Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Prehistoric Shark.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #216381

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 7 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 11 { } movieClip 13 { } movieClip 15 { } movieClip 16 { } button 18 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) {; } _root.pausenmenu.button2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pausenmenu.button3.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { _root.pausenmenu.button2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenmenu.button3.gotoAndStop(1); } on (press) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('replay'); } } movieClip 20 { } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 23 { } movieClip 24 { } movieClip 25 { } movieClip 26 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 33 { } button 34 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) {; } _root.pausenmenu.button1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pausenmenu.button3.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { _root.pausenmenu.button1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenmenu.button3.gotoAndStop(1); } on (press) { if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if (_root.auskunft.laufend == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; };;; if ( == 1) {; } if (_root.spidersigns.laufend == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {;; } if (_root.spidersigns.spider1.laufend == 1) {; }; if ( == 1) {;; } if (_root.spidersigns.spider2.laufend == 1) {; }; if ( == 1) {;; } if (_root.spidersigns.spider3.laufend == 1) {; }; if ( == 1) {;; } if (_root.spidersigns.spider4.laufend == 1) {; }; if ( == 1) {;; } if (_root.spidersigns.spider5.laufend == 1) {; }; if ( == 1) {;; } if (_root.spidersigns.spider6.laufend == 1) {; }; if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) { _root.soundeffects = 1; if (_root.wasserhahn == 1) { _root.waterfall.setVolume(30); } _root.saurier.setVolume(100); _root.alerto.setVolume(47); } if (_root.hauptmusikb == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(40); if (_root.cave == 1) { _root.caveloop.setVolume(85); } } if ( == 1) {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.buntvoegel1.setVolume(25); } } _root.pausierenx = 0;;;;;; if (_root.skalo.laufend == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; };;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; }; if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; };;;;; if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; }; if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if (_root.flugbirds == 1) { _root.buntvoegel.setVolume(80); } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; };; _root.pauseaudio.inner.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenscripts.inner.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenmenu.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 37 { } movieClip 39 { } movieClip 40 { } movieClip 41 { } movieClip 42 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 46 { } movieClip 48 { } movieClip 49 { } button 50 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) {; } _root.pausenmenu.button2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pausenmenu.button1.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { _root.pausenmenu.button2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenmenu.button1.gotoAndStop(1); } on (press) {; } } movieClip 52 { } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 55 { } movieClip 56 { } movieClip 57 { } movieClip 58 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 61 { frame 2 { _root.stopuhr.zaehler.stop(); stop(); } } movieClip 63 { } movieClip 67 { } movieClip 69 { } button 71 { on (press) { _root.soundeffectsb = 0; _root.soundeffects = 0; nextFrame(); } } button 73 { on (press) { _root.soundeffectsb = 1; _root.soundeffects = 1; prevFrame(); } } movieClip 74 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffectsb == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } button 76 { on (press) { _root.hauptmusikb = 0; _root.hauptmusik = 0; nextFrame(); } } button 78 { on (press) { _root.hauptmusikb = 1; _root.hauptmusik = 1; prevFrame(); } } movieClip 79 { frame 1 { if (_root.hauptmusikb == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 81 { } button 82 { on (press) {; } } movieClip 83 { } movieClip 84 { frame 1 { _root.pausenmenu.button1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenmenu.button2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenmenu.button3.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) {; } } frame 2 { _root.pausenmenu.button1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pausenmenu.button2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pausenmenu.button3.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) {; } } } movieClip 86 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 89 { } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 92 { } button 94 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) {; } _root.pausenmenu.button1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pausenmenu.button3.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { _root.pausenmenu.button1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenmenu.button3.gotoAndStop(1); } on (press) { if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if (_root.hauptmusikb == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(20); _root.bongo.setVolume(35); _root.alertbird.setVolume(40); } if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) { _root.soundeffects = 1; _root.flattern.setVolume(70); if (_root.wasserhahn == 1) { _root.waterfall.setVolume(30); } if ( == 1) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); } if ( == 2) { _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; }; _root.pausierenx = 0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; };;;;; if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; } if ( == 1) {; };; _root.pauseaudio.inner.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenscripts.inner.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenmenu.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 95 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 96 pausenmenu { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 {; _root.stopuhr.zaehler.stop(); _root._y = _root.vertikal; } frame 3 {; _root.stopuhr.zaehler.stop(); _root._y = _root.vertikal; } } movieClip 105 { frame 1 { label -12251: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2892 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -160 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 177) {  += 121; true; } if ( == 713) { for (;;) {  += 93; if ( == 540) {  += 246; goto 1621; continue; } if ( == 922) {  -= 382; } if ( == 983) {  -= 147; ''; } if ( == 724) {  += 208; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  -= 219; } if ( == 886) {  += 89; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 548; }  -= 763; label 548: } if ( != 786) break;  -= 786; if ( == 173) {  += 713; true; } if ( == 501) {  += 421; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 737; }  -= 382; label 737: } if ( != 174) break;  += 632; if ( == 331) {  += 170; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( == 836) {  -= 505; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 806) {  -= 131; ''; 1; } if ( != 675) break;  += 308; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; if ( == 975) {  -= 763; goto -12251; } if ( != 932) goto 1152;  -= 219; break; label 1152:  -= 263;  += 510;  += 775;  -= 327; for (;;) {  += 46;  -= 421; break;  += 250; } }  != 987; true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 1621: } } movieClip 107 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 109 { frame 37 { _parent.setGotoFrame('done'); stop(); } } movieClip 111 { } movieClip 113 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Medal_Icon_Placeholder { } movieClip 120 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Medal_Popup { frame 1 { label -6924: label -4254: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (737 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 9 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 235) {  += 132; true; } if ( == 894) { for (;;) {  -= 891; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; if ( == 434) {  += 345; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  += 29; } if ( == 268) {  += 166; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( != 465) break;  += 77; goto -4254; if ( == 313) {  += 206; true; } if ( == 718) {  -= 422; } if ( == 542) {  -= 355; } if ( == 367) {  -= 135; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  += 252; } if ( == 561) {  -= 235; } if ( == 296) {  -= 105; true; } if ( != 856) break;  -= 669; if ( == 779) {  += 29; } if ( == 484) {  -= 171; } if ( != 191) break;  -= 128; goto 1103; label 1103: if ( == 3) {  += 953; ''; } if ( == 808) {  -= 490; break; goto 1956; }  += 556; break; for (;;) { if ( == 63) {  -= 54; } } for (;;) { if ( == 588) {  -= 408; } }  += 401;  += 185;  += 252; continue;  += 541; goto -6924;  += 568;  -= 293;  -= 318;  -= 688;  -= 425; }  != 187; true; ''; eval(1); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Unknown action: 0xfc } frame 2 { medal.attachIcon(icon); } frame 10 { label -12328: label -12070: label -1091: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2142 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 78 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 176) {  += 609; true; } if ( != 293) break; for (;;) {  += 436; goto -12328; if ( == 306) {  += 231; } if ( == 832) {  += 5; true; } if ( == 890) {  += 93; } if ( != 361) break;  += 176; if ( == 424) {  += 286; } if ( == 784) {  -= 784; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( != 537) goto 666;  += 356; label 666:  += 909;  -= 455;  += 716; if ( == 896) {  -= 447; }  += 515;  += 342; if ( == 0) {  += 890; } if ( == 893) { for (;;) {  -= 600; } }  -= 210; var eval( != 317) =  != 255; for (;;) { if (!true) {  -= 347; } }  -= 25; goto -1091; for (;;) { if ( == 449) {  -= 224; } }  -= 252; break;  -= 791;  -= 170;  -= 121; goto -12070;  -= 150; for (;;) {  -= 549; for (;;) {  -= 124; } }  -= 859; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } true;  != 45; ''; ''; 1; eval( != 613); } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); _visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 126 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Login_Warning { frame 1 { label -12833: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2309 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 253 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 518) {  -= 105; true; } if ( == 491) { for (;;) {  += 855; if ( == 413) {  += 520; if (!'') { break; }  -= 739; } if ( == 194) {  += 184; } if ( != 913) break;  -= 889; continue; goto 1626; if ( == 482) {  -= 443; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = ''; } if ( == 894) {  -= 669; } if ( == 954) {  -= 472; } } else {}  += 117; if ( == 39) { if ( == 38) {  += 423; break; }  += 503;  -= 308;  += 574;  -= 739; goto -12833;  += 231;  -= 419;  += 63; for (;;) {  -= 24;  += 346;  -= 46; for (;;) {  += 151; for (;;) {  += 275;  -= 2; } } }  -= 338; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Unknown action: 0xfc '' ::: ; } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); _visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 129 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Connection_Error { frame 1 { label -6271: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1793 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 705 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 965) {  -= 568; true; } if ( == 764) { for (;;) {  += 3; if ( != 920) break;  -= 156; if ( == 28) {  += 917; } if ( == 698) {  -= 334; } if ( == 277) {  += 421; } if ( != 537) break;  -= 509; if ( == 397) {  += 266; if (true ::: !true ::: eval(true ::: !true)) goto 570; continue; label 570:  += 62; } if ( != 364) break;  += 482; if (!(true ::: !true ::: eval(true ::: !true))) { } else {  -= 724; } if ( == 725) {  += 39; } if ( == 151) {  += 216; goto -6271; } if ( != 945) break;  -= 595; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; if ( == 767) {  -= 616; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) goto 892; continue; label 892:  += 216; } if ( == 367) {  -= 339; } if ( == 663) {  += 62; break; } if ( == 350) {  -= 73; ''; } if ( != 846) goto 1182;  -= 724; label 1182:  += 346; goto 1297; goto 1293;  -= 468; }  != 122; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Unknown action: 0xfc label 1297: } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); _visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 135 { } movieClip 137 { } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 141 { } movieClip 143 { } movieClip 145 { } movieClip 147 { } movieClip 149 { } movieClip 150 NewgroundsAPIAsset_big_popup_background { frame 1 { label -18476: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (827 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 669 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 985) {  -= 86; true; } if ( == 439) { for (;;) {  += 812; if ( == 545) {  += 156; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  -= 450; } if ( == 497) {  -= 229; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( != 702) break;  -= 400; if ( == 701) {  -= 450; continue; } if ( == 899) {  += 77; if (!true) { goto 547; }  -= 534; label 547: } if ( != 816) break;  -= 377; if ( == 251) {  += 565; } if ( == 923) {  -= 221; } } else {}  -= 116; if (!true) { } else {  += 234; } if ( == 4) {  -= 534; if ( == 976) { } if ( != 323) break;  += 234; goto -18476; if ( == 968) {  -= 553; break; } if ( != 557) goto 1029;  += 145; label 1029:  -= 96;  += 96; for (;;) { if ( == 442) {  += 666; } }  += 162;  += 199;  += 165; break; goto 1960;  -= 47;  -= 105;  += 166; var  = 1;  -= 111;  -= 30;  += 364;  -= 18;  -= 779; } true;  != 415; true;  != 638; ; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Unknown action: 0xfc } } button 154 { on (release) { label -25899: label -16580: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2726 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 118 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 289) {  += 703; true; } if ( == 628) { for (;;) {  -= 63; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 235; }  += 53; label 235: if ( != 859) break;  += 37; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( != 896) break;  -= 852; if (undefined) { goto 369; }  += 682; label 369: if ( == 618) {  -= 553; } if ( == 279) {  -= 15; goto -16580; } if ( == 19) {  += 840; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack } else {  += 107; break; if ( == 726) { } if ( == 732) {  -= 319; } if ( == 857) {  -= 280; } if ( == 827) {  -= 74; if (!eval(undefined)) { break; }  -= 21; } if ( == 712) {  += 115; } if ( == 397) {  += 315; } if ( != 264) break;  += 448; if ( == 413) {  += 215; } if ( == 577) {  -= 481; } if ( != 617) goto 1135;  -= 40; label 1135:  -= 136;  += 357; continue;  += 53; goto -25899; for (;;) {  -= 355; var eval(eval(undefined)) =  != 549;  -= 221;  -= 732; for (;;) {  += 183; } }  -= 21; break;  -= 243;  += 530;  += 682;  -= 833; ''; ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } button 160 { on (release) { getURL(official_version_url, '_blank'); } } movieClip 162 NewgroundsAsset_New_Version_Available { frame 1 { label -14682: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (980 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -291 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 178) {  += 237; true; } if ( == 100) { for (;;) {  += 80; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 235; }  += 713; label 235: if ( == 893) {  -= 86; goto 1296; break; } if ( == 844) {  -= 744; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( == 678) {  -= 541; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  -= 116; } if ( == 111) {  += 96; } if ( == 121) {  += 723; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( != 993) break;  -= 947; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; if ( == 21) {  += 553; } if ( == 415) {  += 317; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 725; }  += 16; label 725: } if ( != 574) break;  += 419; if ( == 180) {  += 713; } if ( == 732) {  += 16; goto -14682; } if ( != 748) break;  -= 541; if ( == 207) {  += 471; } if ( == 807) {  -= 807; } if ( != 46) goto 1165;  += 75; label 1165:  -= 332;  -= 116; break; } ''; 1; '';  != 906; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 1296: } } button 163 { on (release) { getURL(official_version_url, '_blank'); } } movieClip 167 NewgroundsAsset_Illegal_Host { frame 1 { label -7924: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2307 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -142 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 121) {  += 383; true; } if ( == 505) { for (;;) {  += 45; if ( != 418) break;  += 276; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 661) {  -= 104; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = !undefined; } if ( == 134) {  += 305; } if ( == 439) {  += 176; goto 1296; } else { if ( == 301) {  += 243; break; } if ( != 544) goto 592;  += 6; label 592: if ( == 694) {  -= 560; for (;;) { } } if ( == 557) {  += 388; } if ( != 550) goto 786;  += 359; label 786:  += 409;  -= 527;  += 561; goto -7924; for (;;) { if (!eval( != 567)) {  -= 903; } }  -= 615;  -= 315;  += 89;  -= 203; } } !undefined; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 1296: } } movieClip 168 API Connector (NewgroundsAPI) { #initclip Object.registerClass('API Connector (NewgroundsAPI)', com.newgrounds.components.APIConnector); #endinitclip frame 20 { _visible = false; } } button 198 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.loadNewgrounds(); } } movieClip 203 { frame 1 { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (865 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -67 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 287) {  += 374; true; } if ( == 963) { for (;;) {  -= 28; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; if ( != 753) break;  -= 514; if ( == 211) {  += 348; } if ( == 140) {  += 608; goto 1279; continue; } } else {}  -= 521; if ( == 239) { if ( == 829) {  -= 268; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( != 913) goto 556;  -= 160; label 556: if ( == 975) {  -= 678; for (;;) { } } if ( == 238) {  += 737; true; } if ( != 6) goto 744;  += 747; label 744:  -= 291; break;  += 270; if ( == 661) {  += 302; }  -= 204;  -= 753; if ( == 561) {  += 398; }  -= 819;  -= 748; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 1279: ''; 1; } } movieClip 204 { frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 205 Flash Ad (NewgroundsAPI) { #initclip Object.registerClass('Flash Ad (NewgroundsAPI)', com.newgrounds.components.FlashAd); #endinitclip } frame 1 { mochi.as2.MochiServices.connect('10f2b880a83098ea'); Stage.showMenu = false; Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale'; titelmusi = 0; stop(); } movieClip 209 { } button 213 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 219 { } movieClip 220 { instance of movieClip 205 Flash Ad (NewgroundsAPI) { onClipEvent (construct) { show_background = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._lockroot = true; } } } movieClip 222 { } instance of movieClip 168 API Connector (NewgroundsAPI) { onClipEvent (construct) { api_id = '34509:Wtp1EV4S'; encryption_key = 'JQ68kbgrzB0ViwPEA5T3rMeGtcHKlLEp'; version = '1'; fake_session = false; debug = false; error_screens = false; medal_popups = false; } } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 231 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 241 { } movieClip 244 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 251 { } movieClip 252 { } movieClip 254 { } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 256 { } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 259 { } button 260 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.loadNewgrounds(); } } movieClip 263 { } button 269 { on (press) { stopAllSounds(); startMovie(); } } movieClip 271 { frame 1 { function timerHandler() { if (!loadingComplete) { var v4 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); bar._xscale = 100 * v4; if (v4 == 1) { loadingComplete = true; if (AUTO_PLAY) { startMovie(); } else { gotoAndStop('loaded'); } return undefined; } } dt = getTimer() - time; time += dt; frameAccum += dt; var v3 = 0; for (;;) { if (!(frameAccum >= FRAME_TIME && v3 < MAX_FRAME_SKIP)) break; advanceFrame(tankLogo, true, true); advanceFrame(loadingText, false, true); advanceFrame(barGfx, false, true); if (loadingComplete) { advanceFrame(this, false, false); } frameAccum -= FRAME_TIME; v3++; } updateAfterEvent(); } function advanceFrame(clip, recurse, loop) { if (!clip) { return undefined; } clip.stop(); if (clip._currentframe == clip._totalframes) { if (loop) { clip.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { clip.nextFrame(); } if (recurse) { for (childName in clip) { if (typeof clip[childName] == 'movieclip') { advanceFrame(clip[childName], recurse, loop); } } } } function startMovie() { clearInterval(intervalId);; } _root.stop(); stop(); var FRAME_TIME = 33.33333333333334; var AUTO_PLAY = false; var MAX_FRAME_SKIP = 5; var loadingComplete; var intervalId; var time; var frameAccum; loadingComplete = false; intervalId = setInterval(this, 'timerHandler', FRAME_TIME / 2); frameAccum = 0; time = getTimer(); timerHandler(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.foregroundx.nextFrame(); } } instance dd of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _quality = 'high'; } } movieClip 273 { } movieClip 7033 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher) { var v1 = function () { this.eventTable = {}; }; mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.buildDelegate = function (thisObject, thatObject) { var v2 = {'thisObject': thisObject, 'thatObject': thatObject}; if (thatObject != undefined) { var funct = (typeof thatObject == 'string') ? thisObject[thatObject] : thatObject; v2.delegate = function (args) {, args); }; return v2; } v2.delegate = thisObject; return v2; }; v2.compareDelegate = function (d_A, d_B) { if (d_A.thisObject != d_B.thisObject || d_A.thatObject != d_B.thatObject) { return false; } return true; }; v2.addEventListener = function (event, thisObject, thatObject) { this.removeEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject); this.eventTable[event].push(this.buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject)); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, thisObject, thatObject) { var v3 = this.buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject); if (this.eventTable[event] == undefined) { this.eventTable[event] = []; return undefined; } for (var v4 in this.eventTable[event]) { if (!this.compareDelegate(this.eventTable[event][v4], v3)) { continue; } this.eventTable[event].splice(Number(v4), 1); } }; v2.triggerEvent = function (event, args) { if (this.eventTable[event] == undefined) { return undefined; } for (var v4 in this.eventTable[event]) { this.eventTable[event][v4].delegate(args); } }; ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7034 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiServices { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiServices) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiServices = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__id = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._id; }; v1.__get__clip = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._container; }; v1.__get__childClip = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip; }; v1.getVersion = function () { return '4.1.2 as2'; }; v1.allowDomains = function (server) { var v1 = ((server.split('/'))[2].split(':'))[0]; if ( { if ( {'*');; } if ( {'*');; } } return v1; }; v1.__get__isNetworkAvailable = function () { if ( { var v1 =; if (v1.sandboxType == 'localWithFile') { return false; } } return true; }; v1.__set__comChannelName = function (val) { if (val != undefined) { if (val.length > 3) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName = val + '_fromgame'; mochi.as2.MochiServices.initComChannels(); } } return mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__comChannelName(); }; v1.__get__connected = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected; }; v1.connect = function (id, clip, onError) { if (onError != undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = onError; } else { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError == undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode) { trace(errorCode); }; } } mochi.as2.MochiServices.warnID(id, false); if (!mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected && mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip == undefined) { trace('MochiServices Connecting...'); mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting = true; mochi.as2.MochiServices.init(id, clip); } }; v1.disconnect = function () { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected || mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected = false; mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting = mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected; mochi.as2.MochiServices.flush(true); if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip != undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip.removeMovieClip(); delete mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip; } mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.close(); } }; v1.init = function (id, clip) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._id = id; if (clip != undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._container = clip; } else { mochi.as2.MochiServices._container = _root; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.loadCommunicator(id, mochi.as2.MochiServices._container); }; v1.loadCommunicator = function (id, clip) { var v6 = '_mochiservices_com_' + id; var v5 = new MovieClipLoader(); var v3 = {}; if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip != null) { return mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip; } if (!mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__isNetworkAvailable()) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError('NotConnected'); return null; } if ((mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servURL) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._servURL = (mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servURL; } var v4 = mochi.as2.MochiServices._servURL + mochi.as2.MochiServices._services; if ((mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servicesURL) { v4 = (mochi.as2.MochiServices.urlOptions()).servicesURL; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.allowDomains(v4); mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(v6, 10336, false); mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName += Math.floor((new Date()).getTime()) + '_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); mochi.as2.MochiServices.listen(); if (v3.waitInterval != null) { clearInterval(v3.waitInterval); } v3.onLoadError = mochi.as2.MochiServices.loadError; v3.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) { this.isLoading = true; }; v3.onLoadComplete = function (target_mc) { target_mc.MochiServices = mochi.as2.MochiServices; }; v3.startTime = getTimer(); v3.wait = function () { if (getTimer() - this.startTime > 10000) { if (!this.isLoading) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError('IOError'); } clearInterval(this.waitInterval); } }; v3.waitInterval = setInterval(v3, 'wait', 1000); v5.addListener(v3); v5.loadClip(v4 + '?listenLC=' + mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName + '&mochiad_options=' + escape(_root.mochiad_options) + '&api_version=' + mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(), mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip); mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue = []; return mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip; }; v1.loadError = function (target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { trace('MochiServices could not load.'); mochi.as2.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError(errorCode); }; v1.onStatus = function (infoObject) { if (infoObject.level !== 'error') { } else { mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected = false; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.connect(mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName); } }; v1.listen = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.handshake = function (args) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.__set__comChannelName(args.newChannel); }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return true; }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain = mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.allowDomain; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID = 0; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks = {}; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.connect(mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannelName); trace('Waiting for MochiAds services to connect...'); }; v1.initComChannels = function () { if (!mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', {'methodName': 'handshakeDone'}); mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', {'methodName': 'registerGame', 'id': mochi.as2.MochiServices._id, 'version': mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()}); mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onReceive = function (pkg) { var v5 = pkg.callbackID; var v4 = this._callbacks[v5]; if (!v4) { return undefined; } var v2 = v4.callbackMethod; var v3 = v4.callbackObject; if (v3 && typeof v2 == 'string') { v2 = v3[v2]; } if (v2 != undefined) { v2.apply(v3, pkg.args); } delete this._callbacks[v5]; }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onEvent = function (pkg) { switch ( { case 'services': mochi.as2.MochiServices.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case 'events': mochi.as2.MochiEvents.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case 'coins': mochi.as2.MochiCoins.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); break; case 'social': mochi.as2.MochiSocial.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); } }; mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel.onError = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError('IOError'); }; trace('[SERVICES_API] connected!'); mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting = false; mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected = true; while (mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.shift()); } } }; v1.flush = function (error) { var v1; var v2; while (mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { v1 = mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.shift(); false; if (v1.callbackID != null) { v2 = mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks[v1.callbackID]; } delete mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks[v1.callbackID]; if (error) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.handleError(v1.args, v2.callbackObject, v2.callbackMethod); } } }; v1.handleError = function (args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (args != null) { if (args.onError != null) { args.onError('NotConnected'); } if (args.options != null && args.options.onError != null) { args.options.onError('NotConnected'); } } if (callbackMethod != null) { args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = 'NotConnected'; if (callbackObject != null && typeof callbackMethod == 'string') { callbackObject[callbackMethod](args); } else { if (callbackMethod != null) { callbackMethod.apply(args); } } } }; v1.send = function (methodName, args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel.send(mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannelName, 'onReceive', {'methodName': methodName, 'args': args, 'callbackID': mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } else { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices._clip == undefined || !mochi.as2.MochiServices._connecting) { trace('Error: MochiServices not connected. Please call MochiServices.connect(). Function: ' + methodName); mochi.as2.MochiServices.handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod); mochi.as2.MochiServices.flush(true); return undefined; } else { mochi.as2.MochiServices._sendChannel._queue.push({'methodName': methodName, 'args': args, 'callbackID': mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } } mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._callbacks[mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID] = {'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'callbackMethod': callbackMethod}; ++mochi.as2.MochiServices._listenChannel._nextcallbackID; }; v1.urlOptions = function () { var v5 = {}; var v6; if (_root._url.indexOf('mochiad_options') != -1) { var v2 = _root._url.indexOf('mochiad_options') + 'mochiad_options'.length + 1; v6 = _root._url.substr(v2, _root._url.length); } else { if (_root.mochiad_options) { v6 = _root.mochiad_options; } } if (v6) { var v4 = _root.mochiad_options.split('&'); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.length) { var v3 = v4[v2].split('='); v5[unescape(v3[0])] = unescape(v3[1]); ++v2; } } return v5; }; v1.warnID = function (bid, leaderboard) { bid = bid.toLowerCase(); if (bid.length != 16) { trace('WARNING: ' + (leaderboard ? 'board' : 'game') + ' ID is not the appropriate length'); return undefined; } else { if (bid == '1e113c7239048b3f') { if (leaderboard) { trace('WARNING: Using testing board ID'); } else { trace('WARNING: Using testing board ID as game ID'); } return undefined; } else { if (bid == '84993a1de4031cd8') { if (leaderboard) { trace('WARNING: Using testing game ID as board ID'); } else { trace('WARNING: Using testing game ID'); } return undefined; } } } var v1 = 0; while (v1 < bid.length) { switch (bid.charAt(v1)) { if (bid.charAt(v1) !== 'f') { } else { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'a': break; case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': } default: trace('WARNING: Board ID contains illegal characters: ' + bid); return undefined; } ++v1; } }; v1.addLinkEvent = function (url, burl, btn, onClick) { var timeout = 1500; var t0 = getTimer(); var v2 = new Object(); v2.mav = mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(); v2.swfv = btn.getSWFVersion() || 6; v2.swfurl = btn._url; v2.fv = System.capabilities.version; v2.os = System.capabilities.os; v2.lang = System.capabilities.language; v2.scres = System.capabilities.screenResolutionX + 'x' + System.capabilities.screenResolutionY; var s = '?'; var v3 = 0; for (var v6 in v2) { if (v3 != 0) { s += '&'; } ++v3; s = s + v6 + '=' + escape(v2[v6]); } if (!(mochi.as2.MochiServices.netupAttempted || mochi.as2.MochiServices._connected)) { var ping = btn.createEmptyMovieClip('ping', 777); var v7 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip('nettest', 778); mochi.as2.MochiServices.netupAttempted = true; ping.loadMovie('' + getTimer()); v7.onEnterFrame = function () { if (ping._totalframes > 0 && ping._totalframes == ping._framesloaded) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { if (getTimer() - t0 > timeout) { delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup = false; } } }; } var v4 = btn.createEmptyMovieClip('clk', 1001); v4._alpha = 0; v4.beginFill(1044735); v4.moveTo(0, 0); v4.lineTo(0, btn._height); v4.lineTo(btn._width, btn._height); v4.lineTo(btn._width, 0); v4.lineTo(0, 0); v4.endFill(); v4.onRelease = function () { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup) { getURL(url + s, '_blank'); } else { getURL(burl, '_blank'); } if (onClick != undefined) { onClick(); } }; }; v1.setContainer = function (clip) {}; v1.stayOnTop = function (clip) {}; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); }; v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); }; v1.CONNECTED = 'onConnected'; v1._servURL = ''; v1._services = 'services.swf'; v1._mochiLC = 'MochiLC.swf'; v1._listenChannelName = '__ms_'; v1._connecting = false; v1._connected = false; v1.netup = true; v1.netupAttempted = false; v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); v1.addProperty('childClip', v1.__get__childClip, function () {}); v1.addProperty('clip', v1.__get__clip, function () {}); v1.addProperty('comChannelName', function () {}, v1.__set__comChannelName); v1.addProperty('connected', v1.__get__connected, function () {}); v1.addProperty('id', v1.__get__id, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNetworkAvailable', v1.__get__isNetworkAvailable, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiServices.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7035 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEvents { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiEvents) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiEvents = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getVersion = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(); }; v1.getAchievements = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_getAchievements', properties); }; v1.unlockAchievement = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_unlockAchievement', properties); }; v1.startSession = function (achievementID) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_beginSession', {'achievementID': achievementID}, null, null); }; v1.showAwards = function (options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_showAwards', options, null, null); }; v1.setNotifications = function (style) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_setNotifications', style, null, null); }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); }; v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); }; v1.startPlay = function (tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = 'gameplay'; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_setRoundID', {'tag': String(tag)}, null, null); }; v1.endPlay = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_clearRoundID', null, null, null); }; v1.trackEvent = function (tag, value) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('events_trackEvent', {'tag': tag, 'value': value}, null, null); }; v1.ACHIEVEMENTS_OWNED = 'AchievementOwned'; v1.ACHIEVEMENT_NEW = 'AchievementReceived'; v1.GAME_ACHIEVEMENTS = 'GameAchievements'; v1.ERROR = 'Error'; v1.IO_ERROR = 'IOError'; v1.IO_PENDING = 'IOPending'; v1.ALIGN_TOP_LEFT = 'ALIGN_TL'; v1.ALIGN_TOP = 'ALIGN_T'; v1.ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT = 'ALIGN_TR'; v1.ALIGN_LEFT = 'ALIGN_L'; v1.ALIGN_CENTER = 'ALIGN_C'; v1.ALIGN_RIGHT = 'ALIGN_R'; v1.ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT = 'ALIGN_BL'; v1.ALIGN_BOTTOM = 'ALIGN_B'; v1.ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT = 'ALIGN_BR'; v1.FORMAT_SHORT = 'ShortForm'; v1.FORMAT_LONG = 'LongForm'; v1.FORMAT_NONE = 'NoForm'; v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiEvents.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7036 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiCoins { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiCoins) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiCoins = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getVersion = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(); }; v1.showStore = function (options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_showStore', {'options': options}, null, null); }; v1.showItem = function (options) { if (options == undefined || typeof options.item != 'string') { trace('ERROR: showItem call must pass an Object with an item key'); return undefined; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_showItem', {'options': options}, null, null); }; v1.showVideo = function (options) { if (options == undefined || typeof options.item != 'string') { trace('ERROR: showVideo call must pass an Object with an item key'); return undefined; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_showVideo', {'options': options}, null, null); }; v1.getStoreItems = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('coins_getStoreItems'); }; v1.requestFunding = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_requestFunding', properties); }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) { mochi.as2.MochiCoins._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate); }; v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) { mochi.as2.MochiCoins._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) { mochi.as2.MochiCoins._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate); }; v1.STORE_SHOW = 'StoreShow'; v1.STORE_HIDE = 'StoreHide'; v1.ITEM_OWNED = 'ItemOwned'; v1.ITEM_NEW = 'ItemNew'; v1.STORE_ITEMS = 'StoreItems'; v1.ERROR = 'Error'; v1.IO_ERROR = 'IOError'; v1.NO_USER = 'NoUser'; v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiCoins.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7037 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSocial { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiSocial) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiSocial = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.getVersion = function () { return mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion(); }; v1.showLoginWidget = function (options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.setContainer(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.stayOnTop(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_showLoginWidget', {'options': options}); }; v1.hideLoginWidget = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_hideLoginWidget'); }; v1.requestLogin = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_requestLogin', properties); }; v1.getFriendsList = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_getFriendsList', properties); }; v1.showProfile = function (options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.setContainer(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.stayOnTop(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_showProfile', options); }; v1.postToStream = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_postToStream', properties); }; v1.inviteFriends = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_inviteFriends', properties); }; v1.requestFan = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_requestFan', properties); }; v1.saveUserProperties = function (properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('social_saveUserProperties', properties); }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) { mochi.as2.MochiSocial._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate); }; v1.triggerEvent = function (eventType, args) { mochi.as2.MochiSocial._dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, delegate) { mochi.as2.MochiSocial._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate); }; v1.LOGGED_IN = 'LoggedIn'; v1.LOGGED_OUT = 'LoggedOut'; v1.LOGIN_SHOW = 'LoginShow'; v1.LOGIN_HIDE = 'LoginHide'; v1.LOGIN_SHOWN = 'LoginShown'; v1.PROFILE_SHOW = 'ProfileShow'; v1.PROFILE_HIDE = 'ProfileHide'; v1.PROPERTIES_SAVED = 'PropertySaved'; v1.WIDGET_LOADED = 'WidgetLoaded'; v1.FRIEND_LIST = 'FriendsList'; v1.PROFILE_DATA = 'ProfileData'; v1.GAMEPLAY_DATA = 'GameplayData'; v1.ACTION_CANCELED = 'onCancel'; v1.ACTION_COMPLETE = 'onComplete'; v1.USER_INFO = 'UserInfo'; v1.ERROR = 'Error'; v1.IO_ERROR = 'IOError'; v1.NO_USER = 'NoUser'; v1.PROPERTIES_SIZE = 'PropertiesSize'; v1._dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiSocial.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 170 { #initclip label -18522: label -12511: label -7191: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1221 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -124 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  -= 2; continue; if ( == 34) { for (;;) {  += 873; goto -12511; if ( == 644) {  -= 166; } if ( != 774) break;  -= 198; goto -7191; if ( == 291) {  -= 23; } if ( == 478) {  -= 2; } if ( != 268) break;  += 506; goto 507; label 507: if ( == 982) {  -= 165; } if ( == 73) {  -= 39; } if ( == 809) {  -= 518; } if ( != 907) break;  -= 616; if ( == 413) {  += 404; } if ( == 249) {  += 30; } if ( == 576) {  -= 168; } if ( == 482) {  -= 233; if (!(true ::: eval(true))) { goto 8011; }  += 30; label 8011: } if ( == 476) {  += 6; } if ( == 979) {  -= 571; } if ( != 408) break;  -= 371; if ( != 37) break;  -= 24; if (!true) { goto 8263; }  += 400; label 8263: if ( == 13) {  += 400; goto -18522; } if ( == 954) {  -= 310; var eval( != 75) = true ::: eval(true) ::: !(true ::: eval(true)); } if ( != 817) break;  += 137; if ( != 279) break;  -= 108; goto 8550; goto 8546; if ( == 171) {  -= 171; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 8546: Unknown action: 0xfc label 8550:  != 75; true; #endinitclip } movieClip 171 { #initclip label -31572: label -28625: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1997 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -85 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 379) {  -= 70; true; } // An attempt to read a value from empty stack } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ( != 745) ? undefined; #endinitclip } movieClip 172 { #initclip label -22969: label -20996: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1727 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -55 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 139) {  += 289; true; } if ( != 270) break; for (;;) {  += 502; if ( == 326) {  += 446; } if ( == 951) {  -= 253; goto -20996; } if ( != 772) break;  -= 546; if ( == 698) {  -= 85; } if ( == 574) {  += 39; } if ( != 603) goto 558;  += 170; label 558:  += 307; if ( == 224) { for (;;) {  += 725; } } if ( == 297) {  -= 268; goto 801; label 801: } #endinitclip } movieClip 173 { #initclip label -29350: label -22291: label -17921: label -6182: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1082 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -27 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 33) {  += 408; true; } if ( == 462) { for (;;) {  -= 333; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  += 36; if ( == 165) {  += 281; } if ( != 869) break;  -= 224; if ( == 129) {  += 36; goto -29350; } if ( == 795) {  += 148; true; } if ( != 740) break;  -= 150; goto -6182; if ( == 364) {  += 281; } if ( == 441) {  += 299; } if ( == 919) {  -= 293; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  -= 262; } if ( != 744) break;  -= 282; if ( == 626) {  -= 262; goto -22291; } if ( == 105) {  += 690; } if ( == 645) {  += 266; } if ( == 590) {  += 205; } if ( == 943) {  -= 883; if (!true) { continue; }  += 192; } } ( != 88) ? true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Unknown action: 0xfc label 2627: #endinitclip } movieClip 176 { #initclip label -15528: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1695 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 421 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 583) {  += 204; true; } if ( != 661) break; for (;;) {  -= 34; if ( == 868) {  -= 762; } if ( != 787) break;  += 171; if (!1) { goto 346; }  -= 90; label 346: if ( == 958) {  -= 90; goto -15528; } if ( == 440) {  -= 70; goto 3633; goto 3629; } if ( != 415) break;  -= 309; if ( == 151) {  += 788; } if ( == 106) {  += 231; } if ( != 30) goto 699;  += 121; label 699: #endinitclip } movieClip 178 { #initclip label -26758: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2740 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 685 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 870) {  -= 455; true; } if ( == 269) { for (;;) {  += 296; if ( == 415) {  -= 41; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; goto 1324;  -= 61; label 1324: } if ( == 837) {  -= 568; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  += 296; } if ( == 374) {  -= 61; goto -26758; } if ( == 112) {  += 883; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; } if ( != 263) break;  += 688; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 313) {  -= 151; } if ( != 951) break;  -= 114; if ( == 19) {  += 143; } if ( != 995) break;  -= 732; if ( == 565) {  += 82; goto 1982; goto 1978; } if ( == 162) {  -= 50; } if ( == 647) {  -= 647; } } !eval(undefined); ''; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 1978: Unknown action: 0xfc label 1982: #endinitclip } movieClip 177 { #initclip label -6485: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (263 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 299 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 562) {  += 403; true; } #endinitclip } movieClip 187 { #initclip label -4846: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (595 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 240 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 324) {  += 240; true; } if ( == 635) { for (;;) {  += 101; if ( == 681) {  += 17; if ( == 513) { goto 1602; } if ( == 245) {  += 436; } if ( != 303) break;  += 433; if ( == 861) {  += 89; ''; } if ( == 736) {  -= 505; ''; 1; } if ( != 575) goto 902;  -= 62; label 902: if ( == 976) {  -= 158; for (;;) { } } if ( == 564) {  -= 288; for (;;) { } } if ( != 530) break;  -= 530; if ( == 818) {  -= 515; goto -4846; } if ( != 950) break;  -= 668; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 231) {  += 630; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = eval(undefined); if ( == 282) {  += 168; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } } else {  += 125; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 450) { if (!undefined) { }  -= 62; } } } else {}  += 295; if ( == 674) {  += 7; } } else {  -= 31; if ( == 276) { } } label 1602: Unknown action: 0xfc eval(undefined); true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 175 { #initclip label -25688: label -8852: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1375 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 491 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  -= 510; continue; if ( == 74) { for (;;) {  += 788; goto -25688; if ( == 123) {  += 790; if (!true) { goto 290; }  -= 824; label 290: } if ( != 744) break;  -= 302; if ( == 180) {  -= 28; } if ( == 95) {  += 369; } if ( == 89) {  += 599; goto 2294; } else { if ( == 186) {  -= 112; if ('') goto 572; continue; label 572:  += 788; } if ( == 913) {  -= 824; } if ( != 846) break;  -= 155; goto 33079; if ( == 691) {  -= 596; } if ( == 152) {  += 34; } if ( != 308) break;  -= 185; if ( != 334) break;  -= 49; if ('') { continue;  -= 105; } else {  += 313; if ( == 533) { if (!true) { }  -= 155; } } if ( == 285) {  -= 105; goto -8852; } if ( == 810) {  -= 658; } if ( != 442) break;  -= 134; if ( == 632) {  -= 99; } if ( == 464) {  += 280; var eval( != 844) = eval(true); } if ( == 862) {  -= 230; } if ( != 589) break;  += 43; if ( != 720) break;  -= 625; if ( == 688) {  -= 688; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Unknown action: 0xfc label 2294:  != 844; true; #endinitclip } movieClip 169 { #initclip label -30980: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (678 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 334 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 501) {  += 48; true; } #endinitclip } movieClip 7038 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiScores { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiScores) { var v1 = function () {}; mochi.as2.MochiScores = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.setBoardID = function (boardID) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.warnID(boardID, true); mochi.as2.MochiScores.boardID = boardID; mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('scores_setBoardID', {'boardID': boardID}); }; v1.showLeaderboard = function (options) { options.clip = mochi.as2.MochiServices.clip; if (options.clip != mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__clip() || (mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__childClip())._target == undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.disconnect(); trace('WARNING! This application is attempting to connect to MochiServices inside a showLeaderboard call!'); trace('make sure MochiServices.connect is called as early in the application runtime as possible.'); mochi.as2.MochiServices.connect(mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__id(), options.clip); } delete options.clip; if ( != null) { if (typeof == 'object') { if ( != undefined) { =; } } } if (options.score != null) { if (options.score instanceof TextField) { if (options.score.text != undefined) { options.score = options.score.text; } } else { if (options.score instanceof mochi.as2.MochiDigits) { options.score = options.score.value; } } var v1 = Number(options.score); if (isNaN(v1)) { trace('ERROR: Submitted score \'' + options.score + '\' will be rejected, score is \'Not a Number\''); } else { if (v1 == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || v1 == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { trace('ERROR: Submitted score \'' + options.score + '\' will be rejected, score is an infinite'); } else { if (Math.floor(v1) != v1) { trace('WARNING: Submitted score \'' + options.score + '\' will be truncated'); } options.score = v1; } } } if (options.onDisplay != null) { options.onDisplay(); } else { (mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__clip()).stop(); } if (options.onClose != null) { mochi.as2.MochiScores.onClose = options.onClose; } else { mochi.as2.MochiScores.onClose = function () { (mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__clip()).play(); }; } if (options.onError != null) { mochi.as2.MochiScores.onError = options.onError; } else { mochi.as2.MochiScores.onError = mochi.as2.MochiScores.onClose; } if (options.boardID == null) { if (mochi.as2.MochiScores.boardID != null) { options.boardID = mochi.as2.MochiScores.boardID; } } mochi.as2.MochiServices.warnID(options.boardID, true); trace('[MochiScores] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal'); mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('scores_showLeaderboard', {'options': options}, null, mochi.as2.MochiScores.doClose); }; v1.closeLeaderboard = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('scores_closeLeaderboard'); }; v1.getPlayerInfo = function (callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('scores_getPlayerInfo', null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); }; v1.submit = function (score, name, callbackObj, callbackMethod) { score = Number(score); if (isNaN(score)) { trace('ERROR: Submitted score \'' + String(score) + '\' will be rejected, score is \'Not a Number\''); } else { if (score == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || score == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { trace('ERROR: Submitted score \'' + String(score) + '\' will be rejected, score is an infinite'); } else { if (Math.floor(score) != score) { trace('WARNING: Submitted score \'' + String(score) + '\' will be truncated'); } score = Number(score); } } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('scores_submit', {'score': score, 'name': name}, callbackObj, callbackMethod); }; v1.requestList = function (callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send('scores_requestList', null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); }; v1.scoresArrayToObjects = function (scores) { var v5 = {}; var v1; var v4; var v2; var v6; for (var v8 in scores) { if (typeof scores[v8] == 'object') { if (scores[v8].cols != null && scores[v8].rows != null) { v5[v8] = []; v2 = scores[v8]; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v2.rows.length) { v6 = {}; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.cols.length) { v6[v2.cols[v1]] = v2.rows[v4][v1]; ++v1; } v5[v8].push(v6); ++v4; } } else { v5[v8] = {}; for (var v7 in scores[v8]) { v5[v8][v7] = scores[v8][v7]; } } } else { v5[v8] = scores[v8]; } } return v5; }; v1.doClose = function (args) { if (args.error == true) { if (args.errorCode == undefined) { args.errorCode = 'IOError'; } mochi.as2.MochiScores.onError.apply(null, [args.errorCode]); } else { mochi.as2.MochiScores.onClose.apply(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiScores.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 7039 __Packages.mochi.as2.MochiDigits { #initclip if (!_global.mochi) { _global.mochi = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2) { _global.mochi.as2 = new Object(); } if (!_global.mochi.as2.MochiDigits) { var v1 = function (digit, index) { this.Encoder = 0; this.setValue(digit, index); }; mochi.as2.MochiDigits = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__value = function () { return Number(this.toString()); }; v2.__set__value = function (v) { this.setValue(v); return this.__get__value(); }; v2.addValue = function (v) { this.value += v; }; v2.setValue = function (digit, index) { var v3 = digit.toString(); if (index == undefined || isNaN(index)) { index = 0; } this.Fragment = v3.charCodeAt(index++) ^ this.Encoder; if (index < v3.length) { this.Sibling = new mochi.as2.MochiDigits(digit, index); } else { this.Sibling = null; } this.reencode(); }; v2.reencode = function () { var v2 = int(2147483647 * Math.random()); this.Fragment ^= v2 ^ this.Encoder; this.Encoder = v2; }; v2.toString = function () { var v2 = String.fromCharCode(this.Fragment ^ this.Encoder); return (this.Sibling != null) ? v2.concat(this.Sibling.toString()) : v2; }; v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, v2.__set__value); ASSetPropFlags(mochi.as2.MochiDigits.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 97 { #initclip label -14065: label -3076: label -1083: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2421 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -320 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 57) {  += 233; true; } if ( == 608) {  -= 3; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack for (;;) { if ( == 269) {  += 360; } if ( != 290) break;  -= 110; if (!eval(undefined)) { continue; }  += 810; if ( == 731) {  -= 470; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  += 69; } if ( == 411) {  += 197; ''; } if ( == 259) {  += 218; goto -3076; } if ( != 440) break;  += 141; if ( != 605) break;  -= 340; if ( == 180) {  += 810; goto -1083; } if ( == 425) {  -= 14; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = !true; } if ( == 229) {  += 40; break; } if ( == 990) {  -= 374; } if ( == 876) {  -= 617; if (true) { goto 930; }  += 218; label 930: } if ( == 581) {  -= 352; if (true) { goto 1013; }  += 40; label 1013: } if ( == 665) {  -= 158; goto 2882; break; } if ( == 629) {  += 247; } if ( == 477) {  -= 2; } if ( == 265) {  -= 68; if (true) { break; }  += 468; } if ( == 197) {  += 468; } if ( == 151) {  += 478; } if ( != 733) break;  -= 117; if ( == 616) {  += 115; } if ( == 123) {  += 317; } if ( == 330) {  += 110; } if ( == 261) {  += 69; goto -14065; }  += 291;  -= 50;  -= 507; } !true;  != 184; ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 2882: #endinitclip } movieClip 174 { #initclip label -18260: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (872 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 209 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 570) {  += 407; true; } if ( != 588) break;  += 333; for (;;) { goto 1415; goto 1411; if ( == 945) {  -= 518; true; } if ( == 643) {  += 302; } if ( == 977) {  += 2; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 395; }  -= 336; label 395: } if ( == 490) {  += 455; } #endinitclip } movieClip 179 { #initclip label -8740: label -7850: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2879 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -58 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 266) {  += 423; true; } if ( == 650) {  -= 578; for (;;) { if ( == 370) {  -= 583; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 694) { if (!undefined) { }  += 400; } if ( == 511) {  += 259; } } else {}  += 10; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack } else {  += 400; if ( == 111) { } if ( != 72) break;  += 729; if ( == 531) {  -= 272; } if ( == 250) {  += 664; goto 2191; break; }  -= 434; if ( == 684) {  += 39; } if ( == 678) {  -= 390; goto -8740; } if ( == 799) {  -= 88; if (!(1 ::: !1)) { } else {  -= 61; } } if ( != 187) break;  -= 115; if ( == 259) {  += 419; if (!(1 ::: !1)) { } else {  -= 390; } } if ( == 307) {  += 145; } if ( == 801) {  -= 169; var  = 1 ::: !1; } if ( == 711) {  -= 61; goto -7850; } if ( == 419) {  += 265; if (!(1 ::: !1)) { } else {  -= 434; } } if ( == 460) {  -= 20; break; } if ( != 824) goto 1700;  -= 54; label 1700:  += 85; if ( == 446) {  += 29; } if ( == 689) {  -= 229; } if ( != 288) break;  += 164; if ( != 452) goto 2025;  += 242; label 2025:  += 91;  -= 262;  -= 914; } eval(undefined); ''; 1 ::: !1; true;  != 440; ''; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 2191: #endinitclip } movieClip 180 { #initclip label -12747: label -4687: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1433 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -183 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 228) {  += 628; true; } if ( == 878) {  -= 425; for (;;) { if ( == 301) {  -= 203; } if ( == 209) {  -= 88; } else {  -= 233; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 856) { if (!undefined) { }  -= 322; } } if ( == 581) {  += 297; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; goto 487;  += 11; label 487: } if ( == 623) {  -= 322; goto -12747; } } else {}  += 11; if ( == 546) { if ( == 640) {  -= 542; } if ( == 953) {  -= 744; goto -4687; } if ( == 351) {  -= 108; } if ( == 98) {  += 412; true; } if ( == 889) {  -= 786; } if ( == 510) {  += 443; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 1443; }  -= 744; label 1443: } if ( == 857) {  -= 491; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( == 121) {  += 460; true; } if ( == 492) {  -= 389; } if ( == 103) {  += 581; ''; 1; } if ( == 684) {  -= 448; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; } if ( == 559) {  += 298; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 366) {  -= 15; for (;;) { } } if ( == 236) {  += 323; ''; } if ( == 243) {  += 481; goto 2050; } else { if ( == 724) {  -= 724; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Unknown action: 0xfc label 2050: #endinitclip } movieClip 181 { #initclip label -29567: label -18054: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (423 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 264 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 687) {  -= 521; true; } if ( == 239) {  -= 183; for (;;) { if ( == 166) {  -= 96; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  += 343; } if ( == 154) {  -= 30; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; goto 581;  += 21; label 581: } if ( == 28) {  += 239; true; } if ( == 291) {  -= 52; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 719;  -= 183; label 719: if ( == 269) {  += 165; if ( == 56) { goto 1776; } if ( == 755) {  -= 601; true; } if ( != 823) break;  -= 666; if ( == 70) {  += 343; goto -29567; } if ( == 962) {  -= 139; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = ''; } if ( == 776) {  -= 589; } if ( == 187) {  += 775; } if ( == 124) {  += 21; goto -18054; } if ( == 732) {  += 23; } if ( == 413) {  -= 385; } if ( == 554) {  += 201; } if ( == 157) {  += 712; } if ( == 860) {  -= 832; } if ( != 267) break;  += 2; if (!('' ::: )) { } else {  += 463; } if ( == 145) {  += 42; } if ( == 869) {  -= 578; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( == 221) {  -= 221; } } else {}  += 463; } else { label 1776: Unknown action: 0xfc } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 182 { #initclip label -22556: label -8216: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1006 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 27 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 522) {  += 73; true; } if ( == 120) {  += 134; for (;;) { if ( == 438) {  -= 431; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  += 261; } if ( != 595) break;  -= 475; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; goto 381;  += 495; label 381: if ( == 290) {  -= 141; true; } if ( == 603) {  -= 165; true; } if ( == 152) {  += 159; ''; } if ( == 149) {  += 145; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  += 686; } if ( == 615) {  -= 325; } if ( == 443) {  -= 291; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; } if ( == 311) {  += 488; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 291) {  += 152; ''; 1; } if ( == 7) {  += 261; goto -8216; } if ( != 691) break;  -= 379; goto 2266; goto 2262; if ( == 799) {  -= 775; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( != 24) break;  += 952; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 1087; }  -= 285; label 1087: if ( != 268) break;  += 23; if ( == 976) {  -= 285; } if ( != 898) break;  -= 295; if ( == 980) {  -= 377; } if ( != 312) break;  -= 312; if ( == 294) {  += 686; goto -22556; } if ( == 53) {  += 237; } } else {}  += 495; if ( == 157) { } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 2262: Unknown action: 0xfc label 2266: #endinitclip } movieClip 183 { #initclip label -30880: label -3364: label -2396: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1967 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -285 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 149) {  -= 13; true; } if ( == 389) {  -= 92; for (;;) { if ( == 470) {  -= 190; } if ( == 868) {  -= 291; } if ( != 871) break;  -= 482; if ( == 202) {  += 73; goto -2396; } if ( == 707) {  -= 318; } if ( != 97) goto 608;  += 610; goto -30880; label 608: if ( == 280) {  += 45; } for (;;) { if ( != 325) goto 746;  -= 228; } label 746: if ( == 140) {  -= 133; } if ( == 749) {  -= 487; } if ( == 895) {  -= 318; } if ( == 829) {  -= 80; } if ( == 300) {  -= 134; } if ( == 262) {  += 367; } if ( != 67) break;  += 135; if ( == 297) {  += 554; var  = 1 ::: !1; } if ( == 275) {  += 474; } if ( == 851) {  += 137; } if ( == 970) {  -= 75; break; }  -= 538;  -= 510; if (true) break;  -= 26; goto 1942; label 1942: if ( == 136) {  += 834; if ( != 818) goto 2002; break; label 2002:  -= 75; } if ( == 629) {  += 189; goto -3364; }  -= 688; for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 615; } }  -= 622; } ''; 1 ::: !1;  != 818; eval( != 988); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 184 { #initclip label -24638: label -11263: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (145 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 543 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 688) {  -= 276; true; } if ( == 715) {  -= 668; for (;;) { if ( == 704) {  += 197; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( != 236) break;  += 63; if ( == 846) {  += 104; goto -11263; } if ( == 412) {  += 303; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { } else {  += 9; } } if ( == 567) {  += 278; goto 1901; goto 1897; } if ( == 421) {  += 425; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { }  += 104; } if ( != 805) break;  -= 569; goto -24638; if ( != 241) break;  += 564; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (undefined) break; continue;  -= 569; if ( != 724) break;  -= 231; if ( == 230) {  += 337; } if ( == 950) {  -= 664; } if ( == 876) {  -= 590; } if ( != 901) break;  -= 671; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 1376; }  += 337; label 1376: if ( == 687) {  -= 570; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; } if ( == 493) {  -= 72; true; } if ( == 299) {  += 388; ''; 1; } if ( == 286) {  -= 45; true; } if ( != 117) break;  += 196; if ( == 869) {  -= 376; } if ( == 313) {  += 391; } if ( == 845) {  -= 845; } } else {}  += 9; if ( == 967) { } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 1897: Unknown action: 0xfc label 1901: '' ::: ; #endinitclip } movieClip 185 { #initclip label -11626: label -6204: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (38 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 295 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 333) {  += 438; true; } if ( == 783) {  -= 417; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { for (;;) { continue;  += 254; if ( == 61) {  += 722; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( == 144) {  += 847; } if ( == 47) {  += 97; goto -6204; } if ( == 563) {  += 39; ''; } if ( == 566) {  += 22; break; } if ( != 135) break;  += 428; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; if ( != 263) break; for (;;) {  += 303; } if ( != 184) break;  += 807; if ( == 588) {  -= 62; } if ( == 991) {  -= 542; true; } if ( != 449) break;  -= 291; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { goto 902; }  += 282; label 902: if ( == 853) {  -= 806; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  += 97; } if ( != 602) break;  -= 541; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 366) {  += 254; } if ( == 978) {  -= 361; goto 33429; } if ( == 930) {  -= 404; } if ( == 158) {  += 282; goto -11626; } if ( == 526) {  += 327; } if ( == 291) {  -= 28; } if ( != 440) goto 1700;  += 441; label 1700: if ( != 117) break;  += 764; if ( == 771) {  += 207; if (eval(undefined)) goto 1832; continue; label 1832:  -= 361; } if ( == 881) {  -= 746; } if ( == 620) {  -= 478; goto 2149; break; }  -= 142;  -= 351;  -= 326; } eval(undefined);  != 142; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } label 2149: #endinitclip } movieClip 186 { #initclip label -24047: label -20489: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1418 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 14 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 410) {  -= 391; true; } if ( == 832) {  += 143; for (;;) { if ( == 539) {  -= 505; } if ( == 315) {  += 112; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; } if ( != 19) break;  += 627; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { continue; }  -= 198; if ( == 82) {  += 233; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( != 646) break;  -= 198; goto -24047; if ( == 653) {  -= 587; true; } if ( == 803) {  -= 212; }  -= 179; } else {}  -= 195; if ( == 448) {  -= 765; if ( == 843) { } if ( == 422) {  -= 340; } if ( == 462) {  -= 40; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = true; } if ( == 396) {  += 447; if (true) goto 2516; goto 2539; label 2516:  -= 765; label 2539: } if ( == 347) {  -= 157; } if ( == 204) {  -= 25; goto -20489; }  += 575; if ( == 78) {  += 272; } if ( == 427) {  += 112; } if ( == 66) {  += 138; for (;;) { } } if ( == 179) {  += 11; } if ( == 34) {  += 400; goto 3104; } else { if ( == 434) {  -= 434; } } } true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } Unknown action: 0xfc label 3104: #endinitclip } movieClip 188 { #initclip label -11414: label -3695: Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2764 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 750 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 959) {  -= 281; true; } if ( != 419) break;  -= 77; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack for (;;) { if ( == 816) {  -= 462; goto -3695; } if ( == 678) {  -= 340; if (!eval(undefined)) { break; }  -= 261; } if ( == 338) {  -= 261; goto -11414; } if ( == 185) {  += 234; } if ( == 191) {  += 177; } if ( != 658) break;  += 132; if ( == 823) { for (;;) {  -= 632; } } if ( == 928) {  -= 918; } if ( == 864) {  -= 48; if (eval(undefined)) break; goto 1035;  -= 462; label 1035: } if ( == 588) {  += 340; } if ( == 354) {  += 574; } if ( != 790) break;  += 74; if ( == 10) {  += 175; var eval(eval(undefined)) = true; } if ( == 77) {  += 713; } if ( == 342) {  += 481; } else {  += 341; if ( == 368) { goto 1488; } if ( == 709) {  -= 709; } label 1488: Unknown action: 0xfc } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } eval(undefined); true ::: !true; #endinitclip } movieClip 193 { #initclip Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2350 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -239 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 67) {  += 206; true; } // An attempt to read a value from empty stack } } } } } } } } } } } } } Unknown action: 0xfc label 1233: ( != 957) ? undefined; #endinitclip } frame 2 { for (var n in this) { removeMovieClip(this[n]); } } movieClip 278 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 284 { } movieClip 285 { frame 159 { stopAllSounds();; stop(); } } movieClip 287 { } instance hh of movieClip 287 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var n in _parent) { removeMovieClip(_parent[n]); } } } button 289 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 306 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 307 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 310 { } button 313 { on (press) { var o = {'n': [10, 11, 7, 5, 3, 15, 8, 2, 12, 14, 10, 6, 8, 15, 12, 7], 'f': function (i, s) { if (s.length == 16) { return s; } return this.f(i + 1, s + this.n[i].toString(16)); }}; var boardID = o.f(0, ''); mochi.as2.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({'boardID': boardID, 'score': _root.submitkram.playerscore, 'name': _root.submitkram.playername}); _root.nextFrame(); } on (rollOver) { _root.submitkram.grau.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { _root.submitkram.grau.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 319 { } movieClip 322 submitkram { frame 1 { playerscore = _root.playerscore; stop(); } } button 325 { on (press) { _root.sharklinks.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 327 { } button 331 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 337 { } movieClip 339 { } movieClip 340 { } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 345 { } movieClip 346 { } button 348 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 353 { } movieClip 355 { } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 359 { } movieClip 360 { } button 362 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 367 { } movieClip 369 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 373 { } movieClip 374 { } button 377 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 380 sharklinks { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 386 { } movieClip 390 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 394 { } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 398 { } movieClip 399 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 400 { } movieClip 401 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 405 { } movieClip 406 { frame 12 { stop(); } } button 408 { on (press) { _root.evolution = 1; stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); _root.poop._alpha = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('replay2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 410 { } movieClip 411 { } movieClip 414 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 415 { } movieClip 416 { } movieClip 417 { } movieClip 418 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 420 { } movieClip 422 { } movieClip 423 { frame 12 { stop(); } } button 424 { on (press) { _root.evolution = 4; stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); _root.poop._alpha = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('replay2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 432 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 435 { } movieClip 436 { } movieClip 438 { } movieClip 439 { frame 12 { stop(); } } button 440 { on (press) { _root.evolution = 2; stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); _root.poop._alpha = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('replay2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 444 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 445 { } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 447 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 448 { } movieClip 450 { } movieClip 451 { frame 12 { stop(); } } button 452 { on (press) { _root.evolution = 3; stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); _root.poop._alpha = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('replay2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 453 { } movieClip 455 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 456 selectshark2 { frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) {; } } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 458 { } button 459 { on (press) { _root.evolution = 1; stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); _root.poop._alpha = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('replay2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 460 { on (press) { _root.evolution = 4; stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); _root.poop._alpha = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('replay2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 461 { on (press) { _root.evolution = 2; stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); _root.poop._alpha = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('replay2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 462 { on (press) { _root.evolution = 3; stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); _root.poop._alpha = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('replay2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 463 { } movieClip 464 selectshark { frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 466 rastergitter { } movieClip 470 { } movieClip 475 { } movieClip 478 { } movieClip 481 { } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 485 { frame 1 { ++_root.bilderwahl; if (_root.bilderwahl == 6) { _root.bilderwahl = 1; } if (_root.bilderwahl == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.bilderwahl == 3) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.bilderwahl == 4) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.bilderwahl == 5) { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.bilderwahl == 6) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } } movieClip 487 { } movieClip 488 { frame 1 { if (_root.atomexplosion == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 490 { } movieClip 492 { frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 503 { } movieClip 517 { } movieClip 518 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 523 { } movieClip 524 { } movieClip 527 { } movieClip 528 { } movieClip 529 { } movieClip 532 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 533 { frame 1 { _root.background4.backf._alpha = 0; drueckerh = 0; } frame 64 { drueckerh = 1; _root.background4.backf._alpha = 100; } frame 64 { if (_root.rekord9 == 0 && _root.rekord10 == 0 && _root.rekord11 == 0) { _root.background3.kopp.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 534 { } movieClip 535 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 537 { } movieClip 539 { } movieClip 540 { } movieClip 541 { } movieClip 542 { } movieClip 543 { frame 9 { stop(); } } button 544 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndPlay('panda'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 548 { } movieClip 550 { } movieClip 551 { } movieClip 552 { } button 553 { on (press) { _root.attachMovie('sharklinks', 'sharklinks', 9995); _root.sharklinks._x = 360; _root.sharklinks._y = 225; } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 555 { } movieClip 557 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 561 { } movieClip 562 { } movieClip 563 { frame 9 { stop(); } } button 564 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndPlay('grizzly2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 566 { } movieClip 569 { } movieClip 570 { } movieClip 571 { } movieClip 573 { } movieClip 574 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 587 { } movieClip 590 { } movieClip 591 { } movieClip 592 { } movieClip 594 { } movieClip 595 { frame 7 { stop(); } } button 596 { on (press) { _root.attachMovie('selectshark', 'selectshark', 13000); _root.selectshark._x = 24.7; _root.selectshark._y = -132.45;; nextFrame(); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 597 { on (press) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.attachMovie('sharklinks', 'sharklinks', 14555); _root.sharklinks._x = 360; _root.sharklinks._y = 225; } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 598 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndPlay('grizzly2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 599 { } movieClip 602 { } movieClip 603 { } movieClip 604 background4 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { sk1 = _root.sk1; kw1 = _root.kw1; tb1 = _root.tb1; fb1 = _root.fb1; ga1 = _root.ga1; ns1 = _root.ns1; cp1 = _root.cp1; fi1 = _root.fi1; ws1 = _root.ws1; dp1 = _root.dp1; mc1 = _root.mc1; } } movieClip 607 { } movieClip 608 { } movieClip 609 { frame 1 { if (_root.atomexplosion == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 611 { } movieClip 612 { frame 63 { stop(); } } movieClip 623 { } movieClip 634 { } movieClip 635 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 636 { } movieClip 637 { frame 1 { _root.background3.backf._alpha = 0; drueckerh = 0; } frame 64 { drueckerh = 1; _root.background3.backf._alpha = 100; } frame 64 { if (_root.rekord9 == 0 && _root.rekord10 == 0 && _root.rekord11 == 0) { _root.background3.kopp.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } button 638 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndPlay('panda'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 639 { } movieClip 640 { frame 9 { stop(); } } button 641 { on (press) { _root.attachMovie('sharklinks', 'sharklinks', 9995); _root.sharklinks._x = 360; _root.sharklinks._y = 225; } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 642 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('grizzly'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 644 { } movieClip 645 { frame 9 { stop(); } } button 646 { on (press) { _root.attachMovie('selectshark', 'selectshark', 13000); _root.selectshark._x = 24.7; _root.selectshark._y = -132.45;; nextFrame(); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 647 { on (press) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.attachMovie('sharklinks', 'sharklinks', 14555); _root.sharklinks._x = 360; _root.sharklinks._y = 225; } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 648 background3 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { sy1 = _root.sy1; my1 = _root.my1; su1 = _root.su1; ka1 = _root.ka1; bb1 = _root.bb1; hg1 = _root.hg1; jp1 = _root.jp1; ho1 = _root.ho1; sw1 = _root.sw1; ds1 = _root.ds1; sd1 = _root.sd1; } } movieClip 651 { } movieClip 652 { } movieClip 654 { } movieClip 655 { } movieClip 656 { frame 7 { stop(); } } button 658 { on (press) { if (_root.flossen.drueckerh == 1) { _root.attachMovie('selectshark', 'selectshark', 13000); _root.selectshark._x = 24.7; _root.selectshark._y = -132.45;; nextFrame(); } } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 659 { } movieClip 660 { frame 1 { einmal = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 662 { } movieClip 663 { } movieClip 665 { } movieClip 666 { frame 7 { stop(); } } button 667 { on (press) { if (_root.flossen.drueckerh == 1) { _root.poop._alpha = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('bear1'); } } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 668 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 670 { } movieClip 671 { } movieClip 673 { } movieClip 674 { frame 7 { stop(); } } button 675 { on (press) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.attachMovie('sharklinks', 'sharklinks', 14555); _root.sharklinks._x = 360; _root.sharklinks._y = 225; } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 676 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 678 { } movieClip 679 { } movieClip 681 { } movieClip 682 { frame 7 { stop(); } } button 683 { on (press) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } getURL('', ''); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 684 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 685 { } movieClip 686 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 688 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 689 flossen { frame 1 { drueckerh = 1; } frame 26 { drueckerh = 1; stop(); } } movieClip 691 background1 { } movieClip 696 ausklang { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stopAllSounds(); Mouse.hide(); } frame 20 { _root.gotoAndStop('intro'); } } movieClip 699 { } movieClip 700 { } movieClip 701 { frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 722 { } movieClip 724 { } movieClip 726 { } movieClip 728 { } movieClip 730 { } movieClip 737 { } movieClip 738 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 744 { } movieClip 745 { frame 1 { _root.background2.morestats._alpha = 0; drueckerh = 0; } frame 61 { drueckerh = 1; _root.background2.morestats._alpha = 100; } frame 61 { if (_root.aircraft8record == 0 && _root.aircraft9record == 0 && _root.aircraft10record == 0) { _root.background2.kopp.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } button 748 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('bear2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 749 { on (press) { _root.attachMovie('selectshark', 'selectshark', 13000); _root.selectshark._x = 24.7; _root.selectshark._y = -132.45;; nextFrame(); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 750 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('bear2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 751 { on (press) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.attachMovie('sharklinks', 'sharklinks', 14555); _root.sharklinks._x = 360; _root.sharklinks._y = 225; } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 752 background2 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 755 { frame 1 { ++_root.bilderwahl; if (_root.bilderwahl == 6) { _root.bilderwahl = 1; } if (_root.bilderwahl == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.bilderwahl == 3) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.bilderwahl == 4) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.bilderwahl == 5) { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.bilderwahl == 6) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } } movieClip 757 { } movieClip 758 { } movieClip 759 { } movieClip 761 { } movieClip 762 { } movieClip 764 { } movieClip 765 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy1 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 767 { } movieClip 768 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy2 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 770 { } movieClip 771 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy3 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 773 { } movieClip 774 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy4 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 776 { } movieClip 777 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy5 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 779 { } movieClip 780 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy6 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 782 { } movieClip 783 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy7 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 785 { } movieClip 786 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy8 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 788 { } movieClip 789 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy9 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 791 { } movieClip 792 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy10 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 794 { } movieClip 795 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy11 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 797 { } movieClip 798 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy12 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 800 { } movieClip 801 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy13 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 803 { } movieClip 804 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy14 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 806 { } movieClip 807 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy15 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 809 { } movieClip 810 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy16 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 812 { } movieClip 813 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy17 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 815 { } movieClip 816 { frame 1 { if (_root.trophyy18 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } button 817 { on (press) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.attachMovie('sharklinks', 'sharklinks', 9995); _root.sharklinks._x = 360; _root.sharklinks._y = 225; } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 818 { } movieClip 820 { } movieClip 821 { } movieClip 822 { } movieClip 823 { } movieClip 824 { frame 9 { stop(); } } button 825 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('grizzly2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 826 { } movieClip 828 { } movieClip 829 { } movieClip 830 { } movieClip 831 { } movieClip 832 { frame 9 { stop(); } } button 833 { on (press) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } getURL('', ''); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 834 { on (press) { _root.attachMovie('selectshark', 'selectshark', 13000); _root.selectshark._x = 24.7; _root.selectshark._y = -132.45;; nextFrame(); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 835 { on (press) { _root.attachMovie('sharklinks', 'sharklinks', 14555); _root.sharklinks._x = 360; _root.sharklinks._y = 225; } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 836 { on (press) { getURL('', ''); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } button 837 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndPlay('grizzly2'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 838 background5 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { sk1 = _root.sk1; kw1 = _root.kw1; tb1 = _root.tb1; fb1 = _root.fb1; ga1 = _root.ga1; ns1 = _root.ns1; cp1 = _root.cp1; fi1 = _root.fi1; ws1 = _root.ws1; dp1 = _root.dp1; mc1 = _root.mc1; } } frame 20 { stop(); } button 846 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { stopAllSounds(); nextFrame(); } } frame 21 { attachMovie('rastergitter', 'rastergitter', 15999); rastergitter._x = -23; rastergitter._y = -36; hauptmusikb = 1; soundeffectsb = 1; hauptmusik = 1; soundeffects = 1; } frame 21 { quality = 'high'; _root.maushand.gotoAndStop(1); mainmusic = 1; sportiv = 1; egypt = 0; mars = 0; prehistoric = 0; japan = 0; germany = 0; wildwest = 0; kopfnuss = 0; wegmacher = 1; ensemble = 1; airline = 0; ausgang = 1; ameise = 1; tollersprung = 0; passagiere = 1; abkassur = 0; hat = 0; text0 = ''; text1 = ''; text2 = ''; = 100; ab =; by =; leveljump = 0; } frame 21 { stop(); } movieClip 847 { } movieClip 850 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 853 { } movieClip 856 { } movieClip 860 { } movieClip 861 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 864 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 867 { } movieClip 868 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 872 { } movieClip 873 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 874 { } movieClip 876 { } movieClip 877 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 878 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 880 { } movieClip 881 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 882 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 884 { } movieClip 885 { } movieClip 886 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 887 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 889 { } movieClip 890 { } movieClip 891 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 892 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 893 { } button 896 { on (rollOver) { _root.gemeinsam.but2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but4.gotoAndStop(1); _root.disco.gotoAndStop(2); _root.gemeinsam.but1.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { _root.disco.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but1.gotoAndStop(1); } on (press) { _root.rambi.stop(); _root.schlingel._visible = false; _root.ausgang = 1; _root.ton.stop();; } } button 897 { on (rollOver) { _root.gemeinsam.but1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but4.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but5.gotoAndStop(1); _root.disco.gotoAndStop(2); _root.gemeinsam.but2.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { _root.disco.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but2.gotoAndStop(1); } on (press) { _root.attachMovie('sharklinks', 'sharklinks', 14555); _root.sharklinks._x = 360; _root.sharklinks._y = 225;; } } button 898 { on (rollOver) { _root.gemeinsam.but1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but5.gotoAndStop(1); _root.disco.gotoAndStop(2); _root.gemeinsam.but4.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { _root.disco.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but4.gotoAndStop(1); } on (press) {; _root.moresharkgames.gotoAndStop(1); var o = {'n': [10, 11, 7, 5, 3, 15, 8, 2, 12, 14, 10, 6, 8, 15, 12, 7], 'f': function (i, s) { if (s.length == 16) { return s; } return this.f(i + 1, s + this.n[i].toString(16)); }}; var boardID = o.f(0, ''); mochi.as2.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({'boardID': boardID}); nextFrame(); } } button 899 { on (rollOver) { _root.gemeinsam.but1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but4.gotoAndStop(1); _root.disco.gotoAndStop(2); _root.gemeinsam.but5.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { _root.disco.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gemeinsam.but5.gotoAndStop(1); } on (press) {; _root.moresharkgames.gotoAndStop(1); _root.credits.gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 907 { on (press) {; getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 911 { on (press) {; getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 941 { on (press) {; getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 950 { on (press) {; getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 975 { on (press) {; getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 980 { on (press) {; gotoAndStop(1); } } button 998 { on (press) {; getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 1002 { } movieClip 1003 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1004 { frame 1 { if (_root.titelmusi == 0) { ++_root.titelmusi; _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('dinoman_mc', 132); _root.dinoman = new Sound(_root.wauwau.dinoman_mc); _root.dinoman.attachSound('dinoman'); _root.dinoman.start(0, 99999); _root.dinoman.setVolume(10); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('saurier_mc', 143); _root.saurier = new Sound(_root.wauwau.saurier_mc); _root.saurier.attachSound('saurier'); _root.saurier.start(0, 99999); _root.saurier.setVolume(0); } } frame 3 { _root.dinoman.setVolume(25); _root.saurier.setVolume(10); } frame 5 { _root.dinoman.setVolume(35); _root.saurier.setVolume(20); } frame 7 { _root.dinoman.setVolume(45); _root.saurier.setVolume(30); } frame 9 { _root.dinoman.setVolume(55); _root.saurier.setVolume(45); } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 1009 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { Mouse.hide(); _root.dinoman.setVolume(15); _root.saurier.setVolume(10); } frame 22 { if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.dinoman.setVolume(15); _root.saurier.setVolume(10); } } frame 23 {; } frame 24 { if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.dinoman.setVolume(25); _root.saurier.setVolume(20); } } frame 26 { if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.dinoman.setVolume(35); _root.saurier.setVolume(30); } } frame 28 { if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.dinoman.setVolume(55); _root.saurier.setVolume(45); } } frame 28 { _root.leveljump = 1;; _root.gotoAndStop('roger'); } } movieClip 1010 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1016 { } button 1017 { on (press) { for (var n in this) { removeMovieClip(this[n]); }; gotoAndStop('gah'); } } frame 23 { gotoAndStop('gah'); } frame 24 { firstflyingreptilemedal = 300; raftsmedal = 75; secondflyingreptilemedal = 300; runningbirdsmedal = 35; thirdflyingreptilemedal = 300; spidersmedal = 6; crocodilesmedal = 80; flyingbirdsmedal = 40; cavemenmedal = 200; plesiolimbsmedal = 25; fishesmedal = 500; treesmedal = 10; eggsmedal = 12; giantturtlemedal = 1800; hipposmedal = 12; dragonflymedal = 300; musselsmedal = 100; swimmingbirdsmedal = 17; } frame 24 { _quality = 'high'; _root.maushand.gotoAndStop(1); evolution = 1; mainmusic = 1; sportiv = 1; egypt = 0; mars = 0; prehistoric = 0; japan = 0; germany = 0; wildwest = 0; kopfnuss = 0; wegmacher = 1; ensemble = 1; airline = 0; ausgang = 1; ameise = 1; tollersprung = 0; passagiere = 1; abkassur = 0; hat = 0; text0 = ''; text1 = ''; text2 = ''; = 100; ab =; by =; } frame 24 { loadMovie('', 'background1'); loadMovie('', 'background2'); loadMovie('', 'background3'); loadMovie('', 'submitkram'); loadMovie('', 'flossen'); loadMovie('', 'einfader'); loadMovie('', 'ausklang'); _root.poop._alpha = 0;; var myDataxi2195 = SharedObject.getLocal('myDataxi2195'); if ( == undefined) { _root.whichplane = 0; _root.trophyy1 = 0; _root.trophyy2 = 0; _root.trophyy3 = 0; _root.trophyy4 = 0; _root.trophyy5 = 0; _root.trophyy6 = 0; _root.trophyy7 = 0; _root.trophyy8 = 0; _root.trophyy9 = 0; _root.trophyy10 = 0; _root.trophyy11 = 0; _root.trophyy12 = 0; _root.trophyy13 = 0; _root.trophyy14 = 0; _root.trophyy15 = 0; _root.trophyy16 = 0; _root.trophyy17 = 0; _root.trophyy18 = 0; _root.ac1a = 0; _root.ac1b = 0; _root.ac1c = 0; _root.ac2a = 0; _root.ac2b = 0; _root.ac2c = 0; _root.ac3a = 0; _root.ac3b = 0; _root.ac3c = 0; _root.ac4a = 0; _root.ac4b = 0; _root.ac4c = 0; _root.ac5a = 0; _root.ac5b = 0; _root.ac5c = 0; _root.ac6a = 0; _root.ac6b = 0; _root.ac6c = 0; _root.ac7a = 0; _root.ac7b = 0; _root.ac7c = 0; _root.ac8a = 0; _root.ac8b = 0; _root.ac8c = 0; _root.ac9a = 0; _root.ac9b = 0; _root.ac9c = 0; _root.ac10a = 0; _root.ac10b = 0; _root.ac10c = 0; _root.ac11a = 0; _root.ac11b = 0; _root.ac11c = 0; _root.sy1 = 0; _root.my1 = 0; _root.su1 = 0; _root.ka1 = 0; _root.bb1 = 0; _root.hg1 = 0; _root.jp1 = 0; _root.ho1 = 0; _root.sw1 = 0; _root.ds1 = 0; _root.sd1 = 0; _root.sk1 = 0; _root.kw1 = 0; _root.tb1 = 0; _root.fb1 = 0; _root.ga1 = 0; _root.ns1 = 0; _root.cp1 = 0; _root.fi1 = 0; _root.ws1 = 0; _root.dp1 = 0; _root.mc1 = 0; } else { _root.whichplane =; _root.trophyy1 =; _root.trophyy2 =; _root.trophyy3 =; _root.trophyy4 =; _root.trophyy5 =; _root.trophyy6 =; _root.trophyy7 =; _root.trophyy8 =; _root.trophyy9 =; _root.trophyy10 =; _root.trophyy11 =; _root.trophyy12 =; _root.trophyy13 =; _root.trophyy14 =; _root.trophyy15 =; _root.trophyy16 =; _root.trophyy17 =; _root.trophyy18 =; _root.ac1a =; _root.ac1b =; _root.ac1c =; _root.ac2a =; _root.ac2b =; _root.ac2c =; _root.ac3a =; _root.ac3b =; _root.ac3c =; _root.ac4a =; _root.ac4b =; _root.ac4c =; _root.ac5a =; _root.ac5b =; _root.ac5c =; _root.ac6a =; _root.ac6b =; _root.ac6c =; _root.ac7a =; _root.ac7b =; _root.ac7c =; _root.ac8a =; _root.ac8b =; _root.ac8c =; _root.ac9a =; _root.ac9b =; _root.ac9c =; _root.ac10a =; _root.ac10b =; _root.ac10c =; _root.ac11a =; _root.ac11b =; _root.ac11c =; _root.sy1 =; _root.my1 =; _root.su1 =; _root.ka1 =; _root.bb1 =; _root.hg1 =; _root.jp1 =; _root.ho1 =; _root.sw1 =; _root.ds1 =; _root.sd1 =; _root.sk1 =; _root.kw1 =; _root.tb1 =; _root.fb1 =; _root.ga1 =; _root.ns1 =; _root.cp1 =; _root.fi1 =; _root.ws1 =; _root.dp1 =; _root.mc1 =; } bc1a = 0; bc1b = 0; bc1c = 0; bc2a = 0; bc2b = 0; bc2c = 0; bc3a = 0; bc3b = 0; bc3c = 0; bc4a = 0; bc4b = 0; bc4c = 0; bc5a = 0; bc5b = 0; bc5c = 0; bc6a = 0; bc6b = 0; bc6c = 0; bc7a = 0; bc7b = 0; bc7c = 0; bc8a = 0; bc8b = 0; bc8c = 0; bc9a = 0; bc9b = 0; bc9c = 0; bc10a = 0; bc10b = 0; bc10c = 0; bc11a = 0; bc11b = 0; bc11c = 0; aircraft1record = 0; aircraft2record = 0; aircraft3record = 0; aircraft4record = 0; aircraft5record = 0; aircraft6record = 0; aircraft7record = 0; aircraft8record = 0; aircraft9record = 0; aircraft10record = 0; aircraft11record = 0; rekord1 = 0; rekord2 = 0; rekord3 = 0; rekord4 = 0; rekord5 = 0; rekord6 = 0; rekord7 = 0; rekord8 = 0; rekord9 = 0; rekord10 = 0; rekord11 = 0; rekord12 = 0; rekord13 = 0; rekord14 = 0; rekord15 = 0; rekord16 = 0; rekord17 = 0; rekord18 = 0; rekord19 = 0; rekord20 = 0; rekord21 = 0; rekord22 = 0; polizei = 0; duecka = 1; dueckb = 1; dueckc = 1; dueckd = 1; duecke = 1; buecka = 1; bueckb = 1; bueckc = 1; bueckd = 1; buecke = 1; bueckf = 1; entiera = 1; entierb = 1; entierc = 1; entierd = 1; entiere = 1; girlexplode = 0; ufo = 0; hanger = 1; girlchan = 1; playstation = 0; bigbrummer = 1; tastehoch = 0; tasterunter = 0; aircraft = 0; fargo =; marder =; bootis = 0; bootis3 = 0; ducksound = 0; erpel = 0; swanlife = 0; spielende = 0; baer = 0; answer = 0; mapweg = 0; little = 0; power = 1; sprungtuch = 0; tastenwo = 1; himmel = 2; boeingsound = 0; taster = 1; copter = 0; runter = 1; attack = 0; jumpor = 0; testi = 0; flucht = 0; breaker = 0; breaker2 = 0; breaker3 = 0; biss = 1; sharkspeed = 12; scaler = 4; sy1y = 0; my1y = 0; su1y = 0; ka1y = 0; bb1y = 0; hg1y = 0; jp1y = 0; ho1y = 0; sw1y = 0; ds1y = 0; sd1y = 0; sk1y = 0; kw1y = 0; tb1y = 0; fb1y = 0; ga1y = 0; ns1y = 0; cp1y = 0; fi1y = 0; ws1y = 0; dp1y = 0; mc1y = 0; stop(); } movieClip 1019 { } movieClip 1020 { } movieClip 1023 { } movieClip 1026 { frame 1 { if (_root.vulkanan == 0) { stop(); } } } movieClip 1029 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1031 { } movieClip 1034 { frame 1 { if (_root.vulkanan == 0) { stop(); } } } movieClip 1037 { frame 1 { if (_root.vulkanan == 0) { stop(); } } } movieClip 1040 { } movieClip 1041 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1043 { } movieClip 1048 { } movieClip 1049 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1051 { } movieClip 1054 { } movieClip 1055 { } movieClip 1058 { } movieClip 1059 { } movieClip 1060 { } movieClip 1061 { } movieClip 1062 { } movieClip 1063 { } movieClip 1068 { } movieClip 1069 { } movieClip 1070 { } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1073 { } movieClip 1074 { } movieClip 1077 { } movieClip 1078 { } movieClip 1079 { } movieClip 1081 { } movieClip 1084 { } movieClip 1085 { } movieClip 1086 { } movieClip 1089 { } movieClip 1090 { } movieClip 1093 { } movieClip 1094 { } button 1095 { on (press) { _root.dunkelheit.gotoAndStop(2); nextFrame(); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 1096 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.attachMovie('selectshark2', 'selectshark2', 13000); _root.selectshark2._x = 24.7; _root.selectshark2._y = -132.45; } } movieClip 1098 { } movieClip 1100 { } movieClip 1102 { } movieClip 1104 { } movieClip 1105 { } movieClip 1109 { } movieClip 1110 { } movieClip 1113 { } movieClip 1114 { } movieClip 1128 { } movieClip 1130 { } movieClip 1132 { } movieClip 1135 { } movieClip 1136 { } movieClip 1138 { } movieClip 1140 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1141 { frame 2 { _root.attachMovie('rastergitter', 'rastergitter', 15999); _root.rastergitter._x = -23; _root.rastergitter._y = -36; } frame 15 { stop(); } } frame 25 { if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) { _root.soundeffects = 1; } _root.dinoman.setVolume(0);; } frame 25 { libellex = 0; pausierenx = 0; wasserhahn = 0; turtlekopf = 1; turtleschwanz = 1; heissezone = 0; heissezone2 = 0; punktemachen = 1; bebenbobby = 0; zerbrecher = 0; erdbebenwarnung = 0; dinocatch = 0; nilpferdbrecher = 0; _root.maushand.gotoAndStop(2); endboss = 0; uhranzeige = 0; testphase = 1; vertikal = _root._y; horizontali = _root._x; gefundenes = 0; shell = 0; panicbird = 0; secondweapon = random(3) + 1; secondweapon += 8; thirdweapon = random(3) + 1; thirdweapon += 16; fourthweapon = random(3) + 1; fourthweapon += 24; turtledeath = 0; tonnenboys = 0; staub = 0; wale = 0; bobi = 1; wald = 0; plesio1 = 0; plesio2 = 0; plesio3 = 0; plesio4 = 0; plesio5 = 0; plesio6 = 0; schwanz1 = 0; schwanz2 = 0; schwanz3 = 0; schwanz4 = 0; schwanz5 = 0; schwanzx1 = 0; schwanzx2 = 0; schwanzx3 = 0; schwanzx4 = 0; schwanzx5 = 0; schwanzflosse = 1; changesky = 1; buntvoegels = 0; dino1damage = 0; dino2damage = 0; dino3damage = 0; boomerang = 0; ebene1 = 0; ebene2 = 0; ebene3 = 0; ebene4 = 0; cave = 0; tropfx = 0; tropfy = 0; tropf2x = 0; tropf2y = 0; tropf3x = 0; tropf3y = 0; tropf4x = 0; tropf4y = 0; tropf5x = 0; tropf5y = 0; flugbirds = 0; federvogel = 0; mammuttot = 0; trexschwanz = 1; vulkanan = 0; apachesprozent = 0; pyramidenbau = 0; erwerb = 123; bluewhale = 0; scorpionrider = 1; sprungmarke = 0; gerundet = 0; riftpoints = 0; punkteabfrage = 1; levelende = 0; erstarrt = 0; geier = 0; rocketflash = 0; kopfnuss = 2; millwheelcount = 0; einsatzbereit = 0; batcount = 0; windowcount = 0; fischanzahl = 0; schatzanzahl = 0; schiffsanzahl = 0; playerscore = 0; losgehts = 0; kingini = 0; zufalli = 1; schatzi = 0; battleaxescore = 100; morningstarscore = 150; kingsscore = 250; mightyswordscore = 500; weaponbox = 1; duplikator = 1; schonwieder = 0; weapon = 1; anblick = 1; changer = 1; truhenxyz = 0; durchdreh = 0; kettensaege = 0; wasserschlag = 1; schleuder = 0; spicker = 0; fluegl1 =; fluegl2 =; fluegl3 =; fluegl4 =; henker = 1; prinzessin = 1; breakor = 0; zieli = 0; pferd1 = 1; pferd2 = 1; pferdu1 = 1; pferdu2 = 1; kopfbedeckung = 1; kanone = 0; seasnakelebendig = 0; hydralebendig = 0; krakenlebendig = 0; hydri = 0; kraki = 0; fluegl = 1; hintergrund = 1; changesky = 1; towers = 0; omg = 0; cannonmove = 0; cannon = 2; kathedrale = 0; schnecksi = 0; balloondeath = 0; ++whichplane; spicey = 0; spinnenmann = 0; containerboxes = 0; clockster = 0; lunti = 0; bilderwahl = 0; mittelpunkt = 1; glueck = 0; airrace = 0; kombosichtbar = 0; sharkmachine = 0; spiderman = 0; spidermanlebt = 1; coneyisland = 0; dingkong = 0; biplanesound = 0; bruecken = 0; pferdearsch = 0; pferdecombo = 0; hausquali = 0; hat = 0; hutflug = 0; atompilz = 0; irvineauftauch = 1; fallschirm1 = 1; fallschirm2 = 1; fallschirm3 = 1; fallschirm4 = 1; fallschirm5 = 1; cruiseship = 0; polizei = 0; duecka = 1; dueckb = 1; dueckc = 1; dueckd = 1; duecke = 1; buecka = 1; bueckb = 1; bueckc = 1; bueckd = 1; buecke = 1; bueckf = 1; entiera = 1; entierb = 1; entierc = 1; entierd = 1; entiere = 1; girlexplode = 0; ufo = 0; hanger = 1; girlchan = 1; playstation = 0; bigbrummer = 1; tastehoch = 0; tasterunter = 0; aircraft = 0; fargo =; marder =; bootis = 0; bootis3 = 0; ducksound = 0; erpel = 0; swanlife = 0; spielende = 0; baer = 0; answer = 0; mapweg = 0; little = 0; power = 1; sprungtuch = 0; tastenwo = 1; himmel = 2; boeingsound = 0; taster = 1; copter = 0; runter = 1; attack = 0; jumpor = 0; testi = 0; flucht = 0; breaker = 0; breaker2 = 0; breaker3 = 0; biss = 1; sharkspeed = 12; scaler = 4; } frame 25 { textfield1._alpha = 60; textfield2._alpha = 40; stop(); stopAllSounds(); _root.scorpionenergy.gotoAndStop(1);;;;;;;;'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric');'prehistoric'); _root.musicbox.gotoAndStop('prehistoric'); = 119.5; = 119.5; } movieClip 1143 { } movieClip 1144 { } movieClip 1146 { frame 10 { _root.downer = 2; stop(); } } movieClip 1147 { frame 1 { _root.downer = 1; } frame 1 { _root.highjumpx = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { _root.highjumpx = 2; } } movieClip 1149 { frame 1 { _root.sharkspeed = 12; stop(); } frame 2 { _root.sharkspeed += 1; } } movieClip 1151 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); skalieren = 2; } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 2 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 3 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 4 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 5 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 6 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 7 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 8 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 9 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 10 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 11 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 12 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 13 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 14 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 22 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 23 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 24 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 25 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 26 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 27 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 28 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 29 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 30 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 31 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 32 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 33 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 34 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } } movieClip 1153 { frame 10 {; stop(); } } movieClip 1154 { } movieClip 1155 { } movieClip 1158 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1161 { frame 2 { _root.mars2 = 0; _root.prehistoric2 = 0; _root.japan2 = 0; _root.germany2 = 0; _root.wildwest2 = 0; _root.egypt2 = 1; stopAllSounds(); _root.egypt = 1; _root.weapon = 5;;;;'egypt');'egypt'); = -250;; _root.zeit.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.zeit.inner.schrift = 'Egypt 1150 B.C.';'egypt');'egypt');; _root.kopfnuss = 1;; _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('kids_mcx', 134); _root.scorpiongallop = new Sound(_root.wauwau.kids_mcx); _root.scorpiongallop.attachSound('scorpiongallop'); _root.scorpiongallop.start(0, 99999); _root.scorpiongallop.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('fallgate_mc2i', 142); _root.breaky = new Sound(_root.wauwau.fallgate_mc2i); _root.breaky.attachSound('breaky'); _root.breaky.start(0, 99999); _root.breaky.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf99_mc', 132); _root.muni = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf99_mc); _root.muni.attachSound('muni'); _root.muni.start(0, 99999); _root.muni.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('muenzen_mc', 137); _root.muenzen = new Sound(_root.wauwau.muenzen_mc); _root.muenzen.attachSound('muenzen'); _root.muenzen.start(0, 99999); _root.muenzen.setVolume(0); stop(); } frame 3 { _root.mars2 = 1; _root.prehistoric2 = 0; _root.japan2 = 0; _root.germany2 = 0; _root.wildwest2 = 0; _root.egypt2 = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.mars = 1; _root.weapon = 4;;;;'mars'); _root.waffenanzeige.gotoAndStop('mars');'mars');;; = -250;;; _root.zeit.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.zeit.inner.schrift = 'Mars Colony 2160';'mars');'mars'); _root.kopfnuss = 6;; _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf99_mc', 132); _root.muni = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf99_mc); _root.muni.attachSound('muni'); _root.muni.start(0, 99999); _root.muni.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('fallgate_mc2i', 142); _root.breaky = new Sound(_root.wauwau.fallgate_mc2i); _root.breaky.attachSound('breaky'); _root.breaky.start(0, 99999); _root.breaky.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('muenzen_mc', 137); _root.muenzen = new Sound(_root.wauwau.muenzen_mc); _root.muenzen.attachSound('muenzen'); _root.muenzen.start(0, 99999); _root.muenzen.setVolume(0); stop(); } frame 4 { _root.mars2 = 0; _root.prehistoric2 = 1; _root.japan2 = 0; _root.germany2 = 0; _root.wildwest2 = 0; _root.egypt2 = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.musicbox2.gotoAndStop('prehistoric'); _root.weapon = 1; _root.prehistoric = 1;;;;;'prehistoric'); _root.waffenanzeige.gotoAndStop('prehistoric');'prehistoric'); _root.waffenanzeige.gotoAndStop('prehistoric');;; _root.kopfnuss = 4;'prehistoric');'prehistoric');; _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf99_mc', 132); _root.muni = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf99_mc); _root.muni.attachSound('muni'); _root.muni.start(0, 99999); _root.muni.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('saurier_mc', 143); _root.saurier = new Sound(_root.wauwau.saurier_mc); _root.saurier.attachSound('saurier'); _root.saurier.start(0, 99999); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.saurier.setVolume(100); } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.saurier.setVolume(0); } _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('fallgate_mc2i', 142); _root.breaky = new Sound(_root.wauwau.fallgate_mc2i); _root.breaky.attachSound('breaky'); _root.breaky.start(0, 99999); _root.breaky.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('waterfall_mc', 138); _root.waterfall = new Sound(_root.wauwau.waterfall_mc); _root.waterfall.attachSound('waterfall'); _root.waterfall.start(0, 99999); _root.waterfall.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('quak_mc', 139); _root.quak = new Sound(_root.wauwau.quak_mc); _root.quak.attachSound('quak'); _root.quak.start(0, 99999); _root.quak.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('flattern_mc', 144); _root.flattern = new Sound(_root.wauwau.flattern_mc); _root.flattern.attachSound('flattern'); _root.flattern.start(0, 99999); _root.flattern.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('buntvoegel_mc', 145); _root.buntvoegel = new Sound(_root.wauwau.buntvoegel_mc); _root.buntvoegel.attachSound('buntvoegel'); _root.buntvoegel.start(0, 99999); _root.buntvoegel.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('buntvoegel1_mc', 199); _root.buntvoegel1 = new Sound(_root.wauwau.buntvoegel1_mc); _root.buntvoegel1.attachSound('buntvoegel1'); _root.buntvoegel1.start(0, 99999); _root.buntvoegel1.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('bongo_mc', 201); _root.bongo = new Sound(_root.wauwau.bongo_mc); _root.bongo.attachSound('bongo'); _root.bongo.start(0, 99999); _root.bongo.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('birdpanic2_mc', 202); _root.birdpanic2 = new Sound(_root.wauwau.birdpanic2_mc); _root.birdpanic2.attachSound('birdpanic2'); _root.birdpanic2.start(0, 99999); _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('insect_mc', 13440); _root.insect = new Sound(_root.wauwau.insect_mc); _root.insect.attachSound('insect'); _root.insect.start(0, 99999); _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('insect2_mc', 13441); _root.insect2 = new Sound(_root.wauwau.insect2_mc); _root.insect2.attachSound('insect2'); _root.insect2.start(0, 99999); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); stop(); } frame 5 { _root.mars2 = 0; _root.prehistoric2 = 0; _root.japan2 = 1; _root.germany2 = 0; _root.wildwest2 = 0; _root.egypt2 = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.japan = 1; _root.weapon = 3;;;'japan'); _root.waffenanzeige.gotoAndStop('japan');'japan'); _root.waffenanzeige.gotoAndStop('japan'); = -250;;;; _root.zeit.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.zeit.inner.schrift = 'Japan A.D. 1150';'japan');'japan'); _root.kopfnuss = 2;; _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf99_mc', 132); _root.muni = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf99_mc); _root.muni.attachSound('muni'); _root.muni.start(0, 99999); _root.muni.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('fallgate_mc2i', 142); _root.breaky = new Sound(_root.wauwau.fallgate_mc2i); _root.breaky.attachSound('breaky'); _root.breaky.start(0, 99999); _root.breaky.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('muenzen_mc', 137); _root.muenzen = new Sound(_root.wauwau.muenzen_mc); _root.muenzen.attachSound('muenzen'); _root.muenzen.start(0, 99999); _root.muenzen.setVolume(0); stop(); } frame 6 { _root.mars2 = 0; _root.prehistoric2 = 0; _root.japan2 = 0; _root.germany2 = 1; _root.wildwest2 = 0; _root.egypt2 = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.germany = 1;;;;'germany');'germany'); _root.waffenanzeige.gotoAndStop('germany'); = -250;;;; _root.zeit.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.zeit.inner.schrift = 'Germany Third Reich 1944';'germany');'germany'); _root.kopfnuss = 3;; _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf99_mc', 132); _root.muni = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf99_mc); _root.muni.attachSound('muni'); _root.muni.start(0, 99999); _root.muni.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('fallgate_mc2i', 142); _root.breaky = new Sound(_root.wauwau.fallgate_mc2i); _root.breaky.attachSound('breaky'); _root.breaky.start(0, 99999); _root.breaky.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('muenzen_mc', 137); _root.muenzen = new Sound(_root.wauwau.muenzen_mc); _root.muenzen.attachSound('muenzen'); _root.muenzen.start(0, 99999); _root.muenzen.setVolume(0); stop(); } frame 7 { _root.mars2 = 0; _root.prehistoric2 = 0; _root.japan2 = 0; _root.germany2 = 0; _root.wildwest2 = 1; _root.egypt2 = 0; stopAllSounds(); _root.wildwest = 1;;;; = -250;;;; _root.zeit.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.zeit.inner.schrift = 'USA Wild West 1886';'wildwest');'wildwest');; _root.kopfnuss = 5;; _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('kids_mcx', 134); _root.scorpiongallop = new Sound(_root.wauwau.kids_mcx); _root.scorpiongallop.attachSound('scorpiongallop'); _root.scorpiongallop.start(0, 99999); _root.scorpiongallop.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf99_mc', 132); _root.muni = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf99_mc); _root.muni.attachSound('muni'); _root.muni.start(0, 99999); _root.muni.start(0, 99999); _root.muni.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('warcry_mc', 138); _root.warcry = new Sound(_root.wauwau.warcry_mc); _root.warcry.attachSound('warcry'); _root.warcry.start(0, 99999); _root.warcry.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('fallgate_mc2', 141); _root.vulture = new Sound(_root.wauwau.fallgate_mc2); _root.vulture.attachSound('vulture'); _root.vulture.start(0, 99999); _root.vulture.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('fallgate_mc2i', 142); _root.breaky = new Sound(_root.wauwau.fallgate_mc2i); _root.breaky.attachSound('breaky'); _root.breaky.start(0, 99999); _root.breaky.setVolume(0); _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('muenzen_mc', 137); _root.muenzen = new Sound(_root.wauwau.muenzen_mc); _root.muenzen.attachSound('muenzen'); _root.muenzen.start(0, 99999); _root.muenzen.setVolume(0); stop(); } frame 9 {; _root.punktemachen = 1; _root.tonnenboys = 0; _root.auskunft.gotoAndStop(1);; _root.musicbox2.gotoAndStop('weg'); _root.musicbox2.gotoAndStop('darkness');;;;;; _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('quake_mc', 144); _root.quake = new Sound(_root.wauwau.quake_mc); _root.quake.attachSound('quake'); _root.quake.start(0, 99999); _root.quake.setVolume(0);; _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('tuttle_mc', 129); _root.tuttle = new Sound(_root.wauwau.tuttle_mc); _root.tuttle.attachSound('tuttle'); _root.tuttle.start(0, 99999); _root.tuttle.setVolume(0); _root.flugbirds = 0; _root.boardneu.uhrxt.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.boardneu.uhrxt.time = 9; } } movieClip 1168 { frame 1 { if (_root.vulkanan == 0) { stop(); } } } movieClip 1171 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1172 { } movieClip 1179 { frame 1 { if (_root.vulkanan == 0) { stop(); } } } movieClip 1180 { frame 1 { if (_root.vulkanan == 0) { stop(); } } } movieClip 1183 { } movieClip 1186 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1190 { } movieClip 1191 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } } movieClip 1192 { } movieClip 1195 { } movieClip 1198 { } movieClip 1199 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } } movieClip 1204 { } movieClip 1205 { } movieClip 1210 { } movieClip 1211 { } movieClip 1216 { } movieClip 1217 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1218 { } movieClip 1223 { } movieClip 1224 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1231 { } movieClip 1232 { } movieClip 1233 { } movieClip 1234 { } movieClip 1235 { } movieClip 1236 { } movieClip 1237 { } movieClip 1240 { } movieClip 1247 { } movieClip 1248 { } movieClip 1249 { } movieClip 1256 { } movieClip 1263 { } movieClip 1264 { } movieClip 1267 { } movieClip 1268 { } movieClip 1269 { } movieClip 1270 { } movieClip 1271 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } } movieClip 1274 { } movieClip 1275 { } movieClip 1276 { instance of movieClip 1275 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('fast'); } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('fast'); } } } } movieClip 1282 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 1283 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 1286 { } movieClip 1288 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 1289 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 1292 { } movieClip 1294 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 1295 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 1297 { } movieClip 1298 { } movieClip 1300 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 1301 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1298 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } } } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 1304 { } movieClip 1305 { } movieClip 1307 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 1308 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1305 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } if (this.hitTest( && this.hitTest(_root.abschnitt)) {; } } } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 1309 { } movieClip 1315 { } movieClip 1316 { } movieClip 1318 { } movieClip 1320 { } movieClip 1321 { } movieClip 1323 { } movieClip 1324 { } movieClip 1325 { frame 19 { stop(); } } movieClip 1328 { } movieClip 1337 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1338 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1339 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1340 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1318 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2);; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2);; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); ++_root.jp1y; if (_root.jp1y == _root.flyingbirdsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Flying Birds'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('flyingbirds'); } stop(); } } movieClip 1341 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 151 { laufend = 0; } frame 151 { stop(); } } movieClip 1342 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 119 { stop(); } frame 137 { stop(); } frame 157 { stop(); } frame 177 { stop(); } frame 197 { stop(); } frame 217 { stop(); } frame 236 { stop(); } frame 254 { stop(); } frame 274 { stop(); } frame 294 { stop(); } frame 314 { stop(); } frame 334 { stop(); } } movieClip 1347 { } movieClip 1350 { } movieClip 1351 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1347 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } } } } movieClip 1352 { } movieClip 1353 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1354 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1355 { } movieClip 1356 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1357 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1347 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2); _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2); _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 1358 { } movieClip 1381 { } movieClip 1382 { } movieClip 1383 { } movieClip 1384 { frame 50 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1383 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; } } } } movieClip 1387 { } movieClip 1388 { } movieClip 1390 { } movieClip 1391 { } movieClip 1392 { frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 1393 { } movieClip 1394 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1395 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1396 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1397 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 1398 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 1399 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { ++_root.my1y; ++_root.kw1y; if (_root.kw1y == _root.runningbirdsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Running Birds'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('runningbirds'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('fishes'); } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } zufall = random(3); if (zufall == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 1400 { } movieClip 1409 { } movieClip 1410 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1411 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 139 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 1436 { frame 1 { pupi = 1; } frame 2 { pupi = 2; } frame 3 { pupi = 3; } frame 4 { pupi = 4; } frame 5 { pupi = 5; } frame 6 { pupi = 6; } frame 7 { pupi = 7; } frame 8 { pupi = 8; } frame 9 { pupi = 9; } frame 10 { pupi = 10; } frame 11 { pupi = 11; } frame 12 { pupi = 12; } frame 13 { pupi = 13; } frame 14 { pupi = 14; } frame 15 { pupi = 15; } frame 16 { pupi = 16; } frame 17 { pupi = 17; } frame 18 { pupi = 18; } frame 19 { pupi = 19; } frame 20 { pupi = 20; } frame 21 { pupi = 21; } frame 22 { pupi = 22; } frame 23 { pupi = 23; } frame 24 { pupi = 24; } frame 25 { pupi = 25; } frame 26 { pupi = 26; } frame 27 { pupi = 27; } frame 28 { pupi = 28; } frame 29 { pupi = 29; } frame 30 { pupi = 30; } frame 31 { pupi = 31; } frame 32 { pupi = 32; } frame 33 { pupi = 33; } frame 34 { pupi = 34; } frame 35 { pupi = 35; } frame 36 { pupi = 36; } frame 37 { pupi = 37; } frame 38 { pupi = 38; } frame 39 { pupi = 39; } frame 40 { pupi = 40; } frame 41 { pupi = 41; } frame 42 { pupi = 42; } frame 43 { pupi = 43; } frame 44 { pupi = 44; } frame 45 { pupi = 45; } frame 46 { pupi = 46; } frame 47 { pupi = 47; } frame 48 { pupi = 48; } frame 49 { pupi = 49; } frame 49 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 98 { gotoAndPlay('schwanzab'); } } movieClip 1459 { } movieClip 1460 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1461 { frame 1 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 1462 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1463 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1460 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; ++_root.dinoeins;;; _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.abdeckung.pupi + 50);; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 1465 { } movieClip 1468 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1475 { } movieClip 1477 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 1478 { } movieClip 1481 { } movieClip 1483 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 1485 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1486 { instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent._parent.roti.gotoAndStop('weg');;; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.schaedel.inner.schaedel.stop();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent._parent.roti.gotoAndStop('weg');;; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.schaedel.inner.schaedel.stop();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 1489 { } movieClip 1496 { } movieClip 1497 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1498 { frame 7 {'fall'); stop(); } } movieClip 1499 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1501 { } movieClip 1503 { } movieClip 1504 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1501 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } } } } movieClip 1505 { } movieClip 1506 { } movieClip 1507 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1508 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1501 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2); _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2); _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } frame 3 { ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } } movieClip 1510 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1511 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1512 { frame 7 {'fall2'); stop(); } } movieClip 1513 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {;; _parent._parent.kopp.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.manni.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.haubenmann.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; _parent._parent.kopp.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.manni.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.haubenmann.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1558 { } movieClip 1560 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1566 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1567 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1568 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1574 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } } } frame 4 { _root.dino1damage = 1; } frame 13 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } } } frame 16 { _root.dino1damage = 2; } frame 26 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } } } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.dino1damage = 3; } } movieClip 1607 { } movieClip 1634 { } movieClip 1636 { } movieClip 1638 { } movieClip 1639 { } movieClip 1640 { } movieClip 1641 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1642 { } movieClip 1643 { } movieClip 1644 { } movieClip 1646 { } movieClip 1647 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1648 { } movieClip 1653 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1654 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1655 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1656 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1647 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 1658 { } movieClip 1665 { } movieClip 1666 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1667 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1668 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1669 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1671 { frame 1 { _root.dino1damage = 1; if (1) { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.dino1damage = 2; if (2) { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.dino1damage = 3; if (3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 1675 { frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay('los'); } } movieClip 1689 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 1690 { } movieClip 1691 { frame 14 {; } frame 26 {; stop(); } } movieClip 1692 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1693 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1694 { } movieClip 1695 { frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 1696 { frame 30 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1647 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1698 { } movieClip 1705 { } movieClip 1706 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1707 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1708 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1709 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1711 { frame 1 { _root.dino1damage = 1; if (1) { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.dino1damage = 2; if (2) { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.dino1damage = 3; if (3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 1713 { frame 8 { gotoAndPlay('los'); } } movieClip 1726 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 1727 { } movieClip 1728 { frame 14 {; } frame 26 {; stop(); } } movieClip 1729 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { kurz = 0; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1634 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } } } } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 9 { laufend = 1; } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 376 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 377 { laufend = 1; } frame 390 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 744 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 1746 { } movieClip 1747 { } movieClip 1748 { } movieClip 1749 { } movieClip 1751 { } movieClip 1752 { } movieClip 1754 { } movieClip 1755 { } movieClip 1756 { } movieClip 1757 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 1758 { } movieClip 1759 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1760 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 1761 { frame 19 { stop(); } } movieClip 1762 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1749 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;;; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } zufall = random(3); if (zufall == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(4); } ++_root.ws1y; stop(); } } movieClip 1763 { } movieClip 1766 { } movieClip 1767 { } movieClip 1792 { } movieClip 1799 { } movieClip 1800 { } movieClip 1801 { } movieClip 1802 { } movieClip 1803 { frame 50 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1802 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; } } } } movieClip 1806 { } movieClip 1807 { } movieClip 1810 { } movieClip 1811 { } movieClip 1812 { frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 1813 { } movieClip 1814 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1815 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1816 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1817 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 1818 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 1819 { frame 1 { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } zufall = random(3); if (zufall == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 1820 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { ++_root.kw1y; if (_root.kw1y == _root.runningbirdsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Running Birds'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('runningbirds'); } stop(); } } movieClip 1821 { } movieClip 1822 { } movieClip 1823 { } movieClip 1826 { } movieClip 1827 { } movieClip 1828 { frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 1829 { } movieClip 1830 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1831 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1832 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1833 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 1834 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 1835 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } zufall = random(3); if (zufall == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(4); } ++_root.kw1y; if (_root.kw1y == _root.runningbirdsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Running Birds'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('runningbirds'); } stop(); } } movieClip 1836 { } movieClip 1838 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1839 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 139 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 1842 { } movieClip 1844 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } } } frame 4 { _root.dino2damage = 1; } frame 13 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } } } frame 16 { _root.dino2damage = 2; } frame 26 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } } } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 29 { _root.dino2damage = 3; } } movieClip 1845 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1850 { } movieClip 1851 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 1852 { } movieClip 1853 { } movieClip 1855 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 1856 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1857 { instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1856 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent._parent.roti.gotoAndStop('weg');;; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.schaedel.inner.schaedel.stop();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent._parent.roti.gotoAndStop('weg');;; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.schaedel.inner.schaedel.stop();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 1858 { } movieClip 1865 { } movieClip 1866 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1867 { frame 9 {'fall'); stop(); } } movieClip 1868 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1870 { } movieClip 1872 { } movieClip 1873 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1870 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } } } } movieClip 1874 { } movieClip 1875 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1876 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1877 { } movieClip 1878 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1879 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1870 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2); _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2); _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.my1y; stop(); } frame 3 { ++_root.my1y; } } movieClip 1880 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1881 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1882 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1889 { } movieClip 1890 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1891 { frame 8 {'fall2'); stop(); } } movieClip 1892 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1880 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {;;; _parent._parent.kopp.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.manni.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.haubenmann.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; _parent._parent.kopp.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.manni.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.haubenmann.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1898 { } movieClip 1931 { } movieClip 1933 { } movieClip 1934 { } movieClip 1935 { } movieClip 1936 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1937 { } movieClip 1938 { } movieClip 1939 { } movieClip 1941 { } movieClip 1943 { } movieClip 1944 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1945 { } movieClip 1946 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1947 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1948 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1949 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1944 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 1951 { } movieClip 1958 { } movieClip 1959 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1960 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1961 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1962 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1964 { frame 1 { _root.dino2damage = 1; if (1) { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.dino2damage = 2; if (2) { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.dino2damage = 3; if (3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 1966 { } movieClip 1979 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 1980 { } movieClip 1981 { frame 14 {; } frame 26 {; stop(); } } movieClip 1982 { } movieClip 1983 { frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 1984 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1985 { } movieClip 1986 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1987 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1988 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1989 { frame 30 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1984 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 1991 { } movieClip 1998 { } movieClip 1999 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2000 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2001 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 2002 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2004 { frame 1 { _root.dino2damage = 1; if (1) { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.dino2damage = 2; if (2) { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.dino2damage = 3; if (3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 2006 { frame 8 { gotoAndPlay('los'); } } movieClip 2019 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 2020 { } movieClip 2021 { frame 14 {; } frame 26 {; stop(); } } movieClip 2022 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1634 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } } } } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 9 { laufend = 1; } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 376 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 377 { laufend = 1; } frame 390 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 744 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 2024 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2025 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 139 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 2028 { } movieClip 2031 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } } } frame 4 { _root.dino3damage = 1; } frame 13 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } } } frame 17 { _root.dino3damage = 2; } frame 26 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.dinoeins;; } } } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 30 { _root.dino3damage = 3; } } movieClip 2032 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2037 { } movieClip 2038 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 2039 { } movieClip 2040 { } movieClip 2042 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 2043 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2044 { instance dfgdfg of movieClip 2043 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent._parent.roti.gotoAndStop('weg');;; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.schaedel.inner.schaedel.stop();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent._parent.roti.gotoAndStop('weg');;; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.schaedel.inner.schaedel.stop();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 2045 { } movieClip 2052 { } movieClip 2053 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2054 { frame 7 {'fall'); stop(); } } movieClip 2055 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2057 { } movieClip 2059 { } movieClip 2060 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2057 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } } } } movieClip 2061 { } movieClip 2062 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2063 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2064 { } movieClip 2065 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2066 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2057 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2); _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2); _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.my1y; stop(); } frame 3 { ++_root.my1y; } } movieClip 2067 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2068 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2069 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 2076 { } movieClip 2077 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2078 { frame 6 {'fall2'); stop(); } } movieClip 2079 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 2067 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {;; _parent._parent.kopp.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.manni.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.haubenmann.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; _parent._parent.kopp.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.manni.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.haubenmann.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2085 { } movieClip 2117 { } movieClip 2119 { } movieClip 2120 { } movieClip 2121 { } movieClip 2122 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 2123 { } movieClip 2124 { } movieClip 2125 { } movieClip 2127 { } movieClip 2129 { } movieClip 2130 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2131 { } movieClip 2132 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2133 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2134 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2135 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 2130 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 2137 { } movieClip 2144 { } movieClip 2145 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2146 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2147 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 2148 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2150 { } movieClip 2152 { frame 1 { _root.dino3damage = 1; if (1) { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.dino3damage = 2; if (2) { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.dino3damage = 3; if (3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 2154 { } movieClip 2167 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 2168 { } movieClip 2169 { frame 14 {; } frame 26 {; stop(); } } movieClip 2170 { } movieClip 2171 { frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 2172 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2173 { } movieClip 2174 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2175 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2176 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2177 { frame 30 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 2172 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 2179 { } movieClip 2186 { } movieClip 2187 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2188 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2189 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 2190 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2192 { } movieClip 2193 { frame 1 { _root.dino3damage = 1; if (1) { gotoAndStop(2); } _root.dino3damage = 2; if (2) { gotoAndStop(3); } _root.dino3damage = 3; if (3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 2195 { } movieClip 2208 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 2209 { } movieClip 2210 { frame 14 {; } frame 26 {; stop(); } } movieClip 2211 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1634 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } } } } instance hit of movieClip 1636 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 9 { laufend = 1; } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 376 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 377 { laufend = 1; } frame 390 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 744 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 2214 { } movieClip 2215 { } movieClip 2227 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 2228 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2229 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 2 { ++_root.ns1y; if (_root.ns1y == _root.eggsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Eggs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('eggs'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2230 { } movieClip 2231 { } movieClip 2232 { } movieClip 2233 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 2 { ++_root.ns1y; if (_root.ns1y == _root.eggsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Eggs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('eggs'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2234 { } movieClip 2237 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2240 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2241 { } movieClip 2243 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2244 { } movieClip 2246 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2252 { } movieClip 2253 { } movieClip 2254 { } movieClip 2256 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } } movieClip 2257 { frame 1 {;; stop(); } frame 2 {;; } } movieClip 2261 { } movieClip 2262 { } movieClip 2263 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 2264 { } movieClip 2266 { } movieClip 2268 { } movieClip 2270 { } movieClip 2272 { } movieClip 2273 { frame 13 { if (_root.mammuttot == 0) { _root.mammuttot = 1; _parent._parent.stop(); _parent._parent.auge.gotoAndPlay('tot');'weiter'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2274 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(2);; } } } frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 16 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 2277 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _parent._parent.horn2.inner.gotoAndStop(2); _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 2278 { } movieClip 2283 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2284 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2285 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2286 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 2278 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 14 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 2278 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 27 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 2278 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 30 { if (_root.mammuttot == 0) { _root.mammuttot = 1; _parent._parent.stop(); _parent._parent.auge.gotoAndPlay('tot');;;;'weiter'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2300 { } movieClip 2313 { frame 19 { stop(); } } movieClip 2314 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.mammothdeath = 1;; } frame 11 {; } frame 23 {; } frame 329 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 2315 { } movieClip 2316 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2317 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 1636 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2319 { } movieClip 2320 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2323 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 16 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 32 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 2325 { } movieClip 2326 { } movieClip 2328 { } movieClip 2329 { } movieClip 2331 { } movieClip 2332 { } movieClip 2333 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 2334 { } movieClip 2335 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2343 { } movieClip 2344 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2345 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 2335 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; }; _parent._parent.stop();;;; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 2369 { } movieClip 2370 { } movieClip 2371 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2373 { } movieClip 2374 { } movieClip 2375 { frame 52 { stop(); } } movieClip 2377 { } movieClip 2378 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2379 { } movieClip 2380 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2381 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2382 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 456 { stop(); } } movieClip 2383 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 15 {; } frame 23 { stop(); } } movieClip 2384 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } instance hit of movieClip 1636 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } } } } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 200 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 2385 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 171 { laufend = 1; } frame 171 { stop(); } } movieClip 2386 { } movieClip 2387 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 122 { laufend = 0; } frame 122 { stop(); } } movieClip 2388 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 151 { laufend = 0; } frame 151 { stop(); } } movieClip 2389 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 122 { laufend = 0; } frame 122 { stop(); } } movieClip 2390 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 171 { laufend = 0; } frame 171 { stop(); } } movieClip 2391 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 181 { laufend = 1; } frame 181 { stop(); } } movieClip 2393 { } movieClip 2395 { } movieClip 2398 { } movieClip 2400 { } movieClip 2401 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance a2 of movieClip 2393 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 2404 { } movieClip 2407 { } movieClip 2410 { } movieClip 2413 { } movieClip 2414 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2415 { frame 50 { stop(); } instance a1 of movieClip 2414 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } } } } movieClip 2416 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2417 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2418 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2419 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2420 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.fb1y; _root.my1y += 6; play(); } frame 7 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 16 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 46 { stop(); } } movieClip 2421 { } movieClip 2422 { } movieClip 2423 { frame 122 { stop(); } } movieClip 2426 { } movieClip 2428 { } movieClip 2431 { } movieClip 2432 { } movieClip 2434 { } movieClip 2436 { } movieClip 2438 { } movieClip 2439 { } movieClip 2440 { } movieClip 2441 { } movieClip 2443 { } movieClip 2446 { } movieClip 2447 { } movieClip 2450 { frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 2453 { } movieClip 2455 { } movieClip 2457 { } movieClip 2459 { } movieClip 2460 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 2462 { } movieClip 2467 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };;; } } } frame 2 { _root.trexschwanz = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 2468 { } movieClip 2471 { } movieClip 2472 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 2474 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 2476 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent._parent._parent.middlehit.gotoAndStop(2);;; } } } frame 7 {'kopfab'); stop(); } } movieClip 2478 { } movieClip 2501 { } movieClip 2502 { } movieClip 2507 { } movieClip 2508 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance middlehit of movieClip 2335 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; } } } } movieClip 2510 { } movieClip 2511 { frame 200 { stop(); } } movieClip 2512 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 2514 { } movieClip 2515 { frame 1 { } frame 31 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } stop(); } } movieClip 2516 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 2517 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 143 { stop(); } } movieClip 2520 { frame 1 { if (_root.trexschwanz == 0) { nextFrame(); } } } movieClip 2524 { } movieClip 2525 { frame 19 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 2526 { } movieClip 2527 { frame 36 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 37 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } stop(); } } movieClip 2528 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2529 { frame 8 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 16 {; stop(); } } movieClip 2530 { } movieClip 2534 { frame 1 { if (_root.trexschwanz == 0) { nextFrame(); } stop(); } } movieClip 2535 { } movieClip 2542 { } movieClip 2543 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2544 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2545 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 2546 { } movieClip 2547 { } movieClip 2548 { } movieClip 2549 { frame 7 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2550 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } instance hit of movieClip 1636 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } } } } frame 2 {; laufend = 1; } frame 286 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 287 { play(); laufend = 1; } frame 571 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 2551 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2552 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 1485 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent._parent._parent.middlehit.gotoAndStop(2);;; } } } instance dfgdfg of movieClip 2335 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; } } } frame 7 {'kopfab'); stop(); } } movieClip 2558 { } movieClip 2559 { } movieClip 2560 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } instance hit of movieClip 1636 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } } } } frame 2 {; } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 286 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 287 { play(); laufend = 1; } frame 571 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 2561 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2562 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 5 {; } frame 10 { _root.auskunft.gotoAndPlay('gehtlos'); laufend = 1; } frame 176 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 271 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 532 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 556 {; } frame 817 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 974 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 996 {; } frame 1011 {'dinobird3'); stop(); } frame 1067 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 1072 {; } frame 1117 {'dinobird6'); stop(); } frame 1118 {; } frame 1292 { } frame 1427 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 1573 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 1779 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 1861 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 1964 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 1973 {; } frame 2069 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2170 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2268 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2314 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2402 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2489 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2578 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2659 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2733 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2804 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2868 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 2937 { if (_root.federvogel == 0) {; } } frame 3009 { gotoAndPlay('snoopy'); } frame 3010 { laufend = 0; } } movieClip 2563 { } movieClip 2565 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2569 { } movieClip 2570 { } movieClip 2573 { } movieClip 2576 { } movieClip 2577 { } movieClip 2578 { } movieClip 2587 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2588 { frame 4 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 64 { stop(); } } movieClip 2591 { } movieClip 2594 { } movieClip 2595 { frame 1 { zufall = random(4) + 1; if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (zufall == 3) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (zufall == 3) { gotoAndStop(5); } stop(); } } movieClip 2596 { } movieClip 2597 { } movieClip 2598 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 226 { stop(); } } movieClip 2599 { } movieClip 2602 { } movieClip 2605 { } movieClip 2606 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere87 of movieClip 2602 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } instance rere of movieClip 2602 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('ruettel'); } } } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 55 { laufend = 0; } frame 55 { stop(); } } movieClip 2607 { } movieClip 2608 { } movieClip 2609 { } movieClip 2612 { } movieClip 2613 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere87 of movieClip 2609 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } instance rere of movieClip 2609 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('ruettel'); } } } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 55 { laufend = 0; } frame 55 { stop(); } } movieClip 2614 { } movieClip 2615 { } movieClip 2616 { } movieClip 2617 { } movieClip 2618 { } movieClip 2621 { } movieClip 2622 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere87 of movieClip 2618 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } instance rere of movieClip 2618 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('ruettel'); } } } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 55 { laufend = 0; } frame 55 { stop(); } } movieClip 2623 { } movieClip 2624 { } movieClip 2625 { } movieClip 2626 { } movieClip 2627 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 941 { laufend = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 2632 { } movieClip 2635 { } movieClip 2636 { } movieClip 2637 { } movieClip 2638 { } movieClip 2639 { } movieClip 2640 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2641 { } movieClip 2642 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2638 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2645 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2638 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2648 { } movieClip 2651 { } movieClip 2652 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 {; stop(); } } movieClip 2653 { } movieClip 2654 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2664 { } movieClip 2673 { } movieClip 2678 { } movieClip 2683 { } movieClip 2687 { } movieClip 2688 { } movieClip 2695 { } movieClip 2702 { } movieClip 2707 { } movieClip 2714 { } movieClip 2721 { } movieClip 2722 { } movieClip 2723 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 10 {; } frame 80 {; } frame 262 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 263 { laufend = 1; } frame 312 { laufend = 0; stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { stopAllSounds(); _root.wasserhahn = 0; _root.auskunft.gotoAndStop(1);;; _root.riftpoints = 0; _root.punkteabfrage = 1; _root.sprungmarke = 0; _root.gerundet = 0; _root.boardneu.uhr.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.fishtravel.gotoAndStop(1); = 0;;;'tropf');'tropf');'tropf');'tropf');'tropf');'tropf');'tropf');'tropf');'tropf');'tropf');'tropf');'tropf'); _root.musicbox.gotoAndStop('weg'); _root.musicbox.gotoAndStop('caveloop'); = -250;'tropf'); } } } } movieClip 2724 { } movieClip 2725 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 17 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.waterfall.setVolume(30); } _root.wasserhahn = 1; } frame 51 {; } frame 77 {; } frame 146 { _root.tonnenboys = 1; } frame 211 { gotoAndPlay('loopi'); } } movieClip 2727 { } movieClip 2730 { } movieClip 2733 { } movieClip 2735 { } movieClip 2737 { } movieClip 2739 { } movieClip 2741 { } movieClip 2744 { } movieClip 2747 { } movieClip 2750 { } movieClip 2751 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2752 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 2753 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; } } } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2756 { } movieClip 2758 { } movieClip 2759 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2761 { } movieClip 2762 { } movieClip 2763 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2764 { } movieClip 2765 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2766 { } movieClip 2767 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 {; ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, 475, 380); } stop(); } } movieClip 2770 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 {; ++_root.my1; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2772 { } movieClip 2773 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 {; ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2776 { } movieClip 2778 { } movieClip 2779 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 {; ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2782 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 {; ++_root.my1; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2784 { } movieClip 2785 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2787 { } movieClip 2788 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 {; stop(); } } movieClip 2791 { } movieClip 2792 { } movieClip 2793 { instance a1 of movieClip 2792 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 2794 { instance a2 of movieClip 2792 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 2797 { } movieClip 2798 { } movieClip 2799 { } movieClip 2800 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2801 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2638 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } frame 3 { ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } frame 4 { ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2806 { } movieClip 2807 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2808 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2638 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } stop(); } } movieClip 2811 { } movieClip 2813 { } movieClip 2816 { } movieClip 2817 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2811 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.fi1y; } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2818 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2744 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.fi1y; } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2823 { } movieClip 2826 { } movieClip 2827 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.cp1y; } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 2832 { } movieClip 2835 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.cp1y; } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 2840 { } movieClip 2843 { } movieClip 2844 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.cp1y; } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 2847 { } movieClip 2850 { } movieClip 2851 { } movieClip 2856 { } movieClip 2859 { } movieClip 2860 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2851 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.cp1y; } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2863 { } movieClip 2866 { } movieClip 2869 { } movieClip 2870 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2863 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.cp1y; } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2875 { } movieClip 2878 { } movieClip 2879 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 2884 { } movieClip 2887 { } movieClip 2888 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.fi1y; } frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 2892 { } movieClip 2894 { } movieClip 2895 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.fi1y; } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2898 { } movieClip 2900 { } movieClip 2901 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.fi1y; } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 2904 { } movieClip 2906 { } movieClip 2907 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } ++_root.fi1y; } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 2911 { frame 1 { if (_root.erdbebenwarnung == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 2914 { } movieClip 2915 { } movieClip 2917 { } movieClip 2919 { } movieClip 2921 { } movieClip 2923 { } movieClip 2924 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 2925 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2926 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2927 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 2915 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 2928 { } movieClip 2929 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 232 { gotoAndPlay('los'); } } movieClip 2930 { frame 1 {; } frame 1488 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2935 { } movieClip 2938 { } movieClip 2939 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 68 { laufend = 0; } frame 68 { stop(); } } movieClip 2940 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.tropf5x =; _root.tropf5y =; _root.tropf4x =; _root.tropf4y =; _root.tropf3x =; _root.tropf3y =; _root.tropf2x =; _root.tropf2y =; _root.tropfx =; _root.tropfy =;;;;;; stop(); } } movieClip 2941 { } movieClip 2942 { } movieClip 2948 { } movieClip 2950 { } movieClip 2952 { } movieClip 2953 { } movieClip 2956 { } movieClip 2957 { } movieClip 2958 { instance rere87 of movieClip 2957 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('ruettel'); } if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('ruettel'); } if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } instance rere of movieClip 2957 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('ruettel'); } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('ruettel'); } } } } movieClip 2960 { } movieClip 2962 { } movieClip 2963 { } movieClip 2965 { } movieClip 2966 { } movieClip 2967 { } movieClip 2969 { } movieClip 2970 { } movieClip 2975 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2976 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2978 { } movieClip 2980 { } movieClip 2982 { } movieClip 2983 { frame 1 { } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 2984 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2985 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 2986 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 {; stop(); } } movieClip 2989 { } movieClip 2998 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 2999 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3024 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } stop(); } } movieClip 3025 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree1.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wald; } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 2957 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3026 { } movieClip 3027 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree1b.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wald; } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 2957 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3028 { } movieClip 3030 { } movieClip 3032 { } movieClip 3033 { } movieClip 3034 { } movieClip 3037 { } movieClip 3038 { } movieClip 3039 { } movieClip 3040 { } movieClip 3041 { } movieClip 3042 { } movieClip 3043 { } movieClip 3044 { } movieClip 3045 { frame 1 { } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 3046 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3047 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 3048 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 {; stop(); } } movieClip 3051 { } movieClip 3052 { } movieClip 3054 { } movieClip 3056 { } movieClip 3057 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3058 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3059 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3060 { } movieClip 3061 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree2.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wald; } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 3060 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3062 { } movieClip 3065 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 61 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 152 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 184 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 207 { stop(); } } movieClip 3074 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree2b.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wald; } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 3060 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3075 { } movieClip 3076 { } movieClip 3077 { } movieClip 3078 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 3079 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 3080 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 3081 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree3.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 0; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wald; } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 2957 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3082 { } movieClip 3083 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree3b.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wald; } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 2957 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3084 { } movieClip 3087 { } movieClip 3089 { } movieClip 3090 { } movieClip 3091 { } movieClip 3094 { } movieClip 3095 { } movieClip 3096 { } movieClip 3097 { } movieClip 3098 { } movieClip 3099 { } movieClip 3100 { } movieClip 3101 { } movieClip 3102 { frame 1 { } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 3103 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3104 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 3105 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 {; stop(); } } movieClip 3106 { } movieClip 3107 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3108 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3109 { } movieClip 3110 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree4.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wald; } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 3109 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3111 { } movieClip 3116 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree4b.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wald; } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 3109 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3117 { } movieClip 3118 { } movieClip 3119 { } movieClip 3120 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree5.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wald; } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 2957 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3121 { } movieClip 3122 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.signs.trees.tree5b.gotoAndStop(2);; ++_root.sk1y; if (_root.sk1y == _root.treesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Trees'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('trees'); } laufend = 1; } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } frame 16 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 66 { ++_root.wald; if (_root.wald >= 10) {; } } frame 66 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 74 { laufend = 1; } instance rere87 of movieClip 2957 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.tree.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('sturz'); } } } frame 86 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3123 { } movieClip 3124 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 {; laufend = 1; } frame 217 {; } frame 255 { _root.changesky = 2; } frame 275 { _root.auskunft.gotoAndPlay('trees'); } frame 295 { _root.signs.gotoAndStop(1); _root.signs.gotoAndStop('trees'); } frame 295 {'baum1'); } frame 334 {'baum2'); } frame 335 {; } frame 374 {'baum3'); } frame 413 {'baum4'); } frame 456 {'baum5'); } frame 495 {'baum6'); } frame 537 {'baum7'); } frame 576 {'baum8'); } frame 618 {'baum9'); } frame 657 {'baum10'); } frame 820 {; } frame 836 {; } frame 851 {; } frame 865 {; } frame 880 {; } frame 893 {; } frame 906 {; } frame 920 {; } frame 1101 { laufend = 0;'weg');'dinobird'); stop(); } frame 1102 {;; laufend = 1; } frame 1161 {; laufend = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 3127 { } movieClip 3128 { } movieClip 3129 { } movieClip 3132 { } movieClip 3133 { } movieClip 3134 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3135 { } movieClip 3138 { } movieClip 3139 { } movieClip 3140 { } movieClip 3143 { } movieClip 3144 { } movieClip 3147 { } movieClip 3148 { frame 223 { gotoAndPlay('kaktus'); } } movieClip 3149 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1460 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 121 { stop(); } } movieClip 3150 { frame 81 { stop(); } } movieClip 3152 { } movieClip 3153 { } movieClip 3154 { } movieClip 3155 { frame 223 { gotoAndPlay('kaktus'); } } movieClip 3156 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3154 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 121 { stop(); } } movieClip 3157 { frame 81 { stop(); } } movieClip 3158 { } movieClip 3159 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3164 { } movieClip 3166 { } movieClip 3167 { } movieClip 3168 { } movieClip 3169 { } movieClip 3170 { } movieClip 3171 { } movieClip 3172 { } movieClip 3173 { } movieClip 3174 { } movieClip 3175 { } movieClip 3176 { } movieClip 3177 { } movieClip 3178 { } movieClip 3179 { frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3178 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } } movieClip 3180 { frame 1 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 3181 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 3182 { } movieClip 3183 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 3185 { } movieClip 3187 { } movieClip 3188 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 3189 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; } ++_root.tb1y; ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, 475, 380); } stop(); } } movieClip 3190 { } movieClip 3191 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 3192 { frame 34 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 73 { stop(); } } movieClip 3193 { frame 146 { stop(); } } movieClip 3194 { } movieClip 3195 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } } movieClip 3202 { } movieClip 3203 { instance a1 of movieClip 3202 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 3204 { instance a2 of movieClip 3202 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3207 { } movieClip 3208 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3210 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3211 { } movieClip 3216 { } movieClip 3217 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3218 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3217 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {; } } } movieClip 3219 { } movieClip 3220 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3221 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'FERRY EXPLODED IN A CHAINREACTION, 46 KILLED'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.kombi.gotoAndPlay(2); ++_root.kombi.combo;'breakaussen'); stop(); } } movieClip 3226 { frame 1 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 3227 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3232 { } movieClip 3233 { } movieClip 3234 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance a1 of movieClip 3220 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } if (this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } if (this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3220 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } if (this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1iuuzhz of movieClip 3220 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } if (this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1hh of movieClip 3220 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.little == 0) {; } } } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; ++_root.su1y; _root.my1y += 2; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; ++_root.su1y; _root.my1y += 2; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 3235 { } movieClip 3236 { frame 111 { if (_root.cave == 0) {; } } frame 262 { if (_root.cave == 0) {; } } } movieClip 3244 { } movieClip 3249 { } movieClip 3252 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3254 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3255 { } movieClip 3256 { } movieClip 3257 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3217 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {; } } } movieClip 3258 { } movieClip 3259 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3260 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'FERRY EXPLODED IN A CHAINREACTION, 46 KILLED'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.kombi.gotoAndPlay(2); ++_root.kombi.combo;'breakaussen'); stop(); } } movieClip 3265 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance a1 of movieClip 3259 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3259 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1iuuzhz of movieClip 3259 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1hho of movieClip 3259 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.little == 0) {; } } } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; }; ++_root.su1y; _root.my1y += 3; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; }; ++_root.su1y; _root.my1y += 3; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 3266 { } movieClip 3267 { } movieClip 3272 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3274 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3275 { } movieClip 3280 { } movieClip 3281 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3217 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {; } } } movieClip 3282 { } movieClip 3283 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3284 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'FERRY EXPLODED IN A CHAINREACTION, 46 KILLED'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.kombi.gotoAndPlay(2); ++_root.kombi.combo;'breakaussen'); stop(); } } movieClip 3289 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance a1 of movieClip 3283 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3283 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1iuuzhz of movieClip 3283 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1hh8 of movieClip 3283 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.little == 0) {; } } } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; ++_root.su1y; ++_root.my1y; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; ++_root.su1y; ++_root.my1y; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 3290 { } movieClip 3291 { } movieClip 3300 { } movieClip 3303 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3306 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3307 { } movieClip 3310 { } movieClip 3311 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3217 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {; } } } movieClip 3312 { } movieClip 3313 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3314 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'FERRY EXPLODED IN A CHAINREACTION, 46 KILLED'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.kombi.gotoAndPlay(2); ++_root.kombi.combo;'breakaussen'); stop(); } } movieClip 3319 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance a1 of movieClip 3313 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3313 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1iuuzhz of movieClip 3313 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1hh of movieClip 3313 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.little == 0) {; } } } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; }; ++_root.su1y; _root.my1y += 3; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; }; ++_root.su1y; _root.my1y += 3; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 3320 { } movieClip 3321 { } movieClip 3327 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3330 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3331 { } movieClip 3334 { } movieClip 3335 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3217 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {; } } } movieClip 3336 { } movieClip 3337 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3338 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'FERRY EXPLODED IN A CHAINREACTION, 46 KILLED'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.kombi.gotoAndPlay(2); ++_root.kombi.combo;'breakaussen'); stop(); } } movieClip 3343 { } movieClip 3344 { } movieClip 3345 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance a1 of movieClip 3337 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakinnen'); } } } instance a1iuu of movieClip 3337 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1iuuzhz of movieClip 3337 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker2 == 1) { _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.text2 = _root.text1; _root.text1 = _root.text0; _root.text0 = 'SHARK CRUSHED SHIP'; _root.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.gotoAndPlay('breakaussen'); } } } instance a1hh of movieClip 3337 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.little == 0) {; } } } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; ++_root.su1y; _root.my1y += 3; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; ++_root.su1y; _root.my1y += 3; if (_root.su1y == _root.raftsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Rafts'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('rafts'); } if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 3346 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3347 { } movieClip 3348 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 300 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 3349 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3356 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3360 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3362 { } movieClip 3363 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance f1 of movieClip 3202 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('oben'); } } } instance f2 of movieClip 3202 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('unten'); } } } instance f0 of movieClip 3202 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('ganzoben'); } } } frame 15 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3364 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3365 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3371 { } movieClip 3372 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 3373 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3374 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3202 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.halsab = 1; _parent._parent.halsab2 = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };;; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.halsab = 1; _parent._parent.halsab2 = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };;; } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio1; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio1 == 4) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 3375 { } movieClip 3377 { } movieClip 3378 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.fleisch2.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_parent._parent.halsab == 3) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(3); } _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(2);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio1; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio1 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3380 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay('zwei'); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent._parent.halsab = 3; _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(3);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio1; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio1 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3384 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3387 { } movieClip 3388 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 3390 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3392 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3393 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } } movieClip 3453 { frame 1 { halsab = 0; } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3454 { } movieClip 3456 { } movieClip 3458 { } movieClip 3459 { } movieClip 3461 { } movieClip 3462 { } movieClip 3465 { } movieClip 3466 { } movieClip 3469 { } movieClip 3472 { } movieClip 3474 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3476 { } movieClip 3477 { frame 46 { stop(); } } movieClip 3478 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio1; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio1 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3480 { } movieClip 3481 { } movieClip 3484 { } movieClip 3485 { } movieClip 3488 { } movieClip 3490 { } movieClip 3491 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 3492 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio1; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio1 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3495 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };; } } } frame 16 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };;; } } } frame 32 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };;; } } } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 3496 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(3); if (_parent._parent.cutter == 1) { _parent._parent.schwanzl.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3498 { } movieClip 3499 { frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 3501 { } movieClip 3502 { } movieClip 3505 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3506 { frame 61 { stop(); } } movieClip 3508 { frame 1 { cutter = 0; stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.cutter = 1;;; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } } frame 3 { ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } stop(); } frame 3 { ++_root.plesio1; if (_root.plesio1 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3509 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3510 { } movieClip 3511 { } movieClip 3512 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3515 { } movieClip 3516 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 3518 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3519 { } movieClip 3521 { } movieClip 3522 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance f1 of movieClip 3519 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('oben'); } } } instance f2 of movieClip 3519 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('unten'); } } } instance f0 of movieClip 3519 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('ganzoben'); } } } frame 15 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3523 { } movieClip 3524 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3525 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3526 { } movieClip 3531 { } movieClip 3532 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 3533 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3534 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3523 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.halsab = 1;;; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.halsab = 1;;; } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio2; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio2 == 4) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 3535 { } movieClip 3536 { } movieClip 3546 { } movieClip 3547 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3535 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.fleisch2.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_parent._parent.halsab == 3) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(3); } _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(2);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio2; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio2 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3548 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3535 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay('zwei'); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent._parent.halsab = 3; _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(3);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio2; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio2 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3550 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3553 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3555 { } movieClip 3556 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 3558 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3560 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3561 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } } movieClip 3621 { frame 1 { halsab = 0; } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3622 { } movieClip 3624 { } movieClip 3626 { } movieClip 3627 { } movieClip 3629 { } movieClip 3630 { } movieClip 3633 { } movieClip 3634 { } movieClip 3635 { } movieClip 3637 { } movieClip 3639 { } movieClip 3641 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3643 { } movieClip 3644 { frame 46 { stop(); } } movieClip 3645 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3646 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3647 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio2; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio2 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3649 { } movieClip 3650 { } movieClip 3652 { } movieClip 3653 { } movieClip 3655 { } movieClip 3657 { } movieClip 3658 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 3659 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio2; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio2 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3660 { } movieClip 3661 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3660 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(3); if (_parent._parent.cutter == 1) { _parent._parent.schwanzl.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3663 { } movieClip 3665 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3666 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3667 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 3668 { frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 3670 { } movieClip 3671 { } movieClip 3674 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3675 { frame 61 { stop(); } } movieClip 3677 { frame 1 { cutter = 0; stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.cutter = 1;; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } } frame 3 { stop(); ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } ++_root.plesio2; if (_root.plesio2 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3678 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3679 { } movieClip 3680 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3683 { } movieClip 3684 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 3686 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3687 { } movieClip 3689 { } movieClip 3690 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance f1 of movieClip 3687 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('oben'); } } } instance f2 of movieClip 3687 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('unten'); } } } instance f0 of movieClip 3687 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('ganzoben'); } } } frame 15 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3691 { } movieClip 3692 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3693 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3694 { } movieClip 3699 { } movieClip 3700 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 3701 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3702 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3691 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.halsab = 1;;; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.halsab = 1;;; } } } frame 2 { ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } stop(); } } movieClip 3703 { } movieClip 3704 { } movieClip 3714 { } movieClip 3715 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3703 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.fleisch2.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_parent._parent.halsab == 3) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(3); } _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(2);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio3; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio3 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3716 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3703 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay('zwei'); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent._parent.halsab = 3; _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(3);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio3; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio3 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3720 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3723 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3725 { } movieClip 3726 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 3728 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3730 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3731 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } } movieClip 3791 { frame 1 { halsab = 0; } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3792 { } movieClip 3794 { } movieClip 3796 { } movieClip 3797 { } movieClip 3799 { } movieClip 3800 { } movieClip 3803 { } movieClip 3804 { } movieClip 3805 { } movieClip 3807 { } movieClip 3809 { } movieClip 3811 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3813 { } movieClip 3814 { frame 46 { stop(); } } movieClip 3815 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3816 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3817 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3805 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio3; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio3 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3819 { } movieClip 3820 { } movieClip 3822 { } movieClip 3823 { } movieClip 3825 { } movieClip 3827 { } movieClip 3828 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 3829 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3805 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio3; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio3 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3830 { } movieClip 3831 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3830 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(3); if (_parent._parent.cutter == 1) { _parent._parent.schwanzl.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 3833 { } movieClip 3835 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3836 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3837 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 3838 { frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 3840 { } movieClip 3841 { } movieClip 3844 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3845 { frame 61 { stop(); } } movieClip 3847 { frame 1 { cutter = 0; stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.cutter = 1;;; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } } frame 3 { stop(); ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } ++_root.plesio3; if (_root.plesio3 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3848 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3849 { } movieClip 3850 { } movieClip 3851 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3854 { } movieClip 3855 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 3857 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3858 { } movieClip 3860 { } movieClip 3861 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance f1 of movieClip 3858 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('oben'); } } } instance f2 of movieClip 3858 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('unten'); } } } instance f0 of movieClip 3858 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('ganzoben'); } } } frame 15 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3862 { } movieClip 3863 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3864 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3865 { } movieClip 3870 { } movieClip 3871 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 3872 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3873 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3862 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.halsab = 1;;; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.halsab = 1;;; } } } frame 2 { stop(); ++_root.plesio4; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio4 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3874 { } movieClip 3875 { } movieClip 3885 { } movieClip 3886 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3874 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.fleisch2.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_parent._parent.halsab == 3) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(3); } _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(2);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio4; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio4 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3887 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3874 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay('zwei'); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent._parent.halsab = 3; _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(3);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio4; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio4 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3889 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3892 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3894 { } movieClip 3895 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 3897 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 3899 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3900 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } } movieClip 3960 { frame 1 { halsab = 0; } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3961 { } movieClip 3963 { } movieClip 3965 { } movieClip 3966 { } movieClip 3968 { } movieClip 3969 { } movieClip 3972 { } movieClip 3973 { } movieClip 3974 { } movieClip 3976 { } movieClip 3978 { } movieClip 3980 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3982 { } movieClip 3983 { frame 46 { stop(); } } movieClip 3984 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3985 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3986 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3974 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio4; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio4 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3988 { } movieClip 3989 { } movieClip 3991 { } movieClip 3992 { } movieClip 3994 { } movieClip 3996 { } movieClip 3997 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 3998 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3974 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio4; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio4 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 3999 { } movieClip 4000 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 3999 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(3); if (_parent._parent.cutter == 1) { _parent._parent.schwanzl.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 4001 { } movieClip 4003 { } movieClip 4005 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 4006 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4007 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 4008 { frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 4010 { } movieClip 4011 { } movieClip 4014 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4015 { frame 61 { stop(); } } movieClip 4017 { frame 1 { cutter = 0; stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4001 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.cutter = 1;;; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } } frame 3 { stop(); ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } ++_root.plesio4; if (_root.plesio4 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 4018 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4019 { } movieClip 4020 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4021 { } movieClip 4022 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 4023 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 4024 { } movieClip 4025 { } movieClip 4026 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance f1 of movieClip 4024 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('oben'); } } } instance f2 of movieClip 4024 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('unten'); } } } instance f0 of movieClip 4024 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('ganzoben'); } } } frame 15 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 4027 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4028 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 4029 { } movieClip 4034 { } movieClip 4035 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 4036 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4037 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4024 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.halsab = 1; _parent._parent.halsab2 = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };;; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.halsab = 1; _parent._parent.halsab2 = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };;; } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio5; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio5 == 4) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 4038 { } movieClip 4039 { } movieClip 4048 { } movieClip 4049 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4038 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.fleisch2.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_parent._parent.halsab == 3) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(3); } _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(2);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio5; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio5 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 4050 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4038 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent.kopfi.gotoAndStop('weg'); _parent._parent.hals.gotoAndPlay('zwei'); if (_parent._parent.halsab == 1) { _parent._parent.hals.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent._parent.halsab = 3; _parent._parent.abdeckung.gotoAndStop(3);; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio5; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio5 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 4051 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4052 { } movieClip 4053 { frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 4054 { frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 4056 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4057 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } } movieClip 4058 { frame 1 { halsab = 0; } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4059 { } movieClip 4060 { } movieClip 4061 { } movieClip 4062 { } movieClip 4063 { } movieClip 4064 { } movieClip 4066 { } movieClip 4067 { } movieClip 4069 { } movieClip 4071 { } movieClip 4073 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 4074 { } movieClip 4075 { frame 46 { stop(); } } movieClip 4076 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4038 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio5; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio5 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 4077 { } movieClip 4078 { } movieClip 4080 { } movieClip 4081 { } movieClip 4083 { } movieClip 4084 { } movieClip 4085 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 4086 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4038 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.plesio5; ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } if (_root.plesio5 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 4088 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 4089 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4091 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4038 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };; } } } frame 16 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4089 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };;; } } } frame 32 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4089 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };;; } } } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 4092 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4038 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(3); if (_parent._parent.cutter == 1) { _parent._parent.schwanzl.inner.gotoAndStop(2); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 4093 { } movieClip 4094 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4095 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 4096 { frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 4097 { } movieClip 4098 { } movieClip 4099 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4100 { frame 61 { stop(); } } movieClip 4102 { frame 1 { cutter = 0; stop(); } instance iooioio of movieClip 4038 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.cutter = 1;;; _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } } frame 3 { stop(); ++_root.hg1y; if (_root.hg1y == _root.plesiolimbsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Plesio Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('plesiolimbs'); } ++_root.plesio5; if (_root.plesio5 == 4) {; } } frame 3 { ++_root.plesio1; if (_root.plesio1 == 4) {; } } } movieClip 4103 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4104 { } movieClip 4105 { } movieClip 4106 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 595 { _root.auskunft.gotoAndPlay('waterfall');;; } } movieClip 4110 { } movieClip 4112 { } movieClip 4114 { } movieClip 4118 { } movieClip 4120 { } movieClip 4124 { } movieClip 4126 { } movieClip 4128 { } movieClip 4131 { } movieClip 4132 { } movieClip 4134 { } movieClip 4136 { } movieClip 4137 { frame 55 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4136 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } } } } movieClip 4140 { } movieClip 4143 { } movieClip 4144 { } movieClip 4145 { } movieClip 4146 { } movieClip 4149 { } movieClip 4150 { } movieClip 4151 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf99z_mc', 9969); _root.trex = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf99z_mc); _root.trex.attachSound('trex'); _root.trex.start(0, 0); _root.trex.setVolume(70); } } } movieClip 4152 { } movieClip 4153 { } movieClip 4154 { } movieClip 4156 { } movieClip 4159 { } movieClip 4161 { } movieClip 4164 { } movieClip 4165 { } movieClip 4166 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 4167 { frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 4168 { } movieClip 4169 { frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 4171 { } movieClip 4173 { } movieClip 4174 { } movieClip 4175 { } movieClip 4176 { } movieClip 4177 { } movieClip 4183 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 4184 { frame 20 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 4185 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4186 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 4187 { } movieClip 4190 { } movieClip 4192 { } movieClip 4195 { } movieClip 4196 { } movieClip 4197 { } movieClip 4198 { frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4154 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _parent._parent._parent._parent.stop();; } } } } movieClip 4199 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 4200 { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 4201 { instance of movieClip 4197 { } instance of movieClip 4197 { } frame 62 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } } frame 102 { stop(); } } movieClip 4204 { } movieClip 4205 { frame 55 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4204 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {; } } } } movieClip 4208 { } movieClip 4211 { } movieClip 4214 { } movieClip 4215 { frame 62 { stop(); } } movieClip 4216 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } stop(); } } movieClip 4219 { } movieClip 4222 { } movieClip 4226 { } movieClip 4227 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4228 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 4231 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4154 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; }; _root.trex.setVolume(0); } frame 10 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 10 {; } frame 19 { _root.auskunft.gotoAndPlay('finishhim'); stop(); } frame 20 { _root.auskunft.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; };;; _root.trex.setVolume(0); } frame 36 {'weg'); } frame 47 {; } frame 81 {; stop(); } } movieClip 4232 { } movieClip 4237 { } movieClip 4238 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 59 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 4239 { } movieClip 4240 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } } movieClip 4245 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4246 { } movieClip 4258 { } movieClip 4259 { } movieClip 4260 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4262 { } movieClip 4267 { } movieClip 4269 { } movieClip 4270 { } movieClip 4274 { } movieClip 4275 { } movieClip 4280 { } movieClip 4282 { } movieClip 4284 { } movieClip 4285 { frame 1 {; } frame 45 { stop(); } } movieClip 4288 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 4289 { frame 45 { stop(); } } movieClip 4291 { } movieClip 4293 { } movieClip 4294 { frame 1 {; } frame 45 { stop(); } } movieClip 4295 { frame 45 { stop(); } } movieClip 4296 { instance axv of movieClip 4260 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.little == 0) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('jump'); } } } } } instance rrrr of movieClip 4262 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { ++_root.nilpferdbrecher; if (_root.nilpferdbrecher == 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death2'); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; ++_root.nilpferdbrecher; if (_root.nilpferdbrecher == 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death2'); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } } instance a1 of movieClip 4260 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { ++_root.nilpferdbrecher; if (_root.nilpferdbrecher == 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death2'); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } } } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 55 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; ++_root.sw1y; if (_root.sw1y == _root.hipposmedal) { var medal_name = 'Hippos'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('hippos'); } if (_root.nilpferdbrecher == 2) { _root.nilpferdbrecher = 0; } } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;;; }; ++_root.sw1y; if (_root.sw1y == _root.hipposmedal) { var medal_name = 'Hippos'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('hippos'); } if (_root.nilpferdbrecher == 2) { _root.nilpferdbrecher = 0; } } frame 144 { stop(); } } movieClip 4297 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { play(); laufend = 1; } frame 174 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 175 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 176 { laufend = 1; } } movieClip 4308 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4317 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4323 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4332 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4341 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4342 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4345 { } movieClip 4347 { } movieClip 4348 { } movieClip 4349 { } movieClip 4350 { } movieClip 4353 { } movieClip 4354 { } movieClip 4355 { } movieClip 4360 { } movieClip 4361 { } movieClip 4362 { } movieClip 4363 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4362 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a2'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanz1 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a2'); } } } } movieClip 4364 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4365 { } movieClip 4366 { } movieClip 4367 { } movieClip 4368 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4367 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a3'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanz2 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a3'); } } } } movieClip 4369 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4370 { } movieClip 4371 { } movieClip 4372 { } movieClip 4373 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4372 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a4'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanz3 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a4'); } } } } movieClip 4374 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4375 { } movieClip 4376 { } movieClip 4377 { } movieClip 4378 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4377 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a5'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanz4 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a5'); } } } } movieClip 4379 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4380 { } movieClip 4381 { } movieClip 4382 { } movieClip 4383 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4382 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a6'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanz5 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a6'); } } } } movieClip 4384 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4385 { } movieClip 4386 { } movieClip 4387 { } movieClip 4388 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4387 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a7'); _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a7'); } } } } movieClip 4389 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4391 { } movieClip 4392 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4393 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4394 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 4396 { } movieClip 4397 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4399 { } movieClip 4400 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4403 { frame 1 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4404 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4408 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4412 { frame 1 { if ( == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 1 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4413 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4415 { } movieClip 4416 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4421 { frame 1 { if ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(4); } if ( == 1 && == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 1 && == 1 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } if ( == 1 && == 1 && == 1) { stop(); } stop(); } } movieClip 4422 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4424 { } movieClip 4425 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4427 { } movieClip 4428 { } movieClip 4432 { frame 1 { if ( == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 0 && == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4433 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4436 { } movieClip 4438 { } movieClip 4442 { frame 1 { if ( == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 0 && == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4443 { } movieClip 4446 { } movieClip 4447 { frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 4448 { frame 1 { schwanz1 = 0; schwanz2 = 0; schwanz3 = 0; schwanz4 = 0; schwanz5 = 0; schwanz6 = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale;; } frame 3 {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale;; } frame 4 {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale;; } frame 5 {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale; if (_root.wale >= 18) {; }; } frame 6 {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale; if (_root.wale >= 18) {; }; } frame 7 {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale; if (_root.wale >= 12) {; }; } } movieClip 4456 { frame 2 { _root.bluewhale = 2; } frame 8 { _root.bluewhale = 8; } frame 14 { _root.bluewhale = 14; } frame 20 { _root.bluewhale = 20; } frame 26 { _root.bluewhale = 26; } frame 32 { _root.bluewhale = 32; } frame 38 { _root.bluewhale = 38; } frame 44 { _root.bluewhale = 44; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4457 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4458 { } movieClip 4459 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4460 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4461 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4462 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4463 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4464 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4466 { } movieClip 4467 { } movieClip 4468 { } movieClip 4469 { } movieClip 4470 { } movieClip 4472 { } movieClip 4473 { } movieClip 4474 { } movieClip 4475 { } movieClip 4476 { } movieClip 4477 { } movieClip 4478 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4477 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a2'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanzx1 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a2'); } } } } movieClip 4479 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4480 { } movieClip 4481 { } movieClip 4482 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4481 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a3'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanzx2 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a3'); } } } } movieClip 4483 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4484 { } movieClip 4485 { } movieClip 4486 { } movieClip 4487 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4486 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a4'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanzx3 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a4'); } } } } movieClip 4488 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4489 { } movieClip 4490 { } movieClip 4491 { } movieClip 4492 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4491 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a5'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanzx4 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a5'); } } } } movieClip 4493 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4494 { } movieClip 4495 { } movieClip 4496 { } movieClip 4497 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4496 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a6'); _parent._parent._parent.schwanzx5 = 1; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a6'); } } } } movieClip 4498 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4499 { } movieClip 4500 { } movieClip 4501 { } movieClip 4502 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4501 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent._parent._parent._parent.maskenwal.gotoAndStop('a7'); _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('a7'); } } } } movieClip 4503 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale);; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4504 { } movieClip 4506 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 4507 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4508 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4509 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 4511 { } movieClip 4512 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4514 { } movieClip 4515 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4518 { frame 1 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4519 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4520 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4524 { frame 1 { if ( == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 1 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4525 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4526 { } movieClip 4527 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4532 { frame 1 { if ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(4); } if ( == 1 && == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 1 && == 1 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } if ( == 1 && == 1 && == 1) { stop(); } stop(); } } movieClip 4533 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4534 { } movieClip 4535 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.bluewhale); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4536 { } movieClip 4537 { } movieClip 4540 { frame 1 { if ( == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 0 && == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4541 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 4542 { } movieClip 4543 { } movieClip 4547 { frame 1 { if ( == 0 && == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 0 && == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4548 { } movieClip 4549 { } movieClip 4550 { frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 4551 { frame 1 { schwanzx1 = 0; schwanzx2 = 0; schwanzx3 = 0; schwanzx4 = 0; schwanzx5 = 0; schwanzx6 = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 {; _root.schwanzflosse = 0; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale;; } frame 3 {; _root.schwanzflosse = 0; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale;; } frame 4 {; _root.schwanzflosse = 0; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale;; } frame 5 {; _root.schwanzflosse = 0; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale;; } frame 6 {; _root.schwanzflosse = 0; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale; if (_root.wale >= 12) {; }; } frame 7 {; _root.schwanzflosse = 0; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.wale; if (_root.wale >= 12) {; }; } } movieClip 4556 { frame 1 { if (_root.schwanzflosse == 0) { stop(); } } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 4560 { frame 2 { _root.bluewhale = 2; } frame 8 { _root.bluewhale = 8; } frame 14 { _root.bluewhale = 14; } frame 20 { _root.bluewhale = 20; } frame 26 { _root.bluewhale = 26; } frame 32 { _root.bluewhale = 32; } frame 38 { _root.bluewhale = 38; } frame 44 { _root.bluewhale = 44; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4561 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4562 { } movieClip 4563 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 319 {; } frame 417 {'dinobird5');; } } movieClip 4566 { } movieClip 4575 { } movieClip 4577 { } movieClip 4578 { } movieClip 4579 { } movieClip 4581 { } movieClip 4584 { } movieClip 4585 { } movieClip 4591 { } movieClip 4592 { } movieClip 4593 { } movieClip 4594 { } movieClip 4595 { } movieClip 4596 { frame 1 { if (_root.bobi == 2) {; ++_root.bobi; } if (_root.bobi == 1) {; ++_root.bobi; } if (_root.bobi == 3) { _root.bobi = 1; } } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 4601 { } movieClip 4602 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4618 { } movieClip 4635 { } movieClip 4636 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4638 { } movieClip 4639 { } movieClip 4641 { } movieClip 4643 { } movieClip 4645 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4648 { } movieClip 4652 { } movieClip 4655 { } movieClip 4656 { frame 1 {;; stop(); } frame 2 {;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf99z_mc', 9969); _root.tuttle = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf99z_mc); _root.tuttle.attachSound('tuttle'); _root.tuttle.start(0, 0); _root.tuttle.setVolume(100); } } frame 55 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 4657 { } movieClip 4658 { } movieClip 4660 { } movieClip 4661 { } movieClip 4664 { } movieClip 4665 { } movieClip 4666 { } movieClip 4668 { } movieClip 4669 { } movieClip 4670 { } movieClip 4671 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 101 { stop(); } } movieClip 4672 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zz of movieClip 4658 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.turtledeath == 0) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {; if (_root.turtlekopf == 0 && _root.heissezone == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('tot'); }; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; if (_root.turtlekopf == 0 && _root.heissezone == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('tot'); }; } } } } frame 2 { if (_root.turtledeath == 0) { _root.turtlekopfenergy.nextFrame(); } } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 9 { _root.tuttle.setVolume(0); stop(); } frame 10 { _root.tuttle.setVolume(0); } } movieClip 4687 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4694 { } movieClip 4707 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4710 { } movieClip 4713 { } movieClip 4714 { } movieClip 4715 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4716 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4717 { } movieClip 4718 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4719 { } movieClip 4720 { } movieClip 4721 { } movieClip 4722 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4723 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1383 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {;; _parent._parent.radlinks.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radrechts.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radlinks.inner.inner3.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radrechts.inner.inner3.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radhinten.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radlinks.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radrechts.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radlinks.inner.inner3.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radrechts.inner.inner3.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radhinten.inner.inner2.nextFrame();; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _parent._parent.radlinks.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radrechts.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radlinks.inner.inner3.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radrechts.inner.inner3.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radhinten.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radlinks.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radrechts.inner.inner2.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radlinks.inner.inner3.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radrechts.inner.inner3.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.radhinten.inner.inner2.nextFrame();; } } } } movieClip 4724 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 4726 { } movieClip 4727 { } movieClip 4730 { } movieClip 4731 { } movieClip 4733 { } movieClip 4735 { } movieClip 4736 { frame 10 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 4737 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zzt65 of movieClip 4658 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.turtledeath == 0) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { if (_root.turtleschwanz == 0 && _root.heissezone2 == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('tot'); }; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; if (_root.turtleschwanz == 0 && _root.heissezone2 == 1) { _parent.gotoAndStop('tot'); }; } } } } frame 2 { if (_root.turtledeath == 0) { _root.schwanzenergy.nextFrame(); } } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 9 {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 4751 { } movieClip 4772 { frame 1 { zerbrechlich = 1; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { zerbrechlich = 0; } frame 10 {; stop(); } } movieClip 4773 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4774 { } movieClip 4775 { } movieClip 4776 { frame 1 { zahl = 0; } frame 2 { ++zahl; stop(); } instance a1 of movieClip 4775 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {; if (_parent.inner.inner2.inner3.zerbrechlich == 1) {; } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; if (_parent.inner.inner2.inner3.zerbrechlich == 1) {; } } } } instance a2 of movieClip 4775 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; } } } frame 3 { if (zahl == 1) { _root.turtleenergy.inner.nextFrame(); } if (zahl == 2) { _root.turtleenergy.inner.nextFrame(); } if (zahl == 3) { _root.turtleenergy.inner.nextFrame(); zahl = 0; } } frame 6 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 4779 { } movieClip 4780 { } movieClip 4781 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4789 { frame 2 { _root.caveloop.setVolume(0); _root.boardneu.uhr.stop(); } frame 21 {;; stop(); } } movieClip 4791 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4792 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4566 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } frame 2 { _root.caveloop.setVolume(0); _root.boardneu.uhr.stop(); _root.tuttle.setVolume(0);; if (_root.turtlekopf == 1) {'weg'); } if (_root.turtlekopf == 0) {; } } } movieClip 4809 { } movieClip 4810 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4823 { } movieClip 4824 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4825 { } movieClip 4826 { } movieClip 4827 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4852 { } movieClip 4853 { } movieClip 4854 { } movieClip 4855 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4856 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(3);; = 0;;;;;;;; _root.turtleenergy.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 3 {;;;;;;;'death'); _root.turtleenergy.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 14 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 30 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.boardneu.uhrd.stop(); _root.auskunft.gotoAndPlay('complete'); } frame 30 {;; _root.erdbebenwarnung = 0;;;;;;; if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.musicbox2.gotoAndStop('weg'); _root.musicbox2.gotoAndStop('prehistoric'); }; _root.spidersigns.gotoAndStop(1); _root.breaksmall.gotoAndStop('weg'); _root.soundeffects = 0; } frame 206 { stop(); } } movieClip 4857 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 165 {;; } instance of movieClip 4566 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } } } frame 191 { _root.auskunft.gotoAndPlay('earthquake'); } frame 286 { _root.erdbebenwarnung = 1;;;;;;; } frame 297 { _root.cave = 1; _root.musicbox2.gotoAndStop('weg'); _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(0); _root.darkness.setVolume(0); _root.musicbox2.gotoAndStop('prehistoriccave'); } frame 297 {; } frame 302 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 310 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 322 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 334 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 340 { _root.aircraft = 5; _root.endboss = 1;; _root.turtleenergy.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 362 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 363 { _root.heissezone = 1; if (_root.turtledeath == 1) {; stop(); } } frame 365 {; } frame 395 { _root.heissezone = 0; } frame 448 { if (_root.turtledeath == 0) {;;; } } frame 542 { if (_root.turtledeath == 1) {; stop(); } } frame 543 {; } frame 625 { _root.heissezone2 = 1; } frame 688 { _root.heissezone2 = 0; } frame 694 { _root.heissezone = 0; } frame 741 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } movieClip 4874 { } movieClip 4877 { } movieClip 4880 { } movieClip 4881 { } movieClip 4882 { } movieClip 4889 { } movieClip 4892 { } movieClip 4893 { } movieClip 4896 { } movieClip 4897 { } movieClip 4900 { } movieClip 4901 { } movieClip 4902 { } movieClip 4907 { } movieClip 4908 { } movieClip 4909 { } movieClip 4930 { } movieClip 4943 { } movieClip 4952 { } movieClip 4957 { } movieClip 4958 { } movieClip 4959 { } movieClip 4960 { frame 1 { fash = 'SHARK KILLED FISH'; zufall = random(7) + 1; if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (zufall == 3) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (zufall == 4) { gotoAndStop(5); } if (zufall == 5) { gotoAndStop(6); } if (zufall == 6) { gotoAndStop(7); } if (zufall == 7) { gotoAndStop(8); } stop(); } frame 2 { fash = 'SHARK KILLED FISH'; } frame 3 { fash = 'SHARK KILLED FISH'; } frame 4 { fash = 'SHARK KILLED FISH'; } frame 5 { fash = 'SHARK KILLED FISH'; } frame 6 { fash = 'SHARK KILLED FISH'; } frame 7 { fash = 'SHARK KILLED FISH'; } frame 8 { fash = 'SHARK KILLED FISH'; } } movieClip 4961 { } movieClip 4962 { instance of movieClip 4961 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; } } } } movieClip 4967 { frame 1 { z = 2; zufall = Math.round(Math.random() * z) + 1; if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 4968 { } movieClip 4971 { } movieClip 4972 { frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 4974 { frame 1 { z = 2; zufall = Math.round(Math.random() * z) + 1; if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 4975 { } movieClip 4976 { frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 4977 { frame 1 { z = 4; zufall = Math.round(Math.random() * z) + 1; if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (zufall == 3) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (zufall == 4) { gotoAndStop(5); } stop(); } } movieClip 4978 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.sy1y; if (_root.sy1y == _root.fishesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Fishes'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('fishes'); } stop(); } } movieClip 4979 { } movieClip 4980 { } movieClip 4981 { } movieClip 4982 { } movieClip 4983 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 155 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } movieClip 4985 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4990 { } movieClip 4991 { } movieClip 4992 { } movieClip 4993 { } movieClip 4996 { } movieClip 4998 { } movieClip 5000 { } movieClip 5001 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 5002 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4993 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 5004 { } movieClip 5006 { } movieClip 5009 { } movieClip 5010 { } movieClip 5013 { } movieClip 5014 { } movieClip 5016 { } movieClip 5018 { } movieClip 5019 { } movieClip 5020 { } movieClip 5021 { } movieClip 5023 { } movieClip 5024 { } movieClip 5026 { } movieClip 5027 { } movieClip 5028 { frame 1 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 5029 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 5030 { frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 5031 { frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 5032 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5021 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { ++_root.zerbrecher; if (_root.zerbrecher == 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('teil2'); } else {; } } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { ++_root.zerbrecher; if (_root.zerbrecher == 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('teil2'); } else {; } } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.sy1y; if (_root.sy1y == _root.fishesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Fishes'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('fishes'); } } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.sy1y; _root.zerbrecher = 0; if (_root.sy1y == 1000) { var medal_name = 'Fishes'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, 475, 380); } } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 5033 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 526 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 5035 { } movieClip 5036 { frame 1 { schnell = 24; = 100; = 100; } instance of movieClip 5035 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { += 8; } } frame 2 { _root.riftpoints = 0; _root.punkteabfrage = 1; _root.sprungmarke = 0; _root.gerundet = 0; _root.boardneu.uhr.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.fishtravel.gotoAndStop(1); _root.schaumaus.gotoAndStop(1); = -420;; } frame 30 { _root.steuerung.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sportiv = 1; _root.levelende = 0;;; } frame 65 {;; } frame 65 { stop(); } } movieClip 5039 { } movieClip 5042 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5044 { } movieClip 5045 { } movieClip 5048 { } movieClip 5050 { } movieClip 5054 { } movieClip 5057 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 5058 { } movieClip 5059 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance kizuz of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.nextFrame(); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.nextFrame(); } } } instance ki of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('torso3'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('torso3'); } } } } movieClip 5063 { } movieClip 5066 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 5067 { } movieClip 5068 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.nextFrame(); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.nextFrame(); } } } } movieClip 5070 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 5072 { } movieClip 5074 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 5075 { } movieClip 5077 { } movieClip 5078 { } movieClip 5079 { } movieClip 5080 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance y1 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('onlyhead'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('onlyhead'); } } } } movieClip 5081 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance y3 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('onlytail'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('onlytail'); } } } } movieClip 5083 { } movieClip 5085 { } movieClip 5086 { } movieClip 5087 { } movieClip 5088 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance y1 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('torso2'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('torso2'); } } } } movieClip 5089 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance y2 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('tail'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('tail'); } } } } movieClip 5091 { } movieClip 5093 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 5094 { } movieClip 5095 { } movieClip 5096 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance y1 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('tail2'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('tail2'); } } } } movieClip 5098 { } movieClip 5100 { frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 5101 { } movieClip 5102 { } movieClip 5103 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance y2 of movieClip 5102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('middleblood'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('middleblood'); } } } } movieClip 5104 { } movieClip 5105 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance y3 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('headblood'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('headblood'); } } } } movieClip 5107 { } movieClip 5108 { } movieClip 5109 { } movieClip 5110 { frame 10 { stop(); } instance y1 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('tail2'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('tail2'); } } } } movieClip 5112 { } movieClip 5113 { } movieClip 5114 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance y1 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _parent.nextFrame(); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent.nextFrame(); } } } instance y2 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndStop('torso'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndStop('torso'); } } } instance y3 of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndStop('head'); } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 4 { stop(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 5 { stop(); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.ka1y; if (_root.ka1y == _root.crocodilesmedal) { var medal_name = 'Crocodiles Limbs'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('crocodiles'); } } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 5115 { instance axv of movieClip 4260 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.rocketflash == 1) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('jump'); } } } } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 5116 { } movieClip 5117 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } frame 368 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 5120 { } movieClip 5122 { } movieClip 5123 { } movieClip 5125 { } movieClip 5130 { } movieClip 5132 { } movieClip 5140 { } movieClip 5142 { } movieClip 5145 { } movieClip 5146 { } movieClip 5148 { } movieClip 5149 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5142 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); if ( >= -1100) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.quak.setVolume(30); } } } } } } } } movieClip 5153 { } movieClip 5154 { } movieClip 5155 { } movieClip 5157 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5158 { } movieClip 5160 { } movieClip 5161 { } movieClip 5162 { } movieClip 5163 { } movieClip 5168 { } movieClip 5170 { } movieClip 5171 { } movieClip 5172 { } movieClip 5174 { } movieClip 5175 { } movieClip 5176 { } movieClip 5178 { } movieClip 5179 { } movieClip 5181 { } movieClip 5182 { } movieClip 5184 { } movieClip 5185 { } movieClip 5186 { } movieClip 5187 { } movieClip 5188 { } movieClip 5189 { instance of movieClip 5187 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._parent._parent.vogel._x += 2.2; } } frame 30 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5188 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!this.hitTest( { if (_parent._parent._parent.vogel._x >= -1200) { _parent._parent._parent.vogel._x -= 5; _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } else {; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { if (_parent._parent._parent.vogel._x <= 10) { += 2.2; if ( <= -340) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.quak.setVolume(30); } } else { _root.quak.setVolume(0); } _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); } else {; } } } } } } movieClip 5192 { } movieClip 5193 { } movieClip 5195 { } movieClip 5196 { } movieClip 5197 { frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 5198 { } movieClip 5199 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 5201 { } movieClip 5203 { } movieClip 5205 { } movieClip 5207 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5213 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 5214 { frame 28 {; stop(); } } movieClip 5215 { frame 1 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.punktemachen == 1) {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 5216 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 5217 { frame 1 { _root.panicbird = 0; _root.quak.setVolume(0); stop(); } instance of movieClip 5170 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (!this.hitTest( { if (_parent._parent.vogel._x >= -1200) { _parent._parent.vogel._x -= 5; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } else {; } } else { if (this.hitTest( { if (_parent._parent.vogel._x <= 10) { _parent._parent.vogel._x += 2.2; if ( <= -340) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.quak.setVolume(30); } } } else { _root.quak.setVolume(0); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } else {; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 5171 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndStop('death'); } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.gotoAndStop('death'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _parent.gotoAndStop('death'); } } } } instance a1 of movieClip 4260 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.breaker == 1) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } } } instance of movieClip 5189 { } frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; }; _root.quak.setVolume(0); ++_root.ho1y; if (_root.ho1y == _root.swimmingbirdsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Swimming Birds'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('swimmingbirds'); } ++_root.my1y; if (_root.my1y == _root.cavemenmedal) { var medal_name = 'Cavemen'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('cavemen'); } } } movieClip 5218 { frame 1 { _root.federvogel = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { _root.federvogel = 1; stop(); } frame 3 { _root.quak.setVolume(0); } } button 5220 { on (keyPress 'f') { play(); } } movieClip 5222 { } movieClip 5223 { } movieClip 5226 { } movieClip 5227 { } movieClip 5229 { } movieClip 5230 { } movieClip 5231 { } movieClip 5232 { } movieClip 5233 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { ++_root.jp1y; } } movieClip 5235 { } movieClip 5236 { } movieClip 5239 { } movieClip 5240 { } movieClip 5242 { } movieClip 5243 { } movieClip 5244 { } movieClip 5245 { } movieClip 5246 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { ++_root.jp1y; } } movieClip 5247 { } movieClip 5248 { } movieClip 5249 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { ++_root.jp1y; } } movieClip 5251 { } movieClip 5252 { } movieClip 5253 { } movieClip 5255 { } movieClip 5256 { } movieClip 5257 { } movieClip 5258 { } movieClip 5259 { frame 16 {; stop(); } } movieClip 5260 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.stop(); _parent._parent.vogelmann.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.breakbeat2.gotoAndPlay(2); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; _parent._parent.stop(); _parent._parent.vogelmann.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.breakbeat2.gotoAndPlay(2); } _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.jp1y; if (_root.jp1y == _root.flyingbirdsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Flying Birds'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('flyingbirds'); }; } } movieClip 5261 { frame 76 { stop(); } } movieClip 5262 { frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 5263 { frame 56 { stop(); } } movieClip 5264 { frame 53 { stop(); } } movieClip 5265 { frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 5266 { frame 66 { stop(); } } movieClip 5267 { frame 58 { stop(); } } movieClip 5268 { frame 68 { stop(); } } movieClip 5269 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 17 { _root.flugbirds = 1; } frame 376 { _root.flugbirds = 0; } } movieClip 5277 { } movieClip 5280 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5283 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 5284 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 5285 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 5291 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 5280 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( {;;; } } } } frame 13 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 5280 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( {;;; } } } } frame 26 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 5280 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( {;; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.stop(); _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.stop(); _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.stop();; } } } } frame 40 { stop(); } instance hitbox of movieClip 5280 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( {;;;;; } } } } } movieClip 5292 { } movieClip 5299 { } movieClip 5300 { } movieClip 5301 { } movieClip 5302 { } movieClip 5303 { } movieClip 5304 { instance of movieClip 5303 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; } } if (this.hitTest( {; } } } } movieClip 5306 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 5307 { frame 1 {;; stop(); } frame 1 { spiderplace =; spiderplace2 = _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.inner2.inner3._x; } instance of movieClip 5302 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } frame 2 {; _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.stop(); } frame 2 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 3 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 4 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 5 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 6 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };; } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5303 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( <= _parent.spiderplace) { += 14; _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.inner2.inner3._x += 14; } else { = _parent.spiderplace; _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.inner2.inner3._x = _parent.spiderplace2; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 5308 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5315 { } movieClip 5318 { } movieClip 5325 { } movieClip 5326 { } movieClip 5327 { } movieClip 5328 { } movieClip 5329 { instance of movieClip 5328 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } } movieClip 5330 { } movieClip 5331 { } movieClip 5336 { } movieClip 5337 { } movieClip 5339 { frame 1 {; _root.boardneu.score += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 325 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 {; _root.boardneu.score += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += 327 * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 5340 { frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 5343 { frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 5344 { } movieClip 5345 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } laufend = 1; } frame 11 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; }; } frame 75 { laufend = 0; } frame 75 { stop(); } } movieClip 5346 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.inner2.inner3.gotoAndStop(2); ++_root.ga1y; if (_root.ga1y == _root.spidersmedal) { var medal_name = 'Spiders'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('spiders'); } stop(); } } movieClip 5347 { } movieClip 5348 { frame 1 { wegpunkt = 1; } frame 2 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 3 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 4 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 5 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 6 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 7 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 8 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 9 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 10 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 11 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 12 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 13 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 14 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 15 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 16 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 17 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 18 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 19 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 20 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 21 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 22 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 23 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 24 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 25 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 26 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 27 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 28 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 29 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 30 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 31 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 32 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 33 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 34 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 35 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 36 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 37 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 38 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 39 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 40 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 41 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 42 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 43 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 44 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 45 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 46 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 47 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 48 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 49 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 50 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 51 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 52 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 53 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 54 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 55 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 56 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 57 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 58 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 59 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 60 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 61 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 62 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 63 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 64 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 65 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 66 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 67 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 68 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 69 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 70 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 71 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 72 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 73 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 74 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 75 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 76 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 77 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 78 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 79 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 80 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 81 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 82 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 83 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 84 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 85 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 86 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 87 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 88 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 89 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 90 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 91 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 92 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 93 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 94 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 95 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 96 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 97 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 98 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 99 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 100 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 101 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 102 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 103 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 104 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 105 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 106 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 107 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 108 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 109 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 110 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 111 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 112 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 113 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 114 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 115 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 116 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 117 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 118 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 119 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 120 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 121 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 122 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 123 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 124 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 125 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 126 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 127 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 128 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 129 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 130 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 131 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 132 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 133 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 134 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 135 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 136 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 137 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 138 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 139 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 140 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 141 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 142 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 143 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 144 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 145 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 146 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 147 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 148 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 149 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 150 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 151 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 152 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 153 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 154 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 155 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 156 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 157 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 158 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 159 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 160 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 161 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 162 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 163 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 164 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 165 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 166 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 167 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 168 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 169 { ++wegpunkt; } } movieClip 5349 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 301 { laufend = 0; } frame 301 { stop(); } } movieClip 5350 { frame 1 {;; stop(); } frame 1 { spiderplace =; spiderplace2 = _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.inner2.inner3._x; } instance of movieClip 5302 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } frame 2 {; _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.stop(); } frame 2 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 3 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 4 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 5 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 6 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };; } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5303 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( <= _parent.spiderplace) { += 14; _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.inner2.inner3._x += 14; } else { = _parent.spiderplace; = _parent.spiderplace2; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 5351 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.inner2.inner3.gotoAndStop(2); ++_root.ga1y; if (_root.ga1y == _root.spidersmedal) { var medal_name = 'Spiders'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('spiders'); } stop(); } } movieClip 5352 { } movieClip 5354 { } movieClip 5356 { } movieClip 5358 { } movieClip 5359 { } movieClip 5360 { frame 1 {; stop(); } frame 6 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 5361 { } movieClip 5362 { } movieClip 5363 { frame 1 { wegpunkt = 1; } frame 2 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 3 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 4 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 5 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 6 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 7 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 8 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 9 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 10 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 11 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 12 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 13 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 14 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 15 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 16 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 17 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 18 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 19 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 20 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 21 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 22 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 23 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 24 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 25 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 26 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 27 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 28 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 29 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 30 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 31 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 32 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 33 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 34 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 35 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 36 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 37 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 38 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 39 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 40 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 41 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 42 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 43 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 44 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 45 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 46 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 47 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 48 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 49 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 50 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 51 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 52 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 53 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 54 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 55 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 56 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 57 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 58 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 59 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 60 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 61 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 62 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 63 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 64 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 65 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 66 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 67 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 68 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 69 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 70 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 71 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 72 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 73 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 74 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 75 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 76 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 77 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 78 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 79 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 80 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 81 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 82 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 83 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 84 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 85 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 86 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 87 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 88 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 89 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 90 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 91 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 92 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 93 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 94 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 95 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 96 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 97 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 98 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 99 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 100 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 101 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 102 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 103 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 104 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 105 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 106 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 107 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 108 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 109 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 110 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 111 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 112 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 113 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 114 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 115 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 116 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 117 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 118 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 119 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 120 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 121 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 122 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 123 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 124 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 125 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 126 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 127 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 128 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 129 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 130 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 131 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 132 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 133 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 134 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 135 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 136 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 137 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 138 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 139 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 140 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 141 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 142 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 143 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 144 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 145 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 146 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 147 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 148 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 149 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 150 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 151 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 152 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 153 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 154 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 155 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 156 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 157 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 158 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 159 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 160 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 161 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 162 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 163 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 164 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 165 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 166 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 167 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 168 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 169 { ++wegpunkt; } } movieClip 5364 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 301 { laufend = 0; } frame 301 { stop(); } } movieClip 5365 { frame 1 {;; stop(); } frame 1 { spiderplace =; spiderplace2 = _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.inner2.inner3._x; } instance of movieClip 5302 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } frame 2 {; _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.stop(); } frame 2 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 3 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 4 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 5 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 6 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };; } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5303 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( <= _parent.spiderplace) { += 14; _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.inner2.inner3._x += 14; } else { = _parent.spiderplace; _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.inner2.inner3._x = _parent.spiderplace2; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 5366 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.inner2.inner3.gotoAndStop(2); ++_root.ga1y; if (_root.ga1y == _root.spidersmedal) { var medal_name = 'Spiders'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('spiders'); } stop(); } } movieClip 5367 { } movieClip 5368 { frame 1 { wegpunkt = 1; } frame 2 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 3 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 4 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 5 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 6 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 7 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 8 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 9 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 10 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 11 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 12 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 13 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 14 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 15 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 16 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 17 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 18 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 19 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 20 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 21 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 22 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 23 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 24 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 25 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 26 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 27 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 28 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 29 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 30 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 31 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 32 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 33 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 34 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 35 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 36 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 37 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 38 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 39 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 40 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 41 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 42 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 43 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 44 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 45 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 46 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 47 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 48 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 49 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 50 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 51 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 52 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 53 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 54 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 55 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 56 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 57 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 58 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 59 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 60 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 61 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 62 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 63 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 64 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 65 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 66 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 67 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 68 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 69 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 70 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 71 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 72 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 73 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 74 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 75 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 76 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 77 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 78 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 79 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 80 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 81 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 82 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 83 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 84 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 85 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 86 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 87 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 88 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 89 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 90 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 91 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 92 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 93 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 94 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 95 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 96 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 97 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 98 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 99 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 100 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 101 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 102 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 103 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 104 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 105 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 106 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 107 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 108 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 109 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 110 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 111 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 112 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 113 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 114 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 115 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 116 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 117 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 118 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 119 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 120 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 121 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 122 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 123 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 124 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 125 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 126 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 127 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 128 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 129 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 130 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 131 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 132 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 133 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 134 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 135 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 136 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 137 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 138 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 139 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 140 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 141 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 142 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 143 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 144 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 145 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 146 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 147 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 148 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 149 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 150 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 151 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 152 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 153 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 154 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 155 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 156 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 157 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 158 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 159 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 160 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 161 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 162 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 163 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 164 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 165 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 166 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 167 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 168 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 169 { ++wegpunkt; } } movieClip 5369 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 301 { laufend = 0; } frame 301 { stop(); } } movieClip 5370 { frame 1 {;; stop(); } frame 1 { spiderplace =; spiderplace2 = _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.inner2.inner3._x; } instance of movieClip 5302 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } frame 2 {; _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.stop(); } frame 2 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 3 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 4 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 5 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 6 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };; } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5303 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( <= _parent.spiderplace) { += 14; _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.inner2.inner3._x += 14; } else { = _parent.spiderplace; _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.inner2.inner3._x = _parent.spiderplace2; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 5371 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.inner2.inner3.gotoAndStop(2); ++_root.ga1y; if (_root.ga1y == _root.spidersmedal) { var medal_name = 'Spiders'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('spiders'); } stop(); } } movieClip 5372 { } movieClip 5373 { frame 1 { wegpunkt = 1; } frame 2 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 3 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 4 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 5 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 6 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 7 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 8 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 9 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 10 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 11 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 12 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 13 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 14 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 15 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 16 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 17 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 18 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 19 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 20 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 21 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 22 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 23 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 24 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 25 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 26 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 27 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 28 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 29 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 30 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 31 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 32 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 33 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 34 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 35 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 36 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 37 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 38 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 39 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 40 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 41 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 42 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 43 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 44 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 45 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 46 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 47 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 48 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 49 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 50 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 51 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 52 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 53 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 54 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 55 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 56 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 57 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 58 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 59 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 60 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 61 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 62 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 63 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 64 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 65 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 66 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 67 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 68 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 69 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 70 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 71 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 72 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 73 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 74 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 75 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 76 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 77 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 78 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 79 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 80 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 81 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 82 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 83 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 84 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 85 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 86 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 87 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 88 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 89 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 90 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 91 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 92 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 93 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 94 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 95 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 96 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 97 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 98 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 99 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 100 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 101 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 102 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 103 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 104 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 105 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 106 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 107 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 108 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 109 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 110 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 111 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 112 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 113 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 114 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 115 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 116 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 117 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 118 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 119 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 120 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 121 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 122 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 123 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 124 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 125 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 126 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 127 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 128 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 129 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 130 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 131 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 132 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 133 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 134 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 135 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 136 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 137 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 138 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 139 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 140 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 141 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 142 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 143 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 144 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 145 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 146 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 147 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 148 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 149 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 150 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 151 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 152 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 153 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 154 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 155 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 156 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 157 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 158 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 159 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 160 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 161 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 162 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 163 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 164 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 165 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 166 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 167 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 168 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 169 { ++wegpunkt; } } movieClip 5374 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 301 { laufend = 0; } frame 301 { stop(); } } movieClip 5375 { frame 1 {;; stop(); } frame 1 { spiderplace =; spiderplace2 = _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.inner2.inner3._x; } instance of movieClip 5302 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } frame 2 {; _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.stop(); } frame 2 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 3 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 4 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 5 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 6 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };; } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5303 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( <= _parent.spiderplace) { += 14; _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.inner2.inner3._x += 14; } else { = _parent.spiderplace; _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.inner2.inner3._x = _parent.spiderplace; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 5376 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.inner2.inner3.gotoAndStop(2); ++_root.ga1y; if (_root.ga1y == _root.spidersmedal) { var medal_name = 'Spiders'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('spiders'); } stop(); } } movieClip 5377 { } movieClip 5378 { frame 1 { wegpunkt = 1; } frame 2 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 3 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 4 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 5 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 6 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 7 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 8 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 9 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 10 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 11 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 12 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 13 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 14 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 15 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 16 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 17 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 18 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 19 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 20 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 21 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 22 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 23 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 24 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 25 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 26 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 27 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 28 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 29 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 30 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 31 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 32 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 33 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 34 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 35 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 36 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 37 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 38 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 39 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 40 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 41 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 42 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 43 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 44 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 45 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 46 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 47 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 48 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 49 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 50 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 51 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 52 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 53 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 54 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 55 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 56 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 57 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 58 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 59 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 60 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 61 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 62 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 63 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 64 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 65 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 66 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 67 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 68 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 69 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 70 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 71 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 72 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 73 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 74 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 75 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 76 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 77 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 78 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 79 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 80 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 81 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 82 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 83 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 84 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 85 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 86 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 87 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 88 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 89 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 90 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 91 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 92 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 93 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 94 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 95 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 96 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 97 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 98 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 99 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 100 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 101 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 102 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 103 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 104 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 105 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 106 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 107 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 108 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 109 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 110 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 111 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 112 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 113 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 114 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 115 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 116 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 117 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 118 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 119 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 120 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 121 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 122 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 123 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 124 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 125 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 126 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 127 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 128 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 129 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 130 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 131 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 132 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 133 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 134 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 135 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 136 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 137 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 138 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 139 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 140 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 141 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 142 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 143 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 144 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 145 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 146 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 147 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 148 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 149 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 150 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 151 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 152 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 153 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 154 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 155 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 156 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 157 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 158 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 159 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 160 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 161 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 162 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 163 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 164 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 165 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 166 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 167 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 168 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 169 { ++wegpunkt; } } movieClip 5379 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 301 { laufend = 0; } frame 301 { stop(); } } movieClip 5380 { frame 1 {; stop(); } frame 1 { spiderplace =; spiderplace2 = _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.inner2.inner3._x; } instance of movieClip 5302 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } instance of movieClip 5303 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;;; } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( {;;; } } } frame 2 {; } frame 2 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 3 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 4 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 5 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 6 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };; } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5303 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( <= _parent.spiderplace) { += 14; _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.inner2.inner3._x += 14; } else { = _parent.spiderplace; _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.inner2.inner3._x = _parent.spiderplace; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 5381 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.inner2.inner3.gotoAndStop(2); ++_root.ga1y; if (_root.ga1y == _root.spidersmedal) { var medal_name = 'Spiders'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('spiders'); } stop(); } } movieClip 5382 { } movieClip 5383 { frame 1 { wegpunkt = 1; } frame 2 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 3 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 4 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 5 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 6 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 7 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 8 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 9 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 10 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 11 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 12 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 13 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 14 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 15 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 16 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 17 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 18 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 19 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 20 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 21 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 22 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 23 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 24 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 25 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 26 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 27 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 28 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 29 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 30 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 31 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 32 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 33 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 34 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 35 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 36 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 37 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 38 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 39 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 40 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 41 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 42 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 43 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 44 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 45 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 46 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 47 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 48 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 49 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 50 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 51 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 52 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 53 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 54 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 55 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 56 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 57 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 58 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 59 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 60 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 61 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 62 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 63 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 64 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 65 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 66 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 67 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 68 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 69 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 70 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 71 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 72 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 73 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 74 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 75 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 76 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 77 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 78 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 79 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 80 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 81 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 82 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 83 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 84 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 85 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 86 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 87 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 88 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 89 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 90 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 91 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 92 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 93 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 94 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 95 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 96 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 97 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 98 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 99 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 100 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 101 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 102 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 103 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 104 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 105 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 106 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 107 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 108 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 109 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 110 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 111 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 112 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 113 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 114 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 115 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 116 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 117 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 118 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 119 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 120 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 121 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 122 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 123 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 124 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 125 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 126 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 127 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 128 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 129 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 130 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 131 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 132 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 133 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 134 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 135 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 136 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 137 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 138 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 139 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 140 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 141 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 142 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 143 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 144 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 145 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 146 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 147 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 148 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 149 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 150 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 151 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 152 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 153 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 154 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 155 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 156 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 157 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 158 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 159 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 160 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 161 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 162 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 163 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 164 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 165 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 166 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 167 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 168 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 169 { ++wegpunkt; } } movieClip 5384 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 301 { laufend = 0; } frame 301 { stop(); } } movieClip 5385 { frame 1 {;; stop(); } frame 1 { spiderplace =; spiderplace2 = _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.inner2.inner3._x; } instance of movieClip 5302 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } frame 2 {; _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.stop(); } frame 2 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 3 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 4 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 5 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; } frame 6 { -= 28; _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.inner2.inner3._x -= 28; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; };; } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5303 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame();;; _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( <= _parent.spiderplace) { += 14; _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.inner2.inner3._x += 14; } else { = _parent.spiderplace; _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.inner2.inner3._x = _parent.spiderplace; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 5386 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.spidersigns.spider7.inner.inner2.inner3.gotoAndStop(2); ++_root.ga1y; if (_root.ga1y == _root.spidersmedal) { var medal_name = 'Spiders'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('spiders'); } stop(); } } movieClip 5387 { } movieClip 5388 { frame 1 { wegpunkt = 1; } frame 2 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 3 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 4 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 5 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 6 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 7 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 8 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 9 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 10 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 11 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 12 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 13 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 14 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 15 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 16 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 17 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 18 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 19 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 20 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 21 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 22 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 23 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 24 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 25 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 26 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 27 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 28 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 29 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 30 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 31 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 32 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 33 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 34 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 35 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 36 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 37 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 38 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 39 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 40 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 41 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 42 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 43 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 44 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 45 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 46 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 47 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 48 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 49 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 50 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 51 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 52 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 53 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 54 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 55 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 56 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 57 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 58 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 59 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 60 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 61 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 62 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 63 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 64 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 65 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 66 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 67 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 68 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 69 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 70 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 71 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 72 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 73 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 74 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 75 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 76 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 77 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 78 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 79 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 80 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 81 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 82 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 83 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 84 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 85 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 86 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 87 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 88 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 89 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 90 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 91 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 92 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 93 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 94 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 95 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 96 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 97 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 98 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 99 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 100 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 101 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 102 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 103 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 104 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 105 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 106 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 107 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 108 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 109 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 110 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 111 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 112 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 113 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 114 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 115 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 116 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 117 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 118 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 119 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 120 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 121 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 122 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 123 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 124 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 125 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 126 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 127 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 128 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 129 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 130 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 131 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 132 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 133 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 134 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 135 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 136 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 137 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 138 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 139 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 140 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 141 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 142 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 143 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 144 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 145 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 146 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 147 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 148 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 149 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 150 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 151 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 152 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 153 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 154 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 155 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 156 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 157 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 158 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 159 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 160 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 161 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 162 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 163 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 164 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 165 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 166 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 167 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 168 { ++wegpunkt; } frame 169 { ++wegpunkt; } } movieClip 5389 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 301 { laufend = 0; } frame 301 { stop(); } } movieClip 5390 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 110 { _root.auskunft.gotoAndPlay('spiders'); } } movieClip 5408 { } movieClip 5409 { } movieClip 5410 { } movieClip 5427 { } movieClip 5428 { } movieClip 5429 { } movieClip 5445 { } movieClip 5446 { } movieClip 5447 { } movieClip 5448 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 331 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 349 { laufend = 0; } frame 367 { laufend = 1; } frame 705 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 723 { laufend = 1; } frame 1095 { stop(); laufend = 0; } } button 5450 { on (keyPress 'h') { gotoAndPlay('dinobird6'); } } movieClip 5458 { } movieClip 5459 { } movieClip 5465 { } movieClip 5471 { } movieClip 5473 { } movieClip 5475 { } movieClip 5476 { frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);; } if (_root.panicbird == 1) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(70); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0); } } } movieClip 5492 { } movieClip 5494 { } movieClip 5495 { frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);; } if (_root.panicbird == 1) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(70); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0); } } } movieClip 5507 { frame 11 { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 19 { if (_root.panicbird == 1) { gotoAndPlay('panic'); } } } movieClip 5508 { } movieClip 5509 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5510 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5511 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance erer of movieClip 5510 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.dinocatch == 1) { if ( >= 248) { _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sharkposition =; _root.aircraft = 4; _root.sprungtuch = 0;;'spitze');; _root.terz = 0; _root.attack = 1;; = 0;; = 0;'attack2'); } } } } } } movieClip 5518 { } movieClip 5519 { } movieClip 5532 { frame 11 { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 19 { if (_root.panicbird == 1) { gotoAndPlay('panic'); } } } movieClip 5533 { } movieClip 5534 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5536 { } movieClip 5537 { } movieClip 5538 { } movieClip 5540 { } movieClip 5542 { } movieClip 5543 { } movieClip 5545 { } movieClip 5546 { } movieClip 5550 { } movieClip 5554 { } movieClip 5555 { frame 1 { if (_root.evolution == 2) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.evolution == 4) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.evolution == 3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 5558 { } movieClip 5559 { } movieClip 5561 { } movieClip 5562 { } movieClip 5563 { } movieClip 5566 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 5567 { } movieClip 5571 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 5572 { } movieClip 5574 { } movieClip 5575 { frame 1 { if (_root.kopfnuss == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 3) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 4) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 5) { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 6) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } } movieClip 5577 { } movieClip 5580 { } movieClip 5581 { } movieClip 5585 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 5586 { } movieClip 5589 { } movieClip 5590 { } movieClip 5594 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 5595 { } movieClip 5598 { } movieClip 5599 { } movieClip 5600 { frame 1 { if (_root.evolution == 2) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.evolution == 4) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.evolution == 3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 5601 { frame 1 { += 5; } frame 2 { += 5; } frame 3 { -= 5; } frame 4 { -= 5; } frame 5 { if (_root.birdbird == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 6 { += 20; } frame 7 { += 20; } frame 8 { -= 20; } frame 9 { -= 20; } frame 10 { if (_root.birdpanic == 1) { gotoAndPlay('fast'); } } } movieClip 5602 { } movieClip 5603 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 5604 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 5606 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5608 { } movieClip 5609 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 5610 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 1 { skalieren = 8; werner = -40; werner2 = -20; ingrid = 2; centerwurst = 0; centerwurst2 = 0; } frame 1 { if ( <= 0) { _root.tastenwo = 1; gotoAndPlay('links'); } else { _root.tastenwo = 2; gotoAndPlay('rechts'); } } frame 2 {'runterzack'); } frame 2 { += ingrid; } frame 2 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 2 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 3 { += ingrid; } frame 3 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 3 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 4 { += ingrid; } frame 4 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 4 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 5 { += ingrid; } frame 5 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 5 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 6 { += ingrid; } frame 6 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 6 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 7 { += ingrid; } frame 7 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 7 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 8 { += ingrid; } frame 8 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 8 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 9 { += ingrid; } frame 9 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 9 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 10 { += ingrid; } frame 10 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 10 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 11 { += ingrid; } frame 11 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 11 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 12 { += ingrid; } frame 12 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 12 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 13 { += ingrid; } frame 13 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 13 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 14 {;; _root.hausquali = 1; } frame 14 { += ingrid; } frame 14 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 14 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 19 { laufend = 0; } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { laufend = 1; } frame 20 { -= ingrid; } frame 20 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 20 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 21 { -= ingrid; } frame 21 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 21 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 22 { -= ingrid; } frame 22 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 22 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 23 { -= ingrid; } frame 23 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 23 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 24 { -= ingrid; } frame 24 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 24 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 25 { -= ingrid; } frame 25 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 25 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 26 { -= ingrid; } frame 26 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 26 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 27 { -= ingrid; } frame 27 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 27 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 28 { -= ingrid; } frame 28 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 28 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 29 { -= ingrid; } frame 29 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 29 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 30 { -= ingrid; } frame 30 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 30 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 31 { -= ingrid; } frame 31 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 31 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 32 { -= ingrid; } frame 32 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 32 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; = fargo; } frame 33 { = _root.fargo; = _root.marder; } frame 34 { = 100; = 100; } frame 36 { laufend = 0; } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { laufend = 1; } frame 37 { gotoAndPlay('stip1'); } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay('stip1'); } frame 39 { gotoAndPlay('stip1'); } } movieClip 5612 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 {; } frame 3 {;;; } frame 4 {;;;; } frame 5 {;; } frame 6 {;;;; } frame 7 {;; } frame 8 {;;;; } frame 9 {;;;; } frame 10 {;; } frame 11 {;;;; } frame 12 {;; } frame 13 {;;;; } frame 14 {;; } frame 15 {;;;; } frame 16 {;; } frame 17 {;;;; } frame 18 {;; } frame 19 {;;;; } frame 20 {;; } frame 21 {;;;; } frame 22 {;; } frame 23 {;;;; } frame 24 {;; } frame 25 {;;;; } frame 26 {;; } frame 27 {;;;; } frame 28 {;; } frame 29 {;;;; } frame 30 {;; } frame 31 {;;;; } frame 32 {;; } frame 33 {;;;; } frame 34 {;; } frame 35 {;;;; } frame 36 {;; } frame 37 {;;;; } frame 38 {;; } frame 39 {;;;; } frame 40 {;; } frame 41 {;;;; } frame 42 {;; } frame 43 {;;;; } frame 44 {;; } frame 45 {;;;; } frame 46 {;; } frame 47 {;;;; } frame 48 {;; } frame 49 {;;;; } frame 50 {;; } frame 51 {;;;; } frame 52 {;; } frame 53 {;;;; } frame 54 {;; } frame 55 {;;;; } frame 56 {;; } frame 57 {;;;; } frame 58 {;; } frame 59 {;;;; } frame 60 {;; } frame 61 {;;;; } frame 62 {;; } frame 63 {;;;; } frame 64 {;; } frame 65 {;;;; } frame 66 {;; } frame 67 {;;;; } frame 68 {;; } frame 69 {;;;; } frame 70 {;; } frame 71 {;;;; } frame 72 {;; } frame 73 {;;;; } frame 74 {;; } frame 75 {;;;; } frame 76 {;; } frame 77 {;;;; } frame 78 {;; } frame 79 {;;;; } frame 80 {;; } frame 81 {;;;; } frame 82 {;; } frame 83 {;;;; } frame 84 {;; } frame 85 {;;;; } frame 86 {;; } frame 87 {;;;; } frame 88 {;; } frame 89 {;;;; } frame 90 {;; } frame 91 {;;;; } frame 92 {;; } frame 93 {;;;; } frame 94 {;; } frame 95 {;;;; } frame 96 {;; } frame 97 {;;;; } frame 98 {;; } frame 99 {;;;; } frame 100 {;; } frame 101 {;;;; } frame 102 {;; } frame 103 {;;;; } frame 104 {;; } frame 105 {;;;; } frame 106 {;; } frame 107 {;;;; } frame 108 {;; } frame 109 {;;;; } frame 110 {;; } frame 111 {;;;; } frame 112 {;; } frame 113 {;;;; } frame 114 {;; } frame 115 {;;;; } frame 116 {;; } frame 117 {;;;; } frame 118 {;; } frame 119 {;;;; } frame 120 {;; } frame 121 {;;;; } frame 122 {;; } frame 123 {;;;; } frame 124 {;; } frame 125 {;;;; } frame 126 {;; } frame 127 {;;;; } frame 128 {;; } frame 129 {;;;; } frame 130 {;; } frame 131 {;;;; } frame 132 {;; } frame 133 {;;;; } frame 134 {;; } frame 135 {;;;; } frame 136 {;; } frame 137 {;;;; } frame 138 {;; } frame 139 {;;;; } frame 140 {;; } frame 141 {;;;; } frame 142 {;; } frame 143 {;;;; } frame 144 {;; } frame 145 {;;;; } frame 146 {;; } frame 147 {;;;; } frame 148 {;; } frame 149 {;;;; } frame 150 {;; } frame 151 {;;;; } frame 152 {;; } frame 153 {;;;; } frame 154 {;; } frame 155 {;;;; } frame 156 {;; } frame 157 {;;;; } frame 158 {;; } frame 159 {;;;; } frame 160 {;; } frame 161 {;;;; } frame 162 {;; } frame 163 {;;;; } frame 164 {;; } frame 165 {;;;; } frame 166 {;; } frame 167 {;;;; } frame 168 {;; } frame 169 {;;;; } frame 170 {;; } frame 171 {;;;; } frame 172 {;; } frame 173 {;;;; } frame 174 {;; } frame 175 {;;;; } frame 176 {;; } frame 177 {;;;; } frame 178 {;; } frame 179 {;;;; } frame 180 {;; } frame 181 {;;;; } frame 182 {;; } frame 183 {;;;; } frame 184 {;; } frame 185 {;;;; } frame 186 {;; } frame 187 {;;;; } frame 188 {;; } frame 189 {;;;; } frame 190 {;; } frame 191 {;;;; } frame 192 {;; } frame 193 {;;;; } frame 194 {;; } frame 195 {;;;; } frame 196 {;; } frame 197 {;;;; } frame 198 {;; } frame 199 {;;;; } frame 200 {;; } frame 201 {;;;; } frame 202 {;; } frame 203 {;;;; } frame 204 {;; } frame 205 {;;;; } frame 206 {;; } frame 207 {;;;; } frame 208 {;; } frame 209 {;;;; } frame 210 {;; } frame 211 {;;;; } frame 212 {;; } frame 213 {;;;; } frame 214 {;; } frame 215 {;;;; } frame 216 {;; } frame 217 {;;;; } frame 218 {;; } frame 219 {;;;; } frame 220 {;; } frame 221 {;;;; } frame 222 {;; } frame 223 {;;;; } frame 224 {;; } frame 225 {;;;; } frame 226 {;; } frame 227 {;;;; } frame 228 {;; } frame 229 {;;;; } frame 230 {;; } frame 231 {;;;; } frame 232 {;; } frame 233 {;;;; } frame 234 {;; } frame 235 {;;;; } frame 236 {;; } frame 237 {;;;; } frame 238 {;; } frame 239 {;;;; } frame 240 {;; } frame 241 {;;;; } frame 242 {;; } frame 243 {;;;; } frame 244 {;; } frame 245 {;;;; } frame 246 {;; } frame 247 {;;;; } frame 248 {;; } frame 249 {;;;; } frame 250 {;; } frame 251 {;;;; } frame 252 {;; } frame 253 {;;;; } frame 254 {;; } frame 255 {;;;; } frame 256 {;; } frame 257 {;;;; } frame 258 {;; } frame 259 {;;;; } frame 260 {;; } frame 261 {;;;; } frame 262 {;; } frame 263 {;;;; } frame 264 {;; } frame 265 {;;;; } frame 266 {;; } frame 267 {;;;; } frame 268 {;; } frame 269 {;;;; } frame 270 {;; } frame 271 {;;;; } frame 272 {;; } frame 273 {;;;; } frame 274 {;; } frame 275 {;;;; } frame 276 {;; } frame 277 {;;;; } frame 278 {;; } frame 279 {;;;; } frame 280 {;; } frame 281 {;;;; } frame 282 {;; } frame 283 {;;;; } frame 284 {;; } frame 285 {;;;; } frame 286 {;; } frame 287 {;;;; } frame 288 {;; } frame 289 {;;;; } frame 290 {;; } frame 291 {;;;; } frame 292 {;; } frame 293 {;;;; } frame 294 {;; } frame 295 {;;;; } frame 296 {;; } frame 297 {;;;; } frame 298 {;; } frame 299 {;;;; } frame 300 {;; } frame 301 {;;;; } frame 302 {;; } frame 303 {;;;; } frame 304 {;; } frame 305 {;;;; } frame 306 {;; } frame 307 {;;;; } frame 308 {;; } frame 309 {;;;; } frame 310 {;; } frame 311 {;;;; } frame 312 {;; } frame 313 {;;;; } frame 314 {;; } frame 315 {;;;; } frame 316 {;; } frame 317 {;;;; } frame 318 {;; } frame 319 {;;;; } frame 320 {;; } frame 321 {;;;; } frame 322 {;; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 5613 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 5615 { frame 8 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 5618 { } movieClip 5619 { } movieClip 5620 { } movieClip 5622 { } movieClip 5625 { } movieClip 5627 { } movieClip 5629 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 5632 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5633 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 2 { _root.skalo.stop(); _root.breaker3 = 0; _root.breaker2 = 0; _root.breaker = 0; _root.boardneu.uhrxt.stop(); } frame 2 { _root.boardneu.uhr.stop(); _root.sprungtuch = 0; if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(20); _root.bongo.setVolume(35); _root.alertbird.setVolume(40); } } frame 3 { _root.skalo.gotoAndPlay('yo'); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 4 { ++_root.ensemble; if (_root.ensemble == 3) { _root.ensemble = 1; } } frame 6 { } frame 8 { laufend = 0; } frame 8 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 8 {;;; } frame 8 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(70); } if ( <= -50) { _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop('rechts'); } else { _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop('links'); } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance sssdsd of movieClip 5612 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { if (_root.runter == 1) { _root.runter = 0;;;; this.nextFrame(); } } } } frame 9 {; } frame 10 {; } frame 11 {; } frame 12 {; } frame 13 {; } frame 14 {; } frame 14 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 15 {; } frame 16 {; } frame 17 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 20 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 24 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 26 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 28 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 29 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(2); _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 30 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(1); _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 30 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 31 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(70); } _root.panicbird = 0; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 32 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 33 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 34 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 34 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 35 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 35 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 36 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 37 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 37 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 38 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 38 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 39 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 40 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 40 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 41 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 41 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 42 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 42 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 43 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 44 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 44 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 45 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 45 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 46 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 47 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 47 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 48 { laufend = 1; } frame 48 { _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(1); _root.skalo.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 48 { if (_root.hauptmusikb == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(35); } _root.bongo.setVolume(0); _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);;; } frame 48 { _root.signs2._alpha = 100; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 48 { play(); _root.signs.gotoAndStop(1);; _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 48 {; _root.panicbird = 0; _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.flattern.setVolume(0); _root.alertbird.setVolume(0); = -380.7; = 100;;;; = -45; = _root.sharkposition; _root.attack = 0; _root.biss = 1; _root.lowjump = 0; _root.breaker = 0; _root.bewegung = 1;; } frame 79 { laufend = 0; } frame 79 {; } frame 79 {;; stop(); } } movieClip 5649 { } movieClip 5650 { } movieClip 5656 { } movieClip 5661 { } movieClip 5663 { } movieClip 5665 { frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);; } if (_root.panicbird == 1) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(70); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0); } } } movieClip 5677 { } movieClip 5678 { frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);; } if (_root.panicbird == 1) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(70); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0); } } } movieClip 5691 { frame 11 { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 19 { if (_root.panicbird == 1) { gotoAndPlay('panic'); } } } movieClip 5692 { } movieClip 5693 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5700 { } movieClip 5701 { } movieClip 5714 { frame 11 { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 19 { if (_root.panicbird == 1) { gotoAndPlay('panic'); } } } movieClip 5715 { } movieClip 5716 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5717 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5718 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance erer of movieClip 5717 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.dinocatch == 1) { if ( >= 248) { _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sharkposition =; _root.aircraft = 1; _root.sprungtuch = 0;;'spitze');; _root.terz = 0; _root.attack = 1;; = 0;; = 0;'attack2'); } } } } } } movieClip 5722 { } movieClip 5723 { } movieClip 5735 { frame 11 { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 19 { if (_root.panicbird == 1) { gotoAndPlay('panic'); } } } movieClip 5736 { } movieClip 5737 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5738 { } movieClip 5739 { } movieClip 5740 { } movieClip 5741 { } movieClip 5742 { } movieClip 5743 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 5744 { frame 8 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 5746 { } movieClip 5748 { } movieClip 5750 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 5751 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5752 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 2 { _root.boardneu.uhr.stop(); if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(20); _root.bongo.setVolume(35); _root.alertbird.setVolume(40); } _root.boardneu.uhrxt.stop(); } frame 2 { _root.skalo.stop(); _root.breaker3 = 0; _root.breaker2 = 0; _root.breaker = 0; } frame 2 { _root.sprungtuch = 0; } frame 3 { _root.skalo.gotoAndPlay('yo'); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 4 { ++_root.ensemble; if (_root.ensemble == 3) { _root.ensemble = 1; } } frame 8 { laufend = 0; } frame 8 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 8 {;;; } frame 8 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(70); } if ( <= -50) { _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop('rechts'); } else { _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop('links'); } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance sssdsd of movieClip 5612 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { if (_root.runter == 1) { _root.runter = 0;;;; this.nextFrame(); } } } } frame 9 {; } frame 10 {; } frame 11 {; } frame 12 {; } frame 13 {; } frame 14 {; } frame 14 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 15 {; } frame 16 {; } frame 17 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 20 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 24 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 26 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 28 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 29 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(2); _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 29 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(70); } _root.panicbird = 0; } frame 30 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(1); _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 30 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 30 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 31 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 32 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 33 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 34 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 34 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 35 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 35 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 36 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 37 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 37 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 38 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 38 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 39 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 40 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 40 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 41 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 41 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 42 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 42 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 43 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 44 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 44 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 45 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 45 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 46 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 47 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 47 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 48 { laufend = 1; } frame 48 { _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(1); _root.skalo.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 48 {; if (_root.hauptmusikb == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(35); } _root.bongo.setVolume(0); _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);;; } frame 48 { _root.signs2._alpha = 100; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 48 { play(); _root.signs.gotoAndStop(1);; } frame 48 { _root.panicbird = 0; _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.flattern.setVolume(0); _root.alertbird.setVolume(0); = -380.7; = 100;;;; = -45; = _root.sharkposition; _root.attack = 0; _root.biss = 1; _root.lowjump = 0; _root.breaker = 0; _root.bewegung = 1;; } frame 79 { laufend = 0; } frame 79 {; } frame 79 {;; stop(); } } movieClip 5760 { } movieClip 5761 { } movieClip 5767 { } movieClip 5771 { } movieClip 5774 { frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);; } if (_root.panicbird == 1) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(70); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0); } } } movieClip 5791 { frame 3 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);; } if (_root.panicbird == 1) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(70); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0); } } } movieClip 5802 { frame 11 { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 19 { if (_root.panicbird == 1) { gotoAndPlay('panic'); } } } movieClip 5803 { } movieClip 5804 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5805 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5806 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance erer of movieClip 5805 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.dinocatch == 1) { if ( >= 248) { _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sharkposition =; _root.aircraft = 3; _root.sprungtuch = 0;;'spitze');; _root.terz = 0; _root.attack = 1;; = 0;; = 0;'attack2'); } } } } } } movieClip 5813 { } movieClip 5814 { } movieClip 5827 { frame 11 { if (_root.panicbird == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 19 { if (_root.panicbird == 1) { gotoAndPlay('panic'); } } } movieClip 5828 { } movieClip 5829 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5830 { } movieClip 5831 { } movieClip 5832 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 5833 { frame 8 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 5835 { } movieClip 5837 { } movieClip 5838 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5839 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 2 { _root.boardneu.uhr.stop(); _root.skalo.stop(); _root.breaker3 = 0; _root.breaker2 = 0; _root.breaker = 0; } frame 2 { _root.sprungtuch = 0; if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(20); _root.alertbird2.setVolume(40); _root.bongo.setVolume(35); } _root.boardneu.uhrxt.stop(); } frame 3 { _root.skalo.gotoAndPlay('yo'); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 8 { laufend = 0; } frame 8 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 8 {;;; } frame 8 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(70); } if ( <= -50) { _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop('rechts'); } else { _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop('links'); } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance sssdsd of movieClip 5612 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { if (_root.runter == 1) { _root.runter = 0;;;; this.nextFrame(); } } } } frame 9 {; } frame 10 {; } frame 11 {; } frame 12 {; } frame 13 {; } frame 14 {; } frame 14 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 15 {; } frame 16 {; } frame 17 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 20 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 24 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 26 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 28 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 29 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(2); _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 30 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(1); _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 30 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 31 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(70); } _root.panicbird = 0; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 32 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 33 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 34 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 34 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 35 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 35 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 36 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 37 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 37 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 38 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 38 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 39 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 40 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 40 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 41 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 41 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 42 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 42 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 43 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 44 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 44 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 45 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 45 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 46 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 47 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 47 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 48 { laufend = 1; } frame 48 { _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(1); _root.skalo.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 48 {; if (_root.hauptmusikb == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(35); } _root.bongo.setVolume(0); _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);; } frame 48 { _root.signs2._alpha = 100; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 48 { play(); _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(1); _root.signs.gotoAndStop(1);; } frame 48 {; _root.panicbird = 0; _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.flattern.setVolume(0); _root.alertbird2.setVolume(0); = -380.7; = 100;;;; = -45; = _root.sharkposition; _root.attack = 0; _root.biss = 1; _root.lowjump = 0; _root.breaker = 0; _root.bewegung = 1;; } frame 79 { laufend = 0; } frame 79 {;;;; stop(); } } movieClip 5841 { } movieClip 5843 { } movieClip 5845 { } movieClip 5847 { } movieClip 5849 { } movieClip 5850 { } movieClip 5851 { } movieClip 5852 { } movieClip 5854 { } movieClip 5855 { } movieClip 5858 { } movieClip 5860 { } movieClip 5862 { } movieClip 5864 { } movieClip 5866 { } movieClip 5868 { } movieClip 5869 { } movieClip 5872 { } movieClip 5875 { } movieClip 5877 { } movieClip 5879 { } movieClip 5881 { } movieClip 5883 { } movieClip 5885 { } movieClip 5886 { } movieClip 5888 { } movieClip 5890 { } movieClip 5892 { } movieClip 5894 { } movieClip 5896 { } movieClip 5898 { } movieClip 5899 { } movieClip 5900 { } movieClip 5902 { } movieClip 5904 { } movieClip 5906 { } movieClip 5908 { } movieClip 5910 { } movieClip 5911 { } movieClip 5912 { } movieClip 5913 { } movieClip 5914 { } movieClip 5915 { } movieClip 5917 { } movieClip 5918 { } movieClip 5921 { } movieClip 5923 { } movieClip 5925 { } movieClip 5927 { } movieClip 5929 { } movieClip 5931 { } movieClip 5932 { } movieClip 5934 { } movieClip 5935 { } movieClip 5938 { } movieClip 5941 { } movieClip 5943 { } movieClip 5945 { } movieClip 5947 { } movieClip 5949 { } movieClip 5951 { } movieClip 5952 { } movieClip 5953 { } movieClip 5954 { } movieClip 5955 { } movieClip 5956 { } movieClip 5957 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5958 { } movieClip 5959 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5960 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance erer of movieClip 5959 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.dinocatch == 1) { if ( >= 248) { _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sharkposition =; _root.aircraft = 2; _root.sprungtuch = 0;;'spitze');; _root.terz = 0; _root.attack = 1;; = 0;; = 0;'attack2'); } } } } } } movieClip 5962 { } movieClip 5963 { } movieClip 5964 { } movieClip 5965 { } movieClip 5966 { } movieClip 5967 { } movieClip 5968 { } movieClip 5970 { } movieClip 5972 { } movieClip 5974 { } movieClip 5975 { } movieClip 5976 { } movieClip 5978 { } movieClip 5979 { } movieClip 5980 { } movieClip 5981 { } movieClip 5982 { } movieClip 5983 { } movieClip 5984 { } movieClip 5985 { } movieClip 5986 { } movieClip 5987 { } movieClip 5988 { } movieClip 5989 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5990 { } movieClip 5991 { } movieClip 5992 { } movieClip 5993 { } movieClip 5994 { } movieClip 5995 { } movieClip 5996 { } movieClip 5997 { } movieClip 6001 { } movieClip 6005 { } movieClip 6006 { frame 1 { if (_root.evolution == 2) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.evolution == 4) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.evolution == 3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 6007 { frame 1 { if (_root.evolution == 2) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.evolution == 4) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.evolution == 3) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 6008 { frame 1 { += 5; } frame 2 { += 5; } frame 3 { -= 5; } frame 4 { -= 5; } frame 5 { if (_root.birdbird == 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 6 { += 20; } frame 7 { += 20; } frame 8 { -= 20; } frame 9 { -= 20; } frame 10 { if (_root.birdpanic == 1) { gotoAndPlay('fast'); } } } movieClip 6009 { } movieClip 6010 { frame 1 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { if ( <= -200) {; } if ( >= 100) {; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 99.90000000000001) {; } _root.boardneu.score += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.riftpoints += _root.erwerb * _root.duplikator; _root.rasseln.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 6011 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 6012 { } movieClip 6013 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 6014 { frame 1 { skalieren = 8; werner = -40; werner2 = -20; ingrid = 2; centerwurst = 0; centerwurst2 = 0; } frame 1 { if ( <= 0) { _root.tastenwo = 1; gotoAndPlay('links'); } else { _root.tastenwo = 2; gotoAndPlay('rechts'); } } frame 2 {'runterzack'); } frame 2 { += ingrid; } frame 2 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 2 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 3 { += ingrid; } frame 3 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 3 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 4 { += ingrid; } frame 4 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 4 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 5 { += ingrid; } frame 5 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 5 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 6 { += ingrid; } frame 6 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 6 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 7 { += ingrid; } frame 7 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 7 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 8 { += ingrid; } frame 8 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 8 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 9 { += ingrid; } frame 9 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 9 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 10 { += ingrid; } frame 10 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 10 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 11 { += ingrid; } frame 11 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 11 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 12 { += ingrid; } frame 12 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 12 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 13 { += ingrid; } frame 13 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 13 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 14 {;; _root.hausquali = 1; } frame 14 { += ingrid; } frame 14 { if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst += 1; -= werner; } if ( { _root.zahlen.hai = 1; centerwurst2 += 1; += werner; } } frame 14 { += skalieren; += skalieren; } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { -= ingrid; } frame 20 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 20 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 21 { -= ingrid; } frame 21 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 21 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 22 { -= ingrid; } frame 22 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 22 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 23 { -= ingrid; } frame 23 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 23 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 24 { -= ingrid; } frame 24 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 24 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 25 { -= ingrid; } frame 25 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 25 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 26 { -= ingrid; } frame 26 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 26 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 27 { -= ingrid; } frame 27 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 27 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 28 { -= ingrid; } frame 28 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 28 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 29 { -= ingrid; } frame 29 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 29 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 30 { -= ingrid; } frame 30 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 30 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 31 { -= ingrid; } frame 31 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 31 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; } frame 32 { -= ingrid; } frame 32 { if (centerwurst >= 1) { --centerwurst; += werner; } if (centerwurst2 >= 1) { --centerwurst2; -= werner; } } frame 32 { -= skalieren; -= skalieren; = fargo; } frame 33 { = _root.fargo; = _root.marder; } frame 34 { = 100; = 100; } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { gotoAndPlay('stip1'); } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay('stip1'); } frame 39 { gotoAndPlay('stip1'); } } movieClip 6015 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 {; } frame 3 {;;; } frame 4 {;;;; } frame 5 {;; } frame 6 {;;;; } frame 7 {;; } frame 8 {;;;; } frame 9 {;;;; } frame 10 {;; } frame 11 {;;;; } frame 12 {;; } frame 13 {;;;; } frame 14 {;; } frame 15 {;;;; } frame 16 {;; } frame 17 {;;;; } frame 18 {;; } frame 19 {;;;; } frame 20 {;; } frame 21 {;;;; } frame 22 {;; } frame 23 {;;;; } frame 24 {;; } frame 25 {;;;; } frame 26 {;; } frame 27 {;;;; } frame 28 {;; } frame 29 {;;;; } frame 30 {;; } frame 31 {;;;; } frame 32 {;; } frame 33 {;;;; } frame 34 {;; } frame 35 {;;;; } frame 36 {;; } frame 37 {;;;; } frame 38 {;; } frame 39 {;;;; } frame 40 {;; } frame 41 {;;;; } frame 42 {;; } frame 43 {;;;; } frame 44 {;; } frame 45 {;;;; } frame 46 {;; } frame 47 {;;;; } frame 48 {;; } frame 49 {;;;; } frame 50 {;; } frame 51 {;;;; } frame 52 {;; } frame 53 {;;;; } frame 54 {;; } frame 55 {;;;; } frame 56 {;; } frame 57 {;;;; } frame 58 {;; } frame 59 {;;;; } frame 60 {;; } frame 61 {;;;; } frame 62 {;; } frame 63 {;;;; } frame 64 {;; } frame 65 {;;;; } frame 66 {;; } frame 67 {;;;; } frame 68 {;; } frame 69 {;;;; } frame 70 {;; } frame 71 {;;;; } frame 72 {;; } frame 73 {;;;; } frame 74 {;; } frame 75 {;;;; } frame 76 {;; } frame 77 {;;;; } frame 78 {;; } frame 79 {;;;; } frame 80 {;; } frame 81 {;;;; } frame 82 {;; } frame 83 {;;;; } frame 84 {;; } frame 85 {;;;; } frame 86 {;; } frame 87 {;;;; } frame 88 {;; } frame 89 {;;;; } frame 90 {;; } frame 91 {;;;; } frame 92 {;; } frame 93 {;;;; } frame 94 {;; } frame 95 {;;;; } frame 96 {;; } frame 97 {;;;; } frame 98 {;; } frame 99 {;;;; } frame 100 {;; } frame 101 {;;;; } frame 102 {;; } frame 103 {;;;; } frame 104 {;; } frame 105 {;;;; } frame 106 {;; } frame 107 {;;;; } frame 108 {;; } frame 109 {;;;; } frame 110 {;; } frame 111 {;;;; } frame 112 {;; } frame 113 {;;;; } frame 114 {;; } frame 115 {;;;; } frame 116 {;; } frame 117 {;;;; } frame 118 {;; } frame 119 {;;;; } frame 120 {;; } frame 121 {;;;; } frame 122 {;; } frame 123 {;;;; } frame 124 {;; } frame 125 {;;;; } frame 126 {;; } frame 127 {;;;; } frame 128 {;; } frame 129 {;;;; } frame 130 {;; } frame 131 {;;;; } frame 132 {;; } frame 133 {;;;; } frame 134 {;; } frame 135 {;;;; } frame 136 {;; } frame 137 {;;;; } frame 138 {;; } frame 139 {;;;; } frame 140 {;; } frame 141 {;;;; } frame 142 {;; } frame 143 {;;;; } frame 144 {;; } frame 145 {;;;; } frame 146 {;; } frame 147 {;;;; } frame 148 {;; } frame 149 {;;;; } frame 150 {;; } frame 151 {;;;; } frame 152 {;; } frame 153 {;;;; } frame 154 {;; } frame 155 {;;;; } frame 156 {;; } frame 157 {;;;; } frame 158 {;; } frame 159 {;;;; } frame 160 {;; } frame 161 {;;;; } frame 162 {;; } frame 163 {;;;; } frame 164 {;; } frame 165 {;;;; } frame 166 {;; } frame 167 {;;;; } frame 168 {;; } frame 169 {;;;; } frame 170 {;; } frame 171 {;;;; } frame 172 {;; } frame 173 {;;;; } frame 174 {;; } frame 175 {;;;; } frame 176 {;; } frame 177 {;;;; } frame 178 {;; } frame 179 {;;;; } frame 180 {;; } frame 181 {;;;; } frame 182 {;; } frame 183 {;;;; } frame 184 {;; } frame 185 {;;;; } frame 186 {;; } frame 187 {;;;; } frame 188 {;; } frame 189 {;;;; } frame 190 {;; } frame 191 {;;;; } frame 192 {;; } frame 193 {;;;; } frame 194 {;; } frame 195 {;;;; } frame 196 {;; } frame 197 {;;;; } frame 198 {;; } frame 199 {;;;; } frame 200 {;; } frame 201 {;;;; } frame 202 {;; } frame 203 {;;;; } frame 204 {;; } frame 205 {;;;; } frame 206 {;; } frame 207 {;;;; } frame 208 {;; } frame 209 {;;;; } frame 210 {;; } frame 211 {;;;; } frame 212 {;; } frame 213 {;;;; } frame 214 {;; } frame 215 {;;;; } frame 216 {;; } frame 217 {;;;; } frame 218 {;; } frame 219 {;;;; } frame 220 {;; } frame 221 {;;;; } frame 222 {;; } frame 223 {;;;; } frame 224 {;; } frame 225 {;;;; } frame 226 {;; } frame 227 {;;;; } frame 228 {;; } frame 229 {;;;; } frame 230 {;; } frame 231 {;;;; } frame 232 {;; } frame 233 {;;;; } frame 234 {;; } frame 235 {;;;; } frame 236 {;; } frame 237 {;;;; } frame 238 {;; } frame 239 {;;;; } frame 240 {;; } frame 241 {;;;; } frame 242 {;; } frame 243 {;;;; } frame 244 {;; } frame 245 {;;;; } frame 246 {;; } frame 247 {;;;; } frame 248 {;; } frame 249 {;;;; } frame 250 {;; } frame 251 {;;;; } frame 252 {;; } frame 253 {;;;; } frame 254 {;; } frame 255 {;;;; } frame 256 {;; } frame 257 {;;;; } frame 258 {;; } frame 259 {;;;; } frame 260 {;; } frame 261 {;;;; } frame 262 {;; } frame 263 {;;;; } frame 264 {;; } frame 265 {;;;; } frame 266 {;; } frame 267 {;;;; } frame 268 {;; } frame 269 {;;;; } frame 270 {;; } frame 271 {;;;; } frame 272 {;; } frame 273 {;;;; } frame 274 {;; } frame 275 {;;;; } frame 276 {;; } frame 277 {;;;; } frame 278 {;; } frame 279 {;;;; } frame 280 {;; } frame 281 {;;;; } frame 282 {;; } frame 283 {;;;; } frame 284 {;; } frame 285 {;;;; } frame 286 {;; } frame 287 {;;;; } frame 288 {;; } frame 289 {;;;; } frame 290 {;; } frame 291 {;;;; } frame 292 {;; } frame 293 {;;;; } frame 294 {;; } frame 295 {;;;; } frame 296 {;; } frame 297 {;;;; } frame 298 {;; } frame 299 {;;;; } frame 300 {;; } frame 301 {;;;; } frame 302 {;; } frame 303 {;;;; } frame 304 {;; } frame 305 {;;;; } frame 306 {;; } frame 307 {;;;; } frame 308 {;; } frame 309 {;;;; } frame 310 {;; } frame 311 {;;;; } frame 312 {;; } frame 313 {;;;; } frame 314 {;; } frame 315 {;;;; } frame 316 {;; } frame 317 {;;;; } frame 318 {;; } frame 319 {;;;; } frame 320 {;; } frame 321 {;;;; } frame 322 {;; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6016 { frame 8 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 6021 { } movieClip 6023 { } movieClip 6024 { } movieClip 6026 { } movieClip 6027 { } movieClip 6028 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6029 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); } _root.boardneu.uhr.stop(); _root.skalo.stop(); _root.breaker3 = 0; _root.breaker2 = 0; _root.breaker = 0; _root.boardneu.uhrxt.stop(); } frame 2 { _root.sprungtuch = 0; if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(20); _root.bongo.setVolume(35); } } frame 3 { _root.skalo.gotoAndPlay('yo'); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 8 { laufend = 0; } frame 8 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 8 {;;; } frame 8 { if ( <= -50) { _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop('rechts'); } else { _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop('links'); } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance sssdsd of movieClip 6015 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { if (_root.runter == 1) { _root.runter = 0;;;; this.nextFrame(); } } } } frame 9 {; } frame 9 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.insect.setVolume(90); } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); } } frame 9 { waldfloh = 1; } frame 10 {; } frame 11 {; } frame 11 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.insect.setVolume(70); } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); } } frame 12 {; } frame 12 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 13 {; } frame 13 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 14 {; } frame 14 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 14 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 15 {; } frame 15 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 16 {; } frame 16 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 17 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 17 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 18 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 19 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 20 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 20 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 21 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 22 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 23 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 24 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 24 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 25 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 26 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 26 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 27 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 28 { waldfloh = 1; } frame 28 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 28 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(100); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 29 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(2); _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(1); waldfloh = 2; } frame 29 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 30 { _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(1); _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 30 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 30 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 31 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 31 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(70); } _root.panicbird = 0; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 32 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 33 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 33 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 34 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 34 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 34 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 35 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 35 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 35 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 36 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 36 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 37 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 37 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 37 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 38 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 38 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 38 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 39 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 39 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 40 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 40 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 40 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 41 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 41 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 41 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 42 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 42 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 42 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 43 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 43 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 44 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 44 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 44 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 45 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 45 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 45 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 46 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 46 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 47 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 47 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(95); } } if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); } } frame 47 { _root.panicbird = 1; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.flattern.setVolume(100); } } frame 48 { laufend = 1; } frame 48 { _root.wackeli2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(1); _root.skalo.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 48 {; if (_root.hauptmusikb == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(35); } _root.bongo.setVolume(0); _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0);;; } frame 48 { _root.signs2._alpha = 100; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } _root.wackeli.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 48 { play(); _root.signs.gotoAndStop(1);; } frame 48 { _root.panicbird = 0; _root.zackenkeys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.flattern.setVolume(0); _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); = -380.7; = 100;;;; = -45; = _root.sharkposition; _root.attack = 0; _root.biss = 1; _root.lowjump = 0; _root.breaker = 0; _root.bewegung = 1;; } frame 79 { laufend = 0; } frame 79 {;; stop(); } } movieClip 6030 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.pausenscripts.gotoAndStop(1); _root.libellex = 0; laufend = 0; } frame 10 { laufend = 1; _root.dinocatch = 0; _root.signs._alpha = 100; _root.signs.gotoAndStop('weg'); _root.signs.gotoAndStop('dinobirdfast');'weg');'dinobirds3'); play(); } frame 62 { _root.dinocatch = 1; } frame 146 { _root.dinocatch = 0; } frame 190 {;;;;; } frame 204 { laufend = 1; _root.dinocatch = 0; _root.signs._alpha = 100; _root.signs.gotoAndStop('weg'); _root.signs.gotoAndStop('dinobird');'weg');; play(); } frame 267 { _root.dinocatch = 1; } frame 375 { _root.dinocatch = 0; } frame 426 {;; } frame 439 { laufend = 1; _root.dinocatch = 0; _root.signs._alpha = 100; _root.signs.gotoAndStop('weg'); _root.signs.gotoAndStop('dinobirdfast');'weg');'dinobirds2'); play(); } frame 488 { _root.dinocatch = 1; } frame 574 { _root.dinocatch = 0; } frame 620 {;;;; } frame 633 { laufend = 1; _root.dinocatch = 0; _root.signs._alpha = 100; _root.signs.gotoAndStop('weg'); _root.signs.gotoAndStop('insect'); _root.libellex = 1; play(); } frame 680 { _root.dinocatch = 1; } frame 755 { _root.dinocatch = 0; } frame 814 {; _root.libellex = 0;; } } movieClip 6036 { } movieClip 6039 { } movieClip 6042 { } movieClip 6043 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } if (_root.uhranzeige == 0) {; if ( == _root.secondweapon) { _root.weapon = 2; _root.showitem.gotoAndPlay('spikedclub');; _root.waffenanzeige.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( == _root.thirdweapon) { _root.weapon = 3; _root.showitem.gotoAndPlay('doubleaxe');; _root.waffenanzeige.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == _root.fourthweapon) { _root.boomerang = 1; _root.showitem.gotoAndPlay('boomerang'); _root.waffenanzeige.wurfwaffe.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } } movieClip 6044 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6036 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death');; } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.bb1y; if (_root.bb1y == _root.musselsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Shells'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('mussels'); } } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 6047 { } movieClip 6050 { } movieClip 6053 { } movieClip 6054 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6047 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death');; } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.bb1y; if (_root.bb1y == _root.musselsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Shells'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('mussels'); } } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 6057 { } movieClip 6060 { } movieClip 6063 { } movieClip 6064 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6057 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death');; } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.bb1y; if (_root.bb1y == _root.musselsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Shells'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('mussels'); } } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 6067 { } movieClip 6070 { } movieClip 6073 { } movieClip 6074 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6067 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death');; } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.bb1y; if (_root.bb1y == _root.musselsmedal) { var medal_name = 'Shells'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('mussels'); } } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 6078 { } movieClip 6081 { } movieClip 6084 { } movieClip 6085 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } stop(); } } movieClip 6086 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6078 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { _parent.gotoAndPlay('death');; } if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; } _parent.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } frame 2 { ++_root.fb1y; } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 6087 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6092 { } movieClip 6093 { instance of movieClip 6092 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; };; } } } } movieClip 6096 { } movieClip 6099 { } movieClip 6110 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { ++_root.fb1y; } frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 6113 { } movieClip 6114 { instance of movieClip 6113 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; };; } } } } movieClip 6129 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { ++_root.fb1y; } frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 6132 { } movieClip 6133 { instance of movieClip 6132 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; };; } } } } movieClip 6136 { } movieClip 6149 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { ++_root.fb1y; } frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 6152 { } movieClip 6153 { instance of movieClip 6152 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {;; };; } } } } movieClip 6158 { } movieClip 6167 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { ++_root.fb1y; } frame 19 { stop(); } } movieClip 6168 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6169 { } movieClip 6173 { } movieClip 6177 { } movieClip 6178 { } movieClip 6180 { } movieClip 6182 { } movieClip 6184 { } movieClip 6185 { } movieClip 6186 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6189 { } movieClip 6190 { } movieClip 6191 { } movieClip 6193 { } movieClip 6196 { } movieClip 6197 { } movieClip 6198 { } movieClip 6262 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } } movieClip 6263 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 {; _root.frenzy.inner.nextFrame(); _root.frenzy.backdoor.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } if (_root.weapon == 1) { _root.boardneu.score += 100; } if (_root.weapon == 2) { _root.boardneu.score += 150; } if (_root.weapon == 3) { _root.boardneu.score += 250; } if (_root.weapon == 4) { _root.boardneu.score += 500; } } } movieClip 6264 { } movieClip 6269 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } } movieClip 6273 { } movieClip 6278 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } } movieClip 6280 { frame 1 { if (_root.weapon == 1) { gotoAndStop('prehistoric'); } if (_root.weapon == 2) { gotoAndStop('prehistoric2'); } if (_root.weapon == 3) { gotoAndStop('prehistoric3'); } stop(); } instance hit of movieClip 6273 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( { if (_root.wasserschlag == 1) {; } if (_root.wasserschlag == 2) {; } } } } } movieClip 6281 { frame 1 { _root.wasserschlag = 2; if (_root.weapon == 4) {; } } frame 8 { _root.wasserschlag = 1; } frame 14 { _root.wasserschlag = 2; } } movieClip 6282 { } movieClip 6283 { } movieClip 6288 { } movieClip 6291 { } movieClip 6292 { frame 1 { if (_root.weapon == 4) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6293 { } movieClip 6294 { frame 1 {; if (_root.weapon == 1) { _root.boardneu.score += 100; } if (_root.weapon == 2) { _root.boardneu.score += 150; } if (_root.weapon == 3) { _root.boardneu.score += 250; } if (_root.weapon == 4) { _root.boardneu.score += 500; } } frame 10 { _root.frenzy.inner.nextFrame(); _root.frenzy.backdoor.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 6295 { } movieClip 6296 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.breakbeat2.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 6300 { } movieClip 6304 { } movieClip 6308 { } movieClip 6309 { frame 1 { if (_root.weapon == 2) { gotoAndStop('morningstar'); } if (_root.weapon == 3) { gotoAndStop('kingsword'); } if (_root.weapon == 4) { gotoAndStop('mightysword'); } stop(); } } movieClip 6310 { frame 1 { _root.chainsaw2.setVolume(70); _root.kettensaege = 1; stop(); } instance inner2 of movieClip 6283 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( {'grande'); } } } } movieClip 6311 { frame 1 { _root.chainsaw2.setVolume(0); _root.kettensaege = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.chainsaw2.setVolume(0); play(); } frame 16 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6315 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6316 { } movieClip 6317 { } movieClip 6318 { } movieClip 6319 { } movieClip 6320 { } movieClip 6321 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6325 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6326 { } movieClip 6328 { } movieClip 6331 { } movieClip 6332 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6336 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6337 { } movieClip 6338 { } movieClip 6342 { } movieClip 6351 { } movieClip 6352 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6354 { } movieClip 6358 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6359 { } movieClip 6360 { } movieClip 6361 { } movieClip 6362 { } movieClip 6363 { } movieClip 6367 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6368 { } movieClip 6369 { } movieClip 6370 { } movieClip 6371 { } movieClip 6372 { } movieClip 6373 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6374 { frame 1 { if (_root.evolution == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.evolution == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.evolution == 3) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.evolution == 4) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.evolution == 5) { gotoAndStop(5); } stop(); } } movieClip 6376 { } movieClip 6378 { frame 1 { if (_root.kopfnuss == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 3) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 4) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 5) { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 6) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } } movieClip 6379 { } movieClip 6382 { } movieClip 6383 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6385 { } movieClip 6386 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6390 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6391 { } movieClip 6392 { } movieClip 6395 { } movieClip 6396 { } movieClip 6397 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6400 { } movieClip 6404 { frame 1 { if (_root.spicey == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6405 { } movieClip 6407 { } movieClip 6408 { frame 1 { if (_root.kopfnuss == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 3) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 4) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 5) { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 6) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } } movieClip 6409 { } movieClip 6410 { } movieClip 6413 { } movieClip 6414 { } movieClip 6417 { } movieClip 6418 { } movieClip 6420 { } movieClip 6421 { frame 1 { if (_root.kopfnuss == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 3) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 4) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 5) { gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.kopfnuss == 6) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } } movieClip 6422 { } movieClip 6423 { } movieClip 6424 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6425 { frame 1 { if (_root.evolution == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.evolution == 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.evolution == 3) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.evolution == 4) { gotoAndStop(4); } stop(); } } movieClip 6426 { frame 1 { if (_root.hydra == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6427 { frame 1 { if ( <= -45) { = 100; } } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { = 0; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 6428 { } movieClip 6429 { frame 2 { _root.chainsaw.start(0, 0); stop(); } } movieClip 6430 { } movieClip 6446 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 6449 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { = 100; } } movieClip 6452 { } movieClip 6453 { } movieClip 6454 { frame 1 { if (_root.kanone == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6455 { frame 1 { if ( <= -45) { = 100; } } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 {; if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 2 { = 0; } } movieClip 6456 { frame 1 { _root.signs._alpha = 0; } frame 2 { _root.signs._alpha = 0; } } movieClip 6457 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; } frame 1 { fg = _root.touchdown._y;; _root.breaker = 0; _root.breaker2 = 0; _root.breaker3 = 0; _root.touchdown3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.terz = 1; _root.chainsaw.stop('chainsaw'); skalieren = 1.5; _root.bewegung = 1; _root.baer = 0; _root.drachendreher = 0; stop(); } instance schaum of movieClip 6178 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( <= -45) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 2 { _root.terz = 1; play(); } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 5 { play(); _root.terz = 1; _root.rocketflash = 1; if (_root.changesky == 2) {; } } frame 7 { gotoAndStop(1); _root.terz = 1; } frame 8 { _root.baer = 0; _root.rocketflash = 0; _root.drachendreher = 0; play(); if ( >= 290) { _root.terz = 0; } } frame 12 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 13 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 13 {; = 0; _root.biss = 1; _root.jump.gotoAndStop(1); _root.baer = 1; if (_root.breakor == 0) {'klein');'klein');'klein');'klein');'klein');'klein');'klein');'klein');'klein');'klein'); }; _root.drachendreher = 2; } frame 26 { _root.breaker = 1; _root.breaker2 = 1; _root.baer = 0; } frame 30 {; } frame 32 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 32 {; _root.drachendreher = 0; } frame 33 { _root.breaker = 0; _root.breaker2 = 0; _root.bewegung = 1; } frame 41 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 42 { laufend = 1; } frame 42 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 42 {; = 0; _root.biss = 1; _root.jump.gotoAndStop(1); _root.baer = 10; _root.little = 1;'small'); } frame 49 { _root.baer = 0; } frame 51 {'small'); } frame 52 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 52 {; } frame 59 { gotoAndStop(1); _root.bewegung = 1; _root.little = 0; } frame 60 { laufend = 1; } frame 60 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 60 {; = 0; _root.biss = 1; _root.jump.gotoAndStop(1); if ( <= -50) { _root.skalo.ft = -5; } if ( >= 50) { _root.skalo.ft = 5; } if ( >= -199.9 && <= 199.9) { _root.skalo.ft = 0; }; _root.signs._alpha = 0; _root.signs2._alpha = 0; _root.signs3._alpha = 0; _root.spidersigns._alpha = 0; _root.baer = 1; _root.panel.gotoAndStop(1);'long'); } frame 65 { } frame 72 { _root.breaker = 1; _root.breaker2 = 1; _root.sprungtuch = 1; _root.breaker3 = 1; } frame 83 { _root.sprungtuch = 0; _root.baer = 0; } frame 95 {'long'); } frame 96 { _root.breaker3 = 0; _root.drachendreher = 0; } frame 98 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 98 { _root.lowjump = 0; _root.breaker = 0; _root.breaker2 = 0; _root.bewegung = 1;; _root.signs._alpha = 100; _root.signs2._alpha = 100; _root.signs3._alpha = 100; _root.spidersigns._alpha = 100; } frame 107 { _root.panel.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 108 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6458 { } movieClip 6462 { } movieClip 6463 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 6464 { } movieClip 6465 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 6466 { frame 1 { if (_root.hydra == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6467 { frame 65 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6466 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.attack == 0) { = 100; = - 315; = - 5; } if (_root.attack == 1 || _root.sportiv == 0) { = 0; } } } } movieClip 6473 { frame 1 { = -1000; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { =; } frame 13 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 14 { =; } frame 21 { =; } frame 22 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 23 { =; } frame 38 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6481 { } movieClip 6482 { frame 1 { = -1000; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.weapon != 1) { = + 140; } else { = + 120; } } frame 17 { gotoAndStop(1); } instance of movieClip 6481 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = + 40; } } } movieClip 6484 { frame 1 { = -1000; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.weapon != 1) { = - 100; } else { = - 70; } } frame 17 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6496 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 6497 { frame 1 { = -1000; _root.staub = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.staub = 1; } frame 11 { if (_root.weapon != 1) { = + 130; } else { = + 110; } } frame 26 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6499 { frame 1 { = -1000; stop(); } frame 11 { if (_root.weapon != 1) { = + 130; } else { = + 110; } } frame 26 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6503 { } movieClip 6504 { } movieClip 6513 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 6514 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance rere of movieClip 6504 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 6515 { } movieClip 6516 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 423 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 6523 { } movieClip 6524 { } movieClip 6525 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1318 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2);; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2);; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.jp1y; stop(); } } movieClip 6526 { } movieClip 6527 { } movieClip 6528 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1318 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest( && _root.abschnitt.hitTest( { _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2);; } if (this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( || this.hitTest( {;; _root.combosystem.combos.nextFrame(); _parent._parent.leine.gotoAndStop(2);; } } } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } ++_root.jp1y; stop(); } } movieClip 6529 { } movieClip 6530 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 6 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.buntvoegel1.setVolume(25); } } frame 96 { laufend = 0; _root.buntvoegel1.setVolume(0); } } movieClip 6532 { } movieClip 6534 { } movieClip 6535 { } movieClip 6536 { frame 4 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 6537 { frame 1 { zufall = random(4) + 1; if (zufall == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (zufall == 2) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (zufall == 3) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (zufall == 3) { gotoAndStop(5); } stop(); } } movieClip 6538 { } movieClip 6539 { } movieClip 6540 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 6541 { frame 4 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } } movieClip 6542 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 231 { stop(); } } movieClip 6546 { } movieClip 6547 { } movieClip 6548 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } } movieClip 6549 { } movieClip 6552 { } movieClip 6553 { } movieClip 6556 { } movieClip 6557 { frame 1 { _root.vertikalpfeil = 1; laufend = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.vertikalpfeil = 0; laufend = 1; } frame 2 { if (_root.tonnenboys == 1) {; } } frame 8 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { if (_root.flugbirds == 1) { _root.buntvoegel.setVolume(80); } if (_root.libellex == 1) { _root.insect.setVolume(50); } } } frame 36 { _root.buntvoegel.setVolume(0); _root.insect.setVolume(0); } } movieClip 6558 { } movieClip 6561 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6564 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6570 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 6573 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6576 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6583 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } } movieClip 6588 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 6592 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 109 { stop(); } } movieClip 6595 { } movieClip 6596 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance steuerung of movieClip 6595 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { if (_root.boardneu.score >= 100000 && _root.boardneu.score <= 999999) {; } if (_root.boardneu.score >= 1000000) {; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (Key.isDown(65)) { _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.zeitglass.fritzi <= 9) { _root.kombi._alpha = 0; } else { _root.kombi._alpha = 100; } if (_root.text0 == null) { _root.text0 = 'SHARK IS ANGRY'; _root.glow.text5 = 'SHARK IS ANGRY'; } if (_root.atompilz == 0) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.tasterunter = 2; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.tastehoch = 2; } if (Key.isDown(84)) { _root.earthquake.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.sportiv == 1) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); Mouse.hide(); _root.schaumaus.gotoAndPlay(1);; if (_root.sprungtuch == 1) { _root.sprungtuch = 0;'runterzack');'runterzack');'runterzack'); } } if (!Key.isDown(17)) { if (_root.controltaste == 1) { _root.controltaste = 0; _root.biss = 1; } } if (!Key.isDown(65)) { if (_root.aataste == 1) { _root.aataste = 0; _root.biss = 1; } } if (!Key.isDown(40)) { _root.runter = 1; } if (!Key.isDown(65)) { _root.biss = 1; } if (!Key.isDown(38)) { _root.fahrstuhl = 1; _root.jump.gotoAndStop(1); _root.taster = 1; } if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (_root.durchdreh == 1) {'frenzy'); if (_root.boomerang == 1) {; } } Mouse.hide(); _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.schaumaus.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.aataste = 1;; if (_root.biss == 1 && _root.attack == 0) { if (_root.baer == 1) { if ( <= 0) { if (_root.hydra == 0 && _root.heraldi == 0) { _root.hai.gotoAndPlay('rechts'); } if (_root.hydra == 1 && _root.heraldi == 0) { _root.hai2.gotoAndPlay('rechts'); } } if ( >= 0.1) { if (_root.hydra == 0 && _root.heraldi == 0) { _root.hai.gotoAndPlay('links'); } if (_root.hydra == 1 && _root.heraldi == 0) { _root.hai2.gotoAndPlay('links'); } } } _root.biss = 0; if (_root.durchdreh == 0) {; if ( >= 220) { if (_root.staub == 0) {; } else {; } } if (_root.boomerang == 1) {; } } if (_root.kopfnuss != 6) {; }; } } if ( <= -48) { _root.florida.gotoAndStop('an'); = -48; if (_root.eingeborene == 1) { _root.native.setVolume(100); } } if ( >= -30) { _root.florida.gotoAndStop('aus'); _root.native.setVolume(0); } if (!Key.isDown(37)) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { _root.hutflug = 2; } } if (Key.isDown(39)) { Mouse.hide(); _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.schaumaus.gotoAndPlay(1); if (!Key.isDown(37)) { _root.hutflug = 1; }; if (_root.terz == 1) { if ( <= 280) { if (_root.bewegung == 0) { += _root.sharkspeed / 2; if ( >= 280.1) { = 280; } } if (_root.bewegung == 1) { _root.einblendung._x -= _root.sharkspeed; += _root.sharkspeed; if ( >= 280.1) { = 280; } } } } if (_root.terz == 0) { if ( <= 280) { if (_root.bewegung == 0) { -= 11; if ( >= 280.1) { = 280; } } if (_root.bewegung == 1) { += 11; _root.einblendung._x -= 11; if ( >= 280.1) { = 280; } } } } } if (_root.bewegung == 0) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { Mouse.hide(); _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.schaumaus.gotoAndPlay(1); if (!Key.isDown(39)) { _root.hutflug = 3; }; if ( >= -290) { if (_root.terz == 1) { -= _root.sharkspeed / 3; } if (_root.terz == 0) { -= 11; } } } } if (_root.bewegung == 1) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { _root.hutflug = 3; }; if (_root.terz == 1) { if ( >= -290) { -= _root.sharkspeed; } } if (_root.terz == 0) { if ( >= -290) { -= 11; } } } if (Key.isDown(38)) { Mouse.hide(); _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.schaumaus.gotoAndPlay(1); if (!Key.isDown(40)) {; if ( <= -48) { = 0; = -48; if (_root.absprung == 3) {;'jump'); _root.bewegung = 0; } if (_root.absprung == 2) {'jump3'); _root.bewegung = 0; } if (_root.absprung == 1) {'jump2'); _root.bewegung = 0; } } if ( >= -47 && <= 250) { -= _root.sharkspeed; += _root.sharkspeed / 2; if (_root.jumpor == 0) {'up'); } if (_root.jumpor == 1) {'up2'); } _root.speeder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( <= 179.9) { _root.signs5._alpha = 100; } if ( >= 250.1) { -= _root.sharkspeed; if (_root.jumpor == 0) {'up'); } if (_root.jumpor == 1) {'up2'); } _root.speeder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } if (Key.isDown(40)) { Mouse.hide(); _root.dramatic.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.schaumaus.gotoAndPlay(1); if (!Key.isDown(38)) {; _root.jump.gotoAndStop(1); _root.chainsaw.stop('chainsaw'); = 0; if ( <= -150) { = -150; } if ( <= 250) { if ( >= 200) { if (_root.changesky == 3) {; } if (_root.changesky == 2) {; } if (_root.changesky == 1) {; } } += _root.sharkspeed; _root.einblendung._y -= _root.sharkspeed; -= _root.sharkspeed / 2;'down'); _root.speeder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( > 250.1 && <= 290) { += _root.sharkspeed; _root.einblendung._y -= _root.sharkspeed;'down'); _root.speeder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ( >= 180) { _root.signs5._alpha = 0; } if ( >= 291) { _root.sharkspeed = 12; = 290; } } } } } } } } } } movieClip 6597 { } movieClip 6599 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6601 { } movieClip 6603 { frame 10 { if (_root.absprung == 3) { _root.jumpor = 1; } else { if (_root.absprung == 3) { _root.jumpor = 0; } } stop(); } } movieClip 6604 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.jumpor = 0; } instance of movieClip 6601 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( >= 240) { _root.absprung = 3; _root.jump.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 59.9 && <= 239.9) { _root.absprung = 1; _root.jump.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( <= 60) { _root.absprung = 2; _root.jump.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 6606 { frame 1 { _root.quake.setVolume(0); stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.quake.setVolume(100); } } } button 6608 { on (keyPress 'e') { play(); } } movieClip 6610 { } movieClip 6611 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6610 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.boardneu.score >= 100000) {; _parent.nextFrame(); } } } } movieClip 6612 { } movieClip 6614 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } } movieClip 6615 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 {;; stop(); } instance of movieClip 6612 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;; } } frame 21 { _root.evolution = 4;; } frame 41 {; } } movieClip 6618 { frame 1 { _root.muenzen.setVolume(0); stop(); } frame 2 { _root.muenzen.setVolume(25); } } movieClip 6624 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } } movieClip 6627 { frame 1 { _root.muni.setVolume(15); stop(); } } movieClip 6628 { frame 1 { _root.muni.setVolume(0); } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } frame 5 { _root.muni.setVolume(12); } frame 8 { _root.muni.setVolume(8); } frame 11 { _root.muni.setVolume(4); } } movieClip 6633 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 6636 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6643 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 100 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 102 { stop(); } frame 103 { stop(); } frame 104 { stop(); } frame 105 { stop(); } frame 106 { stop(); } frame 107 { stop(); } frame 108 { stop(); } frame 109 { stop(); } frame 110 { stop(); } frame 111 { stop(); } frame 112 { stop(); } frame 113 { stop(); } frame 114 { stop(); } frame 115 { stop(); } frame 116 { stop(); } frame 117 { stop(); } frame 118 { stop(); } frame 119 { stop(); } frame 120 { stop(); } frame 121 { stop(); } frame 122 { stop(); } frame 123 { stop(); } frame 124 { stop(); } frame 125 { stop(); } frame 126 { stop(); } frame 127 { stop(); } frame 128 { stop(); } frame 129 { stop(); } frame 130 { stop(); } frame 131 { stop(); } frame 132 { stop(); } frame 133 { stop(); } frame 134 { stop(); } frame 135 { stop(); } frame 136 { stop(); } frame 137 { stop(); } frame 138 { stop(); } frame 139 { stop(); } frame 140 { stop(); } frame 141 { stop(); } frame 142 { stop(); } frame 143 { stop(); } frame 144 { stop(); } frame 145 { stop(); } frame 146 { stop(); } frame 147 { stop(); } frame 148 { stop(); } frame 149 { stop(); } frame 150 { stop(); } frame 151 { stop(); } frame 152 { stop(); } frame 153 { stop(); } frame 154 { stop(); } frame 155 { stop(); } frame 156 { stop(); } frame 157 { stop(); } frame 158 { stop(); } frame 159 { stop(); } frame 160 { stop(); } frame 161 { stop(); } frame 162 { stop(); } frame 163 { stop(); } frame 164 { stop(); } frame 165 { stop(); } frame 166 { stop(); } frame 167 { stop(); } frame 168 { stop(); } frame 169 { stop(); } frame 170 { stop(); } frame 171 { stop(); } frame 172 { stop(); } frame 173 { stop(); } } movieClip 6653 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 109 { stop(); } frame 126 { stop(); } frame 150 { stop(); } frame 164 { stop(); } } movieClip 6655 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6662 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 6676 { frame 1 {; } } movieClip 6681 { } movieClip 6682 { } movieClip 6685 { } movieClip 6686 { } movieClip 6687 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 6688 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.textfield0._alpha = 0; _root.textfield1._alpha = 0; _root.textfield2._alpha = 0; } frame 2 { _root.hai.gotoAndPlay('links'); } frame 3 { _root.textfield0._alpha = 0; _root.textfield1._alpha = 0; _root.textfield2._alpha = 0; } frame 3 { _root.hai.gotoAndPlay('rechts'); } frame 4 { _root.textfield0._alpha = 0; _root.textfield1._alpha = 0; _root.textfield2._alpha = 0; _root.glow._alpha = 0; _root.stopuhr.gotoAndStop('links'); } frame 4 { _root.hai.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 5 { _root.textfield0._alpha = 0; _root.textfield1._alpha = 0; _root.textfield2._alpha = 0; _root.glow._alpha = 0; _root.stopuhr.gotoAndStop('links'); } frame 5 { _root.hai.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6690 { frame 1 { _quality = 'medium'; stop(); } frame 2 { _quality = 'low'; } } movieClip 6692 { frame 1 { -= 5; _root.boardneu.scoretext._y -= 5; _root.boardneu.scorepunkte._y -= 5; } frame 3 { += 5; _root.boardneu.scoretext._y += 5; _root.boardneu.scorepunkte._y += 5; } } movieClip 6693 { frame 1 { b1 =; b2 = _root.boardneu.scoretext._y; b3 = _root.boardneu.scorepunkte._y; stop(); } frame 2 { = b1; _root.boardneu.scoretext._y = b2; _root.boardneu.scorepunkte._y = b3; stop(); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 6697 { } movieClip 6698 { } movieClip 6699 { frame 223 { _root.signs.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 6702 { } movieClip 6703 { } movieClip 6704 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6705 { frame 647 { _root.signs.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 6706 { } movieClip 6707 { } movieClip 6708 { frame 182 { _root.signs.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 6711 { } movieClip 6712 { } movieClip 6713 { frame 182 { _root.signs.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 6714 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6718 { } movieClip 6719 { } movieClip 6720 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6721 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6722 { } movieClip 6723 { } movieClip 6724 { frame 1 { laufend = 1; } frame 301 { laufend = 0; } frame 301 { stop(); } } movieClip 6725 { frame 1 { laufend = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } } movieClip 6729 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6732 { frame 1 { time = 0; } frame 35 { ++time; if (time >= 100) { _root.boardneu.uhrblack.nextFrame(); _root.boardneu.nextFrame(); } gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 6734 { } movieClip 6741 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.boardneu.points._x += 15; _root.boardneu.pointslinks._x += 15; _root.boardneu.pointsrechts._x += 15; } frame 3 { _root.boardneu.points._x += 15; _root.boardneu.pointslinks._x += 15; _root.boardneu.pointsrechts._x += 15; } } movieClip 6744 { } movieClip 6746 { frame 1 { z = 120; wow = Math.round(Math.random() * z) + 1; } } movieClip 6747 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _root.scorewackler.gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 6748 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _root.scorewackler.gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 6749 { frame 1 { score = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 6753 { } movieClip 6754 { } movieClip 6755 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 357 { stop(); } } movieClip 6758 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 6759 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 6760 { frame 1 { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('prehistoric2', 141); _root.prehistoric2 = new Sound(_root.wauwau.prehistoric2); _root.prehistoric2.attachSound('prehistoric2'); _root.prehistoric2.start(0, 99999); if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(35); } else { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(0); } stop(); } } movieClip 6761 { frame 1 { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('darkness', 171); _root.darkness = new Sound(_root.wauwau.darkness); _root.darkness.attachSound('darkness'); _root.darkness.start(0, 99999); if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.darkness.setVolume(60); } else { _root.darkness.setVolume(0); } stop(); } } movieClip 6762 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 6763 { frame 1 { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('caveloop', 169); _root.caveloop = new Sound(_root.wauwau.caveloop); _root.caveloop.attachSound('caveloop'); _root.caveloop.start(0, 99999); if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.caveloop.setVolume(75); } else { _root.caveloop.setVolume(0); } stop(); } } movieClip 6764 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 6765 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 6766 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6774 { frame 1 { if (_root.boomerang == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 6780 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6782 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6785 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6790 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } } movieClip 6792 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } } movieClip 6795 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6800 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } } movieClip 6803 { frame 1 { t = 8; _root._y = _root.vertikal; stop(); } frame 2 {; } frame 2 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 4 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 6 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 8 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 10 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 12 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 14 {; } frame 14 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 16 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 18 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 20 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 22 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 24 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } } movieClip 6804 { frame 1 { t = 8; _root._y = _root.vertikal; stop(); } frame 2 {; } frame 2 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 4 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 6 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 8 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 10 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 12 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 14 {; } frame 14 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 16 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 18 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 20 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 22 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 24 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } } movieClip 6808 { } movieClip 6810 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6812 { } movieClip 6813 { } movieClip 6814 { } movieClip 6815 { frame 54 { _root.perfect.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 6816 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 6818 { on (keyPress 'b') { play(); } } movieClip 6819 { frame 1 { t = 8; _root._y = _root.vertikal; stop(); } frame 2 {; } frame 2 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 4 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } frame 6 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= t; } } frame 8 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += t; } } } movieClip 6823 { } movieClip 6826 { } movieClip 6829 { } movieClip 6830 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 68 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 136 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 204 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6835 { } movieClip 6838 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 24 {; } frame 29 {; } frame 34 {; } frame 39 {; } frame 44 {; } frame 49 {; } frame 54 {; } frame 59 {; } frame 64 {; } frame 69 {; } frame 140 { _root.turtledeath = 1; } } movieClip 6839 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.soundsteuerung._alpha = 0; _root.pauseaudio._alpha = 0; } } movieClip 6845 { } movieClip 6846 { } movieClip 6847 { } movieClip 6856 { } movieClip 6857 { } movieClip 6862 { } movieClip 6863 { } movieClip 6868 { } movieClip 6869 { } movieClip 6876 { } movieClip 6877 { } movieClip 6878 { frame 1 { stop(); laufend = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf998_mc', 9968); _root.alerto = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf998_mc); _root.alerto.attachSound('alerto'); _root.alerto.start(0, 0); _root.alerto.setVolume(47); } } frame 2 { laufend = 1; } frame 53 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 54 { laufend = 1; } frame 58 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf998_mc', 9968); _root.alerto = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf998_mc); _root.alerto.attachSound('alerto'); _root.alerto.start(0, 0); _root.alerto.setVolume(47); } } frame 116 { _root.punktemachen = 0; gotoAndPlay('waterfall'); } frame 117 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf998_mc', 9968); _root.alerto = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf998_mc); _root.alerto.attachSound('alerto'); _root.alerto.start(0, 0); _root.alerto.setVolume(47); } } frame 117 { laufend = 1; } frame 169 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 170 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf998_mc', 9968); _root.alerto = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf998_mc); _root.alerto.attachSound('alerto'); _root.alerto.start(0, 0); _root.alerto.setVolume(47); } } frame 170 { laufend = 1; } frame 225 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf998_mc', 9968); _root.alerto = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf998_mc); _root.alerto.attachSound('alerto'); _root.alerto.start(0, 0); _root.alerto.setVolume(47); } } frame 267 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 307 { laufend = 1; } frame 421 {; } frame 446 { stop(); } frame 446 { laufend = 0; } frame 447 { laufend = 1; } frame 453 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('soundAlf998_mc', 9968); _root.alerto = new Sound(_root.wauwau.soundAlf998_mc); _root.alerto.attachSound('alerto'); _root.alerto.start(0, 0); _root.alerto.setVolume(47); } } frame 516 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6880 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { _root.turtlekopf = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 6882 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { _root.turtleschwanz = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 6885 { frame 1 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= 4; } } frame 3 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += 4; } } frame 4 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= 4; } } frame 6 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += 4; } } frame 8 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= 4; } } frame 9 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += 4; } } } movieClip 6886 { frame 1 { _root._y = _root.vertikal; stop(); } } movieClip 6889 { frame 1 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= 10; } } frame 3 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += 10; } } frame 4 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= 10; } } frame 6 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += 10; } } frame 8 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y -= 10; } } frame 9 { if (_root.pausierenx == 0) { _root._y += 10; } } } movieClip 6890 { frame 1 { _root._y = _root.vertikal; stop(); } } movieClip 6892 { } movieClip 6894 { frame 1 { if (_root.soundeffects == 0) { stop(); } _root.soundeffects = 0; } } movieClip 6895 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6892 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(27) || Key.isDown(80)) { _root.pausierenx = 1; _root.waterfall.setVolume(0); _root.auskunft.stop(); _root.stopuhr.zaehler.stop();;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _root.spidersigns.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider1.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider2.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider3.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider4.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider5.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider6.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.stop();;; _root.signs.trees.stop(); _root.boardneu.uhrd.stop();; _root.saurier.setVolume(0); _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(0); _root.caveloop.setVolume(0); _root.alerto.setVolume(0); _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0); _root.quak.setVolume(0);;;; _root.buntvoegel1.setVolume(0); _root.buntvoegel.setVolume(0);;;;;;;;;;;;; _root.skalo.stop();;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _root.pausenmenu.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 6897 { } movieClip 6898 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 6897 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(27) || Key.isDown(80)) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(0); _root.bongo.setVolume(0); _root.alertbird.setVolume(0); _root.flattern.setVolume(0); _root.soundeffects = 0; _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); _root.saurier.setVolume(0); _root.boardneu.uhrd.stop(); _root.pausierenx = 1;;;;;; _root.skalo.stop();;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _root.stopuhr.zaehler.stop(); _root.pausenmenu.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.stopuhr.zaehler.stop(); } } movieClip 6899 { frame 1 { _root.pauseaudio.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 2 { _root.pauseaudio.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 3 { _root.pauseaudio.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 6902 { } movieClip 6903 { } movieClip 6904 { } movieClip 6906 { } movieClip 6907 { } movieClip 6908 { } movieClip 6909 { } movieClip 6910 { } movieClip 6911 { } movieClip 6912 { } movieClip 6913 { } movieClip 6914 { } movieClip 6915 { } movieClip 6916 { } movieClip 6917 { } movieClip 6918 { } movieClip 6919 { } movieClip 6920 { } movieClip 6921 { } movieClip 6922 { } movieClip 6923 { } movieClip 6924 { } movieClip 6925 { } movieClip 6926 { frame 1 { _root.trophyy1 = 1; } frame 2 { _root.trophyy2 = 1; } frame 3 { _root.trophyy3 = 1; } frame 4 { _root.trophyy4 = 1; } frame 5 { _root.trophyy5 = 1; } frame 6 { _root.trophyy6 = 1; } frame 7 { _root.trophyy7 = 1; } frame 8 { _root.trophyy8 = 1; } frame 9 { _root.trophyy9 = 1; } frame 10 { _root.trophyy10 = 1; } frame 11 { _root.trophyy11 = 1; } frame 12 { _root.trophyy12 = 1; } frame 13 { _root.trophyy13 = 1; } frame 14 { _root.trophyy14 = 1; } frame 15 { _root.trophyy15 = 1; } frame 16 { _root.trophyy16 = 1; } frame 17 { _root.trophyy17 = 1; } frame 18 { _root.trophyy18 = 1; } } movieClip 6930 { } movieClip 6931 { frame 76 { _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6932 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6936 { } button 6939 { on (press) { _root.pausierenx = 1; _root.waterfall.setVolume(0); _root.auskunft.stop(); _root.stopuhr.zaehler.stop();;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _root.spidersigns.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider1.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider2.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider3.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider4.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider5.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider6.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider1.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider2.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider3.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider4.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider5.inner.stop(); _root.spidersigns.spider6.inner.stop();;; _root.signs.trees.stop(); _root.boardneu.uhrd.stop();; _root.saurier.setVolume(0); _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(0); _root.caveloop.setVolume(0); _root.alerto.setVolume(0); _root.birdpanic2.setVolume(0); _root.quak.setVolume(0);;;; _root.buntvoegel1.setVolume(0); _root.buntvoegel.setVolume(0);;;;;;;;;;;;; _root.skalo.stop();;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _root.pausenscripts.inner.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pausenmenu.gotoAndStop(2); nextFrame(); } } movieClip 6940 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 6941 { on (press) { _root.prehistoric2.setVolume(0); _root.bongo.setVolume(0); _root.alertbird.setVolume(0); _root.flattern.setVolume(0); _root.soundeffects = 0; _root.insect.setVolume(0); _root.insect2.setVolume(0); _root.saurier.setVolume(0); _root.boardneu.uhrd.stop(); _root.pausierenx = 1;;;;;; _root.skalo.stop();;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; _root.stopuhr.zaehler.stop(); _root.pausenmenu.gotoAndStop(3); _root.pausenscripts.inner.gotoAndStop(2); nextFrame(); } } movieClip 6942 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6943 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 6957 { frame 1 {; } } movieClip 6962 { } movieClip 6963 { } movieClip 6966 { } movieClip 6967 { } movieClip 6968 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 6969 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.stopuhr.gotoAndStop('links'); } frame 2 { _root.stopuhr.gotoAndPlay('rechts'); } frame 3 { _root.stopuhr.gotoAndStop('links'); } frame 3 { _root.stopuhr.gotoAndPlay('links'); } } movieClip 6973 { } movieClip 6974 { } movieClip 6979 { } movieClip 6981 { } movieClip 6982 { frame 1 { _root.textfield0._alpha = 100; _root.textfield1._alpha = 60; _root.textfield2._alpha = 40; _root.glow._alpha = 100; _root.sharko = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { _root.textfield0._alpha = 0; _root.textfield1._alpha = 0; _root.textfield2._alpha = 0; _root.glow._alpha = 0; _root.sharko = 1; } frame 18 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 20 { if (_root.wheeler == 1) { gotoAndPlay('links'); } } frame 36 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 6987 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 6991 { } movieClip 6992 { frame 1 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 1 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 1 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner <= 98) { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner; } } instance of movieClip 6991 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 10) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehneroben._alpha = 0; } if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 10) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderteroben._alpha = 0; } if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter <= 9) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderteroben._alpha = 100; } } } frame 2 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 2 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 3 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 3 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 4 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 4 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 5 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 5 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 6 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 6 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 7 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 7 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 8 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 8 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 9 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 9 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 10 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 10 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 11 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 11 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 12 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 12 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 13 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 13 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 14 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 14 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 15 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 15 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 16 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 16 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 17 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 17 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 18 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 18 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 19 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 19 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 20 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 20 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 21 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 21 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 22 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 22 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 23 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 23 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 24 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 24 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 25 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 25 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 26 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 26 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 27 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 27 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 28 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 28 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 29 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; } frame 29 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } frame 30 { ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; ++_root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner <= 98) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 0; } } frame 30 { if (_root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner >= 99 && _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter >= 99) { _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 99; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 99; } } } movieClip 6998 { } movieClip 6999 { } movieClip 7000 { } movieClip 7002 { frame 9 { _root.stopuhr._alpha = 50; _root.stopuhr2._alpha = 50; stop(); } } movieClip 7003 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 7017 { frame 1 { bonus4 = 0; stop(); } frame 2 { if (bonus4 >= 100000) { gotoAndStop(7); } if (bonus4 <= 9999 && bonus4 >= 1000) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (bonus4 <= 999 && bonus4 >= 100) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (bonus4 <= 99 && bonus4 >= 10) { gotoAndStop(5); } if (bonus4 <= 0) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } } movieClip 7018 { frame 1 { boni = _root.stopuhr.bonus4 / 30; boni = Math.ceil(boni); } frame 2 { _root.boardneu.score += boni; } frame 3 { _root.boardneu.score += boni; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 7019 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 7022 { frame 1 { bonus4 = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 7023 { frame 1 { _root.uhranzeige = 0; } frame 1 { _root.ohrli = 0; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.uhranzeige = 1; } frame 2 { _root.showitem.gotoAndStop(1); _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner = 0; _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter = 0; _root.ohrli = 1; stop(); } frame 3 { _root.stopuhr.zaehler.stop(); _root.stopuhr2.inner.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 4 { bonus4 = 0; bonus1 = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner * 60; bonus2 = _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; bonus3 = bonus1 + bonus2; bonus3 *= 10; if (_root.endboss == 0) { bonus4 = 10000 - bonus3; } else { bonus4 = 50000 - bonus3; } bonus4 *= 3; bonus4 += 1525; _root.stopuhr.aussage.bonus4 = bonus4; _root.stopuhr.aussage.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_root.aircraft == 1) { _root.bc1a = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner; _root.bc1b = _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; _root.bc1c = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner * 60 + _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; if (_root.bc1c <= _root.firstflyingreptilemedal) { var medal_name = 'First Flying Reptile'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('firstflyingreptile'); } if (_root.bc1c <= _root.ac1c - 1 || _root.ac1c == 0) { _root.stopuhr2.record.gotoAndStop(2); _root.ac1a = _root.bc1a; _root.ac1b = _root.bc1b; _root.ac1c = _root.bc1c; _root.trophies.recordo.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.aircraft1record = 1; } } if (_root.aircraft == 2) { _root.bc2a = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner; _root.bc2b = _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; _root.bc2c = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner * 60 + _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; if (_root.bc2c <= _root.dragonflymedal) { var medal_name = 'Dragonfly'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('dragonfly'); } if (_root.bc2c <= _root.ac2c - 1 || _root.ac2c == 0) { _root.stopuhr2.record.gotoAndStop(2); _root.ac2a = _root.bc2a; _root.ac2b = _root.bc2b; _root.ac2c = _root.bc2c; _root.trophies.recordo.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.aircraft2record = 1; } } if (_root.aircraft == 3) { _root.bc3a = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner; _root.bc3b = _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; _root.bc3c = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner * 60 + _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; if (_root.bc3c <= _root.secondflyingreptilemedal) { var medal_name = 'Second Flying Reptile'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('secondflyingreptile'); } if (_root.bc3c <= _root.ac3c - 1 || _root.ac3c == 0) { _root.stopuhr2.record.gotoAndStop(2); _root.ac3a = _root.bc3a; _root.ac3b = _root.bc3b; _root.ac3c = _root.bc3c; _root.trophies.recordo.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.aircraft3record = 1; } } if (_root.aircraft == 4) { _root.bc4a = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner; _root.bc4b = _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; _root.bc4c = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner * 60 + _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; if (_root.bc4c <= _root.thirdflyingreptilemedal) { var medal_name = 'Third Flying Reptile'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('thirdflyingreptile'); } if (_root.bc4c <= _root.ac4c - 1 || _root.ac4c == 0) { _root.stopuhr2.record.gotoAndStop(2); _root.ac4a = _root.bc4a; _root.ac4b = _root.bc4b; _root.ac4c = _root.bc4c; _root.trophies.recordo.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.aircraft4record = 1; } } if (_root.aircraft == 5) { _root.bc5a = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner; _root.bc5b = _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; _root.bc5c = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner * 60 + _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; if (_root.bc5c <= _root.giantturtlemedal) { var medal_name = 'Giant Turtle'; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal(medal_name, -100, -100); _root.trophies.gotoAndStop(2); _root.trophies.inner.texter.gotoAndStop('giantturtle'); } if (_root.bc5c <= _root.ac5c - 1 || _root.ac5c == 0) { _root.stopuhr2.record.gotoAndStop(2); _root.ac5a = _root.bc5a; _root.ac5b = _root.bc5b; _root.ac5c = _root.bc5c; _root.trophies.recordo.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.aircraft5record = 1; } } if (_root.aircraft == 6) { _root.bc6a = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner; _root.bc6b = _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; _root.bc6c = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner * 60 + _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; if (_root.bc6c <= _root.ac6c - 1 || _root.ac6c == 0) { _root.stopuhr2.record.gotoAndStop(2); _root.ac6a = _root.bc6a; _root.ac6b = _root.bc6b; _root.ac6c = _root.bc6c; _root.trophies.recordo.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.aircraft6record = 1; } } if (_root.aircraft == 7) { _root.bc7a = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner; _root.bc7b = _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; _root.bc7c = _root.stopuhr.uhr.zehner * 60 + _root.stopuhr.uhr.hunderter; if (_root.bc7c <= _root.ac7c - 1 || _root.ac7c == 0) { _root.stopuhr2.record.gotoAndStop(2); _root.ac7a = _root.bc7a; _root.ac7b = _root.bc7b; _root.ac7c = _root.bc7c; _root.trophies.recordo.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.aircraft7record = 1; } } } frame 25 { if (_root.endboss == 1) { stop(); } } frame 73 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 7027 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 27 { _root.playerscore = _root.boardneu.score; stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndStop('bear3'); stop(); } } frame 26 { firstflyingreptilemedal = 300; raftsmedal = 75; secondflyingreptilemedal = 300; runningbirdsmedal = 35; thirdflyingreptilemedal = 300; spidersmedal = 6; crocodilesmedal = 80; flyingbirdsmedal = 40; cavemenmedal = 200; plesiolimbsmedal = 25; fishesmedal = 500; treesmedal = 10; eggsmedal = 12; giantturtlemedal = 1800; hipposmedal = 12; dragonflymedal = 300; musselsmedal = 100; swimmingbirdsmedal = 17; } frame 26 { aircraft1record = 0; aircraft2record = 0; aircraft3record = 0; aircraft4record = 0; aircraft5record = 0; aircraft6record = 0; aircraft7record = 0; aircraft8record = 0; aircraft9record = 0; aircraft10record = 0; aircraft11record = 0; rekord1 = 0; rekord2 = 0; rekord3 = 0; rekord4 = 0; rekord5 = 0; rekord6 = 0; rekord7 = 0; rekord8 = 0; rekord9 = 0; rekord10 = 0; rekord11 = 0; rekord12 = 0; rekord13 = 0; rekord14 = 0; rekord15 = 0; rekord16 = 0; rekord17 = 0; rekord18 = 0; rekord19 = 0; rekord20 = 0; rekord21 = 0; rekord22 = 0; sy1y = 0; my1y = 0; su1y = 0; ka1y = 0; bb1y = 0; hg1y = 0; jp1y = 0; ho1y = 0; sw1y = 0; ds1y = 0; sd1y = 0; sk1y = 0; kw1y = 0; tb1y = 0; fb1y = 0; ga1y = 0; ns1y = 0; cp1y = 0; fi1y = 0; ws1y = 0; dp1y = 0; mc1y = 0; } frame 26 { loadMovie('', 'background1'); loadMovie('', 'background2'); loadMovie('', 'background3'); loadMovie('', 'background4'); loadMovie('', 'background5'); loadMovie('', 'submitkram'); loadMovie('', 'flossen'); loadMovie('', 'einfader'); loadMovie('', 'ausklang'); loadMovie('', 'selectshark'); loadMovie('', 'selectshark2'); stopAllSounds(); _root._y = _root.vertikal; if (_root.soundeffectsb == 0) { _root.soundeffects = 0; } if (_root.hauptmusikb == 0) { _root.hauptmusik = 0; } gotoAndStop('game'); } frame 27 { firstflyingreptilemedal = 300; raftsmedal = 75; secondflyingreptilemedal = 300; runningbirdsmedal = 35; thirdflyingreptilemedal = 300; spidersmedal = 6; crocodilesmedal = 80; flyingbirdsmedal = 40; cavemenmedal = 200; plesiolimbsmedal = 25; fishesmedal = 500; treesmedal = 10; eggsmedal = 12; giantturtlemedal = 1800; hipposmedal = 12; dragonflymedal = 300; musselsmedal = 100; swimmingbirdsmedal = 17; } frame 27 { aircraft1record = 0; aircraft2record = 0; aircraft3record = 0; aircraft4record = 0; aircraft5record = 0; aircraft6record = 0; aircraft7record = 0; aircraft8record = 0; aircraft9record = 0; aircraft10record = 0; aircraft11record = 0; rekord1 = 0; rekord2 = 0; rekord3 = 0; rekord4 = 0; rekord5 = 0; rekord6 = 0; rekord7 = 0; rekord8 = 0; rekord9 = 0; rekord10 = 0; rekord11 = 0; rekord12 = 0; rekord13 = 0; rekord14 = 0; rekord15 = 0; rekord16 = 0; rekord17 = 0; rekord18 = 0; rekord19 = 0; rekord20 = 0; rekord21 = 0; rekord22 = 0; sy1y = 0; my1y = 0; su1y = 0; ka1y = 0; bb1y = 0; hg1y = 0; jp1y = 0; ho1y = 0; sw1y = 0; ds1y = 0; sd1y = 0; sk1y = 0; kw1y = 0; tb1y = 0; fb1y = 0; ga1y = 0; ns1y = 0; cp1y = 0; fi1y = 0; ws1y = 0; dp1y = 0; mc1y = 0; } frame 27 { loadMovie('', 'background1'); loadMovie('', 'background2'); loadMovie('', 'background3'); loadMovie('', 'background4'); loadMovie('', 'background5'); loadMovie('', 'submitkram'); loadMovie('', 'flossen'); loadMovie('', 'einfader'); loadMovie('', 'ausklang'); loadMovie('', 'selectshark'); loadMovie('', 'selectshark2'); stopAllSounds(); _root._y = _root.vertikal; if (_root.soundeffectsb == 0) { _root.soundeffects = 0; } if (_root.hauptmusikb == 0) { _root.hauptmusik = 0; } if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('dinoman_mc', 132); _root.dinoman = new Sound(_root.wauwau.dinoman_mc); _root.dinoman.attachSound('dinoman'); _root.dinoman.start(0, 99999); _root.dinoman.setVolume(40); }; gotoAndStop('roger'); } frame 28 { _quality = 'high'; if (_root.soundeffectsb == 1) { _root.soundeffects = 1; } bilderwahl = 0;; attachMovie('background1', 'background1', 2); background1._x = 370.5; background1._y = 232.5; attachMovie('submitkram', 'submitkram', 3); submitkram._x = 199.85; submitkram._y = 135.35; attachMovie('flossen', 'flossen', 4); flossen._x = 343.3; flossen._y = 365.95; attachMovie('ausklang', 'ausklang', 9994); ausklang._x = 358.45; ausklang._y = 228.25; attachMovie('einfader', 'einfader', 9993); einfader._x = 359.05; einfader._y = 225.05; attachMovie('schwarzwald', 'schwarzwald', 9992); schwarzwald._x = -291.9; schwarzwald._y = -233.9; ++_root.airline; if (_root.airline == 6) { _root.airline = 0; } ameise = 4; eingang = 3; stop(); } movieClip 7028 { instance of movieClip 205 Flash Ad (NewgroundsAPI) { onClipEvent (construct) { show_background = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._lockroot = true; } } } movieClip 7029 { } movieClip 7031 { frame 1 { if (_root.hauptmusik == 1) { _root.wauwau.createEmptyMovieClip('dinoman_mc', 132); _root.dinoman = new Sound(_root.wauwau.dinoman_mc); _root.dinoman.attachSound('dinoman'); _root.dinoman.start(0, 99999); _root.dinoman.setVolume(60); } stop(); } } movieClip 7032 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 29 { nextFrame(); } frame 30 { _root.submitkram.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); ameise = 5; } frame 31 { nextFrame(); } frame 32 { _root.submitkram.gotoAndStop(3); stop(); ameise = 5; } frame 40 { _root.einfader.gotoAndPlay(1); ameise = 2; _quality = 'high'; loadMovie('', 'selectshark'); loadMovie('', 'submitkram'); loadMovie('', 'flossen'); loadMovie('', 'background3'); loadMovie('', 'background1'); attachMovie('background2', 'background2', 2); background2._x = 360; background2._y = 225; if (_root.sy1y >= _root.sy1 + 1) { _root.sy1 = _root.sy1y; _root.rekord1 = 1; } if (_root.my1y >= _root.my1 + 1) { _root.my1 = _root.my1y; _root.rekord2 = 1; } if (_root.su1y >= _root.su1 + 1) { _root.su1 = _root.su1y; _root.rekord3 = 1; } if (_root.ka1y >= _root.ka1 + 1) { _root.ka1 = _root.ka1y; _root.rekord4 = 1; } if (_root.bb1y >= _root.bb1 + 1) { _root.bb1 = _root.bb1y; _root.rekord5 = 1; } if (_root.hg1y >= _root.hg1 + 1) { _root.hg1 = _root.hg1y; _root.rekord6 = 1; } if (_root.jp1y >= _root.jp1 + 1) { _root.jp1 = _root.jp1y; _root.rekord7 = 1; } if (_root.ho1y >= _root.ho1 + 1) { _root.ho1 = _root.ho1y; _root.rekord8 = 1; } if (_root.sw1y >= _root.sw1 + 1) { _root.sw1 = _root.sw1y; _root.rekord9 = 1; } if (_root.ds1y >= _root.ds1 + 1) { _root.ds1 = _root.ds1y; _root.rekord10 = 1; } if (_root.sd1y >= _root.sd1 + 1) { _root.sd1 = _root.sd1y; _root.rekord11 = 1; } if (_root.sk1y >= _root.sk1 + 1) { _root.sk1 = _root.sk1y; _root.rekord12 = 1; } if (_root.kw1y >= _root.kw1 + 1) { _root.kw1 = _root.kw1y; _root.rekord13 = 1; } if (_root.tb1y >= _root.tb1 + 1) { _root.tb1 = _root.tb1y; _root.rekord14 = 1; } if (_root.fb1y >= _root.fb1 + 1) { _root.fb1 = _root.fb1y; _root.rekord15 = 1; } if (_root.ga1y >= _root.ga1 + 1) { _root.ga1 = _root.ga1y; _root.rekord16 = 1; } if (_root.ns1y >= _root.ns1 + 1) { _root.ns1 = _root.ns1y; _root.rekord17 = 1; } if (_root.cp1y >= _root.cp1 + 1) { _root.cp1 = _root.cp1y; _root.rekord18 = 1; } if (_root.fi1y >= _root.fi1 + 1) { _root.fi1 = _root.fi1y; _root.rekord19 = 1; } if (_root.ws1y >= _root.ws1 + 1) { _root.ws1 = _root.ws1y; _root.rekord20 = 1; } if (_root.dp1y >= _root.dp1 + 1) { _root.dp1 = _root.dp1y; _root.rekord21 = 1; } if (_root.mc1y >= _root.mc1 + 1) { _root.mc1 = _root.mc1y; _root.rekord22 = 1; } _root.background2.na1 = ''; _root.background2.na2 = ''; _root.background2.na3 = ''; _root.background2.na4 = ''; _root.background2.na5 = ''; _root.background2.na6 = ''; _root.background2.na7 = ''; var myDataxi2195 = SharedObject.getLocal('myDataxi2195'); = _root.trophyy1; = _root.trophyy2; = _root.trophyy3; = _root.trophyy4; = _root.trophyy5; = _root.trophyy6; = _root.trophyy7; = _root.trophyy8; = _root.trophyy9; = _root.trophyy10; = _root.trophyy11; = _root.trophyy12; = _root.trophyy13; = _root.trophyy14; = _root.trophyy15; = _root.trophyy16; = _root.trophyy17; = _root.trophyy18; = _root.whichplane; = _root.ac1a; = _root.ac1b; = _root.ac1c; = _root.ac2a; = _root.ac2b; = _root.ac2c; = _root.ac3a; = _root.ac3b; = _root.ac3c; = _root.ac4a; = _root.ac4b; = _root.ac4c; = _root.ac5a; = _root.ac5b; = _root.ac5c; = _root.ac6a; = _root.ac6b; = _root.ac6c; = _root.ac7a; = _root.ac7b; = _root.ac7c; = 1; = _root.sy1; = _root.my1; = _root.sn1; = _root.ka1; = _root.bb1; = _root.hg1; = _root.jp1; = _root.ho1; = _root.sw1; = _root.ds1; = _root.sd1; = _root.sk1; = _root.kw1; = _root.tb1; = _root.fb1; = _root.ga1; = _root.ns1; = _root.cp1; = _root.fi1; = _root.ws1; = _root.dp1; = _root.mc1;; _root.background2.ac1a = ac1a; _root.background2.ac1b = ac1b; _root.background2.ac1c = ac1c; _root.background2.ac2a = ac2a; _root.background2.ac2b = ac2b; _root.background2.ac2c = ac2c; _root.background2.ac3a = ac3a; _root.background2.ac3b = ac3b; _root.background2.ac3c = ac3c; _root.background2.ac4a = ac4a; _root.background2.ac4b = ac4b; _root.background2.ac4c = ac4c; _root.background2.ac5a = ac5a; _root.background2.ac5b = ac5b; _root.background2.ac5c = ac5c; _root.background2.ac6a = ac6a; _root.background2.ac6b = ac6b; _root.background2.ac6c = ac6c; _root.background2.ac7a = ac7a; _root.background2.ac7b = ac7b; _root.background2.ac7c = ac7c; if (_root.aircraft1record == 1) { _root.background2.rec1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft2record == 1) { _root.background2.rec2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft3record == 1) { _root.background2.rec3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft4record == 1) { _root.background2.rec4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft5record == 1) { _root.background2.rec5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft6record == 1) { _root.background2.rec6.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft7record == 1) { _root.background2.rec7.gotoAndStop(2); } _root.background2.ac1y = ''; _root.background2.ac1x = ''; _root.background2.ac2y = ''; _root.background2.ac2x = ''; _root.background2.ac3y = ''; _root.background2.ac3x = ''; _root.background2.ac4y = ''; _root.background2.ac4x = ''; _root.background2.ac5y = ''; _root.background2.ac5x = ''; _root.background2.ac6y = ''; _root.background2.ac6x = ''; _root.background2.ac7y = ''; _root.background2.ac7x = ''; if (ac1a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac1y = '0'; } if (ac1b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac1x = '0'; } if (ac2a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac2y = '0'; } if (ac2b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac2x = '0'; } if (ac3a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac3y = '0'; } if (ac3b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac3x = '0'; } if (ac4a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac4y = '0'; } if (ac4b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac4x = '0'; } if (ac5a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac5y = '0'; } if (ac5b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac5x = '0'; } if (ac6a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac6y = '0'; } if (ac6b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac6x = '0'; } if (ac7a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac7y = '0'; } if (ac7b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac7x = '0'; } if (ac1c == 0) { _root.background2.na1 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac1a = ''; _root.background2.ac1b = ''; _root.background2.ac1y = ''; _root.background2.ac1x = ''; _root.background2.punkt1._alpha = 0; } if (ac1c == undefined) { _root.background2.na1 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac1a = ''; _root.background2.ac1b = ''; _root.background2.ac1y = ''; _root.background2.ac1x = ''; _root.background2.punkt1._alpha = 0; } if (ac2c == 0) { _root.background2.na2 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac2a = ''; _root.background2.ac2b = ''; _root.background2.ac2y = ''; _root.background2.ac2x = ''; _root.background2.punkt2._alpha = 0; } if (ac2c == undefined) { _root.background2.na1 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac1a = ''; _root.background2.ac1b = ''; _root.background2.ac1y = ''; _root.background2.ac1x = ''; _root.background2.punkt1._alpha = 0; } if (ac3c == 0) { _root.background2.na3 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac3a = ''; _root.background2.ac3b = ''; _root.background2.ac3y = ''; _root.background2.ac3x = ''; _root.background2.punkt3._alpha = 0; } if (ac3c == undefined) { _root.background2.na1 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac1a = ''; _root.background2.ac1b = ''; _root.background2.ac1y = ''; _root.background2.ac1x = ''; _root.background2.punkt1._alpha = 0; } if (ac4c == 0) { _root.background2.na4 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac4a = ''; _root.background2.ac4b = ''; _root.background2.ac4y = ''; _root.background2.ac4x = ''; _root.background2.punkt4._alpha = 0; } if (ac5c == 0) { _root.background2.na5 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac5a = ''; _root.background2.ac5b = ''; _root.background2.ac5y = ''; _root.background2.ac5x = ''; _root.background2.punkt5._alpha = 0; } if (ac5c == undefined) { _root.background2.na1 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac1a = ''; _root.background2.ac1b = ''; _root.background2.ac1y = ''; _root.background2.ac1x = ''; _root.background2.punkt1._alpha = 0; } if (ac6c == 0) { _root.background2.na6 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac6a = ''; _root.background2.ac6b = ''; _root.background2.ac6y = ''; _root.background2.ac6x = ''; _root.background2.punkt6._alpha = 0; } if (ac7c == 0) { _root.background2.na7 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac7a = ''; _root.background2.ac7b = ''; _root.background2.ac7y = ''; _root.background2.ac7x = ''; _root.background2.punkt7._alpha = 0; } if (ac8c == 0) { _root.background2.na8 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac8a = ''; _root.background2.ac8b = ''; _root.background2.ac8y = ''; _root.background2.ac8x = ''; _root.background2.punkt8._alpha = 0; } if (ac9c == 0) { _root.background2.na9 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac9a = ''; _root.background2.ac9b = ''; _root.background2.ac9y = ''; _root.background2.ac9x = ''; _root.background2.punkt9._alpha = 0; } if (ac10c == 0) { _root.background2.na10 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac10a = ''; _root.background2.ac10b = ''; _root.background2.ac10y = ''; _root.background2.ac10x = ''; _root.background2.punkt10._alpha = 0; } if (ac11c == 0) { _root.background2.na11 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac11a = ''; _root.background2.ac11b = ''; _root.background2.ac11y = ''; _root.background2.ac11x = ''; _root.background2.punkt11._alpha = 0; } } frame 40 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 43 { _root.einfader.gotoAndPlay(1); loadMovie('', 'background2'); loadMovie('', 'submitkram'); loadMovie('', 'flossen'); loadMovie('', 'background4'); loadMovie('', 'background1'); loadMovie('', 'selectshark'); ameise = 3; attachMovie('background3', 'background3', 2); background3._x = 360; background3._y = 225; if (_root.rekord1 == 1 && _root.sy1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord2 == 1 && _root.my1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord3 == 1 && _root.su1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord4 == 1 && _root.ka1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord5 == 1 && _root.bb1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord6 == 1 && _root.hg1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec6.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord7 == 1 && _root.jp1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec7.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord8 == 1 && _root.ho1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec8.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord9 == 1 && _root.sw1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec9.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord10 == 1 && _root.ds1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec10.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord11 == 1 && _root.sd1 >= 1) { _root.background3.rec11.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 43 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 48 { _root.einfader.gotoAndPlay(1); loadMovie('', 'background2'); loadMovie('', 'submitkram'); loadMovie('', 'flossen'); loadMovie('', 'background3'); loadMovie('', 'selectshark'); ameise = 7; attachMovie('background4', 'background4', 2); background4._x = 360; background4._y = 225; if (_root.rekord12 == 1 && _root.sk1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord13 == 1 && _root.kw1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord14 == 1 && _root.tb1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord15 == 1 && _root.fb1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord16 == 1 && _root.ga1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord17 == 1 && _root.ns1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec6.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord18 == 1 && _root.cp1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec7.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord19 == 1 && _root.fi1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec8.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord20 == 1 && _root.ws1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec9.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord21 == 1 && _root.dp1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec10.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.rekord22 == 1 && _root.mc1 >= 1) { _root.background4.rec11.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 48 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 50 { _root.einfader.gotoAndPlay(1); scori = _root.board.score; _root.poop._alpha = 100; ameise = 2; _quality = 'high'; loadMovie('', 'selectshark'); loadMovie('', 'submitkram'); loadMovie('', 'flossen'); loadMovie('', 'background3'); loadMovie('', 'background1'); attachMovie('background2', 'background2', 2); background2._x = 360; background2._y = 225; if (_root.sy1y >= _root.sy1 + 1) { _root.sy1 = _root.sy1y; _root.rekord1 = 1; } if (_root.my1y >= _root.my1 + 1) { _root.my1 = _root.my1y; _root.rekord2 = 1; } if (_root.su1y >= _root.su1 + 1) { _root.su1 = _root.su1y; _root.rekord3 = 1; } if (_root.ka1y >= _root.ka1 + 1) { _root.ka1 = _root.ka1y; _root.rekord4 = 1; } if (_root.bb1y >= _root.bb1 + 1) { _root.bb1 = _root.bb1y; _root.rekord5 = 1; } if (_root.hg1y >= _root.hg1 + 1) { _root.hg1 = _root.hg1y; _root.rekord6 = 1; } if (_root.jp1y >= _root.jp1 + 1) { _root.jp1 = _root.jp1y; _root.rekord7 = 1; } if (_root.ho1y >= _root.ho1 + 1) { _root.ho1 = _root.ho1y; _root.rekord8 = 1; } if (_root.sw1y >= _root.sw1 + 1) { _root.sw1 = _root.sw1y; _root.rekord9 = 1; } if (_root.ds1y >= _root.ds1 + 1) { _root.ds1 = _root.ds1y; _root.rekord10 = 1; } if (_root.sd1y >= _root.sd1 + 1) { _root.sd1 = _root.sd1y; _root.rekord11 = 1; } if (_root.sk1y >= _root.sk1 + 1) { _root.sk1 = _root.sk1y; _root.rekord12 = 1; } if (_root.kw1y >= _root.kw1 + 1) { _root.kw1 = _root.kw1y; _root.rekord13 = 1; } if (_root.tb1y >= _root.tb1 + 1) { _root.tb1 = _root.tb1y; _root.rekord14 = 1; } if (_root.fb1y >= _root.fb1 + 1) { _root.fb1 = _root.fb1y; _root.rekord15 = 1; } if (_root.ga1y >= _root.ga1 + 1) { _root.ga1 = _root.ga1y; _root.rekord16 = 1; } if (_root.ns1y >= _root.ns1 + 1) { _root.ns1 = _root.ns1y; _root.rekord17 = 1; } if (_root.cp1y >= _root.cp1 + 1) { _root.cp1 = _root.cp1y; _root.rekord18 = 1; } if (_root.fi1y >= _root.fi1 + 1) { _root.fi1 = _root.fi1y; _root.rekord19 = 1; } if (_root.ws1y >= _root.ws1 + 1) { _root.ws1 = _root.ws1y; _root.rekord20 = 1; } if (_root.dp1y >= _root.dp1 + 1) { _root.dp1 = _root.dp1y; _root.rekord21 = 1; } if (_root.mc1y >= _root.mc1 + 1) { _root.mc1 = _root.mc1y; _root.rekord22 = 1; } _root.background2.na1 = ''; _root.background2.na2 = ''; _root.background2.na3 = ''; _root.background2.na4 = ''; _root.background2.na5 = ''; _root.background2.na6 = ''; _root.background2.na7 = ''; _root.background2.na8 = ''; _root.background2.na9 = ''; _root.background2.na10 = ''; _root.background2.na11 = ''; var myDataxi219 = SharedObject.getLocal('myDataxi219'); = _root.ac1a; = _root.ac1b; = _root.ac1c; = _root.ac2a; = _root.ac2b; = _root.ac2c; = _root.ac3a; = _root.ac3b; = _root.ac3c; = _root.ac4a; = _root.ac4b; = _root.ac4c; = _root.ac5a; = _root.ac5b; = _root.ac5c; = _root.ac6a; = _root.ac6b; = _root.ac6c; = _root.ac7a; = _root.ac7b; = _root.ac7c; = _root.ac8a; = _root.ac8b; = _root.ac8c; = _root.ac9a; = _root.ac9b; = _root.ac9c; = _root.ac10a; = _root.ac10b; = _root.ac10c; = _root.ac11a; = _root.ac11b; = _root.ac11c; = 1; = _root.sy1; = _root.my1; = _root.sn1; = _root.ka1; = _root.bb1; = _root.hg1; = _root.jp1; = _root.ho1; = _root.sw1; = _root.ds1; = _root.sd1; = _root.sk1; = _root.kw1; = _root.tb1; = _root.fb1; = _root.ga1; = _root.ns1; = _root.cp1; = _root.fi1; = _root.ws1; = _root.dp1; = _root.mc1;; _root.background2.ac1a = ac1a; _root.background2.ac1b = ac1b; _root.background2.ac1c = ac1c; _root.background2.ac2a = ac2a; _root.background2.ac2b = ac2b; _root.background2.ac2c = ac2c; _root.background2.ac3a = ac3a; _root.background2.ac3b = ac3b; _root.background2.ac3c = ac3c; _root.background2.ac4a = ac4a; _root.background2.ac4b = ac4b; _root.background2.ac4c = ac4c; _root.background2.ac5a = ac5a; _root.background2.ac5b = ac5b; _root.background2.ac5c = ac5c; _root.background2.ac6a = ac6a; _root.background2.ac6b = ac6b; _root.background2.ac6c = ac6c; _root.background2.ac7a = ac7a; _root.background2.ac7b = ac7b; _root.background2.ac7c = ac7c; _root.background2.ac8a = ac8a; _root.background2.ac8b = ac8b; _root.background2.ac8c = ac8c; _root.background2.ac9a = ac9a; _root.background2.ac9b = ac9b; _root.background2.ac9c = ac9c; _root.background2.ac10a = ac10a; _root.background2.ac10b = ac10b; _root.background2.ac10c = ac10c; _root.background2.ac11a = ac11a; _root.background2.ac11b = ac11b; _root.background2.ac11c = ac11c; if (_root.aircraft1record == 1) { _root.background2.rec1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft2record == 1) { _root.background2.rec2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft3record == 1) { _root.background2.rec3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft4record == 1) { _root.background2.rec4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft5record == 1) { _root.background2.rec5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft6record == 1) { _root.background2.rec6.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft7record == 1) { _root.background2.rec7.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft8record == 1) { _root.background2.rec8.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft9record == 1) { _root.background2.rec9.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft10record == 1) { _root.background2.rec10.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.aircraft11record == 1) { _root.background2.rec11.gotoAndStop(2); } _root.background2.ac1y = ''; _root.background2.ac1x = ''; _root.background2.ac2y = ''; _root.background2.ac2x = ''; _root.background2.ac3y = ''; _root.background2.ac3x = ''; _root.background2.ac4y = ''; _root.background2.ac4x = ''; _root.background2.ac5y = ''; _root.background2.ac5x = ''; _root.background2.ac6y = ''; _root.background2.ac6x = ''; _root.background2.ac7y = ''; _root.background2.ac7x = ''; _root.background2.ac8y = ''; _root.background2.ac8x = ''; _root.background2.ac9y = ''; _root.background2.ac9x = ''; _root.background2.ac10y = ''; _root.background2.ac10x = ''; _root.background2.ac11y = ''; _root.background2.ac11x = ''; if (ac1a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac1y = '0'; } if (ac1b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac1x = '0'; } if (ac2a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac2y = '0'; } if (ac2b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac2x = '0'; } if (ac3a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac3y = '0'; } if (ac3b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac3x = '0'; } if (ac4a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac4y = '0'; } if (ac4b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac4x = '0'; } if (ac5a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac5y = '0'; } if (ac5b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac5x = '0'; } if (ac6a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac6y = '0'; } if (ac6b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac6x = '0'; } if (ac7a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac7y = '0'; } if (ac7b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac7x = '0'; } if (ac8a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac8y = '0'; } if (ac8b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac8x = '0'; } if (ac9a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac9y = '0'; } if (ac9b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac9x = '0'; } if (ac10a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac10y = '0'; } if (ac10b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac10x = '0'; } if (ac11a <= 9) { _root.background2.ac11y = '0'; } if (ac11b <= 9) { _root.background2.ac11x = '0'; } if (ac1c == 0) { _root.background2.na1 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac1a = ''; _root.background2.ac1b = ''; _root.background2.ac1y = ''; _root.background2.ac1x = ''; _root.background2.punkt1._alpha = 0; } if (ac1c == undefined) { _root.background2.na1 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac1a = ''; _root.background2.ac1b = ''; _root.background2.ac1y = ''; _root.background2.ac1x = ''; _root.background2.punkt1._alpha = 0; } if (ac2c == 0) { _root.background2.na2 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac2a = ''; _root.background2.ac2b = ''; _root.background2.ac2y = ''; _root.background2.ac2x = ''; _root.background2.punkt2._alpha = 0; } if (ac2c == undefined) { _root.background2.na2 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac2a = ''; _root.background2.ac2b = ''; _root.background2.ac2y = ''; _root.background2.ac2x = ''; _root.background2.punkt2._alpha = 0; } if (ac3c == 0) { _root.background2.na3 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac3a = ''; _root.background2.ac3b = ''; _root.background2.ac3y = ''; _root.background2.ac3x = ''; _root.background2.punkt3._alpha = 0; } if (ac3c == undefined) { _root.background2.na3 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac3a = ''; _root.background2.ac3b = ''; _root.background2.ac3y = ''; _root.background2.ac3x = ''; _root.background2.punkt3._alpha = 0; } if (ac4c == 0) { _root.background2.na4 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac4a = ''; _root.background2.ac4b = ''; _root.background2.ac4y = ''; _root.background2.ac4x = ''; _root.background2.punkt4._alpha = 0; } if (ac4c == undefined) { _root.background2.na4 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac4a = ''; _root.background2.ac4b = ''; _root.background2.ac4y = ''; _root.background2.ac4x = ''; _root.background2.punkt4._alpha = 0; } if (ac5c == 0) { _root.background2.na5 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac5a = ''; _root.background2.ac5b = ''; _root.background2.ac5y = ''; _root.background2.ac5x = ''; _root.background2.punkt5._alpha = 0; } if (ac5c == undefined) { _root.background2.na5 = 'N/A'; _root.background2.ac5a = ''; _root.background2.ac5b = ''; _root.background2.ac5y = ''; _root.background2.ac5x = ''; _root.background2.punkt5._alpha = 0; } } frame 50 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 56 { _root.einfader.gotoAndPlay(1); _quality = 'high'; loadMovie('', 'submitkram'); loadMovie('', 'selectshark'); loadMovie('', 'flossen'); loadMovie('', 'background4'); loadMovie('', 'background3'); loadMovie('', 'background2'); loadMovie('', 'background1'); attachMovie('background5', 'background5', 2); background5._x = 360; background5._y = 225; stop(); } frame 56 { if (_root.soundeffects == 1) {; } }
Created: 15/1 -2019 16:56:13 Last modified: 15/1 -2019 16:56:13 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:25:27