Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

BlackHole GloryHole (v1.25).swf

This is the info page for
Flash #221482

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
// unknown tag 88 length 81 button 23 { on (release) { _root.newDay = true; _root.gotoScreen('4'); _root.StatsServed += _root.StatsSessionServed; _root.StatsExcellent += _root.StatsSessionExcellent; _root.StatsMissed += _root.StatsSessionMissed; _root.StatsPlayTime += _root.StatsSessionPlayTime; if (_root.StatsSessionServed > _root.StatsMostServed) { _root.StatsMostServed = _root.StatsSessionServed; if (_root.localMap == 'slums') { _root.StatsMostServedText = '- (Slums) ' + _root.StatsMostServed + ' served'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'c-sec') { _root.StatsMostServedText = '- (C-Sec) ' + _root.StatsMostServed + ' served'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'consort') { _root.StatsMostServedText = '- (Consort) ' + _root.StatsMostServed + ' served'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'flux') { _root.StatsMostServedText = '- (Flux) ' + _root.StatsMostServed + ' served'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'blood') { _root.StatsMostServedText = '- (Blood Pack) ' + _root.StatsMostServed + ' served'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'cerberus') { _root.StatsMostServedText = '- (Cerberus) ' + _root.StatsMostServed + ' served'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'council') { _root.StatsMostServedText = '- (Emissary) ' + _root.StatsMostServed + ' served'; } else { _root.StatsMostServedText = '- ' + _root.StatsMostServed + ' served'; } } } } } } } } if (_root.session_cash > _root.StatsMostPaid) { _root.StatsMostPaid = _root.session_cash; if (_root.localMap == 'slums') { _root.StatsMostPaidText = '- (Slums) ' + _root.StatsMostPaid + ' earned'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'c-sec') { _root.StatsMostPaidText = '- (C-Sec) ' + _root.StatsMostPaid + ' earned'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'consort') { _root.StatsMostPaidText = '- (Consort) ' + _root.StatsMostPaid + ' earned'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'flux') { _root.StatsMostPaidText = '- (Flux) ' + _root.StatsMostPaid + ' earned'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'blood') { _root.StatsMostPaidText = '- (Blood Pack) ' + _root.StatsMostPaid + ' earned'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'cerberus') { _root.StatsMostPaidText = '- (Cerberus) ' + _root.StatsMostPaid + ' earned'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'council') { _root.StatsMostPaidText = '- (Emissary) ' + _root.StatsMostPaid + ' earned'; } else { _root.StatsMostPaidText = '- ' + _root.StatsMostPaid + ' earned'; } } } } } } } } _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; } } movieClip 27 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 33 { } movieClip 41 { } movieClip 60 { frame 20 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 61 { frame 20 { _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 62 { frame 14 { } } movieClip 63 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 65 { on (rollOver) { a.gotoAndStop('over'); } on (rollOut) { a.gotoAndStop('no'); } on (releaseOutside) { a.gotoAndStop('no'); } on (press) { a.gotoAndStop('down'); } on (release) { _root.gotoScreen('1'); _root.level_pause = true; } } movieClip 80 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 91 { frame 200 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } movieClip 123 { frame 231 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 131 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 132 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 134 610b3745 { frame 1 { _root.done = false; _root.doneticks = 0; if (_root.character != _root.characterSaved) { _root.character = _root.characterSaved; } if (_root.costume != _root.costumeSaved) { _root.costume = _root.costumeSaved; } ++_root.dayNumber; dayNumber.text = _root.dayNumber - 1; _root.session_cash = Math.floor(_root._score - _root.session_start_score); _root.cashCurrent = 0; cashEarned.text = ''; cashEarnedRed.text = ''; _root.session_rep = Math.floor(_root.mapLocalRep - _root.session_start_rep); if (_root.session_start_rep < 100) { _root.repDiff = 0; repEarned.text = ''; } else { _root.repDiff = 0; repEarned.text = '-max rep-'; } reputation.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(_root.session_start_rep + 2)); reputation.orb.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(_root.session_start_rep + 2)); _root.statTimeMinNeeded = Math.floor(_root.StatsSessionPlayTime / 60); _root.statTimeSecNeeded = Math.floor(_root.StatsSessionPlayTime - _root.statTimeMinNeeded * 60); _root.statTimeMinCurrent = 0; statTimeMin.text = ''; _root.statTimeSecCurrent = 0; statTimeSec.text = ''; _root.statServedCurrent = 0; statServed.text = ''; _root.statExcellentCurrent = 0; statExcellent.text = ''; _root.statMissedCurrent = 0; statMissed.text = ''; } frame 1 { function tick() { if (_root.session_cash > 0) { if (_root.cashCurrent < _root.session_cash) { if (_root.cashCurrent + _root.session_cash * 0.05 < _root.session_cash) { _root.cashCurrent += _root.session_cash * 0.01; _root.cashCurrent = Math.ceil(_root.cashCurrent); } if (_root.cashCurrent < _root.session_cash) { _root.cashCurrent += 1; } cashEarned.text = '+ ' + _root.cashCurrent; } } else { if (_root.session_cash < 0) { if (_root.cashCurrent > _root.session_cash) { if (_root.cashCurrent + _root.session_cash * 0.05 > _root.session_cash) { _root.cashCurrent += _root.session_cash * 0.01; _root.cashCurrent = Math.ceil(_root.cashCurrent); } if (_root.cashCurrent > _root.session_cash) { _root.cashCurrent -= 1; } cashEarnedRed.text = _root.cashCurrent; } } } if (_root.repDiff < _root.session_rep) { _root.repDiff += 1; repEarned.text = '+ ' + _root.repDiff; reputation.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(_root.repDiff + _root.session_start_rep + 2)); reputation.orb.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(_root.repDiff + _root.session_start_rep + 2)); } if (_root.statTimeMinCurrent < _root.statTimeMinNeeded) { _root.statTimeMinCurrent += 0.1; statTimeMin.text = Math.round(_root.statTimeMinCurrent); } if (_root.statTimeSecCurrent < _root.statTimeSecNeeded) { _root.statTimeSecCurrent += 0.75; if (_root.statTimeSecCurrent < 10) { statTimeSec.text = '0' + Math.round(_root.statTimeSecCurrent); } else { statTimeSec.text = Math.round(_root.statTimeSecCurrent); } } if (_root.statServedCurrent < _root.StatsSessionServed) { if (_root.statServedCurrent + _root.StatsSessionServed * 0.5 < _root.StatsSessionServed) { _root.statServedCurrent += Math.ceil(_root.StatsSessionServed * 0.01); } else { _root.statServedCurrent += 0.5; } statServed.text = Math.ceil(_root.statServedCurrent); } if (_root.statExcellentCurrent < _root.StatsSessionExcellent) { if (_root.statExcellentCurrent + _root.StatsSessionExcellent * 0.5 < _root.StatsSessionExcellent) { _root.statExcellentCurrent += Math.ceil(_root.StatsSessionExcellent * 0.01); } else { _root.statExcellentCurrent += 0.25; } statExcellent.text = Math.ceil(_root.statExcellentCurrent); } if (_root.statMissedCurrent < _root.StatsSessionMissed) { if (_root.statMissedCurrent + _root.StatsSessionMissed * 0.5 < _root.StatsSessionMissed) { _root.statMissedCurrent += Math.ceil(_root.StatsSessionMissed * 0.01); } else { _root.statMissedCurrent += 0.25; } statMissed.text = Math.ceil(_root.statMissedCurrent); } if (_root.cashCurrent >= _root.session_cash && _root.repDiff >= _root.session_rep && _root.statTimeMinCurrent >= _root.statTimeMinNeeded && _root.statTimeSecCurrent >= _root.statTimeSecNeeded && _root.statServedCurrent >= _root.StatsSessionServed && _root.statExcellentCurrent >= _root.StatsSessionExcellent && _root.statMissedCurrent >= _root.StatsSessionMissed) { _root.done = true; } else { ++_root.doneticks; } } } frame 40 { if (_root.session_start_rep < 100 && _root.endless != true) { clock.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(_root.session_timer_mult * 0.32 + 2)); if (_root.session_timer_mult >= 100 && _root.session_timer_mult <= 120) { clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tick'); } else { if (_root.session_timer_mult >= 200 && _root.session_timer_mult <= 220) { clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tick'); } else { if (_root.session_timer_mult >= 300 && _root.session_timer_mult <= 320) { clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tick'); } else { if (_root.session_timer_mult >= 400 && _root.session_timer_mult <= 420) { clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tick'); } else { if (_root.session_timer_mult >= 500 && _root.session_timer_mult <= 520) { clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tickBig'); } else { if (_root.session_timer_mult >= 600 && _root.session_timer_mult <= 620) { clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tickBig'); } else { if (_root.session_timer_mult >= 700) { clock.icon.gotoAndStop('ring'); } else { clock.icon.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } } } } } } } else { clock.gotoAndStop('endless'); } } frame 45 { if (_root.session_cash > 0) { cashEarned.text = 0; } else { cashEarnedRed.text = 0; } repEarned.text = 0; statTimeMin.text = 0; statTimeSec.text = 0; statServed.text = 0; statExcellent.text = 0; statMissed.text = 0; } instance of movieClip 133 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.tick(); } } frame 62 { if (_root.done == true or _root.doneticks >= 250) { gotoAndPlay('end'); } else { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } frame 75 { stop(); } } movieClip 142 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 147 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 152 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 157 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 162 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 178 { } movieClip 186 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 55 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } movieClip 192 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 194 { } movieClip 196 { } movieClip 198 { } movieClip 200 { } movieClip 203 { } movieClip 205 { } movieClip 213 { } movieClip 217 { } movieClip 223 { frame 1 { _alpha = 0; } } movieClip 227 { frame 1 { _index = 5; xtime = 1500; timer = random(xtime); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.galleryViewing != true) { if (_root.mapLocalRep >= 70) { if (_root.clientsLeft > 0) { if (timer > 0) { --timer; } else { if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndPlay('hello'); } else { timer = random(xtime) + 500; } } } } } }; if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satisfaction = 25; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == false) { satisfaction = 20; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == false && _root.skillAll2 == false && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satisfaction = 15; } else { satisfaction = 10; } } } ejac = 0; } frame 1 { gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { khead.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 28 { khead.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 40 { btn.onRelease = function () { if (!_parent._parent.a0) { _parent._parent.rainbow(); } _parent._parent.attach_walkanim(_index, _xmode, _color, satisfaction, ejac); _root.came = false; gotoAndStop('opened'); onEnterFrame = null; }; btn.onRollOver = function () { gotoAndStop('over'); }; btn.onRollOut = function () { gotoAndPlay('wait'); }; btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { gotoAndPlay('wait'); }; btn.onPress = function () { gotoAndStop('click'); }; } frame 40 { khead.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay('wait'); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { } frame 84 { khead.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 105 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 232 { } movieClip 235 { } movieClip 245 { } movieClip 247 { } movieClip 254 { } movieClip 256 { } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 262 { frame 1 { randomFlag = function () { gotoAndPlay('flag' + (random(2) + 1)); }; } frame 60 { randomFlag(); } frame 120 { randomFlag(); } } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 268 { } movieClip 270 { } movieClip 293 { frame 1 { _index = 5; xtime = 1500; timer = random(xtime); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.galleryViewing != true) { if (_root.mapLocalRep >= 70) { if (_root.clientsLeft > 0) { if (timer > 0) { --timer; } else { if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndPlay('hello'); } else { timer = random(xtime) + 500; } } } } } }; if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satisfaction = 25; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == false) { satisfaction = 20; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == false && _root.skillAll2 == false && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satisfaction = 15; } else { satisfaction = 10; } } } ejac = 0; } frame 1 { gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 40 { btn.onRelease = function () { if (!_parent._parent.a0) { _parent._parent.rainbow(); } _parent._parent.attach_walkanim(_index, _xmode, _color, satisfaction, ejac); _root.came = false; gotoAndStop('opened'); onEnterFrame = null; }; btn.onRollOver = function () { gotoAndStop('over'); }; btn.onRollOut = function () { gotoAndPlay('wait'); }; btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { gotoAndPlay('wait'); }; btn.onPress = function () { gotoAndStop('click'); }; } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay('wait'); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 105 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 296 { } movieClip 320 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(Math.ceil(Math.random(30))); } frame 121 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 366 { frame 1 { _index = 5; xtime = 1500; timer = random(xtime); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.galleryViewing != true) { if (_root.mapLocalRep >= 70) { if (_root.clientsLeft > 0) { if (timer > 0) { --timer; } else { if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndPlay('hello'); } else { timer = random(xtime) + 500; } } } } } }; if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satisfaction = 25; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == false) { satisfaction = 20; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == false && _root.skillAll2 == false && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satisfaction = 15; } else { satisfaction = 10; } } } ejac = 0; } frame 1 { gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 40 { btn.onRelease = function () { if (!_parent._parent.a0) { _parent._parent.rainbow(); } _parent._parent.attach_walkanim(_index, _xmode, _color, satisfaction, ejac); _root.came = false; gotoAndStop('opened'); onEnterFrame = null; }; btn.onRollOver = function () { gotoAndStop('over'); }; btn.onRollOut = function () { gotoAndPlay('wait'); }; btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { gotoAndPlay('wait'); }; btn.onPress = function () { gotoAndStop('click'); }; } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay('wait'); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 105 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 369 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 378 { } movieClip 383 { frame 1 { if (!_root.localMap) { stop(); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.localMap); } } } movieClip 388 { } movieClip 400 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('stop'); } frame 36 { gotoAndStop('stop'); } } movieClip 402 { frame 1 { _parent.skills.btnB.block.gotoAndStop(102); if (_root.skillSta1 == true && _root.skillSta2 == true && _root.skillSta3 == true) { energyMult = 2.25; } else { if (_root.skillSta1 == true && _root.skillSta2 == true && _root.skillSta3 == false) { energyMult = 1.75; } else { if (_root.skillSta1 == true && _root.skillSta2 == false && _root.skillSta3 == false) { energyMult = 1.35; } else { energyMult = 1; } } } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.xp < _root.xpNeeded) { if (_parent.LevelBar.currentFrame != Math.ceil((_root.xp / _root.xpNeeded) * 100 + 2)) { _parent.LevelBar.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((_root.xp / _root.xpNeeded) * 100 + 2)); } } else { _parent.LevelBar.ding(); } if (_root.level_pause == false) { if (_root.cheatEnergy != true) { if (_root.energyS < 0) { _root.energyS = 0; } else { if (_root.energyS > _root.energySmax) { _root.energyS = _root.energySmax; } else { _root.energyS += 0.004 * energyMult; } } if (_root.energyF < 0) { _root.energyF = 0; } else { if (_root.energyF > _root.energyFmax) { _root.energyF = _root.energyFmax; } else { _root.energyF += 0.004 * energyMult; } } if (_root.energyA < 0) { _root.energyA = 0; } else { if (_root.energyA > _root.energyAmax) { _root.energyA = _root.energyAmax; } else { _root.energyA += 0.004 * energyMult; } } } else { if (_root.energyS < _root.energySmax) { _root.energyS = _root.energySmax; } if (_root.energyF < _root.energyFmax) { _root.energyF = _root.energyFmax; } if (_root.energyA < _root.energyAmax) { _root.energyA = _root.energyAmax; } } _parent.skills.btnS.block.gotoAndStop(Math.round((_root.energyS / _root.energySmax) * 100 + 2)); _parent.skills.btnF.block.gotoAndStop(Math.round((_root.energyF / _root.energyFmax) * 100 + 2)); _parent.skills.btnA.block.gotoAndStop(Math.round((_root.energyA / _root.energyAmax) * 100 + 2)); if (_root.skillS1 != false) { _parent.skills.orb.pipS.gotoAndStop(Math.round((_root.energyS / _root.energySmax) * 100 + 2)); } else { _parent.skills.orb.pipS.gotoAndStop('off'); } if (_root.skillF1 != false) { _parent.skills.orb.pipF.gotoAndStop(Math.round((_root.energyF / _root.energyFmax) * 100 + 2)); } else { _parent.skills.orb.pipF.gotoAndStop('off'); } if (_root.skillA1 != false) { _parent.skills.orb.pipA.gotoAndStop(Math.round((_root.energyA / _root.energyAmax) * 100 + 2)); } else { _parent.skills.orb.pipA.gotoAndStop('off'); } } }; } } movieClip 412 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 25 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 424 { frame 1 { function ding() { _root.xp -= _root.xpNeeded; if (_root.xpLevel <= 5) { _root.skillPoints += 3; } else { if (_root.xpLevel > 5 && _root.xpLevel <= 10) { _root.skillPoints += 5; } else { if (_root.xpLevel > 10 && _root.xpLevel <= 15) { _root.skillPoints += 10; } else { _root.skillPoints += 15; } } } ++_root.xpLevel; _root.xpNeeded = 2500 + 3500 * (_root.xpLevel * 0.75); _parent.pauseMenu.ind.checkCanLevelSkills(); blink.gotoAndPlay('blink'); } } } movieClip 441 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 14 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 24 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 448 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 453 { frame 1 { if (_root.skillA1 != true) { gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { gotoAndStop(4); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 459 { frame 1 { if (_root.skillF1 != true) { gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { gotoAndStop(4); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 467 { frame 1 { if (_root.skillS1 != true) { gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { gotoAndStop(4); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 475 { frame 1 { if (_root.skillB1 != true) { gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { gotoAndStop(4); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 480 { } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 488 { } movieClip 490 { } movieClip 491 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('invis'); } frame 6 { if (_root.level == 1) { gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_root.level == 3) { gotoAndStop(8); } else { if (_root.level == 8) { gotoAndStop(9); } else { if (_root.level == 10) { gotoAndStop(10); } } } } } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('invis'); } } movieClip 493 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 494 { frame 1 { function setB() { if (_root.level_pause != true) { if (_root.skillB1 == true) { if (Math.round((_root.energyB / _root.energyBmax) * 100) >= 20) { _root.level = 1; gotoAndStop(2); setAnim(); } else { btnB.block.blink.gotoAndPlay('blinkE'); } } else { btnB.block.blink.gotoAndPlay('blinkS'); } } } function setS() { if (_root.level_pause != true) { if (_root.skillS1 == true) { if (Math.round((_root.energyS / _root.energySmax) * 100) >= 20) { _root.level = 3; gotoAndStop(3); setAnim(); } else { btnS.block.blink.gotoAndPlay('blinkE'); } } else { btnS.block.blink.gotoAndPlay('blinkS'); } } } function setF() { if (_root.level_pause != true) { if (_root.skillF1 == true) { if (Math.round((_root.energyF / _root.energyFmax) * 100) >= 20) { _root.level = 8; gotoAndStop(4); setAnim(); } else { btnF.block.blink.gotoAndPlay('blinkE'); } } else { btnF.block.blink.gotoAndPlay('blinkS'); } } } function setA() { if (_root.level_pause != true) { if (_root.skillA1 == true) { if (Math.round((_root.energyA / _root.energyAmax) * 100) >= 20) { _root.level = 10; gotoAndStop(5); setAnim(); } else { btnA.block.blink.gotoAndPlay('blinkE'); } } else { btnA.block.blink.gotoAndPlay('blinkS'); } } } function setAnim() { _parent.remove_sex_anim(); } if (_root.level == 1) { setB(); } else { if (_root.level > 1 && _root.level <= 5) { setS(); } else { if (_root.level < 10 && _root.level > 5) { setF(); } else { if (_root.level == 10) { setA(); } else { stop(); } } } } btnB.onPress = function () { setB(); }; btnS.onPress = function () { setS(); }; btnF.onPress = function () { setF(); }; btnA.onPress = function () { setA(); }; var key = {'onKeyDown': function () { switch (Key.getCode()) { case 81: if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { setB(); } break; case 87: if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { setS(); } break; case 69: setF(); break; case 82: setA(); break; case 65: if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { setB(); } break; case 90: if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { setS(); } break; case 49: if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { setB(); } break; case 50: if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { setS(); } break; case 51: if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { setF(); } break; case 52: if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { setA(); } } }}; Key.addListener(key); } frame 1 { function pressed() { _root.wheel = true; _root.clickedx = _root._xmouse; if (_root.clickedx > 500) { _root.clickedx = 500; } else { if (_root.clickedx < 140) { _root.clickedx = 140; } } _root.clickedy = _root._ymouse; if (_root.clickedy < 140) { _root.clickedy = 140; } else { if (_root.clickedy > 350) { _root.clickedy = 350; } } orb._x = _root.clickedx; orb._y = _root.clickedy; orb.gotoAndPlay('come'); Middlebox._x = orb._x; Middlebox._y = orb._y; } function missed() { _root.wheel = false; orb.gotoAndPlay('go'); } } instance orb of movieClip 491 { } } movieClip 508 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.BGMmute != true) { gotoAndStop('no'); } else { gotoAndStop('yes'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 511 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.SFXmute != true) { gotoAndStop('no'); } else { gotoAndStop('yes'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 514 { instance volSetting of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.BGMmute != true) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); _root.BGMmute = true; } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance sfxSetting of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); _root.SFXmute = true; } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.SFXmute = false; } } } } movieClip 515 { } button 520 { on (release) { if (_root.newDay != true) { _root.canLevel = 0; _root.gotoScreen('4'); _root.level_pause = false; } else { if (_root.newDay == true) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('shopToMap'); if (_root.startup != false) { _root.startup = 'map'; } } } } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 533 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 549 { } movieClip 583 { } movieClip 594 { frame 1 { function resetControls() { ctQ.gotoAndStop('off'); ctA.gotoAndStop('off'); ct1.gotoAndStop('off'); if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { ctQ.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { ctA.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { ct1.gotoAndStop('on'); } } } } stop(); box.onPress = function () { if (pressed == false) { gotoAndStop('hold'); pressed = true; } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); pressed = false; } }; box.onRollOver = function () { gotoAndStop('hold'); pressed = true; }; } frame 2 { resetControls(); } instance ctQ of movieClip 583 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { this.gotoAndStop('onDown'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('down'); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.controlsScheme != 'QWER') { _root.controlsScheme = 'QWER'; _parent.resetControls(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { this.gotoAndStop('onOver'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { this.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('off'); } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'QWER') { this.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('off'); } } } instance ct1 of movieClip 583 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { this.gotoAndStop('onDown'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('down'); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.controlsScheme != '1234') { _root.controlsScheme = '1234'; _parent.resetControls(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { this.gotoAndStop('onOver'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { this.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('off'); } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.controlsScheme == '1234') { this.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('off'); } } } instance ctA of movieClip 583 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { this.gotoAndStop('onDown'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('down'); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.controlsScheme != 'AZER') { _root.controlsScheme = 'AZER'; _parent.resetControls(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { this.gotoAndStop('onOver'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { this.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('off'); } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.controlsScheme == 'AZER') { this.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('off'); } } } frame 3 { resetControls(); } } movieClip 596 { } movieClip 603 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 612 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 621 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 631 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 649 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 668 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 685 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 686 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 695 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 703 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 722 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 761 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 767 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messPussy <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messPussy >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 771 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 776 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 779 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 783 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 791 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 810 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 850 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 860 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 868 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 872 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 876 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 878 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 881 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 909 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 913 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 916 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 918 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 921 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 924 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messAss <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messAss >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 933 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 938 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 941 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 945 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 947 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 951 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 953 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 964 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 969 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 975 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 989 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 992 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 994 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 996 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 1005 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1008 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1010 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1012 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1014 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1016 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1018 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 1027 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1036 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 1065 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 1070 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1075 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1078 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1082 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 1091 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1094 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1096 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1098 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1100 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1103 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1114 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 1117 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1118 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1120 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1122 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1124 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1133 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 1142 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 1153 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 1156 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1158 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1160 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1162 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1165 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1178 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 1181 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1182 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1184 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1186 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1188 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1197 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 1204 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1208 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1212 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 1221 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1226 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1231 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 1245 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 1280 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 1283 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1286 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1289 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1290 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 1294 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 1297 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 1301 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messFace <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messFace >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 1309 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1329 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1330 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1332 { } movieClip 1339 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messFace <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messFace >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 1358 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1371 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1390 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1395 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messFace <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messFace >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 1415 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1417 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1424 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messMouth <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messMouth >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 1435 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1436 { } movieClip 1464 { frame 1 { if (_root.rainbow != false && _root.jutsu == 5) { if (!_parent.holdFrame) { _parent.holdFrame = _root.character; } gotoAndStop(_parent.holdFrame + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 1474 { frame 1 { if (_root.rainbow != false && _root.jutsu == 5) { if (!_parent.holdFrame) { _parent.holdFrame = _root.character; } gotoAndStop(_parent.holdFrame + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 1475 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(100) + 1); } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1496 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1504 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1508 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1509 { } movieClip 1513 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1520 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messMouth <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messMouth >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 1523 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6 or _root.character == 9) { if (_root.strippedMask == true) { gotoAndStop('hide'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 1541 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1559 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1578 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 1580 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1581 { } movieClip 1583 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 1594 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 1610 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } button 1614 { on (release) { selectHair(); } on (rollOver) { rollHair(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); } } movieClip 1619 { frame 11 { stop(); } } button 1625 { on (release) { selectMask(); } on (rollOver) { rollMask(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); } } movieClip 1633 { frame 1 { function galleryReset() { _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } function iconReset() { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6 or _root.character == 9) { resetMask(); } else { resetHair(); } } function selectMask() { if (_root.strippedMaskUnlocked == true) { if (_root.strippedMask != true) { _root.strippedMask = true; _root.strippedHair = false; galleryReset(); } else { _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; galleryReset(); } _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollMask(); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'stripMask') { if (_root._score >= _root.strippedMaskCost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.strippedMaskCost; _root._score -= _root.strippedMaskCost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.strippedMask = true; _root.strippedHair = false; lockMask.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.strippedMaskUnlocked = true; _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollMask(); } } else { _root.menuSelected = 'stripMask'; _parent.setSelect(); lockMask.gotoAndStop('over'); rollMask(); } } } function selectHair() { if (_root.strippedHairUnlocked == true) { if (_root.character >= 1 && _root.character <= 4) { _root.strippedHairMax = 14; } else { if (_root.character == 8 or _root.character == 10) { _root.strippedHairMax = 14; } else { if (_root.character == 7) { _root.strippedHairMax = 5; } else { _root.strippedHairMax = false; } } } if (_root.strippedHairMax != false) { if (_root.strippedHair == false) { _root.strippedHair = 1; _root.strippedMask = false; galleryReset(); } else { if (_root.strippedHair < _root.strippedHairMax) { ++_root.strippedHair; _root.strippedMask = false; galleryReset(); } else { _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedMask = false; galleryReset(); } } if (_root.character >= 1 && _root.character <= 4) { if (_root.character == _root.strippedHair) { ++_root.strippedHair; _root.strippedMask = false; galleryReset(); } } if (_root.character == 8 or _root.character == 10) { if (_root.strippedHair == 1) { ++_root.strippedHair; _root.strippedMask = false; galleryReset(); } } } _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollHair(); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'stripHair') { if (_root._score >= _root.strippedHairCost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.strippedHairCost; _root._score -= _root.strippedHairCost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.strippedHair = true; _root.strippedMask = false; lockHair.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.strippedHairUnlocked = true; _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollHair(); } } else { _root.menuSelected = 'stripHair'; _parent.setSelect(); lockHair.gotoAndStop('over'); rollHair(); } } } function rollMask() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripMask') { if (_root.strippedMask != true) { gotoAndStop('maskOnSelect'); } else { gotoAndStop('maskOffSelect'); } if (_root.strippedMaskUnlocked != true) { lockMask.gotoAndStop('over'); } } } function rollHair() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripHair') { if (_root.strippedHair != false) { gotoAndStop('hairOnSelect'); } else { gotoAndStop('hairOffSelect'); } } } function resetMask() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripMask') { if (_root.strippedMask != true) { gotoAndStop('maskOn'); } else { gotoAndStop('maskOff'); } if (_root.strippedMaskUnlocked == true) { lockMask.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lockMask.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } } function resetHair() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripHair') { if (_root.strippedHair != false) { gotoAndStop('hairOn'); } else { gotoAndStop('hairOff'); } if (_root.strippedHairUnlocked == true) { lockHair.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lockHair.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } if (_root.character != 5 && _root.character != 6 && _root.character != 9) { if (_root.strippedHair != false) { _root.strippedHairDisplay = _root.strippedHair; } else { _root.strippedHairDisplay = ''; } } else { _root.strippedHairDisplay = ''; } } stop(); iconReset(); } instance lockHair of movieClip 1619 { } instance lockMask of movieClip 1619 { } } movieClip 1659 { } movieClip 1671 { frame 1 { function galleryReset() { _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } function iconReset() { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { resetMask(); } else { resetHair(); } } function selectMask() { if (_root.strippedMaskUnlocked == true) { if (_root.strippedMask != true) { _root.strippedMask = true; _root.strippedHair = false; galleryReset(); } else { _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; galleryReset(); } _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollMask(); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'stripMask') { if (_root._score >= _root.strippedMaskCost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.strippedMaskCost; _root._score -= _root.strippedMaskCost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.strippedMask = true; _root.strippedHair = false; lockMask.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.strippedMaskUnlocked = true; _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollMask(); } } else { _root.menuSelected = 'stripMask'; _parent.setSelect(); lockMask.gotoAndStop('over'); rollMask(); } } } function selectHair() { if (_root.strippedHairUnlocked == true) { if (_root.strippedHair != true) { _root.strippedHair = true; _root.strippedMask = false; galleryReset(); } else { _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedMask = false; galleryReset(); } _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollHair(); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'stripHair') { if (_root._score >= _root.strippedHairCost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.strippedHairCost; _root._score -= _root.strippedHairCost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.strippedHair = true; _root.strippedMask = false; lockHair.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.strippedHairUnlocked = true; _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollHair(); } } else { _root.menuSelected = 'stripHair'; _parent.setSelect(); lockHair.gotoAndStop('over'); rollHair(); } } } function rollMask() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripBot') { if (_root.strippedMask != true) { gotoAndStop('maskOnSelect'); } else { gotoAndStop('maskOffSelect'); } if (_root.strippedMaskUnlocked != true) { lockMask.gotoAndStop('over'); } } } function rollHair() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripHair') { if (_root.strippedHair != true) { gotoAndStop('dressSelect'); } else { gotoAndStop('nudeSelect'); } } } function resetMask() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripMask') { if (_root.strippedMask != true) { gotoAndStop('maskOn'); } else { gotoAndStop('maskOff'); } } if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripmask') { if (_root.strippedMaskUnlocked == true) { lockMask.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lockMask.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } } function resetHair() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripHair') { if (_root.strippedHair != true) { gotoAndStop('dress'); } else { gotoAndStop('nude'); } if (_root.strippedHairUnlocked == true) { lockHair.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lockHair.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } } stop(); iconReset(); } instance lock of movieClip 1619 { } } movieClip 1678 { frame 1 { function noLock() { icon.lockMask._visible = false; icon.lockHair._visible = false; } orb.gotoAndStop(_root.characterSaved); showing = 'off'; gotoAndStop('off'); noLock(); } frame 2 { showing = 'off'; noLock(); } frame 3 { showing = 'over'; noLock(); } frame 6 { stop(); noLock(); } frame 7 { showing = 'out'; noLock(); } frame 10 { gotoAndStop('off'); noLock(); } } button 1681 { on (release) { selectTop(); } on (rollOver) { rollTop(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); } } button 1682 { on (release) { selectBot(); } on (rollOver) { rollBot(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); } } button 1695 { on (release) { selectFull(); } on (rollOver) { rollFull(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); } } movieClip 1699 { frame 1 { function galleryReset() { _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } function iconReset() { if (_root.costume >= 1 && _root.costume <= 8 && _root.costume != 7) { resetFull(); } else { if (_root.costume == 9) { resetNaked(); } else { resetBikini(); } } } function selectTop() { if (_root.strippedTopUnlocked == true) { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedFull = false; galleryReset(); } else { _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedFull = false; galleryReset(); } _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollTop(); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'stripTop') { if (_root._score >= _root.strippedTopCost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.strippedTopCost; _root._score -= _root.strippedTopCost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedFull = false; lockTop.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.strippedTopUnlocked = true; _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollTop(); } } else { _root.menuSelected = 'stripTop'; _parent.setSelect(); lockTop.gotoAndStop('over'); rollTop(); } } } function selectBot() { if (_root.strippedBotUnlocked == true) { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = false; galleryReset(); } else { _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; galleryReset(); } _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollBot(); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'stripBot') { if (_root._score >= _root.strippedBotCost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.strippedBotCost; _root._score -= _root.strippedBotCost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = false; lockBot.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.strippedBotUnlocked = true; _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollBot(); } } else { _root.menuSelected = 'stripBot'; _parent.setSelect(); lockBot.gotoAndStop('over'); rollBot(); } } } function selectFull() { if (_root.strippedFullUnlocked == true) { if (_root.strippedFull != true) { _root.strippedFull = true; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; galleryReset(); } else { _root.strippedFull = false; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; galleryReset(); } _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollFull(); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'stripFull') { if (_root._score >= _root.strippedFullCost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.strippedFullCost; _root._score -= _root.strippedFullCost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.strippedFull = true; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; lockFull.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.strippedFullUnlocked = true; _root.menuSelected = false; _parent.setSelect(); rollFull(); } } else { _root.menuSelected = 'stripFull'; _parent.setSelect(); lockFull.gotoAndStop('over'); rollFull(); } } } function rollTop() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripBot') { if (_root.strippedTop != true && _root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop('onTopSelect'); } else { if (_root.strippedTop == true && _root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop('toplessTopSelect'); } else { if (_root.strippedTop != true && _root.strippedBot == true) { gotoAndStop('bottomlessTopSelect'); } else { gotoAndStop('offTopSelect'); } } } if (_root.strippedTopUnlocked != true) { lockTop.gotoAndStop('over'); } } } function rollBot() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripTop') { if (_root.strippedTop != true && _root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop('onBotSelect'); } else { if (_root.strippedTop == true && _root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop('toplessBotSelect'); } else { if (_root.strippedTop != true && _root.strippedBot == true) { gotoAndStop('bottomlessBotSelect'); } else { gotoAndStop('offBotSelect'); } } } if (_root.strippedBotUnlocked != true) { lockBot.gotoAndStop('over'); } } } function rollFull() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripFull') { if (_root.strippedFull != true) { gotoAndStop('dressSelect'); } else { gotoAndStop('nudeSelect'); } } } function resetBikini() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripTop' && _root.menuSelected != 'stripBot') { if (_root.strippedTop != true && _root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.strippedTop == true && _root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop('topless'); } else { if (_root.strippedTop != true && _root.strippedBot == true) { gotoAndStop('bottomless'); } else { gotoAndStop('off'); } } } } if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripTop') { if (_root.strippedTopUnlocked == true) { lockTop.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lockTop.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripBot') { if (_root.strippedBotUnlocked == true) { lockBot.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lockBot.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } } function resetFull() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stripFull') { if (_root.strippedFull != true) { gotoAndStop('dress'); } else { gotoAndStop('nude'); } if (_root.strippedFullUnlocked == true) { lockFull.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lockFull.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } } function resetNaked() { gotoAndStop('naked'); } stop(); iconReset(); } instance lockTop of movieClip 1619 { } instance lockBot of movieClip 1619 { } instance lockFull of movieClip 1619 { } } movieClip 1700 { } movieClip 1703 { frame 1 { function noLock() { icon.lockTop._visible = false; icon.lockBot._visible = false; icon.lockFull._visible = false; } if (_root.costumeSaved == 9) { orb.gotoAndStop(11); } else { orb.gotoAndStop(_root.costumeSaved); } showing = 'off'; gotoAndStop('off'); noLock(); } frame 2 { showing = 'off'; noLock(); } frame 3 { showing = 'over'; noLock(); } frame 6 { stop(); noLock(); } frame 7 { showing = 'out'; noLock(); } frame 10 { gotoAndStop('off'); noLock(); } } button 1711 { on (release) { _root.startup = 'map'; _root.gotoScreen('4'); } } movieClip 1719 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1723 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1727 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1731 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1735 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1739 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1743 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1747 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1751 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1755 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } button 1767 { on (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('lookGo'); } } movieClip 1774 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1778 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1782 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1786 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1790 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1794 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1798 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1802 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1806 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1812 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1818 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1824 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1830 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1836 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1842 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1848 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 1855 { frame 1 { function setSelect() { _root.checkCostume(); gotoAndPlay('reset'); if (_root.menuSelected == false) { textCostWord.text = ''; textCostPoor.text = ''; } else { textCostWord.text = 'Price:'; textCostPoor.text = ''; } switch (_root.menuSelected) { case false: textCost.text = ''; textName.text = ''; textLine1.text = ''; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'stripHair': textCost.text = _root.strippedHairCost; textName.text = 'Hair Colour'; textLine1.text = '[doesnt work]'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'stripFace': textCost.text = _root.strippedFaceCost; textName.text = 'Strip Face'; textLine1.text = '[nothing here]'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'stripMask': textCost.text = _root.strippedMaskCost; textName.text = 'Remove Mask'; textLine1.text = 'No need to be shy..'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'stripTop': textCost.text = _root.strippedTopCost; textName.text = 'Strip Top'; textLine1.text = 'Yay, boobies!'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'stripBot': textCost.text = _root.strippedBotCost; textName.text = 'Strip Panties'; textLine1.text = 'Who\'s a naughty girl?'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'stripFull': textCost.text = _root.strippedFullCost; textName.text = 'Strip Costume'; textLine1.text = '[doesnt work yet. stretch goal!]'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cha01': textCost.text = _root.character01cost; textName.text = 'Pale Shepard'; textLine1.text = 'Savior of the galaxy.. without sunlight!'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cha02': textCost.text = _root.character02cost; textName.text = 'White Shepard'; textLine1.text = 'Savior of the galaxy.. with canonical hair!'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cha03': textCost.text = _root.character03cost; textName.text = 'Tanned Shepard'; textLine1.text = 'Savior of the galaxy.. with blonde hair!'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cha04': textCost.text = _root.character04cost; textName.text = 'Black Shepard'; textLine1.text = 'Savior of the galaxy.. with dark skin!'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cha05': textCost.text = _root.character05cost; textName.text = 'Tali\'Zorah'; textLine1.text = '\'emergency. induction. port.\''; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cha06': textCost.text = _root.character04cost; textName.text = 'Daro\'Xen'; textLine1.text = 'Admiral on deck.'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cha07': textCost.text = _root.character07cost; textName.text = 'Liara'; textLine1.text = 'let\'s meld'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cha08': textCost.text = _root.character08cost; textName.text = 'Miranda'; textLine1.text = 'Genetically superior'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cha09': textCost.text = _root.character09cost; textName.text = 'Edi'; textLine1.text = '01101000 01101001 '; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos01': textCost.text = _root.costume01cost; textName.text = 'N7 Cocktail Dress'; textLine1.text = 'Military issue'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos02': textCost.text = _root.costume02cost; textName.text = 'N7 Combat Armor'; textLine1.text = 'Love is a battlefield'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos03': textCost.text = _root.costume03cost; textName.text = 'N7 Jump-suit'; textLine1.text = 'For any occasion'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos04': textCost.text = _root.costume04cost; textName.text = 'N7 Corset'; textLine1.text = 'Military issue?'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos05': textCost.text = _root.costume05cost; textName.text = 'Enviro-suit'; textLine1.text = 'Integrity not garuanteed'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos06': textCost.text = _root.costume06cost; textName.text = 'Admiral\'s suit'; textLine1.text = 'Integrity not garuanteed'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos07': textCost.text = _root.costume07cost; textName.text = 'Dancer Costume'; textLine1.text = 'Citadel\'s finest'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos08': textCost.text = _root.costume08cost; textName.text = 'Techsuit'; textLine1.text = 'You like silicone, dontcha?'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos09': textCost.text = _root.costume09cost; textName.text = 'Nude'; textLine1.text = 'Let it all out'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos21': textCost.text = _root.costume21cost; textName.text = 'Red Lingerie'; textLine1.text = 'Burning with passion'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos22': textCost.text = _root.costume22cost; textName.text = 'Red Bikini'; textLine1.text = 'Swimwear in crimson'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos23': textCost.text = _root.costume23cost; textName.text = 'Pink Bikini'; textLine1.text = 'Swimwear in orchid'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos24': textCost.text = _root.costume24cost; textName.text = 'Blue Bikini'; textLine1.text = 'Swimwear in navy'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos25': textCost.text = _root.costume25cost; textName.text = 'Purple Bikini'; textLine1.text = 'Swimwear in violet'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos26': textCost.text = _root.costume26cost; textName.text = 'Black Bikini'; textLine1.text = 'Dark swimwear'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos27': textCost.text = _root.costume27cost; textName.text = 'White Bikini'; textLine1.text = 'Light swimwear'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos28': textCost.text = _root.costume28cost; textName.text = 'Black Lingerie'; textLine1.text = 'Dress for the occasion'; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'cos29': textCost.text = _root.costume29cost; textName.text = 'White Lingerie'; textLine1.text = '\'pure\' indeed..'; textLine2.text = ''; } headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); if (_root._score <= textCost.text) { textCostPoor.text = textCost.text; textCost.text = ''; } } function setButtons() { if (_root.character01unlocked == true) { if (_root.character == 1) { btnCha01.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCha01.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCha01.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.character02unlocked == true) { if (_root.character == 2) { btnCha02.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCha02.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCha02.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.character03unlocked == true) { if (_root.character == 3) { btnCha03.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCha03.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCha03.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.character04unlocked == true) { if (_root.character == 4) { btnCha04.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCha04.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCha04.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.character05unlocked == true) { if (_root.character == 5) { btnCha05.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCha05.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCha05.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.character06unlocked == true) { if (_root.character == 6) { btnCha06.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCha06.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCha06.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.character07unlocked == true) { if (_root.character == 7) { btnCha07.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCha07.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCha07.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.character08unlocked == true) { if (_root.character == 8) { btnCha08.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCha08.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCha08.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.character09unlocked == true) { if (_root.character == 9) { btnCha09.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCha09.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCha09.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume01unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 1) { btnCos01.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos01.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos01.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume02unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 2) { btnCos02.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos02.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos02.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume03unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 3) { btnCos03.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos03.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos03.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume04unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 4) { btnCos04.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos04.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos04.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume05unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 5) { btnCos05.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos05.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos05.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume06unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 6) { btnCos06.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos06.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos06.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume07unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 7) { btnCos07.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos07.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos07.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume08unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 8) { btnCos08.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos08.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos08.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume09unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 9) { btnCos09.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos09.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos09.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume21unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 21) { btnCos21.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos21.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos21.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume22unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 22) { btnCos22.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos22.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos22.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume23unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 23) { btnCos23.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos23.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos23.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume24unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 24) { btnCos24.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos24.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos24.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume25unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 25) { btnCos25.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos25.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos25.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume26unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 26) { btnCos26.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos26.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos26.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume27unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 27) { btnCos27.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos27.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos27.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume28unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 28) { btnCos28.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos28.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos28.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.costume29unlocked == true) { if (_root.costume == 29) { btnCos29.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { btnCos29.gotoAndStop('off'); } } else { btnCos29.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } } gotoAndStop('reset'); _root.menuSelected = false; setButtons(); setSelect(); } instance btnCha02 of movieClip 1719 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha02') { if (_root.character02unlocked == true) { _root.character = 2; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha02'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 2; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha02'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character02unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character02cost; _root._score -= _root.character02cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 2; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character02unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha03 of movieClip 1723 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha03') { if (_root.character03unlocked == true) { _root.character = 3; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha03'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 3; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha03'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character03unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character03cost; _root._score -= _root.character03cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 3; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character03unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha04 of movieClip 1727 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha04') { if (_root.character04unlocked == true) { _root.character = 4; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha04'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 4; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha04'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character04unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character04cost; _root._score -= _root.character04cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 4; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character04unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha05 of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha05') { if (_root.character05unlocked == true) { _root.character = 5; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha05'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 5; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha05'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character05unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character05cost; _root._score -= _root.character05cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 5; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character05unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha06 of movieClip 1735 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha06') { if (_root.character06unlocked == true) { _root.character = 6; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha06'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 6; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha06'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character06unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character06cost; _root._score -= _root.character06cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 6; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character06unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha07 of movieClip 1739 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha07') { if (_root.character07unlocked == true) { _root.character = 7; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha07'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 7; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha07'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character07unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character07cost; _root._score -= _root.character07cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 7; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character07unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha01 of movieClip 1743 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha01') { if (_root.character01unlocked == true) { _root.character = 1; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha01'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 1; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha01'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character01unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character01cost; _root._score -= _root.character01cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 1; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character01unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos02 of movieClip 1719 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos02') { if (_root.costume02unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 2; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos02'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 2; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos02'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume02unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume02cost; _root._score -= _root.costume02cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 2; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume02unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos03 of movieClip 1723 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos03') { if (_root.costume03unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 3; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos03'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 3; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos03'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume03unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume03cost; _root._score -= _root.costume03cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 3; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume03unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos04 of movieClip 1727 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos04') { if (_root.costume04unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 4; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos04'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 4; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos04'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume04unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume04cost; _root._score -= _root.costume04cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 4; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume04unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos05 of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos05') { if (_root.costume05unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 5; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos05'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 5; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos05'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume05unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume05cost; _root._score -= _root.costume05cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 5; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume05unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos06 of movieClip 1735 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos06') { if (_root.costume06unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 6; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos06'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 6; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos06'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume06unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume06cost; _root._score -= _root.costume06cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 6; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume06unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos07 of movieClip 1739 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos07') { if (_root.costume07unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 7; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos07'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 7; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos07'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume07unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume07cost; _root._score -= _root.costume07cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 7; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume07unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos23 of movieClip 1747 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos23') { if (_root.costume23unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 23; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos23'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 23; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos23'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume23unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume23cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume23cost; _root._score -= _root.costume23cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 23; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume23unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos28 of movieClip 1751 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos28') { if (_root.costume28unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 28; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos28'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 28; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos28'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume28unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume28cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume28cost; _root._score -= _root.costume28cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 28; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume28unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos01 of movieClip 1743 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos01') { if (_root.costume01unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 1; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos01'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 1; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos01'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume01unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume01cost; _root._score -= _root.costume01cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 1; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume01unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos29 of movieClip 1755 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos29') { if (_root.costume29unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 29; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos29'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 29; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos29'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume29unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume29cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume29cost; _root._score -= _root.costume29cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 29; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume29unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha09 of movieClip 1774 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha09') { if (_root.character09unlocked == true) { _root.character = 9; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha09'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 9; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha09'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character09unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character09cost; _root._score -= _root.character09cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 9; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character09unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos09 of movieClip 1778 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos09') { if (_root.costume09unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 9; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = true; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos09'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 9; _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = true; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos09'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume09unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume09cost; _root._score -= _root.costume09cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 9; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume09unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos22 of movieClip 1782 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos22') { if (_root.costume22unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 22; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = true; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos22'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 22; _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = true; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos22'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume22unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume22cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume22cost; _root._score -= _root.costume22cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 22; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume22unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha08 of movieClip 1786 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha08') { if (_root.character08unlocked == true) { _root.character = 8; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha08'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 8; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha08'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character08unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character08cost; _root._score -= _root.character08cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 8; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character08unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos08 of movieClip 1786 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos08') { if (_root.costume08unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 8; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos08'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 8; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos08'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume08unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume08cost; _root._score -= _root.costume08cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 8; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume08unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos21 of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos21') { if (_root.costume21unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 21; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = true; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos21'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 21; _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = true; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos21'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume21unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume21cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume21cost; _root._score -= _root.costume21cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 21; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume21unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos25 of movieClip 1794 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos25') { if (_root.costume25unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 25; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos25'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 25; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos25'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume25unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume25cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume25cost; _root._score -= _root.costume25cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 25; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume25unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos26 of movieClip 1798 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos26') { if (_root.costume26unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 26; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos26'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 26; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos26'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume26unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume26cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume26cost; _root._score -= _root.costume26cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 26; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume26unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos27 of movieClip 1802 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos27') { if (_root.costume27unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 27; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos27'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 27; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos27'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume27unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume27cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume27cost; _root._score -= _root.costume27cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 27; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume27unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos24 of movieClip 1806 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos24') { if (_root.costume24unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 24; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos24'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 24; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos24'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume24unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume24cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume24cost; _root._score -= _root.costume24cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 24; _root.checkCostume(); _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume24unlocked = true; } } } } } frame 3 { gotoAndStop('menu'); } instance btnCha02 of movieClip 1812 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha01') { if (_root.character01unlocked == true) { _root.character = 1; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha01'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 1; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha01'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character01unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character01cost; _root._score -= _root.character01cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 1; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character01unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha03 of movieClip 1818 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha03') { if (_root.character03unlocked == true) { _root.character = 3; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha03'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 3; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha03'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character03unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character03cost; _root._score -= _root.character03cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 3; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character03unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha04 of movieClip 1824 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha04') { if (_root.character04unlocked == true) { _root.character = 4; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha04'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 4; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha04'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character04unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character04cost; _root._score -= _root.character04cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 4; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character04unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha05 of movieClip 1830 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha05') { if (_root.character05unlocked == true) { _root.character = 5; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha05'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 5; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha05'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character05unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character05cost; _root._score -= _root.character05cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 5; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character05unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha06 of movieClip 1836 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha06') { if (_root.character06unlocked == true) { _root.character = 6; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha06'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 6; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha06'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character06unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character06cost; _root._score -= _root.character06cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 6; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character06unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha07 of movieClip 1842 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha07') { if (_root.character07unlocked == true) { _root.character = 7; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha07'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 7; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha07'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character07unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character07cost; _root._score -= _root.character07cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 7; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character07unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCha01 of movieClip 1848 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cha02') { if (_root.character02unlocked == true) { _root.character = 2; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha02'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.character = 2; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cha02'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.character02unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.character01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.character02cost; _root._score -= _root.character02cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.character = 2; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedFace = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.character02unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos02 of movieClip 1719 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos02') { if (_root.costume02unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 2; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos02'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 2; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos02'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume02unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume02cost; _root._score -= _root.costume02cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 2; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume02unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos03 of movieClip 1723 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos03') { if (_root.costume03unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 3; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos03'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 3; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos03'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume03unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume03cost; _root._score -= _root.costume03cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 3; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume03unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos04 of movieClip 1727 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos04') { if (_root.costume04unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 4; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos04'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 4; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos04'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume04unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume04cost; _root._score -= _root.costume04cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 4; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume04unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos05 of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos05') { if (_root.costume05unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 5; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos05'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 5; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos05'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume05unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume05cost; _root._score -= _root.costume05cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 5; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume05unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos06 of movieClip 1735 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos06') { if (_root.costume06unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 6; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos06'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 6; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos06'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume06unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume06cost; _root._score -= _root.costume06cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 6; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume06unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos07 of movieClip 1739 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos07') { if (_root.costume07unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 7; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos07'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 7; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos07'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume07unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume07cost; _root._score -= _root.costume07cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 7; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume07unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos25 of movieClip 1794 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos25') { if (_root.costume25unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 25; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos25'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 25; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos25'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume25unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume25cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume25cost; _root._score -= _root.costume25cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 25; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume25unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos26 of movieClip 1798 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos26') { if (_root.costume26unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 26; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos26'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 26; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos26'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume26unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume26cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume26cost; _root._score -= _root.costume26cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 26; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume26unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos23 of movieClip 1747 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos23') { if (_root.costume23unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 23; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos23'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 23; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos23'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume23unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume23cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume23cost; _root._score -= _root.costume23cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 23; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume23unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos27 of movieClip 1802 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos27') { if (_root.costume27unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 27; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos27'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 27; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos27'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume27unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume27cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume27cost; _root._score -= _root.costume27cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 27; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume27unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos28 of movieClip 1751 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos28') { if (_root.costume28unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 28; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos28'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 28; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos28'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume28unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume28cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume28cost; _root._score -= _root.costume28cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 28; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume28unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos24 of movieClip 1806 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos24') { if (_root.costume24unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 24; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos24'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 24; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos24'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume24unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume24cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume24cost; _root._score -= _root.costume24cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 24; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume24unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos01 of movieClip 1743 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos01') { if (_root.costume01unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 1; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos01'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 1; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos01'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume01unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume01cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume01cost; _root._score -= _root.costume01cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 1; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume01unlocked = true; } } } } } instance btnCos29 of movieClip 1755 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cos29') { if (_root.costume29unlocked == true) { _root.costume = 29; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('on'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos29'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { _root.costume = 29; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('onLocked'); _root.menuSelected = 'cos29'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (_root.costume29unlocked != true) { if (_root._score >= _root.costume29cost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.costume29cost; _root._score -= _root.costume29cost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.costume = 29; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _parent.setButtons(); _parent.setSelect(); this.gotoAndPlay('buy'); _root.costume29unlocked = true; } } } } } } movieClip 1856 win { frame 1 { function setSelect() { if (_root.menuSelected == false) { textCostWord.text = ''; } else { textCostWord.text = 'Cost:'; } switch (_root.menuSelected) { case false: textCost.text = ''; textName.text = ''; textLine1.text = ''; textLine2.text = ''; break; case 'b1': textCost.text = _root.skillB1Cost; textName.text = 'Foreplay #1'; textLine1.text = 'as safe as sex with strangers can be'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: handjob]'; break; case 'b2': textCost.text = _root.skillB2Cost; textName.text = 'Foreplay #2'; textLine1.text = 'if you got the goods..'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: tittyfuck]'; break; case 'b3': textCost.text = _root.skillB3Cost; textName.text = 'Foreplay #3'; textLine1.text = 'when an arm\'s reach isnt enough'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: footjob]'; break; case 'b4': textCost.text = _root.skillB4Cost; textName.text = 'Foreplay #4'; textLine1.text = 'better living through technology'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: omnitool stimulation]'; break; case 'b5': textCost.text = _root.skillB5Cost; textName.text = 'Foreplay #5'; textLine1.text = 'the future is NOW'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: biotic handjob]'; break; case 's1': textCost.text = _root.skillS1Cost; textName.text = 'Fellatio #1'; textLine1.text = 'Sucking dick 101 - the basics'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: just the tip]'; break; case 's2': textCost.text = _root.skillS2Cost; textName.text = 'Fellatio #2'; textLine1.text = 'Sucking dick 102 - workin\' it'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: blow]'; break; case 's3': textCost.text = _root.skillS3Cost; textName.text = 'Fellatio #3'; textLine1.text = 'Sucking dick 103 - goin\' deep'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: hands-free]'; break; case 's4': textCost.text = _root.skillS4Cost; textName.text = 'Fellatio #4'; textLine1.text = 'Sucking dick 104 - multi-tasking'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: the classic]'; break; case 's5': textCost.text = _root.skillS5Cost; textName.text = 'Fellatio #5'; textLine1.text = 'Sucking dick 105 - not choking'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: deepthroat]'; break; case 'f1': textCost.text = _root.skillF1Cost; textName.text = 'Intercourse #1'; textLine1.text = 'Because sex with strangers.'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: sex]'; break; case 'f2': textCost.text = _root.skillF2Cost; textName.text = 'Intercourse #2'; textLine1.text = 'The naughtiest smile'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: spread-ass]'; break; case 'f3': textCost.text = _root.skillF3Cost; textName.text = 'Intercourse #3'; textLine1.text = 'It\'s not all about them..'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: squeezing tits]'; break; case 'f4': textCost.text = _root.skillF4Cost; textName.text = 'Intercourse #4'; textLine1.text = 'Introducing miss bendy-legs'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: leg-up]'; break; case 'a1': textCost.text = _root.skillA1Cost; textName.text = 'Sodomy #1'; textLine1.text = 'Backdoor Basics'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: butt-sex]'; break; case 'a2': textCost.text = _root.skillA2Cost; textName.text = 'Sodomy #2'; textLine1.text = 'Immoral Intermediacy'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: hold open'; break; case 'a3': textCost.text = _root.skillA3Cost; textName.text = 'Sodomy #3'; textLine1.text = 'Anal Artistry'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: self-squeeze]'; break; case 'a4': textCost.text = _root.skillA4Cost; textName.text = 'Sodomy #4'; textLine1.text = 'Sphincter Supremacy'; textLine2.text = '[new pose: multi-tasking]'; break; case 'fin1': textCost.text = _root.skillFin1Cost; textName.text = 'Proficient'; textLine1.text = 'You\'ve seen a few of these before'; textLine2.text = '[+ partner satisfaction]'; break; case 'fin2': textCost.text = _root.skillFin2Cost; textName.text = 'Talented'; textLine1.text = 'You know what you\'re doing'; textLine2.text = '[++ partner satisfaction]'; break; case 'fin3': textCost.text = _root.skillFin3Cost; textName.text = 'Experienced'; textLine1.text = 'The best at what you do'; textLine2.text = '[+++ partner satisfaction]'; break; case 'sta1': textCost.text = _root.skillSta1Cost; textName.text = 'You can do it!'; textLine1.text = 'Smoking after sex? ..Try lube!'; textLine2.text = '[+ max energy & regen]'; break; case 'sta2': textCost.text = _root.skillSta2Cost; textName.text = 'Hang in there!'; textLine1.text = 'It puts the lotion on it\'s skin..'; textLine2.text = '[++ max energy & regen]'; break; case 'sta3': textCost.text = _root.skillSta3Cost; textName.text = 'Gettin\' hot in here!'; textLine1.text = 'All day, lil\' buddy .. ALL day'; textLine2.text = '[+++ max energy & regen]'; break; case 'all1': textCost.text = _root.skillAll1Cost; textName.text = '\'\'Hey there.\'\''; textLine1.text = 'Customers will start more excited'; textLine2.text = 'And pay 15% more for your services'; break; case 'all2': textCost.text = _root.skillAll2Cost; textName.text = '\'\'How you doin\'?\'\''; textLine1.text = 'Males will be \'happier\' to meet you'; textLine2.text = 'And pay 30% more for your services'; break; case 'all3': textCost.text = _root.skillAll3Cost; textName.text = '\'\'AYO GURL\'\''; textLine1.text = 'Gents get even harder for you'; textLine2.text = 'And pay 50% more for your services'; break; case 'lib1': textCost.text = _root.skillLib1Cost; textName.text = 'Lewd'; textLine1.text = 'Your libido starts showing'; textLine2.text = '[+ momentum & click-power]'; break; case 'lib2': textCost.text = _root.skillLib2Cost; textName.text = 'Naughty'; textLine1.text = 'Your sex-drive is taking over'; textLine2.text = '[++ momentum & click-power]'; break; case 'lib3': textCost.text = _root.skillLib3Cost; textName.text = 'Deviant'; textLine1.text = 'My hips are moving on their own!'; textLine2.text = '[+++ momentum & click-power]'; } } function buySkill() { _root.buyCost = ''; _parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); switch (_root.menuSelected) { case 'b1': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillB1Cost; _root.skillB1 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); b1.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'b2': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillB2Cost; _root.skillB2 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); b2.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'b3': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillB3Cost; _root.skillB3 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); b3.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'b4': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillB4Cost; _root.skillB4 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); b4.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'b5': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillB5Cost; _root.skillB5 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); b5.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 's1': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillS1Cost; _root.skillS1 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); s1.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 's2': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillS2Cost; _root.skillS2 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); s2.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 's3': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillS3Cost; _root.skillS3 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); s3.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 's4': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillS4Cost; _root.skillS4 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); s4.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 's5': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillS5Cost; _root.skillS5 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); s5.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'f1': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillF1Cost; _root.skillF1 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); f1.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'f2': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillF2Cost; _root.skillF2 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); f2.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'f3': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillF3Cost; _root.skillF3 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); f3.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'f4': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillF4Cost; _root.skillF4 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); f4.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'a1': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillA1Cost; _root.skillA1 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); a1.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'a2': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillA2Cost; _root.skillA2 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); a2.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'a3': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillA3Cost; _root.skillA3 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); a3.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'a4': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillA4Cost; _root.skillA4 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); a4.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'fin1': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillFin1Cost; _root.skillFin1 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); fin1.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'fin2': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillFin2Cost; _root.skillFin2 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); fin2.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'fin3': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillFin3Cost; _root.skillFin3 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); fin3.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'sta1': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillSta1Cost; _root.skillSta1 = true; _root.energySmax = 25; _root.energyFmax = 15; _root.energyAmax = 10; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); sta1.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'sta2': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillSta2Cost; _root.skillSta2 = true; _root.energySmax = 30; _root.energyFmax = 20; _root.energyAmax = 15; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); sta2.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'sta3': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillSta3Cost; _root.skillSta3 = true; _root.energySmax = 35; _root.energyFmax = 25; _root.energyAmax = 20; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); sta3.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'all1': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillAll1Cost; _root.skillAll1 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); all1.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'all2': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillAll2Cost; _root.skillAll2 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); all2.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'all3': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillAll3Cost; _root.skillAll3 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); all3.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'lib1': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillLib1Cost; _root.skillLib1 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); lib1.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'lib2': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillLib2Cost; _root.skillLib2 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); lib2.gotoAndPlay('buy'); break; case 'lib3': _root.skillPoints -= _root.skillLib3Cost; _root.skillLib3 = true; _root.menuSelected = false; setSelect(); setButtons(); lib3.gotoAndPlay('buy'); } } function setButtons() { if (_root.skillB1 == true) { b1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB1Cost) { b1.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { b1.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillB2 == true) { b2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB2Cost && _root.skillB1 == true) { b2.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { b2.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillB3 == true) { b3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB3Cost && _root.skillB2 == true) { b3.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { b3.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillB4 == true) { b4.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB4Cost && _root.skillB3 == true) { b4.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { b4.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillB5 == true) { b5.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB5Cost && _root.skillB4 == true) { b5.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { b5.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillS1 == true) { s1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS1Cost) { s1.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { s1.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillS2 == true) { s2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS2Cost && _root.skillS1 == true) { s2.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { s2.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillS3 == true) { s3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS3Cost && _root.skillS2 == true) { s3.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { s3.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillS4 == true) { s4.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS4Cost && _root.skillS3 == true) { s4.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { s4.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillS5 == true) { s5.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS5Cost && _root.skillS4 == true) { s5.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { s5.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillF1 == true) { f1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF1Cost) { f1.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { f1.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillF2 == true) { f2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF2Cost && _root.skillF1 == true) { f2.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { f2.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillF3 == true) { f3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF3Cost && _root.skillF3 == true) { f3.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { f3.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillF4 == true) { f4.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF4Cost && _root.skillF3 == true) { f4.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { f4.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillA1 == true) { a1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA1Cost) { a1.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { a1.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillA2 == true) { a2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA2Cost && _root.skillA1 == true) { a2.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { a2.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillA3 == true) { a3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA3Cost && _root.skillA2 == true) { a3.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { a3.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillA4 == true) { a4.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA4Cost && _root.skillA3 == true) { a4.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { a4.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillFin1 == true) { fin1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin1Cost) { fin1.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { fin1.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillFin2 == true) { fin2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin2Cost && _root.skillFin1 == true) { fin2.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { fin2.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillFin3 == true) { fin3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin3Cost && _root.skillFin2 == true) { fin3.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { fin3.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillSta1 == true) { sta1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta1Cost) { sta1.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { sta1.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillSta2 == true) { sta2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta2Cost && _root.skillSta1 == true) { sta2.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { sta2.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillSta3 == true) { sta3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta3Cost && _root.skillSta2 == true) { sta3.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { sta3.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillAll1 == true) { all1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll1Cost) { all1.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { all1.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillAll2 == true) { all2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll2Cost && _root.skillAll1 == true) { all2.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { all2.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillAll3 == true) { all3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll3Cost && _root.skillAll3 == true) { all3.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { all3.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillLib1 == true) { lib1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib1Cost) { lib1.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lib1.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillLib2 == true) { lib2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib2Cost && _root.skillLib1 == true) { lib2.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lib2.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } if (_root.skillLib3 == true) { lib3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib3Cost && _root.skillLib2 == true) { lib3.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { lib3.gotoAndStop('poor'); } } } gotoAndStop('reset'); _root.menuSelected = false; if (!_root.characterSaved) { _root.characterSaved = _root.character; } if (!_root.costumeSaved) { _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; } } instance fin3 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'fin3') { if (_root.skillFin3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'fin3'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin3Cost && _root.skillFin2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'fin3'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillFin3) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin3Cost && _root.skillFin2) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance fin1 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'fin1') { if (_root.skillFin1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'fin1'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin1Cost) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'fin1'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillFin1) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin1Cost) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance fin2 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'fin2') { if (_root.skillFin2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'fin2'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin2Cost && _root.skillFin1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'fin2'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillFin2) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin2Cost && _root.skillFin1) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance b1 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'b1') { if (_root.skillB1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'b1'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB1Cost) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'b1'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillB1) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB1Cost) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance b2 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'b2') { if (_root.skillB2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'b2'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB2Cost && _root.skillB1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'b2'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillB2) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB2Cost && _root.skillB1) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance b3 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'b3') { if (_root.skillB3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'b3'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB3Cost && _root.skillB2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'b3'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillB3) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB3Cost && _root.skillB2) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance s1 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 's1') { if (_root.skillS1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 's1'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS1Cost) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 's1'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillS1) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS1Cost) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance s2 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 's2') { if (_root.skillS2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 's2'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS2Cost && _root.skillS1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 's2'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillS2) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS2Cost && _root.skillS1) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance s3 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 's3') { if (_root.skillS3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 's3'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS3Cost && _root.skillS2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 's3'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillS3) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS3Cost && _root.skillS2) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance f2 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'f2') { if (_root.skillF2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'f2'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF2Cost && _root.skillF1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'f2'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillF2) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF2Cost && _root.skillF1) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance b4 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'b4') { if (_root.skillB4) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'b4'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB4Cost && _root.skillB3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'b4'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillB4) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB4Cost && _root.skillB3) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance b5 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'b5') { if (_root.skillB5) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'b5'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB5Cost && _root.skillB4) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'b5'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillB5) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB5Cost && _root.skillB4) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance s4 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 's4') { if (_root.skillS4) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 's4'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS4Cost && _root.skillS3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 's4'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillS4) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS4Cost && _root.skillS3) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance s5 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 's5') { if (_root.skillS5) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 's5'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS5Cost && _root.skillS4) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 's5'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillS5) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS5Cost && _root.skillS4) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance f3 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'f3') { if (_root.skillF3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'f3'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF3Cost && _root.skillF2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'f3'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillF3) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF3Cost && _root.skillF2) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance f4 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'f4') { if (_root.skillF4) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'f4'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF4Cost && _root.skillF3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'f4'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillF4) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF4Cost && _root.skillF3) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance f1 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'f1') { if (_root.skillF1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'f1'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF1Cost) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'f1'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillF1) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF1Cost) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance a2 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'a2') { if (_root.skillA2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'a2'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA2Cost && _root.skillA1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'a2'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillA2) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA2Cost && _root.skillA1) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance a3 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'a3') { if (_root.skillA3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'a3'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA3Cost && _root.skillA2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'a3'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillA3) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA3Cost && _root.skillA2) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance a1 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'a1') { if (_root.skillA1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'a1'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA1Cost) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'a1'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillA1) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA1Cost) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance a4 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'a4') { if (_root.skillA4) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'a4'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA4Cost && _root.skillA3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'a4'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillA4) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA4Cost && _root.skillA3) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance sta3 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'sta3') { if (_root.skillSta3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'sta3'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta3Cost && _root.skillSta2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'sta3'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillSta3) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta3Cost && _root.skillSta2) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance all3 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'all3') { if (_root.skillAll3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'all3'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll3Cost && _root.skillAll2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'all3'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillAll3) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll3Cost && _root.skillAll2) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance sta1 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'sta1') { if (_root.skillSta1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'sta1'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta1Cost) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'sta1'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillSta1) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta1Cost) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance sta2 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'sta2') { if (_root.skillSta2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'sta2'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta2Cost && _root.skillSta1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'sta2'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillSta2) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta2Cost && _root.skillSta1) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance all1 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'all1') { if (_root.skillAll1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'all1'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll1Cost) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'all1'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillAll1) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll1Cost) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance all2 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'all2') { if (_root.skillAll2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'all2'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll2Cost && _root.skillAll1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'all2'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillAll2) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll2Cost && _root.skillAll1) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance lib3 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'lib3') { if (_root.skillLib3) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'lib3'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib3Cost && _root.skillLib2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'lib3'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillLib3) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib3Cost && _root.skillLib2) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance lib1 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'lib1') { if (_root.skillLib1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'lib1'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib1Cost) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'lib1'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillLib1) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib1Cost) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } instance lib2 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.menuSelected != 'lib2') { if (_root.skillLib2) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOn'); _root.menuSelected = 'lib2'; _parent.setSelect(); } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib2Cost && _root.skillLib1) { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overOff'); } else { _parent.setButtons(); gotoAndStop('overPoor'); } _root.menuSelected = 'lib2'; _parent.setSelect(); } } else { if (!_root.skillLib2) { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib2Cost && _root.skillLib1) { _parent.buySkill(); } } } } } frame 2 { setButtons(); setSelect(); if (_root.startup != false) { this.gotoAndStop('startup'); if (help.pressed == undefined) { help.gotoAndStop('hold'); } } else { help.pressed = false; gotoAndStop('menu'); } } instance lookHitboxTop of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('menuToLook'); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_parent.iconChar.showing != 'over') { _parent.iconChar.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_parent.iconChar.showing == 'over') { _parent.iconChar.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } } instance lookHitboxBot of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('menuToLook'); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_parent.iconCost.showing != 'over') { _parent.iconCost.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_parent.iconCost.showing == 'over') { _parent.iconCost.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay('lookCome'); } frame 9 { gotoAndStop('menu'); } instance lookHitboxTop of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('startupToLook'); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_parent.iconChar.showing != 'over') { _parent.iconChar.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_parent.iconChar.showing == 'over') { _parent.iconChar.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } } instance lookHitboxBot of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('startupToLook'); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_parent.iconCost.showing != 'over') { _parent.iconCost.gotoAndPlay('over'); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_parent.iconCost.showing == 'over') { _parent.iconCost.gotoAndPlay('out'); } } } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay('lookCome'); } frame 16 { gotoAndStop('startup'); } frame 18 { _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 23 { if (_root.characterSaved != _root.character) { _root.character = _root.characterSaved; } if (_root.costumeSaved != _root.costume) { _root.costume = _root.costumeSaved; } clothesMenu.setNude(); if (_root.startup != false) { this.gotoAndPlay('startupFromLook'); } else { this.gotoAndPlay('menuFromLook'); } _root.menuSelected = false; setButtons(); setSelect(); } } movieClip 1867 { } movieClip 1880 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay('on'); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 1887 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('idle'); } frame 2 { } frame 3 { } frame 4 { } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } } movieClip 1916 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1925 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay('no'); } frame 2 { ship.thrustC.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustF.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustL.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustR.gotoAndPlay('no'); } frame 8 { if (_root.mapDock == false) { gotoAndPlay('no'); } else { gotoAndPlay('open'); } } frame 26 { if (_root.mapDock == true) { if ( >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('lift'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay('glow'); } frame 96 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 97 { ship.thrustC.gotoAndPlay('on'); ship.thrustF.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustL.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustR.gotoAndPlay('no'); } frame 176 { ship.thrustC.gotoAndPlay('loop'); ship.thrustF.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustL.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustR.gotoAndPlay('no'); } frame 177 { if (_root.mapDock == true) { if (_root.mapDockLaunch == true or _root.mapDockLaunch == 'go') { gotoAndPlay('liftOff'); } } else { if (_root.mapDock == false) { gotoAndPlay('land'); } } } instance inv of movieClip 1916 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mapDock == 'go') { _parent.gotoAndPlay('depart'); } else { if (_root.mapDock == false) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('land'); } } } } frame 248 { gotoAndPlay('hover'); } frame 249 { ship.thrustC.gotoAndPlay('loop'); ship.thrustF.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustL.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustR.gotoAndPlay('no'); } frame 290 { gotoAndPlay('close'); } frame 291 { ship.thrustC.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustF.gotoAndPlay('off'); ship.thrustL.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.thrustR.gotoAndPlay('no'); ship.gotoAndPlay('takeoff'); } frame 385 { stop(); } frame 386 { ship.thrustF.gotoAndPlay('on'); ship.thrustL.gotoAndPlay('on'); ship.thrustR.gotoAndPlay('on'); ship.thrustC.gotoAndPlay('loop'); } frame 387 { ship.thrustF.gotoAndPlay('on'); ship.thrustL.gotoAndPlay('on'); ship.thrustR.gotoAndPlay('on'); ship.thrustC.gotoAndPlay('loop'); } frame 418 { ship.thrustC.gotoAndPlay('off'); } frame 428 { gotoAndPlay('fly'); } frame 429 { ship.thrustF.gotoAndPlay('off'); ship.thrustL.gotoAndPlay('off'); ship.thrustR.gotoAndPlay('off'); } frame 496 { gotoAndPlay('preHover'); } frame 497 { if (_root.mapDock == true) { } else { if (_root.mapDock == false) { gotoAndPlay('descend'); } } } instance inv of movieClip 1916 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.mapDockLaunch == 'go') { _parent.gotoAndPlay('takeoff'); } else { if (_root.mapDock == false) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('descend'); } } } } frame 546 { gotoAndPlay('fly'); } frame 547 { ship.thrustF.gotoAndPlay('off'); ship.thrustL.gotoAndPlay('off'); ship.thrustR.gotoAndPlay('off'); } frame 552 { ship.gotoAndStop('low'); } frame 552 { } frame 560 { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay('ending'); } frame 576 { _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeout'); _root.fadescreen.swapDepths(100000); _root.sceneGoingTo = 'to endscene'; } frame 585 { ship.gotoAndPlay('atmos'); } frame 610 { } frame 650 { stop(); } } movieClip 1926 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1930 { on (release) { selectCheat(); } on (rollOver) { rollCheat(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); if (_root.mapTooltipShowing == 'rep') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); if (_root.mapTooltipShowing == 'rep') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } } button 1931 { on (release) { selectMusic(); } on (rollOver) { rollMusic(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); if (_root.mapTooltipShowing == 'rep') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); if (_root.mapTooltipShowing == 'rep') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } } button 1932 { on (release) { selectMap(); } on (rollOver) { rollMap(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); if (_root.mapTooltipShowing == 'rep') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); if (_root.mapTooltipShowing == 'rep') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } } movieClip 1942 { frame 1 { function iconReset() { if (_root.menuSelected == 'music') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('music'); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'cheat') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('cheat'); } else { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('map'); } } } function selectMap() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'map' && _root.menuSelected != 'mapHold') { _root.menuSelected = 'map'; _parent._parent.setSelect(); _parent.board.gotoAndStop('map'); _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function selectMusic() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'music') { _root.menuSelected = 'music'; _parent.gotoAndStop('music'); _parent.board.gotoAndStop('music'); if (_root.menuSelected == 'map' or _root.menuSelected == 'mapHold') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); } _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function selectCheat() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cheat') { _root.menuSelected = 'cheat'; _parent.gotoAndStop('cheat'); _parent.board.gotoAndStop('cheat'); if (_root.menuSelected == 'map' or _root.menuSelected == 'mapHold') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); } _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function rollMap() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'map' && _root.menuSelected != 'mapHold') { if (_root.menuSelected == 'music') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('musicMap'); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'cheat') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('cheatMap'); } } if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'boardMap') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Map'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'boardMap'; } } } function rollMusic() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'music') { if (_root.menuSelected == 'map' or _root.menuSelected == 'mapHold') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('mapMusic'); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'cheat') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('cheatMusic'); } } if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'boardMusic') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Music'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'boardMusic'; } } } function rollCheat() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cheat') { if (_root.menuSelected == 'map' or _root.menuSelected == 'mapHold') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('mapCheat'); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'music') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('musicCheat'); } } if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'boardCheat') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheats'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'boardCheat'; } } } iconReset(); } } movieClip 1946 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1953 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1956 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1959 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1962 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1966 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1988 { } movieClip 1991 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1992 { } movieClip 1995 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1998 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2002 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2005 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2008 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2014 { } movieClip 2045 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 2046 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('gone'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } frame 2 { _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 13 { gotoAndStop('gone'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } movieClip 2058 { frame 1 { function iconReset() { if (_root.menuSelected == 'music') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('music'); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'cheat') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('cheat'); } else { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('map'); } } } function selectMap() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'map' && _root.menuSelected != 'mapHold') { _root.menuSelected = 'map'; _parent._parent.setSelect(); _parent.board.gotoAndStop('map'); _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function selectMusic() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'music') { _root.menuSelected = 'music'; _parent.gotoAndStop('music'); _parent.board.gotoAndStop('music'); if (_root.menuSelected == 'map' or _root.menuSelected == 'mapHold') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); } _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function selectCheat() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cheat') { _root.menuSelected = 'cheat'; _parent.gotoAndStop('cheat'); _parent.board.gotoAndStop('cheat'); if (_root.menuSelected == 'map' or _root.menuSelected == 'mapHold') { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); } _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function rollMap() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'map' && _root.menuSelected != 'mapHold') { if (_root.menuSelected == 'music') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('musicMap'); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'cheat') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('cheatMap'); } } if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'boardMap') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Map'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'boardMap'; } } } function rollMusic() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'music') { if (_root.menuSelected == 'map' or _root.menuSelected == 'mapHold') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('mapMusic'); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'cheat') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('cheatMusic'); } } if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'boardMusic') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Music'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'boardMusic'; } } } function rollCheat() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'cheat') { if (_root.menuSelected == 'map' or _root.menuSelected == 'mapHold') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('mapCheat'); } else { if (_root.menuSelected == 'music') { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('musicCheat'); } } if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'boardCheat') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheats'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'boardCheat'; } } } iconReset(); } } movieClip 2063 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 2068 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 2075 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 2080 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 2085 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 2090 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 2095 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 2100 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 2105 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } movieClip 2110 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { play(); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('on'); } } button 2115 { on (release) { selectStats(); } on (rollOver) { rollStats(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } movieClip 2117 { frame 1 { function iconReset() { if (_root.mapFluxRep >= 70) { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('dock'); } else { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('dockNo'); } } function selectStats() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'stats') { _root.menuSelected = 'stats'; _parent.gotoAndStop('stats'); _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function rollStats() { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('dockStats'); if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'boardStats') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'View Stats'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'boardStats'; } } iconReset(); } } movieClip 2121 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2128 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2138 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance pMass of movieClip 2121 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pShip') { _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Your Ship'; if ( < 4) { _parent._parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('rep1'); _root.mapTooltipRep = ''; _root.mapTooltip2 = '- Integrity: Wreck'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Local Travel Incapable'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- [ Repairs Needed ]'; } else { if ( >= 4 && < 7) { _parent._parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('rep2'); _root.mapTooltipRep = ''; _root.mapTooltip2 = '- Integrity: Defective'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Local Travel Enabled'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- [ Atmosphere Limited ]'; } else { if ( >= 7) { _parent._parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('rep3'); _root.mapTooltipRep = ''; _root.mapTooltip2 = '- Integrity: Sufficient'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Full Flight Enabled'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- [ Fully Operational ]'; } } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pShip'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if ( >= 7) { _parent.pMass.gotoAndStop('yes'); _parent.pGo.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { _parent.pMass.gotoAndStop('no'); _parent.pGo.gotoAndStop('no'); } _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if ( >= 7) { _parent.pMass.gotoAndStop('yes'); _parent.pGo.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { _parent.pMass.gotoAndStop('no'); _parent.pGo.gotoAndStop('no'); } _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance pTick of movieClip 1916 { onClipEvent (release) { if ( >= 4) { if (_root.cheatRegular != true) { _root.cheatRegular = 'temp'; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('dockTrav'); _parent._parent.getOpen(); _parent._parent.nodeBlood.gotoAndStop('open'); _parent._parent.nodeCerberus.gotoAndStop('open'); _parent._parent.nodeCouncil.gotoAndStop('open'); } _root.mapDockLaunch = true; _parent.gotoAndPlay('go'); this.gotoAndStop('yes'); _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pLaunch') { _parent._parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if ( >= 7) { _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent._parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Engage Lift Engines?'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pLaunch'; } else { if ( < 7 && >= 4) { _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent._parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('maybeOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Engage Lift Engines?'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pLaunch'; } else { _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent._parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); if ( == 0) { _root.mapTooltip = 'Critical Defects: 4'; } else { if ( == 1) { _root.mapTooltip = 'Critical Defects: 3'; } else { if ( == 2) { _root.mapTooltip = 'Critical Defects: 2'; } else { if ( == 3) { _root.mapTooltip = 'Critical Defects: 1'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = '[ Error ]'; } } } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pLaunch'; } } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if ( >= 7) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if ( < 7 && >= 4) { this.gotoAndStop('maybe'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if ( >= 7) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if ( < 7 && >= 4) { this.gotoAndStop('maybe'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } frame 3 { if ( >= 7) { dummy.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if ( < 7 && >= 4) { dummy.gotoAndStop('maybe'); } else { dummy.gotoAndStop('no'); } } if ( >= 4) { pGo.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { pGo.gotoAndStop('no'); } } frame 38 { stop(); if ( >= 7) { pTick.gotoAndStop('qyes'); } else { pTick.gotoAndStop('qno'); } } instance pTick of movieClip 1916 { onClipEvent (release) { if ( >= 7) { _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndStop('block'); _root.mapDockLaunch = 'go'; _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; _parent.pGo.gotoAndPlay('fade'); _parent.gotoAndPlay('launch'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pOrbit') { _parent._parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if ( >= 7) { _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent._parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('qyesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Leave Citadel Orbit?'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pLaunch'; } else { _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent._parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); this.gotoAndStop('qnoOver'); if ( == 4) { _root.mapTooltip = 'Outstanding Faults: 3'; } else { if ( == 5) { _root.mapTooltip = 'Outstanding Faults: 2'; } else { if ( == 6) { _root.mapTooltip = 'Outstanding Faults: 1'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = '[ Error ]'; } } } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pOrbit'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if ( >= 7) { this.gotoAndStop('qyes'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('qno'); } _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if ( >= 7) { this.gotoAndStop('qyes'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('qno'); } _parent._parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } frame 50 { stop(); } } movieClip 2141 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2144 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2147 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2150 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2153 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2156 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2159 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 2164 { on (release) { selectDock(); } on (rollOver) { rollDock(); } on (rollOut) { iconReset(); _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } on (releaseOutside) { iconReset(); _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } movieClip 2167 { frame 1 { function iconReset() { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('stats'); } function selectDock() { if (_root.menuSelected != 'dock') { _root.menuSelected = 'dock'; _parent.gotoAndStop('dock'); _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function rollDock() { _parent.board.gotoAndStop('statsDock'); if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'boardDock') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'To Dock'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'boardDock'; } } iconReset(); } } movieClip 2181 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 14 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 24 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2185 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2274 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1946 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'holes') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.mapLocalHoles == 1) { _root.mapTooltip = '1 Gloryhole installed'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoles == 2) { _root.mapTooltip = '2 Gloryholes installed'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoles == 3) { _root.mapTooltip = '3 Gloryholes installed'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoles == 4) { _root.mapTooltip = '4 Gloryholes installed'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoles == 5) { _root.mapTooltip = '5 Gloryholes installed'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'Gloryholes'; } } } } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'population'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop(1); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance uHoleNone of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.setHoleUpgradeNone(); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'uHoleNone') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'none') { this.gotoAndStop('yesSelect'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No hole upgrade'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'tape') { this.gotoAndStop('noSelect'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Remove tape'; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 21); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'gel') { this.gotoAndStop('noSelect'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Remove gel'; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 21); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'uHoles'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'none') { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'none') { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } } } instance uHoleTape of movieClip 1956 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked == true) { _parent._parent.setHoleUpgradeTape(); } else { if (_root._score >= _root.mapLocalHoleTapePrice) { _parent._parent.buyHoleUpgradeTape(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'uHoleNone') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'tape') { this.gotoAndStop('yesSelect'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Taped holes installed'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'none') { if (_root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop('noSelect'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Tape holes'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('lockSelect'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Unlock taped holes?'; _root.mapTooltipCost = _root.mapLocalHoleTapePrice; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 11); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'gel') { if (_root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop('noSelect'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Gel -> Tape'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('lockSelect'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Unlock taped holes?'; _root.mapTooltipCost = _root.mapLocalHoleTapePrice; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 11); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 21); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'uHoles'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'tape') { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'tape') { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } } } instance uHoleGel of movieClip 1959 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked == true) { _parent._parent.setHoleUpgradeGel(); } else { if (_root._score >= _root.mapLocalHoleGelPrice) { _parent._parent.buyHoleUpgradeGel(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'uHoleNone') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'gel') { this.gotoAndStop('yesSelect'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Gelled holes installed'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'none') { if (_root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop('noSelect'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Gel holes'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('lockSelect'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Unlock gel holes?'; _root.mapTooltipCost = _root.mapLocalHoleGelPrice; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 11); } if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'tape') { if (_root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop('noSelect'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Tape -> Gel'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('lockSelect'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Unlock gel holes?'; _root.mapTooltipCost = _root.mapLocalHoleGelPrice; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 21); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 11); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'uHoles'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'gel') { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'gel') { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked == true) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; _parent.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); _parent.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); } } } instance uHole of movieClip 1962 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.mapLocalHoles < 5) { if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.mapTooltipCost; _root._score -= _root.mapTooltipCost; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.setHolesUpgrade(); this.gotoAndStop('yesSelect'); _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Installed extra hole!'; } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = '-Maximum holes-'; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'uHoles') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapLocalHoles != 5) { this.gotoAndStop('yesSelect'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Unlock extra hole?'; if (_root.mapSelected == 'flux') { _root.mapTooltipCost = (_root.mapLocalHoles + 1) * (_root.mapLocalHoles * 2.5) * 100 * 2; } else { _root.mapTooltipCost = (_root.mapLocalHoles + 1) * (_root.mapLocalHoles * 2.5) * 100; } if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('noSelect'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = '-Maximum holes-'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'uHoles'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapLocalHoles != 5) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapLocalHoles != 5) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance population of movieClip 1988 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'population') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.icon.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mapTooltip = 'Local Population'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'population'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.icon.gotoAndStop(1); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.icon.gotoAndStop(1); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance wealth of movieClip 1992 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'wealth') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.icon.gotoAndStop(2); _root.mapTooltip = 'Local Wealth'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'population'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.icon.gotoAndStop(1); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.icon.gotoAndStop(1); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rHuman of movieClip 1995 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rHuman') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Humans'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Humans'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rHuman'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rKrogan of movieClip 1998 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rKrogan') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleKrogan == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Krogans'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Krogans'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rKrogan'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleKrogan == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rTurian of movieClip 2002 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rTurian') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleTurian == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Turians'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Turians'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rTurian'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleTurian == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rVorcha of movieClip 2005 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rVorcha') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleVorcha == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Vorcha'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Vorcha'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rVorcha'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleVorcha == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rVolus of movieClip 2008 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rVolus') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleVolus == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Volus'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Volus'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rVolus'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleVolus == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance reputation of movieClip 41 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent._parent.showRep(); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent._parent.hideRep(); } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { _parent._parent.hideRep(); } } frame 3 { function resetMusic() { btnMusAuto.gotoAndStop('off'); btnMusMute.gotoAndStop('off'); if (_root.music01Unlocked == true) { btnMus1.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnMus1.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.music02Unlocked == true) { btnMus2.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnMus2.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.music03Unlocked == true) { btnMus3.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnMus3.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.music04Unlocked == true) { btnMus4.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnMus4.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.music05Unlocked == true) { btnMus5.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnMus5.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.music06Unlocked == true) { btnMus6.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnMus6.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.music07Unlocked == true) { btnMus7.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnMus7.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.musicForced == false) { btnMusAuto.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 'mute') { btnMusMute.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 1) { btnMus1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 2) { btnMus2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 3) { btnMus3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 4) { btnMus4.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 5) { btnMus5.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 6) { btnMus6.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 7) { btnMus7.gotoAndStop('on'); } } } } } } } } } } resetMusic(); } instance btnMusAuto of movieClip 2063 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.musicForced != false) { _root.musicForced = false; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); _parent.resetMusic(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'musicAuto') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Auto'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'musicAuto'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnMusMute of movieClip 2068 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.musicForced != 'mute') { _root.musicForced = 'mute'; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); _parent.resetMusic(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'musicMute') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Mute'; _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'musicMute'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnMus1 of movieClip 1812 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.musicForced != 1) { if (_root.music01Unlocked == true) { _root.musicForced = 1; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { if (_root._score >= 500) { _root.buyCost = '- 500'; _root._score -= 500; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Music Unlocked!'; _root.musicForced = 1; _root.music01Unlocked = true; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'music1') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.music01Unlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Consort'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Consort'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 500; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'music1'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnMus3 of movieClip 1818 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.musicForced != 3) { if (_root.music03Unlocked == true) { _root.musicForced = 3; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { if (_root._score >= 500) { _root.buyCost = '- 500'; _root._score -= 500; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Music Unlocked!'; _root.musicForced = 3; _root.music03Unlocked = true; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'music3') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.music03Unlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Flux'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Flux'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 500; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'music3'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnMus4 of movieClip 1824 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.musicForced != 4) { if (_root.music04Unlocked == true) { _root.musicForced = 4; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { if (_root._score >= 250) { _root.buyCost = '- 250'; _root._score -= 250; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Music Unlocked!'; _root.musicForced = 4; _root.music04Unlocked = true; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'music4') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.music04Unlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Slums'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Slums'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 250; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'music4'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnMus5 of movieClip 1830 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.musicForced != 5) { if (_root.music05Unlocked == true) { _root.musicForced = 5; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { if (_root._score >= 250) { _root.buyCost = '- 250'; _root._score -= 250; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Music Unlocked!'; _root.musicForced = 5; _root.music05Unlocked = true; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'music5') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.music05Unlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Council'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Council'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 250; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'music5'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnMus6 of movieClip 1836 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.musicForced != 6) { if (_root.music06Unlocked == true) { _root.musicForced = 6; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { if (_root._score >= 200) { _root.buyCost = '- 200'; _root._score -= 200; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Music Unlocked!'; _root.musicForced = 6; _root.music06Unlocked = true; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'music6') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.music06Unlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Blood Pack'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Blood Pack'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 200; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'music6'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnMus7 of movieClip 1842 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.musicForced != 7) { if (_root.music07Unlocked == true) { _root.musicForced = 7; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { if (_root._score >= 100) { _root.buyCost = '- 100'; _root._score -= 100; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Music Unlocked!'; _root.musicForced = 7; _root.music07Unlocked = true; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'music7') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.music07Unlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Cerberus'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: Cerberus'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 100; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'music7'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnMus2 of movieClip 1848 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.musicForced != 2) { if (_root.music02Unlocked == true) { _root.musicForced = 2; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { if (_root._score >= 500) { _root.buyCost = '- 500'; _root._score -= 500; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Music Unlocked!'; _root.musicForced = 2; _root.music02Unlocked = true; _parent.resetMusic(); _root.Music(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'music2') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.music02Unlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: C-sec'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'BGM: C-sec'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 500; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'music2'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } frame 4 { function resetCheats() { if (_root.endlessUnlocked == true) { btnCheEnd.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnCheEnd.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.cheatEnergyUnlocked == true) { btnCheEng.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnCheEng.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.cheatRegularUnlocked == true) { btnCheDay.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnCheDay.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.jutsuUnlocked == true) { btnCheJut.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnCheJut.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.rainbowAllUnlocked == true) { btnCheRain.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnCheRain.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.rainbowHeadUnlocked == true) { btnCheShp.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnCheShp.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.rainbowBodyUnlocked == true) { btnCheDrm.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnCheDrm.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.rainbowSquadUnlocked == true) { btnCheSqd.gotoAndStop('off'); } else { btnCheSqd.gotoAndStop('offLocked'); } if (_root.endless != false) { btnCheEnd.gotoAndStop('on'); } if (_root.cheatEnergy != false) { btnCheEng.gotoAndStop('on'); } if (_root.cheatRegular != false) { btnCheDay.gotoAndStop('on'); } if (_root.jutsu != 0) { btnCheJut.gotoAndStop('on'); } if (_root.rainbow == true) { btnCheRain.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.rainbow == 'head') { btnCheShp.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.rainbow == 'body') { btnCheDrm.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.rainbow == 'squad') { btnCheSqd.gotoAndStop('on'); } } } } } resetCheats(); } instance btnCheDay of movieClip 2075 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.cheatRegular != true) { if (_root.cheatRegularUnlocked == true) { _root.cheatRegular = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { if (_root._score >= 1000) { _root.buyCost = '- 1000'; _root._score -= 1000; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheat Unlocked!'; _root.cheatRegular = true; _root.cheatRegularUnlocked = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } else { _root.cheatRegular = false; _parent.resetCheats(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'cheatDay') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.cheatRegularUnlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Faction Ships Always'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'Faction Ships Always'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 1000; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'cheatDay'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnCheRain of movieClip 2080 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.rainbow != true) { if (_root.rainbowAllUnlocked == true) { _root.rainbow = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { if (_root._score >= 750) { _root.buyCost = '- 750'; _root._score -= 750; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheat Unlocked!'; _root.rainbow = true; _root.rainbowAllUnlocked = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } else { _root.rainbow = false; _parent.resetCheats(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rainAll') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.rainbowAllUnlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Rainbow Mode'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'Rainbow Mode'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 750; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rainAll'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnCheShp of movieClip 2085 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.rainbow != 'head') { if (_root.rainbowHeadUnlocked == true) { _root.rainbow = 'head'; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { if (_root._score >= 750) { _root.buyCost = '- 750'; _root._score -= 750; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheat Unlocked!'; _root.rainbow = 'head'; _root.rainbowHeadUnlocked = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } else { _root.rainbow = false; _parent.resetCheats(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rainHead') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.rainbowHeadUnlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Rainbow Head'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'Rainbow Head'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 750; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rainHead'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnCheDrm of movieClip 2090 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.rainbow != 'body') { if (_root.rainbowBodyUnlocked == true) { _root.rainbow = 'body'; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { if (_root._score >= 750) { _root.buyCost = '- 750'; _root._score -= 750; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheat Unlocked!'; _root.rainbow = 'body'; _root.rainbowBodyUnlocked = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } else { _root.rainbow = false; _parent.resetCheats(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rainBody') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.rainbowBodyUnlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Rainbow Clothes'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'Rainbow Clothes'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 750; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rainBody'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnCheJut of movieClip 2095 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { if (_root.jutsuUnlocked == true) { _root.jutsu = 5; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { if (_root._score >= 2500) { _root.buyCost = '- 2500'; _root._score -= 2500; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheat Unlocked!'; _root.jutsu = 5; _root.jutsuUnlocked = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } else { _root.jutsu = 0; _parent.resetCheats(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'cheatJutsu') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.jutsuUnlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Shadow-clone Mode'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'Shadow-clone Mode'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 2500; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'cheatJutsu'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnCheEnd of movieClip 2100 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.endless != true) { if (_root.endlessUnlocked == true) { _root.endless = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { if (_root._score >= 500) { _root.buyCost = '- 500'; _root._score -= 500; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheat Unlocked!'; _root.endless = true; _root.endlessUnlocked = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } else { _root.endless = false; _parent.resetCheats(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'cheatEndless') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.endlessUnlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Endless Mode'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'Endless Mode'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 500; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'cheatEndless'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnCheEng of movieClip 2105 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.cheatEnergy != true) { if (_root.cheatEnergyUnlocked == true) { _root.cheatEnergy = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { if (_root._score >= 10000) { _root.buyCost = '- 10000'; _root._score -= 10000; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheat Unlocked!'; _root.cheatEnergy = true; _root.cheatEnergyUnlocked = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } else { _root.cheatEnergy = false; _parent.resetCheats(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'cheatEnergy') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.cheatEnergyUnlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Unlimited Energy'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'Unlimited Energy'; _root.mapTooltipCost = 10000; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'cheatEnergy'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance btnCheSqd of movieClip 2110 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.rainbow != 'squad') { if (_root.rainbowSquadUnlocked == true) { _root.rainbow = 'squad'; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { if (_root._score >= 1500) { _root.buyCost = '- 1500'; _root._score -= 1500; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent._parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Cheat Unlocked!'; _root.rainbow = 'squad'; _root.rainbowSquadUnlocked = true; _parent.resetCheats(); } else { _parent.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Insufficient funds'; } } } else { _root.rainbow = false; _parent.resetCheats(); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rainSquad') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.rainbowSquadUnlocked == true) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Rainbow \'squad\''; } else { _root.mapTooltip = 'Rainbow \'squad\''; _root.mapTooltipCost = 1500; if (_root._score >= _root.mapTooltipCost) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buy'); } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('buyPoor'); } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rainSquad'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } frame 5 { function resetDock() { tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); parts.text = 0; if (_root.mapSlumsRep >= 100) { ++parts.text; pSlum.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapSlumsUnlocked != true) { pSlum.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { pSlum.gotoAndStop('no'); } } if (_root.mapCsecRep >= 100) { ++parts.text; pCsec.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapCsecUnlocked != true) { pCsec.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { pCsec.gotoAndStop('no'); } } if (_root.mapConsortRep >= 100) { ++parts.text; pCons.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapConsortUnlocked != true) { pCons.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { pCons.gotoAndStop('no'); } } if (_root.mapFluxRep >= 100) { ++parts.text; pFlux.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapFluxUnlocked != true) { pFlux.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { pFlux.gotoAndStop('no'); } } if (_root.mapBloodRep >= 100) { ++parts.text; pBlood.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { pBlood.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { pBlood.gotoAndStop('no'); } } if (_root.mapCerberusRep >= 100) { ++parts.text; pCerb.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { pCerb.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { pCerb.gotoAndStop('no'); } } if (_root.mapCouncilRep >= 100) { ++parts.text; pCit.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { pCit.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { pCit.gotoAndStop('no'); } } if (parts.text >= 7) { pEnd.pTick.gotoAndStop('yes'); pEnd.pMass.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (parts.text >= 7 && >= 4) { pEnd.pTick.gotoAndStop('maybe'); pEnd.pMass.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { pEnd.pTick.gotoAndStop('no'); pEnd.pMass.gotoAndStop('no'); } } pEnd.invButton.gotoAndStop('no'); } resetDock(); } instance pSlum of movieClip 2141 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pSlum') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapSlumsRep >= 100) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Hired Mechanic'; } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); if (_root.mapSlumsUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('qOver'); _root.mapTooltip = '[ Unknown Item ]'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Mechanic'; } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pSlum'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapSlumsRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapSlumsUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapSlumsRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapSlumsUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance pCsec of movieClip 2144 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pCsec') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapCsecRep >= 100) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Received ID Papers'; } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); if (_root.mapCsecUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('qOver'); _root.mapTooltip = '[ Unknown Item ]'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No ID Papers'; } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pCsec'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapCsecRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapCsecUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapCsecRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapCsecUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance pCons of movieClip 2147 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pCons') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapConsortRep >= 100) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Shield Array Recharged'; } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); if (_root.mapConsortUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('qOver'); _root.mapTooltip = '[ Unknown Item ]'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Depleted Shield Array'; } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pCons'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapConsortRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapConsortUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapConsortRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapConsortUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance pFlux of movieClip 2150 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pFlux') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapFluxRep >= 100) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Scavenged Components'; } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); if (_root.mapFluxUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('qOver'); _root.mapTooltip = '[ Unknown Item ]'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Old Parts Not Replaced'; } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pFlux'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapFluxRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapFluxUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapFluxRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapFluxUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance pCerb of movieClip 2153 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pCerb') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapCerberusRep >= 100) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Flight AI installed'; } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('qOver'); _root.mapTooltip = '[ Unknown Item ]'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Flight AI'; } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pCerb'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapCerberusRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapCerberusRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance pBlood of movieClip 2156 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pBlood') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapBloodRep >= 100) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Warp Drive Installed'; } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('qOver'); _root.mapTooltip = '[ Unknown Item ]'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Engines Depleted'; } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pBlood'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapBloodRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapBloodRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance pCit of movieClip 2159 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'pCit') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapCouncilRep >= 100) { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Obtained Sector Pass'; } else { _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('poor'); if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('qOver'); _root.mapTooltip = '[ Unknown Item ]'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Sector Pass'; } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'pCit'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapCouncilRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapCouncilRep >= 100) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { this.gotoAndStop('q'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } frame 6 { function resetRecord() { tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); tempTimeHour = Math.floor(_root.StatsPlayTime / 3600); if (tempTimeHour >= 1) { timeHour.text = tempTimeHour + 'h'; } else { timeHour.text = ''; } tempTimeMin = Math.floor((_root.StatsPlayTime - tempTimeHour * 3600) / 60); timeMin.text = tempTimeMin + 'm'; tempTimeSec = Math.floor(_root.StatsPlayTime - tempTimeHour * 3600 - tempTimeMin * 60); clock.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((tempTimeSec / 60) * 32 + 2)); } resetRecord(); } instance rKrogan of movieClip 1998 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rKrogan') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleKrogan == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Krogans'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Krogans'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rKrogan'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleKrogan == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rTurian of movieClip 2002 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rTurian') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleTurian == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Turians'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Turians'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rTurian'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleTurian == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rVorcha of movieClip 2005 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rVorcha') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleVorcha == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Vorcha'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Vorcha'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rVorcha'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleVorcha == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rVolus of movieClip 2008 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rVolus') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleVolus == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Volus'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Volus'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rVolus'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleVolus == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rTurian of movieClip 2008 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rTurian') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleTurian == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Turians'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Turians'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rTurian'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleTurian == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rVorcha of movieClip 2008 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rVorcha') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleVorcha == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Vorcha'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Vorcha'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rVorcha'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleVorcha == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } instance rKrogan of movieClip 2008 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rKrogan') { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapMaleKrogan == false) { this.gotoAndStop('noOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'No Krogans'; } else { this.gotoAndStop('yesOver'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Krogans'; } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rKrogan'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleKrogan == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } onClipEvent (releaseOutside) { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _parent.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } } } movieClip 2283 { } movieClip 2293 { } movieClip 2296 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2304 { } movieClip 2314 { } movieClip 2315 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2323 { } movieClip 2333 { } movieClip 2334 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2342 { } movieClip 2352 { } movieClip 2353 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 2361 { on (release) { if (_root.mapFluxRep >= 70) { if (_root.mapDockLaunch != 'go') { _root.mapSelected = 'none'; if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != false) { _parent.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } gotoAndStop('dock'); _root.level_pause = true; mapPlate.gotoAndStop('dock'); _root.mapDock = true; _root.mapDockLaunch = false; } } } } button 2368 { on (release) { if (_root.canWork == true) { if (_root.mapDockLaunch != 'go') { if (_root.startup != false) { _root.startup = false; _root.canLevel = 0; } _root.newDay = false; _root.localMap = _root.mapSelected; _root.mapSelectedLast = _root.mapSelected; _root.gotoScreen('4'); if (_root.mapDock == true) { if (_root.mapDockLaunch == true) { BG.dock.gotoAndPlay('takeoff'); } } _root.level_pause = false; _root.menuSelected = false; _root.clientsMax = 0; _root.energyB = _root.energyBmax; _root.energyS = _root.energySmax; _root.energyF = _root.energyFmax; _root.energyA = _root.energyAmax; if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.localMap == 'slums') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 4) { _root.BGMplaying = 4; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'c-sec') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 2) { _root.BGMplaying = 2; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'consort') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 1) { _root.BGMplaying = 1; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'flux') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 3) { _root.BGMplaying = 3; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'blood') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 6) { _root.BGMplaying = 6; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'cerberus') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 7) { _root.BGMplaying = 7; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'council') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 5) { _root.BGMplaying = 5; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.BGMplaying != 2) { _root.BGMplaying = 2; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } } } } } } } } _root.BGMmax = 100; } } } } movieClip 2369 { } movieClip 2370 { } button 2375 { on (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('mapToShop'); if (_root.startup != false) { _root.startup = true; } } } movieClip 2378 { frame 1 { function checkCanLevelSkills() { _root.canLevel = 0; if (_root.skillB1 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB1Cost) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillB2 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB2Cost && _root.skillB1 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillB3 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB3Cost && _root.skillB2 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillB4 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB4Cost && _root.skillB3 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillB5 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillB5Cost && _root.skillB4 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillS1 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS1Cost) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillS2 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS2Cost && _root.skillS1 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillS3 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS3Cost && _root.skillS2 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillS4 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS4Cost && _root.skillS3 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillS5 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillS5Cost && _root.skillS4 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillF1 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF1Cost) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillF2 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF2Cost && _root.skillF1 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillF3 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF3Cost && _root.skillF3 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillF4 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillF4Cost && _root.skillF3 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillA1 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA1Cost) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillA2 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA2Cost && _root.skillA1 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillA3 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA3Cost && _root.skillA2 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillA4 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillA4Cost && _root.skillA3 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillFin1 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin1Cost) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillFin2 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin2Cost && _root.skillFin1 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillFin3 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillFin3Cost && _root.skillFin2 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillSta1 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta1Cost) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillSta2 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta2Cost && _root.skillSta1 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillSta3 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillSta3Cost && _root.skillSta2 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillAll1 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll1Cost) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillAll2 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll2Cost && _root.skillAll1 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillAll3 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillAll3Cost && _root.skillAll3 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillLib1 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib1Cost) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillLib2 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib2Cost && _root.skillLib1 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } if (_root.skillLib3 == true) { } else { if (_root.skillPoints >= _root.skillLib3Cost && _root.skillLib2 == true) { ++_root.canLevel; } } gotoAndStop(1); } checkCanLevelSkills(); if (_root.canLevel == 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 2383 { on (rollOver) { saveText.word.gotoAndStop(1); saveText.gotoAndPlay('come'); } on (rollOut) { if (saveText.word._currentframe == 1) { saveText.gotoAndPlay('go'); } } on (releaseOutside) { if (saveText.word._currentframe == 1) { saveText.gotoAndPlay('go'); } } on (release) { saveText.word.gotoAndStop(2); saveText.gotoAndPlay('save'); _root.saveGame(); } } movieClip 2390 { } movieClip 2391 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 65 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } button 2399 { on (release) { if (_root.mapDockLaunch != 'go') { gotoAndStop('map'); mapPlate.gotoAndStop('full'); _root.level_pause = false; _root.mapSelected = _root.mapSelectedLast; setSelect(); _root.mapDock = false; _root.mapDockLaunch = false; if (_root.cheatRegular == 'temp') { _root.cheatRegular = false; getOpen(); } mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } } } button 2400 { on (release) { if (_root.canWork == true) { if (_root.mapDockLaunch != 'go') { _root.mapDock = 'go'; if (_root.startup != false) { _root.startup = false; _root.canLevel = 0; } _root.newDay = false; _root.localMap = _root.mapSelected; _root.mapSelectedLast = _root.mapSelected; _root.gotoScreen('4'); _root.level_pause = false; _root.menuSelected = false; _root.clientsMax = 0; _root.energyB = _root.energyBmax; _root.energyS = _root.energySmax; _root.energyF = _root.energyFmax; _root.energyA = _root.energyAmax; if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.localMap == 'slums') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 4) { _root.BGMplaying = 4; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'c-sec') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 2) { _root.BGMplaying = 2; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'consort') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 1) { _root.BGMplaying = 1; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'flux') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 3) { _root.BGMplaying = 3; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'blood') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 6) { _root.BGMplaying = 6; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'cerberus') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 7) { _root.BGMplaying = 7; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.localMap == 'council') { if (_root.BGMplaying != 5) { _root.BGMplaying = 5; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } else { if (_root.BGMplaying != 2) { _root.BGMplaying = 2; _root.Music(); _root.BGMmax = 100; } } } } } } } } } _root.BGMmax = 100; } } } } button 2401 { on (release) { if (_root.mapDockLaunch != 'go') { _root.mapSelected = 'none'; _root.mapSelected = _root.mapSelectedLast; setSelect(); gotoAndStop('map'); mapPlate.gotoAndStop('full'); _root.mapDock = false; _root.mapDockLaunch = false; if (_root.cheatRegular == 'temp') { _root.cheatRegular = false; getOpen(); } mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('gone'); } } } movieClip 2405 loose { frame 1 { function getOpen() { _root.timeWeek = Math.floor(_root.dayNumber / 7); _root.timeDay = _root.dayNumber - _root.timeWeek * 7; if (_root.cheatRegular != true) { BG.hider.gotoAndStop(_root.timeDay + 1); } else { BG.hider.gotoAndStop('cheat'); } if (_root.mapSlumsUnlocked != true) { nodeSlums.gotoAndStop('invis'); } if (_root.mapCsecUnlocked != true) { if (_root.mapSlumsRep >= 30) { _root.mapCsecUnlocked = true; } nodeCsec.gotoAndStop('invis'); } if (_root.mapConsortUnlocked != true) { if (_root.mapCsecRep >= 30) { _root.mapConsortUnlocked = true; } nodeConsort.gotoAndStop('invis'); } if (_root.mapFluxUnlocked != true) { if (_root.mapConsortRep >= 30) { _root.mapFluxUnlocked = true; } nodeFlux.gotoAndStop('invis'); } if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { if (_root.mapSlumsRep >= 70) { _root.mapBloodUnlocked = true; } nodeBlood.gotoAndStop('invis'); } if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { if (_root.mapConsortRep >= 70) { _root.mapCerberusUnlocked = true; } nodeCerberus.gotoAndStop('invis'); } if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { if (_root.mapCsecRep >= 70) { _root.mapCouncilUnlocked = true; } nodeCouncil.gotoAndStop('invis'); } if (_root.cheatRegular == false) { if (_root.timeDay == 3) { _root.mapBloodOrbit = true; } else { _root.mapBloodOrbit = false; if (_root.mapSlumsRep >= 70) { nodeBlood.gotoAndStop('fade'); } else { nodeBlood.gotoAndStop('invis'); } } if (_root.timeDay == 1) { _root.mapCerberusOrbit = true; } else { _root.mapCerberusOrbit = false; if (_root.mapConsortRep >= 70) { nodeCerberus.gotoAndStop('fade'); } else { nodeCerberus.gotoAndStop('invis'); } } if (_root.timeDay == 6) { _root.mapCouncilOrbit = true; } else { _root.mapCouncilOrbit = false; if (_root.mapCsecRep >= 70) { nodeCouncil.gotoAndStop('fade'); } else { nodeCouncil.gotoAndStop('invis'); } } } else { _root.mapBloodOrbit = true; _root.mapCerberusOrbit = true; _root.mapCouncilOrbit = true; } } function resetPlate() { if (_root.menuSelected == 'map') { _root.menuSelected = 'mapHold'; } else { _root.menuSelected = false; } mapPlate.board.iconReset(); if (_root.mapMaleHuman == false) { mapPlate.rHuman.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { mapPlate.rHuman.gotoAndStop('yes'); } if (_root.mapMaleKrogan == false) { mapPlate.rKrogan.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { mapPlate.rKrogan.gotoAndStop('yes'); } if (_root.mapMaleTurian == false) { mapPlate.rTurian.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { mapPlate.rTurian.gotoAndStop('yes'); } if (_root.mapMaleVorcha == false) { mapPlate.rVorcha.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { mapPlate.rVorcha.gotoAndStop('yes'); } if (_root.mapMaleVolus == false) { mapPlate.rVolus.gotoAndStop('no'); } else { mapPlate.rVolus.gotoAndStop('yes'); } nodeSlums.gotoAndStop('open'); nodeCsec.gotoAndStop('open'); nodeConsort.gotoAndStop('open'); nodeFlux.gotoAndStop('open'); nodeBlood.gotoAndStop('open'); nodeCerberus.gotoAndStop('open'); nodeCouncil.gotoAndStop('open'); if (_root.mapSelected == false) { } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'slums') { nodeSlums.gotoAndStop('select'); } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'c-sec') { nodeCsec.gotoAndStop('select'); } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'consort') { nodeConsort.gotoAndStop('select'); } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'flux') { nodeFlux.gotoAndStop('select'); } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'blood') { nodeBlood.gotoAndStop('select'); } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'cerberus') { nodeCerberus.gotoAndStop('select'); } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'council') { nodeCouncil.gotoAndStop('select'); } } } } } } } } getOpen(); mapPlate.reputation.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalRep + 2); mapPlate.reputation.orb.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalRep + 2); mapPlate.population.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalPop + 1); mapPlate.wealth.gotoAndStop(_root.mapLocalWealth + 1); mapPlate.holesCount.text = _root.mapLocalHoles; if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'none') { mapPlate.uHoleNone.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { mapPlate.uHoleNone.gotoAndStop('no'); } if (_root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked == true) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'tape') { mapPlate.uHoleTape.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { mapPlate.uHoleTape.gotoAndStop('no'); } } else { mapPlate.uHoleTape.gotoAndStop('lock'); } if (_root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked == true) { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'gel') { mapPlate.uHoleGel.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { mapPlate.uHoleGel.gotoAndStop('no'); } } else { mapPlate.uHoleGel.gotoAndStop('lock'); } } function setHolesUpgrade() { if (_root.mapSelected == 'slums') { _root.mapSlumsHoles += 1; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapSlumsHoles; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'c-sec') { _root.mapCsecHoles += 1; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapCsecHoles; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'consort') { _root.mapConsortHoles += 1; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapConsortHoles; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'flux') { _root.mapFluxHoles += 1; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapFluxHoles; } } } } resetPlate(); } function setHoleUpgradeNone() { if (_root.mapSelected == 'slums') { _root.mapSlumsHoleSelected = 'none'; _root.mapSlumsPop = 4; _root.mapSlumsWealth = 1; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapSlumsPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapSlumsWealth; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'c-sec') { _root.mapCsecHoleSelected = 'none'; _root.mapCsecPop = 1; _root.mapCsecWealth = 4; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapCsecPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapCsecWealth; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'consort') { _root.mapConsortHoleSelected = 'none'; _root.mapConsortPop = 2; _root.mapConsortWealth = 3; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapConsortPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapConsortWealth; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'flux') { _root.mapFluxHoleSelected = 'none'; _root.mapFluxPop = 3; _root.mapFluxWealth = 2; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapFluxPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapFluxWealth; } } } } _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = 'none'; resetPlate(); } function buyHoleUpgradeTape() { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.mapLocalHoleTapePrice; _root._score -= _root.mapLocalHoleTapePrice; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); setHoleUpgradeTape(); mapPlate.uHoleTape.gotoAndStop('yesSelect'); mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Taped holes installed!'; _root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked = true; } function setHoleUpgradeTape() { if (_root.mapSelected == 'slums') { _root.mapSlumsHoleSelected = 'tape'; _root.mapSlumsPop = 6; _root.mapSlumsWealth = 1; _root.mapSlumsHoleTapeUnlocked = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapSlumsPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapSlumsWealth; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'c-sec') { _root.mapCsecHoleSelected = 'tape'; _root.mapCsecPop = 3; _root.mapCsecWealth = 4; _root.mapCsecHoleTapeUnlocked = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapCsecPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapCsecWealth; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'consort') { _root.mapConsortHoleSelected = 'tape'; _root.mapConsortPop = 4; _root.mapConsortWealth = 3; _root.mapConsortHoleTapeUnlocked = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapConsortPop + _root.mapConsortPopUpgrade; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapConsortWealth + _root.mapConsortWealthUpgrade; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'flux') { _root.mapFluxHoleSelected = 'tape'; _root.mapFluxPop = 5; _root.mapFluxWealth = 2; _root.mapFluxHoleTapeUnlocked = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapFluxPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapFluxWealth; } } } } _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = 'tape'; resetPlate(); } function buyHoleUpgradeGel() { _root.buyCost = '- ' + _root.mapLocalHoleGelPrice; _root._score -= _root.mapLocalHoleGelPrice; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _parent._parent.board.cost.gotoAndPlay('go'); setHoleUpgradeGel(); mapPlate.uHoleGel.gotoAndStop('yesSelect'); mapPlate.tip.gotoAndStop('hold'); mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); _root.mapTooltip = 'Gelled holes installed!'; _root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked = true; } function setHoleUpgradeGel() { if (_root.mapSelected == 'slums') { _root.mapSlumsHoleSelected = 'gel'; _root.mapSlumsPop = 4; _root.mapSlumsWealth = 3; _root.mapSlumsHoleGelUnlocked = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapSlumsPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapSlumsWealth; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'c-sec') { _root.mapCsecHoleSelected = 'gel'; _root.mapCsecPop = 1; _root.mapCsecWealth = 6; _root.mapCsecHoleGelUnlocked = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapCsecPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapCsecWealth; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'consort') { _root.mapConsortHoleSelected = 'gel'; _root.mapConsortPop = 2; _root.mapConsortWealth = 5; _root.mapConsortHoleGelUnlocked = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapConsortPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapConsortWealth; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'flux') { _root.mapFluxHoleSelected = 'gel'; _root.mapFluxPop = 3; _root.mapFluxWealth = 4; _root.mapFluxHoleGelUnlocked = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapFluxPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapFluxWealth; } } } } _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = 'gel'; resetPlate(); } function hideReason() { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing == 'reason') { mapPlate.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function showReason() { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'reason') { mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('words'); if (_root.mapSelected == 'slums') { _root.mapTooltip = '-Need Slums Work Pass-'; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'c-sec') { _root.mapTooltip = '-Need C-Sec Work Pass-'; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'consort') { _root.mapTooltip = '-Need Consort Work Pass-'; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'flux') { _root.mapTooltip = '-Need Flux Work Pass-'; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'blood') { if (_root.mapBloodOrbit != true) { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { _root.mapTooltip = '- Ship Not in Orbit -'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = '- No Response -'; } } else { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { _root.mapTooltip = '-\'\'Private Vessel. Go Away.\'\'-'; } } } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'cerberus') { if (_root.mapCerberusOrbit != true) { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { _root.mapTooltip = '- Ship Not in Orbit -'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = '-\'\'Location Confidential\'\'-'; } } else { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { _root.mapTooltip = '-\'\'Access Not Granted.\'\'-'; } } } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'council') { if (_root.mapCouncilOrbit != true) { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { _root.mapTooltip = '- Ship Not in Orbit -'; } else { _root.mapTooltip = '-\'\'Not In Session Today\'\'-'; } } else { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { _root.mapTooltip = '-\'\'No Solicitors, Please.\'\'-'; } } } } } } } } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'reason'; } } function hideRep() { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing == 'rep') { mapPlate.tip.gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; } } function showRep() { if (_root.mapTooltipShowing != 'rep') { mapPlate.tip.gotoAndPlay('come'); if (_root.mapLocalRep < 30) { mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('repNone'); _root.mapTooltipRep = 'unknown'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalRep >= 30 && _root.mapLocalRep < 70) { mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('rep1'); _root.mapTooltipRep = 'familiar'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalRep >= 70 && _root.mapLocalRep < 100) { mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('rep2'); _root.mapTooltipRep = 'popular'; } else { if (_root.mapLocalRep >= 100) { mapPlate.tip.block.gotoAndStop('rep3'); _root.mapTooltipRep = 'famous'; } } } } if (_root.mapSelected == 'slums') { _root.mapTooltip = 'Renown:'; if (_root.mapSlumsUnlocked != false) { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- C-Sec Work-pass'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Blood Pack Invitation'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- Get Mechanic'; } else { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- ?'; } } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'c-sec') { _root.mapTooltip = 'Renown:'; if (_root.mapCsecUnlocked != false) { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- Consort Work-pass'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Emissary Invitation'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- ID Papers'; } else { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- ?'; } } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'consort') { _root.mapTooltip = 'Renown:'; if (_root.mapConsortUnlocked != false) { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- Flux Work-pass'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Cerberus Invitation'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- Shield Recharge'; } else { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- ?'; } } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'flux') { _root.mapTooltip = 'Renown:'; if (_root.mapFluxUnlocked != false) { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- Ship Repair Dock'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Dock Statistics'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- Salvaged Parts'; } else { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- ?'; } } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'blood') { _root.mapTooltip = 'Renown:'; if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != false) { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- 5 Holes'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Walk-ins'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- Primary Thruster'; } else { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- ?'; } } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'cerberus') { _root.mapTooltip = 'Renown:'; if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != false) { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- 4 Holes'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Walk-ins'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- AI Autopilot'; } else { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- ?'; } } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'council') { _root.mapTooltip = 'Renown:'; if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != false) { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- 3 Holes'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- Walk-ins'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- Citadel Sector Pass'; } else { _root.mapTooltip2 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip3 = '- ?'; _root.mapTooltip4 = '- ?'; } } } } } } } } _root.mapTooltipShowing = 'rep'; } } function setSelect() { if (_root.mapSelected == false) { mapPlate.mapName.text = ''; } else { _root.mapTooltipShowing = false; switch (_root.mapSelected) { case 'slums': if (_root.mapSlumsUnlocked != false) { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('full'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Citadel Slums'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapSlumsRep); showRep(); noWork._visible = false; _root.canWork = true; } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Citadel Slums'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapSlumsRep); showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } _root.mapMaleHuman = false; _root.mapMaleKrogan = false; _root.mapMaleTurian = false; _root.mapMaleVorcha = true; _root.mapMaleVolus = false; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapSlumsPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapSlumsWealth; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapSlumsHoles; _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = _root.mapSlumsHoleSelected; _root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked = _root.mapSlumsHoleTapeUnlocked; _root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked = _root.mapSlumsHoleGelUnlocked; _root.mapLocalHoleTapePrice = _root.mapSlumsHoleTapePrice; _root.mapLocalHoleGelPrice = _root.mapSlumsHoleGelPrice; resetPlate(); if (_root.startup == false) { if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 4) { _root.BGMplaying = 4; _root.Music(); } } } break; case 'c-sec': if (_root.mapCsecUnlocked != false) { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('full'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'C-Sec Office'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapCsecRep); showRep(); noWork._visible = false; _root.canWork = true; } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'C-Sec Office'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapCsecRep); showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } _root.mapMaleHuman = true; _root.mapMaleKrogan = false; _root.mapMaleTurian = true; _root.mapMaleVorcha = false; _root.mapMaleVolus = false; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapCsecPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapCsecWealth; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapCsecHoles; _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = _root.mapCsecHoleSelected; _root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked = _root.mapCsecHoleTapeUnlocked; _root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked = _root.mapCsecHoleGelUnlocked; _root.mapLocalHoleTapePrice = _root.mapCsecHoleTapePrice; _root.mapLocalHoleGelPrice = _root.mapCsecHoleGelPrice; resetPlate(); if (_root.startup == false) { if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 2) { _root.BGMplaying = 2; _root.Music(); } } } break; case 'consort': if (_root.mapConsortUnlocked != false) { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('full'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Consort Chambers'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapConsortRep); showRep(); noWork._visible = false; _root.canWork = true; } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Consort Chambers'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapConsortRep); showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } _root.mapMaleHuman = false; _root.mapMaleKrogan = true; _root.mapMaleTurian = false; _root.mapMaleVorcha = false; _root.mapMaleVolus = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapConsortPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapConsortWealth; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapConsortHoles; _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = _root.mapConsortHoleSelected; _root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked = _root.mapConsortHoleTapeUnlocked; _root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked = _root.mapConsortHoleGelUnlocked; _root.mapLocalHoleTapePrice = _root.mapConsortHoleTapePrice; _root.mapLocalHoleGelPrice = _root.mapConsortHoleGelPrice; resetPlate(); if (_root.startup == false) { if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 1) { _root.BGMplaying = 1; _root.Music(); } } } break; case 'flux': if (_root.mapFluxUnlocked != false) { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('full'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Flux Nightclub'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapFluxRep); showRep(); noWork._visible = false; _root.canWork = true; } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Flux Nightclub'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapFluxRep); showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } _root.mapMaleHuman = true; _root.mapMaleKrogan = true; _root.mapMaleTurian = true; _root.mapMaleVorcha = true; _root.mapMaleVolus = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapFluxPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapFluxWealth; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapFluxHoles; _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = _root.mapFluxHoleSelected; _root.mapLocalHoleTapeUnlocked = _root.mapFluxHoleTapeUnlocked; _root.mapLocalHoleGelUnlocked = _root.mapFluxHoleGelUnlocked; _root.mapLocalHoleTapePrice = _root.mapFluxHoleTapePrice; _root.mapLocalHoleGelPrice = _root.mapFluxHoleGelPrice; resetPlate(); if (_root.startup == false) { if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 3) { _root.BGMplaying = 3; _root.Music(); } } } break; case 'blood': if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != false) { if (_root.mapBloodOrbit != true) { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Blood Pack Cruiser'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapBloodRep); showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Blood Pack Cruiser'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapBloodRep); showRep(); noWork._visible = false; _root.canWork = true; } } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = '???'; _root.mapLocalRep = 0; showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } _root.mapMaleHuman = false; _root.mapMaleKrogan = true; _root.mapMaleTurian = false; _root.mapMaleVorcha = true; _root.mapMaleVolus = false; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapBloodPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapBloodWealth; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapBloodHoles; _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = _root.mapBloodHoleSelected; resetPlate(); if (_root.startup == false) { if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 6) { _root.BGMplaying = 6; _root.Music(); } } } break; case 'cerberus': if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != false) { if (_root.mapCerberusOrbit != true) { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Cerberus Gunship'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapCerberusRep); showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Cerberus Gunship'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapCerberusRep); showRep(); noWork._visible = false; _root.canWork = true; } } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = '???'; _root.mapLocalRep = 0; showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } _root.mapMaleHuman = true; _root.mapMaleKrogan = false; _root.mapMaleTurian = false; _root.mapMaleVorcha = false; _root.mapMaleVolus = false; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapCerberusPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapCerberusWealth; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapCerberusHoles; _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = _root.mapCerberusHoleSelected; resetPlate(); if (_root.startup == false) { if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 7) { _root.BGMplaying = 7; _root.Music(); } } } break; case 'council': if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != false) { if (_root.mapCouncilOrbit != true) { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Emissary Vessel'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapCouncilRep); showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = 'Emissary Vessel'; _root.mapLocalRep = Math.floor(_root.mapCouncilRep); showRep(); noWork._visible = false; _root.canWork = true; } } else { mapPlate.gotoAndStop('mini'); mapPlate.mapName.text = '???'; _root.mapLocalRep = 0; showReason(); noWork._visible = true; _root.canWork = false; } _root.mapMaleHuman = false; _root.mapMaleKrogan = false; _root.mapMaleTurian = true; _root.mapMaleVorcha = false; _root.mapMaleVolus = true; _root.mapLocalPop = _root.mapCouncilPop; _root.mapLocalWealth = _root.mapCouncilWealth; _root.mapLocalHoles = _root.mapCouncilHoles; _root.mapLocalHoleSelected = _root.mapCouncilHoleSelected; resetPlate(); if (_root.startup == false) { if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 5) { _root.BGMplaying = 5; _root.Music(); } } } } } } gotoAndStop(2); screen.gotoAndStop('screen'); _root.mapSelected = _root.mapSelectedLast; setSelect(); _root.BGMmax = 12; noWork.gotoAndStop(1); noDock.gotoAndStop(1); _root.menuSelected = 'map'; _root.mapDock = false; } instance noDock of movieClip 2369 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.mapFluxRep >= 70) { this._visible = false; } this.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 2 { stop(); resetPlate(); btn.onPress = function () {}; btn.useHandCursor = false; next_btn.onPress = function () { _root.gotoScreen('4'); }; nodeSlums.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'slums'; setSelect(); }; nodeSlums.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapSlumsUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } }; nodeSlums.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapSlumsUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } }; nodeCsec.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'c-sec'; setSelect(); }; nodeCsec.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapCsecUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } }; nodeCsec.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapCsecUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } }; nodeConsort.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'consort'; setSelect(); }; nodeConsort.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapConsortUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } }; nodeConsort.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapConsortUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } }; nodeFlux.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'flux'; setSelect(); }; nodeFlux.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapFluxUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } }; nodeFlux.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapFluxUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } }; nodeBlood.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'blood'; setSelect(); }; nodeBlood.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapBloodOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeBlood.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapBloodOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCerberus.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'cerberus'; setSelect(); }; nodeCerberus.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCerberusOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCerberus.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCerberusOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCouncil.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'council'; setSelect(); }; nodeCouncil.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCouncilOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCouncil.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCouncilOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; noWork.onRollOver = function () { showReason(); }; noWork.onRollOut = function () { hideReason(); }; noWork.onReleaseOutside = function () { hideReason(); }; } frame 3 { nodeBlood.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'blood'; setSelect(); }; nodeBlood.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapBloodOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeBlood.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapBloodOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCerberus.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'cerberus'; setSelect(); }; nodeCerberus.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCerberusOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCerberus.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCerberusOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCouncil.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'council'; setSelect(); }; nodeCouncil.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCouncilOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCouncil.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCouncilOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; } frame 4 { nodeBlood.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'blood'; gotoAndStop('trav'); setSelect(); }; nodeBlood.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapBloodOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeBlood.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapBloodUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapBloodOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCerberus.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'cerberus'; gotoAndStop('trav'); setSelect(); }; nodeCerberus.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCerberusOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCerberus.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapCerberusUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCerberusOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCouncil.onPress = function () { _root.mapSelected = 'council'; gotoAndStop('trav'); setSelect(); }; nodeCouncil.onRollOut = function () { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCouncilOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; nodeCouncil.onReleaseOutside = function () { if (_root.mapCouncilUnlocked != true) { hideReason(); } else { if (_root.mapCouncilOrbit != true) { hideReason(); } else { hideRep(); } } }; } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 2406 { frame 1 { if (_root.startup == false) { if (_root.newDay != true) { if (_root.level_pause == true) { gotoAndStop('paused'); showing = 'pause'; busy = false; } else { stop(); showing = 'game'; busy = false; } } else { if (_root.newDay == true) { gotoAndStop('map'); showing = 'map'; _root.level_pause = true; busy = false; } } } else { if (_root.startup == true) { gotoAndStop('level'); showing = 'level'; _root.level_pause = true; busy = false; } else { if (_root.startup == 'map') { gotoAndStop('map'); showing = 'map'; _root.level_pause = true; busy = false; } } } btnPause.onPress = function () { _root.level_pause = true; gotoAndPlay('come'); }; } frame 2 { stop(); showing = 'pause'; busy = false; btnPause.onPress = function () { if (busy == false) { if (showing == 'game') { gotoAndPlay('come'); } else { gotoAndPlay('go'); } } }; btnExit.onPress = function () { if (busy == false) { gotoAndPlay('go'); _root.gotoScreen('1'); _root.level_pause = true; } }; btnShop.onPress = function () { if (busy == false) { gotoAndPlay('levelIn'); } }; btnMap.onPress = function () { if (busy == false) { gotoAndPlay('mapIn'); } }; } frame 5 { busy = true; } frame 20 { gotoAndStop('paused'); } frame 21 { busy = true; } frame 28 { stop(); showing = 'level'; busy = false; } frame 29 { busy = true; } frame 36 { gotoAndStop('paused'); } frame 37 { busy = true; } frame 44 { stop(); showing = 'map'; busy = false; } frame 45 { busy = true; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop('paused'); } frame 53 { busy = true; } frame 57 { _root.level_pause = false; } frame 62 { gotoAndStop('playing'); } frame 64 { busy = true; } frame 76 { gotoAndStop('map'); } frame 77 { busy = true; } frame 89 { gotoAndStop('level'); } } movieClip 2407 2f6147db { frame 1 { function rainbow() { if (_root.level_pause == false) { if (_root.rainbow != false) { if (_root.rainbow == 'head') { _root.rainbowHeadList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; _root.character = _root.rainbowHeadList[Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.rainbowHeadList.length)]; } else { if (_root.rainbow == 'body') { _root.rainbowBodyList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]; _root.costume = _root.rainbowBodyList[Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.rainbowBodyList.length)]; } else { if (_root.rainbow == 'squad') { _root.rainbowSquadList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9]; _root.character = _root.rainbowSquadList[Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.rainbowSquadList.length)]; _root.costume = _root.character; _root.strippedHair = false; } else { _root.rainbowHeadList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; _root.character = _root.rainbowHeadList[Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.rainbowHeadList.length)]; _root.rainbowBodyList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]; _root.costume = _root.rainbowBodyList[Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.rainbowBodyList.length)]; } } } if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedBot == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = true; } _root.checkCostume(); } } } function spark(x, y) { i = 1; while (i <= 15) { clip = attachMovie('spark1', 'spark1_' + i, 1000 + i); angle = random(360); clip._xscale = random(50) + 70; clip._yscale = random(50) + 70; if (random(2) == 0) { clip._xscale = -clip._xscale; } clip._x = x; clip._y = y; clip._rotation = angle; ++i; } } function free_hole(_index) { timer = 25 + random(holes_timer_random); hole_timer[_index] = timer; } function add_points(_index, satisfaction) { switch (_index) { case 0: x = 65; y = 55; break; case 1: x = 462; y = 55; break; case 2: x = 518; y = 205; break; case 3: x = 5; y = 205; break; case 4: x = 262; y = 405; } if (_root.skillAll3 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll1 == true) { skillmod = 1.5; } else { if (_root.skillAll3 == false && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll1 == true) { skillmod = 1.3; } else { if (_root.skillAll3 == false && _root.skillAll2 == false && _root.skillAll1 == true) { skillmod = 1.15; } else { skillmod = 1; } } } if (_root.mapLocalWealth == 1) { wealthmod = 0.35; } else { if (_root.mapLocalWealth == 2) { wealthmod = 0.75; } else { if (_root.mapLocalWealth == 3) { wealthmod = 1; } else { if (_root.mapLocalWealth == 4) { wealthmod = 1.35; } else { if (_root.mapLocalWealth == 5) { wealthmod = 1.75; } else { if (_root.mapLocalWealth == 6) { wealthmod = 2.15; } else { if (_root.mapLocalWealth == 7) { wealthmod = 2.5; } } } } } } } if (!_root.level_pause == true) { _root.satisfactionLast = satisfaction; clip = attachMovie('points', 'points' + _index, 900 + _index); clip._x = x; clip._y = y; } if (satisfaction <= 0) { if (_root.level_pause == false) { add_pnts = -10 * wealthmod * (1 - (1 - skillmod)); _root.StatsMissed += 1; _root.StatsSessionMissed += 1; if (_root.mapLocalRep < 100 && _root.mapLocalRep > 0) { _root.mapLocalRep -= 1 * wealthmod; } } } else { if (satisfaction > 0 && satisfaction <= 35) { add_pnts = 25 * wealthmod * skillmod; _root.xp += 250; _root.StatsServed += 1; _root.StatsSessionServed += 1; if (_root.mapLocalRep < 30) { _root.mapLocalRep += 1 * wealthmod; } } else { if (satisfaction > 35 && satisfaction <= 65) { add_pnts = 50 * wealthmod * skillmod; _root.xp += 500; _root.StatsServed += 1; _root.StatsSessionServed += 1; if (_root.mapLocalRep < 70) { _root.mapLocalRep += 1 * wealthmod; } } else { if (satisfaction > 65 && satisfaction <= 99) { add_pnts = 100 * wealthmod * skillmod; _root.xp += 1000; _root.StatsServed += 1; _root.StatsSessionServed += 1; _root.StatsSessionExcellent += 1; if (_root.mapLocalRep < 100) { _root.mapLocalRep += 2 * wealthmod; } } else { if (satisfaction > 100) { add_pnts = 250 * wealthmod * skillmod; _root.xp += 2500; _root.StatsServed += 1; _root.StatsExcellent += 1; _root.StatsSessionServed += 1; _root.StatsSessionExcellent += 1; if (_root.mapLocalRep < 100) { _root.mapLocalRep += 3 * wealthmod; } } } } } } _root._score += add_pnts; _root.StatsCashEarned += add_pnts; _root.StatsSessionCashEarned += add_pnts; if (_root._score < 0 or !_root._score or _root._score == undefined) { _root.StatsCashEarned += _root._score; _root.StatsSessionCashEarned += _root._score; _root._score = 0; } _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); if (_root.mapSelected == 'slums') { _root.mapSlumsRep = _root.mapLocalRep; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'c-sec') { _root.mapCsecRep = _root.mapLocalRep; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'consort') { _root.mapConsortRep = _root.mapLocalRep; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'flux') { _root.mapFluxRep = _root.mapLocalRep; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'blood') { _root.mapBloodRep = _root.mapLocalRep; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'cerberus') { _root.mapCerberusRep = _root.mapLocalRep; } else { if (_root.mapSelected == 'council') { _root.mapCouncilRep = _root.mapLocalRep; } } } } } } } } function setStage() { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'none') { BG.hole0.gotoAndStop('open'); BG.hole1.gotoAndStop('open'); BG.hole2.gotoAndStop('open'); BG.hole3.gotoAndStop('open'); BG.hole4.gotoAndStop('open'); BG.hole5.gotoAndStop('open'); } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'tape') { BG.hole0.gotoAndStop('tape'); BG.hole1.gotoAndStop('tape'); BG.hole2.gotoAndStop('tape'); BG.hole3.gotoAndStop('tape'); BG.hole4.gotoAndStop('tape'); BG.hole5.gotoAndStop('tape'); } else { if (_root.mapLocalHoleSelected == 'gel') { BG.hole0.gotoAndStop('gel'); BG.hole1.gotoAndStop('gel'); BG.hole2.gotoAndStop('gel'); BG.hole3.gotoAndStop('gel'); BG.hole4.gotoAndStop('gel'); BG.hole5.gotoAndStop('gel'); } } } if (_root.hole0hidden == true) { BG.hole0.gotoAndStop('closed'); } if (_root.hole1hidden == true) { BG.hole1.gotoAndStop('closed'); } if (_root.hole2hidden == true) { BG.hole2.gotoAndStop('closed'); } if (_root.hole3hidden == true) { BG.hole3.gotoAndStop('closed'); } if (_root.hole4hidden == true) { BG.hole4.gotoAndStop('closed'); } if (_root.hole5hidden == true) { BG.hole5.gotoAndStop('closed'); } } if (_root.level == undefined) { _root.level = 1; } bonus_timer = 0; dicks_count = holes[0] + holes[1] + holes[2] + holes[3] + holes[4]; _root.session_start_score = _root._score; _root.session_start_rep = _root.mapLocalRep; _root.StatsSessionServed = 0; _root.StatsSessionExcellent = 0; _root.StatsSessionMissed = 0; _root.StatsSessionCashEarned = 0; _root.StatsSessionPlayTime = 0; lvl = 'LEVEL ' + _root.level; remove_all_anim = function () { remove_sex_anim(); if (a0) { a0._remove(); } if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.stop(); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } return 0; }; remove_sex_anim = function () { j = 0; while (j < 5 - _root.jutsu) { i = 0; while (i < 5 - _root.jutsu) { if (eval('asb' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('asb' + j + '' + i))._remove(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5 - _root.jutsu) { i = 0; while (i < 5 - _root.jutsu) { if (eval('ast' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('ast' + j + '' + i))._remove(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5 - _root.jutsu) { i = 0; while (i < 5 - _root.jutsu) { if (eval('afb' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('afb' + j + '' + i))._remove(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5 - _root.jutsu) { i = 0; while (i < 5 - _root.jutsu) { if (eval('aft' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('aft' + j + '' + i))._remove(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5 - _root.jutsu) { i = 0; while (i < 5 - _root.jutsu) { if (eval('aat' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('aat' + j + '' + i))._remove(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5 - _root.jutsu) { i = 0; while (i < 5 - _root.jutsu) { if (eval('aab' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('aab' + j + '' + i))._remove(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5 - _root.jutsu) { i = 0; while (i < 5 - _root.jutsu) { if (eval('abt' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('abt' + j + '' + i))._remove(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5 - _root.jutsu) { i = 0; while (i < 5 - _root.jutsu) { if (eval('abb' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('abb' + j + '' + i))._remove(); } ++i; } ++j; } if (ab0) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { ab0._remove(); } } if (ab1) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { ab1._remove(); } } if (as0) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { as0._remove(); } } if (as1) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { as1._remove(); } } if (af0) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { af0._remove(); } } if (af1) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { af1._remove(); } } if (aa0) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { aa0._remove(); } } if (aa1) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { aa1._remove(); } } if (ak0) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { ak0._remove(); } } if (ah0) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { ah0._remove(); } } if (ai0) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { ai0._remove(); } } if (av0) { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { av0._remove(); } } if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.stop(); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } return 0; }; stop_all_anim = function () { j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('asb' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('asb' + j + '' + i)).stop(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('ast' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('ast' + j + '' + i)).stop(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('afb' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('afb' + j + '' + i)).stop(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('aft' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('aft' + j + '' + i)).stop(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('aat' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('aat' + j + '' + i)).stop(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('aab' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('aab' + j + '' + i)).stop(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('abt' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('abt' + j + '' + i)).stop(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('abb' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('abb' + j + '' + i)).stop(); } ++i; } ++j; } if (af0) { af0.stop(); } if (af1) { af1.stop(); } if (ab0) { ab0.stop(); } if (ab1) { ab1.stop(); } if (as0) { as0.stop(); } if (as1) { as1.stop(); } if (aa0) { aa0.stop(); } if (aa1) { aa1.stop(); } if (a0) { a0.stop(); } if (ak0) { ak0.stop(); } if (ah0) { ah0.stop(); } if (ai0) { ai0.stop(); } if (av0) { av0.stop(); } if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.stop(); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } return 0; }; start_all_anim = function () { j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('asb' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('asb' + j + '' + i)).play(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('ast' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('ast' + j + '' + i)).play(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('afb' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('afb' + j + '' + i)).play(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('aft' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('aft' + j + '' + i)).play(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('aat' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('aat' + j + '' + i)).play(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('aab' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('aab' + j + '' + i)).play(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('abt' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('abt' + j + '' + i)).play(); } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('abb' + j + '' + i)) { (eval('abb' + j + '' + i)).play(); } ++i; } ++j; } if (af0) {; } if (af1) {; } if (ab0) {; } if (ab1) {; } if (as0) {; } if (as1) {; } if (aa0) {; } if (aa1) {; } if (a0) {; } return 0; }; get_free_holes = function (holes) { hole = 0; current_free_positions = new Array(); j = 0; i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (holes[i] == 0) { current_free_positions[j] = i; ++j; } ++i; } free_holes_count = current_free_positions.length; if (free_holes_count == 0) { return -1; } hole_index = random(free_holes_count); hole = current_free_positions[hole_index]; return hole; }; get_dick_data = function (index) { dick = new Object(); switch (index) { dick._index = index; return dick; case 0: dick.z_index = 100; dick.x = 104; dick.y = 115; dick.xscale = 100; dick._index = index; return dick; case 1: dick.z_index = 200; dick.x = 535; dick.y = 115; dick.xscale = -100; dick._index = index; return dick; case 2: dick.z_index = 300; dick.x = 599; dick.y = 263; dick.xscale = -100; dick._index = index; return dick; case 3: dick.z_index = 400; dick.x = 41; dick.y = 263; dick.xscale = 100; dick._index = index; return dick; case 4: dick.z_index = 600; dick.x = 280; dick.y = 360; dick.xscale = 100; dick._index = index; return dick; } dick._index = index; return dick; }; attach_anim = function (_index, _xmode, _color, satisfaction, ejac) { remove_all_anim(); if (_root.level == 1) { symbol = 'b'; if (_root.skillB2 == true && _root.skillB3 == true && _root.skillB4 == true && _root.skillB5 == true) { if (_root.safeStyle != false) { _type = random(10); if (_type > 4) { if (_root.safeStyle == 'hand') { _type = 0; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tit') { _type = 1; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'foot') { _type = 2; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tech') { _type = random(2) + 3; } } } } } } else { _type = random(5); } } else { if (_root.skillB2 == true && _root.skillB3 == true && _root.skillB4 == true && _root.skillB5 == false) { if (_root.safeStyle != false) { _type = random(8); if (_type > 3) { if (_root.safeStyle == 'hand') { _type = 0; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tit') { _type = 1; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'foot') { _type = 2; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tech') { _type = random(2) + 3; } } } } } } else { _type = random(4); } } else { if (_root.skillB2 == true && _root.skillB3 == true && _root.skillB4 == false && _root.skillB5 == false) { if (_root.safeStyle != false) { _type = random(6); if (_type > 2) { if (_root.safeStyle == 'hand') { _type = 0; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tit') { _type = 1; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'foot') { _type = 2; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tech') { _type = random(2) + 3; } } } } } } else { _type = random(3); } } else { if (_root.skillB2 == true && _root.skillB3 == false && _root.skillB4 == false && _root.skillB5 == false) { if (_root.safeStyle != false) { _type = random(4); if (_type > 1) { if (_root.safeStyle == 'hand') { _type = 0; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tit') { _type = 1; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'foot') { _type = 2; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tech') { _type = random(2) + 3; } } } } } } else { _type = random(2); } } else { if (_root.safeStyle != false) { _type = random(2); if (_type > 0) { if (_root.safeStyle == 'hand') { _type = 0; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tit') { _type = 1; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'foot') { _type = 2; } else { if (_root.safeStyle == 'tech') { _type = random(2) + 3; } } } } } } else { _type = 0; } } } } } } else { if (_root.level > 1 && _root.level <= 5) { symbol = 's'; if (_root.skillS1 == true && _root.skillS2 == true && _root.skillS3 == true && _root.skillS4 == true && _root.skillS5 == true) { _type = random(5); } else { if (_root.skillS1 == true && _root.skillS2 == true && _root.skillS3 == true && _root.skillS4 == true && _root.skillS5 == false) { _type = random(4); } else { if (_root.skillS1 == true && _root.skillS2 == true && _root.skillS3 == true && _root.skillS4 == false && _root.skillS5 == false) { _type = random(3); } else { if (_root.skillS1 == true && _root.skillS2 == true && _root.skillS3 == false && _root.skillS4 == false && _root.skillS5 == false) { _type = random(2); } else { _type = 0; } } } } } else { if (_root.level > 5 && _root.level < 10) { symbol = 'f'; if (_root.skillF1 == true && _root.skillF2 == true && _root.skillF3 == true && _root.skillF4 == true) { _type = random(4); } else { if (_root.skillF1 == true && _root.skillF2 == true && _root.skillF3 == true && _root.skillF4 == false) { _type = random(3); } else { if (_root.skillF1 == true && _root.skillF2 == true && _root.skillF3 == false && _root.skillF4 == false) { _type = random(2); } else { _type = 0; } } } } else { if (_root.level == 10) { symbol = 'a'; if (_root.skillA1 == true && _root.skillA2 == true && _root.skillA3 == true && _root.skillA4 == true) { _type = random(4); } else { if (_root.skillA1 == true && _root.skillA2 == true && _root.skillA3 == true && _root.skillA4 == false) { _type = random(3); } else { if (_root.skillA1 == true && _root.skillA2 == true && _root.skillA3 == false && _root.skillA4 == false) { _type = random(2); } else { _type = 0; } } } } } } } switch (_index) { case 0: girl_name = 'a' + symbol + 't' + _type; break; case 1: girl_name = 'a' + symbol + 't' + _type; break; case 2: girl_name = 'a' + symbol + 'b' + _type; break; case 3: girl_name = 'a' + symbol + 'b' + _type; break; case 4: if (_type < 3) { girl_name = 'a' + symbol + '0'; } else { girl_name = 'a' + symbol + '1'; } } girl = get_girl_data(_index); if (_index < 4) { clip = attachMovie(girl_name, girl_name + _index, girl.z_index); } else { clip = attachMovie(girl_name, girl_name, girl.z_index); } clip._x = girl.x; clip._y = girl.y; clip._xscale = girl.xscale; if (_index == 4) { clip._yscale = girl.yscale; } clip._index = girl._index; clip._remove = function () { this.removeMovieClip(); if (eval('h0' + _index)) { (eval('h0' + _index)).removeMovieClip(); } (eval('d0' + _index))._visible = true; (eval('d0' + _index)).ejac = ejac; (eval('d0' + _index)).satisfaction = satisfaction; if (_root.came == true) { (eval('d0' + _index)).gotoAndPlay('a1'); } else { (eval('d0' + _index)).gotoAndPlay('return'); } _root.came = false; if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.stop(); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } }; clip._xmode = _xmode; clip._color = _color; clip.satisfaction = satisfaction; clip.ejac = ejac; spark(girl.xspark, girl.yspark); hole = get_dick_data(_index); if (_index < 4) { (eval('d0' + _index))._visible = false; } else { c0._visible = false; c0.ejac = ejac; c0.satisfaction = satisfaction; if (_root.came == true) { c0.gotoAndPlay('a1'); } else { c0.gotoAndPlay('return'); } } if (_index < 4) { clip = attachMovie('h0', 'h0' + girl._index, girl.z_index - 1); clip._x = hole.x; clip._y = hole.y; clip._xscale = hole.xscale; clip._color = _color; } }; attach_walkanim = function (_index, _xmode, _color, satisfaction, ejac) { remove_all_anim(); _type = 0; if (_root.localMap == 'blood') { symbol = 'k'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'cerberus') { symbol = 'i'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'council') { symbol = 'h'; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'flux') { symbol = 'v'; } } } } girl_name = 'a' + symbol + _type; girl = get_girl_data(_index); clip = attachMovie(girl_name, girl_name, 100); clip._x = girl.x; clip._y = girl.y; clip._xscale = girl.xscale; clip._yscale = girl.yscale; clip._index = girl._index; clip._remove = function () { this.removeMovieClip(); if (eval('h0' + _index)) { (eval('h0' + _index)).removeMovieClip(); } (eval('d0' + _index))._visible = true; (eval('d0' + _index)).ejac = ejac; (eval('d0' + _index)).satisfaction = satisfaction; if (_root.came == true) { (eval('d0' + _index)).gotoAndPlay('a1'); } else { (eval('d0' + _index)).gotoAndPlay('return'); } BG.door.gotoAndPlay('bye'); _root.came = false; if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.stop(); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } }; clip._xmode = _xmode; clip._color = _color; clip.satisfaction = satisfaction; clip.ejac = ejac; spark(girl.xspark, girl.yspark); hole = get_dick_data(_index); }; get_girl_data = function (index) { girl = new Object(); if (_root.level <= 5) { switch (index) { case 0: girl.z_index = 102; girl.x = 92; girl.y = 66; girl.xscale = 100; girl.xspark = 130; girl.yspark = 150; break; case 1: girl.z_index = 202; girl.x = 547; girl.y = 66; girl.xscale = -100; girl.xspark = 520; girl.yspark = 180; break; case 2: girl.z_index = 302; girl.x = 603; girl.y = 180; girl.xscale = -100; girl.xspark = 570; girl.yspark = 320; break; case 3: girl.z_index = 402; girl.x = 37; girl.y = 180; girl.xscale = 100; girl.xspark = 70; girl.yspark = 310; break; case 4: girl.z_index = 700; girl.x = 176; girl.y = 143; girl.xscale = 108; girl.yscale = 108; girl.xspark = 320; girl.yspark = 420; break; case 5: girl.z_index = 700; girl.x = 176; girl.y = 143; girl.xscale = 108; girl.yscale = 108; girl.xspark = 320; girl.yspark = 420; } } if (_root.level > 5) { switch (index) { girl._index = index; return girl; case 0: girl.z_index = 102; girl.x = 1602; girl.y = 13; girl.xscale = -100; girl.xspark = 130; girl.yspark = 170; girl._index = index; return girl; case 1: girl.z_index = 202; girl.x = -963; girl.y = 13; girl.xscale = 100; girl.xspark = 520; girl.yspark = 180; girl._index = index; return girl; case 2: girl.z_index = 302; girl.x = 337; girl.y = 305; girl.xscale = 100; girl.xspark = 580; girl.yspark = 330; girl._index = index; return girl; case 3: girl.z_index = 402; girl.x = 303; girl.y = 305; girl.xscale = -100; girl.xspark = 60; girl.yspark = 310; girl._index = index; return girl; case 4: girl.z_index = 700; girl.x = 176; girl.y = 143; girl.xscale = 108; girl.yscale = 108; girl.xspark = 320; girl.yspark = 420; girl._index = index; return girl; case 5: girl.z_index = 700; girl.x = 176; girl.y = 143; girl.xscale = 108; girl.yscale = 108; girl.xspark = 320; girl.yspark = 420; girl._index = index; return girl; } } girl._index = index; return girl; }; _root.wheel = false; _root.hole0hidden = false; _root.hole1hidden = false; _root.hole2hidden = false; _root.hole3hidden = false; _root.hole4hidden = false; _root.hole5hidden = false; if (_root.mapLocalHoles <= 4) { busy_holeONE = Math.floor(random(3)); if (busy_holeONE == 0) { _root.hole0hidden = true; } else { if (busy_holeONE == 1) { _root.hole1hidden = true; } else { if (busy_holeONE == 2) { _root.hole2hidden = true; } else { if (busy_holeONE == 3) { _root.hole3hidden = true; } else { if (busy_holeONE == 4) { _root.hole4hidden = true; } } } } } blockONE = get_dick_data(busy_holeONE); } if (_root.mapLocalHoles <= 3) { busy_holeTWO = Math.floor(random(3)); if (busy_holeTWO == busy_holeONE) { ++busy_holeTWO; } if (busy_holeTWO >= 4) { busy_holeTWO = 0; } if (busy_holeTWO == 0) { _root.hole0hidden = true; } else { if (busy_holeTWO == 1) { _root.hole1hidden = true; } else { if (busy_holeTWO == 2) { _root.hole2hidden = true; } else { if (busy_holeTWO == 3) { _root.hole3hidden = true; } else { if (busy_holeTWO == 4) { _root.hole4hidden = true; } } } } } blockTWO = get_dick_data(busy_holeTWO); } _root.hole4hidden = true; holes = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1); holes_timer_random = (130 - _root.mapLocalPop * 10) * _root.mapLocalHoles; if (_root.mapLocalHoles <= 2) { hole_timer = new Array(random(holes_timer_random), random(holes_timer_random), random(holes_timer_random), random(holes_timer_random), 0); _root.hole4hidden = true; } else { hole_timer = new Array(random(holes_timer_random), random(holes_timer_random), random(holes_timer_random), random(holes_timer_random), random(holes_timer_random)); _root.hole4hidden = false; } if (_root.mapLocalHoles <= 4) { hole_timer[busy_holeONE] = 0; } if (_root.mapLocalHoles <= 3) { hole_timer[busy_holeTWO] = 0; } _root.endTimeout = 100; if (_root.localMap == 'blood' or _root.localMap == 'cerberus' or _root.localMap == 'council') { _root.clientsLeft = Math.floor(5 + 3 * _root.mapLocalPop); } else { _root.clientsLeft = Math.floor(5 + 3 * _root.mapLocalPop * (_root.mapLocalHoles / 5)); } _root.clientsMax = _root.clientsLeft; if (_root.endless == true) { TimeBar.gotoAndStop('endless'); TimeBar.clock.gotoAndStop(2); } else { TimeBar.gotoAndStop('normal'); TimeBar.clock.gotoAndStop(34); } setStage(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause != true) { if (_root.wheel != false) { if (!skills.Middlebox.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { radian = Math.atan2(_root._ymouse - _root.clickedy, _root._xmouse - _root.clickedx); angle = radian * 180 / Math.PI; if (angle >= -135 && angle < -45) { _root.wheel = 'u'; } else { if (angle >= -45 && angle < 45) { _root.wheel = 'r'; } else { if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135) { _root.wheel = 'd'; } else { _root.wheel = 'l'; } } } if (_root.wheel == 'u' && _root.level != 1) { skills.setB(); skills.orb.gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_root.wheel == 'r' && _root.level != 3) { if (_root.skillS1 != false) { skills.setS(); skills.orb.gotoAndStop(8); } } else { if (_root.wheel == 'd' && _root.level != 8) { if (_root.skillF1 != false) { skills.setF(); skills.orb.gotoAndStop(9); } } else { if (_root.wheel == 'l' && _root.level != 10) { if (_root.skillA1 != false) { skills.setA(); skills.orb.gotoAndStop(10); } } } } } } } _root.StatsPlayTime += 0.04; _root.StatsSessionPlayTime += 0.04; } need_a0 = true; j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('abb' + j + '' + i)) { need_a0 = false; } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('abt' + j + '' + i)) { need_a0 = false; } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('asb' + j + '' + i)) { need_a0 = false; } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('ast' + j + '' + i)) { need_a0 = false; } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('afb' + j + '' + i)) { need_a0 = false; } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('aft' + j + '' + i)) { need_a0 = false; } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('aab' + j + '' + i)) { need_a0 = false; } ++i; } ++j; } j = 0; while (j < 5) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (eval('aat' + j + '' + i)) { need_a0 = false; } ++i; } ++j; } if (ab0) { need_a0 = false; } if (ab1) { need_a0 = false; } if (as0) { need_a0 = false; } if (as1) { need_a0 = false; } if (af0) { need_a0 = false; } if (af1) { need_a0 = false; } if (aa0) { need_a0 = false; } if (aa1) { need_a0 = false; } if (ak0) { need_a0 = false; } if (ah0) { need_a0 = false; } if (ai0) { need_a0 = false; } if (av0) { need_a0 = false; } if (a0) { need_a0 = false; } if (need_a0 == true) { rainbow(); clip = attachMovie('a0', 'a0', 500); clip._x = 175; clip._y = 115; clip._xscale = 110; clip._yscale = 110; clip._remove = function () { this.removeMovieClip(); if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.stop(); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } }; } if (_root.clientsLeft > 0) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (hole_timer[i] > 1) { if (_root.level_pause != true) { --hole_timer[i]; } } else { if (hole_timer[i] == 1) { hole_timer[i] = 0; holes[i] = 0; } } ++i; } _index = get_free_holes(holes); if (_index < 0) { return undefined; } dick = get_dick_data(_index); if (_index < 4) { clip = attachMovie('d0', 'd0' + dick._index, dick.z_index); } else { clip = attachMovie('c0', 'd0' + dick._index, dick.z_index); } clip._x = dick.x; clip._y = dick.y; clip._xscale = dick.xscale; clip._index = dick._index; if (_root.endless != true) { _root.clientsLeft -= 1; TimeBar.clock.gotoAndStop(Math.round((_root.clientsLeft / _root.clientsMax) * 32 + 2)); if (_root.clientsLeft == 50) { TimeBar.clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tick'); } else { if (_root.clientsLeft == 40) { TimeBar.clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tick'); } else { if (_root.clientsLeft == 30) { TimeBar.clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tick'); } else { if (_root.clientsLeft == 20) { TimeBar.clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tick'); } else { if (_root.clientsLeft == 10) { TimeBar.clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tickBig'); } else { if (_root.clientsLeft == 5) { TimeBar.clock.icon.gotoAndStop('tickBig'); } else { if (_root.clientsLeft == 0) { TimeBar.clock.icon.gotoAndStop('ring'); } } } } } } } } if (_root.localMap == 'slums') { _root.maleRaceList = [9, 10]; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'c-sec') { _root.maleRaceList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 7, 8]; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'consort') { _root.maleRaceList = [5, 6, 11, 12]; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'flux') { _root.maleRaceList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 11, 12, 11, 12]; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'blood') { _root.maleRaceList = [5, 6, 9, 10]; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'cerberus') { _root.maleRaceList = [1, 2, 3, 4]; } else { if (_root.localMap == 'council') { _root.maleRaceList = [7, 8, 11, 12]; } else { _root.maleRaceList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; } } } } } } } clip._color = _root.maleRaceList[Math.floor(Math.random() * _root.maleRaceList.length)]; holes[_index] = 1; } }; } instance TimeBar of movieClip 388 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99996); } } instance board of movieClip 402 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99999); } } instance LevelBar of movieClip 424 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(100000); } } instance skills of movieClip 494 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99997); } } instance pauseMenu of movieClip 2406 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99998); } } } movieClip 2409 trans_screen { frame 1 { var next_screen; } frame 10 { stop(); _root.setScreen(next_screen); } frame 20 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 2412 { } movieClip 2414 { } movieClip 2416 { } movieClip 2417 { frame 1 { stop(); switch (_root.level) { case 1: _delta = 10; break; case 2: _delta = 10; break; case 3: _delta = 10; break; case 4: _delta = 10; break; case 5: _delta = 10; break; case 6: _delta = 10; break; case 7: _delta = 10; break; case 8: _delta = 10; break; case 9: _delta = 10; break; case 10: _delta = 10; } btn.onPress = function () { btn.onPress = null; _parent._parent.spark(_parent._x + 60, + 30); _parent._parent.board.timer += _delta * 25; txt.txt = '+' + _delta + ' sec'; gotoAndPlay(2); }; } frame 25 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 2418 time_bonus { frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 2437 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 2496 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 2515 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 2574 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 2580 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2584 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2588 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2591 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2593 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2597 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2599 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 2604 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messAss <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messAss >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 2612 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 2618 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2624 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2628 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2632 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 2661 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 2668 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2674 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2678 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2682 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 2691 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 2696 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messAss <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messAss >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 2701 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2713 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 2718 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2721 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 2729 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 2739 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 2750 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 2760 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 2771 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 2775 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2777 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2779 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2781 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2783 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2785 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2787 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 2795 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 2806 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 2835 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 2860 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 2882 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 2883 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 2886 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2888 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2889 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 2892 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2896 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2900 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2902 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 2905 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2908 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2912 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2915 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 2918 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2920 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2922 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2925 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2938 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 2941 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2943 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2945 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2948 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 2959 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 2966 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messMouth <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messMouth >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 2983 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 2984 { } movieClip 3016 { frame 1 { if (_root.rainbow != false && _root.jutsu == 5) { if (!_parent.holdFrame) { _parent.holdFrame = _root.character; } gotoAndStop(_parent.holdFrame + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3017 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(100) + 1); } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3044 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3045 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3046 { } movieClip 3047 { } movieClip 3060 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 3075 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3089 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 3106 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3108 { frame 1 { _alpha = 0; } } movieClip 3177 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _parent.pleasure_meter.cameRecordCount(); _parent._parent.pleasure_meter.cameRecordCount(); } frame 6 { _parent.came(); } frame 7 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite292 1'); } } frame 8 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite292 2'); } } frame 23 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite292 3'); } } frame 55 { stop(); _parent._remove(); } } movieClip 3181 { frame 1 { _alpha = 0; } } movieClip 3187 { } movieClip 3188 { } movieClip 3191 { } movieClip 3192 { frame 1 { function cameRecordCount() { if (_root.level == 1) { _root.StatsPoseSafe += 1; } else { if (_root.level > 1 && _root.level <= 5) { _root.StatsPoseMouth += 1; } else { if (_root.level < 10 && _root.level > 5) { _root.StatsPosePussy += 1; } else { if (_root.level == 10) { _root.StatsPoseAss += 1; } } } } if (_parent._color == 1 or _parent._color == 2 or _parent._color == 3 or _parent._color == 4) { ++_root.StatsClientHuman; } else { if (_parent._color == 5 or _parent._color == 6) { ++_root.StatsClientKrogan; } else { if (_parent._color == 7 or _parent._color == 8) { ++_root.StatsClientTurian; } else { if (_parent._color == 9 or _parent._color == 10) { ++_root.StatsClientVorcha; } else { if (_parent._color == 11 or _parent._color == 12) { ++_root.StatsClientVolus; } else { if (_parent._color == 'blood') { ++_root.StatsClientBlood; } else { if (_parent._color == 'cerberus') { ++_root.StatsClientCerberus; } else { if (_parent._color == 'citadel') { ++_root.StatsClientCitadel; } else {} } } } } } } } } function reset() { end = false; intensity = 0; switch (_root.level) { case 1: if (_root.skillB1 == true && _root.skillB2 == true && _root.skillB3 == true && _root.skillB4 == true && _root.skillB5 == true) { intensity_increase = 25; } else { if (_root.skillB1 == true && _root.skillB2 == true && _root.skillB3 == true && _root.skillB4 == true && _root.skillB5 == false) { intensity_increase = 23.375; } else { if (_root.skillB1 == true && _root.skillB2 == true && _root.skillB3 == true && _root.skillB4 == false && _root.skillB5 == false) { intensity_increase = 21.75; } else { if (_root.skillB1 == true && _root.skillB2 == true && _root.skillB3 == false && _root.skillB4 == false && _root.skillB5 == false) { intensity_increase = 20.125; } else { intensity_increase = 18.5; } } } } break; case 3: if (_root.skillS1 == true && _root.skillS2 == true && _root.skillS3 == true && _root.skillS4 == true && _root.skillS5 == true) { intensity_increase = 35; } else { if (_root.skillS1 == true && _root.skillS2 == true && _root.skillS3 == true && _root.skillS4 == true && _root.skillS5 == false) { intensity_increase = 31; } else { if (_root.skillS1 == true && _root.skillS2 == true && _root.skillS3 == true && _root.skillS4 == false && _root.skillS5 == false) { intensity_increase = 27; } else { if (_root.skillS1 == true && _root.skillS2 == true && _root.skillS3 == false && _root.skillS4 == false && _root.skillS5 == false) { intensity_increase = 23; } else { intensity_increase = 20; } } } } break; case 8: if (_root.skillF1 == true && _root.skillF2 == true && _root.skillF3 == true && _root.skillF4 == true) { intensity_increase = 45; } else { if (_root.skillF1 == true && _root.skillF2 == true && _root.skillF3 == true && _root.skillF4 == false) { intensity_increase = 38; } else { if (_root.skillF1 == true && _root.skillF2 == true && _root.skillF3 == false && _root.skillF4 == false) { intensity_increase = 32; } else { intensity_increase = 25; } } } break; case 10: if (_root.skillA1 == true && _root.skillA2 == true && _root.skillA3 == true && _root.skillA4 == true) { intensity_increase = 55; } else { if (_root.skillA1 == true && _root.skillA2 == true && _root.skillA3 == true && _root.skillA4 == false) { intensity_increase = 48; } else { if (_root.skillA1 == true && _root.skillA2 == true && _root.skillA3 == false && _root.skillA4 == false) { intensity_increase = 42; } else { intensity_increase = 35; } } } } fade = 100; if (_root.skillFin1 == true && _root.skillFin2 == true && _root.skillFin3 == true) { powerMod = 1.3; } else { if (_root.skillFin1 == true && _root.skillFin2 == true && _root.skillFin3 == false) { powerMod = 1.2; } else { if (_root.skillFin1 == true && _root.skillFin2 == false && _root.skillFin3 == false) { powerMod = 1.1; } else { powerMod = 1; } } } if (_root.skillLib1 == true && _root.skillLib2 == true && _root.skillLib3 == true) { _deltaMod = 5; click_power = 40; } else { if (_root.skillLib1 == true && _root.skillLib2 == true && _root.skillLib3 == false) { _deltaMod = 3; click_power = 35; } else { if (_root.skillLib1 == true && _root.skillLib2 == false && _root.skillLib3 == false) { _deltaMod = 2; click_power = 30; } else { _deltaMod = 1; click_power = 25; } } } } function endCheck() { if (end == false) { if (_parent.ejac >= 100) { _parent.ejac = 100; fill.gotoAndStop(110); _root.came = true; _parent.sperm.gotoAndPlay(2);; _parent.btn._visible = false; _parent.eye.gotoAndStop(100); _parent._parent.add_points(_parent._index, _parent.satisfaction); switch (_root.level) { end = true; return undefined; case 1: end = true; return undefined; case 3: if (end == false) { _root.energyS -= 1; if (Math.round((_root.energyS / _root.energySmax) * 100) < 20) { _root.level = 1; _parent._parent.skills.gotoAndStop(2); } } end = true; return undefined; case 8: if (end == false) { _root.energyF -= 1; if (Math.round((_root.energyF / _root.energyFmax) * 100) < 20) { _root.level = 1; _parent._parent.skills.gotoAndStop(2); } } end = true; return undefined; case 10: if (end == false) { _root.energyA -= 1; if (Math.round((_root.energyA / _root.energyAmax) * 100) < 20) { _root.level = 1; _parent._parent.skills.gotoAndStop(2); } } end = true; return undefined; } end = true; return undefined; } } } function grade_up() { if (end == false) { intensity += click_power / 3; if (intensity > 100) { intensity = 100; } } } function hold_up() { if (end == false) { intensity += click_power / 15; if (intensity > 100) { intensity = 100; } } } var intensity_increase; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { if (_visible == false) { return undefined; } switch (_root.level) { case 1: _parent._delta = (_deltaMod + 10) * (intensity / 100); break; case 3: _parent._delta = (_deltaMod + 15) * (intensity / 100); if (end == false) { _root.energyS -= 0.04; } break; case 8: _parent._delta = (_deltaMod + 15) * (intensity / 100); if (end == false) { _root.energyF -= 0.04; } break; case 10: _parent._delta = (_deltaMod + 15) * (intensity / 100); if (end == false) { _root.energyA -= 0.04; } } if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (_root.level == 1) { if (Math.floor(_parent._delta) > 0) { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying != true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.start(0, 999); _root.SFXhandPlaying = true; } if (_root.SFXhandVol != Math.round(_parent._delta) * 7) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.setVolume(Math.round(_parent._delta) * 7); _root.SFXhandVol = Math.round(_parent._delta) * 7; } } else { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.stop(); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } } } else { if (_root.level > 1 && _root.level <= 5) { if (Math.floor(_parent._delta) > 0) { if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying != true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.start(0, 999); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = true; } if (_root.SFXmouthVol != Math.round(_parent._delta) * 6) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.setVolume(Math.round(_parent._delta) * 6); _root.SFXmouthVol = Math.round(_parent._delta) * 6; } } else { if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } } } else { if (_root.level < 10 && _root.level > 5) { if (Math.floor(_parent._delta) > 0) { if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying != true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.start(0, 999); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = true; } if (_root.SFXpussyVol != Math.round(_parent._delta) * 6) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.setVolume(Math.round(_parent._delta) * 6); _root.SFXpussyVol = Math.round(_parent._delta) * 6; } } else { if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } } } else { if (_root.level == 10) { if (Math.floor(_parent._delta) > 0) { if (_root.SFXassPlaying != true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.start(0, 999); _root.SFXassPlaying = true; } if (_root.SFXassVol != Math.round(_parent._delta) / 2) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.setVolume(Math.round(_parent._delta) / 2); _root.SFXassVol = Math.round(_parent._delta) / 2; } } else { if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } } } } } } else { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.stop(); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } if (end == false) { _parent.ejac += intensity_increase * (intensity / 100 + 0.1) * 5 / 25; endCheck(); _parent.satisfaction += ((intensity_increase - 10) * 4 * (intensity / 100) / 50) * powerMod * _root.cheatSatisfy; if (_parent.ejac < 100) { _parent.ejac -= _parent.ejac * 0.025 + 1.5; if (_parent.ejac < 0) { _parent.ejac = 0; } } _parent.satisfaction -= 0.2; if (_parent.satisfaction < 0) { _parent.satisfaction = 0; } intensity -= intensity / 100; if (intensity < 1) { intensity = 0; } outline.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(_parent.satisfaction) + 2); glow.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(intensity) + 2); fill.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(_parent.ejac) + 3); } else { fade -= 5; _alpha = fade; } } }; reset(); } } movieClip 3199 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3204 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3207 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3211 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3220 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3223 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3229 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3232 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3236 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3245 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3248 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3250 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3252 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3254 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3255 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3257 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3259 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3268 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3270 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3274 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { if (_root.strippedMask == true) { gotoAndStop('hide'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3275 { } movieClip 3282 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messMouth <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messMouth >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 3293 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3311 { } movieClip 3336 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _parent.pleasure_meter.cameRecordCount(); _parent._parent.pleasure_meter.cameRecordCount(); } frame 5 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite193 1'); } } frame 13 { _parent.came(); } frame 18 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite193 2'); } } frame 27 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite193 3'); } } frame 58 { stop(); _parent._remove(); } } movieClip 3349 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3353 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3357 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6 or _root.character == 9) { if (_root.strippedMask == true) { gotoAndStop('hide'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3358 { } movieClip 3367 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3396 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3404 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3410 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3413 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3415 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3418 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3422 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messPussy <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messPussy >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 3446 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3452 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3465 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 3469 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3472 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3473 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3475 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3477 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3478 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3480 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3489 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 3492 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3493 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3495 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3497 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3498 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3500 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3509 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 3517 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messMouth <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messMouth >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 3528 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3529 { } movieClip 3530 { } movieClip 3551 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 3587 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3593 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messPussy <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messPussy >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 3597 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3602 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3605 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3609 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3617 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3620 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3622 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3624 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3633 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3636 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3638 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3640 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3642 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3645 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3659 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 3665 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3669 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3671 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3674 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3683 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3686 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3687 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 3692 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 3695 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 3699 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messFace <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messFace >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 3708 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3714 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messFace <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messFace >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 3733 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3746 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3765 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3785 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3786 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3790 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { if (_root.strippedMask == true) { gotoAndStop('hide'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3793 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messFace <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messFace >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 3800 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messMouth <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messMouth >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 3809 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3813 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3851 { frame 1 { if (_root.rainbow != false && _root.jutsu == 5) { if (!_parent.holdFrame) { _parent.holdFrame = _root.character; } gotoAndStop(_parent.holdFrame + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3861 { frame 1 { if (_root.rainbow != false && _root.jutsu == 5) { if (!_parent.holdFrame) { _parent.holdFrame = _root.character; } gotoAndStop(_parent.holdFrame + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3862 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(100) + 1); } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3883 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3891 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3912 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3913 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 3921 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messMouth <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messMouth >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 3923 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { if (_root.strippedMask == true) { gotoAndStop('hide'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 3943 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3967 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3970 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedMask == true) { gotoAndStop('hide'); } else { gotoAndStop('show'); } } } movieClip 3989 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 3990 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4010 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 4011 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4013 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4016 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4018 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4020 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4022 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 4024 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4026 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4028 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4030 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4033 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4047 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 4051 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4054 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4056 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4059 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4064 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messAss <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messAss >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 4072 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4077 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4086 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 4105 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 4106 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4112 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4117 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4120 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4124 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4139 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4141 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4143 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4153 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4183 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4197 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 4256 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 4257 ai0 { frame 1 { function came() { if (_root.level == 1) { _root.StatsPoseChest += 1; } else { if (_root.level >= 2 && _root.level < 5) { ++_root.messMouth; } else { if (_root.level >= 5 && _root.level < 10) { ++_root.messPussy; } else { if (_root.level == 10) { ++_root.messAss; } } } } } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; if (_root.level == 1) { _root.poseFrame = 100; } else { if (_root.level >= 2 && _root.level < 5) { _root.poseFrame = 200; } else { if (_root.level >= 5 && _root.level < 10) { _root.poseFrame = 300; } else { if (_root.level == 10) { _root.poseFrame = 400; } } } } new_frame = _root.poseFrame - 100 + 2; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; _color = 'cerberus'; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * Math.ceil(_delta * 1.25); if (new_frame > _root.poseFrame + 1) { new_frame = _root.poseFrame - 100 + 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } } movieClip 4260 { } movieClip 4262 { } movieClip 4276 { } movieClip 4288 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 4324 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 4328 { } movieClip 4330 { } movieClip 4332 { } movieClip 4334 { } movieClip 4353 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 4411 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 4413 { } movieClip 4417 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4420 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4421 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4424 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4429 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messAss <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messAss >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 4438 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4444 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4448 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4450 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4452 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4461 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4466 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4479 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 4481 { } movieClip 4490 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4498 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4504 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4507 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4511 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4520 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4522 { } movieClip 4534 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 4550 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 4570 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 4594 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 4597 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4599 { } movieClip 4601 { } movieClip 4677 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { if (_root.strippedMask == true) { gotoAndStop('hide'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 4684 { } movieClip 4686 { } movieClip 4693 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4698 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4722 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4740 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 4779 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 4798 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 4836 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 4842 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4848 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4852 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 4856 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 4865 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4874 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 4903 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 4912 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 4914 { } movieClip 4916 { } movieClip 4939 { frame 1 { if (_root.rainbow != false && _root.jutsu == 5) { if (!_parent.holdFrame) { _parent.holdFrame = _root.character; } gotoAndStop(_parent.holdFrame + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 4944 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messMouth <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messMouth == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messMouth >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 4946 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { if (_root.strippedMask == true) { gotoAndStop('hide'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 4960 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 5019 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 5135 { } movieClip 5144 { } movieClip 5146 { } movieClip 5160 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 5219 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 5233 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 5292 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 5296 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5298 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5302 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messFace <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messFace >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 5310 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5320 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5330 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5334 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5337 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5339 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5342 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5345 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messAss <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messAss >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 5353 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5371 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5410 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 5420 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5445 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5447 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5477 { frame 1 { if (_root.rainbow != false && _root.jutsu == 5) { if (!_parent.holdFrame) { _parent.holdFrame = _root.character; } gotoAndStop(_parent.holdFrame + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 5478 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(100) + 1); } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 5605 { } movieClip 5612 { } movieClip 5621 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5629 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5634 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5638 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5641 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5643 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5647 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5649 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5678 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5684 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5698 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 5701 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5703 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5705 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5714 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5743 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 5772 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 5776 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5779 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5783 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messFace <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messFace >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 5805 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5808 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5810 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5812 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5814 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5816 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5818 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5827 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5838 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 5854 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 5874 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 5898 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 5901 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5907 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5910 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 5914 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 5923 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 5925 { } movieClip 5927 { } movieClip 6041 ah0 { frame 1 { function came() { if (_root.level == 1) { _root.StatsPoseChest += 1; } else { if (_root.level >= 2 && _root.level < 5) { ++_root.messMouth; } else { if (_root.level >= 5 && _root.level < 10) { ++_root.messPussy; } else { if (_root.level == 10) { ++_root.messAss; } } } } } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; if (_root.level == 1) { _root.poseFrame = 100; } else { if (_root.level >= 2 && _root.level < 5) { _root.poseFrame = 200; } else { if (_root.level >= 5 && _root.level < 10) { _root.poseFrame = 300; } else { if (_root.level == 10) { _root.poseFrame = 400; } } } } new_frame = _root.poseFrame - 100 + 2; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; _color = 'citadel'; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } if (_root.level == 1) { _root.poseFrame = 100; } else { if (_root.level > 1 && _root.level <= 5) { _root.poseFrame = 200; } else { if (_root.level < 5 && _root.level > 10) { _root.poseFrame = 300; } else { if (_root.level == 10) { _root.poseFrame = 400; } } } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > _root.poseFrame + 1) { new_frame = _root.poseFrame - 100 + 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } } movieClip 6045 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6049 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6053 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6055 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6057 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6061 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6063 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6069 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messAss <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messAss >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 6078 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6081 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6084 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6086 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6089 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6095 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messPussy <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messPussy >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 6125 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6132 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messPussy <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messPussy >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 6161 { frame 1 { if (_root.hidePussy != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 6166 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6173 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 6178 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6184 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6188 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6192 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6195 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messAss <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messAss >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 6200 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messPussy <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messPussy >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 6230 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6235 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6241 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6245 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6249 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6254 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messPussy <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messPussy >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 6284 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6296 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 6354 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 6355 { } movieClip 6390 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _parent.pleasure_meter.cameRecordCount(); _parent._parent.pleasure_meter.cameRecordCount(); } frame 3 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite515 1'); } } frame 13 { _parent.came(); } frame 14 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite515 2'); } } frame 34 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite515 3'); } } frame 40 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite515 4'); } } frame 58 { stop(); _parent._remove(); } } movieClip 6391 { } movieClip 6397 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6399 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6400 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6403 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6407 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messPussy <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messPussy == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messPussy >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 6415 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6444 { frame 1 { if (_root.hidePussy != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 6464 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 6489 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedHair != false && _root.strippedHair != 0) { gotoAndStop(_root.strippedHair + 5); } else { gotoAndStop('no'); } } } movieClip 6493 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6502 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6513 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6543 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6561 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6599 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 6610 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6639 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6658 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6715 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 6716 ak0 { frame 1 { function came() { if (_root.level == 1) { _root.StatsPoseHand += 1; } else { if (_root.level >= 2 && _root.level < 5) { ++_root.messMouth; } else { if (_root.level >= 5 && _root.level < 10) { ++_root.messPussy; } else { if (_root.level == 10) { ++_root.messAss; } } } } } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; if (_root.level == 1) { _root.poseFrame = 100; } else { if (_root.level >= 2 && _root.level < 5) { _root.poseFrame = 200; } else { if (_root.level >= 5 && _root.level < 10) { _root.poseFrame = 300; } else { if (_root.level == 10) { _root.poseFrame = 400; } } } } new_frame = _root.poseFrame - 100 + 2; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; _color = 'blood'; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * Math.ceil(_delta * 0.75); if (new_frame > _root.poseFrame + 1) { new_frame = _root.poseFrame - 100 + 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } } movieClip 6730 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 6744 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 6757 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 6760 { } movieClip 6763 aa1 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 6781 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 6818 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 6822 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6828 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6831 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6835 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6844 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6863 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 6900 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 6905 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6910 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6913 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 6917 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 6920 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messAss <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messAss == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messAss >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 6928 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 6942 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 6985 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 6986 af1 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 6995 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7003 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7008 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7011 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7015 { frame 1 { function mess() { if (_root.messFace <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('messNo'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 1) { gotoAndPlay('messGreen'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 2) { gotoAndPlay('messYellow'); } else { if (_root.messFace == 3) { gotoAndPlay('messOrange'); } else { if (_root.messFace >= 4) { gotoAndPlay('messRed'); } } } } } } mess(); } frame 9 { mess(); } frame 14 { mess(); } frame 19 { mess(); } frame 24 { mess(); } frame 30 { mess(); } } movieClip 7023 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7032 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7041 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7053 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 7069 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 7075 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7078 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7082 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7091 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7092 as1 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7100 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7109 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7111 { } movieClip 7123 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 7162 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 7174 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 7190 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 7192 { } movieClip 7194 { } movieClip 7195 ab1 { frame 1 { function came() { _root.StatsPoseHand += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7209 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 7226 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 7233 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } } movieClip 7241 { frame 1 { if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 31); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } } movieClip 7253 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7267 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7276 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7292 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7293 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(100) + 1); } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 7294 aft3 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7296 aat3 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7297 aab3 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7298 afb3 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7299 { frame 1 { _alpha = 0; } } movieClip 7367 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _parent.pleasure_meter.cameRecordCount(); _parent._parent.pleasure_meter.cameRecordCount(); } frame 4 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite365 1'); } } frame 8 { _parent.came(); } frame 15 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite365 2'); } } frame 27 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('sprite365 3'); } } frame 56 { stop(); _parent._remove(); } } movieClip 7368 abb4 { frame 1 { function came() { _root.StatsPoseHand += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7369 abb3 { frame 1 { function came() { _root.StatsPoseHand += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7372 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7375 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7377 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7380 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7389 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7392 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7395 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7396 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7399 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7407 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7412 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7416 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7419 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7428 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7430 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7434 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedTop != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 7457 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 7462 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7467 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedBot != true) { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 31); } } } movieClip 7473 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7476 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7480 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7489 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7490 asb4 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7491 asb3 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7498 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7507 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7516 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7545 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7546 abt4 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messFace; _root.StatsPoseHand += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7547 abt3 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messFace; _root.StatsPoseHand += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7548 ast4 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7549 ast3 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7556 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7560 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7564 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7593 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7594 abt2 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messFace; _root.StatsPoseFeet += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7595 abt0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messFace; _root.StatsPoseHand += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7596 abt1 { frame 1 { function came() { _root.StatsPoseChest += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7597 abb2 { frame 1 { function came() { _root.StatsPoseFeet += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7598 abb1 { frame 1 { function came() { _root.StatsPoseChest += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7607 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7616 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7622 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7625 { frame 1 { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop('strip'); } else { gotoAndStop('dress'); } } } movieClip 7629 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7638 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7639 aat2 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7640 aat1 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7641 aat0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7642 aft2 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7643 aft1 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7644 ast2 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7645 ast0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } btn.onMouseDown = function () { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); }; if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7646 aab0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7647 ast1 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } btn.onMouseDown = function () { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); }; if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7648 asb0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } btn.onMouseDown = function () { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); }; if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7649 asb2 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7657 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 7667 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 7668 asb1 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } btn.onMouseDown = function () { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); }; if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7672 as0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messMouth; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7674 ab0 { frame 1 { function came() { _root.StatsPoseHand += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7675 aa0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7676 abb0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messFace; _root.StatsPoseHand += 1; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } btn.onMouseDown = function () { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); }; if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } frame 1 { function checkCostume() { if (_root.strippedFull == true) { if (_root.costume == 3 or _root.costume == 8) { _root.hideNipples = false; _root.hidePussy = true; } else { _root.hideNipples = false; _root.hidePussy = false; } } else { if (_root.costume == 2 or _root.costume == 5 or _root.costume == 6 or _root.costume == 8) { _root.hideNipples = true; _root.hidePussy = true; } else { if (_root.costume == 1) { _root.hideNipples = true; _root.hidePussy = false; } else { if (_root.costume == 3) { _root.hideNipples = false; _root.hidePussy = true; } else { _root.hideNipples = false; _root.hidePussy = false; } } } } } } frame 1 { _root.clothesHack = false; _root.devHack = false; _root.fadescreen.swapDepths(100000); } movieClip 7689 { frame 1 { function goTo() { _root.screen.removeMovieClip(); _root.UI.removeMovieClip(); _root.galleryBack.removeMovieClip(); if (_root.sceneGoingTo == 'to end') { _root.gotoAndStop('end'); } else { if (_root.sceneGoingTo == 'to endscene') { _root.gotoAndStop('xxx'); } else { if (_root.sceneGoingTo == 'to gallery') { _root.gotoAndStop('gallery'); } else { if (_root.sceneGoingTo == 'restart') { _root.gotoAndStop(3); _root.UI.removeMovieClip(); gotoAndPlay('fadein'); } else { stop(); } } } } } } frame 125 { gotoAndStop('screen'); } frame 300 { stop(); goTo(); } frame 350 { stop(); goTo(); } } movieClip 9892 __Packages.Gravitation { #initclip if (!_global.Gravitation) { var v1 = function (swings_num) { this.move_speeds = new Array(); this.swing_draw = new Array(); this.swing_speed = new Array(); this.swing_fadeout = new Array(); var v2; this.move_draw = 0.5; v2 = 0; while (v2 < 24) { this.move_speeds.push(0); ++v2; } v2 = 0; while (v2 < swings_num) { this.swing_draw.push(0.5); this.swing_speed.push(0); this.swing_fadeout.push(0.1); ++v2; } this.move_delay = 3; this.move_speed_overal = 0; this.auto_anim_angle = 0; this.control_mode = 0; this.auto_fade_out_speed = 0.005; this.face_frame = 1; this.auto_speed = 0.2; this.anchor = undefined; }; _global.Gravitation = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Update = function () { var v3; var v2; if (this.control_mode > 0) { if (this.control_mode == 1) { this.auto_move_fade_k = 1; } else { if (this.control_mode == 2) { this.auto_move_fade_k -= this.auto_fade_out_speed; if (this.auto_move_fade_k < 0) { this.auto_move_fade_k = 0; } } } this.quarter_prev = this.quarter; this.auto_anim_angle += this.auto_move_fade_k * 3.141593 * this.auto_speed; if (this.auto_anim_angle >= 6.283185) { this.auto_anim_angle -= 6.283185; } this.quarter = int(this.auto_anim_angle / 1.570796); this.move_goto_prev = this.move_goto; this.move_goto = (this.auto_move_fade_k * Math.sin(this.auto_anim_angle) + 1) / 2; if (this.quarter == 0 && this.quarter_prev == 3) { this.anchor = 1; } else { if (this.quarter == 2 && this.quarter_prev == 1) { this.anchor = -1; } else { if (this.quarter == 1 && this.quarter_prev == 0 || this.quarter == 3 && this.quarter_prev == 2) { this.anchor = 0; } else { this.anchor = undefined; } } } } this.actual_delay = this.move_delay - this.move_speed_overal * 10; if (this.actual_delay < 1.5) { this.actual_delay = 1.5; } this.move_speed = (this.move_goto - this.move_draw) / this.actual_delay; v3 = 1 / this.actual_delay; this.move_draw += this.move_speed; if (this.move_draw > 1) { this.move_draw = 1; } else { if (this.move_draw < 0) { this.move_draw = 0; } } this.move_speeds.push(Math.abs(this.move_speed)); this.move_speeds.splice(0, 1); this.move_speed_overal = 0; v2 = 0; while (v2 < this.move_speeds.length) { this.move_speed_overal += this.move_speeds[v2]; ++v2; } this.move_speed_overal /= this.move_speeds.length; this.swing_goto = (this.move_speed + v3) / 2 * v3; v2 = 0; while (v2 < this.swing_draw.length) { if (Math.abs(this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v2]) > 0.001667 || Math.abs(this.swing_speed[v2]) > 0.001667) { this.swing_speed[v2] += (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v2]) / 10 + 1.5 * this.move_speed_overal * (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v2]); this.swing_draw[v2] += this.swing_speed[v2]; this.swing_draw[v2] += (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v2]) * this.swing_fadeout[v2]; if (this.swing_draw[v2] < 0) { this.swing_draw[v2] = 0; } else { if (this.swing_draw[v2] > 1) { this.swing_draw[v2] = 1; } } } else { this.swing_draw[v2] = 0.5; } ++v2; } if (this.move_speed_overal > 0.14 && this.face_frame < 3) { this.face_frame = 3; } if (this.move_speed_overal > 0.07000000000000001 && this.face_frame < 2) { this.face_frame = 2; } if (this.move_speed_overal < 0.05 && this.face_frame > 1) { this.face_frame = 1; } if (this.move_speed_overal < 0.1 && this.face_frame > 2) { this.face_frame = 2; } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Gravitation.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { function saveGame() { = true; var v2 = new Date(); if (v2.getMinutes < 10) { var v4 = v2.getHours() + ':0' + v2.getMinutes(); } else { var v4 = v2.getHours() + ':' + v2.getMinutes(); } var v3 = v4 + ' - ' + v2.getDate() + '/' + v2.getMonth() + '/' + v2.getFullYear(); = v3; loadSaved(); = _root.character; = _root.costume; = _root.level; = _root.controlsScheme; = _root._score; = _root.skillPoints; = _root.xpLevel; = _root.xp; = _root.energySmax; = _root.energyFmax; = _root.energyAmax; = _root.StatsServed; = _root.StatsExcellent; = _root.StatsMissed; = _root.StatsPlayTime; = _root.StatsMostServed; = _root.StatsMostServedText; = _root.StatsMostPaid; = _root.StatsMostPaidText; = _root.StatsPoseSafe; = _root.StatsPoseHand; = _root.StatsPoseChest; = _root.StatsPoseFeet; = _root.StatsPoseMouth; = _root.StatsPosePussy; = _root.StatsPoseAss; = _root.StatsClientHuman; = _root.StatsClientKrogan; = _root.StatsClientTurian; = _root.StatsClientVorcha; = _root.StatsClientVolus; = _root.StatsClientBlood; = _root.StatsClientCerberus; = _root.StatsClientCitadel; = _root.skillB1; = _root.skillB2; = _root.skillB3; = _root.skillB4; = _root.skillB5; = _root.skillS1; = _root.skillS2; = _root.skillS3; = _root.skillS4; = _root.skillS5; = _root.skillF1; = _root.skillF2; = _root.skillF3; = _root.skillF4; = _root.skillA1; = _root.skillA2; = _root.skillA3; = _root.skillA4; = _root.skillFin1; = _root.skillFin2; = _root.skillFin3; = _root.skillSta1; = _root.skillSta2; = _root.skillSta3; = _root.skillAll1; = _root.skillAll2; = _root.skillAll3; = _root.skillLib1; = _root.skillLib2; = _root.skillLib3; = _root.character01unlocked; = _root.character02unlocked; = _root.character03unlocked; = _root.character04unlocked; = _root.character05unlocked; = _root.character06unlocked; = _root.character07unlocked; = _root.character08unlocked; = _root.character09unlocked; = _root.costume01unlocked; = _root.costume02unlocked; = _root.costume03unlocked; = _root.costume04unlocked; = _root.costume05unlocked; = _root.costume06unlocked; = _root.costume07unlocked; = _root.costume08unlocked; = _root.costume09unlocked; = _root.costume21unlocked; = _root.costume22unlocked; = _root.costume23unlocked; = _root.costume24unlocked; = _root.costume25unlocked; = _root.costume26unlocked; = _root.costume27unlocked; = _root.costume28unlocked; = _root.costume29unlocked; = _root.strippedHairUnlocked; = _root.strippedFaceUnlocked; = _root.strippedMaskUnlocked; = _root.strippedTopUnlocked; = _root.strippedBotUnlocked; = _root.strippedFullUnlocked; = _root.jutsuUnlocked; = _root.endlessUnlocked; = _root.cheatRegularUnlocked; = _root.cheatEnergyUnlocked; = _root.rainbowAllUnlocked; = _root.rainbowHeadUnlocked; = _root.rainbowBodyUnlocked; = _root.rainbowSquadUnlocked; = _root.music01Unlocked; = _root.music02Unlocked; = _root.music03Unlocked; = _root.music04Unlocked; = _root.music05Unlocked; = _root.music06Unlocked; = _root.music07Unlocked; = _root.mapSlumsUnlocked; = _root.mapSlumsRep; = _root.mapSlumsHoles; = _root.mapSlumsHoleTapeUnlocked; = _root.mapSlumsHoleGelUnlocked; = _root.mapCsecUnlocked; = _root.mapCsecRep; = _root.mapCsecHoles; = _root.mapCsecHoleTapeUnlocked; = _root.mapCsecHoleGelUnlocked; = _root.mapConsortUnlocked; = _root.mapConsortRep; = _root.mapConsortHoles; = _root.mapConsortHoleTapeUnlocked; = _root.mapConsortHoleGelUnlocked; = _root.mapFluxUnlocked; = _root.mapFluxRep; = _root.mapFluxHoles; = _root.mapFluxHoleTapeUnlocked; = _root.mapFluxHoleGelUnlocked; = _root.mapBloodUnlocked; = _root.mapBloodRep; = _root.mapCerberusUnlocked; = _root.mapCerberusRep; = _root.mapCouncilUnlocked; = _root.mapCouncilRep; savefile.flush(); } function loadSaved() { _root.loadedvar =; _root.savedate =; } function loadCharacter() { _root.character =; _root.costume =; _root.checkCostume(); } function loadGame() { _root.loadedvar =; _root.savedate =; _root.character =; _root.costume =; _root.checkCostume(); _root.level =; _root.controlsScheme =; _root._score =; _root.skillPoints =; _root.xpLevel =; _root.xp =; _root.energySmax =; _root.energyFmax =; _root.energyAmax =; _root.StatsServed =; _root.StatsExcellent =; _root.StatsMissed =; _root.StatsPlayTime =; _root.StatsMostServed =; _root.StatsMostServedText =; _root.StatsMostPaid =; _root.StatsMostPaidText =; _root.StatsPoseSafe =; _root.StatsPoseHand =; _root.StatsPoseChest =; _root.StatsPoseFeet =; _root.StatsPoseMouth =; _root.StatsPosePussy =; _root.StatsPoseAss =; _root.StatsClientHuman =; _root.StatsClientKrogan =; _root.StatsClientTurian =; _root.StatsClientVorcha =; _root.StatsClientVolus =; _root.StatsClientBlood =; _root.StatsClientCerberus =; _root.StatsClientCitadel =; _root.skillB1 =; _root.skillB2 =; _root.skillB3 =; _root.skillB4 =; _root.skillB5 =; _root.skillS1 =; _root.skillS2 =; _root.skillS3 =; _root.skillS4 =; _root.skillS5 =; _root.skillF1 =; _root.skillF2 =; _root.skillF3 =; _root.skillF4 =; _root.skillA1 =; _root.skillA2 =; _root.skillA3 =; _root.skillA4 =; _root.skillFin1 =; _root.skillFin2 =; _root.skillFin3 =; _root.skillSta1 =; _root.skillSta2 =; _root.skillSta3 =; _root.skillAll1 =; _root.skillAll2 =; _root.skillAll3 =; _root.skillLib1 =; _root.skillLib2 =; _root.skillLib3 =; _root.character01unlocked =; _root.character02unlocked =; _root.character03unlocked =; _root.character04unlocked =; _root.character05unlocked =; _root.character06unlocked =; _root.character07unlocked =; _root.character08unlocked =; _root.character09unlocked =; _root.costume01unlocked =; _root.costume02unlocked =; _root.costume03unlocked =; _root.costume04unlocked =; _root.costume05unlocked =; _root.costume06unlocked =; _root.costume07unlocked =; _root.costume08unlocked =; _root.costume09unlocked =; _root.costume21unlocked =; _root.costume22unlocked =; _root.costume23unlocked =; _root.costume24unlocked =; _root.costume25unlocked =; _root.costume26unlocked =; _root.costume27unlocked =; _root.costume28unlocked =; _root.costume29unlocked =; _root.strippedHairUnlocked =; _root.strippedFaceUnlocked =; _root.strippedMaskUnlocked =; _root.strippedTopUnlocked =; _root.strippedBotUnlocked =; _root.strippedFullUnlocked =; _root.jutsuUnlocked =; _root.endlessUnlocked =; _root.cheatRegularUnlocked =; _root.cheatEnergyUnlocked =; _root.rainbowAllUnlocked =; _root.rainbowHeadUnlocked =; _root.rainbowBodyUnlocked =; _root.rainbowSquadUnlocked =; _root.music01Unlocked =; _root.music02Unlocked =; _root.music03Unlocked =; _root.music04Unlocked =; _root.music05Unlocked =; _root.music06Unlocked =; _root.music07Unlocked =; _root.mapSlumsUnlocked =; _root.mapSlumsRep =; _root.mapSlumsHoles =; _root.mapSlumsHoleTapeUnlocked =; _root.mapSlumsHoleGelUnlocked =; _root.mapCsecUnlocked =; _root.mapCsecRep =; _root.mapCsecHoles =; _root.mapCsecHoleTapeUnlocked =; _root.mapCsecHoleGelUnlocked =; _root.mapConsortUnlocked =; _root.mapConsortRep =; _root.mapConsortHoles =; _root.mapConsortHoleTapeUnlocked =; _root.mapConsortHoleGelUnlocked =; _root.mapFluxUnlocked =; _root.mapFluxRep =; _root.mapFluxHoles =; _root.mapFluxHoleTapeUnlocked =; _root.mapFluxHoleGelUnlocked =; _root.mapBloodUnlocked =; _root.mapBloodRep =; _root.mapCerberusUnlocked =; _root.mapCerberusRep =; _root.mapCouncilUnlocked =; _root.mapCouncilRep =; _root.checkPlay(); } function checkPlay() { _root.level_pause = true; _root.startup = true; _root.buyCost = 0; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _root.xpNeeded = 2500 + 3500 * (_root.xpLevel * 0.75); _root.canLevel = 0; _root.StatsSessionServed = 0; _root.StatsSessionExcellent = 0; _root.StatsSessionMissed = 0; _root.StatsSessionCashEarned = 0; _root.StatsSessionPlayTime = 0; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.mapMaleHuman = false; _root.mapMaleKrogan = false; _root.mapMaleTurian = false; _root.mapMaleVorcha = false; _root.mapMaleVolus = false; if (_root.cheatEnergy == true) { _root.skillSta1 = true; _root.skillSta2 = true; _root.skillSta3 = true; } if (_root.clothesHack == true) { if (_root.costume == 1) { _root.hideNipples == true; _root.hidePussy = false; } else { if (_root.costume == 2 or _root.costume == 5 or _root.costume == 6) { _root.hideNipples = true; _root.hidePussy = true; } else { if (_root.costume == 3 or _root.costume == 7) { _root.hideNipples == false; _root.hidePussy = true; } else { _root.hideNipples = false; _root.hidePussy = false; } } } } if (_root.clothesHack == true) { _root.costume = _root.character; } } saveState = SharedObject.getLocal('BHGHsave', '/'); loadSaved(); } frame 2 { function shuffle(src) { res = new Array(); src_length = src.length; q_order = new Array(); q_order = src; i = 0; while (i < src_length) { r = random(q_order.length); res.push(src[r]); q_order.splice(r, 1); ++i; } return res; } } movieClip 7690 af0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7691 afb0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7692 afb1 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7693 afb2 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7694 aab1 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7695 aab2 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messAss; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7696 aft0 { frame 1 { function came() { ++_root.messPussy; gotoAndStop('reset'); } if (_mode == undefined) { _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; _delta = 1; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); _root.held = true; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.level_pause == false) { new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > 51) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 51; } if (new_frame < 2) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = 2; } gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } else { stop(); } if (_root.held == true) { pleasure_meter.hold_up(); } }; onPress = function () { pleasure_meter.grade_up(); if (pleasure_meter.end != true) { _root.held = true; } }; onRollOver = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRelease = function () { _root.held = false; }; onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.held = false; }; onRollOut = function () { _root.held = false; }; } frame 52 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); } } movieClip 7697 a0 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 7700 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7703 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 7712 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 7778 { } movieClip 7779 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { face.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 7790 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7791 c0 { frame 1 { function released() { _root.wheel = false; if (!_parent.a0) { _parent.rainbow(); } _parent.attach_anim(_index, _xmode, _color, satisfaction, ejac); _root.came = false; _visible = false; stop(); _parent.skills.orb.gotoAndPlay('go'); } btn.onPress = function () { pressed = true; _parent.skills.pressed(); }; btn.onRelease = function () { released(); }; btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { released(); }; satMax = 0; if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satMinus = 0.4; satisfaction = 25; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == false) { satMinus = 0.6; satisfaction = 20; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == false && _root.skillAll2 == false && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satMinus = 0.8; satisfaction = 15; } else { satMinus = 1; satisfaction = 10; } } } satisfaction *= _root.cheatPatience; timer = 'unset'; speech.gotoAndStop('hide'); if (satisfaction > satMax) { satMax = satisfaction; } speech.face.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((satisfaction / satMax) * 100) + 2); ejac = 0; } instance speech of movieClip 7779 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.level_pause == false) { _parent.satisfaction -= _parent.satMinus / 25; if (_parent.satisfaction > _parent.satMax) { _parent.satMax = _parent.satisfaction; } _parent.speech.face.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((_parent.satisfaction / _parent.satMax) * 100) + 2); } } } frame 2 { speech.gotoAndPlay('come'); } frame 11 { } frame 12 { if (satisfaction >= 5) { gotoAndPlay('return'); } } frame 36 { } frame 37 { if (satisfaction >= 0) { gotoAndPlay('a0'); } else { speech.gotoAndPlay('go'); } } frame 38 { if (pressed == true) { _parent.skills.missed(); pressed = false; } } frame 38 { speech.face.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 45 { stop(); _parent.free_hole(_index); _parent.add_points(_index, satisfaction); this.removeMovieClip(); if (pressed == true) { _parent.skills.missed(); } } frame 46 { speech.gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 55 { stop(); _parent.free_hole(_index); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 56 { stop(); } } movieClip 7804 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7818 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7832 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7845 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7859 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7880 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7888 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7891 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 7913 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_parent._color); } } movieClip 7919 d0 { frame 1 { function released() { _root.wheel = false; if (!_parent.a0) { _parent.rainbow(); } _parent.attach_anim(_index, _xmode, _color, satisfaction, ejac); _root.came = false; _visible = false; stop(); _parent.skills.orb.gotoAndPlay('go'); } btn.onPress = function () { pressed = true; _parent.skills.pressed(); }; btn.onRelease = function () { released(); }; btn.onReleaseOutside = function () { released(); }; satMax = 0; if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satMinus = 0.4; satisfaction = 25; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == true && _root.skillAll2 == true && _root.skillAll3 == false) { satMinus = 0.6; satisfaction = 20; } else { if (_root.skillAll1 == false && _root.skillAll2 == false && _root.skillAll3 == true) { satMinus = 0.8; satisfaction = 15; } else { satMinus = 1; satisfaction = 10; } } } satisfaction *= _root.cheatPatience; timer = 'unset'; speech.gotoAndStop('hide'); if (satisfaction > satMax) { satMax = satisfaction; } speech.face.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((satisfaction / satMax) * 100) + 2); ejac = 0; } instance speech of movieClip 7779 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.level_pause == false) { _parent.satisfaction -= _parent.satMinus / 25; if (_parent.satisfaction > _parent.satMax) { _parent.satMax = _parent.satisfaction; } _parent.speech.face.gotoAndStop(Math.floor((_parent.satisfaction / _parent.satMax) * 100) + 2); } } } frame 2 { speech.gotoAndPlay('come'); } frame 10 { } frame 11 { if (satisfaction >= 5) { gotoAndPlay('return'); } } frame 36 { } frame 37 { if (satisfaction >= 0) { gotoAndPlay('a0'); } else { speech.gotoAndPlay('go'); } } frame 38 { if (pressed == true) { _parent.skills.missed(); pressed = false; } } frame 38 { speech.face.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 45 { stop(); _parent.free_hole(_index); _parent.add_points(_index, satisfaction); this.removeMovieClip(); if (pressed == true) { _parent.skills.missed(); } } frame 46 { speech.gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 55 { stop(); _parent.free_hole(_index); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 56 { stop(); } } movieClip 7922 spark1 { frame 1 { stop(); speed = 1 + 0.2 * random(4); frame = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { frame += speed; gotoAndStop(int(frame)); if (frame >= 20) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 7933 h0 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_color); } } movieClip 7935 { } movieClip 7937 { } movieClip 7939 { } movieClip 7941 { } movieClip 7942 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 7944 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 7945 points { frame 1 { if (_root.satisfactionLast <= 0) { title.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_root.satisfactionLast > 0 && _root.satisfactionLast <= 35) { title.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.satisfactionLast > 35 && _root.satisfactionLast <= 65) { title.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.satisfactionLast > 65 && _root.satisfactionLast <= 99) { title.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_root.satisfactionLast >= 100) { title.gotoAndStop(1); } else { title.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } } } frame 22 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 7949 { } movieClip 7967 { } movieClip 7969 { } movieClip 7980 { frame 1 { _alpha = 0; } } movieClip 8002 { frame 1 { function cheat() { if (codeLine.text == '' or codeLine.text == '' or codeLine.text == '' or codeLine.text == '' or codeLine.text == '' or codeLine.text == '' or codeLine.text == '') { if (_parent.cheat != true) { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'Way to cheat -- a winner is you !'; _parent.cheat = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'keysersoze' or codeLine.text == 'Keysersoze' or codeLine.text == 'KeyserSoze' or codeLine.text == 'keyser soze' or codeLine.text == 'Keyser soze' or codeLine.text == 'Keyser Soze') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); _root.cheatAddMoney += 5000; codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-EXTRA CREDITS (+' + _root.cheatAddMoney + ')-'; } else { if (codeLine.text == 'Thereisnospoon' or codeLine.text == 'thereisnospoon' or codeLine.text == 'ThereIsNoSpoon' or codeLine.text == 'There Is No Spoon' or codeLine.text == 'there is no spoon') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); _root.cheatAddSkill += 5; codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-SKILL POINTS (+' + _root.cheatAddSkill + ')-'; } else { if (codeLine.text == 'GreedIsGood' or codeLine.text == 'greedisgood' or codeLine.text == 'Greed Is Good' or codeLine.text == 'greed is good' or codeLine.text == 'Greedisgood') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); _root.cheatAddMoney += 5000; _root.cheatAddSkill += 5; codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-CREDITS(+' + _root.cheatAddMoney + ') SKILL POINTS (+' + _root.cheatAddSkill + ')-'; } else { if (codeLine.text == 'jutsu' or codeLine.text == 'Jutsu' or codeLine.text == 'naruto' or codeLine.text == 'Naruto') { if (_root.jutsu != 5) { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-SHADOW CLONE MODE-'; _root.jutsu = 5; _root.jutsuUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'LemmeSee' or codeLine.text == 'Lemme See' or codeLine.text == 'lemmesee' or codeLine.text == 'lemme see' or codeLine.text == 'Lemmesee' or codeLine.text == 'Lemme see') { _root.galleryViewing = true; _root.strippedHairUnlocked = true; _root.strippedMaskUnlocked = true; _root.strippedTopUnlocked = true; _root.strippedBotUnlocked = true; _root.strippedFullUnlocked = true; _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeoutquick'); _root.fadescreen.swapDepths(100000); _root.sceneGoingTo = 'to gallery'; gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'Gallery Cheat'; } else { if (codeLine.text == 'LemmeSmash' or codeLine.text == 'Lemme Smash' or codeLine.text == 'lemmesmash' or codeLine.text == 'lemme smash' or codeLine.text == 'Lemmesmash' or codeLine.text == 'Lemme smash') { _root.galleryViewing = true; _root.strippedHairUnlocked = true; _root.strippedMaskUnlocked = true; _root.strippedTopUnlocked = true; _root.strippedBotUnlocked = true; _root.strippedFullUnlocked = true; _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeoutquick'); _root.fadescreen.swapDepths(100000); _root.sceneGoingTo = 'to endscene'; gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'End Scene Shortcut'; } else { if (codeLine.text == 'HammerTime' or codeLine.text == 'Hammertime' or codeLine.text == 'hammertime' or codeLine.text == 'hammerTime' or codeLine.text == 'Hammer Time' or codeLine.text == 'Hammer time' or codeLine.text == 'hammer Time' or codeLine.text == 'hammer time') { if (_root.endless != true) { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-ENDLESS MODE-'; _root.endless = true; _root.endlessUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'on the reg' or codeLine.text == 'On The Reg' or codeLine.text == 'onthereg' or codeLine.text == 'OnTheReg' or codeLine.text == 'Onthereg' or codeLine.text == 'On the reg') { if (_root.cheatRegular != true) { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-EASY FACTION SCHEDULE-'; _root.cheatRegular = true; _root.cheatRegularUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'RedBull' or codeLine.text == 'redBull' or codeLine.text == 'Redbull' or codeLine.text == 'redbull' or codeLine.text == 'Red Bull' or codeLine.text == 'Red bull' or codeLine.text == 'red Bull' or codeLine.text == 'red bull') { if (_root.cheatEnergy != true) { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-WIIIINGS-'; _root.cheatEnergy = true; _root.cheatEnergyUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'snickers' or codeLine.text == 'Snickers') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); _root.cheatSatisfy += 1; codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-REALLY SATISFIES (x' + _root.cheatSatisfy + ')-'; _root.cheatSatisfyUnlocked = true; } else { if (codeLine.text == 'KitKat' or codeLine.text == 'Kitkat' or codeLine.text == 'kitKat' or codeLine.text == 'kitkat' or codeLine.text == 'Kit Kat' or codeLine.text == 'Kit kat' or codeLine.text == 'kit Kat' or codeLine.text == 'kit kat') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); _root.cheatPatience += 0.5; codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-ZEN PATIENCE (x' + _root.cheatPatience + ')-'; _root.cheatSatisfyUnlocked = true; } else { if (codeLine.text == 'rainbow' or codeLine.text == 'Rainbow') { if (_root.rainbow != true) { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-RAINBOW MODE-'; _root.rainbow = true; _root.rainbowAllUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'shifter' or codeLine.text == 'Shifter') { if (_root.rainbow != 'head') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-RAINBOW CHARACTER MODE-'; _root.rainbow = 'head'; _root.rainbowHeadUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'dreamcoat' or codeLine.text == 'Dreamcoat') { if (_root.rainbow != 'body') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-RAINBOW CLOTHES MODE-'; _root.rainbow = 'body'; _root.rainbowBodyUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'normandy' or codeLine.text == 'Normandy') { if (_root.rainbow != 'squad') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-RAINBOW CREW MODE-'; _root.rainbow = 'squad'; _root.rainbowSquadUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'cortie' or codeLine.text == 'Cortie') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'Yay, fanservice!'; _root.character = 10; _root.costume = 26; _root.Cortie = true; _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (codeLine.text == 'E.Honda' or codeLine.text == '' or codeLine.text == 'E Honda' or codeLine.text == 'e honda' or codeLine.text == 'EHonda' or codeLine.text == 'Ehonda' or codeLine.text == 'ehonda' or codeLine.text == 'eHonda') { if (_root.safeStyle != 'hand') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-HANDJOB PREFERENCE-'; _root.safeStyle = 'hand'; _root.safeStyleUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'C.Viper' or codeLine.text == 'c.viper' or codeLine.text == 'C Viper' or codeLine.text == 'c viper' or codeLine.text == 'CViper' or codeLine.text == 'Cviper' or codeLine.text == 'cViper' or codeLine.text == 'cviper') { if (_root.safeStyle != 'tit') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-TITTYFUCK PREFERENCE-'; _root.safeStyle = 'tit'; _root.safeStyleUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'Chun Li' or codeLine.text == 'chun li' or codeLine.text == 'ChunLi' or codeLine.text == 'Chunli' or codeLine.text == 'chunli') { if (_root.safeStyle != 'foot') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-FOOT PREFERENCE-'; _root.safeStyle = 'foot'; _root.safeStyleUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'Decapre' or codeLine.text == 'decapre') { if (_root.safeStyle != 'tech') { gotoAndPlay('correct'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-ASSISTED PREFERENCE-'; _root.safeStyle = 'tech'; _root.safeStyleUnlocked = true; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } else { if (codeLine.text == 'Startup cheat on -- have fun !' or messageLine.text == 'Startup cheat on -- have fun !') { codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = ''; gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (codeLine.text == 'Endless' or codeLine.text == 'endless' or codeLine.text == 'Caffiene' or codeLine.text == 'caffiene' or codeLine.text == 'Guarana' or codeLine.text == 'guarana' or codeLine.text == 'Gallery' or codeLine.text == 'gallery') { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = 'Outdated code - Check new list'; } else { gotoAndPlay('wrong'); codeLine.text = ''; messageLine.text = '-- Bad Code --'; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ready = true; gotoAndStop(2); btn.onPress = function () { if (ready == true) { gotoAndStop('down'); } }; keyListener = new Object(); keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.isDown(13)) { if (ready == true) { gotoAndPlay('send'); ready = false; } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); btn.onRelease = function () { if (ready == true) { gotoAndPlay('send'); ready = false; } }; btn.onRelease = function () { if (ready == true) { gotoAndPlay('send'); ready = false; } }; btn.onRollOver = function () { if (ready == true) { gotoAndStop('over'); } }; btn.onRollOut = function () { if (ready == true) { gotoAndStop('off'); } }; } frame 35 { messageLine.text = ''; gotoAndPlay('fadeOut'); } frame 58 { messageLine.text = ''; } frame 66 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 71 { cheat(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 94 movieClip 8009 { frame 1 { if (this.over == true) { gotoAndStop('show'); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } frame 4 { if (this.over == false) { gotoAndPlay(23); } } frame 6 { if (this.over == false) { gotoAndPlay(20); } } frame 9 { if (this.over == false) { gotoAndPlay(17); } } frame 14 { if (this.over == false) { gotoAndPlay('go'); } else { stop(); } } frame 17 { if (this.over == true) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 20 { if (this.over == true) { gotoAndPlay(6); } } frame 23 { if (this.over == true) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } frame 28 { if (this.over == true) { gotoAndPlay('come'); } else { stop(); } } } button 8013 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); if (_parent.cheat != true) { _parent.submit.codeLine.text = ''; _parent.submit.messageLine.text = 'Startup cheat on -- have fun !'; _parent.cheat = true; } else { _parent.submit.gotoAndPlay('wrong'); _parent.codeLine.text = ''; _parent.messageLine.text = 'code active'; } } on (rollOver) { this.words.over = true; if (this.words._currentframe == 28) { this.words.gotoAndPlay('come'); } } on (rollOut) { this.words.over = false; if (this.words._currentframe == 14) { this.words.gotoAndPlay('go'); } } on (releaseOutside) { this.words.over = false; if (this.words._currentframe == 14) { this.words.gotoAndPlay('go'); } } } movieClip 8015 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 8021 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } button 8026 { on (release) { if (_root.cheatAddMoney != 0) { _root._score += _root.cheatAddMoney; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _root.cheatAddMoney = 0; } if (_root.cheatAddSkill != 0) { _root.skillPoints += _root.cheatAddSkill; _root.cheatAddSkill = 0; } if (_root.Cortie == true) { _root.character = 10; _root.costume = 26; } _root.gotoScreen('4'); } } button 8032 { on (release) { _root.loadGame(); if (_root.cheatAddMoney != 0) { _root._score += _root.cheatAddMoney; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _root.cheatAddMoney = 0; } if (_root.cheatAddSkill != 0) { _root.skillPoints += _root.cheatAddSkill; _root.cheatAddSkill = 0; } if (_root.Cortie == true) { _root.character = 10; _root.costume = 26; } _root.gotoScreen('4'); } } movieClip 8034 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } movieClip 8035 193f56ce { frame 1 { function cheatRun() { _root._score = 2500; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _root.skillPoints = 5; _root.skillB1 = true; _root.skillS1 = true; _root.skillF1 = true; _root.skillA1 = true; _root.character01unlocked = true; _root.character02unlocked = true; _root.character03unlocked = true; _root.character04unlocked = true; _root.character05unlocked = true; _root.character06unlocked = true; _root.character07unlocked = true; _root.character08unlocked = true; _root.character09unlocked = true; _root.costume01unlocked = true; _root.costume02unlocked = true; _root.costume03unlocked = true; _root.costume04unlocked = true; _root.costume05unlocked = true; _root.costume06unlocked = true; _root.costume07unlocked = true; _root.costume08unlocked = true; _root.costume09unlocked = true; _root.costume21unlocked = true; _root.costume22unlocked = true; _root.costume23unlocked = true; _root.costume24unlocked = true; _root.costume25unlocked = true; _root.costume26unlocked = true; _root.costume27unlocked = true; _root.costume28unlocked = true; _root.costume29unlocked = true; _root.strippedHairUnlocked = true; _root.strippedMaskUnlocked = true; _root.strippedTopUnlocked = true; _root.strippedBotUnlocked = true; _root.strippedFullUnlocked = true; _root.mapSlumsUnlocked = true; _root.mapSlumsRep = 30; _root.mapSlumsHoles = 3; _root.mapCsecUnlocked = true; _root.mapCsecRep = 30; _root.mapCsecHoles = 3; _root.mapConsortUnlocked = true; _root.mapConsortRep = 30; _root.mapConsortHoles = 3; _root.mapFluxUnlocked = true; _root.mapFluxRep = 0; _root.mapFluxHoles = 3; _root.mapBloodUnlocked = true; _root.mapBloodRep = 30; _root.mapCerberusUnlocked = true; _root.mapCerberusRep = 30; _root.mapCouncilUnlocked = true; _root.mapCouncilRep = 30; if (_root.devHack == true) { _root._score = 10000; _root._scoreDisplay = Math.floor(_root._score); _root.mapFluxRep = 70; _root.mapBloodRep = 70; _root.mapCerberusRep = 70; _root.mapCouncilRep = 70; } } _root.character = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 9); _root.character01unlocked = false; _root.character02unlocked = false; _root.character03unlocked = false; _root.character04unlocked = false; _root.character05unlocked = false; _root.character06unlocked = false; _root.character07unlocked = false; _root.character08unlocked = false; _root.character09unlocked = false; _root.costume01unlocked = false; _root.costume02unlocked = false; _root.costume03unlocked = false; _root.costume04unlocked = false; _root.costume05unlocked = false; _root.costume06unlocked = false; _root.costume07unlocked = false; _root.costume08unlocked = false; _root.costume09unlocked = false; _root.costume23unlocked = false; _root.costume24unlocked = false; _root.costume25unlocked = false; _root.costume26unlocked = false; _root.costume27unlocked = false; _root.costume28unlocked = false; _root.costume29unlocked = false; if (_root.clothesHack == true) { _root.costume = _root.character; } else { if (_root.character == 1) { _root.costume = 23; _root.character01unlocked = true; _root.costume23unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 2) { _root.costume = 23; _root.character02unlocked = true; _root.costume23unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 3) { _root.costume = 23; _root.character03unlocked = true; _root.costume23unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 4) { _root.costume = 24; _root.character04unlocked = true; _root.costume24unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 5) { _root.costume = 25; _root.character05unlocked = true; _root.costume25unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 6) { _root.costume = 24; _root.character06unlocked = true; _root.costume24unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 7) { _root.costume = 25; _root.character07unlocked = true; _root.costume25unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 8) { _root.costume = 26; _root.character08unlocked = true; _root.costume30unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 9) { _root.costume = 9; _root.character09unlocked = true; _root.costume9unlocked = true; } } } } } } } } } } _root.hideNipples = false; _root.strippedHair = false; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; submit.codeLine.text = ''; submit.messageLine.text = ''; gotoAndStop(3); _root.BGMplaying = 2; _root.BGMmax = 15; _root.setMusic(); _root.musicForced = false; _root.cheatAddMoney = 0; _root.cheatAddSkill = 0; _root.jutsu = 0; _root.endless = false; _root.cheatRegular = false; _root.cheatEnergy = false; _root.cheatSatisfy = 1; _root.cheatPatience = 1; _root.rainbow = false; _root.safeStyle = false; _root.jutsuUnlocked = false; _root.endlessUnlocked = false; _root.cheatRegularUnlocked = false; _root.cheatEnergyUnlocked = false; _root.rainbowAllUnlocked = false; _root.rainbowHeadUnlocked = false; _root.rainbowBodyUnlocked = false; _root.rainbowSquadUnlocked = false; MNF_btn.onPress = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; play_btn.onRelease = function () { play_btn.onPress = null; _root.level_pause = true; _root.galleryViewing = false; if (_root.loadedvar == true) { newGameMenu.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { newGameMenu.gotoAndStop('no'); } _root.level = undefined; _root.controlsScheme = 'QWER'; _root.startup = true; _root._score = 0; _root._scoreDisplay = _root._score; _root.buyCost = 0; _root._scoreDisplay = _root._score; _root.skillPoints = 1; _root.total_points = 0; _root.xpLevel = 1; _root.xp = 0; _root.xpNeeded = 2500 + 3500 * (_root.xpLevel * 0.75); _root.canLevel = 0; _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _root.StatsServed = 0; _root.StatsExcellent = 0; _root.StatsMissed = 0; _root.StatsCashEarned = 0; _root.StatsPlayTime = 0; _root.StatsSessionServed = 0; _root.StatsSessionExcellent = 0; _root.StatsSessionMissed = 0; _root.StatsSessionCashEarned = 0; _root.StatsSessionPlayTime = 0; _root.StatsServed = 0; _root.StatsExcellent = 0; _root.StatsMissed = 0; _root.StatsPlayTime = 0; _root.StatsMostServed = 0; _root.StatsMostServedText = 0; _root.StatsMostPaid = 0; _root.StatsMostPaidText = 0; _root.StatsPoseSafe = 0; _root.StatsPoseHand = 0; _root.StatsPoseChest = 0; _root.StatsPoseFeet = 0; _root.StatsPoseMouth = 0; _root.StatsPosePussy = 0; _root.StatsPoseAss = 0; _root.StatsClientHuman = 0; _root.StatsClientKrogan = 0; _root.StatsClientTurian = 0; _root.StatsClientVorcha = 0; _root.StatsClientVolus = 0; _root.StatsClientBlood = 0; _root.StatsClientCerberus = 0; _root.StatsClientCitadel = 0; _root.energyS = 15; _root.energySmax = 15; _root.energyF = 10; _root.energyFmax = 10; _root.energyA = 5; _root.energyAmax = 5; _root.characterSaved = _root.character; _root.costumeSaved = _root.costume; _root.character01cost = 3000; _root.character02cost = 3000; _root.character03cost = 3000; _root.character04cost = 3000; _root.character05cost = 5000; _root.character06cost = 5000; _root.character07cost = 4000; _root.character08cost = 5000; _root.character09cost = 7000; _root.costume01cost = 2500; _root.costume02cost = 2500; _root.costume03cost = 2500; _root.costume04cost = 2500; _root.costume05cost = 2500; _root.costume06cost = 2500; _root.costume07cost = 2500; _root.costume08cost = 2500; _root.costume09cost = 500; _root.costume21cost = 1000; _root.costume22cost = 500; _root.costume23cost = 500; _root.costume24cost = 500; _root.costume25cost = 500; _root.costume26cost = 500; _root.costume27cost = 500; _root.costume28cost = 1000; _root.costume29cost = 1000; _root.strippedHairUnlocked = false; _root.strippedMaskUnlocked = false; _root.strippedTopUnlocked = false; _root.strippedBotUnlocked = false; _root.strippedFullUnlocked = false; _root.strippedHairCost = 2500; _root.strippedMaskCost = 1000; _root.strippedTopCost = 2000; _root.strippedBotCost = 5000; _root.strippedFullCost = 10000; _root.music01Unlocked = false; _root.music02Unlocked = false; _root.music03Unlocked = false; _root.music04Unlocked = false; _root.music05Unlocked = false; _root.music06Unlocked = false; _root.music07Unlocked = false; _root.dayNumber = 1; _root.mapSelected = 'slums'; _root.mapSelectedLast = _root.mapSelected; _root.canWork = true; _root.mapSlumsUnlocked = true; _root.mapSlumsRep = 0; _root.mapSlumsPop = 4; _root.mapSlumsWealth = 1; _root.mapSlumsHoles = 2; _root.mapSlumsHoleTapeUnlocked = false; _root.mapSlumsHoleGelUnlocked = false; _root.mapSlumsHoleTapePrice = 500; _root.mapSlumsHoleGelPrice = 1500; _root.mapSlumsHoleSelected = 'none'; _root.mapCsecUnlocked = false; _root.mapCsecRep = 0; _root.mapCsecPop = 1; _root.mapCsecWealth = 4; _root.mapCsecHoles = 2; _root.mapCsecHoleTapeUnlocked = false; _root.mapCsecHoleGelUnlocked = false; _root.mapCsecHoleTapePrice = 2000; _root.mapCsecHoleGelPrice = 5000; _root.mapCsecHoleSelected = 'none'; _root.mapConsortUnlocked = false; _root.mapConsortRep = 0; _root.mapConsortPop = 2; _root.mapConsortWealth = 3; _root.mapConsortHoles = 2; _root.mapConsortHoleTapeUnlocked = false; _root.mapConsortHoleGelUnlocked = false; _root.mapConsortHoleTapePrice = 1000; _root.mapConsortHoleGelPrice = 2500; _root.mapConsortHoleSelected = 'none'; _root.mapFluxUnlocked = false; _root.mapFluxRep = 0; _root.mapFluxPop = 4; _root.mapFluxWealth = 3; _root.mapFluxHoles = 2; _root.mapFluxHoleTapeUnlocked = false; _root.mapFluxHoleGelUnlocked = false; _root.mapFluxHoleTapePrice = 3000; _root.mapFluxHoleGelPrice = 7000; _root.mapFluxHoleSelected = 'none'; _root.mapBloodUnlocked = false; _root.mapBloodOrbit = false; _root.mapBloodRep = 30; _root.mapBloodPop = 7; _root.mapBloodWealth = 2; _root.mapBloodHoles = 5; _root.mapBloodHoleSelected = 'tape'; _root.mapCerberusUnlocked = false; _root.mapCerberusOrbit = false; _root.mapCerberusRep = 30; _root.mapCerberusPop = 4; _root.mapCerberusWealth = 5; _root.mapCerberusHoles = 4; _root.mapCerberusHoleSelected = 'none'; _root.mapCouncilUnlocked = false; _root.mapCouncilOrbit = false; _root.mapCouncilRep = 30; _root.mapCouncilPop = 2; _root.mapCouncilWealth = 7; _root.mapCouncilHoles = 3; _root.mapCouncilHoleSelected = 'gel'; _root.mapMaleHuman = false; _root.mapMaleKrogan = false; _root.mapMaleTurian = false; _root.mapMaleVorcha = false; _root.mapMaleVolus = false; _root.skillB1 = true; _root.skillB2 = false; _root.skillB3 = false; _root.skillB4 = false; _root.skillB5 = false; _root.skillB1Cost = 1; _root.skillB2Cost = 2; _root.skillB3Cost = 3; _root.skillB4Cost = 4; _root.skillB5Cost = 5; _root.skillS1 = false; _root.skillS2 = false; _root.skillS3 = false; _root.skillS4 = false; _root.skillS5 = false; _root.skillS1Cost = 1; _root.skillS2Cost = 2; _root.skillS3Cost = 3; _root.skillS4Cost = 4; _root.skillS5Cost = 5; _root.skillF1 = false; _root.skillF2 = false; _root.skillF3 = false; _root.skillF4 = false; _root.skillF1Cost = 4; _root.skillF2Cost = 6; _root.skillF3Cost = 8; _root.skillF4Cost = 10; _root.skillA1 = false; _root.skillA2 = false; _root.skillA3 = false; _root.skillA4 = false; _root.skillA1Cost = 5; _root.skillA2Cost = 10; _root.skillA3Cost = 15; _root.skillA4Cost = 20; _root.skillFin1 = false; _root.skillFin2 = false; _root.skillFin3 = false; _root.skillFin1Cost = 2; _root.skillFin2Cost = 2; _root.skillFin3Cost = 2; _root.skillSta1 = false; _root.skillSta2 = false; _root.skillSta3 = false; _root.skillSta1Cost = 5; _root.skillSta2Cost = 5; _root.skillSta3Cost = 5; _root.skillAll1 = false; _root.skillAll2 = false; _root.skillAll3 = false; _root.skillAll1Cost = 2; _root.skillAll2Cost = 2; _root.skillAll3Cost = 2; _root.skillLib1 = false; _root.skillLib2 = false; _root.skillLib3 = false; _root.skillLib1Cost = 2; _root.skillLib2Cost = 2; _root.skillLib3Cost = 2; if (cheat == true or _root.devHack == true) { cheatRun(); } if (_root.cheatEnergy == true) { _root.skillSta1 = true; _root.skillSta2 = true; _root.skillSta3 = true; } if (_root.clothesHack == true) { if (_root.costume == 1) { _root.hideNipples == true; _root.hidePussy = false; } else { if (_root.costume == 2 or _root.costume == 5 or _root.costume == 6) { _root.hideNipples = true; _root.hidePussy = true; } else { if (_root.costume == 3 or _root.costume == 7) { _root.hideNipples == false; _root.hidePussy = true; } else { _root.hideNipples = false; _root.hidePussy = false; } } } } }; } instance volSetting of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.BGMmute != true) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); _root.BGMmute = true; } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance sfxSetting of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); _root.SFXmute = true; } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.SFXmute = false; } } } frame 2 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 3 { circle.onPress = function () { _root.character += 1; if (_root.character > 9) { _root.character = 1; } _root.character01unlocked = false; _root.character02unlocked = false; _root.character03unlocked = false; _root.character04unlocked = false; _root.character05unlocked = false; _root.character06unlocked = false; _root.character07unlocked = false; _root.character08unlocked = false; _root.character09unlocked = false; _root.costume01unlocked = false; _root.costume02unlocked = false; _root.costume03unlocked = false; _root.costume04unlocked = false; _root.costume05unlocked = false; _root.costume06unlocked = false; _root.costume07unlocked = false; _root.costume08unlocked = false; _root.costume09unlocked = false; _root.costume21unlocked = false; _root.costume22unlocked = false; _root.costume23unlocked = false; _root.costume24unlocked = false; _root.costume25unlocked = false; _root.costume26unlocked = false; _root.costume27unlocked = false; _root.costume28unlocked = false; _root.costume29unlocked = false; if (_root.clothesHack == true) { _root.costume = _root.character; } else { if (_root.character == 1) { _root.costume = 23; _root.character01unlocked = true; _root.costume23unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 2) { _root.costume = 23; _root.character02unlocked = true; _root.costume23unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 3) { _root.costume = 23; _root.character03unlocked = true; _root.costume23unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 4) { _root.costume = 24; _root.character04unlocked = true; _root.costume24unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 5) { _root.costume = 25; _root.character05unlocked = true; _root.costume25unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 6) { _root.costume = 24; _root.character06unlocked = true; _root.costume24unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 7) { _root.costume = 25; _root.character07unlocked = true; _root.costume25unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 8) { _root.costume = 26; _root.character08unlocked = true; _root.costume26unlocked = true; } else { if (_root.character == 9) { _root.costume = 9; _root.character09unlocked = true; _root.costume9unlocked = true; } } } } } } } } } } gotoAndPlay(2); }; stop(); } } movieClip 8036 { } movieClip 8038 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } instance music of movieClip 8038 { onClipEvent (load) {; _root.BGMplaying = 1; _root.BGMmute = false; _root.BGMmax = 6; _root.BGMvol = 0; _root.BGMmax = 25; _root.musicForced = false; _root.volumeCustom = false; BGM = new Sound(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.volumeCustom != true) { if (_root.level_pause == true) { if (_root.BGMmax >= 15) { _root.BGMmax = 15; } } else { if (_root.BGMmax != 50) { _root.BGMmax = 50; } } } if (_root.BGMmute != true) { if (_root.BGMvol < _root.BGMmax) { _root.BGMvol = Math.round(_root.BGMvol * 1.1 + 1);; } else { if (_root.BGMvol > _root.BGMmax) { _root.BGMvol = Math.round(_root.BGMvol * 0.9 - 1);; } } } else { _root.BGMvol = 0;; } } } instance SoundMouth of movieClip 8038 { onClipEvent (load) { this.SFXmouth = new Sound(this); this.SFXmouth.attachSound('SoundMouth'); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } } instance SoundHandLeft of movieClip 8038 { onClipEvent (load) { this.SFXhandL = new Sound(this); this.SFXhandL.attachSound('SoundHandLeft'); _root.SFXhandLPlaying = false; } } instance SoundPussy of movieClip 8038 { onClipEvent (load) { this.SFXpussy = new Sound(this); this.SFXpussy.attachSound('SoundPussy'); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } } instance SoundAss of movieClip 8038 { onClipEvent (load) { this.SFXass = new Sound(this); this.SFXass.attachSound('SoundAss'); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } instance SoundHandRight of movieClip 8038 { onClipEvent (load) { this.SFXhandR = new Sound(this); this.SFXhandR.attachSound('SoundHandRight'); _root.SFXhandRPlaying = false; } } movieClip 8049 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 2 { } frame 10 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 11 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 12 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 13 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 14 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 15 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 16 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 17 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 18 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 19 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 20 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 21 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 22 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 25 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 26 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 27 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 28 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 31 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 32 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 33 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 34 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 35 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } instance SoundHand of movieClip 8038 { onClipEvent (load) { this.SFXhand = new Sound(this); this.SFXhand.attachSound('SoundHand'); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } } frame 3 { function setMusic() {; _root.BGMvol = 0; _root.Music(); } function Music() {; if (_root.musicForced == false) { if (_root.BGMplaying == 1) {'afterlife');, 99); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 2) {'darkstar');, 99); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 3) {'purgatory');, 99); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 4) {'slums');, 99); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 5) {'council');, 99); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 6) {'bloodPack');, 99); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 7) {'cerberus');, 99); } else {; _root.BGMvol = 0; } } } } } } } } else { if (_root.musicForced != 'mute') { if (_root.musicForced == 1) {'afterlife');, 99); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 2) {'darkstar');, 99); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 3) {'purgatory');, 99); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 4) {'slums');, 99); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 5) {'council');, 99); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 6) {'bloodPack');, 99); } else { if (_root.musicForced == 7) {'cerberus');, 99); } else {; _root.BGMvol = 0; } } } } } } } } else {; _root.BGMvol = 0; } } } } frame 3 { function playSound(src) { snd = new Sound(); snd.attachSound(src); snd.start(); delete snd; } function shuffle(src) { res = new Array(); src_length = src.length; q_order = new Array(); q_order = src; i = 0; while (i < src_length) { r = random(q_order.length); res.push(src[r]); q_order.splice(r, 1); ++i; } return res; } function gotoScreen(x) { if (trans != undefined) { removeMovieClip(trans); } (attachMovie('trans_screen', 'trans', 1)).next_screen = x; } function setScreen(x) { fscommand('bar', x); if (screen != undefined) { removeMovieClip(screen); } attachMovie(Qvar[x - 1], 'screen', 0); if (trans != undefined) {; } } stop();; if (Qscr == undefined) { Qstr = '610b3745,193f56ce,193f56ce,2f6147db'; Qvar = Qstr.split(','); Qfrm = Qvar.length; fscommand('mnf', Qfrm); Qscr = 3; } setScreen(Qscr); } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(6); } frame 6 { function replaceGirl() { girl.removeMovieClip(); if (_root.replaceName == 'aft0' or _root.replaceName == 'aft1' or _root.replaceName == 'aft2' or _root.replaceName == 'aft3' or _root.replaceName == 'aft4') { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = nodeTopV._x; girl._y = nodeTopV._y; } else { if (_root.replaceName == 'aat0' or _root.replaceName == 'aat1' or _root.replaceName == 'aat2' or _root.replaceName == 'aat3' or _root.replaceName == 'aat4') { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = nodeTopA._x; girl._y = nodeTopA._y; } else { if (_root.replaceName == 'afb0' or _root.replaceName == 'afb1' or _root.replaceName == 'afb2' or _root.replaceName == 'afb3' or _root.replaceName == 'afb4' or _root.replaceName == 'aab0' or _root.replaceName == 'aab1' or _root.replaceName == 'aab2' or _root.replaceName == 'aab3' or _root.replaceName == 'aab4') { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = nodeBot._x; girl._y = nodeBot._y; } else { if (_root.replaceName == 'ast0' or _root.replaceName == 'ast1' or _root.replaceName == 'ast2' or _root.replaceName == 'ast3' or _root.replaceName == 'ast4' or _root.replaceName == 'abt0' or _root.replaceName == 'abt1' or _root.replaceName == 'abt2' or _root.replaceName == 'abt3' or _root.replaceName == 'abt4') { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = nodeUpper._x; girl._y = nodeUpper._y; } else { if (_root.replaceName == 'asb0' or _root.replaceName == 'asb1' or _root.replaceName == 'asb2' or _root.replaceName == 'asb3' or _root.replaceName == 'asb4' or _root.replaceName == 'abb0' or _root.replaceName == 'abb1' or _root.replaceName == 'abb2' or _root.replaceName == 'abb3' or _root.replaceName == 'abb4') { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = nodeLower._x; girl._y = nodeLower._y; } else { if (_root.replaceName == 'ab1' or _root.replaceName == 'as1') { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = nodeRight._x; girl._y = nodeRight._y; } else { if (_root.replaceName == 'af1' or _root.replaceName == 'aa1') { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = nodeNudge._x; girl._y = nodeNudge._y; } else { if (_root.replaceName == 'ak0' or _root.replaceName == 'ak2' or _root.replaceName == 'ak3') { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = nodeKrogan._x; girl._y = nodeKrogan._y; } else { if (_root.replaceName == 'ai0' or _root.replaceName == 'ai1' or _root.replaceName == 'ai2' or _root.replaceName == 'ai3') { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = nodeHusk._x; girl._y = nodeHusk._y; } else { _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = node._x; girl._y = node._y; } } } } } } } } } _root.UI.swapDepths(1000); _root.playSpeed = 25; UI.speedSelect._x = 3.05; UI.speedSelect._y = 407.95; _root.playSpeedCurrent = 25; girl.ejac = 0; girl.satisfaction = 0; girl.pleasure_meter.intensity = 25; _root.girl._color = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 12); _root.girl.pleasure_meter._alpha = 0; _root.girl.pleasure_meter._visible = false; if (_root.level != 1) { if (_root.SFXhandPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHand.SFXhand.stop(); _root.SFXhandPlaying = false; } } if (_root.level != 3) { if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } } if (_root.level != 8) { if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } } if (_root.level != 10) { if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } UI.headStripping.iconReset(); UI.bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.checkCostume(); } _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadein'); _root.level_pause = false; _root.replaceName = 'a0'; _root.level = 3; _root.playSpeed = 10; _root.UI.swapDepths(1000); replaceGirl(); nodeTop._alpha = 0; nodeBot._alpha = 0; nodeUpper._alpha = 0; nodeRight._alpha = 0; nodeLower._alpha = 0; nodeNudge._alpha = 0; nodeKrogan._alpha = 0; nodeHusk._alpha = 0; node._alpha = 0; _root.volumeCustom = true; _root.BGMmax = 5; _root.backgroundList = [2, 6, 8, 7, 9, 3, 4, 5, 15]; _root.backgroundSelected = 0; } movieClip 8053 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 8054 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { mask.cacheAsBitmap = true; BG.cacheAsBitmap = true; BG.setMask(mask); } } button 8055 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'af1'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 512.75; skillSelect._y = 162.35; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8056 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aft0'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 542.15; skillSelect._y = 147.45; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8057 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aft1'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 571.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 147.45; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8058 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aft2'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 600.8; skillSelect._y = 147.45; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8059 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aft3'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 630.15; skillSelect._y = 147.45; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8060 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'afb0'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 542.15; skillSelect._y = 177.3; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8061 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'afb1'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 571.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 177.3; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8062 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'afb2'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 600.8; skillSelect._y = 177.3; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8063 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'afb3'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 630.15; skillSelect._y = 177.3; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8064 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aa1'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 512.75; skillSelect._y = 256.75; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8065 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aat0'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 542.15; skillSelect._y = 241.8; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8066 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aat1'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 571.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 241.8; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8067 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aat2'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 600.8; skillSelect._y = 241.8; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8068 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aat3'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 630.15; skillSelect._y = 241.8; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8069 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aab0'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 542.15; skillSelect._y = 271.65; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8070 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aab1'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 571.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 271.65; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8071 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aab2'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 600.8; skillSelect._y = 271.65; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8072 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aab3'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 630.15; skillSelect._y = 271.65; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8073 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'as1'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 454.75; skillSelect._y = 90.5; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8074 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ast0'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 484.15; skillSelect._y = 75.59999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8075 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ast1'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 513.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 75.59999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8076 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ast2'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 542.8; skillSelect._y = 75.59999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8077 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ast3'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 572.15; skillSelect._y = 75.59999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8078 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ast4'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 601.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 75.59999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8079 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'asb0'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 484.15; skillSelect._y = 105.45; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8080 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'asb1'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 513.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 105.45; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8081 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'asb2'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 542.8; skillSelect._y = 105.45; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8082 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'asb3'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 572.15; skillSelect._y = 105.45; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8083 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'asb4'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 601.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 105.45; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8084 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ab1'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 454.7; skillSelect._y = 51.15; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8085 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abt0'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 484.15; skillSelect._y = 36.25; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8086 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abt1'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 513.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 36.25; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8087 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abt2'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 542.8; skillSelect._y = 36.25; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8088 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abt3'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 572.15; skillSelect._y = 36.25; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8089 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abt4'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 601.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 36.25; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8090 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abb0'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 484.15; skillSelect._y = 66.09999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8091 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abb1'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 513.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 66.09999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8092 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abb2'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 542.8; skillSelect._y = 66.09999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8093 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abb3'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 572.15; skillSelect._y = 66.09999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8094 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'abb4'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 601.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 66.09999999999999; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8095 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ak0'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 489.45; skillSelect._y = 287.15; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8096 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ak0'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 518.7000000000001; skillSelect._y = 287.15; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8097 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ak0'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 548.1; skillSelect._y = 287.15; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8098 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ak0'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 577.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 287.15; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8099 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'af0'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 483.35; skillSelect._y = 162.35; skillSelect._rotation = 90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8100 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'aa0'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 483.35; skillSelect._y = 256.75; skillSelect._rotation = 180; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8101 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'as0'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 425.35; skillSelect._y = 90.5; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8102 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ab0'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 425.3; skillSelect._y = 51.15; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8103 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ah0'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 489.45; skillSelect._y = 336.5; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8104 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ah0'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 518.7000000000001; skillSelect._y = 336.5; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8105 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ah0'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 548.1; skillSelect._y = 336.5; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8106 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ah0'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 577.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 336.5; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8107 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'a0'; _root.level = 0; skillSelect._x = 319.75; skillSelect._y = 51.15; skillSelect._rotation = -90; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8108 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ai0'; _root.level = 1; skillSelect._x = 489.45; skillSelect._y = 385.85; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8109 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ai0'; _root.level = 3; skillSelect._x = 518.7000000000001; skillSelect._y = 385.85; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8110 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ai0'; _root.level = 8; skillSelect._x = 548.1; skillSelect._y = 385.85; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8111 { on (release) { _root.replaceName = 'ai0'; _root.level = 10; skillSelect._x = 577.4500000000001; skillSelect._y = 385.85; skillSelect._rotation = 0; _parent.replaceGirl(); } } button 8112 { on (release) { _root.playSpeed = 50; speedSelect._x = 31.85; speedSelect._y = 407.95; } } button 8117 { on (release) { _root.playSpeed = 5; speedSelect._x = 17.45; speedSelect._y = 379.85; } } button 8121 { on (release) { _root.playSpeed = 25; speedSelect._x = 3.05; speedSelect._y = 407.95; } } button 8125 { on (release) { _root.playSpeed = 100; speedSelect._x = 60.45; speedSelect._y = 407.95; } } movieClip 8126 { } movieClip 8133 { } movieClip 8135 { } button 8136 { on (release) { cumSelect.gotoAndPlay('yes'); _root.playSpeed = 5; _root.girl.sperm.gotoAndPlay(3);; speedSelect._visible = false; speedSelect._x = 17.45; speedSelect._y = 379.85; } } button 8141 { on (release) { ++_root.backgroundSelected; if (_root.backgroundSelected > _root.backgroundList.length - 1) { _root.backgroundSelected = 0; } _root.galleryBack.BG.gotoAndStop(_root.backgroundList[_root.backgroundSelected]); _root.galleryBack.BG.door.gotoAndStop('closed'); } } button 8142 { on (release) { if (clicked != true) { _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeoutquick'); _root.fadescreen.swapDepths(100000); _root.sceneGoingTo = 'restart'; clicked = true; _root.galleryViewing = false; } } } movieClip 8144 { } movieClip 8146 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } frame 30 { _parent.speedSelect._visible = true; gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8147 { instance of movieClip 1743 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 1; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1719 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 2; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1723 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 3; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1727 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 4; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 5; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1735 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 6; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1739 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 7; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1743 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 1; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1719 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 2; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1723 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 3; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1727 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 4; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 5; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1735 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 6; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1739 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 7; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1794 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 25; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1798 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 26; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1747 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 23; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1802 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 27; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1751 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 28; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 21; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1806 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 24; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 8126 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; _root.playSpeedCurrent = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.playSpeedCurrent != _root.playSpeed) { if (_root.playSpeedCurrent < _root.playSpeed) { ++_root.playSpeedCurrent; } else { if (_root.playSpeedCurrent > _root.playSpeed) { --_root.playSpeedCurrent; } } } _root.girl.pleasure_meter.intensity = _root.playSpeedCurrent; _root.girl.ejac = 0; _root.girl.satisfaction = 0; } } instance of movieClip 1786 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 8; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1786 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 8; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1778 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 9; _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = true; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1774 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 9; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1755 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 29; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1782 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 22; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance volSetting of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.BGMmute != true) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); _root.BGMmute = true; } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance sfxSetting of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); _root.SFXmute = true; } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.SFXmute = false; } } } } frame 7 { gotoAndStop(6); } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(9); } frame 9 { _root.level_pause = false; _root.UI.swapDepths(1000); _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadein'); _root.volumeCustom = true; _root.BGMmax = 5; _root.strippedHairUnlocked = true; _root.strippedMaskUnlocked = true; _root.strippedTopUnlocked = true; _root.strippedBotUnlocked = true; _root.strippedFullUnlocked = true; _root.replaceName = 'a0'; _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = 1000; girl._y = 1000; } button 8149 { on (release) { if (clicked != true) { if (_root.galleryViewing == true) { _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeoutquick'); _root.sceneGoingTo = 'restart'; _root.galleryViewing = false; } else { _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeoutquick'); _root.sceneGoingTo = 'to end'; } _root.fadescreen.swapDepths(100000); clicked = true; } } } button 8154 { on (release) { if (_root.BGMmute == true) { _parent.volSetting.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } if (_root.BGMmax > 0) { _root.BGMmax -= 5; } } } button 8155 { on (release) { if (_root.BGMmute == true) { _parent.volSetting.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } if (_root.BGMmax < 100) { _root.BGMmax += 5; } } } movieClip 8156 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('end'); } frame 2 { endBtn.clicked = false; } instance of movieClip 1743 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 1; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1719 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 2; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1723 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 3; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1727 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 4; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 5; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1735 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 6; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1739 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 7; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1743 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 1; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1719 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 2; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1723 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 3; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1727 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 4; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 5; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1735 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 6; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1739 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 7; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1786 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 8; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1786 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 8; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1778 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 9; _root.strippedTop = true; _root.strippedBot = true; _root.strippedFull = true; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1774 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.character = 9; _root.strippedMask = false; _root.strippedHair = false; headStripping.iconReset(); bodyStripping.iconReset(); _root.messFace = 0; _root.messMouth = 0; _root.messPussy = 0; _root.messAss = 0; _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1794 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 25; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1798 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 26; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1747 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 23; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1802 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 27; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1751 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 28; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 21; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1806 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 24; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1755 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 29; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } instance of movieClip 1782 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.costume = 22; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = false; _root.checkCostume(); _parent._parent.replaceGirl(); } } frame 4 { function resetMusic() { btnMus1.gotoAndStop('off'); btnMus2.gotoAndStop('off'); btnMus3.gotoAndStop('off'); btnMus4.gotoAndStop('off'); btnMus5.gotoAndStop('off'); btnMus6.gotoAndStop('off'); btnMus7.gotoAndStop('off'); if (_root.BGMplaying == 1) { btnMus1.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 2) { btnMus2.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 3) { btnMus3.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 4) { btnMus4.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 5) { btnMus5.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 6) { btnMus6.gotoAndStop('on'); } else { if (_root.BGMplaying == 7) { btnMus7.gotoAndStop('on'); } } } } } } } } resetMusic(); } instance btnMus1 of movieClip 1812 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 1) { _root.BGMplaying = 1; _root.Music(); _parent.resetMusic(); } if (_root.BGMmute == true) { _parent._parent.volSetting.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance btnMus3 of movieClip 1818 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 3) { _root.BGMplaying = 3; _root.Music(); _parent.resetMusic(); } if (_root.BGMmute == true) { _parent._parent.volSetting.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance btnMus4 of movieClip 1824 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 4) { _root.BGMplaying = 4; _root.Music(); _parent.resetMusic(); } if (_root.BGMmute == true) { _parent._parent.volSetting.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance btnMus5 of movieClip 1830 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 5) { _root.BGMplaying = 5; _root.Music(); _parent.resetMusic(); } if (_root.BGMmute == true) { _parent._parent.volSetting.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance btnMus6 of movieClip 1836 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 6) { _root.BGMplaying = 6; _root.Music(); _parent.resetMusic(); } if (_root.BGMmute == true) { _parent._parent.volSetting.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance btnMus7 of movieClip 1842 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 7) { _root.BGMplaying = 7; _root.Music(); _parent.resetMusic(); } if (_root.BGMmute == true) { _parent._parent.volSetting.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance btnMus2 of movieClip 1848 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.BGMplaying != 2) { _root.BGMplaying = 2; _root.Music(); _parent.resetMusic(); } if (_root.BGMmute == true) { _parent._parent.volSetting.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } } button 8161 { on (release) { if (busy != true) { if (_parent.HUD.ended == true) { gotoAndPlay('transChange'); } else { if (ender._currentframe == 3) { gotoAndPlay('transChange'); } else { if (ender._currentframe == 4) { gotoAndPlay('transGo'); } else { gotoAndPlay('transCome'); } } } } } on (rollOver) { pip._visible = false; } } movieClip 8162 { } movieClip 8163 { frame 1 { function replaceGirl() { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); ender.headStripping.iconReset(); ender.bodyStripping.iconReset(); _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } gotoAndStop('hide'); } instance volSetting of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.BGMmute != true) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); _root.BGMmute = true; } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.BGMmute = false; } } } instance sfxSetting of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); _root.SFXmute = true; } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); _root.SFXmute = false; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 166 { ender.gotoAndStop('end'); } frame 181 { stop(); busy = false; } frame 182 { gotoAndStop('done'); } frame 183 { ender.gotoAndStop('dress'); } frame 193 { gotoAndStop('done'); } frame 204 { gotoAndPlay('skip'); } frame 215 { if (ender._currentframe == 2) { ender.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (ender._currentframe == 3) { ender.gotoAndStop(4); } else { ender.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 225 { gotoAndStop('done'); } frame 236 { ender.gotoAndStop('end'); gotoAndStop('hide'); } } movieClip 8166 { } movieClip 8168 { } movieClip 8169 { } movieClip 8171 { } movieClip 8173 { } movieClip 8175 { } movieClip 8177 { } movieClip 8179 { } movieClip 8181 { } movieClip 8183 { } movieClip 8185 { } movieClip 8187 { } movieClip 8189 { } movieClip 8191 { } movieClip 8192 { } movieClip 8194 { } movieClip 8196 { } movieClip 8198 { } movieClip 8200 { } movieClip 8209 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8217 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8219 { } movieClip 8221 { } movieClip 8230 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8239 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8248 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8257 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8261 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8291 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8323 { frame 1 { function pre() { _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud4.hold = true;'cum'); } gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 35 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('volus1'); } } frame 37 { pre(); } frame 38 { pre(); } frame 54 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('volus2'); } } frame 82 { gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 113 { pre(); } frame 114 { pre(); } frame 114 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('volus1'); } } frame 133 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('volus2'); } } frame 161 { gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 230 { } frame 244 { _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud4._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud4._endNumberAim = 1; } frame 355 { gotoAndStop('came'); _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud4.hold = false; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud4._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud4._endNumberAim = 10; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud4.prog = 0; _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud4.gotoAndStop('slow'); _parent._parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud4.speedSelect._visible = true; } } movieClip 8324 { } movieClip 8331 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8339 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8340 { } movieClip 8344 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8352 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8354 { } movieClip 8360 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8375 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 34 { gotoAndStop('came'); } frame 66 { gotoAndStop('came'); } } movieClip 8383 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8385 { } movieClip 8388 { } movieClip 8440 { frame 1 { function pre() { _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud5.hold = true;'cum'); } gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 8 { pre(); } frame 9 { pre(); } frame 45 { _parent.cum2.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.pelvis.cum.gotoAndPlay('cum'); } frame 45 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('human1'); } } frame 46 { _parent.cum2.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.pelvis.cum.gotoAndPlay('cum'); } frame 62 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('human2'); } } frame 93 { gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 98 { pre(); } frame 99 { pre(); } frame 135 { pre(); _parent.cum2.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.pelvis.cum.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); } frame 135 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('human1'); } } frame 136 { pre(); _parent.cum2.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.pelvis.cum.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); } frame 152 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('human2'); } } frame 183 { gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 230 { } frame 244 { _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.humanGrav = 0.005; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud5._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud5._endNumberAim = 1; } frame 355 { gotoAndStop('came'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud5.hold = false; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud5._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud5._endNumberAim = 10; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud5.prog = 0; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud5.gotoAndStop('slow'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud5.speedSelect._visible = true; } } movieClip 8447 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 34 { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } movieClip 8449 { } movieClip 8451 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8453 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8455 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8457 { } movieClip 8466 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8476 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8485 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8494 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8496 { } movieClip 8510 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8512 { } movieClip 8519 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8527 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8536 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8544 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8551 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8559 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8560 { } movieClip 8562 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8563 { } movieClip 8573 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8581 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8583 { } movieClip 8585 { } movieClip 8586 { frame 1 { stop(); var gravi = new Gravitation(7); act.gotoAndStop(61); gravi.move_draw = 0.5; gravi.swing_draw[0] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[0] = 0.15; gravi.swing_draw[1] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[1] = 0.1; gravi.swing_draw[2] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[2] = 0.08; gravi.swing_draw[3] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[3] = 0.11; gravi.swing_draw[4] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[4] = 0.09; gravi.swing_draw[5] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[5] = 0.13; gravi.swing_draw[6] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[6] = 0.12; gravi.control_mode = 1; gravi.auto_fade_out_speed = 0.006; blink_anim1 = 0; CycleAnimsUpdate = function () { blink_anim1 += 0.008333; if (blink_anim1 >= 1) { blink_anim1 -= 1; } }; onEnterFrame = function () { CycleAnimsUpdate(); gravi.Update(); act.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.move_draw * panel.frame_width + panel.frame_start)); act.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h3.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h4.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h5.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act.h6.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.h7.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act.h8.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h9.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h10.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h11.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act.h12.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.h13.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act.h14.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h15.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h16.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h17.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.h18.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act.h19.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h20.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h21.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h3.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h4.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h5.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h6.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.head2.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act.head2.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); if (gravi.control_mode == 2) { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k <= 0) { gravi.control_mode = 1; panel.frame_width = 1; panel.btn_0.onPress(); act.boob.head.gotoAndStop(2); act.head_guy1.gotoAndStop(2); act.head_guy2.gotoAndStop(2); play(); } else { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.85) { if (cummed2 == undefined) { cummed2 = true;; } } else { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.9) { if (cummed1 == undefined) { act.boob.head.gotoAndStop(3); act.head_guy1.gotoAndStop(3); act.head_guy2.gotoAndStop(3); cummed1 = true;; } } } } } }; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.per_s3 = true; if (_root.per_s1 == true && _root.per_s2 == true && _root.per_s3 == true) { _root.gotoScreen('1'); } } } movieClip 8588 { } movieClip 8590 { } movieClip 8592 { } movieClip 8594 { } movieClip 8596 { } movieClip 8598 { } movieClip 8600 { } movieClip 8602 { } movieClip 8604 { } movieClip 8606 { } movieClip 8623 { frame 1 { function pre() { _parent.eyes.gotoAndPlay('closed'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1.hold = true;'cum'); if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { _parent.cumInsideMask.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.cumMask.gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { _parent.cumInside.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.cumMouth.gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } function preRe() { _parent.eyes.gotoAndPlay('closed'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1.hold = true;'cum'); if (_root.character == 5 or _root.character == 6) { _parent.cumInsideMask.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.cumMask.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); } else { _parent.cumInside.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.cumMouth.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); } } gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 20 { pre(); } frame 21 { pre(); } frame 28 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('turian1'); } } frame 46 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('turian2'); } } frame 49 { gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 66 { preRe(); } frame 67 { preRe(); } frame 74 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('turian1'); } } frame 92 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('turian2'); } } frame 95 { gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 125 { _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.turianGrav = 0.005; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1._endNumberAim = 1; } frame 275 { gotoAndStop('came'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1.hold = false; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1._endNumberAim = 10; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1.prog = 0; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1.gotoAndStop('slow'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud1.speedSelect._visible = true; } } movieClip 8625 { } movieClip 8627 { } movieClip 8629 { } movieClip 8632 { } movieClip 8634 { } movieClip 8636 { } movieClip 8638 { } movieClip 8646 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8654 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8660 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8668 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8676 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8685 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8694 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8703 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8705 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8716 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8725 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 8726 { } movieClip 8728 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8730 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8731 { } movieClip 8740 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8749 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8751 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8760 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8769 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 8779 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 8781 { frame 1 { if (_root.hideNipples == false) { if (_root.strippedTop == true or _root.strippedFull == true) { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } else { gotoAndStop('hide'); } } } movieClip 8786 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8788 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8790 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8791 { } movieClip 8792 { } movieClip 8794 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8798 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8806 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8808 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8810 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8812 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8814 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8821 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8829 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8831 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8844 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8854 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8883 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8893 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8894 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(random(60) + 1); if (!eyes) { up._visible = false; down._visible = true; back._visible = false; } eyes = Math.ceil(random(10)); if (eyes == 1) { up._visible = true; down._visible = false; back._visible = false; } else { if (eyes == 2) { up._visible = false; down._visible = true; back._visible = false; } else { if (eyes == 3) { up._visible = false; down._visible = false; back._visible = true; } } } } frame 105 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 106 { gotoAndPlay(random(60) + 106); } frame 250 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 8896 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8906 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } } movieClip 8908 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8910 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('no'); } } movieClip 8912 { } movieClip 8914 { } movieClip 8924 { } movieClip 8925 { frame 1 { stop(); var gravi = new Gravitation(7); act.gotoAndStop(61); gravi.move_draw = 0.5; gravi.swing_draw[0] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[0] = 0.15; gravi.swing_draw[1] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[1] = 0.1; gravi.swing_draw[2] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[2] = 0.08; gravi.swing_draw[3] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[3] = 0.11; gravi.swing_draw[4] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[4] = 0.09; gravi.swing_draw[5] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[5] = 0.13; gravi.swing_draw[6] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[6] = 0.12; gravi.control_mode = 1; gravi.auto_fade_out_speed = 0.006; blink_anim1 = 0; CycleAnimsUpdate = function () { blink_anim1 += 0.008333; if (blink_anim1 >= 1) { blink_anim1 -= 1; } }; onEnterFrame = function () { CycleAnimsUpdate(); gravi.Update(); act.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.move_draw * panel.frame_width + panel.frame_start)); act.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h3.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h4.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h5.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act.h6.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.h7.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act.h8.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h9.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h10.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h11.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act.h12.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.h13.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act.h14.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h15.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h16.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h17.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.h18.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act.h19.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h20.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h21.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h3.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h4.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h5.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h6.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.head2.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act.head2.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); if (gravi.control_mode == 2) { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k <= 0) { gravi.control_mode = 1; panel.frame_width = 1; panel.btn_0.onPress(); act.boob.head.gotoAndStop(2); act.head_guy1.gotoAndStop(2); act.head_guy2.gotoAndStop(2); play(); } else { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.85) { if (cummed2 == undefined) { cummed2 = true;; } } else { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.9) { if (cummed1 == undefined) { act.boob.head.gotoAndStop(3); act.head_guy1.gotoAndStop(3); act.head_guy2.gotoAndStop(3); cummed1 = true;; } } } } } }; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.per_s1 = true; if (_root.per_s1 == true && _root.per_s2 == true && _root.per_s3 == true) { _root.gotoScreen('1'); } } } movieClip 8933 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8941 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8947 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8955 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8963 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 8973 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 8975 { } movieClip 8977 { } movieClip 8979 { } movieClip 8981 { } movieClip 8982 { } movieClip 8984 { } movieClip 9028 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 17 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('krogan1'); } } frame 19 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.eyes.gotoAndPlay('closed'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud3.hold = true;'cum'); } frame 25 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('krogan2'); } } frame 33 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumFace1.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 34 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumFace2.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 35 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumNeck3.gotoAndStop('yes'); _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumFace3.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 36 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumNeck4.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 38 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.h2.cumChest1.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 39 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.h2.cumChest3.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 41 {; } frame 45 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.h2.cumChest2.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 46 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.h1.cumChest3.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 47 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.h1.cumChest4.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 47 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('krogan3'); } } frame 64 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumHair.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 67 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumNeck1.gotoAndStop('yes'); _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumShoulder1.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 68 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumNeck2.gotoAndStop('yes'); _parent.cumShoulder2.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 69 { _parent.cumShoulder3.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 71 { gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 125 { _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud3._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud3._endNumberAim = 1; } frame 275 { gotoAndStop('hide'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud3.hold = false; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud3._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud3._endNumberAim = 10; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud3.prog = 0; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud3.gotoAndStop('slow'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud3.speedSelect._visible = true; } } movieClip 9038 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 115 { gotoAndStop('halt'); } } movieClip 9046 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9060 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9067 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9075 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9081 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9089 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9091 { } movieClip 9093 { } movieClip 9095 { } movieClip 9097 { } movieClip 9099 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9100 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9102 { } movieClip 9103 { frame 1 { stop(); var gravi = new Gravitation(7); act1.gotoAndStop(61); gravi.move_draw = 0.5; gravi.swing_draw[0] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[0] = 0.15; gravi.swing_draw[1] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[1] = 0.1; gravi.swing_draw[2] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[2] = 0.08; gravi.swing_draw[3] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[3] = 0.11; gravi.swing_draw[4] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[4] = 0.09; gravi.swing_draw[5] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[5] = 0.13; gravi.swing_draw[6] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[6] = 0.12; gravi.control_mode = 1; gravi.auto_fade_out_speed = 0.006; blink_anim1 = 0; CycleAnimsUpdate = function () { blink_anim1 += 0.008333; if (blink_anim1 >= 1) { blink_anim1 -= 1; } }; onEnterFrame = function () { CycleAnimsUpdate(); gravi.Update(); act1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.move_draw * panel.frame_width + panel.frame_start)); act1.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act1.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act1.h3.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act1.h4.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h5.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act1.h6.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act1.h7.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act1.h8.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act1.h9.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act1.h10.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act1.h11.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act1.h12.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act1.h13.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act1.h14.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act1.h15.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act1.h16.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act1.h17.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act1.h18.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act1.h19.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act1.h20.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act1.h21.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); if (gravi.control_mode == 2) { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k <= 0) { gravi.control_mode = 1; panel.frame_width = 1; panel.btn_0.onPress(); act1.boob.head.gotoAndStop(2); act1.head_guy1.gotoAndStop(2); act1.head_guy2.gotoAndStop(2); play(); } else { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.85) { if (cummed2 == undefined) { cummed2 = true;; } } else { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.9) { if (cummed1 == undefined) { act1.boob.head.gotoAndStop(3); act1.head_guy1.gotoAndStop(3); act1.head_guy2.gotoAndStop(3); cummed1 = true;; } } } } } }; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.per_s2 = true; if (_root.per_s1 == true && _root.per_s2 == true && _root.per_s3 == true) { _root.gotoScreen('1'); } } } movieClip 9109 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9117 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9123 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9131 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9139 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9148 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9155 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9184 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9186 { } movieClip 9248 { } movieClip 9286 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 16 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.eyes.gotoAndPlay('closed'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud2.hold = true;'cum'); } frame 24 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('vorcha1'); } } frame 35 {; } frame 35 { if (_root.SFXmute != true) { _root.sounds.gotoAndStop('vorcha2'); } } frame 42 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.cumChest.gotoAndStop('yes'); _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.h1.cumChest1.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 69 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.h1.cumChest2.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 73 { _parent._parent._parent.turian.act.h2.cumChest1.gotoAndStop('yes'); } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 125 { _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud2._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud2._endNumberAim = 1; } frame 275 { gotoAndStop('hide'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud2.hold = false; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud2._startNumberAim = 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud2._endNumberAim = 10; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud2.prog = 0; _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud2.gotoAndStop('slow'); _parent._parent._parent._parent.HUD.hud2.speedSelect._visible = true; } } movieClip 9301 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 115 { gotoAndStop('halt'); } } movieClip 9311 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9319 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9325 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9333 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9339 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.costume + 1); } } movieClip 9347 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9350 { } movieClip 9352 { } movieClip 9354 { } movieClip 9356 { } movieClip 9358 { } movieClip 9360 { } movieClip 9362 { } movieClip 9364 { } movieClip 9366 { } movieClip 9370 { } movieClip 9371 { frame 1 { stop(); var gravi = new Gravitation(7); act.gotoAndStop(61); gravi.move_draw = 0.5; gravi.swing_draw[0] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[0] = 0.15; gravi.swing_draw[1] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[1] = 0.1; gravi.swing_draw[2] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[2] = 0.08; gravi.swing_draw[3] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[3] = 0.11; gravi.swing_draw[4] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[4] = 0.09; gravi.swing_draw[5] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[5] = 0.13; gravi.swing_draw[6] = 0.5; gravi.swing_fadeout[6] = 0.12; gravi.control_mode = 1; gravi.auto_fade_out_speed = 0.006; blink_anim1 = 0; CycleAnimsUpdate = function () { blink_anim1 += 0.008333; if (blink_anim1 >= 1) { blink_anim1 -= 1; } }; onEnterFrame = function () { CycleAnimsUpdate(); gravi.Update(); act.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.move_draw * panel.frame_width + panel.frame_start)); act.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h3.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h4.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h5.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act.h6.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.h7.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act.h8.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h9.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h10.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h11.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act.h12.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.h13.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act.h14.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h15.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h16.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.h17.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.h18.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[6] * 60 + 1)); act.h19.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.h20.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.h21.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h3.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[2] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h4.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[3] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h5.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[4] * 60 + 1)); act.head1.h6.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[5] * 60 + 1)); act.head2.h1.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[0] * 60 + 1)); act.head2.h2.gotoAndStop(int(gravi.swing_draw[1] * 60 + 1)); if (gravi.control_mode == 2) { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k <= 0) { gravi.control_mode = 1; panel.frame_width = 1; panel.btn_0.onPress(); act.boob.head.gotoAndStop(2); act.head_guy1.gotoAndStop(2); act.head_guy2.gotoAndStop(2); play(); } else { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.85) { if (cummed2 == undefined) { cummed2 = true;; } } else { if (gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.9) { if (cummed1 == undefined) { act.boob.head.gotoAndStop(3); act.head_guy1.gotoAndStop(3); act.head_guy2.gotoAndStop(3); cummed1 = true;; } } } } } }; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.per_s1 = true; if (_root.per_s1 == true && _root.per_s2 == true && _root.per_s3 == true) { _root.gotoScreen('1'); } } } movieClip 9372 { } movieClip 9382 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9399 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 67 { gotoAndStop('came'); } frame 133 { gotoAndStop('came'); } } movieClip 9409 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9423 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop('hide'); } frame 72 { gotoAndStop('came'); } frame 143 { gotoAndStop('came'); } } movieClip 9435 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9447 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9459 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9471 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9483 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9495 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9507 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9519 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9531 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9543 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9555 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9567 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9579 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9591 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9603 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9615 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9627 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9639 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9651 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9663 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9675 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9687 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9699 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9711 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9723 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9735 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9747 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9759 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9782 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 9791 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9801 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.character + 1); } } movieClip 9824 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 9838 { frame 1096 { stop(); } } button 9840 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _parent._parent.endScene.krogan.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; _startNumberAim = 120; _endNumberAim = 120; cum(); speedSelect._visible = false; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9841 { on (release) { playSpeed = 20; _parent._parent.endScene.krogan.gravi.auto_speed = 0.15; _startNumberAim = 35; _endNumberAim = 120; speedSelect._x = 36.2; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9842 { on (release) { playSpeed = 9; _parent._parent.endScene.krogan.gravi.auto_speed = 0.1; _startNumberAim = 10; _endNumberAim = 70; speedSelect._x = 27.8; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9843 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _parent._parent.endScene.krogan.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9844 { on (release) { playSpeed = 3; _parent._parent.endScene.krogan.gravi.auto_speed = 0.05; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 50; speedSelect._x = 19.35; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } movieClip 9846 { frame 1 { function cum() { hold = 'cum'; gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.endScene.krogan.act1.cum.gotoAndPlay('cum'); came = true; _parent.checkEnd(); } function frame() { if (_startNumber != _startNumberAim) { if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber) { --_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim > _startNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_endNumber != _endNumberAim) { if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber) { --_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim > _endNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_delta != playSpeed) { if (_delta < playSpeed) { _delta += 0.1; } else { if (_delta > playSpeed) { _delta -= 0.5; } } } new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > _endNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _endNumber; } if (new_frame < _startNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _startNumber; } _parent._parent.endScene.krogan.act1.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); if (hold != 'cum' && hold != true) { if (prog <= 250) { if (playSpeed >= 3) { ++prog; } } else { if (prog > 250 && prog <= 500) { if (playSpeed >= 9) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 5) { gotoAndStop('mid'); } } else { if (prog > 500 && prog <= 750) { if (playSpeed >= 20) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 4) { gotoAndStop('fast'); } } else { if (prog >= 750) { prog = 1000; if (_currentframe >= 3) { gotoAndStop('cum'); } } } } } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); } if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (Math.floor(_delta) > 0) { if (_root.SFXhandRPlaying != true) { _root.SoundHandRight.SFXhandR.start(0, 999); _root.SFXhandRPlaying = true; } if (_root.SFXhandRVol != Math.round(_delta) * 5) { _root.SoundHandRight.SFXhandR.setVolume(Math.round(_delta) * 5); _root.SFXhandRVol = Math.round(_delta) * 5; } } else { if (_root.SFXhandRPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHandRight.SFXhandR.stop(); _root.SFXhandRPlaying = false; } } } else { if (_root.SFXhandRPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHandRight.SFXhandR.stop(); _root.SFXhandRPlaying = false; } } } _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; playSpeed = 0.5; _delta = 0.5; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); hold = false; came = false; _startNumber = 1; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumber = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; _parent._parent.endScene.krogan.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; if (!prog) { prog = 0; } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); gotoAndStop('slow'); } } button 9848 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _parent._parent.endScene.lower.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; _parent.humanGrav = 0.002; _startNumberAim = 120; _endNumberAim = 120; cum(); speedSelect._visible = false; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9849 { on (release) { playSpeed = 20; _parent._parent.endScene.lower.gravi.auto_speed = 0.15; _parent.humanGrav = 0.075; _startNumberAim = 35; _endNumberAim = 120; speedSelect._x = 36.2; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9850 { on (release) { playSpeed = 9; _parent._parent.endScene.lower.gravi.auto_speed = 0.1; _parent.humanGrav = 0.05; _startNumberAim = 10; _endNumberAim = 100; speedSelect._x = 27.8; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9851 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _parent._parent.endScene.lower.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; _parent.humanGrav = 0.005; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9852 { on (release) { playSpeed = 3; _parent._parent.endScene.lower.gravi.auto_speed = 0.05; _parent.humanGrav = 0.025; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 50; speedSelect._x = 19.35; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } movieClip 9853 { frame 1 { function cum() { hold = 'cum'; gotoAndStop('hold'); if (came == true) { _parent._parent.endScene.lower.act.cum1.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); _parent.xrayV.cum1.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); _parent.xrayV.cum2.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); } else { _parent._parent.endScene.lower.act.cum1.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.xrayV.cum1.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.xrayV.cum2.gotoAndPlay('cum'); } came = true; _parent.checkEnd(); } function frame() { if (_startNumber != _startNumberAim) { if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber) { --_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim > _startNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_endNumber != _endNumberAim) { if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber) { --_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim > _endNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_delta != playSpeed) { if (_delta < playSpeed) { _delta += 0.1; } else { if (_delta > playSpeed) { _delta -= 0.5; } } } new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > _endNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _endNumber; } if (new_frame < _startNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _startNumber; } _parent._parent.endScene.lower.act.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); _parent._parent.HUD.xrayV.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); if (hold != 'cum' && hold != true) { if (prog <= 250) { if (playSpeed >= 3) { ++prog; } } else { if (prog > 250 && prog <= 500) { if (playSpeed >= 9) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 5) { gotoAndStop('mid'); } } else { if (prog > 500 && prog <= 750) { if (playSpeed >= 20) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 4) { gotoAndStop('fast'); } } else { if (prog >= 750) { prog = 1000; if (_currentframe >= 3) { gotoAndStop('cum'); } } } } } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); } if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (Math.floor(_delta) > 0) { if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying != true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.start(0, 999); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = true; } if (_root.SFXpussyVol != Math.round(_delta) * 5) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.setVolume(Math.round(_delta) * 5); _root.SFXpussyVol = Math.round(_delta) * 5; } } else { if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } } } else { if (_root.SFXpussyPlaying == true) { _root.SoundPussy.SFXpussy.stop(); _root.SFXpussyPlaying = false; } } } _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; playSpeed = 0.5; _delta = 0.5; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); hold = false; came = false; _startNumber = 1; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumber = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; _parent._parent.endScene.lower.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; _parent.humanGrav = 0.005; if (!prog) { prog = 0; } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); gotoAndStop('slow'); } } button 9855 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _parent._parent.endScene.lower.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; _parent.humanGrav = 0.005; _startNumberAim = 120; _endNumberAim = 120; cum(); speedSelect._visible = false; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9856 { on (release) { playSpeed = 20; _startNumberAim = 35; _endNumberAim = 120; speedSelect._x = 36.2; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9857 { on (release) { playSpeed = 9; _startNumberAim = 10; _endNumberAim = 100; speedSelect._x = 27.8; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9858 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9859 { on (release) { playSpeed = 3; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 50; speedSelect._x = 19.35; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } movieClip 9860 { frame 1 { function cum() { hold = 'cum'; gotoAndStop('hold'); if (came == true) { _parent._parent.endScene.lower.act.h3.cum.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); _parent.xrayA.cum1.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); _parent.xrayA.cum2.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); } else { _parent._parent.endScene.lower.act.h3.cum.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.xrayA.cum1.gotoAndPlay('cum'); _parent.xrayA.cum2.gotoAndPlay('cum'); } came = true; _parent.checkEnd(); } function frame() { if (_startNumber != _startNumberAim) { if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber) { --_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim > _startNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_endNumber != _endNumberAim) { if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber) { --_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim > _endNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_delta != playSpeed) { if (_delta < playSpeed) { _delta += 0.1; } else { if (_delta > playSpeed) { _delta -= 0.5; } } } new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > _endNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _endNumber; } if (new_frame < _startNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _startNumber; } _parent._parent.endScene.lower.actBack.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); _parent._parent.HUD.xrayA.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); if (hold != 'cum' && hold != true) { if (prog <= 250) { if (playSpeed >= 3) { ++prog; } } else { if (prog > 250 && prog <= 500) { if (playSpeed >= 9) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 5) { gotoAndStop('mid'); } } else { if (prog > 500 && prog <= 750) { if (playSpeed >= 20) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 4) { gotoAndStop('fast'); } } else { if (prog >= 750) { prog = 1000; if (_currentframe >= 3) { gotoAndStop('cum'); } } } } } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); } if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (Math.floor(_delta) > 0) { if (_root.SFXassPlaying != true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.start(0, 999); _root.SFXassPlaying = true; } if (_root.SFXassVol != Math.round(_delta) / 2) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.setVolume(Math.round(_delta) / 2); _root.SFXassVol = Math.round(_delta) / 2; } } else { if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } } else { if (_root.SFXassPlaying == true) { _root.SoundAss.SFXass.stop(); _root.SFXassPlaying = false; } } } _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; playSpeed = 0.5; _delta = 0.5; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); hold = false; came = false; _startNumber = 1; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumber = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; if (!prog) { prog = 0; } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); gotoAndStop('slow'); } } button 9862 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _parent._parent.endScene.vorcha.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; _startNumberAim = 120; _endNumberAim = 120; cum(); speedSelect._visible = false; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9863 { on (release) { playSpeed = 20; _parent._parent.endScene.vorcha.gravi.auto_speed = 0.15; _startNumberAim = 35; _endNumberAim = 120; speedSelect._x = 36.2; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9864 { on (release) { playSpeed = 9; _parent._parent.endScene.vorcha.gravi.auto_speed = 0.1; _startNumberAim = 10; _endNumberAim = 70; speedSelect._x = 27.8; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9865 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _parent._parent.endScene.vorcha.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9866 { on (release) { playSpeed = 3; _parent._parent.endScene.vorcha.gravi.auto_speed = 0.05; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 50; speedSelect._x = 19.35; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } movieClip 9867 { frame 1 { function cum() { hold = 'cum'; gotoAndStop('hold'); _parent._parent.endScene.vorcha.act.cum.gotoAndPlay('cum'); came = true; _parent.checkEnd(); } function frame() { if (_startNumber != _startNumberAim) { if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber) { --_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim > _startNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_endNumber != _endNumberAim) { if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber) { --_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim > _endNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_delta != playSpeed) { if (_delta < playSpeed) { _delta += 0.1; } else { if (_delta > playSpeed) { _delta -= 0.5; } } } new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > _endNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _endNumber; } if (new_frame < _startNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _startNumber; } _parent._parent.endScene.vorcha.act.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); if (hold != 'cum' && hold != true) { if (prog <= 250) { if (playSpeed >= 3) { ++prog; } } else { if (prog > 250 && prog <= 500) { if (playSpeed >= 9) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 5) { gotoAndStop('mid'); } } else { if (prog > 500 && prog <= 750) { if (playSpeed >= 20) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 4) { gotoAndStop('fast'); } } else { if (prog >= 750) { prog = 1000; if (_currentframe >= 3) { gotoAndStop('cum'); } } } } } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); } if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (Math.floor(_delta) > 0) { if (_root.SFXhandLPlaying != true) { _root.SoundHandLeft.SFXhandL.start(0, 999); _root.SFXhandLPlaying = true; } if (_root.SFXhandLVol != Math.round(_delta) * 5) { _root.SoundHandLeft.SFXhandL.setVolume(Math.round(_delta) * 5); _root.SFXhandLVol = Math.round(_delta) * 5; } } else { if (_root.SFXhandLPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHandLeft.SFXhandL.stop(); _root.SFXhandLPlaying = false; } } } else { if (_root.SFXhandLPlaying == true) { _root.SoundHandLeft.SFXhandL.stop(); _root.SFXhandLPlaying = false; } } } _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; playSpeed = 0.5; _delta = 0.5; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); hold = false; came = false; _startNumber = 1; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumber = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; _parent._parent.endScene.vorcha.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; if (!prog) { prog = 0; } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); gotoAndStop('slow'); } } button 9869 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _parent._parent.endScene.lower.gravi.auto_speed = 0.01; _parent.humanGrav = 0.002; _startNumberAim = 120; _endNumberAim = 120; cum(); speedSelect._visible = false; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9870 { on (release) { playSpeed = 20; _parent.turianGrav = 0.075; _startNumberAim = 35; _endNumberAim = 120; speedSelect._x = 36.2; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9871 { on (release) { playSpeed = 9; _parent.turianGrav = 0.05; _startNumberAim = 10; _endNumberAim = 70; speedSelect._x = 27.8; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9872 { on (release) { playSpeed = 0.5; _parent.turianGrav = 0.005; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; speedSelect._x = 10.95; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } button 9873 { on (release) { playSpeed = 3; _parent.turianGrav = 0.025; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumberAim = 50; speedSelect._x = 19.35; speedSelect._y = -1.55; } } movieClip 9874 { frame 1 { function cum() { hold = 'cum'; gotoAndStop('hold'); if (came == true) { _parent._parent.endScene.turian.act.cumWang.gotoAndPlay('cumRe'); } else { _parent._parent.endScene.turian.act.cumWang.gotoAndPlay('cum'); } came = true; _parent.checkEnd(); } function frame() { if (_startNumber != _startNumberAim) { if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber) { --_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim < _startNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_startNumber; if (_startNumberAim > _startNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _startNumber = Math.round(_startNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_endNumber != _endNumberAim) { if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber) { --_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim < _endNumber * 0.75 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 0.9); } } else { ++_endNumber; if (_endNumberAim > _endNumber * 1.25 && hold != true) { _endNumber = Math.round(_endNumber * 1.1); } } } if (_delta != playSpeed) { if (_delta < playSpeed) { _delta += 0.1; } else { if (_delta > playSpeed) { _delta -= 0.5; } } } new_frame += _direction * _delta; if (new_frame > _endNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _endNumber; } if (new_frame < _startNumber) { _direction *= -1; new_frame = _startNumber; } _parent._parent.endScene.turian.act.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); _parent._parent.endScene.turianBack.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(new_frame)); if (hold != 'cum' && hold != true) { if (prog <= 250) { if (playSpeed >= 3) { ++prog; } } else { if (prog > 250 && prog <= 500) { if (playSpeed >= 9) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 5) { gotoAndStop('mid'); } } else { if (prog > 500 && prog <= 750) { if (playSpeed >= 20) { ++prog; } if (_currentframe >= 4) { gotoAndStop('fast'); } } else { if (prog >= 750) { prog = 1000; if (_currentframe >= 3) { gotoAndStop('cum'); } } } } } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); } if (_root.SFXmute != true) { if (Math.floor(_delta) > 0) { if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying != true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.start(0, 999); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = true; } if (_root.SFXmouthVol != Math.round(_delta) * 5) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.setVolume(Math.round(_delta) * 5); _root.SFXmouthVol = Math.round(_delta) * 5; } } else { if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } } } else { if (_root.SFXmouthPlaying == true) { _root.SoundMouth.SFXmouth.stop(); _root.SFXmouthPlaying = false; } } } _mode = 0; new_frame = 1; _direction = 1; playSpeed = 0.5; _delta = 0.5; pleasure_meter._visible = true; pleasure_meter.reset(); hold = false; came = false; _startNumber = 1; _startNumberAim = 1; _endNumber = 1; _endNumberAim = 10; _parent.turianGrav = 0.005; if (!prog) { prog = 0; } bar.gotoAndStop(prog + 2); gotoAndStop('slow'); } } movieClip 9875 { frame 1 { function checkEnd() { if (ended != true) { if (hud1.came == true && hud2.came == true && hud3.came == true && hud4.came == true && hud5.came == true) { _parent.overlay.busy = true; if (_parent.overlay.ender._currentframe == 3) { _parent.overlay.gotoAndPlay('transKill'); } else { _parent.overlay.gotoAndPlay('trans'); } ended = true; } } } gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 2 { hud1.frame(); hud2.frame(); hud3.frame(); hud4.frame(); hud5.frame(); _parent.endScene.turian.gravi.auto_speed = turianGrav + humanGrav; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 9876 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); _root.level_pause = true; _root.UI.swapDepths(1000); _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadein'); _root.hideNipples = false; _root.hidePussy = false; _root.strippedTop = false; _root.strippedBot = false; _root.strippedFull = true; } frame 2 { stop(); } } frame 10 { gotoAndStop(9); } frame 11 { gotoAndStop(12); } frame 12 { _root.level_pause = false; _root.UI.swapDepths(1000); _root.ending.swapDepths(1000); _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadein'); _root.volumeCustom = true; _root.BGMmax = 25; _root.replaceName = 'a0'; _root.attachMovie(_root.replaceName, 'girl', 0); girl._x = 1000; girl._y = 1000; } button 9879 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 9880 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 9881 { on (release) { if (clicked != true) { _root.fadescreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeoutquick'); _root.fadescreen.swapDepths(100000); _root.sceneGoingTo = 'restart'; clicked = true; } } } movieClip 9884 { } movieClip 9887 { } movieClip 9889 { } movieClip 9891 { frame 1 { _root.fadescreen.gotoAndStop('screen'); gotoAndPlay('fadein'); } frame 195 { stop(); } } frame 13 { gotoAndStop(12); }
Created: 1/8 -2019 12:03:22 Last modified: 1/8 -2019 12:03:22 Server time: 15/11 -2024 04:46:00