parent.hitPower; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1355 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1356 { _parent.xSpeed = (4 + _parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 1357 { play(); } frame 1357 { _parent.slashTrail(16); } frame 1373 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1375 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1376 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 6); } frame 1384 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 1385 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 30) { ++_parent.hitPower; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1386 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1387 { _parent.xSpeed = (4 + _parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 1388 { play(); } frame 1388 { _parent.slashTrail(17); } frame 1399 { play(); } frame 1399 { _parent.slashTrail(18); } frame 1414 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1416 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1417 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); } frame 1423 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 4); } frame 1429 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 1430 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 30) { ++_parent.hitPower; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1431 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1432 { _parent.xSpeed = (6 + _parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 1433 { play(); } frame 1433 { _parent.slashTrail(19); } frame 1442 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2; } frame 1447 { play(); } frame 1447 { _parent.slashTrail(20); } frame 1461 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1463 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1465 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 1466 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 30) { ++_parent.hitPower; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1467 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1468 { _parent.xSpeed = (6 + _parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 1469 { play(); } frame 1469 { _parent.slashTrail(21); } frame 1474 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = 0; } frame 1478 { play(); } frame 1478 { _parent.slashTrail(22); } frame 1487 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2; } frame 1491 { play(); } frame 1491 { _parent.slashTrail(23); } frame 1492 { _parent.xSpeed = (6 + _parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 1516 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1518 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1519 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 6); } frame 1530 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit1; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2 * 2; } frame 1531 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPowerY < 30) { ++_parent.hitPowerY; _parent.hitPower += 0.1; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1532 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1533 { _parent.xSpeed = (6 + _parent.hitPower / 3) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 1534 { play(); } frame 1536 { _parent.slashTrail(24); } frame 1553 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1554 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyLeft)) { _parent._xscale = -100; } if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyRight)) { _parent._xscale = 100; } } frame 1559 { _parent.hitPower = _parent.hit2 * 3; _parent.hitPowerY = _parent.hit2; } frame 1560 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (_parent.hitPower < 50) { ++_parent.hitPower; } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); } } } frame 1561 { if (_parent.chargeUnlocked) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keyWeapon)) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } frame 1570 { _parent.xSpeed = (6 + _parent.hitPower / 4) * (_parent._xscale / 100); } frame 1574 { play(); } frame 1574 { _parent.slashTrail(25); } frame 1598 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1615 { if ( >= _parent.lifeTotal) { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 4); } if (_parent.iSpecial > 0.25 * _parent.iSpecialTotal) { } else { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 4); } } frame 1616 { if (_parent.iSpecial > 0) { += 0.25; --_parent.iSpecial; } else { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 3); } if ( >= _parent.lifeTotal) { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 3); } } frame 1617 { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keySpecial) or _root.survivalMode && Key.isDown(_parent.keyEagle)) { this.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe - 1); } } frame 1656 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1672 { var newWaterBall; newWaterBall = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('waterBall', 'heroWaterBall' + _parent.ishoot, _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); newWaterBall._x = _parent._x; newWaterBall._y = _parent._y - 60; newWaterBall._xscale = _parent._xscale; if (_parent.ishoot < 9) { ++_parent.ishoot; } else { _parent.ishoot = 0; } _parent.iSpecial -= 15; } frame 1695 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1712 { _parent.hitPower = 1; _parent.hitPowerY = 15; if (_parent.iSpecial <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('endSpin'); } } frame 1730 { if (_parent.iSpecial <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe + 1); } else { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keySpecial) or _root.survivalMode && Key.isDown(_parent.keyEagle)) { this.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe - 16); } } } frame 1733 { _parent.hitPower = 20; _parent.hitPowerY = 5; } frame 1745 { _parent.xToJump = true; _parent.gotoAndStop('jump'); } } movieClip 5001 { frame 1 { var hurt2Recover = 90; if ( <= 0) { if (_parent.onGround) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } } } frame 14 { if ( <= 0) { if (_parent.onGround) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } else { gotoAndPlay('hurt2'); } } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } frame 15 { if (_root.speedStats >= 4) { this.gotoAndPlay('hurt3'); } } frame 57 { hurt2Recover -= 2; } frame 58 { if (hurt2Recover > 0) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 102 { if ( <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } frame 213 { stop(); if (_root.survivalMode) { _root.hud.fader.gotoAndPlay('backToSurvival'); } else { _root.hud.menu_mc.gotoAndPlay('deadMenu'); } } frame 232 { gotoAndPlay('hurt3'); } frame 234 { if (_parent.xSpeed < 10) { _parent.xSpeed = 10 * (_parent._xscale / -100); } } frame 254 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 5006 { } movieClip 5008 { } movieClip 5016 { } movieClip 5029 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe >= 27 && _currentframe <= 48 or _currentframe >= 56 && _currentframe <= 87) { if (Key.isDown(_parent.keySpecial) or _root.survivalMode && Key.isDown(_parent.keyEagle)) { if (_parent.iSpecial >= 25) { if (onGround) { gotoAndPlay('teleport1'); } else { gotoAndPlay('teleport2'); } } } } if (this._currentframe >= 50 && this._currentframe <= 87 && _parent.onGround) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } }; } frame 2 { if (_parent.onGround) { } else { gotoAndPlay('teleport2'); } } frame 6 { this.gotoAndPlay(11); } frame 12 { if (_parent.iSpecial >= 25) { _parent.iSpecial -= 25; } } frame 19 { var leftMove = 0; var rightMove = 0; var upMove = 0; var downMove = 0; var i = 0; while (i < 150) { if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_parent._x - _parent.bound._width / 2 - i, _parent._y - _parent.bound._height / 2, true)) { break; } leftMove = i; ++i; } var i = 0; while (i < 150) { if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_parent._x + _parent.bound._width / 2 + i, _parent._y - _parent.bound._height / 2, true)) { break; } rightMove = i; ++i; } var i = 0; while (i < 150) { if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y - _parent.bound._height - i, true)) { break; } upMove = i; ++i; } var i = 0; while (i < 150) { if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_parent._x, _parent._y + i, true)) { break; } downMove = i; ++i; } if (Key.isDown(39)) { _parent._x += rightMove; _parent.xSpeed = 12; _parent.gravity = 0; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _parent._x -= leftMove; _parent.xSpeed = -12; _parent.gravity = 0; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _parent._y -= upMove; _parent.gravity = 7; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _parent._y += downMove; _parent.gravity = -7; } if (Key.isDown(39)) { } else { if (Key.isDown(37)) { } else { if (Key.isDown(38)) { } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { } else { if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _parent._x += rightMove; } else { _parent._x -= leftMove; } _parent.xSpeed = 12 * (_parent._xscale / 100); } } } } } frame 20 { if (_parent.onGround) { gotoAndPlay('end'); } else { gotoAndPlay('airEnd'); } } frame 48 { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 87 { _parent.xToJump = true; _parent.gotoAndStop('jump'); } frame 88 { if (_parent.iSpecial >= 25) { _parent.iSpecial -= 25; } } frame 95 { gotoAndPlay(18); } } movieClip 5037 { frame 45 { _parent.heroPlay = true; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 5038 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance hero of movieClip 5038 { onClipEvent (load) { var keyLeft = 37; var keyRight = 39; var keyJump = 38; var keyCrouch = 40; var keyPunch = 65; var keyWeapon = 83; var keyEagle = 87; var keySpecial = 68; var teleport = 'teleport'; var doubleBlow = 'doubleBlow'; var powerBlast = 'powerBlast'; var airStrike = 'airStrike'; var heal = 'heal'; var shoot = 'shoot'; var spinningAgile = 'spinningAgile'; var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var maxMoveSpeed = 6; var jumpPower = 10; var damage = 0; var hitPower = 0; var hitPowerY = 0; var hit1 = 5; var hit2 = 10; var life = 100; var lifeTotal = 100; var iSpecialTotal = 100; var iSpecial = iSpecialTotal; var ishoot = 0; var punchStyle = _root.punchStyle; var weaponStyle = _root.weaponStyle; var specialStyle = _root.specialStyle; var specialStyle2 = _root.specialStyle2; var onGround = false; var holdKey = false; var holdKeySpecial = false; var holdKeySpecial2 = false; var heroPlay = false; var holdKeyEagle = false; var chargeUnlocked = _root.bstChargeableAttacks; var stopHeroCompletely = false; var stunned = 0; var stunnedOrig = 15; damageColor = new Color(this); kickDust = function (dust) { var v2 = _root.dustParticleHolder.attachMovie(dust, 'dust' + _root.dustParticleHolder.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.dustParticleHolder.getNextHighestDepth()); v2._x = _root.hero._x + _root.dustParticleHolder._x; v2._y = _root.hero._y - _root.dustParticleHolder._y; v2._xscale = _root.hero._xscale; }; slashTrail = function (whichSlash) { var v2 = _root.slashHolder.attachMovie('slashes', 'slash' + _root.slashHolder.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.slashHolder.getNextHighestDepth()); v2.gotoAndStop(whichSlash); v2._x = _root.hero._x + _root.slashHolder._x; v2._y = _root.hero._y - _root.slashHolder._y - 36; v2._xscale = _root.hero._xscale; }; hudToEagle = function () { var v2 = true; if (v2) { _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot1.iconHolder.currentItem.removeMovieClip(); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot1.iconHolder.attachMovie('itemEagleGrab', 'currentItem', 10); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot2.iconHolder.currentItem.removeMovieClip(); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot2.iconHolder.attachMovie('itemStay', 'currentItem', 10); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot3.iconHolder.currentItem.removeMovieClip(); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot4.iconHolder.currentItem.removeMovieClip(); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot4.iconHolder.attachMovie('itemLeo', 'currentItem', 10); v2 = false; } }; hudToHero = function () { var v2 = true; if (v2) { _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot1.iconHolder.currentItem.removeMovieClip(); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot1.iconHolder.attachMovie('item' + punchStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot2.iconHolder.currentItem.removeMovieClip(); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot2.iconHolder.attachMovie('item' + weaponStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot3.iconHolder.currentItem.removeMovieClip(); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot3.iconHolder.attachMovie('item' + specialStyle, 'currentItem', 10); _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot4.iconHolder.currentItem.removeMovieClip(); if (_root.survivalMode) { _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot4.iconHolder.attachMovie('item' + specialStyle2, 'currentItem', 10); } else { _root.hud.hudUI.itemSlot4.iconHolder.attachMovie('itemEagle', 'currentItem', 10); } v2 = false; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._name == 'hero') { switch (_root.lifeStats) { case 1: this.lifeTotal = 120; break; case 2: this.lifeTotal = 140; break; case 3: this.lifeTotal = 160; break; case 4: this.lifeTotal = 180; break; case 5: this.lifeTotal = 200; break; default: this.lifeTotal = 100; } switch (_root.specialStats) { case 1: this.iSpecialTotal = 120; break; case 2: this.iSpecialTotal = 140; break; case 3: this.iSpecialTotal = 160; break; case 4: this.iSpecialTotal = 180; break; case 5: this.iSpecialTotal = 200; break; default: this.iSpecialTotal = 100; } switch (_root.damageStats) { case 1: damage = 5; break; case 2: damage = 10; break; case 3: damage = 15; break; case 4: damage = 20; break; case 5: damage = 25; break; default: damage = 0; } switch (_root.speedStats) { case 1: this.maxMoveSpeed = 7; break; case 2: this.maxMoveSpeed = 7; break; case 3: this.maxMoveSpeed = 8; break; case 4: this.maxMoveSpeed = 8; break; case 5: this.maxMoveSpeed = 9; break; default: this.maxMoveSpeed = 6; } if (!stopHeroCompletely) { if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (life > lifeTotal) { life = lifeTotal; } if (_root.bstHealthRegeneration) { if (life < lifeTotal / 2 && life > 0) { life += 0.05; } } if (iSpecial > iSpecialTotal) { iSpecial = iSpecialTotal; } gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 4, true)) { _y = _y - 0.5; gravity = 0; } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (heroPlay) { if (_currentframe <= 5) { if (Key.isDown(keyLeft)) { if (onGround && _currentframe <= 2) { _xscale = -100; gotoAndStop('walk'); if (xSpeed > -maxMoveSpeed) { --xSpeed; } } else { if (_currentframe != 4) { if (this._currentframe == 5 && onGround) { } else { if (xSpeed > -maxMoveSpeed) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } } } } } else { if (Key.isDown(keyRight)) { if (onGround && _currentframe <= 2) { _xscale = 100; gotoAndStop('walk'); if (xSpeed < maxMoveSpeed) { ++xSpeed; } } else { if (_currentframe != 4) { if (this._currentframe == 5 && onGround) { } else { if (xSpeed < maxMoveSpeed) { xSpeed += 0.5; } } } } } } } if (onGround && this._currentframe <= 2) { if (!Key.isDown(keyLeft) && !Key.isDown(keyRight)) { if (this.walk._currentframe >= 10 && this.walk._currentframe < 48) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('skid'); } else { if (this.walk._currentframe < 10) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } if ((Key.isDown(keyLeft) && Key.isDown(keyRight)) == false) { if (xSpeed < 0 && Key.isDown(keyRight)) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 48) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } else { if (xSpeed > 0 && Key.isDown(keyLeft)) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 48) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('turn'); } } } } } if (_root.bstJumpHeight) { this.jumpPower = 12; } if (Key.isDown(keyJump)) { if (onGround && _currentframe <= 2) { gotoAndStop('jump'); } } if (!onGround && this._currentframe <= 2) { this.gotoAndStop('jump'); if (this.jump._currentframe <= 1) { this.jump.gotoAndPlay(15); } } } if (onGround) { if (this._currentframe == 3 && this.jump._currentframe >= 10 && this.jump._currentframe <= 27) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (heroPlay) { if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 1.8, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { if (this._currentframe == 3 && this.jump._currentframe > 14 && this.jump._currentframe < 28 && Key.isDown(38)) { gravity = jumpPower / 1.2; this._xscale = 100; _x = _x + 3; xSpeed = 13; this.jump.gotoAndPlay('wallJump'); } } else { if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 1.8, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { if (this._currentframe == 3 && this.jump._currentframe > 14 && this.jump._currentframe < 28 && Key.isDown(38)) { gravity = jumpPower / 1.2; this._xscale = -100; _x = _x - 3; xSpeed = -13; this.jump.gotoAndPlay('wallJump'); } } } if (_root.eagle.stay) { if (this.bound.hitTest(_root.eagle.bound)) { if (!onGround && this.jump._currentframe > 10 && this.jump._currentframe < 49) { this.jump.gotoAndPlay('eagleJump'); } } } if (this.jump._currentframe > 48 && this.jump._currentframe < 55) { this._x = _root.eagle._x; this._y = _root.eagle._y + 10; gravity = 0; } if (this._currentframe == 4) { if (this.edge._currentframe > 37) { _x = _x + 1 * (this._xscale / 100); } } if (_root.bstSpecialRegeneration) { if (iSpecial < iSpecialTotal) { iSpecial += 0.05; } } if (life > 0) { if (Key.isDown(keySpecial)) { if (!holdKeySpecial) { if (specialStyle == teleport) { if (iSpecial >= 25) { this.gotoAndStop('teleport'); } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } if (specialStyle == doubleBlow) { if (onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('doubleBlow'); iSpecial -= 100; } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle == powerBlast) { if (onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('powerBlast'); iSpecial -= 100; } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle == 'airStrike') { if (!onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('airStrike'); iSpecial -= 100; } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle == 'heal') { if (onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 0.25 * iSpecialTotal) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle == 'shoot') { if (onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 15) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle == 'spinningAgile') { if (iSpecial >= 0.1 * iSpecialTotal) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('spinningAgile'); } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } holdKeySpecial = true; } } else { holdKeySpecial = false; } } this.chargeUnlocked = _root.bstChargeableAttacks; if (Key.isDown(keyPunch)) { if (!holdKey) { if (onGround && this._currentframe <= 2) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay(punchStyle); holdKey = true; } else { if (this._currentframe == 3 && !onGround) { if (_root.bstArialAttacks) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('airPunch1'); } holdKey = true; } } } } else { if (Key.isDown(keyWeapon)) { if (!holdKey) { if (onGround && this._currentframe <= 2) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay(weaponStyle); holdKey = true; } else { if (this._currentframe == 3 && !onGround) { if (_root.bstArialAttacks) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('airSword1'); } holdKey = true; } } } } else { holdKey = false; } } if (_root.bstAntiFlinch) { if (stunned > 1) { this.attack.stop(); damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '0', 'rb': '255', 'ga': '0', 'gb': '255', 'ba': '0', 'bb': '255', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); --stunned; } else { if (stunned == 1) {; damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); stunned = 0; } } } } if (this.hurt._currentframe > 19 && this.hurt._currentframe < 59 && onGround) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); } if (this.hurt._currentframe > 216 && this.hurt._currentframe < 232 && onGround) { this.hurt.gotoAndPlay('bounce2'); } if (life <= 0) { damageColor.setTransform({'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0', 'aa': '100', 'ab': '0'}); if (this._currentframe != 6) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); } if (life < 0) { life = 0; } } if (_root.survivalMode) { if (life > 0) { if (Key.isDown(keyEagle)) { if (!holdKeySpecial2) { if (specialStyle2 == teleport) { if (iSpecial >= 25) { this.gotoAndStop('teleport'); } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } if (specialStyle2 == doubleBlow) { if (onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('doubleBlow'); iSpecial -= 100; } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle2 == powerBlast) { if (onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('powerBlast'); iSpecial -= 100; } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle2 == 'airStrike') { if (!onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('airStrike'); iSpecial -= 100; } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle2 == 'heal') { if (onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 0.25 * iSpecialTotal) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle2 == 'shoot') { if (onGround) { if (iSpecial >= 15) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('shoot'); } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } } if (specialStyle2 == 'spinningAgile') { if (iSpecial >= 0.1 * iSpecialTotal) { this.gotoAndStop('attack'); this.attack.gotoAndPlay('spinningAgile'); } else { var notEnough; notEnough = _root.stage_mc.attachMovie('notEnough', 'notEnough' + _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.stage_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); notEnough._x = _root.hero._x; notEnough._y = _root.hero._y; } } holdKeySpecial2 = true; } } else { holdKeySpecial2 = false; } } } else { if (!_root.eagle.inGround) { if (Key.isDown(keyEagle)) { if (!holdKeyEagle) { if (heroPlay && onGround) { hudToEagle(); _root.eagle.eaglePlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.eagle; _root.hero.heroPlay = false; holdKeyEagle = true; } else { if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { hudToHero(); _root.hero.heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; holdKeyEagle = true; } } } } else { holdKeyEagle = false; } if (Key.isDown(keyWeapon)) { if (_root.eagle.eaglePlay) { _root.eagle.stay = true; heroPlay = true; _root.vcam.Target = _root.hero; hudToHero(); _root.eagle.eaglePlay = false; } holdKey = true; } if (this._currentframe == 2 && _root.eagle.eaglePlay) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 48) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('skid'); } } if (xSpeed > -0.5 && xSpeed < 0.5) { xSpeed = 0; } if (this._currentframe == 2 && !heroPlay) { if (this.walk._currentframe < 48) { this.walk.gotoAndPlay('skid'); } } } } } } else { _visible = false; } } } movieClip 5048 { frame 8 { if (_parent.eaglePlay) { _root.sound.wing.start(0, 1); } } frame 19 { _parent._xscale *= -1; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 5049 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance eagle of movieClip 5049 { onClipEvent (load) { var xSpeed = 0; var ySpeed = 0; var maxMoveSpeed = 12; var eaglePlay = false; var grab = false; var grabbed; var stay = false; var inGround = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.currentLevel != 0 && !_root.survivalMode) { if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { inGround = true; } else { inGround = false; } if (!eaglePlay) { xSpeed = 0; ySpeed = 0; if (!stay) { _x = _x + ((_root.hero._x - this._x) / 15 - 3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100)); _y = _y + ((_root.hero._y - this._y) / 10 - 10); if (this._x > _root.hero._x && _xscale == 100) { this.gotoAndStop('turn'); } if (this._x < _root.hero._x && _xscale == -100) { this.gotoAndStop('turn'); } } if (_rotation > 0) { _rotation = _rotation - 0.5; } else { _rotation = _rotation + 0.5; } } else { stay = false; _x = _x + xSpeed; _y = _y + ySpeed; if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } if (ySpeed > 0) { ySpeed -= 0.25; } if (ySpeed < 0) { ySpeed += 0.25; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y, true)) { xSpeed = 0; _x = _x - 1; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y, true)) { xSpeed = 0; _x = _x + 1; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + bound._height / 2, true)) { ySpeed = 0; _y = _y - 1; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { ySpeed = 0; _y = _y + 1; } if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyLeft)) { if (xSpeed > -maxMoveSpeed) { xSpeed -= 0.75; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyRight)) { if (xSpeed < maxMoveSpeed) { xSpeed += 0.75; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyJump)) { if (ySpeed > -maxMoveSpeed) { ySpeed -= 0.75; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.hero.keyCrouch)) { if (ySpeed < maxMoveSpeed) { ySpeed += 0.75; } } _rotation = xSpeed * 3; if (xSpeed > 0 && _xscale == -100) { this.gotoAndStop('turn'); } if (xSpeed < 0 && _xscale == 100) { this.gotoAndStop('turn'); } } if (grab) { grabbed._x = _x - _root.stage_mc._x; grabbed._y = _y - _root.stage_mc._y; } } else { _visible = false; } } } movieClip 5063 { } movieClip 5079 { } movieClip 5091 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(37)) { } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } }; } frame 5 { _parent.kickDust('dust5'); } } movieClip 5099 { frame 18 { _parent._xscale *= -1; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 5100 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance AwW of movieClip 5100 { onClipEvent (load) { var xSpeed = 0; var gravity = 0; var maxMoveSpeed = 3; var onGround = false; var heroPlay = true; kickDust = function (dust) { var v2 = _root.dustParticleHolder.attachMovie(dust, 'dust' + _root.dustParticleHolder.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.dustParticleHolder.getNextHighestDepth()); v2._x = _root.hero._x + _root.dustParticleHolder._x; v2._y = _root.hero._y - _root.dustParticleHolder._y; v2._xscale = _root.hero._xscale; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._name == 'hero') { if (heroPlay) { gravity -= 0.5; _y = _y - gravity; _x = _x + xSpeed; if (onGround) { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= 0.25; } if (xSpeed < 0) { xSpeed += 0.25; } } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 4, true)) { _y = _y - 0.01; gravity = 0; } if (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { onGround = true; } else { onGround = false; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x + bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x - 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x - bound._width / 2, _y - bound._height / 2, true)) { _x = _x + 1; xSpeed = 0; } while (_root.stage_mc.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - bound._height, true)) { _y = _y + 1; gravity = -3; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { if (xSpeed > -maxMoveSpeed) { xSpeed -= 0.5; } if (this._xscale == 100) { this.gotoAndStop('turn'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('walk'); } } if (Key.isDown(39)) { if (xSpeed < maxMoveSpeed) { xSpeed += 0.5; } if (this._xscale == -100) { this.gotoAndStop('turn'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('walk'); } } } _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } }
Created: 6/11 -2018 05:06:18 Last modified: 6/11 -2018 05:06:18 Server time: 15/11 -2024 02:50:43