Combined Code
movieClip 2 {
movieClip 9 {
frame 1 {
onEnterFrame = function () {
this._rotation += 15;
frame 1 {
movieClip 11 {
movieClip 12 sparkle {
frame 1 {
this.onPress = function () {
if (_root.birthstart == true) {
_root.birthing = 1;
_root.catch_baby._x = this._x;
_root.catch_baby._y = this._y;
_root.CBXSB = 200;
_root.CBYSB = 200;
if (this.YV > 0) {
alphamul += 100;
this.YV -= Math.max(this._ymouse * 0.75, 0);
if (this._ymouse > 0 && this._y > 500) {
if (_root.MinaUnlocked == false) {
_root.MinaUnlocked = true;
if (this._ymouse < 0) {
this.invisclicked += 1;
} else {
this.invisclicked = 0;
this.storedpower += 10;
if (this.storedpower >= 50) {
this.storedpower = 50;
onEnterFrame = function () {
Pball._visible = _root.birthstart;
if (this._y < 0) {
if (_root.RinaUnlocked == false) {
_root.RinaUnlocked = true;
if (this.invisclicked >= 5) {
if (_root.TinaUnlocked == false) {
_root.TinaUnlocked = true;
this._y += this.YV;
this._x += this.XV;
this.inner._rotation += this.XV * 4;
this.YV += 0.45;
if (this._x > 830) {
this._x -= 830;
this.Xtravelled += 1;
if (this._x < -30) {
this._x += 830;
this.Xtravelled -= 1;
if (this.Xtravelled >= 2 || this.Xtravelled <= -2) {
if (_root.GinaUnlocked == false) {
_root.GinaUnlocked = true;
if (this._y > 550) {
if (maskblock._y > -150) {
maskblock._y -= this.YV;
} else {
maskblock._y = -150;
} else {
if (maskblock._y < -50) {
maskblock._y -= this.YV;
} else {
maskblock._y = -50;
if (this._y > 600) {
if (this.storedpower > 0 && _root.gameactive == true) {
_root.powerup += this.storedpower;
this.storedpower = 0;
_root.success = true;
_root.BXIS = 400 + Math.random() * 100;
_root.BYIS = 600;
_root.sparkles.splice(this, 1);
this._alpha = Math.min(alphamul + this.alphamax * this.YV, 100);
if (this.alphamul > 1) {
alphamul -= 1;
if (storedpower >= 50) {
this._alpha = 300;
movieClip 14 {
movieClip 16 {
movieClip 18 {
movieClip 20 {
movieClip 22 {
movieClip 23 babykick {
frame 1 {
if (this.started != 5) {
this.started = 5;
this.kicking = 30 + Math.random() * 20;
this.thisrot = Math.PI;
this.maxsize = 35;
this._xscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize;
this._yscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize;
this._rotation = Math.random() * 360;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._x != this.centerx) {
this._x += (this.centerx - this._x) / this.kicking;
if (this._y != this.centery) {
this._y += (this.centery - this._y) / this.kicking;
if (this.started == 5) {
if (this.thisrot < 6.283185307179586) {
this.thisrot += 6.283185307179586 / this.kicking;
this._xscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize;
this._yscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize;
} else {
frame 1 {
this.G._visible = false;
this.R._visible = false;
this.T._visible = false;
this.S._visible = false;
this.M._visible = false;
var i = _root.activegirl;
this[i]._visible = true;
frame 1 {
var testing = false;
var zoeytotal = _root.getBytesTotal();
var thisloaded = 0;
var zsize2 = 1;
var zsize = 1;
var ztotalsize = 300;
var my_cm = new ContextMenu();
my_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.print = false; = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = my_cm;
zoey.body.lbar.onPress = function () {
if (testing == true) {
if (zsize2 < 330) {
zsize2 += 15;
} else {
zsize2 = 1;
} else {
if (zoeyloaded == 300) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded();
if (testing == true) {
zoeyloaded = (zsize / ztotalsize) * 300;
} else {
zoeyloaded = (v2 / zoeytotal) * 300;
if (zsize2 != zsize) {
zsize += Math.floor((zsize2 - zsize) / 15);
zoey.head.eye.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30));
zoey.head.hornsandears.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30));
zoey.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30));
zoey.body.l_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3));
zoey.body.r_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3));
zoey.body.shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3));
zoey.body.lbar.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3));
movieClip 30 {
movieClip 55 {
movieClip 68 {
movieClip 81 {
movieClip 83 {
movieClip 91 {
// unknown tag 88 length 122
movieClip 96 {
movieClip 103 {
movieClip 110 {
movieClip 122 {
movieClip 123 {
movieClip 124 {
frame 2 {
var debugging = false;
var bellysize = 1;
var Tbellysize = 1;
var bustsize = 1;
var Tbustsize = 1;
var hipsize = 1;
var Thipsize = 1;
var naked = false;
var powerup = 0;
var success = false;
var RinaUnlocked = false;
var GinaUnlocked = false;
var SabrinaUnlocked = false;
var MinaUnlocked = false;
var TinaUnlocked = false;
skip_b._visible = false;
if (debugging == true) {
RinaUnlocked = true;
GinaUnlocked = true;
TinaUnlocked = true;
MinaUnlocked = true;
SabrinaUnlocked = true;
skip_b._visible = true;
var redrina = new Color(rina);
var redgina = new Color(gina);
var redtina = new Color(tina);
var redmina = new Color(mina);
var redsabrina = new Color(sabrina);
var redgirls = new Object();
var redplus = 0;
updatered = function () {
redgirls.ra = 100; = 100 - redplus * 200; = 100 - redplus * 200;
redgirls.rb = redplus * 200; = redplus * 100; = redplus * 100;
var limbspurple1 = new Color(rina.L_arm);
var limbspurple2 = new Color(rina.R_arm);
var limbspurple3 = new Color(rina.L_leg);
var limbspurple4 = new Color(rina.R_leg);
var limbspurple5 = new Color(rina.backarms);
var limbspurple6 = new Color(gina.L_arm);
var limbspurple7 = new Color(gina.R_arm);
var limbspurple8 = new Color(gina.L_leg);
var limbspurple9 = new Color(gina.R_leg);
var limbspurple10 = new Color(gina.backarms);
var limbspurple11 = new Color(sabrina.L_arm);
var limbspurple12 = new Color(sabrina.R_arm);
var limbspurple13 = new Color(sabrina.L_leg);
var limbspurple14 = new Color(sabrina.R_leg);
var limbspurple15 = new Color(sabrina.backarms);
var limbspurple16 = new Color(mina.L_arm);
var limbspurple17 = new Color(mina.R_arm);
var limbspurple18 = new Color(mina.L_leg);
var limbspurple19 = new Color(mina.R_leg);
var limbspurple20 = new Color(mina.backarms);
var limbspurple21 = new Color(tina.L_arm);
var limbspurple22 = new Color(tina.R_arm);
var limbspurple23 = new Color(tina.L_leg);
var limbspurple24 = new Color(tina.R_leg);
var limbspurple25 = new Color(tina.backarms);
var limbpurp = new Object();
var purpplus = 0;
updatelimbpurp = function () {
limbpurp.ra = 100; = 100; = 100;
limbpurp.rb = Math.abs(Math.sin(purpplus)) * 340; = Math.abs(Math.sin(purpplus)) * 440; = 0;
var birthclicks = 1000;
var birthing = 0;
birthprogress = 0;
var signpower = 0;
var backupState = '';
var Rstates = new Object();
var Gstates = new Object();
var Sstates = new Object();
var Mstates = new Object();
var Tstates = new Object();
var curState = new Object();
var activegirl = '';
var activegirl2 = 'rina';
var RlpX = rina.head.eyes.LP._x;
var RlpY = rina.head.eyes.LP._y;
var RrpX = rina.head.eyes.RP._x;
var RrpY = rina.head.eyes.RP._y;
var GlpX = gina.head.eyes.LP._x;
var GlpY = gina.head.eyes.LP._y;
var GrpX = gina.head.eyes.RP._x;
var GrpY = gina.head.eyes.RP._y;
var SlpX = sabrina.head.eyes.LP._x;
var SlpY = sabrina.head.eyes.LP._y;
var SrpX = sabrina.head.eyes.RP._x;
var SrpY = sabrina.head.eyes.RP._y;
var MlpX = mina.head.eyes.LP._x;
var MlpY = mina.head.eyes.LP._y;
var MrpX = mina.head.eyes.RP._x;
var MrpY = mina.head.eyes.RP._y;
var TlpX = tina.head.eyes.LP._x;
var TlpY = tina.head.eyes.LP._y;
var TrpX = tina.head.eyes.RP._x;
var TrpY = tina.head.eyes.RP._y;
var curPhase = 0;
var nextPhase = 1;
var stateTimer = 0;
var speechTimer = 0;
var Rspeech = new Object();
var Gspeech = new Object();
var Sspeech = new Object();
var Mspeech = new Object();
var Tspeech = new Object();
var nextspeech = 0;
var curspeech = bellysize;
var sparkleID = 1;
var sparkletimer = 50;
var sparkles = new Array();
var sparkledragged = 0;
var birthlines = new Object();
birthlines.R = {'_line': 'Congratulations! Rina\'s given birth to a drama queen waiting to happen.'};
birthlines.G = {'_line': 'Gina has officially become a mother. Hopefully her Pichu isn\'t as annoying as she is.'};
birthlines.S = {'_line': 'Sabrina\'s a mother now!? That\'s going to be one smart, and smart mouthed kid!'};
birthlines.M = {'_line': 'So Mina\'s had a baby. All told it looks like they\'re both going to be very happy together.'};
birthlines.T = {'_line': 'Looks like Tina\'s delivered again. Good thing Tina\'s experienced in raising crops AND kids.'};
var ranlines = new Array();
var ranspeech = 8000;
resetLines = function () {
ranlines = [];
Rspeech[0] = {'_line': 'Wha- My limbs hath become inert!!', '_expression': 'aghast', '_line2': 'You there! Beholding my gorgeous body! Won\'t you help a glamourous lady in need?', '_expression2': 'plead'};
Rspeech[1] = {'_line': 'Paralysing me whilst I expose my body to the purest of waters. The NERVE of some people...', '_expression': 'rant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[2] = {'_line': 'You\'ve not presented yourself well to me, therefore, I regard you with the deepest suspicion....', '_expression': 'suspicion', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[3] = {'_line': 'Dost thou have a cheri berry on hand? I find myself in the direst need.', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[4] = {'_line': 'I know I\'m alluring, but that\'s a bad idea.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[5] = {'_line': 'Only a fool would grace a woman’s exposed thigh so freely!', '_expression': 'huff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[6] = {'_line': 'Methinks your manners towards women are greatly lacking!', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[7] = {'_line': 'Harumph! You should try to appeal to my heart before approaching my breast, ruffian!', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[8] = {'_line': 'Hah, ahaha! Oh no, I\'m rather ticklish-!', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Er, I mean- Phased I am not!', '_expression2': 'ignore'};
Rspeech[9] = {'_line': '*snrk* Hahaaa.... I can barely feel that...', '_expression': 'snicker', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[50] = {'_line': 'Oh my... What strange feeling hast befallen me...?', '_expression': 'sick', '_line2': 'If you\'d offer me your hand, do it soon, lest you be too late!', '_expression2': 'plead'};
Rspeech[51] = {'_line': 'Oh my.... oh my oh my oh my .... I feel my course is set for disaster...', '_expression': 'worry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[52] = {'_line': 'Well, if paralysis hast overcome me, then Gina is not to blame.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[53] = {'_line': 'I hope I\'ve not poisoned the water in which I bathe. The poor creatures will have died of no sin...', '_expression': 'bite', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[54] = {'_line': 'Are you trying to restore movement? Nice try, but \'tis not enough!', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[55] = {'_line': 'Unless you\'d grace my flanks with a medic’s salve then your touch is unwelcome!.', '_expression': 'huff', '_line2': '... you haven\'t had you...?', '_expression2': 'hopeful'};
Rspeech[56] = {'_line': 'You... you\'re so lucky I don\'t have poison point...', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[57] = {'_line': 'L- look you oaf! That\'s not fair!', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[58] = {'_line': 'H-hahahha. S-stop it! It\'s poor form to make a lady laugh like that!', '_expression': 'snicker', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[59] = {'_line': 'Hehe, hahahaha! C- can\'t you think of a better way to make me laugh? ', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[100] = {'_line': 'Wait a moment... my breasts have enlarged themselves...', '_expression': 'bosom', '_line2': 'You know, paralysis was not needed for this. As long as my body remains natural, then I will be satisfied.', '_expression2': 'challenge'};
Rspeech[101] = {'_line': 'Oh whether it is nobler of the mind, to want one\'s breasts to remain the size they are.', '_expression': 'pleased', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[102] = {'_line': 'Well, I won\'t pretend it\'s ALL bad...', '_expression': 'secret', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[103] = {'_line': 'I hope I don\'t get too huge.', '_expression': 'worry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[104] = {'_line': 'W- why did that feel so strange?', '_expression': 'afraid', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[105] = {'_line': '- Oh no... now my legs are feeling ticklish too...', '_expression': 'fake', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[106] = {'_line': 'H-hey! Those are-!', '_expression': 'aghast', '_line2': '-Getting more sensitive... oh dear...', '_expression2': 'afraid'};
Rspeech[107] = {'_line': 'Really now! Can you not simply ask permission of me!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[108] = {'_line': 'You- hahahaha- you\'re tickling me!', '_expression': 'snicker', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[109] = {'_line': '*tsk* hahaheeheheee. Most gentlefolk wouldst make a lady laugh by telling a joke, not... this...', '_expression': 'giggle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[150] = {'_line': 'Oh no! My waistline! I\'m getting fatter!', '_expression': 'aghast', '_line2': 'Noooooooo! My flawless gemstone body!', '_expression2': 'cry'};
Rspeech[151] = {'_line': 'I defended Tina and Mina\'s figure, didn\'t I? Even when no one was looking? What did I do to deserve this so?', '_expression': 'pray', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[152] = {'_line': 'Am I being overdramatic? Some people say that about me...', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': 'No- wait, of course I\'m not. I can\'t move any of my limbs and I\'m getting magically fat!', '_expression2': 'rant'};
Rspeech[153] = {'_line': 'This CAN\'T be happening! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!', '_expression': 'whine', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[154] = {'_line': 'They feel bigger too- Oh this doesn\'t bode well.', '_expression': 'worry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[155] = {'_line': 'Oh no, my legs are getting almost as bad as my belly!', '_expression': 'ohno', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[156] = {'_line': 'Ah! That hurts! and it....', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': 'Oh no...................', '_expression2': 'gasp'};
Rspeech[157] = {'_line': 'At least they haven\'t stopped growing either...', '_expression': 'ignore', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[158] = {'_line': 'No- Hehehe.... I don\'t wanna be tickled like thiiis!', '_expression': 'giggle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[159] = {'_line': 'Ha, stop! That\'s getting more ticklish by the second.', '_expression': 'snicker', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[200] = {'_line': 'Wait- one of my actresses had to take leave because of one of these...', '_expression': 'gasp', '_line2': 'I\'m trapped in a fertility spring! And I\'m pregnant! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!', '_expression2': 'cry'};
Rspeech[201] = {'_line': 'No! I can\'t! I have so much work to do!', '_expression': 'tearful', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[202] = {'_line': 'I- I already hate having babies in the theatre enough without having one inside me!', '_expression': 'afraid', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[203] = {'_line': 'Oh, why oh why can\'t there be a better way to reproduce!? WHY!?', '_expression': 'whine', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[204] = {'_line': 'Oh, my once graceful legs. To be replaced with ungraceful pillars of lard!', '_expression': 'sad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[205] = {'_line': 'No- Hehe, Stop it! That\'s really ticklish now!', '_expression': 'snicker', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[206] = {'_line': '<Sigh> My perfectly sized breasts... Ruined!', '_expression': 'depressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[207] = {'_line': 'I suppose I should be thankful you aren\'t making me lactate.', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[208] = {'_line': '*snrk* Hahaha, that\'s only getting worse!', '_expression': 'giggle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[209] = {'_line': 'No! Stop that you ruffian! I\'m totally defenceless!', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[250] = {'_line': 'Hark! I remember something... they say if you can escape before it starts moving... the effects may yet be reversed!', '_expression': 'bright', '_line2': 'But... I\'m paralysed... I\'m dooomed!', '_expression2': 'gasp'};
Rspeech[251] = {'_line': 'The sands of time are eluding me. Oh think, Rina, surely there\'s a means of escape...', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[252] = {'_line': 'I don\'t think I\'ve felt any movement yet... Hope may yet live.', '_expression': 'hopeful', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[253] = {'_line': 'Oh, were that I\'d learned rest when I had the chance!', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': 'Actually, I\'d have just fallen asleep in the pool anyway, so that\'s... satisfying...?', '_expression2': 'bite'};
Rspeech[254] = {'_line': 'I can feel it, so why can\'t I move it?', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[255] = {'_line': 'Hehehe, I\'d be okay with that if I could move. Hahahaaa!', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[256] = {'_line': 'Ngh! Ne\'er have I felt such hatred to be restricted.', '_expression': 'steamed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[257] = {'_line': 'I\'ll mourn these bosoms, but it\'ll be worth it!', '_expression': 'bosom', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[258] = {'_line': 'I feel that, but it\'s not from the inside, so that\'s good.', '_expression': 'relief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[259] = {'_line': 'Hehehehe, if I don\'t get out of this soon, I\'ll be getting that much more.', '_expression': 'giggle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[300] = {'_line': 'Oh no! It moved...', '_expression': 'aghast', '_line2': 'I\'m... a mother now, and there\'s nothing I can do about it.', '_expression2': 'tearful'};
Rspeech[301] = {'_line': 'I- I\'ll be restricted for clothing meant for heavyset. Oh the shame!', '_expression': 'cry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[302] = {'_line': 'Where\'s the good of gemstone skin if my body merely matches the others of my kin.', '_expression': 'rant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[303] = {'_line': 'As if transcribing the music of prose was too easy, I find myself incubating.', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[304] = {'_line': 'Oh my slender legs, now forever thick as trees laden with coarse bark.', '_expression': 'mourne', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[305] = {'_line': 'Alas, your caresses cannot bring comfort to my once lovely derriere.', '_expression': 'defeated', '_line2': '*snrk* hahaha, I- I wish you\'d leave your hands away.', '_expression2': 'snicker'};
Rspeech[306] = {'_line': 'You visit pain of all kinds upon me, fiend!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[307] = {'_line': 'Even the thought of having ample bosom is tarnished by the thought of depleting them.', '_expression': 'sad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[308] = {'_line': 'Why! It tickles, but from the inside as well! Ahhahahahaha!', '_expression': 'hopeful', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[309] = {'_line': 'Heheahaahaa. At least I can still laugh at all. Hahaha.', '_expression': 'snicker', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[350] = {'_line': 'Behold what this accursed spring has done to my formerly angelic figure. How can I face the trials of a day looking as though I belong with the livestock!?', '_expression': 'mourne', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[351] = {'_line': 'Oh, but that I can hope that I am only to expect a single child.', '_expression': 'upset', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[352] = {'_line': 'My very body turns against me. My mere essence seems futile.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[353] = {'_line': 'Oh how disgraceful. I\'ve become not only as heavyset as my other, common kin, but I\'m destined to birth out of wedlock.', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[354] = {'_line': 'How does one decide they\'ve the right to disrespect my body further. ', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[355] = {'_line': 'Heehaa! No! Now my legs are ticklish as well. Heeheeheehaahaa.', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Oh cruel fate! Why do you torture me so!?', '_expression2': 'flinch'};
Rspeech[356] = {'_line': '-And still my breast are disrespected like mere toys!', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[357] = {'_line': 'I\'m no maid, how dare you sully me such!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[358] = {'_line': '-And yet- hehehehahaha!, I feel the worst is yet to come....', '_expression': 'snicker', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[359] = {'_line': 'Hehehahaha! Oh, to be betrayed as such.', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[400] = {'_line': 'I- is it over? I don\'t seem to be getting any bigger.', '_expression': 'ohno', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[401] = {'_line': 'I can but hope I do not deliver while paralysed.', '_expression': 'worry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[402] = {'_line': 'The pain of anxiety visits itself upon me.', '_expression': 'bite', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[403] = {'_line': 'Terror of the unknown, now I know thee stronger than ever.', '_expression': 'afraid', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[404] = {'_line': 'Oh my legs, how I miss their former state.', '_expression': 'defeated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[405] = {'_line': 'Oh my now sensitive legs... Hahahaheeheehee! Why dost thou torment me so?', '_expression': 'giggle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[406] = {'_line': 'The pain of prodding! There\'s no ease in sight.', '_expression': 'suspicion', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[407] = {'_line': 'Oh the disdain I feel that that is the nicest feeling to grace my bosom since stepping into the falls...', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[408] = {'_line': 'No relief dare grace...hahaha... my ticklishness... ', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[409] = {'_line': 'If at least one person enjoys my state, then it\'s not total defeat.', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[450] = {'_line': 'Wait! What\'s happening?! I don\'t like this!!', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[451] = {'_line': 'Oh! Oh my! Who ever would have thought my body could create something even MORE precious than the jewels it\'s made of...', '_expression': '', '_line2': 'Precious! Yes! I think that\'s what I\'ll name her.', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[452] = {'_line': 'I- I\'m overwhelmed... she\'s not shiny like me, but still, beautiful. Majestic, even.', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[453] = {'_line': 'I-Is this what they call a mother’s love? Oh what joy hast fallen on me!', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[454] = {'_line': 'hipPoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[455] = {'_line': 'hipRub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[456] = {'_line': 'breastpoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[457] = {'_line': 'breastrub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[458] = {'_line': 'bellypoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[459] = {'_line': 'bellyrub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[460] = {'_line': 'Oh! Oh No! I\'m not ready yet!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!', '_expression': 'cry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Rspeech[1000] = {'backupstate': 'helpme'};
Rspeech[1001] = {'backupstate': 'bizzare'};
Rspeech[1002] = {'backupstate': 'enthusiastic'};
Rspeech[1003] = {'backupstate': 'distraught'};
Rspeech[1004] = {'backupstate': 'devestated'};
Rspeech[1005] = {'backupstate': 'terrified'};
Rspeech[1006] = {'backupstate': 'horrible'};
Rspeech[1007] = {'backupstate': 'hopeless'};
Rspeech[1008] = {'backupstate': 'broken'};
Tspeech[0] = {'_line': 'What in tarnation!', '_expression': 'arms', '_line2': 'I can\'t move anymore for some reason...', '_expression2': 'fear'};
Tspeech[1] = {'_line': 'Oh this is just peachy, ain\'t it?', '_expression': 'flustered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[2] = {'_line': 'Hey you! You mind lendin’ a maid a hand?', '_expression': 'help', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[3] = {'_line': 'Oh man... I gotta baaaad feelin\' about this...', '_expression': 'worry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[4] = {'_line': 'Look you, why don\'t cha\'ll keep your grubby mitts offa my legs?', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[5] = {'_line': 'You must be mighty yella\' to only touch a woman once she can\'t move no more!', '_expression': 'berate', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[6] = {'_line': '\'You mind!? These things are mah job!', '_expression': 'angry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[7] = {'_line': 'Y\'know, I\'ve seen fellas forced into shotgun weddings over less', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[8] = {'_line': 'Yeah, so I gots a belly, so what?', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[9] = {'_line': 'Feel like rubbin’ my middriff do ya? You some kinda weirdo?', '_expression': 'weird', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[50] = {'_line': 'Ugh, I ain’t feelin good. I think this waters got something funky in it.', '_expression': 'sick', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[51] = {'_line': 'Aww man. Just when it looked like our ol\' band was going to have a reunion.', '_expression': 'depressed', '_line2': 'Guess I won\'t get to dust off mah acoustic guitar after all.', '_expression2': 'defeat'};
Tspeech[52] = {'_line': 'Man, I hold mah head high and face the day and what happens, I get paralysed in diseased waters...', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[53] = {'_line': 'Y\'know, something about this sickness feels familiar.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[54] = {'_line': 'Huh? You tellin\' me I\'ve packed on in mah hips? Well ain\'t that just peachy.', '_expression': 'legs', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[55] = {'_line': 'You ain’t mah ex-husband, get your mitts offa mah legs.', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[56] = {'_line': 'Y\'know, those feel a little worse than I\'d expect.', '_expression': 'boobs', '_line2': 'Which means I still think you should keep your hands away.', '_expression2': 'berate'};
Tspeech[57] = {'_line': 'What? Are you applyin’ to be mah assistant? If so, you need more practice.', '_expression': 'scoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[58] = {'_line': 'Yeah, that\'s where I feel sick. Thanks fer askin\', pardner. ', '_expression': 'unimpressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[59] = {'_line': 'Now, that makes me feel just a little bit better. Thanks.', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[100] = {'_line': 'Hold on, mah boobs aren\'t usually this big, outside of milking season.', '_expression': 'what', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[101] = {'_line': 'Better me than mah friends. Rina couldn\'t handle it, and Mina\'s pretty heavy already.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': 'I won\'t lie though, Gina could do with some weighin\' down. Damn gurl never stops movin\'.', '_expression2': 'laugh', 'testbelly': 100};
Tspeech[102] = {'_line': 'As though I needed to be bustier. Ah well, more money I guess...', '_expression': 'scoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Tspeech[103] = {'_line': 'I don\'t know what to make of this. Probably ain\'t gonna be a good thing, I tell you what.', '_expression': 'warning', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Tspeech[104] = {'_line': 'Yeah, pretty sure my thighs are thicker too. You gonna do somethin\' about it, or just keep prodding at me?', '_expression': 'unimpressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[105] = {'_line': 'Y\'all picked the wrong girl if you prefer drumsticks over breast fillet, if ya know what I\'m sayin\'.', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[106] = {'_line': 'Y\'all don\'t have much respect for a woman’s personal space, do ya buddy?', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[107] = {'_line': 'Usually I pay people to do that. If you were charging for it I\'d demand a refund.', '_expression': 'cocky', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[108] = {'_line': 'Feelin’ a little better now. Again, thanks fer askin\'.', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[109] = {'_line': 'I guess you found the right girl if you wanna rub a soft belly, huh?', '_expression': 'nice', '_line2': 'With or without permission, I might add.', '_expression2': 'dismiss'};
Tspeech[150] = {'_line': 'Wait a moment, I think I can feel my stomach expanding too.', '_expression': 'curious', '_line2': 'It could be a coincidence, but it feels just like I\'m pregnant...', '_expression2': 'worry'};
Tspeech[151] = {'_line': 'Could it really be that I\'m pregnant? I mean, who\'d do something like that?', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[152] = {'_line': 'Ah suppose it might not be pregnancy. I\'m havin\' a little trouble brainstorming, mind.', '_expression': 'flustered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[153] = {'_line': 'I guess, it\'s better that this happened to me instead of one of my old bandmates.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[154] = {'_line': 'Yeah, hips tend to get bigger with pregnancy, I already knew that.', '_expression': 'unimpressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[155] = {'_line': 'Like I wasn\'t chunky there already, as you can feel for yourself.', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[156] = {'_line': '*sigh* This was meant to be my downtime from being milked. Guess I\'ll need to get the pump out again.', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[157] = {'_line': 'Looks like I\'ll be needing someone like you real soon.', '_expression': 'cocky', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[158] = {'_line': 'Yeah, that feels like the start of a pregnancy all right.', '_expression': 'gut', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[159] = {'_line': 'I hope you aren\'t plannin\' on keeping that up.', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[200] = {'_line': 'Wait, I think I \'member Mina talking about something like this. ', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': 'This must be one of them fertility springs, and it shot me like a fish in a barrel.', '_expression2': 'belly'};
Tspeech[201] = {'_line': 'Can\'t say I was ready for this, a little warnin\' woulda been nice.', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Tspeech[202] = {'_line': 'You\'d think these things would be better signposted. I\'ll have to get on that once I get outta here.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Tspeech[203] = {'_line': 'So, I walked into a magic pond that paralysed me and made me pregnant. Honestly, the paralysis is the worst part.', '_expression': 'flustered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Tspeech[204] = {'_line': 'So y\'all have me tell yah I\'m stuck in a fertility spring, and one of the first things ya do is poke my leg?', '_expression': 'weird', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[205] = {'_line': 'How\'s \'bout you save that for when I can move again, pardner? I might like it more.', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[206] = {'_line': 'I sure packed on a lot, didn\'t I? And I bet there\'s still more to come.', '_expression': 'curious', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[207] = {'_line': 'That\'s starting to feel nicer. Is that because I\'m more sensitive, or because you\'ve got some practice?', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_line2': 'I\'ll let you decide, I mean, that\'s what Ch\'all was going to do anyway right?', '_expression2': 'tease'};
Tspeech[208] = {'_line': 'Yeah, there\'s a baby in there. D\'ya really need to feel it for yourself?', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[209] = {'_line': 'Tryin to act like the father? Goodness knows I could use one of those since I got divorced.', '_expression': 'nice', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[250] = {'_line': 'What wus it Mina said? Something about getting out before it moves.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': 'Well, that\'d be useful if I weren\'t paralysed.', '_expression2': 'frustrated'};
Tspeech[251] = {'_line': 'I\'m not even gonna stress out about it. It\'s likely the whole reason I was paralysed in the first place.', '_expression': 'muse', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[252] = {'_line': 'Guess I\'d better act surprised once it does move.', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[253] = {'_line': 'Still, I think given the choice I\'d rather not have another kid just yet. Let me see if I cain\'t get outta here.', '_expression': 'discuss', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[254] = {'_line': 'Honestly, I\'d rather be free from the paralysis than the pregnancy, just so I can teach you some manners.', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[255] = {'_line': 'That\'s a funny way of pulling me outta this spring.', '_expression': 'unimpressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[256] = {'_line': 'That only hurts more the bigger I get, but you\'re not gonna stop, are you?', '_expression': 'berate', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[257] = {'_line': 'Are you practising for a career as a professional milker? Well, you\'re still an amateur.', '_expression': 'scoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[258] = {'_line': 'Y\'know if y\'all do that I might not be able to tell when I get it from the inside, y\'hear?', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[259] = {'_line': 'I don\'t need your help to know when there\'s movement, thanks.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[300] = {'_line': 'Welp, there it is. Guess I\'m too late.', '_expression': 'misery', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[301] = {'_line': 'Oh well, the kid did say they wanted someone else to play with...', '_expression': 'brightside', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Tspeech[302] = {'_line': 'To think I thought Mina was just making that up. Figures that she\'d know all about these things.', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Tspeech[303] = {'_line': 'Plenty of people still don\'t believe these fertility springs are real. I know I sure didn\'t.', '_expression': 'discuss', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Tspeech[304] = {'_line': 'I hardly see what poking mah legs is gonna achieve now.', '_expression': 'weird', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[305] = {'_line': 'Is that meant to cheer me up? It ain’t working too good.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[306] = {'_line': 'Guess I have a lot more o\' that to look forward to. Ain’t that just peachy keen?', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[307] = {'_line': 'I\'m definitely gonna need someone like you in the near future.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': 'Good thing I know to hire professionals.', '_expression2': 'scoff'};
Tspeech[308] = {'_line': 'I guess I might as well start gettin’ used to that. Though I\'ll say, I think the kid might have a better touch than you ever will.', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[309] = {'_line': 'Heh, now that I\'m def having a baby, I could get used to that.', '_expression': 'nice', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[350] = {'_line': 'It\'s been a while since I was pregnant, did I really get this big?', '_expression': 'amazed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[351] = {'_line': 'I sure hope I\'m not carrying twins, that would really sour my milk.', '_expression': 'worry', '_line2': 'Err, not literally, of course.', '_expression2': 'weird'};
Tspeech[352] = {'_line': 'I know they say ya get bigger the second time, but this seems ridiculous. Not to mention, I always had a soft tummy.', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[353] = {'_line': 'Well, I know at least a few folk who\'d say "bigger is better"', '_expression': 'unimpressed', '_line2': 'I reckon those people should try livin\' it instead of just sayin\' it. But what can I do?', '_expression2': 'rolleyes'};
Tspeech[354] = {'_line': 'I don\'t like the size these are gettin’, I tell you what.', '_expression': 'legs', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[355] = {'_line': 'I guess a rub is about the nicest treatment these legs o\' mine are gettin\' any time soon.', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[356] = {'_line': 'I can never be reminded enough of how sensitive these things get, can I?', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[357] = {'_line': 'I gotta admit, you\'re gettin\' better at this.', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[358] = {'_line': 'Yeah, feelin\'s is believing, ain\'t it.', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[359] = {'_line': 'I take it you can\'t quite believe it either.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[400] = {'_line': 'Is it over? My baby seems to have finally taken up enough space inside me.', '_expression': 'react', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[401] = {'_line': 'I\'d say that now\'s when the waitin\' begins, but given how I ended up in this predicament...', '_expression': 'flustered', '_line2': 'Yeah, I\'m probably gonna have to deliver in just a few minutes...', '_expression2': 'worry', 'testbelly': 100};
Tspeech[402] = {'_line': 'I don\'t wanna be confident I\'m not gonna get any bigger, but... I\'m just goin\' with mah gut.', '_expression': 'amazed', '_line2': 'No pun intended, before you ask.', '_expression2': 'unimpressed', 'testbelly': 300};
Tspeech[403] = {'_line': 'Well, that\'s almost certainly the fastest pregnancy I\'ve ever had...', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Tspeech[404] = {'_line': 'They\'re no doubt goin\' to be in a lot more pain than that in a minute, bucko!', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[405] = {'_line': 'I don\'t think you know how to relax those before labour starts, but I appreciate the effort.', '_expression': 'help', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[406] = {'_line': 'You could probably pick a better time to do that, y\'know. It hurts a mighty lot, \'know what I\'m sayin\'?', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[407] = {'_line': 'I don\'t know if that feels so good because I\'m at breakin\' point, if you\'re good, or if I just stopped knowin\' any better.', '_expression': 'relieved', '_line2': 'Either way, thanks pardner.', '_expression2': 'nice'};
Tspeech[408] = {'_line': 'I\'d prefer more, harder pokes from the inside, pardner. Best to get all this over with.', '_expression': 'gut', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[409] = {'_line': 'Heh, a little soothing to get me into this. I like it.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[450] = {'_line': 'Oh man! I know that feelin\'...wish me luck pardner...', '_expression': 'gut', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[451] = {'_line': 'Oh golly gee. Ain’t she the purdiest thing y\'all ever did see?', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[452] = {'_line': 'I feel like I\'ve been visited by an angel...', '_expression': '', '_line2': 'Angel...yeah! I think that might just be my little sprout’s name.', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[453] = {'_line': 'Y\'know, the ranch WAS starting to feela little empty.', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[454] = {'_line': 'hipPoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[455] = {'_line': 'hipRub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[456] = {'_line': 'breastpoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[457] = {'_line': 'breastrub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[458] = {'_line': 'bellypoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[459] = {'_line': 'bellyrub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[460] = {'_line': 'AAAAAH!!! Here it coMES!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!', '_expression': 'birth', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Tspeech[1000] = {'backupstate': 'afraid'};
Tspeech[1001] = {'backupstate': 'pout'};
Tspeech[1002] = {'backupstate': 'huh'};
Tspeech[1003] = {'backupstate': 'nervous'};
Tspeech[1004] = {'backupstate': 'tearful'};
Tspeech[1005] = {'backupstate': 'grumpy'};
Tspeech[1006] = {'backupstate': 'hopeless'};
Tspeech[1007] = {'backupstate': 'impressed'};
Tspeech[1008] = {'backupstate': 'awkward'};
Gspeech[0] = {'_line': 'HeyThere!WhoAreYou?WhyAreYouHere?I\'mGina!', '_expression': 'greeting', '_line2': 'HangOn!ICan\'tMove!myArmsAreStuck!MyLegsAreStuck!IThinkINeedHelp!', '_expression2': 'legs'};
Gspeech[1] = {'_line': 'Like,ThisIsCompletelyAndTotallyBad!IfICan\'tMoveI\'llBeStuckHereatNight!OhNo!!!!', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Gspeech[2] = {'_line': 'WhatIfNoOneFindsMe!HowWillIKeepMyselfFed!?IMightHaveToStarve!', '_expression': 'pray', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Gspeech[3] = {'_line': 'ThisIsTotallyUncool!WhoeverDidThistTotallyDeservesToEatAThunderboltOrTwo!', '_expression': 'grumpy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Gspeech[4] = {'_line': 'OhNo!ICanStillFeelYouWhenYouPokeMySuperSkinnyHips!', '_expression': 'shock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[5] = {'_line': 'Hey!YouDon\'tGetThePrivilegeofRubbingMyTrimLegs!BuzzOff!', '_expression': 'angry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[6] = {'_line': 'Hey!ThatReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReally-', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': 'ReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyReallyHurts!', '_expression2': 'plead'};
Gspeech[7] = {'_line': 'Hey!Don\'tYouKnowThatSmallerBreastsAreMoreSensitiveThanBiggerOnes!?', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[8] = {'_line': 'QuitPokingMyStomach!O-M-GI\'mParalysedNextToATotalWeirdo!', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[9] = {'_line': 'Hey!Don\'tRubMyStomach!It\'sFarTooSmallForYou!', '_expression': 'cringe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[50] = {'_line': 'Oh!Whoa!I\'mFeelingTotallyWeirdAndDiscombobulated!IThinkIAteALittleTooMuchYesterday.', '_expression': 'sick', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[51] = {'_line': 'OhWell!AtLeastIcanStillmakeMinaAndTinaJealousOverHowmuchICanEatAndStillLooklikeIDo!', '_expression': 'muse', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[52] = {'_line': 'It\'sProbablySomethingInTheWaterDoingThisToMe!MaybeIShouldTryElectrocutingItTogetRidofIt.', '_expression': 'water', '_line2': 'It\'sProbablytooLateThough...', '_expression2': 'sigh'};
Gspeech[53] = {'_line': 'WhatIfthisIsSomeOne\'sInsidiousPlan!? MakingMeSickAndPoisoningMeJustBecauseOfSomeAnime!?', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[54] = {'_line': 'Ewweweweweeeww!StopPokingMyLegsYouWeirdo', '_expression': 'cry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[55] = {'_line': 'JustAsWellThatKickingYouWithSuchSkinnyLegsWouldn\'tDoMuchAnyway!', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[56] = {'_line': 'WhyAreYouPokingmyBreasts!?WhatDidIEverDoToYou!?', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[57] = {'_line': 'Huh!OMAIMustBeHallucinating!ItLooksLikeIasctuallyHaveBoobsNow,AndTheyFeelRealToo.', '_expression': 'boobs', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[58] = {'_line': 'HeyStopIt.I\'mFeelingSickEnoughAsItIsYouIdiot!', '_expression': 'angry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[59] = {'_line': 'HeyHeyHey!IThinkThat\'sMakingMeFeelBetterCouldYouKeepDoingItPlease', '_expression': 'pleased', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[100] = {'_line': 'OMASinceWhenDoINotLookLikeAWashboard!?', '_expression': 'shock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[101] = {'_line': 'ButButButI\'mSoUsedToBeingFlatChested!PeopleWon\'tBeAbleToCallMe"Pikaflat"Anymore!', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Gspeech[102] = {'_line': 'OhNoNowEveryone\'sGoingToThinkIGotImplantsOrSomething.WhatIfIHaveToLetThemFeelThemToProveThey\'reReal!OhNo!', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Gspeech[103] = {'_line': 'OhNo!Mina\'sGonnaWannaHugMeEvenMoreNow!SheAlreadyHugsEveryoneTooMuch.', '_expression': 'afraid', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Gspeech[104] = {'_line': 'PokePokePoke!WhoAreYou!?PokeyPokemaster!?', '_expression': 'grumpy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[105] = {'_line': 'WhyAreYouRubbingMyLegs?DoYouHaveAnAddicitonOrSomething?!', '_expression': 'weird', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[106] = {'_line': 'OwwieOw!ThatReallyHurts!?WhenEvenIThinkYou\'reAnnoyingThenYouReallyHaveAProblem.', '_expression': 'bark', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[107] = {'_line': 'Wha-!?HowAndWhyDoTheseFeelSoReal!?YouCan\'tJustGoMakingBoobsBiggerWithMagicOrStuff!OrAtLeastIDon\'tThinkSo?', '_expression': 'upset', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[108] = {'_line': 'Hey!keepYourProdderAwayFromMyMidriff!What\'sYourDeal?!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[109] = {'_line': 'OhWhat!?Isn\'tThatSupposedToBeSoft!?ThisIsOnlyGettingWeirder!', '_expression': 'wary', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[150] = {'_line': 'Hey!Where\'dThisBellyComeFrom!INeverThoughtI\'dLookLikeTinaSoQuickly.', '_expression': 'weird', '_line2': 'NotThatIt\'sABadThingOfCourseIMeanTina\'sSoCool!', '_expression2': 'greeting'};
Gspeech[151] = {'_line': 'ButButButButButButI\'veNeverHadABellyInMyLife!WhereDidThisComeFrom!?', '_expression': 'upset', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[152] = {'_line': 'I\'mSureIDon\'tStoreElectricityInMyStomach,SoThat\'sOut.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[153] = {'_line': 'HeyheyHeyHeeyHey!Listen!INeedHelp!HelpMePlease!', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': 'PleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePleasePlease!', '_expression2': 'cry'};
Gspeech[154] = {'_line': 'Gah!IfICouldStillJumpIwould!StopThat!', '_expression': 'surprise', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[155] = {'_line': 'MyLegsDon\'tNeedSmoothRubbing!TheyNeedToWorkForMeAgain!', '_expression': 'grumpy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[156] = {'_line': 'OwOwwieOwOwOwOw!ThatJustKeepsHurtingMoreAndMore!', '_expression': 'bark', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[157] = {'_line': 'OoooohhhhhhIHopeThisIsn\'tARegularThingThatHappensToGirlsWithBigBoobs!', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[158] = {'_line': 'What!?HeyHeyHeyHey!YouDon\'tGetAutomaticPermissionToPokeMeJustBecauseMyWaistlineIsRoundNow!', '_expression': 'angry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[159] = {'_line': 'H-heyHeyHey!That\'s...It\'sKindOfNotreallyCompletelyTerrible!', '_expression': 'muse', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[200] = {'_line': 'OhWAitOhWaitOhWaitOhWait!IThinkIRememberMinaTalkingAboutThis!IThinkThisisAFertilitySpringWhichMeans-', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': 'OhNo......OhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNo!!!!......I\'mPregnant....', '_expression2': 'terror'};
Gspeech[201] = {'_line': 'HowAmIPregnant!?ICan\'tBePregnant!IHaveTooMuchToDo!IAlwaysHaveTooMuchToDo!', '_expression': 'tearful', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Gspeech[202] = {'_line': 'WhoEverThoughtThatMagicPuddlesOfWaterCouldMakeMePregnant!?IMeanItDoesn\'tEvenLOOKLikeSperm!', '_expression': 'water', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Gspeech[203] = {'_line': 'ButPregnancyIsJustSoooooooooGroooooooss!WhyWouldSomeoneDoThiiiiisss!?', '_expression': 'cry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Gspeech[204] = {'_line': 'AwMan,IDon\'tEvenHaveSmallHipsAnymoreEither.ThinkOfAllTheGapsICan\'tFitThroughNow!', '_expression': 'legs', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[205] = {'_line': 'WhyDoYouKeepRubbingNearMyButt!Don\'tYouKnowPoopComesFromThere!?', '_expression': 'grumpy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[206] = {'_line': 'DoYouLikeHurtingMeOrSomething!?YouKnowThatI\'mPregnantAndEverything!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[207] = {'_line': 'Huh,IGuessYouActuallyCanMakeBoobsGetBiggerWithMagicAndStuff...', '_expression': 'wow', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[208] = {'_line': 'YouKnew!YouKnewThisEntireTimeDidn\'tYou!OooooohhhhhhhhYou\'reSuchAMeanieMeaniePoohead!', '_expression': 'growl', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[209] = {'_line': 'YouMustHavePlannedThis!YouTrickedMeIntohereJustSoYouCouldRubAPregnantBelly!...You\'reWeirdyWeirdyWeird!', '_expression': 'weird', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[250] = {'_line': 'Wait!Didn\'tMinaSayThatIfYouCanLeaveTheSpringBeforeItStartsMovingThenYouCanReverseIt!AllIhaveToDoIsMoveLikeSixFeet!', '_expression': 'hope', '_line2': '..........................Crud....................', '_expression2': 'wince'};
Gspeech[251] = {'_line': 'Oooooohhhhhh!IHateHavingToStandStilLikeThisSoooooooooooooooMuch!', '_expression': 'grumpy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[252] = {'_line': 'ICan\'tEvenMoveOneFootLetAloneSix!!!WhyOhWhyOhWhyWon\'tMyLegsWork!!?', '_expression': 'doom', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[253] = {'_line': 'ThisIsTheLastTimerIBatheUnderAWaterfall!!!Seriously,WhyDidIThinkThatWasAGoodIdea?', '_expression': 'terror', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[254] = {'_line': 'Gah!IfOnlyThatJoltWasEnoughTogetMyLegsWorkingAgain!!ButI\'mStillStuck!!', '_expression': 'cringe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[255] = {'_line': 'AreYouTryingTohelpMeEscape!WellIt\'snotWorking!!HelpHelpHelpHelpHelpHelpHelpHelp!', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[256] = {'_line': 'OwOwOw!!Whyyyyy!!!What\'sThatSupposedToDoToHelpMe!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[257] = {'_line': 'That\'sNotHelpingMeVeryMuch...WhyDon\'tYouTrySomethingElse,OrAnythingElse!', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[258] = {'_line': 'What!NoNoNoNoNo!Don\'tProvokeIt!!!', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[259] = {'_line': 'Hey!Um!YouMindKeepingYourHandsAwayFromMyBellyPlease?ItFeelsNiceButIDon\'tWantItToMoveInResponseToYou.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[300] = {'_line': 'OhNo.....OhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNo-!!!', '_expression': 'terror', '_line2': 'ItMoved-ForTheFirstTimeEverI\'mLateToSomething! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...!!!', '_expression2': 'cry'};
Gspeech[301] = {'_line': 'ICan\'tBeleiveICan\'tSayI\'mI\'mOnTimeToEveryThingAnyMore.NoMoreBeingableToLordItOverTheGirls.', '_expression': 'pray', '_line2': 'OhWhoAmIKidding,That\'sTheLeastOfMyProblems!', '_expression2': 'tearful'};
Gspeech[302] = {'_line': 'IGuessI\'dBetterGetUsedToTheIdeaOfBeingcalledMom.ButILikeGinaSoMuchMore!', '_expression': 'doom', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Gspeech[303] = {'_line': 'AtLeastItWasn\'tAllmyFaultWhenIWasLateForTheFirstTime.', '_expression': 'muse', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Gspeech[304] = {'_line': 'OhNoOhNoOhNo!!!NowMyLegsAreChunkyToo!!!IMissMySkinnyLegsAlready!!', '_expression': 'legs', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[305] = {'_line': 'DoYouMindNotRubbingMyLegs...I\'mDepressedEnoughWithoutThinkingAbouttheseNewThings.', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[306] = {'_line': 'StopIt!Isn\'tTarnishingMyPunctualityEnoughOfAPunishment!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[307] = {'_line': 'OhMyArceus!I\'mActuallyGonnaHaveToUseTheseToFeedItAren\'tI??EewwieEewwieEewwieEewwieEewwieEwwwwwwThat\'sSoGross!!!', '_expression': 'gross', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[308] = {'_line': 'AhhhIsn\'tItBadEnoughThatI\'mGettingThatFromTheInsideNow!?', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[309] = {'_line': 'Don\'tRubTheThingThatRuinedMyPunctualityEfforts.Don\'tDon\'tDon\'tDon\'tDon\'tDon\'tDon\'tDon\'tDon\'tDon\'t!!!', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[350] = {'_line': 'OhManOhManOhMan,EvenIfIWasn\'tParalysed,I\'dStillBeTooHeavyToMoveAroundMuch.', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[351] = {'_line': 'Seriously,ICan\'tBeleiveIEndedUpbeingSoHuge!IHopeI\'mNotHavingALitter.', '_expression': '', '_line2': 'ActuallyConsideringMySize,IKindOfDoHopeI\'mHavingALitter.', '_expression2': 'wince'};
Gspeech[352] = {'_line': 'IMissHavingAflattummySoMuch.IHopeIGoBackToNormalQuicklyOnceThisIsAllOver.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[353] = {'_line': 'Seriously,ICan\'tWaitUntilThisIsAllOverAndICanGoBackToBeingMyOldSelf!WithAChildInTowAnyway...', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[354] = {'_line': 'Ok,IreallyWishICouldKickYouWithTheseNowThatThey\'veTurnedIntoLogs!', '_expression': 'growl', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[355] = {'_line': 'Oh!IMissBeingableToMoveMyLegsSoSoSoSoSoMuuuuuuch!!!', '_expression': 'cry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[356] = {'_line': 'INeverThoughtI\'dHaveBreastsThisBig...', '_expression': 'amazed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[357] = {'_line': 'Well,AtLeastThere\'sMoreToMassageNow...', '_expression': 'muse', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[358] = {'_line': 'Isn\'tItBadEnoughThatICan\'tMoveFromThisSpotwithoutHavingyouAggravateMeAndMyChild!?', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[359] = {'_line': 'WouldYouMindLeavingmyBigStupidHugeStupidBellyaloneForOnce!', '_expression': 'grumpy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[400] = {'_line': 'IsThatAll?IfeelLikeThat\'sAll!PleaseTellmeThat\'sAll!!', '_expression': 'scared', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[401] = {'_line': 'WellShootTheThing\'sMovingMoreThanIUsedTo!', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': 'BeforeIgotParalysedThatIs.', '_expression2': 'pray', 'testbelly': 100};
Gspeech[402] = {'_line': 'NothingElseSeemsToBeHappening...ForOnce!', '_expression': 'hope', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Gspeech[403] = {'_line': 'IReallyReallyReallyReallyHateToSayItBut....I\'mStartingToGetReallyReallyReallyReallyBored!!', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Gspeech[404] = {'_line': 'Isn\'tItObviousByNowThatYouPokingMyHipsIsn\'tGoingToFixAnything!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[405] = {'_line': 'OhManOhManOhMan!LookAtHowBigMyHipsGot.', '_expression': 'legs', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[406] = {'_line': 'StopItStopItStopIt!You\'reGonnaMakeMeLactate.IGotInThisWaterfallToGetClean!', '_expression': 'cry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[407] = {'_line': 'Hm,ThatGivesMeanIdea,MaybeICanActuallyShareBrasWithMyOldFriendsNow!', '_expression': 'boobs', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[408] = {'_line': 'HeyThat\'sAfunnyWayOfSayingHiToABabyIsn\'tIt?YouReallyAreWeird!', '_expression': 'weird', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[409] = {'_line': 'HeyHeyHeyHeyI\'mActuallyStartingToLikeThat.Isn\'tThatWeirdyWeird!?', '_expression': 'greeting', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[450] = {'_line': 'Wait!OhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNoOhNo!!!', '_expression': 'wary', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[451] = {'_line': 'OhMyArceus!She\'sSoCute!ICan\'tBelieveSheCameOutOfMe!', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[452] = {'_line': 'Wow!ThatWasFasterThanIThought!NoisierToo!!', '_expression': '', '_line2': 'Fast!?Noisy!?IHaveAnIdea!I\'llCallHerHarley!!', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[453] = {'_line': 'ICan\'tWaitToShowYouOffToEveryone!AndStartTakingCareOfYou!It\'sGoingToBeSoMuchFun!!!', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[454] = {'_line': 'hipPoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[455] = {'_line': 'hipRub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[456] = {'_line': 'breastpoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[457] = {'_line': 'breastrub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[458] = {'_line': 'bellypoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[459] = {'_line': 'I\'mGivingBirth!!ITREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYHUUUUUUUUURRRTTTSSS!!!!!!!', '_expression': 'cry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[460] = {'_line': 'I\'mGivingBirth!!ITREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYREALLYHUUUUUUUUURRRTTTSSS!!!!!!!', '_expression': 'cry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Gspeech[1000] = {'backupstate': 'stuck'};
Gspeech[1001] = {'backupstate': 'dizzy'};
Gspeech[1002] = {'backupstate': 'bust'};
Gspeech[1003] = {'backupstate': 'belly'};
Gspeech[1004] = {'backupstate': 'pregnant'};
Gspeech[1005] = {'backupstate': 'desperate'};
Gspeech[1006] = {'backupstate': 'distraught'};
Gspeech[1007] = {'backupstate': 'hopeless'};
Gspeech[1008] = {'backupstate': 'astonished'};
Mspeech[0] = {'_line': 'Wha-? Oh hey! Let me put some clothes on, and I\'ll hug you hello!', '_expression': 'greetings', '_line2': 'Wait, what? Why can\'t I move?!', '_expression2': 'arms', 'blush2': 100};
Mspeech[1] = {'_line': 'Could you at least turn away a little? Or give me a hello hug?', '_expression': 'shy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'blush': 100};
Mspeech[2] = {'_line': 'What kind of day is this, that I can\'t cuddle someone new?', '_expression': 'pray', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Mspeech[3] = {'_line': 'Probably don\'t dress me, please. I don\'t want to wear wet clothes.', '_expression': 'embarrassed', 'blush': 100, '_line2': 'Unless of course you can carry me out of this spring first but... I\'m heavy...', '_expression2': 'humiliated', 'testbelly': 600};
Mspeech[4] = {'_line': 'H-hey! I didn\'t give you permission to do that!', '_expression': 'angry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[5] = {'_line': 'I- I can feel you. I just can\'t move.', '_expression': 'weird', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[6] = {'_line': 'Ow! Hey! Quit it!', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[7] = {'_line': 'Hey! Isn\'t flirting supposed to happen with your mouth, not your hands?', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': 'Wait! I didn\'t mean it that way.', '_expression2': 'awkward'};
Mspeech[8] = {'_line': 'Urk! hey! Leave my tummy alone!', '_expression': 'ouch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[9] = {'_line': 'Eeep! My tummy! That\'s my "whoA zone"!', '_expression': 'winded', 'blush': 250, '_line2': '....Uhhhh. Me and my big mouth.', '_expression2': 'uh-oh'};
Mspeech[50] = {'_line': 'I- I feel warm all over...', '_expression': 'strange', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[51] = {'_line': 'Why does a water type need to bathe anyway? It\'s a secret ;)', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[52] = {'_line': 'Wait! Ew! I hope something up there didn\'t just pee in the water!!!', '_expression': 'gross', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[53] = {'_line': 'Warm water is better for cleaning than cold water isn\'t it? Too bad I can\'t take advantage of that.', '_expression': 'doubt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[54] = {'_line': 'I hope that\'s not a habit of yours.', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[55] = {'_line': 'Could you leave my hips alone? I\'m not proud of them.', '_expression': 'ashamed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[56] = {'_line': 'Ow! Don\'t you know getting jabbed in the boobs hurts!?', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[57] = {'_line': 'I think you should look with your eyes, and not your hands.', '_expression': 'berate', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[58] = {'_line': 'Hey! Cut that out. What did my tummy ever do to you?!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[59] = {'_line': 'No... ahhhh.....Soo...gooood.....', 'blush': 230, '_expression': 'bliss', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[100] = {'_line': 'Huh? Since when are my breasts this big?', 'blush': 50, '_expression': 'bust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[101] = {'_line': 'Oh well, I always preferred loose fitting clothing anyway.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[102] = {'_line': 'I guess my days of going bra-less are over huh?', '_expression': 'sad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Mspeech[103] = {'_line': 'Not everyday a girl finds herself bustier for nothing, is it?', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': 'Er, is it?', '_expression2': 'strange'};
Mspeech[104] = {'_line': 'Are, those getting bigger too?... I don\'t wanna be bootilicious!', '_expression': 'butt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[105] = {'_line': 'I guess you must be more of a butt person.', '_expression': 'berate', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[106] = {'_line': 'Ah! I hope this isn\'t what I put Tina through when I hug her.', '_expression': 'awkward', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[107] = {'_line': 'I... uh... they feel more sensitive...', 'blush': 100, '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': 'I don\'t think that\'s right. Tina told me bigger ones are less sensitive.', '_expression2': 'doubt'};
Mspeech[108] = {'_line': 'I know I can\'t move! But that\'s not allowed!', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[109] = {'_line': 'Oh! my Whoa-Zone\'s even more Whoaaaaaaaaa! Whoaaa!', 'blush': 250, '_expression': 'overload', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[150] = {'_line': 'What? Is my whoa-zone growing? I think it is.', '_expression': 'wow', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[151] = {'_line': 'It\'s too round to just be chub isn\'t it? I wonder.....', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[152] = {'_line': 'You know, this whole situation seems familiar to me... like I\'ve heard of it before.', '_expression': 'strain', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[153] = {'_line': 'This might just be the weirdest thing that\'s ever happened to me, and I hang out with Sabrina!', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[154] = {'_line': 'As if my stupid hips weren\'t big enough already....', '_expression': 'buttmad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[155] = {'_line': 'That... does make my legs feel a little better...', '_expression': 'shy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[156] = {'_line': 'Ah! More sensitivity there. Yes, it adds up.', '_expression': 'wince', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[157] = {'_line': 'Oh man. I don\'t think I\'ve ever felt so good in my chest before.', 'blush': 150, '_expression': 'jubilee', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[158] = {'_line': 'Ghhh! you are such a meanie, you know that!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[159] = {'_line': 'Ohhhh... ohh...... That only keeps getting better....', 'blush': 250, '_expression': 'bliss', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[200] = {'_line': 'There\'s no doubt about it, is there? I\'m pregnant, from having bathed in a fertility spring.', '_expression': 'happy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[201] = {'_line': 'I\'ve always heard stories about these. Maybe even been one of the few to believe them. But I never thought I\'d get to BE in one.', '_expression': 'greetings', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Mspeech[202] = {'_line': 'This is exciting. I don\'t think I\'ve been this excited since the girls and I got our first gig!', '_expression': 'excited', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Mspeech[203] = {'_line': 'I\'m a little short of the beauty of a typical milotic or something, aren\'t I? Oh well, like it or not, I\'m your protagonist now.', '_expression': 'boast', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Mspeech[204] = {'_line': 'I guess I can be grateful for the hips. Less so if you keep prodding them, though.', '_expression': 'pout', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[205] = {'_line': 'They\'re child-bearing hips, all right.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[206] = {'_line': 'Just imagine if you did that to Rina. She\'d give you a total mouthful!', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[207] = {'_line': 'Are you suggesting I\'m a yummy mommy? I don\'t mind. ', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[208] = {'_line': 'Stop prodding my baby bump! It\'s mine! Not yours!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[209] = {'_line': 'Why do you have to keep doing that? Oooohhhhh....', 'blush': 250, '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[250] = {'_line': 'Wait, maybe I can slow this down, how do you do that again?', '_expression': 'strain', '_line2': 'Oh right... leave the spring before the baby moves.... that might be a problem...', '_expression2': 'uh-oh'};
Mspeech[251] = {'_line': 'The whole paralysis thing is new to me. Though I guess it makes sense. Why else would you just stay naked in a rock basin that was making you pregnant?', '_expression': 'doubt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[252] = {'_line': 'If you\'re in control, I\'d really appreciate it if you could release me. Please?', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[253] = {'_line': 'I don\'t have a lot of hope left for my escape plans.', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[254] = {'_line': 'Quit poking my legs! They haven\'t lied to anyone, have they?', '_expression': 'angry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[255] = {'_line': 'At least I know I haven\'t lost feeling in those.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[256] = {'_line': 'You\'re very lucky I can\'t move, or even aim a cold shower in your direction.', '_expression': 'berate', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[257] = {'_line': 'It\'s not a hug, but it still feels good. ', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[258] = {'_line': 'Ahhh! I certainly won\'t mind if THAT stops too soon!', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[259] = {'_line': 'I... really don\'t want this to end too soon, if only so I can have some more of that....', 'blush': 250, '_expression': 'overload', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[300] = {'_line': 'Oh, there it goes. Well, it\'s magical to feel it, but, I\'m still disappointed that this is going to be over so soon.', '_expression': 'sad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[301] = {'_line': 'It... It does feel nice. I bet my baby\'s warm in there.', '_expression': 'satisfied', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[302] = {'_line': 'Congratulations on your first moves, baby! Let\'s see if I can teach you some tricks.', '_expression': 'happy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[303] = {'_line': 'At least I can be confident it won\'t be a stillborn.... Yay!', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[304] = {'_line': 'You know poop comes from back there, right?', '_expression': 'berate', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[305] = {'_line': 'I guess a leg massage isn\'t the worst thing that could happen.', '_expression': 'shy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[306] = {'_line': '-And you know what, I\'ll bet they still end up smaller than Tina\'s are now.', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[307] = {'_line': 'Gentle... just the way I like it.', 'blush': 120, '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[308] = {'_line': 'I\'m pretty sure my baby only does that because it doesn\'t know any better. what\'s your excuse? ', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[309] = {'_line': 'To think I once thought my whoa-zone was too big....', 'blush': 250, '_expression': 'jubilee', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[350] = {'_line': 'Whoa! I know I\'m pregnant and everything, but I think I might burst like a water bomb if I get much bigger.', '_expression': 'wow', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[351] = {'_line': 'I wonder what my band-mates would say if they saw me like this...', '_expression': 'think', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[352] = {'_line': 'I suppose I can\'t complain too much about this. Privilege and all that, right?', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[353] = {'_line': 'I\'m sure there\'s some horrible "water breaking" pun that could be made about me, now I think about it...', '_expression': 'bored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[354] = {'_line': 'I really don\'t like you...', '_expression': 'berate', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[355] = {'_line': 'I really wish people would stop paying attention to those...', '_expression': 'buttmad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[356] = {'_line': 'Poked in the bust, and you\'re too blame! You give love a bad name!', '_expression': 'pout', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[357] = {'_line': 'It\'s not a hug, but it\'s close to being the next best thing.', '_expression': 'nice', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[358] = {'_line': 'You\'re hurting my baby belly! Stop hurting my baby belly!', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[359] = {'_line': 'Everytime I think that can\'t be any better for me, it goes and tops itself. Ooohhh....', '_expression': 'bliss', 'blush': 250, '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[400] = {'_line': 'Is that it? Phew!', '_expression': 'relieved', '_line2': 'Now, if only I could hug my tummy.', '_expression2': 'sad'};
Mspeech[401] = {'_line': 'What I wouldn\'t give to hold one of my plushies right now.', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Mspeech[402] = {'_line': 'This was kind of a cruddy fertility spring story wasn\'t it? I showered in a waterfall, which turned out to be a fertility spring, and then it made me pregnant.', '_expression': 'think', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Mspeech[403] = {'_line': 'Are you going to help me give birth? Those are a lot of badges I see.', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Mspeech[404] = {'_line': 'Won\'t I be in enough pain soon enough!?', '_expression': 'ouch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[405] = {'_line': 'I guess a hip rub isn\'t the worst thing that could happen to me...', '_expression': 'nice', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[406] = {'_line': 'Those are for my baby! Quit ittt!', '_expression': 'yell2', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[407] = {'_line': 'Is that your way of trying to catch me. I hope not.', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[408] = {'_line': 'Hey now! Can\'t you be just a little bit more careful?', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[409] = {'_line': 'Oh man.... That\'s irresistibly gooooood!', 'blush': 250, '_expression': 'jubilee', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[450] = {'_line': 'Oh! Oh My! It\'s the moment I\'ve been waiting for, and I\'ve been fearing.', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[451] = {'_line': 'I got to huggle someone in the end, and hopefully, everyday too.', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[452] = {'_line': 'My father wanted to call me Melinda...What a perfect way to pay tribute to him.', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[453] = {'_line': 'I feel like all my dreams have come true at once.', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[454] = {'_line': 'hipPoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[455] = {'_line': 'hipRub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[456] = {'_line': 'breastpoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[457] = {'_line': 'breastrub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[458] = {'_line': 'bellypoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[459] = {'_line': 'bellyrub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[460] = {'_line': 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! THIS IS EXACTLY AS PAINFUL AS I THOUGHT IT WOULD BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!', '_expression': 'cry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Mspeech[1000] = {'backupstate': 'bizzare'};
Mspeech[1001] = {'backupstate': 'bewildered'};
Mspeech[1002] = {'backupstate': 'cringe'};
Mspeech[1003] = {'backupstate': 'afraid'};
Mspeech[1004] = {'backupstate': 'pregnant'};
Mspeech[1005] = {'backupstate': 'scared'};
Mspeech[1006] = {'backupstate': 'depressed'};
Mspeech[1007] = {'backupstate': 'impressed'};
Mspeech[1008] = {'backupstate': 'end'};
Sspeech[0] = {'_line': 'Ooooh...hehehe.... My obeisances to you. It looks like you\'ve arrived with voyeuristic intentions.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': 'What the...something seems to have vitiated my limbs!', '_expression2': 'arms'};
Sspeech[1] = {'_line': 'My identity is Sabrina before you catechize. I\'ve not got much predilection as to your eponym or sobriquet.', '_expression': 'chat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Sspeech[2] = {'_line': 'I assume you don\'t mind the complexity involved with my vocabulary. If so you\'ll find my ubiety unbearable.', '_expression': 'boast', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Sspeech[3] = {'_line': 'Isn\'t engaging in sesquipedalian confabulations simply consummate?', '_expression': 'cheeky', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Sspeech[4] = {'_line': 'So you\'re deliberately colliding digits with my flank? I\'ll just asseverate this is to leave me feeling cantankerous?', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[5] = {'_line': 'Is this an attempt to coquet with me? That\'s not quite sufficient to infatuate me.', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[6] = {'_line': 'Our relationship is inchoate, yet your behaviour is recalcitrant. Lascivious much?', '_expression': 'begrudge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[7] = {'_line': 'Ah, you\'ve a mind to cosset my peritoneum. Well it\'s copacetic but not exactly convivial.', '_expression': 'impressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[8] = {'_line': 'Ah, why are you percussing my abdominal muscles?', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[9] = {'_line': 'What\'s this? You\'re abrading an oblate part of my constitution? Well isn\'t that ingratiating.', '_expression': 'floored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[50] = {'_line': 'Ugh, what is this aberrant sensation.', '_expression': 'sick', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[51] = {'_line': 'Enervated of my superfluous rhetoric yet? That\'s too bad, isn\'t it?.', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[52] = {'_line': 'I\'m feeling sick. Not sick enough to stop messing with you, though.', '_expression': 'weary', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[53] = {'_line': 'I\'m yet to feel languid of our assignation. How about you?', '_expression': 'chat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[54] = {'_line': 'If you\'re attempting to acerbate me, it\'s a fallible attempt.', '_expression': 'insulted', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[55] = {'_line': 'Hey a hip massage, that\'s congenial. How about unparalysing me? That would be congenial, too.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[56] = {'_line': 'I should edify you that that\'s pretty tortuous. Please desist.', '_expression': 'wince', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[57] = {'_line': 'You know, those do feel a bit anomalous. Your transgression?', '_expression': 'suspicion', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[58] = {'_line': 'Urg, I ascertain we both like pasquinading each other, huh?', '_expression': 'ouch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[59] = {'_line': 'Well, yeah, I\'m feeling sick mostly there. Do you know something I don\'t?', '_expression': 'begrudge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[100] = {'_line': 'Huh? Are you making me bustier somehow?', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': '-Uh, I mean- Well, you get the idea.', '_expression2': 'recover'};
Sspeech[101] = {'_line': 'So, I\'m benumbed in a magic concavity that\'s making me more bosomy.', '_expression': 'flustered', '_line2': 'Yes, "Bosomy" is a real word.', '_expression2': 'apathy', 'testbelly': 100};
Sspeech[102] = {'_line': 'Well, this is marginally pestiferous. Me being divested of any accouterment in front of you with growing breasts.', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Sspeech[103] = {'_line': 'I learned a lot of these words from Rina. It\'s great for confusing people, isn\'t it?', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Sspeech[104] = {'_line': 'You know, probing femur muscle isn\'t exactly a common avocation.', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[105] = {'_line': 'I guess my hips are a little bigger... that\'s your transgression, isn\'t it?', '_expression': 'begrudge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[106] = {'_line': 'You know, pranks are much funnier when no one gets hurt..', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[107] = {'_line': 'Why not right? Nothing intrinsically wrong with groping a paralyzed girls\' breasts uninvited, is there?', '_expression': 'sarcasm', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[108] = {'_line': 'I\'m still not exactly feeling too good there, you know.', '_expression': 'sick', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[109] = {'_line': 'Do you enjoy rubbing flat surfaces? Or are you trying to impress me?', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[150] = {'_line': 'Gah! My midsection is protuberating!', '_expression': 'shock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[151] = {'_line': 'So, I no longer have the midsection of an attenuated woman. I\'m going to adumbrate that\'s a most affable puissance you have.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[152] = {'_line': 'I suppose you prefer it when glabrous, irriguous girls are rotund too, huh?', '_expression': 'suspicion', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[153] = {'_line': 'Where\'d you procure these powers? Do I even want to know?', '_expression': 'apathy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[154] = {'_line': 'Having fun there, buddy? Being stuck here is kind of boring, actually.', '_expression': 'bored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[155] = {'_line': 'Heh, I like to think you\'re practising your hip rubbing on me.', '_expression': 'cheeky', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[156] = {'_line': 'I\'m not really a fan of these breast pokes. You\'re very annoying.', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[157] = {'_line': 'Isn\'t this something you should be doing with your girlfriend or wife? I\'m guess that means you don\'t have one.', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[158] = {'_line': 'Yep, that\'s a belly all right. Couldn\'t you see it?', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[159] = {'_line': 'You know, that actually feels pretty nice.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[200] = {'_line': 'Wait, didn\'t Mina say...?', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': 'Oh of course, this is a fertility spring that you\'re controlling somehow.', '_expression2': 'bored'};
Sspeech[201] = {'_line': 'I\'m sure it takes a lot of skill from you to work this thing.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Sspeech[202] = {'_line': 'Looks like you caught me fair and square. Now what?', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Sspeech[203] = {'_line': 'Oh the xenogenous situation I\'m in. However will I show sangfroid now?', '_expression': 'feign', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Sspeech[204] = {'_line': 'Yeah, since you\'re giving me a baby, I need big hips to get it back out. That\'s how biology works.', '_expression': 'scoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[205] = {'_line': 'Are you trying to ascertain I am ecaudate? You must be improvident to not deduce that ocularly. ', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[206] = {'_line': 'You are SUCH a fustilarian!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[207] = {'_line': 'Usually, I\'d expect that postprandial. But I guess I\'ll have to take what I can get.', '_expression': 'delight', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[208] = {'_line': 'I have a lot of dudgeon for you right now...', '_expression': 'begrudge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[209] = {'_line': 'I see you have no problem being lusory.', '_expression': 'cheeky', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[250] = {'_line': 'Hm, I think Mina said you can reverse the process if you leave the pool quickly enough.', '_expression': 'recover', '_line2': 'Well, that\'s not happening, is it? Oh well.', '_expression2': 'chat'};
Sspeech[251] = {'_line': 'If I didn\'t know better I\'d say you were venal enough for an easy out.', '_expression': 'weary', '_line2': 'But of course, I wouldn\'t be willing to give you anything you can\'t simply take anyway, right?', '_expression2': 'challenge'};
Sspeech[252] = {'_line': 'Let\'s be real here. There\'s no way I\'m not having a kid today, is there? I hope I can think of a name that\'s not too confusing.', '_expression': 'confident', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[253] = {'_line': 'I said you were here with voyeuristic intentions, I didn\'t figure on the sadistic ones.', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[254] = {'_line': 'Please, continue to damage the noosphere with your actions.', '_expression': 'tired', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[255] = {'_line': 'I\'ll bet you\'ve not touched something quite THIS napiform before, have you.', '_expression': 'scoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[256] = {'_line': 'I think you\'ll find yourself excarnated someday if you keep this up.', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[257] = {'_line': 'I\'m sure you didn\'t need to do that to know those are becoming more unguinous.', '_expression': 'impressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[258] = {'_line': 'Aren\'t I going to be somnifacient enough from the movement inside of me?', '_expression': 'ouch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[259] = {'_line': 'Is that your way of greeting the soon-to-be-definite-child-to-be?', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[300] = {'_line': 'There it goes, moving inside me. I guess I\'m too late.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[301] = {'_line': 'At least people egging me on to have babies will shut their mouths now.', '_expression': 'think', '_line2': 'No pun intended.', '_expression2': 'insulted', 'testbelly': 100};
Sspeech[302] = {'_line': 'Oh, how abhorrent a thought. I might have to stop keeping my hair short, haha.', '_expression': 'amused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Sspeech[303] = {'_line': 'I\'m not really sure how well I\'m going to handle maternity. I guess I\'ll just have to give it a shot.', '_expression': 'worry', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Sspeech[304] = {'_line': 'Do you get a kick out of being dissentient?', '_expression': 'floored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[305] = {'_line': 'I\'m glad you think I\'ve still got it where it counts.', '_expression': 'confident', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[306] = {'_line': 'You\'re causing enough pain for me to wish baculine punishment on you...', '_expression': 'flinch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[307] = {'_line': 'You may be gentle, but I still think you\'re something of a fanfaron.', '_expression': 'feign', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[308] = {'_line': 'I feel like I\'m performing battology at this point...', '_expression': 'weary', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[309] = {'_line': 'At least the rubs feel good. Hee.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[350] = {'_line': 'You\'re really going to whole hog with me aren\'t you?', '_expression': 'impressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[351] = {'_line': 'I suppose I could try to play around with uncommon words a bit more, but it\'s starting to get a bit old, to be honest. ', '_expression': 'think', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[352] = {'_line': 'To be fair, if I had this power, I wouldn\'t hold anything back either.', '_expression': 'amused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[353] = {'_line': 'I\'m starting to get bored here, you know. Not being able to move at all kinda sucks, if I\'m being honest.', '_expression': 'waiting', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[354] = {'_line': 'Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have hips.', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[355] = {'_line': 'Would you say they\'re rockin\'? I just love to hear my hips described like that.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[356] = {'_line': 'Please go on. I love being prodded like a toy.', '_expression': 'ouch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[357] = {'_line': 'So, you can handle mammaries. If you\'re not a doctor, I\'d say I\'m impressed.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[358] = {'_line': 'You know that causes vellication from inside me, right?', '_expression': 'question', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[359] = {'_line': 'Big and smooth, isn\'t it?', '_expression': 'delight', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[400] = {'_line': 'Is that it? Probably just as well. I don\'t look much like a Zoroark anymore, do I?', '_expression': 'incredulous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[401] = {'_line': 'I don\'t fit in with other zoroark that well anyway, what with liking my hair short...', '_expression': 'hair', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 100};
Sspeech[402] = {'_line': 'I\'m quite idiomorphic in this state, aren\'t I?', '_expression': 'chat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 300};
Sspeech[403] = {'_line': 'I like you. You stuck with me no matter how ambiguous I tried to make myself.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', 'testbelly': 600};
Sspeech[404] = {'_line': 'No, you can\'t push them back in.', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[405] = {'_line': 'I\'d be quite exarate if it wasn\'t for the belly, huh.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[406] = {'_line': 'Yep. Still painful.', '_expression': 'pain', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[407] = {'_line': 'So, you\'re taking accountability for my child by doing that, right?', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[408] = {'_line': 'Like a flesh balloon, huh?', '_expression': 'cheeky', '_line2': 'I hope not, actually.', '_expression2': 'nervous'};
Sspeech[409] = {'_line': 'I hope you enjoy it, I don\'t think it will last.', '_expression': 'sincere', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[450] = {'_line': 'Oh no. It seems the denouement of my gestation has come!', '_expression': 'pain', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[451] = {'_line': 'I can only hope my child is not recalcitrant, at least not towards me.', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[452] = {'_line': 'A name then. Well, as much as I can think of crazy obscure words to name her, I don\'t want her to excoriate me with invectives for it when she grows up.', '_expression': '', '_line2': 'I think Sully is a fitting name for her. I\'ve always liked it.', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[453] = {'_line': 'I\'m tempted to name her Zuna, that was my favourite character out of Rina\'s plays. But I\'d much rather give her a normal, sensible name.', '_expression': '', '_line2': 'As much as I like messing with people using language, naming my daughter something unpronounceable won\'t be funny for long.', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[454] = {'_line': 'hipPoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[455] = {'_line': 'hipRub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[456] = {'_line': 'breastpoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[457] = {'_line': 'breastrub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[458] = {'_line': 'bellypoke', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[459] = {'_line': 'bellyrub', '_expression': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[460] = {'_line': 'I don\'t think this is going to meliorate any time soon! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!', '_expression': 'birth', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''};
Sspeech[1000] = {'backupstate': 'observe'};
Sspeech[1001] = {'backupstate': 'unwell'};
Sspeech[1002] = {'backupstate': 'boobs'};
Sspeech[1003] = {'backupstate': 'astonished'};
Sspeech[1004] = {'backupstate': 'ready'};
Sspeech[1005] = {'backupstate': 'anticipation'};
Sspeech[1006] = {'backupstate': 'rolleyes'};
Sspeech[1007] = {'backupstate': 'astounded'};
Sspeech[1008] = {'backupstate': 'content'};
Rstates.helpme = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.bizzare = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 3};
Rstates.enthusiastic = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'up', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': -3, 'rpy': 6};
Rstates.distraught = {'eyes': 'openupsad', 'mouth': 'Vdown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': -3, 'rpy': 4};
Rstates.devestated = {'eyes': 'widesadin', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': -3, 'rpy': 6};
Rstates.terrified = {'eyes': 'widesadin', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.horrible = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.hopeless = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'Vdown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.broken = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': 4};
Rstates.afraid = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.aghast = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide2', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.bite = {'eyes': 'halfsadup', 'mouth': 'lipbite', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 4};
Rstates.bosom = {'eyes': 'twist', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.bright = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'bigyay', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': -5};
Rstates.challenge = {'eyes': 'halfmadup', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.confused = {'eyes': 'twist', 'mouth': 'bigopen', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.confident = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'bigyay', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.cry = {'eyes': 'tightsad', 'mouth': 'wide2', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.defeated = {'eyes': 'closedsad', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': -4};
Rstates.defiant = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'bigopen', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.depressed = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': -4};
Rstates.derpy = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 5, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': -5};
Rstates.fake = {'eyes': 'opensadup', 'mouth': 'wigglegrin', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.flinch = {'eyes': 'widewinkmad', 'mouth': 'bigopen', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.frustrated = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.gasp = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'bigopen', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': -2};
Rstates.giggle = {'eyes': 'widewinksad', 'mouth': 'wigglegrin', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.glare = {'eyes': 'narrowVmad', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.hopeful = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'bigopen', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.huff = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'Vdown', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.ignore = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.laugh = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'Vbigyay', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.mourne = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'narrow', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.ohno = {'eyes': 'widewinksad', 'mouth': 'narrow', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.panic = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.plead = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.pray = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -6};
Rstates.rant = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'bigopen', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5};
Rstates.relief = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5};
Rstates.sad = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.secret = {'eyes': 'halfup', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 5};
Rstates.seethe = {'eyes': 'narrowVmad', 'mouth': 'narrow', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.sick = {'eyes': 'winksad', 'mouth': 'narrow', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.sigh = {'eyes': 'openupsad', 'mouth': 'narrow', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': -4};
Rstates.snicker = {'eyes': 'closedsad', 'mouth': 'wigglegrin', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.steamed = {'eyes': 'tightmad', 'mouth': 'grit', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.suspicion = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.tearful = {'eyes': 'openupsad', 'mouth': 'bigopen', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': -5};
Rstates.tickled = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'bigyay', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.thought = {'eyes': 'halfup', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 7, 'rpx': -4, 'rpy': 9};
Rstates.upset = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.whine = {'eyes': 'tightsad', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Rstates.worry = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'bigopen', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5};
Rstates.yell = {'eyes': 'widemad', 'mouth': 'wide2', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Gstates.stuck = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 7};
Gstates.dizzy = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': -9, 'lpy': -9, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': 5};
Gstates.bust = {'eyes': 'openVsadin', 'mouth': 'curvedown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 8};
Gstates.belly = {'eyes': 'widesadin', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 8};
Gstates.pregnant = {'eyes': 'wideVsadin', 'mouth': 'curvedown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 8};
Gstates.desperate = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'grit', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.distraught = {'eyes': 'tightVsad', 'mouth': 'toothdown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.hopeless = {'eyes': 'shutVsad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.astonished = {'eyes': 'wideupin', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 7};
Gstates.afraid = {'eyes': 'openVsadin', 'mouth': 'big', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.amazed = {'eyes': 'openupin', 'mouth': 'openbigger', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Gstates.angry = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.boobs = {'eyes': 'openupin', 'mouth': 'Vbigyay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Gstates.bark = {'eyes': 'tightVmad', 'mouth': 'wide'};
Gstates.cringe = {'eyes': 'tightmad', 'mouth': 'small'};
Gstates.cry = {'eyes': 'tightVsad', 'mouth': 'big'};
Gstates.defeat = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'open'};
Gstates.defiant = {'eyes': 'shutVmad', 'mouth': 'big'};
Gstates.doom = {'eyes': 'shutVsad', 'mouth': 'openbig'};
Gstates.fear = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'big', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.flinch = {'eyes': 'winkopenVsad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Gstates.frustrated = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 4};
Gstates.greeting = {'eyes': 'wideupin', 'mouth': 'biggeryay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Gstates.gross = {'eyes': 'openvsadin', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Gstates.growl = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'grit', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.grumpy = {'eyes': 'openVmadin', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.hope = {'eyes': 'wideupin', 'mouth': 'biggeryay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -2};
Gstates.laugh = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'bigyay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.legs = {'eyes': 'opensadin', 'mouth': 'big', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Gstates.muse = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'bigyay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5};
Gstates.plead = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.pleased = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'biggeryay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Gstates.pleasure = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'tiny', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Gstates.pray = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -6, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -4};
Gstates.scared = {'eyes': 'winkopensad', 'mouth': 'grit', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 4};
Gstates.sick = {'eyes': 'wideupin', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 3};
Gstates.sigh = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2};
Gstates.scold = {'eyes': 'openVmadin', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Gstates.shock = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 11};
Gstates.surprise = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'big', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Gstates.tearful = {'eyes': 'wideVsadin', 'mouth': 'wiggleopen', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 8};
Gstates.terror = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'openbigger', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Gstates.thought = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5};
Gstates.upset = {'eyes': 'openVsadin', 'mouth': 'openbigger', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Gstates.wary = {'eyes': 'widesadin', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 11};
Gstates.water = {'eyes': 'openmadin', 'mouth': 'big', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Gstates.weird = {'eyes': 'openVtwist', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2};
Gstates.wince = {'eyes': 'opensadin', 'mouth': 'gritbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5}; = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'openbigger', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Gstates.yell = {'eyes': 'wideVmad', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.observe = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'up', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.unwell = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -3};
Sstates.boobs = {'eyes': 'unevenup', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 6};
Sstates.astonished = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 8};
Sstates.ready = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'up', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.anticipation = {'eyes': 'unevenmad', 'mouth': 'up', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.rolleyes = {'eyes': 'unevenmad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.astounded = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 8};
Sstates.content = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'up', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.amused = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'yaybig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5};
Sstates.apathy = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.arms = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 8, 'rpy': -1};
Sstates.begrudge = {'eyes': 'Hunevenmad', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.birth = {'eyes': 'tightsad', 'mouth': 'wide'};
Sstates.boast = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'yay'};
Sstates.bored = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': -3};
Sstates.challenge = {'eyes': 'halfVmadin', 'mouth': 'yaybig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': 'openplain', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.cheeky = {'eyes': 'halfmadin', 'mouth': 'bite', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.confident = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'yay'};
Sstates.confused = {'eyes': 'unevenmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.delight = {'eyes': 'halfVsadin', 'mouth': 'bite', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -3};
Sstates.feign = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'yaybig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 6, 'rpy': -6};
Sstates.flinch = {'eyes': 'winkVmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 6};
Sstates.flirt = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.floored = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'opensmall', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.flustered = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'tiny', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 3};
Sstates.frustrated = {'eyes': 'halfmadin', 'mouth': 'opendown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'grin', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 8, 'rpy': -1};
Sstates.impressed = {'eyes': 'unevenplain', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.incredulous = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'yaybig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 6};
Sstates.insulted = {'eyes': 'halfVmadin', 'mouth': 'opensmall', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.mock = {'eyes': 'Hunevensad', 'mouth': 'yaybig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.nervous = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': 6};
Sstates.ouch = {'eyes': 'winkVmad', 'mouth': 'grit', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.pain = {'eyes': 'winkVmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 5};
Sstates.pleasure = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'bite', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5};
Sstates.question = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.recover = {'eyes': 'unevensad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': -5};
Sstates.sarcasm = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'open'};
Sstates.seethe = {'eyes': 'halfVmadin', 'mouth': 'opendown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.scoff = {'eyes': 'openVmadin', 'mouth': 'bite', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.scold = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.shock = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 8};
Sstates.shrug = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.sick = {'eyes': 'winkVsad', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 6};
Sstates.sincere = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.suspicion = {'eyes': 'unevenmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.tease = {'eyes': 'winkmad', 'mouth': 'tongueup', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.think = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': -5};
Sstates.tired = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': -3};
Sstates.waiting = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.weary = {'eyes': 'HunevenVmadin', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.wince = {'eyes': 'winkVmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Sstates.wonder = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'opensmall', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 6};
Sstates.worry = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 6};
Sstates.yell = {'eyes': 'wideVmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.bizzare = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 3};
Mstates.bewildered = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Mstates.cringe = {'eyes': 'opensadin', 'mouth': 'cheekdown', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.afraid = {'eyes': 'opensadin', 'mouth': 'curvedown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Mstates.pregnant = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'up', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 7};
Mstates.scared = {'eyes': 'widesadin', 'mouth': 'curvedown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Mstates.depressed = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'Vdown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Mstates.impressed = {'eyes': 'wideplain', 'mouth': 'curvedown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 8};
Mstates.end = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'up', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 8};
Mstates.angry = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.arms = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 4, 'rpy': -4};
Mstates.ashamed = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'flat'};
Mstates.awkward = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.berate = {'eyes': 'halfmadin', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Mstates.bliss = {'eyes': 'tightVsad', 'mouth': 'biteup'};
Mstates.boast = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'yay'};
Mstates.bored = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 6, 'rpy': -2};
Mstates.bust = {'eyes': 'uneventwist', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 9};
Mstates.butt = {'eyes': 'wideVsadin', 'mouth': 'openwiggle', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': 6};
Mstates.buttmad = {'eyes': 'wideVmadin', 'mouth': 'openwiggle', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': 6};
Mstates.cry = {'eyes': 'tightVsad', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1};
Mstates.defeat = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'open'};
Mstates.delerious = {'eyes': 'halfVsadin', 'mouth': 'yaywiggle', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': -1, 'rpy': -2};
Mstates.doubt = {'eyes': 'unevensad', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.embarrassed = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': 3};
Mstates.excited = {'eyes': 'wideupin', 'mouth': 'yaybig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.flinch = {'eyes': 'winkVmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.flirt = {'eyes': 'halfmadin', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.greetings = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.gross = {'eyes': 'widesadin', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -6};
Mstates.happy = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -1, 'rpy': 6};
Mstates.humiliated = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.joke = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.jubilee = {'eyes': 'tightVsad', 'mouth': 'yaywiggle', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -7, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -9};
Mstates.laugh = {'eyes': 'tightsad', 'mouth': 'grin', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.nice = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.ouch = {'eyes': 'winkmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.overload = {'eyes': 'halfVsadin', 'mouth': 'yaywiggle', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': -1, 'rpy': -2};
Mstates.plead = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.pleasure = {'eyes': 'shutVsad', 'mouth': 'yaysmall', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -4};
Mstates.pout = {'eyes': 'halfVmad', 'mouth': 'cheekdown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.pray = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -4};
Mstates.relieved = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -4};
Mstates.sad = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 6};
Mstates.satisfied = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.scold = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.shrug = {'eyes': 'openupin', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 6, 'rpy': -6};
Mstates.shy = {'eyes': 'opensadin', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.sigh = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': 6};
Mstates.strange = {'eyes': 'uneventwist', 'mouth': 'openwiggle', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.strain = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 6, 'rpy': -6};
Mstates.tease = {'eyes': 'winkmad', 'mouth': 'tongueup', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.think = {'eyes': 'openplain', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -4, 'rpx': 6, 'rpy': -6};
Mstates.uh-oh = {'eyes': 'widesadin', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.weird = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'o', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 6};
Mstates.wince = {'eyes': 'winkVsad', 'mouth': 'bitedown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 6};
Mstates.wonder = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'o', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 9}; = {'eyes': 'wideplain', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 9};
Mstates.winded = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 2, 'rpy': -1};
Mstates.yell = {'eyes': 'wideVmad', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Mstates.yell2 = {'eyes': 'wideVmad', 'mouth': 'openwiggle', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.afraid = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'grit', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.pout = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'cheekdown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 4};
Tstates.huh = {'eyes': 'unevensad', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -3, 'rpy': 6};
Tstates.nervous = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -3, 'rpy': 6};
Tstates.tearful = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -3, 'rpy': 6};
Tstates.grumpy = {'eyes': 'shutVmad', 'mouth': 'cheekdown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -3, 'rpy': 6};
Tstates.hopeless = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -3, 'rpy': 6};
Tstates.impressed = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'curvedown', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 8};
Tstates.awkward = {'eyes': 'opensadin', 'mouth': 'up', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.angry = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'openbigger', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.amazed = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.arms = {'eyes': 'openmadin', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -7};
Tstates.belly = {'eyes': 'wideVsadin', 'mouth': 'openbigger', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.berate = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'openbigger', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.birth = {'eyes': 'tightmad', 'mouth': 'gritbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.boobs = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.brightside = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': -5, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': -5};
Tstates.cocky = {'eyes': 'gibbousVmad', 'mouth': 'yaybig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.confused = {'eyes': 'wideplainin', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.curious = {'eyes': 'wideupin', 'mouth': 'tiny', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.defeat = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'openbig'};
Tstates.defiant = {'eyes': 'shutVmad', 'mouth': 'open'};
Tstates.depressed = {'eyes': 'halfVsadin', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 3};
Tstates.discuss = {'eyes': 'halfplain', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.dismiss = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'openbigger', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.fear = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'openbigger', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.flirt = {'eyes': 'halfVsadin', 'mouth': 'tinyyay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.flustered = {'eyes': 'halfmadin', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.frustrated = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'openbigger'};
Tstates.glare = {'eyes': 'halfVmadin', 'mouth': 'grit', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.gut = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'grit', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7}; = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.joke = {'eyes': 'halfupin', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.laugh = {'eyes': 'gibbousup', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.legs = {'eyes': 'halfmadin', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 3};
Tstates.miffed = {'eyes': 'opensadin', 'mouth': 'tiny', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.misery = {'eyes': 'wideVsadin', 'mouth': 'tiny', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.mock = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'yay'};
Tstates.muse = {'eyes': 'openplain', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -5, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': -5};
Tstates.nice = {'eyes': 'halfsadin', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.react = {'eyes': 'winkVmadin', 'mouth': 'grit', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.relaxed = {'eyes': 'shutVsad', 'mouth': 'small'};
Tstates.relieved = {'eyes': 'shutVsad', 'mouth': 'yay'};
Tstates.rolleyes = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 5, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': -5};
Tstates.seethe = {'eyes': 'halfVmadin', 'mouth': 'tiny', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.sick = {'eyes': 'unevenVbrows', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -3};
Tstates.scoff = {'eyes': 'unevenVbrows', 'mouth': 'yay', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.tease = {'eyes': 'winkVmadin', 'mouth': 'tongueup', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.thought = {'eyes': 'openupin', 'mouth': 'tiny', 'lpx': -3, 'lpy': -3.5, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': -5};
Tstates.unimpressed = {'eyes': 'halfmadin', 'mouth': 'tiny', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.warning = {'eyes': 'gibbousVmad', 'mouth': 'openbig', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0};
Tstates.weird = {'eyes': 'unevenVbrows', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Tstates.what = {'eyes': 'openmadtwist', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 5};
Tstates.wonder = {'eyes': 'openplainin', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': 7};
Tstates.worry = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'open', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 5, 'rpy': -5};
setState = function (str) {
stateTimer = 35 + speech_b._txt.length * 1.5;
if (CurState != str) {
CurState = str;
_root[activegirl2].head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(_root[activegirl + 'states'][CurState].eyes);
_root[activegirl2].head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(_root[activegirl + 'states'][CurState].mouth);
_root[activegirl2].head.eyes.LP._x = _root[activegirl + 'lpX'] + _root[activegirl + 'states'][CurState].lpx;
_root[activegirl2].head.eyes.LP._y = _root[activegirl + 'lpY'] + _root[activegirl + 'states'][CurState].lpy;
_root[activegirl2].head.eyes.RP._x = _root[activegirl + 'rpX'] + _root[activegirl + 'states'][CurState].rpx;
_root[activegirl2].head.eyes.RP._y = _root[activegirl + 'rpY'] + _root[activegirl + 'states'][CurState].rpy;
charSpeak = function (n, f) {
speechTimer = _root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._line.length * 2.3;
speech_b._txt.text = _root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._line;
setState(_root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._expression);
_root[activegirl2].head.blush._alpha = _root[activegirl + 'speech'][n].blush;
if (_root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._line2 != '') {
if (secondline <= -5000) {
secondline = n;
} else {
speechTimer = _root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._line2.length * 2.3;
speech_b._txt.text = _root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._line2;
setState(_root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._expression2);
_root[activegirl2].head.blush._alpha = _root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._blush2;
if (f == false) {
secondline = -5000;
} else {
secondline = -5000;
if (f == true) {
speechTimer = _root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._line.length * 2.3;
speech_b._txt.text = _root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._line;
setState(_root[activegirl + 'speech'][n]._expression);
rina.head.onPress = function () {
charSpeak(curPhase + 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3), false);
forceDelay = 0;
ranspeech = 1;
sabrina.head.onPress = rina.head.onPress;
mina.head.onPress = rina.head.onPress;
gina.head.onPress = rina.head.onPress;
tina.head.onPress = rina.head.onPress;
rina.L_leg.onPress = function () {
if (birthing < 1) {
hstartrub = 10;
rina.R_leg.onPress = rina.L_leg.onPress;
sabrina.L_leg.onPress = rina.L_leg.onPress;
mina.L_leg.onPress = rina.L_leg.onPress;
gina.L_leg.onPress = rina.L_leg.onPress;
tina.L_leg.onPress = rina.L_leg.onPress;
sabrina.R_leg.onPress = rina.L_leg.onPress;
mina.R_leg.onPress = rina.L_leg.onPress;
gina.R_leg.onPress = rina.L_leg.onPress;
tina.R_leg.onPress = rina.L_leg.onPress;
rina.belly.onPress = function () {
if (birthing < 1) {
startrub = 10;
sabrina.belly.onPress = rina.belly.onPress;
mina.belly.onPress = rina.belly.onPress;
gina.belly.onPress = rina.belly.onPress;
tina.belly.onPress = rina.belly.onPress;
rina.L_breast.onPress = function () {
if (birthing < 1) {
bstartrub = 10;
rina.R_breast.onPress = rina.L_breast.onPress;
sabrina.L_breast.onPress = rina.L_breast.onPress;
mina.L_breast.onPress = rina.L_breast.onPress;
gina.L_breast.onPress = rina.L_breast.onPress;
tina.L_breast.onPress = rina.L_breast.onPress;
sabrina.R_breast.onPress = rina.L_breast.onPress;
mina.R_breast.onPress = rina.L_breast.onPress;
gina.R_breast.onPress = rina.L_breast.onPress;
tina.R_breast.onPress = rina.L_breast.onPress;
speech_b.onPress = function () {
if (speechTimer > 10) {
speechTimer = 10;
stateTimer = 15;
allinvis = function () {
tina._visible = false;
sabrina._visible = false;
rina._visible = false;
mina._visible = false;
gina._visible = false;
Tbellysize = 1;
var gameactive = false;
var AYSB = 635;
var AYIS = 635;
var achievespeed = 0;
var achievementText = new Object();
achievementText.none = {'_line': 'No achievments yet! Play with the sparkles to unlock content!'};
achievementText.Rina = {'_line': 'Achievement get! Bounced a sparkle off the top of the screen.\n Rina the shiny nidoqueen unlocked!'};
achievementText.Gina = {'_line': 'Achievement get! Kept a sparkle airborne until it crossed the edge of the screen twice! \n Gina the pikachu unlocked!'};
achievementText.Sabrina = {'_line': 'Achievement get! Hovered the mouse over an invisible sparkle for a short time. \n Sabrina the zoroark unlocked!'};
achievementText.Mina = {'_line': 'Achievement get! Bounced a sparkle just before it sank! \n Mina the blastoise unlocked!'};
achievementText.Tina = {'_line': 'Achievement get! Clicked a sparkle 5 times in a row without bouncing it upwards \n Tina the miltank unlocked!'};
achievementText.1 = {'_line': 'Sparkles bounce when you click below thier center, and there\'s no limit on their height. '};
achievementText.2 = {'_line': 'Sparkles don\'t change their horizontal speed based on your clicking.'};
achievementText.3 = {'_line': 'It might be a good idea to track the path of a sparkle with your mouse.'};
achievementText.4 = {'_line': 'Sparkles will sink lower than they spawn.'};
achievementText.5 = {'_line': 'Clicking above a sparkles center wont affect its path.'};
updateballs = function (n) {
achievespeed = 100;
achievement_txt.text = achievementText[n]._line;
_panel.rinaball._visible = RinaUnlocked;
_panel.ginaball._visible = GinaUnlocked;
_panel.sabrinaball._visible = SabrinaUnlocked;
_panel.minaball._visible = MinaUnlocked;
_panel.tinaball._visible = TinaUnlocked;
_panel.Yis = _panel._y;
_panel.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.YSB = -7;
if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
this.YSB = 85;
if (this.Yis != this.YSB) {
this.Yis += (this.YSB - this.Yis) * 0.3;
this._y = this.Yis;
hintnum = 1;
givehint = function () {
achievespeed = 100;
achievement_txt.text = achievementText[hintnum]._line;
hintnum += 1;
if (hintnum > 5) {
hintnum = 1;
_panel.hint_b.onPress = function () {
startball = function () {
gameactive = true;
curPhase = 0;
charSpeak(curPhase, true);
_panel.tinaball.onPress = function () {
if (activegirl != 'T') {
bellysize = 1;
activegirl = 'T';
activegirl2 = 'tina';
tina._visible = true;
_panel.sabrinaball.onPress = function () {
if (activegirl != 'S') {
bellysize = 1;
activegirl = 'S';
activegirl2 = 'sabrina';
sabrina._visible = true;
_panel.ginaball.onPress = function () {
if (activegirl != 'G') {
bellysize = 1;
activegirl = 'G';
activegirl2 = 'gina';
gina._visible = true;
_panel.rinaball.onPress = function () {
if (activegirl != 'R') {
bellysize = 1;
activegirl = 'R';
activegirl2 = 'rina';
rina._visible = true;
_panel.minaball.onPress = function () {
if (activegirl != 'M') {
bellysize = 1;
activegirl = 'M';
activegirl2 = 'mina';
mina._visible = true;
skip_b.onPress = function () {
Tbellysize += 50;
reset = function () {
Tbellysize = 1;
Tbustsize = 0;
Thipshize = 0;
bustsize = 1;
resetTimer = 0;
nextspeech = 0;
helpcancelled = 0;
birthing = 0;
birthclicks = 1000;
naked = false;
nextPhase = 0;
redplus = 3;
signpower = 0;
birthstart = false;
birthprogress = 0;
BoardXSB = BstartX;
catch_baby._x = -100;
catch_baby._y = -100;
catch_baby.rotplus = 0;
countdown = function (a, b) {
if (_root[a] > b) {
_root[a] -= 1;
minmax = function (a, b, c) {
if (_root[a] < b) {
_root[a] = b;
if (_root[a] > c) {
_root[a] = c;
smoothAdjust = function (s1, s2, mu) {
if (_root[s1] != _root[s2]) {
if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 1 || (_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < -1) {
_root[s1] += Math.floor((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu);
} else {
if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < 0) {
_root[s1] -= 1;
} else {
if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 0) {
_root[s1] += 1;
circular = function (astart, a, aplus) {
if (_root[a + 'started'] != 8) {
_root[a] = astart;
_root[a + 'started'] = 8;
if (_root[a] < 6.283185307179586) {
_root[a] += aplus;
} else {
_root[a] -= 6.283185307179586;
distance = function (x1, x2, y1, y2) {
return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
onMouseUp = function () {
mousepressed = false;
if (startrub > 1) {
startrub = 2;
if (bstartrub > 1) {
bstartrub = 2;
if (hstartrub > 1) {
hstartrub = 2;
rubbing = 0;
brubbing = 0;
hrubbing = 0;
mousemove = 0;
onMouseDown = function () {
mousepressed = true;
oversparkle = false;
MakeSparkle = function () {
var v1 = sparklespawner.attachMovie('sparkle', 'sparkle' + sparkleID, sparkleID);
v1.XV = 10 - Math.random() * 20;
v1.YV = -11;
v1.alphamax = v1.YV;
v1.alphamul = 1;
v1._y = 550;
v1._x = 50 + Math.random() * 700;
v1.storedpower = 0;
v1.Xtravelled = 0;
v1.dragged = 0;
v1.invisclicked = 0;
sparkleID += 1;
if (sparkleID > 50) {
sparkleID = 0;
if (bellysize != Tbellysize) {
if (bellydiff() > 1 || bellydiff() < -1) {
bellysize += Math.floor(bellydiff());
} else {
if (bellydiff() < 0) {
bellysize -= 1;
} else {
if (bellydiff() > 0) {
bellysize += 1;
var Bangle = 0;
var Banglechange = 0.5;
var BXSB = 400;
var BXIS = 400;
var BYSB = 315;
var BYIS = 315;
var boxes = new Array();
var boxesy = new Array();
var Barraymax = 14;
var boxmul = 2;
resetboxes = function () {
while (boxes.length < Barraymax) {
while (boxesy.length < Barraymax) {
box1._visible = true;
box2._visible = true;
box3._visible = true;
box4._visible = true;
box5._visible = true;
box6._visible = true;
box7._visible = true;
box8._visible = true;
box9._visible = true;
Learstart = rina.head.L_ear._rotation;
makeKick = function (kx, ky) {
var v2 = _root[activegirl2].belly.midpoint.attachMovie('babykick', 'kick' + kickID, kickID);
v2._x = kx;
v2._y = ky;
v2.centerx = 0;
v2.centery = 0;
v2._rotation * 360;
kickID += 1;
if (kickID > 200) {
kickID -= 100;
var birthstart = false;
signpost.onPress = function () {
birthstart = true;
BstartX = board._x;
BendX = 85;
BoardXSB = BstartX;
board.replay.onPress = function () {
bellysize = 0;
catch_baby._x = -100;
catch_baby._y = -100;
CBXSB = -100;
CBYSB = -100;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (birthing > 0) {
birthprogress += 1;
if (birthprogress == 50) {
charSpeak(curPhase + 10);
if (birthprogress == 100) {
BoardXSB = BendX; = false; = false; = false; = false; = false;[activegirl + '_baby']._visible = true;
board._txt.text = birthlines[activegirl]._line;
board._x += (BoardXSB - board._x) * 0.1;
if (redplus > 0) {
redplus = Math.max(0, redplus - 0.16);
purpplus += 0.052;
if (purpplus > 6.283185307179586) {
purplus -= 6.283185307179586;
Bangle += Banglechange;
BXIS += (BXSB - BXIS) * 0.19;
BYIS += (BYSB - BYIS) * 0.09;
boxes.push(BXIS + Math.sin(Bangle) * Math.max((BXSB - BXIS) * 5, 4));
if (boxes.length > Barraymax) {
boxes.splice(0, 1);
if (boxesy.length > Barraymax) {
boxesy.splice(0, 1);
if (success == true) {
success = false;
if (BYIS < 360) {
if (powerup > 0) {
powerup -= 5;
Tbellysize += 5;
if (Tbellysize > 400) {
Tbellysize = 400;
signpower += 10;
var v2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711935, signpower, 15, 15, 7, 3, false, true);
signpower = Math.max(0, signpower - signpower * 0.1);
signpost._alpha = signpower;
signpost._visible = true;
if (signpost._alpha <= 1) {
signpost._visible = false;
birthstart = false;
signpost.filters = [v2];
box1._x = boxes[0 * boxmul];
box1._y = boxesy[0 * boxmul];
box2._x = boxes[1 * boxmul];
box2._y = boxesy[1 * boxmul];
box3._x = boxes[2 * boxmul];
box3._y = boxesy[2 * boxmul];
box4._x = boxes[3 * boxmul];
box4._y = boxesy[3 * boxmul];
box5._x = boxes[4 * boxmul];
box5._y = boxesy[4 * boxmul];
box6._x = boxes[5 * boxmul];
box6._y = boxesy[5 * boxmul];
box7._x = boxes[6 * boxmul];
box7._y = boxesy[6 * boxmul];
box8._x = boxes[7 * boxmul];
box8._y = boxesy[7 * boxmul];
box9._x = boxes[8 * boxmul];
box9._y = boxesy[8 * boxmul];
oversparkle = false;
for (i in sparkles) {
if (sparkles[i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && sparkles[i]._alpha <= 5) {
oversparkle = true;
if (oversparkle == true) {
sparkledragged += 4;
if (sparkledragged > 0) {
sparkledragged -= 1;
if (sparkledragged > 60 && SabrinaUnlocked == false) {
SabrinaUnlocked = true;
AYSB = 635;
if (achievespeed > 0) {
achievespeed -= 1;
AYSB = 450;
smoothAdjust('AYIS', 'AYSB', 0.2);
achievement_txt._y = AYIS;
countdown('stateTimer', 0);
countdown('speechTimer', 0);
backupState = _root[activegirl + 'speech'][1000 + Math.floor(Tbellysize / 50)].backupstate;
if (stateTimer <= 5) {
if (secondline > -5000) {
charSpeak(secondline, false);
if (hstartrub > 0) {
hstartrub -= 1;
if (hstartrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) {
charSpeak(curPhase + 4);
if (bstartrub > 0) {
bstartrub -= 1;
if (bstartrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) {
charSpeak(curPhase + 6);
if (startrub > 0) {
startrub -= 1;
if (startrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) {
charSpeak(curPhase + 8);
if (mousemove > 1 && overhips == true && hstartrub > 0) {
hstartrub = 0;
if (hrubbing <= 0) {
charSpeak(curPhase + 5);
hrubbing = 10;
if (mousemove > 1 && overbelly == true && startrub > 0) {
startrub = 0;
if (rubbing <= 0) {
charSpeak(curPhase + 9);
rubbing = 10;
if (mousemove > 1 && overbreast == true && bstartrub > 0) {
bstartrub = 0;
if (brubbing <= 0) {
charSpeak(curPhase + 7);
brubbing = 10;
if (xmsb != _xmouse || ymsb != _ymouse) {
if (mousepressed == true) {
mousemove += distance(xmsb, _xmouse, ymsb, _ymouse) / 5;
xmsb = _xmouse;
ymsb = _ymouse;
if (rubbing > 0) {
rubbing -= 1;
if (brubbing > 0) {
brubbing -= 1;
if (hrubbing > 0) {
hrubbing -= 1;
if (mousemove > 0) {
mousemove -= 1;
if (mousemove > 20) {
mousemove = 20;
overbreast = false;
overbelly = false;
overhips = false;
if (_root[activegirl2].L_leg.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) {
overhips = true;
if (_root[activegirl2].R_leg.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) {
overhips = true;
if (_root[activegirl2].belly.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) {
overbelly = true;
if (_root[activegirl2].L_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) {
overbreast = true;
if (_root[activegirl2].R_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) {
overbreast = true;
if (speechTimer <= 0) {
countdown('forceDelay', 0);
if (forceDelay == 1) {
ranspeech = 7850;
if (forceDelay <= 0) {
countdown('ranspeech', 0);
if (Math.random() * 8000 > ranspeech) {
rannum = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranlines.length);
charSpeak(curPhase + ranlines[rannum], true);
ranlines.splice(rannum, 1);
if (ranlines.length <= 0) {
forceDelay = 40;
} else {
ranspeech = 8004;
if (sparkletimer > 0) {
sparkletimer -= 1;
} else {
sparkletimer = 55;
circular(0, 'headrot', 0.032);
circular(0, 'hairrot', 0.032);
circular(0, 'tailrot', 0.042);
circular(0, 'earrot', 0.045);
_root[activegirl2].head._rotation = Math.sin(headrot) * 3;
_root[activegirl2].backhair._rotation = Math.sin(hairrot) * 4;
_root[activegirl2].tail._rotation = Math.sin(tailrot) * 10;
_root[activegirl2].head.L_ear._rotation = Math.sin(earrot) * 5;
_root[activegirl2].head.R_ear._rotation = Math.sin(earrot) * -5;
rina.head.L_ear._rotation = Learstart + Math.sin(earrot) * 5;
bustsize = bellysize;
hipsize = bellysize;
minmax('Tbellysize', 1, 400);
smoothAdjust('bellysize', 'Tbellysize', 0.1);
smoothAdjust('bustsize', 'Tbustsize', 0.1);
smoothAdjust('hipsize', 'Thipsize', 0.1);
circular(0.4, 'testrot', 0.6);
curPhase = Math.floor(Tbellysize / 50) * 50 + Math.min(birthing, 1) * 50;
if (curPhase > nextPhase) {
nextPhase += 50;
charSpeak(curPhase, false);
if (speech_b._alpha < speechTimer * 10) {
speech_b._alpha += 10;
} else {
speech_b._alpha = speechTimer * 10;
if (speech_b._alpha > 100) {
speech_b._alpha = 100;
if (speech_b._alpha < 1) {
speech_b._visible = false;
} else {
speech_b._visible = true;
if (Tbellysize >= 300 && finished != 1) {
kickran += 1;
if (Math.random() * 5000 < Tbellysize + kickran && kickran > 0) {
kickran = -25;
if (Tbellysize < 401) {
bellysize -= 7 + Math.floor(Tbellysize / 60);
makeKick(25 - Math.random() * 50, 25 - Math.random() * 50);
} else {
kickran = 0;
if (debugging == true) {
debug_01.text = nextPhase;
debug_02.text = curPhase;
debug_03.text = birthlines[activegirl]._line;
} else {
debug_01.text = '';
debug_02.text = '';
debug_03.text = '';
waterfall._alpha = 35;
movieClip 134 {
movieClip 139 {
movieClip 142 {
movieClip 147 {
movieClip 152 {
movieClip 162 {
movieClip 167 {
movieClip 172 {
movieClip 174 {
movieClip 176 {
movieClip 180 {
movieClip 183 {
movieClip 187 {
movieClip 190 {
movieClip 192 {
movieClip 197 {
movieClip 313 {
frame 1 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 22 {
frame 23 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 24 {
frame 25 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 26 {
frame 27 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 28 {
frame 29 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 30 {
frame 31 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 32 {
frame 33 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 34 {
frame 35 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 36 {
frame 37 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 38 {
frame 39 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 40 {
frame 41 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 42 {
frame 43 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 44 {
frame 45 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 46 {
frame 47 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 48 {
frame 49 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 50 {
frame 51 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 52 {
frame 53 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 54 {
frame 55 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 56 {
frame 57 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 58 {
frame 59 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 60 {
frame 61 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 62 {
frame 63 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 64 {
frame 65 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 66 {
frame 67 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 68 {
frame 69 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 70 {
frame 71 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 72 {
frame 73 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 74 {
frame 75 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 76 {
frame 77 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 78 {
frame 79 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 80 {
frame 81 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 82 {
frame 83 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 84 {
frame 85 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 86 {
frame 87 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 88 {
frame 89 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 90 {
frame 91 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 92 {
frame 93 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 94 {
frame 95 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 96 {
frame 97 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 98 {
frame 99 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 100 {
frame 101 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 102 {
frame 103 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 104 {
frame 105 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 106 {
frame 107 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 108 {
frame 109 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 110 {
frame 111 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 112 {
frame 113 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 114 {
frame 115 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 116 {
frame 117 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 118 {
frame 119 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 120 {
frame 121 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 122 {
frame 123 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 124 {
frame 125 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 126 {
frame 127 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 128 {
frame 129 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 130 {
frame 131 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 132 {
frame 133 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 134 {
frame 135 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 136 {
frame 137 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 138 {
frame 139 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 140 {
frame 141 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 142 {
frame 143 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 144 {
frame 145 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 146 {
movieClip 340 {
frame 1 {
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frame 2 {
frame 3 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 22 {
frame 23 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 24 {
frame 25 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 26 {
frame 27 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 28 {
frame 29 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 30 {
frame 31 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 32 {
frame 33 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 34 {
frame 35 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 36 {
frame 37 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 38 {
frame 39 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 40 {
movieClip 341 {
movieClip 342 {
movieClip 344 {
movieClip 346 {
movieClip 350 {
movieClip 353 {
movieClip 362 {
frame 1 {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
movieClip 366 {
movieClip 369 {
movieClip 377 {
movieClip 382 {
movieClip 387 {
movieClip 392 {
movieClip 398 {
movieClip 401 {
movieClip 404 {
movieClip 408 {
movieClip 507 {
frame 2 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 5 {
frame 6 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 7 {
frame 8 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 9 {
frame 10 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 11 {
frame 12 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 13 {
frame 14 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 15 {
frame 16 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 17 {
frame 18 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 19 {
frame 20 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 21 {
frame 22 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 23 {
frame 24 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 25 {
frame 26 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 27 {
frame 28 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 29 {
frame 30 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 31 {
frame 32 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 33 {
frame 34 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 35 {
frame 36 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 37 {
frame 38 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 39 {
frame 40 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 41 {
frame 42 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 43 {
frame 44 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 45 {
frame 46 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 47 {
frame 48 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 49 {
frame 50 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 51 {
frame 52 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 53 {
frame 54 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 55 {
frame 56 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 57 {
frame 58 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 59 {
frame 60 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 61 {
frame 62 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 63 {
frame 64 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 65 {
frame 66 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 67 {
frame 68 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 69 {
frame 70 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 71 {
frame 72 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 73 {
frame 74 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 75 {
frame 76 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 77 {
frame 78 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 79 {
frame 80 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 81 {
frame 82 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 83 {
frame 84 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 85 {
frame 86 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 87 {
frame 88 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 89 {
frame 90 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 91 {
frame 92 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 93 {
frame 94 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 95 {
frame 96 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 97 {
frame 98 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 99 {
frame 100 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 101 {
frame 102 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 103 {
frame 104 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 105 {
frame 106 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 107 {
frame 108 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 109 {
frame 110 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 111 {
frame 112 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 113 {
frame 114 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 115 {
frame 116 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 117 {
frame 118 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 119 {
frame 120 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 121 {
frame 122 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 123 {
frame 124 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 125 {
frame 126 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 127 {
frame 128 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 129 {
movieClip 528 {
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frame 2 {
frame 3 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 22 {
frame 23 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 24 {
frame 25 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 26 {
frame 27 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 28 {
frame 29 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 30 {
frame 31 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 32 {
frame 33 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 34 {
movieClip 529 {
movieClip 530 {
movieClip 532 {
movieClip 535 {
movieClip 537 {
movieClip 540 {
movieClip 543 {
movieClip 549 {
movieClip 552 {
movieClip 558 {
movieClip 562 {
movieClip 567 {
movieClip 580 {
movieClip 585 {
movieClip 588 {
movieClip 591 {
movieClip 593 {
movieClip 598 {
movieClip 694 {
frame 1 {
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_CL = _currentframe;
frame 4 {
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_CL = _currentframe;
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frame 7 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
_CL = _currentframe;
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frame 21 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 22 {
frame 23 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 24 {
frame 25 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 26 {
frame 27 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 28 {
frame 29 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 30 {
frame 31 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 32 {
frame 33 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 34 {
frame 35 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 36 {
frame 37 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 38 {
frame 39 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 40 {
frame 41 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 42 {
frame 43 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 44 {
frame 45 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 46 {
frame 47 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 48 {
frame 49 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 50 {
frame 51 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 52 {
frame 53 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 54 {
frame 55 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 56 {
frame 57 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 58 {
frame 59 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 60 {
frame 61 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 62 {
frame 63 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 64 {
frame 65 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 66 {
frame 67 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 68 {
frame 69 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 70 {
frame 71 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 72 {
frame 73 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 74 {
frame 75 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 76 {
frame 77 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 78 {
frame 79 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 80 {
frame 81 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 82 {
frame 83 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 84 {
frame 85 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 86 {
frame 87 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 88 {
frame 89 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 90 {
frame 91 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 92 {
frame 93 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 94 {
frame 95 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 96 {
frame 97 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 98 {
frame 99 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 100 {
frame 101 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 102 {
frame 103 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 104 {
frame 105 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 106 {
frame 107 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 108 {
frame 109 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 110 {
frame 111 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 112 {
frame 113 {
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frame 114 {
frame 115 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 116 {
frame 117 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 118 {
movieClip 722 {
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frame 2 {
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_CL = _currentframe;
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_CL = _currentframe;
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_CL = _currentframe;
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_CL = _currentframe;
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frame 13 {
_CL = _currentframe;
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frame 15 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 22 {
frame 23 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 24 {
frame 25 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 26 {
frame 27 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 28 {
frame 29 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 30 {
frame 31 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 32 {
frame 33 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 34 {
frame 35 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 36 {
frame 37 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 38 {
frame 39 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 40 {
frame 41 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 42 {
frame 43 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 44 {
frame 45 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 46 {
movieClip 723 {
movieClip 724 {
movieClip 726 {
movieClip 728 {
movieClip 730 {
movieClip 735 {
movieClip 738 {
movieClip 740 {
movieClip 742 {
movieClip 747 {
movieClip 754 {
movieClip 759 {
movieClip 762 {
movieClip 765 {
movieClip 767 {
movieClip 770 {
movieClip 775 {
movieClip 833 {
frame 3 {
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_CL = _currentframe;
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_CL = _currentframe;
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_CL = _currentframe;
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 22 {
frame 23 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 24 {
frame 25 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 26 {
frame 27 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 28 {
frame 29 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 30 {
frame 31 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 32 {
frame 33 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 34 {
frame 35 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 36 {
frame 37 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 38 {
frame 39 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 40 {
frame 41 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 42 {
frame 43 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 44 {
frame 45 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 46 {
frame 47 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 48 {
frame 49 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 50 {
frame 51 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 52 {
frame 53 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 54 {
frame 55 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 56 {
frame 57 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 58 {
frame 59 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 60 {
frame 61 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 62 {
frame 63 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 64 {
frame 65 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 66 {
frame 67 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 68 {
frame 69 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 70 {
frame 71 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 72 {
frame 73 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 74 {
frame 75 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 76 {
movieClip 873 {
frame 1 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 22 {
frame 23 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 24 {
frame 25 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 26 {
frame 27 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 28 {
frame 29 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 30 {
frame 31 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 32 {
frame 33 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 34 {
frame 35 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 36 {
frame 37 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 38 {
frame 39 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 40 {
frame 41 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 42 {
frame 43 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 44 {
movieClip 874 {
movieClip 875 {
movieClip 878 {
movieClip 880 {
movieClip 882 {
movieClip 888 {
movieClip 890 {
movieClip 897 {
movieClip 899 {
movieClip 905 {
movieClip 910 {
movieClip 913 {
movieClip 916 {
movieClip 922 {
movieClip 930 {
movieClip 932 {
movieClip 937 {
movieClip 941 {
movieClip 943 {
frame 1 {
onEnterFrame = function () {
this._alpha = Math.max(this._alpha - this._alpha * 0.03, 0);
movieClip 948 {
movieClip 1042 {
frame 2 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 5 {
frame 6 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 7 {
frame 8 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 9 {
frame 10 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 11 {
frame 12 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 13 {
frame 14 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 15 {
frame 16 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 17 {
frame 18 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 19 {
frame 20 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 21 {
frame 22 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 23 {
frame 24 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 25 {
frame 26 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 27 {
frame 28 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 29 {
frame 30 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 31 {
frame 32 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 33 {
frame 34 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 35 {
frame 36 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 37 {
frame 38 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 39 {
frame 40 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 41 {
frame 42 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 43 {
frame 44 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 45 {
frame 46 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 47 {
frame 48 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 49 {
frame 50 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 51 {
frame 52 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 53 {
frame 54 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 55 {
frame 56 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 57 {
frame 58 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 59 {
frame 60 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 61 {
frame 62 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 63 {
frame 64 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 65 {
frame 66 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 67 {
frame 68 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 69 {
frame 70 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 71 {
frame 72 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 73 {
frame 74 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 75 {
frame 76 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 77 {
frame 78 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 79 {
frame 80 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 81 {
frame 82 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 83 {
frame 84 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 85 {
frame 86 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 87 {
frame 88 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 89 {
frame 90 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 91 {
frame 92 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 93 {
frame 94 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 95 {
frame 96 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 97 {
frame 98 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 99 {
frame 100 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 101 {
frame 102 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 103 {
frame 104 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 105 {
frame 106 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 107 {
frame 108 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 109 {
frame 110 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 111 {
frame 112 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 113 {
frame 114 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 115 {
frame 116 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 117 {
frame 118 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 119 {
frame 120 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 121 {
movieClip 1070 {
frame 1 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 22 {
frame 23 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 24 {
frame 25 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 26 {
frame 27 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 28 {
frame 29 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 30 {
frame 31 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 32 {
frame 33 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 34 {
frame 35 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 36 {
frame 37 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 38 {
frame 39 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 40 {
frame 41 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 42 {
frame 43 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 44 {
frame 45 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 46 {
frame 47 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 48 {
frame 49 {
_CL = _currentframe;
frame 50 {
movieClip 1072 {
movieClip 1073 {
movieClip 1116 {
movieClip 1120 {
movieClip 1126 {
frame 1 {
_currentlabel = 'splash';
frame 21 {
// unknown tag 88 length 282
movieClip 1131 {
movieClip 1134 {
frame 1 {
this.yspeed = this._y;
this.ywas = this._y;
onEnterFrame = function () {
this._rotation += 22;
this.yspeed = this._y - this.ywas;
this.ywas = this._y;
this.maskblock._y += this.yspeed;
if (_root.distance(this._x, _root.BXSB, this._y, _root.BYSB) < 15) {
this._xscale -= 15;
this._xscale = _root.distance(this._x, _root.BXSB, this._y, _root.BYSB);
if (Math.random() > 0.98) {
this._xscale = 50;
this._yscale = this._xscale;
this._alpha = this._xscale * 3;
if (_root.distance(this._x, _root.BXSB, this._y, _root.BYSB) < 4) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
movieClip 1144 {
frame 1 {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root.catch_baby._x;
this._y = _root.catch_baby._y;
_alpha = _root.catch_baby.rotplus;
frame 20 {
movieClip 1145 {
frame 1 {
rotplus = 0;
red._alpha = rotplus;
onEnterFrame = function () {
this._rotation += 15 + rotplus;
if (_root.birthing >= 1) {
rotplus += 1;
this._x += (_root.CBXSB - this._x) * 0.1;
this._y += (_root.CBYSB - this._y) * 0.1;
frame 1 {
movieClip 1150 {
movieClip 1151 {
movieClip 1156 {
movieClip 1158 {
movieClip 1164 {
movieClip 1169 {
movieClip 1174 {
movieClip 1176 {
movieClip 1181 {
movieClip 1183 {
movieClip 1184 {
frame 1 {
rot1 = 0;
rot1plus = 0.15;
rot2 = 0;
rot2plus = 0.1;
LESR = head.L_ear._rotation;
if (this._visible == true) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
rot1 += rot1plus;
if (rot1 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot1 -= 6.283185307179586;
rot2 += rot2plus;
if (rot2 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot2 -= 6.283185307179586;
head._rotation = Math.sin(rot1) * 5;
head.L_ear._rotation = LESR + Math.sin(-rot2) * 3;
head.R_ear._rotation = Math.sin(rot2) * 3;
L_arm._rotation = Math.sin(rot1) * 5;
R_arm._rotation = Math.sin(rot1) * 5;
movieClip 1187 {
movieClip 1189 {
movieClip 1192 {
movieClip 1196 {
movieClip 1199 {
movieClip 1200 {
frame 1 {
rot1 = 0;
rot1plus = 0.22;
rot2 = 0;
rot2plus = 0.315;
R_legstartrot = R_leg._rotation;
R_armstartrot = R_arm._rotation;
L_earstartrot = head.L_ear._rotation;
if (this._visible == true) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
rot1 += rot1plus;
if (rot1 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot1 -= 6.283185307179586;
rot2 += rot2plus;
if (rot2 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot2 -= 6.283185307179586;
_rotation = Math.sin(rot1) * 5;
L_leg._rotation = Math.sin(-rot1) * 5;
R_leg._rotation = R_legstartrot + Math.sin(-rot1) * 5;
L_arm._rotation = Math.sin(rot2) * 5;
R_arm._rotation = R_armstartrot + Math.sin(-rot2) * 5;
head.R_ear._rotation = Math.sin(rot2) * 6;
head.L_ear._rotation = L_earstartrot + Math.sin(-rot2) * 6;
movieClip 1203 {
movieClip 1205 {
movieClip 1207 {
movieClip 1211 {
movieClip 1217 {
movieClip 1219 {
movieClip 1220 {
frame 1 {
rot1 = 0;
rot1plus = 0.096;
rot2 = 0;
rot2plus = 0.14;
HSY = head._y;
TSY = tuft._y;
RLSY = R_leg._y;
LLSY = L_leg._y;
LERS = head.L_ear._rotation;
if (this._visible == true) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
rot1 += rot1plus;
if (rot1 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot1 -= 6.283185307179586;
rot2 += rot2plus;
if (rot2 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot2 -= 6.283185307179586;
head._y = HSY + Math.abs(Math.sin(rot1)) * 15;
tuft._y = TSY + Math.abs(Math.sin(rot1)) * 10;
R_leg._y = RLSY + Math.abs(Math.sin(rot1)) * 7;
R_leg._rotation = Math.abs(Math.cos(rot1)) * 7;
L_leg._y = LLSY + Math.abs(Math.sin(rot1)) * 7;
L_leg._rotation = Math.abs(Math.cos(rot1)) * -7;
head.L_ear._rotation = LERS + Math.sin(-rot2) * 5;
head.R_ear._rotation = Math.sin(rot2) * 5;
movieClip 1222 {
movieClip 1224 {
movieClip 1226 {
movieClip 1228 {
movieClip 1233 {
movieClip 1237 {
movieClip 1238 {
movieClip 1240 {
movieClip 1242 {
movieClip 1243 {
frame 1 {
rot1 = 0;
rot1plus = 0.092;
rot2 = 0;
rot2plus = 0.18;
if (this._visible == true) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
rot1 += rot1plus;
if (rot1 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot1 -= 6.283185307179586;
rot2 += rot2plus;
if (rot2 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot2 -= 6.283185307179586;
_rotation = Math.sin(rot1) * 5;
F_arm._rotation = Math.sin(rot2) * 8;
R_arm._rotation = Math.sin(rot2 - Math.PI) * 8;
F_leg._rotation = Math.sin(rot2) * 8;
R_leg._rotation = Math.sin(rot2) * 8;
tail._rotation = Math.sin(rot2) * 15;
head._rotation = Math.cos(rot2) * 7;
movieClip 1245 {
movieClip 1250 {
movieClip 1253 {
movieClip 1256 {
movieClip 1261 {
movieClip 1263 {
movieClip 1264 {
frame 1 {
rot1 = 0;
rot1plus = 0.07099999999999999;
rot2 = 0;
rot2plus = 0.054;
LESR = head.L_ear._rotation;
if (this._visible == true) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
rot1 += rot1plus;
if (rot1 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot1 -= 6.283185307179586;
rot2 += rot2plus;
if (rot2 > 6.283185307179586) {
rot2 -= 6.283185307179586;
head._rotation = Math.sin(rot1) * 4;
head.L_ear._rotation = LESR + Math.sin(rot2) * 6;
head.R_ear._rotation = Math.sin(-rot2) * 6;
tail._rotation = Math.sin(rot2) * 11;
movieClip 1265 {
movieClip 1266 {
movieClip 1270 {
movieClip 1271 {
movieClip 1274 {
// unknown tag 88 length 282