Combined Code
// unknown tag 88 length 180
// unknown tag 88 length 282
movieClip 3 dialog_bubble {
frame 1 {
function drawName(align) {
var v1 = new TextFormat();
v1.font = 'Dialog font';
v1.size = 30;
v1.align = align;
v1.color = 0;
createTextField('field_name', getNextHighestDepth(), 0, -50, width - 2 * d_x, 50);
field_name.selectable = false;
field_name.multiline = false;
field_name.wordWrap = true;
field_name.embedFonts = true;
field_name.text = name;
createTextField('field_name_white', getNextHighestDepth(), -1, -51, width - 2 * d_x, 50);
field_name_white.selectable = false;
field_name_white.multiline = false;
field_name_white.wordWrap = true;
field_name_white.embedFonts = true;
field_name_white.text = name;
v1.color = 16777215;
function DrawBubble(start_x, start_y, fillColor, lineColor, transparency) {
lineStyle(2, lineColor);
beginFill(fillColor, transparency);
moveTo(start_x + radius, start_y);
lineTo(start_x + width - radius, start_y);
curveTo(start_x + width, start_y, start_x + width, start_y + radius);
lineTo(start_x + width, start_y + height - radius);
curveTo(start_x + width, start_y + height, start_x + width - radius, start_y + height);
lineTo(start_x + radius, start_y + height);
curveTo(start_x, start_y + height, start_x, start_y + height - radius);
lineTo(start_x, start_y + radius);
curveTo(start_x, start_y, start_x + radius, start_y);
var width = 780;
var d_x = 20;
var d_y = 10;
var radius = 20;
var format = new TextFormat();
format.font = 'Dialog font';
format.size = 24;
format.align = 'left';
format.color = 0;
var text = _parent.dialog.bubble_text;
var name = _parent.dialog.bubble_name;
createTextField('field', getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, width - 3 * d_x, 550);
field.selectable = false;
field.multiline = true;
field.wordWrap = true;
field.embedFonts = true;
field.text = text;
createTextField('field_white', getNextHighestDepth(), -1, -1, width - 3 * d_x, 550);
field_white.selectable = false;
field_white.multiline = true;
field_white.wordWrap = true;
field_white.embedFonts = true;
field_white.text = text;
format.color = 16777215;
var height = field.textHeight + 2 * d_y;
DrawBubble(-d_x, -d_y, _parent.dialog.bubble_color, 0, 80);
DrawBubble(-d_x - 1, -d_y - 1, 16777215, 16777215, 0);
_x = 30;
if (_parent.dialog.bubble_align == 'top') {
_y = 50;
} else {
_y = 550 - height - 20;
var text_length = 0;
onMouseDown = function () {
if (text_length >= text.length) {
onMouseDown = null;
} else {
text_length = text.length - 2;
onMouseDown = null;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (text_length >= text.length) {
return undefined;
text_length += 1;
if (text_length >= text.length) {
text_length = text.length;
attachMovie('next_btn3', 'next_btn', getNextHighestDepth());
next_btn._x = width;
next_btn._y = height - 30;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
field_white.text = text.substr(0, text_length);
field.text = field_white.text;
format.color = 0;
format.color = 16777215;
movieClip 5 {
frame 1 {
onPress = null;
useHandCursor = false;
// unknown tag 88 length 287
movieClip 34 items {
frame 1 {
function DrawItemList() {
createEmptyMovieClip('list', getNextHighestDepth());
var v3 = 0;
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < item_ids.length) {
var v2 = list.attachMovie('item_' + item_ids[v1], 'item_' + item_ids[v1], list.getNextHighestDepth());
v2._x = v3;
v3 += v2._width + 10;
list._x = 800;
list._y = 250;
var command = _parent.item_command;
var item_ids = _parent.item_id.split(',');
if (command == 'take_item') {
} else {
if (command == 'give_item') {
} else {
if (command == 'combine_items') {
} else {
if (command == 'use_item') {
} else {
if (command == 'show_items') {
if (_root.item_ids.length == 0) {
btn._visible = false;
var anim = 1;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (anim == 0) {
return undefined;
anim -= 0.15;
if (anim <= 0) {
anim = 0;
btn._visible = true;
list._x = 400 - int(list._width / 2) + anim * (400 + list._width / 2);
btn.onPress = function () {
frame 2 {
btn.onPress = function () {
frame 3 {
btn.onPress = function () {
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < _root.item_ids.length) {
if (_root.item_ids[v3] == item_ids[0]) {
_root.item_ids.splice(v3, 1);
frame 5 {
var result_item = attachMovie('item_' + _parent.result_item_id, 'item_' + _parent.result_item_id, getNextHighestDepth());
result_item._y = 250;
result_item._alpha = 0;
btn.onPress = function () {
btn._visible = false;
anim = 1;
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim -= 0.15;
if (anim < 0) {
anim = 0;
result_item._yscale = 100 * (1 - anim);
result_item._xscale = result_item._yscale;
result_item._alpha = result_item._yscale;
result_item._x = 400 - result_item._width / 2;
var i = 0;
while (i < item_ids.length) {
(eval('list.item_' + item_ids[i]))._alpha = 100 * anim;
if (anim == 0) {
onEnterFrame = null;
frame 6 {
btn.onPress = function () {
j = 0;
while (j < item_ids.length) {
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < _root.item_ids.length) {
if (int(_root.item_ids[v3]) == int(item_ids[j])) {
_root.item_ids.splice(v3, 1);
frame 7 {
btn.onPress = function () {
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < _root.item_ids.length) {
if (_root.item_ids[v3] == item_ids[0]) {
_root.item_ids.splice(v3, 1);
movieClip 36 trans_screen {
frame 1 {
var next_screen;
frame 10 {
if (_root.keep_music == undefined) {
} else {
_root.keep_music = undefined;
frame 19 {
movieClip 40 {
movieClip 45 {
movieClip 50 {
movieClip 55 {
movieClip 66 screen_map3 {
movieClip 72 dialog_bubble {
frame 1 {
function drawName(align) {
var v1 = new TextFormat();
v1.font = 'Dialog font';
v1.size = 30;
v1.align = align;
v1.color = 0;
createTextField('field_name', getNextHighestDepth(), 0, -50, width - 2 * d_x, 50);
field_name.selectable = false;
field_name.multiline = false;
field_name.wordWrap = true;
field_name.embedFonts = true;
field_name.text = name;
createTextField('field_name_white', getNextHighestDepth(), -1, -51, width - 2 * d_x, 50);
field_name_white.selectable = false;
field_name_white.multiline = false;
field_name_white.wordWrap = true;
field_name_white.embedFonts = true;
field_name_white.text = name;
v1.color = 16777215;
function DrawBubble(start_x, start_y, fillColor, lineColor, transparency) {
lineStyle(2, lineColor);
beginFill(fillColor, transparency);
moveTo(start_x + radius, start_y);
lineTo(start_x + width - radius, start_y);
curveTo(start_x + width, start_y, start_x + width, start_y + radius);
lineTo(start_x + width, start_y + height - radius);
curveTo(start_x + width, start_y + height, start_x + width - radius, start_y + height);
lineTo(start_x + radius, start_y + height);
curveTo(start_x, start_y + height, start_x, start_y + height - radius);
lineTo(start_x, start_y + radius);
curveTo(start_x, start_y, start_x + radius, start_y);
var width = 780;
var d_x = 20;
var d_y = 10;
var radius = 20;
var format = new TextFormat();
format.font = 'Dialog font';
format.size = 24;
format.align = 'left';
format.color = 0;
var text = _parent.dialog.bubble_text;
var name = _parent.dialog.bubble_name;
createTextField('field', getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, width - 3 * d_x, 550);
field.selectable = false;
field.multiline = true;
field.wordWrap = true;
field.embedFonts = true;
field.text = text;
createTextField('field_white', getNextHighestDepth(), -1, -1, width - 3 * d_x, 550);
field_white.selectable = false;
field_white.multiline = true;
field_white.wordWrap = true;
field_white.embedFonts = true;
field_white.text = text;
format.color = 16777215;
var height = field.textHeight + 2 * d_y;
DrawBubble(-d_x, -d_y, _parent.dialog.bubble_color, 0, 80);
DrawBubble(-d_x - 1, -d_y - 1, 16777215, 16777215, 0);
_x = 30;
if (_parent.dialog.bubble_align == 'top') {
_y = 50;
} else {
_y = 550 - height - 20;
var text_length = 0;
onMouseDown = function () {
if (text_length >= text.length) {
onMouseDown = null;
} else {
text_length = text.length - 2;
onMouseDown = null;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (text_length >= text.length) {
return undefined;
text_length += 1;
if (text_length >= text.length) {
text_length = text.length;
attachMovie('next_btn3', 'next_btn', getNextHighestDepth());
next_btn._x = width;
next_btn._y = height - 30;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
field_white.text = text.substr(0, text_length);
field.text = field_white.text;
format.color = 0;
format.color = 16777215;
movieClip 74 cut_frame {
movieClip 90 {
movieClip 100 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 104 {
movieClip 106 {
movieClip 108 {
movieClip 111 {
movieClip 112 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 115 {
movieClip 118 {
movieClip 120 {
movieClip 121 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 124 {
movieClip 126 {
movieClip 128 {
movieClip 129 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 132 {
movieClip 135 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
frame 84 {
movieClip 189 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
frame 65 {
movieClip 195 {
movieClip 208 {
frame 1 {
fuck._visible = false;
map.onPress = function () {
map._visible = false;
talk._visible = false;
fuck._visible = false;
talk.onPress = function () {
map._visible = false;
talk._visible = false;
fuck._visible = false;
fuck.onPress = function () {
map._visible = false;
talk._visible = false;
fuck._visible = false;
_root.gotoScreen('screen_sex' + _root.area_id);
// unknown tag 88 length 294
movieClip 231 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 234 {
movieClip 239 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 262 {
movieClip 263 screen_14 {
frame 1 {
_root.area_id = 14;
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var voice = {'name': 'Voice from off screen', 'bubble_color': 6710886, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'};
var griselda = {'name': 'Griselda the Gifted', 'bubble_color': 8818512, 'name_align': 'left'}; = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 101, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': voice, 'text': 'My prince, I have returned and done as you have bid.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Good job, Geoffrey, send her in.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': voice, 'text': 'Yes, your grace.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 101, 'frame_to': 116});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Little man, I cannot believe it! You\'re a little royal man now!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Aye, you are correct in your assessment, Griselda. I have a proposition for you.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'I\'m listening...', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'How does a permanent alliance between the crown and the Dark Forest Orcs sound to you?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'If it is my little Ralf that is overseeing this union, I have faith that we can forge a long and lasting bond between our peoples.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I have one request...', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'I think I know where this is going...', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I would like to make a regular habit of sticking my cock in this green busty beauty in front of me.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'I will gladly accept this carnal contract.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Let us get started, then. Bend over and prepare to accept my rod, you titanic-titted goddess!!!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
movieClip 291 {
movieClip 297 {
movieClip 300 {
movieClip 303 {
movieClip 305 {
movieClip 308 {
movieClip 309 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 313 {
movieClip 314 {
movieClip 315 {
movieClip 316 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 318 {
movieClip 339 {
movieClip 346 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.type = AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM;
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_start = 1;
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_end = 31;
frame 31 {
movieClip 351 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
_parent._parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 354 {
movieClip 365 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 372 {
movieClip 376 {
movieClip 377 {
movieClip 378 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 382 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 389 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 422 {
movieClip 430 {
movieClip 456 {
movieClip 464 {
movieClip 467 {
movieClip 469 {
frame 1 {
function changeValue(d_value) {
value += d_value;
if (value >= 1) {
value = 1;
stripe._x = -(1 - value) * stripe._width;
var value = 0;
movieClip 495 {
movieClip 496 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum_false._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum_false._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 30) {;
_visible = false;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 51) {;
_visible = false;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 62) {;
_visible = false;
btn_cum_false.onPress = function () {
_visible = false;
movieClip 518 {
frame 10 {
frame 19 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 20 {
frame 29 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 30 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 40 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 50 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 51 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 61 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 62 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 72 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 73 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 83 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 93 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 94 {
movieClip 520 screen_sex14 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
panel._visible = false;
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_14 == 0) {
_root.progress_14 = 1;
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 5, 'auto_speed': 0.05, 'face_settings': 'mouth=1, jaw=1, eyes=1, brows=1, mouth2=1, eyes2=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 61, 'frame_end': 91, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'mouth=2, jaw=2, eyes=1, brows=2, mouth2=2, eyes2=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 31, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'mouth=3, jaw=3, eyes=2, brows=1, mouth2=3, eyes2=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 91, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'mouth=4, jaw=4, eyes=3, brows=3, mouth2=4, eyes2=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 31, 'frame_end': 91, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 200, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'mouth=3, jaw=3, eyes=2, brows=2, mouth2=2, eyes2=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 91, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'mouth=4, jaw=4, eyes=3, brows=3, mouth2=4, eyes2=3', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, butt.cum2', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'mouth=2, jaw=2, eyes=2, brows=2, mouth2=2, eyes2=2'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1n', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'butt', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 535 {
movieClip 540 {
movieClip 542 {
movieClip 544 {
movieClip 547 {
movieClip 548 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 550 {
movieClip 556 {
movieClip 561 {
movieClip 564 {
movieClip 565 {
movieClip 566 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 568 {
movieClip 570 {
movieClip 572 {
movieClip 573 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 603 {
movieClip 619 {
movieClip 650 {
frame 1 {
frame 41 {
movieClip 674 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.type = AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM;
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_start = 1;
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_end = 31;
frame 25 {
frame 47 {
_parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 726 {
movieClip 727 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum_false._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum_false._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 40) {;
_visible = false;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 61) {;
_visible = false;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 82) {;
_visible = false;
btn_cum_false.onPress = function () {
_visible = false;
movieClip 750 {
frame 19 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 20 {
frame 29 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 30 {
frame 39 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 40 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 50 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 60 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 61 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 71 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 81 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 82 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 92 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 102 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 103 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 113 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 123 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 124 {
movieClip 752 screen_sex12 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
panel._visible = false;
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_12 == 1) {
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 5, 'auto_speed': 0.05, 'face_settings': 'mouth=1, eyes=1, brows=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 71, 'frame_end': 91, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'eyes=1, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 5, 'frame_end': 31, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'eyes=3, brows=1, mouth=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 91, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'eyes=4, brows=3, mouth=4'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 31, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 250, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'eyes=2, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 91, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'eyes=4, brows=3, mouth=4', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, cum2', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'eyes=2, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 756 {
movieClip 758 {
movieClip 779 {
movieClip 792 {
frame 1 {
frame 20 {
movieClip 795 {
movieClip 799 {
movieClip 809 {
movieClip 814 {
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movieClip 817 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 819 {
movieClip 821 {
movieClip 823 {
movieClip 824 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 845 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_start = 31;
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_end = 61;
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.type = AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM;
frame 12 {
movieClip 851 {
movieClip 855 {
movieClip 859 {
movieClip 864 {
frame 1 {
frame 20 {
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frame 1 {
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movieClip 1019 {
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frame 1 {
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movieClip 1047 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum_false._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum_false._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 41) {;
_visible = false;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 62) {;
_visible = false;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 83) {;
_visible = false;
btn_cum_false.onPress = function () {
_visible = false;
movieClip 1072 {
frame 10 {
frame 20 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 21 {
frame 30 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 31 {
frame 40 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 41 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 51 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 61 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 62 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 72 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 82 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 83 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 93 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 103 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 104 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 114 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 115 {
frame 125 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 135 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 136 {
_parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 1074 screen_sex11 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
panel._visible = false;
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_11 == 1) {
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 92, 'frame_end': 112, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'eyes=1, brows=1, mouth=1, mouth2=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 41, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.08, 'face_settings': 'eyes=2, brows=2, mouth2=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 31, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'eyes=3, brows=1, mouth2=4'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 90, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'eyes=4, brows=3, mouth2=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 31, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 0, 'pixel_start': 150, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'eyes=2, brows=2, mouth2=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 91, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'eyes=4, brows=3, mouth2=3', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, boob1f.cum, boob4.cum', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'eyes=2, brows=2, mouth2=2'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1f', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob3f', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob4', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob_mask1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob_mask2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'curt1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'curt2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'curt3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'curt4', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'balls', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 1085 {
movieClip 1090 {
movieClip 1105 {
movieClip 1119 {
movieClip 1123 {
movieClip 1125 {
movieClip 1127 {
movieClip 1129 {
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frame 1 {
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movieClip 1141 {
movieClip 1142 {
frame 1 {
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movieClip 1146 {
movieClip 1148 {
movieClip 1149 {
frame 1 {
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movieClip 1172 {
movieClip 1174 {
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frame 1 {
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movieClip 1198 {
movieClip 1200 {
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frame 1 {
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movieClip 1209 {
frame 1 {
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movieClip 1231 {
movieClip 1232 {
movieClip 1255 {
frame 1 {
frame 15 {
frame 16 {
movieClip 1262 {
movieClip 1268 {
movieClip 1279 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 1296 {
movieClip 1303 {
movieClip 1312 {
frame 1 {
frame 41 {
_parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 1320 {
movieClip 1326 {
movieClip 1334 {
movieClip 1356 {
movieClip 1357 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum_false._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum_false._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 30) {;
_visible = false;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 41) {;
_visible = false;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 62) {;
_visible = false;
btn_cum_false.onPress = function () {
_visible = false;
movieClip 1374 {
frame 10 {
frame 19 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 20 {
frame 29 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 30 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 40 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 41 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 51 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 61 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 62 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 72 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 73 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 83 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 93 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 94 {
movieClip 1376 screen_sex10 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
panel._visible = false;
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 5, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'face=1, face.mouth=1, face.eyes=1, face.brows=1, mouth2=1, eyes2=1, brows2=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 31, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'face=1, face.mouth=2, face.eyes=2, face.brows=2, mouth2=2, eyes2=1, brows2=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 7, 'frame_end': 56, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'face=1, face.mouth=3, face.eyes=3, face.brows=1, mouth2=3, eyes2=2, brows2=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'face=16, face.eyes=3, face.brows=3, mouth2=4, eyes2=3, brows2=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 0, 'pixel_start': 200, 'pixel_width': 250, 'face_settings': 'face=1, face.mouth=2, face.eyes=1, face.brows=2, mouth2=2, eyes2=1, brows2=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'face=1, face.mouth=3, face.eyes=3, face.brows=3, mouth2=4, eyes2=3, brows2=3', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, cum2', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'face=1, face.mouth=2, face.eyes=1, face.brows=2, mouth2=2, eyes2=1, brows2=2'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'face.boob', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'face.hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'face.hair2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'ball1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'ball2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'butt1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'butt2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'butt3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'butt4', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'asshole', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair_1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair_3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair_4', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 1390 {
movieClip 1392 {
movieClip 1394 {
movieClip 1395 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1401 {
movieClip 1403 {
movieClip 1405 {
movieClip 1407 {
movieClip 1408 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1416 {
movieClip 1421 {
movieClip 1423 screen_13 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var king = {'name': 'King Alisair', 'bubble_color': 16629248, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'}; = false; = false;
if (_root.progress_13 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 15});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Your majesty! A moment of your time!', 'faces': 'king.mouth=1, king.brows=3, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'Who do you presume to be, barging in without invitation and demanding an audience of the king?!', 'faces': 'king.mouth=3, king.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Your grace, my name is Ralf the Righteous of House Stiffpole, last of his name.', 'faces': 'king.mouth=1, king.brows=3, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'I do not care--wait, did my ears deceive me? Did you say Stiffpole?', 'faces': 'king.mouth=3, king.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Yes, your grace. My mother was the late Sister Estrilda, herself last of House Stiffpole, until my birth.', 'faces': 'king.mouth=1, king.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': '...ohh sweet Estrilda. I will never forget that moment. The dust had just cleared on the battlefield...I was striding through the burning village, shortly before we boarded the boats back to the mainland. And in one hut was the most beautiful, busty blond maiden I have ever laid eyes upon. Her hands were tied and the hut was about to collapse, so I rushed in and fetched her out.', 'faces': 'king.mouth=2, king.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Why did you kill my countrymen? My entire lineage!', 'faces': 'king.mouth=1, king.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'Young man, I did no such thing. You see, Estrilda was the last of the Stiffpoles. My men and I were to pay a routine visit to what we heard was a emerald paradise of fresh fruits, abundant seafood, and a hardy, hospitable, hardworking people running an idyllic village on this remote isle.', 'faces': 'king.mouth=3, king.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'Unfortunately, the Stiffpoles had a run-in with the brutish, filthy, elusive trolls of Twisted Crook Island. They live in caves dotting the beach cliffs, keeping to themselves, feasting on the flesh of the occasional fisherman that has the unfortunate luck of beaching their vessel on their territory. Resources must have grown scarce, because when we arrived at the Greenwind Islands, we were greeted by plumes of smoke and roving bands of trolls, armed with crude spears and sharp rocks.', 'faces': 'king.mouth=3, king.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'My men and I landed in a nearby secluded inlet, set an ambush, and easily overwhelmed the poorly-matched trolls, their rocks clanging off our smith-forged armor and our glinting blades slicing through their unprotected flesh with ease. I must have severed the heads of dozens of those beasts that day.', 'faces': 'king.mouth=3, king.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'Alas, this old man is caught up in his own memories. I escorted the fair maiden back on my ship and her quick wit and stunning beauty won me over. By the end of our journey, she was with child and I was swept up in her aura.', 'faces': 'king.mouth=2, king.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'But once on shore, many did not believe our tale. The commonfolk came to presume us responsible for the slaughter of a noble people. Can you believe that?! No amount of work on my end could convince otherwise. It was a grave mistake not to bring back the heads of our enemies.', 'faces': 'king.mouth=3, king.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'The queen was particularly angry, accusing me of raping the fair maiden Estrilda. It became clear I had no choice but to send Estrilda to the convent and push those painful memories out of my head.', 'faces': 'king.mouth=3, king.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': '...but now...I see the past is stand before me...', 'faces': 'king.mouth=2, king.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '...your grace? Does that mean...?', 'faces': 'king.mouth=1, king.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'Yes, Ralf. I am elated! I...I have a son! You are my heir! Not my whore of a daughter, but a strong, seasoned son!', 'faces': 'king.mouth=2, king.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Your grace! I am speechless!', 'faces': 'king.mouth=1, king.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2', 'faces': 'king.mouth=2, king.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 15, 'frame_to': 16});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': king, 'text': 'No longer are you Ralf the Righteous of House Stiffpole, last of his name. I now pronounce you Prince Ralf, Heir To The Throne of MNF Kingdom!', 'faces': 'king.mouth=3, king.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 17, 'frame_to': 43, 'faces': 'king.mouth=3, king.brows=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2,'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
frame 44 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
movieClip 1429 {
movieClip 1443 {
movieClip 1445 {
movieClip 1447 {
movieClip 1449 {
movieClip 1450 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1459 {
movieClip 1462 {
movieClip 1469 {
movieClip 1470 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1472 {
movieClip 1474 {
movieClip 1476 {
movieClip 1477 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1482 {
movieClip 1490 screen_12 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var queen = {'name': 'Queen Teresa', 'bubble_color': 12258592, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'}; = false; = false;
if (_root.progress_12 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 75, 'faces': 'queen.mouth=1, queen.brows=2, queen.eyes=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* Well, it seems I have gotten off track from my primary mission...'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'Just another boring day. I miss Sir Richard. Such excitement with a virile young man around. Now, the King pays me no mind, and I yearn...deeply...for a man\'s touch...', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=3, queen.brows=2, queen.eyes=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* Oh fuck! This is my chance. Do not screw this up, Ralf.', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=1, queen.brows=2, queen.eyes=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 75, 'frame_to': 89});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'SEVEN HELLS! How the fuck did you just appear out of thin air!?', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=3, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Your grace. You summoned a man?', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=4, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'Do not try to fool me with your sorcerer\'s tricks! You snuck into my bedchambers, you scoundrel!', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=2, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Every man in the land is aware the Queen cannot resist a hard phallus when presented to her.', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=4, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'Mind your tone, asshole. I should scream and summon the guards.', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=3, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You will be screaming, my queen, but with my cock stuffed to the hilt up your royal butthole!', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=4, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'You do not presume to...put my rear passage...I have NO engage in these vile acts with a strange man...', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=3, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Sneak attack!!!', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=4, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
_root.progress_12 = 1;
} else {
if (_root.progress_12 == 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 89, 'frame_to': 89});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'Fuck...fuck...fuck...oh my...', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=2, queen.brows=2, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I\'ll come visit again on my way out. I should be ready to ream your bumhole once more.', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=4, queen.brows=2, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'Wait...young man...w-what is your name.', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=3, queen.brows=2, queen.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Ralf, your majesty...Ralf the Rigid of House Stiffpole, last of his name.', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=1, queen.brows=1, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'Stiffpole, you say? I have not heard that name since...since Alisair returned with that whore...!', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=4, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Wait, the king brought a Stiffpole woman back from the war?', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=1, queen.brows=1, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'Yes, I was furious. I made an ultimatum to him. It was me or that wench. And he sent her away to the Monastery of Saint Buxom. Could it be that you--?', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=3, queen.brows=2, queen.eyes=4, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Thanks for the buttfuck, my queen! I have to go!', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=4, queen.brows=2, queen.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 89, 'frame_to': 90});
_root.progress_12 = 2;
} else {
if (_root.progress_12 == 2) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 89, 'frame_to': 89});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'Prince Ralf! There\'s no time to lose! Now that you are the heir, you can stick your big prick in my tiny arsehole anytime you would like.', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=2, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Of course, I will fuck my queen mum in any of her holes at any moment I feel fit.', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=1, queen.brows=1, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': queen, 'text': 'Ahhhh, my filthy little royal son. What say you whip it out and give me the rough reaming I deserve again?', 'faces': 'queen.mouth=2, queen.brows=3, queen.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
frame 90 {
throne_room_btn.onPress = function () {
movieClip 1509 {
movieClip 1511 {
movieClip 1513 {
movieClip 1514 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1516 {
movieClip 1517 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1522 {
movieClip 1525 {
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movieClip 1529 {
frame 1 {
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movieClip 1536 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1538 {
movieClip 1540 screen_11 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var sister = {'name': 'Sister Mabyn', 'bubble_color': 2368038, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'}; = false; = false;
if (_root.progress_11 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 15});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Young man, this place is for clergy only. Please state your business under the eyes of God.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Wow, you possess some massive breasts for a nun!', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Excuse me! That is entirely inappropriate! I must ask you to leave now!', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'My apologies Sister. Please do not kick me out! I have traveled a long way and have a burning question to ask you.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Be quick with it.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'To make a long story short, I was born an orphan, but this bear sigil is the only connection to the past that I have. According to this ledger, the sigil belongs to House Stiffpole of the Greenwind islands.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'give_item', 'item_id': 14});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Oh--oh my--you must be--Estrilda\'s son, Ralf. I\'m Sister Mabyn. It has been such a long time since we...since we left you with that parish. I-I am terribly sorry that it had to come to that. But Estrilda knew that she could not raise a child as a member of the convent.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'But look at you now! So strong, such nice clothing. You have made a man of yourself!', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=2, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '...Estrilda is her she here?', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Nay, I\'m sorry to report it, young man, but she passed many years ago. She succumbed to the galloping consumption.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '...passed...a sad situation, indeed. Did you know my father?', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Sister Estrilda did not like to go into specifics, as we all suspected she harbored a lot of hurt and trauma. I do know that she was the only Stiffpole man, woman, or child to make it off the Greenwind Islands alive. The King and a small group of highborn knights sacked the settlement quite easily. For some reason, they spared Estrilda\'s life and brought her to us. When it became apparent that she was pregnant, I begged her to reveal who the father was or to disclose any detail of her journey, but she refused, over and over again.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': ' I am left with only a little more information than I started with...', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'I am sorry I could not be of more help, but I figure only the King or one of the few knights that were there know the truth of it now.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'So you are suggesting I seek out an audience with the King?', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Heavens, no. No one just waltzes into the castle and speaks directly to the King.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I have overcome greater odds, Sister. Do not underestimate me.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'You are a bold one, aren\'t you.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=2, sister.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'And you\'re a shy one, aren\'t you, Sister Mabyn. Hiding those gigantic milk bombs under that conservative nun\'s habit.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Oh dear. I am going to let that comment pass, as you are a young man and lust is not easily escaped.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Neither are those humongous boulders you are packing away on your chest!', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': '...he is just a boy, m\'lord...just a boy...', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=1, sister.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Now Ralf, I would like to give you your mother\'s only possession. I have been holding onto this since her passing.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=3, sister.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 15});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'I am sorry Ralf, this is all I can offer you.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Oh, I can think of something else you can offer me.', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': '?!', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=2, sister.blush=2, sister.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Do you not feel guilty about the life you and Estrilda left me to? Does it not eat away at your conscience to think of a young innocent babe, trying to find his way in a cruel and unfamiliar world, laboring for years under a wicked master?', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, sister.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'I-I do not know w-what else--', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=2, sister.blush=2, sister.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'How about you picture your big, fat, heaving bosoms...sandwiching my huge cock!', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=2, sister.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': '*Gasp* W-why you...h-how can you suggest...', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=3, sister.blush=2, sister.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Seen one of these lately?', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=2, sister.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3, ralf.cock_burst=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'I-it is m-monstrous! W-what\'s wrong with it?!?', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=2, sister.blush=2, sister.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'This is what a real man\'s hard dick is supposed to look like, Sister Mabyn! Now if you do not mind, I intend to grab those quivering, colossal udders and press them against my impatient cock! If you\'re lucky, I will give you a taste as well!', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=2, sister.brows=2, sister.eyes=3, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
_root.progress_11 = 1;
} else {
if (_root.progress_11 == 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 16, 'frame_to': 30});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Well, off she goes.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Fuck, that was sweet! Like two heavenly pillows.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Let me try on this bear-claw necklace.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'use_item', 'item_id': 15});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 30, 'frame_to': 46, 'faces': 'ralf.necklace=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Awhaaaaagh?! I-I\'m invisible! What kind of devil\'s magic is this?'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'My mother must have kept many secrets from these other nuns.'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Now to use this to my advantage at MNF Castle...'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
_root.progress_11 = 2;
} else {
if (_root.progress_11 == 2) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 15});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': sister, 'text': 'Get out, you mongrel!', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=3, sister.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'That is no way to treat the man whose cock was in your mouth and breasts! Down on your knees Sister, I am starving for more forbidden nun breast-fucking!', 'faces': 'sister.mouth=1, sister.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
movieClip 1552 {
movieClip 1554 {
movieClip 1556 {
movieClip 1557 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1562 {
movieClip 1564 {
movieClip 1566 {
movieClip 1568 {
movieClip 1569 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1577 {
movieClip 1579 screen_10 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var guinevere = {'name': 'Guinevere', 'bubble_color': 7828320, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'}; = false; = false;
if (_root.progress_10 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 10});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Shite. What use is a library when you\'re not lettered?', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Excuse me, miss?', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Shhhhh! Keep it down! Do not draw attention to me. Do you not know women are forbidden in libraries?', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Aye, but there is merit in women maintaining the household. What becomes of the home when the mother is in absentia?', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Rrrrrrhhh...keep your lectures to yourself. I am a singlewoman, you see. I have no duties or obligations. ', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What are you doing here amongst the stacks?', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'It does not take much to surmise that a learned woman has a better chance in this world than a philistine.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You have a point. Let us make a deal, shall we? If you lend your aid, I will not report your presence to the archivist near the entrance.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Agreed. What is it you seek?', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'See this sigil emblazoned upon my armor? I am hoping to match it to a family crest. I am not yet lettered, you see, so the task of finding the correct book shall prove impossible.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Ahh, so you will need the Book of MNF Kingdom Houses. Give me a moment and I will locate it for you.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=2, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 10, 'frame_to': 55});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Ahh, here you are. This ledger contains all the information I was able to gather on House Stiffpole of the Greenwind Islands.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=2, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 14});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Stiffpole?? What the fuck kind of family name is that?!', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Keep it down! It says here that the house that held the bear crest was conquered and completely decimated in the Fjord Wars nearly two decades ago.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What?! S-so my people no longer exist?', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Hold on, don\'t jump to conclusions. If you have this sigil it means that someone survived the conflict, likely your mother, since the men of conquered tribes are often put to death. And any prisoners would have been sold off into prosecution or sent to the Monastery of Saint Buxom. I would suggest investigating the latter location.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Thanks...I\'m Ralf, by the way. Ralf the Rigid. What\'s your name?', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Guinevere.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=2, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'That\'s a lovely name. Before I embark on my journey to the monastery, might I inquire as to why you have no husband?', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'I would rather we did not speak of this.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You know, I have had a long journey from lands far from here, and I am rather pent up, you see.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 55, 'frame_to': 80, 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=3, ralf.cock_burst=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'O-oh my! P-please put that away! We are in public and I have hardly even made your acquaintance!', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Here is how I see it. We are alone in this section of the library. A man with an enormous, throbbing, eager member and a lovely young maid with no man in her life.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=3, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'So, you...want to f-fuck, you are saying?', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I am glad you asked!', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
_root.progress_10 = 1;
} else {
if (_root.progress_10 == 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 10});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Oh, hello Ralf.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=2, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Ask me, I know you want it as much as I do.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'Please, do not make me say it. It is embarrassing, Ralf.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You have to ask, otherwise, I will be on my way.', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=1, guinevere.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': guinevere, 'text': 'S-shall we f-fuck again?', 'faces': 'guinevere.mouth=3, guinevere.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
movieClip 1595 {
movieClip 1597 {
movieClip 1598 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1601 {
movieClip 1604 {
movieClip 1606 {
movieClip 1607 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1610 {
movieClip 1624 {
movieClip 1626 {
movieClip 1670 {
movieClip 1671 screen_9 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var richard = {'name': 'Richard', 'bubble_color': 9132863, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'}; = false; = false;
if (_root.progress_9 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'Hello young sir, how may I be of service?', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 15, 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I am looking for leather armor that is befitting of a man of high class.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'Hmm...a man of high class, you say? Where is this nobleman you speak of?', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I am the nobleman. Ralf the Righteous. A recent rise to a position of status and wealth, to be fair.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'You claim to be Ralf the Righteous, the young knight who subdued the evil sorceress Nesta?', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'One and the same, though not a knight.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'I imagine you may be pulling my leg. But if you are who you claim to be, the kingdom owes you a great debt, Ralf. My name is Richard, and I would be honored to oblige your request, supposing you possess the gold to pay for it?', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 15, 'frame_to': 16});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Payment will not be an issue. On the front of this armor, I\'d like a replica of this bear sigil on my tunic.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2, ralf.eyes=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 16, 'frame_to': 17});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'I\'m not familiar with that sigil. What house does it represent?', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, ralf.eyes=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'A mystery to me. I never knew my family. This is the only connection I have to the past.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'I see. Give me a moment, I will get to work on your request.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 17, 'frame_to': 114});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Richard! How is it coming along?', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'Ahh, the armor is ready. I\'ll charge you 200 gold pieces for this masterpiece.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'That seems like quite a high price.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'It will be worth it, I promise. The appearance of power is nearly as good as power itself in these parts.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 13});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 114, 'frame_to': 133});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Have you always been a blacksmith?', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'No I have not, is a long story. I was once a proud knight, saving damsels in distress all across the many kingdoms, but my hubris got the best of me. I rescued Princess Alicia from an evil queen and King Alisair promised me her hand in marriage! It was not long before I also took up with Queen Teresa...and eventually the queen mother and her daughter at the same time! King Alisair then embarked on a long voyage to Siam and appointed me ward in his stead.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'The pleasures of life seemed endless...I passed each day fucking the queen and her daughter whenever I wanted. I had access to all the finest food and clothing in the land. Yet, I failed to take into account the King\'s return to the castle. On that fateful day, he strode into his royal queen\'s bedchambers to find my pork sword buried to the hilt in his wife\'s sweet cunt! Needless to say, my life was only spared due to pleading of Queen Teresa and Princess Alicia. It was agreed that I would renounce my knighthood, my ties to the royal family, my wealth and lands, and retreat to the outskirts of the Kingsland to live out my days as a laborer.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Zounds!! You have lived enough lives for 10 men!', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'At least. And I could be doing worse. In these parts, a skilled laborer like me has access to the prettiest pick of the serfs, and I can regale anyone with my thrilling tales of knighthood.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Well, it is not too late for me to live out that dream, Richard. I intend to fuck the queen in her ass!', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'My, that is mighty presumptuous, Ralf. But hey, I did not think I would be anything more than a lowly squire, and I became the most powerful man in the land, however briefly.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'In the unlikely event that you do make it within a stone\'s throw of Queen Teresa, which I am doubtful of, I will give you some advice. She may be able to refuse you to your face, but if you manage to get your cock in her, she will turn into the biggest freak in all the kingdoms.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'A sneak attack, you say?', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'Aye, my friend. More likely a passing daydream for you, but I have nothing to lose offering up this advice.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Thank you, my good sir! I must be on my way to the Royal University Library.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'It was good meeting you, Ralf.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1'});
_root.progress_9 = 1;
} else {
if (_root.progress_9 == 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 15, 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'How is it going, Ralf the Righteous? Fuck any big-breasted queens lately?', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Not yet. But I promise you Queen Teresa will have to sit on silk pillows for weeks after I am done with her.', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': richard, 'text': 'Good luck! You are going to need it...', 'faces': 'richard.mouth=2, richard.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'richard.mouth=1, richard.brows=1'});
movieClip 1674 {
movieClip 1675 {
frame 1 {
MNF_btn.onPress = function () {
getURL('', '_blank');
movieClip 1679 {
frame 1 {
god_btn.onPress = function () {
getURL('', '_blank');
movieClip 1696 {
movieClip 1702 {
movieClip 1704 mainmenu {
frame 1 {
btn_chapter1.onPress = function () {
btn_chapter2.onPress = function () {
_root.progress_0 = 6;
_root.progress_1 = 1;
_root.progress_2 = 2;
_root.progress_3 = 2;
btn_chapter3.onPress = function () {
_root.progress_0 = 6;
_root.progress_1 = 1;
_root.progress_2 = 2;
_root.progress_3 = 4;
_root.progress_4 = 6;
_root.progress_5 = 1;
_root.progress_6 = 2;
_root.progress_7 = 1;
movieClip 1705 {
frame 1 {
onPress = null;
useHandCursor = false;
movieClip 1711 items {
frame 1 {
function DrawItemList() {
createEmptyMovieClip('list', getNextHighestDepth());
var v3 = 0;
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < item_ids.length) {
var v2 = list.attachMovie('item_' + item_ids[v1], 'item_' + item_ids[v1], list.getNextHighestDepth());
v2._x = v3;
v3 += v2._width + 10;
list._x = 800;
list._y = 250;
var command = _parent.item_command;
var item_ids = _parent.item_id.split(',');
if (command == 'take_item') {
} else {
if (command == 'give_item') {
} else {
if (command == 'combine_items') {
} else {
if (command == 'use_item') {
} else {
if (command == 'show_items') {
if (_root.item_ids.length == 0) {
btn._visible = false;
var anim = 1;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (anim == 0) {
return undefined;
anim -= 0.15;
if (anim <= 0) {
anim = 0;
btn._visible = true;
list._x = 400 - int(list._width / 2) + anim * (400 + list._width / 2);
btn.onPress = function () {
frame 2 {
btn.onPress = function () {
frame 3 {
btn.onPress = function () {
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < _root.item_ids.length) {
if (_root.item_ids[v3] == item_ids[0]) {
_root.item_ids.splice(v3, 1);
frame 5 {
var result_item = attachMovie('item_' + _parent.result_item_id, 'item_' + _parent.result_item_id, getNextHighestDepth());
result_item._y = 250;
result_item._alpha = 0;
btn.onPress = function () {
btn._visible = false;
anim = 1;
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim -= 0.15;
if (anim < 0) {
anim = 0;
result_item._yscale = 100 * (1 - anim);
result_item._xscale = result_item._yscale;
result_item._alpha = result_item._yscale;
result_item._x = 400 - result_item._width / 2;
var i = 0;
while (i < item_ids.length) {
(eval('list.item_' + item_ids[i]))._alpha = 100 * anim;
if (anim == 0) {
onEnterFrame = null;
frame 6 {
btn.onPress = function () {
j = 0;
while (j < item_ids.length) {
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < _root.item_ids.length) {
if (int(_root.item_ids[v3]) == int(item_ids[j])) {
_root.item_ids.splice(v3, 1);
frame 7 {
btn.onPress = function () {
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < _root.item_ids.length) {
if (_root.item_ids[v3] == item_ids[0]) {
_root.item_ids.splice(v3, 1);
movieClip 1712 trans_screen {
frame 1 {
var next_screen;
frame 10 {
if (_root.keep_music == undefined) {
} else {
_root.keep_music = undefined;
frame 19 {
movieClip 1720 item_15 {
movieClip 1728 item_14 {
movieClip 1737 item_13 {
movieClip 1745 item_12 {
movieClip 1753 item_11 {
movieClip 1759 {
movieClip 1762 item_9 {
frame 1 {
attachMovie('cut_frame', 'cut_frame', 1000);
owner_URL = '';
loading_label.embedFonts = true;
onEnterFrame = function () {
loading_label.text = 'Game is loading ' + int(100 * getBytesLoaded() / getBytesTotal()) + '%';
if (getBytesLoaded() == getBytesTotal()) {
onEnterFrame == null;
MNF_btn.onPress = function () {
if (id == undefined) {
getURL(owner_URL, '_blank');
} else {
getURL('' + id, '_blank');
movieClip 4377 __Packages.Dialog {
if (!_global.Dialog) {
var v1 = function (bubble_parent_mc_, bubble_align_) {
this.bubble_align = bubble_align_;
this.bubble_parent_mc = bubble_parent_mc_;
this.characters = new Array();
this.acts = new Array();
this.bubble_text = 'Text';
this.bubble_name = 'Name';
_global.Dialog = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.AddAct = function (act) {
var v4 = '';
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < act.faces.length) {
if (act.faces.charAt(v2) != ' ') {
v4 += act.faces.charAt(v2);
act.faces = v4;
v2.DrawBubble = function () {
this.bubble_text = this.acts[0].text;
this.bubble_name = this.acts[0];
this.bubble_color = this.acts[0].character.bubble_color;
this.name_align = this.acts[0].character.name_align;
var v2 = this.bubble_parent_mc.attachMovie('dialog_bubble', 'dialog_bubble', this.bubble_parent_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
this.acts.splice(0, 1);
v2.SetFaces = function () {
var faces = this.acts[0].faces.split(',');
var i = 0;
while (i < faces.length) {
var n = faces[i].indexOf('=');
(eval(String(this.bubble_parent_mc) + '.' + faces[i].substr(0, n))).gotoAndStop(Number(faces[i].substr(n + 1, faces[i].length)));
v2.SetFrameGoto = function () {
this.bubble_parent_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.dialog.acts[0].frame_to > this._currentframe) {
this.gotoAndStop(this._currentframe + 1);
} else {
if (this.dialog.acts[0].frame_to < this._currentframe) {
this.gotoAndStop(this._currentframe - 1);
if (this.dialog.acts[0].frame_to == this._currentframe) {
this.dialog.acts.splice(0, 1);
this.onEnterFrame = null;
v2.ShowItem = function () {
this.bubble_parent_mc.item_command = this.acts[0].type;
this.bubble_parent_mc.item_id = String(this.acts[0].item_id);
this.bubble_parent_mc.result_item_id = String(this.acts[0].result_item_id);
this.bubble_parent_mc.attachMovie('items', 'items', this.bubble_parent_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
this.acts.splice(0, 1);
v2.NextAct = function () {
if (this.acts[0].type == 'show_bubble') {
} else {
if (this.acts[0].type == 'goto_frame') {
} else {
if (this.acts[0].type == 'take_item' || this.acts[0].type == 'give_item' || this.acts[0].type == 'combine_items' || this.acts[0].type == 'use_item') {
} else {
if (this.acts[0].type == 'set_visible') {
(eval(String(this.bubble_parent_mc) + '.' + this.acts[0].mc_name))._visible = this.acts[0].value;
this.acts.splice(0, 1);
ASSetPropFlags(_global.Dialog.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 4378 __Packages.AnimManager {
if (!_global.AnimManager) {
var v1 = function (anim_mc_, btns_mc_) {
this.anim_mc = anim_mc_;
this.btns_mc = btns_mc_;
this.gravi = new Gravitation(1);
this.gravi.move_draw = 0.5;
this.acts = new Array();
this.anim_swings = new Array();
this.low_speed_swing = 0;
_global.AnimManager = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.AddAct = function (AnimActObject) {
var new_act = new AnimAct(AnimActObject);
(eval(String(this.btns_mc) + '.' + new_act.btn_name)).onPress = function () {
var v3 = this._parent.anim_manager;
if (v3 == undefined) {
v3 = this._parent._parent.anim_manager;
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < v3.acts.length) {
if (this._name == v3.acts[v2].btn_name) {
this._parent.btn_id = v2;
this._parent.border._x = this._x;
this._parent.border._y = this._y;
if (this.acts.length == 1) {
(eval(String(this.btns_mc) + '.' + new_act.btn_name)).onPress();
v2.AddSwing = function (AnimSwingObject) {
this.anim_swings.push(new AnimSwing(AnimSwingObject));
v2.setAct = function (btn_name) {
if (btn_name == this.act.btn_name) {
return undefined;
var btn_name_found = false;
var i = 0;
while (i < this.acts.length) {
if (this.acts[i].btn_name == btn_name) {
this.act = this.acts[i];
btn_name_found = true;
if (!btn_name_found) {
return undefined;
(eval(String(this.anim_mc._parent) + '.hint')).removeMovieClip();
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL) {
this.gravi.control_mode = 0;
this.CreateHint(800, 550, this.anim_mc._parent, this.act.mouse_movement, this.act.pixel_start, this.act.pixel_width);
} else {
this.gravi.control_mode = 1;
if (this.act.frame_enter != undefined) {
this.frame = this.act.frame_enter;
this.gravi.auto_speed = this.act.auto_speed;
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM || this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED) {
this.gravi.auto_fade_out_speed = this.act.auto_fade_out_speed;
this.state = 0;
this.timer = 0;
} else {
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR) {
this.state = 0;
this.Update(this.anim_mc._parent._xmouse, this.anim_mc._parent._ymouse);
this.act.setFaceByStr(this.anim_mc, this.act.face_settings);
v2.Update = function (_xmouse, _ymouse) {
if (this.act == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL) {
this.low_speed_swing += 0.1570796326794897;
if (this.low_speed_swing > 6.283185307179586) {
this.low_speed_swing -= 6.283185307179586;
var v2 = 0.1 * Math.cos(this.low_speed_swing);
if (this.act.mouse_movement == AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT) {
this.gravi.move_goto = (_ymouse - this.act.pixel_start) / this.act.pixel_width;
} else {
this.gravi.move_goto = (_xmouse - this.act.pixel_start) / this.act.pixel_width;
if (this.gravi.move_goto < 0) {
this.gravi.move_goto = 0;
} else {
if (this.gravi.move_goto > 1) {
this.gravi.move_goto = 1;
this.gravi.move_goto += v2;
if (this.act.reverse_mouse_control) {
this.gravi.move_goto = 1 - this.gravi.move_goto;
this.UpdateSwings(true, this.gravi.swing_draw[0]);
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_LINEAR) {
this.frame += 1;
if (this.frame >= this.act.frame_end) {
this.frame -= this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start;
} else {
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED) {
this.frame = Math.round(this.act.frame_start + (this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start) * this.gravi.auto_anim_angle / 6.283185307179586);
} else {
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR) {
this.frame += 1;
if (this.frame >= this.act.frame_end) {
if (this.state == 0) {
this.state = 1;
this.act.setFaceByStr(this.anim_mc, this.act.face_settings_after_cum);
this.frame -= this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start;
} else {
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM || this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL) {
this.frame = Math.round(this.gravi.move_draw * (this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start) + this.act.frame_start);
} else {
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM || this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED) {
if (this.state == 0) {
if (this.timer >= 50) {
this.state = 1;
this.gravi.control_mode = 2;
} else {
if (this.state == 1) {
if (this.gravi.auto_move_fade_k < 0.5) {
this.state = 2;
} else {
if (this.state == 2) {
if (this.gravi.control_mode == 1) {
this.act.setFaceByStr(this.anim_mc, this.act.face_settings_after_cum);
this.state = 3;
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM) {
this.frame = Math.round(this.gravi.move_draw * (this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start) + this.act.frame_start);
} else {
if (this.act.type == AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED) {
this.frame = Math.round(this.act.frame_start + (this.act.frame_end - this.act.frame_start) * this.gravi.auto_anim_angle / 6.283185307179586);
this.UpdateSwings(false, this.gravi.swing_draw[0]);
v2.UpdateSwings = function (update_before, gravi_swing_draw) {
var i = 0;
while (i < this.anim_swings.length) {
if (this.anim_swings[i].update_before_gravi == update_before) {
var clip = eval(String(this.anim_mc) + '.' + this.anim_swings[i].clip_name);
var last_frame = this.anim_swings[i].last_frame;
var first_frame = this.anim_swings[i].first_frame;
if (this.anim_swings[i].reverse) {
clip.gotoAndStop(int((1 - gravi_swing_draw) * (last_frame - first_frame) + first_frame));
} else {
clip.gotoAndStop(int(gravi_swing_draw * (last_frame - first_frame) + first_frame));
v2.CreateHint = function (swf_width, swf_height, owner_mc, mouse_movement, pixel_start, pixel_width) {
var hint_mc = owner_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('hint', owner_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
this.DrawArrow(swf_width, swf_height, hint_mc, mouse_movement, pixel_start, pixel_width);
var mouse_icon_mc = hint_mc.createEmptyMovieClip('mouse_icon', hint_mc.getNextHighestDepth());
mouse_icon_mc._visible = false;
hint_mc.anim = 0;
hint_mc.mouse_movement = mouse_movement;
hint_mc.pixel_start = pixel_start;
hint_mc.pixel_width = pixel_width;
hint_mc.swf_width = swf_width;
hint_mc.swf_height = swf_height;
hint_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!mouse_icon_mc._visible) {
mouse_icon_mc._visible = true;
hint_mc.anim += 0.05;
if (hint_mc.anim >= 1) {
hint_mc.anim -= 1;
if (hint_mc.mouse_movement == AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT) {
hint_mc.mouse_icon._x = hint_mc.pixel_start + hint_mc.pixel_width / 2 + Math.sin(6.283185307179586 * hint_mc.anim) * hint_mc.pixel_width / 2;
hint_mc.mouse_icon._y = hint_mc.swf_height / 2 - 70;
} else {
if (hint_mc.mouse_movement == AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT) {
hint_mc.mouse_icon._x = hint_mc.swf_width / 2 + 70;
hint_mc.mouse_icon._y = hint_mc.pixel_start + hint_mc.pixel_width / 2 + Math.sin(6.283185307179586 * hint_mc.anim) * hint_mc.pixel_width / 2;
hint_mc._alpha -= 1;
if (hint_mc._alpha <= 0) {
v2.DrawArrow = function (swf_width, swf_height, mc, mouse_movement, pixel_start, pixel_width) {
mc.lineStyle(2, 10066329);
mc.beginFill(16777215, 100);
var v1 = 25;
if (mouse_movement == AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT) {
var v4 = pixel_start;
var v3 = swf_height / 2;
mc.moveTo(v4, v3);
mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 - v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 - 0.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 - 0.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 - v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width, v3);
mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 + v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1, v3 + 0.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 + 0.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + 1.5 * v1, v3 + v1);
mc.lineTo(v4, v3);
} else {
if (mouse_movement == AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT) {
var v4 = swf_width / 2;
var v3 = pixel_start;
mc.moveTo(v4, v3);
mc.lineTo(v4 + v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + 0.5 * v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + 0.5 * v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 + v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4, v3 + pixel_width);
mc.lineTo(v4 - v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 - 0.5 * v1, v3 + pixel_width - 1.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 - 0.5 * v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4 - v1, v3 + 1.5 * v1);
mc.lineTo(v4, v3);
v2.DrawMouseIcon = function (mc) {
mc.lineStyle(2, 10066329);
mc.beginFill(16777215, 100);
var v1 = 40;
mc.moveTo(-v1 / 2, 0);
mc.curveTo(-v1 / 2, -v1 / 1.5, 0, -v1 / 1.5);
mc.curveTo(v1 / 2, -v1 / 1.5, v1 / 2, 0);
mc.curveTo(v1 / 3, 0.75 * v1, 0, 0.75 * v1);
mc.curveTo(-v1 / 3, 0.75 * v1, -v1 / 2, 0);
mc.moveTo(-v1 / 2, 0);
mc.lineTo(v1 / 2, 0);
mc.moveTo(0, 0);
mc.lineTo(0, -v1 / 1.5);
ASSetPropFlags(_global.AnimManager.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 4379 __Packages.Gravitation {
if (!_global.Gravitation) {
var v1 = function (swings_num) {
this.move_speeds = new Array();
this.swing_draw = new Array();
this.swing_speed = new Array();
this.swing_fadeout = new Array();
this.auto_move_fade_k = 1;
var v2;
this.move_draw = 0.5;
this.prev_move_draw = 0.5;
this.prev_prev_move_draw = 0.5;
v2 = 0;
while (v2 < 24) {
v2 = 0;
while (v2 < swings_num) {
this.move_delay = 3;
this.move_speed_overal = 0;
this.auto_anim_angle = 0;
this.control_mode = 0;
this.auto_fade_out_speed = 0.005;
this.face_frame = 1;
this.auto_speed = 0.2;
this.anchor = undefined;
_global.Gravitation = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.Update = function () {
var v5;
var v3;
var v4 = _root.time_scale;
if (v4 == undefined) {
v4 = 1;
this.prev_prev_move_draw = this.prev_move_draw;
this.prev_move_draw = this.move_draw;
if (this.control_mode > 0) {
if (this.control_mode == 2) {
this.auto_move_fade_k -= this.auto_fade_out_speed;
if (this.auto_move_fade_k < 0.15) {
this.control_mode = 1;
this.auto_move_fade_k = 0.15;
this.auto_anim_angle += this.auto_move_fade_k * Math.PI * this.auto_speed * v4;
if (this.auto_anim_angle >= 6.283185307179586) {
this.auto_anim_angle -= 6.283185307179586;
this.move_goto = (this.auto_move_fade_k * Math.sin(this.auto_anim_angle) + 1) / 2;
this.move_draw = (this.auto_move_fade_k * Math.sin(this.auto_anim_angle - 1.3 * this.auto_move_fade_k * Math.PI * this.auto_speed * v4) + 1) / 2;
this.actual_delay = this.move_delay - this.move_speed_overal * 10;
if (this.actual_delay < 1.5) {
this.actual_delay = 1.5;
this.move_speed = v4 * (this.move_goto - this.move_draw) / this.actual_delay;
v5 = 1 / this.actual_delay;
if (this.control_mode == 0) {
this.move_draw += this.move_speed;
if (this.move_draw > 1) {
this.move_draw = 1;
} else {
if (this.move_draw < 0) {
this.move_draw = 0;
this.anchor = undefined;
if (this.move_draw < this.prev_move_draw && this.prev_move_draw >= this.prev_prev_move_draw) {
this.anchor = 1;
} else {
if (this.move_draw > this.prev_move_draw && this.prev_move_draw <= this.prev_prev_move_draw) {
this.anchor = -1;
this.move_speeds.splice(0, 1);
this.move_speed_overal = 0;
v3 = 0;
while (v3 < this.move_speeds.length) {
this.move_speed_overal += this.move_speeds[v3];
this.move_speed_overal /= this.move_speeds.length;
this.swing_goto = (this.move_speed + v5) / 2 * v5;
v3 = 0;
while (v3 < this.swing_draw.length) {
if (Math.abs(this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]) > 0.001666666666666667 || Math.abs(this.swing_speed[v3]) > 0.001666666666666667) {
this.swing_speed[v3] += (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]) / 10 + 1.5 * this.move_speed_overal * (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]);
this.swing_draw[v3] += this.swing_speed[v3];
this.swing_draw[v3] += (this.swing_goto - this.swing_draw[v3]) * this.swing_fadeout[v3];
if (this.swing_draw[v3] < 0) {
this.swing_draw[v3] = 0;
} else {
if (this.swing_draw[v3] > 1) {
this.swing_draw[v3] = 1;
} else {
this.swing_draw[v3] = 0.5;
if (this.move_speed_overal > 0.14 && this.face_frame < 3) {
this.face_frame = 3;
if (this.move_speed_overal > 0.07000000000000001 && this.face_frame < 2) {
this.face_frame = 2;
if (this.move_speed_overal < 0.05 && this.face_frame > 1) {
this.face_frame = 1;
if (this.move_speed_overal < 0.1 && this.face_frame > 2) {
this.face_frame = 2;
ASSetPropFlags(_global.Gravitation.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 4380 __Packages.AnimAct {
if (!_global.AnimAct) {
var v1 = function (AnimActObject) {
this.btn_name = AnimActObject.btn_name;
this.type = AnimActObject.type;
this.frame_start = AnimActObject.frame_start;
this.frame_end = AnimActObject.frame_end;
this.frame_enter = AnimActObject.frame_enter;
if (this.frame_enter == undefined) {
this.frame_enter = this.frame_start;
this.auto_speed = AnimActObject.auto_speed;
this.auto_fade_out_speed = AnimActObject.auto_fade_out_speed;
this.face_settings = this.TossJunkChars(AnimActObject.face_settings);
this.cum_clips = this.TossJunkChars(AnimActObject.cum_clips);
this.face_settings_after_cum = this.TossJunkChars(AnimActObject.face_settings_after_cum);
this.mouse_movement = AnimActObject.mouse_movement;
this.pixel_start = AnimActObject.pixel_start;
this.pixel_width = AnimActObject.pixel_width;
this.reverse_mouse_control = Boolean(AnimActObject.reverse_mouse_control);
_global.AnimAct = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.TossJunkChars = function (str) {
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < str.length) {
if (str.charAt(v1) == '\t' || str.charAt(v1) == '\r' || str.charAt(v1) == '\n' || str.charAt(v1) == ' ') {
str = str.substr(0, v1) + str.substr(v1 + 1, str.length);
return str;
v2.setFaceByStr = function (anim_mc, data_str) {
var data_item = '';
var i = 0;
while (i <= data_str.length) {
if (data_str.charAt(i) == ',' || i == data_str.length) {
var n = data_item.indexOf('=');
var path = data_item.substr(0, n);
var frame = Number(data_item.substr(n + 1, data_item.length));
(eval(String(anim_mc) + '.' + path)).gotoAndStop(frame);
data_item = '';
} else {
data_item += data_str.charAt(i);
v2.playCum = function (anim_mc) {
var data_str = this.cum_clips;
var data_item = '';
var i = 0;
while (i <= data_str.length) {
if (data_str.charAt(i) == ',' || i == data_str.length) {
(eval(String(anim_mc) + '.' + data_item)).play();
data_item = '';
} else {
data_item += data_str.charAt(i);
ASSetPropFlags(_global.AnimAct.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 4381 __Packages.AnimSwing {
if (!_global.AnimSwing) {
var v1 = function (AnimSwingObject) {
this.clip_name = AnimSwingObject.clip_name;
this.first_frame = Number(AnimSwingObject.first_frame);
this.last_frame = Number(AnimSwingObject.last_frame);
this.reverse = Boolean(AnimSwingObject.reverse);
if (AnimSwingObject.update_before_gravi == undefined) {
this.update_before_gravi = false;
} else {
this.update_before_gravi = Boolean(AnimSwingObject.update_before_gravi);
_global.AnimSwing = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
ASSetPropFlags(_global.AnimSwing.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 1770 {
movieClip 1773 item_0 {
movieClip 1779 {
movieClip 1782 item_1 {
movieClip 1788 {
movieClip 1791 item_2 {
movieClip 1798 {
movieClip 1801 item_3 {
movieClip 1804 item_4 {
movieClip 1810 {
movieClip 1813 item_5 {
movieClip 1820 {
movieClip 1823 item_6 {
movieClip 1829 {
movieClip 1832 item_7 {
movieClip 1838 item_8 {
movieClip 1846 item_10 {
movieClip 1859 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1861 {
movieClip 1864 {
movieClip 1865 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1867 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1868 {
movieClip 1922 {
movieClip 1946 {
movieClip 1988 {
movieClip 1994 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1998 {
movieClip 2000 {
movieClip 2001 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2005 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2008 {
movieClip 2025 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2028 {
movieClip 2033 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2034 {
movieClip 2066 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2070 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2073 {
movieClip 2077 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2082 {
movieClip 2105 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2108 {
movieClip 2112 {
movieClip 2113 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2120 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2121 {
movieClip 2136 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2139 {
movieClip 2140 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2156 {
movieClip 2173 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2179 {
movieClip 2184 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2185 {
movieClip 2212 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2214 {
movieClip 2221 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2222 {
movieClip 2246 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2251 {
movieClip 2255 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2257 {
movieClip 2258 screen1 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2269 {
frame 1 {
fuck._visible = false;
map.onPress = function () {
map._visible = false;
talk._visible = false;
fuck._visible = false;
talk.onPress = function () {
map._visible = false;
talk._visible = false;
fuck._visible = false;
fuck.onPress = function () {
map._visible = false;
talk._visible = false;
fuck._visible = false;
_root.gotoScreen('screen_sex' + _root.area_id);
movieClip 2329 {
frame 65 {
movieClip 2330 {
movieClip 2334 {
movieClip 2335 {
movieClip 2339 {
movieClip 2346 {
movieClip 2347 {
movieClip 2351 {
movieClip 2353 {
movieClip 2354 screen_2 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Runt', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'};
var voice = {'name': 'Voice', 'bubble_color': 8818512, 'name_align': 'left'};
var griselda = {'name': 'Griselda the Gifted', 'bubble_color': 8818512, 'name_align': 'left'};
titfuck._visible = false;
titfuck.onPress = function () {
assfuck._visible = false;
assfuck.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0) { = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Try as she might, it\'ll be hard for Lady Matilda to dampen my spirits on this day!', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I feel like I can defeat the king in single combat! And fuck that BIG BUSTED Queen of his...', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 15});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 2});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Ahh, a dozen rabbits! A good harvest--', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': voice, 'text': 'Halt!', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 15, 'frame_to': 25});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Who\'s there? What do you want? I\'m unimportant, I\'ve got no money!', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 25, 'frame_to': 54});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'I am Griselda the Gifted, leader of the dark forest orcs. Who are you, little man?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Oh God! Please don\'t hurt me! My name is Ralf the Runt, and I\'m nobody! Just a poor peasant! I\'m just here to check the rabbit traps!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Your people have long encroached on our territory and stolen our bounteous food supplies! This is not your land!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Oh please miss, spare my life! I was just doing what I was told...', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'A puny excuse for a puny man. Why should I spare you? What use could you possibly serve?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* Think Ralf, think! Or you\'re a dead man!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* By God...those are some gigantic orc breasts...she is totally stacked!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'What!?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Oh my God, I didn\'t mean to say that aloud!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'You mean to speak that lewdly to the leader of the proud race of orcs?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '...please don\'t kill me...', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Say it again.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '...what?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Say it one more time! Or I will cut your throat and leave you for the bears to feed on!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I said...those are some titanic BREASTS!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 54, 'frame_to': 55});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Oh my, aren\'t you full of surprises!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I can\'t help it!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': '*thinking* It\'s bigger than any male orc I\'ve ever seen.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Well, mister Ralf the Rigid, it\'s your lucky day. I\'ll spare your life, but you will give me that long cock in return. And if you refuse--', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Why on Earth would I refuse? It\'s a deal, of course!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
} else {
if (_root.progress_2 == 1) { = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Whew! That was way better than fucking livestock.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'What\'s this word--livestock?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Uhh, nothing! Nevermind.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Well done, little man. Never before has a male pleasured me so greatly! You truly are something special.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'I\'ll tell you what Ralf the Rigid, I\'ll give you a gift for going the extra mile. But you must promise not to hunt in these forests any longer!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Yes m\'lady, whatever you\'d like!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Here\'s some Powdered Boar\'s my people\'s secret of strength, ground up from the spear of this forest\'s most sacred animal.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 3, 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 56, 'frame_to': 56});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'No longer will you be so helpless in hostile territory!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What, do I just snort this?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'use_item', 'item_id': 3});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 56, 'frame_to': 57});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Huh? Wait!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*SNORTTTTT*', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 57, 'frame_to': 58});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Holy Robin Hood, I feel like I can lift this tree out by its roots!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'I guess...that method works as well. Humans are a strange, strange species.', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Come back anytime, young man. Perhaps I\'ll let you rub that rod between my flesh mountains...', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I\'d love to now, but I\'ve got to get back to the castle!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
_root.progress_2 = 2;
_root.progress_0 = 3;
} else {
if (_root.progress_2 == 2) { = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'How would you like to pleasure Griselda the Gifted again?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
if (_root.progress_4 >= 6) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'titfuck', 'value': true});
if (_root.progress_14 >= 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'assfuck', 'value': true});
movieClip 2357 {
movieClip 2359 {
movieClip 2366 {
movieClip 2382 {
movieClip 2383 {
movieClip 2384 screen_0 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var matilda = {'name': 'Lady Matilda', 'bubble_color': 3355443, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Runt', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'};
if (_root.progress_0 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 10, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Did you even go to the sea?', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Not yet, m\'lady.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Get going! Unless you\'d like me to properly motivate you with this whip.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Leaving now, m\'lady!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
} else {
if (_root.progress_0 == 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 10, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'M\'lady, I\'ve returned with a full bushel of cockles! The sea was teeming with life, and there was this mermaid--', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Just do your job! I don\'t need to hear a long story from a wastrel such as yourself.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Sorry m\'lady!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'If I hear one more apology out of your mouth, I swear, I\'ll cut your tongue out so I don\'t have to hear that grating voice!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* You\'d think twice about talking to me like that if I had my new fat dick in that filthy mouth!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Yes m\'lady. Whatever say, m\'lady.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Your work is far from over today. Go to The Dark Forest. I need you to check the rabbit traps.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=2, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Isn\'t it dangerous to be traveling there alone? Shall I bring James along?', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Your job is to do what I say! If you get killed along the way, I\'ll just send another servant along. In fact, the thought of not seeing your face ever again isn\'t the worst prospect.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Okay, m\'lady. I\'ll be on my way.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
_root.progress_0 = 2;
} else {
if (_root.progress_0 == 2) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'You\'d better not be coming back empty handed.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 10, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Of course not! I was just fetching a water jug for the journey.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Watch your tone with me!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Yes, m\'lady, I\'ll be on my way.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
} else {
if (_root.progress_0 == 3) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'What took you so long, Runt? Lord Byron is not far from the gates!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 11, 'frame_to': 19, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I was held up by a lady orc, m\'lady.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Hah! I\'d wager you cowered in fear, and they took pity on you!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=2, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Not exactly, m\'lady, I bartered her my big staff for safe passage.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Oh? Now you\'re a coward and a liar. What a poorly told fable.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=2, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* I wonder if she would be less of a shrew if she found a man to satisfy that sexy body.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'I\'ve got one last task for you, Runt. Go to Witch\'s Cavern to harvest some mushrooms. And make haste!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Right away, m\'lady.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
_root.progress_0 = 4;
} else {
if (_root.progress_0 == 4) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Yes? What is it you want?', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 11, 'frame_to': 19, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* I want to rip that robe open and attack those big mounds!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Nothing, m\'lady. I\'m not sure why I came in here.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'You are even duller than I thought.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
} else {
if (_root.progress_0 == 5) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Where have you been?! I\'ve gotten word Lord Byron\'s arrival is drawing nigh!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 11, 'frame_to': 19, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'The mushrooms were scarce at the cave, it took me some time to harvest a full sack.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Well, stop talking and cook the stew! NOW! Before I crush you like a bug!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Yes, m\'lady. Right away.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 19, 'frame_to': 30, 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'combine_items', 'item_id': '0,2,5', 'result_item_id': 6});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'M\'lady! The stew is fully prepared!', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 30, 'frame_to': 40, 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'About time!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=2, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Oh MY! This aroma! Lord Byron will be so pleased. Perhaps I\'ll have a chance to show him that I\'m the most worthy of his hand in marriage.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=2, matilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'And why would he want to marry an ugly wench like you anyways!?', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'WHY YOU LITTLE RAT! WHERE\'S MY WHIP?', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I hid it. You won\'t be able to find it. And an old lady like you wouldn\'t have the proper tools to satisfy a stout and smooth gentleman like Lord Byron anyways, so you should give up and accept the life of a spinster.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=1, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'What do you mean, proper tools?! I have the biggest breasts in the Kingdom, idiot! NOW YOU TELL ME WHERE MY WHIP IS RIGHT NOW OR I WILL BURN YOUR FACE OFF IN THIS CAULDRON.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You couldn\'t. You aren\'t strong enough to overpower me.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 40, 'frame_to': 86, 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Where--what--how are you so strong?', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'A life of hard manual labor. Now let\'s have a more reasonable discussion.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Rrrrrrghhh...spit it out, runt. Give me your last words.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You will offer me a Pact of Freedom.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'And why would I do that, when I could just keep you toiling in the fields until you shrivel and die!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Because you are a weak, pathetic, sexless widow, and I will make sure Lord Byron is well aware of how rotten you truly are. And if you try to subdue me, I will fight back this time.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'NO! You wouldn\'t!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Lady, after all this time, I\'m surprised you don\'t think I have a bone to pick with you.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Now go grant me my release.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'You\'ll regret this...', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 7, 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=1, matilda.eyes=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Ahh! Finally, I\'m free! I\'m going to experience the world and leave this evil place behind!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=1, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'A dumb runt like you will just end up getting yourself killed or enslaved out there.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You know what, actually, my time here is not yet finished.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=1, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'For years, I\'ve had to endure your hatred and cruelty, but even worse you\'ve tortured me with THOSE HUMONGOUS JUGGS!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=1, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Wha---?', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'You\'re lying. My full breasts and round bottom are the envy of other women.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Yes, but you\'re not USING them! You let them hang out right in front of my eyes every single day! Those delicious white mountains of cleavage shivering and shaking with every insult and swing of the switch! A lewd woman such as yourself is built for sex.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=1, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'No! You are very mistaken!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I am not! And my turn of fortune today has given me the confidence I need to take what I want in life. And I want those massive knockers and that luscious rump to be MINE!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=1, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'You disgusting pervert, there\'s no world in which a tiny man like you could handle a stacked body like mine.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 86, 'frame_to': 87, 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Well, I\'m going to enlist the help of my new weapon, Ralf the Rigid!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=1, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Oh does such a small man come to have such a scary sized member?', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Enough talk! Your repentance starts now! I\'m going to fuck you and keep fucking you whenever I want, because you owe me a lifetime\'s worth of depraved sex!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
_root.progress_3 = 2;
} else {
if (_root.progress_0 == 6) { = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Damned useless wench, I wanna bang you again.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=4, matilda.brows=2, matilda.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
movieClip 2445 {
movieClip 2462 {
movieClip 2471 {
movieClip 2472 {
movieClip 2475 {
movieClip 2477 {
movieClip 2478 {
movieClip 2479 screen_1 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Runt', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'};
var unknown_voice = {'name': 'Unknown Voice', 'bubble_color': 7510613, 'name_align': 'right'};
var cecily = {'name': 'Cecily', 'bubble_color': 7510613, 'name_align': 'left'};
if (_root.progress_1 == 0) { = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Whew! That wasn\'t too hard. There\'s a bounty of fresh seafood all around!', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 19});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 0});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': unknown_voice, 'text': 'OOOOoooooOOOOOooooo', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 19, 'frame_to': 87, 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=4, cecily.brows=1, cecily.cheeks=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What in the hell...? Is that--? A mermaid?', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I\'m Ralf, and you are?', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'Cecily...daughter of Tritan Finspear.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=3, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Why are you crying?', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=4, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'I\'ve been separated from my family and I\'m completely disoriented!', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=3, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Are you a--a fucking mermaid?', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=4, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'Why yes, isn\'t that obvious? I\'ve got a tail, as you can see.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=3, cecily.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I\'m sorry, I\'ve just never seen one of you up close, and you\'re a picture of beauty!', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=4, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'My goodness, you are a friendly young man. Thanks for cheering me up.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=2, cecily.brows=2, cecily.cheeks=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Of course, it\'s my pleasure.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=1, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'Where am I?', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=2, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Lower MNF Kingdom, m\'lady.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=1, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'I was traveling with my parents to Long Point for a diplomatic engagement when a shark ambushed our party. Can you direct me back there?', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=2, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Of course. If you follow the coast north for about a dozen furlongs, then up the Silver River for a short while, you should come upon it.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=1, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'Thank you! Thank you! I don\'t have much to repay you, but have this.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=2, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 1});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What is this glowing liquid? It looks like it\'ll make me sick.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=1, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'No no, it\'s perfectly safe. That\'s the last vial of my family\'s Razorshell Coral Extract. It comes from a rare species of coral that grows on my home reef.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=2, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What does it do?', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=1, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'That\'s the strongest sexual stimulant in all of MNF Kingdom. One drop of that will--', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=2, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'use_item', 'item_id': 1});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 87, 'frame_to': 88});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Over the lips and through the gums and down the hatch! *GULP*', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=3, cecily.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'Oh no! That\'s far too much! You\'ll...', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=3, cecily.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 88, 'frame_to': 89});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'Oh my. It looks like the rapid consumption of that drink has compounded the usual effects. If untreated, you could be permanently impotent! You\'ll need some relief.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=3, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2, ralf.eyes=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Holy Moses, it\'s like I\'ve sprouted a third arm! This is the greatest day of my life!', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=1, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2, ralf.eyes=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'Yes, I\'m glad you\'re happy, but as I said, you\'ll need to ejaculate immediately or risk adverse effects.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=3, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'How about we have sex? Wait, how would that even work...', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=1, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': '\'d need fish genitalia...then we\'d have to be\'s a completely different process, no need for me to explain.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=2, cecily.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'I\'ll give you a blowjob. Nothing gets me off like sucking on a big hard human cock.', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=2, cecily.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Yes! This day just keeps getting better!', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=1, cecily.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
_root.progress_0 = 1;
} else {
if (_root.progress_1 == 1) { = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': cecily, 'text': 'Back for some more "oral relief"?', 'faces': 'cecily.mouth=2, cecily.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
movieClip 2482 {
movieClip 2488 {
movieClip 2499 {
movieClip 2519 {
movieClip 2524 {
movieClip 2529 {
movieClip 2536 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var frame = 1;
onEnterFrame = function () {
frame += 0.5;
if (frame >= _totalframes) {
frame -= _totalframes;
movieClip 2548 {
movieClip 2553 {
movieClip 2558 {
movieClip 2562 {
movieClip 2567 screen_map {
frame 1 {
if (first_time == undefined) {
first_time = false;
if (_root.area_id >= 4 && _root.area_id < 9) {
} else {
if (_root.area_id >= 9) {
} else {
var i = 0;
while (eval('area_' + i) != undefined) {
(eval('area_' + i)).onPress = function () {
var v3 = this._name.split('_');
_root.area_id = v3[1];
_root.gotoScreen('screen_' + _root.area_id);
area_2._visible = _root.progress_0 >= 2;
area_3._visible = _root.progress_0 >= 4;
eastern_mnf._visible = _root.progress_3 >= 4;
kingsland_mnf._visible = _root.progress_4 >= 6;
eastern_mnf.onPress = function () {
kingsland_mnf.onPress = function () {
frame 2 {
var i = 4;
while (eval('area_' + i) != undefined) {
(eval('area_' + i)).onPress = function () {
var v3 = this._name.split('_');
_root.area_id = v3[1];
_root.gotoScreen('screen_' + _root.area_id);
western_mnf._visible = _root.progress_4 != 1;
area_4._visible = western_mnf._visible;
area_5._visible = _root.progress_4 >= 1;
area_6._visible = _root.progress_4 >= 2;
area_7._visible = _root.progress_4 >= 4;
midland_mnf.onPress = function () {
frame 3 {
var i = 9;
while (eval('area_' + i) != undefined) {
(eval('area_' + i)).onPress = function () {
var v3 = this._name.split('_');
_root.area_id = v3[1];
_root.gotoScreen('screen_' + _root.area_id);
area_10._visible = _root.progress_9 >= 1;
area_11._visible = _root.progress_10 >= 1;
area_12._visible = _root.progress_11 >= 2;
midland_mnf.onPress = function () {
movieClip 2575 {
movieClip 2580 {
movieClip 2588 {
movieClip 2589 {
movieClip 2590 screen_3 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Runt', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'};
var marton = {'name': 'Marton the Maligned', 'bubble_color': 11970428, 'name_align': 'left'};
if (_root.progress_3 == 0) { = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What\'s that light?', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 20});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Who goes there?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 20, 'frame_to': 30});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Ralf! Ralf the Runt! I am a servant of Lady Matilda at Riverport Castle.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Ahh, just a poor peasant boy. Well, I\'m Marton the Maligned. Some call me a disgraced mage, but I like to think that this is a voluntary retirement.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'What brings you to these parts?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'The mushrooms are scarce at the mouth of the cave, I figure there would be a more plentiful bunch deeper in.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'You\'re not wrong, young one.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Tell me, where did you acquire that bear sigil on your tunic?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'It was sewn into the blanket I was abandoned in as a baby.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Hmm, highly unusual looking. I\'ve seen this sigil before...I believe in my younger days as a member of the Royal MNF University.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Wait--really? No one has ever had an idea what this meant before! Which family does this represent?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Oh, I\'m sorry, Ralf. I\'m afraid my memory is quite hazy these days.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Damn...just when I was getting close.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'If you ever find yourself in the Kingsland in central MNF Kingdom, you should pay a visit to the Royal University library. There are encyclopedias of houses ancient and new. Perhaps you\'ll find the information you seek there.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Thanks Marton! You have no idea how happy you\'ve made me.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Here, take this too. No one ventures this far into the cave, let alone gives a rare moment of kinship to an old man like me.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 4, 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'This is Gnarlroot Potion, my specialty. You seem like a young man of good moral standing, so this should give you the tools to succeed.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What does it do?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'use_item', 'item_id': 4});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 30, 'frame_to': 31});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*GULP*', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'This will enhance your cognitive abilities. Someone of your background needs all the help they can get to succeed in this unforgiving world we live in.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 31, 'frame_to': 30});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'This is incredibly kind of you. What did I do to deserve this?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Well, when I look at you, I see a young version of myself. I grew up in similar circumstances and pulled myself up by my bootstraps, ascending to the highest seat of education in MNF Kingdom.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What went wrong?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Well, young one, that\'s a story for another day. Let\'s just say the Queen was not happy. Now, you should probably get a move on.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Thank you, kind sir!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Wait! Don\'t forget your mushrooms!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 5, 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Oh yes! I would receive quite the whipping if I showed up empty handed.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Whipping, eh? So your master is cruel?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You don\'t know the half of it. Lady Matilda is rotten to the core.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Son, I think you have the tools you need to "move up" in the world, if you get what I\'m hinting at.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'But I can\'t make anything of myself as long as I\'m in servitude.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'That\'s why you need to seek freedom! Use that newfound confidence and outmaneuver her! Play mind games! Bring down the gauntlet!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Well, if anyone deserves comeuppance, it\'s Lady Matilda.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'That\'s the spirit. You\'ve got to start working on the problems at hand.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Okay, I\'ll give it a shot! Thanks again Marton!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Safe travels, young man.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
_root.progress_3 = 1;
_root.progress_0 = 5;
} else {
if (_root.progress_3 == 1) { = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'You need to seek freedom, Ralf! Use that newfound confidence and outmaneuver your master!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
} else {
if (_root.progress_3 == 2) {
gotoAndStop(20); = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Well played Ralf! You\'re finally a free man!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
} else {
if (_root.progress_3 == 3) {
gotoAndStop(30); = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 20, 'frame_to': 30});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Ralf! You\'ve returned! And you are positively glowing with confidence! How did the confrontation with Lady Matilda go?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Let\'s just say she won\'t be walking straight for some time.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Ahh, so you overpowered her with your physical strength?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'More so, I tamed her with the one-eyed snake, if you catch my drift.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Oh, to be young and virile again! Good for you, Ralf. Your bright future awaits.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'So I\'m sure you didn\'t just come here to brag about your sexual exploits. How can I help you?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Have you ever heard of the dark pyromancer Nesta?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Oh my! Yes, yes I have. She was a terror in the Kingsland for many moons until the Grand Wizard vanquished her and her band of acolytes, sending her into hiding. I haven\'t heard word of Nesta since.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Well, I\'m told she\'s returned and is using her powers to decimate and plunder in Eastern MNF Kingdom.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Heavens me...I knew it. It would be only a matter of time until she returned. I advised the Grand Wizard to end her life, but he made the poor choice of sparing her and casting her into exile.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I need your advice, Marton. I\'ve joined with Lord Byron\'s band, and we\'ll be attempting to strike at her before she can terrorize again.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'My my, that will not be easy, and the risks are great. It took all of the combined powers of wizardry in the Kingsland to vanquish her the first time. Perhaps she\'ll be weaker to confront all alone, but one mistake, and your journey in life is over.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I\'m aware of the risks, but the reward is gold enough to make me a nobleman! This is an opportunity I will not pass up.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Very well, I will help in any way I can. Here, take this.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 8, 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'You\'ll need that to find your way around, should you separate with your band.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Also--take this. ', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 9, 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What\'s this? More intelligence potion?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Young man! I am an experienced mage! I have an encyclopedic knowledge of potions!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I apologize, I didn\'t mean to offend.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'It\'s all right. I\'m used to being disrespected, but I am still a powerful wizard.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Anways, you\'re holding the Boreal Remedy. We used it in our battles with Nesta and her acolytes back in the day. It will make your body run cold as ice! Be sure to only drink it right before battle, as it lasts for only one hour.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Thanks Marton! How can I ever repay you?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'A young busty woman would be a start! There\'s slim pickins\' in these caves!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Done! If you wish to get your wand serviced, I\'ll come through for you. Once I get my hands on that gold, it\'ll open a world of possibilities.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Splendid! A mutually beneficial relationship. You\'re really growing on me, son.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Will this potion be enough to defeat Nesta?', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Good heavens, no. There are two items you must look for. First is the Frost Dagger, which is forged with the dark magic of the elves. Second is the Grand Wizard\'s Tunic, which is blanketed with the most powerful anti-magic auras known to man. The second object may be more difficult to find. The Grand Wizard had many of them made, so perhaps one has fallen into the hands of someone in Eastern MNF Kingdom.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=3, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Unfortunately, that\'s all the advice this old man has. Be safe on your journey, young Ralf.', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I will try. You\'ve given me wise counsel. Now, I must get moving, as Lord Byron is expecting me. Many thanks for the help!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=1, marton.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'I\'ll be seeing you soon, young Ralf...hopefully with a breasty companion...', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
_root.progress_3 = 4;
} else {
if (_root.progress_3 == 4) {
gotoAndStop(20); = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': marton, 'text': 'Good luck in your adventure, Ralf, and take care not to get yourself killed. This old man is hoping for the comfort of a large pair of breasts!', 'faces': 'marton.mouth=2, marton.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
movieClip 2593 screen_intro1 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var narration = {'name': '', 'bubble_color': 7615575, 'name_align': 'left'};
var matilda = {'name': 'Lady Matilda', 'bubble_color': 3355443, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Runt', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'};
btn_map._visible = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': narration, 'text': 'Our hero\'s name is Ralf. He is known to some as Ralf the Runt. Ralf was born a bastard, cast off and forgotten by parents he never knew, left on the front step of a local parish.', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 15});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': narration, 'text': 'The only trace of family he has is a patch with a bear crest on it that was cut from the original blanket he was found in as a baby. That patch has been affixed to every article of clothing he\'s had since, his only symbol of identity. The parish was a rough place for an undersized kid like Ralf. He was the target of the other children, bullied and beaten down.', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 15, 'frame_to': 34});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': narration, 'text': 'When he was 15, he\'d had enough and ran off from the parish, only to run out of supplies and fall into the servitude of Lady Matilda, a young widow.', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': narration, 'text': 'Her husband succumbed to the plague some years ago, and she inherited a small fortune, which she used to furnish a modest castle. However, whether due to the grief of losing a husband or the building frustration of not having a sexual partner, Matilda has become a heartless overseer, walking around the castle with her trusty whip in hand.', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': narration, 'text': 'She takes after Ralf in particular, who is smaller than the other servants. Further frustrating Ralf is Lady Matilda\'s bountiful soft tits that bounce and jiggle around the castle. Young, resilient, but tortured by his sexy boss, Ralf is in a trying situation. But one fateful midsummer\'s day would prove to be a major turning point in the life of young Ralf, a realization of his long-dormant potential.', 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 34, 'frame_to': 45});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Ralf, you know what today is?', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I apologize, I do not remember, m\'lady.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Of course you don\'t, your brain is the size of a pea! The esteemed Lord Byron and his party will be arriving in the afternoon. I need you to collect some items for his favorite stew.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=2, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Take a walk to the Forbidden Sea and collect a bushel of cockles. And be quick with it! There\'s a lot to be done today.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=2, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Absolutely, Matilda.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Pardon me, but did you refer to me by my name? We are NOT equals, and it is foolish and stupid of you to insinuate so.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=3, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Apologies, m\'lady! Please forgive me!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'I will excuse you this one time for the mistake. I do get a laugh at the thought of someone as addled and useless as yourself acting as a nobleman. What a backwards world that would be!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=2, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* Busty bitch...', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': matilda, 'text': 'Now get going.', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=2, matilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btn_map', 'value': true});
btn_map.onPress = function () {
btn_map._visible = false;
movieClip 2628 {
movieClip 2635 {
movieClip 2637 {
movieClip 2643 {
movieClip 2646 {
movieClip 2653 screen_outro1 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Runt', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'};
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 53, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Ahh, that must be Lord Byron! Just in time to see you at your best!', 'faces': 'matilda.mouth=1, matilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 53, 'frame_to': 64, 'faces': ''});
frame 64 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 90 {
sex_chapter2.onPress = function () {
movieClip 2661 {
movieClip 2687 {
movieClip 2691 {
movieClip 2757 {
movieClip 2860 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var frame = 1;
var step = 2;
onEnterFrame = function () {
frame += step;
if (frame >= _totalframes) {
frame -= _totalframes;
movieClip 2861 {
movieClip 2866 {
movieClip 2870 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2877 {
movieClip 2881 {
movieClip 2882 {
movieClip 2883 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2887 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 2897 {
frame 1 {
frame 44 {
movieClip 2906 {
frame 1 {
frame 47 {
_parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 2936 {
movieClip 2937 {
movieClip 2938 {
frame 1 {
function changeValue(d_value) {
value += d_value;
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value = 1;
stripe._x = -(1 - value) * stripe._width;
var value = 0;
movieClip 2945 {
movieClip 2946 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_0 == 5 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 31) {;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_0 == 5 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 52) {;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_0 == 5 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 73) {;
btn_cum.postOnPress = function () {
_visible = false;
if (_root.progress_0 == 5 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 114) {;
movieClip 2977 {
frame 1 {
if (_root.progress_0 == 5) {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
} else {
frame 20 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 30 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 31 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 32 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 41 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 51 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 52 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 53 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 62 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 72 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 73 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 74 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 83 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 93 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 103 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 113 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 114 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 115 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 124 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 134 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 144 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 154 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 164 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 165 {
movieClip 2978 screen_sex0 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_0 == 5) {
_root.progress_0 = 6;
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 58, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'boobs=1, eyes=1, mouth=1, brows=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 31, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.07000000000000001, 'face_settings': 'boobs=1, eyes=1, mouth=2, brows=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 7, 'frame_end': 51, 'auto_speed': 0.13, 'face_settings': 'boobs=1, eyes=2, mouth=4, brows=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'boobs=2, eyes=3, mouth=3, brows=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 100, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'boobs=3, eyes=1, mouth=2, brows=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'boobs=3, eyes=3, mouth=4, brows=3', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, cum2', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'eyes=1, mouth=2, brows=2'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boobs.anim', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boobs.anim2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'leg1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'leg2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'balls', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 2994 {
movieClip 2997 {
movieClip 3012 {
movieClip 3016 {
movieClip 3035 {
movieClip 3041 {
movieClip 3045 {
movieClip 3048 {
movieClip 3060 {
movieClip 3074 {
movieClip 3075 {
movieClip 3076 {
movieClip 3077 {
movieClip 3080 {
movieClip 3081 {
movieClip 3082 {
movieClip 3083 {
movieClip 3089 {
movieClip 3090 {
movieClip 3091 {
movieClip 3092 {
movieClip 3095 {
movieClip 3096 {
movieClip 3097 {
movieClip 3098 {
movieClip 3118 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3122 {
movieClip 3135 {
frame 1 {
frame 77 {
movieClip 3155 {
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frame 2 {
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_start = 103;
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_end = 133;
frame 48 {
_parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 3227 {
movieClip 3237 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_1 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 1) {;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_1 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 12) {;
btn_4.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_1 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 23) {;
btn_5.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_1 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 44) {;
btn_cum.postOnPress = function () {
_visible = false;
if (_root.progress_1 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 55) {
_root.progress_1 = 1;;
movieClip 3250 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 11 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 12 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 13 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 22 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 23 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 24 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 33 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 43 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 44 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 45 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 54 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 55 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 56 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 65 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 66 {
movieClip 3252 screen_sex1 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 103, 'frame_end': 107, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'brow1=1, brow2=1, eye1=1, eye1m=1, eye2=1, eye2m=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 103, 'frame_end': 133, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'brow1=3, brow2=3, eye1=1, eye1m=1, eye2=1, eye2m=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_LINEAR_CUSTOMSPEED, 'frame_start': 62, 'frame_end': 102, 'auto_speed': 0.1, 'face_settings': 'brow1=2, brow2=2, eye1=2, eye1m=2, eye2=2, eye2m=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 21, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'brow1=2, brow2=2, eye1=1, eye1m=1, eye2=1, eye2m=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_4', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 10, 'frame_end': 57, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'brow1=1, brow2=1, eye1=2, eye1m=2, eye2=2, eye2m=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_5', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'brow1=3, brow2=3, eye1=3, eye1m=3, eye2=3, eye2m=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 0, 'pixel_start': 250, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'brow1=1, brow2=2, eye1=2, eye1m=2, eye2=2, eye2m=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'brow1=3, brow2=3, eye1=3, eye1m=3, eye2=3, eye2m=3', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, cum2', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'brow1=1, brow2=2, eye1=2, eye1m=2, eye2=2, eye2m=2'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair1_2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair4', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair5', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 3258 {
movieClip 3265 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 = _parent._parent._parent.anim_manager.gravi.auto_move_fade_k * _parent._parent._parent.anim_manager.act.auto_speed / 0.18;
if (v2 > 1) {
v2 = 1;
var v3 = int(31 + v2 * 30 * Math.cos(_parent._parent._parent.anim_manager.gravi.auto_anim_angle - Math.PI));
movieClip 3266 {
movieClip 3291 {
movieClip 3321 {
movieClip 3336 {
movieClip 3344 {
movieClip 3348 {
movieClip 3356 {
movieClip 3362 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
_parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 3365 {
frame 1 {
frame 25 {
movieClip 3401 {
movieClip 3403 {
movieClip 3404 {
movieClip 3405 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 30) {;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 41) {;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 62) {;
btn_cum.postOnPress = function () {
_visible = false;
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 83) {;
movieClip 3424 {
frame 1 {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0) {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
} else {
frame 19 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 29 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 30 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 31 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 40 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 41 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 42 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 51 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 61 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 62 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 63 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 72 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 82 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 83 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 84 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 93 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 103 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 104 {
movieClip 3425 screen_sex2 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0) {
_root.progress_2 = 1;
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 10, 'frame_end': 20, 'auto_speed': 0.05, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask1=1, cock_mask2=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 40, 'frame_end': 65, 'auto_speed': 0.05, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask1=2, cock_mask2=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 65, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask1=2, cock_mask2=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 66, 'frame_end': 130, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask1=2, cock_mask2=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 65, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 250, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask1=2, cock_mask2=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 65, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask1=2, cock_mask2=1', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, cum2', 'face_settings_after_cum': ''});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'butt1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'butt2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'leg1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'leg2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'balls', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 3431 {
movieClip 3432 {
movieClip 3438 {
movieClip 3459 {
frame 1 {
frame 21 {
movieClip 3463 {
movieClip 3464 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3473 {
movieClip 3487 {
frame 1 {
frame 16 {
movieClip 3492 {
frame 1 {
frame 31 {
movieClip 3493 {
movieClip 3494 {
movieClip 3504 {
movieClip 3513 {
movieClip 3519 {
movieClip 3521 {
movieClip 3522 {
movieClip 3523 {
movieClip 3524 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3528 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3535 {
movieClip 3539 {
movieClip 3542 {
movieClip 3545 {
movieClip 3549 {
frame 1 {
frame 42 {
movieClip 3563 {
movieClip 3564 {
movieClip 3572 {
movieClip 3577 {
movieClip 3581 {
movieClip 3585 {
movieClip 3588 {
movieClip 3593 {
frame 1 {
frame 38 {
movieClip 3598 {
frame 1 {
frame 51 {
movieClip 3606 {
movieClip 3607 {
movieClip 3608 {
frame 1 {
frame 52 {
if (_root.progress_5 == 0) {;
} else {
_parent._parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 3611 {
movieClip 3612 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_0.postOnPress = function () {
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_5 == 0 && _parent._parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 31) {;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_5 == 0 && _parent._parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 52) {;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_5 == 0 && _parent._parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 73) {;
btn_cum.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_5 == 0 && _parent._parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 94) {;
} else {
_visible = false;
btn_manually.postOnPress = function () {
movieClip 3613 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_start = 40;
_parent._parent.anim_manager.act.frame_end = 61;
frame 32 {
movieClip 3616 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0) {
_root.progress_2 = 1;
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 25, 'frame_end': 32, 'auto_speed': 0.05, 'face_settings': 'mouth=1, brows=1, eyes=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 21, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.08, 'face_settings': 'mouth=2, brows=2, eyes=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 7, 'frame_end': 56, 'auto_speed': 0.14, 'face_settings': 'mouth=3, brows=1, eyes=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'mouth=4, brows=3, eyes=4'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 250, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'mouth=2, brows=2, eyes=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'mouth=4, brows=3, eyes=4', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, cum_1, cum_2, cum_3', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'mouth=2, brows=2, eyes=4'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1s', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1s', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2s', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2s', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hand1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hand2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 3617 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 30) {;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 41) {;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 62) {;
btn_cum.postOnPress = function () {
_visible = false;
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 83) {;
movieClip 3644 {
frame 1 {
if (_root.progress_5 == 0) {
_parent.act.panel._visible = false;
} else {
frame 11 {
_parent.act.panel._visible = false;
frame 20 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 30 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 31 {
_parent.act.panel._visible = true;
frame 32 {
_parent.act.panel._visible = false;
frame 41 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 51 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 52 {
_parent.act.panel._visible = true;
frame 53 {
_parent.act.panel._visible = false;
frame 62 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 72 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 73 {
_parent.act.panel._visible = true;
frame 74 {
_parent.act.panel._visible = false;
frame 83 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 93 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 94 {
_parent.act.panel._visible = true;
frame 95 {
_parent.act.panel._visible = false;
frame 104 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 114 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 124 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 125 {
frame 135 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 146 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 147 {
_parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 3645 screen_sex5 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_5 == 0) {
_root.progress_5 = 1;
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 40, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 15, 'frame_end': 45, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 5, 'frame_end': 56, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 450, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'cock_mask=2', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, arm1.anim.cum_1, arm1.anim.cum_2, butt2.cum', 'face_settings_after_cum': ''});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'butt1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'butt2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'arm1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'arm2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'balls', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 3676 {
movieClip 3691 {
movieClip 3704 {
movieClip 3711 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3717 {
movieClip 3720 {
movieClip 3721 {
movieClip 3722 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3727 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3734 {
movieClip 3736 {
movieClip 3739 {
movieClip 3741 {
movieClip 3751 {
movieClip 3757 {
movieClip 3759 {
movieClip 3762 {
movieClip 3764 {
movieClip 3777 {
movieClip 3783 {
frame 1 {
frame 36 {
movieClip 3794 {
frame 1 {
frame 29 {
_parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 3797 {
movieClip 3798 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_6 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 30) {;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_6 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 51) {;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_6 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 72) {;
btn_cum.postOnPress = function () {
_visible = false;
if (_root.progress_6 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 93) {;
movieClip 3819 {
frame 1 {
if (_root.progress_6 == 0) {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
} else {
frame 19 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 29 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 30 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 31 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 40 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 50 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 51 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 52 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 61 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 71 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 72 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 73 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 82 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 92 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 93 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 94 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 103 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 113 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 114 {
movieClip 3821 screen_sex6 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_6 == 0) {
_root.progress_6 = 1;
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 5, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'eyes=1, brows=1, mouth=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 5, 'frame_end': 31, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'eyes=1, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 5, 'frame_end': 56, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'eyes=2, brows=1, mouth=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'eyes=3, brows=3, mouth=4'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.HORIZONTAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 0, 'pixel_start': 150, 'pixel_width': 250, 'face_settings': 'eyes=2, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'eyes=3, brows=3, mouth=4', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, cum2', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'eyes=1, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1_mask', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2_mask', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1s', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2s', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'tip1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'tip2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'balls', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'tail', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 3860 {
frame 1 {
frame 32 {
if (_root.progress_7 == 0) {;
} else {
_parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 3866 {
movieClip 3870 {
movieClip 3881 {
movieClip 3883 {
movieClip 3892 {
movieClip 3894 {
movieClip 3910 {
movieClip 3916 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3922 {
movieClip 3924 {
movieClip 3925 {
movieClip 3926 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3931 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 3936 {
frame 1 {
frame 25 {
movieClip 3946 {
movieClip 3947 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_7 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 40) {;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_7 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 61) {;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_7 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 82) {;
btn_cum.postOnPress = function () {
_visible = false;
if (_root.progress_7 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 103) {;
movieClip 3972 {
frame 1 {
if (_root.progress_7 == 0) {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
} else {
frame 19 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 20 {
frame 29 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 30 {
frame 39 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 40 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 41 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 50 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 60 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 61 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 62 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 71 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 81 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 82 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 83 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 92 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 102 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 103 {
_parent.panel._visible = true;
frame 104 {
_parent.panel._visible = false;
frame 113 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 123 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 124 {
frame 134 {
next_btn.onPress = function () {
frame 135 {
_parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 3974 screen_sex7 {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_7 == 0) {
_root.progress_7 = 1;
_root.progress_4 = 5;
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 1, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'eyes=1, brows=1, mouth=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 21, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'eyes=1, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 5, 'frame_end': 56, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'eyes=2, brows=1, mouth=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'eyes=3, brows=3, mouth=4'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 1, 'pixel_start': 300, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'eyes=2, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'eyes=3, brows=3, mouth=4', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, cum2', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'eyes=1, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1.nipple', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2.nipple', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 1});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'leg1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'leg2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 0, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 3986 {
movieClip 4006 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 4012 {
movieClip 4015 {
movieClip 4016 {
movieClip 4017 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 4022 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 4027 {
movieClip 4038 {
frame 1 {
frame 45 {
movieClip 4044 {
movieClip 4049 {
movieClip 4066 {
frame 1 {
frame 57 {
movieClip 4072 {
movieClip 4079 {
movieClip 4092 {
movieClip 4093 {
movieClip 4096 {
movieClip 4107 {
movieClip 4108 {
movieClip 4109 {
movieClip 4110 {
movieClip 4113 {
movieClip 4114 {
movieClip 4115 {
movieClip 4133 {
frame 1 {
frame 46 {
movieClip 4134 {
frame 1 {
frame 58 {
_parent._parent.next_btn._visible = true;
movieClip 4148 {
movieClip 4149 {
frame 1 {
function onBarFilled() {
btn_manually._visible = true;
btn_cum._visible = true;
btn_manually._visible = false;
btn_cum._visible = false;
var i = 0;
var btn_id = 0;
while (eval('btn_' + i) != undefined) {
if (i > 1) {
(eval('btn_' + i)).enabled = false;
(eval('btn_' + i))._alpha = 50;
var btns_count = i;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (bar.value < btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
if (bar.value >= btn_id / (btns_count - 1)) {
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1))).enabled = true;
(eval('btn_' + (btn_id + 1)))._alpha = 100;
btn_1.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 30) {;
btn_2.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 41) {;
btn_3.postOnPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 62) {;
btn_cum.postOnPress = function () {
_visible = false;
if (_root.progress_2 == 0 && _parent.sex_talk._currentframe == 83) {;
movieClip 4150 screen_sex2_titfuck {
frame 1 {
anim_manager = new AnimManager(act, panel);
next_btn._visible = false;
next_btn.onPress = function () {
if (_root.progress_4 == 5) {
_root.progress_4 = 6;
} else {
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_0', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 56, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.04, 'face_settings': 'eyes=1, brows=1, mouth=1'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_1', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 6, 'frame_end': 56, 'auto_speed': 0.06, 'face_settings': 'eyes=1, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_2', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.12, 'face_settings': 'eyes=2, brows=1, mouth=3'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_3', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.18, 'face_settings': 'eyes=3, brows=3, mouth=4'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_manually', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_PENDULUM_MANUAL, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'mouse_movement': AnimAct.VERTICAL_MOVEMENT, 'reverse_mouse_control': 0, 'pixel_start': 300, 'pixel_width': 200, 'face_settings': 'eyes=2, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddAct({'btn_name': 'btn_cum', 'type': AnimAct.TYPE_CUM_PENDULUM, 'frame_start': 1, 'frame_end': 61, 'auto_speed': 0.2, 'auto_fade_out_speed': 0.005, 'face_settings': 'eyes=3, brows=3, mouth=4', 'cum_clips': 'cum1, cum2, boob1.cum, boob3.cum', 'face_settings_after_cum': 'eyes=1, brows=2, mouth=2'});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob2m', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob3', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob4', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'boob4m', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple1s', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'nipple2s', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'hair', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
anim_manager.AddSwing({'clip_name': 'shadow', 'first_frame': 1, 'last_frame': 61, 'reverse': 1, 'update_before_gravi': 0});
onEnterFrame = function () {
anim_manager.Update(_xmouse, _ymouse);
movieClip 4151 screen_map2 {
movieClip 4154 screen_intro2 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var lord_byron = {'name': 'Lord Byron', 'bubble_color': 3355443, 'name_align': 'right'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Runt', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'left'};
btns.fuck._visible = false; = false; = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 10, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'What in the seven hells is going on here?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 10, 'frame_to': 20, 'faces': ''});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Lord Byron! Nice to make your acquaintance! My name is Ralf, and this is my new sex slave, Matilda.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'I was coming here to reject Lady Matilda\'s offer of courtship, but instead I\'m greeted with this simply splendid display of depravity, and I\'m pleasantly surprised. Who did you say you were again?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Ralf, some call me Ralf the Runt, but that nickname will not stand for much longer. I\'ve conquered my captor, Lady Matilda, and used her holes for my pleasure. Her wickedness has come back to haunt her in the form of rough sex! And she has recently granted my freedom, so I plan to make something of myself.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Well, young lad, I am Lord Byron of Hill Keep. I respect the stones on you, Ralf. I sensed treachery from the moment I met Lady Matilda, and as someone who has achieved great status in a short time, I admire your will to rise up in society.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'It may be that fate has brought you to my aid. I would like you to join my band and make for Eastern Meet and Fuck Kingdom for a mission.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Gladly, my good sir! I just so happen to be filled with the spirit of adventure! What is this quest you speak of?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'The dark pyromancer Nesta has been raiding the noble houses of Eastern MNF Kingdom for months on end, plundering their riches and leaving them dead or penniless. I\'ve heard a rumor that she has been hoarding the stolen treasure in a lair in the Black Quarry on Blighted Mountain.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'So you need help building fortifications to your castle?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'No, not exactly. Lord Byron does not wait for a threat to come to him. I\'m planning a premeditated strike against her, but I could use your help to locate the proper armor and weapons to stave off her powerful attacks and end her reign of terror. In return for your aid, I offer you a share of the riches recovered.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Good thinking, sir. You can count on me. My newfound strength, intelligence, and stamina will be an asset in this quest, I assure you. And I can be very persuasive with women, as you can see.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'It seems my intuition was right with you! I\'m tempted to request of you a romp of Lady Matilda\'s luxurious body, but duty calls. Let\'s make haste back to my castle, Hill Keep.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I will join you shortly, but first I think it wise to meet with an old friend of mine for advice on this threat.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Good idea, young lad. I\'ll be seeing you soon.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Safe travels.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
_root.progress_3 = 3;
movieClip 4159 screen_4 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var lord_byron = {'name': 'Lord Byron', 'bubble_color': 3355443, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'}; = false; = false;
if (_root.progress_4 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Ahh Ralf! I was worried you\'d been kidnapped by orcs!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I wish...', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'What do you mean by that?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Oh, nothing!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I\'ve been gifted the Boreal Remedy, which should protect us from Nesta\'s fiery attacks. However, we need to acquire a special tunic and a Frost Dagger, the latter of which is rumored to be forged by elves.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Hmm...elves you say?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'The nearby settlement of Raventown is a known hangout of female elf warriors. I think it wise to start our search there.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'The horses are saddled and ready, let\'s depart.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1'});
_root.progress_4 = 1;
} else {
if (_root.progress_4 == 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'I have to thank you, my boy! I haven\'t taken a lass like that in many moons! What\'s next?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'We need to acquire the Grand Wizard\'s tunic.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'The Grand Wizard\'s tunic?! You\'ve got to be kidding me, that will be impossible to acquire! ', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'We\'ve got to try, Lord Byron. I want that gold as much as you do.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Yes, yes, I love gold...', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Now where might we go to find whispers or gossip? That might offer up a lead on where one of these tunics may be hiding.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'This castle sees a lot of foot traffic. I entertain guests frequently. I\'ll ask around. As for you, I\'d suggest paying a visit to the Crooked Oak Inn. The innkeeper sees to all sorts of characters traveling through the area.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Understood, I\'ll get going.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1'});
_root.progress_4 = 2;
} else {
if (_root.progress_4 == 2) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'No news from the servants. I\'m going to pay a visit to my lovely sister in her bedchambers now. Perhaps I can worry some information into--I mean--out of her. Hurry on to the inn, now, Ralf.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* Holy moses, Lord Byron is definitely fucking his sister!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1'});
} else {
if (_root.progress_4 == 3) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Any luck?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You wouldn\'t believe it...Hilda the Innkeeper had the cloak! The Grand Wizard left it behind during one of his visits.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Ahh, Hilda...I have such fond memories of her...', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'She was my first, you know?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '..and she was my last! But you don\'t see me bragging about it...', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'What?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Never mind it...', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Now we\'ve got all the necessary items to strike at Nesta!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Now YOU\'VE got all the necessary items.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'I\'m going to sit this one out. Besides, there\'s only one tunic there. I\'d be charred like a gamehen if I went into Black Quarry like this!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Are you kidding me?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'I\'ll split the treasure half and half. Do we have a deal?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Sure, I guess there\'s no other option here.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'To Black Quarry! Fare thee well, Ralf the Righteous!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1'});
_root.progress_4 = 4;
} else {
if (_root.progress_4 == 4) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Did you forget something?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'No.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Did you chicken out?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I did not.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Why are you here?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I\'m not sure. I should be going.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Do you want to have intimate relations with my sister?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Uhhhh...maybe later, I have an evil being to dispatch.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1'});
} else {
if (_root.progress_4 == 5) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Ralf! You\'ve returned!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'And I come bearing riches!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'You will be hailed a hero throughout this Kingdom, Ralf the Righteous!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Now, I must partake on a journey to the Kingsland to uncover the mystery of my lineage.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'It was a pleasure accompanying you on this journey, Ralf. I anticipate many great things in your future.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I won’t let you down! Mark my words, Lord Byron, one day in the not too distant future, I will rise up to the highest rank in the land...and FUCK THE QUEEN IN HER ROYAL ASS!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Atta boy!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 67});
} else {
if (_root.progress_4 == 6) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Good luck on your journey to the highest rank in the land, Ralf!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1'});
frame 59 {
frame 67 {
movieClip 4163 screen_5 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var lord_byron = {'name': 'Lord Byron', 'bubble_color': 3355443, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'left'};
var vivian = {'name': 'Vivian Longbow', 'bubble_color': 11055553, 'name_align': 'right'}; = false; = false;
if (_root.progress_5 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'This place reeks! What is making that foul smell?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'The earth is fractured in these parts and odorous clouds rise from the vents. The Blighted Mountain sits not far from here, and is a likely source of the renewal of Nesta\'s powers.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Why would anyone live here?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'None but the seediest types of person are found here, and where corruption can run rampant, wealth accumulates.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'And elves?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'These are no ordinary elves. They are a race of powerful women, hired in Raventown to carry out assassinations and other criminal acts that the wealthy fear not do themselves.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Powerful women, you say? I have a fondness for BIG powerful women.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Lady Matilda notwithstanding, I share that lust, my good man!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 17});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': 'Who are you? State your business here. No noblemen and their servants stand slack-jawed in the middle of the street without seeking a criminal transaction.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=2, vivian.mouth=3, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': '*THINKING* My GOD, I haven\'t seen an elf with a bosom that massive before! Little Byron is stirring in my trousers!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=2, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*THINKING* Oh my god, she\'s a busty goddess! I would love to put my dick in her.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'I am Lord Byron of Hill Keep.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=2, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'And I am Ralf the Ru--Ralf the Righteous. We\'re looking for an elf.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': 'Have you been kicked in the head by a horse? You\'re looking at one. I\'m Vivian Longbow. What do you need? And be quick with it.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=3, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'We\'ve been told your kind may know where to find a Frost Dagger.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': 'I may have that knowledge. What can you do to convince me to share it with you?', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=3, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Lord Byron is wealthy, he\'ll pay you whatever you please.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'A-hem! Ralf! You are a terrible negotiator!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': '50 gold pieces.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=3, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Fifty!!!!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You heard her, pay the woman!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Rrrrrrgh...this had better be worth it. Here, take it. This is a highway robbery.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': 'Here, take it.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=2, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 10});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': 'I have dozens that can replace that one.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=2, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'You! You! Yo--*cough* *cough*', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=3, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Be calm, Lord Byron! Included in that cost was a second service.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': 'No, there was no second service.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=3, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You offered to get both mine and Lord Byron\'s cocks off in a threesome gangbang.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': 'Good god, you clod! You are brain-damaged, I\'m sure of it now!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=3, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'No no, you\'ll use those massive tits and that giant ass to take our cumshots!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': 'You two scoundrels need to make haste or I will--', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=3, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 17, 'frame_to': 18});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': '--or I will...or I will...', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=3, vivian.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Distracted by something? Lord Byron, pay the busty beauty 25 more gold pieces to seal the deal.', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': '...what a monstrous unit this young man possesses...', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=1, lord_byron.brows=1, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=3, vivian.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': lord_byron, 'text': 'Here\'s your money, let\'s get the depravity started!', 'faces': 'lord_byron.mouth=2, lord_byron.brows=3, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3, vivian.mouth=1, vivian.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
} else {
if (_root.progress_5 == 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 19, 'frame_to': 29});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': vivian, 'text': 'The young man with the giant member is back! It\'ll be 100 gold pieces to ravage my body again...and pay back what you stole.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1, vivian.mouth=2, vivian.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
movieClip 4166 screen_6 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var hilda = {'name': 'Hilda', 'bubble_color': 9779516, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Runt', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'}; = false; = false;
if (_root.progress_6 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'My God, every man and woman in here seems to have overdone it with the spirits.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 15});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Guten tag! My name is Hilda, and I\'m the proprietor of this establishment.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*THINKING* Yes!! I am the luckiest man alive! This woman is a sex pot!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*THINKING*: I\'m getting so horny, I can\'t breathe!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Er--a-hem! I\'m Ralf...Ralf the R-runt...I--uh--I was wondering if you could help me out.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Oh, we have a shy one here! Don\'t worry, I don\'t bite! Mama Hilda welcomes everyone with open arms.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*THINKING*: I\'d love to feel those big bountiful breasts pressed against me in a hug....then pressing my throbbing cock into her buxom body!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I was--uhh--wondering if you had any information on--umm--a certain article of clothing...', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Oh honey, I\'m having trouble understanding you. You don\'t have to be afraid of dear old Hilda...unless the sight of my BIG BOSOMS is getting you tongue-tied!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Rrrrrgh...big...huge...milky...boobs....', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Yes, cute one! You love my extra large titties? Does looking at my bursting cleavage make you feel light in the head?', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=3, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 15, 'frame_to': 16});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Ich glaub mich knutscht ein Elch!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=3, hilda.brows=2, ralf.eyes=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Believe it, Mama Hilda! Your lusty body will make this monster explode!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
} else {
if (_root.progress_6 == 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Wau! Young Ralf, you are the most virile man I\'ve ever been with.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'You are just so sexy, I couldn\'t help it!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Such kind words, Ralf. Now, what was that question you were trying to ask me before?', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I\'m wondering if you have heard of the Grand Wizard.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'The Grand Wizard? Aye, yes, he has stayed in my inn on several occasions. Small cock though...nothing like your monster...', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'He has?! Did he perchance speak of his tunic? That tunic has special powers and I am seeking it out for a special mission.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'My my, my little Ralf is on a big adventure. Yes, I have his tunic.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'What?!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'I have his tunic, I feel like I am speaking pretty clearly. He left it behind after his last stay. Here, you can have it, I have no use for it.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'My luck!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 11});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Thanks Hilda! I must be going now.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Just like that? You owe poor Hilda another visit very soon.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=3, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Don\'t worry, I\'ll be back for more!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Auf wiedersehen, big cock!', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1'});
_root.progress_6 = 2;
_root.progress_4 = 3;
} else {
if (_root.progress_6 == 2) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': hilda, 'text': 'Oh! Lord Ralf the Large Cocked has returned! Please let Mama Hilda show you some proper hospitality.', 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=2, hilda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true, 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true, 'faces': 'hilda.mouth=1, hilda.brows=1'});
movieClip 4172 {
movieClip 4177 {
movieClip 4334 {
movieClip 4335 {
movieClip 4346 {
movieClip 4348 {
movieClip 4349 screen_7 {
frame 1 {
if (first_time != undefined) {
return undefined;
var first_time = false;
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var nesta = {'name': 'Nesta', 'bubble_color': 16752384, 'name_align': 'left'};
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Righteous', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'}; = false; = false;
if (_root.progress_7 == 0) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* I guess this place is as good as any for a fire sorcerer\'s evil lair...', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* She\'d better be hot...', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* HA! Sometimes I crack myself up...', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*thinking* Okay, time to get my wits about me.', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'use_item', 'item_id': 9});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 2});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*GULP*'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 2, 'frame_to': 3});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'use_item', 'item_id': 11});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 3, 'frame_to': 4});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'NESTAAAAAAAA!', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 4, 'frame_to': 18});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': nesta, 'text': 'You called?', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=3, nesta.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Um, yes. My name is Ralf the Righteous, and I\'d like to take back the treasure you stole from those innocent people.', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=1, nesta.brows=1, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': nesta, 'text': 'Hahahaha! Innocent people? Noblemen? You\'ve got a good sense of humor, puny "righteous" man. They deserved what came for them. A fiery judgment.', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=2, nesta.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Well, that may be all well and good, but I\'m still going to have to take that Chest of Gold from you, Nesta.', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=1, nesta.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': nesta, 'text': 'Is there some army behind you that I\'m not aware of? Because in a few moments, I\'m going to turn you into a lump of char and feed you into the volcano.', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=3, nesta.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Nope, just me.', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=1, nesta.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': nesta, 'text': 'Sigh...I was hoping for more excitement out of this day...very well, prepare to die.', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=2, nesta.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'NOW!', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=3, nesta.brows=3, ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 18, 'frame_to': 45});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'OOOOOHHHHH YEAHHH!!! KING ARTHUR AIN\'T GOT NOTHIN\' ON ME!', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=3, nesta.brows=2, nesta.eyes=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': nesta, 'text': 'Ughhhhh....', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=3, nesta.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Now to take the Chest of Gold.', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=3, nesta.brows=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'take_item', 'item_id': 12});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Time for the hero to seize a prize of flesh!', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=3, nesta.brows=2, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
} else {
if (_root.progress_7 == 1) {
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Did you miss me?', 'faces': 'nesta.eyes=2, nesta.mouth=1, nesta.brows=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': nesta, 'text': 'No! You have taken everything, my powers, my plunder...', 'faces': 'nesta.mouth=3, nesta.brows=3, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Here, let me give something back again!', 'faces': 'nesta.eyes=2, nesta.mouth=1, nesta.brows=2, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'btns.fuck', 'value': true});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': '', 'value': true});
movieClip 4354 screen_outro2 {
frame 1 {
var dialog = new Dialog(this, 'bottom');
var ralf = {'name': 'Ralf the Rigid', 'bubble_color': 6314380, 'name_align': 'right'};
var griselda = {'name': 'Griselda the Gifted', 'bubble_color': 8818512, 'name_align': 'left'};
fuck._visible = false;
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 1, 'frame_to': 21});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Is that a warhorn I hear?', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=3, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Could it be...?', 'faces': 'ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 21, 'frame_to': 30});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'My little man! Ralf the Rigid! I heard tell of your mission to take down the evil sorceress Nesta, and we\'ve come to offer up the strength of the Dark Woods Orcs to the cause!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Griselda the Gifted! Are you a sight for sore eyes! How I missed those enormous green breasts!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'They\'re all yours, young man. But after the battle has been won!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'Your aid is greatly appreciated, but it\'s over already! Nesta has been vanquished by mine own blade! The threat to the land is no more, thanks to Ralf the Righteous!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'You? You took down the vaunted pyromancer? My gift could not have made you THAT strong...', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=3, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': 'I made use of magical weapons found around this area to protect myself and end the threat to the entire Kingdom!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=2, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Well deserve a reward. I remember offering up a special service for your extra-large magical weapon?', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=1, ralf.brows=1'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'goto_frame', 'frame_from': 30, 'frame_to': 31});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': ralf, 'text': '*Drooling* Tiiiiiiiiiiits....', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=1, griselda.brows=1, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=3'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'show_bubble', 'character': griselda, 'text': 'Help yourself, young hero! My breasts are your reward!', 'faces': 'griselda.mouth=2, griselda.brows=2, ralf.mouth=4, ralf.brows=2'});
dialog.AddAct({'type': 'set_visible', 'mc_name': 'fuck', 'value': true});
fuck.onPress = function () {
movieClip 4355 screen_outro2_2 {
frame 1 {
sex_chapter3.onPress = function () {
movieClip 4375 screen_end_ep3 {
frame 60 {
btn_credits.onPress = function () {
frame 646 {
btn_map.onPress = function () {
movieClip 4376 {
frame 3 {
_root.area_id = 0;
var i = 0;
while (i < 100) {
eval('_root.progress_' + i) = 0;
frame 3 {
function setScreen(clip_name) {
if (screen != undefined) {
attachMovie(clip_name, 'screen', 0);
function gotoScreen(clip_name) {
if (trans != undefined) {
(attachMovie('trans_screen', 'trans', 1)).next_screen = clip_name;