Archived flashes:
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This is the info page for
Flash #221757

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 2 { stop(); } movieClip 3 { } movieClip 4 { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 178 movieClip 9 { } movieClip 10 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v2 = new Object(); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; var v3 = new Color(flagcol); v3.setTransform(v2); } stop(); } } button 13 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { tilealpha = 35; if (moves < 0.1) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.gotoAndStop(102); _root.mapholder.mapp.chosenextmove.gotoAndStop(locat); } if (Key.isDown(8)) { _root.preg = 1; } allowmapmov = 0; } var allowmapmov = 0; var aszcb = 5000; var pcb = 1500; var astcb = 9; var prodmod = 1000; var mgrainu = 0.43; var mwoodu = 5.13; var msaltu = 0.0179; var recriron = 0.33; var recrcopper = 0.13; var moves = 5; var dayy = 0; var locat = 1; var visiting = 1; var stayincap = 1; var sendsoldiersto = 1; var sendsoldsamt = 0; var invloc = 1; var grain = 791400; var wood = 99105; var salt = 1169088; var iron = 11137; var copper = 56189; var silver = 7558; var gold = 2210; var gemstones = 117; var da1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var da2 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var da3 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var da4 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var da5 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var da6 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var da7 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var da8 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var armyst = [1, 1, 1, 1]; var battles = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var temples = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var taxes = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]; var kd0 = [79, 1, 0.5, 30, 50, 30, 30, 30, 30, 1, 1]; var kd0name = 'Enter Name'; var kd0ruler = 'Enter Name'; var kd1 = [79, 5791, 0.5, 30, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; var kd1name = 'Unnamed Kingdom'; var kd1ruler = 'Enter Name'; var kd2 = [79, 5791, 0.5, 100, 30, 100, 100, 100, 100]; var kd2name = 'Unnamed Kingdom'; var kd2ruler = 'Enter Name'; var kd3 = [79, 5791, 0.5, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; var kd3name = 'Unnamed Kingdom'; var kd3ruler = 'Enter Name'; var kd4 = [79, 5791, 0.5, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; var kd4name = 'Unnamed Kingdom'; var kd4ruler = 'Enter Name'; var kd5 = [79, 5791, 0.5, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; var kd5name = 'Unnamed Kingdom'; var kd5ruler = 'Enter Name'; var kd6 = [79, 5791, 0.5, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; var kd6name = 'Unnamed Kingdom'; var kd6ruler = 'Enter Name'; var kd7 = [79, 5791, 0.5, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; var kd7name = 'Unnamed Kingdom'; var kd7ruler = 'Enter Name'; var kd8 = [79, 5791, 0.5, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; var kd8name = 'Unnamed Kingdom'; var kd8ruler = 'Enter Name'; var kd9 = [79, 5791, 0.5, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; var kd9name = 'Unnamed Kingdom'; var kd9ruler = 'Enter Name'; var tnames = ['Tile1', 'Tile2', 'Tile3', 'Tile4', 'Tile5', 'Tile6', 'Tile7', 'Tile8', 'Tile9', 'Tile10', 'Tile11', 'Tile12', 'Tile13', 'Tile14', 'Tile15', 'Tile16', 'Tile17', 'Tile18', 'Tile19', 'Tile20', 'Tile21', 'Tile22', 'Tile23', 'Tile24', 'Tile25', 'Tile26', 'Tile27', 'Tile28', 'Tile29', 'Tile30']; var t1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]; var t2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]; var t3 = [0, 0, 30, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t4 = [0, 0, 30, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t5 = [0, 0, 30, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t6 = [0, 0, 30, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t7 = [0, 0, 30, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t8 = [0, 0, 30, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t9 = [0, 0, 30, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t10 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t11 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t12 = [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t13 = [0, 3, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t14 = [0, 4, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t15 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t16 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t17 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t18 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t19 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t20 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t21 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t22 = [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t23 = [0, 3, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t24 = [0, 4, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t25 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t26 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t27 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t28 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t29 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t30 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t31 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t32 = [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t33 = [0, 3, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t34 = [0, 4, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t35 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t36 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t37 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t38 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t39 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t40 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t41 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t42 = [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t43 = [0, 3, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t44 = [0, 4, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t45 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t46 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t47 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t48 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t49 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t50 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t51 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t52 = [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t53 = [0, 3, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t54 = [0, 4, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t55 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t56 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t57 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t58 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t59 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t60 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t61 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t62 = [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t63 = [0, 3, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t64 = [0, 4, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t65 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t66 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t67 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t68 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t69 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t70 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t71 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t72 = [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t73 = [0, 3, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t74 = [0, 4, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t75 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t76 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t77 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t78 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t79 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t80 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t81 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t82 = [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t83 = [0, 3, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t84 = [0, 4, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t85 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t86 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t87 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t88 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t89 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t90 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t91 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t92 = [0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t93 = [0, 3, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t94 = [0, 4, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t95 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t96 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t97 = [0, 3, 5, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t98 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t99 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t100 = [0, 1, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var t101 = [0, 2, 9, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var visited = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var hair = 1; var pubes = 1; var eyebrows = 4; var iris = 1; var cornea = 1; var glasses = 1; var jewelry = 3; var paint = 1; var mouth = 1; var talking = 0; var topp = 5; var bott = 1; var shoes = 2; var crown = 2; var sword = 1; var blush = 1; var preg = 1; var pregchance = 0; var milky = 3; var outfitlust = 0; var sexsp = 0.17; var resist = 0; var fun = 0; var popboost = 0; var cum = 1; var creamp = 0; var tears = 1; var convo = 1; var convobg = 1; var fader = 1; var talksys = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var posits = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]; var taurcols = [7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var outfit = 1; var outfits = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var cslot1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var cslot2 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var cslot3 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; var topcol = new Object(); topcol.ra = 85; = 79; = 71; topcol.aa = 100; var topshad = new Object(); topshad.ra = 100; = 97; = 91; topshad.aa = 100; var botcol = new Object(); botcol.ra = 79; = 85; = 91; botcol.aa = 100; var botshad = new Object(); botshad.ra = 97; = 93; = 89; botshad.aa = 100; var shoecol = new Object(); shoecol.ra = 91; = 85; = 79; shoecol.aa = 100; var shoeshad = new Object(); shoeshad.ra = 97; = 93; = 89; shoeshad.aa = 100; var eyecol = new Object(); eyecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; eyecol.aa = 100; var iriscol = new Object(); iriscol.ra = 65; = 65; = 65; iriscol.aa = 100; var whitecol = new Object(); whitecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; whitecol.aa = 100; var haircol = new Object(); haircol.ra = 100; = 100; = 95; haircol.aa = 100; var hairshad = new Object(); hairshad.ra = 100; = 97; = 91; topshad.aa = 100; stop(); } movieClip 118 { } movieClip 120 { } movieClip 123 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 128 { } movieClip 130 { } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 134 { } movieClip 136 { } movieClip 138 { } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 142 { } movieClip 144 { } movieClip 146 { } movieClip 148 { } movieClip 150 { } movieClip 152 { } movieClip 154 { } movieClip 156 { } movieClip 158 { } movieClip 160 { } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 164 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 170 { } movieClip 172 { } movieClip 174 { } movieClip 176 { } movieClip 178 { } button 181 { on (release) { if (_root.moves > 0) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 182 { } button 185 { on (release) { if (_root.moves > 0) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 186 { } button 189 { on (release) { if (_root.moves > 0) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 190 { } button 193 { on (release) { if (_root.moves > 0) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.gotoAndStop(4); } } } movieClip 194 { } button 197 { on (release) { if (_root.moves > 0) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.gotoAndStop(5); } } } movieClip 198 { } button 201 { on (release) { if (_root.moves > 0) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.gotoAndStop(6); } } } movieClip 202 { } button 205 { on (release) { if (_root.moves > 0) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.gotoAndStop(7); } } } movieClip 206 { } movieClip 208 { } movieClip 210 { } movieClip 212 { } movieClip 214 { } movieClip 216 { } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 220 { } movieClip 222 { } movieClip 224 { } movieClip 226 { } movieClip 228 { } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 232 { } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 242 { } movieClip 244 { } movieClip 246 { } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 252 { } movieClip 254 { } movieClip 256 { } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 260 { } movieClip 262 { } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 266 { } movieClip 268 { } movieClip 270 { } movieClip 272 { } movieClip 274 { } movieClip 276 { } movieClip 278 { } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 284 { } movieClip 286 { } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 292 { } movieClip 294 { } movieClip 296 { } movieClip 298 { } movieClip 300 { } movieClip 302 { } movieClip 304 { } movieClip 306 { } movieClip 308 { } movieClip 310 { } movieClip 312 { } movieClip 314 { } movieClip 316 { } movieClip 318 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 322 { } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 326 { } movieClip 328 { } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 334 { } movieClip 336 { } movieClip 338 { } movieClip 340 { } movieClip 342 { } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 348 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 352 { } movieClip 358 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 363 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 365 { } movieClip 367 { } movieClip 370 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 377 { } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 381 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 386 { } movieClip 388 { } movieClip 390 { } movieClip 392 { } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 396 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 399 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 408 { } movieClip 411 { } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 416 { } movieClip 420 { } movieClip 422 { } movieClip 425 { } movieClip 426 { } movieClip 432 { } movieClip 433 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } button 437 { on (release) { if (_root.locat == 1) { if (_root.moves > 0.5) { _root.convobg = 2; if (_root.dayy > 2) { _root.convo = 5; } } if (_root.moves < 0.5) { } } if (_root.locat > 1) { } } } movieClip 438 { } movieClip 440 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 442 { } movieClip 444 { } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 448 { } movieClip 450 { } movieClip 452 { } movieClip 454 { } movieClip 456 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 460 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 462 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 464 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 466 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 468 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 470 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 472 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 474 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 476 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 478 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 480 { } movieClip 482 { } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 486 { } movieClip 488 { } movieClip 490 { } movieClip 492 { } movieClip 494 { } movieClip 496 { } movieClip 498 { } movieClip 500 { } movieClip 502 { } movieClip 504 { } movieClip 506 { } movieClip 508 { } movieClip 510 { } movieClip 512 { } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 516 { } movieClip 518 { } movieClip 520 { } movieClip 522 { } movieClip 524 { } movieClip 526 { } movieClip 528 { } movieClip 530 { } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 534 { } movieClip 536 { } movieClip 538 { } movieClip 540 { } movieClip 542 { } movieClip 544 { } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 548 { } movieClip 550 { } movieClip 552 { } movieClip 554 { } movieClip 556 { } movieClip 558 { } movieClip 560 { } movieClip 562 { } movieClip 564 { } movieClip 566 { } movieClip 568 { } movieClip 570 { } movieClip 572 { } movieClip 574 { } movieClip 576 { } movieClip 578 { } movieClip 580 { } movieClip 582 { } movieClip 584 { } movieClip 586 { } movieClip 588 { } movieClip 590 { } movieClip 592 { } movieClip 594 { } movieClip 596 { } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 600 { } movieClip 602 { } movieClip 604 { } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 608 { } movieClip 610 { } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 614 { } movieClip 616 { } movieClip 618 { } movieClip 620 { } movieClip 622 { } movieClip 624 { } movieClip 626 { } movieClip 628 { } movieClip 630 { } movieClip 632 { } movieClip 634 { } movieClip 636 { } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 640 { } movieClip 642 { } movieClip 644 { } movieClip 646 { } movieClip 648 { } movieClip 650 { } movieClip 652 { } movieClip 654 { } movieClip 656 { } movieClip 658 { } movieClip 660 { } movieClip 662 { } movieClip 664 { } movieClip 666 { } movieClip 668 { } movieClip 670 { } movieClip 672 { } movieClip 674 { } movieClip 676 { } movieClip 678 { } movieClip 680 { } movieClip 682 { } movieClip 684 { } movieClip 686 { } movieClip 688 { } movieClip 690 { } movieClip 692 { } movieClip 694 { } movieClip 696 { } movieClip 698 { } movieClip 700 { } movieClip 702 { } movieClip 704 { } movieClip 706 { } movieClip 708 { } movieClip 710 { } movieClip 712 { } movieClip 714 { } movieClip 716 { } movieClip 718 { } movieClip 720 { } movieClip 722 { } movieClip 724 { } movieClip 726 { } movieClip 728 { } movieClip 730 { } movieClip 732 { } movieClip 734 { } movieClip 736 { } movieClip 738 { } movieClip 740 { } movieClip 742 { } movieClip 744 { } movieClip 746 { } movieClip 748 { } movieClip 750 { } movieClip 752 { } movieClip 754 { } movieClip 756 { } movieClip 758 { } movieClip 760 { } movieClip 762 { } movieClip 764 { } movieClip 766 { } movieClip 768 { } movieClip 770 { } movieClip 772 { } movieClip 774 { } movieClip 776 { } movieClip 778 { } movieClip 780 { } movieClip 782 { } movieClip 784 { } movieClip 786 { } movieClip 788 { } movieClip 790 { } movieClip 792 { } movieClip 794 { } movieClip 796 { } movieClip 798 { } movieClip 800 { } movieClip 802 { } movieClip 804 { } movieClip 806 { } movieClip 808 { } movieClip 810 { } movieClip 812 { } movieClip 815 { } movieClip 816 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { cloudmove._x -= 0.25; cloudmove._y -= 0.03; } } } movieClip 821 { } movieClip 822 { } movieClip 826 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 828 { } movieClip 829 { } movieClip 832 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 834 { } movieClip 835 { } movieClip 838 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 839 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 840 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { m4.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { _root.t1[17] = 0; _root.t4[17] = 1; _root.locat = 4; } if (_root.t4[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 4; gotoAndStop(103); }; m5.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { _root.t1[17] = 0; _root.t5[17] = 1; _root.locat = 5; } if (_root.t5[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 5; gotoAndStop(103); }; m6.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { _root.t1[17] = 0; _root.t6[17] = 1; _root.locat = 6; } if (_root.t6[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 6; gotoAndStop(103); }; m7.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { _root.t1[17] = 0; _root.t7[17] = 1; _root.locat = 7; gotoAndStop(103); } if (_root.t7[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 7; gotoAndStop(103); }; m4.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 4; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m5.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 5; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m6.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 6; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m7.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 7; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t4[0] > 0 && _root.t1[7] > 9) { m4.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t5[0] > 0 && _root.t1[7] > 9) { m5.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[0] > 0 && _root.t1[7] > 9) { m6.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t7[0] > 0 && _root.t1[7] > 9) { m7.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } m4.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 4; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m5.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 5; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m6.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 6; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m7.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 7; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t4[0] > 0 || _root.t1[7] < 10) { m4.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t5[0] > 0 || _root.t1[7] < 10) { m5.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[0] > 0 || _root.t1[7] < 10) { m6.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t7[0] > 0 || _root.t1[7] < 10) { m7.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { m1.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { _root.t2[17] = 0; _root.t3[17] = 1; _root.locat = 3; } if (_root.t1[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 3; gotoAndStop(103); }; m2.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t23[0] == 0) { _root.t2[17] = 0; _root.t23[17] = 1; _root.locat = 23; } if (_root.t23[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 23; gotoAndStop(103); }; m3.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { _root.t2[17] = 0; _root.t6[17] = 1; _root.locat = 6; } if (_root.t6[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 6; gotoAndStop(103); }; m4.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { _root.t2[17] = 0; _root.t7[17] = 1; _root.locat = 7; gotoAndStop(103); } if (_root.t7[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 7; gotoAndStop(103); }; m1.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 3; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 23; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 6; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 7; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t3[0] > 0 && _root.t2[7] > 9) { m1.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t23[0] > 0 && _root.t2[7] > 9) { m2.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[0] > 0 && _root.t2[7] > 9) { m3.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t7[0] > 0 && _root.t2[7] > 9) { m4.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } m1.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 3; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 23; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 6; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 7; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t3[0] > 0 || _root.t2[7] < 10) { m1.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t23[0] > 0 || _root.t2[7] < 10) { m2.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[0] > 0 || _root.t2[7] < 10) { m3.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t7[0] > 0 || _root.t2[7] < 10) { m4.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { m1.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { _root.t3[17] = 0; _root.t2[17] = 1; _root.locat = 2; } _root.visiting = 2; if (_root.t2[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } gotoAndStop(103); }; m2.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { _root.t3[17] = 0; _root.t4[17] = 1; _root.locat = 4; } if (_root.t4[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 4; gotoAndStop(103); }; m3.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t23[0] == 0) { _root.t3[17] = 0; _root.t23[17] = 1; _root.locat = 23; } if (_root.t23[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 23; gotoAndStop(103); }; m4.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t38[0] == 0) { _root.t3[17] = 0; _root.t38[17] = 1; _root.locat = 38; } if (_root.t38[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 38; gotoAndStop(103); }; m1.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 2; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 4; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 23; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 38; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t2[0] > 0 && _root.t3[7] > 9) { m1.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t4[0] > 0 && _root.t3[7] > 9) { m2.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t23[0] > 0 && _root.t3[7] > 9) { m3.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t38[0] > 0 && _root.t3[7] > 9) { m4.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } m1.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 2; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 4; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 23; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 38; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t2[0] > 0 || _root.t3[7] < 10) { m1.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t4[0] > 0 || _root.t3[7] < 10) { m2.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t23[0] > 0 || _root.t3[7] < 10) { m3.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t38[0] > 0 || _root.t3[7] < 10) { m4.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { m1.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { _root.t4[17] = 0; _root.t3[17] = 1; _root.locat = 3; } if (_root.t3[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 3; gotoAndStop(103); }; m2.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { _root.t4[17] = 0; _root.t5[17] = 1; _root.locat = 5; } if (_root.t5[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 5; gotoAndStop(103); }; m3.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { _root.t4[17] = 0; _root.t1[17] = 1; _root.locat = 1; } if (_root.t1[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 1; gotoAndStop(103); }; m4.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t38[0] == 0) { _root.t4[17] = 0; _root.t38[17] = 1; _root.locat = 38; } if (_root.t38[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 38; gotoAndStop(103); }; m1.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 3; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 5; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 1; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 38; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t3[0] > 0 && _root.t4[7] > 9) { m1.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t5[0] > 0 && _root.t4[7] > 9) { m2.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[0] > 0 && _root.t4[7] > 9) { m3.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t38[0] > 0 && _root.t4[7] > 9) { m4.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } m1.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 3; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 5; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 1; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 38; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t3[0] > 0 || _root.t4[7] < 10) { m1.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t5[0] > 0 || _root.t4[7] < 10) { m2.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[0] > 0 || _root.t4[7] < 10) { m3.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t38[0] > 0 || _root.t4[7] < 10) { m4.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { m1.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { _root.t5[17] = 0; _root.t4[17] = 1; _root.locat = 4; } _root.visiting = 4; if (_root.t4[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } gotoAndStop(103); }; m2.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { _root.t5[17] = 0; _root.t6[17] = 1; _root.locat = 6; } if (_root.t6[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 6; gotoAndStop(103); }; m3.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { _root.t5[17] = 0; _root.t1[17] = 1; _root.locat = 1; } if (_root.t1[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 1; gotoAndStop(103); }; m4.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t38[0] == 0) { _root.t5[17] = 0; _root.t38[17] = 1; _root.locat = 38; } if (_root.t38[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 38; gotoAndStop(103); }; m5.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t42[0] == 0) { _root.t5[17] = 0; _root.t42[17] = 1; _root.locat = 42; } if (_root.t42[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 42; gotoAndStop(103); }; m6.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t45[0] == 0) { _root.t5[17] = 0; _root.t45[17] = 1; _root.locat = 45; } if (_root.t45[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 45; gotoAndStop(103); }; m1.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 4; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 6; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 1; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 38; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m5.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 42; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m6.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 45; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t4[0] > 0 && _root.t5[7] > 9) { m1.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[0] > 0 && _root.t5[7] > 9) { m2.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[0] > 0 && _root.t5[7] > 9) { m3.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t38[0] > 0 && _root.t5[7] > 9) { m4.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t42[0] > 0 && _root.t5[7] > 9) { m5.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t45[0] > 0 && _root.t5[7] > 9) { m6.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } m1.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 4; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 6; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 1; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 38; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m5.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 42; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m6.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 45; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t4[0] > 0 || _root.t5[7] < 10) { m1.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[0] > 0 || _root.t5[7] < 10) { m2.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[0] > 0 || _root.t5[7] < 10) { m3.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t38[0] > 0 || _root.t5[7] < 10) { m4.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t42[0] > 0 || _root.t5[7] < 10) { m5.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t45[0] > 0 || _root.t5[7] < 10) { m6.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { m1.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { _root.t6[17] = 0; _root.t5[17] = 1; _root.locat = 5; } _root.visiting = 5; if (_root.t5[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } gotoAndStop(103); }; m2.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { _root.t6[17] = 0; _root.t7[17] = 1; _root.locat = 7; } if (_root.t7[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 7; gotoAndStop(103); }; m3.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { _root.t6[17] = 0; _root.t1[17] = 1; _root.locat = 1; } if (_root.t1[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 1; gotoAndStop(103); }; m4.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t47[0] == 0) { _root.t6[17] = 0; _root.t47[17] = 1; _root.locat = 47; } if (_root.t47[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 47; gotoAndStop(103); }; m6.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t45[0] == 0) { _root.t5[17] = 0; _root.t45[17] = 1; _root.locat = 45; } if (_root.t45[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 45; gotoAndStop(103); }; m1.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 5; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 7; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 1; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 47; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m5.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 42; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m6.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 45; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t5[0] > 0 && _root.t6[7] > 9) { m1.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t7[0] > 0 && _root.t6[7] > 9) { m2.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[0] > 0 && _root.t6[7] > 9) { m3.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t47[0] > 0 && _root.t6[7] > 9) { m4.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t42[0] > 0 && _root.t6[7] > 9) { m5.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t45[0] > 0 && _root.t6[7] > 9) { m6.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } m1.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 5; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 7; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 1; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 47; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m5.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 42; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m6.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 45; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t5[0] > 0 || _root.t6[7] < 10) { m1.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t7[0] > 0 || _root.t6[7] < 10) { m2.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[0] > 0 || _root.t6[7] < 10) { m3.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t47[0] > 0 || _root.t6[7] < 10) { m4.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t42[0] > 0 || _root.t6[7] < 10) { m5.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t45[0] > 0 || _root.t6[7] < 10) { m6.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { m1.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t64[0] == 0) { _root.t7[17] = 0; _root.t64[17] = 1; _root.locat = 64; } _root.visiting = 64; if (_root.t64[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } gotoAndStop(103); }; m2.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { _root.t7[17] = 0; _root.t6[17] = 1; _root.locat = 6; } if (_root.t6[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 6; gotoAndStop(103); }; m3.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { _root.t7[17] = 0; _root.t1[17] = 1; _root.locat = 1; } if (_root.t1[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 1; gotoAndStop(103); }; m4.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t65[0] == 0) { _root.t7[17] = 0; _root.t65[17] = 1; _root.locat = 65; } if (_root.t65[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 65; gotoAndStop(103); }; m5.travelb.travelbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t47[0] == 0) { _root.t7[17] = 0; _root.t47[17] = 1; _root.locat = 47; } if (_root.t47[0] > 0) { _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.visiting = 47; gotoAndStop(103); }; m1.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 64; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 6; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 1; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 65; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m5.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 47; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m6.invadeb.invadebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.invadesys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.invloc = 45; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t64[0] > 0 && _root.t7[7] > 9) { m1.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[0] > 0 && _root.t7[7] > 9) { m2.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[0] > 0 && _root.t7[7] > 9) { m3.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t65[0] > 0 && _root.t7[7] > 9) { m4.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t47[0] > 0 && _root.t7[7] > 9) { m5.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t45[0] > 0 && _root.t7[7] > 9) { m6.invadeb.gotoAndStop(2); } m1.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 64; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m2.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 6; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m3.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 1; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m4.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 65; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m5.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 47; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; m6.movesoldiersb.movesoldiersbutton.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sendsoldiersto = 45; _root.moves = 0.1; gotoAndStop(104); }; if (_root.t64[0] > 0 || _root.t7[7] < 10) { m1.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[0] > 0 || _root.t7[7] < 10) { m2.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[0] > 0 || _root.t7[7] < 10) { m3.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t65[0] > 0 || _root.t7[7] < 10) { m4.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t47[0] > 0 || _root.t7[7] < 10) { m5.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t45[0] > 0 || _root.t7[7] < 10) { m6.movesoldiersb.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } frame 102 { stop(); } frame 103 { _root.nightsys.gotoAndStop(2); _root.moves = 5; _root.dayy += 1; gotoAndStop(102); } frame 104 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } } movieClip 841 { instance s1 of movieClip 118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sname = _root.tnames[0]; } } instance t1 of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var tilecol = new Object(); tilecol.aa = _root.tilealpha; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; } if (_root.t1[0] == 1) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; } if (_root.t1[0] == 2) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; } if (_root.t1[0] == 3) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; } if (_root.t1[0] == 4) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; } if (_root.t1[0] == 5) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; } if (_root.t1[0] == 6) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; } if (_root.t1[0] == 7) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; } if (_root.t1[0] == 8) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; } if (_root.t1[0] == 9) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; } var tcolor = new Color(this); tcolor.setTransform(tilecol); } } instance t2 of movieClip 186 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var tilecol = new Object(); tilecol.aa = _root.tilealpha; if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; } if (_root.t2[0] == 1) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; } if (_root.t2[0] == 2) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; } if (_root.t2[0] == 3) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; } if (_root.t2[0] == 4) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; } if (_root.t2[0] == 5) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; } if (_root.t2[0] == 6) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; } if (_root.t2[0] == 7) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; } if (_root.t2[0] == 8) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; } if (_root.t2[0] == 9) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; } var tcolor = new Color(this); tcolor.setTransform(tilecol); } } instance t3 of movieClip 190 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var tilecol = new Object(); tilecol.aa = _root.tilealpha; if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; } if (_root.t3[0] == 1) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; } if (_root.t3[0] == 2) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; } if (_root.t3[0] == 3) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; } if (_root.t3[0] == 4) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; } if (_root.t3[0] == 5) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; } if (_root.t3[0] == 6) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; } if (_root.t3[0] == 7) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; } if (_root.t3[0] == 8) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; } if (_root.t3[0] == 9) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; } var tcolor = new Color(this); tcolor.setTransform(tilecol); } } instance t4 of movieClip 194 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var tilecol = new Object(); tilecol.aa = _root.tilealpha; if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; } if (_root.t4[0] == 1) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; } if (_root.t4[0] == 2) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; } if (_root.t4[0] == 3) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; } if (_root.t4[0] == 4) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; } if (_root.t4[0] == 5) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; } if (_root.t4[0] == 6) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; } if (_root.t4[0] == 7) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; } if (_root.t4[0] == 8) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; } if (_root.t4[0] == 9) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; } var tcolor = new Color(this); tcolor.setTransform(tilecol); } } instance t5 of movieClip 198 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var tilecol = new Object(); tilecol.aa = _root.tilealpha; if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; } if (_root.t5[0] == 1) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; } if (_root.t5[0] == 2) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; } if (_root.t5[0] == 3) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; } if (_root.t5[0] == 4) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; } if (_root.t5[0] == 5) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; } if (_root.t5[0] == 6) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; } if (_root.t5[0] == 7) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; } if (_root.t5[0] == 8) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; } if (_root.t5[0] == 9) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; } var tcolor = new Color(this); tcolor.setTransform(tilecol); } } instance t6 of movieClip 202 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var tilecol = new Object(); tilecol.aa = _root.tilealpha; if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; } if (_root.t6[0] == 1) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; } if (_root.t6[0] == 2) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; } if (_root.t6[0] == 3) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; } if (_root.t6[0] == 4) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; } if (_root.t6[0] == 5) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; } if (_root.t6[0] == 6) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; } if (_root.t6[0] == 7) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; } if (_root.t6[0] == 8) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; } if (_root.t6[0] == 9) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; } var tcolor = new Color(this); tcolor.setTransform(tilecol); } } instance t7 of movieClip 206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var tilecol = new Object(); tilecol.aa = _root.tilealpha; if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; } if (_root.t7[0] == 1) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; } if (_root.t7[0] == 2) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; } if (_root.t7[0] == 3) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; } if (_root.t7[0] == 4) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; } if (_root.t7[0] == 5) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; } if (_root.t7[0] == 6) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; } if (_root.t7[0] == 7) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; } if (_root.t7[0] == 8) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; } if (_root.t7[0] == 9) { tilecol.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; } var tcolor = new Color(this); tcolor.setTransform(tilecol); } } instance sone of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t1[1]); if (_root.t1[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t1[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t1[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t1[3]); } if (_root.t1[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t1[17] > 0) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t1[17] < 1) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance s2 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t2[1]); if (_root.t2[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t2[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t2[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t2[3]); } if (_root.t2[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t2[17] > 0) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t2[17] < 1) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance s3 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t3[1]); if (_root.t3[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t3[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t3[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t3[3]); } if (_root.t3[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t3[17] > 0) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t3[17] < 1) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance s4 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t4[1]); if (_root.t4[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t4[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t4[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t4[3]); } if (_root.t4[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t4[17] > 0) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t4[17] < 1) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance s5 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t5[1]); if (_root.t5[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t5[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t5[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t5[3]); } if (_root.t5[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t5[17] > 0) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t5[17] < 1) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance s6 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t6[1]); if (_root.t6[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t6[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t6[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t6[3]); } if (_root.t6[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t6[17] > 0) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t6[17] < 1) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance s7 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t7[1]); if (_root.t7[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t7[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t7[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t7[3]); } if (_root.t7[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t7[17] > 0) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t7[17] < 1) { this.townpres.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance s8 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t8[1]); if (_root.t8[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t8[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t8[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t8[3]); } if (_root.t8[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s9 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t9[1]); if (_root.t9[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t9[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t9[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t9[3]); } if (_root.t9[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s10 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t10[1]); if (_root.t10[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t10[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t10[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t10[3]); } if (_root.t10[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s11 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t11[1]); if (_root.t11[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t11[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t11[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t11[3]); } if (_root.t11[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s12 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t12[1]); if (_root.t12[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t12[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t12[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t12[3]); } if (_root.t12[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s14 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t14[1]); if (_root.t14[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t14[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t14[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t14[3]); } if (_root.t14[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s13 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t13[1]); if (_root.t13[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t13[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t13[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t13[3]); } if (_root.t13[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s15 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t15[1]); if (_root.t15[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t15[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t15[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t15[3]); } if (_root.t15[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s16 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t16[1]); if (_root.t16[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t16[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t16[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t16[3]); } if (_root.t16[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s17 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t17[1]); if (_root.t17[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t17[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t17[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t17[3]); } if (_root.t17[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s18 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t18[1]); if (_root.t18[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t18[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t18[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t18[3]); } if (_root.t18[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s19 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t19[1]); if (_root.t19[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t19[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t19[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t19[3]); } if (_root.t19[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s20 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t20[1]); if (_root.t20[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t20[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t20[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t20[3]); } if (_root.t20[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s21 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t21[1]); if (_root.t21[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t21[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t21[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t21[3]); } if (_root.t21[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s22 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t22[1]); if (_root.t22[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t22[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t22[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t22[3]); } if (_root.t22[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s23 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t23[1]); if (_root.t23[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t23[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t23[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t23[3]); } if (_root.t23[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s24 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t24[1]); if (_root.t24[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t24[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t24[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t24[3]); } if (_root.t24[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s25 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t25[1]); if (_root.t25[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t25[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t25[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t25[3]); } if (_root.t25[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s26 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t26[1]); if (_root.t26[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t26[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t26[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t26[3]); } if (_root.t26[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s27 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t27[1]); if (_root.t27[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t27[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t27[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t27[3]); } if (_root.t27[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s28 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t28[1]); if (_root.t28[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t28[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t28[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t28[3]); } if (_root.t28[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s29 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t29[1]); if (_root.t29[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t29[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t29[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t29[3]); } if (_root.t29[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s30 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t30[1]); if (_root.t30[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t30[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t30[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t30[3]); } if (_root.t30[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s31 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t31[1]); if (_root.t31[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t31[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t31[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t31[3]); } if (_root.t31[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s32 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t32[1]); if (_root.t32[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t32[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t32[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t32[3]); } if (_root.t32[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s33 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t33[1]); if (_root.t33[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t33[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t33[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t33[3]); } if (_root.t33[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s34 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t34[1]); if (_root.t34[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t34[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t34[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t34[3]); } if (_root.t34[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s35 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t35[1]); if (_root.t35[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t7[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t35[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t35[3]); } if (_root.t35[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s36 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t36[1]); if (_root.t36[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t36[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t36[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t36[3]); } if (_root.t36[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s37 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t37[1]); if (_root.t37[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t37[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t37[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t37[3]); } if (_root.t37[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s38 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t38[1]); if (_root.t38[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t38[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t38[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t38[3]); } if (_root.t38[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s39 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t39[1]); if (_root.t39[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t39[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t39[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t39[3]); } if (_root.t39[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s40 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t40[1]); if (_root.t40[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t40[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t40[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t40[3]); } if (_root.t40[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s41 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t41[1]); if (_root.t41[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t41[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t41[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t41[3]); } if (_root.t41[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s42 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t42[1]); if (_root.t42[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t42[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t42[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t42[3]); } if (_root.t42[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s43 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t43[1]); if (_root.t43[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t43[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t43[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t43[3]); } if (_root.t43[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s44 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t44[1]); if (_root.t44[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t44[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t44[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t44[3]); } if (_root.t44[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s45 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t45[1]); if (_root.t45[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t45[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t45[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t45[3]); } if (_root.t45[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s46 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t46[1]); if (_root.t46[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t46[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t46[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t46[3]); } if (_root.t46[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s47 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t47[1]); if (_root.t47[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t47[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t47[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t47[3]); } if (_root.t47[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s48 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t48[1]); if (_root.t48[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t48[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t48[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t48[3]); } if (_root.t48[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s49 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t49[1]); if (_root.t49[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t49[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t49[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t49[3]); } if (_root.t49[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s50 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t50[1]); if (_root.t50[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t50[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t50[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t50[3]); } if (_root.t50[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s51 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t51[1]); if (_root.t51[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t51[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t51[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t51[3]); } if (_root.t51[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s52 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t52[1]); if (_root.t52[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t52[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t52[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t52[3]); } if (_root.t52[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s53 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t53[1]); if (_root.t53[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t53[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t53[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t53[3]); } if (_root.t53[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s54 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t54[1]); if (_root.t54[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t54[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t54[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t54[3]); } if (_root.t54[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s55 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t55[1]); if (_root.t55[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t55[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t55[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t55[3]); } if (_root.t55[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s56 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t56[1]); if (_root.t56[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t56[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t56[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t56[3]); } if (_root.t56[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s57 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t57[1]); if (_root.t57[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t57[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t57[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t57[3]); } if (_root.t57[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s58 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t58[1]); if (_root.t58[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t58[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t58[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t58[3]); } if (_root.t58[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s59 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t59[1]); if (_root.t59[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t59[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t59[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t59[3]); } if (_root.t59[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s60 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t60[1]); if (_root.t60[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t60[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t60[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t60[3]); } if (_root.t60[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s61 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t61[1]); if (_root.t61[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t61[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t61[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t61[3]); } if (_root.t61[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s62 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t62[1]); if (_root.t62[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t62[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t62[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t62[3]); } if (_root.t62[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s63 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t63[1]); if (_root.t63[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t63[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t63[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t63[3]); } if (_root.t63[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s64 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t64[1]); if (_root.t64[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t64[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t64[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t64[3]); } if (_root.t64[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s65 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t65[1]); if (_root.t65[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t65[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t65[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t65[3]); } if (_root.t65[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s66 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t66[1]); if (_root.t66[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t66[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t66[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t66[3]); } if (_root.t66[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s67 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t67[1]); if (_root.t67[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t67[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t67[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t67[3]); } if (_root.t67[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s68 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t68[1]); if (_root.t68[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t68[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t68[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t68[3]); } if (_root.t68[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s69 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t69[1]); if (_root.t69[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t69[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t69[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t69[3]); } if (_root.t69[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s70 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t70[1]); if (_root.t70[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t70[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t70[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t70[3]); } if (_root.t70[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s71 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t71[1]); if (_root.t71[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t71[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t71[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t71[3]); } if (_root.t71[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s72 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t72[1]); if (_root.t72[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t72[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t72[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t72[3]); } if (_root.t72[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s73 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t73[1]); if (_root.t73[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t73[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t73[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t73[3]); } if (_root.t73[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s74 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t74[1]); if (_root.t74[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t74[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t74[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t74[3]); } if (_root.t74[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s75 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t75[1]); if (_root.t75[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t75[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t75[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t75[3]); } if (_root.t75[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s76 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t76[1]); if (_root.t76[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t76[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t76[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t76[3]); } if (_root.t76[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s77 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t77[1]); if (_root.t77[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t77[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t77[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t77[3]); } if (_root.t77[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s78 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t78[1]); if (_root.t78[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t78[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t78[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t78[3]); } if (_root.t78[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s79 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t79[1]); if (_root.t79[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t79[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t79[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t79[3]); } if (_root.t79[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s80 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t80[1]); if (_root.t80[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t80[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t80[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t80[3]); } if (_root.t80[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s81 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t81[1]); if (_root.t81[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t81[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t81[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t81[3]); } if (_root.t81[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s82 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t82[1]); if (_root.t82[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t82[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t82[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t82[3]); } if (_root.t82[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s83 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t83[1]); if (_root.t83[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t83[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t83[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t83[3]); } if (_root.t83[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s84 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t84[1]); if (_root.t84[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t84[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t84[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t84[3]); } if (_root.t84[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s85 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t85[1]); if (_root.t85[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t85[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t85[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t85[3]); } if (_root.t85[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s86 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t86[1]); if (_root.t86[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t86[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t86[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t86[3]); } if (_root.t86[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s87 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t87[1]); if (_root.t87[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t87[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t87[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t87[3]); } if (_root.t87[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s88 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t88[1]); if (_root.t88[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t88[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t88[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t88[3]); } if (_root.t88[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s89 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t89[1]); if (_root.t89[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t89[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t89[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t89[3]); } if (_root.t89[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s90 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t90[1]); if (_root.t90[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t90[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t90[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t90[3]); } if (_root.t90[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s91 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t91[1]); if (_root.t91[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t91[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t91[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t91[3]); } if (_root.t91[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s92 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t92[1]); if (_root.t92[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t92[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t92[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t92[3]); } if (_root.t92[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s93 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t93[1]); if (_root.t93[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t93[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t93[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t93[3]); } if (_root.t93[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s94 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t94[1]); if (_root.t94[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t94[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t94[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t94[3]); } if (_root.t94[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s95 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t95[1]); if (_root.t95[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t95[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t95[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t95[3]); } if (_root.t95[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s96 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t96[1]); if (_root.t96[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t96[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t96[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t96[3]); } if (_root.t96[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s97 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t97[1]); if (_root.t97[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t97[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t97[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t97[3]); } if (_root.t97[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s98 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t98[1]); if (_root.t98[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t98[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t98[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t98[3]); } if (_root.t98[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s99 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t99[1]); if (_root.t99[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t99[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t99[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t99[3]); } if (_root.t99[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s100 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t100[1]); if (_root.t100[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t100[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t100[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t100[3]); } if (_root.t100[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance s101 of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.t101[1]); if (_root.t101[2] > 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(_root.t101[4]); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(_root.t101[4]); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(_root.t101[3]); } if (_root.t101[2] < 1) { this.settle.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mayorbldg.gotoAndStop(1); this.settle.mill.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b23 of movieClip 440 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t2[0] == _root.t3[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b34 of movieClip 442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t4[0] == _root.t3[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b14 of movieClip 444 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t1[0] == _root.t4[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b17 of movieClip 446 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t1[0] == _root.t7[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b16 of movieClip 448 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t1[0] == _root.t6[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b56 of movieClip 450 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t5[0] == _root.t6[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b67 of movieClip 452 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t6[0] == _root.t7[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b51 of movieClip 454 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t5[0] == _root.t1[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b438 of movieClip 456 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t4[0] == _root.t38[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b54 of movieClip 458 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t4[0] == _root.t5[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b223 of movieClip 460 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t2[0] == _root.t23[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b323 of movieClip 462 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t3[0] == _root.t23[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2338 of movieClip 464 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t23[0] == _root.t38[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2336 of movieClip 466 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t23[0] == _root.t36[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2324 of movieClip 468 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t23[0] == _root.t24[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance t2436 of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t24[0] == _root.t36[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance t3638 of movieClip 472 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t36[0] == _root.t38[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance t3536 of movieClip 474 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t35[0] == _root.t36[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance t338 of movieClip 476 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t3[0] == _root.t38[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance t538 of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t5[0] == _root.t38[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance t3842 of movieClip 480 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t38[0] == _root.t42[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance t3839 of movieClip 482 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t38[0] == _root.t39[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance t3738 of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t37[0] == _root.t38[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b3739 of movieClip 486 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t37[0] == _root.t39[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b3940 of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t40[0] == _root.t39[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance t3941 of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t41[0] == _root.t39[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4041 of movieClip 492 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t40[0] == _root.t41[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4143 of movieClip 494 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t41[0] == _root.t43[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b3943 of movieClip 496 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t43[0] == _root.t39[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 498 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t42[0] == _root.t43[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4344 of movieClip 500 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t43[0] == _root.t44[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b3942 of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t42[0] == _root.t39[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b542 of movieClip 504 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t5[0] == _root.t42[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b545 of movieClip 506 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t5[0] == _root.t45[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b645 of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t6[0] == _root.t45[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4245 of movieClip 510 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t42[0] == _root.t45[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4547 of movieClip 512 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t45[0] == _root.t47[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4546 of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t45[0] == _root.t46[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4446 of movieClip 516 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t44[0] == _root.t46[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4647 of movieClip 518 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t46[0] == _root.t47[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4648 of movieClip 520 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t46[0] == _root.t48[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4750 of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t47[0] == _root.t50[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b647 of movieClip 524 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t6[0] == _root.t47[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b747 of movieClip 526 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t7[0] == _root.t47[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b764 of movieClip 528 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t7[0] == _root.t64[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4764 of movieClip 530 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t47[0] == _root.t64[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b765 of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t7[0] == _root.t65[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6465 of movieClip 534 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t64[0] == _root.t65[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b3335 of movieClip 536 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t33[0] == _root.t35[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2035 of movieClip 538 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t20[0] == _root.t35[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1535 of movieClip 540 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t15[0] == _root.t35[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1520 of movieClip 542 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t15[0] == _root.t20[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1315 of movieClip 544 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t13[0] == _root.t15[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1415 of movieClip 546 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t14[0] == _root.t15[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1214 of movieClip 548 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t12[0] == _root.t14[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1314 of movieClip 550 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t13[0] == _root.t14[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1213 of movieClip 552 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t12[0] == _root.t13[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1113 of movieClip 554 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t11[0] == _root.t13[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1112 of movieClip 556 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t11[0] == _root.t12[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1012 of movieClip 558 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t10[0] == _root.t12[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1011 of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t10[0] == _root.t11[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b910 of movieClip 562 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t9[0] == _root.t10[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b911 of movieClip 564 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t9[0] == _root.t11[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b89 of movieClip 566 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t8[0] == _root.t9[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1316 of movieClip 568 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t13[0] == _root.t16[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1320 of movieClip 570 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t13[0] == _root.t20[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1620 of movieClip 572 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t16[0] == _root.t20[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1621 of movieClip 574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t16[0] == _root.t21[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2021 of movieClip 576 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t20[0] == _root.t21[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1617 of movieClip 578 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t16[0] == _root.t17[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1721 of movieClip 580 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t17[0] == _root.t21[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1718 of movieClip 582 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t17[0] == _root.t18[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1821 of movieClip 584 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t18[0] == _root.t21[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2033 of movieClip 586 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t20[0] == _root.t33[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2133 of movieClip 588 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t21[0] == _root.t33[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2122 of movieClip 590 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t21[0] == _root.t22[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2233 of movieClip 592 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t22[0] == _root.t33[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1822 of movieClip 594 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t18[0] == _root.t22[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1819 of movieClip 596 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t18[0] == _root.t19[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1922 of movieClip 598 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t19[0] == _root.t22[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1933 of movieClip 600 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t19[0] == _root.t33[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1926 of movieClip 602 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t19[0] == _root.t26[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1927 of movieClip 604 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t19[0] == _root.t27[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b1934 of movieClip 606 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t19[0] == _root.t34[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b3334 of movieClip 608 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t33[0] == _root.t34[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2734 of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t27[0] == _root.t34[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2834 of movieClip 612 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t28[0] == _root.t34[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2728 of movieClip 614 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t27[0] == _root.t28[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2729 of movieClip 616 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t27[0] == _root.t29[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2829 of movieClip 618 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t28[0] == _root.t29[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2931 of movieClip 620 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t29[0] == _root.t31[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2731 of movieClip 622 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t27[0] == _root.t31[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2930 of movieClip 624 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t29[0] == _root.t30[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2627 of movieClip 626 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t26[0] == _root.t27[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2631 of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t26[0] == _root.t31[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b2526 of movieClip 630 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t25[0] == _root.t26[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b3132 of movieClip 632 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t31[0] == _root.t32[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6472 of movieClip 634 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t64[0] == _root.t72[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6572 of movieClip 636 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t65[0] == _root.t72[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6872 of movieClip 638 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t68[0] == _root.t72[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7172 of movieClip 640 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t71[0] == _root.t72[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6871 of movieClip 642 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t68[0] == _root.t71[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6568 of movieClip 644 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t65[0] == _root.t68[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6566 of movieClip 646 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t65[0] == _root.t66[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6668 of movieClip 648 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t66[0] == _root.t68[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6768 of movieClip 650 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t67[0] == _root.t68[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6667 of movieClip 652 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t66[0] == _root.t67[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6869 of movieClip 654 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t68[0] == _root.t69[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6971 of movieClip 656 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t69[0] == _root.t71[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6970 of movieClip 658 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t69[0] == _root.t70[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7071 of movieClip 660 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t70[0] == _root.t71[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8688 of movieClip 662 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t86[0] == _root.t88[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8788 of movieClip 664 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t87[0] == _root.t88[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8687 of movieClip 666 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t86[0] == _root.t87[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8586 of movieClip 668 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t85[0] == _root.t86[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8587 of movieClip 670 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t85[0] == _root.t87[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9394 of movieClip 672 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t93[0] == _root.t94[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4850 of movieClip 674 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t48[0] == _root.t50[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4851 of movieClip 676 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t51[0] == _root.t48[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4852 of movieClip 678 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t48[0] == _root.t52[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4849 of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t48[0] == _root.t49[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4952 of movieClip 682 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t49[0] == _root.t52[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5255 of movieClip 684 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t52[0] == _root.t55[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5253 of movieClip 686 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t52[0] == _root.t53[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5152 of movieClip 688 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t51[0] == _root.t52[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4955 of movieClip 690 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t49[0] == _root.t55[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5556 of movieClip 692 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t55[0] == _root.t56[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4956 of movieClip 694 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t49[0] == _root.t56[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5658 of movieClip 696 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t56[0] == _root.t58[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b4958 of movieClip 698 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t49[0] == _root.t58[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5657 of movieClip 700 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t56[0] == _root.t57[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5758 of movieClip 702 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t57[0] == _root.t58[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5859 of movieClip 704 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t58[0] == _root.t59[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5960 of movieClip 706 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t59[0] == _root.t60[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5961 of movieClip 708 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t59[0] == _root.t61[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6061 of movieClip 710 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t60[0] == _root.t61[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6062 of movieClip 712 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t60[0] == _root.t62[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6162 of movieClip 714 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t61[0] == _root.t62[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6163 of movieClip 716 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t61[0] == _root.t63[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b6263 of movieClip 718 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t62[0] == _root.t63[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5153 of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t51[0] == _root.t53[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5154 of movieClip 722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t51[0] == _root.t54[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5354 of movieClip 724 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t53[0] == _root.t54[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5054 of movieClip 726 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t50[0] == _root.t54[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5051 of movieClip 728 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t50[0] == _root.t51[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5474 of movieClip 730 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t54[0] == _root.t74[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b5473 of movieClip 732 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t54[0] == _root.t73[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7383 of movieClip 734 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t73[0] == _root.t83[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7378 of movieClip 736 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t73[0] == _root.t78[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7374 of movieClip 738 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t73[0] == _root.t74[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7475 of movieClip 740 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t74[0] == _root.t75[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7478 of movieClip 742 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t74[0] == _root.t78[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7883 of movieClip 744 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t78[0] == _root.t83[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7879 of movieClip 746 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t78[0] == _root.t79[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7880 of movieClip 748 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t78[0] == _root.t80[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7980 of movieClip 750 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t79[0] == _root.t80[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7983 of movieClip 752 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t79[0] == _root.t83[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8384 of movieClip 754 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t83[0] == _root.t84[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8081 of movieClip 756 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t80[0] == _root.t81[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7981 of movieClip 758 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t79[0] == _root.t81[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8184 of movieClip 760 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t81[0] == _root.t84[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8182 of movieClip 762 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t81[0] == _root.t82[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7577 of movieClip 764 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t75[0] == _root.t77[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7576 of movieClip 766 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t75[0] == _root.t76[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7677 of movieClip 768 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t76[0] == _root.t77[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7689 of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t76[0] == _root.t89[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9293 of movieClip 772 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t92[0] == _root.t93[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9192 of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t91[0] == _root.t92[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9196 of movieClip 776 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t91[0] == _root.t96[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9296 of movieClip 778 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t92[0] == _root.t96[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9295 of movieClip 780 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t92[0] == _root.t95[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9596 of movieClip 782 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t96[0] == _root.t95[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9091 of movieClip 784 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t90[0] == _root.t91[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8991 of movieClip 786 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t89[0] == _root.t91[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b8990 of movieClip 788 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t89[0] == _root.t90[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9197 of movieClip 790 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t91[0] == _root.t97[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9097 of movieClip 792 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t90[0] == _root.t97[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9697 of movieClip 794 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t96[0] == _root.t97[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9698 of movieClip 796 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t96[0] == _root.t98[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9798 of movieClip 798 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t97[0] == _root.t98[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9799 of movieClip 800 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t97[0] == _root.t99[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b9899 of movieClip 802 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t98[0] == _root.t99[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b98100 of movieClip 804 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t98[0] == _root.t100[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b99100 of movieClip 806 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t99[0] == _root.t100[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b99101 of movieClip 808 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t99[0] == _root.t101[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b100101 of movieClip 810 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t100[0] == _root.t101[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance b7984 of movieClip 812 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.t79[0] == _root.t84[0]) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 844 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 845 { } movieClip 846 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v2 = new Object(); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; var v3 = new Color(flagcol); v3.setTransform(v2); } stop(); } } movieClip 850 { } movieClip 851 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { safety1st.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.allowmapmov > 0.5) { if (_root._xmouse < 25 && _root._ymouse < 325 && _root._ymouse > 275 && Key.isDown(1)) { mapxiner += 1.5; safety1st.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root._xmouse > 775 && _root._ymouse < 325 && _root._ymouse > 275 && Key.isDown(1)) { mapxiner -= 1.5; safety1st.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root._ymouse < 55 && _root._ymouse > 30 && _root._xmouse < 425 && _root._xmouse > 375 && Key.isDown(1)) { mapyiner += 1.5; safety1st.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root._ymouse > 575 && _root._xmouse < 425 && _root._xmouse > 375 && Key.isDown(1)) { mapyiner -= 1.5; safety1st.gotoAndStop(2); } if (mapyiner > 7) { mapyiner = 7; } if (mapyiner < -7) { mapyiner = -7; } if (mapxiner > 9) { mapxiner = 9; } if (mapxiner < -9) { mapxiner = -9; } } if (_root.allowmapmov < 0.5) { safety1st.gotoAndStop(2); } mapp._x += mapxiner; mapp._y += mapyiner; mapxiner *= 0.9; mapyiner *= 0.9; } var mapxiner = 0; var mapyiner = 0; } } movieClip 853 { } button 857 { on (release) { resourcessys.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 863 { } movieClip 865 { } movieClip 872 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 874 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v2 = new Object(); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; var v3 = new Object(); v3.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; var v5 = new Color(flagcol); v5.setTransform(v2); var v4 = new Color(flagcol2); v4.setTransform(v3); flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); } stop(); } } movieClip 876 { } button 878 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); armysys.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 879 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); mercenarysys.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 880 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); tradesys.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 881 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); civilsys.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 884 { } movieClip 889 { } movieClip 890 { instance movess of movieClip 889 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.moves = Math.round(_root.moves); } } } button 894 { on (release) { _root.moves = 0; nextFrame(); } } button 896 { on (release) { _root.moves = 3; _root.mapholder.mapp.chosenextmove.gotoAndStop(103); } } movieClip 897 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.moves < 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.moves > 2) { gotoAndStop(1); } } stop(); } } movieClip 900 { } movieClip 901 { } movieClip 902 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v2 = new Object(); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; var v3 = new Color(movescolor); v3.setTransform(v2); if (_root.locat == 1) { partyloc.loc = _root.tnames[0]; } if (_root.locat == 2) { partyloc.loc = _root.tnames[1]; } if (_root.locat == 3) { partyloc.loc = _root.tnames[2]; } if (_root.locat == 4) { partyloc.loc = _root.tnames[3]; } if (_root.locat == 5) { partyloc.loc = _root.tnames[4]; } if (_root.locat == 6) { partyloc.loc = _root.tnames[5]; } if (_root.locat == 7) { partyloc.loc = _root.tnames[6]; } } stop(); } } movieClip 906 { } button 907 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(102); } } movieClip 909 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 913 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); setsysfader.gotoAndPlay(1); smenu.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 915 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); setsysfader.gotoAndPlay(1); smenu.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 919 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); setsysfader.gotoAndPlay(1); smenu.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 921 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); setsysfader.gotoAndPlay(1); smenu.gotoAndStop(4); } } button 923 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); setsysfader.gotoAndPlay(1); smenu.gotoAndStop(5); } } movieClip 925 { } movieClip 927 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 929 { } movieClip 933 { } movieClip 937 { } movieClip 941 { } movieClip 943 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 947 { } movieClip 956 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 960 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 962 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 965 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 968 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 970 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 976 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 979 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 985 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 987 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 992 { } movieClip 995 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 997 { on (release) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu.pagee.templesys.nextFrame(); nextFrame(); } } button 998 { on (release) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu.pagee.templesys.nextFrame(); nextFrame(); } } button 1000 { on (release) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu.pagee.templesys.prevFrame(); prevFrame(); } } button 1001 { on (release) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu.pagee.templesys.nextFrame(); nextFrame(); } } button 1002 { on (release) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu.pagee.templesys.prevFrame(); prevFrame(); } } button 1003 { on (release) { _root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu.pagee.templesys.prevFrame(); prevFrame(); } } movieClip 1004 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1026 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 1028 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1029 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1032 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1033 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t1[0] < 0.4) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t1[0] > 0.5) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[2] == 0) { smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Wild'; _root.t1[4] = 1; } if (0 < _root.t1[2] && _root.t1[2] < 100) { _root.t1[4] = 2; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Hamlet'; } if (99 < _root.t1[2] && _root.t1[2] < 300) { _root.t1[4] = 3; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Village'; } if (299 < _root.t1[2] && _root.t1[2] < 1000) { _root.t1[4] = 4; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Town'; } if (999 < _root.t1[2] && _root.t1[2] < 3000) { _root.t1[4] = 5; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City'; } if (2999 < _root.t1[2]) { _root.t1[4] = 6; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City-State'; } smenu.pagee.population.popvar = 'Population: ' + _root.t1[2]; if (_root.t1[2] < 10000) { if (_root.grain < Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.11) || _root.wood < Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 5.13) || _root.salt < Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Insufficient Funds'; } if (_root.grain > Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.11) && _root.wood > Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 5.13) && _root.salt > Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t1[2] * 0.1) + ' people'; } smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.11) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 5.13) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.31) + ' lb'; } if (_root.t1[2] > 10000) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Max population'; smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = ' '; } smenu.pagee.housingbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.grain > _root.t1[2] * 0.11 && _root.wood > _root.t1[2] * 5.13 && _root.salt > _root.t1[2] * 0.31) { _root.grain -= _root.t1[2] * 0.11; _root.wood -= _root.t1[2] * 5.13; _root.salt -= _root.t1[2] * 0.31; _root.t1[2] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.1); _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.renamebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.tnames[0] = smenu.pagee.renamer.renamevar.text; _root.moves -= 1; }; smenu.pagee.grainbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t1[9] / 3)); smenu.pagee.woodbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t1[10] / 30)); smenu.pagee.saltbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t1[11])); smenu.pagee.ironbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t1[12] / 3)); smenu.pagee.copperbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t1[13] / 1.5)); smenu.pagee.silverbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t1[14] * 2)); smenu.pagee.goldbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t1[15] * 4)); smenu.pagee.gemstonesbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t1[16] * 20)); smenu.pagee.regsize.popvar = 'Unit size: ' + _root.t1[7]; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t1[8] < 1 && _root.iron > _root.t1[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t1[2] * _root.recrcopper) { _root.iron -= _root.t1[2] * _root.recriron; _root.copper -= _root.t1[2] * _root.recrcopper; _root.t1[7] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.1); _root.t1[2] -= 10 + Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.1); _root.t1[6] *= 0.9300000000000001; _root.t1[8] += 28; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t1[8] + 1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitstatus.popvar = _root.t1[8] + ' days'; if (_root.iron > _root.t1[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t1[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.iron < _root.t1[2] * _root.recriron || _root.copper < _root.t1[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.recruitsys.popamount2.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t1[2] * 0.1) + ' soldiers'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.ironcost2.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(_root.t1[2] * _root.recriron) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.coppercost2.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(_root.t1[2] * _root.recrcopper) + ' lb'; if (_root.locat == 1) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.locat != 1) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.rallybutton.onRelease = function () { _root.t1[6] = 100; _root.convo = 36; }; if (_root.t1[7] > 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { _root.t1[2] += _root.t1[7] - 10; _root.t1[7] -= _root.t1[7] - 10; }; } if (_root.t1[7] < 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.millsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t1[3] + 1); if (_root.t1[3] == 0) { if (_root.wood < 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 300 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 300 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.t1[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t1[3] == 1) { if (_root.wood < 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 600 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 600 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.t1[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t1[3] == 2) { if (_root.wood < 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 900 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 900 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.t1[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t1[3] == 3) { if (_root.wood < 4000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1200 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 4000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 4000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1200 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 4000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.t1[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t1[3] == 4) { if (_root.wood < 5000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 5000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 5000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 5000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2500 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.t1[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t1[3] == 5) { if (_root.wood < 6000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1800 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 6000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 6000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1800 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 6000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 3000 * (_root.t1[3] + 1); _root.t1[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } smenu.pagee.grainprod.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t1[9] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodprod.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t1[10] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltprod.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t1[11] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.ironprod.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[12] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.copperprod.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[13] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.silverprod.costvar = 'Silver: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[14] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.goldprod.costvar = 'Gold: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[15] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.gemstonesprod.costvar = 'Gemstones: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[16] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; if (_root.t1[18] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Pray'; smenu.pagee.templesys.gotoAndStop(_root.t1[18]); smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(9); smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[18] < 1) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(3); } smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(_root.t1[18]); if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100 && _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Build Temple'; smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.salt < 30000 || _root.copper < 5000 || _root.silver < 7000 || < 1000 || _root.gemstones < 100 || _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Insufficient Funds'; } } smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t1[18] < 1) { if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { _root.t1[18] = smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe; _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] = 1; _root.salt -= 30000; _root.copper -= 5000; _root.silver -= 7000; -= 1000; _root.gemstones -= 100; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; settlementtitle.settlementname = _root.tnames[0]; _root.allowmapmov = 0; var v2 = new Object(); var v3 = new Object(); if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.t1[6])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t1[0] == 1) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd1[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd1[6]; = _root.kd1[7]; = _root.kd1[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd1[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t1[0] == 2) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd2[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd2[6]; = _root.kd2[7]; = _root.kd2[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd2[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t1[0] == 3) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd3[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd3[6]; = _root.kd3[7]; = _root.kd3[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd3[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t1[0] == 4) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd4[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd4[6]; = _root.kd4[7]; = _root.kd4[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd4[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t1[0] == 5) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd5[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd5[6]; = _root.kd5[7]; = _root.kd5[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd5[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t1[0] == 6) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd6[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd6[6]; = _root.kd6[7]; = _root.kd6[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd6[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t1[0] == 7) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd7[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd7[6]; = _root.kd7[7]; = _root.kd7[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd7[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t1[0] == 8) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd8[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd8[6]; = _root.kd8[7]; = _root.kd8[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd8[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t1[0] == 9) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd9[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd9[6]; = _root.kd9[7]; = _root.kd9[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd9[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb))); } var v5 = new Color(flagg.flagcol); v5.setTransform(v2); var v4 = new Color(flagg.flagcol2); v4.setTransform(v3); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t2[0] < 0.4) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t2[0] > 0.5) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t2[2] == 0) { smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Wild'; _root.t2[4] = 1; } if (0 < _root.t2[2] && _root.t2[2] < 100) { _root.t2[4] = 2; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Hamlet'; } if (99 < _root.t2[2] && _root.t2[2] < 300) { _root.t2[4] = 3; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Village'; } if (299 < _root.t2[2] && _root.t2[2] < 1000) { _root.t2[4] = 4; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Town'; } if (999 < _root.t2[2] && _root.t2[2] < 3000) { _root.t2[4] = 5; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City'; } if (2999 < _root.t2[2]) { _root.t2[4] = 6; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City-State'; } smenu.pagee.population.popvar = 'Population: ' + _root.t2[2]; if (_root.t2[2] < 10000) { if (_root.grain < Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.11) || _root.wood < Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 5.13) || _root.salt < Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Insufficient Funds'; } if (_root.grain > Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.11) && _root.wood > Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 5.13) && _root.salt > Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t2[2] * 0.1) + ' people'; } smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.11) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 5.13) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.31) + ' lb'; } if (_root.t2[2] > 10000) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Max population'; smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = ' '; } smenu.pagee.housingbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.grain > _root.t2[2] * 0.11 && _root.wood > _root.t2[2] * 5.13 && _root.salt > _root.t2[2] * 0.31) { _root.grain -= _root.t2[2] * 0.11; _root.wood -= _root.t2[2] * 5.13; _root.salt -= _root.t2[2] * 0.31; _root.t2[2] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.1); _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.renamebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.tnames[1] = smenu.pagee.renamer.renamevar.text; _root.moves -= 1; }; smenu.pagee.grainbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t2[9] / 3)); smenu.pagee.woodbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t2[10] / 30)); smenu.pagee.saltbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t2[11])); smenu.pagee.ironbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t2[12] / 3)); smenu.pagee.copperbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t2[13] / 1.5)); smenu.pagee.silverbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t2[14] * 2)); smenu.pagee.goldbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t2[15] * 4)); smenu.pagee.gemstonesbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t2[16] * 20)); smenu.pagee.regsize.popvar = 'Unit size: ' + _root.t2[7]; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t2[8] < 1 && _root.iron > _root.t2[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t2[2] * _root.recrcopper) { _root.iron -= _root.t2[2] * _root.recriron; _root.copper -= _root.t2[2] * _root.recrcopper; _root.t2[7] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.1); _root.t2[2] -= 10 + Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.1); _root.t2[6] *= 0.9300000000000001; _root.t2[8] += 28; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t2[8] + 1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitstatus.popvar = _root.t2[8] + ' days'; if (_root.iron > _root.t2[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t2[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.iron < _root.t2[2] * _root.recriron || _root.copper < _root.t2[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.recruitsys.popamount2.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t2[2] * 0.1) + ' soldiers'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.ironcost2.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(_root.t2[2] * _root.recriron) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.coppercost2.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(_root.t2[2] * _root.recrcopper) + ' lb'; if (_root.locat == 2) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.locat != 2) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.rallybutton.onRelease = function () { _root.t1[6] = 100; _root.convo = 36; }; if (_root.t2[7] > 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { _root.t2[2] += _root.t2[7] - 10; _root.t2[7] -= _root.t2[7] - 10; }; } if (_root.t2[7] < 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.millsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t2[3] + 1); if (_root.t2[3] == 0) { if (_root.wood < 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 300 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 300 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.t2[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t2[3] == 1) { if (_root.wood < 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 600 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 600 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.t2[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t2[3] == 2) { if (_root.wood < 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 900 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 900 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.t2[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t2[3] == 3) { if (_root.wood < 4000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1200 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 4000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 4000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1200 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 4000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.t2[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t2[3] == 4) { if (_root.wood < 5000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 5000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 5000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 5000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2500 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.t2[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t2[3] == 5) { if (_root.wood < 6000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1800 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 6000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 6000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1800 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 6000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 3000 * (_root.t2[3] + 1); _root.t2[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } smenu.pagee.grainprod.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t2[9] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodprod.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t2[10] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltprod.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t2[11] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.ironprod.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[12] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.copperprod.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[13] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.silverprod.costvar = 'Silver: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[14] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.goldprod.costvar = 'Gold: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[15] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.gemstonesprod.costvar = 'Gemstones: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[16] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; if (_root.t2[18] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Pray'; smenu.pagee.templesys.gotoAndStop(_root.t2[18]); smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(9); smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t2[18] < 1) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(3); } smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(_root.t2[18]); if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100 && _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Build Temple'; smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.salt < 30000 || _root.copper < 5000 || _root.silver < 7000 || < 1000 || _root.gemstones < 100 || _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Insufficient Funds'; } } smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t2[18] < 1) { if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { _root.t2[18] = smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe; _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] = 1; _root.salt -= 30000; _root.copper -= 5000; _root.silver -= 7000; -= 1000; _root.gemstones -= 100; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; settlementtitle.settlementname = _root.tnames[1]; _root.allowmapmov = 0; var v2 = new Object(); var v3 = new Object(); if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.t2[6])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t2[0] == 1) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd1[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd1[6]; = _root.kd1[7]; = _root.kd1[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd1[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t2[0] == 2) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd2[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd2[6]; = _root.kd2[7]; = _root.kd2[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd2[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t2[0] == 3) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd3[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd3[6]; = _root.kd3[7]; = _root.kd3[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd3[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t2[0] == 4) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd4[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd4[6]; = _root.kd4[7]; = _root.kd4[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd4[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t2[0] == 5) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd5[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd5[6]; = _root.kd5[7]; = _root.kd5[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd5[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t2[0] == 6) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd6[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd6[6]; = _root.kd6[7]; = _root.kd6[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd6[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t2[0] == 7) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd7[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd7[6]; = _root.kd7[7]; = _root.kd7[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd7[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t2[0] == 8) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd8[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd8[6]; = _root.kd8[7]; = _root.kd8[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd8[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t2[0] == 9) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd9[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd9[6]; = _root.kd9[7]; = _root.kd9[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd9[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb))); } var v5 = new Color(flagg.flagcol); v5.setTransform(v2); var v4 = new Color(flagg.flagcol2); v4.setTransform(v3); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t3[0] < 0.4) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t3[0] > 0.5) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t3[2] == 0) { smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Wild'; _root.t3[4] = 1; } if (0 < _root.t3[2] && _root.t3[2] < 100) { _root.t3[4] = 2; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Hamlet'; } if (99 < _root.t3[2] && _root.t3[2] < 300) { _root.t3[4] = 3; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Village'; } if (299 < _root.t3[2] && _root.t3[2] < 1000) { _root.t3[4] = 4; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Town'; } if (999 < _root.t3[2] && _root.t3[2] < 3000) { _root.t3[4] = 5; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City'; } if (2999 < _root.t3[2]) { _root.t3[4] = 6; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City-State'; } smenu.pagee.population.popvar = 'Population: ' + _root.t3[2]; if (_root.t3[2] < 10000) { if (_root.grain < Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.11) || _root.wood < Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 5.13) || _root.salt < Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Insufficient Funds'; } if (_root.grain > Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.11) && _root.wood > Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 5.13) && _root.salt > Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t3[2] * 0.1) + ' people'; } smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.11) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 5.13) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.31) + ' lb'; } if (_root.t3[2] > 10000) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Max population'; smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = ' '; } smenu.pagee.housingbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.grain > _root.t3[2] * 0.11 && _root.wood > _root.t3[2] * 5.13 && _root.salt > _root.t3[2] * 0.31) { _root.grain -= _root.t3[2] * 0.11; _root.wood -= _root.t3[2] * 5.13; _root.salt -= _root.t3[2] * 0.31; _root.t3[2] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.1); _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.renamebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.tnames[2] = smenu.pagee.renamer.renamevar.text; _root.moves -= 1; }; smenu.pagee.grainbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t3[9] / 3)); smenu.pagee.woodbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t3[10] / 30)); smenu.pagee.saltbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t3[11])); smenu.pagee.ironbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t3[12] / 3)); smenu.pagee.copperbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t3[13] / 1.5)); smenu.pagee.silverbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t3[14] * 2)); smenu.pagee.goldbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t3[15] * 4)); smenu.pagee.gemstonesbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t3[16] * 20)); smenu.pagee.regsize.popvar = 'Unit size: ' + _root.t3[7]; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t3[8] < 1 && _root.iron > _root.t3[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t3[2] * _root.recrcopper) { _root.iron -= _root.t3[2] * _root.recriron; _root.copper -= _root.t3[2] * _root.recrcopper; _root.t3[7] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.1); _root.t3[2] -= 10 + Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.1); _root.t3[6] *= 0.9300000000000001; _root.t3[8] += 28; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t3[8] + 1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitstatus.popvar = _root.t3[8] + ' days'; if (_root.iron > _root.t3[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t3[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.iron < _root.t3[2] * _root.recriron || _root.copper < _root.t3[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.recruitsys.popamount2.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t3[2] * 0.1) + ' soldiers'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.ironcost2.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(_root.t3[2] * _root.recriron) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.coppercost2.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(_root.t3[2] * _root.recrcopper) + ' lb'; if (_root.locat == 3) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.locat != 3) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.rallybutton.onRelease = function () { _root.t1[6] = 100; _root.convo = 36; }; if (_root.t3[7] > 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { _root.t3[2] += _root.t3[7] - 10; _root.t3[7] -= _root.t3[7] - 10; }; } if (_root.t3[7] < 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.millsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t3[3] + 1); if (_root.t3[3] == 0) { if (_root.wood < 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 300 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 300 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.t3[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t3[3] == 1) { if (_root.wood < 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 600 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 600 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.t3[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t3[3] == 2) { if (_root.wood < 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 900 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 900 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.t3[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t3[3] == 3) { if (_root.wood < 4000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1200 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 4000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 4000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1200 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 4000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.t3[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t3[3] == 4) { if (_root.wood < 5000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 5000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 5000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 5000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2500 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.t3[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t3[3] == 5) { if (_root.wood < 6000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1800 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 6000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 6000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1800 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 6000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 3000 * (_root.t3[3] + 1); _root.t3[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } smenu.pagee.grainprod.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t3[9] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodprod.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t3[10] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltprod.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t3[11] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.ironprod.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[12] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.copperprod.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[13] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.silverprod.costvar = 'Silver: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[14] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.goldprod.costvar = 'Gold: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[15] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.gemstonesprod.costvar = 'Gemstones: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[16] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; if (_root.t3[18] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Pray'; smenu.pagee.templesys.gotoAndStop(_root.t3[18]); smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(9); smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t3[18] < 1) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(3); } smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(_root.t3[18]); if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100 && _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Build Temple'; smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.salt < 30000 || _root.copper < 5000 || _root.silver < 7000 || < 1000 || _root.gemstones < 100 || _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Insufficient Funds'; } } smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t3[18] < 1) { if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { _root.t3[18] = smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe; _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] = 1; _root.salt -= 30000; _root.copper -= 5000; _root.silver -= 7000; -= 1000; _root.gemstones -= 100; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; settlementtitle.settlementname = _root.tnames[2]; _root.allowmapmov = 0; var v2 = new Object(); var v3 = new Object(); if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.t3[6])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t3[0] == 1) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd1[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd1[6]; = _root.kd1[7]; = _root.kd1[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd1[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t3[0] == 2) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd2[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd2[6]; = _root.kd2[7]; = _root.kd2[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd2[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t3[0] == 3) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd3[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd3[6]; = _root.kd3[7]; = _root.kd3[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd3[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t3[0] == 4) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd4[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd4[6]; = _root.kd4[7]; = _root.kd4[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd4[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t3[0] == 5) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd5[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd5[6]; = _root.kd5[7]; = _root.kd5[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd5[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t3[0] == 6) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd6[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd6[6]; = _root.kd6[7]; = _root.kd6[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd6[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t3[0] == 7) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd7[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd7[6]; = _root.kd7[7]; = _root.kd7[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd7[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t3[0] == 8) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd8[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd8[6]; = _root.kd8[7]; = _root.kd8[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd8[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t3[0] == 9) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd9[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd9[6]; = _root.kd9[7]; = _root.kd9[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd9[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb))); } var v5 = new Color(flagg.flagcol); v5.setTransform(v2); var v4 = new Color(flagg.flagcol2); v4.setTransform(v3); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t4[0] < 0.4) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t4[0] > 0.5) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t4[2] == 0) { smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Wild'; _root.t4[4] = 1; } if (0 < _root.t4[2] && _root.t4[2] < 100) { _root.t4[4] = 2; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Hamlet'; } if (99 < _root.t4[2] && _root.t4[2] < 300) { _root.t4[4] = 3; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Village'; } if (299 < _root.t4[2] && _root.t4[2] < 1000) { _root.t4[4] = 4; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Town'; } if (999 < _root.t4[2] && _root.t4[2] < 3000) { _root.t4[4] = 5; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City'; } if (2999 < _root.t4[2]) { _root.t4[4] = 6; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City-State'; } smenu.pagee.population.popvar = 'Population: ' + _root.t4[2]; if (_root.t4[2] < 10000) { if (_root.grain < Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.11) || _root.wood < Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 5.13) || _root.salt < Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Insufficient Funds'; } if (_root.grain > Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.11) && _root.wood > Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 5.13) && _root.salt > Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t4[2] * 0.1) + ' people'; } smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.11) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 5.13) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.31) + ' lb'; } if (_root.t4[2] > 10000) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Max population'; smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = ' '; } smenu.pagee.housingbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.grain > _root.t4[2] * 0.11 && _root.wood > _root.t4[2] * 5.13 && _root.salt > _root.t4[2] * 0.31) { _root.grain -= _root.t4[2] * 0.11; _root.wood -= _root.t4[2] * 5.13; _root.salt -= _root.t4[2] * 0.31; _root.t4[2] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.1); _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.renamebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.tnames[3] = smenu.pagee.renamer.renamevar.text; _root.moves -= 1; }; smenu.pagee.grainbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t4[9] / 3)); smenu.pagee.woodbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t4[10] / 30)); smenu.pagee.saltbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t4[11])); smenu.pagee.ironbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t4[12] / 3)); smenu.pagee.copperbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t4[13] / 1.5)); smenu.pagee.silverbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t4[14] * 2)); smenu.pagee.goldbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t4[15] * 4)); smenu.pagee.gemstonesbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t4[16] * 20)); smenu.pagee.regsize.popvar = 'Unit size: ' + _root.t4[7]; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t4[8] < 1 && _root.iron > _root.t4[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t4[2] * _root.recrcopper) { _root.iron -= _root.t4[2] * _root.recriron; _root.copper -= _root.t4[2] * _root.recrcopper; _root.t4[7] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.1); _root.t4[2] -= 10 + Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.1); _root.t4[6] *= 0.9300000000000001; _root.t4[8] += 28; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t4[8] + 1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitstatus.popvar = _root.t4[8] + ' days'; if (_root.iron > _root.t4[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t4[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.iron < _root.t4[2] * _root.recriron || _root.copper < _root.t4[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.recruitsys.popamount2.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t4[2] * 0.1) + ' soldiers'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.ironcost2.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(_root.t4[2] * _root.recriron) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.coppercost2.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(_root.t4[2] * _root.recrcopper) + ' lb'; if (_root.locat == 4) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.locat != 4) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.rallybutton.onRelease = function () { _root.t1[6] = 100; _root.convo = 36; }; if (_root.t4[7] > 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { _root.t4[2] += _root.t4[7] - 10; _root.t4[7] -= _root.t4[7] - 10; }; } if (_root.t4[7] < 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.millsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t4[3] + 1); if (_root.t4[3] == 0) { if (_root.wood < 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 300 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 300 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.t4[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t4[3] == 1) { if (_root.wood < 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 600 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 600 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.t4[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t4[3] == 2) { if (_root.wood < 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 900 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 900 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.t4[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t4[3] == 3) { if (_root.wood < 4000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1200 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 4000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 4000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1200 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 4000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.t4[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t4[3] == 4) { if (_root.wood < 5000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 5000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 5000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 5000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2500 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.t4[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t4[3] == 5) { if (_root.wood < 6000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1800 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 6000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 6000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1800 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 6000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 3000 * (_root.t4[3] + 1); _root.t4[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } smenu.pagee.grainprod.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t4[9] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodprod.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t4[10] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltprod.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t4[11] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.ironprod.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[12] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.copperprod.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[13] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.silverprod.costvar = 'Silver: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[14] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.goldprod.costvar = 'Gold: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[15] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.gemstonesprod.costvar = 'Gemstones: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[16] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; if (_root.t4[18] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Pray'; smenu.pagee.templesys.gotoAndStop(_root.t4[18]); smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(9); smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t4[18] < 1) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(3); } smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(_root.t4[18]); if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100 && _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Build Temple'; smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.salt < 30000 || _root.copper < 5000 || _root.silver < 7000 || < 1000 || _root.gemstones < 100 || _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Insufficient Funds'; } } smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t4[18] < 1) { if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { _root.t4[18] = smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe; _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] = 1; _root.salt -= 30000; _root.copper -= 5000; _root.silver -= 7000; -= 1000; _root.gemstones -= 100; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; settlementtitle.settlementname = _root.tnames[3]; _root.allowmapmov = 0; var v2 = new Object(); var v3 = new Object(); if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.t4[6])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t4[0] == 1) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd1[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd1[6]; = _root.kd1[7]; = _root.kd1[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd1[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t4[0] == 2) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd2[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd2[6]; = _root.kd2[7]; = _root.kd2[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd2[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t4[0] == 3) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd3[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd3[6]; = _root.kd3[7]; = _root.kd3[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd3[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t4[0] == 4) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd4[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd4[6]; = _root.kd4[7]; = _root.kd4[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd4[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t4[0] == 5) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd5[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd5[6]; = _root.kd5[7]; = _root.kd5[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd5[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t4[0] == 6) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd6[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd6[6]; = _root.kd6[7]; = _root.kd6[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd6[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t4[0] == 7) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd7[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd7[6]; = _root.kd7[7]; = _root.kd7[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd7[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t4[0] == 8) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd8[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd8[6]; = _root.kd8[7]; = _root.kd8[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd8[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t4[0] == 9) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd9[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd9[6]; = _root.kd9[7]; = _root.kd9[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd9[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb))); } var v5 = new Color(flagg.flagcol); v5.setTransform(v2); var v4 = new Color(flagg.flagcol2); v4.setTransform(v3); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t5[0] < 0.4) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t5[0] > 0.5) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t5[2] == 0) { smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Wild'; _root.t5[4] = 1; } if (0 < _root.t5[2] && _root.t5[2] < 100) { _root.t5[4] = 2; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Hamlet'; } if (99 < _root.t5[2] && _root.t5[2] < 300) { _root.t5[4] = 3; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Village'; } if (299 < _root.t5[2] && _root.t5[2] < 1000) { _root.t5[4] = 4; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Town'; } if (999 < _root.t5[2] && _root.t5[2] < 3000) { _root.t5[4] = 5; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City'; } if (2999 < _root.t5[2]) { _root.t5[4] = 6; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City-State'; } smenu.pagee.population.popvar = 'Population: ' + _root.t5[2]; if (_root.t5[2] < 10000) { if (_root.grain < Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.11) || _root.wood < Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 5.13) || _root.salt < Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Insufficient Funds'; } if (_root.grain > Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.11) && _root.wood > Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 5.13) && _root.salt > Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t5[2] * 0.1) + ' people'; } smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.11) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 5.13) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.31) + ' lb'; } if (_root.t5[2] > 10000) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Max population'; smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = ' '; } smenu.pagee.housingbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.grain > _root.t5[2] * 0.11 && _root.wood > _root.t5[2] * 5.13 && _root.salt > _root.t5[2] * 0.31) { _root.grain -= _root.t5[2] * 0.11; _root.wood -= _root.t5[2] * 5.13; _root.salt -= _root.t5[2] * 0.31; _root.t5[2] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.1); _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.renamebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.tnames[4] = smenu.pagee.renamer.renamevar.text; _root.moves -= 1; }; smenu.pagee.grainbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t5[9] / 3)); smenu.pagee.woodbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t5[10] / 30)); smenu.pagee.saltbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t5[11])); smenu.pagee.ironbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t5[12] / 3)); smenu.pagee.copperbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t5[13] / 1.5)); smenu.pagee.silverbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t5[14] * 2)); smenu.pagee.goldbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t5[15] * 4)); smenu.pagee.gemstonesbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t5[16] * 20)); smenu.pagee.regsize.popvar = 'Unit size: ' + _root.t5[7]; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t5[8] < 1 && _root.iron > _root.t5[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t5[2] * _root.recrcopper) { _root.iron -= _root.t5[2] * _root.recriron; _root.copper -= _root.t5[2] * _root.recrcopper; _root.t5[7] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.1); _root.t5[2] -= 10 + Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.1); _root.t5[6] *= 0.9300000000000001; _root.t5[8] += 28; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t5[8] + 1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitstatus.popvar = _root.t5[8] + ' days'; if (_root.iron > _root.t5[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t5[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.iron < _root.t5[2] * _root.recriron || _root.copper < _root.t5[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.recruitsys.popamount2.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t5[2] * 0.1) + ' soldiers'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.ironcost2.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(_root.t5[2] * _root.recriron) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.coppercost2.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(_root.t5[2] * _root.recrcopper) + ' lb'; if (_root.locat == 5) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.locat != 5) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.rallybutton.onRelease = function () { _root.t1[6] = 100; _root.convo = 36; }; if (_root.t5[7] > 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { _root.t5[2] += _root.t5[7] - 10; _root.t5[7] -= _root.t5[7] - 10; }; } if (_root.t5[7] < 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.millsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t5[3] + 1); if (_root.t5[3] == 0) { if (_root.wood < 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 300 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 300 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.t5[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t5[3] == 1) { if (_root.wood < 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 600 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 600 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.t5[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t5[3] == 2) { if (_root.wood < 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 900 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 900 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.t5[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t5[3] == 3) { if (_root.wood < 4000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1200 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 4000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 4000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1200 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 4000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.t5[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t5[3] == 4) { if (_root.wood < 5000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 5000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 5000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 5000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2500 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.t5[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t5[3] == 5) { if (_root.wood < 6000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1800 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 6000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 6000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1800 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 6000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 3000 * (_root.t5[3] + 1); _root.t5[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } smenu.pagee.grainprod.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t5[9] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodprod.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t5[10] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltprod.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t5[11] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.ironprod.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[12] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.copperprod.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[13] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.silverprod.costvar = 'Silver: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[14] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.goldprod.costvar = 'Gold: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[15] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.gemstonesprod.costvar = 'Gemstones: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[16] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; if (_root.t5[18] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Pray'; smenu.pagee.templesys.gotoAndStop(_root.t5[18]); smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(9); smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t5[18] < 1) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(3); } smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(_root.t5[18]); if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100 && _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Build Temple'; smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.salt < 30000 || _root.copper < 5000 || _root.silver < 7000 || < 1000 || _root.gemstones < 100 || _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Insufficient Funds'; } } smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t5[18] < 1) { if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { _root.t5[18] = smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe; _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] = 1; _root.salt -= 30000; _root.copper -= 5000; _root.silver -= 7000; -= 1000; _root.gemstones -= 100; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; settlementtitle.settlementname = _root.tnames[4]; _root.allowmapmov = 0; var v2 = new Object(); var v3 = new Object(); if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.t5[6])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t5[0] == 1) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd1[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd1[6]; = _root.kd1[7]; = _root.kd1[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd1[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t5[0] == 2) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd2[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd2[6]; = _root.kd2[7]; = _root.kd2[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd2[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t5[0] == 3) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd3[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd3[6]; = _root.kd3[7]; = _root.kd3[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd3[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t5[0] == 4) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd4[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd4[6]; = _root.kd4[7]; = _root.kd4[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd4[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t5[0] == 5) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd5[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd5[6]; = _root.kd5[7]; = _root.kd5[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd5[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t5[0] == 6) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd6[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd6[6]; = _root.kd6[7]; = _root.kd6[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd6[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t5[0] == 7) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd7[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd7[6]; = _root.kd7[7]; = _root.kd7[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd7[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t5[0] == 8) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd8[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd8[6]; = _root.kd8[7]; = _root.kd8[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd8[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t5[0] == 9) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd9[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd9[6]; = _root.kd9[7]; = _root.kd9[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd9[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb))); } var v5 = new Color(flagg.flagcol); v5.setTransform(v2); var v4 = new Color(flagg.flagcol2); v4.setTransform(v3); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t6[0] < 0.4) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t6[0] > 0.5) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[2] == 0) { smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Wild'; _root.t6[4] = 1; } if (0 < _root.t6[2] && _root.t6[2] < 100) { _root.t6[4] = 2; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Hamlet'; } if (99 < _root.t6[2] && _root.t6[2] < 300) { _root.t6[4] = 3; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Village'; } if (299 < _root.t6[2] && _root.t6[2] < 1000) { _root.t6[4] = 4; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Town'; } if (999 < _root.t6[2] && _root.t6[2] < 3000) { _root.t6[4] = 5; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City'; } if (2999 < _root.t6[2]) { _root.t6[4] = 6; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City-State'; } smenu.pagee.population.popvar = 'Population: ' + _root.t6[2]; if (_root.t6[2] < 10000) { if (_root.grain < Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.11) || _root.wood < Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 5.13) || _root.salt < Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Insufficient Funds'; } if (_root.grain > Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.11) && _root.wood > Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 5.13) && _root.salt > Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t6[2] * 0.1) + ' people'; } smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.11) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 5.13) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.31) + ' lb'; } if (_root.t6[2] > 10000) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Max population'; smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = ' '; } smenu.pagee.housingbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.grain > _root.t6[2] * 0.11 && _root.wood > _root.t6[2] * 5.13 && _root.salt > _root.t6[2] * 0.31) { _root.grain -= _root.t6[2] * 0.11; _root.wood -= _root.t6[2] * 5.13; _root.salt -= _root.t6[2] * 0.31; _root.t6[2] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.1); _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.renamebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.tnames[5] = smenu.pagee.renamer.renamevar.text; _root.moves -= 1; }; smenu.pagee.grainbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t6[9] / 3)); smenu.pagee.woodbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t6[10] / 30)); smenu.pagee.saltbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t6[11])); smenu.pagee.ironbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t6[12] / 3)); smenu.pagee.copperbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t6[13] / 1.5)); smenu.pagee.silverbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t6[14] * 2)); smenu.pagee.goldbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t6[15] * 4)); smenu.pagee.gemstonesbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t6[16] * 20)); smenu.pagee.regsize.popvar = 'Unit size: ' + _root.t6[7]; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t6[8] < 1 && _root.iron > _root.t6[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t6[2] * _root.recrcopper) { _root.iron -= _root.t6[2] * _root.recriron; _root.copper -= _root.t6[2] * _root.recrcopper; _root.t6[7] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.1); _root.t6[2] -= 10 + Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.1); _root.t6[6] *= 0.9300000000000001; _root.t6[8] += 28; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t6[8] + 1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitstatus.popvar = _root.t6[8] + ' days'; if (_root.iron > _root.t6[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t6[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.iron < _root.t6[2] * _root.recriron || _root.copper < _root.t6[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.recruitsys.popamount2.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t6[2] * 0.1) + ' soldiers'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.ironcost2.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(_root.t6[2] * _root.recriron) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.coppercost2.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(_root.t6[2] * _root.recrcopper) + ' lb'; if (_root.locat == 6) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.locat != 6) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.rallybutton.onRelease = function () { _root.t1[6] = 100; _root.convo = 36; }; if (_root.t6[7] > 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { _root.t6[2] += _root.t6[7] - 10; _root.t6[7] -= _root.t6[7] - 10; }; } if (_root.t6[7] < 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.millsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t6[3] + 1); if (_root.t6[3] == 0) { if (_root.wood < 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 300 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 300 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.t6[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t6[3] == 1) { if (_root.wood < 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 600 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 600 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.t6[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t6[3] == 2) { if (_root.wood < 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 900 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 900 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.t6[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t6[3] == 3) { if (_root.wood < 4000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1200 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 4000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 4000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1200 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 4000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.t6[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t6[3] == 4) { if (_root.wood < 5000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 5000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 5000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 5000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2500 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.t6[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t6[3] == 5) { if (_root.wood < 6000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1800 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 6000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 6000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1800 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 6000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 3000 * (_root.t6[3] + 1); _root.t6[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } smenu.pagee.grainprod.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t6[9] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodprod.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t6[10] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltprod.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t6[11] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.ironprod.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[12] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.copperprod.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[13] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.silverprod.costvar = 'Silver: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[14] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.goldprod.costvar = 'Gold: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[15] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.gemstonesprod.costvar = 'Gemstones: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[16] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; if (_root.t6[18] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Pray'; smenu.pagee.templesys.gotoAndStop(_root.t6[18]); smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(9); smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t6[18] < 1) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(3); } smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(_root.t6[18]); if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100 && _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Build Temple'; smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.salt < 30000 || _root.copper < 5000 || _root.silver < 7000 || < 1000 || _root.gemstones < 100 || _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Insufficient Funds'; } } smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t6[18] < 1) { if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { _root.t6[18] = smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe; _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] = 1; _root.salt -= 30000; _root.copper -= 5000; _root.silver -= 7000; -= 1000; _root.gemstones -= 100; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; settlementtitle.settlementname = _root.tnames[5]; _root.allowmapmov = 0; var v2 = new Object(); var v3 = new Object(); if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.t6[6])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t6[0] == 1) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd1[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd1[6]; = _root.kd1[7]; = _root.kd1[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd1[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t6[0] == 2) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd2[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd2[6]; = _root.kd2[7]; = _root.kd2[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd2[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t6[0] == 3) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd3[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd3[6]; = _root.kd3[7]; = _root.kd3[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd3[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t6[0] == 4) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd4[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd4[6]; = _root.kd4[7]; = _root.kd4[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd4[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t6[0] == 5) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd5[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd5[6]; = _root.kd5[7]; = _root.kd5[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd5[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t6[0] == 6) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd6[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd6[6]; = _root.kd6[7]; = _root.kd6[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd6[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t6[0] == 7) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd7[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd7[6]; = _root.kd7[7]; = _root.kd7[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd7[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t6[0] == 8) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd8[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd8[6]; = _root.kd8[7]; = _root.kd8[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd8[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t6[0] == 9) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd9[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd9[6]; = _root.kd9[7]; = _root.kd9[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd9[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb))); } var v5 = new Color(flagg.flagcol); v5.setTransform(v2); var v4 = new Color(flagg.flagcol2); v4.setTransform(v3); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t7[0] < 0.4) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.t7[0] > 0.5) { smenu.pagee.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t7[2] == 0) { smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Wild'; _root.t7[4] = 0; } if (0 < _root.t7[2] && _root.t7[2] < 100) { _root.t7[4] = 2; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Hamlet'; } if (99 < _root.t7[2] && _root.t7[2] < 300) { _root.t7[4] = 3; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Village'; } if (299 < _root.t7[2] && _root.t7[2] < 1000) { _root.t7[4] = 4; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: Town'; } if (999 < _root.t7[2] && _root.t7[2] < 3000) { _root.t7[4] = 5; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City'; } if (2999 < _root.t7[2]) { _root.t7[4] = 6; smenu.pagee.settstatus.popvar = 'Status: City-State'; } smenu.pagee.population.popvar = 'Population: ' + _root.t7[2]; if (_root.t7[2] < 10000) { if (_root.grain < Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.11) || _root.wood < Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 5.13) || _root.salt < Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Insufficient Funds'; } if (_root.grain > Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.11) && _root.wood > Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 5.13) && _root.salt > Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.31)) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t7[2] * 0.1) + ' people'; } smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.11) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 5.13) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.31) + ' lb'; } if (_root.t7[2] > 10000) { smenu.pagee.housingbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.popamount1.costvar = 'Max population'; smenu.pagee.graincost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.woodcost1.costvar = ' '; smenu.pagee.saltcost1.costvar = ' '; } smenu.pagee.housingbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.grain > _root.t7[2] * 0.11 && _root.wood > _root.t7[2] * 5.13 && _root.salt > _root.t7[2] * 0.31) { _root.grain -= _root.t7[2] * 0.11; _root.wood -= _root.t7[2] * 5.13; _root.salt -= _root.t7[2] * 0.31; _root.t7[2] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.1); _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.renamebutton.onRelease = function () { _root.tnames[6] = smenu.pagee.renamer.renamevar.text; _root.moves -= 1; }; smenu.pagee.grainbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t7[9] / 3)); smenu.pagee.woodbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t7[10] / 30)); smenu.pagee.saltbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t7[11])); smenu.pagee.ironbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t7[12] / 3)); smenu.pagee.copperbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t7[13] / 1.5)); smenu.pagee.silverbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t7[14] * 2)); smenu.pagee.goldbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t7[15] * 4)); smenu.pagee.gemstonesbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(_root.t7[16] * 20)); smenu.pagee.regsize.popvar = 'Unit size: ' + _root.t7[7]; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t7[8] < 1 && _root.iron > _root.t7[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t7[2] * _root.recrcopper) { _root.iron -= _root.t7[2] * _root.recriron; _root.copper -= _root.t7[2] * _root.recrcopper; _root.t7[7] += 10 + Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.1); _root.t7[2] -= 10 + Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.1); _root.t7[6] *= 0.9300000000000001; _root.t7[8] += 28; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t7[8] + 1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitstatus.popvar = _root.t7[8] + ' days'; if (_root.iron > _root.t7[2] * _root.recriron && _root.copper > _root.t7[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.iron < _root.t7[2] * _root.recriron || _root.copper < _root.t7[2] * _root.recrcopper) { smenu.pagee.recruitsys.recruitbutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.recruitsys.rectexxt.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.recruitsys.popamount2.costvar = 'Add ' + Math.round(10 + _root.t7[2] * 0.1) + ' soldiers'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.ironcost2.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(_root.t7[2] * _root.recriron) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.recruitsys.coppercost2.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(_root.t7[2] * _root.recrcopper) + ' lb'; if (_root.locat == 7) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.locat != 7) { smenu.pagee.rallybutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.rallystat.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.rallybutton.onRelease = function () { _root.t1[6] = 100; _root.convo = 36; }; if (_root.t7[7] > 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { _root.t7[2] += _root.t7[7] - 10; _root.t7[7] -= _root.t7[7] - 10; }; } if (_root.t7[7] < 20.5) { smenu.pagee.dischargebutton.gotoAndStop(2); } smenu.pagee.millsys.gotoAndStop(_root.t7[3] + 1); if (_root.t7[3] == 0) { if (_root.wood < 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 300 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 300 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 300 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.t7[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t7[3] == 1) { if (_root.wood < 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 600 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 600 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 600 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.t7[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t7[3] == 2) { if (_root.wood < 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 900 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 1500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 900 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 1500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 900 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 1500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.t7[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t7[3] == 3) { if (_root.wood < 4000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1200 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 4000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 4000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1200 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 4000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 4000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1200 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 4000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.t7[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t7[3] == 4) { if (_root.wood < 5000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 5000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 2500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 5000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 5000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 2500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 5000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 5000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 2500 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.t7[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } if (_root.t7[3] == 5) { if (_root.wood < 6000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.salt < 1800 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.iron < 6000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) || _root.copper < 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { smenu.pagee.millsys.millupgrader.gotoAndStop(1); smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.gotoAndStop(1); } smenu.pagee.millsys.millsbutton.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > 6000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.salt > 1800 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.iron > 6000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1) && _root.copper > 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1)) { _root.wood -= 6000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.salt -= 1800 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.iron -= 6000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.copper -= 3000 * (_root.t7[3] + 1); _root.t7[3] += 1; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; } smenu.pagee.grainprod.costvar = 'Grain: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t7[9] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.woodprod.costvar = 'Wood: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t7[10] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.saltprod.costvar = 'Salt: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t7[11] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.ironprod.costvar = 'Iron: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[12] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.copperprod.costvar = 'Copper: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[13] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.silverprod.costvar = 'Silver: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[14] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.goldprod.costvar = 'Gold: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[15] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; smenu.pagee.gemstonesprod.costvar = 'Gemstones: ' + Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[16] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod)) + ' lb'; if (_root.t7[18] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Pray'; smenu.pagee.templesys.gotoAndStop(_root.t7[18]); smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(9); smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t7[18] < 1) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.tempbuildconds.gotoAndStop(3); } smenu.pagee.templesys.templesyscontrollers.gotoAndStop(_root.t7[18]); if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100 && _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Build Temple'; smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.salt < 30000 || _root.copper < 5000 || _root.silver < 7000 || < 1000 || _root.gemstones < 100 || _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] > 0) { smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.gotoAndStop(2); smenu.pagee.templesys.temple.temple = 'Insufficient Funds'; } } smenu.pagee.templesys.templebutton.actualbutt.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t7[18] < 1) { if (_root.salt > 30000 && _root.copper > 5000 && _root.silver > 7000 && > 1000 && _root.gemstones > 100) { if (_root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] < 1) { _root.t7[18] = smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe; _root.temples[smenu.pagee.templesys._currentframe - 1] = 1; _root.salt -= 30000; _root.copper -= 5000; _root.silver -= 7000; -= 1000; _root.gemstones -= 100; _root.moves -= 1; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } }; settlementtitle.settlementname = _root.tnames[6]; _root.allowmapmov = 0; var v2 = new Object(); var v3 = new Object(); if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.t7[6])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t7[0] == 1) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd1[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd1[6]; = _root.kd1[7]; = _root.kd1[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd1[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t7[0] == 2) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd2[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd2[6]; = _root.kd2[7]; = _root.kd2[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd2[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t7[0] == 3) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd3[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd3[6]; = _root.kd3[7]; = _root.kd3[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd3[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t7[0] == 4) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd4[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd4[6]; = _root.kd4[7]; = _root.kd4[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd4[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t7[0] == 5) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd5[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd5[6]; = _root.kd5[7]; = _root.kd5[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd5[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t7[0] == 6) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd6[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd6[6]; = _root.kd6[7]; = _root.kd6[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd6[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t7[0] == 7) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd7[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd7[6]; = _root.kd7[7]; = _root.kd7[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd7[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t7[0] == 8) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd8[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd8[6]; = _root.kd8[7]; = _root.kd8[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd8[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb))); } if (_root.t7[0] == 9) { flagg.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd9[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd9[6]; = _root.kd9[7]; = _root.kd9[8]; smenu.pagee.popularitybar.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd9[0])); smenu.pagee.armybar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb))); } var v5 = new Color(flagg.flagcol); v5.setTransform(v2); var v4 = new Color(flagg.flagcol2); v4.setTransform(v3); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 28 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 29 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 32 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 33 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 34 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 35 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 37 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 38 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 39 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 40 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 41 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 42 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 43 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 44 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 45 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 46 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 47 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 48 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 49 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 50 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 51 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 52 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 53 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 54 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 55 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 56 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 57 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 58 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 59 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 60 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 61 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 62 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 63 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 64 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 65 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 66 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 67 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 68 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 69 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 70 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 71 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 72 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 73 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 74 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 75 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 76 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 77 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 78 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 79 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 80 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 81 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 82 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 83 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 84 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 85 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 86 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 87 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 88 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 89 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 90 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 91 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 92 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 93 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 94 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 95 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 96 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 97 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 98 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 99 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 100 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 101 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 102 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.allowmapmov = 1; } stop(); } } movieClip 1042 { } movieClip 1044 { } movieClip 1046 { } button 1048 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.moves = 0; gotoAndStop(2); } } button 1049 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1050 { } movieClip 1061 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { downsolb.butt.onRelease = function () { if (solce1 > 1) { solce1 -= 1; } }; upsolb.butt.onRelease = function () { if (solce1 < solnumfrom.soldiersloc - 11) { solce1 += 1; } }; downsolb1.butt.onRelease = function () { if (solce1 > 10) { solce1 -= 10; } }; upsolb1.butt.onRelease = function () { if (solce1 < solnumfrom.soldiersloc - 21) { solce1 += 10; } }; downsolb2.butt.onRelease = function () { if (solce1 > 100) { solce1 -= 100; } }; upsolb2.butt.onRelease = function () { if (solce1 < solnumfrom.soldiersloc - 111) { solce1 += 100; } }; solc1.soldiersloc = solce1; movesolds.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.sendsoldsamt = solce1; gotoAndStop(3); }; if (_root.moves > 0.5) { gotoAndStop(2); } } var solce1 = 1; stop(); } instance solfrom of movieClip 1042 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.soldiersloc = _root.tnames[_root.locat - 1]; } } instance solto of movieClip 1042 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.soldiersloc = _root.tnames[_root.sendsoldiersto - 1]; } } instance solnumfrom of movieClip 1044 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.locat == 1) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t1[7]; } if (_root.locat == 2) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t2[7]; } if (_root.locat == 3) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t3[7]; } if (_root.locat == 4) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t4[7]; } if (_root.locat == 5) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t5[7]; } if (_root.locat == 6) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t6[7]; } if (_root.locat == 7) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t7[7]; } if (_root.locat == 8) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t8[7]; } if (_root.locat == 9) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t9[7]; } if (_root.locat == 10) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t10[7]; } if (_root.locat == 11) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t11[7]; } if (_root.locat == 12) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t12[7]; } if (_root.locat == 13) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t13[7]; } if (_root.locat == 14) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t14[7]; } if (_root.locat == 15) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t15[7]; } if (_root.locat == 16) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t16[7]; } if (_root.locat == 17) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t17[7]; } if (_root.locat == 18) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t18[7]; } if (_root.locat == 19) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t19[7]; } if (_root.locat == 20) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t20[7]; } if (_root.locat == 21) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t21[7]; } if (_root.locat == 22) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t22[7]; } if (_root.locat == 23) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t23[7]; } if (_root.locat == 24) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t24[7]; } if (_root.locat == 25) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t25[7]; } if (_root.locat == 26) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t26[7]; } if (_root.locat == 27) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t27[7]; } if (_root.locat == 28) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t28[7]; } if (_root.locat == 29) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t29[7]; } if (_root.locat == 30) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t30[7]; } if (_root.locat == 31) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t31[7]; } if (_root.locat == 32) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t32[7]; } if (_root.locat == 33) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t33[7]; } if (_root.locat == 34) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t34[7]; } if (_root.locat == 35) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t35[7]; } if (_root.locat == 36) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t36[7]; } if (_root.locat == 37) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t37[7]; } if (_root.locat == 38) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t38[7]; } if (_root.locat == 39) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t39[7]; } if (_root.locat == 40) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t40[7]; } if (_root.locat == 41) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t41[7]; } if (_root.locat == 42) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t42[7]; } if (_root.locat == 43) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t43[7]; } if (_root.locat == 44) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t44[7]; } if (_root.locat == 45) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t45[7]; } if (_root.locat == 46) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t46[7]; } if (_root.locat == 47) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t47[7]; } if (_root.locat == 48) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t48[7]; } if (_root.locat == 49) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t49[7]; } if (_root.locat == 50) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t50[7]; } if (_root.locat == 51) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t51[7]; } if (_root.locat == 52) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t52[7]; } if (_root.locat == 53) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t53[7]; } if (_root.locat == 54) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t54[7]; } if (_root.locat == 55) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t55[7]; } if (_root.locat == 56) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t56[7]; } if (_root.locat == 57) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t57[7]; } if (_root.locat == 58) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t58[7]; } if (_root.locat == 59) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t59[7]; } if (_root.locat == 60) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t60[7]; } if (_root.locat == 61) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t61[7]; } if (_root.locat == 62) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t62[7]; } if (_root.locat == 63) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t63[7]; } if (_root.locat == 64) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t64[7]; } if (_root.locat == 65) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t65[7]; } if (_root.locat == 66) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t66[7]; } if (_root.locat == 67) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t67[7]; } if (_root.locat == 68) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t68[7]; } if (_root.locat == 69) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t69[7]; } if (_root.locat == 70) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t70[7]; } if (_root.locat == 71) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t71[7]; } if (_root.locat == 72) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t72[7]; } if (_root.locat == 73) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t73[7]; } if (_root.locat == 74) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t74[7]; } if (_root.locat == 75) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t75[7]; } if (_root.locat == 76) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t76[7]; } if (_root.locat == 77) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t77[7]; } if (_root.locat == 78) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t78[7]; } if (_root.locat == 79) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t79[7]; } if (_root.locat == 80) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t80[7]; } if (_root.locat == 81) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t81[7]; } if (_root.locat == 82) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t82[7]; } if (_root.locat == 83) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t83[7]; } if (_root.locat == 84) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t84[7]; } if (_root.locat == 85) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t85[7]; } if (_root.locat == 86) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t86[7]; } if (_root.locat == 87) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t87[7]; } if (_root.locat == 88) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t88[7]; } if (_root.locat == 89) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t89[7]; } if (_root.locat == 90) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t90[7]; } if (_root.locat == 91) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t91[7]; } if (_root.locat == 92) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t92[7]; } if (_root.locat == 93) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t93[7]; } if (_root.locat == 94) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t94[7]; } if (_root.locat == 95) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t95[7]; } if (_root.locat == 96) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t96[7]; } if (_root.locat == 97) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t97[7]; } if (_root.locat == 98) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t98[7]; } if (_root.locat == 99) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t99[7]; } if (_root.locat == 100) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t100[7]; } if (_root.locat == 101) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t101[7]; } } } instance solnumto of movieClip 1044 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 1) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t1[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 2) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t2[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 3) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t3[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 4) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t4[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 5) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t5[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 6) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t6[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 7) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t7[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 8) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t8[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 9) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t9[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 10) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t10[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 11) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t11[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 12) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t12[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 13) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t13[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 14) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t14[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 15) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t15[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 16) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t16[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 17) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t17[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 18) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t18[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 19) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t19[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 20) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t20[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 21) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t21[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 22) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t22[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 23) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t23[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 24) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t24[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 25) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t25[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 26) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t26[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 27) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t27[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 28) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t28[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 29) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t29[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 30) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t30[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 31) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t31[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 32) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t32[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 33) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t33[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 34) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t34[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 35) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t35[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 36) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t36[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 37) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t37[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 38) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t38[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 39) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t39[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 40) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t40[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 41) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t41[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 42) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t42[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 43) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t43[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 44) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t44[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 45) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t45[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 46) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t46[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 47) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t47[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 48) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t48[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 49) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t49[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 50) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t50[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 51) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t51[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 52) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t52[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 53) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t53[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 54) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t54[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 55) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t55[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 56) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t56[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 57) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t57[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 58) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t58[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 59) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t59[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 60) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t60[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 61) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t61[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 62) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t62[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 63) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t63[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 64) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t64[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 65) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t65[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 66) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t66[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 67) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t67[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 68) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t68[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 69) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t69[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 70) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t70[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 71) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t71[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 72) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t72[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 73) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t73[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 74) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t74[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 75) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t75[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 76) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t76[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 77) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t77[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 78) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t78[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 79) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t79[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 80) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t80[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 81) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t81[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 82) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t82[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 83) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t83[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 84) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t84[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 85) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t85[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 86) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t86[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 87) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t87[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 88) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t88[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 89) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t89[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 90) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t90[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 91) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t91[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 92) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t92[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 93) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t93[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 94) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t94[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 95) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t95[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 96) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t96[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 97) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t97[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 98) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t98[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 99) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t99[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 100) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t100[7]; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 101) { this.soldiersloc = _root.t101[7]; } } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.locat == 1) { if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 4) { _root.t1[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t4[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 5) { _root.t1[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t5[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 6) { _root.t1[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t6[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 7) { _root.t1[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t7[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } } if (_root.locat == 2) { if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 3) { _root.t2[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t3[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 23) { _root.t2[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t23[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } } if (_root.locat == 3) { if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 2) { _root.t3[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t2[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 23) { _root.t3[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t23[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 38) { _root.t3[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t38[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 4) { _root.t3[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t4[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } } if (_root.locat == 4) { if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 5) { _root.t4[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t5[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 3) { _root.t4[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t3[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 38) { _root.t4[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t38[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 1) { _root.t4[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t1[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } } if (_root.locat == 5) { if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 4) { _root.t5[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t4[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 42) { _root.t5[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t42[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 38) { _root.t5[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t38[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 1) { _root.t5[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t1[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 6) { _root.t5[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t6[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 45) { _root.t5[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t45[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } } if (_root.locat == 6) { if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 47) { _root.t6[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t47[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 5) { _root.t6[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t5[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 1) { _root.t6[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t1[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 7) { _root.t6[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t7[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 45) { _root.t6[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t45[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } } if (_root.locat == 7) { if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 47) { _root.t7[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t47[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 64) { _root.t7[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t64[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 1) { _root.t7[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t1[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 6) { _root.t7[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t6[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } if (_root.sendsoldiersto == 65) { _root.t7[7] -= _root.sendsoldsamt; _root.t65[7] += _root.sendsoldsamt; } } _root.mapholder.mapp.chosenextmove.gotoAndStop(103); gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 1066 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.moves = 0; gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1069 { } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1074 { } movieClip 1078 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { playerloc = _root.locat; if (playerloc == 1) { curunitsize = _root.t1[7]; invunitpop = _root.t1[6]; soldsrem.dvb = _root.tnames[0] + ': ' + (curunitsize - invunitsize); } if (playerloc == 2) { curunitsize = _root.t2[7]; invunitpop = _root.t2[6]; soldsrem.dvb = _root.tnames[1] + ': ' + (curunitsize - invunitsize); } if (playerloc == 3) { curunitsize = _root.t3[7]; invunitpop = _root.t3[6]; soldsrem.dvb = _root.tnames[2] + ': ' + (curunitsize - invunitsize); } if (playerloc == 4) { curunitsize = _root.t4[7]; invunitpop = _root.t4[6]; soldsrem.dvb = _root.tnames[3] + ': ' + (curunitsize - invunitsize); } if (playerloc == 5) { curunitsize = _root.t5[7]; invunitpop = _root.t5[6]; soldsrem.dvb = _root.tnames[4] + ': ' + (curunitsize - invunitsize); } if (playerloc == 6) { curunitsize = _root.t6[7]; invunitpop = _root.t6[6]; soldsrem.dvb = _root.tnames[5] + ': ' + (curunitsize - invunitsize); } if (playerloc == 7) { curunitsize = _root.t7[7]; invunitpop = _root.t7[6]; soldsrem.dvb = _root.tnames[6] + ': ' + (curunitsize - invunitsize); } if (_root.invloc == 1) { terrowner = _root.t1[0]; defunitsize = _root.t1[7]; defunitpop = _root.t1[6]; invbegin.butt.onRelease = function () { if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) < 0) { _root.t1[7] -= _root.t1[7] - Math.round(((invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) / (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb)) * _root.t1[7]); _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[7] = invunitsize - Math.round(((defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) / (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb)) * invunitsize); _root.t1[0] = 0; _root.t1[2] = 0; _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[4] = 0; _root.t1[8] = 28; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.battles[0] += 1; } if (playerloc == 4) { _root.t4[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 5) { _root.t5[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 6) { _root.t6[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 7) { _root.t7[7] -= invunitsize; } if (terrowner == 1) { _root.kd1[0] -= _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 2) { _root.kd2[0] -= _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 3) { _root.kd3[0] -= _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 4) { _root.kd4[0] -= _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 5) { _root.kd5[0] -= _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 6) { _root.kd6[0] -= _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 7) { _root.kd7[0] -= _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 8) { _root.kd8[0] -= _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 9) { _root.kd9[0] -= _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.moves = 5; }; } if (_root.invloc == 2) { terrowner = _root.t2[0]; defunitsize = _root.t2[7]; defunitpop = _root.t2[6]; invbegin.butt.onRelease = function () { if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) < 0) { _root.t2[7] -= _root.t2[7] - Math.round(((invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) / (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb)) * _root.t2[7]); _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[7] = invunitsize - Math.round(((defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) / (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb)) * invunitsize); _root.t2[0] = 0; _root.t2[2] = 0; _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[4] = 0; _root.t2[8] = 28; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.battles[0] += 1; } if (playerloc == 3) { _root.t3[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 23) { _root.t23[7] -= invunitsize; } if (terrowner == 1) { _root.kd1[0] -= _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 2) { _root.kd2[0] -= _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 3) { _root.kd3[0] -= _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 4) { _root.kd4[0] -= _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 5) { _root.kd5[0] -= _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 6) { _root.kd6[0] -= _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 7) { _root.kd7[0] -= _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 8) { _root.kd8[0] -= _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 9) { _root.kd9[0] -= _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.moves = 5; }; } if (_root.invloc == 3) { terrowner = _root.t3[0]; defunitsize = _root.t3[7]; defunitpop = _root.t3[6]; invbegin.butt.onRelease = function () { if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) < 0) { _root.t3[7] -= _root.t3[7] - Math.round(((invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) / (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb)) * _root.t3[7]); _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[7] = invunitsize - Math.round(((defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) / (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb)) * invunitsize); _root.t3[0] = 0; _root.t3[2] = 0; _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[4] = 0; _root.t3[8] = 28; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.battles[0] += 1; } if (playerloc == 2) { _root.t2[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 4) { _root.t4[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 23) { _root.t23[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 38) { _root.t38[7] -= invunitsize; } if (terrowner == 1) { _root.kd1[0] -= _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 2) { _root.kd2[0] -= _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 3) { _root.kd3[0] -= _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 4) { _root.kd4[0] -= _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 5) { _root.kd5[0] -= _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 6) { _root.kd6[0] -= _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 7) { _root.kd7[0] -= _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 8) { _root.kd8[0] -= _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 9) { _root.kd9[0] -= _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.moves = 5; }; } if (_root.invloc == 4) { terrowner = _root.t4[0]; defunitsize = _root.t4[7]; defunitpop = _root.t4[6]; invbegin.butt.onRelease = function () { if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) < 0) { _root.t4[7] -= _root.t4[7] - Math.round(((invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) / (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb)) * _root.t4[7]); _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[7] = invunitsize - Math.round(((defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) / (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb)) * invunitsize); _root.t4[0] = 0; _root.t4[2] = 0; _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[4] = 0; _root.t4[8] = 28; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.battles[0] += 1; } if (playerloc == 1) { _root.t1[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 3) { _root.t3[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 5) { _root.t5[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 38) { _root.t38[7] -= invunitsize; } if (terrowner == 1) { _root.kd1[0] -= _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 2) { _root.kd2[0] -= _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 3) { _root.kd3[0] -= _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 4) { _root.kd4[0] -= _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 5) { _root.kd5[0] -= _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 6) { _root.kd6[0] -= _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 7) { _root.kd7[0] -= _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 8) { _root.kd8[0] -= _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 9) { _root.kd9[0] -= _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.moves = 5; }; } if (_root.invloc == 5) { terrowner = _root.t5[0]; defunitsize = _root.t5[7]; defunitpop = _root.t5[6]; invbegin.butt.onRelease = function () { if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) < 0) { _root.t5[7] -= _root.t5[7] - Math.round(((invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) / (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb)) * _root.t5[7]); _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[7] = invunitsize - Math.round(((defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) / (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb)) * invunitsize); _root.t5[0] = 0; _root.t5[2] = 0; _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[4] = 0; _root.t5[8] = 28; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.battles[0] += 1; } if (playerloc == 1) { _root.t1[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 4) { _root.t4[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 6) { _root.t6[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 38) { _root.t38[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 42) { _root.t42[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 45) { _root.t45[7] -= invunitsize; } if (terrowner == 1) { _root.kd1[0] -= _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 2) { _root.kd2[0] -= _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 3) { _root.kd3[0] -= _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 4) { _root.kd4[0] -= _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 5) { _root.kd5[0] -= _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 6) { _root.kd6[0] -= _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 7) { _root.kd7[0] -= _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 8) { _root.kd8[0] -= _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 9) { _root.kd9[0] -= _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.moves = 5; }; } if (_root.invloc == 6) { terrowner = _root.t6[0]; defunitsize = _root.t6[7]; defunitpop = _root.t6[6]; invbegin.butt.onRelease = function () { if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) < 0) { _root.t6[7] -= _root.t6[7] - Math.round(((invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) / (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb)) * _root.t6[7]); _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[7] = invunitsize - Math.round(((defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) / (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb)) * invunitsize); _root.t6[0] = 0; _root.t6[2] = 0; _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[4] = 0; _root.t6[8] = 28; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.battles[0] += 1; } if (playerloc == 1) { _root.t1[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 5) { _root.t5[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 7) { _root.t7[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 45) { _root.t45[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 47) { _root.t47[7] -= invunitsize; } if (terrowner == 1) { _root.kd1[0] -= _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 2) { _root.kd2[0] -= _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 3) { _root.kd3[0] -= _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 4) { _root.kd4[0] -= _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 5) { _root.kd5[0] -= _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 6) { _root.kd6[0] -= _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 7) { _root.kd7[0] -= _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 8) { _root.kd8[0] -= _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 9) { _root.kd9[0] -= _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.moves = 5; }; } if (_root.invloc == 7) { terrowner = _root.t7[0]; defunitsize = _root.t7[7]; defunitpop = _root.t7[6]; invbegin.butt.onRelease = function () { if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) < 0) { _root.t7[7] -= _root.t7[7] - Math.round(((invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) / (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb)) * _root.t7[7]); _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[7] = invunitsize - Math.round(((defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) / (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb)) * invunitsize); _root.t7[0] = 0; _root.t7[2] = 0; _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[4] = 0; _root.t7[8] = 28; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.battles[0] += 1; } if (playerloc == 1) { _root.t1[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 65) { _root.t65[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 6) { _root.t6[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 64) { _root.t64[7] -= invunitsize; } if (playerloc == 47) { _root.t47[7] -= invunitsize; } if (terrowner == 1) { _root.kd1[0] -= _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 2) { _root.kd2[0] -= _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 3) { _root.kd3[0] -= _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 4) { _root.kd4[0] -= _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 5) { _root.kd5[0] -= _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 6) { _root.kd6[0] -= _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 7) { _root.kd7[0] -= _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 8) { _root.kd8[0] -= _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; } if (terrowner == 9) { _root.kd9[0] -= _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.moves = 5; }; } if (_root.invloc == 8) { terrowner = _root.t8[0]; defunitsize = _root.t8[7]; defunitpop = _root.t8[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 9) { terrowner = _root.t9[0]; defunitsize = _root.t9[7]; defunitpop = _root.t9[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 10) { terrowner = _root.t10[0]; defunitsize = _root.t10[7]; defunitpop = _root.t10[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 11) { terrowner = _root.t11[0]; defunitsize = _root.t11[7]; defunitpop = _root.t11[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 12) { terrowner = _root.t12[0]; defunitsize = _root.t12[7]; defunitpop = _root.t12[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 13) { terrowner = _root.t13[0]; defunitsize = _root.t13[7]; defunitpop = _root.t13[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 14) { terrowner = _root.t14[0]; defunitsize = _root.t14[7]; defunitpop = _root.t14[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 15) { terrowner = _root.t15[0]; defunitsize = _root.t15[7]; defunitpop = _root.t15[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 16) { terrowner = _root.t16[0]; defunitsize = _root.t16[7]; defunitpop = _root.t16[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 17) { terrowner = _root.t17[0]; defunitsize = _root.t17[7]; defunitpop = _root.t17[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 18) { terrowner = _root.t18[0]; defunitsize = _root.t18[7]; defunitpop = _root.t18[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 19) { terrowner = _root.t19[0]; defunitsize = _root.t19[7]; defunitpop = _root.t19[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 20) { terrowner = _root.t20[0]; defunitsize = _root.t20[7]; defunitpop = _root.t20[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 21) { terrowner = _root.t21[0]; defunitsize = _root.t21[7]; defunitpop = _root.t21[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 22) { terrowner = _root.t22[0]; defunitsize = _root.t22[7]; defunitpop = _root.t22[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 23) { terrowner = _root.t23[0]; defunitsize = _root.t23[7]; defunitpop = _root.t23[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 24) { terrowner = _root.t24[0]; defunitsize = _root.t24[7]; defunitpop = _root.t24[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 25) { terrowner = _root.t25[0]; defunitsize = _root.t25[7]; defunitpop = _root.t25[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 26) { terrowner = _root.t26[0]; defunitsize = _root.t26[7]; defunitpop = _root.t26[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 27) { terrowner = _root.t27[0]; defunitsize = _root.t27[7]; defunitpop = _root.t27[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 28) { terrowner = _root.t28[0]; defunitsize = _root.t28[7]; defunitpop = _root.t28[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 29) { terrowner = _root.t29[0]; defunitsize = _root.t29[7]; defunitpop = _root.t29[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 30) { terrowner = _root.t30[0]; defunitsize = _root.t30[7]; defunitpop = _root.t30[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 31) { terrowner = _root.t31[0]; defunitsize = _root.t31[7]; defunitpop = _root.t31[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 32) { terrowner = _root.t32[0]; defunitsize = _root.t32[7]; defunitpop = _root.t32[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 33) { terrowner = _root.t33[0]; defunitsize = _root.t33[7]; defunitpop = _root.t33[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 34) { terrowner = _root.t34[0]; defunitsize = _root.t34[7]; defunitpop = _root.t34[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 35) { terrowner = _root.t35[0]; defunitsize = _root.t35[7]; defunitpop = _root.t35[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 36) { terrowner = _root.t36[0]; defunitsize = _root.t36[7]; defunitpop = _root.t36[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 37) { terrowner = _root.t37[0]; defunitsize = _root.t37[7]; defunitpop = _root.t37[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 38) { terrowner = _root.t38[0]; defunitsize = _root.t38[7]; defunitpop = _root.t38[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 39) { terrowner = _root.t39[0]; defunitsize = _root.t39[7]; defunitpop = _root.t39[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 40) { terrowner = _root.t40[0]; defunitsize = _root.t40[7]; defunitpop = _root.t40[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 41) { terrowner = _root.t41[0]; defunitsize = _root.t41[7]; defunitpop = _root.t41[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 42) { terrowner = _root.t42[0]; defunitsize = _root.t42[7]; defunitpop = _root.t42[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 43) { terrowner = _root.t43[0]; defunitsize = _root.t43[7]; defunitpop = _root.t43[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 44) { terrowner = _root.t44[0]; defunitsize = _root.t44[7]; defunitpop = _root.t44[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 45) { terrowner = _root.t45[0]; defunitsize = _root.t45[7]; defunitpop = _root.t45[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 46) { terrowner = _root.t46[0]; defunitsize = _root.t46[7]; defunitpop = _root.t46[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 47) { terrowner = _root.t47[0]; defunitsize = _root.t47[7]; defunitpop = _root.t47[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 48) { terrowner = _root.t48[0]; defunitsize = _root.t48[7]; defunitpop = _root.t48[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 49) { terrowner = _root.t49[0]; defunitsize = _root.t49[7]; defunitpop = _root.t49[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 50) { terrowner = _root.t50[0]; defunitsize = _root.t50[7]; defunitpop = _root.t50[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 51) { terrowner = _root.t51[0]; defunitsize = _root.t51[7]; defunitpop = _root.t51[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 52) { terrowner = _root.t52[0]; defunitsize = _root.t52[7]; defunitpop = _root.t52[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 53) { terrowner = _root.t53[0]; defunitsize = _root.t53[7]; defunitpop = _root.t53[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 54) { terrowner = _root.t54[0]; defunitsize = _root.t54[7]; defunitpop = _root.t54[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 55) { terrowner = _root.t55[0]; defunitsize = _root.t55[7]; defunitpop = _root.t55[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 56) { terrowner = _root.t56[0]; defunitsize = _root.t56[7]; defunitpop = _root.t56[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 57) { terrowner = _root.t57[0]; defunitsize = _root.t57[7]; defunitpop = _root.t57[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 58) { terrowner = _root.t58[0]; defunitsize = _root.t58[7]; defunitpop = _root.t58[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 59) { terrowner = _root.t59[0]; defunitsize = _root.t59[7]; defunitpop = _root.t59[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 60) { terrowner = _root.t60[0]; defunitsize = _root.t60[7]; defunitpop = _root.t60[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 61) { terrowner = _root.t61[0]; defunitsize = _root.t61[7]; defunitpop = _root.t61[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 62) { terrowner = _root.t62[0]; defunitsize = _root.t62[7]; defunitpop = _root.t62[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 63) { terrowner = _root.t63[0]; defunitsize = _root.t63[7]; defunitpop = _root.t63[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 64) { terrowner = _root.t64[0]; defunitsize = _root.t64[7]; defunitpop = _root.t64[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 65) { terrowner = _root.t65[0]; defunitsize = _root.t65[7]; defunitpop = _root.t65[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 66) { terrowner = _root.t66[0]; defunitsize = _root.t66[7]; defunitpop = _root.t66[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 67) { terrowner = _root.t67[0]; defunitsize = _root.t67[7]; defunitpop = _root.t67[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 68) { terrowner = _root.t68[0]; defunitsize = _root.t68[7]; defunitpop = _root.t68[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 69) { terrowner = _root.t69[0]; defunitsize = _root.t69[7]; defunitpop = _root.t69[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 70) { terrowner = _root.t70[0]; defunitsize = _root.t70[7]; defunitpop = _root.t70[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 71) { terrowner = _root.t71[0]; defunitsize = _root.t71[7]; defunitpop = _root.t71[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 72) { terrowner = _root.t72[0]; defunitsize = _root.t72[7]; defunitpop = _root.t72[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 73) { terrowner = _root.t73[0]; defunitsize = _root.t73[7]; defunitpop = _root.t73[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 74) { terrowner = _root.t74[0]; defunitsize = _root.t74[7]; defunitpop = _root.t74[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 75) { terrowner = _root.t75[0]; defunitsize = _root.t75[7]; defunitpop = _root.t75[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 76) { terrowner = _root.t76[0]; defunitsize = _root.t76[7]; defunitpop = _root.t76[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 77) { terrowner = _root.t77[0]; defunitsize = _root.t77[7]; defunitpop = _root.t77[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 78) { terrowner = _root.t78[0]; defunitsize = _root.t78[7]; defunitpop = _root.t78[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 79) { terrowner = _root.t79[0]; defunitsize = _root.t79[7]; defunitpop = _root.t79[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 80) { terrowner = _root.t80[0]; defunitsize = _root.t80[7]; defunitpop = _root.t80[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 81) { terrowner = _root.t81[0]; defunitsize = _root.t81[7]; defunitpop = _root.t81[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 82) { terrowner = _root.t82[0]; defunitsize = _root.t82[7]; defunitpop = _root.t82[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 83) { terrowner = _root.t83[0]; defunitsize = _root.t83[7]; defunitpop = _root.t83[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 84) { terrowner = _root.t84[0]; defunitsize = _root.t84[7]; defunitpop = _root.t84[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 85) { terrowner = _root.t85[0]; defunitsize = _root.t85[7]; defunitpop = _root.t85[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 86) { terrowner = _root.t86[0]; defunitsize = _root.t86[7]; defunitpop = _root.t86[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 87) { terrowner = _root.t87[0]; defunitsize = _root.t87[7]; defunitpop = _root.t87[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 88) { terrowner = _root.t88[0]; defunitsize = _root.t88[7]; defunitpop = _root.t88[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 89) { terrowner = _root.t89[0]; defunitsize = _root.t89[7]; defunitpop = _root.t89[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 90) { terrowner = _root.t90[0]; defunitsize = _root.t90[7]; defunitpop = _root.t90[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 91) { terrowner = _root.t91[0]; defunitsize = _root.t91[7]; defunitpop = _root.t91[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 92) { terrowner = _root.t92[0]; defunitsize = _root.t92[7]; defunitpop = _root.t92[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 93) { terrowner = _root.t93[0]; defunitsize = _root.t93[7]; defunitpop = _root.t93[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 94) { terrowner = _root.t94[0]; defunitsize = _root.t94[7]; defunitpop = _root.t94[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 95) { terrowner = _root.t95[0]; defunitsize = _root.t95[7]; defunitpop = _root.t95[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 96) { terrowner = _root.t96[0]; defunitsize = _root.t96[7]; defunitpop = _root.t96[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 97) { terrowner = _root.t97[0]; defunitsize = _root.t97[7]; defunitpop = _root.t97[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 98) { terrowner = _root.t98[0]; defunitsize = _root.t98[7]; defunitpop = _root.t98[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 99) { terrowner = _root.t99[0]; defunitsize = _root.t99[7]; defunitpop = _root.t99[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 100) { terrowner = _root.t100[0]; defunitsize = _root.t100[7]; defunitpop = _root.t100[6]; } if (_root.invloc == 101) { terrowner = _root.t101[0]; defunitsize = _root.t101[7]; defunitpop = _root.t101[6]; } var v4 = new Object(); var v5 = new Object(); flaginv.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); v4.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; v5.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; var v9 = new Color(flaginv.flagcol); v9.setTransform(v4); var v8 = new Color(flaginv.flagcol2); v8.setTransform(v5); var v3 = new Object(); var v2 = new Object(); if (terrowner == 1) { flagdef.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd1[9]); v3.ra = _root.kd1[3]; = _root.kd1[4]; = _root.kd1[5]; v2.ra = _root.kd1[6]; = _root.kd1[7]; = _root.kd1[8]; defkd.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd1name; defunitstr = _root.kd1[1]; } if (terrowner == 2) { flagdef.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd2[9]); v3.ra = _root.kd2[3]; = _root.kd2[4]; = _root.kd2[5]; v2.ra = _root.kd2[6]; = _root.kd2[7]; = _root.kd2[8]; defkd.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd2name; defunitstr = _root.kd2[1]; } if (terrowner == 3) { flagdef.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd3[9]); v3.ra = _root.kd3[3]; = _root.kd3[4]; = _root.kd3[5]; v2.ra = _root.kd3[6]; = _root.kd3[7]; = _root.kd3[8]; defkd.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd3name; defunitstr = _root.kd3[1]; } if (terrowner == 4) { flagdef.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd4[9]); v3.ra = _root.kd4[3]; = _root.kd4[4]; = _root.kd4[5]; v2.ra = _root.kd4[6]; = _root.kd4[7]; = _root.kd4[8]; defkd.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd4name; defunitstr = _root.kd4[1]; } if (terrowner == 5) { flagdef.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd5[9]); v3.ra = _root.kd5[3]; = _root.kd5[4]; = _root.kd5[5]; v2.ra = _root.kd5[6]; = _root.kd5[7]; = _root.kd5[8]; defkd.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd5name; defunitstr = _root.kd5[1]; } if (terrowner == 6) { flagdef.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd6[9]); v3.ra = _root.kd6[3]; = _root.kd6[4]; = _root.kd6[5]; v2.ra = _root.kd6[6]; = _root.kd6[7]; = _root.kd6[8]; defkd.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd6name; defunitstr = _root.kd6[1]; } if (terrowner == 7) { flagdef.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd7[9]); v3.ra = _root.kd7[3]; = _root.kd7[4]; = _root.kd7[5]; v2.ra = _root.kd7[6]; = _root.kd7[7]; = _root.kd7[8]; defkd.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd7name; defunitstr = _root.kd7[1]; } if (terrowner == 8) { flagdef.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd8[9]); v3.ra = _root.kd8[3]; = _root.kd8[4]; = _root.kd8[5]; v2.ra = _root.kd8[6]; = _root.kd8[7]; = _root.kd8[8]; defkd.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd8name; defunitstr = _root.kd8[1]; } if (terrowner == 9) { flagdef.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd9[9]); v3.ra = _root.kd9[3]; = _root.kd9[4]; = _root.kd9[5]; v2.ra = _root.kd9[6]; = _root.kd9[7]; = _root.kd9[8]; defkd.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd9name; defunitstr = _root.kd9[1]; } var v7 = new Color(flagdef.flagcol); v7.setTransform(v3); var v6 = new Color(flagdef.flagcol2); v6.setTransform(v2); invbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb))); defbar.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.round(100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb))); solc1.soldiersloc = invunitsize; downsolb.butt.onRelease = function () { if (invunitsize > 10) { invunitsize -= 1; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); }; upsolb.butt.onRelease = function () { if (invunitsize < curunitsize - 11) { invunitsize += 1; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); }; downsolb1.butt.onRelease = function () { if (invunitsize > 20) { invunitsize -= 10; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); }; upsolb1.butt.onRelease = function () { if (invunitsize < curunitsize - 21) { invunitsize += 10; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); }; downsolb2.butt.onRelease = function () { if (invunitsize > 110) { invunitsize -= 100; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); }; upsolb2.butt.onRelease = function () { if (invunitsize < curunitsize - 111) { invunitsize += 100; } _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); }; if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) < 0) { batresult.dvb = _root.kd0name + ' Defeat'; lossresult.dvb = invunitsize + ' Soldiers'; } else { if (100 * (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) > 0) { batresult.dvb = _root.kd0name + ' Victory'; lossresult.dvb = Math.round(((defunitsize / _root.aszcb + defunitpop / _root.pcb + defunitstr / _root.astcb) / (invunitsize / _root.aszcb + invunitpop / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb)) * invunitsize) + ' Soldiers'; } } if (_root.moves > 0.5) { gotoAndStop(2); _root.mapholder.mapp.chosenextmove.gotoAndStop(103); } } var terrowner = 0; var playerloc = 0; var curunitsize = 0; var invunitsize = 10; var invunitpop = 0; var defunitsize = 0; var defunitpop = 0; var defunitstr = 0; stop(); } instance terrname of movieClip 1069 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.dva = 'Battle of ' + _root.tnames[_root.invloc - 1]; } } instance invkd of movieClip 1071 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.dva = 'Kingdom of ' + _root.kd0name; } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } } button 1080 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1081 { } movieClip 1084 { } movieClip 1087 { } movieClip 1091 { } movieClip 1096 { } movieClip 1098 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 1107 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); nextFrame(); } } button 1114 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); prevFrame(); } } movieClip 1156 { frame 1 { var gbuyrate = 1800; var gsellrate = 2300; var wbuyrate = 3700; var wsellrate = 5000; var sbuyrate = 2000; var ssellrate = 3100; var ibuyrate = 230; var isellrate = 345; var cbuyrate = 250; var csellrate = 355; var sibuyrate = 30; var sisellrate = 55; var gebuyrate = 0.07000000000000001; var gesellrate = 0.1; } frame 1 { gbuyrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 200); gsellrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 300); wbuyrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 600); wsellrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 700); sbuyrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 600); ssellrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 500); ibuyrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 50); isellrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 69); cbuyrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 60); csellrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 89); sibuyrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 10); sisellrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 19); gebuyrate += 0.0001 * Math.round(Math.random() * 3); gesellrate += 0.0001 * Math.round(Math.random() * 5); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { storess.currentstores = 'Grain stores: ' + Math.round(_root.grain) + ' lb Grain'; gstoress.currentstores = 'Gold stores: ' + Math.round( + ' lb Gold'; rate1 = 'Rate: ' + gbuyrate + ' lb grain/gold'; rate2 = 'Rate: ' + gsellrate + ' lb grain/gold'; buyamount.soldiersloc = lbuyamount; trade1amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * lbuyamount / gbuyrate) * 0.01; sellamount.soldiersloc = rsellamount; trade2amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * rsellamount / gsellrate) * 0.01; if ( > 10000 / gbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(1); butt1.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 10000; }; } if ( < 10000 / gbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 50000 / gbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(1); butt2.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 50000; }; } if ( < 50000 / gbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 100000 / gbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(1); butt3.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 100000; }; } if ( < 100000 / gbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 200000 / gbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(1); butt4.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 200000; }; } if ( < 200000 / gbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 500000 / gbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(1); butt5.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 500000; }; } if ( < 500000 / gbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 1000000 / gbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(1); butt6.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 1000000; }; } if ( < 1000000 / gbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(2); } buy.onRelease = function () { if ( > lbuyamount / gbuyrate) { _root.grain += lbuyamount; -= lbuyamount / gbuyrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; if (_root.grain > 10000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt1.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 10000; }; } if (_root.grain < 10000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.grain > 50000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt2.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 50000; }; } if (_root.grain < 50000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.grain > 100000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt3.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 100000; }; } if (_root.grain < 100000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.grain > 200000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt4.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 200000; }; } if (_root.grain < 200000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.grain > 500000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt5.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 500000; }; } if (_root.grain < 500000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.grain > 1000000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt6.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 1000000; }; } if (_root.grain < 1000000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(2); } sell.onRelease = function () { if (_root.grain > rsellamount) { _root.grain -= rsellamount; += rsellamount / gsellrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; } var lbuyamount = 0; var rsellamount = 0; stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { storess.currentstores = 'Wood stores: ' + Math.round(_root.wood) + ' lb Wood'; gstoress.currentstores = 'Gold stores: ' + Math.round( + ' lb Gold'; rate1 = 'Rate: ' + wbuyrate + ' lb wood/gold'; rate2 = 'Rate: ' + wsellrate + ' lb wood/gold'; buyamount.soldiersloc = lbuyamount; trade1amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * lbuyamount / wbuyrate) * 0.01; sellamount.soldiersloc = rsellamount; trade2amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * rsellamount / wsellrate) * 0.01; if ( > 10000 / wbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(1); butt1.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 10000; }; } if ( < 10000 / wbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 50000 / wbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(1); butt2.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 50000; }; } if ( < 50000 / wbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 100000 / wbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(1); butt3.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 100000; }; } if ( < 100000 / wbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 200000 / wbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(1); butt4.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 200000; }; } if ( < 200000 / wbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 500000 / wbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(1); butt5.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 500000; }; } if ( < 500000 / wbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 1000000 / wbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(1); butt6.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 1000000; }; } if ( < 1000000 / wbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(2); } buy.onRelease = function () { if ( > lbuyamount / wbuyrate) { _root.wood += lbuyamount; -= lbuyamount / wbuyrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; if (_root.wood > 10000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt1.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 10000; }; } if (_root.wood < 10000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 50000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt2.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 50000; }; } if (_root.wood < 50000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 100000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt3.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 100000; }; } if (_root.wood < 100000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 200000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt4.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 200000; }; } if (_root.wood < 200000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 500000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt5.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 500000; }; } if (_root.wood < 500000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wood > 1000000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt6.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 1000000; }; } if (_root.wood < 1000000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(2); } sell.onRelease = function () { if (_root.wood > rsellamount) { _root.wood -= rsellamount; += rsellamount / wsellrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; } var lbuyamount = 0; var rsellamount = 0; stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { storess.currentstores = 'Salt stores: ' + Math.round(_root.salt) + ' lb Salt'; gstoress.currentstores = 'Gold stores: ' + Math.round( + ' lb Gold'; rate1 = 'Rate: ' + sbuyrate + ' lb salt/gold'; rate2 = 'Rate: ' + ssellrate + ' lb salt/gold'; buyamount.soldiersloc = lbuyamount; trade1amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * lbuyamount / sbuyrate) * 0.01; sellamount.soldiersloc = rsellamount; trade2amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * rsellamount / ssellrate) * 0.01; if ( > 10000 / sbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(1); butt1.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 10000; }; } if ( < 10000 / sbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 50000 / sbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(1); butt2.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 50000; }; } if ( < 50000 / sbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 100000 / sbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(1); butt3.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 100000; }; } if ( < 100000 / sbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 200000 / sbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(1); butt4.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 200000; }; } if ( < 200000 / sbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 500000 / sbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(1); butt5.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 500000; }; } if ( < 500000 / sbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 1000000 / sbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(1); butt6.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 1000000; }; } if ( < 1000000 / sbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(2); } buy.onRelease = function () { if ( > lbuyamount / sbuyrate) { _root.salt += lbuyamount; -= lbuyamount / sbuyrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; if (_root.salt > 10000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt1.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 10000; }; } if (_root.salt < 10000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.salt > 50000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt2.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 50000; }; } if (_root.salt < 50000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.salt > 100000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt3.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 100000; }; } if (_root.salt < 100000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.salt > 200000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt4.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 200000; }; } if (_root.salt < 200000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.salt > 500000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt5.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 500000; }; } if (_root.salt < 500000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.salt > 1000000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt6.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 1000000; }; } if (_root.salt < 1000000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(2); } sell.onRelease = function () { if (_root.salt > rsellamount) { _root.salt -= rsellamount; += rsellamount / ssellrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; } var lbuyamount = 0; var rsellamount = 0; stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { storess.currentstores = 'Iron stores: ' + Math.round(_root.iron) + ' lb Iron'; gstoress.currentstores = 'Gold stores: ' + Math.round( + ' lb Gold'; rate1 = 'Rate: ' + ibuyrate + ' lb iron/gold'; rate2 = 'Rate: ' + isellrate + ' lb iron/gold'; buyamount.soldiersloc = lbuyamount; trade1amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * lbuyamount / ibuyrate) * 0.01; sellamount.soldiersloc = rsellamount; trade2amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * rsellamount / isellrate) * 0.01; if ( > 1000 / ibuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(1); butt1.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 1000; }; } if ( < 1000 / ibuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 5000 / ibuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(1); butt2.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 5000; }; } if ( < 5000 / ibuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 10000 / ibuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(1); butt3.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 10000; }; } if ( < 10000 / ibuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 20000 / ibuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(1); butt4.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 20000; }; } if ( < 20000 / ibuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 50000 / ibuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(1); butt5.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 50000; }; } if ( < 50000 / ibuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 100000 / ibuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(1); butt6.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 100000; }; } if ( < 100000 / ibuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(2); } buy.onRelease = function () { if ( > lbuyamount / ibuyrate) { _root.iron += lbuyamount; -= lbuyamount / ibuyrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; if (_root.iron > 1000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt1.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 1000; }; } if (_root.iron < 1000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.iron > 5000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt2.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 5000; }; } if (_root.iron < 5000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.iron > 10000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt3.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 10000; }; } if (_root.iron < 10000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.iron > 20000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt4.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 20000; }; } if (_root.iron < 20000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.iron > 50000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt5.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 50000; }; } if (_root.iron < 50000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.iron > 100000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt6.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 100000; }; } if (_root.iron < 100000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(2); } sell.onRelease = function () { if (_root.iron > rsellamount) { _root.iron -= rsellamount; += rsellamount / isellrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; } var lbuyamount = 0; var rsellamount = 0; stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { storess.currentstores = 'Copper stores: ' + Math.round(_root.copper) + ' lb Copper'; gstoress.currentstores = 'Gold stores: ' + Math.round( + ' lb Gold'; rate1 = 'Rate: ' + cbuyrate + ' lb copper/gold'; rate2 = 'Rate: ' + csellrate + ' lb copper/gold'; buyamount.soldiersloc = lbuyamount; trade1amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * lbuyamount / cbuyrate) * 0.01; sellamount.soldiersloc = rsellamount; trade2amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * rsellamount / csellrate) * 0.01; if ( > 1000 / cbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(1); butt1.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 1000; }; } if ( < 1000 / cbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 5000 / cbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(1); butt2.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 5000; }; } if ( < 5000 / cbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 10000 / cbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(1); butt3.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 10000; }; } if ( < 10000 / cbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 20000 / cbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(1); butt4.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 20000; }; } if ( < 20000 / cbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 50000 / cbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(1); butt5.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 50000; }; } if ( < 50000 / cbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 100000 / cbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(1); butt6.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 100000; }; } if ( < 100000 / cbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(2); } buy.onRelease = function () { if ( > lbuyamount / cbuyrate) { _root.copper += lbuyamount; -= lbuyamount / cbuyrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; if (_root.copper > 1000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt1.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 1000; }; } if (_root.copper < 1000) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.copper > 5000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt2.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 5000; }; } if (_root.copper < 5000) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.copper > 10000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt3.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 10000; }; } if (_root.copper < 10000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.copper > 20000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt4.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 20000; }; } if (_root.copper < 20000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.copper > 50000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt5.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 50000; }; } if (_root.copper < 50000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.copper > 100000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt6.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 100000; }; } if (_root.copper < 100000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(2); } sell.onRelease = function () { if (_root.copper > rsellamount) { _root.copper -= rsellamount; += rsellamount / csellrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; } var lbuyamount = 0; var rsellamount = 0; stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { storess.currentstores = 'Silver stores: ' + Math.round(_root.silver) + ' lb Silver'; gstoress.currentstores = 'Gold stores: ' + Math.round( + ' lb Gold'; rate1 = 'Rate: ' + sibuyrate + ' lb silver/gold'; rate2 = 'Rate: ' + sisellrate + ' lb silver/gold'; buyamount.soldiersloc = lbuyamount; trade1amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * lbuyamount / sibuyrate) * 0.01; sellamount.soldiersloc = rsellamount; trade2amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * rsellamount / sisellrate) * 0.01; if ( > 100 / sibuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(1); butt1.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 100; }; } if ( < 100 / sibuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 500 / sibuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(1); butt2.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 500; }; } if ( < 500 / sibuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 1000 / sibuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(1); butt3.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 1000; }; } if ( < 1000 / sibuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 2000 / sibuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(1); butt4.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 2000; }; } if ( < 2000 / sibuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 5000 / sibuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(1); butt5.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 5000; }; } if ( < 5000 / sibuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 10000 / sibuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(1); butt6.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 10000; }; } if ( < 10000 / sibuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(2); } buy.onRelease = function () { if ( > lbuyamount / sibuyrate) { _root.silver += lbuyamount; -= lbuyamount / sibuyrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; if (_root.silver > 100) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt1.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 100; }; } if (_root.silver < 100) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.silver > 500) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt2.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 500; }; } if (_root.silver < 500) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.silver > 1000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt3.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 1000; }; } if (_root.silver < 1000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.silver > 2000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt4.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 2000; }; } if (_root.silver < 2000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.silver > 5000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt5.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 5000; }; } if (_root.silver < 5000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.silver > 10000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt6.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 10000; }; } if (_root.silver < 10000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(2); } sell.onRelease = function () { if (_root.silver > rsellamount) { _root.silver -= rsellamount; += rsellamount / sisellrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; } var lbuyamount = 0; var rsellamount = 0; stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { storess.currentstores = 'Gemstone stores: ' + Math.round(_root.gemstones) + ' lb Gemstones'; gstoress.currentstores = 'Gold stores: ' + Math.round( + ' lb Gold'; rate1 = 'Rate: ' + gebuyrate + ' lb gems/gold'; rate2 = 'Rate: ' + gesellrate + ' lb gems/gold'; buyamount.soldiersloc = lbuyamount; trade1amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * lbuyamount / gebuyrate) * 0.01; sellamount.soldiersloc = rsellamount; trade2amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * rsellamount / gesellrate) * 0.01; if ( > 1 / gebuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(1); butt1.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 1; }; } if ( < 1 / gebuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 5 / gebuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(1); butt2.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 5; }; } if ( < 5 / gebuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 10 / gebuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(1); butt3.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 10; }; } if ( < 10 / gebuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 20 / gebuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(1); butt4.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 20; }; } if ( < 20 / gebuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 50 / gebuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(1); butt5.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 50; }; } if ( < 50 / gebuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 100 / gebuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(1); butt6.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 100; }; } if ( < 100 / gebuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(2); } buy.onRelease = function () { if ( > lbuyamount / gebuyrate) { _root.gemstones += lbuyamount; -= lbuyamount / gebuyrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; if (_root.gemstones > 1) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt1.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 1; }; } if (_root.gemstones < 1) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.gemstones > 5) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt2.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 5; }; } if (_root.gemstones < 5) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.gemstones > 10) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt3.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 10; }; } if (_root.gemstones < 10) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.gemstones > 20) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt4.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 20; }; } if (_root.gemstones < 20) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.gemstones > 50) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt5.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 50; }; } if (_root.gemstones < 50) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.gemstones > 100) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt6.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 100; }; } if (_root.gemstones < 100) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(2); } sell.onRelease = function () { if (_root.gemstones > rsellamount) { _root.gemstones -= rsellamount; += rsellamount / gesellrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; } var lbuyamount = 0; var rsellamount = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 1157 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } } button 1159 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1176 { frame 1 { var mbuyrate = 25; var msellrate = 37; } frame 1 { mbuyrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 7); msellrate += Math.round(Math.random() * 9); mbuyrate += Math.round(_root.kd0[1] * 100); msellrate += Math.round(_root.kd0[1] * 100); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { storess.currentstores = 'Unit size ' + _root.t1[7] + ' Soldiers'; gstoress.currentstores = 'Gold stores: ' + Math.round( + ' lb Gold'; rate1 = 'Rate: ' + mbuyrate + ' soldiers/lb gold'; rate2 = 'Rate: ' + msellrate + ' soldiers/lb gold'; buyamount.soldiersloc = lbuyamount; trade1amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * lbuyamount / mbuyrate) * 0.01; sellamount.soldiersloc = rsellamount; trade2amount.soldiersloc = Math.round(100 * rsellamount / msellrate) * 0.01; if ( > 100 / mbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(1); butt1.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 100; }; } if ( < 100 / mbuyrate) { butt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 500 / mbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(1); butt2.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 500; }; } if ( < 500 / mbuyrate) { butt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 1000 / mbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(1); butt3.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 1000; }; } if ( < 1000 / mbuyrate) { butt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 2000 / mbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(1); butt4.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 2000; }; } if ( < 2000 / mbuyrate) { butt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 5000 / mbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(1); butt5.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 5000; }; } if ( < 5000 / mbuyrate) { butt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( > 10000 / mbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(1); butt6.butt.onRelease = function () { lbuyamount = 10000; }; } if ( < 10000 / mbuyrate) { butt6.gotoAndStop(2); } buy.onRelease = function () { if ( > lbuyamount / mbuyrate) { _root.t1[7] += lbuyamount; -= lbuyamount / mbuyrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; if (_root.t1[7] > 100) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt1.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 100; }; } if (_root.t1[7] < 100) { b2utt1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[7] > 500) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt2.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 500; }; } if (_root.t1[7] < 500) { b2utt2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[7] > 1000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt3.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 1000; }; } if (_root.t1[7] < 1000) { b2utt3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[7] > 2000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt4.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 2000; }; } if (_root.t1[7] < 2000) { b2utt4.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[7] > 5000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt5.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 5000; }; } if (_root.t1[7] < 5000) { b2utt5.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.t1[7] > 10000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(1); b2utt6.butt.onRelease = function () { rsellamount = 10000; }; } if (_root.t1[7] < 10000) { b2utt6.gotoAndStop(2); } sell.onRelease = function () { if (_root.t1[7] > rsellamount) { _root.t1[7] -= rsellamount; += rsellamount / msellrate; _root.moves -= 1; } }; } var lbuyamount = 0; var rsellamount = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 1177 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } } button 1180 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1184 { } movieClip 1196 { } movieClip 1197 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { grainprod = 0; woodprod = 0; saltprod = 0; ironprod = 0; copperprod = 0; silverprod = 0; goldprod = 0; gemstonesprod = 0; terrsowned = 0; totpop = 0; avgpopu = 0; visited = 0; tbuilt = 0; soldiers = 0; milguse = 0; milwuse = 0; milsuse = 0; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { grainprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t1[9] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); woodprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t1[10] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); saltprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t1[11] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); ironprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[12] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); copperprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[13] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); silverprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[14] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); goldprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[15] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); gemstonesprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[16] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); terrsowned += 1; totpop += _root.t1[2]; avgpopu += _root.t1[6]; soldiers += _root.t1[7]; milguse += _root.t1[7] * _root.mgrainu; milwuse += _root.t1[7] * _root.mwoodu; milsuse += _root.t1[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { grainprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t2[9] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); woodprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t2[10] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); saltprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t2[11] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); ironprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[12] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); copperprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[13] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); silverprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[14] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); goldprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[15] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); gemstonesprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[16] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); terrsowned += 1; totpop += _root.t2[2]; avgpopu += _root.t2[6]; soldiers += _root.t2[7]; milguse += _root.t2[7] * _root.mgrainu; milwuse += _root.t2[7] * _root.mwoodu; milsuse += _root.t2[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { grainprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t3[9] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); woodprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t3[10] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); saltprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t3[11] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); ironprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[12] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); copperprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[13] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); silverprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[14] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); goldprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[15] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); gemstonesprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[16] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); terrsowned += 1; totpop += _root.t3[2]; avgpopu += _root.t3[6]; soldiers += _root.t3[7]; milguse += _root.t3[7] * _root.mgrainu; milwuse += _root.t3[7] * _root.mwoodu; milsuse += _root.t3[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { grainprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t4[9] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); woodprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t4[10] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); saltprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t4[11] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); ironprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[12] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); copperprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[13] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); silverprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[14] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); goldprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[15] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); gemstonesprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[16] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); terrsowned += 1; totpop += _root.t4[2]; avgpopu += _root.t4[6]; soldiers += _root.t4[7]; milguse += _root.t4[7] * _root.mgrainu; milwuse += _root.t4[7] * _root.mwoodu; milsuse += _root.t4[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { grainprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t5[9] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); woodprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t5[10] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); saltprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t5[11] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); ironprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[12] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); copperprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[13] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); silverprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[14] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); goldprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[15] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); gemstonesprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[16] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); terrsowned += 1; totpop += _root.t5[2]; avgpopu += _root.t5[6]; soldiers += _root.t5[7]; milguse += _root.t5[7] * _root.mgrainu; milwuse += _root.t5[7] * _root.mwoodu; milsuse += _root.t5[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { grainprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t6[9] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); woodprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t6[10] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); saltprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t6[11] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); ironprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[12] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); copperprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[13] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); silverprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[14] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); goldprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[15] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); gemstonesprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[16] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); terrsowned += 1; totpop += _root.t6[2]; avgpopu += _root.t6[6]; soldiers += _root.t6[7]; milguse += _root.t6[7] * _root.mgrainu; milwuse += _root.t6[7] * _root.mwoodu; milsuse += _root.t6[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { grainprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t7[9] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); woodprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t7[10] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); saltprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t7[11] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); ironprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[12] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); copperprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[13] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); silverprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[14] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); goldprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[15] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); gemstonesprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[16] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); terrsowned += 1; totpop += _root.t7[2]; avgpopu += _root.t7[6]; soldiers += _root.t7[7]; milguse += _root.t7[7] * _root.mgrainu; milwuse += _root.t7[7] * _root.mwoodu; milsuse += _root.t7[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.t1[19] == 1) { visited += 1; } if (_root.t2[19] == 1) { visited += 1; } if (_root.t3[19] == 1) { visited += 1; } if (_root.t4[19] == 1) { visited += 1; } if (_root.t5[19] == 1) { visited += 1; } if (_root.t6[19] == 1) { visited += 1; } if (_root.t7[19] == 1) { visited += 1; } if (_root.temples[0] == 1) { tbuilt += 1; } if (_root.temples[1] == 1) { tbuilt += 1; } if (_root.temples[2] == 1) { tbuilt += 1; } if (_root.temples[3] == 1) { tbuilt += 1; } if (_root.temples[4] == 1) { tbuilt += 1; } if (_root.temples[5] == 1) { tbuilt += 1; } if (_root.temples[6] == 1) { tbuilt += 1; } if (_root.temples[7] == 1) { tbuilt += 1; } grainp.amountt = grainprod + ' lb'; woodp.amountt = woodprod + ' lb'; saltp.amountt = saltprod + ' lb'; ironp.amountt = ironprod + ' lb'; cpp.amountt = copperprod + ' lb'; sstop.amountt = silverprod + ' lb'; glp.amountt = goldprod + ' lb'; gep.amountt = gemstonesprod + ' lb'; graint.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[0]) + '%'; woodt.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[1]) + '%'; saltt.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[2]) + '%'; iront.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[3]) + '%'; cpt.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[4]) + '%'; sstot.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[5]) + '%'; glt.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[6]) + '%'; gett.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[7]) + '%'; terrsownedd.amountt = terrsowned; totpopp.amountt = totpop; avgpopuu.amountt = Math.round(avgpopu / terrsowned) + '%'; visitedd.amountt = visited; tempsbuilt.amountt = tbuilt; capdays.amountt = _root.stayincap; soldierss.amountt = soldiers; mskillz.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.kd0[1]) + '/100'; bswon.amountt = _root.battles[0]; bslost.amountt = _root.battles[1]; ralliez.amountt = _root.battles[2]; tscaptured.amountt = _root.battles[3]; kskilled.amountt = _root.battles[4]; soldzlost.amountt = 'Unknown'; mguse.amountt = Math.round(milguse) + ' lb'; mwuse.amountt = Math.round(milwuse) + ' lb'; msuse.amountt = Math.round(milsuse) + ' lb'; var v2 = new Object(); var v3 = new Object(); flaginv.flagcol2.gotoAndStop(_root.kd0[9]); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; v3.ra = _root.kd0[6]; = _root.kd0[7]; = _root.kd0[8]; var v5 = new Color(flaginv.flagcol); v5.setTransform(v2); var v4 = new Color(flaginv.flagcol2); v4.setTransform(v3); _root.resprods[0] = grainprod; _root.resprods[1] = woodprod; _root.resprods[2] = saltprod; _root.resprods[3] = ironprod; _root.resprods[4] = copperprod; _root.resprods[5] = silverprod; _root.resprods[6] = goldprod; _root.resprods[7] = gemstonesprod; } var grainprod = 0; var woodprod = 0; var saltprod = 0; var ironprod = 0; var copperprod = 0; var silverprod = 0; var goldprod = 0; var gemstonesprod = 0; var terrsowned = 0; var totpop = 0; var avgpopu = 0; var visited = 0; var tbuilt = 0; var soldiers = 0; stop(); } instance grainstores of movieClip 1184 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.amountt = Math.round(_root.grain) + ' lb'; } } instance woodstores of movieClip 1184 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.amountt = Math.round(_root.wood) + ' lb'; } } instance saltstores of movieClip 1184 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.amountt = Math.round(_root.salt) + ' lb'; } } instance ironstores of movieClip 1184 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.amountt = Math.round(_root.iron) + ' lb'; } } instance cstores of movieClip 1184 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.amountt = Math.round(_root.copper) + ' lb'; } } instance sstores of movieClip 1184 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.amountt = Math.round(_root.silver) + ' lb'; } } instance glstores of movieClip 1184 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.amountt = Math.round( + ' lb'; } } instance gestores of movieClip 1184 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.amountt = Math.round(_root.gemstones) + ' lb'; } } instance of movieClip 1196 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.leadd = _root.kd0ruler; this.kingdomm = _root.kd0name; } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1200 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1202 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1203 { } movieClip 1205 { } movieClip 1207 { } movieClip 1214 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } } movieClip 1216 { } movieClip 1218 { } movieClip 1220 { } movieClip 1221 { } movieClip 1223 { } movieClip 1225 { } movieClip 1227 { } // unknown tag 88 length 292 movieClip 1230 { } movieClip 1231 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 1233 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.sword); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.sword); } stop(); } } movieClip 1235 { } movieClip 1237 { } movieClip 1239 { } movieClip 1241 { } movieClip 1243 { } movieClip 1245 { } movieClip 1248 { } movieClip 1250 { } movieClip 1253 { } movieClip 1255 { } movieClip 1257 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1258 { } movieClip 1260 { } movieClip 1261 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } } movieClip 1265 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.sword); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.sword); } stop(); } } movieClip 1267 { } movieClip 1269 { } movieClip 1272 { } movieClip 1274 { } movieClip 1277 { } movieClip 1279 { } movieClip 1282 { } movieClip 1284 { } movieClip 1287 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } } movieClip 1290 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } } movieClip 1293 { } movieClip 1295 { } movieClip 1297 { } movieClip 1299 { } movieClip 1302 { } movieClip 1304 { } movieClip 1305 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(shoecol); v3.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(shoecol); v3.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(shoecol); v3.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1307 { } movieClip 1309 { } movieClip 1311 { } movieClip 1313 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 28 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } } movieClip 1316 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } } movieClip 1319 { } movieClip 1321 { } movieClip 1325 { } movieClip 1327 { } movieClip 1330 { } movieClip 1332 { } movieClip 1335 { } movieClip 1337 { } movieClip 1342 { } movieClip 1344 { } movieClip 1350 { } movieClip 1352 { } movieClip 1356 { } movieClip 1359 { } movieClip 1361 { } movieClip 1366 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } } movieClip 1370 { } movieClip 1372 { } movieClip 1375 { } movieClip 1377 { } movieClip 1381 { } movieClip 1383 { } movieClip 1386 { } movieClip 1388 { } movieClip 1390 { } movieClip 1392 { } movieClip 1396 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } } movieClip 1399 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.pubes); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.pubes); } stop(); } } movieClip 1401 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.pubes); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.pubes); } stop(); } } movieClip 1403 { } movieClip 1404 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(shoecol); v4.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } } movieClip 1406 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } } movieClip 1410 { } movieClip 1412 { } movieClip 1416 { } movieClip 1418 { } movieClip 1421 { } movieClip 1423 { } movieClip 1425 { } movieClip 1428 { } movieClip 1432 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.pubes); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.pubes); } stop(); } } movieClip 1434 { } movieClip 1435 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } } movieClip 1437 { } movieClip 1440 { } movieClip 1442 { } movieClip 1444 { } movieClip 1446 { } movieClip 1448 { } movieClip 1450 { } movieClip 1456 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); pregline.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); pregline.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); pregline.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); pregline.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(topcol); v7.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v5 = new Color(botcol); v5.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v6 = new Color(topshad); v6.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v3 = new Color(botshad); v3.setTransform(_root.botshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } } movieClip 1459 { } movieClip 1461 { } movieClip 1463 { } movieClip 1465 { } movieClip 1468 { } movieClip 1470 { } movieClip 1471 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(shoecol); v3.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(shoecol); v3.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(shoecol); v3.setTransform(_root.shoecol); var v2 = new Color(shoeshad); v2.setTransform(_root.shoeshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1477 { } movieClip 1479 { } movieClip 1486 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } } movieClip 1488 { } movieClip 1490 { } movieClip 1493 { } movieClip 1495 { } movieClip 1499 { } movieClip 1501 { } movieClip 1505 { } movieClip 1510 { } movieClip 1512 { } movieClip 1514 { } movieClip 1516 { } movieClip 1518 { } movieClip 1520 { } movieClip 1522 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.bott); } stop(); } } movieClip 1525 { } movieClip 1526 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } } movieClip 1529 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1531 { } movieClip 1532 { } movieClip 1533 { } movieClip 1535 { } movieClip 1536 { } movieClip 1538 { } movieClip 1539 { } movieClip 1541 { } movieClip 1542 { } movieClip 1544 { } movieClip 1545 { } movieClip 1546 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } } movieClip 1549 { } movieClip 1551 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } } movieClip 1553 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } } movieClip 1639 { } movieClip 1721 { } movieClip 1722 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } } movieClip 1726 { } movieClip 1728 { } movieClip 1731 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } } movieClip 1734 { } movieClip 1736 { } movieClip 1739 { } movieClip 1741 { } movieClip 1743 { } movieClip 1744 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } } movieClip 1747 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.milky); } stop(); } } movieClip 1750 { } movieClip 1752 { } movieClip 1755 { } movieClip 1757 { } movieClip 1763 { } movieClip 1765 { } movieClip 1770 { } movieClip 1772 { } movieClip 1779 { } movieClip 1781 { } movieClip 1787 { } movieClip 1789 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); darknipples.gotoAndStop(28 - _root.preg); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } } movieClip 1790 { } movieClip 1791 { } movieClip 1794 { } movieClip 1795 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v2 = new Color(whitecol); v2.setTransform(_root.whitecol); } stop(); } } movieClip 1797 { } movieClip 1799 { } movieClip 1801 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.gotoAndStop(_root.cornea); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { this.gotoAndStop(_root.cornea); } stop(); } } movieClip 1803 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(eyecol); v5.setTransform(_root.eyecol); var v3 = new Color(iriscol); v3.setTransform(_root.iriscol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 1804 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.iris); } } } movieClip 1807 { } movieClip 1809 { } movieClip 1810 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 1814 { } movieClip 1816 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.blush); } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.blush); } } } movieClip 1819 { } movieClip 1820 { } movieClip 1821 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.tears); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.tears); } stop(); } } movieClip 1823 { } movieClip 1828 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1829 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.talking = 0; } } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 28 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 33 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 34 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 37 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 39 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 40 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 42 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(3); if (_root.talking > 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } stop(); } } movieClip 1834 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1835 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.talking = 0; } } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 28 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 33 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 34 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 37 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 39 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)); } } frame 40 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 42 { function onEnterFrame() { mouth.gotoAndStop(3); if (_root.talking > 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } stop(); } } movieClip 1838 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.mouth); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.mouth); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.mouth); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.mouth); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.mouth); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.mouth); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.mouth); } stop(); } } movieClip 1839 { } movieClip 1842 { } movieClip 1844 { } movieClip 1845 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.paint); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.paint); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.paint); } stop(); } } movieClip 1851 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.eyebrows); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.eyebrows); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.eyebrows); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.eyebrows); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.eyebrows); } stop(); } } movieClip 1852 { } movieClip 1854 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { this.gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1856 { } movieClip 1858 { } movieClip 1859 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(_root.topp); } stop(); } } movieClip 1862 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } } movieClip 1867 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.glasses); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.glasses); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.glasses); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.glasses); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.glasses); } stop(); } } movieClip 1869 { } movieClip 1871 { } movieClip 1873 { } movieClip 1875 { } movieClip 1876 { } movieClip 1878 { } movieClip 1880 { } movieClip 1881 { } movieClip 1882 { } movieClip 1884 { } movieClip 1886 { } movieClip 1890 { } movieClip 1892 { } movieClip 1894 { } movieClip 1895 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1897 { } movieClip 1899 { } movieClip 1902 { } movieClip 1907 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1909 { } movieClip 1911 { } movieClip 1916 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1918 { } movieClip 1920 { } movieClip 1922 { } movieClip 1924 { } movieClip 1925 { } movieClip 1926 { } movieClip 1928 { } movieClip 1930 { } movieClip 1934 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(botshad); v2.setTransform(_root.botshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1936 { } movieClip 1938 { } movieClip 1940 { } movieClip 1942 { } movieClip 1943 { } movieClip 1944 { } movieClip 1946 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v9 = new Color(hairfront.haircol); v9.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v8 = new Color(hairfront.hairshad); v8.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v7 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v5.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v6 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v6.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { var v8 = new Color(hairfront.haircol); v8.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v7 = new Color(hairfront.hairshad); v7.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v9 = new Color(hairfront.haircol1); v9.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hairshad1); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v6 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v6.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v4.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(hairfront.haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairfront.hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.haircol1); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hairshad1); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { = 1; gotoAndStop(; } stop(); } } movieClip 1947 { } movieClip 1948 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 1949 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { fg._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pteryphon._x = 1131.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; gpool2._x = 342.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; bg._x = -13.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.015; pool._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pillar._x = 15.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.041; fg._y = 274 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pteryphon._y = 67.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; gpool2._y = 59.75 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; bg._y = -14.9 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pool._y = 262.1 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pillar._y = -149.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; } stop(); } instance pteryphon2z of movieClip 1231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.077; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance girlz of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 1954 { } movieClip 1956 { } movieClip 1958 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1959 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.settlementsys.gotoAndStop(102); nextFrame(); } } button 1962 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } button 1972 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } button 1977 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.sendsoldierssys.gotoAndStop(2); _root.moves = 0; nextFrame(); } } button 1985 { on (release) { _root.convobg = 2; nextFrame(); } } button 1986 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.convo = 5; nextFrame(); } } movieClip 1987 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Look here, Princess ... This is a map of the Known Lands! It shows the boundaries of the many Kingdoms.'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may choose a territory to learn more about it ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.hud.settlementmenu._currentframe == 1) { _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Territories possess valuable resources, and a settlement can be built on each ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may build more housing to grow a settlement. A larger settlement harvests more resources ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may tax the harvests of these settlements, but beware. High taxes anger the settlers, decreasing your popularity ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Choose the \'Resources\' tab to view the amount of resources present in this territory ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu._currentframe == 2) { _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Choose the \'Industry\' tab to view the resources harvested ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu._currentframe == 4) { _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You can build a mill in each territory to increase production ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mills may be upgraded to greatly improve production of resources in that territory ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Choose the \'Prayer\' tab to view the temples you may build ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu._currentframe == 5) { _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'The production of a resource may be boosted by building a temple for the God of that resource ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Only one of each may be built in the Kingdom, but its effects can be felt in every territory ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may pray at these temples, and temples may be constructed for Gods governing many other things ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'They are, however, very costly to build ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'To grow the Kingdom, you may need to acquire lands producing the resources you need ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may attempt to buy a territory from a neighboring Kingdom, but they may demand a steep price ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Alternatively, you may choose to take the desired territory by force ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Choose the \'Military\' tab to view the unit stationned in this territory ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.hud.settlementmenu.smenu._currentframe == 3) { _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Each territory has a military unit composed of soldiers that can be moved between territories ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may choose to recruit soldiers from the settlers in that territory, but only once per lunar cycle ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Soldiers do not contribute to resource production, so recruiting soldiers reduces the production there ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Alternatively, you may choose to buy or sell soldiers at the port in the capital ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'The strength of the unit is decided by the size, the level of training and the equipment ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Training and equipment can be managed by visiting Commander Rukk at the castle ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh! And your popularity in the territory also strengthens or weakens the unit ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'And you may improve your popularity by rallying the soldiers in their barracks!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Is the Princess ready to continue?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 28 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... I think so ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 29 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh! You will be very busy, Princess ... Likely there will be time only for five tasks ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may see your daily progress below ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Choose the counter to end your day early ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.moves < 1) { _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } stop(); } frame 32 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! Now you see the options you have at sunset ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 33 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Choose the yellow button on a neighboring territory to send soldiers from your current location ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.hud.sendsoldierssys._currentframe == 1) { _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } stop(); } frame 34 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may choose the number of soldiers to send, but of course you may not send them all ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 35 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may choose to invade a neighboring territory by choosing a red button ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'The princess must be wise when choosing a territory to invade ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 37 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'The King has worked many moons to build strong relations with our neighbors ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 38 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Invading a neighboring King\'s territory would anger them terribly ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 39 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'If angered enough, they may choose to retaliate, capturing a weakly defended territory of ours ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 40 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'If you choose to go to war, ensure that our bordering territories are well defended ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 41 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'And send enough soldiers to battle that those remaining may defend the territory once conquered ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 42 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Settlements are destroyed after battle and must be rebuilt before production resumes ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 43 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'If you cannot escape an invading army, or you fail to achieve diplomacy when visiting an angered neighbor ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 44 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You will certainly be captured, and of course, they would not be kind to an elven maiden like you ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 45 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Yea, I understand ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 46 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh, we must return to the capital at once!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 47 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Choose the blue button to travel to ' + _root.tnames[0]; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.locat == 1) { _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } stop(); } frame 48 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh, a beautiful morning!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 49 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'One last instruction before we travel to the castle ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 50 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'The Kingdom Manager is very helpful when tracking your resources ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 51 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may change policy only by meeting with your Councillors, but this can be accessed anywhere ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 52 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Choose the castle to visit the King and Councillors!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.allowmapmov = 0; if (_root.convobg == 2) { _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } stop(); } frame 53 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! Finally, we have arrived!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.allowmapmov = 0; } stop(); } frame 54 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Home sweet home!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 55 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'I must leave you for other business, but do round the castle to meet the many Councillors!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 56 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'They help you make Kingdom-wide changes that cannot be done when visiting the territories ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 57 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'They are very knowledgeable about their work, so do ask them for advice if you so need it ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 58 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... okay!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 59 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'It was a pleasure to travel with you, Princess! We will meet again soon ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 60 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay! Bye!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } } movieClip 1989 { } movieClip 1991 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { play(); } } frame 50 { _root.fader = 1; } frame 51 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.fader > 1.1) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.fader < 1.1) { } } stop(); } } movieClip 1994 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 1995 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { fg._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pteryphon._x = 1131.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; gpool2._x = 342.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; bg._x = -13.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.015; pool._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pillar._x = 15.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.041; fg._y = 274 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pteryphon._y = 67.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; gpool2._y = 59.75 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; bg._y = -14.9 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pool._y = 262.1 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pillar._y = -149.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; } stop(); } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 1997 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.iris = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } } button 1998 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convobg = 3; } } movieClip 2000 { } button 2001 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convobg = 4; } } button 2002 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convo = 20; _root.convobg = 1; } } button 2007 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convobg = 6; } } button 2008 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convo = 30; } } button 2009 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convobg = 5; } } button 2010 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convobg = 2; } } button 2015 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convo = 45; } } button 2016 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convobg = 2; } } button 2019 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convobg = 7; } } button 2020 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convo = 25; } } button 2023 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convo = 40; } } button 2024 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 2028 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convobg = 8; _root.convo = 27; } } button 2031 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convobg = 5; } } movieClip 2033 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convobg); } stop(); } } movieClip 2035 { } movieClip 2037 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2038 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.outfit == 1) { _root.topp = 5; _root.bott = 1; _root.outfitlust = 2.5; outfitname.ofn = 'Princess'; } if (_root.outfit == 2) { _root.topp = 8; _root.bott = 8; _root.outfitlust = 2.1; outfitname.ofn = 'Battle Armor'; } if (_root.outfit == 3) { _root.topp = 6; _root.bott = 3; _root.outfitlust = 3; outfitname.ofn = 'Diplomat'; } if (_root.outfit == 4) { _root.topp = 2; _root.bott = 6; _root.outfitlust = 3.5; outfitname.ofn = 'Adventurer'; } if (_root.outfit == 5) { _root.topp = 9; _root.bott = 9; _root.outfitlust = 1; outfitname.ofn = 'Evening Dress'; } if (_root.outfit == 6) { _root.topp = 3; _root.bott = 4; _root.outfitlust = 3.3; outfitname.ofn = 'Lordess'; } if (_root.outfit == 7) { _root.topp = 7; _root.bott = 7; _root.outfitlust = 6.7; outfitname.ofn = 'Hero of War'; } if (_root.outfit == 8) { _root.topp = 10; _root.bott = 10; _root.outfitlust = 8.699999999999999; outfitname.ofn = 'Priestess'; } if (_root.outfit == 9) { _root.topp = 4; _root.bott = 5; _root.outfitlust = 8.1; outfitname.ofn = 'Empiress'; } if (_root.outfit == 10) { _root.topp = 1; _root.bott = 11; _root.outfitlust = 9.300000000000001; outfitname.ofn = 'Oasis'; } if (_root.outfit == 11) { _root.topp = 12; _root.bott = 15; _root.outfitlust = 5.3; outfitname.ofn = 'Casual'; } if (_root.outfit == 12) { _root.topp = 11; _root.bott = 12; _root.outfitlust = 6.1; outfitname.ofn = 'Breastplates'; } if (_root.outfit == 13) { _root.topp = 13; _root.bott = 18; _root.outfitlust = 7.9; outfitname.ofn = 'Hooded'; } if (_root.outfit == 14) { _root.topp = 14; _root.bott = 19; _root.outfitlust = 9.109999999999999; outfitname.ofn = 'Pharoess'; } if (_root.outfit == 15) { _root.topp = 15; _root.bott = 20; _root.outfitlust = 4.3; outfitname.ofn = 'Bandit'; } if (_root.outfit == 16) { _root.topp = 16; _root.bott = 21; _root.outfitlust = 6.7; outfitname.ofn = 'Bathing'; } if (_root.outfit == 17) { _root.topp = 17; _root.bott = 8; _root.outfitlust = 7.1; outfitname.ofn = 'Dame'; } if (_root.outfit == 18) { _root.topp = 19; _root.bott = 25; _root.outfitlust = 10; outfitname.ofn = 'Slave'; } if (_root.outfit == 19) { _root.topp = 14; _root.bott = 7; _root.outfitlust = 9.1; outfitname.ofn = 'Armored Kilt'; } if (_root.outfit == 20) { _root.topp = 20; _root.bott = 15; _root.outfitlust = 9.300000000000001; outfitname.ofn = 'Huntress'; } if (_root.outfit == 21) { _root.topp = 1; _root.bott = 1; _root.outfitlust = 1; outfitname.ofn = 'EMPTY'; } if (_root.outfit == 22) { _root.topp = 1; _root.bott = 1; _root.outfitlust = 1; outfitname.ofn = 'EMPTY'; } if (_root.outfit == 23) { _root.topp = 1; _root.bott = 1; _root.outfitlust = 1; outfitname.ofn = 'EMPTY'; } if (_root.outfit == 24) { _root.topp = 1; _root.bott = 1; _root.outfitlust = 1; outfitname.ofn = 'EMPTY'; } if (_root.outfit == 25) { _root.topp = 18; _root.bott = 24; _root.outfitlust = 10; outfitname.ofn = 'Naked'; } if (_root.outfit == 26) { _root.topp = 5; _root.bott = 17; _root.outfitlust = 10; outfitname.ofn = 'Princess'; } if (_root.outfit == 27) { _root.topp = 7; _root.bott = 14; _root.outfitlust = 10; outfitname.ofn = 'Hero of War'; } if (_root.outfit == 28) { _root.topp = 10; _root.bott = 24; _root.outfitlust = 10; outfitname.ofn = 'Priestess'; } if (_root.outfit == 29) { _root.topp = 4; _root.bott = 14; _root.outfitlust = 10; outfitname.ofn = 'Empiress'; } if (_root.outfit == 30) { _root.topp = 13; _root.bott = 17; _root.outfitlust = 10; outfitname.ofn = 'Hooded'; } if (_root.outfit == 31) { _root.topp = 14; _root.bott = 14; _root.outfitlust = 10; outfitname.ofn = 'Pharoess'; } if (_root.outfit == 32) { _root.topp = 20; _root.bott = 26; _root.outfitlust = 10; outfitname.ofn = 'Slave'; } if (_root.preg < 7) { o1.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[0]); o1.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 1; }; o2.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[1]); o2.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 2; }; o3.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[2]); o3.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 3; }; o4.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[3]); o4.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 4; }; o5.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[4]); o5.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 5; }; o6.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[5]); o6.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 6; }; o7.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[6]); o7.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 7; }; o8.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[7]); o8.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 8; }; o9.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[8]); o9.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 9; }; o10.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[9]); o10.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 10; }; o11.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[10]); o11.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 11; }; o12.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[11]); o12.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 12; }; o13.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[12]); o13.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 13; }; o14.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[13]); o14.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 14; }; o15.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[14]); o15.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 15; }; o16.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[15]); o16.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 16; }; o17.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[16]); o17.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 17; }; o18.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[17]); o18.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 18; }; o19.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[18]); o19.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 19; }; o20.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[19]); o20.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 20; }; o21.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[20]); o21.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 21; }; o22.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[21]); o22.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 22; }; o23.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[22]); o23.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 23; }; o24.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[23]); o24.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 24; }; o25.gotoAndStop(2); o26.gotoAndStop(2); o27.gotoAndStop(2); o28.gotoAndStop(2); o29.gotoAndStop(2); o30.gotoAndStop(2); o31.gotoAndStop(2); o32.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.preg > 6) { o25.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[24]); o25.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 25; }; o26.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[25]); o26.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 26; }; o27.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[26]); o27.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 27; }; o28.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[27]); o28.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 28; }; o29.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[28]); o29.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 29; }; o30.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[29]); o30.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 30; }; o31.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[30]); o31.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 31; }; o32.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.outfits[31]); o32.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.outfit = 32; }; o1.gotoAndStop(2); o2.gotoAndStop(2); o3.gotoAndStop(2); o4.gotoAndStop(2); o5.gotoAndStop(2); o6.gotoAndStop(2); o7.gotoAndStop(2); o8.gotoAndStop(2); o9.gotoAndStop(2); o10.gotoAndStop(2); o11.gotoAndStop(2); o12.gotoAndStop(2); o13.gotoAndStop(2); o14.gotoAndStop(2); o15.gotoAndStop(2); o16.gotoAndStop(2); o17.gotoAndStop(2); o18.gotoAndStop(2); o19.gotoAndStop(2); o20.gotoAndStop(2); o21.gotoAndStop(2); o22.gotoAndStop(2); o23.gotoAndStop(2); o24.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } } button 2039 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.preg += 1; } } movieClip 2042 { } movieClip 2043 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.preg > 6) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.preg < 6) { gotoAndStop(1); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { pregcount.pregday = 'Day ' + _root.preg; if (_root.preg > 6) { _root.milky = 2; } if (_root.preg > 25) { _root.milky = 1; } } stop(); } } movieClip 2044 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Whoa! I slept for soo long ... Wait ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; _root.cum = 1; _root.outfit = 25; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh my god! Am I ... PREGNANT???'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahn!! I\'m dripping milk! And my clothes don\'t fit!'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'This can\'t be happening to me!!!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'This can\'t be happening to me!!!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } } movieClip 2045 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 2046 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Whoa! I\'m like, soo hot today!'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Maybe these new curves aren\'t so bad after all! Hehe ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Maybe these new curves aren\'t so bad after all! Hehe ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } } movieClip 2047 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 2048 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... It\'s ... It\'s kicking!'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... It\'s ... It\'s kicking!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } } movieClip 2049 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 2050 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... I\'m soo heavy ... It feels like it could come any day now ...'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... I\'m soo heavy ... It feels like it could come any day now ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } } movieClip 2051 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 2052 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'There is not much to do past this point! That\'s coming later ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'If you have not already, you can try to learn all of the breeding box scenes from Nyla ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'And you can try to invade the 7 territories and build cities on them ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'You can explore the castle and talk to the Tauren there ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'But that\'s all for now! Visit my Twitter @scolexxxgames for more updates ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'And join the Discord to send us bug reports!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'You can keep playing, but the game might break!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Press BACKSPACE at any time to stop being pregnant ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... I\'m soo heavy ... It feels like it could come any day now ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } } movieClip 2053 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } button 2054 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(1); } } button 2055 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 2057 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance girl2 of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 2058 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { str.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, str.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.topcol.ra += 39 + Math.round(str.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.topcol.ra; }; }; str.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; str.sbut.onRelease = str.sbut.onReleaseOutside; stg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, stg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(stg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; stg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; stg.sbut.onRelease = stg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; stb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, stb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(stb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; stb.sbut.onRelease = stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sta.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sta.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.topcol.aa += 39 + Math.round(sta.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.topcol.aa; }; }; stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sta.sbut.onRelease = stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.botcol.ra += 39 + Math.round(sbr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.botcol.ra; }; }; sbr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbr.sbut.onRelease = sbr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(sbg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; sbg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbg.sbut.onRelease = sbg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(sbb.sbut._x) * 0.61 -; }; }; sbb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbb.sbut.onRelease = sbb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.shoecol.ra += 39 + Math.round(ssr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.shoecol.ra; }; }; ssr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssr.sbut.onRelease = ssr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(ssg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; ssg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssg.sbut.onRelease = ssg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(ssb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; ssb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssb.sbut.onRelease = ssb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ser.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ser.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.eyecol.ra += 39 + Math.round(ser.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.eyecol.ra; }; }; ser.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ser.sbut.onRelease = ser.sbut.onReleaseOutside; seg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, seg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(seg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; seg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; seg.sbut.onRelease = seg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; seb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, seb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(seb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; seb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; seb.sbut.onRelease = seb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sir.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sir.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.iriscol.ra += Math.round(sir.sbut._x) - _root.iriscol.ra; }; }; sir.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sir.sbut.onRelease = sir.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sig.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sig.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(sig.sbut._x) -; }; }; sig.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sig.sbut.onRelease = sig.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sib.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sib.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(sib.sbut._x) -; }; }; sib.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sib.sbut.onRelease = sib.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.whitecol.ra += Math.round(swr.sbut._x) - _root.whitecol.ra; }; }; swr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swr.sbut.onRelease = swr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(swg.sbut._x) -; }; }; swg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swg.sbut.onRelease = swg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(swb.sbut._x) -; }; }; swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swb.sbut.onRelease = swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sp.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sp.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.preg += Math.round(sp.sbut._x) - _root.preg; }; }; swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sp.sbut.onRelease = swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; _root.topshad.ra = _root.topcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.botshad.ra = _root.botcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.shoeshad.ra = _root.shoecol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; } } } button 2059 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } movieClip 2060 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhnn ... hehe ... What a ... strange dream ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I\'m still tired, but it feels like I\'ve been asleep for days!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Wait ... What day is it?'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'And ... wait ... What the ... AHH!!!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; _root.preg = 7; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'N-n-no ... This can\'t be happening to me!!!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; _root.cum = 1; _root.outfit = 25; } stop(); } } movieClip 2061 { } button 2062 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.allowmapmov = 1; gotoAndStop(10); } } button 2067 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 2070 { on (release) { if (_root.preg < 2) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); = _root.cslot1[0]; _root.outfit = _root.cslot1[1]; = _root.cslot1[2]; = _root.cslot1[3]; = _root.cslot1[4]; _root.sword = _root.cslot1[5]; _root.topcol.ra = _root.cslot1[6]; = _root.cslot1[7]; = _root.cslot1[8]; _root.botcol.ra = _root.cslot1[9]; = _root.cslot1[10]; = _root.cslot1[11]; _root.shoecol.ra = _root.cslot1[12]; = _root.cslot1[13]; = _root.cslot1[14]; _root.paint = _root.cslot1[15]; } } } button 2072 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); prevFrame(); } } button 2074 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); = _root.cslot3[0]; _root.outfit = _root.cslot3[1]; = _root.cslot3[2]; = _root.cslot3[3]; = _root.cslot3[4]; _root.sword = _root.cslot3[5]; _root.topcol.ra = _root.cslot3[6]; = _root.cslot3[7]; = _root.cslot3[8]; _root.botcol.ra = _root.cslot3[9]; = _root.cslot3[10]; = _root.cslot3[11]; _root.shoecol.ra = _root.cslot3[12]; = _root.cslot3[13]; = _root.cslot3[14]; _root.paint = _root.cslot3[15]; } } button 2076 { on (release) { if (_root.preg < 2) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); = _root.cslot2[0]; _root.outfit = _root.cslot2[1]; = _root.cslot2[2]; = _root.cslot2[3]; = _root.cslot2[4]; _root.sword = _root.cslot2[5]; _root.topcol.ra = _root.cslot2[6]; = _root.cslot2[7]; = _root.cslot2[8]; _root.botcol.ra = _root.cslot2[9]; = _root.cslot2[10]; = _root.cslot2[11]; _root.shoecol.ra = _root.cslot2[12]; = _root.cslot2[13]; = _root.cslot2[14]; _root.paint = _root.cslot2[15]; } } } movieClip 2078 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.topshad.ra = _root.topcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.botshad.ra = _root.botcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.shoeshad.ra = _root.shoecol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; } stop(); } } movieClip 2079 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay, what should I do today?'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } } movieClip 2080 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } button 2081 { on (release) { _root.resist -= 10; } } movieClip 2082 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2085 { } movieClip 2086 { } movieClip 2088 { } movieClip 2090 { } movieClip 2092 { } movieClip 2094 { } movieClip 2095 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2098 { } movieClip 2099 { instance qori of movieClip 2095 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.0765; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance girl2 of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 2100 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -228.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; qori._x = -97 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl2._x = 445 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; bg._x = -138.35 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; scenebg._y = -58.15 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; qori._y = -86 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; girl2._y = 353.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; bg._y = -89.34999999999999 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; } stop(); } instance qori of movieClip 2095 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.0765; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance girl2 of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 2102 { } movieClip 2103 { } button 2104 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; if (_root.talksys[1] > 0.5) { gotoAndStop(55); } if (_root.talksys[1] < 0.5) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 2105 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); nextFrame(); } } button 2108 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); += 1; } } button 2110 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); += 1; } } movieClip 2111 { } button 2112 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.blush = 1; _root.iris = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.eyebrows = 5; } } movieClip 2113 { } movieClip 2114 { } button 2115 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shoecol.ra = _root.topcol.ra; =; =; } } button 2116 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shoecol.ra = 89; = 69; = 37; } } button 2118 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); += 1; } } button 2127 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.topcol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; str.sbut._x = _root.topcol.ra; stg.sbut._x =; stb.sbut._x =; } } button 2130 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.topcol.ra = 39; = 39; = 39; str.sbut._x = _root.topcol.ra; stg.sbut._x =; stb.sbut._x =; } } button 2133 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.topcol.ra = 82; = 73; = 63; str.sbut._x = _root.topcol.ra; stg.sbut._x =; stb.sbut._x =; } } button 2136 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.topcol.ra = 62; = 68; = 48; str.sbut._x = _root.topcol.ra; stg.sbut._x =; stb.sbut._x =; } } button 2139 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.topcol.ra = 82; = 85; = 88; str.sbut._x = _root.topcol.ra; stg.sbut._x =; stb.sbut._x =; } } button 2142 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.topcol.ra = 93; = 54; = 48; str.sbut._x = _root.topcol.ra; stg.sbut._x =; stb.sbut._x =; } } button 2145 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.topcol.ra = 69; = 62; = 54; str.sbut._x = _root.topcol.ra; stg.sbut._x =; stb.sbut._x =; } } button 2148 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.topcol.ra = 68; = 43; = 48; str.sbut._x = _root.topcol.ra; stg.sbut._x =; stb.sbut._x =; } } button 2151 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.topcol.ra = 100; = 88; = 88; str.sbut._x = _root.topcol.ra; stg.sbut._x =; stb.sbut._x =; } } button 2152 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.botcol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; sbr.sbut._x = _root.botcol.ra; sbg.sbut._x =; sbb.sbut._x =; } } button 2153 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.botcol.ra = 39; = 39; = 39; sbr.sbut._x = _root.botcol.ra; sbg.sbut._x =; sbb.sbut._x =; } } button 2154 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.botcol.ra = 82; = 73; = 63; sbr.sbut._x = _root.botcol.ra; sbg.sbut._x =; sbb.sbut._x =; } } button 2155 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.botcol.ra = 62; = 68; = 48; sbr.sbut._x = _root.botcol.ra; sbg.sbut._x =; sbb.sbut._x =; } } button 2156 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.botcol.ra = 82; = 85; = 88; sbr.sbut._x = _root.botcol.ra; sbg.sbut._x =; sbb.sbut._x =; } } button 2157 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.botcol.ra = 93; = 54; = 48; sbr.sbut._x = _root.botcol.ra; sbg.sbut._x =; sbb.sbut._x =; } } button 2158 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.botcol.ra = 69; = 62; = 54; sbr.sbut._x = _root.botcol.ra; sbg.sbut._x =; sbb.sbut._x =; } } button 2159 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.botcol.ra = 68; = 43; = 48; sbr.sbut._x = _root.botcol.ra; sbg.sbut._x =; sbb.sbut._x =; } } button 2160 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.botcol.ra = 100; = 88; = 88; sbr.sbut._x = _root.botcol.ra; sbg.sbut._x =; sbb.sbut._x =; } } button 2161 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_root.topp == 7 || _root.topp == 8 || _root.topp == 11 || _root.topp == 17) { gotoAndStop(30 + Math.round(Math.random() * 7)); } if (!(_root.topp == 7 || _root.topp == 8 || _root.topp == 11 || _root.topp == 17) && _root.outfitlust > 8) { gotoAndStop(10 + Math.round(Math.random() * 6)); } if (!(_root.topp == 7 || _root.topp == 8 || _root.topp == 11 || _root.topp == 17) && _root.outfitlust < 8.000999999999999) { gotoAndStop(20 + Math.round(Math.random() * 5)); } } } button 2164 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.sword += 1; } } button 2165 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_root.preg < 2) { nextFrame(); } } } button 2168 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); += 1; } } button 2170 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.paint += 1; } } button 2171 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); = _root.cslot1[0]; _root.outfit = _root.cslot1[1]; = _root.cslot1[2]; = _root.cslot1[3]; = _root.cslot1[4]; _root.sword = _root.cslot1[5]; _root.topcol.ra = _root.cslot1[6]; = _root.cslot1[7]; = _root.cslot1[8]; _root.botcol.ra = _root.cslot1[9]; = _root.cslot1[10]; = _root.cslot1[11]; _root.shoecol.ra = _root.cslot1[12]; = _root.cslot1[13]; = _root.cslot1[14]; _root.paint = _root.cslot1[15]; } } button 2173 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.cslot1[0] =; _root.cslot1[1] = _root.outfit; _root.cslot1[2] =; _root.cslot1[3] =; _root.cslot1[4] =; _root.cslot1[5] = _root.sword; _root.cslot1[6] = _root.topcol.ra; _root.cslot1[7] =; _root.cslot1[8] =; _root.cslot1[9] = _root.botcol.ra; _root.cslot1[10] =; _root.cslot1[11] =; _root.cslot1[12] = _root.shoecol.ra; _root.cslot1[13] =; _root.cslot1[14] =; _root.cslot1[15] = _root.paint; } } button 2175 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); = _root.cslot3[0]; _root.outfit = _root.cslot3[1]; = _root.cslot3[2]; = _root.cslot3[3]; = _root.cslot3[4]; _root.sword = _root.cslot3[5]; _root.topcol.ra = _root.cslot3[6]; = _root.cslot3[7]; = _root.cslot3[8]; _root.botcol.ra = _root.cslot3[9]; = _root.cslot3[10]; = _root.cslot3[11]; _root.shoecol.ra = _root.cslot3[12]; = _root.cslot3[13]; = _root.cslot3[14]; _root.paint = _root.cslot3[15]; } } button 2176 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.cslot3[0] =; _root.cslot3[1] = _root.outfit; _root.cslot1[2] =; _root.cslot3[3] =; _root.cslot3[4] =; _root.cslot3[5] = _root.sword; _root.cslot3[6] = _root.topcol.ra; _root.cslot3[7] =; _root.cslot3[8] =; _root.cslot3[9] = _root.botcol.ra; _root.cslot3[10] =; _root.cslot3[11] =; _root.cslot3[12] = _root.shoecol.ra; _root.cslot3[13] =; _root.cslot3[14] =; _root.cslot3[15] = _root.paint; } } button 2177 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); = _root.cslot2[0]; _root.outfit = _root.cslot2[1]; = _root.cslot2[2]; = _root.cslot2[3]; = _root.cslot2[4]; _root.sword = _root.cslot2[5]; _root.topcol.ra = _root.cslot2[6]; = _root.cslot2[7]; = _root.cslot2[8]; _root.botcol.ra = _root.cslot2[9]; = _root.cslot2[10]; = _root.cslot2[11]; _root.shoecol.ra = _root.cslot2[12]; = _root.cslot2[13]; = _root.cslot2[14]; _root.paint = _root.cslot2[15]; } } button 2178 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.cslot2[0] =; _root.cslot2[1] = _root.outfit; _root.cslot1[2] =; _root.cslot2[3] =; _root.cslot2[4] =; _root.cslot2[5] = _root.sword; _root.cslot2[6] = _root.topcol.ra; _root.cslot2[7] =; _root.cslot2[8] =; _root.cslot2[9] = _root.botcol.ra; _root.cslot2[10] =; _root.cslot2[11] =; _root.cslot2[12] = _root.shoecol.ra; _root.cslot2[13] =; _root.cslot2[14] =; _root.cslot2[15] = _root.paint; } } button 2179 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(18); } } button 2180 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(18); } } button 2181 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.iris = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.blush = 1; _root.convobg = 5; _root.convo = 5; } } button 2182 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(28); } } button 2183 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(38); } } button 2184 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.gotoAndStop(8); } } button 2186 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.gotoAndStop(4); } } button 2187 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.gotoAndStop(7); } } button 2188 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 2189 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.gotoAndStop(9); } } button 2190 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 2191 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; gotoAndStop(5); } } button 2192 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(6); } } movieClip 2193 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! The beautiful Princess ' + _root.kd0ruler + '! To what do I owe this visit?'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.preg > 1) { gotoAndStop(50); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Perhaps you need repairing of your vestments?'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.talksys[1] = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Or a change of outfit? Perhaps I have another more suiting for the occasion?'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Always I tailor new designs, but of course, it can be difficult to accomodate your ... shape ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'That\'s okay! Show me what you have!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Always I tailor new designs, but of course, it can be difficult to accomodate your ... shape ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.mouth = 1; str.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, str.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.topcol.ra += 39 + Math.round(str.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.topcol.ra; }; }; str.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; str.sbut.onRelease = str.sbut.onReleaseOutside; stg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, stg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(stg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; stg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; stg.sbut.onRelease = stg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; stb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, stb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(stb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; stb.sbut.onRelease = stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sta.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sta.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.topcol.aa += 39 + Math.round(sta.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.topcol.aa; }; }; stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sta.sbut.onRelease = stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.botcol.ra += 39 + Math.round(sbr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.botcol.ra; }; }; sbr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbr.sbut.onRelease = sbr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(sbg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; sbg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbg.sbut.onRelease = sbg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(sbb.sbut._x) * 0.61 -; }; }; sbb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbb.sbut.onRelease = sbb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.shoecol.ra += 39 + Math.round(ssr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.shoecol.ra; }; }; ssr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssr.sbut.onRelease = ssr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(ssg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; ssg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssg.sbut.onRelease = ssg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(ssb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; ssb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssb.sbut.onRelease = ssb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ser.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ser.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.eyecol.ra += 39 + Math.round(ser.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.eyecol.ra; }; }; ser.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ser.sbut.onRelease = ser.sbut.onReleaseOutside; seg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, seg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(seg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; seg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; seg.sbut.onRelease = seg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; seb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, seb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(seb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; seb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; seb.sbut.onRelease = seb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sir.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sir.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.iriscol.ra += Math.round(sir.sbut._x) - _root.iriscol.ra; }; }; sir.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sir.sbut.onRelease = sir.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sig.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sig.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(sig.sbut._x) -; }; }; sig.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sig.sbut.onRelease = sig.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sib.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sib.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(sib.sbut._x) -; }; }; sib.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sib.sbut.onRelease = sib.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.whitecol.ra += Math.round(swr.sbut._x) - _root.whitecol.ra; }; }; swr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swr.sbut.onRelease = swr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(swg.sbut._x) -; }; }; swg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swg.sbut.onRelease = swg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(swb.sbut._x) -; }; }; swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swb.sbut.onRelease = swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; shr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, shr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.haircol.ra += 39 + Math.round(shr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.haircol.ra; }; }; shr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; shr.sbut.onRelease = shr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; shg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, shg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(shg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; shg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; shg.sbut.onRelease = shg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; shb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, shb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(shb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; shb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; shb.sbut.onRelease = shb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sp.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sp.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.preg += Math.round(sp.sbut._x) - _root.preg; }; }; sp.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sp.sbut.onRelease = sp.sbut.onReleaseOutside; _root.topshad.ra = _root.topcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.botshad.ra = _root.botcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.shoeshad.ra = _root.shoecol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.hairshad.ra = _root.haircol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; if (_root.iris < 1) { _root.iris = 23; } if (_root.iris > 24) { _root.iris = 1; } if ( > 3) { = 1; } if ( > 5) { = 1; } if ( > 8) { = 1; } if (_root.mouth > 5) { _root.mouth = 1; } if (_root.mouth < 1) { _root.mouth = 5; } if (_root.eyebrows > 5) { _root.eyebrows = 1; } if (_root.eyebrows < 1) { _root.eyebrows = 5; } if (_root.blush > 2) { _root.blush = 1; } if (_root.blush < 1) { _root.blush = 2; } if (_root.sword > 2) { _root.sword = 1; } if (_root.sword < 1) { _root.sword = 2; } if ( > 3) { = 1; } if (_root.paint > 3) { _root.paint = 1; } } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Always I tailor new designs, but of course, it can be difficult to accomodate your ... shape ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.mouth = 1; _root.topshad.ra = _root.topcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.botshad.ra = _root.botcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.shoeshad.ra = _root.shoecol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.hairshad.ra = _root.haircol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Is this outfit ... um ... missing a piece?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... I don\'t know about this one ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh ... Is that all of it?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... I don\'t think this one fits me ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I can\'t be seen wearing something like this ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I don\'t know about this, Q\'ori ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... It\'s a little bit ... small ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh! ... It may be revealing, but still it is very beautiful!'; _root.mouth = 3; } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay ... If you say so ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooo! This is nice!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I like it!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'This is cute!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I like this one!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'This is really pretty!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooo! Yea!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nice!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 28 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! Indeed, an excellent choice, Princess!'; _root.mouth = 1; } stop(); } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooo! I like this armor!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'It\'s kinda heavy, but I like it!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 32 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'This one is nice!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 33 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um, okay!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 34 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Grr! This one is soo hot!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 35 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Now I\'m ready for battle!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... the soldiers will love this!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 38 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! Very well, Princess!'; _root.mouth = 1; } stop(); } frame 39 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Scene Demos'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! Very well, Princess!'; _root.mouth = 1; } stop(); } frame 50 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ... can you fix my clothes? ... They don\'t fit anymore ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 51 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh! Princess ... Indeed, you have grown!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 52 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Q\'ori'; wordzz.wordz = 'I will try, but I cannot guarantee that all outfits can be adjusted for your new size!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 55 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hi Q\'ori! I would like to change my outfit! What do you have for me?'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } } movieClip 2196 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 2198 { } movieClip 2200 { } movieClip 2202 { } movieClip 2203 { } movieClip 2205 { } movieClip 2207 { } movieClip 2209 { } movieClip 2210 { } movieClip 2211 { } movieClip 2213 { } movieClip 2215 { } movieClip 2217 { } movieClip 2218 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2220 { } movieClip 2221 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { fg._x = -123.2 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.2; rukk._x = 1024 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.2; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl2._x = 262 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.2; bg._x = -123.2 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.2; bg2._x = -274.15 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; fg._y = 370.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; rukk._y = -96 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; girl2._y = 369.65 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; bg._y = -64.09999999999999 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; bg2._y = -99.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; } stop(); } instance girl2 of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance rukk of movieClip 2218 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.08500000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 2223 { } movieClip 2224 { } button 2226 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; gotoAndStop(30); } } button 2228 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; gotoAndStop(50); } } button 2230 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; gotoAndStop(80); } } button 2232 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; gotoAndStop(110); } } button 2233 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; prevFrame(); } } button 2234 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; gotoAndStop(9); } } button 2235 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; gotoAndStop(65); } } button 2236 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(9); } } button 2237 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.iris = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.blush = 1; _root.convo = 5; nextFrame(); } } button 2239 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(141); } } button 2241 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(150); } } button 2243 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(164); } } movieClip 2244 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'An elf? Hmm ... I sent for a goblin, not an elf! ... Very well, you will suffice ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.talksys[0] > 0.5) { gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.talksys[0] == 0) { } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm, Commander Rukk? ... It\'s me, Princess ' + _root.kd0ruler + '!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; _root.talksys[0] = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Huh? Oh! ... Apologies, Princess ... It has been a very long time since I have seen you ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'And you have grown so much in that time ... Say, what brings you back to the castle?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I\'m watching the Kingdom while my father rests!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'You? Is that so? ... And what skills have you for managing the Kingdom?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... Not many, hehe ... That\'s why I\'m here ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh ... I see ... What business would you like to discuss?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = ' ... '; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hmm ... Princess ' + _root.kd0ruler + ' ... What brings you here?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... A beautiful elf! It must be the Princess ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Hi Commander!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'What brings you here?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I would like to manage my army!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Is that so, Princess? ... Perhaps you should leave me to manage the army until you have a little more ... experience ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.talksys[0] > 0.5) { gotoAndStop(45); } if (_root.talksys[0] == 0) { } } stop(); } frame 32 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Experience? What do you mean?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 33 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh ... You are very eager, Princess, but I do not think you are ready for battle yet ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 34 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'What are you talking about? I am ready for battle! I even have armor!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 35 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh ... Is this your armor? ... It is very ... beautiful ... but it is not sufficient ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Enemy soldiers will do terrible things to you if you are captured ... That armor will certainly not help you ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 37 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'You think my armor isn\'t enough? Your armor is so thin I can see your-'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 38 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ...'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 39 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Yes, Princess?'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 40 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Your um ... sword ...'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 41 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'My sword? ... Hmm ... My sword is in my hand, Princess ...'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 42 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... yea, I ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 43 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh ... Perhaps the Princess should stay away from soldiers until she loses her curiosity ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 44 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ugh ... just let me manage my army, okay?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 45 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'As you wish, Princess ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 46 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = ' '; wordzz.wordz = ' ... '; _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.armysys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 50 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Can you teach me about war?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 51 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'War? Arrgh! Very well, it is simple!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 52 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Each of your territories has a military unit of a particular strength ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 53 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'A unit\'s strength is affected by the number of soldiers in that unit, the quality of weapons they use ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 54 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Whether you have built a temple dedicated to Pteros, God of War, and your popularity in the territory ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 55 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may order the invention of better weapons and metals, but these are costly ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 56 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'You may also rally your soldiers prior to a battle to increase their desire to fight for you ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 57 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'When planning to invade a territory, you may see a comparison of strength between your invading unit ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 58 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = '... and the unit in the defending territory, for predicted losses and battle outcome ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 60 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ... Okay, I think that\'s all!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 61 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... Very well ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 65 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Remember that even if you win a battle, you will enrage the opposing kingdom ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 66 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'If you do not have enough soldiers remaining in your new territory to defend against a counter-attack, ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 67 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = '... you will lose the territory, and any other bordering territories that are not well defended ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 68 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = '... and they could continue invading your territories until they are no longer angry ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 69 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Some kingdoms are more easily angered than others ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 70 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 80 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... I have to go!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 81 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh, very well, Princess ... '; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 110 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I\'m kinda curious ... What do you do?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 111 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh, I? ... I am Commander of the King\'s army, Princess ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 112 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Of the many units that defend the King\'s lands, I am responsible for all ... Training, weapons, supplies ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 113 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe, that sounds like a lot of work ... The Kingdom is really big! ... '; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 114 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... It is difficult, but I have earned this title ... I won many battles for your father ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 115 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Together, we halted the advance of the Mudul\'Gok from the South ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 116 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooh! He fought with you?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 117 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Indeed, Princess ... He was as strong a warrior as I before he fell ill ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 118 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooh ... I wanna be a warrior too someday!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 119 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahaha ... Is that so, Princess?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 120 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Yea! ... Can you teach me how to fight?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 121 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... Princess ... Of course I cannot ... I will never allow you to participate in battle ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 122 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Why not? I can train to be strong like you!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 123 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... This is not true, Princess ... War is no place for a young elven maiden ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 124 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'What do you mean?'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 125 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh ... When an enemy soldier is captured, he is simply put to death ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 126 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'But when a maiden is captured ... arrgh ... she has a much more shameful fate ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 127 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ... What\'s that?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 128 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... It is not always the same ... '; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 129 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Most maidens are placed in breeding boxes ... where they are made to pleasure any soldier that takes them ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 130 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'The soldiers breed them until the war ends ... Then they are sold as slaves ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 131 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh ... Hehe, umm ... is that what would happen to me?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 132 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'You? ... Princess, I must\'nt tell you ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 133 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe, I want to know!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 134 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... Princess ... You are very beautiful ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 135 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'An elven maiden would be given to a Captain or Commander ... to pleasure him whenever he desires ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 136 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'A Commander ... like you?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 137 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... indeed ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 138 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooh ... Hehe, have you ever had a ... um ... slave?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 139 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... I had many ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 140 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = ' ... '; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 141 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'That\'s so ... um ... scary ... Are they okay?'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 142 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'I sold them many moons ago ... I do not know ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 143 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'But I am under strict orders to protect you, Princess ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 144 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Slavery is a terrible fate ... I would give my life to ensure it is not yours ... I have taken an oath ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 145 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooh ... Okay, maybe I shouldn\'t go to battle, hehe ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 146 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Very well, Princess ... Have you any other business to discuss?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 150 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... What did you make them do?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 151 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... Princess ... You should not be curious about such things ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 152 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Come on ... Just tell me!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 153 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahaha ... I had them clean me after battle ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 154 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooh ... That\'s all?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 155 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... It is difficult work, Princess ... '; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 156 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Oh, yea?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 157 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'There are no baths on the battlefield, Princess ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 158 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'So ... How do they ... um ... clean you?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 159 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh ... They stroked my fur with their fingers to catch the soil ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 160 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'And to clean the most difficult places ... ahaha ... they used their tongues ...'; _root.iris = 5; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 161 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'The ... um ... difficult p-places?'; _root.iris = 5; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 162 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... Such a curious little Princess ...'; _root.iris = 5; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 163 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = ' ... '; _root.iris = 5; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 164 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Oh! Am I keeping you from something?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 165 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... Of course not, Princess ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 166 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'But, I cannot decide ... I would like to return to my chambers and rest ... '; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 167 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... but I was going to bathe this evening ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 168 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooh! Um ... I have an idea ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 169 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahaha ... Is that so?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 170 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Maybe you can rest, and I could ... umm ... help you bathe?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 171 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Rukk'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hmm ... I would enjoy that, Princess ... but not tonight ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 172 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'That\'s okay!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } } movieClip 2247 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 2249 { } movieClip 2251 { } movieClip 2252 { } movieClip 2254 { } movieClip 2256 { } movieClip 2258 { } movieClip 2259 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2260 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { fg._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pteryphon._x = 1131.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; gpool2._x = 342.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; bg._x = -13.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.015; pool._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pillar._x = 15.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.041; fg._y = 274 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pteryphon._y = 67.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; gpool2._y = 59.75 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; bg._y = -14.9 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pool._y = 262.1 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pillar._y = -149.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; } stop(); } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance noros of movieClip 2259 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.057; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } button 2261 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.civilsys.gotoAndStop(1); nextFrame(); } } button 2262 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.iris = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.blush = 1; _root.convo = 5; _root.convobg = 7; nextFrame(); } } movieClip 2263 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hi Councillor Noros!'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Noros'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hmmf ... Such a plump little elf! ... Arrgh ... Hello, Princess ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Noros'; wordzz.wordz = 'What business have you for me?'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I would like to adjust taxes ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Noros'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hmmf ... Is that so? ... Very well ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Noros'; wordzz.wordz = 'What business have you for me?'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay! Thanks Noros!'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } } movieClip 2264 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } button 2265 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; if (_root.preg > 1) { gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.preg < 1.1) { gotoAndStop(3); } } } button 2266 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.topp = 16; _root.bott = 21; nextFrame(); } } button 2267 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.convo = 31; } } button 2268 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } movieClip 2269 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh wait! This is the pool for the soldiers barracks ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Father warned me about coming here ... Hopefully nobody sees me!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I have to change into my swimsuit ...'; _root.iris = 6; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Okay, let\'s go!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I should wear my swimsuit, but I don\'t think it will fit me ...'; _root.iris = 6; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ... Okay, let\'s go ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } } movieClip 2270 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 2273 { } movieClip 2275 { } movieClip 2277 { } movieClip 2278 { } movieClip 2280 { } movieClip 2281 { } movieClip 2282 { } movieClip 2284 { } movieClip 2286 { } movieClip 2288 { } movieClip 2289 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2291 { } movieClip 2292 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2294 { } movieClip 2296 { } movieClip 2297 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2299 { } movieClip 2301 { } movieClip 2303 { } movieClip 2305 { } movieClip 2306 { } movieClip 2307 { } movieClip 2309 { } movieClip 2310 { } movieClip 2311 { } movieClip 2313 { } movieClip 2314 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2317 { } movieClip 2322 { } movieClip 2323 { } movieClip 2326 { } movieClip 2328 { } movieClip 2330 { } movieClip 2331 { } movieClip 2332 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2333 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance taurr of movieClip 2297 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.061; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(2.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); } } instance taurl of movieClip 2314 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cocks.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.3 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance waters of movieClip 2332 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.19; this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.w1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.w2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(4.31 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.w3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.w4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.89 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2336 { } movieClip 2338 { } movieClip 2339 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2341 { } movieClip 2344 { } movieClip 2346 { } movieClip 2347 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(topcol); v5.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v3 = new Color(botcol); v3.setTransform(_root.botcol); var v4 = new Color(topshad); v4.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2350 { } movieClip 2352 { } movieClip 2353 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2354 { } movieClip 2357 { } movieClip 2359 { } movieClip 2360 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2362 { } movieClip 2365 { } movieClip 2367 { } movieClip 2370 { } movieClip 2372 { } movieClip 2373 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v6 = new Color(topcol); v6.setTransform(_root.topcol); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v5 = new Color(topshad); v5.setTransform(_root.topshad); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v3 = new Color(hairshad2); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2374 { } movieClip 2375 { } movieClip 2376 { } movieClip 2378 { } movieClip 2380 { } movieClip 2381 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2382 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2385 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance taurr of movieClip 2297 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.11; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(2.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); } } instance taurl of movieClip 2314 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cocks.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.3 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance gpool of movieClip 2382 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.11; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance waters of movieClip 2332 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.19; this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.w1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.w2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(4.31 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.w3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.w4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.89 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2388 { } movieClip 2390 { } movieClip 2391 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2393 { } movieClip 2396 { } movieClip 2398 { } movieClip 2399 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2401 { } movieClip 2403 { } movieClip 2405 { } movieClip 2407 { } movieClip 2408 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2410 { } movieClip 2413 { } movieClip 2415 { } movieClip 2417 { } movieClip 2419 { } movieClip 2421 { } movieClip 2422 { } movieClip 2424 { } movieClip 2425 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2428 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance taurr of movieClip 2297 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.11; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(2.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); } } instance taurl of movieClip 2314 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cocks.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.3 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance gpool2 of movieClip 2425 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.13; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance waters of movieClip 2332 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.19; this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.w1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.w2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(4.31 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.w3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.w4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.89 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2429 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -228.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taurl._x = 167.5 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 683.25 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; gpool._x = 377 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; scenebg._y = -58.15 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taurl._y = 250 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; girl._y = 352 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; gpool._y = 221.65 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; } stop(); } instance scenebg of movieClip 2333 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.17; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance taurr of movieClip 2297 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.061; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(2.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); } } instance taurl of movieClip 2314 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cocks.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.3 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -228.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taurl._x = 167.5 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 683.25 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; gpool._x = 377 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; scenebg._y = -58.15 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taurl._y = 250 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; girl._y = 352 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; gpool._y = 221.65 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; } stop(); } instance scenebg of movieClip 2385 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.17; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance taurr of movieClip 2297 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.17; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(2.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); } } instance gpool of movieClip 2382 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.11; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -228.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taurl._x = 167.5 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 683.25 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; gpool2._x = 265 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; scenebg._y = -58.15 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taurl._y = 250 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; girl._y = 352 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; gpool2._y = 146.1 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; } stop(); } instance scenebg of movieClip 2428 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.17; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance gpool2 of movieClip 2425 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.057; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(3.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 2431 { } movieClip 2432 { } button 2433 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; if (_root.preg > 6) { gotoAndStop(50); } if (_root.preg < 6) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 2434 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; nextFrame(); } } button 2435 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(2); _root.fader = 2; nextFrame(); } } button 2436 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(3); _root.fader = 2; nextFrame(); } } button 2437 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.iris = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.blush = 1; _root.cum = 1; _root.fader = 2; _root.convo = 5; nextFrame(); } } button 2438 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.iris = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.blush = 1; _root.fader = 2; _root.convo = 5; nextFrame(); } } movieClip 2439 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... hey guys!'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... Princess?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh, am I ... am I interrupting something?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Nay, Princess ... We are simply washing ... What brings you here?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um, I came to ... to bathe ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Is that so, Princess? Down here with us soldiers?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... yea, I ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Harrgh! ... Surely the King would not approve of this ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh ... Princess?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 5; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'It seems the little Princess is curious about us Tauren ... Aharrgh ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 5; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'No ... I just ...'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Be not shy, Princess ... Join us ...'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mhm ... The water ... it\'s so refreshing ...'; _root.iris = 22; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; _root.cum = 1; } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'It\'s really nice ...'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... The little Princess be not shy at all ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Ayy, I see now why the King kept her away from us ...'; _root.iris = 17; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... She is a very pretty elf ...'; _root.iris = 17; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Aye, aye ... And she be in such a ... delicious outfit ...'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Her poor garments barely bear the weight of her plump breasts ...'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hahah ... her poor nipples beg to be freed ...'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hey! ... What are you guys looking at?'; _root.iris = 22; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Have you never seen an elf before?'; _root.iris = 22; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... not an elf as beautiful as you, Princess ...'; _root.iris = 22; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'And never an elf as ... bare as you ...'; _root.iris = 18; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... hehe ... you guys are so silly!'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I ... I should get going, I have a lot to do today!'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Is that so, Princess? Are you sure you are not feeling ... a little nervous? ... Ahaha!'; _root.iris = 22; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 28 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'N-no, I ...'; _root.iris = 22; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 29 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'AHAHA! Look how the poor elf blushes!'; _root.iris = 22; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Perhaps the Princess would be more comfortable if she helped us ... to wash?'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh! Aye Princess, I have a place that could use a wash! AHAHA!'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 32 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Guys, I ... really shouldn\'t ...'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 33 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh ... we will not tell the King if you ... indulge yourself ... AHAHA!'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 34 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn ... guys, don\'t look ...'; _root.iris = 17; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 35 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'AHAHA! Why not, Princess?'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'You don\'t enjoy our company?'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 37 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ugh ... guys!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 38 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'AHA! But the little elf is so slippery and wet!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 39 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... She begs us to watch!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 40 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn ... no, I ...'; _root.iris = 17; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 41 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'I think she begs for more than that ... isn\'t that right, Princess?'; _root.iris = 17; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 42 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I ... I really need to go ...'; _root.iris = 17; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 49 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... Princess?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 50 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh, am I ... am I interrupting something?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 51 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Nay, Princess ... We are simply washing ... What brings you here?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 52 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um, I came to ... to bathe ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 53 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Is that so, Princess? With us soldiers?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 54 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... yea ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 55 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Surely the King would not approve of such a pregnant Princess bathing with us!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 56 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh ... Princess?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 5; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 57 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Aharrgh ... You should not be here!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 5; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 58 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... Yea, of course ...'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } } movieClip 2442 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 2444 { } movieClip 2447 { } movieClip 2449 { } movieClip 2451 { } movieClip 2453 { } movieClip 2457 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } } movieClip 2458 { } movieClip 2459 { } movieClip 2460 { } movieClip 2461 { } movieClip 2463 { } movieClip 2465 { } movieClip 2468 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.cum); } stop(); } } movieClip 2470 { } movieClip 2472 { } movieClip 2473 { } movieClip 2474 { } movieClip 2479 { } movieClip 2480 { } movieClip 2482 { } movieClip 2483 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); 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} frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); 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} frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2513 { } movieClip 2515 { } movieClip 2517 { } movieClip 2519 { } movieClip 2520 { } movieClip 2521 { } movieClip 2524 { } movieClip 2525 { } movieClip 2526 { } movieClip 2527 { } movieClip 2529 { } movieClip 2531 { } movieClip 2533 { } movieClip 2534 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); 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} frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2544 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } } movieClip 2554 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[0]); 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} frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2609 { } movieClip 2611 { } movieClip 2612 { } movieClip 2615 { } movieClip 2616 { } movieClip 2617 { } movieClip 2627 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); 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} frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } } movieClip 2657 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[1]); 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} frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2660 { } movieClip 2661 { } movieClip 2664 { } movieClip 2665 { } movieClip 2666 { } movieClip 2676 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); 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} stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } } movieClip 2706 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.taurcols[2]); } stop(); } } movieClip 2707 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2709 { } movieClip 2757 { } movieClip 2760 { frame 470 { stop(); } } movieClip 2761 { } movieClip 2763 { } movieClip 2766 { } movieClip 2768 { } movieClip 2769 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v9 = new Color(hairfront.haircol); v9.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v8 = new Color(hairfront.hairshad); v8.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v7 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v5.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v6 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v6.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2770 { } movieClip 2771 { } movieClip 2773 { } movieClip 2774 { } movieClip 2775 { } movieClip 2777 { } movieClip 2778 { } movieClip 2779 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2782 { } movieClip 2784 { } movieClip 2785 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v9 = new Color(hairfront.haircol); v9.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v8 = new Color(hairfront.hairshad); v8.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v7 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v5.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v6 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v6.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2787 { } movieClip 2789 { } movieClip 2791 { } movieClip 2793 { } movieClip 2795 { } movieClip 2797 { } movieClip 2799 { } movieClip 2800 { } movieClip 2801 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2803 { } movieClip 2807 { } movieClip 2809 { } movieClip 2811 { } movieClip 2813 { } movieClip 2814 { } movieClip 2815 { } movieClip 2818 { } movieClip 2820 { } movieClip 2822 { } movieClip 2824 { } movieClip 2826 { } movieClip 2828 { } movieClip 2831 { } movieClip 2833 { } movieClip 2834 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v5 = new Color(haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v4 = new Color(hairshad); v4.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v3 = new Color(ghairback.hair1.haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); 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v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 2864 { } movieClip 2868 { } movieClip 2869 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2871 { } movieClip 2872 { } movieClip 2874 { } movieClip 2877 { } movieClip 2878 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2880 { } movieClip 2882 { } movieClip 2885 { } movieClip 2887 { } movieClip 2888 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 2889 { } movieClip 2891 { } movieClip 2893 { } movieClip 2895 { } movieClip 2896 { } movieClip 2899 { } movieClip 2900 { } movieClip 2902 { } movieClip 2904 { } movieClip 2905 { } movieClip 2907 { } movieClip 2909 { } movieClip 2911 { } movieClip 2912 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); 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} frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 2940 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); 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} frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); 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} stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 2992 { } movieClip 2993 { } movieClip 2995 { } movieClip 2997 { } movieClip 2998 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3000 { } movieClip 3002 { } movieClip 3004 { } movieClip 3005 { } movieClip 3007 { } movieClip 3009 { } movieClip 3011 { } movieClip 3014 { } movieClip 3016 { } movieClip 3018 { } movieClip 3020 { } movieClip 3021 { } movieClip 3023 { } movieClip 3025 { } movieClip 3027 { } movieClip 3029 { } movieClip 3030 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Color(haircol); v3.setTransform(_root.haircol); 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} } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); } frame 104 { stop(); } } movieClip 3049 { } movieClip 3055 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.creamp > 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); } frame 180 { stop(); } } movieClip 3056 { } movieClip 3059 { } movieClip 3060 { } movieClip 3062 { } movieClip 3063 { } movieClip 3065 { } movieClip 3067 { } movieClip 3068 { } movieClip 3070 { } movieClip 3072 { } movieClip 3073 { frame 1 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 3074 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 3075 { } movieClip 3076 { } movieClip 3078 { } movieClip 3079 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.creamp > 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); } frame 292 { stop(); } } movieClip 3081 { } movieClip 3083 { } movieClip 3084 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3086 { } movieClip 3107 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.creamp > 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); } frame 297 { stop(); } } movieClip 3108 { } movieClip 3111 { } movieClip 3112 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.creamp > 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); 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v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3138 { } movieClip 3140 { } movieClip 3142 { } movieClip 3144 { } movieClip 3146 { } movieClip 3147 { } movieClip 3148 { } movieClip 3150 { } movieClip 3152 { } movieClip 3153 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3155 { } movieClip 3157 { } movieClip 3159 { } movieClip 3160 { } movieClip 3162 { } movieClip 3163 { } movieClip 3164 { frame 1 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 3165 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 3166 { } movieClip 3167 { } movieClip 3169 { } movieClip 3171 { } movieClip 3172 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3174 { } movieClip 3176 { } movieClip 3177 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3178 { } movieClip 3180 { } movieClip 3182 { } movieClip 3183 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3187 { } movieClip 3189 { } movieClip 3190 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.creamp > 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); } frame 157 { stop(); } } movieClip 3192 { } movieClip 3193 { } movieClip 3195 { } movieClip 3197 { } movieClip 3199 { } movieClip 3201 { } movieClip 3202 { } movieClip 3204 { } movieClip 3207 { } movieClip 3209 { } movieClip 3210 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.creamp > 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); } frame 135 { stop(); } } movieClip 3211 { } movieClip 3214 { } movieClip 3216 { } movieClip 3217 { } movieClip 3219 { } movieClip 3221 { } movieClip 3223 { } movieClip 3224 { } movieClip 3226 { } movieClip 3228 { } movieClip 3230 { } movieClip 3231 { frame 1 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 3232 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); 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var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3249 { } movieClip 3251 { } movieClip 3253 { } movieClip 3256 { } movieClip 3257 { } movieClip 3258 { } movieClip 3260 { } movieClip 3262 { } movieClip 3264 { } movieClip 3265 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3267 { } movieClip 3269 { } movieClip 3271 { } movieClip 3273 { } movieClip 3275 { } movieClip 3276 { } movieClip 3277 { } movieClip 3280 { } movieClip 3282 { } movieClip 3283 { } movieClip 3284 { } movieClip 3285 { } movieClip 3286 { frame 1 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 3287 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(1); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { boxscm.goofr.gotoAndStop(2); boxscm.boxb.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 3288 { } movieClip 3289 { } movieClip 3291 { } movieClip 3293 { } movieClip 3294 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3296 { } movieClip 3298 { } movieClip 3299 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.creamp > 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); } frame 170 { stop(); } } movieClip 3302 { } movieClip 3303 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.creamp > 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); } frame 170 { stop(); } } movieClip 3304 { } movieClip 3306 { } movieClip 3309 { } movieClip 3310 { } movieClip 3312 { } movieClip 3313 { } movieClip 3315 { } movieClip 3318 { } movieClip 3319 { } movieClip 3320 { } movieClip 3322 { } movieClip 3324 { } movieClip 3326 { } movieClip 3327 { } movieClip 3329 { } movieClip 3331 { } movieClip 3333 { } movieClip 3335 { } movieClip 3337 { } movieClip 3339 { } movieClip 3340 { } movieClip 3343 { } movieClip 3344 { } movieClip 3345 { } movieClip 3347 { } movieClip 3349 { } movieClip 3350 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3353 { } movieClip 3355 { } movieClip 3356 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3357 { } movieClip 3359 { } movieClip 3361 { } movieClip 3363 { } movieClip 3365 { } movieClip 3367 { } movieClip 3371 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.creamp > 0) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} play(); } frame 198 { stop(); } } movieClip 3372 { frame 1 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 3373 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 3374 { } movieClip 3375 { } movieClip 3377 { } movieClip 3379 { } movieClip 3380 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3382 { } movieClip 3384 { } movieClip 3386 { } movieClip 3388 { } movieClip 3390 { } movieClip 3391 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3394 { } movieClip 3395 { } movieClip 3397 { } movieClip 3398 { } movieClip 3400 { } movieClip 3401 { } movieClip 3403 { } movieClip 3404 { } movieClip 3406 { } movieClip 3408 { } movieClip 3410 { } movieClip 3411 { } movieClip 3413 { } movieClip 3415 { } movieClip 3416 { } movieClip 3418 { } movieClip 3419 { frame 1 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { _root.sexsoundz.slaps.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 3420 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 3421 { } movieClip 3422 { } movieClip 3423 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 470 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 327 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = 53.3 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; girl._y = 392 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; } stop(); } instance taur1 of movieClip 2483 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.37; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } instance taur2 of movieClip 2511 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.61)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } instance taur5 of movieClip 2534 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.7 - 1.9)))); this.cock.cockinside.sperm.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 - 2.1)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } instance taur0 of movieClip 2607 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.15; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance taur3 of movieClip 2658 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.27; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.79 + 1.61)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 - 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } instance taur4 of movieClip 2707 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.23; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.79 + 1.61)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 - 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 470 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = 53.3 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; } stop(); } instance taur1 of movieClip 2483 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.45; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } instance taur2 of movieClip 2511 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.61)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } instance taur5 of movieClip 2534 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.7 - 1.9)))); this.cock.cockinside.sperm.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 - 2.1)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } instance taur0 of movieClip 2801 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.1; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.ghead.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 2.3)))); this.ghairback.ghairjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.gbutt.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); } } instance taur3 of movieClip 2658 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.33; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.79 + 1.61)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 - 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } instance taur4 of movieClip 2707 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.27; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.79 + 1.61)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 - 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 470 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = 53.3 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 470 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = 53.3 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; _root.iris = 8; } stop(); } instance taur0 of movieClip 2862 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.11; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghead.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.71 - 2.3)))); this.ghairback.ghairjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.gbutt.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.glegl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); } } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 398.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; _root.iris = 8; } stop(); } instance taur0 of movieClip 2862 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.11; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghead.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.71 - 2.3)))); this.ghairback.ghairjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.gbutt.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); } } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 592 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; bbx._x = 284.15 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; bbx._y = 188.95 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; _root.iris = 8; } stop(); } instance taur0 of movieClip 2607 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.15; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); } } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 398.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; boxscx._x = -600 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; boxscx._y = -208 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; } stop(); } instance boxscx of movieClip 2942 { onClipEvent (load) { = 0; + Math.random() * 11)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { += _root.sexsp; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( + 8.300000000000001)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 7.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.9)))); * (1 + Math.cos( * 0.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.45)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.5)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 2.3)))); this.ghairback.ghairjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.gbutt.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); } } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 398.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; boxscx._x = -600 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; boxscx._y = -208 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; } stop(); } instance boxscx of movieClip 2993 { onClipEvent (load) { = 0; + Math.random() * 11)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { += _root.sexsp; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( + 8.300000000000001)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.9)))); * (1 + Math.cos( * 0.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.45)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.5)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 2.3)))); this.ghairback.ghairjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.gbutt.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); } } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 398.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; boxscx._x = -600 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; boxscx._y = -208 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; } stop(); } instance boxscx of movieClip 3076 { onClipEvent (load) { = 0; + Math.random() * 11)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { += _root.sexsp; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( + 8.300000000000001)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 8.300000000000001)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); * (1 + Math.cos( * 0.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.45)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.85)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.05)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.5)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 2.3)))); this.ghairback.ghairjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.gbutt.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); } } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 398.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; boxscx._x = -600 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; boxscx._y = -208 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; } stop(); } instance boxscx of movieClip 3167 { onClipEvent (load) { = 0; + Math.random() * 6)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { += _root.sexsp; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( - 8.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 8.300000000000001)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); * (1 + Math.cos( * 0.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.45)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.85)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.05)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.5)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 2.3)))); this.ghairback.ghairjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.gbutt.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); } } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 398.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; boxscx._x = -600 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; boxscx._y = -208 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; } stop(); } instance boxscx of movieClip 3234 { onClipEvent (load) { = 0; + Math.random() * 6)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { += _root.sexsp + 0.05; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 8.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 8.300000000000001)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); * (1 + Math.cos( * 0.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.45)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 4.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.85)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.05)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.5)))); this.cock.cockinside.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.balls.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxsc.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.7 + 1.5)))); this.balls.ballsjiggle.ballswiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 + 1.3)))); this.head.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.21 - 1.7)))); this.ghairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 2.3)))); this.ghairback.ghairjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.gbutt.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastsjiggle.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.boxscm.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); } } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 398.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; boxscx._x = -600 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; boxscx._y = -208 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; } stop(); } instance boxscx of movieClip 3289 { onClipEvent (load) { = 0; + Math.random() * 6)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { += _root.sexsp - 0.03; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 4.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 8.699999999999999)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 3.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 5.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 4.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 8.300000000000001)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); * (1 + Math.cos( * 0.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.45)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.5)))); } } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 398.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; boxscx._x = -600 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; boxscx._y = -208 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; } stop(); } instance boxscx of movieClip 3375 { onClipEvent (load) { = 0; + Math.random() * 6)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { += _root.sexsp - 0.07000000000000001; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( - 4.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 4.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 5.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 4.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 3.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 4.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 4.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 8.300000000000001)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); * (1 + Math.cos( * 0.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.45)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.5)))); } } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -((_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11); taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 398.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 424.65 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = -1000 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; boxscx._x = -600 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; scenebg._y = -((_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999); taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; girl._y = 380.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.003; boxscx._y = -208 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.008999999999999999; } stop(); } instance boxscx of movieClip 3422 { onClipEvent (load) { = 0; + Math.random() * 6)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { += _root.sexsp - 0.03; * (1 + Math.cos(; * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 4.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 5.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 5.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 4.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 4.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 8.300000000000001)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.1)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos( + 2.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.9)))); * (1 + Math.cos( * 0.5)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.7)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 2.45)))); * (1 + Math.cos( + 1.3)))); * (1 + Math.cos( - 1.5)))); } } } movieClip 3425 { } movieClip 3427 { } movieClip 3428 { } button 3429 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; if (_root.preg == 1) { nextFrame(); } if (_root.preg > 1) { gotoAndStop(100); } } } button 3430 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(4); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(93); } } movieClip 3432 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3434 { } movieClip 3466 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 3468 { frame 1 { _root.resist += 0.1; } frame 2 { _root.resist += 0.2; } frame 3 { _root.resist += 0.3; } frame 4 { _root.resist += 0.2; } frame 85 { _root.resist += 0.1; } frame 86 { _root.resist += 0.2; } frame 87 { _root.resist += 0.3; } frame 88 { _root.resist += 0.4; } frame 89 { _root.resist += 0.5; } frame 90 { _root.resist += 0.4; } frame 91 { _root.resist += 0.3; } frame 92 { _root.resist += 0.2; } frame 93 { _root.resist += 0.1; } frame 164 { _root.resist += 0.1; } frame 165 { _root.resist += 0.2; } frame 166 { _root.resist += 0.3; } frame 167 { _root.resist += 0.4; } frame 168 { _root.resist += 0.5; } frame 169 { _root.resist += 0.4; } frame 170 { _root.resist += 0.3; } frame 171 { _root.resist += 0.2; } frame 172 { _root.resist += 0.1; } frame 262 { _root.resist += 0.1; } frame 263 { _root.resist += 0.2; } frame 264 { _root.resist += 0.5; } frame 265 { _root.resist += 1.3; } frame 266 { _root.resist += 3; } frame 267 { _root.resist += 3.5; } frame 268 { _root.resist += 1.5; } frame 269 { _root.resist += 0.5; } frame 270 { _root.resist += 0.3; } frame 336 { _root.resist += 0.1; } frame 337 { _root.resist += 0.2; } frame 338 { _root.resist += 0.3; } frame 339 { _root.resist += 0.5; } frame 340 { _root.resist += 0.9; } frame 341 { _root.resist += 1.3; } frame 342 { _root.resist += 1.1; } frame 343 { _root.resist += 0.7; } frame 344 { _root.resist += 0.3; } } movieClip 3470 { frame 1 { _root.resist += 3; } frame 2 { _root.resist += 1; } frame 3 { _root.resist -= 1; } frame 4 { _root.resist -= 2; } frame 5 { _root.resist -= 1; } frame 6 { _root.resist += 3; } frame 7 { _root.resist += 1; } frame 8 { _root.resist -= 1; } frame 9 { _root.resist -= 2; } frame 10 { _root.resist -= 1; } } movieClip 3471 { frame 1 { += 3; } frame 2 { += 1; } frame 3 { -= 1; } frame 4 { -= 2; } frame 5 { -= 1; } frame 6 { += 0.1; } frame 7 { += 3; } frame 8 { += 1; } frame 9 { -= 1; } frame 10 { -= 2; } frame 11 { -= 1; } } button 3472 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); prevFrame(); } } movieClip 3475 { } movieClip 3476 { frame 89 { stop(); } } button 3477 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; gotoAndStop(55); } } button 3478 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.pregchance += Math.random(); nextFrame(); } } button 3479 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.cum = 2; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(1); _root.fader = 2; if (_root.pregchance > 0.5) { _root.preg = 6; } if (_root.pregchance < 0.5) { _root.preg = 1; } _root.pregchance = 0; nextFrame(); } } button 3480 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.iris = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.blush = 2; _root.resist = 0; = 0; _root.moves = 0; _root.convo = 1; } } button 3481 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(1); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(65); } } button 3482 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(4); gotoAndStop(95); } } button 3483 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(9); _root.fader = 2; nextFrame(); } } button 3484 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(10); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(38); } } button 3485 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.iris = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.blush = 1; _root.fader = 2; _root.convo = 1; } } button 3486 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.resist = 1; gotoAndStop(56); } } button 3487 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(4); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(145); } } button 3488 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(4); nextFrame(); } } button 3489 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(10); _root.fader = 2; nextFrame(); } } movieClip 3490 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'ARRGH!!! HEAR YE!!!'; _root.iris = 4; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Hi soldiers!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... can I have your attention?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I\'m Princess ' + _root.kd0ruler + ', and as you maybe know already, I\'m in command of ' + _root.kd0name + ' while the King rests ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... guys?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = ''; wordzz.wordz = '*crowd grunting*'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... can I ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.talksys[5] > 0.5) { gotoAndStop(140); } if (_root.talksys[5] == 0) { } } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'SILENCE!!! THE PRINCESS SPEAKS!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; _root.talksys[5] = 1; } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = ''; wordzz.wordz = '...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I\'m visiting to thank you for your service to the King ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Soldiers? ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = ''; wordzz.wordz = '*loud smacking sounds*'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ugh! ... Excuse me! ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... Pardon us, Princess ' + _root.kd0ruler + ' ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'My men see few women, and never such a beautiful young elf as yourself ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'And for you to arrive wearing ... such an outfit ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... what ... what\'s wrong with my outfit?'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... surely the Princess knew her outfit would torment the soldiers ...'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh, no I ... I didn\'t mean to torment them!'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... of course ...'; _root.iris = 16; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ... I suppose I should have the tailor make a few adjustments ...'; _root.iris = 6; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Nay, Princess! ... Are you not pleased?'; _root.iris = 6; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Look how they adore you! They would be invincible in battle with a passion such as this!'; _root.iris = 4; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Is ... is that why they pull their cocks like that?'; _root.iris = 4; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... they want only to breed the beautiful Princess whom they defend ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahaha! How the poor beasts beg to be relieved from this torture!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Many months have passed since they have had captive women ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 28 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'And they have long since broken the goblin wenches that once visited the stables ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 29 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = '*gulp* ... Broken?'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh indeed ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'The fury of these soldiers is surpassed only by their lust ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 32 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Without a chance to mate, their fury cannot be harnessed well ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 33 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... I think Father warned me about that ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 34 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'And he said something about a box with holes, filled with hog bellies ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 35 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'HAHAHA! Arrgh, indeed! We have such a box, but my men have grown somewhat tired of it ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh ... but they may find modest enjoyment from it along with memories of your visit ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 37 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay! Let\'s try it anyway! I\'ll go get it ready!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 38 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! No hog belly in hole!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 39 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'What inside?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 40 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahn! Oh my ... god ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 41 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooooh! ... Something in box!'; _root.iris = 7; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 42 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh no ... I hope they can\'t hear me ...'; _root.iris = 7; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 43 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Rrrgh! Feel like goblin!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 44 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! Small ... soft ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 45 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... You guys are ... Ahn! ... bigger than I thought ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 46 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Rrgh! It moving!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 47 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! ... So warm ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 48 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Smell like elf!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 49 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Smell like Princess!'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 50 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahn! Oh god ... do they know it\'s me in here?'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 51 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh!!!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 52 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I can\'t get out until ... ahn! ... until they cum ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 53 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh!! Me want fuck Princess!!!'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 54 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... I have to find a way out ... before they break me!'; _root.resist = 1; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 55 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... I have to find a way ... before they break me ...'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; _root.creamp = 0; _root.tears = 2; = 0; b1.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.posits[2]); b1.circ.onRollOver = function () { choosepos.choosepos = 'Spreading'; }; b1.circ.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.resist = 1; _root.iris = 7; _root.mouth = 3; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(13); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(125); }; b2.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.posits[6]); b2.circ.onRollOver = function () { choosepos.choosepos = 'Stuffed'; }; b2.circ.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.resist = 1; _root.iris = 13; _root.mouth = 3; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(16); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(125); }; b3.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.posits[1]); b3.circ.onRollOver = function () { choosepos.choosepos = 'Tasting'; }; b3.circ.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.resist = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(11); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(125); }; b4.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.posits[7]); b4.circ.onRollOver = function () { choosepos.choosepos = 'Kissing'; }; b4.circ.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.resist = 1; _root.iris = 17; _root.mouth = 6; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(17); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(125); }; b5.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.posits[3]); b5.circ.onRollOver = function () { choosepos.choosepos = 'Doggy'; }; b5.circ.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.resist = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(12); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(125); }; b6.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.posits[5]); b6.circ.onRollOver = function () { choosepos.choosepos = 'Teasing'; }; b6.circ.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.resist = 1; _root.iris = 13; _root.mouth = 3; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(15); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(125); }; b7.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.posits[0]); b7.circ.onRollOver = function () { choosepos.choosepos = 'Trapped'; }; b7.circ.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.resist = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(10); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(125); }; b8.gotoAndStop(2 - _root.posits[4]); b8.circ.onRollOver = function () { choosepos.choosepos = 'Taken'; }; b8.circ.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.resist = 1; _root.iris = 13; _root.mouth = 3; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(14); _root.fader = 2; gotoAndStop(125); }; } stop(); } frame 56 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.cum = 3; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.blush = 2; _root.resist += (_root.resist * _root.resist / 7000) * 0.75 + _root.outfitlust * 0.1; _root.sexsp = 0.17 + _root.resist / 650; if (_root.resist < 1) { _root.resist = 1; } if (_root.resist > 75 && _root.resist < 99) { += 0.35; } if (_root.resist > 100) { _root.creamp = 2; _root.resist = 100; if (_root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee._currentframe == 10 || _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee._currentframe == 11 || _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee._currentframe == 15 || _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee._currentframe == 17) { gotoAndStop(Math.round(57 + Math.random() * 3)); } if (_root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee._currentframe == 12 || _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee._currentframe == 14 || _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee._currentframe == 13 || _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee._currentframe == 16) { _root.sexsoundz.moans.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(61); } } if ( > 100) { _root.sexsoundz.moans.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(80); } h1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.resist)); h2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.resist - 35)); h3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.resist - 70)); f1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(; f2.gotoAndStop(Math.round( - 35)); f3.gotoAndStop(Math.round( - 70)); if (_root.resist < 35) { h2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.resist < 70) { h3.gotoAndStop(1); } } stop(); } frame 57 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... How are you guys still ... ahn! ... so horny? ... Don\'t you ... ahn! ... wanna cum?'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 58 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahn! ... Come on, guys ... cum already ...'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 59 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhnn ... What ... what do I have ... nhn ... to do? ... ahn! ... Just cum already!'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 60 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... You guys are still ... ahn! ... so hard ... ahn! ... Don\'t you wanna ... ahn! ... cum yet?'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 61 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn! ... Ahn! ... Wait, what are y-'; _root.iris = 6; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 62 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'AHN!! Oh my god! NO!!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 63 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahn! ... It\'s so ... much ... inside me ...'; _root.iris = 2; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 64 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'So ... mmhm ... warm ...'; _root.iris = 2; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; _root.topp = 18; _root.bott = 23; = 7; = 5; } stop(); } frame 65 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'ARRGH! PRINCESS! Thank Hadeon you are not injured!'; _root.iris = 13; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; _root.tears = 1; } stop(); } frame 66 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'I do not know which one of my men put you in that box, but he will be found at once!'; _root.iris = 13; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 67 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! ... Princess?'; _root.iris = 13; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 68 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Huh? ... Oh!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 69 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... yea! It\'s lucky that you found me ...'; _root.iris = 7; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 70 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Argh, indeed ... We could hear the cries of a maiden trapped inside but we did not know it was you, your highness ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 71 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'The bastard responsible for this will be found and put to death, I swear!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 72 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'No no that\'s okay! ... It wasn\'t one of your men ... I kinda fell inside the box when I went to find it ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 73 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'But you guys found me ... hehe ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 74 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'We are very greatful for your gift, Princess ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 75 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'My men will be invincible in battle, defending such a generous Princess ...'; _root.iris = 4; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 76 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe, good ... Okay guys, see you later!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 80 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... F-fuck ... hehe ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 81 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'You guys are ... nhn ... so ... fucking ... mhmm ... big! ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 82 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... Don\'t stop, guys ... nhn ... I ... nhnn ... I love it ...'; _root.iris = 18; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 83 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahn! ... F-fuck! ...'; _root.iris = 18; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 84 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Ahn! You guys are g-gonna ... nhnn ... make me ... nhn ... CUM! ...'; _root.iris = 13; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 85 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nnhn! ... AHNN!! ... AHN!'; _root.iris = 13; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 86 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'ARRGH!! WHAT THAT SOUND??'; _root.iris = 13; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 87 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'AHHN!! ... NNHN!! ...'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 88 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'SOUND LIKE ELF!!!'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 89 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'ARRGH!!! SOUND LIKE PRINCESS!!!'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 90 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'NHHN! ... W-what?? ... Ahn!! ... N-no! ... NNHN! ...'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; _root.topp = 18; _root.bott = 23; = 7; = 5; } stop(); } frame 93 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay guys, the box is ready! Come get it!!!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 94 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ugh! ... It\'s so dark in here! ... Okay, I can\'t let them find out I\'m in here!'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 95 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Wait ... Why is it so smelly in here? ... Ugh! It\'s so sticky!'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 96 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Princess? ... Arrgh ... She must be gone ... Ah, there be the box ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 97 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! The Princess has left this box as a gift to share ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 100 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Hi soldiers!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 101 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... can I have your attention?'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 102 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I\'m Princess ' + _root.kd0ruler + ', and as you maybe know already, I\'m in command of-'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 103 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = ' '; wordzz.wordz = '*grunting and shouting*'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 104 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... guys?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 105 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'SILENCE!!! THE PRINCESS SPEAKS!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 106 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Thanks ... I\'m in command of the Kingdom while-'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 107 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = ' '; wordzz.wordz = '*grunting and shouting continues*'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 108 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Guys! Listen to me!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 109 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = ' '; wordzz.wordz = '*banging on tables*'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 110 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ugh! ... Guys!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 111 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Princess ... Your scent ... My men are mad with lust!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 3; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 112 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'My scent? ... What do you mean?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 113 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'You are ... dripping such sweet elven milk ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 114 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'What? ... Oh, I ... I can\'t stop it ...'; _root.iris = 6; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 115 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Of course, Princess, but we tauren ... we are overwhelmed ... mmhm ... by such a sweet smell ...'; _root.iris = 6; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 116 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I ... umm ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 117 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmmhm ... Princess, your scent ... is so ... delicious ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 118 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Uhh ... I\'ll go and get the hog belly box now ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 125 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... hehe ... easy, guys ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 126 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... mhmm ... fuck ... I\'m getting soo hot ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 127 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh god ... Their balls are ... huge ... mhm ... If they cum in me... I\'m soo fucked ...'; _root.iris = 7; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 128 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay ... mhm ... Let\'s do this ...'; _root.iris = 7; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 140 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe okay ... Umm ... I guess you guys are too excited to listen?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 141 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = ''; wordzz.wordz = '*crowd grunting louder*'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 142 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... That\'s okay! I have a gift for you guys ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 143 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'You\'re gonna love it ... hehe ... I\'m gonna go get it for you!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 145 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay guys, it\'s ready! Come get it!!!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 146 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe, it\'s so sticky in here! ... Okay, I can\'t let them find out I\'m in here!'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 147 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Those soldiers are soo big! ... I hope they\'re gentle with me ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 148 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Princess? ... Arrgh ... She must be gone ... Ah, this must be the gift ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 149 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Captain'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! The Princess has left this box as a gift to share ...'; _root.iris = 11; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 150 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! No hog belly in hole!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 151 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'What inside?'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 152 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... So heavy ... hehe ...'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 153 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Ooooh! ... Something in box!'; _root.iris = 7; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 154 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Oooh ... I hope they can\'t hear me! ...'; _root.iris = 7; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 155 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Rrrgh! Feel like goblin!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 156 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! Small ... soft ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 157 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmmhm ... hehe ...'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 158 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Rrgh! It moving!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 159 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh! ... So warm ...'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 160 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Smell like elf!'; _root.iris = 8; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 161 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Smell good! ... Smell like Princess!'; _root.iris = 14; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 162 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nnhn ... fuck ... I want you guys soo bad ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 163 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Soldier'; wordzz.wordz = 'Arrgh!!! Me want fuck Princess!!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 164 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... then take me, silly!'; _root.resist = 1; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 5; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } } button 3493 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); textsys.gotoAndStop(55); } } button 3494 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); scenee.gotoAndStop(30); } } button 3495 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); scenee.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 3496 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } button 3497 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; if (_root.talksys[2] > 0.5) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.talksys[2] < 0.5) { gotoAndStop(3); } } } button 3498 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.taurcols[0] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 8); _root.taurcols[1] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 8); _root.taurcols[2] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 8); _root.convo = 35; } } button 3499 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.convo = 20; } } movieClip 3500 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'A rally? ... Hehe ... The soldiers are so scary!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; _root.hud.settlementsys.gotoAndStop(102); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay, let\'s go!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I don\'t think I should hold a rally until I talk to Nyla ... She knows what to do!'; _root.iris = 1; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } } movieClip 3501 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 3504 { } movieClip 3506 { } movieClip 3508 { } movieClip 3509 { } movieClip 3511 { } movieClip 3514 { } movieClip 3515 { } movieClip 3517 { } movieClip 3520 { } movieClip 3521 { } movieClip 3524 { } movieClip 3526 { } movieClip 3528 { } movieClip 3530 { } movieClip 3531 { } movieClip 3533 { } movieClip 3536 { } movieClip 3539 { } movieClip 3542 { } movieClip 3546 { } movieClip 3549 { } movieClip 3551 { } movieClip 3552 { } movieClip 3554 { } movieClip 3555 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 3557 { } movieClip 3559 { } movieClip 3560 { } movieClip 3562 { } movieClip 3563 { } movieClip 3565 { } movieClip 3566 { } movieClip 3568 { } movieClip 3569 { } movieClip 3571 { } movieClip 3572 { } movieClip 3574 { } movieClip 3575 { } movieClip 3577 { } movieClip 3578 { } movieClip 3580 { } movieClip 3581 { } movieClip 3583 { } movieClip 3584 { } movieClip 3585 { } movieClip 3587 { } movieClip 3589 { } movieClip 3590 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3592 { } movieClip 3594 { } movieClip 3595 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3596 { } movieClip 3599 { } movieClip 3600 { } movieClip 3602 { } movieClip 3604 { } movieClip 3606 { } movieClip 3608 { } movieClip 3612 { } movieClip 3613 { } movieClip 3615 { } movieClip 3616 { } movieClip 3618 { } movieClip 3620 { } movieClip 3622 { } movieClip 3623 { } movieClip 3625 { } movieClip 3627 { } movieClip 3629 { } movieClip 3630 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3632 { } movieClip 3635 { } movieClip 3637 { } movieClip 3639 { } movieClip 3640 { } movieClip 3643 { } movieClip 3645 { } movieClip 3648 { } movieClip 3650 { } movieClip 3653 { } movieClip 3655 { } movieClip 3658 { } movieClip 3660 { } movieClip 3661 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v7 = new Color(haircol); v7.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v6 = new Color(hairshad); v6.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v5 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.haircol); v5.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v3 = new Color(hairfront.hair1.hairshad); v3.setTransform(_root.hairshad); var v4 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.haircol); v4.setTransform(_root.haircol); var v2 = new Color(hairfront.hair2.hairshad); v2.setTransform(_root.hairshad); } stop(); } } movieClip 3663 { } movieClip 3665 { } movieClip 3667 { } movieClip 3669 { } movieClip 3671 { } movieClip 3673 { } movieClip 3674 { } movieClip 3677 { } movieClip 3679 { } movieClip 3681 { } movieClip 3683 { } movieClip 3684 { } movieClip 3685 { } movieClip 3687 { } movieClip 3688 { } movieClip 3689 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 89 { stop(); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 3690 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -286.35 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 470 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 368 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; nyla._x = -118 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = 53.3 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; scenebg._y = -59.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; girl._y = 392 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; nyla._y = -1 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; } stop(); } instance nyla of movieClip 3555 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.059; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { scenebg._x = -267.1 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur1._x = 257 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur2._x = 108.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur5._x = 763.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; taur0._x = 470 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.1; girl._x = 368 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; nylascene._x = 177.25 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair1._x = 53.3 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair2._x = 527 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; chair3._x = 402 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; tablee._x = 290.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.11; taur3._x = 138 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.07000000000000001; taur4._x = 971 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.05; scenebg._y = -109 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur1._y = 282 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur2._y = 57 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur5._y = 67.40000000000001 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur0._y = 182 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; girl._y = 392 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; nylascene._y = 196.2 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; chair1._y = 249.6 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; chair2._y = 222.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; chair3._y = 209 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; tablee._y = 277.05 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.03; taur3._y = 312.3 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; taur4._y = 402.5 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; } stop(); } instance nylascene of movieClip 3689 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.101; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 2.7)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.arms.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.79 + 1.7)))); this.nlegl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 3.9)))); this.glegr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.5)))); this.nhairb.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.ghairb.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 1.9)))); this.nhead.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 - 2.7)))); this.ghead.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.13 - 1.9)))); this.tits.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.89 - 2.7)))); this.gloww.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.31 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.51 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.73 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.63 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.57 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.79 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d6.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.87 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d7.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.3 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d8.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.7 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d9.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.43 - 1.9)))); this.dicks.d10.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 1.9 - 1.9)))); this.arms.armsi.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.9300000000000001 - 1.9)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } button 3691 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; if (_root.talksys[2] > 0.5) { gotoAndStop(70); } if (_root.talksys[2] < 0.5) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 3692 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; if (_root.gemstones > 100) { _root.gemstones -= 100; gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.gemstones < 100) { gotoAndStop(60); } } } button 3693 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; prevFrame(); } } button 3694 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.cum = 2; _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(1); _root.fader = 2; nextFrame(); } } button 3695 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.iris = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.blush = 1; _root.resist = 0; = 0; _root.convo = 5; nextFrame(); } } button 3696 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; if (_root.gemstones > 100) { _root.gemstones -= 100; gotoAndStop(75); } if (_root.gemstones < 100) { gotoAndStop(60); } } } button 3697 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; gotoAndStop(130); } } movieClip 3698 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 3708 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.talking = 1; _root.convo = 5; } } movieClip 3709 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Princess! You\'re back!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; if (_root.preg > 1) { gotoAndStop(120); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hey Nyla!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'What\'s up?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; _root.talksys[2] = 1; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... I was wondering if you can help me with something ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay! What is it?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Well ... I ... I hear my soldiers really ... um ... like you, and ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'And ... maybe you can ... um ... maybe teach me how to, like ... um ...'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe yea! ... Oooh! Are you getting married? That\'s so exciting!'; _root.iris = 9; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'No, it\'s not for that, haha! I want to help my soldiers prepare for battle ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh, hehe ... Are you sure, Princess? It\'s kinda dangerous!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Your scent will make them mad with lust, and if they cum inside you, you could get pregnant!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Yea, I know ... You can\'t tell anyone, okay?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe okay!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'I have a spell that can help me teach you, but I need like 100 gemstones for the potion, okay?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Yea! Here you go!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay! Come with me ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm!! What the ... mmhm!! ... Nyla!!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 18 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... hehe, calm down, ' + _root.kd0ruler + ' ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 19 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'What are ... mmmhm ... these things???'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... mmhm ... they\'re just ... mhm ... tentacles ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 21 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'NNHN!! It\'s ... mhm ... rubbing me ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 22 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... Already? ... mhm ... Hehe ... I guess they ... mhmm ... love elves ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 23 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... It\'s not ... mhm ... funny, Nyla!!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 24 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Calm down ... mmhm ... Princess ... mhm ... Let them ... mhm ... explore you ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'NNNHN!! It\'s ... mmhm ... inside me!!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mhmm ... m-me too ... nnhn ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay ... mmhm ... Now our ... mhm ... training starts ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 28 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'L-let them ... ahn! ... play with you ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 29 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'But never ... mhmm ... let them ... mhm ... c-cum ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'NNNHN!! I ... mhm ... can\'t ... mmhm ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'L-let\'s ... mmhm ... practice ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 32 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; _root.resist += (_root.resist * 1.3 * _root.resist / 7000) * 0.75 + _root.outfitlust * 0.1; _root.sexsp = 0.17 + _root.resist / 650; if (_root.resist < 1) { _root.resist = 1; } if (_root.resist > 75 && _root.resist < 99) { += 0.35; } if (_root.resist > 100) { _root.creamp = 2; _root.resist = 100; nextFrame(); } if ( > 100) { gotoAndStop(43); } h1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.resist)); h2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.resist - 35)); h3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.resist - 70)); f1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(; f2.gotoAndStop(Math.round( - 35)); f3.gotoAndStop(Math.round( - 70)); if (_root.resist < 35) { h2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.resist < 70) { h3.gotoAndStop(1); } } stop(); } frame 33 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nnhn ... S-so ... warm ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 34 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Oops ... mmhm ... they\'re c-cumming ... mmm ... hehe ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 35 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Let\'s ... mhm ... try again ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Oh ... mmhm ... and click to ... mhm ... slow down ... mhm ... their pleasure ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 37 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'The outside ... mhm ... hearts are ... mhm ... the tentacle\'s pleasure ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 38 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'D-don\'t let it ... mhmm ... reach full ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 39 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'But if you can ... mhmm ... keep it almost full ... mhm ... to fill the inside hearts ... mhm ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 40 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'That\'s ... mhm ... your pleasure bar, okay?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; _root.resist = 1; = 1; _root.creamp = 1; } stop(); } frame 41 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; _root.resist += (_root.resist * _root.resist / 7000) * 0.75 + _root.outfitlust * 0.1; _root.sexsp = 0.17 + _root.resist / 650; if (_root.resist < 1) { _root.resist = 1; } if (_root.resist > 75 && _root.resist < 99) { += 0.35; } if (_root.resist > 100) { _root.creamp = 2; _root.resist = 100; nextFrame(); } if ( > 100) { gotoAndStop(43); } h1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.resist)); h2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.resist - 35)); h3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.resist - 70)); f1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(; f2.gotoAndStop(Math.round( - 35)); f3.gotoAndStop(Math.round( - 70)); if (_root.resist < 35) { h2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.resist < 70) { h3.gotoAndStop(1); } } stop(); } frame 42 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'NHNN! ... They\'re cumming! ... Hehe oops ... mhmm ... Let\'s try again ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; _root.resist = 1; = 1; _root.creamp = 1; } stop(); } frame 43 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... hehe ... mhm ... You\'re shaking! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 44 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I\'m ... nnhnn!! ... C-cumming!! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 45 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... mhmm ... '; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 46 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahn!! ... Ahn! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 47 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 48 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = ' '; wordzz.wordz = ' ... '; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 49 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Are you okay?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 50 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'I think so, hehe ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 51 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay! Well, now you know how to play with the soldiers!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 52 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'But remember, if you let them cum in you, you\'re totally gonna get pregnant!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 53 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Yea ... hehe ... So you promise you won\'t tell anyone about this?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 54 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'I promise! And come back if you wanna practice again!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 55 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe, thanks Nyla!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 60 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ... I don\'t have enough right now, sorry ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 61 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'That\'s okay! Come back when you have them!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 62 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 70 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hey Nyla!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 71 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'What\'s up?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 72 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ... Well ... I wanna get better at rallying my soldiers ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 73 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'But I need to learn a few new ... um ... moves ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 74 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Sounds like fun! Okay! But I need gemstones for the summoning potion!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 75 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay! Here!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 76 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Oooh okay! Come with me!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 77 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... hehe ... Nyla! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 78 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Just ... mmhm ... kiss me! ... I know you ... mhm ... want to ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 79 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... nnhn ... They\'re ... inside me! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 80 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhmm ... me too ... nnhn ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 81 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay ... mmhm ... Time for the ... mhm ... spell ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 82 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Keep your eyes closed ... mmhm ... and listen to me, okay? ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 83 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'S-s-sada ... mhm ... r-rahk ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 84 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'S-sa ... l-lum ... mmmhm ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 85 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... mhm ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 86 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mhmm ... What do you ... mhm ... see? ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 87 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mhmm ... Horns ... mhm ... fur ... mhmm ... It\'s a Tauren ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 88 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... Good ... mhm ... What is he ... mmhm ... wearing? ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 89 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mhmm ... Oh! ... nhnn ... umm ... mhm ... n-nothing ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 90 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Nhn ... He\'s really ... mhmm ... big ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 91 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mhm ... What is ... mhmm ... he doing? ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 92 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ... He\'s pulling ... mhmm ... my hair ... mmhm! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 93 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... mhmm ... And? ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 94 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ehn!! ... mhmm ... mmhmm!! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 95 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... mhm ... What is it, ' + _root.kd0ruler + '? ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 96 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhmm!! He tastes so ... mhmm!! ... good ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 97 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Wait ... what are you ... mhmm ... doing? ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 98 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... hehe ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 99 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahn!! ... mhmm ... Ahn!! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 100 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Aww! ... hehe ... Is he ... mhmm ... fucking you? ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 101 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ehnnn!!! ... mhmm ... Ahn!! ... mhm ... Ahn!! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 102 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhmm ... Good girl ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 103 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'AHNNN!!! ... N-n-no! ... EHHNN!!! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 104 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mhm ... Keep it in, ' + _root.kd0ruler + ' ... mhmm ... Don\'t let him ... mhm ... pull out ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 105 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ehnnn! ... S-s-so ... mhmm ... warm ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 106 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhmm ... hehe ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 107 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhmm ... hehe ... Whoa ... mhm ... That was ... mhmm ... crazy! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 108 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... mhmm ... I\'m jealous ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 109 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Thanks, Nyla! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 110 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'You\'re welcome! Come back again soon! I\'m always learning new positions!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 111 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Okay!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 120 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hey Nyla!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 121 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Whoa! You\'re soo big! Hehe ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 122 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Ugh ... I know! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 123 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'What\'s up?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 124 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Can you teach me any new moves ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 125 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'Umm ... I don\'t think so ... I don\'t wanna hurt your baby! ...'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 126 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Yea, okay!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 127 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'See you later!'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 130 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Nyla'; wordzz.wordz = 'What position do you wanna learn?'; _root.iris = 15; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 131 { function onEnterFrame() { b1.gotoAndStop(_root.posits[0] + 1); b1.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.posits[0] = 1; gotoAndStop(76); }; b2.gotoAndStop(_root.posits[4] + 1); b2.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.posits[4] = 1; gotoAndStop(76); }; b3.gotoAndStop(_root.posits[2] + 1); b3.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.posits[2] = 1; gotoAndStop(76); }; b4.gotoAndStop(_root.posits[6] + 1); b4.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.posits[6] = 1; gotoAndStop(76); }; b5.gotoAndStop(_root.posits[1] + 1); b5.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.posits[1] = 1; gotoAndStop(76); }; b6.gotoAndStop(_root.posits[7] + 1); b6.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.posits[7] = 1; gotoAndStop(76); }; b7.gotoAndStop(_root.posits[3] + 1); b7.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.posits[3] = 1; gotoAndStop(76); }; b8.gotoAndStop(_root.posits[5] + 1); b8.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.posits[5] = 1; gotoAndStop(76); }; b9.gotoAndStop(1); b9.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convo = 1; }; } stop(); } } movieClip 3712 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 3713 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.mapholder.mapp._x = 1472.45; _root.mapholder.mapp._y = 1828.3; gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.convo = 9; gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.convo = 14; gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndStop(4); } } stop(); } frame 20 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 25 { function onEnterFrame() { sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 26 { function onEnterFrame() { sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 27 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 30 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 31 { function onEnterFrame() { sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 35 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(37)) { gotoAndStop(2); } sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 36 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } stop(); } frame 40 { function onEnterFrame() { sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 45 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(37)) { gotoAndStop(2); } sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); gotoAndStop(_root.convo); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } } button 3715 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.hud.convosys.noros.textsys.gotoAndStop(10); gotoAndStop(2); } } button 3720 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.taxes[0] += 0.01; } } button 3721 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.taxes[0] -= 0.01; } } movieClip 3723 { } movieClip 3724 { } movieClip 3725 { } movieClip 3726 { } movieClip 3727 { } movieClip 3728 { } movieClip 3729 { } movieClip 3730 { } movieClip 3731 { } movieClip 3732 { } movieClip 3735 { } button 3739 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); prevFrame(); } } button 3740 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.taxes[1] += 0.01; } } button 3741 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.taxes[1] -= 0.01; } } movieClip 3748 { frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { storesd8 = _root.da8[0]; storesd7 = _root.da7[0]; storesd6 = _root.da6[0]; storesd5 = _root.da5[0]; storesd4 = _root.da4[0]; storesd3 = _root.da3[0]; storesd2 = _root.da2[0]; storesd1 = _root.da1[0]; storesd0 = _root.grain; dailyprod = 0; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t1[9] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); } if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t2[9] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); } if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t3[9] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); } if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t4[9] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); } if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t5[9] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); } if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t6[9] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); } if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t7[9] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]); } storess.amountt = Math.round(_root.grain) + ' lb'; dailyproduction.amountt = dailyprod + ' lb'; taxrate.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[0]) + '%'; columnz.bar9._height = 70; if (storesd1 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = (storesd1 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd1 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = 140; } if (storesd2 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = (storesd2 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd2 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = 140; } if (storesd3 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = (storesd3 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd3 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = 140; } if (storesd4 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = (storesd4 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd4 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = 140; } if (storesd5 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = (storesd5 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd5 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = 140; } if (storesd6 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = (storesd6 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd6 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = 140; } if (storesd7 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = (storesd7 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd7 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = 140; } if (storesd8 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = (storesd8 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd8 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = 140; } daycm0.daycounter = _root.dayy; daycm1.daycounter = _root.dayy - 1; daycm2.daycounter = _root.dayy - 2; daycm3.daycounter = _root.dayy - 3; daycm4.daycounter = _root.dayy - 4; daycm5.daycounter = _root.dayy - 5; daycm6.daycounter = _root.dayy - 6; daycm7.daycounter = _root.dayy - 7; daycm8.daycounter = _root.dayy - 8; } var storesd8 = 1; var storesd7 = 1; var storesd6 = 1; var storesd5 = 1; var storesd4 = 1; var storesd3 = 1; var storesd2 = 1; var storesd1 = 1; var storesd0 = 1; var dailyprod = 0; stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { storesd8 = _root.da8[1]; storesd7 = _root.da7[1]; storesd6 = _root.da6[1]; storesd5 = _root.da5[1]; storesd4 = _root.da4[1]; storesd3 = _root.da3[1]; storesd2 = _root.da2[1]; storesd1 = _root.da1[1]; storesd0 = _root.wood; dailyprod = 0; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t1[10] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); } if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t2[10] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); } if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t3[10] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); } if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t4[10] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); } if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t5[10] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); } if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t6[10] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); } if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t7[10] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]); } storess.amountt = Math.round(_root.wood) + ' lb'; dailyproduction.amountt = dailyprod + ' lb'; taxrate.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[1]) + '%'; columnz.bar9._height = 70; if (storesd1 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = (storesd1 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd1 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = 140; } if (storesd2 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = (storesd2 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd2 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = 140; } if (storesd3 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = (storesd3 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd3 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = 140; } if (storesd4 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = (storesd4 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd4 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = 140; } if (storesd5 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = (storesd5 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd5 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = 140; } if (storesd6 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = (storesd6 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd6 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = 140; } if (storesd7 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = (storesd7 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd7 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = 140; } if (storesd8 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = (storesd8 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd8 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = 140; } daycm0.daycounter = _root.dayy; daycm1.daycounter = _root.dayy - 1; daycm2.daycounter = _root.dayy - 2; daycm3.daycounter = _root.dayy - 3; daycm4.daycounter = _root.dayy - 4; daycm5.daycounter = _root.dayy - 5; daycm6.daycounter = _root.dayy - 6; daycm7.daycounter = _root.dayy - 7; daycm8.daycounter = _root.dayy - 8; } var storesd8 = 1; var storesd7 = 1; var storesd6 = 1; var storesd5 = 1; var storesd4 = 1; var storesd3 = 1; var storesd2 = 1; var storesd1 = 1; var storesd0 = 1; var dailyprod = 0; stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { storesd8 = _root.da8[2]; storesd7 = _root.da7[2]; storesd6 = _root.da6[2]; storesd5 = _root.da5[2]; storesd4 = _root.da4[2]; storesd3 = _root.da3[2]; storesd2 = _root.da2[2]; storesd1 = _root.da1[2]; storesd0 = _root.salt; dailyprod = 0; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t1[11] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); } if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t2[11] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); } if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t3[11] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); } if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t4[11] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); } if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t5[11] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); } if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t6[11] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); } if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t7[11] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]); } storess.amountt = Math.round(_root.salt) + ' lb'; dailyproduction.amountt = dailyprod + ' lb'; taxrate.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[2]) + '%'; columnz.bar9._height = 70; if (storesd1 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = (storesd1 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd1 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = 140; } if (storesd2 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = (storesd2 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd2 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = 140; } if (storesd3 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = (storesd3 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd3 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = 140; } if (storesd4 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = (storesd4 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd4 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = 140; } if (storesd5 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = (storesd5 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd5 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = 140; } if (storesd6 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = (storesd6 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd6 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = 140; } if (storesd7 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = (storesd7 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd7 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = 140; } if (storesd8 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = (storesd8 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd8 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = 140; } daycm0.daycounter = _root.dayy; daycm1.daycounter = _root.dayy - 1; daycm2.daycounter = _root.dayy - 2; daycm3.daycounter = _root.dayy - 3; daycm4.daycounter = _root.dayy - 4; daycm5.daycounter = _root.dayy - 5; daycm6.daycounter = _root.dayy - 6; daycm7.daycounter = _root.dayy - 7; daycm8.daycounter = _root.dayy - 8; } var storesd8 = 1; var storesd7 = 1; var storesd6 = 1; var storesd5 = 1; var storesd4 = 1; var storesd3 = 1; var storesd2 = 1; var storesd1 = 1; var storesd0 = 1; var dailyprod = 0; stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { storesd8 = _root.da8[3]; storesd7 = _root.da7[3]; storesd6 = _root.da6[3]; storesd5 = _root.da5[3]; storesd4 = _root.da4[3]; storesd3 = _root.da3[3]; storesd2 = _root.da2[3]; storesd1 = _root.da1[3]; storesd0 = _root.iron; dailyprod = 0; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[12] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); } if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[12] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); } if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[12] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); } if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[12] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); } if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[12] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); } if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[12] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); } if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[12] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]); } storess.amountt = Math.round(_root.iron) + ' lb'; dailyproduction.amountt = dailyprod + ' lb'; taxrate.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[3]) + '%'; columnz.bar9._height = 70; if (storesd1 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = (storesd1 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd1 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = 140; } if (storesd2 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = (storesd2 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd2 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = 140; } if (storesd3 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = (storesd3 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd3 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = 140; } if (storesd4 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = (storesd4 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd4 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = 140; } if (storesd5 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = (storesd5 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd5 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = 140; } if (storesd6 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = (storesd6 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd6 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = 140; } if (storesd7 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = (storesd7 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd7 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = 140; } if (storesd8 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = (storesd8 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd8 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = 140; } daycm0.daycounter = _root.dayy; daycm1.daycounter = _root.dayy - 1; daycm2.daycounter = _root.dayy - 2; daycm3.daycounter = _root.dayy - 3; daycm4.daycounter = _root.dayy - 4; daycm5.daycounter = _root.dayy - 5; daycm6.daycounter = _root.dayy - 6; daycm7.daycounter = _root.dayy - 7; daycm8.daycounter = _root.dayy - 8; } var storesd8 = 1; var storesd7 = 1; var storesd6 = 1; var storesd5 = 1; var storesd4 = 1; var storesd3 = 1; var storesd2 = 1; var storesd1 = 1; var storesd0 = 1; var dailyprod = 0; stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { storesd8 = _root.da8[4]; storesd7 = _root.da7[4]; storesd6 = _root.da6[4]; storesd5 = _root.da5[4]; storesd4 = _root.da4[4]; storesd3 = _root.da3[4]; storesd2 = _root.da2[4]; storesd1 = _root.da1[4]; storesd0 = _root.copper; dailyprod = 0; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[13] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); } if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[13] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); } if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[13] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); } if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[13] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); } if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[13] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); } if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[13] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); } if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[13] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]); } storess.amountt = Math.round(_root.copper) + ' lb'; dailyproduction.amountt = dailyprod + ' lb'; taxrate.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[4]) + '%'; columnz.bar9._height = 70; if (storesd1 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = (storesd1 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd1 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = 140; } if (storesd2 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = (storesd2 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd2 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = 140; } if (storesd3 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = (storesd3 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd3 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = 140; } if (storesd4 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = (storesd4 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd4 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = 140; } if (storesd5 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = (storesd5 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd5 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = 140; } if (storesd6 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = (storesd6 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd6 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = 140; } if (storesd7 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = (storesd7 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd7 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = 140; } if (storesd8 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = (storesd8 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd8 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = 140; } daycm0.daycounter = _root.dayy; daycm1.daycounter = _root.dayy - 1; daycm2.daycounter = _root.dayy - 2; daycm3.daycounter = _root.dayy - 3; daycm4.daycounter = _root.dayy - 4; daycm5.daycounter = _root.dayy - 5; daycm6.daycounter = _root.dayy - 6; daycm7.daycounter = _root.dayy - 7; daycm8.daycounter = _root.dayy - 8; } var storesd8 = 1; var storesd7 = 1; var storesd6 = 1; var storesd5 = 1; var storesd4 = 1; var storesd3 = 1; var storesd2 = 1; var storesd1 = 1; var storesd0 = 1; var dailyprod = 0; stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { storesd8 = _root.da8[5]; storesd7 = _root.da7[5]; storesd6 = _root.da6[5]; storesd5 = _root.da5[5]; storesd4 = _root.da4[5]; storesd3 = _root.da3[5]; storesd2 = _root.da2[5]; storesd1 = _root.da1[5]; storesd0 = _root.silver; dailyprod = 0; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[14] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); } if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[14] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); } if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[14] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); } if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[14] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); } if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[14] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); } if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[14] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); } if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[14] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]); } storess.amountt = Math.round(_root.silver) + ' lb'; dailyproduction.amountt = dailyprod + ' lb'; taxrate.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[5]) + '%'; columnz.bar9._height = 70; if (storesd1 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = (storesd1 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd1 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = 140; } if (storesd2 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = (storesd2 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd2 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = 140; } if (storesd3 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = (storesd3 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd3 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = 140; } if (storesd4 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = (storesd4 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd4 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = 140; } if (storesd5 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = (storesd5 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd5 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = 140; } if (storesd6 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = (storesd6 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd6 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = 140; } if (storesd7 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = (storesd7 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd7 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = 140; } if (storesd8 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = (storesd8 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd8 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = 140; } daycm0.daycounter = _root.dayy; daycm1.daycounter = _root.dayy - 1; daycm2.daycounter = _root.dayy - 2; daycm3.daycounter = _root.dayy - 3; daycm4.daycounter = _root.dayy - 4; daycm5.daycounter = _root.dayy - 5; daycm6.daycounter = _root.dayy - 6; daycm7.daycounter = _root.dayy - 7; daycm8.daycounter = _root.dayy - 8; } var storesd8 = 1; var storesd7 = 1; var storesd6 = 1; var storesd5 = 1; var storesd4 = 1; var storesd3 = 1; var storesd2 = 1; var storesd1 = 1; var storesd0 = 1; var dailyprod = 0; stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { storesd8 = _root.da8[6]; storesd7 = _root.da7[6]; storesd6 = _root.da6[6]; storesd5 = _root.da5[6]; storesd4 = _root.da4[6]; storesd3 = _root.da3[6]; storesd2 = _root.da2[6]; storesd1 = _root.da1[6]; storesd0 =; dailyprod = 0; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[15] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); } if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[15] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); } if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[15] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); } if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[15] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); } if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[15] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); } if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[15] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); } if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[15] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]); } storess.amountt = Math.round( + ' lb'; dailyproduction.amountt = dailyprod + ' lb'; taxrate.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[6]) + '%'; columnz.bar9._height = 70; if (storesd1 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = (storesd1 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd1 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = 140; } if (storesd2 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = (storesd2 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd2 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = 140; } if (storesd3 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = (storesd3 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd3 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = 140; } if (storesd4 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = (storesd4 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd4 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = 140; } if (storesd5 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = (storesd5 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd5 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = 140; } if (storesd6 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = (storesd6 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd6 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = 140; } if (storesd7 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = (storesd7 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd7 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = 140; } if (storesd8 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = (storesd8 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd8 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = 140; } daycm0.daycounter = _root.dayy; daycm1.daycounter = _root.dayy - 1; daycm2.daycounter = _root.dayy - 2; daycm3.daycounter = _root.dayy - 3; daycm4.daycounter = _root.dayy - 4; daycm5.daycounter = _root.dayy - 5; daycm6.daycounter = _root.dayy - 6; daycm7.daycounter = _root.dayy - 7; daycm8.daycounter = _root.dayy - 8; } var storesd8 = 1; var storesd7 = 1; var storesd6 = 1; var storesd5 = 1; var storesd4 = 1; var storesd3 = 1; var storesd2 = 1; var storesd1 = 1; var storesd0 = 1; var dailyprod = 0; stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { storesd8 = _root.da8[7]; storesd7 = _root.da7[7]; storesd6 = _root.da6[7]; storesd5 = _root.da5[7]; storesd4 = _root.da4[7]; storesd3 = _root.da3[7]; storesd2 = _root.da2[7]; storesd1 = _root.da1[7]; storesd0 = _root.gemstones; dailyprod = 0; if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[16] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); } if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[16] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); } if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[16] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); } if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[16] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); } if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[16] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); } if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[16] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); } if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { dailyprod += Math.round(Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[16] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]); } storess.amountt = Math.round(_root.gemstones) + ' lb'; dailyproduction.amountt = dailyprod + ' lb'; taxrate.amountt = Math.round(100 * _root.taxes[7]) + '%'; columnz.bar9._height = 70; if (storesd1 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = (storesd1 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd1 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar8._height = 140; } if (storesd2 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = (storesd2 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd2 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar7._height = 140; } if (storesd3 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = (storesd3 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd3 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar6._height = 140; } if (storesd4 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = (storesd4 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd4 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar5._height = 140; } if (storesd5 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = (storesd5 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd5 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar4._height = 140; } if (storesd6 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = (storesd6 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd6 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar3._height = 140; } if (storesd7 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = (storesd7 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd7 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar2._height = 140; } if (storesd8 < storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = (storesd8 / storesd0) * 70; } if (storesd8 > storesd0 * 2) { columnz.bar1._height = 140; } daycm0.daycounter = _root.dayy; daycm1.daycounter = _root.dayy - 1; daycm2.daycounter = _root.dayy - 2; daycm3.daycounter = _root.dayy - 3; daycm4.daycounter = _root.dayy - 4; daycm5.daycounter = _root.dayy - 5; daycm6.daycounter = _root.dayy - 6; daycm7.daycounter = _root.dayy - 7; daycm8.daycounter = _root.dayy - 8; } var storesd8 = 1; var storesd7 = 1; var storesd6 = 1; var storesd5 = 1; var storesd4 = 1; var storesd3 = 1; var storesd2 = 1; var storesd1 = 1; var storesd0 = 1; var dailyprod = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 3749 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } } movieClip 3753 { } movieClip 3755 { } movieClip 3762 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3765 { } movieClip 3767 { } movieClip 3781 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.armyst[3]); } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.armyst[3]); } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.armyst[3]); } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.armyst[3]); } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.armyst[3]); } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.armyst[3]); } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.armyst[3]); } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { gotoAndStop(_root.armyst[3]); } stop(); } } button 3784 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.hud.convosys.sceneholder.textsys.gotoAndStop(60); gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 3785 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { warbar.offf._width = _root.armyst[0] * 0.1 * (_root.armyst[3] * 12.5); warbar.def._x = _root.armyst[0] * 0.1 * (_root.armyst[3] * 12.5); warbar.def._width = _root.armyst[1] * 0.1 * (_root.armyst[3] * 12.5); warbar.rng._x = _root.armyst[0] * 0.1 * (_root.armyst[3] * 12.5) + _root.armyst[1] * 0.1 * (_root.armyst[3] * 12.5); warbar.rng._width = _root.armyst[2] * 0.1 * (_root.armyst[3] * 12.5); warbar.prayer._x = _root.armyst[0] * 0.1 * (_root.armyst[3] * 12.5) + _root.armyst[1] * 0.1 * (_root.armyst[3] * 12.5) + _root.armyst[2] * 0.1 * (_root.armyst[3] * 12.5); warbar.prayer._width = _root.temples[5] * 100; _root.kd0[1] = _root.armyst[0] * 0.025 * (_root.armyst[3] * 0.125) + _root.armyst[1] * 0.025 * (_root.armyst[3] * 0.125) + _root.armyst[2] * 0.025 * (_root.armyst[3] * 0.125) + _root.temples[5] * 0.25; if (_root.armyst[0] > 0) { off1.weapon = 'Club'; off2.weapon = ''; off3.weapon = ''; off4.weapon = ''; off5.weapon = ''; off6.weapon = ''; off7.weapon = ''; off8.weapon = ''; off9.weapon = ''; off10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[0] > 1) { off2.weapon = 'Mace'; off3.weapon = ''; off4.weapon = ''; off5.weapon = ''; off6.weapon = ''; off7.weapon = ''; off8.weapon = ''; off9.weapon = ''; off10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[0] > 2) { off3.weapon = 'Morningstar'; off4.weapon = ''; off5.weapon = ''; off6.weapon = ''; off7.weapon = ''; off8.weapon = ''; off9.weapon = ''; off10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[0] > 3) { off4.weapon = 'Flail'; off5.weapon = ''; off6.weapon = ''; off7.weapon = ''; off8.weapon = ''; off9.weapon = ''; off10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[0] > 4) { off5.weapon = 'Dagger'; off6.weapon = ''; off7.weapon = ''; off8.weapon = ''; off9.weapon = ''; off10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[0] > 5) { off6.weapon = 'Warhammer'; off7.weapon = ''; off8.weapon = ''; off9.weapon = ''; off10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[0] > 6) { off7.weapon = 'Pickaxe'; off8.weapon = ''; off9.weapon = ''; off10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[0] > 7) { off8.weapon = 'Sword'; off9.weapon = ''; off10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[0] > 8) { off9.weapon = 'Battleaxe'; off10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[0] > 9) { off10.weapon = 'Great Sword'; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 0) { def1.weapon = 'Leather chestplate'; def2.weapon = ''; def3.weapon = ''; def4.weapon = ''; def5.weapon = ''; def6.weapon = ''; def7.weapon = ''; def8.weapon = ''; def9.weapon = ''; def10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 1) { def2.weapon = 'Pot helm'; def3.weapon = ''; def4.weapon = ''; def5.weapon = ''; def6.weapon = ''; def7.weapon = ''; def8.weapon = ''; def9.weapon = ''; def10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 2) { def3.weapon = 'Shield'; def4.weapon = ''; def5.weapon = ''; def6.weapon = ''; def7.weapon = ''; def8.weapon = ''; def9.weapon = ''; def10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 3) { def4.weapon = 'Spangenhelm'; def5.weapon = ''; def6.weapon = ''; def7.weapon = ''; def8.weapon = ''; def9.weapon = ''; def10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 4) { def5.weapon = 'Spaulders'; def6.weapon = ''; def7.weapon = ''; def8.weapon = ''; def9.weapon = ''; def10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 5) { def6.weapon = 'Cuirass'; def7.weapon = ''; def8.weapon = ''; def9.weapon = ''; def10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 6) { def7.weapon = 'Gauntlets'; def8.weapon = ''; def9.weapon = ''; def10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 7) { def8.weapon = 'Chain mail'; def9.weapon = ''; def10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 8) { def9.weapon = 'Bascinet'; def10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] > 9) { def10.weapon = 'Lantern Shield'; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 0) { rng1.weapon = 'Darts'; rng2.weapon = ''; rng3.weapon = ''; rng4.weapon = ''; rng5.weapon = ''; rng6.weapon = ''; rng7.weapon = ''; rng8.weapon = ''; rng9.weapon = ''; rng10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 1) { rng2.weapon = 'Flatbow'; rng3.weapon = ''; rng4.weapon = ''; rng5.weapon = ''; rng6.weapon = ''; rng7.weapon = ''; rng8.weapon = ''; rng9.weapon = ''; rng10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 2) { rng3.weapon = 'Birch longbow'; rng4.weapon = ''; rng5.weapon = ''; rng6.weapon = ''; rng7.weapon = ''; rng8.weapon = ''; rng9.weapon = ''; rng10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 3) { rng4.weapon = 'Yew longbow'; rng5.weapon = ''; rng6.weapon = ''; rng7.weapon = ''; rng8.weapon = ''; rng9.weapon = ''; rng10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 4) { rng5.weapon = 'Poison arrows'; rng6.weapon = ''; rng7.weapon = ''; rng8.weapon = ''; rng9.weapon = ''; rng10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 5) { rng6.weapon = 'Trebuchet'; rng7.weapon = ''; rng8.weapon = ''; rng9.weapon = ''; rng10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 6) { rng7.weapon = 'Crossbow'; rng8.weapon = ''; rng9.weapon = ''; rng10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 7) { rng8.weapon = 'Arbalest'; rng9.weapon = ''; rng10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 8) { rng9.weapon = 'Cannon'; rng10.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] > 9) { rng10.weapon = 'Hand cannon'; } if (_root.armyst[0] < 10) { offc1.weapon = 'Salt: ' + 5000 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]) + ' lb'; offc2.weapon = 'Iron: ' + 2500 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]) + ' lb'; offc3.weapon = 'Copper: ' + 1000 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]) + ' lb'; if (_root.salt > 5000 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]) && _root.iron > 2500 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]) && _root.copper > 1000 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3])) { offupgb.gotoAndStop(1); = 'Develop new weapon'; offupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[0] += 1; _root.salt -= 5000 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]); _root.iron -= 2500 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]); _root.copper -= 1000 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]); }; } if (_root.salt < 5000 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]) || _root.iron < 2500 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3]) || _root.copper < 1000 * (_root.armyst[0] + _root.armyst[3])) { offupgb.gotoAndStop(2); = 'Insufficient funds'; } } if (_root.armyst[0] == 10) { offupgb.gotoAndStop(2); = 'All weapons built'; offc1.weapon = ''; offc2.weapon = ''; offc3.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[1] < 10) { defc1.weapon = 'Salt: ' + 4000 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]) + ' lb'; defc2.weapon = 'Iron: ' + 3100 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]) + ' lb'; defc3.weapon = 'Copper: ' + 1250 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]) + ' lb'; if (_root.salt > 4000 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]) && _root.iron > 3100 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]) && _root.copper > 1250 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3])) { defupgb.gotoAndStop(1); = 'Develop new armor'; defupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[1] += 1; _root.salt -= 4000 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]); _root.iron -= 3100 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]); _root.copper -= 1250 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]); }; } if (_root.salt < 4000 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]) || _root.iron < 3100 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3]) || _root.copper < 1250 * (_root.armyst[1] + _root.armyst[3])) { defupgb.gotoAndStop(2); = 'Insufficient funds'; } } if (_root.armyst[1] == 10) { defupgb.gotoAndStop(2); = 'All armor built'; defc1.weapon = ''; defc2.weapon = ''; defc3.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[2] < 10) { rngc1.weapon = 'Salt: ' + 7000 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]) + ' lb'; rngc2.weapon = 'Iron: ' + 1500 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]) + ' lb'; rngc3.weapon = 'Copper: ' + 1700 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]) + ' lb'; if (_root.salt > 7000 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]) && _root.iron > 1500 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]) && _root.copper > 1700 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3])) { rngupgb.gotoAndStop(1); = 'Develop new weapons'; rngupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[2] += 1; _root.salt -= 7000 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]); _root.iron -= 1500 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]); _root.copper -= 1700 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]); }; } if (_root.salt < 7000 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]) || _root.iron < 1500 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3]) || _root.copper < 1700 * (_root.armyst[2] + _root.armyst[3])) { rngupgb.gotoAndStop(2); = 'Insufficient funds'; } } if (_root.armyst[2] == 10) { rngupgb.gotoAndStop(2); = 'All weapons built'; rngc1.weapon = ''; rngc2.weapon = ''; rngc3.weapon = ''; } if (_root.armyst[3] == 1) { sme.weapon = 'Wood'; smc1.weapon = 'Salt: 10000 lb'; smc2.weapon = 'Iron: 10000 lb'; smc3.weapon = ''; if (_root.salt > 10000 && _root.iron > 10000) { = 'Develop new metal'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(1); smupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[3] += 1; _root.salt -= 10000; _root.iron -= 10000; }; } if (_root.salt < 10000 || _root.iron < 10000) { = 'Insufficient funds'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.armyst[3] == 2) { sme.weapon = 'Iron'; smc1.weapon = 'Salt: 15000 lb'; smc2.weapon = 'Iron: 10000 lb'; smc3.weapon = ''; if (_root.salt > 15000 && _root.iron > 10000) { = 'Develop new metal'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(1); smupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[3] += 1; _root.salt -= 15000; _root.iron -= 10000; }; } if (_root.salt < 15000 || _root.iron < 10000) { = 'Insufficient funds'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.armyst[3] == 3) { sme.weapon = 'Steel'; smc1.weapon = 'Salt: 10000 lb'; smc2.weapon = 'Iron: 10000 lb'; smc3.weapon = 'Copper: 10000 lb'; if (_root.salt > 10000 && _root.iron > 10000 && _root.copper > 10000) { = 'Develop new metal'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(1); smupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[3] += 1; _root.salt -= 10000; _root.iron -= 10000; _root.copper -= 10000; }; } if (_root.salt < 10000 || _root.iron < 10000 || _root.copper < 10000) { = 'Insufficient funds'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.armyst[3] == 4) { sme.weapon = 'Bronze'; smc1.weapon = 'Salt: 15000 lb'; smc2.weapon = 'Iron: 10000 lb'; smc3.weapon = 'Copper: 10000 lb'; if (_root.salt > 15000 && _root.iron > 10000 && _root.copper > 10000) { = 'Develop new metal'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(1); smupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[3] += 1; _root.salt -= 15000; _root.iron -= 10000; _root.copper -= 10000; }; } if (_root.salt < 15000 || _root.iron < 10000 || _root.copper < 10000) { = 'Insufficient funds'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.armyst[3] == 5) { sme.weapon = 'Brass'; smc1.weapon = 'Salt: 10000 lb'; smc2.weapon = 'Copper: 10000 lb'; smc3.weapon = 'Silver: 5000 lb'; if (_root.salt > 10000 && _root.silver > 5000 && _root.copper > 10000) { = 'Develop new metal'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(1); smupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[3] += 1; _root.salt -= 10000; _root.silver -= 5000; _root.copper -= 10000; }; } if (_root.salt < 10000 || _root.silver < 5000 || _root.copper < 10000) { = 'Insufficient funds'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.armyst[3] == 6) { sme.weapon = 'Silver alloy'; smc1.weapon = 'Salt: 10000 lb'; smc2.weapon = 'Silver: 5000 lb'; smc3.weapon = 'Gold: 3000 lb'; if (_root.salt > 10000 && _root.silver > 5000 && > 3000) { = 'Develop new metal'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(1); smupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[3] += 1; _root.salt -= 10000; _root.silver -= 5000; -= 3000; }; } if (_root.salt < 10000 || _root.silver < 5000 || < 3000) { = 'Insufficient funds'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.armyst[3] == 7) { sme.weapon = 'Gold alloy'; smc1.weapon = 'Salt: 25000 lb'; smc2.weapon = 'Gold: 5000 lb'; smc3.weapon = 'Gemstones: 500 lb'; if (_root.salt > 25000 && _root.gemstones > 500 && > 5000) { = 'Develop new metal'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(1); smupgb.butt.onRelease = function () { _root.armyst[3] += 1; _root.salt -= 25000; _root.gemstones -= 500; -= 5000; }; } if (_root.salt < 25000 || _root.gemstones < 500 || < 5000) { = 'Insufficient funds'; smupgb.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_root.armyst[3] == 8) { sme.weapon = 'Gold, gems embedded'; smc1.weapon = ''; smc2.weapon = ''; smc3.weapon = ''; = ''; smupgb.gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() {} stop(); } } movieClip 3788 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance popbar of movieClip 863 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(_root.kd0[0])); } } instance asdfadsfa of movieClip 876 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.kdname = _root.kd0name + ' Kingdom'; } } } button 3790 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(1); } } button 3791 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 3793 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance girl of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.07000000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } button 3796 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.iris -= 1; } } button 3797 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.iris += 1; } } button 3799 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_root.milky > 1) { _root.milky = 1; } else { if (_root.milky < 2) { _root.milky = 2; } } } } button 3800 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.mouth -= 1; } } button 3801 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.mouth += 1; } } button 3802 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyebrows -= 1; } } button 3803 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyebrows += 1; } } button 3804 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.blush -= 1; } } button 3805 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.blush += 1; } } button 3811 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } button 3825 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; _root.iriscol.ra = 85; = 85; = 85; _root.whitecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 1; } } button 3826 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 39; = 39; = 39; _root.iriscol.ra = 0; = 0; = 0; _root.whitecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 1; } } button 3829 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 66; = 85; = 100; _root.iriscol.ra = 22; = 51; = 65; _root.whitecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 1; } } button 3832 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 87; = 93; = 100; _root.iriscol.ra = 58; = 67; = 77; _root.whitecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 1; } } button 3835 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 94; = 100; = 95; _root.iriscol.ra = 58; = 79; = 57; _root.whitecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 1; } } button 3838 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 89; = 57; = 59; _root.iriscol.ra = 75; = 0; = 25; _root.whitecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 1; } } button 3841 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 100; = 87; = 71; _root.iriscol.ra = 68; = 45; = 14; _root.whitecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 1; } } button 3844 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 71; = 86; = 57; _root.iriscol.ra = 46; = 49; = 18; _root.whitecol.ra = 95; = 100; = 86; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 1; } } button 3847 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 100; = 83; = 85; _root.iriscol.ra = 69; = 54; = 49; _root.whitecol.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 1; } } button 3850 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.eyecol.ra = 63; = 74; = 90; _root.iriscol.ra = 63; = 74; = 90; _root.whitecol.ra = 63; = 74; = 90; ser.sbut._x = _root.eyecol.ra; seg.sbut._x =; seb.sbut._x =; sir.sbut._x = _root.iriscol.ra; sig.sbut._x =; sib.sbut._x =; swr.sbut._x = _root.whitecol.ra; swg.sbut._x =; swb.sbut._x =; _root.cornea = 2; } } button 3851 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 100; = 100; = 97; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } button 3852 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 42; = 40; = 39; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } button 3855 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 80; = 67; = 55; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } button 3858 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 93; = 84; = 70; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } button 3859 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 89; = 95; = 90; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } button 3860 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 77; = 51; = 52; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } button 3863 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 59; = 51; = 42; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } button 3866 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 99; = 94; = 84; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } button 3869 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 73; = 77; = 57; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } button 3872 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.haircol.ra = 94; = 74; = 59; shr.sbut._x = _root.haircol.ra; shg.sbut._x =; shb.sbut._x =; } } movieClip 3875 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { str.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, str.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.topcol.ra += 39 + Math.round(str.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.topcol.ra; }; }; str.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; str.sbut.onRelease = str.sbut.onReleaseOutside; stg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, stg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(stg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; stg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; stg.sbut.onRelease = stg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; stb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, stb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(stb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; stb.sbut.onRelease = stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sta.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sta.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.topcol.aa += 39 + Math.round(sta.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.topcol.aa; }; }; stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sta.sbut.onRelease = stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.botcol.ra += 39 + Math.round(sbr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.botcol.ra; }; }; sbr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbr.sbut.onRelease = sbr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(sbg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; sbg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbg.sbut.onRelease = sbg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(sbb.sbut._x) * 0.61 -; }; }; sbb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbb.sbut.onRelease = sbb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.shoecol.ra += 39 + Math.round(ssr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.shoecol.ra; }; }; ssr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssr.sbut.onRelease = ssr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(ssg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; ssg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssg.sbut.onRelease = ssg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(ssb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; ssb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssb.sbut.onRelease = ssb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ser.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ser.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.eyecol.ra += 39 + Math.round(ser.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.eyecol.ra; }; }; ser.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ser.sbut.onRelease = ser.sbut.onReleaseOutside; seg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, seg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(seg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; seg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; seg.sbut.onRelease = seg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; seb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, seb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(seb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; seb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; seb.sbut.onRelease = seb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sir.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sir.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.iriscol.ra += Math.round(sir.sbut._x) - _root.iriscol.ra; }; }; sir.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sir.sbut.onRelease = sir.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sig.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sig.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(sig.sbut._x) -; }; }; sig.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sig.sbut.onRelease = sig.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sib.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sib.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(sib.sbut._x) -; }; }; sib.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sib.sbut.onRelease = sib.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.whitecol.ra += Math.round(swr.sbut._x) - _root.whitecol.ra; }; }; swr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swr.sbut.onRelease = swr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(swg.sbut._x) -; }; }; swg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swg.sbut.onRelease = swg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(swb.sbut._x) -; }; }; swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swb.sbut.onRelease = swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; shr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, shr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.haircol.ra += 39 + Math.round(shr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.haircol.ra; }; }; shr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; shr.sbut.onRelease = shr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; shg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, shg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(shg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; shg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; shg.sbut.onRelease = shg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; shb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, shb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(shb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; shb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; shb.sbut.onRelease = shb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sp.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sp.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.preg += Math.round(sp.sbut._x) - _root.preg; }; }; sp.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sp.sbut.onRelease = sp.sbut.onReleaseOutside; _root.topshad.ra = _root.topcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.botshad.ra = _root.botcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.shoeshad.ra = _root.shoecol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.hairshad.ra = _root.haircol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; if (_root.iris < 1) { _root.iris = 23; } if (_root.iris > 24) { _root.iris = 1; } if ( > 3) { = 1; } if ( > 5) { = 1; } if ( > 8) { = 1; } if (_root.mouth > 5) { _root.mouth = 1; } if (_root.mouth < 1) { _root.mouth = 5; } if (_root.eyebrows > 5) { _root.eyebrows = 1; } if (_root.eyebrows < 1) { _root.eyebrows = 5; } if (_root.blush > 2) { _root.blush = 1; } if (_root.blush < 1) { _root.blush = 2; } } } } movieClip 3887 { } movieClip 3888 { instance qori of movieClip 2095 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.0765; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance noros of movieClip 2259 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.057; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance rukk of movieClip 2218 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.08500000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance nyla of movieClip 3555 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.059; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 3889 { instance scenebg of movieClip 2333 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.17; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance qori of movieClip 2095 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.0765; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance taurr of movieClip 2297 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.061; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(2.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); } } instance rukk of movieClip 2218 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.08500000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance noros of movieClip 2259 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.057; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance taurl of movieClip 2314 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.09; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.cocks.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.3 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.47 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.nuts.nuts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.67 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 3891 { } movieClip 3894 { } movieClip 3896 { } movieClip 3897 { } movieClip 3900 { } movieClip 3901 { } movieClip 3903 { } movieClip 3904 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { fg._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pteryphon._x = 885.9500000000001 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; gpool2._x = 342.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; bg._x = -13.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.015; pool._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pillar._x = 15.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.041; fg._y = 274 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pteryphon._y = 13.35 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; gpool2._y = 59.75 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; bg._y = -14.9 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pool._y = 262.1 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pillar._y = -149.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; } stop(); } instance gpool2 of movieClip 2425 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.057; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(2.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.7 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { fg._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pteryphon._x = 885.9500000000001 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; taurr._x = 447.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; gpool2._x = 462.8 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; bg._x = -13.75 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.015; pool._x = 302.6 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.025; pillar._x = 15.95 - (_root._xmouse - 400) * 0.041; fg._y = 274 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pteryphon._y = 13.35 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; taurr._y = 105.55 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; gpool2._y = 235.1 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; bg._y = -14.9 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pool._y = 262.1 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; pillar._y = -149.8 - (_root._ymouse - 300) * 0.015; } stop(); } instance pteryphon of movieClip 1231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.077; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance gpool2 of movieClip 2382 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.057; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.legl.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.65 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } } movieClip 3906 { } movieClip 3907 { } button 3908 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.startmenu.sceneholder.scenee.gotoAndStop(2); _root.fader = 2; nextFrame(); } } button 3909 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.convo = 2; _root.fader = 2; _root.settlementsys.gotoAndStop(102); _root.startmenu.gotoAndStop(9); _root.gotoAndStop(13); nextFrame(); } } movieClip 3910 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Mmhm ... hehe ...'; _root.iris = 6; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'It\'s soo hot today ... Maybe I\'ll get a tan!'; _root.iris = 3; _root.eyebrows = 4; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Wait ... Is someone coming? ...'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Enjoying your vacation, Princess?'; _root.iris = 6; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 1; } stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Um ... Hello?'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'I am Councillor Pteryphon ... It is a pleasure to meet you at last!'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Hehe ... Okay ... What\'s up?'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Ahh ... I have incredible news for you! The King has waited many moons for his illness to retreat ...'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'But it seems he cannot wait any longer ... The affairs of the Kingdom must be managed!'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'It was with great pride that he asked me to teach you his ways of governance ...'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'So that you can fulfill his duties in the interim ... at least until his health returns ...'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 1; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'Me? ... But I don\'t know anything about the Kingdom!'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 2; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 13 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Do not fear, Princess! He has total confidence in your abilities!'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 1; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 14 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = _root.kd0ruler; wordzz.wordz = 'But ... I\'m not a Tauren, I can\'t ... Can I please speak with him?'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 4; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 15 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Nay, Princess, this cannot be negotiated! We spoke for many hours, and he must now rest ...'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 16 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'Come now, Princess, let me show you how to rule the Kingdom!'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } frame 17 { function onEnterFrame() { speaker.speakerr = 'Pteryphon'; wordzz.wordz = 'I will wait at the gate ... Meet me there when you have dressed!'; _root.iris = 10; _root.eyebrows = 2; _root.mouth = 3; _root.blush = 2; } stop(); } } movieClip 3913 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance zoomer of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { currentFrame += Math.round(this.zoome); this.zoome *= 0.95; } } } movieClip 3915 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndStop(9); } } stop(); } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndStop(4); } } stop(); } instance noros of movieClip 2259 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.057; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance qori of movieClip 2095 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.0765; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance nyla of movieClip 3555 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.059; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance rukk of movieClip 2218 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.08500000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance pteryphon of movieClip 1231 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.077; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(37)) { gotoAndStop(2); } sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(37)) { gotoAndStop(2); } sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(37)) { gotoAndStop(2); } sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(37)) { gotoAndStop(2); } sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndStop(4); } } stop(); } instance qori of movieClip 2095 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.0765; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance noros of movieClip 2259 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.057; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.1)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance rukk of movieClip 2218 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.08500000000000001; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.armr.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.cock.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.33 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.cock.cocki.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.13 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } instance nyla of movieClip 3555 { onClipEvent (load) { this.sextimmer.timerr = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.sextimmer.timerr += 0.059; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.hairback.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.3)))); this.head.hairfront.hairfront.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.5)))); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.head.eyebrows.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(this.sextimmer.timerr * 0.5)))); this.breasts.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.75 * this.sextimmer.timerr + 1.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr - 2.7)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk1.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.35 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk2.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.73 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk3.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(0.79 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk4.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.19 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); this.breasts.breastswinger.breasthanger.milky.milk5.gotoAndStop(Math.round(50 * (1 + Math.cos(1.91 * this.sextimmer.timerr)))); } } frame 10 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndStop(4); } } stop(); } frame 11 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(39)) { gotoAndStop(4); } } stop(); } frame 12 { function onEnterFrame() { if (Key.isDown(37)) { gotoAndStop(2); } sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 3921 { } movieClip 3932 { } movieClip 3935 { frame 1 { _root._quality = 'MEDIUM'; } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t1[0] == 0) { _root.grain += Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t1[9] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]; _root.wood += Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t1[10] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]; _root.salt += Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t1[11] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]; _root.iron += Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[12] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]; _root.copper += Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[13] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]; _root.silver += Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[14] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]; += Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[15] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]; _root.gemstones += Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[16] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]; _root.t1[6] -= (_root.taxes[0] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t1[9] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t1[6] -= (_root.taxes[1] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t1[10] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) / 960000); _root.t1[6] -= (_root.taxes[2] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t1[11] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) / 32000); _root.t1[6] -= (_root.taxes[3] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[12] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t1[6] -= (_root.taxes[4] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t1[13] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) / 48000); _root.t1[6] -= (_root.taxes[5] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[14] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) / 16000); _root.t1[6] -= (_root.taxes[6] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[15] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) / 8000); _root.t1[6] -= (_root.taxes[7] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t1[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t1[16] * (_root.t1[2] / _root.prodmod) / 1600); if (_root.grain > _root.t1[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain -= _root.t1[7] * _root.mgrainu; } if (_root.grain < _root.t1[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 10; } if (_root.wood > _root.t1[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood -= _root.t1[7] * _root.mwoodu; } if (_root.wood < _root.t1[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 10; } if (_root.salt > _root.t1[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt -= _root.t1[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.salt < _root.t1[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 10; } if (_root.t1[8] > 0) { _root.t1[8] -= 1; } if (_root.t1[6] < 1) { _root.t1[2] += _root.t1[7] * 0.25; _root.t1[7] -= _root.t1[7] * 0.25; } if (_root.t1[8] < 27) { if (_root.t4[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 1; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 2; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 3; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 4; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 5; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 6; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 7; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 8; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 9; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 1; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 2; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 3; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 4; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 5; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 6; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 7; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 8; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 9; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 1; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 2; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 3; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 4; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 5; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 6; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 7; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 8; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 9; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 1; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 2; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 3; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 4; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 5; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 6; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 7; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 8; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t1[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t1[0] = 9; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.37); _root.t1[3] = 0; _root.t1[6] -= 15; _root.t1[18] = 0; _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } } if (_root.t1[6] < 0) { _root.t1[6] = 0; } if (_root.t1[6] > 100) { _root.t1[6] = 100; } } } } frame 3 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t2[0] == 0) { _root.grain += Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t2[9] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]; _root.wood += Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t2[10] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]; _root.salt += Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t2[11] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]; _root.iron += Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[12] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]; _root.copper += Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[13] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]; _root.silver += Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[14] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]; += Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[15] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]; _root.gemstones += Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[16] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]; _root.t2[6] -= (_root.taxes[0] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t2[9] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t2[6] -= (_root.taxes[1] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t2[10] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) / 960000); _root.t2[6] -= (_root.taxes[2] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t2[11] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) / 32000); _root.t2[6] -= (_root.taxes[3] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[12] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t2[6] -= (_root.taxes[4] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t2[13] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) / 48000); _root.t2[6] -= (_root.taxes[5] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[14] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) / 16000); _root.t2[6] -= (_root.taxes[6] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[15] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) / 8000); _root.t2[6] -= (_root.taxes[7] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t2[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t2[16] * (_root.t2[2] / _root.prodmod) / 1600); if (_root.grain > _root.t2[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain -= _root.t2[7] * _root.mgrainu; } if (_root.grain < _root.t2[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 10; } if (_root.wood > _root.t2[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood -= _root.t2[7] * _root.mwoodu; } if (_root.wood < _root.t2[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 10; } if (_root.salt > _root.t2[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt -= _root.t2[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.salt < _root.t2[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 10; } if (_root.t2[8] > 0) { _root.t2[8] -= 1; } if (_root.t2[6] < 1) { _root.t2[2] += _root.t2[7] * 0.25; _root.t2[7] -= _root.t2[7] * 0.25; } if (_root.t2[8] < 27) { if (_root.t3[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 1; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 2; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 3; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 4; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 5; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 6; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 7; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 8; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 9; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 1; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 2; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 3; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 4; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 5; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 6; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 7; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 8; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t2[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t2[0] = 9; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.37); _root.t2[3] = 0; _root.t2[6] -= 15; _root.t2[18] = 0; _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } } if (_root.t2[6] < 0) { _root.t2[6] = 0; } if (_root.t2[6] > 100) { _root.t2[6] = 100; } } } } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t3[0] == 0) { _root.grain += Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t3[9] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]; _root.wood += Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t3[10] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]; _root.salt += Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t3[11] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]; _root.iron += Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[12] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]; _root.copper += Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[13] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]; _root.silver += Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[14] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]; += Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[15] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]; _root.gemstones += Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[16] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]; _root.t3[6] -= (_root.taxes[0] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t3[9] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t3[6] -= (_root.taxes[1] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t3[10] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) / 960000); _root.t3[6] -= (_root.taxes[2] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t3[11] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) / 32000); _root.t3[6] -= (_root.taxes[3] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[12] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t3[6] -= (_root.taxes[4] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t3[13] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) / 48000); _root.t3[6] -= (_root.taxes[5] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[14] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) / 16000); _root.t3[6] -= (_root.taxes[6] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[15] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) / 8000); _root.t3[6] -= (_root.taxes[7] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t3[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t3[16] * (_root.t3[2] / _root.prodmod) / 1600); if (_root.grain > _root.t3[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain -= _root.t3[7] * _root.mgrainu; } if (_root.grain < _root.t3[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 10; } if (_root.wood > _root.t3[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood -= _root.t3[7] * _root.mwoodu; } if (_root.wood < _root.t3[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 10; } if (_root.salt > _root.t3[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt -= _root.t3[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.salt < _root.t3[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 10; } if (_root.t3[8] > 0) { _root.t3[8] -= 1; } if (_root.t3[6] < 1) { _root.t3[2] += _root.t3[7] * 0.25; _root.t3[7] -= _root.t3[7] * 0.25; } if (_root.t3[8] < 27) { if (_root.t4[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 1; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 2; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 3; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 4; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 5; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 6; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 7; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 8; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 9; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t2[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t2[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 1; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[7] / 7); _root.t2[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t2[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t2[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 2; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[7] / 7); _root.t2[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t2[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t2[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 3; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[7] / 7); _root.t2[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t2[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t2[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 4; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[7] / 7); _root.t2[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t2[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t2[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 5; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[7] / 7); _root.t2[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t2[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t2[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 6; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[7] / 7); _root.t2[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t2[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t2[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 7; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[7] / 7); _root.t2[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t2[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t2[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 8; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[7] / 7); _root.t2[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t2[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t2[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t2[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 9; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[7] / 7); _root.t2[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 1; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 2; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 3; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 4; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 5; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 6; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 7; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 8; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t23[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t23[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t23[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 9; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t23[7] / 7); _root.t23[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 1; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 2; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 3; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 4; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 5; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 6; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 7; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 8; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t3[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t3[0] = 9; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.37); _root.t3[3] = 0; _root.t3[6] -= 15; _root.t3[18] = 0; _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } } if (_root.t3[6] < 0) { _root.t3[6] = 0; } if (_root.t3[6] > 100) { _root.t3[6] = 100; } } } } frame 5 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t4[0] == 0) { _root.grain += Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t4[9] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]; _root.wood += Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t4[10] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]; _root.salt += Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t4[11] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]; _root.iron += Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[12] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]; _root.copper += Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[13] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]; _root.silver += Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[14] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]; += Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[15] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]; _root.gemstones += Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[16] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]; _root.t4[6] -= (_root.taxes[0] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t4[9] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t4[6] -= (_root.taxes[1] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t4[10] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) / 960000); _root.t4[6] -= (_root.taxes[2] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t4[11] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) / 32000); _root.t4[6] -= (_root.taxes[3] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[12] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t4[6] -= (_root.taxes[4] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t4[13] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) / 48000); _root.t4[6] -= (_root.taxes[5] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[14] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) / 16000); _root.t4[6] -= (_root.taxes[6] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[15] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) / 8000); _root.t4[6] -= (_root.taxes[7] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t4[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t4[16] * (_root.t4[2] / _root.prodmod) / 1600); if (_root.grain > _root.t4[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain -= _root.t4[7] * _root.mgrainu; } if (_root.grain < _root.t4[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 10; } if (_root.wood > _root.t4[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood -= _root.t4[7] * _root.mwoodu; } if (_root.wood < _root.t4[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 10; } if (_root.salt > _root.t4[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt -= _root.t4[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.salt < _root.t4[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 10; } if (_root.t4[8] > 0) { _root.t4[8] -= 1; } if (_root.t4[6] < 1) { _root.t4[2] += _root.t4[7] * 0.25; _root.t4[7] -= _root.t4[7] * 0.25; } if (_root.t4[8] < 27) { if (_root.t3[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 1; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 2; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 3; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 4; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 5; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 6; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 7; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 8; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t3[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t3[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t3[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 9; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[7] / 7); _root.t3[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 1; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 2; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 3; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 4; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 5; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 6; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 7; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 8; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 9; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 1; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 2; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 3; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 4; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 5; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 6; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 7; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 8; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 9; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 1; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 2; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 3; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 4; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 5; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 6; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 7; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 8; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t4[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t4[0] = 9; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.37); _root.t4[3] = 0; _root.t4[6] -= 15; _root.t4[18] = 0; _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } } if (_root.t4[6] < 0) { _root.t4[6] = 0; } if (_root.t4[6] > 100) { _root.t4[6] = 100; } } } } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t5[0] == 0) { } _root.grain += Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t5[9] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]; _root.wood += Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t5[10] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]; _root.salt += Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t5[11] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]; _root.iron += Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[12] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]; _root.copper += Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[13] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]; _root.silver += Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[14] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]; += Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[15] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]; _root.gemstones += Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[16] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]; _root.t5[6] -= (_root.taxes[0] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t5[9] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t5[6] -= (_root.taxes[1] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t5[10] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) / 960000); _root.t5[6] -= (_root.taxes[2] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t5[11] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) / 32000); _root.t5[6] -= (_root.taxes[3] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[12] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t5[6] -= (_root.taxes[4] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t5[13] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) / 48000); _root.t5[6] -= (_root.taxes[5] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[14] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) / 16000); _root.t5[6] -= (_root.taxes[6] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[15] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) / 8000); _root.t5[6] -= (_root.taxes[7] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t5[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t5[16] * (_root.t5[2] / _root.prodmod) / 1600); if (_root.grain > _root.t5[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain -= _root.t5[7] * _root.mgrainu; } if (_root.grain < _root.t5[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 10; } if (_root.wood > _root.t5[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood -= _root.t5[7] * _root.mwoodu; } if (_root.wood < _root.t5[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 10; } if (_root.salt > _root.t5[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt -= _root.t5[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.salt < _root.t5[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 10; } if (_root.t5[8] > 0) { _root.t5[8] -= 1; } if (_root.t5[6] < 1) { _root.t5[2] += _root.t5[7] * 0.25; _root.t5[7] -= _root.t5[7] * 0.25; } if (_root.t5[8] < 27) { } if (_root.t4[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 1; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 2; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 3; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 4; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 5; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 6; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 7; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 8; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t4[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t4[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t4[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 9; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[7] / 7); _root.t4[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 1; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 2; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 3; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 4; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 5; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 6; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 7; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 8; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t38[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t38[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t38[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 9; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t38[7] / 7); _root.t38[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 1; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 2; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 3; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 4; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 5; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 6; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 7; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 8; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 9; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 1; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 2; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 3; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 4; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 5; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 6; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 7; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 8; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 9; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t42[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t42[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t42[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 1; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t42[7] / 7); _root.t42[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t42[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t42[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t42[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 2; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t42[7] / 7); _root.t42[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t42[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t42[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t42[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 3; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t42[7] / 7); _root.t42[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t42[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t42[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t42[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 4; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t42[7] / 7); _root.t42[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t42[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t42[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t42[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 5; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t42[7] / 7); _root.t42[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t42[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t42[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t42[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 6; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t42[7] / 7); _root.t42[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t42[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t42[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t42[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 7; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t42[7] / 7); _root.t42[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t42[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t42[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t42[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 8; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t42[7] / 7); _root.t42[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t42[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t42[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t42[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 9; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t42[7] / 7); _root.t42[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 1; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 2; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 3; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 4; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 5; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 6; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 7; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 8; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t5[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t5[0] = 9; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.37); _root.t5[3] = 0; _root.t5[6] -= 15; _root.t5[18] = 0; _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[6] < 0) { _root.t5[6] = 0; } if (_root.t5[6] > 100) { _root.t5[6] = 100; } } } frame 7 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t6[0] == 0) { } _root.grain += Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t6[9] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]; _root.wood += Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t6[10] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]; _root.salt += Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t6[11] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]; _root.iron += Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[12] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]; _root.copper += Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[13] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]; _root.silver += Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[14] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]; += Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[15] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]; _root.gemstones += Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[16] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]; _root.t6[6] -= (_root.taxes[0] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t6[9] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t6[6] -= (_root.taxes[1] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t6[10] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) / 960000); _root.t6[6] -= (_root.taxes[2] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t6[11] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) / 32000); _root.t6[6] -= (_root.taxes[3] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[12] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t6[6] -= (_root.taxes[4] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t6[13] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) / 48000); _root.t6[6] -= (_root.taxes[5] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[14] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) / 16000); _root.t6[6] -= (_root.taxes[6] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[15] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) / 8000); _root.t6[6] -= (_root.taxes[7] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t6[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t6[16] * (_root.t6[2] / _root.prodmod) / 1600); if (_root.grain > _root.t6[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain -= _root.t6[7] * _root.mgrainu; } if (_root.grain < _root.t6[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 10; } if (_root.wood > _root.t6[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood -= _root.t6[7] * _root.mwoodu; } if (_root.wood < _root.t6[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 10; } if (_root.salt > _root.t6[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt -= _root.t6[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.salt < _root.t6[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 10; } if (_root.t6[8] > 0) { _root.t6[8] -= 1; } if (_root.t6[6] < 1) { _root.t6[2] += _root.t6[7] * 0.25; _root.t6[7] -= _root.t6[7] * 0.25; } if (_root.t6[8] < 27) { if (_root.t5[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 1; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 2; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 3; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 4; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 5; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 6; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 7; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 8; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t5[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t5[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t5[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 9; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[7] / 7); _root.t5[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 1; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 2; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 3; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 4; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 5; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 6; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 7; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 8; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t7[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t7[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 9; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t7[7] / 7); _root.t7[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 1; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 2; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 3; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 4; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 5; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 6; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 7; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 8; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 9; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 1; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 2; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 3; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 4; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 5; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 6; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 7; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 8; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 9; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 1; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 2; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 3; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 4; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 5; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 6; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 7; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 8; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t45[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t45[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t45[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t6[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t6[0] = 9; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.37); _root.t6[3] = 0; _root.t6[6] -= 15; _root.t6[18] = 0; _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t45[7] / 7); _root.t45[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } } if (_root.t6[6] < 0) { _root.t6[6] = 0; } if (_root.t6[6] > 100) { _root.t6[6] = 100; } } } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.t7[0] == 0) { } _root.grain += Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t7[9] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[0]; _root.wood += Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t7[10] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[1]; _root.salt += Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t7[11] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[2]; _root.iron += Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[12] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[3]; _root.copper += Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[13] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[4]; _root.silver += Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[14] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[5]; += Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[15] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[6]; _root.gemstones += Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[16] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) * _root.taxes[7]; _root.t7[6] -= (_root.taxes[0] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[0] + 1) * _root.t7[9] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t7[6] -= (_root.taxes[1] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[1] + 1) * _root.t7[10] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) / 960000); _root.t7[6] -= (_root.taxes[2] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[2] + 1) * _root.t7[11] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) / 32000); _root.t7[6] -= (_root.taxes[3] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[12] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) / 96000); _root.t7[6] -= (_root.taxes[4] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[3] + 1) * _root.t7[13] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) / 48000); _root.t7[6] -= (_root.taxes[5] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[14] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) / 16000); _root.t7[6] -= (_root.taxes[6] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[15] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) / 8000); _root.t7[6] -= (_root.taxes[7] - 0.1) * (Math.pow(_root.t7[3] + 2, _root.temples[4] + 1) * _root.t7[16] * (_root.t7[2] / _root.prodmod) / 1600); if (_root.grain > _root.t7[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain -= _root.t7[7] * _root.mgrainu; } if (_root.grain < _root.t7[7] * _root.mgrainu) { _root.grain = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 10; } if (_root.wood > _root.t7[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood -= _root.t7[7] * _root.mwoodu; } if (_root.wood < _root.t7[7] * _root.mwoodu) { _root.wood = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 10; } if (_root.salt > _root.t7[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt -= _root.t7[7] * _root.msaltu; } if (_root.salt < _root.t7[7] * _root.msaltu) { _root.salt = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 10; } if (_root.t7[8] > 0) { _root.t7[8] -= 1; } if (_root.t7[6] < 1) { _root.t7[2] += _root.t7[7] * 0.25; _root.t7[7] -= _root.t7[7] * 0.25; } if (_root.t7[8] < 27) { if (_root.t6[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 1; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 2; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 3; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 4; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 5; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 6; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 7; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 8; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t6[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t6[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t6[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 9; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[7] / 7); _root.t6[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t65[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t65[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t65[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 1; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t65[7] / 7); _root.t65[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t65[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t65[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t65[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 2; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t65[7] / 7); _root.t65[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t65[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t65[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t65[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 3; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t65[7] / 7); _root.t65[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t65[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t65[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t65[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 4; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t65[7] / 7); _root.t65[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t65[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t65[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t65[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 5; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t65[7] / 7); _root.t65[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t65[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t65[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t65[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 6; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t65[7] / 7); _root.t65[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t65[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t65[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t65[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 7; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t65[7] / 7); _root.t65[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t65[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t65[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t65[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 8; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t65[7] / 7); _root.t65[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t65[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t65[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t65[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 9; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t65[7] / 7); _root.t65[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 1; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 2; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 3; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 4; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 5; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 6; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 7; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 8; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t1[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t1[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t1[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 9; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[7] / 7); _root.t1[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 1; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 2; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 3; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 4; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 5; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 6; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 7; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 8; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t47[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t47[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t47[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 9; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t47[7] / 7); _root.t47[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t64[0] == 1 && kd1[0] * kd1[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t64[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t64[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd1[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 1; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t64[7] / 7); _root.t64[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd1[0] += _root.kd1[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t64[0] == 2 && kd2[0] * kd2[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t64[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t64[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd2[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 2; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t64[7] / 7); _root.t64[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd2[0] += _root.kd2[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t64[0] == 3 && kd3[0] * kd3[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t64[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t64[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd3[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 3; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t64[7] / 7); _root.t64[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd3[0] += _root.kd3[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t64[0] == 4 && kd4[0] * kd4[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t64[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t64[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd4[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 4; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t64[7] / 7); _root.t64[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd4[0] += _root.kd4[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t64[0] == 5 && kd5[0] * kd5[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t64[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t64[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd5[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 5; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t64[7] / 7); _root.t64[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd5[0] += _root.kd5[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t64[0] == 6 && kd6[0] * kd6[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t64[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t64[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd6[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 6; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t64[7] / 7); _root.t64[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd6[0] += _root.kd6[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t64[0] == 7 && kd7[0] * kd7[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t64[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t64[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd7[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 7; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t64[7] / 7); _root.t64[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd7[0] += _root.kd7[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t64[0] == 8 && kd8[0] * kd8[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t64[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t64[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd8[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 8; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t64[7] / 7); _root.t64[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd8[0] += _root.kd8[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } if (_root.t64[0] == 9 && kd9[0] * kd9[2] < 20 && 100 * (_root.t64[7] / 2 / _root.aszcb + _root.t64[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd9[1] / _root.astcb) - 100 * (_root.t7[7] / _root.aszcb + _root.t7[6] / _root.pcb + _root.kd0[1] / _root.astcb) > 0) { _root.t7[0] = 9; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(_root.t7[2] * 0.37); _root.t7[3] = 0; _root.t7[6] -= 15; _root.t7[18] = 0; _root.t7[7] = Math.round(_root.t64[7] / 7); _root.t64[7] *= 0.5; _root.kd9[0] += _root.kd9[0] * 0.5; _root.battles[1] += 1; } } if (_root.t7[6] < 0) { _root.t7[6] = 0; } if (_root.t7[6] > 100) { _root.t7[6] = 100; } } } frame 9 { function onEnterFrame() {} } frame 180 { function onEnterFrame() { _root.da8[0] = _root.da7[0]; _root.da8[1] = _root.da7[1]; _root.da8[2] = _root.da7[2]; _root.da8[3] = _root.da7[3]; _root.da8[4] = _root.da7[4]; _root.da8[5] = _root.da7[5]; _root.da8[6] = _root.da7[6]; _root.da8[7] = _root.da7[7]; _root.da7[0] = _root.da6[0]; _root.da7[1] = _root.da6[1]; _root.da7[2] = _root.da6[2]; _root.da7[3] = _root.da6[3]; _root.da7[4] = _root.da6[4]; _root.da7[5] = _root.da6[5]; _root.da7[6] = _root.da6[6]; _root.da7[7] = _root.da6[7]; _root.da6[0] = _root.da5[0]; _root.da6[1] = _root.da5[1]; _root.da6[2] = _root.da5[2]; _root.da6[3] = _root.da5[3]; _root.da6[4] = _root.da5[4]; _root.da6[5] = _root.da5[5]; _root.da6[6] = _root.da5[6]; _root.da6[7] = _root.da5[7]; _root.da5[0] = _root.da4[0]; _root.da5[1] = _root.da4[1]; _root.da5[2] = _root.da4[2]; _root.da5[3] = _root.da4[3]; _root.da5[4] = _root.da4[4]; _root.da5[5] = _root.da4[5]; _root.da5[6] = _root.da4[6]; _root.da5[7] = _root.da4[7]; _root.da4[0] = _root.da3[0]; _root.da4[1] = _root.da3[1]; _root.da4[2] = _root.da3[2]; _root.da4[3] = _root.da3[3]; _root.da4[4] = _root.da3[4]; _root.da4[5] = _root.da3[5]; _root.da4[6] = _root.da3[6]; _root.da4[7] = _root.da3[7]; _root.da3[0] = _root.da2[0]; _root.da3[1] = _root.da2[1]; _root.da3[2] = _root.da2[2]; _root.da3[3] = _root.da2[3]; _root.da3[4] = _root.da2[4]; _root.da3[5] = _root.da2[5]; _root.da3[6] = _root.da2[6]; _root.da3[7] = _root.da2[7]; _root.da2[0] = _root.da1[0]; _root.da2[1] = _root.da1[1]; _root.da2[2] = _root.da1[2]; _root.da2[3] = _root.da1[3]; _root.da2[4] = _root.da1[4]; _root.da2[5] = _root.da1[5]; _root.da2[6] = _root.da1[6]; _root.da2[7] = _root.da1[7]; _root.da1[0] = _root.grain; _root.da1[1] = _root.wood; _root.da1[2] = _root.salt; _root.da1[3] = _root.iron; _root.da1[4] = _root.copper; _root.da1[5] = _root.silver; _root.da1[6] =; _root.da1[7] = _root.gemstones; } } frame 181 { function onEnterFrame() { if (_root.visiting == 1) { _root.stayincap += 1; _root.t1[19] = 1; } if (_root.visiting == 2) { _root.t2[19] = 1; } if (_root.visiting == 3) { _root.t3[19] = 1; } if (_root.visiting == 4) { _root.t4[19] = 1; } if (_root.visiting == 5) { _root.t5[19] = 1; } if (_root.visiting == 6) { _root.t6[19] = 1; } if (_root.visiting == 7) { _root.t7[19] = 1; } if (_root.dayy > 3) { _root.convo = 20; } if (_root.dayy == 21) { _root.convo = 15; } if (_root.preg > 1) { _root.preg += 1; } if (_root.preg == 7) { _root.convo = 10; } if (_root.preg == 11) { _root.convo = 11; } if (_root.preg == 19) { _root.convo = 12; } if (_root.preg == 26) { _root.convo = 13; } _root._quality = 'HIGH'; _root.dayy += 1; _root.nightsys.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3936 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance nightsys of movieClip 3936 { } button 3939 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); nextFrame(); } } button 3940 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clicknopeholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.posits[0] = 1; _root.posits[1] = 1; _root.posits[2] = 1; _root.posits[3] = 1; _root.posits[4] = 1; _root.posits[5] = 1; _root.posits[6] = 1; _root.posits[7] = 1; _root.talksys[2] = 1; = 1000000; _root.gemstones = 1000000; nextFrame(); } } button 3946 { on (release) { _root.kd0name = enterkdname.enterkdname.kingdomname; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); nextFrame(); } } button 3948 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3950 { } button 3952 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } movieClip 3953 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance enterkdname of movieClip 3950 { onClipEvent (load) { this.kingdomname = _root.kd0name; } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v2 = new Array(30); v2[0] = 'Kor'; v2[1] = 'D\'lo'; v2[2] = 'Hav'; v2[3] = 'Ni\'l'; v2[4] = 'Nu'; v2[5] = 'Kha'; v2[6] = 'Zok'; v2[7] = 'Dy'; v2[8] = 'Sol'; v2[9] = 'Tal'; v2[10] = 'Ala'; v2[11] = 'Avea'; v2[12] = 'Ruza'; v2[13] = 'L\'ko'; v2[14] = 'Zoma'; v2[15] = 'Vel'; v2[16] = 'Yra'; v2[17] = 'Rho'; v2[18] = 'Dex'; v2[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; v2[20] = 'Bo\'k'; v2[21] = 'Y\'ah'; v2[22] = 'Ok'; v2[23] = 'Dal'; v2[24] = 'Vor'; v2[25] = 'Hal'; v2[26] = 'Zann'; v2[27] = 'Mo'; v2[28] = 'Raz'; v2[29] = 'Omo'; var v3 = new Array(24); v3[0] = 'dan'; v3[1] = 'ti'; v3[2] = 'no'; v3[3] = 'ulu'; v3[4] = 'yla'; v3[5] = 'mu'; v3[6] = '\'no'; v3[7] = 'bola'; v3[8] = 'pra'; v3[9] = ''; v3[10] = ''; v3[11] = ''; v3[12] = ''; v3[13] = ''; v3[14] = 'oul'; v3[15] = ' Nu'; v3[16] = ' H\'ko'; v3[17] = ' Voka'; v3[18] = ' Dra'; v3[19] = ' Ygo'; v3[20] = 'unoso'; v3[21] = ' Hypa'; v3[22] = ' Nevni'; v3[23] = ' Uou'; var v4 = new Array(14); v4[0] = 'th'; v4[1] = 'ili'; v4[2] = 'zo'; v4[3] = 'vu'; v4[4] = 'al'; v4[5] = 'za'; v4[6] = 'sa'; v4[7] = 'no'; v4[8] = 'pi'; v4[9] = 't\'k'; v4[10] = 'la'; v4[11] = ''; v4[12] = ''; v4[13] = ''; _root.kd0name = v2[Math.round(Math.random() * (v2.length - 1))] + v3[Math.round(Math.random() * (v3.length - 1))] + v4[Math.round(Math.random() * (v4.length - 1))]; } gotoAndStop(1); } } button 3955 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.kd0[9] += 1; } } button 3956 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.kd0[9] -= 1; } } movieClip 3957 { } movieClip 3958 { } movieClip 3959 { } movieClip 3965 { } button 3966 { on (release) { _root.kd0ruler = enterpname.gnamer.gname; _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); nextFrame(); } } button 3968 { on (release) { _root.hud.soundholder.clickholder.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3970 { } movieClip 3971 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance gnamer of movieClip 3970 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gname = _root.kd0ruler; } } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { var v3 = new Array(23); v3[0] = 'Dy'; v3[1] = 'Ly'; v3[2] = 'Ky'; v3[3] = 'Khy'; v3[4] = 'Sy'; v3[5] = 'Cer'; v3[6] = 'Ny'; v3[7] = 'Ma'; v3[8] = 'Kha'; v3[9] = 'Ta'; v3[10] = 'Rhi'; v3[11] = 'Ily'; v3[12] = 'Ely'; v3[13] = 'Ala'; v3[14] = 'Ery'; v3[15] = 'Ela'; v3[16] = 'Ava'; v3[17] = 'Alae'; v3[18] = 'Ka\'a'; v3[19] = 'Tae\'a'; v3[20] = 'Kae'; v3[21] = 'Rhy\'a'; v3[22] = 'Ky\'a'; var v2 = new Array(28); v2[0] = 'li'; v2[1] = 'lya'; v2[2] = 'lia'; v2[3] = 'da'; v2[4] = 'la'; v2[5] = 'lei'; v2[6] = 'nei'; v2[7] = 'ni'; v2[8] = 'si'; v2[9] = 'sei'; v2[10] = 'sya'; v2[11] = 'nya'; v2[12] = 'lys'; v2[13] = 'xi'; v2[14] = 'xa'; v2[15] = 'na'; v2[16] = 'laei'; v2[17] = 'nea'; v2[18] = 'ra'; v2[19] = 'ryn'; v2[20] = 'rya'; v2[21] = 'dya'; v2[22] = 'ssa'; v2[23] = 'ni\'i'; v2[24] = 'li\'i'; v2[25] = 'si\'i'; v2[26] = 'ti'; v2[27] = 'ti\'i'; _root.kd0ruler = v3[Math.round(Math.random() * (v3.length - 1))] + v2[Math.round(Math.random() * (v2.length - 1))]; } gotoAndStop(1); } } button 3976 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } movieClip 3988 { } movieClip 3991 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance princessname of movieClip 3988 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.texte = _root.kd0ruler; } } instance kdname of movieClip 3988 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.texte = _root.kd0name; } } } movieClip 3996 { } movieClip 3997 { frame 1 { _root.mapholder.mapp.chosenextmove.gotoAndStop(102); _root.t1[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t2[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t3[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t4[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t5[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t6[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t7[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t8[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t9[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t10[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t11[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t12[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t13[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t14[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t15[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t16[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t17[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t18[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t19[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t20[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t21[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t22[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t23[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t24[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t25[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t26[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t27[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t28[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t29[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t30[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t31[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t32[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t33[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t34[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t35[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t36[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t37[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t38[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t39[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t40[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t41[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t42[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t43[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t44[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t45[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t46[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t47[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t48[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t49[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t50[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t51[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t52[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t53[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t54[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t55[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t56[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t57[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t58[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t59[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t60[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t61[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t62[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t63[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t64[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t65[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t66[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t67[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t68[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t69[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t70[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t71[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t72[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t73[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t74[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t75[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t76[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t77[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t78[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t79[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t80[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t81[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t82[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t83[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t84[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t85[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t86[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t87[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t88[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t89[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t90[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t91[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t92[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t93[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t94[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t95[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t96[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t97[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t98[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t99[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t100[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); _root.t101[1] = Math.round(0.5 + Math.random() * 3.75); } frame 2 { _root.t1[0] = 0; _root.t2[0] = 1; _root.t3[0] = 1; _root.t4[0] = 1; _root.t5[0] = 2; _root.t6[0] = 2; _root.t7[0] = 0; _root.t8[0] = 1; _root.t9[0] = 1; _root.t10[0] = 1; _root.t11[0] = 1; _root.t12[0] = 1; _root.t13[0] = 1; _root.t14[0] = 1; _root.t15[0] = 1; _root.t16[0] = 1; _root.t17[0] = 1; _root.t18[0] = 1; _root.t19[0] = 1; _root.t20[0] = 1; _root.t21[0] = 1; _root.t22[0] = 1; _root.t23[0] = 2; _root.t24[0] = 2; _root.t25[0] = 2; _root.t26[0] = 2; _root.t27[0] = 2; _root.t28[0] = 2; _root.t29[0] = 2; _root.t30[0] = 2; _root.t31[0] = 2; _root.t32[0] = 2; _root.t33[0] = 3; _root.t34[0] = 3; _root.t35[0] = 3; _root.t36[0] = 3; _root.t37[0] = 3; _root.t38[0] = 3; _root.t39[0] = 3; _root.t40[0] = 3; _root.t41[0] = 3; _root.t42[0] = 5; _root.t43[0] = 5; _root.t44[0] = 5; _root.t45[0] = 5; _root.t46[0] = 5; _root.t47[0] = 5; _root.t48[0] = 5; _root.t49[0] = 5; _root.t50[0] = 5; _root.t51[0] = 5; _root.t52[0] = 5; _root.t53[0] = 5; _root.t54[0] = 5; _root.t55[0] = 4; _root.t56[0] = 4; _root.t57[0] = 4; _root.t58[0] = 4; _root.t59[0] = 4; _root.t60[0] = 4; _root.t61[0] = 4; _root.t62[0] = 4; _root.t63[0] = 4; _root.t64[0] = 6; _root.t65[0] = 6; _root.t66[0] = 6; _root.t67[0] = 6; _root.t68[0] = 6; _root.t69[0] = 6; _root.t70[0] = 6; _root.t71[0] = 6; _root.t72[0] = 6; _root.t73[0] = 8; _root.t74[0] = 8; _root.t75[0] = 8; _root.t76[0] = 8; _root.t77[0] = 8; _root.t78[0] = 8; _root.t79[0] = 8; _root.t80[0] = 8; _root.t81[0] = 8; _root.t82[0] = 8; _root.t83[0] = 9; _root.t84[0] = 9; _root.t85[0] = 9; _root.t86[0] = 9; _root.t87[0] = 9; _root.t88[0] = 9; _root.t89[0] = 7; _root.t90[0] = 7; _root.t91[0] = 7; _root.t92[0] = 7; _root.t93[0] = 7; _root.t94[0] = 7; _root.t95[0] = 7; _root.t96[0] = 7; _root.t97[0] = 7; _root.t98[0] = 7; _root.t99[0] = 7; _root.t100[0] = 7; _root.t101[0] = 7; } frame 3 { _root.t1[2] = Math.round(500 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t8[2] = Math.round(700 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t32[2] = Math.round(500 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t37[2] = Math.round(500 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t62[2] = Math.round(500 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t44[2] = Math.round(500 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t72[2] = Math.round(500 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t100[2] = Math.round(1500 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t80[2] = Math.round(500 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t88[2] = Math.round(500 + Math.random() * 700); _root.t1[4] = 6; _root.t8[4] = 6; _root.t32[4] = 6; _root.t37[4] = 6; _root.t62[4] = 6; _root.t44[4] = 6; _root.t72[4] = 6; _root.t100[4] = 6; _root.t80[4] = 6; _root.t88[4] = 6; } frame 4 { var kd1 = new Array(30); kd1[0] = 'Kor'; kd1[1] = 'D\'lo'; kd1[2] = 'Hav'; kd1[3] = 'Ni\'l'; kd1[4] = 'Nu'; kd1[5] = 'Kha'; kd1[6] = 'Zok'; kd1[7] = 'Dy'; kd1[8] = 'Sol'; kd1[9] = 'Tal'; kd1[10] = 'Ala'; kd1[11] = 'Avea'; kd1[12] = 'Ruza'; kd1[13] = 'L\'ko'; kd1[14] = 'Zoma'; kd1[15] = 'Vel'; kd1[16] = 'Yra'; kd1[17] = 'Rho'; kd1[18] = 'Dex'; kd1[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; kd1[20] = 'Bo\'k'; kd1[21] = 'Y\'ah'; kd1[22] = 'Ok'; kd1[23] = 'Dal'; kd1[24] = 'Vor'; kd1[25] = 'Hal'; kd1[26] = 'Zann'; kd1[27] = 'Mo'; kd1[28] = 'Raz'; kd1[29] = 'Omo'; var kd2 = new Array(24); kd2[0] = 'dan'; kd2[1] = 'ti'; kd2[2] = 'no'; kd2[3] = 'ulu'; kd2[4] = 'yla'; kd2[5] = 'mu'; kd2[6] = '\'no'; kd2[7] = 'bola'; kd2[8] = 'pra'; kd2[9] = ''; kd2[10] = ''; kd2[11] = ''; kd2[12] = ''; kd2[13] = ''; kd2[14] = 'oul'; kd2[15] = ' Nu'; kd2[16] = ' H\'ko'; kd2[17] = ' Voka'; kd2[18] = ' Dra'; kd2[19] = ' Ygo'; kd2[20] = 'unoso'; kd2[21] = ' Hypa'; kd2[22] = ' Nevni'; kd2[23] = ' Uou'; var kd3 = new Array(14); kd3[0] = 'th'; kd3[1] = 'ili'; kd3[2] = 'zo'; kd3[3] = 'vu'; kd3[4] = 'al'; kd3[5] = 'za'; kd3[6] = 'sa'; kd3[7] = 'no'; kd3[8] = 'pi'; kd3[9] = 't\'k'; kd3[10] = 'la'; kd3[11] = ''; kd3[12] = ''; kd3[13] = ''; _root.kd1name = kd1[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd1.length - 1))] + kd2[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd2.length - 1))] + kd3[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd3.length - 1))]; var kd1 = new Array(30); kd1[0] = 'Kor'; kd1[1] = 'D\'lo'; kd1[2] = 'Hav'; kd1[3] = 'Ni\'l'; kd1[4] = 'Nu'; kd1[5] = 'Kha'; kd1[6] = 'Zok'; kd1[7] = 'Dy'; kd1[8] = 'Sol'; kd1[9] = 'Tal'; kd1[10] = 'Ala'; kd1[11] = 'Avea'; kd1[12] = 'Ruza'; kd1[13] = 'L\'ko'; kd1[14] = 'Zoma'; kd1[15] = 'Vel'; kd1[16] = 'Yra'; kd1[17] = 'Rho'; kd1[18] = 'Dex'; kd1[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; kd1[20] = 'Bo\'k'; kd1[21] = 'Y\'ah'; kd1[22] = 'Ok'; kd1[23] = 'Dal'; kd1[24] = 'Vor'; kd1[25] = 'Hal'; kd1[26] = 'Zann'; kd1[27] = 'Mo'; kd1[28] = 'Raz'; kd1[29] = 'Omo'; var kd2 = new Array(24); kd2[0] = 'dan'; kd2[1] = 'ti'; kd2[2] = 'no'; kd2[3] = 'ulu'; kd2[4] = 'yla'; kd2[5] = 'mu'; kd2[6] = '\'no'; kd2[7] = 'bola'; kd2[8] = 'pra'; kd2[9] = ''; kd2[10] = ''; kd2[11] = ''; kd2[12] = ''; kd2[13] = ''; kd2[14] = 'oul'; kd2[15] = ' Nu'; kd2[16] = ' H\'ko'; kd2[17] = ' Voka'; kd2[18] = ' Dra'; kd2[19] = ' Ygo'; kd2[20] = 'unoso'; kd2[21] = ' Hypa'; kd2[22] = ' Nevni'; kd2[23] = ' Uou'; var kd3 = new Array(14); kd3[0] = 'th'; kd3[1] = 'ili'; kd3[2] = 'zo'; kd3[3] = 'vu'; kd3[4] = 'al'; kd3[5] = 'za'; kd3[6] = 'sa'; kd3[7] = 'no'; kd3[8] = 'pi'; kd3[9] = 't\'k'; kd3[10] = 'la'; kd3[11] = ''; kd3[12] = ''; kd3[13] = ''; _root.kd2name = kd1[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd1.length - 1))] + kd2[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd2.length - 1))] + kd3[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd3.length - 1))]; var kd1 = new Array(30); kd1[0] = 'Kor'; kd1[1] = 'D\'lo'; kd1[2] = 'Hav'; kd1[3] = 'Ni\'l'; kd1[4] = 'Nu'; kd1[5] = 'Kha'; kd1[6] = 'Zok'; kd1[7] = 'Dy'; kd1[8] = 'Sol'; kd1[9] = 'Tal'; kd1[10] = 'Ala'; kd1[11] = 'Avea'; kd1[12] = 'Ruza'; kd1[13] = 'L\'ko'; kd1[14] = 'Zoma'; kd1[15] = 'Vel'; kd1[16] = 'Yra'; kd1[17] = 'Rho'; kd1[18] = 'Dex'; kd1[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; kd1[20] = 'Bo\'k'; kd1[21] = 'Y\'ah'; kd1[22] = 'Ok'; kd1[23] = 'Dal'; kd1[24] = 'Vor'; kd1[25] = 'Hal'; kd1[26] = 'Zann'; kd1[27] = 'Mo'; kd1[28] = 'Raz'; kd1[29] = 'Omo'; var kd2 = new Array(24); kd2[0] = 'dan'; kd2[1] = 'ti'; kd2[2] = 'no'; kd2[3] = 'ulu'; kd2[4] = 'yla'; kd2[5] = 'mu'; kd2[6] = '\'no'; kd2[7] = 'bola'; kd2[8] = 'pra'; kd2[9] = ''; kd2[10] = ''; kd2[11] = ''; kd2[12] = ''; kd2[13] = ''; kd2[14] = 'oul'; kd2[15] = ' Nu'; kd2[16] = ' H\'ko'; kd2[17] = ' Voka'; kd2[18] = ' Dra'; kd2[19] = ' Ygo'; kd2[20] = 'unoso'; kd2[21] = ' Hypa'; kd2[22] = ' Nevni'; kd2[23] = ' Uou'; var kd3 = new Array(14); kd3[0] = 'th'; kd3[1] = 'ili'; kd3[2] = 'zo'; kd3[3] = 'vu'; kd3[4] = 'al'; kd3[5] = 'za'; kd3[6] = 'sa'; kd3[7] = 'no'; kd3[8] = 'pi'; kd3[9] = 't\'k'; kd3[10] = 'la'; kd3[11] = ''; kd3[12] = ''; kd3[13] = ''; _root.kd3name = kd1[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd1.length - 1))] + kd2[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd2.length - 1))] + kd3[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd3.length - 1))]; var kd1 = new Array(30); kd1[0] = 'Kor'; kd1[1] = 'D\'lo'; kd1[2] = 'Hav'; kd1[3] = 'Ni\'l'; kd1[4] = 'Nu'; kd1[5] = 'Kha'; kd1[6] = 'Zok'; kd1[7] = 'Dy'; kd1[8] = 'Sol'; kd1[9] = 'Tal'; kd1[10] = 'Ala'; kd1[11] = 'Avea'; kd1[12] = 'Ruza'; kd1[13] = 'L\'ko'; kd1[14] = 'Zoma'; kd1[15] = 'Vel'; kd1[16] = 'Yra'; kd1[17] = 'Rho'; kd1[18] = 'Dex'; kd1[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; kd1[20] = 'Bo\'k'; kd1[21] = 'Y\'ah'; kd1[22] = 'Ok'; kd1[23] = 'Dal'; kd1[24] = 'Vor'; kd1[25] = 'Hal'; kd1[26] = 'Zann'; kd1[27] = 'Mo'; kd1[28] = 'Raz'; kd1[29] = 'Omo'; var kd2 = new Array(24); kd2[0] = 'dan'; kd2[1] = 'ti'; kd2[2] = 'no'; kd2[3] = 'ulu'; kd2[4] = 'yla'; kd2[5] = 'mu'; kd2[6] = '\'no'; kd2[7] = 'bola'; kd2[8] = 'pra'; kd2[9] = ''; kd2[10] = ''; kd2[11] = ''; kd2[12] = ''; kd2[13] = ''; kd2[14] = 'oul'; kd2[15] = ' Nu'; kd2[16] = ' H\'ko'; kd2[17] = ' Voka'; kd2[18] = ' Dra'; kd2[19] = ' Ygo'; kd2[20] = 'unoso'; kd2[21] = ' Hypa'; kd2[22] = ' Nevni'; kd2[23] = ' Uou'; var kd3 = new Array(14); kd3[0] = 'th'; kd3[1] = 'ili'; kd3[2] = 'zo'; kd3[3] = 'vu'; kd3[4] = 'al'; kd3[5] = 'za'; kd3[6] = 'sa'; kd3[7] = 'no'; kd3[8] = 'pi'; kd3[9] = 't\'k'; kd3[10] = 'la'; kd3[11] = ''; kd3[12] = ''; kd3[13] = ''; _root.kd4name = kd1[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd1.length - 1))] + kd2[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd2.length - 1))] + kd3[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd3.length - 1))]; var kd1 = new Array(30); kd1[0] = 'Kor'; kd1[1] = 'D\'lo'; kd1[2] = 'Hav'; kd1[3] = 'Ni\'l'; kd1[4] = 'Nu'; kd1[5] = 'Kha'; kd1[6] = 'Zok'; kd1[7] = 'Dy'; kd1[8] = 'Sol'; kd1[9] = 'Tal'; kd1[10] = 'Ala'; kd1[11] = 'Avea'; kd1[12] = 'Ruza'; kd1[13] = 'L\'ko'; kd1[14] = 'Zoma'; kd1[15] = 'Vel'; kd1[16] = 'Yra'; kd1[17] = 'Rho'; kd1[18] = 'Dex'; kd1[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; kd1[20] = 'Bo\'k'; kd1[21] = 'Y\'ah'; kd1[22] = 'Ok'; kd1[23] = 'Dal'; kd1[24] = 'Vor'; kd1[25] = 'Hal'; kd1[26] = 'Zann'; kd1[27] = 'Mo'; kd1[28] = 'Raz'; kd1[29] = 'Omo'; var kd2 = new Array(24); kd2[0] = 'dan'; kd2[1] = 'ti'; kd2[2] = 'no'; kd2[3] = 'ulu'; kd2[4] = 'yla'; kd2[5] = 'mu'; kd2[6] = '\'no'; kd2[7] = 'bola'; kd2[8] = 'pra'; kd2[9] = ''; kd2[10] = ''; kd2[11] = ''; kd2[12] = ''; kd2[13] = ''; kd2[14] = 'oul'; kd2[15] = ' Nu'; kd2[16] = ' H\'ko'; kd2[17] = ' Voka'; kd2[18] = ' Dra'; kd2[19] = ' Ygo'; kd2[20] = 'unoso'; kd2[21] = ' Hypa'; kd2[22] = ' Nevni'; kd2[23] = ' Uou'; var kd3 = new Array(14); kd3[0] = 'th'; kd3[1] = 'ili'; kd3[2] = 'zo'; kd3[3] = 'vu'; kd3[4] = 'al'; kd3[5] = 'za'; kd3[6] = 'sa'; kd3[7] = 'no'; kd3[8] = 'pi'; kd3[9] = 't\'k'; kd3[10] = 'la'; kd3[11] = ''; kd3[12] = ''; kd3[13] = ''; _root.kd5name = kd1[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd1.length - 1))] + kd2[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd2.length - 1))] + kd3[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd3.length - 1))]; var kd1 = new Array(30); kd1[0] = 'Kor'; kd1[1] = 'D\'lo'; kd1[2] = 'Hav'; kd1[3] = 'Ni\'l'; kd1[4] = 'Nu'; kd1[5] = 'Kha'; kd1[6] = 'Zok'; kd1[7] = 'Dy'; kd1[8] = 'Sol'; kd1[9] = 'Tal'; kd1[10] = 'Ala'; kd1[11] = 'Avea'; kd1[12] = 'Ruza'; kd1[13] = 'L\'ko'; kd1[14] = 'Zoma'; kd1[15] = 'Vel'; kd1[16] = 'Yra'; kd1[17] = 'Rho'; kd1[18] = 'Dex'; kd1[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; kd1[20] = 'Bo\'k'; kd1[21] = 'Y\'ah'; kd1[22] = 'Ok'; kd1[23] = 'Dal'; kd1[24] = 'Vor'; kd1[25] = 'Hal'; kd1[26] = 'Zann'; kd1[27] = 'Mo'; kd1[28] = 'Raz'; kd1[29] = 'Omo'; var kd2 = new Array(24); kd2[0] = 'dan'; kd2[1] = 'ti'; kd2[2] = 'no'; kd2[3] = 'ulu'; kd2[4] = 'yla'; kd2[5] = 'mu'; kd2[6] = '\'no'; kd2[7] = 'bola'; kd2[8] = 'pra'; kd2[9] = ''; kd2[10] = ''; kd2[11] = ''; kd2[12] = ''; kd2[13] = ''; kd2[14] = 'oul'; kd2[15] = ' Nu'; kd2[16] = ' H\'ko'; kd2[17] = ' Voka'; kd2[18] = ' Dra'; kd2[19] = ' Ygo'; kd2[20] = 'unoso'; kd2[21] = ' Hypa'; kd2[22] = ' Nevni'; kd2[23] = ' Uou'; var kd3 = new Array(14); kd3[0] = 'th'; kd3[1] = 'ili'; kd3[2] = 'zo'; kd3[3] = 'vu'; kd3[4] = 'al'; kd3[5] = 'za'; kd3[6] = 'sa'; kd3[7] = 'no'; kd3[8] = 'pi'; kd3[9] = 't\'k'; kd3[10] = 'la'; kd3[11] = ''; kd3[12] = ''; kd3[13] = ''; _root.kd6name = kd1[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd1.length - 1))] + kd2[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd2.length - 1))] + kd3[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd3.length - 1))]; var kd1 = new Array(30); kd1[0] = 'Kor'; kd1[1] = 'D\'lo'; kd1[2] = 'Hav'; kd1[3] = 'Ni\'l'; kd1[4] = 'Nu'; kd1[5] = 'Kha'; kd1[6] = 'Zok'; kd1[7] = 'Dy'; kd1[8] = 'Sol'; kd1[9] = 'Tal'; kd1[10] = 'Ala'; kd1[11] = 'Avea'; kd1[12] = 'Ruza'; kd1[13] = 'L\'ko'; kd1[14] = 'Zoma'; kd1[15] = 'Vel'; kd1[16] = 'Yra'; kd1[17] = 'Rho'; kd1[18] = 'Dex'; kd1[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; kd1[20] = 'Bo\'k'; kd1[21] = 'Y\'ah'; kd1[22] = 'Ok'; kd1[23] = 'Dal'; kd1[24] = 'Vor'; kd1[25] = 'Hal'; kd1[26] = 'Zann'; kd1[27] = 'Mo'; kd1[28] = 'Raz'; kd1[29] = 'Omo'; var kd2 = new Array(24); kd2[0] = 'dan'; kd2[1] = 'ti'; kd2[2] = 'no'; kd2[3] = 'ulu'; kd2[4] = 'yla'; kd2[5] = 'mu'; kd2[6] = '\'no'; kd2[7] = 'bola'; kd2[8] = 'pra'; kd2[9] = ''; kd2[10] = ''; kd2[11] = ''; kd2[12] = ''; kd2[13] = ''; kd2[14] = 'oul'; kd2[15] = ' Nu'; kd2[16] = ' H\'ko'; kd2[17] = ' Voka'; kd2[18] = ' Dra'; kd2[19] = ' Ygo'; kd2[20] = 'unoso'; kd2[21] = ' Hypa'; kd2[22] = ' Nevni'; kd2[23] = ' Uou'; var kd3 = new Array(14); kd3[0] = 'th'; kd3[1] = 'ili'; kd3[2] = 'zo'; kd3[3] = 'vu'; kd3[4] = 'al'; kd3[5] = 'za'; kd3[6] = 'sa'; kd3[7] = 'no'; kd3[8] = 'pi'; kd3[9] = 't\'k'; kd3[10] = 'la'; kd3[11] = ''; kd3[12] = ''; kd3[13] = ''; _root.kd7name = kd1[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd1.length - 1))] + kd2[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd2.length - 1))] + kd3[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd3.length - 1))]; var kd1 = new Array(30); kd1[0] = 'Kor'; kd1[1] = 'D\'lo'; kd1[2] = 'Hav'; kd1[3] = 'Ni\'l'; kd1[4] = 'Nu'; kd1[5] = 'Kha'; kd1[6] = 'Zok'; kd1[7] = 'Dy'; kd1[8] = 'Sol'; kd1[9] = 'Tal'; kd1[10] = 'Ala'; kd1[11] = 'Avea'; kd1[12] = 'Ruza'; kd1[13] = 'L\'ko'; kd1[14] = 'Zoma'; kd1[15] = 'Vel'; kd1[16] = 'Yra'; kd1[17] = 'Rho'; kd1[18] = 'Dex'; kd1[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; kd1[20] = 'Bo\'k'; kd1[21] = 'Y\'ah'; kd1[22] = 'Ok'; kd1[23] = 'Dal'; kd1[24] = 'Vor'; kd1[25] = 'Hal'; kd1[26] = 'Zann'; kd1[27] = 'Mo'; kd1[28] = 'Raz'; kd1[29] = 'Omo'; var kd2 = new Array(24); kd2[0] = 'dan'; kd2[1] = 'ti'; kd2[2] = 'no'; kd2[3] = 'ulu'; kd2[4] = 'yla'; kd2[5] = 'mu'; kd2[6] = '\'no'; kd2[7] = 'bola'; kd2[8] = 'pra'; kd2[9] = ''; kd2[10] = ''; kd2[11] = ''; kd2[12] = ''; kd2[13] = ''; kd2[14] = 'oul'; kd2[15] = ' Nu'; kd2[16] = ' H\'ko'; kd2[17] = ' Voka'; kd2[18] = ' Dra'; kd2[19] = ' Ygo'; kd2[20] = 'unoso'; kd2[21] = ' Hypa'; kd2[22] = ' Nevni'; kd2[23] = ' Uou'; var kd3 = new Array(14); kd3[0] = 'th'; kd3[1] = 'ili'; kd3[2] = 'zo'; kd3[3] = 'vu'; kd3[4] = 'al'; kd3[5] = 'za'; kd3[6] = 'sa'; kd3[7] = 'no'; kd3[8] = 'pi'; kd3[9] = 't\'k'; kd3[10] = 'la'; kd3[11] = ''; kd3[12] = ''; kd3[13] = ''; _root.kd8name = kd1[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd1.length - 1))] + kd2[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd2.length - 1))] + kd3[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd3.length - 1))]; var kd1 = new Array(30); kd1[0] = 'Kor'; kd1[1] = 'D\'lo'; kd1[2] = 'Hav'; kd1[3] = 'Ni\'l'; kd1[4] = 'Nu'; kd1[5] = 'Kha'; kd1[6] = 'Zok'; kd1[7] = 'Dy'; kd1[8] = 'Sol'; kd1[9] = 'Tal'; kd1[10] = 'Ala'; kd1[11] = 'Avea'; kd1[12] = 'Ruza'; kd1[13] = 'L\'ko'; kd1[14] = 'Zoma'; kd1[15] = 'Vel'; kd1[16] = 'Yra'; kd1[17] = 'Rho'; kd1[18] = 'Dex'; kd1[19] = 'Ni\'ho'; kd1[20] = 'Bo\'k'; kd1[21] = 'Y\'ah'; kd1[22] = 'Ok'; kd1[23] = 'Dal'; kd1[24] = 'Vor'; kd1[25] = 'Hal'; kd1[26] = 'Zann'; kd1[27] = 'Mo'; kd1[28] = 'Raz'; kd1[29] = 'Omo'; var kd2 = new Array(24); kd2[0] = 'dan'; kd2[1] = 'ti'; kd2[2] = 'no'; kd2[3] = 'ulu'; kd2[4] = 'yla'; kd2[5] = 'mu'; kd2[6] = '\'no'; kd2[7] = 'bola'; kd2[8] = 'pra'; kd2[9] = ''; kd2[10] = ''; kd2[11] = ''; kd2[12] = ''; kd2[13] = ''; kd2[14] = 'oul'; kd2[15] = ' Nu'; kd2[16] = ' H\'ko'; kd2[17] = ' Voka'; kd2[18] = ' Dra'; kd2[19] = ' Ygo'; kd2[20] = 'unoso'; kd2[21] = ' Hypa'; kd2[22] = ' Nevni'; kd2[23] = ' Uou'; var kd3 = new Array(14); kd3[0] = 'th'; kd3[1] = 'ili'; kd3[2] = 'zo'; kd3[3] = 'vu'; kd3[4] = 'al'; kd3[5] = 'za'; kd3[6] = 'sa'; kd3[7] = 'no'; kd3[8] = 'pi'; kd3[9] = 't\'k'; kd3[10] = 'la'; kd3[11] = ''; kd3[12] = ''; kd3[13] = ''; _root.kd9name = kd1[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd1.length - 1))] + kd2[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd2.length - 1))] + kd3[Math.round(Math.random() * (kd3.length - 1))]; _root.kd1[0] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd2[0] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd3[0] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd4[0] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd5[0] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd6[0] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd7[0] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd8[0] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd9[0] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd0[1] = 0.01; _root.kd1[1] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 1)); _root.kd2[1] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 1)); _root.kd3[1] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 1)); _root.kd4[1] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 1)); _root.kd5[1] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 1)); _root.kd6[1] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 1)); _root.kd7[1] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 1)); _root.kd8[1] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 1)); _root.kd9[1] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 1)); _root.kd1[2] = Math.round(+Math.random()); _root.kd2[2] = Math.round(+Math.random()); _root.kd3[2] = Math.round(+Math.random()); _root.kd4[2] = Math.round(+Math.random()); _root.kd5[2] = Math.round(+Math.random()); _root.kd6[2] = Math.round(+Math.random()); _root.kd7[2] = Math.round(+Math.random()); _root.kd8[2] = Math.round(+Math.random()); _root.kd9[2] = Math.round(+Math.random()); _root.kd1[3] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd2[3] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd3[3] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd4[3] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd5[3] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd6[3] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd7[3] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd8[3] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd9[3] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd1[4] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd2[4] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd3[4] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd4[4] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd5[4] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd6[4] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd7[4] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd8[4] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd9[4] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd1[5] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd2[5] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd3[5] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd4[5] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd5[5] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd6[5] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd7[5] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd8[5] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd9[5] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd1[6] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd2[6] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd3[6] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd4[6] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd5[6] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd6[6] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd7[6] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd8[6] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd9[6] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd1[7] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd2[7] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd3[7] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd4[7] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd5[7] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd6[7] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd7[7] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd8[7] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd9[7] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd1[8] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd2[8] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd3[8] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd4[8] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd5[8] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd6[8] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd7[8] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd8[8] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd9[8] = Math.round(+(Math.random() * 100)); _root.kd1[9] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 10); _root.kd2[9] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 10); _root.kd3[9] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 10); _root.kd4[9] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 10); _root.kd5[9] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 10); _root.kd6[9] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 10); _root.kd7[9] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 10); _root.kd8[9] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 10); _root.kd9[9] = Math.round(1 + Math.random() * 10); } frame 5 { var sett1 = new Array(30); sett1[0] = 'Dreng'; sett1[1] = 'Tung'; sett1[2] = 'Harl'; sett1[3] = 'Halr'; sett1[4] = 'Husk'; sett1[5] = 'Spa'; sett1[6] = 'Feld'; sett1[7] = 'Sut'; sett1[8] = 'Snae'; sett1[9] = 'Vlod'; sett1[10] = 'Mest'; sett1[11] = 'Jot'; sett1[12] = 'Erf'; sett1[13] = 'Keld'; sett1[14] = 'Heit'; sett1[15] = 'Brenn'; sett1[16] = 'Snem'; sett1[17] = 'Feig'; sett1[18] = 'Fljot'; sett1[19] = 'Bruv'; sett1[20] = 'Almak'; sett1[21] = 'Aeosk'; sett1[22] = 'Geyk'; sett1[23] = 'Haeg'; sett1[24] = 'Kvik'; sett1[25] = 'Faeg'; sett1[26] = 'Delt'; sett1[27] = 'Vrak'; sett1[28] = 'Klok'; sett1[29] = 'Vriv'; var sett2 = new Array(39); sett2[0] = 'alk'; sett2[1] = 'oz'; sett2[2] = 'uk'; sett2[3] = 'ouk'; sett2[4] = 'ik'; sett2[5] = 'iz'; sett2[6] = '\'uv'; sett2[7] = 'uzl'; sett2[8] = 'yol'; sett2[9] = 'az'; sett2[10] = 'ek'; sett2[11] = 'err'; sett2[12] = 'ivol'; sett2[13] = 'oss'; sett2[14] = 'org'; sett2[15] = 'uq'; sett2[16] = '\'ion'; sett2[17] = 'yz'; sett2[18] = 'iron'; sett2[19] = 'inan'; sett2[20] = 'ess'; sett2[21] = 'evnok'; sett2[22] = 'yr'; sett2[23] = 'old'; sett2[24] = 'ould'; sett2[25] = 'un'; sett2[26] = '\'iun'; sett2[27] = 'ym'; sett2[28] = 'om'; sett2[29] = 'onon'; sett2[30] = ' Alk'; sett2[31] = ' Oz'; sett2[32] = ' Uk'; sett2[33] = ' Ouk'; sett2[34] = ' Lik'; sett2[35] = ' Niaz'; sett2[36] = ' T\'uv'; sett2[37] = ' Uzl'; sett2[38] = ' Yol'; var sett3 = new Array(30); sett3[0] = 'i'; sett3[1] = 'ili'; sett3[2] = 'on'; sett3[3] = 'ann'; sett3[4] = 'il'; sett3[5] = 'az'; sett3[6] = 'ad'; sett3[7] = 'od'; sett3[8] = 'ul'; sett3[9] = 'ol'; sett3[10] = 'un'; sett3[11] = 'os'; sett3[12] = 'as'; sett3[13] = 'is'; sett3[14] = 'id'; sett3[15] = 'ak'; sett3[16] = 'at'; sett3[17] = 'omor'; sett3[18] = 'ur'; sett3[19] = 'om'; sett3[20] = ' Camp'; sett3[21] = ' Ridge'; sett3[22] = ' Goz'; sett3[23] = ' Zu\'uk'; sett3[24] = ' Fortress'; sett3[25] = ' Bol'; sett3[26] = ' Nyok'; sett3[27] = ' Goro'; sett3[28] = ' D\'uk'; sett3[29] = ' Zun'; _root.tnames[0] = sett1[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett1.length - 1))] + sett2[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett2.length - 1))] + sett3[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett3.length - 1))]; _root.t1[2] = Math.round(3000 + Math.random() * 350); if (_root.t1[2] < 30) { _root.t1[2] = 0; _root.t1[4] = 1; } if (29 < _root.t1[2] && _root.t1[2] < 100) { _root.t1[4] = 2; } if (99 < _root.t1[2] && _root.t1[2] < 300) { _root.t1[4] = 3; } if (299 < _root.t1[2] && _root.t1[2] < 1000) { _root.t1[4] = 4; } if (999 < _root.t1[2] && _root.t1[2] < 3000) { _root.t1[4] = 5; } if (2999 < _root.t1[2]) { _root.t1[4] = 6; } _root.t1[6] = Math.round(50 + 37 * Math.random()); _root.t1[7] = Math.round(_root.t1[2] * 0.1 + _root.t1[2] * 0.05 * Math.random()); _root.t1[3] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.61); _root.t1[5] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.55); _root.t1[9] = Math.round(300 * Math.random()); if (_root.t1[9] < 25) { _root.t1[9] = 0; } _root.t1[10] = Math.round(3000 * Math.random()); if (_root.t1[10] < 300) { _root.t1[10] = 0; } _root.t1[11] = Math.round(100 * Math.random()); if (_root.t1[11] < 10) { _root.t1[11] = 0; } _root.t1[12] = Math.round(300 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t1[12] < 50) { _root.t1[12] = 0; } _root.t1[13] = Math.round(150 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t1[13] < 30) { _root.t1[13] = 0; } _root.t1[14] = Math.round(50 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t1[14] < 5) { _root.t1[14] = 0; } _root.t1[15] = Math.round(25 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t1[15] < 5) { _root.t1[15] = 0; } _root.t1[16] = Math.round(5 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t1[16] < 1) { _root.t1[16] = 0; } _root.t1[8] = 0; _root.t1[17] = 0; _root.t1[18] = 0; } frame 6 { var sett1 = new Array(30); sett1[0] = 'Dreng'; sett1[1] = 'Tung'; sett1[2] = 'Harl'; sett1[3] = 'Halr'; sett1[4] = 'Husk'; sett1[5] = 'Spa'; sett1[6] = 'Feld'; sett1[7] = 'Sut'; sett1[8] = 'Snae'; sett1[9] = 'Vlod'; sett1[10] = 'Mest'; sett1[11] = 'Jot'; sett1[12] = 'Erf'; sett1[13] = 'Keld'; sett1[14] = 'Heit'; sett1[15] = 'Brenn'; sett1[16] = 'Snem'; sett1[17] = 'Feig'; sett1[18] = 'Fljot'; sett1[19] = 'Bruv'; sett1[20] = 'Almak'; sett1[21] = 'Aeosk'; sett1[22] = 'Geyk'; sett1[23] = 'Haeg'; sett1[24] = 'Kvik'; sett1[25] = 'Faeg'; sett1[26] = 'Delt'; sett1[27] = 'Vrak'; sett1[28] = 'Klok'; sett1[29] = 'Vriv'; var sett2 = new Array(39); sett2[0] = 'alk'; sett2[1] = 'oz'; sett2[2] = 'uk'; sett2[3] = 'ouk'; sett2[4] = 'ik'; sett2[5] = 'iz'; sett2[6] = '\'uv'; sett2[7] = 'uzl'; sett2[8] = 'yol'; sett2[9] = 'az'; sett2[10] = 'ek'; sett2[11] = 'err'; sett2[12] = 'ivol'; sett2[13] = 'oss'; sett2[14] = 'org'; sett2[15] = 'uq'; sett2[16] = '\'ion'; sett2[17] = 'yz'; sett2[18] = 'iron'; sett2[19] = 'inan'; sett2[20] = 'ess'; sett2[21] = 'evnok'; sett2[22] = 'yr'; sett2[23] = 'old'; sett2[24] = 'ould'; sett2[25] = 'un'; sett2[26] = '\'iun'; sett2[27] = 'ym'; sett2[28] = 'om'; sett2[29] = 'onon'; sett2[30] = ' Alk'; sett2[31] = ' Oz'; sett2[32] = ' Uk'; sett2[33] = ' Ouk'; sett2[34] = ' Lik'; sett2[35] = ' Niaz'; sett2[36] = ' T\'uv'; sett2[37] = ' Uzl'; sett2[38] = ' Yol'; var sett3 = new Array(30); sett3[0] = 'i'; sett3[1] = 'ili'; sett3[2] = 'on'; sett3[3] = 'ann'; sett3[4] = 'il'; sett3[5] = 'az'; sett3[6] = 'ad'; sett3[7] = 'od'; sett3[8] = 'ul'; sett3[9] = 'ol'; sett3[10] = 'un'; sett3[11] = 'os'; sett3[12] = 'as'; sett3[13] = 'is'; sett3[14] = 'id'; sett3[15] = 'ak'; sett3[16] = 'at'; sett3[17] = 'omor'; sett3[18] = 'ur'; sett3[19] = 'om'; sett3[20] = ' Camp'; sett3[21] = ' Ridge'; sett3[22] = ' Goz'; sett3[23] = ' Zu\'uk'; sett3[24] = ' Fortress'; sett3[25] = ' Bol'; sett3[26] = ' Nyok'; sett3[27] = ' Goro'; sett3[28] = ' D\'uk'; sett3[29] = ' Zun'; _root.tnames[1] = sett1[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett1.length - 1))] + sett2[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett2.length - 1))] + sett3[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett3.length - 1))]; _root.t2[2] = Math.round(30 + Math.random() * 300); if (_root.t2[2] < 30) { _root.t2[2] = 0; _root.t2[4] = 1; } if (29 < _root.t2[2] && _root.t2[2] < 100) { _root.t2[4] = 2; } if (99 < _root.t2[2] && _root.t2[2] < 300) { _root.t2[4] = 3; } if (299 < _root.t2[2] && _root.t2[2] < 1000) { _root.t2[4] = 4; } if (999 < _root.t2[2] && _root.t2[2] < 3000) { _root.t2[4] = 5; } if (2999 < _root.t2[2]) { _root.t2[4] = 6; } _root.t2[6] = Math.round(50 + 37 * Math.random()); _root.t2[7] = Math.round(_root.t2[2] * 0.1 + _root.t2[2] * 0.05 * Math.random()); _root.t2[3] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.61); _root.t2[5] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.55); _root.t2[9] = Math.round(300 * Math.random()); if (_root.t2[9] < 25) { _root.t2[9] = 0; } _root.t2[10] = Math.round(3000 * Math.random()); if (_root.t2[10] < 300) { _root.t2[10] = 0; } _root.t2[11] = Math.round(100 * Math.random()); if (_root.t2[11] < 10) { _root.t2[11] = 0; } _root.t2[12] = Math.round(300 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t2[12] < 50) { _root.t2[12] = 0; } _root.t2[13] = Math.round(150 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t2[13] < 30) { _root.t2[13] = 0; } _root.t2[14] = Math.round(50 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t2[14] < 5) { _root.t2[14] = 0; } _root.t2[15] = Math.round(25 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t2[15] < 5) { _root.t2[15] = 0; } _root.t2[16] = Math.round(5 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t2[16] < 1) { _root.t2[16] = 0; } _root.t2[8] = 0; _root.t2[17] = 0; _root.t2[18] = 0; } frame 7 { var sett1 = new Array(30); sett1[0] = 'Dreng'; sett1[1] = 'Tung'; sett1[2] = 'Harl'; sett1[3] = 'Halr'; sett1[4] = 'Husk'; sett1[5] = 'Spa'; sett1[6] = 'Feld'; sett1[7] = 'Sut'; sett1[8] = 'Snae'; sett1[9] = 'Vlod'; sett1[10] = 'Mest'; sett1[11] = 'Jot'; sett1[12] = 'Erf'; sett1[13] = 'Keld'; sett1[14] = 'Heit'; sett1[15] = 'Brenn'; sett1[16] = 'Snem'; sett1[17] = 'Feig'; sett1[18] = 'Fljot'; sett1[19] = 'Bruv'; sett1[20] = 'Almak'; sett1[21] = 'Aeosk'; sett1[22] = 'Geyk'; sett1[23] = 'Haeg'; sett1[24] = 'Kvik'; sett1[25] = 'Faeg'; sett1[26] = 'Delt'; sett1[27] = 'Vrak'; sett1[28] = 'Klok'; sett1[29] = 'Vriv'; var sett2 = new Array(39); sett2[0] = 'alk'; sett2[1] = 'oz'; sett2[2] = 'uk'; sett2[3] = 'ouk'; sett2[4] = 'ik'; sett2[5] = 'iz'; sett2[6] = '\'uv'; sett2[7] = 'uzl'; sett2[8] = 'yol'; sett2[9] = 'az'; sett2[10] = 'ek'; sett2[11] = 'err'; sett2[12] = 'ivol'; sett2[13] = 'oss'; sett2[14] = 'org'; sett2[15] = 'uq'; sett2[16] = '\'ion'; sett2[17] = 'yz'; sett2[18] = 'iron'; sett2[19] = 'inan'; sett2[20] = 'ess'; sett2[21] = 'evnok'; sett2[22] = 'yr'; sett2[23] = 'old'; sett2[24] = 'ould'; sett2[25] = 'un'; sett2[26] = '\'iun'; sett2[27] = 'ym'; sett2[28] = 'om'; sett2[29] = 'onon'; sett2[30] = ' Alk'; sett2[31] = ' Oz'; sett2[32] = ' Uk'; sett2[33] = ' Ouk'; sett2[34] = ' Lik'; sett2[35] = ' Niaz'; sett2[36] = ' T\'uv'; sett2[37] = ' Uzl'; sett2[38] = ' Yol'; var sett3 = new Array(30); sett3[0] = 'i'; sett3[1] = 'ili'; sett3[2] = 'on'; sett3[3] = 'ann'; sett3[4] = 'il'; sett3[5] = 'az'; sett3[6] = 'ad'; sett3[7] = 'od'; sett3[8] = 'ul'; sett3[9] = 'ol'; sett3[10] = 'un'; sett3[11] = 'os'; sett3[12] = 'as'; sett3[13] = 'is'; sett3[14] = 'id'; sett3[15] = 'ak'; sett3[16] = 'at'; sett3[17] = 'omor'; sett3[18] = 'ur'; sett3[19] = 'om'; sett3[20] = ' Camp'; sett3[21] = ' Ridge'; sett3[22] = ' Goz'; sett3[23] = ' Zu\'uk'; sett3[24] = ' Fortress'; sett3[25] = ' Bol'; sett3[26] = ' Nyok'; sett3[27] = ' Goro'; sett3[28] = ' D\'uk'; sett3[29] = ' Zun'; _root.tnames[2] = sett1[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett1.length - 1))] + sett2[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett2.length - 1))] + sett3[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett3.length - 1))]; _root.t3[2] = Math.round(30 + Math.random() * 300); if (_root.t3[2] < 30) { _root.t3[2] = 0; _root.t3[4] = 1; } if (29 < _root.t3[2] && _root.t3[2] < 100) { _root.t3[4] = 2; } if (99 < _root.t3[2] && _root.t3[2] < 300) { _root.t3[4] = 3; } if (299 < _root.t3[2] && _root.t3[2] < 1000) { _root.t3[4] = 4; } if (999 < _root.t3[2] && _root.t3[2] < 3000) { _root.t3[4] = 5; } if (2999 < _root.t3[2]) { _root.t3[4] = 6; } _root.t3[6] = Math.round(50 + 37 * Math.random()); _root.t3[7] = Math.round(_root.t3[2] * 0.1 + _root.t3[2] * 0.05 * Math.random()); _root.t3[3] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.61); _root.t3[5] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.55); _root.t3[9] = Math.round(300 * Math.random()); if (_root.t3[9] < 25) { _root.t3[9] = 0; } _root.t3[10] = Math.round(3000 * Math.random()); if (_root.t3[10] < 300) { _root.t3[10] = 0; } _root.t3[11] = Math.round(100 * Math.random()); if (_root.t3[11] < 10) { _root.t3[11] = 0; } _root.t3[12] = Math.round(300 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t3[12] < 50) { _root.t3[12] = 0; } _root.t3[13] = Math.round(150 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t3[13] < 30) { _root.t3[13] = 0; } _root.t3[14] = Math.round(50 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t3[14] < 5) { _root.t3[14] = 0; } _root.t3[15] = Math.round(25 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t3[15] < 5) { _root.t3[15] = 0; } _root.t3[16] = Math.round(5 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t3[16] < 1) { _root.t3[16] = 0; } _root.t3[8] = 0; _root.t3[17] = 0; _root.t3[18] = 0; } frame 8 { var sett1 = new Array(30); sett1[0] = 'Dreng'; sett1[1] = 'Tung'; sett1[2] = 'Harl'; sett1[3] = 'Halr'; sett1[4] = 'Husk'; sett1[5] = 'Spa'; sett1[6] = 'Feld'; sett1[7] = 'Sut'; sett1[8] = 'Snae'; sett1[9] = 'Vlod'; sett1[10] = 'Mest'; sett1[11] = 'Jot'; sett1[12] = 'Erf'; sett1[13] = 'Keld'; sett1[14] = 'Heit'; sett1[15] = 'Brenn'; sett1[16] = 'Snem'; sett1[17] = 'Feig'; sett1[18] = 'Fljot'; sett1[19] = 'Bruv'; sett1[20] = 'Almak'; sett1[21] = 'Aeosk'; sett1[22] = 'Geyk'; sett1[23] = 'Haeg'; sett1[24] = 'Kvik'; sett1[25] = 'Faeg'; sett1[26] = 'Delt'; sett1[27] = 'Vrak'; sett1[28] = 'Klok'; sett1[29] = 'Vriv'; var sett2 = new Array(39); sett2[0] = 'alk'; sett2[1] = 'oz'; sett2[2] = 'uk'; sett2[3] = 'ouk'; sett2[4] = 'ik'; sett2[5] = 'iz'; sett2[6] = '\'uv'; sett2[7] = 'uzl'; sett2[8] = 'yol'; sett2[9] = 'az'; sett2[10] = 'ek'; sett2[11] = 'err'; sett2[12] = 'ivol'; sett2[13] = 'oss'; sett2[14] = 'org'; sett2[15] = 'uq'; sett2[16] = '\'ion'; sett2[17] = 'yz'; sett2[18] = 'iron'; sett2[19] = 'inan'; sett2[20] = 'ess'; sett2[21] = 'evnok'; sett2[22] = 'yr'; sett2[23] = 'old'; sett2[24] = 'ould'; sett2[25] = 'un'; sett2[26] = '\'iun'; sett2[27] = 'ym'; sett2[28] = 'om'; sett2[29] = 'onon'; sett2[30] = ' Alk'; sett2[31] = ' Oz'; sett2[32] = ' Uk'; sett2[33] = ' Ouk'; sett2[34] = ' Lik'; sett2[35] = ' Niaz'; sett2[36] = ' T\'uv'; sett2[37] = ' Uzl'; sett2[38] = ' Yol'; var sett3 = new Array(30); sett3[0] = 'i'; sett3[1] = 'ili'; sett3[2] = 'on'; sett3[3] = 'ann'; sett3[4] = 'il'; sett3[5] = 'az'; sett3[6] = 'ad'; sett3[7] = 'od'; sett3[8] = 'ul'; sett3[9] = 'ol'; sett3[10] = 'un'; sett3[11] = 'os'; sett3[12] = 'as'; sett3[13] = 'is'; sett3[14] = 'id'; sett3[15] = 'ak'; sett3[16] = 'at'; sett3[17] = 'omor'; sett3[18] = 'ur'; sett3[19] = 'om'; sett3[20] = ' Camp'; sett3[21] = ' Ridge'; sett3[22] = ' Goz'; sett3[23] = ' Zu\'uk'; sett3[24] = ' Fortress'; sett3[25] = ' Bol'; sett3[26] = ' Nyok'; sett3[27] = ' Goro'; sett3[28] = ' D\'uk'; sett3[29] = ' Zun'; _root.tnames[3] = sett1[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett1.length - 1))] + sett2[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett2.length - 1))] + sett3[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett3.length - 1))]; _root.t4[2] = Math.round(30 + Math.random() * 300); if (_root.t4[2] < 30) { _root.t4[2] = 0; _root.t4[4] = 1; } if (29 < _root.t4[2] && _root.t4[2] < 100) { _root.t4[4] = 2; } if (99 < _root.t4[2] && _root.t4[2] < 300) { _root.t4[4] = 3; } if (299 < _root.t4[2] && _root.t4[2] < 1000) { _root.t4[4] = 4; } if (999 < _root.t4[2] && _root.t4[2] < 3000) { _root.t4[4] = 5; } if (2999 < _root.t4[2]) { _root.t4[4] = 6; } _root.t4[6] = Math.round(50 + 37 * Math.random()); _root.t4[7] = Math.round(_root.t4[2] * 0.1 + _root.t4[2] * 0.05 * Math.random()); _root.t4[3] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.61); _root.t4[5] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.55); _root.t4[9] = Math.round(300 * Math.random()); if (_root.t4[9] < 25) { _root.t4[9] = 0; } _root.t4[10] = Math.round(3000 * Math.random()); if (_root.t4[10] < 300) { _root.t4[10] = 0; } _root.t4[11] = Math.round(100 * Math.random()); if (_root.t4[11] < 10) { _root.t4[11] = 0; } _root.t4[12] = Math.round(300 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t4[12] < 50) { _root.t4[12] = 0; } _root.t4[13] = Math.round(150 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t4[13] < 30) { _root.t4[13] = 0; } _root.t4[14] = Math.round(50 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t4[14] < 5) { _root.t4[14] = 0; } _root.t4[15] = Math.round(25 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t4[15] < 5) { _root.t4[15] = 0; } _root.t4[16] = Math.round(5 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t4[16] < 1) { _root.t4[16] = 0; } _root.t4[8] = 0; _root.t4[17] = 0; _root.t4[18] = 0; } frame 9 { var sett1 = new Array(30); sett1[0] = 'Dreng'; sett1[1] = 'Tung'; sett1[2] = 'Harl'; sett1[3] = 'Halr'; sett1[4] = 'Husk'; sett1[5] = 'Spa'; sett1[6] = 'Feld'; sett1[7] = 'Sut'; sett1[8] = 'Snae'; sett1[9] = 'Vlod'; sett1[10] = 'Mest'; sett1[11] = 'Jot'; sett1[12] = 'Erf'; sett1[13] = 'Keld'; sett1[14] = 'Heit'; sett1[15] = 'Brenn'; sett1[16] = 'Snem'; sett1[17] = 'Feig'; sett1[18] = 'Fljot'; sett1[19] = 'Bruv'; sett1[20] = 'Almak'; sett1[21] = 'Aeosk'; sett1[22] = 'Geyk'; sett1[23] = 'Haeg'; sett1[24] = 'Kvik'; sett1[25] = 'Faeg'; sett1[26] = 'Delt'; sett1[27] = 'Vrak'; sett1[28] = 'Klok'; sett1[29] = 'Vriv'; var sett2 = new Array(39); sett2[0] = 'alk'; sett2[1] = 'oz'; sett2[2] = 'uk'; sett2[3] = 'ouk'; sett2[4] = 'ik'; sett2[5] = 'iz'; sett2[6] = '\'uv'; sett2[7] = 'uzl'; sett2[8] = 'yol'; sett2[9] = 'az'; sett2[10] = 'ek'; sett2[11] = 'err'; sett2[12] = 'ivol'; sett2[13] = 'oss'; sett2[14] = 'org'; sett2[15] = 'uq'; sett2[16] = '\'ion'; sett2[17] = 'yz'; sett2[18] = 'iron'; sett2[19] = 'inan'; sett2[20] = 'ess'; sett2[21] = 'evnok'; sett2[22] = 'yr'; sett2[23] = 'old'; sett2[24] = 'ould'; sett2[25] = 'un'; sett2[26] = '\'iun'; sett2[27] = 'ym'; sett2[28] = 'om'; sett2[29] = 'onon'; sett2[30] = ' Alk'; sett2[31] = ' Oz'; sett2[32] = ' Uk'; sett2[33] = ' Ouk'; sett2[34] = ' Lik'; sett2[35] = ' Niaz'; sett2[36] = ' T\'uv'; sett2[37] = ' Uzl'; sett2[38] = ' Yol'; var sett3 = new Array(30); sett3[0] = 'i'; sett3[1] = 'ili'; sett3[2] = 'on'; sett3[3] = 'ann'; sett3[4] = 'il'; sett3[5] = 'az'; sett3[6] = 'ad'; sett3[7] = 'od'; sett3[8] = 'ul'; sett3[9] = 'ol'; sett3[10] = 'un'; sett3[11] = 'os'; sett3[12] = 'as'; sett3[13] = 'is'; sett3[14] = 'id'; sett3[15] = 'ak'; sett3[16] = 'at'; sett3[17] = 'omor'; sett3[18] = 'ur'; sett3[19] = 'om'; sett3[20] = ' Camp'; sett3[21] = ' Ridge'; sett3[22] = ' Goz'; sett3[23] = ' Zu\'uk'; sett3[24] = ' Fortress'; sett3[25] = ' Bol'; sett3[26] = ' Nyok'; sett3[27] = ' Goro'; sett3[28] = ' D\'uk'; sett3[29] = ' Zun'; _root.tnames[4] = sett1[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett1.length - 1))] + sett2[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett2.length - 1))] + sett3[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett3.length - 1))]; _root.t5[2] = Math.round(30 + Math.random() * 300); if (_root.t5[2] < 30) { _root.t5[2] = 0; _root.t5[4] = 1; } if (29 < _root.t5[2] && _root.t5[2] < 100) { _root.t5[4] = 2; } if (99 < _root.t5[2] && _root.t5[2] < 300) { _root.t5[4] = 3; } if (299 < _root.t5[2] && _root.t5[2] < 1000) { _root.t5[4] = 4; } if (999 < _root.t5[2] && _root.t5[2] < 3000) { _root.t5[4] = 5; } if (2999 < _root.t5[2]) { _root.t5[4] = 6; } _root.t5[6] = Math.round(50 + 37 * Math.random()); _root.t5[7] = Math.round(_root.t5[2] * 0.1 + _root.t5[2] * 0.05 * Math.random()); _root.t5[3] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.61); _root.t5[5] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.55); _root.t5[9] = Math.round(300 * Math.random()); if (_root.t5[9] < 25) { _root.t5[9] = 0; } _root.t5[10] = Math.round(3000 * Math.random()); if (_root.t5[10] < 300) { _root.t5[10] = 0; } _root.t5[11] = Math.round(100 * Math.random()); if (_root.t5[11] < 10) { _root.t5[11] = 0; } _root.t5[12] = Math.round(300 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t5[12] < 50) { _root.t5[12] = 0; } _root.t5[13] = Math.round(150 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t5[13] < 30) { _root.t5[13] = 0; } _root.t5[14] = Math.round(50 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t5[14] < 5) { _root.t5[14] = 0; } _root.t5[15] = Math.round(25 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t5[15] < 5) { _root.t5[15] = 0; } _root.t5[16] = Math.round(5 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t5[16] < 1) { _root.t5[16] = 0; } _root.t5[8] = 0; _root.t5[17] = 0; _root.t5[18] = 0; } frame 10 { var sett1 = new Array(30); sett1[0] = 'Dreng'; sett1[1] = 'Tung'; sett1[2] = 'Harl'; sett1[3] = 'Halr'; sett1[4] = 'Husk'; sett1[5] = 'Spa'; sett1[6] = 'Feld'; sett1[7] = 'Sut'; sett1[8] = 'Snae'; sett1[9] = 'Vlod'; sett1[10] = 'Mest'; sett1[11] = 'Jot'; sett1[12] = 'Erf'; sett1[13] = 'Keld'; sett1[14] = 'Heit'; sett1[15] = 'Brenn'; sett1[16] = 'Snem'; sett1[17] = 'Feig'; sett1[18] = 'Fljot'; sett1[19] = 'Bruv'; sett1[20] = 'Almak'; sett1[21] = 'Aeosk'; sett1[22] = 'Geyk'; sett1[23] = 'Haeg'; sett1[24] = 'Kvik'; sett1[25] = 'Faeg'; sett1[26] = 'Delt'; sett1[27] = 'Vrak'; sett1[28] = 'Klok'; sett1[29] = 'Vriv'; var sett2 = new Array(39); sett2[0] = 'alk'; sett2[1] = 'oz'; sett2[2] = 'uk'; sett2[3] = 'ouk'; sett2[4] = 'ik'; sett2[5] = 'iz'; sett2[6] = '\'uv'; sett2[7] = 'uzl'; sett2[8] = 'yol'; sett2[9] = 'az'; sett2[10] = 'ek'; sett2[11] = 'err'; sett2[12] = 'ivol'; sett2[13] = 'oss'; sett2[14] = 'org'; sett2[15] = 'uq'; sett2[16] = '\'ion'; sett2[17] = 'yz'; sett2[18] = 'iron'; sett2[19] = 'inan'; sett2[20] = 'ess'; sett2[21] = 'evnok'; sett2[22] = 'yr'; sett2[23] = 'old'; sett2[24] = 'ould'; sett2[25] = 'un'; sett2[26] = '\'iun'; sett2[27] = 'ym'; sett2[28] = 'om'; sett2[29] = 'onon'; sett2[30] = ' Alk'; sett2[31] = ' Oz'; sett2[32] = ' Uk'; sett2[33] = ' Ouk'; sett2[34] = ' Lik'; sett2[35] = ' Niaz'; sett2[36] = ' T\'uv'; sett2[37] = ' Uzl'; sett2[38] = ' Yol'; var sett3 = new Array(30); sett3[0] = 'i'; sett3[1] = 'ili'; sett3[2] = 'on'; sett3[3] = 'ann'; sett3[4] = 'il'; sett3[5] = 'az'; sett3[6] = 'ad'; sett3[7] = 'od'; sett3[8] = 'ul'; sett3[9] = 'ol'; sett3[10] = 'un'; sett3[11] = 'os'; sett3[12] = 'as'; sett3[13] = 'is'; sett3[14] = 'id'; sett3[15] = 'ak'; sett3[16] = 'at'; sett3[17] = 'omor'; sett3[18] = 'ur'; sett3[19] = 'om'; sett3[20] = ' Camp'; sett3[21] = ' Ridge'; sett3[22] = ' Goz'; sett3[23] = ' Zu\'uk'; sett3[24] = ' Fortress'; sett3[25] = ' Bol'; sett3[26] = ' Nyok'; sett3[27] = ' Goro'; sett3[28] = ' D\'uk'; sett3[29] = ' Zun'; _root.tnames[5] = sett1[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett1.length - 1))] + sett2[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett2.length - 1))] + sett3[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett3.length - 1))]; _root.t6[2] = Math.round(30 + Math.random() * 300); if (_root.t6[2] < 30) { _root.t6[2] = 0; _root.t6[4] = 1; } if (29 < _root.t6[2] && _root.t6[2] < 100) { _root.t6[4] = 2; } if (99 < _root.t6[2] && _root.t6[2] < 300) { _root.t6[4] = 3; } if (299 < _root.t6[2] && _root.t6[2] < 1000) { _root.t6[4] = 4; } if (999 < _root.t6[2] && _root.t6[2] < 3000) { _root.t6[4] = 5; } if (2999 < _root.t6[2]) { _root.t6[4] = 6; } _root.t6[6] = Math.round(50 + 37 * Math.random()); _root.t6[7] = Math.round(_root.t6[2] * 0.1 + _root.t6[2] * 0.05 * Math.random()); _root.t6[3] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.61); _root.t6[5] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.55); _root.t6[9] = Math.round(300 * Math.random()); if (_root.t6[9] < 25) { _root.t6[9] = 0; } _root.t6[10] = Math.round(3000 * Math.random()); if (_root.t6[10] < 300) { _root.t6[10] = 0; } _root.t6[11] = Math.round(100 * Math.random()); if (_root.t6[11] < 10) { _root.t6[11] = 0; } _root.t6[12] = Math.round(300 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t6[12] < 50) { _root.t6[12] = 0; } _root.t6[13] = Math.round(150 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t6[13] < 30) { _root.t6[13] = 0; } _root.t6[14] = Math.round(50 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t6[14] < 5) { _root.t6[14] = 0; } _root.t6[15] = Math.round(25 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t6[15] < 5) { _root.t6[15] = 0; } _root.t6[16] = Math.round(5 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t6[16] < 1) { _root.t6[16] = 0; } _root.t6[8] = 0; _root.t6[17] = 0; _root.t6[18] = 0; } frame 11 { var sett1 = new Array(30); sett1[0] = 'Dreng'; sett1[1] = 'Tung'; sett1[2] = 'Harl'; sett1[3] = 'Halr'; sett1[4] = 'Husk'; sett1[5] = 'Spa'; sett1[6] = 'Feld'; sett1[7] = 'Sut'; sett1[8] = 'Snae'; sett1[9] = 'Vlod'; sett1[10] = 'Mest'; sett1[11] = 'Jot'; sett1[12] = 'Erf'; sett1[13] = 'Keld'; sett1[14] = 'Heit'; sett1[15] = 'Brenn'; sett1[16] = 'Snem'; sett1[17] = 'Feig'; sett1[18] = 'Fljot'; sett1[19] = 'Bruv'; sett1[20] = 'Almak'; sett1[21] = 'Aeosk'; sett1[22] = 'Geyk'; sett1[23] = 'Haeg'; sett1[24] = 'Kvik'; sett1[25] = 'Faeg'; sett1[26] = 'Delt'; sett1[27] = 'Vrak'; sett1[28] = 'Klok'; sett1[29] = 'Vriv'; var sett2 = new Array(39); sett2[0] = 'alk'; sett2[1] = 'oz'; sett2[2] = 'uk'; sett2[3] = 'ouk'; sett2[4] = 'ik'; sett2[5] = 'iz'; sett2[6] = '\'uv'; sett2[7] = 'uzl'; sett2[8] = 'yol'; sett2[9] = 'az'; sett2[10] = 'ek'; sett2[11] = 'err'; sett2[12] = 'ivol'; sett2[13] = 'oss'; sett2[14] = 'org'; sett2[15] = 'uq'; sett2[16] = '\'ion'; sett2[17] = 'yz'; sett2[18] = 'iron'; sett2[19] = 'inan'; sett2[20] = 'ess'; sett2[21] = 'evnok'; sett2[22] = 'yr'; sett2[23] = 'old'; sett2[24] = 'ould'; sett2[25] = 'un'; sett2[26] = '\'iun'; sett2[27] = 'ym'; sett2[28] = 'om'; sett2[29] = 'onon'; sett2[30] = ' Alk'; sett2[31] = ' Oz'; sett2[32] = ' Uk'; sett2[33] = ' Ouk'; sett2[34] = ' Lik'; sett2[35] = ' Niaz'; sett2[36] = ' T\'uv'; sett2[37] = ' Uzl'; sett2[38] = ' Yol'; var sett3 = new Array(30); sett3[0] = 'i'; sett3[1] = 'ili'; sett3[2] = 'on'; sett3[3] = 'ann'; sett3[4] = 'il'; sett3[5] = 'az'; sett3[6] = 'ad'; sett3[7] = 'od'; sett3[8] = 'ul'; sett3[9] = 'ol'; sett3[10] = 'un'; sett3[11] = 'os'; sett3[12] = 'as'; sett3[13] = 'is'; sett3[14] = 'id'; sett3[15] = 'ak'; sett3[16] = 'at'; sett3[17] = 'omor'; sett3[18] = 'ur'; sett3[19] = 'om'; sett3[20] = ' Camp'; sett3[21] = ' Ridge'; sett3[22] = ' Goz'; sett3[23] = ' Zu\'uk'; sett3[24] = ' Fortress'; sett3[25] = ' Bol'; sett3[26] = ' Nyok'; sett3[27] = ' Goro'; sett3[28] = ' D\'uk'; sett3[29] = ' Zun'; _root.tnames[6] = sett1[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett1.length - 1))] + sett2[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett2.length - 1))] + sett3[Math.round(Math.random() * (sett3.length - 1))]; _root.t7[2] = Math.round(30 + Math.random() * 300); if (_root.t7[2] < 30) { _root.t7[2] = 0; _root.t7[4] = 1; } if (29 < _root.t7[2] && _root.t7[2] < 100) { _root.t7[4] = 2; } if (99 < _root.t7[2] && _root.t7[2] < 300) { _root.t7[4] = 3; } if (299 < _root.t7[2] && _root.t7[2] < 1000) { _root.t7[4] = 4; } if (999 < _root.t7[2] && _root.t7[2] < 3000) { _root.t7[4] = 5; } if (2999 < _root.t7[2]) { _root.t7[4] = 6; } _root.t7[6] = Math.round(50 + 37 * Math.random()); _root.t7[7] = 39; _root.t7[3] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.61); _root.t7[5] = Math.round(Math.random() * 0.55); _root.t7[9] = Math.round(300 * Math.random()); if (_root.t7[9] < 25) { _root.t7[9] = 0; } _root.t7[10] = Math.round(3000 * Math.random()); if (_root.t7[10] < 300) { _root.t7[10] = 0; } _root.t7[11] = Math.round(100 * Math.random()); if (_root.t7[11] < 10) { _root.t7[11] = 0; } _root.t7[12] = Math.round(300 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t7[12] < 50) { _root.t7[12] = 0; } _root.t7[13] = Math.round(150 * (Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t7[13] < 30) { _root.t7[13] = 0; } _root.t7[14] = Math.round(50 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t7[14] < 5) { _root.t7[14] = 0; } _root.t7[15] = Math.round(25 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t7[15] < 5) { _root.t7[15] = 0; } _root.t7[16] = Math.round(5 * (Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random() * Math.random())); if (_root.t7[16] < 1) { _root.t7[16] = 0; } _root.t7[8] = 0; _root.t7[17] = 0; _root.t7[18] = 0; } frame 29 { _root.cslot1[0] = 1; _root.cslot1[1] = 1; _root.cslot1[2] = 2; _root.cslot1[3] = 2; _root.cslot1[4] = 2; _root.cslot1[5] = 2; _root.cslot1[6] = 95; _root.cslot1[7] = 90; _root.cslot1[8] = 85; _root.cslot1[12] = 89; _root.cslot1[13] = 69; _root.cslot1[14] = 37; _root.cslot1[15] = 1; _root.cslot2[0] = 6; _root.cslot2[1] = 2; _root.cslot2[2] = 2; _root.cslot2[3] = 2; _root.cslot2[4] = 1; _root.cslot2[5] = 2; _root.cslot2[6] = 95; _root.cslot2[7] = 90; _root.cslot2[8] = 85; _root.cslot2[12] = 89; _root.cslot2[13] = 69; _root.cslot2[14] = 37; _root.cslot2[15] = 1; _root.cslot3[0] = 7; _root.cslot3[1] = 16; _root.cslot3[2] = 2; _root.cslot3[3] = 1; _root.cslot3[4] = 4; _root.cslot3[5] = 1; _root.cslot3[6] = 100; _root.cslot3[7] = 97; _root.cslot3[8] = 97; _root.cslot3[12] = 89; _root.cslot3[13] = 69; _root.cslot3[14] = 37; _root.cslot3[15] = 1; } frame 30 { _root.allowmapmov = 1; _root.t7[17] = 1; _root.t7[19] = 1; _root.locat = 7; _root.visiting = 7; _root.startmenu.gotoAndStop(8); } } button 3999 { on (release) { _root.startmenu.gotoAndStop(9); } } movieClip 4001 { frame 210 { stop(); } } movieClip 4002 { frame 1 { _root.nightsys.gotoAndStop(1); _root.hud.settlementmenu.gotoAndStop(102); _root.hud.resourcessys.gotoAndStop(2); _root.hud.armysys.gotoAndStop(2); _root.hud.mercenarysys.gotoAndStop(2); _root.hud.tradesys.gotoAndStop(2); _root.hud.civilsys.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } instance enterkdname of movieClip 3953 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 4 { function onEnterFrame() { fr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, fr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.kd0[3] += 21 + Math.round(fr.sbut._x * 0.52) - _root.kd0[3]; }; }; fr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; fr.sbut.onRelease = fr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; fg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, fg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.kd0[4] += 21 + Math.round(fg.sbut._x * 0.52) - _root.kd0[4]; }; }; fg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; fg.sbut.onRelease = fg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; fb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, fb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.kd0[5] += 21 + Math.round(fb.sbut._x * 0.52) - _root.kd0[5]; }; }; fb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; fb.sbut.onRelease = fb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; fr2.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, fr2.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.kd0[6] += 21 + Math.round(fr2.sbut._x * 0.52) - _root.kd0[6]; }; }; fr2.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; fr2.sbut.onRelease = fr2.sbut.onReleaseOutside; fg2.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, fg2.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.kd0[7] += 21 + Math.round(fg2.sbut._x * 0.52) - _root.kd0[7]; }; }; fg2.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; fg2.sbut.onRelease = fg2.sbut.onReleaseOutside; fb2.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, fb2.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.kd0[8] += 21 + Math.round(fb2.sbut._x * 0.52) - _root.kd0[8]; }; }; fb2.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; fb2.sbut.onRelease = fb2.sbut.onReleaseOutside; } stop(); } instance yaname of movieClip 3965 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.kdnamee = _root.kd0name; } } frame 5 { _root.botcol.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; _root.botshad.ra = _root.botcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; stop(); } instance enterpname of movieClip 3971 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 6 { function onEnterFrame() { str.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, str.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.topcol.ra += 39 + Math.round(str.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.topcol.ra; }; }; str.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; str.sbut.onRelease = str.sbut.onReleaseOutside; stg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, stg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(stg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; stg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; stg.sbut.onRelease = stg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; stb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, stb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(stb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; stb.sbut.onRelease = stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sta.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sta.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.topcol.aa += 39 + Math.round(sta.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.topcol.aa; }; }; stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sta.sbut.onRelease = stb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.botcol.ra += 39 + Math.round(sbr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.botcol.ra; }; }; sbr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbr.sbut.onRelease = sbr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(sbg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; sbg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbg.sbut.onRelease = sbg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sbb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sbb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(sbb.sbut._x) * 0.61 -; }; }; sbb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sbb.sbut.onRelease = sbb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.shoecol.ra += 39 + Math.round(ssr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.shoecol.ra; }; }; ssr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssr.sbut.onRelease = ssr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(ssg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; ssg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssg.sbut.onRelease = ssg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ssb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ssb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(ssb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; ssb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ssb.sbut.onRelease = ssb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; ser.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, ser.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.eyecol.ra += 39 + Math.round(ser.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.eyecol.ra; }; }; ser.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; ser.sbut.onRelease = ser.sbut.onReleaseOutside; seg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, seg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(seg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; seg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; seg.sbut.onRelease = seg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; seb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, seb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(seb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; seb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; seb.sbut.onRelease = seb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sir.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sir.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.iriscol.ra += Math.round(sir.sbut._x) - _root.iriscol.ra; }; }; sir.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sir.sbut.onRelease = sir.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sig.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sig.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(sig.sbut._x) -; }; }; sig.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sig.sbut.onRelease = sig.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sib.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sib.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(sib.sbut._x) -; }; }; sib.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sib.sbut.onRelease = sib.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.whitecol.ra += Math.round(swr.sbut._x) - _root.whitecol.ra; }; }; swr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swr.sbut.onRelease = swr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(swg.sbut._x) -; }; }; swg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swg.sbut.onRelease = swg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; swb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, swb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += Math.round(swb.sbut._x) -; }; }; swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; swb.sbut.onRelease = swb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; shr.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, shr.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.haircol.ra += 39 + Math.round(shr.sbut._x * 0.61) - _root.haircol.ra; }; }; shr.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; shr.sbut.onRelease = shr.sbut.onReleaseOutside; shg.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, shg.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(shg.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; shg.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; shg.sbut.onRelease = shg.sbut.onReleaseOutside; shb.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, shb.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { += 39 + Math.round(shb.sbut._x * 0.61) -; }; }; shb.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; shb.sbut.onRelease = shb.sbut.onReleaseOutside; sp.sbut.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, sp.sline._width, 0, 0, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.preg += Math.round(sp.sbut._x) - _root.preg; }; }; sp.sbut.onReleaseOutside = stopDrag; sp.sbut.onRelease = sp.sbut.onReleaseOutside; _root.topshad.ra = _root.topcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.botshad.ra = _root.botcol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.shoeshad.ra = _root.shoecol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; _root.hairshad.ra = _root.haircol.ra - 39; = - 39; = - 39; if (_root.iris < 1) { _root.iris = 23; } if (_root.iris > 24) { _root.iris = 1; } if ( > 3) { = 1; } if ( > 5) { = 1; } if ( > 8) { = 1; } if (_root.mouth > 5) { _root.mouth = 1; } if (_root.mouth < 1) { _root.mouth = 5; } if (_root.eyebrows > 5) { _root.eyebrows = 1; } if (_root.eyebrows < 1) { _root.eyebrows = 5; } if (_root.blush > 2) { _root.blush = 1; } if (_root.blush < 1) { _root.blush = 2; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { function onEnterFrame() { sceneholder.zibutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom < 97) { zoominer += 3; } }; sceneholder.zobutt.onPress = function () { if (zooom > 3) { zoominer -= 3; } }; zooom += zoominer; if (zooom < 1) { zooom = 1; } if (zooom > 100) { zooom = 100; } zoominer *= 0.9; if (Math.abs(zoominer) < 0.1) { zoominer = 0; } sceneholder.gotoAndStop(Math.round(zooom)); if (Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndStop(9); } } var zoominer = 0; var zooom = 1; var sexsp = 0.17; var creamp = 0; stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 4006 { } movieClip 4007 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { var v2 = new Object(); v2.ra = _root.kd0[3]; = _root.kd0[4]; = _root.kd0[5]; var v3 = new Color(flagcol); v3.setTransform(v2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4009 { } instance cursorr of movieClip 4009 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } }
Created: 10/8 -2019 03:10:53 Last modified: 10/8 -2019 03:10:53 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:13:40