Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2563 · P5126

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #229667

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 5 { } movieClip 10 tooltip { } movieClip 22 aria_laser_small { #initclip Object.registerClass('aria_laser_small', FixOnLoad); #endinitclip frame 8 { stop(); this.unloadMovie(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 32 aria_laser { #initclip Object.registerClass('aria_laser', FixOnLoad); #endinitclip frame 8 { stop(); this.unloadMovie(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 35 spark_2 { frame 16 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 36 spark_1 { frame 16 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 43 bullet { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 44 spark2 { frame 16 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 45 spark { frame 16 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 54 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 55 laser_particle_mc { #initclip Object.registerClass('laser_particle_mc', FixOnLoad); #endinitclip } movieClip 59 { } movieClip 62 enemy_attack_squad { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 70 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 79 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 81 your_attack_squad { frame 1 { stop(); } instance aria of movieClip 70 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance squad of movieClip 79 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } } movieClip 86 { } movieClip 89 { } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 95 { } movieClip 96 e_b { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } frame 14 {;;;;; = 0;; = 0;; = 0;; = 0;; = 0;; } frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 97 e_c { frame 1 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 2 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 3 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 4 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 5 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 6 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 7 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 8 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 9 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 10 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 11 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 12 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 13 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 14 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 15 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 16 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 17 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 18 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 19 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 20 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 21 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 22 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 23 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 24 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 25 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 26 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 27 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 28 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 29 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 30 { if (_root.char.blast._currentframe > 1) { _global.delete_me(this); } } frame 30 { if (this.hitTest(_root.char.hitd) == true) { _global.girl_life -= _global.enemy_damage; if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { _global.amp_damage_buff += 1; } } } frame 31 { _global.delete_me(this); } } movieClip 99 starbox { } movieClip 100 area_mc { } movieClip 103 { } movieClip 106 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.shield_amount = 0; _parent.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.shield_amount = 0; _parent.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } instance aria of movieClip 70 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.shield_amount = 0; _parent.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 109 { } movieClip 110 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 113 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 116 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 122 { } button 125 { on (release) { if (sphere_selection._currentframe == 1) { sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(2); _root.previous_selection = _root.current_selection; _root.current_selection = this; if (_root.current_selection != null && _root.previous_selection != null && _root.previous_selection.units > 1 && _root.previous_selection != _root.current_selection && _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.previous_selection.fleet_number] == 1) { _root.create_laser(_root.current_selection, _root.previous_selection); _root.create_your_attack_squad(_root.current_selection, _root.previous_selection, Math.floor(_root.previous_selection.units / 2)); } } else { sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 127 sphere { frame 1 { stop(); } instance sphere_control of movieClip 106 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[_parent.fleet_number] == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_parent.units < 1000) { _parent.gotoAndStop(_parent.units + 1); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop(1000); } } } } frame 1 { var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); = my_cm; _global.gotraided = function () { if (_global.being_raided == 1) { _global.your_mercenary_count = random(50); _global.recources = 0; _global.psm = 0; _global.pnm = 0; = 0; _global.prisoner = 0; _global.bombs = 0; _global.being_raided = 0; _global.stealth = 1; _global.raid_flag = 1; } if (_global.stealthsystem == 1) { _global.stealth = 1; } if (_global.days_in_same_area > _global.enemy_begin_raid_day && _global.days_in_same_area < _global.enemy_begin_raid_day * 2 && _global.stealth == 0) { if (random(_global.enemy_begin_raid_day * 2 - _global.days_in_same_area) == 0) { _global.being_raided = 1; } } if (_global.days_in_same_area > _global.enemy_begin_raid_day * 2 && _global.stealth == 0) { _global.being_raided = 1; } }; _global.mod_roll = function (roll) { _global.random_check = random(roll); if (_global.random_check < 100) { _global.recources += 1000; _root.mod_text = 'you found 1000 resources in this container.'; } else { if (_global.random_check < 150) { _global.random_check = random(6); if (_global.random_check == 0) { _global.aria_laser_mods[2] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Laser II mod in this container.'; } else { if (_global.random_check == 1) { _global.aria_laser_mods[3] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Laser III mod in this container.'; } else { if (_global.random_check == 2) { _global.aria_hull_mods[2] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Attk Ships II mod in this container.'; } else { if (_global.random_check == 3) { _global.aria_hull_mods[3] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Attk Ships III mod in this container.'; } else { _global.aria_hull_mods[1] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Attk Ships I mod in this container.'; } } } } } else { if (_global.random_check < 170) { _global.random_check = random(4); if (_global.random_check == 0) { _global.aria_laser_mods[4] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Laser Shotgun mod in this container!'; } else { if (_global.random_check == 1) { _global.aria_laser_mods[5] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Laser Burst mod in this container!'; } else { if (_global.random_check == 2) { _global.aria_hull_mods[4] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Attk Unit I mod in this container!'; } else { if (_global.random_check == 3) { _global.aria_hull_mods[5] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Attk Unit II mod in this container!'; } } } } } else { if (_global.random_check < 180) { _global.random_check = random(4); if (_global.random_check == 0) { _global.aria_laser_mods[6] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Laser Break mod in this container!!!'; } else { if (_global.random_check == 1) { _global.aria_laser_mods[7] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Laser Capture mod in this container!!!'; } else { if (_global.random_check == 2) { _global.aria_hull_mods[6] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Attk Unit III mod in this container!!!'; } else { if (_global.random_check == 3) { _global.aria_hull_mods[7] += 1; _root.mod_text = 'you found a Ability Cooldown mod in this container!!!'; } } } } } else { _root.mod_text = 'you didn\'t find anything.'; } } } } }; _global.manage_max_mods = function () { if (_global.aria_laser_mods[0] > 99) { _global.aria_laser_mods[0] = 99; } if (_global.aria_laser_mods[1] > 99) { _global.aria_laser_mods[1] = 99; } if (_global.aria_laser_mods[2] > 99) { _global.aria_laser_mods[2] = 99; } if (_global.aria_laser_mods[3] > 99) { _global.aria_laser_mods[3] = 99; } if (_global.aria_laser_mods[4] > 99) { _global.aria_laser_mods[4] = 99; } if (_global.aria_laser_mods[5] > 99) { _global.aria_laser_mods[5] = 99; } if (_global.aria_laser_mods[6] > 99) { _global.aria_laser_mods[6] = 99; } if (_global.aria_laser_mods[7] > 99) { _global.aria_laser_mods[7] = 99; } if (_global.aria_hull_mods[0] > 99) { _global.aria_hull_mods[0] = 99; } if (_global.aria_hull_mods[1] > 99) { _global.aria_hull_mods[1] = 99; } if (_global.aria_hull_mods[2] > 99) { _global.aria_hull_mods[2] = 99; } if (_global.aria_hull_mods[3] > 99) { _global.aria_hull_mods[3] = 99; } if (_global.aria_hull_mods[4] > 99) { _global.aria_hull_mods[4] = 99; } if (_global.aria_hull_mods[5] > 99) { _global.aria_hull_mods[5] = 99; } if (_global.aria_hull_mods[6] > 99) { _global.aria_hull_mods[6] = 99; } if (_global.aria_hull_mods[7] > 99) { _global.aria_hull_mods[7] = 99; } }; _global.manage_inventory = function (mod) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { var v2 = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser; _global.aria_laser_mods[v2] += 1; _global.aria_laser_mods[mod] -= 1; } if (_global.active_mod == 2) { v2 = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1; _global.aria_hull_mods[v2] += 1; _global.aria_hull_mods[mod] -= 1; } if (_global.active_mod == 3) { v2 = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2; _global.aria_hull_mods[v2] += 1; _global.aria_hull_mods[mod] -= 1; } }; _global.button_mod_press = function (button) { if (button == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod0) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[0] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(0); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser = 0; } if (_global.active_mod == 2 && _global.aria_hull_mods[0] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(0); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 = 0; } if (_global.active_mod == 3 && _global.aria_hull_mods[0] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(0); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 = 0; } } if (button == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod1) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[1] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(1); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser = 1; } if (_global.active_mod == 2 && _global.aria_hull_mods[1] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(1); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 = 1; } if (_global.active_mod == 3 && _global.aria_hull_mods[1] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(1); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 = 1; } } if (button == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod2) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[2] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(2); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser = 2; } if (_global.active_mod == 2 && _global.aria_hull_mods[2] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(2); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 = 2; } if (_global.active_mod == 3 && _global.aria_hull_mods[2] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(2); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 = 2; } } if (button == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod3) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[3] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(3); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser = 3; } if (_global.active_mod == 2 && _global.aria_hull_mods[3] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(3); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 = 3; } if (_global.active_mod == 3 && _global.aria_hull_mods[3] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(3); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 = 3; } } if (button == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod4) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[4] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(4); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser = 4; } if (_global.active_mod == 2 && _global.aria_hull_mods[4] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(4); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 = 4; } if (_global.active_mod == 3 && _global.aria_hull_mods[4] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(4); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 = 4; } } if (button == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod5) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[5] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(5); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser = 5; } if (_global.active_mod == 2 && _global.aria_hull_mods[5] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(5); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 = 5; } if (_global.active_mod == 3 && _global.aria_hull_mods[5] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(5); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 = 5; } } if (button == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod6) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[6] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(6); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser = 6; } if (_global.active_mod == 2 && _global.aria_hull_mods[6] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(6); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 = 6; } if (_global.active_mod == 3 && _global.aria_hull_mods[6] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(6); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 = 6; } } if (button == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod7) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[7] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(7); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser = 7; } if (_global.active_mod == 2 && _global.aria_hull_mods[7] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(7); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 = 7; } if (_global.active_mod == 3 && _global.aria_hull_mods[7] > 0) { _global.manage_inventory(7); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 = 7; } } }; } frame 1 { _global.do_task = function () { _global.random_check = random(100) + 1; _global.check_against_this_result = 0; _global.how_much = 0; _global.check_against_this_result = _global.max_obey - _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey; if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] != 4) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.arielle_injury == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.phia_injury == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.tiffany_injury == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.bri_injury == 1) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 9; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food <= 0) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; _global.random_check = 100; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 5; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(5) + 1; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue >= 100) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; _global.random_check = 100; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 6; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(5) + 1; } } } } if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 1) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(1); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(5) + 5; if (_global.random_check >= _global.check_against_this_result || _global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.talk_text(_global.aria_girl, 1); if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx4.start(0, 1); } } _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love += random(5) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey += random(10) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue += random(5) + 1; } else { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' refuses to talk to you!'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(5) + 1; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 2) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx3.start(0, 1); } } _root.girl.gotoAndStop(2); _root.girl_result = 'You didn\'t give ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' any orders.'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love += random(5) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey += random(10) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(5) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue -= random(20) + 20; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 3) { if (_global.random_check >= _global.check_against_this_result || _global.aria_girl == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.current_area == 3 || _global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.current_area == 4) { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(3); if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx4.start(0, 1); } } _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' is ready for combat.'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love -= random(5) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(15) + 5; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(10) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue += random(30) + 30; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love += random(5) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey += random(10) + 20; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love -= random(15) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(10) + 5; } } _global.story_task_battle = 1; } else { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' refuses to go battle!'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(5) + 5; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(15) + 10; _global.story_task_battle = 0; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 4) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); _root.girl_result = 'You harshly punish ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + '.'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey += random(30) + 30; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(10) + 5; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love -= random(10) + 15; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue += random(10) + 20; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 5) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } if (_global.random_check >= _global.check_against_this_result) { _global.how_much = random(100) + 1; if (_global.how_much + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food > 100) { _global.how_much = 100 - _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food; } _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue += random(5) + 5; if (_global.how_much > _global.food_supply) { _global.how_much = _global.food_supply; } if (_global.food_supply <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(10) + 10; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' refuses to do anything until there is food.'; } else { if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx4.start(0, 1); } } _root.girl.gotoAndStop(5); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food += _global.how_much; _global.food_supply -= _global.how_much; _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' eats ' + _global.how_much + ' of the remaining food.'; } } else { if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' refuses to eat!'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(10) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(5) + 1; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 6) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; if (_global.random_check >= _global.check_against_this_result || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue > 89) { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(6); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' is away sleeping.'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue -= random(10) + 91; } else { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' tries to stay awake instead!'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(5) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue += random(80) + 11; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 7) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; if (_global.random_check >= _global.check_against_this_result || _global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(10); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' accepts your offer.'; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx3.start(0, 1); } } _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 100; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(10) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey += random(10) + 10; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love += random(20) + 20; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; _global.charisma_growth = random(25) + 50; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love > 150) { _global.charisma_growth += random(25) + 50; } _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma += _global.charisma_growth; if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' is absolutely thrilled!'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love += random(20) + 20; } } else { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' refuses to sleep with you!'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(25) + 15; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue += random(10) + 5; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 8) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; if (_global.random_check >= _global.check_against_this_result || _global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.arielle_rape == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.phia_rape == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.tiffany_rape == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.bri_rape == 1) { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(3); if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx3.start(0, 1); } } _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' trains in the Combat battle simulation.'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 100; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(15) + 10; if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.arielle_rape == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.phia_rape == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.tiffany_rape == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.bri_rape == 1) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey += random(5) + 5; } else { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(5) + 5; } _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat += 3; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space += 3; } else { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' refuses to train!'; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(25) + 15; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue += random(10) + 5; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 9) { if (_global.random_check >= _global.check_against_this_result || _global.goo_unlocked == 1 || _global.remi_unlocked == 1) { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(6); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' is away recovering.'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue -= random(10) + 91; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(5) + 55; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(15); if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && random(_global.recover_chance) == 0) { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(1); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' has recovered!'; _global.arielle_injury = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && random(_global.recover_chance) == 0) { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(1); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' has recovered!'; _global.phia_injury = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && random(_global.recover_chance) == 0) { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(1); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' has recovered!'; _global.tiffany_injury = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && random(_global.recover_chance) == 0) { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(1); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' has recovered!'; _global.bri_injury = 0; } } else { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' refuses to recover!'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(5) + 5; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(15) + 20; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 10) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(14); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food -= random(5) + 5; if (_global.random_check >= _global.check_against_this_result || _global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.temp_gather = random(100 * _global.current_area) + 20 * _global.current_area + 50 * _global.GatherLv; if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.temp_gather += 50 * _global.current_area; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.temp_gather += 20 * _global.current_area; } } _global.recources += _global.temp_gather; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx3.start(0, 1); } } _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' gathers ' + _global.temp_gather + ' resources.'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love += random(5); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey += random(10) + 5; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue -= random(10); } else { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' refuses to gather resources!'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(5) + 1; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] == 11) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(5); if (_global.random_check >= _global.check_against_this_result) { if (_global.recources >= 100) { _global.recources -= 100; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.temp_gather = 100 + 20 * _global.FoodLv; } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.temp_gather = 10 + 5 * _global.FoodLv; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.temp_gather = 150 + 50 * _global.FoodLv; } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.temp_gather = 50 + 10 * _global.FoodLv; } if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _global.temp_gather = 100 + 20 * _global.FoodLv; } _global.food_supply += _global.temp_gather; _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' uses 100 recources to make ' + _global.temp_gather + ' food.'; } else { _root.girl_result = 'There are not enough recources to make food.'; } if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx3.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx4.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx3.start(0, 1); } } _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love += random(5); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey += random(10); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue -= random(10) + 10; } else { _root.girl.gotoAndStop(4); _root.girl_result = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' refuses to make food!'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey -= random(5) + 10; if ( == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx5.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx5.start(0, 1); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue > 100) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 100; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey > 100) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; } if (_global.v00 == 1) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 0; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = 100; } var v3 = 0; v3 = 0; while (v3 < _global.total_pilots) { if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[v3] == 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[v3].food -= 3; if (_global.aria_girl_array[v3].fatigue >= 90) { _global.aria_girl_array[v3].fatigue -= 50; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[v3].fatigue < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[v3].fatigue = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[v3].food <= 0) { _global.how_much = random(100) + 1; if (_global.how_much + _global.aria_girl_array[v3].food > 100) { _global.how_much = 100 - _global.aria_girl_array[v3].food; } if (_global.how_much > _global.food_supply) { _global.how_much = _global.food_supply; } if (_global.food_supply <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[v3].obey -= random(10) + 5; } else { _global.aria_girl_array[v3].food += _global.how_much; _global.food_supply -= _global.how_much; } } if (_global.aria_girl_array[v3].food < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[v3].food = 0; } } ++v3; } if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[6] == 0 && _global.remi_unlocked == 1) { _global.aria_girl_array[6].food -= 3; if (_global.aria_girl_array[6].fatigue >= 90) { _global.aria_girl_array[6].fatigue -= 50; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[6].fatigue < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[6].fatigue = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[6].food <= 0) { _global.how_much = random(100) + 1; if (_global.how_much + _global.aria_girl_array[6].food > 100) { _global.how_much = 100 - _global.aria_girl_array[6].food; } if (_global.how_much > _global.food_supply) { _global.how_much = _global.food_supply; } if (_global.food_supply <= 0) { } else { _global.aria_girl_array[6].food += _global.how_much; _global.food_supply -= _global.how_much; } } if (_global.aria_girl_array[6].food < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[6].food = 0; } } }; } frame 1 { _global.talk_text = function (aria_girl, task) { if (aria_girl == 1 && task == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].food < 20 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I am getting a bit hungry... Why don\'t you ever need to eat?'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].obey < 50 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'Thanks for coming to talk with me. I don\'t really like taking orders from you but I will always accept Space Battles. We need to get back to GemCo fast as possible and get this over with. Work before pleasure.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].fatigue > 80 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I\'m feeling a bit tired...maybe I should rest soon... but I will try to keep on going.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].love > 100 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'We constantly have to fight our way through enemies, but at least it is enjoyable, thanks.'; } else { switch (random(8)) { case 0: _root.girl_result = 'I\'ll admit you are pretty strong Jeo, but I know how to make you weak.'; break; case 1: _root.girl_result = 'Jeo look... The star field we are in right now is beautiful...too bad we don\'t have time to just enjoy it.'; break; case 2: _root.girl_result = 'Thanks for coming to talk to me but don\'t think I will let you off the hook Jeo. I am only cooperating for our mutual survival.'; break; case 3: _root.girl_result = 'All of our laser systems are repaired and ready. Now lets get moving! We have enemies in our way that needs to be educated on why parking in front of my mega laser cannon is a bad idea.'; break; case 4: _root.girl_result = 'I won\'t be your little servant girl forever Jeo.'; break; default: _root.girl_result = 'You talk with ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' and get to know her a little better.'; } } } } } } else { if (aria_girl == 2 && task == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].food < 20 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'Damn I\'m getting hungry. Make me some food sweetie.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].obey < 50 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'Ha! Hey Jeo did I ever tell you how much you suck at giving orders? I always like to fuck though.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].fatigue > 80 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'Damn I\'m getting a little tired. You have been working me too much so let me rest a little.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].love > 100 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'Fighting our way through countless enemies is so fun! Hey did you want to fuck later?'; } else { switch (random(8)) { case 0: _root.girl_result = 'Aww... Did you want to talk sweetie? I\'d rather we just fuck to be honest.'; break; case 1: _root.girl_result = 'Just let me know if you need me. I\'ll be keeping our mercenaries happy.'; break; case 2: _root.girl_result = 'Talk!? I\'m not opening my mouth unless you are putting your dick in it.'; break; case 3: _root.girl_result = 'Damn! Did you know how much our engines vibrate? I\'m glad some of the parts are long and hard.'; break; case 4: _root.girl_result = 'I don\'t understand why you want to talk. You are so boring. Now can you please be a man and just keep fucking the shit out of me?'; break; default: _root.girl_result = 'You talk with ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' and get to know her a little better.'; } } } } } } else { if (aria_girl == 3 && task == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].food < 20 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'Hey are you getting hungry too? We should take a moment to eat.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].obey < 50 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I hardly approve of your ability to give orders Jeo. Just be sure to let me be free to do what I want sometimes. I can cook and salvage resources in my free time... after my shower of course.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].fatigue > 80 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'Do you ever sleep Jeo? Please let me rest a little. I\'ll be better ready for action again after I get some rest.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].love > 100 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I don\'t like fighting very much. But I trust that you will get us all back safely.'; } else { switch (random(8)) { case 0: _root.girl_result = 'You know Jeo, you getting so weak after battles is extremely strange. But it is even more strange how you recover that weakness...'; break; case 1: _root.girl_result = 'I\'ve been trying to put together more materials that can help us get through this star field faster.'; break; case 2: _root.girl_result = 'You should really let me talk some samples of your sperm sometime Jeo. uh, for scientific reasons of course.'; break; case 3: _root.girl_result = 'I have been busy checking our main hull and shields. Everything looks okay for now. Let keep it that way Jeo. Don\'t do anything too dangerous.'; break; case 4: _root.girl_result = 'How are you doing Jeo? Just let me know if you need any medical attention.'; break; default: _root.girl_result = 'You talk with ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' and get to know her a little better.'; } } } } } } else { if (aria_girl == 4 && task == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].food < 20 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I\'m hungry...where is the food?'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].obey < 50 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I\'ll cooperate more than other girls. I just need a friend to talk to...'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].fatigue > 80 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'Jeo, how do you go so long without sleeping?'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].love > 100 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I\'m sure you will watch over me in battle Jeo. You wouldn\'t let something happen to me right?'; } else { switch (random(8)) { case 0: _root.girl_result = 'Jeo, when I look at you, I see only darkness...'; break; case 1: _root.girl_result = 'I can\'t wait to get back to GemCo. Fighting constant battles and enemies is a scary thought. We might not be able to win all of them Jeo.'; break; case 2: _root.girl_result = 'Did you need me for something? Oh talk. Sure, I could use that. Thanks.'; break; case 3: _root.girl_result = 'Slowing down enemy ships takes a lot of concentration. Plus the Khalei I use could easily backfire and destroy me and my ship completely.'; break; case 4: _root.girl_result = 'I don\'t like all this fighting... How do you kill people and just think nothing of it? It is a horrifying thought.'; break; default: _root.girl_result = 'You talk with ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' and get to know her a little better.'; } } } } } } else { if (aria_girl == 6 && task == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].food < 20 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I\'m hungry babe...let me suck on that sausage a bit until some food is ready'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].obey < 50 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I see you like to play rough...'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].fatigue > 80 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'Ugh, I stayed up all night studying Bri\'s Khalei condition.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[aria_girl].love > 100 && random(4) == 0) { _root.girl_result = 'I just want to have a little fun for now.'; } else { switch (random(8)) { case 0: _root.girl_result = 'Don\'t worry I am helping the girls recover quickly. I learned nursing at a early age before... well...'; break; case 1: _root.girl_result = 'Bri\'s Saboteur Khalei is facititaing! Too bad I have to limit to test sessions with her or risk getting drained.'; break; case 2: _root.girl_result = 'I see Phia all over the ship having sex... I am a bit jealous but I like to spend a lot of time researching Khalei instead.'; break; case 3: _root.girl_result = 'Jeo you should read From then to Beyond. I found a copy at the Nanko bookstore. It has intresting information about Cia. Could it be that such things exist?'; break; case 4: _root.girl_result = 'Jeo if you ever wanted to stick your dick in me while I\'m sleeping I don\'t mind.'; break; default: _root.girl_result = 'You talk with ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' and get to know her a little better.'; } } } } } } } } } } }; } frame 1 { stop(); _root.pswrd = ''; _global.chat_text_amount = 80; _global.temp_aria_girl = 1; _global.scene_frame = 0; _global.gobackto = 0; _global.custom = 0; _global.holodeck = 0; _global.tutoriallevel = 0; _global.sfx = 1; _global.branched = 0; _global.task_max = 4; _global.tasks_left = 4; _global.total_pilots = 5; _global.ranked_game = 0; _global.rank = 1; _global.cum_girl = 500; _global.cum_girl_max = 500; _global.noinjury = 0; _global.view_mode = 0; _global.prisoner = 0; _global.random_agent = 0; _global.being_raided = 0; _global.days_in_same_area = 0; _global.stealth = 0; _global.stealthsystem = 0; _global.bought_stealth = 0; _global.raid_flag = 0; _global.suimay_quest = 0; _global.support_char = 6; _global.AIRobot = 0; _global.had_sui_may_sex = 0; _global.had_luma_sex = 0; _global.had_kim_sex = 0; _global.had_yui_sex = 0; _global.rape_on = 1; _global.arielle_rape = 0; _global.phia_rape = 0; _global.tiffany_rape = 0; _global.bri_rape = 0; _global.enemy_begin_raid_day = 10; _global.endraid = 1; _global.bombs = 0; _global.RaidTrainning = 0; _global.recover_chance = 3; _global.mercwork = 0; _global.eplosive_ships = 0; _global.psm = 0; _global.pnm = 0; = 0; _global.overcharge = 0; _global.total_enemies_remaining = 0; _global.weapon_damage = 10; _global.asteroid1 = 0; _global.asteroid2 = 0; _global.asteroid3 = 0; _global.asteroid4 = 0; _global.asteroid_spawn_chance = 4; if (random(_global.asteroid_spawn_chance) == 1) { _global.asteroid1 = 1; } else { _global.asteroid1 = 0; } if (random(_global.asteroid_spawn_chance) == 1) { _global.asteroid2 = 1; } else { _global.asteroid2 = 0; } if (random(_global.asteroid_spawn_chance) == 1) { _global.asteroid3 = 1; } else { _global.asteroid3 = 0; } if (random(_global.asteroid_spawn_chance) == 1) { _global.asteroid4 = 1; } else { _global.asteroid4 = 0; } _global.explore_area = 0; _global.arielle_injury = 0; _global.phia_injury = 0; _global.tiffany_injury = 0; _global.bri_injury = 0; _global.assaultship_destroyed = 0; _global.cargoship_destroyed = 0; _global.assistanceship1_destroyed = 0; _global.assistanceship2_destroyed = 0; _global.bossship_destroyed = 0; _global.ship_to_raid = 0; _global.bgm_music_begin = 1; _global.partical_total = 0; _global.auto_rally = 1; = 1; _global.hardmode = 0; if (_global.v00 == null || _global.v00 == undefined) { _global.v00 = 0; } _global.on_story_mission = 0; _global.random_check = 0; _global.check_against_this_result = 0; _global.max_obey = 100; _global.boss_spawned = 0; _global.bossEMP = 0; _global.bossEMPtimer = 0; _global.bossEMPduration = 0; _global.bossAbilityCount = 0; _global.bossAbilityIncrement = 1; _global.game_hours = 0; _global.game_minutes = 0; _global.game_seconds = 0; _global.bg_dark = 1; _global.aria_girl = random(4) + 1; _global.aria_girl_previously_played = 0; _global.space_battle_complete = 0; _global.story_task_battle = 0; _global.days_passed = 0; _global.area_bg = 1; _global.battle_text_timer = 0; _global.battle_text_max_time = 5; _global.battle_text_random = 5; _global.battle_talk = 0; _global.recources = 1200; _global.food_supply = random(400) + 100; _global.your_mercenary_count = 35; _global.current_area = 1; _global.totoal_areas = 10; _global.travel_resource_cost = 700; _global.enemy_defeated = 0; _global.current_enemy_support = 1; _global.FoodLv = 0; _global.AttkShipLv = 0; _global.GatherLv = 0; _global.RallyLv = 0; var food = random(90) + 11; var fatigue = random(70) + 31; var obey = 100; var arielle = new AriaGirl('Arielle', 50, 0, 0, 30, 20, 20, 25, 10, 15, food, fatigue, obey); food = random(90) + 11; fatigue = random(70) + 31; obey = 100; var phia = new AriaGirl('Phia', 70, 0, 0, 25, 20, 25, 20, 5, 5, food, fatigue, obey); food = random(90) + 11; fatigue = random(70) + 31; obey = 70; var tt = new AriaGirl('TT', 30, 0, 0, 20, 10, 15, 8, 5, 30, food, fatigue, obey); food = random(90) + 11; fatigue = random(70) + 31; obey = 70; var bri = new AriaGirl('Bri', 40, 0, 0, 15, 0, 15, 15, 3, 15, food, fatigue, obey); food = 100; fatigue = 0; obey = 100; var jeo = new AriaGirl('Jeo', 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, food, fatigue, obey); var remi = new AriaGirl('Remi', 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, 2000, food, fatigue, obey); var luma = new AriaGirl('Luma', 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 3000, 30000, 3000, 3000, food, fatigue, obey); _global.aria_girl_array = new Array(); _global.aria_girl_array[0] = null; _global.aria_girl_array[1] = arielle; _global.aria_girl_array[2] = phia; _global.aria_girl_array[3] = tt; _global.aria_girl_array[4] = bri; _global.aria_girl_array[5] = jeo; _global.aria_girl_array[6] = remi; _global.aria_girl_array[7] = luma; _global.jeo = 5; _global.max_value = 1000; _global.jeo_first_fight = 0; _global.goo_unlocked = 0; _global.had_goo_sex = 0; _global.remi_unlocked = 0; _global.luma_unlocked = 0; _global.remi_talk = 0; _global.remi_in_battle = 0; _global.rooms_left = 10; _global.aria_girl_task_queue = new Array(); _global.aria_girl_task_queue[0] = null; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[1] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[2] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[3] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[4] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[5] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[6] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[7] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[8] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[9] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[10] = 0; _global.aria_laser_mods = new Array(); _global.aria_laser_mods[0] = 1; _global.aria_laser_mods[1] = 1; _global.aria_laser_mods[2] = 0; _global.aria_laser_mods[3] = 0; _global.aria_laser_mods[4] = 0; _global.aria_laser_mods[5] = 0; _global.aria_laser_mods[6] = 0; _global.aria_laser_mods[7] = 0; _global.aria_hull_mods = new Array(); _global.aria_hull_mods[0] = 1; _global.aria_hull_mods[1] = 0; _global.aria_hull_mods[2] = 0; _global.aria_hull_mods[3] = 0; _global.aria_hull_mods[4] = 0; _global.aria_hull_mods[5] = 0; _global.aria_hull_mods[6] = 0; _global.aria_hull_mods[7] = 0; _global.currentFagent = 0; _global.unlockedAgents = new Array(); _global.unlockedAgents[0] = 0; _global.unlockedAgents[1] = 0; _global.unlockedAgents[2] = 0; _global.unlockedAgents[3] = 0; _global.unlockedAgents[4] = 0; _global.unlockedAgents[5] = 0; _global.unlockedAgents[6] = 0; _global.unlockedAgents[7] = 0; _global.unlockedAgents[8] = 0; } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 134 { } movieClip 136 { } movieClip 138 { } movieClip 139 { frame 1 { function myWidth(moveObj, newWidth) { moveObj.w = moveObj._width; moveObj.dwidth = newWidth - moveObj.w; moveObj.t = 0; NFRAMES = 6; moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () { if (moveObj.t++ < NFRAMES) { moveObj._width = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.w, moveObj.dwidth, NFRAMES); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function myMove(moveObj, newX) { moveObj.x = moveObj._x; moveObj.dx = newX - moveObj.x; moveObj.t = 0; NFRAMES = 6; moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () { if (moveObj.t++ < NFRAMES) { moveObj._x = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.x, moveObj.dx, NFRAMES); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } percentLoaded = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); this.myWidth(this.loadBar, percentLoaded * 1.94); this.myMove(this.mc_loadNum, percentLoaded * 1.9 - 8); mc_loadNum.loadNum.text = percentLoaded; easeOutQuad = function (time, beginX, changeX, durationX) { time /= durationX / 2; if (time < 1) { return (changeX / 2) * time * time + beginX; } return (-changeX / 2) * (--time * (time - 2) - 1) + beginX; }; } frame 2 { if (percentLoaded < 100) { gotoAndPlay('loading'); } } frame 25 { _root.gotoAndStop(63); } } movieClip 145 { } movieClip 5964 __Packages.AriaGirl { #initclip if (!_global.AriaGirl) { var v1 = function (girl, love, mood, task, charisma, sex, space, ship, combat, efficiency, food, fatigue, obey) { this.girl = girl; = love; this.mood = mood; this.task = task; this.charisma = charisma; = sex; = space; this.ship = ship; this.combat = combat; this.efficiency = efficiency; = food; this.fatigue = fatigue; this.obey = obey; this.laser = 0; this.hull1 = 0; this.hull2 = 0; }; _global.AriaGirl = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(_global.AriaGirl.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 5965 __Packages.FixOnLoad { #initclip if (!_global.FixOnLoad) { var v1 = function () { super(); }; _global.FixOnLoad = v1; _global.FixOnLoad extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onLoad = function () {}; ASSetPropFlags(_global.FixOnLoad.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { hideTooltip(); } frame 2 { hideTooltip(); _global.tutoriallevel = 0; } movieClip 178 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance bg of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); if (_global.custom == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.custom_load_parsed[0]); } } } movieClip 181 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 183 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 185 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 187 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 189 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 191 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 194 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 197 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 199 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 201 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 203 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 205 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 207 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 209 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 212 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 214 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 216 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 218 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 221 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 223 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 225 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 227 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 229 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 231 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 233 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 235 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 237 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 239 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 241 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 243 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 245 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 247 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance bg_dark of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.bg_dark); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe == 51) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.bg_dark); } } } movieClip 249 { frame 30 { ++_global.game_seconds; if (_global.game_seconds == 60) { _global.game_seconds = 0; ++_global.game_minutes; } if (_global.game_minutes == 60) { _global.game_minutes = 0; ++_global.game_hours; } } } instance of movieClip 249 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._currentframe == 51) { _root.play_time = '' + _global.game_hours + 'h:' + _global.game_minutes + 'm:' + _global.game_seconds + 's'; } if (_global.gobackto > 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(_global.gobackto); _global.gobackto = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl == 6 && _root.main_menu_mc._currentframe == 2) { _root.main_menu_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.main_menu_mc._currentframe == 3 && _global.aria_girl != 6) { _root.main_menu_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 252 { } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 262 { } movieClip 267 { } movieClip 272 { } movieClip 277 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 287 { } movieClip 292 { } movieClip 297 { } movieClip 302 { } movieClip 307 { } movieClip 312 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 315 { } movieClip 316 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 153 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 319 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 322 { } movieClip 323 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 60 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 326 { } movieClip 329 { } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 342 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { _global.enemy_target_blast_amount = (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; if (_root._currentframe == 80) { _global.enemy_target_blast_amount = random(_root.enemy_target_blast_random) + _root.enemy_target_blast_base_amount; } if (_global.assistanceship1_destroyed == 0) { _global.enemy_target_blast_amount += (random(100) + 300) * _global.current_area; } if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _global.enemy_target_blast_amount += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } } frame 40 { bamount = _global.enemy_target_blast_amount; } frame 279 { if (_root.main_sphere.shield._currentframe == 2) { _root.main_sphere.units -= Math.floor(_global.enemy_target_blast_amount / 2); } else { _root.main_sphere.units -= _global.enemy_target_blast_amount; } } frame 293 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 345 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 348 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 351 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 354 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 357 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 358 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 361 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 367 { } movieClip 370 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance ship of movieClip 312 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 319 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance ship of movieClip 345 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[2].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[2].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 348 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[2].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[2].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance ship of movieClip 351 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[3].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[3].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 354 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[3].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[3].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance ship of movieClip 357 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[4].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[4].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 361 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[4].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[4].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } movieClip 371 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } movieClip 375 { } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 380 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 382 { } movieClip 383 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 394 { } movieClip 395 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 397 { } movieClip 400 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 405 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 410 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 414 { } movieClip 415 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 417 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 420 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 426 { } movieClip 427 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 432 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 436 { } movieClip 437 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 451 { } movieClip 452 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 456 { } movieClip 457 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 485 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root._currentframe != 61) { if (_root._currentframe == 97 || _root._currentframe == 85 || _root._currentframe == 98) { gotoAndStop(_global.prisoner); } else { gotoAndStop(_global.currentFagent); } } } } movieClip 486 { } movieClip 487 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { gotoAndStop(24); } else { gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } instance of movieClip 395 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 400 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 405 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 410 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 420 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 427 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 432 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 437 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 452 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 457 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 427 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 501 { } movieClip 502 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 427 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 427 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } button 503 { on (release) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; if (_global.remi_unlocked == 1 && _global.aria_girl == 6) { } else { if (_global.aria_girl > 4) { _global.aria_girl = 1; } } _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 506 { on (release) { if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { _global.temp_area = _global.current_area; _global.current_area = _global.rank; _global.assaultship_destroyed = 0; _global.cargoship_destroyed = 0; _global.assistanceship1_destroyed = 0; _global.assistanceship2_destroyed = 0; _global.bossship_destroyed = 0; if (_global.currentFagent == 7) { _global.assistanceship1_destroyed = 1; } } _root.gotoAndStop(_root._currentframe + 1); } } button 507 { on (release) { if (_global.ranked_game != 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(41); } } } button 513 { on (release) { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; _root.gotoAndStop(53); } } movieClip 515 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 519 { } movieClip 522 { instance of movieClip 380 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance of movieClip 383 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance girl2 of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 76 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { battle_text = 'Arielle reporting in. I\'m beginning my assault!'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { battle_text = 'Phia is ready! Alright hell yeah! Lets do this!'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { battle_text = 'Tiffany here. I have arrived at the combat zone. Shields are online. I\'m beginning my attack.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { battle_text = 'Bri here. There are so many enemies. I will do my best!'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { battle_text = 'They will suffer.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { battle_text = 'Remi reporting... This looks like it won\'t be very hard.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { battle_text = 'This is Luma. I\'m here. Time to kick some ass!'; } } } } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx2.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx2.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx2.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx2.start(0, 1); } if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { battle_text = 'Ranked Space Battle\nCurrent rank: ' + _global.rank + '\nRanked games will respawn all raided ships.'; } } instance of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area != 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.battle_talk == 1) { _global.battle_talk = 0; this.gotoAndStop(76); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.auto_rally_x(); _root.depth_and_laser_adjsut(); = _global.psm; _root.nm = _global.pnm; =; updateStars(); if (Key.isDown(32) == true) { _root.main_sphere.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(2); _root.previous_selection = _root.current_selection; _root.current_selection = _root.main_sphere; if (_root.current_selection != null && _root.previous_selection != null && _root.previous_selection.units > 1 && _root.previous_selection != _root.current_selection && _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.previous_selection.fleet_number] == 1) { _root.create_laser(_root.current_selection, _root.previous_selection); _root.create_your_attack_squad(_root.current_selection, _root.previous_selection, Math.floor(_root.previous_selection.units / 2)); } } if (Key.isDown(49) == true) { if (_root.space_battle_options_menu.option_1._currentframe >= 100) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_1.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_global.RallyLv == 1) { if (Math.floor(_global.your_mercenary_count / 2) > _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma) { _root.main_sphere.units += Math.floor(_global.your_mercenary_count / 2); } else { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } else { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } } else { if (Key.isDown(50) == true) { if (_root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2._currentframe >= 300) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.current_selection.fleet_number] == 0) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.current_selection.units = 0; _root.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; _root.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.current_selection.fleet_number] == 1) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.current_selection.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 || _global.aria_girl == 6) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.current_selection.fleet_number] == 0) { _root.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.current_selection.fleet_number] = 1; _root.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; _root.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad(_root.main_sphere, _root.current_selection, Math.floor(_root.current_selection.units / 2)); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.current_selection.heart.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.main_sphere.units += 50 + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root['sphere_' + x].units += 50 + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } ++x; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.your_shotgun_laser = 1; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.disaster = 1; _root.timer_disaster = 60; _global.bossAbilityCount -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; if (_global.bossAbilityCount < 0) { _global.bossAbilityCount = 0; } _root.main_ship.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root['sphere_' + x].units -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space * 2; if (_root['sphere_' + x].units < 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].units = 0; } } ++x; } } } } } } } } else { if (Key.isDown(51) == true) { if (_root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { if (_root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.bossAbilityCount -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; if (_global.bossAbilityCount < 0) { _global.bossAbilityCount = 0; } _root.main_ship.laser.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 || _global.aria_girl == 6) { if (_root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0 && _root['sphere_' + x].units <= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma) { _root['sphere_' + x].sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spheres_under_your_control[x] = 1; _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad(_root.main_sphere, _root['sphere_' + x], Math.floor(_root['sphere_' + x].units / 2)); _root['sphere_' + x].heart.gotoAndPlay(2); } ++x; } } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 || _global.aria_girl == 7) { if (_root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.main_sphere.shield.gotoAndStop(2); _root.main_sphere.shield_amount += 20 + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship * 2; _root.main_ship.shield.gotoAndStop(2); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(2); } ++x; } } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { if (_root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.weaken += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; _global.bossAbilityIncrement = 1; } } } } } } } else { if (Key.isDown(52) == true) { } else { if (Key.isDown(100) == true) { } else { if (Key.isDown(101) == true) { } else { if (Key.isDown(102) == true) { } } } } } } } }; } frame 3 { hideTooltip(); } frame 3 { _global.tutorial_settings = function (tutorial_number) { if (_global.tutoriallevel > 0) { _global.area_tracker = _global.current_area; _global.hm_tracker = _global.hard_mode; _global.hard_mode = 0; _global.current_area = 0; _global.bossAbilityIncrement = 0; _global.bossAbilityCount = 0; _global.pnm_active = 0; _global.pnm_active_time = 9999; _global.bossEMP = 0; _global.bossEMPtimer = 0; _global.boss_spawned = 0; _global.bossEMPduration = 0; _root.your_mercenary_count = 50000; _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.currentFagent = 0; _root.support_char = 0; _global.support_char = 0; _root.support_ship._visible = false; _global.ranked_game = 0; _root.enemy_shoot_type = 1; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 1; _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 0; _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 0; _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 0; _root.enemy_fleet_size = 3; _root.enemy_mercenary_count = 10000; _root.enemy_laser_power = 5; _root.enemy_ship_level = random(4) + 1 + _global.current_area; _global.assaultship_destroyed = 1; _global.cargoship_destroyed = 1; _global.assistanceship1_destroyed = 1; _global.assistanceship2_destroyed = 1; _global.bossship_destroyed = 1; _root.enemy_support_ship._visible = false; _root.helpwindow._visible = true; } }; } frame 3 { function createField(_type) { if (_type == 1) { var v7 = 20; var v5 = 'star1.jpg'; var v6 = 1; } else { if (_type == 2) { var v7 = 50; var v5 = 'star2.jpg'; var v6 = 0.66; } else { if (_type == 3) { var v7 = 100; var v5 = 'star3.jpg'; var v6 = 0.33; } } } var v4 = scope.attachMovie('starbox', 'starbox_mc', scope.getNextHighestDepth()); v4._width = starboxW; v4._height = starboxH; v4._x = starboxX; v4._y = starboxY; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v7) { var v3 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v5); var v1 = v4.createEmptyMovieClip(v5, v4.getNextHighestDepth()); v1.attachBitmap(v3, v1.getNextHighestDepth(), 'always', false); v1._x = random(starboxW - v1._width); v1._y = random(starboxH - v1._height); v1.speedModifier = v6; starsArray.push(v1); ++v2; } } function updateStars() { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < starsArray.length) { var v1 = starsArray[v2]; v1._x += speedX * v1.speedModifier; v1._y += speedY * v1.speedModifier; if (v1._x >= starboxW - v1._width) { v1._x = v1._width; v1._y = random(starboxH - v1._height); } else { if (v1._x <= 0) { v1._x = starboxW - v1._width; v1._y = random(starboxH - v1._height); } } if (v1._y >= starboxH - v1._height) { v1._x = random(starboxW - v1._width); v1._y = v1._height; } else { if (v1._y <= 0) { v1._x = random(starboxW - v1._width); v1._y = starboxH - v1._height; } } ++v2; } } _root.helpwindow._visible = false; _global.pnm_active = 0; _global.pnm_active_time = 30; _global.bossEMP = 0; _global.bossEMPtimer = 0; _global.bossEMPduration = 3 * _global.current_area; if (_global.currentFagent == 8) { _root.enemy_support3._visible = false; _global.bossEMPduration = 1; } _global.bossAbilityCount = 0; _global.bossAbilityIncrement = 1 * _global.current_area; if (_global.bossAbilityIncrement < 5) { _global.bossAbilityIncrement = 5; } _root.clicked = false; _root.dragging = false; _root.your_mercenary_count = _global.your_mercenary_count; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.your_mercenary_count += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } _root.support_char = _global.support_char; if (_root.support_char > 0 && _root.support_char != _global.aria_girl && _root.support_char < 6) { if (_root.support_char == 4 && _global.bri_injury == 1) { _root.support_char = 0; _global.support_char = 0; _root.support_ship._visible = false; } else { if (_root.support_char == 3 && _global.tiffany_injury == 1) { _root.support_char = 0; _global.support_char = 0; _root.support_ship._visible = false; } else { if (_root.support_char == 2 && _global.phia_injury == 1) { _root.support_char = 0; _global.support_char = 0; _root.support_ship._visible = false; } else { if (_root.support_char == 1 && _global.arielle_injury == 1) { _root.support_char = 0; _global.support_char = 0; _root.support_ship._visible = false; } else { _root.support_ability_random = 15; if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 7)) { _root.support_ability_random = 10; } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 7)) { _root.support_ability_random = 10; } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 7)) { _root.support_ability_random = 10; } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 7)) { _root.support_ability_random = 10; } } } } _root.support_laser_damage = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].ship; _root.support_ship.gotoAndStop(_global.support_char); } } } } } else { _root.support_char = 0; _global.support_char = 0; _root.support_ship._visible = false; } if (_global.support_char == 4 || _global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.bri_injury = 1; } _root.attack_squads_in_play = 0; _root.support_squads_in_play = 0; _root.your_lasers_in_play = 0; _root.your_small_lasers_in_play = 0; _root.enemy_lasers_in_play = 0; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx7.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx7.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx7.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx7.start(0, 1); } if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { _root.enemy_shoot_type = random(3) + 1; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 2; } else { if (_global.current_area == 1) { _root.enemy_shoot_type = 1; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 1; } else { if (_global.current_area == 2) { _root.enemy_shoot_type = 2; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 1; } else { if (_global.current_area == 3) { _root.enemy_shoot_type = 1; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 2; } else { if (_global.current_area == 4) { _root.enemy_shoot_type = 2; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 2; } else { if (_global.current_area == 5) { _root.enemy_shoot_type = 1; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 3; } else { if (_global.current_area == 6) { _root.enemy_shoot_type = 3; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 2; } else { if (_global.current_area == 7) { _root.enemy_shoot_type = 1; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 2; } else { _root.enemy_shoot_type = 2; _root.enemy_support_shoot_type = 3; } } } } } } } } _root.enemy_shotgun_laser = 0; _root.enemy_support_shotgun_laser = 0; _global.enemy_target_blast_amount = (random(2000) + 100) * _global.current_area; if (_global.hard_mode == 1) { _global.enemy_target_blast_amount += (random(1000) + 50) * _global.current_area; } _root.your_shotgun_laser = 0; _root.your_shotgun_rounds = 10; _root.support_shotgun_laser = 0; _root.support_shotgun_rounds = 10; _root.sship_random = 10; _root.disaster = 0; _root.battle_text = ''; _global.battle_text_timer = 0; _global.battle_talk = 0; _global.boss_spawned = 0; _root.your_attk_ship_count = 0; _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 0; _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 10; _root.support_attk_ship_count = 0; _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 0; _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 10; if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 1 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 1)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 1; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 1 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 1)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 1; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 1 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 1)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 1; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 1 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 1)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 1; } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 1 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 1)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 1; } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 1 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 1)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 1; } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 1 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 1)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 1; } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 1 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 1)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 1; } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 2 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 2)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 2; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 2 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 2)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 2; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 2 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 2)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 2; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 2 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 2)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 2; } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 2 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 2)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 2; } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 2 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 2)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 2; } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 2 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 2)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 2; } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 2 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 2)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 2; } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 3)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 4; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 3)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 4; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 3)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 4; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 3)) { _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 4; } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 3)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 4; } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 3)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 4; } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 3)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 4; } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 3)) { _root.support_max_attk_ship_count = 4; } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 4 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 4)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 50; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 4 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 4)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 50; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 4 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 4)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 50; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 4 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 4)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 50; } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 4 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 4)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 50; } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 4 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 4)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 50; } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 4 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 4)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 50; } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 4 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 4)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 50; } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 5 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 5)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 100; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 5 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 5)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 100; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 5 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 5)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 100; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 5 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 5)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 100; } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 5 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 5)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 100; } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 5 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 5)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 100; } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 5 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 5)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 100; } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 5 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 5)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 100; } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 6 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 6)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 6 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 6)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 6 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 6)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 6 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 6)) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 6 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 6)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 6 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 6)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 6 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 6)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull1 == 6 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].hull2 == 6)) { _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { _root.your_attk_ship_count = 0; _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 8; _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = Math.floor(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma / 2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _root.your_attk_ship_count = 0; _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 4; _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { _root.your_attk_ship_count = 0; _root.your_max_attk_ship_count = 4; _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count = 200; } } } if (_global.currentFagent == 5) { _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count += 100; } _root.laser_speed = 10; _root.enemy_laser_speed = 10; if (_global.currentFagent == 2) { _root.laser_speed = 20; } _root.your_squad_move_speed = 5; if (_global.currentFagent == 3) { _root.your_squad_move_speed = 10; } _root.weaken = 0; _root.assult = 0; _root.number_of_bases_you_control = 0; _root.enemy_next_action_random = 10; _root.enemy_next_action_time = random(_root.enemy_next_action_random) + 3; _root.enemy_next_action_timer = _root.enemy_next_action_time; _root.enemy_squads_in_play = 0; _root.enemy_squad_move_speed = 5; if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.enemy_squad_move_speed = 1; } _root.enemy_ai = 1; _root.temp_variable = 0; _root.reset_clicked = 0; _root.enemy_fleet_size = 15 + random(10 + _global.current_area) + _global.current_area; if (_root.enemy_fleet_size > 40) { _root.enemy_fleet_size = 40; } if (_global.currentFagent == 7) { _root.enemy_fleet_size -= 10; } _root.enemy_mercenary_count = random(1000 * _global.current_area) + 10000 * _global.current_area; if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.enemy_mercenary_count += random(1000 * _global.current_area) + 15000 * _global.current_area; } _root.enemy_laser_power = random(20) + 5 + _global.current_area; if (_global.assistanceship1_destroyed == 0 && _global.current_area > 1) { _root.enemy_laser_power += random(50) + 1 + _global.current_area; } if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.enemy_laser_power += random(20) + 1 + _global.current_area; } _root.enemy_ship_level = random(4) + 1 + _global.current_area; if (_global.assistanceship1_destroyed == 0 && _global.current_area > 1 || _global.hardmode == 1) { _root.enemy_ship_level = 4 + _global.current_area; } _root.enemy_laser_depth = 0; _root.enemy_attack_ship_depth = 0; _root.player_laser_depth = 0; _root.player_attack_ship_depth = 0; _root.enemy_units_array = new Array(); _root.enemy_unit_sphere_amount_array = new Array(); _root.spheres_under_your_control = new Array(); _root.current_selection = null; _root.previous_selection = null; _global.current_enemy_support = 6; if ((_global.current_area > 1 || _global.hardmode == 1) && _global.assaultship_destroyed == 0) { _root.support_flyin.gotoAndPlay(2); } _global.tutorial_settings(_global.tutoriallevel); _root.spheres_under_your_control[0] = 1; x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { _root.spheres_under_your_control[x] = 0; _root.can_place = false; while (!_root.can_place) { _root.can_place = true; px = Math.floor(Math.random() * 500) + 250; py = Math.floor(Math.random() * 500) + 50; w = 40; y = x - 1; while (y >= 1) { dist_x = px - _root['sphere_' + y]._x; dist_y = py - _root['sphere_' + y]._y; distance = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y)); min_distance = (w + _root['sphere_' + y]._width) / 2 + 20; if (distance < min_distance) { _root.can_place = false; } --y; } } nano = _root.attachMovie('sphere', 'sphere_' + x, x, {'_x': px, '_y': py, '_width': w, '_height': w}); nano.fleet_number = x; nano.shield_amount = 0; nano.shake = 0; nano.originalx = px; nano.originaly = py; nano.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.shake > 0) { _root.shake(this); --this.shake; } if (this.shake == 1) { this._x = this.originalx; this._y = this.originaly; --this.shake; } if (_root.disaster == 1) { this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } if (this.units == 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.pnm_active == 1 && this.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.units >= 500 && _global.ranked_game == 0) { this.units = 500; } if (_global.pnm_active == 1 && this.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.units >= 100 * _global.rank && _global.ranked_game == 1) { this.units = 100 * _global.rank; } if (_root.dragging) { if (this._x > Math.min(click_x, posx) and this._x < Math.max(click_x, posx) and this._y > Math.min(click_y, posy) and this._y < Math.max(click_y, posy)) { this.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); } } }; nano.gotoAndStop(1); ++x; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip('selmovie', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.onMouseDown = function () { click_x = _root._xmouse; click_y = _root._ymouse; _root.clicked = true; }; _root.onMouseUp = function () { _root.reset_clicked = 0; selmovie.clear(); xmouse = _root._xmouse; ymouse = _root._ymouse; if (!_root.dragging) { x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { dist_x = _root['sphere_' + x]._x - xmouse; dist_y = _root['sphere_' + x]._y - ymouse; distance = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y)); if (distance < _root['sphere_' + x]._width / 2) { } else { _root['sphere_' + x].sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); } ++x; } } _root.clicked = false; _root.dragging = false; if (_root.main_sphere.sphere_selection._currentframe == 2) { _root.main_sphere.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); } removeMovieClip(_root.ray); }; var test_total = 0; _root.main_sphere.units = _root.your_mercenary_count; if (_global.currentFagent == 6) { _root.main_sphere.units += 1000 * _global.rank; } z = 0; while (z < _root.enemy_fleet_size - 1) { _root.enemy_units_array[z] = random(_root.enemy_mercenary_count) + 1; ++z; } _root.enemy_units_array.sortOn('sorted', Array.NUMERIC); z = 0; while (z < _root.enemy_fleet_size - 1) { ++z; } z = 0; while (z < _root.enemy_fleet_size - 1) { if (z == 0) { _root.enemy_unit_sphere_amount_array[z] = _root.enemy_units_array[z]; } else { if (z < _root.enemy_fleet_size - 1) { _root.enemy_unit_sphere_amount_array[z] = _root.enemy_units_array[z] - _root.enemy_units_array[z - 1]; } else { if (z == _root.enemy_fleet_size - 1) { _root.enemy_unit_sphere_amount_array[z] = _root.enemy_mercenary_count - _root.enemy_units_array[z]; } } } ++z; } _root.enemy_unit_sphere_amount_array[_root.enemy_fleet_size] = _root.enemy_mercenary_count - _root.enemy_units_array[_root.enemy_fleet_size - 2]; z = 0; while (z <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { _root.temp_variable = z + 1; _root['sphere_' + _root.temp_variable].units = _root.enemy_unit_sphere_amount_array[z]; ++z; } _root['sphere_' + _root.enemy_fleet_size].units = _root.enemy_unit_sphere_amount_array[_root.enemy_fleet_size]; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love >= 300) { _root.sphere_1.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_1.fleet_number] = 1; _root.sphere_2.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_2.fleet_number] = 1; _root.sphere_3.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_3.fleet_number] = 1; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love >= 200) { _root.sphere_1.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_1.fleet_number] = 1; _root.sphere_2.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_2.fleet_number] = 1; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love >= 100) { _root.sphere_1.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_1.fleet_number] = 1; } } } _root.create_laser = function (current_selection, previous_selection) { removeMovieClip(_root.ray); _root.createEmptyMovieClip('ray', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); ray.lineStyle(1, 10066329); ray.moveTo(previous_selection._x, previous_selection._y); ray.lineTo(current_selection._x, current_selection._y); }; _root.depth_minus = 0; _root.depth_multi = 1000000; _root.depth_and_laser_adjsut = function () { if (_root.getNextHighestDepth() - _root.depth_multi * _root.depth_minus > 1000000) { ++_root.depth_multi; } }; _root.delete_mc = function (mc) { mc.removeMovieClip(); }; _root.create_your_attack_squad = function (current_selection, previous_selection, squad_units) { ++_root.attack_squads_in_play; _root.attachMovie('your_attack_squad', 'your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play]._x = previous_selection._x; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play]._y = previous_selection._y; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].units = squad_units + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; previous_selection.units -= Math.floor(previous_selection.units / 2); var v5 = current_selection._x - previous_selection._x; var v6 = current_selection._y - previous_selection._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v5 * v5 + v6 * v6); s; var v7 = v8 / _root.your_squad_move_speed; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].xSpeed = v5 / v7; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].ySpeed = v6 / v7; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].squad_units = squad_units; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].previous_selection = previous_selection; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].current_selection = current_selection; radAngle = Math.atan2(v6, v5); _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].squad._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 90); _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.number_of_bases_you_control == _root.enemy_fleet_size + 1 && this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe > 1) { _root.delete_mc(this); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); } _root.pilot_pic.pilot.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && random(_global.battle_text_random) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Move out! Now!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Go now! I\'ll cover you!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && random(_global.battle_text_random) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Go get \'em boys!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'There!!! Go Go! Quickly!!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && random(_global.battle_text_random) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'You have your coordinates men! Get going!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'No time to waste!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && random(_global.battle_text_random) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Please go capture that point!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Okay now! Good luck guys!'; } } } } } this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (!(Math.abs(this.xSpeed) > 0 && Math.abs(this.ySpeed) > 0)) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3 && _root._currentframe != 80) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= this.squad_units; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 1; this.current_selection.units *= -1; if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndStop(301); } } } else { if (current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 2) { this.current_selection.units += this.squad_units; } } if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 3 && _global.eplosive_ships == 1) { this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; } --_root.your_attk_ship_count; if (_root.your_attk_ship_count <= 0) { _root.your_attk_ship_count = 0; } _root.delete_mc(this); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); } }; current_selection.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); previous_selection.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); _root.current_selection = null; _root.previous_selection = null; }; _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad = function (current_selection, previous_selection, squad_units) { ++_root.attack_squads_in_play; _root.attachMovie('your_attack_squad', 'your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play]._x = previous_selection._x; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play]._y = previous_selection._y; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].units = squad_units; var v5 = current_selection._x - previous_selection._x; var v6 = current_selection._y - previous_selection._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v5 * v5 + v6 * v6); s; var v7 = v8 / _root.your_squad_move_speed; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].xSpeed = v5 / v7; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].ySpeed = v6 / v7; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].squad_units = squad_units; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].previous_selection = previous_selection; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].current_selection = current_selection; radAngle = Math.atan2(v6, v5); _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].squad._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 90); _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.number_of_bases_you_control == _root.enemy_fleet_size + 1 && this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe > 1) { _root.delete_mc(this); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); } _root.pilot_pic.pilot.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && random(_global.battle_text_random) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Move out! Now!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Go now! I\'ll cover you!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && random(_global.battle_text_random) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Go get \'em boys!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'There!!! Go Go! Quickly!!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && random(_global.battle_text_random) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'You have your coordinates men! Get going!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'No time to waste!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && random(_global.battle_text_random) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Please go capture that point!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Okay now! Good luck guys!'; } } } } } this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (!(Math.abs(this.xSpeed) > 0 && Math.abs(this.ySpeed) > 0)) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3 && _root._currentframe != 80) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= this.squad_units; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 1; this.current_selection.units *= -1; } } else { if (current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 2) { this.current_selection.units += this.squad_units; } } if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 3 && _global.eplosive_ships == 1) { this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; } --_root.your_attk_ship_count; if (_root.your_attk_ship_count <= 0) { _root.your_attk_ship_count = 0; } _root.delete_mc(this); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); } }; current_selection.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); previous_selection.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root.create_support_auto_attack_squad = function (current_selection, previous_selection, squad_units) { ++_root.attack_squads_in_play; _root.attachMovie('your_attack_squad', 'your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play]._x = previous_selection._x; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play]._y = previous_selection._y; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].units = squad_units; var v5 = current_selection._x - previous_selection._x; var v6 = current_selection._y - previous_selection._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v5 * v5 + v6 * v6); s; var v7 = v8 / _root.your_squad_move_speed; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].xSpeed = v5 / v7; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].ySpeed = v6 / v7; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].squad_units = squad_units; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].previous_selection = previous_selection; _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].current_selection = current_selection; radAngle = Math.atan2(v6, v5); _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].squad._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 90); _root['your_attack_squad_' + _root.attack_squads_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.number_of_bases_you_control == _root.enemy_fleet_size + 1 && this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe > 1) { _root.delete_mc(this); } this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (!(Math.abs(this.xSpeed) > 0 && Math.abs(this.ySpeed) > 0)) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3 && _root._currentframe != 80) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= this.squad_units; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 1; this.current_selection.units *= -1; } } else { if (current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 2) { this.current_selection.units += this.squad_units; } } if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 3 && _global.eplosive_ships == 1) { this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; } --_root.support_attk_ship_count; if (_root.support_attk_ship_count <= 0) { _root.support_attk_ship_count = 0; } _root.delete_mc(this); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); } }; current_selection.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); previous_selection.sphere_selection.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root.create_enemy_cargo_squad = function (ai) { ++_root.enemy_squads_in_play; _root.attachMovie('enemy_attack_squad', 'enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection = _root.enemy_cargo_ship; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = null; if (ai == 1) { x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection.units > _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } } ++x; } } else { if (ai == 2) { x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { } else { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection.units > _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } } ++x; } } } _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play]._x = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play]._y = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection._y; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].units = 30 * _global.current_area; var v4 = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v5 = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v5 * v5); var v6 = v7 / _root.enemy_squad_move_speed; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].xSpeed = v4 / v6; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].ySpeed = v5 / v6; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].squad_units = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].units; radAngle = Math.atan2(v5, v4); _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].squad._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 90); _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.support_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root.disaster == 1) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 4); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3) { _root.delete_mc(this); } this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0 || this._x == _root.enemy_cargo_ship._x && this._y == _root.enemy_cargo_ship._y) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 2) { if (this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= this.squad_units; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 0; this.current_selection.units *= -1; this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } } } else { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units += this.squad_units; } } _root.delete_mc(this); } }; }; _root.create_enemy_attack_squad = function (ai) { ++_root.enemy_squads_in_play; _root.attachMovie('enemy_attack_squad', 'enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection = null; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = null; if (ai == 1) { x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection.units > _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } } else { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection == null) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection.units < _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } } ++x; } } else { if (ai == 2) { x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { } else { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection.units > _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection == null) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection.units < _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } } ++x; } } } _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play]._x = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play]._y = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection._y; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].units = Math.floor(_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection.units / 2); _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection.units = Math.floor(_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection.units / 2); var v3 = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v4 = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v6 = Math.sqrt(v3 * v3 + v4 * v4); var v5 = v6 / _root.enemy_squad_move_speed; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].xSpeed = v3 / v5; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].ySpeed = v4 / v5; _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].squad_units = _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].units; radAngle = Math.atan2(v4, v3); _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].squad._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 90); _root['enemy_attack_squad_' + _root.enemy_squads_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.support_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root.disaster == 1) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 4); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3) { _root.delete_mc(this); } this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0 || this._x == _root.enemy_cargo_ship._x && this._y == _root.enemy_cargo_ship._y) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 2) { if (this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= this.squad_units; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 0; this.current_selection.units *= -1; this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } } } else { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units += this.squad_units; } } _root.delete_mc(this); } }; }; _root.shoot_your_laser = function () { if (_root.your_shotgun_laser == 0) { ++_root.your_lasers_in_play; _root.attachMovie('aria_laser', 'aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection = _root.main_ship; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = null; x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { if (_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection.units < _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } } ++x; } if (_root.boss_sphere._visible == true && _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection.units < _root.boss_sphere.units && _root.boss_sphere.sphere_control._currentframe == 1) { _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root.boss_sphere; } if (_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root.delete_mc(_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]); } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && random(Math.floor(_global.battle_text_random / 2)) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Keep up the attack!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I won\'t let you win!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && random(Math.floor(_global.battle_text_random / 2)) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Damn!! Die already you asshole!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Shit. This is taking fucking forever!!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && random(Math.floor(_global.battle_text_random / 2)) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Don\'t lose focus. We can win.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'We are too tough to be defeated man!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && random(Math.floor(_global.battle_text_random / 2)) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'We will win! just don\'t die!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Everyone! Lets do our best!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5 && random(Math.floor(_global.battle_text_random / 2)) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'These fools just don\'t know when to quit.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'How pathetic!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6 && random(Math.floor(_global.battle_text_random / 2)) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Yay......'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'You\'d think they would just quit by now.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 7 && random(Math.floor(_global.battle_text_random / 2)) == 0 && _global.battle_text_timer <= 0) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Just give it up!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I\'m totally wasting my time!!!'; } } } } } } } } _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._x = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._y = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v4 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v5 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v5 * v5); var v6 = v7 / _root.laser_speed; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].xSpeed = v4 / v6; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].ySpeed = v5 / v6; radAngle = Math.atan2(v5, v4); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 180); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); }; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3 && _root._currentframe != 80) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest( { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _root.main_sphere.units += Math.ceil(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma / 10); } if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { if (_root.your_attk_ship_count < _root.your_max_attk_ship_count) { ++_root.your_attk_ship_count; _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad(this.current_selection, this.previous_selection, _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count); } this.current_selection.units = 0; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 7) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 1; this.current_selection.units = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount > 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= 1; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 6) { this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } this.current_selection.shake = 10; _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, _global.aria_girl); _root.delete_mc(this); } }; } }; _root.shoot_support_laser = function () { if (_root.support_shotgun_laser == 0) { ++_root.your_lasers_in_play; _root.attachMovie('aria_laser', 'aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection = _root.support_ship; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = null; x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { if (_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection.units < _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } } ++x; } if (_root.boss_sphere._visible == true && _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection.units < _root.boss_sphere.units && _root.boss_sphere.sphere_control._currentframe == 1) { _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root.boss_sphere; } if (_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root.delete_mc(_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]); } _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._x = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._y = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v4 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v5 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v5 * v5); var v6 = v7 / _root.laser_speed; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].xSpeed = v4 / v6; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].ySpeed = v5 / v6; radAngle = Math.atan2(v5, v4); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 180); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_root.support_char); }; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3 && _root._currentframe != 80) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest( { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].ship; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { if (_root.support_attk_ship_count < _root.support_max_attk_ship_count) { ++_root.support_attk_ship_count; _root.create_support_auto_attack_squad(this.current_selection, this.previous_selection, _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count); } this.current_selection.units = 0; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 7) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 1; this.current_selection.units = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].charisma; } } } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount > 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= 1; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 6) { this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } this.current_selection.shake = 10; _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, _global.support_char); _root.delete_mc(this); } }; } }; _root.shoot_agent_laser = function () { ++_root.your_lasers_in_play; _root.attachMovie('aria_laser', 'aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection = _root.agent_ship; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = null; x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { if (_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection.units < _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } } ++x; } if (_root.boss_sphere._visible == true && _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection.units < _root.boss_sphere.units && _root.boss_sphere.sphere_control._currentframe == 1) { _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root.boss_sphere; } if (_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root.delete_mc(_root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]); } _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._x = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._y = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v4 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v5 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v5 * v5); var v6 = v7 / _root.laser_speed; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].xSpeed = v4 / v6; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].ySpeed = v5 / v6; radAngle = Math.atan2(v5, v4); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 180); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(5); }; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3 && _root._currentframe != 80) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest( { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= _root.agent_damage; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { this.current_selection.units = 0; } } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount > 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= 1; } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } this.current_selection.shake = 10; _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, _global.support_char); _root.delete_mc(this); } }; }; _root.shoot_enemy_laser = function (fromShip) { ++_root.enemy_lasers_in_play; _root.attachMovie('aria_laser', 'enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); if (fromShip == undefined || fromShip == null) { fromShip = _root.enemy_ship; } _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection = fromShip; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root.main_sphere; x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { if (_root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection == null) { _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } else { if (_root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection.units > _root['sphere_' + x].units) { _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root['sphere_' + x]; } } } ++x; } _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play]._x = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play]._y = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v4 = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v5 = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v5 * v5); if (_root.weaken <= 0) { var v6 = v8 / _root.enemy_laser_speed; } else { var v6 = v8 / (_root.enemy_laser_speed / 2); } _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].xSpeed = v4 / v6; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].ySpeed = v5 / v6; if (_root.weaken <= 0) { _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].laserdamage = _root.enemy_laser_power; } else { _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].laserdamage = Math.ceil(_root.enemy_laser_power / 2); } radAngle = Math.atan2(v5, v4); _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play]._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 180); _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(5); }; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 0); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.support_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root.disaster == 1) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 0); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3) { _root.delete_mc(this); } this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this._x == this.previous_selection._x && this._y == this.previous_selection._y) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 2) { if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.units -= this.laserdamage; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 0; this.current_selection.units = 0; } } else { if (_global.ranked_game == 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= _global.current_area; } else { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= _global.rank; } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); if (this.current_selection == _root.main_sphere) { _root.main_ship.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 0); if (_root.pilot_pic._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection == _root.main_sphere) { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _root.main_ship.shield._currentframe > 0) { } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Get it together Ari...'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I will not lose!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'How am I getting hit!?'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'We took damage!?'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Brace for impact!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Hull damage report!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Wait! Stop shooting!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Owie! what should I do?'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'I\'m hit? ...Impossible.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Tch! I\'ll give you that one.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Hmm not bad.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'That tickles.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'I took damage!?'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I hate this nerd!'; } } } } } } } } _root.pilot_pic.pilot.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pilot_pic.gotoAndPlay(2); } } this.current_selection.shake = 10; _root.delete_mc(this); } }; }; _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser = function (fromShip) { ++_root.enemy_lasers_in_play; _root.attachMovie('aria_laser', 'enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection = fromShip; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection = _root.main_sphere; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play]._x = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play]._y = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v4 = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v5 = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v5 * v5); if (_root.weaken <= 0) { var v6 = v7 / _root.enemy_laser_speed; } else { var v6 = v7 / (_root.enemy_laser_speed / 2); } _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].xSpeed = v4 / v6; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].ySpeed = v5 / v6; if (_root.weaken <= 0) { _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].laserdamage = _root.enemy_laser_power; } else { _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].laserdamage = Math.ceil(_root.enemy_laser_power / 2); } radAngle = Math.atan2(v5, v4); _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play]._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 180); _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(5); }; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 0); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.support_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root.disaster == 1) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 0); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3) { _root.delete_mc(this); } this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this._x == this.previous_selection._x && this._y == this.previous_selection._y) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 2) { if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.units -= this.laserdamage; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 0; this.current_selection.units = 0; } } else { if (_global.ranked_game == 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= _global.current_area; } else { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= _global.rank; } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); if (this.current_selection == _root.main_sphere) { _root.main_ship.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 0); if (_root.pilot_pic._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection == _root.main_sphere) { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _root.main_ship.shield._currentframe > 0) { } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Get it together Ari...'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I will not lose!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'How am I getting hit!?'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'We took damage!?'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Brace for impact!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Hull damage report!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Wait! Stop shooting!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Owie! what should I do?'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'I\'m hit? ...Impossible.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Tch! I\'ll give you that one.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Hmm not bad.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'That tickles.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'I took damage!?'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I hate this nerd!'; } } } } } } } } _root.pilot_pic.pilot.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pilot_pic.gotoAndPlay(2); } } this.current_selection.shake = 10; _root.delete_mc(this); } }; }; _root.shoot_enemy_support_shotgun_laser = function () { if (_root.enemy_support_shotgun_laser == 1) { x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root.enemy_shotgun_laser_func(_root['sphere_' + x], _root.enemy_support_ship); } ++x; } _root.enemy_shotgun_laser_func(_root.enemy_support_ship); } }; _root.shoot_enemy_shotgun_laser = function () { if (_root.enemy_shotgun_laser == 1) { x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root.enemy_shotgun_laser_func(_root['sphere_' + x], _root.enemy_ship); } ++x; } _root.enemy_shotgun_laser_func(_root.main_sphere); } }; _root.enemy_shotgun_laser_func = function (target, sourceMC) { ++_root.enemy_lasers_in_play; _root.attachMovie('aria_laser', 'enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection = sourceMC; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection = target; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play]._x = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play]._y = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v4 = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v5 = _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v5 * v5); if (_root.weaken <= 0) { var v6 = v7 / _root.enemy_laser_speed; } else { var v6 = v7 / (_root.enemy_laser_speed / 2); } _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].xSpeed = v4 / v6; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].ySpeed = v5 / v6; if (_root.weaken <= 0) { _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].laserdamage = _root.enemy_laser_power; } else { _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].laserdamage = Math.ceil(_root.enemy_laser_power / 2); } radAngle = Math.atan2(v5, v4); _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play]._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 180); _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(5); }; _root['enemy_laser_' + _root.enemy_lasers_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 0); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.support_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root.disaster == 1) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 0); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3) { _root.delete_mc(this); } this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 2) { if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.units -= this.laserdamage; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 0; this.current_selection.units = 0; } } else { if (_global.ranked_game == 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= _global.current_area; } else { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= _global.rank; } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); if (this.current_selection == _root.main_sphere) { _root.main_ship.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 0); if (_root.pilot_pic._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection == _root.main_sphere) { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _root.main_ship.shield._currentframe > 0) { } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Get it together Ari...'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I will not lose!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'How am I getting hit!?'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'We took damage!?'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Brace for impact!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Hull damage report!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Wait! Stop shooting!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Owie! what should I do?'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'I\'m hit? ...Impossible.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Tch! I\'ll give you that one.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Hmm not bad.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'That tickles.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'I took damage!?'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I hate this nerd!'; } } } } } } } } _root.pilot_pic.pilot.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); _root.pilot_pic.gotoAndPlay(2); } } this.current_selection.shake = 10; _root.delete_mc(this); } }; }; _root.shoot_your_shotgun_laser = function () { if (_root.your_shotgun_laser == 1 && _root.your_shotgun_rounds > 0) { x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root.your_shotgun_laser_func(_root['sphere_' + x]); } ++x; } --_root.your_shotgun_rounds; } if (_root.your_shotgun_rounds <= 0) { _root.your_shotgun_laser = 0; } if (_root.your_shotgun_laser == 0 && _root.your_shotgun_rounds < 10) { _root.your_shotgun_rounds = 10; } }; _root.your_shotgun_laser_func = function (target) { ++_root.your_lasers_in_play; _root.attachMovie('aria_laser', 'aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection = _root.main_sphere; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = target; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._x = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._y = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v4 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v5 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v5 * v5); if (_root.weaken <= 0) { var v6 = v7 / _root.laser_speed; } else { var v6 = v7 / _root.laser_speed; } _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].xSpeed = v4 / v6; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].ySpeed = v5 / v6; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].laserdamage = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; radAngle = Math.atan2(v5, v4); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 180); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); }; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this._x == 0 || this._x == _root.main_sphere._x) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest( { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { if (_root.your_attk_ship_count < _root.your_max_attk_ship_count) { ++_root.your_attk_ship_count; _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad(this.current_selection, this.previous_selection, _root.your_attk_ship_unit_count); } this.current_selection.units = 0; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 7) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 1; this.current_selection.units = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount > 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= 1; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 6) { this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } this.current_selection.shake = 10; _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, _global.aria_girl); _root.delete_mc(this); } }; }; _root.shoot_support_shotgun_laser = function () { if (_root.support_shotgun_laser == 1 && _root.support_shotgun_rounds > 0) { x = 1; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root.support_shotgun_laser_func(_root['sphere_' + x]); } ++x; } --_root.support_shotgun_rounds; } if (_root.support_shotgun_rounds <= 0) { _root.support_shotgun_laser = 0; } if (_root.support_shotgun_laser == 0 && _root.support_shotgun_rounds < 10) { _root.support_shotgun_rounds = 10; } }; _root.support_shotgun_laser_func = function (target) { ++_root.your_lasers_in_play; _root.attachMovie('aria_laser', 'aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection = _root.support_ship; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection = target; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._x = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._y = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v4 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._x - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._x; var v5 = _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].current_selection._y - _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].previous_selection._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v5 * v5); var v6 = v7 / _root.laser_speed; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].xSpeed = v4 / v6; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].ySpeed = v5 / v6; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].laserdamage = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].ship; radAngle = Math.atan2(v5, v4); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play]._rotation = int(radAngle * 360 / 6.283185307179586 + 180); _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onLoad = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.support_char); }; _root['aria_laser_' + _root.your_lasers_in_play].onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.xSpeed; this._y += this.ySpeed; if (this._x == 0 && this._y == 0) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this._x == 0 || this._x == _root.support_char._x) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (_root._currentframe != 3 && _root._currentframe != 80) { _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest( { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.laser)) { _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, 1); _root.delete_mc(this); } if (this.hitTest(this.current_selection) == true) { if (this.current_selection.sphere_control._currentframe == 1 && this.current_selection.shield._currentframe == 1) { this.current_selection.units -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].ship; if (this.current_selection.units <= 0) { if (_root.support_attk_ship_count < _root.support_max_attk_ship_count) { ++_root.support_attk_ship_count; _root.create_support_auto_attack_squad(this.current_selection, this.previous_selection, _root.support_attk_ship_unit_count); } this.current_selection.units = 0; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 7) { this.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[this.current_selection.fleet_number] = 1; this.current_selection.units = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].charisma; } } } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount > 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount -= 1; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 6) { this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; } if (this.current_selection.shield_amount <= 0) { this.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; this.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } this.current_selection.shake = 10; _root.createExplosion(this._x, this._y, _global.support_char); _root.delete_mc(this); } }; }; _root.shoot_your_small_laser = function (z) {}; var particleMaxSpeed = 5; var particleFadeSpeed = 2; var particleTotal = _global.partical_total; var particleRange = 100; _root.createExplosion = function (targetX, targetY, pilot) { var v5 = 0; while (v5 < particleTotal) { var v4 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var internal_holder = v4.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', v4.getNextHighestDepth()); internal_holder._x = -3.5; internal_holder._y = -3.5; internal_holder.attachMovie('laser_particle_mc', 'lp_mc', internal_holder.getNextHighestDepth()); v4._x = targetX; v4._y = targetY; v4._rotation = random(360); v4._alpha = 100; v4.boundyLeft = targetX - particleRange; v4.boundyTop = targetY - particleRange; v4.boundyRight = targetX + particleRange; v4.boundyBottom = targetY + particleRange; v4.speedX = Math.random(particleMaxSpeed) - Math.random(particleMaxSpeed); v4.speedY = Math.random(particleMaxSpeed) - Math.random(particleMaxSpeed); v4.speedX *= particleMaxSpeed; v4.speedY *= particleMaxSpeed; v4.fadeSpeed = Math.random(particleFadeSpeed) * particleFadeSpeed; ++numberOfParticles; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.internal_holder.lp_mc.laser._currentframe == 1) { if (pilot > 0) { this.internal_holder.lp_mc.laser.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 1); } else { this.internal_holder.lp_mc.laser.gotoAndStop(6); } } this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { _root.delete_mc(this); --numberOfParticles; } if (_root._currentframe != 3) { _root.delete_mc(this); --numberOfParticles; } }; ++v5; } }; var scope =; var starboxW = 1280; var starboxH = 720; var starboxX = 0; var starboxY = 0; var starsArray = []; var speedX = -4.75; var speedY = 7.5; createField(1); createField(2); createField(3); var shakeRange = 1; _root.shake = function (target) { var v2 = random(2); if (v2 == 0) { target._x += shakeRange; } else { if (v2 == 1) { target._x -= shakeRange; } } v2 = random(2); if (v2 == 0) { target._y += shakeRange; } else { if (v2 == 1) { target._y -= shakeRange; } } }; var sparkAlpha = 100; _root.addSparkles = function (_targetX, _targetY, _sparkNumber, _distance, _sparkSize) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < _sparkNumber) { var v4 = _root.attachMovie('spark', 'spark_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = _root.attachMovie('spark2', 'spark2_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v4._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v4._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; var v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v4._xscale = v5; v4._yscale = v5; v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v3._xscale = v5; v3._yscale = v5; v3._rotation = random(359); v4._alpha = random(sparkAlpha) + sparkAlpha / 4; v3._alpha = random(sparkAlpha) + sparkAlpha / 4; ++v6; } }; _global.aria_assult = function () { _root.addSparkles(_xmouse, _ymouse, 30, 45, 600); }; _root.auto_rally_x = function () { if (_global.auto_rally == 1) { if (_root.space_battle_options_menu.option_1._currentframe >= 100) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_1.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_global.RallyLv == 1) { if (Math.floor(_global.your_mercenary_count / 2) > _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma) { _root.main_sphere.units += Math.floor(_global.your_mercenary_count / 2); } else { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } else { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } } }; } movieClip 524 { frame 1 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 2 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 526 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 87 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 155 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 156 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 247 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 528 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } } frame 50 { _root.boss_sphere._visible = true; _root.boss_sphere.units = (random(500) + 500) * _global.current_area; if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.boss_sphere.units += (random(500) + 500) * _global.current_area; } _root.enemy_fleet_size += 1; _root.boss_sphere.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.enemy_fleet_size] = 0; if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == false) { _root.support_flyin.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.enemy_cargo_ship._visible = true; } frame 51 { stop(); } } movieClip 529 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { _root.enemy_support_ship._visible = true; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance enemy_support_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_enemy_support); if (_global.aria_girl_enemy_support > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(15); this.main_ship.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl_enemy_support); this.main_ship.ship.gotoAndStop(3); } } } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { _root.enemy_support_ship._visible = true; gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 31 { _root.enemy_support_ship._visible = true; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance enemy_support_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_enemy_support); if (_global.aria_girl_enemy_support > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(15); this.main_ship.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl_enemy_support); this.main_ship.ship.gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance enemy_cargo_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.cargoship_destroyed == 0 && (_global.current_area == 1 || _global.current_area > 3 || _global.hardmode == 1)) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } this.gotoAndStop(8); } } instance enemy_support1 of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { if ((_global.current_area > 1 || _global.hardmode == 1) && _global.assistanceship1_destroyed == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } else { this._visible = false; } } } instance enemy_support2 of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { if ((_global.current_area > 3 || _global.hardmode == 1) && _global.assistanceship2_destroyed == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } else { this._visible = false; } } } instance enemy_support3 of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { if ((_global.current_area > 7 || _global.hardmode == 1) && _global.currentFagent != 8) { this.gotoAndStop(13); } else { this._visible = false; } } } instance boss_sphere of movieClip 127 sphere { onClipEvent (load) { this.shield_amount = 0; this._visible = false; } } movieClip 530 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance agent_ship of movieClip 530 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.currentFagent > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); if (_global.custom == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.custom_load_parsed[5]); } if (_global.aria_girl_enemy > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(15); this.main_ship.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl_enemy); this.main_ship.ship.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.current_area > 14 && _global.aria_girl_enemy > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(15); this.main_ship.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl_enemy); this.main_ship.ship.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.current_area > 14) { this.gotoAndStop(14); } } } } } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance main_sphere of movieClip 127 sphere { onClipEvent (load) { this.fleet_number = 0; this.shield_amount = 0; } } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 533 { frame 1 { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.your_shotgun_rounds = 1; _root.your_shotgun_laser = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.your_shotgun_rounds = 1; _root.your_shotgun_laser = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.support_shotgun_rounds = 1; _root.support_shotgun_laser = 0; } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 2) { } if (_root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 2) { _root.enemy_support_shotgun_laser = 0; } } frame 2 { if (_root.timer_disaster <= 0) { _root.disaster = 0; } } frame 4 { } frame 7 { if (_global.aria_girl == 5 || _global.aria_girl == 6 || _global.aria_girl == 7) { _root.shoot_your_shotgun_laser(); _root.shoot_your_laser(); } if (_global.support_char == 5 || _global.support_char == 6 || _global.support_char == 7) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 1 && _root.assult <= 0) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } if (_root.enemy_cargo_ship._visible == true && _global.hardmode == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_cargo_ship); } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_root.timer_disaster <= 0) { _root.disaster = 0; } } frame 11 { } frame 15 { if (_global.aria_girl == 5 || _global.aria_girl == 6 || _global.aria_girl == 7) { _root.shoot_your_shotgun_laser(); _root.shoot_your_laser(); } if (_global.support_char == 5 || _global.support_char == 6 || _global.support_char == 7) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 1 && _root.assult <= 0) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } if (_root.enemy_cargo_ship._visible == true && _global.hardmode == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_cargo_ship); } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 2) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 2) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 2) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 2) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 2) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 2) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 2) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 2) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_root.timer_disaster <= 0) { _root.disaster = 0; } } frame 19 { } frame 23 { if (_global.aria_girl == 5 || _global.aria_girl == 6 || _global.aria_girl == 7 || _global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.shoot_your_shotgun_laser(); _root.shoot_your_laser(); } if ((_global.support_char == 5 || _global.support_char == 6 || _global.support_char == 7 || _global.support_char == 2) && _root._currentframe == 80) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 1 && _root.assult <= 0) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } if (_root.enemy_cargo_ship._visible == true && _global.hardmode == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_cargo_ship); } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 3) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_root.timer_disaster <= 0) { _root.disaster = 0; } } frame 24 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 3 && _root.assult <= 0) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 3) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } } frame 25 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 3 && _root.assult <= 0) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 3) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } } frame 26 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 3 && _root.assult <= 0) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 3) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } } frame 27 { } frame 27 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 3 && _root.assult <= 0) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 3) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } } frame 28 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 3 && _root.assult <= 0) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 3) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } } frame 29 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_your_laser(); } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 0 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5)) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 5) { _root.shoot_support_laser(); } } } } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 3 && _root.assult <= 0) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 3) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } } frame 30 { ++_root.main_sphere.units; var unitsz = Math.floor(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma / 2); if (_global.aria_girl == 1 || _global.aria_girl == 5 || _global.aria_girl == 6 || _global.aria_girl == 7) { _root.main_sphere.units += 4; } if (_global.battle_text_timer > 0) { --_global.battle_text_timer; if (_global.battle_text_timer == 0) { _root.battle_text = ''; } } else { _global.battle_text_timer = 0; _root.battle_text = ''; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && random(2) == 0) { _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad(_root['sphere_' + (random(_root.enemy_fleet_size) + 1)], _root.main_sphere, unitsz); } _root.number_of_bases_you_control = 0; _root.done_once = 0; x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { ++_root['sphere_' + x].units; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { } if (_global.currentFagent == 6) { _root['sphere_' + x].units += 100; } if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += 5; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount > 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += 2; } ++_root.number_of_bases_you_control; } else { ++_root['sphere_' + x].units; if (_root.done_once == 0 && _root.support_char == 2 && random(_root.support_ability_random) == 0) { _root.done_once = 1; _root['sphere_' + x].sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root['sphere_' + x].heart.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root['sphere_' + x].fleet_number] = 1; _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad(_root.main_sphere, _root['sphere_' + x], Math.floor(_root['sphere_' + x].units / 2)); } if (_root._currentframe == 80 && _root.done_once == 0 && (_root.support_char == 2 || _root.support_char == 6) && random(_root.support_ability_random) == 0) { _root.done_once = 1; _root['sphere_' + x].sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root['sphere_' + x].heart.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root['sphere_' + x].fleet_number] = 1; _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad(_root.main_sphere, _root['sphere_' + x], Math.floor(_root['sphere_' + x].units / 2)); } } ++x; } if (_global.boss_spawned > 0 && _root.boss_sphere.sphere_control._currentframe > 1) { _root.boss_sphere.units += 5; ++_root.number_of_bases_you_control; } if (_global.boss_spawned > 0 && _root.boss_sphere.sphere_control._currentframe == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.boss_sphere); _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.boss_sphere); } if (_root.number_of_bases_you_control == _root.enemy_fleet_size && _root.boss_sphere.sphere_control._currentframe == 2 && _global.boss_spawned == 1) { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size + 120) { removeMovieClip(_root['sphere_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['your_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); ++x; } x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size + 100) { removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_small_' + x]); ++x; } if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { _global.current_area = _global.temp_area; _global.rank += 1; } _quality = 'high'; if (_global.custom == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(80); } else { _root.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.number_of_bases_you_control == _root.enemy_fleet_size + 1) { if ((_global.current_area > 2 || _global.hardmode == 1 || _root._currentframe == 80) && _global.boss_spawned == 0 && _global.bossship_destroyed == 0) { _global.boss_spawned = 1; _root.sphere_1.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_1.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_1.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_1.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_1.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_1.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_1.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_1.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.sphere_2.units += (random(100) + 500) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_2.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_2.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_2.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_2.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_2.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_2.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_2.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.sphere_3.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_3.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_3.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_3.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_3.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_3.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_3.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_3.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.sphere_4.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_4.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_4.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_4.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_4.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_4.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_4.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_4.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.sphere_5.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_5.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_5.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_5.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_5.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_5.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_5.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_5.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.boss_ship.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Incomming enemy ship!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Don\'t panic men! Just follow my orders!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Really!? What in the fucking fuck!!!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Damnit!...this was taking long enough already!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Reinforcement ship entering the combat zone.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'A new enemy ship! Everyone stay focused on the defense!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Huh!? That\'s not fair at all!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'We.. we can still do this!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'There\'s more!?'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Aha!! come to me then!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Shit. I\'m kinda hungry...'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Oh geez. really?'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Why even bother?'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'More nerds incomming!'; } } } } } } } } } else { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size + 120) { removeMovieClip(_root['sphere_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['your_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); ++x; } x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size + 100) { removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_small_' + x]); ++x; } if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { _global.current_area = _global.temp_area; _global.rank += 1; } _quality = 'high'; if (_global.custom == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(80); } else { _root.nextFrame(); } } } if (_root.number_of_bases_you_control > 1) { _root.enemy_ai = random(2) + 1; } else { _root.enemy_ai = 2; if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.your_shotgun_laser = 1; } } --_root.enemy_next_action_time; if (_root.enemy_next_action_time == 0) { _root.enemy_next_action_time = random(_root.enemy_next_action_random) + 3; if (_root.assult <= 0) { _root.create_enemy_attack_squad(_root.enemy_ai); } } if (_root.enemy_ship._currentframe > 1) { if (random(2) == 1) { } else {} } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true) { if (random(2) == 1) { } else {} } if (_root.enemy_ship._currentframe > 8) { } if (_root.timer_disaster <= 0) { _root.disaster = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 4) { _root.your_shotgun_laser = 1; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 4) { _root.your_shotgun_laser = 1; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 4) { _root.your_shotgun_laser = 1; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 4) { _root.your_shotgun_laser = 1; } } } } if (_global.support_char == 1 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 4) { _root.support_shotgun_laser = 1; } else { if (_global.support_char == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 4) { _root.support_shotgun_laser = 1; } else { if (_global.support_char == 3 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 4) { _root.support_shotgun_laser = 1; } else { if (_global.support_char == 4 && _global.aria_girl_array[_global.support_char].laser == 4) { _root.support_shotgun_laser = 1; } } } } _root.shoot_your_shotgun_laser(); _root.shoot_your_laser(); if (_global.currentFagent > 0) { _root.shoot_agent_laser(); } if (_root.support_char > 0 && _root._currentframe == 80 || _root.support_char < 6 && _root.support_char > 0 && _root._currentframe == 3) { _root.shoot_support_shotgun_laser(); _root.shoot_support_laser(); } if (_root.support_char == 1 && random(_root.support_ability_random) == 0 && _root.support_ship.laser._currentframe == 1) { _root.support_ship.laser.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((_root.support_char == 2 || _root.support_char == 6) && _root._currentframe == 80 && random(_root.support_ability_random) == 0) { } if ((_root.support_char == 3 || _root.support_char == 7 || _root.support_char == 12 || _root.support_char == 13) && random(_root.support_ability_random) == 0) { _root.main_sphere.shield.gotoAndStop(2); _root.main_sphere.shield_amount += _root.support_laser_damage; x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += _root.support_laser_damage; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(2); } ++x; } } if (_root.support_char == 4 && random(_root.support_ability_random) == 0) { _root.disaster = 1; _root.timer_disaster = 60; _root.support_ship.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].units -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship * 2; if (_root['sphere_' + x].units < 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].units = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].units = 0; } } ++x; } } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 3) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); } if (_root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true && _root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 3) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); } if (_root.enemy_shoot_type == 2) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_ship); _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_ship); _root.enemy_shotgun_laser = 1; _root.shoot_enemy_shotgun_laser(); } if (_root.enemy_support_shoot_type == 2) { _root.shoot_enemy_support_laser(_root.enemy_support_ship); _root.enemy_support_shotgun_laser = 1; _root.shoot_enemy_support_shotgun_laser(); } if (_root.enemy_cargo_ship._visible == true && _global.hardmode == 1) { _root.shoot_enemy_laser(_root.enemy_cargo_ship); } if (_root.enemy_cargo_ship._visible == true) { _root.create_enemy_cargo_squad(random(2) + 1); } if (_root.weaken > 0) { --_root.weaken; } if (_root.assult > 0) { _root.assult -= 5; } if (_root.assult <= 0) { _root.assult = 0; } if (_root.your_lasers_in_play > 1000) { _root.your_lasers_in_play = 0; } if (_root.enemy_lasers_in_play > 2000) { _root.enemy_lasers_in_play = 0; } if (_root.attack_squads_in_play > 500) { _root.attack_squads_in_play = 0; } if (_root.support_squads_in_play > 500) { _root.support_squads_in_play = 0; } if (_root.enemy_squads_in_play > 500) { _root.enemy_squads_in_play = 0; } if (_root.your_small_lasers_in_play > 500) { _root.your_small_lasers_in_play = 0; } if (_global.currentFagent == 4) { _global.bossAbilityIncrement -= 1; } _global.bossAbilityCount += _global.bossAbilityIncrement; if (_global.bossAbilityCount >= 100) { _global.bossAbilityCount = 0; _global.randomShit = random(8); if (_global.boss_spawned == 0 && _global.randomShit == 0) { _global.boss_spawned = 1; _root.sphere_1.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_1.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_1.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_1.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_1.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_1.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_1.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_1.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.sphere_2.units += (random(100) + 500) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_2.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_2.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_2.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_2.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_2.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_2.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_2.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.sphere_3.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_3.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_3.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_3.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_3.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_3.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_3.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_3.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.sphere_4.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_4.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_4.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_4.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_4.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_4.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_4.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_4.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.sphere_5.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_5.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root.sphere_5.units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.sphere_5.fleet_number] = 0; _root.sphere_5.shield_amount = 0; _root.sphere_5.shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sphere_5.shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root.sphere_5.shield.gotoAndStop(3); _root.boss_ship.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomShit == 1 && _root.support_flyin._currentframe < 5 && _root.enemy_support_ship._visible == false) { _root.support_flyin.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomShit == 2) { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(3); } ++x; } } else { if (_global.randomShit == 4) { _root.enemy_next_action_time = 0; } else { if (_global.randomShit == 5 || _global.randomShit == 6) { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy > 0) { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy == 1) { _root.enemy_ship.main_ship.laser.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy == 2) { _global.sphere_rand = random(_root.enemy_fleet_size) + 1; _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].units += (random(100) + 500) * _global.current_area; _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].fleet_number] = 0; _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].shield_amount = 0; _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].heart.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy == 3) { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(3); } ++x; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy == 4) { _root.enemy_ship.main_ship.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.enemy_ship.main_ship.glow.glow.gotoAndStop(3); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root['sphere_' + x].units -= (random(100) + 1) * _global.current_area; if (_root['sphere_' + x].units <= 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root['sphere_' + x].fleet_number] = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].units *= -1; } } ++x; } } } } } } else { _global.bossEMPtimer = _global.bossEMPduration; _global.bossEMP = 1; _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.main_ship.emp.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { if (_global.randomShit == 7 || _global.randomShit == 3) { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy_support > 0 && _root.enemy_support_ship._visible == true) { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy_support == 1) { _root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.laser.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy_support == 2) { _global.sphere_rand = random(_root.enemy_fleet_size) + 1; _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].units += (random(100) + 500) * _global.current_area; _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.hardmode == 1) { _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].units += (random(100) + 100) * _global.current_area; } _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].fleet_number] = 0; _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].shield_amount = 0; _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root['sphere_' + _global.sphere_rand].heart.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy_support == 3) { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(3); } ++x; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl_enemy_support == 4) { _root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.enemy_support_ship.main_ship.glow.glow.gotoAndStop(3); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(1); _root['sphere_' + x].units -= (random(100) + 1) * _global.current_area; if (_root['sphere_' + x].units <= 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].sphere_control.gotoAndStop(1); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root['sphere_' + x].fleet_number] = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].units *= -1; } } ++x; } } } } } } else { _global.bossEMPtimer = _global.bossEMPduration; _global.bossEMP = 1; _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.main_ship.emp.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { _global.bossEMPtimer = _global.bossEMPduration; _global.bossEMP = 1; _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.main_ship.emp.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } } } if (_global.bossAbilityIncrement < 5) { ++_global.bossAbilityIncrement; } else { if (_global.bossAbilityIncrement < 1 * _global.current_area) { ++_global.bossAbilityIncrement; } } if (_global.bossEMP == 1) { _global.bossEMPtimer -= 1; if (_global.bossEMPtimer <= 0) { _global.bossEMPtimer = 0; _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_1.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.bossEMP = 0; } } if (random(20) == 0 && (_global.current_area > 1 || _root._currentframe == 80) && _root.main_ship.target_ret._currentframe == 1 && _global.hardmode == 0) { _root.main_ship.target_ret.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (random(_root.enemy_target_freq) == 0 && _root._currentframe == 80 && _root.main_ship.target_ret._currentframe == 1) { _root.main_ship.target_ret.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_global.hardmode == 1 && random(15) == 0 && _root.main_ship.target_ret._currentframe == 1) { _root.main_ship.target_ret.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (random(30) == 0 && _global.current_area > 3 && _global.hardmode == 0 && _global.assistanceship2_destroyed == 0) { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += (random(5) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(3); } ++x; } } if (random(_root.enemy_shield_freq) == 0 && _root._currentframe == 80) { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += (random(5) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(3); } ++x; } } if (_global.hardmode == 1 && random(15) == 0 && _global.assistanceship2_destroyed == 0) { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += (random(10) + 3) * _global.current_area; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(3); } ++x; } } if (_global.pnm_active == 1 && _global.pnm_active_time > 0) { --_global.pnm_active_time; if (_global.pnm_active_time <= 0) { _global.pnm_active_time = 0; _global.pnm_active = 0; } } } } instance clean of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.main_sphere.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.timer_disaster > 0) { --_root.timer_disaster; } if (_root.main_sphere.units <= 0) { _quality = 'high'; x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size + 80) { removeMovieClip(_root['sphere_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['your_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_small_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); ++x; } if (_global.custom == 1) { _global.continue_custom = 'n'; _root.gotoAndStop(80); } if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.arielle_injury = 1; } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.phia_injury = 1; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.tiffany_injury = 1; } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.bri_injury = 1; } if (_global.support_char == 1) { _global.arielle_injury = 1; } if (_global.support_char == 2) { _global.phia_injury = 1; } if (_global.support_char == 3) { _global.tiffany_injury = 1; } if (_global.support_char == 4) { _global.bri_injury = 1; } if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { _global.current_area = _global.temp_area; _global.rank -= 1; if (_global.rank < 1) { _global.rank = 1; } _global.ranked_game = 0; } if (_global.on_story_mission == 1) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; if (_global.aria_girl < 5) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love -= random(10) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue += random(20) + 20; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 0; } if (_global.rape_on == 1 && (_global.arielle_rape == 0 && _global.aria_girl == 1 || _global.phia_rape == 0 && _global.aria_girl == 2 || _global.tiffany_rape == 0 && _global.aria_girl == 3 || _global.bri_rape == 0 && _global.aria_girl == 4)) { _root.gotoAndStop(79); } else { if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } } else { if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } } else { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } movieClip 538 { } movieClip 542 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 547 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 550 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 553 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 556 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 560 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance support_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.shield.gotoAndStop(_root.main_sphere.shield._currentframe); } } movieClip 562 { } movieClip 563 { frame 30 { if (random(_root.sship_random) == 0 && _root.enemy_support3._visible == true) { } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 101 { if (random(_root.sship_random) == 0 && _root.enemy_support3._visible == true) { } else { gotoAndPlay(85); } } } instance ls of movieClip 563 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 7) { } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.disaster == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (this.hitTest(_root.main_ship.laser)) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (this.hitTest(_root.support_ship.laser)) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.current_area > 7) { } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 566 { } movieClip 568 { } movieClip 570 { } movieClip 571 { } movieClip 573 { } movieClip 579 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 585 { } movieClip 586 { frame 2 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 7)) { gotoAndPlay(50); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 7)) { gotoAndPlay(50); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 7)) { gotoAndPlay(50); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 7)) { gotoAndPlay(50); } } } } } frame 101 { stop(); } } movieClip 587 { frame 3 { if (this == _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.aria_assult(); _root.sfx.gotoAndPlay('cannon'); _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Target destroyed!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Assault successful!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'There is enough of me to go around!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Hey boys. I am more fun to work for.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Reinforcement preperations complete!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Boost the defense'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Ugh! my head...'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Okay! It should be easier to win now.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Pay attention.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Whoops.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Kill this fucking nerd!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Suck it bitch!!!'; } } } } } } } } else { if (this == _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Open Fire!!!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I\'m shooting the cannon! Brace yourself!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Hello my new lovers!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Boys! We can get along can\'t we?'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; _root.sfx.gotoAndPlay('shields'); if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Shields up!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Shields are recharged. I\'m bringing them online.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Wha-? Wait! Slow down!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'I will slow them down! Okay let\'s win this!'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'I bet you didn\'t see that comming.'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'Surprise.'; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { _global.battle_text_timer = _global.battle_text_max_time; if (random(2) == 0) { _root.battle_text = 'Lynn! work on Defense!'; } else { _root.battle_text = 'You are not getting through!'; } } } } } } } } } if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 7)) { gotoAndPlay(150); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 7)) { gotoAndPlay(150); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 7)) { gotoAndPlay(150); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 7 || _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 7)) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } } } } frame 301 { stop(); } } button 589 { on (release) { if (this.option_1._currentframe >= 100) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } this.option_1.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_global.RallyLv == 1) { if (Math.floor(_global.your_mercenary_count / 2) > _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma) { _root.main_sphere.units += Math.floor(_global.your_mercenary_count / 2); } else { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } else { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } } } button 590 { on (release) { if (this.option_2._currentframe >= 300) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.current_selection.fleet_number] == 0) { this.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.current_selection.units = 0; _root.current_selection.shield_amount = 0; _root.current_selection.shield.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.current_selection.fleet_number] == 1) { this.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.current_selection.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } } } } button 591 { on (release) { if (this.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { this.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.bossAbilityCount -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; if (_global.bossAbilityCount < 0) { _global.bossAbilityCount = 0; } _root.main_ship.laser.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } button 596 { on (release) { if (this.option_1._currentframe >= 100) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } this.option_1.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_global.RallyLv == 1) { if (Math.floor(_global.your_mercenary_count / 2) > _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma) { _root.main_sphere.units += Math.floor(_global.your_mercenary_count / 2); } else { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } else { _root.main_sphere.units += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } } } } button 597 { on (release) { if (this.option_2._currentframe >= 300) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.current_selection.fleet_number] == 0) { _root.current_selection.sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[_root.current_selection.fleet_number] = 1; _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad(_root.main_sphere, _root.current_selection, Math.floor(_root.current_selection.units / 2)); this.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } button 598 { on (release) { if (this.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { this.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0 && _root['sphere_' + x].units <= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma) { _root['sphere_' + x].sphere_control.gotoAndStop(2); _root.spheres_under_your_control[x] = 1; _root.create_your_auto_attack_squad(_root.main_sphere, _root['sphere_' + x], Math.floor(_root['sphere_' + x].units / 2)); } ++x; } } } } button 601 { on (release) { if (this.option_2._currentframe >= 300) { this.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.main_sphere.units += 50 + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root['sphere_' + x].units += 50 + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; } ++x; } } } } button 602 { on (release) { if (this.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { this.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.main_sphere.shield.gotoAndStop(2); _root.main_sphere.shield_amount += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship * 2; _root.main_ship.shield.gotoAndStop(2); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += 20 + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(2); } ++x; } } } } button 605 { on (release) { if (this.option_2._currentframe >= 300) { this.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.timer_disaster = 60; _root.disaster = 1; _global.bossAbilityCount -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; if (_global.bossAbilityCount < 0) { _global.bossAbilityCount = 0; } _root.main_ship.glow.gotoAndPlay(2); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].units = 0; _root['sphere_' + x].units -= _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space * 2; if (_root['sphere_' + x].units < 0) { _root['sphere_' + x].units = 0; } } ++x; } } } } button 606 { on (release) { if (this.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { this.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.weaken += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; _global.bossAbilityIncrement = 1; } } } button 608 { on (release) { if (this.option_2._currentframe >= 300) { this.option_2.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.your_shotgun_laser = 1; } } } button 609 { on (release) { if (this.option_3._currentframe >= 300) { this.option_3.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.main_sphere.shield.gotoAndStop(2); _root.main_sphere.shield_amount += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; _root.main_ship.shield.gotoAndStop(2); x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size) { if (_root.spheres_under_your_control[x] == 1) { _root['sphere_' + x].shield_amount += _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; _root['sphere_' + x].shield.gotoAndStop(2); } ++x; } } } } movieClip 610 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance auto_rally of movieClip 579 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.auto_rally == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance option_1 of movieClip 586 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(101); } } instance option_2 of movieClip 587 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(301); } } instance option_3 of movieClip 587 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(301); } } instance option_2 of movieClip 587 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(301); } } instance option_3 of movieClip 587 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(301); } } } instance space_battle_options_menu of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } button 611 { on (release) { _quality = 'medium'; } } button 612 { on (release) { _quality = 'high'; } } button 613 { on (release) { _global.partical_total = 0; _root.particleTotal = _global.partical_total; _quality = 'low'; } } button 614 { on (release) { if (_global.pnm > 0) { _global.pnm_active_time = 30; _global.pnm_active = 1; --_global.pnm; } } } button 615 { on (release) { if (_global.psm > 0) { _root.main_sphere.shield_amount += 300; _root.main_sphere.shield.gotoAndStop(2); --_global.psm; if (_global.psm < 0) { _global.psm = 0; } } } } button 616 { on (release) { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size + 80) { removeMovieClip(_root['sphere_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['your_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_small_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); ++x; } if (_global.custom == 1) { _global.continue_custom = 'n'; _root.gotoAndStop(80); } if (_global.ranked_game == 1) { _global.current_area = _global.temp_area; } if (_global.on_story_mission == 1) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; if (_global.aria_girl < 5) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love -= random(10) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue += random(20) + 20; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = 0; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue < 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 0; } _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } else { _root.gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 619 { on (release) { if ( > 0) {; _global.bossEMPtimer = 0; _global.bossEMP = 0; _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_1.gotoAndPlay(100); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_2.gotoAndPlay(300); _root.space_battle_options_menu.option_3.gotoAndPlay(300); } } } movieClip 623 { } movieClip 625 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 628 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } instance lb of movieClip 628 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.bossAbilityCount); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.bossAbilityCount); } } frame 4 { x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size + 120) { removeMovieClip(_root['sphere_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['your_attack_squad_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root['enemy_laser_' + x]); removeMovieClip(_root.ray); ++x; } x = 0; while (x <= _root.enemy_fleet_size + 100) { removeMovieClip(_root['aria_laser_small_' + x]); ++x; } if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx6.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx6.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx6.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx6.start(0, 1); } _global.stealth = 0; _global.gotraided(); _global.hardmode = 0; if (_global.your_mercenary_count > 2000) { _global.your_mercenary_count = 2000; } if (_global.space_battle_complete == 1) { _global.your_mercenary_count += random(20) + 10; if (_global.boss_spawned == 1) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 100; } _global.aria_girl_previously_played = _global.aria_girl; _global.current_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.space_battle_complete = 0; } if (_global.had_goo_sex == 0) { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { _global.charisma_growth = random(500) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma -= _global.charisma_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = 0; } _global.space_growth = random(500) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space -= _global.space_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = 0; } _global.ship_growth = random(500) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship -= _global.ship_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = 0; } _global.combat_growth = random(500) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat -= _global.combat_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = 0; } } else { if (_global.aria_girl != 5) { _global.charisma_growth = random(50) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[5].charisma -= _global.charisma_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[5].charisma <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[5].charisma = 0; } _global.space_growth = random(50) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[5].space -= _global.space_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[5].space <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[5].space = 0; } _global.ship_growth = random(50) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[5].ship -= _global.ship_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[5].ship <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[5].ship = 0; } _global.combat_growth = random(50) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[5].combat -= _global.combat_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[5].combat <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[5].combat = 0; } } } } } frame 4 { hideTooltip(); } instance girl2 of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } } button 641 { on (release) { _global.space_battle_complete = 1; _global.enemy_defeated = _global.current_area; _global.story_task_battle = 0; _global.boss_spawned = 0; _global.current_girl = _global.aria_girl; if (_global.ranked_game == 1 && _global.rank > 10) { _global.ranked_game = 0; if (random(4) == 1) { if (random(3) == 1) { _global.prisoner = random(3) + 6; } else { _global.prisoner = random(4) + 2; } } else { _global.prisoner = 1; } if (_global.unlockedAgents[_global.prisoner] == 1) { _global.prisoner = 1; } if (_global.custom == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(80); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(98); } } else { _global.ranked_game = 0; if (_global.jeo_first_fight == 0 && _global.current_girl == 5 && _global.current_area < 10) { _global.jeo_first_fight = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } else { if (_global.current_area == 8 && _global.jeo_first_fight == 1 && _global.had_yui_sex == 0 && _global.assaultship_destroyed == 1 && _global.cargoship_destroyed == 1 && _global.assistanceship1_destroyed == 1 && _global.assistanceship2_destroyed == 1 && _global.bossship_destroyed == 1) { _global.had_yui_sex = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(78); } else { if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_global.current_girl > 4 && _global.current_girl != 6) { if (_global.current_area < 7) { _root.gotoAndStop(94); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(95); } } else { if (_global.current_area < 7) { _root.gotoAndStop(94); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(95); } } } } } } } frame 5 { if (_global.aria_girl == 5 || _global.aria_girl == 7) { _global.tasks_left = _global.task_max; ++_global.days_in_same_area; ++_global.days_passed; _global.stealth = 0; _global.gotraided(); } if (_global.your_mercenary_count > 2000) { _global.your_mercenary_count = 2000; } if (_global.space_battle_complete == 1) { _global.your_mercenary_count += random(20) + 10; if (_global.boss_spawned == 1) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 100; } _global.aria_girl_previously_played = _global.aria_girl; _global.current_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.space_battle_complete = 0; } _root.aria_stats = 'Agents:\n' + _global.your_mercenary_count + '\nResources:\n' + _global.recources; if (_global.had_goo_sex == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 5; if (_global.aria_girl == _global.aria_girl_previously_played) { _global.charisma_growth = random(500) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma -= _global.charisma_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = 0; } _global.space_growth = random(500) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space -= _global.space_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = 0; } _global.ship_growth = random(500) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship -= _global.ship_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = 0; } _global.combat_growth = random(500) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat -= _global.combat_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = 0; } _root['girl' + _global.aria_girl] = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' (loss)\nCharisma: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma + ' (-' + _global.charisma_growth + ')\nSpace: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space + ' (-' + _global.space_growth + ')\nShip: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship + ' (-' + _global.ship_growth + ')\nCombat: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat + ' (-' + _global.combat_growth + ')'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl_previously_played > 0) { _global.charisma_growth = random(50) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma -= _global.charisma_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = 0; } _global.space_growth = random(50) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space -= _global.space_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = 0; } _global.ship_growth = random(50) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship -= _global.ship_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = 0; } _global.combat_growth = random(50) + 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat -= _global.combat_growth; if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat <= 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = 0; } _root['girl' + _global.aria_girl] = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + ' (loss)\nCharisma: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma + ' (-' + _global.charisma_growth + ')\nSpace: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space + ' (-' + _global.space_growth + ')\nShip: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship + ' (-' + _global.ship_growth + ')\nCombat: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat + ' (-' + _global.combat_growth + ')'; } else { _root['girl' + _global.aria_girl] = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + '\nCharisma: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma + '\nSpace: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space + '\nShip: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship + '\nCombat: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat; } } } if (_global.had_goo_sex == 1) { _global.aria_girl = 5; _root['girl' + _global.aria_girl] = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + '\nCharisma: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma + '\nSpace: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space + '\nShip: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship + '\nCombat: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat; } _global.aria_girl = 1; while (_global.aria_girl <= 4) { if (_global.aria_girl == _global.aria_girl_previously_played) { if (_global.boss_spawned == 1) { } _root['girl' + _global.aria_girl] = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + '\nCharisma: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma + '\nSpace: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space + '\nShip: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship + '\nCombat: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat; _global.aria_girl_previously_played = 0; } else { _global.charisma_growth = 0; _global.space_growth = 0; _global.ship_growth = 0; _global.combat_growth = 0; _root['girl' + _global.aria_girl] = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl + '\nCharisma: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma + '\nSpace: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space + '\nShip: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship + '\nCombat: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat; } ++_global.aria_girl; } _global.boss_spawned = 0; if (_global.aria_girl > 4 || _global.aria_girl != 6) { _global.aria_girl = 1; } } frame 5 { hideTooltip(); } instance bg of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } movieClip 645 { frame 1 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 12146 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance music of movieClip 645 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(_global.bgm_music_begin); } else { this.stop(); this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 1) { _global.bgm_music_begin = this._currentframe; } else { this.stop(); this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 646 { on (release) { if (_global.story_task_battle == 1) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(7 + _global.current_girl); } else { if (_global.jeo_first_fight == 0 && _global.current_girl == 5 && _global.current_area < 10) { _global.jeo_first_fight = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } else { if (_global.current_area == 8 && _global.jeo_first_fight == 1 && _global.had_yui_sex == 0 && _global.assaultship_destroyed == 1 && _global.cargoship_destroyed == 1 && _global.assistanceship1_destroyed == 1 && _global.assistanceship2_destroyed == 1 && _global.bossship_destroyed == 1) { _global.had_yui_sex = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(78); } else { if (_global.current_girl > 4) { _root.gotoAndStop(12); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(74); } } } } } } button 647 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl = 4; _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 648 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl = 2; _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 649 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl = 3; _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 650 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 651 { on (release) { if (_global.story_task_battle == 1) { _global.story_task_battle = 0; if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } else { if (_global.jeo_first_fight == 0 && _global.current_girl == 5 && _global.current_area < 10) { _global.jeo_first_fight = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } else { if (_global.current_area == 8 && _global.jeo_first_fight == 1 && _global.had_yui_sex == 0 && _global.assaultship_destroyed == 1 && _global.cargoship_destroyed == 1 && _global.assistanceship1_destroyed == 1 && _global.assistanceship2_destroyed == 1 && _global.bossship_destroyed == 1) { _global.had_yui_sex = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(78); } else { if (_global.current_girl > 4) { _root.gotoAndStop(12); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(74); } } } } } } movieClip 654 { } frame 6 { _global.tutoriallevel = 0; _global.gobackto = 0; _global.hardmode = 0; _global.ranked_game = 0; _global.manage_max_mods(); if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } _global.aria_girl = _global.temp_aria_girl; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[1] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[2] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[3] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[4] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[5] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[6] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[7] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[8] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[9] = 0; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[10] = 0; if (_global.aria_girl > 4 && _global.aria_girl != 6) { _global.aria_girl = 1; } _global.aria_girl_previously_played = 0; _global.current_girl = 0; _global.remi_in_battle = 0; _global.pnm_active = 0; _global.aria_girl_array[6].obey = 100; if (_global.noinjury == 1) { _global.arielle_injury = 0; _global.phia_injury = 0; _global.tiffany_injury = 0; _global.bri_injury = 0; } if (_global.raid_flag == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(90); } if (_global.being_raided == 1) { _root.main_menu_mc.raiding.gotoAndStop(2); } _global.update_mission_stats = function () { if (_global.being_raided == 1) { _root.main_menu_mc.raiding.gotoAndStop(2); } _root.tasks = _global.tasks_left; _root.rank = _global.rank; if (_global.your_mercenary_count > 2000) { _global.your_mercenary_count = 2000; }; _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats1 = 'Agents: ' + _global.your_mercenary_count + ' (max 2000)\nResources(R): ' + _global.recources + '\nArea: ' + _global.current_area + '/' + _global.totoal_areas + ''; _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats2 = 'Days Passed: ' + _global.days_passed + '\nDays in area: ' + _global.days_in_same_area + '\nFood Supply: ' + _global.food_supply + ''; _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats = ''; if (_global.current_area == 1) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from Arielle:\nDon\'t over work yourself Jeo. It would be best to get resources and upgrades before we travel. Tony is a good scout It is why he found us first. And you better read this message!'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 2) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from Phia:\nHey sweetie ;) Kim has always been impatient. If you wait around long enough in this area you can lure her out. Btw she loves anal <3'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 3) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from Phia:\nHey sweetie this guy is my brother Roy, go easy on him. I should be able to talk him out of fighting us if you send me in to battle.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 4) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from Phia:\nHey sweetie a message from me again! Sui-may is Roy\'s girlfriend. She is probably just looking for Roy. Let me talk to her and see what\'s up.'; if (_global.goo_unlocked == 0) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += '\nMessage from TT:\nJeo I found somehting in the containment room. We should investigate what it is when you are ready.'; } } else { if (_global.current_area == 5) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from Bri:Jeo I don\'t think thier person is hostile... Please try talking it out first!\n.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 6) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from TT:\n Looks like an Amp clone perhaps? If so there is no avoiding this fight Jeo.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 7) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from Phia:\n What the hell is Luma\'s team doing out here? We should definately talk to them first sweetie. There\'s no way they would attack us knowingly.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 8) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from Arielle:\nShe looks tougher than the others but we can take her.'; _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += '\nMessage from Arielle:\nI\'m detecting a new ship type on the scanners. It can generate a massive shield to block out Khalei lasers.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 9) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from Lynn:\nSorry for the trouble Jeo. Cain will not back down no matter what I say to him. We will need to use force.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 10) { _root.main_menu_mc.mission_stats += 'Message from Arielle:\nJeo we are just outside GemCo space. he is strong but after him we can clear your name after we find Natan.'; } } } } } } } } } } _root.tc_txt = '' + _global.travel_resource_cost + ' R'; }; _global.update_ship_stats = function () {}; _global.update_girl_stats = function () { if (_global.v00 == 1) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = 0; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = 100; } _root.crew_menu_mc.girl_name = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].girl; _root.crew_menu_mc.girl_stats = 'RESPECT: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love + '\nFATIGUE: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue + '\nFOOD: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food + '\nOBEY: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey + '\nCHARISMA: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma + '\nKHALEI: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space + '\nSHIP: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship + '\nCOMBAT: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat + ''; _global.update_mission_stats(); _global.update_ship_stats(); if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx1.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.Phia_sfx1.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.Tiffany_sfx1.start(0, 1); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.Bri_sfx1.start(0, 1); } _root.main_menu_mc.girl5 = '' + _global.aria_girl_array[5].girl + '\nCharisma: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[5].charisma + '\nKhalei: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[5].space + '\nShip: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[5].ship + '\nCombat: ' + _global.aria_girl_array[5].combat; }; _global.update_girl_stats(); _global.storyupdate = function () { if (_global.current_area == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(24); } else { if (_global.current_area == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if (_global.current_area == 4) { _root.gotoAndStop(26); } else { if (_global.current_area == 5) { _root.gotoAndStop(27); } else { if (_global.current_area == 6) { _root.gotoAndStop(28); } else { if (_global.current_area == 7) { _root.gotoAndStop(29); } else { if (_global.current_area == 8) { _root.gotoAndStop(30); } else { if (_global.current_area == 9) { _root.gotoAndStop(31); } else { if (_global.current_area == 10) { _root.gotoAndStop(32); } } } } } } } } } }; _global.modtextupdate = function () { if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 0) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_laser = 'Laser Default'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 1) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_laser = 'Laser I'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 2) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_laser = 'Laser II'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 3) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_laser = 'Laser III'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 4) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_laser = 'Laser Shotgun'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 5) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_laser = 'Laser Burst'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 6) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_laser = 'Laser Break'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser == 7) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_laser = 'Laser Capture'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 0) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull1 = 'Hull Default'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 1) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull1 = 'Attk Ships I'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 2) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull1 = 'Attk Ships II'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 3) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull1 = 'Attk Ships III'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 4) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull1 = 'Attk Unit I'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 5) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull1 = 'Attk Unit II'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 6) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull1 = 'Attk Unit III'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 == 7) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull1 = 'Ability Cooldown'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 0) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull2 = 'Hull Default'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 1) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull2 = 'Attk Ships I'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 2) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull2 = 'Attk Ships II'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 3) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull2 = 'Attk Ships III'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 4) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull2 = 'Attk Unit I'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 5) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull2 = 'Attk Unit II'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 6) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull2 = 'Attk Unit III'; } if (_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 == 7) { _root.main_menu_mc.shipinfo_hull2 = 'Ability Cooldown'; } }; } frame 6 { function showTooltip(_msg_head, _msg_body) { tooltip_mc = pathToRoot.attachMovie('tooltip', 'tooltip' + pathToRoot.getNextHighestDepth(), pathToRoot.getNextHighestDepth()); tooltip_mc.head_txt.text = _msg_head; tooltip_mc.body_txt.text = _msg_body; tooltip_mc.head_txt.autoSize = true; tooltip_mc.body_txt.autoSize = true; tooltip_mc.bg_mc._width = 200; tooltip_mc.head_txt._width = 190; tooltip_mc.body_txt._width = 190; var v2 = tooltip_mc.head_txt._height + tooltip_mc.body_txt._height + 10; var v3 = tooltip_mc.body_txt._width + 10; tooltip_mc.bg_mc._height = v2; tooltip_mc._x = -tooltip_mc._width; tooltip_mc._y = -tooltip_mc._height; tooltip_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { this.tempX = pathToRoot._xmouse + paddingX; this.tempY = pathToRoot._ymouse + paddingY; if (this.tempX + tooltip_mc._width > gameWidth) { this._x = this.tempX - tooltip_mc._width; } else { this._x = this.tempX; } if (this.tempY + tooltip_mc._height > gameHeight) { this._y = this.tempY - tooltip_mc._height - paddingY; } else { this._y = this.tempY; } }; } function hideTooltip() { delete tooltip_mc.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(_root['tooltip' + (pathToRoot.getNextHighestDepth() - 1)]); } var pathToRoot = _root; var tooltip_mc; var paddingX = 0; var paddingY = 20; var gameWidth = 650; var gameHeight = 400; var depth = _root.getNextHighestDepth(); _root.agent.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Special Agents', 'Unlocked Agents can lead in a Space Battle, Talk and/or have Sex options.'); }; _root.agent.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.agent.onRollOut = _root.agent.onDragOut; = function () { showTooltip('Area Map', 'Raid enemy ships to remove them from battle. Also you can visit space station shops if avaliable.'); }; = function () { hideTooltip(); }; =; _root.upgrades.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Upgrades', 'Consume resources to research upgrades and make items such as Bombs, Matrix and Nova.'); }; _root.upgrades.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.upgrades.onRollOut = _root.upgrades.onDragOut; _root.containment.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Containment Room', 'Storage area for transpoted cargo and prisoners. Some agents will be avaliable here.'); }; _root.containment.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.containment.onRollOut = _root.containment.onDragOut; _root.holodeck.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Holodeck', 'Replay scenes in the game you unlocked.'); }; _root.holodeck.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.holodeck.onRollOut = _root.holodeck.onDragOut; _root.hangar.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Hangar', 'Fight off being raided from here.'); }; _root.hangar.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.hangar.onRollOut = _root.hangar.onDragOut; = function () { showTooltip('Travel', 'Use resources as fuel to travel to the next area. In area 10 this will end the game.'); }; = function () { hideTooltip(); }; =; _root.main_menu_mc.miwindow.dossier.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Dossier', 'View known information about Agents and other characters you encounter.'); }; _root.main_menu_mc.miwindow.dossier.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.main_menu_mc.miwindow.dossier.onRollOut = _root.main_menu_mc.miwindow.dossier.onDragOut; = function () { showTooltip('Intelligence', 'View information about enemy ship types and raiding tactics.'); }; = function () { hideTooltip(); }; =; _root.support_toggle.switch_support.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Battle Support', 'This character will offer support during Space Battles. A character can\'t support themself.'); }; _root.support_toggle.switch_support.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.support_toggle.switch_support.onRollOut = _root.support_toggle.switch_support.onDragOut; _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.gather.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Gather', 'This character\'s order will be to gather resources.'); }; _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.gather.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.gather.onRollOut = _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.gather.onDragOut; = function () { showTooltip('Free', 'This character will not have any orders during this time. A sub-menu of options will be avalible possibly including Sex, Cook, Eat, Sleep and Talk.'); }; = function () { hideTooltip(); }; =; _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.train.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Train', 'This character\'s order will be to train, raising Combat and Khalei by 3.'); }; _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.train.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.train.onRollOut = _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.train.onDragOut; _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.battle.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Space Battle', 'This character\'s order will be to approach the enemy for a Space Battle.'); }; _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.battle.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.battle.onRollOut = _root.crew_menu_mc.orders.battle.onDragOut; box5_btn.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Header Here', 'Long description text goes here. Box should dynamically re-size according to the text length. Long description text goes here. Box should dynamically re-size according to the text length.'); }; box5_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; box5_btn.onRollOut = box5_btn.onDragOut; _root.mod_tooltips = function () { _root.main_menu_mc.mod_laser.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Laser Module', 'After selecting this, a mod selected below will change the ship\'s laser.'); }; _root.main_menu_mc.mod_laser.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.main_menu_mc.mod_laser.onRollOut = _root.main_menu_mc.mod_laser.onDragOut; _root.main_menu_mc.mod_hull1.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Hull1 Module', 'After selecting this, a mod selected below will change the ship\'s hull slot 1.'); }; _root.main_menu_mc.mod_hull1.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.main_menu_mc.mod_hull1.onRollOut = _root.main_menu_mc.mod_hull1.onDragOut; _root.main_menu_mc.mod_hull2.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Hull2 Module', 'After selecting this, a mod selected below will change the ship\'s hull slot 2.'); }; _root.main_menu_mc.mod_hull2.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; _root.main_menu_mc.mod_hull2.onRollOut = _root.main_menu_mc.mod_hull2.onDragOut; }; } frame 6 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 679 { } movieClip 682 { } movieClip 688 { } button 689 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 10; --_global.tasks_left; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _root.gotoAndStop(88); } } } button 690 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 2; --_global.tasks_left; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _root.gotoAndStop(88); } } } button 691 { on (release) { if (_global.current_area < 10) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 3; --_global.tasks_left; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(8); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop(9); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.gotoAndStop(10); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6 && _global.current_area != 5) { _root.gotoAndStop(88); } } } } } } else { _root.gotoAndStop(49); } } } button 692 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 8; --_global.tasks_left; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _root.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _root.gotoAndStop(88); } } } movieClip 703 { } movieClip 704 { } movieClip 708 { } movieClip 711 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance girl of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } } } movieClip 713 { } movieClip 715 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance injury of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.arielle_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.phia_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.tiffany_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.bri_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.aria_girl == 1 && _global.arielle_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.phia_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3 && _global.tiffany_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4 && _global.bri_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } movieClip 728 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 735 { } movieClip 738 { } button 739 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(61); } } button 740 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(75); } } button 741 { on (release) { if (_global.enemy_defeated == _global.current_area) { if (_global.recources >= _global.travel_resource_cost && _global.current_area < _global.totoal_areas) { _global.recources -= _global.travel_resource_cost; ++_global.current_area; ++_global.days_passed; _global.stealth = 0; _global.being_raided = 0; _global.days_in_same_area = 0; _global.area_bg = _global.current_area; _global.assaultship_destroyed = 0; _global.cargoship_destroyed = 0; _global.assistanceship1_destroyed = 0; _global.assistanceship2_destroyed = 0; _global.bossship_destroyed = 0; _global.ship_to_raid = 0; _global.travel_resource_cost = 500 * _global.current_area + random(_global.current_area * 1000); _global.update_mission_stats(); if (_global.remi_unlocked == 1 && _global.remi_talk == 1) { _global.remi_talk = 2; } _global.storyupdate(); } else { if (_global.recources >= _global.travel_resource_cost && _global.current_area >= _global.totoal_areas) { _root.gotoAndStop(44); } } } else { _root.gotoAndStop(17); } } } movieClip 747 { } movieClip 750 { } button 752 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 753 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 762 { } movieClip 764 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 769 { on (release) { _global.active_mod = 1; } } button 770 { on (release) { _global.active_mod = 2; } } button 771 { on (release) { _global.active_mod = 3; } } button 792 { on (release) { _global.button_mod_press(this); } on (rollOver) { if (this == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod0) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { _root.showTooltip('Laser Default', 'Characters will use their default laser.'); } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { _root.showTooltip('Hull Default', 'Characters will use their default hull.'); } } if (this == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod1) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { _root.showTooltip('Laser I', 'Lasers shoot 1 time per second.'); } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { _root.showTooltip('Attk Ships I', 'Generate 1 Auto Attack Ship at a time when a node reaches zero.'); } } if (this == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod2) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { _root.showTooltip('Laser II', 'Lasers shoot 2 times per second.'); } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { _root.showTooltip('Attk Ships II', 'Generate 2 Auto Attack Ships at a time when a node reaches zero.'); } } if (this == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod3) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { _root.showTooltip('Laser III', 'Lasers shoot 4 times per second.'); } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { _root.showTooltip('Attk Ships III', 'Generate 4 Auto Attack Ships at a time when a node reaches zero.'); } } if (this == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod4) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { _root.showTooltip('Laser Shotgun', 'Lasers shoot at all enemy nodes.'); } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { _root.showTooltip('Attk Unit I', 'Generate 5 Unit Auto Attack Ships.'); } } if (this == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod5) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { _root.showTooltip('Laser Burst', 'Lasers shoot at burst.'); } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { _root.showTooltip('Attk Unit II', 'Generate 50 Unit Auto Attack Ships.'); } } if (this == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod6) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { _root.showTooltip('Laser Break', 'Lasers break shields.'); } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { _root.showTooltip('Attk Unit III', 'Generate 100 Unit Auto Attack Ships.'); } } if (this == _root.main_menu_mc.mods.mod7) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { _root.showTooltip('Laser Capture', 'Lasers capture enemy nodes'); } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { _root.showTooltip('Ability Cooldown', 'Halves the cooldowns for abilities.'); } } } on (rollOut) { _root.hideTooltip(); } on (releaseOutside) { _root.hideTooltip(); } } movieClip 795 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 797 { instance mod1 of movieClip 795 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[1] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[1] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[1] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[1] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance mod2 of movieClip 795 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[2] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[2] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[2] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[2] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance mod3 of movieClip 795 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[3] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[3] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[3] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[3] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance mod4 of movieClip 795 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[4] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[4] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[4] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[4] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance mod5 of movieClip 795 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[5] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[5] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[5] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[5] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance mod6 of movieClip 795 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[6] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[6] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[6] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[6] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance mod7 of movieClip 795 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[7] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[7] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[7] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[7] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance mod0 of movieClip 795 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[0] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[0] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.active_mod == 1 && _global.aria_laser_mods[0] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.active_mod > 1 && _global.aria_hull_mods[0] > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } movieClip 800 { frame 1 { _global.update_girl_stats(); stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _global.active_mod = 1; _root.mod_tooltips(); _global.modtextupdate(); } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); _global.modtextupdate(); } } instance mods of movieClip 797 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { this.slot1 = _global.aria_laser_mods[0]; this.slot2 = _global.aria_laser_mods[1]; this.slot3 = _global.aria_laser_mods[2]; this.slot4 = _global.aria_laser_mods[3]; this.slot5 = _global.aria_laser_mods[4]; this.slot6 = _global.aria_laser_mods[5]; this.slot7 = _global.aria_laser_mods[6]; this.slot8 = _global.aria_laser_mods[7]; } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { this.slot1 = _global.aria_hull_mods[0]; this.slot2 = _global.aria_hull_mods[1]; this.slot3 = _global.aria_hull_mods[2]; this.slot4 = _global.aria_hull_mods[3]; this.slot5 = _global.aria_hull_mods[4]; this.slot6 = _global.aria_hull_mods[5]; this.slot7 = _global.aria_hull_mods[6]; this.slot8 = _global.aria_hull_mods[7]; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.active_mod == 1) { this.slot1 = _global.aria_laser_mods[0]; this.slot2 = _global.aria_laser_mods[1]; this.slot3 = _global.aria_laser_mods[2]; this.slot4 = _global.aria_laser_mods[3]; this.slot5 = _global.aria_laser_mods[4]; this.slot6 = _global.aria_laser_mods[5]; this.slot7 = _global.aria_laser_mods[6]; this.slot8 = _global.aria_laser_mods[7]; } if (_global.active_mod > 1) { this.slot1 = _global.aria_hull_mods[0]; this.slot2 = _global.aria_hull_mods[1]; this.slot3 = _global.aria_hull_mods[2]; this.slot4 = _global.aria_hull_mods[3]; this.slot5 = _global.aria_hull_mods[4]; this.slot6 = _global.aria_hull_mods[5]; this.slot7 = _global.aria_hull_mods[6]; this.slot8 = _global.aria_hull_mods[7]; } } } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 801 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(51); } } button 802 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 803 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(57); } } button 804 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(65); } } button 806 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(74); } } button 807 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(84); } } button 808 { on (release) { if (_currentframe < 6) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 816 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.support_char = 1; } frame 2 { stop(); _global.support_char = 2; } frame 3 { stop(); _global.support_char = 3; } frame 4 { stop(); _global.support_char = 4; } frame 5 { stop(); _global.support_char = 5; } frame 6 { stop(); _global.support_char = 6; } } instance support_toggle of movieClip 816 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.support_char); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.support_char); } } button 817 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } button 818 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(65); } } button 819 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(13); } } button 820 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(47); } } button 821 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(87); } } button 822 { on (release) { _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 2; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } button 825 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(51); } } button 828 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 831 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(89); } } button 832 { on (release) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[2] == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[3] == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[4] == 1) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[5] == 1) { gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[6] == 1) { gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[7] == 1) { gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[8] == 1) { gotoAndStop(8); } else { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } } button 837 { on (release) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[3] == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[4] == 1) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[5] == 1) { gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[6] == 1) { gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[7] == 1) { gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[8] == 1) { gotoAndStop(8); } else { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } button 840 { on (release) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[4] == 1) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[5] == 1) { gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[6] == 1) { gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[7] == 1) { gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[8] == 1) { gotoAndStop(8); } else { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } button 843 { on (release) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[5] == 1) { gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[6] == 1) { gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[7] == 1) { gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[8] == 1) { gotoAndStop(8); } else { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } button 846 { on (release) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[6] == 1) { gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[7] == 1) { gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[8] == 1) { gotoAndStop(8); } else { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } button 849 { on (release) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[7] == 1) { gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[8] == 1) { gotoAndStop(8); } else { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } button 852 { on (release) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[8] == 1) { gotoAndStop(8); } else { gotoAndStop(9); } } } button 855 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(9); } } button 856 { on (release) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[1] == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[2] == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[3] == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[4] == 1) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[5] == 1) { gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[6] == 1) { gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[7] == 1) { gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.unlockedAgents[8] == 1) { gotoAndStop(8); } else { gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } } } movieClip 857 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.currentFagent = 1; } frame 2 { stop(); _global.currentFagent = 2; } frame 3 { stop(); _global.currentFagent = 3; } frame 4 { stop(); _global.currentFagent = 4; } frame 5 { stop(); _global.currentFagent = 5; } frame 6 { stop(); _global.currentFagent = 6; } frame 7 { stop(); _global.currentFagent = 7; } frame 8 { stop(); _global.currentFagent = 8; } frame 9 { stop(); _global.currentFagent = 0; } } instance of movieClip 857 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.currentFagent > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.currentFagent); } else { this.gotoAndStop(9); } } } button 858 { on (release) { _global.story_task_battle = 1; _global.hardmode = 1; _global.ranked_game = 1; if (_global.rank > 20) { _global.aria_girl_enemy = random(4) + 1; _global.aria_girl_enemy_support = random(4) + 1; } else { _global.aria_girl_enemy = 0; _global.aria_girl_enemy_support = 0; } _root.gotoAndStop(16); } } button 889 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.temp_aria_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.update_girl_stats(); } } button 890 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl = 2; _global.temp_aria_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.update_girl_stats(); } } button 891 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl = 3; _global.temp_aria_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.update_girl_stats(); } } button 892 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl = 4; _global.temp_aria_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.update_girl_stats(); } } button 893 { on (release) { if (_global.remi_unlocked == 1) { _global.aria_girl = 6; _global.temp_aria_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.update_girl_stats(); } } } button 894 { on (release) { if (_global.luma_unlocked == 1) { _global.aria_girl = 7; } } } movieClip 897 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 898 { instance of movieClip 897 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.remi_unlocked == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 897 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.luma_unlocked == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 7 { _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.aria_girl_previously_played = 0; _global.current_girl = 0;; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); _root.tomc._visible = true; _global.do_task(); } frame 7 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 900 { frame 2 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance gallery of movieClip 900 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); } } button 907 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 4; _global.update_girl_stats(); _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } button 908 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 7; _global.update_girl_stats(); _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } button 909 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 11; _global.update_girl_stats(); _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } button 910 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 1; _global.update_girl_stats(); _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } button 911 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 5; _global.update_girl_stats(); _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } button 912 { on (release) { _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 6; _global.update_girl_stats(); _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } button 925 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(11); } } movieClip 934 { } movieClip 1060 { frame 7 { _global.sexsfx(); } } button 1061 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(9); } } movieClip 1243 { frame 4 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 16 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.sexsfx(); } } button 1244 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(7); } } movieClip 1414 { frame 7 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 37 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 50 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 62 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 74 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 85 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 97 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 109 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 122 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 137 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 156 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 162 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 178 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 196 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 238 { stop(); } } button 1415 { on (release) { if (sex._currentframe < 20) { sex.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } movieClip 1540 { frame 12 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 41 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 72 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 90 { _root.girl_result = ''; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 96 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 109 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 126 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 142 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 159 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 174 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 187 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 205 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 220 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 241 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 305 { stop(); } } button 1541 { on (release) { if (bj._currentframe < 90) { bj.gotoAndPlay(91); } else { gotoAndStop(8); } } } movieClip 1548 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1549 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(13); } } movieClip 1723 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } button 1724 { on (release) { if (sex._currentframe < 19) { sex.gotoAndPlay(19); } } } movieClip 1729 { } movieClip 1732 { } movieClip 1733 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance girl2 of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } } frame 7 { if ( == 1) { _root.Arielle_sfx8.start(0, 1); } } frame 8 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; if ( == 1) {;; } } frame 10 {;; } frame 11 { _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; _global.arielle_injury = 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love -= random(10) + 15; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; } frame 13 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; } instance of movieClip 312 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } button 1734 { on (release) {;; if (_global.story_task_battle == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_global.explore_mission == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(64); } else { if (_global.tasks_left > 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[6].obey = 100; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } } } button 1736 { on (release) { _root.tomc._visible = false; _root.girl_result = ''; } } movieClip 1737 { } frame 8 { _global.aria_girl = 2; _global.aria_girl_previously_played = 0; _global.current_girl = 0;; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); _root.tomc._visible = true; _global.do_task(); } frame 8 { hideTooltip(); } button 1743 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(11); } } movieClip 1755 { } movieClip 1792 { frame 7 { _global.sexsfx(); } } button 1793 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(9); } } movieClip 1932 { frame 4 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 16 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.sexsfx(); } } button 1933 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(7); } } movieClip 2093 { frame 8 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 20 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 28 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 36 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 44 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 52 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 60 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 68 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 76 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 84 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 92 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 100 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 108 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 116 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 124 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 135 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 150 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 155 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 173 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 196 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 209 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 267 { stop(); } } movieClip 2187 { frame 12 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 41 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 72 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 90 { _root.girl_result = ''; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 96 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 109 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 126 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 142 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 159 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 174 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 187 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 205 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 220 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 241 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 305 { stop(); } } button 2188 { on (release) { if (bj._currentframe < 90) { bj.gotoAndPlay(91); } else { gotoAndStop(8); } } } movieClip 2210 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 2211 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(13); } } movieClip 2327 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 2330 { } movieClip 2331 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance girl2 of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } } frame 7 { if ( == 1) { _root.Phia_sfx8.start(0, 1); } } frame 8 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; if ( == 1) {;; } } frame 10 {;; } frame 11 { _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; _global.phia_injury = 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love -= random(10) + 15; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; } frame 13 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; } instance of movieClip 345 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } frame 9 { _global.aria_girl = 3; _global.aria_girl_previously_played = 0; _global.current_girl = 0;; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); _root.tomc._visible = true; _global.do_task(); } frame 9 { hideTooltip(); } button 2333 { on (release) { _global.food_supply += 5; _global.aria_girl_task_queue[_global.aria_girl] = 11; _global.update_girl_stats(); _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } button 2339 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(11); } } movieClip 2352 { } movieClip 2413 { frame 7 { _global.sexsfx(); } } button 2414 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(9); } } movieClip 2535 { frame 4 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 16 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.sexsfx(); } } button 2536 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(7); } } movieClip 2904 { frame 18 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 30 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 40 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 50 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 59 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 70 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 80 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 89 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 100 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 110 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 119 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 135 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 153 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 156 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 173 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 196 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 231 { stop(); } } movieClip 3099 { frame 12 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 41 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 72 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 90 { _root.girl_result = ''; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 96 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 109 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 126 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 142 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 159 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 174 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 187 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 205 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 220 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 241 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 305 { stop(); } } button 3100 { on (release) { if (bj._currentframe < 90) { bj.gotoAndPlay(91); } else { gotoAndStop(8); } } } movieClip 3113 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 3114 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(13); } } movieClip 3225 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 3228 { } movieClip 3229 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance girl2 of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } } frame 7 { if ( == 1) { _root.Tiffany_sfx8.start(0, 1); } } frame 8 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; if ( == 1) {;; } } frame 10 {;; } frame 11 { _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; _global.tiffany_injury = 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love -= random(10) + 15; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; } frame 13 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; } instance of movieClip 351 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } frame 10 { _global.aria_girl = 4; _global.aria_girl_previously_played = 0; _global.current_girl = 0;; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); _root.tomc._visible = true; _global.do_task(); } frame 10 { hideTooltip(); } button 3232 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(11); } } movieClip 3240 { } movieClip 3272 { frame 7 { _global.sexsfx(); } } button 3273 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(9); } } movieClip 3370 { frame 4 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 16 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.sexsfx(); } } button 3371 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(7); } } movieClip 3547 { frame 7 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 20 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 40 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 49 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 60 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 69 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 84 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 99 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 102 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 113 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 138 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 205 { stop(); } } movieClip 3636 { frame 12 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 41 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 72 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 90 { _root.girl_result = ''; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 96 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 109 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 126 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 142 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 159 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 174 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 187 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 205 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 220 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 241 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 305 { stop(); } } button 3637 { on (release) { if (bj._currentframe < 90) { bj.gotoAndPlay(91); } else { gotoAndStop(8); } } } movieClip 3642 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 3643 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(13); } } movieClip 3738 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 3741 { } movieClip 3742 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance girl2 of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } } frame 7 { if ( == 1) { _root.Bri_sfx8.start(0, 1); } } frame 8 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value - 400; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value - 400; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value - 400; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value - 400; _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; if ( == 1) {;; } } frame 10 {;; } frame 11 { _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; _global.bri_injury = 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love -= random(10) + 15; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; } frame 13 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value - 400; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value - 400; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value - 400; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value - 400; } instance of movieClip 357 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 999) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl_array[1].ship > 499) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } frame 11 { _global.aria_girl_array[6].obey = 100; _global.tasks_left = _global.task_max; ++_global.days_passed; ++_global.days_in_same_area; _global.aria_girl_previously_played = 0; _global.stealth = 0; _global.gotraided(); _global.current_girl = 0; if (_global.mercwork > 0) { _global.recources += _global.your_mercenary_count * _global.mercwork; } _global.arielle_tired = 0; _global.phia_tired = 0; _global.tiffany_tired = 0; _global.bri_tired = 0; if (random(_global.asteroid_spawn_chance) == 1) { _global.asteroid1 = 1; } else { _global.asteroid1 = 0; } if (random(_global.asteroid_spawn_chance) == 1) { _global.asteroid2 = 1; } else { _global.asteroid2 = 0; } if (random(_global.asteroid_spawn_chance) == 1) { _global.asteroid3 = 1; } else { _global.asteroid3 = 0; } if (random(_global.asteroid_spawn_chance) == 1) { _global.asteroid4 = 1; } else { _global.asteroid4 = 0; }; if (_global.aria_girl_task_queue[2] == 2 && _global.aria_girl_array[2].love < 50) { _global.aria_girl_array[2].love += 100; _root.gotoAndStop(43); } else { if (_global.luma_unlocked == 1 && _global.had_luma_sex == 0 && _global.had_goo_sex == 1 && _global.aria_girl_task_queue[2] == 7 && _global.aria_girl_array[2].love > 100) { _root.gotoAndStop(77); } else { if (_global.days_in_same_area > 14 && _global.had_kim_sex == 0 && _global.current_area == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(91); } else { _global.room_talk = 0; _global.girl_select = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(74); } } } } frame 11 { hideTooltip(); } frame 12 { _global.remi_in_battle = 0; _global.gobackto = 0; if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 12 { hideTooltip(); } frame 12 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 3745 { } button 3747 { on (release) { if (_global.remi_talk == 0) { _global.remi_talk = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(33); } else { if (_global.remi_talk == 2) { _global.remi_talk = 3; _root.gotoAndStop(34); } } } } button 3748 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(35); } } button 3749 { on (release) { if (_global.current_area != 10) { _global.remi_in_battle = 1; _global.aria_girl = 6; _root.gotoAndStop(16); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(49); } } } button 3750 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(34); } } button 3751 { on (release) { _global.bri_injury = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(67); } } button 3760 { on (release) { _global.story_task_battle = 1; _global.hardmode = 1; _global.ranked_game = 1; _global.aria_girl = 6; _root.gotoAndStop(16); } } movieClip 3761 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 3761 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank > 5 && _global.current_area > 4) { _global.remi_unlocked = 1; } if (_global.remi_unlocked == 1 && _global.current_area > 5) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 3762 { } button 3763 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(38); } } button 3764 { on (release) { if (_global.current_area != 10) { _global.temp_aria_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.aria_girl = 7; --_global.tasks_left; _root.gotoAndStop(16); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(49); } } } button 3765 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(39); } } button 3766 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(40); } } button 3767 { on (release) { _global.story_task_battle = 1; _global.hardmode = 1; _global.ranked_game = 1; _global.aria_girl = 7; _root.gotoAndStop(16); } } button 3772 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(77); } } movieClip 3774 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 452 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 457 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 427 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 3774 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank > 7 && _global.current_area > 6) { _global.luma_unlocked = 1; _global.had_luma_sex = 1; } if (_global.luma_unlocked == 1 && _global.current_area > 7 && _global.had_luma_sex == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.luma_unlocked == 1 && _global.current_area > 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } button 3775 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 3776 { on (release) { _global.temp_aria_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.aria_girl = 5; --_global.tasks_left; _root.gotoAndStop(16); } } button 3777 { on (release) { _global.story_task_battle = 1; _global.hardmode = 1; _global.ranked_game = 1; _global.aria_girl = 5; _root.gotoAndStop(16); } } frame 13 { _global.update_research_stats = function () { _root.FoodLv = _global.FoodLv; _root.AttkShipLv = _global.AttkShipLv; _root.GatherLv = _global.GatherLv; _root.RallyLv = _global.RallyLv; _root.resources_txt = '' + _global.recources + ' R'; _root.BombAmount = _global.bombs; _root.rt = _global.RaidTrainning; _root.mercw = _global.mercwork; _root.ExploAttkShip = _global.eplosive_ships; = _global.psm; _root.nm = _global.pnm; =; _root.overch = _global.overcharge; _root.AIRobotLv = _global.AIRobot; _root.mercwcost = 500 * (_global.mercwork + 1); _root.tasks_txt = _global.tasks_left; }; _global.update_research_stats(); } frame 13 { hideTooltip(); } frame 13 { hideTooltip(); } instance girl2 of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } } button 3783 { on (release) { if (_global.FoodLv < 10 && _global.recources >= 500) { _global.recources -= 500; ++_global.FoodLv; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 3784 { on (release) { if (_global.GatherLv < 10 && _global.recources >= 1000) { _global.recources -= 1000; ++_global.GatherLv; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 3785 { on (release) { if (_global.AttkShipLv < 1 && _global.recources >= 2500) { _global.recources -= 2500; ++_global.AttkShipLv; } _global.tasks_left -= 1; _global.update_research_stats(); if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } button 3786 { on (release) { if (_global.RallyLv < 1 && _global.recources >= 500) { _global.recources -= 500; ++_global.RallyLv; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 3788 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 500) { _global.recources -= 500; ++_global.bombs; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 3789 { on (release) { if (_global.RaidTrainning == 0 && _global.recources >= 4000) { _global.recources -= 4000; _global.RaidTrainning = 1; _global.tasks_left -= 1; } _global.update_research_stats(); if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } button 3790 { on (release) { if (_global.mercwork < 10 && _global.recources >= 500 * (_global.mercwork + 1)) { _global.recources -= 500 * (_global.mercwork + 1); ++_global.mercwork; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 3791 { on (release) { if (_global.psm < 10 && _global.recources >= 1000) { _global.recources -= 1000; ++_global.psm; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 3792 { on (release) { if (_global.pnm < 10 && _global.recources >= 3000) { _global.recources -= 3000; ++_global.pnm; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 3793 { on (release) { if (_global.overcharge < 1 && _global.recources >= 30000) { _global.recources -= 30000; ++_global.overcharge; _global.tasks_left -= 1; } _global.update_research_stats(); if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } button 3794 { on (release) { if (_global.eplosive_ships < 1 && _global.recources >= 5000) { _global.recources -= 5000; ++_global.eplosive_ships; _global.tasks_left -= 1; } _global.update_research_stats(); if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } button 3795 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 6000) { _global.recources -= 6000; _global.tasks_left -= 1; if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.aria_girl_array[1].ship += 100; } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.aria_girl_array[2].ship += 100; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.aria_girl_array[3].ship += 100; } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.aria_girl_array[4].ship += 100; } if (_global.remi_unlocked == 1) { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _global.aria_girl_array[6].ship += 100; } } } _global.update_research_stats(); if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } button 3796 { on (release) { if ( < 10 && _global.recources >= 6000) { _global.recources -= 6000;; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } frame 14 { if (_global.aria_girl < 5) { _root.gotoAndStop(6 + _global.aria_girl); } if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { _root.gotoAndStop(88); } } frame 14 { hideTooltip(); } frame 15 { hideTooltip(); } frame 16 { hideTooltip(); } instance bg of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.area_bg); } } movieClip 3847 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3850 { } movieClip 3853 { } movieClip 3854 { } movieClip 3857 { frame 1 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } instance of movieClip 380 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance of movieClip 383 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } frame 42 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndPlay(44); } } frame 70 { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 17 { hideTooltip(); } instance bg of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } instance music of movieClip 645 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(_global.bgm_music_begin); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 1) { _global.bgm_music_begin = this._currentframe; } } } frame 18 { hideTooltip(); } instance bg of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.area_bg); } } movieClip 3862 { } movieClip 3895 { frame 1 { _global.aria_girl = 1; } instance of movieClip 380 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 383 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 410 { _global.aria_girl = 2; } instance of movieClip 380 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance of movieClip 383 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 1533 { _global.aria_girl = 3; } instance of movieClip 380 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance of movieClip 383 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2240 { _global.aria_girl = 4; } instance of movieClip 380 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } instance of movieClip 383 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(4); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(4); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance pilot_pic of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.pilot.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 4130 { _global.on_story_mission = 1; _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(19); } } button 3896 { on (release) { _global.on_story_mission = 1; _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.hardmode = 0; if (_global.partical_total == null || _global.partical_total == undefined || _global.partical_total == NaN) { _global.partical_total = 3; } _global.scene_frame = 6; _root.gotoAndStop(56); } } frame 19 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 3961 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3992 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3993 { instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance main_ship of movieClip 370 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3961 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance of movieClip 3961 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance of movieClip 3961 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance of movieClip 3961 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 785 { _global.on_story_mission = 1; _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(20); } } frame 20 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 3996 { } movieClip 3999 { } movieClip 4001 { } movieClip 4004 { } movieClip 4007 { } movieClip 4008 { } movieClip 4010 { frame 539 { _global.on_story_mission = 1; _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(21); } } frame 21 { hideTooltip(); } instance bg of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.on_story_mission == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } } movieClip 4012 { frame 1 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 4019 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 4020 { on (release) { _parent.nextFrame(); stext.gotoAndStop(2); play(); } } movieClip 4021 { frame 4 { stext.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4024 { } movieClip 4025 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: We finally found you Jeo. Did you have fun as an undercover student?'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: We don\'t have time to talk. We need to get started on my plan.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: We don’t work under your unit anymore Jeo. We\'re here to arrest you.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: If anyone, you should arrest it is Natan.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Wasn\'t he pretending to be a math teacher?'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Yes, and I suspect he wanted to kidnap Lynn as leverage to negotiate terms with her parents.'; } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: in exchange he gets classified GemoCo technology.'; } frame 8 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: I was there trying to stop him.'; } frame 9 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Sweetie, I think your boyfriend is a little crazy. I like it.'; } frame 10 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: It seems believable so far.'; } frame 11 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Hm.... Bri?.. thoughts?'; } frame 12 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: He is genuine.'; } frame 13 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Bri? Who is she, some kind of psychic?'; } frame 14 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Luckily for you she is very close to one.'; } frame 15 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Well? Let’s get this over with.'; } frame 16 { _global.on_story_mission = 1; _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(22); } } frame 22 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4032 { } movieClip 4033 { } movieClip 4038 { } movieClip 4039 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: He looks kind of scary...'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Greetings Jeo. I\'m Tiffany. People call me TT. This is Bri. She is tougher than she looks.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: N- Not really! '; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Alright, our objective is the get my ship back to GemCo controlled space so we can settle this little issue.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: But we will need to first get resources to fuel my ship and travel to the next area.'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Each space day I will give you a task to do that will train you in the ways I want.'; } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: For the record Jeo, I am a researcher. We are all combat ready but we specialize in different tasks.'; } frame 8 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: What are they?'; } frame 9 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: While a medical researcher and defensive strategist. I can fight but I would be better suited to help man the main ship by giving me FREE actions.'; } frame 10 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: And I’m sure you know Arielle likes to be on the front lines yes? She is best suited for BATTLE.'; } frame 11 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: As for Phia...'; } frame 12 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: I like SEX… when do we get to fuck? I hate all this talking.'; } frame 13 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: ...likes sex I guess... heh.'; } frame 14 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Bri usually prefers to do non combat tasks like GATHER.'; } frame 15 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Hmm.. Got it. Let’s get going. There is a lot to do.'; } frame 16 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Indeed Jeo. In fact I detected a enemy ship on route here before docking.'; } frame 17 { _global.on_story_mission = 1; _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.scene_frame = 6; _root.gotoAndStop(56); } } frame 23 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4040 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Are you ok? You look a lot weaker than before you left.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: I have condition that makes me weaker after each fight, even ones I don\'t participate in.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: I am familiar with that condition. I can treat you when we get back. But for now it can be sustained through sex. Phia loves sex.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Theoretically any of us can help you. Though they might not agree to it.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Thanks.'; } frame 6 { if (_global.current_area < 7) { _root.gotoAndStop(94); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(95); } } } frame 24 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4045 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: So did you find out what technology Dr. Natan was trying to get?'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Something about an unlimited source of Khalei.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Unlimited...? Is that even possible?'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: That is one thing I plan to find out.'; } frame 5 { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 25 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4047 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: hey baby. That new enemy ship out there... looks like my brother\'s ship..'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Yeah? What are you saying?'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Yeah.. Just let me talk to him sweetie. Maybe I can get him to leave for us.'; } frame 4 { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 26 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4050 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Oh hey Jeo. You normally don’t come in here around this time. I would have finished putting on my gear.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: No Problem. What did you need?'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Huh?.. Oh right! I found a container full of some kind of liquid I am not familiar with.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: There stuff even you don\'t know I see.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Yes… unfortunately it is alien to me. It will be in the containment room if you want to open it.'; } frame 6 { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 27 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4053 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: Mr. Jeo?'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Not bad…you knew I’d be here didn’t you? '; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: Well actually no. I’m not even dressed…'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: I see. Did you sense anything lately?'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: yeah... There is a agent nearby, b- but I don’t think there is hostile intent. I think that person can help us if we just talk.'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: I see. Thanks, that is useful information.'; } frame 7 { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 28 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4058 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Don’t make any sudden moves.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Looks like a clone of that gangster girl GemCo captured earlier this month.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: No. I am the original. I will help you now if you can help me find my sisters.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Alright but only after our own objective is finished.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: You are the original?... that is fascinating!'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: You got what it takes. I can help.'; } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Good. We need to keep moving then.'; } frame 8 { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 29 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4061 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Luma: Hey don\'t attack us idiots. We are all on the same team!'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Not this bitch again! This is not trainning sweeite. Stay out of the way if you don\'t want to die.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Luma: Just relax, bitch. And maybe I won\'t stick my foot up your cunt.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: Jeo. This is all a misunderstanding. I\'m sorry but there is nothing I can say to stop my dad from doing this.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Nevermind Lynn. Just tell me where Cain is.'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: I don\'t know exactly but he is looking for me. We will meet him soon... and he will be hostile.'; } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Luma: Fuck that guy anyway.'; } frame 8 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: I know right? Fuck that guy.'; } frame 9 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: Hey…'; } frame 10 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Riley: You two are hilarious.'; } frame 11 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Nevermind them. They are always like that. We are all ready to help you Jeo.'; } frame 12 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Fine. Let\'s just continue.'; } frame 13 { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 30 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4062 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: It is Yui. I didn\'t know she worked in the space divisions also.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: You know her?'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Yeah from Nanako Law Division when I was a student.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: You’re still a student "Jinru".'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Not if this keeps up.'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: I’ll get the team ready.'; } frame 7 { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 31 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4064 { frame 1 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 4065 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Cain: Stand down Jeo and come quietly. I will only say it once.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: You already know I\'m not going to do that.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Cain: Don\'t be foolish.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you.'; } frame 5 { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(52); } } frame 32 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4071 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: I could hardly believe my own pupil was doing this. But you and your friends are no match for me. Your plan is suicide.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: It was Dr. Natan that attacked me, not Jeo.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: I\'m done talking!'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: It’s your funeral.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: No! Jeo!'; } frame 6 { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 33 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4074 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: You look like a woman but Bri kept referring to a "he"'; } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Remi: Why don’t you come find out?'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: We\'ll see.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Remi: If you ever want to fuck I\'ll be right here baby.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: I see, so you are a sex freak like Phia.'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Remi: There is another sex freak here? I have to find her and play with her.'; } frame 7 { _global.aria_girl = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 34 { hideTooltip(); } frame 34 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 35 { hideTooltip(); } frame 35 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 36 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4079 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: So Jeo you want me to open this container?'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Yeah.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Okay! I have been looking at the container and I think all you have to is...'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: it is opening stand back.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Alien: GemCo filth... you must be pretty confident to open the containment.'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Wow!'; } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: We are part of GemCo but we see things differently from the main division.'; } frame 8 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: It speaks our language that is fascinating!'; } frame 9 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Alien: Yes I was created by humans to fix human conditions. Even reverse them.'; } frame 10 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Really? Fascinating! Jeo it is likely that your condition could be permanently cured.'; } frame 11 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: They probably created you for all the wrong reasons. But that sounds useful to me right now.'; } frame 12 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Consider yourself a part of the team...erm.. Goo!'; } frame 13 { _global.goo_unlocked = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 37 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4080 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: I have not seen the person who created and contained me yet.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: I assume it would be one of your more challenging opponents you will have to face in the future.'; } frame 3 { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 38 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4082 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Luma: Hey Jeo don\'t worry we will support you.'; } instance of movieClip 427 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Luma: Just ignore Phia and Me. We are like that.'; } frame 3 { _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 39 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4083 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: We will help you get this fixed Jeo.'; } instance of movieClip 457 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 40 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4084 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Riley: Finally we get to do something actually dangerous.'; } instance of movieClip 452 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 41 { _global.battle_talk = 1; } frame 41 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4087 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4088 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Move aside I don\'t want to harm you.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.current_area == 3) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Hey Roy just let us pass ok? Forget you ever saw us here.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2 && _global.current_area == 4) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Sui-May? Why are you here sweetie?'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Move or it\'s your funeral sweetie!'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Stand aside! We will not hesitate to use force.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: Excuse me can you please move so we can pass through?'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5 && _global.current_area == 5) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: I little bird told me you have no intention of fighting us.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Out of the way fool!'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Remi: Move... or die.'; } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Luma: Do yourself a favor and kill yourself nerd!'; } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4087 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } instance of movieClip 487 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } frame 2 { if (_global.aria_girl != 5) { if (_global.current_area == 1) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tony: Never, Hand over Jeo and I\'ll think about it.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Kim: Never, Hand over Jeo and I\'ll think about it.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 3 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.current_area == 3) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Roy: No can do sweet cheeks.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 4 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.current_area == 4) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Sui-May: I\'m not going anywhere.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 5) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Remi: I just want to see Jeo. I heard he was hot.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 6) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: I\'m not here to fight we need to work together, but I do need to test you.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 7) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.current_area == 8) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Yui: No can do. You are all coming with me.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 9) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Cain: Tsh. Why even bother talking?'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 10) { stext.stext.story_text = '????: Ha! comedy.'; } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 5) { if (_global.current_area == 1) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tony: Never, you will stand down and come with me.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Kim: No way. You are a wanted criminal!'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 3) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Roy: Sorry Pal. No can do man. I gotta take you in before I can go back.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 4) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Sui-May: I can\'t do that. Orders are orders.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 5) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.current_area == 6) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: I\'m not here to fight we need to work together, but I do need to test you.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 7) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.current_area == 8) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Yui: No can do. You are all coming with me.'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 9) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Cain: Tsh. Why even bother talking?'; } else { if (_global.current_area == 10) { stext.stext.story_text = '????: Ha! comedy.'; } } } } } } } } } } } } } frame 3 { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 4 { if (_global.current_area == 3 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Roy: You know I can\'t do that little sis.'; } if (_global.current_area == 4 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Sui-May: Phia! Where is Roy!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 5 && _global.current_area == 5) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Remi: Your little bird is right.'; } if (_global.current_area == 7) { _global.luma_unlocked = 1; stext.stext.story_text = 'Luma: Duh! Why the fuck are you trying to attack us anyway?'; } } frame 5 { if (_global.current_area == 3 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Roy this isn\'t a game. This guy will kill you!'; } if (_global.current_area == 4 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: He is looking for you with a big... hard... dick.'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 5 && _global.current_area == 5) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Why come here? Are you offering to help?'; } if (_global.current_area == 7) { gotoAndStop(9); } } frame 6 { if (_global.current_area == 3 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Roy: That\'s impossible!'; } if (_global.current_area == 4 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Sui-May: really? I should go find him then, want to join me?'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 5 && _global.current_area == 5) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Remi:...mmm...nice.'; } } frame 7 { if (_global.current_area == 3 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Roy please listen to your little sis for once in your life okay?'; } if (_global.current_area == 4 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Oh tempting... but I can play with you guys after this is all over okay sweetie?'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 5 && _global.current_area == 5) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Are you listening?'; } } frame 8 { if (_global.current_area == 3 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Roy: fine. I was looking for a good fight though.'; } if (_global.current_area == 4 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Sui-May: Okay love! See ya!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 5 && _global.current_area == 5) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Remi: Hmm baby you look totally sexy. I\'m going to stay with you for a while.'; _global.remi_unlocked = 1; _global.recover_chance = 1; _global.remi_talk = 0; } } frame 9 { _global.enemy_defeated = _global.current_area; _global.travel_resource_cost = 100; _global.recources += 100; _global.story_task_battle = 0; if (_global.current_area == 4 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(82); } else { if (_global.current_area == 3 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(101); } else { if (_global.aria_girl > 4) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } } } } frame 42 { hideTooltip(); } frame 42 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 43 { hideTooltip(); } frame 43 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 44 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4091 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: Impossible!'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: You did it Jeo!'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = '?Jeo: I’ll give you one more chance to let us talk.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: Fine.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Like Lynn already told you, I was protecting her from Natan.'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: What did he do to you Lynn?'; } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: Nothing really thanks to Jeo. But he did steal my…'; } frame 8 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: Your what?'; } frame 9 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: a growth cream I had…'; } frame 10 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: What do you have a growth cream for?'; } frame 11 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: Well… let’s just not talk about it. The point is it’s gone.'; } frame 12 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: Natan probably needed it for his crazy experiment.'; } frame 13 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Cain: Now that I think about it. That is very likely.'; } frame 14 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: If he is trying to revive his old research he needs to be dealt with.'; } frame 15 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Cain: Ok Jeo you are off the hook for now.'; } frame 16 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Off the hook? I just destroyed you entire fleet.'; } frame 17 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: And tomorrow you will report back to the Nanako region. Don’t worry Natan won’t be there.'; } frame 18 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: TT I need you with me. I have something I want you to work on.'; } frame 19 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Ok.'; } frame 20 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: Arielle take the rest of your team back to headquarters. '; } frame 21 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: On my way.'; } frame 22 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: Cain and Yui, let’s get this Natan business over with. Then you can resume your position in Nanako with Jeo.'; } frame 23 { stext.stext.story_text = '???: Luma’s team also is to report back to Nanako.'; } frame 24 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Lynn: I’ll tell Luma.'; } frame 25 { _root.gotoAndStop(45); } } frame 45 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4092 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Aw. So we are done?'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Jeo it is finally done!'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Not even a moment to rest. Back to regular work tomorrow.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Well at least this fiasco is over with.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: All this could have been avoided by talking from the start. '; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: But you did well. I knew you would come and we would get this all settled.'; } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Is that praise from Jeo?'; } frame 8 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: About as much as he is capable of giving.'; } frame 9 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: You have your orders. Get moving.'; } frame 10 { _root.gotoAndStop(50); } } frame 46 { hideTooltip(); } frame 46 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 47 { _global.gobackto = 0; } frame 47 { hideTooltip(); } instance music of movieClip 645 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_global.bgm_music_begin); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.bgm_music_begin = this._currentframe; } } button 4093 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(37); } } button 4094 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(42); } } movieClip 4097 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 4099 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(48); } } button 4100 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(46); } } movieClip 4101 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 420 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } button 4103 { on (release) { _global.recover_chance = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(36); } } movieClip 4106 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4108 { } button 4109 { on (release) { _global.AIRobot = 1; gotoAndStop(2); } } button 4113 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(62); } } button 4115 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(58); } } movieClip 4117 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4118 { instance of movieClip 4097 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.goo_unlocked == 1 && _global.AIRobot == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.goo_unlocked == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 4101 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 5) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4106 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.goo_unlocked == 0 && _global.current_area > 3) { } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.goo_unlocked == 1 && _global.AIRobot == 1 && _global.current_area > 7 && _global.rank > 17) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.AIRobot == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } frame 48 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4119 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_global.goo_unlocked != 1) { gotoAndStop(22); } } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: So.. you both are the similar.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: How? I am a person... she is a goopy thing.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: He means our past history as GemCo lab expriments have similarities.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: Oh. right. sorry.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: Wait! were you human at one point!? '; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: Of course. My body looked like this, except not as "goopy".'; } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: Damn girl! They did some real heavy shit on you.'; } frame 8 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: So what\'s your story? You don\'t look changed at all to me.'; } frame 9 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: I was leading a rebel group when I got captured...'; } frame 10 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: GemCo has your group booked as a gang.'; } frame 11 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: Well were not. GemCo is always lying about something to cover thier tracks.'; } frame 12 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Yeah. That is how I got into this mess.'; } frame 13 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: Anyway Goo, I got cloned and now I have to fight myself and others do too.'; } frame 14 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: And apparently GemCo does whatever they want with my clones. Even fucks them.'; } frame 15 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: And people see me as public enemy number one. I can\'t even walk around normally.'; } frame 16 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: Hmm. Maybe we can help each other out later.'; } frame 17 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: You have a plan?'; } frame 18 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: Yes I\'ve been sitting in a continer for years. Plenty of time to think.'; } frame 19 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: Awesome... Jeo? Hurry up and get us back to GemCo!'; } frame 20 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Ha, yeah I have my own beef to deal with too.'; } frame 21 { _root.gotoAndStop(47); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 22 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Amp: What\'s this container? Looks familiar, gonna open it anytime soon?'; } frame 23 { _root.gotoAndStop(47); } } instance of movieClip 4119 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.goo_unlocked != 1) { this.gotoAndStop(22); } } } frame 49 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4122 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance of movieClip 4122 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.aria_girl == 6) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 50 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4124 { frame 1 { if ( == 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 51 { _root.play_time = '' + _global.game_hours + 'h:' + _global.game_minutes + 'm:' + _global.game_seconds + 's'; _root.save_password_text = ''; _root.input_password_save = ''; _root.custom_text = ''; _global.custom_complete = 0; _global.custom_file = ''; _global.encoder_function = function () { var v4 = ''; var v3 = ''; var v124 = new String(_global.your_mercenary_count); var v5 = new String(_global.recources); var v97 = new String(_global.current_area); var v6 = new String(_global.had_goo_sex); var v50 = new String(_global.GatherLv); var v7 = new String(_global.AttkShipLv); var v8 = new String(_global.FoodLv); var v9 = new String(_global.RallyLv); var v32 = new String(_global.goo_unlocked); var v51 = new String(_global.remi_unlocked); var v10 = new String(_global.luma_unlocked); var v88 = new String(_global.game_hours); var v68 = new String(_global.game_minutes); var v76 = new String(_global.game_seconds); v3 = v124 + 'A' + v5 + 'A' + v97 + 'A' + v6 + 'A' + v50 + 'A' + v7 + 'A' + v8 + 'A' + v9 + 'A' + v32 + 'A' + v51 + 'A' + v10 + 'A' + v88 + 'A' + v68 + 'A' + v76; v4 += v3; var v125 = new String(_global.travel_resource_cost); var v69 = new String(_global.days_passed); var v116 = new String(_global.food_supply); var v82 = new String(_global.jeo_first_fight); var v89 = new String(_global.mercwork); var v147 = new String(_global.eplosive_ships); var v83 = new String(_global.psm); var v108 = new String(_global.pnm); var v57 = new String(_global.overcharge); var v23 = new String(_global.bombs); var v117 = new String(_global.RaidTrainning); var v52 = new String(_global.arielle_injury); var v98 = new String(_global.phia_injury); var v90 = new String(_global.tiffany_injury); var v58 = new String(_global.bri_injury); v3 = 'A' + v125 + 'A' + v69 + 'A' + v116 + 'A' + v82 + 'A' + v89 + 'A' + v147 + 'A' + v83 + 'A' + v108 + 'A' + v57 + 'A' + v23 + 'A' + v117 + 'A' + v52 + 'A' + v98 + 'A' + v90 + 'A' + v58; v4 += v3; var v70 = new String(_global.assaultship_destroyed); var v99 = new String(_global.cargoship_destroyed); var v33 = new String(_global.assistanceship1_destroyed); var v59 = new String(_global.assistanceship2_destroyed); var v148 = new String(_global.bossship_destroyed); v3 = 'A' + v70 + 'A' + v99 + 'A' + v33 + 'A' + v59 + 'A' + v148; v4 += v3; _global.aria_girl = 1; var v84 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love); var v11 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood); var v109 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task); var v85 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma); var v60 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex); var v126 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space); var v44 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship); var v34 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat); var v45 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency); var v103 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food); var v100 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue); var v77 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey); v3 = 'A' + v84 + 'A' + v11 + 'A' + v109 + 'A' + v85 + 'A' + v60 + 'A' + v126 + 'A' + v44 + 'A' + v34 + 'A' + v45 + 'A' + v103 + 'A' + v100 + 'A' + v77; v4 += v3; _global.aria_girl = 2; var v78 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love); var v149 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood); var v104 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task); var v61 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma); var v53 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex); var v118 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space); var v35 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship); var v24 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat); var v36 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency); var v101 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food); var v119 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue); var v71 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey); v3 = 'A' + v78 + 'A' + v149 + 'A' + v104 + 'A' + v61 + 'A' + v53 + 'A' + v118 + 'A' + v35 + 'A' + v24 + 'A' + v36 + 'A' + v101 + 'A' + v119 + 'A' + v71; v4 += v3; _global.aria_girl = 3; var v72 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love); var v135 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood); var v102 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task); var v73 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma); var v46 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex); var v110 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space); var v25 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship); var v12 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat); var v26 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency); var v91 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food); var v111 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue); var v62 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey); v3 = 'A' + v72 + 'A' + v135 + 'A' + v102 + 'A' + v73 + 'A' + v46 + 'A' + v110 + 'A' + v25 + 'A' + v12 + 'A' + v26 + 'A' + v91 + 'A' + v111 + 'A' + v62; v4 += v3; _global.aria_girl = 4; var v63 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love); var v127 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood); var v92 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task); var v105 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma); var v37 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex); var v106 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space); var v13 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship); var v150 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat); var v14 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency); var v86 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food); var v136 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue); var v54 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey); v3 = 'A' + v63 + 'A' + v127 + 'A' + v92 + 'A' + v105 + 'A' + v37 + 'A' + v106 + 'A' + v13 + 'A' + v150 + 'A' + v14 + 'A' + v86 + 'A' + v136 + 'A' + v54; v4 += v3; _global.aria_girl = 6; var v47 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love); var v112 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood); var v79 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task); var v93 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma); var v15 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex); var v94 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space); var v137 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship); var v128 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat); var v138 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency); var v74 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food); var v16 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue); var v38 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey); v3 = 'A' + v47 + 'A' + v112 + 'A' + v79 + 'A' + v93 + 'A' + v15 + 'A' + v94 + 'A' + v137 + 'A' + v128 + 'A' + v138 + 'A' + v74 + 'A' + v16 + 'A' + v38; v4 += v3; var v129 = new String(_global.had_luma_sex); var v113 = new String(_global.had_yui_sex); var v64 = new String(_global.rape_on); var v151 = new String(_global.arielle_rape); var v80 = new String(_global.phia_rape); var v139 = new String(_global.tiffany_rape); var v65 = new String(_global.bri_rape); var v39 = new String(_global.had_sui_may_sex); var v95 = new String(_global.prisoner); var v27 = new String(_global.being_raided); var v152 = new String(_global.days_in_same_area); var v87 = new String(_global.stealth); var v40 = new String(_global.stealthsystem); var v120 = new String(_global.had_kim_sex); var v55 = new String(_global.bought_stealth); var v96 = new String(_global.task_max); var v121 = new String(_global.tasks_left); v3 = 'A' + v129 + 'A' + v113 + 'A' + v64 + 'A' + v151 + 'A' + v80 + 'A' + v139 + 'A' + v65 + 'A' + v39 + 'A' + v95 + 'A' + v27 + 'A' + v152 + 'A' + v87 + 'A' + v40 + 'A' + v120 + 'A' + v55 + 'A' + v96 + 'A' + v121; v4 += v3; var v17 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[1].laser); var v28 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[1].hull1); var v18 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[1].hull2); var v153 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[2].laser); var v19 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[2].hull1); var v154 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[2].hull2); var v140 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[3].laser); var v155 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[3].hull1); var v141 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[3].hull2); var v130 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[4].laser); var v142 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[4].hull1); var v131 = new String(_global.aria_girl_array[4].hull2); v3 = 'A' + v17 + 'A' + v28 + 'A' + v18 + 'A' + v153 + 'A' + v19 + 'A' + v154 + 'A' + v140 + 'A' + v155 + 'A' + v141 + 'A' + v130 + 'A' + v142 + 'A' + v131; v4 += v3; var v56 = new String(_global.aria_laser_mods[0]); var v66 = new String(_global.aria_laser_mods[1]); var v75 = new String(_global.aria_laser_mods[2]); var v81 = new String(_global.aria_laser_mods[3]); var v20 = new String(_global.aria_laser_mods[4]); var v29 = new String(_global.aria_laser_mods[5]); var v41 = new String(_global.aria_laser_mods[6]); var v48 = new String(_global.aria_laser_mods[7]); v3 = 'A' + v56 + 'A' + v66 + 'A' + v75 + 'A' + v81 + 'A' + v20 + 'A' + v29 + 'A' + v41 + 'A' + v48; v4 += v3; var v143 = new String(_global.aria_hull_mods[0]); var v132 = new String(_global.aria_hull_mods[1]); var v122 = new String(_global.aria_hull_mods[2]); var v114 = new String(_global.aria_hull_mods[3]); var v42 = new String(_global.aria_hull_mods[4]); var v30 = new String(_global.aria_hull_mods[5]); var v21 = new String(_global.aria_hull_mods[6]); var v156 = new String(_global.aria_hull_mods[7]); v3 = 'A' + v143 + 'A' + v132 + 'A' + v122 + 'A' + v114 + 'A' + v42 + 'A' + v30 + 'A' + v21 + 'A' + v156; v4 += v3; var v133 = new String(_global.unlockedAgents[0]); var v123 = new String(_global.unlockedAgents[1]); var v115 = new String(_global.unlockedAgents[2]); var v107 = new String(_global.unlockedAgents[3]); var v31 = new String(_global.unlockedAgents[4]); var v22 = new String(_global.unlockedAgents[5]); var v157 = new String(_global.unlockedAgents[6]); var v144 = new String(_global.unlockedAgents[7]); var v67 = new String(_global.unlockedAgents[8]); var v134 = new String(_global.currentFagent); var v49 = new String(_global.rank); var v43 = new String(; var v145 = new String(_global.max_value); var v146 = new String(_global.AIRobot); v3 = 'A' + v133 + 'A' + v123 + 'A' + v115 + 'A' + v107 + 'A' + v31 + 'A' + v22 + 'A' + v157 + 'A' + v144 + 'A' + v67 + 'A' + v134 + 'A' + v49 + 'A' + v43 + 'A' + v145 + 'A' + v146; v4 += v3; _root.save_password_text = v4; }; _global.decoder_function = function () { var v3 = ''; _global.password_load_parsed = new Array(); v3 = _root.input_password_save; _global.password_load_parsed = v3.split('A'); _global.your_mercenary_count = int(_global.password_load_parsed[0]); _global.recources = int(_global.password_load_parsed[1]); _global.current_area = int(_global.password_load_parsed[2]); _global.had_goo_sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[3]); _global.GatherLv = int(_global.password_load_parsed[4]); _global.AttkShipLv = int(_global.password_load_parsed[5]); _global.FoodLv = int(_global.password_load_parsed[6]); _global.RallyLv = int(_global.password_load_parsed[7]); _global.goo_unlocked = int(_global.password_load_parsed[8]); _global.remi_unlocked = int(_global.password_load_parsed[9]); _global.luma_unlocked = int(_global.password_load_parsed[10]); _global.game_hours = int(_global.password_load_parsed[11]); _global.game_minutes = int(_global.password_load_parsed[12]); _global.game_seconds = int(_global.password_load_parsed[13]); _global.travel_resource_cost = int(_global.password_load_parsed[14]); _global.days_passed = int(_global.password_load_parsed[15]); _global.food_supply = int(_global.password_load_parsed[16]); _global.jeo_first_fight = int(_global.password_load_parsed[17]); _global.mercwork = int(_global.password_load_parsed[18]); _global.eplosive_ships = int(_global.password_load_parsed[19]); _global.psm = int(_global.password_load_parsed[20]); _global.pnm = int(_global.password_load_parsed[21]); _global.overcharge = int(_global.password_load_parsed[22]); _global.bombs = int(_global.password_load_parsed[23]); _global.RaidTrainning = int(_global.password_load_parsed[24]); _global.arielle_injury = int(_global.password_load_parsed[25]); _global.phia_injury = int(_global.password_load_parsed[26]); _global.tiffany_injury = int(_global.password_load_parsed[27]); _global.bri_injury = int(_global.password_load_parsed[28]); _global.assaultship_destroyed = int(_global.password_load_parsed[29]); _global.cargoship_destroyed = int(_global.password_load_parsed[30]); _global.assistanceship1_destroyed = int(_global.password_load_parsed[31]); _global.assistanceship2_destroyed = int(_global.password_load_parsed[32]); _global.bossship_destroyed = int(_global.password_load_parsed[33]); _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = int(_global.password_load_parsed[34]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood = int(_global.password_load_parsed[35]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task = int(_global.password_load_parsed[36]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = int(_global.password_load_parsed[37]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[38]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = int(_global.password_load_parsed[39]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = int(_global.password_load_parsed[40]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = int(_global.password_load_parsed[41]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency = int(_global.password_load_parsed[42]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = int(_global.password_load_parsed[43]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = int(_global.password_load_parsed[44]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = int(_global.password_load_parsed[45]); _global.aria_girl = 2; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = int(_global.password_load_parsed[46]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood = int(_global.password_load_parsed[47]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task = int(_global.password_load_parsed[48]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = int(_global.password_load_parsed[49]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[50]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = int(_global.password_load_parsed[51]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = int(_global.password_load_parsed[52]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = int(_global.password_load_parsed[53]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency = int(_global.password_load_parsed[54]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = int(_global.password_load_parsed[55]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = int(_global.password_load_parsed[56]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = int(_global.password_load_parsed[57]); _global.aria_girl = 3; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = int(_global.password_load_parsed[58]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood = int(_global.password_load_parsed[59]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task = int(_global.password_load_parsed[60]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = int(_global.password_load_parsed[61]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[62]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = int(_global.password_load_parsed[63]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = int(_global.password_load_parsed[64]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = int(_global.password_load_parsed[65]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency = int(_global.password_load_parsed[66]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = int(_global.password_load_parsed[67]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = int(_global.password_load_parsed[68]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = int(_global.password_load_parsed[69]); _global.aria_girl = 4; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = int(_global.password_load_parsed[70]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood = int(_global.password_load_parsed[71]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task = int(_global.password_load_parsed[72]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = int(_global.password_load_parsed[73]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[74]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = int(_global.password_load_parsed[75]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = int(_global.password_load_parsed[76]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = int(_global.password_load_parsed[77]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency = int(_global.password_load_parsed[78]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = int(_global.password_load_parsed[79]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = int(_global.password_load_parsed[80]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = int(_global.password_load_parsed[81]); _global.aria_girl = 6; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = int(_global.password_load_parsed[82]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood = int(_global.password_load_parsed[83]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task = int(_global.password_load_parsed[84]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = int(_global.password_load_parsed[85]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[86]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = int(_global.password_load_parsed[87]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = int(_global.password_load_parsed[88]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = int(_global.password_load_parsed[89]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency = int(_global.password_load_parsed[90]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = int(_global.password_load_parsed[91]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue = int(_global.password_load_parsed[92]); _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = int(_global.password_load_parsed[93]); _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.had_luma_sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[94]); _global.had_yui_sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[95]); _global.rape_on = int(_global.password_load_parsed[96]); _global.arielle_rape = int(_global.password_load_parsed[97]); _global.phia_rape = int(_global.password_load_parsed[98]); _global.tiffany_rape = int(_global.password_load_parsed[99]); _global.bri_rape = int(_global.password_load_parsed[100]); _global.had_sui_may_sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[101]); _global.prisoner = int(_global.password_load_parsed[102]); _global.being_raided = int(_global.password_load_parsed[103]); _global.days_in_same_area = int(_global.password_load_parsed[104]); _global.stealth = int(_global.password_load_parsed[105]); _global.stealthsystem = int(_global.password_load_parsed[106]); _global.had_kim_sex = int(_global.password_load_parsed[107]); _global.bought_stealth = int(_global.password_load_parsed[108]); _global.task_max = int(_global.password_load_parsed[109]); _global.tasks_left = int(_global.password_load_parsed[110]); _global.aria_girl_array[1].laser = int(_global.password_load_parsed[111]); _global.aria_girl_array[1].hull1 = int(_global.password_load_parsed[112]); _global.aria_girl_array[1].hull2 = int(_global.password_load_parsed[113]); _global.aria_girl_array[2].laser = int(_global.password_load_parsed[114]); _global.aria_girl_array[2].hull1 = int(_global.password_load_parsed[115]); _global.aria_girl_array[2].hull2 = int(_global.password_load_parsed[116]); _global.aria_girl_array[3].laser = int(_global.password_load_parsed[117]); _global.aria_girl_array[3].hull1 = int(_global.password_load_parsed[118]); _global.aria_girl_array[3].hull2 = int(_global.password_load_parsed[119]); _global.aria_girl_array[4].laser = int(_global.password_load_parsed[120]); _global.aria_girl_array[4].hull1 = int(_global.password_load_parsed[121]); _global.aria_girl_array[4].hull2 = int(_global.password_load_parsed[122]); _global.aria_laser_mods[0] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[123]); _global.aria_laser_mods[1] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[124]); _global.aria_laser_mods[2] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[125]); _global.aria_laser_mods[3] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[126]); _global.aria_laser_mods[4] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[127]); _global.aria_laser_mods[5] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[128]); _global.aria_laser_mods[6] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[129]); _global.aria_laser_mods[7] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[130]); _global.aria_hull_mods[0] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[131]); _global.aria_hull_mods[1] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[132]); _global.aria_hull_mods[2] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[133]); _global.aria_hull_mods[3] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[134]); _global.aria_hull_mods[4] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[135]); _global.aria_hull_mods[5] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[136]); _global.aria_hull_mods[6] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[137]); _global.aria_hull_mods[7] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[138]); _global.unlockedAgents[0] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[139]); _global.unlockedAgents[1] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[140]); _global.unlockedAgents[2] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[141]); _global.unlockedAgents[3] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[142]); _global.unlockedAgents[4] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[143]); _global.unlockedAgents[5] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[144]); _global.unlockedAgents[6] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[145]); _global.unlockedAgents[7] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[146]); _global.unlockedAgents[8] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[147]); _global.currentFagent = int(_global.password_load_parsed[148]); _global.rank = int(_global.password_load_parsed[149]); = int(_global.password_load_parsed[150]); _global.max_value = int(_global.password_load_parsed[151]); _global.AIRobot = int(_global.password_load_parsed[152]); if (!(_global.password_load_parsed[152] == 1 || _global.password_load_parsed[152] == 0)) { save_state = '!!!loaded data is incomplete!!!'; } else { save_state = 'loaded data from code!'; } _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; if (_global.goo_unlocked == 1 || _global.remi_unlocked == 1) { _global.recover_chance = 1; } }; _global.custom_decoder_function = function () { _global.custom_load_parsed = new Array(); _global.custom_code = ''; var v4 = new XML(); v4.load(_global.custom_file); v4.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { var v4 = this.toString(); } _global.custom_code = this.toString(); _global.custom_load_parsed = custom_code.split('[A]'); _root.gotoAndStop(81); }; }; _global.button_selection = null; _global.first_slot = 0; _global.clear_list = function () { var v2 = 0; v2 = 0; while (v2 <= 9) { _root.custom_list['slot' + v2] = ''; ++v2; } }; _global.clear_list(); _global.read_custom_list_function = function () { _global.custom_code = ''; _global.custom_load_lables = new Array(); var v4 = new XML(); var z = _global.first_slot; v4.load('custom/custom.txt'); v4.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { var v4 = this.toString(); } _global.custom_code = this.toString(); _global.custom_load_lables = _global.custom_code.split(','); for (;;) { if (!(_global.custom_load_lables[z] != undefined && z < _global.first_slot + 10)) break; _global.custom_load_lables[z] = _global.custom_load_lables[z]; _root.custom_list['slot' + (z - _global.first_slot)] = _global.custom_load_lables[z]; z += 1; } }; }; _global.read_custom_list_function(); } frame 51 { hideTooltip(); } frame 51 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; } instance music of movieClip 645 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_global.bgm_music_begin); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.bgm_music_begin = this._currentframe; } } button 4136 { on (release) { _global.temp_aria_girl = _global.aria_girl; _global.saved_data = 1; aria_so = SharedObject.getLocal('aria'); = _global.saved_data; = _global.your_mercenary_count; = _global.recources; = _global.current_area; = _global.had_goo_sex; = _global.GatherLv; = _global.AttkShipLv; = _global.FoodLv; = _global.RallyLv; = _global.goo_unlocked; = _global.remi_unlocked; = _global.luma_unlocked; = _global.game_hours; = _global.game_minutes; = _global.game_seconds; = _global.travel_resource_cost; = _global.days_passed; = _global.food_supply; = _global.jeo_first_fight; = _global.mercwork; = _global.eplosive_ships; = _global.psm; = _global.pnm; = _global.overcharge; = _global.bombs; = _global.RaidTrainning; = _global.arielle_injury; = _global.phia_injury; = _global.tiffany_injury; = _global.bri_injury; = _global.assaultship_destroyed; = _global.cargoship_destroyed; = _global.assistanceship1_destroyed; = _global.assistanceship2_destroyed; = _global.bossship_destroyed; _global.aria_girl = 1; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2; _global.aria_girl = 2; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2; _global.aria_girl = 3; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2; _global.aria_girl = 4; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2; _global.aria_girl = 6; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue; = _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey; = _global.had_luma_sex; = _global.had_yui_sex; = _global.rape_on; = _global.arielle_rape; = _global.phia_rape; = _global.tiffany_rape; = _global.bri_rape; = _global.had_sui_may_sex; = _global.prisoner; = _global.being_raided; = _global.days_in_same_area; = _global.stealth; = _global.stealthsystem; = _global.had_kim_sex; = _global.bought_stealth; = _global.task_max; = _global.tasks_left; = _global.aria_laser_mods[0]; = _global.aria_laser_mods[1]; = _global.aria_laser_mods[2]; = _global.aria_laser_mods[3]; = _global.aria_laser_mods[4]; = _global.aria_laser_mods[5]; = _global.aria_laser_mods[6]; = _global.aria_laser_mods[7]; = _global.aria_hull_mods[0]; = _global.aria_hull_mods[1]; = _global.aria_hull_mods[2]; = _global.aria_hull_mods[3]; = _global.aria_hull_mods[4]; = _global.aria_hull_mods[5]; = _global.aria_hull_mods[6]; = _global.aria_hull_mods[7]; = _global.unlockedAgents[0]; = _global.unlockedAgents[1]; = _global.unlockedAgents[2]; = _global.unlockedAgents[3]; = _global.unlockedAgents[4]; = _global.unlockedAgents[5]; = _global.unlockedAgents[6]; = _global.unlockedAgents[7]; = _global.unlockedAgents[8]; = _global.currentFagent; = _global.rank; =; = _global.max_value; = _global.AIRobot; = 1; _global.encoder_function(); save_state = 'saved slot1 data!'; _global.aria_girl = _global.temp_aria_girl; } } button 4137 { on (release) { _global.done_loading = 0; aria_so = SharedObject.getLocal('aria'); if ( != undefined) { while (_global.done_loading != 1) { _global.your_mercenary_count =; _global.recources =; _global.current_area =; _global.had_goo_sex =; _global.GatherLv =; _global.AttkShipLv =; _global.FoodLv =; _global.RallyLv =; _global.goo_unlocked =; _global.remi_unlocked =; _global.luma_unlocked =; _global.game_hours =; _global.game_minutes =; _global.game_seconds =; _global.travel_resource_cost =; _global.days_passed =; _global.food_supply =; _global.jeo_first_fight =; _global.mercwork =; _global.eplosive_ships =; _global.psm =; _global.pnm =; _global.overcharge =; _global.bombs =; _global.RaidTrainning =; _global.arielle_injury =; _global.phia_injury =; _global.tiffany_injury =; _global.bri_injury =; _global.assaultship_destroyed =; _global.cargoship_destroyed =; _global.assistanceship1_destroyed =; _global.assistanceship2_destroyed =; _global.bossship_destroyed =; _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 =; _global.aria_girl = 2; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 =; _global.aria_girl = 3; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 =; _global.aria_girl = 4; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].laser =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull1 =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].hull2 =; _global.aria_girl = 6; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].mood =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].task =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].sex =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].efficiency =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].fatigue =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey =; _global.had_luma_sex =; _global.had_yui_sex =; _global.rape_on =; _global.arielle_rape =; _global.phia_rape =; _global.tiffany_rape =; _global.bri_rape =; _global.had_sui_may_sex =; _global.prisoner =; _global.being_raided =; _global.days_in_same_area =; _global.stealth =; _global.stealthsystem =; _global.had_kim_sex =; _global.bought_stealth =; _global.task_max =; _global.tasks_left =; _global.aria_laser_mods[0] =; _global.aria_laser_mods[1] =; _global.aria_laser_mods[2] =; _global.aria_laser_mods[3] =; _global.aria_laser_mods[4] =; _global.aria_laser_mods[5] =; _global.aria_laser_mods[6] =; _global.aria_laser_mods[7] =; _global.aria_hull_mods[0] =; _global.aria_hull_mods[1] =; _global.aria_hull_mods[2] =; _global.aria_hull_mods[3] =; _global.aria_hull_mods[4] =; _global.aria_hull_mods[5] =; _global.aria_hull_mods[6] =; _global.aria_hull_mods[7] =; _global.unlockedAgents[0] =; _global.unlockedAgents[1] =; _global.unlockedAgents[2] =; _global.unlockedAgents[3] =; _global.unlockedAgents[4] =; _global.unlockedAgents[5] =; _global.unlockedAgents[6] =; _global.unlockedAgents[7] =; _global.unlockedAgents[8] =; _global.currentFagent =; _global.rank =; =; _global.max_value =; _global.AIRobot =; _global.done_loading =; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; if (_global.goo_unlocked == 1 || _global.remi_unlocked == 1) { _global.recover_chance = 1; } } save_state = 'loaded data!'; } else { save_state = 'no slot1 save data found!'; } _global.done_loading = 0; } } button 4138 { on (release) { aria_so = SharedObject.getLocal('aria'); aria_so.clear(); save_state = 'data slot1 erased!'; } } button 4139 { on (release) { if (_global.bg_dark == 1) { _global.bg_dark = 2; } else { _global.bg_dark = 1; } } } button 4140 { on (release) { if (_root.input_password_save != '') { _global.decoder_function(); } else { save_state = 'input the save code first!'; } _global.done_loading = 0; } } button 4141 { on (release) { _global.partical_total = 0; } } button 4142 { on (release) { _global.partical_total = 2; } } button 4143 { on (release) { _global.partical_total = 4; } } button 4144 { on (release) { _quality = 'low'; } } button 4145 { on (release) { _quality = 'medium'; } } button 4146 { on (release) { _quality = 'high'; } } button 4147 { on (release) { = 1;; } } button 4148 { on (release) { = 0;; } } button 4149 { on (release) { _global.rape_on = 1; } } button 4150 { on (release) { _global.rape_on = 0; } } button 4151 { on (release) { if (_global.bought_stealth == 1) { _global.stealthsystem = 1; } } } button 4152 { on (release) { if (_global.bought_stealth == 1) { _global.stealthsystem = 0; } } } button 4153 { on (release) { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; _root.gotoAndStop(56); } } button 4154 { on (release) { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; _root.gotoAndStop(53); } } button 4155 { on (release) { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; _root.gotoAndStop(55); } } button 4156 { on (release) { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; _root.gotoAndStop(54); } } movieClip 4158 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4158 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.stealthsystem == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.stealthsystem == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4158 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rape_on == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.rape_on == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4158 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 52 { hideTooltip(); } frame 52 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 53 { hideTooltip(); } instance of movieClip 645 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_global.bgm_music_begin); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.bgm_music_begin = this._currentframe; } } instance of movieClip 106 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance of movieClip 106 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 4195 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(_global.scene_frame); } } button 4201 { on (release) { _global.tutoriallevel = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 54 { hideTooltip(); } frame 55 { hideTooltip(); } frame 56 { hideTooltip(); } frame 57 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4249 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Well? Spit it out Tiffany, I don\'t have all day.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Right. Goo if you would please.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: Right.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Tada!'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: What am I looking at?'; } frame 6 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: A working robot without the need for the core!'; } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: Well, not exactly a robot, but I do have access to all of it\'s functions.'; } frame 8 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Great. But how will this help us?'; } frame 9 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: Me being able to physically touch stuff is a plus.'; } frame 10 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: I also have gone over the data and found the guy responsible for me being like this.'; } frame 11 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Goo: Natan.'; } frame 12 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Ha. Why am I not suprised.'; } frame 13 { _root.gotoAndStop(47); } } frame 58 { hideTooltip(); } frame 58 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 59 { hideTooltip(); } frame 60 { hideTooltip(); } frame 61 { hideTooltip(); } frame 61 { hideTooltip(); } button 4255 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(7); } } movieClip 4256 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4256 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4258 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(8); } } movieClip 4259 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4261 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(9); } } movieClip 4262 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4262 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4265 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(10); } } movieClip 4266 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4266 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 3) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4268 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(11); } } movieClip 4269 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4269 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 4) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4271 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(12); } } movieClip 4272 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4272 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 5) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4273 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(13); } } movieClip 4274 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4274 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 6) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4276 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(14); } } movieClip 4277 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4277 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4279 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(15); } } movieClip 4280 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4280 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 8) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4281 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(16); } } movieClip 4282 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4282 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 9) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4284 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(18); } } movieClip 4285 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4285 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 6) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4287 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(19); } } movieClip 4288 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4288 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 6) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4290 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(20); } } movieClip 4291 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4291 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.goo_unlocked == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 4292 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(22); } } button 4293 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(23); } } button 4294 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(24); } } button 4295 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(25); } } button 4296 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(26); } } button 4297 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(27); } } button 4298 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(28); } } button 4299 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(29); } } movieClip 4300 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4300 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[1] == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4300 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[2] == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance of movieClip 4300 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[3] == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } } instance of movieClip 4300 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[4] == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } } } instance of movieClip 4300 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[5] == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } instance of movieClip 4300 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[6] == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } } } instance of movieClip 4300 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[7] == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } } } instance of movieClip 4300 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.unlockedAgents[8] == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } } } movieClip 4304 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4318 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4331 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4340 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4350 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4389 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4406 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 4304 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4318 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4331 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4340 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4350 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 395 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 400 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 405 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 410 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 420 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 427 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 432 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 437 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 452 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 457 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4389 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance head of movieClip 485 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance head of movieClip 485 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } instance head of movieClip 485 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } instance head of movieClip 485 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } instance head of movieClip 485 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } } instance head of movieClip 485 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } instance head of movieClip 485 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } } instance head of movieClip 485 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } } } button 4407 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 4408 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 4409 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 4410 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(4); } } button 4411 { on (release) { _root.dossier.gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 62 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4412 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Jeo! Jeo! Look! Fascinating right!?'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: What is it?'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: Looks like a assistance robot! (sigh) But I can\'t find the core...'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'TT: It is just a hollow shell without it.'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Let\'s worry about this junk later. We have more important things to worry about.'; } frame 6 { _root.gotoAndStop(47); } } frame 63 { _global.gobackto = 0; var Arielle_sfx1 = new Sound(); Arielle_sfx1.loadSound('sfx/Arielle_sfx1.mp3', true); var Arielle_sfx2 = new Sound(); Arielle_sfx2.loadSound('sfx/Arielle_sfx2.mp3'); var Arielle_sfx3 = new Sound(); Arielle_sfx3.loadSound('sfx/Arielle_sfx3.mp3'); var Arielle_sfx4 = new Sound(); Arielle_sfx4.loadSound('sfx/Arielle_sfx4.mp3'); var Arielle_sfx5 = new Sound(); Arielle_sfx5.loadSound('sfx/Arielle_sfx5.mp3'); var Arielle_sfx6 = new Sound(); Arielle_sfx6.loadSound('sfx/Arielle_sfx6.mp3'); var Arielle_sfx7 = new Sound(); Arielle_sfx7.loadSound('sfx/Arielle_sfx7.mp3'); var Arielle_sfx8 = new Sound(); Arielle_sfx8.loadSound('sfx/Arielle_sfx8.mp3'); var Phia_sfx1 = new Sound(); Phia_sfx1.loadSound('sfx/Phia_sfx1.mp3'); var Phia_sfx2 = new Sound(); Phia_sfx2.loadSound('sfx/Phia_sfx2.mp3'); var Phia_sfx3 = new Sound(); Phia_sfx3.loadSound('sfx/Phia_sfx3.mp3'); var Phia_sfx4 = new Sound(); Phia_sfx4.loadSound('sfx/Phia_sfx4.mp3'); var Phia_sfx5 = new Sound(); Phia_sfx5.loadSound('sfx/Phia_sfx5.mp3'); var Phia_sfx6 = new Sound(); Phia_sfx6.loadSound('sfx/Phia_sfx6.mp3'); var Phia_sfx7 = new Sound(); Phia_sfx7.loadSound('sfx/Phia_sfx7.mp3'); var Phia_sfx8 = new Sound(); Phia_sfx8.loadSound('sfx/Phia_sfx8.mp3'); var Tiffany_sfx1 = new Sound(); Tiffany_sfx1.loadSound('sfx/Tiffany_sfx1.mp3'); var Tiffany_sfx2 = new Sound(); Tiffany_sfx2.loadSound('sfx/Tiffany_sfx2.mp3'); var Tiffany_sfx3 = new Sound(); Tiffany_sfx3.loadSound('sfx/Tiffany_sfx3.mp3'); var Tiffany_sfx4 = new Sound(); Tiffany_sfx4.loadSound('sfx/Tiffany_sfx4.mp3'); var Tiffany_sfx5 = new Sound(); Tiffany_sfx5.loadSound('sfx/Tiffany_sfx5.mp3'); var Tiffany_sfx6 = new Sound(); Tiffany_sfx6.loadSound('sfx/Tiffany_sfx6.mp3'); var Tiffany_sfx7 = new Sound(); Tiffany_sfx7.loadSound('sfx/Tiffany_sfx7.mp3'); var Tiffany_sfx8 = new Sound(); Tiffany_sfx8.loadSound('sfx/Tiffany_sfx8.mp3'); var Bri_sfx1 = new Sound(); Bri_sfx1.loadSound('sfx/Bri_sfx1.mp3'); var Bri_sfx2 = new Sound(); Bri_sfx2.loadSound('sfx/Bri_sfx2.mp3'); var Bri_sfx3 = new Sound(); Bri_sfx3.loadSound('sfx/Bri_sfx3.mp3'); var Bri_sfx4 = new Sound(); Bri_sfx4.loadSound('sfx/Bri_sfx4.mp3'); var Bri_sfx5 = new Sound(); Bri_sfx5.loadSound('sfx/Bri_sfx5.mp3'); var Bri_sfx6 = new Sound(); Bri_sfx6.loadSound('sfx/Bri_sfx6.mp3'); var Bri_sfx7 = new Sound(); Bri_sfx7.loadSound('sfx/Bri_sfx7.mp3'); var Bri_sfx8 = new Sound(); Bri_sfx8.loadSound('sfx/Bri_sfx8.mp3'); _root.Arielle_sfx1.start(0, 1); } frame 63 { hideTooltip(); } frame 63 { _global.sexsfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _global.randomstuff = random(17); if (_global.randomstuff == 0) { _root.sexx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 1) { _root.sexx1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 2) { _root.sexx1c.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 3) { _root.sexx1d.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 4) { _root.sexx1e.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 5) { _root.sexx1f.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 6) { _root.sexx1g.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 7) { _root.sexx1h.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 8) { _root.sexx1i.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 9) { _root.sexx1j.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 10) { _root.sexx1k.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 11) { _root.sexx1l.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 12) { _root.sexx1m.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 13) { _root.sexx1n.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 14) { _root.sexx1o.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 15) { _root.sexx1p.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 16) { _root.sexx1q.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }; _global.slurpsfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _global.randomstuff = random(4); if (_global.randomstuff == 0) { _root.slurpx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 1) { _root.slurpx1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 2) { _root.slurpx1c.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 3) { _root.slurpx1d.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } }; _global.squelchsfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _global.randomstuff = random(4); if (_global.randomstuff == 0) { _root.squelchx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 1) { _root.squelchx1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 2) { _root.squelchx1c.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 3) { _root.squelchx1d.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } }; _global.sucksfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _global.randomstuff = random(4); if (_global.randomstuff == 0) { _root.suckx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 1) { _root.suckx1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 2) { _root.suckx1c.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 3) { _root.suckx1d.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } }; _global.cumsfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _root.cumx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); }; _global.cuminsfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _root.cumx1b.gotoAndPlay(2); }; _global.sexx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1a); _global.sexx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1b); _global.sexx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1c); _global.sexx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1d); _global.sexx1e_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1e); _global.sexx1f_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1f); _global.sexx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1g); _global.sexx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1h); _global.sexx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1i); _global.sexx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1j); _global.sexx1e_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1k); _global.sexx1f_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1l); _global.sexx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1m); _global.sexx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1n); _global.sexx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1o); _global.sexx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1p); _global.sexx1e_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1q); _global.squelchx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1a); _global.squelchx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1b); _global.squelchx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1c); _global.squelchx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1d); _global.slurpx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1a); _global.slurpx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1b); _global.slurpx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1c); _global.slurpx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1d); _global.suckx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1a); _global.suckx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1b); _global.suckx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1c); _global.suckx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1d); _global.breathex1a_sound = new Sound(_root.breathex1a); _global.breathex1b_sound = new Sound(_root.breathex1b); _global.cumx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.cumx1a); _global.cumx1a_sound.setVolume(90); _global.cumx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.cumx1b); _global.cumx1b_sound.setVolume(80); _global.sexx1a_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1b_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1c_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1d_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1e_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1f_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1g_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1h_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1i_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1o_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1k_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1l_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1m_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1n_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1o_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1p_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1q_sound.setVolume(110); _global.squelchx1a_sound.setVolume(150); _global.squelchx1b_sound.setVolume(150); _global.squelchx1c_sound.setVolume(150); _global.squelchx1d_sound.setVolume(150); _global.slurpx1a_sound.setVolume(150); _global.slurpx1b_sound.setVolume(150); _global.slurpx1c_sound.setVolume(150); _global.slurpx1d_sound.setVolume(150); _global.suckx1a_sound.setVolume(150); _global.suckx1b_sound.setVolume(150); _global.suckx1c_sound.setVolume(150); _global.suckx1d_sound.setVolume(150); _global.breathex1a_sound.setVolume(100); _global.breathex1b_sound.setVolume(90); } movieClip 4415 { } movieClip 4416 { } movieClip 4417 { } button 4418 { on (release) { _global.on_story_mission = 1; _global.current_area = 1; _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.hardmode = 1; if (_global.partical_total == null || _global.partical_total == undefined || _global.partical_total == NaN) { _global.partical_total = 20; } _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 4419 { on (release) { if (_root.pswrd == 'Vortex00IsBackAtIt') { _global.v00 = 1; _root.pswrd = 'correct'; _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.recources = 500000; _global.food_supply = 5000; _global.your_mercenary_count = 500; while (_global.aria_girl < 5) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = 500; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = 100; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = 500; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = 500; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = 500; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = 500; ++_global.aria_girl; } _global.aria_girl = 1; } else { if (_root.pswrd == 'ArielleAssaultArsenal') { _root.pswrd = 'correct'; _global.eplosive_ships = 1; _global.psm = 50; _global.pnm = 50; _global.overcharge = 20; } else { if (_root.pswrd == 'SuperHeroSpaceGirls') { _root.pswrd = 'correct'; _global.noinjury = 1; } else { if (_root.pswrd == 'RaidSpray') { _root.pswrd = 'correct'; _global.stealthsystem = 1; } else { if (_root.pswrd == 'HolodeckOnDeck') { _root.pswrd = 'correct'; _global.had_kim_sex = 1; _global.had_sui_may_sex = 1; _global.had_yui_sex = 1; } else { if (_root.pswrd == 'ShowMeNewStuff') { _root.pswrd = 'depreciated'; } else { if (_root.pswrd == 'SupremeCommander') { _root.pswrd = 'correct'; _global.rank = 20; } else { if (_root.pswrd == 'GetReckt') { _root.pswrd = 'correct'; _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.max_value = 2000; while (_global.aria_girl < 8) { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].love = 2000; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].food = 100; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].charisma = 2000; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].space = 2000; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].ship = 2000; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].combat = 2000; ++_global.aria_girl; } _global.aria_girl = 1; } else { _root.pswrd = 'wrong!'; } } } } } } } } } } button 4420 { on (release) { _global.current_area = 1; _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.rooms_left = 10; _global.bombs = 10; _root.gotoAndStop(93); } } movieClip 4423 { } movieClip 4428 { } movieClip 4431 { } button 4432 { on (release) { _global.on_story_mission = 1; _global.current_area = 1; _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.hardmode = 0; if (_global.partical_total == null || _global.partical_total == undefined || _global.partical_total == NaN) { _global.partical_total = 20; } _root.gotoAndStop(18); } } movieClip 4434 { } button 4437 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(99); } } button 4440 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(100); } } button 4443 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(102); } } movieClip 4448 { } movieClip 4451 { } movieClip 4452 { } movieClip 4455 { } movieClip 4475 { } frame 64 { hideTooltip(); } frame 65 {; _global.endraid = 1; _global.temp_aria_girl = _global.aria_girl; } frame 65 { hideTooltip(); } instance bgx of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } instance music of movieClip 645 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(_global.bgm_music_begin); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 1) { _global.bgm_music_begin = this._currentframe; } } } movieClip 4478 { } button 4479 { on (release) { if (_global.arielle_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.ship_to_raid = 1; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } button 4480 { on (release) { if (_global.phia_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 2; _global.ship_to_raid = 1; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } movieClip 4485 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 4486 { on (release) { if (_global.arielle_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.ship_to_raid = 2; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } button 4487 { on (release) { if (_global.phia_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 2; _global.ship_to_raid = 2; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } movieClip 4489 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4491 { } button 4493 { on (release) { if (_global.arielle_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.ship_to_raid = 5; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } button 4494 { on (release) { if (_global.phia_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 2; _global.ship_to_raid = 5; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } movieClip 4495 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 4496 { on (release) { if (_global.arielle_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.ship_to_raid = 3; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } button 4497 { on (release) { if (_global.phia_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 2; _global.ship_to_raid = 3; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } movieClip 4499 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 4500 { on (release) { if (_global.arielle_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 1; _global.ship_to_raid = 4; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } button 4501 { on (release) { if (_global.phia_injury == 0) { _global.aria_girl = 2; _global.ship_to_raid = 4; _global.minigame_done = 1; _global.aria_mini = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } } movieClip 4503 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4506 { } movieClip 4508 { } movieClip 4509 { } movieClip 4511 { } movieClip 4513 { } movieClip 4514 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 4515 { on (release) { if (_global.overcharge > 0 && _root.gmap.blast.ari.laser._currentframe == 1) { _root.gmap.blast.ari.laser.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.overcharge -= 1; if (_global.overcharge <= 0) { _global.overcharge = 0; } _global.assaultship_destroyed = 1; _global.cargoship_destroyed = 1; _global.assistanceship1_destroyed = 1; _global.assistanceship2_destroyed = 1; _global.bossship_destroyed = 1; _root.gmap.cargo_ship.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gmap.assault_ship.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gmap.assist1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gmap.assist2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gmap.boss_ship.gotoAndStop(1); _global.asteroid1 = 0; _global.asteroid2 = 0; _global.asteroid3 = 0; _global.asteroid4 = 0; _root.gmap.ast1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gmap.ast2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gmap.ast3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gmap.ast4.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 4518 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4519 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4525 { } button 4526 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(93); } } movieClip 4531 { } movieClip 4532 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4533 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance assault_ship of movieClip 4485 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.assaultship_destroyed == 0 && _global.hardmode == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance cargo_ship of movieClip 4489 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.cargoship_destroyed == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance boss_ship of movieClip 4495 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.bossship_destroyed == 0 && _global.hardmode == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance assist1 of movieClip 4499 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.assistanceship1_destroyed == 0 && _global.hardmode == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance assist2 of movieClip 4503 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.assistanceship2_destroyed == 0 && _global.hardmode == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } instance of movieClip 4514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.arielle_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 4514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.phia_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.tiffany_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } else { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance of movieClip 4514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.bri_injury == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } else { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } } instance blast of movieClip 4519 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.overcharge > 0 && _global.arielle_injury == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance assault_ship of movieClip 4485 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.assaultship_destroyed == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance cargo_ship of movieClip 4489 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.cargoship_destroyed == 0 && _global.hardmode == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance assist1 of movieClip 4499 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.assistanceship1_destroyed == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance cargo_ship of movieClip 4489 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.cargoship_destroyed == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance boss_ship of movieClip 4495 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.bossship_destroyed == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance assist2 of movieClip 4503 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.assistanceship2_destroyed == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance gmap of movieClip 4533 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } button 4534 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 4535 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(75); } } button 4536 { on (release) { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; _root.gotoAndStop(55); } } frame 66 { loadMovieNum('story/raid_ships.swf', 1); } frame 66 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4540 { } instance of movieClip 4540 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.suimay_quest == 1) { _global.suimay_quest = 0; _global.aria_girl = _global.temp_aria_girl; _root.gotoAndStop(83); } if (_global.minigame_done == 0 && _global.aria_mini == 2) { _global.aria_girl = _global.temp_aria_girl; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_global.minigame_done == 0) { _global.aria_girl = _global.temp_aria_girl; _root.gotoAndStop(65); } } } } frame 67 { hideTooltip(); } frame 67 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } movieClip 4541 { } movieClip 4542 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 120 { _global.bombs = _root.bomb_amount; } frame 121 { _root.gotoAndStop(72); } } frame 68 { hideTooltip(); } frame 68 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 69 { hideTooltip(); } frame 69 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 70 { hideTooltip(); } frame 70 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 71 { hideTooltip(); } button 4543 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 4780 { frame 8 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay('Loop'); } frame 32 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 40 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 67 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 103 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 141 { stop(); } } button 4781 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(6); } } button 4783 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(7); } } movieClip 4784 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: hey sweetie. want to stick your rock hard dick between by big juicy tits?'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: That\'s right sweetie. Just keep rubbing that stiff dick between these big fucking juicy tits.'; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[2].obey = 100; _global.aria_girl_array[2].food += 1; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: I bet you want to cum on them don\'t you? Don\'t hold it in, I need some cum.'; } instance tf of movieClip 4780 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(25); } } frame 7 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Mmm. I fucking love it. Got any more sweetie? Well we can do it again later.'; } frame 8 { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 72 { hideTooltip(); } frame 73 { hideTooltip(); } frame 74 { hideTooltip(); } instance bg of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } movieClip 4792 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4795 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 4796 { on (release) { if (random(4) == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(71); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } } movieClip 4805 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Some friends of mine back home say we make a good couple… Jeo? Are you listening?'; } instance of movieClip 4792 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Jeo, next time you see Phia tell her to stop taking stuff. I can’t even find my comb!'; } frame 3 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: So what was it like being a normal student? I wouldn’t know being in an academy.'; } frame 4 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Sometimes I wonder if you’re actually capable of seeing people as people… not pawns in your game.'; } frame 5 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Being a student really was just a casual fling to you… fuck em and forget em huh?'; } frame 6 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Maybe I need to reevaluate my taste in men… I could be like Phia and no… not gonna happen.'; } frame 7 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: I need to tell Phia to respect my space… but she always shows up when I need some relief.'; } frame 8 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Bri is about as old as you and me… She looks much younger but at times she can sound much older. '; } frame 9 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Tiffany advises I need to get my emotions in check. Whats that suppose to mean, just flip off how I feel?'; } frame 10 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: If I can just calibrate the main cannon a little more.'; } frame 11 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: …You release Her from a capsule… and your first instinct is to have sex with her for pragmatic reasons. I’d be surprised but that sounds just like you.'; if (_global.had_goo_sex == 0) { + 1); } } frame 12 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: I can stand Phia and her unprovoked sex attacks… but could you please tell Remi to stop eyeing me.'; if (_global.remi_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 13 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: In what records Tiffany could find, Amp is one of three sisters who were all branded and rebel operatives. Both are listed as MIA at the moment… I hope… I hope she finds them.'; if (_global.current_area <= 5) { + 1); } } frame 14 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: I wonder why Luma is so territorial? This isn’t a school where being queen bee means anything… This is a combat operation!'; if (_global.luma_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 15 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Luma will sometimes call me Maiko or something if I startle her… Whats so funny?'; if (_global.luma_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 16 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: I think Riley understands me the best… trying to have something resembling standards while surrounded by Nymphomaniacs!'; if (_global.luma_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 17 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: So… You and Lynn seem to be close… you’d have to be you being you and for her to stick up for you.'; if (_global.luma_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 18 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: I just caught Lyn and Phia having some fun with about 7 mercs in the hold… I guess the ‘princess’ isn’t as wholesome as I thought she’d be.'; if (_global.luma_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 19 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Admit it Jeo, you\'d fall apart without me wouldn\'t you.'; } frame 20 { stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Mmm it\'s finally time for a hot shower!'; } frame 21 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: The most sex partners at once? 5… one in the mouth, two in the back and two in front. Think I’ll shoot for 7 next time!'; } instance of movieClip 4792 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 22 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: How are you compared to others? Sweetie I don’t judge… okay maybe alittle.'; } frame 23 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: You’re a solid 8… You got the stamina I need. What makes an 9 or and 10? Cheating.'; } frame 24 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: I tried joining a First Contact mission once…I always wanted to be the first in something.'; } frame 25 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: The funny thing about Khalei users trying to sense your sniping position. They only feel and see what you send out. Thinking about sex 24/7 has its advantages. You up for a go Sweetie?'; } frame 26 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Concentration is the key to being a good shot, pilot and lover. To me they are one in the same.'; } frame 27 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Ari needs to loosen up and stop being such a prude and so tense… guess thats why you two fell apart eh sweetie?'; } frame 28 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: You know… I sometimes feel bad that I’m corrupting little Bri… sometimes.. only for a minute maybe… Then I make her cum again. You wanna watch?'; } frame 29 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: I swear one day TT is gonna strap me to a table and see just how far I can go… I wish she’d do it already… The anticipation is killing me.'; } frame 30 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Hey I know were busy and all but could you do me a favor and not send me and Bri out for a while… got to discuss strategies and stuff, y’know?'; } frame 31 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Y’know we dont NEED to talk, there’s a bed right there… No? Well alright have it your way….'; } frame 32 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Haha! I just *inhale* I just… walked past TT’s room and she’s *Haha* watching the stupidest cartoon shit. *Haha* Hang on… let me catch my breath!'; } frame 33 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Y’know I got this job by sneaking into a C.O.’s quarters to suck him off. Apparently I was the first to ever get past their security without any equipment, also I suck like… well me, so yeah I got in pretty easy.'; } frame 34 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Jeo! Jeo! Come on you, me and Remi, six pm in the storage room, If you don’t show he’s gonna get me all to herself!'; if (_global.remi_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 35 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: So does that goo thingy fuck? I mean it looks alright but I thought I’d check first. I mean it DOES have nice looking tits.'; if (_global.goo_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 36 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Roy? Incest is relative… and NO one loves you like your big brother I should have asked him to stay…'; if (_global.current_area <= 3) { + 1); } } frame 37 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: I always wondered why Amp got chosen for cloning? I mean They have me… I could literally fuck myself!'; if (_global.current_area <= 5) { + 1); } } frame 38 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Luma’s a girl whose use to being on top of the world. She dislikes Ari cause she’s a better operative and she dislikes me cause I can outsex her in any event.'; if (_global.luma_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 39 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: Riley is even more uptight then Ari! I have to find a way to lossen her up. Shall we double team her sweetie?'; if (_global.luma_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 40 { stext.story_text = 'Phia: So are you the Princess’ charming knight… on does she keep you around for that ‘Lance’ of yours?'; if (_global.luma_unlocked == 0) { + 1); } } frame 41 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: My nickname? I got that back in college, stands for Triple Tyrannosaurus. See back then I was really into robotics so I tried making three robot T-rexes. They worked pretty well, until they destroyed half the campus… I’m kidding Jeo it stands for Tiffany Taylor .'; } instance of movieClip 4792 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } frame 42 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Perhaps if I… wait that’s perfect!- no wait… that violates interplanetary law… *sigh* Oh hey Jeo… hows it going?'; } frame 43 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: No time to start slacking Jeo. By they way you haven’t seen any smut novels laying around have you? They are not mines of course but I was looking for them for.. uh.. Phia!'; } frame 44 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Hey Jeo were you informed of the joke about the contripulator plugging into the mosulatiotrometer? It was hilarious!'; } frame 45 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: I was listening to Phia babbling a while ago about sex and she gave me an idea… If we can harness libido and transform it into Khalei energy, our ships could be made unstopable! Well at least Phia’s would be and… maybe you.'; } frame 46 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Talk? Are you sure? You look pretty weak… listen you can always come to me if Phia isn’t able to help you. Nobody wants you dying on us…'; if (_global.had_goo_sex == 1) { + 1); } } frame 47 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Jeo, just who I wanted to see! I think I have a solution to your condition! See if we just hook your manhood to the ship’s sub battery and run a… hmm, bad idea?'; if (_global.had_goo_sex == 1) { + 1); } } frame 48 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Greetings Jeo, I was just about to reverse the polarity of the Neutron flow'; } frame 49 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: So I asked “what do you mean by Bad?” and she said “Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.” That would be total protonic reversal or in laymans terms… Bad.'; } frame 50 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: You do have impressive combat capabilities Jeo, I suppose that makes up for your other faults.'; } frame 51 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: I doubt Gemco sees you as much of a threat. If they wanted you dead. They’d have sent a veteran agent who outclasses your combat capabilities.. Not an admiral’s daughter with her newly formed team. Hmmm so it seems your ego is your weakness.'; } frame 52 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Ari has great potential, she might even make Elite… but her emotional state hinders her. a few years of combat duty will hammer that out.'; } frame 53 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Bri actually spikes in the ranges some of the Elites… but she lacks the killing intent and experience to utilize that power.'; } frame 54 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: If we were to encounter an Elite… My first suggestion is to sacrifice all non essential fleet personal and vessels in a staling action as we retreat. Failing that are only hope is Phia is capable of seducing the enemy to our side.'; } frame 55 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: I once used Phia to test out a set of new combat droids… I had modeled them on the Greek Minotaur… even giving them a penis for interrogation purposes. Generally just the threat of Sexual violence is enough to get people to talk. Unfortunately Phia broke the set of them in under an hour.'; } frame 56 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: If your wondering about the cyborg ‘Horse’ bottom over there… I’m testing a new punishment device. In the event we start taking prisoners that need to talk… Or I and Phia need something with a little more thickness.'; } frame 57 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: You were in Nanako? Is Alma still there? … You mean she never had relations with you? Strange Alma use to be like Phia when she was younger. Perhaps I should go see her.'; } frame 58 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Bri’s underdevelopment is due to her growing process. Bri was put together in a tube cell by cell. I believe she’s modeled on The head scientist Cousin’s Daughter. She’s the only one that survived to the infant stage sadly.'; } frame 59 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Phia hides her intelligence under her sexual appetite… she’s quite similar to you in that respect.'; } frame 60 { stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Are you sure… I detect residual Khalei influences on your brainwaves. are you sure there was no one outside of the people you listed who could have a Khalei signature strong enough to influence your mind?'; } frame 61 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: Phia! I told you already! – Oh it’s you Jeo… No, I don’t feel like having sex right now…'; } instance of movieClip 4792 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 62 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: May I have a drink Jeo?… hey don’t look at me like that… I’m not a child you know…'; } frame 63 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: Um… so you’ve been cured for a while so… why do you keep having sex with us… actually never mind, that was a pretty stupid question…'; if (_global.had_goo_sex == 0) { + 1); } } frame 64 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: I didn’t get to see what life was like outside the lab till a few years ago.'; } frame 65 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: Sometimes, I’ll see shadows staring at me.'; } frame 66 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: My Dad and Moms tell me I’m unique.'; } frame 67 { stext.story_text = 'When I sleep… I sometimes hear names being whispered. Does the name Gheist mean anything to you?'; } frame 68 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: I had a nightmare once… about a pink haired girl being murdered.'; } frame 69 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: Ari… is like a big sister… She’s always angry at Phia when she teaches me about being a woman.'; } frame 70 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: She doesn’t say it… but Ari’s heart hurts alot when She looks at you. Yet your heart doesn’t do anything when you look at her. Is that the difference between a man and woman?'; } frame 71 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: I want to believe there is more to you then darkness… You must care about someone atleast?'; } frame 72 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: I just wish you didn’t need to have sex with us to fight properly… It just feels empty with you.'; } frame 73 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: Phia is alot of fun… when she isn’t playing with my naughty spot.'; } frame 74 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: TT knows so much about pretty much anything… She can talk for hours if you let her.'; } frame 75 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: I only met a Gemco Elite once… Her power was almost like I couldn’t breath.'; } frame 76 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: Do you think If Cia comes to me I’ll fill out like Phia and Ari?'; } frame 77 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: En Taro Adun… I don’t know what it means.'; } frame 78 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: Jeo can you occupy Phia for a while? I need a break.'; } frame 79 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: I know you have your condition but… could you keep it down when your with the others? It makes it really hard for me to meditate…'; } frame 80 { stext.story_text = 'Bri: Did you have to cum so much into me last time? It kept dripping out for the rest of the day…'; } } instance chat of movieClip 4805 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(_global.chat_text_amount) + 1); } } frame 75 { hideTooltip(); } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } } instance enemy_ship of movieClip 371 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } } button 4807 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(65); } } frame 76 { hideTooltip(); } frame 77 { hideTooltip(); } frame 77 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 78 { hideTooltip(); } frame 78 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } instance gallery of movieClip 900 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); } } frame 79 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 4825 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4828 { } movieClip 4830 { } movieClip 4931 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 5029 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 5134 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 5234 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 5235 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 5236 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(8); } } button 5238 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(13); } } button 5240 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(16); } } movieClip 5243 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Shit! I\'m being boarded!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Ah! Company!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: They broke through!?'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: Oh no!'; } } instance of movieClip 4825 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Agent: FREEZE!!! Where\'s Jeo!? Tell me!!'; } frame 3 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: I\'ve never tell you!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Jeo? Sure you\'re not intrested in someone else?'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: That\'s... classified!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: I don\'t know! I promise!'; } } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Agent: Shut it! You guys search the ship. And you! Tie her up!'; } frame 5 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Agent: I\'ll get her talking one way or another.'; } frame 6 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Get away from me!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Yes! Does mean we get to fuck?'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: I\'ll never talk!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: Wait!'; } } instance of movieClip 4825 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } frame 7 { } instance rp of movieClip 5235 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } frame 8 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Agent: Where is he? Huh? Tell me!'; } frame 9 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: You\'ll pay for this! Jeo will come save me!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Your going to have to try harder if you want me to talk sweetie.'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: The jokes on you.'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: S- Stoooop! Please!'; } } frame 10 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Other Agent: Sir!!! Jeo\'s ship incoming!'; } frame 11 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Agent: Fuck! Let\'s get out of here! But first...'; } instance rp2 of movieClip 5235 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); this.rp.gotoAndPlay(19); } } frame 13 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Agent: Ahhhh!!! Fuck! That was some good pussy!'; } frame 14 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Agent: Move out!'; } frame 15 { } frame 16 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: You need more training. Remember this moment. And don\'t disobey me further when I ask you to train.'; } instance of movieClip 4825 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } } frame 17 { if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _global.arielle_rape = 1; stext.stext.story_text = 'Arielle: Why aren\'t you mad about what happened to me!?. They will pay for this, you can be sure of it.'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _global.phia_rape = 1; stext.stext.story_text = 'Phia: Train? Sweetie we need to do that again!'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 3) { _global.tiffany_rape = 1; stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Right.'; } if (_global.aria_girl == 4) { _global.bri_rape = 1; stext.stext.story_text = 'Bri: O -Okay...'; } } frame 18 { if (_global.view_mode == 1) { _global.view_mode = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(63); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 80 { _global.custom_continue_function = function () { _global.custom_code = ''; _global.custom_load_parsed = new Array(); var v4 = new XML(); v4.load(_global.custom_file); v4.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { var v4 = this.toString(); } _global.custom_code = this.toString(); _global.custom_load_parsed = _global.custom_code.split('[A]'); _root.gotoAndStop(81); }; }; } frame 80 { hideTooltip(); } frame 80 { if (_global.continue_custom == 'n') { _global.custom_current_progress = 0; _global.custom = 0; _global.continue_custom = 'n'; _global.ranked_game = 0; _global.rank = _global.temp_rank; _global.aria_girl = _global.temp_aria_girl; _global.support_char = _global.temp_support; _global.currentFagent = _global.temp_agent; _global.current_area = _global.temp_area; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_global.continue_custom == 'y') { _global.custom_current_progress = 0; _global.custom = 1; if (_global.branched == 1) { _global.custom_file = String(_global.custom_load_parsed[42]); } else { _global.custom_file = String(_global.custom_load_parsed[15]); } _global.continue_custom = 'n'; _global.custom_continue_function(); } } instance bg of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.custom_load_parsed[17] > 0 && _global.custom_load_parsed[17] < 12) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.custom_load_parsed[17]); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 81 { hideTooltip(); } frame 81 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; _global.custom_current_progress = 0; _global.custom = 1; _global.continue_custom = 0; loadMovieNum('custom/aria_custom.swf', 1); } frame 82 { hideTooltip(); } frame 82 { _root.sex_type = int(_global.custom_load_parsed[18]); _root.sex_start = int(_global.custom_load_parsed[19]); _root.sex_end = int(_global.custom_load_parsed[20]); _root.custom_end = int(_global.custom_load_parsed[21]); _root.talk_bg = int(_global.custom_load_parsed[22]); _root.enemy_appear = int(_global.custom_load_parsed[23]); _global.custom_talking = int(_global.custom_load_parsed[24]); _global.aria_custom_talk_queue = new Array(); _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[0] = null; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[1] = _global.custom_load_parsed[25]; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[2] = _global.custom_load_parsed[26]; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[3] = _global.custom_load_parsed[27]; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[4] = _global.custom_load_parsed[28]; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[5] = _global.custom_load_parsed[29]; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[6] = _global.custom_load_parsed[30]; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[7] = _global.custom_load_parsed[31]; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[8] = _global.custom_load_parsed[32]; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[9] = _global.custom_load_parsed[33]; _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[10] = _global.custom_load_parsed[34]; var hero_num = 15 + int(_global.custom_load_parsed[12]); var enemy_num = int(_global.custom_load_parsed[11]); var support = 15 + int(_global.custom_load_parsed[14]); _root.custom.hero.gotoAndStop(hero_num); _root.custom.enemy.gotoAndStop(enemy_num); if (support > 15) {; } else {; } if (_global.custom_complete == 1) { _root.custom.gotoAndStop(_global.custom_talking + 1); } _global.custom_dialogue = function () { if (int(_global.custom_load_parsed[24]) == _root.custom._currentframe - 1 && _global.custom_complete == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(80); } else { _root.custom.stext.stext.story_text = _global.aria_custom_talk_queue[_root.custom._currentframe]; } if (_root.sex_type > 0 && _root.custom._currentframe >= _root.sex_start && _root.custom._currentframe <= _root.sex_end) {; = false; _root.custom.hero._visible = false; _root.custom.enemy._visible = false; _root.cbg.gotoAndStop(_root.talk_bg + 1); } else {; = true; _root.custom.hero._visible = true; _root.custom.enemy._visible = true; _root.cbg.gotoAndStop(_root.talk_bg); if (_global.custom_load_parsed[23] == 1 && _root.custom._currentframe <= int(_global.custom_load_parsed[24])) { _root.custom.enemy._visible = false; } else { _root.custom.enemy._visible = true; } if (_global.custom_load_parsed[23] == 0) { _root.custom.enemy._visible = false; } } if (_root.sex_type > 0 && _root.sex_end == _root.custom._currentframe) {'cum'); } if (_root.custom._currentframe == _root.custom_end) { _root.gotoAndStop(51); } }; } frame 82 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 83 { hideTooltip(); } frame 83 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } instance gallery of movieClip 900 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); } } frame 84 { hideTooltip(); } button 5246 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(47); } } button 5247 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(85); } } frame 85 { hideTooltip(); } button 5252 { on (release) { _global.unlockedAgents[_global.prisoner] = 1; _global.prisoner = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } button 5253 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(86); } } movieClip 5257 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5257 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.prisoner > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 86 { _global.max_value += 100; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; } frame 86 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 5303 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root._currentframe == 86) { gotoAndStop(_global.prisoner); } else { gotoAndStop(_global.currentFagent); } } } movieClip 5368 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } button 5369 { on (release) { _global.prisoner = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(85); } } button 5370 { on (release) { if ( < 19) {; } } } frame 87 { hideTooltip(); } button 5377 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(83); } } movieClip 5379 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5379 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank > 5 && _global.current_area > 2) { _global.had_sui_may_sex = 1; } if (_global.had_sui_may_sex == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5381 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(78); } } movieClip 5383 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5383 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank > 7 && _global.current_area > 7) { _global.had_yui_sex = 1; } if (_global.had_yui_sex == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5384 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(91); } } movieClip 5386 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5386 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank > 5 && _global.current_area > 2) { _global.had_kim_sex = 1; } if (_global.had_kim_sex == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5387 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(43); } } movieClip 5389 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5389 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank > 9) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5390 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(68); } } movieClip 5392 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5392 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank > 14) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5393 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(69); } } movieClip 5395 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5395 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank > 14) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5396 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(70); } } movieClip 5398 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5398 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 9 && _global.aria_girl_array[1].charisma > 1999) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5399 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(52); } } movieClip 5401 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5401 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank >= 18 && _global.current_area > 8) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5402 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(79); } } movieClip 5404 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5404 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rape_on == 1 && (_global.arielle_rape == 1 && _global.aria_girl == 1 || _global.phia_rape == 1 && _global.aria_girl == 2 || _global.tiffany_rape == 1 && _global.aria_girl == 3 || _global.bri_rape == 1 && _global.aria_girl == 4)) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5405 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(101); } } movieClip 5407 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5407 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.current_area > 3 && _global.rank > 5) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 5408 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(103); } } movieClip 5410 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5410 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.rank > 14) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 88 { _global.aria_girl = 6; _global.aria_girl_previously_played = 0; _global.current_girl = 0;; _root.girl.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); _root.tomc._visible = true; _global.do_task(); } frame 88 { hideTooltip(); } instance bg of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.current_area); } } instance music of movieClip 645 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(_global.bgm_music_begin); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 1) { _global.bgm_music_begin = this._currentframe; } } } instance gallery of movieClip 900 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); } } movieClip 5413 { } movieClip 5416 { } button 5417 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(11); } } movieClip 5431 { } movieClip 5510 { frame 7 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 17 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 22 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 28 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 34 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 40 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 46 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 52 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 58 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 64 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 70 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 78 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 81 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 83 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 97 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 108 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 141 { stop(); } } button 5511 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(9); } } movieClip 5633 { frame 4 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 17 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 30 { _global.sexsfx(); } } button 5634 { on (release) { if (sex._currentframe < 20) { sex.gotoAndPlay(21); } else { gotoAndStop(13); } } } movieClip 5728 { frame 12 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 41 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 72 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 90 { _root.girl_result = ''; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 96 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 109 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 126 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 142 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 159 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 174 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 187 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 205 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 220 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 241 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 305 { stop(); } } button 5729 { on (release) { if (bj._currentframe < 90) { bj.gotoAndPlay(91); } else { gotoAndStop(8); } } } button 5730 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(13); } } movieClip 5799 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root._currentframe == 86) { gotoAndStop(_global.prisoner); } else { gotoAndStop(_global.currentFagent); } } } movieClip 5877 { frame 8 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 26 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 29 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 43 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.cuminsfx(); } frame 84 { stop(); } } movieClip 5878 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 415 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 7 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; } frame 8 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; if ( == 1) {;; } } frame 9 { _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; } frame 10 {;; _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; } frame 11 { _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; _global.arielle_injury = 1; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.aria_girl].obey = 100; } frame 13 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; } } frame 89 { hideTooltip(); } button 5882 { on (release) { --_global.tasks_left; gotoAndStop(2); } } button 5888 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(3); } } button 5891 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(4); } } movieClip 5894 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].charisma = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].space = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].ship = _global.max_value; _global.aria_girl_array[_global.jeo].combat = _global.max_value; _root.girl_result = ''; _root.tomc._visible = false; if ( == 1) {;; } } instance sex2 of movieClip 5368 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(19); } } frame 4 { _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 5895 { on (release) {;; if (_global.tasks_left > 0) { _global.aria_girl_array[6].obey = 100; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } frame 90 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 5896 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: Looks like we got raided. There is a lot missing.'; } frame 2 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Jeo: I need to make sure Arielle and Phia defend the ship from the HANGAR when there is a warning on the ENEMY SHIP window.'; } frame 3 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: We can\'t keep losing resources Jeo. We need to TRAVEL to the next area so GemCo will lose our location.'; } frame 4 { stext.stext.story_text = 'Tiffany: Staying in the area any longer is too dangerous.'; } frame 5 { _global.raid_flag = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 91 { hideTooltip(); } frame 91 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } instance gallery of movieClip 900 { onClipEvent (load) { this.stop(); } } frame 92 { hideTooltip(); } frame 92 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 93 { stop(); _global.update_research_stats = function () { _root.FoodLv = _global.FoodLv; _root.AttkShipLv = _global.AttkShipLv; _root.GatherLv = _global.GatherLv; _root.RallyLv = _global.RallyLv; _root.resources_txt = '' + _global.recources + ' R'; _root.BombAmount = _global.bombs; _root.rt = _global.RaidTrainning; _root.mercw = _global.mercwork; _root.ExploAttkShip = _global.eplosive_ships; = _global.psm; _root.nm = _global.pnm; _root.overch = _global.overcharge; _root.AIRobotLv = _global.AIRobot; _root.PrisonerLv = _global.prisoner; _root.tasks_txt = _global.tasks_left; }; _global.update_research_stats(); } frame 93 { hideTooltip(); } movieClip 5899 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5900 { frame 1 { _global.e_setup = function (mc) { _global.aria_enemy_num[_global.total_enemies_remaining] = mc; }; _global.shoot = function (mc) { if (_global.action_timer > _global.shoot_cost && (_root.char._currentframe == 1 || _root.char._currentframe == 3) && _root.char.blast._currentframe == 1) { if (_global.action_timer >= 100 && _global.overload_timer >= 100) { if (mc._x < _root.char._x) { _global.charDirection = 3; _root.char.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _global.charDirection = 1; _root.char.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.char.blast.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.overload_timer = 1; _global.action_timer = 1; } else { _global.overload_timer = 1; _global.aria_assult(); if (_global.action_timer >= 100 && _global.aria_girl == 2) { mc.HP -= _global.weapon_damage * 10 + _global.amp_damage_buff; if (random(2) == 0) { mc.HP = 0; } _global.action_timer = 1; } else { mc.HP -= _global.weapon_damage + _global.amp_damage_buff; _global.action_timer -= _global.shoot_cost; } mc.gotoAndPlay(2); if (mc._x < _root.char._x) { _global.charDirection = 3; } else { _global.charDirection = 1; } if (_global.aria_girl == 1) { _root.char.laser.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 2) { _root.char.laser.gotoAndPlay(8); } else { if (_global.aria_girl == 7) { _root.char.laser.gotoAndPlay(14); } } } } } }; } } movieClip 5902 { } instance girl2 of movieClip 502 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.v00 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl); } else { this.gotoAndStop(_global.aria_girl + 7); } } } button 5903 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 2000) { _global.recources -= 2000; _global.aria_girl_array[1].combat += 10; _global.aria_girl_array[2].combat += 10; _global.aria_girl_array[3].combat += 10; _global.aria_girl_array[4].combat += 10; _global.aria_girl_array[1].space += 10; _global.aria_girl_array[2].space += 10; _global.aria_girl_array[3].space += 10; _global.aria_girl_array[4].space += 10; if (_global.remi_unlocked == 1) { _global.aria_girl_array[6].combat += 10; _global.aria_girl_array[6].space += 10; } } _global.update_research_stats(); if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } button 5904 { on (release) { if (_global.your_mercenary_count < 2000) { if (_global.recources >= 2000) { _global.recources -= 2000; _global.your_mercenary_count += 100; } if (_global.your_mercenary_count > 2000) { _global.your_mercenary_count = 2000; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } } button 5906 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 2000) { _global.recources -= 2000; if (random(4) == 1) { if (random(3) == 1) { _global.prisoner = random(3) + 6; } else { _global.prisoner = random(4) + 2; } } else { _global.prisoner = 1; } if (_global.unlockedAgents[_global.prisoner] == 1) { _global.prisoner = 1; } } _global.update_research_stats(); _root.gotoAndStop(97); } } button 5907 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 200) { _global.recources -= 200; ++_global.bombs; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 5908 { on (release) { if (_global.RaidTrainning == 0 && _global.recources >= 2000) { _global.recources -= 2000; _global.RaidTrainning = 1; _global.tasks_left -= 1; } _global.update_research_stats(); if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } button 5909 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 20000 && _global.bought_stealth == 0) { _global.recources -= 20000; _global.stealth = 1; _global.stealthsystem = 1; _global.bought_stealth = 1; _global.being_raided = 0; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 5910 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 3000) { _global.recources -= 3000; _global.critical_raid_trainning = 1; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 5911 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 100) { _global.recources -= 100; _global.food_supply += 100; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 5912 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 600) { _global.recources -= 600; _global.arielle_injury = 0; _global.phia_injury = 0; _global.tiffany_injury = 0; _global.bri_injury = 0; _global.tasks_left -= 1; } _global.update_research_stats(); if (_global.tasks_left == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } button 5913 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 6000) { _global.recources -= 6000; _global.days_in_same_area = 0; _global.being_raided = 0; } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 5914 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 5000) { _global.recources -= 5000; _root.gotoAndStop(96); } _global.update_research_stats(); } } button 5915 { on (release) { if (_global.recources >= 10000) { _global.recources -= 10000; _root.gotoAndStop(92); } } } frame 94 { _root.mod_text = ''; } frame 94 { hideTooltip(); } button 5949 { on (release) { _global.mod_roll(150); gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 5952 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 95 { _root.mod_text = ''; } frame 95 { hideTooltip(); } button 5956 { on (release) { _global.mod_roll(170); gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 5957 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 96 { _root.mod_text = ''; } frame 96 { hideTooltip(); } button 5958 { on (release) { _global.mod_roll(180); gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 5959 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 97 { if (_global.prisoner == 1) { _root.mod_text = 'Agent released!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 2) { _root.mod_text = 'Linda released!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 3) { _root.mod_text = 'Vux released!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 4) { _root.mod_text = 'Candy released!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 5) { _root.mod_text = 'Hanah released!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 6) { _root.mod_text = 'Moiji released!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 7) { _root.mod_text = 'Purin released!!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 8) { _root.mod_text = 'Jaina released!!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } } } } } } } } } frame 97 { hideTooltip(); } frame 98 { if (_global.prisoner == 1) { _root.mod_text = 'Agent released!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 2) { _root.mod_text = 'Linda released!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 3) { _root.mod_text = 'Vux released!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 4) { _root.mod_text = 'Candy released!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 5) { _root.mod_text = 'Hanah released!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 6) { _root.mod_text = 'Moiji released!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 7) { _root.mod_text = 'Purin released!!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } else { if (_global.prisoner == 8) { _root.mod_text = 'Jaina released!!!\nShe can be found in the captivity section of the ship.'; } } } } } } } } } frame 98 { hideTooltip(); } frame 99 { hideTooltip(); } frame 99 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/ARIA_Amp_story_.swf', 1); } frame 100 { hideTooltip(); } frame 100 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/ARIA_Arielle_story_.swf', 1); } frame 101 { hideTooltip(); } frame 101 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); } frame 102 { hideTooltip(); } frame 102 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/ARIA_Bri_story_.swf', 1); } frame 103 { hideTooltip(); } frame 103 { _global.scene_frame = _root._currentframe; loadMovieNum('story/story_scenes.swf', 1); }
Created: 2/1 -2020 20:56:50 Last modified: 2/1 -2020 20:56:58 Server time: 10/06 -2024 11:54:30