Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Teenage Pillow Fighter.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #214729

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function preloader() { if (getBytesLoaded() >= getBytesTotal()) { newBTN.enabled = true; newBTN._visible = true; newBTN.onRelease = function () { play(); }; clearInterval(myInterval); } myText.text = 'Loading: ' + Math.round((getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) * 100) + '%'; } stop(); music.stop(); newBTN.enabled = false; newBTN._visible = false; myInterval = setInterval(preloader, 100); } // unknown tag 88 length 87 movieClip 69 { } movieClip 74 { } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 81 { } frame 2 { stop(); pillowfight = new Sound(); pillowfight.attachSound('pillowfight'); pillowfight.stop(); pillowfight.start(0, 999); newBTN.enabled = false; newBTN._visible = false; } movieClip 98 { } movieClip 101 { frame 37 { _root.newBTN.enabled = true; _root.newBTN._visible = true; } frame 45 { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); fade_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); var redenemy = false; var redplayer = false; var finalend = false; var escore = 0; var score = 5000; var ending = false; var pillow1 = false; var pillow2 = false; var pillow3 = false; var pillow4 = false; var pillow5 = false; var pillow6 = false; var pillow7 = false; var pillow8 = false; var pillow9 = false; var pillow10 = false; var pillow11 = false; var teddy = false; var legalhit = false; var Ebelly = false; var Echest = false; var Eface = false; var Efacepoints = 0; var Echestpoints = 0; var Ebellypoints = 0; var Pface = false; var Pbelly = false; var Pchest = false; var Pchestpoints = 0; var Pbellypoints = 0; var Pfacepoints = 0; var badpillow = false; var attackchance; var legalhitL = false; var Plife = 99; var Elife = 69; var gameover = false; var switchgirl = false; var pillowOff = false; var p3enemy = false; var p1 = true; var p2 = true; var p3 = true; var p4 = true; var p5 = true; var enemybrain; var credits = 0; var randomsound; superclick = new Sound(); superclick.attachSound('superclick'); teddyclick = new Sound(); teddyclick.attachSound('teddyclick'); girlablind = new Sound(); girlablind.attachSound('girlablind'); girladie = new Sound(); girladie.attachSound('girladie'); girlanude = new Sound(); girlanude.attachSound('girlanude'); girlbblind = new Sound(); girlbblind.attachSound('girlbblind'); girlbdie = new Sound(); girlbdie.attachSound('girlbdie'); girlbnude = new Sound(); girlbnude.attachSound('girlbnude'); girlcblind = new Sound(); girlcblind.attachSound('girlcblind'); girlcdie = new Sound(); girlcdie.attachSound('girlcdie'); girlcnude = new Sound(); girlcnude.attachSound('girlcnude'); girldblind = new Sound(); girldblind.attachSound('girldblind'); girlddie = new Sound(); girlddie.attachSound('girlddie'); girldnude = new Sound(); girldnude.attachSound('girldnude'); girleblind = new Sound(); girleblind.attachSound('girleblind'); girledie = new Sound(); girledie.attachSound('girledie'); girlenude = new Sound(); girlenude.attachSound('girlenude'); girlfblind = new Sound(); girlfblind.attachSound('girlfblind'); girlfdie = new Sound(); girlfdie.attachSound('girlfdie'); girlfnude = new Sound(); girlfnude.attachSound('girlfnude'); pinkBTN.enabled = false; pinkBTN._visible = false; girla1 = new Sound(); girla1.attachSound('girla1'); girla2 = new Sound(); girla2.attachSound('girla2'); girla3 = new Sound(); girla3.attachSound('girla3'); girlA = function () { randomsound = random(4); if (randomsound == 0) { girla1.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 1) { girla2.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 2) { girla3.start(); } } } }; girlb1 = new Sound(); girlb1.attachSound('girlb1'); girlb2 = new Sound(); girlb2.attachSound('girlb2'); girlb3 = new Sound(); girlb3.attachSound('girlb3'); girlB = function () { randomsound = random(4); if (randomsound == 0) { girlb1.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 1) { girlb2.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 2) { girlb3.start(); } } } }; girlc1 = new Sound(); girlc1.attachSound('girlc1'); girlc2 = new Sound(); girlc2.attachSound('girlc2'); girlc3 = new Sound(); girlc3.attachSound('girlc3'); girlC = function () { randomsound = random(4); if (randomsound == 0) { girlc1.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 1) { girlc2.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 2) { girlc3.start(); } } } }; girld1 = new Sound(); girld1.attachSound('girld1'); girld2 = new Sound(); girld2.attachSound('girld2'); girld3 = new Sound(); girld3.attachSound('girld3'); girlD = function () { randomsound = random(4); if (randomsound == 0) { girld1.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 1) { girld2.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 2) { girld3.start(); } } } }; girle1 = new Sound(); girle1.attachSound('girle1'); girle2 = new Sound(); girle2.attachSound('girle2'); girle3 = new Sound(); girle3.attachSound('girle3'); girlE = function () { randomsound = random(4); if (randomsound == 0) { girle1.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 1) { girle2.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 2) { girle3.start(); } } } }; girlf1 = new Sound(); girlf1.attachSound('girlf1'); girlf2 = new Sound(); girlf2.attachSound('girlf2'); girlf3 = new Sound(); girlf3.attachSound('girlf3'); girlF = function () { randomsound = random(4); if (randomsound == 0) { girlf1.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 1) { girlf2.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 2) { girlf3.start(); } } } }; boy1 = new Sound(); boy1.attachSound('boy1'); boy2 = new Sound(); boy2.attachSound('boy2'); boy3 = new Sound(); boy3.attachSound('boy3'); boy4 = new Sound(); boy4.attachSound('boy4'); boy5 = new Sound(); boy5.attachSound('boy5'); boy6 = new Sound(); boy6.attachSound('boy6'); boy7 = new Sound(); boy7.attachSound('boy7'); boy8 = new Sound(); boy8.attachSound('boy8'); boy9 = new Sound(); boy9.attachSound('boy9'); boy10 = new Sound(); boy10.attachSound('boy10'); boy14 = new Sound(); boy14.attachSound('boy14'); boy19 = new Sound(); boy19.attachSound('boy19'); boy16 = new Sound(); boy16.attachSound('boy16'); boy17 = new Sound(); boy17.attachSound('boy17'); boy18 = new Sound(); boy18.attachSound('boy18'); boy20 = new Sound(); boy20.attachSound('boy20'); Boy = function () { randomsound = random(8); if (randomsound == 0) { boy1.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 1) { boy2.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 2) { boy3.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 3) { boy4.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 4) { boy5.start(); } } } } } }; bighit = new Sound(); bighit.attachSound('bighit'); bigappear = new Sound(); bigappear.attachSound('bigappear'); big5 = new Sound(); big5.attachSound('big5'); pinkBTN.onRelease = function () { play(); }; pillowevent = function () { if (escore > 2499) { if (p5 == true) { escore -= 2500; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p5bad'); } } else { if (escore > 1749) { if (p4 == true) { escore -= 1750; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p4bad'); } } else { if (escore > 1249) { if (p3 == true) { escore -= 1250; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p3bad'); } } else { if (escore > 649) { if (p2 == true) { escore -= 650; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p2bad'); } } else { if (escore > 249) { if (Elife > 33) { enemybrain = random(10); if (enemybrain > 7) { if (p1 == true) { escore -= 250; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p1bad'); } } } else { if (p1 == true) { escore -= 250; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p1bad'); } } } } } } } }; endingevent = function () { if (score > 3999) { if (p5 == true) { score -= 4000; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p5good'); } } else { if (score > 2499) { if (p4 == true) { score -= 2500; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p4good'); } } else { if (score > 1499) { if (p3 == true) { score -= 1500; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p3good'); } } else { if (score > 999) { if (p2 == true) { score -= 1000; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p2good'); } } else { if (score > 499) { if (Plife > 33) { enemybrain = random(10); if (enemybrain > 5) { if (p1 == true) { score -= 500; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p1good'); } } } else { if (p1 == true) { score -= 500; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p1good'); } } } } } } } }; p1_mc.onRelease = function () { if (ending == false) { if (Plife > 0) { if (p1 == true && score > 499) { score -= 500; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p1good'); } } } else { if (Elife > 0) { if (p1 == true && escore > 249) { escore -= 250; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p1bad'); } } } }; p2_mc.onRelease = function () { if (ending == false) { if (Plife > 0) { if (p2 == true && score > 999) { score -= 1000; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p2good'); } } } else { if (Elife > 0) { if (p2 == true && escore > 649) { escore -= 650; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p2bad'); } } } }; p3_mc.onRelease = function () { if (ending == false) { if (Plife > 0) { if (p3 == true && score > 1499) { score -= 1500; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p3good'); } } } else { if (Elife > 0) { if (p3 == true && escore > 1249) { escore -= 1250; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p3bad'); } } } }; p4_mc.onRelease = function () { if (ending == false) { if (Plife > 0) { if (p4 == true && score > 2499) { score -= 2500; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p4good'); } } } else { if (Elife > 0) { if (p4 == true && escore > 1749) { escore -= 1750; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p4bad'); } } } }; p5_mc.onRelease = function () { if (ending == false) { if (Plife > 0) { if (p5 == true && score > 3999) { score -= 4000; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p5good'); } } } else { if (Elife > 0) { if (p5 == true && escore > 2499) { escore -= 2500; bigpillow_mc.gotoAndPlay('p5bad'); } } } }; piff1 = new Sound(); piff1.attachSound('piff1'); piff2 = new Sound(); piff2.attachSound('piff2'); piff3 = new Sound(); piff3.attachSound('piff3'); piff = function () { randomhit = random(3); if (randomhit == 0) { piff1.start(); } if (randomhit == 1) { piff2.start(); } if (randomhit == 2) { piff3.start(); } }; A_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { scoreDTF.text = score; escoreDTF.text = escore; if (score < 0) { score = 0; } if (escore < 0) { escore = 0; } if (Plife > 99) { Plife = 99; } if (Elife > 99) { Elife = 99; } PlifeDTF.text = Plife; ElifeDTF.text = Elife; if (Plife < 0) { Plife = 0; } if (Elife < 0) { Elife = 0; } if (gameover == false) { if (pillow1 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow1_mc._x += 75; } else { pillow1_mc._x -= 75; } pillow1_mc._y -= 30; pillow1_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow1_mc._x = 239.3; pillow1_mc._y = -60.6;; pillow1_mc.enabled = true; pillow1_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow2 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow2_mc._x += 50; } else { pillow2_mc._x -= 75; } pillow2_mc._y -= 30; pillow2_mc.enabled = false; if (pillow2_mc._alpha > 0) { --pillow2_mc._alpha; } } else { pillow2_mc._x = 264; pillow2_mc._y = -60;; pillow2_mc.enabled = true; pillow2_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow3 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow3_mc._x += 75; } else { pillow3_mc._x -= 50; } pillow3_mc._y -= random(40); pillow3_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow3_mc._x = 179; pillow3_mc._y = -122;; pillow3_mc.enabled = true; pillow3_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow4 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow4_mc._x += 70; } else { pillow4_mc._x -= 70; } pillow4_mc._y -= 30; pillow4_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow4_mc._x = 429; pillow4_mc._y = -60;; pillow4_mc.enabled = true; pillow4_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow5 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow5_mc._x += 60; } else { pillow5_mc._x -= 30; } pillow5_mc._y -= random(30); pillow5_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow5_mc._x = 460; pillow5_mc._y = -118;; pillow5_mc.enabled = true; pillow5_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow6 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow6_mc._x += 50; } else { pillow6_mc._x -= 50; } if (badpillow == false) { pillow6_mc._y -= 30; } else { pillow6_mc._y += 10; } pillow6_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow6_mc._x = 314.4; pillow6_mc._y = -110.6;; pillow6_mc.enabled = true; pillow6_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow7 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow7_mc._x += 60; } else { pillow7_mc._x -= 60; } pillow7_mc._y -= 30; pillow7_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow7_mc._x = 401; pillow7_mc._y = -269;; pillow7_mc.enabled = true; pillow7_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow8 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow8_mc._x += 50; } else { pillow8_mc._x -= 50; } if (badpillow == false) { pillow8_mc._y -= 30; } else { pillow8_mc._y += 10; } pillow8_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow8_mc._x = 379; pillow8_mc._y = -110;; pillow8_mc.enabled = true; pillow8_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow9 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow9_mc._x += 50; } else { pillow9_mc._x -= 50; } pillow9_mc._y -= 30; pillow9_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow9_mc._x = 379; pillow9_mc._y = -110;; pillow9_mc.enabled = true; pillow9_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow10 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow10_mc._x += 50; } else { pillow10_mc._x -= 50; } pillow10_mc._y -= random(60); pillow10_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow10_mc._x = 254; pillow10_mc._y = -151.6;; pillow10_mc.enabled = true; pillow10_mc._alpha = 100; } if (pillow11 == true) { if (badpillow == false) { pillow11_mc._x += 35; } else { pillow11_mc._x -= 35; } pillow11_mc._y -= random(60); pillow11_mc.enabled = false; } else { pillow11_mc._x = 359.3; pillow11_mc._y = -53.5;; pillow11_mc.enabled = true; pillow11_mc._alpha = 100; } if (teddy == true) { if (badpillow == false) { teddy_mc._x += 100; } else { teddy_mc._x -= 100; } teddy_mc._y -= random(30); teddy_mc.enabled = false; } else { teddy_mc._x = 334; teddy_mc._y = -205; teddy_mc._width = 100; teddy_mc._height = 106;; teddy_mc.enabled = true; teddy_mc._alpha = 100; } } }; } movieClip 114 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 319 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.Plife > 0 && _root.gameover == false) { _root.pillow1_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow2_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow3_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow4_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow5_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow6_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow7_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow8_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow9_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow10_mc.enabled = true; _root.teddy_mc.enabled = true; } if (_root.Plife <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); _root.gameover = true; _root.pillow1_mc.stop(); _root.pillow1_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow2_mc.stop(); _root.pillow2_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow3_mc.stop(); _root.pillow3_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow4_mc.stop(); _root.pillow4_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow5_mc.stop(); _root.pillow5_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow6_mc.stop(); _root.pillow6_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow7_mc.stop(); _root.pillow7_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow8_mc.stop(); _root.pillow8_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow9_mc.stop(); _root.pillow9_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow10_mc.stop(); _root.pillow10_mc.enabled = false; _root.teddy_mc.stop(); _root.teddy_mc.enabled = false; } } frame 3 { _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); _root.piff(); } frame 5 { _root.girlA(); } frame 11 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 16 { _root.girlablind.start(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 32 { _root.piff(); if (_root.redplayer == false) { _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } else { _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('two'); } } frame 34 { _root.girlA(); } frame 40 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 42 { _root.pillow1_mc._visible = false; _root.pillow2_mc._visible = false; _root.pillow3_mc._visible = false; _root.pillow4_mc._visible = false; _root.pillow5_mc._visible = false; _root.pillow6_mc._visible = false; _root.pillow7_mc._visible = false; _root.pillow8_mc._visible = false; _root.pillow9_mc._visible = false; _root.pillow10_mc._visible = false; _root.teddy_mc._visible = false; _root.gameover = true; } frame 44 { _root.girladie.start(); } frame 60 { stop(); if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('victory'); } else { _root.B_mc.stop(); _root.pinkBTN.enabled = true; _root.pinkBTN._visible = true; _root.credits = 11; } } frame 64 { _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 79 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 81 { _root.pillow1_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow2_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow3_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow4_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow5_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow6_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow7_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow8_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow9_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow10_mc.enabled = false; _root.teddy_mc.enabled = false; } frame 82 { _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } frame 104 { gotoAndStop('idle'); _root.pillow1_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow2_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow3_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow4_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow5_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow6_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow7_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow8_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow9_mc.enabled = true; _root.pillow10_mc.enabled = true; _root.teddy_mc.enabled = true; } frame 106 { if (_root.finalend == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_root.ending == false) { _root.Elife = 69; } else { _root.Elife = 99; _root.escore += 500; } _root.gameover = false; } else { stop(); } if (_root.credits == 6) { _root.pinkBTN.enabled = true; _root.pinkBTN._visible = true; } } frame 139 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 141 { _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); _root.piff(); } frame 143 { _root.girlA(); } frame 149 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 151 { _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); _root.pillow1_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow2_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow3_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow4_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow5_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow6_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow7_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow8_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow9_mc.enabled = false; _root.pillow10_mc.enabled = false; _root.teddy_mc.enabled = false; _root.paff(); } frame 154 { _root.girlanude.start(); } frame 164 { gotoAndPlay('gut'); } frame 166 { _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 169 { _root.girlanude.start(); } frame 179 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 432 { } movieClip 521 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.enemybrain = random(100); if (_root.enemybrain > 95) { _root.pillowevent(); } if (_root.Elife <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } _root.p3enemy = false; } frame 3 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); _root.piff(); } frame 5 { _root.girlB(); } frame 11 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 16 { _root.girlbblind.start(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 32 { _root.piff(); if (_root.redenemy == false) { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } else { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('two'); } } frame 34 { _root.girlB(); } frame 40 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 42 { _root.gameover = true; } frame 47 { _root.girlbdie.start(); } frame 90 { stop();; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('victory'); _root.B_mc._name = 'usedB'; _root.C_mc._name = 'B_mc'; } frame 100 { stop(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 109 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 112 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } frame 133 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 143 { stop(); _root.pinkBTN.enabled = true; _root.pinkBTN._visible = true; _root.credits = 1; } frame 145 { _root.piff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } frame 147 { _root.girlB(); } frame 153 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 155 { _root.paff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 158 { _root.girlbnude.start(); } frame 168 { gotoAndPlay('gut'); } frame 170 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 173 { _root.girlbnude.start(); } frame 183 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 742 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); _root.enemybrain = random(100); if (_root.enemybrain > 90) { _root.pillowevent(); } if (_root.Elife <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } _root.p3enemy = false; } frame 20 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); _root.piff(); } frame 22 { _root.girlC(); } frame 28 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 32 { _root.girlcblind.start(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 47 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 49 { _root.piff(); if (_root.redenemy == false) { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } else { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('two'); } } frame 51 { _root.girlC(); } frame 57 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 59 { _root.gameover = true; } frame 62 { _root.girlcdie.start(); } frame 99 { stop();; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('victory'); _root.B_mc._name = 'usedC'; _root.D_mc._name = 'B_mc'; } frame 110 { stop(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 118 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 121 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } frame 137 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 147 { stop(); _root.pinkBTN.enabled = true; _root.pinkBTN._visible = true; _root.credits = 2; } frame 149 { _root.piff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } frame 151 { _root.girlC(); } frame 157 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 159 { _root.paff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 162 { _root.girlcnude.start(); } frame 167 { gotoAndPlay('gut'); } frame 169 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 172 { _root.girlcnude.start(); } frame 177 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 963 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); _root.enemybrain = random(100); if (_root.enemybrain > 85) { _root.pillowevent(); } if (_root.Elife <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } _root.p3enemy = false; } frame 20 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); _root.piff(); } frame 22 { _root.girlD(); } frame 28 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 33 { _root.girldblind.start(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 47 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 49 { _root.piff(); if (_root.redenemy == false) { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } else { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('two'); } } frame 51 { _root.girlD(); } frame 57 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 59 { _root.gameover = true; } frame 62 { _root.girlddie.start(); } frame 99 { stop();; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('victory'); _root.B_mc._name = 'usedD'; _root.E_mc._name = 'B_mc'; } frame 110 { stop(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 118 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 121 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } frame 137 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 147 { stop(); _root.pinkBTN.enabled = true; _root.pinkBTN._visible = true; _root.credits = 3; } frame 149 { _root.piff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } frame 151 { _root.girlD(); } frame 157 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 159 { _root.paff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 162 { _root.girldnude.start(); } frame 172 { gotoAndPlay('gut'); } frame 174 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 177 { _root.girldnude.start(); } frame 187 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 1184 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); _root.enemybrain = random(100); if (_root.enemybrain > 80) { _root.pillowevent(); } if (_root.Elife <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } _root.p3enemy = false; } frame 20 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); _root.piff(); } frame 22 { _root.girlE(); } frame 28 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 33 { _root.girleblind.start(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 47 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 49 { _root.piff(); if (_root.redenemy == false) { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } else { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('two'); } } frame 51 { _root.girlE(); } frame 57 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 59 { _root.gameover = true; } frame 62 { _root.girledie.start(); } frame 99 { stop();; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('victory'); _root.B_mc._name = 'usedE'; _root.F_mc._name = 'B_mc'; } frame 110 { stop(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 118 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 121 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } frame 137 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 147 { stop(); _root.pinkBTN.enabled = true; _root.pinkBTN._visible = true; _root.credits = 4; } frame 149 { _root.piff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } frame 151 { _root.girlE(); } frame 157 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 159 { _root.paff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 162 { _root.girlenude.start(); } frame 172 { gotoAndPlay('gut'); } frame 174 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 177 { _root.girlenude.start(); } frame 187 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 1405 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); _root.enemybrain = random(100); if (_root.enemybrain > 75) { _root.pillowevent(); } if (_root.Elife <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } _root.p3enemy = false; } frame 20 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); _root.piff(); } frame 22 { _root.girlF(); } frame 28 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 33 { _root.girlfblind.start(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 47 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 49 { _root.piff(); if (_root.redenemy == false) { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } else { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('two'); } } frame 51 { _root.girlF(); } frame 57 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 59 { _root.gameover = true; } frame 61 { _root.girlfdie.start(); } frame 129 { stop();; _root.ending = true; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('victory'); _root.B_mc._name = 'usedF'; _root.G_mc._name = 'B_mc'; } frame 140 { stop(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 148 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 151 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } frame 167 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 177 { stop(); _root.pinkBTN.enabled = true; _root.pinkBTN._visible = true; _root.credits = 5; } frame 179 { _root.piff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } frame 181 { _root.girlF(); } frame 187 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 189 { _root.paff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 192 { _root.girlfnude.start(); } frame 202 { gotoAndPlay('gut'); } frame 204 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 207 { _root.girlfnude.start(); } frame 217 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 1556 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); _root.enemybrain = random(100); if (_root.enemybrain > 75) { _root.endingevent(); } if (_root.Elife <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('die'); } _root.p3enemy = false; } frame 19 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); _root.piff(); } frame 22 { _root.Boy(); } frame 27 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 32 { _root.randomsound = random(2); if (_root.randomsound == 0) { _root.boy7.start(); } else { _root.boy6.start(); } } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 46 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 48 { _root.piff(); if (_root.redenemy == false) { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } else { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('two'); } } frame 51 { _root.Boy(); } frame 56 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 58 { _root.gameover = true; } frame 70 { stop(); _root.finalend = true; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('victory'); _root.randomsound = random(2); if (_root.randomsound == 0) { _root.boy9.start(); } else { _root.boy10.start(); } _root.pinkBTN.enabled = true; _root.pinkBTN._visible = true; _root.credits = 6; } frame 81 { stop(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 89 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 92 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } frame 93 { _root.boy19.start(); } frame 108 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 118 { stop(); if (_root.escore > 1999) { _root.credits = 10; } else { if (_root.escore > 999) { _root.credits = 9; } else { if (_root.escore > 499) { _root.credits = 8; } else { _root.credits = 7; } } } _root.boy19.start(); _root.pinkBTN.enabled = true; _root.pinkBTN._visible = true; } frame 120 { _root.piff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('one'); } frame 123 { _root.Boy(); } frame 128 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 130 { _root.paff(); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 133 { _root.boy8.start(); } frame 143 { gotoAndPlay('gut'); } frame 145 { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('five'); } frame 148 { _root.boy8.start(); } frame 158 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 1557 { frame 60 { _root.pillow1 = false; } } instance pillow1_mc of movieClip 1557 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow1 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } } movieClip 1558 { frame 68 { _root.pillow2 = false; } } instance pillow2_mc of movieClip 1558 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow2 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } } movieClip 1559 { frame 78 { _root.pillow3 = false; } } instance pillow3_mc of movieClip 1559 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow3 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } } movieClip 1560 { frame 66 { _root.pillow4 = false; } } instance pillow4_mc of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow4 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.badpillow = true; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.badpillow = true; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.badpillow = true; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } movieClip 1563 { frame 66 { _root.pillow5 = false; } } instance pillow5_mc of movieClip 1563 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow5 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } } movieClip 1564 { frame 75 { _root.pillow6 = false; } } instance pillow6_mc of movieClip 1564 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow6 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 75; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 15; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 75; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 15; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 75; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 15; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.escore += 75; _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 15; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.escore += 75; _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 15; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.escore += 75; _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 15; } } } } } } movieClip 1565 { frame 74 { _root.pillow7 = false; } } instance pillow7_mc of movieClip 1565 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.pillow1 = false; _root.pillow2 = false; _root.pillow3 = false; _root.pillow4 = false; _root.pillow5 = false; _root.pillow6 = false; _root.pillow7 = true; _root.pillow8 = false; _root.pillow9 = false; _root.pillow10 = false; _root.teddy = false; _root.legalhitL = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } } movieClip 1568 { frame 97 { _root.pillow8 = false; } } instance pillow8_mc of movieClip 1568 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow8 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 50; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 150; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 150; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.escore += 50; _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.escore += 150; _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.escore += 150; _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } } movieClip 1571 { frame 110 { _root.pillow9 = false; } } instance pillow9_mc of movieClip 1571 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow9 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.legalhitL = false; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } } movieClip 1574 { frame 67 { _root.pillow10 = false; } frame 119 { _root.pillow10 = false; } } instance pillow10_mc of movieClip 1574 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.badpillow = true; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow10 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 50; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.escore += 50; _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } } movieClip 1577 { frame 108 { _root.randomsound = random(2); if (_root.randomsound == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 172 { _root.pillow11 = false; } frame 214 { _root.pillow11 = false; } } instance pillow11_mc of movieClip 1577 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.superclick.start(); _root.badpillow = true; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.pillow11 = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 1000; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 1000; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.badpillow = true; if (_root.legalhit == false) { _root.score += 1000; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 25; } } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.badpillow = false; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.escore += 1250; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.escore += 1250; _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.escore += 50; _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.escore += 1500; _root.badpillow = false; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 25; } } } } } } movieClip 1580 { frame 174 { _root.teddy = false; } } instance teddy_mc of movieClip 1580 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.teddyclick.start(); _root.badpillow = false; _root.legalhit = false; _root.legalhitL = false; _root.teddy = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rchest)) { _root.score += 250; _root.badpillow = true; _root.Echestpoints += 3; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rbelly)) { _root.score += 250; _root.badpillow = true; _root.Ebellypoints += 3; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Rface)) { _root.score += 250; _root.badpillow = true; _root.Efacepoints += 3; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhit = true; this._y -= 50; } } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Lchest)) { _root.escore += 250; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.Pchestpoints += 3; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); _root.legalhitL = true; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lbelly)) { _root.escore += 250; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.Pbellypoints += 3; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('belly'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 50; } } else { if (this.hitTest(_root.Lface)) { _root.escore += 250; if (_root.legalhitL == false) { _root.badpillow = false; _root.Pfacepoints += 3; _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('face'); _root.legalhitL = true; _root.legalhit = false; this._y -= 50; } } } } } } movieClip 1582 { } movieClip 1583 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 73 movieClip 1591 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.score += 300; _root.Elife -= 3; } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 9 { _root.score += 150; _root.Elife -= 2; } frame 15 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 16 { _root.score += 25; --_root.Elife; } frame 22 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 23 { _root.Elife += 6; } frame 32 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 33 { _root.score += 300; _root.Elife -= 5; } frame 39 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 40 { _root.score += 300; _root.Elife -= 5; } frame 48 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1593 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.escore += 300; _root.Plife -= 3; } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 9 { _root.escore += 150; _root.Plife -= 2; } frame 15 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 16 { _root.escore += 25; --_root.Plife; } frame 22 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 23 { _root.Plife += 9; } frame 32 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 33 { _root.escore += 300; _root.Plife -= 5; } frame 39 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 40 { _root.score += 300; _root.Elife -= 5; } frame 48 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1596 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.p1 = true; } frame 2 { _root.p1 = false; } } movieClip 1599 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.p2 = true; } frame 2 { _root.p2 = false; } } movieClip 1602 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.p3 = true; } frame 2 { _root.p3 = false; } } movieClip 1607 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.p4 = true; } frame 2 { _root.p4 = false; } } movieClip 1608 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.p5 = true; } frame 2 { _root.p5 = false; } } movieClip 1628 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.redenemy = false; _root.redplayer = false; } frame 21 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 34 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('tits'); } _root.bighit.start(); } frame 35 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('tits'); } _root.p1_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); } frame 39 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } frame 40 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 53 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('tits'); } _root.bighit.start(); } frame 54 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('tits'); } _root.p1_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); } frame 58 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } frame 61 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 72 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('blind'); } _root.bighit.start(); } frame 73 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('money'); _root.escore -= 1250; _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('blind'); } _root.p2_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); } frame 79 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } frame 80 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 91 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('blind'); _root.score -= 750; } _root.bighit.start(); } frame 92 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('blind'); _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('money'); _root.score -= 750; } _root.p2_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); } frame 98 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } frame 99 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 99 { _root.redenemy = true; } frame 111 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } _root.p3_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); _root.bighit.start(); } frame 112 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } } frame 118 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } _root.bighit.start(); } frame 119 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } } frame 126 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } _root.bighit.start(); } frame 127 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } } frame 133 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } frame 134 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 134 { _root.redplayer = true; } frame 146 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } _root.p3_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); _root.bighit.start(); } frame 147 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } } frame 153 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } _root.bighit.start(); } frame 154 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } } frame 161 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } _root.bighit.start(); } frame 162 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('chest'); } } frame 168 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } frame 169 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 181 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('pow'); } _root.p4_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); _root.bighit.start(); } frame 182 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('pow'); } _root.p4_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); } frame 183 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('pow'); } _root.p4_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); } frame 187 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } frame 188 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 200 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('pow'); } _root.p4_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); _root.bighit.start(); } frame 201 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('pow'); } } frame 202 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('pow'); } } frame 206 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } frame 207 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 218 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); _root.p5_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('money'); _root.score -= 750; _root.bighit.start(); } frame 219 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } } frame 220 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } } frame 231 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); _root.p5_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('money'); _root.score -= 750; _root.bighit.start(); } frame 232 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } } frame 233 { if (_root.Plife > 0) { _root.A_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } } frame 241 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } frame 250 { _root.bigappear.start(); } frame 261 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); _root.p5_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('money'); _root.bighit.start(); _root.escore -= 1250; } frame 262 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } } frame 263 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } } frame 274 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } _root.Pcount_mc.gotoAndPlay('heal'); _root.p5_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); _root.Ecount_mc.gotoAndPlay('money'); _root.bighit.start(); _root.escore -= 1250; } frame 275 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } } frame 276 { if (_root.Elife > 0) { _root.B_mc.gotoAndPlay('expose'); } } frame 284 { gotoAndStop('hold'); } } frame 4 { stop(); fade_mc.gotoAndPlay('fade'); boy11 = new Sound(); boy11.attachSound('boy11'); moan = new Sound(); moan.attachSound('f08'); moanbig = new Sound(); moanbig.attachSound('f07'); molest = new Sound(); molest.attachSound('f06'); BoyHappy = function () { randomsound = random(3); if (randomsound == 0) { boy16.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 1) { boy17.start(); } else { if (randomsound == 2) { boy18.start(); } } } }; } button 1643 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(1); } } // unknown tag 88 length 74 movieClip 1672 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.credits == 1) { gotoAndPlay('credits1'); } else { if (_root.credits == 2) { gotoAndPlay('credits2'); } else { if (_root.credits == 3) { gotoAndPlay('credits3'); } else { if (_root.credits == 4) { gotoAndPlay('credits4'); } else { if (_root.credits == 5) { gotoAndPlay('credits5'); } else { if (_root.credits == 6) { gotoAndPlay('credits6'); } else { if (_root.credits == 7) { gotoAndPlay('credits7'); } else { if (_root.credits == 8) { gotoAndPlay('credits8'); } else { if (_root.credits == 9) { gotoAndPlay('credits9'); } else { if (_root.credits == 10) { gotoAndPlay('credits10'); } } } } } } } } } } } frame 10 { stop(); _root.moan.start(); } frame 19 { stop(); _root.moan.start(); } frame 28 { stop(); _root.moan.start(); } frame 37 { stop(); _root.moan.start(); } frame 46 { stop(); _root.moan.start(); } frame 55 { stop(); _root.boy11.start(); } frame 56 { _root.moanbig.start(); } frame 64 { stop(); _root.BoyHappy(); } frame 65 { _root.moanbig.start(); } frame 73 { stop(); _root.BoyHappy(); } frame 74 { _root.moanbig.start(); } frame 82 { stop(); _root.BoyHappy(); } frame 83 { _root.molest.start(); } frame 91 { stop(); _root.BoyHappy(); } }
Created: 19/7 -2019 22:36:00 Last modified: 19/7 -2019 22:36:00 Server time: 15/11 -2024 04:23:52