| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229911 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #221378 |
MACKEREL FACTORY TO EXPAND Liberty Tree News Bureau May 1st 2001 3:14pm EST LIBERTY CITY (RS) - Kristen Burns Cheung Industries of Shanghai announced that they were to expand the factory production of mackerel in the Liberty City area. Cheung Industries is well known for the creation of what has been derisorily called "artificial" Mackerel, a tasty, fishy meal made from the bones and skeletons of any animal matter. The factory will bring thousands of jobs to Liberty City, and make it a world leader in artificial fish. Protestors claim that Cheung's technology causes untold environmental damage and creates a supposedly healthy fish that contains as much saturated fat as butter and smells like a three-week-old kipper, but a spokesman for Cheung commented "Our mackerel is the finest in the world. From Shanghai to Liberty City, we will create a fish that tastes better than the real thing. We paid a lot of money to continue our business practices in Liberty City, and believe people who believe in this city should eat Cheung Mackerel as a way of supporting the city. Sure it isn't technically a 'real' fish, but what's real anyway, these days? Are you telling me a mouse with an ear on it's back is real? But science has made one. What about a dog that walks on two legs and talks in Hungarian? I've seen one, and it is going to revolutionize child care in this country." Mayor O'Donovan commented, "Cheung industries have put the fish back in fishy. Their mackerel is the finest I've ever eaten and I am glad they see Liberty City as the place to conduct genetic experimentation and create foods of the future. The factory is due to finish its expansion next month. |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1function initialSettings() { zoomStep = 15; clip2._y = 454; } function forcesStart() { clip2force = clip2.ioAddForce("ioPointAttraction", 92, 92, 0.1, "pc", 0.5, 0); } function pauseForces() { clip2.ioPauseForce(clip2force); _quality = "high"; } stop();Frame 30initialSettings();Frame 31forcesStart();Frame 60stop(); pauseForces();Symbol 7 MovieClip [industrial3] Frame 26stop();Symbol 8 MovieClip [industrial3] Frame 26stop();Symbol 13 Buttonon (rollOver) { _parent.swapDepths(1000); zoomUp.gotoAndPlay(2); zoomDown.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOut) { zoomUp.gotoAndStop(1); zoomDown.gotoAndPlay(2); }Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 1stop(); i = 0;Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 2with (_parent._parent) { nextScale = _xscale + _parent.zoomStep; _xscale = nextScale; _yscale = nextScale; i++; }Symbol 14 MovieClip Frame 3if ((1.6 * _parent.startScale) >= nextScale) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); }Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1stop(); i = 0;Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 2with (_parent._parent) { nextScale = _xscale - _parent.zoomStep; _xscale = nextScale; _yscale = nextScale; }Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 3if (100 < nextScale) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); }Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1startScale = _parent._xscale;Symbol 27 Buttonon (rollOver) { this.swapDepths(1000); }Symbol 31 Buttonon (release) { clickUp(); }Symbol 32 Buttonon (release) { clickDn(); }Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 1function clickUp() { nextPos = contentBox._y + 50; if (startPos >= nextPos) { contentBox._y = nextPos; } if (startPos < nextPos) { contentBox._y = startPos; } } function clickDn() { if (contentBox._y >= (endPos + 200)) { contentBox._y = contentBox._y - 50; } } startPos = contentBox._y; endPos = contentBox._y - contentBox._height;
Library Items
Symbol 1 Graphic | Used by:2 | |
Symbol 2 MovieClip | Uses:1 | Used by:7 8 |
Symbol 3 Graphic | Used by:7 8 | |
Symbol 4 Bitmap | Used by:5 | |
Symbol 5 Graphic | Uses:4 | Used by:6 |
Symbol 6 MovieClip | Uses:5 | Used by:7 8 |
Symbol 7 MovieClip [industrial3] | Uses:2 3 6 | |
Symbol 8 MovieClip [industrial3] | Uses:2 3 6 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 9 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 10 Bitmap | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 11 Graphic | Uses:10 | Used by:18 |
Symbol 12 Graphic | Used by:13 27 34 | |
Symbol 13 Button | Uses:12 | Used by:17 |
Symbol 14 MovieClip | Used by:17 | |
Symbol 15 MovieClip | Used by:17 | |
Symbol 16 Graphic | Used by:17 | |
Symbol 17 MovieClip | Uses:13 14 15 16 | Used by:18 |
Symbol 18 MovieClip | Uses:11 17 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 19 Graphic | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 20 Font | Used by:22 | |
Symbol 21 Font | Used by:22 | |
Symbol 22 Text | Uses:20 21 | Used by:23 |
Symbol 23 MovieClip | Uses:22 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 24 Bitmap | Used by:25 | |
Symbol 25 Graphic | Uses:24 | Used by:26 |
Symbol 26 MovieClip | Uses:25 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 27 Button | Uses:12 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 28 Graphic | Used by:31 32 | |
Symbol 29 Graphic | Used by:31 32 | |
Symbol 30 Graphic | Used by:31 32 | |
Symbol 31 Button | Uses:28 29 30 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 32 Button | Uses:28 29 30 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 33 Graphic | Used by:34 | |
Symbol 34 MovieClip | Uses:19 12 23 26 27 31 32 33 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names
"clip2" | Frame 30 | Symbol 18 MovieClip |
"clip1" | Frame 30 | Symbol 34 MovieClip |
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"zoomDown" | Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 15 MovieClip |
"contentBox" | Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 23 MovieClip |
Special Tags
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"start" | Frame 1 |
"display" | Frame 31 |
"imagesIn" | Frame 31 |
"done" | Frame 45 |