Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #224204

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); = my_cm; stop(); } frame 1 { _global.higheststage = 0; _global.mademusic = 0; _global.lockangle = 0; _global.sounds = 1; } movieClip 3 { } movieClip 8 { } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 12 { } movieClip 14 { } movieClip 17 { } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 26 { } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 31 { frame 1 { function myWidth(moveObj, newWidth) { moveObj.w = moveObj._width; moveObj.dwidth = newWidth - moveObj.w; moveObj.t = 0; NFRAMES = 6; moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () { if (moveObj.t++ < NFRAMES) { moveObj._width = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.w, moveObj.dwidth, NFRAMES); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function myMove(moveObj, newX) { moveObj.x = moveObj._x; moveObj.dx = newX - moveObj.x; moveObj.t = 0; NFRAMES = 6; moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () { if (moveObj.t++ < NFRAMES) { moveObj._x = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.x, moveObj.dx, NFRAMES); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } percentLoaded = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); this.myWidth(this.loadBar, percentLoaded * 1.94); this.myMove(this.mc_loadNum, percentLoaded * 1.9 - 8); mc_loadNum.loadNum.text = percentLoaded; easeOutQuad = function (time, beginX, changeX, durationX) { time /= durationX / 2; if (time < 1) { return (changeX / 2) * time * time + beginX; } return (-changeX / 2) * (--time * (time - 2) - 1) + beginX; }; } frame 2 { if (percentLoaded < 100) { gotoAndPlay('loading'); } } frame 25 { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 33 { } frame 2 { stop(); _root.highs = _global.higheststage; if (_global.mademusic == 0) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip('umichan_bgm', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var umichan_bgm = new Sound(umichan_bgm); umichan_bgm.attachSound('umichan_bgm'); _root.createEmptyMovieClip('Clap3', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var Clap3 = new Sound(); Clap3.attachSound('Clap3'); Clap3.setVolume(40); var Decision = new Sound(); Decision.attachSound('Decision'); _global.mademusic = 1; } umichan_bgm.setVolume(100); stopAllSounds(); _global.pleasure = 30; _global.points = 1; _global.stage = 1; _global.skill = 1; _global.difficuilty = 1; _global.maiko_choice = 'Doggy'; _global.maiko_speed = 'Slow'; _global.selected_choice = 'Doggy'; _global.selected_speed = 'Slow'; _global.maiko_select = 0; _global.pounder = 9; = 0; = 0; _global.gameeasy = 0; _global.gameangle = 0; _global.difficuilty = 1; _global.libido = 1; _global.timer = 140; _root.highstage = _global.higheststage; _root.pswrd = ''; if (_global.sounds == 1) { umichan_bgm.start(0, 99); } } movieClip 37 { } movieClip 40 { } button 41 { on (release) { if (_root.pswrd == 'Vortex00IsBackAtIt') { _global.higheststage = 120; _root.pswrd = 'correct!'; } else { _root.pswrd = 'nope!'; } } } movieClip 43 { } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 45 { frame 12 { stop(); } } button 46 { on (release) { = 1; _global.gameeasy = 1; _global.gamefree = 0; umichan_bgm.setVolume(20); _root.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 47 { on (release) { = 1; _global.gameeasy = 0; _global.gamefree = 1; umichan_bgm.setVolume(20); _root.gotoAndStop(7); } } button 48 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(5); } } button 49 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 50 { on (release) { sendscore = new LoadVars(); sendscore.gscore = _global.higheststage; sendscore.gname = 'umichanmaikodeluxe'; sendscore.send('index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore', '_self', 'POST'); } } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 54 { } button 55 { on (release) { _global.sounds = 1; stopAllSounds(); umichan_bgm.start(); } } button 56 { on (release) { _global.sounds = 0; stopAllSounds(); } } frame 3 { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(13); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 1) { _root.menu_overlay.libido = _global.libido; _root.difficuilty = _global.difficuilty; if (Key.isDown(49) == true) { _global.selected_choice = 'Doggy'; } else { if (Key.isDown(50) == true) { _global.selected_choice = 'Down'; } else { if (Key.isDown(51) == true) { _global.selected_choice = 'Stand'; } else { if (Key.isDown(52) == true) { _global.selected_choice = 'Spoon'; } else { if (Key.isDown(81) == true) { _global.selected_speed = 'Slow'; } else { if (Key.isDown(87) == true) { _global.selected_speed = 'Medium'; } else { if (Key.isDown(69) == true) { _global.selected_speed = 'Fast'; } else { if (Key.isDown(82) == true) { if (_global.points >= 1) { _global.skill += 0.5; _root.pleasurestar.gotoAndPlay(2); --_global.points; } } else { if (Key.isDown(84) == true) { if (_global.points >= 1) { _global.maiko_speed = 'Fast'; _global.selected_speed = 'Fast'; _root.pleasurestar.gotoAndPlay(2); --_global.points; } } else { if (Key.isDown(89) == true) { if (_global.points >= _global.libido) { _root.pleasurestar.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.points -= _global.libido; _global.difficuilty -= _global.libido; if (_global.libido != 1) { _global.difficuilty += 1; } if (_global.libido >= 100) { _global.difficuilty -= 10; } else { if (_global.libido >= 90) { _global.difficuilty -= 9; } else { if (_global.libido >= 80) { _global.difficuilty -= 8; } else { if (_global.libido >= 70) { _global.difficuilty -= 7; } else { if (_global.libido >= 60) { _global.difficuilty -= 6; } else { if (_global.libido >= 50) { _global.difficuilty -= 5; } else { if (_global.libido >= 40) { _global.difficuilty -= 4; } else { if (_global.libido >= 30) { _global.difficuilty -= 3; } else { if (_global.libido >= 20) { _global.difficuilty -= 2; } else { if (_global.libido >= 10) { _global.difficuilty -= 1; } } } } } } } } } } _global.libido += 1; } } } } } } } } } } } if (_global.pleasure <= 0 && _global.gamefree == 0) { if (_global.stage >= 20) { = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(4); } else { = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } if (_global.pleasure >= 60 && _global.gamefree == 0) { _root.pleasurestar.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.pleasure = 30; _global.points += 1; ++_global.stage; ++_global.difficuilty; if (_global.lockangle == 0) { if (random(5) == 0) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { _global.gameangle = 1; } else { _global.gameangle = 0; } } } if (_global.stage % 10 == 0) { _root.stageclear.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_global.higheststage < _global.stage) { _global.higheststage = _global.stage; } } _root.pleasure_points = _global.points; if (_global.gamefree == 1) { _root.pleasure_points = ''; } _root.style_select = _global.selected_choice; _root.stagenum = _global.stage; if (_global.gamefree == 0) { if (_global.maiko_speed == 'Slow' && _root.maiko._currentframe < 14) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty / 100; } else { if (_global.maiko_speed == 'Medium' && _root.maiko._currentframe < 14) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty / 80; } else { if (_root.maiko._currentframe < 14) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty / 60; } } } } --_global.timer; if (_global.timer <= 0) { _global.maiko_select = random(15); _global.timer = random(120) + 120; if (_global.maiko_select == 0) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(2); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 1) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(3); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 2) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(4); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 3) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(5); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select > 3 && _global.maiko_select < 12) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(6 + random(8)); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 12) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(15); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 13) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(16); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 14) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(17); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 76 { frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(8); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(9); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(10); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(12); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(13); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } movieClip 78 { frame 9 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 13 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 24 { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(14); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(15); } } } } } } } } movieClip 80 { } movieClip 82 { frame 3 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 7 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(14); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(15); } } } } } } } } movieClip 84 { } movieClip 86 { frame 1 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 4 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 7 { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(14); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(15); } } } } } } } } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 90 { frame 9 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 13 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 25 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(17); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } } } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 94 { frame 3 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 7 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(17); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } } } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 98 { frame 1 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 4 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 7 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(17); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } } } movieClip 100 { } movieClip 102 { frame 9 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 13 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 25 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(19); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(8); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(9); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(10); } } } } } } movieClip 104 { } movieClip 106 { frame 3 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 7 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(19); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(8); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(9); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(10); } } } } } } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 110 { frame 1 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 4 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 7 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(19); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(8); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(9); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(10); } } } } } } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 114 { frame 8 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 13 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 25 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(18); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(12); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(13); } } } } } } movieClip 116 { } movieClip 118 { frame 3 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 7 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(18); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(12); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(13); } } } } } } movieClip 120 { } movieClip 122 { frame 1 { _root.Clap3.start(); } frame 4 { if (_global.maiko_choice == _global.selected_choice && _global.maiko_speed == _global.selected_speed) { _global.pleasure += _global.skill; } else { if (_global.gameeasy == 0) { _global.pleasure -= _global.difficuilty; } } } frame 7 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(18); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(12); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(13); } } } } } } movieClip 124 { } movieClip 126 { frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(17); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(7); } } } } } } movieClip 128 { } movieClip 130 { frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(18); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(12); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(13); } } } } } } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 134 { frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice != 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(19); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(8); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(9); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(10); } } } } } } movieClip 136 { } movieClip 138 { frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(14); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(15); } } } } } } } } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 142 { frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(14); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(15); } } } } } } } } movieClip 144 { } movieClip 146 { frame 13 { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Slow') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Medium') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Doggy' && _global.selected_speed == 'Fast') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Down') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(14); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Stand') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_global.selected_choice == 'Spoon') { _root.maiko.gotoAndStop(15); } } } } } } } } movieClip 148 { } movieClip 161 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } frame 20 { gotoAndStop(1); } } button 173 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 175 { frame 13 { if (_global.pounder > 0) { --_global.pounder; gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 23 { this.Spray.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 61 { stop(); } } movieClip 177 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 178 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 80 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 84 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 88 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 92 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 96 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 100 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 104 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 9 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 108 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 10 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 112 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 11 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 116 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 12 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 120 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 13 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 124 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 14 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 128 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 132 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 136 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 17 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 140 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 18 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 144 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 19 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 148 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 215 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.maiko_choice = 'Doggy'; } frame 2 { stop(); _global.maiko_choice = 'Doggy'; _root.maiko_sfx_doggy_converted.start(); } frame 3 { stop(); _global.maiko_choice = 'Down'; _root.maiko_sfx_down_converted.start(); } frame 4 { stop(); _global.maiko_choice = 'Stand'; _root.maiko_sfx_standing_converted.start(); } frame 5 { stop(); _global.maiko_choice = 'Spoon'; _root.maiko_sfx_spoon_converted.start(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); _global.maiko_speed = 'Fast'; } frame 16 { stop(); _global.maiko_speed = 'Medium'; } frame 17 { stop(); _global.maiko_speed = 'Slow'; } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 216 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 129 { stop(); } } movieClip 219 { } movieClip 222 { } instance pleasuregauge of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { var rotated = 30; if (_global.gamefree == 1) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.pleasure * 2 > 0 && _global.pleasure * 2 < 130) { this.circcover._rotation = rotated + _global.pleasure * 2; } else { if (_global.pleasure * 2 + 30 <= 0) { this.circcover._rotation = 30; } else { if (_global.pleasure * 2 + 30 >= 130) { this.circcover._rotation = 160; } } } } } movieClip 224 { } movieClip 227 { } movieClip 228 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pleasurestar of movieClip 228 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.gamefree == 1) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } button 229 { on (release) { if (_global.points >= 1) { _global.skill += 0.5; _root.pleasurestar.gotoAndPlay(2); --_global.points; } } } button 230 { on (release) { if (_global.points >= 1) { _global.maiko_speed = 'Fast'; _global.selected_speed = 'Fast'; _root.pleasurestar.gotoAndPlay(2); --_global.points; } } } button 231 { on (release) { if (_global.points >= _global.libido) { _root.pleasurestar.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.points -= _global.libido; _global.difficuilty -= _global.libido; if (_global.libido != 1) { _global.difficuilty += 1; } if (_global.libido >= 100) { _global.difficuilty -= 10; } else { if (_global.libido >= 90) { _global.difficuilty -= 9; } else { if (_global.libido >= 80) { _global.difficuilty -= 8; } else { if (_global.libido >= 70) { _global.difficuilty -= 7; } else { if (_global.libido >= 60) { _global.difficuilty -= 6; } else { if (_global.libido >= 50) { _global.difficuilty -= 5; } else { if (_global.libido >= 40) { _global.difficuilty -= 4; } else { if (_global.libido >= 30) { _global.difficuilty -= 3; } else { if (_global.libido >= 20) { _global.difficuilty -= 2; } else { if (_global.libido >= 10) { _global.difficuilty -= 1; } } } } } } } } } } _global.libido += 1; } } } button 232 { on (release) { if (_global.gameangle == 0) { _global.gameangle = 1; } else { _global.gameangle = 0; } } } button 233 { on (release) { _global.selected_choice = 'Doggy'; } } button 234 { on (release) { _global.selected_choice = 'Down'; } } button 235 { on (release) { _global.selected_choice = 'Stand'; } } button 236 { on (release) { _global.selected_choice = 'Spoon'; } } button 237 { on (release) { _global.selected_speed = 'Slow'; } } button 238 { on (release) { _global.selected_speed = 'Medium'; } } button 239 { on (release) { _global.selected_speed = 'Fast'; } } button 240 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 241 { on (release) { _global.lockangle = 1; gotoAndStop(2); } } button 244 { on (release) { _global.lockangle = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 246 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 260 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 283 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { _root.Decision.start(); } frame 42 { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 4 { stop(); _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(18); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } movieClip 284 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 287 { } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 296 { } movieClip 297 { } movieClip 299 { } movieClip 301 { } movieClip 303 { } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 307 { } movieClip 309 { } movieClip 311 { } movieClip 313 { } movieClip 315 { } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 319 { } movieClip 320 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_global.higheststage >= 10) { nextFrame(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 293 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 293 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 297 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 12 && _global.higheststage >= 110) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 13 && _global.higheststage >= 120) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 12 && _global.higheststage >= 110) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 13 && _global.higheststage >= 120) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 299 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 299 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 301 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 301 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 303 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 303 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 305 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 305 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 307 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 307 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 313 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 313 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 315 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = true; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 315 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); if ( == 2 && _global.higheststage >= 10) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 3 && _global.higheststage >= 20) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 4 && _global.higheststage >= 30) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 5 && _global.higheststage >= 40) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 6 && _global.higheststage >= 50) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 7 && _global.higheststage >= 60) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 8 && _global.higheststage >= 70) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 9 && _global.higheststage >= 80) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 10 && _global.higheststage >= 90) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 11 && _global.higheststage >= 100) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 12 && _global.higheststage >= 110) { this._visible = false; } else { if ( == 13 && _global.higheststage >= 120) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; this.stop(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } button 321 { on (release) { if (_global.higheststage >= 10) { - 1); } } } button 322 { on (release) { if (_global.higheststage >= 10) { + 1); } } } frame 7 { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root._currentframe == 7) { --_global.timer; if (_global.timer <= 0) { _global.maiko_select = random(15); _global.timer = random(120) + 120; if (_global.maiko_select == 0) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(2); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 1) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(3); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 2) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(4); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 3) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(5); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select > 3 && _global.maiko_select < 12) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(6 + random(8)); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 12) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(15); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 13) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(16); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.maiko_select == 14) { _root.DBox.TBox.gotoAndStop(17); _root.DBox.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } } } } } } }; } button 333 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(4); } }
Created: 14/9 -2019 04:56:36 Last modified: 14/9 -2019 04:56:36 Server time: 15/11 -2024 01:23:54