Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Amielia's Game Show by Barn-flakes.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #219817

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 2 { } movieClip 3 slash { frame 1 { lifespan = 250; inner._y = 600; onEnterFrame = function () { if (inner._y > -600) { inner._y -= 180; } lifespan -= 1; this._alpha = lifespan; if (this.lifespan <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }; } } movieClip 8 pyrosound { frame 1 { } frame 2 { this.removeMovieClip(this); } frame 2 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 11 poo { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.poopfollow == true) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } }; stop(); } } movieClip 14 annoy { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } frame 64 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 16 musiccontrol { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 442 { gotoAndPlay(45); } } frame 1 { stop(); var testing = false; var zoeytotal = _root.getBytesTotal(); var thisloaded = 0; var zsize2 = 1; var zsize = 1; var ztotalsize = 300; var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false; my_cm.builtInItems.print = false; = false; my_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false; my_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = my_cm; zoey.body.lbar.onPress = function () { if (testing == true) { if (zsize2 < 330) { zsize2 += 15; } else { zsize2 = 1; } } else { if (zoeyloaded == 300) { gotoAndStop(2); } } }; onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (testing == true) { zoeyloaded = (zsize / ztotalsize) * 300; } else { zoeyloaded = (v2 / zoeytotal) * 300; } Zspeech._visible = false; if (v2 == zoeytotal) { Zspeech._visible = true; } if (zsize2 != zsize) { zsize += Math.floor((zsize2 - zsize) / 15); } zoey.head.eye.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.hornsandears.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.body.l_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.r_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.lbar.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); }; } movieClip 23 { } movieClip 48 { } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 74 { } movieClip 76 { } movieClip 84 { } // unknown tag 88 length 122 movieClip 89 { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 103 { } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 116 { } movieClip 117 { } // unknown tag 88 length 293 movieClip 121 { } frame 2 { var debugging = false; var bellysize = 1; var Tbellysize = 1; var bustsize = 1; var Tbustsize = 1; var hipsize = 1; var Thipsize = 1; var topless = false; var bottomless = false; var mouthless = false; var armoured = true; var armless = false; var helmet = true; var mirroron = false; var headpos = 0; var Ystart = Ami._y; var birthclicks = 1000; var birthing = 0; var backupState = ''; var states = new Object(); var CurState = new Object(); var lpX = Ami.head.eyes.LP._x; var lpY = Ami.head.eyes.LP._y; var rpX = Ami.head.eyes.RP._x; var rpY = Ami.head.eyes.RP._y; var stateTimer = 0; var speechTimer = 0; var speech = new Object(); var nextspeech = 0; var curspeech = 1; var helpme = 0; var lifeD = 0; var BQT = 17; var ranlines = new Array(); var ranspeech = 8000; resetLines = function () { ranlines = []; ranlines[0] = 5; ranlines[1] = 6; ranlines[2] = 7; ranlines[3] = 8; ranlines[4] = 9; if (armless == true) { ranlines.push(15); } if (armless == false && herhands == true) { ranlines.push(16); } if (topless == true) { if (bottomless == true) { ranlines.push(35); } else { ranlines.push(17); } } if (bottomless == true) { if (topless == true) { ranlines.push(35); } else { ranlines.push(18); } } if (mirroron == true) { ranlines.push(12); } }; resetLines(); var resetD = 0; var SP = 0; var Qtime = 0; var HIscore = 0; var TTB = 0; var PTB = 0; var TEL = 0; var PEL = 0; var SI = 0; var BB = 1; var BP = 140; var lives = 0; var Cscore = 0; var shop = false; var superhands = false; var herhands = false; if (debugging == true) { BP = 9000; HIscore = 1000; } var buttons = new Array(); buttons[0] = Qpanel.An1; buttons[1] = Qpanel.An2; buttons[2] = Qpanel.An3; buttons[3] = Qpanel.An4; buttons[4] = Qpanel.An5; buttons[5] = Qpanel.An6; var storedpuns = new Array(); storedpuns[0] = 'poo'; storedpuns[1] = 'HOint'; storedpuns[2] = 'multicolours'; storedpuns[3] = 'loser'; storedpuns[4] = 'shaking'; storedpuns[5] = 'ysquished'; storedpuns[6] = 'xsquished'; storedpuns[7] = 'blinders'; storedpuns[8] = 'Asounds'; storedpuns[9] = 'rickroll'; storedpuns[10] = 'static'; var punishments = new Array(); var slashID = 0; BBB._visible = false; var blackscreen = 0; punishjments = []; addP = function (n) { if (armless == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 32); return undefined; } if (herhands == true) { charSpeak('slash'); var v2 = _root.attachMovie('slash', 'slash110' + slashID, slashID); slashID += 1; blackscreen = 15; if (slashID > 100) { slashID = 0; } v2._x = 400; v2._y = 350; v2._rotation = Math.random() * 360; return undefined; } doo = 1; if (n == true) { for (i in storedpuns) { if (doo > 0) { R1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * storedpuns.length); charSpeak(storedpuns[R1]); punishments.push(storedpuns[R1]); storedpuns.splice(R1, 1); Ami.head.eyes.LP.gotoAndPlay(2); Ami.head.eyes.RP.gotoAndPlay(2); EG = 16; doo -= 1; } } } else { for (i in punishments) { if (doo > 0) { R1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * punishments.length); charSpeak('fix' + punishments[R1]); storedpuns.push(punishments[R1]); punishments.splice(R1, 1); doo -= 1; } } } checkPs(); }; var EG = 0; removemusic = false; amiystart = Ami._y; checkPs = function () { poopfollow = false; ho_int = false; multicolours = false; loser._visible = false; shaking = false; blinderson = false; blinders._visible = false; Asounds = false; _root.yscale = 100; _root.xscale = 100; Ami._xscale = 100; Ami._yscale = 100; mirror._yscale = 100; mirror._xscale = 100; Ami._y = amiystart; if (musiccontrol._currentframe > 3) { musiccontrol.gotoAndPlay(1); } _root._x = 0; staticbox._alpha = 0; r1 = 0; b1 = 0; g1 = 0;; for (i in punishments) { PU = punishments[i]; if (PU == 'poo') { Mouse.hide(); poopfollow = true; var v2 = attachMovie('poo', 'poo', 1); } if (PU == 'HOint') { ho_int = true; } if (PU == 'multicolours') { multicolours = true; } if (PU == 'loser') { loser._visible = true; } if (PU == 'shaking') { shaking = true; } if (PU == 'ysquished') { Ami._yscale = 60; mirror._yscale = 60; Ami._y = amiystart + Ami._height * 0.6; } if (PU == 'xsquished') { Ami._xscale = 60; mirror._xscale = 60; } if (PU == 'blinders') { blinderson = true; blinders._visible = true; } if (PU == 'Asounds') { Asounds = true; } if (PU == 'rickroll') { musiccontrol.gotoAndPlay(3); } if (PU == 'static') { staticbox._alpha = 60; } } }; checkPs(); var shelcol = new Color(Ami); var shelcol2 = new Color(mirror.Ami); var shelwhite = new Object(); var shelcooldown = 100; r1 = 0; g1 = 0; b1 = 0; updateshelwhite = function () { shelwhite.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; shelwhite.rb = r1; = b1; = g1; shelcol.setTransform(shelwhite); shelcol2.setTransform(shelwhite); }; var quizquestions = new Object(); quizquestions[0] = {'_line': 'How many legs does a horse have?', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '1', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[1] = {'_line': 'How many sides are on a 6 sided die?', 'answer1': '6', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '1'}; quizquestions[2] = {'_line': 'Which of these is usually red?', 'answer1': 'Hearts', 'answer2': 'Oranges', 'answer3': 'Shadows', 'answer4': 'Steel', 'answer5': 'Clouds', 'answer6': 'Water'}; quizquestions[3] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a fruit?', 'answer1': 'Lemon', 'answer2': 'Carrot', 'answer3': 'Worm', 'answer4': 'Pillow', 'answer5': 'Spike', 'answer6': 'Car'}; quizquestions[4] = {'_line': 'How many letters in "Barney"?', 'answer1': '6', 'answer2': '3', 'answer3': '4', 'answer4': '5', 'answer5': '7', 'answer6': '8'}; quizquestions[5] = {'_line': 'What number represents a dozen?', 'answer1': '12', 'answer2': '11', 'answer3': '10', 'answer4': '13', 'answer5': '14', 'answer6': '15'}; quizquestions[6] = {'_line': 'Which of these is lowest?', 'answer1': 'Zero', 'answer2': 'Ten', 'answer3': 'One Hundred', 'answer4': 'Fifty', 'answer5': 'One Thousand', 'answer6': 'One Million'}; quizquestions[7] = {'_line': 'Which of these is lightest?', 'answer1': 'Feather', 'answer2': 'Anvil', 'answer3': 'Brick', 'answer4': 'Planet', 'answer5': 'Elephant', 'answer6': 'Whale'}; quizquestions[8] = {'_line': 'Which of these is smallest?', 'answer1': 'Mouse', 'answer2': 'Giraffe', 'answer3': 'Tiger', 'answer4': 'Bear', 'answer5': 'Shark', 'answer6': 'Dinosaur'}; quizquestions[9] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a vowel?', 'answer1': 'E', 'answer2': 'B', 'answer3': 'C', 'answer4': 'D', 'answer5': 'F', 'answer6': 'G'}; quizquestions[10] = {'_line': 'Which one is a liquid?', 'answer1': 'Water', 'answer2': 'Sand', 'answer3': 'Sheep', 'answer4': 'Air', 'answer5': 'Ice', 'answer6': 'Gravel'}; quizquestions[11] = {'_line': 'Which one isn\'t a predator?', 'answer1': 'Caterpillar', 'answer2': 'Lion', 'answer3': 'Crocodile', 'answer4': 'Shark', 'answer5': 'Snake', 'answer6': 'Tiger'}; quizquestions[12] = {'_line': 'Which is tastiest to a human?', 'answer1': 'Pizza', 'answer2': 'Gravel', 'answer3': 'Poison', 'answer4': 'Rot', 'answer5': 'Lava', 'answer6': 'Garbage'}; quizquestions[13] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not a musical instrument?', 'answer1': 'Mayonnaise', 'answer2': 'Guitar', 'answer3': 'Piano', 'answer4': 'Trumpet', 'answer5': 'Flute', 'answer6': 'Drums'}; quizquestions[14] = {'_line': 'Which word has no vowels in it?', 'answer1': 'Rhythm', 'answer2': 'Rhombus', 'answer3': 'Rhyme', 'answer4': 'Rhino', 'answer5': 'Rhetoric', 'answer6': 'Retrospect'}; quizquestions[15] = {'_line': 'Which word has the most letters?', 'answer1': 'Monster', 'answer2': 'Most', 'answer3': 'Mega', 'answer4': 'Metal', 'answer5': 'Mat', 'answer6': 'Mean'}; quizquestions[16] = {'_line': 'Which word has no vowels in it?', 'answer1': 'Gypsy', 'answer2': 'Gymnast', 'answer3': 'Gyro', 'answer4': 'Gyprock', 'answer5': 'Gypped', 'answer6': 'Gyrate'}; quizquestions[17] = {'_line': 'Which word is a compliment?', 'answer1': 'Nice', 'answer2': 'Horrible', 'answer3': 'Stinky', 'answer4': 'Abysmal', 'answer5': 'Awful', 'answer6': 'Dreadful'}; quizquestions[18] = {'_line': 'Which of these is usually yellow?', 'answer1': 'Banana', 'answer2': 'Milk', 'answer3': 'Blood', 'answer4': 'Water', 'answer5': 'Orange', 'answer6': 'Grass'}; quizquestions[19] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a vowel?', 'answer1': 'I', 'answer2': 'H', 'answer3': 'J', 'answer4': 'K', 'answer5': 'L', 'answer6': 'M'}; quizquestions[20] = {'_line': 'Which is sharpest?', 'answer1': 'Knife', 'answer2': 'Pole', 'answer3': 'Icecream', 'answer4': 'Spaghetti', 'answer5': 'Beans', 'answer6': 'Ball'}; quizquestions[21] = {'_line': 'Which one is a metal?', 'answer1': 'Iron', 'answer2': 'Wood', 'answer3': 'Salt', 'answer4': 'Sugar', 'answer5': 'Porcelain', 'answer6': 'Carpet'}; quizquestions[22] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a vowel?', 'answer1': 'O', 'answer2': 'P', 'answer3': 'Q', 'answer4': 'R', 'answer5': 'S', 'answer6': 'T'}; quizquestions[23] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a vowel?', 'answer1': 'U', 'answer2': 'V', 'answer3': 'W', 'answer4': 'X', 'answer5': 'Z', 'answer6': 'T'}; quizquestions[24] = {'_line': 'Which letter doesn\'t rhyme with dee?', 'answer1': 'F', 'answer2': 'C', 'answer3': 'D', 'answer4': 'E', 'answer5': 'G', 'answer6': 'P'}; quizquestions[25] = {'_line': 'Which one is the right way to spell "onomatopoeia"?', 'answer1': 'Onomatopoeia', 'answer2': 'Oonaamatopoeia', 'answer3': 'Onooomatopeea', 'answer4': 'Onaamatapeiaa', 'answer5': 'Onamatapeea', 'answer6': 'Aanomatopoeia'}; quizquestions[26] = {'_line': 'Which one is closest in meaning to "nice"?', 'answer1': 'Kind', 'answer2': 'Mean', 'answer3': 'Unpleasant', 'answer4': 'Horrid', 'answer5': 'Angry', 'answer6': 'Abusive'}; quizquestions[27] = {'_line': 'By weight, which is most valuable today?', 'answer1': 'Gold', 'answer2': 'Dirt', 'answer3': 'Poo', 'answer4': 'Grass', 'answer5': 'Pennies', 'answer6': 'Gravel'}; quizquestions[28] = {'_line': 'Which is most see-through?', 'answer1': 'Glass', 'answer2': 'Rubber', 'answer3': 'Wood', 'answer4': 'Gyprock', 'answer5': 'Cardboard', 'answer6': 'Bricks'}; quizquestions[29] = {'_line': 'How many wheels should a domestic car have?', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '6', 'answer4': '8', 'answer5': '10', 'answer6': '12'}; quizquestions[30] = {'_line': 'What tool is best for cutting wood?', 'answer1': 'Saw', 'answer2': 'Hammer', 'answer3': 'Mallet', 'answer4': 'Pliers', 'answer5': 'Crowbar', 'answer6': 'Screwdriver'}; quizquestions[31] = {'_line': 'How many letters does "Amy" have?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '4', 'answer3': '5', 'answer4': '6', 'answer5': '2', 'answer6': '7'}; quizquestions[32] = {'_line': 'What colour is Earth\'s sky during midday?', 'answer1': 'Blue', 'answer2': 'Red', 'answer3': 'Orange', 'answer4': 'Yellow', 'answer5': 'Green', 'answer6': 'Purple'}; quizquestions[33] = {'_line': 'What colour is human blood?', 'answer1': 'Red', 'answer2': 'Orange', 'answer3': 'Yellow', 'answer4': 'Green', 'answer5': 'Blue', 'answer6': 'Purple'}; quizquestions[34] = {'_line': 'What colour makes green when mixed with blue?', 'answer1': 'Yellow', 'answer2': 'Red', 'answer3': 'Orange', 'answer4': 'White', 'answer5': 'Purple', 'answer6': 'Blue'}; quizquestions[35] = {'_line': 'What does water turn into when frozen?', 'answer1': 'Ice', 'answer2': 'Rocks', 'answer3': 'Nitrogen', 'answer4': 'Steam', 'answer5': 'Steel', 'answer6': 'Antarctica'}; quizquestions[36] = {'_line': 'On which continent is the South Pole?', 'answer1': 'Antarctica', 'answer2': 'Asia', 'answer3': 'Australia', 'answer4': 'Europe', 'answer5': 'Africa', 'answer6': 'America'}; quizquestions[37] = {'_line': 'Which way do you need to travel to reach the North Pole?', 'answer1': 'North', 'answer2': 'South', 'answer3': 'East', 'answer4': 'West', 'answer5': 'Up', 'answer6': 'Down'}; quizquestions[38] = {'_line': 'When is Midnight?', 'answer1': '12 o’ clock.', 'answer2': '9 o’ clock', 'answer3': '6 o’ clock', 'answer4': '8 o’ clock', 'answer5': '3 o’ clock', 'answer6': '4 o’ clock'}; quizquestions[39] = {'_line': 'What colour are oranges?', 'answer1': 'Orange', 'answer2': 'Red', 'answer3': 'Yellow', 'answer4': 'Green', 'answer5': 'Blue', 'answer6': 'Purple'}; quizquestions[40] = {'_line': 'How big is the universe?', 'answer1': 'Enormous', 'answer2': 'Tiny', 'answer3': 'Small', 'answer4': 'Miniscule', 'answer5': 'Little', 'answer6': 'Meager'}; quizquestions[41] = {'_line': 'How many zeroes are in one hundred?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '0', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[42] = {'_line': 'Which is most dead?', 'answer1': 'Ghost', 'answer2': 'Butterfly', 'answer3': 'Bird', 'answer4': 'Cat', 'answer5': 'Dog', 'answer6': 'Fish'}; quizquestions[43] = {'_line': 'How many ones are in eleven?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[44] = {'_line': 'What letter comes last in the alphabet?', 'answer1': 'Z', 'answer2': 'A', 'answer3': 'E', 'answer4': 'L', 'answer5': 'T', 'answer6': 'Q'}; quizquestions[45] = {'_line': 'What letter comes first in the alphabet?', 'answer1': 'A', 'answer2': 'B', 'answer3': 'C', 'answer4': 'Z', 'answer5': 'Y', 'answer6': 'T'}; quizquestions[46] = {'_line': 'Which word rhymes with "flood"?', 'answer1': 'Crud', 'answer2': 'Food', 'answer3': 'Moon', 'answer4': 'Floozy', 'answer5': 'Door', 'answer6': 'Fold'}; quizquestions[47] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a vehicle?', 'answer1': 'Car', 'answer2': 'Building', 'answer3': 'Computer', 'answer4': 'Music', 'answer5': 'Cup', 'answer6': 'bag'}; quizquestions[48] = {'_line': 'Which is most flammable?', 'answer1': 'Petrol', 'answer2': 'Sand', 'answer3': 'Metal', 'answer4': 'Water', 'answer5': 'CO2', 'answer6': 'Ice'}; quizquestions[49] = {'_line': 'Which is heaviest?', 'answer1': 'Anvil', 'answer2': 'Feather', 'answer3': 'Pebble', 'answer4': 'Air', 'answer5': 'Bubble', 'answer6': 'Drop'}; quizquestions[50] = {'_line': 'What does water turn into when you boil it?', 'answer1': 'Steam', 'answer2': 'Air', 'answer3': 'Ice', 'answer4': 'Fire', 'answer5': 'Sand', 'answer6': 'Magma'}; quizquestions[51] = {'_line': 'How many seasons are in a year?', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '3', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '1', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[52] = {'_line': 'How many wheels should a unicycle have?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '4', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '6', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[53] = {'_line': 'What does saltwater have in it, that freshwater doesn\'t?', 'answer1': 'Salt', 'answer2': 'Fish', 'answer3': 'Water', 'answer4': 'Plants', 'answer5': 'Ice', 'answer6': 'Sand'}; quizquestions[54] = {'_line': 'How many wheels should a bicycle have?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '0', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[55] = {'_line': 'How many wheels does an icicle have?', 'answer1': '0', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[56] = {'_line': 'Where would you most likely find a stalagmite?', 'answer1': 'Caves', 'answer2': 'Sky', 'answer3': 'Plain', 'answer4': 'House', 'answer5': 'Forest', 'answer6': 'Road'}; quizquestions[57] = {'_line': 'Which has the biggest brain?', 'answer1': 'Human', 'answer2': 'Dinosaur', 'answer3': 'Rock', 'answer4': 'Worm', 'answer5': 'Tree', 'answer6': 'Poo'}; quizquestions[58] = {'_line': 'What erupts from volcanoes?', 'answer1': 'Lava', 'answer2': 'Liquid Nitrogen', 'answer3': 'Cordial', 'answer4': 'Water', 'answer5': 'Blood', 'answer6': 'Jam'}; quizquestions[59] = {'_line': 'Which of these is healthiest to breathe?', 'answer1': 'Air', 'answer2': 'Sand', 'answer3': 'Dust', 'answer4': 'Poison', 'answer5': 'Flour', 'answer6': 'Methane'}; quizquestions[60] = {'_line': 'The answer to this question is true.', 'answer1': 'True', 'answer2': 'False', 'answer3': 'False', 'answer4': 'False', 'answer5': 'False', 'answer6': 'False'}; quizquestions[61] = {'_line': 'How many "A"\'s are in "Amielia"', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '1.5', 'answer4': '0', 'answer5': '2.5', 'answer6': '3'}; quizquestions[62] = {'_line': 'Does Amielia start with A.', 'answer1': 'Yes', 'answer2': 'No', 'answer3': 'Nope', 'answer4': 'Nuh-uh', 'answer5': 'Nah', 'answer6': 'No way'}; quizquestions[63] = {'_line': 'How many corners does a circle have?', 'answer1': '0', 'answer2': '-1', 'answer3': '1', 'answer4': '2', 'answer5': '3', 'answer6': '4'}; quizquestions[64] = {'_line': 'How many sides does a square have?', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[65] = {'_line': 'What shape is roundest?', 'answer1': 'Sphere', 'answer2': 'Cube', 'answer3': 'Pyramid', 'answer4': 'Prism', 'answer5': 'Block', 'answer6': 'Disc'}; quizquestions[66] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not spherical?', 'answer1': 'Cube', 'answer2': 'Ball', 'answer3': 'Globe', 'answer4': 'Orb', 'answer5': 'Sphere', 'answer6': 'Sphere'}; quizquestions[67] = {'_line': 'Which of these words always starts with a capital letter?', 'answer1': 'America', 'answer2': 'ant', 'answer3': 'ample', 'answer4': 'altar', 'answer5': 'amber', 'answer6': 'ash'}; quizquestions[68] = {'_line': 'Which of these cities is in the United states?', 'answer1': 'New York', 'answer2': 'Sydney', 'answer3': 'London', 'answer4': 'Hong Kong', 'answer5': 'Paris', 'answer6': 'Rome'}; quizquestions[69] = {'_line': 'Which of these is best for drinking fluids out of?', 'answer1': 'Bottle', 'answer2': 'Hammer', 'answer3': 'Plank', 'answer4': 'Rope', 'answer5': 'Belt', 'answer6': 'Laptop'}; quizquestions[70] = {'_line': 'What are swords usually made of?', 'answer1': 'Metal', 'answer2': 'Cheese', 'answer3': 'Banana', 'answer4': 'Pulp', 'answer5': 'Potato', 'answer6': 'Clay'}; quizquestions[71] = {'_line': 'Which of these do not grow on trees?', 'answer1': 'Cakes', 'answer2': 'Pears', 'answer3': 'Apples', 'answer4': 'Oranges', 'answer5': 'Peach', 'answer6': 'Lemon'}; quizquestions[72] = {'_line': 'What are halos usually found on?', 'answer1': 'Angels', 'answer2': 'Demons', 'answer3': 'Pizzas', 'answer4': 'Mugs', 'answer5': 'Coins', 'answer6': 'Lamp posts'}; quizquestions[73] = {'_line': 'Which of these doesn\'t conduct electricity?', 'answer1': 'Rubber', 'answer2': 'Copper', 'answer3': 'Silver', 'answer4': 'Aluminium', 'answer5': 'Gold', 'answer6': 'Tungsten'}; quizquestions[74] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a word that means "angry"?', 'answer1': 'Mad', 'answer2': 'Sad', 'answer3': 'Bad', 'answer4': 'Rad', 'answer5': 'Fad', 'answer6': 'Glad'}; quizquestions[75] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a word that means "happy"?', 'answer1': 'Glad', 'answer2': 'Sad', 'answer3': 'Bad', 'answer4': 'Rad', 'answer5': 'Fad', 'answer6': 'Mad'}; quizquestions[76] = {'_line': 'What letter does "casual" start with?', 'answer1': 'C', 'answer2': 'K', 'answer3': 'A', 'answer4': 'S', 'answer5': 'U', 'answer6': 'L'}; quizquestions[77] = {'_line': 'How many letters are in the English alphabet?', 'answer1': '26', 'answer2': '260', 'answer3': '420', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '15', 'answer6': '2600'}; quizquestions[78] = {'_line': 'How many A\'s are in the word "banana"?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '1', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[79] = {'_line': 'How much does a $2.50 hamburger cost?', 'answer1': '$2.50', 'answer2': '$0.05', 'answer3': '$0.25', 'answer4': '$250', 'answer5': '$25', 'answer6': '$250,250'}; quizquestions[80] = {'_line': 'What vegetables are french fries usually made of?', 'answer1': 'Potatoes', 'answer2': 'Beans', 'answer3': 'Caterpillars', 'answer4': 'Planks', 'answer5': 'Eggs', 'answer6': 'Pills'}; quizquestions[81] = {'_line': 'What tool is best used to peel things?', 'answer1': 'Peeler', 'answer2': 'Hammer', 'answer3': 'Hacksaw', 'answer4': 'Screwdriver', 'answer5': 'Clamp', 'answer6': 'Scissors'}; quizquestions[82] = {'_line': 'What household item creates vacuums?', 'answer1': 'Vacuum cleaner', 'answer2': 'Knife', 'answer3': 'Carpet', 'answer4': 'Chair', 'answer5': 'Oven', 'answer6': 'Hairdryer'}; quizquestions[83] = {'_line': 'What material is farmed from sheep?', 'answer1': 'Wool', 'answer2': 'Clouds', 'answer3': 'Wood', 'answer4': 'Bleach', 'answer5': 'Steel', 'answer6': 'Plastic'}; quizquestions[84] = {'_line': 'What are medieval castles mostly made from?', 'answer1': 'Stone', 'answer2': 'Plastic', 'answer3': 'Wool', 'answer4': 'Parchment', 'answer5': 'Rubber', 'answer6': 'Bananas'}; quizquestions[85] = {'_line': 'What is platinum jewelry made of?', 'answer1': 'Platinum', 'answer2': 'Silver', 'answer3': 'Gold', 'answer4': 'Nickel', 'answer5': 'Stainless Steel', 'answer6': 'Diamonds'}; quizquestions[86] = {'_line': 'How many moons does the Earth have?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '0', 'answer3': '1.5', 'answer4': '0.5', 'answer5': '2', 'answer6': '3'}; quizquestions[87] = {'_line': 'How many months are in a year?', 'answer1': '12', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '120', 'answer5': '24', 'answer6': '240'}; quizquestions[88] = {'_line': 'How many days are in a week?', 'answer1': '7', 'answer2': '4', 'answer3': '14', 'answer4': '24', 'answer5': '12', 'answer6': '40'}; quizquestions[89] = {'_line': 'What\'s the only day of the week that starts with a "W"', 'answer1': 'Wednesday', 'answer2': 'Thursday', 'answer3': 'Friday', 'answer4': 'Saturday', 'answer5': 'Monday', 'answer6': 'Tuesday'}; quizquestions[90] = {'_line': 'What day comes just after Sunday?', 'answer1': 'Monday', 'answer2': 'Tuesday', 'answer3': 'Wednesday', 'answer4': 'Thursday', 'answer5': 'Friday', 'answer6': 'Saturday'}; quizquestions[91] = {'_line': 'What is 1 multiplied by 1?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '0', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '1.1', 'answer5': '2.1', 'answer6': '2.2'}; quizquestions[92] = {'_line': 'What is one million multiplied by zero?', 'answer1': '0', 'answer2': '1,000,000', 'answer3': '100', 'answer4': '1000', 'answer5': '10,000', 'answer6': '100,000'}; quizquestions[93] = {'_line': 'What is 80 minus 80?', 'answer1': '0', 'answer2': '80', 'answer3': '40', 'answer4': '8', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '8'}; quizquestions[94] = {'_line': 'How many breasts does Amielia have?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '0', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[95] = {'_line': 'Which of these animals lay eggs?', 'answer1': 'Chicken', 'answer2': 'Human', 'answer3': 'Dog', 'answer4': 'Cat', 'answer5': 'Cow', 'answer6': 'Pig'}; quizquestions[96] = {'_line': 'Which of these are designed to be worn on feet?', 'answer1': 'Shoes', 'answer2': 'Hats', 'answer3': 'Shirts', 'answer4': 'Pants', 'answer5': 'Glasses', 'answer6': 'Scarfs'}; quizquestions[97] = {'_line': 'What\'s 1 + 1?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '0.2', 'answer4': '22', 'answer5': '2.1', 'answer6': '11'}; quizquestions[98] = {'_line': 'What\'s 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1?', 'answer1': '5', 'answer2': '4', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '2', 'answer5': '1', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[99] = {'_line': 'Which of these answers is "correct"?', 'answer1': 'Correct', 'answer2': 'Incorrect', 'answer3': 'Wrong', 'answer4': 'Mistaken', 'answer5': 'False', 'answer6': 'Erroneous'}; quizquestions[100] = {'_line': 'What colour is charcoal?', 'answer1': 'Black', 'answer2': 'Blue', 'answer3': 'Brown', 'answer4': 'White', 'answer5': 'Red', 'answer6': 'Yellow'}; quizquestions[101] = {'_line': 'Which is bounciest?', 'answer1': 'Rubber', 'answer2': 'Steel', 'answer3': 'Brick', 'answer4': 'Milk', 'answer5': 'Powder', 'answer6': 'Wood'}; quizquestions[102] = {'_line': 'How many letters are in "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"?', 'answer1': '34', 'answer2': '2.4', 'answer3': '4', 'answer4': '1004', 'answer5': '2104', 'answer6': '444'}; quizquestions[103] = {'_line': 'Don\'t click a wrong answer.', 'answer1': 'Right Answer', 'answer2': 'Wrong Answer', 'answer3': 'Wrong Answer', 'answer4': 'Wrong Answer', 'answer5': 'Wrong Answer', 'answer6': 'Wrong Answer'}; quizquestions[104] = {'_line': 'What direction does an up pointing arrow point?', 'answer1': 'Up', 'answer2': 'Down', 'answer3': 'Left', 'answer4': 'Right', 'answer5': 'Forward', 'answer6': 'Backward'}; quizquestions[105] = {'_line': 'What is "backwards" spelled backwards?', 'answer1': 'sdrawkcab', 'answer2': 'Forwards', 'answer3': 'Upwards', 'answer4': 'Downwards', 'answer5': 'Inwards', 'answer6': 'Outwards'}; quizquestions[106] = {'_line': 'Which is hardest?', 'answer1': 'Diamond', 'answer2': 'Sponge', 'answer3': 'Cheese', 'answer4': 'Banana', 'answer5': 'Cotton', 'answer6': 'Rubber'}; quizquestions[107] = {'_line': 'Which part of the body lets you see colours?', 'answer1': 'Eyes', 'answer2': 'Nose', 'answer3': 'Ears', 'answer4': 'Fingers', 'answer5': 'Tongue', 'answer6': 'Chin'}; quizquestions[108] = {'_line': 'How many eyes does Amielia have?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '0'}; quizquestions[109] = {'_line': 'How many wings does Amielia have?', 'answer1': '0', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '0.5', 'answer5': '3', 'answer6': '0.75'}; quizquestions[110] = {'_line': 'Which is lightest?', 'answer1': '0 grams', 'answer2': '20 tones', 'answer3': '30 tonnes', 'answer4': '50 stone', 'answer5': '80 pounds', 'answer6': '15 kilograms'}; quizquestions[111] = {'_line': 'How much fluid will fill a 2 litre bottle to the brim', 'answer1': '2 litres', 'answer2': '1 litres', 'answer3': '5 gallons', 'answer4': '2 gallons', 'answer5': '8 pints', 'answer6': '10 fluid ounces'}; quizquestions[112] = {'_line': 'How much space is in a 1 cubic meter space?', 'answer1': '1 cubic meter', 'answer2': '2 cubic meters', 'answer3': '1 square meter', 'answer4': '1 meter', 'answer5': '1.5 cubic meters', 'answer6': '0.5 cubic meters'}; quizquestions[113] = {'_line': 'How many seconds are in a minute?', 'answer1': '60', 'answer2': '30', 'answer3': '1', 'answer4': '100', 'answer5': '120', 'answer6': '600'}; quizquestions[114] = {'_line': 'What program is used to make this game?', 'answer1': 'Flash', 'answer2': 'Photoshop', 'answer3': 'Gimp', 'answer4': 'Game Maker', 'answer5': 'Unity', 'answer6': 'Unreal'}; quizquestions[115] = {'_line': 'Where is the brain usually located?', 'answer1': 'Head', 'answer2': 'Feet', 'answer3': 'Stomach', 'answer4': 'Shoulder', 'answer5': 'Neck', 'answer6': 'Toe'}; quizquestions[116] = {'_line': 'What colour ink does a purple inked pen use?', 'answer1': 'Purple', 'answer2': 'Blue', 'answer3': 'Red', 'answer4': 'Black', 'answer5': 'Green', 'answer6': 'Yellow'}; quizquestions[117] = {'_line': 'What colour is grass when it\'s healthy?', 'answer1': 'Green', 'answer2': 'Blue', 'answer3': 'Yellow', 'answer4': 'Red', 'answer5': 'Orange', 'answer6': 'White'}; quizquestions[118] = {'_line': 'Which one weighs 3 pounds?', 'answer1': '3 pounds of sugar', 'answer2': '2 pounds of flour', 'answer3': '4 pounds of sawdust', 'answer4': '5 pounds of sand', 'answer5': '6 pounds of olives', 'answer6': '7 pounds of herbs'}; quizquestions[119] = {'_line': 'How much does a 20 pound dog weigh?', 'answer1': '20 pounds', 'answer2': '10 pounds', 'answer3': '200 pounds', 'answer4': '2 pounds', 'answer5': '40 pounds', 'answer6': '2000 pounds'}; quizquestions[120] = {'_line': 'Which of these words has at least one C in it?', 'answer1': 'Circle', 'answer2': 'Barney', 'answer3': 'Amielia', 'answer4': 'Dummy', 'answer5': 'Elephant', 'answer6': 'Ferrari'}; quizquestions[121] = {'_line': 'Which of these has the most fur?', 'answer1': 'Mink', 'answer2': 'Fish', 'answer3': 'Snake', 'answer4': 'Lizard', 'answer5': 'Bird', 'answer6': 'Worm'}; quizquestions[122] = {'_line': 'Which of these can breathe water?', 'answer1': 'Fish', 'answer2': 'Cat', 'answer3': 'Dog', 'answer4': 'Dolphin', 'answer5': 'Rat', 'answer6': 'Sheep'}; quizquestions[123] = {'_line': 'Which of these words has no double letters?', 'answer1': 'Cake', 'answer2': 'Gull', 'answer3': 'Moon', 'answer4': 'Odd', 'answer5': 'Frill', 'answer6': 'Reef'}; quizquestions[124] = {'_line': 'Which of these words has at least one double letter?', 'answer1': 'Balloon', 'answer2': 'Busted', 'answer3': 'Banker', 'answer4': 'Buckled', 'answer5': 'Banquet', 'answer6': 'Bankrupt'}; quizquestions[125] = {'_line': 'Which money note is worth the most?', 'answer1': '$100', 'answer2': '$50', 'answer3': '$20', 'answer4': '$10', 'answer5': '$5', 'answer6': '$1'}; quizquestions[126] = {'_line': 'What colour is pink paint?', 'answer1': 'Pink', 'answer2': 'Orange', 'answer3': 'Black', 'answer4': 'White', 'answer5': 'Blue', 'answer6': 'Green'}; quizquestions[127] = {'_line': 'Which of these speeds is fastest?', 'answer1': '3000 km/h', 'answer2': '250 mph', 'answer3': '100 mph', 'answer4': '300 km/h', 'answer5': '500 mph', 'answer6': '400 km/h'}; quizquestions[128] = {'_line': 'How far does a car travelling 10 km/h travel in 1 hour?', 'answer1': '10 kilometers', 'answer2': '200 miles', 'answer3': '5 miles', 'answer4': '5 kilometeres', 'answer5': '20 kilometers', 'answer6': '20 miles'}; quizquestions[129] = {'_line': 'Which of these is used to measure distance?', 'answer1': 'Mile', 'answer2': 'Pound', 'answer3': 'Gallon', 'answer4': 'Degrees', 'answer5': 'PSI', 'answer6': 'Ounce'}; quizquestions[130] = {'_line': 'Which of these words does not start with the letter Y?', 'answer1': 'Why', 'answer2': 'Yoghurt', 'answer3': 'Yurt', 'answer4': 'Yo-yo', 'answer5': 'Yellow', 'answer6': 'Yell'}; quizquestions[131] = {'_line': 'Which word has the fewest letters?', 'answer1': 'Cat', 'answer2': 'Superflous', 'answer3': 'Intrinsic', 'answer4': 'Inflammable', 'answer5': 'Megalodon', 'answer6': 'Xylophone'}; quizquestions[132] = {'_line': 'Which of these words doesn\'t have "phone" in it?', 'answer1': 'Seafoam', 'answer2': 'Telephone', 'answer3': 'Microphone', 'answer4': 'Megaphone', 'answer5': 'Xylophone', 'answer6': 'Saxophone'}; quizquestions[133] = {'_line': 'What tool is designed to brush teeth?', 'answer1': 'Toothbrush', 'answer2': 'Hammer', 'answer3': 'Razor', 'answer4': 'Comb', 'answer5': 'Scissors', 'answer6': 'Sponge'}; quizquestions[134] = {'_line': 'What appliance is designed to dry wet hair?', 'answer1': 'Hairdryer', 'answer2': 'Scissors', 'answer3': 'Saw', 'answer4': 'Television', 'answer5': 'Oven', 'answer6': 'Freezer'}; quizquestions[135] = {'_line': 'What food is made from popped corn?', 'answer1': 'Popcorn', 'answer2': 'Chips', 'answer3': 'Apples', 'answer4': 'Beef', 'answer5': 'Sushi', 'answer6': 'Sausage'}; quizquestions[136] = {'_line': 'What animal produces cow\'s milk?', 'answer1': 'Cow', 'answer2': 'Sheep', 'answer3': 'Dog', 'answer4': 'Cat', 'answer5': 'Pig', 'answer6': 'Camel'}; quizquestions[137] = {'_line': 'What season comes after winter?', 'answer1': 'Spring', 'answer2': 'Winter', 'answer3': 'Summer', 'answer4': 'Day', 'answer5': 'Night', 'answer6': 'Autumn'}; quizquestions[138] = {'_line': 'Which is worth the most?', 'answer1': '1,000,000 pennies', 'answer2': '1 penny', 'answer3': '10 pennies', 'answer4': '15 pennies', 'answer5': '20 pennies', 'answer6': '50 pennies'}; quizquestions[139] = {'_line': 'How many correct answers does this question have?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '0', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[140] = {'_line': 'How many incorrect answers does this question have?', 'answer1': '5', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '0', 'answer4': '2', 'answer5': '3', 'answer6': '4'}; quizquestions[141] = {'_line': 'How many multiple choices does this question have?', 'answer1': '6', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[142] = {'_line': 'How many sheets of paper are in a stack of 100 sheets of paper?', 'answer1': '100', 'answer2': '50', 'answer3': '10', 'answer4': '1000', 'answer5': '1', 'answer6': '1,000,000'}; quizquestions[143] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not a type of tree?', 'answer1': 'Cheese', 'answer2': 'Oak', 'answer3': 'Birch', 'answer4': 'Apple', 'answer5': 'Fir', 'answer6': 'Palm'}; quizquestions[144] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not a real word?', 'answer1': 'Tilyopinatintionalipoto', 'answer2': 'Telephone', 'answer3': 'Thickly', 'answer4': 'Thimble', 'answer5': 'Twelve', 'answer6': 'Thorax'}; quizquestions[145] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a flower?', 'answer1': 'Rose', 'answer2': 'Clock', 'answer3': 'Bellow', 'answer4': 'Knife', 'answer5': 'Bee', 'answer6': 'Chocolate'}; quizquestions[146] = {'_line': 'What colour is dark chocolate?', 'answer1': 'Brown', 'answer2': 'Blue', 'answer3': 'Yellow', 'answer4': 'White', 'answer5': 'Orange', 'answer6': 'Purple'}; quizquestions[147] = {'_line': 'Is water wet?', 'answer1': 'Yes', 'answer2': 'No', 'answer3': 'Nope', 'answer4': 'Nuh-uh', 'answer5': 'Nah', 'answer6': 'No way'}; quizquestions[148] = {'_line': 'What disease is cold medication made for?', 'answer1': 'Cold', 'answer2': 'Hepatitus', 'answer3': 'Pneumonia', 'answer4': 'Diabetes', 'answer5': 'Headache', 'answer6': 'Alzheimers'}; quizquestions[149] = {'_line': 'How far would you fall if you fell from a 125 meter tall cliff?', 'answer1': '125 meters', 'answer2': '3 meters', 'answer3': '80 meters', 'answer4': '250 meters', 'answer5': '1250 meters', 'answer6': '5210 meters'}; quizquestions[150] = {'_line': 'How much time would be left on the quiz timer if it ran out of time?', 'answer1': '0 seconds', 'answer2': '100 seconds', 'answer3': '60 seconds', 'answer4': '600 seconds', 'answer5': '300 seconds', 'answer6': '1,000,000 seonds'}; quizquestions[151] = {'_line': 'What\'s 0 plus 0?', 'answer1': '0', 'answer2': '-1', 'answer3': '-2', 'answer4': '2', 'answer5': '1', 'answer6': '100'}; quizquestions[152] = {'_line': 'Which of these are designed to be worn on the ears?', 'answer1': 'Earmuffs', 'answer2': 'Briefcase', 'answer3': 'Crobar', 'answer4': 'Shoes', 'answer5': 'Fire', 'answer6': 'Pants'}; quizquestions[153] = {'_line': 'Which of these words has 3 letters?', 'answer1': 'Log', 'answer2': 'Convenience', 'answer3': 'Telecommunications', 'answer4': 'Nintendo', 'answer5': 'Independant', 'answer6': 'Paracetamol'}; quizquestions[154] = {'_line': 'What year was it 1 year after 1995?', 'answer1': '1996', 'answer2': '1812', 'answer3': '1444', 'answer4': '1970', 'answer5': '1980', 'answer6': '1209'}; quizquestions[155] = {'_line': 'What year was Windows 95 released? ', 'answer1': '1995', 'answer2': '1885', 'answer3': '1775', 'answer4': '2005', 'answer5': '1665', 'answer6': '1555'}; quizquestions[156] = {'_line': 'Which of these words starts with the letter "V"?', 'answer1': 'Victory', 'answer2': 'Defeat', 'answer3': 'Loss', 'answer4': 'Failure', 'answer5': 'Disaster', 'answer6': 'Misadventure'}; quizquestions[157] = {'_line': 'Which of these words starts with the letter "T"?', 'answer1': 'Terrific', 'answer2': 'Horrible', 'answer3': 'Dreadful', 'answer4': 'Awful', 'answer5': 'Atrocious', 'answer6': 'Egregious'}; quizquestions[158] = {'_line': 'What\'s 2 + 2?', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '22', 'answer4': '44', 'answer5': '1', 'answer6': '3'}; quizquestions[159] = {'_line': 'What\'s 2 + 1?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '33', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '1', 'answer5': '21', 'answer6': '12'}; quizquestions[160] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not a genre of music?', 'answer1': 'Mayonnaise', 'answer2': 'Classical', 'answer3': 'Rock', 'answer4': 'Techno', 'answer5': 'Jazz', 'answer6': 'Blues'}; quizquestions[161] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not an Olympic sport?', 'answer1': 'Sleeping', 'answer2': 'Discus', 'answer3': 'Pole Vault', 'answer4': 'Backstroke', 'answer5': 'Boxing', 'answer6': 'Triathlon'}; quizquestions[162] = {'_line': 'What metal is a gold ingot made of?', 'answer1': 'Gold', 'answer2': 'Silver', 'answer3': 'Bronze', 'answer4': 'Nickel', 'answer5': 'Platinum', 'answer6': 'Copper'}; quizquestions[163] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not usually ball shaped?', 'answer1': 'Rubik\'s cube', 'answer2': 'Tennis ball', 'answer3': 'Bowling Ball', 'answer4': 'Basketball', 'answer5': 'Baseball', 'answer6': 'Cannon ball'}; quizquestions[164] = {'_line': 'Which of these animals was extinct in 2015?', 'answer1': 'Dodo', 'answer2': 'Cat', 'answer3': 'Dog', 'answer4': 'Spider', 'answer5': 'Sheep', 'answer6': 'Mouse'}; quizquestions[165] = {'_line': 'Does this question have a right answer?', 'answer1': 'Yes', 'answer2': 'No', 'answer3': 'No', 'answer4': 'No', 'answer5': 'No', 'answer6': 'No'}; quizquestions[166] = {'_line': 'What animal is best known for spinning a web?', 'answer1': 'Spider', 'answer2': 'Orca', 'answer3': 'Elephant', 'answer4': 'Snake', 'answer5': 'Pig', 'answer6': 'Horse'}; quizquestions[167] = {'_line': 'How many stars are in space?', 'answer1': 'A lot', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '0'}; quizquestions[168] = {'_line': 'Which of these is least likely to sink?', 'answer1': 'Boat', 'answer2': 'Rock', 'answer3': 'Cannonball', 'answer4': 'Brick', 'answer5': 'Anvil', 'answer6': 'Coin'}; quizquestions[169] = {'_line': 'Are you asleep right now?', 'answer1': 'No', 'answer2': 'Yes', 'answer3': 'Yes', 'answer4': 'Yes', 'answer5': 'Yes', 'answer6': 'Yes'}; quizquestions[170] = {'_line': 'How many letters does a 4 letter word have?', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '0', 'answer3': '1', 'answer4': '2', 'answer5': '3', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[171] = {'_line': 'How many letters does a 5 letter word have?', 'answer1': '5', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '0', 'answer6': '4'}; quizquestions[172] = {'_line': 'What fruit grows on an apple tree?', 'answer1': 'Apples', 'answer2': 'Pears', 'answer3': 'Oranges', 'answer4': 'Grapes', 'answer5': 'Cherries', 'answer6': 'Bananas'}; quizquestions[173] = {'_line': 'What\'s 5 X 1?', 'answer1': '5', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '0', 'answer4': '15', 'answer5': '50', 'answer6': '10'}; quizquestions[174] = {'_line': 'Which answer has a 2 in it?', 'answer1': '22222', 'answer2': '101010', 'answer3': '111000', 'answer4': '010101', 'answer5': '000111', 'answer6': '110011'}; quizquestions[175] = {'_line': 'Which of these equals two?', 'answer1': '1 + 1', 'answer2': '2 + 2', 'answer3': '1 + 2', 'answer4': '3 + 5', 'answer5': '10 + 10', 'answer6': '100 + 100'}; quizquestions[176] = {'_line': 'Which of these numbers is over 9000?', 'answer1': '9001', 'answer2': '8000', 'answer3': '9', 'answer4': '8999', 'answer5': '1', 'answer6': '-9000'}; quizquestions[177] = {'_line': 'Which of these is likely to have the most feathers?', 'answer1': 'Bird', 'answer2': 'Fish', 'answer3': 'Dogs', 'answer4': 'Cat', 'answer5': 'Snake', 'answer6': 'Goat'}; quizquestions[178] = {'_line': 'Which of these doesn\'t have "saw" in it?', 'answer1': 'Bedsore', 'answer2': 'Band saw', 'answer3': 'Circular saw', 'answer4': 'Chainsaw', 'answer5': 'Hack saw', 'answer6': 'Pruning saw'}; quizquestions[179] = {'_line': 'Which of these colours isn\'t one of the colours of the rainbow?', 'answer1': 'Black', 'answer2': 'Red', 'answer3': 'Yellow', 'answer4': 'Green', 'answer5': 'Blue', 'answer6': 'Violet'}; quizquestions[180] = {'_line': 'Will you get this question right?', 'answer1': 'Yes', 'answer2': 'No', 'answer3': 'No', 'answer4': 'No', 'answer5': 'No', 'answer6': 'No'}; quizquestions[181] = {'_line': 'Will you get this question wrong?', 'answer1': 'No', 'answer2': 'Yes', 'answer3': 'Yes', 'answer4': 'Yes', 'answer5': 'Yes', 'answer6': 'Yes'}; quizquestions[182] = {'_line': 'Typically, what does a household printer print ink onto?', 'answer1': 'Paper', 'answer2': 'Cutlery', 'answer3': 'Glass', 'answer4': 'Sand', 'answer5': 'Carpet', 'answer6': 'Milk'}; quizquestions[183] = {'_line': 'What is the opposite of wet?', 'answer1': 'Dry', 'answer2': 'Fast', 'answer3': 'Big', 'answer4': 'Ugly', 'answer5': 'Dirty', 'answer6': 'Smart'}; quizquestions[184] = {'_line': 'What is the opposite of slow?', 'answer1': 'Fast', 'answer2': 'Dry', 'answer3': 'Big', 'answer4': 'Ugly', 'answer5': 'Dirty', 'answer6': 'Smart'}; quizquestions[185] = {'_line': 'What is the opposite of big?', 'answer1': 'Small', 'answer2': 'Slow', 'answer3': 'Wet', 'answer4': 'Ugly', 'answer5': 'Clean', 'answer6': 'Dumb'}; quizquestions[186] = {'_line': 'What is the opposite of ugly?', 'answer1': 'Handsome', 'answer2': 'Dry', 'answer3': 'Fast', 'answer4': 'Clean', 'answer5': 'Smart', 'answer6': 'Small'}; quizquestions[187] = {'_line': 'What is the opposite of dirty?', 'answer1': 'Clean', 'answer2': 'Dry', 'answer3': 'Slow', 'answer4': 'Handsome', 'answer5': 'Dumb', 'answer6': 'Wet'}; quizquestions[188] = {'_line': 'What is the opposite of smart?', 'answer1': 'Dumb', 'answer2': 'Dry', 'answer3': 'Fast', 'answer4': 'Big', 'answer5': 'Ugly', 'answer6': 'Clean'}; quizquestions[189] = {'_line': 'In what country is the Great Wall of China located?', 'answer1': 'China', 'answer2': 'Japan', 'answer3': 'India', 'answer4': 'Nepal', 'answer5': 'Malaysia', 'answer6': 'Canada'}; quizquestions[190] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a plant?', 'answer1': 'Tree', 'answer2': 'Rock', 'answer3': 'Cream', 'answer4': 'Bee', 'answer5': 'Japan', 'answer6': 'Star'}; quizquestions[191] = {'_line': 'Is it possible to answer this question correctly?', 'answer1': 'Yes', 'answer2': 'No', 'answer3': 'No', 'answer4': 'No', 'answer5': 'No', 'answer6': 'No'}; quizquestions[192] = {'_line': 'How many letters does "purple" have?', 'answer1': '6', 'answer2': '5', 'answer3': '1', 'answer4': '2', 'answer5': '3', 'answer6': '4'}; quizquestions[193] = {'_line': 'How many letters does "brown" have?', 'answer1': '5', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[194] = {'_line': 'What is a cardboard box mostly made of?', 'answer1': 'Cardboard', 'answer2': 'Steel', 'answer3': 'Plastic', 'answer4': 'Cotton', 'answer5': 'Wool', 'answer6': 'Electronics'}; quizquestions[195] = {'_line': 'How much is $200 dollars worth of lumber most likely to cost?', 'answer1': '$200', 'answer2': '$20,000', 'answer3': '$200,000', 'answer4': '$2000', 'answer5': '$20', 'answer6': '$2'}; quizquestions[196] = {'_line': 'How thick is a 2 inch thick door?', 'answer1': '2 inches', 'answer2': '2 feet', 'answer3': '2 meters', 'answer4': '2 kilometers', 'answer5': '2 yards', 'answer6': '2 miles'}; quizquestions[197] = {'_line': 'How much sugar can you fit in one tablespoon?', 'answer1': '1 tablespoon', 'answer2': '1 omegaspoon', 'answer3': '1 ultraspoon', 'answer4': '1 gigaspoon', 'answer5': '1 kilospoon', 'answer6': '1 zetaspoon'}; quizquestions[198] = {'_line': 'How do you spell "edible"?', 'answer1': 'Edible', 'answer2': 'Eatable', 'answer3': 'Eedabble', 'answer4': 'eddabull', 'answer5': 'Edaabul', 'answer6': 'Edaaable'}; quizquestions[199] = {'_line': 'Which answer is written in ALL CAPS?', 'answer1': 'THIS ONE', 'answer2': 'this one', 'answer3': 'This one', 'answer4': 'This One', 'answer5': 'this One', 'answer6': 'thiS onE'}; quizquestions[200] = {'_line': 'Which of these answers has no capital letters?', 'answer1': 'this one', 'answer2': 'THIS ONE', 'answer3': 'This one', 'answer4': 'This One', 'answer5': 'this One', 'answer6': 'thiS onE'}; quizquestions[201] = {'_line': 'What do humans most commonly swim in?', 'answer1': 'Water', 'answer2': 'Acid', 'answer3': 'Lava', 'answer4': 'Saliva', 'answer5': 'Ink', 'answer6': 'Milk'}; quizquestions[202] = {'_line': 'Which medal is awarded for coming first in an olympic sport?', 'answer1': 'Gold', 'answer2': 'Silver', 'answer3': 'Bronze', 'answer4': 'Pewter', 'answer5': 'Diamond', 'answer6': 'Platinum'}; quizquestions[203] = {'_line': 'Which of these metals is said to defeat werewolves?', 'answer1': 'Silver', 'answer2': 'Aluminium', 'answer3': 'Cobalt', 'answer4': 'Copper', 'answer5': 'Bronze', 'answer6': 'Tungsten'}; quizquestions[204] = {'_line': 'What are lightbulbs designed to create?', 'answer1': 'Light', 'answer2': 'Wood', 'answer3': 'Carpet', 'answer4': 'Cutlery', 'answer5': 'Soap', 'answer6': 'Grass'}; quizquestions[205] = {'_line': 'How old are babies at the point they\'re born?', 'answer1': '0 years old', 'answer2': '2 years old', 'answer3': '5 years old', 'answer4': '80 years old', 'answer5': '120 years old', 'answer6': '999 years old'}; quizquestions[206] = {'_line': 'What kind of wheel is used to steer cars?', 'answer1': 'Steering wheel', 'answer2': 'Colour wheel', 'answer3': 'Grinding wheel', 'answer4': 'Water wheel', 'answer5': 'Wheel Of Fortune', 'answer6': 'Ferris Wheel'}; quizquestions[207] = {'_line': 'Which of these has the fewest limbs?', 'answer1': 'Snake', 'answer2': 'Centipede', 'answer3': 'Millipede', 'answer4': 'Octopus', 'answer5': 'Crab', 'answer6': 'Scorpion'}; quizquestions[208] = {'_line': 'Which of these animals "Quack"', 'answer1': 'Ducks', 'answer2': 'Tiger', 'answer3': 'Snake', 'answer4': 'Fish', 'answer5': 'Turtle', 'answer6': 'Bear'}; quizquestions[209] = {'_line': 'Which of these things is magnetic?', 'answer1': 'Magnet', 'answer2': 'Wood', 'answer3': 'Porcelain', 'answer4': 'Plastic', 'answer5': 'Fibreglass', 'answer6': 'Cotton'}; quizquestions[210] = {'_line': 'What\'s an article of clothing that\'s designed to be worn on the head?', 'answer1': 'Hat', 'answer2': 'Plank', 'answer3': 'Drawer', 'answer4': 'Clock', 'answer5': 'Book', 'answer6': 'Scooter'}; quizquestions[211] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a tool designed to tell time?', 'answer1': 'Clock', 'answer2': 'Hammer', 'answer3': 'Net', 'answer4': 'Bottle', 'answer5': 'Hat', 'answer6': 'Apple'}; quizquestions[212] = {'_line': 'How many letters are in this sentence?', 'answer1': '31', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '100', 'answer5': '300', 'answer6': '301'}; quizquestions[213] = {'_line': 'In which of these words does "E" come before "I"?', 'answer1': 'Weird', 'answer2': 'Thief', 'answer3': 'Friend', 'answer4': 'Pierce', 'answer5': 'Believe', 'answer6': 'Siege'}; quizquestions[214] = {'_line': 'How many suits are in a typical deck of cards?', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[215] = {'_line': 'Which of these does not equal 6?', 'answer1': '1 + 1', 'answer2': '2 + 4', 'answer3': '12 - 6', 'answer4': '18 - 12', 'answer5': '8 - 2', 'answer6': '6 + 0'}; quizquestions[216] = {'_line': 'How many words are in this sentence?', 'answer1': '7', 'answer2': '700', 'answer3': '7000', 'answer4': '7077', 'answer5': '707', 'answer6': '70007'}; quizquestions[217] = {'_line': 'What is a leather-bound-book bound with?', 'answer1': 'Leather', 'answer2': 'Plywood', 'answer3': 'Tomato', 'answer4': 'Cheese', 'answer5': 'Plastic', 'answer6': 'Feathers'}; quizquestions[218] = {'_line': 'Ideally, what is the patty of a burger made of?', 'answer1': 'Meat', 'answer2': 'Cardboard', 'answer3': 'Glass', 'answer4': 'Asbestos', 'answer5': 'Clay', 'answer6': 'Cotton'}; quizquestions[219] = {'_line': 'What are human skeletons made of?', 'answer1': 'Bones', 'answer2': 'Bananas', 'answer3': 'Twigs', 'answer4': 'Biscuits', 'answer5': 'Waffles', 'answer6': 'Quills'}; quizquestions[220] = {'_line': 'What does the "C" stand for in "KFC"', 'answer1': 'Chicken', 'answer2': 'Cars', 'answer3': 'Cameras', 'answer4': 'Captains', 'answer5': 'Carbon', 'answer6': 'calculators'}; quizquestions[221] = {'_line': 'How many continents are on planet Earth today?', 'answer1': '7', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '12', 'answer6': '19'}; quizquestions[222] = {'_line': 'What three colours make up the United States flag?', 'answer1': 'Red, White & Blue', 'answer2': 'Black, Red & Yellow', 'answer3': 'Green, Yellow & Blue', 'answer4': 'Orange, White & Green', 'answer5': 'Yellow, Black & Blue', 'answer6': 'Black, Green & Red'}; quizquestions[223] = {'_line': 'What type of meat does not come from pigs?', 'answer1': 'Lamb', 'answer2': 'Pork', 'answer3': 'Bacon', 'answer4': 'Ham', 'answer5': 'Chorizo', 'answer6': 'Sausage'}; quizquestions[224] = {'_line': 'What is a male chicken called?', 'answer1': 'Rooster', 'answer2': 'Bull', 'answer3': 'Buck', 'answer4': 'Stag', 'answer5': 'Drake', 'answer6': 'Stallion'}; quizquestions[225] = {'_line': 'What is a baby dog called?', 'answer1': 'Puppy', 'answer2': 'Cygnet', 'answer3': 'Kitten', 'answer4': 'Zombie', 'answer5': 'Chick', 'answer6': 'Piglet'}; quizquestions[226] = {'_line': 'What is a baby cat called?', 'answer1': 'Kitten', 'answer2': 'Puppy', 'answer3': 'Cygnet', 'answer4': 'Caterpillar', 'answer5': 'Piglet', 'answer6': 'Calf'}; quizquestions[227] = {'_line': 'In the story "The Ugly Duckling", what did the ugly duckling\'s adult species turn out to be?', 'answer1': 'Swan', 'answer2': 'Ogre', 'answer3': 'Troll', 'answer4': 'Dragon', 'answer5': 'Orc', 'answer6': 'Zombie'}; quizquestions[228] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not a breed of dog?', 'answer1': 'Tabby', 'answer2': 'Dalmation', 'answer3': 'Poodle', 'answer4': 'Rottweiler', 'answer5': 'Dachshund', 'answer6': 'Terrier'}; quizquestions[229] = {'_line': 'In the fable "The Tortoise And The Hare", what animal won the race?', 'answer1': 'Tortoise', 'answer2': 'Hare', 'answer3': 'Hair', 'answer4': 'Cheetah', 'answer5': 'Stig', 'answer6': 'Weasel'}; quizquestions[230] = {'_line': 'How many slices of a pizza are there if you cut it into 8 slices?', 'answer1': '8', 'answer2': '6', 'answer3': '4', 'answer4': '2', 'answer5': '10', 'answer6': '12'}; quizquestions[231] = {'_line': 'What fluid are pens usually filled with?', 'answer1': 'Ink', 'answer2': 'Saliva', 'answer3': 'Blood', 'answer4': 'Juice', 'answer5': 'Milk', 'answer6': 'Water'}; quizquestions[232] = {'_line': 'How many fingers are on a hand with 5 fingers?', 'answer1': '5', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '15', 'answer6': '10'}; quizquestions[233] = {'_line': 'What does dynamite typically do when its fuse is lit?', 'answer1': 'Explode', 'answer2': 'Sing', 'answer3': 'Dance', 'answer4': 'Fly', 'answer5': 'Bank', 'answer6': 'Drive'}; quizquestions[234] = {'_line': 'Which way are rockets pointed on Earth to go to space?', 'answer1': 'Up', 'answer2': 'Down', 'answer3': 'North', 'answer4': 'South', 'answer5': 'East', 'answer6': 'West'}; quizquestions[235] = {'_line': 'Do rocks sink?', 'answer1': 'Yes', 'answer2': 'No', 'answer3': 'No', 'answer4': 'No', 'answer5': 'No', 'answer6': 'No'}; quizquestions[236] = {'_line': 'What do grazing animals usually eat?', 'answer1': 'Grass', 'answer2': 'Steel', 'answer3': 'Wood', 'answer4': 'Tarmac', 'answer5': 'Logs', 'answer6': 'Clothes'}; quizquestions[237] = {'_line': 'What temperature is water when it\'s heated to 70 degrees?', 'answer1': '70\'', 'answer2': '200\'', 'answer3': '400\'', 'answer4': '0\'', 'answer5': '-200\'', 'answer6': '1000\''}; quizquestions[238] = {'_line': 'Which of these is most sticky?', 'answer1': 'Glue', 'answer2': 'Ice', 'answer3': 'Oil', 'answer4': 'Water', 'answer5': 'Soap', 'answer6': 'Glass'}; quizquestions[239] = {'_line': 'What fluid do bees help produce?', 'answer1': 'Honey', 'answer2': 'Ice', 'answer3': 'Milk', 'answer4': 'Beer', 'answer5': 'Water', 'answer6': 'Oil'}; quizquestions[240] = {'_line': 'What do bottlecaps seal before they\'re removed?', 'answer1': 'Bottles', 'answer2': 'Shoes', 'answer3': 'Doorknobs', 'answer4': 'Kettles', 'answer5': 'Potatoes', 'answer6': 'Paper'}; quizquestions[241] = {'_line': 'What are corks made of?', 'answer1': 'Cork', 'answer2': 'Rock', 'answer3': 'Diamond', 'answer4': 'Glass', 'answer5': 'Cheese', 'answer6': 'Rug'}; quizquestions[242] = {'_line': 'What kind of plant produces tea leaves?', 'answer1': 'Tea', 'answer2': 'Banksia', 'answer3': 'Eucalyptus', 'answer4': 'Oak', 'answer5': 'Pine', 'answer6': 'Grass'}; quizquestions[243] = {'_line': 'In what room of a house would you most likely find a bar of soap?', 'answer1': 'Bathroom', 'answer2': 'Bedroom', 'answer3': 'Loungeroom', 'answer4': 'Garage', 'answer5': 'Kitchen', 'answer6': 'Laundry Room'}; quizquestions[244] = {'_line': 'How many sides does a triangle have?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '1', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[245] = {'_line': 'How many sides does a circle have?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[246] = {'_line': 'What shape, cut in half, makes a semi-circle?', 'answer1': 'Circle', 'answer2': 'Square', 'answer3': 'Rectangle', 'answer4': 'Pentagon', 'answer5': 'Hexagon', 'answer6': 'Octagon'}; quizquestions[247] = {'_line': 'In most countries, what shape is a stop sign?', 'answer1': 'Octagon', 'answer2': 'Square', 'answer3': 'Rectangle', 'answer4': 'Rhombus', 'answer5': 'Diamond', 'answer6': 'Hexagon'}; quizquestions[248] = {'_line': 'If thoroughly cleaned, what colour are teeth?', 'answer1': 'White', 'answer2': 'Blue', 'answer3': 'Orange', 'answer4': 'Black', 'answer5': 'Brown', 'answer6': 'Purple'}; quizquestions[249] = {'_line': 'What tool is usually used in combination with a chisel?', 'answer1': 'Hammer', 'answer2': 'Toothbrush', 'answer3': 'Pestle', 'answer4': 'Pencil', 'answer5': 'Broom', 'answer6': 'Screwdriver'}; quizquestions[250] = {'_line': 'What temperature are 1000 degree knives?', 'answer1': '1000', 'answer2': '10000', 'answer3': '999', 'answer4': '899', 'answer5': '1200', 'answer6': '1001'}; quizquestions[251] = {'_line': 'What colour does mixing red and blue together create?', 'answer1': 'Purple', 'answer2': 'Red', 'answer3': 'Blue', 'answer4': 'Orange', 'answer5': 'Green', 'answer6': 'Yellow'}; quizquestions[252] = {'_line': 'What is Indiana Jones\' last name?', 'answer1': 'Jones', 'answer2': 'Indiana', 'answer3': 'Henry', 'answer4': 'Walton', 'answer5': 'Belloq', 'answer6': 'Harrison'}; quizquestions[253] = {'_line': 'What is Luke Skywalker\'s last name?', 'answer1': 'Skywalker', 'answer2': 'Solo', 'answer3': 'Organa', 'answer4': 'Kenobi', 'answer5': 'Mark', 'answer6': 'Vader'}; quizquestions[254] = {'_line': 'How many different colours are on the American flag?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[255] = {'_line': 'Is fire hot?', 'answer1': 'Yes', 'answer2': 'No', 'answer3': 'Nope', 'answer4': 'Not At All', 'answer5': 'No way', 'answer6': 'No'}; quizquestions[256] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not a type of rock?', 'answer1': 'Plastic', 'answer2': 'Rock', 'answer3': 'Stone', 'answer4': 'Pebble', 'answer5': 'Boulder', 'answer6': 'Gem'}; quizquestions[257] = {'_line': 'Which of these is not a birthstone?', 'answer1': 'Timber', 'answer2': 'Sapphire', 'answer3': 'Amethyst', 'answer4': 'Ruby', 'answer5': 'Diamond', 'answer6': 'Emerald'}; quizquestions[258] = {'_line': 'Which of these is most commonly used in copper wiring?', 'answer1': 'Copper', 'answer2': 'Aluminium', 'answer3': 'Steel', 'answer4': 'Sodium', 'answer5': 'Calcium', 'answer6': 'Potassium'}; quizquestions[259] = {'_line': 'Which of these animals can produce clouds of ink?', 'answer1': 'Octopus', 'answer2': 'Sea-lion', 'answer3': 'Elephant', 'answer4': 'Lion', 'answer5': 'Tiger', 'answer6': 'Whale'}; quizquestions[260] = {'_line': 'Which of these animals needs to breathe air and not water?', 'answer1': 'Dolphin', 'answer2': 'Fish', 'answer3': 'Octopus', 'answer4': 'Shark', 'answer5': 'Urchin', 'answer6': 'Starfish'}; quizquestions[261] = {'_line': 'How many Q\'s are in the word "quack"?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '3', 'answer3': '5', 'answer4': '6', 'answer5': '8', 'answer6': '10'}; quizquestions[262] = {'_line': 'Which of these is NOT a sound a dog makes?', 'answer1': 'Meow', 'answer2': 'Woof', 'answer3': 'Ruff', 'answer4': 'Bow-wow', 'answer5': 'Bark', 'answer6': 'Howl'}; quizquestions[263] = {'_line': 'What is the name we gave our galaxy?', 'answer1': 'Milky Way', 'answer2': 'Malty Wart', 'answer3': 'Morbid Walk', 'answer4': 'Mouldy Wish', 'answer5': 'Melted Wash', 'answer6': 'Milfy Woe'}; quizquestions[264] = {'_line': 'Which of these foods is least likely to be baked?', 'answer1': 'Icecream', 'answer2': 'Cakes', 'answer3': 'Bread', 'answer4': 'Muffins', 'answer5': 'Cupcakes', 'answer6': 'Pastry'}; quizquestions[265] = {'_line': 'What are timber floors made of?', 'answer1': 'Timber', 'answer2': 'Ice', 'answer3': 'Steam', 'answer4': 'Cheese', 'answer5': 'Stone', 'answer6': 'Marble'}; quizquestions[266] = {'_line': 'What are energy drinks designed to provide?', 'answer1': 'Energy', 'answer2': 'Sluggishness', 'answer3': 'Transparency', 'answer4': 'Hard skin', 'answer5': 'Magic powers', 'answer6': 'Photosynthesis'}; quizquestions[267] = {'_line': 'What kind of thing is a dog?', 'answer1': 'Animal', 'answer2': 'Vegetable', 'answer3': 'Mineral', 'answer4': 'Fruit', 'answer5': 'Gas', 'answer6': 'Fluid'}; quizquestions[268] = {'_line': 'What are Chrome plated metals plated with?', 'answer1': 'Chrome', 'answer2': 'Clay', 'answer3': 'Juice', 'answer4': 'Sugar', 'answer5': 'Sand', 'answer6': 'Fabric'}; quizquestions[269] = {'_line': 'What are clay bricks made of?', 'answer1': 'Clay', 'answer2': 'Steel', 'answer3': 'Fruit', 'answer4': 'Acid', 'answer5': 'Wood', 'answer6': 'Plastic'}; quizquestions[270] = {'_line': 'What animal are mouse traps typically designed to trap?', 'answer1': 'Mice', 'answer2': 'Dolphins', 'answer3': 'Fish', 'answer4': 'Elephants', 'answer5': 'Tigers', 'answer6': 'Crocodiles'}; quizquestions[271] = {'_line': 'What animal are fishing rods typically designed to catch?', 'answer1': 'Fish', 'answer2': 'Sheep', 'answer3': 'Cows', 'answer4': 'Chickens', 'answer5': 'Birds', 'answer6': 'Mice'}; quizquestions[272] = {'_line': 'Which of these animals has a name that ends with X', 'answer1': 'Fox', 'answer2': 'Rhino', 'answer3': 'Elephant', 'answer4': 'Koala', 'answer5': 'Frog', 'answer6': 'Bat'}; quizquestions[273] = {'_line': 'What are scissors designed for?', 'answer1': 'Shearing', 'answer2': 'Swimming', 'answer3': 'Flying', 'answer4': 'Sprinting', 'answer5': 'Baking', 'answer6': 'Reading'}; quizquestions[274] = {'_line': 'What is the plural of cow?', 'answer1': 'Cows', 'answer2': 'Sheep', 'answer3': 'Moose', 'answer4': 'Fish', 'answer5': 'Deer', 'answer6': 'Aircraft'}; quizquestions[275] = {'_line': 'What is the lowest number you can roll on a 6 sided die?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[276] = {'_line': 'In what city was the Berlin Wall located?', 'answer1': 'Berlin', 'answer2': 'Shanghai', 'answer3': 'Sydney', 'answer4': 'Madrid', 'answer5': 'Rome', 'answer6': 'Gotham'}; quizquestions[277] = {'_line': 'What letter does "Doom" start with?', 'answer1': 'D', 'answer2': 'P', 'answer3': 'G', 'answer4': 'H', 'answer5': 'M', 'answer6': 'T'}; quizquestions[278] = {'_line': 'How many letters are in the word "Doom"', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '6', 'answer3': '7', 'answer4': '8', 'answer5': '10', 'answer6': '12'}; quizquestions[279] = {'_line': 'What is the last month of the year?', 'answer1': 'December', 'answer2': 'Febuary', 'answer3': 'March', 'answer4': 'April', 'answer5': 'June', 'answer6': 'October'}; quizquestions[280] = {'_line': 'What is the first month of the year?', 'answer1': 'January', 'answer2': 'June', 'answer3': 'July', 'answer4': 'November', 'answer5': 'October', 'answer6': 'November'}; quizquestions[281] = {'_line': 'What is the only month that has less than 30 days?', 'answer1': 'Febuary', 'answer2': 'July', 'answer3': 'May', 'answer4': 'March', 'answer5': 'October', 'answer6': 'December'}; quizquestions[282] = {'_line': 'What kind of animal is Sonic the Hedgehog?', 'answer1': 'Hedgehog', 'answer2': 'Fox', 'answer3': 'Echidna', 'answer4': 'Porcupine', 'answer5': 'Pangolin', 'answer6': 'Armadillo'}; quizquestions[283] = {'_line': 'How many storeys high is a 3 storey building?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '20', 'answer5': '30', 'answer6': '300'}; quizquestions[284] = {'_line': 'Where do teachers most commonly work?', 'answer1': 'School', 'answer2': 'Plains', 'answer3': 'Underground', 'answer4': 'Kitchen', 'answer5': 'Bank', 'answer6': 'Prison'}; quizquestions[285] = {'_line': 'What room of a house is best used for preparing and cooking food?', 'answer1': 'Kitchen', 'answer2': 'Bathroom', 'answer3': 'Bedroom', 'answer4': 'Loungeroom', 'answer5': 'Dining room', 'answer6': 'Laundry room'}; quizquestions[286] = {'_line': 'Which of these is a colour that completely colourblind people can\'t see?', 'answer1': 'Yellow', 'answer2': 'Black', 'answer3': 'White', 'answer4': 'Grey', 'answer5': 'Light Grey', 'answer6': 'Dark Grey'}; quizquestions[287] = {'_line': 'What colour is considered the opposite to black?', 'answer1': 'White', 'answer2': 'Orange', 'answer3': 'Red', 'answer4': 'Purple', 'answer5': 'blue', 'answer6': 'Green'}; quizquestions[288] = {'_line': 'What part of the body lets humans smell best?', 'answer1': 'Nose', 'answer2': 'Toes', 'answer3': 'Fingers', 'answer4': 'Stomach', 'answer5': 'Shins', 'answer6': 'Pimple'}; quizquestions[289] = {'_line': 'What fluid is human sweat mostly made of?', 'answer1': 'Water', 'answer2': 'Lava', 'answer3': 'Cheese', 'answer4': 'Blood', 'answer5': 'Cordial', 'answer6': 'Milk'}; quizquestions[290] = {'_line': 'How many fingernails are typically on a single human finger?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '5', 'answer3': '10', 'answer4': '15', 'answer5': '20', 'answer6': '25'}; quizquestions[291] = {'_line': 'What are plastic toys made of?', 'answer1': 'Plastic', 'answer2': 'Cardboard', 'answer3': 'Metal', 'answer4': 'Cloth', 'answer5': 'Clay', 'answer6': 'Wood'}; quizquestions[292] = {'_line': 'How many inches are on a 12 inch long ruler?', 'answer1': '12', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[293] = {'_line': 'What kind of food do nut eating squirrels eat?', 'answer1': 'Nuts', 'answer2': 'Ore', 'answer3': 'Rock', 'answer4': 'Steel', 'answer5': 'Sand', 'answer6': 'Dirt'}; quizquestions[294] = {'_line': 'How many degrees of rotation are in a 360 degree turn?', 'answer1': '360', 'answer2': '180', 'answer3': '90', 'answer4': '45', 'answer5': '720', 'answer6': '1440'}; quizquestions[295] = {'_line': 'What material does a carpenter work with?', 'answer1': 'Wood', 'answer2': 'Metal', 'answer3': 'Cheese', 'answer4': 'Corn', 'answer5': 'Food', 'answer6': 'Clay'}; quizquestions[296] = {'_line': 'What tool is designed to lock & unlock doors?', 'answer1': 'Key', 'answer2': 'Saw', 'answer3': 'Hammer', 'answer4': 'Wrench', 'answer5': 'Pickaxe', 'answer6': 'Screwdriver'}; quizquestions[297] = {'_line': 'What shape is this question box?', 'answer1': 'Rectangle', 'answer2': 'Circle', 'answer3': 'Triangle', 'answer4': 'Pentagon', 'answer5': 'Octagon', 'answer6': 'Hexagon'}; quizquestions[298] = {'_line': 'What shape are the answer buttons in this box?', 'answer1': 'Elipse', 'answer2': 'Rectangle', 'answer3': 'Triangle', 'answer4': 'Pentagon', 'answer5': 'Hexagon', 'answer6': 'Octagon'}; quizquestions[299] = {'_line': 'How many colours do most traffic lights display?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '10', 'answer3': '20', 'answer4': '30', 'answer5': '50', 'answer6': '80'}; quizquestions[300] = {'_line': 'What shape is the time counter in this question box?', 'answer1': 'Circle', 'answer2': 'Square', 'answer3': 'Rectangle', 'answer4': 'Triangle', 'answer5': 'Octagon', 'answer6': 'Pentagon'}; quizquestions[301] = {'_line': 'What is the minimum number of pedals you\'d find in most cars?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '5', 'answer3': '10', 'answer4': '20', 'answer5': '50', 'answer6': '80'}; quizquestions[302] = {'_line': 'Typically, what colour is a flower\'s stalk?', 'answer1': 'Green', 'answer2': 'Red', 'answer3': 'Orange', 'answer4': 'Black', 'answer5': 'White', 'answer6': 'Purple'}; quizquestions[303] = {'_line': 'How many carriages are in a 4 carriage train?', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '8', 'answer3': '12', 'answer4': '16', 'answer5': '20', 'answer6': '24'}; quizquestions[304] = {'_line': 'What is half of 2?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '5', 'answer4': '12', 'answer5': '15', 'answer6': '20'}; quizquestions[305] = {'_line': 'What is half of 20?', 'answer1': '10', 'answer2': '20', 'answer3': '25', 'answer4': '5', 'answer5': '40', 'answer6': '60'}; quizquestions[306] = {'_line': 'What is half of 4?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '4', 'answer3': '6', 'answer4': '10', 'answer5': '12', 'answer6': '15'}; quizquestions[307] = {'_line': 'What is half of 6?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '6', 'answer3': '12', 'answer4': '20', 'answer5': '25', 'answer6': '30'}; quizquestions[308] = {'_line': 'What do venus fly traps kill and eat most?', 'answer1': 'Bugs', 'answer2': 'Humans', 'answer3': 'Tigers', 'answer4': 'Plants', 'answer5': 'Octopodes', 'answer6': 'Whales'}; quizquestions[309] = {'_line': 'What fruit is an apple orchard designed to grow?', 'answer1': 'Apples', 'answer2': 'Cakes', 'answer3': 'Sausages', 'answer4': 'Lightbulbs', 'answer5': 'Maps', 'answer6': 'Cassettes'}; quizquestions[310] = {'_line': 'What unit of measurement is a 2 by 4 plank measured in?', 'answer1': 'Inches', 'answer2': 'Millimeteres', 'answer3': 'Centimeters', 'answer4': 'Kilometers', 'answer5': 'Yards', 'answer6': 'Miles'}; quizquestions[311] = {'_line': 'Stereotypically, what do squirrels mostly eat?', 'answer1': 'Acorns', 'answer2': 'Butter', 'answer3': 'Chocolate', 'answer4': 'Concrete', 'answer5': 'Steel', 'answer6': 'Rocks'}; quizquestions[312] = {'_line': 'What type of container is spray paint kept in when it\'s sprayed?', 'answer1': 'Can', 'answer2': 'Bucket', 'answer3': 'Breadbin', 'answer4': 'Drawer', 'answer5': 'Beaker', 'answer6': 'Cup'}; quizquestions[313] = {'_line': 'What fluid is used to paint lines on roads?', 'answer1': 'Paint', 'answer2': 'Blood', 'answer3': 'Urine', 'answer4': 'Sweat', 'answer5': 'Slime', 'answer6': 'Toothpaste'}; quizquestions[314] = {'_line': 'What continent contains most of the United States of America?', 'answer1': 'North America', 'answer2': 'Africa', 'answer3': 'Antarctica', 'answer4': 'Australia', 'answer5': 'Europe', 'answer6': 'Asia'}; quizquestions[315] = {'_line': 'What letter does xylophone start with?', 'answer1': 'X', 'answer2': 'C', 'answer3': 'K', 'answer4': 'Z', 'answer5': 'S', 'answer6': 'Y'}; quizquestions[316] = {'_line': 'Which room of a house is most commonly used to prepare food?', 'answer1': 'Kitchen', 'answer2': 'Bathroom', 'answer3': 'Attic', 'answer4': 'Bedroom', 'answer5': 'Porch', 'answer6': 'Laundry room'}; quizquestions[317] = {'_line': 'What part of the body are pants designed to be worn on?', 'answer1': 'Legs', 'answer2': 'Head', 'answer3': 'Arms', 'answer4': 'Neck', 'answer5': 'Chest', 'answer6': 'Hands'}; quizquestions[318] = {'_line': 'What are sunglasses worn for protection against?', 'answer1': 'Sunlight', 'answer2': 'Bullets', 'answer3': 'Swords', 'answer4': 'Boulders', 'answer5': 'Fists', 'answer6': 'Shrapnel'}; quizquestions[319] = {'_line': 'What is gravel made of?', 'answer1': 'Rocks', 'answer2': 'Sand', 'answer3': 'Light', 'answer4': 'Wood', 'answer5': 'Plastic', 'answer6': 'Gel'}; quizquestions[320] = {'_line': 'Which side of a car does the exhaust usually exit?', 'answer1': 'Back', 'answer2': 'Front', 'answer3': 'Top', 'answer4': 'Left', 'answer5': 'Right', 'answer6': 'Engine'}; quizquestions[321] = {'_line': 'What are rockets fueled with?', 'answer1': 'Rocket Fuel', 'answer2': 'Cheese', 'answer3': 'Wood', 'answer4': 'Fingernails', 'answer5': 'Water', 'answer6': 'Paper'}; quizquestions[322] = {'_line': 'Which of these places would you least likely find water?', 'answer1': 'Desert', 'answer2': 'Swimming Pool', 'answer3': 'Ocean', 'answer4': 'Lake', 'answer5': 'River', 'answer6': 'Pond'}; quizquestions[323] = {'_line': 'What kind of bear lives in polar reigons?', 'answer1': 'Polar Bear', 'answer2': 'Grizzly Bear', 'answer3': 'Black Bear', 'answer4': 'Sun Bear', 'answer5': 'Sloth Bear', 'answer6': 'Spectacled Bear'}; quizquestions[324] = {'_line': 'What name is given to fires used for camping?', 'answer1': 'Campfire', 'answer2': 'Dampfire', 'answer3': 'Oil Fire', 'answer4': 'Forest Fire', 'answer5': 'House Fire', 'answer6': 'City Fire'}; quizquestions[325] = {'_line': 'Stereotypically, what are elephants’ favourite food?', 'answer1': 'Peanuts', 'answer2': 'Steak', 'answer3': 'Mc\'Donalds', 'answer4': 'KFC', 'answer5': 'Blood', 'answer6': 'Burger King'}; quizquestions[326] = {'_line': 'Stereotypically, what are elephants most afraid of?', 'answer1': 'Mice', 'answer2': 'Spiders', 'answer3': 'Snakes', 'answer4': 'Heights', 'answer5': 'Rocks', 'answer6': 'Trees'}; quizquestions[327] = {'_line': 'Stereotypically, what do rabbits most like to eat?', 'answer1': 'Carrots', 'answer2': 'Pizza', 'answer3': 'Bread', 'answer4': 'Steel', 'answer5': 'Cloth', 'answer6': 'Dirt'}; quizquestions[328] = {'_line': 'Stereotypically, what do mice eat? ', 'answer1': 'Cheese', 'answer2': 'Wood', 'answer3': 'Steel', 'answer4': 'Lava', 'answer5': 'Cars', 'answer6': 'Plutonium'}; quizquestions[329] = {'_line': 'What do caterpillars turn into after turning into a cocoon?', 'answer1': 'Butterfly', 'answer2': 'Car', 'answer3': 'Razor', 'answer4': 'Mouse', 'answer5': 'Bird', 'answer6': 'Scooter'}; quizquestions[330] = {'_line': 'What type of animal is Bugs Bunny?', 'answer1': 'Bunny', 'answer2': 'Duck', 'answer3': 'Elephant', 'answer4': 'Squirrel', 'answer5': 'Fish', 'answer6': 'Lizard'}; quizquestions[331] = {'_line': 'What do mailmen put in mailboxes?', 'answer1': 'Mail', 'answer2': 'Garbage', 'answer3': 'Dynamite', 'answer4': 'Sludge', 'answer5': 'Pineapple', 'answer6': 'Ink'}; quizquestions[332] = {'_line': 'Besides sauce, cheese & ham, what topping goes on a ham and pineapple pizza?', 'answer1': 'Pineapple', 'answer2': 'Mushroom', 'answer3': 'Pepperoni', 'answer4': 'Capsicum', 'answer5': 'Beef', 'answer6': 'Onion'}; quizquestions[333] = {'_line': 'What does cream become when it\'s whipped?', 'answer1': 'Whipped Cream', 'answer2': 'Plasma', 'answer3': 'Wood', 'answer4': 'Water', 'answer5': 'Carpet', 'answer6': 'Paper'}; quizquestions[334] = {'_line': 'What building do bankers work in?', 'answer1': 'Bank', 'answer2': 'Precinct', 'answer3': 'Dock', 'answer4': 'Shop', 'answer5': 'Tobacconist', 'answer6': 'Mansion'}; quizquestions[335] = {'_line': 'What is the most common ingredient of candy?', 'answer1': 'Sugar', 'answer2': 'Bread', 'answer3': 'Earwax', 'answer4': 'Poison', 'answer5': 'Puke', 'answer6': 'Dung'}; quizquestions[336] = {'_line': 'How many limbs does an octopus usually have?', 'answer1': '8', 'answer2': '15', 'answer3': '40', 'answer4': '20', 'answer5': '100', 'answer6': '60'}; quizquestions[337] = {'_line': 'What letter is used to represent Fahrenheit?', 'answer1': 'F', 'answer2': 'C', 'answer3': 'H', 'answer4': 'Y', 'answer5': 'U', 'answer6': 'R'}; quizquestions[338] = {'_line': 'What is supposed to be put in garbage cans?', 'answer1': 'Garbage', 'answer2': 'Gold', 'answer3': 'Money', 'answer4': 'Diamonds', 'answer5': 'Silver', 'answer6': 'Platinum'}; quizquestions[339] = {'_line': 'How do you spell "Nintendo"', 'answer1': 'Nintendo', 'answer2': 'Nincompoop', 'answer3': 'Ninsworthy', 'answer4': 'Not Applicable', 'answer5': 'November', 'answer6': 'Nocturnal'}; quizquestions[340] = {'_line': 'What is the opposite of evil?', 'answer1': 'Good', 'answer2': 'Bad', 'answer3': 'Horrendous', 'answer4': 'Malicious', 'answer5': 'Nefarious', 'answer6': 'Devilish'}; quizquestions[341] = {'_line': 'What vegetable is cornflour made from?', 'answer1': 'Corn', 'answer2': 'Carrot', 'answer3': 'Monitor', 'answer4': 'Lizard', 'answer5': 'Bones', 'answer6': 'Tomato'}; quizquestions[342] = {'_line': 'What are wooden spoons made of?', 'answer1': 'Wood', 'answer2': 'Gold', 'answer3': 'Platinum', 'answer4': 'Uranium', 'answer5': 'Plutonium', 'answer6': 'Lead'}; quizquestions[343] = {'_line': 'At what time of day is it easiest to see stars from Earth\'s surface?', 'answer1': 'Night', 'answer2': 'Morning', 'answer3': 'Noon', 'answer4': 'Dusk', 'answer5': 'Dawn', 'answer6': 'Ecliplse'}; quizquestions[344] = {'_line': 'Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of what?', 'answer1': 'Water', 'answer2': 'Lava', 'answer3': 'Gold', 'answer4': 'Sand', 'answer5': 'Mud', 'answer6': 'Titanium'}; quizquestions[345] = {'_line': 'What does dirt become when it\'s wet?', 'answer1': 'Mud', 'answer2': 'Glass', 'answer3': 'Sand', 'answer4': 'Water', 'answer5': 'Elephants', 'answer6': 'Mayonaise'}; quizquestions[346] = {'_line': 'The theory of relativity states that what = MC squared?', 'answer1': 'E', 'answer2': 'Bedding', 'answer3': 'Sledding', 'answer4': 'Shedding', 'answer5': 'Regretting', 'answer6': 'Fretting'}; quizquestions[347] = {'_line': 'What rodent is known for building dams?', 'answer1': 'Beaver', 'answer2': 'Rat', 'answer3': 'Mouse', 'answer4': 'Squirrel', 'answer5': 'Chipmunk', 'answer6': 'Capybara'}; quizquestions[348] = {'_line': 'What were the citizens of the Roman empire called?', 'answer1': 'Romans', 'answer2': 'Gauls', 'answer3': 'Picts', 'answer4': 'Celts', 'answer5': 'Carthagnians', 'answer6': 'Huns'}; quizquestions[349] = {'_line': 'How many tails does Amielia have?', 'answer1': '0', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[350] = {'_line': 'According to the common Valentines rhyme, Roses are red, violets are-', 'answer1': 'Blue', 'answer2': 'Red', 'answer3': 'Green', 'answer4': 'Orange', 'answer5': 'Pink', 'answer6': 'White'}; quizquestions[351] = {'_line': 'What household appliance is used to keep things frozen?', 'answer1': 'Freezer', 'answer2': 'Oven', 'answer3': 'Toaster', 'answer4': 'Microwave', 'answer5': 'Grill', 'answer6': 'Dishwasher'}; quizquestions[352] = {'_line': 'What is mainly sold at a petrol station?', 'answer1': 'Petrol', 'answer2': 'Plutonium', 'answer3': 'Gold', 'answer4': 'Cars', 'answer5': 'Bikes', 'answer6': 'Weapons'}; quizquestions[353] = {'_line': 'Name a radioactive metal starting with U?', 'answer1': 'Uranium', 'answer2': 'Silver', 'answer3': 'Tungsten', 'answer4': 'Platinum', 'answer5': 'Aluminium', 'answer6': 'Titanium'}; quizquestions[354] = {'_line': 'In general, what colour are lilac flowers?', 'answer1': 'Lilac', 'answer2': 'Orange', 'answer3': 'Red', 'answer4': 'Blue', 'answer5': 'Black', 'answer6': 'White'}; quizquestions[355] = {'_line': 'Humpty Dumpty sat on a -?', 'answer1': 'Wall', 'answer2': 'Tall', 'answer3': 'Fall', 'answer4': 'Ball', 'answer5': 'Mall', 'answer6': 'Haul'}; quizquestions[356] = {'_line': 'What are oil rigs designed to collect?', 'answer1': 'Oil', 'answer2': 'Pentium', 'answer3': 'Ice', 'answer4': 'Fire', 'answer5': 'Whales', 'answer6': 'Metal'}; quizquestions[357] = {'_line': 'What is Homer Simpson\'s last name?', 'answer1': 'Simpson', 'answer2': 'Vanhouten', 'answer3': 'Flanders', 'answer4': 'Gumble', 'answer5': 'Sizlak', 'answer6': 'Burns'}; quizquestions[358] = {'_line': 'What was Walt Disney\'s last name?', 'answer1': 'Disney', 'answer2': 'Avery', 'answer3': 'Jones', 'answer4': 'Kricfalusi', 'answer5': 'West', 'answer6': 'Cummings'}; quizquestions[359] = {'_line': 'What is Yahtzee Croshaw\'s last name?', 'answer1': 'Croshaw', 'answer2': 'Rolfe', 'answer3': 'Gabriel', 'answer4': 'Ben', 'answer5': 'Walker', 'answer6': 'Jafari'}; quizquestions[360] = {'_line': 'What part of a its body does a bird use to fly?', 'answer1': 'Wings', 'answer2': 'Legs', 'answer3': 'Beak', 'answer4': 'Eyes', 'answer5': 'Tail', 'answer6': 'Crest'}; quizquestions[361] = {'_line': 'What day of the year is named for St Valentine?', 'answer1': 'Valentine\'s Day', 'answer2': 'St Patrick\'s Day', 'answer3': 'Christmas', 'answer4': 'Labour Day', 'answer5': 'Independance Day', 'answer6': 'New Years Day'}; quizquestions[362] = {'_line': 'How do you spell "Pikachu"?', 'answer1': 'Pikachu', 'answer2': 'Peekaboo', 'answer3': 'Peekatyou', 'answer4': 'Peeratpoo', 'answer5': 'Yellowrat', 'answer6': 'Ahahachoo'}; quizquestions[363] = {'_line': 'Where does wood come from?', 'answer1': 'Trees', 'answer2': 'Ore', 'answer3': 'Dirt', 'answer4': 'Space', 'answer5': 'Stars', 'answer6': 'Air'}; quizquestions[364] = {'_line': 'What starts with "F" and ends with "uck"?', 'answer1': 'Firetruck', 'answer2': 'Mack', 'answer3': 'Semitrailer', 'answer4': 'Ambulance', 'answer5': 'Cruiser', 'answer6': 'Van'}; quizquestions[365] = {'_line': 'What starts with "H" and rhymes with "Corn"?', 'answer1': 'Horn', 'answer2': 'Tiki', 'answer3': 'Cake', 'answer4': 'Paper', 'answer5': 'Fire', 'answer6': 'Chain'}; quizquestions[366] = {'_line': 'What are the first two letters in the name "Charlie"?', 'answer1': 'CH', 'answer2': 'DR', 'answer3': 'RY', 'answer4': 'WE', 'answer5': 'NR', 'answer6': 'LI'}; quizquestions[367] = {'_line': 'Classically, what do dragons most commonly breathe?', 'answer1': 'Fire', 'answer2': 'Water', 'answer3': 'Dirt', 'answer4': 'Sand', 'answer5': 'Glass', 'answer6': 'Oil'}; quizquestions[368] = {'_line': 'Which of these vehicles is designed to be mobile over snow?', 'answer1': 'Snowmobile', 'answer2': 'Bicycle', 'answer3': 'Unicycle', 'answer4': 'Cart', 'answer5': 'Motorcycle', 'answer6': 'Van'}; quizquestions[369] = {'_line': 'What day of the year is named after Saint Patrick?', 'answer1': 'St Patrick\'s Day', 'answer2': 'Independance Day', 'answer3': 'Christmas', 'answer4': 'Labour Day', 'answer5': 'Valentines Day', 'answer6': 'New years Day.'}; quizquestions[370] = {'_line': 'What is the most popular search engine in the world right now?', 'answer1': 'Google', 'answer2': 'Bing', 'answer3': 'Yahoo', 'answer4': 'Dogpile', 'answer5': 'AskJeeves', 'answer6': 'DuckDuckGo'}; quizquestions[371] = {'_line': 'How many "O"\'s are in "boobs"', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[372] = {'_line': 'What plant is most commonly used to produce sugar?', 'answer1': 'Sugar Cane', 'answer2': 'Thistle', 'answer3': 'Oak Trees', 'answer4': 'Mushroom', 'answer5': 'Grape Vine', 'answer6': 'Grass'}; quizquestions[373] = {'_line': 'What do microphones record?', 'answer1': 'Sounds', 'answer2': 'Poison', 'answer3': 'Wood', 'answer4': 'Steel', 'answer5': 'Rocks', 'answer6': 'Fungus'}; quizquestions[374] = {'_line': 'What surface are snowboards designed for?', 'answer1': 'Snow', 'answer2': 'Grass', 'answer3': 'Wood', 'answer4': 'Dirt', 'answer5': 'Gravel', 'answer6': 'Carpet'}; quizquestions[375] = {'_line': 'What type of animal is Earthworm Jim?', 'answer1': 'Earthworm', 'answer2': 'Bird', 'answer3': 'Lizard', 'answer4': 'Cat', 'answer5': 'Goldfish', 'answer6': 'Slug'}; quizquestions[376] = {'_line': 'What type of animal is Crash Bandicoot?', 'answer1': 'Bandicoot', 'answer2': 'Bilby', 'answer3': 'Kangaroo', 'answer4': 'Toad', 'answer5': 'Kookaburra', 'answer6': 'Koala'}; quizquestions[377] = {'_line': 'What type of animal is the Easter Bunny?', 'answer1': 'Bunny', 'answer2': 'Fox', 'answer3': 'Stoat', 'answer4': 'Panther', 'answer5': 'Eagle', 'answer6': 'Carrot'}; quizquestions[378] = {'_line': 'What are chocolate eggs made of?', 'answer1': 'Chocolate', 'answer2': 'Calcium', 'answer3': 'Dirt', 'answer4': 'Poop', 'answer5': 'Wood', 'answer6': 'Grass'}; quizquestions[379] = {'_line': 'What does sand become when it\'s melted and hardened?', 'answer1': 'Glass', 'answer2': 'Chocolate', 'answer3': 'Ice', 'answer4': 'Steel', 'answer5': 'Wood', 'answer6': 'Petrol'}; quizquestions[380] = {'_line': 'What letter is used to denote the smallest bra size?', 'answer1': 'A', 'answer2': 'B', 'answer3': 'C', 'answer4': 'D', 'answer5': 'E', 'answer6': 'F'}; quizquestions[381] = {'_line': 'How many "V"\'s are in "VVVVVV"', 'answer1': '6', 'answer2': '12', 'answer3': '1', 'answer4': '2', 'answer5': '18', 'answer6': '24'}; quizquestions[382] = {'_line': 'What do waffle makers make?', 'answer1': 'Waffles', 'answer2': 'Cakes', 'answer3': 'Carrots', 'answer4': 'Cheese', 'answer5': 'Apples', 'answer6': 'Meat'}; quizquestions[383] = {'_line': 'What time of day do moths usually fly around in?', 'answer1': 'Night', 'answer2': 'Day', 'answer3': 'Afternoon', 'answer4': 'morning', 'answer5': 'Lunch', 'answer6': 'Midday'}; quizquestions[384] = {'_line': 'What meal is usually eaten first thing in the morning?', 'answer1': 'Breakfast', 'answer2': 'Lunch', 'answer3': 'brunch', 'answer4': 'Dinner', 'answer5': 'Supper', 'answer6': 'Dessert'}; quizquestions[385] = {'_line': 'What meal is usually eaten at midday?', 'answer1': 'Lunch', 'answer2': 'Breakfast', 'answer3': 'Morning Tea', 'answer4': 'Dinner', 'answer5': 'Supper', 'answer6': 'Dessert'}; quizquestions[386] = {'_line': 'What fruit goes on fig trees?', 'answer1': 'Figs', 'answer2': 'Oranges', 'answer3': 'Corn', 'answer4': 'Tea', 'answer5': 'Hot Dogs', 'answer6': 'Sheep'}; quizquestions[387] = {'_line': 'What kind of leaves are used to make tea?', 'answer1': 'Tea', 'answer2': 'Coffee', 'answer3': 'Moose', 'answer4': 'Watermelon', 'answer5': 'Wood', 'answer6': 'Rat'}; quizquestions[388] = {'_line': 'What kind of beans are used to make Coffee?', 'answer1': 'Coffee beans', 'answer2': 'Baked Beans', 'answer3': 'Lima Beans', 'answer4': 'Kidney Beans', 'answer5': 'Jumping Beans', 'answer6': 'Bean Beans'}; quizquestions[389] = {'_line': 'How many moons are in Moon Moon?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '10', 'answer3': '40', 'answer4': '800', 'answer5': '10', 'answer6': '12'}; quizquestions[390] = {'_line': 'How many strings does a guitar have?', 'answer1': '6', 'answer2': '18', 'answer3': '28', 'answer4': '208', 'answer5': '6000', 'answer6': '6543'}; quizquestions[391] = {'_line': 'What type of instrument does a pianist play?', 'answer1': 'Piano', 'answer2': 'Guitar', 'answer3': 'Mayonaise', 'answer4': 'Flute', 'answer5': 'Trumpet', 'answer6': 'Harp'}; quizquestions[392] = {'_line': 'What type of instrument does a guitarist play?', 'answer1': 'Guitar', 'answer2': 'Piano', 'answer3': 'Mayonaise', 'answer4': 'Flute', 'answer5': 'Trumpet', 'answer6': 'Harp'}; quizquestions[393] = {'_line': 'What two genres do romantic comedies combine?', 'answer1': 'Romance & Comedy', 'answer2': 'Horror & Action', 'answer3': 'Action & Adventure', 'answer4': 'Adventure & Horror', 'answer5': 'Horror & Romance', 'answer6': 'Western & Tradgedy'}; quizquestions[394] = {'_line': 'What instruments are Christian angels usually depicted with?', 'answer1': 'Harp', 'answer2': 'Electric Guitar', 'answer3': 'Drums', 'answer4': 'Trombones', 'answer5': 'Kazoo', 'answer6': 'Spoons'}; quizquestions[395] = {'_line': 'What type of berries have blue in their name?', 'answer1': 'Blueberries', 'answer2': 'Strawberries', 'answer3': 'Raspberries', 'answer4': 'Boysenberries', 'answer5': 'Redberries', 'answer6': 'Gooseberries'}; quizquestions[396] = {'_line': 'In the game "Duck Duck Goose", what bird is called to indicate a chase?', 'answer1': 'Goose', 'answer2': 'Cat', 'answer3': 'Snail', 'answer4': 'Swan', 'answer5': 'Dolphin', 'answer6': 'Chimp'}; quizquestions[397] = {'_line': 'How many letters are in the word "letter"?', 'answer1': '6', 'answer2': '5', 'answer3': '4', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '2', 'answer6': '1'}; quizquestions[398] = {'_line': 'Which direction is opposite to North?', 'answer1': 'South', 'answer2': 'North', 'answer3': 'West', 'answer4': 'East', 'answer5': 'Up', 'answer6': 'Down'}; quizquestions[399] = {'_line': 'Which direction is opposite to up?', 'answer1': 'Down', 'answer2': 'North', 'answer3': 'West', 'answer4': 'East', 'answer5': 'Up', 'answer6': 'South'}; quizquestions[400] = {'_line': 'What soft drink was Pepsiman made to promote?', 'answer1': 'Pepsi', 'answer2': 'Coke', 'answer3': 'Dr Pepper', 'answer4': 'Lemonade', 'answer5': 'Vodka', 'answer6': 'Beer'}; quizquestions[401] = {'_line': 'What 4 letter word is short for "Bicycle"?', 'answer1': 'Bike', 'answer2': 'Hoop', 'answer3': 'Cake', 'answer4': 'Lewd', 'answer5': 'Ford', 'answer6': 'Clip'}; quizquestions[402] = {'_line': 'What shape does a soccer ball most closely resemble?', 'answer1': 'Ball', 'answer2': 'Cube', 'answer3': 'Cylinder', 'answer4': 'Pyramid', 'answer5': 'Disc', 'answer6': 'Cone'}; quizquestions[403] = {'_line': 'What animals are scarecrows designed to scare?', 'answer1': 'Crows', 'answer2': 'Cows', 'answer3': 'Rhinos', 'answer4': 'Unicorns', 'answer5': 'Pelicans', 'answer6': 'Humans'}; quizquestions[404] = {'_line': 'What letter does "Indonesia" Start with?', 'answer1': 'I', 'answer2': 'O', 'answer3': 'E', 'answer4': 'A', 'answer5': 'Y', 'answer6': 'U'}; quizquestions[405] = {'_line': 'On what continent is American Football usually played?', 'answer1': 'America', 'answer2': 'Australia', 'answer3': 'Antarctica', 'answer4': 'Europe', 'answer5': 'Asia', 'answer6': 'Africa'}; quizquestions[406] = {'_line': 'What country is Nintendo of Japan based in?', 'answer1': 'Japan', 'answer2': 'China', 'answer3': 'Russia', 'answer4': 'France', 'answer5': 'Germany', 'answer6': 'Pluto'}; quizquestions[407] = {'_line': 'What\'s the name of the ship that sank during the Titanic Disaster?', 'answer1': 'Titanic', 'answer2': 'Biggyboat', 'answer3': 'Boaty McBoatface', 'answer4': 'Bounty', 'answer5': 'Mayflower', 'answer6': 'Bismarck'}; quizquestions[408] = {'_line': 'How do you spell "Badminton"?', 'answer1': 'Badminton', 'answer2': 'Badmintoff', 'answer3': 'Batmitten', 'answer4': 'Batman', 'answer5': 'Manbatten', 'answer6': 'BatBatten'}; quizquestions[409] = {'_line': 'What three letters are used to stand for "Rest In Peace"?', 'answer1': 'RIP', 'answer2': 'BGF', 'answer3': 'NRA', 'answer4': 'OMG', 'answer5': 'FML', 'answer6': 'LOL'}; quizquestions[410] = {'_line': 'What is "Oil" spelled backwards?', 'answer1': 'Lio', 'answer2': 'Oily', 'answer3': 'Yuol', 'answer4': 'Retpo', 'answer5': 'Yrepils', 'answer6': 'Kcalb'}; quizquestions[411] = {'_line': 'Name a common virus that shares its name with a temperature?', 'answer1': 'Cold', 'answer2': 'Hot', 'answer3': '800 degrees', 'answer4': 'Celcius', 'answer5': 'Stone', 'answer6': 'Boiling'}; quizquestions[412] = {'_line': 'What country do most Danish people come from?', 'answer1': 'Denmark', 'answer2': 'Sweden', 'answer3': 'Norway', 'answer4': 'USA', 'answer5': 'Canada', 'answer6': 'Finland'}; quizquestions[413] = {'_line': 'What is the second letter in the word "romance"?', 'answer1': 'O', 'answer2': 'M', 'answer3': 'A', 'answer4': 'N', 'answer5': 'C', 'answer6': 'E'}; quizquestions[414] = {'_line': 'What vehicle is designed to transport paramedics?', 'answer1': 'Ambulance', 'answer2': 'Firetruck', 'answer3': 'Cruiser', 'answer4': 'Rocket', 'answer5': 'Harrier', 'answer6': 'Bicycle'}; quizquestions[415] = {'_line': 'What country do Chinese people come from?', 'answer1': 'China', 'answer2': 'Japan', 'answer3': 'Malaysia', 'answer4': 'Singapore', 'answer5': 'Space', 'answer6': 'Ireland'}; quizquestions[416] = {'_line': 'How many wheels do scooters usually have?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '3', 'answer3': '10', 'answer4': '5', 'answer5': '6', 'answer6': '7'}; quizquestions[417] = {'_line': 'How many discus are thrown at a time during the olympics?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '3', 'answer3': '10', 'answer4': '100', 'answer5': '150', 'answer6': '340'}; quizquestions[418] = {'_line': 'What letter is used to change Bollywood into Hollywood?', 'answer1': 'H', 'answer2': 'A', 'answer3': 'E', 'answer4': 'Z', 'answer5': 'X', 'answer6': 'C'}; quizquestions[419] = {'_line': 'How many syllables are in "Constantinople"?', 'answer1': '5', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[420] = {'_line': 'What mollusc is used to make escargot?', 'answer1': 'Snail', 'answer2': 'Chicken', 'answer3': 'Cow', 'answer4': 'Sheep', 'answer5': 'Fish', 'answer6': 'Snake'}; quizquestions[421] = {'_line': 'What black and white mammal is known for its stink?', 'answer1': 'Skunk', 'answer2': 'Rose', 'answer3': 'Dragon', 'answer4': 'Fish', 'answer5': 'parrot', 'answer6': 'incence'}; quizquestions[422] = {'_line': 'What are the first three letters of "school"?', 'answer1': 'Sch', 'answer2': 'Lop', 'answer3': 'Pho', 'answer4': 'Ool', 'answer5': 'Eel', 'answer6': 'Cru'}; quizquestions[423] = {'_line': 'What bird can be named by taking "B" out of "Bowl"?', 'answer1': 'Owl', 'answer2': 'Toucan', 'answer3': 'Parrot', 'answer4': 'Peacock', 'answer5': 'Eagle', 'answer6': 'Falcon'}; quizquestions[424] = {'_line': 'What are beaches usually made of?', 'answer1': 'Sand', 'answer2': 'Steel', 'answer3': 'Wood', 'answer4': 'Magma', 'answer5': 'Aluminium', 'answer6': 'Cloth'}; quizquestions[425] = {'_line': 'How many letters are in "Computer"?', 'answer1': '8', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '50', 'answer6': '80'}; quizquestions[426] = {'_line': 'What are male pigs called?', 'answer1': 'Boar', 'answer2': 'Plank', 'answer3': 'Nails', 'answer4': 'Hammer', 'answer5': 'Sickle', 'answer6': 'Wheat'}; quizquestions[427] = {'_line': 'How many "E"\'s are in "peel"?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '5', 'answer3': '1', 'answer4': '0', 'answer5': '9', 'answer6': '15'}; quizquestions[428] = {'_line': 'What\'s one million, plus half a million?', 'answer1': '1.5 million', 'answer2': '15', 'answer3': '1.5', 'answer4': '1500', 'answer5': '1', 'answer6': '5'}; quizquestions[429] = {'_line': 'What are the first 5 letters of "lightning"?', 'answer1': 'Light', 'answer2': 'None', 'answer3': 'Jazzy', 'answer4': 'Scuzz', 'answer5': 'Zebra', 'answer6': 'Quaff'}; quizquestions[430] = {'_line': 'What is Jon Jafari\'s last name?', 'answer1': 'Jafari', 'answer2': 'Jacques', 'answer3': 'Croshaw', 'answer4': 'Rolfe', 'answer5': 'Walker', 'answer6': 'Dolphin'}; quizquestions[431] = {'_line': 'What colour are white storks?', 'answer1': 'White', 'answer2': 'Blue', 'answer3': 'Red', 'answer4': 'Brown', 'answer5': 'Magenta', 'answer6': 'Violet'}; quizquestions[432] = {'_line': 'What 4 letters make an acronym for "Angry Video Game Nerd"', 'answer1': 'AVGN', 'answer2': 'James', 'answer3': 'Rolfe', 'answer4': 'Jaques', 'answer5': 'NES', 'answer6': 'SNES'}; quizquestions[433] = {'_line': 'What well known superhero has the word "Super" in their name?', 'answer1': 'Superman', 'answer2': 'Batman', 'answer3': 'Spiderman', 'answer4': 'Ironman', 'answer5': 'Antman', 'answer6': 'Aquaman'}; quizquestions[434] = {'_line': 'How many socks do you need minimum to wear on 2 feet?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '4', 'answer3': '5', 'answer4': '9', 'answer5': '11', 'answer6': '13'}; quizquestions[435] = {'_line': 'What farming tool has the word "sick" in it?', 'answer1': 'Sickle', 'answer2': 'Scythe', 'answer3': 'Plow', 'answer4': 'Shovel', 'answer5': 'Shears', 'answer6': 'Hoe'}; quizquestions[436] = {'_line': 'How many "L"\'s are in "awful"?', 'answer1': '1', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '0', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[437] = {'_line': 'You are most likely to have dreams while...', 'answer1': 'Sleeping', 'answer2': 'Running', 'answer3': 'Working', 'answer4': 'Excersizing', 'answer5': 'Walking', 'answer6': 'Driving'}; quizquestions[438] = {'_line': 'What food is made by frying battered rings of onion?', 'answer1': 'Onion Rings', 'answer2': 'Hamburgers', 'answer3': 'Pizza', 'answer4': 'French Fries', 'answer5': 'Ketchup', 'answer6': 'Chicken'}; quizquestions[439] = {'_line': 'What kind of fish is a Great White Shark?', 'answer1': 'Shark', 'answer2': 'Narwhal', 'answer3': 'Beluga', 'answer4': 'Dolphin', 'answer5': 'Whale', 'answer6': 'Tuna'}; quizquestions[440] = {'_line': 'Name a tool designed to keep you dry.', 'answer1': 'Umbrella', 'answer2': 'Shower', 'answer3': 'Bath', 'answer4': 'Pool', 'answer5': 'Stream', 'answer6': 'Lake'}; quizquestions[441] = {'_line': 'By default, what button is used to click these answers?', 'answer1': 'Left Mouse', 'answer2': 'Right Mouse', 'answer3': 'Middle Mouse', 'answer4': 'Control', 'answer5': 'Shift', 'answer6': 'Space'}; quizquestions[442] = {'_line': 'How many head does a 3 headed monkey have?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[443] = {'_line': 'What objective must players capture in games of capture the flag?', 'answer1': 'Flag', 'answer2': 'Ball', 'answer3': 'Brick', 'answer4': 'Cube', 'answer5': 'Horse', 'answer6': 'Bike'}; quizquestions[444] = {'_line': 'Where do Welsh people come from?', 'answer1': 'Wales', 'answer2': 'Denmark', 'answer3': 'Sweden', 'answer4': 'China', 'answer5': 'Russia', 'answer6': 'Nepal'}; quizquestions[445] = {'_line': 'What number is in the title of "Left 4 Dead"', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[446] = {'_line': 'What currency does the USA use?', 'answer1': 'Dollar', 'answer2': 'Pound', 'answer3': 'Euro', 'answer4': 'Rupee', 'answer5': 'Yen', 'answer6': 'Peso'}; quizquestions[447] = {'_line': 'How many millilitres are in a litre?', 'answer1': '1000', 'answer2': '100', 'answer3': '200', 'answer4': '1', 'answer5': '2', 'answer6': '3'}; quizquestions[448] = {'_line': 'How many "o"\'s are in alcohol?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '4', 'answer5': '5', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[449] = {'_line': 'On Earth, what substance usually makes up rain?', 'answer1': 'Water', 'answer2': 'Dirt', 'answer3': 'Rocks', 'answer4': 'Poison', 'answer5': 'Sugar', 'answer6': 'Oil'}; quizquestions[450] = {'_line': 'What deadly substance do poisonous creatures contain?', 'answer1': 'Poison', 'answer2': 'Ice Cream', 'answer3': 'Antidote', 'answer4': 'Ice', 'answer5': 'Sugar', 'answer6': 'Oil'}; quizquestions[451] = {'_line': 'Which of these animals doesn\'t have the word "fish" in its name?', 'answer1': 'Whale', 'answer2': 'Swordfish', 'answer3': 'Sailfish', 'answer4': 'Horsefish', 'answer5': 'Lionfish', 'answer6': 'Catfish'}; quizquestions[452] = {'_line': 'How many letters are in the word "music"?', 'answer1': '5', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '2', 'answer4': '3', 'answer5': '4', 'answer6': '6'}; quizquestions[453] = {'_line': 'Name an absorbent cloth most likely used in the sport of towel whipping.', 'answer1': 'Towel', 'answer2': 'Plywood', 'answer3': 'Shovel', 'answer4': 'Car', 'answer5': 'Fish', 'answer6': 'Bucket'}; quizquestions[454] = {'_line': 'What type of animal is Zoey the Gazelle?', 'answer1': 'gazelle', 'answer2': 'Giraffe', 'answer3': 'Zebra', 'answer4': 'Elephant', 'answer5': 'Phoenix', 'answer6': 'Rat'}; quizquestions[455] = {'_line': 'What type of pokemon is Gemma the Absol?', 'answer1': 'Absol', 'answer2': 'Pikachu', 'answer3': 'Bulbasaur', 'answer4': 'Charmander', 'answer5': 'Squirtle', 'answer6': 'Dratini'}; quizquestions[456] = {'_line': 'What was the protagonists\' species in "The Lion King"?', 'answer1': 'Lion', 'answer2': 'Orca', 'answer3': 'Penguin', 'answer4': 'Yeti', 'answer5': 'Elephant', 'answer6': 'Tiger'}; quizquestions[457] = {'_line': 'Which of these numbers is not equal to 1?', 'answer1': '2', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '1', 'answer4': '1', 'answer5': '1', 'answer6': '1'}; quizquestions[458] = {'_line': 'Which of these numbers is even?', 'answer1': '4', 'answer2': '1', 'answer3': '3', 'answer4': '5', 'answer5': '7', 'answer6': '9'}; quizquestions[459] = {'_line': 'Which of these numbers is odd?', 'answer1': '3', 'answer2': '2', 'answer3': '4', 'answer4': '6', 'answer5': '8', 'answer6': '10'}; quizquestions[460] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[461] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[462] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[463] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[464] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[465] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[466] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[467] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[468] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[469] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[470] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[471] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[472] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[473] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[474] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[475] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[476] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[477] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[478] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[479] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[480] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[481] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[482] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[483] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[484] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[485] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[486] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[487] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[488] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[489] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[490] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[491] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[492] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[493] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[494] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[495] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[496] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[497] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[498] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; quizquestions[499] = {'_line': 'question', 'answer1': 'answre1', 'answer2': 'answer2', 'answer3': 'answer3', 'answer4': 'answer4', 'answer5': 'answer5', 'answer6': 'answer6'}; var maxquestions = 460; var questions = new Array(); resetquestions = function () { questions = []; n = 0; while (questions.length < maxquestions) { questions[n] = n; n += 1; } }; resetquestions(); var AN = new Array(); var answers = new Array(); resetAN = function () { AN[0] = 1; AN[1] = 2; AN[2] = 3; AN[3] = 4; AN[4] = 5; AN[5] = 6; }; resetAN(); makequestion = function () { P = Math.floor(Math.random() * questions.length); n = questions[P]; questions.splice(P, 1); answers = []; resetAN(); I = 0; while (I < 6) { B = Math.floor(Math.random() * AN.length); answers[I] = AN[B]; AN.splice(B, 1); I += 1; } Qpanel.Qbox._txt.text = quizquestions[n]._line; Qpanel.An1._txt.text = quizquestions[n]['answer' + answers[0]]; Qpanel.An1.Qval = answers[0]; Qpanel.An2._txt.text = quizquestions[n]['answer' + answers[1]]; Qpanel.An2.Qval = answers[1]; Qpanel.An3._txt.text = quizquestions[n]['answer' + answers[2]]; Qpanel.An3.Qval = answers[2]; Qpanel.An4._txt.text = quizquestions[n]['answer' + answers[3]]; Qpanel.An4.Qval = answers[3]; Qpanel.An5._txt.text = quizquestions[n]['answer' + answers[4]]; Qpanel.An5.Qval = answers[4]; Qpanel.An6._txt.text = quizquestions[n]['answer' + answers[5]]; Qpanel.An6.Qval = answers[5]; if (questions.length <= 1) { resetquestions(); } }; var answerval = 0; makequestion(); var Mspeech = new Object(); Mspeech[0] = {'_line': 'Mmmph!'}; Mspeech[1] = {'_line': 'Hudda hudda huh.'}; Mspeech[2] = {'_line': 'Ow dow how dow.'}; Mspeech[3] = {'_line': 'Murr hurr mphuphurrur, hurr mph phrr.'}; Mspeech[4] = {'_line': 'Mmmmmmmrrrrrrrpppghhh!'}; Mspeech[5] = {'_line': 'Mhhhhoooooo!'}; Mspeech[6] = {'_line': 'Mrghfrr!'}; Mspeech[7] = {'_line': 'Mmmh,mmh!'}; Mspeech[8] = {'_line': 'Mmmrgh!'}; Mspeech[9] = {'_line': 'Mmphn frphha herrpha.'}; Mspeech[10] = {'_line': 'Mhnk nhya mhph.'}; Mspeech[11] = {'_line': 'Hurrururururu!'}; Mspeech[12] = {'_line': 'Mmmphya harrgh mrgha hrghgph!'}; Mspeech[13] = {'_line': 'Mrh! Hrt hr nha phrnt yrh mrprph!'}; Mspeech[14] = {'_line': 'Mrfer!'}; Mspeech[15] = {'_line': 'Heh dum dummad'}; Mspeech[16] = {'_line': 'line'}; Mspeech[17] = {'_line': 'line'}; Mspeech[18] = {'_line': 'line'}; Mspeech[19] = {'_line': 'line'}; var Aspeech = new Object(); Aspeech[0] = {'_line': 'What? No, not that one.', '_expression': 'panic'}; Aspeech[1] = {'_line': 'Ooooh, now that\'s cunning...', '_expression': 'intrigued'}; Aspeech[2] = {'_line': '*gasp* A distraction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', '_expression': 'panic'}; Aspeech[3] = {'_line': 'Hey! Hey you\'d better read this, or else you might not run out of time.', '_expression': 'attention'}; Aspeech[4] = {'_line': 'Jeez, I thought Barney would be above playing dirty like this.', '_expression': 'cringe'}; Aspeech[5] = {'_line': 'Man, what a nasty question.', '_expression': 'disgusted'}; Aspeech[6] = {'_line': 'How would anyone ever get THAT right?', '_expression': 'outraged'}; Aspeech[7] = {'_line': 'Wait, that\'s wrong. He made a mistake with that question.', '_expression': 'panic'}; Aspeech[8] = {'_line': 'You might want to use a lifeline for this one.', '_expression': 'cringe'}; Aspeech[9] = {'_line': 'Hey, isn\'t there\'s something you\'re forgetting?', '_expression': 'panic'}; Aspeech[10] = {'_line': 'Remember, a stupid question has a stupid answer.', '_expression': 'warning'}; Aspeech[11] = {'_line': 'Oh, oh no. That\'s a trick question.', '_expression': 'panic'}; Aspeech[12] = {'_line': 'I\'m not entirely sure you don\'t have a fraudulent view of the incorrect nature of the false answer you\'re not considering.', '_expression': 'warning'}; Aspeech[13] = {'_line': 'Huh, that question\'s a little TOO easy, don\'t you think?', '_expression': 'panic'}; Aspeech[14] = {'_line': 'Are... Are any of those technically correct?', '_expression': 'panic'}; Aspeech[15] = {'_line': 'What a dirty trick. Exploiting a technicality like that.', '_expression': 'outraged'}; Aspeech[16] = {'_line': 'Psh, you\'d be smart enough not to fall for THAT right?', '_expression': 'warning'}; Aspeech[17] = {'_line': 'Wait a minute, oh, that question....', '_expression': 'panic'}; Aspeech[18] = {'_line': 'Shouldn\'t you be reading the question, and not this?', '_expression': 'warning'}; Aspeech[19] = {'_line': 'That\'s not what you think...', '_expression': 'panic'}; var maxdis = 20; var helpmode = false; var helpspeech = new Object(); speech.Asounds = {'_line': 'Hey! You wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.loser = {'_line': 'Wow, you got THAT question wrong? Here, let me display your skill level for you.', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.blinders = {'_line': 'I think I need some more privacy. These blinders will be a good start', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.xsquished = {'_line': 'I was just thinking my waist wasn\'t narrow enough, as well as the rest of me.', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.ysquished = {'_line': 'You love short girls don\'t you? Even when they\'re obviously just not drawn properly?', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.shaking = {'_line': 'Hey! Did you know I can make earthquakes? Check it out!', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.multicolours = {'_line': 'Grey is such a boring colour, but I can\'t decide which one I want to focus on!', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.HOint = {'_line': 'Y\'know, I was just thinking your interface doesn\'t look obnoxious enough. NOW it\'s majestic.', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.poo = {'_line': 'How would you like a poo emoji for a cursor. I know how much you LOOOOVE Emojis after that movie.', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.rickroll = {'_line': 'You may be a stranger to love, but I\'ll bet you\'re no stranger to this song.', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.static = {'_line': 'You know what I think will improve your viewing experience? A nice film grain!', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.blade = {'_line': 'You know what I think will improve your viewing experience? A nice film grain!', '_expression': '>:)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixAsounds = {'_line': 'To be fair, even I was starting to get annoyed with that sound.', '_expression': ':=U', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixloser = {'_line': 'Get rid of that word all you want. We both know it\'s true.', '_expression': ':B', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixblinders = {'_line': 'Aww. Those were too hard to see through were they?', '_expression': ':B', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixxsquished = {'_line': 'I think you just discovered a way to make my waist wider without impregnating me.', '_expression': ':)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixysquished = {'_line': 'Good. I can reach things on high shelves again.', '_expression': ':B', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixshaking = {'_line': 'I guess earthquakes are kinda bad for the surrounding towns, huh?', '_expression': ':=U', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixmulticolours = {'_line': 'So you like grey? Yeeash!', '_expression': ':=U', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixHOint = {'_line': 'Fine. Boring interface for a boring person..', '_expression': ':=U', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixpoo = {'_line': 'Oh what? How could you noooot like emojis?!.', '_expression': ':B', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixrickroll = {'_line': 'Ooohohooo. Somehow, I think you\'ve been scarred by that song..', '_expression': ':B', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech.fixstatic = {'_line': 'I hope you didn\'t bang on your monitor to fix that!', '_expression': ':)', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[0] = {'_line': 'Hey! How did I get here? What\'s going on? Who are you?', '_expression': 'scared', '_line2': 'And what is this collar around my neck?', '_expression2': 'collar'}; speech[1] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'I\'m glad to have armour to stop poking like that.', '_expression': 'taunt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[2] = {'_line': 'Oooh, this is some kind of game where you get to interact with me? Well I have armour, plot, and also metal.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[3] = {'_line': 'And they said armoured hips would be unnecessary.', '_expression': 'proud', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[4] = {'_line': 'I\'m not your pretend girlfriend, and even if I was, I can\'t feel you through my armour anyway.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[5] = {'_line': 'I have a bad feeling about this.', '_expression': 'wary', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[6] = {'_line': 'Ngh, I\'m having a hard time breaking the fourth wall here...', '_expression': 'struggle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[7] = {'_line': 'The Collar, it\'s making me weaker. I can feel it.', '_expression': 'forboding', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[8] = {'_line': 'I already know trying to remove this thing is pointless.', '_expression': 'annoyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[9] = {'_line': 'I just wanted something from the fridge.', '_expression': 'dejected', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[10] = {'_line': 'H-Hey! My helmet!', '_expression': 'helmet', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[11] = {'_line': 'Phew.', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[12] = {'_line': 'Does this armour make my butt look big?', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[13] = {'_line': 'Wha!? How\'d you do that!?', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[14] = {'_line': 'To quote the AVGN, what were you thinking???', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[15] = {'_line': '*unused*0_arms_idle', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[16] = {'_line': '*unused*You have no idea how frustrating having blades for hands is...', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': 'Yes, even energy blades.', '_expression2': ''}; speech[17] = {'_line': '*unused*Topless idle', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[18] = {'_line': '*unused*bottomlessidle', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[19] = {'_line': '*unused*top_removed', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[20] = {'_line': '*unused*bottom_removed', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[21] = {'_line': '*unused*top_back', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[22] = {'_line': '*unused*bottomback', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[23] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Aaahh!! what did you just do!?', '_expression': 'surprise', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[24] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Ooooh <3! What is this power!!', '_expression': 'tongue', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[25] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Oh... my legs...', '_expression': 'moan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[26] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Nggh!! Ahhhhhh<3', '_expression': 'lust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[27] = {'_line': 'lactatewithtop', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[28] = {'_line': 'lactatewithouttop', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[29] = {'_line': 'armsrecovered', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[30] = {'_line': 'Mirroron', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[31] = {'_line': 'mirroroff', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[32] = {'_line': 'cantpunish', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[33] = {'_line': 'losthands', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[34] = {'_line': 'handsback', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[35] = {'_line': 'nude_idle', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[36] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[37] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[38] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[39] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[50] = {'_line': 'Oh no, you removed my armour!', '_expression': 'freak', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[51] = {'_line': 'Hey! Is that any way to treat a sangheili?', '_expression': 'mad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[52] = {'_line': 'I really hate being so busty sometimes.', '_expression': 'annoyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[53] = {'_line': '"Sigh", I miss my hip armour already.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[54] = {'_line': 'A leg person are you? Well my legs aren\'t for you.', '_expression': 'bemused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[55] = {'_line': 'So you\'ve stripped off my armour, let’s hope that\'s all you can do.', '_expression': 'ignore', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[56] = {'_line': 'This isn\'t going well for me so far, is it?', '_expression': 'dejected', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[57] = {'_line': 'I can already tell I\'m going to have a baaaad day', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[58] = {'_line': 'I never liked gameshows...', '_expression': 'grumble', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[59] = {'_line': 'Um.... I\'m a little cold...?', '_expression': 'wary', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[60] = {'_line': 'Hey! My helmet! I made that!', '_expression': 'helmet', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[61] = {'_line': 'Cool, now I look like spotty Sonic again.', '_expression': 'Hrelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[62] = {'_line': 'Is this mirror really necessary?', '_expression': 'mirror', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[63] = {'_line': 'Wha-!? AAUGH! MY ARMS!!!', '_expression': 'scream', '_line2': 'Did you really have to go that far so soon?', '_expression2': 'yell'}; speech[64] = {'_line': 'Tee hee... you\'re not very good at logic are you?', '_expression': 'taunt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[65] = {'_line': '*sigh* I miss my arms....', '_expression': 'dejected', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[66] = {'_line': 'Well, energy blades are better than nothing?', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[67] = {'_line': 'I\'m not about to ask you to massage my chest, in case you were wondering.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[68] = {'_line': 'Y\'know, usually, they go for the top first...', '_expression': 'impressedass', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[69] = {'_line': 'Eeek! Was that really needed so soon?!', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'topless', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[70] = {'_line': 'H-Hey! Quit stealing my clothes!', '_expression': 'embarrassed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[71] = {'_line': 'Ahhh, that\'s a relief.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'relief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[72] = {'_line': 'My butt is secure. Just like it should be.', '_expression': 'secure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[73] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Oh Ooooh!!<3 How can a prod feel so goood?', '_expression': 'moan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[74] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'W-what are you doing!? Keep your bewitched hands to yourself!', '_expression': 'flustered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[75] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Stop! You\'re sending surges through my whole body!', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[76] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'I-I-I...I\'m totally not into this!', '_expression': 'denial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[77] = {'_line': 'Oh come on! I only just got that!', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[78] = {'_line': 'That floor isn\'t going to clean itself, you know?', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[79] = {'_line': 'Phew, you had me scared there.', '_expression': 'narrow', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[80] = {'_line': 'You, answered a quiz to win the power of reflection.', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '....actually, I can think of a lot of uses for that.', '_expression2': 'enlightened'}; speech[81] = {'_line': 'Tired of the mirror? What? Did you see yourself in it?', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[82] = {'_line': 'What? Do you expect me to kick you? I\'m not risking losing my legs too.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '... Besides, my feet are still stuck to the floor.', '_expression2': 'humiliated'}; speech[83] = {'_line': 'Hey. I\'ve always wanted a- EEEK What did you do to my hands!?', '_expression': 'shriek', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[84] = {'_line': 'It\'s nice to have all my fingers back.', '_expression': 'warm', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[85] = {'_line': 'I\'m really starting to appreciate my armour right now. I\'d sleep in it if I could..', '_expression': 'wistful', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[86] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[87] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[88] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[89] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[100] = {'_line': 'My boobs... feel warm...', '_expression': 'forboding', '_line2': 'You\'re making them bigger, aren\'t you?', '_expression2': 'bemused'}; speech[101] = {'_line': 'Ah! I much prefered the warm feeling!', '_expression': 'twang', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[102] = {'_line': 'Hmp! Just be glad my actual boyfriend isn\'t here.', '_expression': 'pout', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[103] = {'_line': 'My hips don\'t lie, and they\'re telling me you have no respect.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[104] = {'_line': 'Well I... guess that\'s nice.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[105] = {'_line': 'That\'s right User. I know where this is going.', '_expression': 'showoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[106] = {'_line': 'Well, I hope Gerald likes really big boobs.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': 'Oh who am I kidding, I KNOW he does.', '_expression2': 'relief'}; speech[107] = {'_line': 'Now I just have to wait and see what the limit is, because I know I can\'t keep getting bigger indefinitely.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': 'Right.....?', '_expression2': 'scared'}; speech[108] = {'_line': 'You\'d better hope I don\'t get a chance to have some fun with you, \'cuz I will.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[109] = {'_line': 'Man, I hope I don\'t have to go jogging any time soon...', '_expression': 'wow', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[110] = {'_line': 'Isn\'t it bad enough you took the rest of my armour?', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': 'I\'d better get that back, by the way.', '_expression2': 'bemoan'}; speech[111] = {'_line': 'Yes! I looove my helmet <3', '_expression': ':3', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[112] = {'_line': 'So there\'s a mirror behind me? Lazy camera-work, amirite?', '_expression': 'taunt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[113] = {'_line': 'Oh, wow. Looking at the price, you\'re there way sooner than I expected.', '_expression': 'whoa', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[114] = {'_line': 'You realise you\'re trying to have your cake and eat it, right?', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[115] = {'_line': 'Everyone say hi to Amielia, the busty paraplegic.', '_expression': 'rant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[116] = {'_line': 'You have no idea how frustrating having blades for hands is...', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': 'Yes, even energy blade hands.', '_expression2': ''}; speech[117] = {'_line': 'I\'ve been caught topless before, but this is ridiculous.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[118] = {'_line': 'Well, at least they weren\'t torn off.', '_expression': 'enlightened', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[119] = {'_line': 'You had better be planning on giving that back to me.', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'threaten', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[120] = {'_line': 'What did my underpants ever do to you!!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[121] = {'_line': 'Hmph, right where it belongs. and just in time, I think they\'ve got a big journey ahead of them.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'triumphant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[122] = {'_line': 'That\'s right! And you won\'t get them when they\'re in my drawer either.', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[123] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'I- er... that doesn\'t feel good<3.', '_expression': 'denial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[124] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Oooh oh man! I can\'t take it!!', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[125] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Ngh! my hips. Aaaah <3', '_expression': 'lust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[126] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'ooooooohhh. Stop....My boyfriend...', '_expression': 'moan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[127] = {'_line': 'Yeah, that is indeed the intended purpose of boobs. So glad to see you passed basic health class.', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[128] = {'_line': 'Can\'t you at least put a sponge down there or something?', '_expression': 'defeated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[129] = {'_line': 'Shoulder...biceps...forearms... it\'s all there!', '_expression': 'secure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[130] = {'_line': 'A mirror? To each their own I guess.', '_expression': 'mirror', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[131] = {'_line': 'The mirror was pretty mundane, let\'s be honest.', '_expression': 'fair', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[132] = {'_line': 'I guess I have to let you get away with that... for now....', '_expression': 'narrow', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[133] = {'_line': 'What do you have against fingers!! You\'re using them right now, aren\'t you??', '_expression': 'mad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[134] = {'_line': 'Oh thank goodness, I had the worst itch.', '_expression': 'relief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[135] = {'_line': 'At least if I want to go skinny dipping, there\'s one less step involved.', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[136] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[137] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[138] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[139] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[150] = {'_line': 'I guess I\'m just going to have to get used to that warm feeling.', '_expression': 'depressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[151] = {'_line': 'I hope you didn\'t make me bustier just to poke me in the chest.', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[152] = {'_line': 'At least you\'re being gentle.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[153] = {'_line': 'I\'m glad you can\'t reach my anus from here.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_line2': '....yeah, that was gross, I apologise.', '_expression2': 'gross'}; speech[154] = {'_line': 'Like my thighs? Well, I like my thighs too, but I keep my hands off.', '_expression': 'taunt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[155] = {'_line': 'So how do you like the quiz? Easy right?.', '_expression': 'happy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[156] = {'_line': 'Thankfully, I\'m no stranger to sexy magic.', '_expression': 'showoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[157] = {'_line': 'Are you sure you don\'t have anything better to do?', '_expression': 'bemused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[158] = {'_line': 'You\'re only just getting started aren\'t you?', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[159] = {'_line': 'I wish I could jump. I\'d like to see how much they can swing.', '_expression': 'sad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[160] = {'_line': 'I guess you must like hair.', '_expression': 'chuckle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[161] = {'_line': 'Well, thank you for at least letting me keep the helmet.', '_expression': 'Hrelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[162] = {'_line': 'At least you\'re not vain enough to use that mirror to look at yourself.', '_expression': 'enlightened', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[163] = {'_line': 'AHHHH! My arms! Not my arms!', '_expression': 'scream', '_line2': '...was that dramatic enough?', '_expression2': 'ignore'}; speech[164] = {'_line': 'Do you know what a point is? Well what you just did doesn\'t have one.', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[165] = {'_line': 'Geez, if I at least had stumps, I could strap a shield or a gun to it or something.', '_expression': 'rant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[166] = {'_line': 'Having swords for hands. I don\'t even know what to say about that.', '_expression': 'humiliated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[167] = {'_line': 'I bet you\'d never steal a girl’s top in real life.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[168] = {'_line': 'I wish I still had pants... my hips are starting to get intense.', '_expression': 'impressedass', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[169] = {'_line': 'H-hey! You don\'t get to take my top just \'cuz my boobs have grown.', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[170] = {'_line': 'What, couldn\'t you SEE my hips growing through these pants?', '_expression': 'flabberghasted', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[171] = {'_line': 'Hmph, well, I do like wearing red.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'smug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[172] = {'_line': 'Yes! Covered butt for me.', '_expression': 'proud', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[173] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'AaaAaaAhhh<3 the pressure in my nips...', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[174] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Ngh! My breasts... so hooot...', '_expression': 'lust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[175] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'A-Aaahh! My hips!', '_expression': 'moan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[176] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'W-what is this power you have over my legs<3!', '_expression': 'invigorated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[177] = {'_line': 'Gosh darn, The wet patch is really pressing on my nipple.', '_expression': 'stressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[178] = {'_line': 'Well, you won\'t see ME crying over spilt milk.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[179] = {'_line': 'Aw yiss. Got my arms back!', '_expression': ':3', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[180] = {'_line': 'Huh? Is that a mirror? You don\'t have enough of a view?', '_expression': 'mirror', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[181] = {'_line': 'Well, at least I have a little more privacy...', '_expression': 'bemoan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[182] = {'_line': 'Does it LOOK like I can punish you?', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[183] = {'_line': 'Aw darn it. Good thing I\'m not paying to learn piano.', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[184] = {'_line': 'Yeah! Dexterity for the win!', '_expression': 'cheer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[185] = {'_line': 'Being naked is just what I wanted to counter this warm feeling.', '_expression': 'denial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[186] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[187] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[188] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[189] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[200] = {'_line': 'Yes, I noticed the hips as well. But I\'ll bet most people aren\'t focused on that.', '_expression': 'dull', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[201] = {'_line': 'You know, there\'s only so much I\'m willing to tease you.', '_expression': 'bored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[202] = {'_line': 'I don\'t suppose I could convince you that it isn\'t sexytime right now, could I?', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[203] = {'_line': 'What, are you trying to make me dance?', '_expression': 'ignore', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[204] = {'_line': 'Yeah, they are more sensitive. Thanks for asking, with your hands.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[205] = {'_line': 'Did Barney put you up to this? Of course he did.', '_expression': 'gross', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[206] = {'_line': 'Er, if this is a gameshow, why are you the only contestant?', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[207] = {'_line': 'So wait, what do I get if you win?', '_expression': 'happy', '_line2': 'Oh yeah, an unrealistic hourglass figure, at least.', '_expression2': 'grumble'}; speech[208] = {'_line': 'This is not the kind of gameshow I\'D watch.', '_expression': 'defeated', '_line2': 'But I bet you would.', '_expression2': 'mock'}; speech[209] = {'_line': 'Did anyone even explain the rules? I guess you have to figure them out as you go.', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[210] = {'_line': 'Do you mind? That was keeping my head warm.', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[211] = {'_line': 'Ah, now I can have a nice toasty, and toast-er head.', '_expression': 'Hrelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[212] = {'_line': 'I can\'t help but feel I\'m being watched.', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[213] = {'_line': 'Could you maybe not steal my arms? I like them a lot.', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[214] = {'_line': 'Pointless, redundant, futile, worthless, unneccesary, superflous. What do all these words have in common? They all describe your action.', '_expression': 'taunt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[215] = {'_line': 'Does this count as being maimed?', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[216] = {'_line': 'Cool, I can become the next Star Wars Kid', '_expression': 'coolhands', '_line2': '...On second thoughts, that\'s a horrible idea.', '_expression2': 'nervous'}; speech[217] = {'_line': 'Like what you see? Cuz it\'s about as good as the view up here is going to get.', '_expression': 'chuckle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[218] = {'_line': 'How\'s the view down there?', '_expression': 'bemused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[219] = {'_line': 'What\'s a girl gotta do to get some privacy these days?', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[220] = {'_line': 'Aieee! I\'ve been pantsed!!', '_expression': 'scream', '_line2': 'What? It\'s a colloquial term!', '_expression2': 'chat'}; speech[221] = {'_line': 'Ah, good. Support for the troops has returned!', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'pleased', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[222] = {'_line': 'Nice, I\'ll bet the werewolves are grateful to be humans again.', '_expression': 'relief', '_line2': 'Get it? Full moon?', '_expression2': 'sheepish'}; speech[223] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Aaaah! What a surge!', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[224] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'O-oooh. Stop it <3 I can\'t take it!', '_expression': 'ecstasy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[225] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'A- Are you trying to make me dance?', '_expression': 'flattered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[226] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Ooooh. Stoop iit.', '_expression': 'moan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[227] = {'_line': 'That\'s bad enough without it being so tight.', '_expression': 'strain', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[228] = {'_line': '*sigh* I don\'t suppose you\'re going to mop that up for me.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[229] = {'_line': 'Hey, you gave me back what you never had any right to anyway. thanks.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[230] = {'_line': 'Who even puts an "on" switch on a mirror?', '_expression': 'mirror', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[231] = {'_line': 'So you found the mirror\'s "off" switch.... Good work?', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[232] = {'_line': 'Yeah, I don\'t have arms. The punishment thing isn\'t happening.', '_expression': 'dumb', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[233] = {'_line': 'At least I can skip music lessons now.', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': 'Unless there\'s a way to play the energy blades?', '_expression2': 'swordhands'}; speech[234] = {'_line': 'Yes! I have all my fingers back!', '_expression': 'cheer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[235] = {'_line': 'I don\'t feel much like a playboy model. Do you have a pair of bunny ears I can wear?', '_expression': 'proud', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[236] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[237] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[238] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[239] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[250] = {'_line': 'You know, you\'ve answered a LOT of these dumb questions... You must be determined.', '_expression': 'impressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[251] = {'_line': 'That does hurt. Can you not?', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[252] = {'_line': 'You like my fat-sacks? I know I do.', '_expression': 'proud', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[253] = {'_line': 'Yeah, I\'m definitely getting thicker.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[254] = {'_line': 'I guess having the things that will stop me from going through doorways rubbed is nice.', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[255] = {'_line': 'I just know Vesha\'s going to mock me for this.', '_expression': 'cringe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[256] = {'_line': 'I\'m not looking forward to being called "thicc".', '_expression': 'flustered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[257] = {'_line': 'Just how many questions are there? Oh wait, I know, there\'s ' + maxquestions + '!', '_expression': 'chat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[258] = {'_line': 'Worst. Quiz. Ever!', '_expression': 'rant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[259] = {'_line': 'Gawd, how am I going to fit into normal clothes when this is over?', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[260] = {'_line': 'Hey! You\'re violating sun protection protocols!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[261] = {'_line': 'Yay! Now I can be in the sun again.', '_expression': 'Hrelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[262] = {'_line': 'I wonder how that mirror is staying there. Same thing that\'s holding me in place I guess.', '_expression': 'mirror', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[263] = {'_line': 'Can\'t you just use rope like a normal person?', '_expression': 'flabberghasted', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[264] = {'_line': 'If I even needed to explain what "pointless" is, I\'ll use that as an example.', '_expression': 'bored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[265] = {'_line': 'I don\'t know if I\'ll ever get used to this.', '_expression': 'annoyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[266] = {'_line': 'Well, I have energy swords. Do you?', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': 'I didn\'t think so.', '_expression2': 'smug'}; speech[267] = {'_line': 'I hate to imagine the swing these things will have with no support.', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[268] = {'_line': 'Look Ma! No pants!', '_expression': 'durr', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[269] = {'_line': 'Hey! These things are heavy y\'know.', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[270] = {'_line': 'No, don\'t! You\'ll expose werewolves to the full moon!!', '_expression': 'scream', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[271] = {'_line': 'I support my girls, and they support me.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'relief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[272] = {'_line': 'Phew! The werewolves are safe.', '_expression': 'beam', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[273] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Ooooh! The power of your abilities!', '_expression': 'lust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[274] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'NooOooo. It\'', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[275] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Ah! AaAah! AaaAaAaa! <3', '_expression': 'ecstasy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[276] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'I *pant* never knew my legs could feel this good.', '_expression': 'lust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[277] = {'_line': 'I hope you\'re going to help me wash this.', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[278] = {'_line': 'Got any cookies on you?', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[279] = {'_line': 'Thank goodness, I was starting to get phantom limb.', '_expression': 'pleased', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[280] = {'_line': 'A mirror is relatively mundane compared to what I know can be done.', '_expression': 'enlightened', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[281] = {'_line': 'Well, at least you\'re not looking at my poo tube now.', '_expression': 'taunt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[282] = {'_line': 'I\'d sing "99 bottles", but even I\'M not that patient.', '_expression': 'fair', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[283] = {'_line': 'Thanks! I always wanted to be jedi.', '_expression': 'coolhands', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[284] = {'_line': 'Yay, I have basic dexterity again!', '_expression': 'cheer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[285] = {'_line': 'Welp, I\'m naked and being watched.', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[286] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[287] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[288] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[289] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[300] = {'_line': 'I guess you\'re not tired yet. Well, it\'s been fun to watch you at least.', '_expression': 'chat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[301] = {'_line': 'Are you trying to tickle me? That\'s not how you tickle people.', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[302] = {'_line': 'So you\'re a lard rubber, eh?', '_expression': 'taunt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[303] = {'_line': 'My legs!', '_expression': 'scream', '_line2': 'Ahhhh, memes, right?', '_expression2': 'tease'}; speech[304] = {'_line': 'For you, I guess it IS leg day.', '_expression': 'chuckle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[305] = {'_line': 'I kinda wanna try this quiz now.', '_expression': 'invigorated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[306] = {'_line': 'I could do with a coffee myself for how long this is taking, now I think about it...', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[307] = {'_line': 'I don\'t suppose you could get this all over with?', '_expression': 'bored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[308] = {'_line': 'Oh man, this isn\'t about to get better for me is it?', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[309] = {'_line': 'I can\'t decide which of these questions is the easiest.', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[310] = {'_line': 'You\'d better not do that, my hair might go frizzy.', '_expression': 'dull', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[311] = {'_line': 'It\'s nice to have my hair protected once more.', '_expression': 'Hrelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[312] = {'_line': 'Yep, that\'s still a mirror.', '_expression': 'impressedass', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[313] = {'_line': 'Oh noooo..... I have no arms now....', '_expression': 'groan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[314] = {'_line': 'All I have to say, is that that was pointless.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[315] = {'_line': 'Well...this sucks...', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[316] = {'_line': 'I do miss having fingers, but at least I can make toast while slicing it now.', '_expression': 'enlightened', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[317] = {'_line': 'I\'d apologise to my breasts for leaving them unsupported like this. Y\'know, if I could.', '_expression': 'wistful', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[318] = {'_line': 'At least I\'m in a good position to chuck a brown eye. Heehee', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[319] = {'_line': 'Oh gosh. I don\'t want those to flop everywhere.', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'freak', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[320] = {'_line': 'Hey! C\'mon. At least replace them with a thong or something.', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[321] = {'_line': 'Ahhh, beloved breast support.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'relief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[322] = {'_line': 'Aww yes. My butt has butt clothes once more.', '_expression': 'coolbutt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[323] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'AaaAaH! I might get tired if you keep THAT up.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[324] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'What are you?- OoooOooOhhh <3', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[325] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'NGh! It feels... Just like Gerald is...', '_expression': 'lust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[326] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'What is this power? I neeed it....', '_expression': 'ecstasy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[327] = {'_line': 'The relief of pressure is nice, the wet cloth isn\'t.', '_expression': 'dumb', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[328] = {'_line': 'I hope someone doesn\'t slip on that....', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[329] = {'_line': 'Nice! I won\'t be classified as disabled anymore', '_expression': 'cheer', '_line2': '...Or at least, not as much.', '_expression2': ''}; speech[330] = {'_line': 'Turning on a mirror? Is that the best thing you can turn on?', '_expression': 'amused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[331] = {'_line': 'I guess the light was sinking into your eyes.', '_expression': 'scoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[332] = {'_line': 'I guess you can get away with it, this time.', '_expression': 'threaten', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[333] = {'_line': 'I\'ve got to HAND it to you....', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': '...Ugh, that was so bad, I wanna slap myself.. OH YEAH, I CAN\'T!!', '_expression2': ''}; speech[334] = {'_line': 'I was getting tired of being fingerless. Hands all the way.', '_expression': 'coolhands', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[335] = {'_line': 'I guess I\'m naked. Uh, turn on the heater?', '_expression': 'forboding', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[336] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[337] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[338] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[339] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[350] = {'_line': 'Man, some of these questions... the creator doesn\'t think much of you, does he?', '_expression': 'gross', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[351] = {'_line': 'Here\'s a question for you. Does that hurt? Here\'s a hint. It does.', '_expression': 'scold', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[352] = {'_line': 'Well, at least my breasts are getting some appreciation from a new source.', '_expression': 'proud', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[353] = {'_line': 'Yeah, they\'re my legs? Do you need my help to prove it?', '_expression': 'scoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[354] = {'_line': 'I guess you\'re more into butts. I don\'t understand your type myself.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[355] = {'_line': 'Seriously, I could answer most of these in my sleep.', '_expression': 'insulted', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[356] = {'_line': 'Answering easy questions to expand breasts. Is this guy messed up or what?', '_expression': 'gross', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[357] = {'_line': 'If you would say "Best Gameshow Ever", then you have bad taste. ', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[358] = {'_line': 'I\'d like to see this in other gameshows now I think about it. Get the question right and we cast spells on your opponent.', '_expression': 'fair', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[359] = {'_line': 'My boobs could probably answer these questions.', '_expression': 'showoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[360] = {'_line': 'Hey, easy question time, who owns that helmet? Me!', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[361] = {'_line': 'It\'s nice to get what was always mine to begin with.', '_expression': 'beam', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[362] = {'_line': 'Uh, now I think about it, who owns that mirror? is it magical?', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[363] = {'_line': 'Now I don\'t get to have arms? How much easier is this going to get for you?', '_expression': 'disbelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[364] = {'_line': 'Geez, things are this easy and you STILL try that?', '_expression': 'amused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[365] = {'_line': 'I guess having no arms might actually make the quiz challenging.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[366] = {'_line': 'I have bladey hands. Pretty neat right?', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': 'Nah, they\'re not, are they?', '_expression2': 'defeated'}; speech[367] = {'_line': 'I did like that top. Actually I\'d like to have armour there, if it would still fit.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[368] = {'_line': 'I wonder how hard it would be to make armour fit there now.', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[369] = {'_line': 'You had to use magic to remove that? You must not have much practice.', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[370] = {'_line': 'Pretty neat you removed that without having to get them around my toes.', '_expression': 'impressedass', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[371] = {'_line': 'Ahhh. Welcome back bra. We missed you.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'happy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[372] = {'_line': 'Yeah. Bottoms are nice to have.', '_expression': 'pleased', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[373] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Aaaha! <3! I never knew getting jabbed in the boobs could feel this good.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[374] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'I don\'t- I Neeeeeed it!!', '_expression': 'moan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[375] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'You! You gotta stop it! You\'re driving me crazy!', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[376] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'A-At least I won\'t get cold...', '_expression': 'sheepish', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[377] = {'_line': 'My top isn\'t a sponge you know. -and no, that isn\'t an invitation to remove it.', '_expression': 'threaten', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[378] = {'_line': 'I\'m not looking forward to cleaning that.', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[379] = {'_line': '*Phew* I really missed having arms.', '_expression': 'triumphant', '_line2': 'Man, that\'s a weird sentence.', '_expression2': 'remark'}; speech[380] = {'_line': 'Hey. Look! It\'s my butt!', '_expression': 'obvious', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[381] = {'_line': 'Mirror control has never been easier, has it?', '_expression': 'smug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[382] = {'_line': 'You\'ve made this so easy, you can\'t even lose when you lose.', '_expression': 'ignore', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[383] = {'_line': 'You know, when people say "unhand me", this isn\'t what they mean.', '_expression': 'bored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[384] = {'_line': 'Well, I thank you for the hands. I guess you must want me to make this a challenge for you.', '_expression': 'chuckle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[385] = {'_line': 'I\'m really starting to wish I\'d gotten caught in front a fireplace or a shower or something. Somewhere warm.', '_expression': 'humiliated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[386] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[387] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[388] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[389] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[400] = {'_line': 'Uh, I know you can\'t answer me, but I\'m getting close the limit... right?', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[401] = {'_line': 'Yeah! Ow! They\'re massive.', '_expression': 'twang', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[402] = {'_line': 'You- You aren\'t going to stop this growth, are you? They\'re only getting more sensitive...', '_expression': 'strain', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[403] = {'_line': 'Are you trying to hit the bone or something? Knock it off!', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[404] = {'_line': 'These hips of mine... Are gonna be a problem for any doorways.', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[405] = {'_line': 'I wonder what you would say if you could speak.', '_expression': 'enlightened', '_line2': 'I\'m sure I wouldn\'t be impressed.', '_expression2': 'scoff'}; speech[406] = {'_line': 'This is still a better story than Destiny, right?', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': 'Too soon, yeah....', '_expression2': 'sad'}; speech[407] = {'_line': 'I wonder if I could cook anything in this state.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[408] = {'_line': 'I\'ll have you know, I probably wouldn\'t agree to this if I had a choice.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[409] = {'_line': 'Well... This isn\'t going to start sucking less anytime soon.', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[410] = {'_line': 'Are you a helmet collector? Well, you have good taste.', '_expression': 'remark', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[411] = {'_line': 'Ah, now I can look like a lady-bug aghan. Yes!', '_expression': 'Hrelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[412] = {'_line': 'That\'s probably the least interesting magic mirror I\'ve ever seen.', '_expression': 'mirror', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[413] = {'_line': 'Nice! Now I can collect disability. ', '_expression': 'proud', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[414] = {'_line': 'Apparently, logic is not strong with you.', '_expression': 'coy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[415] = {'_line': 'If I get attacked... I guess I can boob smack them to death.', '_expression': 'fair', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[416] = {'_line': 'I\'m glad I\'m not in the habit of picking my nose.', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[417] = {'_line': 'I\'m a little anxious of what exactly has happened to my bra.', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[418] = {'_line': 'You\'d better not be sniffing my panties.', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[419] = {'_line': 'Aww.....I really liked having that support.', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[420] = {'_line': 'Are you planning to make an "Amielia exposed" video by doing this?', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[421] = {'_line': 'They look better in red, don\'t you think?', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'pleased', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[422] = {'_line': 'Ah yes, red butt for me.', '_expression': 'coolbutt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[423] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Ah! AHH! <3! What did you just do!? ', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[424] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Oh! Oh man, it feels sooo good.', '_expression': 'moan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[425] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'I- I HAVE to teach gerald about this!', '_expression': 'flattered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[426] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'How! How are you making this feel soo goood?', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[427] = {'_line': 'I only have so many tops you know?', '_expression': 'dumb', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[428] = {'_line': 'Would you mind cleaning that. Yeah, of course you would?', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[429] = {'_line': 'I\'ve never been happier to see there\'s a "return arms" button.', '_expression': 'relief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[430] = {'_line': 'Oh! a mirror! Woe is me!', '_expression': 'feint', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[431] = {'_line': 'The world is a better place for having one less mirror.', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[432] = {'_line': 'Go get more questions wrong. Why not?', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[433] = {'_line': '*sigh* I don\'t even know what I\'m going to do with these.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[434] = {'_line': 'Good. You know those hands true owner.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[435] = {'_line': 'In case you didn\'t know. Being naked is kind of awkward.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[436] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[437] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[438] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[439] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[450] = {'_line': 'M-more? Do you get off on girls falling over or something?', '_expression': 'freak', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[451] = {'_line': 'I hope you didn\'t make my boobs so big just so you could prod them. At least go the hole hog and grope them.', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[452] = {'_line': 'Well... at least you\'re brave.', '_expression': 'fair', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[453] = {'_line': 'You like slapping hips or what?', '_expression': 'slapped', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[454] = {'_line': 'Yeah, you know what running big hips feels like.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[455] = {'_line': 'I used to joke about getting implants this size. No one\'s laughing now.', '_expression': 'wistful', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[456] = {'_line': 'You know what? I have a horrible feeling this is only about two thirds of the way there.', '_expression': 'wary', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[457] = {'_line': 'I might have to do some training to accomodate my sense of balance.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[458] = {'_line': 'Y\'know, I\'d probably abuse this power if I had it too.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[459] = {'_line': 'Now I know how that hippogriff must have felt.', '_expression': 'sad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[460] = {'_line': 'Well, at least my head weighs less now.', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[461] = {'_line': 'I\'m glad I\'m used to the weight of that helmet.', '_expression': 'Hrelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[462] = {'_line': 'Cool, I can see my own butt a bit better too.', '_expression': 'impressedass', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[463] = {'_line': 'Er, can you not?', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[464] = {'_line': 'Are you a bad archer? Because you missed the point.', '_expression': 'annoyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[465] = {'_line': 'Yep, I have no arms. As if my balance wasn\'t bad enough.', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[466] = {'_line': 'I wonder if I can get Jakkie to agree to play "Duel of the Fates" while I have these..', '_expression': 'humour', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[467] = {'_line': 'It\'s not like I\'ve never been topless before, but this is ridiculous.', '_expression': 'flabberghasted', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[468] = {'_line': 'I think if I sat on someone\'s face, I\'d kill them.', '_expression': 'wow', '_line2': 'Whether I wanted to or not.', '_expression2': 'depressed'}; speech[469] = {'_line': 'Oh come on! It\'s not even enough fabric for anything useful.', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'mad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[470] = {'_line': 'At least you can\'t wedgie me now.', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[471] = {'_line': 'Well, at least it\'s something.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'thankful', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[472] = {'_line': 'My bottoms are back, and they\'re not even riding that much.', '_expression': 'coolbutt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[473] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Oh man! that\'s focusing around my nipple!', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[474] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'OoooOooOoooooOoohhh ~<3', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[475] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Guh! Aaahh! Why\'s that so good!?', '_expression': 'invigorated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[476] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Who would have known my thighs could feel like this!', '_expression': 'lust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[477] = {'_line': 'Where have I heard, "milky-top" before?', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[478] = {'_line': 'I just know someone\'s going to slip on that.', '_expression': 'collar', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[479] = {'_line': 'Cool! I\'ve got my arms back!', '_expression': 'happy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[480] = {'_line': 'I never thought someone would need a remote to turn on a mirror.', '_expression': 'amused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[481] = {'_line': 'Does that count as breaking the mirror. Seven years bad luck?', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[482] = {'_line': 'You\'re at the point I can\'t even punish you for failure. I hope you had no score insurance.', '_expression': 'struggle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[483] = {'_line': 'Blade hands! Unfortuantely, that\'s not Blade, with extra hands.', '_expression': 'whoa', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[484] = {'_line': 'Never underestimate the power of hands.', '_expression': 'coolhands', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[485] = {'_line': 'Hey, uh, can I not be naked? I\'d like to stop being naked.', '_expression': 'sheepish', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[486] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[487] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[488] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[489] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[500] = {'_line': 'Oh man, I give up. I\'m going to end up looking ridiculous.', '_expression': 'dejected', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[501] = {'_line': 'They feel ridiculous too...', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[502] = {'_line': '1 to the 2 to the 2 to the 3, you like big boobs, but they don\'t like me.', '_expression': 'rant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[503] = {'_line': 'I\'d tell you\'re good with your hands, but my hips don\'t lie.', '_expression': 'chuckle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[504] = {'_line': 'You really can\'t keep your hands to yourself can you?', '_expression': 'bored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[505] = {'_line': 'To think I thought my girls were heavy before.', '_expression': 'embarrassed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[506] = {'_line': 'Roll up, roll up, see the three headed alien!', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[507] = {'_line': 'This is embarrassing, to say the least.', '_expression': 'awkward', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[508] = {'_line': 'I really have to wonder how much more stupid this can get.', '_expression': 'flustered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[509] = {'_line': 'I wonder if I\'ll still be able to stand up...', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[510] = {'_line': 'My helmet! I hope you aren\'t going to replace that with something dumb.', '_expression': 'helmet', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[511] = {'_line': 'Yeah! my helmet, right where it belongs.', '_expression': 'coolhelmet', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[512] = {'_line': 'The mirror...I have nothing left to say about it...', '_expression': 'mirror', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[513] = {'_line': 'Oh for goodness sakes!! Wasn\'t I going to look ridiculous enough already.', '_expression': 'humiliated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[514] = {'_line': 'C\'mon, think! You got this far with the quiz didn\'t you?', '_expression': 'groan', '_line2': 'Actually, that\'s not saying much.', '_expression2': 'laugh'}; speech[515] = {'_line': '*sigh* I can\'t even cover myself with a bedsheet.', '_expression': 'cringe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[516] = {'_line': 'This... would not be a good time to have an itch...', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[517] = {'_line': 'Kind of glad to be topless actually. If I was wearing a top it would be KILLING me.', '_expression': 'relief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[518] = {'_line': 'My booty is hard to contain at this size anyway.', '_expression': 'proud', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[519] = {'_line': 'Well... that was getting tight...', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'coy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[520] = {'_line': 'Aww.. my butt is bare. Barer than a bears bare bear hands.', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[521] = {'_line': 'Ooof, my breasts DID need the support.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'secure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[522] = {'_line': 'Cool, I can sit on things without having to wash my ass now.', '_expression': 'pleased', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[523] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'T-this power you have on me is ridiculous!!', '_expression': 'pant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[524] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Where did you train your hands to make them feel this good on me??', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[525] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'No! Not the hips.', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[526] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'What is this power you have on my thighs? Are you a god?', '_expression': 'ecstasy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[527] = {'_line': 'I\'m glad my top\'s not waterproof. I have a feeling I\'d bust out.', '_expression': 'obvious', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[528] = {'_line': 'Agh! Acid!!!', '_expression': 'scream', '_line2': 'Heh, had you worried, didn\'t I?', '_expression2': 'joke'}; speech[529] = {'_line': 'I guess you decided I look better with arms.', '_expression': 'happy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[530] = {'_line': 'I\'m not sure I like being surrounded by floating mirrors.', '_expression': 'mirror', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[531] = {'_line': 'I wish I could reach that spot. I\'d like to see if it\'s gone or just invisible.', '_expression': 'impressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[532] = {'_line': 'Yeah, you\'ve already won at this point.', '_expression': 'bemused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[533] = {'_line': 'Oh, great. Now I\'m a busty alien with energy blades for hands.', '_expression': 'dumb', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[534] = {'_line': 'Well, at least I have normal hands now...', '_expression': 'enlightened', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[535] = {'_line': 'It\'s like having a glass bottom boat, except there\'s no boat and no water, and also it\'s a stupid gameshow with a naked alien.', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[536] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[537] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[538] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[539] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[550] = {'_line': 'How do people even find breasts this big sexy? They\'re literally just misshaped circles at this point', '_expression': 'freak', '_line2': '....I\'m still proud of them though...', '_expression2': 'defiant'}; speech[551] = {'_line': 'I\'ll bet you wouldn\'t do that with your real finger. I might bite it off.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[552] = {'_line': 'That\'s... realling getting more welcome.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[553] = {'_line': 'What did my hips ever do to you?', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[554] = {'_line': 'So, you prefer drumsticks. Weirdo...', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[555] = {'_line': 'As ludicrous as they are, I can\'t hate them. They\'re my girls.', '_expression': 'warm', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[556] = {'_line': 'Well, what else have you got? Hit me with it! You might as well.', '_expression': 'eager', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[557] = {'_line': 'Jumbo jugs? Titan tits? Can you think of a better name?', '_expression': 'chat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[558] = {'_line': 'I hope I can do something about the milk these puppies are no doubt producing.', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[559] = {'_line': 'I... know he likes big breasts... but I hope Gerald isn\'t turned off by this...', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[560] = {'_line': 'Hm, well I suppose hair is sexy in its own right.', '_expression': 'enlightened', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[561] = {'_line': 'Ah, my only remaining peice of armour, I missed you.', '_expression': 'Hrelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[562] = {'_line': 'I wonder if that mirror does anything else, like predict the future!', '_expression': 'coolbutt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[563] = {'_line': 'Oh no! Not my arms! I need those to do... well, anything!', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[564] = {'_line': 'You just did a pointless thing, doo-dah, doo-dah!', '_expression': 'offended', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[565] = {'_line': 'For the record, not having arms does suck. Quite a lot.', '_expression': 'bemoan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[566] = {'_line': 'Ah dexterity! How thou art missed...', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[567] = {'_line': 'You get to see my bigger-than-should-be-possible tits in all their glory. Are you proud?', '_expression': 'grumble', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[568] = {'_line': 'It just occured to me, taking my pants... has some pretty bad implications.', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[569] = {'_line': 'At least I\'m indoors...', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'remark', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[570] = {'_line': 'Y\'know, panty raids are supposed to happen while I\'m NOT in the same room.', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[571] = {'_line': 'Cool. My big breasts have a hint of realism again.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'pleased', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[572] = {'_line': 'It\'s always good to be wearing something down there.', '_expression': 'fair', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[573] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'L-listen! You need to have some restraint with- Ah<3- With this power!', '_expression': 'sheepish', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[574] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'N-no! It\'s... too strong!!', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[575] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Ngh! my legs! I can feel it all the way to my femur!', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[576] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Ooh ooh man! This is too precious<3.', '_expression': 'pant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[577] = {'_line': 'You know this isn\'t what they mean when they say "make the girls wet", right?', '_expression': 'bored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[578] = {'_line': 'Great! Now I\'m going to have to remember where I left my mop.', '_expression': 'rant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[579] = {'_line': 'Aw yeah! Now this game can actually be a challenge again.', '_expression': 'coolhands', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[580] = {'_line': 'What? You made it this far just to create a magic mirror?', '_expression': 'mirror', '_line2': 'Heck, is it even magic? That sure looks like my butt to me.', '_expression2': ''}; speech[581] = {'_line': 'Hm, well, it wasn\'t reflecting my best side anyway.', '_expression': 'scoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[582] = {'_line': 'Count yourself lucky....', '_expression': 'glare', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[583] = {'_line': 'Oh man! Now I\'ll be nicknamed saberhands or something.', '_expression': 'depressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[584] = {'_line': 'Nice! Now I can type rude things on the internet again.', '_expression': 'humour', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[585] = {'_line': 'I hope you\'re getting a good eyeful, I\'m sure I wont be naked forever.', '_expression': 'threaten', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[586] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[587] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[588] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[589] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[600] = {'_line': 'I wonder how many times you\'ve seen the same questions.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[601] = {'_line': 'I should be expecting a lot of that from now on.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[602] = {'_line': 'Why yes, they ARE still real.', '_expression': 'proud', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[603] = {'_line': 'You\'ll need to try harder than that to make my legs move.', '_expression': 'joke', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[604] = {'_line': 'Rub a dub dub. A new action to flub.', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[605] = {'_line': 'I guess we have to learn the limits of your powers now, don\'t we?', '_expression': 'scoff', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[606] = {'_line': 'I think I can feel something... penultimate?', '_expression': 'enlightened', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[607] = {'_line': 'Oh boy. More questions. Are you tired of this quiz yet?', '_expression': 'bored', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[608] = {'_line': 'I\'m really starting to get bored with this you know. Oh, what\'s going to happen next? more boobs and more easy questions!', '_expression': 'gross', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[609] = {'_line': 'This is the longest gameshow ever. We must be in the primetime slot by now.', '_expression': 'rant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[610] = {'_line': 'I hope you didn\'t go through all this just to take off my helmet.', '_expression': 'grumble', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[611] = {'_line': 'Classic Amielia\'s back baby!!!', '_expression': 'coolhelmet', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[612] = {'_line': 'This mirror... I\'ll bet Barney will try to make hype over it.', '_expression': 'tease', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[613] = {'_line': '*sigh* Do you realise how traumatic this would be to someone in real life?', '_expression': 'dejected', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[614] = {'_line': 'You should know by now, but that was pointless.', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[615] = {'_line': 'I came a long way to reminisce about that time I still had arms.', '_expression': 'embarrased', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[616] = {'_line': 'I wonder if I could get a tool that lets me use these properly?', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[617] = {'_line': 'My breasts are exposed. Oh noo.', '_expression': 'feint', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[618] = {'_line': 'If I had something to cover my crotch... Well, it wouldn\'t be exposed right now.', '_expression': 'dumb', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[619] = {'_line': 'Ahhh! I! Wonder where that goes when it\'s not covering my bust.', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'wonder', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[620] = {'_line': 'Yep! You stole my panties. Good job.', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[621] = {'_line': 'Welcome back old friend.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'warm', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[622] = {'_line': 'I won\'t lie. I\'m grateful to have those back.', '_expression': 'secure', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[623] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Again, with those superpowers.', '_expression': 'moan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[624] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'I guess you owe that to me if you\'re going to make them this big', '_expression': 'drool', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[625] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Feel like you\'ve earned it, Hero?', '_expression': 'denial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[626] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'It\'s almost like... you\'re setting my hips free!', '_expression': 'lust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[627] = {'_line': 'I can\'t decide whether it\'s better with or without the top.', '_expression': 'coy', '_line2': 'Not that that\'s an invitation to remove it, mind.', '_expression2': ''}; speech[628] = {'_line': 'No top! No drop...Except there is...', '_expression': 'chuckle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[629] = {'_line': 'It\'s very relieving to get something back I should have had all along.', '_expression': 'cheer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[630] = {'_line': 'You made a mirror? Need a tip on it\'s maintenance.', '_expression': 'mock', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[631] = {'_line': 'Aww... You took it away before I could trick you into using sandpaper.', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[632] = {'_line': 'I can\'t punish you anymore. Your punishment is the points you lost.', '_expression': 'awkward', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[633] = {'_line': 'I don\'t suppose you have an instruction manual for these things?', '_expression': 'swordhands', '_line2': 'Not that I could use it anyway.', '_expression2': ''}; speech[634] = {'_line': 'Horray! I can live as a normal person again!', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[635] = {'_line': 'Somehow, I always knew I\'d be naked in a public place one day.', '_expression': 'humiliated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[636] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[637] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[638] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[639] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[650] = {'_line': 'Is- is that it? Somehow I just know, that\'s as big as I can get.', '_expression': 'freak', '_line2': 'Here\'s your prize I guess. Mega Ultra giga sized xenotits. Or they would be if I were single.', '_expression2': 'tease'}; speech[651] = {'_line': 'What a size! I\'m almost proud of myself.', '_expression': 'proud', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[652] = {'_line': 'Claim your reward! It\'s not like I can stop you anyway.', '_expression': 'seethe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[653] = {'_line': 'Prodded and poked and provoked. Well, okay, maybe not so much that last one.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[654] = {'_line': 'My hips. Whatever unrubbedness they still had is gone!', '_expression': 'rolleyes', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[655] = {'_line': 'I have no regrets. I\'d use all the same punishments on you if I had my time over.', '_expression': 'defiant', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[656] = {'_line': 'Well, that was fun... I suppose. Next time, I\'ll just be the showgirl on Wheel of Fortune.', '_expression': 'chat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[657] = {'_line': 'I wonder what size they\'ll end up... you know, after the show.', '_expression': 'warm', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[658] = {'_line': 'This is to say nothing of my butt. Fitting through narrow doorways is going to be...interesting.', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[659] = {'_line': 'I sure hope this doesn\'t affect any of my friends.', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[660] = {'_line': 'Stop taking my helmet! It\'s mine!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[661] = {'_line': 'Thank goodness I don\'t have to make a new one.', '_expression': 'Hrelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[662] = {'_line': 'I should see if I can get one of those mirrors for myself actually.', '_expression': 'impressedass', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[663] = {'_line': 'You- you\'re going to give those back before the show is over... right??', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[664] = {'_line': 'You made it all this way, but you STILL don\'t have common sense!?', '_expression': 'disbelief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[665] = {'_line': 'I\'m glad I\'m not in a room with some really awful TV playing.', '_expression': 'fair', '_line2': 'Oh, what am I saying, I AM the awful TV.', '_expression2': 'rant'}; speech[666] = {'_line': 'I\'d change the channel... if I could!', '_expression': 'cringe', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[667] = {'_line': 'Take a good look at my breasts, I suppose you\'ve earned it.', '_expression': 'dull', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[668] = {'_line': 'I\'ve gone commando before, but this is absurd.', '_expression': 'annoyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[669] = {'_line': 'Gotta say, I\'m impressed it lasted as long as it did.', '_arm': 'breast', '_expression': 'impressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[670] = {'_line': 'Goodbye underpants. It was nice knowing you.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[671] = {'_line': 'I\'m very relieved to have those covered again.', '_arm': 'rest', '_expression': 'relief', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[672] = {'_line': 'Old friends re-united, eh?', '_expression': 'satisfied', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[673] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'I need to get my girlfriends in on this! It\'s unbelievable', '_expression': 'moan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[674] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Superhands for superboobs, eh? ~<3', '_expression': 'eager', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[675] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'This surge of power! It\'s too much for this world, much less for me.', '_expression': 'overwhelmed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[676] = {'_blush': true, '_line': 'Eee! This is my favourite part of the game!', '_expression': 'beam', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[677] = {'_line': 'I wonder if there\'s a detergent that specialises in milk stains.', '_expression': 'thought', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[678] = {'_line': '*sigh* If I was a mop, I\'d feel abused right now.', '_expression': 'groan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[679] = {'_line': 'I guess I\'ll take that as my prize for being so patient.', '_expression': 'happy', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[680] = {'_line': 'It\'s a bit late to reflect on things isn\'t it?', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[681] = {'_line': 'Mirror-not!', '_expression': 'obvious', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[682] = {'_line': 'Are you looking at me? I cannot punish you right now.', '_expression': 'ignore', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[683] = {'_line': 'Heh, maybe I can get a job in salvage now.', '_expression': 'laugh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[684] = {'_line': 'Now that I have those back, I\'m going to grab all the things!', '_expression': 'cheer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[685] = {'_line': 'To be honest, I was starting to feel like I was wearing copper wire.', '_expression': 'smug', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[686] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[687] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[688] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[689] = {'_line': 'line', '_expression': 'expression', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; states.>:) = {'eyes': 'inopenVmad', 'mouth': 'miniyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.:B = {'eyes': 'inhalfup', 'mouth': 'bucktooth', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.:) = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'tinyyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.:=U = {'eyes': 'inhalfup', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.attention = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'huge', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.panic = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.disgusted = {'eyes': 'winkmad', 'mouth': 'tongue', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 3, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 3}; states.intrigued = {'eyes': 'halfsad', 'mouth': 'miniyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 3, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 3}; states.outraged = {'eyes': 'inwideVmad', 'mouth': 'huge', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 3, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 3}; states.warning = {'eyes': 'winkup', 'mouth': 'uptongue', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 3, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 3}; states.:3 = {'eyes': 'inopenup', 'mouth': 'catyay', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': -4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': -4}; states.amused = {'eyes': 'inopentwist', 'mouth': 'bigyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.annoyed = {'eyes': 'inopenmad', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.awkward = {'eyes': 'inopensad', 'mouth': 'circle', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': 0}; states.beam = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'biggrin', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.bemoan = {'eyes': 'incresentmad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.bemused = {'eyes': 'inopentwist', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.bored = {'eyes': 'inhalfmad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.challenge = {'eyes': 'inopenmad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': 'openplain', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.cheer = {'eyes': 'wideVmad', 'mouth': 'bigyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 4}; states.chuckle = {'eyes': 'halfup', 'mouth': 'cheekyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.collar = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.confused = {'eyes': 'inopentwist', 'mouth': 'wiggleopen', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.coolhands = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'yayteeth', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.coolhelmet = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'yayteeth', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': -4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': -4}; states.coolbutt = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'yayteeth', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': 6, '_rpy': 4}; states.coy = {'eyes': 'winkmad', 'mouth': 'uptongue', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.cringe = {'eyes': 'tightmad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.defeated = {'eyes': 'incresentmad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.depressed = {'eyes': 'inhalfsad', 'mouth': 'wiggleopen', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 5}; states.defiant = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.dejected = {'eyes': 'ingibboussad', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.denial = {'eyes': 'inopenmad', 'mouth': 'wiggleopen', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.disappointed = {'eyes': 'gibboussad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': 5}; states.disbelief = {'eyes': 'inwidesad', 'mouth': 'big', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.drool = {'eyes': 'ingibbousVsad', 'mouth': 'tongue', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.dumb = {'eyes': 'ingibbousmad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.dull = {'eyes': 'halfup', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.durr = {'eyes': 'wideplain', 'mouth': 'tongue', '_lpx': 3, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': 5}; states.eager = {'eyes': 'inwideVmad', 'mouth': 'bigyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.ecstasy = {'eyes': 'inwideVsad', 'mouth': 'wiggleup', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.embarrassed = {'eyes': 'inopenup', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.enlightened = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.fair = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.fear = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': 6}; states.feint = {'eyes': 'openplain', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': -5, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': -5}; states.flabberghasted = {'eyes': 'incresenttwist', 'mouth': 'square', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.flattered = {'eyes': 'inopensad', 'mouth': 'yayteeth', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': 2}; states.flustered = {'eyes': 'cresentmad', 'mouth': 'downcurve', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': 2, '_rpy': 2}; states.forboding = {'eyes': 'inopenVsad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.freak = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'big', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': 6}; states.frustrated = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'big', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.groan = {'eyes': 'gibbousup', 'mouth': 'big', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': -2, '_rpy': -5}; states.gross = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'tongue', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': -5}; states.grumble = {'eyes': 'cresentmad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': 2, '_rpy': 2}; states.glare = {'eyes': 'cresentVmad', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 2, '_rpx': 2, '_rpy': 2}; states.happy = {'eyes': 'inhalfup', 'mouth': 'triangle', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.helmet = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'big', '_lpx': -3, '_lpy': -10, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': -15}; states.humiliated = {'eyes': 'incresentmad', 'mouth': 'flat', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 5}; states.humour = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'yay', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': -5}; states.ignore = {'eyes': 'inopentwist', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.insulted = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': 0}; states.invigorated = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'wiggleyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.impressed = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.impressedass = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 4, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': 4}; states.joke = {'eyes': 'incresenttwist', 'mouth': 'yayteeth', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.laugh = {'eyes': 'Vtightup', 'mouth': 'yay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.lust = {'eyes': 'halfVsad', 'mouth': 'grin', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -6}; states.mad = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'big', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.miffed = {'eyes': 'inopenmad', 'mouth': 'square', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.mirror = {'eyes': 'inopentwist', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': 5, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 10, '_rpy': 0}; states.moan = {'eyes': 'tightsad', 'mouth': 'triangle', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -8}; states.mock = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.narrow = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'yaycheek', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.nervous = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 4, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': 4}; states.obvious = {'eyes': 'wideplain', 'mouth': 'bigyay', '_lpx': 4, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': 4}; states.offended = {'eyes': 'cresentmad', 'mouth': 'opensmall', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': 0}; states.overwhelmed = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'wiggleopen', '_lpx': -3, '_lpy': -3, '_rpx': 3, '_rpy': -3}; states.pant = {'eyes': 'wideplain', 'mouth': 'tongue', '_lpx': 3, '_lpy': -6, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': -6}; states.plead = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'big', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.pleased = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'bigyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.pleasure = {'eyes': 'ingibbousVsad', 'mouth': 'yayteeth', '_lpx': -1, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': -2, '_rpy': -5}; states.pout = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'flat', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.proud = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'yay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.puff = {'eyes': 'shutVmad', 'mouth': 'cheekopen', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.rant = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'big', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': -8}; states.Hrelief = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'yay', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': -5, '_rpy': -8}; states.relief = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'yay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.remark = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': 0}; states.rolleyes = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'big', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': -5}; states.sad = {'eyes': 'incresentsad', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.satisfied = {'eyes': 'inopensad', 'mouth': 'wiggleyay', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': 4}; states.scared = {'eyes': 'inwidesad', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.scream = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 5}; = {'eyes': 'inopentwist', 'mouth': 'cheekyay', '_lpx': 3, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': 5}; states.scoff = {'eyes': 'shutVsad', 'mouth': 'smallgrin', '_lpx': 3, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': 5}; states.scold = {'eyes': 'shutVmad', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 3, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': 5}; states.seethe = {'eyes': 'incresentVmad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.sigh = {'eyes': 'inhalfVsad', 'mouth': 'small', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.sheepish = {'eyes': 'inwideVsad', 'mouth': 'grin', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.showoff = {'eyes': 'cresentup', 'mouth': 'grin', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.shriek = {'eyes': 'wideVsad', 'mouth': 'downcurve', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 5}; states.shrug = {'eyes': 'halftwist', 'mouth': 'open', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 5, '_rpy': -4}; states.slapped = {'eyes': 'winkmad', 'mouth': 'huge', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.smug = {'eyes': 'incresentup', 'mouth': 'smallgrin', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 6, '_rpx': 7, '_rpy': 6}; states.strain = {'eyes': 'winkmad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.stressed = {'eyes': 'inwidesad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.struggle = {'eyes': 'tightVmad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.surprise = {'eyes': 'inopenVsad', 'mouth': 'wiggleopen', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.swordhands = {'eyes': 'inopenVsad', 'mouth': 'wiggleopen', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.taunt = {'eyes': 'halftwist', 'mouth': 'yay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.tease = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'yayteeth', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.thankful = {'eyes': 'inwideVsad', 'mouth': 'yay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -5, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -5}; states.thought = {'eyes': 'inopentwist', 'mouth': 'wiggleopen', '_lpx': 3, '_lpy': -4, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': -4}; states.threaten = {'eyes': 'halfVmad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.topless = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'huge', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.triumphant = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'cheekyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.twang = {'eyes': 'tightmad', 'mouth': 'huge', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.warm = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'wiggleyay', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': -4, '_rpy': 5}; states.wary = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'rectangle', '_lpx': 3, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': 0}; states.wistful = {'eyes': 'incresentsad', 'mouth': 'flat', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': 4}; states.whoa = {'eyes': 'wideup', 'mouth': 'huge', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 5}; states.wonder = {'eyes': 'widetwist', 'mouth': 'circle', '_lpx': 3, '_lpy': -4, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': -4}; states.worried = {'eyes': 'inwidesad', 'mouth': 'square', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 8, '_rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': 'inopensad', 'mouth': 'small', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': 4}; states.yell = {'eyes': 'openVmad', 'mouth': 'huge', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle0 = {'eyes': 'ingibboustwist', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 5, '_rpx': -2, '_rpy': 5}; states.idle1 = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle2 = {'eyes': 'gibboussad', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 4}; states.idle3 = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.idle4 = {'eyes': 'incresentsad', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.idle5 = {'eyes': 'openplain', 'mouth': 'wiggledown', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.idle6 = {'eyes': 'inhalfplain', 'mouth': 'cheekup', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 4, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 4}; states.idle7 = {'eyes': 'halfVmad', 'mouth': 'Vdown', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle8 = {'eyes': 'openVsad', 'mouth': 'Vdown', '_lpx': 1, '_lpy': 3, '_rpx': -1, '_rpy': 3}; states.idle9 = {'eyes': 'inopenVsad', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle10 = {'eyes': 'halfmad', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.idle11 = {'eyes': 'openplain', 'mouth': 'up', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 3, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 3}; setState = function (str) { stateTimer = 35 + speech_b._txt.length * 1.5; if (CurState != str) { CurState = str; Ami.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].eyes); Ami.head.snout.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].mouth); Ami.head.eyes.LP._x = lpX + states[CurState]._lpx; Ami.head.eyes.LP._y = lpY + states[CurState]._lpy; Ami.head.eyes.RP._x = rpX + states[CurState]._rpx; Ami.head.eyes.RP._y = rpY + states[CurState]._rpy; moveArm(states[CurState]._arm); } }; moveArm = function (u_s) { if (Ami.R_arm._CL != u_s) { debug_01.text = Ami.R_arm._CL + '2' + u_s; Ami.R_arm.gotoAndPlay(Ami.R_arm._CL + '2' + u_s); } if (Ami.L_arm._CL != u_s) { Ami.L_arm.gotoAndPlay(Ami.L_arm._CL + '2' + u_s); } if (mirror.Ami.R_arm._CL != u_s) { mirror.Ami.R_arm.gotoAndPlay(mirror.Ami.R_arm._CL + '2' + u_s); } }; charSpeak = function (n, f) { if (speech[n]._blush == true) { Ami.head.blush1.gotoAndPlay(4); Ami.head.blush2.gotoAndPlay(4); } speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); if (speech[n].forcekick == true) { kickran = 8000; } if (speech[n]._line2 != '') { if (secondline != n) { secondline = n; } else { speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line2; setState(speech[n]._expression2); moveArm(speech[n]._arm2); if (f == false) { secondline = -5000; } } } else { secondline = -5000; } if (f == true) { speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); } if (mouthless == true) { randomL = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15); speech_b._txt.text = Mspeech[randomL]._line; PS._x = Math.random() * 250; } if (taunt == true) { taunt = false; dis = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxdis); speechTimer = Aspeech[dis]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = Aspeech[dis]._line; setState(Aspeech[dis]._expression); } }; charSpeak(0); Ami.head.onPress = function () { speechTimer = 0; forceDelay = 0; ranspeech = 1; }; speech_b.onPress = function () { if (speechTimer > 10) { speechTimer = 10; stateTimer = 15; } }; reset = function () { BP += SP; SP = 0; Tbellysize = 1; Tbustsize = 1; Thipsize = 1; resetTimer = 0; nextspeech = 0; helpcancelled = 0; birthing = 0; birthclicks = 1000; topless = false; bottomless = false; armless = false; mouthless = false; mirroron = false; herhands = false; armoured = true; expandcost = 10; updateClothes(); HIscore = 0; UBT(); superhands = false; Ami.R_arm.gotoAndStop('rest'); Ami.L_arm.gotoAndStop('rest'); }; updateClothes = function () { if (helmet == true) { Ami.head.helmet._visible = true; = false; } else { Ami.head.helmet._visible = false; = true; } if (naked == true) { if (Ami.R_arm._currentframe != 'breast' && Ami.R_arm._currentframe != 'rest2breast') { Ami.R_arm.gotoAndPlay('rest2breast'); } } Ami.armour._visible = armoured; Ami.L_arm.gauntlet._visible = armoured; Ami.R_arm.gauntlet._visible = armoured; Ami.bra._visible = !topless; mirror.Ami.bra._visible = !topless; Ami.pants._visible = !bottomless; mirror.Ami.pants._visible = !bottomless; Ami.R_arm._visible = !armless; Ami.R_arm.hand._visible = !herhands; Ami.R_arm.blade._visible = herhands; Ami.L_arm._visible = !armless; Ami.L_arm.hand._visible = !herhands; Ami.L_arm.blade._visible = herhands; Ami.L_overarm._visible = !armless; Ami.L_overarm.hand._visible = !herhands; Ami.L_overarm.blade._visible = herhands; mirror.Ami.R_arm._visible = !armless; mirror.Ami.L_arm._visible = !armless; mirror.Ami.R_arm.blade._visible = herhands; Ami.head.snout.MM._x = 100 * mouthless; mirror._visible = mirroron; }; updateClothes(); countdown = function (a, b) { if (_root[a] > b) { _root[a] -= 1; } }; minmax = function (a, b, c) { if (_root[a] < b) { _root[a] = b; } if (_root[a] > c) { _root[a] = c; } }; smoothAdjust = function (s1, s2, mu) { if (_root[s1] != _root[s2]) { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 1 || (_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < -1) { _root[s1] += Math.floor((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu); } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < 0) { _root[s1] -= 1; } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 0) { _root[s1] += 1; } } } } }; circular = function (astart, a, aplus) { if (_root[a + 'started'] != 8) { _root[a] = astart; _root[a + 'started'] = 8; } if (_root[a] < 6.283185307179586) { _root[a] += aplus; } else { _root[a] -= 6.283185307179586; } }; distance = function (x1, x2, y1, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); }; Ami.L_leg.onPress = function () { startrub = 10; }; Ami.R_leg.onPress = Ami.L_leg.onPress; Ami.L_breast.onPress = function () { bstartrub = 10; }; Ami.R_breast.onPress = Ami.L_breast.onPress; onMouseUp = function () { mousepressed = false; if (startrub > 1) { startrub = 2; } if (bstartrub > 1) { bstartrub = 2; } rubbing = 0; brubbing = 0; mousemove = 0; }; onMouseDown = function () { UBT(); UPD = true; mousepressed = true; if (Asounds == true) { var v1 = attachMovie('annoy', annoy + Math.random(), Math.random()); } }; helpcheck = function (n, n1) { if (n.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { _panel.helpbox._txt.text = helpspeech[n1]._line; } }; Cflash = function () { Ami.CF.gotoAndPlay(2); }; expandcost = 10; O_panel.expand_b.onPress = function () { if (armoured == true) { if (BP >= 5) { BP -= 5; SP += 5; armoured = false; Ami.armour._visible = false; Ami.L_arm.gauntlet._visible = armoured; Ami.R_arm.gauntlet._visible = armoured; Cflash(); } } else { if (BP >= expandcost && Tbustsize < 600 && Thipsize < 600) { BP -= expandcost; SP += expandcost; Tbustsize += 50; expandcost += 1 + Math.round(expandcost * 0.16); expandcost = Math.round(expandcost / 5) * 5; Thipsize = Tbustsize; Cflash(); Tbustsize = Math.min(Tbustsize, 600); } } UBT(); }; O_panel.helpbox._txt.text = 'Help'; O_panel.helpbox.onPress = function () { if (helpme < 60) { helpme = 60; } else { helpme = 0; } }; HB.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha != helpme) { this._alpha += (helpme - this._alpha) * 0.2; } }; var UPD; UBT = function () { O_panel.helmet_b._visible = !armoured; O_panel.mirror_b._visible = !armoured; O_panel.topless_b._visible = !armoured; O_panel.bottomless_b._visible = !armoured; O_panel.lactate_b._visible = !armoured; O_panel.mirror_b._visible = !armoured; O_panel.armless_b._visible = !armoured; O_panel.mouthless_b._visible = !armoured; O_panel.herhands_b._visible = !armoured; O_panel.helmet_b._txt.text = 'Helmet = ' + helmetcost; O_panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'Expand = ' + expandcost; if (helmetlocked > HIscore || armoured == true) { O_panel.helmet_b._txt.text = 'Locked = ' + helmetlocked; } O_panel.fix_b._txt.text = 'Fix fault = ' + fixprice; if (punishments.length <= 0) { O_panel.fix_b._txt.text = 'No Faults!'; } O_panel.Ttimebonus_b._txt.text = 'Temp clock boost = ' + TTBcost; O_panel.timebonus_b._txt.text = 'Time Bonus = 15'; O_panel.Textralife_b._txt.text = 'Temp Extra Life = ' + TELcost; O_panel.extralife_b._txt.text = 'Extra Life = ' + PELcost; O_panel.insurance_b._txt.text = 'Score Insurance = 15'; O_panel.banking_b._txt.text = 'Bonus banking = ' + BBcost; O_panel.herhands_b._txt.text = 'Her hands = ' + HHcost; O_panel.yourhands_b._txt.text = 'Your hands = ' + YHcost; if (YHcost == 0) { if (superhands == true) { O_panel.yourhands_b._txt.text = 'Your hands = on'; } else { O_panel.yourhands_b._txt.text = 'Your hands = off'; } } O_panel.lactate_b._txt.text = 'Lactate = 15'; O_panel.mirror_b._txt.text = 'Mirror = ' + mirrorcost; if (mirrorlocked > HIscore || armoured == true) { O_panel.mirror_b._txt.text = 'Locked = ' + mirrorlocked; } O_panel.mouthless_b._txt.text = 'Remove mouth = ' + mouthlesscost; if (mouthlesslocked > HIscore || armoured == true) { O_panel.mouthless_b._txt.text = 'Locked = ' + mouthlesslocked; } O_panel.topless_b._txt.text = 'Remove top = ' + toplesscost; if (topless == true) { O_panel.topless_b._txt.text = 'Replace top = ' + toplesscost; } if (toplesslocked > HIscore || armoured == true) { O_panel.topless_b._txt.text = 'Locked = ' + toplesslocked; } O_panel.bottomless_b._txt.text = 'Remove bottom = ' + bottomlesscost; if (bottomless == true) { O_panel.bottomless_b._txt.text = 'Replace bottom = ' + bottomlesscost; } if (bottomlesslocked > HIscore || armoured == true) { O_panel.bottomless_b._txt.text = 'Locked = ' + bottomlesslocked; } O_panel.armless_b._txt.text = 'Remove arms = ' + armlesscost; if (armless == true) { O_panel.armless_b._txt.text = 'Replace arms = ' + armlesscost; } if (armlesslocked > HIscore || armoured == true) { O_panel.armless_b._txt.text = 'Locked = ' + armlesslocked; } O_panel.helmet_b._txt.text = 'Helmet = ' + helmetcost; O_panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'Expand = ' + expandcost; if (armoured == true) { O_panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'Armoured = 5'; } O_panel.insurance_b._txt.text = 'Score Insurance = ' + SIcost; O_panel.Ttimebonus_b._txt.text = 'Temp clock boost = ' + TTBcost; O_panel.timebonus_b._txt.text = 'Time Bonus = ' + PTBcost; O_panel.Textralife_b._txt.text = 'Temp Extra Life = ' + TELcost; O_panel.extralife_b._txt.text = 'Extra Life = ' + PELcost; }; var helmetlocked = 5; var mirrorlocked = 15; var mouthlesslocked = 20; var toplesslocked = 30; var bottomlesslocked = 30; var armlesslocked = 50; O_panel.reset_b.onPress = function () { if (resetD > 0) { reset(); } else { resetD = 20; } }; O_panel.play_b._txt.text = 'Quiz'; O_panel.play_b.onPress = function () { startgame(); }; var helmetcost = 5; O_panel.helmet_b._txt.text = 'Helmet = ' + helmetcost; O_panel.helmet_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= helmetcost && helmetlocked < HIscore) { BP -= helmetcost; SP += helmetcost; helmetcost = 0; helmet = !helmet; updateClothes(); charSpeak(curspeech + 10 + helmet); Cflash(); } }; var fixprice = 5; O_panel.fix_b._txt.text = 'Fix fault = ' + fixprice; O_panel.fix_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= fixprice && punishments.length > 0) { BP -= fixprice; fixprice += 1; addP(false); Cflash(); } }; var TTBcost = 8; O_panel.Ttimebonus_b._txt.text = 'Temp clock boost = ' + TTBcost; O_panel.Ttimebonus_b.onPress = function () { if (BP > TTBcost && TTB < 10) { TTB += 1; BP -= TTBcost; Cflash(); UBT(); } }; var PTBcost = 20; O_panel.timebonus_b._txt.text = 'Time Bonus = ' + PTB; O_panel.timebonus_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= PTBcost && PTB < 15) { BP -= PTBcost; PTB += 1; PTBcost += 10; Cflash(); UBT(); } }; var TELcost = 15; O_panel.Textralife_b._txt.text = 'Temp Extra Life = ' + TELcost; O_panel.Textralife_b.onPress = function () { if (TEL < 10 && BP >= TELcost) { TEL += 1; BP -= TELcost; UBT(); Cflash(); } }; var PELcost = 25; O_panel.extralife_b._txt.text = 'Extra Life = ' + PELcost; O_panel.extralife_b.onPress = function () { if (PEL < 5 && BP >= PELcost) { PEL += 1; BP -= PELcost; PELcost += 20; UBT(); Cflash(); } }; var SIcost = 15; O_panel.insurance_b._txt.text = 'Score Insurance = ' + SIcost; O_panel.insurance_b.onPress = function () { if (SI < 0.9 && BP > SIcost) { BP -= SIcost; SI += 0.05; SIcost += 10; Cflash(); UBT(); } }; var BBcost = 15; O_panel.banking_b._txt.text = 'Bonus banking = ' + BBcost; O_panel.banking_b.onPress = function () { if (BB < 1.4 && BP >= BBcost) { BB += 0.05; BP -= BBcost; Cflash(); UBT(); } }; var HHcost = 15; O_panel.herhands_b._txt.text = 'Her Hands = ' + HHcost; O_panel.herhands_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= HHcost) { resetLines(); HHcost = 0; SP += HHcost; BP -= HHcost; herhands = !herhands; Cflash(); updateClothes(); if (herhands == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 33); } else { charSpeak(curspeech + 34); } if (armless == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 14); } Cflash(); UBT(); } }; var YHcost = 15; O_panel.yourhands_b._txt.text = 'Your hands = ' + YHcost; O_panel.yourhands_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= YHcost) { BP -= YHcost; SP += YHcost; YHcost = 0; superhands = !superhands; Cflash(); UBT(); } if (YHcost == 0) { Cflash(); UBT(); if (superhands == true) { O_panel.yourhands_b._txt.text = 'Your hands = on'; } else { O_panel.yourhands_b._txt.text = 'Your hands = off'; } } }; lactatecost = 20; O_panel.lactate_b._txt.text = 'Lactate = ' + lactatecost; O_panel.lactate_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= lactatecost) { BP -= lactatecost; SP += lactatecost; lactatecost = 0; Cflash(); lactate(); if (topless == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 28); } else { charSpeak(curspeech + 27); } Cflash(); UBT(); } }; lactate = function () { Rlac = Math.floor(Tbustsize / 150); switch (Rlac) { case 0: Rlac = 'ooze'; break; case 1: Rlac = 'bigooze'; break; case 2: Rlac = 'doubleooze'; break; case 3: Rlac = 'pressure'; break; case 4: Rlac = 'stream'; } Ami.R_breast.milk.gotoAndPlay(Rlac); Ami.L_breast.milk.gotoAndPlay(Rlac); Ami.bra.milk1.gotoAndPlay(4); Ami.bra.milk2.gotoAndPlay(4); }; mirrorcost = 40; O_panel.mirror_b._txt.text = 'Mirror = ' + mirrorcost; O_panel.mirror_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= mirrorcost && mirrorlocked < HIscore) { BP -= mirrorcost; SP += mirrorcost; mirrorcost = 0; Cflash(); mirroron = !mirroron; updateClothes(); resetLines(); if (mirroron == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 30); } else { charSpeak(curspeech + 31); } } }; restarms = 'rest'; restingarms = function () { if (topless == true) { restarms = 'breast'; } else { restarms = 'rest'; } }; mouthlesscost = 50; O_panel.mouthless_b._txt.text = 'Remove mouth = ' + mouthlesscost; O_panel.mouthless_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= mouthless && mouthlesslocked < HIscore) { mouthlesscost = 0; SP += mouthlesscost; BP -= mouthlesscost; mouthless = !mouthless; Cflash(); } updateClothes(); }; toplesscost = 75; O_panel.topless_b._txt.text = 'Remove top = ' + toplesscost; O_panel.topless_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= topless && armlesslocked < HIscore) { BP -= toplesscost; SP += toplesscost; topless = !topless; toplesscost = 0; Cflash(); resetLines(); } if (topless == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 19); } else { charSpeak(curspeech + 21); } updateClothes(); }; bottomlesscost = 75; O_panel.bottomless_b._txt.text = 'Remove bottom = ' + bottomlesscost; O_panel.bottomless_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= bottomlesscost && bottomlesslocked < HIscore) { Cflash(); bottomless = !bottomless; BP -= bottomlesscost; SP += bottomlesscost; bottomlesscost = 0; O_panel.bottomless_b._txt.text = 'Remove bottom = ' + bottomlesscost; resetLines(); } if (bottomless == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 20); } else { charSpeak(curspeech + 22); } updateClothes(); }; armlesscost = 150; O_panel.armless_b._txt.text = 'Remove arms = ' + armlesscost; O_panel.armless_b.onPress = function () { if (BP >= armlesscost && armlesslocked < HIscore) { resetLines(); armlesscost = 0; BP -= armlesscost; SP += armlesscost; armless = !armless; if (armless == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 13); } else { charSpeak(curspeech + 29); } Cflash(); UBT(); } updateClothes(); }; O_panel.onEnterFrame = function () { O_panel.reset_b._txt.text = 'Reset'; if (resetD > 0) { O_panel.reset_b._txt.text = '\'You sure?'; } XSB = 800; if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { XSB = 635; } if (Qtime > 0 || failure > 0) { XSB = 800; } if (this._x != XSB) { this._x += (XSB - this._x) * 0.3; } if (helpme < 60) { helpme = 0; } if (this.helpbox.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && helpme < 60) { helpme = 25; } this.scorebox._txt.text = BP; this.HIscorebox._txt.text = HIscore; if (HIscore <= 0) { this.HIscorebox._txt.text = 'HI score'; } }; UBT(); failure = 0; startgame = function () { Cscore = 0; failure = 0; Qtime = BQT + TTB + PTB; Failbox._x = -2000; Qpanel._x = 50; makequestion(); lives = PEL + TEL; }; failbox.retryB.onPress = function () { startgame(); }; failbox.quitB.onPress = function () { Cscore = 0; failure = -1; Qtime = 0; failbox._x = -2000; Qpanel._x = -2000; makequestion(); shop = true; }; Qpanel.bankB.onPress = function () { BP += Math.round(Cscore * BB); lives = 0; if (Cscore > 0) { if (Cscore > HIscore) { HIscore = Cscore; } if (Cscore < 5) { if (Cscore == 1) { failbox._txt.text = 'You banked a single point! Well done, but we might be here for a while...'; } else { failbox._txt.text = 'Nice!\n You scored a quick couple of points for your bank.'; } } else { failbox._txt.text = 'Nice!\n You\'ve banked a decent pool of points!'; if (Cscore > 100) { failbox._txt.text = 'Whoa! You banked more than 100 points!!!'; } } } else { failbox._txt.text = 'You banked 0 points, for some reason.'; } Cscore = 0; makequestion(); failure = 3; }; failure = -1; failbox._x = -2000; Qpanel._x = -2000; failbox._txt.text = 'Are you ready to begin?'; UDHB = function () { helpspeech.armoured = {'_line': 'Click on this to remove Amielia\'s armour if you can afford it.'}; helpspeech.expand = {'_line': 'Clicking this will slightly expand Amielia\'s Bust and Hips, if you can afford it.'}; = {'_line': 'This is the help button. Click on to toggle "help mode" on and off. While help mode is on, mousing over things will tell you about them.'}; helpspeech.score = {'_line': 'This is the number of points you have. You need them to afford spells to use on Amielia.'}; helpspeech.bust = {'_line': 'These are Amielia\'s breasts. Click on them quickly to poke them, click and drag to touch them more gently.'}; helpspeech.hips = {'_line': 'These are Amielia\'s hips. Click on them quickly to poke them, click and drag to touch them more gently.'}; helpspeech.head = {'_line': 'This is Amielia\'s face. you can click on it to make her talk.'}; helpspeech.hiscore = {'_line': 'This is the highest amount of questions you\'ve answered in a row. Some options are locked to you until this is high enough.'}; helpspeech.reset = {'_line': 'This button will reset Amielia back to the way she was at the start of the game. It will also reset your high score. But it won\'t reset your current score.'}; helpspeech.quiz = {'_line': 'This button will begin the quiz minigame. Getting questions right will give you points you can bank, but if you lose, you lose all the points you had built up. '}; helpspeech.helmet = {'_line': 'Click on this to remove or replace Amielia\'s helmet.'}; helpspeech.fix = {'_line': 'If Amielia has punished you, you can use this to remove a randomly chosen punishment.'}; helpspeech.temptime = {'_line': 'This upgrade will grant you a time bonus for the next quiz session. They can be stacked, but once the game’s over, you have to buy them again. You currently have ' + TTB + ' seconds on your next session out of a max of 10. '}; helpspeech.permtime = {'_line': 'This upgrade will add a permanent time bonus to the quiz minigame. You currently have ' + PTB + ' extra seconds out of a maximum of 15.'}; helpspeech.templives = {'_line': 'This a upgrade will give you temporary extra lives for the quiz minigame. As long as you have at least one life, you can get a question wrong without failing. However, they only work for the first quiz. You currently have ' + TEL + ' temporary lives'}; helpspeech.permlives = {'_line': 'This upgrade will grant you an extra life for every quiz game you attempt. As long as you have at least one, you cannot fail the quiz. You currently have ' + PEL + ' out of a maximum of 5.'}; = {'_line': 'Buying score insurance will ensure a certain percentage of the points amassed wil be banked on failure. You currently have ' + SI * 100 + '% score insurance out of a maximum of 90.'}; helpspeech.bonus = {'_line': 'Bonus banking will grant you a percentage of extra points whenever you decide to bank your points. You currently have ' + (BB * 100 - 100) + '% percent bonus banking out of a maximum of 40%'}; helpspeech.lactate = {'_line': 'Purchase this to make Amielia lactate. That\'s all there is to it.'}; helpspeech.mirror = {'_line': 'Buy this to put a mirror behind Amielia so that you can easily see her butt.'}; helpspeech.mouth = {'_line': 'If you don\'t like what Amielia has to say, you can use this to remove her mouth, and (mostly) silence her. '}; helpspeech.yourhands = {'_line': 'This upgrade will improve your skill with your virtual hands, so amielia reacts differently when you touch her.'}; helpspeech.herhands = {'_line': 'Buy this to prevent Amielia from clicking her finger, and so, she cannot punish you normally.'}; helpspeech.topless = {'_line': 'Buying this will allow you to remove and replace Amielia\'s bra.'}; helpspeech.bottomless = {'_line': 'Buying this will allow you to remove and replace Amielia\'s bottoms.'}; helpspeech.armless = {'_line': 'Buying this will allow to to remove and replace Amielia\'s arms.'}; helpspeech.reset = {'_line': 'Click on this twice to reset everything you\'ve bought and your high score, you will get to keep any points in your reserve though.'}; helpspeech.generic = {'_line': 'linegoeshere'}; helpspeech.generic = {'_line': 'linegoeshere'}; helpspeech.generic = {'_line': 'linegoeshere'}; helpspeech.generic = {'_line': 'linegoeshere'}; helpspeech.generic = {'_line': 'linegoeshere'}; helpspeech.generic = {'_line': 'linegoeshere'}; helpspeech.generic = {'_line': 'linegoeshere'}; }; var statglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glowcol, GS * 0.1, GS * 1.2, GS * 1.2, 0.12 + GSplus, 1, false, false); onEnterFrame = function () { EG -= 1; EG = Math.max(EG, 0); var v2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(65280, 10, 10, 10, EG * 0.2, 1, false, false); Ami.head.eyes.filters = [v2]; Ami.head.eyes.RP.filters = [v2]; Ami.head.eyes.LP.filters = [v2]; if (O_panel.reset_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.reset._line; } if (O_panel.topless_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.topless._line; } if (O_panel.bottomless_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.bottomless._line; } if (O_panel.armless_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.armless._line; } if (O_panel.yourhands_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.yourhands._line; } if (O_panel.herhands_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.herhands._line; } if (O_panel.mouthless_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.mouth._line; } if (O_panel.lactate_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.lactate._line; } if (O_panel.banking_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { UDHB(); HB._txt.text = helpspeech.bonus._line; } if (O_panel.insurance_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { UDHB(); HB._txt.text =; } if (O_panel.extralife_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { UDHB(); HB._txt.text = helpspeech.permlives._line; } if (O_panel.Textralife_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { UDHB(); HB._txt.text = helpspeech.templives._line; } if (O_panel.Ttimebonus_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { UDHB(); HB._txt.text = helpspeech.temptime._line; } if (O_panel.timebonus_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { UDHB(); HB._txt.text = helpspeech.permtime._line; } if (O_panel.fix_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.fix._line; } if (O_panel.helmet_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.helmet._line; } if (O_panel.expand_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.expand._line; if (armoured == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.armoured._line; } } if (O_panel.helpbox.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text =; } if (Ami.head.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.head._line; } if (Ami.L_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.bust._line; } if (Ami.R_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.bust._line; } if (Ami.L_leg.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.hips._line; } if (Ami.R_leg.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.hips._line; } if (O_panel.scorebox.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.score._line; } if (O_panel.play_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.quiz._line; } if (O_panel.HIscorebox.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.hiscore._line; } if (O_panel.reset_b.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { HB._txt.text = helpspeech.reset._line; } if (UPD == true) { UBT(); UPD = false; } Ami.L_overarm.gotoAndStop(Ami.L_arm._currentframe); Ami.L_overarm.blade.gotoAndStop(3); failbox._x = -2000; Qpanel._Ltxt.text = 'Lives:\n ' + lives; Qtime = Math.max(Qtime - 0.1, 0); if (failure == 0 && Qtime <= 0) { failure = 2; if (lives <= 0) { BP += Math.round(Cscore * SI); Cscore = 0; addP(true); checkPs(); failbox._txt.text = 'Oh No! \n You ran out of time!'; } } if (answerval == 1) { Cscore += 1; Qtime = BQT + TTB + PTB - Cscore * 0.1; makequestion(); answerval = 0; } else { if (answerval > 0) { failure = 1; if (lives <= 0) { BP += Math.round(Cscore * SI); Cscore = 0; Qtime = 0; answerval = 0; addP(true); checkPs(); failbox._txt.text = 'Oh No! \n That\'s not the right answer!'; } } } if (failure > 0) { if (lives <= 0) { Qpanel._x = -2000; failbox._x = 215; TTB = 0; TEL = 0; } else { lives -= 1; lifeD = 10; failure = 0; Qtime = BQT + TTB + PTB - Cscore * 0.1; answerval = 0; makequestion(); } } Qpanel.bankB._txt.text = 'You currently have ' + Cscore + ' points. Click here to bank them and start over.'; Qpanel.Timeorb._txt.text = int(Qtime * 10) / 10; countdown('lifeD', 0); countdown('stateTimer', 0); countdown('speechTimer', 0); if (stateTimer <= 5) { setState(backupState); moveArm(restarms); if (secondline > -5000) { charSpeak(secondline, false); } } countdown('blackscreen', 0); if (blackscreen > 0) { BBB._visible = true; } else { BBB._visible = false; } smoothAdjust('bellysize', 'Tbellysize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('bustsize', 'Tbustsize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('hipsize', 'Thipsize', 0.1); circular(0.4, 'testrot', 0.6); circular(0.4, 'headrot', 0.03); circular(2, 'armrot', 0.05); Ami.head._rotation = Math.sin(headrot) * 3; Ami.L_arm._rotation = Math.sin(armrot) * 2; Ami.L_overarm._rotation = Ami.L_arm._rotation; Ami.R_arm._rotation = Math.sin(armrot - Math.PI) * 2; Ami.L_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); Ami.R_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); Ami.L_leg.gotoAndStop(hipsize); Ami.R_leg.gotoAndStop(hipsize); Ami.pants.gotoAndStop(hipsize); Ami.bra.gotoAndStop(bustsize); Ami.torso.gotoAndStop(Math.max(hipsize, bustsize)); mirror.Ami.L_butt.gotoAndStop(hipsize); mirror.Ami.torso.gotoAndStop(hipsize); mirror.Ami.M_butt.gotoAndStop(hipsize); mirror.Ami.R_butt.gotoAndStop(hipsize); mirror.Ami.L_leg.gotoAndStop(hipsize); mirror.Ami.R_leg.gotoAndStop(hipsize); mirror.Ami.pants.gotoAndStop(hipsize); mirror.Ami.bra.gotoAndStop(bustsize); mirror.Ami.breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); startrub = Math.max(0, startrub - 1); if (startrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(curspeech + 3); if (superhands == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 25); } } bstartrub = Math.max(0, bstartrub - 1); if (bstartrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(curspeech + 1); if (superhands == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 23); } } if (mousemove > 1 && overhips == true) { startrub = 0; if (rubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(curspeech + 4); if (superhands == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 26); } } rubbing = 10; } if (mousemove > 1 && overbreast == true) { bstartrub = 0; if (brubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(curspeech + 2); if (superhands == true) { charSpeak(curspeech + 24); } } brubbing = 10; } if (xmsb != _xmouse || ymsb != _ymouse) { if (mousepressed == true) { mousemove += distance(xmsb, _xmouse, ymsb, _ymouse) / 5; } xmsb = _xmouse; ymsb = _ymouse; } rubbing = Math.max(0, rubbing - 1); brubbing = Math.max(0, brubbing - 1); mousemove = Math.max(0, mousemove - 1); mousemove = Math.min(20, mousemove); overbreast = false; overhips = false; if (Ami.L_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (Ami.R_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (Ami.R_leg.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overhips = true; } if (Ami.L_leg.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overhips = true; } curspeech = Math.floor(Tbustsize / 50) * 50 + !armoured * 50; if (curspeech > nextspeech) { nextspeech = curspeech; charSpeak(curspeech); } switch (curspeech) { case 0: backupState = 'idle0'; restingarms(); break; case 50: backupState = 'idle1'; restingarms(); break; case 100: backupState = 'idle2'; restingarms(); break; case 150: backupState = 'idle3'; restingarms(); break; case 200: backupState = 'idle4'; restingarms(); break; case 250: backupState = 'idle5'; restingarms(); break; case 300: backupState = 'idle6'; restingarms(); break; case 350: backupState = 'idle7'; restingarms(); break; case 400: backupState = 'idle8'; restingarms(); break; case 450: backupState = 'idle9'; restingarms(); break; case 500: backupState = 'idle10'; restingarms(); break; case 550: backupState = 'idle11'; restingarms(); } if (speechTimer <= 0) { countdown('forceDelay', 0); if (forceDelay == 1) { ranspeech = 7850; } if (forceDelay <= 0) { countdown('ranspeech', 0); if (Math.random() * 8000 > ranspeech) { if (Qtime > 0) { if (Math.random() < 0.05) { taunt = true; } } rannum = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranlines.length); charSpeak(curspeech + ranlines[rannum], true); ranlines.splice(rannum, 1); if (ranlines.length <= 0) { resetLines(); } forceDelay = 40; } } } else { ranspeech = 8004; } if (speech_b._alpha < speechTimer * 10) { speech_b._alpha += 10; } else { speech_b._alpha = speechTimer * 10; } if (speech_b._alpha > 100) { speech_b._alpha = 100; } if (speech_b._alpha < 1) { speech_b._visible = false; } else { speech_b._visible = true; } countdown('resetD', 0); if (debugging == true) { debug_01.text = Math.floor(Tbustsize / 150); debug_02.text = nextspeech; debug_03.text = lifeD; } else { debug_01.text = ''; debug_02.text = ''; debug_03.text = ''; } if (multicolours == true) { circular(2.073451151369264, 'r1rot', 0.12); circular(4.146902302738527, 'b1rot', 0.12); circular(6.220353454107791, 'g1rot', 0.12); r1 = Math.sin(r1rot) * 100; b1 = Math.sin(b1rot) * 100; g1 = Math.sin(g1rot) * 100; } if (shaking == true) { _root._x = 5 - Math.random() * 10; _root._y = 5 - Math.random() * 10; } if (blinderson == true) { circular(0, 'blindrot', 0.12); blinders._x = Math.sin(blindrot) * 150; blinders._y = Math.cos(blindrot) * 120; } updateshelwhite(); }; } movieClip 133 { frame 1 { var eyeglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711935, 15, 15, 10, 1, 1, false, false); this.filters = [eyeglow]; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 135 { frame 1 { if (_name == 'blade') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 165 { frame 1 { _CL = 'rest'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 9 { _CL = 'breast'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 17 { gotoAndPlay('rest'); } } movieClip 171 { } movieClip 174 { } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 182 { } movieClip 187 { } movieClip 195 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 200 { } movieClip 205 { } movieClip 208 { } movieClip 211 { } movieClip 217 { } movieClip 219 { } movieClip 227 { } movieClip 229 { } movieClip 231 { } movieClip 232 { } movieClip 233 { frame 1 { rot = 0; rotplus = 0.1; ystart = this._y; Aystart = Ami._y; onEnterFrame = function () { rot += rotplus; if (rot > 6.283185307179586) { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } this._y = ystart + Math.sin(rot) * 6; Ami._y = Aystart - Math.sin(rot) * 6; }; } } movieClip 237 { } movieClip 242 { frame 1 { if (_name == 'blade') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 246 { } movieClip 283 { frame 1 { _CL = 'rest'; } frame 1 { if (_name == 'L_overarm') { this.gotoAndStop(_root.Ami.L_arm._currentframe); } } frame 1 { hand.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 3 { _CL = 'breast'; } frame 7 { hand.gotoAndStop(2); blade._visible = false; } frame 10 { _CL = 'breast'; } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 12 { _CL = 'rest'; } frame 15 { hand.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 19 { _CL = 'rest'; gotoAndPlay(_CL); } } movieClip 290 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 380 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { stop(); _currentlabel = 'stopped'; } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'ooze'; } frame 45 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 46 { _currentlabel = 'bigooze'; } frame 100 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 101 { _currentlabel = 'ooze'; } frame 170 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 171 { _currentlabel = 'pressure'; } frame 214 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 215 { _currentlabel = 'stream'; } frame 268 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 388 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 399 { frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 401 { } movieClip 409 { } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 420 { } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 467 { frame 1 { _CL = 'rest'; } frame 1 { hand.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 1 { } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(_CL); } frame 3 { _CL = 'rest2breast'; } frame 8 { hand.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.herhands == true) { hand.gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 11 { _CL = 'breast'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 13 { _CL = 'breast2rest'; } frame 16 { hand.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.herhands == true) { hand.gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 21 { gotoAndPlay('rest'); } } movieClip 468 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_root.Ami.L_arm._currentframe); blade.gotoAndStop(3); if (this._currentframe <= 6 || this._currentframe > 14 || _root.armless == true) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } }; } frame 1 { hand.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 7 { hand.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 15 { hand.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 470 { } movieClip 472 { } movieClip 479 { frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 485 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 630 { frame 2 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 4 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 6 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 8 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 10 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 12 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 14 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 16 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 18 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 20 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 21 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 22 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 24 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 26 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 28 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 29 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 30 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 31 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 32 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 33 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 34 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 36 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 37 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 38 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 39 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 40 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 41 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 42 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 43 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 44 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 45 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 46 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 47 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 48 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 49 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 50 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 51 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 52 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 53 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 54 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 55 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 56 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 57 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 58 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 59 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 60 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 62 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 63 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 64 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 65 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 66 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 67 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 68 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 69 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 70 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 71 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 72 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 73 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 74 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 75 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 76 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 77 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 78 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 79 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 80 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 81 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 82 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 83 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 84 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 85 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 86 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 87 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 88 { _CL = this.currentFrameLabel; } frame 89 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 90 { _CL = this.currentFrameLabel; } frame 91 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 92 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 93 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 94 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 95 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 96 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 97 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 98 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 99 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 100 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 101 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 102 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 103 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 104 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 105 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 106 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 107 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 108 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 109 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 110 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 111 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 112 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 113 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 114 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 115 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 116 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 117 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 118 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 119 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 120 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 121 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 122 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 123 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 124 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 125 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 126 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 127 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 128 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 129 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 130 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 131 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 132 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 133 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 134 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 135 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 136 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 137 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 138 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 139 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 140 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 141 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 142 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 143 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 144 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 145 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 146 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 147 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 148 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 149 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 150 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 151 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 152 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 153 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 154 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 155 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 156 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 157 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 158 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 159 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 160 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 161 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 162 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 163 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 164 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 165 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 166 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 167 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 168 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 169 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 170 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 171 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 172 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 173 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 174 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 175 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 176 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 177 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 178 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 179 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 180 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 181 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 182 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 183 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 184 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 185 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 186 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 187 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 188 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 189 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } } movieClip 635 { } movieClip 690 { frame 1 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 3 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 5 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 7 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 9 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 11 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 13 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 15 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 17 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 19 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 21 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 23 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 25 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 27 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 29 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 31 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 33 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 35 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 37 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 39 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 41 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 43 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 44 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 45 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 46 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 47 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 49 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 51 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 53 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 55 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 56 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 57 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 58 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 59 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 61 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 63 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 64 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 65 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 66 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 67 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 69 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 70 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 71 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 73 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 74 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 75 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 76 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 77 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } frame 79 { _CL = _currentframe; } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(_CL); } } movieClip 694 { } movieClip 696 { } movieClip 697 { } movieClip 702 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 703 { } movieClip 714 { frame 1 { if (this.started != 9) { this.started = 9; rot = 0; rotplus = 0.2; ystart = this._y; } if (this._visible == true) { onEnterFrame = function () { if (rot < 6.283185307179586) { rot += rotplus; } else { rot -= 6.283185307179586; } this._y = ystart + Math.sin(rot) * 20; this._rotation = Math.cos(rot) * 10; this._xscale = Math.abs(Math.cos(rot) * 100); this._yscale = this._xscale; }; } } } movieClip 716 { } movieClip 721 { frame 2 { if (_root.ho_int == true) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 4 { if (_root.ho_int == true) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 726 { frame 1 { this.onPress = function () { if (_root.lifeD <= 0) { _root.answerval = this.Qval; for (i in _root.buttons) { butt = _root.buttons[i]; if (butt.Qval == 1) { butt.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 729 { } movieClip 732 { } movieClip 735 { } movieClip 736 { } movieClip 739 { frame 2 { if (_root.ho_int == true) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 4 { if (_root.ho_int == true) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 741 { frame 1 { retryB._txt.text = 'Try again, building from scratch?'; quitB._txt.text = 'Go back to the main menu to spend some points?'; } } movieClip 748 { frame 2 { if (_root.ho_int == true) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 4 { if (_root.ho_int == true) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 751 { } movieClip 755 { } movieClip 756 { } movieClip 759 { } movieClip 770 { } movieClip 772 { } movieClip 776 { } // unknown tag 88 length 282
Created: 19/7 -2019 02:22:38 Last modified: 19/7 -2019 02:22:38 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:50:13