Frame 3
hole_number = 0;
max_holes = 4;
scorecard = new array(18);
total = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= 18) {
scorecard[i] = 0;
this["stxt" + i] = "";
f1 = new array(10);
f2 = new array(10);
f3 = new array(10);
f4 = new array(10);
cookie_played = new array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
cookie_best = new array(-1, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99);
cookie_shots = new array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
cookie_best_date = new array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
cookie_overall_best = 999;
cookie_overall_best_date = 0;
trace("check1111" + cookie_best[1]);
Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "club_selector" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
function inc_club() {
if ( < 15) {;
_level0.club_selector.gotoandstop(( * 3) + 1);
function dec_club() {
if ( > 1) {;
_level0.club_selector.gotoandstop(( * 3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 154 MovieClip "wind" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
function init() {
strength = random(5);
dirn = random(360);
count = 0;
dst = 3;
strength = random(5);
dirn = random(360);
max = 5;
min = 1;
wait = 20;
count = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_level0.level >= 7) {
max = _level0.level;
} else {
max = 5;
this.pointer._rotation = dirn;
if (_level0.wind_blowing) {
dirn = (dirn + random(10)) - random(10);
if (count > wait) {
strength = (strength + random(2)) - random(2);
if (strength > max) {
strength = max;
if (strength < min) {
strength = min;
dst = strength * 3;
count = 0;
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "game_cooky" in Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) {
function write_game_cookie(game_id, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6) {
name = "game" + game_id;
so = SharedObject.getLocal(name, "/");
trace("writing : " + game_id); = game_id;
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
trace((("hole" + i) + " ") + f1[i]);["f1" + i] = f1[i];["f2" + i] = f2[i];["f3" + i] = f3[i];["f4" + i] = f4[i];
} = f5; = f6;
function read_game_cookie(game_id) {
name = "game" + game_id;
so = SharedObject.getLocal(name, "/");
if ( == null) {
result = false;
trace("no cookie....");
} else {
trace("there is a cookie....");
result = true;
trace("started reading cookie....");
_level0.checker =;
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
trace((("hole" + i) + " ") + _level0.f1[i]);
_level0.f1[i] =["f1" + i];
_level0.f2[i] =["f2" + i];
_level0.f3[i] =["f3" + i];
_level0.f4[i] =["f4" + i];
_level0.f5 =;
_level0.f6 =;
trace("finished reading cookie....");
_visible = false;
Frame 5
function update_stats() {
trace((("display the stats..." + hole_number) + " ") + cookie_played[hole_number]);
stats_played = cookie_played[hole_number];
if (cookie_played[hole_number] > 0) {
stats_average = int((cookie_shots[hole_number] * 10) / cookie_played[hole_number]) / 10;
stats_best_date = cookie_best_date[hole_number];
stats_best = cookie_best[hole_number];
} else {
stats_average = 0;
stats_best_date = "N/A";
stats_best = "N/A";
stats_played = 0;
function map_dist_to_flag() {
ho = 1;
while (ho <= 18) {
map = this["map" + ho];
dhy = map.ball._y - map.hole._y;
dhx = map.ball._x - map.hole._x;
trace((("hole..." + ho) + " dist ") + Math.sqrt((dhy * dhy) + (dhx * dhx)));
par_hole = new array(0, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 3, 4, 4);
yards_hole = new array(0, 388, 523, 270, 357, 492, 435, 411, 232, 544, 418, 242, 381, 459, 550, 475, 163, 428, 460);
bnks = new array(0, 4, 3, 0, 4, 4, 4, 9, 5, 7, 5, 5, 8, 9, 6, 9, 8, 8, 7);
fways = new array(0, 3, 6, 3, 7, 6, 3, 9, 5, 5, 9, 4, 5, 6, 6, 3, 3, 5, 4);
_level0.mbunkers = bnks[hole_number];
_level0.mfairways = fways[hole_number];
hole_number_txt = "Hole " + Hole_number;
Par = par_hole[hole_number];
distance = yards_hole[hole_number];
par_txt = "Par " + Par;
distance_txt = distance + " Yds";
this["map" + hole_number]._x = 230;
this["map" + hole_number]._y = 350;
this["map" + hole_number]._xscale = 50;
this["map" + hole_number]._yscale = 50;
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "map2" in Frame 5
/* no clip actions */
Frame 24
Frame 26
function dist_to_drop() {
droppy = eval ("" + water_clip);
dhy = (-map.ball._y) + droppy._y;
dhx = (-map.ball._x) + droppy._x;
dhy1 = _level0.start_y + droppy._y;
dhx1 = (_level0.start_x - droppy._x) + 150;
atdr = ((Math.atan2(dhx1, dhy1) * 180) / 3.142) - 180;
return(Math.sqrt((dhy * dhy) + (dhx * dhx)));
function dist_to_flag() {
dhy = map.ball._y - map.hole._y;
dhx = map.ball._x - map.hole._x;
return(Math.sqrt((dhy * dhy) + (dhx * dhx)));
function check_lie() {
water_clip_id = 0;
pt = 1;
while (pt <= _level0.hole.depth) {
if (_level0.hole.plot_t[pt] == "water") {
if (eval ("_level0.triangle" + pt).hitTest(_level0.ball._x, _level0.ball._y, true)) {
if (_level0.hole.plot_t[pt] == "water") {
on_water = true;
water_clip = water_clip_id;
z = 0;
v = 0;
if (_level0.hole.plot_t[pt] == "bunker") {
on_sand = true;
z = 0;
v = 0;
if (_level0.hole.plot_t[pt] == "green") {
on_green = true;
if (_level0.hole.plot_t[pt] == "fairway") {
on_fairway = true;
d = 200;
dx = 200;
realx = 0;
_level0.rocks1._x = 300;
_level0.rocks2._x = _level0.rocks1._x + 1800;
on_water = false;
on_fairway = false;
on_sand = false;
on_green = false;
club_txt = "1 Wood - 330 yards";
constanty = 12;
realz = 1;
screenx = 300;
screeny = 200;
delta_y = 0;
delta_x = 0;
zoom = -14;
zoomX = 0;
start_y = 0;
start_x = 0;
hole_txt = "Hole " + hole_number;
shot_number = 1;
Instance of Symbol 238 MovieClip "tempman" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
ct = new array(-99, 330, 320, 305, 285, 270, 250, 225, 205, 185, 165, 140, 120, 100, 77);
cl = new array(-99, "1 Wood", "2 Wood", "3 Wood", "1 Iron", "2 Iron", "3 Iron", "4 Iron", "5 Iron", "6 Iron", "7 Iron", "8 Iron", "9 Iron", "P Wedge", "S Wedge"); = int((_level0.club_selector._currentframe - 3) / 3) + 1;
if ( != last_club) {
if ( == 15) {
_level0.club_txt = "";"putter");
} else {
_level0.club_txt = ((cl[] + " ") + ct[]) + " yards";"iron");
last_club =;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "club_selector" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
function inc_club() {
if ( < 15) {;
_level0.club_selector.gotoandstop(( * 3) + 1);
function dec_club() {
if ( > 1) {;
_level0.club_selector.gotoandstop(( * 3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 154 MovieClip "wind" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
function init() {
strength = random(5);
dirn = random(360);
count = 0;
dst = 3;
strength = random(5);
dirn = random(360);
max = 5;
min = 1;
wait = 20;
count = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_level0.level >= 7) {
max = _level0.level;
} else {
max = 5;
this.pointer._rotation = dirn;
if (_level0.wind_blowing) {
dirn = (dirn + random(10)) - random(10);
if (count > wait) {
strength = (strength + random(2)) - random(2);
if (strength > max) {
strength = max;
if (strength < min) {
strength = min;
dst = strength * 3;
count = 0;
Frame 27
duplicateMovieClip ("tempman", "man", 100010);
duplicateMovieClip ("stemp", "shadow", 100001);
duplicateMovieClip ("ball-temp", "ball", 100003);
duplicateMovieClip ("flag-temp", "flag", 100005);
duplicateMovieClip ("arrow-temp", "arrow", 100006);
man._x = 306;
man._y = 300;
Frame 29
first_time = true;
wc = 0;
on_water = false;
man.last_club = -9999;
man._alpha = 100;
zoom = zoom + DELTA_y;
zoomX = zoomX + DELTA_X;
start_x = start_x + DELTA_X;
start_y = start_y + DELTA_y;
trace((("zoom / yardage " + zoom) + " ") + yardage);
shot_wait = true;
t = 0;
wind_blowing = true;
xballcentre = 296;
hit = 0;
powerscale = 8;
pstart = 20;
pcap = 180;
angle = (32 + random(2)) - random(2);
a = -2;
yballcentre = 370;
ball._x = xballcentre;
ball._y = yballcentre;
cue._y = yballcentre + 200;
shadow._x = xballcentre;
shadow._y = yballcentre;
bounce = 0;
setProperty("/ball", _xscale , 100);
setProperty("/ball", _yscale , 100);
ball._visible = false;
shadow._visible = false;
water = false;
splash._visible = false;
message = "";
Frame 30
xxx = dist_to_drop();
Instance of Symbol 280 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
_level0.diag = _level0._ymouse;
if (((_level0._ymouse > 275) and (Math.abs(_level0._xmouse - 300) < 100)) and (!_level0.on_water)) {
if (state == "power_up") {
state = "snap";
if (state == "address") {
state = "power_up";
_level0.wind_blowing = false;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
_level0.diag = _level0._ymouse;
if (((_level0._ymouse > 275) and (Math.abs(_level0._xmouse - 300) < 100)) and (!_level0.on_water)) {
if (state == "address") {
if (state == "power_up") {
_level0.u = _level0.power._currentframe * 1;
if (state == "snap") {
diff = 14 - _level0.snap._currentframe;
_level0.ratio = (-diff) / 14;
_level0.start_angle = _level0.arrow._rotation;
if (!_level0.gameover) {
if ( != 15) {;
} else {"putt");
_level0.shot_wait = false;
state = "shoot";
} else {
onClipEvent (load) {
state = "address";
dx = 0;
Instance of Symbol 195 MovieClip "map1" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
greens = 1;
bunkers = 4;
water = 2;
fairways = 5;
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip "map2" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
greens = 1;
bunkers = 4;
water = 2;
fairways = 5;
Instance of Symbol 197 MovieClip "map3" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
greens = 1;
bunkers = 4;
water = 2;
fairways = 1;
Instance of Symbol 281 MovieClip "map5" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
greens = 1;
bunkers = 6;
water = 2;
fairways = 5;
Instance of Symbol 282 MovieClip "map6" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
greens = 1;
bunkers = 4;
water = 2;
fairways = 5;
Instance of Symbol 283 MovieClip "map7" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
greens = 1;
bunkers = 4;
water = 2;
fairways = 5;
Instance of Symbol 284 MovieClip "map8" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
greens = 1;
bunkers = 4;
water = 2;
fairways = 5;
Instance of Symbol 285 MovieClip "map9" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
greens = 1;
bunkers = 4;
water = 1;
fairways = 9;
Instance of Symbol 199 MovieClip "map4" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
greens = 1;
bunkers = 4;
water = 2;
fairways = 5;
Instance of Symbol 291 MovieClip "hole" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
function rotate_it(section, plot_type) {
plot_t[depth + 1] = plot_type;
if (plot_type == "fairway") {
fill_colour = 7851008 /* 0x77CC00 */;
fairway = map["fairway" + section];
if ((section / 2) == int(section / 2)) {
fill_colour = 10079232 /* 0x99CC00 */;
} else if (plot_type == "bunker") {
fill_colour = 16764006 /* 0xFFCC66 */;
fairway = map["bunker" + section];
} else if (plot_type == "hole") {
fill_colour = 0;
fairway = map.hole;
} else if (plot_type == "water") {
fill_colour = 3368601 /* 0x336699 */;
fairway = map["water" + section];
} else if (plot_type == "tree") {
fill_colour = 0;
fairway = map["tree" + section];
} else {
fill_colour = 10216960 /* 0x9BE600 */;
fairway =;
rotate = (rotate_deg * Math.PI) / 180;
pyawsin = Math.sin(rotate);
pyawcos = Math.cos(rotate);
prollsin = 0;
prollcos = 1;
ppitchsin = 0;
ppitchcos = 1;
sides = fairway.sides;
s = 1;
while (s <= sides) {
this[("f" + s) + "x"] = fairway.x[s] - 150;
this[("f" + s) + "z"] = -fairway.y[s];
this[("f" + s) + "y"] = constanty;
rawz = new array(sides);
rawy = new array(sides);
rawx = new array(sides);
clipx = new array(sides * 2);
clipy = new array(sides * 2);
clipz = new array(sides * 2);
p = 1;
while (p <= sides) {
newx = this[("f" + p) + "x"] - zoomx;
newy = this[("f" + p) + "y"];
newz = (this[("f" + p) + "z"] - zoom) + offset;
yes_rotate = true;
if (yes_rotate) {
tx = (pyawcos * newx) - (pyawsin * newz);
tz = (pyawsin * newx) + (pyawcos * newz);
newx = (prollcos * tx) + (prollsin * newy);
ty = (prollcos * newy) - (prollsin * tx);
newz = (ppitchcos * tz) - (ppitchsin * ty);
newy = (ppitchsin * tz) + (ppitchcos * ty);
newx = newx + zoomx;
newy = newy;
newz = (newz + zoom) - offset;
rawx[p] = newx;
rawy[p] = newy;
rawz[p] = newz;
new_id = 0;
s = 1;
while (s <= (sides - 1)) {
clip(s, s + 1);
clip(sides, 1);
right = 0;
left = 0;
p = 1;
while (p <= new_id) {
this["x" + p] = convert_2d_to_3d_x(clipx[p], clipz[p]);
this["y" + p] = convert_2d_to_3d_y(clipy[p], clipz[p]);
if (this["x" + p] > 600) {
if (this["x" + p] < 0) {
not_viewable = (right >= new_id) or (left >= new_id);
if (plot_type == "tree") {
not_viewable = (right > 0) or (left > 0);
if (not_viewable) {
_level0["tree" + section]._x = 9999;
} else {
height = convert_2d_to_3d_y(clipy[1] + 20, clipz[1]);
scale = (height - Y1) + ((y3 - y1) / 2);
if (scale > 0) {
_level0["tree" + section]._x = X1 + ((x3 - x1) / 2);
_level0["tree" + section]._y = Y1 + ((y3 - y1) / 2);
trace((("scale = " + scale) + " z ") + z);
_level0["tree" + section]._xscale = scale / 1.5;
_level0["tree" + section]._yscale = scale / 1.5;
} else {
_level0["tree" + section]._x = 9999;
if (plot_type == "hole") {
if (not_viewable) {
_level0.flag._x = 9999;
} else {
trace("display flag !");
_level0.flag._x = X1 + ((x3 - x1) / 2);
_level0.flag._y = Y1 + ((y3 - y1) / 2);
height = convert_2d_to_3d_y(clipy[1] + 100, clipz[1]);
scale = height - _level0.flag._y;
trace((("scale = " + scale) + " z ") + z);
_level0.flag._xscale = scale / 3;
_level0.flag._yscale = scale / 1.5;
_level0.arrow._x = _level0.flag._x;
_level0.arrow._y = _level0.flag._y;
_level0.arrow._rotation = _level0.angle_slope - rotate_deg;
_level0.arrow._visible = on_green;
if (((new_id > 0) and (!not_viewable)) and (plot_type != "tree")) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("triangle" + depth, depth);
with (eval ("_root.triangle" + depth)) {
beginFill(fill_colour, 100);
lineStyle(0, fill_colour, 100);
moveTo(x1, y1);
lineTo(x2, y2);
lineTo(x3, y3);
if (new_id >= 4) {
lineTo(x4, y4);
if (new_id >= 5) {
lineTo(x5, y5);
if (new_id >= 6) {
lineTo(x6, y6);
if (new_id >= 7) {
lineTo(x7, y7);
if (new_id >= 8) {
lineTo(x8, y8);
lineTo(x1, y1);
if (eval ("_root.triangle" + depth).hitTest(_level0.ball._x, _level0.ball._y, true)) {
if (plot_type == "water") {
on_water = true;
if (plot_type == "bunker") {
trace("HIT !" + plot_type);
on_sand = true;
if (plot_type == "green") {
on_green = true;
if (plot_type == "fairway") {
on_fairway = true;
} else {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("triangle", depth);
function clip(v1, v2) {
absolute_zmin = 1;
zmin = (absolute_zmin + zoom) + 10;
v1x = rawx[v1];
v2x = rawx[v2];
v1y = rawy[v1];
v2y = rawy[v2];
v1z = rawz[v1];
v2z = rawz[v2];
dold = v2z - v1z;
dnew = zmin - v1z;
if (dold != 0) {
m = dnew / dold;
} else {
m = 1;
clipping = true;
if (!clipping) {
clipx[new_id] = v2x;
clipy[new_id] = v2y;
clipz[new_id] = v2z;
} else {
if ((v1z >= zmin) and (v2z >= zmin)) {
clipx[new_id] = v2x;
clipy[new_id] = v2y;
clipz[new_id] = v2z;
if ((v1z >= zmin) and (v2z < zmin)) {
clipx[new_id] = v1x + ((v2x - v1x) * m);
clipy[new_id] = v1y + ((v2y - v1y) * m);
clipz[new_id] = zmin;
if ((v1z < zmin) and (v2z >= zmin)) {
clipx[new_id] = v1x + ((v2x - v1x) * m);
clipy[new_id] = v1y + ((v2y - v1y) * m);
clipz[new_id] = zmin;
clipx[new_id] = v2x;
clipy[new_id] = v2y;
clipz[new_id] = v2z;
function draw_course() {
i = 1;
while (i <= map.fairways) {
rotate_it(i, "fairway");
i = 1;
while (i <= map.bunkers) {
rotate_it(i, "bunker");
i = 1;
while (i <= map.water) {
rotate_it(i, "water");
rotate_it(1, "green");
rotate_it(1, "hole");
function plot_3dball() {
trace((("ball - " + offset) + " zoom ") + zoom);
_level0.ball._y = convert_2d_to_3d_y(constanty, (-offset) + zoom);
_level0.ball._x = 300;
function plot_ball(xb, yb) {
map.ball._y = -yb;
map.ball._x = xb + 150;
function convert_2d_to_3d_x(in_x, in_z) {
in_z = in_z - zoom;
in_x = in_x - zoomx;
rz = 1 / in_z;
temp = ((dx * in_x) * rz) + screenx;
function convert_2d_to_3d_y(in_y, in_z) {
in_z = in_z - zoom;
rz = 1 / in_z;
temp = ((d * in_y) * rz) + screeny;
plot_t = new array();
hole_number = 1;
map = _level0["map" + _level0.hole_number];
map._x = 519;
map._y = 150;
zoom = _level0.zoom;
zoomx = _level0.zoomx;
my_zoom = 0;
dhy = _level0.start_y + map.hole._y;
dhx = (_level0.start_x - map.hole._x) + 150;
angle_flag = ((Math.atan2(dhx, dhy) * 180) / 3.142) - 180;
if (_level0.shot_number > 1) {
rotate_deg = angle_flag;
} else {
rotate_deg = 0;
_level0.flag._x = 999;
offset = -14.115;
d = _level0.d;
dx = _level0.dx;
realx = _level0.realx;
constanty = _level0.constanty;
realz = _level0.realz;
screenx = _level0.screenx;
screeny = _level0.screeny;
depth = 0;
on_water = false;
on_fairway = false;
on_sand = false;
on_green = false;
on_rough = false;
plot_ball(_level0.start_x, _level0.start_y);
if (_level0.shot_number == 1) {
} else if (on_water) {
trace("************WATER !!!! ***********");
} else if (on_sand) {
_level0.club_selector.gotoAndStop("1W"); = 1; = -9999;
} else if (on_green) {
_level0.club_selector.gotoAndStop("P"); = 15; = -9999;
} else if (on_fairway) {
} else {
on_rough = true;
dirn = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (my_zoom != 0) {
if (Key.isDown(40) or Key.isDown(38)) {
} else if (my_zoom != 0) {
zoom = zoom - my_zoom;
my_zoom = 0;
depth = 0;
plot_section(1, "fairway");
plot_section(2, "fairway");
plot_section(3, "fairway");
plot_section(1, "green");
plot_section(1, "bunker");
plot_section(2, "bunker");
plot_section(3, "bunker");
plot_section(4, "bunker");
plot_section(1, "water");
plot_section(2, "water");
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
depth = 0;
key_down = false;
if (Key.isDown(39) and (!_level0.on_water)) {
if (_level0.shot_wait) {
rotate_deg = rotate_deg + 4.5;
_level0.rocks1._x = _level0.rocks1._x - 6;
_level0.rocks2._x = _level0.rocks2._x - 6;
if (_level0.rocks1._x < -1210) {
_level0.rocks1._x = _level0.rocks2._x + 1800;
if (_level0.rocks2._x < -1210) {
_level0.rocks2._x = _level0.rocks1._x + 1800;
depth = 0;
if (Key.isDown(37) and (!_level0.on_water)) {
if (_level0.shot_wait) {
rotate_deg = rotate_deg - 4.5;
_level0.rocks1._x = _level0.rocks1._x + 6;
_level0.rocks2._x = _level0.rocks2._x + 6;
if (_level0.rocks1._x > 1210) {
_level0.rocks1._x = _level0.rocks2._x - 1800;
if (_level0.rocks2._x > 1210) {
_level0.rocks2._x = _level0.rocks1._x - 1800;
depth = 0;
Frame 31
ball._visible = true;
shadow._visible = true;
if (on_water) {
man._x = 306;
man._y = 600;
if (first_time) {
TEMP = dist_to_drop();
trace(" atdr" + atdr);
first_time = false;
} else {
man._x = 306;
man._y = 300;
dist_to_go = dist_to_flag();
if (shot_number == 1) {
dist_to_go = distance;
} else {
dist_to_go = int(10 * dist_to_go) / 10;
if (on_water) {
if ((wc / 4) != int(wc / 4)) {
} else {
dtg_txt = "";
} else {
dtg_txt = "Dist to Pin " + dist_to_go;
if (on_water and (wc <= 1)) {
hole.rotate_deg = atdr;
hole.depth = 0;
if (on_water and (wc > 100)) {
shot_wait = false;
u = 20;
if (gameover) {
} else if (shot_wait) {
gotoAndPlay (30);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (38);
Frame 49
slope = 0;
e = 45;
club = int((_level0.club_selector._currentframe - 3) / 3) + 1;
e = 47.5 + (club * 2.35);
angle = e;
diag = angle;
diag2 = club;
if (on_water) {
angle = 50;
putted = false;
map = _level0["map" + _level0.hole_number];
if (club == 15) {
putter_used = true;
} else {
putter_used = false;
if (on_water) {
drop = true;
putter_used = false;
angle = 50;
dtpp = dist_to_drop();
} else {
drop = false;
yards_forward = 0;
map_ball = map.ball._xscale;
t = 0;
drag = -0.1;
hit_sign = false;
wind_ang = _level0.wind.pointer._rotation;
if (putter_used) {
wind_factor_y = 0;
wind_factor_x = 0;
} else {
wind_factor_y = _level0.wind.dst * Math.cos((wind_ang * 3.142) / 180);
wind_factor_x = _level0.wind.dst * Math.sin((wind_ang * 3.142) / 180);
diag10 = (wind_ang = (_level0.wind.pointer._rotation + " ") + wind_factor_x);
bdirn = 1;
theta = (Math.atan(ratio) * 180) / 3.142;
error = theta + (wind_factor_x * 0.2);
if (hole.on_rough) {
u = (u * (90 - random(20 - club))) / 100;
if (hole.on_sand) {
u = (u * (80 - random(20 - club))) / 100;
u = 1.2 * u;
on_water = false;
on_fairway = false;
on_sand = false;
on_green = false;
Frame 50
if (drop) {
s = 20;
slope = 0;
error = 0;
theta = 0;
s = dtpp;
bounce = 0;
if (t == 1) {
z = 10;
} else {
z = z - 0.6;
if (z < 0) {
z = 0;
} else if (putter_used) {
angle_slope = 0;
diffa = Math.sin((hole.rotate_deg * 3.142) / 180) - Math.sin((angle_slope * 3.142) / 180);
inc = (-diffa) / 10;
if (slope < 20) {
slope = slope + inc;
man._alpha = 30;
if (z < 0.2) {
dhy = ball._y - flag._y;
dhx = ball._x - flag._x;
dtfl = Math.sqrt((dhy * dhy) + (dhx * dhx));
dtf2 = dist_to_flag();
diag1966 = dtf2;
if ((dtfl < 7) and (dtf2 < 1)) {
putted = true;
t = t + 0.04;
angle = 0;
drag = -2;
strength = u / 2.5;
s = (Math.cos((angle * 3.142) / 180) * Number(strength * t)) + Number(((drag * t) * t) / 2);
v = (Math.cos((angle * 3.142) / 180) * strength) + (drag * t);
z = 0;
} else {
slope = 0;
t = t + 0.06;
s = (Math.cos((angle * 3.142) / 180) * Number(u * t)) + Number(((drag * t) * t) / 2);
v = (Math.cos((angle * 3.142) / 180) * u) + (drag * t);
z = ((Math.sin((angle * 3.142) / 180) * u) * t) + Number(((-9.8 * t) * t) / 2);
if (z < 0) {
z = 0;
bounce = bounce + s;
t = 0;
s = 0;
u = v / 1.2;
angle = angle / 1.4;
drag = 0;
theta = _level0.hole.rotate_deg;
yards_forward = s + bounce;
trace("yards=" + yards_forward);
delta_y = Math.cos((((theta + error) + slope) * 3.142) / 180) * yards_forward;
delta_x = Math.sin((((theta + error) + slope) * 3.142) / 180) * yards_forward;
map.ball._y = (-delta_y) - start_y;
map.ball._x = (start_x + delta_x) + 150;
map.ball._yscale = map_ball + (z * 10);
map.ball._xscale = map.ball._yscale;
realz = yards_forward + 14;
realz = (Math.cos((((0 + error) + slope) * 3.142) / 180) * yards_forward) + 14;
rz = 1 / realz;
dx_3d = Math.sin((((0 + error) + slope) * 3.142) / 180) * yards_forward;
ball._x = ((d * dx_3d) * rz) + screenx;
yb = ((d * constanty) * rz) + screeny;
shadow._x = ball._x;
shadow._y = yb;
height_multiplier = 0.7;
realy = constanty - (z * height_multiplier);
yb = ((d * realy) * rz) + screeny;
ball._y = yb;
ball._xscale = ((shadow._y - 200) / 2) + 25;
ball._yscale = ((shadow._y - 200) / 2) + 25;
shadow._xscale = ((shadow._y - 200) / 2) + 25;
shadow._yscale = ((shadow._y - 200) / 2) + 25;
shadow._alpha = ((shadow._y - 200) / 2) + 10;
Frame 51
if (drop) {
if (t < 21) {
gotoAndPlay (50);
} else {
if (z <= 0) {
if (putted) {
ball._x = -999;
shadow._x = -999;
} else if ((z <= 0) and (v <= 0.2)) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay (50);
Frame 52
if (putted) {
gotoAndPlay (79);
Frame 77
on_water = false;
on_fairway = false;
on_sand = false;
on_green = false;
gotoAndPlay (29);
Frame 111
ri = 1;
while (ri <= 20) {
dmov = _level0["triangle" + ri];
flag._x = -999;
man._x = 9999;
_level0.arrow._x = -99999;
this["stxt" + hole_number] = shot_number;
scorecard[hole_number] = shot_number;
total = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= 18) {
total = total + scorecard[i];
Frame 116
totpar = 0;
totsc = 0;
i = 1;
while (i <= 18) {
if (i <= hole_number) {
this["p" + i] = par_hole[i];
totpar = totpar + par_hole[i];
totsc = totsc + scorecard[i];
this["diff" + i] = scorecard[i] - par_hole[i];
if (scorecard[i] > par_hole[i]) {
this["diff" + i] = "+" + (scorecard[i] - par_hole[i]);
if (scorecard[i] == par_hole[i]) {
this["diff" + i] = "-";
} else {
this["diff" + i] = "";
pardiff = totsc - totpar;
if (totsc > totpar) {
pardiff = "+" + (totsc - totpar);
if (totsc == totpar) {
pardiff = "Even";
Instance of Symbol 179 MovieClip "game_cooky" in Frame 116
onClipEvent (load) {
function write_game_cookie(game_id, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6) {
name = "game" + game_id;
so = SharedObject.getLocal(name, "/");
trace("writing : " + game_id); = game_id;
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
trace((("hole" + i) + " ") + f1[i]);["f1" + i] = f1[i];["f2" + i] = f2[i];["f3" + i] = f3[i];["f4" + i] = f4[i];
} = f5; = f6;
function read_game_cookie(game_id) {
name = "game" + game_id;
so = SharedObject.getLocal(name, "/");
if ( == null) {
result = false;
trace("no cookie....");
} else {
trace("there is a cookie....");
result = true;
trace("started reading cookie....");
_level0.checker =;
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
trace((("hole" + i) + " ") + _level0.f1[i]);
_level0.f1[i] =["f1" + i];
_level0.f2[i] =["f2" + i];
_level0.f3[i] =["f3" + i];
_level0.f4[i] =["f4" + i];
_level0.f5 =;
_level0.f6 =;
trace("finished reading cookie....");
_visible = false;
Frame 117
this_hole_score = scorecard[hole_number];
if (this_hole_score < cookie_best[hole_number]) {
cookie_best[hole_number] = this_hole_score;
myDate = new Date();
todaydate = (((myDate.getDate() + "/") + (1 + myDate.getUTCMonth())) + "/") + myDate.getFullYear();
cookie_best_date[hole_number] = todaydate;
cookie_shots[hole_number] = cookie_shots[hole_number] + this_hole_score;
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
f1[i] = cookie_played[i];
f2[i] = cookie_best[i];
f3[i] = cookie_shots[i];
f4[i] = cookie_best_date[i];
if (hole_number >= 9) {
this_round_score = total;
if (this_round_score < cookie_overall_best) {
cookie_overall_best = this_round_score;
myDate = new Date();
todaydate = (((myDate.getDate() + "/") + (1 + myDate.getUTCMonth())) + "/") + myDate.getFullYear();
cookie_overall_best_date = todaydate;
if (cookie_overall_best == 999) {
best_ever_date = "";
best_ever = "";
ber_txt = "";
} else {
ber_txt = "Best Ever Round";
best_ever_date = cookie_overall_best_date;
best_ever = cookie_overall_best;
f5 = cookie_overall_best;
f6 = cookie_overall_best_date;
game_cooky.write_game_cookie(game_id, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6);
Frame 170
Frame 171
_level0.score =;
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1
doneLoading = 0;
Instance of Symbol 13 MovieClip "bkgd" in Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.doneLoading == 0) {
total = _parent._parent.getBytesTotal();
isloaded = _parent._parent.getBytesLoaded();
p = 100 * (isLoaded / total);
_parent.bytes = ((int(isloaded / 1000) add " KB of ") add int(total / 1000)) add " KB";
_parent.percent = int(p) add "% LOADED"; = p;
if (Number(p) > Number(95)) {
_parent.doneLoading = 1;
} else {
Instance of Symbol 13 MovieClip "bar" in Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.doneLoading == 0) {
total = _parent._parent.getBytesTotal();
isloaded = _parent._parent.getBytesLoaded();
p = 100 * (isLoaded / total);
_parent.bytes = ((int(isloaded / 1000) add " KB of ") add int(total / 1000)) add " KB";
_parent.percent = int(p) add "% LOADED"; = p;
if (Number(p) > Number(95)) {
_parent.doneLoading = 1;
} else {
Symbol 36 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 48 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("");
Symbol 49 Button
on (release) {
stats_check = false;
game_id = "18h";
if (stats_check == false) {
exists = game_cooky.read_game_cookie(game_id);
trace((("game " + game_id) + " ") + exists);
reset_stats = false;
if ((exists == false) or reset_stats) {
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
cookie_played[i] = 0;
cookie_best[i] = 99;
cookie_shots[i] = 0;
cookie_best_date[i] = 0;
game_cooky.write_game_cookie(game_id, cookie_played, cookie_best, cookie_shots, cookie_best_date, 999, 0);
cookie_overall_best = 0;
cookie_overall_best_date = 0;
cookie_best_txt = "";
} else {
i = 1;
while (i <= 9) {
cookie_played[i] = f1[i];
cookie_best[i] = f2[i];
cookie_shots[i] = f3[i];
cookie_best_date[i] = f4[i];
cookie_overall_best = f5;
cookie_overall_best_date = f6;
cookie_best_txt = (f2 + " ") + f6;
stats_check = true;
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 89 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 90 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (19);
Symbol 91 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (34);
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 93 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (22);
Symbol 94 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (37);
Symbol 95 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (10);
Symbol 96 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (25);
Symbol 97 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (40);
Symbol 98 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (13);
Symbol 99 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (28);
Symbol 100 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (43);
Symbol 101 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (16);
Symbol 102 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (31);
Symbol 103 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (46);
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 31
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway2" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway3" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway1" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway4" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker1" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "green" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 62.5;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker2" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker3" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker4" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
width = 1;
height = 1;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water1" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water2" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway5" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint1" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint2" in Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker1" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "green" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 62.5;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker2" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker3" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
width = 1;
height = 1;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water1" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water2" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway5" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint1" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint2" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway1" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway2" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway3" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway4" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker4" in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker1" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "green" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 62.5;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker2" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker3" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
width = 1;
height = 1;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water1" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway1" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint1" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint2" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker4" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water2" in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker1" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "green" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 62.5;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker2" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker3" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
width = 1;
height = 1;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water1" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water2" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway5" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint1" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint2" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway1" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway2" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway3" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway4" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker4" in Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Symbol 209 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 72
Symbol 276 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "green" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 62.5;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker2" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker3" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
width = 1;
height = 1;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water1" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water2" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway5" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint1" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint2" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway1" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway2" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway3" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway4" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker4" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker1" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker5" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker6" in Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker1" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "green" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 62.5;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker2" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker3" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
width = 1;
height = 1;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water1" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water2" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway5" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint1" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint2" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway1" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway2" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway3" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway4" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker4" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker1" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "green" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 37.5;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker2" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker3" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
width = 1;
height = 1;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water1" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water2" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway5" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint1" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint2" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway1" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway2" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway3" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker4" in Symbol 283 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker1" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway1" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway2" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway3" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway4" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "green" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 62.5;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker2" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker3" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
width = 1;
height = 1;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water1" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water2" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway5" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint1" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint2" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker4" in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway6" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway7" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway8" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway9" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker1" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "green" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 31.25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker2" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker3" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 12.5;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "hole" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
width = 1;
height = 1;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "water1" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway5" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 192 MovieClip "droppoint1" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway1" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway2" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway3" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 185 MovieClip "fairway4" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
arad = (a * 3.142) / 180;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = 0;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = width;
y[2] = 0;
x[3] = width;
y[3] = height;
x[4] = 0;
y[4] = height;
i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 4;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "bunker4" in Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function calc_points(a) {
radius = 25;
sqradius = 0.707 * radius;
arad = 0;
originx = _x;
originy = _y;
x = new array(sides);
y = new array(sides);
x[1] = radius;
y[1] = 0;
x[2] = sqradius;
y[2] = -sqradius;
x[3] = 0;
y[3] = -radius;
x[4] = -sqradius;
y[4] = -sqradius;
x[5] = -radius;
y[5] = 0;
x[6] = -sqradius;
y[6] = sqradius;
x[7] = 0;
y[7] = radius;
x[8] = sqradius;
y[8] = sqradius;
i = 1;
while (i <= sides) {
xt = (x[i] * math.cos(arad)) + (y[i] * math.sin(arad));
yt = (x[i] * math.sin(arad)) - (y[i] * math.cos(arad));
x[i] = xt + originx;
y[i] = yt + originy;
sides = 8;
saved = _rotation;
_rotation = 0;
width = _width;
height = _height;
_rotation = saved;
trace("width=" + _width);
Symbol 361 Button
on (release) {
if (hole_number < max_holes) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (171);
Symbol 365 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (171);
Symbol 414 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 422 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);