Archived flashes:
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Boston Hitler soundboard by SoundboardsLOL.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #217151

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); } }; } movieClip 102 { } // unknown tag 88 length 69 button 105 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('ah, it\'s gonna happen again.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 107 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('aww man, i got a big dick for you then.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 109 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('get all the dust off of it.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 111 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('i\'d hit it with a feather brush.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 113 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('i\'dreallyreally like that.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 115 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('no seriously!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 117 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('this is awesome - i want to talk to you some more, say something else.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 119 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('yeah !.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 121 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('yeah!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 123 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('yeah, here you go again, you sound like a retard.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 125 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('yeah,yeah!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 127 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('yeah3 you know.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 129 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you call up somebody substantial, like me, you know.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 131 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you know what i\'m saying, right.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 133 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you sound like a fucking retard.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 135 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('no, who are ya NEW.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 137 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('yeah NEW.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 138 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('Yeah2 NEW.mp3'); sound.start(); } } movieClip 140 { } button 142 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('(sex offender rant1) crank phone call.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 143 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('(sex offender rant2).mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 145 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('a weird fucking somebody with a mental disorder, right.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 147 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('do you get your jollys doing that, people get arrested for doing that.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 149 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('hey jackass, this is sexual crime that you\'re doing, you know that right.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 151 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('hey weirdo listen,don\'t get a gun and go into a school.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 153 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('i probably picked on you in high school, because you\'re a fucking loser!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 155 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('people get arrested then you have to move and knock door to door pederast.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 157 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'re a pederast.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 159 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'re wrong, you should\'ve been aborted.mp3'); sound.start(); } } movieClip 161 { } button 163 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('a cum guzzling fucking Wiesel.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 165 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('a fucking weird little man, you\'re an idiot (homo jew rant).mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 167 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('fucking Wiesel!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 169 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('get back at society, you fat jew!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 171 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('is that funny - you keep saying fucked up shit, keep it going.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 173 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('that\'d be great when you get back at society - fucking Weisel!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 175 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('yeah! you\'re an inadequate little (little dick) weisel!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 177 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you didn\'t get it in hebrew class you fucking weirdo.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 179 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you jew.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 181 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you mother fuck you fucking weisel.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 183 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you probably go to mcdonalds and everybody looks at you and says what a loser that jew is.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 185 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'re a fatjew with a fat nose, now you\'re getting back at people, right.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 187 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'re a fucking homo jew that makes phone calls (rant).mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 189 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'re a fucking Weisel (rant).mp3'); sound.start(); } } movieClip 191 { } button 193 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('listen you fat weisel you\'re a (dirtbag, shitbag, wormbag rant).mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 195 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('no you\'re not, you\'re a fucking loser.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 197 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you are (fat) right, you\'re a fat overweight Weisel.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 199 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you fat you\'re fat right, you overweight.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 201 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'ll get back at society for everyone who picked on you, you know.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 203 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'re one of these wierd little scumbags - screwball phone calls - you fat jew.mp3'); sound.start(); } } movieClip 205 { } button 207 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('(sales pitch) hello NEW.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 209 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('(sales pitch) hi, hi how are you.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 211 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('(sales pitch) UMM.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 213 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('(sales pitch) what\'s going on, man how are you doing today.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 215 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('(sales pitch) yeah, i\'m uh collecting money for uh Jew People.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 217 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('Hey!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 219 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('mikey, what\'s going on brah.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 221 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('no who\'s this,whats going on.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 223 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('oh it\'s you, fuckin\' Silverberg.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 225 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('put the other guy on the phone, will ya.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 227 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('put your girlfriend on the phone, will ya.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 229 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('what\'s going on, b-b- bitch.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 231 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('what\'s going on, brah.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 233 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('what\'s going on, freakshow.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 236 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('what\'s going on, man NEW.mp3'); sound.start(); } } movieClip 237 { } button 239 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('lol1 no who\'s this.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 241 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('lol1.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 242 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('lol2.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 244 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('lol3.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 246 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('lol4.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 248 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('lol5 that\'s pretty funny.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 250 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('that\'s fuckin hilarious - god bless you.mp3'); sound.start(); } } movieClip 252 { } button 254 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('hey asshole, you\'re a Jew, right.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 256 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('i\'m sorry, jew, i can\'t hear ya, jew.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 258 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('no answer my question, you\'re a jew - like a fat screwball.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 260 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('no, no you\'re a jew, right.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 262 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('no, you are, you\'re a jew (angry).mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 264 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('no, you are, you\'re a weirdo, there\'s something seriously wrong with you.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 266 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('Yeah you are NEW.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 268 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('yeah, you\'re a jew, right.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 270 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you are jewish, right, you\'re jewish (angry).mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 272 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'re a jew you\'re a screwball jew.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 274 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'re a jew, jews don\'t like that, you jew.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 277 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('you\'re a jew, right (angry) NEW.mp3'); sound.start(); } } movieClip 278 { } button 280 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('Mike!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 282 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('Silverberg NEW.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 284 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('Silverstein.mp3'); sound.start(); } } movieClip 286 { } button 288 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('and i\'ll knock you fuck out!.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 290 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('and you know something, i\'m gonna take a flight to your town and break your face.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 292 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('hey jackass, i\'m going to find you, you know that.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 294 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('hey jackass, i\'m gonna break your big jewish nose.mp3'); sound.start(); } } button 296 { on (press) { sound.stop(); sound = new Sound(); sound.attachSound('hey, you ever been murdered before.mp3'); sound.start(); } } movieClip 298 { } // unknown tag 88 length 62 // unknown tag 88 length 61 button 304 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); } }
Created: 26/2 -2019 13:02:20 Last modified: 26/2 -2019 13:02:20 Server time: 20/09 -2024 23:54:52