[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (414 B)
fscommand ("allowscale", false);
_quality = "HIGH";
_focusrect = false;
timer = getTimer();
this.onData = function () {
var time = ((getTimer() - timer) / 1000);
var rate = ((this.getBytesLoaded() / 1024) / time);
estTime = Math.round((this.getBytesTotal() / 1024) / rate);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
ifFrameLoaded (18) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
gotoAndPlay (5);
Frame 15 (668 B)
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
var timeSoFar = ((getTimer() - timer) / 1000);
var timeFlowerToPlay = (estTime - 5);
if (timeSoFar >= timeFlowerToPlay) {
var tf = loadingBar._totalframes;
var cf = loadingBar._currentframe;
if (cf == tf) {
if (flowerAnim._currentframe == flowerAnim._totalframes) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
delete this.onData;
} else {
var bt = this.getBytesTotal();
if (bt > 16) {
var bl = this.getBytesLoaded();
var frame = Math.floor((bl / bt) * tf);
if (cf < frame) {
Frame 18 (20 B)
_quality = "HIGH";
Frame 62 (23 B)
menuItem = 0;
Frame 76 (124 B)
if (menuItem == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (78);
} else if (menuItem == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (130);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (48);
Frame 98 (8 B)
Frame 122 (28 B)
Frame 140 (19 B)
gotoAndPlay (163);
Frame 163 (78.69 KiB) ● ● ● ●
_global._timeline = this;
_timeline.width = 560;
_timeline.height = 287;
_timeline.ground = 260;
Color.prototype.setRGB2 = function (r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) {
this.setTransform({ra:r1, ga:g1, ba:b1, rb:r2, gb:g2, bb:b2});
Color.prototype.getRGB2 = function () {
var t = this.getTransform();
return({r:t.rb, g:t.gb, b:t.bb});
Color.prototype.reset = function () {
this.setTransform({ra:100, ga:100, ba:100, rb:0, gb:0, bb:0});
Math.random2 = function () {
var args = arguments;
if (args.length == 0) {
if (args.length == 1) {
return(Math.floor(Math.random() * args[0]));
if (args.length == 2) {
return(Math.floor(Math.random() * (args[1] - args[0])) + args[0]);
Math.oddEven = function (num) {
var n = (num / 2);
if (n == Math.floor(n)) {
Math.toRadians = function (degree) {
return((degree * Math.PI) / 180);
Math.toDegrees = function (radian) {
return((radian * 180) / Math.PI);
Math.toStandardAngle = function (theta) {
while (theta < 0) {
theta = theta + 360;
while (theta >= 360) {
theta = theta - 360;
Math.toGlobalCoords = function (mc) {
var point = new Object();
point.x = mc._x;
point.y = mc._y;
Math.square = function (num) {
return(num * num);
Math.circleCollision = function (circle1, circle2) {
var dx2 = Math.square(circle1._x - circle2._x);
var dy2 = Math.square(circle1._y - circle2._y);
var radius2 = Math.square(circle1.radius + circle2.radius);
if ((dx2 + dy2) < radius2) {
Math.round2 = function () {
var args = arguments;
var multiplier = Math.pow(10, args[1]);
return(Math.round(args[0] * multiplier) / multiplier);
_global.ClassWorld = function () {
ClassWorld.prototype.init = function () {
this.scrollSpeed = 5;
this.depth = 0;
this.islands = _timeline.islands;
this.islands.depth = 0;
this.islands.distance = 0;
this.islands.index = -1;
this.islands.speed = 5;
this.islands.currentRandomNum = 0;
this.islands.currentIslandNum = 0;
this.islands.newestIsland = null;
this.islands.maxIslands = 1000;
this.islands.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.distance = this.distance + this.speed;
var newIndex = Math.floor(this.distance / 500);
if (newIndex != this.index) {
this.index = newIndex;
this._x = -this.distance;
var island = this["island" + this.currentIslandNum];
if ((island._x - this.distance) < (-island._width)) {
this.currentIslandNum = (this.currentIslandNum + 1) % this.maxIslands;
this.sky = _timeline.sky;
this.sea = _timeline.sea;
this.haze = _timeline.haze;
switch (GameMgr.gfxDetails) {
case "MAX" :
this.sky.onEnterFrame = this.updateParallax;
this.sea.water.onEnterFrame = this.updateParallax;
this.sea.onEnterFrame = this.updatePerspective;
case "HIGH" :
this.sky.onEnterFrame = this.updateParallax;
this.sea.water.onEnterFrame = this.updateParallax;
case "MED" :
this.sea.water.onEnterFrame = this.updateParallax;
this.sea.onEnterFrame = this.updatePerspective;
case "LOW" :
this.sea.onEnterFrame = this.updatePerspective;
case "MIN" :
default :
this.sky.onEnterFrame = this.updateParallax;
this.sea.water.onEnterFrame = this.updateParallax;
this.sea.onEnterFrame = this.updatePerspective;
this.colours_dawn = {r:60, g:-20, b:-70, haze:{r:255, g:255, b:204}};
this.colours_day = {r:0, g:0, b:0, haze:{r:255, g:255, b:255}};
this.colours_noon = {r:50, g:0, b:-20, haze:{r:255, g:255, b:255}};
this.colours_dusk = {r:0, g:-128, b:-255, haze:{r:255, g:155, b:0}};
this.colours_night = {r:-150, g:-180, b:-120, haze:{r:102, g:102, b:153}};
this.colours_night2 = {r:-130, g:-140, b:-130, haze:{r:153, g:153, b:153}};
this.levelTimes = {level0:"dawn", level1:"dawn", level2:"day", level3:"dusk", level4:"night", level5:"dawn", level6:"day", level7:"noon", level8:"dusk", level9:"night", level10:"dawn", level11:"day", level12:"noon", level13:"dusk", level14:"night", level15:"night2"};
this.timeOfDay = this.levelTimes["level" + GameMgr.level];
switch (this.timeOfDay) {
case "dawn" :
this.timeOfDayIndex = 1;
case "day" :
this.timeOfDayIndex = 2;
case "noon" :
this.timeOfDayIndex = 2;
case "dusk" :
this.timeOfDayIndex = 3;
case "night" :
this.timeOfDayIndex = 4;
case "night2" :
this.timeOfDayIndex = 4;
default :
this.timeOfDayIndex = 1;
ClassWorld.prototype.setColours = function () {
var skyColour = new Color(this.sky);
var seaColour = new Color(this.sea);
var hazeColour = new Color(this.haze);
var colourObj = this["colours_" + this.timeOfDay];
skyColour.setRGB2(100, 100, 100, colourObj.r, colourObj.g, colourObj.b);
seaColour.setRGB2(100, 100, 100, colourObj.r, colourObj.g, colourObj.b);
hazeColour.setRGB2(0, 0, 0, colourObj.haze.r, colourObj.haze.g, colourObj.haze.b);
ClassWorld.prototype.updateColours = function () {
var segment = (BaddiesMgr.totalDist / 3);
World.timeOfDayIndex = Math.floor(BaddiesMgr.travelledDist / segment);
if (World.timeOfDayIndex < 3) {
var dr;
var dg;
var db;
var r;
var g;
var b;
var skyColour0 = World.sky[World.timeOfDay[World.timeOfDayIndex]];
var skyColour1 = World.sky[World.timeOfDay[World.timeOfDayIndex + 1]];
var unit = (segment / World.scrollSpeed);
dr = (skyColour1.r - skyColour0.r) / unit;
dg = (skyColour1.g - skyColour0.g) / unit;
db = (skyColour1.b - skyColour0.b) / unit;
var frame = ((BaddiesMgr.travelledDist / World.scrollSpeed) % unit);
r = Math.round(skyColour0.r + (dr * frame));
g = Math.round(skyColour0.g + (dg * frame));
b = Math.round(skyColour0.b + (db * frame));
World.skyColour.setRGB2(100, 100, 100, r, g, b);
World.seaColour.setRGB2(100, 100, 100, r, g, b);
var hazeColour0 = World.haze[World.timeOfDay[World.timeOfDayIndex]];
var hazeColour1 = World.haze[World.timeOfDay[World.timeOfDayIndex + 1]];
dr = (hazeColour1.r - hazeColour0.r) / unit;
dg = (hazeColour1.g - hazeColour0.g) / unit;
db = (hazeColour1.b - hazeColour0.b) / unit;
r = Math.round(hazeColour0.r + (dr * frame));
g = Math.round(hazeColour0.g + (dg * frame));
b = Math.round(hazeColour0.b + (db * frame));
World.hazeColour.setRGB2(0, 0, 0, r, g, b);
ClassWorld.prototype.addIslands = function () {
var randomNum = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1);
while (randomNum == this.islands.currentRandomNum) {
randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
this.islands.currentRandomNum = randomNum;
var island = this.islands.attachMovie("island" + randomNum, "island" + this.islands.depth, this.islands.depth);
var x = (((_timeline.width + island._width) + (Math.random() * _timeline.width)) + this.islands.distance);
island._x = x;
island._y = 20;
island.onEnterFrame = function () {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (this.hitTest(World.islands.newestIsland)) {
this._x = (World.islands.newestIsland._x + (World.islands.newestIsland._width / 2)) + (this._width / 2);
World.islands.newestIsland = this;
this.islands.depth = (this.islands.depth + 1) % this.islands.maxIslands;
ClassWorld.prototype.updateParallax = function () {
var i = 1;
while (i <= 3) {
var c = this["clouds" + i];
c._x = (c._x - (i * World.scrollSpeed)) % _timeline.width;
ClassWorld.prototype.updatePerspective = function () {
var player_y = PlayerMgr.player._y;
if (PlayerMgr.player == null) {
player_y = PlayerMgr.startPos.y;
var dy = ((PlayerMgr.startPos.y - player_y) / 2);
var h = (147 - dy);
var dy2 = ((h - World.sea._height) / 4);
World.sea._height = World.sea._height + dy2;
var sea_y = ((_timeline.height - World.sea._height) + 2);
World.sea._y = (World.islands._y = (World.haze._y = sea_y));
World.sky._height = sea_y;
ClassWorld.prototype.flashScreen = function (x, y, scale) {
var flash = GameMgr.game.flashes.attachMovie("flash", "flash" + this.depth, this.depth, {_x:x, _y:y, _xscale:scale, _yscale:scale});
flash.onEnterFrame = function () {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
this.depth = (this.depth + 1) % 1000;
_global.PickupsManager = function () {
PickupsManager.prototype.init = function () {
this.depth = 0;
this.randomPickups = new Array();
var i = 30;
while (i--) {
var i = 30;
while (i--) {
var i = 30;
while (i--) {
var i = 30;
while (i--) {
var i = 30;
while (i--) {
var i = 5;
while (i--) {
var i = 2;
while (i--) {
var i = 2;
while (i--) {
this.randomPickupsLength = this.randomPickups.length;
PickupsManager.prototype.addPickup = function (x, y) {
var type = this.randomPickups[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.randomPickupsLength)];
var pickup = GameMgr.game.pickups.attachMovie(type, "pickup" + this.depth, this.depth, {_x:x, _y:y});
pickup.type = type;
pickup.onEnterFrame = function () {
var x = (this._x - World.scrollSpeed);
if (x > -50) {
this._x = x;
if (this.hitTest(PlayerMgr.player)) {
} else {
PickupsManager.prototype.collectPickup = function (pickup) {
var type = pickup.type;
switch (type) {
case "bonusPoints1000" :
case "bonusPoints2000" :
case "bonusPoints5000" :
case "weaponUp" :
if (GameMgr.weaponCharge < 100) {
GameMgr.weaponCharge = GameMgr.weaponCharge + 10;
if ((GameMgr.weaponCharge % 20) == 0) {
PlayerMgr.upgradeWeapon(GameMgr.weaponCharge / 20);
_timeline.weaponbar.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._currentframe < GameMgr.weaponCharge) {
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
case "speedUp" :
GameMgr.playerSpeed = ((GameMgr.playerSpeed - 3) % 5) + 4;
PlayerMgr.player.accl = GameMgr.playerSpeed;
_timeline.speedometer.gotoAndStop("speed" + (GameMgr.playerSpeed - 3));
case "shieldOn" :
if (!PlayerMgr.player.bShield) {
case "smartBomb" :
case "bonusLife" :
_global.ClassWeapon = function () {
ClassWeapon.prototype.init = function (owner, baddies) {
this.owner = owner;
this.baddies = baddies;
this.depth = 0;
this.power = 1;
this.maxPower = 15;
this.maxBullets = 8;
this.bulletsCount = 0;
ClassWeapon.prototype.fire = function (type, bCluster, bHoming, radius, xOffset, yOffset, xVel, yVel, rotation, damage) {
var mc = GameMgr.game.weapons;
if (mc.depth == undefined) {
mc.depth = 0;
} else {
mc.depth = (mc.depth + 1) % 1000;
var bullet = GameMgr.game.weapons.attachMovie(type, "bullet" + mc.depth, mc.depth);
bullet.owner = this.owner;
bullet.baddies = this.baddies;
var x = ((bullet._x = this.owner._x + xOffset));
var y = ((bullet._y = this.owner._y + yOffset));
bullet._rotation = rotation;
bullet.type = type;
bullet.damage = damage;
bullet.radius = radius;
bullet.radius2 = radius * radius;
bullet.vel = {x:xVel, y:yVel};
bullet.fric = 0.8;
bullet.killMe = this.killBullet;
if (bCluster) {
for (var i in this.baddies) {
var baddie = this.baddies[i];
var dx = (baddie._x - x);
var dy = (baddie._y - y);
bullet.startX = x;
bullet.startY = y;
bullet.targetDist2 = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy);
bullet.onEnterFrame = this.updateCluster;
} else if (bHoming) {
bullet.lifeTime = 50;
bullet.homingSpeed = xVel;
bullet.onEnterFrame = this.updateHoming;
} else {
bullet.onEnterFrame = this.updateBullet;
ClassWeapon.prototype.updateBullet = function () {
var x = (this._x + this.vel.x);
var y = (this._y + this.vel.y);
if ((((x > (_timeline.width + 50)) || (x < -50)) || (y > (_timeline.height + 50))) || (y < -50)) {
} else {
for (var i in this.baddies) {
var baddie = this.baddies[i];
if (!baddie.bFlash) {
if (this.hitTest(baddie)) {
var dx = (x - baddie._x);
var dy = (y - baddie._y);
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) < ((this.radius2 + baddie.radius2) + ((2 * this.radius) * baddie.radius))) {
var energy = baddie.energy;
baddie.energy = baddie.energy - this.damage;
if (baddie.energy < 1) {
} else {
baddie.bFlashAnim = true;
baddie.flashTimer = baddie.flashTime;
this.damage = this.damage - energy;
if (this.damage < 1) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
ClassWeapon.prototype.updateCluster = function () {
var x = (this._x + this.vel.x);
var y = (this._y + this.vel.y);
if ((((x > (_timeline.width + 50)) || (x < -50)) || (y > (_timeline.height + 50))) || (y < -50)) {
} else {
for (var i in this.baddies) {
var baddie = this.baddies[i];
if (!baddie.bFlash) {
if (this.hitTest(baddie)) {
var dx = (x - baddie._x);
var dy = (y - baddie._y);
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) < ((this.radius2 + baddie.radius2) + ((2 * this.radius) * baddie.radius))) {
var energy = baddie.energy;
baddie.energy = baddie.energy - this.damage;
if (baddie.energy < 1) {
} else {
baddie.bFlashAnim = true;
baddie.flashTimer = baddie.flashTime;
this.damage = this.damage - energy;
if (this.damage < 1) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
dx = x - this.startX;
dy = y - this.startY;
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) >= this.targetDist2) {
var xOffset = (x - this.owner._x);
var yOffset = (y - this.owner._y);
var vel1 = 8;
var vel2 = 5.6;
this.owner.weapon.fire("pink_photon", false, 7, xOffset, yOffset, 0, -vel1, 0, 1);
this.owner.weapon.fire("pink_photon", false, 7, xOffset, yOffset, vel2, -vel2, 0, 1);
this.owner.weapon.fire("pink_photon", false, 7, xOffset, yOffset, vel1, 0, 0, 1);
this.owner.weapon.fire("pink_photon", false, 7, xOffset, yOffset, vel2, vel2, 0, 1);
this.owner.weapon.fire("pink_photon", false, 7, xOffset, yOffset, 0, vel1, 0, 1);
this.owner.weapon.fire("pink_photon", false, 7, xOffset, yOffset, -vel2, vel2, 0, 1);
this.owner.weapon.fire("pink_photon", false, 7, xOffset, yOffset, -vel1, 0, 0, 1);
this.owner.weapon.fire("pink_photon", false, 7, xOffset, yOffset, -vel2, -vel2, 0, 1);
var scale = 100;
World.flashScreen(x, y, scale);
ClassWeapon.prototype.updateHoming = function () {
if (this.lifeTime < 0) {
} else {
var baddie = null;
for (var i in this.baddies) {
baddie = this.baddies[i];
if (baddie._name != undefined) {
var dx = (baddie._x - this._x);
var dy = (baddie._y - this._y);
var len = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
this.vel.x = (dx / len) * this.homingSpeed;
this.vel.y = (dy / len) * this.homingSpeed;
var x = (this._x + this.vel.x);
var y = (this._y + this.vel.y);
for (var i in this.baddies) {
var baddie = this.baddies[i];
if (!baddie.bFlash) {
if (this.hitTest(baddie)) {
var dx = (x - baddie._x);
var dy = (y - baddie._y);
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) < ((this.radius2 + baddie.radius2) + ((2 * this.radius) * baddie.radius))) {
var energy = baddie.energy;
baddie.energy = baddie.energy - this.damage;
if (baddie.energy < 1) {
} else {
baddie.bFlashAnim = true;
baddie.flashTimer = baddie.flashTime;
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
ClassWeapon.prototype.killBullet = function () {
ClassWeapon.prototype.smartBomb = function () {
for (var i in this.baddies) {
var baddie = this.baddies[i];
if (!baddie.bFlash) {
var energy = baddie.energy;
baddie.energy = baddie.energy - 20;
if (baddie.energy < 1) {
} else {
baddie.bFlashAnim = true;
baddie.flashTimer = baddie.flashTime;
var scale = 500;
World.flashScreen(280, 143, scale);
_global.PlayerManager = function () {
PlayerManager.prototype.init = function () {
this.player = null;
this.startPos = {x:-50, y:140};
PlayerManager.prototype.createPlayer = function () {
this.player = GameMgr.game.player.attachMovie("player", "player", 1);
this.player.firePoints = new Array();
this.player._x = this.startPos.x;
this.player._y = this.startPos.y;
this.player.weapon = new ClassWeapon();
this.player.weapon.init(this.player, BaddiesMgr.baddiesGFX);
this.player.gotoAndStop("weapon" + GameMgr.weaponLevel);
_timeline.speedometer.gotoAndStop("speed" + (GameMgr.playerSpeed - 3));
this.player.fireDelay = 0;
this.player.fireDelayAmount = 5;
this.player.killMe = this.killPlayer;
this.player.bShield = false;
this.player.energy = 1;
this.player.bFire = false;
this.player.bFlash = true;
this.player.flashTimer = 50;
this.player.radius = 16;
this.player.radius2 = 256;
this.player.ground = _timeline.ground;
this.player.vel = {x:30, y:0};
this.player.accl = GameMgr.playerSpeed;
this.player.grav = 1;
this.player.fric = 0.7;
this.player.shadow = GameMgr.game.player.attachMovie("shadow", "shadow", 0);
this.player.shadow._x = this.startPos.x;
this.player.shadow._y = this.player.ground;
this.player.snd_charging = new Sound(this.player);
this.player.onUnload = function () {
this.player.cheats = {invincible:false};
this.player.onEnterFrame = this.playerIntro;
PlayerManager.prototype.updatePlayer = function () {
if (this.bFlash) {
if (this.flashTimer > 0) {
var a = (this._alpha - 10);
if (a < 0) {
a = 100;
this._alpha = a;
} else {
this.bFlash = false;
this._alpha = 100;
var horizontal = ((-Key.isDown(37)) + Key.isDown(39));
var verticle = ((-Key.isDown(38)) + Key.isDown(40));
var fire = Key.isDown(32);
this.vel.x = this.vel.x + (horizontal * this.accl);
this.vel.y = this.vel.y + (verticle * this.accl);
this.vel.x = this.vel.x * this.fric;
this.vel.y = this.vel.y * this.fric;
var x = (this._x + this.vel.x);
if (x < this.radius) {
x = this.radius;
} else {
var r = (_timeline.width - this.radius);
if (x > r) {
x = r;
var y = (this._y + this.vel.y);
if (y < this.radius) {
y = this.radius;
} else {
var b = (this.ground - (this.radius * 2));
if (y > b) {
y = b;
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
var a = (100 - (((240 - y) / 280) * 100));
this.shadow._alpha = a;
this.shadow._xscale = a;
this.shadow._yscale = a + Math.random2(10);
this.shadow._x = x;
this.shadow._y = this.ground + Math.random2(2);
if (verticle < 0) {
} else if (verticle > 0) {
} else {
if (fire) {
this.bFire = true;
if (this.weapon.power > this.weapon.maxPower) {
this.weapon.power = this.weapon.maxPower;
if (this.weapon.power > 4) {
if (this.snd_charging.position == 0) {
this.snd_charging.start(0, 1);
} else if (this.snd_charging.position == this.snd_charging.duration) {
this.snd_charging = new Sound(this);
this.snd_charging.start(1.35, 5000);
} else {
if (this.bFire && (this.fireDelay < 1)) {
this.fireDelay = this.fireDelayAmount;
if (this.weapon.power == this.weapon.maxPower) {
this.weapon.fire("megablast", false, false, 12, 23, 5, 20, 0, 0, 10);
} else {
var i = 0;
while (i < this.noOfFirePoints) {
var fp = this.firePoints[i];
this.weapon.fire(fp.type, false, fp.bHoming, fp.radius, fp._x, fp._y, fp.xVel, fp.yVel, fp.rotation, fp.damage);
this.snd_charging = new Sound(this);
this.bFire = false;
this.weapon.power = 1;
PlayerManager.prototype.getPlayerFirePoints = function () {
this.player.firePoints = new Array();
for (var i in this.player) {
var obj = this.player[i];
if (obj.type != undefined) {
this.player.noOfFirePoints = this.player.firePoints.length;
PlayerManager.prototype.playerIntro = function () {
var a = (this._alpha - 10);
if (a < 0) {
a = 100;
this._alpha = a;
this.vel.x = this.vel.x * 0.9;
var x = (this._x + this.vel.x);
var y = 140;
if (this.vel.x < 1) {
this.vel.x = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = PlayerMgr.updatePlayer;
this._x = x;
var a = (100 - (((240 - y) / 280) * 100));
this.shadow._alpha = a;
this.shadow._xscale = a;
this.shadow._yscale = a + Math.random2(10);
this.shadow._x = x;
this.shadow._y = this.ground + Math.random2(2);
PlayerManager.prototype.killPlayer = function () {
if (!this.cheats.invincible) {
if (this.bShield) {
} else {
var mc = GameMgr.game.explosions;
if (mc.depth == undefined) {
mc.depth = 0;
} else {
mc.depth = (mc.depth + 1) % 1000;
var x = this._x;
var y = this._y;
var explosion = mc.attachMovie("explosion2", "explosion" + mc.depth, mc.depth, {_x:x, _y:y, _xscale:15, _yscale:15});
explosion.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._currentframe >= this._totalframes) {
if (GameMgr.lives > 0) {
} else {
PlayerMgr.player = null;
if (GameMgr.weaponLevel > 0) {
GameMgr.weaponCharge = GameMgr.weaponLevel * 20;
GameMgr.playerSpeed = 4;
var scale = 400;
World.flashScreen(x, y, scale);
PlayerManager.prototype.upgradeWeapon = function (level) {
GameMgr.weaponLevel = level;
this.player.gotoAndStop("weapon" + level);
PlayerManager.prototype.secretWeapons = function (num) {
GameMgr.weaponLevel = 5;
this.player.gotoAndStop("weaponSpecial" + num);
PlayerManager.prototype.addShield = function () {
this.player.bShield = true;
this.player.attachMovie("shield", "shield", 0);
PlayerManager.prototype.removeShield = function () {
this.player.shield.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
PlayerMgr.player.bShield = false;
_global.BaddiesManager = function () {
BaddiesManager.prototype.init = function () {
this.baddiesList = _timeline.gameLevelData;
this.baddiesListLength = this.baddiesList.length;
this.baddiesListEnd = this.baddiesListLength - 1;
this.depth = 0;
this.screenDist = 555;
this.totalDist = this.baddiesListLength * this.screenDist;
this.travelledDist = 0;
this.baddies = GameMgr.game.baddies;
this.baddies.arrayIndex = -1;
this.baddies.onEnterFrame = this.updateScreen;
this.baddiesGFX = this.baddies.createEmptyMovieClip("gfx", 0);
BaddiesManager.prototype.updateScreen = function () {
BaddiesMgr.travelledDist = BaddiesMgr.travelledDist + World.scrollSpeed;
var oldArrayIndex = this.arrayIndex;
this.arrayIndex = Math.floor(BaddiesMgr.travelledDist / BaddiesMgr.screenDist);
_timeline.txtArrayIndex.text = this.arrayIndex;
if (oldArrayIndex != this.arrayIndex) {
if (this.arrayIndex <= BaddiesMgr.baddiesListLength) {
var listOfBaddies = BaddiesMgr.baddiesList[this.arrayIndex];
var noOfClusters = listOfBaddies.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < noOfClusters) {
var cluster = listOfBaddies[i];
var index = 0;
while (index < cluster.count) {
if (index < (cluster.count - 1)) {
var pickup = false;
} else {
var pickup = true;
BaddiesMgr.createBaddie(index, cluster.type, cluster.energy, cluster.delay, cluster.spacing, cluster.dx, cluster.dy, cluster.path, pickup);
BaddiesManager.prototype.isScreenEmpty = function () {
for (var i in this.baddiesGFX) {
var baddie = this.baddiesGFX[i];
if (typeof(baddie) == "movieclip") {
BaddiesManager.prototype.getBaddieFirePoints = function (baddie) {
baddie.firePoints = new Array();
for (var i in baddie) {
var obj = baddie[i];
if (obj.type != undefined) {
baddie.noOfFirePoints = baddie.firePoints.length;
BaddiesManager.prototype.createBaddie = function (index, type, energy, delay, spacing, dx, dy, path, pickup) {
if ((index == 0) && (GameMgr.lives > 0)) {
if (type < 2) {
snd_loop2.volDir = 1;
} else if (type < 4) {
snd_loop3.volDir = 1;
} else if (type < 10) {
snd_loop4.volDir = 1;
} else {
snd_boss.volDir = 1;
var baddie = this.baddiesGFX.attachMovie("baddie" + type, "baddie" + this.depth, this.depth);
baddie.index = index;
baddie.type = type;
baddie.energy = energy;
baddie.delay = delay + (spacing * index);
baddie.dx = dx;
baddie.dy = dy;
baddie.pickup = pickup;
baddie.points = 1000 * energy;
baddie.radius = (baddie._width + baddie._height) * 0.25;
baddie.radius2 = baddie.radius * baddie.radius;
baddie.path = Paths.paths[path];
baddie.pathIndex = 0;
baddie.pathLength = baddie.path.length;
baddie.weapon = new ClassWeapon();
baddie.weapon.init(baddie, GameMgr.game.player);
baddie.killMe = this.killBaddie;
baddie.bFlash = false;
baddie.bFlashAnim = false;
baddie.flashTimer = 0;
baddie.flashTime = 2;
baddie.normalColour = {ra:"100", ga:"100", ba:"100", aa:"100", rb:"0", gb:"0", bb:"0", ab:"0"};
baddie.flashColour = {ra:"20", ga:"20", ba:"20", aa:"100", rb:"204", gb:"204", bb:"204", ab:"0"};
baddie.flashColourObject = new Color(baddie);
baddie._x = baddie.path[0].x + baddie.dx;
baddie._y = baddie.path[0].y + baddie.dy;
baddie.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.path[0].special == undefined) {
this.onEnterFrame = BaddiesMgr.update_path;
} else {
this.onEnterFrame = this.path[1];
BaddiesManager.prototype.update_path = function () {
if (this.delay > 0) {
} else {
var x = (this.path[this.pathIndex].x + this.dx);
var y = (this.path[this.pathIndex].y + this.dy);
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
if (this.pathIndex > this.pathLength) {
} else {
BaddiesManager.prototype.checkCollidePlayer = function (baddie) {
if (!PlayerMgr.player.bFlash) {
if (baddie.hitTest(PlayerMgr.player)) {
var dx = (baddie._x - PlayerMgr.player._x);
var dy = (baddie._y - PlayerMgr.player._y);
if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) < ((baddie.radius2 + PlayerMgr.player.radius2) + ((2 * baddie.radius) * PlayerMgr.player.radius))) {
baddie.energy = baddie.energy - 10;
if (baddie.energy < 1) {
} else {
baddie.bFlashAnim = true;
baddie.flashTimer = baddie.flashTime;
if (PlayerMgr.player.bShield) {
} else {
BaddiesManager.prototype.baddieFlashAnim = function (baddie) {
if (baddie.bFlashAnim) {
if (baddie.flashTimer < 1) {
baddie.bFlashAnim = false;
BaddiesManager.prototype.fireWeapon = function (baddie) {
if (Math.random() < baddie.firePoints[0].rate) {
var i = 0;
while (i < baddie.noOfFirePoints) {
var fp = baddie.firePoints[i];
var x = fp._x;
var y = fp._y;
var xVel = fp.xVel;
var yVel = fp.yVel;
if ((xVel == 0) && (yVel == 0)) {
if (PlayerMgr.player != null) {
var dx = (PlayerMgr.player._x - (baddie._x + x));
var dy = (PlayerMgr.player._y - (baddie._y + y));
var len = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
var xVel = ((dx / len) * fp.trackingSpeed);
var yVel = ((dy / len) * fp.trackingSpeed);
var rotation = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(dy, dx));
} else {
var xVel = (-fp.trackingSpeed);
var yVel = 0;
var rotation = fp.rotation;
} else {
var rotation = fp.rotation;
baddie.weapon.fire(fp.type, fp.bCluster, fp.bHoming, fp.radius, x, y, xVel, yVel, rotation, fp.damage);
BaddiesManager.prototype.killBaddie = function () {
var x = this._x;
var y = this._y;
var mc = GameMgr.game.explosions;
if (mc.depth == undefined) {
mc.depth = 0;
} else {
mc.depth = (mc.depth + 1) % 1000;
var explosion = mc.attachMovie("explosion1", "explosion" + mc.depth, mc.depth, {_x:x, _y:y, _xscale:15, _yscale:15});
explosion.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._currentframe >= this._totalframes) {
if (this.pickup) {
if (Math.random() < 0.75) {
PickupsMgr.addPickup(x, y);
var scale = (100 + ((this.points / 2000) * 10));
World.flashScreen(x, y, scale);
BaddiesManager.prototype.removeBaddie = function (baddie) {
var type = baddie.type;
if (BaddiesMgr.baddies.arrayIndex >= BaddiesMgr.baddiesListEnd) {
if (BaddiesMgr.isScreenEmpty()) {
var soundOut = true;
for (var i in this.baddiesGFX) {
if (type == this.baddiesGFX[i].type) {
soundOut = false;
if (soundOut) {
if (type < 2) {
snd_loop2.volDir = -1;
} else if (type < 4) {
snd_loop3.volDir = -1;
} else if (type < 10) {
snd_loop4.volDir = -1;
} else {
snd_boss.volDir = -1;
_global.ClassPaths = function () {
this.paths = new Object();
this.paths.sine_normal = [{x:600, y:-50}, {x:592.5, y:-49.275}, {x:585, y:-47.2}, {x:577.5, y:-43.925}, {x:570, y:-39.6}, {x:562.5, y:-34.375}, {x:555, y:-28.4}, {x:547.5, y:-21.825}, {x:540, y:-14.8}, {x:532.5, y:-7.475}, {x:525, y:0}, {x:517.5, y:7.475}, {x:510, y:14.8}, {x:502.5, y:21.825}, {x:495, y:28.4}, {x:487.5, y:34.375}, {x:480, y:39.6}, {x:472.5, y:43.925}, {x:465, y:47.2}, {x:457.5, y:49.275}, {x:450, y:50}, {x:442.5, y:49.275}, {x:435, y:47.2}, {x:427.5, y:43.925}, {x:420, y:39.6}, {x:412.5, y:34.375}, {x:405, y:28.4}, {x:397.5, y:21.825}, {x:390, y:14.8}, {x:382.5, y:7.475}, {x:375, y:0}, {x:367.5, y:-7.475}, {x:360, y:-14.8}, {x:352.5, y:-21.825}, {x:345, y:-28.4}, {x:337.5, y:-34.375}, {x:330, y:-39.6}, {x:322.5, y:-43.925}, {x:315, y:-47.2}, {x:307.5, y:-49.275}, {x:300, y:-50}, {x:292.5, y:-49.275}, {x:285, y:-47.2}, {x:277.5, y:-43.925}, {x:270, y:-39.6}, {x:262.5, y:-34.375}, {x:255, y:-28.4}, {x:247.5, y:-21.825}, {x:240, y:-14.8}, {x:232.5, y:-7.475}, {x:225, y:0}, {x:217.5, y:7.475}, {x:210, y:14.8}, {x:202.5, y:21.825}, {x:195, y:28.4}, {x:187.5, y:34.375}, {x:180, y:39.6}, {x:172.5, y:43.925}, {x:165, y:47.2}, {x:157.5, y:49.275}, {x:150, y:50}, {x:142.5, y:49.275}, {x:135, y:47.2}, {x:127.5, y:43.925}, {x:120, y:39.6}, {x:112.5, y:34.375}, {x:105, y:28.4}, {x:97.5, y:21.825}, {x:90, y:14.8}, {x:82.5, y:7.475}, {x:75, y:0}, {x:67.5, y:-7.475}, {x:60, y:-14.8}, {x:52.5, y:-21.825}, {x:45, y:-28.4}, {x:37.5, y:-34.375}, {x:30, y:-39.6}, {x:22.5, y:-43.925}, {x:15, y:-47.2}, {x:7.5, y:-49.275}, {x:0, y:-50}, {x:-7.5, y:-49.275}, {x:-15, y:-47.2}, {x:-22.5, y:-43.925}, {x:-30, y:-39.6}, {x:-37.5, y:-34.375}, {x:-45, y:-28.4}, {x:-52.5, y:-21.825}, {x:-60, y:-14.8}, {x:-67.5, y:-7.475}, {x:-75, y:0}, {x:-82.5, y:7.475}, {x:-90, y:14.8}, {x:-97.5, y:21.825}, {x:-105, y:28.4}, {x:-112.5, y:34.375}, {x:-120, y:39.6}, {x:-127.5, y:43.925}, {x:-135, y:47.2}, {x:-142.5, y:49.275}, {x:-150, y:50}];
this.paths.sine_inverted = [{x:650, y:50}, {x:642.5, y:49.275}, {x:635, y:47.2}, {x:627.5, y:43.925}, {x:620, y:39.6}, {x:612.5, y:34.375}, {x:605, y:28.4}, {x:597.5, y:21.825}, {x:590, y:14.8}, {x:582.5, y:7.475}, {x:575, y:0}, {x:567.5, y:-7.475}, {x:560, y:-14.8}, {x:552.5, y:-21.825}, {x:545, y:-28.4}, {x:537.5, y:-34.375}, {x:530, y:-39.6}, {x:522.5, y:-43.925}, {x:515, y:-47.2}, {x:507.5, y:-49.275}, {x:500, y:-50}, {x:492.5, y:-49.275}, {x:485, y:-47.2}, {x:477.5, y:-43.925}, {x:470, y:-39.6}, {x:462.5, y:-34.375}, {x:455, y:-28.4}, {x:447.5, y:-21.825}, {x:440, y:-14.8}, {x:432.5, y:-7.475}, {x:425, y:0}, {x:417.5, y:7.475}, {x:410, y:14.8}, {x:402.5, y:21.825}, {x:395, y:28.4}, {x:387.5, y:34.375}, {x:380, y:39.6}, {x:372.5, y:43.925}, {x:365, y:47.2}, {x:357.5, y:49.275}, {x:350, y:50}, {x:342.5, y:49.275}, {x:335, y:47.2}, {x:327.5, y:43.925}, {x:320, y:39.6}, {x:312.5, y:34.375}, {x:305, y:28.4}, {x:297.5, y:21.825}, {x:290, y:14.8}, {x:282.5, y:7.475}, {x:275, y:0}, {x:267.5, y:-7.475}, {x:260, y:-14.8}, {x:252.5, y:-21.825}, {x:245, y:-28.4}, {x:237.5, y:-34.375}, {x:230, y:-39.6}, {x:222.5, y:-43.925}, {x:215, y:-47.2}, {x:207.5, y:-49.275}, {x:200, y:-50}, {x:192.5, y:-49.275}, {x:185, y:-47.2}, {x:177.5, y:-43.925}, {x:170, y:-39.6}, {x:162.5, y:-34.375}, {x:155, y:-28.4}, {x:147.5, y:-21.825}, {x:140, y:-14.8}, {x:132.5, y:-7.475}, {x:125, y:0}, {x:117.5, y:7.475}, {x:110, y:14.8}, {x:102.5, y:21.825}, {x:95, y:28.4}, {x:87.5, y:34.375}, {x:80, y:39.6}, {x:72.5, y:43.925}, {x:65, y:47.2}, {x:57.5, y:49.275}, {x:50, y:50}, {x:42.5, y:49.275}, {x:35, y:47.2}, {x:27.5, y:43.925}, {x:20, y:39.6}, {x:12.5, y:34.375}, {x:5, y:28.4}, {x:-2.5, y:21.825}, {x:-10, y:14.8}, {x:-17.5, y:7.475}, {x:-25, y:0}, {x:-32.5, y:-7.475}, {x:-40, y:-14.8}, {x:-47.5, y:-21.825}, {x:-55, y:-28.4}, {x:-62.5, y:-34.375}, {x:-70, y:-39.6}, {x:-77.5, y:-43.925}, {x:-85, y:-47.2}, {x:-92.5, y:-49.275}, {x:-100, y:-50}];
this.paths.sine_small = [{x:650, y:-25}, {x:642.5, y:-24.6375}, {x:635, y:-23.6}, {x:627.5, y:-21.9625}, {x:620, y:-19.8}, {x:612.5, y:-17.1875}, {x:605, y:-14.2}, {x:597.5, y:-10.9125}, {x:590, y:-7.4}, {x:582.5, y:-3.7375}, {x:575, y:0}, {x:567.5, y:3.7375}, {x:560, y:7.4}, {x:552.5, y:10.9125}, {x:545, y:14.2}, {x:537.5, y:17.1875}, {x:530, y:19.8}, {x:522.5, y:21.9625}, {x:515, y:23.6}, {x:507.5, y:24.6375}, {x:500, y:25}, {x:492.5, y:24.6375}, {x:485, y:23.6}, {x:477.5, y:21.9625}, {x:470, y:19.8}, {x:462.5, y:17.1875}, {x:455, y:14.2}, {x:447.5, y:10.9125}, {x:440, y:7.4}, {x:432.5, y:3.7375}, {x:425, y:0}, {x:417.5, y:-3.7375}, {x:410, y:-7.4}, {x:402.5, y:-10.9125}, {x:395, y:-14.2}, {x:387.5, y:-17.1875}, {x:380, y:-19.8}, {x:372.5, y:-21.9625}, {x:365, y:-23.6}, {x:357.5, y:-24.6375}, {x:350, y:-25}, {x:342.5, y:-24.6375}, {x:335, y:-23.6}, {x:327.5, y:-21.9625}, {x:320, y:-19.8}, {x:312.5, y:-17.1875}, {x:305, y:-14.2}, {x:297.5, y:-10.9125}, {x:290, y:-7.4}, {x:282.5, y:-3.7375}, {x:275, y:0}, {x:267.5, y:3.7375}, {x:260, y:7.4}, {x:252.5, y:10.9125}, {x:245, y:14.2}, {x:237.5, y:17.1875}, {x:230, y:19.8}, {x:222.5, y:21.9625}, {x:215, y:23.6}, {x:207.5, y:24.6375}, {x:200, y:25}, {x:192.5, y:24.6375}, {x:185, y:23.6}, {x:177.5, y:21.9625}, {x:170, y:19.8}, {x:162.5, y:17.1875}, {x:155, y:14.2}, {x:147.5, y:10.9125}, {x:140, y:7.4}, {x:132.5, y:3.7375}, {x:125, y:0}, {x:117.5, y:-3.7375}, {x:110, y:-7.4}, {x:102.5, y:-10.9125}, {x:95, y:-14.2}, {x:87.5, y:-17.1875}, {x:80, y:-19.8}, {x:72.5, y:-21.9625}, {x:65, y:-23.6}, {x:57.5, y:-24.6375}, {x:50, y:-25}, {x:42.5, y:-24.6375}, {x:35, y:-23.6}, {x:27.5, y:-21.9625}, {x:20, y:-19.8}, {x:12.5, y:-17.1875}, {x:5, y:-14.2}, {x:-2.5, y:-10.9125}, {x:-10, y:-7.4}, {x:-17.5, y:-3.7375}, {x:-25, y:0}, {x:-32.5, y:3.7375}, {x:-40, y:7.4}, {x:-47.5, y:10.9125}, {x:-55, y:14.2}, {x:-62.5, y:17.1875}, {x:-70, y:19.8}, {x:-77.5, y:21.9625}, {x:-85, y:23.6}, {x:-92.5, y:24.6375}, {x:-100, y:25}];
this.paths.in_loop_out = [{x:350, y:-100}, {x:341.1938, y:-95.9319}, {x:332.3, y:-91.255}, {x:323.3563, y:-86.0106}, {x:314.4, y:-80.24}, {x:305.4688, y:-73.9844}, {x:296.6, y:-67.285}, {x:287.8313, y:-60.1831}, {x:279.2, y:-52.72}, {x:270.7438, y:-44.9369}, {x:262.5, y:-36.875}, {x:254.5063, y:-28.5756}, {x:246.8, y:-20.08}, {x:239.4188, y:-11.4294}, {x:232.4, y:-2.665}, {x:225.7812, y:6.1719}, {x:219.6, y:15.04}, {x:213.8938, y:23.8981}, {x:208.7, y:32.705}, {x:204.0562, y:41.4194}, {x:200, y:50}, {x:196.39, y:58.8231}, {x:193.07, y:68.235}, {x:190.055, y:78.1494}, {x:187.36, y:88.48}, {x:185, y:99.1406}, {x:182.99, y:110.045}, {x:181.345, y:121.1069}, {x:180.08, y:132.24}, {x:179.21, y:143.3581}, {x:178.75, y:154.375}, {x:178.715, y:165.2044}, {x:179.12, y:175.76}, {x:179.98, y:185.9556}, {x:181.31, y:195.705}, {x:183.125, y:204.9219}, {x:185.44, y:213.52}, {x:188.27, y:221.4131}, {x:191.63, y:228.515}, {x:195.535, y:234.7394}, {x:200, y:240}, {x:205.4388, y:244.5125}, {x:212.16, y:248.55}, {x:220.0213, y:252.1125}, {x:228.88, y:255.2}, {x:238.5938, y:257.8125}, {x:249.02, y:259.95}, {x:260.0163, y:261.6125}, {x:271.44, y:262.8}, {x:283.1487, y:263.5125}, {x:295, y:263.75}, {x:306.8513, y:263.5125}, {x:318.56, y:262.8}, {x:329.9838, y:261.6125}, {x:340.98, y:259.95}, {x:351.4063, y:257.8125}, {x:361.12, y:255.2}, {x:369.9788, y:252.1125}, {x:377.84, y:248.55}, {x:384.5613, y:244.5125}, {x:390, y:240}, {x:394.5125, y:234.5613}, {x:398.55, y:227.84}, {x:402.1125, y:219.9788}, {x:405.2, y:211.12}, {x:407.8125, y:201.4063}, {x:409.95, y:190.98}, {x:411.6125, y:179.9837}, {x:412.8, y:168.56}, {x:413.5125, y:156.8513}, {x:413.75, y:145}, {x:413.5125, y:133.1488}, {x:412.8, y:121.44}, {x:411.6125, y:110.0163}, {x:409.95, y:99.02}, {x:407.8125, y:88.5937}, {x:405.2, y:78.88}, {x:402.1125, y:70.0212}, {x:398.55, y:62.16}, {x:394.5125, y:55.4387}, {x:390, y:50}, {x:384.5612, y:45.4875}, {x:377.84, y:41.45}, {x:369.9788, y:37.8875}, {x:361.12, y:34.8}, {x:351.4063, y:32.1875}, {x:340.98, y:30.05}, {x:329.9838, y:28.3875}, {x:318.56, y:27.2}, {x:306.8513, y:26.4875}, {x:295, y:26.25}, {x:283.1488, y:26.4875}, {x:271.44, y:27.2}, {x:260.0163, y:28.3875}, {x:249.02, y:30.05}, {x:238.5937, y:32.1875}, {x:228.88, y:34.8}, {x:220.0212, y:37.8875}, {x:212.16, y:41.45}, {x:205.4387, y:45.4875}, {x:200, y:50}, {x:195.535, y:55.2606}, {x:191.63, y:61.485}, {x:188.27, y:68.5869}, {x:185.44, y:76.48}, {x:183.125, y:85.0781}, {x:181.31, y:94.295}, {x:179.98, y:104.0444}, {x:179.12, y:114.24}, {x:178.715, y:124.7956}, {x:178.75, y:135.625}, {x:179.21, y:146.6419}, {x:180.08, y:157.76}, {x:181.345, y:168.8931}, {x:182.99, y:179.955}, {x:185, y:190.8594}, {x:187.36, y:201.52}, {x:190.055, y:211.8506}, {x:193.07, y:221.765}, {x:196.39, y:231.1769}, {x:200, y:240}, {x:204.0563, y:248.5806}, {x:208.7, y:257.295}, {x:213.8938, y:266.1019}, {x:219.6, y:274.96}, {x:225.7813, y:283.8281}, {x:232.4, y:292.665}, {x:239.4188, y:301.4294}, {x:246.8, y:310.08}, {x:254.5063, y:318.5756}, {x:262.5, y:326.875}, {x:270.7438, y:334.9369}, {x:279.2, y:342.72}, {x:287.8313, y:350.1831}, {x:296.6, y:357.285}, {x:305.4688, y:363.9844}, {x:314.4, y:370.24}, {x:323.3563, y:376.0106}, {x:332.3, y:381.255}, {x:341.1938, y:385.9319}, {x:350, y:390}];
this.paths.line_veryfast = [{x:650, y:0}, {x:632.5, y:0}, {x:615, y:0}, {x:597.5, y:0}, {x:580, y:0}, {x:562.5, y:0}, {x:545, y:0}, {x:527.5, y:0}, {x:510, y:0}, {x:492.5, y:0}, {x:475, y:0}, {x:457.5, y:0}, {x:440, y:0}, {x:422.5, y:0}, {x:405, y:0}, {x:387.5, y:0}, {x:370, y:0}, {x:352.5, y:0}, {x:335, y:0}, {x:317.5, y:0}, {x:300, y:0}, {x:282.5, y:0}, {x:265, y:0}, {x:247.5, y:0}, {x:230, y:0}, {x:212.5, y:0}, {x:195, y:0}, {x:177.5, y:0}, {x:160, y:0}, {x:142.5, y:0}, {x:125, y:0}, {x:107.5, y:0}, {x:90, y:0}, {x:72.5, y:0}, {x:55, y:0}, {x:37.5, y:0}, {x:20, y:0}, {x:2.5, y:0}, {x:-15, y:0}, {x:-32.5, y:0}, {x:-50, y:0}];
this.paths.line_fast = [{x:650, y:0}, {x:637.5, y:0}, {x:625, y:0}, {x:612.5, y:0}, {x:600, y:0}, {x:587.5, y:0}, {x:575, y:0}, {x:562.5, y:0}, {x:550, y:0}, {x:537.5, y:0}, {x:525, y:0}, {x:512.5, y:0}, {x:500, y:0}, {x:487.5, y:0}, {x:475, y:0}, {x:462.5, y:0}, {x:450, y:0}, {x:437.5, y:0}, {x:425, y:0}, {x:412.5, y:0}, {x:400, y:0}, {x:387.5, y:0}, {x:375, y:0}, {x:362.5, y:0}, {x:350, y:0}, {x:337.5, y:0}, {x:325, y:0}, {x:312.5, y:0}, {x:300, y:0}, {x:287.5, y:0}, {x:275, y:0}, {x:262.5, y:0}, {x:250, y:0}, {x:237.5, y:0}, {x:225, y:0}, {x:212.5, y:0}, {x:200, y:0}, {x:187.5, y:0}, {x:175, y:0}, {x:162.5, y:0}, {x:150, y:0}, {x:137.5, y:0}, {x:125, y:0}, {x:112.5, y:0}, {x:100, y:0}, {x:87.5, y:0}, {x:75, y:0}, {x:62.5, y:0}, {x:50, y:0}, {x:37.5, y:0}, {x:25, y:0}, {x:12.5, y:0}, {x:0, y:0}, {x:-12.5, y:0}, {x:-25, y:0}, {x:-37.5, y:0}, {x:-50, y:0}, {x:-62.5, y:0}, {x:-75, y:0}, {x:-87.5, y:0}, {x:-100, y:0}];
this.paths.line_medium = [{x:650, y:0}, {x:642.5, y:0}, {x:635, y:0}, {x:627.5, y:0}, {x:620, y:0}, {x:612.5, y:0}, {x:605, y:0}, {x:597.5, y:0}, {x:590, y:0}, {x:582.5, y:0}, {x:575, y:0}, {x:567.5, y:0}, {x:560, y:0}, {x:552.5, y:0}, {x:545, y:0}, {x:537.5, y:0}, {x:530, y:0}, {x:522.5, y:0}, {x:515, y:0}, {x:507.5, y:0}, {x:500, y:0}, {x:492.5, y:0}, {x:485, y:0}, {x:477.5, y:0}, {x:470, y:0}, {x:462.5, y:0}, {x:455, y:0}, {x:447.5, y:0}, {x:440, y:0}, {x:432.5, y:0}, {x:425, y:0}, {x:417.5, y:0}, {x:410, y:0}, {x:402.5, y:0}, {x:395, y:0}, {x:387.5, y:0}, {x:380, y:0}, {x:372.5, y:0}, {x:365, y:0}, {x:357.5, y:0}, {x:350, y:0}, {x:342.5, y:0}, {x:335, y:0}, {x:327.5, y:0}, {x:320, y:0}, {x:312.5, y:0}, {x:305, y:0}, {x:297.5, y:0}, {x:290, y:0}, {x:282.5, y:0}, {x:275, y:0}, {x:267.5, y:0}, {x:260, y:0}, {x:252.5, y:0}, {x:245, y:0}, {x:237.5, y:0}, {x:230, y:0}, {x:222.5, y:0}, {x:215, y:0}, {x:207.5, y:0}, {x:200, y:0}, {x:192.5, y:0}, {x:185, y:0}, {x:177.5, y:0}, {x:170, y:0}, {x:162.5, y:0}, {x:155, y:0}, {x:147.5, y:0}, {x:140, y:0}, {x:132.5, y:0}, {x:125, y:0}, {x:117.5, y:0}, {x:110, y:0}, {x:102.5, y:0}, {x:95, y:0}, {x:87.5, y:0}, {x:80, y:0}, {x:72.5, y:0}, {x:65, y:0}, {x:57.5, y:0}, {x:50, y:0}, {x:42.5, y:0}, {x:35, y:0}, {x:27.5, y:0}, {x:20, y:0}, {x:12.5, y:0}, {x:5, y:0}, {x:-2.5, y:0}, {x:-10, y:0}, {x:-17.5, y:0}, {x:-25, y:0}, {x:-32.5, y:0}, {x:-40, y:0}, {x:-47.5, y:0}, {x:-55, y:0}, {x:-62.5, y:0}, {x:-70, y:0}, {x:-77.5, y:0}, {x:-85, y:0}, {x:-92.5, y:0}, {x:-100, y:0}];
this.paths.line_slow = [{x:625, y:0}, {x:621.25, y:0}, {x:617.5, y:0}, {x:613.75, y:0}, {x:610, y:0}, {x:606.25, y:0}, {x:602.5, y:0}, {x:598.75, y:0}, {x:595, y:0}, {x:591.25, y:0}, {x:587.5, y:0}, {x:583.75, y:0}, {x:580, y:0}, {x:576.25, y:0}, {x:572.5, y:0}, {x:568.75, y:0}, {x:565, y:0}, {x:561.25, y:0}, {x:557.5, y:0}, {x:553.75, y:0}, {x:550, y:0}, {x:546.25, y:0}, {x:542.5, y:0}, {x:538.75, y:0}, {x:535, y:0}, {x:531.25, y:0}, {x:527.5, y:0}, {x:523.75, y:0}, {x:520, y:0}, {x:516.25, y:0}, {x:512.5, y:0}, {x:508.75, y:0}, {x:505, y:0}, {x:501.25, y:0}, {x:497.5, y:0}, {x:493.75, y:0}, {x:490, y:0}, {x:486.25, y:0}, {x:482.5, y:0}, {x:478.75, y:0}, {x:475, y:0}, {x:471.25, y:0}, {x:467.5, y:0}, {x:463.75, y:0}, {x:460, y:0}, {x:456.25, y:0}, {x:452.5, y:0}, {x:448.75, y:0}, {x:445, y:0}, {x:441.25, y:0}, {x:437.5, y:0}, {x:433.75, y:0}, {x:430, y:0}, {x:426.25, y:0}, {x:422.5, y:0}, {x:418.75, y:0}, {x:415, y:0}, {x:411.25, y:0}, {x:407.5, y:0}, {x:403.75, y:0}, {x:400, y:0}, {x:396.25, y:0}, {x:392.5, y:0}, {x:388.75, y:0}, {x:385, y:0}, {x:381.25, y:0}, {x:377.5, y:0}, {x:373.75, y:0}, {x:370, y:0}, {x:366.25, y:0}, {x:362.5, y:0}, {x:358.75, y:0}, {x:355, y:0}, {x:351.25, y:0}, {x:347.5, y:0}, {x:343.75, y:0}, {x:340, y:0}, {x:336.25, y:0}, {x:332.5, y:0}, {x:328.75, y:0}, {x:325, y:0}, {x:321.25, y:0}, {x:317.5, y:0}, {x:313.75, y:0}, {x:310, y:0}, {x:306.25, y:0}, {x:302.5, y:0}, {x:298.75, y:0}, {x:295, y:0}, {x:291.25, y:0}, {x:287.5, y:0}, {x:283.75, y:0}, {x:280, y:0}, {x:276.25, y:0}, {x:272.5, y:0}, {x:268.75, y:0}, {x:265, y:0}, {x:261.25, y:0}, {x:257.5, y:0}, {x:253.75, y:0}, {x:250, y:0}, {x:246.25, y:0}, {x:242.5, y:0}, {x:238.75, y:0}, {x:235, y:0}, {x:231.25, y:0}, {x:227.5, y:0}, {x:223.75, y:0}, {x:220, y:0}, {x:216.25, y:0}, {x:212.5, y:0}, {x:208.75, y:0}, {x:205, y:0}, {x:201.25, y:0}, {x:197.5, y:0}, {x:193.75, y:0}, {x:190, y:0}, {x:186.25, y:0}, {x:182.5, y:0}, {x:178.75, y:0}, {x:175, y:0}, {x:171.25, y:0}, {x:167.5, y:0}, {x:163.75, y:0}, {x:160, y:0}, {x:156.25, y:0}, {x:152.5, y:0}, {x:148.75, y:0}, {x:145, y:0}, {x:141.25, y:0}, {x:137.5, y:0}, {x:133.75, y:0}, {x:130, y:0}, {x:126.25, y:0}, {x:122.5, y:0}, {x:118.75, y:0}, {x:115, y:0}, {x:111.25, y:0}, {x:107.5, y:0}, {x:103.75, y:0}, {x:100, y:0}, {x:96.25, y:0}, {x:92.5, y:0}, {x:88.75, y:0}, {x:85, y:0}, {x:81.25, y:0}, {x:77.5, y:0}, {x:73.75, y:0}, {x:70, y:0}, {x:66.25, y:0}, {x:62.5, y:0}, {x:58.75, y:0}, {x:55, y:0}, {x:51.25, y:0}, {x:47.5, y:0}, {x:43.75, y:0}, {x:40, y:0}, {x:36.25, y:0}, {x:32.5, y:0}, {x:28.75, y:0}, {x:25, y:0}, {x:21.25, y:0}, {x:17.5, y:0}, {x:13.75, y:0}, {x:10, y:0}, {x:6.25, y:0}, {x:2.5, y:0}, {x:-1.25, y:0}, {x:-5, y:0}, {x:-8.75, y:0}, {x:-12.5, y:0}, {x:-16.25, y:0}, {x:-20, y:0}, {x:-23.75, y:0}, {x:-27.5, y:0}, {x:-31.25, y:0}, {x:-35, y:0}, {x:-38.75, y:0}, {x:-42.5, y:0}, {x:-46.25, y:0}, {x:-50, y:0}, {x:-53.75, y:0}, {x:-57.5, y:0}, {x:-61.25, y:0}, {x:-65, y:0}, {x:-68.75, y:0}, {x:-72.5, y:0}, {x:-76.25, y:0}, {x:-80, y:0}, {x:-83.75, y:0}, {x:-87.5, y:0}, {x:-91.25, y:0}, {x:-95, y:0}, {x:-98.75, y:0}, {x:-102.5, y:0}, {x:-106.25, y:0}, {x:-110, y:0}, {x:-113.75, y:0}, {x:-117.5, y:0}, {x:-121.25, y:0}, {x:-125, y:0}];
this.paths.line_behind_fast = [{x:-100, y:0}, {x:-90, y:0}, {x:-80, y:0}, {x:-70, y:0}, {x:-60, y:0}, {x:-50, y:0}, {x:-40, y:0}, {x:-30, y:0}, {x:-20, y:0}, {x:-10, y:0}, {x:0, y:0}, {x:10, y:0}, {x:20, y:0}, {x:30, y:0}, {x:40, y:0}, {x:50, y:0}, {x:60, y:0}, {x:70, y:0}, {x:80, y:0}, {x:90, y:0}, {x:100, y:0}, {x:110, y:0}, {x:120, y:0}, {x:130, y:0}, {x:140, y:0}, {x:150, y:0}, {x:160, y:0}, {x:170, y:0}, {x:180, y:0}, {x:190, y:0}, {x:200, y:0}, {x:210, y:0}, {x:220, y:0}, {x:230, y:0}, {x:240, y:0}, {x:250, y:0}, {x:260, y:0}, {x:270, y:0}, {x:280, y:0}, {x:290, y:0}, {x:300, y:0}, {x:310, y:0}, {x:320, y:0}, {x:330, y:0}, {x:340, y:0}, {x:350, y:0}, {x:360, y:0}, {x:370, y:0}, {x:380, y:0}, {x:390, y:0}, {x:400, y:0}, {x:410, y:0}, {x:420, y:0}, {x:430, y:0}, {x:440, y:0}, {x:450, y:0}, {x:460, y:0}, {x:470, y:0}, {x:480, y:0}, {x:490, y:0}, {x:500, y:0}, {x:510, y:0}, {x:520, y:0}, {x:530, y:0}, {x:540, y:0}, {x:550, y:0}, {x:560, y:0}, {x:570, y:0}, {x:580, y:0}, {x:590, y:0}, {x:600, y:0}, {x:610, y:0}, {x:620, y:0}, {x:630, y:0}, {x:640, y:0}, {x:650, y:0}, {x:660, y:0}, {x:670, y:0}, {x:680, y:0}, {x:690, y:0}, {x:700, y:0}];
this.paths.line_behind_slow = [{x:-100, y:0}, {x:-95, y:0}, {x:-90, y:0}, {x:-85, y:0}, {x:-80, y:0}, {x:-75, y:0}, {x:-70, y:0}, {x:-65, y:0}, {x:-60, y:0}, {x:-55, y:0}, {x:-50, y:0}, {x:-45, y:0}, {x:-40, y:0}, {x:-35, y:0}, {x:-30, y:0}, {x:-25, y:0}, {x:-20, y:0}, {x:-15, y:0}, {x:-10, y:0}, {x:-5, y:0}, {x:0, y:0}, {x:5, y:0}, {x:10, y:0}, {x:15, y:0}, {x:20, y:0}, {x:25, y:0}, {x:30, y:0}, {x:35, y:0}, {x:40, y:0}, {x:45, y:0}, {x:50, y:0}, {x:55, y:0}, {x:60, y:0}, {x:65, y:0}, {x:70, y:0}, {x:75, y:0}, {x:80, y:0}, {x:85, y:0}, {x:90, y:0}, {x:95, y:0}, {x:100, y:0}, {x:105, y:0}, {x:110, y:0}, {x:115, y:0}, {x:120, y:0}, {x:125, y:0}, {x:130, y:0}, {x:135, y:0}, {x:140, y:0}, {x:145, y:0}, {x:150, y:0}, {x:155, y:0}, {x:160, y:0}, {x:165, y:0}, {x:170, y:0}, {x:175, y:0}, {x:180, y:0}, {x:185, y:0}, {x:190, y:0}, {x:195, y:0}, {x:200, y:0}, {x:205, y:0}, {x:210, y:0}, {x:215, y:0}, {x:220, y:0}, {x:225, y:0}, {x:230, y:0}, {x:235, y:0}, {x:240, y:0}, {x:245, y:0}, {x:250, y:0}, {x:255, y:0}, {x:260, y:0}, {x:265, y:0}, {x:270, y:0}, {x:275, y:0}, {x:280, y:0}, {x:285, y:0}, {x:290, y:0}, {x:295, y:0}, {x:300, y:0}, {x:305, y:0}, {x:310, y:0}, {x:315, y:0}, {x:320, y:0}, {x:325, y:0}, {x:330, y:0}, {x:335, y:0}, {x:340, y:0}, {x:345, y:0}, {x:350, y:0}, {x:355, y:0}, {x:360, y:0}, {x:365, y:0}, {x:370, y:0}, {x:375, y:0}, {x:380, y:0}, {x:385, y:0}, {x:390, y:0}, {x:395, y:0}, {x:400, y:0}, {x:405, y:0}, {x:410, y:0}, {x:415, y:0}, {x:420, y:0}, {x:425, y:0}, {x:430, y:0}, {x:435, y:0}, {x:440, y:0}, {x:445, y:0}, {x:450, y:0}, {x:455, y:0}, {x:460, y:0}, {x:465, y:0}, {x:470, y:0}, {x:475, y:0}, {x:480, y:0}, {x:485, y:0}, {x:490, y:0}, {x:495, y:0}, {x:500, y:0}, {x:505, y:0}, {x:510, y:0}, {x:515, y:0}, {x:520, y:0}, {x:525, y:0}, {x:530, y:0}, {x:535, y:0}, {x:540, y:0}, {x:545, y:0}, {x:550, y:0}, {x:555, y:0}, {x:560, y:0}, {x:565, y:0}, {x:570, y:0}, {x:575, y:0}, {x:580, y:0}, {x:585, y:0}, {x:590, y:0}, {x:595, y:0}, {x:600, y:0}, {x:605, y:0}, {x:610, y:0}, {x:615, y:0}, {x:620, y:0}, {x:625, y:0}, {x:630, y:0}, {x:635, y:0}, {x:640, y:0}, {x:645, y:0}, {x:650, y:0}, {x:655, y:0}, {x:660, y:0}, {x:665, y:0}, {x:670, y:0}, {x:675, y:0}, {x:680, y:0}, {x:685, y:0}, {x:690, y:0}, {x:695, y:0}, {x:700, y:0}];
this.paths.down_left = [{x:550, y:-100}, {x:548.6875, y:-92.5253}, {x:547.25, y:-84.4025}, {x:545.6875, y:-75.7084}, {x:544, y:-66.52}, {x:542.1875, y:-56.9141}, {x:540.25, y:-46.9675}, {x:538.1875, y:-36.7572}, {x:536, y:-26.36}, {x:533.6875, y:-15.8528}, {x:531.25, y:-5.3125}, {x:528.6875, y:5.1841}, {x:526, y:15.56}, {x:523.1875, y:25.7384}, {x:520.25, y:35.6425}, {x:517.1875, y:45.1953}, {x:514, y:54.32}, {x:510.6875, y:62.9397}, {x:507.25, y:70.9775}, {x:503.6875, y:78.3566}, {x:500, y:85}, {x:496.3063, y:91.0228}, {x:492.7, y:96.6075}, {x:489.1438, y:101.7784}, {x:485.6, y:106.56}, {x:482.0313, y:110.9766}, {x:478.4, y:115.0525}, {x:474.6688, y:118.8122}, {x:470.8, y:122.28}, {x:466.7563, y:125.4803}, {x:462.5, y:128.4375}, {x:457.9938, y:131.1759}, {x:453.2, y:133.72}, {x:448.0813, y:136.0941}, {x:442.6, y:138.3225}, {x:436.7188, y:140.4297}, {x:430.4, y:142.44}, {x:423.6063, y:144.3778}, {x:416.3, y:146.2675}, {x:408.4437, y:148.1334}, {x:400, y:150}, {x:390.8844, y:151.7528}, {x:381.075, y:153.2725}, {x:370.6281, y:154.5759}, {x:359.6, y:155.68}, {x:348.0469, y:156.6016}, {x:336.025, y:157.3575}, {x:323.5906, y:157.9647}, {x:310.8, y:158.44}, {x:297.7094, y:158.8003}, {x:284.375, y:159.0625}, {x:270.8531, y:159.2434}, {x:257.2, y:159.36}, {x:243.4719, y:159.4291}, {x:229.725, y:159.4675}, {x:216.0156, y:159.4922}, {x:202.4, y:159.52}, {x:188.9344, y:159.5678}, {x:175.675, y:159.6525}, {x:162.6781, y:159.7909}, {x:150, y:160}, {x:137.5, y:160.2256}, {x:125, y:160.405}, {x:112.5, y:160.5419}, {x:100, y:160.64}, {x:87.5, y:160.7031}, {x:75, y:160.735}, {x:62.5, y:160.7394}, {x:50, y:160.72}, {x:37.5, y:160.6806}, {x:25, y:160.625}, {x:12.5, y:160.5569}, {x:0, y:160.48}, {x:-12.5, y:160.3981}, {x:-25, y:160.315}, {x:-37.5, y:160.2344}, {x:-50, y:160.16}, {x:-62.5, y:160.0956}, {x:-75, y:160.045}, {x:-87.5, y:160.0119}, {x:-100, y:160}];
this.paths.down_up = [{x:0, y:-50}, {x:0, y:-40.1844}, {x:0, y:-30.725}, {x:0, y:-21.6031}, {x:0, y:-12.8}, {x:0, y:-4.2969}, {x:0, y:3.925}, {x:0, y:11.8844}, {x:0, y:19.6}, {x:0, y:27.0906}, {x:0, y:34.375}, {x:0, y:41.4719}, {x:0, y:48.4}, {x:0, y:55.1781}, {x:0, y:61.825}, {x:0, y:68.3594}, {x:0, y:74.8}, {x:0, y:81.1656}, {x:0, y:87.475}, {x:0, y:93.7469}, {x:0, y:100}, {x:0, y:106.1875}, {x:0, y:112.25}, {x:0, y:118.1875}, {x:0, y:124}, {x:0, y:129.6875}, {x:0, y:135.25}, {x:0, y:140.6875}, {x:0, y:146}, {x:0, y:151.1875}, {x:0, y:156.25}, {x:0, y:161.1875}, {x:0, y:166}, {x:0, y:170.6875}, {x:0, y:175.25}, {x:0, y:179.6875}, {x:0, y:184}, {x:0, y:188.1875}, {x:0, y:192.25}, {x:0, y:196.1875}, {x:0, y:200}, {x:0, y:203.6875}, {x:0, y:207.25}, {x:0, y:210.6875}, {x:0, y:214}, {x:0, y:217.1875}, {x:0, y:220.25}, {x:0, y:223.1875}, {x:0, y:226}, {x:0, y:228.6875}, {x:0, y:231.25}, {x:0, y:233.6875}, {x:0, y:236}, {x:0, y:238.1875}, {x:0, y:240.25}, {x:0, y:242.1875}, {x:0, y:244}, {x:0, y:245.6875}, {x:0, y:247.25}, {x:0, y:248.6875}, {x:0, y:250}, {x:0, y:251.1875}, {x:0, y:252.25}, {x:0, y:253.1875}, {x:0, y:254}, {x:0, y:254.6875}, {x:0, y:255.25}, {x:0, y:255.6875}, {x:0, y:256}, {x:0, y:256.1875}, {x:0, y:256.25}, {x:0, y:256.1875}, {x:0, y:256}, {x:0, y:255.6875}, {x:0, y:255.25}, {x:0, y:254.6875}, {x:0, y:254}, {x:0, y:253.1875}, {x:0, y:252.25}, {x:0, y:251.1875}, {x:0, y:250}, {x:0, y:248.6875}, {x:0, y:247.25}, {x:0, y:245.6875}, {x:0, y:244}, {x:0, y:242.1875}, {x:0, y:240.25}, {x:0, y:238.1875}, {x:0, y:236}, {x:0, y:233.6875}, {x:0, y:231.25}, {x:0, y:228.6875}, {x:0, y:226}, {x:0, y:223.1875}, {x:0, y:220.25}, {x:0, y:217.1875}, {x:0, y:214}, {x:0, y:210.6875}, {x:0, y:207.25}, {x:0, y:203.6875}, {x:0, y:200}, {x:0, y:196.1875}, {x:0, y:192.25}, {x:0, y:188.1875}, {x:0, y:184}, {x:0, y:179.6875}, {x:0, y:175.25}, {x:0, y:170.6875}, {x:0, y:166}, {x:0, y:161.1875}, {x:0, y:156.25}, {x:0, y:151.1875}, {x:0, y:146}, {x:0, y:140.6875}, {x:0, y:135.25}, {x:0, y:129.6875}, {x:0, y:124}, {x:0, y:118.1875}, {x:0, y:112.25}, {x:0, y:106.1875}, {x:0, y:100}, {x:0, y:93.7469}, {x:0, y:87.475}, {x:0, y:81.1656}, {x:0, y:74.8}, {x:0, y:68.3594}, {x:0, y:61.825}, {x:0, y:55.1781}, {x:0, y:48.4}, {x:0, y:41.4719}, {x:0, y:34.375}, {x:0, y:27.0906}, {x:0, y:19.6}, {x:0, y:11.8844}, {x:0, y:3.925}, {x:0, y:-4.2969}, {x:0, y:-12.8}, {x:0, y:-21.6031}, {x:0, y:-30.725}, {x:0, y:-40.1844}, {x:0, y:-50}];
this.paths.up_down = [{x:0, y:350}, {x:0, y:341.3125}, {x:0, y:332.75}, {x:0, y:324.3125}, {x:0, y:316}, {x:0, y:307.8125}, {x:0, y:299.75}, {x:0, y:291.8125}, {x:0, y:284}, {x:0, y:276.3125}, {x:0, y:268.75}, {x:0, y:261.3125}, {x:0, y:254}, {x:0, y:246.8125}, {x:0, y:239.75}, {x:0, y:232.8125}, {x:0, y:226}, {x:0, y:219.3125}, {x:0, y:212.75}, {x:0, y:206.3125}, {x:0, y:200}, {x:0, y:193.8125}, {x:0, y:187.75}, {x:0, y:181.8125}, {x:0, y:176}, {x:0, y:170.3125}, {x:0, y:164.75}, {x:0, y:159.3125}, {x:0, y:154}, {x:0, y:148.8125}, {x:0, y:143.75}, {x:0, y:138.8125}, {x:0, y:134}, {x:0, y:129.3125}, {x:0, y:124.75}, {x:0, y:120.3125}, {x:0, y:116}, {x:0, y:111.8125}, {x:0, y:107.75}, {x:0, y:103.8125}, {x:0, y:100}, {x:0, y:96.3125}, {x:0, y:92.75}, {x:0, y:89.3125}, {x:0, y:86}, {x:0, y:82.8125}, {x:0, y:79.75}, {x:0, y:76.8125}, {x:0, y:74}, {x:0, y:71.3125}, {x:0, y:68.75}, {x:0, y:66.3125}, {x:0, y:64}, {x:0, y:61.8125}, {x:0, y:59.75}, {x:0, y:57.8125}, {x:0, y:56}, {x:0, y:54.3125}, {x:0, y:52.75}, {x:0, y:51.3125}, {x:0, y:50}, {x:0, y:48.8125}, {x:0, y:47.75}, {x:0, y:46.8125}, {x:0, y:46}, {x:0, y:45.3125}, {x:0, y:44.75}, {x:0, y:44.3125}, {x:0, y:44}, {x:0, y:43.8125}, {x:0, y:43.75}, {x:0, y:43.8125}, {x:0, y:44}, {x:0, y:44.3125}, {x:0, y:44.75}, {x:0, y:45.3125}, {x:0, y:46}, {x:0, y:46.8125}, {x:0, y:47.75}, {x:0, y:48.8125}, {x:0, y:50}, {x:0, y:51.3125}, {x:0, y:52.75}, {x:0, y:54.3125}, {x:0, y:56}, {x:0, y:57.8125}, {x:0, y:59.75}, {x:0, y:61.8125}, {x:0, y:64}, {x:0, y:66.3125}, {x:0, y:68.75}, {x:0, y:71.3125}, {x:0, y:74}, {x:0, y:76.8125}, {x:0, y:79.75}, {x:0, y:82.8125}, {x:0, y:86}, {x:0, y:89.3125}, {x:0, y:92.75}, {x:0, y:96.3125}, {x:0, y:100}, {x:0, y:103.8125}, {x:0, y:107.75}, {x:0, y:111.8125}, {x:0, y:116}, {x:0, y:120.3125}, {x:0, y:124.75}, {x:0, y:129.3125}, {x:0, y:134}, {x:0, y:138.8125}, {x:0, y:143.75}, {x:0, y:148.8125}, {x:0, y:154}, {x:0, y:159.3125}, {x:0, y:164.75}, {x:0, y:170.3125}, {x:0, y:176}, {x:0, y:181.8125}, {x:0, y:187.75}, {x:0, y:193.8125}, {x:0, y:200}, {x:0, y:206.3125}, {x:0, y:212.75}, {x:0, y:219.3125}, {x:0, y:226}, {x:0, y:232.8125}, {x:0, y:239.75}, {x:0, y:246.8125}, {x:0, y:254}, {x:0, y:261.3125}, {x:0, y:268.75}, {x:0, y:276.3125}, {x:0, y:284}, {x:0, y:291.8125}, {x:0, y:299.75}, {x:0, y:307.8125}, {x:0, y:316}, {x:0, y:324.3125}, {x:0, y:332.75}, {x:0, y:341.3125}, {x:0, y:350}];
this.paths.bowl = [{x:600, y:-150}, {x:598.7469, y:-139.9644}, {x:597.475, y:-129.865}, {x:596.1656, y:-119.7131}, {x:594.8, y:-109.52}, {x:593.3594, y:-99.2969}, {x:591.825, y:-89.055}, {x:590.1781, y:-78.8056}, {x:588.4, y:-68.56}, {x:586.4719, y:-58.3294}, {x:584.375, y:-48.125}, {x:582.0906, y:-37.9581}, {x:579.6, y:-27.84}, {x:576.8844, y:-17.7819}, {x:573.925, y:-7.795}, {x:570.7031, y:2.1094}, {x:567.2, y:11.92}, {x:563.3969, y:21.6256}, {x:559.275, y:31.215}, {x:554.8156, y:40.6769}, {x:550, y:50}, {x:544.8631, y:59.3788}, {x:539.455, y:68.98}, {x:533.7794, y:78.7513}, {x:527.84, y:88.64}, {x:521.6406, y:98.5938}, {x:515.185, y:108.56}, {x:508.4769, y:118.4863}, {x:501.52, y:128.32}, {x:494.3181, y:138.0088}, {x:486.875, y:147.5}, {x:479.1944, y:156.7412}, {x:471.28, y:165.68}, {x:463.1356, y:174.2637}, {x:454.765, y:182.44}, {x:446.1719, y:190.1563}, {x:437.36, y:197.36}, {x:428.3331, y:203.9988}, {x:419.095, y:210.02}, {x:409.6494, y:215.3713}, {x:400, y:220}, {x:389.9238, y:224.0375}, {x:379.24, y:227.65}, {x:368.0163, y:230.8375}, {x:356.32, y:233.6}, {x:344.2188, y:235.9375}, {x:331.78, y:237.85}, {x:319.0713, y:239.3375}, {x:306.16, y:240.4}, {x:293.1138, y:241.0375}, {x:280, y:241.25}, {x:266.8863, y:241.0375}, {x:253.84, y:240.4}, {x:240.9288, y:239.3375}, {x:228.22, y:237.85}, {x:215.7812, y:235.9375}, {x:203.68, y:233.6}, {x:191.9837, y:230.8375}, {x:180.76, y:227.65}, {x:170.0762, y:224.0375}, {x:160, y:220}, {x:150.3625, y:215.3713}, {x:140.95, y:210.02}, {x:131.7625, y:203.9988}, {x:122.8, y:197.36}, {x:114.0625, y:190.1563}, {x:105.55, y:182.44}, {x:97.2625, y:174.2638}, {x:89.2, y:165.68}, {x:81.3625, y:156.7413}, {x:73.75, y:147.5}, {x:66.3625, y:138.0088}, {x:59.2, y:128.32}, {x:52.2625, y:118.4863}, {x:45.55, y:108.56}, {x:39.0625, y:98.5937}, {x:32.8, y:88.64}, {x:26.7625, y:78.7512}, {x:20.95, y:68.98}, {x:15.3625, y:59.3787}, {x:10, y:50}, {x:4.8981, y:40.6769}, {x:0.085, y:31.215}, {x:-4.4506, y:21.6256}, {x:-8.72, y:11.92}, {x:-12.7344, y:2.1094}, {x:-16.505, y:-7.795}, {x:-20.0431, y:-17.7819}, {x:-23.36, y:-27.84}, {x:-26.4669, y:-37.9581}, {x:-29.375, y:-48.125}, {x:-32.0956, y:-58.3294}, {x:-34.64, y:-68.56}, {x:-37.0194, y:-78.8056}, {x:-39.245, y:-89.055}, {x:-41.3281, y:-99.2969}, {x:-43.28, y:-109.52}, {x:-45.1119, y:-119.7131}, {x:-46.835, y:-129.865}, {x:-48.4606, y:-139.9644}, {x:-50, y:-150}];
this.paths.arc_in_out = [{x:750, y:25}, {x:736.0094, y:26.25}, {x:721.575, y:27.5}, {x:706.7531, y:28.75}, {x:691.6, y:30}, {x:676.1719, y:31.25}, {x:660.525, y:32.5}, {x:644.7156, y:33.75}, {x:628.8, y:35}, {x:612.8344, y:36.25}, {x:596.875, y:37.5}, {x:580.9781, y:38.75}, {x:565.2, y:40}, {x:549.5969, y:41.25}, {x:534.225, y:42.5}, {x:519.1406, y:43.75}, {x:504.4, y:45}, {x:490.0594, y:46.25}, {x:476.175, y:47.5}, {x:462.8031, y:48.75}, {x:450, y:50}, {x:437.6844, y:51.2263}, {x:425.725, y:52.41}, {x:414.1031, y:53.5588}, {x:402.8, y:54.68}, {x:391.7969, y:55.7813}, {x:381.075, y:56.87}, {x:370.6156, y:57.9538}, {x:360.4, y:59.04}, {x:350.4094, y:60.1363}, {x:340.625, y:61.25}, {x:331.0281, y:62.3888}, {x:321.6, y:63.56}, {x:312.3219, y:64.7713}, {x:303.175, y:66.03}, {x:294.1406, y:67.3438}, {x:285.2, y:68.72}, {x:276.3344, y:70.1663}, {x:267.525, y:71.69}, {x:258.7531, y:73.2988}, {x:250, y:75}, {x:241.1938, y:76.7809}, {x:232.3, y:78.6225}, {x:223.3563, y:80.5228}, {x:214.4, y:82.48}, {x:205.4688, y:84.4922}, {x:196.6, y:86.5575}, {x:187.8313, y:88.6741}, {x:179.2, y:90.84}, {x:170.7438, y:93.0534}, {x:162.5, y:95.3125}, {x:154.5063, y:97.6153}, {x:146.8, y:99.96}, {x:139.4188, y:102.3447}, {x:132.4, y:104.7675}, {x:125.7812, y:107.2266}, {x:119.6, y:109.72}, {x:113.8937, y:112.2459}, {x:108.7, y:114.8025}, {x:104.0562, y:117.3878}, {x:100, y:120}, {x:96.4375, y:122.6794}, {x:93.25, y:125.46}, {x:90.4375, y:128.3306}, {x:88, y:131.28}, {x:85.9375, y:134.2969}, {x:84.25, y:137.37}, {x:82.9375, y:140.4881}, {x:82, y:143.64}, {x:81.4375, y:146.8144}, {x:81.25, y:150}, {x:81.4375, y:153.1856}, {x:82, y:156.36}, {x:82.9375, y:159.5119}, {x:84.25, y:162.63}, {x:85.9375, y:165.7031}, {x:88, y:168.72}, {x:90.4375, y:171.6694}, {x:93.25, y:174.54}, {x:96.4375, y:177.3206}, {x:100, y:180}, {x:104.0563, y:182.6122}, {x:108.7, y:185.1975}, {x:113.8938, y:187.7541}, {x:119.6, y:190.28}, {x:125.7813, y:192.7734}, {x:132.4, y:195.2325}, {x:139.4188, y:197.6553}, {x:146.8, y:200.04}, {x:154.5063, y:202.3847}, {x:162.5, y:204.6875}, {x:170.7437, y:206.9466}, {x:179.2, y:209.16}, {x:187.8313, y:211.3259}, {x:196.6, y:213.4425}, {x:205.4688, y:215.5078}, {x:214.4, y:217.52}, {x:223.3563, y:219.4772}, {x:232.3, y:221.3775}, {x:241.1938, y:223.2191}, {x:250, y:225}, {x:258.7531, y:226.7013}, {x:267.525, y:228.31}, {x:276.3344, y:229.8338}, {x:285.2, y:231.28}, {x:294.1406, y:232.6563}, {x:303.175, y:233.97}, {x:312.3219, y:235.2288}, {x:321.6, y:236.44}, {x:331.0281, y:237.6113}, {x:340.625, y:238.75}, {x:350.4094, y:239.8638}, {x:360.4, y:240.96}, {x:370.6156, y:242.0463}, {x:381.075, y:243.13}, {x:391.7969, y:244.2188}, {x:402.8, y:245.32}, {x:414.1031, y:246.4413}, {x:425.725, y:247.59}, {x:437.6844, y:248.7738}, {x:450, y:250}, {x:462.8031, y:251.25}, {x:476.175, y:252.5}, {x:490.0594, y:253.75}, {x:504.4, y:255}, {x:519.1406, y:256.25}, {x:534.225, y:257.5}, {x:549.5969, y:258.75}, {x:565.2, y:260}, {x:580.9781, y:261.25}, {x:596.875, y:262.5}, {x:612.8344, y:263.75}, {x:628.8, y:265}, {x:644.7156, y:266.25}, {x:660.525, y:267.5}, {x:676.1719, y:268.75}, {x:691.6, y:270}, {x:706.7531, y:271.25}, {x:721.575, y:272.5}, {x:736.0094, y:273.75}, {x:750, y:275}];
this.paths.arc_in_out_big = [{x:650, y:-50}, {x:640, y:-47.4905}, {x:630, y:-44.964}, {x:620, y:-42.4235}, {x:610, y:-39.872}, {x:600, y:-37.3125}, {x:590, y:-34.748}, {x:580, y:-32.1815}, {x:570, y:-29.616}, {x:560, y:-27.0545}, {x:550, y:-24.5}, {x:540, y:-21.9555}, {x:530, y:-19.424}, {x:520, y:-16.9085}, {x:510, y:-14.412}, {x:500, y:-11.9375}, {x:490, y:-9.488}, {x:480, y:-7.0665}, {x:470, y:-4.676}, {x:460, y:-2.3195}, {x:450, y:0}, {x:440, y:2.2615}, {x:430, y:4.452}, {x:420, y:6.5805}, {x:410, y:8.656}, {x:400, y:10.6875}, {x:390, y:12.684}, {x:380, y:14.6545}, {x:370, y:16.608}, {x:360, y:18.5535}, {x:350, y:20.5}, {x:340, y:22.4565}, {x:330, y:24.432}, {x:320, y:26.4355}, {x:310, y:28.476}, {x:300, y:30.5625}, {x:290, y:32.704}, {x:280, y:34.9095}, {x:270, y:37.188}, {x:260, y:39.5485}, {x:250, y:42}, {x:239.7625, y:44.5046}, {x:229.1, y:47.0215}, {x:218.0875, y:49.5557}, {x:206.8, y:52.112}, {x:195.3125, y:54.6953}, {x:183.7, y:57.3105}, {x:172.0375, y:59.9624}, {x:160.4, y:62.656}, {x:148.8625, y:65.3961}, {x:137.5, y:68.1875}, {x:126.3875, y:71.0352}, {x:115.6, y:73.944}, {x:105.2125, y:76.9188}, {x:95.3, y:79.9645}, {x:85.9375, y:83.0859}, {x:77.2, y:86.288}, {x:69.1625, y:89.5756}, {x:61.9, y:92.9535}, {x:55.4875, y:96.4267}, {x:50, y:100}, {x:45.25, y:103.7301}, {x:41, y:107.656}, {x:37.25, y:111.7559}, {x:34, y:116.008}, {x:31.25, y:120.3906}, {x:29, y:124.882}, {x:27.25, y:129.4604}, {x:26, y:134.104}, {x:25.25, y:138.7911}, {x:25, y:143.5}, {x:25.25, y:148.2089}, {x:26, y:152.896}, {x:27.25, y:157.5396}, {x:29, y:162.118}, {x:31.25, y:166.6094}, {x:34, y:170.992}, {x:37.25, y:175.2441}, {x:41, y:179.344}, {x:45.25, y:183.2699}, {x:50, y:187}, {x:55.4875, y:190.5733}, {x:61.9, y:194.0465}, {x:69.1625, y:197.4244}, {x:77.2, y:200.712}, {x:85.9375, y:203.9141}, {x:95.3, y:207.0355}, {x:105.2125, y:210.0812}, {x:115.6, y:213.056}, {x:126.3875, y:215.9648}, {x:137.5, y:218.8125}, {x:148.8625, y:221.6039}, {x:160.4, y:224.344}, {x:172.0375, y:227.0376}, {x:183.7, y:229.6895}, {x:195.3125, y:232.3047}, {x:206.8, y:234.888}, {x:218.0875, y:237.4443}, {x:229.1, y:239.9785}, {x:239.7625, y:242.4954}, {x:250, y:245}, {x:260, y:247.4515}, {x:270, y:249.812}, {x:280, y:252.0905}, {x:290, y:254.296}, {x:300, y:256.4375}, {x:310, y:258.524}, {x:320, y:260.5645}, {x:330, y:262.568}, {x:340, y:264.5435}, {x:350, y:266.5}, {x:360, y:268.4465}, {x:370, y:270.392}, {x:380, y:272.3455}, {x:390, y:274.316}, {x:400, y:276.3125}, {x:410, y:278.344}, {x:420, y:280.4195}, {x:430, y:282.548}, {x:440, y:284.7385}, {x:450, y:287}, {x:460, y:289.3195}, {x:470, y:291.676}, {x:480, y:294.0665}, {x:490, y:296.488}, {x:500, y:298.9375}, {x:510, y:301.412}, {x:520, y:303.9085}, {x:530, y:306.424}, {x:540, y:308.9555}, {x:550, y:311.5}, {x:560, y:314.0545}, {x:570, y:316.616}, {x:580, y:319.1815}, {x:590, y:321.748}, {x:600, y:324.3125}, {x:610, y:326.872}, {x:620, y:329.4235}, {x:630, y:331.964}, {x:640, y:334.4905}, {x:650, y:337}];
this.paths.special_follow_fast = [{x:0, y:0, special:true}, this.special_follow_fast];
this.paths.special_follow_slow = [{x:0, y:0, special:true}, this.special_follow_slow];
this.paths.special_track_y_fast = [{x:0, y:0, special:true}, this.special_track_y_fast];
this.paths.special_track_y_slow = [{x:0, y:0, special:true}, this.special_track_y_slow];
this.paths.special_avoid_y = [{x:0, y:0, special:true}, this.special_avoid_y];
this.paths.special_charge = [{x:0, y:0, special:true}, this.special_charge];
this.paths.special_track_x_fire = [{x:0, y:0, special:true}, this.special_track_x_fire];
this.paths.special_random_xy = [{x:0, y:0, special:true}, this.special_random_xy];
ClassPaths.prototype.special_follow_slow = function () {
if ((PlayerMgr.player != null) && (!PlayerMgr.player.bFlash)) {
var dx = (PlayerMgr.player._x - this._x);
var dy = (PlayerMgr.player._y - this._y);
var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
var xVel = ((dx / dist) * 4);
var yVel = ((dy / dist) * 4);
this._x = this._x + xVel;
this._y = this._y + yVel;
} else {
var right = ((_timeline.width - this.radius) - 20);
var dx = (right - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 7);
if ((dx * dx) > 49) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = right;
ClassPaths.prototype.special_follow_fast = function () {
if ((PlayerMgr.player != null) && (!PlayerMgr.player.bFlash)) {
var dx = (PlayerMgr.player._x - this._x);
var dy = (PlayerMgr.player._y - this._y);
var dist = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
var xVel = ((dx / dist) * 7);
var yVel = ((dy / dist) * 7);
this._x = this._x + xVel;
this._y = this._y + yVel;
} else {
var right = ((_timeline.width - this.radius) - 20);
var dx = (right - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 7);
if ((dx * dx) > 49) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = right;
ClassPaths.prototype.special_track_y_fast = function () {
if (PlayerMgr.player != null) {
var right = ((_timeline.width - this.radius) - 20);
var dx = (right - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 7);
if ((dx * dx) > 49) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = right;
var player_y = PlayerMgr.player._y;
var dy = (player_y - this._y);
var yVel = ((dy / Math.abs(dy)) * 7);
if ((dy * dy) > 49) {
this._y = this._y + yVel;
} else {
this._y = player_y;
ClassPaths.prototype.special_track_y_slow = function () {
if (PlayerMgr.player != null) {
var right = ((_timeline.width - this.radius) - 20);
var dx = (right - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 7);
if ((dx * dx) > 49) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = right;
var player_y = PlayerMgr.player._y;
var dy = (player_y - this._y);
var yVel = ((dy / Math.abs(dy)) * 4);
if ((dy * dy) > 16) {
this._y = this._y + yVel;
} else {
this._y = player_y;
ClassPaths.prototype.special_avoid_y = function () {
if (PlayerMgr.player != null) {
var right = ((_timeline.width - this.radius) - 20);
var dx = (right - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 7);
if ((dx * dx) > 49) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = right;
var player_y = PlayerMgr.player._y;
var this_y = this._y;
if (this.dir == undefined) {
this.dir = 1;
var top = this.radius;
var bottom = (_timeline.ground - this.radius);
var y = (this_y + (10 * this.dir));
if (y < top) {
y = top;
} else if (y > bottom) {
y = bottom;
if ((player_y > (this_y - this.radius)) && (player_y < (this_y + this.radius))) {
if (y == top) {
this.dir = 1;
} else if (y == bottom) {
this.dir = -1;
this._y = y;
ClassPaths.prototype.special_charge = function () {
if (this.state == undefined) {
this.state = "tracking";
if ((PlayerMgr.player == null) || (PlayerMgr.player.bFlash)) {
this.state = "retract";
if (this.state == "tracking") {
var right = ((_timeline.width - this.radius) - 20);
var dx = (right - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 7);
if ((dx * dx) > 49) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = right;
var player_y = PlayerMgr.player._y;
var dy = (player_y - this._y);
var yVel = ((dy / Math.abs(dy)) * 4);
if ((dy * dy) > 16) {
this._y = this._y + yVel;
} else {
this._y = player_y;
this.state = "charge";
} else if (this.state == "charge") {
var dx = (PlayerMgr.player._x - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 20);
if ((dx * dx) > 225) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = PlayerMgr.player._x;
this.state = "retract";
} else {
var right = ((_timeline.width - this.radius) - 20);
var dx = (right - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 5);
if ((dx * dx) > 25) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = right;
this.state = "tracking";
ClassPaths.prototype.special_track_x_fire = function () {
if (this.delay == undefined) {
this.delay = 0;
if (PlayerMgr.player != null) {
var bottom = (_timeline.ground - this.radius);
var dy = (bottom - this._y);
var yVel = ((dy / Math.abs(dy)) * 7);
if ((dy * dy) > 49) {
this._y = this._y + yVel;
} else {
this._y = bottom;
var player_x = PlayerMgr.player._x;
var dx = (player_x - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 3);
if ((dx * dx) > 9) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = player_x;
if (this.delay < 0) {
this.delay = 10;
this.delay = (this.delay - 1) % 10;
ClassPaths.prototype.special_random_xy = function () {
if (this.state == undefined) {
this.state = "choose";
this.xDest = 280;
this.yDest = 140;
this.delay = 50;
if (this.state == "choose") {
var width = (_timeline.width - (2 * this.radius));
var height = (_timeline.ground - (2 * this.radius));
this.xDest = this.radius + Math.floor(Math.random() * width);
this.yDest = this.radius + Math.floor(Math.random() * height);
this.state = "wait";
this.delay = 50;
} else if (this.state == "wait") {
if ((this.delay--) < 0) {
this.state = "travel";
} else if (this.state == "travel") {
var dx = (this.xDest - this._x);
var xVel = ((dx / Math.abs(dx)) * 7);
if ((dx * dx) > 49) {
this._x = this._x + xVel;
} else {
this._x = this.xDest;
var dy = (this.yDest - this._y);
var yVel = ((dy / Math.abs(dy)) * 7);
if ((dy * dy) > 49) {
this._y = this._y + yVel;
} else {
this._y = this.yDest;
if ((this._x == this.xDest) && (this._y == this.yDest)) {
this.state = "choose";
ClassPaths.prototype.special_boss1 = function () {
var x = (700 - (this.pathIndex * World.scrollSpeed));
if (x < 500) {
x = 500;
this._x = x;
this._y = 60 + (50 * this.index);
_global.GameManager = function () {
GameManager.prototype.init = function () {
this.gfxDetails = "MED";
this.level = 0;
this.stage = 0;
this.noOfLevels = 15;
this.score = 0;
this.lives = 5;
this.weaponLevel = 0;
this.weaponCharge = 0;
this.playerSpeed = 4;
GameManager.prototype.addScore = function (s) {
var temp = this.score;
this.score = this.score + s;
_timeline.txtScore.text = this.score;
if ((temp % 500000) > (this.score % 500000)) {
GameManager.prototype.setLives = function (s) {
this.lives = this.lives + s;
_timeline.txtLives.text = "X " + this.lives;
GameManager.prototype.setLevel = function () {
var str = ("00" + this.level);
_timeline.txtLevel.text = str.substr(str.length - 2, 2);
GameManager.prototype.newGame = function () {
if (this.level > this.noOfLevels) {
this.level = 1;
if (this.level <= 4) {
this.stage = 1;
} else if (this.level <= 9) {
this.stage = 2;
} else {
this.stage = 3;
call("level" + this.level);
this.game = _timeline.game;
var flashes = this.game.createEmptyMovieClip("flashes", 11);
var explosions = this.game.createEmptyMovieClip("explosions", 10);
var player = this.game.createEmptyMovieClip("player", 9);
var weapons = this.game.createEmptyMovieClip("weapons", 8);
var baddies = this.game.createEmptyMovieClip("baddies", 7);
var pickups = this.game.createEmptyMovieClip("pickups", 6);
_global.World = new ClassWorld();
_global.PickupsMgr = new PickupsManager();
_global.PlayerMgr = new PlayerManager();
_global.Paths = new ClassPaths();
_global.BaddiesMgr = new BaddiesManager();
GameManager.prototype.endLevel = function (s) {
if (this.lives > 0) {
PlayerMgr.player.cheats.invincible = true;
var timer = 150;
_timeline.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((timer--) < 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
gotoAndPlay (282);
GameManager.prototype.gameover = function (s) {
var timer = 150;
_timeline.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((timer--) < 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
gotoAndPlay (242);
GameManager.prototype.killSounds = function () {
var i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
var snd_mc = _timeline["snd_loop" + i];
snd_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.vol = this.vol - 1;
if (this.vol < 0) {
this.vol = 0;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
snd_boss.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.vol = this.vol - 1;
if (this.vol < 0) {
this.vol = 0;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
GameManager.prototype.setSound = function () {
var level = this.level;
if ((level++) > this.noOfLevels) {
level = 1;
var bossStage = 1;
if (level <= 4) {
bossStage = 1;
} else if (level <= 9) {
bossStage = 2;
} else {
bossStage = 3;
var i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
var snd_mc = _timeline["snd_loop" + i];
snd_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("loop", 0);
snd_mc.loop.loadMovie(((("snd_loop" + bossStage) + "_") + i) + ".swf");
snd_mc.vol = 0;
snd_mc.volDir = -1;
snd_mc.bLoaded = false;
snd_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
var bt = this.loop.getBytesTotal();
if (bt > 8) {
if (this.loop.getBytesLoaded() == bt) {
this.bLoaded = true;
this.snd = new Sound(this.loop);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.vol = this.vol + (this.volDir * 3);
if (this.vol > 100) {
this.vol = 100;
} else if (this.vol < 0) {
this.vol = 0;
snd_boss.createEmptyMovieClip("loop", 0);
snd_boss.loop.loadMovie(("snd_boss" + bossStage) + ".swf");
snd_boss.vol = 0;
snd_boss.volDir = -1;
snd_boss.bLoaded = false;
snd_boss.onEnterFrame = function () {
var bt = this.loop.getBytesTotal();
if (bt > 8) {
if (this.loop.getBytesLoaded() == bt) {
this.bLoaded = true;
this.snd = new Sound(this.loop);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.vol = this.vol + (this.volDir * 3);
if (this.vol > 100) {
this.vol = 100;
} else if (this.vol < 0) {
this.vol = 0;
GameManager.prototype.playSoundLoops = function () {
var i = 1;
while (i <= 4) {
var loop = _timeline["snd_loop" + i].loop;
snd_loop1.volDir = 1;
_global.GameMgr = new GameManager();
Frame 164 (16 B)
Frame 172 (1.03 KiB) ●
_quality = "HIGH";
snd_map.loop = new Sound(snd_map);
snd_map.vol = 100;
snd_map.loop.start(0, 5000);
snd_map.fadeOut = function () {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.vol > 0) {
this.loop.setVolume((this.vol = this.vol - 2));
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
map.gotoAndStop("level" + (GameMgr.level + 1));
map.delay = 100;
map.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((this.delay--) < 80) {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((this.delay--) < 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
loadingSound._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (((((!snd_loop1.bLoaded) || (!snd_loop2.bLoaded)) || (!snd_loop3.bLoaded)) || (!snd_loop4.bLoaded)) || (!snd_boss.bLoaded)) {
loadingSound._visible = true;
} else {
loadingSound._visible = false;
if (map.delay < 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
gotoAndPlay (187);
Frame 182 (8 B)
Frame 187 (19 B)
Frame 207 (19 B)
gotoAndPlay (212);
Frame 212 (66 B)
_quality = "LOW";
Instance of Symbol 347 MovieClip "cheat" in Frame 212 (1.08 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (load) {
code1 = ["W", "A", "L", "T"];
code2 = ["S", "K", "I", "P"];
length1 = code1.length;
length2 = code2.length;
index1 = 0;
index2 = 0;
code3 = ["R", "Y", "U"];
code4 = ["H", "E", "A", "T"];
length3 = code3.length;
length4 = code4.length;
index3 = 0;
index4 = 0;
onClipEvent (keyUp) {
if (Key.getCode() == code1[index1].charCodeAt(0)) {
if (index1 >= length1) {
PlayerMgr.player.cheats.invincible = true;
index1 = 0;
} else {
index1 = 0;
if (Key.getCode() == code2[index2].charCodeAt(0)) {
if (index2 >= length2) {
index2 = 0;
} else {
index2 = 0;
if (Key.getCode() == code4[index4].charCodeAt(0)) {
if (index4 >= length4) {
GameMgr.weaponCharge = 100;
_timeline.weaponbar.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._currentframe < GameMgr.weaponCharge) {
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
index4 = 0;
} else {
index4 = 0;
Frame 222 (8 B)
Frame 237 (8 B)
Frame 262 (18 B)
gotoAndPlay (18);
Frame 277 (8 B)
Frame 302 (121 B)
if (GameMgr.level < GameMgr.noOfLevels) {
gotoAndPlay (172);
} else {
GameMgr.level = 0;
gotoAndPlay (307);
Frame 307 (20 B)
_quality = "HIGH";
Frame 339 (8 B)
Frame 362 (19 B)
gotoAndPlay (172);
Frame 382 (1.54 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-7, dy:96, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-21, dy:216, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-27, dy:95, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:221, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:55, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-22, dy:138, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:230, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:170, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:110, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:50, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:179, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:97, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:218, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:189, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out_big"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:148, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:77, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}]];
Frame 388 (1.71 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-13, dy:216, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:85, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:218, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:92, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:100, dy:-5, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:29, dy:143, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:143, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-55, dy:138, path:"arc_in_out_big"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-53, dy:-138, path:"arc_in_out_big"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:140, path:"line_fast"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-7, dy:141, path:"sine_inverted"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-12, dy:-17, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:120, dy:-5, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-25, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}]];
Frame 394 (2.43 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:10, spacing:20, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:20, spacing:20, dx:0, dy:70, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:20, dx:0, dy:210, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:20, spacing:20, dx:0, dy:210, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:10, spacing:20, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:20, dx:0, dy:70, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:125, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:225, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:75, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:175, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out_big"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:15, dy:143, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:30, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_behind_slow"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:70, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:210, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_behind_fast"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-125, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:110, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}]];
Frame 400 (2.57 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:100, path:"sine_normal"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:200, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:100, path:"sine_normal"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:200, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:4, energy:40, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:640, dy:146, path:"special_follow_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:3, dy:56, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-24, dy:194, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:107, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-30, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:190, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:148, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:34, dy:143, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:22, dy:184, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-15, dy:36, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-43, dy:192, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:22, dy:58, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:15, spacing:10, dx:-17, dy:158, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:-14, dy:232, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:-39, dy:87, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:133, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:4, energy:60, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:512, dy:-61, path:"special_follow_slow"}, {type:10, energy:240, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:674, dy:116, path:"special_track_y_slow"}]];
Frame 406 (1.71 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-8, dy:93, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:188, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:60, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:220, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:60, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:220, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:180, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:150, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:105, path:"sine_small"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:185, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:8, dy:-10, path:"down_left"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:5, dy:75, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:0, dy:203, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:100, dy:140, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:6, energy:50, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:657, dy:128, path:"special_track_y_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-28, dy:23, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}]];
Frame 412 (1.32 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:182, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:107, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:41, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:51, dy:141, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out_big"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-12, dy:148, path:"line_fast"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-140, dy:-30, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:6, energy:50, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:650, dy:46, path:"special_track_y_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:44, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-17, dy:189, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:102, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:7, energy:50, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:643, dy:221, path:"special_avoid_y"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:85, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:211, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:12, dy:124, path:"sine_small"}]];
Frame 418 (2.3 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:182, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:99, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:223, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:148, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:40, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:20, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:20, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:40, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:30, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:10, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-32, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:7, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:10, dy:39, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:143, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:6, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:638, dy:138, path:"special_track_y_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:90, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-65, dy:36, path:"down_left"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:143, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:130, path:"sine_inverted"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:130, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:6, energy:40, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:640, dy:196, path:"special_track_y_slow"}, {type:7, energy:40, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:640, dy:73, path:"special_avoid_y"}]];
Frame 424 (2.64 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:50, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:145, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:2, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:50, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:145, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:10, dy:145, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:49, dy:143, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:50, dx:0, dy:50, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:50, dx:0, dy:110, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:50, dx:0, dy:170, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:50, dx:0, dy:230, path:"line_fast"}], [{type:9, energy:40, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:499, dy:-58, path:"special_track_x_fire"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:-10, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:92, dy:70, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:6, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:650, dy:61, path:"special_track_y_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:20, dx:-19, dy:56, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:20, dx:-34, dy:129, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:26, dy:177, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:41, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:-32, dy:238, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-129, dy:-136, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:148, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-31, dy:221, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:78, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:187, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out_big"}, {type:4, energy:70, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:664, dy:138, path:"special_follow_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-15, dy:97, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}]];
Frame 430 (2.89 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:6, dx:-19, dy:46, path:"line_fast"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:15, dy:104, path:"line_fast"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-39, dy:151, path:"line_fast"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:32, dy:209, path:"line_fast"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-41, dy:233, path:"line_fast"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:56, dy:0, path:"bowl"}], [{type:6, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:640, dy:128, path:"special_track_y_fast"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:66, dy:117, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-20, dy:181, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:4, dy:56, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:442, dy:-29, path:"down_up"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:284, dy:34, path:"up_down"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-7, dy:136, path:"sine_inverted"}], [{type:4, energy:50, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-44, dy:153, path:"special_follow_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:58, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-27, dy:184, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-12, dy:126, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-48, dy:221, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:0, dy:82, path:"line_behind_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:19, dy:184, path:"line_behind_slow"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:170, dy:63, path:"up_down"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:367, dy:-7, path:"down_up"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:143, path:"line_behind_fast"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:230, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:185, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:95, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:50, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:11, energy:240, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:638, dy:126, path:"special_charge"}, {type:5, energy:100, count:1, delay:30, spacing:10, dx:600, dy:-100, path:"special_follow_slow"}]];
Frame 436 (4.38 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:213, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out_big"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:50, path:"arc_in_out_big"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:-50, path:"arc_in_out_big"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"bowl"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:9, energy:40, count:1, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:512, dy:354, path:"special_track_x_fire"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:90, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:30, dx:0, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:30, dx:-30, dy:150, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:30, dx:30, dy:30, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-22, dy:-12, path:"down_left"}], [{type:6, energy:70, count:1, delay:30, spacing:10, dx:255, dy:335, path:"special_track_y_slow"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:-20, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:-20, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:-20, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:-20, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:2, delay:0, spacing:20, dx:-20, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-40, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:211, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:-10, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:34, dy:119, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-44, dy:39, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:7, dy:80, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-36, dy:158, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:51, dy:196, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-17, dy:238, path:"line_fast"}, {type:4, energy:70, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:243, dy:-56, path:"special_follow_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:22, dy:143, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:-34, dy:66, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:5, spacing:10, dx:-24, dy:196, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:177, path:"sine_inverted"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:82, dy:102, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:17, dy:155, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-22, dy:111, path:"sine_inverted"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-4, dy:157, path:"sine_normal"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:70, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:213, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-30, dy:5, path:"arc_in_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-50, dy:-47, path:"arc_in_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:55, path:"arc_in_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:10, dy:105, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:450, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:352, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:30, spacing:10, dx:150, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:250, dy:0, path:"up_down"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:2, delay:0, spacing:40, dx:-5, dy:204, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:4, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:441, dy:-68, path:"special_follow_slow"}, {type:7, energy:60, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:660, dy:131, path:"special_avoid_y"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"down_left"}]];
Frame 442 (2.64 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:61, dy:74, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:13, dy:136, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-24, dy:199, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:40, dy:-5, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:-30, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:70, path:"line_medium"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:210, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:8, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:643, dy:247, path:"special_charge"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:92, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-32, dy:201, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:40, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-50, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-140, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:130, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:210, dy:-1, path:"arc_in_out_big"}], [{type:5, energy:50, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:415, dy:-80, path:"special_follow_slow"}, {type:5, energy:50, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:626, dy:125, path:"special_follow_fast"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:194, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:7, dy:90, path:"sine_inverted"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:24, dy:204, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:100, dy:0, path:"down_up"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:300, dy:0, path:"down_up"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:500, dy:0, path:"down_up"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:200, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:400, dy:0, path:"up_down"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:12, dy:143, path:"line_fast"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:6, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:645, dy:78, path:"special_track_y_fast"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-7, dy:143, path:"sine_small"}]];
Frame 448 (2.99 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-8, dy:93, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:188, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:60, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:220, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:60, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:220, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:180, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:150, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:105, path:"sine_small"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:185, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:8, dy:-10, path:"down_left"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:5, dy:75, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:0, dy:203, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:100, dy:140, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:6, energy:50, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:657, dy:128, path:"special_track_y_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-28, dy:23, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:182, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:107, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:41, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:51, dy:141, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out_big"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-12, dy:148, path:"line_fast"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-140, dy:-30, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:6, energy:50, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:650, dy:46, path:"special_track_y_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:44, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-17, dy:189, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:102, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:7, energy:50, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:643, dy:221, path:"special_avoid_y"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:85, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:211, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:12, dy:124, path:"sine_small"}]];
Frame 454 (4.91 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:182, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:99, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:223, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:148, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:40, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:20, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:20, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:40, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:30, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:10, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-32, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:7, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:10, dy:39, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:143, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:6, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:638, dy:138, path:"special_track_y_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:90, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-65, dy:36, path:"down_left"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:143, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:130, path:"sine_inverted"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:130, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:6, energy:40, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:640, dy:196, path:"special_track_y_slow"}, {type:7, energy:40, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:640, dy:73, path:"special_avoid_y"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:50, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:145, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:2, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:50, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:145, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:10, dy:145, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:49, dy:143, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:50, dx:0, dy:50, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:50, dx:0, dy:110, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:50, dx:0, dy:170, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:50, dx:0, dy:230, path:"line_fast"}], [{type:9, energy:40, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:499, dy:-58, path:"special_track_x_fire"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:-10, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:92, dy:70, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:6, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:650, dy:61, path:"special_track_y_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:20, dx:-19, dy:56, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:20, dx:-34, dy:129, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:26, dy:177, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:41, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:-32, dy:238, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-129, dy:-136, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:148, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-31, dy:221, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:5, dy:78, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:187, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out_big"}, {type:4, energy:70, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:664, dy:138, path:"special_follow_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-15, dy:97, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}]];
Frame 460 (6.99 KiB) ● ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:213, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out_big"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:50, path:"arc_in_out_big"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:-50, path:"arc_in_out_big"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"bowl"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:9, energy:40, count:1, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:512, dy:354, path:"special_track_x_fire"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:90, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:30, dx:0, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:30, dx:-30, dy:150, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:30, dx:30, dy:30, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-22, dy:-12, path:"down_left"}], [{type:6, energy:70, count:1, delay:30, spacing:10, dx:255, dy:335, path:"special_track_y_slow"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:-20, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:-20, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:-20, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:-20, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:2, delay:0, spacing:20, dx:-20, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-40, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:3, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:211, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:-10, path:"down_left"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:34, dy:119, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-44, dy:39, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:7, dy:80, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-36, dy:158, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:51, dy:196, path:"line_fast"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-17, dy:238, path:"line_fast"}, {type:4, energy:70, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:243, dy:-56, path:"special_follow_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:22, dy:143, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:-34, dy:66, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:5, spacing:10, dx:-24, dy:196, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:177, path:"sine_inverted"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:82, dy:102, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:17, dy:155, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-22, dy:111, path:"sine_inverted"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-4, dy:157, path:"sine_normal"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:70, path:"line_medium"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:213, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-30, dy:5, path:"arc_in_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-50, dy:-47, path:"arc_in_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:55, path:"arc_in_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:10, dy:105, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:40, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:450, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:10, spacing:10, dx:352, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:30, spacing:10, dx:150, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:4, energy:5, count:1, delay:20, spacing:10, dx:250, dy:0, path:"up_down"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:2, delay:0, spacing:40, dx:-5, dy:204, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:4, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:441, dy:-68, path:"special_follow_slow"}, {type:7, energy:60, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:660, dy:131, path:"special_avoid_y"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"down_left"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:61, dy:74, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:13, dy:136, path:"line_medium"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:2, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-24, dy:199, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:40, dy:-5, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:-30, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:70, path:"line_medium"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:50, dy:210, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:8, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:643, dy:247, path:"special_charge"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-5, dy:92, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-32, dy:201, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:40, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-50, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-140, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:130, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:210, dy:-1, path:"arc_in_out_big"}], [{type:5, energy:50, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:415, dy:-80, path:"special_follow_slow"}, {type:5, energy:50, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:626, dy:125, path:"special_follow_fast"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:194, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:7, dy:90, path:"sine_inverted"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:5, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:24, dy:204, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:100, dy:0, path:"down_up"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:300, dy:0, path:"down_up"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:500, dy:0, path:"down_up"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:200, dy:0, path:"up_down"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:400, dy:0, path:"up_down"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:12, dy:143, path:"line_fast"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:8, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:6, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:645, dy:78, path:"special_track_y_fast"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-7, dy:143, path:"sine_small"}]];
Frame 466 (3.18 KiB) ●
_timeline.gameLevelData = [[], [{type:2, energy:3, count:2, delay:0, spacing:15, dx:59, dy:90, path:"down_left"}, {type:2, energy:3, count:2, delay:15, spacing:15, dx:14, dy:34, path:"down_left"}, {type:2, energy:3, count:2, delay:30, spacing:15, dx:-39, dy:-17, path:"down_left"}, {type:3, energy:10, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:14, dy:73, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"in_loop_out"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:40, path:"line_medium"}, {type:2, energy:3, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:90, path:"line_medium"}, {type:2, energy:3, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:140, path:"line_medium"}, {type:2, energy:3, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:190, path:"line_medium"}, {type:2, energy:3, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:240, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:7, dy:95, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:7, dy:182, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:5, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:616, dy:133, path:"special_random_xy"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-29, dy:77, path:"sine_inverted"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:56, dy:204, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:2, dy:80, path:"sine_inverted"}, {type:1, energy:2, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:2, dy:186, path:"line_medium"}], [{type:2, energy:3, count:6, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"arc_in_out"}], [{type:6, energy:40, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:646, dy:119, path:"special_track_y_slow"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:2, spacing:10, dx:-15, dy:83, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:6, spacing:10, dx:-31, dy:172, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:4, spacing:10, dx:12, dy:126, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:8, spacing:10, dx:-56, dy:211, path:"sine_small"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-51, dy:49, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:5, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:647, dy:157, path:"special_random_xy"}, {type:5, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:301, dy:-58, path:"special_random_xy"}, {type:5, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:303, dy:366, path:"special_random_xy"}, {type:5, energy:80, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-65, dy:134, path:"special_random_xy"}, {type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:0, dy:0, path:"down_left"}], [], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-10, dy:133, path:"sine_small"}], [], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-17, dy:180, path:"sine_inverted"}], [], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:24, dy:85, path:"sine_normal"}], [{type:12, energy:240, count:1, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:686, dy:131, path:"special_random_xy"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-12, dy:220, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-2, dy:53, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:-22, dy:143, path:"sine_small"}], [{type:0, energy:1, count:4, delay:0, spacing:10, dx:65, dy:170, path:"sine_small"}]];
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 5 MovieClip Frame 100 (8 B)
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 100 (8 B)
Symbol 21 Button (157 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
on (rollOut) {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (press) {
_parent._parent.menuItem = 1;
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 12 (8 B)
Symbol 38 Button (157 B)
on (rollOver) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
on (rollOut) {
gotoAndStop (1);
on (press) {
_parent._parent.menuItem = 2;
Symbol 49 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 49 MovieClip Frame 12 (8 B)
Symbol 63 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 29 (283 B)
this.dots1.onEnterFrame = (this.dots2.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
if ((this.delay < 1) || (this.delay == undefined)) {
this.delay = (4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 8)) * 21;
Symbol 142 Button (126 B)
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
on (press) {
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 9 (8 B)
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 10 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 160 MovieClip [baddie0] Frame 1 (208 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "missile";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = -10;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 170 MovieClip [baddie1] Frame 1 (208 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "missile";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = -15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.02;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 178 MovieClip [baddie2] Frame 1 (207 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "missile";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 0;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 10;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 179 MovieClip [baddie3] Frame 1 (207 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "missile";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 0;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 10;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.02;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 198 MovieClip [baddie6] Frame 1 (213 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "green_phaser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = -15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.05;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 199 MovieClip [baddie7] Frame 1 (211 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "pink_photon";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 0;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 10;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.04;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 207 MovieClip [baddie8] Frame 1 (207 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "missile";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 0;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 10;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.02;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 208 MovieClip [baddie9] Frame 1 (203 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "wave";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 10;
xVel = 0;
yVel = -20;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = -90;
rate = 1;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 208 MovieClip [baddie9] Frame 1 (204 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "wave";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 10;
xVel = 12;
yVel = -16;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = -90;
rate = 1;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 208 MovieClip [baddie9] Frame 1 (205 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "wave";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 10;
xVel = -12;
yVel = -16;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = -90;
rate = 1;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 216 MovieClip [baddie10] Frame 1 (206 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "wave";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 10;
xVel = -13;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.05;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint1" in Symbol 216 MovieClip [baddie10] Frame 1 (207 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "wave";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 10;
xVel = -12;
yVel = -5;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.05;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint2" in Symbol 216 MovieClip [baddie10] Frame 1 (206 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "wave";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 10;
xVel = -12;
yVel = 5;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.05;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 224 MovieClip [baddie11] Frame 1 (213 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "green_phaser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = -10;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.05;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 224 MovieClip [baddie11] Frame 1 (213 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "green_phaser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = -10;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.05;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 224 MovieClip [baddie11] Frame 1 (209 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "rocket";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 10;
xVel = -20;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 15;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.05;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [baddie12] Frame 1 (214 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "photon_cluster";
bCluster = true;
bHoming = false;
radius = 12;
xVel = 0;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 10;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.03;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [baddie12] Frame 1 (207 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "wave";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 10;
xVel = -20;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 10;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.03;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "firePoint" in Symbol 232 MovieClip [baddie12] Frame 1 (207 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "wave";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 10;
xVel = -20;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 10;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.03;
damage = 1;
Symbol 236 MovieClip [big_laser] Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 260 MovieClip [island1] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 269 MovieClip [island2] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 278 MovieClip [island3] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 287 MovieClip [island4] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 296 MovieClip [island5] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 313 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 1 (42 B)
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 1 (209 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "normal_shot";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 11 (42 B)
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 11 (152 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "normal_shot";
radius = 7;
xVel = 15;
yVel = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 11 (209 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "normal_shot";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 21 (42 B)
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 21 (212 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "normal_shot";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = -15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 21 (209 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "normal_shot";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 31 (42 B)
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 31 (203 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "laser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 2;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 31 (206 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "laser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = -15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 2;
Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 41 (42 B)
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 41 (151 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "side_shot";
radius = 8;
xVel = 10;
yVel = 10;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 41 (203 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "laser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 2;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 41 (206 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "laser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = -15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 2;
Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 51 (42 B)
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 51 (209 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "side_shot";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 8;
xVel = 10;
yVel = -10;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 51 (208 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "side_shot";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 8;
xVel = 10;
yVel = 10;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 51 (203 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "laser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = 15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 2;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 51 (206 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "laser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 7;
xVel = -15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 2;
Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 60 (42 B)
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 60 (209 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "big_laser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 20;
xVel = 15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 10;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 60 (212 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "big_laser";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = false;
radius = 20;
xVel = -15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 180;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 10;
Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 75 (42 B)
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip in Symbol 314 MovieClip [player] Frame 75 (206 B)
//component parameters
onClipEvent (initialize) {
type = "side_shot";
bCluster = false;
bHoming = true;
radius = 8;
xVel = 15;
yVel = 0;
trackingSpeed = 0;
rotation = 0;
rate = 0.01;
damage = 1;
Symbol 320 MovieClip [shield] Frame 10 (8 B)
Symbol 320 MovieClip [shield] Frame 25 (8 B)
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 5 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 15 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 25 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 35 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 45 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 55 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 75 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 85 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 105 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 115 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 125 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 135 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 155 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 346 MovieClip Frame 165 (17 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 377 MovieClip Frame 12 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 6 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 24 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 25 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 26 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 44 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 45 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 46 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 64 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 65 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 66 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 84 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 85 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 86 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 104 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 105 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 106 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 124 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 125 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 126 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 144 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 145 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 146 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 164 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 165 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 166 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 184 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 185 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 186 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 204 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 205 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 206 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 224 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 225 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 226 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 244 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 245 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 246 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 264 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 265 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 266 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 284 (22 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 285 (8 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 286 (47 B)
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 304 (22 B)
Symbol 391 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 6 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 402 MovieClip Frame 1 (29 B)
Symbol 402 MovieClip Frame 15 (26 B)
Symbol 404 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 8 (8 B)
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 15 (8 B)
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 22 (8 B)
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 29 (8 B)
Symbol 406 MovieClip Frame 36 (8 B)
Symbol 418 Button (51 B)
on (release) {